#theres so many things ive thought of while writing
catmask · 7 months
your Laila’s comet character quiz was actually so great? I love the way your questions were worded. They were so clear and descriptive that I was never confused as to what I they meant or what answer I should pick. A lot of uquizzes have questions like “pick a song” or “which photo are you”, which I just find confusing; am I supposed to pick based on preference, how well they represent me, or something else? but your questions were clear and I loved that!!! and there weren’t too many, and they all visibly had some sort of meaning that didn’t seem arbitrary in the slightest! goddd and the result section was so well-written too!! I got algernon and now I can’t wait to meet them because I already relate quite a bit. not one-to-one but a lot closer than most quizzes get to accurate!!! there isn’t a point to this I just thought your quiz was, like, remarkably well-made
thank you so much!!! ahghgg yhis sort of thing makes me happy to hear. i have this same problem with quizzes ive taken before too so, i wanted to try to remedy something while also using it as a chance for character study.
obviously you guys cant see it on your end, but theres actually no single answer thats only one character. for example - i saw someone say they thought laika wouldve picked the action figure, but thats not actually true! two characters who werent laika would pick the action figure.
i think part of writing a good character exploration AND quiz is realizing that peoples choices change if slight variations of our lives were to occurr. that someone who might turn left today couldve turned right if something different had happened. or sometimes they might just be interested in exploring another part of themself.
i guess in this way id encourage people to take the quiz more than once, because even a small change in answers will yield a different result. but thats because every laikas character overlaps at the corners, just like real people do. none of us are as different as we think, but we're not all the same either.
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lokorum · 2 months
what would you say is your favorite jonmichael fic..... im very curious and love to reread anything in that tag
oh but how can i pick only one when they all are so good??? (,,•᷄‎ࡇ•᷅ ,,)?
aaaaaa can i make the several honorable mentions of the fics that made me scream and roll on the floor?????? pretty please???
scheherazade was one of the first jonmichael fics that i found while going through all of the cher's works because, evidently, they have no fics that are not worth reading!! (i'm sorry if and forty feet down only confirming it!!!)
sleep inertia has one of the best dialogues i ever read!!! the way cruelzy writes michael's lines??? aaaaaaaaa its so delicious and believable and never for a second i thought i'm reading something out of canon?? its just that good. 
carousel is the only one fic (from what i found) that i set in the last season and its adds a lot of layers to that big jonmichael onion that torments my eyes for a while now ldkfjgkdfjg also it's messy?? i mean the whole situation in the fic?? its so humanly complicated and it does not gives you the chance to experience any of the feelings clearly and i love it!! screechfox somehow captured all of the complicated stuff in one fic, blendered it together and for the whole time i just couldn't take my eyes away from it. 
five times michael saves jon's life and one time he doesn't have to - is here to sooth our pain and heal our wounds. i reread it so many times!! the dynamic between jon and michael in it is one to live for!!! sometimes you think 5+1 kind of fics can't surprise you anymore and then the coolest author like paisleycowboys enters the room and proves you wrong. 
to be like super honest, the 100 ways to say i love you series, when i first saw it, made me think im not gonna like it? i love my fanfics long and scary and bittersweet and with a bad-very-not-good-endings, so the title of this one made me go "hmmmmm HMMMMM hmmmmm hmmmm?" but ive started to read it anyway, theres not that many fics on the ao3 for jonmichael, we cant afford to be capricious and gosh GOSH i was so fucking wrong!!! its sweet AND sad AND scary AND awkward (in a best way!!!) AND it made me giggle so many times!!! NeedsCaffeineRightNow can make even the edgiest of us enjoy the soft kinds of fics (its not hard when they are written with so much care and love.)
POSSESSIVE!! MICHAEL!! COMBING!!! JON'S!! HAIR!!!!!! what else do we need from life?
transition, every time i reread it or think about it, makes me painfully aware of how many things should coincide for something to work. it's not one of those fics that completely encompass you; nor its the one that leaves you with new headcanons or in a good mood, no, i think it's the one that leaves you in dissoray, making you want to argue with author, to ask them what were they thinking about, pointing on your weak sides like this?, giving you something precious and then stealing it away? pushing your old bruises? that is to say, i have nothing but deep respect for indefensibleselfindulgence. to write fic that makes you want to engage in conversation? thats powerful 
Our 'Angel' of Static and Bone is written so inexplicably good, that more than once i wondered, how NeverwinterThistle was able to do it? and then i realised they are one of my fave bg3 and dishonored authors phpphp but really, the care, the effort that went into this fic? they are literally visible! you can feel the amount of time and brain juice that went into writing it. and the neighbor character? they appeared like two times?? and still their addition left me speechless with how clever it is, how different!! absolutely amazing work.
adjective noun has jonmichael chapter (11) that destroyed me as a person i swear i laughed so hard i dropped my phone and just kept giggling face-into-the-pillow style!!!!!! its rare for the fics to bring you this childish kind of pure joy; the little in-between moment of forgetting about everything, good and bad, and just have a good time. this chapter is definitely one of those rare things and it also made me wish there would be more jonmichael fics from cuttoth. somehow they nailed everything that should be nailed about this ship and did it in a couple of pages, what a magical work!! 
and well, now here's my fave fic, the one that took my head, shaked it like it's a soda can, and then left it open, fountaining at first and then dented and empty. 
I ask for nothing, but maybe I'm lying is the work that made me grateful for the fact that i know how to read in english. its....mmmm, you know that feeling when fic makes you go through literally everything? and then, as a bonus, through all stages of grief as well?
first you get hooked up by the beautiful writing style and so you know the fic is gonna be good and you get comfortable and you turn yourself off from the rest of the world and you read. 
you love pov, you love mood shifts, you love pacing, you love when scenes are short and you pause to think about what happened / you love when scenes are long and you get overloaded with the simple things that make you feel complicated emotions, you love it all. 
then you start to wish it would never finish; you look at the scrolling bar from time to time, a little bit too aware of how much there's left to read, a little bit too anxious about it. and at the same time, the fic starts to make you feel safe, confident, that at least it's gonna be alright, its gonna be that one work that will replace the canon events for you. it was the
“Oh. Oh, Archivist, no. That’s not right at all,” you say to yourself as you watch him march into artefact storage, both hands clamped around an axe. 
On a whim, you decide to save him."
line for me for sure uhhh it still hits as good as the first time too 
and then you get to the ending and you just stare at the screen. that hollowing feeling slowly spreading inside you. *sigh* its the best sort of inspiration im sure, but its the worse one too. i have no idea how possessedradios and authors like them are able to write something that kills you, then reanimates you and then makes you sit in front of the tablet drawing hours non stop. ''I ask for nothing, but maybe I'm lying" is so beautiful its scares and fascinates me, just like the podcast did. hell, better then the podcast did.  i know its silly but i even named my fisrt fanart of michael as the title of the fic 👉👈
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ahhhh SO i rumbled again SORRY!!!!!!! every time someone asks something from me its either "i'll reply later" (replies 10 years after) or "tolstoy, hold my fucking beer". but i really hope that fic writers, not only those who are mentioned here but like in general? know how much they affect other people!! how their work creates safe spaces for others!! how they make readers smile or cry, even if those readers (im not pointing finger on myself idk what you talking about pgphpphph) are little gremlins that leaving comments once in a decade....................
have fun time reading!! <3
btw im working on a little fanart rn............. (expressing my deepest grattitude to ao3 johmichael writers 😳🔪)
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hearts4werka · 2 months
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Summary: it’s been six months since your sister went missing, everyone gave up on the investigation but you’re determined to find her no matter what but someone comes along the way… Genre: Stalker, missing person, thriller, horror, crime investigation, dark aesthetic, stalker romance? (We won’t know yet) Warnings: mention of dark topics that may trigger some readers (idk which exactly, write them in the comments) ends on a cliffhanger. Read At Your Own Risk! authors note: this is my first fic and ive always been a fan of horror and stories that have me on the edge of my seat so writing this was a pleasure. English is not my first language so minor grammar mistakes might occur. Hope you enjoy!
This is part 1 of the ‘Missing’ series!
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Its been six months since my sister disappeared, vanished out of thin air without a trace left behind.
I tried to get the police to continue investigation after three months but they always say the same thing ‘she’s probably dead’ or ‘there’s no possibility she’s still out there alive’ so I decided to try and collect more information by myself since I believe I can find her and finally reunite which her after so long from being apart from each other.
A month ago on the anniversary of my sisters disappearance, I found out I have a stalker and it started to make my anxiety worsen which only adds onto the struggles in my life I have to deal with and a mixture of thoughts racing through my mind at once, I could feel myself loosing control and desperately trying to grasp reality at times, to deciphering what is real and what lives in my head becoming harder and harder every day. Feeling myself slowly loose my mind in this dark world I’ve been placed in.
My best friend Nora was helping with the investigation while the police was operating but when they called quits on the case, she went with them and left me to be alone on the case.
My brain refuses to believe she’s dead, she’s out there and I’ll find her no matter what. No matter the price I’ll have to pay
| - 🍂 - |
Im sitting in my living room after a long day of work, reading the front page of the mornings newspaper titled “Young adult vanished without a trace in the town of Boston” they ended her investigation three months ago and still write about her in the newspaper since they’re clearly out of interesting stories.
It’s full of conspiracy theories of what could have happened to her, there’s even one that says there’s a possibility she’s been abducted by aliens? I shake my head in disbelieve reading through that article. I call complete bullshit. People still believe in aliens these days?
Ive been through numerous newspapers and articles I could find on the internet but it was always the same thing, she’s probably kidnapped or have been killed by her potential kidnapper. I’ve gathered so many newspapers in the span of the few months that a pile is starting to form on my coffee table.
I push my sliding glasses up the bridge of my nose when a sudden feeling of being observed washes over me. My gaze rips away from the newspaper to try and find something or someone but I find nothing in the darkness while the only source of light is a single lamp next to the couch along with the moonlight pooling through the windows.
Theres no one in the room besides me and the shadows taunting me for still having hope that she’s out there, what if she really isn’t alive anymore? I’m ripped out of the spiral of my thoughts with a single buzz of my phone. Checking what it could be I see it’s a message from an unknown number, by the content of the message there’s only one person that it could be. My stalker.
Unknown : Still searching for that little sister of yours?
Looking around the dark room I once again find nothing, I gaze back down at the message and type out a response, the noise of my nails hitting the phone screen echo and spread around the space surrounding me.
Me : Leave me alone.
After the message got sent, I drop my phone next to me on the couch and return my focus to the newspaper. Flipping through the pages to find anything useful, I’m desperate at this point for any kind of information that might help.
Slowly loosing hope that I’ll find anything in the newspaper, one article in particular catches my eye…
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scullysflannel · 3 months
hiiii apologies if i'm sending you too many asks lol, don't feel pressured to reply right away or at all tbh, but there's this thing ive been turning over in my head about the x files that's like... so in many ways it has these conservative ideas kind of baked into the premise and format of the show. these fears of monsters and monstrous others that have to be investigated and neutralized by our heroes who are these beautiful professional looking white people. and then there's the looming fear of alien invasion that comes up in the myth episodes. so theres a lot that could and should and does feel reactionary and conservative about it. but theres also such a palpable love for the strange and unknown? the "i want to believe" poster represents this so beautifully. i think this love tends to be expressed visually rather than in words so it's kind of hard to concretely describe but i'm sure you know what i'm talking about. and then the show also relies on us the audience having an interest in the paranormal and unexplainable, not because we want to see it defeated, but for its own sake. so i guess i want to ask how you square those two ideas, that the x files has all these anxieties about weirdness but also loves and yearns for weirdness? as i said ive been kind of ruminating on this for a while and having trouble reconciling the two ideas so i'd love to hear your thoughts!
Ooh I kind of just want to give you a reading list. Have you read “In the Dark” by Brian Phillips?? It’s a Grantland essay written for the 20th anniversary in 2013. It’s my favorite piece of X-Files journalism (actually my favorite piece of entertainment journalism in general) — kind of an essential text to me. It gets into all of this. But for me I don’t feel like reconciling the tension is the goal, or that it’s even possible. The tension is the show.
Likely thing for me to say, but I think the structure of The X-Files as a procedural is a big part of how and why it moves between fear and love. Phillips describes Mulder and Scully as representatives of a doomed but still operational status quo, “figures of a weird reactionary beauty, struggling to understand and then prevent the profound transformation breaking out across their world.” I’d say that last part (prevention) is especially true of the mythology, with the monster-of-the-week episodes giving space to sometimes complicate that. 
The X-Files is traditional in its basic formula; it makes assumptions about who gets to be the hero and what kind of job they should have. There are some assumptions it doesn’t interrogate, like its default whiteness. But its critique of the government can be shockingly pointed, even if it holds itself back in later seasons by keeping Mulder and Scully in the Bureau well past the point where they should go rogue. (Not that I think the show actually could have done that.)
Does The X-Files love its boundaries or want to blow them up? Both. The appeal of a procedural is typically that it gives neat answers, so being a procedural that denies easy answers is the point, which is to say that both sides of the show are dependent on each other. The whole show is sort of an experiment in fitting some of the strangeness of Twin Peaks into a procedural. I think it’s meant to be a go-between, the same way Mulder and Scully are. 
Phillips also writes, “In this show about not knowing, the agents confronted two distinct sets of frightening unknowns. On one side was the shadow government represented by the Cigarette-Smoking Man. On the other was the evil that lurked beneath the surface of every American hamlet. Often, Mulder and Scully’s role was simply to act as interpreters between their own antagonists, rendering chaotic eruptions of small-town horror comprehensible to men in marble corridors in D.C.” I think The X-Files works like that too — interpreting between what’s regimented and what’s odd — and in that sense it has to yearn for the same things it’s afraid of. And really, I prefer the honesty of that to something more ideologically consistent. 
I always think about “Home” as an episode that sums up a lot of The X-Files’ attitude toward progress (more on this here): It isn’t immune to the romance of the myth of Mayberry, even as it’s aware that it’s a grotesque lie built on violence, and that people are committing perverse acts to hold on to it. The show allows for progress to be scary but insists that it’s not as scary as what people will do when they fear it. Weirdness on The X-Files isn’t perfectly analogous for righteous deviance only. I believe the show sees what is weird coming from all sides, past (like the Peacocks) and future, so what’s weird isn’t inherently good or meant to signify inherent goodness; it only can be good. 
One of my favorite things about The X-Files is the way it respects the integrity of doubt. (I’ve written about this! But hold off on reading if you don’t want any spoilers.) I don’t think the show could be about the bravery of questioning your beliefs without letting those old beliefs be a little bit comforting to Mulder and Scully, even the ones that turn out to be lies. There’s a great New Yorker essay by James Wolcott written in 1994, near the end of the first season. He writes that in The X-Files, the Cold War-era obsession with UFOs and alien invasion gives way to the more inward-looking fear of alien abduction: “The X-Files is the product of yuppie morbidity, a creeping sense of personal mortality.” Later on, the mythology incorporates shapeshifters and alien colonization plans, but it never commits. That’s never the emotional core of the show in the way abduction is. The core of the show is personal annihilation: the fear of death and losing loved ones, and the fear of tearing yourself apart to get to the truth.
But some of the most affecting episodes are the ones that love and yearn for the weirdness in spite of it all. Like you said, it’s always in the atmosphere and the visuals (the poster, or Mulder looking up at the stars), but I think the show puts words to it pretty often, too, like “I guess I see hope in such a possibility” in “Quagmire” and especially all of “Humbug”: “Imagine going through your whole life looking like that.” There’s so much affection for peculiarity in that episode. Still, I love that ultimately it’s just a fact: “Nature abhors normality.” It doesn’t actually matter whether you like what’s “freakish” or not; it’s just nature. I think all of The X-Files kind of evens out into a neutral judgment like that, which is nice and even kind of radical in its own way. What is weird doesn’t have to be beautiful and desirable; it just has to be seen and accepted.
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dapper-lil-arts · 5 months
So uh. My freelance work here is kind of dying.
I thought i'd keep my long-term followers on the know-how, so i might as well write about my current circumstances here, give y'all an update, so to speak.
So, for several reasons, most of them not even my fault, i've been getting less and less commissions, almost none, actually, and the ones i get are usualy on the cheaper side, which is bad concidering that this is my livelihood, commission money pays my bills, my groceries, and my taxes, and now i sure as hell am strugling to imagine this will sustain me for long. Twitter is a sinking ship ever since elon went over, Specificaly for people like me. I had just broken into 12k followers there, a huge milestone for me, and then i got shadowbanned, and for the last few months i've gotten *nothing*. It's completely dead, i'm stagnated there, all my arts are censored, and there's no way for me to undo it or fix it, and so i've gotten less and less comms out there, which sucks because its the only reason i was even on that stupid site. Here on tumblr, meanwhile, the CEO went on a massive transphobic streak, and a lot of lgbt folk (which composed a lot of my following,) decided to jump ship, and i sure as hell dont blame them, but sadly that's more potential costumers that bailed, and there's no proper website to go to. Anywhere i'd go, i'd be starting from scratch again, which would be utterly disheartening and frustrating, and there no website that is kind to artists, with no algorythim, that also have a messaging system (the latter being ESSENTIAL to the way i do comms) So i'm kind of stuck. I just. have nowhere to go, and nothing to do. And last but not least, my own fault, I've just been drawing and creating what *I* specificaly want, on an hedonistic streak this year. That's why theres so much pony bs on this blog now, and why i was straight up posting poetry a while back, and have written hundreds upon hundreds of fanfiction pages in the last few months; Which, unfortunately, is a terrible business decision if your intent is making money. Which I surely should have prioritized, but in the end, its not up to me, its up to the costumers... So now i'm a bit stuck. I've enjoyed the things ive drawn and written more than anything i've ever done, and yet, i've never been less successful on the actual business side. I'm still considering my venues, my possibilities, but there's not many. Trying to get a job would certainly pull me away from creation, and i'd hate it regardless of what it was, and on another venue, theres no guarantee that going back to furry titties would bring me money.
and that's whats heartbreaking about it too. no matter how much effort i put on my work, theres no guarantee of sucess, so why even spend time trying to craft a masterpiece? why not just follow trends and make a tiktok account or whatever the fuck makes money these days. I'd rather not, frankly. And i wont. Well, that's about it. Thanks for reading this update, that's how my life is goin atm. i'm going to continue doing as i am right now, but yknow... I'm not sure what i should do, if you want to give me suggestions, feel free.
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suffarustuffaru · 5 months
What's your thoughts on Wish Upon a Sin by HoboWizard
like all the other times people have asked me for my opinions on fics, im gonna link the author/fic and explain the fic’s plot really quick - so the link to hobowizard's ao3 profile is here if youre interested in reading his stuff!!
so wish upon a sin, for those who dont know, is a fic where every time subaru dies, he goes back in time (like canon, yes) only - his save point never updates. it's stuck at when he first got isekaied into the fantasy world, meaning that every time he dies he loses a Shit Ton Of Progress. which is an Extremely fascinating plot and hobowizard is one of if not the most qualified writer for an idea That Ambitious HAH.
and that being said. i really really recommend reading hobo's fics in general for sure. ive read the first couple chapters for wish upon a sin Ages ago and 1. i dont have much time for everything anymore rip :< and 2. i struggle with focusing on things sometimes so i often dont read or finish longfics, so thats just the case for me with wish upon a sin and hobo's other longfic (so maybe im not 100% the target audience), but yes ive read the first couple chapters for each of those longfics a while back!! and i cannot recommend them enough.
wish upon a sin is absolutely gonna be the fic for you if you want a Very long fic thats plotty and centered around subaru that Really explores all the different avenues he can take - like this fic has a very strong premise and then explores it to the Absolute fullest!! i cannot praise it enough hah. its really good!!! and ill always be impressed with hobo's work.
i think my only real criticism (and like all the criticism i give for fics i mean it very Lightly, and also hobo's work is really good already so HAH) is that hobo's biggest strength is plot. he's really really good at complex plot and writing very plotty fics!! but there were a few times in the first chapters of wish upon a sin where i personally wished that the story got to slow down a bit and explore subaru's feelings more in depth. its touched on over and over in the story of course, which is great!! but for my own personal taste i couldnt Feel the full emotional impact bc the plot had to keep moving and moving, if that makes sense? :o and this is a pretty small criticism imo too haaah bc hobo's grammar, writing style, plot beats, general characterization, etc are all very solid. and im sure that, as with a lot of long fics, hobo's writing improves even more with every chapter of wish upon a sin so <3 and i can definitely attest to that given hobo's recent fic!!
anyway i know this ask is mainly about wish upon a sin but id like to also shoutout hobo's recent fic, which is a collab with rajvir - people who've been Around on rezero ao3 mightve seen rajvir a bit (he's commented on several fics in the past!) but yeah their fic return of the lion king is a long fic centered on the fourier, felix, crusch trio. which is a rarity in terms of english fic!! its also been updating pretty regularly so if youve liked hobo's work before and you find this fic interesting id recommend checking that out too :o theres soo so many characters in rezero and id love to keep seeing more in depth fic for more of the cast, so this fic is great to see!! :o
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skitterplant · 8 months
ok i have.. soo many thoughts about ur fic rni usually dont read or look through content with fem yns since it (personally) makes me uncomfy, but for some reason the way u write this one makes it very easy to actually read and not feel like im being forced into the role of Woman™️ (im ftm and its really frustrating how common that feeling is with fics). this yn actually feels like her own person which actually makes reading this a lot more interesting as well. something about the way she just... is is fascinating to me
anyway- i have sooo many questions, tho mainly about the yn. i dont expect any answers at all, im just throwing these for ur entertainment to witness
wtf is going on with yn? she clearly has a motive but wutever it is i cant pinpoint it. could possibly be something to do with fazbear? at least based on how she said that "while i hate ur attitude i hate liars more". if so, then y only target the dca? y them in specific? or does she have effects all over the pizzaplex?
also something ive been thinking about was that one conversation at the end of chapter 5 between the mechanics moon overheard. i wonder if that was some form of foreshadowing? maybe something about yn? or maybe it was simply just a point where moon realizes how little he knows about humans. (tho something i will note is that its actually somewut common for kids to just randomly kill or hurt animals. often times its out of curiosity to test the limits of things. usually wut stops kids from doing it is other ppl finding out and scolding them for it, therefore teaching them it isnt something "good" to be doing)
im just. so fascinated with the yn. while her actions r absolutely frustrating and makes no sense i feel as tho theres a reason behind it other than sadistic enjoyment (bc she didnt even seem to enjoy the times when shed hurt them, just annoyed)
im absolutely hooked on this now and i dont think im escaping any time soon OTL
The fact that you've picked up my work and enjoyed it despite usually avoiding this type of MC is a big, big compliment!
I wish I could answer properly because your questions are extremely important to the plot points I'm ACHING to get into😭😭😭 Really just went and tickled every sore spot on my brain, you sly weasel :/
Just know that your thoughts made me very happy. Thank you!!!
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lookingforhappy · 1 month
So, be honest, how are you doing? Are you gonna be okay? Cause I'm ridiculously upset tbh. I kept feeling weird watching the show (but some parts of episode 1 were kinda nice).....then the incident happened. Then basically everything was on fire.
took me a while to process the season tbh i think everyones collective disgust is helping honestly bc it means i can go ahead and write/draw/hc stuff that ignores it or changes it wildly lol
i thought the majority of the show was pretty medicore, not the worst thing they could have done just not as in depth as it needed to be.
the puke scene was a bad shot at humour that i hated but if i sat here listing every bit that i hated then id be here all day and honestly i dont know if ill ever do that because theres just too much to list.
i checked out entirely once five said they all had to die to fix the world and then it just kept getting worse and worse and my literal nightmare scenario happened.
how many times do we need to re learn that any variant of "it was all a dream" doesn't work??? the only and i mean only time ive seen it done well is inception (funny bc elliot page is in that too) and that whole movie is about dreams which is why it works.
(little hope is another example of a story that pulled the "it was all a dream" thing and lost 90% of its audience because of that ending)
just honestly why. who did they think would like this??
when five ran out on them and got on that train i was so sure that they were going to do a sacrifice end with five.
he had lost literally everything, his families trust, his girlfriend, his dream life (living comfortably in a world he understands with someone he loves
as bad as five/lila was - and believe me i have many problems with it from a characterisation standpoint from both perspectives - it was an interesting move for exploring fives psyche and wants... like he has always been the family man but when presented with something he understands as intimately as solitude and survival but with the comforts of a stable world, food source and someone to be with)
like he was set up perfectly to die and be redeemed through that (again, not something i like but something that would have been better), have diego be with him during his final moments and have five apologise for cheating with lila and confess that he only did it in the throes of surivial induced insanity/desperation and that he always wanted diego happy. end with five dead but remembered, and the family alive.
then it lit on fire. like it was smoldering before but yeah like you said a literal housefire erupted in that last episode. the ending pissed me off so bad i can never enjoy that season again - literally tried to rewatch the season to try and understand it better but couldnt start the final episode bc its awful.
idk im just praying that not everyone leaves this fandom for dead because i know theres some amazing fic writers out there and the series itself was good for 1 - 3 seasons.
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skunkes · 10 months
what does someone write about in a journal? Asking genuinely like is it for daily thoughts or your schedule or what happened..?
Yes ^_^ all of it, ive developed a routine/habit of including specific things but i always leave it open to add more! Currently within a day i catalogue:
The overall mood of the day (using symbols that mean Very Bad, Bad, Neutral Negative, Neutral, Neutral Positive, Positive, Very Good, and Mixed
Other stats in the form of symbols, such if I cried that day
Something Significant that happened, if appicable, at the header so I can find it easily if im skimming through pages
If it is somebody's birthday ^_^
Time I woke up and time i got up (if theyre different)
What I had for Lunch and Dinner (in bubble letters)
If I showered/washed hair that day
What I watched/listened to while working (and if i managed to work!)
If i hung out with a friend their name is mentioned in bubble letters too ^_^
Time im writing the entry/going to bed
And then i always say Goodnite ^_^
Its a small journal so anything between that is up to me, ykwim? I dont do much but i always write that much. I'll otherwise write about my daily thoughts, current goings on in my mood or life, things I want to remember, things I am excited about, things I dread and people I miss, food I want to eat, health issues I can then track....anything...!
Also theres a free space at the beginning of the month in my hobonichi, and i use that to paste a printed photo I took from that month ^_^ wee hee
I know this all seems like a Chore written out but its just a habit at this point, i dont even go down the list or anything its just what i write out naturally bc I want to know these things...! other ppl catalogue how many hours of sleep they got or books they read or movies they watched or exercise they did etc, other people just use it for morning thoughts! U can do whatever in there, in high school it was just a complainer book for me
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panboiiibish · 4 months
Theres blood...
what did I do?!
What happened why am I covered in blood?!
I dont even recognize my reflection, it's so covered in red that only wide terror filled eyes come through.
Why am I covered in blood?
Oh gods...
It hurts.
Fuck my stomach feels like its filled to the brim...
Rushing to the toilet the brunning volcano thankfully doesn't erupt through my lips onto the floor. It plops into the shit water with a heavy sound as tears cascade down my face.
Fuck it hurts, why is there so much?!
It's just more blood. It fills the toilet bowl as the seat is covered in my bloody hand prints.
Whimpers escape my lips as I raise on trembling legs. A pain shoots through my body worse then just a normal ache or cramp. It starts in many places. My stomach is the worst, but as I shift my weight to take a step away from the bloodied mess iv made I stumble and bite back a whine from a shot of white static running up my heel.
It's bad.
This is bad.
I feel like I've survived a car wreck only to be stranded without medical help.
What happened?
Why cant I remember things?
My foot really hurts but I wasn't expecting to have another pang of pain when I grabbed onto the door handle for stability.
Shit my hand.
It looks so bad..
Theres blood everywhere but I can at least see the palm of my hand looks torn through. Like with a dull knife.
Why would I know what a dull knife wound looks like?
I wobble through the bathroom door while contemplating my missing memory. Pinprick eyes darting around to find if there are any others in this seemingly empty building. A groan leaving my chapped lips as another pang of pain comes from my stomach. My, for now, good hand reaches down and presses onto the point of pain. And I'm greeted with a hiss from my own lips. Bullet wound, I've been shot... and from the pain weaving through to my back it thankfully was a through and through.
Why do I know this?
Who am I?
Shuffling down the corridor my bloodied hand leaves a trail on the pristine white wall in a sad attempt to keep myself steady. It was hard with every step shooting more pain through my calf and any tension made bile rise back through my esophagus.
Tears pricked my waterline once more but I tried to hold them back. It didnt feel right crying right now. Nothing feels right.
Why is this happening...
Were am i..?
This place looks so desolate. With every shift of my feet dust is kicked up and covered the legs of my... My camo pants?
Why am I wearing camo?
A string of groans and grunts have from my lips as my wounds only burn more. The exertion of my already battered body only making the blood loss worse. Along with the racing of my broken mind. Nothing makes sense and the pure silance only sends a deep chill down my spine.
Its early morning depending on the bright golden lighting filling in from distant windows. But I don't really have the mind to look out at the world. Instead i keep on shuffling. Trying to keep my whimpers and groans at a quiet as i still dont understand what is happening.
What did I do?
Why is this happening..?
Did I kill someone?
My mind is battling against a hazy fog covering any kind of memories I could try and think of. While static black starts to fade into the corners of my eyes going unnoticed from the mix of emotions piling in my mind.
I don't know how I got here.
Or what I'm doing.
Why am I wounded?
Who am I?
Hii! Its Pan! This is very different from my normal writing but it's an idea iv had for an while. Just wanted something dark and gritty after all the light and fluffy stuff I write. It is in my bio that I do dark work. X3 Welp give me your thoughts on this one! Might make this into an x reader if its liked, or it might go into the lore of one of my ocs. Maybe both XD Anyways have a nice night!
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thatneoncrisis · 2 months
20 questions for 20 writers!
tagged by @waitineedaname thxx
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
21 works, i feel like thats a healthy number
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
i have 439,385 words, a very large chunk of that is from We Have Always Lived in the Apartment
3. What fandoms do you write for?
right now its the locked tomb, used to be homestuck, i have some crossovers with the magnus archives and one with john dies at the end
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
We Have Always Lived in the Apartment -- TLT horror mystery modern au
Insert Jesus Allegory Here -- solkat focused continuation of karkats pesterquest route, i NEED my new fics to get more popular than this oh my god
Gehenna the First -- TLT houseswap au with harrow as god
the gap between a tragedy and comedy (in this life its just you and me) -- TLT coffee shop au.
What's Eating Gideon Nav?  -- TLT catholic boarding school horror au
5. Do you respond to comments?
not typically, theres some weird thing with my head where i kind of hate that it counts my comments in the total comment amount. i cant explain it i just dont like how it looks, plus just repeating variations of "thank you!!" feels hollow after a while. im more likely to answer direct questions about the story rather than general commentary i do love talking about my thought process and intentions
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ok so i cant actually tell you this because none of those fics are Done yet but all you need to know is that i consider all of my TLT fics tragedies to some extent. take that as you will. i dont even Like the word angst really it portends a level of melodrama id like to avoid
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'd say its a dead tie between A Brief Lesson In The Occult and Shit. Let’s Build A Fort. i can barely look at these anymore and if you read them and feel compelled to tell me you like them: dont. i can do better now
8. Do you get hate on fics?
never to my knowledge has anyone ever publicly disliked one of my fics. in fact sometimes i dream about someone posting it in their discord group chat and making fun of it because im so curious about what theyd say
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes i have. i do it almost exclusively as satire or character analysis as i find like, the physicality of sex to be inherently kind of goofy. liek the second you have to describe a dick or boobs with words the magic is gone it just becomes weird silly looking flesh. so i like focusing on weird and bad sex, unsatisfying or clumsy sex. sex that changes you in no significant way
10. Do you write crossovers?
yes i have. A Brief Disappearance and Statement of David Wong are both TMA/JDATE crossovers and i DID write a homestuck/TMA crossover but its not on my ao3 i guess? odd
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no? does that happen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i think once someone asked but i have no clue if it happened
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
@notedchampagne is my co producer in all things forever but ive basically written everything myself and they help polish it up
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
shiiiiiiite uh. jade/davepeta still means a lot to me. i think there are a lot of really engaging ships in TLT but i always kind of default to griddlehark i just kind of understand them the best
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
eventually SAM and i would like to circle back to our fanventure Therapystuck but we both got really busy with school, work and a general lull in the HS fandom. also maybe someday ill go back to Insert Jesus Allegory Here i liked the direction of the story i just have to get myself back in that headspace. being into homestuck Does something to you, like psychologically
16. What are your writing strengths?
after asking some friends theyve told me im good at tone, prose, funny metaphors, and dialogue but a caveat for the last thing as "I have yet to see how your Own guys talk and how you'd handle distinct voices from scratch so I'm only giving you about 80%"
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i hate like. writing Around the important bits of a scene. i love the physicality of characters and what it reveals about them, along with pieces of the scene the narration deems important or interesting enough to mention to the audience. but im always worried im jsut fucking yapping. also i hate like, political scenes theres a rhythm to them that i dont quite understand. people sitting around using specific language that Feels important in a way that doesnt make it clear im bullshitting like 99% of what theyre talking about
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
AHAH. GOD. i actually looked this up the other day because theres an original story i want to write where i want to make it clear theyre basically speaking french the whole time, even though its written in english. i only speak english (i took some french in hs, its left me though i want to pick it up again) so i wouldnt know anything about how it reads to polyglots but i guess theres really only so much you can do outside of literally learning a new language just to write a story for free. ive seen a whole host of tips so i gues sit just matters how you employ them
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Homestuck. my only regret is that i wasnt a better writer
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
FUCK christ uuuuh. favorite right Now would be The Apartment but EVENTUALLY id like it to be Gehenna the First because its the hardest to write and i need it to pay off. if you havent read it uhhh. hi. hello. you should do that. i think its really cool and fun and junk
CHRIST who to tag i dont follow big writers uuuh @tranquilitybasehotelcasino and @accidentallyadorable sure have fun
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k1rameki · 1 year
THE TIME HAS COME EVERYONE. ITS TIME TO TALK ABOUT MY EXTENSIVE LIST OF TABI HEADCANONS (hcs are under the cut plus this also counts as a little debrief of his human design bc jesus christ i put so much effort into making this man's design it went through a LOT of trial and error before settling on what i got now considering ive gradually made him less and less "human")
also quick thing b4 i proceed – please please PLEASE ask before making things w my tabi design bc ive seen a rlly cool papercraft made w/o my knowledge and that was kinda sucky so ya thats around it (other than the basics of no nsfw and such)
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first and foremost — hes half japanese because i remember his aside counterpart being japanese iirc and i thought that was really cool and wanted to implement that into my own little hc (also he speaks like a dozen languages bc of another thing i'll go into detail with in a bit
so many different facial features, scarring (theres a very elaborate reason for this tbh), moles, freckles, etc all bc why not?? (freckles is primarily bc of my bestie crow and now im obsessed)
lashes bc why not, give every man a pair of lashes i think theyre pretty
PIERCINGS. so many piercings. this is primarily because i am a very firm believer that tabi gets piercings done because he wants to feel human again so he finds comfort in decorating himself as much as possible for that reason and also the aesthetic
broken horn bc of the mod events, damage beyond repair and whatnot
HE HAS LONG HAIR BC I SAID SO ‼️‼️ i figured considering he's been invisible for so long he never really knew what to do when it came to cutting his hair, so eventually it grew out to around his waist, and he kept that hairstyle ever since (he prefers wearing his hair in a ponytail or smth bc sensory issues when it comes to hair touching his skin)
a lot of tater's hcs infected my brain hehehehehe especially the tail and his hands still being what they were when they were cursed (also. paw beans. /vpos)
HES TRANS ‼️‼️ hes also very dumb and has very little regard for his health and forgets to take his binder off a lot (trust me he gets scolded a lot for that)
hes autistic and has adhd — the autism hc i lowkey stole from crow but the adhd hc ive had for a long long while now — one of his lifelong special interests is performing arts and musicals
chronic insomniac — sleep? never heard of her
plays like 5 different instruments but primarily specialises in piano and guitar
safe food is anything sweet or chocolatey — he has a massive sweet tooth and is obsessed w cookies and pastries in particular which ayana baked for him a lot (ill prolly make a whole other post for her in the near future but guys. pastry chef aya. hear me out)
an absolute boss at board games, especially monopoly, and he constantly loves screwing everyone over
extremely hyperfixated on pokemon and owns a bajillion folders filled with cards worth a buttload of money, and a dozen plushies + figurines (projecting bc pokemon is one of my hyperfixes dont judge me) his fav gen is absolutely johto
his eyesight is pretty bad but like. not bad enough for him to be needing glasses (unlike a certain someone cough cough agoti)
speaking of said certain someone, he and agoti do each other's hair a lot simply because its really fun and provides some stimulation, and also because it helps tabi practice with self care and such
VERY SENSITIVE TO SOUND AND TEXTURES, often times he will probably start crying if something sounds or feels wrong
sometimes he forgets certain words in english and has to resort to using what theyre called in russian
has the goofiest sounding laugh ever and i will die on this hill. when you get tabi cackling he will start rolling on the floor and making the most UNGODLY sounds
can speak like 6 languages fluently and a dozen others in simple conversation (NERD ALERT)
he sucks so hard at writing essays but is (for some reason) really good at maths
despite being the more serious one among his group of friends, tabis a dumbass and does a lot more stupid things than one would expect
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dykeyote · 10 months
ok my dndads queer hc post randomly gets notes but i disagree w many of the takes now so im updating it . spoiler warning theres a WHOLE lot of lezzies . just doing the dads kiddads and teens HOWEVER i will say that mark likely is for sure a lezzer
darryl: bisexual and probably the most cisgender one here but he's actually SO cis that it becomes almost gnc . he/him
ron: transhet guy but he thinks his transition is like very unique to him and everyone else is doing it the exact same as each other so he doesnt really get that hes Transgender bc he thinks everyone else is doing it in a really different way than him all together . not in an angsty way hes perfectly okay w that . he/him
henry: trans bi guy we know this to be true . he/him but if you called him they/them prns he would be like well yknow ive never thought about that before but you know what go right ahead (: he doesnt exactly enjoy it but he appreciates just how gosh-darn nonbinary positive you are that he'd still encourage it
glenn: bisexual and like .... hes cis he doesnt really care abt gender much but when nick came out as trans he definitely said something about like . "dude if i was trans? id totally use they/them pronouns thats sick as fuck" and then moved on and this sort of haunted nick for a while . he/him but again he doesnt really care
jodie: cis and bisexual but in such a boring way that he might as well be straight
sparrow: tgirl lesbian who was out at one point but is not now for Normalcy Reasons . she/her in theory
lark: transneu nonbinary and aroace . not out about either of these things but not really as a like Actively Closeted thing they just dont really think abt it . they/he in theory
terry jr: tgirl lesbian also but this time out AND butch . she/he
grant: gay of course . and like .... he is cis and this wont change but he'd be a good deal happier if he was more gnc i think
nick: tguy butch lesbian . he mostly but he doesnt really care that much
link: kinda-stealth tboy (not really intentionally or anything he just doesnt really see it as relevant that often so most people dk) and gay . he/him but he doesnt really care that much
taylor: honestly idk what i think is going on w his gender but i DO know hes aro and bi . give me some time to think on that ok
scary: out nonbinary tfem lesbian!!!!! we know this!!!!!! she/it and when she writes her pronouns down she always writes the it in VERY BIG AGGRESSIVE HANDWRITING to make it clear that its SUBVERSIVE AND WEIRD
normal: bisexual tgirl . currently in a like . Questioning Phase in s2 i feel like ..... her turmoil abt being a Normal Son is tied to that . any pronouns but she primarily
hermie: bigender (girl + boy) gaybian :3 was an open bisexual tguy originally but around the poison ivy era had some Gender Complexity . he/she but certain Method Personas have diff pronoun leans whereas normal herm is pretty 50/50
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jackienautism · 7 months
I just saw that post about your thoughts on the counselors and I'm curious, have there been any major changes since then?
i just skimmed the post youre talking abt (i write a lot huh) but honestly? i haven't had TOO many major changes since. JUST REALIZED ITS COMING UP TO AYEAR SINCE I POSTED IT IN MAY? THATS SO CRAZY TO ME WTF but anyway
nvm ill read through exactly what i said. the post is here btw
dylan: still pretty much the same opinion as back then LMAO i did have a more recent convo abt dylan (which def changed some thoughts abt him. esp related to his potential adhd and lack of a filter) but i stilll don't like him, sorry
nick: same thoughts as before honestly. i still think he doesn't deserve abi in the slightest. and his involvement w/ emma's dare still makes me very upset, ESP when the fanbase refuses to acknowledge his involvement in it lol. i dont doubt that racism comes into play w/ nick and his whole lack of a story and such, but i jut. i cant stand him
jacob: i take back the flip flop thing btw. i lowkey cant stand him. but to be honest:? ive gotten WAAAY less tolerant of male characters in general lately. and jacob is not exempt from this lol. i have yet to play TQ again (it's been quite a bit) but! maybe after we play tonight things will change. ill prob rb again if things do
ryan: HOWEVER. DO YOU KNOW /IS/ EXEMPT FROM MY "I HATE ALL MALE CHARACTERS" MINDSET? RYAN ERZAHLER. 100%. i love him lots and ppl r very mean to him fo r no reason. i talked abt this briefly in my angourie!cady post but just. when characters show certain autistic traits that YOU ALL cant deal w/ or understand, suddenly theyre a shitty person? they don't care abt their friends? theyre boring? KILLS YOU
max: he also is a pretty respectable guy to me i love you max. but as i said originally. i dont rly think abt him much
emma: she def had the biggest shift for me while playing the game for the first time!!!!! but in terms of like. if anything changed from when i wrote the original note? i dont rly think so tbh. reread waht i wrot eback then it rly makes it seem like i hate her 😭😭😭😭😭 I PROMISE I DONT..... I ACTUALLY LOVE HER SO MUCH...... SHE MEANS A LOT TO ME....... i just cant stand how she acts towards abi sometimes. def my biggest criticism of her. but at the same time. i understand WHY she acts the way she does. she means sooo muchto me. and esp seeing all your talk abt autistic emma? i just think that makes sooo much sense fo rher.and i LOVE it so much
kaitlyn: i dont even feel lik e going throuhg it all but. i feel like she may have gotten a little lower since i wrote that post? just bc i tjhink toooo many ppl think shes better than she actually is bc of her association w/ dylan? it pisses me off sooooo bad. and ive made posts abt this before but like. her character in general still aggravates me 😭 and i DO still stand by what i said in that og post. theres jsut... shes not that complex sorry guys. esp compared to EMILY? lLIKE. i know its unfair to compare the 2 but its pretty damn obvious that thye were going for another emily in kaitlyn lmao and they FAILED. MISERABLY
abi: oh.. abi oh abi i love you. i still hold her so close to me. she is so me for real (beats anyone up who says tjhat she's Them) i mean who said that
laura: LOVE U LAURA!!!!!!!!! i still dont have like TOO many in depth thouhgts abt her but just. know ever since i began roleplaying as her shes become THAT much more beloved and :] i love you girl
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dilucsfav · 2 years
CEO itto hcs and scenarios!!
HI LOVESSNSS<333 im super sorry for not really being active :( ive been super busy with schoolwork and midterms are soon sobbing n shitting fr LNMFOAPDKJSKJL- i have something a lil different to write about today!! what if... itto headcanons. BUT,,, theres a twist. CEO itto. SCREAMING AT JUST THE THOUGHT OF IT TBH.
this isnt a request or anything but i thought about it all day so why not write about it? i need to tame my sexual fantasies over this big boobed man somehow so hopefully you guys wont complain,,, PLEASE DONT PUNCH ME I PROMISE I'LL DO THE REST OF THE REQUESTS. have a great day !! dont forget to drink a big glass of water and play some good music and have a snack <33.
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warning(s): not really fluff,, mainly just how i think he'd be as a ceo!!,,,, also nsfw. yw.
homeboy would be the funniest boss, and guy, you'd ever have. he'd be so clueless with stuff going on in the company n shit, dont even know how hes a ceo. bro probably hacked life or something
literally has a secret handshake with each of his workers (goes for his friends, partner, etc too!!)
^^ high key the handshakes could be super long and he'd remember EVERY DAMN ONE. and which person he made the handshake with
i couldnt see him drinking coffee in the morning... he probably starts his day off with a medium rare steak for breakfast and a red bull. maybe two red bulls if he stayed up too late on a gaming match.
even if you didnt work at the company, he probably enjoys for you to come in the office with him sometimes and watch him work. a lot of the times when you do, its quiet because he has a lot of things to do. but sometimes, he'll rant to you about his work throughout the day and let you do little tasks for him!
^^^ just imagine you sitting next to him at his desk. his back pressed against the chair and his eyes glued to his paperwork/project, his eyebrows tinted together.
with a huge role in the company comes lots of stress. as long as you hold him tighter when you two sleep together, rub his hair and allow him to rest peacefully, he's happy :)
he'd try sticking to his daily routine. but hes just so so disorganized its difficult :((.
^^^ omg but on good days he'd wake up early, eat a big breakfast, workout, shower, go to work, come home, eat dinner with you, do more work (or do onikabuto fights with you), and then go to sleep with you!! very busy man :(((
would walk around the place with a button or two too undone. come on now im right.
would be such a sweetheart though if you were super stressed about work and weren't having a good day!! he would calmly talk to you and allow you to take day(s) off to calm down and detress. your health matters to him!
hes very stressed ykwim and he'd like a way to relieve that... so instead of doing onikabuto fights, he does you
office sex?? yeah that wouldnt really happen that often BECAUSE ITTO IS SO FUCKING VOCAL. but when it does?? put your big boy panties on bc this man would keep you on his desk (or lap) and it would be so sososooso so so so so so SOOO....
hes fast. dont try to argue with me and say he doesnt go fast
BIG DICK ENERGY. absolutely massive
^^ fifteen meter women defeater tbh
oh but he'd talk so so dirty to you it's making me act up rn
he whines. and grunts.
you already know that daddy has big boy bucks. he'd fuck you so sweetly in his big ass rich man home.
fucking on his pool table? yeah. on the balcony? already did before. in the kitchen, living room floor, the bathroom shower floor and counter, the backseat of his fancy car, in the backyard (and many more places)? done.
when he comes home late he tries to sneak into bed, as to not wake you, but you're awake already sometimes because you've been waiting for him for oh so long
^^ how could he resist your request when he wants you too??
^^ to add more onto that, imagine him sliding off his belt while staring at you omg-
-and then tying you up with your ass in the air as youre just begging for him
"you want it, too? oh, (Y/N), please let me fuck you."
seeing stars tbh
kinda a whiny dom,, but in a submissive way? like extremely dom but? sometimes in a submissive way? PLEASEEE
kinda nsfw hc, not really, but he's a great kisser.
and ass. he loves asses.
(maybe thats why his favorite position is doggystyle)
lots of sex with him is intimate, some of it is eager, sometimes its super quick, it really just depends!
if you love itto and you also love demon slayer, you love rengoku. sorry i dont make the rules here.
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lilyeagle · 3 months
I made this Fuckass animation last night to ATTEMPT to cope with a bipolar episode but i ended up unfortunately really liking it for the way i portrayed the symbolism, so its also going here
However i dont think the tumblrians will understand so i have to explain. I cannot leave it up to interpretation 💔
Explaining this best i can: i will try to crack jokes to make the mood a bit lighter instead of this being a mopey yap sesh
Alot of you may look at this character combo and wonder what the hell was happening in my head when i made this. I promise there is reason for them, but as a short explanation as to why theyre even in the same room, all of my art is multifandom and consists of a wild crossover i started when i was little. Its my special interest 😛(i also literally cannot think of any art piece that doesn’t involve my special interest. Bear with me)
Buttercup was the very first character i’ve ever grown attached to, starting from a very young age. Like, barely conscious age. Before the day i drank McDonalds sprite with my nose and gained my conciousness
Frida is the most recent in my main cast of characters. Clone high got me through some WILD shit in 2023 and shes really helped me deal with it alot (so has jfk! I just decided to use him as a character before i did frida, as i obviously have seen season 1 first)
Both are alongside either my past self or present self. They find eachother standing across an open space from eachother, their past/present behind them
Past me is meant to represent when i was a little kid. Young, innocent, imaginative, and drawn in ‘crayon’.
Present me is represented with an eyeball for a head and in a very distressed state, because (not to get sappy) at most times my Bipolar makes me feel like ive lost my personality/sense of self entirely, and that i am just sortof watching a tv show when i am living my life and doing things. Nothing feels very Real chat
Despite all of that, present me still contains many of the traits past me did. I am imaginative, i can create, i still love to draw, i still have my love for characters, i am curious, yadda yadda yadda
But back to earlier, buttercup and frida (and the past and present) run into eachother in a seemingly empty mindspace, standing in frint of eachother.
Buttercup stares directly at frida, curious to know how the present is coming along, while frida doesnt make ANY eye contact, knowing that past is following behind buttercup. She doesn’t want to see it because Present cannot come to terms with everything thats happened to her, and past represents a state before it all. Buttercup well. She asks bro idk how to write that part (and also the Question out of buttercup are the Only words that would be spoken through this whole thing)
Theres no response out of frida, cause i wanted to keep her silent 😛 (hush little baby make no sound! ) she just simply moves out of the way to reveal Present
Buttercup isn’t expecting what she sees, and doesn’t know how to feel at first. However, her reaction comes across as negative, the past still innocently standing behind her
Frida ends up finally looking at buttercup and past, and it makes her Eyes pee i mean she Cries. It felt really weird to draw her crying because she doesn’t exactly. Do that. But i needed a way to show despite being alongside the drastically changed version of the past , the present was still very alike to the past in many ways, just like shes heard present deny constantly due to a fogged mindset. She feels sorry for the reaction she thinks she caused Buttercup, an innocent relic of the past, a child, to have
Buttercup thinks about it more watching the Frida in Tears in the corner (across from her) and ultimately realizes the same thing. Its still me. She gives frida a Biiiiig faatttt huuuggg instead of saying anything , and frida is suprised cause she thought buttercup Powerpuff Girl had a negative reaction😛
Present sees this and ALSO realizes for a bit that maybe they are still themself. Their head turns into a flower to represent calming down from the distressed state that will Inevitably come back again, and again, and again
Yeah thats pretty much it, idk. Sorry if this comes across as like cringe or anything, i don’t usually post my personal work a lot because im not usually very confident in it. I just liked the way this one in particular came out
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