#being a really smart and easy patient??????
winstonsns · 3 days
could you do a gang(separate) with reader who’s like a transfer student or smth and dosent speak English fluently? They could like help her or smth idkkkkk but yeah🎀💕
the gang with transfer student!reader (request)
authors note: my throat fucking hurts. sorry this is short, i hope you enjoy 💗
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includes ponyboy, johnny, soda, darry, dally, two-bit and steve
word count: 1.4k
warnings: cussing, dally’s a bit of a dick
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ponyboy’s top of his classes so he knows a lot, especially in english
because the two of you go to the same school, you guys have a lot more time together
he’ll always help you feel ready for a presentation and makes sure all your words are spelled correctly and you pronounce them right
same with when you’re called on to read, if you can’t pronounce a word then he’ll whisper in your ear and tell you, the both of you normally sit together
sometimes you’ll go over to his house or he’ll go over to yours, he assists you by studying with you
once he went over to your house, you had a vanity in your room but didn’t know what it was called, he asked you, “well what’s something that reminds you of it? of the vanity?”
you replied, “um… sticky notes because i have them on my mirror?” so he told you to connect the words ‘sticky notes’ so you could remember the word ‘vanity’
he’ll also read to you so you can learn more words and pronunciations, you also become entertained while you’re learning so it’s nice for the both of you
sometimes johnny goes to school with you so the both of you can learn together
he has a lot of patience so learning with him is easy, he’d make up around five words for you to pronounce and know the definition of every day
the two of you would review those words too, and because you were learning a whole new language, he decided to learn a new language too, yours
he knew what it was like to get frustrated over not being able to understand something, so the both of you taught one another your languages
you or johnny would point at a random object and the other would say it in both languages, it was a fun way to learn since it wasn’t one sided
when the two of you could have full on conversations in one another’s languages, the both of you were ecstatic
johnny even taught pony and the gang some words from your native language because he thought it was cool
man, you guys are learning english together because soda doesn’t really have a super wide vocabulary, he wasn’t that good in school
but he’ll teach you the basic words and their meanings, clothings, paintings, items, etc
he thinks it’s so attractive when you speak your native language or talk to him that way, he’ll get all blushy and smiley
his patience is actually pretty high and he’ll make you feel better if you feel bad about not knowing english that well
it doesn’t cause much of a problem in your guys relationship, it probably brings you two closer if anything
he loves it when you come to him to ask about words or what something’s called if it has certain characteristics
since he’s in school and you’re not, if you have to write an essay or presentation, he’ll give you synonyms so you won’t repeat the same words over and over
lord knows he got shitty grades because he used the same two words throughout his essay when describing something
he stays really patient with you because you can always learn more english, it’s not a one time thing when if you mess a word up then its messed up forever
so he helps you, since he was really smart and was good in school, he knew a very large range of vocabulary
you could ask him about a word and he’d immediately know the definition, sometimes asking you “verb or noun?” because he just knew so much
since he’s an old ass man he’ll show you magazines and newspapers, sometimes pointing to a random word, in which you tell him what it means, basically like a memory game
he teaches you a lot about grammar since most people don’t know how to use it correctly, he also teaches you how to use the correct ‘write, right’ ‘knight, night,’ ‘where, wear’ ‘here, hear’ ‘there, their, they’re’ basically homophones
darry really just wants you to have the best in life so he’ll teach you the most
if we’re being realistic here, dally would bully the shit out of you
he is honest as hell and will not feel shameful or bad that he’s being rude to you for not understanding english as well as him
but he helps you learn new words and phrases, sometimes teasing you about it and giving you the wrong answers
he later tells you the truth though if you embarrass yourself by using it wrong
“dal… um, i heard some people talking about ‘left handed?’ what does that mean?” you would ask, him replying with, “means you only use your left hand, like your other is paralyzed or broken.”
sometimes he’ll randomly ask you, “what’s that?” and point at something, basically quizzing you so you can remember what is what
dally also helps you pronounce words, when you came home from school one day, you asked him how to say “pacific ocean” because all the c’s were pronounced differently, you were rightfully confused
however, if anyone else makes fun of you, he’ll get all pissed off at them and beat the shit out of them
if you start feeling guilty for not knowing words after he makes fun of you a bit, he’ll try not to as much and will focus more on teaching you words
he won’t love you any less if you struggle with english, he loves hearing you talk in your native language
you even teach him some words and phrases in your language, he complains, “that’s too hard to learn, doll, how many languages do you know?”
little do you know he’s actually impressed and would speak your language every day if he understood as well as you did
two-bit is actually very sweet about you not knowing english as well as him
sometimes, he’ll help you by watching television with you, whether it’s a movie or a series
he’s occasionally a little mean about it, laughing when you say something wrong, he corrects you after though
he’s lazy as hell though so you don’t learn much from him, but if you teach him about your language then he’ll pay attention
if you’re doing a presentation of some sort soon for school, he’ll make flash cards before and help you remember how to pronounce words and what they mean
also when in public, if both of you are in a restaurant or getting fast food, he’ll help you order what you want while you know of what the ingredients are
because he is helping you learn english, it doesn’t cause much of a problem in your relationship
also, you know that trend where it’s like ‘telling the transfer student that scooby doo is a bad word and to yell it’ that’s you guys
steve’s actually pretty smart so he gave you detailed descriptions of what some words meant
so when you asked what a dresser was when you were just learning, instead of pointing at it and leaving it be, he told you, “basically furniture with a lot of drawers that holds mostly clothes, it can hold other things too though.”
he also tells you more than you need to know, he talks to you about cars and all its parts even though you don’t know what they are
so he explains to you what they are and how they work, what they do and where they are in the car
steve really enjoys learning about how things work, so he’ll tell you about that too when you ask about a word or its pronunciation
also teaches you about metaphors and all that stuff, if you’re not good with sarcasm then he’ll help you know when someone is or is not being sarcastic
he also tells you that there’s a ‘shit ton of stupid rules in the english language’ and things are ‘weirdly fucking hard to pronounce’ so it’s fine to not get words right the first time
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authors note: happy father’s day 🎀
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kimingyuslover · 9 hours
Breath in your love
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Synopsis : What if Jeonghan wishes of turn back time come true?
Word count : 3,231
Pairing : yoon jeonghan x fem!reader
Genre : time traveler!au, angst, fluff, lovers to exes to lovers
Warnings & note : TEARS, she has a daughter named Seok kyung, single mom!reader, slight of dad!Jeonghan at the end, time traveler!Jeonghan, mentions of food, lots of mentions of Seok kyung, kinda simp!Jeonghan, mentions of pregnancy, this fic does not represent his character in real life!
a.n : back with another angst story.... literally tearing up rn lolololol
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Life hasn't been easy for you, not even now, exhaustion evident on your face, you just want to go home and have a good rest on weekends like you always do.
Working under one of the big 3 companies was not easy, and you know it, yet you still work there and even achieve being their head of finance.
After you reach home, all your exhaustion goes through the window when you see your daughter waiting patiently with her nanny at your doorstep.
She's greeting you with a sweet smile plastered on her face with a piece of paper that she held proudly on her chest.
“Seok kyung!” You open your arms towards her. She reciprocates by running to you and wraps her tiny hands on your back.
“Did you be a good girl today? you're not causing a problem, are you?” she giggles between your questions and shakes her head no.
“I'm not mommy! Miss Jiwoo also said I'm good today and she gives me 5 stars!” She gave you her paper full of stars, you gasped at her answer, then smiled widely.
“really? My baby is so smart!” You take her inside while Seok kyung's nanny helps you by taking your bag and you mouth a ‘thank you’ to her as she smiles at you.
Having Seok kyung was not on your plan, at least until you found out that you're pregnant 5 years ago with her, and your pregnancy is seven weeks old.
When you first tell your boyfriend– now ex, Jeonghan, that you’re pregnant and you want to keep it, arguments start to happen.
He’s arguing that he's not yet ready to be a father and he doesn't want you to keep it, whereas you argue back that even though you're both not as ready as anyone else to be a parents, you still wants to keep it, you can learn together how to be a good parents, they done nothing wrong, so if you aborted them, wouldn't it be cruel?
Arguments keep happening since then, and it took you 3 days to finally break up with him, if he doesn't want the baby so be it, you're willing to give up on your 6 years relationship for your baby.
And now here you are, a single mother on the peak of your 30s with a daughter and a stable job that can give you more than enough money to live with your daughter.
There's so much purchase that you buy for your future, like a car, a house, maids, and even a nanny to take care of your daughter while you're working.
When you're on a business trip, though, you bring her with you because it makes you not worry too much about her.
“Sweetheart, mommy's having a business trip tomorrow. Do you want to come with me, or do you want to stay here with Uncle Joshua?” You asked Seok kyung after bathing with her and putting on clothes for both of you.
She makes the ‘think’ gesture first and answers you with excitement in her voice, “I want to go with mommy! Will we go with a plane again?” You lightly chuckles and stroke her hair softly.
“Yes, we will, baby. Let's pack up first, yeah?” She nods her head and runs towards your walk-in closet to take a big suitcase.
[ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ]
Now you're in the first class lounge, waiting for your airplane to open the gate for boarding.
Seok kyung playing games on her Ipad while you were reviewing the proposal your team has been working on for over a month.
After a couple minutes of waiting, your gate has finally opened for boarding, and you usher Seok kyung to get up from the couch and walk to the boarding gate.
On the other hand, Jeonghan thinks he might be dreaming when he sees you with a little girl on his plane boarding gate, smiles attached to your and her face while walking hand-in-hand.
It's been years since he last saw you, the last time was when he fucked up your relationship, feeding only his ego then at the end all of his mistake was the cause of your break up.
His first serious relationship that he cherished the most comes to an end, and it was not in a good way.
Jeonghan knew he was the wrong one, and the only one who can be blamed for your ruined relationship, you've done nothing wrong, but in his eyes that time, you've done more than the wrong things he imagined.
There’s a hard pang he feels in his heart when he sees you. He spent almost every hour in a day stalking your social media, and he always wanted to be the one who you'll always mention in your post.
He felt the hurt in his heart more when he saw your posting almost 5 years ago. It's a picture of one pair of tiny feet on your hand, but for him, it's not only a picture of a baby feets, it's a photo of his daughter, the one he left when you're only seven weeks pregnant.
When he got your notification, he almost immediately checked on his phone when he saw you updating your life with Seok kyung (he learned that was her name when one of your friends mentioned it in the comment section).
All of your updates have always been successful to bring a smile to his face.
Jeonghan always wondered what his life would be if he shortly apologised after the first argument, would Seok kyung love him? Will he be a good dad? Will you get married and live a happy life for the rest of your life just like you both had planned when your relationship entered 3 years?
The questions are always running on his mind 24/7, wanting no more than to run to you, holding both your hand and Seok kyung on his, kneeling in front of you and muttering apologise after apologise until you forgive him.
But that seems to be an impossible act. Before he knew it, he had already gotten on the plane and sat on his seat.
When he turns around, his body freezes upon seeing you and Seok kyung on your seats, playing like there's nobody else in the world.
After what feels like an eternity, the plane finally takes off, Jeonghan’s hoping that he won't be fast asleep because he wants to see you and your daughter– or rather, the daughter of his and yours.
A few hours have passed, and you are both fast asleep on your seat. Jeonghan called the air hostess to allow him to switch seats, luckily for him, it's not a full flight so there's a few seats left, he chooses the one who he can get closer to you, wanting to observe your little family a little bit more.
He can see the little detail on her face, he can see the manifestation of your and his love, she got your lips and eyes, meanwhile her nose and hair seems to be more likely to his.
Suddenly, tears started to brimming in his eyes. Why can't he accept his fate? Why can’t he do what a good fiancé will do when their fiancée says that she's pregnant? Why can't he seem to never be good enough to enroll in your life again?
Tears fell down from his eyes down his chin, then dropped to his lap.
oh, how he wished he could turn back time.
[ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ]
“baby? baby, you need to get up. Today is still thursday, and you have to get ready to work” Jeonghan can't believe what he's hearing, your sweet voice filling both of his ears.
Realising that it was, indeed, your voice, he immediately sat up from his sleep figure and started to look at you with disbelief prominent on his face.
He still didn't believe his eyes, and he went as far as holding your cheeks with his hands, and you gave him a puzzled look.
“Uh, baby? what's wrong?” You asked him while raising one of your eyebrows, puzzled by his unusual behavior.
Jeonghan said nothing and just pulled you on his chest. If this is a dream, he’s hoping he will never wake up and have to live his life with the same nightmare everyday.
“Just for your information, ten minutes has passed and it's now seven past five and you can always hug me again when you get home” You said with muffled voice, and there Jeonghan let go of you, to have a better look of your face, and then smiles which you reciprocated with the same.
“Okay then, I have to go shower even though I still want to cuddle with you, am i?” You nod at his words and get off the bed.
Jeonghan finally comes to his senses and gets off from the bed, heading towards the bathroom, a wide smile still attached to his face.
After he got out of the shower, his ironed work attire already sat on his bed. It's the daily activity you would do, preparing his work attire when he showers.
Jeonghan still remembers how you two would act like a married couple, like a husband and wife, even long before your engagement.
When he goes downstairs, he searches for you, and when he does get to see you, you're in your kitchen, cooking breakfast and preparing lunch for him.
He never eats in the office canteen because the lunch you made has already made his stomach full, and he makes sure to tell you everytime he gets home from work.
Jeonghan checks the dates and months on his phone, and when he opens it.
January 16th, 2021
30 days before you announce that you're pregnant, he hopes that he can be here forever so he can fix everything for both of you.
“Love? Eat your breakfast first, and here's your lunch” back in the day, Jeonghan never appreciated your dish like he should, he only said ‘thanks’ before eating it half and then got up and went to the basement of your Maisonette apartment.
Jeonghan eagerly sat on the dining table and started to dig into the breakfast that you made, which is kimchi fried rice with seaweed on the side.
You look at him confused because Jeonghan is usually not this enthusiastic with your dish, but of course, you're happy to see Jeonghan eating your dish like this.
When he's done, Jeonghan goes to the sink and washes his plate and eateries.
“The food is so good sweetheart, can't wait to eat my lunch that you packed for me. Thank you, angel” He said, then kissed the top of your head with love, and that made you let out giggles.
“You're welcome. You better get go on though, there's a little traffic on the way to your office when i opened the maps earlier”
And does he already mention that you're always checking the maps before him?
After bidding you a goodbye, Jeonghan closed the front door and went straight to the basement, ready for probably a long day at work.
In the modern day, Jeonghan is already the vice president of the marketing department, so it shouldn't be that hard now.
He knows you're working remotely, so he doesn't need to worry about you getting late to your office.
In a matter of hours, lunch and working hours have passed, it is now five past six, and Jeonghan hurriedly tidying his office desk to go home.
Unluckily for him, the traffic is worse than the previous one in the morning where he got one, which makes him get home 15 minutes late.
Now it's 5:45, and he made it home before it got dark, wanting no more than to throw himself on your hugs.
“I'm home!” he announces as he kicks his shoes and places them on the shoe racks.
His ears perked up when he heard your hurried footsteps, coming down from the second floor.
“Long traffic? I've seen the route from your office to here. You should probably go shower. What do you want for dinner? I’ll make it” you said as you practically ran after you got off the stairs to him.
Jeonghan smiled. He really missed your attention for the past years he’s not with you.
So he answers you with the meals you and him like, Kimchi stew and after that he brings your lips to his for a chaste kiss that makes you blush and slap his chest lightly and whine his name.
Jeonghan just chuckles lightly, and he runs towards your shared bedroom to have a shower.
Once he gets out of the shower, he rushes out to your dining rooms, excited for the Kimchi stew you make.
Until now, Jeonghan only likes the Kimchi stew made by his mom and yours because he found comfort in them. He already tried to like Kimchi stew from the restaurants, but it never beat yours nor his mother's.
He misses these moments, where you and he will eat together in your shared maisonette, eating with happy giggles always left on both your lips, and the satisfied feelings when he's eating your dishes again with you sitting on the opposite of his seat.
“I love the meal, angel. you're such a good cook, i know you're going to be a good mom someday” He knows you're a good mom, Seok kyung always looks so happy when she's with you.
His words make you blush, and you try to hide it by burying your face on your hands, Jeonghan laugh and get up from his seat to hug you from your back, “I mean it, you're good at cooking and will be a good mom to our kids” then he kisses the top of your head before getting your and his bowl to wash it.
[ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ]
February 15th, 2021
1 day before your announcement, everything goes more than well. He just has to stick with his plan, and he hopes he can change his future with you.
Jeonghan sometimes sees you when you're throwing up in your bathroom and always asks if you want him to go to the pharmacy nearby, but you always shake your heads no.
He tried to build a happy relationship with you. He wants to treat you with the treatments you deserve. He wants to love you like he should before the downfall.
He wants Seok kyung to have a life like the other kids, having a mother and father figure.
Jeonghan was living his old life, like usual, going to work 9 to 5, going out with you every weekend, and telling you how much he loves you everytime he could.
He just got off from work. When you suddenly started to put distance between you, he furrowed his eyebrows, creating creases on his forehead.
He vividly remembers that this was not in his memory.
Did he do something wrong? Why are you putting distance towards him? Does his plan not work? Do you want to get off of him? His thoughts are running hundreds of miles per hour, thinking of the worst scenario in his head.
The next day comes fast. Last night, Jeonghan had already emailed his boss that he’s taking 2 weeks off and requested to do work from home because his fiancée is pregnant. His boss doesn't waste another single time as she reads it. She accepts Jeonghan's request.
Jeonghan’s nervous. Could he really change the future?
“Jeonghan,” There is it, your voice calling his name, it means you will have a serious conversation with him.
You look so afraid that you couldn't see him in the eyes, your eyes attached to the ground beneath you, Jeonghan can see that you're trembling, so initiated to take you by your shoulders and told you to sit in front of him.
“What's wrong, honey?” Jeonghan asks, worried plastered on his face.
“I'm pregnant with your child. It's seven weeks old” you said hurriedly while giving him the test, the ultrasounds, and the doctor's examination letter.
In the past timeline, Jeonghan already cuts you off when you said you're pregnant with his child, never letting you finish your words.
“I want to keep the baby” you said again while fiddling with your hands on your lap.
Jeonghan couldn't be happier than he is now, Seok kyung will recognize him as her father, not a stranger.
“Okay, keep the baby. We both know that we have a minimal knowledge to be parents, but we will learn together” Jeonghan answered you, with his tear-filled eyes he held your chin up, so your eyes were at the same level as him.
You looked at him in disbelief. Jeonghan can see your tears already spilling from your eyes, so he wipes your tears from your cheeks with his thumbs.
The distance between you both grows smaller, Jeonghan wastes no time to crush your lips together and give you a long, chaste kiss.
He pulled out first, giving you and him a room for air, “Thank you, baby, thank you” He connects your foreheads, smiling as he looks at you.
That night was spent with you on the held of Jeonghan's hand, sleeping after watching a few videos of how to be a good parent and early pregnancy care.
Jeonghan doesn't want anything other than this, having his life with you in it.
[ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ]
Jeonghan eyes shoot open when he hears the sound of a film beside him. He remembers that he was sitting alone, wait–
when he turns his head to the right, there's a window, ‘no no no no no’ he thought to himself.
If he's in the present time, that means everything he sees, he feels, is it only his dream? but he dared to turn his head to the other side, wanting to see who was sat beside him.
He can't buy what he's seeing right now, Seok kyung is sat beside him while you're sat beside her.
Seok kyung looked at her side when she felt something was moving, “Mommy! daddy's already wake up!” her eyes light up when she speaks with you.
“Got a nice dream, huh? you passed out for like, 10 hours of our flight, we're landing in 30 minutes” you say with a teasing smile on your face, Jeonghan's confused, trying to regain his mind.
Then it clicks, he was not dreaming, he really changed his future, Seok kyung known him as her father, not a stranger.
When he sees his right hand, there's a wedding ring, so this is the ending he gets. He really gets his happy ending, with Seok kyung, and most importantly, you.
“Love, you're okay?” You ask with cautiousness, Jeonghan seems unusual after his 10 hours sleep.
He then answers you hurriedly, “yes, i'm fine, i'm just zoning out” Jeonghan answers, and in a split seconds, he pulls you both for a long hug.
You and Seok kyung chuckles when Jeonghan doesn't want to let both of you go, and when he did, he leaned in to kiss you on the lips.
This is resulting in his daughter whines ‘i want to be kissed too!’ That of course Jeinghan accomplished, giving his beloved kisses on her cheeks, forehead, and lips.
Jeonghan can finally live his life with goods waiting for him. He starts to forget his life before this trip, how he wanted to pray every single day to thank god.
He lives a happy life with you and Seok kyung. He will never let you go again.
His little family consisted of Yoon Jeonghan, Yoon Seok kyung, and Yoon Y/n.
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spacecrows · 6 months
why do showers give me 10 minutes of galaxy brain and then it's right back to 1 braincell??
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eilidh-eternal · 5 months
here to share brainworms on this:
Imagine being a friend of theirs and sleeping with both of them on seperate occasions without knowing that they're friends (perhaps you met them at different times in different places) and noticing the tattoo and you think back to that one time you slept with some other Sergeant and know you've seen that exact tattoo before while he's making a mess of you on his cock🥴
Oh my god…
A fwb type situationship with Gaz—who honestly would like to be more bc he’s a SWEETHEART—but you’re still a little hung up on cbf Johnny😵‍💫
Maybe it was a right person wrong time thing, or maybe there was an argument over a miscommunication, but you’ve never been able to forget about the time you shared with him, even though you know you need to move on.
And then came Gaz. Sweet, loving, wants to be whatever you need Gaz. But you’re still so traumatized from loosing the person you thought you were going to spend your whole life with that you’re not ready to let him in, at least not into your heart, so you let him fill the void of physical affection. You let yourself believe that if you hold him at arms length he won’t get close enough to hurt you, like he did.
But Kyle is a smart man, emotionally intelligent and perceptive, and above all else—patient. He takes things slow with you, lets you set the pace and stays firmly on the other side of your boundaries, even if every time you see him they’re slowly starting to crumble. He knows someone before him hurt you, knows that’s why you don’t want to label what you two are, don’t want to get attached.
You’ve only hooked up with him a few times, still sort of getting to know one another without getting too personal. So, clothes have stayed on, for the most part. In your mind, this is purely about taking care of your physical needs, and the gods gave pants zippers for a reason, right? Right, so you don’t really know what Kyle looks like. You sure as fuck know what he feels like though, and it keeps you coming back.
But those walls… Kyle is right about them. You start getting comfortable with him, don’t feel the need to wear your clothes like armor the more you see him and he proves that he won’t push you into anything you aren’t ready for. And the first time you both get to see each other laid bare? Oh, Kyle is a goner. Fucks you deep and slow, really takes his time getting to know all of you.
It’s when you’re on top that you see it, the dark whorl of ink peeking out at you between your fingers where they’re planted on his hips, holding you steady while he rocks up into you. You move your hand higher, dragging your fingers up the ridged plane of his abdomen, and look a little closer at the tattoo through half-lidded, lust-addled eyes, at the familiar shape of the revolver inked into his skin.
Familiar, but you can’t quite place where you’ve seen it before when he’s got you crying on his cock.
A few weeks later, you’ve reluctantly started to grow fond of Kyle, and he invites you out for drinks with his friends. Of course you two are early, he out of habit and you out of nervous anxiety, and while you wait for everyone else to arrive he’s showing you something on his phone, scrolling through his camera roll when you see it, the photo of him and what must be one of his friends at the tattoo parlor together, skin still red from the fresh ink.
“Wait, what’s that?” You point to the photo.
“Oh! That’s my best mate and I. Said if we came back in one piece we’d finally get some matching ink.” He clicks on the photo and you nearly fall out of your chair. Nearly pass out from the lack of oxygen when the breath is punched out of you when you realize why you recognize that tattoo.
Johnny’s face stares back at you, arm slung over Kyle’s shoulders with the same easy smile you remember him with plastered on his face.
Kyle’s saying something, telling some story, but you don’t hear it, can’t hear the music or the chatter of the other patrons over the panic shrieking in your mind. It’s not until you feel a hand on your shoulder that you surface from your thoughts, Kyle’s voice reaching you through the churning depths of your mind.
He’s introducing you to his Captain, and his Lieutenant, but you can’t stop staring at the Sergeant, the ghost from your past, that he calls his best friend.
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sanjisblackasswife · 11 months
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𝕋𝕪𝕡𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝 ℍ𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖𝕤
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Ft. Zoro, Luffy, Sanji
Bad Summary: Just describing girls they’d be interested in the Modern AU.
CW: None reallyy.
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Says he doesn’t have a type but he always finds himself gravitating to a woman of a particular kind.
It’s true he doesn’t discriminate but if he HAD to build a woman she’d be a pervert like him.
He wants a woman that understands him, he’s attracted to woman that loves to sit down for hours and listen to his problems.
He loves a woman that expresses her true feminine side, he will spoil you until the ends of the earth. Don’t worry about paying bills, or anything like that he’s got it. He really wants a woman that is strong willed but is also willing to submit to him and let him be the breadwinner of the relationship.
He loves a woman that is caring and so sweet he gets a tooth ache just from being around her. Being so sweet and tender with him makes his heart melt.
He wants a woman that can be his safe space.
He wants a woman that isn’t afraid to eat.
He wants a woman that is able to see the good side of him, because he has struggles seeing it himself
He wants a woman that isn’t afraid of his touch.
He likes a girl that can be open with what she wants from him, willing to speak up and always tell him “ i love you” even at the most randomest times.
He wants a woman that doesn’t want to change him. Only to help him be a better person.
He is in love with big pretty smiles, it just makes him try harder to make you smile even more.
He wants a girl that babies him, he loves being spoiled too whether he admits it or not.
He wants a woman that can carry his children. He does want his own family one day and knowing she does too makes him the happiest man on earth.
He’s attracted to a strong woman, not in physique but emotionally and mentally strong. Not wanting to back down from any obstacle that approaches her life.
He wants a good headache. He is a Tsundere at heart and having a girl that can annoy him (In a healthy way) is something he doesn’t mind adding to his life.
He wants a woman that is patient. He isn’t the best verbally expressing his FEELINGS and if you’re willing to work with him on that he will absolutely make it worth your while.
He wants a funny woman. He loves to have a good time laughing and making memories with her, cracking jokes and just taking it easy
He wants a woman that’s cuddly. He wants his girl to like his personal stuffed animal when he is laying down or sleeping.
He wants a woman that can bring the best out of him.
He likes a micture of a girly girl and a tomboy. He loves his woman to be feisty, smart mouthed and little, but still knows her boundaries as his girlfriend.
He wants a girlfriend that isn’t easily jealous, he doesn’t care for women that expresses little to know trust in him. It’s a bother.
He wants a woman he CAN trust. Showing his feelings is hard. And he wants that reassurance he can work through it with you.
He wants a woman that gives constant hugs and kisses, whether he says it or not he loves the affection and attention of one woman. Everybody else can literally go away when he’s with her.
He wants a private woman. He isn’t a fan of putting his relationship all on social media nor for everybody to know about. Not saying he wants it hidden but not everything they do together needs to be displayed for the public
He wants a woman that knows her self worth. He will never allow her to sit and talk down about herself or think she doesn’t deserve him because in reality he KNOWS he doesn’t deserve her.
He wants a woman willing to listen to him.
He wants a woman he knows he can spend the rest of his life with and not just anything temporary.
He wants someone adventurous! He wants a girl that can wake him up from his nap to go hiking or to the park or even out to eat!
He wants a woman that is a tomboy at heart. He doesn’t mind really any kind of girl, but knowing he can be a little more rough with her is actually better for him
He wants a woman that doesn’t try to change his beliefs or his lifestyle. He’s a carefree man and if she is more “strict” living it may not work out
He wants a woman that laughs a lot. Nothing makes him smile more than seeing his girlfriend cackle at his jokes.
Speaking of jokes he also wants a funny woman. He likes girls that doesn’t care for people’s opinions, and willing to be herself regardless of who is around
He wants a woman that can teach him new things. He’s easily impressed so if she is the smarter one in the relationship it helps a lot.
He wants a woman that isn’t sensitive. Nothing wrong with feelings and expressing them but if he cracks a joke and she gets pouty and upset with him over and over and over again it gets tired. Real fast.
He wants a woman taller than him. Height usually isn’t a PREFERENCE for him, he isn’t out looking for a tall woman but he gravitates to them more…..He likes climbing her back.🧍🏾‍♀️
He wants a woman that loves PDA. Luffy likes to touch, touch, touch, he has no shame. Kissing, hugging, hand holding, all of it.
He wants a woman that stands up for herself. He also finds it attractive when she defends hum as well.
He wants a clingy woman. One that is stuck at the hip with him. He doesn’t like to be alone anyways so having his favorite person always around him soothes him.
He wants a goofball of a girlfriend.
He wants a foodie girlfriend
He wants a playful girlfriend
He wants a girlfriend that can be by his side.
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vivgst · 6 months
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She hates monotony and loves the new challenge she finds in you, so she won't rest until she gets her way, as always.
Pinning this so new folks will know I write.
Part two here
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Her eyes wandered curiously around the bar and she rolled her eyes. It was more of the same and she was already tired of spending her money on sex she didn't find really good in the first place.
The same women, the same uniforms that were uncomfortable to even look at, the same playful glances that didn't provoke anything and she wanted to leave, but her men were drooling all over the place and she didn't want to be a killjoy, more than she already was.
Men are so easy to satisfy…
Her eyes landed on a table in the back and she saw you, with an icy gaze as you judged everything that was happening around you and she wondered if you worked there, which was a little obvious considering you were collecting used glasses from that table.
But you didn't match the place, you weren't wearing a uniform, you had a black dress that hugged your body and was full of rhinestones that looked excessively expensive and she raised an eyebrow curiously. You weren't the owner, she knew that.
“That dress looks too expensive to wear it in this place.” She spoke in a low voice, you turned to look at her and to her surprise, you kept her gaze, impassively and blankly.
“That way, only men who can pay for me will approach me.” You responded, walking towards the bar to wash the glasses and she followed you, snickering. You were a brat, she liked that.
“You are not a stripper.”
“I don’t need to do that crap to get customers’ attention.” You said in a monotone voice and narrowed your eyes at her, looking her up and down but that didn't offend her, it amused her, it intrigued her. “As you can see.” You added in a mutter.
“Ah, cabrón…” She raised her eyebrows and let out a chuckle, shaking her head. “Me salió mamona la gringa”.
“No soy gringa.”
"But I’m not. And you’re wasting my time, if you’re not going to pay for me then you can leave.” You were bratty, pedantic and she liked that, it would be more fun to watch you beg and she would do it, she promised herself.
Maybe it wasn’t going to be easy, but she was used to it, working hard was something she had to do on a daily basis.
“I bought you the moment I saw you, chula.”
You weren't in the mood to do this, but it was never something you could decide for yourself, so you guided her towards the back of the club, to the largest room, because although you had never spoken to her you knew she was El Sin Nombre, and that she always spent too much money.
Valeria looked all over the room, it suited you, it didn't match the rest of the place either, it was very luxurious.
Her gaze returned to you and she gave you a look up and down, the mocking tinge in her eyes was obvious but that didn't faze you, accepting humiliation was part of the job and no one was important enough to offend you anyway.
“You look frigid, even though you are beautiful.”
"I am". You muttered nonchalantly. She hummed thoughtfully and sat on the couch, pouring herself a glass of whiskey. Valeria was smart, she knew you wouldn't do anything beyond serving her sexually, however she was curious about you, which was quite noticeable and made you want to roll your eyes.
“A pretty face is not enough to sell as much as you claim.”
“Yet here you are.” She gave you a warning look that you almost missed, because you weren't interested in being afraid of her, despite everything that was said about her. "Men like to know that I'm hating what they're doing to me and that I can't do anything about it, it makes them feel they have power, power that they don't possess outside of this room."
You had a point, and it made sense, which made Valeria feel sick.
She wanted to mold you, take away that mask of coldness, she didn't want you to hate her hands, she wanted to make you addicted to them. However, she knew she should be patient with you, and she didn't care.
Since she had gained power, no one had refuted anything and although at first that filled her ego, it had become boring and she had found a new challenge in you.
"And what do you know to do?" She asked, you knelt in front of her, reaching her pants, which took her by surprise, but she grinned and leaned back on the couch.
“I'm good with my tongue.” You said nonchalantly as you nimbly got rid of her pants and underwear. She gently grabbed your chin and pulled your face up so you were looking into her eyes, which made you feel vulnerable for a moment.
“Then show me.” Valeria murmured, drinking from her glass but not taking her eyes off you.
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angelbarelywrites · 2 months
♡ slashers scenarios | you’re almost a victim… (part 2)
♡ fandoms; House of Wax, Scream (kinda), Hannibal/Silence of the Lambs, Dead by Daylight, slashers (general)
♡ characters; Bo Sinclair, Danny Johnson, Hannibal Lecter
♡ reader; gender neutral
♡ cw; mentions of violence and cannibalism, kidnapping, stalking, suggestive content
♡ notes; I’m kinda surprised this prompt won out for a part 2 but very happy lol, I had some fun ideas.
the whole gang is not here, just some kinda kinky guys again- I feel like this doesn’t work super well for every single slasher? only some of them are psychopaths AND perverts
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
Bo Sinclair
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> bo was having a rough day
> your friends had been putting up one hell of a fight, killing the first four was a huge pain in ass
> so by the time there’s only two of you left, he hasn’t even gotten a proper look at you
> it’s not until you come back to the gas station, wide eyed and begging for help that he finally notices you
> god you’re cute- you can be last
> he drops the nice guy act and gets you to the chair- rough as always and threatening you the whole way
> but then he notices it’s all a lot easier than usual today
> he glances up and can’t help but grin
> your cheeks are bright red and your chest heaving- you like being restrained
> “i’ll be good- promise—“ you mumble before he can be a smart ass
> he gags you anyways, but he praises you as you open your mouth for him to stuff the rag it in
> he can hear you whimper as he does and he’s just itching to leave so he can come back
> he leans over, one hand planted between your legs to steady himself
> he can hear your breathing catch as he simply kisses your forehead, snickering as he leaves
> you were really something
> a pretty, obedient little something that would last way longer than a day if you kept it up
Danny Johnson
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> he’s worried you saw the flash of his camera through your window that morning
> he’s normally so careful, he can’t believe he slipped up like that- honestly he’s surprised you didn’t call the cops
> you must have been too groggy, or maybe it wasn’t as dark as he thought it was at the time. maybe you noticed but didn’t put two and two together
> he needs to kill you soon anyways. he’s been watching for a while, and he’s wasting time
> he settles back into his usual spot where he can see perfectly into your bedroom
> he sees you frown just a tad as you pick up the phone call from an “unknown number” - but you still pick up
> “Hi there, doll .”
> he’s called you more than once, this “ghost voice” that’s been terrorizing you- and god is it a nice voice
> a nice voice that says vile things. some of them just violent, some…well some things you like too much
> you can see you make an expression he doesn’t expect. you bite your lip, cheeks pink
> he’s seen that look before…not for Ghostface, of course, but for Danny
> you were easy enough to befriend, and it just gave him more opportunities to keep tabs on you
> like most people he charms, you clearly have a crush on him, and that little lip bite is about the same face you make when he flirts
> maybe he’s just seeing things
> you couldn’t be that perfect.if you were he would have to keep you around
> he continues on and on, observing you carefully
> and you just keep getting more and more flustered, even when he’s threatening to choke you stupid
> “you know you’re so cute when you blush like that,”
> what you say next comes just about as close to scaring him as you can get
> “Thank you, Danny.”
Hannibal Lecter
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> you weren’t quite as close to victimhood as one might assume
> but he was a fast killer once he had a mark set- you had to impress him more than a bit to be considered and then ruled out
> you start as his patient
> you’re a meek thing, easy to read and fragile
> you’re practically asking to become an entree
> if you taste as good as you look, you’d be his best dish yet
> it’s not hard to get you alone outside of an appointment
> you’re delighted when he invites you to a dinner party- you’ve heard great things about his little get togethers
> and he even lets you help him get ready, setting the tables
> the conversation become macabre as you discuss some recent murders that police suspected were committed by a cannibal
> that he committed for the sake of the dinner party, naturally
> he corners you before you can realize it - he likes playing cat and mouse
> you giggle nervously and look up at him
> he’s got a hand on the wall above you, and he notices your eyes linger on his toned forearms
> many patients and victims have crushes on him, it’s not surprising or a deterrent
> though it surprised him the gristly conversation wasn’t bothering you
> “yknow, it must be nice to know you’re safe from that serial killer in the neighborhood. If he is a cannibal, he’s most likely to chose someone more sedentary.”
> you leave him there, as if you hadn’t said something so delightfully offputting to find a vase for the table
> maybe he could do some further studying….
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familyvideostevie · 8 months
october twenty-sixth
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day twenty-six: remus lupin you’ve been on three dates without a kiss. will today change that? | first kiss, early relationship, fluff | 1k
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Three dates and Remus hasn’t kissed you.
Though your friends insist otherwise, you can’t help but wonder if there is something wrong with you.
He’s respectful, they tell you. He’s shy! You want to believe it. He’ll kiss you today.
God, you hope so.
Obviously, you could kiss him, but something in your gut tells you to let him make the move. It’s hard to resist though, as Remus is very kissable. He’s handsome in a way you don’t know how to describe. The scars on his face make him seem a bit severe but it’s cancelled out when you see the soft kindness of his eyes. He looks like someone who would give you directions in the middle of a rainstorm. He fills out his sweaters like they were tailor-made for him and his hands are huge.
And he’s tall, which you’re never opposed to.
And he likes to touch you. This is the main reason you haven’t given up hope on the kiss.
On your first date — a long afternoon of conversation at a coffee shop — he’d put his hand on your back on the way in and out, helped you take your coat off and held it out for you to put back on, and gave you a very lovely hug when you parted ways. On your second date he’d linked arms with you as you walked through a museum and held your hand when it got a little crowded.
He definetly likes you. Right?
Date three finds you at a bookshop. You’ve actually planned to go to a pub quiz down the road but you got the timing wrong and it doesn’t start for an hour, so you’re killing time.
There aren’t that many people milling around the stacks. Remus squeezes your hand and leaves you to browse on his own, which you appreciate. It can be kind of overwhelming to be under his gaze all the time, you’re learning. Maybe it’s just the force of your fancy, which is a bit outrageous after only three dates. You find yourself imagining him in your life — a couples Halloween costume, a fall weekend away, holiday parties and on New Year’s Eve.
Remus just makes it easy. He’s so…lovely.
So how can you get him to kiss you? It’s far too early for mistletoe. The bookstore is instead decorated with leaves and skulls and pumpkins. Maybe you’ll float the idea of a Halloween party, use some liquid courage to kiss him.
“Are you going to get anything?” Remus’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts. He looks at you patiently.
“Oh,” you say. “Not sure, actually.”
He hums. “I think I’m going to grab this.” He holds up a book you’ve heard of but not read. “If it’s good I’ll pass it along to you. You sure I can’t get you anything?”
Of course he’s offering, of course he’s ready and willing to share with you. He’s infuriating. “No,” you say, smiling. “Thank you, though.”
He squeezes your hand. “I’ll be back in a moment.”
True to his word, which you are learning he tends to be, he’s back quickly, grabbing your hand once more and leading you back out into the cool evening. “Is there going to be food at this quiz?” he asks. “I’m peckish.”
“’Course there is,” you say. “I’m not taking you to a pub without food, Remus. I’m not that bad of a date.”
He laughs. It’s quickly becoming one of your favorite sounds. “I’d never think that. I hope you don’t expect us to win, though, because I’m hopeless at these.”
You scoff. “I don’t believe you.” Remus is very smart and very modest about it.
“No, I really am!” he says. “I know useless things only. You’ll have to come to one with me and James and Sirius —” you know them as his best friends based on how he talks about them “— because they get really into it. I know you’ll being them to victory where I always drag them down.”
“You don’t know that I’m good at pub quizzes, Remus.”
His eyes twinkle under the streetlights. “I’ve got a hunch.”
He wants you to meet his friends. The thought warms you.
The light on the crosswalk changes and you stand, hands clasped, waiting.
Fuck it. You’re going to do it. You’re going to kiss him. You take a breath and turn to him, lean in before you can second guess yourself —
Remus turns his head to say something and your foreheads smack together.
“Oh my god,” you say, rearing back. “Oh my god, I’m so —”
“Are you okay?” he asks, hand on his own forehead. “What just happened?”
He releases his grip on your fingers to gently grab the back of your head, tilting your face this way and that as if he’ll find a wound.
You flop your face onto his shoulder. “Please, leave me to die of embarrassment,” you mumble.
“Never,” he says. “Really, darling. Are you alright? Didn’t hit you too hard?” His tenderness is making your stomach do something funny. Darling, darling, darling.
“No, Remus,” you sigh. You pull back to look at him. He really does look concerned, bless him. “I’m fine. I was trying to kiss you.”
“Oh,” he says, looking slightly surprised. “Sorry, I suppose. That’s my fault.”
“Yes,” you grumble. “It is, considering you haven’t kissed me yet, which is why I was trying in the first place.”
Your embarrassment is making you brave.
His eyes light up again. “Do you want me to?” His tone is slightly teasing.
“Remus!” He laughs and cradles your face in his warm hands. This man always has warm hands even when it’s cold out.
“Alright, alright, let’s try this again, hm?”
He leans in slowly. Your eyes flutter shut. When he kisses you it’s a light press of his lips at first and then a firmer pressure as he slots your mouths together properly. You let him do the work and you sigh into it until he pulls away
Your foreheads press together gently this time. “Let’s try to avoid any more injuries, alright?”
You smack his chest. He laughs.
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thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, general masterlist here! promptober masterlist, find all fics under #fvspromptober23
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unorthodoxfaithxx · 3 months
Yandere Shen Xiang, Undead Unluck Headcannons
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Shen is a naturally pleasant and cheerful guy, holding no grudges against anyone but his former master. He’s easy to talk to, so the two of you strike a conversation after a Union meeting, and become acquaintances quite quickly. 
His dream has always been to be the greatest in all creation. But now that you’re in the picture, he dreams of being the strongest with YOU by his side. No matter what that may take. Even of you. 
Your existence gives him newfound fuel to achieve his goals, now that he has you to protect. When he’s out and about, you can presume he’s fighting enemies stronger than himself or training harder than ever, in order to get strong. 
Beneath that cheery demeanor, this man is manipulative through and through. He’s smart and knows how to get what he wants, WHEN he wants it. A great actor, really. He’ll play the nice guy for as long as it takes. He can be patient. He’ll wait until his opportunities arrive, in battle and in the field of love. 
Very self-aware. Years of martial arts training and discipline have honed his ability to look within himself. He realizes his obsession with you is unhealthy and strange. He just doesn’t care. 
An extremely protective man. If you’re already part of the Union, great! You’re already in good hands and he can rest assured that you’ll be safe with such a powerful group backing you. If you’re not, expect a proper kidnapping where you’re forced to join their forces. But don’t worry - it’s for your own good, surely. 
Shen is selfish and he knows it, EMBRACES it, even. Expect him to monopolize you, and seek out your attention and affection when he’s free from his duties. He’s not one to be truly jealous as he is quite confident in your relationship with him, but enjoys complaining like a child when you’re with anyone except him nonetheless. 
If you’re on a mission together, consign yourself to the fact that you’re NEVER to leave his side, and if you do anyways, know that he constantly has an eye on you, watching your every move. If the two of you are on separate quests, expect frequent phone calls and badgering to make sure you’re okay. 
If someone hurt you? It’s game over for them. He takes pleasure fighting for the ones he loves and if your enemies are giving you a hard time, expect him to beat their ass into the next timeline for you. If you’re gravely injured, the smiles are all gone and Shen is now on a mission to kill.
Shen has two sides - the protector and the conquerer. He’ll treat you like delicate flower most days, but don’t be surprised when his demeanor switches and he becomes rough and demanding in bed. 
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girls-alias · 6 months
Tease - Robert Chase
Title: Tease - Robert Chase
Words: 1,567
Relations: Robert chase X Reader
TW: Sexual hinting. Sexualising hands. Sub reader.
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I pushed the office door open with my butt, careful not to spill the coffees I had just collected. I spun around as I stepped into the office, My eyes instantly landing on Chase as he approached the door. I looked up at him startled by his presence. From his body language, it was clear he was going to open the door for me, I blushed slightly, knowing he had a clear view of my ass pushing the glass door open. I gulped, admiring his freshly trimmed hair, subtle green eyes and furrowed brows. I could read from his expression he was confused and had a hint of another emotion. In others, I would say it was an attraction but the sexy, blonde, handsome, angelic, Australian, smart, did I mention sexy, doctor... wouldn't think that of me. I'm me. Just average me.
I smiled innocently at Chase as he continued to stare at me. His expression showed less of his confusion and more of the other emotion I couldn't place but (somewhere deep inside, I knew it was attraction) (Or maybe wishful thinking) he displayed this emotion more until the confusion had fizzled from his expression.
"Are you going to stand there all day or give me my coffee," House barked grumpily. I shook myself out of it and walked around Chase to reach the table. I placed the drinks down, serving them out to each of the team to make sure everyone had the right drink. I walked around the table, placing Chase's drink in front of him before occupying the seat beside him. He smiled at me, I swooned a little but smiled back. An attempt to play it cool when he makes my spine jelly without trying.
House began the differential by writing on the board the patient's symptoms. I placed my drink on the table as I picked up the file, sitting back to read it. I added comments briefly to dismiss someone's idea if the current test results didn't align with their diagnosis. Finally, I looked up to gather who House's snarky comment was aimed at. Not me, good. As Chase was leaning forward, his elbows on the table, his hands in front of his face, playing with them slightly. I, of course, was now only able to focus on them.
I gulped, my mouth seeming wrong. My breath quickening. The butterflies in my stomach twirling. I crossed my legs, my wetness growing as I watched my crush's hands, the way they moved, the things I had dreams about them doing. I couldn't peel my eyes away even when he glanced at me out of the corner of his eye and then smirked when he looked away. His hands didn't stop moving and if anything, they seemed to do more, slow and precise movements. There could be an earthquake in the room and I still wouldn't be able to look away. He has hypnotised me. I watched almost breathlessly as he sat back in the seat and his hand slowly travelled to his thigh. Oh, God his thighs! I took a deep breath, gulping as I watched his hands.
His hands gripped his thigh tightly, and a soft whimper left my lips subconsciously. I tighten my lips into a thin line, the rest of the world coming into focus as I looked around, recognising that everyone had heard me and was confused. I almost lost all of my ability to function as Chase turned to smirk at me. He did it on purpose, he was messing with me. I was annoyed for half a second it took till I realised that he caught me checking him out, sexualising him and he not only knew but teased me. My eyes widened, avoiding Chase's gaze. My brain instantly went into hyperdrive to dismiss this realisation with the most likely factor being that he didn't know and was simply smirking to not laugh at your whimper.
"You must really want to run the labs," Foreman commented sarcastically. I almost applauded Foreman and shook his hand for giving me an easy excuse.
"Yeah, I just don't want to deal with parents right now," I chuckled, realising quickly I was unsure of the files I had read only minutes ago. They all looked a little more confused.
"Our patient is a 32-year-old, male," Cameron clarified but confusion clear in her tone.
"His parents brought him in, it's in his file," I lied. I don't know who brought him in, they could tell me he flew in on a UFO I would agree, I don't know what happened during the differential when Chase's hands were more appealing than the conversation. Foreman looked confused but understood as Cameron flicked through the file. I smiled, my poker face clearing me of questions.
"Foreman and Cameron, you're with the patient," House instructed and everyone stood. Oh, okay we're done. I stood from my seat, and collected my things, realising quickly I would be alone in the lab with Chase. My eyes widened as I grabbed my drink and headed out of the office, Chase held the door open for me, his smirk still gracing his lips. I nodded softly to be polite and began approaching the lab. I gulped as Chase walked beside me.
"I didn't know you whimpered," He teased, his smirk still present. I blushed but rolled my eyes forcing a convincing chuckle.
"I just really want lab work today," I shrugged trying to play it off. A part of me believes the delusion of him possibly not noticing me sexualising his hands. He smirked rushing to stop in front of me looking a little confused but smug.
"I can think of five reasons that's a lie," He smirked, raising his left hand for effect and flaunting the knowledge that he knew what he was doing. My expression faltered at the shocking revelation and realisation he truly was teasing me with his hands, and did for a fact know I was affected. He grinned, turning back to continue his way to the lab. I took a second to compose myself before following. I stopped just before the lab entrance to prepare myself before I was in a room alone with Chase for presumably hours.
I walked in to see Chase already using the computer to get started. He smiled as I walked in, not looking up from the screen. I cleared my throat before taking a seat at the opposite station. I got to work on running labs, reading the file closely to figure out what labs we needed, and Chase offering tests I should take while he did others, basically letting me know what to do. I'm glad one of us was paying attention.
We were working somewhat quietly as we focused on the tests. I was just looking through the microscope when he spoke abruptly.
"Have you always been attracted to hands or just mine?" He asked, I was so startled by his question. I felt called out, seen. I staggered over my thoughts slightly.
"What?" I asked finally, the only thing I could manage to say. Though my tone should have been confused it was more panicked. I looked up at him, watching as he smirked. I gulped, watching as he slowly walked around the station, edging closer to me, my crossed legs subconsciously squeezing tighter.
"What is it about my hands that flusters you?" He asked rhetorically. His tone was mischievous and menacing. His smirk returned. I watched with shallow breaths as his hand trailed along the marble tops. I gulp again to try and maintain some control of my body. My breath quickened the closer he got to me. My breath fluttered as he stood right in front of me. "Is it that they're attached to me or that you can imagine what I'd like to do with them?" He asked, his hand coming under my chin to raise it so I was looking up at him. I breathed in as he raised my chin but suddenly my breathing stopped as I made eye contact with him. My mind cleared. My only thought was that he was going to kiss me. Please, kiss me.
I watched as his eyes trailed to my lips before he smiled. His eyes were deep and dark, full of want. I gulped. "I'm taking you to dinner," He instructed, not a question but an explanation. I watched intently as he searched my expression, it was clear, he could read nothing. He seemed to wait for my response. I nodded softly, his fingers still present under my chin. He smiled with half his mouth. "Good," He added, a hint of satisfaction in his tone. I waited, his eyes once again travelling to his lips as he held my gaze on him. "Your results are in," He commented. My eyebrows furrowed before the timer went off. I jumped at the sudden beeping. Chase chuckled as he walked away to his station. I sighed slightly, hitting the timer off and composing myself. "We'll go straight from work, that shirt needs to be shown off," He added, watching me between the stations. I smiled nervously as I slowly processed the fact I wasn't imagining it like usual.
I looked at the results to distract myself. I groaned as I showed Chase the results. Positive. We quickly headed to the others to inform them.
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Forming The Pack - Part 2
Autumn Embers Master List
By the time Sergent Kyle “Gaz” Garrick joins the task force, John and Simon have semi-formalized their pack of two. It’s… unconventional, a pack of two alphas. Not the kind of pack John ever saw for himself, but then, he’d almost given up on having a pack of his own. There’s talk, of course. Soldiers always talk. But the talk is always a little quieter when it involves The Ghost. And quieter still when it comes to John Price and his task force.
Gaz is smart. He asks more questions than some sergeants, but he learns to trust John to make decisions. That trust must show, because Ghost is unbothered when Gaz challenges John in the field, even before he’s officially 141. Off the field, he’s easygoing and avoids getting into fights. Notably, he doesn’t blink when Simon shows John his neck after a debrief, six months in. It’s not until he says something that John remembers that having Simon at his feet isn’t something anyone else has seen.
“Never had more than a proximity pack since joining up,” he observes, perched on a chair in Price’s office. “Nice to see someone yield without having it beat out of them.”
From his position knelt on the floor, hands behind his back, Simon snorts. “Got plenty beat out of me.”
John gives him a little shake by a fist full of his short hair. “Not this, though.”
“No, sir.”
Reeling him in, John presses his nose against the lieutenant’s temple. Pulls him close so Simon’s own nose touches the side of his neck. The scent of trees and greenery and moss flows deep into his lungs and settles him. His second is here. Scraped up and a bit restless, but alive.
Across the room, Kyle makes a curious noise. “That a requirement to join the task force?”
John hums a bit into Simon’s scalp. “Task force isn’t pack.”
“Being on the task force a requirement for being pack?”
When he looks over, Gaz is alert but relaxed. The usual subtle spice of his scent is a bit more pronounced. He’s looking at Simon, taking in how pronounced the lieutenant’s shoulders are in this position, but his eyes settle on John’s face. Interested, but patient.
“Pack’s separate,” John answers. He taps Simon’s shoulder, and the man gets to his feet and rolls his neck. He gives John a significant look, tips his head toward Kyle. So John says, “Do you want to be pack, Kyle?”
“I’d appreciate your consideration, sir.”
“So polite,” Simon chuckles.
“C’mere,” John says, gesturing in front of himself.
Kyle doesn’t hesitate, stands near enough for John to touch and gives Simon his back easily. There isn’t a hint of anxiety in his scent; he’s trusted The Ghost at his six for multiple missions. He looks down at John in his seat with an easy smile.
John leans back in his chair and lets himself really look at him as a man, not a subordinate. He knew Kyle was attractive, objectively, the way he knew the sergeant’s almost cinnamon scent on his gear and the way his voice goes quiet as he’s lining up a shot. Now, he lets himself enjoy the pout of his lips, the breadth of his shoulders. When he holds a hand out for Kyle to offer his own, he admires manicured fingernails and faded scars on his knuckles.
“Get into a lot of fights?”
Simon makes an interested noise and sidles up behind Kyle to look over his shoulder. Kyle rocks back into him as he grins. “You know how it is. Gotta prove yourself, phase one. Especially if you’re not interested in proving anything.”
John gives an interested hum. He can smell the way Simon’s scent goes woodsy with arousal, what he presumes is Kyle’s spice responding. “Prefer alphas, then?”
“No preference, sir.”
Simon rumbles behind Kyle’s ear. “He likes when you call him sir.”
Kyle’s grin is smug. “I know.”
John can’t help but laugh. “What else do you know?”
The hand John isn’t holding comes up to smooth over Simon’s hair. He must telegraph something with the way he shifts his weight, because the two of them kneel in a smooth slide that leaves Kyle pressed up between Johns legs and Simon’s bulk.
“I know you keep your pack safe.”
Simon, the daft, romantic bastard, starts purring.
“No sex in my office,” John warns them both as Kyle leans to rest the side of his face on his thigh. When Kyle guides his hand to cup the side of his neck, he lets himself make a content rumble in his throat. “You’re gonna be a handful, aren’t you?”
“Only if you let me, sir.”
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kenmakodz · 13 days
˖˙ ᰋ ── the yap temple ˖*
introducing the main cast of "inamorata"! , an inumaki x reader smau.
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⤷ our mains !
inumaki and y/n. both second years at tokyo jujutsu high.
toge inumaki, a semi-grade one sorcerer, who uses his inheritance of cursed speech to his advantage. seems like a quiet one, but is actually extremely talkative.. whether through rice ball ingredients or text. it takes quite a smart cookie to decode the meanings in his words, but being with him every day has gotten you mostly accustomed to it.
“toge, maki said if you ate her chips she left on the picnic table she’s going to find you. i don’t really know what that means.”
y/n l/n, a grade one sorcerer, who also uses one of the five senses to her advantage, that being her eyes. to put it simply, focusing on a target allows the user to move much faster than seen in real time. essentially, slowing down time for themselves, but nobody else. can be used as a support or a main damage dealer in fights, making it quite useful. (concept created by iwa970 on reddit !)
[ adding onto this, although y/n can control the technique at will, she opts to wear glasses her mother gave her as a child while not fighting, that have been said to "keep others safe". she doesn't know just how true that actually is, but for loves sake does it anyways. often snags one of maki's weapons even if they're not really necessary, either to take dead weight off of panda (if he's around), or to test them out because honestly why not? (does she find it amusing? no sometimes.) ]
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⤷ the second years !
yuuta okkotsu, a special grade sorcerer who can copy any ability at will, and utilize them with ease. can come off as a scary guy, but is actually the clumsiest, shyest, awkwardest, nicest person you'll ever meet. trains with maki often, but tries to frequent y/n as well. (he usually gets fed up and tells her "you're too fast! quit it!"
maki zenin, a fourth grade sorcerer who has been horribly mislabeled. one of- if not the most agile students at jujutsu high. she's flexible, quick on her feet, and easy to teach any of the few things she doesn't already know. you're in trouble against maki, not only on the battlefield but if you insult her or one of the people closest to her? in the words of panda, you should probably run.
panda, he's a panda. (jk). a semi-grade 2 sorcerer who is a goofy, cuddly guy most of the time, but can be quite intimidating if you're around him when he swaps his build. not as swift as the other students, but makes up for it with his strength. likes to say he's the "bodyguard" when in reality most of his friends will use him as a pillow.
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⤷ the first years !
yuuji itadori, a semi-grade one (newbie) sorcerer, unarguably the physically strongest out of all the students. aside from his first mission, yuuji utilizes hand-to-hand combat like no other. quite a sight to see him lift and break things that nobody around him could ever fathom the strength of doing.
"yuujiiii?! i dropped something behind the fridge again! come move it please?"
nobara kugisaki, a grade three sorcerer who's inherited the straw doll technique. she relies on this technique for the majority of combat, similar to that of a 'voodoo' doll, one could say. picking fun at her is always funny until you realize your fate could (quite literally) be in her hands. she says she isn't strong, but you've witnessed her somehow cause itadori to fall down an entire flight of stairs. sorry shoko.
megumi fushiguro, a grade two sorcerer, inherited the ten shadows technique via the zenin family. often calls his shikigamis out during combat, but similar to maki is skilled at wielding weapons as well. sure, the demon dogs can be.. deadly, but who is he to say no when his friends are practically pleading for pets?!
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all main characters unlocked!
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⤷ © kenmakodz
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thehotgrandparent · 2 months
TNMN Headcanons Part 3/Floor 3
A/N: Let’s forget how this took me forever to do
Mia Stone: She’s so sweet, it’s amazing. Mia is a really patient woman and is also a really good teacher. Students love her and she is someone who is really easy to get along with! She also absolutely adores her fiancé.
Dr. W. Afton: He’s more on the serious side. Afton is also incredibly smart, and though he prefers science over anything else, he is willing to listen to anyone rant, especially for his fiancé. He is also incredibly whipped by Mia.
Francis Mosses: Whenever he’s not working, he’s either with Agnus and Izaack, sleeping, or reading. He’s a type of person who prefers to be by himself than be in a group, though he doesn’t mind being in a group setting. As long as he has time to recharge, of course.
Steven Rudboys: He’s quiet whenever you first meet him, and as you get to know him. Sometimes, he says some of the stupidest things on earth, but honestly, they’re just funny to think about looking back on it. Even if he gets embarrassed by them.
Mclooy Rudboys: Mclooy is similarly serious as Afton, but he’s also incredibly humorous and knows how to take a joke. Though he is threatening if he wants to. He’s also incredibly protective of Steven, as that’s his only family left that he’s in a semi good relationship with.
Alf Cappuccin: Alf is pretty easy going! He absolutely loves to tell stories to anyone who’s listening, though he isn’t able to tell them to anybody other than his wife, kids/grandkids, and whoever else is willing to listen.
Rafttellyn Cappuccin: She’s such a gossip. She and Gloria can yap for days and days and never seem to run out of things to say. Sometimes, this also includes Margarette. The trio often share stories or other gossip they hear. Though despite her being one of the older people in the apartment, she is honestly quite strong. Alf does not mind that at all. Iykyk
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xxiiam · 7 months
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˚✧₊⁎❝᷀ົཽ ~ focus !
Bimbo! Reader x smart bf! Various characters
wk - 1.8k - love smart bfs sm
fem bodied reader , fem pronouns , reader gets called , “baby” , “slut” , dumbification , thigh riding, fingering , cock warming , desk sex , praise , degradation , cream pie , sub!reader , meandom —> softdom bf
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Things like studying always would come easy for your bf . For you however , it was pretty difficult. Being the kind , caring and thoughtful boyfriend he is he wanted to help you out and help you study for your upcoming test . You two weren’t in the same class but he thought he would just see where he could help and maybe him being there would be some of the support you need .
He knocked on your off campus apartment door and waited patiently . You opened the door , smiling from ear to ear you were so happy to see your boyfriend - he has been so busy due to tests he has been either in the library or in the comfort of his own bedroom studying . You wrapped your arms around his neck hugging him tightly , “ah- I missed you so so so sooo much” you said wiggling your body and pressing it firmly to him . “I know baby I’m sorry, after all these tests I promise you’ll see me more. Have you started studying yet?” He asked softly , his hand on the small of your back , your sweet boyfriend truly expects the best from you. You pull away from the hug and look down at the floor , “today or like at all?” You said smiling at him . “At all” he deadpanned you. You puffed your cheeks up with air and looked around thinking of an answer . He sighed before walking into your apartment and closing the door behind him , you took his hand and lead him to your bedroom before flopping down onto your bed.
He walked to your desk and overlooked your worksheets and the blank study guide you were given by your teacher. His eyebrows furrowed and he stared at you , who was now laying on your stomach , scrolling through tiktok on your phone , kicking your feet in the air. “Have you seriously not done any of this y/n?” . You shook your head without looking at him , “nope” with the “p” accentuated to make a popping sound . “Baby come- sit here I’ll help you” he said sitting in your desk chair patting his lap for you to sit down . You giddily jumped up with your phone in hand , “leave that there” he said in a more firm tone. You didn’t mind , you threw your phone back down onto your bed and sat down onto your bf’s lap giggling like a school girl .
Your bf slowly went over the contents he wanted you to start today , it would be between 30 minutes - 1 hour of studying then you’d be allowed an allocated 15 minute break before starting again . You huffed when he finished explaining . Your pink glossy lips pressed together and pouted , “but I’ve really missed you- can we?” Your fingers danced up and down his toned bicep . His expression darkened and his tongue pressed against the inside of his mouth , “so that’s what this is? You dressed up all cute because you missed me and missed my cock stretching you out?” He asked in a low voice . You nodded excitedly, “mhm mhm- can we then I’ll study or whatever I promise” you grinned at your boyfriend . “I came over and I was so pleased you finally wanted to study- but no you just want to be a cock slut . Per usual” . You huffed , “it’s not per usual anymore since you never wanna dick me down anymore” . The slight annoyance and anger in your boyfriends tone made you giddy, and extremely desperate.
You began to shift whilst sitting on your bf’s lap, it had been so long since he had touched you , you squirmed with your legs either side on one of his toned thighs . You tried to grind your hips down as conspicuous as possible but of course he noticed his pants starting to dampen and how you squeezed your thighs around his . “Y/n focus or I won’t be touching you at all” he said pointing down at your study guide which was still very lacklustre. You huffed , “it’s been two weeks- that’s like so many hours without dick” your boyfriend “tsked” in response , “is dick all you think about? Is that why you’re so bad at studying? You wanna be a dumb slut instead?” . You bit down on your bottom lip , grinding your damp sex against your boyfriends thigh yet again , “for you yeah” , “focus on this” , “can you help I dunno where to start” .
After another five minutes of studying your boyfriend started to become annoyed by how much you were being sidetracked by your own horniness. “Stop grinding yourself on me” he said holding your hips in place . After a while of you huffing and puffing complaining , your boyfriend grew impatient . “Such a slut. You wanna act like a slut? You’re gonna be treat like one” he said before flipping your mini skirt up and shoving his hands down into your panties , his fingers becoming drenched with your slick , “how are you this wet from just sitting here? I bet you thought I’d just fuck you as soon as I got here and disregard studying, you’re probably wearing the panties I bought you . Is that right?” . Your bottom lip between your teeth , you nodded furiously as his thick fingers started to circle your throbbing clit , he moved his hand down to insert two fingers inside your sloppy cunt , making you mewl out his name . “Stand up” your boyfriend instructed as he removed his fingers from your throbbing sex , you gasped and clenched around the emptiness that was once filled by his fingers .
Your boyfriend was now the impatient one , he grabbed your hips and pulled you up , once you were standing in front of him he flipped your skirt up to confirm his theory and laughed dryly when he saw that he was right , before taking his index and middle finger and looping it into the band of your panties before ripping them down so they fell around your ankles , “kick them off” he instructed, you got all giddy again when you heard the sound of his belt unbuckling and the zipper of his pants pulling down . Before you knew it , his hands were gripping your hips again but this time to pull you back down , he began to slowly inch his cock into you , he hissed between his teeth when feeling you adjust to his size and length after a long time of not experiencing this feeling.
You gripped the arms of your chair for support as your boyfriend’s dick began to rip you down the middle , you had forgotten how big it was . Your eyes rolled into the back of your head , tongue lolling out of your mouth when he finally bottomed out . Your bf was feeling mean and didn’t even give you a second to adjust before he started manually bouncing you up and down on his cock making you chant his name like a mantra . He smiled against your shoulder , “my pretty baby missed this cock hm?” You could only nod and moan , felt too good to give him a proper response .
Until he stopped. You whined , “huh? I thought you were fucking me? Why did you stop?” You said babbling like a baby . His hands returned to your hips , “you haven’t even got half way through your work. I wasn’t gonna let you get your own way? So go on continue” . You grumbled , “with your cock inside?” He hummed and nodded before tapping the work sheets in front of you yet again.
After 45 minutes of working you had gotten through basically all of your worksheets with the help of your boyfriend , maybe you just focused better with his cock inside you? Your boyfriend kissed your shoulder blade , “well done baby. You did exactly what I expected. Such a good girl for me aren’t you?” . You nodded in response , “thank you” . “Thank you?” “Thank you daddy” you beamed up at him. “Grind on my cock baby , get me hard again I’ll fuck you good I promise” he said kissing the back of your neck down the nape of your neck . You always did what your bf told you , after all he only wanted what was best for you . Your hips rocked back and forth on his cock , his hands digging into your soft thighs and hips , “stand up” he said impatiently, before swiping all of your work off of your desk and pushing your torso forward , your face pressed against your desk. “ah- wait what’re you doing?” You said furrowing your eyebrows . “I’m giving you your reward for focusing so well” he said palming his hardening cock since it had previously become soft since cock warming him.
His muscular thighs began to slap against your soft thighs . The sounds of your bodies colliding together filled the room along with the soft pants from your mouth and praises from your boyfriend , “you take me so well baby- I missed you I have . Fuck- don’t clench down on me like that” he had a bruise leaving grip on your hips but you didn’t care you just wanted him to fuck you. Your brain was practically mush and you were a puddle in his hands . “Feels good doesn’t it? You’re close aren’t you?” He said grinning and his cock continuing to bully your gummy spots . At this point thinking was out of the picture , your eyes rolled into the back of your head and tears welled up in your eyes . Your jaw was practically unhinged, your boyfriend kept cooing praises into your ear making your slutty cunt spasm and clench around his cock pummelling your pussy. Your body was limp , “come on come on my cock baby- I’ll fill you up just how you like come on” he grunted out , those words was all you needed before your body began to shake and cream around his cock , leaving a clear ring of slick around the base of his cock. Due to you clenching down so much it caused your boyfriend to dump his long awaited load deep into your womb , he kept pumping until every last drop seeped into you.
He pulled out collapsing back down into the seat pull you onto him , he pressed a deep kiss onto your lips , “such a pretty baby.” You babbled in response still unable to think about anything at all , “maybe I should just always have my dick in you when you need to study” he smiled against you .
Choso kamo , kento nanami , suguru geto , jean kirstein , armin arlert , kise ryota, takashi mitsuya , Atsumu Miya , Wakatoshi Ushijima , kei tsukishima , keigo takami (hawks) , hajime iwaizumi
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ruershrimo · 2 months
take me back (take me with you) | f. megumi x fem! reader | chapter 7: conversation
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ao3 link for additional author’s notes | playlist | prev | next | m.list
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chapter synopsis:
' “I can’t believe you’re leaving us for a boy," she goes, rolling her eyes. She doesn't even blink.
“I’m not.” You are. '
Megumi calls you back. You leave for Tokyo again, like a soul yearning for its body.
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word count: ~6k; tws: none for now :)!!
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“So you’re really going to let go of them now?” your father asks. 
“That’s good. I’ll miss that Itadori boy, though.” 
You will, too. 
In a way you suppose Megumi and Yuuji are very similar. They’d go well together, be good, fast friends and all that. 
They’re both undoubtedly good people, no matter how they’ve beat people up before and how different their beliefs may be. 
In Megumi’s case, everyone knew how good a person Tsumiki was, her younger brother included. Her kindness and virtue extended itself, inspiring other people around her. But Megumi was a good person, too— polite, patient (most of the time, unless it were Gojo— but who wouldn’t be annoyed by that man, right?), kind in his own way. He cared for you in all sorts of ways in the past, even then you could tell, gentle with animals and objects and your hand. Gentle in his own way. Giving you reminders despite the tiny calumniations sprinkled in (they barely do as much damage as comb bristles can), being sharp because he must have had to, kind because it was in his very nature. Easy on the eyes, tall, deep soothing voice— he ticked all the boxes for that, too. You bet that if things were different, and the two of you had stayed in touch with each other, you’d have fallen deeply in love with it by now. Yet that thought only makes you feel sour now that things hadn’t gone that way at all. 
And Yuuji, too— there was no explanation needed for Yuuji. Even Megumi could tell he was a good person. And at some times he was almost like Tsumiki. You weren’t ever surprised that you’d caught feelings for him, because— who wouldn’t? He was always popular, even if he was ignorant of his own charm around others. But he wasn’t just a good guy with a ripped torso, he was honest, perceptive and smart in conversations. Smarter than he ever credited himself for. Smart in a way you could never be— people with cute faces, nice bodies and good social skills were in a league of their own, practically. You’d thought that for a long time. 
Did either of them ever know how you felt? 
Probably not. Your heart was guarded, intensely so, and you’d never lay your feelings bare and out so easily. You weren’t the type of person to say you loved people as easily as others did, even within your own family. 
This, you presume, is probably an acquired trait, now that you think about it. You were much more different as a child, free with praise and love and unabashed affection as well as appreciation for the people around you. What changed?
You miss 2010. You miss Tsumiki the way you miss your mother’s cooking, miss her the way you miss when you wrote emails and letters and text messages to her with multi-coloured pens or your old phone that eventually broke a year after. You miss the conversations the two of you had, miss how you used to be your parents’ little angel. 
And in the end it all comes back to that, doesn’t it? 2010. Nostalgia. Reminiscing on old memories in a way akin to how the elderly do in their youth. That just made you seem more pathetic, because, weren’t you supposed to be making those memories right now, at this time of your life? 
You’re a teenager. You should be going out with friends, and having fun, not rotting at home ruminating on the past, with the only friends you’ve ever had hundreds of kilometres away from you (you weren’t sure if you could even call one of them a ‘friend’ anymore), and your acquaintances not close enough to replace them (how could they ever? How could there ever be a replacement for Yuuji?) 
In a way you feel your life is miserable: awkward, socially-impaired teenage girl with her only friend practically out of her life at this point; nothing special to your name besides a cursed technique that most times does you more harm than good; stuck not being able to completely get over friends she met at eight who left her as quickly as someone can blink their eyes; with the thinking process of a nagging, stubborn mother sometimes, or if not that then a blurry, mingled train of thought that gets delayed or lost when moving from station to station; someone not of use at all. Not miserable, you think to yourself like a slap to the face, pathetic. 
You’re not sure how Tsumiki is now— maybe she has a partner, or better friends than you were, or she’s busy being president of the student council or something (she’d be a sterling leader, of that you’re certain, that girl who you’d always known was bound to go places in the span of her lifetime). 
Hopefully, she’s alright, and doing the best she can in life. That’s all you wish for when it comes to Tsumiki. 
At this point, there’s no point in wishing to join them, or to linger on them and memories of the past. It’s a mosquito in summer heat, which is why, if it stays, you decide, you’ll just suppress and ignore it until it goes away. Even if you didn’t know how long it would take you to get over them— weeks, months, but goodness forbid a whole lifetime or forever— you needed to accept that you’d be like this for nearly the rest of your life: pathetic, lonely— ah, that’s the word that so very perfectly delineates the situation you’re in— and then some. 
So that’s why, when you hear your phone buzzing on your bed like a cicada during a balmy night, you assume it’s someone else. Yuuji must be busy settling in (he’s been texting you, and you took that as a sign that he wouldn’t call), and Megumi must be… —Well. Megumi has made a promise, and it’s not that you don’t believe in him, but it would be better to expect less than what you’d like to in order to evade disappointment. 
Must be someone else. A prank call, or a scammer, or something. Or a telemarketer, but you’d be surprised if telemarketers were calling you and not your father. And you were never one to pick calls up mindlessly anyway, so if it were some stranger out to get you or swindle you, you’d just hang up or check the number. 
If not either a scam or a telemarketer (well you suppose both of those could be scams in certain contexts), though, then you’d suspect it would be either Yuuji (Yuuji’s the one who has been texting you, after all, conversations strewn over checking in with the other over the past few hours or snippets of advice from you telling him not to bother Megumi very much, and to be cautious and keep himself safe) or Gojo— definitely not Megumi, and probably not Gojo either, but still it was more likely that Gojo was calling you instead of Megumi, so you’re considering it— and you can’t really remember Gojo’s number anyway, so what if an unknown number wasn’t a prank call or something—
You wonder if you should just pick it up instead of burying your head in your study notes and overthinking everything. 
But you know it’s definitely not Megumi. 
You check the phone. 
Well, you’ll be damned. 
It’s Fushiguro Megumi. 
You know his number by heart, after all. Keyed it in too many times to forget, and it’s not like he’d have any reason to change it. Not with the way he cares for things, inanimate objects, not with the tenderly quiet, secretly caring, emotionally jaded way he maintains them. 
“Ah… hello?” 
Your heart thumps in your chest and heat flares up in your cheeks with a frenetic speed. 
“Hi,” you blurt out, shakily. You’re sure your voice is quivering, yet your mind feels like it’s barely functioning, almost about to drown in a seven-feet-deep pool, so you can’t really tell. You can’t really hear yourself. 
You don’t know why you feel like this— no, you know exactly why, actually. It’s because you haven’t gotten over him. Your thoughts are scrambled but you know, for sure, that you’re like this because you want to get rid of feelings like these but you can’t. Or because you’ve been saying that to yourself like a mantra, for so long, even though a part of you wants it to stay— out of what, that’s what you don’t know; maybe desperation or nostalgia or an inability to stop dwelling on days long gone. But you know what this is— you’ve seen the movies, read the manga, watched the dramas. It’s romance. Crushes. Something you’re not quite able to call love yet, something you’re too scared to properly name, still, but something you can understand is one-sided nonetheless. 
“…hi. [Name].” 
What happens when two estranged childhood friends with a book’s worth of history behind their relationship that happen to be socially awkward teenagers actually have a conversation semi-beyond what keeps them estranged in the first place? 
“Hi— no, wait… how are you?” 
Pot, meet kettle, because you’re going off nothing but the fact that you’re at the very least surprised (the other emotions are too complicated to explain) that he’s speaking to you again, and not just on text, but he’s calling, and he sounds like he’s reading off a script, but the script is in a whole other language, somehow, and the uncertain nervousness in his voice is tangible, even for a deep, low voice like his. 
Script or not, you appreciate the effort, though. 
“I’m good, um… I’m happy you were able to call. It’s been a long time.” 
“That’s good.” 
There’s silence on the other line; time feels like it’s moving achingly slowly. But you’re mildly happy. 
Not happy, maybe, but you definitely feel light, as if you’ve been severed from the heaviness of everything else that has happened lately. This is the first time in years something like this has ever happened. 
“Ah, wait, I forgot to ask! Sorry, um.. how are you?” 
“I’m doing alright, too. Oh, wait, I should apologise. I didn’t tell you— thanks for helping with my injuries the other day. Gojo told me about it after you left. You… you didn’t have to, though. You shouldn’t have risked your health like that.” 
You shake your head. “Don’t mention it. You know why I do this, anyway.” Out of necessity or a need to be useful, you’re not even sure yourself, but he must know, to some degree, right? It seems as if he’d be the one to know the most of this, of you— at least, when matters came to this. “And I’ll be fine, don’t worry. Dr Ieiri probably ended up helping more with the bigger ones once the three of you got back. I mean, she did, right?” 
“…no. She said that she didn’t want to waste her time, so if injuries were more minor like mine, she wouldn’t heal them fully.” 
“...ah.” More minor? Seriously, doctor? You’d normally not question her judgement over matters that she had more expertise in dealing with, but seriously? 
“I’ll be fine, though. Most of the bandages have come off, and all.” 
“I’m glad to hear that.” 
You wonder where he is now, on the bed, maybe, or sitting on the floor. You’ve seen the classrooms, but not the dormitories— you hope wherever he is, that it’s comfortable. That he’s okay. 
“We’re going to see a new student soon.” 
“Really? Have you met them before?” 
“No, but Gojo said she’s from the countryside. But we’re meeting her in Harajuku, for some reason.” 
“Oh, Harajuku! I miss it,” you let out a plaintive sigh, “I can’t wait to be back in Tokyo. You know, whatever happens, I still love that city like nothing else. I know how many people hate it, but I love it so much.” And you love it so much in the first place, mostly because of Megumi and Tsumiki. “Maybe she just wants to chase a bit of the sweet city life— I mean, you know how it is when country bumpkins go to the city for the first time… kind of. Or when they love the city— yeah, that’s a better way of saying it. I was like that, kind of.” 
“...if you’re worried about the train ride here and want to travel alone, I could always pay for you. Uh… wait—” 
“Oh, no, no! There’s no need, uhm— thank you anyway, it’s just—” 
“It’s Gojo’s money anyway.” 
“Pft,” you snort. Anything to seep out some of Gojo’s money like gluttonous leeches, right? “Nah, I’ll be fine. I mean, I don’t even think I’ll be able to come back in a few years’ time, and by then I won’t even be relying on my parents’ money for this stuff anymore— I mean, I will still be relying on their money, but I’ll be managing it as my own.” 
He chuckles lightly over the line, the silent way he shows his emotions, the way that goes unnoticed if one is not attentive to it. It feels like he’s whispering directly into your ear, and the heat on your face (which you weren’t even sure was still there until that point). Your heart skips a beat and it completely, absolutely shocks you. “...the offer still stands.” 
Yeah, you can get behind it if he’s like this now. What happened to him, anyway? Puberty hit him like a brick and gave him, like, one more ounce of emotional maturity? 
You shake your head like a character in a piece of crappy romance fanfiction. No way. Not now, at least. Calm down. 
(...you’re just a girl.) 
“Well, no take backs from now on, okay? Even if it’s, like, five years into the future, you’ll still be using Gojo’s credit card to cover for all my travel expenses.” 
He does it again, that low, soft, attractive sound. Makes you want to hit him and hit yourself at the same time, and then kick your feet up in the air giddily, and then throttle yourself, if it were possible, out of sheer embarrassment. “Yeah.” 
You’re having the time of your life. 
“Anyway, how is everything else? Like, are your studies and grades okay? Is the training you do alright to handle?” 
“My grades are pretty okay,” he answers, “Not like Gojo cares, honestly. And the training’s fine, it’s nothing I’m not used to.” 
“Gojo seems like he’d be a good teacher. When he wants to, he can command respect pretty easily, too. I guess he just… chooses not to. But I saw it yesterday, when you and Yuuji were passed out in the hospital.” 
It still strikes a pang of guilt in your chest, your inability to have done anything else besides calling Gojo over for help. 
“...I suppose he does.” 
“How about you? Itadori, he… he can be an idiot sometimes, but he speaks of you really admirably. He talks about how smart you are a lot.” 
The thought of Megumi calling Yuuji an idiot of all things doesn’t feel like it falls short from him, but it still makes you frown— though, you realise that that’s just his way of expressing things, because in a way he’d treated you somewhat the same in the past, even if he hadn’t shown it outright or expressed it very vividly. Classic Megumi. 
“Hey, he’s smarter than people give him credit for, okay? Wait until you see how talented he is at things other than sports and martial arts. You’d be surprised after trying the meatballs he makes. Would be good if you asked him to give you the recipe sometime; I make them, like, once a week, at least.” 
He sighs, “...I will. But the point is, he cares for you a lot.” 
“Yeah, beautiful soul, that guy. Loves people the way curious children love nature.” 
“That would be a fitting way to put it.” 
“How are the dogs?” 
“My shikigami?” 
“Yeah. Do they have names?” 
“The black one is Kuro and the white one is Shiro.” 
“You named them black and white?” 
“Look, I named them when I was barely six years old, and six year olds aren’t exactly the best when it comes to these things…” 
You giggle, “So the name stuck?” 
“Yeah, sort of.” 
Real cute. 
“What about your father? How is he?” 
“He’s okay, but, well. I guess we’re not that close anymore.” 
“...I see.” He probably can’t imagine a version of you who wasn’t immensely close to her parents. You couldn’t then, either. 
“We’ve been talking even less now that my mother’s in the hospital, but at least I get to talk to him before he eats, maybe. I’ve been doing most of the cooking now that my mother isn’t here and my father doesn’t really know how to handle himself in our kitchen without her guidance.” 
“Oh… if you don’t mind me asking, what happened to your mother?” 
You can practically hear the gulp he’s taking, the bobbing of his throat— sensitive topic. “I’m… so sorry to hear that.” 
“It’s okay, don’t be,” you reassure him, “I should have told you that day anyway. I was just… exploding at everybody on that night. I should apologise— I’m sorry for how badly I treated you.” 
“No,” he goes, “No, you shouldn’t. I understand why you were like that that night. And it was mostly my fault, too, so…” 
“No, no, I’m serious! Feel free to ask almost anything as long as I have actual answers to your questions and all.” 
“Still… I just wanted to know. Sorry if I caused you any trouble.” 
“No— you didn’t do any of that at all, don’t worry! I’m alright with people asking about this. Ah, anyway… besides Yuuji, do you have any friends?” 
“Itadori and I aren’t friends.” 
“Trust me, if I asked him, I bet he’d beg to differ. Yuuji’s like that with people— soon he’ll be more important to you than you could have ever thought at first.”  
“Whatever you say,” he sort of grunts, “But I don’t have any friends, I think… except you, maybe. What about you?” 
You were honestly expecting him not to consider you a friend at all, and at this point so much has happened that wouldn’t even be that bothered if he no longer thought of you as one but called you anyway out of his commitment to his promises, or as an apology. 
“I’m surprised you can still call me a friend,” you say. Calling people instead of talking to them physically does something to your inhibitions. 
“...should I not?” 
“No, no, I’m happy,” you say over the phone. You’ll forget this conversation tomorrow, at least, when the sun has risen and the night returns back the hold you have over yourself, your composure, to you. You’ll act like this never happened. So you’ll say whatever you want to now, disgorging yourself of years of withheld secrets. “I’m happy that we’re still friends. I think I like that. 
“Um— yeah, it seems like a good place to start,” you grin slightly. “And I, well. I don’t really have any friends beyond Yuuji,” —You’re not even sure if Tsumiki still sees you as a friend— “Even if I may have acquaintances like Sasaki or Iguchi it still feels like Yuuji’s one of the only people I can give that kind of title to, so, um… the more the merrier?” 
“That’s… nice.” 
“...it is, isn’t it?” 
“Thank you.” 
Why? “Okay.” 
The two of you go through the next few seconds in silence, time feeling like it’s blending and bleeding into a mix of years and events. You can hear the light, steady sound of his breathing from the other line. If you could, you’d sleep to it— fuck the phone bill, you’ll be the one paying it in your father’s stead this time if it was for this. 
It’s comforting, and you don’t want to break it— the quiet. If he can hear you now, can hear how you’re breathing through a smile with your chest only slightly moving, you hope it feels the same as the sound of his breathing did for you. You hope it feels just like home. Like a warm pillow in the one place you love the most that you bury your head into when the weather gets especially cold. 
Oh dear. 
Wincing at the sound of the creaking door’s shrill shriek as it's opened and then hits the wall, you know exactly who it is— you’d recognise that voice anywhere. 
“Is that Yuuji?” 
“Oi! I told you not to barge into my room like that!” Megumi shouts. 
“Huh? You’re calling someone? Sorry. Wait, is it [Name]?” 
“It’s none of your business.” 
“Hi, Yuuji.” 
“Can I talk to her?” 
“Is it alright if we do, Megumi? Just for a few seconds.” 
“Fine,” he sighs. You can practically hear that eye roll. 
“Yo!” he cheers. 
“Has everything been okay lately?” you ask. 
“Yeah. We’re meeting a new student soon.”
“Ah, yeah. Megumi told me.” 
“—Oh, and my uniform came in! It looks pretty neat.” 
“That’s good. Maybe you can send me a picture once you start wearing it, then.” 
“I will!” 
Things are going better than you thought they would. 
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It’s been a few days now. 
You don’t know Sasaki and Iguchi well enough to call them friends, but the three of you do know each other. You had never decided to change any contacts with them, and considering that they and you were never closer than acquaintances, friends of a friend— you had never really regretted it. But now that Yuuji is gone— and you know he’s not dead, but still— you wonder whether you should have gotten closer to them, just to be less alone once Yuuji left, even if it could not be the way things were with Yuuji. (“I thought I was a pretty lonely guy, and sometimes I still do. Like— I mean, you’re a lonely girl too sometimes, I think,” he had told you as you patched him up.) 
Still, Yuuji and you were two peas in a pod— so they’re bound to ask what happened to him soon enough, especially Iguchi. 
You’ll have to start getting used to spending your Thursdays alone. And then you’d have to start getting used to every other day without him, too. If you went to the arcade or watched movies or sing-screamed the lyrics to English songs you don’t know the Japanese translations of without his presence there, you know how it wouldn’t feel the same. In life it’s not what you do that matters, you’ve come to realise— it’s who you’re doing these things with. That’s what puts meaning to it all and makes all things done in your life worthwhile. 
The two of them pass you by during lunch. 
“[Last Name]? —Oh, hey!” Sasaki says as she turns around. 
You almost scream and run away like a mouse fleeing from the eyes of a vicious house cat, tremors in your voice. “Hello…” 
“Where’s Yuuji, by the way? The occult club’s going to fall apart without him.” 
You pause. “He transferred to another school…” 
“Huh?” she goes, Iguchi almost reeling back in shock. “Transferred? But why? We’ve barely even made it to the middle of the year!” 
“I… I don’t know, it was something really urgent,” 
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Your room is a cluttered mess— lucky as you are that it’s the weekend, the past week has been a rollercoaster that knocked your room’s usual standard of cleanliness off track. Scattered all over your desk were worksheets, notebooks, graph paper pages and foolscap paper, chicken-scratch writing and meticulous notes scribbled all over them to compensate for your absence the day after the incident took place. 
It isn’t the time or the discipline you lack— it’s just that it’s going to be awfully tedious. You’ll have to wipe your desk again, and clean the walls, and sort through all your clothes, too, since you haven’t been folding them in any way that isn’t merely fastidious and nearly careless. So as you get to work, you suppose that calling someone wouldn’t hurt. 
Maybe you could call Megumi. That would be okay. 
For the past few years, you’ve never noticed it. So when you do, it hits you like a bullet train at the fastest of speeds. 
You miss him. Not just in the way you miss 2010, the way you miss the past, the way you miss and mourn the person you used to be. It had been so obvious for Tsumiki, but not for him, and now that you know this it’ll be another quiet revelation— another rediscovery of fragments of yourself concealed by memories. 
You miss him— all of him; you yearned to be his friend again because he was unlike Tsumiki who you knew cherished you as you did her; you miss him regardless of who he is now, because somewhere inside him is the boy who read dog books and brought you to the school library and ran your finger through water when you burned it. Somewhere inside him is the person who offered to hold your bag as he walked with you through a snowy garden, and helped you when your nose bled. 
So it would be okay to call Megumi right now. 
“Fushiguro speaking.” 
“Hi, Megumi. Are you busy?” 
“Not right now.” 
“Want to call?” 
“Fushiguro!” It’s Yuuji. “Wanna go—” 
“I said I’m not going!” 
You chuckle, “Be nice. Were the two of you supposed to go somewhere?” 
“Nothing important. Gojo said he wanted us to ‘bond’ with each other, so he concluded that we could watch a movie. Some kind of gory horror film or something.” 
He’s… actually making an obvious effort not to scold Yuuji that much or call him some insulting, derogatory term this time… wow. 
“Ah, yeah. Yuuji likes his horror movies.” 
“Anyway, anything urgent you wanted to tell me?” 
“No, I’m just… uh—” you laugh nervously, “I’m just a little bored.” Nowadays you’re not really sure what he’d do— scold you, maybe, or roll his eyes so hard that you can hear it over the line, or he may even flash into a quick bit of awkwardness and hesitation through his words. 
Or maybe— and this was the worst of it all, he’d ask why you were calling him, and his bouts of awkwardness would have only been something temporary, soon to be replaced once again by anger and annoyance, the same he gives to everyone else— even if you knew he didn’t always mean it, per se. No more special treatment for you. 
“Yeah, uh… I have to clean, and usually it’s not as much as what I have to do today, so I just thought that since the only other person in the house is my father and we don’t really talk much anymore, we could, um… chat for a while. Yeah.” 
“Uh-huh, so.” You stand up, leaving your phone on your desk and putting the call on speaker mode. The mountain of papers and books is a wasteland and your desk has been degraded to a landfill— the state of it would make your mother a wailing mess— no, she’d faint instantly as soon as she saw it, becoming worse of a mess than the table itself was. “Anything interesting happened lately?” 
“Not really.” 
“Oh—! Yuuji sent me a picture of his uniform the other day. Was that one special?” 
“Yeah. But they let students make adjustments to the uniform, and he said he hadn’t changed anything, so I think that was Gojo’s doing.” 
“Oh, well, that’s Gojo. It suits him, though, right? Not to sound mean or be presumptuous, but…” you chuckle, “When you wear the uniform, you look so formal. It’s not a bad thing— it’s just that Yuuji’s just always been more casual like that. And the red of the hoodie goes with his hair, too!” 
“I guess so.” 
“I can’t imagine you wearing anything other than the default uniform, though. Not to insult you, I mean, you still look good in the normal uniform, I just— can’t imagine it.” You remark, sorting the materials and books by size and subject. You’ve got to handle some of the drawers, too, now that you’ve started and can’t stop your momentum just yet. You can already feel the dust particles that have gathered on whatever is inside them still, jostling around once you’ve taken them out. 
“If you’re going to say it like that, you can just say it outright.” 
“No, no! I mean that I just can’t imagine you wearing, like, Yuuji’s uniform. Wait, what do the other students’ uniforms look like?” 
“The second years?” 
“Yeah. Did they choose the normal ones?” 
“Inumaki did. They have three boys and one girl, but only two of the boys wear the normal uniform. Okkotsu has a special uniform in white.” 
“Oh, I see,” you nod your head, “It’s a nice uniform, though. I wish I could wear a uniform that pretty.” 
“You could always enrol yourself here,” he suggests, “They’d welcome you with open arms.” 
“Maybe they will,” you chuckle, “But my mother would be adamant on me staying in the ‘normal’ world. She’s unyielding like that.” 
“And your father?”
“Wouldn’t mind, at least I don’t think…” you say, “I’ll have to wonder when to tell him if I do end up in jujutsu high; you never know when he’s mad. He’s always unpredictable like that nowadays and it’s not… particularly pleasant.” 
“I see. It would be good if you were here, though. You would be closer to Dr Ieiri that way. And it would do good, because, um… well, I’d like you here. You’d be… good for the people around you here.” 
“Ah, you— you would?” you ask, slightly phased— not like he hasn’t been a bit nicer to you since you’ve seen him again (maybe it was the awkwardness, maybe it was the guilt). “Thank you,” you say, the corners of your mouth tugging up sheepishly, heading to the dusty drawer (you haven’t touched it in what feels like years, usually excluding it from your list of things to clean). 
After a scrupulous amount of wiping away at the dust outside of and surrounding it, you open the drawer with a slight bit of anticipation— you don’t expect much, but you’re a person who lingers on the past like a ghost that has forgotten how time has passed. There wouldn’t be much in this drawer to reminisce on, you presume, but you still approach it with an eager fascination— you’re the type to do so, after all. 
Of everything there, the most noteworthy are two things you grabbed almost immediately— you could never forget how they felt, and the weight that they held in your life back then: a letter, addressed but never delivered to the person you were talking to right now, and a cigarette with a hastily scribbled slew of numbers on it and a lipstick mark on its end. 
Oh, that letter. That letter.  
From what you remember, you’ve never rebelled against your parents before. At least, not with anything major— for a long time, you were their good girl, and you never disobeyed them, as much as you wanted to at times. You still are, still stuck with that age-old drive to be useful. (But was there even a point in that anymore? At least, was there one with your parents?). You didn’t picture yourself as any kind of righteous goody-two-shoes, but you definitely weren’t a rebel or a delinquent. You followed their instructions and seldom ever questioned what they told you, and so it had always been subtly implanted in your brain that they would be alright with anything you did or said. Yet the first time you did actually start to question them, you realised that their belief in your ‘obedience’ as pure love— and maybe it was; you loved them so much you were blinded and trusted them with everything and did anything they wanted their baby to do— you realised they only treated you so lovingly if you were not an actual person with your own ideals and beliefs. 
(But they still loved you, right?) 
Even now, you still do obey them and listen to them. If your father needed anything, he could consider it done; if your mother wanted her clothes to be patched up you’d try your utmost best to withstand the pricking of needles and bring it back to her hospital room with bandaged fingers. It was like that with your mother: even if at times it seemed like the only pain she wanted for you was callouses from a pen or pricks from needles, at other times you feel she could have known you’d end up like her, maybe. Maybe she saw it as a curse: the worlds the two of you were born in were different, and she wanted you to stay in yours, lest you die or live in a world of endless pain. 
You’ve been doing it for a long time: being dismissive of yourself, prone to self-prostration, subservient; the lovingness of a mother, the sweetness of a teenage girl (you hoped), the kindness of a caring friend. Maybe it was Tsumiki— maybe it was because you’d always seen this in Tsumiki. She was always smiling, always caring; taking on the weight of motherhood before she could carry the weight of her school bag. Hugging you with her saccharine smile; braiding her hair with gentle hands and holding your wrist with her hair tie on it even gentler. (You still have it with you. You had planned to start taking it off more once Yuuji left, but you suppose some habits take longer than a week to develop.) All while having that sickening, fantastical, mysterious sweetness of a teenage girl in what you now understand could have been a hidden misery— because caring for someone like a mother while suppressing the thoughts that spoke to you to act like a child was something you wanted to replicate until you realised you understood it. And then you no longer wanted to recreate it. (Maybe that was the way it was for every woman or girl you knew: watching someone you loved hurt themself or not being able to do anything to prevent it when they started. Life was a cycle that way. A very annoying, frustrating one full of unfortunate circumstances and wrongly-picked out decks of cards.) 
“…you know what? I think I may be able to come,” you tell him. 
“You don’t have to go against your father for our sake.” 
“No, don’t worry about it. I think I know who to ask for help. Thank you, Megumi.” 
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“Hi, Dr Ieiri?” 
“Kid? That you?” she goes, the slightest bit of excitement stark against her usual deadpan tone. “I thought you’d never call because of that old man.” 
“Haha, yeah— sorry to disturb you, but, um, Dr Ieiri? I may want to take you up on that offer, by the way, but um, I’m still on the fence. I mean, I know I want to be like you and do what you do but… I don’t know, I’m not quite sure about leaving the two of them alone here and all. But anyway, I just called you because I wanted to ask if there was, you know, any way you could get me to Tokyo somehow. I need to pass something to someone, but, um… I guess I’m going with this with the hope that I’ll change my mind and join you. But I’m… perpetually on the fence for now, I guess.” 
“Pft,” she snorts, “You little rebel, I’m in. I’ll see what I can do.” 
“Thank you so much.” 
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The decision and the plan were made as swiftly as you could. 
You decide to tell your father— you wouldn’t want to deceive him, after all. At least, you’d give him a quick notice. And then you’d leave. Like a snowflake before the first day of spring. He’ll probably tell your mother.  
“I’m leaving for Tokyo for a while,” you say, “I’ll be back before you can even realise I’m gone. Invitation from Dr Ieiri.” 
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“Why?” your father asks, the night before you leave. He suggested going out together at least once before you left. He always knew when you were making white lies. 
“I guess that maybe I’m just too much like you, Daddy.” 
For the first time in years he hugs you on the doorstep, patting you on the back on the day you’re set to leave. “Make sure you study and work hard,” he reminds you. 
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“I’m leaving for Tokyo,” you announce.
“I can’t believe you’re leaving us for a boy,” she goes, rolling her eyes. She doesn’t even blink. 
“I’m not.” You are. 
“You know, your father travelled all over the country to see me again after we’d first met.” 
“Oh. Okay?” 
“And he’s always been dedicated to his job and dedicated to helping people.” 
“Uh huh.” 
“I’m saying that the two of you are very similar. I’ve lived through this story before,” she states, “And you look just like your father right now.” your mother says. She hasn’t smiled the way she used to— you remember it vividly, that vibrant gleam in her, the liveliest and loveliest of life— in ages and you don’t think she will, not now of all times. 
“Really? Sometimes he says I take after you more.” 
“You will.” 
It doesn’t feel like a curse. Even if it usually would make your heart well up in guilt, it doesn’t feel like a curse. 
Maybe she knows that her time is running out. Maybe this is resignation. Whatever it is, you hold her hand first, but you’re also the first one to let the other go, your fingers slipping away from hers. You leave the door for the last time in a while, making another round in your life of that carousel of abandonment and reuniting and departures. 
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Dr Ieiri greets you with a calm smile on her pallid face. 
“Good to see you again.” 
“It’s good to be back here,” you sigh. 
It is. 
You keep your hand on your other hand’s wrist, holding them in front of you. The cherry hair tie on it feels warm against your skin as you exit the station, summer heat embracing it softly. 
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@bakananya, @sindulgent666, @shartnart1, @lolmais, @mechalily, @pweewee, @notsaelty, @nattisbored
(please send an ask/state in the notes if you'd like to join! if I can't tag your username properly, I've written it in italics. so sorry for any trouble!)
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milaswriting · 1 year
Update. — 27th June 2023.
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Happy Pride Month 🌈 to those who have been celebrating. Much love to you all.
It's been a while since a progress update which isn't great from me, but now I'm posting one with a much neater and more professional look. My thoughts are that I'll post these at least once a month so readers are always kept in the loop as I feel like I've kept you all in the dark recently about what’s been going on. Anywhoo…
Firstly, I finished my undergraduate degree! My results that came out confirmed that I'll be graduating. I’m graduating with a 1st which is the highest degree classification that can be awarded in the UK — so, this writer is kinda smart and will be throwing a grad cap in the air — so that's kind of a huge personal accomplishment!
But more importantly, in interactive fiction terms anyway, I finished chapter 10! It's done. She's a chunky chapter that's full of loads of... stuff and drama! There's so much going on in the chapter: angst, comfort, a new character, found family — so you're in for a ride, to say the least.
I made a few changes too. The reader can choose/input their own pronouns, your mc can choose whether or not they wear glasses, there are new graphics for those that play with a black background (shown below!), alongside some editorial stuff — new choices etc. It's now with the beta readers.
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On top of chapter 10, there's also Tumblr stuff that will be made available. I've had a cool, chapter 10 sneak peek edit in my drafts that I'll be posting tomorrow. I hit a follower milestone, so when the public update is out I'll be doing a follower giveaway.
Soo, as an overview: in eight months I wrote a 10k word dissertation, bagged a degree, got accepted to do a master's degree, and finished writing a 73k word chapter. So, whilst I hate that this update has been a long time coming, a lot of academic stuff happened in my life which made a lot of things hectic.
I really appreciate you being patient with me. I know it's not easy or fun waiting for wip updates, but there is a Golden one on the horizon and I hope it will be worth the wait.
299 notes · View notes