moko1590m · 5 months
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monogusadictionary · 5 months
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82mitsu · 5 months
{18Trip} The Mayor Wards' Oshi Quiz
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Ever find yourself in a bind when discovering a game and seeing there's so many bishounen and ikemen you just do not know who to pick as your oshi...!?
Well, 18TRIP's got you covered with their Oshi Quiz!
As the website says:
Answer to the 10 given questions, and we will predict which of the HAMA 18 Mayor Wards will end up in your top 3 as your potential oshi!
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Now that's not the only kicker, each top 3 candidate has their own little quip given on their ranking. This post will cover all questions, answers to the questions, and answers to the answers of your questions~!
BTW, big shoutout and thanks to @sasaranurude for extracting all of the quiz results, this wouldn't have been possible to have been put together so quick w/o their help!
EDIT: When this was originally posted, not all quiz forms were included, it has been done now! There should be a total of 3 variants of the quiz you can take.
So sit tight & make sure your seatbelts fastened, it's time to go on a ride and take the Oshi Quiz! (warning: very long translation under the cut)
Q1: What kind of atmosphere (cute, cool, elegant and such) do you prefer in terms of appearance?
A childlike (face) and charming atmosphere
A cold and mature atmosphere
Individualistic and unique atmosphere
What matters the most is on the inside.
Q2: What kind of personality are you fascinated by? 
A cheerful, charming disposition
One with gentle demeanor
From here on out questions may vary. You will either get quiz form A, B or C. The quiz itself does not randomize these questions and are rather different variants.
(A) What style of clothing are you attracted to? (どんな服装を魅力的に感じますか?)
Committed to being original
I don’t really pay attention to it
(B) What shape of eyes do you like? (目の形状の好みはありますか?)
Round eyes
Droopy eyes
Slanted eyes
Narrow/half-open eyes
I don't really pay attention to it
(C) What kind of person do you tend to like? (どんなスタイルの人を好きになりやすいですか?)
Tall type
Small type
I don't really pay attention to it
(A) When it comes to doing something, do you prefer the type that challenges new things, or the type that plays it safe? (何かをする際に、新しいことに挑戦するタイプ、安全を選ぶタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that challenges new things
The type that plays it safe
None of these are my type
(B) Which do you prefer, the type bad with crowds of people, or the the sociable type? (人混みが苦手なタイプ、人と交流するのが好きなタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type bad with crowds of people
The sociable type
None of these are my type
(C) Which do you prefer, the type that plans everything out, or the type that doesn't make plans? (物事を計画的に進めるタイプ、行き当たりばったりのタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that plans everything out
The type that doesn't make plans
None of these are my type
(A) Which do you prefer, the type that's open about his feelings, or the type that listens more than he speaks? (頻繁に意見を言うタイプ、聞く方が多いタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that's open about his feelings
The type that listens more than he speaks
None of these are my type
(B) Which do you prefer, the type that speaks what on his mind, or the type that bottles everything up? (本心を表情に出すタイプ、内に秘めるタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that speaks what on his mind
The type that bottles everything up
None of these are my type
(C) Which do you prefer, the type that worries about the small things, or the type that's open-minded? (細かいことを気にするタイプ、大らかなタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that worries about the small things
The type that's open-minded
None of these are my type
(A) Which do you prefer, the type that’s good at taking care of you, or the type that you want to care of? (面倒見が良いほうが良いタイプ、面倒見たくなるタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that’s good at taking care of you
The type that you want to care of
None of these are my type
(B) Which do you prefer, the type that is considerate towards others, or the type that speaks his mind without holding back? (他人を気遣い遠慮するタイプ、遠慮せずに意見を言うタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that is considerate towards others
Type that speaks his mind without holding back
None of these are my type
(C) Which do you prefer, the spontaneous type or the type that does as told? (自発的に行動するタイプ、言われたことをこなすタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The spontaneous type
The type that does as told
None of these are my type
(A) What is your type when it comes to how he feels about himself? (自分自身のことをどう思っているタイプが好き?)
He loves himself
He hasn’t no confidence
Doesn’t like nor dislike himself
Doesn’t dislike himself but does have an inferiority complex. 
(B) Would you prefer that he has a lot of experience in love? (恋愛経験は豊富なほうがよい?)
Having a lot is good
Not having a lot is good
A reasonable amount is good
Whichever is fine
(C) Would you prefer that he's carrying a lot of emotional baggage regarding his past? (重い過去を背負っているほうがよい?)
That's good
It's better to not let him get dragged down by it
Whichever is fine
(A) Imagine your ideal type, if he existed in reality, whether at work or at school, what kind of role would he be in your life? (あなたの理想のタイプが、実際に職場や同じクラスに存在したらどんなポジションになっていそうですか?)
He everyone’s favorite guy
The oddball within the group
You’re both involved with each other, for better or for worse
You keep your distance from each other
(B) Which unexpected side of him would be to your liking? (どんな意外な一面があると良いですか?)
A lonely side
A cold side
A family-oriented side
A clingy side
Unexpected sides are unneccessary
(C) Which type is to your liking when it comes to line of thinking? (どちらの思考タイプが好きですか?)
I like the type that enjoys causing burdens to others
I like the type that finds it fullfilling to put burdens on themselves
None of these are my type
(A) What is your preferred type when it comes to customer service to clients at a travel agency? (旅行代理店にきたお客さんにどんな接客をするタイプが好きですか?)
Receiving a lot of proposals in any kind of case
Carefully listens to your demands and then put everything nicely together in the end
Gives simple answers regarding the necessary information
Gives suggestions with a twist to them
(B) When facing thing's he's bad at, or scared of, what kind of reaction aligns with your type? (苦手なものや怖いものに直面した時、どんな反応をするタイプが好き?)
Gets meek and hates it / gets scared
Puts on a brave front
Pretends to be chill in order to not expose himself
(C) Imagine a situation where he has to lie, what kind of lie would you prefer? (もし嘘をつく場面があるとしたらどんなふうに嘘をつくタイプが好き?)
Lying as an act of self-protection
Lying for the sake of wanting to protect something else other than himself
Tells lies on the regular
Can't tell lies due to being honest (gets exposed)
(A) When travelling abroad with your family, what kind of behavior is to your liking? (家族と海外旅行にいくときにどんな行動をするタイプが魅力的ですか?)
Taking initiative and making plans
Leave the planning to family
If the plane ride and hotel is secured, simply succumbing to the flow of things
(B) When traveling abroad alone, what kind of behavior is to your liking ? (ひとりで海外旅行にいくときにどんな行動をするタイプが魅力的ですか?)
Everything is planned out to a T
Not making any plans, just letting yourself go with the flow
There's days where there's plans, and there's days where there aren't any plans
(C) When traveling abroad with your friends, what kind of behavior is to your liking (友人と海外旅行にいくときにどんな行動をするタイプが魅力的ですか?)
Taking initiative and making plans
Leave the planning to friends
Dividing the plans amongst friends
If the plane ride and hotel is secured, simply succumbing to the flow of things
Now after taking the quiz, you get your top 3. Each character reacts differently to where they ended up ranking. Now follows a translation of all of these quotes~ Here was my result, by the way!
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Again, big thanks to my friend for extracting all the info from the site to have made this possible. If you wish to see all of the original quotes as is, please send a MSG and I will privately provide the spreadsheet link.
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Renga Nishizono
FIRST: 1st place…!? I’m h-hap… Ahem, ahem. This is a natural outcome for a first class celeb like me! So um, do you want, like an autograph or…? 
SECOND: I’m grateful to be in 2nd place… but don’t you dare believe that makes me a second-rate celeb for ending up here!
THIRD: I, me out of all people, am in 3rd!? W-well, I’m content enough that I’m included… Wait, don’t tell me I ranked lower than Liguang, right!?
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Kafka Oguro
FIST: I thought it was a given how I’d end up being in 1st place for you, but… it still makes me happy. Obviously, you’re my number one too.♪ 
SECOND: 2nd place… Guess stuff like this isn’t out of the question. …Actually, no way Yukikaze is in first place… right?
THIRD: Grr… 3rd place, huh. Well, too bad I don’t know when to quit. Guess I’ll have to start planning out a strategy to become your number one. 
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Ten Murakumo
FIRST: My condolences for getting me in 1st~ lol. Ain’tcha got people often rattling off how your god awful taste in men won’t ever make you happy? 
SECOND: Yeah, 2nd place’s just comfy enough for both of us. How’ bout we go have the kinda fun you can’t get with Mr. First Choice? Lil missy. 
THIRD: Uwah~ Nice you got buncha guys to fawn over, eh. Well, seeing I’m here all on my own means I gotta give ya the cold shoulder treatment, no? 
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Yukikaze Kamina
FIRST: …Receiving a golden medal from you? I can’t contain my happiness. I’m going to end up cooking a boatload of gyoza at this rate tonight. 
SECOND: While the media might refer to me as the Silver Collector… I’ll work hard enough in order to become your gold.
THIRD: Even if I’m bronze to you, you will always be the gold prize to me… Remember that.
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Lu Liguang
FIRST: You want to be number one in the Lùróng Family...? So you got what it takes to carry out your duties, huh. If you do, I’ll also take a fair share of the responsibility.
SECOND: Your second choice is the Lùróng Family...? The likes of you wanting to be under my wing is quite a bold move. You’re funny, I’ll give you that.
THIRD: I get why you applied, but you’re not qualified given how your required level of competence isn’t there yet. You’re rejected. Go redo your application. 
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Akuta Isotake
FIRST: Ah, did I win Best Director and Male Leading Actor…!? Does this mean I’ll get treated to steak as congrats…?
SECOND: Oh, did I win Best Director and Male Supporting Actor…!? Are you gonna buy me my fav snacks as congrats…?
THIRD: C’mon I gotta be in 1st~ Pretty sure you need to pick the unique options and all for each question. So, how ‘bout one more round? 
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Kiroku Kinugawa
FIRST: …! …1st, place… As thanks… I’ll make you… a drawing. Do you have, any requests…?
SECOND: 2nd… Um, since my little sister, taught me, how to text by pager… “999”. D-did you, get what I said…? 
THIRD: …I’m not, that interesting… But… 3rd place… makes me happy. When I go pick up, my little sister… I’ll tell her. 
TL note: 999 is サンキュー(thanks) in pager code. 
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Nanaki Nanamegi
FIRST: Huh… I’m Chief’s number one…? To me, you’re obviously also, like, if I had to…! Ah, I’ll hit the character limit… 
SECOND: Um… I’m happy with being second. It’s like the second movement of a sonata… the gentle and quiet part so to speak, which I really love. 
THIRD: Of course I’m happy even if I’m in third. Being third out of 20 people, means we do have a lot of chemistry, right…? 
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Muneuji Kaguya
FIRST: The first star in our solar system is Mercury. Mercury is a small star yet has high density. That is the kind of man I wish to be. 
SECOND: The second star in our solar system is Venus. The temperature on the ground surface is approximately 470° degrees… Yet, there is a certain romance precisely because you can’t set foot on it. 
THIRD: Do you know what the third star in our solar system is? …Yes, that is our very own Earth that we live on. Therefore, the Earth must also be included in my gratitude.
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Ushio Kurama
FIRST: Getting me in 1st… you plan on stanning me? Hold up, who’s on the right side of the slash? I won’t hesitate to report you if you’re getting any weird ideas. 
SECOND: Seeing Reito getting 2nd in Patti-battle!’s third popularity poll made me happy and prou… Uh, nevermind me. 
THIRD: Times like these just calls for a character to go like, “Damnit, I lost to ___!”...I won’t be saying that though. 
TL note: Amongst JP otaku, ‘left’ or ‘right’ is a heated debate in ships, or fictional character pairings. On the left, you have the more dominating character, and on the right, you have the more submissive character. Be wary to not trigger any landmines when reversing the order… TL note2: Unsure how to read 礼人 precisely, so I have settled for Reito. This will be changed once more information has been revealed about Patti-battle!
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Raito Kitakata
FIRST: I’m happy to be in 1st place. By the way, there is a house style ramen restaurant that I have as number one on my recommendation list, how about we go there together? 
SECOND: I have a pet theory where a restaurant’s philosophy shines through its 2nd most popular item on the menu. Which means I ended up ranking in a significant place. 
THIRD: 3rd place, huh. I’m grateful but currently, more than anything, I have an intense craving to slurp on some noodles ASAP. I’ll catch you later. 
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Kinari Azekawa
FIRST: Verification of compliance with Master's ideals registered. Efforts will be made to elevate my performance further going forward. 
SECOND: Verification of the potential margin to elevate performance further registered. Feedback for the sake of becoming Master’s “bias” is kindly requested. 
THIRD: Verification of failure to comply with Master’s ideals registered. Room for improvement is present. Please input instructions for desired behavioral patterns. 
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Chihiro Natsuyaki
FIRST: Chii’s 1st in the bias ranking!? Isn’t your taste like way too good!? Gonna go sicko mode on the fanservice☆ 
SECOND: 2nd place means like, you’ll be on TV till the last sec even on survival shows, aka just the right amount of delish~ So I’mma leave a buncha marks on you♪
THIRD: 3rd! Just within reach… but, I’m happy enough for being included~ …Srsly, it’s like, heaven and hell.
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Tao Kinouchi
FIRST: Eh, me in 1st…? Uwah, kinda feeling humbled here, or well… Just in case, it’s not some prank or whatever like, right? 
SECOND: 2nd place’s also not for me. I wanna live up to expectations and stuff, but hearing others out is about all I can do… if that’s up your alley, then I’m always good to go.
THIRD: I’m just happy to end up ranking anything, but for me this is just right that I can sigh with relief and calm down. I was on edge earlier. 
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Kuguri Domeki
FIRST: To have me in 1st… How adorably pathetic. I’ll give you the mercy of touching my body as a reward. So, where would you like to feel me up the most?
SECOND: The 2nd place you want to touch is… my collarbones? …Hmmm. Not that I care much, but you have some banal, disappointing tastes. 
THIRD: Leaving me behind in 3rd… You have some nerve. Looks like someone wants to get retrained by me from scratch.
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Nagi Hachioya
FIRST: …Huh. I’m 1st? I’m so surprised I fail to understand… But as thanks…  I’ll become your servant for as long as you live. Or do I offer my kidney… 
SECOND: 2nd, thanks. I’m happy… Right, here’s a flower as some thanks… ah, nevermind… the bottom of the basket fell off… 
THIRD: 3rd… I don’t deserve this. As thanks you can have this horsetail. Did you know these are pretty delicious when used to cook tamago toji? 
TL note: Tamago toji is a Japanese soup dish where, for examples, vegetables are cooked in dashi broth and beaten eggs are added to make a kind of soup. 
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Ryui Shiramitsu
FIRST: This ain’t the time to be stanning me! Go back right now, redo it until you get Toi in 1st!
SECOND: Oi, Toi better be ahead of me, yeah…? Not gonna let you have it if he isn’t…
THIRD: It’s not like I give a crap about being stanned or whatever. Just, if you feel like cooperating with me, you better guarantee Toi’s safety.
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Toi Shiramitsu
FIRST: I’m your best boy…? I’m so happy! I’ll tell your fortune of the day as thanks… Wah, looks like your fortune’s as good as it can get♪
SECOND: You kindly graced me with 2nd place! Your fortune of the day is… slightly good luck. Take in all the small bits of happiness. 
THIRD:  Please let me do some fortune telling for you. Your fortune of the day is… Howawa, bad luck!? Watch out for any unexpected banana peels! 
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Yodaka Natsume
FIRST: …Hm. If I remember correctly, your driving technique led to a violent explosion right at the last corner… I wonder if our machines would’ve ended up 1st. 
SECOND: …Hmn. Right… I ended up 2nd in the Senbatsu General Election. So the center of the debut single will be you… Congratulations.
THIRD: …Ngh. I also tried chasing after Liguang’s riichi when he went all in during oorasu… As a consequence, I discarded a tile, lost and ended up in 3rd. A shame.
TL note: Senbatsu General Election is an annual event where fans of AKB48 and adjacent groups can vote for their faves. More info here.  TL note2: I will simply link this wiki page to get enlightened about mahjong terms. 
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Netaro Yowa
FIRST: Wahey, I landed 1st~♪ Which means I may do whatever I want to, yes? Which then means you’ll become my guinea pig, yes? 
SECOND: I am not dissatisfied with landing in 2nd place, yet I shall cast an enthralling spell onto you! Feast upon this enchanted meat bun!
THIRD: 3rd~? How dicey~... Well, I will thank you. A special gift of 2,7 mystery buns planned for disposal~
TL note: Bad foresight on me not seeing メロメロリン coming back again. For now, I will simply make it be something to “casting an enthralling spell” like in the previous instance until I workshop it into something better? 
That’s the end!
Thank you, thank you!
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hikki2525 · 7 months
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【初展覧会のお知らせ】 春のベリー&ラベンダー紅茶ちゃん Spring berry & lavender tea 2月24日(土)よりカワチ画材心斎橋店様で個展開催されます💐展覧会のための描き下ろしイラストです🍀
詳細→ https://do-art.jp/komorihikki/
こもりひっき 個展 「おとぎの国の魔女と妖精 幻想乙女の小さな展覧会」 会期 2024年2月24日(土)~3月7日(木) 時間 11:00~19:00 場所 カワチ画材心斎橋店 店内ギャラリー 「心斎橋・画人画廊」  
★書籍販売します(新作のミニミニステッカー付) ★作品点数20点すべてアートフレーム(高画質複製画)として販売します。 ★WEBでも同時販売。海外発送も可能です。 ※作家在廊はございません。 ※プレゼントや差し入れ等はご遠慮頂きますよう、お願い申し上げます。
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kmnmosukobi · 9 months
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tokidokitokyo · 6 months
JLPT Grammar げ・がち・っぽい・気味
What is the difference in usage among げ、がち、っぽい、and 気味? These grammar points can be difficult to differentiate, so I have gathered some notes and examples here. These grammar points are JLPT N3/N2 grammar points.
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This is used it to describe something or someone (not yourself) who looks~ / seems~ / appears to~.
It is similar to そうに・そうな (sou ni / sou na), but げ (ge) is much more restricted with what words it can be paired with.
It is usually used to describe things like one’s emotions or state of being, whereas そう (sou) can be used with more general things like weather, etc.
Although this grammar is mostly used with adjectives, it can also be used with some verbs and nouns.
何か、言いたげだね。 They look like they want to say something.
ずいぶん、自信ありげだね。 You seem very confident.
そりゃあちょっとあやしげに見えますからね、そう思いませんか? Well, that looks a little suspicious, don't you think?
同級生にテストの結果を聞くと、嬉しげな顔で100点だったと答えてくれた。 When I asked my classmate how they did on the test, they answered with a happy face that they got a perfect score.
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This is usually used for something negative.
ありがち = tend to have
になりがち = tend to become ~
遅れがち = tend to be late
留守がち = tend to be absent
彼は、学校をサボりがちです。 He is always skipping school.
ずっと曇りがちの天気が続いている。 The constant cloudy weather keeps continuing.
一人暮らしなので、コンビニ弁当ばかり食べがちだ。 I live alone, so I tend to only eat convenience store meals.
私は空腹の時は機嫌が悪くなりがちだ。 When I am hungry I easily get into a bad mood.
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① When following a noun or い-adjective, this means -ish, -like, -ly. Note: The number of adjectives that can be used with this are limited.
子供っぽい = childish, childlike
男っぽい = manly, like a man
女っぽい = womanly, like a woman
油っぽい = oily, lots of oil
② When following a verb, this means easy to do, or often do~. Note: This cannot be used with all verbs.
忘れっぽい = easy to forget, often forget
怒りっぽい = easy to anger, often angry
このコート、デザインはいいけれど、生地が安っぽいね。 This coat has a nice design, but the material looks cheap.
油っぽい食事は好きじゃない。 I don't like oily foods.
年を取ると、忘れっぽくなる。 As you get older, you become more forgetful.
君は飽きっぽいから何事も成功しないのだ。 You do not succeed in anything because you are quick to lose interest.
★~気味 (ぎみ)★
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This is used to express that something looks or seems to be a certain way.
疲れ気味 【つかれぎみ】= looks / seems tired.
太り気味 【ふとりぎみ】 = looks / seems large
遅れ気味 【おくれぎみ】= tends to be late
寝不足気味 【ねぶそくぎみ】= looks / seems to be sleep deprived
残業続きで疲れ気味だ。 I've been feeling rather tired because of continuous overtime work.
新入社員は緊張気味の顔をしていた。 The new employee looked nervous.
彼は人の名前を忘れ気味である。 He tends to forget people's names.
彼女は遠慮気味にそう言った。 She said that hesitantly.
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In the past year or so, I've sunk quite a lot of money in Japanese second hand goods. It's been quite a pleasant experience to browse through many well described offers where most of the time you get exactly what you want, in great condition and for cheap price.
Without further ado, I've compiled a list of useful vocabulary that one may encounter while shopping on Japanese online marketplaces or フリマアプリ.
General condition:
新品 - new item
中古品 - used item
未使用 - unused
未開封 - unopened, sealed
未視聴 - not played (CD, DVD)
開封済 - opened, unsealed
美品 - in mint condition
使用感 - visible signs of use
人の手に渡った - bought from someone else (ie. the person selling is not the first owner of the item)
帯付き - includes obi
特典付き - includes bonuses
傷 or 痛み - general imperfections
汚れ - dirt, stains
染み or シミ - stain
皺 or シワ - wrinkle
擦れ or スレ - scratch
日焼け - sun discolouring
書き込み - writing, notes (in a book etc.)
Seller terms:
プロフィール必読 - please read my profile before purchase
即購入 or 即買い - immediate purchase (ie. without contacting the seller first)
値下げ交渉 - price negotiation
バラ売り - selling separately
まとめ売り - selling together
自宅保存 - stored at home
素人保存 - stored by an inexperienced person
確認済み - checked (f.ex. if the CD is playing well)
Phrases you may see in listings:
神経質な方はご遠慮ください。Please refrain from buying if you are sensitive to the item's condition.
読めればいいという方向け。Oriented at people who only care about reading the item (and don't mind the condition).
PCに取り込んで自宅保管しておりました。After ripping (the CD) it was stored at home.
暗所に保存しておりました。It was stored in a dark place.
再生に問題はありません。No problems with playing (CD, DVD).
ペット、喫煙者ございません。No pets or smokers in the household.
ご了承ください。Please accept it (the item, seller's terms etc.) as it is.
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apricot77-tum · 4 months
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  前回に引き続き、男性のポーズを増やしたかったのでフレンドリーポーズも作ってみました。 スタンディングのみ、タッチは控えめです。 お気に召したらご自由に使って下さい。  → Download (Free) 【ポーズに必要なMOD・CC】 ・ Pose Player ・ Teleport Any Sim 再配布はご遠慮下さい。ご利用は自己責任でお願い致します。 Don’t claim my creations as your own. Don’t re-upload my creations. Thank you so much to all CC creators ♥ @ts4-poses
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nekogin25 · 4 months
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布一枚 - 猫に逢いに行こう
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straycatj · 1 year
While I think kofu is really cute (partially because I have a black cat), mr j is the most handsome and wonderful cat! Thank you for the updates on their activities, landlady :)
I think...Kofu is silly and he can't care around enough like Mr.J. But I know he loves me and comes to close while caring his white dad. Yep, I know, Kofu is so lovely cat.
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funako · 8 months
situation hair5
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Please note. This hairstyle is not recommended for everyday use. It has been processed so that it can be worn with a hat, but some hats may not fit.
Sorry, but due to the high polygon count, the hair may not look beautiful in some settings or environments.
Feel free to change the texture and color. Please do not distribute this work claiming it as your own. Please refrain from secondary distribution.
When I saw my followers making hair, I wanted to make my own. I'm still blowing wind as usual. I was very happy and had a lot of fun seeing so many people taking pictures of me in different situations, so I would be happy if you could show me how you are using my work!
Have a great Sims life!
ご注意ください。 このヘアスタイルは普段使いにはおすすめできません。 帽子をかぶっても大丈夫なように加工していますが、帽子によっては合わない場合があります。
テクスチャや色の変更はご自由にどうぞ。 この作品を自分の作品だと言って配布しないでください。 二次配布もご遠慮ください。
フォロワーさんが髪を作っているのを見て、自分も作りたくなりました。相変わらず風が吹いています。 たくさんの方にいろんなシチュエーションで写真を撮っていただけて、とても嬉しかったし楽しかったので、私の作品をどのように使っているか見せていただけると嬉しいです!
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appeal-zone · 1 year
Ahoy!! I'm the famous Contest Idol hailing from Hoenn, Lisia~ ホウエン地方から大有名アイドルのルチア〜
And I'm the ELECTRIC-SUPERCHARGED streamer from the Paldea region, Iono!! ボクは大人気の電エレキトリカル★ストリーマー!ナンジャモじゃも〜ん!
Together, we are...
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We're here to run this Rotomblr blog as part of our NEW idol duo... Appeal☆Zone!! Amazeballs, amirite!?
//mun + blog info↓:
hii! my name is actually lisia — part of a reason why i'm a big fan of lisia pokémon. i'm lisia, 17, and speak english + japanese! i run the official @bulbagarden blog, but my personal account is @bulbalisia. nice to meet you~
アホイ!あたしの名はリシアで〜す。17歳で♀!英語も英語も話せますよ〜!@bulbagardenの公式ブログの担当する女の子〜 専用ブログは @bulbalisiaです〜よろしくね✧
blog rules✧ブログルール:
please keep everything sfw! even as i turn 18, i still don't want to be near anything nsfw, thanks for understanding! r15にしていこうね〜
you can interact in english or japanese! 日本語でも英語でも話してもいいのでよ〜
if you want to ask lisia or iono specifically, just ask! if not, you'll get both of them! ルチアちゃんかナンジャモちゃんだけを問いたいなら、そう言ってね!しないとルチアちゃんもナンジャモちゃんが答える〜
lisia speaks in blue text, and iono speaks in pink text! ルチアちゃんは青いテキストでナンジャモちゃんはピンク色テキスト!
tags are:
#mod iono speaks! #mod lisia speaks! #mun lisia speaks! #日本語 #appeal-zone ask!
this shooould be all, but if there's anything else that you think should be added, please let me know!! for convenice's sake, you can refer to me (on this blog) as mun lisia! (or bulbalisia if you'd like~)
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kennak · 6 months
イオンシネマで介助を断られた経験をX上で投稿し、議論になっている車椅子インフルエンサーの人(以下N氏)が話題のようですね。全容をご存知でない方もおられるかと思いますので、ネット上で見かける疑問や質問、批判意見などを基に一問一答形式で当方の考えを述べていきますね。 (1)「車椅子ユーザーの介助を断るなんて、イオンシネマ酷くない!?」 ⇒「介助を断ったのではありません。当該イオンシネマには車椅子のまま利用できる席があったにも関わらず、N氏はあえて介助が必要なプレミアムリクライニングシート利用を希望し、1人で訪れては毎回劇場スタッフに介助してもらっていたのです。今般はその介助終了後に、支配人らしき人から『スタッフのリソースにも限りがあるので、今後はご遠慮頂きたい』との主旨の発言があり、N氏は『これまで何回もやってくれてたのに!』と悲しみと怒りの感情が高まり、X投稿に至ったという背景事情です」 (2)「スタッフの人手不足といっても、車椅子で不自由している人の介助くらいできるだろう!?」 ⇒「車椅子専用スペースまでの案内程度ならできるでしょうが、今般は段差のある席まで車椅子と人を運び、席に乗せるところまでおこなう必要がありました。N氏自身の投稿でも、今般のスタッフは過去同様の対応経験もなかったようでしたが、サービス介助士など専門の資格や講習を受けていないスタッフが対応することは大変な重労働であるうえ、車椅子ユーザーに怪我や骨折をさせるリスクがあるほか、緊急避難時にも差し支えるため危険です。施設としてもそこまで対応する必要はないでしょう」 (3)「イオンシネマは車椅子ユーザーに対して『合理的配慮』ができてない! これは障害者差別解消法違反だ!」 ⇒「法律のガイドラインをお読み頂ければ明白ですが、合理的配慮は『その実施に伴う負担が過重でないときに』講ずること、とされています。そして車椅子ユーザーに対する合理的配慮の具体例として『車椅子のまま着席できるスペースを確保』が挙げられていますので、今般のように『介護資格者でもないスタッフに車椅子と人を運ばせ、段差がある席まで移乗させる』というのは明らかに『過重負担』です。合理的配慮義務とは、決して『ワガママを全て受け容れる』と同義ではありません」 (4)「じゃあなんでイオンシネマは謝罪文を出してるんだ!? イオンシネマ側にも悪いところはあったんだろう!?」 ⇒「これも謝罪文をよく読めば分かりますが、イオンシネマが詫びているのはN氏に対する『不適切な発言』のみです。合理的配慮については一切言及していません。あえてイオンシネマ側の問題を挙げるとするならば、これまで良かれと思って、N氏に対して介助(移乗)サービスを複数回おこなってしまったことですね。そのため『前はやってくれたのに』という前例を作ってしまいました。『当劇場には身体介助できる有資格者がおりません。お客様にもしものことがあっても責任を負えませんので、サービス提供はできません』で通しておくべきでした」 (5)「なぜ日本人は障害者や弱者にこれほど厳しいのか!? 人権意識が低い!」 ⇒「障害者に厳しいのではなく、『理不尽な要求をするクレーマー』に厳しいだけです。あと、低賃金で理不尽クレーマーの相手をさせられる接客スタッフもまた弱者といえますので、人権をとやかく言うなら、店員さんの人権にも配慮すべきでしょう。またN氏は『車椅子インフルエンサー』を自称しているようですが、氏の今般の発言のせいで、他の車椅子ユーザーの方々がこれまで築いてこられた善意と信頼の関係をブチ壊し、彼ら・彼女らが肩身の狭い思いを強いられることになりかねません。せいぜい『迷惑系YouTuber』といったところでしょう」 今般の騒動で、イオンシネマで働く方々が今後理不尽な対応を強いられ、無理をされることがないよう、くれぐれもお願いしたいところです。会社側は顧客のみならず、従業員の皆さんの心身の安全も確保なさってください。 あと、社会運動家の皆さんもぜひご留意頂きたいですね。単に弱者属性に身を置いていれば正しい側に居られる時代はもう終わりました。日々の活動の中で、我々一般労働者やサービス従事者の善意をさも当然かのように扱い、理不尽な要求を強いて、断られたら会社相談窓口よりも先にSNSで晒して悪者扱いをしてしまうと、あなた方のお仲間の支持は得られても、大多数の労働者を敵に回すことになりますので。 (画像出典:内閣府リーフレット「令和6年4月1日から合理的配慮の提供が義務化されます!」 https://www8.cao.go.jp/shougai/suishin/pdf/gouriteki_hairyo2/daikatsuji_print.pdf…)
Xユーザーの新田 龍さん
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ak0gare · 4 days
30項目に及ぶブライダルチェックが済んだ。結婚&妊娠予定ゼロだとしても無償で検査をできてラッキーだった。5万とかするらしい。 前もって婦人科に通っていたこともあって感染症含めて何もひっかかることなく、無事卵子提供プログラムに参加することになった。ホノルルにて、11月の終わりから12月の頭まで10日滞在。時差が5、6時間あるので仕事を持っていくのはあきらめて思い切って休みを取った。チャットで上長が「あら、海外旅行ですか?楽しんでくださいね♪」と返してきて、何とも言えない気持ちでにこにこマークを押した。 渡航先ではさして時間拘束はないらしく、ふんわりしたパステルカラーのHPによると「買い物や観光も楽しめちゃいます♪」とのことだった。なんか風俗の求人とか交際クラブのサイトみたいだな、と思った。肝腎な部分はボヤッとぼやかされているところが。 インドから帰ってきた高橋君に「ハワイの同行興味ない?」と連絡したら「要検討」「つーか何しに行くの」と返ってきたので、説明のために会うことになった。東大駒場キャンパスで落ち合う。8月頭に一緒に長瀞行ってから1カ月半ぶりだった。顔を合わせて真っ先に、2週間インドいたわりにあんま灼けてないな、と思った。 「ハワイ何しに行くの」と問われたのでなんだと思う、と訊いたら「……パパ活?」と小さい声で返された。出稼ぎ案件だと思うわな。あのさ、だとしたら誘うわけないじゃん、と一蹴して「卵子提供で行く」と明かした。一拍間を置いたのち、わかるわけないじゃん、と笑われてまあそらあそうだなとも思う。よぎったとしても口に出しづらいだろう。 「足代は自腹になっちゃうけど同行者がいる場合エージェントが滞在先のホテルのグレードあげてくれるらしいから」卵子提供には同行者を連れていくことが多いらしい。多くは母親だろう、それか友だち。前者はともかく後者はよっぽどハイソな人間関係築いてないと無理な気がする。 わたしが連れて行けるのはニートもしくは休学してる大学生だけだ。ニートの友だちはマジでお金なさそうだし彼女いるから却下。ま、端からこの子以外に検討した同行者いないけども。 「10万なー」行くとしたら途中でハワイ島行って天文台行くかな、とのことだった。わたしが行くホノルルはそれこそショッピングくらいしか観光がないのだ。10日も一緒にいたいわけでもないので正味それくらいの方が都合がいい。 「すごいな、君の遺伝子を持った子供が生まれるんだね」 「楽しみ。ま、写真とか見せてもらえないだろうけど」 「情が湧いたら困るでしょ、向こうが」 「写真見て情が湧くような人は卵子提供でボランティアとかじゃなくて自分で子供つくって産むと思うよ」 「ふーん」 卵子ドナーの契約内容として、プログラム実施中は性交渉、アルコール、ドラッグ、喫煙が禁止されている。もちろんあたりまえのことだ。もしわたしが男連れでハワイ行こうとしてると知られたらエージェントからなにかしら文句を言われるんだろうか。万が一のことがあったら困りますのでご遠慮願います、とか。ねえ、セックスしたら契約違反になるらしいよと言いたかったけれど悪趣味が過ぎるから黙っておいた。するわけない。自分で布石を置いたのだから。 卵子提供ドナーは29歳までしか登録できないから、わたしの卵子が使われるのもこれっきりだ。女体こそ文明最後の利器であり、わたしは身をもって身体を売り払う、ということ。 嗚呼愉快愉快、売春と人身売買だけが元手不要の売買なのだ。 「あ、来年2分の3成人式だから写真撮ってよ。振袖もう決めたから」 「別にいいけど名前変えてよ。撮る気になれん」 色々調べたけど三十路式しかなかった。だっさ。 駒場から渋谷まで歩いた。すっかり秋の風だ。
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xx86 · 8 days
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four-loose-screws · 4 months
Full Henry (Fire Emblem Awakening) Personality & Support Conversation Analysis Post - English Localization vs. Original Japanese
So a while back I stated I wouldn't be doing full character support convo analyses any more because they are very time consuming, but... well, I can't help myself. They're just too much fun. And Henry himself is just too much fun, too.
The Olivia / Henry's support chain got several translations and conversations about it in the early years of Awakening's release, but I don't think I have ever heard much about any of Henry's other support convo chains. So how do their localized versions stack up to the original Japanese? Let's walk through his entire support convo list and find out!
This post will be a discussion of select snippets of Henry's support conversations - whatever I want to point out. For balance, sometimes, that will be sections changed from the Japanese, and other times, sections translated pretty closely.
Since I will only be covering bits and pieces here, if there's any support chains you would like to see translated in full, please send a request to my inbox! Support convo translations are usually pretty easy for me, and a great way to add more activity to my blog between novel translations uploads, so I love getting them.
Henry / Robin
Henry / Robin just has minor changes. "Minor localization changes," as I define them, are when the localization team adds or takes away small bits of dialogue, in a way that does not change the overall theme, tone, chain of events, etc. of the conversation.
Discussing minor changes doesn't make for much conversation, but it's fascinating to see how localization teams "spice up" video game dialogues to make them more fun to read in English, and analyze how well the succeeded in fulfilling that goal.
(Also, when talking about Robin as a general character and not the female / male incarnation specifically, I use "they/them" pronouns.)
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Robin: Ugh! D-don't wave that thing in my face! I don't want it anywhere near me.
Original Japanese:
[ルフレ]いいよ!(Robin: That's fine!) 僕は遠慮しておくよ!▼ (I'll pass!)
In this example, the localization added to what Robin says. There's no indication in the Japanese that Henry waves the Risen arm in their face. But the same basic flow of events is present in the conversation: Henry is experimenting with Risen -> propositions Robin to join in his experiments -> Robin flatly refuses. This is a great example of a minor change. It follows the events and tone of the Japanese support, while further showcasing the morbid humor Henry is displaying here.
B Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: If I get it to work, we can have them all fight on our behalf! Then we can sip tea for the rest of the war and collect the accolades once it's over. Robin: Well I understand the idea in theory. It could reduce casualties on our side... But there is one slight problem... Have you given any thought to how you'll control these soulless warriors?
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]これを使えば戦いを屍兵に任せて、(Henry: If we use this, then we'll leave the battle to the Risen,) 僕たちはお茶でも飲んでいられるよ~。▼(and we can even drink tea~.) そしたら戦死者も出なくなるし、(Then, we will have no casualties, and) いろいろと便利だよね~。▼ (they'll be convenient in many ways~.) [ルフレ]うーん…いくら戦死者が出ないといっても、(Robin: Umm... even if we won't have any casualties,) 屍兵の力を借りるのは…▼ (Borrowing the Risen's powers is...) それに、召喚した屍兵を (And the summoned Risen,) 操ることができるとは限らないよね?▼ (we won't necessarily be able to control them, right?)
Here's a change that's even smaller than the previous one, really. Robin doesn't say directly that the Risen are soulless in the Japanese, just summoned.
Henry / Lissa
S Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Hey-o! Need your human pillow again?
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]あ、リズ。こんにちは~。(Henry: Ah, Lissa! Hello~.) 今日も枕が必要?▼ (Do you need a pillow again today?)
As you will continue to see going forward, sometimes what surprises me about localization Henry is how little he was changed! What I mean is, I thought something as goofy as Henry calling himself a pillow would have been some silly fluff the localization added, but nope! He does indeed refer to himself as a pillow in the Japanese too.
Henry / Frederick
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Okay, fine! Geez, careful not to twist your smallclothes there...
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]は~い。ごめんなさ~い。▼(Henry: Understooood. I'm sorrrry.)
The English changed the Japanese line here, but I think it was necessary - without the nuance of the Japanese tilde (~), I think it's not as obvious that Henry is being sarcastic. So the localization added a sarcastic joke to bridge that gap. (Also, get ready to see the tilde A LOT going forward in Henry's Japanese text!!)
that Also, this is a bit off topic, but fun to point out anyway. If you ever hear anyone say Japanese has no sarcasm, you have some good proof of the contrary now. Japanese Henry can be quite sarcastic too! It's a common claim that Japanese has no sarcasm, because they don't use it anywhere near as much as English speakers use. But in actuality, Japanese speakers just don't utilize it in the exact same ways English speakers do!!
Now back on topic! :)
B Support
Snippet No. 1:
Eng. NA Localization:
Frederick: Because I know that anything can happen on the battlefield. I do not want my dying thought to be "if only I had trained a little harder." Henry: I want my dying thought to be about blood! ...Or maybe ichor.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]ふ~ん。▼ (Oh, really~?)
Snippet No. 2:
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Whoa, easy there, Frederick! You're bruising my arm! ...Oooo, look at the colors!
Original Japanese:
We see the tilde again! I'll explain it in proper detail this time.
In short, Japanese video game dialogue uses the tilde A LOT to convey the tone of a character's speech.
I find that it can be used very broadly, and in a number of situations. Humor is the number 1 situation though, I think. It is used when characters are joking or sarcastic; or when characters are speaking in a lighthearted, happy, or whimsical tone. You'll also see it when a character is speaking in a sing-song voice, or just actually singing (See: a character like Engage's Timerra!).
In the case of Henry, we can understand in the Japanese thanks to the tilde that he is always joking around, being sarcastic, having fun with everything, lighthearted and never serious, etc. etc..
However... there's no singular symbol that can cover all of that tone in English! I mean, I do think dialogue could use the ~ and some people would get it, but I certainly don't think it is standardized enough to rely on in a video game released to a mass audience.
So what was the English localization to do? Well, a lot of the time, word choice and laughter alone can get Henry's meaning across just as well on its own. ...But it can't always be that straightforward. This is where I think it was obsoletely necessary for the localization to add jokes to Henry's dialogue to maintain the same meaning and tone as the Japanese. The above two samples I pulled from the Henry / Frederick supports are great examples of that. They help get the point across about just how much Henry jokes around, and how sarcastic he is.
That's all I have to say about the tilde for now, as I'm sure it won't be the last time I point one out in Henry's conversations. :)
Henry / Sully
B Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: That's 'cause you WERE! ...You totally still had five or six solid minutes left, though.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]そうだね~。あと数刻もすれば (Henry: It was, wasn't it? After a bit longer,) 死んじゃってたと思うよ~。▼ (you would have died, I think~.)
Again, wow, it really surprises me what lines are very direct from the Japanese sometimes! Henry really just is that morbid, and candid about death!
A Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: I can't remember BEING upset. Folks here are so nice, and even bad guys are pretty great when they splatter. When life gives ya lemons, use 'em to ward off scurvy. That's what I say!
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]僕は怒らないよ~。▼ (I don't get mad~.) 怒るほど嫌なことを (And something so bad it makes me mad) 人にされることも滅多に無いし~。▼ (people hardly ever do to me~.) 大抵のことは笑って済ませられるよ~。▼ (I end most things with a laugh~.)
Even in a case like this, where the localization was a bit more liberal, Henry's tone still didn't change much. "When life gives you lemons" and "I end most things with a laugh~" can boil down to a same sort of connotation. Again, the localization is playing up Henry's humor and morbid optimism to fully get it across, in the absence of the Japanese tilde.
Henry / Miriel
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: You always have to know exactly how things work, huh? Want a demonstration? I could turn Robin into a toad or something. Miriel: No. The experiment is not of such import that our comrades need be imperiled. Henry: But it wouldn't be forever! Just a few days at the most. Miriel: If we were suddenly called to battle, a toad tactician would be most disadvantageous. Henry: Oh yeah. I hadn't thought about that. Well, maybe I could cast a different kind of hex. Miriel: So long as the risk is within acceptable parameters.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]仕組み? あはは、(Henry: How they work? Ah ha ha, 勉強熱心だな~、ミリエルは。▼ (you're so passionate about your studies, Miriel~!) じゃあちょっと見本を見せるから (In that case, I'll show you a small example, so) そのへんの誰かを呪ってみるね~?▼ (I'll try cursing someone around here, alright~?) [ミリエル]その辺の誰か・・・? (Miriel: Someone around here...?) 味方を呪い殺すおつもりですか?▼ (Do you intend to cast a deadly curse on an ally?) [ヘンリー]あ、ダメだった~?▼ (Henry: Oh, would you not like that~?) [ミリエル]えぇ・・・。戦力が減るのは (Miriel: Um... A decrease in our forces) 軍にとって良くないことですから・・・。▼ (would not be good for our army...) [ヘンリー]そっか~。じゃあ死なない呪いにするよ。(Henry: I see~. Then I'll pick a curse that won't kill them!) それならいいでしょ~?▼ (That will be okay, right~?) [ミリエル]はい、そういうことなら・・・ (Miriel: Yes. If that is the case,) じっくりと観察させていただきます。▼ (then allow me to observe carefully.)
Henry decides to target poor Robin specifically in the localization, but otherwise, the support chain has no significant changes.
Henry / Sumia
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Nya ha ha! Looked at all the smashed crockery! That's hilarious!
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]ほんとだ、すご~い。全部粉々だね~。▼ (Henry: You're right, woooow! They're all in pieces, aren't they?)
Another example of how the English made up for the lack of the tilde's Japanese connotation - Henry just outright says he finds the current situation hilarious.
Henry / Ricken
B Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Oh! And Campari used to make little birdhouses for homeless—
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]あと、ポモドーロ様はね…▼ (Henry: After them there was Campari...)
In another one of Henry's stand-out support conversations, in the Japanese, he stops before sharing what made Campari such a great guy, but otherwise the conversation is overwhelmingly the same as in JP.
A Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Judging by your expression, I'd say it's a serious one. Nya ha ha!
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]うん、いいよ~。(Henry: Yeah, that's fine~.) そんなに真剣な顔してどうしたの~?▼ (Why are you making such a serious face?)
Another great little example of how the localization made up for the lack of tilde - in place of the tilde, to convey that he is joking around, the localization has Henry laugh out loud.
Henry / Maribelle
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: I'm not feigning anything. I'm just really in touch with the natural world. I can talk to any living thing you want. Trees. Flowers. Maggots. Ooooooh... Maaaggots... Maribelle: That is a remarkable talent, if a shade disturbing.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]合わせてなんかないよ~。▼ (I'm not feigning, or anything of the sort~.) 僕はねぇ、自然に満ちている あらゆるものと会話できるんだよ~。▼ (You see, I can talk to all things filled with nature~.) [マリアベル]そ、そうですの…。(Maribelle: C-Can you...) 本当なら、すごいことですわね…。▼ (If that's true, then it is remarkable, indeed...)
The localization added in Henry's little pause on the word "maggots," (and added in the word "maggot" to begin with) but otherwise, this is another rather directly translated support chain.
Henry / Panne
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Panne: THAT was your reason?!
Original Japanese:
[ベルベット]…呆れたわ。(Panne: ...I'm astounded.) そんな理由なの…?▼ (Your reason was one such as that...?) 人間は理解しがたいけど、(Humans are difficult to understand, but) あなたは中でも極めつけよ。▼ (you are especially so.)
This exchange from Panne at the end of the C Support was actually longer in the Japanese. I don't see any particular stand-out reason why this is. Perhaps it was even an error, and the localization accidentally left out some of the text.
S Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Panne: We're too alike, you and I. We both lost our families and lived alone too long. But no more. I accept your ring. From now on, we are each other's family.
Original Japanese:
[ベルベット]あなたは似てるの。(Panne: You are like him.) 人間に殺された、私の弟に…▼ (My younger brother, who was killed by humans.) いいわ、受け取らせてもらう。(I will accept your ring.) あなたのそばにいてあげる、ヘンリー。▼ (I will be by your side, Henry.) これからは、私たちは家族よ。▼ (From now on, we are family.)
In the Japanese, Panne does not compare Henry to herself, but to her brother. Her brother is removed entirely in the localization, which at first seems like a pretty big deal. Perhaps it is because he is never mentioned again? It is odd that her sibling (who would seem important to her) is such a throwaway character in this one line of her supports with Henry.
Henry / Cordelia
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh. Say, what if the wife was dead? Could you give it to him then?
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]ふーん…よくわかんないなあ。(Henry: Huh... I don't really get it.) 奥様がいると襟巻きが渡せないんだ。▼ (He has a wife, so you can't give him the scarf.) じゃあ、奥様が死んじゃったら (So, if his wife was dead,) 渡せるようになるの?▼ (would you be able to give it to him then?)
Here's another example I included not because it's changed from the Japanese - but because I was surprised to see this confirmation that Henry really is this morbid in the Japanese as well!
A Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: I asked Lissa for advice, and she told me to take you on a big shopping trip. She said a few hours trying on dresses and armor would fix that broken heart, pronto! (skip a few lines) Henry: Then how about some comfort food? Fruit pies and cream? Candy apples? Macaroni and cheese with fried boar crisps and crumbled horse—
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]リズから聞いたんだ~。(Henry: I asked Lissa~.) 女の子の胸が苦しい時は、▼ (When a girl's heart hurts,) 買い物したりやけ食いしたりすると (things like shopping, or eating a lot) 治るんだって~。▼ (will cure it!) (skip a few lines) [ヘンリー]そうなんだ~。(Henry: I understand~.) じゃあ、やけ食いの方が好き?▼ (So you like overeating more?)
In the Japanese, Lissa's advice to Henry includes not only retail therapy, but also... overeating / binge eating. That's an understandably sensitive topic for the localization team to dodge.
It's true the localization does have Henry propose some comfort food food at the end of the convo... but I think Henry asking if Cordelia wants to eat a treat or two is different than proposing she full-on binge eats.
Henry / Nowi
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Nowi: No! I'm an adult woman who's more than a thousand years older than you! Henry: Oh, right! Nya ha ha! Sorry, short stuff!
Original Japanese:
[ノノ]ノノは子どもじゃないもん。(Nowi: Nowi's not a child!) 千年以上生きてる大人の女なんだから!▼ (Because Nowi is an adult woman who's lived for over 1,000 years!) [ヘンリー]あ、そうだったね。(Henry: Oh, that's right!) あはは、ごめんなさい、お姉さん。▼ (Ah ha ha, sorry, big sister!)
Ah, the 1,000 year old child-looking adult dragon. An FE classic.
But actually, the Japanese line was the same in this case! A young-looking character reiterating that they are totally an adult, isn't always an addition of the localization. (I say this because it was so in the main Fates script with Elise).
B Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Yep! They're probably quivering in fear under their beds and crying like babies. But no worries! There'll be more victim—er, that is, village kids—at our next camp. (skip a few lines) Henry: If they exchanged fire breath with you, they'd end up as little clumps of charcoal.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]うん、たぶん無理だと思うよ~。▼(Henry: Yeah, I think it's probably no use~!) でも、いいじゃない。ほかの土地にも (But that's okay, isn't it? Because in other areas) 子どもはたくさんいるんだから。▼ (there's also lots of children.) (skip a few lines) [ヘンリー]うーん…僕には空を飛んだり (Henry: Hmm... I can't fly in the sky) ブレスを吹いたりできないしなぁ。▼ (or blow fire breath, or anything like that.)
Here, the localization added a bit to Henry's morbidity. In the Japanese, he didn't joke around and start to call the children he and Nowi played with victims, or go so far as to describe that her fire breath would turn them to charcoal.
While Henry is morbid and sarcastic in the Japanese, this is further proof that the localization did add in some extra. Which again, makes up for some of the gap left without the tilde ~ in English.
Henry / Tharja
C Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Sure! You want me to cast a death curse on someone? Tharja: Someone in camp? Mmm... No. That could be problematic. Henry: Hee hee! Yeah, I guess. Too bad, though. See, 'cause I've got one that makes blood come out your—
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]そうなんだ~。(Henry: Did you now~?) じゃ、ちょっと呪いあってみる~?▼ (Then shall I try casting a teensy-weensy curse on them?) [サーリャ]結構よ…。仲間同士で (Tharja: You don't have to...) 潰し合っても、不毛なだけだから…。▼ (For allies to kill each other, would be meaningless...) [ヘンリー]あはは、それは残念だな~。▼ (Henry: Ah ha ha, that's too bad~.)
The morbid joke about exactly what kind of curse Henry wants to try out - one that involves making blood come out from... somewhere - was a small add-on in the localization. This chunk of the exchange otherwise follows the Japanese.
Eng. NA Localization:
Tharja: Ugh... Hale? Hearty? Have you no respect for our ancient profession? We're supposed to be harbingers of pestilence and famine and doom! Henry: Mm... I love doom.
Original Japanese:
[サーリャ]健全で純真ですって…?(Tharja: Healthy...? Pure...?) …呪いを使う者が、よく言う…。▼(...Well said for a spellcaster of curses...) …まぁいいわ…くれぐれも (...Whatever... don't keep) おかしな真似はしないことね。▼ (acting weird, alright?) [ヘンリー]は~い。▼ (Henry: Okaaaaaay.)
The exact ending of the C Support is ever so slightly different. In both, Tharja basically says to Henry to act more like a dark mage, but the little joke about "doom" was added.
B Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Hello, Tharja! Tharja: *Mumble, mumble* *hiss* Henry: Heey! Did you just put a curse on me? Tharja: Yes, Now, if you do not speak the truth, you will DIE! Answer me clearly and without hesitation. Are you a foreign spy? Henry: Nope! Not me! Although I do own a cloak and a couple daggers. Tharja: Who do you serve? Ylisse or Plegia? Henry: Aw, I don't get into politics. I just want to toss fireballs at bad guys.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]…あれ? これって…。▼ (Henry: ...Huh? This is...) [サーリャ]…思ったよりあっさりかかったわね。▼ (Tharja: ...That was much easier than I thought it would be.) [ヘンリー]あ、やっぱりサーリャだ。(Henry: Ah, I knew it, it's you Tharja!) 僕に呪いをかけたね~?▼ (You cast a curse on me, didn't you?) [サーリャ]えぇ…これで私の前では (Tharja: Yes... Now, before me) 嘘や隠しごとはできないわよ…。▼ (you cannot lie or hide anything...) 正直に答えなさい… (Answer me honestly...) 貴方、誰かのスパイじゃないでしょうね…?▼ (You aren't anyone's spy, are you?) [ヘンリー]うん、スパイじゃないよ~。▼ (Henry: Nope, I'm not a spy~!) [サーリャ]じゃあ、貴方は…ペレジアと (Tharja: So you... between Plegia) イーリスと、どっちの味方…?▼ (And Ylisse, which are you an ally of...) [ヘンリー]ん~…味方とか、よくわかんないな~。(Henry: Hm~... I don't really know who's ally I am~.) 悪いと思った奴と戦うだけじゃダメなの?▼ (Is it wrong to just fight whoever I think is bad?)
A few little tweaks here. Tharja is in the middle of casting her curse in her first line in the localization, whereas in the Japanese, it was already over, and she was making a comment as to how easy it was to do. And then, Henry's quips were added onto a bit in localization.
A Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Hecka-necka, jimma-jamma, woozle-wazzle! Aaand presto! Curse dispelled! Actually not dispelled. I tossed it back at the original sender. Hee hee!
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]あ、それなら大丈夫だよ~。(Henry: Ah, if it's that, that's fine~.) 僕がもうはね返しておいたから~。▼ (Because I already bounced it back~.)
Henry's "chant" was added in localization. In the Japanese, by the time Henry says his line, he's already sent the curse back to its caster.
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Well, usually I disarm foes by removing their arms. But your way sounds impressive, too!
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]あはは、だから最初に言ったじゃない~。(Henry: Ah ha ha, that's what I said in the beginning, isn't it~?) 僕は健全で純真な心の持ち主だって。▼ (I have a healthy and pure heart.) でも、嬉しいなぁ~、(But I'm happy~.) サーリャに褒めてもらえて~。▼ (I was complemented by you~.)
And the localization was just taking advantage of an opportunity to make a disarming pun here, it was not already in the Japanese.
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Wizard fight! Wizard fight! Yaaaaaay!
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]わぁ~。サーリャ、こわ~い。▼(Henry: Eeeeek~! Tharja is scaaaary~!)
In the Japanese, Henry doesn't get excited to have a wizard fight with Tharja, but he still does act pretty goofy by pretending to be scared of her.
S Support
Somehow, I don't have anything to add to this one! Henry really does run off to have an engagement ring made after Tharja says she will accept his proposal if he agrees to protect Robin.
Henry / Cherche
C Support
The C Support adds a number of little bits to Henry's dialogue, again just to play up his goofiness more, because English lacks a symbol like the Japanese tilde ~.
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Sure have! She's as cute as a button, that one. ...Well, if buttons were cute. We had wyverns in Plegia, you know, and also the occasional fell beast. But we didn't have a single wyvern that was as pretty as Minerva.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]うん!(Henry: Yeah!) かわいいよね~、ミネルヴァ!▼ (Minerva sure is cute~!) ペレジアにも (In Plegia too,) ドラゴンナイトはいたけど、▼ (there were wyvern knights, but) この子くらいかわいい 飛竜はいなかったよ~!!▼ (There weren't any as cute as this wyvern~!)
There was no mention of buttons in the Japanese version, Henry just says Minerva is cute.
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Yep! I make four-legged friends wherever I go! And even some two-legged ones. I'm also pals with a three-legged bear, but that's a story for another time.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]僕は自然と友達だから (Henry: I'm friends with nature, so) みんなと仲良しなんだよ~。▼ (I get along with all of them~.)
No mention of a three-legged bear friend in Japanese. Not that Japanese Henry wouldn't be excited to befriend a three-legged bear.
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Yowza! Sh-she tried to bite me! Look, I'm bleeding! Mmm, blood...
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]ひゃあっ! 噛まないで~!▼ (Henry: Hyaaah! Don't bite me~!)
And the localization added in the fact that Henry was bleeding, and excited to see it.
B Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Aw, it's fine. I bet I just give off some kind of animal aura. Or maybe she thought I was a big ham? I do smell kind of ham-like.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]あはは、僕って (Henry: Ah ha ha, I) 獣っぽい気配がするみたい~。▼ (it seems I have an animal-like aura~.) だから獲物だと 勘違いしたのかもしれないね~。▼ (So maybe she mistook me for prey~.)
Henry doesn't propose that maybe he smells like ham, rather, in the Japanese, he thought that maybe Minerva mistook him for prey.
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: Well, when I was young, my best friend in the entire world was a giant wolf. My parents ignored me most of the time, so that wolf became my whole family. Then one day she came to visit me, and some hunters in the village... They shot her full of arrows. Killed her on the spot.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]うん! 実は、昔仲良しの狼がいたんだ。(Henry: Yeah! Actually, long ago, there was a wolf I was friends with.) 僕、親に放ったらかしにされてたから、▼ (I was neglected by my parents, so) 小さい頃の親友と言うか、(You could call them a friend I had when I was young,) ほとんど家族みたいなものだったんだけど~▼ (or something like family, but~) ある日その狼が僕に会いに来たとき、(One day, when they came to see me,) 周りにいた大人たちに殺されちゃって…。▼ (they were killed by the adults around us...)
In the Japanese, Henry doesn't refer to the wolf's killers as "hunters," but "adults."
Also, the Japanese doesn't hint at whether the wolf was male or female, so I went with neutral pronouns.
A Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Cherche: I'm very happy that you like Minerva and you two get along so well. But I think you need to spend more time with human friends—namely, me. So I'm going to carry out my patrol on foot, and you're coming with me.
Original Japanese:
[セルジュ]ミネルヴァちゃんと仲良くなってくれるのは (Cherche:) とっても嬉しいんだけど、▼ (I'm very happy that you've become friends with Minerva-chan, but) あなたは本当の意味で人と接することを もっと重ねるべきだと思う。▼ (I think you should have more experiences getting truly close to people.) 偵察は私たちふたりで行きましょう。(Let's go on patrol together.) 私、あなたともっと仲良くなりたいわ。▼ (I want to become better friends with you.)
The localization of the A support was a pretty straightforward translation of the Japanese for the most part, but this bit of Cherche's dialogue from near the end is subtly different.
I think the localization subtracts a little from the real meaning of what Cherche is trying to get across to Henry - it's not that he doesn't spend time with people, its that when he does, he doesn't form meaningful relationships with them. The exact nuance is different.
S Support
Eng. NA Localization:
Henry: I figured the old dogs would be barking, so I brought a homemade bunion salve. Cherche: Why, thank you, Henry! But how did you know? Henry: We've been on so many patrols together, I've memorized your whole routine. After this, you'll put a cold towel on your head and drink a cup of hot elderberry tea.
Original Japanese:
[ヘンリー]はい、これ。(Henry: This is for you.) 薬に漬けた湿布だよ~。▼ (A wet compress soaked in medicine~.) [セルジュ]あら、ありがとう。(Cherche: Oh my, thank you.) 脚が張っていたの、気づいてたの?▼ (You noticed that my legs are swollen?) [ヘンリー]うん。だって、あれから毎日 (Henry: Yup! After all, since then, every day) 二人で偵察に行ってたんだもん。▼ (we've gone on patrol together!) もうセルジュのことなら (If it's about you) なんでもわかるようになっちゃったよ~。▼ (then I already know everything there is to know~.)
Henry's treatments for Cherche after their patrol together were a bit different in Japanese.
The localization even added in elderberry tea when no mention of drinks was made before. Who on the team was such a fan of elderberry tea that it's the only tea anyone on the Awakening cast drinks? I'll always wonder.
Eng. NA Localization:
Cherche: Goodness, Henry, but this is sudden. However, I have found myself...thinking about you a lot lately. Ever since we met, I've wanted to know the real man behind that jolly facade. And this would be a chance to do just that. Very well, Henry, I accept your proposal!
Original Japanese:
[セルジュ]ふふ…やっとその笑顔を (Cherche: Tee hee...) 私にも向けてくれるようになったのね。▼ (You're finally in a place where you make that smile at me!) …私も、あなたが好きよ。(...I love you too.) 友達になりたいっていうのは嘘。▼ (It was a lie when I said that I wanted to be friends with you.) 本当はずっと、あなたの心が知りたい、(To be honest, I've always wanted to know your heart,) 誰よりも近くにいたいって思ってた。▼ (and to become closer to you than anyone else.) 毎日変わっていくあなたを… (You've been changing bit by bit every day...) これからも一番傍で見ていたいわ。▼ (I want to continue to see you at my side more than anyone else is.)
The localization left out the full extent of what Cherche was saying - that she's had romantic feelings for Henry for quite a long time before this conversation.
Henry / Olivia
So I saved Henry / Olivia for last and went a little out of recruitment order, because I remembered this conversation being pretty different in localization vs the Japanese. So I wanted to save "the big one" for last.
First, I want to point out that I did a full translation of this support chain several years ago now (*Checks post history* Wait... EIGHT years ago?! Dang!), so I don't really need to talk about specific lines. You can read and compare for yourself! I also posted the localized version below the Japanese in each post, so you you can save yourself an internet search.
C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
Instead of discussing specifics, I'll just wrote some of my general thoughts in a few paragraphs.
In the C support, I think it's unfortunate that the localization downplayed Henry's original intentions for choosing to kill the dog. He does not try to fight the dog's death, if it is the only way to relieve its pain. If death is its fate, he accepts it. It's great nuance for his character, that I think was the highlight of the convo.
In the B support, I remembered thinking that the localization really changed this one, but that's not as true as I thought it was. In summary, Olivia thinks that Henry's sense of humor is a coping mechanism and his smiles aren't genuine. But Henry rejects that interpretation and says he just is who he is. That's same in both versions. The biggest change is to Henry's backstory at the "wizarding" school. Now that I look back on it, I actually see a good possibility as to why the localization chose to make this change. Saying that Henry experienced brutal pain and injuries because of "experiments gone wrong" still conveys that his teachers were terribly abusive - because healthy teachers would not be assigning magic training that could be so easily dangerous - but it isn't as graphic as "bad children were beaten senseless!" Child abuse is a pretty common trigger, so I get why the localization team would want to tweak this part of the convo a bit.
For the A and S supports, I don't have anything major to mention.
Also, throughout the entire support chain, Henry calls Olivia "crazy lady." I don't know exactly how I feel about this, because it feels a little out of place with the rest of his sense of morbid humor. But he does get a little sarcastic and sassy with people when they get on his nerves in any way - which Olivia very much is doing, by trying to say his outward personality is trauma coping and not genuine. So the more I think about it, the more I think it fits his personality fine.
So as my final conclusion, I can say that Henry / Olivia is the most changed of all Henry's supports in localization, but even then, that's only saying so much.
And so, that's that! Generally speaking, Henry's conversations were pretty faithfully translated; with minor changes here and there, mostly to convey his sense of humor due to English's lack of the ~ tilde symbol used in dialogue. I only found a couple of more major changes, none of them particularly conversation-altering.
Henry's such a fun character to begin with that the localization team only had to make some subtle changes here and there to get his exact sense of humor and personality across, wherever it might have otherwise been lost in translation. And they did a pretty good job with that! Only a small selection of changes made me scratch my head a bit. Overall, good work all around.
Thanks for reading! :)
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