skydreamplayzz · 8 months
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Wanted to redraw his ref. (idk why, i got Motivation to Do refs. 🧍‍♂️)
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clownpink · 4 months
big news for fans of fruity tboys bouncing & whimpering on it
they/he 🌿
help me out ♡
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sugurugayto · 2 months
xie lian 🤝 yue qingyuan
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doctorsiren · 8 months
blessed is the food that you have given us of chubby Phoenix on this fine evening.. he is mouthwatering, appetizing, tasty, flavorful, delectable, succulent, luscious, savory, piquant, scrumptious, yummy, yum-yum, peng, finger-licking good, nummy, flavorous, sapid, delightful, exquisite, lovely, glorious, heavenly, divine, enticing, majestic, ethereal, elegant, attractive, handsome, dashing, dazzling, gorgeous, lovely, magnificent, fair, pretty, wonderful, beautiful, pleasing, graceful, aesthetically, alluring, charming, delicacy, extraordinary, splendid, flawless, delicate, sweetness, glamorous, radiant, striking, photogenic, snazzy, appealing, pretty, angelic, excellent, superb, fine, fascinating, marvelous, ravishing, bewitching, and a distinguished gentleman in your style.. literally so ba-da-ba-pa-ba
oh my god you are literally saving us from the dreading hunger that we suffer from each day, every waking hour that I personally see of buff, skinny, whatever Phoenix (THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH IT BY THE WAY.), by now I have grown immensely numb to seeing Phoenix drawn as such but then here you come in full glory of shining light with chubby Phoenix and I forever and ever thank you
..the words I used to describe it are synonyms of delicious and good looking by the way so you don’t have to read all of that :3c
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I’m glad! Allow me to use this post to talk about some headcanons I have
So Phoenix has ADHD. Feenie was unmedicated until after the whole thing with Dahlia. Once he turned his attention to studying law and doing law school, he got a prescription to help him focus his energy and mind.
AA1-3 Phoenix took the medication.
He stopped taking them during the 7 year gap because he didn’t really need them and also he needed to use that money to take care of his newly adopted daughter (which is one of the factors of his weight gain bc he’s no longer taking medication that has an appetite suppressant side effect). Also, he would work out as well, so the extra weight is both fat and muscle. Working out was one of the things that helped him get over his alcoholism that he fell into after his disbarment.
After AA4, he started taking medication again (as well as biking around a lot like he used to, so he lost some weight but bc he’s already 34/35, his metabolism slowed so he kept part of it). He kept working out because it was already a part of his routine now and he found it to be a great stress reliever. Also, he got a nicely tailored suit (paid for by Miles 💖), which works well with the dad bod he has now :)
Based on the original sprites, he’s got broad shoulders, and based on the fact that he bikes a lot, he’s got strong legs :3
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bumpintheroad · 1 year
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heaven is here if you want it
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otherkinpolls · 2 months
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writeyourdarlings · 11 months
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steve would love 1989 tv💕
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Rayllum Month 2024:
July 9th - “I Still Love You”/Reconciliation
After a day of crossing and barely surviving the frozen sea, Callum and Rayla found a small Island where they could set up camp and rest for the night before they reached the Starscraper. They were huddled in their only remaining bed roll against the shadowpaw with Stella and Sneezles snuggling in between them, all keeping warm off the little campfire in front of them. Callum was initially reluctant since it’s been over two years since he’d slept that close to Rayla.
“It’s either we both stay warm together under one blanket for the night or one of us freezes to death, which I’m sure neither you or I would want that for each other,” Rayla had told him when he got all flustered about the one bed roll that didn’t sink in the sea below them.
The two sat awkwardly close together trying to keep warm under the blanket, barely muttering a word for a while. But then Rayla went into deep thought. It’s been around two months since she came back and while Callum at first didn’t want to be near her, they eventually started to patch things up. They’ve been getting closer to each other even more but things still weren’t exactly what they were between them. There was still this gap they couldn’t overcome in their relationship. They were stuck at one point and weren’t really getting anywhere.
“Callum,” Rayla started, taking a breath, looking down as she thought of the right things to say. Callum looked up at her, holding Sneezles in his lap and stroked the tiny glow toad’s soft head with his finger. “Callum, I know we haven’t really talked about everything. You know, me leaving and all that,”
“Rayla,” Callum uneasy, raised his hand trying to stop her.
“No,” She interrupted. “I have to get this off my chest,” She let out another breath before she continued. “It’s just... You know… well,” she sighed. “After the battle of the Storm Spire, when I’ve having these nightmares about Viren, I saw him capture my parents. But he also captured you,” she spoke the few words shakily as her lips began to quiver. “I-I was so terrified of losing you or Viren threatening you, I,” Tears streamed down her cheeks as she sniffled and she felt Stella give her a comforting hug, chittering compassionately. Callum looked straight ahead, felt his chest heavy and unable to express anything. She never told him about these specific nightmares before, only that she was afraid that Viren was alive.
Rayla wiped away her tears and continued. “I never meant for my leaving alone to hurt you, I was just so terrified you being in danger if I ever found him. But now, I know that I messed things up between us, like I mess up everything else,” Rayla could no longer control her sobbing. She lifted her hood on her head and hid her face between her knees, with Stella still trying to give her comforting squeezes.
“You know,” Callum started, heaving as he tried to control his emotions. “When you left without me, I was so hurt that you were gone. But what hurt even more was that you put yourself in danger and I had no way of knowing if you were ok or not, or if you were even alive,” his voice grew even more sorrowful as he spoke. “I also wanted to protect you from harm, Rayla. And when you left on your own, you took that away from me,” He started to sniffle as well. Rayla looked up towards him and lifted her hand, she wanted to reach his shoulder, but then she backed away. She never thought about any of what Callum was telling her just now, only her own desire to protect him.
“That’s why I wanted to come along and be with you. Because I,” He hesitated and caught his breath. “Because I love you, Rayla,”
Rayla gasped and felt her face light up. Callum lifted his hand and reached for hers, pulling it closer to his heart. “And I wanted more than anything to keep you safe. And I would’ve only been able to do that by being right by your side. And I still feel that way now,”
Rayla found herself melting as she looked into his teary eyes, unable to speak or do anything. She only found herself leaning into him. “Callum, I just want you to know that I never stopped loving you, even when I was away from you. Not one moment went by that I didn’t think of you. And all I can say now is that I’m so sorry for leaving you and making you feel the way you did,”
Callum took a deep breath and wiped away his tears. “I know I didn’t listen to you or believe you when you told me about Viren possibly being alive and I’m so sorry I brushed aside your worries and-and your pain of not knowing if your parents were alive or not. I really thought I was helping you move on but instead I just pushed you away. And maybe that’s what lead you to leaving on your own,”
“Callum no, that was never it,”
“No Rayla, I really am sorry about that and I promise, you can tell me anything and I’ll be there for you. And I promise I’ll do whatever it takes to save your parents. But please, just promise me you’ll never leave like that again,”
Rayla tightened her fingers on his hand then pulled it towards her so she could kiss it. “You and I, we’re stronger together. And I can trust you to carry my burdens with me, just as you can trust me with your burdens. We will keep each other safe and support each other from now on,”
Callum looked at her surprised, then smiled. But while she smiled and looked ahead, starting to doze off on his shoulder, he looked away. He thought about his own burden that filled him with guilt that he couldn’t bring himself to talk about. But maybe someday he would when he was ready, just as Rayla did when she was. He then looked back towards her and kissed her forehead. He leaned in closer and they both wrapped their arms tightly around each other. With Stella and Sneezles cuddled between their laps and fast asleep under the blanket, Callum and Rayla soon drifted off in the warmth of the extinguishing fire and each other.
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I finally finished this! I’ve only done tiny little cross stitch kits before, and I wanted to do something M*A*S*H related as a bigger piece. I bought a customisable pattern off Etsy and I’m quite pleased with how it turned out. The quote is one of my favourite lines, from Fade Out, Fade in 🥰 I chose it because it’s a cute moment between BJ and Klinger, and naturally I love Klinger a silly amount (and also as a reminder to myself because I get that sad brain sometimes 🤫)
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merry-andrews · 1 year
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Jinx and her dad again because I can't get enough of them.
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ladymarlin · 9 months
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Twitter RP art 😋
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macaiv · 8 months
Has anyone listened to this french podcast Esteban was on a number of months ago? I don't speak French so I had to get by using the auto-translate (while slowing down the video a bit) and the google translate app transcribe function. I think the translation was fairly understandable. Anyway, here are some parts I found interesting:
Esteban mentioned that included in his contract was that the team (Alpine) must not have a number 1 driver and that he doesn't want one side to be favoured over the other. He wants to have the same "weapons" to fight with his teammate.
His dad was a French Junior Cycling Champion when he was younger but was unable to progress further due to the lack of resources and lack of contacts. So his dad made a promise with himself that if he will have a child in a similar situation, he will do the maximum in order for their dream to happen. That's why he and his mum were so willing to sacrifice everything for him.
They were able to get Nico Rosberg to ask a question to Esteban. He, in true form, asked about teammate rivalry 😆 Esteban mentioned that Nico gave him a lot of support and advice when he arrived in Formula 1 in 2016.
His Dad also asked a question, "What was your best memory from the karting years?". "I remember we were parked on this mountain at the Monaco Karting Grand Prix in 2010. I will always remember waking up in the caravan every morning, opening the door and seeing the sea right in front." He would see other drivers going to the hotel while they stayed behind since they lived in a caravan. The hotel was more comfortable but because they slept on/near the track, it was to their advantage that they were able to work longer in the evenings making them more prepared for the race.
Besides these everything else discussed were already mentioned in his other interviews.
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kiwibubbles5 · 1 year
minecaft libary
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I made this in survival. Yes, im very insane. Pls ignore the torches, I haven't figured out how I want to do lighting yet, but I don't need mobs spawning inside in the meantime.
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rexscanonwife · 7 months
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Wowza! Happy FIFTH ANNIVERSARY to my love @cherry-bomb-ships and one Jamison Fawkes!!! 🥺💖🫶💖🫶💖🫶💖🫶💖🎉🎉
I know you guys have been making each other happy for a long time and you've been an OTP of mine since before we even started talking!! I'm so excited to do this redraw of the first commission you ever got from me of u and Jamie from all the way back in December of 2020 😱! (Side by side comparison under the cut!)
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finally 🤍
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lee-minhoe · 2 years
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lee do hyun for @minchanz <3
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