touhoutunes · 11 months
Title: 希望の星 (Star of Hope)
Arrangement: きりん
Vocals: 弟の姉
Album: Egositic Flame 
Circle: EastNewSound
Original: The Sea that Reflects One's Home Planet
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amumate · 2 years
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Thank for your request!
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meowmoedotcom · 23 days
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hair-make-lucir · 2 years
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* お姉ちゃんと弟くん 初カットさせて頂きました✂︎ ありがとうございました😊💓 #Lucir#金沢美容室#美容師#キッズカット#姉弟カット#女の子カット#男の子カット https://www.instagram.com/p/CogzYL7pqQn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lastthroes · 2 years
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i know that arthur giving smol velvet and laphicet apples at the start of berseria is most probably a reference to chester giving one to ami, because berseria and especially the intro was some huge phantasia reference, but man. whenever it comes to apples i get the hugest penguindrum war flashbacks that there are known to man
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mydqx · 2 years
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a-titty-ninja · 3 months
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「おっぱいで起こす姉とおっぱいで前が見えない寝起きの弟(2枚)」 by 開栓注意 | Twitter
๑ Permission to reprint was given by the artist ✔.
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koch-snowflake-blog · 3 months
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坂巻 有紗(さかまき ありさ、2000年9月23日 - )は、日本の女優、タレント、歌手、モデル。埼玉県出身。クイーンズカンパニー所属。
生年月日 2000年9月23日(23歳)
出身地 埼玉県所沢市
身長 162 cm
血液型 A型
職業 女優・女性タレント・歌手・モデル
事務所 クイーンズカンパニー
「素直にI Love youを」でソロ歌手として10月8日配信リリースを開始。
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chikuri · 15 days
選択的夫婦別姓を推し進めようとしている人達が言う『女性が輝ける社会』だの『選択肢が増える』だのは上辺を綺麗に取り繕っているだけの詭弁。各種不便はすでに解消されていてそれを周知させ拡充させるだけで済むのに、どうしても法律を変えなければと躍起になっているのは他に狙いがあると考えた方が自然だ。 仕掛けている人たちの真の狙いは『戸籍制度の廃止』で間違いない。 『戸籍なんてものは外国にはないのに!』 という人がいるが、まさにその通り。『他国に類を見ない素晴らしい制度』である。 私は自分の家系図を作るため、両親の実家を遡り、お嫁に来た人の実家まで含め、直系で辿れるだけ戸籍を取り寄せたことがある。(郵送だけで申し込み可能) 何の名家でもない、庶民だった父方、母方の先祖双方とも江戸後期まで遡れた。 明治に入ると先祖やその兄弟姉妹が産まれた時間、婚姻日、死亡日、死亡時間まで詳細に書かれていて、存在も知らなかった先祖の息吹を感じることが出来た。 父方の先祖に戦没者がいることもこの時初めて知り、靖󠄁國神社に問い合わせたら御祭神としてお祀りされていることも分かった。 『自分は一人で生まれてきたんじゃない。ここに書かれている人々やそれ以前の何百年、何千年の命のリレーの末に自分が存在しているんだ』 と心の底から感動した覚えがある。 自分の命は自分だけのものではない。ちゃんと大切に生きなければ、と思ったし、そうして繋がった命のバトンを自分が切ってしまったことに心底申し訳ないと思った。 200年近いこうした記録をしっかり残している日本の戸籍制度は本当にすごいと思ったし、子供の夏休みの自由研究で家系図づくりをやらせたら、直接的に命の大切さを説くよりよっぽど心に響くんじゃないかと思う。 今は専門業者もいるようだが、自分で出来るし大してお金もかからないのでこれを読んでいる皆さんには心からおすすめする。
三浦崇子 / X
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doghooouse · 3 months
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agender-witchery · 4 months
I am not an expert in Japanese language or culture, but seeing people still being weird about Vivian's gender, even with the Thousand Year Door Remake out is infuriating, so I'm going to drop everything I've got here in case someone feels inclined to argue with some asshole still calling her a femboy or something.
To start: the original, 2004 Gamecube script.
Before I even get into whether Vivian is really being referred to using a crossdressing term (spoilers: she's not), let's address two other words that she herself uses in the original text.
Vivian uses "atai" (アタイ) as a first person pronoun in both the 2004 and 2024 scripts. atai is, put simply, extremely effeminate. I've had many people argue "Japanese pronouns aren't strict about gender like English pronouns!" and while this is technically correct, a female idol using "boku" to refer to herself and a theoretical femboy using "atai" to refer to himself are two very different situations. I am not well versed in the Japanese equivalent to femboy culture, but I would expect them to use "atashi" if anything.
Another word Vivian uses is "shimai" (姉妹) which means sister. This is in reference to herself and her sisters, where the three of them each say a part of the sentence introducing themselves. The full sentence (gonna ignore Beldam and Marilyn for now) is "We are... the three... Shadow Sisters!!" (われらは・・・ カゲ・・・ 三姉妹っ!!). There just isn't a way to interpret this as anything other than her calling herself a woman, so most transphobes ignore it if you point it out, or insist that other characters are the authority on her identity rather than herself. I suppose this makes sense for them, as they are quite accustomed to telling trans women "You'll always be a man".
Vivian doesn't refer to herself using gendered language anywhere else, but to be honest, this should be enough. But whatever, let's keep going, let's actually look at the ways in which Vivian is called a boy. This is done by Beldam, Goombella, and the game systems for both TTYD and SPM.
On the topic of Beldam, she refers to Vivian as a "man" (オトコ) to put her down. In the English release, this was changed to Beldam calling her "plug-ugly" and so many people who deny Vivian's trans identity will point to this and say that Beldam calling Vivian a man isn't a denial of her being a woman, but rather an insult being directed at her since it's very offensive to call a woman a man. Yes, misgendering people is offensive, astute observation made by the transphobes. Worth noting that this is entirely inconsistent with the argument that Vivian is a femboy, but that has not stopped some people from arguing both. I've seen it with my own two eyes. This line comes immediately after Vivian including herself within the group of sisters, but sure, maybe Beldam specifically insulted Vivian by calling her a man instead of the much easier ugly insult that we got in the English release. I don't think that's true, but maybe that's what happened. Let's move on, because this is largely addressed in the remake.
On to Goombella. Her Tattle for Vivian states that she's "The youngest sister [of the trio]... no, wait, brother" (いちばん下の妹・・・ じゃなくて 弟ね). This is just misgendering, I don't have much to say, Goombella is not the authority on Vivian's identity.
Now for game systems. Specifically, the partner menu in TTYD and the catch card in SPM. Both of these refer to Vivian as a "boy" (オトコのコ). These are universally written in katakana, and in fact, other than Goombella's Tattle, all dialogue referring to Vivian's identity is written in katakana. I'll get to that in a bit. This reference to Vivian as オトコのコ is the basis for basically every claim that she's a femboy coming from Westerners. The thing here is that オトコのコ is pronounced "otokonoko" and is highly popular as a term within Japanese crossdressing communities... kinda.
See, the term that's used for crossdressing is 男の娘 while the term that simply means boy is 男の子. These are pronounced identically, but use different characters, the former uses the characters for "male" and "daughter" while the latter is "male" and "child". The crossdressing term is a pun and it is slang. It's a play on words, it effectively means "male daughter" but is pronounced "boy". The kanji is crucial to conveying this meaning in Japanese, because otherwise if you write オトコのコ people will just assume you mean the common, every day usage of boy without any crossdressing implications rather than the slang terminology. Additionally, katakana is often used for emphasis, like bold or italics or ALL CAPS. Since all words referring to Vivian's gender identity are written in katakana for both the original and the remake, this puts emphasis on her identity, as if it were very important to Vivian's character and her personal story.
But wait! There's more. 男の娘 would not even enter popular usage until 2006. TTYD came out in 2004. That's two years too early for the game to be referring to her in this way. The simple, not obtuse way of interpreting this is that it's just misgendering and not Nintendo inventing a time machine, grabbing slang from 2 years in the future, embedding it in their game, and then inconsistently referring to Vivian as a cis woman, a cis man, and a femboy across two games. This sort of misgendering where a character will be presented with "They look like a girl, but they're actually a boy!" is very common for early 2000's characters who would be updated to be unambiguously transgender in later media. You know, like Bridget? The 2002 character who would be updated to be trans in 2022? Turns out it was difficult to put trans people in media without backlash at the time! Daisuke Ishiwatari said as much when clarifying Bridget's gender.
But this is a post about Vivian, so let's get back on topic...
The 2024 Switch remake script
The Japanese text for the Switch remake includes changes that are... very front and center. You may have seen the English screenshots concerning Vivian's gender. If anything, these are downplaying it. The Japanese is much more blatant concerning Vivian being transgender. And these are changes coming from the Japanese writers who read the original script for the 2004 release and decided to write her this way in 2024. While the original writers credited from the 2004 release seem to be missing from the credits in the 2024 release (Hironobu Suzuki and Misao Fukuda), the director of the 2004 release is present in a supervisor role (Ryota Kawade).
I do not have the Japanese text of the Boggly Woods scene, as I am relying on other people's posting of text from the game since I'd like to finish the game in English first and I'm not even through Hooktail's Castle yet. I do have the text from Goombella, the partner menu, and the new dialogue in Twilight Town.
Let's start with Goombella and the partner menu, since those are straightforward. All references from Goombella to Vivian's gender are removed, and the partner menu now says "Has a boy's body, but a girl in their heart." in Japanese. I'll talk about that phrasing in a bit.
But the new dialogue! You've probably already seen it if you're reading this, but the English reads "Truth is, it took me a while to realize I'm their sister... not their brother. Now their usual bullying feels heavier." which, to me, is fairly unambiguous in what it means. I've seen people try to imply that it doesn't mean she's trans, but like, I'm not gonna humor that. I have seen earnest questions on why the last sentence is worded like that though, so I'll talk a bit about it at the end.
The Japanese text for this line, which again, is entirely new is "それに じつは アタイ・・・ 体は オトコのコだけど ココロは カワイイ オンナのコなの" or in English "The thing is... I... I have a boy's body, but my heart is a cute girl's!". Now, "I have the body of X but my heart/soul is that of Y!" is, to my understanding, a very common way for trans people to express themselves in Japan, so this reads as a point blank Vivian turning to the camera and saying "I am transgender". And again, these are the Japanese writers from the company that wrote the original 2004 script who are familiar with and interpreted that script for their job that paid them actual money. If someone wants to insist exclusively on authorial intent and refuses to recognize localizers as authors (they are), then this is the authorial intent. Vivian is trans and the Japanese script went out of its way to make this as clear as possible. The line after this also has Vivian talking about having "girl’s feelings" (乙女心).
That all should be the end of the discussion. If people argue against this, I can't really say they're doing anything other than being deliberately obtuse to serve a transphobic agenda.
As for the wording in the English translation, about how the usual bullying Vivian had experienced felt heavier, that really just reinforces the trans narrative, but in a way that is mostly gonna be picked up by trans people, which is why I say the translation is downplaying it. I probably don't need to explain this here on the gay website, half of you are probably trans, but fuck it, maybe you haven't thought about it too hard. Transphobia isn't just being misgendered and receiving systemic discrimination, it's also just receiving more hate in general. This is true of all bigotry, whether you're a cis woman, trans, black, disabled, people will just focus on you and be more critical in general. For a trans audience, this is something that can be picked up on relatively easily, but for non-trans audiences, it might just seem like a non sequitur. I generally really like the changes, but I do wish this one specific sentence actually referenced transphobia in the most direct way possible, have her state with precisely zero uncertainty that her sisters called her a man to bully her.
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chaba0720 · 5 months
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前投稿の絵柄でいつものような詰め込み。 ちまちましてるからいつもより多めに詰め込み出来たね🎵
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arctic-blade · 8 months
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92M👓 on X: "もっと弟と一緒に運動する近視の姉👓🛏️ 「じゃあ…しよっか、”運動”…」 https://t.co/8aH5Nw4PEP" / X
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iwashi-jp · 8 months
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キタカミ姉弟とオガポンちゃんがほっこりしてるアクリルキーホルダーつくっちゃいました...!もし気になる方は下記のboothからどうぞ! https://100en.booth.pm/items/5441204
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burnertracfone · 5 days
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おっぱいで起こす姉とおっぱいで前が見えない寝起きの弟(2枚) by 開栓注意
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a-titty-ninja · 2 years
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「寝ている姉のおっぱいでハンドスピナーを回す弟(2枚)」 by 開栓注意 | Twitter
๑ Permission to reprint was given by the artist ✔.
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