#春は夢見やすいから // spring dream
hi-technique · 2 years
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light-end-dragon · 7 months
Acanthe - translation and EN lyrics
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✦✦Valkyrie ✦✦Enstars ✦✦
**This is not an official translation. All rights to the lyrics and characters etc. are property of Happy Elements. The only thing that is my own is the translation**
Mika: 春のParfum 誘われ目覚める
The spring perfume…invites me awake, and slowly,  I open my eyes
Shu: 愛を閉じ込めた  記憶と思い出たち
Remainders of our memories / and the love they bore are caged there within you 
Shu: 呼び起こす 命の啓蒙
Calling out your name / to wake you to life again 
Mika: 淡く騒めく
So Fleetingly I stir 
Both: 希望を知って
Is our prayer of hope heard?
Shu: 蘇れ(3)
Come back to life!
Mika: 歌声の花が舞う
Oh, how the flowers sing and dance for me 
Shu: 古の
And these faded dreams
Mika: 想いは咲き誇り
Will set their glorious blossoms free 
Shu: 香り立つ
The scent they bring
Mika: 恩寵の
Fills the air with blessings from god
Both: 雫を待ち焦がれている
And so we wait for the rainfall!
Mika: 朽ちながら
And as time forgets
Shu: 憧れと幻想を
You lay longing for the world you lost
Mika: 期待して
Let it fall on me 
Shu: 眠れるHermitage(2)  
While you sleep in your hermitage
Both: いつか 心を吹き込む口付けと
Someday, this kiss I give will lead your heart closer to me  
Mika: 永遠を
To eternity
Shu: 春のLumiere 確かな温もりは消えない
The Spring Lumiere…..this warmth I feel / It shall not fade away from me 
Mika: 硝子越し 途切れた時間を
Through the glass facade / The hourglass, I fear, is empty
Shu: 三度動かす
And thrice it starts again
Both: 出会いは運命
As the wheels of fate spin
Mika: 甦れ(3)
Wake me again
Shu: 歌声が芽吹く今
I listen to your song as it matures
Mika: 永久の
And forever on
Shu: 想いが棚引いて
Shall I let my heart endure
Mika: 馥郁と
And the fragrant rain
Shu: 輝きに
The brilliant light within
Both: 満ちた未来を夢に見る
Will fill us with the dream of ardent future
Shu: 錆び付いて
I fight back the rust-
Mika: 壊れかけた孤独に
I cry out scared and desolate for you
Shu: 寄り添って
Let me hold you close! 
Mika: ここはHermitage
Together in this hermitage
Both: いつか その身を抱きとめる腕と
Someday, you'll have the arms to reach out and hold onto me 
Shu: 永遠を
For eternity!
Shu: 巡る季節に終焉など無いと
Even if the spring and fall shall keep coming back upon thus
Mika: 物言わずとも魂が在ると
Even if my soul remains without a song to sing between us 
Shu: 伝える為に
Every time I will declare
Mika: この綻びを
Each frayed seam I will repair 
Both: そっと結び合わせて
So I finally find my way back to you
Shu: 追憶の
I reminisce 
Mika: 残り香を慈しむ
Of the petals’ dance that lingers on
Shu: いつぞやの
And how time ago 
Mika: 愛情は飾られた
Our love is what adorned this song
Shu: 傷跡も
And The scars you bear 
Both: 時代を超えてきた証
Is proof enough that all can cross over with you
Mika: 末枯れようと忘れはしない
I will not let it go even if I wilt away!
Both: 歌声が消えようと
Even if the song you sing dies out
Mika: 幾度と
Time and time again
Both: 想いが途絶えようと
Though you may forget what it's about
Shu: 与えよう春を
The spring I grant to you remains  
Mika: 繰り返す愛を
And will let love bloom once again
Both: 心を吹き込む口付けと  永遠を
I hope this kiss I send will tell your heart of me-
(1)-Acanthus is a genus of herbs/flowering plants also commonly known as "bear's breeches". Roman and Greek culture often used acanthus leaves in architecture, and the leaves have many different medicinal uses.
It is also seen as a symbol of rebirth, immortality and persistence through hardship, due to its wide habitat and perennial nature.
(2) Hermitage means a place or period of seclusion, often for religious purposes.
(3) An interesting note here is that Mika and Shu are actually using the same verb, よみがえる. Or rather, they are using verbs here that have the exact same reading and almost indistinguishable meanings.
Through some of my research and poking around though, I've found they can have subtle differences.
Both verbs have the meaning 'to be revived, to come back to life' but the version Shu uses, 蘇る, is usually used for living things like a person coming back to life/being resurrected.
However, the version Mika uses, 甦る, while meaning 'to be revived' seems to be used more for figurative concepts or things coming back to life. Like memories being recalled, a 'car coming back to life', or, a doll being repaired.
These lyrics are not a word for word translation, and are an adaptation of the original song's message, made to (pretty much) fit in with the original vocals. Again, it's my interpretation, but I wanted to keep the meaning close to what it was in Jp while coming across as what one would write in an En song.
anyway thank you for reading I shall now sink back into the bog I came from.
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apothecaryscript · 2 days
Episode 22 : Blue Roses / 第22話『青い薔薇(Aoi Sobi)』
Maomao “Haruno mebukio kanjiru koro, Gyokuyou-samano ninshinwa, tashikana monoto natta.”
Maomao “By the time we started to smell spring in the air, it became certain that Lady Gyokuyou was indeed pregnant.”
Rinrī “Aiii, fufu, ai!”
Maomao “Fushigi danaa, akagoga iruto wakaru-noka?”
Maomao “That’s curious. Can she tell there’s a baby inside?”
San-nin “Kawaiiii!”
Three ladies “So cute!”
Hon’nyan “Watashimo soro-soro…”
Hongniang “Maybe I also should start to…”
Maomao (Endanga mochi-komare-temo, zenryokude hikitome-rareru-darona… Yuno sugiru-nomo komari-monoda.)
Maomao (Even if she did get a proposal, they’d probably never let her leave. Being too good at one’s job can be a curse at times.)
Maomao (Mai-nichiga jujitsu shiteruto, yappari higa tatsu-noga hayai… Jinshi-samano muneni ita ni-kagetsuwa mudani naga-katta-noni…)
Maomao (Time flies when every day is so fulfilling. In comparison, the two months spent at Master Jinshi’s offices felt like forever.)
Rinrī “Ai, u.”
Maomao “Mata oekaki shimasuka?”
Maomao “Would you like to draw pictures again?”
Rinrī “Ai!”
Lingli “Yes!”
Rinrī “Aai.”
Yo-nin “Un?”
Maomao “Korewa, karahatsu-take-to-iu doku-kinoko…de”
Maomao “This is the woolly milkcap, a poisonous mushroom�� Ow!”
Hon’nyan “Futsuno hana’o kaki-nasai.”
Hongniang “Draw normal flowers, please.”
Maomao (Futsuno hana, nee…)
Maomao (Normal flowers, huh?)
Jinshi “Aoi sobi desuka?”
Jinshi “A blue rose?”
Rakan “Ee. Gozonji arimasen-kana? Meno sameru-yona aoi hana-biraga, utsukushi-kute-ne… Katsute, kyuchuni yoku ikete-ita mono-desuga…”
Lakan “Yes. Perhaps you’ve never seen one before? The striking blue petals are so beautiful. I used to see them in the palace often,”
Jinshi “Yume-demo mitano-dewa? Aoi sobi-nado sonzai shinai desho.”
Jinshi “Perhaps you were dreaming? Blue roses do not exist.”
Rakan “Sorega, aruno-desuyo. Mata minade mede-tai mono desunaa. Ikaga desho? Nantoka nari-masenka? Anata-samade areba, nasenu koto-nado naino-dewa?”
Lakan “But in fact, they do. Oh, how I’d love to appreciate them with everyone again. What do you think? Could it be done? With your power, there must be nothing outside your reach.”
Jinshi “Wakari-mashita. Sono-yona sobiga aruno-nara, watashimo zehi mite-mitai.”
Jinshi “Understood. If such a rose does indeed exist, I’d like to see it as well.”
Rakan “Kimari desuna. Iya-haya, jitsuni tanoshimida… Soredewa. Raigetsuno en’yu-kaide.”
Lakan “Then it’s settled. Goodness, I can’t wait! Excuse me. I hope to see it at next month’s garden party.”
Jinshi “Haa…”
Gaoshun “Tadade-sae oisogashii-noni, yokeina anken’o kakaezu-tomo…”
Gaoshun “You’re already so busy. You didn’t have to take on more work.”
Jinshi “Iuna… Toriaezu kunijuno hanaya’o atatte-kure.”
Jinshi “Don’t rub it in. Please just go ask every florist in the nation about this.”
Gaoshun “Hanayano hanashi-dewa, imawa sobino kisetsu-dewa naito…”
Gaoshun “The florists say that roses are not in season.”
Jinshi “Haa…”
Jinshi “Kyuni yobi-tatete sumanai.”
Jinshi “Sorry to call you up so suddenly.”
Maomao “Fu…”
Jinshi “Kondo, minade aoi sobi’o mede-yoto-iu kotoni nattena…”
Jinshi “We were talking about getting together to admire blue roses.”
Maomao “Aoi sobi? …Watashiwa kusuriya desuga.”
Maomao “Blue roses…? I’m just an apothecary, you know.”
Jinshi “Aa, wakatte-iru…”
Jinshi “Yes, I’m aware…”
Maomao (Nanika wake-arika? Yakeni tsukare-teruna… Sobika… Sukoshi-nara chishikiwa aruga… Gijo-aiteno kozukai-kasegide atsukatta kotoga aru. Daga…)
Maomao (I wonder what prompted this? He seems awfully tired. Roses, huh? I do know a thing or two about them. I’ve sold them before to make some quick cash with the courtesans. But…)
Maomao “Hontoni aoi sobi’o mitato?”
Maomao “They really said they saw a blue rose?”
Jinshi “Aa.”
Jinshi “Yes.”
Maomao “Genkaku-zaiwa, hayatte imasenka?”
Maomao “Is there some new popular hallucinogen, or…?”
Jinshi “N’na-mono mawatte-tara, kuniga horobuwa!”
Jinshi “That’d ruin our whole nation!”
Gaoshum “Jinshi-sama.”
Gaoshun “Master Jinshi.”
壬氏「うっ…… 無理だろうか?」
Jinshi “U…… Muri daroka?”
Jinshi “Is it impossible?”
Maomao “Haa… Dono-yoni sureba yoroshiino-desuka?”
Maomao “What exactly is it that your desire?”
Jinshi “Raigetsuno en’yu-kaini yoi dekiruka?”
Jinshi “Can you find some by next month’s garden party?”
Maomao “Raigetsu? Sobiga saku-nowa, sukunaku-tomo futa-tsuki-ijo saki desu-kedo.”
Maomao “Next month? Roses bloom two months later at the earliest.”
Jinshi “Dayona… Nantoka kotowatte oku…”
Jinshi “I know… I’ll find a way to turn him down.”
Maomao “A…” (Jinshi-samano, kono hanno… Soreni, muri-nandai’o oshi-tsukeru-yona yari-kuchi…)
Maomao (Master Jinshi’s reaction, and this style of forcing people to attempt the impossible…)
Maomao “Kono hanashi, moshika-shite, toaru gunshi-kara mochi-kake-raretano-dewa?”
Maomao “Was this brought up by a certain strategist?”
Jinshi “…Aa…”
Jinshi “Yes.”
Maomao “Wakari-mashita. O-hiki-uke shimasu.
Maomao “Understood. I will take this on.”
Jinshi “Iinoka?”
Jinshi “Are you sure?”
Maomao “Dekiruka wakari-masenga, yaru-dake yatte mimasu.”
Maomao “I don’t know if I can pull it off, but I’ll try my best.”
Maomao (Nigete-iru-dakemo hara-data-shii. Dose-nara, ano niyaketa monokuru’o kachi-watte-yaru…!)
Maomao (I don’t want to just run from him. I might as well take a swing at smashing his creepy monocle.)
Maomao “Jinshi-sama. Ikutsuka onegai shitemo yoroshii desuka?”
Maomao “Master Jinshi, may I make a few requests?”
Maomao “Shiyo’o kyoka shite kudasari, arigato gozai-masu. Rifa-sama.”
Maomao “Thank you for allowing me to use it, Lady Lihua.”
Rifa-hi “Kamawa-nakuteyo. Arewa moto-moto, anataga tsuku-raseta mono damono. Fufufu.”
Concubine Lihua “I don’t mind. You were the one that had it constructed in the first place.”
Maomao (Natsukashii-na… Izen, dokuni fusetta Rifa-hino tameni joki-buro’o tsuku-rasete moratta. Konkai sore’o okari suruno-daga… Sasugani tada-dewa moshi-wake nai.)
Maomao (It’s been a while. I remember back then, I got them to make a steam room for Lady Lihua, who was suffering from poison back then. I’m borrowing it now, but I feel bad using it for free.)
Maomao “Sa. Kochira, mikadono aidoku-sho desu.”
Maomao “This is the emperor’s favorite book.”
Rifa-hi “Arigataku chodai suruwa.”
Concubine Lihua “I appreciate this.”
Maomao (Giro-kara tori-yotese oite yokattaaa.)
Maomao (I’m glad I got it through the brothel.)
Jinshi “Socchi’o tanomu.”
Jinshi “Take that side.”
Kangan-tachi “Hai!”
Eunuchs “Yes, sir!”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama.”
Maomao “Master Jinshi.”
Jinshi “Aa, kitaka. Iwareta-toori, tate-sasetaga… Ittai do surunda?”
Jinshi “Ah, you’re here. I had them build this as you asked, but… What is this for?”
Maomao “Sobi’o kuru-waserun-desu.”
Maomao “We’re going to make the roses go mad.”
Jinshi “Sobi’o kuru-waseru? Do-iu imida? Kusuriya.”
Jinshi “Make the roses go mad? What does that mean, apothecary?”
Maomao “Nikko’o irete, asoko-kara, joki’o koyano nakani okuri-masu. Atatameta heyade sobi’o sodaterun-desu. Hanaga, kaikano kisetsu’o machigaete kureru-kamo shire-masen.”
Maomao “We’re going to let the sunlight in, and blow steam inside through there. The roses will grow in this warmed room. This way, the flowers might mistake it as the time to bloom.”
Jinshi “Sorede, ‘kuru-waseru’ka.”
Jinshi “I see, so they’ll ‘go mad.’”
Maomao “Saku hoshowa arimasenga…”
Maomao “I can’t guarantee it, though.”
Maomao “A…”
Maomao “Oh.”
Jinshi “A!”
Gaoshun “Aa…”
Shaoran “Maomaooo!”
Xiaolan “Maomao!”
Maomao “Shaoran?!”
Maomao “Xiaolan?”
Shaoran “Watashimo tetsudauyo! Ashino kega, daijobu?”
Xiaolan “I’ll help, too! Is your leg okay?”
Maomao (A… Moshiya, ometsuke-yakuka? Muri-dakewa surunatte, sanzan iwareta-monna…)
Maomao (Did he summon her to chaperone me? They did repeatedly tell me not to push myself too hard.)
Maomao “Heiki. Tetsuda-wasete gomen.”
Maomao “I’m fine. Sorry to make you help.”
Shaoran “Uun. Hisashi-burini issho-dane! Ehehe.”
Xiaolan “It’s okay. It’s been a while since we’ve worked together, huh?”
Maomao “Fu, sodane.”
Maomao “Yeah, it has.”
Maomao (Mochi-konda sobiwa hyakkabu-ijo… korede saigo.)
Maomao (We brought in over one hundred roses. This is the last one.)
Shaoran “Uwaa, sugoi ryo!”
Xiaolan “Wow, this is a lot!”
Maomao (Shuruiwa barake-sase, dekiru-dake haya-zakino mono’o eranda.)
Maomao (We diversified the species, selecting early-blooming ones where possible.)
Shaoran “Zenbu saku-kana?”
Xiaolan “Will they all bloom?”
Maomao “So-natte-hoshii-kedo…”
Maomao “I hope so.”
Maomao (Ondo-chosei-niwa, saishinno chui’o harau. Hitode’o sumei haken shite-morattaga, tanin’ni makaseru kotowa muzukashii sagyoda. Machigatte subete karashite shimattewa oshimaida.)
Maomao (Temperature control requires utmost care. I got them to send some help, but this is a tough task to delegate to others. If we make a mistake and kill them all, that would be the end of it.)
Maomao (Hareta hiwa sotoni dashite, nikko’o abi-saseru.)
Maomao (On sunny days, we bring them outside to expose them to sunlight.)
Shaoran “Kimochi-yosasooo!”
Xiaolan “That must feel good!”
Maomao “Un.”
Maomao “Yeah.”
Gaoshun “Choshiwa ikaga desuka?”
Gaoshum “How are you doing?”
Futari “N?”
Gaoshun “Sashi-ire desu.”
Gaoshun “Here, a gift.”
Shaoran “Waa!”
Maomao “Arigato gozai-masu.”
Maomao “Thank you very much.”
Shaoran “Shigoto sabo-rete, oyatsu-made moraeru-nante saiko dayo!”
Xiaolan “I get to skip work and eat snacks? This is great!”
Maomao “Koremo shigoto dakedone.”
Maomao “This is work too, though.”
Shaoran “Doshitan-daro?”
Xiaolan “What’s with them?”
Maomao “Saa? Mono-mezurashii-noka?”
Maomao “I don’t know. Maybe they’re just curious.”
Maomao (Soretomo, kowai mono mitasa-ka?)
Maomao (Or they want to be scared.)
Shaoran “Tsugi, nani shitara ii?”
Xiaolan “What should I do next?”
Maomao “Shinmeno ooi naega attara, ikutsuka tsunde kureru? Eiyoga shuchu-shite saki-yasuku nari-masushi, byokino yoboni narun-desu.”
Maomao “If a seedling has a lot of sprouts on it, can you pick a few? It concentrates the nutrients into the remaining sprouts and helps prevent sickness.”
Kangan-tachi “Oo…”
Eunuchs “Ah.”
Kangan “A…”
Eunuch “Whoa!”
Shaoran “Daijobu dayooo. Poi!”
Xiaolan “It’s fine.”
Kangan “Arigato gozai-masu.”
Eunuch “Thank you.”
Shaoran “Iie.”
Xiaolan “Don’t mention it!”
Maomao “Isoide kudasai!”
Maomao “Hurry!”
Shaoran “Tsubomi, naka-naka denaine…”
Xiaolan “It’s taking them a long time to bloom.”
Maomao (Samusaga modotta hiwa… tetsuyade koya’o atatameru. Tenkowa mama-nara-nai.)
Maomao (On days where it gets cold, I stay up all night to maintain the heat. Weather can’t be controlled.)
Shaoran “Kinomo nete-naino?”
Xiaolan “Did you pull another all-nighter?”
Maomao “Netayo… Ake-gata.”
Maomao “I did sleep, around dawn.”
Shaoran “Akegatatte, sakki dayo! Dekiru koto, yattoku-kara… Chotto-dake netara?”
Xiaolan “Dawn was just moments ago! I’ll do what I can, so why don’t you get some sleep?”
Maomao “Me, hanase-naishi…”
Maomao “I can’t leave this alone.”
Shaoran “N? Mata kocchi miterune.”
Xiaolan “They’re looking at us again.”
Maomao (Mai-nichi mai-nichi yoku aki-naina…to-iuka kiga chiru. Nanika kio sorase-tara… Fun…)
Maomao (Every single day. Don’t they get tired of this? It’s irritating. I wonder if I can divert their attention…)
Shaoran “Sugoi! Korega tsuma-kurenai kaaa!”
Xiaolan “Wow! So this is what a manicure is like!”
Maomao “Hana-machi-dewa minna yatteruyo.”
Maomao “Everyone does it in the pleasure district.”
Shaoran “Kirei-damonne!”
Xiaolan “It sure is pretty!”
Guien “A, Maomaomo shiteruno? Kawaiii!”
Guiyuan “Oh, you did it too, Maomao? So cute!”
Airan “Saikin hayatteru-wayone.”
Ailan “It’s been popular recently.”
Maomao “Sodesune.”
Maomao “Indeed.”
Maomao (Mikadono choai’o ukeru jokyu-hiwa, hayarino sai-sentan dakarana…)
Maomao (The high-ranking concubines are always at the cutting edge of fashion.)
Hon’nyan “Hi-koritsu ne…”
Hongniang “Seems like a waste of time.”
Maomao (Hon’nyan-samawa oshare-yori shigotoka.)
Maomao (Lady Hongniang prefers work over fashion.)
Maomao “Dokumimo owari-mashita-node, Suisho-Kyuni modori-masu.”
Maomao “I’ve finished tasting for poison, so I’ll go back to the Crystal Pavilion now.”
Gyokuyo-hi “Mo?”
Concubine Gyokuyou “Already?”
Maomao “En’yu-kai-made jikanga nai-node…”
Maomao “The garden party is coming up soon.”
Gyokuyo-hi “Sone…”
Concubine Gyokuyou “I see…”
Hon’nyan “A, so-dawa. Konkai, Gyokuyo-samawa kesseki sareruno. Roran-samano ohiromeni, seki’o oyuzuri suru katachiyo.”
Hongniang “Oh, by the way, Lady Gyokuyou won’t be attending this time around. We’re letting the focus of this event be Lady Loulan’s introduction.”
Maomao (Ninshin’o kakusu tameka…)
Maomao (To hide the pregnancy, right.)
Maomao “Wakari-mashita. Dewa…”
Maomao “Understood. Excuse me.”
Infa “Nee, Suisho-Kyu-dewa daijobu nano?”
Yinghua “Hey, is everything alright at the Crystal Pavilion?”
Guien “Don-don yatsurete itteru-wayoo.”
Guiyuan “You look worse for wear every day.”
Airan “Amari muri shinaidene.”
Ailan “Don’t push yourself too hard, okay?”
Maomao “Arigato gozai-masu.”
Maomao “Thank you.”
Shaoran “Maomaooo!”
Xiaolan “Maomao!”
Maomao “N?”
Shaoran “Maomaooo! Taihen!”
Xiaolan “Maomao! Hurry!”
Maomao “E…”
Maomao “Tsubomi…!”
Maomao “A bud…”
Shaoran “Sakki mitsuke-tano! Yatto hitotsume dayooo! Ahaha!”
Xiaolan “I found it just now. Our first one, finally!”
Maomao (Kono-mama ikeba, nantoka saite-kureru-kamo…)
Maomao (At this rate… We might just make it in time.)
Shaoran “Maomao? Maomao? Maomao!!”
Xiaolan “Maomao? Maomao! Maomao!”
Jinshi “Kusuriya-kara renrakuwa?”
Jinshi “Has the apothecary sent any word?”
Gaoshun “Ie, nanimo. Watashimo koko sujitsu, kao’o dasezu…”
Gaoshun “No, nothing. I haven’t been able to visit her for the past few days.”
Jinshi “Otagai, en’yu-kaino junbini owarete-ita-karana.”
Jinshi “We were both busy preparing for the garden party.”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama.”
Maomao “Master Jinshi.”
Jinshi “A…”
Bukan “Arega Shisho-donono musume, Roran-hika.”
Military officer “So, that’s Concubine Loulan, daughter of Master Shishou.”
Bunkan “Nanto hanayakana…”
Civil official “How splendid.”
Shisho “Roran-hini… Itaranu tenwa arimasen-kana? Nan-demo osshatte kudasai.”
Shishou “Regarding Concubine Loulan, is there anything that needs improvement? Please, hold nothing back.”
Roran-hi “Nan-narito.”
Loulan “Please.”
Kotaigo “Maa…”
Empress dowager “Oh.”
Kokan “Aoi sobi…!”
High-ranking official “Blue roses?!”
Kokan “Masaka…”
High-ranking official “It can’t be…!”
Jinshi “Tsubomi’o mede, saki-hokoru sugatani omoi’o haseru-nomo ikkyo-kato.”
Jinshi “It may be entertaining to enjoy the beauty of these buds while imagining how they look at full bloom.”
Kotei “Umu, utsukushii-na.”
Emperor “Yes. They’re beautiful.”
Kokan “Nn…”
High-ranking official “Hmph.”
Jinshi (Jinshini muke-rareru, arayuru shisen. Ikura hiideta yoshiga aroto, wakazono kanganga deshabaru sama’o konomu-hodo muyokuna kan-bakari dewa nai. Shikijowa ii. Ikura-demo riyo-hoga aru. Shittomo ii. Atsukai-yasui. Yakkai nanowa… nanio kangaete-iru-noka wakara-nai meda. Shisho… Roran-hino jippude, joteino choai’o uketa otoko. Ima-nao, midadowa atamaga agara-nai. Dakara-koso, kochiramo hohoemi’o tayasa-nai. Soreni ima, Shisho-yorimo yakkai nanowa… Rakan. Ano otokoda…)
Jinshi (The attention that ‘Jinshi’ gets. Unlike some of the worthless officials, many don’t appreciate a young eunuch hoarding attention, no matter how beautiful. Lust is fine. It’s easy to exploit that. Envy is fine, too. It’s manageable. What’s really troubling is… When I can’t tell what they’re thinking. Shishou. Concubine Loulan’s father, the man favored by the mother of the former emperor… Even now, the emperor can’t look him in the eye. That’s why I also can’t let my smile fade, either. And besides, the one who’s more worrying than Shishou right now is… That man, Lakan.)
Rakan “Nanto iyamina…”
Lakan “How annoying.”
Infa “Kiga tsuita?”
Yinghua “Are you awake?”
Maomao “Infa-san…”
Maomao “Yinghua.”
Infa “Mo Suisho-Kyuni iccha dameyo. Itsumo yatsure-hatete kaette-kurun-dakara.”
Yinghua “Don’t go to the Crystal Pavilion anymore. You always come back looking so exhausted.”
Maomao “Sumi-masen.”
Maomao “I’m sorry.”
Jinshi “Okitaka.”
Jinshi “You’re up.”
Infa “A… Watashiwa korede.”
Yinghua “Excuse me.”
Jinshi “Suwatta mamade ii.”
Jinshi “You can stay seated.”
Maomao “Muzukashii desune… Kaika-niwa itari-masen-deshita.”
Maomao “It was hard. I couldn’t get them to fully bloom.”
Jinshi “Sorewa, oreni taishite sumanaito iunja naino-darona.”
Jinshi “You’re not apologizing to me, are you?”
Maomao “N?”
Jinshi “Nandemo nai. Jubunda. Korewa ittai do-shitanda?”
Jinshi “Never mind. You did well. How did you do it, though?”
Maomao “Someta-dake desuyo.”
Maomao “I just dyed them.”
Jinshi “Someta? Nanimo tsuite-inaizo.”
Jinshi “Dyed? But there’s nothing on them.”
Maomao “Soto-gawa-dewa ari-masen. Uchi-gawa-kara sometano-desu.”
Maomao “Not on the outside. We dyed them from the inside.”
Jinshi “A…”
Maomao “Kono sobiwa, moto-moto subete shiroi hana nano-desu.”
Maomao “All of these roses were originally white.”
Maomao “Sama-zamana iro-mizu’o tsukatte, shiroi tsubomini suwasetan-desu.”
Maomao “We mixed water with several colors and had the white buds suck them up.”
Jinshi “Sorede, ao-dakede-naku ookuno iroga atta-noka.”
Jinshi “So that’s why there are many colors, not just blue.”
Maomao “Hai. Happawa dosu-guroku somaru-node, arakajime subete mushitte oki-mashitaga… Atowa, en’yu-kaino aida, iro-ochi shinai-yo, iro-mizuno shimi-konda wata’o kotei sureba kansei desu. Jitsuni tanjunna hoho desu.”
Maomao “Yes. The leaves ended up coming out black, so we plucked them all. Then all we had to do was to fix cotton soaked in the dyed water to the stems, so they couldn’t lose their vibrancy during the garden party. It really was quite simple.”
Maomao (Jissai, honega oreta-nowa sobino hana’o sakaseru-madeda.)
Maomao (What was actually difficult was getting the roses to bloom at all.)
Jinshi “Tashikani…tanjun dana.”
Jinshi “Simple, indeed.”
Maomao “Desu-node, nani-kashira iigakari’o tsukeru kanga deru-kamo shire-masen. Mikado-niwa, sakini tane-akashi’o shite oki-mashita. Saishoni himitsu’o shiru-noga ureshii rashiku, tanoshi-soni kiite kudasai-mashitayo.”
Maomao “Also, because some officials might have picked a quarrel about this, I went ahead and revealed the trick to the emperor. He seemed to enjoy the fact that he got to know the secret first, and had a good time listening to me explain.”
Jinshi “Dewa mukashi, kyutei-naide aoi sobi’o mitato iu-nowa…”
Jinshi “So, about the story of the blue roses being seen in the palace…”
Maomao “Mai-nichi mai-nichi, aoi iro-mizu’o sobini suwaseru hima-jinga itan-desho.”
Maomao “There must have been someone with a lot of free time feeding blue water to the roses.”
Jinshi “Nande mata, sonna koto’o…”
Jinshi “Who would do something like that?”
Maomao “Saa? Onna’o kudoku dogu-demo hoshi-kattano-dewa?”
Maomao “Who knows? Maybe they wanted a gimmick with which to woo women.”
Jinshi “Mezurashii-na. Tsume’o somete-iru-noka?”
Jinshi “That’s unexpected. Are you painting your nails?”
Maomao “Niai-masen-kedone.”
Maomao “It doesn’t suit me, though.”
Maomao (Hosenka to katabami ga areba, motto kireini somarun-dakedo… Tsuma-benino imyo’o toru hosenkato, neko-ashino imyo’o toru katabami. Futatsu’o neri-awasete tsumeni tsukeruto, azayakana akani naru. Maa, kireini someta-tokorode… Kore-demo matomoni nattan-dakedo…)
Maomao (If I had some balsam and woodsorrel, I could have made them look prettier. Balsam is often used to dye fingernails, and woodsorrel is nicknamed cat’s foot. Mixing them together and applying them on the fingernails creates a vivid red. But then, even if I made them prettier… This is better than it was before.)
Maomao “Gaoshun-sama. Tanonde-ita monowa?”
Maomao “Master Gaoshun, what about the item I requested?”
Gaoshun “Ee, iwareta toorini.”
Gaoshun “Yes, as you wished.”
Maomao “Arigato gozai-masu.”
Maomao “Thank you.”
Maomao (Korede butaiwa totonotta. Atowa… Ike-sukanai yatsuni hito-awa fukaseru dakeda.)
Maomao (Now the stage is set. All I have to do now is catch that nasty creep off guard.)
Rakan (…Ni-shitemo, masaka chohatsuga shippaini owaru-towa…)
Lakan (I didn’t expect my provocation to fail.)
Rakan (Ookuno ningen’no kaowa, go-ishino-yoni-shika mie-nai. Otokowa kuro-ishi, onnawa shiro-ishi. Gunbuno bukano ningen-demo, seizei shanchī no komada. Ookuno monowa hei, sotsude, kaikyuga agaru-hodoni uma, ho-to natte-iku. Gunbuno shigotowa kantanda. Komani miatta haichi’o sureba ii. Teki-zai-teki-sho… Sorede daitaino ikusawa kateru. Muzukashii koto dewa nai. Tatoe jibunga muno-demo, wari-ate-sae yareba, katteni shigoto’o owa-rasete-kureru.)
Lakan (Most humans only look like go stones to me. Men are black stones, women are white stones. Even my subordinates in the military only appear as chess pieces, at best. Most are soldiers, pawns. As they gain ranks, they become cavalry and cannons. Working in the military is easy. I just need to know where to place the pieces. The right pieces in the right places. Most wars can be won by that alone. It’s quite easy. Even if I were completely useless, as long as I placed others in the right places, the work would get done on its own.)
Rakan (Kyowa, itsumo-ijoni mega itai. Do-nimo akai iroga chira-tsuku. Tsuma-kurenai-ka… Kiokuno nakano tsuma-beniwa, keba-keba-shii aka-dewa nai. Ussura somatta, hosenkano aka…)
Lakan (My eyes hurt more than usual today. A red color keeps flickering into my view. Manicures… The manicures in my memories aren’t this overly flamboyant crimson. They’re the soft color of balsam.)
Rakan “Ha…”
(Continue to episode 23)
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yanderefairyangel · 3 months
UTANOHA - Paradox!-新型アリス症候群-New Alice syndrome
威名、名声、名利を追う 愚かな子羊達 imei, meisei, meiri wo ou oroka na kohitsuji tachi
The foolish young lambs who chase after fame, reputation and profit
私欲だらけ兎の手 赤く淫らに咲く shiyoku darake usagi no te akaku midara ni saku
Take the paw of the White Rabbit, where selfish and lascivious desires bloom in red, fully
染まる頬で舌を嬲/なぶる somaru hoho de shita wo naburu
Their cheeks go red as they tease with their tongues
(キミと ボクと ワタシとで) (kimi to boku to watashi to de)
( You and Me and I )
さあ花開け 青きこの戦の場-学院-で sā hana hirake aoki kono ikusa no ba de
Now let the flowers bloom in this blue battlefield - academy -
(共に) (tomo ni)
秘めやかに 密やかに(逢瀬) himeyaka ni hisoyaka ni (ouse)
In secret, known to no one else (a rendez -vous)
その指を絡めて(今宵) sono yubi wo karamete (koyoi)
We intertwine our fingers (tonight)
声に瞳に毒が潜む(堕ちよう) koe ni me ni doku ga hisomu (ochiyou)
Your voice and gaze becomes intoxicated by poison (let's fall)
囚われるは 未来の僕 torawa reruwa mirai no boku
Entrapping my future self
(声を)聴かせて(いつもの) (koe wo)kikasete(itsumo no)
(Your voice) Let me hear it (always)
明日を手招こうか asu wo temane kouka
Shall I beckon tomorow ?
「愉楽/ゆらくの刻を 召し上がれ」 「yuraku no toki wo meshiagare」
"Enjoy this time of pleasure"
紅い花を散りばめた 肢体で空を仰いで akai hana wo chiri bameta shitai de sora wo aoi de
The red flowers are scattered around your limbs as I look up to the blue sky
碧い涙浮かべてる、君を夢魔/むまに捧ぐ aoi namida ukabeteru, kimi wo muma ni sasagu
Blue tears pops in the corner of your eyes, I'll offer you to the Nachtmar*
劣情 愛情、焦げつく足が retsujou aijou, kogetsuku ashi ga
Lust, love, they set my feet on fire
(痺れ、焦り、震えてる) (shibire, aseri, hurue te ru)
(From numbness, anxiety, I shiver)
一歩その先 続く道は消えてゆく ippo sono saki tsuzuku michi wa kiete yuku
One step further, the road began to vanish
(因果の音) (inga no ne)
(Sound of casuality)
秘めやかに 密やかに(愛が) himeyaka ni hisoyaka ni (ai ga)
In secret, known to no one else (this love)
煮えたぎり 希求/ききゅうし(醒/さめる) nie tagiri kikyū shi (sameru)
My boiling desires (have awoke)
残滓/ざんしした想い抱え(歩こう) zanshi shita omoi kakae(arukou)
Carry on the remaining of my former feeling (let's take a walk)
痛み、叫び、声を枯らし itami, sakebi, koe wo karashi
In pain, you scream, your voice is so hoarse
(君を)想って(死ねれば) (kimi wo)omotte(shinereba)
(If only I could die) wihile thinking (of you)
幸せになれる? shiawase ni nare ru?
Would I become happy ?
���えの意味はすぐ側に kotae no imi wa sugu soba ni
The meaning of that answer can be found right here
「運命はかくあるべき」とか知らないから 「unmei wa kaku arubeki」toka shiranai kara
"That is how Fate should play out" is something I don't understand
(あがけ!あがき続けて) (agake! agaki tsuzuke te)
(Struggle ! Struggle still !)
「もがきなさい」 「mogakinasai」
"Please, keep struggling"
秘めやかに 密やかに(君と) himeyaka ni hisoyaka ni(kimi to)
In secret, known to no one else (with you)
花開く その愛(恋が) hana hiraku sono ai(koi ga)
This love opens like a flower (it's love*)
例え偶然でもいい(それでも) tatoe gūzen demo ii(soredemo)
I don't care if it's a simple coincidence (however)
せつな、触れた、それが全て setsuna, hureta, sorega subete
One moment, one touch, that's is everything to me
(青い)一瞬を(春でも) (aoi)isshun wo(haru demo)
(This [blue] sad) instant (of spring)
大切にしたい taisetsu ni shitai
Is what I treasure most
痛みも毒も 飲み干そう itami mo doku mo nomi hosou
The poisonous pain that comes within, I'll swallow it all
(ままごとと、いわれても) (mamagoto to, iware temo
(Even if you say it's just a mere play)
さあ はじめよう sā hajime you
Now, let's begin
(これは) (korewa)
(this is)
君が見たその姿も(真実) kimi ga mita sono sugata mo(shinjitsu)
The image you saw that day (the truth)
愛も夢も悲しみさえ ai mo yume mo kanashimi sae
The love, the dreams and even the sadness
(全て)ニセモノ(虚像か) (subete)nisemono(kyozou ka)
(Everything) is but a fake (an illusion)
真実はどこだ? shinjitsu ha dokoda?
Where on earth did the Truth went ?
答えの意味は…すぐ傍に kotae no imi wa… sugu soba ni
The meaning of the answer.... is right here !
*Muma in japanese refers to "nightmare" but what distinguish it from "akumu" is that it can also be used to refer to a specfic type of demon, the incubus or Nacthmar, hence my translation
*Ai and Koi both means love but in different intensity, ai can still refer to a platonic love whereas koi mainly refers to a romantic one in at least 99% of the time
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tempenensis · 3 years
KING GNU - 逆夢 (sakayume) [Lyrics Translation]
*sakayume is a dream where the opposite of reality happens
あなたが望むまま anata ga nozomu mama / as you wish この胸を射通して kono mune wo itoushite / (you can) shoot through this chest 頼りの無い僕もいつか tayori no nai boku mo itsuka / one day I who can't be relied on 何者かに成れたなら nanimonoka ni nareta nara / I wonder if I can be my own person
訳もなく wake mo naku / without reason 涙が溢れそうな namida ga afuresou na / my tears seems to flow 夜を埋め尽くす yoru wo umetsukusu / it fills up the night 輝く夢と成る kagayaku yume to naru / and become a shining dream
白い息は頼りなく shiroi iki wa tayori naku / the white breath that can't be relied on 冬の寒さに溶けて消えた fuyu no samusa ni tokete kieta / it melted and disappeared into the cold of winter あの日の重ねた手と手の ano hi no kasaneta te to te no / our overlapping hands that day 余熱じゃあまりに頼りないの yonetsu ja amari ni tayori nai no / I can't rely on the remaining heat too much
春はいつだって haru wa itsu datte / the spring is always 当たり前の様に atari mae no you ni / like naturally 迎えに来ると mukae ni kuru to / come to greet us そう思っていたあの頃 sou omotteita ano koro / I thought so at that time
瞼閉じれば mabuta tojireba / if I close my eyes 夢はいつだって yume wa itsu datte / the dream will always 正夢だと信じてたあの頃 masayume da to shinjiteta ano koro / at that time I believed it will come true
あなたが望むまま anata ga nozomu mama / as you wish 何処迄も飛べるから dokomade mo toberu kara / because I will fly wherever 意気地の無い僕もいつか ikuji no nai boku mo itsuka / one day I who lack pride 生きる意味を見つけたなら ikiru imi wo mitsuketa nara / I wonder if I will find the meaning of life
愛と憎を ai to zou wo / love and hate 聢と繋ぎ合わせて shikato tsunagi awasete / it's clearly connected 一生涯醒めない程の isshougai samenai hodo no / I can't wake up as long as I live 荒んだ夢と成る susanda yume to naru / this have become a terrible dream
凍える夜空を kogoeru yozora wo / (under) the freezing night sky 二人で抜け出すの futari de nukedasu no / the two of us sneak out あたたかいコートを atatai KOOTO wo / (this) warm coat そっと掛けたなら sotto kaketa nara / I wonder if I can gently hang it (on your shoulder)
あなたはいつだって anata wa itsudatte / you will always 当たり前の様に隣にいると atari mae no you ni tonari ni iru to / like naturally, be on my side そう思っていたあの頃 sou omotteita ano koro / I thought so at that time
失くせやしない nakuseya shinai / (even if) I don't lose it 記憶の雨が古傷へと kioku no ame ga furukizu e to / the rain of memories turns into old wounds 沁み渡ろうとも shimi watarou to mo/ it's spreading all over (my body)
あなたが望むまま anata ga nozomu mama / as you wish この胸を射通して kono mune wo itoushite / (you can) shoot through this chest 頼りの無い僕もいつか tayori no nai boku mo itsuka / one day I who is unreliable 何者かに成れたなら nanimonoka ni nareta nara / I wonder if I can be my own person
訳もなく wake mo naku / with no reason 涙が溢れそうな namida ga afuresou na / my tears seems to flow 夜を埋め尽くす yoru wo umetsukusu / it fills up the night 輝く夢と成る kagayaku yume to naru / and become a shining dream
記憶の海を潜って kioku no umi wo mogutte / dive into the sea of memories 愛の欠片を拾って ai no kakera wo hirotte / and scatter the fragments of love あなたの中にずっと anata no naka ni zutto / it's always inside you 眩しい世界をそっと oh yeah mabushii sekai wo sotto oh yeah / a bright world is slowly (coming) oh yeah
この愛が例え呪いのように kono ai ga tatoe noroi no you ni / if this love is like a curse じんわりとじんわりと jinwari to jinwari to / slowly, slowly この身体蝕んだとしても kono karada mushibanda to shite mo / even if this body is corroded
心の奥底から kokoro no okusoko kara / from the bottom of my heart あなたが溢れ出して anata ga afuredashite / it's overflowing with you 求め合って重なり合う motomeatte kasanariau / we seek each other, we are overlapping その先で僕ら夢と成れ sono saki de bokura yume to nare / and beyond that, we become a dream
あなたが望むまま anata ga nozomu mama / as you wish この胸を射通して kono mune wo itoushite / (you can) shoot through this chest 頼りの無い僕もいつか tayori no nai boku mo itsuka / one day I who can't be relied on 何者かに成れたなら nanimonoka ni nareta nara / I wonder if I can be my own person
訳もなく wake mo naku / without reason 涙が溢れそうな namida ga afuresou na / my tears seems to flow 夜を埋め尽くす yoru wo umetsukusu / it fills up the night 輝く夢と成る kagayaku yume to naru / and become a shining dream
正夢でも 逆夢だとしても masayume demo sakayume da to shite mo / whether the dream becomes reality or not
T/N: 正夢 (masayume) is a dream that happens in reality, in opposite of 逆夢 (sakayume), a dream where the reverse of reality happens.
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echoesofblue · 3 years
Rainy Snowdrop by Re:nG / Translation
レイニースノードロップ / Rainy Snowdrop
This is KAITO's official 15th Anniversary theme song for Magical Mirai 2021! Link to this song's page on Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki (romaji can be found here!): Rainy Snowdrop
Lyrics: KATABIRA Yuki Music & Arrangement: Re:nG Electric Guitar: SATORI Kento Illustration: Heiwa Movie: Andou Vocals: KAITO
声を上げろ 黙った僕の存在意義なんて どこにもないんだ
“Raise your voice.” There isn't any reason for me to exist If I’m silent
新しい靴おろすと すぐ土砂降りの雨で
I wear new shoes out And it starts pouring immediately
傘を持つとほら 嘘みたいに晴れるんだ
I open my umbrella, and look! The sky's clearing up as if it was a joke
昔からいつもツイてない星回り 鼻をすする音を雨がかき消した
It's always been like this, I have no luck The rain drowns out the sound of my sniffles
代わりはいくらでもいて 選ばれない自分
There are countless people who can replace me I am never chosen
俯き歩き見つけた花の名は そっと春を告げる スノードロップ
As I hung my head and walked, I found a flower whose name Softly announces the arrival of spring "Snowdrop"
青く揺れる理想と夢が また不甲斐ない僕を衝き動かすから
My ideals and dreams sway blue And rouse me from my spiritlessness
声を上げろ 黙った僕の存在意義なんて どこにもないんだ
“Raise your voice.” There won't be any reason for me to exist If I remain silent
踠けよ やりきれない世界で
Give it your all in this unbearable world
「どうでもいい」とか 「わからない」だとか そのまま歌うのは簡単だけど
“I don’t care” Or “I don’t know.” It's easy to keep singing like that, butt
答えがないような気がしても 諦めきれず探す日々は無駄じゃない
Even if I feel like there are no answers, The days I spend searching without giving up are not in vain
I remember you laughing as you say I'm thinking too much
流れ流され過ごせば楽になる でもそんな弱い僕は嫌なんだ
oing with the flow might be easier But I hate being that weak
エゴでもいい 偽善でもいい この歌声だけが二人を繋ぐから
I don't care if it’s egotistical, I don't care if it's hypocritical This voice is the only thing that will connect the two of us
声にならない痛みは 眠れない夜の祈りに変えよう
Let me take my voiceless pain And turn it into a sleepless night’s prayer
I’ll hold on to my hope and irrationality
「変わらずにいて」そう願うのは ワガママだと分かっているよ
“Stay as you are.” I know it’s Selfish to wish for that
あの日の君と僕は あの日のまま心に
In my heart, the you and I of that day Remain as we were on that day
もう雨は上がった 晴れた空を仰ぎ見る
The rain has now lifted I look up at the clear sky
過去も傷もこの苦しみも 手放さずに向き合うことを決めたんだ
I’ve decided to face my past, my wounds And this pain, without letting go
落ちる雪と 孤独に凍えた背中は 遠い記憶
The falling snow And my back frozen in loneliness Are now far-off memories
青く揺れる理想と夢が また不甲斐ない僕を衝き動かすから
My ideals and dreams sway blue And rouse me from my spiritlessness
声を上げろ 無力さを嘆いてないで 扉を開けよう
“Raise your voice.” Instead of lamenting my powerlessness, I’ll open the door
When my tears dry, I'll head into the future
Translator's Note:The snowdrop flower is one of the first flowers to bloom at the end of winter, and so is associated with hope, consolation and overcoming obstacles. Translator's Side Note: AAAAAAAAHHHH What a beautiful song! Re:nG-sama has done it again. I'm so glad KAITO is getting the love he deserves. Enjoy this song, everyone. HAPPY 15TH, DEAR KAITO!
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j-rock101 · 3 years
文法:Adjectives → Adverbs
Adjectives are words that describe nouns. Adverbs describe other types of words: verbs more commonly, adjectives, other adverbs, and even whole sentences. They answer the questions how?, how much?, in what way?, when?, and where?
If you have trouble recognizing adverbs, remember in English, we often recognize adverbs by the addition of the suffix -ly to an adjective (quickly, loudly, slowly, elegantly, really), although many adverbs also don’t fall into this pattern (like "quite" and "very" which don't have adjective forms, or like "fast" which is identical to its adjective form).
In Japanese, it’s even easier to change adjectives into adverbs. Just add く to the stem of any い-Adj, and に to the stem of any な-Adj. Remember though, not all adverbs come from adjectives (think とても, きっと, etc.) or some that do not change at all when turned into adverbs (大変).
(な-Adj)な + に (い-Adj)い + く
はやい → はやく Quick, early → Quickly, early
しずか(な) → しずかに Quiet → Quietly
You might even recognize the adverbial form of いい (good), which is よく (well). Remember that いい is an irregular い-adjective, and only ever conjugates in its alternate form, よい.
いい → よい → よく Good → Good → Well
Keep in mind that as Japanese is an entirely different language, you may see some words being used in ways that are unnatural in English.
美味しく食べよう! Eat deliciously → Let’s enjoy eating!
This is a rather simple grammar, but you’ll see it used as a building block for all sorts of other grammar forms, so it’s a good trick to always keep in your back pocket.
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こっち側で 楽しく おかしく暮らしましょう? Why don’t you live a fun and strange life on our side? (Lit: funly, strangely)
(『魔法使いの嫁』 The Ancient Magus' Bride, vol. 1 by Yamazaki Kore)
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今日はここで静かにあそんでようね ヨウヘイ(うんうん) Today, let's play here quietly, okay Yohei? (OK OK)
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ふみふみして おでこおしつけて寝た なんだか チーにすごく好かれてる気がするなー(はっはっは) She kneaded, then fell asleep with her head resting on my stomach Somehow, I feel immensely loved by Chi! (Hahaha)
(『チーズスイートホーム』Chi's Sweet Home, vol. 1 by Konami Kanata)
J-Rock Examples:
静かに出口に立って Quietly, stand in the exit
きっとうまくいくよ It will surely go well!
[宇多田ヒカル - 光]
そう簡単にいかないな…かな It can’t happen that easily… can it?
豪快に放つヒッカケだ もう一回 A pull that is boldly released, one more time
[DOLL$BOXX - Take My Chance]
水溜り越えあてもなく and cross puddles, aimlessly
躓きながらあてもなく While I stumble around aimlessly
春はもうそこに静かに待つ Spring is already waiting quietly there
時は遥かに風が優しく/涙を美空へ拭い去る In time, the wind more gently / dries off your tears far into the beautiful sky
[スキマスイッチ - 桜夜風]
あんなに簡単に消えてしまった過去の痛み That simply the ache of the past disappeared completely [HY - モノクロ]
退屈な毎日が急に輝きだした The boring everyday suddenly started to shine 
Oh 見捨てない 絶対に Oh I won’t fail Definitely
より一層強く惹かれ合う They are attracted to each other even more strongly
ありふれた日常が急に輝きだした The trite and ordinary suddenly started to shine
[宇多田ヒカル - Prisoner of Love]
父は言った「お前らしく」 Dad said, “That’s just like you” [関取花 - 東京]
あのリズムを奏でては列車中に空しく響く tap out that rhythm, it echoes through the train in vain [関取花 - 石段のワルツ]
耳元をかすかによぎる It passes by my ears faintly
フルに使って夢で再生する I will use it to the utmost and play them back in a dream
[School Food Punishment - Butterfly Swimmer]
途中気分の悪くなった方は我慢をしないで早めにコールミー Those who get sick en route, don’t hesitate and right away call me
生活のために始めたバイトは適当に決めたバスガイド The job I started for my new life, I randomly decided on bus guide
[水曜日のカンパネラ - ジャンダルク]
止めどなく雪崩れる An endless avalanche [赤い公園 - 今更]
沈みゆく太陽の10倍も速く/…走ってった (Running ...) Ten times faster than the sinking sun [水曜日のカンパネラ - メロス]
行くあてもなく With nowhere to go
途方にくれた 心を静かに溶かす It gently melts the puzzled heart
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yoga-onion · 4 years
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Spring View
Chang'an, the capital, has been completely destroyed by war, but the mountains and rivers remain as they were.
Spring has come to the castle, and the grass and trees are growing thickly in deep green.
Tears fall at the sight of the flowers, and the sound of the birds makes me sad to say goodbye to my family.
As the war has been going on for a long time, letters from the family are so precious that they are worth ten thousand gold.
When I scratch my grey hair in anxiety, my hair becomes even shorter, and now I cannot even wear a hairpin.
The first verse of the five-word poem "Shunbo (Spring View)" by Du Fu of the Tang Dynasty. The state has collapsed, but the mountains and rivers remain unchanged. It is easy to think that there are mountains and rivers after the collapse of a dream, but there are mountains and rivers after the collapse of a country. Du Fu's expression "deep green grass" is not only a scene he saw, but also a lament for the selfishness of human beings, as nature continues its activities regardless of our world.
It's been more than a thousand years since Du Fu read this poem. And humanity is still doing the same thing over and over again. But the earth is still blue. Probably, Du Fu must have felt the same as you when he wrote this poem.
Du Fu (Wade–Giles: Tu Fu; Chinese: 杜甫; 712–770) was a Chinese poet and politician of the Tang dynasty. Along with his elder contemporary and friend Li Bai (Li Po; 701–762), he is frequently called the greatest of the Chinese poets.
国破れて 山河あり 城春にして 草木深し 時に感じては 花にも涙をそそぎ 別れを恨んでは 鳥にも心を驚かす 烽火 三月に連なり 家書 万金に抵(あた)る 白頭 掻(か)けば更に短く 渾(すべ)て 簪(しん)に勝(た)えざらんと欲す
唐の杜甫(とほ)の五言律詩「春望(しゅんぼう)」の最初の一句。国家は崩壊してしまったが、山や河は何一つ変わらない。ということです。夢破れて山河ありと思われがちですが、国破れて山河ありです。 杜甫の表現した「青草深し」は、杜甫が見た風景であるとともに、人間の世とは関係なく営みを続ける自然に、人間の身勝手さをも嘆く気持ちが込められています。
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hitogatarock · 3 years
キリカ . kirika
LYRICS TRANSLATION for one of the insert songs on their second album, Kiryca.
Translated name : Song of Woven Hope (fan-translated), Kiryca (official)
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All translations are belongs to me, make sure to credit properly if you plans on sharing this! Enjoy reading!
Listen along • google doc • twitter post
さらば 全ての希(コイネガ)いよ 
saraba subete no koinegai yo
Farewell, to all that is good and rare
kitare subete no wazawai yo
Come forth, all of the calamities
警世(ケイセイ) 時鐘(トキガネ) 聞かず暮れ 
keisei tokigane kikazu kure
As nightfall didn't listen to the chiming bells of warning,
bokura sekai ni kirawareta
We were hated by the world
fuyu ni, haru, ibuki ni, kuchi-ochi
The winter, spring, our breaths, decays and fell over
kieru inochi no tamayura
By a fleeting moment of a vanishing life,
hito no yume wa hakanai monda
a human's dreams are ephemeral
悟り瞼(マブタ)で 歌を掴んだ
satori mabuta de uta wo tsukanda
With enlightened eyelids, I grasped the song
oshiete kirika
Please tell me, Kiryca
tobenai tobenai jinrui wa mou
I can't fly, I can't fly, humanity is already…
tasukete kirika
Please save me, Kiryca
hyoujou-nai kurai mirai wo ayumukurai nara
Rather than walking on a dark, expressionless future...
yume wo mite ikiro ikiro
Let's all dream, and live on, live on
そう高く高く高く空を 見上げながら
sou takaku takaku takaku sora wo miage nagara
Yes, look higher and higher to the sky above
kibou wo mite ikiro ikiro
Let's all hope, and live on, live on
tatoe subete kanawanakatta to shite mo
Even if everything doesn't come true,
kataomoi de ii
even if it's a one-sided feeling,
sakebe, soredemo sekai wo aishiteru to
Shout out that you still love the world
kono ressei na shakai to shikai ni waita
I was excited by the visibility of this inferior society
悪灰汁(アクアク)としたあいつ vs こいつ
aku aku to shita aitsu vs koitsu
That guy and this one becoming evil and harsh
iya da ne, "inochi" ga mie sugite
I don't like it when I can see too much from this "life"
ai wo ai to sagesumu you ni ugatta hou ga
It is better to pierce love with sorrow and contempt
kakkoii tte (kakko) tsuki de urawarau sonna jidai ni
in those days when people ridicule behind their backs for being (cool)
nani wo negau no?
What do you hope for?
risou? Sorry! muri! daitai
Ideals? Sorry! Impossible! Almost
kanawanainda yo
It's not going to come true
無謀なRun 傷つき飢えるくらいなら
mubou na Run kizutsuki uerukurai nara
Recklessly I Run, rather than getting hurt and starve
yume wo sute ikiru hou ga
If we are to live without dreams,
tayasuku yasuku shiawase darou
makes it easier, happier and also cheaper
tebanaseba ii
You have to let it go
kibou wo sute ikiru no nara
If we are to live without hope,
ima sugu subete wo owaraseba ii kedo
I wish I could end all of this right now
sabishiku naru ne
It's getting lonely…
warae, sorenara sekai yo tasukete to
Smile, then, the world needs your help.
shiawase ni narunda
We all will be happy,
tozasanaide inochi wo kirazu ni koko ni ite yo
Don't close me up, don't cut my life short, just stay here.
hito wa yowai ikimono dakara
Humans are such weak creatures,
kibou ya ai ga hitsuyou daro
love and hope are necessary to them
ともに… 生きよう
tomo ni… iki you
So let's live…. together
yume wo mite ikiro ikiro
Let's all dream, and live on, live on
そう共に共に共に空を 見上げながら
sou tomo ni tomo ni tomo ni sora wo miage nagara
Yes, together, together, we shall look up to the sky
kibou wo mite ikiro ikiro
Let's all hope, and live on, live on
tatoe subete ga kowarete shimatta toshite mo
Even if everything becomes broken,
yumemi mabuta de
have a dream by your eyelids
kono yanda sekai ni negai wo sasageru yo kirika
I offer my wishes to this gloomy world, Kiryca
utae, soredemo sekai wa hareru yo to
So sing, and the world would be cleared
— translator notes : and that's a wrap for my kiryca album tl !! it's been a great experience to know and understand himehina's new songs, and I hope they can maintain this level of masterpiece on their next song 🥺
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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SinoAlice: Guild Co-op Event - The Songful Banquet of Cherry Blossoms Translation
*Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Welcome to my whims. Hameln is fine.
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問題デス。春とイエバ!? Question, question! What does Spring entail?
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モチロン!潮干狩りとキャンプですネ! It’s got to be clamming and camping, of course!
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確かに以前の春は潮干狩りデシタが…… アレは春イベントに水着ヲ出せト言われたプランナーが苦シ紛れに考えたモノ。 I know we did clamming last year for the Spring Event, but that was only because the Planner managed to come up with the idea of swimsuits after much turmoil...
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言わば産みノ苦しみノ歴史なのデス。 ソレを思い出サセルのは鬼畜の所業デスよ! In other words, it’s the dark history of how it came to be; one of pain and suffering. Only a demon would make one shudder to remember such a time!
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ソンな内情をブチマケラレましても…… Even if that’s how it truly is on the inside...
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トニカクやり直しデス。春とイエバ!? In any case, let’s start from the beginning again. When it’s Spring, it’s-!?
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エ、エエ~ット……お花見……とか? Um, errrr…Flower viewing, perhaps...?
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ピンポーン!正解デス!!Bingo! That’s right!!
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エッ、本当に!?ソンな正攻法でイイノ!? Huh? What!? Something as straightforward as that does it!?
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ええ。タマにはストレートも必要デス。 Of course. Simple is best, sometimes.
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ワ~イ!お花見オ花見、楽しいナ!嬉しいナ! Yay~! Flower viewing~! We’re going to be flower viewing! Oh, how fun! How exciting!
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余興ノ人員も揃えマシタ。 まずはグレーテル、さらにシンデレラ、そしてハーメルンです。 The entertainers have already been gathered. First, we’ll have Gretel, followed by Cinderella and Hameln.
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スゴイ!最初から混乱しか予想デキナイ! That’s amazing! I can foresee the chaos and confusion they’ll bring right from the get-go!
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お花見ナンテおかしくなったモン勝ちデスよ。 The one who makes for the most chaotic Flower Viewing wins.
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じゃア、この3人ニハ早速余興ヲ──ん? 誰か来たヨウですが ……コレは……? Should we get the 3 entertainers started now then? Hmm? There seems to be someone headed this way? ...This is…?
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……ナルホド。まあイイでしょう。飛び込み参加モ大歓迎デス! ゲストを迎えテ楽しくヤリましょう! I see...Well, that works too. Any last minute participants are welcomed to jump in anytime! Let’s all enjoy ourselves together with the guests!
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ソウですネ。トテモ楽しくナリそうデス。 エエ。とても……ネ。 Yes, this looks like it’ll be real fun. Absolutely so, indeed...
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一度だけ。 友達に連れられて、アイドルのライブに 行った事がある。 Once. Just once, did I ever attend an Idol’s concert at the insistence of my friend who dragged me along.
それはまさに、夢の世界だった。 It was a world akin to a dream; something I never thought possible.
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「みんなー!今日は ハ ナ のライブに 来てくれてアリガトウ!ハナにピッタリ のこの場所で、最っ高の歌を聴いていっ てね!」 “Everyone~! Thank you all for coming to     Hana’s     live today! I’ll grace your ears with the best and greatest song out there in this perfect place of mine!”
薄紅の花びらが舞う、酒に似合いの風景 に安如として乱入してきた『ライブラリ  No.1の ア イ ド ル 』とやらば、 クソが100回つくようなくッッッッソ ド下手な歌を勝手に歌いだした。 The scenery was well-suited to a cup of sake, the air aflutter with the pink petals of the cherry blossoms. If only the place hadn’t been jacked by the “Library’s No.1    Idol   ” Speaking of, she’s so bad at it that she's about a 100 times shittier than what’s already considered crap; singing shitty songs all on her own accord and wrangling ears everywhere.
 「これは……聞くに堪えませんね……」 “This...I don’t think I can stand listening to this anymore…”
「おい、ナルシスト。あの女を消せ」 “Hey, Narcissist. Erase her.”
「私が手を下す必要ないかと」 “I doubt I’ll even have to do anything, really.”
そういって、ナルシストが指を示した失 では、極度の音痴に我慢の限界を迎えた ナイトメアたちが 怒 り を募うせていた。 That being said, he pointed his finger at something. A group of nightmares were already     seething     in     anger     at the hellish ear grating they were forced to suffer through; already reaching to the limits of their patience.
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さくら~↑舞う~↓ 景色~↑↑のぉ~↑ The fluttering~↑ dance~↓ of the~↑↑ Sakura in the background~↑
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Nooooooo↑↑ 歌ウノヤメロォ! NOOOOOOO↑↑ Stop singing!
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ロォ↓マンス~↑ 恋のぉ~神~~↑↑ Ro~↓ mance~↑ The god~ of love~~↑↑
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耳ガ腐ルゥゥ!助ケテェェ!! My ears are about to drop off! Someone, save me!!
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「あたしの歌で踊りだしたくなる気持ち は判るけど、暴れるのはダメだぞぅ✰」 “I understand that my singing makes one feel the urge to dance but rampaging? That’s a big no-no✰ ”
ナイトメアの蹴散うした ハナさんとやらば、その場で軽やかに ターンをしてーー Kicking the Nightmare away, she did a light twirl on the spot.
「 ダ ン ス ならこう踊らなきゃ!」 “You’ve got to     dance     like this if you’re going to do it!”
この世のものとは思えぬ醜い歌に合わせ、 心を抉るような 前 衛 的 な踊りを 始めました。 She started to dance     Avant    -    garde    , coupled with the horrid song that was out of this world; one so appalling that it almost felt like someone was gouging my very heart out.
「眩暈がしてきた……」 “I’m actually starting to get dizzy from seeing this…”
艶やかな褐色の肌を持つシンデレラさん の殺意の失わせるほどの醜悪な歌と踊り。 A horrible, ear-grating song and an equally unbeautiful dance. One that actually made the glossy brown-skinned Cinderella lose all the killing intent that she wielded.
これには、さすがの私も辟易です。 That being said, this also repulses me, of course.
しかし、不思議な事に、綺麗な足を持つグレーテルさんだけは 魅 入 ら れ  たように歌に聞き入っていたのです…… But the strangest thing was that Gretel, the one with beautiful legs, seemed     utterly     charmed     and     entranced     by the song...
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席なんて、ステージからもの凄く遠い スタンドだったけど。 The seats were so far from the stage itself. Rather than seats, it was actually more like a stand.
そこから観る会場はサイリウムの光に 包まれて、まるで花畑みたいだった。 Watching the stage surrounded by psyllium lights from afar, it bore a resemblance to a flower garden of sorts.
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ステージでアイドルが歌う。 あたしの席から顔なんて見える訳ない んおに、それでも笑顔だとわかる。 The Idol sung atop the stage. I knew that they were smiling, even though I can’t possibly see them from my seat.
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「ねえ兄様。あの歌…… 懐かしくありませんか? 昔、兄様と二人で過ごした夜の 森で、冷たい月明りの下で聴いた……」 “Hey, brother? Isn’t this song nostalgic…? It’s the same song we heard at night, back in the forest where we lived together. Under the cold, icy moonlight…”
「森の奥から聞こえてきた、歌……」 “The same song that resonated deep within the forest itself…”
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ヤヤヤヤメヤメヤメヤメロメロンー! SSSST- STO- STOP STOP STOP-!
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オカシクナルルルルルルリルレロ! I’M STARTING TO GO CRRAAAAZY!
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わあ!斬新なコールアリガトー! Wow! Thanks for new cheer!!
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ハハハハナハナハ ナヒヒヒヒヒヒヒッ! HAHAHAHANAHANAHA-- HIIE!!
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アイドルの歌と踊りに合わせて、会場が 揺れる。アイドルはキラキラしていて、 とても可愛くて。それを観るみんなも、 とてもキラキラしていた。 The venue broke out in an uproar in response to the Idol’s song and dance. The idol was shining in the limelight and absolutely adorable. And the audience shone too, as they looked on.
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クソ下手音痴女 ハ ナ の歌と踊りは 戦意を失わせた。怒りを抱く事すら 勿体ないろいうか…… Listening and watching the shitty tone-deaf woman     Hana     singing and dance made me lose all the fight in me. Or, more like...It would be a waste to even feel rage at this...
そういうレベルにまで達しているのは、 ある意味芸術と言ってもいいのか もしれない。遠のく意識と視界が、 現実を拒否するように段々と霞んでいく。 It might even be called art, considering just how bad she was. My consciousness slowly faded as my vision grew hazier, as if rejecting reality itself.
「スモークいいわね!もっと焚いて! 会場をハナ色に染めちゃってー!」
“The smoke’s looking good! Keep it coming! Fill the area with colour―!”
音痴女の声に呼応するように周囲の木々 が揺れた。そこから 黄 色 い 煙 が大量に 吐き出される。 The surrounding trees shook, seemingly responding to the tone-deaf girl’s command. And then, a     yellow     smoke     spewed forth.
「これは…… 花 粉 ……?」
“Is this…    pollen    …?”
横にいたナルシストがそう呟いたような、 そうでないような……なんだ?頭が……
I feel as if the Narcissist beside me had muttered something like that...or not…? What’s this? My head... 
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大量の花粉が!これはイケマセン! A large amount of pollen! This won’t do!!
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桜の花粉ッてコンナに飛ばないのデハ? I thought the pollen from cherry blossoms wasn't this bad?
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ライブラリの桜ですカラ。 Well, it’s the Library’s cherry blossoms.
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その一言デ説明が済むの、最高デスネ! Nice! The explanation’s done and settled in a single breath!
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こんな事もアロウかと。ハイ!花粉ブロック! 99.9%花粉を遮断!機能性も抜群デス! Well, I did think this might happen. So...here! Pollen Block! It’s 99.9% effective!
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呼吸も99.9%遮断!死ヘノ片道装備デス! But that prevents breathing itself by 99.9%! It’s a one way ticket to death itself!
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 ライブが終わったあと、会場から出っていく みんなは、とにかく笑顔だった。 あたしも、もちろんその一人。 Everyone left the venue with a smile on their face once the Live ended. I, of course, included.
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その少女は、歌を歌った。 皆を笑顔にしたいのだと、そう笑った。 それがあまりに純粋で、 あまりに無邪気で。 だから私は、彼女に新しい歌を教えた。 The girl sang, and sang she did. She laughed about wanting to make everyone smile. All so innocent, all so pure. Thus, I taught her a new song.
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アイドルって凄いなって思った。 たった一人で数万人を笑顔にできる、 そんなアイドルに、あたしは憧れた。 I thought that Idols were amazing. Just one person, able to bring smiles to countless others. I admired Idols; they were my admiration.
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その少女の声には力があった。 我らに活動を促す力が。 そうーー 我らの時代を、もう一度取り戻す力が。 That girl’s voice held power. The power to urge us to motion; to act. That’s right―— The power to reclaim our reign once more.
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あたしは小さい頃から病気がちで。 人退院の度に、周りに迷惑をかけていた。 誰かを笑顔にする事より、 誰かを悲しい顔にする事の方が多かった。 I was always sickly ever since I was little. I only inconvenience those around me, whenever I get admitted to the hospital. Rather than making people happy, I made people sad, more often than not.
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「スモーク焚きすぎちゃって道が見えな いわ。誰か道案内してくれないかしら。 これからオーデイションがあるのよね」 “There’s too much smoke; I can’t see the way. Could I perhaps, get someone to lead the way? I’ve got an audition on the way.”
ハナさんは、こちらをじっとみて言いま した。つまり、私達に案内を要求してい るのでしょう。その気配を察したシンデ レラさんは、冷たい声で拒絶しました。 Hana spoke, keeping eye contact with me the entire time. In other words, she’s probably asking us for help. Cinderella coldly refused after having grasped the situation.
「金はあるんの?まあ払われても断るけど」 “Is there money in this? Well, not that I’d take it either even if you offered.”
「そんなぁ……ひどいですぅ……!」 “No way...how mean…!”
ハナさんの泣き声に呼応して、一層花粉 がと飛散します。これは宜しくありません。 More pollen was scattered upon her cries. This isn’t appreciated at all.
「少しくとも、あなたの姿は美しい。 私が 案 内 いたしましょう」 “You’re a beautiful one, at least. Allow me to     lead     the     way.”
「ありがとう!貴方、お名前は?」 “Thanks! What’s your name?”
「ハーメルン、とお呼び下さい」 “Call me Hameln.”
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ハーメルン……メルちゃんね!よろしく! Hameln…? Mel, then! I’ll be in your care!
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メル……? Mel…?
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ところでぇ……メルちゃんは──ハナと手を繋いではくれないの? By the way...Won’t you join hands with me, Mel?
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?こうしてあなたの手を取っていますが── ? But aren’t I already holding onto your ha...nd…?
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──テヘッ。 ──Tee-hee.
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花粉のせいで見間違えましたね。失礼。醜い。 I’ve blundered due to the pollen in the air. Pardon me, that was unsightly.
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ギャアッ!勘違イシタノハソッチナノニー! Gyaah! You’re the one at fault though!
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こんなあたしでも。アイドルになれば 誰かを笑顔にできるのかな。 知らない人にも、幸せを感じてもらう事ができるのかな。 I wonder if I can bring a smile to someone else’s face too, if someone like me can become an Idol. I wonder if I can make people that I don’t know feel happy too?
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会場いっぱいに咲くサイリウムの光の花 に包まれて、可愛いドレスを着た わたしがステージで歌を歌うーー そんな未来を夢見ながら 桜の木に向かっ歌っていたある日、 頭の中に素敵な歌が流れてきた。 The venue was blooming with Psyllium Flowers of light. Dressed in a cute dress, I sang; and sang I did―— I continued looking on, holding onto that dream for the future. One day, while I was singing to the Cherry Blossom Tree, a beautiful song sounded in my mind
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入院した病室の窓から桜が見える。 その桜の木に向かって、あたしは 歌を歌った。 桜が散る頃には退院して、 オーデイションを受けに行くんだ。 I can see the Cherry Blossoms from the window of my Hospital Room. I sang to the Cherry Blossom Tree and sang I did. When the Cherry Blossoms scatter and I get discharged from here, I’ll go for an Audition.
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少女は夢を抱いていた。 しかし、少女は病も抱えていた。 やがて少女に声は枯れ果てて、 その儚き夢も叶うことなく――
だから、私はその身に命を蕾を宿した。 The girl held onto a dream. However, sickness also had a clutch on her. Eventually, her voice faltered and faded, that fleeting dream of her’s never coming to pass.
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――桜が咲いて、散って。 入院してから何回目かの満開を迎える。 あたし、少しは歌が上手くなったかな? 早くオーデイションを受けたいな。 ――The Cherry Blossoms bloomed and scattered. I’ve seen many a cycle of it coming into full bloom ever since I was admitted. Have I gotten a little better at singing? I want to hurry and go for an Audition.
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これ以上、あのクソ下手音痴女のせいで 花粉を巻き散うされちゃ堪らない。 仕方なく、私達は手音痴女を案内していた。 しかし―― I can’t stand being showered by more Pollen because of the shitty tone-deaf girl. I suppose we don’t have a choice but to show her the way. But――
(あのブラコン、やけに大人しいな) (That Bro-con is being unsettlingly quiet.)
ハーメルンと手を繋いでご機嫌な音痴女 の後るに歩くグレーテルが、普段よりも 妙に静かで気にかかる。 いつもなら「兄様、兄様」と一人でぶつ くさ言っているはずなのに。 His unusual silence caught my attention, as he walked along behind Hameln, who had joined hands with the joyous looking tone-deaf girl. Usually, he’d be muttering “Brother, brother” all by his lonesome.
「……あ」 “…Oh.”
そのグルーテルが、小さな声を上げた。 That very Gretel made a small sound.
「兄様に…… 花 が咲きました……」 “    Flowers     are blooming…on Brother..”
籠の中の『兄様』からは、全く似合わな いファンシーな花が咲いていた。 Fancy unfitting flowers were blooming in the cage where “Brother” was held.
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何やら呻き声も聞こえますね。 I seem to hear something akin to moaning.
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そんな事どうでもいい!兄様、兄様! There’s absolutely no way that’s the case! Brother, brother!
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でも意外と似合ってんじゃない?その花。 But don’t you think that suits him surprisingly well? That flower, I mean.
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似合って……ああ……兄様、可愛いです…… It suits him…? …Ahh…Brother, you’re so cute…
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ねぇ、ドラゴンがいるんですけどぉー。 Hey, there’s a dragon here though―
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グウ……ズズッ……鼻ガ詰マッテ…… Ugh…sniff, sniffle…My nose’s all stuffed up…
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呻き声はコレでしたか。何とも美しくない…… So this was the cause of all the moaning. It’s not the slightest bit beautiful at all…
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――桜が咲いて、散って。 あと何回、この景色を見られるだろう。 歌おうにも声が出ない。 乾燥した唇が裂けて、血が滲んだ。 ――The Cherry Blossoms bloomed and scattered. I wonder how many more times I must witness this scene? No sound comes out even if I sing. My dry, chapped lips crack as blood oozes out.
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少女の顔は美しい。伸びた四肢も美しい。 そして少女から漂う匂い。 これは――ああ、 今まで花粉で気付きませんでしたね…… The girl had beautiful features. Her limbs were all so beautiful as well. Then came the smell that came along with her. This is―― Ahh, I never noticed due to all the Pollen flying about up till now…
「この腐臭は、美しくない」  “This smell of rot is not beautiful in the least.”
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――桜が咲いて、散って。 今年も、何とか見届けられた。 来年まで頑張ろうね、と 気気遣う看護師の声がする。 ――The Cherry Blossoms bloomed and scattered. I somehow managed to see the petals off again this year. I hear the kind, caring nurse telling me to do my best again next year.
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いつの間にか桜の木の下に来ていました。 そこには、人の形をした植物が、綺麗な 花を咲かせていくつも立っています。 Before I knew it, I was already standing below the Cherry Blossom Tree. There were many human-shaped plants, all with stunning flowers blooming on them.
「兄様。兄様と同じ花ですよ」 “Brother. It’s the same flower as the one blooming on you, Brother.”
花が咲いた兄様と、花の咲かない私。 それがなんだか、とても悲しい。 Brother, who had flowers blooming on him, and me, who did not. That was utterly saddening, in a sense.
「それなら お 揃 い になってみる?」 “Then how about you try becoming a     pair    ?”
どこからか、歌う声が聞こえてきます。 二人で過ごした、森の奥でも聞いた声。 あの時、兄様は近づくなと言ったけど。 I could hear singing coming from somewhere. A voice that I heard even back in the depths of that forest; back during the time I spent together with Brother. I recall telling whoever that had been to stay away from Brother, back then.
「じゃあ、願いを叶えてあげるね」 “Then, let me grant your wish!”
兄様、私はあなたと一緒がいいのです。 Brother, I want to be the same as you.
「ブラコン!」 “Bro-con!””
誰かが叫んでいるけど、邪魔しないで。 私は今、とても 幸 せ なのだから―― Someone was yelling. Don’t get in the way; For I’m extremely    happy    right now――
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あいつ、花に寄生されたのか!? That guy; Is he being parasitized by those flowers!?
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花を咲かすグレーテルさんも、また美しい。 Gretel’s beautiful even with flowers blooming on their being.
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アンタも、頭に花を咲かせてもらえば? How about we make one grow on your head too?
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それも良いですね。きっと美しいでしょう。 That might not be too bad of an idea. It’ll be a dazzling sight to behold, I’m sure.
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嫌味が通じないのか。このナルシスト…… Can’t you tell sarcasm when it’s in front of your face, you narcissist...!?
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――冬なのに、桜が咲いている。 ああ、枝に積もった雪がそう見える んだ。それでもいい。 最期に見られて良かった…… ――The Cherry Blossoms bloomed and scattered. Ahh, so that’s how the branches look like with snow piled on them. This is fine. I’m glad that I managed to see it in the end…
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突然現れた予定外の乱入者。 歌に合わせて撒き散らされる大量の花粉。 しかも思考を惑わすオマケ付き……と くれば、異変の 原 因 は明らかだ。 An intruder had appeared out of the blue; this was not planned. The large amount of Pollen being scattered around along with the song. Along with the added effect of addling your mind… In conclusion, the     root     cause     of this was startlingly apparent.
「どう考えてもアンタだろ?」 “No matter how you think about it, you’re the one behind all this, aren’t you?”
武器を突きつけつろ、ハナは震えた。 Hana trembled as Cinderella pointed her weapon at her.
「ち、違うもん!メルちゃん、助けて!」 “N-No, you’re mistaken! Help me, Mel!”
「残念ながら、あなたからは腐臭がする。 大変醜い臭いです。私に助けられる 価値は、地を這う虫ほどもありません」 “Unfortunately, there’s a rotting smell coming from you. It’s a horribly ugly scent. And I’m not obligated to help anyone or anything who’s worth is equivalent to a worm, crawling on the ground.”
「……っ」 “…Ngh.”
ハーメルンの言葉に息を呑むと、音痴女 は派手に笑い出し―― The tone-deaf girl sucked in a deep breath at Hameln’s words before breaking out into laughter――
「お前ら全員、花人形にしてやる!」 “I’m gonna turn all of you into Flower Dolls!”
醜 く 顔を歪めた Her face distorted     uglily    ; it was almost as bad as Gishin’s own.
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みんな、あたしの歌を聴かなかった!だ��ら花人形にしてやったのよ!! どう?これなら黙って歌を聴くでしょう!? No one was listening to my song! That’s why I turned them all into Flower Dolls!! How’s that for a change? Now you’ll shut up and listen to my singing, right!?
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人形にしなけりゃ聴いてもらえない歌なんて、アンタ才能ないんだよ。 それだけの話だろ? If no one’ll listen to you unless you turn them into a Doll, doesn’t that just mean that you don’t have the talent for it? That’s all there is to it, no?
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なのにアイドルを名乗るとは……ああ醜い。 And still, you dare call yourself an Idol…Ahh, how ugly.
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違う……あたしは、アイドルなのおぉ! No…I’m…I AM an Idol!
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――あたしは、アイドルになりたかった。 満員の会場で、光の花に囲まれて、 楽しそうに歌うアイドル…… だって…… みんあの 笑 顔 が、見たかったから。 病気がちのあたしの周りには、 悲しい顔しかなかったから―― ――I wanted to be an Idol. An Idol, singing happily in a full-house venue, with flowers of light blooming all around… Because… I wanted to see the     smiles     on everyone’s faces. Because there was nothing but sad faces around me, due to my sickly nature――
「生まれ変わったら、今度こそ……」 “Next time, if I’m reborn…”
そう呟いて、少女は光の中に 消 え 去 っ た 。 The girl murmured her last as she     faded     away     from the light. 
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……結局、この少女も 駄 目 だった。 確か、これで34人目だ。 それにしても、笑顔を見たいと言いなが ら、自分が見られる事が目的になるとは、 まさに本末転倒…… …That girl was a     no    -    good     either, in the end. I’m certain this makes it the 34th person now. Even so, to think that her goal would be for people to notice her despite how she’s always crowing about how she wanted to see everyone’s smiles… She’s certainly got her priorities wrong.
しかし、これだからこそ人間は面白い。 では、私は次の 苗 床 を 探すとしよう。 But this is precisely what makes humans all so interesting. Well then, I suppose I’ll have to find another     nursery    .
手始めに、少女を殺したあの3人を―― How about those 3 who killed the girl, for starters――
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桜さん。今まであたしの歌を聴いてくれ て、ありがとう。アイドルになる夢は叶 わなかったけど、あなたはあたしの、 たった一人の観客でした。 Dear Cherry Blossom, thank you for listening to my singing. I never fulfilled my dream of becoming an Idol, but you’re my one and only audience I ever had.
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黒幕はアノ桜の木デシタ。 The mastermind was that Cherry Blossom Tree.
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木にヨル支配とは、どこかで聞いたヨウナ。 A tree that rules everything? I feel like I’ve heard about this somewhere…
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ソンな物語もドコかにアッタような? I feel like a story like that exists somewhere out there.
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トコロデ、あの桜ハどうシマス? By the way, what are we going to do with that Cherry Blossom?
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アア、ソレならすでに対処済みデス。大事ナ兄様に花ヲ咲かせた木ニ腹を立てタグレーテルが根本カラ桜ヲぶち倒しマシテ。 Ohh, that’s already been dealt with. Gretel was mad that the tree had made flowers bloom on his beloved Brother and chopped it up, roots and all.
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エッ……黒幕を……? Eh…He did that to the Mastermind…?
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ソノ倒れた桜を眺めナガラ酒を飲ンでいた シンデレラが、「確か桜の木は、スモーク用のチップとして売れたな?」 と思いツキ、ハーメルンに命令シテ。  And then Cinderella was looking upon the fallen Cherry Blossom whilst sipping  on a cup of Sake pipped up, saying “Come to think of it, Cherry Blossom Wood  can be sold as Smoking Chips, right?” And thus, she ordered Hameln to procure it.
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エエ……黒幕がスモーク用……? Ehh…Using the Mastermind as smoking material…?
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ハーメルンは「艶やかな肌の主の言う事なら」 と、ソレは美しく桜の木をカットして。 結果、ライブラリ特製燻製用桜チップとしテ見事に高値で売れマシター! ハイこれ売上報告書。凄いデスヨ。 “If that’s what the master of glossy skin wishes.” Said Hameln, and he beautifully cut up the Cherry Blossom Tree. As a result, the Library’s Special  Cherry Blossom Smoked Chips are being sold for an astoundingly high price!! Here’s the Sales Report. Amazing, isn’t it!
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エエエ……本当ダ。黒幕メッチャ売レてる。 Ehhh…You’re right. The Mastermind’s selling really well.
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この売上デ燻製肉でも食べニ行きマセンカ? How about we use the Sales earnings to go eat some smoked meat?
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行クー!人ノお金で食べるオ肉大好き! Count me in―! I love eating meat when someone else’s paying!
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燻製に使うチップはもちろん桜デ…… The wood chips we’re going to use for the smoking will be Cherry Blossom, of course.
∘◦ -————❈ ❀  𝔉𝔦𝔫.   ❀ ❈————- ◦∘
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1-mini-1 · 4 years
After the Rain- Evening, Mistaken for a Dream (Yuukoku, Yume to Mimagau / 夕刻、夢ト見紛ウ) English Lyrics
I tried my hardest to translate things without footnotes ;w;
さよならしよう お別れしよう
The faint shadows sway
I wonder when I was first enchanted by you
Let’s say farewell, let’s go our separate ways
Before you look back at me
どこかへ行こう 四月の零す
ため息に乗せて 遠くまで
The rain falling just as forecasted
Wets the fresh, sprouting tree branches
Let’s go somewhere, riding the sighs
Spilling out of April, far away
When things went askew for us one spring
Surely that was when our tomorrows slipped past each other
From this and that, they were embarrassing days
It seems like the world’s dearly
Impartial time has come
桜 ふたりの夜を埋めた微睡みでした
巡り合う想い 来し方行く末
集い ひとひら ふたひら彩る
それは 夢と見紛うほどの悪戯でした
やがて夜が来る前に 伝えなくちゃ
Sakura, they were a slumber that shrouded our nights
Thoughts of running into each other, bygones and forthcomings,
Meeting― with one petal, two petals, they’re painted
They were a cruel joke that could have been mistaken for a dream
Before the night soon comes, I have to tell you
手繰り 結いた息吹
幾許もない それ��も怖い
Our hand-spun, bound breaths
And our remaining time
Won’t last much longer, but I’m still scared
My deep-rooted heart is so frustrating
I’m not so weak that I would lose heart
Just so that I could generally buy
Our currently common farewells
This world is as equally simple as
A flower that scatters when it blooms
それは 今際の際を越えた指切りでした
ゆくりなくも 夢のような時を辿る
It was a pinky promise that surpassed our dying moments
Unexpectedly, dream-like time is pursued
心残りだって ないわけないけど
ありがとう ありがとう
あの頃よりも 前を向けたよ
It’s not that I don’t have any regrets but
In the wavering, moonless night, they dance in the sky
Thank you, thank you
I was able to face forward more than I could before
桜 キミと出会えたことが幸せでした
巡り合う想い 来し方行く末
集い ひとひら ふたひら彩る
Sakura, being able to meet you was bliss
Thoughts of running into each other, bygones and forthcomings,
Meeting― with one petal, two petals, they’re painted
The rains that try to stop us from leaving, that deny the moonlit nights where I follow you
It could have been mistaken for a dream
That moment could have been mistaken for love
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joyousnudibranch · 3 years
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I have dreams, big and small. Big ones take longer to come true. I know that well. On the other hand, looks like some small ones are coming true recently, one after another.
And learning how to fillet a huge fish -- like Japanese amberjack -- was one of them. :) 私には大小さまざまな夢があり、大きなものは当然、すぐには叶わない。一方小さな夢のほうは、どうもこのところ、次々と叶ってきてる様子で。 大きな魚--ブリとか--を捌けるようになりたい、というのも、その一つでした。
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When I say a big fish, it’s THIS big (or bigger). My hometown is a small fishing village and Japanese amberjack is the main source of local fishermen’s income. Every year in early spring, when big schools of Japanese amberjack migrate to this area, the locals rush to the fishing port to buy good ones. The fish will be on their dinner table and sent to their families and relatives living far away. Usually it’s men’s job to fillet the huge fish. But in my neighborhood, some housewives can do it, too, and I’ve been wanting to be able to do it myself. Why? Well, my dad is a stockholder of the local fixed-net fishermen’s union (or something) and our family can buy their fish much cheaper than the market price. So it used to be our family tradition to buy one whole J. amberjack and have dad fillet it. But now he became too old for that and our family stopped buying a whole J. amberjack because 1) asking someone to fillet it for us is not easy, and 2) with my old parents eating less these days, buying a whole big fish is wasteful. It was such a shame not using our privilege. When I really wanted to taste J. amberjack, the only way was buying expensive, less fresh fillet at the store! Of course I wasn’t happy about that. Then I started thinking... ... What if I learn to fillet the fish myself? What if I find someone to teach me how to do that and to share the fish with? 大きな魚、と言えば最低このくらいのサイズのこと。 ウチの辺りでは、毎春のブリ漁が地域の収入の要。ブリのシーズンには、住民が港に駆け付けて、家で堪能するぶんと、離れて住む家族や親せきに送るぶんとをシッカリ確保します。 捌くのは普通男性の仕事だけど、この辺りではオバチャンでも出来る人がいます。そして、私も捌けるようになりたいとずっと思っていて。 というのも、ウチは父が地元の定置網の組合の株を持ってるので、まるごとのブリを流通価格より安く買える。なので、毎年1匹まるごとを買って、父が捌くのが恒例行事だったのでした。 が、歳のせいで父がもう捌けなくなり、加えて、今や両親の食が細く、まるまる1匹買っても食べきれないから、もう買うなということになり。それからは、どうしてもブリのシーズンに食べたくなったら、店で高い切り身を少量買うだけに。せっかく大量に安く買って、この土地ならではの贅沢を堪能できる特権があるのに、なんと悲しいこと..。 と、そのうち思いついたのが、 「誰かに捌き方を習って、私が自分で捌いたら?その教えてくれる人と、捌いたブリを半分こすれば、無駄にもならないのでは?」
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THAT was the small dream that has come true this time. :D I found the “someone,” a perfect private tutor! As for the place, the sturdy big sink in the ex-garage at Craft House seemed ideal. Now I’m not sure what processes the English word “fillet” can actually include, but when we deal with this whole J. amberjack, we have to deal with the head, too. ※ So, here’s a warning. If you’re not from the culture of cooking/eating huge fish head, some of the following photos may look gross and I may look like a savage. I can just hope that you find a different culinary culture interesting rather than disgusting...
それが、今回叶った、ささやかな夢。 捌き方を教えてくれて、ブリを半分もらってくれる人が見つかりました! 捌く場所は、しおさい庵の元車庫のほうにある古い頑丈な流し台がベスト!
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I bought this early in the morning at the fishing port. これを朝イチで港で購入。
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With the private tutor’s help, I worked on the fish... 先生の見本をみて、助けてもらいながら、捌く...
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Yep, in the local traditional culinary culture, the head of J. amberjack is not thrown away. And to eat it, you need to halve it. I used to think that only strong men could do that, but my tutor said that it’s not about power but knowing exactly where to cut. 郷土の食文化では、ブリの頭も捨てません。食べるには、半分にカチ割らねば。ここが、男性の腕力でないとムリだろうと思ってた部分なんだけど。が、教わったところによると、正しい位置に包丁の刃が入れば、そんなに力入れなくても割れるものらしい。
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I managed to do that. なんとか出来た♬ 
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Yeah, we did a decent job! We packed the fillet, halved head and collars in an ice-filled styrofoam box. Actually, the head and collars are the delicacy. And our hard work was followed by...
コレ、けっこううまく出来たのではないかと。^^) 身と半割の頭とカマを、氷詰め。 そしてこの一仕事の後には...
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... an outdoor BBQ at a friend’s place! 友達のお宅の庭で、BBQという段取り!
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Anything tastes good when grilled over binchotan charcoal, but it’s especially so when the fish and vegetables are really fresh and locally caught/grown. 備長炭で焼けばなんでも美味しいけど、それが特に、地元で獲れたばかりの魚と畑からの野菜だとコレはもう... 💕💗
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And these are the delicacy: halved heads and collars. They taste the best if grilled this way while they are very fresh (which means the fish fat is fresh). On the other hand, I like to wait like overnight before I eat the fillet as sashimi (sliced raw fish). The flesh of J. amberjack is rather tough when it is too fresh. I’d rather wait until it is softer and have more inosinic acid. 
Anyway, seasoned with salt made from Deep Seawater, they tasted heavenly.
備長炭でこんがり焼けた頭とカマ。 もぉこの美味さ!!この料理のためには、ゼッタイ獲れたてがいいですね。 魚の脂が古くならないうちに焼けばこその、臭みのない美味しい脂の香ばしさ!深層水の塩だけのシンプルな味付けが、ほんとうのうまみをひきたてて。もう夢中で骨に付いた身をほじってほじって、これがまた白いご飯に合うこと合うこと! 忘れられない美味さでした。
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Unexpected addition: seared largescale blackfish. 予定外に手に入ったグレでタタキも。
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The BBQ was just great. It was definitely an unforgettable afternoon. 何もかも、楽しくて、美味しさに感動して、 ホントに忘れられないBBQとなりました。
................. And, as I mentioned above, I waited overnight to make these sashimi and sushi. で、上でも言ったように、刺身と寿司は1晩寝かせた身で翌日に。
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Almost every year, I enjoy J. amberjack, but it was very special this year because I prepared the food from scratch and the BBQ with my friends added such a special moment. How lucky I am!!!  :D :D
ほぼ毎年、ブリ料理は楽しんでるけど。 今年は特別で格別!!まるごとを捌けるようになったし、友達との特別な時間の幸せな思い出が出来たしで。 私は本当にシアワセものだ...!
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newhologram · 4 years
Kamaitachi - Kyary Pamyu Pamyu lyrics and translation
Usual disclaimer: I’m a JP student, not fluent, still learning. I also try not to do literal translations because it can feel stale. It’s more important to me to preserve the feeling than to give you a boring direct translation. Translation notes: The song and video are full of many cultural references that don’t exactly have translations. I got a little creative, but here are some notes to help enjoy the video even more. 
Kyary’s first look is based on Tang Sanzang (Sanzou Houshi), the Buddhist monk from Journey to the West. Her second is a Kamaitachi, a Japanese weasel youkai with scythe-like claws, known for riding on cyclones and cutting people.
Even though she’s a Kamaitachi and not a monkey, her character and the relationship to Tang Sanzang is a lot like Sun Wukong (Son Gokuu) from Journey to the West. Being mischievous, eating enchanted peaches, being tied by by fate. I wonder if the question is, “Son Gokuu rides on a cloud, so what if he were actually a Kamaitachi riding on the wind?” A Kamaitachi that can’t cut its own string of fate.
Aka-ito: the red string of fate that connects us to our soulmate. In this video, it’s the pink string of fate.
Houraisan aka Mt. Penglai: a magical land in Chinese mythology that made its way to Japan. Also called the Island of Immortals or Treasure Island. 
Idzuna: a kind of fox-spirit, but another name of Kamaitachi. It’s also the name of the sorcery that uses these youkai to possess people. 
Kamakiri-zaka: I translated this as Break Up Hill for context, but other readings could be Scythe Slash Hill or Praying Mantis Hill. This seems to reference Engiri Jinja or a ties-cutting shrine that people would go to cut the string of fate so that they would no longer be attached to someone or something. This isn’t always romantic, it can be leaving toxic friends or an old job.
Kyary is playing two soulmates resisting their fate. The Kamaitachi succeeded in possessing the monk in his sleep, but then realized they were soulmates. Her buddies tried to cut the string but it didn’t work. She went about her life, but being tied to this person left her almost like a zombie, so she left to fix it. The characters venture far in the dream-land together to try “breaking up”. In the end, they’re fated and the string remains. 
FANSUB HERE Gifsets will be in my gifs tag More translations Like my J-Pop translations? Donate to my ko-fi or become a Patron. Translation, romaji, and kana below.
Hypnotic and breezy is the splendor of spring The wind blows to the future beyond Treasure Island Shining Shining, sunrises and fragrant jasmine tea The more I fall in love, the closer I am to my dreams
Shalalang Ring-Ring Crushin' on You Shalalang Ring-Ring Crushin' on You Shalalang Ring-Ring Crushin' on You
Thunderbolt! Kamaitachi! At the speed of lightning I can see right through this puppy love, but the thread of fate can't be broken A whirlwind of change is coming, though your heart may stumble This jinx won't hurt one bit, our delicate love upon Break Up Hill
My sleepy brain was in a trance, time to wakey-wakey Like an empty vessel, my heart was missing something A steady whoosh of wind takes me to the East Sea I'll miss you more every thousand years
Shalalang Ring-Ring Crushin' on You Shalalang Ring-Ring Crushin' on You Shalalang Ring-Ring Crushin' on You
Come get dolled up, it's Kawaii Magic Before the lotus flower withers away Infatuation can be so cruel, but this dream of ours can't be broken
Thunderbolt! Kamaitachi! Though your heart may stumble This jinx won't hurt one bit, our delicate love upon Break Up Hill
Zzz... Zzz...
Shalalang Ring-Ring Crushin' on You Shalalang Ring-Ring Crushin' on You Shalalang Ring-Ring Crushin' on You
Thunderbolt! Kamaitachi! At the speed of lightning I can see right through this puppy love, but the thread of fate can't be broken A whirlwind of change is coming, though your heart may stumble This jinx won't hurt one bit, our delicate love upon Break Up Hill
Zzz... Zzz...
----- saimin saimin soyosoyo to haru no urara no houraisan no mukougawa mirai he to kaze ga fuku Shining Shining hi ga nobori kaoru sanpin TII koi ni koi ni ochiru hodo yume ni todoku tte
shararan rinrin renren rin shararan rinrin renren rin shararan rinrin renren rin
kaminari kamaitachi dengeki no sokudo de koigokoro mitooshita demo kono ito wa kirenai henka no tsumujikaze kokoro ga tsumadzuite mo itakunai sono idzuna awai koi kamakiri-zaka
saimin saimin nemutai nou shakishaki to shite shinkuukan no sore kurai kokoro ga nuketeita suisui fuufuu kaze ga fuku higashi no umi he ryoukai senmei tatsu hodo ni hito ga koishikute
shararan rinrin renren rin shararan rinrin renren rin shararan rinrin renren rin
omekashi Kawaii magic renge chitte shimau made koi mo kitto setsunakute demo kono yume wa kirenai
kaminari kamaitachi kokoro ga tsumadzuite mo itakunai sono izuna awai koi kamakiri-zaka
shararan rinrin renren rin shararan rinrin renren rin shararan rinrin renren rin
kaminari kamaitachi dengeki no sokudo de koigokoro mitooshita demo kono ito wa kirenai henka no tsumujikaze kokoro ga tsumadzuite mo itakunai sono idzuna awai koi kamakiri-zaka
催眠催眠 そよそよと 春のうららの 蓬莱山の向こう側 未来kへと風が福 Shining Shining 日が昇り 香るさんぴんティー 恋に恋に落ちるほど 夢に届くって
しゃららん りんりん 恋々凛 しゃららん りんりん 恋々凛 しゃららん りんりん 恋々凛
カミナリ かまいたち 電撃の速度で 恋心見透した でもこの糸は切れない 変化の つむじ風 心がつまづいても 痛くない そのイヅナ 淡い恋 鎌切り坂
催眠催眠 眠たい脳 しゃきしゃきとして 真空管のそれくらい 心が抜けていた すいすいふうふう風が吹く 東の海へ 了解千年経つほどに 人が恋しくて
しゃららん りんりん 恋々凛 しゃららん りんりん 恋々凛 しゃららん りんりん 恋々凛
おめかし Kawaii magic 蓮華散ってしまうまで 恋もきっと切なくて でもこの夢は切れない
カミナリ かまいたち 心がつまずいても 痛くない そのイズナ 淡い恋 鎌切り坂
しゃららん りんりん 恋々凛 しゃららん りんりん 恋々凛 しゃららん りんりん 恋々凛
カミナリ かまいたち 電撃の速度で 恋心見透した でもこの糸は切れない 変化の つむじ風 心がつまづいても 痛くない そのイヅナ 淡い恋 鎌切り坂
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violettranslations · 4 years
Nadeshiko color Heart (撫子色ハート)
カルマに絡まり 身をゆだね落ちゆけど 極楽も地獄も 世に旧りてつれづれに 文明開化の鐘鳴らし やいやいと さあ、そこのけそこのけ運命よ 私が通る I’m tangled up in karma, and though I surrender myself to it and fall to ruin, time passes tediously in paradise, hell, and on earth. The bells of civilization toll demandingly. Now, move aside, move aside, ‘destiny!’ I’m coming through.¹ 揃えた前髪 見据えるは花の道 楽あれば苦あれど 渡世は波瀾に満ち 砂上の戯れ言 馬鹿げた論も飽き飽きだ さあ、お茶の子さいさい アヴァンギャルドを描くのさ Through my neatly kept bangs, I fix my eyes on the flower path.² Though where there is joy, there is sorrow. I’m steeped in a turbulent livelihood. A flimsy prank--I’m getting tired of these absurd theories. Now, it’s a piece of cake; I’ll draw it avant-garde! 今宵は 浅き夢に酔いしれるの あざける がらんどうな時代の中で 手のひら翻させてやればいいさ 明日は誰も知らない Tonight, I’ll get drunk on shallow dreams. I jeer within these hollow times. I’ve only gotta make you do an about-face. No one knows what tomorrow holds. 花よいろはと 狂おしく染まれ 嗚呼 歌って踊って笑って泣いて恋をして 気高く凛として生きて 散るために咲いた命じゃない 死するまで征く この世界を彩るように O flowers, be dyed madly along with the iroha! Ah, sing, dance, laugh, cry, and fall in love. Live nobly and commandingly-- this isn’t a life that bloomed only to scatter in the wind. Until the day I die, I’ll go forth--in order to color this world. 在りし日のかの思ゐでが 鬼の面して通せんぼ 宛てた恋文そらんずる 知らん顔して傘回す Memories of those olden days twist into the faces of demons and stand in my way. I recite from memory the love letter I’d addressed to someone. Feigning ignorance, I spin my umbrella around. あれやこれやと思えども 此の刹那さえ仇桜 紡いだ糸を綯い交ぜど やまとなでしこ一日にしてならず Though I think of this and that, even this instant proves fleeting like the cherry blossoms. Though I entwine the woven strings together, the ideal woman isn’t cultivated in a day.³ 行けども行けども見えるのは未知の道 鷹の目も鵜の目も 賽の目は読めないし I walk on and on, and come upon an unknown path. Not even the eyes of a hawk⁴ can count the eyes on a die. 遅かれ早かれ この波は千早振る さあ、大船に乗り イデオロギーを越えるのさ Sooner or later, these waves will grow fierce. Now, I’ll rest assured and surpass ideology. 今宵は 満ちる月を背に唄おう 残りの人生 最初の此の時を 見果てぬ夢に終わる未来としても 死ねない 生きてる限り Tonight, let us sing with the waxing moon at our backs! Even if this initial moment of the life we have left leads to a future that ends in unfulfilled dreams, we can’t die as long as we’re alive. 花よいろはと 狂おしく染まれ 嗚呼 歌って踊って笑って泣いて恋をして 気高く凛として生きて 散るために咲いた命じゃない O flowers, be dyed madly along with the iroha! Ah, sing, dance, laugh, cry, and fall in love. Live nobly and commandingly-- this isn’t a life that bloomed only to scatter in the wind. 奏でしことば 旋律に乗せて 嗚呼 ざっくりばらんと綴った明日に夢を見て 短し青き春 疾走れ 当たっても砕けず前に行こうか I set the words I play to a tune, ah, I dream of the tomorrow that I’ve spelled out so frankly. Sprint through the short, youthful spring!⁵ Shall we just go on ahead, rather than take a chance and fail? 願うだけでは届かない だから歩き出そう If all you do is wish, your desire won’t be heard. That’s why we’re going to start moving forward! 生まれた意味なんてわからなくて だけど 淡い夢を抱き現実を生きて 思い通りじゃない世界だけど 芽生えたなら咲かせましょう 一度きりの此の人生 Sure I don’t quite know why I was born, but I’ll embrace my fleeting dreams and live in reality. This world never quite goes how you’d want, but if we’re to bud anyway, then we might as well bloom! In this one-time-only life. ¹This appears to be a reference to 運命よ、そこをどけ。俺が通る which the internet is trying to convince me is a quote from Michael Jordan the famous basketball player, but I cannot for the life of me find a record of a similar quote in English and what’s passed around as the English translation is almost certainly not something a native English speaker would ever say. ²This could always simply refer to a path of flowers, but it seems worth noting that there is a flower path in Japan; it’s a paved road lined with many flowering trees and plants that connects Hankyuu Takarazuka Station to the Takarazuka Revue. It’s something of a tourist spot; a small webpage can be found here. ³The word used here is やまとなでしこ, a name that refers to the Japanese conceptualization of the ideal woman. ⁴This comes from the expression ウの目タカの目, literally “eyes of a cormorant, eyes of a hawk” but perhaps more readably “eyes of a predator.” ⁵In the context of youth or springtime, the word 青 (usually ”blue”) often becomes “green” instead, referring to the color of spring, youthfulness, and inexperience. With that in mind, this line could also be “Sprint through the short, green spring!”
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kirbypost-generator · 5 years
Green Tree Memories comparison
This post covers spoiler content from Super Kirby Clash, so I’ll be putting it under a readmore.
Green Tree Memories! It’s the first proper vocal song in the Kirby seriesーwhile The Noble Haltmann received an official vocal performance outside of the game, and Song of Supplication... has lyrics you could hypothetically TRY to sing, this is the first time a vocal song, with actually sung lyrics, has played in a game itself. Furthermore, it has two versions, depending on if you play the game in Japanese or English. 
I was curious about how those two versions matched up, so I directly translated the Japanese version. Personally, I was pleased by its accuracyーit’s not 1:1, of course, as being overly literal in a song translation is a bad idea, but it got the idea of the song pretty well. 
Following is the Japanese lyrics, a romanization, a direct translation, and the English lyrics for comparison. Note that the English transcript might be off due to the singer’s accent. People seem to have varying takes on some of the words.
グリーンツリーメモリーズ (Japanese)
君と僕らが出会い 思い出を語るメモリーズ 手をつないで歩いた日々も 夢のようだねと笑う
一人よりも二人 三人より四人 出会いのページを巡り 物語の旅へ
大きな緑の木 見る見る実ったら あの木の下へ集まろう やる気勇気百倍
涙枯れ果てても 挫けちゃっても 心の剣を翳そう 照らし出すのは未来さ
ポカポカ春の日も ブルブル雪の日も 思い出ページを巡り 物語は続く
大きな赤い実が 見る見る実ったら 食べちゃうお腹もいっぱい やる気勇気百倍
涙枯れ果てても 挫けちゃっても 心の剣を翳そう 照らし出すのは未来さ
心の剣を翳そう 星空に夢を描こう
君と僕らが出会い 思い出を語るメモリーズ あの木の下で歌を歌おう いつかその夢も 叶う
Green Tree Memories (Romanization)
Kimi to bokura ga deai Omoide o kataru memories Te o tsunaide aruita hibi mo Yume no you da ne to warau
Hitori yori mo futari Sannin yori yonnin Deai no pēji o meguri Monogatari no tabi e
Ōkina midori no ki Mirumiru minottara Ano ki no shita e atsumarou Yaruki yūki hyakubai
Namida karehatete mo Kujikechatte mo Kokoro no ken o kazasou Terashidasu no wa mirai sa
Pokapoka haru no hi mo Buruburu yuki no hi mo Omoide pēji o meguri Monogatari wa tsuzuku
Ōkina akai mi ga Mirumiru minottara Tabechau onaka mo ippai Yaruki yūki hyakubai
Namida karehatete mo Kujikechatte mo Kokoro no ken o kazasou Terashidasu no wa mirai sa
Kokoro no ken o kazasou Hoshizora ni yume o egakou
Kimi to bokura ga deai Omoide o kataru memories Ano ki no shita de uta o utaou Itsuka sono yume mo Kanau
Green Tree Memories (Direct translation)
You and us meet And talk of our memories Hands held, walking through the days Laughing, as if a dream
Two is better than one And four is better than three Turning the pages of our meeting To the journey in our story
A big green tree - When those sparkling fruits ripen Let's gather under that tree Vigor re-inspired
Though tears dried up And disheartened Raise up the sword of your heart The future shines out from within
On hot spring days And shivery snowy days Turning the pages of our memories And the story continues
Big red fruits - When those sparkling fruits ripen Let's eat till our stomachs are full Vigor re-inspired
Though tears dried up And disheartened Raise up the sword of your heart The future shines out from within
Raise up the sword of your heart And paint your dreams in the starry sky
You and us meet And talk of our memories Let's sing a song under that tree And someday... It'll make those dreams come true
Green Tree Memories (official translation)
Another life of you renewed for me Let's talk about all our precious memories Hand in hand, remember all the special days we had Like a dream, every little thing makes me glad
One, two, three, and maybe four Making friends and we'll be making more Then turn the page, all about a new journey Write a chapter to a story
Underneath the big green tree That's where we gather, you and me When the fruit hanging on the tree is gone Inspiration fills us with a thought
Even when the times are kind of rough Nothing will be enough Raise up the spirit of your soul And the future will be ours, I know
Sun shining down in the springtime Snowy days in the wintertime Turn the page, and find out what we're gonna do When we let the story continue
Underneath the big green tree Red fruit ripe enough to eat Let's have it all, fill it up and then we'll go Inspiration fills us with a thought
Even thought the times are kinda rought Nothing will be enough Raise up the spirit of your soul Then the future will be ours, I know
Raise up the spirit of your soul Paint the starry sky with dreams, and grow
Another life of you renewed for me Let's talk about all our precious memories Hand in hand, under the tree, let's sing about our dream Someday, it will come true Just believe
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kiejin · 5 years
Kizuato by Centimilimental
キヅアト Given | ギヴン
雨 晴れ 曇り
ねぇ 僕の中の痛みも見てよ
雨 晴れ 曇り
気付かぬように 心殺してるの
いまでも いつまでも
聞こえてる まだリアルな
聞こえてる まだリアルな
雨 晴れ 曇り
雨 晴れ 曇り
Whatever you left behind
Became my everything
Days keep going
With a wound stuck in my heart
If you pull it out forcefully it's gonna bleed endlessly
So it's best to leave it alone
Rainy, Sunny and Cloudy
Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, 365 days
You remain in all of them
Dig them out,
Take away these memories
The voice that wouldn't reach
Makes me suffer again
Search deeper
Take a look at this pain inside of me
Whatever you left behind
Became my everything
Bonds and hope are too bright for me
I can't keep my eyes open
But still I peek with one eye
I need to see them
Rainy, Sunny and Cloudy
Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, 365 days
You remain in all of them
Even if I meet you in my dreams
It's meaningless, you are not here
I see it again and again
The image of you from that day
I want to see you all the time
I've killed my heart so I won't notice
So many things you left behind
Now and forever
I still hear it, It's still so real
Your breath, It becomes a part of me
For sure
I still hear it, It's still so real
Your heartbeat, It becomes a part of me
You become me
I become you
Rainy, Sunny and Cloudy
Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, 365 days
Rainy, Sunny and Cloudy
Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, 365 days
I feel you in all of them
Dig them out,
Take away everything
My wish from that regretful night
I lock it deep within
Dive in deep
I'll protect you sleeping there
Whatever you left behind
Became my everything
Whatever you left behind
Became my life
source: https://www.animesonglyrics.com/given/kizuato
P/s: Even the MV tells the story 😭
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