#'arent they dating now' that has not changed his crush status
inkdemonapologist · 4 months
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[BatIM Cthulhu] MORE CTHULHU SCRIBBLES, this time from session 4!! Here we have, uh,
The yellow fog that's taking over New York seems to be able to hijack people and make them think they're one of the characters from the King in Yellow play. Susie DID get brainwashed but we're unclear on whether the knife-twirling skills were there already. IT JUST WOULDNT SURPRISE ME, U KNOW?
AVEDONS HERE??????? If you don't remember Avedon i dont blame you, he last showed up back in seASON 2, in NOLA, where he lost his mind and locked Sammy and Jack in his closet at gunpoint and then started shooting the host at the masquerade party. He seems a little more sane this go round but everyone decided Sammy and Jack should not be in the welcoming party. Anyway sorry NYC is like this for your visit Avedon, I promise there's usually less dread carcosa
Sammy brought Prophet out to see if he could tell whether or not Peter is THE ONE THE PHANTOM SEEKS and Prophet decided to make sure he was getting an accurate reading by smooshing his hands all over Peter's face. Don't worry about it, Peter!! It's fine. Normal Sammy Behaviour.
And if you'd like some Out of Context quotes from our session, those are under the cut!
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), Jack is played by Mochi (whatyouwantedmetosee) and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[Sammy] *recapping* Joey tried to do some bullshit, and it, uh, made things worse! [GM] It got some attention, it seems! [Joey] EHhhhhhhhh, [Sammy] Yeah, he was doing his nonsense, and then the Phantom showed up because he was doing his nonsense -- [Joey] ehhhhhhhhhhh [Sammy] And then we hit the Phantom with Jack's car! A rational and reasonable response to the unknowable. [Jack] Joey MADE Jack hit the Phantom with his car. [Joey] EHHHHHHHHH, [Jack] Because Jack wouldn't do this on purpose. He likes his car! [Sammy] I think that's entirely reasonable. No reasonable person would have done this course of events.
[Sammy] What happens if you drive a car in Carcosa [Sammy] It's in the name, it should be a good place for cars... [Jack] It actually cancels out because there's two of them, so you just get "Cosa."
[Joey] One of the times, the Mercedes is going to be missing and it's not because of Yellow Sign stuff, it's just that someone finally stole it. [Sammy] Car gets its tires slashed, "THIS IS THE WORK OF THE YELLOW KING!!!"
[Jack] Even if it's safety glass, I feel like Jack doesn't want to sit in a bunch of glass! [Henry] Exfoliation. [Jack] ON HIS BUTT????
[Joey] Just venting about everything that has been happening, but it's clearly all this other guy's fault? [Sammy] I love Joey having no particular distinction between "annoying person who's getting in the way of me making cartoons" and "eldritch entity" - WHICH IS THE SAME THING, it's just an annoying person who's getting in the way of making cartoons! [Joey] YEAH!!
[Sammy] Jack struck me as someone who'd be a cautious driver. [GM] And he let Sammy drive his car?!
[Joey] It's taking Joey a little longer to finish his ritual, because he keeps getting angry and ranting more, [Sammy] "*draws one line* AND ANOTHER THING--!"
[GM] Avedon says you need to watch out for each other, because something's already messing with Norman -- [Joey] what, wAIT-- WHAT? [GM] --and he needs you guys to come find him, he's at this hotel, and he thinks he knows how to destroy the Phantom. [Joey] Have you called Norman? [GM] He says, "Where do you think I got this number?" And then he hangs up. [Joey] .................................................................. [Sammy/Jack/Henry] *IMMEDIATELY LOSING IT* [Jack] *still cracking up* H-how, how mad is Joey right now, [Joey] ...........................I need to look something up.
[Joey] I know way too much about, the history of phone technologies now, [Sammy] This game is educational. Nobody tells you that.
[Joey] What is up with your crazy friend?! [Norman] You're going to have to be more specific.
[Joey] Wait, DID you get a call from Avedon? [GM] Norman says that he got word from The Advisor earlier. [Jack].... Hm. [Sammy] Norman??????? [Joey] ...iS SUSIE STILL THERE, [GM] Uh, yeah! He hands over the phone. [Joey] IS SHE NORMAL????????????????? [GM] She likes to think so!
[Joey] Nobody's going to let Peter choose his own methods of communication, he just gets to RECEIVE [Sammy] Look! He was warned!!
[GM] Peter's glancing at Jack like, is this concerning? [Jack] Well Jack looks CONCERNED, but he's not concerned about this, specifically. This is refreshingly normal.
[Sammy] And the Traitor mercifully absent! [Jack] I know you said "traitor", but I heard "trader," like no that's a different AU, [Joey] Oh good. No Wandering Traders. [everyone makes villager "Hrrrm" noises] [Sammy] Prophet's ALSO murdering llamas for leads, [Jack] I mean, we could do with a lead about now! I don't know if we have any other than Avedon. [Joey] *uncontrollably giggling at this joke for the next 15 seconds* [Sammy] Oh boy, [Joey] *still giggling* iT WAS A REALLY gOOD ONE,,,
[Joey] Does Jack's car look any different to Henry? [Jack] Well there's a weird splat mark in the shape of a guy,
[Sammy] Be vigilant! His will can overtake your own. [Henry] Hm,,, you too,
[GM] Does anyone want to do a summary of where we were at? [Jack] I have an extremely short summary: [Jack] Shit's Fucked.
[Sammy] Avedon told us to meet him because THE WORLD IS IN PERIL [Sammy] which, I think it's really important to remember that Avedon is French, when you imagine him saying the word "peril." That's all.
[Sammy] It's not TOO late to visit people, but it is maybe an awkward time to-- [Jack] When has awkward timing EVER stopped this-- [Sammy] NEVER. It's never stopped us. [Henry] I think it would be weirder if we arrived at an opportune time, at this point! [Joey] It IS a great time for a snake to show up, I feel like. [Sammy] That's true. It's never a wrong time for a snake to show up, honestly.
[Joey] Enough time has passed that Joey will come out to the parking lot. [Sammy] I really thought you were gonna say "come out to the party" [Jack] Joey's coming out? [GM] *laughing* I think they already know!
[Joey] Also, Norman has started acting very weird. [Henry] How? [Joey] You know how, sometimes people start saying things, in situations like this, where they think... [Joey]...yOU KNOW HOW PROPHET DESCRIBES PEOPLE?
[Jack] I can't believe you're splitting up the boyfriends! [Jack] ...as compared to the other boyfriends, [Sammy] I feel like it's really hard to split this party without splitting up some boyfriends somewhere.
[GM] Jack doesn't want to drive and Sammy doesn't know where he's going - ✨TEAMWORK!✨ :D
[Jack] You go through all of Henry's coats and none of them are familiar, and they're all extremely stylish [Henry] That's not Carcosa, that's Joey.
[Jack] Oh no, his accent's Italian now! [Sammy] That's just what happens when you come to New York.
[GM] Make a sanity check. [Henry] For looking at a clarinet???
[Henry] Henry is... maybe taking a closer look out the window. [Sammy] I support him. I'm not there, but I support him-- [Henry] Then, yeah, I'm gonna say he's doing that! [Sammy] --from afar, where I suffer no consequences.
[Henry] Henry has his hand on his gun. [Henry] ...he knows that he can't, like, SHOOT CARCOSA, but, [Jack] Carcosa's haunted.
[Joey] I actually succeeded the luck check! [Sammy] Congratulations, that's a feat for Joey! [Jack] It's his natural talent.
[Henry] I wish I had the words to describe the face Henry is making. [Henry] If Scared and Defeated had a baby.
[GM] Avedon turns around, looking wild-eyed behind his glasses, and says, because he is the master of smart things, "We need to get out of here!" [Joey] NO SHIT, SHERLOCK!
[GM] In fact, you think you hear conspiratorial whispering in the distance! [Henry] But our conspiratorial whisperer is accounted for...
[Joey] Joey's just going to march up behind them and ask what's going on. [GM] They are both going to jump to their feet, and bow, actually, [Sammy] Um. [Jack] Hmmmm. [Sammy] UM. [GM] and say, "we were just dealing with matters of State, Your Highness." [Joey] [Joey] *quiet giggling* [Jack] Oh no. [Sammy] Joey doesn't need this. Joey doesn't need this. [Jack] His ego's already so big!!
[Sammy] You're going to open the door and the Phantom's gonna be standing there. [Henry] "Want some weed?"
[Joey] Avedon can stay with Norman. They're friends. [Sammy] I don't-- we'll see how Norman is. [Joey] I mean, I don't think, no matter what, that Norman can be weirder than Avedon?
[GM] You can make a psychology roll, if you want! [Sammy] OKAY, we'll see, I'm not holding out a lot of hope on Sammy getting this-- [Sammy] *rolls* ....WELL. That is... an extreme success. I rolled a TWO. [Jack] Are we sure SAMMY hasn't been replaced? [Joey] Has Shazz been replaced? [Jack] Have Shazz's dice been replaced????
[Jack] Jack is probably trying to get... any.... information out of Norman, [Sammy] Sorry, I left you the hard mode one. [Joey] Kiss him!!
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djpachipikachu · 2 months
do graves!leosagi ever get tired of their friends/family labelling them?? like maybe leo’s bros make fun of him for having a “boyfriend” and he gets like rightfully irritated by that ?
its Kinda amusing bc eventually leo’s family at least straight up thinks theyre just really good pals and its like wow ! friendship ! in a more oblivious sense like they just kinda shrug and go oh yeah usagi’s here again whatever
originally mikey was insanely insanely suspicious of usagi and what his relationship was with leo (“hes literally just a friend” “YOU MEAN A BOY-FRIEND. AND U NEVER TOLD US.” “what am i supposed 2 say do i update u guys every time i make a friend” “If I See This Fuckinf Rabbit Sleeping In Your Bed Again I’m Telling Dad” “WE WERE HAVING A SLEEPOVER”) (mikey was mainly shocked bc leo invited a friend to sleepover who they didnt know And leo didnt tell anyone there was an extra mouth to feed for brekkie) but once everything was smoothed over usagi just became another regular, similar to how april is
leo himself tells raph that its a little more than that but only raph rly knows it and hes always had a hunch about them so it didnt change much in how the brotjers saw the two
usagi’s family on the other hand is definitely more “Boyfriend? boyfriend? boyfriend? crush? romance?” kitsune teases usagi about how dramatically romantic it must be to fall for a guy he hated in the beginning and usagi is like . so filled with Eugh. This Is Not Romantic. ick feeling that it causes him to be more in denial at how close he’s gotten with leo (in the beginning at least , later on kitsune still teases him but he’s more at ease with how him and leo are, so he always jusy goes “ew no im not kissing him dates r gross” but over time she toned it down to more “ooh is someone missing a certain kappa?” kinda teasing rather than “whens the wedding/has your first kiss happened yet lmao/etc” kinda teasing)
hana calls leo his boyfriend like all the time and like . usagi doesnt rly correct her bc she’s 8 and he doesnt know how to explain that they “arent Really boyfriends sure they do things that couples would do sometimes but its platonic and well you dont rly know what platonic means uh”
so she gets a pass on all her “IS THAT YOUR BOYFRIEND” comments since usagi is just like “yeagh its leo u wanna say hi”
auntie notices how leo visits a lot and she kinda just is like “okay ur like my kid now. lol.” she thinks they are just best friends bc usagi said they are and who is she to think otherwise, she kinda just absorbs leo (and later on the hamatos) as her own family and doesnt question their relatiomship much
chizu and gen tend to stay out of usagi’s personal business like that But gen did think that leo was a girl for a good while before he was ever introduced to him . and he was like “usagi if you wanna pick up the ladies u need like. do better. than this” “what. What” “like take a shower man” trying to give him flirting/relationship advice without actually knowing leo at all and also assuming usagi is straight
all in all its never really serious if people call them boyfriends or just best friends bc they dont really care to correct anyone it only matters if its like “so did you hit the [insert romantic relationship milestone] phase yet haha” bc that gets tiring to hear constantly
mainly all their family is just like “oh okay” at their relationship since i dont Really want to make the hardships of being aroace or being queer a big point since we already struggle enough with that irl ! a few details here and there about how their unlabelled status confuses some people but generally just a “we’ve seen weirder shit who cares” kinda energy to it
i love rambling . Thank you for the wuestion ily /p
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pupuyvs · 3 months
hi 👋🏼 im back after rereading the update and other peoples ask lol and sorry for the long rant but i just gotta get these thoughts out 😅 so while i dont agree with what chaewon did, i do agree with 😎 and i get where chaewon is coming from. chaewon said she saw herself building a future with jihye but that was crushed when jihye revealed that she'll be moving away for college - away from chaewon. from chaewons pov it seems like she was the only one thinking long term while jihye was only thinking about this year. and because jihye hadnt given her a heads up on her college choice, it seems like jihye just wanted to be together for the rest of the year and not long term like chaewon. because while jihye was jealous about yeonjun, chaewon was always reassuring her that it was only until prom and she won prom queen (her original plan when finding out prom queen was a thing and WAY before she even knew jihye existed) and then it would all be over and it would just be her and jihye. and every time jihye said she understood (though she was still jealous, she would tell chaewon she was okay every time chaewon would give her a heads up about posting something about her fake relationship with yeonjun). so again chaewon was thinking past senior (long term) and to her it seemed like jihye was too until jihye dropped the bomb about where she was going to college, then now to chaewon it seems like she was the only one picturing their relationship lasting. idk about you but i would be hella hurt if it seemed like me and my partner were on the same page about our future only to be caught off guard with the fact that we arent, so i get why chaewon is so hurt by that.
and i 100% agree with 😎 that chaewon running to jihye would be outta character and her changing who she was did start with dating jihye. but a change as big as not caring about reputation and what others think of you, and growing and releasing yourself from the influences that you grew up with and are ingrained in your mind dont just happen over night. and i think thats where chaewon and ning are different. chaewon met jihye this year and started dating her too (kinda going against what the norm is for people of her status). now ning and karina started dating this year too but ning has had liked karina since forever (i dont think you really specified but im gonna assume probs since she transferred from china so freshmen year) and she has publicly said it but no one believed her because of their different statuses financially and popularity wise. so chaewon really had just this year to try and change while ning had years and was probs fed up with people never believing her to be serious just because she came from money and karina didnt. now when chaewon and jihye fought, and karina breaks up with ning thats when that difference kicks in. chaewon doesnt want to take the risk because she has more to lose than ning. while ning is probs done with everyone telling her her feelings arent real just because the girl she likes isnt rich. and on top of that, ning and karina did date and ning got to be with the girl shes liked since freshmen year but then karina breaks up with her because of her friends - the same people telling ning her feelings arent real. so of course that pushes ning over the edge and she chooses karina over her friends because to her, she'd rather lose that all instead of karina. but chaewons character isnt there yet. yes chaewon was changing for the better with jihye but sadly they didnt have enough time with all the stuff going against them (yena, chaewons dad and friends, and senior year ending) and i think for me thats kinda what makes this angst hurt a even more.
probs in the minority but i am still team chaewon. i believe my girl can overcome this ✊🏼🙂‍↕️
first off yall gotta stop apologizing for leaving long asks like this i dont think yall realize how happy it makes me to see ppl analyze the characters i wrote this much
like i legit read every asks especially ones like this with a huge ass smile
secondly yes to all of this while what chaewon did is wrong shes also still young and experiencing love in a way she never had before
i also love how u compared ningrina and jichae (are we calling it that?)
cause there are big differences there ning was never fearful of getting caught she made it clear she wanted her outside people chose not to believe her plus she never truly got along with winselle
side tracking from the comparison i think its also important to acknowledge that while jihyes friend group are close because they chose to be chaewons friend group are close due to their parents who are all well rich people so its not a surprise that there is this much animosity between them and even easier for ning to cut them off
back to couple comparisons i love everyone pting out that chaewon never planned for jihye cause thats the truth if yeonjun and aeri never pulled that prank chaewon wouldve never known who jihye was meaning she never got a chance to get over their popularity differences
now one thing i will pt out about their social classes chaewon never really thought about it too deeply if anything she liked jihyes lack of wealth but i think the fact she never thought about it is also a pt of tension in their relationship
when i thought up of the idea i knew i wanted to tie in their social class more because a lot of aus never really wanna touch on it (understandable it can be kinda heavy at times) but i felt it was important to show that that difference is not something small cause while chaewon can imagine a life of her attending *insert expensive college here* because she realistically can jihye cannot not (which ties into the imagining their futures together and what not)
i kinda rambled and idk if it makes sense since im half asleep rn (i will elaborate better tmrw)
to wrap this up: jichae endgame 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
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atiny-piratequeen · 3 years
Can you tell more about the coven?
The Coven currently consits of High Witches Hyuna (the scientist, torturer of captured souls), Sunmi (the one who can change, implant, and steal memories), and her fiance Chungha (head BIC)--all of which are Tay.
Then we have NingNing, a somewhat weaker witch who i believe is the maknae of the house, who was taken in after her mother left her in the forest after helping her flee as a child from those trying to kill them for being witches. Her mother never came back and is presumed dead. Yoohyeon is. Uh. A fucking tool of a woman whos inspired by Da Ji and someone else that escapes me atm and is currently running from her ex who is also lucifer's son and the reason shes an insufferable rude ass tsundere ass bitch. Sohee who is a half succubus who first came into the rp as a whole bc she was sent to ruin Bibi's relationship with Taemin and Lia but kinda latched onto Taemin after he resisted her enchantment, talked shit to her enough for her to spill that she didnt want to do this shit and was being forced to, and now is in the coven as the rp as a whole waits for the Lunar Festival and the bullshit after it so she can actually have a second chance to live and have a normal life--all of whomst are Kira.
Sana, whos a tiny cat that transforms into a girl. Shes the demigoddess daughter of Aphrodite who was used to try and be a weapon for the same assholes who had/have Sohee in their clutches. Which is why her magic goes haywire and she explodes sometimes and those who arent resistant to the magic will have their emotions amplified, good or bad. Zuho, the original vampire (cant go inside if doors/windows have been closed without being welcomed in) who's a certified baby boy extraordinaire whos also crushing on Sohee now. Soobin, the reincarnated god who's actually three goddess stuffed into a 6'1 man. No but really he has a heart of gold and was first found running from Titan Kronos but now hes currently Boo'd up to Yeonjun and the girls. Forever. Dragon Prince Seonghwa who im sure yall are all familiar with by now with how much ive talked about FeiHwa today. Tall handsome princely boy who's got more toys than the eye can see and is very protective over his crush-turned girlfriend-turned mate FeiFei. Current status of dating NingNing is (????) Because of a whole argument and (unintentional but still bad) gaslighting incident with NingNing, Hwa, and Fei so now the latter two are staying away fron NingNing whos running from her damn problems and not properly listening to other folks but i digress all of which are played by Gaia
Then there's my bots.
Yeonjun-immortal eldrich lich that's definitely overpowered and literally there to curb there being TooMuchAngst in this coven but also not too much bc be also has a lovely case of "thats not my problem unless the coven is in danger", terrifying eldrich monstrosity that constantly breaks and shatters his own mind when he's fighting (and feeding) for too long if he's really into it. Hes got consentacle tentacles a plenty and is king degradation and bdsm too. Also 'mated' with Soobin nd has given him a chunk of his eldrich power to keep him immortal.
Tasha & Sadia: both are Yeonjun (now Soobin's) eldrich familiars that take the form of two girls. Sadia is 5' nothing and part of the gremlin itty bitty tiddie committee. Has absolutely no filter, is literally a brat personified, and represents all the wilder parts of Yeonjun's personality and inner being. Then there's Tasha. Mega Mommy Milkers herself with the gentle nurturing personality and usually the calm one of the trio. A wise man (Zuho) once said; "the easiest way to see how Yeonjun really feels about you, is how Tasha treats you", as she represents Yeonjun's (admittedly suppressed) compassionate and caring side. If even she doesnt like you, you should probably stay the fuck away from Yeonjun before snaps you like a slim jim.
And Princess Zhong FeiFei-whomst im sure you all know by now as well. She came from a forest paradise known as Elysium and was sent by her parents to heal the house. She used to be a lesser witch working to strengthen her earth magic so she could better protect the coven, but now that she's mated to Hwa, shes gained not only confidence, but also immense power and is also the main cook in the home. FeiFei makes sure no one that comes into their home leaves with an empty stomach and there's love thats bloomed into every bite.
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nyakusan · 6 years
tagged by @lovekuramas ! ty :-)
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 15 people
1. drink - tea :~)
2. 📱 call -  my mom probably
3. text - a couple of friends! (about hanging out i think)
4. song you listened to - no clue what the eng title is but its a vocaloid song cover by eve
5. time you 😢 - like this morning because the wind was blowing in my face
6. dated someone twice - no 7. 😘 someone and regretted it - :-) 8. been cheated on - no
9. lost someone special - not really
10. been depressed - mmmm not really
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - underage drinking is bad!
12. any sort of. dark-ish red
13. uhh??? purples
14. jade? green
15. h i dont know!
in the last year have you
16. made new friends - yes sir
17. fallen out of 💛 - :-)
18. 😂 until you 😢 - oh yes 19. found out someone was talking about you - no
20. met someone who changed you - not really hm
21. found out who your friends are - like my friends are secretly vampires or something? :~) 22. 😘 someone on your facebook friends list - No One Uses Facebook Anymore
23. how many friends from your fb friends list do you know irl - No One Uses Facebook Anymore
24. do you have any pets - i sure do! i have one of those black and white cats (he has a big fat mole on his nose) and his name is zorro bc the pattern on his face resembles zorro’s (the old movie character) mask
25. do you want to change your middle name - dont have one
26. what did you do for your last 🎂 - well . i played some pokemon bc my dad bought me x as my present and he made a cheesecake that he thought failed but tasted pretty good to me
27. what time did you wake up today - 7:30 :-) thank god for later school times, i usually wake up at 6:30
28. what were you doing last night at midnight - listening to some cronchy asmr 29. what is something you can’t wait for - uh?!? getting my history final/ap exam over with
30. what are you listening to right now - world.search(you) by mili ! its a banger
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - perhaps i have
32. something that gets on your nerves - when people like.......walk really slowly and in the middle of a narrow sidewalk/path/whatever, especially if theyre walking side by side god i hate that so much
33. most visited website - tumblr(?)
34. hair color - a solid black 35. long hair or short hair - short?? its like. at my armpits
36. do you have a crush on someone - hm
37. what do you like about yourself - idk? there’s nothing that i particularly like but ig........i can read music??? lmao
38. want any piercings - i might get more on my ears?? i dont think anything else would look good on me
39. blood type - cool question? uh a+
40. nicknames - i. dont know! lets say anri is a nickname since its not my real name
41. relationship status - :-)
42. zodiac - aquarius
43. pronouns - she/her
44. favorite 📺 show - uhhh no clue, i dont really watch shows these days
45. tattoos - maybe. just maybe. but i already know my parents (or mom, at least) arent into that 46. right handed or left - left
47. ever had surgery - i have had teeth surgery, if that counts
48. piercings - just the standard one on each earlobe 49. sports - oh man i used to do tennis but then i Stopped lol im lazy
50. vacation - like where i want to go? south america :D
51. trainers - you mean the shoes??? no sir i dont wear them
52. eating - just ate some yum dinner
53. drinking - none ;-)
54. i’m about to watch - fnljsdljnflgjsd idk 
55. waiting for - uh spring break
56. want - those little moss ball things??? i Want
57. get married - that sure is a lot of commitment 
58. career - graphic designer hehe
59. kisses or hugs - hugs!
60. 👄 or eyes - eyes!
61. shorter or taller - no preference!
62. older or younger - just. literally anything that isnt too much of a gap
63. nice arms or stomach - i dont care about either one?
64. hookup or relationship - relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant - troublemaker is cool but like, dont die
66. 😘 a stranger - no  
67. drank hard liquor - underage drinking is bad!
68. lost glasses - no
69. turned someone down - mnjlh? maybe not sure
70. sex on first date - no
71. broken someone’s ❤️- i have no clue.?
72. had your 💔 - again i have. no clue fjkgbfkd
73. been arrested - no
74. 😢 when someone died - never experienced someone i know dying
75. fallen for a friend - hm
76. yourself - when im eating Good? sure
77. miracles - i suppose
78. 💛 at first sight - yes? maybe? like how do u know its Love but then again, i only know how i feel about things
79. 🎅 - no
80. 😘 on a first date - no
81. angels - no
82. best friend’s name - uh! idk man
83. eye color - very dark brown. like on the verge of black
84. favorite movie - princess mononoke! and also coco kshkfdsf
85. favorite actor - no clue! probably no one :-)
tagging @malmaratus bc she complained about me tagging all her mutuals 
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sparklyicecube · 6 years
He’d be proud
This is my secret santa present for @maidenofbagend for the Harry Potter Secret Santa! It’s a prongsfoot fanfic that I hope you will enjoy!
“Why must this happen to meeeeeeeeee.”
“Well well, I never thought I’d see you on the bed contemplating life, if I might guess, wondering why you like a certain deer?”
Sirius threw a pillow at the person.
“Shut up Remus. I don’t have a crush on any deer, and it’s a stag not a deer.”
Remus smirked while Sirius’s eyes widened in realisation of his mistake and buried his face in his pillow.
“Oh come on, what is it this time?” Prodded Remus.
“You know, James has done so much for me, taking me in on holidays, pranking with me, being so kind and helpful…” Sirius trailed off.
“I wouldn’t be so quick to give him those last two compliments if I were you.”
“I just,” Sirius sighed, “I want to get him something nice for christmas.”
Remus laughed, it wasn’t often that Sirius let down his cool, smug-like demeanor to show weakness like this, and the fact that this was for his best friend made it even better.
“If it’s just about that I’m sure you can find something great. Remember, it has to come from the heart.” Reminded Remus.
The door flew open as James dramatically walked in, Remus rolled his eyes and Sirius laughed.
“I’m so sorry my dear Sirius but I do quite need Remus for as long as this activity takes.” Declared James.
Remus and Sirius looked at each other, Remus shrugged and got up from where he was sitting on the bed to follow James.
Sirius kept up his cool smirk until the door closed then threw the blankets over himself in an attempt to figure out how to cool his face down.
James on the other hand was in a similar situation, except he now had a reluctant ear for him to talk to.
“Remus I called him ‘dear’!” Wailed James as soon as he stepped out of earshot. Remus wondered why his two best friends were like this. “Remus, I need to get him the best present ever! But I don’t think he even really wants anything!”
Remus sat in a comfy chair in the Gryffindor common with his book that he managed to grab, James spread out on a couch, it was practically midnight and they could talk well without any peepers, as far as they cared at least.
“Remuuuuuuus.” James whined, “What do I get him for christmas?”
Remus’s eye twitched but he didn’t snap.
“I don’t know, why don’t you wrap yourself up in a bow and give him that?” Hinted Remus.
“Best friend status doesn’t carry that far.” James complained. Remus sighed, these two were going to need a lot of pushing to get an inch past ‘best friend status’.
He went back to reading his book before another whine came from the couch.
“Remus, I know me and Sirius are close, and I know I’m irresistible, and you’re helping me but… I think he has a crush on you.”
Remus froze and put his book down, James didn’t know all the nights that Sirius spent ranting about James’s messy hair, dorky glasses, the infuriating dance between him and James that kept them always within arms length, never more never less. However, James had a point, for someone who never knew what was said, who just knew the hours and that Sirius was dying to talk to Remus for some reason, it was quite likely that it could be true. But not in this case.
“Look, I think we both know that’s not true, and even if it were, that wouldn’t stop you from getting him a magnificent christmas present or be stressed about it, so let’s work on one thing at a time okay? Come on, let’s go to bed.”
“You haven’t done your transfiguration homework?” Asked James as he caught sight of Peter’s frantic writing.
“What’s another word for ‘this shows’?” Asked a very stressed Peter.
“Try using ‘this highlights’.” Suggested Remus, taking a bite of the very delicious-looking sandwich.
The four were sitting at the dining table, eating their breakfast and doing their homework and…
“Hey Padfoot, no matter how much you stare at my muffin I’m not giving it to you.” Teased James.
Sirius snapped out of his trance-like state, from staring not at the muffin but at a certain someone Remus observed. He quickly bounced back.
“That muffin? I was just wondering how you never get sick of the same muffin everyday, really, you’re going to turn into a muffin one day!”
“Hah!” Exclaimed James. “You’re saying that but in reality you think my muffin is awesome!” The two burst into laughter.
James leaned over to peep at what Peter was writing.
“Um, I don’t think Minnie wants an essay on changing pizzas into muffins…” Commented James.
“I can’t stand it! I can’t write this! I need food!” He cried.
“I can’t wait until the holidays!” James said, ignoring Peter shovelling food into his mouth. “You guys could come over!” Realised James perking up.
“As much as I’d like to, my mom would freak if I don’t go home.” Answered Sirius with a slightly downed tone.
“Then… send me an owl when you convince her, we could meet up a week before school maybe?”
“Remember, she infiltrates all the owls.” Pointed out Sirius semi-dejectedly.
At that point the bell rang and sent the four scrambling for their books and equipment and imminent doom.
“Cleaning the trophy room is boring.” Declared James.
“Yes but we were 10 minutes late to class.” Pointed out Remus.
“Why did Professor have to split up me and Sirius?” Protested James as he attempted to wipe off the dust on a glass cabinet.
“She had a point, as long as you two were together there’d be no way the detention would be properly carried out.” Remus pointed out.
“Well in that case… Remus I still have no idea what to get him for christmas!!!” James complained, “And not much time to get it!”
“Why not a mirror, so you can feed his big ego?” Suggested Remus.
“A mirror is boring… “
“A phone?”
“What’s a phone…”
“It’s something muggles use to communicate with each other.”
“But that’s a muggle thing…” James’s eyes suddenly lit up, as if struck by a lightning bolt of inspiration. “You’re brilliant Remus! If I get him a mirror that we can use to communicate then there’s no way his mom can take it from him right? All I have to do is make it so that the mirror reflects what the other mirror should be reflecting! And audio of course… You’re a genius!”
“Well when am I not?”
Would a genius push their two best friends, who clearly want to get together, off a cliff? Yes, yes they would. Should he? Yes, yes he should. Can he? No, unfortunately there are not enough cliffs in Hogwarts that are convenient to push people off, and there aren’t any books in Azkaban. Would a genius push together, not just anyone, but Sirius Black and James Potter? The two biggest idiots and pranksters on the planet? No. Definitely not. But he shall do it anyway.
A slight trip and push landed Sirius a spot in James’s arms. It didn't end there though, nothing the marauders did ended at just that, no, James caught him like a fairy tale and spun him around. ‘Where did the rose in James’s mouth come from?’ Questioned Remus in his head. They threw their heads up in a flourish and ended on a showy pose. James looked down for a split second only the other marauders could see from their front row seats and proceeded to drop his best friend on the floor of the great hall, for now their fellow students can go back eating their dinner in peace.
James blinked in surprise then profusely apologised. Sirius made a big show of spinning his head around dizzily.
“Remus, I think I have a headache, take me to Madame Pomfrey.” Sirius then grabbed onto Remus’s hand and pulled him along out of the hall.
“What are you-”
“Remus I can't take it…” Sirius sighed. “Not that close, not that intimate just not that, you know?” Sirius looked at Remus for confirmation, a longing in his eyes.
“Then tell him already for goodness sake! It’s not my place to confess for you, you know?” Remus said.
“I would but…” Sirius looked away, “I don't think he'll say yes.”
“On what basis?” Remus asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Remus, it's so obvious, he likes you.” Sirius stated sorrowfully.
Remus thought back to the time where James basically begged him to help woo Sirius, the time that Remus had to listen to an hour of ranting about Sirius’s amazing comebacks and so on, these two were crazy similar yet surprisingly dense to no one but the other.
“Look Sirius, even if he does for some insane reason have a crush on me, I’d turn him down.” Remus deadpanned. Sirius stared at him.
“Well yeah, I don't have any feelings for James and there is someone right beside me who’d be perfect for him.” Remus nudged him with his elbow playfully.
“Thanks.” The two started walking back to the great hall. “You know I’m thinking a scrapbook…”
As they ate dinner Remus thought of possible date ideas, library? They would never. Picnic? Not grand enough. Astronomy tower? Too cramped. Now Remus was starting to reconsider the idea of pushing the two off a cliff, maybe into the lake would be more feasible. Wait, this year they can finally go to Hogsmeade! And Remus knows for a fact that the two have the signatures ready so…
“So, The trip to Hogsmeade is coming up soon, where do you two want to go first?” Asked Remus.
“I don’t know, oh! They said that they have a joke shop! Let’s all go and get materials!” Exclaimed James.
“What about the Three Broomsticks? We can all go-” Started Sirius.
“Actually,” Remus cut in, swinging his arm onto Peter’s shoulder. “Me and Peter have plans for Hogsmeade.” Said Remus calmly.
“We do?” Asked Peter blankly.
“Remember? We have some christmas shopping to do, alone.” Emphasized Remus. James and Sirius shared a mildly suspicious look.
“Better get us amazing presents!” Teased Sirius.
James and Sirius walked into the Three Broomsticks in awe, Hogsmeade was truly magical, even to those who had grew up in it. They snagged a comfy little table, they saw some of their fellow students but when they looked like they might come over they seemed to change their minds. The two were good at keeping up appearances but on the inside both were freaking out, it was so obvious that this was meant to be a cute little date for the two but they had danced this ‘best friend’ dance for so long that it was hard to step out.
“So, how is life?” Asked Sirius in a joking way, putting his face to rest on top of his palm, propping himself up.
“Well,” Began James, mimicking Sirius’s pose. “How is the most handsome person in the world?” The pickup line had been set in place, ready for Sirius to ping-pong it back but…
“Amazing, thanks for asking.” Replied Sirius coolly, making a mental note to try and quell the butterflies in his stomach.
They both laughed for a bit before discussing about a bit of light quidditch then lapsing into awkward silence.
“So… Remus and Peter went christmas shopping huh?”
“Yeah… On that note, have you gotten my gift yet?”
James had a look of terror on his face before replying: “All done and wrapped in time for christmas.” He boasted gleefully. “What about you?”
“You really think you’d be done before me? I finished ages ago.” Sirius inwardly panicked, he had started the scrapbook but it was only half-done.
“That sure is convincing.” James pointed out before bursting into laughter with Sirius.
“Are you sure about this Remus?” Asked Peter. The two of them were under James’s very handy invisibility cloak, Remus was watching James and Sirius walk into the restaurant. Remus finally explained everything to Peter (who was legitimately
unaware of everything that was happening) and made sure their unofficial date was a success. He managed to hand all the other students notes saying to keep away from the two, and was monitoring them.
“Yes. Not really but if I don’t do this now I will have to live more of this nonsense before christmas official comes.”
“Is that their new strawberry cheesecake crumpet?!” Asked Peter, dashing out, pulling off their invisibility cloak off. It was quite dark so not many noticed it but Sirius saw him and immediately made a beeline for him, almost spilling with news. James also got up and started going towards him and Remus panicked.
Remus grabbed Sirius’s hand and with some quick maneuvering managed to get it in James’s, carrying with the momentum a twirl.
“Take Sirius, dance with him, kiss him and shut him up please.” Pleaded Remus.
James looked into Sirius’s grey eyes, Sirius into James’s hazel. The bulk of the restaurant was watching. The moment stretched out and instead of dropping Sirius like the incident before (he is never going to live that down) James pulled Sirius up to connect their lips.
The entire restaurant was clapping and hooting and many stood up to give a standing ovation. There were fireworks in the background and this was truly where the both of them belonged, in the middle of a crowd right next to each other.
James hefted Sirius to his feet and they both had huge arching smiles that haven’t been seen for forever. Remus joined them as they started towards the door.
“Did something happen?” Asked Peter, sprinting to catch up with them.
The Marauders laughed and headed back towards the big castle of Hogwarts.
“Come on.” Whined James. “Your parents won’t allow you to be away on christmas, neither will yours or yours or mine!” Gesturing to all the Marauders. “And I want to see your faces when you  open my presents!”
“He holds a valid point.” Noted Sirius.
“Just Marauder presents though, I am opening all of my other presents on christmas day itself.” Finalised Remus.
The other three nodded with so much enthusiasm that Remus couldn’t help to laugh.
They started opening their presents, shouting with glee.
“A mirror?” Said Sirius quizzically, then immediately started posing in front of it.
“Nope! That’s what you think but actually, you see in this mirror what you are supposed to be seeing in the other.” Explained James with pride.
“We can see each other even when my mother doesn’t want me to!” Squealed Sirius, grabbing James and pulling him into a kiss, which, has been a regular occurrence ever since that date.
“Open mine now.” Said Sirius with excitement, passing the parcel over.
“Is this a… scrapbook?” Asked James.
“Yep! I added as many photos as I could, especially the embarrassing ones!” They spent all night looking through the book, even when the Head Prefect told them that some people needed to sleep. The four of them went home that year with the biggest smiles ever and constantly laughing, two of them with a newfound relationship and happiness.
“I remember that, you gave me and James ‘portable fans’.”
“Yep, a very good decision if you ask me.”
“What was it you said? Oh yes. ‘The next time either of you say ‘I’m so hot’ there is a fan right there.’ Very sassy.”
The two looked wistfully out of Sirius’s window.
“Do you think Harry is going to have a christmas as good as that?”
“Well if Molly gets ahold of him I guarantee you he will, and as long as you are around I’m sure he will also be happy, Sirius.” Sirius smiled sadly.
“I miss him.”
“There isn’t a soul who doesn’t.”
“Death Eaters?”
“They don’t have souls.” The two laughed slightly, not nearly as full or as carefree as they were when they were thirteen but when you are both scarred, scared and in the middle of a war, that is good enough.
“Well I’ve got to go, Nymphadora is expecting me soon.”
“Doesn’t she hate people calling her that?”
“Your point?”
“James would be proud.” Remus gave Sirius a tired smile.
Sirius sat in his room, it was decorated with red and gold, quidditch posters and so on, yes. James would be proud.
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legolasgoldy · 5 years
A♥️ || 4♥️ || 7♣️ || J♣️ || 2♦️ || 7♠️ ][You can answer for x-men verse or his canon verse, or both.^^][
♥️ ♣️ Send a playing card to my ask box! ♦️ ♠️
// Thank you!! :D @blind-mutant
A♥️ - Who was the first person your muse ever fell in love with?
Maglor. It wasnt really expected, they were so young, about 14 and spent a lot of time together for school, and just because they were good friends. They both were having that realization of “.. i think I like boys too.” at the time, and kinda kept it to themselves aside from maybe one friend. I cant speak for Maglor, but Finrod told his best friend at the time he was having feelings. Mags became his first intense crush. During several months of them working together on a project for music class they kind of played around with subtly flirting or touching shoulders when sitting close, really sweet kinds of things. Just testing the waters to see if the feelings were returned and just because it was such a new feeling.
One day they happen to be sitting really close and looked at each other, then just.. both of them really awkwardly leaned in reallyyyy slow and kissed. They actually kissed, again really awkwardly but really adorable, about three times in a row before Finrod’s mother walked in to say dinner was almost ready. It was a really embarrassing and funny first kiss. His parents are obviously super supportive tho. They dated for about.. a year and 8 months maybe? Around that bc about 5 months into being 15 is when he started getting his mutation little by little and by the time it got to the beginning of 8 months it had gone full fledged and drama happened.
Finrod loved him and thats why he broke up with him, he was a young teen who felt that was the best option. Then he was at the institute for around 7 months when he met Rhys I think, and was 2 like..months into being 16. He moved on with time, it just wasnt meant to be, and being friends with Rhys really and truly made him happy. It felt right and like everything was perfect even if things had happened, they had each other and thats all he realized he wanted. He loves Rhys more than he ever thought he could love anyone. Its a more mature love, rather than a first love. Thats not to say he doesnt love Maglor still, but that type of love changes with time you know? The nature of it.. Rhys is the person he wants to be with, and stay with forever now.
4♥️ - What are your muse’s thoughts on starting/raising a family?
Finrod would LOVE to adopt and raise a family if Rhys wanted to. Children have always been something he imagined having one day. He wants to share that experience with someone he loves, and raise a child together. However, its only something he wants if Rhys wants it.  He never ever EVER wants Rhys to feel like its something they have to have, or like he has to say yes to make Finrod happy. Finrod’s entire world is wonderful with Rhys in it as it is. He doesnt need children to be happy, and if all they ever had was a bunny and a snail he’d be the happiest man in the world still. Which ever they decide one day hes happy with.
7♣️ - Has your muse ever felt “trapped”, either figuratively or literally?
When he first started getting his mutation and realized what was happening he did at first. Mostly because he didnt have a choice in what was happening to him. He was trapped into turning into something, he at the time didnt want. Not to mention something he thought was going to ruin everyones lives including his own. Of course once he learned better and realized it was who he was  meant to be, he would /never/ give up his mutation even if he had the chance. He loves who he is, he wouldnt know what to do without it.
J♣️ - Who does your muse trust the most?
Hmm well he trusts a lot of people and cant just choose one. It depends on the situation presented as to who he would trust with what. In general though, the top people he immediately trusts in ANY situation always is his parents and Rhys. For instance though, his siblings he would trust with his life in serious situations (aside from Galadriel if shes only a toddler just bc shes too little to understand) but not trust his brothers to keep a secret that isnt life or death. Theyre tattletelling 12 year olds haha, theyre gonna tell things sometimes. Finrod does love them dearly tho, just as an older brother he knows better than to trust them with certain things. XD His parents tho are two people he knows, no matter what always have his, his sibling’s, and Rhys’ back too. Theyre good trusting parents, and he knows they would only /ever/ break their promises to them if it was extremely important. The same with Rhys, Finrod knows he can always trust him no matter what the situation and if for some reason Rhys’ breaks a promise or something happens, he knows there HAS to be something extremely important or wrong going on.
2♦️ - How important is money to your muse?
Ehh I feel like this question isnt as simple as it sounds like the last one haha.  It vastly depends on the situation as to how he feels about money. For instance, when he first meets Rhys he doesnt care at all that Rhys doesnt have any money or anything for that matter.  He doesnt place someones worth in relation to their financial status. Which is obvious to anyone who knows him. Even tho Rhys may still feel insecure about that time in his life, which is understandable, its really important to Finrod that he knows, he never ever saw anything wrong with him in any way much less the lack of money and homelessness.
When they meet/become friends/ are at the institute he does start putting more importance into money than before. Previously it was just certain things like, money for a new instrument he had wanted to raise himself rather than his parents spending all that money on him bc they have four kids. Not to mention they had already bought him a guitar among other things.  So he took that summer job at the greenhouse to make that money for something he wanted, and took that job several times so he could help out, and have extra spending money. 
When he meets Rhys, I think that value shifts a bit bc he starts saving for someone else. Sure he still does things for himself, he wouldnt want Rhys to think he wasnt, but when you care about someone you take care of them. Suddenly money went from something he could earn to spend on things he wanted to having a value of making someone he cares for comfortable and at home. Obviously he didnt overkill spend money on him left and right, he knows better, but it was the little things like buying Rhys a jacket he didnt have before, giving him essential things he hadnt had like a toothbrush, socks, more clothes, a hairbrush. He wouldnt pile all these things on him at once so as not to overwhelm him, but hes gonna get those things for him. Some before Rhys even comes to live with him at the institute and some in the weeks after he moves in. After that, its little things like a special snack he knows will make him smile at lunch, a textured scrunchie or cuff bracelet or something he thought Rhys might wanna fiddle with on his wrist when nervous or bored and of course use the scrunchie for his hair. Just little sweet gestures that shows he cares. Rhys’ happiness and to see him smile is priceless.
Once they move into their apartment together I think its a little similar but theyre on their own then. The value on money goes higher bc they have to pay rent and buy groceries. Sure, his parents do help them out the first month or so and help them get a decent car but theyre starting a life together. It turns into supporting them, saying bills, saving up, buying groceries, more sweet gestures. All of that he happily does, hes absolutely thrilled that they have a life of their own that hes just enjoying it even if bills arent fun. Its their life together thats fun and always enjoyable bc he has Rhys.
Furthermore, his importance on money isnt just him supporting Rhys, its also Rhys supporting himself. Rhys having freedom to live, being his own person. Having a life and independence thats very much deserved after what hes been through. Rhys getting a job of his own is so so important to Finrod bc he knows what it means to Rhys. So theres just no limit to how important Rhys’ money is bc of its significance. Thats a really long answer haha but its such a good question I hope it makes sense.
7♠️ - What’s a hard truth that your muse has to learn/has learned?
Hmm. Going back to when he had all those angsty moments when he was first getting his mutation. The hard truth of it was accepting who he was and that it was okay. Just because all of this was happening to him doesnt mean he has to give up everything he ever wanted or people he cared for.  He can still live his life and be happy just the way he is.
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basicallybing · 7 years
Get to Know Me (Tag)
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag some friends.
Thanks for tagging me, @steve-rogers-best-girl​ :)
1. drink: water
2. phone call: my dad
3. text message: my dad
4. song you listened to: i think Holding On To You by twenty one pilots
5. time you cried: a couple hours ago
6. dated someone twice: lol joke’s on you i haven’t even dated someone once ha. ha. ha. ugh.
7. kissed someone and regretted it: i haven’t ever kissed someone at all lol what are these questions
8. been cheated on: in a competitive game of pokemon maybe but yall i havent dated what is happening
9. lost someone special: i mean i once had a toxic friend and i super duper got rid of her i guess but like thats it
10. been depressed: never been diagnosed but im pretty sure i’ve had depression since around third grade (but that’s a story for another time)
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: ew???? i’ve never even drank alcohol why am i answering these questions ew
12. white
13. various blues and teals
14. golden yellow
15. made new friends: yep!
16. fallen out of love: platonically with a toxic-as-heck friend yeah
17. laughed until you cried: absolutely!
18. found out someone was talking about you: yep
19. uhh ya skipped 19 so idk what to put here lol
20. found out who your friends are: yeah
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: sErIoUsLy? *face palm*
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl? i dont have a facebook
23. do you have any pets? yep, a doggo!
24. do you want to change your name?  y e s  p l e a s e  ! ! ! ! !
25. what did you do for your last birthday? had some of muh frens over
26. what time do you wake up? for school at like 5:30, but over the summer i’ve been waking up around 9ish
27. what were you doing at midnight last night? crying
28. name something you can’t wait for: a month ago i would have said Pokemon Go Fest but nope i got my hopes up for that like usual and of course i cant go  uh i cant wait to get a desk finally i dont have a desk *shrug*
29. when was the last time you saw your mom? *shouts down the hall* “hi mom!”
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life? i’d like a whole new wardrobe that magically made me look thinner and happier all the time and that allowed strangers to see me for me and not me for some slouch who wears sweatpants all the time bc i dont have any other clothes that dont cripple me with dysphoria lmao woot woot
31. what are you listening to right now? primarily Regional at Best by twenty one pilots bc its calming for me
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom? actually??? im not sure...?? i’ve definitely talked to a few thomas-es but none of them go by tom *shrug*
33. something that is getting on your nerves: when my mom says we can’t afford to buy me a desk but then she goes out and buys other decor for the house
34. most visited website: probably youtube, netflix, instagram, and tumblr if you include the use of apps
35. any moles? nope
36. any birthmarks? none of which i’m aware
37. childhood dream: not sure. i always wanted to be a superhero like spider-man and whatnot i guess.
38. hair color? brown
39. hair length? short
40. do you have a crush? do fictional characters count? if so, yes -- peter parker, ben wyatt, and chandler bing
41. what do you like about yourself? i’m nice.
42. any piercings? just the basic earlobe piercings, but i never wear anything in them. i’m surprised theyre still open.
43. blood type? crap i need to ask my mom about this. it’s good to know for safety reasons.
44. any nicknames? anything you know me as on here is technically a nickname because i go by my birthname everywhere else... sooo, yeah. chandler is a nickname. i also get addressed as ‘???’ and as ‘Q,’ which is just short for “question marks” bc idk what my name should be but yep i go by chandler for now i guess *shrug*
45. relationship status: jealous
46. zodiac: aries
47. pronouns: they/them are preferable but i never correct people if they use anything else bc i’m just so accustomed to my own confusion
48. favorite tv show: agh i guess Parks and Rec is my number-one, but i also love Friends, The Good Place, Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil, and Legion (which cRaP i need to finish watching)
49. uh yeah i think you skipped this one too
50.  righty or lefty? righty
51. any surgeries? nope
52. ever dye your hair? I WISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
53. favorite sport? to play? basketball. to watch? football. although if my family was more into hockey i bet i’d love that.
54. hgfdskgfskjfhskjf you skipped this one too
55. dream vacation? honestly, i don’t care where we go as long as it’s somewhere out of the country and i get to travel with my friends in an evan edinger sorta way, you know?
56. favorite pair of sneakers? i mean?? i only have the one... it’s a nike hyperdunk i think? like, an older one? idk theyre comfy 
57. eating: nothing right now...
58. drinking: i mean i have water next to me so like i guess water is my answer
59. about to: hurry the heck up and finish answering these questions lmao
60. you skipped it
61.  ........ 
62. want: to travel and to be happy
63. ever going to get married? if i do, it won’t be a huge ceremony. it won’t be religious. and it will have to be to somebody very, very special to me. 
64. career: i’m a student right now
65. hugs or kisses? if i have to choose, hugs, but please don’t hug me without asking and dont be offended if i say no. i’m really uncomfortable about physical contact.
66.  lips or eyes? eyes 1000000%
67. tall or short? i’m short.
68. older or younger? what’s this question...? im confused and don’t know how to answer it tbh
69. there’s no question here
70. nice arms or nice stomach?  me? neither lol im Ugly
71. sensitive or loud? if you’re close with me, you’re the lucky people who know i’m both
73. troublemaker or hesitant? this makes it sound like it’s bad to not be a troublemaker. i’m not a troublemaker but its not because im hesitant. it’s because im a good person. and i dont mean to imply that troublemakers arent good people, but im not either of those things...???
74. kissed a stranger?  i  h a v e  n e v e r  k i s s e d  a n y o n e .
75. drank hard liquor?  i  a m  u n d e r a g e .
76. lost glasses or contact lenses? no, but i’ve broken my glasses before
77. turned someone down? unless you include that time that i was asked out as a dare, no.
78. had sex on the first date?  i  h a v e  n e v e r  b e e n  o n  a  d a t e  a n d  i  a m  a s e x u a l .
79. broken someone’s heart? not that i’m aware of
80. had your heart broken? yeah, by that Toxic Person who i mention all the time. it wasnt a romantic thing but i hate that person with a burning passion i cannot even bEGIN to tell you
81. been arrested? no definitely not
82. cried when someone died? in real life? . . . no. no one close to me has died. but i have cried at fictional deaths
83. fallen for a friend? kind of but not really idk its complicated and not worth it
84. yourself? on good days
85. miracles? not unless by “mircales” you mean “coincidences”
86. love at first sight? not for myself, but maybe for someone who is more into looks. and i dont mean that negatively but like thats just not really my kinds thing necessarily.
87. santa claus? well considering i was raised jewish but am currently atheist imma have to say no
88. kissing on the first date? i’ve never been able to experience what kissing or dating is like but if it feels right for someone then i have nothing against it
90. current best friend names: katie, claire, lizzie (i tag posts with their names when stuff reminds me of them hehe)
91. eye color? brown
92. favorite movie? i loved that new Spider-Man: Homecoming film, but Guardians of the Galaxy has always been one of my go-to movies, so probably GOTG
i tag anyone who wants to do this bc frankly im lazy and dont feel like tagging anyone heh lol
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underwatersleepa · 7 years
Aww shitt I was tagged by @plutohno rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people.
the last: drink: Orange Juice phone call: Sheyy text message: You, Daddy topps song you listened to: beamer boy, lil peep time you cried: last night dated someone twice: ive taken a break with someone kissed someone and regretted it: i dont really regret anything just more cringe and like why the fuck did i do that been cheated on: ive had a boyfriend who flirted with other people while we were dating but never like physical. So depends on your definition of cheating lost someone special: my cat, he was my best friend and i got him tattooed been depressed: ever since 8th grade ive dealt with it. Usually in the summer it flares up a lot and during the colder months im okay gotten drunk and thrown up: Ive only thrown up like twice in my life and both were sober 
3 favorite colors:
Olive Green, Black, Grey 
in the last year have you:
 made new friends: obviously 
fallen out of love: last august i ended a two year long relationship and it was hard but we are okay now and both in happier relationships 
laughed until you cried: yes?
found out someone was talking about you: always 💅
 met someone who changed you: of course. Probably everyone in my life has changed me in some way. 
 found out who your real friends are: i do this at least once a year
 kissed someone on your facebook list: lol no me and my boy arent friends on fb lol wtf 
 how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: all. There was some creepy guy who knew my ex and wanted to get together but he is blocked
 do you have any pets: i just moved out so now my dog and cat live at my old house but next week i may be getting a snakee
 do you want to change your name: for the most part but its weird when people who arent my family call me by my real name. Mickey is a better fit for me what did you last do for your birthday: my boyfriend and i hung out all day and he bought me a stuffed bear and then we went to sushi with my best friend and their bf and then my bf left and my friend and i made a cake then got high and drunk what time did you wake up: 10:30 
what were you doing at midnight last night: working 
name something you can’t wait for: just found out my boyfriend and i are going on a day trip to san francisco in two weeks for his birthday!! Also my snakee! Also i get to see shey next week for the first time in almost a month i think 
when was the last time you saw your mom: this morning 
what are you listening to right now: A new youtuber i found named Tyler Rugge 
 have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes
most visited website: youtube
 hair color: dark brown. Want to dye it black 
hair length: very short but growing it out. Its like 4inches on the top and maybe 3 on the side 
do you have a crush on someone: yes <3
 what do you like about yourself: i am loyal and funny and id like to say im a good friend
 piercings: ears when i was a baby and i hate them. I want a lip piercing 
blood type: don’t remember
nickname: Mickey, Mick. I wont say what shey calls me lol
relationship status: takenn zodiac: Aquarius pronouns: Anything really but most people go with she/her. 
 favorite tv show: how i met your mother, breaking bad, the walking dead, survivor, the office
 tattoos: 2. My cat and a ghost on a skateboard 
left or right handed: right
 surgery: not yet 😅
 sport: sport?
more general
 eating: going to have vegan mac n cheese for dinner
 drinking: Water 
i’m about to eat: see above
 waiting for: my friends to ask to hang lol
 want: a snake, cuter underwear, a bigger apartment, better job lol
 get married: probably
 career: dream one is wildlife rehabilitator. My actual job sucks but its not the worst 
 which is better:
hugs or kisses: kissinggg
 lips or eyes: 👁
 shorter or taller: in a partner i like them short and shey is only a few inches taller than me and im extremely short haha
 older or younger: doesnt matter if its only a few years difference and they are of consenting age also. Shey is a few months younger than me 
 nice arms or nice stomach: oh godddd bothh
 hookup or relationship: in the end relationship for me but nothing wrong with hookups tbh
 troublemaker or hesitant: troublemakerr 
have you ever: 
kissed a stranger: i had to think but no lol
drank hard liquor: yes 
lost glasses/contact lenses: yup but i never wear them anyways 
turned someone down: idk why but in the last year so many people have gotten crushes on me and im like wtfff
had sex on first date: um
broke someone’s heart: mutually..
 had your heart broken: yeah
been arrested: not yet 😜
cried when someone died: i cry daily so 
fallen for a friend: 70% of the time i usually fall for my friends at one point but i havent since like maybe junior year of highschool 
do you believe in:
yourself: not really at all
miracles: yes
love at first sight: no way
santa claus: who
angels: yes
eye color: hazel
height: 5'2
favorite thing to do: watch youtube, skype with shey, hang with friends, get high or drunk, laugh, skate, press flowers and plants, play piano or uke
favorite celebrity: neil patrick harris but i just realized the other day i dont have a crush on him anymore
favorite movie: La La Land, Moonrise Kingdom, Gone Girl
Oh mann gotta tag people now. Literally just do it and say i tagged you. I dont have enough friends on tumblr. Also non of you are even gunna read this lol
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wowjunhees · 7 years
92 Questions in
Rules: tag 20 people (yikes, only does like 5 lolol) My first tag that involves questions, so @wowace7 thank you! 😊 ill try to answer honestly 😜 
THE LAST… 1.Drink: Homemade starbucks 2.Phone call: my sister 3.Text message: “BITCH I AM SHOOK! ~ WHEN LANDON AND HIS GF ARENT TOGETHER ANYMORE ~ BRUH” - from my bestie 4.Song you listened to: Know Who You Are from Moana soundtrack 🌝 5.Time you cried: its hard for me to cry so i don’t remember 6.Dated someone twice: no 7.Been cheated on: no 8.Kissed someone and regretted it: Why would I kiss someone that I wouldn’t want to kiss?? bye 9.Lost someone special: no 10.Been depressed: nope 11.Gotten drunk and thrown up: NoOoOoOo LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: Red, Black, Mint Green 15.Made new friends: thru here? not yet 16.Fallen out of love: Yes 17.Laughed until you cried: no 18.Found out someone was talking about you: Yes =.= 19.Met someone who changed you: hm, yes, but in a positive way 20.Found out who your true friends are: Shhyeah 21.Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Naw GENERAL… 22.How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: 2 ~ that I really know and the rest are just friends that i know from high school 23.Do you have any pets: No BUT I WANT A KITTEN 24.Do you want to change your name: No, i like my name thank you very much 25.What did you do for your last birthday: I went out to eat w my fam 26.What time did you wake up: i woke up @ 9am 27.What were you doing at midnight last night: i was posting A.C.E shit 💕 28.Name something you cannot wait for: IM GOING TO SEE THE LION KING ON BROADWAY ~ they are doing a tour 😭 29.When was the last time you saw your mother: like 5mins ago cause she came home from work 30.What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: nothing, if i changed shit then I wouldn’t be who i am today and met the people who are now closest to me 31.What are you listening to right now: Shelter by Porter Robinson 32.Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes, he was actually the first myspace friend i ever made! Ha, no one else can say that 🌚 33.Something that is getting on your nerves: hm, nothing atm 34.Most visited website: Tumblr & Youtube 35.Elementary: yes, I succeeded elementary by going to Jr.High 36. High School: After I succeeded Jr.High, they sent me to High School for FOUR YEARS–the nerve 37.College/university: After getting my diploma, I volunteered to attend college~ its been 2yrs so far 38.Hair color: Dark Dark Brown 39.Long or short hair: long enough that goes passed my shoulders, short enough that it doesn’t pass my two girls 40.Do you have a crush on someone: its these boys from a group called Ace? You probs dont know them 🌝 41.What do you like about yourself: I like my nose, weird i know 42.Piercings: ear 43.Blood type: ERROR 44.Nickname: Tine 45.Relationship status: single 46.Zodiac sign: Sagittarius 47.Pronouns: she/her 48.Favorite tv show: i like loooads but rn Riverdale, Skam and Supernatural 49.Tattoos: naw 50.Right or left hand: Right 51.Surgery: luckily, never 52.Piercings: this thing should be 91 questions cause this been asked 🌚💕 54.Sport: H O C K E Y 55.Vacation: I wanna vacay but im poor 57.Eating: nothing 58.Drinking: still drinking my homemade Starbucks 59.I’m about to: post this on my Ace account 60.Listening to: spotify shuffled to Cherry Bomb by Nct 127 🍒 61.Waiting for: myself to know what to do w my life 62.Want: i want my Ace account to grow in the future 🌝 63.Get married: can I find a BF first? 64.Career: ERROR!! THIS USER HAS NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT TO DO WHICH IS BETTER… 65.Hugs or kisses: Hugs 66.Lips or eyes: eyes 67.Shorter or taller: taller 68.Older or younger: Older 70.Nice arms or nice stomach: Nice arms 71.Sensitive or loud: loud 72.Hook up or relationship: relationship 73.Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant HAVE YOU EVER… 74.Kissed a stranger?: stranger danger kids, live by this 75.Drank hard liquor?: hm, i guess 76.Lost glasses contact/lenses?: HELL YEAH - contacts are a burden sometimes 77.Turned someone down?: No 78.Sex on first date?: bruh 79.Broken someone’s heart?: I think 80.Had your heart broken?: Yes, multiple times by the same person 81.Been arrested?: im a angel 😇 82.Cried when someone died?: No, again its hard for me to cry 83.Fallen for a friend?: naw DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84.Yourself?: Yessss 85.Miracles?: Yess 86.Love at first sight?: anything is possible 87.Santa Claus?: I refuse to believe “Your Parents” put your presents under the tree ~ WHERE DO ALL MY CHRISTMAS LETTERS GO HUH? Answer me that 88.Kiss on the first date?: Well, I wouldn’t mind it 89.Angels?: Yes OTHER… 90.Current best friend’s name: Hayley 91.Eye color: brown 92.Favorite movie: IDK THATS HARD ~ i guess, all of the Harry Potter series
I tag: @taeguklife @jazzyjunhee @donghunns @toewow @byeonqkwan
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flavorednarry · 8 years
i was tagged by @blazinginbus1 a very very long time ago and tonight i have decided to finally get over with the procrastination and clear up my drafts ! And oh! by the way.. thank you Emily :D
Rules: Write 92 truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged.
what was your…
last drink: water
last phone call: I called the customer care support of a travel agency who sent me an email stating i have been their loyal member for so long that they want to offer me a highly discounted vacation trip to the Bahamas. LOL ! dont judge me, i was intrigued and bored this afternoon.
last text message: “and the cruise insurance cost is $25” to a friend who was as bored as me and had expressed her wish to fly to the east coast and meet sometime this year..
last song you listened to: Counting Stars by One Republic
last time you cried: It was late january this year.. i re-read @narryhadalittleliam ’s DtRH verse
have you ever…
dated someone twice: nope
been cheated on: nope
kissed someone and regretted it: nope
lost someone special: yes.. dont wanna talk about it.. :(
been depressed: yes.. the quarter-life-crisis got me and suddenly all my school and college friends got estranged.. i started spending more time on the internet on weekends (cooped up indoors listening to music, looking for new tunes because old ones were reminiscent of so many things that had happened in the past) instead of hanging out with friends like i normally used to.. During one such weekend, i was thinking of all the overnight adventures we had had together and that lead me to search for a song with keywords “midnight memories” on youtube.. and that is how i discovered One Direction ! The song although, was not relatable to my phase of depression, it turned out to be a happiness-filled-spirit-uplifting one! Then one video lead to another and I became a full-fledged 1D stan.
in the past year have you…
made a new friend: yes, i flew to west coast to meet the friend i mentioned in the text message QnA above and she introduced me to her other friend who is sadly now just a name in my FB friends-list
fallen out of love: ehhh.. yeah, sure.. i’d like to think so.
laughed until you cried: yes.. courtesy POTUS, the late night shows have been hilarious !
met someone who changed you: eww.. the first person that comes to my mind as an answer to this question is my mom.. she visited me in the US and stayed for 2 months and did not fail to have a sob-fest over how she fears i’ll forever be lonely because i refuse to get married in my twenties.. after she went back to India, i realised how much more happier i was before her arrival and now it feels like i was attacked by a dementor and all the happiness has been sucked out of me and that reminds of remus lupin who had offered harry potter a chocolate bar as cure.. so i now ensure i always have chocolate bars on me.. just in case another dementor swoops in..
found out who your true friends are: yes, sadly there arent many, sigh.. maybe just one.. or two.. or none.. idk.. i believe if i cant be a true friend to anyone, neither can i have any.. and since i have lost touch with all my friends.. i no longer believe any of them care about me enough.. sh*t! this is so sad! m gonna resort to stating Niall as my true friend henceforth! he’s been there throughout last year.. throughout the hiatus.. is still around, keeps in constant touch and i love him back for all of this and more! so yeah, no one’s better than Niall!
kissed anyone on your followers/following: i honestly did not understand this question.. i am gonna just say ‘no’ to this. Lol
how many people on your tumblr do you know irl: none
do you want to change your name: nope
what time did you wake up today: 7 AM
what were you doing at midnight last night: developing a software program.. :P it was a busy week at work.. had the itch to finish off atleast 20% of the pending items before resuming on monday
name something you can’t wait for: niall’s second single
what is the one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish i had friends belonging to my demographic here in Florida to hangout with.. everyone i know here in person is a work-colleague in thier 40s and 50s..
what are you listening to right now: john mayer.. stevie nicks and maren morris
whats getting on your nerves right now: right now? like ‘right now’ right now? well… its this never ending questionnaire! what else could it be? Lol
about me…
nicknames: as a kid, i was a huge fan of shah rukh khan.. his most popular character ‘Raj’ addresses/teases his lady love 'Simran’ with nickname 'Senorita’.. and idk why that caught on with my elder cousins who since then address me as 'Senorita’.. and ever since i landed in florida.. the locals seem to think that i look spanish, so they too address me as 'Senorita’.. i know its not exactly a nick name but it’s a wild experience to have.. like- life coming full circle? or like- i was probably destined to live among spanish-speaking community and i just had no idea during my childhood? like- some unspoken prophecy coming true? idk man.. its 1am now and this is the calibre of thinking i have at such odd hours.. pardon me if i sound stupid..
relationship: content to remain single.. but who knows what shape will that status take under parental pressure these days..
zodiac sign: Pisces
pronouns: she/her
favourite TV shows: friends, the big bang theory, castle, the good wife and all the late night talk shows..
school: information technology engineering
hair colour: Brown
long or short hair: medium
do I have a crush on someone: nope
what do you like about yourself: truly speaking, i like the fact that i am financially independant as i always wanted to be
first surgery ever: removal of blood-clot from bottom lip at age of 16 i think..
first piercing: dont remember.. i am indian.. most indian babies get their ears pierced before they turn 1..
first sport you joined: CRICKET!
first vacation: north-india (delhi-agra-shimla-kulu-manali) with family, at age of 14 :)
first pair of trainers/sneakers: bata.. white..
right now…
eating: its 1:31am.. not eating
drinking: its 1:31am.. not drinking
listening to: its 1:32am.. not listening
waiting for: this questionaire to end
wanting kids: yes
career: software engineer
romantic stuff…
lips or eyes: eyes
hugs or kisses: hugs
shorter or taller: taller
older or younger: younger with a mature head?
romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous
sensitive or loud: sensitive
hookup or relationship: relationship
troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
have you ever…
kissed a stranger: no
drank hard liquor: yes
lost glasses or contacts: Don’t need them.. but i lost my sunglasses inside a lifesize model of spaceship Atlantis at NASA Kennedy.. does that count?
been arrested: nope
turned someone down: yes
cried when someone died: yes
fallen for a friend: yes :(
do you believe…
in yourself: yes
miracles: no
love at first sight: yes
santa claus: no
kiss on the first date: that’s an immediate and definite NO !
25 more folks to tag… hmmm…. @iamcupcakebcz @missy14us @12trees @narrents @narrytheyfit @tiine63 @galeaya067 @levyrroni-world @myaimlessuniverse @wantniallie @justnarryaf @narrys-town @1dfourinfinity @golfdadhoran @narry-bomb @pizziallhut @liamlovelyx @superrichlads @niallpeach @niallandharrymakemestrong @1989rosesxx @doitlikenialler @sweetgamber @kirrylovesnarry @arguendo
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