lagycart · 2 years
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ume tei 梅亭, mytown shopping center.
came here for food with family as we wanted to visit ikea which is next door, and this place has good reviews. their menu has lots of different set meals to choose from, which is suitable for families and groups to suit different preferences.
i picked the vegetable nabe with grilled salmon set, it comes with white rice, pickles and a small bowl of french beans and jelly as well. the soup has really strong ginger taste, if you love ginger, you will enjoy this soup very much, for me it was alright since i’m not a fan of ginger. the salmon is good, not too cooked or dry, just perfect moisture and the lemon and radish is a good compliment.
overall service here is good, their staff are quite responsive even though the restaurant is full, did not wait too long for all our food to arrive as well. other set meals ordered by my family was also nice and we enjoyed it. the pricing is also rather reasonable which is a huge plus point. and the best part about this place is that it’s inside a bookstore, the interior and surroundings are just so nice.
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onyomugan34 · 4 months
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furoshikiyan · 5 months
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kazurinzzz · 2 years
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晩ごはんは、梅干しごはんでした。 #晩ごはん #おうちごはん #焼き海苔 #梅干し #マルコメ料亭の味わかめ #とろろ昆布 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkKyHF7r8V2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hirotsugukrinkle · 27 days
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awajibaikundo · 8 months
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2845-1 Ei,Awaji,Hyogo,656-1531,Japan
淡路梅薫堂 店舗
淡路梅薫堂江井工場 チソウギャラリー
#お線香ギフト アマゾン prime3500円
#線香ギフト Amazon prime 3800円
amazon prime 5500円
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roundtripjp · 11 months
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vk-ento · 2 years
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きのうのビール キリン ラガービール KIRIN LAGER BEER 昨日はお昼に新梅田食堂街の、洋食・自由亭さんへお邪魔しました。 お昼からビール、すみません。 お昼からビールは美味しいですね。 オトモはトンテキ定食のご飯無し。 「それじゃあトンテキ単品じゃねぇか?」と言う声も聞こえてきそうですが、お味噌汁が付いてくるのでこれはいただきました。 #ビール写真 #beerstagram #beer #キリンビール #きのうのビール #乾杯 #cheers🍻 #santé #prost #キリンラガー #ラガービール #kirinlager #kirinlagerbeer #kampai #kirinbeer #ビール #飲酒タグラム #瓶ビール #洋食自由亭 #新梅田食堂街 (洋食&ビール 自由亭 新梅田店) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch8GKV2B7eE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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koji-yoshioka · 2 years
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•••• 中華そば&よだれ鶏の丼 @ 柴崎亭梅ヶ丘 ナント梅ヶ丘のSIBASAKITEI+が夏季はアイスクリーム屋さんになってしまうということで、本日が最終日。 再開は11月ということですが、昨日Twitterでうまそうな茄子の冷やしラーメンがあがってたので、それを目当てに来たところ、見事に売り切れ。 こういうときは焦らずド•ベーシックの中華そば一択。最近冷やしラーメンばかりで実はこういうのが食べたかったのかも。 後は梅ヶ丘のアイデンティティーの本日のサービス丼を付けてお昼といたしました。 また秋口に。 #柴崎亭梅ヶ丘店 #夏季はアイスクリーム店 #中華そば #よだれ鶏丼 #ラーメン #ラーメン部 #ラーメン倶楽部 #らーめん #らーめん部 #らーめん倶楽部 #中華麺 #チャンポン #タンメン #ramennoodles #ramen #ramenshop #ramenlover #ラーメンインスタグラム #ラーメンインスタグラマー (柴崎亭) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgisHpWvS2w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wlwcatalogue · 11 months
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Female Queer Icons of Hong Kong // Yam Kim Fai (任劍輝) and Pak Suet Sin (白雪仙)
Photo 1: Promotional photo for 1955 contemporary movie The Model and the Car (玉女香車) (no video available) (Source: LCSD Museum Collection Search Portal)
Photo 4: Photo from Sin Fung Ming Opera Troupe's 1958 trip
Photo 5: Photo from a 1962 newspaper feature on Yam, Pak, and others at their (?) summer villa in Central, Hong Kong
Photo 6: Christmas celebrations with Yam, Pak, and their protégés of the Chor Fung Ming Troupe
Far and away the most iconic duo in Cantonese opera, Yam Kim Fai (任劍輝) and Pak Suet Sin (白雪仙) – commonly referred to simply as Yam-Pak (任白) – were famed for their partnership both on and off the stage… Click below to learn more!
Edit on 28/07/2023: Updated to link to a photo of the entrance to the Hong Kong Heritage Museum’s Pop Culture 60+ exhibit, and to add information regarding Yam and Pak's marriage status.
Iconic? How?
Yam-Pak are the face of Cantonese opera; you can't talk about the latter without mentioning the former. It's to the point where a gigantic picture of them graces the entrance to the Hong Kong Heritage Museum’s permanent exhibition on Hong Kong pop culture’s evolution across the past 60 years (“Hong Kong Pop 60+”) - they are the first thing you see upon entering!
Best known as the originators - with Yam playing the male leads and Pak the female leads - of five masterpieces of Cantonese opera, namely:
1. Princess Cheung Ping (帝女花) 2. The Legend of the Purple Hairpin (紫釵記) 3. The Dream Tryst in the Peony Pavilion (牡丹亭驚夢) 4. The Reincarnation of Lady Plum Blossom (再世紅梅記) 5. Butterfly and Red Pear Blossom (蝶影紅梨記) (Note: Princess Cheung Ping, Purple Hairpin, and Butterfly and Red Pear Blossom were made into abridged movie versions, with the Sin Fung Ming troupe members reprising their roles from the theatre productions. Also, the "Fragrant Sacrifice" (香夭) duet from Princess Cheung Ping (movie clip) is one of - if not the most - famous songs in Cantonese opera.)
Yam and Pak were the leading pair and co-founders of the legendary Sin Fung Ming Opera Troupe (仙鳳鳴劇團; 1956-1961), which is widely held to have pushed Cantonese opera forward as an artform due to Pak and scriptwriter Tong Tik Sang’s (唐滌生) emphasis on poetic libretti and adapting source material from Chinese literature and history. (Note: it has been common practice since the 1930's for Cantonese opera troupes to be founded by key actor(s).)
They were also very active in the Hong Kong film industry in the 1950's, being paired in over 40 movies together across roughly 8 years. One of those – the aforementioned Butterfly and Red Pear Blossom (蝶影紅梨記) – is the sole Cantonese opera movie on the Hong Kong Film Archive’s 100-Must See Hong Kong Movies list (IMDB list / archived version of the official PDF). It's a well-deserved inclusion - check out this beautifully-shot dance scene.
Even their post-retirement activities had a significant effect on the industry! In the early 1960’s, they held auditions for prospective students and provided - for free - systematic, hands-on training to those who passed; Yam and Pak even hired other veterans to teach skills they personally were not as familiar with. Prior to this, apprentices were expected to learn primarily from observing their masters, and to pay handsomely for the privilege. Yam-Pak’s methods proved exceedingly effective: the Chor Fung Ming Opera Troupe (雛鳳鳴劇團; 1963-1992) starring their apprentices reigned supreme in the 1970’s-1980’s. Following this success, Cantonese opera institutes - most notably the major 1900s-era guild, the Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong (八和會館) - started to offer systematic coaching to young hopefuls in the 1980's.
Okay, so why are they queer icons specifically?
The lazy answer is that they're queer icons because nearly all of Yam's roles were male, so Gender is involved by default, and since most hit Cantonese operas of the time were romances, that means you get to see two female actors performing being in love onscreen (and also on stage, but there aren't any video recordings from back then). So far, so Takarazuka Revue.
Female actors playing male roles in Cantonese opera To give some context, each Cantonese opera performer specialises in one of four major role-types, and Yam was a sung (生) - i.e. an actor specialised in playing standard male roles. Female sung were fairly common in the 1910's-1930's due to women being banned from performing with men during that period, but when the ban lifted in the mid-1930's, many troupes shifted towards cis-casting. Yam was pretty much the only one whose popularity survived the transition. Just take a look at the huge number of Cantonese opera movies produced during the 1950’s-1960’s – you’ll be hard-pressed to find a female sung other than Yam, let alone one with top billing. Happily, thanks to Yam's immense popularity, her profilic film career (over 300 movies!), and the prominence of Sin Fung Ming works in the Cantonese opera canon, there has been a resurgence in female sung which endures to this day. Two noteworthy examples are Yam's protégé Sabrina Lee/ Loong Kim Sang (龍劍笙) - a star in her own right - and Joyce Koi/ Koi Ming Fai (蓋鳴暉), one of the biggest names still active in the industry. (Note: perhaps due to cinema being more "realistic" in nature, Yam's early movies often involved her playing female characters cross-dressing as men, including in some Cantonese opera movies. However, she received increasingly more male roles as her fame grew, and from the mid-1950's onwards she was playing male characters onscreen nearly exclusively-- even in non-Cantonese opera movies! See Photo 1 above.)
What sets Yam and Pak apart is that they were particularly known for their chemistry. Long before Sin Fung Ming's formation in 1956, the advertising copy for their first Cantonese opera movie together - Frolicking with a Pretty Maid in the Wineshop (酒樓戲鳳, 1952) - declared "Only this movie has Yam-Pak flirting on the silver screen" (source - 華僑日報 1952/05/23-26). And indeed, they were popular for their flirtatious duets: their Cantonese opera works invariably contained at least one, and such scenes made it into some of non-Cantonese opera (i.e. "contemporary") movies too. In fact, there are not one but two contemporary movies where Yam and Pak's characters are not paired up and yet still sing a duet together in such a way that their significant other(s) become convinced that the two are in romantically interested in each other - see 1952's Lovesick (為情顛倒) and 1956's The Happy Hall (滿堂吉慶) - a weirdly specific situation which doesn't crop up in the other, non-Yam-Pak movies I have seen.
Speaking of contemporary movies, let's talk about a certain plotline that keeps cropping up in works featuring the both of them and where Yam plays a woman! Six of the eleven movies which fit that criteria involve Yam's character cross-dressing as a man (a common characteristic across Yam's handful of female roles), and Pak's character falling for her. Nothing ever comes of it, of course, but, um. It was certainly a trend. Actually, even their very first movie together - 1951's Lucky Strike (福至心靈) - falls into this category.
Such storylines, and the emphasis on their chemistry, are particularly interesting given that both Yam and Pak remained ostensibly unmarried throughout. This was unusual for female performers of their stature, who tended to wed in their twenties, often to fellow-actors or wealthy men (e.g. Hung Sin Nui/紅線女, Fong Yim Fun/芳艷芬, and Tang Pik Wan/鄧碧雲)... In contrast, by the time Yam-Pak retired from the stage in 1961, they were both over 30 years old and without husbands.
Also, did I mention they were popularly believed to be living together? There doesn't seem to be any conclusive evidence either way... although it's a little strange that separate newspaper pictorials depicting "Yam at home" and "Pak at home" seem to be of the same location... however what is conclusive is that they did spent a lot of time together offstage. Pak has talked about how when they had no guests over, Yam would watch TV by herself while Pak was in the living room (source - p93), and protégé Mandy Fung/ Mui Suet Sze (梅雪詩) has said that Pak would sometimes cook for Yam at home (source - 03:53~). They would also celebrate birthdays, New Year's, and Christmas together (see Photo 6 for an example of the latter).
Shortly after Yam's passing in 1989, Pak set up the Yam Kim Fai and Pak Suet Sin Charitable Foundation (任白慈善基金) to support the arts and provide welfare for the elderly. In 1996, Pak made a large donation to Hong Kong University, resulting in one of the buildings being renamed Yam Pak Building (任白樓) in thanks (source).
Thanks for reading! Please feel free to DM me or send an ask if you have any questions, or are just interested in learning more.
If you made it here, have this bonus piece of trivia - Yam and Pak were also well-acquainted with Hong Kong's preeminent queer icon, Leslie Cheung (張國榮), who was a massive fan of theirs. Sadly there don't seem to be any pictures of them before Yam's passing, but here's one of Pak (centre) having afternoon tea with Cheung (left) and his long-term romantic partner Daffy Tong (唐鶴德) (right) at the Cova cafe in the Pacific Place shopping mall.
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ctl-yuejie · 7 months
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Izuei Umekawa-tei 伊豆榮 梅川亭
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onyomugan34 · 4 months
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mariobabyface · 7 months
お久しぶり、カウンター、その140 (^ー^)
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vivo daily stand 四ッ谷店
爽亭 JR池袋駅中央口
(今や閉店してしまった)大衆割烹 三州屋 銀座一丁目支店
モクシー 大阪新梅田
サードストーン 福島店
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kazurinzzz · 1 year
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夜酒と晩ごはんは、マイルドチェダーチーズ。魚肉ソーセージのマヨネーズ炒め。梅酒ごはんでした。 #夜酒 #おうちごはん #晩ごはん #マイルドチェダーチーズ #チーズ #ウイスキー #ブラックニッカ #焼酎 #魚肉ソーセージ #マヨネーズ #マヨネーズ炒め #玉ねぎ #梅干しごはん #梅干し #マルコメ #料亭の味 #とろろ昆布 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqXSrzIry02/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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myonbl · 14 days
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世界中の技術者とAppleFanが注目するイベント<WWDC24>、いつものように日本では深夜なので私は高いびき、朝起きてから内容を確認する。注目は何と言っても<Vision Pro>、<空間コンピューティングの時代が始まります>とのことだ。もちろん、私などが購入出来る代物ではないが、Appleの描く近未来が(かなり)手を伸ばせば触れることができるのだ。もっとも、年金生活者には伸ばしたところで届こうはずもないのだが・・・。
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hachikenyakaiwai · 5 months
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この二つの新地開発を請け負ったのは町人であり、その点で「町人請負新地」と呼ぶことができる。だが、開発の契機に注目してみると、曽根崎新地は大坂町奉行所の町触、つまり幕府の意向が開発の契機となっており、一方、西高津新地では町人が開発を出願している。その点で二つの新地を区別することができる(松永友和)。「新地開発をめぐる幕府政策と訴願運動-難波新地の開発を中心に-」関西大学史学・地理学会『史泉 巻108』2008より。
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