#🪼 ask tag
miscling · 1 month
The A/C is broken! I am hot and bothered in the not fun way! So I'm sending this to think about you being hot and bothered in the fun way! ^_^
🧣(the one with the bell), 👗, 💖(on your belly like an anime womb tattoo), 🤐(the penis gag), ♾️♾️(or however long past the initial 15 mins is not uncomfortable), and 🫴🫴🫴! - 🪼(Wishing I could be there to watch.)
i finally got some time to go do this task!
i drew on my heart, then took myself off up to my room, took off my clothes and put on the pumps and gag and collar and grinded on my vibrator for the half-hour
it's been a long day so maybe the pumps and the gag didn't last the whole time but i was whimpering and moaning right to the end. it was good stress relief too i needed it. i think you would have enjoyed the show!
thank you for the ask task!
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jellinuy · 2 months
౨ৎ — fluff ending to this. wc ? 1k.
an eye opened. then two. white lashes fluttered around hazy blue irises as the sorcerer began to come to his senses, adjusting the sunglasses that had slid down his nose with a small, ‘hm?’
at the sound of your voice, gojo’s eyes slid around to take in the scenery. but he could’ve sworn you just… wasn't he back at jujutsu high a minute ago? in the infirmary? but instead, the teenager found himself sitting on a bench, his body sheathed in dancing blue artificial light and the passing shadows of ocean creatures behind glass.
the aquarium, he realized, his heart rate spiking. it wasn’t real.
“y/n,” he mumbled slowly, a lazy grin on his face, and never before had gojo been so happy to say your name to you.
“that’s me,” and the full, clear sight of you brings immediate relief — a painkiller for the heartache he’d just endured in his sleep. it was still rattling to him, after all this time, how realistic his nightmares were. he swore he saw the blood soak the pure, ivory sheet that covered you, the paling of your dying skin, the emptiness where your gorgeous, beating heart should’ve been. felt his own heart rip nerve by nerve and his stomach clench into an ugly knot as yaga told him you were “killed in action”: finite, just like that. you were gone.
he’d never been so glad to be awake, to be here, in front of some stupid fish tank, with you. he took in your face as you talk, a worried crease in your brow when you see your reflection in his blue eyes, now glassy. transparent and red-rimmed. vulnerable, if you looked close enough.
“you, um… fell asleep on my shoulder,” you spoke when he didn’t. “you okay? been getting enough sleep?”
oh. that was another thing i loved, he remembered, and it was like his body knew you the way his heart did, as his smile stretched into a pair of dimples. your stupidly big heart.
“…yeah. don’t worry your pretty little head about me,” he assured her, much quieter than regular old satoru gojo would have. cerulean peeked out at you from over his sunglasses and from under his hair, trying to say the words his mouth couldn’t as he rested his head on your shoulder.
call him clingy, but he wouldn’t move for anything right now. feeling you, alive and well and happy against him, that was enough.
knowing you were here was enough.
in an attempt to make small talk, you lifted you arm — the one he wasn’t using as a pillow — to point at a passing beluga whale at the massive tank in front of you both.
“satoru, look, a belu—”
“y/n, i’m in love with you.”
he lied. it wasn’t enough. he didn’t just want to be near you, to be close, yet still at arms length, he wanted to be in your arms. to kiss your face and make you smile at him in a different way than with everyone else. to nap with you on days he didn’t feel like “the strongest”, to be weak around you, to feel those damned butterflies every time he heard you call him “baby.” that was what he wanted — to openly love you, to be loved in return by you and nobody else.
“you… huh?” your hearts pounded in tandem, slamming against your ribs uncontrollably, to the point where it hurt to breathe in the best way possible. “wh… s…say that again?” you must’ve heard wrong, must’ve misinterpreted.
“…said ‘m in love with you,” he repeated, muffled due to his cheek squished against your shoulder. “like, i wanna be a jellyfish with you.”
it would be a lie to say that you hadn’t noticed the way your best friend looked at you, the blatantly obvious hearts in all six eyes when he laid them on you, so this wasn’t as unexpected as you made it look.
“…i think,” dry as your mouth was, you still spoke. your eyes weren’t trained on him, but instead at the fish in the life-sized tank, the shadows of passing jellyfish diluting the clear blue luminescence of the waterlogged glass periodically, “i might be in love with you, too.” it came out shakier than you wanted, but you patted yourself on the back for even getting it out at all. and it was true. you came to know him, to appreciate him, to be annoyed by him, to fighting by his side, to wishing you could be there forever, next to him.
in typical gojo fashion, he makes a face. you can’t see it, because he’s still resting on your shoulder, but you feel the indent of his cheek as he pouts. his hand not-so-subtly sneaks down to yours, and he prods your fingers open so he can slide his palm on top of yours. you swear you would’ve fallen over if you weren’t sitting.
“you ‘might’? i just told you i wanna live as a sea creature with you forever, and you ‘might’ like me back?” he mumbles: maybe he spoke clearly, actually — you don’t know, because the only thing in your ears is the pumping of your blood.
the lovestruck idiot pokes at you again — “c’mon, y/n, say it properly.”
his fingers play with yours, scratching your palm gently, tracing hearts into your skin. his head continued to rest on you, and he was ever grateful you couldn’t feel the warmth of his red face through your shirt, the burning of his ears. he’d find some way to make today last forever if he had to, if it meant sitting here next to the best friend he’d come to see as more, just watching fish swim. your hand finally clenched around his, slightly clammy, and clearly nervous, but it was your hand, so he couldn’t care less. and you squeezed his hand and said it right, because if gojo had the right to anything in this world, it was your heart.
“yeah… you’re right… i’m in love with you, satoru. let’s be jellyfish in our next lives.”
@boundedbyfate, @c4ndytr4p, @iluvies, @sad-darksoul, @fayereblogs-4, @ratmilk14, @lovelymimimoo
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revenant-coining · 3 months
[pt: Sillyisopodic /end pt]
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[ids: 2 rectangular flags with 7 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in this order from top to bottom: dark brown, dull brown, light red, pale yellow, light red, dull brown, dark brown. in the center of the first flag is a dark brown isopod symbol outlined in pale yellow. /end ids]
Sillyisopodic; a gender connected to being a silly little isopod.
etymology; silly, isopod, “ic” meaning of or pertaining to
for 🍬 anon!
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404
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[id: a rosy-pink line divider. /end id]
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Disco elysium is the only piece of media that has ever done my specific kind of spiteful suicidal thoughts properly btw. I think about that a lot there's a scene where you can find tickets to the aquarium that Harry was gonna take Dora to and you can pass a check that says basically "that would be so great 💕 you should kill yourself there, forever altering the lives of those around you" and it's soooo funny i do that too, it's not as bad as it used to be but i still sometimes go "wow look at this crowd of people. What if i shot myself in front of them lol that would be fucked up, would ruin their day i bet"
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ask-vocacmyk · 6 months
UNA!!! YOU!!! HELLO!! Do you like your friends? What are your favorite things about them? -🪼
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Mr. Po also has a lot of friends that I see a lot! They're all very nice, but they're old like him so I wouldn't really say they're MY friends. :p
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howfishismade · 3 months
>#"fiction should explore dark things" and its just r4pe abo
you do realise abo is a slur against aboriginal australians and torres strait islanders right? if you're going to preach about how you're oh so unproblematic the least you can do is not be a fucking racist
hi! I'm not going to treat this as a competition on who's more problematic then who. I actually wasn't aware it was a slur as I don't frequent communities around a/b/o but I really appreciate you letting me know :)
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seiwas · 7 months
swimmer gojo who's a little too handsy when he's trying to teach you how to swim and sometimes you have to scold him bc he keeps trying to start something but you actually really wanna learn how to swim
this was targeted at me inez… i don’t know how to swim… he has to teach me… maybe among other things… 🫣😳 i’m never letting go of him lmao 😭
i think he holds you by the waist, hands big enough to span the length of your skin. the tips of his fingers slip dangerously under the hem of your bikini too, and you think it’s an accident at first, but it keeps getting caught every time. 🫠
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🪼 Jellyfish anon, can we make lewd fanart of you and your F/Os? What are the boundaries here? /gen
Hi Sweetheart!!! That's so sweet omg?? You'd really wanna do that?? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I'd be SO damn honored??? that would make my whole entire day man I would be SO THRILLED???? 🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖💖💖💖 That's really nice of you, holy shit...
As long as it's respectful and it's not my S/I being like a, uh, like a sexual object or something, and as long as there isn't any violence involved I am probably OK with anything! I don't have an incredibly detailed reference of my S/I on hand right now but I do have an old doodle of myself in one of my favorite outfits :]
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Here's a small ref sheet I made when I commissioned someone aaages ago, do with it what you will! You don't have to stick with the colors/clothes ofc I'm just showing you this for the sake of her face/hair/body type :] The horse necklace is the same one Ken wears in the Barbie movie + my S/I wears it everywhere and... all the time :3c hehe
If you need me to make a more um, specific drawing that shows more of her body type (small chest + big round chubby tummy) I can find some time to doodle that if you need me to! but I am not picky esp when it comes to gifts, I am just flattered you'd think of me at all ;w; 💙💙💙
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straydogkins · 3 months
hey, i was just wondering what do you think is wrong with IRLs? I thought that they couldnt control their beliefs. I dont want to start an argument or anything ive just never heard of that being bad before
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Hi anon, I will answer this to the best of my ability just know that it's early morning and I am somewhat upset about an unrelated event so I may not be entirely coherent.
To start with I want to make something very clear: We have PNOS, it's been diagnosed. We've had delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, impared speech abilities, brain fog, ect. for 6 years (probably longer before it was picked up on and treated) alongside this and we're on antipsychotics. So I will be talking from the point of view of someone who has a psychotic disorder and knows what they're talking about in regards to psychotic disorders from lived experience.
Now for the main issues of this ask: It's not the delusions we have issues with. You can't control your delusions. I know this, in the past we've had 'delusional attachments' (medically they are classed as a form of delusion of grandeur, so that's what we will probably call them through out this post) that we're either a fictional characters and religious figures. It's just a thing that can happen when you're psychotic.
However, the issues we do have with these people are with the community, the language used in said community, and the attitudes that are common in there.
Let's start with the 'less important' medical stuff: 'Delusional attachments' and 'IRL' are terms made up by the community. This is not an inherently bad thing, for example in the DID community we have several terms (ie EC-DID) that aren't medical that people use for clarification and there's no inherent issue with this. However, my issues with the medical side is when people act like it is an official diagnostic term/thing for psychotic disorders because it isn't and never has been.
Now the real issues deep rooted in the community (and my main issue): The Encouragement of delusions and attitudes towards psychotic and schizo-spec individuals.
If someone is having a delusion (regardless of if it's harmful or not) You shouldn't encourage it (it will push the person further into the delusion) or reality check them (will cement the belief instead of discouraging it a lot of the time). Although complicated, it's important to walk the line between the two and not encourage the delusions or make the person feel like they aren't being listened to or mocked. The community is... Not like this at all.
Say I believed I was Hastune Miku and in that community, it would be Very common and encouraged to call me Miku and act as if I'm Hatsune Miku irl. This will encourage the delusion that I am Miku and send us deeper into a psychotic episode.
Another thing from our experience actually being in the community, 'DA's' are treated as the Only Psychotic Symptom people experience.
For example, we have seen people claiming to be psychotic and they Only have the firm belief they are [character], this is a major issue for us because psychotic disorders (even on a base level) always have comorbid symptoms (disorganized speech, hallucinations, ect) which is an issue for a community that claims to only be for people with psychotic disorders.
Which leads to people actively trying to give themselves psychotic symptoms, being pressured into saying they have symptoms inorder to belong, or just flat out lying about being psychotic.
This can then also lead to some really wild hostility towards people whose delusions are 'undesirable' (ie believing that you're dead, that everyone around you have been replaced, ect ect) I've seen people with delusional attachments harass and trigger people with psychotic disorders- Even in the community I've seen people who are doubles interacting with other doubles with the sole reason of wanting them to spiral for being a double.
Long post short: We have no issues with the delusion of being [character], it's the community at large we have issues with.
Alternative readings
An essay written about the term Delusional attachment (with medical sources)
Tumblr user strawberrybabydog has a really good tag talking about the issues with the term, the community, all of it
There's a few cards out there but I don't link linking them because I don't know who wrote them and some of them are lacking in info imo.
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miscling · 8 days
Just rechecked your pinned, hot damn your voice! ^_^
Anyway, to the task at hand! *snicker*
🗜️🗜️, 👅, ✋, 🫴, ✋
Enjoy! - 🪼
<3 i love recording
i'm outta my mitts and i'm tongue out clamps on grinding on my vibe i'm so glad people have sent me so many edging tasks
being denied gets me so worked up like knowing i can't touch makes me wanna so much more than if i could just touch without being denied.
thank you for the ask task!
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frozenhi-chews · 4 months
Ah yes another one for the “failure guy you put in a large robot body” collection. Less of a failure guy than the others maybe. Then again. SpamtongSpomton and small metal ball to my knowledge didn’t cause a mass extinction by forgetting antibiotics exist.
At least like the other two, Al-An was also remorseful and wanted to fix it.
Wheatley nearly blew up a facility cuz he didn't know how to run said facility. And didn't try to learn i guess. Spamton double-crossed Kris in trying to get their soul after NEO wasn't enough (at least in Pacifist. Snowgrave is a different story)
Al-An is cool tho. Big awesome alien
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revenant-coining · 8 months
Lust Eiment
[pt: Lust Eiment /end pt]
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[IDs: 2 rectangular flags with 11 horizontal lines. sizes in this order from top to bottom: 2 medium, 2 thick, thin, medium, thin, 2 thick, 2 medium. colors in this order from top to bottom: purple, dark purple, purple, pink, light pink, dark blue, light pink, pink, purple, dark purple, purple. in the center of the first flag is a dark purple circle-like symbol outlined in light pink. the symbol has a triangle with one curved side on the top. End ID]
requested by anon
Lust Eiment: an alterhuman/nonhuman term for when one is the embodiment of lust.
Etymology: lust, eiment
@radiomogai , @imawanokiwaaa , @gamercod
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[ID: a red line divider outlined in yellow. in the center is a red feather outlined in yellow. End ID]
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I still think about this conversation that I (glass animals fan) and my friend (car seat headrest fan) had a year or two ago where we went "I would never SAY that I hope something deeply tragic and horrible happens to this musician so that they become depressed again and make better music, but I'll imply it"
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starsbits · 4 months
tagged by @fishgirlautism hi ty ^_^!!!!
last song: Uncanny by GHOST
favorite color: blurple :] but if i have to choose a plain one then blue ^_^
sweet/spicy/savory: i really don't know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i don't really have a food i really like HAHA
last movie/show/game: last movie was the boy and the heron!!!!! SOOOOOO SO GOOD everyone go watch it NOWWWW. would love to really dig into it someday
last google search: t4t flag
current obsession: project sekai 😁 also my ocs as always and forever
tagging: whoever wants to do it ^_^ peace and love u can just say i tagged youuuu [like this if u r a mutual and don't mind being tagged in ask games!!]
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ask-vocacmyk · 2 months
DID I HEAR THAT THE FUNNY POOL MAN IS HERE??? Does his phone have a waterproof case? Does he like anything other than the pool? -🪼
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*Marco Polo was fine after drying for a bit. Remember to not piss off your local Haiyis.
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mihai-florescu · 1 year
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saw this and was like wow just like hit tumblr user mih
Omg i misread this as Doctor Faustus at first i was so confused lmaoo. What are you reading?
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