#''trying to get a good grade in therapy''
calware · 3 months
D???: what happened to me
D???: its
D???: okay yeah i get now that it was awful but thats only half the stack of the shitty cut i was dealt of shitty childhood trauma
D???: its what i have to deal with NOW that gets me
D???: cause even though i know it i cant just accept it
D???: no because now i have to live with
D???: ugh i dont even know how to describe it
D???: but i feel it every day from the second i wake up to the second i fall asleep
D???: its always there getting in the way of shit
D???: unwieldy and obtuse and inconvenient
D???: like...
D???: oh my fucking god
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bifrosted-flakes · 24 days
If you’re going to write something involving teens or young adults they have to be shitty. No more effective communication or emotional intelligence they have to make bad decisions and do dumb shit
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ieattaperecorders · 2 years
Every time I see a take that's like "I love jmart it's so fucked up as a relationship" or "love jmart but I think they should break up it'd be healthier for them" I am baffled. It's no less wild than the takes calling it toxic or abusive, it's just more affectionate.
I assume a lot of these people are very young and never had a serious relationship. Hopefully they're not currently in one and going "is it toxic to be angry at your partner sometimes? Is it toxic to have arguments? Is it toxic to disagree or have incompatible wants? Is it toxic to get unfairly impatient with someone when the world is literally collapsing around you?"
Like, we only saw Jon and Martin as a couple in the most psychologically devastating circumstances imaginable. Jonny said in the Q&A he was trying to depict a broadly healthy relationship that was under a great deal of external stress, and personally I think he succeeded. There are moments when they're unfair or unkind with what they say, but if you meet someone as willing to communicate or provide comfort during the literal apocalypse as either of them were, that's a keeper.
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raviollies · 4 months
Wanted to give a quick update on my mental health since I think it's important to share the positives, especially as someone with Bipolar type II, and since I have been negative on here before.
I feel GREAT, like genuinely, I feel fantastic mentally. I have been doing exercises daily, I have been meal prepping and eating mindfully (Cutting back on carbs since they make me tired, upping my vegetables and trying to make food I love healthier by subbing ingredients) - In fact, I feel ENERGETIC. It's not the out of this world feeling of mania, but a consistent feeling of being able to tackle tasks that were very difficult for me before (exercise, dishes, cooking meals ahead of time so I have something to eat during and after work, eating veggies I used to hate, keeping my room tidy). I've had unlucky, bad things happen and it didn't make me want to crawl into a hole and die, I actually...was able to react calmly? Was able to shrug it off without collapsing into a pile?
It's genuinely...life-changing and not somewhere I thought I'd be several years ago. I could not fathom how I could live at a constant mood scale of not simply chugging through the day - and you guys have played a role in that. Comments that I love responding to, tags on my art, just engaging with my OCs as they've been a huge form of creativity for me and just loving art again (I'm proud of tackling more and more complex pieces).
So thank you! I hope to continue like this and also prove that having this life isn't just...out of the realm of possibility for those struggling with mental illness.
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thesnadger · 8 months
Focusing intently and solely on whether a fictional relationship (romantic or otherwise) is 'healthy,' why it is or is not healthy, and what would have to change for it to become healthy is possibly the most boring angle from which to analyze it.
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grntaire · 1 month
made a powerpoint for my therapist very excited to show them tmrw <3
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 years
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Btw for those curious this is what the original version of this comic was gonna be
Will & Nico’s BoO interactions in a nutshell
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spocks-kaathyra · 10 months
2 episodes into snw. the writing is astonishingly bad but I am in love with cadet uhura
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ranger-kellyn · 1 month
now that i've had some time to sit with the album, my initial favorites for the tortured poet's department so far are: but daddy i love him, who's afraid of little old me?, guilty as sin?, fortnight, the black dog, and the albatross
but early favorites are just the ones i know enough lyrics to stumble singing along to lol
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spacecrows · 5 months
why do showers give me 10 minutes of galaxy brain and then it's right back to 1 braincell??
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that-starlight-prince · 7 months
"But you're such a nice and kind person" wrong! I treat myself like shit
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nerice · 8 months
im stupidly embarrassed to go back to physio tmrw even tho my physio guy is the coolest person ever (ok maybe that contributes a little) but it just feels like. i failed. (due to no fault of my own my job just sucked) but still..... like its not like ill get new exercises (tho i will ask what to do in japan without the weights) but like. the exercises were working (maybe) this just takes time and it feels silly to run back 2 physio just bc it's been a month without tangible improvement (my job sucked!!!!!) and he did expressly tell me to come back if i didn't have success with the treatment and also the massages just rly help / my wrist n forearm does feel overloaded a lot esp from typing so AUGH. im just saying!!!
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edoro · 2 years
the hardest part of this fic actually isn’t the part where i have to carefully thread the needle of Hunter blowing up at Darius over how he was kinda actually shitty to him in the past and it sort of sucked
it’s the part where Darius talks to Raine about it afterwards and i have to get across “Raine Whispers is a veteran teacher and therapy attender who absolutely will start talking like it under certain circumstances and this is super one of them” without making it sound like the character just got replaced with a neural network trained on the DSM
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kittykatninja321 · 2 years
Something really funny about David Ward being like “hey guys thanks for the feedback I really appreciate it. Upon your advice I’ve started seeing a psychiatrist :)”. Even the fictional audience is like “buddy there’s something wrong with you fr <3”
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honeyblockm · 1 year
1 8 and 21
1: the character everyone gets wrong
i just answered this but yeah it's fundy and ponk. come to think of it possibly also happyduo. the whole eggpire maybe.
8: common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
despite my best efforts i suspect i live in an echochamber but. spaces out for 10 minutes trying to think of common fandom opinions. you know i cannot really think of a take that has not caused awful awful discourse on my dash. i mean i guess re: the attachments advice that phil gave tommy that caused everyone to try to kill each other on my dash: i dont think it's that big of a deal? if phil gave some bad advice? if said advice was even bad in the first place? <didn't get too invested in that discourse
also i don't think las nevadas had to be destroyed for the. waves hand. narrative. or smth. it wasn't like. the root of all cquackity's evil or whatever. and i think it's good and reasonable that the LN arc ends with q deciding to build it back up again. sorry its my girlfriend
21: part of canon you think is overhyped
bedrock bros ^_^
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horrocious · 1 year
re: "he would not fucking say that" and similar ideas, the thing to remember is that it's OK for a character to be completely out of character or contradict canon when I write it. trust me.
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