#🥀Black Is Such a Happy Colour🥀
circusgoth-dotcom · 6 months
And then there were two.
In one corner, we have the world's greatest goth mother... and in the other, the funniest blue alien DreamWorks has created! On your marks... get set... VOTE!
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Credit to its_teresa4 on tiktok
They're so cute, this is why Morticia is my chosen mom <3 ;w;
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pastel-omegas-blog · 11 months
Manor of Roses 🥀
Chapter one
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️𝕎𝔸ℝℕ𝕀ℕ𝔾!!! 𝕎𝕀𝕃𝕃 ℂ𝕆ℕ𝕋𝔸𝕀ℕ 𝕄𝔸𝕋𝕌ℝ𝔼 𝕋ℍ𝔼𝕄𝔼𝕊 𝔸ℕ𝔻 𝕍𝕀𝕆𝕃𝔼ℕℂ𝔼 ( 𝕄𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝔹𝕠𝕕𝕪 𝕙𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕣, 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕕/𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖, 𝕣𝕒𝕡𝕖.) ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
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Alistair Dove
The ruling lord of an independent territory that was  out of sight and hidden from the general populace, a territory known as the ' Field of Lillie's ' that lived their own lives free from outside influence.
A place had been described as '  The heavens on earth ' by the few people who had been privileged enough to be  allowed entry into the mysterious and closed off land.
They called it a utopia that hadn't been tainted by the evil and cruelness of the world.
A land were it's citizens lived in  peace without any stress or panic of monster attack, famine or fear of any life threatening diseases breaking out.
It was a land that was described to be flowing with milk and honey.
With rich fertile lands that bore sweet fruits and bountiful harvests almost all year round.
Clear skies, clear flowing rivers and streams all stretching as far as the eye could see.
It was a sight that  remained people that wonders, fulfillment and peace could still be found in this world that was being plagued by war, death and famine.
With a world currently thrown into war and chaos because of the demon kings invasion.
 The only thing separating it from the outside world was the huge wall of Lillie's rising up into the sky grow around every inch of the territory acting as a barrier to separate and isolate  from the rest of the harsh world ( the barrier giving the place it's name ) 
While the land behind these walls remained safe and tranquil the rest of the world had been thrown into hopelessness.
The skies were a haunting blood red, a colour that took over the once blue skies the day the demon lord attacked, even in the night the haunting colour would remain dying the skies.
The red rays of the sun made the lands barren, Crops and  grass life were shrinking and becoming withered eventually dying off, the grounds becoming baked and harden making it almost impossible to plant new grain.
The livestocks were falling I'll to an unknown disease that caused the animals to become hollow husks of skin and bones that would eventually die off.
  The lack of food for the people to eat had caused a great famine take over the land, making people do the unimaginable things to survive
the streams, rivers, oceans and seas were drying up with every day that passed making water becoming harder to find and any water pound filled to the brim had already been infested with an inky blackness that killed anyone desperate enough to drink it.
The ever growing mountain of corpses had led to foul diseases  sweeping over the land.
Feral månå beasts and monsters wrecked havoc on the already suffering land, killing what was left of the people trying to survive.
But the Field of Lillie's was a place unaware of the suffering of the rest of the world.
And with such a blessed land free from the struggles of the outside it was only natural for the people who reside in it to be happy and kind hearted souls, who had not a single worry in the world.
With such a land that catered to its peoples every needs it wasn't much of a surprise that the people were all very welcoming and nice to everyone.
There was no social class separating anyone.
Even though the place held recessive alphas and omegas , They weren't elevated above the betters nor did they act like they were superiors, there was no such things as nobles or peasants.
There was no oppression amongst the people midst.
No discrimination amongst people of different species.
Hybrids, elves, goblins, orcs, sirens, dragon borns etc, all stayed together without having any contempt towards one another.
No slums.
No one suffering.
No  pain.
It was just people living together in peace and harmony with everyone doing their part to help in the community.
Visitors who had been fortune enough to enter would always talk non stop about the peoples welcoming aura.
Their kind smiles, their incredible hospitality, their wonderful personalities.
And ruling over these kind souls was none other than Alistair.
He was like a painting  that depicted the raw essence of purity and innocence.
With a heart of gold he had taken up the demanding role of being the figure head that watched over and catered to the needs of his people 
Yet he still had an air of authority around him that made him a capable and well respected leader.
A beautiful  elven dominant omega with a lovely feminine face.
With pale Ivory skin that resembled that of a porcelain doll.
He had Long pale silvery white hair that was always tied neatly in a bun with silk ribbons, his front bangs dropping to cover his left eye.
His right eye that was visible had thick long silvery lashes that fluttered on the top of his cheek bones whenever he blinked.
The colour of his eye was a breathtaking shade cerulean  blue, one that seemed to send people into a trance whenever they made eye contact with him as the feeling of Serenity and peace seemed to take over their being.
A rosey pink blush dusted his pale cheek and his thin, glossy pink lips always seemed to be stretched into a sweet smile.
His slender feminine figure was clothed in flowy white silk robes with pretty embroideries of Lillie's  that accentuated his form.
An air of elegance and kindness seemed to seep off him.
Even though the territory was hidden from the eyes of others as it wanted to separate itself from the harsh political environment of others places, the elven omega and his people had sent out food stuff and medical aid hoping to help them, even though they could easily ignore what was going on and focus solely on themselves.
Their kindness would not let them sit down ideally and watch others suffer when they could do something to help relieve the pain.
And it with such a kind heart he had accepted to house the heroes party that was destined to slay the demon king.
Even if doing so would create a huge target on the backs of him and his people.
Alistair had told them he would provide everything during their stay and that the magic of the walls would be enough to fend against the demon kings dark arts and that he would be at their beck and call for whatever they needed during their stay in his manor as they rejuvenated themselves .
So here they were relaxing in the pretty gardens of the Dove manor as the villagers attended to their every needs.
The heroes who were destined to slay the demon king were all taking a much deserved rest.
Under the soft rays of the surprisingly blue sky's they could laze around without the constant threat of death looming over their shoulders.
" Aah~ This is the life "  a brown haired elven man said as he stretched his body letting out a content sigh when a bone popped going to snuggle in his hammock under the relaxing shade of a tree.
" You've got that right captain " the deep voice of a dragon hybrid chimed in as he brought a huge jug of fresh grape wine to his lips chugging the rich liquid down in large chucks, stretching the jug out to a scantly dressed woman to pour another round for him.
" I can't remember the last time I was able to laze around like this. A change from constantly worrying about our necks and one I'm enjoying " a fox hybrid said sleepy as he stretched his joints until he felt a satisfied pop, before going back to resting on the tree branch of the apple he had been sleeping on stretching a hand to grab a bright red apple, bringing it to his lips to take a satisfying a bite out of it.
" The religion might differ from that of the empire, yet they managed to escape the ire of the demon king. How very fascinating. " A pretty dark fairy woman dressed in white holy robes, her pretty pink hair hidden under the veil on her head said as she sat on the lush green grass under the shade of a giant tree reading the land's holy scriptures.
Almost every member of the heroes party seemed be enjoying their well deserved break.
Everyone except their human healer, a ' beta ' commoner named M/N.
Something about this whole place just........... rubbed him the wrong way.
Everytime he tired to enjoy himself like the others his stomach would tie itself into knots and his guy would star screaming at him to get away from here.
And he also couldn't knock off the feeling that someone was constantly watching him.
Besides they had been there for far to long.
What was originally supposed to be a two days rest had now turned to a stay of three months.
And every single day the demon king got stronger.
And it wasn't as if the rest had been training their hardest to get stronger so they could defeat their enemy.
Instead of training they had been spending their days leisuring around without a care in the world and with each passing day they tried to down play the war  happening outside the giant lily walls.
It was almost as if the land was influencing them to abandon their mission of slaying the demon king ( he wasn't accusing the people and their leader of using dark magic, but his gut told him that had to be it, because only dark magic would be able to have effect in controlling the mind of the gods chosen ones )
But everytime he tried to bring it up to the others he was met with.......... A bit of resistance.
" U.....um Tresyil  d... don't you think it's time w...we  start m.. moving ? "
The s/c man's soft voice spoke up as he questioned his leader  and the once warm and tranquil air became cold and over bearing.
The human felt his breath hitch in his throat as all everyone turned their attention to him, their gazes cold and condescending.
" Oh ? Since when did you become the leader of the party that you think you can start giving out orders "
The once jovial voice of the party's brown haired captain was now cold and authoritative, one that made the h/c man freeze in his spot as panic bubbled in his chest knowing what the other was implying.
 When did a flithy human start to question the decisions of a pure blood elf ?
" N..no! T...that's not w.. what I meant-AAH!" the h/c tired to defend himself only for an empty wooden jug to slam into his forehead causing a yelp of pain to leave his lips as his hands flew up to nurse the forming bruise.
The dragon hybrid hollered out a pissed off expression on his face as he was struggling to get up from his seat, only been calmed down by the scantily dressed women by his side.
M/N winced in pain biting the inside of his cheek to force his whimpers down, not wanting to agitate the other any further.
" Now now Reigon you should calm your self down, you wouldn't want to destroy anything and upset our hosts who have been so awfully kind to us " the fairy folk spoke up causing the dragon to turn his attention towards her.
" I'm not causing any trouble Eva!!! It's the filthy Åhenaki that refuses to know it's place "
Reigon grumbled out with a huff, leaning into the touch of the beautiful women around as they whispered praises into his ears that calmed him down.
" Still not an accuse. You could have damaged that jug just now " the nun replied more worried about the jug than her teammate who's wound was beginning to bleed.
" She's right you know " Tresyil spoke up and the fairy nodded her head at her Captain's support.
" That was uncalled for.  You could have broken that and that would have made Alistair disappointed  " the brown haired elven man said and the dragon hybrid flinched at his words.
" Y..yer right cap'n Lord Dove wouldn't be happy about that. My bad " the dragon hybrid apologized and elf nodded his head in understanding.
" It's okay ....." The brown haired man stared, his eyes going to glare at the human who let out a soft whimper of fear 
" After all you were simply reminding something to know it's place "
M/N felt overwhelming shame and embarrassment fill him to the brim and he fought back the tears that threatened to spill down his cheeks.
Looking at the direction of where the fox hybrid was staying watching the whole ' show ' go down the h/c man hoped he would speak to the rest of their teammates and tell them to go easier on him.
Like he always did.
But instead the man simply looked away unbothered as he continued eating his apple 
Knowing his presence was not needed the human ( and not wanting to listen to the hateful things that would be directed at him if he stayed any longer ) M/N quickly gathered himself and sputtered out excuses before leaving the midst of the heroes.
Cerulean blue eye watched the interaction from afar, a frown tugging down the owners lips as he watched the human leave.
" He still hasn't fallen for the illusion "to man mumbled to himself in annoyance.
Even someone as powerful as him was finding it hard to put a simple human under his control, if the others should find out they would never let him hear the end of it.
" Looks like I need to get rid of him personally" he said with a tired sigh as he started walking away.
Other than the bloody mess he was about to make ( one that he wouldn't be cleaning up ) he has no worries.
It was clear the others had no interest in the well being of the human so getting rid of him would probably make them fall faster for his mind control.
Now that that was settled all that was left of now was to dispose of the nuisance.
Are the highest of the whole tier and can control the others.
They have very large body frames and can stand from 6 - 9 feet at times.
*Note* some hybrid species can grow taller and bigger than this
Their pheromones are so strong that even Betas can perceive them and easily get manipulated by it, they have the same effect on omegas, but dominant omegas ate able to resist it a bit.
They usually come from higher noble back grounds,but can be found in middle class as well, but their usually illegitimate children who have royal or higher ranking noble blood in their veins
Ruts usually have a strong effect on them and make them lose themselves to instincts. It tends to last for five days to a week and in the time they are constantly try to make sure their seed is buried deep within their partners.
Ruts can last a few days longer if they are one that uses frequently superssants.
They are more common than Dominant Alphas, but their body frame and height is not as daunting as their Dominant counter parts , standing from 6 - 8 feet.
*Note* some hybrid species can still grow taller than this
Their scents are also not as strong, but they can still attract recessive omegas and betas with not much difficulty, there is a very strong resistance with dominant omegas though.
Female Recessive alphas also have the ability to get pregnant, but by dominant alphas only.
Majority of them tend to lack the  pseudo penis in their Virgina like female dominant alphas do and even if they do, most noble families usually perform surgeries to get rid of it so they can engage them off to either male recessive alphas or any gender dominant alphas  to increase chances of pregnancy.
They go through heat, but it is very weak and only causes them slight discomfort and some don't even experience it all all.
The highest the heats tend to last for the ones who do experience it is a day and a half.
Male recessive alphas experience rut, but it doesn't affect as severely as their dominant counterparts, but they still loose control and tend to succumb to their instincts. It usually lasts for 3 - 5 days.
They are very common in this world making at least 51% of the total population.
They also have scents but theirs are very weak compared to the Alphas and omegas.
  How strong one's pheromones determine their worth.
Betas have very little pheromones making them worthless in the eyes of alphas and omegas.
They also cannot perceive pheromones all that well ( unless the person is from the dominant hierarchy ) so they usually use body build to determine what the second gender of a person is or they ask.
Female betas also experience heat , but theirs is not as painful as an omega, but is more serious than a female Recessive alphas and lasts for 2 days maximum.
They can usually go through it without the help of a mate, but their fertility levels are not that high.
All betas are  commoners and peasants folk and unless they've had a history of other classes in their family tree it will remain that way.
They are seen as lesser in this society.
Are the most sought out of Omegas since they have very beautiful appearances and  very alluring pheromones.
Their fertility level is also very high and in some rare cases they can carry 3 to 5 pups at a time.
Like Dominant Alphas, Dominant omegas are mostly found in higher noble families or in the royal bloodline, but can be found in middle class or poorer noble backgrounds as well ( this happens in very rare cases )
A dominant omega's heat can last for a week but can also become week an a half if they are one to constantly use superssants 
In some rare cases they don't experience heats until much later in their life due to stress or over working 
 They are also very pretty and have nice pheromones, but  their scents are not as strong as their dominant counter parts.
Their heats usually last up to five days.
They don't have high fertility rates as well and can only have one or two pups throughout their life time, but there's a reason for this.
Their class can get pregnant and also make their dominant counter parts pregnant as well, so marriages between the two omega classes do happen, although very rarely since majority of the time both classes prefer alpha partners
Humans are creatures that have been condemned by the holy scriptures of all empires, nations, countries and kingdoms for being the children of a rouge deity that caused destruction and chaos by disturbing the peace of the gods and goddesses in the heavens.
By the holy scriptures humans and are a few other species are the ones that are written to not have received blessings from the goddess of light, the god of wind and the the god of nature, the three major gods that are being worshipped in the religion of Luveriux.
 Humanity is seen as a dirt and a mistake in the perfect society of mythics and hybrids as they lack the ability to wield strong månå attributes and physical strength.
 Where hated because of the words of the holy scriptures but the hate and brutality against this species became worse after they tried to ' wage war ' on the mythics which led to over 95 percent of their population being wiped out.
 The war itself happened over a millennia ago and not much is known other than how brutally the humans lost.
 Because of the outcome of the war humans are now treated worse than before.
Humans themselves are now very rare and are going extinct little by with less than a hundred full blooded humans walking around ( this number is unknown and believed to be smaller )
 Not much is actually know about this species.
This work is just an excuse to create a new dominant omega oc and a porn with plot story. Stay tuned for future updates.
Also here's my Twitter account give me a follow if your up to and like my art will post art of Alistair latter today.
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behindviolettwrites · 28 days
🥀 introducing, bianca alvarez ! 🥀
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below the cut is some info on my all time favourite oc, bianca alvarez . 9 times out of 10 she is my go to girl for roleplays . i hope you love her as much as i do !
name: bianca iliana alvarez
nickname(s): bea
birthday/age: 15th nov. age dependent on verse
gender + pronouns: cis female , she/her
biography: bianca alvarez is a fiercely independent and closed-off young woman who has faced significant challenges throughout her life.
growing up, bianca had to visit her father in prison from the age of six to sixteen, an experience that shaped her resilience and self-reliance. her relationship with her mother is strained, complicated by the emotional and financial burdens placed on her.
as the eldest, bianca was expected to raise her two younger siblings, shouldering responsibilities far beyond her years. at sixteen, she moved in with her grandmother, seeking a fresh start and a sense of stability.
despite her tough exterior, bianca remains deeply loyal to those she cares about, a testament to the strength she developed from her upbringing.
more tba.
personality: bianca is a fiercely independent and guarded individual, often presenting a tough exterior to shield herself from further emotional pain. her closed-off nature is a result of years dealing with challenging circumstances, including a strained family dynamic. despite her tough demeanor, bianca is deeply loyal to those she trusts and cares about. while she may seem distant or unapproachable to most, she reveals a more vulnerable and softer side to the people closest to her. this combination of resilience and warmth highlights her capacity for deep, unwavering commitment and affection.
likes: thunderstorms. the scratch of the needle on a record player. hot summer nights. crystals. cats. bubble baths. cigarettes. cocktails. hot sand between her toes. scented candles. dancing in the kitchen. dressing up for a night out. the smell of ‘billie eilish no. 1’ perfume. tight hugs. staying up all night. dr martens. wearing oversized tshirts.
dislikes: loud children. mess. liars. the uncomfortable air in the room after an argument. her parents. seeing happy families because “why didn’t i get that”. the headaches after crying. being alone with her thoughts. skipping songs halfway through.
weather: rainy days & warm summer nights.
season(s): winter & summer.
colour(s): black.
movie(s): jaws (1975). american psycho (2000). twilight (2008). 10 things i hate about you (1999). back to the future (1985). transformers (2007).
tv show(s): gilmore girls. that 70s show. my name is earl. the haunting of hill house. breaking bad. friday night dinner. house.
song(s): she will be loved — maroon 5. young god — halsey. her — chase atlantic. party monster — the weeknd. she’s so mean — matchbox twenty. love buzz — nirvana. something in your mouth — nickleback
drink(s): espresso martinis. pink lemonade. diet coke & vodka. pineapple juice. mojitos. frozen margaritas.
food(s): nachos with extra sour cream & jalapeños. frutti do mare. cheesy garlic pizza. watermelon.
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The people (me) what to know
📺 🥀👱🏻‍♀️ 🍂 🍕!!!!
Hiii Hemiamae tysm for the ask :DD
📺 - I don't really have a set favourite show but Lucifer is really good, recently finished all 6 seasons, ending was beautiful, characters are intriguing, deep and hilarious, plot is complicated yet simple, idk I loved it
🥀 - Bolt, y'know that one movie about a dog that acts in, well, a movie and has a black lightning stripe on him? Either that or Megamind, I grew up with both movies and I love them to death, it also makes me happy that Megamind is being relevant again even through memes lol
That person emoji I can't find it in my keyboard lmao - I don't have a set hairstyle, it sort of changes every morning and I go with whatever lol, tho I do have my hair mostly tied up since I don't like it when hair is in my face
🍂 - I love Autumn, I used to love Spring for the rain since rain smells so good but it's too much pollen and I'm allergic as hell to pollen 😭, Autumn has little to no pollen, the vibes are nice, the colours of the leaves are gorgeous, it's just all around such a nice season
🍕 - Some kind of sweet, ripoff vanilla Oreos, they taste good
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oceanblueeyesoul · 2 years
Hi, I would like a matchup for Wednesday, please. I’m bisexual, my pronouns: She/Her. I’m from Sweden.
Physical appearance: I’m 1,55 cm. I’ve got blue eyes and long dark brown hair. I have light milky skin and a snake tattoo on my right wrist with red ink. I’m on the leaner side but got curves and a hourglass body shape. I’m not big on makeup, but when I do wear it it’s just, concealer, mascara, eyeliner and lipgloss preferably a dark red one but still not that pigmented. I pretty often wear tight fitting clothes in dark colors-black is my happy color! But I also appreciate loose fitting hoodies and some sweats. I love to wear heals and boots!! Combat boots is my go to! I love necklaces, oh and I almost forgot rings!
Personality: I’m a pretty low energy girlie, BUT I have SEVERE adhd, which makes me hyperactive if I haven’t taken my medication. Id not say that I’m a extrovert at all, even if I have a easy time to make a lot of friends. So I’m an introvert to 99,5%. People often say that I have dark/morbid humor, which is totally true. I have a hard time being sarcastic, even if I’m sarcastic all the time bc some people don’t know the difference between me being fr or just joking around. I love writing and to read, I prefer to write fiction but also poems, and I love to read the older books nobody else wants to read. I actually am a total lover girl-in secret! I have a hard time opening up to ppl about my traumas, emotions or just how I feel. But once I can trust them and I’ve opened up to them, I’m attached. Oh yeah I have attachment issues, and I tend to fall head over heals for ppl who wouldn’t even give me the time of their day. It’s horrible actually.
Hobbies: I loooove to read, so that means i have nothing against a day in to just cuddle and read in a comfortable silence, with some good food-which is ironic bc I’ve struggled a lot with different types of eating disorders. I love to watch a good scary movie, the classics are the best. Take walks and just sit by the lake and just TALK. I love my black little kitten named Ozzy! He follows me everywhere I go <3 I have a black Doberman too, ppl say he’s scary but he’s just a big misunderstood boy <3
Well that’s me🥀
Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this a lot!
Wednesday (Netflix) Matchup
Your Wednesday (Netflix) soulmate is...
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She would understand your dark humor and as well as black being your colour because Wednesday is not fond of bright colours it makes sense after all and plus, you guys often match your outfits together.
The two of you have a passion for writing and reading books as well, you guys love to read each other's stories out loud and read together as a couple together in a nice and quiet area in the school or the library.
She would love to watch a scary movie with you while playing with your little black kitten Ozzy's fur throughout the whole movie with you while enjoying the sound of the people screaming in the horror movies.
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the-breathing-pen · 2 years
To her new lover...
I beg to be drenched in gloom, whenever I shall see the screen,
Of all the colours in the rainbow, I ask for a little green,
Consider this as your new job, to wake up daily and make my eyes sore,
C'mon gentleman, it's not that hard, you just have to love her more,
If you wanna make her happy, don't you compliment her looks,
Take a peek in her wishlist, and buy her a couple of books,
She's a cozy little girl, she does like rains but prefers the sun,
To flutter away her heart, just look her in the eyes and call her hun,
Be a good listener, she loves to talk of science, of arts and of wars,
More than watching any movie, she loves gazing the night sky full of stars,
She's messy on the outside, she's not the one to like holders,
But the insides' are different, she's the one to fall for shoulders,
Candies, the chocolate ones, are what she calls her snacks,
You wanna buy her some aesthetics, boy go for blacks,
Accept the fact that you're second, and it means 'never' when she says 'soon',
For her first crush and the good old lover, shall always remain the moon,
And she's got a sharp mind, don't ever try to make her fool,
It's gonna be disastrous, if you ever make her lose her cool,
If you're good at it, I'd recommend gifting a hand made band,
And boy, if you're not, no problem! Just hold her hand,
Be her go to place, in sunshines of joy or rains of sorrow,
If she wants just ears, never ever reply her a 'tomorrow',
She loves visiting museums and libraries, and going on far away rides,
She prefers the cold hilly wind, over the humid oceanic tides,
She's a literary girl, she literally does fall for poetry,
Rather than a busy amusement ride, she'd sit under a tree,
You'll find beauty in her, a beauty that's very rare,
Like the autumns of her birthday month, shower her with care,
She'd always love a flower in her hair, a rose, pink or red,
Yes there are fights in love, and tears are also shed,
Walking together solves everything, she believes, so walk with her for a mile,
Just promise me, whoever you're, you'll never let her face forget the beautiful smile...🥀
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the-lost-beast · 11 months
About: Chapter 6, part 1
Elund and Carine 🐦
Our generic Rito people? Nope sir. Elund is Revali's main opponent, as said in the narratives. He will appear more often at a certain point, but for now he's not important. Like Revali, he can't stand being second in everything and envies the Rito Champion a lot, making the most out of each of their training sessions to try and beat the Champion. Unfortunately for him, that never ends the way he'd like. Elund is named after the puffin, which in Icelandic is said lundi (j'ai cherché l'oiseau mardi mais la vie y'avait pas). So he is a black and white Rito. I might draw him later.
Carine is the town's bowmaker. She made a quick apparition in Chapter 3 but she had no name or appearance then. She will not be as important as Elund and will probably stay a background character. Carine is a 🥁🥁🥁 canary! Bright yellow, my favourite colour. Will probably draw her as well.
Bel and Rev 🍁
These two have work to do with each other (especially Bellam). Their scene together is important because it shows Bellam isn't just a complete and unfair asshole. He knows he did wrong and actually acts to make things right, acknowledging his fault. Revali is capable of being mature enough to accept Bel's apology, even though he will disguise his feelings and act as if he doesn't care (he does)
Kíran and Bellam 🥀
You see now how Bellam can be a tad oversensitive when it comes to Kíran... Well Kíran is just the same. No spoilers, but his past experience with Bel affects how he sees Revali, and that might explain why he´s being so hostile towards the Champion.
Kíran 🌫️
As said in his character design sheet, he cannot fly, a change that was made very recently. This has not kept him from becoming an excellent warrior. He is respected by other Rito but rarely ever shows up, preferring his own company... and now his child's. His signature weapon is the boomerang, which he learned in Lurelin.
Oak 🍂
Akah-El's nickname is Oak. It will be introduce far into the story but it's shorter so now you know. There's a reason their name is hyphenated and I will not reveal it now.
So Oak is visually impaired and has glaucoma and tunnel vision. I am trying my best to write them as accurately and respectfully as possible, so feel free to point out any blunder. They can see and fight, but according to the setting they're in, their sight might get worse.
I cannot reveal much about them for now. Oak is happy to have found Kíran but this is all very new to them (them both, actually). They don't dare to call him dad just yet. We're working to that.
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orchidrene · 2 years
Who's spying on you?
꒰🌸 welcome to orchidrene's cottage”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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Somehow no enemies came out for this reading.
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Pile 1 Pile 2
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Pile 3 Pile 4
Pile 1
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They might give good advice or you might've given them advice regarding something (very unlikely though, I feel like you don't talk to each other at all.) I feel like they are a romantic and have started developing a crush on you. I'm getting a very crush like energy. They get butterflies when around you and they feel giddy and happy. They seem to be a pretty soft person. "Who you fall in love with isn't a choice but the way you love them is." They might be the type who doesn't believe in gender norms. They think that you are very elegant, I'm getting black swan energy from you. You might have leo, cancer, pisces or libra placements or atleast you're always really well dressed according to them. They think you're a go getter who also likes to have fun and knows how to enjoy life. They might also be the type to romanticize their own life (they might have pisces, taurus or libra moon or other placements.) They might want to get you flowers (specifically baby's breath or white roses.) They think about going to the aquarium with you, ice skating with you, going on a picnic date, enjoying each other's company until you fall asleep in their arms, stargazing with you (sitting on a hill or rooftop looking at the stars with a blanket), watching the sunrise or sunset, you watching them play with kids and puppies or vice versa, baking together, going to an art gallery or a museum with you, watching a movie on the couch while cuddling, etc. They find you confident, I'm getting them holding their breath when in a close proximity to you. Please listen to the songs I'm going to give below they'll describe a lot about how they feel about you. I'm getting you radiating 'blank space' by Taylor Swift energy. Do you by chance like the colour pink? I feel like they're spying on you more so by listening to other people talking about you. Some people might talk shit about you but they will think of other people's negative assumptions about you to be positive (like supposing someone calls you a player, they just think that you are attractive and know how to weigh your options or someone says that you're calculated and cunning, they just think that you're strategic and know what you want and how to get it.) 'Primadonna girl' is playing right now, they think of you to be an IT girl. I'm getting you to be a very nice and sweet but cold and rude appearing person, you might roast your close friends and might come off distant and full of yourself and have a lot of confidence. "You say that I'm kinda difficult but it's always someone else's fault, got you wrapped around my finger babe, you can count on me to misbehave." You might enjoy living in luxury (everyone does but well-) and have an expensive aura. I'm seriously getting you being a sweet heartbreaker who appears cold at first but is very warm and is very selfless but people put you off for being selfish when you choose yourself for once and don't take their bullshit. People might act like you don't have emotions and when you express them 💀 they attack you for doing so. 'Girls just wanna have fun' started playing now. You might have a similar aura to pile 2's picture.
Pile 2
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I feel like you are seen as someone who's gentle and radiate pleasant and loving energy to anyone you come in contact with. You might be deeply sensitive and embrace the ideals of romantic love and have a natural ability to keep romance alive and well in relationships. You might have a more vintage appearance. The person stalking you seems to have a more cold aura. I feel like they're intrigued because you might have said something mean to them, they might have tried to push you around thinking it would be easy but were met with your ruthless and mean side. I'm getting two people spying on you together. I'm getting them being guys for some reason. They might not even be pushing you around, they might just tease you a lot and you were having a bad day so you snapped back. They might be best friends or in the same friend circle. I'm getting frat boy vibes from one of them and cold ice king kind of aura from the other one. I feel like one or both of them were playfully teasing you and you snapped back and since that was pretty out of character for you, they got turned on 💀😭. Also, maybe someone else they talk to revealed to them that they like you, so now they're getting weird romantic feelings for you. I feel like you might be attracted to the frat boy like dude if your sexuality allows it but you don't really care too much about making a move or anything and if not, you would find them attractive if you found out who it was. You might find the ice king person to be too jokey and annoying. They might watch anime and also hentai (adult anime.) They might find you sexually attractive to be honest, only to themselves though, they seem to care a lot about their image to sexualize anyone publicly. They also seem to be very respectful people, they're guys you'd feel safe around. I feel like one of them listens to Shawn Mendes while thinking about you, they have definitely developed a romantic liking for you and the other might listen to Justin Bieber while thinking about you, both of them seem to like you though 💀. The person that you snapped back at romanticizes you arguing with them. The other (frat boy dude in my opinion) might have liked you for quite some time, I feel like they might flirt with you once in a while but you just don't notice or play it off as their personality. Someone might like one direction or listen to them too. Both of them see you as goody two shoes so like they wish to protect you and also spoil you a bit, I'm getting the female lead from 'fifty shades of grey' and Rory Gilmore from the 'gilmore girls' energy from you, they might even call you Mary and make fun of you 💀.
Pile 3
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Ex friend or someone from the friend group. Can be a past situationship (friends but more than friends) too. They might have done you really dirty, I'm getting you literally crying your eyes out because of them and then being completely detached because you just felt so hurt. I feel like hangouts just don't feel the same anymore. They might have gotten into a similar situation and now they don't have anyone to lean on or might have been feeling kind of left out from the rest of the friend group. Maybe they know that you have moved on and won't let them back into your life so they are scared to come forward, all they can do is stalk your social media and try to get information about you. You might have 'idgaf' by Dua Lipa kinda attitude towards them. I'm not getting much for this pile, they might be up in their head about you though. I feel like the rest of the group also feels your absence. "If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave." I'm hearing that you followed the saying. You might still be very grateful for the memories and lessons even if you don't want reminisce and try not to think about them.
Pile 4
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Ex partner, someone who really loves you and a love rival from the past. If you don't have ex's choose a different pile. I feel like they're hurt over whatever happened in the past. Even if this person cheated, you both seem to have done each other dirty. I'm getting an 'us against the world but the world won' trope. You both might have hurt each other a lot. They're really grateful about the memories but they still feel so hurt, they think that you've moved on and they don't want to interfere with your happiness. I'm getting them wanting to jump into a relationship with you but not being able to. It might've been quite a long time since the both of you parted ways, they might know that you do love them or atleast did at some point but they think that it's not even relevant to you anymore. Your ex might think that you're hardworking and maybe you prioritizing your work to the point you neglected them is how they remember you. They might feel like you don't care about them because you didn't love them the way you could if you loved them :(. Maybe you're a very loving person but were emotionally unavailable to them. They might have also been afraid of you leaving them so they left you or might have felt and heard from someone that you had your eyes on someone else. I feel like it's been a long time since this situation took place. They might be in a state where they cannot text you even if they want to, maybe your username is complicated and different from before or you changed your number, if not, it's taking every fibre in their body to stop themselves from texting you. This is so sad, they probably think of you when they're sick and wonder if you're fine or imagine you taking care of them as a form of comfort. They might think of texting you when they hear that you're struggling with something too :'(. An advice for the both of you is to move on. I'm not allowed to say anything beyond this apparently :). Take care of yourselves. If it's a past love rival, they think that you've glown up but feel bad for you regarding something, maybe the person chose them over you, they don't really see you as a rival and I think it's the same way from your side too.
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yjunies · 3 years
12, 16, and 22 for the ask game!! (and some flowers for u <33🌸🌹🌼🌷🥀🌻🌺💐)
thank you so, so much for sending these, zai! mwah some hearts for you ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍
12. font(s) you like using
rarely ever use fonts in my gfx or gifs, but when i do i tend to go for either the most simple and easy to read sans serif fonts or just nice handwriting fonts. i love very thick fonts too. nf ultra is a favourite!
16. texture(s) you like using
again, very rarely do i use textures. i used to use paper and cardboard textures often, but not so much anymore. i use a lot of little icons, though. and when i don't make those myself, i get them from the noun project.
22. what is your biggest improvement since you started making graphics and or gifs?
i focus a lot on colouring. i think that is one the things i'm always trying to improve. but i'm happy to have finally found my own style. there are always a few shades i tend to gravitate towards, and the fact that i always incorporate them in my gfx or gifs makes me really pleased. also i'm really happy with how i've finally mastered gradient maps? kkk idk it may sound a little silly, but i like how confident i am that can turn a regular black and white picture or gif into sth special
ask a graphic / gif maker
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mxgicthot · 4 years
💐💮🥀🌻 for Haleth?
💐 What flowers would be used in a flower crown for your oc? Why those choices?
Haleth would go for something like this:
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She has a really strong sense of smell, so it'll have lots of roses and throw in some berries and don't forget about jasmine (that's her favorite).
aesthetically she'll go for flowers with a darker colour : black, blood red, plum.
💮 What are your oc's best skills?
Anything that involves logical reasoning and complex problem solving. She's very good at strategizing and planning things out the most efficient way possible.
Physical skills : she's very artistic and likes to sketch when she's has free time.
🥀 Have your oc's dreams ever been crushed or their hearts broken? When and how?
The death of her mother really broke her. Her mother was her only living relative and when she died, it was the first time Haleth felt alone and resorted to extreme measures to try and bring her back, which ended in failure.
🌻 What little things make your oc happy? Would they admit that they make them happy?
She loves her quite time like a walk in the woods or just relaxing with a cup of tea and a book. She'll admit it to anyone who asks.
She's also affection starved and loves cuddling with people that she trusts/loves. She will never admit it tho, she'll just flop in their arms and snuggle grumply.
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circusgoth-dotcom · 2 years
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💘 for morticia and gomez? (knightfallships)
💘: How does your parental F/O react to you calling them your mom/dad/parent for the first time?
They were more than ecstatic, and it honestly didn't take long for me to start calling them mom and dad. Me being with them just... felt right, y'know?
The interaction went a bit like, "Dad/Mom- oh, uhm, can, can I call you that??" "You can call us whatever you're comfortable with, son. 🥺"
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karneebie · 3 years
"Why Black?"
A question many ask
"Are you mourning?"
How do they want me to answer
They say it's a colour of sorrow
I also voice out with a "No"
I chose Black
Not because I like Black
Not because I'm still left in grief
Not because he hides my dirts
I chose him over all the colours
I ever asked White, she told me she was for happiness and good times only
But I replied "not only happiness and good times come my way"
White couldn't give in what I needed
I lost hope
I was depressed
I threw patience away
I embraced brokenness
Until when I met Mr Black who understood what ever I told him.
I was shocked
He smiled
I wondered
He spoke in a soft rough voice
"I'm all round,
nobody makes attention for me until worse times that I'm beckoned on and I have no choice than to respond"
I was amazed
I finally found who I needed
The one who would stand by me
In sorrow
Good times
Through all my moments
I Chose Black....
I shall smile with him
I shall cry with him
I shall sing with him
I shall walk with him
"Why Black?"
They still whisper in my ears
I say, Black is life to me
Black is Gold to my eyes
Black shines in me
I Chose Black...
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considerad · 7 years
ambrosia, fern, iris, lilac, juniper, aaaand winona - milleniumsugar
ambrosia: last song you listened to
Neptune by Sleeping At Last (@theabstruseanon I can’t pick any other planet I keep coming back to this one)
fern: what makes you happiest
love! I love love. it makes me very happy to be loved and to love.
iris: favourite eye colour
lilac: your aesthetic
flowers, dark academia, statues of dancers, leaf piles, velvet capes, those ‘from another room’ edits of old songs, the way the world looks when you’re dizzy, coffee stains, cats watching you as you walk in dark streets alone, and x-rays!
juniper: coffee or tea
tea! black, with honey
winona: favourite quote
“Does such a thing as ‘the fatal flaw,’ that showy dark crack running down the middle of a life, exist outside literature? I used to think it didn’t. Now I think it does. And I think that mine is this: a morbid longing for the picturesque at all costs.” - Richard Papen from The Secret History, by Donna Tartt
plant asks🥀
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circusgoth-dotcom · 6 months
Very well, then. We will do two more polls due to the tie, and when the last two contestants are gleaned from these, we will come to the final two.
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