webq84 ยท 4 months
soft yandere classmate having first met you as he bumps into you in one of the school's hallways. you had your head down, your voice too soft and quiet that he didn't hear you apologizing to him before you quickly removed yourself from the situation, steering away from everyone like a plague so you won't bump into them.
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soft yandere classmate who learned that you two were actually on the same class, sitting in front of you after the teacher chose your designated seats. he took one glance at you as he looked over his shoulders, and already sees you looking down again, avoiding making eye contact with anyone as you traced your finger around the wooden desk. though you tried to keep a stoic face, he could see how anxious you are through the way you would shake your leg while sitting.
soft yandere classmate who catches the way your face dropped in his peripheral vision as the teacher gives an activity that requires drawing, and it's quite obvious that you must have forgotten to bring it with you. but you were too shy, too scared to ask for help. he couldn't help it, and quietly lend you a pencil. it was his only pencil too, earning him a zero on his worksheet. but somehow, he knew it was worth it.
soft yandere classmate who helps you in small, different ways during classes especially when the teachers asked questions. he would moved a little and raised his hand, blocking you from the teacher's view so they won't have to pick you, knowing that even if you do know the answer, you'll simply be too nervous to give an answer and might just end up there standing awkwardly, waiting for the ground to swallow you whole as everyone anticipates in silence. the whole scenario will be too much for someone like you.
soft yandere classmate who turns around and sits backwards on his chair to attempt to engage in a conversation with you. it was definitely difficult at first, your voice being so quiet that he sometimes have you repeat what you just said, his heart a little heavy when he does so. it will definitely take a while to have you grow comfortable around him, but when you attempted to make a small joke one day, his eyes lit up, knowing that he's making progress.
he instantly shuts down any bullying from your classmates. they don't try to approach you anymore, but they also don't try bothering befriending you. this extends to everyone outside of your school, subtly threatening anyone who makes you even the slightest bit of uncomfortable, glaring at the person who's taking your order as he stands in front of you when you kept stuttering, trying to make them hear what your order is after they had you restate it a couple of times despite you trying your hardest to raise your voice.
although he is making progress in your slowburn friendship, you two are still not quite close yet that you'd try to initiate a conversation with him. it has to be him who talks to you first or you won't be talking to him at all. soft yandere classmate wanted to change that without having to force you.
soft yandere classmate who found you one day underneath a bridge. worried, he stayed to find out what were you doing on such a place, eyes darkening at the thought of a bully forcing you to come here even after he's made it loud and clear for everyone about the consequences, only to see you crouching down in front of a small opened box with a tiny cute kitten on the inside, meowing softly upon seeing you.
he could feel his heart melting as he watched you interact with it, your usually aloof face covered with a sweet smile as you feed and played with the small feline. he could hear you talking to it, telling it about your day. his heart jumping a little mentioned him. he continued to observed from afar, noting how you seem to get along more with animals than with your fellow peers. eventually, he decided to make his presence known, slowly approaching from behind to join you and the small bundle of fluffball.
you were surprised at first when he crouched down beside you, but you were quick to relax as you were beginning to get used to his presence. you said your hi's and hello's before a brief moment of silence befall the two of you. it was like the small kitten in front of you made every thought inside your head disappear as you start the conversation, asking him what he's doing here. he felt a little nervous before answering, trying not slip up his little secret that he was stalking you.
it starts off with a small question at first, but soon you begin talking more and more, and before he knew it, soft yandere classmate is now just smiling softly as he listens to you ramble to him, from troublesome homeworks to the very kitten who you are currently petting and stroking on it's cute little head.
he learned a lot of things about you in those few minutes, and he couldn't be more happier. he learned that you couldn't keep any pets at your home, forbidden by your strict parents, and how you wanted to give the kitten a name despite it all. what you didn't know, is that you gave your classmate a sweet little idea.
soft yandere classmate who told you that he will help you pick it's name, and take care of it back at his home. and how nice he is, as he added that you can come over to his house anytime you like to visit it!
once everything is set and done, after class, he'll invite you over, happily telling you that he was able to think up of a cute name for the kitten. and since you're unaware of his underlying intentions, you made it easy for him to lure you in the safety of his walls. where he will slowly convinced you that you will live a much more comfortable and better life if you stay with him and lotte.
all of the things you didn't like to do but forced yourself to live up to everyone's expectations, they're all in the past now. your happy sugar life begins, starting with owning a pet that you've always wished for.
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ickadori ยท 8 months
++ ๐˜๐”๐‰๐ˆ ๐ˆ๐“๐€๐ƒ๐Ž๐‘๐ˆ โ€” ๐’๐“๐€๐‹๐Š๐ˆ๐๐†
[summary] Yuji knows that he could never have a normal, healthy relationship with you, not with Sukuna inhabiting his body and his line of work, and he accepts that. Heโ€™s content observing you from the sidelines, watching as you go about living your life, none the wiser of the spectator watching from the shadows. VALENTINES EVENT MASTERLIST.
[cws] yandere -> yuji. fem reader. stalking. voyeurism -> peeping tom. masturbation. reader is mentioned to be a virgin but doesnโ€™t lose it. blood/tending to a wound -> yuji was hurt by a curse.
[an] this was originally for the valentines event i mentioned, but that wonโ€™t be out on time so im just gonna post as i finish these up!
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Yuji is content with watching you from afar.
Heโ€™s not delusional enough to think that the two of you could ever work outโ€”perhaps in another world. One without curses, one where heโ€™s not putting his life on the line every day to protect people that are none the wiser of the monsters that lurk, one where thereโ€™s not one of those same monsters living inside him.
Sukuna is a liability, and Yuji loves you too much to put you in a position where you could possibly be harmed. He has good enough control over the curse, but thereโ€™s still a chance, a tiny, minuscule chance that things could go wrong, and he just wasnโ€™t willing to take that chance.
So, he kept his distance.
Or tried to.
At first he tried to forget you even existed. To avoid seeing you in the morning on the commute to work, he took a later train, resigning himself to having to run a few blocks to keep from being late. That had worked, for a bit, but then you had found another job, one that required you to come in a bit later, and the both of you had wound up on the same train once again.
He turned to ignoring you - he didnโ€™t so much as turn to look in your direction when you stepped through the trainโ€™s doors, acting as if you were some inconsequential thing, and that worked, too, for a bit. But it seemed as if everyone was suddenly going to work a bit later than usual, bodies filling all the seats until eventually the only available one was the one adjacent to him.
He could have still chosen to ignore you, but then you had spoken to him, a simple โ€˜Crowded today, huh?โ€™ that was more rhetorical than anything, but the only thing Yuji was capable of controlling was Sukuna, not his desires, and he had answered you with a love-stricken smile.
โ€˜It is, isnโ€™t it?โ€™
And it went from there.
He went from pretending you didnโ€™t exist to anxiously waiting for the moment heโ€™d get to see you in the morning. Heโ€™d greet you with a smile and a grandiose gesture to the empty seat beside him, and youโ€™d sit down with a sweet โ€˜thank youโ€™ and an even sweeter smile.
Your conversations went from common pleasantries to something deeper, something moreโ€ฆintimate. Because what other word could he use to describe the way you vented your grievances about work, friends, and family to him? You were allowing him to see a glimpse into your life - a private, special thing that he hoped many werenโ€™t privy to - but he soon learned that a glimpse couldnโ€™t sate him.
Yuji found that the forty-five-minute commute wasnโ€™t enoughโ€”how could it be? Twenty-four hours in a day, and he was supposed to make do with not even one? That was wholly unfair! He had already given up so much - the possibility of a romantic relationship with you for your safety-, he deserved a few more moments with you, didnโ€™t he?
But Yuji knew that any more time spent with you would lead to him abandoning the boundary he had set for himselfโ€ฆbut as Gojo had taught him, thereโ€™s always a loophole to be found.
You like to collect trinkets.
Anything that catches your eye and youโ€™re toting it up to the register - itโ€™s a problem. Cute, but a problem. Your mother agrees.
โ€œYes, mom, I know I just bought a set of pens last week.โ€ You groan, phone tucked between your ear and shoulder as you attempt to organize the multitude of things on your desk. Pens, pencils, stress balls, notebooks, stuffed animals, vinyl figurines. โ€œBut these were themed after one of the shows I watchโ€ฆyeah, thatโ€™s the one! You remembered!โ€ You laugh through a smile. โ€œItโ€™s not an obsession. Itโ€™s a hobby!โ€
Yuji shifts in his spot where heโ€™s seated across from your place and looking into your baywindow, one earphone in his ear, the other carefully placed in the drawer of the desk youโ€™re currently standing at. Your voice is filtering in through the earphone, and he thanks the advancement of technology thatโ€™s allowed him to effortlessly be able to listen in on your conversation instead of having to rely on reading your lips...although he wouldnโ€™t have minded that too much.
Your lips look inviting; soft, plump and coated in a shiny gloss. You have a habit of sinking your teeth into your bottom lip when you laugh, something he finds insanely attractive, and you do it now, laughing at something your mother has said. Your eyes crinkle at the corners, nose scrunching up just a tad, and Yuji finds himself struggling to suck in air as he watches you.
โ€œIโ€™m laughing because youโ€™re absolutely ridiculous. Iโ€™m not letting you set me up on a blind date, mom.โ€ His teeth gnash together, a frown quickly overtaking his features. Date? โ€œIโ€™m more than capable of finding a boyfriend on my own, thank you very much.โ€ His pulse, which had quickened to a mildly alarming level, slowly goes back to normal as you shoot down the suggestion. Good girl. You didnโ€™t need a boyfriend - not if it couldnโ€™t be him.
Your mother meant well, heโ€™s sure. She likely just wanted her daughter to have someone to keep her company, to give her a shoulder to cry or lean on whenever she needed it, to have someone in the city to look out for her. While Yuji couldnโ€™t be your shoulder to lean on, nor keep you company past a short train ride, he was looking out for you. The world was dangerous, people were murdered left and right. Curses killed indiscriminately; men, women, children, the elderly, it didnโ€™t matter to them. They killed as easily as they breathed, and if you didnโ€™t have him watching over you, it was possible that youโ€™d meet that same fate.
โ€œGod, mom, that is none of your business!โ€ You grip your phone in one hand, your eyebrows pulling together as your mouth turns down. โ€œSo what if I am? Itโ€™s a social construct anyways! Itโ€™s not that big a dealโ€”no, Iโ€™m not waiting for marriage...Iโ€™m not into women, either!โ€
Yuji lets out a shaky breath. Youโ€™re a virgin. Heโ€™s never been one to harp on a personโ€™s sexual history, or lack thereof, it didnโ€™t make any difference to him, all he cared about was getting a resounding yes before he got down to business, but the thought of you being untouched sent a swirl of something hot, electric, and exhilarating down to his gut.
His body warmed further in the already humid air, cock fattening up against his thigh, and he clears his throat as he tries to keep his thoughts clean.
โ€œIโ€™m hanging up the phone now, mom. Love you lots, byeโ€”oh! And no dates. If I find some man at my door with roses and chocolates like the last time then Iโ€™m going to phone the police and get him put on a list, okay? Okay!โ€ You quickly end the call, your phone flying through the air before it lands on your couch, and cover your face with your hands as you let out a muted scream.
Yuji chuckles.
He shouldnโ€™t be here, he knows that, but he had just gotten through with a mission not even two blocks from your place and figured he could just check in on you. He hadnโ€™t seen you this morning, his work taking him to the other side of Tokyo, and it wouldnโ€™t be exaggerating to say he was going through a bit of a withdrawal.
Iโ€™ll just look in to make sure sheโ€™s alright, he tells himself. Just a quick peek to confirm that you were in your home for the night and okay. Heโ€™d be two minutes tops...
Thatโ€™s what he had said, so how had he ended up like this? Cock in hand and panting as he watched your fingers furiously flick back and forth over your clit. You were sprawled on your couch and facing the window, panties hooked around one ankle and legs spread. Your nightgown, something too thin to offer you any real warmth, was pushed up under your chin, the hand that wasnโ€™t desperately rubbing at your cunt pinching at hard nipples.
This is the sight he had been met with when he turned onto your street, and he only had a second to be angry at the fact that anyone could have walked by and saw you like this, before the need to touch himself outweighed the want to reprimand you. It was late, well into the hours of the night where the streets were usually deserted, so he figured he couldnโ€™t place too much blame on you, especially when this all worked to his benefit.
The notion that this was wrong, so incredibly wrong, floated around in his head for a bit, but it was squeezed and siphoned out with the dollops of pre-cum that landed on the steps leading up to your place.
Blood fills his tastebuds as his teeth sink into his lip in an effort to keep quiet. His nostrils flare as he breathes hard through his nose, hand practically a blur as it flies up and down the length of his cock, eyes trained on the way you rub at your clit in a circular motion. Around and around, up and down, the both of you quickly work yourselves up, and Yuji grunts, hips jerking up into his hand, long lashes fluttering when he sees your hips raise up and your thighs snap shut around your hand.
He finishes soon after, balls tightening and veins in his neck and on the back of his hand protruding as ropes of cum dirty his fingers. He squeezes as he nears his tip, making sure to milk out every last drop, and he huffs and pants as he lets his lip go free. He harshly swallows, knees giving out as he plops himself down onto your stoop, jittery hands working to stuff his now soft cock back into his pants and boxers.
He looks down at his hand and groans at the sight, his head tipping back, only for a loud thump to sound as it knocks against the wood of your door. Yuji curses, quickly scrambling up to his feet as he draws his hood over his head and hurries down the street.
A groan slips out of Yujiโ€™s mouth as his weary body crashes down into the seat of the train. The car is empty, expected due to how late it is -nearing midnight-, and heโ€™s thankful for it as he lifts the hem of his sweater up with a grimace, revealing a slash right above his belly button, the dark blood matted in with the hair of his happy trail.
Itโ€™s not life threatening, but fuck does it hurt. A curse had turned out to be a higher grade than the report had said, and Yuji had gone in a bit too hot, resulting in a few too many scrapes and cuts, but no broken bones, thankfully.
The bag on his back is pulled off, and he undoes the zipper and rifles through it, hand closing around a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a few gauzes. He stuffs the hem of his sweater in his mouth and bites down, simultaneously twisting off the cap to the bottle, and he counts to three in his head before pouring the contents on the cut, a muffled curse sounding as his muscles tense and flex.
The train slows to a stop as it comes to a station, and Yuji is too focused on wrapping the gauze around his midsection to hear the sound of heels clicking against the train floor.
โ€œNgh, shit.โ€ He pulls the gauze tight as he rips it with his teeth, quickly tying the two ends together in a small knot after. Itโ€™s a half-assed job, but itโ€™ll do until he makes it home where he has more supplโ€”
His head snaps up at the familiar voice, and two sets of wide eyes clash as the both of you fall silent. Your gaze falls to the dressings on his stomach, which are already tinged red with his blood, and you gasp before youโ€™re quickly rushing over.
โ€œWhat happened?โ€
โ€œWhy are you out so late?โ€
You both talk over each other, but Yuji repeats his a bit louder, because his question is clearly more important at the moment. Donโ€™t you know how dangerous it is to be out this late? What were you doing? Where were you? Why are you so dressed up?
โ€œIโ€™m coming from a friendโ€™s housewarming party, it ran a bit late, too late if you ask me. I was ready to go hours agโ€”wait, that doesnโ€™t matter! Youโ€™re bleeding, Yuji. What happened?โ€ You sit in the seat beside him and turn your body, your knees brushing against his, and he suddenly finds it a bit harder to breathe. โ€œOh my God, youโ€™re pale. You need to go to the hospital.โ€ Your hand reaches out to touch his forehead, your fingers pushing away the strands plastered to his damp forehead to touch the cool skin directly.
โ€œNo... no hospital, Iโ€™m fine. Itโ€™s just a scratch.โ€ He says, and compared to all the other injuries heโ€™s gotten, this could be passed off as a scratch. You give him a disbelieving look.
โ€œIt could get infected.โ€
Your concern for him makes his chest swell with nothing short of love, and he reaches a hand out to gingerly rest it on your knee, the tips of his ears heating when he realizes this is the first time heโ€™s touched you. โ€œIโ€™ll be fine, okay? It just looks bad, but itโ€™s only superficial.โ€
You frown, teeth worrying at your bottom lip, and the action nearly puts Yuji in a trance. He wants to bite your lip. Not hard enough to seriously hurt you, but enough to pull one of those cute little gasps forth and paint a look of surprise on your face. Heโ€™d kiss it better afterwards, of course.
โ€œโ€ฆokay.โ€ You relent, still looking as if you want to argue. โ€œBut at least tell me what happened? Were you attacked?โ€ You take a cautious glance around, as if whatever did this to him is lurking nearby and not dead.
โ€œYeah,โ€ he nods, and your eyes widen. โ€œSome asshole tried to rob me. Guess he didnโ€™t like that I left my wallet at home.โ€ He gives a chuckle that he hopes puts you at ease.
โ€œOh my God, Yuji, we have to call the police! He could have killed you!โ€ Guess not. You rifle through the purse in your lap to retrieve your phone, and before you can punch in the number and make this situation more complicated than he wants to deal with right now, heโ€™s slipping your phone from your hand and dropping it back into your bag.
โ€œIโ€™m fine, really.โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re bleeding.โ€ You pointedly look to his stomach, and Yuji smooths his sweater back down, jaw clenching as he fights back a wince when he agitates the wound. โ€œI saw that!โ€
The train comes to a slow stop, his stop, and he gives you a sheepish smile before standing to his feet. โ€œReally, thanks for worrying, but itโ€™s nothing serious. Iโ€™ll be fiโ€”โ€ His words get caught in his throat when you stand up beside him and curl your arms around one of his, a determined look plastered on your face as you keep him rooted in his spot.
โ€œSince youโ€™re refusing to go to a hospital, then youโ€™ll come back to mine and let me patch you up properly - and if you get any worse, I will be calling an ambulance, got it?โ€ He turns his head to the side in order to hide a dopey grin into his shoulder.
โ€œ...got it.โ€
โ€œLuckily, itโ€™s not deep.โ€ You say from where youโ€™re kneeled on the floor, Yuji laid down on the couch cushions in front of you. His shirt is discarded, neatly folded and placed on your coffee table, and your brows are furrowed in concentration as you gently dab at the wound on his stomach.
The bleeding has slowed considerably, and while itโ€™s still incredibly sore, the stabbing pain from before has gradually subsided as well. Itโ€™s not deep enough to need stitches, which is the same conclusion you come to after yet another careful observation.
โ€œTold ya I was fine.โ€
โ€œI would hardly call this fine, Yuji.โ€ Your eyes slide over to meet his, and the hairs on his arms raise as he basks in the sound of you saying his name. Oh. He wants you to keep saying it, in different connotations even - he wants to hear you cry it out while his face is buried between your thighs, wants to hear it choked on a gasp when he slides in for the first time, wants to hear it between sobs as he finds your sweet spot, wants to hear it screamed out when heโ€™s made you cream all over his cock, he never wants to stop hearing it.
Wonโ€™t you say it for him again?
โ€œI really do think you should go to the police, Yujiโ€ฆif not for yourself, then for the next person at least. What if they hurt someone else?โ€ You say as you smooth the last butterfly stitch into place. โ€œYouโ€™re notโ€ฆ youโ€™re not in trouble or anything, right?โ€
โ€œTrouble?โ€ He frowns, and when he takes in the cautious look on your face, he realizes what you mean. โ€œNo! Iโ€™m not! I havenโ€™t...โ€ He can see you retreating, hands curling in your lap as you lean back from him, and he quickly sits up, teeth gritting as he does. โ€œHey, Iโ€™ll go to the station in the morning, okay? I just.. my uncle is a cop, and I know heโ€™s gonna go on some crazy manhunt once he finds out what happened.โ€
The lie comes out smooth, and Yuji would feel bad if you didnโ€™t immediately relax after hearing his words. Youโ€™re so gullible, he thinks to himself. Would you have believed the same lie if someone else had said it? Or did you believe it because he, Yuji, had been the one saying it? Did you trust him that much?
โ€œThatโ€™s a good thing. The person who did that should be arrested.โ€ You frown again as you look at his stomach. โ€œAre you sure youโ€™re okay? I think it looks agitatedโ€”โ€
โ€œHey,โ€ his hands move to cup your cheeks, an action thatโ€™s far too intimate for two people who havenโ€™t talked outside of a train ride to work...but you had invited him here, hadnโ€™t you? You had clung to him on the walk over, your arms wrapped around one of his as you questioned him over and over again on whether he was growing dizzy, nauseous, tired.
You had guided him to sit on your couch and helped him take his shirt off โ€” you had touched him with those hands that could do no wrong, tended to him so tenderly, fueled the fantasies playing on repeat in his head.
โ€œYuji?โ€ You call, breath fanning over his lips, and he harshly swallows, adamโ€™s apple bobbing as he does. His eyes flit around your face, unable to focus on one particular thing; eyes, nose, lips, brows, the little hairs at your temples, the dark freckle-like spots underneath your eyes, the length and curl of your lashes, the shape of your hairline, he finds himself taking it all in, greedily.
He leans in just, giving you ample opportunity to move away or tell him no, but you only wet your lips, lashes fluttering and breath quickening, and he doesnโ€™t waste another second before heโ€™s leaning in.
Your lips meet and his chest tightens, hands slightly trembling as he basks in the feeling of you, which is all he can do, all thoughts effectively cleared from his head. Your lips move hesitantly against his, slow, unsure, but he has no problem taking the lead.
One hand moves to clutch at the back of your neck as he deepens the kiss, teeth gently nipping at your bottom lip and pulling forth a soft sound. He takes the opportunity to delve inside, tongue sliding alongside your own as he groans at the taste of you.
The two of you only part to suck in a shuddering breath and then youโ€™re back on each other, your hands hovering over his chest, hesitating. Yuji kisses the corner of your mouth and gently grabs your wrist, guiding your hands to his chest. โ€œTouch me.โ€
You jerkily nod, hands roaming his chest, prodding and squeezing and rubbing. Your thumbs skim over his nipples, and he hisses through clenched teeth as they immediately harden. Your eyes dart up to him, wide and twinkling, and you do it again. โ€œShit,โ€ he grunts.
โ€œCan Iโ€ฆ?โ€ You trail off with a whisper, and he mindlessly nods, cock throbbing in his pants as he spreads his legs wider to give you more room. Your head leans forward, and he intently watches as a pink tongue peeks out from between swollen lips to flatten over one of his nipples.
His dick jumps in his pants, and he sinks his teeth into his tongue to stave off the overwhelming urge to come in his pants. Your tongue flicks over the bud, and blood fills his tastebuds before heโ€™s pulling you up to straddle his lap, tip leaking drool at the dejected look on your face.
โ€œSorry, sweetie,โ€ he kisses at the corner of your mouth, hands moving to palm at your own chest to return the favor. โ€œBut Iโ€™m not ready to come yet.โ€ He squeezes, jiggles, tests the weight of your breast in his palms, pinches at your nipples through the thin fabric, all the while his hips are rocking up into yours, throbbing cock knocking into your clothed sex. He can feel the heat of your cunt - sweltering, inviting, and he wants to dip his cock in and never pull it out, but not yet, not now.
Your back meets the cushion, your head bouncing off the seat from the suddenness of it all, and one of Yujiโ€™s knees plants itself on the couch as his foot gains purchase on the floor. He makes quick work of your pants and underwear, mouth running dry at the sight of your wet pussy.
He wants to eat you out - bury his head between your thighs and lap up your slick until the sun rises, but he knows the tip of his cock is turning purple even without looking at it, and while he usually has no problem putting his own needs aside when it comes to you, he feels like being a bit selfish tonight.
Your eyes are wide as he pops the button on his pants, your blown pupils tracking the movements of his hand as it tugs his cock free before tucking the elastic of his boxers under round, full balls. You gasp, a low sound that makes his cock jump, and you marvel at the sight. So cute. He catches a bead of pre-cum with his finger and brings it to his mouth without thinking, pink tongue swiping out to lick it up before his hand is returning to his cock.
He shuffles closer, a shuddering breath leaving him as he slaps it against your folds. โ€œYuji,โ€ you whisper out, and he hums, eyes focused on the way the shine of your slick transfers over to him as he slides himself back and forth against you.
Yuji doesnโ€™t miss the way you tense as his cockhead parts your folds, drool pooling in his mouth as he watches the way your hole โ€”untouched, un-stretched, un-fuckedโ€” clenches around nothing.
โ€œI wonโ€™t ... I wonโ€™t put it in.โ€ He assures. While you hadnโ€™t divulged your lack of experience, Yuji was still well aware of it, and he doesnโ€™t think he could live with himself knowing that your first time together was when he had a gaping wound on his stomach limiting his movements. You deserved his best, and heโ€™d give it to you, in time, but this would do for now. โ€œJust hold yourself open for me. Can you do that?โ€
You meekly nod, but your hands fumble as they move down between your thighs. Yuji licks his lips and smiles, his hands moving to cover yours as he places them where he wants them. โ€œGood - just like that.โ€ Your fingers keep your lips spread, your hole and clit exposed, and he licks his lips again, a groan bubbling up out of his throat as he slots his cock right up against you. You gasp, body jumping, and he slowly cants his hips forward, length sliding up. His tip nudges against your clit, and your eyebrows furrow as your thighs move to close, but his hands keep them pinned open. โ€œYou okay?โ€
โ€œItโ€™sโ€”oh.โ€ You gasp again when he pulls his hips back, cock heavy against your cunt as it easily glides thanks to the ample amount of slick and pre-cum mixing together. The fat tip catches on your hole, and he has to bite down hard on the inside of his cheek to keep from popping it in and fucking it in deep. โ€œYuji.โ€
Your eyes are locked onto his face, lips parted in an โ€˜oโ€™ and eyebrows pulled together - he nearly comes at the sight and ends this all too early. โ€œLook, sweetheart,โ€ he rasps, his eyes moving down to where youโ€™ve got his cock nice and wet, and he knows youโ€™ve followed his gaze when he hears your sharp intake of breath and sees your clit twitch. โ€œThere you go. Watch what I do to you.โ€
He keeps your thighs spread wide as he rocks into you, hips rolling and tip drooling as he goes through the motions of how he will fuck you. Heโ€™ll go slow at first, like how he is now, give you time to get adjusted to the feeling of a cock filling you up and stretching you wide. He wants you to feel every inch of him, every vein and curve, wants you to feel him dragging along your walls and brushing against that secret little spot hidden away inside of you.
Then heโ€™d go a bit faster, give you a taste of what it felt like to really be fucked, show you what you had to look forward to for the rest of your life, because there was no way he could go back to how it was before, not after you invited him into your home and kissed him and let him between these soft, sweet thighs.
Oh no, you were his now.
751 notes ยท View notes
kr0zast4r ยท 11 months
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81 notes ยท View notes
laurorne ยท 3 months
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๐‹๐€๐”๐‘๐Ž๐‘๐๐„ โ€” ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐Œ๐„๐€๐๐ˆ๐๐† ๐Ž๐… ๐’๐“๐€๐‹๐Š๐ˆ๐๐†
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-หห‹โ‹† ฬฅ ๐๐Ž๐“๐ˆ๐‚๐„๐๐Ž๐€๐‘๐ƒ หŠหŽ-
โ€” requests are open! โ€” this blog contains dark content and is has an 18+ audience in mind so be tentative please
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-หห‹โ‹† ฬฅ ๐Œ๐Ž๐’๐“ ๐‘๐„๐‚๐„๐๐“ หŠหŽ-
with each love you cut loose [ fluff ig; daemon targaryen x niece!reader ]
he made a slave of me [ smut; daemon targaryen x niece!reader ]
-หห‹โ‹† ฬฅ ๐‚๐”๐‘๐‘๐„๐๐“๐‹๐˜ ๐–๐‘๐ˆ๐“๐ˆ๐๐† หŠหŽ-
long af criston cole x targaryen!reader fic (theyโ€™re gonna hate fuck)
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โ€” working on expanding this blog!ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ยฉlaurorne
10 notes ยท View notes
yalitzax ยท 9 months
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clovers-garden-co ยท 2 years
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killingick ยท 3 years
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jasperwatchinga ยท 2 years
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โ€œ โ€” ๐Ž๐‡ ! ษขแดส€ษขแด‡แดแดœ๊œฑ ษขแดส€ษขแด‡แดแดœ๊œฑ ส™แดส๊œฑ แด€ส€แด‡ สŸษชแด ษชษดษข ษชษด แด›สœแด‡ แดกแดแดแด…๊œฑ & ๐ƒ๐Ž๐”๐๐“๐ˆ๐๐† ๐“๐‡๐„๐ˆ๐‘ ๐†๐‘๐€๐’๐ ๐Ž๐ ๐‘๐„๐€๐‹๐ˆ๐“๐˜. ส™แด‡แด€แดœแด›ษช๊œฐแดœสŸ ส™แด‡แด€แดœแด›ษช๊œฐแดœสŸ ส™แดส๊œฑ แด€ส€แด‡ ๐’๐“๐€๐‹๐Š๐ˆ๐๐† ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐€๐‹๐‹๐„๐˜๐–๐€๐˜๐’. แด„สœแด€ส€แดษชษดษข, แด„สœแด€ส€แดษชษดษข ส™แดส๊œฑ แด€ส€แด‡ ๐ˆ๐Œ๐€๐†๐ˆ๐๐ˆ๐๐† ๐–๐‡๐€๐“ ๐˜๐Ž๐” ๐‹๐Ž๐Ž๐Š ๐‹๐ˆ๐Š๐„ ๐€๐’๐‹๐„๐„๐. โ€ [ ... ๐Ÿ’”] / MOODBOARD #001.
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webq84 ยท 4 months
soft yandere killer who've lived his entire childhood completely lacking of love, making him believe that he would be truly living the rest of his days as a heartless killer. but after meeting you, though he's still a murderer, his once dead heart now beats with life, just like how you've always brought life to your many genius artistry.
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soft yandere killer who is reborn through the series of horrifying events that happened in his life and curses the very town that gave birth to him as the monster he is, the simple whisper of his name blowing shivers down anyone's spine.
he haunts the people, chasing them even inside their dreams and thoughts, leaving them anxious and restless at night wondering if they'll be the next unfortunate victim within his sadistic hands.
with his lingering presence, some can't continue living their normal lives as even the slightest movement from the shadows of their feet scares them to death. the majority decided to take action. escaping into a faraway country until their selves and their families are tucked away safely from his rotten gaze. while others remained in their homes despite the ongoing chaos.
they can only pray to the gods that they believed in, while also entrusting their faith and trust into the shoulders of their hardworking police officers and detectives.
though many residents have fled to a much safer sanctuary, there are those few who moved in and replaced the empty homes they left behind. perhaps they were too late to hear the news. but nevertheless, you were one of those people.
aspiring, yet you were also a lazy painter. unless your creative mind is inspired by something, your fingers would be even too lazy to lift up a paint brush. the exhaustion that was never there before suddenly slugging your movements.
but the moment you picked up that familiar spark that makes the gears in your head suddenly work, you never waste a moment spilling every hard work to create that masterpiece, refusing to let go of the firm grip you had around the paintbrush until your eyes find satisfactory.
and it happened on one particular night on your way home. but unfortunately, not in the same way you did in the past when you would come across a beautiful scenery.
you weren't expecting to stumble across the killer murdering one of the townspeople, the smell of iron strongly hitting your nostrils the moment their blood splattered across the cold ground. your wide eyes couldn't leave the gruesome sight, just as your whole body froze on the spot you're standing on.
but when the killer was about to turn around and see you, a witness to his heinous crimes, the freeze spell casted to your body breaks and you dashed off into a different direction, almost tripping on your wobbly legs.
you were able to get away. but that's because the killer let you ran off. you weren't fast enough to escape his vision. he caught you running away, presumably because of what you just saw. but for some reason, he didn't chase after you. he just stood there with his back facing the mangled corpse he was just toying with earlier.
it would be a lie to say if you continued living normally after that night passed. you couldn't get rid off the image of the horrified expression plastered on the victim's face as they stared at you with their lifeless eyes. it frequently appears in your slumber, turning your dreams instantly into a nightmare, keeping you awake for the rest of the night.
it came to a point where you don't even want to go to bed, fearing the scene will replay again once more in your sleep. you know to yourself that you can't continue living like this. you needed to do something.
just like how every artists paint their ideas into their canvas, you thought that if you paint that haunting memory, it will finally stop latching onto your brain like a living parasite. you would finally be able to rest.
day and night, you never stop painting, cooped up inside your little studio. the only sounds you could hear are your own breath and every stroke of your paint brush. because of how focused you are, you never realized the set of killer eyes watching you.
ever since that night, soft yandere killer have been stalking you. memorizing your routine. when he saw what you were painting, he was struck with amazement at how detailed your art is. it was even more special to his heart because it was the very night that he first saw you. the first meeting you two had inside his delusional mind. he thought you admired him, just as he's now admiring you in your natural place.
when you finally finished creating this horrible piece of art, you thought that your painting of him would stop there. it didn't. that scene still never left your head, so you continued, painting them in different ways, as if you're trying to appease a god that is dissatisfied with your offering. each painting you make, it becomes more and further disoriented from the original piece.
you started painting the killer in different situations, all in which are him murdering other people with different creative weapons. soon enough, your room is filled with his heavy presence despite him not being actually there, suffocating you.
and upon seeing the many paintings of him, soft yandere killer completely misunderstood the intentions behind your ongoing spiral to madness. you love him just as much as he loves you. and to honor the love that you're pouring into every hard work that you're putting in each masterpiece, the obsessed killer took it as a challenge to recreate every painting into his next murders to prove how much he loves you.
you two are beyond obsessed with each other. just not in the same way he thought you were.
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webq84 ยท 4 months
soft yandere photographer who accidentally snaps a picture of you for one of his projects when he was supposed to take a photo of a butterfly who decided to take a break from flying and rests it's colorful wings on the top of your sketchbook. your creative mind too busy to get distracted with such a small little thing.
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ever since then, soft yandere photographer has been following you wherever you go. snapping pictures of you in different scenery, different clothing, but you're always stuck in that precious sketchbook of yours.
you were always so focused, the serious expression on your face never budging. but sometimes it'll be different, your face subtly expressing a bunch of emotions as your fingers lifts up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, your brows furrowing with the smallest amount. he figured it was to help you create more expressive characters.
he can never get too close to you, as for some reason aside from your art, you were gifted with really keen senses. flinching and turning your head away from the pages of your drawings to see what made the grasses beneath you rustle a bit. he nearly stumbles on his feet, pretending to be just walking past you, heart skipping a beat when you make eye contact and give each other a small smile.
after that, he can only observe and take a photo of you from a good enough distance that you'll think he's just another person amongst the people enjoying a cup of coffee in that favorite cafe of yours you usually like to go to. or he's just one of those people who like to read their books near mother nature as he sits on one of the benches in the park which is coincidentally in the same row as yours.
all of those times he's sneaky with his camera, using his surroundings to his advantage. faking to post about the cafe's interiors to promote them, when it was solely your pictures that contains the storage of his camera.
it's almost like a little play for him, appearing as a different role each time just to catch a glimpse of you.
it was always the same routine, until one day, when he managed to find the perfect spot that's a little closer to you than usualโ€”he noticed something from that little sketchbook of yours, zooming in closer to create a more clearer image for him. his breath suddenly getting trapped in the back of his throat.
it was... him. all of them. drawn in seemingly different art styles as if you were testing which one suits him the best. he even recognized some of the poses you used for him. there was one where he was in your favorite cafe, with his own ordered coffee as he remembers sitting on a different table across from yours. there was even one where he was at the park sitting on a bench, where he was supposedly to be reading the book he brought with him.
and what's strange about those specific drawings of yours, is that you've drawn him with his trusted camera on his hands, blocking half of his face as the little slashes of lines around the sketched camera indicates that he was taking a picture. almost as if you knew what he was doing...
he felt his heart almost jumped out of his chest when he zoomed out from your sketchbook, because instead of finding you burying yourself in the world of your sketchbook, he saw you looking towards his way. acknowledging him. your eyes meeting his through his camera.
you seem to attract butterflies a lot, when another like before joins you for this special picture, his shaky hands trying their best not to drop his camera on the ground as he snaps a photo of you smiling cheekily at him. the little butterfly giving him more cute pictures of you laughing and giggling as it tickles you, playfully kissing you in the nose.
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ickadori ยท 8 months
++ ๐‚๐‡๐Ž๐’๐Ž ๐Š๐€๐Œ๐Ž โ€” ๐’๐“๐€๐‹๐Š๐ˆ๐๐†
โ†ณ Choso is still unfamiliar with the more human way of doing things, but he is trying, so you canโ€™t fault him too much when his actions resemble that of a curse rather than a human. VALENTINES EVENT MASTERLIST
[cws] yandere. stalking. chikan. mild violence. fem reader. iโ€™ve taken creative liberties and made it so that choso can choose when heโ€™s visible to humans thanks to being half-curse, half-human :3 reader is american.
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Right and wrong is not something that Choso concerns himself with - he simply does what he pleases.
Itโ€™s not in the sense of him thinking that heโ€™s above human laws (he is) and can therefore ignore them, but rather that heโ€™s not familiar with them.
Yuji has told him time and time again about what is and is not acceptable, but it just hasnโ€™t clicked in his head yet. In the rare times that he shows himself to humans, he always finds himself breaking some type of rule, law, or societal norm, as Yuji tells him.
โ€œYou canโ€™t walk so close to people, Choso - theyโ€™ll think youโ€™re a pervert or something!โ€
โ€œI donโ€™t care if she smelt good - you canโ€™t sniff her like a dog!โ€
โ€œPut your dick away! Thatโ€™s not a bathroom! You canโ€™t piss there!โ€
โ€œNo, Choso! You canโ€™t kill somebody just because the line is too long!โ€
Humans were bound by so many rules, it was annoying. Choso found himself staying hidden more often than not, choosing to observe the people around him rather than taking more โ€˜lessons on humanityโ€™ from his younger brotherโ€”Yuji was a big help, donโ€™t get him wrong, but Choso didnโ€™t feel right taking lessons from his younger sibling. Choso was the oldest, the one meant to protect and teach his younger brothers (something he had failed to do on two occasions, as he so painfully remembers every day), and if he didnโ€™t know it, then it was his duty to learn it on his own.
The regular people of Japan, the ones who were terribly unfit to defend themselves (itโ€™d be a hassle trying to protect them - heโ€™s glad theyโ€™re not his siblings), were incredibly boring. Majority of them only worked and slept, some occasionally getting drunk at some hole-in-the-wall bar before stumbling home and passing out in the living room.
Choso preferred watching the not-so-regular people of Japan, the ones who led a life that Yuji always turned his nose up at, but Choso didnโ€™t think they were so bad. They do what they want, whatโ€™s so wrong with that, he always asked. They didnโ€™t let rules shape their actions or let laws turn them into a completely different person - they were simply them, and Choso found it admirable, in a way.
He watched men cloaked in black skulk around alleyways looking for a target to rob, women dressed in skimpy clothing slipping into cars only to slip out a few moments later with blood on their cleavage, teenagers walking into stores with no money yet walking out with pockets stuffed full of snacks and drinks, men in suits exchanging briefcases full of drugs and money, truck drivers transporting living, breathing humans adorned in chains - the dregs of society as so many called them.
He watched them sparingly, only when he grew bored of the mundane lives of everyone else, everyone else except for you, of course.
Choso had been watching you ever since he first began this poor attempt to assimilate into Yujiโ€™s world. You lived a boring, plain, safe life, but he found himself interested nonetheless. You were an office worker, one with a funny accent that he learned was American. You liked to read and occasionally write, and you went on walks in the park on the weekend and took pictures of the scenery. You didnโ€™t drink and you didnโ€™t smoke but all your friends did. You had a library card that you lost on a monthly basis. You had an unhealthy addiction to carbonated drinks. You hated going to the dentist. You avoided stepping on the cracks in sidewalks. You desperately wanted a pet but your lease forbade you from getting one.
These were the boring, mundane details of your life. Nothing exciting, nothing noteworthy, and yet Choso had memorized it all.
You were on your way home from work now, unaware of Chosoโ€™s presence behind you. He was close - close enough to breathe in the scent of your signature perfume and take a peek down the top of your button down. Even your bra was boring, a dull gray that covered you fully, and an annoyed pout formed on his face before he turned his attention to the phone in your hand.
You were checking your banking account, likely making sure that you had enough for your daily sweet treat and tea from your favorite shop. It turns out that you donโ€™t have enough, but he already knew that. You didnโ€™t get paid until tomorrow, and you had used the last bit of your money on a recurring subscription that you had forgotten to cancel.
You sigh under your breath before dropping your phone into your purse, and Choso falls into step beside you, the rest of the journey to the train station going by uneventfully, as usual.
Itโ€™s a new day, and the same routine.
Thereโ€™s a couple that steps onto the train before the both of you, their hands intertwined and the womanโ€™s head nuzzled against the man's arm. Physical affection was another thing that Choso wasnโ€™t familiar with.
Even if majority of his life hadnโ€™t been spent locked away in a sealed vial, it wasnโ€™t in his nature to be gentle with his hands - they were tools to protect what was dearest to him, and the only way he knew how to do that was to kill whatever threatened what was closest to him.
Although he wasnโ€™t sure if you would appreciate that in this moment - you were squeamish when it came to blood, funnily enough, and he doubted he could kill the man standing behind you without making a mess.
โ€œTch.โ€ Choso hovers near you, his eyes taking in the scene. Youโ€™re on your morning commute to work, dressed in the white button down he watched you press this morning, and a black pencil skirt that stuck to you like glue - it had been amusing watching you shimmy into it, stumbling around your room and cursing as you threw worried glances at the digital clock on your nightstand.
You were dressed identical to every other woman on this train -your hair was even in a similar updo- and yet the manโ€”the pervert as Yuji would have called himโ€”had singled you out in the overcrowded place. He stood behind you, closely, and Choso leaned to peer around your shoulder, lip lifting in annoyance when he sees the manโ€™s crotch pushed against the swell of your ass.
The act itself doesnโ€™t bother him, but rather that youโ€™re the one the man chose to enact it on. He likely wouldnโ€™t have batted an eye had the man chosen one of the other women to feel on, but the sight of someone touching you had never failed to invoke a feeling of intense hatred in Choso.
He didnโ€™t like it, and he made it known when he moved to stand behind the man. He settled a heavy on his shoulder, his energy dark, thick and heavy as it nearly filled all the corners of the train car - an embodiment of the anger swirling in his gut. The man jolts and looks back over his shoulder, seeing nothing but perhaps a murky, dark substance. His hand grips hard, and the crunch that sounds followed by the pained wail doesnโ€™t do much to quell that anger.
He had touched you, someone that Choso was closely coming to regard as important, and there was only one way that could right this wrong, but that would have to wait until the number of people around were low. Too many eyes were never good, and Choso had studied humans enough to know that their first instinct was to run to the police when they saw a body drop before their eyes.
With a shove to the side, the man is thrown halfway across the car, and a cacophony of shouts sound off as he goes tumbling. You spin around, eyebrows pulled together and mouth set in an angry line, and Choso feels that strange human urge to comfort surge forth.
You cast a glare to the man, your hands moving to hitch your bag higher up your shoulder, and you keep your back to the door, likely in an attempt to keep that from happening againโ€ฆwhatโ€™s it called again? Heโ€™s seen this scenario play out before in one of Yujiโ€™s books that he tries and fails to keep a secret.
Chโ€ฆchiโ€ฆchikan, train molestation.
His brother is a pervert, without a doubt, but he supposes that works in his favor. The magazine had piqued his interest, firstly because Yuji had gone to great lengths to stuff it into the back of his closet underneath a set of his college textbooks, and secondly because it housed a taboo of society, and the taboo is what interested Choso these days.
He had read it in its entirety, and then had tried to witness it himself. He had spent hours hanging around the station, going in and out of cars and maneuvering between bodies to try and catch a glimpse of the depraved act, yet he came up with nothing, until today that is.
And what a letdown that had been.
His mouth pulls down at the sides, and he gives you a slow once over. He starts at neatly done hair, moves down to sculpted brows that frame glossy eyes, then to a nose that he wouldnโ€™t mind feeling against his own, and down to a set of lips that he finds himself thinking about more and more these days.
He goes further down, down to the way your shirt stretches across your breasts, the buttons straining just a bit, and he tilts his head to the side, a new type of feeling now festering in the pit of his stomach.
Your hands clasp together in front of you, the movement forcing your chest to jut out a bit more, and when the train curves around a bend, Choso lets gravity move him closer to you, head angled down. You tense just a bit, and your senses must be a bit better than everyone elseโ€™s, or maybe heโ€™s just doing a poor job at concentrating on concealing himself.
You push yourself a bit further into the corner, and he further crowds you into it, a spark of excitement running up his spine โ€” prey. Thatโ€™s what you remind him of in this moment as you cower in the corner from a threat you canโ€™t see. He wants to sink his teeth into youโ€”no, his hands. He wants to touch you and squeeze you all over, sink his fingers into soft flesh and leave his mark behind.
So he does.
Tentatively, at first.
The tips of his fingers hover near your cheek, casting a shadow that youโ€™re unable to see, and his breathing grows labored when he finally touches you - itโ€™s shocking, literally. You jump as you feel it, and Choso frowns. He hasnโ€™t learned about the grand thing called static, so in his mind, his mind that was locked away and kept rudimentary for so long, this shock upon first contact signified something monumentalโ€ฆsomething visceral.
You press further against the wall, brows furrowing as your hand moves up to rub at your cheek, and Choso moves down to the slope of your neck, fingers running along the throbbing vein, racing pulse, and then heโ€™s rubbing at your collarbones. Youโ€™re warm just like him, but where heโ€™s hard youโ€™re soft - soft, doughy, fragile.
His hands settle on your breasts, one in each palm, and he squeezes. Oh. You frown deeper, your eyes dropping to where his hands are groping, but you donโ€™t see. Heโ€™s right up on you now, head angled down and jaw slack as he tests the weight in his hands - theyโ€™re a nice size, a good size. Your nipples get hard under his hand, and he rubs against it with his thumb - your bra is so thin.
He thinks back to that book and what he had read in it, images of the debauchery floating to the front of his mind, and his mouth runs dry at the thought of doing those things to you. He had never thought about sexual gratification, much less craved it, but he felt as if he had been subconsciously seeking it out all his life and he had finally found it.
His breath is practically coming out in pants, matching the rapid thumps of his heart. He traps your nipples between his fingers and squeezes. You suck in a sharp breath of air, eyes darting around at the other passengers who donโ€™t pay you much attention - theyโ€™re all warily looking at the man still moaning in pain as he sags in a corner and clutches at his shoulder.
Choso squeezes again, and he knows itโ€™ll feel better if he was touching you skin on skin, but heโ€™s certain you wouldnโ€™t take kindly to him scattering your shirt buttons all over the floor of the train and leaving your bra in tatters so he pushes that thought away for later - maybe for when youโ€™re curled under your blankets at night and in a deep, deep sleep.
The maddening ache in his pants would have taken him by surprise a few months ago, but Choso has gotten pretty acquainted with his body with the help of a few snagged medical books and Yujiโ€™s laptop (which was still an enigma to Choso at times).
Both of his hands leave your breasts to instead push at his pants, the baggy material easily slipping down toned, lean thighs until they pool around his booted ankles.
His cock is pale but noticeably darker at the tip, and thereโ€™s a long, prominent vein that starts at the center of his shaft and disappears into black, coily pubes. His cock has never been able to stand up properly, weighted down by the sheer size, so it hangs between his thighs, thick and heavy, identical to his desire for you.
He wraps a hand around his turgid length, hissing through his teeth as he does, and pushes closer. You donโ€™t move a muscle, standing stock-still as you try and fail to make sense of all these โ€˜phantomโ€™ sensations.
If they were able, heโ€™s sure your knuckles would have long since turned white with how hard youโ€™re clutching onto the purse thatโ€™s now cradled against your chest. Your thighs shift together, inadvertently making your skirt rise a bit, heels noisily clinking against the platform of the car as you shuffle, and Choso spreads his legs and bends at the knees, a heaving breath leaving him as he slots his cock right through the opening between your thighs that you so graciously left.
The tights clinging to your thighs are smooth and silky, and coupled with the heat of your skin that perforates through, Choso feels himself jerk and twitch at the feeling. Itโ€™s leagues better than his hand, and his mind is already spinning at the thought of how youโ€™ll feel on the inside.
His hand comes down heavy against the door beside your head, and you flinch as your head whips to the side to look, eyebrows furrowing when you notice the large handprint on the glass. His other hand curls around the pole to the left of you, hand gripping it so tight that he can feel the steel denting underneath his grip, and he rocks his hips, slowly.
Warm, soft, squishy, the adjectives flit through his mind one after the other, a new one coming with each push of his cock between your thighs. Heโ€™s hot all over, skin burning and strands of black plastering themselves to his damp face. His balls are tight, and his left eye twitches when a soft sound escapes your mouth, a look of bewilderment on your face.
He comes, hard. His orgasm locks all his muscles up and makes his teeth snap together so hard they nearly shatter. His eyes roll back, the pole caves in under the pressure of his grip, the window beside your head shatters as his hand goes through it, and he makes a split second decision to show himself in an effort to shield you from the hail of glass.
Choso can nearly see the scream of fright that gets caught in your throat at his sudden appearance, and a grin that lacks remorse twists onto his lips. Your bugged eyes slowly trail down, and the scream finally un-lodges itself when you catch sight of his softening length and the mess itโ€™s left on your clothing.
Choso hides himself once again and steps off at the next station as he fixes his clothing. You stumble off as well, frantically heading towards the security booth as your eyes dart around to catch sight of him.
Soon, he thinks.
Heโ€™d let you see him again soon enough.
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ickadori ยท 8 months
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’ ๐ƒ๐€๐˜๐’ ๐Ž๐… ๐ƒ๐€๐‘๐Š ๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„
post will be updated with links as i upload.
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- ๐’๐€๐“๐Ž๐‘๐” ๐†๐Ž๐‰๐Ž
โ†ณ Nothing in this world is unobtainable for Gojo - heโ€™s a man that can have any and everything he wishes for with a snap of his fingers, and yet, youโ€™re still not his.
- ๐Œ๐€๐Š๐ˆ ๐™๐„๐๐ˆ๐ 2.5k
โ†ณ Youโ€™re Yuutaโ€™s beloved girlfriend, and Makiโ€™s closest friend, but sheโ€™s no longer content in being just a friend to youโ€ฆno, she wants to be something far more significant. [infidelity. dubcon -> drug use. mention of maki masturbating next to you as you sleep.]
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- ๐ƒ๐ˆ๐‹๐”๐‚ ๐‘๐€๐†๐๐•๐ˆ๐๐ƒ๐‘
โ†ณ Diluc is not delusional enough to write his feelings for you off as a simple crush, not itโ€™s something far moreโ€ฆdarker. Luckily for you, his self restraint knows no boundsโ€ฆthat is until a certain blue-haired man decides to fan the flames.
- ๐Š๐„๐๐“๐Ž ๐๐€๐๐€๐Œ๐ˆ
โ†ณ Nanami is a very simple man. He does not want for much besides a peaceful life with a few lavish vacations scattered in it, a dark glass of bourbon at the end of a stressful day, and for his love to be returned tenfold.
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- ๐๐€๐Ž๐˜๐€ ๐™๐„๐๐ˆ๐ 2.1k
โ†ณ Naoya was never taught to share as a child, and now, far into his adult years, he has no plans on teaching himself that particular skill. His possessions are his and his alone, and you, by far, are his most greatest possession of all. [jealousy. possessiveness. feminization -> maid dress (reader).]
- ๐€๐‘๐‹๐„๐‚๐‚๐‡๐ˆ๐๐Ž
โ†ณ Arlecchino gives and gives and gives - her love to her children, her strength and loyalty to The Tsaritsa, her alliance to her comrades, etc.. So, she deserves to have one little thing all to herself, does she not?
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- ๐’๐”๐†๐”๐‘๐” ๐†๐„๐“๐Ž๐”
โ†ณ You loved Getou once, wholeheartedly, and youโ€™d love him again. He had changed, yes, but if you were to split him open and look inside, youโ€™d see that he was still the same, that your name was carved into his heart, and that it solely beat for you. Yes, youโ€™d love him again, in time.
- ๐€๐‰๐€๐—
โ†ณ Above all else, Ajax loves his family and the life heโ€™s built for them. Him, you, and Teucer live peacefully in the cold depths of Snezhnaya. It had taken a lot for you to finally fall into your role of wife and mother, but he was always there to guide you with a firm, loving hand.
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- ๐–๐‘๐ˆ๐Ž๐“๐‡๐„๐’๐‹๐„๐˜
โ†ณ Wriothesley, a Duke in title only, is used to being in control. He rules over his prison with an icy, iron fist, dishing out orders and expecting them to be done without complaint. You, his model employee, are no exception.
- ๐‚๐‡๐ˆ๐Ž๐‘๐ˆ
โ†ณ Undecided.
- ๐๐„๐”๐•๐ˆ๐‹๐‹๐„๐“๐“๐„
โ†ณ Neuvillette holds himself to a nearly impossible standard, and he expects the same of you, at all times.
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- ๐‚๐‡๐Ž๐’๐Ž ๐Š๐€๐Œ๐Ž 2.7k
โ†ณ Choso is still unfamiliar with the more human way of doing things, but he is trying, so you canโ€™t fault him too much when his actions resemble that of a curse rather than a human. [chikan -> noncon. stalking.]
- ๐˜๐”๐‰๐ˆ ๐ˆ๐“๐€๐ƒ๐Ž๐‘๐ˆ 4.4k
โ†ณ Yuji knows that he could never have a normal, healthy relationship with you, not with Sukuna inhabiting his body, and he accepts that. Heโ€™s content observing you from the sidelines, watching as you go about living your life, none the wiser of the spectator watching from the shadows. [yandere. stalking. voyeurism -> peeping tom. virgin reader.]
- ๐‚๐‡๐„๐•๐‘๐„๐”๐’๐„
โ†ณ Itโ€™s Chevreuseโ€™s job to protect the citizens of Fontaine, and she does her job very well, even if it means resorting to more questionable methods.
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96 notes ยท View notes
kr0zast4r ยท 1 year
could you please do yandere wildberry cookie hcs? :>
๐€๐ฅ๐ซ๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ๐ฒ!<๐Ÿ‘ :)
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