#'dont you just want to go apeshit. etc. etc. etc.'
berenshand · 5 months
shakespeare snobs still aren't ready for this conversation but revenge of the sith is the closest western media has to a modern equivalent of a shakespearean tragedy
- entertainment created for mass appeal
- effectively utilizes comic relief despite overall serious tone and/or subject matter
- the audience knows it's a tragedy going in
- utilizes, as shakespeare did, the elements of the greek tragedies which came before him, ie:
- the tragic hero is virtuous but for a fatal flaw
- the audience fears for and roots for the hero despite said flaw and their knowledge that the story is a tragedy
- in his attempts to escape his destiny, the hero unknowingly runs toward it, even brings it about himself
- it's entertainment for the masses even though the masses know it's a tragedy before it even starts
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vinnsley · 11 months
can i request a idv norton x reader nsfw hc please
yes. you can. (wow another idv req... all i have rn are idv reqs and one sally face from months ago.)(That was a cry for requests)
Well well how did you even get here?
Pinned on the bed under Norton who is staring at you with a predatory gaze without saying a word.
You got him jealous. Not that you need to do much to make him jealous, he easily gets jealous.
But you went too far today it seems.
First headcanon as that he'll always dominate. No matter what. No matter how much you beg or do anything for him he wouldnt let you.
(^) Considering this, he would only let you dominate if he's tired and just wants love when he feels like his worlds about to crumble.
(^) Pamper him, praise him, tell him how much he matters to you and that you dont see him as a monster for what happend, hes putty already in your hands.
When he dominates and gets too into the feeling, sometimes (might i mention also accidentally) he would just randomly degrade you without him even noticing. Calling you names like 'Cunt', 'Whore', 'Slut' etc. (Sometimes he gets so into it he starts to rant about how submissive you are for him, and that you wouldnt even be able to live without his cock inside you, or something along those lines.)
Hes ROUGH. His pace is fast, and hes grabbing your hips/waist hard. He will wait until you adjust though, he dosent want to hurt you.
Along the lines of not wanting to hurt you, he wants you to feel pleasure aswell, not just him. Just imagine one day youre in Nortons bed, both of you cuddling when he suddenly asks if you have any fetishes/kinks.
Awkward conversation but he takes your words to heart, he really just wants to pleasure you.
After the whole shabang is done, he would get you water or some snack you ask but he wouldnt bathe you. Hes too embarrassed after to even look at your naked body, so you have to do that one yourself...
But he would make sure youre alright, still conscious and that youre not too hurt of his pace or marks he left.
Would even offer to massage you after, and if you agree, he would make sure to do it gently, not to 'accidentally hurt your now over-sensitive body or something'. (his words)
Now onto kinks, hes definitely into praise.
Maybe hes into semi-public sex, but that depends on where, when and if hes too much in the mood. (Sometimes when hes just horny he just represses the feeling and goes on with his day without it even being there)
Definitely into cock warming. Like you both could be doing anything and he would just sit there, with you on his lap, his cock in your hole as you both do your respective things/hobbies.
He goes absolutely apeshit if you manage to get your hands on lingerie and tease him with it. He would just want to fuck you right then and there and just rip the lingerie off your body if you allow him. (If you manage to speak that is. Take that however you will.)
A few nono's during sex is degradation. He'll feel awful if you call him something derogatory, even if its accidental.
dosent really like public sex but if its semi public and youre into it he might give in.
despises being tied up, but hes hesitant on tying you up, even if its a kink of yours.
hahahahahhaah im going insane x3
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strifesolution · 20 days
ive never watched any parv strife series and dont entirely know where to start, is there playlist somewhere?
we’re gonna ignore that this is from a few weeks ago and i uhhhh forgot to answer it even tho i already wrote most of this up. hope ur still around anon. anyways yes! sort of.
the main series with the guys in them. required viewing, if you will:
solutions in chaos - series number 1, takes place on the chaosville server. it’s how they meet, it’s classic, they’re silly
blood and chaos - series number 2, my personal preference! still the same shenanigans but on the yogscast complete pack. this is the one that’s a reupload, so there’s no original views/comments/etc. (also iirc there’s an episode or two out of order? just double check that lmao)
optional viewing. i wouldn’t look into these until after youve watched the first two and decide you want more:
strife solutions - strife’s solo series. i havent actually watched this one in full mostly because solo minecraft content is a bit of a drag for me (unless it’s RT haha) but if that’s your thing go for it
heros of mine - takes place after solutions and chaos but before/adjacent to blood and chaos. the pov i linked is martyn’s, because parv’s is private. oh yeah, martyn’s here! ive also only skimmed this one.
solutions and order - the “sequel” to blood and chaos/strife solutions that came out (checks notes) …six years later? i enjoyed it! it’s strife and some familiar faces to chaosville/yogs, also almost entirely scripted as opposed to just partly scripted/occasional improv. def has a “for the fans” vibe, but still fun
note that besides the last one all of these series are like ten years old now and have not aged the best. i mean they’re not blatantly awful but there’s just some outdated jokes and banter. they’re not like, high art in any means, so please don’t let my absolute insanity over them get your expectations too high LMAOO
but if you do decide to watch them PLEASE TELL ME BECAUSE I WILL GO APESHIT its been so long and they’re still so special to me wehhhh,,,
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kroosluvr · 2 months
royal trio tennis au fuckign sav eme
uh oh akira gave goro and sumire a kiss before their biggest matches of the year and they somehow managed to sweep the competition. uh oh kisses are becoming part of their winning routine ("look im not superstitious but if it works it works" "ok goro. pucker up") uh oh!!!!!!!!! what could this mean for the salmon population
smth really special to me abt akira and goro walking on and off the court for doubles matches so close that their shoulders or legs knock together fondly. in tennis since you're always on opposite ends of the court and most often than not you're playin singles, something that suits goro stay-50-ft-frm-me-at-all-times-or-ill-bite-ur-head-off smth abt casual physical affection is so special.
goro always flips the score agonizingly slow when he wins a game or set vs akira. like yea ok rub it in why dont u
goro always buys multiple copies of any magazine that sumire is featured in. akira looks at the magazine rack and oh look the inside tennis section is noticeably ransacked goro was here.
they do travel internationally for training camps and tourneys and scrimmages and etc, so they get to sightsee a lot! i like to imagine them at the beach a lot, getting fresh air and running along the sand :') idk i associate them w water a lot.......free-flowing... always seeking the open sea....
ppfffghhh was this a scene in challengers? idk i didnt see it. akira tying goro's shoes
sumire is always like "i need an hour and a half to warm up" and it ticks goro off bc ur gonna wear urself down by 3 games in at that rate. "we're going out," he says bluntly, dragging her out of the racquet club room, "we're going to take a walk to downtown and grab some juice. yeah?" "but ill only have half an hour to-" "good." akira: so like just say you want some private time w her u sicko goro: THIS IS FOR HER OWN GOOD CANT U FUCKING SEE THAT!!!!!!
youd think that goro is the one to bite the opponent's head off if they make a bad line call vs sumire or akira but its actually akira who goes apeshit . i think goro still is self conscious abt his public image but akira will verbally tear them apart frm the sidelines over one bad line call
akira does the thing where he like stretches his legs out to be shorter+sumire's height so he can rest his head on her head or shoulder. he's stretching!
none of them are early birds lol they be goign to their 6:30am practices then passing out in first period and one of them has to kick the other two awake (Yeah just assume they have one class together idk)
goro does have dedicated fans who send him letters and presents and stuff and hes like "great" (tosses them) but sumire finds out and shes legitimately so heartbroken over it that he feels bad and starts reading the letters and etc. and wow hes actually inspired people to start tennis, to play competitively, that people are cheering him on worldwide......................................................... what a fucking joke.
cause it's akira and sumire that inspire him. goro akechi doesn't deserve this.
every day they're so grateful to have been born in the right time and right place to compete in tennis together. with anyone else it wouldn't have been the same.
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beatcroc · 6 months
Okay I finally generated an ask for you!!!!
What is your favourite genre of music? Or if you don't know how to categorize the music you listen to (like me), what is your favourite song? Or band? Or album? Something like that.
ohhhhh #1 question i am categorically incapable of being normal about <3
i typically just define my favorite music as "loud" or "aggressive" or "abrasive" bc most stuff that fits those descriptors will be in my faves regardless of the genre.
a more specific answer is that there are 3 main things i've noticed that will typically make me go apeshit without fail and they are: 1. hardstyle/gabber/industrial hardcore- sorta basskick 2. sickass metal guitar shredding 3. huge dramatic grandiose orchestral
if something has 1 of these i will probably like it, if it has 2 it will be a top fave, and all 3.... well i have yet to find it yet but im sure i will Ascend. here are examples of said top fave combos.
laur covers hardstyle+orchestral and i Cannot Get Enough of his shit man it goes so fucking crazy hard
metal+orchestral is unquestionably ruled by nightwish, but theyre not on bandcamp and i dont feel like finding other links so this one goes to the still-very-fucking-awesome runner-up, POWERWOLF
riikira and rabbitjunk hit metal+hardstyle, though it's less strictly hardstyle and more just general hardcore* electronica. if its got crazy amens its enough who cares. i put the ones that use actual kicks for the sake of illustrating the point here but these tracks are both pretty far from my faves from each lmao *hardcore referring to hardcore [edm] in this case, even though the genre these belong to is called "digital hardcore", which instead refers to hardcore [punk]. it's a mess out here. did you know theres two completely different things called doomcore where one is derived from metal and the other is derived from hardcore. and you never know which itsd going to be when you click on something in the doomcore tag. im dying squirtle
anyway on the other side of the hardstyle+metal combo is kobaryo [with his alias blaxervant], who's much more about the hardcore side of things and just has the metal as flair, but it is still: the best shit ever
laur also on occasion hits this side of hardstyle+metal becaue he just likes using whatever the fuck instruments
there are of course many other things i love a lot, primary examples being ambient/atmospheric, folk, and anything with a lot of Texture. im not gonna get into all that but i do have an extended list of faves/recs from the last time i was asked about this and went insane abt it. it took forever to make and my actual recs are not entirely the same as my Faves so im putting it on here too.
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i keep these curated to the top of my bandcamp profile so they're the first things that display there. it's a bit old by now and some have since been shuffled out, but it's still like 80% accurate.
as for the actual recs: the angel's message is there because it's my fave brand of intense and chaotic stuff and want it to kill you full force. it already has some tracks up there so im not re-linking it
this one i recommend just because i think it's really interesting and out there and i'm curious what other people think of this sort of stuff. it's also the prime example of what i mean when i talk about Textures in music.
wolfgun is an actual rec for being genuinely just really good music. probably the most objectively cool/platonically enjoyable thing in my library
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strawbubbysugar · 1 year
hello hello
heres me having thoughts on morgans situation
so ill be honest, when i first read that morgan was in P&S my first reaction was also "bitch gtfo" and a lot of what they said also made me sit there like "...oh really? you say that like we never felt like that either" but i have decided to go apeshit instead
now here i am analyzing their character and thinking about wut they couldve done that wouldnt have ended up in them getting stabbed (exaggeration)
so we can obviously agree on the abusive part. manipulation, gaslighting, etc. and it seems that morgan still feels like they were in the right for what they did (correct me if im wrong, this is just what im interpreting) as they dont say things like "im sorry for what i did" but rather "i was just trying to help." now, ofc, nobody is obligated to forgive their abuser, but im just thinking that morgan wouldve had a higher chance of being forgiven if they actually said sorry sincerely and fully understood that what they did was wrong and not just "i was trying to help" (which seems to always be their go-to defense instead of admitting they were wrong). but ofc thats a natural reaction as most people dont realize that what theyre doing is abusive and they fully believe that what theyre doing is right.
now theres also "well their soulmate died at a young age and they didnt want to be alone." yes, that garners them sympathy points, but it is not an excuse, its a reason. an excuse gives them an immediate out, a reason tells you why they did what they did so you can understand better, but it does not release them from all consequences.
also, i have severe abandonment issues, so i understand the feeling of not wanting to be alone and the crippling fear it gives. but just bc i have trauma does not mean that im allowed to go around and do whatever morgan did then when the consequences slap me in the face i pull out my uno reverse and go "i have trauma you cant be mad" (another exaggeration)
also this isnt me hating on morgan, i find them to be a fascinating character. this is just me over analyzing atp.
but in conclusion, morgan needs to realize what they did was wrong, get some therapy, and learn from their mistakes to become a better person. well... thats if they live-
uhhh i probably got some of this wrong but yeah these are my thoughts-
insert sparkle on jerma gif here
I really really adore this analysis, thank you for putting so much time & love into it!!! <3
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musubiki · 1 year
I'm sort of confused, why does Mochi leave during the time skip???
Also, do you think she'd feel betrayed once learning that Lime joined the m34th?
And do taffy and coco ever get together I need to know-
Your art makes me very happy and gives me a lot of inspiration❤️❤️
the main reason mochi leaves it essentially that her power is growing too strong, beyond what pom even knows how to deal with, and its not safe for her to stay in wessport!! the lore is that in the era in which the witch king is supposed to awaken, the magic in other witches grows stronger to "compensate" and prepare them (so mochi along with the other witches experience their magic growing FAR stronger than that of the witches before them)
up until she leaves, mochi had been in Wessport (the seaside town where she grew up/went to high school/etc) and between pom and tiramisu, they had enough knowledge/magic to help train mochi and clean up any mishaps that might happen during her training to be the cat witch. but when mochis power grows beyond what they expected the then some, the thought was that they need to get her away from people and towns so she doesnt accidentally level a whole city since they dont know what shes capable of anymore.
as for the reason she didnt take her guild with her-- a witch primarily needs a guild during the time period where shes growing into her magic as a means of help and protection (since shes not at full strength, they play the role of bodyguards/extensions/helping hands, essentially). but since mochi is in her full strength, she technically doesnt NEED the guild anymore, and again its safer if shes on her own with just her and pom so she doesnt hurt anyone by accident. so thats the reason why she leaves!!!! (as for WHERE she goes, i imagine its either the mountains or the desert. somewhere far from people and prying eyes where she can just go apeshit with her magic with no consequences)
NOW FOR YOUR OTHER QUESTIONS!!!!!!! yes taffy and coco get together!! after mochi leaves and the guild breaks up, taffy goes with coco since he really has nowhere else to go and shes happy to have him. she wants to get her degree (since its something her parents put on their little bucket list for her), and so taffy offers (insists, really) that he can take care of her while she does her studies. even for the period where she wasnt sure if a relationship was what she wanted at that time, he still stayed with her and supported her (and ofc its hard not to love taffy so eventually shes like "I think we should like. go out. officially." so they get together during the timeskip!!!
and as for limes joining the m34th.......yes, she absolutely feels betrayed. she tries not to, because logically, she did leave them with no mention of where she was going or when (or if) she was coming back, so LOGICALLY they can do whatever they want. and the m34th is a natural choice for a black canvas in the magic community. and he says he only did it to keep busy and do something, but she cant help but wonder if he held some deep-rooted resentment to her thats so bad he would join an organization that exists specifically to suppress magic
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millenari · 1 year
🧵 What's your favorite production and why?
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Well, Cats 98 feels like the obvious answer. I got into cats through it, watched it the most times, love the cast. But there are elements in 98 i dislike, and I HAVE been going absolutely apeshit about the vienna revival. ANDDD i do love everything the bway revival did with macavity..........
I have to say cats 98. but its close!
🎶 Who's your favorite ensemble cat and why?
I know victoria/demeter/bomba kinda live in this weird 'are they song cats or ensemble cats' space because they dont ever sing their own song specifically. But I do love all three of them.
But setting them aside, probably Cassandra. Love her design, love her style of movement, love how well she's characterized without really having any 'essential role' in the show.
🔥 Share one (1) hot take/opinion about the show/fandom/etc
This is just me, but I DO think ALW/RUG was on the right track that Cats needs to be ''''modernized''' to some extent. The world is very different than it was in the 80s and musical theater holds a different place in the entertainment world. I do think some of the choreography looks a little goofy and could stand to be updated (im sorry gillian lynne 🙏), there's the Racial Elements™ that need to be scorched from the earth, and i think modern audiences are less accepting of 'shits just weird man' than they were in the 80s. (unfortunately. BUT luckily i think that's been changing lately with all of the exhaustion re: 'gritty realistic' remakes)
ALL OF THAT SAID THOUGH i think they went about the idea of 'modernizing' cats in the worst way possible. I'll die happily if ALW's white old british ass never thinks or speaks about the entire concept of rap ever again, most of the bway revival choreo changes were downgrades in my opinion, SO MUCH of the writing in Cats 2019 makes me want to beat my head against the wall, AND SO ON. Terrible work, everyone!
(My advice to them is maybe next time you want to 'modernize' an older piece of media maybe show it to some Youths and ask them what they think of it instead of pulling a 'hello fellow kids' parkour move and fucking it up so hard you throw out your back in the process.)
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im-smart-i-swear · 1 year
Does Jiro has ghost like abilities (possession, ability to levitate things, etc etc) or does she just live in Shiro's head?
when i created this au, i thought the best option would be for her to be unable to interact with the physical world in any way(including possesion), beacuse i really wanted to lean into her isolation and how it affects her....... and while thats something i still want to emphasise here, lately ive been toying with the idea of jiro being able to impact the physical world somehow(though it still being fairly limited). i think letting her have some control could have a lot of potential! buuuut i also have no idea what abilities i want her to have lol
For now i think im not gonna give her any telekinetic abilities, bc i feel like it would be giving her too much power......... if she could throw shit, shed go APESHIT with it. it would made things too easy for her. i'm sorry babygirl but i'm NOT giving you the possibilty to throw knives and other sharp objects, i dont trust you to not kill someone:/
i really like the idea of her being able to temporarily posses her old body in certain circumstances tho- maybe when shiros uncouncious?? or like when hes is very tired or heavily injured she can kind of 'squeeze through' and take control back for a few minutes???? idk. i think this could be a very cool ability to give her- it cant be frequently used but can also be very helpful, and also theres so much potential for ✨shenanigans✨here>:) oh god i could put these fuckers in so many Situations with this..........
uhhh. so basically i think all of her influence on the physical world are through shiro. shes here bc of her connection to her old body, and thus its the only way for her to interact with anyone besides him- and shes NOT HAPPY about this(neither is shiro).
#ask#thank you for this ask!! it made me think more in depth about jiros abilities and come up with this so thanks<33333#if you have any ideas pls share them with me cause im still not really 100% set on everything lol#also im making a new tag for this au ->#two disasters au#bc. theres two of them.. and theyre both Mentally Unwell#also im gonna use this ask as an excuse to ramble about jiros motivation and character a bit-#okay. so i feel like the most importrant things about jiro are her tunnel vision and self-rightiousness#she gets really focused on one thing at a time and then fixates on it so much that she doesnt see how her behavior affects others#so when she gets evicted from her own body her first reaction isnt 'oh god this is such a messed up and dehumanizing thing to do to your#friend. what the FUCK guys'#its instead 'oh COME ON how am i supposed to be the black paladin without a physical body??? what the FUCK guys'#and bc deep down she KNOWS that if she ever stopped and thought about her situation for like 5 seconds shed just fuckin BREAK. so. she#doesnt do that.#and bc her self worth hinges on being the black paladin#she is really protective of tha title and tries her hardest to make sure shiro knows just how much better at paladin-ing she is than him#and that he wouldnt be able to keep the role without her help#she doesnt have any sense of personhood besides her job and so she clings to it desperately#the same applies to her gender#when jiro gets a new body(did i mention that???? i feel like i forgot to mention that. whoopsie???) he#(sometimes im gonna use he/him for jiro for when im showing things from a certain characters perspective cause thats what pronouns#she was using at the time)(if thats not okay i can stop tho) was trying very hard to pretend that hes just Shiro No. 2 and nothing more#to kinda 'make things easier for everyone' and bc he could FEEL the gender crisis approaching and was just. dead set on ignoring it and#hoping those feelings would go away(spoiler- they very much didnt. it just made things so so much Worse)#so anyway. basically jiro is a person obsesed with being Good Enough and respected but also lacks the experience patience and foresight#wnich results in her ignoring everyone and everything else to focus on doing her job Correctly#does this makes sense?? im still figuring shit out with her but thats what ive got rn
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bumblebyaf · 1 year
Next episode is gonna be absolutely insane bc I know for a fact that Ruby and Neo are going to interact and Ruby is just gonna go apeshit and not hold back at all, maybe we'll even get another monologue of her basically going "fuck you, fuck THIS, etc, etc,"... Mom come pick me up I'm scared
i have absolutely zero expectations because i just want to be blown away by whatever they do next..sooo ready for it. however i will say that i've been nervous about whats next cause while rewatching rwby ive noticed that neo pretty much always beats them in a fight and esp outmatches ruby on the bridge however ruby was also super emotional during that fight cuz of yang...either im worried neo will still outclass ruby when they fight again (plus neos power upgrade) or ruby will so fueled by anger (kind of what ur implying) that she will be a terrifying force...i dont know which one is technically worse
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peculiar-shardscape · 2 years
honestly tho, can you list all the aus that you had made? its ok if you dont im just curious how many had you done.
- ❖
You say this like I can remember them at the top of my head (I cannot)
Uhhh I also have a LOT of scrapped ones too but the Not scrapped ones are
-Invertedverse (everything is inverted and Stratosfear is an asshole)
-Walk Beyond Insanity (prepoint storyline, i am Not using the prepoint names though out of spite but basically Ulipse finds out they can use dark magic, runs away from maytown, comes back years later and all hell breaks loose)
-Future/Past (Stratosfear fucked shit up and everyone has to go and fix it, timelines are fucked but who cares at this point)
-Insomniac (los animales)
-Dreams and Memories (MY FIRST EVER MADE ROBLOX AU ACTUALLY, basically af2 but you travel through Memories of the Points and also Sterneedle is there)
-Dreamcatcher!AU (on edge about this one because an exfriend associated with this one SUPER heavily /neg. but erm. Asshole oc Detelle fucks shit up, everyone's symbols can turn into cool weapons and also Detelle should kill themse-)
-PROJECT FUSION (fusions. lots of fusions. technically not an AU but I like fusions. A lot.)
-Colourdrained (Octave goes batshit)
-That one Antagonist Aaron au that i never gave a name (self explanatory)
-Substantial Consequences (i literally NEVER spoke of this EVER but 1x and Sphara has this fucked up goop in a jar that was too dangerous so they hid it away but years later 1x accidentally lets fucked up goop out and shit goes wrong)
-Spiral Out of Control (One of my favs, kind of hard to explain though... Magic and ... Racism. Yeah)
Bonus crossover is Fight or Flight which is a crossover of AF and SPR (It's kind of like. tied into my Game Changer species that I made but basically everyones forced in a team game and they need to survive and shit. everyone has a partner and if One partner dies, the other is eliminated, also they share pain so if one gets punched in the stomach, the other feels that punch too. Shit's cool. Game Changer guy is actually a dad)
-Colorverse (My dumbass didnt know what colors meant so basically every class is a species and everyone is in colored teams and I have a whole entire google slide about it)
-COLORBARS but that's also Colorverse so idk (Copybox goes apeshit and everyone gets brainwashed)
-That one apocalyptic AU that I literally never touched ever again (los animales but violent but also they like people who have some sort of physical "deformation" (broken horns, missing limbs etc))
If anyone wants anymore lore on certain aus, feel free to ask. im ill
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beaversatemygrandma · 2 years
Back on my bullshit about attempting to draw people while continuously telling myself that as soon as i give them a face it doesn’t mean they’re looking at me and judging me.
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jude-harley · 5 years
actually, NO. i’m gonna make it out and im gonna fight tooth and nail to do it. yeah i might get depressed some days and some days i cant fight as hard and some days i get hurt, but that doesn’t mean i’ve stopped fighting. slowing down isn’t stopping and im. not. stopping
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sparklyslug · 2 years
Forgive me if this has been asked before:
In the fair ithilien verse, did the whole “Eddie and Steve” situation divide the party at all? Like Will clearly has An Opinion about Steve and eventually comes around some, but does that distance him from Dustin, Lucas, etc? Especially those two, since they’re closer to Steve than Will is? I’m assuming everyone else isn’t as biased toward one of them like Will is, but I’d love to hear what you think!
Also, you guys write Will as having powers: is that something on your wishlist for the actual show, or something you guys just thought was interesting, or something else?
Thank you for indulging me and my INSANE curiosity lol
I think as, with complicated situations that arise in every friend group, people kept their opinions LARGELY to themselves, except to like kvetch a little with people they already know agree with them. No one is going to try and start anything that might cause actual friction within the group, but do they have their bitchy side comments one on one? OF COUUUURSE!
Like, Dustin never ever warmed to Megan. Is he ever going to say a thing about it to El, who kind of thinks Megan hung the moon? CERTAINLY NOT. Not even to Mike, who would probably just tell El anyway. He will however send little bitchy emails to Max, who generally likes Megan but likes a bitchy email exchange with Dustin even more. Will's Steve annoyances are not something he's going to bring up to Dustin, president of the Steve Harrington Fan Club, but he'll probably go to Mike first with a little AND THEN STEVE SAID rant, because Mike never really forgave Steve entirely for having the temerity to date his sister. Just a lot of gossiping behind each others backs, you know, as true friends do ahahahaa.
WILL WITH POWERS IS A THING THAT CAN BE SO PERSONAL. I think for me at least a little bit of both. It's something fun to play with, but also something I'd love to see happen in the show. If powers can be a little bit nature and a little bit nurture, and Will has already supped DEEPLY from the offerings of the Upside Down, I think there's room for his obtaining something along those lines, especially with the back of the neck touch thing going on already (sigh, that just looks so dumb and even the amazing acting skills of Noah can only do so much). Fair Ithilien and how Will's powers manifest as "knowing" things, or sensing energy patterns etc, is an extrapolation of that.
I can tell you that @greenlikethesea deeply desires a s5 Villain!Will arc guided by the sacred principles of "aren't you tired of being nice? dont you just want to go apeshit?" BUT THEY CAN TELL U MORE ABOUT THAT THEMSELVES.
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pinkpruneclodwolf · 3 years
Good afternoon!!!! I have a new idea for a fic that I will crank out once I'm done w the second part of the prologue jhfksjfs also i just have been woken up from my nap and decided to choose violence so CRANKING THE ANGST TO THE MAX WE GOOOOOOO!!!! Okay but like in the world of twst people born w magic are born w cores in their bodies right??? and thats how they're able to manipulate magic AND properly articulate the magic in their body so that they don't die bc of it (its also why pens and magic gems are a thing so that the blot in their body so it doesn't result into them imploding bc of it) what if Yuu essentially bc they dont have a core and therefore their body cant regulate the magic and blot properly gets sick bc of it and gets filled w blot??? and just like a bottle thats full and overflowing w it---it leaks out thru them coughing or even puking blot???? in worst case scenarios even their tears and sweat and blood have been turned to blot (and slowly their whole body and mind would be too).
And the worst part is that its painful---bc blot not only brings out the worst of you and dials it to the max---its literal magic waste and is toxic as hell. Its like being dunked in poison or having needles crawl into your veins. Its not a pretty situation to be in---especially in the long run and with the amount of stressful situations Yuu has found themselves in---Its actually surprising that Yuu just didn't die with the amount of blot that's accumulated in their body.
Imagine in the worst case scenario Yuu is somewhere in ramshackle all alone bc they've driven everyone away from them (bc of fear and shame and self-loathing) and the blot overflowing from their body and cannot move bc of the sheer pain and numbness they feel bc of it. Imagine all the regret, pain, and anguish they feel in the moment and just the want to go apeshit and let it all out but be unable to because you're body isn't built for it so you're just stuck there dying and slowly rotting away until your feeling swallow you whole.
Anyways I might add on this later but for now I hope you have a nice day!!! :heart:
I actually believe historically that blot doesn't just affect Magicians.
There have been multiple theories that say that magic is an accumulative force (accumulating power, accumulating blot) or that it can have its own scientific classification up there with atoms, neutrons, protons, and electrons.
The idea of a magicless person OB isn't that far fetched when you consider those possibilities. For all we know Ortho could've been magicless and OB'ed due to an overexposure of magic (and subsequently blot)
It would then make sense that Yuu would accumulate blot (and subsequent magic, like Bruce getting the Hulk from gamma rays) bc they've essentially spent the whole year encountering magic with no outlet.
It was an oversight basically.
Yuu has been exposed to more magic than any magicless person, i say this bc 1: NRC is a magical school full of kids willing to blast magic at you with zero provocation (the Prologue, the Egg incident, etc) 2: There are rules and regulations for using magic in public, OB might not be common (Crowley said that OB are only once in a lifetime) laws and regulations would make sure it never happens bc phantoms do live on when the magician dies.
There are seemingly no rules in NRC aside from 'don't fight' but that doesn't include using magic—
What I'm saying is Yuu has been in countless situations where a magical murder mental breakdown was needed but hasn't happened yet i wouldn't be surprised if instead of Grim eating/absorbing Yuu, Yuu does an uno reverse card and absorbs Grim due to having accumulated more blot.
I think of Magicless people getting the symptoms of OB the same way as rabies—you think your fine (rabies can stay in the body for a couple days up to a whole ass year *looks at Yuu*) but in your last moments your rabid, in pain, feverish, and in that delirium Yuu would possibly push their friends away.
The core of a magician could be the heart, meaning that in place of blood, its blot. It would make sense that Yuu's body would slowly breakdown considering that blot is the toxic waste of magic one would need to be in the hospital for years trying to help the body relearn pumping blood even if it was just for a day.
Basically, Yuu either has to major plot armour or their body has adjusted to blot which opens a whole new can of worms.
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belphesnore · 3 years
it’s not part of those question lists but i’ve been wanting to know how was your mcs relationship with belphie after chapter 16? i think you mentioned that they tried to get mammon to Get belphie?
OH GOD ITS BEEN SO LONG, I FORGOT ABOUT THAT, im rambling so i'll leave all this shit below the cut lol
the original idea was like. okay so she's pretty clever and makes a lot of snap decisions, right? she knows she's not going to be able to fight him herself, and the last thing she wants is to be within arms reach. Tex is way too caught up in her need for immediate retribution that she uses her pact with mammon, a significantly more powerful demon, to fuck him up for her. And i feel like this would crumble a lot of the relationships she'd built up over season one, like there should definitely be consequences to her trying to use mammon as a pawn against like. his own relative. i also just think its an interesting take on mammon's original mc bodyguard role.
etc etc the shitshow is shut down by diavolo and lucifer and shit's tense for a while after. i'm not 100% sure if i want to go with this!! it's fun but i also like the idea of tex just going absolutely apeshit herself so like. decisions decisions.
EITHER WAY, i think she'd blank belphie for the longest time. Just straight up treating him like a ghost, staring right through him at dinner, hardly acknowledges him. He escalates it w a really petty confrontation, Tex starts skipping mutual classes, and then lucifer is like Thats Enough and makes tex tutor belphegor for like. the entire 5 months of classes he missed and needs to catch up on. wacky hateboner hijinks ensue, she's being very obviously fake and customer service-y, still avoids him in every other situation at all costs until they're outside olone at one of diavolo's big ass parties
they're both avoiding the crowd in the same exact spot because of course they are, she makes a move to leave and he stops her to Actually Apologize For Realsies This Time, says some sappy shit like how he appreciates her or whatever and if she can trust him again for like just THIS once and go back to HOL w him, he can prove he's not dangerous and he's got a gift that was, like, a rly huge pain in the ass to get and its a secret so like pls dont b a bitch just trust me ok? ok.
tex drops the facade for the first time in 2 months and she's like FINE. but we're bringing beel as a chaperone in case u try and pull any shit. and he's like alright ok that's fair. and they go back to the attic and belph pulls out this trunk and its just a SHIT TON of human realm weed that he made solomon take him to get and he's like "youve been sleeping like shit and its exhausting ME and you definitely don't want MY help. and asmo said smth about you missing it. see? im SO NICE." and she gives him a very tentative "..ok i forgive you lmao" & now they're smoke buddies. beel is eating a couch and in the meantime they sit outside on whatever the HOL equivalent of shoddy deck furniture is and actually start talking all the attic shit and exchange program reservations and lilith bullshit out.
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