#💙Giant Blue Heart💙
circusgoth-dotcom · 6 months
And then there were two.
In one corner, we have the world's greatest goth mother... and in the other, the funniest blue alien DreamWorks has created! On your marks... get set... VOTE!
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yangoodomens · 10 months
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Yandere!Rise Leo x GN reader
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CW: implied kidnapped
•°•°•°•°•《The beginning of forever》°•°•°•°•°•
I breathed in, trying to keep myself calm. I was going on a date, but not just any date, THE date. I have been friends with the Turtles for years now, and I wouldn't be lying if I said I had feelings for one of them, and he finally asked me on a date. 
I looked in the mirror one last time. I looked good, my [outfit of choice] was clean, my hair was neatly done in a [style of choice]. He had mentioned I didn't need to dress up, we weren't going somewhere extremely fancy. 
I hear my phone go off, I look over to see Leo's contact, a message displayed on the screen.
💙Blue boy💙 - Hope you're ready, ill be there in 5! Can't wait to see how Pretty/Handsome you are! 
🌸Y/N🌸 - I am, im really excited Leo, see you soon! 
Almost on cue, I heard a knock on my door. I took one last look at myself before I head down to greet him. Opening the door I see Leo. He wore a casual white collared sweater and jeans. He smiled as he saw me. "You're stunning", he praised, as he hands me a bouquet of light blue flowers, with a small shark plushie in the middle. 
A small giggle escaped me as I took the bouquet, "Leo, you didn't have to," I said to him. 
He smiles "I wanted to, you deserve it". He extends his hand to me, "ready to go?" 
I smiled, "Of course". I took his hand and walked with him. This day was going to be the best. 
We finally got to the place: a giant aquarium. He guides me in, and we start to walk around, pointing at all the pretty fish and sharks, laughing at the funny animals.
We walk into a underwater glass tunnel, As I walk through the mesmerizing aquarium tunnel, my senses are overwhelmed with the ethereal beauty that surrounds me. The vibrant colors of the coral reefs and the graceful movements of the exotic fish create a visual spectacle that transports me into a different world. The gentle sway of the water and the soft lighting further enhances the surreal atmosphere, casting a calming spell on my soul. The tunnel provides a unique perspective, allowing me to feel like I am swimming alongside these magnificent creatures, witnessing their elegance up close. It is a truly enchanting experience that leaves me in awe of the wonders of the underwater world.
I snap out of my amazed state to point to a turtle looking at lei, "it's you." I smiled stupidly as I joked. I looked at him, being met with him staring at me, "what?" I asked in a joking tone. 
"while the beauty of the aquarium tunnel catches the attention of all who pass through, your beauty passes even its amazement. Your vibrancy and grace fill my heart with an awe that no man-made wonder could ever match.", he longingly murmurs. 
I look at him, my face flared in a blush, "Leo..." I say, he cups my face, kissing my forehead, as he says, "I hope I make you half as happy as you make me." 
We finished our date. As he's walking me home, we chat and joke. I never see the glint in his eyes. We made it to my house. I kissed his cheeks as I said goodbye, starting to walk to my door. 
He grabs me, covering my mouth with a damp rag. I cough as he holds it to my face. I am getting dizzy. I hear him whisper in my ear as he pulls out his odachi sword and makes a portal, 
"There are plenty of fish in the sea, but you're the one for me. Sleep well, mi tesoro. "
°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•《End of story》°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°
Hope you enjoyed
- Jett
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greyskyflowers · 1 year
I have all these half hearted soulmate AU ideas and I hate to just delete them, so I'm just going to post what I have and roll with it. Please enjoy some rough draft soulmate AU ideas that I'll never finish ~
Visible soulmate marks
Strings - brook
All his strings are tangled in his rib cage.
Vivid red that's thickly woven and caught between several ribs, always moving and pulling Brook forward.
Dark green tangled up, knotted and fraying in some places but still one of the strongest looking strings he has.
Grey blue that's tied securely towards his inner ribs, usually tangled up with the dark green, and close to where his stomach would be if he had one. Yohohoho
Shimmering orange ribbon that shines on the edges and doesn't pull so much as guide with gentle tugs.
Brilliant yellow in twine, multiple smaller pieces braided into one larger stand and tried off on the bone is a messy knot.
Peaceful pink that's carefully tied with a bow and drapes in gentle loops to a lower height before fading.
Deep purple silk thread, it's thin and slides like water over bone, deceivingly sharp to the touch.
Neon blue wire that's bent on a few places but strong, wrapped over bone in multiple coils.
Flower tattoo - robin
Sunflowers cover her back in messy lines, sprouting into long leafy stems and then giant detailed blooms, a heavy and bright presence always at at her back.
Gladiolus grow up her left forearm in thick inked lines that intersect with fine perfect ones, and lush blooms, one of the larger blooms sits where her arms cross.
Blue stars cover her right forearm with elegant and surprisingly subtle line, the most stunning one parallel to the Gladiolus and they meet when her arms cross.
Dahlias grow around her ankles, beautiful and healthy with lines like a rough sketch, looking wind swept and rain drenched.
A mix of peonys grow on her collarbones, they're sweet and inked in childlike handwriting, the blooms hide playful behind each other in a bunch of petals
Clematis bloom on her chest, they're the largest bloom and are messily arranged, the lines are reminiscent of blueprints with scales and measurements.
Daffodil climb up her left side in elegant white ink and tangle together in all stanges of life: bud, bloom, and wilting with petals dropping.
Marigolds cover her right side in ink that mimics paint strokes, the blooms more detailed than any of the others and look like something from an old gardening book.
Color spots - luffy
Luffy is cover in color, everything from pale, watercolors to vivid metallic
Green covers his right hand and forearm, always visible and on the side that he throws the first punch with.
Pale blues mix on his left hand and forearm, intermixed like different depths of water.
Gold drips down the right side of his chest like spilled ink, a shine to it that catches the light and gleams.
Yellow shines like sunlight on his left knee, it's a burst of courageous color and quick to draw the eye.
Pale pink is whispy on his lower back like cotton candy, edges soft and happy.
Crisp, black is in sharp lines against his left ribs. They site between each rib like a shadow and curl like skeletal fingers.
Purple stains his fingers dark like fruit, it finds its way into his finger prints and trace the shape like it's memorizing it.
Solid grey wraps around his ankles like bands, gleaming like metal and strong looking against his skin.
Moving tattoos - zoro
Zoro is full of life, even when he's fast asleep
A sun, filled in with all the colors of a sunset and whispy, white clouds that roll lazily over the design before fading away and reforming again on the other side. The only mark he ever wants on his back
A part of a map wrapped around his upper, left arm. It flutters like it's catching the wind and the edges shine vivid gold and copper.
Flowers bloom on the back of his right hand, they drop petals that fade like they're sinking into water before the flower starts as a bud again.
Gears turn on his left side, little blue stars tumbling between them before flickering out and reappearing at the top.
The going merry circles his left ankle, it bobs happily under a half circle shape with 5 prongs on the inside.
There's a sheet of music wrapped around his upper, right thigh. Binks Sake, the notes jump like they're being played.
Smoke curls around his right forearm, spitting embers and flashing flames in dark smoke before settling back into a gentle grey.
Hoof prints walk in happy, steps around on his right ribcage. They're there and gone in quick black prints like soot in snow.
Names - nami
Luffy curls around her right wrist, vivid red ink that forms the letters in playful strokes.
Zoro is inked on her lower back in a strong, green.
Sanji rests in greyish blue under her left collarbone in clean, neat lines.
Chopper is a warm brown that wraps around her left ankles, the O replaced with a little hoofprint.
Usopp wraps around her right ankle in messy yellow like paint.
Robin is on her right ribs in dark purple, it's a beautiful cursive.
Franky is neon blue and sits on the back of her neck in block letters.
Brook is one her left ribs, black ink spelling his name in thin, curling strokes.
Usopp - constellations
Taurus in red like blood across his collarbone, a rough circle with proudly raised horns growing off to the sides.
Scorpio in black ink around his upper left arm, razor thin lines that raise high and curve before dropping back down and closing off in an arrow.
Cancer like copper coins behind his ear in tight, storming swirls and long tails.
Pisces in silver around his upper right thigh, two curves back to back and gleaming.
Aquarius in pearl around his fingers in waves that creast in points.
Capricorn in bronze on his right ribcage dripping down and up before curling into a circle and trailing off
Pisces in cobalt on his left shoulder blade, a second pair of curves sliced through but this pair is has thicker lines.
Aries in platinum down his spine, the curve starting by one side of the neck before dropping all the way down his back and back up to the other
Something from home - Sanji
A jungle tree cover his right arm, a small treehouse tucked in between all of the leaves and branches.
The outline of a small building rests on his lower back, the large doors are open and even though he hasn't seen it in person he knows it's a dojo.
A orange tree has roots on his right ankle and grows up his leg into a tree baring healthy, ripe oranges.
The outline of a snowy mountain covers his left ribs, the tops snow tipped and the shadows adding a depth.
A whale rests on his left hip, it's got a scar and a sprout of water above it
A trains follows it's tracks in loops around his left ankle and up to his kneecap
Another tree grows on his left leg, smaller around the base and larger around the middle with little dots like windows in the trunk.
The going merry sits between his shoulders, she's bittersweet but he's honored to have her on his skin.
Franky - bands
Red band that ties like an anchor hitch knot and the edges are wavy like the sea
Green band that's frayed and threadbare in some spots with 3 razor sharp lines carefully cut
Gold band with a little bow and faint maps designs almost light enough to overlook
Purple band with a design like lace, elegant flowers and hearts mixed in
Yellow band with textured like a rope and a little ship he knows but never met sailing on top
Brown band that looks like gauze and just barely covers a little hoof print behind it
Blue band that looks like fish scales and has smokey edges
Couldn't decide what to do for Chopper so let's just say his fur covers them 😀
Soulmate AU ideas
Where you share parts of everything with your soulmate. Random thoughts, wounds, knowledge, etc will sneak through before disappearing
Luffy saying something he absolutely should not know and Robin grinning
Nami sharing in the heavy sleeping feeling from Zoro
Usopp showing off the brief wounds he gets from Sanji like they're his own before they disappear from his skin
Chopper being musical in a way someone with hooves shouldn't be
Franky having medical knowledge that a cyborg doesn't have much use for
They all know they could weld Zoro's swords if they needed. None of them trained in any type of swords style but they can feel the ache of the repetitive motions that come with training and way it feels to attack with the intention of killing. His swords are weary of them, aware of the power soulmates have. They all know what happened at Thriller Bark, felt the acceptance of death because it meant their captain wouldn't have to.
They all love Ace as their own immediately, memorizing everything about him in the way you do for a loved one. They have a fondness for Shanks and others that they've never met besides in stories. Their hands have been busted again and again, the skin splitting over broken bone. They've felt fire in their chest, a loss far deeper than skin.
They've all felt wind against exposed bone, even with there own safety wrapped in skin and muscle. They've felt strings under their fingers and hum melodies they've never heard. There's a loneliness in their heart that speaks of a lifetime lost, one they never lived.
They all felt the foreboding feeling of knowing a storm is coming while looking at clear skies. They wipe at their fingers like ink stains them and there's an itch that only comes from old scars that always sits on their shoulder. They trace maps in their heads and itch for a pen, calculations springing up in their minds for properly scaling.
They've all had situations where their hands knew what to do before they did, their eyes tracing over someone and seeing all the injuries like it was written on their skin. They've felt their noses itch with a influx of scents, knowing immediately what belonged to who. They've felt the zip down their spine of that animal instinct when in the presence of a predator.
They've all felt the feeling of being too big, metal where skin should be and a loss of nerves. They've felt the heavy satisfaction of building something new and impressive, constant bigger and better in their minds.
They've all spoke of books they've never read and place they've never been. They have felt multiple spines break and necks snap under their hands. There's knowledge in their heads that feels heavy and overwhelming, it wants to spill out from their mouths to make room. They miss a place and family that they never knew.
They've all had that vicious huger, the desperation only caused by starvation. They've felt the fleeting attraction to a stranger and also the beauty of genuine love. They have the itch for nicotine, lungs begging for something they've never had.
They've all had times where the day is clearer, a haze they didn't realize was there lifting off their eyes and letting them see further than they had before. They've felt the snap of a slingshot and the swelling urge of creation in their chest.
They never held Zoro's swords
They never mourn the loss of Ace the way Luffy has
They never taste a storm on the back of their tongue the way Nami has.
They've never aimed with the knowledge that people will get hurt if they miss like Usopp has
They never felt hunger as fiercely as Sanji has
They never saved someone's life with enough confidence the way Chopper has
They've never ran their fingers over the last of something the way Robin has
They've never traded skin for metal the way Franky has
They've never met death quite like Brook has
Soulmate String of Fate AU?
Strings tangled in or around:
Zoro's swords
Luffy's hat
Brook's ribs
Robin's fingers
Sanji's wrists
Chopper's antlers
Franky's arms
Nami's bracelet
Usopp's hair
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The Six Pillars; Masterlist #4~
Welcome to my fourth temple~! Here is the rest of the Masterlist I couldn’t fit on my first one~! This is, in all honesty, this writing apocalypse’s peak!
Pillar #1: Demon Slayer~❤️
❤️🩷 Tanjiro and Kanao: Rotting Fruit
💚 Gyutaro: Polkadots
🩷💜 Mitsuri and Shinobu: I Hate You
🧡 Kyojuro: A Second Peek
💙❤️ Muichiro and Yoriichi: The Sound of Silence
❤️ Yoriichi: Terminal Heartbreak
💙 Aizetsu: Save Your Tears
💙💜❤️ Obanai, Muichiro and Yoriichi: Riding Dominant
💙 Muichiro: Pop Stan
💜 Genya: Flirts and Blurts
💛 Zenitsu: A New Leash
💜 Obanai: Matching Problems
💙 Muichiro: Fifth Breakup
💙 Muichiro: Meet and Greet
💜 Obanai: Love and Fauna
❤️ Tengen: Short and Distraught
💙💙❤️ Giyuu, Muichiro and Tengen: First Peck
🧡💙🩷 Kyojuro, Muichiro and Mitsuri: Acting Grand
💙 Muichiro: Buddy Clouds
🩷💚 Daki and Gyutaro: Danger Alley
❤️💙 Tengen and Giyuu: Stealing Hearts
❤️ Tanjiro: Friendly Spirit
🩷💚 Daki and Gyutaro: Gingerbread Men
🧡 Senjuro: Ditzy Mind
💙 Muichiro: Furry Jealousy
❤️💜 Tanjiro and Genya: One-Two Punch
❤️ Yoriichi: Forever Mine
🧡💜🩷 Kyojuro, Obanai and Mitsuri: The Winter Solider
❤️ Kaigaku: Arousal Notes
💙 Giyuu: Water and Land
❤️ Kaigaku: Wits Make All
🌈 Douma: Down, Slave
❤️💜 Yoriichi and Michikatsu: Wealthy Life
💙💜💙 Giyuu, Obanai and Muichiro: Multi-Voices
❤️ Muzan: Fluffy Cuffs
💜❤️ Michikatsu and Yoriichi: Vampiric Dreams
💙💜 Giyuu and Obanai: Golden Moon
❤️💜 Tanjiro and Genya: Teamup
💜🧡 Genya and Senjuro: Tug of War
❤️ Muzan: Loyal Second
💙💚❤️ Giyuu, Sanemi and Tengen: Little Runaway
❤️💜 Yoriichi and Michikatsu: Aqua Heart
💜 Kokushibo: Surprises After Surprises
💜🌈❤️ Kokushibo, Douma and Akaza: String Prodigy
💛 Urogi: A Noisey Snuggle
❤️🧡💜 Tanjiro, Senjuro and Michikatsu: Lapis Tears
❤️ Kamaboko Squad: Picnic Hell
❤️💜 Yoriichi and Michikatsu: Twin Duo
💛 Urogi: Growing Spurt
❤️❤️ Tanjiro and Kaigaku: Black Soul
💜💙❤️ Obanai, Muichiro and Kaigaku: Angel Amongst Us
🌈Douma: Teasing and Playing
💜 Obanai: Brat Taming
💜 Obanai: Mistakes and Fantasies
🩷💜 Mitsuri and Shinobu: Endless Devotion
🧡 Senjuro: Star Heart
💙 Giyuu: Blue Lagoon
💙💙 Giyuu and Muichiro: Gloomy Day
❤️💛 Tanjiro and Zenitsu: Sick Mockery
💚💙🧡 Sanemi, Giyuu and Kyojuro: Shocking Discovery
💙💙💜 Muichiro, Giyuu and Obanai: Infinite Passion
💜❤️🧡 Obanai, Tengen and Kyojuro: Connections and Candies
💜 Obanai: A Brat’s Punishment
🌈 Douma: Step On and Control
💜 Kokushibo: Deep Plunge
💜 Obanai: Witches Brew
🩷 Mitsuri: Sugary Scent
💜🧡 Shinobu and Kyojuro: Outback Cuteness
🌈 Douma: Special Teddy
🩷 Mitsuri: Half-Human, Half-Not
🩷 Mitsuri: Diamond in the Pebble
💜💙 Shinobu and Muichiro: Gentle Giant
❤️ Yoriichi: One and Only
💙💙💜🩷 Muichiro, Giyuu, Mitsuri and Shinobu: Black Cat
🌈 Douma: Serve Me
❤️💙🩷🖤 Tengen, Giyuu, Mitsuri and Gyomei: Fortress of Solitude
💙💙Giyuu and Muichiro: Echo in the Mirror
💙Muichiro, Giyuu and Obanai: Hellflame
🩷💜💜❤️ Mitsuri, Obanai, Shinobu and Tengen: Thorn Vines
❤️🧡 Tengen and Kyojuro: Real Makeups
Pillar #2: Jujutsu Kaisen~💜
💙 Satoru: Little Snowflakes
🧡💙🖤 Suguru, Satoru and Toji: Red Cross
💙 Satoru: Overprotective Parent
💙❤️ Satoru and Choso: Big Ol’ Crybaby
❤️ Naoya: Sweetest Pie
💙 Satoru: Bloody Mess
💙❤️ Satoru and Naoya: Battle of the Petty
❤️🖤 Naoya and Toji: Real Makeups
❤️🖤 Naoya and Toji: Hexstruck
Pillar #3: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure~💚
Pillar #4: Death Note~💙
🖤 L: Wild Catch
🖤 Misa: Temper Tantrum
Pillar #5: Haikyuu~💛
💛❤️ Atsumu and Akaashi: Mindful and Mindless
Pillar #6: Record of Ragnorak~🩷
Additional Pillar~🖤
💙💚 Shoto and Izuku: Internal Rivalry
💚 Setsuna: Unnerved and Unstitched
💜💙 Tamaki and Nejire: Can I Save You?
Here is the fifth temple of this blog’s overall Masterlist~ Masterlist #5
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Powerpuff Girls Beach Day Headcanons 💖 💙 💚 🌞 ⛱ 🌊
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👙Original headcanons🐚
🏖️ Ao3 version🩴
• She wears a bubblegum pink bathing suit that has a red heart in the middle.
•The majority of her time at the seaside is spent staying in the shade while reading a good book.
•Strawberry popsicles are her favorite treat to stay cool. 🍓
•It won’t end well for the person who gets her hair wet.
•She's seeking a really adorable summer look, so she'll be wearing a light blue bathing suit with white polka dots all over it and a cute sun hat.
• Her and Octi build sandcastles in the sand together!
•Bubbles is so nice. She collects seashells to make bracelets for her sisters and the Professor.
•She'll participate in any beach activity with her sisters as long as it's not too scary.
• She'll be wearing a lime green swimsuit with a yellow lightning bolt in the middle.
•She enjoys splashing people.
•The queen of volleyball! She’ll challenge her sisters to a match. (Omg imagine the girls playing volleyball together similar to how they played tag in the PPG movie.)
•When a giant sea creature monster emerges from the ocean and starts causing havoc on the beach, she is the first one to get into an epic fight with it, and of course, win.
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violet-fluff · 8 months
💙 Mike Zacharius x Abused!Reader
Safe In My Squad
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Warning: abuse, alcoholism, trauma
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Layla, your best friend, was standing in Mike's office. "Thanks again, Mike, for getting her into the Survey Corp."
Mike gives a curt nod. "I still don't see why she would want to join the regiment that is most likely to have her killed."
Layla hums in agreement. "Y/N's at a stand still being in the Military Police. She doesn't get to do much and when she does, it's really for nothing. She wants to be part of the help for humanity. Besides, I'm sure she would love having you as a captain way more than she likes having Nile as one."
A few hours later, you arrive at the Survey Corp. base and change into your new uniform. You touch the new and unfamiliar badge that was stitched to your jacket because what was once a green unicorn, is now a blue and white set of wings sitting in place.
"I like the look of this one better." You smile and perk up when you hear a knock at your door.
When the door opens, and Mike had to bend his head down a bit as to not bump his head on the top of the frame.
"Ah, I meet the gentle giant once again." You laugh and position your fist over your heart to salute.
You and Mike are familiar with each other. Often paired up when training back in boot camp. You would still see him every once in a while, when the Military Police and Survey Corp. grouped together for a meeting.
Mike gives out a quick sniff. "Didn't I tell you years ago that you'd regret joining the Military Police?"
"Everyone makes mistakes I guess." You shrug and look to the side. "Thanks for taking me in. I'm sorry with what happened to Nanaba. She was a great soldier."
Mike shivers at having to remember how his fellow squad member went down. "Yeah, well, this is the reality of being part of this brigade."
Mike then takes the next few hours to give you a tour of the base, introducing you to yours and his squad, and to help you fill out some paperwork.
"Y/N!!!!!!" Layla squeals as she watches you walk into the mess hall.
You flash a big smile when she runs up to hug you.
"Mike! You didn't tell me she was already here!"
Sitting down, Mike takes a sip of his water. "We had to get a lot done."
It’s when sitting to eat dinner, you get to become more familiar with Hanji and Levi while they ask about your time with the Military Police.
"Ah, yes! Those Military Police folk always seem like a stick in the mud!" Hanji laughs.
Levi clicks his tongue. "A bunch of assholes is how I see them."
You nervously laugh as you keep what you really went through in your mind. Layla looks at you with comforting eyes which Mike caught.
A couple weeks pass by, and you are with Mike out on the training grounds as you embarrassingly stand before him.
"I'm sorry. I'm just not good at this."
Mike shakes his head. "It's understandable. You've barely had to use your 3D gear so it might take you just a little longer to learn. You won't be going out on any missions unless I approve of it though."
He then notices one of your shoulder straps a bit loose, so he reaches out to tighten it, but retracts his hand in shock when you flinch hard and step back.
"S-sorry!" You apologize quickly as your face heats up when Mike can only stare back at you. "I'll...I'll go fix it myself!"
And you run off, leaving Mike standing there confused.
Your demeaner changes after that day. You've become anxious and you find yourself doing nervous habits like biting at your lips or shaking your leg.
Mike also notices that you don't go around him unless it’s for training or meetings. With you being a member of his squad, he had to get to the bottom of this so he went to Layla.
"Y/N is not herself lately and I know that you know why."
Layla scrunches her face. "It's not my business to give."
Mike's eyes fall flat in annoyance. "As her squad captain, it is my business to know. If it's not handled, she can get herself hurt with her head in the fog."
Layla sighs and takes a seat. "She's also afraid she'll get hurt."
"How so?"
"I guess I'll just rip the bandaid off because this is not an easy conversation..." Layla hesitates for a moment, "Y/N was getting abused during her time with the Military Police."
"Abused?" Mike sits up straighter, "By who?"
"Nile." Kayla sees Mike's face grow dark. He already hates Nile, so this is the icing on the cake. "He would um...hit her a lot, call her names, make her his personal servant."
This gives Mike the answer as to why Y/N flinched away from him that day.
"No one did anything about it?" He asks.
Kayla shakes her head sadly. "She tried to turn him in, but they just laughed and said maybe she needed to be put in her place. I wanted to help her, but she begged me not to or she would get in trouble with Nile."
Mike clears his throat. "She flinched back from me the other day. She knows I won't hurt her right?"
"She doesn't know that yet. Her trust in people isn't very high. Y/N always thinks people will end up hitting her or start talking down to her if she doesn't do a good job. She was conditioned to believe that for a lot of years." Kayla explains as Mike just listens in shock.
"Is that why she hasn't been around me lately? I know she's been upset because she hasn't got 3D maneuvering down, but I would never hurt her."
Kayla hums. "That's partly the reason. The abuse made her depressed and she turned to alcohol for a while. The addiction got pretty bad until I worked with her to get off of it. Addiction stays for life though, and she's been holding herself back from drinking it lately. That is also another reason you might see her so anxious and fidgety."
Mike thanks Kayla for the information and leaves to find you. The base is empty as everyone is in their rooms asleep, except for you. You snuck out of bed and into the mess hall.
You stand on your tippy toes to try and reach a rum bottle on the top shelf when a big hand grabs it instead.
Snapping around, you are face to face with Mike who holds the bottle up high.
He grunts. “Were you trying to get this?”
You pale as you stumble on trying to find words to say. “I-I ….I’m sorry! I-“
Mike sets the bottle on the table and you close your eyes, waiting for some sort of impact to hit your face.
You let out a shaky breathe when you feel gentle fingers glide across your cheek. Slowly opening your eyes, you see Mike crouched in front of you.
“Kayla told me everything.”
You don’t speak as his fingers touching your face are making you nervous.
He sighs. “I won’t hurt you. What they did was inhumane and they will be dealt with.”
You can only nod as you have yet to relax your tense body.
“You also don’t need any alcohol to comfort you. Come to me if you need help.”
“O-ok.” You squeak out.
Mike then takes your hands and holds them gently, but you break out into a sob and lean over to hug him.
He hugs you back tightly and sniffs your hair. This was the closest he’s been to you and your scent is lovely to him. Unbeknownst to you, Mike has always had feelings for you. He gave up on those feelings when you decided to split ways by going to the Military Police, but they would always blossom again whenever he would see you.
A few days later, you are in the washroom with Mike as you clean his hands. You gently wash over the cuts and bruises going across his knuckles, and you give him a scolding look, but he can only smile at the fact you won’t ever be hurt again.
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iheartchv · 2 years
🍬 No Strings Attached 🍬 pt. 1?
For @turtle-babe83 s Trick or Kink event. I wanted to do something... special...😈 Hopefully this will give y'all some delicious thoughts of my bayverse AU Dark Turtles (I also tried to keep them short b/c i dont remember the limit for words/pics in posts) I might write a part 2 to give this story an ending, if I find time 🤭
18+ only... reader is female ( female parts mentioned )
October isnt just a month of Halloween or all things spooky... its also the mating season for turtles... of ANY kind ...😈🐢💙❤💜🧡
A/N: this can be taken as whether you already do/dont know about the mating season, but Don researched and told his brothers about it after going a year through it already. They also aren't wearing their gear/nothing heavy and hard to maneuver. Their lair is below the abandoned warehouse by the docks ( New York Bay ), built by Don.
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One random day in October, you decided to make some eats for the clone boys. Not only because it was nice and you were friends with them for a few years, but because you wanted to spend some alone time with your crush ( Lee/Raph/Don/Mike). You two have a 'no strings attached' agreement going on, and that was fine with him. You were fine with it, too, since you didn't have sights on anyone but it was hard to not feel guilty for using him like that... You've had sex a time or two, and while it was nice you wanted something more
Mike x Reader
It was strange to not be greeted by the giant yellow turtle. He would usually say 'hey' with glee and pick you up, twirling around with you in his arms like a ragdoll. Not today, though. Where was everyone?
You silently wandered the dark turtle hideout, listening and looking for any sign of the clones. You thought you heard something above you. You went up the steel stairs that led to the top floor of the abandoned warehouse. What you saw made your heart skip a beat (and almost dropping the food).
Mike was sprawled out on the ground, making noises like he was in pain. His eyes were closed. And his hand pumped his schlongness. The size make your eyes bug out. Heat flushed your cheeks and all the way to your ears. Seeing him do this sent lightning straight to your core. Yeah, it was true you had a crush on him and you both weren't officially dating yet, but it felt awkward and weird; heavy touching and kissing was all that was between you and him.
Suddenly his eyes opened, his usual bright blue eyes was an amber color, dimmed and glossy... and dilated. His nostrils were flared and he was breathing heavily. He sat up, ingnoring his ginormous hard on.
"Y/N! W-what are you...?"
"I'm sorry I disturbed you. I'll just-" you quickly stuttered as you sat the bag down and turned around to head back downstairs. You were then wrapped around your waist by his long tongue, pulling you toward him. "Mike, let me go!"
His three clawed hand grabbed your hip, holding you there. "No can do, babes. You're not getting away... Besides, I know you liked it." He smiled a toothy grin. "I can smell you... and you smell so delicious... I've always wondered what you taste like."
He licked his lips. You shivered and squeezed your thighs to try to ease the ache. He took your mouth with his, kissing you like usual. His growls vibrated through your body, making you moan into him.
In a flash you had your bottoms torn off, your legs spread, and Mike's long tongue slithered inside you. Your aching walls clenched around it as he slid in and out, brushing against all your sensitive spots. The tip of his tongue brushed your cervix because he was so deep. His mouth encircled your mound, groaning as your essence trickled down his tongue.
"Mmmmm~ Mmmmike~~" You wanted to tell him to stop for a minute but it felt too good. Moans and whimpers were all that you could let out. Your body wriggled and moved, wanting to buck your hips and grind into Mike's mouth. You could tell that your climax was going to be mindblowing.
"Yeah, scream for me, y/n. You look so cute when you scream my name. Keep going, baby."
Sure enough your body exploded, your throat letting out the loudest and high pitched cry you ever made. The orgasm was so glorious you swore you had died and went to heaven. You breathed in shaky breaths trying to calm yourself.
"God, babes, you taste so sweet... and creamy..." His voice lowered into a purr as he lavished in your scent. He couldn't deny the throbbing tightness of his cock anymore, he had to be in you now. "I hope you're ready for round 2 ... or 3, because I'm not gonna stop until all your insides are painted white."
Let's just say that you weren't going to feel like walking for a week....
Don x Reader
"I got food." Silence. "Don? Anyone?"
Anyone not running for food was weird. But what was weirder was recieving a message from Don saying that you shouldn't come over for at least 1 week. You sat down food for the other 3 while you carried some for Don. There were times when he didn't come out of lab that someone had to drag him out to just eat. This might as well be one of those times.
You opened the steel door that led down to a basement. Softly you tread the steps, listening for any signs of life. You then heard a faint groan. Did he hurt himself?
"Don! Are you-"
You couldn't finish your sentence. Your mouth hung open at the sight of the tall purple turtles body frame leaning against a wall while his hand pumped his boner. The moans that echoed bounced back to you vibrated your body and sent tingles to your core. Heat crept up to your cheek and ears, and you could've swore that he heard your heart pounding in your chest.
"You shouldn't have come here..." he said in a husky breath. He didnt even look up at you.
"Well, I didn't want you to starve..."
"Unbelievable. Can't even take the hint..." he mumbled.
You heard bits of what he was saying. It ticked you off. You placed your hands on your hips and asked,"Are you calling me stupid? Say it to my face." You were then grabbed by his tail and pushed against the wall, making you be at eye level with him.
His eyes were a darker amber than usual. They seemed to glow which made him look predatory. You can hear his heavy breathing, and he was so close you could feel it fan toward you.
"Yeah, I'm calling you stupid because you obviously don't understand the message I sent you."
The tone of his voice let you know that he was agitated and probably sexually frustrated. You looked away from him with a pout. "I just didn't want you to starve..." you said in lowered voice.
One of Don's claws turned your head back to him. What he said, and how he said it so seductively, made your body heat up. "Food is the last thing on my mind... as you can see..." he replied as he took his member in hand and gave it a few pumps, letting out a growl like moan. You felt yourself getting wet. Don nuzzled into the side of your neck and started leaving kisses and firm nips.
"Aahhhh~ D-Don~" you breathlessly whimpered as you felt his tongue lick your skin. He knew what this did to you. Your body shivered under his touch, and you bucked your hips, hinting that you were aroused.
Don switched from rubbing your covered sex with his finger and his hard dick. He loved the sounds you made; it made him even harder. He had an idea and walked with you in his arms to his chair. He put you down for a moment, and came back with a bottle of lube.
You did as he said, and then he motioned for you to straddle his lap. After telling you to prepare your back door entrance, he lubed up the end of his tail and slowly entered your other tight hole. Pain washed over you but it was soon overtaken by pleasure as he lightly teased your clit. Your moans were loud but you didnt care at this point if anyone heard.
"Yes, thats my good girl, my pet. Your taking it so well" he lowly purred in your ear.
Once you were dripping wet and so ready, Don took you on quite a ride. 😏
Raph x Reader
"Hello? Anyone here?"
Usually there would be someone around to greet you (it was usually Mike), but there was no one around. And it was quiet... until you heard some grunting. It was Raph, and it sounded like it came from the training area in the back of the warehouse. You figured that he was probably letting off some steam and wanted to give him some food.
"Hey, Red, I just wanted to drop... some... food... off"
Your heart skipped a beat and heat colored your cheeks at what your eyes beheld. This burly red turtle was sitting a makeshift bench definitely blowing off steam... but not in the way you expected. You've never seen Raph jerk off before. Seeing his monstrous sized cock sent a shockwave through your body and your insides clench.
"Y/n..." he deeply moaned, pumping his hard on up and down at a steady pace. He was dirty talking to himself about what he wanted to do to you. Hearing him say those things heightened your arousal. You sat the food aside and played with your breasts, imagining they were his hands. You closed your eyes and got lost in the moment.
After letting out a moan, you had startled Raph. He tried to cover himself with a towel, even if it didn't help to cover the "tent" so to speak. "What do you think you're doing? You shouldn't even be here," he asked. He was flustered, and you thought it was cute. You came up to him and replied,"I want you. I want you to do what you said."
You stripped your clothes, tossed the towel to the side, and straddled his lap. His erection nestled between your legs and between your cheeks. He took the hint and pressed his lips to yours, almost devouring your lips. During the heated makeout, his hands held your hips, moving you back and forth on him. You felt the hardened flesh and veins rubbing against you, making you wet and coating the topside of his dick.
"Oh, god, Raph~"
You felt it rubbing over your clit. He was bringing you so close to the edge. You brought his head down to your breasts, sucking and licking your nipples in his hot mouth. You leaned your head back and mewled as heat coursed through your body.
"Cum for me, kitten. I want you to be soaking wet for me." he growled near your ear, gently scraping his sharp teeth over your shoulder. That tipped you over the edge. A cry of pleasure echoed off the walls as your orgasm took hold of you. You leaned into his plastron and enjoyed the high... before you were on your back, widespread on the edge of the bench, and just the tip of Raph's dick probed and teased your entrance.
As he entered you, you gasped at how he stretched you and how full you already felt. Once he was as far as he could go, he pulled back and gave an upward thrust. You clenched the sides of the bench and your toes curled at the ecstasy you felt flowing through you. "Ooohhh, Raph~"
"Good kitten, take me so deep baby..."
Lee x Reader
You went further down into the lair because no one was at the main warehouse. They were probably in their rooms. You decided to leave a small container of food by their doors for them to get it whenever they felt hungry; surely they could smell the food drift in from under the door. However when you came to Lee's door, you heard some noise coming from inside his room.
You pressed your ear to the door to listen. You heard deep moans... the ones you've heard probably a few times. Your heart beat against your chest, heat blooming down in your lower belly. You breathed in and out trying to calm yourself, and then knocked on the door.
"Lee, I got you some-"
The door was opened and you were quickly pulled in. Just as quickly it was opened the door was closed and locked. Lee stood between you and his door, staring down at you with predatory amber eyes.
"Do you know what you were doing?" he gruffed.
"Yeah, getting you something to eat." You were going to need, is what you were going to say but kept it to yourself.
"Those idots brothers of mine could've dragged you with them, knowing full well that you're mine."
The tightness of his black pants hugged not only those muscled thighs that were drool worthy, but the bulge there as well. You could tell he was gettting off because of his irregular breathing and dark eyes. Thr blue turtle turned you around and pressed your backside against his hard body. He then glides his hands down your sides while nuzzling and kissing the side of your neck.
He whispered near your ear,"I'll forgive you this time, because..." He took a deep inhale of your scent and gave a growly groan. "I've tried jerking off, to get you out of my mind, but it wasn't enough... I want you, to be deep inside you and claim you as mine... over and over"
He teased you, touching your bare skin and setting it aflame, barely grazing over your most sensitive places. He wanted to hear you cry and whimper. After stripping you of your clothes he sat down on his bed with you in his lap. Lee let his member spring free and rest against his lower plastron. He then ran his hands down your back, one going all the way down to your inner thighs.
"Aaahh~" you gasped as his finger lightly brushed over your nether region. "Feels good, doesnt it?" He teased and then went back to work, teasing your bud and slit, trying to get you so soaking wet; he already knew you were aroused which was why he had to drag you in earlier.
"Lee~ More~" you whined as he stopped touching you, grinding your hips down into him. You heard him hiss and let out a moan that made your insides clench. His finger then slid inside you, stretching you and feeling how wet you were for him for a moment.
"I want to taste you"
You were then laying on your back, with Lee between your legs and proceeded to eat you out. It all felt so good. Everything was just a blur until you reached your climax. Patience wasn't really his thing so after a brief moment, he turned you over with your head down on the bed and your bottom up.
"I'm going to f*** you so good and fill you up with my cum... and you're going to take every last drop"
@turtle-babe83 @tmntspidergirl @leosgirl82 @angelcatlowyn @annaliaandtheturtles @pheradream15 @exovapor @cowabunga-doll @bluesakurablossom @crazedauthor @darksaphire2002 @foreignbrunette @greenprincess @half-shell-bo @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @moonlightflower21 @narwals14 @nikitaboeve @nittleboo @raphaelsrightarm @southernblossoms @thelostandforgottenangel @white-masked-beauty @roxosupreme @kawaiibunga @captain-kinda-trash @angelicdavinci @thelaundrybitch @yumefuusen @sivy-chan @artsolarsash @crazedtmnt @raisin-shell @sacredwarrior88 @leosgirl82 @egg-on-the-run @ashleighclark98 @mysticboombox
Im sorry if you didnt want to be tagged, please let me know to take you off my list
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numberonepeacock · 25 days
Heartcatch Pretty Cure! Characters as Mobians
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Tsubomi Hanasaki/Cure Blossom - Dark Magenta Butterfly/Bright Pink Butterfly
As Cure Blossom, she represents the flower, cherry blossom and the flower of the Earth
Erika Kurumi/Cure Marine - Dark Blue Octopus/Sky Blue Octopus
As Cure Marine, she represents the flower, daisy and the flower of the Oceans
Itsuki Myoudouin/Cure Sunshine - Brown Fox/Gold Fox
As Cure Sunshine, she represents the flower, sunflower and the flower of the Sun
Yuri Tsukikage/Cure Moonlight - Dark Purple Hedgehog/Lavender Hedgehog
As Cure Moonlight, she represents the flower, rose and the flower of the Moon
Chypre - Cure Chao (Pink Brunfelsia Latifolia Flower Chao)
Fairy partner of Cure Blossom
Coffret - Cure Chao (Blue Morning Glory Flower Chao)
Fairy partner of Cure Marine
Potpourri - Cure Chao (Sunflower Flower Chao)
Born from the Tree of Hearts 
Fairy partner of Cure Sunshine
Cologne - Cure Chao (Purple Lily Flower Chao)
Former fairy partner of Cure Moonlight
Died during the battle against the Desert Apostle while trying to protect her. He is still watching over Yuri from the Tree of Hearts
Magical Allies:
Master Coupe - Giant Frog Cure Flicky (Ancient Flicky)/Crane Mobian
Former fairy partner of Cure Flower
Helped Cure Flower transform
A superior fairy who is greatly admired by other fairies such as Chypre and Coffret
His human alias is Sora Hanasaki
Mirage Pretty Cure:
Cure Blossom Mirage - Moth
Cure Marine Mirage - Horse
Cure Sunshine Mirage - Shiba Inu
Cure Moonlight Mirage - Porcupine
Aurelie/Cure Ange - Yellow Hummingbird/Golden Hummingbird
She is also the very first Pretty Cure to use a Heart Perfume and is suspected to be much more powerful than the current Pretty Cures.
She is the lover of the goddess, Hana Ange and the guardian of the Pretty Cure Palace
Hana Ange - Pink Butterfly Dragon
Is the third oldest of Vanessa’s sisters and is the spirit tied into the Tree of Hearts.
She is the Goddess of Flowers and Life.
Dune - Green Scorpion
The actual leader of the Desert Apostles, who has been in deep sleep after he was defeated by Cure Flower.
Baron Salamander - Gila Monster
He is a lost member of the Desert Apostles and originally, the right hand man of Dune before Sabaku took his place.
He was eventually defeated 400 years ago by the very first Pretty Cure, Cure Ange, before being unsealed by Olivier.
Professor Sabaku/Hideak Tsukikage - Gray Tenrec/Brown Tenrec
The acting main villain in the series.
He is very mysterious, constantly keeping his face hidden beneath a mask.
Dark Pretty Cure - Dark Teal Tenrec
A mysterious woman who has powers very much like those of Pretty Cure, including her own Tact.
She was created by Professor Sabaku and resembles and acts like a Pretty Cure.
Kumojaki - Red Spider
The apparent leader of the three generals of the Desert Apostles.
Sabaku created Kumojaki by using the genes of a spider and the wilted Heart Flower of a young man aiming to become a professional martial artist.
His Heart Flower is a Achillea which means to fight.
Sasorina - Auburn Scorpion
The only female of the three generals of the Desert Apostles.
Sabaku created Sasorina by using the genes of a scorpion and the wilted Heart Flower of a nursery school teacher.
Her Heart Flower is a Katakuri which means withstand sadness and jealousy.
Cobraja - Navy Blue Cobra
The third member of the three generals of the Desert Apostles.
Sabaku created Cobraja by using the genes of a cobra and the wilted Heart Flower of a fashion coordinator.
His Heart Flower is a Japanese Rose which means beautiful sadness.
Youichi Hanasaki - Brown Crane
Tsubomi's father and son of Kaoruko.
Together with his wife Mizuki, he works in their own flower shop.
Mizuki Hanasaki - Red Burgundy Ladybug
Tsubomi's mother.
She, alongside her husband run the flowershop, Flower Shop Hanasaki in Kibougahana.
Futaba Hanasaki - Dark Magenta Ladybug
Tsubomi's younger sister.
Sora Hanasaki - Crane
Kaoruko's husband, Youichi's father, and Tsubomi's grandfather.
A bit after his son was born, he died.
Kaoruko Hanasaki/Cure Flower - Brown Butterfly/Pink Butterfly
Tsubomi's grandmother and mother of Youichi.
She is a famous botanist, and owner of Hanasaki Botanical Garden.
When she was younger she was Cure Flower.
Ryuunosuke Kurumi - Dark Blue Octopus
Erika’s father.
Because of his job as a famous photographer, he is often away from home, but still cares about his family.
Sakura Kurumi - Light Indigo Dolphin
Erika’s mother.
In the past, Sakura used to be a charismatic model.
Momoka Kurumi - Majorelle Blue Dolphin
Erika's older sister.
A famous charismatic model.
Her Heart Flower is a Dahlia which means splendour.
Tsubaki Myoudouin - Brown Fox
Itsuki’s mother and the daughter of principal Myoudouin Gentarou.
Satsuki Myoudouin - Brown Fox
Itsuki's older brother, who has a condition on which he can't walk properly.
His Heart Flower is a Chamomile which means to overcome hardship.
Gentarou Myoudouin - Gray Fox
Itsuki's grandfather.
He is also the principal of Myoudou Academy and the leader of the Myoudouin family's and town's local dojo.
Haruna Tsukikage - Brown Hedgehog
Yuri's mother and is the wife of Hideaki.
Her Heart Flower is a Rapa Blossom which means to be full of energy.
Supporting People:
Rumiko Kuroda - Light Brown Deer
She is a member of Erika's fashion club.
Toshiko Sakuma - Brown Lamb
She is a member of Erika's fashion club.
Sayaka Ueshima - Red Jackal
She is a first year at Myoudou Academy.
Captain of the girls Soccer Club.
Her Heart Flower is a Poinsettia which means a heart burning with passion.
Mao Ogasawara - Border Collie
Tennis partner to Ayumi.
Her Heart Flower is a Blue Star which means a trusting heart.
Ayumi Kumazawa - Brown Labrador Retriever
Tennis partner to Mao.
Akira Miura - Red Panda
His parents own the restaurant, Miura Ramen and he is a regular at Myoudou Academy's baseball club.
His Heart Flower is a Salvia which means familial love.
Kanae Tada - Brown Bat
Part of the photo club at Myoudou Academy.
Her Heart Flower is a Blackberry which means caring for others.
Obata - Brown Wolf
Studied under Tsubomi's father when he was still working as a professor.
His Heart Flower is a White Hyacinth which means a heart's peaceful love.
Yoshito Sakai - Red Echidna (has brown hair)
Masato and Yoshito are both intersted in martial arts.
His Heart Flower is a Digitalis which means burning passion.
Masato Sakai - Red Echidna (has brown hair)
Yoshito’s older brother and a classmate of Tsubomi and Erika.
Risa Shibata - Orca
She is Yuuto's girlfriend.
Her Heart Flower is a Tulip which means eternal love.
Yuuto Toshioka - Dark Violet Ox
A regular customer of Hanasaki Flower Shop.
He usually buys flowers for his girlfriend, Risa.
Nanami Shiku - Lioness
Acting mother for her household, in the absence of her late mother.
Her Heart Flower is a Carnation which means motherly love.
Rumi Shiku - Lioness Cub
Nanami's younger sister.
She is also best friends and schoolmates with Haruka.
Azusa Takagishi - Brown Minx
A classmate of Tsubomi and Erika and the president of the Theater Club.
Her true dream is to one day become a professional actress.
Her Heart Flower is a Bougainvillea which means passion.
Kenji Ban - Black Crocodile
He is student attending Myoudou Academy who is a fan of the Pretty Cure, and an aspiring mangaka.
His Heart Flower is a Dogwood which means to receive feelings.
Tsurusaki - Dark Violet Hedgehog
Tsubomi and Erika's homeroom and Japanese teacher of Myoudou Academy.
Her Heart Flower is a Rhododendron which means dignity.
Aya Mizushima - Bee
Is the president of the gardening club at Myoudou Academy.
Her Heart Flower is a Sasanqua which means unyielding love.
Naomi Sawai - Dark Purple Bunny
She is a member of Erika's fashion club.
Her Heart Flower is a Strawberry Blossom which means love and admiration.
Mitsuru Nakano - Black Fox
A childhood friend of Tsubomi's, who lives in Kamakura.
His Heart Flower is a Lavender which means to be waiting.
Yuuki Hayashi - Yellow Leopard (has brown hair)
A classmate of Tsubomi and Erika.
His Heart Flower is a Rapa Blossom which means to be full of energy.
Aya Ikeda - Songbird
She is a member of the light music club in school, together with Kudou Mayu.
Her Heart Flower is a Aster which means a trusting heart.
Mayu Kudou - Nightingale
She is a member of the light music club in school, together with Ikeda Aya.
Her Heart Flower is a Aster which means a trusting heart.
Previously: 🍎🪩♠️ | Next: 🎶🎹
Masterpost of AU: Jewel Sonicure AU Masterpost
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atmymercy · 26 days
Hello, I'd love to join your monthly readings giveaway 😊 I'm excited for Fall because I love the colors of this beautiful season and it's not too much hot or cold, such a perfect temperature!
Q: The in-person meeting will further deepen and intensify the connection and attraction me and my specific person (💙 ) both feel for each other currently ?
Thank you so much!!! - a.r.
(blue hearts I dmed you) ❤️
hello honey! aww! well i'd love to have you join in so get in here!
fall does have some very distinct colours for this season! i'm not ready for all the trees to turn orange and red yet because i do love all those green leaves! but once they do, it'll look so beautiful again with the fall the colors! woot!
for you, i got the horsetail, damiana & reishi.
ooh yes, honey! it will! you two are really going to feel all that patience and waiting was worth it when you two finally get to be together! "there's nowhere else i would rather be" is what i heard and it's like this feeling of being pulled and enticed towards this meet up! like it's a draw or pull for the both of you! to be able to "get up next to you" is what i heard next! so it's like all things you wanted to say and do with each other feels like a giant wave pulling you together and you don't even care because once again, this is where you both want to be! "with my beloved" is the feeling between you two and how this meeting feels like a moment of "pure retreat".
almost like the rest of the world stops existing around you two!
hope you enjoyed it! please give feedback or buy me a coffee/tip when you can! if you want to explore this further, please also consider a private read. also thank you for sharing with me!♡
love & light!
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♡ message me for details/questions & to book a reading! ♡
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phoenixdaneko · 2 years
Header | Icon | Abyssal Lights | A Scaled Tale | Wire For A Life | Into The Deep End
Character Tags
Genshin Impact - GI
Magical Girl Transformation 💙 - Childe
Moraless Motherfucker ☕ - Zhongli
The Bard 🎶 - Venti
Firework Goldfish 🎆 - Yoimiya
Snowflake Princess ❄️ - Ayaka
The Original Elsa 🌨️ - Kaeya
Boo! 👻 - Hu Tao
Firey Falcon ❤️‍🔥 - Diluc
The Original Wanderer 🍁 - Kazuha
Gremlin ⚡ - Scaramouche
Prince Of Chalk 💠 - Albedo
The Princess And Oz 🪶 - Fischl
The Last Yaksha 💚 - Xiao
Dandelions On The Wind 🍃 - Jean
(more tba)
Overwatch - OW
Just Some Guy 🤠 - Cassidy
Dubious Doctor 💉 - Moira
Mercy 💫 - Mercy
Dragon Man 🐉 - Hanzo
Dragon Boy 🐉 - Genji
Kitsune Kiriko 🦊 - Kiriko
Streamer Bunny 🐇 - DVa (may be changed if I think of something better)
Guns n' Roses 🌹 - Ashe
(more tba)
Demon Slayer - DS
Set Your Heart Ablaze 🔥 - Rengoku
Peacock ✨ - Uzui
Sakura Mochi 🍡 - Mitsuri
Snake Simp 🐍 - Obanai
Amnesiac Babey ☁️ - Muichiro
Emo 🌊 - Giyuu
Poison Butterflies 🦋 - Shinobu
Windstorm 🌪️ - Sanemi (may change later)
Giant Rock 📿 - Gyomei (may change later)
Sunshine Incarnate 🎴 - Tanjiro
Flaming Thunder God 🌩️ - Zenitsu
Dyslexic Boar 🐗 - Inosuke
The Perfect Demon 🌸 - Nezuko
Baby With A Gun 🔫 - Genya
Sayonara 🪙 - Kanao (may change later)
(more tba)
General FNAF - FNAF
Rotten Rabbit🐇 - William Afton/Springtrap
Rotten Rabbit 2.0🐇 - William Afton/Scraptrap
(more tba)
FNAF Security Breach - SB
Freddy Dadbear 🐻 - Glamrock Freddy
Pizza Lover 🐔 - Glamrock Chica (may change later)
The Best 🐺 - Roxanne Wolf (may change later)
Anger Issues 🐊 - Montgomery Gator (may change later)
Sunshine ☀️ - Sundrop (may change later)
Moonlight 🌑 - Moondrop (may change later)
A Total Eclipse of the Heart 🌗 - Eclipse (may change later)
Once In a Blue Moon 🌙 - Lunar (may change later)
Felony Speedrun 👦 - Gregory (may change later)
Little Engineer 👧 - Cassie (may change later)
White Woman Jumpscare - Vanessa
Bunny Woman Jumpscare - Vanny (may change later)
Decommissioned 🐰 - Glamrock Bonnie (may change later)
Sea Dog 🏴‍☠️🦊 - Glamrock Foxy (may change later)
Peepaw Willy 🪦 - William/Burntrap
Glitch Bitch 👾 - William/Glitchtrap
DJ Spider 💿 - DJMM
(more tba)
FNAF Afton Family - AF
Child Murderer 🔪 - William Afton
Zombie Arsonist🔥 - Michael Afton
Ice Cream Clown🍦- Elizabeth Afton (may change later)
Just A Baby🧸- C.C. Afton (may change later)
Friend Tags!!!
Moots Pt. 1
Moots Pt. 2
My OCs!!!
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circusgoth-dotcom · 6 months
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Part 2 of Marvel comics characters list:
Cloud 9 (Abigail "Abby" Boylen)
Kid Kaiju (Kei Kawade:a boy and his monsters)
Ziggy pig and silly seal
Howard the duck
Aero (Lei Ling)
American Kaiju (Todd Ziller)
Somnus (Carl Valentino)
Amulet (Fadi Fadlalah)
Nightmask (Adam Blackwell)
Ghost rider (Robbie Reyes)
Synch (Everett Thomas)
Misty Knight (Mercedes)
Lionheart (Kelsey Leigh Kirkland)
Gwenpool(Gwendolyn "Gwen" Poole)
Moon Girl(Lunella Lafayette)
Devil Dinosaur
Blue Marvel (Adam Brasher)
Jack of Hearts (Jack Hart)
Dust (Soorya Qadir)
Elixir (Joshua Foley)
Kid Omega (Quentin Quire)
Legion (David Haller)
Speedball (Robbie Brown)
Night thrasher
The Unstoppable Wasp(Nadia Van Dyne)
Armor (Hisako Ichiki)
Hurricane (Makoto)
Charade (Chloe)
Diana Soar
Cloak(Tyrone Johnson)
Dagger(Tandy Bowen)
Vin Vision
Virginia Vision
Ant-man(Scott Lang)
Skin (Angelo Espinosa)
Eye Boy(Trevor Hawkins)
Moon Knight
Gentle(Nezhno Abidemi)
Prodigy(David Alleyne)
Captain Universe
Squid Boy(Samuel Paré)
Echo(Maya López)
Destiny(Irene Adler)
Iron Fist(Danny Rand)
White Tiger(Ava Ayala)
Power Man(Victor Alvraez)
Nova(Sam Alexander)
Luke Cage
Transonic(Laurie Tromette)
Snowguard(Amka Aliyak)
Martinez T,Naga
Vance Astrovik
Captain Charlie-27
Manon and Maxime
Idie Okonkwo
Triage(Chris Muse)
Wind Dancer(Sofia Mantega)
Magma(Amara Aquilla)
Bombshell(Lana Baumgartner)
Locust(Fernanda Rodriguez)
Pinpoint(Qureshi Gupta)
Shaman(Dr. Michael Twoyoungmen)
Alloy(Ramone Watts)
Giant-Man(Raz Malhotra)
Gorgeous George
Wiz Kid
Scarlet Witch
Toad(Todd Talonsky)
Lila Rhodes
Priya Aggarwal
Red Widow(Ava Orlova)
Ying Liu
Demolition man
Elsa Bloodstone
Captain Ultra
This is the last part of the marvel comics characters list, I'll let you know if there are any other characters I overlooked
Take your time and Happy writing❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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Awesome!☺️ Thank you again for going out of your way to put together these lists. You’ve definitely brought some new characters to my attention that I’m excited to look more into and write for at some point.
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terristarstrike · 1 year
First Contact
This is a BIG prompt that focuses on how Terrina and Bailey met for the first time, which led to the birth of Berri - the inseparable teenage giant/tiny duo. I’ve written this in both perspectives, with Terri in blue text, and Bailey in pink text. 💙 🩷 🛸
Warning/Tags: Some swearing, but not too much. Both characters are minors, so don't be weird!
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I honestly thought that my dream of finding aliens was impossible, but my father knew so much more about the universe than my mother and I. I just knew he was on to something, but I never thought it was hit me like this. A black girl with blue eyes and blue hair, peeking through the window, just staring. Staring. As soon as I saw her, she ducked out of my sight. I might’ve scared her off, so I walked over to open the window, to see her sitting outside my house, blushing with anxiety. Her heart beating at a superhuman speed. Her blush being an inhuman color of blue. Blue hair, blue eyes, blue blood running through her veins. This strange girl must be an alien.
Shit! I was noticed by an actual human. I honestly came here to learn about the strange human species, but to not be noticed by anyone! They wouldn’t understand me, but none of my people back home would fully understand me either, except for my mother. My first heart was accelerating, my second heart skipped a beat. I only wanted look at these humans from a glance, but maybe it was an awful idea to peek into a stranger’s window.
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I couldn’t miss an opportunity like this for the world, or for my father. She was too scared to look at me, so I did what any human-who-finds-an-alien-outside-their-house would do. I had a take a picture of her… but I just realized I forgot to put my phone on silent mode. The camera click made her jump, and she slowly turned towards me. “Did you just take a picture of me?” She squinted her eyes and raised her eyebrow, her expression became suspicious, now I was the one to panic.
“Delete it!” I stood up and shouted without hesitation “Delete the picture or I will, uhhhh, I’m gonna break that camera of yours! Ughhh, what am I doing??” I tried to be intimidating, but I was too flustered, too embarrassed to be angry at a stranger. I didn’t even know how to deal with my anger, I was mostly a sheltered kid who didn’t have a lot of friends back home. I covered my face behind my hands and I felt my blue ponytail droop with my anxiety. “Oh Eve, oh Eve. I’m so sorry! That was too much, was it? Please, you’re not gonna tell anyone I was here, right?” I began to panic and I watched as the human begin to contemplate inside her mind whether it was right for her to delete that picture or not. She can’t delete it. A picture of me was a secret memory she could treasure forever. The human placed her hand on my shoulder and began to ease my fears. “No, I promise. I’m not gonna tell anyone.”
I didn’t know what to say, this was a freaking alien! I couldn’t help but to cut straight to the chase. “You’re an alien, aren’t ya?” The blue girl nodded and began to stand up in front of me, placing her hands on the window stool. She tried to converse, but she didn’t what to say either. For all I knew, she probably never talked to a human before. “Look, this is gonna sound crazy. Why am I doing this? I’m just visiting from another planet, I only came here cause I was curious to know about this place and humans and if they know I’m here I’m gonna be so dead!” She ran her hands through her hair and began to panic again. I could easily put together what she was talking about. I could easily put together the alien part, and believe me, I could easily understand why humans would be upset over her coming to Earth. “It’s okay, it’s okay. I won’t tell anyone.” I held her hand on the window stool, rubbing it to calm her nerves. “Y'know, you’re such a fascinating person. I’d like to get to know you better.”
She wanted to take me to the forest so we can talk in private, away from the neighborhood, so I decided to call my mom and told her that I was gonna take a quick stroll through the forest with a friend, but this wasn’t even a friend yet. I’ve been a very honest person, but I never even thought about lying to my own mom for the sake of hiding an alien from the world. Either way, I didn’t want her to be worried about me.
I took her hand, and we teleported ourselves to the outskirts of Westshore. The Californian forests around here were beautiful, but it’s been the only place where I would find solace, away from society, away from the natives who’d be screaming and shouting and throwing whatever gadgets they have if they saw me. The human cities were strictly off limits to someone like me, but a human suburb was NEARLY crossing the line.
“Is there a reason why we’re out here? It’s a little too far, don’t ya think?” I didn’t want to freak out, even though I already knew my mom didn’t want me to stray way too far away from the neighborhood. “Yeah.. about that. I wanted to show you something.” The alien said. “I know it’s a little too out of the ordinary for y’all, but.. promise to keep a secret?” We barely knew each other, and yet, she was asking for my trust! Whatever she was gonna show me, I was excited to see for myself. “Of course.” I replied back, with a smile of anticipation. “You might want to give me a lot more space.” And so I did, I took 20 steps away from the blue-haired girl as she began to sit on her knees and undergo her transformation.
With her eyes closed, a glowing blue aura engulfed her, and in just 5 seconds, her body shifted to a truly enormous scale. She grew bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until she was at least the size of a three-story building, at least on her knees. Every muscle in my body was completely frozen. Locked in a state of shock. My stomach has dropped almost as if I was being dropped in the Tower of Terror. I was nearly catatonic for a couple seconds, but a gigantic smile began to form on my face, and a faint, high-pitched squeal emitting from my voice box. “Woooooowww!” I was standing in front of a real giant!
As I grew to my natural size, I was nearly taller than the little trees that I hid under. If I stood myself up, it’s almost as if I’m giving myself away to be hunted or captured, but it was so quiet around here. I’m sure nobody would notice, or even care for that matter. At least I found a human who begin to warm to my natural self, she was so tiny near my legs, bouncing with joy and wonder. I couldn’t help but to crack a smile at this adorable earthling.
Sure, this girl was big enough to squish me under her foot, but she didn’t seem like the kind of giant who would wish harm on anyone. In that moment, we began to exchange smiles to each other for the very first time. I never actually thought I would love an extraterrestrial being this much! She was something extraordinary to me. She wasn’t just an alien, or a size-shifting giant, she was awkward and an outsider, like me! “Isn’t THIS amazing?!” The alien giggled in a youthful voice that became louder with her size.
“You’re… YOU’RE HUGE! This is so cool!!!” The tiny little human squealed with excitement. She seems like the kind of person who would be fascinated with people like me, she began to ask me all kinds of questions!
Indeed I did. I didn’t know where to start. “I gotta say, you must be lucky to have such an incredible power. Who the heck are you? What the heck are you? And more importantly…” I took a brief pause before I can prepare my mind for a bigger bombshell. “Where are you from?”
Oh Eve, here came the truth. “Do you really want to know?” I asked her. I didn’t feel comfortable revealing the truth about my homeworld, but we seemed to gain so much trust from each other, and I already knew from the jump that she wanted to learn so much about me.
“Yes, more than anything. I’ll try not to wig out. I promise” But really, who was I kidding? I nearly wigged out when she got big!
“Alright. I’ll tell you.” What could I say to the tiny little human being? Could she possibly comprehend the existence of my people? I took a deep breath and began to get back on my feet. I wasn’t fully open to being constantly referred to as a giant at first, but that title makes me feel like I was finally worth something. I finally begin to embrace my giant-ness as I stood to my full height! “I am Terrina Ave-Lo, and I come from a world of giants!!!”
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Terrina was BIG!!! She was a 50-foot titan! Maybe almost pushing 60 feet tall! She shouted in a loud, booming voice that echoed all over the forest. As she towered over me, her legs were taller than the trees that once surrounded her. She flailed her arms out in the air with the biggest smile on her face, and giggled after she introduced herself. I was completely shocked to the point where I couldn’t even get my jaw off the ground, but goddamnit, everything was real! There is such thing as a planet of alien giants, there is such thing as a giant girl who can sizeshift her form! Terrina was real to me! I was in such an amazed state that I nearly forget to introduce myself to her as well. “Oh, sorry, I almost forgot, I’m Bailey Wilson, and this is my world!”
“How very nice to meet you.” I waved at Bailey with a quaint smile on my face, but that smile slowly shifted to a frown. “Was that a little too much?” I began to worry if I scared the tiny human, but Bailey was so into everything I told her! She was taking it in all so well, perhaps even better than I imagined. Although... I guess my introduction was a little too dramatic. I didn’t even know how loud my voice was in the human world, I nearly thought I was hurting the poor girl’s ears, but she was actually okay with it. Bailey stood near my left foot and began to hug the toe box of my boot with a big smile and a sense of wonder in her eyes. “No, it’s perfect!"
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 years
Roxy and Monty
💙 (Blue heart) for a friend ship!
Oh hell yeah the dynamic duo!!
These are ride or die for each other. Besties through and through. They have weekly fight nights where they beat the snot out of each other for fun while Chica commentates over the Plex speakers. They drive Freddy and Sunny insane with their swearing and like to poke fun at them for being so against it all the time. They could argue and come to real blows one night and be trying to dunk a basketball blindfolded through a toilet seat they glued to the wall the next. They absolutely share a braincell, often with Chica as well and they're damn proud of it.
They don't exactly go to each other for advice or anything. They go to each other when they want to switch their brains off for a while. They could go to each other for advice and support of that kind, sure, but somehow the conversation always ends up with the stupidest idea ever and the need for cuddles and comfort is put aside in favour of giving Mapbot a make over and sending this new minion off to jumpscare everyone. They have a blast, and when one of them is angry or frustrated, they know they can go to the other to vent and channel that energy into whatever destruction they come up with this time. Many a staffbot has been harmed in the goal of stress relief.
They're both very competitive with each other, and will talk shit constantly to rile themselves up for a game. The difference between them is that Monty likes to cheat sometimes for jokes and Roxy cannot stand cheating of any kind so they've fought a lot over that. He does convince her to let it slide a few times purely because they both know it would end with really funny results. Like, Freddy and Moon are the masters of poker and Monty is saying he's never played it before despite having learned how to play (and thus, how to cheat) with Roxy ages ago? He convinces Roxy not to say anything before he does it and while it bugs her to no end the entire time, he was right. It was absolutely hilarious to watch both Freddy and Moon slowly descend into madness over Monty consistently beating them. He's yet to convince her to cheat at anything though. He keeps saying she could get away with it so easily because no one would ever suspect her but she can't. She physically can't bring herself to do it. She tried once in a game with him where they both planned for her to cheat and she still couldn't fuckin' do it. She loves an honest game too much to do it
These two have so many fucking in-jokes too. They drop them every so often around the others and suddenly the conversation is just pure giggles while everyone asks what the joke is this time. No one particularly minds and it's one of their methods of easing the tension in serious conversations, though that's not always appreciated.
Monty shows up at Roxy's door missing random chunks of his casing so often. He and Chica get up to all sorts but he's also a menace on his own and Roxy is his go to for that kind of help since she knows what she's doing in terms of mechanical and casing repairs. She just opens the door for him, sees him grinning oh so innocently, and holding up his severed arm up to wave at her with it and just "What did you do this time?" Like, she's not even surprised. Just so chill about it. That's why he goes to her every time anything is physically wrong with him. She doesn't judge him for the damages and she is very thorough with her check-ups and what not. Like, he can sit there and talk about the problem he's been having and she'll go through all the possible causes with a fine tooth comb. It's hard not to appreciate that level of care, especially when he gets in trouble every time he goes to see maintenance for this sort of stuff.
Roxy goes to him when she needs help with stuff too. Like, if there's a two animatronic job that needs doing or she's feeling particularly like she wants a floor moment with a giant animatronic alligator that likes laying on top of everyone. He's also super supportive of her dogisms because he can kinda relate to some of the problems she gets from them. A common question when she shows up at his door not looking great is "dog brain day?" and it basically tells him all he needs to know about how she's feeling so he can adjust the hang out accordingly. You know, she doesn't very much appreciate being called dog for brains but she does appreciate the support and being able to chew on his arm while he watches her play a DS game or something. Especially when the staff normally get really pissy with her for anything dog based that she does.
They turn everything into a game too. Roxy wants to hang out with Monty while he's collecting all the stray golf balls in Gator Golf? Give them three minutes and they're already competing to see who can find the most. Monty wants to hang out while Roxy's in the middle of a management induced timeout where she's locked in her room? They're now playing charades through the glass window that quickly devolves into trying to tell each other stories through nothing but mimes.
They have fun. And if they can't, they find a way to have fun. Sure, they fight a lot but they're also really supportive of each other. Monty when he's hurt and Roxy when she needs cheering up and distracting. They're great friends! Besties and sometimes worsties! Don't try and get between them because they will fuck you up!
Love them. They're a great duo. One of my favourite friendships.
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ltcolonelcarter · 2 years
For the DVD commentary ask game:
Yes, it's more than 500 words, but I was about to chose the last passage of chapter 6 from "a question of time" when Sixty and Connor meet.
I love that interaction so much!💙
So, I would like to hear some of your thoughts, if you have the time and energy!
As Connor shifted his method of attack, Sixty’s body reactive instinctively. Instead of activating a firewall to prevent unwanted data transfer, it opened to mutual data sharing; a blue glow under the plastic lit their skin, bleaching it of what little colour it had, turning them ghostly.
In a rush, Sixty felt Connor's experience every bit as much as he did his own, heart racing, tense limbs, fear and anger backed by—
Absolutely nothing.
Red lines flashed across his vision for milliseconds at a time, forming a giant matrix that encompassed the room, swallowing him entirely, but he saw nothing beyond Connor’s face.
Sixty grabbed Connor again, harder, as the blue faded from their skin and Connor started blinking as he returned to himself.
“There was nothing.” Sixty’s voice was a coarse snarl. “I saw nothing in you. How is that possible?”
LED yellow and spinning, Connor seemed to recover more slowly than Sixty. His mouth parted and he breathed slowly, releasing warm air in the narrow space between them, eyes moving back and forth over Sixty’s face, something dark and active coiled in the space behind them.
“How have you—” Connor blinked again and let go of Sixty’s hand. “What did you do to Hank?”
Sixty had been so afraid that Connor would deviate him, to pass on his flaw with a light touch and a flash of static, that he’d ignored all other potential outcomes.
Connor’s face changed, hardening as he processed the fragments of memory he’d glimpsed. His initial wariness was back and dominating his features—he no longer seemed uncertain, nor did he seem content to wait and analyse. He leaned forward of his own accord, searching Sixty’s face for evidence of guilt, for confirmation of what he already knew.
A wrenching twist in Sixty’s chest followed the change. Where he should have felt gratified to see Connor so strongly affected, he felt trepidation, sensed imminent danger.
He shoved Connor away from him, throwing as much of his weight into the movement as possible. Anticipating the move, Connor stumbled backwards but caught himself before he fell, arms outstretched to maintain his balance.
Sixty’s hand ghosted along his waistband, reaching obviously for his gun, his priority haste over stealth, careless that Connor would notice so long as he armed himself first.
Instead of grazing smooth gunmetal, Sixty’s hand brushed something else, equally cold but smaller, its shape indistinct through fabric and brief contact. It stalled him, pulled him back to another place, a heavy tension—cold fingers and colder air, the last vestiges of frustration and pain, overtaken with small but soothing defiance…
Three gunshots shattered Sixty’s thoughts at the same time as his chest panelling.
Three bullets to the pump regulator and surrounding systems, close grouping, damaging the biocomponent far beyond repair and causing critical thirium loss in fewer than seven seconds.
Sixty allowed himself to fall backwards, feeling the warm spread of blood across his skin, the tightening in his chest. His collision with the floor knocked the breath from him and he closed his eyes; at the same moment his hand reached into his pocket to remove the cause of his distraction and found chilled metal—glacial, as if it carried winter with it.
Connor paused, gun raised, stance steady, watching him fall. He took a step forward, cautious and slow, weapon still trained on Sixty, who didn’t notice him at all; he’d let his head fall back on the floor and watched the lights blur and swim as the thirium flowing through his processors ran thin. His thoughts stalled and faded, one at a time, until he was left with only the feel of cold metal as he pulled his hand from his pocket and pulled it up to eye level.
Above him, Connor murmured something soft, but it was lost to him—his audio processors had already shut down and he focused his remaining energy on lifting his arm to see what had cost him his victory.
He tipped his head sideways as his fingers, clumsy and numb, dropped the object he’d pulled from his pocket. Blinking repeatedly to clear his vision, his eyes caught something small and dark and gleaming in the cold blue light, rolling in a wide arc away from his face. Sixty’s brow creased and his arm, losing strength, fell back to his side as he watched it rock gently to rest on the grey floor.
The black king.
my DARLING (this ask meme)
for starters kisses your face I love you dearly
I have a lot of thoughts about these scenes with Sixty, and not all of my thoughts make it into chapters, so I'll try and expand around those. Also: warning for not-quite spoilers in case anyone wants to avoid upcoming stuff in chapter 7 - nothing I haven't foreshadowed, but maybe something you haven't pieced together (and certainly stuff Sixty hasn't processed).
this chapter was a MESS of a thing to write. I knew from day one I wanted an achronological chapter, a haphazard mix of thought and feeling that made about as much sense to the audience as the experience does to Sixty, but I had literally no clue if it would work in-text. It was going to start out more complicated but I simplified it for word count and clarity. I wanted to achieve several things:
first, Sixty hits a low
second, Sixty starts to lose what little discipline he has left and starts listening to his wants more than his mission, which alienates him from Amanda and leads us to:
 third. because of the above, Sixty experiences consequences inside his closed loop, but they don't arrive in the way he expects.
four. for fun. Sixty realises (or starts to realise) that he’s been so preoccupied with the obvious (connor, the mission) that he’s missed something critical
sooooo in every instance, here and in previous chapters, I wanted sixty to forcibly cut himself off from Connor. he sees an uncrossable void between them but his perception is  VERY skewed – he holds a contradictory view of Connor: Connor is deviant, so Connor is a failure. despite all of Connor’s failures, Sixty is still trying to match him, still trying to overtake him in Amanda’s eyes – and it’s complicated somewhat by him imitating Connor in the beginning. Here it manifests as Sixty expecting violence from Connor when Connor is reaching out to understand. This backfires horribly for two reasons:
Sixty misreads Connor, because his perception of Connor is so flawed he cannot make accurate predictions of his actions; his two-dimensional perception of Connor is just a reflection of how he’s afraid to be seen himself, an archetype of failure. Amanda uses Connor’s failure as a very effective motivator, in the same way we see Amanda use praise and disapproval to motivate machine!Connor in-game. Dumbass Sixty can’t see past who he thinks Connor is, and so Connor surprises him
Connor can SEE him now. Properly. He offered to take Sixty with him before and of course Sixty didn’t believe him, but it was genuine. Connor looked at Sixty and saw himself: a machine designed to accomplish a task, held hostage by his own mission. Sixty desperately does not want to be compared to Connor, even though he does it to himself compulsively…and this time Connor knows how different they are. Interface means he not only knows what Sixty has done but that he feels no remorse for it. Any chance of cooperation is lost completely.
Connor attacks, of course. Sixty takes this as more evidence that he and Connor are fundamental opposites, rather than the truth: he has set himself to be diametrically opposed to Connor and all of the problems come from his resulting actions, not some grand design from Amanda or CyberLife. He doesn’t hesitate in trying to fire back.
Naturally that doesn’t end well either. This time (compared to the other loops) Sixty isn’t too slow, or too angry – he hasn’t made a fundamental error that leads him to getting shot, he’s distracted by something else.
Okay so I have always been SUPER  aware that in choosing to write a time loop some stuff is going to be crazy boring to read because it’s repetitive by nature. I’ve tried to weave interesting things into the narrative on purpose to negate that, and focus on different aspects in loops that are similar… and that also let me lay groundwork for the subtle shifts loop to loop. They aren’t quite the same. They do vary. For example, from chapter 3:
It wasn’t right. He remembered last time: there’d been two night-shift guards, bored and ill-mannered, who’d verified his identity and then waved them on without pause. He checked the time and found there was fewer than two minutes’ difference between arrival times—they were later this time, but not late enough to explain the guards' absence. Instead of following Hank, Sixty looked over the partition to the desk below, searching for signs of recent activity: thermal residue from the presence of a warm human, a recently used coffee cup, an idling computer, anything. He found nothing at all. It didn’t look like anyone had used the space in hours. Stepping backwards slowly, mind consumed with unanswered questions, Sixty followed Hank’s voice when he called out, though he didn’t hear the words. He remembered. He’d scanned his palm… Hank had reluctantly flashed his badge-- “Connor. What are you waiting for?”
Sixty fixates on change because change is threatening. It adds an element of unpredictability to his loops, and unpredictability has an unfortunate habit of leading him to die and restarting the loop.
This time he’s carrying something he shouldn’t have. He picked up a chess piece in the garden – a general fuck you to the universe for messing with him, a way to strike back and mess up the game he feels forced to play. I love that reactive, selfish, childish part of Sixty and wanted him to show it whenever possible – more so as the fic progresses, as he gets angrier and less concerned about showing it. Taking the king was tantamount to taking control, pulling something back in an environment that is entirely out of his control, a game that he isn’t playing, he’s just caught up in it.
Fun behind the scenes fact: I’m gonna gif some fic stuff because I cannot RESIST this kind of self indulgence, but the chess stuff came from this scene in Last Chance, Connor where I noticed a chessboard in the frozen Zen Garden. It’s never referenced in-game, but I wondered… was Amanda supposed to be playing? Who with? I want to know. So I’m taking fic-flavoured liberties and writing my own version.
I like to think of Sixty’s emotionality as a strength, when it’s not wild an unchecked… an asset he could use if he chose to follow in Connor’s footsteps and embrace deviancy. He wouldn’t, of course, because following Connor would be tantamount to becoming him, and that’s unthinkable. He unknowingly cuts himself off from all growth because to grow and develop means following in Connor’s footsteps – and Sixty can’t see any further than that, even though beyond that he’d be able to become his own person. I love the tragedy of him constantly getting in his own way.
This’ll be a theme for the next chapter, and is one of my favourite ways to interpret Sixty in fan works: because he’s a copy, because of Amanda’s influence, he's searching for his own identity. He makes the critical beginner mistake of defining himself against Connor, which of course doesn’t distance them from each other at all. He won’t be able to become his own person until he learns to move past Connor, which of course is REALLY difficult when you’re… reliving the same night over and over again.
ANYWAY. The shift at the end of chapter 6 isn’t a failure on Sixty’s part this time, it’s a paradigm shift because the game has changed. Something is different. The price Sixty pays for noticing this is another death, another loop. He doesn’t even have time to speculate on the meaning before he dies, he’s already being pulled back into the storm…
The point of the black king is for Sixty to have brought something from the zen garden with him, in a way that shouldn’t be possible. I’ve discussed this before, most notably in chapter 5:
When he came to a stop, he flexed his hands experimentally, testing the tendons and joints. They were fine—just fine—almost no different from how they felt in the zen garden. There was little difference between physical reality and a simulated one: his synthetic brain processed all stimuli in the same way, regardless of its origin, so when his sensors told him he experienced the warmth of the summer sun, he did so. When they told him ice crystals were growing in his joints, seeded by microscopic imperfections in the metal and plastic, he felt the grind and burn every bit as much as if it were happening to a physical body, not just a projection of one For the same reason he shivered, the memory of the snow almost as strong as the sensation itself.
I wanted to discuss how android perceive reality. If you sense the world as so much data, how do you distinguish between different modes of being? Would reading data be the same as experiencing it? Would experiencing a virtual reality, like Amanda’s garden, feel the same as a real, physical world? Does “real” world even have a meaning in that kind of situation?
And, maybe most importantly for Sixty, how would you begin to tell the difference?  Well, if you were smart and not distracted, maybe you’d steal something digital – a little object, something no-one would really miss, as a kind of test. If you woke up and it was still there… 😏
thank you SO so much for this kisses your face 💕 I love rambling about sixty and my convoluted plans for this fucked up time loop✨
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tottymatsuno · 2 years
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I posted 7,455 times in 2022
That's 5,731 more posts than 2021!
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6,544 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
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Only 42% of my posts had no tags
#openMouth.exe - 490 posts
#tottyra - 129 posts
#sundried sketches - 121 posts
#todomatsu - 71 posts
#my cherished anon - 69 posts
#tottimemes - 64 posts
#undercover bastards - 42 posts
#assigned unlovable at birth - 38 posts
#osomatsu - 33 posts
#totty - 32 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
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129 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
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133 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
Valentines Day Matsuno Sextuplets X GN!Reader
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you guys were nice to me so i made this for u <3 thank u for all the kind comments iluguys!! plspls remember if yall want me to make stuff open ur mouths and praise me thank u!!!!! also its still february, it still only technically counts as late but not irrelevant yet!!!
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Osomatsu isn’t gonna even pretend for a second that he’s not bitter and envious while walking through the streets. He’s kicking rocks, spitting just cause, glaring at any happy couple who dares looks in his line of sight. Where the hell are you? What’s the point of dating somebody if Osomatsu doesn’t get his fill and more on romantic holidays?
So he went to all of your usual hang out spots, your job, your house, your grandma’s, the grocery store, the laundry mat, the bank, the post office? Well, some of them aren’t your hang out spots but more like where a regular functional adult might need to go during a weekday…but you weren’t there at any of them! And you didn’t even call Osomatsu over to come play! What’s he supposed to do other than walk around stomping litter and making his hurt feelings everyone else’s issue?
Where’s Iyami? Where’s his brothers? Surely Osomatsu can rally a couple of them to beat the shit outta Iyami just for fun! Iyami probably did something to deserve it?
Osomachuu wants some chocolates! Please! Any! He lets out a giant whine so the universe hears, “Where’s my chocolate?!” Right in the middle of his anguished cries something hits him right on the back of the head with enough force to damn near crack his skull. What the fuck?! Osomatsu takes a pretty comical spill right onto the pavement and eats shit in front of a group of teenage girls discussing who they’re giving their candies to.
Immediately the sound of your laughter fills the air which causes Osomatsu to burst into his own smile when he sees what actually assaulted him. It’s a box of chocolates that has a clear markdown price on it that says it’s on clearance. Its base price was only 200 yen to begin with and on the package there’s a sticky note that says, “Made ya look! <3” and when Osomatsu turns around you’re pointing and laughing in his face.
You mock him for a few more seconds before running over and kissing him once on the lips. After that you raise your hand up to hit Osomatsu. He should’ve known not to go out with someone the same level of childish as him because when Osomatsu jumps you gleefully shout, “And two for flinching!” before smacking him on the back of the head twice.
After that you run away shouting about Osomatsu catching you if he can which leaves him dumbfound. “Sheesh…” Osomatsu smiles fondly in the direction you ran off in while turning the box over in his hands. On the opposite side there’s a limerick:
Oso’s are red
Karas are blue
visit my house
and you’ll cum too!
With a series of little dicks peppering it like they’re hearts. Osomatsu’s never felt so fucking in love when he mutters, “What the hell? We’re not kids anymore…” He’s definitely not going to let you get away with this, especially because you’re calling him “Slowpoke Osomatsu!” from half a block over. When Osomatsu gets to his feet he runs after you as fast as he can shouting some pretty juvenile swears. “That hurts! I’ll kill you!!” The second Osomatsu has you cornered you start making fun of him again.
“Oooh, you caught me! What now?” Osomatsu thinks about it before answering.
“I’m gonna rob you.” Your smile faulters just a second. “For my money?” Osomatsu shakes his head, “Give me the good stuff you have in your backpack.” It only takes a second before you shove him away, “Not until you answer my riddles three!” Osomatsu rolls his eyes.
“I said I’m mugging you, gimme!” With that he starts fighting for your backpack which ends up with Osomatsu getting his ass beat in an impromptu wrestling match as you scream about your riddles. Eventually a police officer shoos you both off with the threats of satiations and triumphantly Osomatsu steals the backpack full of chocolates and baked goods. “I let you win by the way!” You announce holding onto Osomatsu’s hand. “I was just tired and the sun was in my eyes.”
“You’re the biggest fucking kid I know and I know some goofballs.” Osomatsu shoves a brownie into your mouth when you try to argue your way out of it. “I thought I was childish but you take the cake. Happy Valentines I guess.”
You pick up Karamatsu after the sun sets because you know ambiance is important for him; you decked out your car in all of the little things that you know would set the mood for your insanely romantic boyfriend. It’s taken over three weeks to obtain and arrange everything to make tonight oh so special for Karamatsu because you know an equal exchange is important. The last time Karamatsu felt unappreciated you woke up to him hammering nails into the floor. You won’t slip up again.
“Wowowow!!” Karamatsu gasps as he climbs into the passenger’s side and he gingerly touches one of the fairylights you strategically placed. You’ve got that musician he’s obsessed with playing softly, you’ve got your pair of sunglasses on even though God knows that’s a terrible idea. His silly little face is placed directly over your heart and fuck you’re cold in this tank top but you know Karamatsu’s love language is conceited and sweet so you’re getting points. “You did all this for me?” Karamatsu sounds earnest in his affections, “Of course! I even have a gift for you in the back.” That’s all you have to say before Karamatsu dives behind the seat and grabs the navy-blue gift bag. You know Christmas was only a few months ago and you kinda dropped the ball on last year’s gifts so you wanted to make sure at least Valentine’s day was special.
You hand sown a mini Karamatsu plushie and you can hear him gasping about the stitching. You fucking pricked the shit outta your fingers for months trying to get that embroidered rose just right on mini Kara’s back. “It looks amazing!” Karamatsu gushes before digging more into the bag, “There’s more?!”
“Of course there is! I am your ever faithful Karamatsu servant, so you know I had to return the favor and spoil my mans.” You’re so happy that Karamatsu instantly examines the blue carbon pocket watch and just watching his fingers gently trail across the inscription is so much. “This is too much! Please my honey, tell me there isn’t more in this bag.” Karamatsu eventually pulls the gift bag onto his lap and starts almost screaming in delight with each present removed.
You got his favorite brand of cologne, a new set of sunglasses, a custom shot tumbler with his face printed on it, and finally the thing you wanted him to see the most! “You didn’t?! Seriously – you didn’t!” Karamatsu very solemnly sounds so giddy but he’s holding up the Tenjin Works peacoat. “What?!” You’re thankful you didn’t pull off yet because Karamatsu’s hands tremble as he triple checks the tags.
“What?!” That’s all you get before you’re absolutely covered in kisses! Karamatsu tries his very best to say more than “I love you, I love you, I love you!” but he’s blubbering so loudly it muddles together while he shakes your shoulders. After a few minutes of happy sobbing and wiping his eyes Karamatsu tries his very best to save face, “I’m better now. Thank you, after today you are no longer my Karamatsu fan! I have seen the light and I underestimated your power, after this night I am your eternal beau! I live and breathe for you, there is no way to return this debt other than my life long servitude! I will worship you until my dying breath!” You nod along and buckle Karamatsu into his seat. “Sounds good, let’s go then!” When you drive Karamatsu to your house he’s even more shocked when you usher him into the candle lit room, “You shouldn’t leave these unattended!” Which is something so unlike him to say but you don’t mind it.
“Sit over there.” You point to the couch and go to the kitchen. When you return Karamatsu’s eyes are lit up like he’s a kid on Christmas before he bursts into tears again because he sees you have a platter of chocolate covered fruits. “Please my dearest, my heart cannot take any more joy! Allow me a moment to recuperate before I explode!” You feel like a bully but no, Karamatsu doesn’t get a moment to recuperate.
You walk over with a chocolate covered strawberry in hand, “I thought it was my turn to spoil you though, Karamatsu? Am I not doing a good job?” The second Karamatsu opens his mouth to protest you pop the strawberry in. “Happy Valentines.”
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145 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
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324 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
girl its not the "puritans/anti porn/think of the children" sanitizing the internet. its the advertizers who dont want to pay for ads on porn sites. its the board chairmen, its the shareholders, its the people who have money and capital and its the hands that money exchanges through. its capitalism.
its NOT the person with PTSD saying "hey stop fucking posting sexual violence where i can see it and spiral into flashbacks for several hours and have serious breakdowns with its effects that last for weeks" but yall are stupid. Like incredibly stupid. Like impressively stupid and you've learnt through confirmation bias that your idiotic arguments are sound.
They're not.
731 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
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