#🤣 she’s coming for her father’s job
reigningqueenofwords ¡ 3 days
You'll Be Back
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Pairing: past Dean x Reader, Reader x Mitchell (OC) Word count: 2,651 Warnings: Physical abuse, mentions of verbal abuse Request:  @arrowenchantress could be like, husband does something stupid leading to reader and son moving in with Winchesters, Dean helps reader and son, reader reluctantly lets him back in, they start to fall in love, find out Dean started to have a crush on her after prom that’s why he was being so weird, then sweet and fluffy family together ending? 🤣 just a thought
Read on AO3
Part 2 of It’s Not Mine
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You hung your head, letting out a sigh. “Babe, I can’t just tell Dean to stay away.” You told your husband. “I’m not rushing to be friends with him, but I won’t be rude.” Mitchell currently hated the idea of Dean being near Daniel. John had gotten hurt, and couldn’t work anymore. Dean moved back home and got a job. Which meant that when you brought Daniel to see your dad and John, you’d see Dean. 
“I just don’t like it.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Dean walked away from you when you were pregnant. Didn’t even come around to find out if the baby was his, and I don’t feel he deserves to be anywhere near him.” There was no way that he was backing down from this. 
“If Dean happens to be at John’s when I bring Danny over, then he’s there. It’s his house, too. He lives there. What, do you want me to tell him to get out of his own house when Danny sleeps over there?” Did he not see how wrong that was? “Danny loves those weekends at John’s.” 
Mitchell rolled his eyes. “I know he does, but I’m not comfortable about any of this.” 
You stared at him. “What’s this really about? It doesn’t make sense that you’re getting so annoyed about Dean possibly being around Danny. Is this because I didn’t change Danny’s name when we got married?” You asked.
“That doesn’t help matters any.” He shrugged. “You changed your name, but not his. Are you attached to it?” 
“You’re joking, right? I didn’t change it because I want that to be Danny’s choice when he’s older.” You defended yourself. “Nothing more.” 
“Are you sure you don’t still have feelings for Dean?” 
“Where did that even come from? We went to his senior prom as friends and slept together once. It’s not like we had an actual relationship.” He knew exactly what happened, so you couldn’t understand where this was coming from. 
Mitchell shook his head. “I don’t want him thinking that he can try anything with you when you’re near him. I don’t want to get told that you’ll be having another kid with him, especially when we haven’t even gotten to the point where we plan to have one.”
“Do you not trust me? We’ve been together 2 years, married for one of those.” Hearing him say this hurt you. You’d never given him any reason to not trust you. Then something clicked. You schooled your features. “Is this one of those things where the actual cheater is super worried about their partner cheating?” You asked calmly. When he looked away quickly, it was like a slap in the face. 
“We’re talking about you and him.” He pushed. 
“Don’t you dare try to get out of this.” You seethed, thankful Daniel was at your father’s. “Who is she?” You couldn’t believe this. “Mitchell…” 
He sagged. “Kendra.” He told you. 
“The Kendra you work with?” You asked, knowing exactly who she was. “How long has this been going on?!” How long had you been blind? How long had your husband been cheating on you? It felt like you could literally feel your heart breaking. What about you attracted men that would hurt you like this? 
“Almost a year and a half. She’s pregnant, and due in a month.” 
“Jesus Christ.” You blinked away the tears. You couldn’t believe this! 
When he saw you walking towards the backdoor, he looked confused. “Where are you going?” He asked, angry that you would walk away from him. 
“To get some fresh air. I want a divorce. I’ll talk to my dad about me staying with him when I go get Danny in the morning.” You sniffed. 
“Let’s talk about this.” He stopped you, gripping your arms. 
You tried to pull free. “You’re hurting me!” You were used to him calling you names, or making remarks, but he’d never put his hands on  you. “Mitchell!”
He glared at you. “Sit down, now. We can talk about this.” 
“No!” You snapped. The last thing that you wanted to do was sit down and talk to your husband about him cheating on you. His hand met your face, and you tasted blood. 
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John was confused to see you calling him. Most of the time you just called to talk about Danny. “Hello.” He answered. 
“John?” You snuffed, making him sit up in bed. 
“Y/N? What happened? What’s going on?” He felt his heart hammering in his chest. 
“Can you come get me? I’d call my dad, but he’s got Danny.” You told him, your voice low. “Please?” 
You were breaking his heart. “I’ll be there as soon as I can. Where’s Mitchell?" “He’s in the living room. I locked myself in the bathroom.” You explained quickly. “Use your spare key to get in.” You’d worry about getting your things while he was at work the next day. You and your son would not stay one more night in that house.
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Dean was confused when he was woken up to thudding on the stairs. Getting up, he went to see John pulling on his boots. “Dad? What’s going on?” He yawned. 
“Y/N just called me in tears asking me to go get her. I’ll be back.” He told him, grabbing his coat and keys. 
It was like he got cold water dumped on him. “Wait, what?” He asked. “Is she okay? Is Danny okay?” 
“I don’t know, and he’s next door. Safe. Make a run to the store. Get her some fruit candy, some Sprite, and some wine. Moscato is her favorite.” With that, he rushed to his truck. That would keep Dean busy, and it would be something for you to have when you got that. Maybe help you relax a bit. 
Dean stood there, wondering what happened to you. Did you and Mitch have a fight? But why would you need John to go get you? Could you not drive? Shaking his head, he went to get dressed to get you what your dad suggested. Clearly John knew you well.
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“Y/N?!” John called out, making you quickly unlock the door. Rushing out of your downstairs bathroom, you went right to him. Mitchell shot you a look as you hugged the older man. “Jesus, sweetheart.” He felt like either ripping Mitchell limb from limb or crying. 
“Can we just go?” You wanted out of that house. 
“Let’s go.” He put his arm around you gently. 
“You’ll be back.” Mitchell said, sipping a beer. 
“No, I won’t.” You said softly. “Thanks for coming, John.” You said once you were outside. 
John opened the truck door for you. “You’re welcome. I’m glad I could be there for you.” Once he was also in the truck, he waited until he was driving before talking again. “Has he ever hit you before?” He asked, hoping like hell you hadn’t been dealing with this for long. 
You shook your head. “No, tonights the first time. Usually it’s just name calling and stuff.” You gingerly wiped under your eyes. “He was pissed about me and Danny being near Dean. I couldn’t understand what his issue was, why he wouldn’t trust me.” You explained, heart breaking all over. “Turns out he’s been cheating for almost a year and a half, and she’s due with his baby next month.” You sobbed. “What is wrong with me that I attract men that will just break my heart?” 
His stomach sank. “There’s nothing wrong with you. Not a damn thing.” He said gently. “I’m not making excuses for Dean, either. I think he’s kicking himself for what he did and how he acted. Mitchell had us all fooled.” He had liked Mitchell. Thought he was a good guy, and was good for you and Danny. 
“Apparently Mitchell thinks I have feelings for Dean because Danny has his last name.” You leaned your head back and closed your eyes. “He couldn’t understand why I didn’t change Danny’s last name when I changed mine.” 
“Did he even ever ask to adopt Danny?” 
Sighing, you looked out the window. “No, he didn’t.” You were beyond thankful for that now. “At least Danny won’t ever see him again, and Danny is young enough that this won’t really effect him much. Or, I hope it won’t.”
“Kids are tough.” He assured you. “Dean was 4 when Mary died.” You knew who Mary was, but hadn’t heard all that much about her. Neither Dean nor John spoke of her that much, and you could understand why. “I did my best to raise those boys while mourning her. I made mistakes, which you know. You were there for some of them. And, even with Dean being an ass to you, he’s turned out okay.” He knew he wasn’t perfect, and never claimed to be. “Danny is young. And he has you as his mom. He’ll be okay.” 
You gave him a small smile. “We also have you, my dad, and Sam.” You didn’t want him to think he wasn’t having a positive impact on him. “We’re lucky.” Even if Sam was away at school, the pair of you were still friends. You texted, and often sent him pictures of Danny.
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Dean was sitting in the dining room with a cup of coffee when he heard the front door open. He got up and rushed to the hall, stopping when he saw you. “Y/N…” 
“Hi, Dean.” You said awkwardly, slipping off your slippers. 
“What the hell happened?” He asked, moving closer to you. He could see the split lip, the start of a shiner, and some bruising on the side of your neck. “Who did this to you?” 
“Let’s get you a drink. I’ll talk to him.” John spoke up, not wanting you to have to repeat everything. “I had Dean get you some stuff while I was getting you.” He explained, leading you towards the kitchen. 
You nodded, following him. Sitting down, you watched him open a bottle of your favorite wine. “Thank you.” You said softly as you took the glass he handed you. 
After he slid a bag of your favorite candy to you, he went to tell Dean what happened in the living room. “Apparently, he thinks she has feelings for you because of Danny’s last name.” He sighed, running his hand over his face. “He didn’t like the idea of her and Danny near you. Didn’t trust her. Turns out he’s been cheating on her for almost a year and a half, and the other woman is pregnant. Due next month.” He shook his head. “They’ve only been together two years, married one.” 
Dean clenched his jaw. “Has he always beat her?” He asked. 
“No, tonight was the first time. He was verbally abusive, though.” He sat down, hanging his head. “I had no idea. She blames herself.” 
“What?” How could you blame yourself for your husband hitting you? 
“She asked me what was wrong with her that she attracts men that will break her heart.” He hoped that in time you’d heal, but he knew that would take time. “I’m just thankful Danny wasn’t home to see that. I don’t know if he heard the things Mitch said to her, though.” He hoped like hell he hadn’t. 
Dean felt sick. He was part of the reason you blamed yourself. He didn’t think you’d want to see him right then, so he sat on the couch and leaned back. “I’m glad she had you to call.”
“Me, too.” He nodded a bit. 
Hearing movement, they looked over. “Do you mind if I take a shower before crawling into Danny’s bed?” You asked, wanting to wash that night off of you. 
“Of course.” John agreed. 
“Do you want a pair of my sweats and a shirt to sleep in?” Dean offered. “This way you can be comfortable?” You were in jeans, and knew from experience those weren’t the best to sleep in.” 
You thought about it for a moment. “Sure. I plan to go mine and Danny’s things tomorrow. I’ll wash your shirt and sweats to give back when we get back to my dad’s.” 
“Want me to go with you, sweetheart?” John offered. “In case he’s there?” 
“He has work tomorrow, but I think I’d feel safer that way.” Like you’d turn down having a bodyguard as a just in case. “Go about lunch time? He usually has to be in about 10 in the morning.” It rarely changed. 
Dean handed you the softest sweats he owned and a shirt. “No rush getting them back. Worry about getting out of that house first, okay?” He didn’t want you to worry about something as trivial as getting his clothes back to him. “Does your dad work tomorrow?” Would Danny have to go with you to get your things?
“Yeah, he does.” 
“Want me to take a sick day? I can watch him here while you and dad do that.” As much as he wanted to offer to take you, he didn’t want to risk setting Mitchell off with you around. If Mitchell had an issue with him, there’s no telling what he would do. 
You glanced at John, who gave you a comforting smile and nod to let you know he felt it was okay. “Sure.” You agreed. “I’ll bring him over after he eats lunch. He might nap, he might not. He hasn’t napped consistently since he was a toddler.” He’d been so small and squishy. You missed it some days, but loved the little boy he was growing into. 
“Is he allergic to anything?” Dean didn’t want to risk anything. 
“No, he’s not.” You shook your head. “But, thank you for the clothes. I’m going to go shower and crawl into bed. Night.” You said softly before disappearing upstairs. 
Dean watched you go and let out a breath. 
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You shut the bathroom door gently before leaning against it. You’d fought the tears so hard, but couldn’t any more. At 22, you had a 5 year old with a man who didn’t even claim him, and your marriage of just a year was over. This was not where you expected to be! You couldn’t, and wouldn’t, regret your son. He was your whole world, but when you were 16 you’d dreamt of college. Of finding your passion. Of finding lifelong friends. One day getting married and having kids. 
Moving to turn on the shower, you hoped that this crying wore you out enough to sleep. You didn’t want to lie awake, the events of that night repeating over and over in your head.
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John made his way to bed a few minutes after you went to shower, and hated hearing you cry like that. It wasn’t fair at all. 
While he did that, Dean was lying awake on the pullout couch. One hand was behind his head, the other was on his stomach. He felt guilty. Had he not said what he did, had he not taken off, had he stepped up to be a dad, and had he not been a complete ass…you would have never been in this spot. You wouldn’t have married an abusive prick. You wouldn’t have bruises on you. If he could go back in time and slap himself upside the head, he would. That just wasn’t possible.
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Once you’d dried off and pulled on the borrowed clothes, you made your way to Danny’s room. You were thankful John opted to get him a twin bed and slap sides on it so he didn’t roll off. You left the door cracked and shuffled over to the bed. Looking around, you smiled softly. There were a few pictures of Danny and John around the room, a couple of Danny and Sam, and toys your son loved. It didn’t take you long to fall asleep once your head was on the pillow.
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lostinadrama ¡ 2 months
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𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐦 (2024)
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silverflameataraxia ¡ 3 months
"You'll find someone," Jon promised her. "King's Landing is a true city, a thousand times the size of Winterfell. Until you find a partner, watch how they fight in the yard. Run, and ride, make yourself strong. And whatever you do..."
Arya knew what was coming next. They said it together.
Job messed up her hair. "I will miss you, little sister ."
Suddenly she looked like she was going to cry. "I wish you were coming with us."
"Different roads sometimes lead to the same castle. Who knows?" He was feeling better now. He was not going to let himself be sad. "I better go. I'll spend my first year on the Wall emptying chamber pots it I keep Uncle Ben waiting any longer."
Arya seemed puzzled at first. Then it came to her. She was that quick. They said it together:
The memory of her laughter warmed him on the long ride north.
AGoT, Jon II
No one talked to Arya. She didn't care. She liked it that way. She would have eaten her meals alone in her bedchamber if they let her. Sometimes they did, when Father had to dine with the king, or some lord or the envoys from this place or that place. The rest of the time, they ate in his solar, just him and her and Sansa. That was when Arya missed her brothers most. She wanted to tease Bran and play with baby Rickon and have Robb smile at her. She wanted Jon to muss up her hair and call her "little sister" and finish her sentences with her. But all of them were gone. She had no one left but Sansa, and Sansa wouldn't even talk to her unless Father made her.
She went back to the window, Needle in hand,  and looked down into the courtyard below. If only she could climb like Bran, she thought; she would go out the window and down the tower, run away from this horrible place, away from Sansa and Septa Mordane and Prince Joffrey, from all of them. Steal some food from the kitchens, take Needle and her good boots and a warm cloak. She could find Nymeria in the wild woods below the Trident, and together they'd return to Winterfell, or run to Jon on the Wall. She found herself wishing that Jon was here with her now. Then maybe she wouldn't feel so alone.
Arya chewed her lip and said nothing. She would not betray Jon, not even to their father. All she could think of was the lesson Jon had given her. "Stick them with the pointy end," she blurted out.
AGoT, Arya II
Sorry for the long post, but I love how Jon said goodbye to Bran, Robb, and Arya, but not his other sister. Sansa who? 🤣
I love that Jon and Arya know each other so well that they finish each other's sentences. I love how they're comforted by the thought of the other.
I find it interesting that Arya's second POV is a stark contrast to Sansa's. Arya thinks about her brothers all the time, about how much she misses them...and Winterfell. But Sansa only thinks of Arya a handful of times and it's either hating on her or wishing she wasn't there, but Sansa never thinks of her brothers.
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erin-bo-berin ¡ 2 years
Singlemom!reader universe please: what about spending time with Robin?
Robin would ABSOLUTELY in my book be the #1 auntie would she not? I feel like she’d spoil the life out of the baby. I also have this hilarious thought that she’d be more excited to see you and the baby than she would Steve and now I gotta write that. Plus, I also see her asking all the inappropriate questions about your sex life and stuff while covering the little ears 🤣
(This also takes place while baby is still 1, to explain her more baby like babbling and not yet calling him daddy)
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It was Steve’s day off from Family Video and he’d promised Robin to bring you and your daughter by for a visit since she unfortunately still had to work a shift.
“Might as well get a few movies to rent while we’re there,” Steve said, as he pulled into the parking lot, “I’ll see if I can find something too that we can watch with the kiddo.”
“Sounds good,” you nodded, stepping out of the maroon BMW and opening the back door to free the impatient baby from her car seat.
Robin looked up when the three of you entered, the bell tinkling to announce your arrival.
“Y/N! Oh my goodness and baby cuddles! That’s exactly what I need right now.”
She ran out from behind the counter and was hugging you as best as she could with the baby still in your arms, before taking her from you.
“Come to auntie Robin, sweetheart,” she smiled.
“I don’t even get a hi?” Steve asked, mocking hurt.
“Yeah, hi Steve,” she muttered, waving him off, preoccupied with the babbling baby in her arms, “Is that so? Did he really now?”
“I swear she’s more happy to see you and the munchkin more than she is to see me,” he scoffed, making you laugh.
“I usually am!” Robin called already heading back to the counter with baby on hip, “Y/N’s a delight and the kid is too young to bitch and moan about this job as much as you do. Plus she’s cuter.”
Steve flipped her off, making her cackle. He kissed your head, letting you know he’d be off browsing movies if you needed him.
You reached the counter where Robin had set your baby girl in front of her. She was busy playing with the “ask me” pin on her work vest as she quickly typed something on the computer.
“Let me just finish updating this account and I’ll be ready for some baby cuddles and girl talk.”
“Alright,” you smiled, gently pulling the material of the vest away from your daughter’s mouth, where she was trying to suck on it.
“So, how’s my favorite niece doing?” Robin asked, turning to the infant.
She babbled her answer and Robin gasped in shock.
“Did he really? Steve said that to you? How dare he!”
“Teve,” she giggled.
“I hear you baby girl! You trash talk auntie Robin all you want for me!” Steve called from the aisles.
Her tiny head turned toward the direction of his voice, confused why she could hear him and not see him.
“You hear daddy’s voice don’t you?” Robin grinned.
“If only she knew the word,” you sighed.
“Has she not said “dada” yet?” Robin asked.
You shook your head. Frankly, it was a surprise that she hadn’t called Steve “dada” yet, considering how much he was around.
“She can say “mama”, “no”, “ball”, a few other words but hasn’t even said “dada” at all. I know it sounds crazy but what if its some psychological thing because she knows her dad isn’t around?” you asked, worrying your bottom lip.
“Hun, her dad is around though,” she smiled gently, nodding her head in the direction of Steve.
You looked over to the other side of the store where Steve was concentrating on the movie titles in front of him, a pile already in his arms, his tongue poking out of his mouth as if in concentration and you smiled at the sight.
“In my eyes, Steve is her father,” you said.
“Although there’s something I gotta ask cause I’m dying of curiosity,” Robin said.
“What’s that?”
Her hands covered your girl’s ears before she spoke.
“When do you ever find time to have sex if your hands are always full with her?”
“Whoa, hey! Little ears are listening!” Steve protested from the aisle he was in.
“Why do you think I covered her ears, doofus? I’m not an idiot!”
“Nap time, whenever she’s asleep. That is, if we aren’t already knocked out ourselves,” you chuckled.
“I love you sweetie and you’re adorable, but I’m so glad I can give you back to mommy at the end of the day,” she laughed, handing you back the baby.
“If you’re done talking about my sex life, then can you ring these up?” Steve asked, walking up with a few movies in hand.
“Ugh, ew. Not that I want to imagine your sex life at all,” Robin wrinkled her nose, “But if you ever need a babysitter for a few hours so he can let out any frustrations on you, I’d be happy to watch her. He was so tied in knots the other week he told me—”
“Hey, no! We promised we’d never speak of that again!” Steve protested.
You laughed, watching them.
This was basically your relationship with Robin summed up perfectly.
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Hi! Hope I wasn't bothering you. I have a question for you that might seem odd(?):
How do you think the boys who don't really mention their families relationships with their relatives are like? For example: Does Cater have a good relationship with his sisters and vice versa or nah?
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We actually know quite a bit about the TWST boys’ relationships with their family members (with a few exceptions, and with varying degrees of detail). It’s one of the benefits of being ahead in the JP version and having read up on a lot of the characters’ lore, I guess 🤣 So I’m not sure which characters you mean by those who “don’t really mention [what] their family relationships are like”?
I feel bad leaving the question unanswered though, so here’s a rundown of each main TWST boy and their various familial relationships (most of the things here can be easily deduced or is outright confirmed canon across the main story, vignettes, character lines, events, and/or other official TWST media):
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Riddle’s mother is a well-known medical healer in their hometown. However, she is also a very strict parent and controlled Riddle’s diet and day-to-day schedule down to the minute, losing her temper at those that would question her rules and parenting. Young Riddle saw his mother as an example to follow, even if her decisions made him unhappy. Modern day Riddle (particularly following the events of episode 1) has recognized how toxic his mother’s parenting methods were. In episode 4, he resolves to confront her about this, but we never get to hear about the outcome. It is to be noted that his demeanor changes when he speaks about his mother--he appears much less sure of himself and adopts a different expression than usual. We can deduce that his present relationship with her is very strained.
Riddle has a father who is also a magical healer, but Riddle’s relationship with his him is largely unknown.
Riddle implies that his parents may have a poor relationship with one another, as he says in one of his Groom-for-a-Day lines that he wishes the Queen of Hearts would share the secret to having a happy marriage with his parents.
Trey’s a normal guy coming from a normal family that runs a normal bakery. His mother and father run Patisserie Clover, and he helps them with its operation when he’s not busy. (In fact, Trey started playing soccer because his parents thought it would help him be fit for the heavy-lifting duties at the bakery.) 
He has one younger sister and a younger brother that he helps his parents look after. It’s said by some of Trey’s underclassmen that he probably got into the habit of taking care of others because he already has the experience caring for his own siblings. Trey confirms that he has to tell his little brother to brush his teeth before bed.
The Clover siblings often bug Trey to make sweets for them. They also love Trey’s hamburger steak, which is prepared with Walrus-brand oyster sauce and a sunny-side egg on top.
Trey’s parents would get upset with him for eating the candied violets they prepare for their cakes. They also got upset with him for trying to eat random flowers and weeds to sate his cravings.
The Clovers send Trey care packages which contain candied violets. He snacks on them while studying.
Cater doesn’t mention his mom; it’s not clear if she’s gone or if she’s still around and he just doesn’t talk about her.
His father is a banker. Because the bank he works at has branches all over Twisted Wonderland, the Diamond family moves every 1-2 years to accommodate for his job. Cater’s relationship with his father is never further elaborated on in canon.
Cater has two older sisters who are very into the idea of everything they do or own being "cute". From the way he speaks about them, it seems that he thinks they’re annoying to deal with, as they are said to boss Cater around and force him to do things he doesn’t care for (such as eating sweets and dressing up in clothes that they prefer) in their youth.
His mom and sisters used to really enjoy making homemade sweets. They (especially the sisters) would always make Cater eat their desserts by using puppy dog eyes. Because of this, Cater can no longer stomach sweets.
He used to cook simple, light meals for his older sisters.
Cater does mention that his sisters have gotten a little nicer to him over time. He says they don’t have bad intentions and more, recently, have been asking him ahead of time what he would like to do rather than deciding for him.
The only family member we’ve heard Ace mention significantly is his older brother, who is a graduate of NRC and has told Ace how to kill time on campus (they seem to both be slackers). Trappola-nii is 7 years older than Ace and is employed in the field of entertainment (he also interned for the same company during his fourth year).
The Trappola bros are close with each other, with the older brother pulling pranks on Ace (such as buying a fancy watch with his first paycheck, posing it like a birthday present to Ace, but then going, “oh, it’s actually for myself”, blowing out the candles on Ace's birthday cake, or giving Ace an empty box as a gift and then filling it with candy). They are also on the phone at night with one another often.
It was his older brother that showed Ace how to do magic tricks (Ace learned by watching him) and how to lie effectively. He also loves movies.
Ace's brother appears to be a skilled Magift player (which is, perhaps, in part why Ace was so eager to play the sport in episode 2); Trappola-nii led Heartslabyul for the Magift opening ceremony during his school years, and there is a picture of this near a staff room.
Trappola-nii was happier than even their parents when he learned Ace got into NRC.
Even though they fight sometimes, Ace describes his brother as being light-hearted and easy to get along with. He thinks there are advantages to having an older brother, as he can rely on them for help and for advice. Ace sometimes has long phone calls into the night with his brother.
Ace has mentioned that though his father is not a mage, he is able to do simple card tricks.
His mother has yet to be mentioned in any kind of prominent manner.
His grandmother read the story of The Little Mermaid to him when he was younger. She's also the one who told Ace about the Ghost Camera.
Deuce comes from a single parent household in Clock Town (a town in the southern are of the Queendom of Roses). It is not known what happened to his dad, or what Deuce’s relationship with his father was like.
He has a grandma, but we don’t have many details about her or Deuce’s relationship with her.
His mom often takes him to limited time grocery store sales. She tends to buy a lot, so Deuce, as the only man of the household, helps her with the bags and other hard labor.
His mother, Dylla, works as a truck driver for the famous White Rabbit Deliveries, a delivery company in the Queendom of Roses. She and Deuce share a love for vehicles.
He’s close with his mom! Deuce’s delinquent friends used to make fun of him and call him childish for it.
Deuce often talks with her over the phone about school and his friends Yuu, Ace, and Grim. However, his mom does not call him often so this implies Deuce is usually the one that calls her.
Dylla and Deuce used to not get along during his delinquent phase. Deuce would spend time in public parks to be out of the house and away from confronting her. She would always believe him if he claimed he was not guilty of doing something, even if everyone else around them blamed him or assumed it was Deuce’s fault.
Like her son, Dylla can be strong-willed, earnest, and stubborn. When she is pressured by a group of delinquents to pay for their laundry bill, she refuses and says it’s their own carelessness that got cream on their clothes.
He is amicable with his mother and appears to care deeply for her, even when he was still in his delinquent phase. It was in overhearing his mother blame herself for him going down a bad path that drove Deuce to change and set his sights on pursuing the goal of becoming an honors student. Everything he does is really driven by trying to improve himself to make his mother proud, even as early as the main story’s prologue, to events like Wish Upon a Star (in which he cries when his mom calls let Deuce know she’s proud of him).
Mrs. Spade openly talks about the cute clothes Deuce wore as a kid. She mentions that their family doesn’t have much money, so she asked coworkers for hand-me-down bc clothes, which she worked on to provide Deuce with a fancy outfit to wear for a holiday.
She makes omurice for Deuce’s birthday whenever he is home.
She cherishes spending time with her son; the White Rabbit Fest started the year Deuce was born and she’s been going with him every year (until he “grew up”). She misses those times and wishes he would come home more.
Dylla sometimes also took little Deuce into her work office; this was before his delinquent phase in middle school. Her coworkers recognize Deuce because of this (and are also aware of his middle school self and how different he is now, remarking that he has “really become a good boy”).
Deuce’s mom is not that good with operating electronics. This is perhaps part of why Deuce developed the talent of machine maintenance and tinkering (from helping his mom out).
Deuce is infamous in his hometown for causing a lot of trouble to others, including his neighbor. Dylla would constantly apologize for her son, and, in present day, often tells others about Deuce’s achievements and how he has turned over a new leaf. Unfortunately, some townspeople still refuse to believe her.
Of course, Dylla is very proud of how Deuce has earnestly turned over a new leaf.
Because Deuce loves eggs, Dylla has become good at preparing egg dishes. She says she is not as good at cooking anything else.
It's implied that Deuce and his mom have little in terms of free spending money, as he talks about taking advantage of supermarket sales, how little his allowance is, how his mom started gardening to help save on food costs, and how the money he wins in book 5 can really help out his family.
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Farena/Falena is Leona’s older brother by 10 years. Leona’s father is ill, so Farena/Falena, is temporarily assuming the duties of king in his place. We don’t know about Leona’s mother, nor about his relationship with his parents.
Farena/Falena is shown to be supportive of Leona despite Leona’s dour and pessimistic behavior. He sends Leona expensive gifts and insists that Leona can do great things for their country, even if he is not crowned king. In spite of this, Leona does not return Farena/Falena’s love, instead thinking of his elder brother as carefree and not thinking of the Sunset Savanna’s future.
Leona is also annoyed by his nephew and brother’s son, 5-year-old Cheka, who is very eager to play with and learn from him. Cheka sends letters, calls, and even sneaks out to see his uncle, which irritates Leona to no end. He seems to try and avoid Cheka as much as possible, but has no choice but to return home or to take his calls from time to time.
Farena/Falena has a wife, making her Leona’s sister-in-law. Though she is not often mentioned, Leona usually does obey her requests (even if he doesn’t necessarily want to) as he “respects women”, as per the culture of the Sunset Savanna.
Ruggie’s father left “for work” one day and never came back, and it is not certain whether he is alive or not. Meanwhile, his mother “became a star” (she died after giving birth to him).
Ruggie’s legal guardian is his grandmother; they reside together in the slums of the Sunset Savanna. They don’t have a lot in terms of money or belongings, but they get along just fine with one another and do what they can to scrape together money and food to survive. Granny Bucchi is described by Ruggie to be “kind but tough”, scolding the neighborhood kids for misbehaving but also putting forth the effort to save ingredients so she can provide homemade donuts for her grandson on his birthday every year.
Granny Bucchi is great at cooking and taught Ruggie how to do it.
Ruggie sends pictures home to her.
Though Ruggie doesn’t have any siblings, it can be said that he treats the neighborhood kids as his brothers and sisters (even if he refers to them as “brats”). They are all struggling to get by, so he consciously gets leftovers and other tidbits from the cafeteria ghosts to bring home with him on winter break to share with everyone.
Jack mentions having a mother and father; it is assumed that they get along okay, as he doesn’t mention having any particular qualms with them. He also mentions grandparents.
Wolf beastmen only have one partner for life, and Jack says he suspects he will have a relationship like that similar to his parents and grandparents.
He also has a younger brother and a younger sister. His brother is 11, and his sister is 7. Jack says that he often does winter sports with them, particularly his brother, such as skiing.
When his brother was younger, he’d always used to follow Jack around the house like a puppy. However, now that he’s older, he “started to get really rude” to Jack, though Jack says that the attitude means he can have a healthy sibling rivalry with his brother. It is notable that Jack’s brother is a non-mage.
As for his sister, she is said to always nag her brothers to include her in their outings. Jack appears to worry for her safety, as he wants to include her and to experience the thrill of gliding down a mountain with her too, but that she doesn’t have the endurance yet at her age. Overall, both of Jack’s younger siblings really look up to him!
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Azul’s mother runs a successful restaurant (which the Tweels visited in middle school). She provided Azul with many of his favorite foods and encouraged him to clean his plate. Azul extols her business acumen and culinary abilities, as now her restaurant is considered the “hottest” in the Coral Sea. He is delighted that they have shared vocations and interests.
His mom spoils him. One example is through food; she provides a lot for him.
We don’t know a lot about Azul’s biological father, only that Mama Ashengrotto met her current husband and Azul’s stepfather over the course of her divorce proceedings. Stepfather Ashengrotto is a lawyer, and Azul describes him as “soft hearted and sincere”, but a master at his craft. Azul picked up some knowledge about laws and contracts from him, and he is someone that Azul greatly admires. Additionally, Azul presents him as someone that his mother is quite happy with.
Another important figure in Azul’s family is his grandmother. He notes that everyone in is family is capable of using magic, with his grandmother being a particularly gifted mage. Like the Sea Witch, Grandma Ashengrotto uses her powers to help their neighbors. From his wording, it seems that Azul is also pleased that his grandma is just as benevolent as he is.
His grandma is strict and scary when she is angry. She wants Azul to grow up to be someone who is strong, independent, and willing to help others. Azul says that he loves his grandma a lot and has a strong bond with her. He attributes who he is today and his stance on compensation to his grandma.
Both of Azul’s (biological) parents are mages.
Azul says his mom got busy with the restaurant after her divorce, so his grandma often looked after him. Grandma Ashengrotto spoiled young Azul with lots of snacks every time he came home from school. He describes her as being too kind (though he learned of her strictness when she started instructing him on magic). Azul used to run away from lessons because of this, but once he started to find success in his magic, he enjoyed the compliments his grandma offered. He ultimately credits his being good at magic to his grandmother.
Jade and Floyd
Jade and Floyd are twins, with “neither being the older one or the younger one”. They have also said that they “chose” each other. This speaks to a popular fan theory which states that Jade and Floyd were the lone survivors (because they worked together) in a large group of Leech siblings that were not able to survive in the harsh environment of the Coral Sea. Jade often enables Floyd to act out (as it brings him a lot of entertainment), and, of the two, Floyd is the one that is concerned about not being treated as though he is “the same” as Jade. They know when to not get in each other’s way, but they do quarrel at times (which doesn’t necessarily mean they hate each other, they generally do, in fact, get long).
... Actually, you know what? I’d recommend just reading this long ass post I wrote about Jade and Floyd’s sibling dynamic, otherwise I’ll ramble here forever and ever.
Jade tells us that their mother contacts them nearly every day and seems to be a worrier. Mama Leech was also said to have taught Jade self-defense as a child, so she appears to be a protective parent as well. Floyd calls their mom “mama”, so some have taken this to mean that he in particular is a mama’s boy.
Papa Leech also taught the twins useful skills like lock picking and how to break out of binds.
Their father is influential in the Coral Sea and puts a strong emphasis on dressing well and how one presents themselves (which is why Floyd seems to take an interest in fashion, particularly shoes). Jade insists that their family business is very “normal”, but it seems very suspicious that their father’s business associates try to give gifts to curry favor with him. 
More recently, we learned that Jade and Floyd also live with their grandmother, though not much else is known about her.
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Kalim’s father is a wealthy merchant. He made his money through innovation and by making use of the waterways in Silk City. Papa Asim always seems to be busy, but he also seems to be a jolly guy. He donated a lot of money to NRC to get Kalim in, as well as to build entirely new parts of the Scarabia dorm (including a storage room to keep the mountains of gold and jewels he sends Kalim), so it’s clear that Papa Asim wants to financially support his family and invest in its future.
Kalim often goes on business trips with his father; additionally, their home(s) is often used to host important guests. He likes seeing people happy at these functions!
Kalim describes his mother as a sweet lady that says nice things about him and rarely gets mad. Before him, his mom was the only one in his family capable of using magic.
Most notably, Kalim says he has roughly about 30-40 younger siblings (he has lost track of how many exactly; it's not clear if they are all from one mother or not), and he is the eldest. He says his siblings are very cute and he likes playing with them. Apparently, they can all play instruments and sometimes put on performances for their parents. Kalim says that he has a soft spot for those younger than him, perhaps because he has so many younger siblings.
Kalim has relatives that are royalty.
One of his cousins owns a tiger.
The previous dorm leader of Scarabia was also an Asim and recommended Kalim to be next in line.
Whenever the family gets together, they throw big, lavish parties and enjoy one another’s company. Kalim believes that it is very important to spend time with one's family.
Kalim's entire family plays a big role in the economy and the politics of Silk City. In fact, they developed a network of canals and first used those to do trade, which allowed the city to flourish. Kalim hopes that he can be as influential and helpful as his ancestors were.
Jamil has a mother and a father which we learn about via his episode 4 post-OB flashback. The Viper family has been in servitude to the Asim family for several generations, and it seems that Mama and Papa Viper are very adamant in maintaining this relationship, and keeping Jamil in a place of subservience to Kalim (often reminding Jamil to never surpass or perform better than the young master). Because of this, Jamil is sometimes shown to be frustrated not only with his situation, but with his parents for not being willing to “understand” him.
Papa Viper is stated to not understand smartphones or even computers.
He also has a 14-year old younger sister named Najma, whom we meet face-to-face in an event where we visit Silk City in the Scalding Sands. Previously, Jamil had mentioned Najma in a few lines, such as saying that his younger sister makes fun of the dishes he cooks and complains they look boring. They bicker with one another a fair bit, with Najma sharing embarrassing stories of Jamil in his youth to his classmates and cheekily eating Jamil’s food, and Jamil being annoyed at her for it and retaliating in reserved, sarcastic way. Still, it does appear that they care for one another, but just don’t act overt about it. For example, Jamil decides to give a VDC ticket to Najma when he could have chosen to not invite her at all, and Najma is happy and curious to learn about her big brother’s NRC friends.
Their parents tend to nag them to stay out of trouble. They tend to hound Jamil to complete tasks for them, though Najma sometimes also gets this (like when their father insisted she come deliver a message to Jamil in person even when she had already texted him).
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We don’t know much about Vil’s family other than his father, who is a magicless and a famous actor that goes by the stage name “Eric Venue”. Eric is a very supportive father and encouraged young Vil in his acting endeavors (even when Vil kept being typecasted in exclusively villain roles), calling his son cute and talented.
They are not open with the public about being related, as Vil wants to be known for his own merits rather than for his connection with an already well-established figure in the entertainment industry.
Vil traveled around with his dad for work and he maintains a strong relationship with his father to this day; it seems that Eric keeps up with Vil’s gigs and often dotes on him. For example, his dad makes an active effort to try and make time in his schedule to hang out with his son (eating lunch, shopping, and seeing movies together).
Eric took Vil with him to his shoots since before Vil started elementary school. It was here that Vil's career started, as he was asked by the staff to participate.
Eric is okay with frankness + informalities and can be down-to-earth when he’s not working. He’s eager to meet Vil’s friends!! Eric gives off a very mature and charming aura.
Though they don’t make their status as father and son public, they do sometimes work together in productions. Vil can be stern with Eric, being blunt about his flaws and stubborn when it comes to negotiating professionally (like his father)
They laugh similarly and share a love for fashion, beauty, and health.
Eric does mostly of his own stunts rather than relying on a body double. Vil seems to really admire his father and his work, and someday wishes to join Eric among the ranks of the elites of the entertainment industry. For example, his father’s handprints are in the Legend Plaza and Vil aims for the same. Vil also dreams of being able to play a middle aged father character like Eric has before.
Eric worried about Vil's social life, as Vil was a child actor often absent from school for his work. Because of this, Vil did not have many friends in his childhood and usually spent time home alone with the family maid.
Eric had a period of time in which he was given only minor roles (thanks to a magazine declaring he was "third-rate" and was only successful because of his looks), but he continued to be so successful that he eventually returned to playing the star. He started his own production company and now stands at the top of the entertainment industry.
Eric is humble and declares that he has many faults. One of these faults is he is bad at housework, both cooking and cleaning. They have a maid that often scolds him for this.
Vil and Eric are often so busy they don't spend time living together. However, the little time they do spend in their home is described to be happy. They would take it easy and stay put, as going outside would just attract attention.
Vil and Eric made beauty treatments and supplements together at home for fun. Eric is apparently very knowledgeable about beauty products.
Eric works very hard, doing jobs that should be left to lower ranked staff members of his production company such as presentations. Vil has to remind him to rest and to take breaks sometimes.
Although Eric is a very kind and supportive father, Vil says that he is a "show biz demon" who will accept nothing less than perfection. Vil describes his father as someone with lofty goals and will not accept compromise during negotiations. Furthermore, he is willing to do anything to achieve his goals. If someone makes a mistake, they are taken off the set and told to leave on the spot. Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...
It appears that Vil inherited magic from his mother's side. However, he does not know who his mom is or where she came from, and he does not express any interest in investigating or learning these details.
Rook has a mother, a father, and five siblings (two older than him, and three younger than him). He says he used to have pajama parties with his siblings, but presumably they don’t anymore because they’re so busy.
Their family must be significantly influential, as the Hunts own villas all over Twisted Wonderland which are equipped with warp pads (which require special governmental clearance from various countries in order to build and use).
Rook states that it’s difficult to get his family together at the same time and in the same place. These usually occur only once a year, and they can get very lively. From this, we can infer that the Hunt family gets along pretty well.
Epel has a VERY large family. Neither of his parents are magicians, but his grandma and great grandma are.
He lives in a single house with his parents, grandparents, great grandma, uncle, aunt, and cousin. They all work together and pitch in to raise apples on the family farm.
When his grandma and grandpa fight, they make up with each other by baking an apple pie.
Epel's cousin is younger than him; he gifted his cousin his plushies. It's sometimes hard to relate with his cousin due to the large age gap.
Epel seems to really cherish his family, as he has developed apple carving skills to make blemished apples good to sell again, and worries in the main story about tourism going down and affecting the family business. He also mentions wanting to make a potion to strengthen apple trees, as this would make his grandpa happy.
We meet Epel’s grandma, Marja, when we visit Harveston for a sledding race. She can be very kind and caring, but is also tough, rough around the edges, and competitive. Through Marja, we can get a better sense of why Epel is the way that he is, and how he lovingly engages with those in his family and his hometown.
Epel has relatives that live near Clock Town.
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Idia describes his parents as “[putting] results over the feelings of their son” when they pull him out of school to do blot research. He recalls being raised since he was a child to assume the position of STYX director following his father, granting him very little freedom of his own.
Idia’s grandmother, Aidne, was the previous director of STYX. His father currently occupies that position.
His mother is the current head of technical operations/engineering at STYX. She appears to be very loving and worried for her children. Mrs. Shroud has the ability to hack into her son’s files and devices. She refers to her husband as “papa”, and her presence seems to warm him up.
He gets his moments of hyperfixation and desire to prove others wrong from his mother.
Idia describes both his dad and his grandmother as negative/pessimistic and depressing people to be around. Indeed, his father seems to be stoic and formal.
His father describes Idia, Ortho, and his wife as geniuses, but implies that he himself is a normal person.
The Shrouds are said to be a branch of the even larger and more affluent Jupiter family. However, Idia appears to feel very alienated from the Jupiters, often saying things like he’s “not welcome” and that he “doesn’t belong” with them.
Idia was very close with Ortho, often playing video games with him and talking about all the adventures they’d go on someday. Because of this, his accidental involvement in Ortho’s death weighed particularly heavy on him, and to cope, Idia built an artificial intelligence and installed it in a humanoid robot to simulate “Ortho”. he views Robo!Ortho as nothing more than an AI until episode 6, where he is finally able to confront his trauma, accept Ortho’s death, and recognize Robo!Ortho as his own person and as his “little brother”.
Idia has a very positive view of Ortho, often doing things for his sake or going along with what Ortho asks of him. He is also protective of his little brother, usually encouraging Ortho to stay out of bad situations or worrying for his safety.
Book 7 implies that Idia also acknowledges Phantom!Ortho (ie the now dead Ortho) as his brother as well. Phantom!Ortho seems to care about his brother and wants him to be happy.
Being modelled after the original Ortho and programmed to behave as such, Robo!Ortho’s initial personality very much revolved around his older brother and creator, Idia. He looks up to him and thinks that Idia is just the coolest guy around! In fact, he’ll go so far as to threaten to fire a laser at NRC if the other students don’t rescue Idia from a ghost bride for him! Robo!Ortho is also quick to intervene whenever he overhears people talk badly of Idia. It’s very clear that he loves and cares for his older brother a lot!
In episode 6, Robo!Ortho meets with OG!Ortho and they seem to merge into one being. I’m not sure if this counts as a sibling meeting a sibling, or if it’s someone just staring at their own reflection, but it’s something to note. Both Orthos care about Idia and want to help “free” him of the Shroud family’s “curse”, and of the burden of being chained to the Underworld--and they’re willing to go so far as to turn against the whole world to achieve that. If that isn’t a true, brotherly love, then I don’t know what is.
After Idia finally acknowledges Robo!Ortho as his own person, Ortho still maintains his respect and love for his brother, but also insists on developing himself and acting on his own without his brother or his assistance. It’s not that Ortho now “dislikes” Idia more, but that Ortho wants to now focus on creating his own identity. He’s maturing into something defined by his own volition, not someone else’s.
Ortho is accepted as a son by the Shroud parents, most notably the mother (who refers to him as “Or-kun”. Mrs. Shroud is described as “the strongest person” in the family by Ortho.
The original Ortho (for whom robo!Ortho’s memories derive) used to go out a lot to parks, mountains, and rivers with Idia and their parents. When Idia started to shut himself up in his room (following Ortho’s death), they stopped going out as a group—but more recently, he’s been going out with them again.
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His only living relative is his grandmother (Maleficia), who currently rules the Briar Valley. It seems that they are close, as his grandmother often sends him cards for special occasions, such as his birthday, and tried to make time in her busy schedule as queen to sit down and eat with her then young grandson. She is also said to be very strict in matters of invitation etiquette.
Lilia, though not blood related, is responsible for mentoring Malleus. His comments also seem to be ones that Malleus often takes to heart, as Malleus gets upset when scolded by Lilia.
The queen and Lilia are described as being the ones who taught Malleus that humans feared them, creatures of the night. Malleus also really enjoys being praised and receiving head pats from those two.
Book 7 implies that his mother died fighting invading Silver Owls while his father went missing on a diplomatic mission.
Lilia describes both Malleus's grandmother and mother (the Draconias in general, really) as extremely stubborn people who always have to do things their own way. They never listen to advice, even when it comes from Lilia.
Malleus’s mom, Maleanor, is the princess of Briar Valley and Lilia describes her as tomboyish and “spitfire”, always wishing to do her own thing. He had to accompany her on trips outside the palace. Lilia also says she is strong, yet reckless, selfish, argumentative, and easily angered. She had a lot of the powers Malleus does, such as fire breathing and control over lightning. He has known his princess since they were kids several hundreds of years ago.
According to a voice line from Lilia, Malleus’s father is someone that he regards as his close friend. His name is Raverne, and it seems he is missing but basically considered deceased.
Maleanor is soft and fawning only to her husband.
Raverne is kind and careful, seeming to be more of a diplomat than his wife or Lilia. He and Lilia were described to be very close.
We don’t see Maleanor or Raverne interact with each other, but Maleanor says her husband is handsome. It’s funny to think about her being absolutely smitten with Raverne while she’s raging at everyone else… similar to how she is caring and gentle to her unborn baby while she’s simultaneously shooting lightning at Lilia…
He doesn’t have any blood-related relatives that we know of.
Lilia himself is an orphan. He was taken in by Queen Maleficia, Malleus's grandmother, to be a ward.
He trained Silver, Sebek, and Malleus in both combat and survival.
Lilia asked Sebek’s dad for help raising a human child.
Lilia gave up a significant amount of his magic to help Malleus hatch from his egg. Malleus says that since he hatched, Lilia has always been by his side, typically serving as a mentor figure.
Lilia found Silver in the abandoned and thorn-covered Wild Rose castle. The day he found Silver became his birthday, and Lilia granted him a blessing which made Silver’s hair go from blonde to silver.
Silver is his adopted son. There are notable times when Lilia and Silver have butted heads (usually because Lilia acted in an insensitive way). For example, Lilia neglected to tell Silver about his and Malleus’s prank in Endless Halloween Night, which made Silver upset with him, as it put lives on both sides in danger. Lilia also informed Silver that he was adopted in a rather callous way (something like, ”you didn’t notice our ears were different until now?”), which resulted in Silver running away in the middle of a storm. Despite this, their relationship in the present is generally amicable, and it seems that Lilia cares a lot for Silver (especially given that he ran after him in the aforementioned storm to retrieve him, and even nursed him back to health when Silver came down with a fever).
Silver’s father is the Dawn Knight and his mother is princess Leah, meaning Silver is a prince of “the enemy”. He was cursed to sleep (and didn’t age during this period) for several hundred years to avoid the warring era he was born into, only awakening when he found “true love” (ie Lilia discovered him).
The Dawn Knight is also an orphan; he was taken in by Leah and Heinrick’s father, a sickly king.
Silver was apparently named for his hair color, but we later learn the silver is not natural. Lilia actually named silver after the guiding moonlight, hoping that he could be a light in the darkness.
Silver was adopted by Lilia as an infant. He seems to be very close with his adoptive father and highly respects him (though that doesn’t exempt Silver from getting annoyed with Lilia every now and again), as he mentions in various lines and vignettes that he cherishes his “dear father”, as well as the name that his “dear father” granted him.
Lilia brings Silver lots of souvenirs from his travels. Many of those souvenirs are books.
We learn in episode 7 that Silver is eternally indebted to Lilia; he absolutely wants to be by Lilia’s side until his dying breath and seems to be upset that he, as a human, cannot rival the lifespan or strength of a fae to endure alongside his father.
Silver made an acorn amulet (a symbol of good health and happiness) for Lilia, which Silver has since forgotten about. However, Lilia calls it his most precious treasure.
He’s friends with lots of animals!!
Sebek’s family would look after Silver when Lilia left for extended periods of time. Because of this and Sebek being of a similar age to him, Silver would often play with Sebek in their childhoods.
Sebek’s father is a magicless human and a dentist. Sebek regards him as weak and someone who is difficult to understand, as Papa Zigvolt often dotes on his children, offers them candy, and acts impressed when he witnesses them use magic. Though Sebek seems to talk down to his father, he does also have a fondness for him that he won’t admit to (as, when asked who he would pick to be stranded on an island with, Sebek chooses Trey over everyone else. The reason Sebek provides is that Trey reminds him of his father, but he becomes embarrassed when his interviewer comments that he must really love his dad).
Mrs. Zigvolt is much older than Mr. Zigvolt, but she also looks much younger than he does.
Sebek describes his relationship with his dad as "not being bad", but that his dad smiles all the time and that irritates him. Additionally, Sebek is frustrated whenever he has to ask anything of his father.
Sebek’s mother is a powerful Nocturnal Fae and sports a strong bite (which is a trait of their bloodline). She appears to be very headstrong, as she married a magicless human despite significant social pressure against it. Sebek looks up to her and admires her, particularly for her prowess in magic, but does not understand what he sees in her husband.
Sebek's mom met his dad when she went in for a dental appointment at his clinic. She currently works as his dental assistant.
He has a grandpa (presumably on his mother’s side) who is a retired Captain of the Royal Guard. Grandpa Zigvolt (named Baal/Baul/Bal) immigrated to the Briar Valley from the Sunset Savanna. Despite being fae himself and having a disdain for humans in the past, he accepts Sebek (and presumably the other humans or half humans in his family) as they are.
Sebek seems to really like him, as he tells tales of spending time at his grandpa’s lakeside home fishing. (Baul lives next to his daughter and grandchildren.) Apparently, he doesn't approve of it when he sees Sebek eating sweets. Baal bought Sebek lots of books and fostered his love for reading
Sebek's grandfather is said to tell a lot of stories himself. Lilia describes him as "telling the same old stories" for many centuries. It also seems that Sebek has adopted his grandfather's narrow-minded attitude and manner of speaking.
Baul is also described as being stern, but seems very loving. He was proud of Sebek when told about his grandson's success in school and was happy when the Zigvolt siblings made him salmon carpaccio.
Baul initially thinks of Sebek as weak, so he asks Lilia to train him. Still, Baul thinks its important for his grandson to get a good education.
Sebek has an older brother and sister, but not much is known about them. He mentions that they took him to a contest where they use magic to try and match the color of a dress provided. All the Zigvolt siblings were impressed by the competition.
Sebek would often go to the park with his parents and siblings.
Sebek’s older brother also graduated from NRC.
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Dire Crowley
No known family members.
Divus Crewel
No known family members.
Mozus Trein
Trein’s wife is deceased. However, they had a very loving relationship and he misses her. dearly. They went on dates in Fleur City/the City of Flowers, which he is embarrassed to talk about to his students.
He has two adult daughters who are all grown up and moved out of the house. They often worry about his health and ask Trein to call them if he ever needs any help.
Lucius is his familiar, but Trein also dotes on him as though Lucius is a beloved pet. He talks about his familiar very lovingly and gets into arguments with Crewel about whether cats and dogs are better.
No known family members.
Ashton Vargas
No known family members.
No known family members.
Grim does not remember anything about his past or where he comes from.
It can be said that he likely considers Yuu, Adeuce, and the Ramshackle Ghosts to be his family.
When he finds himself alone in book 6, Grim cries. He also becomes sad upon realizing that Yuu won’t be with him anymore once they return to their world.
He mentions his grandfather on a few occasions. According to Che’nya, his grandfather is a wise but carefree guy who loves to eat and play pranks.
Neige LeBlanche
He lives with the Seven Dwarves and helps them with housework when he’s not rehearsing. They seem to be good friends and help to support one another, both in performances and in life in general.
It’s not outright stated that he is an orphan, but the game says that Neige and his friends lived “without adults”.
He doesn’t share his personal history with the press and donates most his his pay to charities that specifically help “aid underprivileged children with their futures”.
Rollo Flamme
He had an unnamed little brother; this little brother acquired magic before Rollo did and loved to show magic tricks because it made Rollo smile. A fire spell went out of control and killed the younger Flamme in that blaze. It is implied that Rollo’s UM spawned from this incident.
Rollo’s disdain of magic originated from the loss of his brother.
He is still heavily conflicted about the event, trying to pass the blame onto the world and using that as motivation to rid Twisted Wonderland of magic.
Rollo’s parents are alive and well. They have worried a lot about Rollo ever since his little brother died. They write to him at NBC to check up on him, and Rollo responds to their letters, reassuring them that he is fine.
Fellow Honest & Gidel
No known family members.
Fellow and Gidel are not relates by blood, but Fellow seems to look after and take care of Gidel as though they were brothers.
Fellow is protective of Gidel and warns him to not listen to the NRC students when they ask Gidel if he is interested in getting an education. He wants to prevent his “little bro’s” hopes and dreams from getting crushed like his were.
Gidel follows Fellow’s orders with very little hesitation. There is a degree of trust between them.
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melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx ¡ 11 months
Last review! I’m so sad to see it end but from what I’m hearing, it ended beautifully.
Danny didn’t have chance from the beginning. He got a silent mother; abusive stepfather, abusive alters, and a lawyer with an addiction, I see why he thought suicide was his only way out, even without knowing about Stan’s addiction—Candy was the icing on the cake.
Ray’s boss annoys me. “Good girl”??? Such misogyny! And it hasn’t gotten better either, men still act this way.
Tom did his big one with this role. Like does Stan believe Rya finally when he heard Jack speak? Jack is the evil within this whole entire time. He made Danny leave for London to look even more guilty. If he left at all. Jack is horrible. I don’t even know how his alter was created.
Also, I love how the closed captions say normal voice when he’s speaking with an American accent when we all know Tom’s normal voice is British 🤣
Never heard Jason’s American voice ever, that’s amazing! And how Tom’s American accent changes to match Jason’s is SO FUCKING AMAZING! You hear the struggle of trying to keep his British accent at bay while trying to sound like Danny but it’s not Danny’s voice, which is much lighter in tone.
Now Jack came out lol and had the other lawyer looking at him crazy lol. I’m so glad Danny broke free so that Adam/Danny could finally speak. And I hope the alters finally see how destructive Jack is.
Danny finally coming to terms with Adam not being his actual brother but another alter (it’s funny how alters don’t age when you do, like what if you’re in your 60s but you have an alter in their 20s and they try do a backflip? That’d fuck you up)
Adam came before Marlin entered into their lives. Imagine all the abuse he had to deal with before that in order to create Adam? That’s sad. And the fact that Adam let marlin do whatever just so that candy wouldn’t be alone is heartbreaking. She put all her hurt and emotions onto Danny, allowed him to see her that way, and that made Danny/Adam decide to put up with whatever abuse he had to to keep her happy
And now the other lawyer is crying. I understand it’s her job but she pissed me off. I’m glad Danny won. And Danny being in shock—the emotions from just his eyes alone?? Unbelievable.
This new wig don’t look bad, I just wish they filmed it different so they could allow him to cut his hair cause I know he was over it at that point.
Love how Rya became the mother figure he needed. Candy knew that his biological father had been molesting him but because memories don’t develop until after four (sometimes early but the brain is so traumatized, it’ll black out anything, trust me—half my childhood is gone and I don’t remember anything) that’s when he created Adam and she let him believe that Adam was real and off with their biological dad like some parent trap shit—what parent willingly separates twins?! Seriously!
I’m so happy Danny didn’t forgive her. She the victim and the villain; instead trying to make the situation better again, she just stayed and allowed it to continue. I truly thought she was gonna say his father had DID, not that he was a pervert. And I just don’t understand how she couldn’t leave again if she did it the first time.
Tom’s cold icy stare is both sexy and heartbreaking, he gives tortured artist. Emmy looks like Mila Kunis to me. (Sorry it’s the ADHD)
So now that fusion therapy is working (a better outcome than the person this was based on) does this mean that Danny’s bisexual 👀 (do not come for me, it was an intrusive thought!)
Love the paintings are exactly the one from the intro; I wonder what debt Danny’s talking about. We’ll never know; the show’s over and it’s an anthology 🙃. It was beautifully written and so well taken care of. I’m sad that Tom can’t express that anymore cause of the strike but hopefully he sees how much this show means to us
Never mind I think I know what the debt is:
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Danny has to now fuse Adam. His inner child that he has to protect, or be a guardian Angel for.
This show has made me appreciate those who struggle with mental health (like myself) and those who never stop helping them. And it also made me appreciate the cast’s acting, especially Tom’s; this shit was difficult and hard and I’m sure he will never do another difficult role again and I hope he never has to.
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moongurl95 ¡ 9 months
Personal October 🎃Challenge 💙
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saw this on Twitter but feel more comfortable posting on Tumblr 🫣 so please don't mind me reintroducing my baby B and maybe using this as an appreciation post as well 🤭
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let it be known that i actually share the same first name with my baby Beatrice and i kinda just chose her last name, Hayes, from my writing pseudonym willy-nilly just cuz i was hella excited to start playing Hogwarts Legacy at the time of its release back in Feb. 🎮
Lo and behold, the further i played the game (took me a month to finish my first playthrough of her every night after my 8hour job), a backstory for Beatrice started coming up in my mind. 🤔
Suddenly, Beatrice Hayes wasn't my in-game avatar anymore but more like a younger sibling id protecc at all cost (yes, i am one of those players who played dress up with their MCs and even leave her back in the safety of her dormroom after each play session) 🙃
ive grown unexpectedly attached to her enough to start an actual fanfic (never done that with any fandoms ive been before), with our bois from Slytherin being the final nail and hammer on the coffin of my hyperfixation 😵
Also haven't started a Gryffindor playthrough after all these months (i'll get around to that eventually 😅) but here are my other baby MCs/OCs with my quick HCs of them:
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on my 2nd playthrough, meet MC Cerestina Anguis 🐍 only daughter and youngest to her two, accomplished older brothers, Cersei was considered a 'defect' among her privileged Pureblood family before she came late into her Magic at 15. Motherless and with only a father seeing her as a mere pawn for marriage, Cersei does have moments of vanity, but chooses to rise above it in order to make a name for herself and find independence using her newfound Magic. Unbeknownst to her, Cersei was also promised to Ominis at a young age due to their "shortcomings" while still being of the Pureblood lineage, the young Gaunt himself is none the wiser. They meet at Hogwarts, angst ensues. But that is a story for another time 🤣
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my 3rd MC, Phoebe Fidelis 🦡, is as loyal as any Hufflepuff can come as long as you can stand her chaotic crup energy on most days. Raised in a loving family of Halfbloods consisting of her parents and brothers, Phoebe was mostly content being the "Magicless middle child" until she turned 15. So other than learning to control the lycanthropy that runs in her father's bloodside, she also has to learn to wield this "Ancient Magic"?? So much for catching a break. 🥹
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wanted a baby boi for my House so here's my Ravenclaw OC, Anthony Reinhart, a transferee from Beauxbatons, not much is known of him or his ulterior for coming to Hogwarts, though he may end up being a connection to Beatrice's past... 🤫
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The world moves too fast now for anyone to get to the levels of Julia and George in the 90s/early 2000s....now you can literally be hot on Monday and not on Tuesday. The markets are oversaturated and social media has literally changed the world now people literally know every single thing there is to know about you within 30 minutes of you appearing in public and before people had years to get to know and love someone now everyone moves too fast to Carr and if they don't like you now then it's OK cos their is 30 other people exactly like you for them to choose from.
I also think Meghan has overplayed her hand too many times and she the fact she doesn't have a specific demographic to cater to either hurts her and any brand she's trying to build she's too old for the TikTok crowd she's too young and common for the NYC old money society crowds she's not talented or famous enough for Hollywood she literally doesn't have a single space she can occupy even the oh I'm famous cos I married someone famous club is ram packed and the only difference she had was she married royalty but now he's not even royalty he's 3rd row Harry on a commercial flight home and hour later.
She really put a lot into her "The Duchess/Duchess Meghan brand in the 2 or so years she was a royal and then spent the next 3 years completely smashing it to shreds....like why should we care that she's royal if being royal is as awful as she says it is?
Even the mom and baby club is full and it's full of people who actually show their kids 🙈 celebrity lifestyle and wellness?? Full and with people whi project an aspirational lifestyle....do you want to be like the 40 year old ex actress who spends her whole life fighting with her family and suing the press? Nope...me neither.
If she had spent the last 3 years building her own brand instead of trying to tear down the RFs she might be in better shape.
Even the divorce is gonna go against her IMO cos people genuinely just don't like her, she's not authentic and people can spot she's a fake a mile off, that's why the sugars and her PR attack Kate so much Kate is the real deal, anyone with half a brain cell can tell she was born to do this in fact she does it better than most of the people who were born to do this but Kate also knows this takes work she has honed her skills for over 2 decades..... Meghan is too petty, juvenile and lazy to do that or anything close to it.
I don't see WME being a game changer for her either, she loves attaching herself to big brands and names cos it makes her feel important but she doesn't have any follow through and nothing comes of it, have you ever heard of the sadim touch? It's the opposite to the midas touch and that's what she has. I know we all like to joke but she literally turned a prince into a pauper, he was the most popular royal (even more popular than the monarch) and now he's known as the frozen todger guy sitting in the nosebleeds at his fathers coronation 🙈
Sorry for the essay, if you made it this far congrats 🤣🤣
Great essay!!
I agree with you generally, but I think she a window. The royal connection (tenuous as it is right now) is valuable and it differentiates her. Also, the “feminist princess” brand the palace built for her is still compelling. They did a great job for her there. The “royal Rachel Zane” persona would still sell.
WME can’t do miracles, but they can get her a guest spot in The View. They can’t get her a job, but they can get her a guest spot, particularly if she delivers a second season of Archetypes that is not seven episodes of narcissism. She can go on Drew’s show. She can get the ghostwriter to write her a bestselling memoir that is not just cringe bitching about her family. She can get someone talented to write her a few good essays for Time. If she’s smart and she works hard she can do it. If she’s super smart and she divorces him, she has an even better chance of sound it.
But that’s the problem. She’s not smart and she doesn’t work hard. She’s going to buy herself some awards, do some random passive aggressive bitching, pose for a few paps, and call it a day. So, in the end, it’s not going to work out for her.
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zepskies ¡ 6 months
I am so happy to see your posts about Dark Angel! I love that show so much, it’s definitely one of my all time favorites, and I’m glad to see you’re enjoying it.
I was wondering what your thought are so far and who your favorite characters are if you don’t mind answering (for me Alec is definitely my number 1 but I really love Zack, Joshua, Original Cindy, and Sketchy for sure.)
Also I was wondering if you’ve seen season 2 episode 11 (The Berrisford Agenda specifically) what you thought of it? If not, I’d love the hear your thoughts when you do watch it:)
Hey lovely!!
Yesss I'm midway through season 2 of Dark Angel and I love this show. I wonder why it was cancelled. The writing was strong enough, the world is so interesting, the cast is great...maybe it just didn't have a broad enough audience at the time.
There were a couple of sci-fi shows like this that got cut too soon in the early 2000s (like Almost Human with Karl Urban and Michael Ealy).
My thoughts so far are that despite the relative simplicity of Max's "everyday" life as a Jam Pony messenger with her ragtag group of friends, this is a big show in a decaying dystopian world -- with interesting (and often horrific) elements of human experimentation, childhood trauma and indoctrination, and a struggle for transgenics like Max and Alec to form emotional connections because of that trauma (their training). It's very Winter Soldier-esque in a way.
And then with Joshua's character, they reinforce in season 2 one of the central themes of the whole show: people are confused by (and afraid of) what they don't understand. It leads Max and other transgenics to hide in plain sight. To try to live "normal" lives while trying not to expose themselves to the curiosity and the potential scorn of the world -- as well as the people trying to hunt them down; there's that too.
But similar to the show Being Human (also of the early-mid 2000s), what does it mean to be normal in society? Especially in this fallen, eat-or-be-eaten world after the Pulse.
My favorite characters:
The entire cast is awesome, but these characters really have my heart for real:
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I mean duh. 🤣 But not just because it's baby Jensen. Alec's character is complex. He's cocky and endlessly flirtatious. (His brother/sister-like bickering with Max is hilarious.) He's highly intelligent and adaptive to change, due to his genetics and training, but because of that cockiness he can also be reckless. It gets him into some "unforeseen situations" that Max has to pull him out of.
But I literally just watched 2.11 "The Barrisford Agenda" last night, and I wept like a little bitch. 😭💔 Not only did we get Meghan Ory guest starring as his first love (she would later guest star on SPN and was Little Red Riding Hood/Ruby on OUAT)...
We also got the layers peeled back on this guy, to reveal just how deeply Manticore fucked with his mind. Rachel, along with her father, was his mission. His first undercover job.
He falls in love with her, despite the fact that he doesn't understand why she's got his head all turned around, cutting through the training in his head that insists he needs to fulfill his mission. (And that alone is so damn sad.)
He realizes too late that he wants to save her (and her father). But without giving too much away for those that haven't seen it, the scene near the end in the hospital room absolutely gutted me.
"I didn't understand. I didn't understand...how much I loved you."
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Played by the lovely Jessica Alba. I love to see a fellow Latina at work! 💅🏽
She's a badass. But she also learns how to fight for more than just herself. And how to actually face and deal with her trauma and start to help others (like Alec) do the same.
Original Cindy
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Another lovely badass who I would lay down my life for! She's funny, unapologetically herself, and she has Max's back, come whatever, while still keeping her honest.
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My heart breaks for Joshua. He's so delightfully weird, childlike at times, while deeply insightful in others.
He longs to belong to the outside world, knowing he can't, without risking exposure to his transgenic friends. He discovers he's an artist! And he's a protector and a lovely friend. As a character says to him, "You're too good for us."
I can't wait to finish the back-half of season 2, though I also don't want it to end!! 😭 But in typical me fashion, my mind is already buzzing with a couple of story ideas for Alec x Reader. 🤣
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grucylover ¡ 2 months
Thoughts on DM3. Don’t hate me. 😂
DM3 was not a bad film, I have seen a lot worse and I even went to see it at the cinema a few times. I’d rate it a 6/7 out of ten.
The problem was with it, it felt outdated with an 80s obsessed villian. Don’t get me wrong, I think Bratt is a great idea and I get the concept of it but just maybe with his own film, not in DM.
Aswell, I felt they took a lot of things away from us that were just getting started.
- Agnes sold Fluffy the unicorn though in DM2 she would have screamed the house down if anything happened to him and he was such a big part of the merch. But no, gone, sold to some lil blonde.
- We didn’t see much of Grus freeze-ray nor his tank of a car. - not a big deal but these lil things make the film what it is.
-There was no Fred. - again like the point above. I would have also have liked to have seen Jillian, I thought she was a great and (annoying) addition to DM2.
-Gru didn’t really bother with the girls or interact with any of them, well a part from Agnes. He didn’t even put them to bed like he used to and just left Lucy to do it all. He didn’t really seem supportive of her with her trying to be a mum I thought. If that was my husband I would have kicked his arse lol!
- Margo got engaged to some weird kid and Gru was nowhere to be seen but in DM2 he was this overprotective dad that would have broke his nose or something lol! I know Lucy had it in hand but…..ya know. I wanted to see the overprotective dad mode.
- We didn’t see much of the house which we seen a lot of in DM1/2 and I thought that was such a shame. Why couldn’t Dru just come to Grus house or something lol
- I disliked how the writers wrote out Dr Nefario (we won’t mention the actors name and no one would of cared if someone else was voicing him) but what a lazy way to just freeze him in carbinite. Gru didn’t really seem that upset over it though the Dr had been like a dad to him. Like ?????
- Dru wasn’t bad, it was kinda nice seeing Gru have some male company as if he was down the pub with a mate but I also found it odd they had all of a sudden put on him the temptation to go back to villainy when in DM2 he had that temptation but he wasn’t interested in the slightest. He just wanted to be a father, get a job, get his girl and that was it. Every scene was perfect, the actors, writers etc put all there heart and soul into it and you couldn’t have put anymore into it really, even if you tried. Gru was really at his peak in DM2. Maybe I’ve got it wrong. Idkkkk.
- I didn’t mind the Minions and personally I never do, I think they just add to the film and I don’t find them annoying. I actually liked the prison scene, I thought that was a pretty good idea tbh.
It even felt like at times the animated characters didn’t want to even be doing the storyline in DM3. 😂
3 obviously made a lot of money because everyone was still hyped around DM2 but came out of the cinema or wherever they first watched it empty handed.
Yes it’s ok chucking in a scene here and there with a treehouse or an Agnes and Gru moment to put in some heart but it was almost forced. The writers said themselves they struggled and just wrote for themselves which I found really sad as there is so much you can do with this franchise I think.
I’m ngl, I am a bit nervous about DM4 as I think this will be its last chance to survive but the trailer looks amazing and I’m already won over by the baby Gru Jr. I wanted them to have a baby in DM3!!!!! Really DM4 should have been 3.
Should have rhey aged the girls up. Yes and no. Maybe a bit? Tbh personally, I don’t really care. It keeps there innocence but I would like to see Gru bonding with them again.
It wasn’t all bad though, I liked Lucy trying to be a mom and the animation has definitely stepped up a notch to the point that Gru is pale AF now and they all look a bit different. Aswell the actors, Carell, Kristin did a great job as always.
This is all my own opinion so don’t come at me 🤣.
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inuyashamybeloved ¡ 8 months
A little tease for the next chapter (2) of “Full Exposure”
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Inuyasha could smell the food before unlocking the door. Despite no longer living with his parents, they had insisted he keep a spare key to the house and come in at will.
“Inuyasha!” Izayoi greeted him as she poked her head from the kitchen, smiling at him, though as usual, it didn’t fully reach her eyes. She walked up to him, kissing his cheek and cupping his face afterward. “How are you, honey? Your father told me about your modeling job. I’m so happy for you.”
“Hi, Mom,” he replied, chuckling lightly and hugging her. “I’m fine. But it’s not a modeling job. Just posing for a photographer for a gallery showing.”
She squealed, and Inuyasha felt fuzzy inside at seeing her so excited.
“Oh, I can’t wait to see it!” she replied, dragging him to the kitchen, and his smile was instantly wiped from his face.
Oh no. No, no, no.
He couldn’t let his mother see those photos. Granted, he didn’t know if there would be full frontals or not, but still…
Hell fucking no.
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Yes, yes, I’m gonna mortify that poor boy 🤣🤭
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1solone ¡ 9 months
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A 17-year-old boy who works part-time at Pizza Hut drives up to park in front of the house in a beautiful Porsche.
Naturally, his parents know that there’s no way he earned enough with his after-school job to buy such a car.
“Where did you get that car?” his mom and dad screamed in shock.
“I bought it today,” replied the teen calmly.
“With what money young man?” his mom demands. “We know how much a Porsche costs and you cannot afford it!”
“Well, it’s used and I got a good deal” says the boy, “This one cost me 20 dollars.”
“Who on earth would sell a car like that for 20 dollars?!”
“The woman up the street,” the boy replies. “I don’t know her name–she just moved in.
She ordered a pizza and when I delivered it to her, she asked me if I wanted to buy a Porsche for 20 dollars.”
The boy’s dad and mom hurry over to their new neighbor’s house, ready to demand an explanation. Curiously, their new neighbor is calmly planting flowers in her front yard.
“I’m the father of the kid you just sold a sports car to for $20,” the dad says. “I need an explanation from you!”
“Well,” the woman says, not looking up from her garden. “This morning I got a phone call from my husband. I thought he was on a business trip in Florida, but it seems he has run off to Hawaii with his secretary and doesn’t intend to come back.”
“What on earth does that have to do with selling our son a Porsche for $20?” The boy’s mom asks, utterly perplexed.
The new neighbor smiles very big, and pauses for a minute. “Well, my husband asked me to sell his new Porsche and send him the money.
So I did.😅🤣😂😎
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loneamaryllis ¡ 11 months
I only now saw the two asks you got for the PH what if Harrie got pregnant and your answers and I am freaking out!!! They made my day! Aaaa, yesss, PH Harrymort babies! Voldemort doting on Harrie while she's pregnant... 🥹🥹🥹🥹 Love how Harrie would use it to help her friends out ❤️
If there are twins or triplets Voldemort really would be insufferably smug, he would never stop gloating about it, poor Harrie 😭
I, on the other hand, would die laughing at the Malfoys finding out. Can you imagine? Lucius will die of alcohol poisoning how much he'd start drinking, imagine three little identical Potter devils running around while having their father’s cunning and are never caught in the act of stealing from the kitchen and stealing books from the library. Extra chaos if they're natural Legilimens and are already doing some tiny bits of magic 🤣🤣🤣
Voldemort would probably marry Harrie at that point if she gets pregnant...
Which is literally Harrie's worst fear, whenever I re-read her reaction to that in PH I cackle so much 🤣🤣🤣🤣 The fact Harrie's more scared of marrying Voldemort than letting him fuck her... Girl has her priorities in check. 🤣
I now wish for a pregnancy scare in PH! Harrie almost getting a heart attack when her period is late the next month, asking Narcissa to get her a test because Voldemort absolutely must not find out. Voldemort, of course, finds out and rushes to Harrie. And Voldemort being maybe disappointed if it comes out negative. He experienced the rush of possible fatherhood and now he's curious about that feeling... And him thinking of Harrie's stomach swollen with his child... 👀👀
Healer: My Lord, you have been giving Miss Potter potions to prevent pregnancy. The potions are doing their job correctly.
Voldemort: 😔😔😔 (sad Dark Lord noises)
Sending love ❤️❤️❤️
Hehe, yes, lots of thoughts on babies and Harrie's and Voldemort's reactions...
Lucius would just fuck off. He'd abandon his manor, relocate somewhere else, take his family with him. He'd pitch it to Voldemort by telling him he feels him and Harrie needs more privacy, haha.
Mmm, pregnancy scare... Maybe? I'll see if I can work it in somewhere. Poor Harrie doesn't need that, but that'd make for a fun chapter to read. And yeah, Voldemort would be, "Well, now that I think about it..."
Oh, I'm thinking about Riddle's reaction now... Not sure if he would be disgusted, or if he'd want to use the situation to manipulate Voldemort...
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mariaofdoranelle ¡ 3 months
Maria. All your romance book recs rn 🧍‍♀️🔫
I’ll go with less obvious recs because while I love Ali Hazelwood, Emily Henry & Co, recommending their books isn’t exactly groundbreaking for a regular romance reader 🤣
Also, I’m pretty sure #3 is the only one that isn’t on Kindle Unlimited!!
Compared by Kourtney Keisel
I love this book so much. He’s a widowed father of a 8yo and she’s his kid’s teacher who recently had her heart broken and lost her mom. Super meet cute but the girl turns him down because she can’t risk her job. He’s friends with her father before finding out about it. This book is a kindle unlimited gem and I will never shut up about it. The perfect balance between fluff, tension, angst and comedy. This is some seriously good shit.
The Maddest Obsession by Danielle Lori
I think this is a super famous mafia book? But I didn’t know it since I’m not a mafia girly, and THIS IS SO GOOD. I was obsessed—almost as obsessed as the mmc is with the fmc. He watched her marry another man TWICE and wore a hair tie she gave him for three years, on his wrist under his suit. He’s the most whipped to ever whipped and has no idea of it half of the book. I have no words (but I did have lots of them while freaking on Discord with @rowanaelinn. I am FOREVER grateful for this rec and gladly passing on)
The Roommate Pact by Allison Ashley
This is about a fwb arrangement between a nurse and her super hot firefighter friend AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES. But a friendly affair of course they could never work long-term *aggressively coughs*. This book’s only flaw is that it’s a closed-door romance—not because I need it to enjoy the book, but it was totally unfair after the insane sexual tension the author put me through.
Come Back to Bed by Kayley Loring
He’s a lawyer who has just been dumped by his model long-term girlfriend, and temporarily moves into his aunt’s apartment. She’s his aunt’s neighbor and friend, an artist who doesn’t do relationships. They’re both horny. Their no-strings affair failed completely because I was born. Yes, they’re literally my parents.
Mistle Text - Whitney & Melanieďżź
This very busy CEO (😩🫸) just wanted someone to buy Christmas gifts for his family. This very busy and poor single aunt of a 6yo (her sister died so she raises her niece) never worked as a personal shopper before, but she really needed this extra money. Now she pesters the guy with endless questions about his family, but her presence isn’t so annoying anymore after they meet a few times to get the gifts thing figured out 🤨 her presence gets even better when he needs her for Christmas fake-dating reasons🤨🤨. This is SO GOOD and her niece is absolutely funny and adorable literally my top 10 favorite fictional kids. Also the niece’s relationship with the CEO?? Chef’s kiss from the first time they met.
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rosieblogstuff ¡ 4 months
🍄Decriscribe your wip/one of your wips in the format of “_ + =__”
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
(asks from the Asks for Writers to Procrastinate list)
🍄 Decriscribe your wip/one of your wips in the format of “_ + =__”
The irony of a question that describes the title for 90% of my WIPs & at least 75% of the fics for this fandom in general. 😂
How about
rare disease + lying about your job = near-death medical mystery
(That's the WIP I've been working on for over a year and someday SOMEDAY will actually finish.
I had this idea that if I made myself not post it until it was done, I'd write faster. 🤣 Turns out this was not the case. But I have 7.5 chatpers/20k words and someday I'm going to post like a whole story in a week. I swear. BUT NOT UNTIL IT'S ALL DONE this time.)
🤔 What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
Ooooh well. That depends on your definition of "havent even started yet". If I have an idea for a thing I have almost certainly written at least half a scene about it and, if I'm lucky enough to have more ideas about the thing, written down some notes. If I don't write it down at all the details will fall out of my brain like water from a sieve and then I'll be annoyed with myself later.
But ok so an idea I've written very little of. I actually have a couple "big" ideas that I haven't gotten far with. They'd require a lot more outlining to make them come together. But ok.
So someday I'm want to write this fic idea where Matty decides she's just DONE with James MacGyver and she's going to take care of the problem herself. And not by just by sending Mac on a wild goose chase until he decides to give up. She's going to eliminate all possibility of James ever showing up at all by having him assassinated.
And who could do this job for them? Maybe even for free, because it's basically taking out the trash? Murdoc of course! Bonus that he really has a personal thing against abusive father figures.
Of course she can't do this alone. She's going to have to drag some into this mess with her. I honestly have had a tough time deciding if she's going to enlist Riley or Bozer to help her out. I've been leaning toward Riley, although I could see Bozer doing it out of loyalty and sour memories of James. (Jack gets left in the dark again, for various reasons including that she thinks it's best if he has plausible deniability in all of this.)
There will be problems later because Murdoc is still the #1 baddie on Phoenix's list, and analysts get wind that he's up to something locally. Mac and Jack decide this is a great time to hunt him down. It's not like Matty can say no to that, especially when James is probably barking at her to get rid of the hitman who's after Angus.
This is sort of the part where I haven't untangled the rest of the plot because there are so many possibilities. At some point somebody (James? Jack?) is going to get suspicious of Matty's behavior. At some point Murdoc is going to get caught, or almost caught, and there's no way he can stop himself taunting Mac. At some point Riley is going to have to decide if she's going to take the fall for Matty because either way, she's going to end up in trouble somehow.
Yeah so that's as far as I've gotten.
Come to think of it my other big unwritten fic idea also has to do with the problem of James' existance... but that's a fic for another ask sometime. :)
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yellowstarwater ¡ 2 years
Alright now let’s get on to P2: E2 of my episode by episode analysis of part two of Inside Job. Again for those who haven’t watched part two yet spoilers.
First point it is rude that Reagan and Ron’s affair has to affect the rest of the group that is trying to work through their own issues. Yes I understand from a story standpoint the two are from rival companies and can’t get caught but they’re not even quietly making out! And I pointed this out during my first overall analysis of part two but Mothman is right Reagan’s “coping mechanism” can easily become an addiction if she is not careful. To Reagan’s she (and Ron) consider what they are doing as a healthy distraction.🚩🚩🚩 She at least admits that it is a distraction. But the reality of distractions are that they can only work for so long. And once it’s stops working you’re left feeling like you have a lot of things to do in a short amount of time. And some people can get very resentful of their ‘distractions.That is not to say that there will ever be a wrong time for Reagan to try to work on her issues. But it is sad to see her wasting resources that she could be using now. And it’s actually also not fair to Ron who is now probably compromising any progress he had made before hooking up with Reagan (remember that he was going long enough that he had to apologize for bringing a gun to group therapy…again) It is though in character for what we know about Reagan so far so I can’t be completely mad at it.
Next point you have to admit that Rand is making an effort to win Tamiko back. I’m sure that it is very shallow but he is making the effort and I have to point it out even if I still don’t like him. There is still though so much mystery to his marriage that don’t feel ever gets cleared up by the end of part two. But from what we’ve seen his previous marriage wasn’t good. And she admits to having a therapist which means she does go to therapy and part of the reason for that could be because of her previous marriage. So why would he think Tamiko would take him back even if you don’t factor in Keanu Reeves.
Next point Keanu Reeves! Was great he was just so fun I love how they played into the whole why don’t certain celebrities seem to age thing. Also lotus just grow from his pockets what? 🤣He was just fun all around and seemed to really enjoy himself!
From what we do know about Rand and Tamiko’s marriage it does make sense that Reagan wouldn’t have been very supportive of any of her mother’s relationships and for her to be worried about her mother getting hurt. We don’t get to see much about how Tamiko’s marriage to Rand has affected her but I’m guessing that must have happened to make her so resentful and always trying to find ways to get back at him. So Reagan being protective of the only parent she can slightly get along with makes sense. And I guess I can credit Reagan’s new relationship to Ron for allowing herself to be more supportive of her mother’s new relationship. And if Rand was my father I would totally be okay with Keanu Reeves replacing him too!
Okay Rand ordering Reagan to break up her mother’s new relationship is fucked up! Even though it plants the seeds needed to move the plot along the fact that he would make it her job to destroy her mother’s happiness is all kinds of wrong! But it’s good that she stands up to him against that.
The gang just knowing that Reagan is hooking up with someone is a nice touch and shows how close they are even if they don’t know who the person is.
Rand coming up with the idea to make a movie to when over Tamiko was funny though I am surprised that it never occurred to anyone to try to use Brett as a body double for Rand until Andre can work out the formula. But then we wouldn’t have the image of Rand’s man boobs and well the internet deserved that win. But again it doesn’t make sense that Brett would be responsible for tracking down Leo. And that was fun to watch.
Hmm comment about how they might all still be in the matrix that she created when she was eight makes me wonder if that’s going to be the big twist at the end of the series. I think it’s meant to be a joke but I am going to save that info just in case.
I have to point out that this episode is great it showing some of the positive aspects of Reagan’s relationship with her mother. While it was established in part one that her relationship with Tamiko was better then her relationship with Rand it still wasn’t portrayed as a very good one. And I do hope that in season two and beyond we get a chance to see their relationship more because while this was a nice episode for them. Doesn’t mean that Reagan’s relationship with her mother is healthy, it only looks like it is in comparison with her father. Regardless we know that Reagan has a good enough relationship with her mother because of this episode and that’s going to be something important to factor in when we get into the later episodes of part two.
The fact that even Reagan didn’t know that vampires were real and she works for the shadow government is kinda weird. It’s either that there is only a small amount of vampires or that the different companies that run the shadow government have different “company secrets” which means that there could be a group of people or species that Cognito knows about but the others don’t?
I do like seeing that there is a sense of closeness in Reagan and Gigi’s friendship. The fact that Gigi can tell that something is different and Gigi saying that she wants to give Reagan a makeover but later on let’s Reagan give her a makeunder. It’s nice to see that they have a decent relationship.
Brett reforming men with toxic masculinity is just everything! And just shows that Brett couldn’t be problematic even if he wanted to despite having quote “douche instinct” he just wants to be helpful and make new friends. Blaive Brettfordstein was an interesting choice for a fake name and clearly created so that he would look cooler. Brett you are cool and only change in positive ways.
Oh yeah Myc, Glenn and Andre are just helping Rand make a movie this whole episode. That’s all they do, Andre makes a youth serum that makes Rand into a younger buffer man but then backfires and turns him all the way into a literal man child. But Myc takes his role as a writer and director for this movie very seriously and it has funny moments. I mean the fact that he actually cares about continuity is going to be important later on. Also how long is the movie supposed to be if Rand wants thirty more sex scenes?
Okay Gigi knowing that Reagan and Ron are banging just because of a small look on Ron’s face shows that she is very observant and smart. And not a lot of credit is given to Gigi for how smart she actually is just because she’s not a super genius like Reagan. Also it makes sense that Gigi would be the character to not judge Reagan for having a relationship with someone from a rival company considering that we know that Gigi has tried to work for that company herself in the past.
Leonardo DiCaprio being the most bloodthirsty vampire is just the writers leaning head first into the memes. 🤣 And it works really well.
Again Reagan trying to find a way to break up her mother’s relationship with Keanu Reeves is nice when you consider that she really is trying not to seem unsupportive. Reagan pretending to be Keanu is funny too and when she gets caught you feel for her because she really is only trying to save her mother. The fights scenes between Keanu and Reagan were really cool. That being said I wasn’t surprised that Keanu Reeves actually really did love Tamiko. By all accounts according to what we know Tamiko must be at least late sixties early seventies . And I say this because in real life Keanu Reeves is fifty eight years old and Rand made such a big deal about him being younger. So Rand must be in his sixties or higher. I mean he went to college in the seventies and that was fifty years ago. And I’m pretty sure Tamiko is around the same age as him. Which would make her a bit too old to be used for her blood. Leo thinks that she might be forty but she’s not actually forty and Reagan is canonically thirty.
There were so many vampire puns!
So I guess this means that if we ever see those ageless male celebrities again on this show that means they are clones like Oprah. Also adult Rand in a diaper is something we all can never un see.
That being said the fact that Tamiko runs out on Keanu Reeves not because he’s a vampire but clearly because he’s older then she thought he was. And was going to give up staying young for Tamiko. For me confirmed my headcanon that Tamiko only tries to date younger men. My guess was between the ages of 18-25 but I guess that might be what she prefers but it’s not a deal breaker as long as you are younger. I also think it helped that Keanu was also a major celebrity. I am still upset with her for dropping Keanu Reeves like that but it’s probably because the show wouldn’t be able to add him on an even semi regular basis.
Well now that I’ve rewatched this episode I can finally start working on updating my Breagan story. If anyone is waiting for “Probably not a good idea but we were drunk?” Just know that I am trying and hopefully it will be updated within the next two weeks!
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