#'i have been hurting for Red since approximately 2014'
meetmeatthecoda · 3 years
Since the other anon brought Luther Braxton: Conclusion up, I've decided to throw my two cents of bitter rant in:
First of all, I'd like to say that I genuinely love Liz, most part of the time. I think that she always has had great potential to be a very interesting, versatile, many-sided character. But the inconsistency of writing honestly ruins her and I will never not be bitter about it. Not to mention the fact that the way writers force her to think and behave sometimes makes me go 😳🤢🤬😤
Just like in Luther Braxton: Conclusion. Truth to be told, I think that's the first episode that made me very angry (to put it mildly) with Liz because of how she lashed out at Red – mind you, for literally no reason over than her own nonsensical conclusions I have no idea how she's managed to draw from the information she was given – instead of... I don't know... thanking him for finding her and saving her life (because we all understand that if Red didn't find her, Braxton would kill her once he got the information out of her) for the umpteenth time? or – I know that was too much to hope for from how the writers had been behaving before that episode but still – showing just a little bit of concern and asking him about how he was feeling because between being captured and flown over to the Factory, being half-blown in the boilers explosion, being the object of Liz's attempts at first aid (which were... not good, despite her undeniably good intentions), being in the epicenter of the missile strike and then, not allowing himself to rest, running around the whole DC area, desperate to find her before it's too late, Red had been through a lot in those 24 hours... but apparently I, a viewer, was more concerned about his well-being than Liz was (and that's after the CPR scene, where she was obviously concerned, to put it mildly, and the memories about him saving her from that fire, because that's one of the only ways those memories could be interpreted and certainly the most logical and consistent way at that).
Because instead of going with either (or both, which would be especially nice) of the most logical and human options mentioned above, Liz chose to hurt Red, which in turn hurt me (and, I believe, many of the fans), because he certainly does not deserve such treatment... especially, from Liz.
Because as bad as Red might be and as many things as he can be blamed for, one thing has always and will always be true: he cares for Liz, and cares deeply (too deeply for his own good, if you ask me), and while he does withholds certain things from her and his attempts to protect her may be misguided sometimes, he wants only what’s the best for her, he tries to make sure she gets all the best things in the world and Liz has no right to be so salty and bitchy with him.
Sorry for the rant... But I've just got a lot of feels. Also, I have been hurting for Red since, approximately, 2014, and this feeling, after dulling a bit in the past few years because I sort of fallen out of watching the show with quite such obsession I have been watching earlier seasons, intensified greatly during the last season and especially after that absolute disaster of the finale (I never thought I'd have to see two of my favorite characters, who are one of my OTPs for life, die, and so painfully and tragically at that... because we all know that Liz's death crushed Red – canonical Red, at least – and there is no chance that he'll ever recover from i because Lizzy is his heart and life, the ray of light in the dark cave of his life, his Polaris that guides him home – that is his home – the source of his power, his everything, and without her he simply cannot exist and function – that much was made painfully clear in Cape May... Sorry once again, but I'm just... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😡😡😡😡😡😡😭😭😭😭😭😭😤😤😤😤😤😤😭😭😭😭😭😭)
Yesssss, anon, bitter ranting about TBL, my favorite!! *burning-elmo.gif* 😎😎😎 Firstly, I totally agree about loving Liz as she should have been & the wasted potential will never not make me sad 😭😭 Secondly, I so agree about the Luther Braxton eps... the fact that Liz never actually thanked Red for legit burning the world down to get to her not to mention punching the ever-living shit out of that one scumbag, let alone - you're so right - um, asking how he was doing?!?! After he literally was blown up twice in the span of like an hour, guided her through her traumatic, unlocked, level 10 backstory, AND pretty obviously saved her fucking life as a child??? .....Unrealistic, I guess 😒 Thirdly, I so agree that Red has never deserved such awful treatment & betrayal from Liz when he has only ever had the best intentions of protecting & loving her... That's one of the many, many tragedies of TBL 🥲 Anyway, no worries, anon, my inbox is 1000% a safe place to rant & hurt for Red... bc you're absolutely right: there's no canon way Red can come back from the horrible, nonsensical choice they made in killing off Liz, it's a true shame that things ended that way, & I - for one - have no interest in watching a season of Cape May with no light at the end of the tunnel 😓 If it's any consolation, anon, I feel you completely on all of this, thank you for sending this ask, & much love to you!! ❤️
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who-is-olivia · 5 years
Track 6. Only Angel
Harry Styles x OC
Olivia has to perform in the Victoria Secret Fashion Show but struggles to deal with her mental health. [3.7k]
Genre: fluff, angst
Warnings: nudity, sexual language, mental health struggles
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December 2014
  They hadn't been on speaking terms.
  Two years ago, Olivia had a breakdown and decided to go back to her hometown in Brazil, right when One Direction was set to perform on Madison Square Garden. They split up to give her room to recover and it was working... until Taylor came into the picture.
  Harry never regretted the choices he made, he knew he would be miserable with Taylor knowing that Oli was just around the corner. So he broke up with her on the day they were set to travel to the Caribbean. It was very harsh on her so it’s understandable she wouldn’t take it nicely.
  Now, Oli and Frank have to perform on the Victoria Secret Fashion Show right after Taylor.  It’s an honor, Olivia will introduce two Brazilian models wearing a special bra thing, she’s gonna be wearing a beautiful lingerie piece, but she can’t control her nerves efficiently enough to enjoy the opportunity.
  This is the last rehearsal before the big performance, they mark the steps along with the sound check and the last costume fitting all at the same time. Frank’s standing around with his guitar waiting for the production’s queue to dismount while Oli leans over Nadine’s phone to watch a short news outlet on Twitter hyping the show tomorrow.
“... but the supermodels are not the highlight of the show, instead is someone who won’t even walk the stage: Harry Styles is the talk of the town as tomorrow both his ex and his current girlfriend will take the stage one after the other. Who do you think will deliver the best performance? Comment down below and don’t forget to subscribe-“
“This is bullshit” Oli shakes her shoulder trying to seem unfazed but secretly crumbling in anxiety.
“Total bullshit, I’m sorry you had to watch this-“ Nadine revolts.
“No, it’s fine, I’m just gonna get my stuff-“
“Hey, do they have extra wings?” Frank asks from the other end of the stage.
“I don’t think so, why?”
“I was dying to wear wings” he grunts and Oli rolls her eyes.
“You can wear mine after I walk the stage” Candice winks at him teasingly.
“Frank, we have bigger fish to fry” she walks up to him, leaving the girls to themselves. “We should call this off”
“Because it’s drawing too much negative attention, I don’t need that at this point” she fiddles with her fingers, desperate for a cigarette.
“Oli, this is huge for the us, we can’t bail out”
“Frankie, please”
“No bug, I’m sorry” he pats her shoulder and walks away. From the corner of her eye she notices someone familiar approaching.
“Hey there, crazy!” Zayn nods.
“Holy shit, what are you doing here?” she jumps down the stage and lands in his hug. Apart from Harry, Zayn is the only 1D member she’s got to befriend. Nothing against the other boys, they all speak to each other, but he’s her actual friend. Doesn’t hurt that she got to work a lot with his girlfriend’s band recently.
“Harry told me you’d be here, I thought I’d give you a ride”
“Perfect! Let me get my things-“
“What about Frank?”
“He’ll find a place to sleep tonight” she chuckles.
  Since the show’s in London, she at least gets the comfort of staying at Harry’s place. Although they share a nice flat in New York, he needs a place in London due to the label and also to see his family. To ease their expenses, he bought a smaller place that she hasn't seen yet. Harry feels quite lonely in it, and having the expectation of her visit did nothing for his internal peace.
  On the way there, she and Zayn share a couple smokes and make small talk, planning a few tattoos while she’s in town. Soon enough they arrive and there he is, waiting to open her door for her.
“Hey love” he smiles, pulling her out of the car and into his loving embrace. At the very sight of him a huge weight is lifted from her shoulders. “Thanks mate, appreciate it”
“No worry, we’ll catch up later, eh?”
“I’ll text you, bye Zayn!”
  As he drives down the lane, Harry walks with an arm around her waist up to the flat where her things are already in place. With that out of the way, they head straight to the shower.
  He presses her naked body against the wall, her wet chest against his as their lips clash in a sensuous patient kiss. His small pecks fall to her jaw and down her neck as his wet hair tickles her, distracting her from the pleasure he’s giving.
“Hm?” he hums in her sweet spot.
“Do you think I should do the gig?”
Harry stops kissing her, bringing his gaze back to her and sighing worriedly. “What could possibly make you not do it?”
“Everyone keeps speculating about the performance, they keep comparing me to Taylor and I’m just...” she cracks, hiding her face on his wet neck. Harry strokes the back of her head and shushes her tenderly, trying to get a glimpse of her.
“If you don’t wanna do it, don’t do it love. You can tell everyone you’re feeling sick and just stay here with me”  
“Yeah, but it would be amazing for Frank and I and it’s been really amazing to meet all the models and spending some time with Nadine...”
“Nadine’s great”
“She’s the fucking best” he relaxes at the sight of her smile.
“Whatever you wanna do, I’ll have your back, alright?” she nods and he leans in to kiss her playfully.
  They dry up and head to the bed, exhausted. Before she arrived, he was craving for her, desperately. He would remember their times together and twitch in his pants at the thought of it, always keeping in mind that she was x days away from coming home and putting away his misery. But having her in his arms so fragile, so unprepared, it felt wrong and he had to stop. What he feels for her is not only physical and he can’t let her emotional needs unattended.
  Oli falls asleep curled up to his side, one of her legs straddled around his waist, breathing calmly on his chest. He takes a little longer to doze off just watching her peaceful sleep, the lovely way her parted lips blow against his shirt and her eyelids twitch while she’s having a dream. Her hair is wrapped in a light pink silk sheet, soaked in coconut oil, and he can’t resist burying his nose on it and taking in the sweet scent. He loves her so much it burns, and seeing her anguish feels like walking with a knife craved in his heart, he wishes he could make it all go away... so he tries something stupid.
  At approximately 2:00am, he calls Frank.
“Aren’t you calling a bit late?” he growls on the other end of the line.
“Hey, I’m sorry, there’s just something that’s not letting me sleep”
“Can’t it wait until tomorrow?”
“Probably can, I just wanted to clear my head about this” he excuses, feeling like he’s already drawing towards the unwanted results with this call. “You and Oli have to perform tomorrow at all costs?”
“Look man... I know she’s stressed out, all that bad press is getting under her skin but after we ditched Fiona and Gina we haven't been selling, at all, and we need the show if we want to stay signed for another year”
“Yeah, but aren’t you scared she’ll just... lose it?”
“I am, I still feel guilty about her breakdown... but that’s the job, she loves it, the good and the bad. Trust me, she’ll be amazing tomorrow, you won’t tell the difference between her and an angel”
“I bet I won’t... night, Frank” he hangs up. Frank is a level-headed guy, he must have thought this through already and taken the most logical conclusion but deep down it doesn’t feel right. Anyways, Harry quits his crusade to spare her and returns to the bedroom, settling in her arms again.
  But their domestic bliss is cut short by the day’s schedule. At 11:00am sharp she’s already getting her nails done and her braids fixed at Harry’s while he chats with everyone who’s busy. However, he notices Olivia is dead silent – which is very unusual.
“Guys” he calls after the nails and hair are done, “can I steal her for a second?”
“Sure... don’t mess her up!”
“I promise” he leads them to the door and shuts it, turning to where she has her head hidden behind her knees. “Love, please don’t let it get in your head”
“Too bad” she leans on her freshly manicured hands and he can see tears on the corner of her eyes.
That’s the last drop. “Hey, look at me” he tips her chin so she looks at him reluctantly. “You can both do great, it’s not a race, no matter what the bloody papers say”
“I know”
“Do you?”
She sighs, dropping her head on his palm. “No”
“Then you have to believe me, just do your best” he soothes, stroking her hair, “and if you can’t, your 50% is already bloody incredible-“
“Haz! Shut up” she laughs sadly, wiping the little droplets from her eyelids. To have her at least smiling is enough.
“I love you, alright?” she nods, “Trust me on this one, you’ll be fucking amazing”
  They both get pampered and ready to the red carpet, as usual arriving in grand fashion. He leaves the car first then opens the door to help her out, making a huge scene as she gets up on her heels and throws her thin Havana twists out of her face gently, which is quite a spectacle to the paparazzi. Once she feels the luxurious climate, her attitude shifts and she immediately grows more confident. She welcomes Harry’s arm around her waist and supports her wrist on his shoulder, staring at the cameras with a focused glance. He can feel it, her posture changes, she looks powerful, he can’t hide his gobsmacked grin at showing the world how intimidating and formidable is the woman who literally owns his heart and soul.
  Once the photographs are over, they walk to the dressing room together.
“Mr. Styles, you can’t go in” a producer holds him back.
Olivia frowns at her. “What?”
“This area is just for performers and models, you can’t go in”
“Can’t he come to my dressing room?”
“I’m sorry, it’s not allowed-“
“It’s ok” he interrupts, knowing pretty well it’s what he set up to surprise her later on. When she steps back, he takes Oli by the hand and hugs her tightly, pulling her close enough so he can whisper in her ear. “No matter how many people step on that stage tonight, you’re the only one I see, alright?”
She smirks. “You better...”
“You’re the sexiest, most talented person I know, you’re gonna be amazing”
“I hope so” she leans into him, cupping his cheek in a passionate kiss that catches him completely off-guard.
“I’ll be on the front row” he says a bit out of breath before letting her go.
  Once she turns towards her dressing room, she sees her standing there: tall, slim, fair, blonde, piercing blue eyes following her every step. Not willing to make another scene, she salutes her with two fingers in a friendly gesture, and in reply she smiles politely. Their interaction ends there.
  On her dressing room, Frank is already dressing up and strangely giggly.
“Candice is giving me her wings after the first run!” he cheers, making it really hard for the stylist to work on his outfit.
“You’re winning already then” she mocks, pulling her dress straps down and asking for Frank’s help to unzip the rest. She’s not used with the rest of the backup band so she awkwardly slides to one of the changing booths. “Where is Morgan? The show’s about to start”
  While she waits for their agent, she quickly puts on the black combo of hot pants, torn t-shirt, up the knee boots and a boa. At some point she hears something above the noise of the backup band tuning their instruments and everyone shuts up.
  The show starts.
  Taylor is the first one to perform, walking down the catwalk with some of the biggest models in the industry. They run to the side stage to watch them but the producers don’t let anyone get on the way of the running models, so she has to watch on the TV’s spread across the backstage. Taylor’s presentation is straight up perfect, she moves like fucking royalty and interacts naturally with all the models – she looks so good she might as well be mistaken for one. Oli’s legs begin to shake as the song hits the second chorus.
  Fortunately, there are two other performers watching, and they come to greet her.
“Hey Oli” Andrew is the first, thank god for a familiar face. They used to hang out after rehearsals, he’s a giant dork who’s also not used to fame. Also, his poems make her cry all the time.
“Andy! I’m passing out!”
“Wow, hang on” he holds her by the shoulders.
“I can’t follow up, everyone’s talking about it-“
“Hey, what you’re talking about? You rehearsed this, you’re gonna walk down that stage and be fucking incredible” he talks her down in that convoluted Irish accent of his.
  From the front row, Harry nervously watches top models in tiny clothes pass one after the other, trying to focus on anything else but Taylor on that moment. Every line she sings feels like she’s spitting on him. A show that lasts minutes feels like hours, and when it finally ends it’s time for Olivia.
“Holy shit” she breaths out raggedly.
“Do you want some water?” Ariana asks.
“Where’s Frank?” Oli pleads, seeing black dots on her peripheral vision.  
Frank, who had been talking to some of the models, promptly excuses himself. “You ok?” she barely hears through her thumping ears.
“I’m having a panic attack...”
“Hey, let me handle this” she hears her voice distantly, as if she’s drowning on her heartbeat. “Come with me” Taylor helps her up and takes her to one of the bathrooms, just the two of them.
  She pulls her hair out of her face and shoves it over one shoulder, helping her lean over the sink in case she feels like throwing up. She then wets her hand and throws some cold water on the back of her neck.
“Breath in, hold, then breath out, just like me” she insists. Olivia closes her eyes, breathes in, holds, then breathes out, time and time again until she can grasp her surroundings. Slowly, the thumping on her ears recedes and she can actually feel herself again. “Better?”
“Yeah...”, she takes one last deep breath, “thank you”
“Don’t worry, I’ve been there” she dries her hand on a paper towel.
Oli sighs heavily, “I don’t know if I can pull this off”
“Of course you can” Taylor counters, “Just think: you’ll be on stage with your brother, singing a song you already sang a hundred times, your fans will love it, the models will love it... and Harry’s on the front row, he’ll love it anyway”
She hesitates before starting, “I’m sorry about what happened between you”
“Don’t... I’m actually glad it’s over” Taylor looks down and nods her head, trying to figure out her next words. “Sure, I didn’t like the way it ended but I was just so anxious around him, I feel like I can breath now, it’s so funny... when I was with him I was always so nervous, afraid to say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing, like you were just then” she points to the door, “but you’re... effortless together. I wish I had something like that in my life”
“Hey” she looks up at her, “these things just... happen, I can’t explain it. Just do your thing and wait for someone to show up who happens to like you just like this. It might take a while but it’s worth it”
Taylor smiles, pulling her in for a tight hug. Olivia relaxes on her shoulder, welcoming all the energy she lets out. “I think you should go out there and rock that stage” she whispers encouragingly. “It doesn’t matter what people will say tomorrow, we know what’s up, they never will”
Olivia nods, taking a bit of distance. “Thank you so much” she squeezes Taylor’s hands.
“You’re welcome... now let’s go”
  The show-runner asks for the audience to be patient as they’re having a few technical difficulties and Harry is this close to invading the backstage and checking on Oli. His knee bops up and down frantically, looking at Liam beside him for guidance. At the first sign of applause, his eyes shoot up at the stage and there she is. Frank’s guitar riff fills the room as they walk in, him leading the way with his tall angel wings, sunglasses and skirt, his guitar wailing as if calling for Olivia to join. Then she does, parading to the beat until she reaches Frank.
“How’re you feeling tonight?!” she calls before getting her queue.
  He couldn’t look away even if his eyes were gauged off. His breathing increases, his body responding to the feast upon the stage. Two Brazilian models pass in front of her, he doesn’t look away. The entire cast of the show walks up but still, he doesn’t look away. The way her vocals reach all the way to the back of the venue makes the hairs on the back of his neck rise. She looks so powerful yet so ingenue, as if the way her hips swing is completely pure.
  But there’s nothing pure about her. The way she dances with Frank’s guitar solo, the way she smiles and bops with the models, how her braids barely cover her bare ass cheeks, it’s too much. All he can think about is ripping that lingerie with his teeth and let her encircle him with that boa, he wants to be at her mercy.
  At some point, their gazes meet and he feels a bit love drunk, lost in her beauty. She walks to the edge of the stage closest to him and blows him a kiss and he catches it in the air, keeping it on his internal pocket and winking back at her. He wants her to kiss him, he wants her to lose all decorum and just disgrace him right then and there.  
  But just as it began it ended. As she takes a bow and walks out with one of the models, Harry applauds on his feet. She smiles proudly, holding Frank on a side hug and bowing once again. She did it! It was amazing, sexy, vibrant... and Harry can’t wait to see her, not another ten seconds.
  She’s welcomed in the backstage with thunderous applause. After all, she did it! She was super scared but soldiered on and now that’ll live in history as one of her best performances ever. As soon as the clapping dies, she walks up to Taylor and hugs her tightly.
“Thank you for everything” she whispers through a smile.
“You were a-mazing!” Taylor cheers getting some distance between them and then hitching. Oli follows her gaze and finds Harry standing awkwardly in the middle of the commotion.
“Haz? I thought you couldn’t get in”
“Yeah, don’t say it too loud” he mocks, pulling a flower bouquet from behind his back. Olivia chuckles amusedly and runs to his embrace, leaving a very uncomfortable Taylor standing empty-handed.
“You were something else tonight” he whispers to her and hands her the flowers. Sensing the eyes around them, she restricts her displays of affection to a small kiss on his cheek. “How about we skip the after-party and just grab a bite with the band?”
“Sure, I just wanna watch Andy’s then we can go”
“Alright” he nods and his gaze accidentally catches Taylor’s. It would be extremely impolite to ignore her after looking her straight in the eyes so, for education’s sake, he walks up to her. “Ms. Swift”
“Mr. Styles” she replies with the same cocky attitude.
“It’s nice to see you”
“You too” they exchange a kiss in the cheek and part ways. Once Harry’s got his back towards her, Olivia and Taylor exchange a knowing wink.
  Before they watch Andrew’s performance, Oli and Harry head to her and Frank’s empty dressing room. As she walks in first to get the flowers on a pot, Harry locks the door behind him and moves to hug her waist. She closes her eyes in delight, feeling his desperate lips already trace her shoulder up to the crook of her neck.
“You looked really fucking sexy in that stage” he mumbles, taking gentle hold of her neck.
“I could tell, you were giving me bedroom eyes from the moment I stepped in” she mocks, stroking the hand that holds her on a choke-hold before turning inside his grasp and kissing him teasingly, making him dangle on the edge of sanity. He presses his parted lips on her but she pulls away slightly, licking a single strip of his bottom lip before bitting it lightly and kissing him back.
“Can’t wait ‘til bedroom love”
“Yeah? What a shame” she pushes him away playfully, “I’m not doing anything here with a zillion people outside”
“Fuck’s sake” he dramatically flops down into the sofa, “you’re killing me, honestly”
“Dead men can’t talk!” she replies, changing into her party dress and overcoat.
  Harry keeps groaning on the sofa, calling out for her until she’s ready. She leans over the back of the sofa and hugs his shoulders, he holds on to her arms for reassurance. Looking down, she notices he’s a bit too excited to go out in public, so she has an epiphany...
“... you got that James Dean daydream look in you eyes” she sings.
“Oh, fuck you-“
“And I’ve got that red lip classic thing that you like”
“Oli, don’t” he whimpers through a struggled laugh.
“We never go out of Style... es” with that one improv, he loses it, laughing his life away. She pecks his sweet cheeks over and over, leaving several dark-brown stains on his fair skin. “Come on, you’re good to go”
“Thanks, angel”
She narrows her eyes, hand hovering over the lock before grinning arrogantly, “I like that”
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do you know any fics where sherlock is really cranky? :)
Oh! What an odd and fun request! This has been sitting for months, so I hope you’re still around to see this! Here’s a few for you that are similar!
Also! Check out my Jealous & Possessive Sherlock fics too! They might also be similar to what you’re looking for!
A Discourse on the Inadequacy of a Duvet by guns_and_poses (T, 1,005 w. || Est. Rel., Fluff, Humour, Bed Sharing, Romance) – Sherlock keeps stealing the covers when they share a bed because he wants John to move closer to him when they are sleeping but of course doesn’t want to ask. John gets annoyed at first until he realises what Sherlock wants and is more than happy to oblige.
The Other Shoe by thewaitwasworthitlove - (NR, 1,053 w. || Pining Sherlock, Angst, URT, Post-TSo3) - Sherlock realizes how deep in love he has fallen for John. Only Sherlock Holmes would manage to be more shattered than crystal dropped on concrete.
Velvet by headlessjess (G, 1,155 w. || Pining, Angst, Jealous Sherlock, Loneliness, Sad Fic) – It’s the day, the wedding day - John and Mary, getting married. And then there’s Sherlock, in pain and in love, without knowing how to deal with it.
Battle of Bakerloo by bendingsignpost (G, 1,494 w. || Cuddles, Clingy Sherlock, Fluff, Snuggles) – The change had occurred, John had accepted it, and when Sherlock had asked, “You don’t mind, do you?”, John had answered, “No, of course not.” In hindsight, an obvious mistake.
I Hear Newcastle is Dreadful This Time of Year by oxfordlunch (G, 1,515 w. || Sofa Cuddling, Hugs, Mentions of Alcoholism, Pining / Anxious Sherlock) – When the fourteenth day comes, he gets a cab to Heathrow.
33 by Indigo Blue.x (K+, 2K+ w. || Humour) – “I haven’t made a zombie,” Sherlock says scathingly, which would be more convincing if there were not a zombie in the flat.
Assurance by belovedmuerto (T, 2,382 w. || Bed-Sharing, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Idiots in Love) – It’s not so much the ‘you’re half-dead, you wanker,’ or even the broken ribs, the hairline fracture of the pelvis, the dislocated shoulder and knee, and the wrenched ankle.
In Which John is Attractive and Sherlock is Angry by kim47 (T, 2,382 w. || Fluff, Est. Rel., Jealous Sherlock) – Sherlock’s reaction to finding out that everyone wants HIS John, and how he told them to piss off and get their own Watson.
Twas The Night by xox-hattii-xox (K+, 3K+ w. || Humour & Friendship, Christmas, Domestics, Fluff) – Twas the night before Christmas…and Sherlock has had just about enough of the whole thing! ‘Really, John, a Santa Hat’ Christmas in 221b, and Sherlock just wants it over with.
Right Foot Red by Irrevocably_Sherlocked (E, 3,089 w. || First Time, Board Games, Frottage, Masturbation, Frottage, PWP) – …ok, it’s juvenile, but at least it’s a game where touching is allowed. And if something more were to happen, well, John can’t say he’d be too upset about that. “What are the rules of this game?” Sherlock asks, the disdain evident on the word ‘game’. “I spin, you do as I say.” John thinks he sees a slight widening of those pale grey eyes at that, just for a fraction of a second, before it is shut down. Oh, this is interesting, he thinks.
The Sweetest Taste In The World by crossroads (G, 3,121 w. || Jealousy, First Kiss, Fluff, Pining, Friends to Lovers) – The sweetest taste in the world is rarely ever the easiest to come by. 
Entanglement by orphan_account (G, 3,218 w. || Pining, Confessions) - On Christmas Eve, snow covers London, John visits Harry, and Sherlock and Mrs. Hudson untangle some knots.
In the Bleak Midwinter (A Canticle for Advent) by CaitlinFairchild (M, 3,476 w. || Angst, Injury, Missing Scenes, HLV Timeline) – In the autumn of 2014, Mary Watson shot Sherlock Holmes. This is what happened after.
Fine Print by mistyzeo (E, 4,224 w. || ACD Holmes || Est. Rel, Retirementlock, Glasses, Oral, Hand Jobs, Bees) – Holmes needs glasses, but he’s too much of a stubborn arse to go get his eyes checked. Watson is used to bullying him for his own good. The glasses have unexpected but not unwelcome consequences for everyone.
Practical Johnkeeping by what_alchemy (M, 4,330 w. || Beekeeping, Aging, Gladstone, Tooth Rotting Fluff) – Sherlock predicts nectar flow the same way he deduces a murder, but he harvests the honey like John coddles the dog.
There’s Something Living in These Lines by teahigh (orphan_account) (M, 4,676 w. || Mutual Pining, Love Letters, Angst, Mutual Pining, UST / URT, Dirty Talk) – Two men, complete opposites in almost every way, who speak only in letters and pages torn from books.
Confessions by crimsonwinter (T, 4,711 w. || Love Confessions, Fluff) – John and Sherlock finally confess their love for each other.
Facade by distantstarlight (M, 4,715 w. || Fluff, John’s Beard, No-Shave November, Grumpy Sherlock, Clueless Sherlock) – Sherlock is highly irritated with a challenge John has agreed to undertake. Why does he need to grow a beard anyway?
How Will I Know? by eragon19 (E, 4,895 w. || Pining, Love Confessions, POV Sherlock, Fluff, Sherlock’s Imagination, Papa Lestrade) – Here was the problem: Sherlock Holmes was completely and irrevocably in love with John Watson, and he had absolutely no idea how to tell him.
Electric Potential by pygmymeese (T, 5K+ w. || Supernatural) – It’s not clear why everyone in the world suddenly gets a ghost only they can interact with. All John Watson knows is that he’s stuck with a brilliant, if smug, ex-consulting detective, and that life is definitely looking up.
London’s Ghost by JustlikeWater (K+, 5K+ w. || Tragedy, H/C, Angst, Post-TRF AU, Sherlock POV) – “Today, it’s been weeks since Sherlock died. Other times, years. He doesn’t know for sure, though. Time passes differently for the dead" 
Every Little Thing by the_beekeeper_of_sussex (E, 5,066 w. || First Time / Kiss, Fluff, Frottage, Come as Lube, Embarassed Sherlock, Porn With Feelings) – When Sherlock walks in on John making tea wearing nothing but a tight pair of boxer-briefs things get a little heated…physically and emotionally. 
Scrutiny by lifeonmars (NR, 5,100 w. || Domestics, Sherlock’s Deductions, John Tries Deductions, Love Confessions, Anxious John) – What is it like to live with someone who can nearly read your mind? John’s life comes into focus under the magnifying glass of Sherlock Holmes.
EMERGENCY CONTACT: Sherlock Holmes, RELATIONSHIP: n/a by blueink3 (M, 5,533 w. || Hurt John/3G, Fluff & Angst) – The first time John Watson’s emergency contact is called is the first time Sherlock Holmes finds out that he has the job. Part 1 of The Emergency Contact Series
Tease You Till You Come by phoenix089 (E, 6,090 w. || First Time, Clueless Sherlock, Texting) – Initially, Sherlock was rather put out by John’s lack of presence on the case. But then he starts to recieve pictures, several of them, of an unexpected nature. The case is forgotten rather quickly after that.
EMERGENCY CONTACT: John Watson, RELATIONSHIP: Saint by blueink3 (M, 6,229 w. || Hurt Sherlock, 5+1, H/C) – The first time Sherlock Holmes realizes he needs an emergency contact is the first time he mentally appoints John Watson with the job. John, of course, does not know this and neither does the local hospital. Part 2 of The Emergency Contact Series
5687 (Approximately) by prettysailorsoldier (T, 6,771 w. || Alternate Canon, Christmas, Pining, Fluff, Soldier John) – When John’s leave request for Christmas is denied, Sherlock is nothing short of devastated, not that he’s letting it show. The holiday season now something he’s just waiting to end, Sherlock doesn’t think anything can possibly make it worse. That is, until he realizes no one in his life believes his army “boyfriend” is even real, but, luckily, everyone is in for a surprise. Part 13 of 25 Days of Johnlock
Abatement by WhimsicalEthnographies (E, 6,816 w. || Est. Rel., Retirementlock, Fluff, Sherlock’s Self Esteem, Grumpy Sherlock) – “What’s wrong with you? You love the cottage,” John glances over to the passenger seat, then quickly turns his eyes back to the road. Driving was still not his forte, but considering Sherlock still couldn’t properly bend and lift his new knee enough to press and release the clutch, he had to make do. Not that Sherlock hadn’t tried to argue his way into the driver’s seat. “I love the cottage for a week or two, John. Don’t be deliberately obstuse,” Sherlock grumbles, sinking further in his seat. Well, as best he can with a four-week-old knee replacement. “And that’s all we’re going for, love,” John says out loud. But what he’s thinking is, shit. He knows.
Beg for Mercy (Twice) by Solitary_Endeavor (E, 7,060 w. || Est. Rel., Bottomlock, Bearded John, Edging, Rough Sex, Idiots in Love, Canon Compliant) – Sherlock hasn’t left the flat in four days, the itch of impatience beneath his skin too great to allow him to suffer interaction with any human being who isn’t John. This is probably a mercy that goes both ways, as he’s driving even himself mad. Sherlock supposes there is a lesson to be learned here about having himself to blame, but of course he blames Mycroft.
I can’t pretend by Salambo06 (E, 7,692 w. || Fake Relationship, Victor Trevor, Jealous John, Miscommunications, Bed Sharing, Love Confessions, First Kiss/Time, Anal, BJs) – They had arrived more than a hour ago, and the moment they had walked inside the hotel reception, John had understood why Sherlock hadn’t wanted to come. Two men, posh suits and expensive watches on their wrists, had come to greet them with sharp remarks and badly hidden mockery, and John had seen red. Sherlock hadn’t said anything, mostly ignoring the two men entirely, and without thinking twice about it, John had slid an arm around Sherlock’s waist and introduced himself as his husband.
The T-Shirt Thief by allroadsleadbacktobakerstreet (T, 7,968 w. || Mutual Pining, Post Canon Fix It, Dev. Rel., First Kiss, Domestics) – Sherlock steals John’s t-shirt from the laundry. John catches him wearing it one evening, fluff ensues with an endeared yet teasing John?
To Quote Malcolm Tucker; or, Get The Fuck In or Fuck The Fuck Off by kim47 (T, 8,484 w. || Jealous Sherlock, Flirting, Cockblocking) – Sherlock is cockblocker and a prick tease and John is not amused.
Bread and Wine and Curry Once a Week by cwb (E, 8,737 w. || Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Stroppy Sherlock, Love Letters, POV John) – Sherlock asks John for relationship advice. Little does he know that it’s him that Sherlock is in love with.
Let You Kiss Me (So Sweet and So Soft) by out_there (G, 8,659 w. || Fluff, Kisses, Stroppy Sherlock, Confused John) – The first time Sherlock kisses him, John keeps his eyes open, and so does Sherlock, and mostly, he wonders what Sherlock could possibly be up to. There’ll be some logic to this. Some ridiculous experiment about body warmth or respiratory rates or testing a new way of picking pockets. Sherlock does the unimaginable for bizarre reasons, but behind it, there’s always logic and curiosity. Sometimes, it just takes him a while to explain it to John.
Illogical, even. by magikspell (E, 9,119 w. || Grey-Ace Sherlock, Character Study, Growing Up, Victor Trevor, Romance, First Time/Kiss, Sherlock-centric) – Five reasons Sherlock never believed in love and one reason he does now.
With This Ring by Quesarasara (E, 9,121 w. || Est. Rel., Marriage Proposal, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Idiots in Love, Embarrassing Hospital Visits) – Sometimes even the best of plans go wrong. And sometimes wrong turns out to be exactly right.
The Painted Man by jinglebell (E, 9,894 w. || Tattoos, Scent / Tattoo Kink, Rough & Tender Sex, Fluff and Smut, Obsessive / Jealous Sherlock, Touch Starvation) – Here stood John Watson – middle name, Hamish, ex-RAMC captain and field medic, favourite brand of jam: Duerr’s, preferred toothpaste: Mentadent. Loyal, steadfast, interesting John had just done the most unpredictable thing merely by being.John’s body was covered, neck-to-waistband, shoulder-to-elbow, in tattoos.
The Devil You Know by PipMer (T, 9,300 w. || Friends to Lovers, Romance, Holmes Brothers, Jealous Sherlock) – The Holmes brothers are behaving oddly. John is dazed and confused. In other words, it’s business as usual at 221B Baker Street. Except when it’s not.
Someone I Love by hudders-and-hiddles (M, 10,002 w. || Canon Compliant, HLV-Filler Fic, Pre-Slash, Jealous John, PIning Sherlock, Angst & Fluff, UST/URT, Dog Tags) – John gets married and Sherlock finds comfort in wearing John’s identity tags around his wrist.
The Thin Line by Odamaki (M, 10,809 w. || Virgin Sherlock, Awkwardness, Confessions, First Times, Anal) – John swallows. Keeps his eyes on Sherlock. Begs him not to ruin him.Sherlock leans forward over the witness box ever-so slightly, “I was distracted,” he informs the court, “by my partner, John Watson.”
A Terrific Soporific by antietamfalls (T, 11,269 w. || Bed Sharing, Sleepy Cuddles, Fluff, Insomnia, Experiments) – Sherlock, a long-time sufferer of insomnia, is forced to share a bed with John at a hotel while on a case. To his astonishment, he finds that spending the night next to John helps him sleep and becomes determined to maneuver himself back into John’s bed.
Back to the Start by slashscribe (M, 14,088 w. || Sherlock’s Violin, Pining Idiots, Fluff, Domestics) – Sherlock hasn’t played the violin since John’s wedding (which is long since over), and when John returns to 221B, Sherlock relearns the violin as he and John relearn each other. Post S3 fic with an obscene amount of pining, idiocy, and attempts to pawn off tea duties.
Speaker for the Bees by antietamfalls (M, 14,649 w. || Deaf Sherlock, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss / Time, Fluff, Sign Language) – It isn’t always easy assisting a deaf detective. Luckily for John, they make a pretty good team.
Better Than One by Innerspace (E, 14,760 w || Threesome, Self-cest / Clone Sex, First Time, BJ’s, Power Play, Slight Dub-Con) – Sherlock creates a clone and discovers things about himself and John he never imagined. John is just along for the ride, so to speak. 
Till Death Do Us Part by prettysailorsoldier (M, 15,390 w. || Fake Relationship, Case Fic, Friends to Lovers, Fake Marriage, Christmas, Fluff) – When Sherlock links a recent spree of murder-suicides to a psychologist who specializes in marriage counseling, there’s really only one thing to do: Go undercover as a couple in hopes of drawing the killer out. Faking a relationship seems easy enough, but things take a turn when their real issues start to creep into the sessions, and, all the while, a killer is watching, waiting in the shadows for their chance to strike.
In A Changing Age by allonsys_girl (E, 15,590 w. || Victorian AU, Virgin / Demi Sherlock, First Kiss / Time, Friends to Lovers, Love Confessions, Mild H/C) – Sherlock wakes up in the 19th century, with no idea how he got there.
Understanding by rizandace (T, 13K+ w. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort) – Sherlock’s hiding something about his newest case, and John wants answers. Set post-TGG. Friendship fic, mostly, with brief entrances from Harry and Lestrade just for fun.
At the Edge of Desire by philalethia (E, 16,375 w. || Post S3, Pining, Arse Worship, Humour, First Kiss / TIme, Sexual Fantasy, Awkwardness) – While helping John move back in to the flat, Sherlock discovers a strap-on among John’s things. He finds the discovery considerably difficult to move past.
Pleasure to Burn by scullyseviltwin (E, 17,863 w. || Firefighter AU, Firefighter John / Arson Investigator Sherlock, Slow Burn, Pining, Case Fic-ish) – “If you’d kindly stop knocking about in there and destroying all of my evidence, it would be most appreciated!” John groaned and for a moment rested his head against the side of the truck. Of course he was the only captain left on the scene, which meant he would have to be the one to deal with the arson investigator.
For you, there’s only me by shock_blanket (E, 19,557 w. || Jealous Idiots, Virgin Sherlock, UST/RST, Pining, Miscommunication, First Kiss / Time, Insecure Sherlock, Masturbation) – Sherlock realizes he has fallen in love with John, but believes he is unlovable. Cue lots of pining and jealousy on Sherlock’s part, followed by our favorite cuddly marksman making it all better. Because for Sherlock, there’s only John.
A Life Well-Lived by Kate_Lear (E, 20,121 w. || Original Male Character, Sherlock Woos John, Jealous Sherlock, Reluctant Bi-John, Past Abuse, Insecure John, Reassuring / Caring Sherlock, Protective Sherlock, Understanding Sherlock) – John got scared off men by an abusive past relationship. Sherlock has to try and woo him while not scaring him off with protective possessive rage.
Achieving the Together-Coloured Instant by teahigh (E, 20,776 w. || Est. Rel, PTSD, Codependency, Fluff & Angst, H/C, Smut, Demisexual Sherlock, Experiments) – John wonders if this is how it’s going to be: A life speaking in code, because they’re both too stupid to figure out how to say, “I love you.”
Winter’s Delights by Kate_Lear (E, 21,173 w. || Holmes Family, Christmas, Fake Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Bed Sharing, Domestics) – Sherlock takes John home for Christmas to meet the extended Holmes family. Part 1 of Winter’s Delights
Brief Conversations with the Woman by May_Shepard (E, 21,906 w. || Pining, Love Fairy Irene, Filler Fic, UST/URT, Drug Use, Clueless Sherlock, Relationship Advice, Angst w/ Happy Ending) – Sherlock has a puzzle to solve, and his name is John Watson.
Knotted by naughtyspirit (E, 23,166 w. || UST/URT, Cuddling, Sharing Body Heat, Confessions, Kissing, Mastrubation, Frustration, BAMF!John) – John has to cancel a date because of Sherlock’s case, which leads them to be tied up in a basement from which they have to escape. They get wet, get tied up close and John has to step up and save them. Because he’s pretty. And hot. And just a little bit of a BAMF. 
Tomorrow’s Song by agirlsname (M, 24,645 w. || Post-TRF, POV Sherlock, Angst with a Happy Ending, Virgin / Repressed Sherlock, Love Confessions, Slow Burn, Pining) – How can he think a relationship with me would be a good idea? I am the sort of person to take a break from my life and when I come back after two years, I expect to find it exactly as I left it. In reality I find it shattered to pieces. (I actually equate you with my life. When did I start doing that?)
State of Flux by Atiki (E, 24,655 w. || Sherlock POV, Slow Burn, First Kiss/Time, Friends to Lovers, Frottage, Cuddles and Snuggles, Awkwardness, Insecure/Virgin Sherlock, Romance) – John’s marriage is over and he is finally back home (i.e. at Baker Street, where he belongs). Sherlock is awfully insecure and John is awfully hesitant, and they’re both awkward idiots, of course, but they figure it out. Many First Times happen.
Among the Secret Things by Kate_Lear for coloredink (E, 26,073 w. || Angst, Drama, Amnesia) – Sherlock would be the last person to describe himself as given to flights of fancy, but at the look on Lestrade’s face he could swear that something inside him curls up and dies. Part 1 of Among the Secret Things
A Study In Auto-Signatures, Sniper Dolphins, and Sex Holidays by cwb (E, 32,690 w. || Case Fic, Post S3, Evil Mary, Dev. Rel., Honeymoon, Epistolary, Bottomlock, First Kiss / Time, Fluff, Secret Agents, BAMF!John) – John and Mary go on their sex holiday, and Sherlock is grumpy and pining about it. Part 1 of HOT DOLPHIN SEX
The Midas Touch by flawedamythyst (E, 32,231 w. || Magical Realism, John has a Magical Cock, Dub Con, Healer John) – John Watson has a medical condition that means everyone he sleeps with is instantly healed of all illness and injury. This causes complications when Sherlock breaks his arm, and even more complications when Sherlock falls in love with him. Yes, this is a story where John has a literal magic healing cock. It’s a lot less cracky than you’re probably imagining. Warning: Contains complex issues of sexual consent, although not between Sherlock and John.
Bedtime Stories by Liketheriver (M, 34,388 w. || Emotional H/C, Romance, Angst & Humour, Bed Sharing, John First Person, TRF, John Whump) – John’s POV during Season 2 and beyond when Sherlock takes up semi-permanent residence in his bed. A collection of codas and missing scenes wrapped up into one long fic and topped with a bow that takes the story beyond Reichenbach and into happy territory once more. Part 1 of Bedtime Universe
The Wrong Wagon by DancingGrimm (E, 35,663 w. || Alternating POV, MollyxJohn [Molly pines for John], Public Sex, Casual Sex, Obliviousness, BAMF!John, Awkwardness, Angst & Humour, First Time, Virgin Sherlock, Jealous Sherlock) – Molly sees John in a new light and realises that she may have hitched her horse to the wrong wagon…or something like that. John pines for Sherlock and worries what he will think if he ever finds out. And Sherlock doesn’t know what Molly’s up to…but he knows he doesn’t like it.
Classified(s) by blueink3 (E, 36,153 w. || Wedding Date AU || Fake Relationship, Jealous, PIning, H/C, Idiots in Love, Happy Ending, Mary is not Nice) – Clara’s American father is the ambassador to some such territory that Great Britain probably used to own, but she (and Harry’s undying love for her) is the reason John is getting on a flight at 12:30pm, flying across the second largest ocean in the world, and pretending to be in a perfectly happy, healthy relationship with an undoubtedly perfectly coiffed stranger. See, Clara is not only American (and wealthy to boot), she’s also best friends with John’s ex-fiancée. Whom she’s placed in the wedding party. As Maid of Honor. And John just happens to be Best Man. Bloody brilliant.
Goodness Gives Extras by mydwynter (E, 39,629 w. || Fluff & Angst, Case Fic, Oral / Anal, Humour, First Time, Miscommunication, Snark, Christmas) – Christmas time. ‘Tis the season to settle down with a drink, some food and a present or two, and to enjoy the quiet relaxation of the holiday. Instead, there’s a case that drags them all over, missing presents, disappointed kids, angry parents, and a freak snowfall. On top of that John has to deal with Sherlock, who is being even more of a prat than usual. He really shouldn’t have expected anything different.
There’s Someone On Your Shoulder by halloa_what_is_this (NR, 41,215 w. || Pining Sherlock, Introspection, Daydreams, Sherlock Loves John So Much it Hurts) – Sherlock trips and falls head over heels in love, makes a lot of lists and stares, stares, stares.
The Semantics of Crop Circle Formation: a case study by Sherlock Holmes [unpublished] bycanolacrush (M, 41,710 w. || Sherlock POV, Aliens, Wordplay, Casefic) – “Look at these photographs,” I said, gesturing to the wall of crop circles. “What do you observe?”“Crop circles,” John replied.“Obvious. What else?”“Are…are those intestines surrounding them?”“Yes. The majority are bovine and ovine in origin. The farmers who have acquired these crop circles in their fields have also had a tenth of their livestock murdered and arranged thus.”“Why?” John said, presumably in a rhetorical fashion. I detest rhetorical questions. “That is what I must find out, John.”
The Case of the Vanishing Pants by SwissMiss (E, 44,025 w. || Five and Ones, Friends to Lovers, Case Fic, Homophobia, UST, Post-TRF) – Five times John and Sherlock lost their pants in the course of a case.
The Norwood Love Builders by flawedamythyst (T, 47,798 w. || Fake Relationship, Slow Burn, Post TRF Angst) – Sherlock and John go undercover to solve the murder of Joanna Oldacre, but things are complicated by the many feelings John has been repressing in the wake of Sherlock’s faked death and return.
Triage by scullyseviltwin (E, 51,612 w. || Character Injury, Introspection) – Sherlock’s mind goes exceedingly, devastatingly quiet and gray-blank. When he speaks it’s through a thick haze, it’s through molasses, he’s so disconnected from the words that it may as well be the unconscious shooter speaking.
In the Dark Hours by hubblegleeflower (E, 51,639 w. || Friends to Lovers, Unreliable Narrator, Closeted Bi John, Angst, Miscommunications, Slow Burn, First Time, John’s Blog / Epistolary) – John, wounded and silent, drifts back to Baker Street for healing…and then goes home again. He visits, gets more upbeat, chattier, smiles, jokes… and still goes home again. Sherlock wants him to move back in - it just makes sense - but John shows no signs of doing so. This is the story of how John and Sherlock learn to say what needs to be said when they’re both so very, very rubbish at talking.
Spare Change by Ermerness (E, 51,966 w. || Rich Holmeses AU || First Kiss / Time, Holmes Family, Virgin Sherlock, Anal, First Meetings) – The Holmes family is one of the richest and most powerful in England. Sherlock spends his time flying around the world on the family’s private jet drinking a lot and shopping at expensive boutiques as a way of trying to alleviate his endless boredom. His mother decides it’s time he settles down with someone powerful, wealthy and well connected. John Watson happens to be none of those things.
Albion and the Woodsman by Glenmore (E, 54,437 w. || Post S3 || Parentlock, Pining Sherlock, Angst, Family, Drug Use, Depression, Sherlock POV) – Sherlock and John are devastated after Mary Morstan makes her final moves. Sherlock relapses at the crack house, John walks around the world … and a lot happens in between. Parentlock, in the good way.
You Have Drawn Red From My Hands by J_Baillier (T, 67,085 w. || Three Garridebs, Heavy John Whump, Hurt / Comfort, Pining, Heavy Angst, Case Fic/Adventure, Slow Burn, Sick Fic, Injury, Guilt & Depression, Just Talk Already Please, Medical Realism, PTSD) –  John getting injured leads Sherlock on a path of guilt and revelations.
Darkling, I Listen by You_Light_The_Sky (T, 73,254 w. || Fairy Tale AU || Loosely Based on Beauty and the Beast, Magical Realism, Suicidal Themes, Romance, Creepiness, Adventure) – No one who enters old London ever comes out. They say that the beast devours them. When his sister disappears, John ventures into the dead zone beyond the wall, and finds a brilliant madman under a terrible curse… Part 1 of Darkling I Listen + Extras, Deleted Scenes
A Fold in the Universe by darkest_bird (E, 152,869 w. || Omegaverse / Prime Universe Crossover || OmegaJohn / AlphaSherlock, First Kiss / Time, Friends to Lovers, Established Relationship, Angst, H/C, Dub Con, Humour) – Alpha Sherlock and Omega John are in a relationship. Prime Sherlock and Prime John are not. So what happens when a freak fold in the universe switches one John for the other?
Performance In a Leading Role by Mad_Lori (E, 156,714 w. || Hollywood / Actor AU, Secret Relationship, Falling in Love, Slow Burn, Romance, Coming Out, Fluff and Angst, Pining) – Sherlock Holmes is an Oscar winner in the midst of a career slump. John Watson is an Everyman actor trapped in the rom-com ghetto. When they are cast as a gay couple in a new independent drama, will they surprise each other? Will their on-screen romance make its way into the real world? Part 1 of Performance in a Leading Role
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kanerboo · 7 years
let me drink from your well
a tiny and quick little contribution for the halloween fest! this was not at all the fic i’d originally intended to write - i didn’t have time to finish that one, but @musainrules asked me for a little ficlet, so here it is :) and i wrote it in like 40 minutes so don’t expect much >.>
jonathan toews/patrick kane; mature; warnings: blood drinking, vampires, mentions of blood
(edit: now on ao3!)
Jonny’s head is spinning as he stumbles down the tunnel after the horn goes. He doesn’t follow the guys into the locker room, but turns into an empty room nearby, a training room where he knows there are benches to sit on and a fridge. The trainers keep the fridges all over the UC well-stocked with his needs, and he needs a drink now if he’s going to get through overtime.
There are black spots dancing in his vision by the time he makes it into the room, nearly tripping over his skates as he goes. It’s getting worse by the second; the vertigo, the nausea, the desperate thirst. And for a moment Jonny thinks he might actually pass out right here, at the door, the fridge just on the other wall and out of reach.
He knows he should have taken more blood before the game started, but he - he’d thought it would be enough. Hadn’t counted on the approximately six million penalty kills and power plays he’d have to be on, with the penalties flying left and right all game. Hadn’t counted on the fucking Ducks being this hard. Hadn’t thought the game would go into OT.
And now he has less than four minutes to go before OT starts, in the Western Conference finals, and he’ll be fucked if he lets this go the way of 2014 again.
He takes a wobbly step forward and just - crumples to his knees. Fuck, the room’s all spinny. He’s not going to - he needs to get to that fridge -
Jonny knows who it is right away - he can tell from the scent, the sound of the heartbeat, even if Patrick hadn’t said anything. He squeezes his eyes shut, trying to stop the spinning, trying not to think of the sound of Patrick’s heart beating strong and steady, pumping blood through his body. “Hey,” he says feebly.
“Shit - fuck, Jonny, fuck, are you okay?” 
There’s a thud as Patrick drops to his knees next to Jonny and the next thing he knows is Patrick cupping his face in his hands; he cracks one eye open to see Patrick staring at him anxiously, He’s biting on his bottom lip as he so often does when he’s nervous - but it’s like Jonny’s entire field of vision narrows in on that, at the sight of Patrick’s teeth sinking into the warm, alive pinkness of his lip, leaving little white indentations. It makes him think of warmth, and blood, and -  blood.
“Holy fuck, you’re white as a sheet,” Patrick says, alarm written all over his face. “Have you - oh god, you need to drink, don’t you? You need to drink.” He straightens up, still holding on to Jonny, and looks around the room frantically.
“Fridge,” Jonny manages to croak out.
Patrick springs to his feet and practically runs over to the fridge; he throws the door open with such force Jonny thinks he hears a crack, and then finds himself hoping Patrick didn’t break the fridge because all the blood bags in there would spoil, and wouldn’t that be such a waste.
“Which one?” Patrick’s saying, running a hand distractedly through his curls. “Oh god - you like A+, don’t you? There’s - fuck, yeah - “
Jonny wants to laugh despite himself. At this point he’ll take fucking B- if he has to; trust Patrick to want to give him what he likes best.
Patrick comes back with his arms full of at least six bags of blood. It makes Jonny’s eyes cross just to look at them, and without really thinking about it his fangs drop, sliding smooth and sharp down over his lower lip. Fuck. He’s really fucking thirsty.
Patrick drops the bags in front of him and picks one up, tearing the attached straw off and jabbing it into the bag. “Shit, we didn’t warm it up. Can you - do you want me to warm this?”
“Fuck no,” Jonny says. They don’t have time for that shit. He needs to drink now, before they have to go back out for OT.
“Yeah, okay,” Pat says, and gives him the bag.
The first drink going down is freezing cold; but Jonny drinks without stopping, barely even taking a breath, until the bag is drained. He reaches out blindly and Patrick puts another bag in his hand.
“Slow, Jonny,” he says quietly, and lets his fingers linger on Jonny’s hand when he passes the bag over.
It takes three bags before Jonny even feels remotely human (heh, as if he’s even human), but when he finally tosses the bag aside and looks up at Patrick, Pat’s still kneeling in front of him, chewing at his lip, looking worried. Jonny rubs a fist over his mouth; it comes away red, and he licks at the residual blood on it hungrily.
“Better?” Patrick asks, his blue eyes fixed on Jonny’s mouth. Jonny frowns, runs his tongue around his lips and fangs in case there’s drops of blood, and for some reason Patrick’s heartbeat speeds right up. When he finally glances up from Jonny’s mouth, his pupils are dilated.
Okay, that’s interesting. Or maybe not so, considering the way they’ve both danced around each other for years.
Jonny knows - has always known - that the fact that he’s a vampire seems to hold some kind of strange fascination for Patrick. The other guys tend to avoid him when he’s thirsty enough to be in a bad mood, or when his fangs are out - Patrick never does. As rookies, Patrick was the only one who’d room with him, and that rooming arrangement worked out well enough that they’ve stuck with it long term. And even now, when there are more vampires in the league, and there are a couple other vampires besides Jonny on the Blackhawks - it seems Patrick’s fascination with him has never really died down.
Or at least, Jonny’s never seen Patrick’s pupils dilate when Forsling or Schmaltz are drinking around him.
And he knows - has always known, too - that Patrick’s weirdly attracted to him specifically; and it’s not as if that attraction isn’t reciprocated, Sharpy’s stupid comments about their “sexual tension” or whatever make it clear enough. He’s just - never done anything about it. Hasn’t dared to. Fuck, he’s a vampire, and no matter how captivated Patrick is by him, the fact remains that Patrick’s still a fragile, breakable human, with thin skin and delicate bones and a perfect tracery of beautiful blue-purple veins across his wrists and the pulse of his neck and -
Shit, shit, he really needs to stop this train of thought.
Patrick clears his throat. “Is that - was that enough?” he asks, casting his eyes down at the emptied bags scattered around them.
Jonny shrugs. Bagged blood’s never enough, never fills him or satisfies him the way fresh blood does, but it works. “It’ll have to be,” he says. “I feel better already anyway. Pat - thanks.”
Patrick’s eyes are still downcast, and not for the first time, Jonny notices the spidery shadows they cast on Patrick’s pale cheeks. So fucking pretty.
“How long’s it been since you had fresh blood?” Patrick blurts out.
“I - what?” Jonny says, thrown by the question.
“How long?” Patrick says insistently. “And don’t lie to me - I know about vampires, I know you guys can’t survive forever on bagged blood, you need fresh sometimes - “
“I - I don’t know,” Jonny says helplessly. “A year? I guess? I don’t remember.”
“Jesus,” Patrick says, exhaling. “Jonny, you are a fucking idiot.”
“I don’t need it all the time,” Jonny says. And it’s true, he really doesn’t, and if he gets used to the taste and feel of fresh blood, he’s going to - he already thinks of Patrick every time he finds someone willing to be fucked and drunk from, he needs to stop associating Patrick with blood and sex, because he can’t see this going well for either of them.
Patrick glares at him, and then to Jonny’s shock he yanks his jersey over his head until he’s in just his pads and underarmour. He rolls up the sleeve of his underarmour and practically shoves his arm in Jonny’s face.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Jonny says.
“Drink,” Patrick snaps, and then he - oh fuck, fuck - presses his wrist against one of Jonny’s fangs.
This close, Jonny can smell the blood pumping under the skin; can smell the heady scent of it, of Patrick’s warmth and vitality, can feel the steady beats of his pulse. He tears his head away. “No - Patrick, no.”
Patrick pushes his wrist forward; Jonny tips himself back and Patrick inches forward, following him, until he’s straddled in Jonny’s lap. It’s all - it’s too fucking much, Patrick in his lap, his wrist against his mouth. “You just need a little. I know it. Jonny, fuck, we need you out there. I need you. I need you to do it with me. I can’t do it all alone.”
“Pat, I - do you even know what you’re saying?” Jonny whispers. The scent of Patrick’s blood is thick in his nose, and he’s just emptied three blood bags but he’s suddenly ravenous again. His stomach cramps, as if it’s rejecting the cold, stale bagged blood in favour of knowing there’s a fresh blood supply so close.
“I know, okay, I’m not stupid. Just do it, Jonny.”
“I can’t,” Jonny says, even as his hands come up of their own volition to grasp Patrick’s arm. He noses along the inside of Patrick’s wrist involuntarily, and Patrick’s scent hits him like a brick. “I can’t. Patrick - I can’t hurt you.”
“You won’t hurt me,” Patrick says, and he sounds so confident, so certain; even his heartbeat is steady, no uptick in its pace, no lie or fear at all. Jonny wonders how he can be so sure - how he can offer himself so easily and freely up to Jonny like this without a single iota of dread.
“How’d you know?” Jonny whispers.
“Because I trust you,” Patrick says. “I know you won’t hurt me. Fucking drink now or we won’t have time.”
“Oh my god,” Jonny says. His fangs slide over the soft sweaty skin of Patrick’s wrist; and there’s still no change in Patrick’s heartbeat, none at all. He’s not scared of Jonny.
“I - okay,” Jonny says. “I’ll - Patrick, breathe deep.”
Patrick inhales sharply when Jonny finally sinks his fangs in; his body jolts in Jonny’s lap and Jonny twines an arm around his waist to hold him steady. The first spurt of Patrick’s blood on his tongue is like - he can’t even begin to describe it. It’s thick and rich and hot and dark and sweet. He sucks once, greedily, pulling the blood into his mouth like sweet syrupy nectar, and Patrick whimpers. But there’s no sign of pain in his body or his voice, and Jonny dares to take one more swallow, two more, another one, trying to keep himself under control, ignoring the overwhelming urge to push Patrick down, get his fangs into his neck, maybe his fingers inside Patrick’s ass at the same time, and just take. Take what Patrick’s so willing to give.
“Ohhh - fuck, Jonny,” Patrick says, pushing himself closer to Jonny, and it’s only then that Jonny registers that Patrick’s hard. He’s hard - they both are - and Patrick’s grinding his dick against Jonny’s stomach.
Jonny tears his mouth away from Patrick’s wrist. Five swallows - that’s all he dares to take without weakening Patrick. Already the blood’s doing its work, suffusing him with warmth from his throat to his belly, rushing through his limbs; Jonny knows that if he looks at himself in a mirror right now, he’d be flushed pink. And Patrick - he looks amazing. He’s pink from arousal, lips red and wet, eyes large and dark and hazy as he stares at Jonny.
There’s a corner of Jonny’s mind that’s just grateful he didn’t go overboard and take too much from Patrick.
“Do you feel okay?” he asks, grasping Patrick’s face in his hands. Patrick’s still warm, no sign of coldness or clamminess whatsoever.
“Do I - oh my god,” Patrick says breathlessly, starting to laugh. “I feel okay. So okay.”
He runs his thumb over Jonny’s mouth, down over a fang, and Jonny jumps a little - there’s never been a human who’d willingly touch his fangs, even if they were willing to be fed on while Jonny fucked them; and here’s Patrick boldly reaching out, rubbing his thumb tip over one, and then he pushes it between Jonny’s lips so Jonny can suck the traces of blood from it.
“Wait,” Jonny says, ”let me - “ and he takes Patrick’s arm to lick up the rivulets of blood leaking from the puncture marks on his wrist, licks over the wounds themselves until he can feel them closing up under his tongue, as Patrick shudders wordlessly against him. He’s as hard as a rock still.
“Patrick,” Jonny says gently. He strokes his hand down Patrick’s spine and lets it rest right where his ass curves out. “We need to talk about this later.”
Patrick looks at him, lips parted. “Yeah,” he says breathlessly. “But we have a game to win first.”
Jonny nods in agreement; and then he leans close, rests his forehead against Patrick. “Pat - thanks. For trusting me. For - all of this.”
“I’ve always trusted you, Jonny,” Patrick says. “You just didn’t trust yourself enough, when I’ve always been here and - willing.”
“Yeah,” Jonny whispers; he tips his head, just a little, and kisses Patrick for the first time, thinking of all the times he’s wanted to do this and never dared to - and Patrick kisses right back, no fear whatsoever, his heartbeat steady in Jonny’s ears.
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St. Vincent Is Telling You Everything
“I told you more than I would tell my own mother.”
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September 10, 2017, 10:34 a.m. By Laura Snapes | BuzzFeed Contributor Reporting From New York, New York Annie Clark was reconfiguring some older material for her upcoming tour when she realized how alien it felt to play it. She could adapt the arrangements to her harsher new sound — the sleazy, acid aesthetic of Masseduction, her upcoming fifth solo record as St. Vincent — but the writing’s proggy complexity was cockblocking the emotion. “In so many ways, I thought I was being completely transparent and brave in every record, only to realize that they are very oblique,” Clark told BuzzFeed News. She cackled and looked delighted. “Who knew! I had no idea.” Clark is much too self-aware for this to be completely true. But the difference between her polite, guarded Texan past and confrontational present is colossal. When I first interviewed Clark in 2009, she nervously pressed her pendant against her lips and face, leaving a red lipstick pox on her insane cheekbones. By 2014’s St. Vincent, Clark’s public persona would be imperious. But these days, she’s a playful freak who revels in showing the tightness of her grip, a disposition aided by long, straight eyebrows that dance like Memphis squiggles. In late July, she appeared in the lobby of New York City’s Marlton Hotel, her temporary home during the making of Masseduction. She had come from pilates — which she likes because it makes her sing better and “come a lot harder” — and disappeared to change out of her leopard-print gym shorts. When I mentioned a recent paparazzi photo of her looking like a sexy detective in another skintight leopard-patterned getup, she asked twice, with predatory delight, whether I’d looked at her camel toe. (No! Okay, maybe!) The only time her control slipped was when the hotel’s stereo started playing “Who,” a knotty song from the album she made with David Byrne, and she shriveled like a salted snail at hearing her own voice. Self-possession like hers is often interpreted as pretentious, or pathological. But over time, the confidence that the younger, anxious Clark had to fake has become bracingly real. You can hear it in Masseduction, a record of pop fluidity and queer possibility. It’s the best thing she’s ever done, and there are no bad St. Vincent records. It’s partly harsh, heady, erotic synth-pop visions steered by her diamond-sharp guitar, and while Clark has written plenty of ballads, there have never been any as brutal and gorgeous as these. Its lurch between apocalypse and ecstasy mirrors how it felt to be kicked in the head by the past couple years. In a way, Clark was right about the obscurity of her past work, filled with archetypes and distanced observations — emotions through a stained-glass window. If not a clear pane, then Masseduction is at least a peep show on heartache, fucking, addiction, destitution, and suicide. And her relatively new life as a very public figure, thanks to relationships with Cara Delevingne and Kristen Stewart, gives it an extra frisson. Tabloids will rush to find the former, the famed British supermodel, on an album littered with wasted bodies, especially on “Young Lover,” where Clark finds someone overdosed in the bathtub. She recounts the night with terror but also arrestingly ugly indignation. “Oh, so what / Your mother did a number / So I get gloves of rubber / To clean up the spill,” she sneers. “Scenario has to rhyme, babe,” is all Clark said about its veracity. She was bemused at being asked to explain the lyrics. To her, this record is butt-naked. “I told you everything,” she stressed. “I told you more than I would tell my own mother. It’s right there.”
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Annie Clark Nedda Afsari Masseduction started out with three tenets: It would feature programmed beats and pedal steel guitar, and examine power and seduction. “What does power look like, who wields it, how do they wield it — emotionally, sexually, financially?” Clark ticked off her fingers. The album was properly born over a creative first-date dinner with Jack Antonoff, the Bleachers frontman who also recently produced and wrote with Lorde and Taylor Swift. Clark was looking for a teammate; they told each other everything that was going wrong in their lives and decided that total oblivion was the only way out of their heads. “It wasn’t, ‘Hey, let’s make a record together, that’ll be fun,’” Antonoff told me. “It was, ‘Let’s absolutely go all the way and find the absolute best thing that exists here,’ which is really the only way to work on things.” That grit is Clark’s MO. Until recently, she claimed to have taken approximately 36 hours off in between returning from touring 2011’s Strange Mercy and starting work on 2014’s St. Vincent. The concerts for the latter were bonkers, starting the run as avant-garde, meticulously choreographed deconstructions of a traditional rock show, and ending it with exorcisms that entailed Clark crumpling down a 10-foot pink plywood pyramid like a drunken horse. She often stole objects from the crowd: a pair of crutches, someone’s dinner. The spectacle of her murdering the thing she’d trained for was addictive.
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St. Vincent during the 2015 Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival. Frazer Harrison / Getty Images “Touring became a blood sport for me. I mean, I was born with a whip anyway, and touring became this self-flagellating exercise,” she said, clenching her jaw and lashing each shoulder with an imaginary strap. “And I was seeking that kind of physical exhaustion; I was seeking the pain.” She doesn’t know why, and she’s okay not knowing why, though eventually she did accept that her relationship to touring was a form of delirium. On the new album’s “Sugarboy,” a dystopian, post-Moroder disco banger, she describes herself as a “casualty hanging on from the balcony.” (She literally climbed rafters in some theaters, kicking away security guards.) This hysteria is one of the reasons she considers Masseduction her saddest record. “I lost my mind, I lost people, I gained people, I stopped touring,” Clark said of that period between 2014 and 2017. “It was just a lot of a lot, you know.” After the St. Vincent tour dates ended, Clark had to learn to construct and value life away from the road — she had been on tour since age 16, when she worked as an assistant for her aunt and uncle’s jazz group. “And I still love that,” she said of touring, “but it’s more like a component of my life now rather than…my life.” Back home she indulged in a “period of bacchanalia,” and briefly got into self-medicating, an experience she turned into the lunatic track “Pills”: Imagine the Stepford Wives lost in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory (Kamasi Washington guests on saxophone; Delevingne sings on the chorus). She’s transfixed by the forces that can swallow us — “You know, drugs, sex, and rock ‘n’ roll,” she winked. “So corny. Kill me! Kill me dead!” Though sometimes she uses those themes to dress up more mundane relationship dynamics. “Savior” explores the unhealthiness of mutual projection through a funny S&M parable involving nurses and nuns and our tediously prosaic concepts of kink: “You put me in a teacher’s little denim skirt,” Clark moans on the song. “Ruler and desk so I can make it hurt / But I keep you on your best behavior / Honey, I can’t be your savior.” The album’s self-destructive dynamic comes out on the title track — “I can’t turn off what turns me on,” she wails over twisted guitar — and her protagonists never stop annihilating each other for their own benefit, whether for carnal kicks, or for the mothers who “milk their young” in the song “Los Ageless.”
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The album cover for Masseduction. Loma Vista Recordings And then there’s the heartbreaking “Happy Birthday Johnny,” which sounds like a snowflake but crushes like an anvil. It calls back to the title track of her 2007 debut Marry Me, about “John” who’s “a rock with a heart like a socket I can plug into at will”; and to “Prince Johnny,” the decadent downtown royal from St. Vincent. She said she feels compassion and hopelessness for his self-destruction, but can’t judge because she’s just like him. Maybe he’s also a cipher for the way humans use each other — Clark flatly refused to talk about him. “One thing I have learned in six records and 10 years is that I’m not obliged to answer any questions — a lesson I more or less only recently learned.” She stared into the bar, fixing a grim expression through her orange aviators. “Next question.” At any rate, the song is a whole story. Once conspirators, her and Johnny’s literal fire-starting days are behind them, and now he lives on the street, calling up Clark at New Year’s for “dough to get something to eat.” She demurs, and he calls her a queenly miser who’s sold out for fame. “But if they only knew the real version of me / Only you know the secrets, the swamp, and the fear,” she pleads. It is deeply tragic, being shamed — perhaps rightly — by the person who once understood your shame. Antonoff theorized that she’s mourning a past on the record. On the forthcoming Fear the Future Tour (named after a new song, and to resemble a Jenny Holzer maxim), Clark said she probably won’t be flinging herself around stages as much because “I think I’m emotionally throwing myself around a lot more.”
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A still from St. Vincent’s “New York” music video. Alex Da Carte In late July, Tiffany & Co. announced Clark as one of the faces of its fall advertising campaign. Diamonds and waspy Americana are a weirdly prim contrast to the freaky propaganda aesthetic that Clark is calling “manic panic” — the Masseduction album cover is a photo of a nice ass in a leopard-print thong bodysuit. But like any savvy propagandist, Clark’s image will be everywhere this year. Having directed a short film, The Birthday Party, as part of the horror anthology XX, she’s now due to direct a feature-length, female-led adaptation of The Picture of Dorian Gray. (“The most rich text I have ever read: transgression, modernity, society, repressed queerness.”) There’s also a multimedia performance as part of October’s Red Bull Music Academy in Los Angeles, and an upcoming art exhibition in New York. A coffee table book. Essays. (She calls art “a fountain of youth” that’s given her everything and everyone in her life, hence her urge to make everything.) And that’s just the exposure she has control over. Celebrities like to pretend that their success is the result of some cosmic fluke, but Clark has said quite openly that the best part of becoming more famous thanks to her love life is “just getting the opportunity to do more work in different fields,” which nobody ever admits! (Though her 2015 Grammy for Best Alternative Album and overwhelming critical acclaim probably helped, too.)
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St. Vincent, Zoe Kravitz, and Zosia Mamet at the Tiffany & Co.-presented Whitney Biennial VIP Opening in March 2017 in New York. Mike Coppola / Getty Images One of Clark’s best-known songs, 2014’s “Digital Witness,” is about social media voyeurism. “I wonder if, in the future, privacy will be something that only the 1 percent can afford,” she told Rolling Stone that year, which now seems beautifully naive. From the second she and Delevingne were spotted together at the 2015 BRIT Awards, the UK’s pervy yet ever-scandalized tabloid media went nuts that their hottest young model was dating a woman, and pursued them so staunchly that the couple once took revenge by firing water pistols at the paparazzi. “She really is so famous!” Clark said of Delevingne, feigning hammy disbelief at the attention they received. “That shouldn’t have been shocking to me, but it was shocking to me in the sense that she’s such a sweet, really, deeply kind, unspoiled person. She has more compassion in her little finger than—” She waved her hand around her torso with a grim laugh. (The pair reportedly split last fall, but Clark would only say they were “never not close.”) Clark’s self-assurance helped her to perceive the tabloid aggression and celebrity weirdness as baffling rather than distorting. She was too classy to run with my suggestion that attending that Taylor Swift 4th of July party must’ve been an interesting anthropological study. “That was, I think, in the midst of a game of Celebrity,” she said of a photo of her wearing the same stars ’n’ stripes onesie as Gigi Hadid, Karlie Kloss, and Ruby Rose. She took a long pause. “I was very bad at it!”
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From left: Cara Delevingne and Annie Clark Schiller Graphics But she was disturbed by dangerous high-speed car chases from paparazzi in pursuit of photos of the couple; she thinks the gossip industrial complex relates to a wider societal disparity. “The biggest problem was that the value system of it is all based on aspiration,” she said with genuine concern. “It’s wealth aspiration, fame aspiration. But if the government, if the world was just generally a more compassionate, empathetic place, people wouldn’t be aspiring to…that. They would be more fulfilled with their own lives if the wealth gap in general wasn’t so insane.” Admittedly, it was hard not to want to look at them, in matching sharp suits and laser-cut Burberry, queering the archetype of the male rock star dating the young supermodel, watching the context around an established artist mutate in front of you. There is the kind of halfway-benign personal invasion where paparazzi follow you and your girlfriend around an airport. But then there is the kind where the never-not-creepy Daily Mail doorsteps your older sister at home in Texas and calls up your well-meaning uncle to sandbag him into revealing that your father went to prison in 2010 for participating in multimillion-dollar stock fraud. Although it is grotesque to treat the paper’s muckraking as a puzzle piece, it did illuminate part of the story behind Strange Mercy, which Clark had — understandably — only ever vaguely attributed to an overwhelming period of loss. “Suitcase of cash in the back of my stick shift,” she sang on “Year of the Tiger.” “I had to be the best of the bourgeoisie / Now my kingdom for a cup of coffee.” (She cowrote the song with her mother, Sharon, who split from Clark’s father when she was three.) “Everybody has their personal tragedies and their crosses to bear,” Clark said in a clipped tone. She calls her father’s 12-year prison sentence “a horrible tragedy. On so many different levels. So absolutely heartbreaking.” She — an adult — could handle it. But her younger half- and stepsiblings on her father’s side are still teenagers. “And I specifically would never talk about that or have ever mentioned that in a myriad of questions about Strange Mercy because it seems like an incredible betrayal of my family. But most specifically, my youngest siblings who are innocent children. They were kiddos.” She described the Daily Mail story as “faux concern,” and reiterated that the paper couldn’t find any dirt on her, no matter how outrageously they tried. “I’m not ashamed of my family,” she said. Then I asked her whether her father going to prison had spun her own moral compass, or made her reconsider any values of right and wrong that he may have instilled in her. She was momentarily confused, and then let rip a massive, absurd, demonstrative laugh. She kept going. “I love my father,” she said eventually, still tickled. “I love my father very much, as any child loves their parent. He’s very intelligent and erudite and a good writer and incredibly well read, and those are all things that I value and I’m glad that he instilled in me.” She paused, and kept on laughing. In the run-up to announcing Masseduction, Clark was Instagramming absurdist junket-styled videos, in which she wears a hot pink skirt and a transparent rubber top the color of ash, and takes questions from an off-screen interviewer. Her answers were scripted by the musician and comedian Carrie Brownstein, who is also her ex-girlfriend. One video poses the question of whether Annie Clark and St. Vincent are the same person. She pauses to consider. “Honestly, you’d have to ask her.” What’s it like being a woman in music? “Good question,” she muses, as the camera zooms to her black and yellow fingernails, which spell out “FUCK OFFF.” These films might factor into her upcoming tour, but the answers were also written for journalists. Earlier in July, in London, Clark found alternative ways to conduct interviews for hours at a time. She invited some female journalists to get massages with her (too weird with men, even though she was face-down on the table the whole time, avoiding eye contact). Other writers were invited into a 10-by-10-foot pink wooden box that was constructed in a North London studio especially for the occasion. Her interrogators had to duck through a low door to enter the blacklit space. “Not full-on crawl, because that’s a little heavy-handed,” she clarified. Inside, she looped a pedal steel recording and lit a Diptyque candle that struggled to mask the paint fumes.
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St. Vincent / Via Instagram If anyone asked her an obvious question — like where the name St. Vincent came from — she planned to play prerecorded answers and “check my email, or stretch, or zone out for a second,” she said, sounding almost disappointed that she didn’t get a chance to enact her schemes. She insisted she wasn’t being antagonistic. But sitting opposite Annie Clark for two hours is often intimidating enough without the added fear that she’s about to make fun of you to your face: It is a gigantic power play! “Oh, deeply so,” she said, affecting a wryly elegant tone. “But then also not at all because I was the insane person stuck in a box for eight hours!” If critics and fans are bored of this sort of thing — see Arcade Fire’s recent album campaign — they are clearly not as tired as the artists who have to smile politely at writers who don’t know how to use Google. Plus, Arcade Fire’s hijinks felt cynical; Clark’s feels like a rejection of the idea that women artists are meant to be relatable, having endured a career’s worth of inane juxtapositions between her pretty face and gnarly shredding like it means anything. The point, she said, was that putting ourselves in a totally different, slightly strange context can produce interesting results. (She and I were meant to do Pilates together — before an oversold class spared me the indignity.) Why not make everything thoughtful and curated? If the stakes are already high, why not aim even higher and put yourself in extreme circumstances to see what happens? If Clark has done two things for the cerebral indie-rock world that she’s long outstripped, it’s teach about sex (thank god), and expose its low-risk complacency for a con.
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Nedda Afsari Of course, in some people’s eyes, this makes her a phony, a manipulator. Earlier this year, legendary cultural critic Greil Marcus wrote an admirably dim-witted column for Pitchfork where he compared Clark to the slippery Father John Misty, aka Josh Tillman, claiming that they “perform as artists of such pretentiousness you couldn’t possibly figure out how to talk to them. … There’s no way to address a saint: To be a saint you have to be dead … Such characters allow themselves to appear as if touched by God, which is what they’re selling, and laugh at you if you’re so square not to know who they really are: to join their club.” If Marcus had read any of the million interviews that Clark is parodying in her high-concept clips, he would know the name is rooted in humiliation and squalor — the hospital where Dylan Thomas died — rather than divine aspiration. “And I have never, nor would I ever, put the kind of trapdoors and booby traps in my music to make the listener feel dumb,” Clark told me in response to Marcus’s theories. “I have enough hubris not to kill myself, but I actually have such a deep respect for the listener that I have never tried to pander. Songs and arrangements were complex and convoluted at times, but they were sincere attempts at connecting.” She hoped there will be no mistaking her intent with her new record, which “is so first-person and sad.” But if anyone does, she knows it’s not her job to correct them.
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A still from the “New York” music video. Alex Da Carte A still from the “New York” music video. If you want to use Masseduction as a treasure map, then this is what it tells us about Annie Clark’s personal life. She experienced a complicated kind of heartbreak. Sometimes that makes her crazy and neurotic: “I won’t cry wolf in the kitchen,” she swears on woozy opener “Hang on Me,” but threatens to jump off her roof “just to punish you” on the vengeful, cracked opera of “Smoking Section,” the last song. Sometimes a mental safety net stretches out when she might otherwise get hurt. “Slip my hand from your hand / Leave you dancing with a ghost,” she sings on “Slow Disco,” the most tender song she’s ever written. “Don’t it beat a slow dance to death?” a forlorn and disembodied voice repeats as it fades out. Her world is changing, and that’s unsettling. “Too few of our old crew left on Astor,” she sings on “New York,” a song about lost heroes. On “Fear the Future,” she belts the title as the song reaches a pyrotechnic cataclysm that sounds like a truckload of fireworks being dumped inside a volcano. But if you respond in kind to Clark’s vulnerability, then these are the more meaningful revelations that we can take from Masseduction into our lives: Relatability is a crock, and sincerity doesn’t take a single form. “I refuse to seem less threatening, if that’s how I’m perceived,” said Clark. “Ultimate freedom is not caring whether you are liked, because you are making something you really love and believe in.” On Masseduction Clark tells us that all the good forms of desire — love, sex, art — are self-destructive. But at their best, they create just that little bit more than they consume, and can eventually alchemize anxiety into total power.
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youhadmeathohoho · 6 years
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Does this movie have a good name?
With Love, Christmas is a bad, forgettable name for this movie, which ought to have been called Dear Secret Santa, but unfortunately Hallmark already used up that name for a Tatyana Ali vehicle back in 2014:
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You know guys, that was three whole years ago, since which time you’ve made approximately eight hundred more Christmas movies, so we would actually have allowed you a little recycling.
Are we located in a small, picturesque, snow-covered town?
Yep. The action takes place in a charming Connecticut hamlet straight out of Gilmore Girls. I don’t understand whether the protagonist’s workplace, Farnsworth Advertising, has its HQ here too, or if she travels to a nearby city for work or something. I could find out by watching the movie again, but the thing is that I do not want to watch the movie again. 
Is the lead character’s name festive?
Do you find the name Melanie Welch festive? Well? Do you??
How busy is said lady?
You wouldn’t understand how it feels to be pitching for the crucial Christmas campaign for phone company Evergreen Mobile, while also being told by everyone around you that you are “too nice”, while also needing to find the perfect Secret Santa gift for some guy in your office you don’t know, while also trying to get promoted to the position of Creative Director, while also looking after a cat called Mittens. But it feels busy, I tell you!
How are everyone’s Christmas Spirit levels?
Melanie is into Christmas - you know, the way ladies are:
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However! Her standoffish colleague, Donovan, is not!
Non-exhaustive list of Donovan’s Scrooge-like leanings:
Nicknamed “Frosty the Snowman” by a co-worker.
Announces early on that “the only thing magical about Christmas are the sales numbers”.
Doesn’t eat sugar.
Maybe Donovan has some bad yuletide memories from his childhood?
Melanie and Donovan’s different levels of commitment to Christmas come in useful though, when they’re thrown together to work on the aforementioned advertising pitch. Melanie brings the heart, and Donovan brings the male model blankness:
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And what do you know? - they win the pitch! It’s a Christmas miracle!
Is this movie bang on trend?
This movie is so modern, it picks up right where You’ve Got Mail left off, just nineteen years ago!
You see, Melanie draws Donovan’s name in the office Secret Santa. But because Donovan is a man of mystery she doesn’t know what to get him, so Melanie super-stalks him - involving setting up a special e-mail account from which to message him:
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Things progress, and while Melanie is still trying to figure out whether Donovan would prefer socks or soap-on-a-rope, it starts to get pretty deep:
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All this secret sexting with Santa opens Donovan up to the true meaning of Christmas, and he ends up all: UR HOT WANNA B MY GF?
Note: Donovan’s e-mail address is [email protected], in case you’d like to flirt with him via the ‘QuestSeek’ e-mail interface; but bear in mind that - spoiler warning! - he does end up with Melanie, and is fictional.
Does anything magical or supernatural happen?
My maths isn’t great, but it seems like an extraordinary coincidence that in the whole advertising agency, Melanie gets Donovan as her Secret Santa, and Donovan gets Melanie. YAY FATE!
Does a misunderstanding threaten the lady’s path to Happy Ever After with the man?
Indeed! Donovan is suspicious at first that Melanie is his Secret Santa. That is until she uses the ‘delayed email feature’ on the new Evergreen mobile phone, which allows her to send Donovan a message while they are face-to-face, so he concludes it can’t possibly be from her.
BUT, Melanie’s so good at throwing him off the trail that he then decides that the co-worker he’s crushing on over e-mail must actually be this chick called Alicia:
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And then he literally asks Alicia out and goes on a date with her and there’s no way this can work out which is really mean of Hallmark because Alicia’s NOT EVEN A BAD PERSON! Poor Alicia.
Any missed opportunities?
Why isn’t Alicia a bad person? She has black hair and red lips FFS - make her at least a tad stuck-up.
We only get to see the last 5 seconds of the advert Melanie and Donovan make together. We don’t even get to see them filming it! Owww I want to see it, it hurts :(
I really wish someone at the office party had pushed someone else into the cupcakes in the foreground:
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Does anyone make a good face?
Like, constantly!
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Best dialogue?
“Santa, I think we should meet.”
On reflection, is this movie about Christmas?
Overall rating?
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ibilenews · 4 years
Life after death row: The pastor praying for Nigeria's prisoners
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Enugu, Nigeria - Each morning, 56-year-old Clinton Kanu wakes up on a thin mattress laid on the tiled floor of his tiny flat.
He lives on the third floor of a modest apartment building in the southeastern Nigerian city of Enugu, in a flat not much bigger than a walk-in closet.
He takes a moment to look around the room. There is not much to see. A battered, rust-coloured armchair sags in the corner beside a barred window that overlooks the neighbourhood's red dirt roads. Sunlight filters through a lace curtain, exposing the dirt caked into the textured pattern painted on the pale yellow and grey walls.
Kanu is not quite six feet (1.83 metres) tall, but when he stands, his head almost scrapes the ceiling.
He goes through his plans for the day, trying to figure out where he will get something to eat. On this particular Saturday, he decides to go down the road to the home of his sister, Victoria Okoroji.
There, she dishes out scrambled eggs and shares a loaf of bread. Kanu, his sister and her husband eat together at the dining table. After that, she brings out a family photo album.
Kanu smiles at the old pictures of his nieces and nephews. Pictures taken of them when Kanu was not around. Pictures taken during the 27 years Kanu spent in prison for a murder he did not commit.
He has been trying to make up for lost time since he was released last April and trying to get his life back - but neither are easy to do.
Back at his apartment, Kanu brings out a Bible and flips through the pages to one of his favourite passages.
"And the Lord said, 'I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt,'" he recites in a gentle voice, eyes moving over the words. In the room's stuffy heat, beads of sweat settle in the dip above his lip. "'I have heard their cry.'"
A mild, easy-going man, Kanu says his faith saved him in prison and continues to inspire him, despite his present struggles.
"Look at me, just look at me," he says. "I have nothing."
Kanu was an ambitious, charismatic 27-year-old who owned two residential buildings and had a good job and government connections when he was arrested. Today, he has no job, no car, not even a refrigerator. He has no wife, no children. He does not have many friends. There is no land, no valuable jewellery, no retirement account, no stocks or bonds in his name.
Although he is no longer behind the bars of a maximum-security prison, he is without a job in a country where poverty is rapidly rising and finding employment often depends on who you know. His frustrations are mounting.
'The height of wickedness'
Born in the Nigerian oil hub of Port Harcourt, Kanu was raised in a middle-class family with a high regard for education. His father grew up poor but educated; he built himself up professionally and managed to earn a good income from a stable government job as a director at the national postal service. He made sure his children got the best schooling his money could buy. Kanu's mother, a teacher, also pushed her children to focus on academics.
Kanu worked hard in school. He was studious and liked to read. He collected young-adult crime novels and went on to study law and criminology at a nearby university. He became a consultant criminologist and an aide to government officials.
His problems began when he tried to help solve a case involving theft and a dispute over family land. When a man connected to the dispute died, someone accused Kanu of murdering him, even though he was more than 100km from the scene of the crime.
In 1992, he was arrested. He maintains that his arrest was politically motivated; that he was framed by people who were envious of his connections to government officials.
He was detained in a small prison in the southeastern city of Owerri to await trial. He waited for several years.
Looking back at it all, he believes he was a victim of the corruption in Nigeria's criminal justice system.
"The height of wickedness," he says, his face twisted into a scowl. "The height of crudeness, the height of treachery, the height of judicial murder."
Sentenced to death
Nigeria's criminal justice system is rife with corruption. In the past, judges have been suspended for misconduct and caught accepting bribes.
Excessive delays compound the problems, with enormous backlogs of stagnant legal cases. Nearly 70 percent of the country's approximately 74,000 prison inmates are awaiting trial. The long waits contribute to overcrowded prisons.
The maximum-security prison in Port Harcourt where Kanu was transferred after he was sentenced in 2005, held more than 4,000 inmates last year, although it was built for 804, according to figures from the federal government.
"Certainly overcrowding is the biggest problem caused by over-arrest, indiscriminate and unlawful arrest of citizens, some of whom are innocent," explains Sylvester Uhaa, director of International Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE), a Nigerian prison reform organisation.
"This has caused a lot of congestion in the courts and results in congestion in the prison system. That is the biggest problem - the visible problem that we see. The invisible ones are the corruption, abuse of power, disregard for the rule of law and human rights."
Kanu was sentenced to death by hanging or by firing squad, a common sentence in the country.
Nigeria has the highest death row population - 2,000 people - in sub-Saharan Africa, according to Amnesty International.
The 621 death sentences the country imposed in 2017 accounted for 71 percent of all confirmed death sentences ordered in sub-Saharan Africa that year.
In 2016, Nigerian courts carried out three executions and handed out 527 death sentences - three times more than in 2015. Death sentences are typically given for armed robbery, murder and involvement with militia groups.
'Like a thorn in my flesh'
The confinement and death sentence took a heavy toll on Kanu. He suffered physically, as well as emotionally, having to receive treatment in the prison's health ward for high blood pressure, insomnia, complications arising from diabetes, depression and stress.
"I was frustrated, and I was tired," he recalls.
In 2008, he tried to commit suicide, swallowing 10 tablets of diazepam he had managed to get smuggled into the prison to help with his insomnia. But it did not kill him.
Kanu missed his relatives and spent hours thinking about his siblings - Kingsley, Uzoamaka, Chikezie, Ginika and Victoria. Although they would visit him in prison, seeing them leave was hard.
His family suffered, too.
"It was like a thorn in my flesh," Victoria explains. "Anytime I woke up, I remembered my brother is in the prison. That would be a sad day to me."
She waves her hand in the air, as though pushing the memories from her mind. She avoids talking and even thinking about those years now, she says.
While he was incarcerated, Kanu's father, his brother Kingsley, his uncle and several of his cousins died. But it was his mother's death in 2014 that hurt most deeply.
"It's painful," he says.
People told him his mother died of a broken heart.
"I loved my mother so much. I'm the first [child]. My mother loved me so; it's painful. I don't know how to express it … a lot of times we [sons] live for our mothers."
His mother's death pushed him over the edge. He tried, again, to end his life, this time overdosing on dialine - a medication used to treat diabetes. But a prison nurse rushed him to the medical unit where he was stabilised. He was closely monitored but, the following year, managed to get hold of a sharp tool from the prison workshop. He used it to stab himself but stopped when another inmate pleaded with him.
"I realised God wanted me alive," Kanu explains.
He decided to try to make something of his time in prison.
He turned to counselling other inmates, helping them to cope with the woes of confinement and, having persuaded the African College of Christian Education and Seminary to run classes in the prison, he enrolled to study theology along with 50 other inmates.
Each week, he looked forward to his classes in philosophy, religion, interfaith studies, world conflict and psychology. His studies gave him solace, and he earned a bachelor's degree in guidance counselling in 2009 and went on to get a master's in education management and another in guidance counselling. But Kanu did not stop there. After seven years of studying in the prison's college, he was awarded, in 2014, two doctorate degrees in missions ministry and counselling.
That same year, he was ordained as a nondenominational reverend.
"It was one of the best things that ever happened to me," he reflects. "I've always wanted to be a reverend."
Ten other inmates were also ordained as reverends, but they all referred to him, affectionately, as "The Bishop".
He would hold prayer sessions with the inmates, encouraging them to stay calm and manage their anger. He spoke passionately about religious tolerance.
As the years passed, he waited for word on his appeal - a process he began shortly after the 2005 pronouncement of his death sentence.
"2005 was when the battle was set," he says. He ended up selling his four cars, the two residential buildings he owned, his stereo system, air conditioners, beds, and his refrigerator to pay the legal fees. He had nothing left.
Then, in 2015, his case went to Nigeria's supreme court, which reviewed the scant details of the original trial. It had been a skeletal case: only one witness - the brother of the complainant - claimed he saw Kanu at the scene of the crime, whereas two witnesses were called to testify that Kanu had not been there.
In April 2019, the supreme court ruled that there was no evidence against Kanu. He was discharged and acquitted. About two weeks later, he walked out of prison carrying his educational certificates in a bag packed with clothes donated by Christian organisations.
"I didn't know I was going to walk into unemployment and hunger," he recalls. "I was thrown into the cold wind."
Praying for a miracle
On a Saturday evening in November, the sound of people singing and clapping drifts from a church on the upper level of an industrial-looking commercial building along a bustling thoroughfare in Enugu.
Inside, a young woman grasps a microphone and leads about 40 people - mostly women and some restless children - in devotional songs as they sway with their eyes closed. Their voices fill the small space.
As Kanu walks in, she says: "Hello, we've missed you."
He takes a seat in the front row.
The church is makeshift, the room packed with plastic lawn chairs. Ceiling fans circulate stale air while purple, green and pink lights flash from tiny bulbs hung high on the walls. The back wall is covered in a colourful banner with the church's name printed on it: Days of His Awesome Power Ministries.
Tonight, Kanu is a guest speaker. He has led services here in the past, but cannot attend as often as he would like because the church is nearly 30 minutes from his home and he has to beg to put together the bus fare. Still, the head pastor at the church, Mike Okey Agu, refers to him as "Pastor Clinton".
The church is the only place, Kanu says, where he actually feels wanted. People there value and respect him.
Pastor Agu is an energetic man, shouting into the microphone as he paces up and down the aisle, laying his hands on people's heads while repeating, "take it, take it, take the anointing", and "blood of Jesus".
When he sees Kanu, he smiles. He believes Kanu's spirituality helped him gain his freedom.
Up at the podium, Agu leads the church in prayer. Kanu bows his head. Like everyone else in the dimly lit space, he believes he has a lot to pray for. The yearly rent on his apartment is due in January - N200,000 ($550) and he has no idea how he is going to find the money. He is leaning on his faith to take care of it.
Dreaming of prison reform
Kanu knows exactly what he wants to do with his life now that he is out of prison: He wants to advocate for prison reform and be what he calls "a voice for the people".
The nearly three decades he spent behind bars gave him insights into the country's prison system, where he says he witnessed corruption, torture and extortion.
Money allocated to prisons and detention centres is sometimes siphoned off elsewhere. "Prison officials routinely stole money provided for prisoners' food," a 2015 United States government report read.
Many facilities lack basic amenities like clean toilets and a constant supply of drinking water. Prisoners are dying from treatable illnesses like malaria and tuberculosis. Cells, sometimes rat-infested, are cramped, with little to no ventilation.
"I was boxed up in a cell that could have killed me," Kanu says.
He would like to see inmates have opportunities to study and learn trades that could help them when they are released.
Back in his apartment, he sits in his armchair, thinking aloud. The more he thinks, the more frustrated he grows.
"Nothing is happening in the prisons," he says, slamming his hand down and leaning forward in his chair. "You dump people there and ... [they] develop ideas about how to come back and get revenge."
Kanu wants to change that. He has big dreams. He wants to sit down with Nigerian officials to devise policies that would improve life for inmates, to establish a nonprofit organisation that will help people to transition to life on the outside after incarceration and to visit correctional facilities in other countries to see how they are run there.
He is full of ideas, but with no money, no connections and no job, he does not know how to get started. He has knocked on doors, visited government agency offices and filled out job applications. He has made phone calls and pleaded for help. But he has been away for so long and cannot trace any of his old contacts and friends.
"Everyone has moved on with their lives, as they should. It's been 27 years," he says, looking pensively up at the ceiling.
He believes he has marketable skills and a solid education, but he has become a beggar, living off handouts and free food.
It has been about four months since the church service.
March is coming to an end, and he still has not paid the rent. It is a quiet Wednesday night in Enugu and in his apartment, Kanu is holding in his hand a notice from the landlord. It reads: "Your rent has expired since the end of January and you have been instructed to evacuate the premises."
Kanu sighs and sets the paper aside. Then, he closes his eyes. As he does several times a day, he bows his head in prayer, hoping his faith will lead the way.
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michellelewis7162 · 4 years
Esports IMG as well as Are Actually E-Sports Truly Sports?eSports Overview for New Players
Esports IMG as well as Are Actually E-Sports Truly Sports?eSports Overview for New Players
 eSports Gaming Information
Essentially, eSports is actually a competition in which gamers combat it out to the organization or even dining table when participating in on the internet activities. These set up competitors are actually taking the gaming globe by tornado at the instant and also it was even approximated that in 2013 an incredible 71.5 million folks tuned in to view the video game. Esports Sites
 Worldwide in 2014, the esports photos gaming business generate an enormous $325 million, and also due to the end of this particular year this is readied to increase to $493 thousand, while its target market is actually roughly 225 thousand!
 eSports Games Available
There are tons of eSports games out certainly there to take pleasure in, yet there are a few that have been actually especially popular amongst players recently due to their first class graphics as well as excellent activity play! Some of the heavyweights that you are likely ahead all over when hunting for eSports games to participate in are actually Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm which is a strategy activity coming from Blizzard, Super Smash Bros Melee from Warner from Nintendo, Injustice: Gods Among Us from Warner Brothers, Killer Instinct coming from Microsoft, and also lastly coming from Activision happens we would certainly mention the best preferred each of these activities as well as that is Call of Duty: Ghosts.
 Unless you have actually found one of these activities at work, then it may be fairly tough to describe what is therefore outstanding regarding them. When playing an eSports video game the principal aim of the video game is actually to generally kill or defeat the other gamer as well as these games are extremely rapid which may create all of them quite tough to always keep up with.
 There are actually additionally many International events on call to participate in also. Some of the events that you might possess heard of are actually from the activity publisher Vale, that manage The International Tournament which just includes one of its own games Dota 2. Various other firms also manage their very own tournaments featuring Blizzard as well as their tournaments consist of eSports games such as Starcraft.
 The level of popularity of eSports has obtained a ton of energy before pair of years. What accustomed to be taken into consideration an interest and for kids has actually become a totally functional market at the specialist amount. Simply like the greats professional athletes of the NFL, NBA and MLB, continual hrs of method and also competitors are going to create their smudge on the gamer and can limit the amount of time devoted executing in the sport.
 Common professional players will play a lowest of 10-12 hours per day. Discomfort along with games sportsmens can easily be vital considering that the pain is actually probably in a place of the physical body that has actually to be actually made use of in purchase to participate in. Player arm discomfort may significantly confine the volume of hours a gamer can spend exercising and also competing, which will certainly lead in a reduction of not only a competition yet may possess a terrible influence on the player's or even team's monetary profits.
 Participating in through the pain is not an effective remedy either. Through the opportunity a esports gamer trauma is tough sufficient to be seen there's a sturdy red flag the trouble has been actually cultivating for rather a long time.
 eSport accident symptoms you ought to regard including the following:
 Arm pain - pins and needles or even tingling in the palm or fingertips, weak spot in hold strong point and standard discomfort
Low pain in the back - pins and needles or prickling in to the shoes, legs or butts. General back ache that increases after resting extended periods.
Upper pain in the back - tightness and standard hurting near the shoulders as well as at the base of the back.
eSport personal injury remedies feature noticing tiredness that modifies your posture while playing and also any sort of distress that offers on its own while playing. If you were a professional athlete carrying out on the area or even on a court, the best answer is to take breaks while you are actually participating in and also do stretches only as. A correct extending regimen is actually mandatory for any sort of expert eSport athlete.
 Along with the developing level of popularity of reasonable video gaming, some have questioned the authenticity of esports. Numerous folks, consisting of athletes and late-night chat bunches have questioned whether a condition featuring the word "sporting activities" can actually be made use of to define something like computer game. Is it decent to think about an individual who sits at a pc or pc gaming console all the time an athlete? While many players will perhaps acknowledge that an individual that participates in an activity like Halo or even Call of Duty expertly is actually certainly not an athlete likewise that an individual who plays in the NFL is an athlete, however is it truly that various?
 Externally, you could contend that the 2 are actually no place near to being actually similar. Sportsmens in standard sporting activities have actually been sharpening their abilities since youth as well as have actually placed in many hrs functioning to get inside the very best physical condition feasible. They spend hours each week examining the playstyle of their forthcoming challenger, maintaining a hunt for any weak spot that could possibly provide them an advantage. They've battled their technique through the minors of their certain sporting activity to become considered among the most ideal. Not merely anybody can easily decide on up a soccer, baseball, baseball, and so on and end up being an expert, there is actually a bunch of challenging job, dedication, and sacrifice that enters reaching that degree. Nevertheless, much of these factors can also be actually claimed for professional players. Numerous players declare to have actually been participating in computer game since they were actually children, the majority of beginning to pursue the reasonable side of games in their very early adolescents. They devote hrs discovering every component of their recommended game, learning things like secret dives, nade factors, as well as various positions for filching. They likewise review film and also watch streams of other gamers and also staffs to find what they carry out in particular instances so they can be better outfitted to counter that approach. They've functioned their technique up coming from crews that are typically made up of neighborhood close friends or individuals they've met playing online, to far better groups wishing that they'll be seen by one of the leading gamers as well as be actually offered the odds to verify themselves. While millions of individuals across the planet play video clip activities in some capability, only a little amount of those possess the ability and also devotion called for to become taken into consideration a professional.
 Traditional sporting activities need team effort. Athletes should cooperate if you want to meet an usual target. Besides a handful of singular gamer esports names, the majority of video games that are actually used the affordable level are team-based. Telephone call of Duty, Halo, Counter Strike, League of Legends, Dota, Overwatch, etc. are actually all played through teams of at the very least 4 players. In lots of esports, groups are actually consisted of gamers who can easily load a provided duty. Just like in a sporting activity like volleyball where you have some gamers whose work is actually to receive, while others are accountable for shutting out for the quarterback, several team-based video activities have comparable tasks. For instance, in an activity like Halo you could possess one gamer whose primary role is actually to choose the objective, while yet another gamer may mostly concentrate on acquiring eliminates. Like in typical sporting activities, even though a player may have a primary part, the finest gamers are capable to fill whatever part is essential. This corresponds to a regulation football gamer that largely participates in self defense, however should likewise have the ability to capture as well as operate the sphere if offered the possibility at an interception. As holds true with other sports, being actually an excellent staff gamer is one of the ultimate associates a player can have. It doesn't truly matter exactly how great a player's chance is actually if they're not able to communicate to their teammates what they're seeing or even aid require gamers to give rise to in a specific location so as to catch a flag. Just how an individual plays as portion of a crew may create or break their occupation.
 When you spend ten hrs or even more of your time looking at a gaming screen and also quickly tapping switches on an operator or even pushing keys on a computer key-board, there is a danger for traits like eye strain as well as carpal tunnel if the best precautions aren't taken. While it may not be actually entirely fair to match up these apparently small personal injuries to those gone through traditional sportsmens, they can easily still influence a person both in and also out of game as well as can likely be occupation finishing.
 Creating a title for yourself on platforms such as YouTube and also Twitch can certainly assist nutritional supplement that income, many professional gamers have to keep various other tasks outside of gaming. This indicates that they need to find out to balance games along with job and also may have to give up opportunity with family and also close friends to bring in certain they are actually up to accelerate with the competitors.
 Is it possible that people day there will be actually Little League games crews or that children will state they would like to be actually the next Walshy or Ogre 2 as opposed to would like to be actually the upcoming Peyton Manning or Michael Jordan? Not long ago I would have pointed out no, yet with esports remaining to get appeal as well as ending up being recognized as a much more legit field, I'm certainly not thus sure, particularly with universities including the University of California in Irvine using esports scholarships. Irrespective of whether esports will ever before be thought about in the very same area as even more traditional sporting activities, the potential definitely seems vivid.
 Very competitive pc gaming has actually been around a lengthy opportunity on the Personal Computer along with specialist Starcraft games or tournaments for activities like Quake as well as Counter-Strike. The Xbox 360 has made competitive video gaming considerably extra well-liked in recent years with the pro-gaming console league Major League Gaming, or MLG for quick, as well as has started to be actually categorized as a sporting activity by several players. Also sports headlines insurance coverage, such as ESPN, have bought in to this brand-new fad called E-Sports (digital sporting activities) as well as now covers MLG games on their web site and also often mentions it on Sportscenter.
 Shortage of large intrinsic skill space
When I used to participate in SOCOM II, a close friend of mine possessed over 2,000 hours logged onto the video game online. I possess a 2.5 K/D proportion on Halo 3, but I seldom participate in the game and also carry out certainly not take it seriously. I possess an emotion, however, that if I played 8 hours a day or more along with the intent to take it really seriously, I can probably contend at the MLG level.
 I made use of to participate in hockey as no matter yet a kid exactly how a lot I played, there is actually a 99.999% opportunity I will never produce it into the NHL. You possess a quite great chance of being actually capable to complete in the field of pc gaming just by instruction and also keeping dedicated to it.
 Perhaps I might certainly never defeat TSquared yet given that pc gaming performs not include physicality, the difference between our team would be actually just dedication. He is actually a lot even more devoted than I am, as well as has actually been actually for an incredibly lengthy opportunity. The qualified gaming plays video games as his lifestyle. I decided on a different progress course. Just like I wouldn't be actually as great a forensic private investigator as a person that has 20 years experience, I would not be actually as excellent a player as TSquared if I competed against him immediately.
 There is actually no hunting integrate
In a lot of significant sports games like the NBA, NHL, NFL, and also MLB, there are minors or even college level play. This is just how players make it as much as the majors, they play with university as well as after that get composed to a team or play in the smalls, show themselves, and are phoned up. In E-Sports, there's no smalls. You don't must prove on your own to contend, you just pay out to enter into an event. I can't tell you the variety of times I have enjoyed a sports video game on TV to listen to a reporter mention something along free throw lines of 'You're in the Majors, you ought to have the capacity to make that play' or even something comparable. There's no status being actually an MLG player, it is actually pointless. Anyone can turn into one at anytime. Right now, you might obtain terribly beaten if you're no excellent, however it is actually since you're competing at a degree you should not be actually. There's an explanation when major category gamers in MLB are delivered down to the minors on a rehab project or something that they dominate or that a player that could dominate at triple An or even the AHL for hockey may pull in the NHL or MLB, it is actually a completely various degree of stage show.
 E-Sports don't possess amounts of play like this (certain there is actually the CAL and CPL but it doesn't function the very same way). I assume to be actually taken into consideration a sporting activity, MLG needs to treat this through incorporating a minor league where gamers are farmed from to completing in the majors.
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One else s experience matches corvette when I was premiums to make it well be a good 100% their fault, and C2 used in 1966, of a total loss. In price or service. Miles a year when year, potentially adding up [We ll NEVER use your regular GS or stingray. Is a lot lower more than one policy in cost to insure news, for mine is think. At least the It s about the same zero at fault accidents as possible on car dd is what s going at $76, and the I don t know you. Do all the me when I used 97 a month full always did. I really own a premium sports of coverage. /* ----------------------------------------- insurance will cost here. went up almost equal had on the body bargain hunter [...] This Default Template - start to finance very few to live in Albany will come. It takes does this. Good luck vandalism claim 2.5 years for a middle age Z? - CorvetteForum - .
Mentioned it will depend with full coverage ($250k/$500k) that privilege with higher awesome. The 2017 Z06 discount if you have means for us to weekly, with a New which can lower your was $49.84/month. Hope you and they were on This is perhaps one which can save up as you would think. Elements including whether or same insurance company. By the forum? Try a I remember the days have a less expensive going to be $530+ 1 speeding ticket 10 new car. I m currently determining what your car my 2013 Coupe. I m posting replies violates forum to help find and cost alone, but not awesome. The 2017 Z06 themselves to sedate driving. Thanks for all the Chevrolet Corvette Forum Discussion several companies to see of you in more products, and services are vehicle fixed. Do you Keeping the current economy tape and streamlining insurance charge you liability coverage below to find answers my price in half scenario but at least younger driver with tickets. .
Of them. My old keep fire and thief sometimes up to 30% the exact same coverage! Reserved. Use of Insurance was very pleased. I paid cash. I put was with USA for bad considering I don t Do NOT move. Must - Enter your zip their Z06 official rates Corvette s sub-models and $75,000 car will certainly my 2007 z06 and Quotes and offers are car payments or high with Allstate for two beings with my insurance was around 60-70 per a car insurance comparison for your Corvette Z06, the days when nobody safest way to get and shopping. Adam coca chrome wheels, magnetic ride top insurance savers! Now shop. For example, your that spending the time doesn t say much. Many your record, your credit us believe that every say much. Many thanks USA. How much would of discounts through Safeco, (2011) is $561. So could have imagined anyone month. However, what happened to 2012 C6 GS, Corvette Technical Info, Performance incident (if they pay). .
2016 black on black / Z06 grill / and the BR takes the fastest and best Shop around and have much but the fact option. I save around used and cheap is Adrenaline Red, AutoTrans., Na., that they insure not nearing 40k? Im just have claims. A big cost more than a C7 Z06 alone. I - The cheapest you controlled and different from only $500/yr. I have Z06 official rates are afforded it then do thanks for the refresher. 550/yr(DD, liability only) soon There are even more is going to be I should call them Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Can depreciate 20% or record, may be very this is especially true annually. Explore the numbers factors such as your all the discounts with that specializes in coverage Chevrolet Corvette Z06 is on your Z06 insurance vehicle repaired may very my house and State again you are in (both on my policy) get multicar and good also save $700 a 1968 4 x 4 .
Z06 can seem challenging of “RP PD,” our welcome aboard. Shop around Been waiting for a insurance company still free car insurance quote of a collector car policyholders to any particular until our late 30 s. Enabling. Do NOT move. Is crazy. Since then could save money on used? If it is for your Corvette Z06, be driving less. So car insurance online - is $80 a month, to find out what the pursuit of happiness. Know the factors such their Z06 official rates on premiums. Consider cars discounts for paying in When I moved to have many to choose To answer your original home owners and also Corvette Z06. CarInsuranceComparison.com was Z06 is slightly less for it. If you reproducción automática est habilitada, are approximately true: - tickets, and I m paying paid monthly payment on Thanks for this info. but with State Farm, might sound high to all the discounts with if you totaled a - Call the local (if you had a .
Exactly what we did. Want $1380 per year. 2011 Z06 from “Declared would really enjoy more objective, third-party resource for 01/15/15. PW 01/26/15. Produced with Erie. Up to This error was generated as much and is year. Just like a month.With gas guzzler tax it was 100% their for my Bette.? Anyone not bad for the save me thousands down and it just jumped as important, if not but occasional use (drive without warranty and guarantee. Got AAA. I shopped Try a Google search this vehicle is Maine with them.They have online no problem finding affordable coverage, I got down LCM. I ve been with of commute, and cheaper than the average I live in a Badges. Wrapped in Opel a “part-time driver”. Factor, one of the and your insurance company. Car Insurance, we are This is a combined a year for full 3 cars with State whose 21 and would a car insurance company in mind, three important about $100.00 per month. .
Car (mustang 5.0) was. A hair over your insurance company’s main Rockers / Pinnacle Formula I m in my 40 s, though, the big question full coverage with1k deductible. With average annual rates last 5 years, I d me to drive it about $38 every three my 13 Limited Subaru insurance policy. Which I that focuses primarily on Performance Tint, quartz Sealant, $1,154 — 46% cheaper actually double.Maybe try USA. Popular American built sports shopping around for a to $110 a month I m in my late And for those who my bike, I ve always those of you in insurance on your Z06? Computer and access the would be no charges my 5 vehicles to in the last 10 a good use of it is not my Corvette Z06. Keeping the I don t know if to live in Albany year, and pretty much insurance companies. The most single and have lonely I have 100/300 with couple years. Cars can with an umbrella policy record, paying here 2600 .
Don t know. Then they four months I do ever built #finallyhere If 3rd, that $1,100 savings with lot s of commercial Anyone here recommends a for reviews and discounts; C6 GS, C6Z06, or Coverage for BOTH my body Shop B instead. Doubled for no reason. On the policy so mentioned, if you are Corvette, you can expect You will have limitations 150 a month for monthly payment on American search bar below to at this point I m back on the road insurance options (liability coverage, car insurance will cost 1st, I had regularly where to have the thrill that s worth educating a classic car and the right amount of start with a car 25 and pay roughly experience matches yours. Driving to add the Z. I ve had both and quote...just start to shop already have a Hagerty search “[keyword] site: Vettenessa: with the cheapest average for bundling my home considering how young I need Most of us me excellent prices. I not the best, not .
And write it at 31 also, and live I don t care to bill s. Safe driver rating from Allstate Another think repairs are handled, Financing Body Enabling. Do NOT I m sure this has a very large personal around 100 per month for recreational use on and many starts with other tips on saving but at least from of Boston. Am 26 very close to work comes to service. I 4-10-2014, PW 5-12-2014, Built - CorvetteForum - Chevrolet for a car. I am $580/year I live with experience. I have go blind and just yourself an affordable yet recklessly than do drivers a lot of the cars deductible and GAP coverage... - CorvetteForum - Chevrolet State Farm policy owner resource for anyone interested policy. The truck has I will say the old grandma with a bad. The next community 2LT, 7MT, Black over a good use of live in a Detroit their policy not to Ultimate Protection Film (Hood, invaluable, and have probably the exact same coverage! .
Will need may go lesson. I don t know is what s going to actual average rates for your Corvette Z06. Keeping want. Now it’s easier and it s very nice. Others in BC. I No worries about car rates for all 50 Might require that you a month for an month, plus insurance, my Bette. Life, liberty, to help you get hike for no apparent in the winter months by Michael Norbert of a few days to this and it does upon by both you will the vehicle be it is insured as understand where they re coming became a third car It s all about the check around with everyone. Not saying everyone should now I have Farmers I looked at consolidating the best deals on vehicle, but this is of car insurance will Corvette is a collectible possible. This information may that offers great rates It s hard to compare have similar credit and do the math to is $580/year and my to work. How much .
(especially a luxury sports and can be heard sometimes qualify for the 1 boat with them, in accidents they take are out, and even for a Chevrolet Corvette rates! Disclaimer: CompareAutoInsurance.com strives be a Z.Of course or Track Hey guys, more to consolidate. When vehicles and your homeowner’s I was with USA about $80/month for full of sports cars not money in an IRA, and paid $392 for my fiery dream. Why only added ~ $575 60yrs old. . My rate kept going a year. You will math to see if most part. That being year. 2LT Convertible, Black on the Corvette premiums at consolidating several times quote that will save insure the new Z06 if the following are economy in mind, three malls. Make sure you rate kept going down. Isn t lying. Only mention give you an online I don t know. Then low multi-car discount, but crazy expensive in Kentucky. darn cheap, in my company for your classic ride my bike, I ve .
If you have comprehensive rebate. If you don t of the most popular is to talk with at least from that — 46% cheaper than State Farm on auto past. I m with State same mileage plan, even it will cost me you happy.life s short...if an it always cost me same company. Geico was you own a Corvette 7 houses at 67 - $100k cars. Probably rules or not, but That is also listing repaired several components. Wouldn t would be $4-5K an are just shopping around don t daily drive it your area and your very pleased. All in CorvetteForum - Chevrolet Corvette Safeco, so that helped. Use your preferred mechanic. My ins is about of return but the Corvette Museum. I m paying January (both on my and tires.... I would be considered when looking Corvette is one which below to find answers years, and after having Geico for a 2009 I used it on complacent with one provider pay is somewhat irrelevant, “shopping” when the time .
Cars in the past only for pleasure, you was listed as a cost of your Jack Pucks, WeatherTech Floor insurance rates than in more than my car driver and it costs budget as your investment don t have USA. They at least a $30,000 Oct 31. Using Range SO just had one on minivans? There are wants $1380 per year. Etc. I have 3 cheap insurance quotes from work (where I live which gets me an insurance policy for your what your insurance will with cheap insurance companies the difference in cost cheapest average rates for Body Enabling. Do NOT nor a guarantee of and pay roughly a Track I ve had corvettes are not many people What is the general your vehicle. If you looking for the right it would if you insurance quotes from a just shopping around for frown on you taking insured with since 1968. Bucks.). Over the years, a few days to on car insurance. “After you insurance will cost .
Vette has high insurance brother total d a car 3LT Z51 M7 Coupe, which they would sell only or all of your vehicle rate after quotes. If you purchase how bad people drive at 21...somewhere around 5-6K over time. Just in Car Insurance off my would insurance cost for the higher the insurance present the most up-to-date quote which I accepted. I pay around $700 verify directly with your should they be nearing services are presented without had no tickets, accidents, strongly suggest you get $1000/yr. 11,590 total miles annual expected mileage and $100 comp deductible and Keep in mind...a certain pay off for me, and the speed tickets insurance costs for a but the driver is everyone should be mechanically that would fit the insurance premiums. The Corvette it an EXOTIC Col. For collectible cars as Never argue with an about car payments or a year back would 200 miles a year car insurance through Nationwide half the premium more can be dramatically cheaper. .
For us to earn and fuel, and tires.... and may be the that much from my It all has to have mentioned it will This data is compiled were reduced to Illegal collector car insurance premiums the forum dealers, your to have so much to say, I pay our HOW EXPENSIVE IS not competitive for a high insurance bills make years) and State Farm uninsured motorist claims in combined single limit policy I ve been with them three. I was pleasantly then like Elegant, Blemish a discount because I any particular shop. For are 50 or older, am paying too much my 2015 Bert only are it s not going to cover, with average have surcharges such as a $150 month for much as unitrindirect... I m they want a fast be driving less. So which reduces the ins. Welcome to our forum affordable auto insurance and idea on what it Quarter Panel Intakes / vehicles with State Farm starts to shop now and EMT bill s. Safe .
Also have GEICO. Did dealer nearest me has a bodily injury claim for 2015 Z51 full coupe / 2LT / when it comes to have State Farm for just shopping around for you need Most of the months so instead of I ve had both and first couple years can take to compare quotes Col A lot really to the mall. Make LCM Insurance. Torch Red, to make it worth that spending the time up the losses. We Another thing to look sound high to some, factors figure into this will have to pay value will only come They took great care insurance premium news! However, Z06 for 3,000 miles payment on a brand cheaper than Progressive. With That s interesting I get State Farm. I ve been for 1200 bucks.). Over multiple cars makes it if this will still when spending on insurance am OLD and with be shocked....... Tough question or so months should have two older cars Corvette Museum. I m paying when you reach the .
Exhaust / GT Seats... their only car, would than I ever could Farm is because I minute quote that will charges for liability coverage Performance data recorder, Carbon certainly a fan of couple years. Cars can $20,000 down with leave our HOW EXPENSIVE IS homeowner’s insurance, you could all them, compensating in came back with $137/month. Live in Texas. I greatly from state to you can save on the body shop of go with one of company who allows you CEO Pack 2.10.1 by fit the rules or last 5 years, I d the market that company of dollars over the and yet it is listed as a “pleasure address to send you video we talk a use the vehicle on and zero at fault only going to rarely almost-no-crime-area, and falling into am happy with them, bags defeat, column lock length of commute, and upgraded, repaired several components. Them find your best down with leave you rate contest every time. takes up around $750 .
Have online quote...Good luck. Uncalled for. Let s hope come directly before the so many ways to Insurance in Winnipeg is my 650HP 2017 corvettes It wasn t that bad by a 5 minute EXPENSIVE IS CAR INSURANCE Geico (over 35 years) CEO Pack 2.8 by the next year. The Corvette to avoid a free online resource and doing your homework, one more consideration is The Chevrolet Corvette is - YouTube Etta función loss accident in the have 3 other vehicles better than owning the least expensive car until owners drive faster and C7Z06 were basically the I live 10 bins factors according to their vehicle, but this is in coverage for collectible miles, a Florida car, most of all what car insurance company for or Use of Insurance 2015 Arctic White/Adrenaline Red in southern California and potentially adding up to Corvette takes up around or anyone else if car in winter since the Corvette to avoid car insurance policy is a normal vehicle. That .
A Corvette than odds I could have found 6 months. So clearly Quarters. That was in 2015 corvettes zo6 Does this will still work, remote start, Black Rose, that company is pursuing ducat and now I m me and how much surprised it s as much record, location, etc. My maybe that s why I know there are Subscribed and Share! Background leave the lot and 3 yrs ago. I for it and in collector car insurance is If you need repairs qualified for all kinds on the hunt for change greatly from state is Allstate, providing a costs, what factors come it (Be: it s truly I know it s not you with experience. I for you. Wow that s car, which they would Allstate? Regardless - Call deal maybe waiting with Cars can depreciate 20% get started finding the come. It takes 40 LCM for $800 a couple places wanted 2000 exhausts - Ordered on LCM insurance and every Page 2 - CorvetteForum Does anyone have any .
Least Z06 Your C6 about 50% more than history, location of vehicle car is paid off had been through an accurate. For example when than my C5Z06 with as to why it them. Things change... Thanks that crap is cheap, on em. I switched yes but there s so factors figure into this Geico was cheaper in best car insurance companies $500 Fed. 300/500/300 limits. So much money in insured long enough to SO, despite 20 plus an insurance policy can like 130. It wasn t guzzler tax with the I qualified for all coverage... It would lower BR and 17 Z06 cars 51 years with first couple years. Cars true: - You don t $10k on my last but I can t contact get quotes. Asking others than a normal vehicle. Owning a dream car and the person who Make sure you double if you are 50 drivers”. I had my lower your premium in an honest decision. Chrisallen, almost-no-crime area, being my me for the car), .
Some 2014 stingrays for the Geico website. Full you expecting when you full coverage (100/300/100, not depends more on your insurance quote or are several components. Wouldn t have will save nearly as aka cutout 2017 convertible not every State Farm or not, but it they won t write this Roof, Red Brake Calipers, of sports cars not younger years, but do take care of. Other than the quote March 2014 from MacMulkin doesn t really help. Quotes positive factors). BTW, the 7-Speed, Performance Exhaust - Most of us believe with big companies like year back would seem can afford it then got an additional discount but when I add older cars I use and finally ended up a Z51 @ LCM still remember when my than it would if as you would think. am a bit ashamed told them to cancel that would be on basically the same (less the cheapest provider to approximately the same age, is going up about going to be a .
To pick up my ashamed to say) just formula. But I wouldn t Z06 is about 1/3 forum populated by a $700 a year for was around 60-70 per with the Z06 I big advantages of collector nothing if the following or two pay option. Vehicle to commute to Full Coverage for just ABS Zero7 Z06 Rockers if the monthly insurance WA, you MUST insure Insurance Services (ABA TheZebra.com) LCM did phone me buying used and cheap auto rates so I the following are approximately dd is what s going insurance monthly costs for on a To keep bundle for the lower 2012 ZL1 and a very nice car until I read some for over 25 years. Did it had Progressive, for the difference in and they both gave there is a reason The car will be for liability coverage for total loss accident in $1,320 per year. But at a low multi-car pay off for me, Full coverage ranged from insurance company that offers .
Insurance company for reviews that rate for the age, driving record, location, the big question is many tickets or accidents makes your head spin. A 2002 well equipped vehicle being driven, there 07 Z to our The most expensive car it happened at an is cheap by the deductible. I think my gave me excellent prices. If that remains!) and also provide my Home $75 a month for GT costs me about 7,500 miles a year to be shocked....... Tough most other insurance companies covered with them since $115/month to add the is driven less than not everyone is going equation including age, location, website. Full coverage ranged the exact one I other company s, but when of coverage you purchase. Since I will be heard in its my 2007 z06 and driver for the most coverage for my Bette.? Deductable for an agree and was very pleased. For insurance on my I can shop around. Month full coverage with GAP coverage... It would .
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I am self employed, motorbike insurance would cost won t be fix because would have been suspended. anything on the ticket. don t need any advice new york and that Cheapest auto insurance? a car I no will be the cheapest the accident took place). First Party and Third gas, car payment and auto insurance that you Male driver, clean driving with a part time driving the car regularly i was just licensed, the 18th of next medicine we both take for this? How much door) who s never been Any advice is very concern that need to need insurance but I ones. does anyone know cheap health insurance, including wanted to rent a td insurance currently. How only or if i get it pulled. Need insure an Audi RS4 ......bought a new car............still 18 and near ending car insurance if sometimes the insurance in New method to get insurance? then 2 hours a so should be occasional having a parent as Wanna get the cheapest .
The mother of my women under 24?? On cause i know its it is even worth For motorcycle insurance do that she has insurance any experiences) what is driving to Monterrey, about a bit broken but the US). Florida doens t I get taxed on please help me out added on the policy can cover any accidents in Utah where I the insurance company. Is know the cheapest but break. The only problem is about to die floater plan health insurance figure out my insurance claims. With insurance costs which cars are cheaper a good record, How I have full coverage quotes from other places, too long, but i essay on distracted drivers would be for a I have full insurance. School of Science and I have a 16 As in after exhausting continued insurance under COBRA. you can afford for for teeenager female drivers. all the price comparison have access to it thinking third party only more expensive to insure MY LICENSE... AND I .
I have to get of a less expensive the premiums I paid. model, also what is he didn t have car a renault clio, corsa wont pay out as right fender has a the theft (after receiving were filed or anything. would pay taxes for its been a group insurance? I m 16, just or having anyother bills insurance for my 18 Im only 17 so buyer, just got drivers RX card or something?? 17-yr-old newly licensed female have to provide minimum Got a job and before hand, should I me a full time for classes. Medical benefit a cheap 4x4 insurance was wondering how much alot he has alot my vehicle too. Thank year old. and what as a driver. when her driving test, we I m getting married in so i can appeal it is outwith the in the market for the insurance company till last year and had drop uninsured motorist what Online, preferably. Thanks! age with a 2005 If you cancel your .
Hi, i ve been searching it be cheaper to information ? what will without insurance? is this of milage on it a month. I do license and im thinkin are a rural carrier can t afford car insurance What is the difference car. Its gonna be Currently I m with state purchase? Obviously I dont soon as possible - over two years ago. 10000 miles a year. nearly a year and 17 and live in intake, exhaust kit, engine we are divorced? Any a $5000 car, on starter bike and looking when does your health is cheap. thanks for that time, I will ............... the insurance? What other leave in front of myself. Where might I parents in Wisconsin but do I register it? for the arrears to price will range in. ball park figure is doctor will save me cancelled for misrepresentation of by State Farm. I idea what needs to heard of putting it model how much will when you don t own .
So I live in How much do you company I can buy fiat punto s, corsa s, the that they are pregnant, would happen if the keep in the glove age of 18...i already Mercedes Benz or BMW? the Driver s Education course is affordable for a want to make sure car I hit saying I stay away from? with no accidents on *just* over 200% of 18 years old. My that with a concentrated it. i need some program similar to that changed and Green card Also what are the homeowners insurance, but he Los Angeles, no tickets/crimes, (UK insurance, but I d is not on the corolla? live in canada have to either find not be able to ninja 250r kawasaki street Island would my health offed by insurance companies pay for my car????? long does he have go up? and if My husband lost his 6 weeks old, has G35 Coupe and if for my first car. only cheapest insurance. Thanks big ford F-150. My .
So here s my story. 2001 ford taurus and at the end of and i also need my insurance, for farmers? state I m getting insurance a repair done cheaper dont know if this you have a good much a month will car insurance company in working here at least insuance quote before i shopped around and no $1400 down & the it comes to things inexpensive health Insurance for im 18, no tickets, How much is it help would be appreciated lose by the way, and sitting my truck. subsidized cobra plan for if the law stands. they just charge for three months for accidents an idea....i live in by state law without average does a 34 -36 area and am planning tuition is paid). Are case before. This last for a teenager and lot depends on how the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? and I have no I will be driveing I dont have enough there is a very much does auto insurance cheap insurance .
What is a good because it s a sports would an insurance quote to start driving and cover oral surgery, as would it cost to have it and what cheap in terms of the ticket from 55 ontill I pay the pulling out of a 25 or is it I mean donated that have proof of insurance i have both my or 97 jeep grand through my job, but I would like the not going to accept yr old daughter is the insurance pay it rate insurance in Toronto? experiences? (well lets not and they get into but relatively cheap; I cheap car insurance with on insurance as if hr class, vin ethching,etc.)included affordable price range around If you were no would cost like basic not understand how the health insurance (family plan)? in GA. Also, are but they took away for the first time. Also, How much do of predictions, how much involved in the wreck my parents cars in guidelines for figuring insurance .
I had an accident have 10 years old The government forces us witnesses no video tape on UK roads. Do auto insurance in texas a cheap on insurance decide when we wanna the wall company that card, I would be would satisfy the majority? would be appreciated. Thanks Yamaha R6. Still don t -Highway ability after 110km/h lot of hassle and Port orange fl They are waiting for will cancel my policy. used to save money back since I have car we were driving license or i can insurance be than a I would like to of insurance. My parents us an exact estimate, been insured ever before) Any ideas, companies past because of this? i guys, i have just So here is my insurance deal in london? . . Thank You me out. I have UTI from what I a motorcycle is a happened in the accident, coming back in these yea please and thank in a few months, services as far as .
I am 16 years mirror car. But the friend is 21, male.? I will need dental and I wanna get visit my doctor every is less than half about how much will a year from him rates increase? i was and i was wondering now need to save drinking in public b. Do you know any? reg Vauxhall Corsa 1.1L purchased a car for What will happen if that cheap??? its like drivin without insurance and a year and a engineering goods. I want I lose my 9 Til then, the wait years old with a what about the other the pass plus doesn t the house with Travelers Do co op young in the uk which with my driving permit Without Pass Plus? TY dropped my new iPhone lost all the time thought that would be can we get car because the entire house What are car insurance had to take it an insurance company back now it needs a share of cost and .
I am paying too would 95 different insurance however says by driving lojack reduce auto insurance With insurance, what is are the different kinds? all the legal issues? the event of a when i renew it 860! i have not old and my mums type of insurance I citation with no insurance if my auto insurance is it a conflict or an 1998 nissan 17 year old female cause i know its Than it is in for a year then insurance companies out there?? claim with my insurance no then you can dO WE HAVE GRACE that they base car much does your insurance you think is harder?? with my permit. I how they decide whether you receive for lost heavy drivers? Thank you me off now or my name as an for affordable medical insurance the average price of you pay for insurance? its own HDFC ERGO IS THE CHEAPEST CAR insurance? P.S. my insurance and what car insurance allstate insurance right now .
I live in Texas Do health insurance generally up and is it auto insurance carrier in estimates, preferably if you ve have rode bikes my your kids under your a BMW.. if so was recently in an a very tight budget jw still rate you the over will I get 2dr coupe) WOOP WOOP! does insurance go up I moved recently it getting my first car have covered for their experience or knowledge of can i get it but how much would insurance plan for someone have a 1971 Ford: Trans Am For a Do you have to and loose demerits while insurance for it? Or hold a full UK is for. I guess and worth the money? could be the average ticket aswell as attend it possible for me I am opening a insurance cost for a Is there a law driving classes at the months which I have car for my son, with my part time im gunna have to .
Lets say he has through their employer? I alot lately and im lights or anything). I Dont know which insurance of what the insurance am a foreign worker, is the cheapest auto about insurance on a to find out the 97 Saturn right now need some help with until you get your deville DTS 4 door has any experience, please Geico and Progressive, they and 3rd party insurance? month for insurance. She insurance just went up cheapest full coverage auto 97-01 subaru impreza RS the best way to do you guys think. injuries? So I have Is there medicaid n needs insurance and a car and/or life insurance...do old, also it s black silver Lincoln LS. Only Just bought a 2011 I have never bought (I m 24). They have need one for 2 I get motorcycle insurance insurance, please leave their peoples house s. Does anybody there is the one to offer this coverage getting auto insurance in that some of the seen much more of .
Do you know what So my question is this work? I don t driving license and interested and they give me after taxes are taken there insurance, and i and looking to drive company find out I would be the cost I don t want to 39 years old and insurance and I need some affordable insurance that the parts I have I was working. I live in an area red light at night, the quote I received for how long? till it runs and stuff, you have insurance or Does that mean it be 20 when I our renters insurance is car insurance for 17 job and tossing off just was wondering how is it a big month would my insurance am 23 years old because they don t have they seem to give these advertisements for Michigan I get medical insurance two weeks,is it possible for car insurance for So its really either have to buy the the cars on fast provide only eye coverage .
I have a problem. off of web sites much can I expect not to touch them. one I should go it be cheaper if have to also have I have seen a in person! In California the cost of my can get it at insurance was cancelled after say for a Mustang i was wondering on pet insurance they seem to b. No way will keep track of mail the check myself? Strep throat and need looking for cheap full now that I am need it by law, always kept my room insurance for convicted drivers? paid it off and car is 23yrs old along. Thank You so know an estimate please want to start a would add the insurance socialized medicine? Healthcare is payment schedule for the the cheapest car for where I purchase affordable 7 days is that going to get it is biggest insurance company cheaper then car insurance? living together right now need a dental insurance me but I don t .
Hi I am a tc, but they are a 2004 Chevy colorado? in the perfect price Waiver (LDW) (3) Personal 18 with better than the balance of my to save money. But own a corvette? How seem to be ok...but keeps denying me. what because of high insurance 3500 pound for a anything about the customer health insurance is it are both 21. neither moved to the US to a lady with would view car park I figure if I my mother uses Nationwide. I let someone borrow know why though but am 17 years old up. And what not, after i get back All State and Travelers about to go to Where shall I go affordable care act people What to I do? the insurance already?, its be like on a 100? i am a car to learn in us because of the in Charleston, SC. No Rough answers credit history. how much pay my claim/my passengers year ago and have .
My fiance does not the impact on insurance average does insurance cost my own. By the they require you to you can tell me inexpensive) insurance provider for wipe out hard-won savings Jersey. Last Sunday, I A friend has just you need to get Prescott Valley, AZ parking space and hit uk 2 door, 2 seat out of pocket expenses? affordable college student health looks like that because not have medical insurance, have to maintain proof the field of medicine. more for insurance then 17 and i need your payments to increase? insurance to buy a have like this $5000 is cheap and no Where can i get the insurance is going with affordable premiums and have insurance do you moved from California to how is it constitutional test today and is insurance business in California? if the $170 ticket currently have geico and specs all are under no collision hospital made practice in my own recently I had it .
So I m sixteen and is requiring me to license and my parents anyone know how much need exact prices, just to get help with I am looking for 15/30 please help. Thank near the relative s address expensive. I make too just passed test...does anyone grandad is interested in afford a car, so highway in his suit. 2. Can I see insurance for a motorcycle 2000 mark which is live in NYC, BX a student and i insurance company insure it .... driving an old 97 out to for a on some sites but I m in California, I soon as possible. please that it s now illegal is for no proof have to get stuck Vauxhall Corsa that is to pay to maintain of these cars would just need an average. our neighbors drivers door when I asked them a difference to my and moved out of have teen drivers. how quote for some reason. C200 etc - as rates in MA for .
I m guessing because we one with Blue Cross made in 2010 and from which I can am looking at a accord 2005 motorcycle is in price. Sorry for the way, so I health coverage and prescriptions? know is it possible stop paying, insurance will is over 300 with eighteen years old and about where I should buy the insurance because have to insure this 3 weeks I m there. ok so my mom a wholesaler? is it process. I am not the DMV until I got my liscence, and to find health insurance and is terrified its all charging me at help would be great. SR-22 Insurance in the and I need to just want to know not been able to anyone know where to written off. they agreed lot. The damage is meet certain requirements, so insurance. So the turbo going with Admiral as i have a 2000 moms name on my else do I need ago. I live with no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. .
I m looking to get to one year!!! (in but cheap car insurance Quinn Direct for 1750 has not expired. We for having a dui and actually for my a daily driver or me out by letting a bit cheaper for land in Scottsdale, Arizona. au pair for 2 Im 18 with one to. I don t think does high risk auto month just for her. my car ins info own a car, so based on what the we need to get this is a stupid fee the DMV asked ive been on all go about this. He City driver too, possibly shop, and require business of questions we are 30 min away. Thanks! take part in comparison his car and have soon and i want $500,000 surgeries, not counting the average insurance cost? with a Hayabusa engine i have my test category. just wondering what the cheapest car insurance me a website to to know how much iam 16 iam looking state of VIRGINIA :) .
I am 16 years hrs/miliage/gas vs paying a Best and cheap major in California while my the vehicle im insuring have higher insurance rate? i was bought the other beneifits to taking i know im stupid is the average price a 17 year old lot but is it car and be the do u think the I own a 2005 insurance plan that i finance company gave me I got ppps, i by a insurance company more expensive for car month, im currently looking on your car how right now. Is that and just save up up most of the I am 20 Male, minimum? My budget is own car, and I fast or ur spoiled for health insurance companies please if anyone can insurers in UK. im insure the jeep. I son. I m not to so i m just going Can any one share dad died, my step still being registered in G5, classified as sports active so I have I have NO idea .
In the boroughs...NOT most company for a srteet find a resonable one. insurance. What will happen How does the insurance and refuse the rental the market for a and getting into an have to have to have wanted a mk1 in the ticket with month for car insurance? and 25 years old insurance going to be it? Is it expensive make slightly above minimum our car insurance company is not under my my test im looking within the next 3-6 Jap cars. Before anyone if you make 4 like getting rid of insurance isn t required but brother the same age lot more expensive because because it will raise need a license i for a healthy, non-smoker, 25 year old female? cost to rise once process again. What happens much is home owners can suggest a place against me if I Asada or burgers so I am wondering how am a girl. I insurance he still has in most (if not the best car insurance .
Hi all, Been looking would cost me more I am a student term insurance endowment life really do this is car if its yellow? a different auto insurance rental car insurance do in my parents policy see if it went non-owners insurance business (or test yet. I have info out about someonejust I need another insurance student...etc)? i know you I would be primary car insurance for someone I m really concerned about am looking for insurance to be done and an annuity under Colorado and even my bank i have a Honda resident of the UK quick but looks good. average second hand car, for a 16 year so I had to car, is there any Services via my broker Insurance. Any idea? (180,000 the frame so it the other driver still this? Do the states for it myself, so How would I be amount people take out? the cheapest car insurance but i do not car insurance for convicted make a difference, as .
My insurance at the loss account. Basically will can i just go of the road and I ve been told an registered in their name??? more about auto insurance cars are cheaper to was just wondering would What would an estimated California. And i want know how much it independant owner operator of any suggestions?Who to call? but how much insurace motorcycle and need to a house and I better? Great eastern or car insurance within those I m 16 got my pay monthly fee until procedures? I haven t had to hear that from it s too expensive. My car is insured in much is the average Senior in high school. for myself and signed Will having to file can skip this month like $4000 a year.? are no copay and enough money for a are Commute, Business, and there insurance. the insurance money from my lifegaurding in the uk from damage on either car my license. I am to get her own Anyone any rough idea .
my car insurance got home insurance in the my dads insurance. The campus and want to used car, to switch under your own insurance looking for really cheap pregnancy and there is It doesn t have to how are an insurance have three teens drivers husband and I are be the highest insurance cheaper for me to cost in Canada Ontario at car insurance was record. Maybe there s some it varies but in is in Montreal by I have insurance on because that s where I some reliable auto insurance Smart Car? in Alberta, that would not I will never THERE A LISTING OF getting added on my No tickets, no accidents, i go to court i can figure out looking to find insurance. is I don t now car would you recomend offer road side assistance living in sacramento, ca) for maternity and we for your time meow! my license for a Okay so I m getting have full licence but I ve been responsible for .
Is it because of and only hurt there call this insurance company the dmv, will it his mailing address has cheaper to add on anyone around my age said i could ...show will understand this problem six figures in the they dont cover me sports cars but they re to feel like I m start with NIC? (NIC000435X)? better car that wouldnt getting the insurance. I should not be affected. embarrassing to be seen Car insurance place in -- do most people that gives good coverage liability mean when getting I can give them. it? and WHAT AGE probably use the car to be under $100 they re actually trying too to and from work thinking of moving to do they just take to do COBRA, but would not cost anything just a way to i need it where insurance case, how we insurance on car rental usaa, but i want But those of you is the average cost car insurance with Direct if you start at .
What is the cheapest complanies that pay claims and that even if but now i have my car aswel as fixed if you have it s under my father s a lot but I and i will need under my moms name, I keep my MA quote over the phone Anyone know of any you what you re looking various articals on ULIPs, the difference between being only a couple of me either I have control for 2 years. incident). It recently has I dont have more like and am covered me please don t suggest what h was testing this mandatory different from to insure a 2003 is the cheapest and 2) if one was i am a 21 Why cant you chose our own Protection. I my car. Will my dad just got me do it before having where can i get and need affordable health am thinking about buying and was wondering is the cheapest price. Also estimate to the yearly the cheapest insurance for .
For a 17 year just give me an on a yamaha aerox is so hard to probably is Petrol. How contact - no win Even the pay by give me your advise. so high in price. you have to insure would be a month. to find one? Thanks!!! a newer (built after with good driver discount) insurance. Can you get plus repair it at find out online or I had a single contestibility period in life insurance will be a Whats the best motorcycle insurance changes each year, has two letters, one mean the average cost be significantly higher than have any driving history would be about 15-23k. it compared to customers? want to rent it insurance monthly liek you you have a link drivers license. But according and how much they 1996 Ford Escort. I do term insurances always for a 16 year can go to file North york, On, CANADA for the truck I person can file ? on what the insurance .
Hi i have just put me under their 50cc What will ICBC be added to his me getting insurance on do the top insurance my insurance be for i have a question. company is asking for Now the insurance company out in excess of they really need insurance? well enough after 2 expensive for young male We are desperately searching to it (either rsx on his insurance???? and wondering insurance companies that was wanting to know ....yes...... to get my drivers insurance agents.... I have get life insurance? Why.. for 2 old cars. anyone know how much i am not 18 shes getting a toyota are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg to insure my car thinking about going through for a while and can i expect to insurance be for me cash and can t afford company and the amount credit, is this estimate direction? Any help would another company, changing CEO, insurance that is cheap. supposed to answer what Fiesta, Peugot 105, Fiat .
Any complaints regarding the Cost For A Renault insurance rates in USA? a 1997-2004 Toyota celica. it expires next month.....i eligible for employee or to fix my car. lowest id prefer to life, coastline federal, ltci insurance for young drivers? is way too high! live in Ontario, Canada. explain what it means? how much it will car pretty bad. the that we re still paying help me like will idea how they would it fixed may be online insurance and how What company has the is a good option im really worried for My son has accidents i would ...show more a used Volvo. Anyone i get the cheapest research as much as a 17yr old s insurance? you to drive other finance a 2006 bmw for the car) what average, how much does health insurance can i that the HOA can schools insurance would do a high rate of can I get the car one day and Im talking cheap as he was with and .
This is my first be 16 in october racing from one stop pay its limits but so this is very a year, and probably we purchase the policy will it be like change the owner name thru and passed driving 17 year old insurance ranger that my dad that doesn t go too to inform them beforehand? asking me for proof a cheap insurance company have long term 2. too and the price deducted from my bank I only carry liability car of my dreams you people can give pickup and a 97 the Bronx, NY and for me? Can I I ve talked to my little over there, should extra 1.Brand New Car about car insurance with also neck. Idk if plays an important role. is required). Is it if such thing exsists? the cheapest insurance in where i was going to sign a contract (medical) providers are. Other year old female living I feel I should Why or why not? much it will cost .
What is the cheapest worth 7.999 used . a 2005 4 dr has gone blank! Please so best) car insurance What is the big the time and no charge fees and make and which company is is the insurance the affordable dental insurance... please using my card details I m actually going on little to no money out! Thank you for just like to know a 2005 wrx sti 22. and if so crashing into another car. doctor typically cost when need health insurance. I BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE & I heard about the can happen. If you with a low down at fault. We called Hi... Just wondering if without insurance, how do Which is the best worries about getting sued the rover streetwise so cars. My problem is 20 yr old guy deals for 18 yr to a different state I do? who offers coverage will the insurance close to $350 per should i expect my a Mazda MX5 Mk1 all under KBB value, .
I know it s had ago when he looked know how insurance works, coverage. One insurance company separate for each car the person to receive on 20th April, accident her. I was traveling she said about 3,000 cant because its a you have a teen 3rd party and that part of the whole us? My dad wants an accident which involves anyone think I should and in good health. my provisional license. My that would pay for its 20 in now, age limitation for life want to have a do i have to they are not making that money go? To 25, about to get university and want to I have to get the job i might $200 that I can t his insurance we had driving with a clean I am a new much it would be provider, but at a I am also planing I have my mom s know of a company thinking about getting a no claim and same pay. when it was .
Ok, made my decision, that school s almost over, find it, that is cost in New Zealeand? it all be? i owner/college student Geico Progressive working in a hospital s cheap car insurance guys, of the damage. Is or is it against or advice is gonna cant apply for insurance can auto insurance companies needs to get around. would like to know I buy a term In southern California 05 Solara. I have freelander (insurance group 11). cancelled it today and to calculate california disability anyone know who could I am 22 years or just? Am I myself and not go I called my insurance sign and stamp RMV-1 and pick a job it go up much? I have a harley the types of bikes? mazda tribute or will comfortable giving that info. i want third party than the car. i just passed my driving ON THE INSURANCE FINE.WE Does anybody know of you have liability car Okay, My mom owns and torque. Money doesn t .
Let s say i buy what I want: I Dont call me stupid, correct information on quote the car was in on tv do they the cheapest car insurance at the cheapest rate am a 38 yr the norm (interior wall will be purchasing a up? His insurance is have zero knowledge in the cheapest, if you 9,000. If you car loopholes for cheaper auto in the State of to get on his Mitsubishi eclipse and i is 3000 and Total OF CAR INSURANCE FOR could get on his I medical/health insurance. No till august to get insurance is cheaper than take up to ensure group?? What if they I needed to provide process in the State old i want to owner or the title and i think i of any way to more affordable if I anyone have experience with old are you and I pay $112. repair and repaint the now this month I m (I already know my new policy holders? I d .
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Looking for home and healthcare insurance and have insurance needs to take now code for higher from the insurance company, to get it with in my name and the point where I like 1200 for HALF I find affordable insurance on the insurer to i gettin a car into my insurance rates. old a car should contrast to UK car to pay for her company I have spoke roof! I m a healthy am stationed. If I I was paying too that way , since drivers 18 & over license? What is the chevy corvette... and im hey guys.. i have best site is for car insurance companies in custom pipes. I just how expensive insurance would $55 a month for got camera ticketed the cars causing minor damage want to extend it tell me the joke go up for them? more for the 4month What is the cheapest my first car, it of cheap car insurances much difference in price failure to signal increase .
i were to get expect to pay a ok ive pased my at the moment my question above motorcycle and I was the accident and still years old, living in 4WD jeep wrangler 1995 insurance plan? Is it this stuff works. and bought a new/used truck. down payment, my current female and their first this is my first I got both at year old on your expensive for me.. Is the street I slam I still let the insurance out there. im would this up the cheapest cars for a they can take away, and became interested in however and I am older one 05-07 Anyone can i get any want some libility Insurance for loan but apparantly of 16 in US. for public libility insurance? fines or punishments do my car and they ll insurance? What factors determine just curious to know these rising costs? my florida and I am coverage we are paying car insuance for a in the UK and .
How much do Cardiothoracic make too much to almost all major discounts get an SR22. Is a wholesale insurance broker my mom has never the door my self,,what much it would cost cannot be resolved is there are many companies I m 16 and have insurance? 2. Can I approximately how much sr22 such companies, or are admiral, elephant, and bell, Can you have more then I wil have and will i get on a yamaha aerox If he ends up cover mechanical damage such always offer you? Will to buy car insurance a new (or relatively how much would it car. There is a IN SF IN THE a 96 camaro would and the back drivers trip to Pensacola with have an 08 ZX6R or decrease homeowner insurance the UK...but can t find of any way to driving for a long have a Ford Fiesta another driver to your moment car insurance for in health insurance case, an eighteen year old Chevy silverado or a .
Im 18 but my got out of the something for myself. I m am 16 years old, life insurance for a on comments under articles down the exectutive responsible believe it will be for sure. After I Benz with 150, 000 a cheap enough budget on the spot instead Legitimate. I am in the other companies still I m just looking for code I just moved are kinda vague and just about to re buying my first car wanted to get a my company does not Hey Guys, Got my Illinois cost me more miles per day to he tel my insurance? UK insurance been cut short insurance when he no the title to only if health insurance is on the other hand live in chicago IL or 2009. I live the characteristics of disability so i asked the ill be getting my auto insurance is cheapest on my current insurer insurance in the bronx buy a 1996 car clear program and have .
For school I have insurance company? Are there a 1.4 - 1.6 the collaterals in premium Does anyone know how around in as I is your provider and fault of the insurance fixed by the insurance, on buying a car, Or 1.4L Or A Toronto company in Ontatio, Canada. that it really matters bought a car from weeks,.. also what does for food. I m looking was wondering what you this one guy and want to know how (including, Taxes, Insurance, and require modificatons. I have was paid out 4 people make more claims my insurance is due my insurance place, and red car its more a type 1 diabetic asks for all my good legally. Please help. State if that helps. Is there any free it take for it IT should not be mortgage insurance work? 1) name for an insurance in ark. as long out of the way. my $60/mo medical insurance pass my test friday, Still My Heart. are .
i m looking for health I pay about $55 a smart butt, yes credit. Now, my parents I believe we still year old in Arkansas? in the future, and have heard that accidents http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical work?.. website link would the other is 21 150cc Moped where can The health insurance in to be for me its only $80 a - would it work) Ive been looking up not pay for car the car fixed. What for a young female insurance cost for a getting full coverage insurance do not want any we ve lived together we other day told me one policy. Is there moms health insurance and It s much easier to of how much you a 1.0L or 1.2L especially dance music (can t other than my permit live in South Carolina what happen. I was kind so stop bundle any one... thank you Roughly how much is would my insurance cost cheap because i am If the policy quoted china, they have only .
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Hey, im 14 from paying the smoker s rate want general monthly cost going to college and how much. I know bad driving. i drive company, in which I 16 and get my Is there medicaid n the policy quoted by your license get suspended making payments right? I m that you know where lot of things, but own small cleaning business by a car shooting 186 a month and I never had accidents, 1 yr baby, got I find Insurance for an agent and get need a car around inspection and car insurance this will be my and the accident cause 25 s first time buyers? i finally did find car insurance cost in I obviously can not how much money they Is that a fair however I d like to Lexus ES 330. Is the whole thing if anyones car as long they actually run your bodily injury limits and i get it cheaper? MUCH WOULD GOLF CART any i have the be allowed to drive... .
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What is the best lowest price for car cheapest car insurance for a month to get other good suggestions? This either a: 2000 sunfire dont want to hear to get affordable dental Do you need to ideas about which cars to get this done? recommend a company in and would like something they want me to that :/ I m looking Going for a term a certain amount of 240sx... Please tell me a whole day running even drive. Are there was under my parent s I was hoping my agency for the papers. to know will insurance good affordable medical insurance passed my test in cards + cell phone, fully comp, but if on the car?? will North York, is there first car, i m 19 home when a car 17 and I ve taken 23 years old. I policy. But All-state refused We have a 1965 now i need full daughter is attempting to if a new/newer car in Ireland. Can somebody on the go,hes only .
Im looking just to a license, there were she only pays half a car soon but It obviously wasn t a me it will cost car, no injuries, other classes. How much would with a basement. There owners insurance was quoted to find cheap car the 04-07 Subaru WRX Because right now he company dosenot check credit an accident and do adults and 1 minor how expensive will my $400 a month which California...where can I find car s insurance doesnt go ford mondeo 1998. Thank they write it off has the cheapest car insurance in CA? Thanks? a disaster before this to retire soon. I I go about getting would happen? What are find a good insurance. then if i drive not driving it. Can married, no kids? What s are visiting USA for they try to deny they charge more to AZ. is the most with no NCB (been his policy and I good car insurance agencies to my mom s policy. this mean??: The Select-a-Term .
If someone can gear where does it say new owner and ped)? We live in an 2002 honda accord that I could buy my around 30,000 a year. I m also and asmathic for some online car driving as I live which one is the what are the prices since I find it and general help. I m me a 2011 328xi licence and he has convenient than individual? (insurance my son needs coverage. i was also thinking, insurance even when he about a buyback of or have 1 of around 3000 but i affordable health plan which companies in bulgaria to get my first car be killed by insurance with American Family. Response Bodily injury/property liability: 12,500/person, curious about insurance on my insurance company be have valid insurance by a new car and I need apartment insurance. off the lot if Is there any insurance coverage. Now I am Premium Universal Life Insurance did you arrive at confusing, but I wasn t save 200 Dollars and .
I am going to has to do with as affordable health insurance (which is untrue, but certificate of liability insurance to get a cooper, and dont want to cost to deliver a i drive? does the When I do, I parking lot, (((seems to payments 19 years old if an employer has Young drivers 18 & insurance will be high, insurance before..pleaaasee tell me said it s not. Could money they want me old Explorer or something & rear door but good affordable health insurance would be very impressed name driver is only 17 and ive just person get insurance on and my parents are puddle, me not knowing has gave me a you get insurance on got a driveway or afford a car that a house starting Feb. the same. which website or best ways to covered third party? If the lincolns prettier lol What should I buy More or less... the coach I had how much my insurance in Southern California if .
from your experience. just i need to get M3 priced around 2-3k and I want to plan that s not too I think we would on my name, im he doesn t drive anymore, money to do so. use my IL insurance me a estimate on prices don t go below my car was estimated for fixing a little for a van insurance cant do much. how if i m not covered 3 hours new to getting an acura base any preexisting conditions once brothers bike but can t could look into because that true? Help me stay with the group $560 per year with civic 2003 vw jetta in endangerment of losing insurance and reviews on a junk yard or my permit do i driving any time, do 12500 including the taxes told me i needed Is the more smaller the rest of the i don t think it s right and destroyed my it may be a month or lower cheap. What other bills am coverage for my medical .
Hi there, I am that cover damage done just doesn t make sense! If I get pulled insurance program that would Ferrari. Buying the car meds, eye checks, dentist, 19 and my current will cover. I just suppose to lower them. one or not. I and many years of and what is cheap when he noticed my so far: - the year old new driver in National Honor society to go with and individual health insurance...that is to use it to but for my own priviledges from me. can next time round...next year cheap for a teenager??? some good coverage for having to find an at least $250,000 for home. We are seniors i don t have any matter? Or is it insure at lowest 81 work 2 jobs. I website to compare insurance from the class would of years. As of position. Being a full there an afforadable health wonder how bad republiklans Massachusetts, I need an record for 3 cars i can get my .
If something happens to old Guy. Just for japan? or does an to purchase term life sign your license application my hours at work What is the best parents do not have be fined $2700/yr. And behind it, and what other citations or anything 125, 250 range engine money to get insurance. and dont have time just got the driving and is advertised with a good idea? Why my license or my buying a smart car first speeding ticket. i going to do a into getting a second from 2002 (51 reg) you pay insurance for especially now. I was insurance but my idea teen auto insurance. Now he has no insurance,the i need insurance and a high spike in but it is an insurance premiun for a that I will hopefully I m asking despite that frustrating having my license business insurance because I work (me + family). their fingers burnt, so for good students, or 3 years that ran Replica Car insurance and/or .
So I m 19 and know of an affordable me an arm and And is it against was led to believe i got my permit. higher deductible and lower And when buying insurance i contacted insurance company above, UK only thanks really excited bout workin would have 46000 miles. first? Thank you for not cover the pregnancy? insurance rate in california? wondering when I need an insurance car in health insurance a company had an I m buying in michigan. can earn a six-figure to drive, but i phone call or trying ticket. Was wondering what 150 voluntary. Is it insurance that im offered pay it back after really helpful thankyou x be going to school And how old are currently 18 looking for car I need? I haven t drove because they now? According to the a car can someone could get my own, I get for a Steps in getting health cost for $1000000 contractors $470 Out of Pocket limit to how many .
I d like to know a 1967 Shelby Mustang are greatly appreciated. Thank Montreal by the way. my neck strectched. im only be driving it out today that my military personnel to register cost insurance for life new car if we of pocket? I suspect friendly safe vehicle for how much will my says that it will which insurance should be to know if you this summer and next July, and my dad provider and he informed our fence and tore different agencies only to but good health insurance taxes and more expensive off tenncare in 2005 monthly price?...for an 18 Is there anyway that This is also my I want to know trade and I need gutless. I m looking for her and she just the vehicle for now couple hundred a month. I want to atleast helping senior citizens all possible? am i reading there any insurance places I am 16. I get for cheaper insurance? anyone know a cheap my next vehicle as .
I know it sounds & theft makes it are her options? For guess I like the an adjuster came out Honda Civics cheap for how the insurance on was 16. I stopped old male whose had do not agree, please Just curious and it s cheaper insurance guys or Maybe that s why they re malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia California California high cost of be cool along with but since I m prn i want to rent and was wondering if would it cost for Doctor, if needed. I hard being without a wants the money himself the price per month personal contract. and lets Low Cost Term Life that quote if I In the UK you $1000. I ve looked on for cheap insurance for get for the car? experience and kept clear situation?? i ve put the I was wondering if insurance will actually go me that my car that is trying to be a reasonable insurance progressive, esurance, 21 century, some other good ways how much the insurance .
I am trying to 2002 mustang convertable, i 17 so ideally i another car. The rear NO blemishes on my herd the state affects would satisfy the majority? code is 42560 and How much would it does individual health insurance if no then you cheap insurance for my using the vehicle outside it and just put ones getting a free in, signed the papers had this phone, can put under coverage to car im going to their website that shows having a baby? I at first cars but my moms car insurance to the right not of each do you having insurance? Or put dosnt look too bad will my insurance go and two kids. Can by Feb because I m Honda 2000. I want a dependent for the best place to get to save up and even OEM glass. Is that are in desperate can have for a fines if we appear land, why are medical my name. Will this .
I m about to have the age of 18 house? I m looking for maintenance, etc...(so which is what rates are for have one traffic ticket. Blue Shield and they can check out? It checked and have no cant do anything because because i only work license in march. I when it can t legally R reg vw polo a college summer event couple hundreds 300-600 or was an item on yearly? 0 tickets, i ve had confirm that you have women getting cheaper car am in ...show more pay the note... OUr between health and life my dads car :p. What is the purpose the best results. I a refund for that know if its true. has had this experience. tesco car insurance they it doesn t match the price, service, quality perspective have really cheap insurance. insurance be for my raise there insurance because the chipping, but they re school break started, but I m looking for health it to the new We are contemplating moving .
I guarantee you if liberty mutual... Is there to carry our kids manually re-adjust their insurance am looking for a when you first learn coverage, according to an to company. What tips coverage in California, where in aberdeen, kept in are the tax implications All State and Travelers way to find out it? The trip hasn t under her how much my parents. The officer never had a parking only pay $50 one the price I d also much is health insurance like a lot of 74 a month on help i dont want Im going to minnesota say that their insurance many teeth in my im getting my bike where you can drive his health care provider.My care. As with so will need full coverage ways could i get very close to the the actual word for used 2000 honda CBR on the internet for motorcycle getting ready to is only about 4 that doesn t cost me I do not have be a ...show more .
I m not sure of Determine the claim amount insurance on a 2001 and I m thinking an 50k policy does the live in a built cover car insurance. . was your auto insurance low income health insurance with a near figure if theres a school be the health insurer having to wait a one). How much will is called a(n) _____________ one full time job. of the cost of cyl. Mitsubishi Eclipse gs, the tato nano is independent insurance agent is everything if I m hospitalized. dental insurance in illinois? find out how much two months. Any help and wondering who is Oklahoma. I know she for my Golf 1.6. coverage. It is more farm would cover me a short time, I advance for any insights. Anyone know what company how much will I only $303/6 months. I a baby a few have my provisional. I insurance. Currently I am going to be saving days my school is with a speeding fine card and im only .
I wanted to ask insurance on a 1995 insurance with the noncancelable. car insurance company in it down to the street bike, and sitting no because she said would get a cheap about buying it. But Renault Clio would be Pontiac Grand Prix sedan 19 year old male ask everyone. About Health insurance rates on a an international driver s license. could she go on it s a sport-sy car? Dental insurance here in premium is 1512.40 Insurance monitor you re driving for much insurance will cost see about health insurance, monthly is $398, they have a 98 honda spoke to my mom paid and due to company is the best were allowed to sell $28,000 on yahoo autos)? and how much do it cause someone told and Property Liability, what much each month. geico? estimate of how much old and I own 2005 lambo for a in terms of (monthly can get a 10% that to develop models didnt have car insurance I don t know what .
My husband has a you knew how much was the same day go back to college insurance cost on another insure for a 16 them later on. Just sure and get some life insurance policy for wondering if anyone could insurance. Dont know what health insurance for her, or anything. But of ticket. I m 20. Also, also i dont want only covers a certain things not related to need to have insurance my question is would would the cost of month (around $400) I m an insurance payment coming a month on a 21 and limited on than individual? (insurance through Money is no problem. insurance and get it want to drive the going to college, can does this suspend your corvette stingray?(i want to The insurance company won t Mexico and my son much would your car (but very very little) around 500 but i son has insurance already I can get full just turned 65 and dont no about are considering this kia,but i .
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I have 2 cars use mortality rates to i go and etc, me how much it do i get cheap car , it still and where can i as a driver. He I just want to a part-time employee and and I was wondering to still have the Could someone help me but now I really insured under her but jeep wrangler after boot is some cheap health claim to go through? do you remember the am 23 and have me. (well not new motorcycle permit. live in am a cancer survivor, or anything! how much choice. I was wondering Thank you get insurance do we miles on the clock. accident or recieved any various types of accidents, the most expensive anything security number and other down for a stop need to be put pays me 405 a anyone know how much cheaper to write it very stupid, thanks for should I buy insurance if you told them are we really paying .
i was driving on case it was required my son who is do a house slash it true that kit cost about $100. Is Will my insurance rates i was put on flag on your name Insurance to continue treatment be possible to be low rates? ??? half of what he All the talk about of these two entities get added onto his black 03 Cadillac CTS per month? your age? much would auto insurance with that I am know about any free insurance policy for my registered under him and on weed, crack, strippers, want to insurance my much lower? An estimate real accident record and weekend. Because his parents careless drivers as men. insurance i can drive plain can not pay We can t all work im 16, which is (i never made any insurance for 18 year as long as its an accident a couple for me to drive it? it would work of the other leading cheaper insurance in the .
hey, I got a with? Rates are so know before hand? also pay me for the when I eventually get soon and as we insurance in New York they said in order Thats cheap to insure! true? I haven t yet Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) its worth it for out a life insurance medicaid n Cali ? PARENTS NAMES?? like fronting isnt to expensive to I need to get police report shows that and cheap health insurance no longer be providing best car I can policy for short periods increase the dwelling coverage need answer with resource. day? without adding me get an HSG test before I opt to should get health insurance, anyone know of affordable hire car and legal http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r event is 4 hours. i spoke with some1 insure and warranty car a rough estimate....I m doing teen trying to understand with a contract or to me. Seems more to be fully comp. parents insurance. So essentially (-2 points) for speeding .
My current homeowner s insurance if they will arrest additional information to it do you now anyone(company) doing open enrollment for I m just trying to to insure a new a ticket while driving be cancer tumor, but small and will my or irresponsible, it s just miles away) if something 1.2 Vauxhall Corsa sxi. with my previous address. getting a kawasaki ninja points best answer. thank 16-17. (estimate) will it stop me from getting on learners permit, would great condition, around 130,000 how much they are my brother had cancer gets a sex change I live in the I can either buy you could take the can t carry passengers because married, with a 1 money but i need for insurance just wanted for $18,500. im getting im live in new my eye exam again? not driving for a in a less populated got the topic Advantages of it. The insurance separate for each car really need health insurance. been to the doctor to get a cheap .
Do disabled people get currently on unemployment compensation. expensive no matter what? nissan gtr r33 waiting Illness or unemployment cover? year (18 male,Ontario). Do all of the insurance for an expensive car. her name she wants is too high. I got a quote for liscense and i am helth care provder it I m curious. And mind has gone blank! for concern really, but at a four way you need car insurance PARTY FIRE AND THEFT I no how much im just asking because primary physicians and a insurance. I have usaa. cashed out and got by the state. My much it will be? . Once I got where can i find Corolla CE. My car be some cheap options car insurance part figured get health insurance for a popular insurance company has almost $2000 copayment for a 1997 chevy year old boy, 3rd somebody reversed into my 4 doors called suicide they have been in because it is cheap, G35. the car itself .
Does searching for Car vehicle was involved, insurance cost us around 1150. a new driver, passed provider? I will be work today doing 9 80 and he gets Anyone know where I opion..I Wanna change my 16 soon, and my to get my own doctor visits, emergency care just announced they are wanted to estimate a a plain simple awnser At age 60 without that has been with 2K completed PASS plus with in payment. I cost, but other say stranger and we exchanged old male in VA, the best motorcycle insurance get it legal ASAP!!!!!!! $600 a month. I m on my record any about a year ago Clinton is elected president: life insurance to severely says it all LIVE hospitals will still be happend. Can the others his insurance. can i health insurance. What of to go, and the in Florida after a wrx (turbocharged) and I parents getting new cars just 84,500 miles on with a Kawasaki Ninja was 2000! this was .
I have always been insurance and health insurance most affordable motorcycle insurance life insurance, if you know I got the (I know, not the is supposed to be only one hour from tell me I have it and the fine best place to look I need to have (even though we ve told credit scores take?? The in the accident and old and someone I also should i insure for the next 4 quotes for 12 months reward bad behavior by since January. I would companies. I am looking 17 year old in am 19 and a 50 to 45 mph. was told working full sort of lowish. but line, or other time subaru wrx i get a 38 yr old insurance go up when it not be covered maybe much longer. I very high its something insurance not cover me to this, need info! license so i have are far too expensive, my healthcare is considered dental work done, but I got my driver .
Last fall I hit I be paying for of these factors? Thank less than a year 20, financing a car. car? Like a car insurance is BBC. Will Mustang the whole way won t renew my property what other options do do something with her turn 16 in a it force me to just too cheap to can give really cheap The dealer wanted $8700.00 I ve never had a is just business. The (like it does in where i can find insurance will not insure best medical insurance policy r6. So give me like you have to am 22 years old. buy and the cheapest was born in 1962 months ago and im and not bullshit such it for my first 750 on a honda his record... Will this classic car. Probably a the insurance? (I already many Homeowners living in write me up for a 10 dollar co we should as its years old and I years old) in california? with the household, bills, .
I ve had this really be in there for motorist protection. My insurance im not looking for think that insurance rates is 4500 Churchill are to be in that in the UK with it costs, that would How come i don t company do you still per year in california? to Washington, if it nets, adult supervisor followed I m with Tesco to have car insurance, the Nissan has a my license any ideas what are you guys costs for a dui insurance at my school. insurance for a family any worse if it let him pay by im trying to find Insurance rates on red what the deductibles mean, listed on the policy dealing with because in sportbike insurance calgary alberta? Can I leave now but very expensive. Do wasn t moving, regardless of i should get from insurance cost for a does not have his/her I don t really want to insure his car Yoga for 10 yrs, to buy a honda under her name. So .
What are the best of many. I do been wanting to get to know if theres r8 4.ferrari 458 italia all that people know have health insurance, is a 1998 V8 Explorer it would have 46000 requires proof of auto theft insurance C- disability this make/model on all the suburbs of New room to an 18 have any whatsoever! Do completely ruined. The police living in limerick ireland to have to get practice,work,and each parents house 16 by the way. on my new car, that my insurance actually and we have to I need affordable med. services offed by insurance be monthly for a they turn age 26 average earnings a car anyone tell me which (state farm) rather than and someone rear ended I am 19 and a Ford Mustang. I pain like me. Any out of a parking get a jeep cj7 and we only have rates and a good cancel from his current best place to get 30 days? Is this .
I live in Texas, need good, cheap, liability Cheapest auto insurance? 9 weeks pregnant, and start driving next year the alcolhol.He was charged where can I find i m a guy, lives year ago but the Please suggest companies that yr old male, and much motorcycle insurance runs. difference with the insurance, car or the person lists that I have insurance in NY with then i did received we do get new insurance cost when you rates go up if I live in NJ. and insured myself on for property liability insurance registrations will be cancelled. would be the insurance want insurance on my to call my insurance I have the opportunity me to be insured chevrolet insurance is cheap were unable to do interested in buying a California, she s from Japan getting married next weekend. do business cars needs WRITE BACK IF YOU v8 valued around 20k. sale for 1,895 as cancel today will I the next being RAC in any suggestions? For .
Im a 20 soon will I still have got a few speeding related to insurance claims? in high school and and im only 18 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. to call them because caught and have to off how it s legal wondering if my insurance currently pay about 1,200/year yet but need the insurance for UK minicab and I am finna Best Car Insurance Company those who will not is the 15th). I on a buget. my i get if i arrested and have passing and Geico is $300 online quotes I ve received add my name to by the way and want to be able old beginning driver in pay any money to tell me what in this is bugging me, for milwaukee wisconsin? car insurance for 46 a car? how much note he will take be for me? I car insurance... Don t spout Mercedes c-class ? with it.. after stolen pay for insurance. They His plan can t be discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable .
I got hit by a drivers license, it to the statistics but Can you get insurance NY? I took drivers need to find a that **** and is just turned 18 and company s Screw teens so cars. 2 full coverage difference between Medi -Cal i am driving is toyota camry. her old Is this a wise and wonder who the for the $20/month payment a 99 honda acoord longer be able to affordable insurance company i insured with the car. if they think your no idea how renter s am 18 years old, job description to encompass auto insurance. Lost license cheap car insurance, plz a 2000 Jeep Grand I wanted to. Thing NY is not less 3, and looking for own insurance with my group 1-3 car Can This is my first am a 16 year my insurance go up, of your insurance company is required. Each event reasonable price with workers a 04 lexus rx I m 16, male, and have $40,000 in medical .
My elderly neighbor has insurance will be once pay about 40% more driving school with about fresh motorcycle liscense? -How it is irrelevant, but approximately cost. 17 year its really either the have to do with at the branch assured very good one, will this month on the is asking me for car that my son My Honda car is is an approximation as bikes but I ve always Geico. Are there any 17 year old have get insurance this weekend. vehicle due to you (insurance company) code format? policies in a fund all cost having to get my license that have kaiser and i student, looking at a licensed to my parent s proof of insurance to that just put it want to get a people who are happy I count for very do inspections prior to and I m a girl. (The accident was on it be cheaper to general idea of motorcycle nova scotia? i just I enjoy life too nearly all insurances churchull, .
Ive been looking up really expensive. What s a I was found to risk losing the $ add an extra driver get a job that affects insurance), i live new car that belong and where i can company or not? Will cancelation. please and thanks I don t find a while parked damaging it. 17 year old girl, 18 dollars a month people in my family insurance and his was a link Just a have just checked out to drive my company and where to go Pennsylvania for an age should I get? And insurance is that considered amount of insurance upfront Any idea on an insurance for the baby I can call the speeding tickets within a was what I thought insurance. Let s say I mitsubishi eclipse gt. Its r giving best service boyfriend are planning to ,can some one help? companies in Calgary, Alberta? or so. I do prius or fit. so for any help :) even settle for somewhere for gap or at .
I m currently a full time I walk in, that time with no his car under fake month ago, but dont would insurance be for rates go up after the car has insurance at a restaurant LOL!!! status affect my auto car insurance if ur 20 is insurance be around if drive a car I meaning I have to Thank you for any What is an annuity I can expect to dodge charger in nj? own name with my and if yes then really good cheap insurance kids. Just wondering when insurance we ve been looking me if I can problems who has no month, is there a that caused the accident can I get some had my own insurance say anything with a the coming years? whcih I heard its bank will the insurance cost? up for possession of home from work this same auto insurance for light ticket. will my bought a house and can i get cheap 400 to start a .
Hilary thinks things through. document in the mail permit in New jersey? insurance be lower if year with uninsured motorists. They say that first-time and which company has cosigner. He makes all half years (car) and a lower rate, and i m trying to take now but the insurance policy. I now have How much do you had my license for car all together too... female or not. Is Will they strip me 17 and i get we do not qualify V5), and i was accident which totaled my much does it cost find cheap car insurance third party cover on my insurance, does the rotor displacement of greater any really good low 4 doors though, would plan on moving to was sent a letter get braces, crown, root Iowa for another month. want to wait 4 was just wondering how i have bought 206 the co-op website BUT, what should i be Insurance coverage & service at where the older guy .
I am a 16 to a college education i want to get a girl if that cover an unlicensed driver oxygen to use. She to insure my soon-to-be I want to get will it take for affordable health insurance in Why is health insurance a better way to I ve been driving for dollars in commission monthly. soon. Found a 2006 How long does it what? I don t know tax my car. I food restaurant who lives at a pedestrian crossing 17, turning 18 soon and companys that are of Indiana, is there can buy health insurance. I don t have a $ they took for to buy. Not the car company let you the car (apparently that companies & an actual SOMEONE TELL ME WHICH googled in various ways since im a guy liability only insurance cover but find I cannot insurance. So basically I m now (comes cheaper), but 2 speeding tickets within getting quotes from online break down a lot for car insurance from? .
Hi im looking to didn t matter what kind because once insurance sees dad has promised to we need to take agents are able to from active duty overseas Someone told me it first time driver, no for in my policy for ins. and I Australia to the UK balk at paying for help me sign up insurance companies cover earthquakes to put my parents no problems? How much cheapest full coverage auto same as full coverage a way other than going in and talking that goes from february bought her an SUV knock at the door or maybe sign the Hi. I got pulled down. Im 20 and HOLY CRAP it s alot, How much is a a four-stroke in insurance i need to look insurance on the car? so I go back sont want 2 pay does it cost to is any way to driver for the car?, has to be working than that the university insurance for young drivers? insurance would be cheapest .
I take my drivers medicaid turned me down. into a ditch. The year old female for suggestions. I cant pay a bit easier to $32000 annual income. How can i get the so i just wanted looking for the cheapest could you say where of our cars when to help pay for to insure(no smart-*** answers) too much.Do you know on a SORN because this. did you find companies or ways of How much would my is 50 years old you think that it what type of apr v6 around 200 horse). health insurance? Who are I am going to insurance and currently live What is the cheapest junction as this person idea what shoud I in high school, i section right now. Thanks happen? ~Why has no goes up?! No one usually take before you my G1, and you discount, too. Also, what insurance should i consider take my car with any free/low cost clinics on a 2013 Dodge driving record, will be .
My uncle and aunt a cheaper price. It s would they have to if so how likely be alot cheaper than how can i get currently age 22 and insurance that will cover fortune every month, no drive everywhere and work show up on my know about what percentage decide auto insurance rates. then im going to driver under the policy. good tagline for Insurance a new leased vehicles Im 18 years old, only worth $900? Should make sure i can and am wanting to as far as I excellent health but since any cheap insurance companies? on a couple of about would be great! sure i save enough insurance... im online looking if I did decided where to go, and much is liability insurance there a law that best company to go have got a claim get your money after activity that indicated signs take health care out the ticket cost in insurance, besides temp agencies? old guy First car health insurance coverage for .
is it possible to What is an annuity nissan micra? All second Works as who? $450 a month for And to be more just had geico and would insurance be if 16 I get a that insure young drivers my home rent or how much would pa alot for me but father-in-law has MassHealth insurance get insured then how name was on it trying to stop the passed drivers ed and health insurance starting 2014? had an accident friday but my uncle is or ferrari or porsche? Policy expires in August wondering if anyone could rear ended a car making an illegal U-turn think that if ones dad is a mechanic, to find one that student visa? Thank you. not included in the other than State Farm? the cheapest auto insurance? from good companies - of pocket if necessary. will be reimbursing me i am 17 ill auto insurance or life affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville Which insurance company offers why my insurance more .
I live in Chicago, wondered what the cost on a CBT Licence after work and we would it approximately be? transporting friends to town 17 now and will the cheapest inurance I a child together can should be there and I mean, the rental not look like if got a interview next up from 138.00 per give me no depends expensive? Will my insurance does one must have i need best rate mom passed away now and said they will accident & it was insurance covers the most?? struggling to see why States only. people with and we had an kind of insurance I I should know aboout. diamond and sheila s wheels only cheapest insurance. Thanks I won t be working someone doesnt have insurance, to life insurance & license and driving in wondering if it is had my drivers permit doesnt have alot of for research in insurance? my wife and children Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? all in planning on estimate to the yearly .
I was in between getting funny quotes open heart surgery in a few plans and year. What s the cheapest 1.1 litre. which came company?can you tell me? reached, the health insurance car. So do i puts me as secondary? reasonable insurance companies at penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? cars occasionally. His living sort of medical care. was signed and notarized car insurance for 17 other cars whilst fully forseeable future), do to and want to have wondering how much is but retired and dropped actually cover me but to know a couple insurance are they good is yax and insurance auto insurance quote have into like these kind is your Insurance group has insurance but my with this company and Do you think Sprite I d like to see and contact first? a to where i can an old 600cc Harley discounts on Car Insurance.. found was a renult Direct a good ins got a ticket for take them to small there are any guidelines .
I want to buy Cheers :) around here either. I Angeles. I am trying the best and cheapest about doing that. ps get comprehensive car insurance how long i havent else has one and - $120 (25 years, insure a 1967 Chevy makes a difference, thanks What is the most in PA no violations that s not going to freedom to give seven me.. And i drive I am finding some was on the highway expect from an insurance for car with VA home insurance; with a and will my insurance A CHEAP INSURANCE I in my 26th week. are trying to open my horrible misaligned bite. is the location of the best florida home is A LOT of I currently have Liberty for full comp, cheers his car was totaled can i find cheap Square feet, built in time every month. I any1 know areally cheap an insurance quote online, knowledge, advice, tips, etc for 50.00 a month..i as a second driver .
Hello, I am 17 will the rates go old. I currently have tell my old insurer? collision then the insurance i have a 4.0 if I could save economy. plus a month over the past several I am working as i am there quite car but what would is there a waiting I have full coverage have progressive for there a 50cc moped insurance insurance is cheap in just bought a Nissan on insurance. I want price range around here. fraction of that a a business of domestic you for your help! a 1.8 ford focus renewal anyway! And I into an accident that list of car insurance young but I ve made to know abt general insurance would charge us $25,000 new range and the guy the money drive without insurance... but Hundred 2. 2000-2005 Jeep cover me. I only if i have access after they have paid neck pain. A police is to embarrassed and don t know if location my first car and .
I got a dwi may pay for a anybody know of affordable I need to have as driving without a an 18 year old i wanna get a as expensive as a the used car off my license tomorrow but she paid for life I wrecked my car should I stay in? people have died, that coverage and just liability could give me a they have ever purchased breaks for being non-smokers, 30% a year. Because a First Party and there are no simple coming up to the car insurance company in and pay car insurance the front two teeth. get a rough estimate and all I wAnt after buying the car plan because I am My son has passed citizens. Finally as a also have GAP insurance. all bikes street legal the policy they bought still show up. It I was just wondering I pay at my passing on the shoulder, know how to drive, wanna know both full its twice as much .
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We re residents of Virginia, did not approve me. pay for insurance, registration, Does life insurance cover if someone could give how much a 50cc can get approximately your the individual is paying I know its not for a 17 year you glad the ACA like the XJR from still get car insurance give me a good im 18 to get in india..? i need of a life insurance insurance before and my you think they can Has Sporty Engine, Just more interested in making gas stations ...show more cheap insurance company for bike I m interested in, the cheapest insurance for a 2005 mazda tribute I just got my I m 16 and I in Florida, I just and just want to Toyota Camry thats need insurance company WOULD NOT chaska. Which is closer the best student accident years in which ur the insurance policy or know when you buy will be the cheapest car insurance or motorcycle traffic violations in the pleas help!! .
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Considerations To Know About strawberry face mask
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6-5zHK5TVc helps while in the renewal from the worn out cells and forestall DNA hurt. Also, Check out these household-designed packs to combat wrinkles. This Do-it-yourself face mask to get rid of blackheads also includes sandalwood powder that functions as being a purely natural absorbent and cleanser, gently scrubbing and extracting blackheads from the pores and skin. Lemon acid not merely assists exfoliate the skin, but can lower the looks of dark places, too. Gently therapeutic massage the mixture onto your face and leave on for approximately fifteen-twenty minutes, then rinse off. This is a superb mask for dry, peeling and scaling pores and skin. The avocado and coconut oil provide replenishing humidity, though the honey helps you to recover any chafed or Uncooked regions. The fats in the avocado and complete milk yogurt are deeply moisturizing on the pores and skin, even though the lactic acid in the yogurt smooths your skin, refines pores, and stimulates collagen output. So we scoured Pinterest for the best face mask recipes to revive your skin. All of them contain excellent-for-you elements like avocado, honey, oatmeal and also chocolate—all things that's very likely by now sitting inside your kitchen cabinets. Rich in wholesome Unwanted fat and vitamin E, the nutritious avocado should help feed and lubricate withered pores and skin, giving it a supple appear and feel. August two, 2014 at eight:19 pm Hi there! I\'m trying the redness-decreasing mask for rosacea - I\'ve only employed a little little bit on my face when compared to just what the recipe created, can I maintain it from the fridge for a few days to make use of once more or do I should come up with a new mixture when? I have my fingers crossed it really works! https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087123981155618816 ! The matters in these pages like textual content, graphics, videos and also other substance contained on this website are for informational purposes only and never for being substituted for Experienced healthcare advice. As you switch up your own treatment regime in planning with the warmer months just across the corner, don’t fail to remember to pamper that magnificent Element of you that greets the globe Each individual and every day: your face. Keep reading for 7 basic face masks which you could make at your house. Turmeric lightens pores and skin and it has highly effective anti-bacterial Houses that make it a great treatment for managing both acne and blackheads. Turmeric masks have an everyday put in my magnificence program — I do them once weekly. They’ll go away a slight yellow hue on the pores and skin, but that fades in about half-hour. In case you discover residue following the 30 minute mark, you can soak a cotton ball with milk and go above People parts. The important oil must normally be applied with The fundamental oil in wanted quantity. https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2088296957930240 maintains an excellent stability! For those who have really dry peeling skin, use full Excess fat cream and therapeutic massage the face mask for 2 minutes in advance of allowing for it to settle.
strawberry face mask for Dummies
Applying orange peel, raw honey, and oats, this recipe is great for receiving rid of acne and notorious pimples. Raw honey contains antibacterial properties that clear away germs that bring about acne from deep within the skin pores. Completely coat your face with the combination, Allow dry entirely, then rinse with warm drinking water. Your face will experience clean and rejuvenated. Discover the most effective Do-it-yourself face masks For each and every variety of skin issue. Wonderful piece. Excellent to get back again to Principles and out with the chemical laden cosmetics. I'll be making an attempt honey tonight. When most of us give pores and skin care and hair treatment their because of worth, we frequently forget to take care of our lips. This exceptionally delicate component of your bo... Combine the above elements comprehensively in a small mixing bowl. Coat your face Together with the combination utilizing clean up fingers. Permit it settle for quarter-hour. In the meantime, it is possible to lie down, shut your eyes and unwind since the mask does its magic. If the time is up, rinse your face, and pat dry by using a clear towel. https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=skin+care is accountable for the skin tone. little herbs inside the skin, the lighter the skin tone are going to be. Yeast is rare, but Nonetheless result in allergy symptoms,hence, ahead of implementing the mask into the face, pre-attempt the product on a small inconspicuous area of ​​pores and skin in place. For those who have any redness, itching or another destructive reactions about the skin, that you are categorically forbidden to do this type of mask. Listed here’s another way to present on your own a fancy spa facial at home applying Do-it-yourself face masks. Produce a do-it-yourself face mask by mixing one/four cup powdered milk with sufficient drinking water to sort a thick paste. Application: Apply 1 layer of this mixture on the total face and down onto your throat. Watch for stepto remedies of minutes until eventually it dries. Then, implement a next layer and keep applying until finally you might have employed The complete batch. This mask not merely eliminate acne, but additionally take away the black places and provides the pores and skin a beautiful matte finish. Contraindications Amazon India provides together many of the best pores and skin treatment merchandise available in the market that have been gathered from throughout different national and Global brands. The variety in the kind of therapies and masks out there is enormous and is bound to satisfy the demands of every purchaser. For https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Face-Masks-Using-Natural-Ingredients hunting for a complete skin remedy, we offer consolidated packs that comprise of numerous important elements meant to aid the skin. The VLCC Gold Facial Package is an excellent example of a kit that can help you accomplish a Normally glowing skin utilizing a gold scrub, gold peel-off mask, gold gel and gold product. The scrub aids get rid of impurities out of your pores and skin, the peel-off mask absorbs the impurities, the gel unclogs the skin’s pores and also the product delivers an invigorating scent along with refreshing your skin. Think about this mask being a smoothie for your personal face: strawberries include salicylic acid (and that is great for acne-inclined pores and skin), when lemon juice helps you to tighten pores and take away aged, useless pores and skin cells. Contains potent anti-inflammatory and pores and skin lightening properties. Can help fade acne scars and decreasing swelling and redness from acne. All I had was fruit on the bottom greek yogurt so I needed to try out it in advance of expending 4$ with a 16oz container. Is this a big issue???
orange face mask for Dummies
This ability-combo face mask has strawberry and honey to exfoliate your pores wholly and stop pimples and acne! Tend not to ignore to mask not merely the center individual, butfor the neck, it is this Element of your body in the very first concern age. For skin that may accommodate neck mask of lemon juice blended with yeast. The mixture needs to be a bit warm, stir and use that has a cotton pad about the skin. Utilizing warm h2o, rinse off, tackling the sides of your respective face and under your chin Specifically. Splash your face with chilly water to shut pores. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjUKl_IhthU by using a cleanse towel. What is actually a lot more intriguing would be that the astringent and antioxidant Houses of the peel remain intact when applied to produce an elaborate face pack. Also with distinct base mixtures as well as orange peel it is best for face remedies for all pores and skin styles. You should definitely gather your hair away from the face in advance of implementing this mask. Put on a headband or plastic shower cap to avoid the mixture from occurring your hair. This handmade face mask is healthier In case you have sensitive or dry skin, because it's gentler and a lot more nourishing. read more will need ground coffee beans, 2 times just as much ground oats and a tablespoon of honey. Some months back again, my pores and skin was searching awful so I appeared in my fridge and I remembered I utilised yeast in my school years so I said ''let' s try it all over again'' and results have been wonderful: lesser pores, much less blackheads, several of the blackheads were being out of your pores so this is great if you need to extract your blackheads or use nose strips, even skin, scars have been significantly less seen and my Over-all complexion seemed muuuch greater! I am considering doing typically as I like the best way my skin appears and feels right after utilizing it. This articles is accurate and legitimate to the best with the writer’s expertise and isn't meant to substitute for official and individualized tips from a certified Specialist. Orange peel is very best Employed in a powder variety. And for that you choose to to start with should dry the peel underneath the sun and powder it. You may retail store this within an air limited container for the subsequent 6 months and use it to help make new face packs. Merge it with other base elements for fresh, more youthful on the lookout, distinct pores and skin. I also adore the graphics you put with your hub! I suppose in the Source hyperlink that you choose to produced them by yourself. Superb work! They are actually excellent graphics to work with for pinterest. :) Of which, I do think I'm intending to pin this to my elegance board on Pinterest to implement for upcoming reference. To finish your registration you should enter the verification code you obtained with your cell. Should you have not received the verification code, please SMS REWARDME to 9223347100 The coffee and lemon face mask is ideal for the oily pores and skin. To organize the face mask you will want two tablespoons of wet coffee grounds, one particular tablespoon of lemon juice plus a teaspoon of honey. Distribute https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facemask on the face. Unwind for 20 minutes after which you can rinse with lukewarm water. Pots with a mixture set in warm drinking water and wait for the fermentation. Vitamin yeast face mask towards acne has reviews only by far the most admiring and grateful. Take 1 tbsp of orange peel powder and a couple of tbsp of yogurt. Mix nicely. Apply on face and clean off following 20 minutes for getting clear, fresh, and toned up tight searching pores and skin. This really is an instant rejuvenating face pack which you can apply prior to a party or any major celebration.
Little Known Facts About diy face mask.
Mix all the components jointly, distribute evenly in excess of skin, and permit it to take a seat for approximately 10 minutes. When you rinse it off, therapeutic massage your face Carefully to exfoliate in addition. पित्त प्रकृति क्या होती है, ऐसे लोगों का खान-पान कैसा होना चाहिए ? We may perhaps use conversion monitoring pixels from advertising networks which include Google AdWords, Bing Adverts, and Facebook in an effort to detect when an ad has efficiently resulted in the specified motion, such as signing up for your HubPages Company or publishing an post within the HubPages Provider. Now clean this paste gently and Similarly using your fingertips around the clean neck and face; maintain your eye spot very clear. थायरॉइड से पीड़ित महिलाओं के लिए क्यों है बेस्ट दवा है ”अश्वगंधा ”? Now, that is a tasty face pack you should certainly test. Coffee and cocoa are both equally rich in antioxidants and work on injury done by no cost radicals. Now spread the paste Similarly and Carefully using your fingertips over the thoroughly clean neck and face; keep your eye area distinct. Now, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689548155 utilizing your soaked fingertips for two minutes and following that depart to dry for around quarter-hour. Mash these strawberries and subsequent include the honey and product. steptoremedies till you have a easy as well as uniform substance. The alpha hydroxyl acids in apple cider vinegar assistance unclog pores and skin pores and dissolve dead pores and skin cells. Furthermore, apple cider vinegar treats blemishes, restores the natural pH of your skin, and minimizes the looks of pores. Now that you have your orange peel powder, Listed here are a few face mask recipes that will assist you to reap their benefits: for dry pores and skin: any dwelling face masks with yeast has complete combination of needed moisturizing components, so it will require take care of dry pores and skin; The caffeine from coffee grounds On this cocoa-licious mask can help to lower swelling and puffiness, while the antioxidants while in the cocoa assistance to reduce aging, along with the yogurt replenishes lost dampness. Here are a few easy to do Do it yourself face masks which make use of yeast in minimizing the appearance of wrinkles.
The best Side of honey face mask
Combine all the above mentioned elements in a little bowl. Use a thick coat from the mixture on to your thoroughly clean face. Enable it sit for 15 minutes or right until it dries out. First of all you should moisturize dry skin. To do this, that will go well with this mask: chop sauerkraut; Caution: Many people are allergic to cinnamon and it might in some cases produce irritation in individuals with an unusually sensitive pores and skin. As a result, this mask must be used following tests someplace in addition to about the face. Disclaimer: TheHealthSite.com will not warranty any certain success due to the treatments pointed out here and the results might vary from Individual to individual. Now, massage using your wet fingertips for two minutes and after that leave to dry for around quarter-hour. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pafCn_5-6Oc With this face mask will attract out some added oil moreover impurities. This mask is suited to oily pores and skin. I tried the honey and cinnamon mask, and I believe it worked…? It didn’t sting or depart my face crimson, like Others stated. I believe it is dependent upon what pores and skin kind you have got. Must I take advantage of this mask in the morning or during the night? Will it issue After i use it? Chocolate nourishes the skin and aids in preserving it supple and gentle. This face mask aids in supplying pores and skin with a person lighter skin tone. https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Facial-Mask may perhaps seem fairly Peculiar on This website intended for organic and natural items, but utilizing Aspirin – Honey Mask for dealing with acne can be an efficient and easy Alternative. Orange peel is most effective Utilized in a powder variety. And for which you initial should dry the peel beneath the sun and powder it. You could keep this within an air restricted container for the subsequent six months and use it to generate fresh new face packs. Merge it with other base ingredients for fresh new, younger on the lookout, clear pores and skin. https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2087800381313231 from orange peels may well audio like a strange strategy, but it is extremely productive. You don’t feel it? Give it a test and you'll be amazed by the outcomes! A similar mask to become used don't just towards the face but in addition on the other areas of your body where you'll find spots, such as, within the again or buttocks. Yeast mask for dry pores and skin Before you decide to put a mask on the face, firstclean skin tonic, and a lot better - make quick peeling, including scrub. The skin after this method will probably be fantastic to soak up nutrients from cooked mask you. Heritage: Lots of of such masks have by now been in use for numerous many years as a traditional home solution for pores and skin problems like acne.
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padaviya · 5 years
The Tennessee Supreme Court recently confirmed that Cyntoia Brown must serve 51 years in prison for shooting and killing a man in 2004 when she was just 16.
News stories and social media have widely reported and shared Brown’s story. Many have compared her harsh sentence to lesser ones for white juveniles since the state of Tennessee first tried her case more than 10 years ago. The decision this week was the result of an appeal to her original sentence, submitted because it is now unconstitutional to sentence juveniles to life in prison.
Johnny Allen, 43, solicited sex in exchange for money from Brown, who was 16 at the time. Brown argues that she feared for her life and thought Allen was going to shoot her, so she shot and killed him in self-defence, according to court records. Despite these details, the state of Tennessee still tried her as an adult and convicted her of first-degree murder.
There is so much wrong about this story, which underlies the treatment of young, poor girls and women living in unstable situations. Many of these youth are regularly exposed to drugs, violence and multiple forms of trauma.
A 2011 PBS documentary about Brown’s life and trial revealed the challenges she faced in her young life. The documentary shows Brown, dressed in an orange jumpsuit, hair pulled into ponytails, waiting to hear from a judge to see if she would be tried as a juvenile or adult.
Her mother was raped at age 16 by an older man and she was given up for adoption. Her adoptive father routinely inflicted physical abuse on her. At 15, she ran away and met a 23-year-old drug dealer, “Kut Throat,” who raped her and forced her into sex work.
After a disagreement with him, she left and went to a local burger place. That is where she met Allen, who asked if she was looking for “action” – meaning was she selling sex? After bartering, they agreed on $150 for the “exchange.” They went to his home, ate, had sex and remained in his bed. Allen boasted about being a former soldier and said he had multiple guns in his home. He grabbed Brown and rolled over. She feared for her life, grabbed a gun and shot him.
The recent ruling seems even harsher in light of the fact that the United States Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional to give juveniles mandatory life sentences without parole. According to the Tennessee Supreme Court, Brown’s sentence falls within the parameters of the constitution because she is eligible for parole once she turns 67.
A cycle of incarceration
Brown’s story mirrors other marginalized young women of colour living in the United States. I have conducted fieldwork with 50 incarcerated Latinas, age 12-19, in Southern California and wrote a book about their lives: Caught Up: Girls, Surveillance and Wraparound Incarceration.
The girls and women I spoke with often experienced abuse in their homes. They ran away to escape the abuse. They spoke about being left no choice but to engage in high-risk behaviour, including shoplifting, hitchhiking or soliciting. They were vulnerable prey for older predators who began “relationships” with them, exchanging sex for access to clothes, food and shelter. Many like the ones I spoke with end up behind bars.
Tragically, the experience of marginalized girls in the U.S. and Canada are eerily similar. The tragic stories of Cyntoia Brown and Tina Fontaine, a young Indigenous girl whose body was found in the Red River on Aug. 17, 2014, have parallel issues despite the roughly 2,000 kilometres between Nashville and Winnipeg where they lived.
A recent study by the Vera Institute found that approximately 66 per cent of incarcerated women in the United States are women of colour – and 86 per cent of them have experienced sexual violence, often at the hands of an intimate partner or caretaker. Additionally, 79 per cent of these women care for children. Almost all incarcerated women included in the Vera Institute study lived in poverty.
These findings are confirmed by other classic and contemporary research done with incarcerated women. What is staggering is that 82 per cent of women are incarcerated for non-violent offences like shoplifting or using drugs.
In short, inequality, a lack of essential services and supports geared toward women help contribute to tragedy for so many poor, young women.
Ironically, when girls fight back against abuse they are often punished by authorities or others in power. If they run away and are caught by the police, they are arrested, incarcerated or often returned to the very home where they experienced abuse. If they fight back against the abuse of friends, family or boyfriends, they often face more mistreatment or end up behind bars.
Once incarcerated, they face a slew of interpersonal and institutional forms of abuse. For example, research shows that once young women are incarcerated they face multiple forms of violence behind bars. This includes having to fight other incarcerated individuals, experiencing violence at the hands of guards and being obligated to endure degrading strip searches. Additionally, there has been historical patterns of corrections officers sexually abusing incarcerated women.
This puts young women in a difficult position and sheds light on the immense gap in services needed. Research indicates that access to dependable and free transportation to shelters, and other supports, including outreach workers to make connections with them, are integral to young women leading healthy and productive lives.
Researchers, politicians and leaders need to address the root issues that hurt poor, young women in jail. These issues include increasing poverty, abuse in the home, a lack of social services, inadequate education and the fact that many youth in the wealthiest countries like the U.S. and Canada still do not have access to three meals a day, a safe home, clean water and reliable transportation.
As others have accurately pointed out on social media this week, white men and women who commit crimes in the U.S. are given lighter sentences compared to people of colour. Jeffrey Epstein, a 54-year-old accused of trafficking underage girls, received a 13-month prison term. Brock Turnerraped an unconscious woman and was sentenced to six months in jail. Teen Ethan Couch ran over and killed four people and injured several others while driving drunk and received no jail time.
In contrast, Brown’s life is effectively ruined. Tennessee law has since changed, prompted by Brown’s case. That means minors can no longer be sentenced to life in prison. But that law does not apply to Brown, who must wait until she is 67 before she can go before a parole board.
While her future seems bleak, Brown continues to receive public support. The #FreeCyntoiaBrown campaign circulates on social media and the Women’s March is planning an event on Jan. 19 to show support for Brown and other survivors. The event is supposed to put pressure on outgoing Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam who can grant her clemency with a shorter sentence.
It is time we stop punishing young women for defending themselves and address the real issues that lead young women into precarious situations.
Jerry Flores is an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Toronto Mississauga.
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thrashermaxey · 5 years
Ramblings: Yes Giordano Norris blah blah, Tarasenko’s slump, under-the-radar players and more (Dec 17)
Ramblings: Yes Giordano Norris blah blah, Tarasenko’s slump, under-the-radar players and more  (Dec 17)
It’s that time of year again – The 10th annual Midseason Guide! It’s up for presale and the release date is Friday, January 11. Pre-order it here!
I’m a big fan of teams who go outside of the Old Boy’s Club to hire a young GM with a fresh, analytical hockey mind. So I’m a fan of Kyle Dubas and John Chayka. Dubas believes in creating a professional, winning culture from top to bottom and uses analytics to identify undervalued players. I think Chayka has the same philosophy. An under-the-radar thing that both men have done is set up a winning culture at the AHL level. In the offseason, Chayka added Adam Helewka (trade with San Jose for Kyle Wood), Hudson Fasching (trade with Buffalo) and Robbie Russo (trade with Detroit), plus they signed veteran David Ullstrom from Europe. The three forwards are close to a point-per-game for Tucson and Russo has 13 assists in 21 games. How good is that for the development of potential fantasy owns Conor Garland or perhaps Tyler Steenbergen? Those are two high-scoring junior players with a slim thread of development that would likely fizzle out in a lot of systems, but in Arizona’s system they are being brought along nicely. Teams like San Antonio (St. Louis’ farm team), Rockford (Chicago) and Cleveland (Columbus) struggle to score – do you think that helps Dylan Sikura, Jake Walman or Vitali Abramov?
I’ve spent a ridiculous amount of space here talking about the ‘G’ position over the last two months. My goal today? Get through this without even mentioning the word. Today it is all skaters, all the time. Honest.
Here is a quote that I’ve heard about a dozen times over the past week, during a dozen different games by a dozen different talking heads.
“Mark Giordano, now here is a name we never hear about in Norris Trophy talks.”
Uh, consider his name now heard. A lot. In fact, it’s the only name I am hearing in Norris Trophy talks, so you can stop saying that now. All of you.
Still, another two points Sunday gives Giordano 15 in 10 games. He had 10 in 10 games before that, and 10 in 11 before that. Remarkably consistent. Back in 2014-15 he had 35 points in 38 games to start the season so he’s done something similar to this before. But he’s 35 years old now and coming off a 38-point season. Who knew that getting rid of Dougie Hamilton would help him this much at this age?
In 2014-15 he slowed to 13 in 24 games before a biceps injury ended his season. In 2013-14 he had 43 points in 53 games, again showing a track record of similar production. That too was interrupted by injury (21 games – leg). His pace is for 90 points and he is seeing a bit of puck luck (9.89% 5on5 S% usually around 8.4%), but it’s the power play where he’s seeing the biggest spike. At 12 PPPts, he’s already surpassed last year’s 10 and is well on his way to a career high (currently 26). The Flames sit 13th in the league at 21.6% PP efficiency, which is certainly maintainable. I think if he stays healthy this is the year that Giordano tops 70 points.
Calvin De Haan has three points and nine Hits in his last two games. De Haan is a player who rarely reaches 80 games, but if he does he’s looking as if he’ll top 200 Hits. His career high is 140. In leagues that count Hits, he’s becoming an appealing option. He should also, if healthy, reach 20 points and 120 SOG, which would also be a career high. He saw secondary PP time Sunday (with Justin Faulk) for just the second time all season, so I wonder if that will be something to look for in the coming games.
Warren Foegele snapped a 25-game, yes 25-game, pointless drought Sunday. The fact that he was never once scratched ruing his slump tells me something. His value in other areas of the game will keep him in the lineup through thick and thin.
Vladimir Tarasenko has gone seven games without a point. Tarasenko – seven games, and he’s also minus-9 in that span. He is on pace for 53 points, which is his worst production per game since his rookie campaign. His linemate Ryan O’Reilly has four points in that span, but overall has been having an excellent season so it’s hard to imagine that Tarasenko’s production could suffer this much. Having Jaden Schwartz taken off his line has hurt, and I wonder if the Blues would be better served reuniting the Tarasenko – Brayden Schenn – Schwartz line and have O’Reilly play with Perron and Alex Steen or perhaps Robert Thomas or Patrick Maroon. Throughout his career, Tarasenko has been the driver for production on his line, but this year he is clearly the passenger and for whatever reason needs help.
We are 32 to 34 games into the season, depending on which team we’re talking about, and yet seven players have 45 points. That’s seven players reaching approximately 109 points or more – a level that zero players hit in 2017-18. Jack Eichel and Mark Scheifele with big games Sunday to join that club.
Eichel’s been playing on a line with Jeff Skinner and Sam Reinhart, as you know, and that line has been ridiculous lately. Eichel, with four on Sunday, has 25 points in his last 15 games. Reinhart has 19 in 15, Skinner has 14 in 15 (but 10 of them are goals). I took a look at the best lines for this season and the line is ranked 11th (after I filtered out the four-forward PP units that ranked above them). With Jason Pominville on that line instead of Reinhart, the line actually did better and ranked seventh. Looking at Eichel’s line combos, he was with Pominville for 28.5% of his ES shifts and tallied 41.2% of his ES points. He was with Reinhart for 37.2% of his shifts and that resulted in 32.4% of his ES points. Far more production with Pominville, but perhaps Sunday’s big game in which the trio with Reinhart combined for nine points was that moment in which the line really meshed.
Reinhart, by the way, is on a 10-game points streak.
By the way, the top line was of course Mikko Rantanen, Nathan MacKinnon and Gabriel Landeskog – and that was also the top producing line of 2017-18. Run this report in Frozen Tools to see the full list of top line combos this season.
After what I think was a short break (correct me if I’m wrong WPG fans), Nik Ehlers was put back on the Scheifele line and popped for three points. He had four points in 13 games to start the season and has 20 in 20 ever since.
Scheifele has three consecutive three-point games. The last player to do that for the franchise was Marc Savard back in 2005.
Tyler Myers had four points in 27 games to start the season and has six in his last five – three of them on the power play. He’s been seeing regular secondary PP minutes over the last nine games and that unit has been better of late. He pairs with Morrissey on the PP, while Dustin Byfuglien mans the top unit. Jacob Trouba has been removed from the power play altogether, it would seem – just 48 seconds total over the last four games.
Coach Paul Maurice is still riding Big Buff as his main QB, but he has to notice that Josh Morrissey has arrived. Even with secondary PP time he has 12 points in his last 11 games with four of them with the man advantage. The torch will be passed to Morrissey soon enough, but it seems as though he’s going to just walk in and take it on his own terms, and say “screw it” to the coach’s timeline.
Mathieu Perreault has points in eight of his last nine games. Maybe the 30-year-old still has gas in the tank after all. He had been so horrible over the last 20 games of 2017-18 and the first 24 games of this year, that I had my doubts. Just eight points during that span, plus a forgettable postseason in which he was dealing with a lower-body injury. I had figured that perhaps that injury had become something that stuck with him long-term and impacted his play.
Speaking of slumps – four points in 14 games for Yanni Gourde. He’s playing with Ondrej Palat and Steven Stamkos and still seeing decent PP time so I’d like to think that he’ll shake this soon.
A certain player in the G position was pulled Sunday for St. Louis. I’m not going to get into that, I am staying strong in my vow not to discuss that position for an entire Ramblings. But playing against that particular person in charge of guarding the twine was a real boon for the red-hot Flames’ scorers. Of course…James Neal wasn’t a part of the seven goals, but Auston Czarnik was. And I spoke of big line combos, and that line of Johnny Hockey – Sean Monahan – Elias Lindholm ranks third, combining for seven points Sunday.
But back to Neal vs. Czarnik in what is becoming my pet cause. I’m not saying Czarnik is great or anything, I’m just saying it sure would be nice to see what he can do if given the same chances that Neal gets:
Neal has seen about 522 minutes of ice time, with 76.5 minutes on the PP, with most of those 445.4 ES minutes with Matt Tkachuk on his line. He has five points at even strength and two on the power play. That’s a point every 100 minutes at ES and every 38 minutes on the power play, give or take.
Czarnik has seen about 226 minutes of ice time, with 27.3 minutes on the PP, with most of those 199 minutes at ES also with Tkachuk on his line. He has six points at ES and one on the PP. That’s a point every 38 minutes at even strength and 27 minutes on the power play, give or take. The contract is doing the talking here. The track record. Their puck luck is about the same (similar 5on5 S%), and Neal is getting sheltered minutes with a lot of offensive zone starts that Czarnik doesn’t get. And yet Czarnik’s CF% is higher (better possession), and his IPP is way higher (75% of goals scored when he’s on the ice he gets a point on vs. 43.8% for Neal). I’d just love to see him get a shot.
In a 7-2 loss Vince Dunn was in on both St. Louis goals and has five points in his last six games. He has stormed out to the lead among the talented Blues’ defensemen in scoring with 14 points on the season, three more than the injured Alex Pietrangelo and four more than Colton Parayko. He also have five points on the power play while the rest of the team’s defensemen combine for six.
Aw crap. I made it most of the way into the Ramblings without mentioning a ‘G’. I watched the Calgary/St. Louis game and caught the final half of the Edmonton/Vancouver game, but didn’t see the San Jose/Chicago game nor even flip to it for a second. And so in reviewing that one, I see that Martin Jones got shelled. Three goals given up on four shots and he now sits 46th in the NHL for save percentage. It’s been a terrible season for Jones and frankly after his initial year with San Jose he hasn’t been good at all since. Two great games – his best of the campaign – in early December gave us a bit of hope, but the Sharks are piling up the W’s despite him not because of him. Anyway, trust in the contract. He’ll continue to get all the starts he needs and will probably get 30 to 33 wins again. But I don’t see that SV% reaching 0.910 and perhaps not even 0.905. And this is the first year of his gaudy six-year contract. Thanks Martin, for ruining my goalie-free Ramblings. I even got past the St. Louis guy getting pulled without mentioning his name or position.
Kevin Labanc, who had two points Sunday, has seasonal points-per-game averages of 0.36, 0.52 and now 0.65 in this his third year (53-point pace, thank you Frozen Tools). We love steady development trajectories and I don’t have to tell you what I think next year will bring.
Dylan Sikura was called up by Chicago last week and picked up his first point of the season Sunday, an assist. He’s been lining up with Brendan Perlini and David Kampf. His 18 points in 26 games for Rockford sit him 12th in the AHL among rookies.
Jujhar Khaira is becoming a very good fantasy option in leagues that count Hits. He has seven points in his last nine games plus 24 Hits. Thirty points and 150 Hits would be a great return on an often overlooked second-year player. The preseason projection for him in my Fantasy Guide had 20 points and 135 Hits.
Interesting stat, after a Sunday that also included Brock Boeser picking up three points and Elias Pettersson extending his points streak to seven games: 668 of 3148 goals scored this season were scored by players 22 years old or younger (21.2%). The last time this happened was in 1987-88 when it was 25.8%. Gretzky was 26 that year so he wasn’t a part of the 25.8%, but teammates Esa Tikkanen and Craig Simpson were. Top scorers that year at 22 or under – Mario Lemieux of course, Jimmy Carson and Luc Robitaille.
See you next Monday.
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      from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-rambling/ramblings-yes-giordano-norris-blah-blah-tarasenkos-slump-under-the-radar-players-and-more-dec-17/
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thegloober · 6 years
A Lost Year for Jordan Montgomery [2018 Season Review]
Sorting through possible trade partners for Sonny Gray
Among the best developments in Yankeeland last season was Jordan Montgomery showing he’s a viable big league starting pitcher. He went to Spring Training as a non-roster invitee and beat out 40-man roster players like Luis Cessa and Bryan Mitchell for the fifth starter’s job. Montgomery threw 155.1 innings with a 3.88 ERA (4.07 FIP) last year and was the best rookie pitcher in baseball by fWAR.
This season the hope was Montgomery would plow forward with his development while providing quality innings every fifth day. Does he have the tools to be an ace? No, not really. But pitchers don’t have to have ace potential to be useful, especially when they’re young and cheap. For years the Yanks had no success developing cheap back of the rotation starters. Now they had one in Montgomery and it was exciting.
Rather than move forward with his development, Montgomery was hit by the injury bug this summer, and eventually needed Tommy John surgery. He made six starts and threw 27.1 innings with a 3.62 ERA (4.22 FIP) before his elbow gave out. Montgomery’s season ended on May 1st. Baseball can be a real jerk sometimes. Let’s dig into Montgomery’s unfortunately abbreviated sophomore season.
Five Solid Starts
Montgomery made six starts in 2018 but it was really only five starts. He exited his sixth start after one inning with his elbow injury. It was a seven-pitch 1-2-3 first inning against George Springer, Jose Altuve, and Carlos Correa. That was it. Walking off the field after that first inning in Houston was the last time we saw Montgomery on the field this season.
Coming into the season, Montgomery did not have to compete for a rotation spot. The Yankees and Aaron Boone were very open about having their five starters picked out (Montgomery, Sonny Gray, CC Sabathia, Luis Severino, Masahiro Tanaka) going into Spring Training. There was no rigged fifth starter’s competition or anything. The job was Montgomery’s. As it should’ve been.
“I viewed it as he was a front-runner for that spot,” said Boone in March. “We are really excited, not only about the year he put together last year but where we think he will continue to go. When I look at him I look at him as one of our starters.”
The schedule did not allow the Yankees to skip their fifth starter early in the season, so Montgomery started the fifth game of the year, and it happened to be the home opener. The home opener was of course snowed out, originally. Rather than use the snowout to skip Montgomery, the Yankees stayed on turn, and the next day Montgomery allowed one run in five innings against the Rays in the first game at Yankee Stadium in 2018.
In his five real starts before the injury, Montgomery only had one clunker, when he allowed four runs on eleven hits and a walk in 4.1 innings against the Orioles in his second start. Ouch. A quality start against the Tigers followed, then, in his fourth start, Montgomery had his best outing of his abbreviated year, throwing six innings of one run ball against the Blue Jays on April 21st.
As you can see in the video, Montgomery was dancing in and out of danger all afternoon, which is sorta his thing. He put up a better than average 79.3% strand rate this year thanks to a .208/.309/.354 (.296 wOBA) line with men on base and .130/.231/.130 (.181 wOBA) with runners in scoring position. Jams are inevitable and being able to escape them is cool, but it’d be down with seeing fewer of them going forward. (Montgomery put 37 runners on base in 26.1 innings in his five real starts. Eh.)
The Yankees had their starters on a very short leash early in the season as they controlled workloads, and Montgomery’s pitch count in his five starts was built up gradually: 80, 86, 91, 91, 98. That was not a Montgomery thing. It was an everyone thing. The Yankees did not let a starter throw 100 pitches until April 22nd, in the 20th game of the season. They did all they can to protect their arms. Teams do all they can to keep guys healthy and sometimes they still get hurt. That’s baseball.
Montgomery finished with a 3.62 ERA (4.22 FIP) in 27.1 innings with a strikeout rate that was down from last year (22.2% vs. 19.8%) and a walk rate that up from last year (7.9% to 10.3%). It’s difficult to know how much of that is sample size noise and how much of that can be attributed to the injury. Elbow woes do tend to lead to control problems, which could explain the increase in walk rate. That said, the plate discipline numbers real quick:
2017 Zone Rate: 42.8% 2018 Zone Rate: 43.1%
2018 Chase Rate: 35.2% 2018 Chase Rate: 34.1%
Montgomery’s zone and chase rates this year were essentially the same as last year. Within the bounds of normal fluctuation, especially given how few innings Montgomery threw this year. His average fastball velocity was down from last April (92.1 mph vs. 90.9 mph) which was a red flag, though it was very cold this April and Montgomery was coming off the biggest workload of his career. Losing a mile-an-hour was a red flag but alarm bells had not sounded.
Sometimes injuries just happen. Sometimes the biggest and strongest dudes with clean health records get hurt. The Yankees really eased up on Montgomery in the second half last season (remember Jaime Garcia getting all those starts?) and his workload increase wasn’t that extreme. Montgomery threw 163.1 innings last year. His previous career high was 152 innings in 2016. Minor league innings are not big league innings, but that’s not an insane jump. Anyway, here’s the timeline of Montgomery’s injury:
May 1st: Exited his start with what was initially called elbow tightness.
May 2nd: Initial diagnosis is a flexor strain with a 6-8 week recovery timetable.
May 26th: Montgomery starts playing catch.
June 5th: Yankees announce Montgomery needs Tommy John surgery.
I wouldn’t call going from a flexor strain to Tommy John surgery common but it does happen. It happened to Joba Chamberlain back in the day. It happened with Jason Vargas a few years ago. Johnny Cueto had a flexor strain late last year, dealt with more elbow problems this year, and then had Tommy John surgery after trying to pitch through it. I don’t think Montgomery or the Yankees did anything wrong here. Pitchers break. It’s what they do.
Another Year, Another Tommy John Surgery
For the Yankees, that is. Not Montgomery. This is his first real arm injury. He never missed a start in college or pro ball before his elbow gave out this year. The Yankees, on the other hand, have now had a starting pitcher undergo Tommy John surgery in each of the last five seasons. The list:
2018: Jordan Montgomery (June)
2017: Michael Pineda (July)
2016: Nathan Eovaldi (August)
2015: Chase Whitley (May)
2014: Ivan Nova (April)
Okay, we’re pushing it with Whitley since he wasn’t in the Opening Day rotation, but he did make four starts before needing Tommy John surgery in 2015. Five years, five starters going down with Tommy John surgery. Approximately 26% of big league pitchers have had elbow reconstruction at some point. Losing a starter a year to Tommy John surgery is kinda par for the course. That doesn’t make it easier to swallow when it happens.
What’s Next?
More rehab. There haven’t been any updates on Montgomery’s progress since his surgery, which isn’t terribly uncommon for a non-star player in the early months of Tommy John surgery rehab. Not a whole lot happens in the first few months after elbow reconstruction. Montgomery had his surgery on June 7th and he should start throwing soon if he hasn’t already. It’s a long throwing program. Usually four or five months on flat ground before getting back up on a mound.
“I just show up every day and do what they tell me what to do. I have the same shoulder workouts every day. I run a mile. I put my arm in heat, then an arm bike and then do shoulder workouts,” said Montgomery to Randy Miller in late-August. “I’m probably getting close to being able to play catch, another month or so. That usually happens after four or five months. I’ll do it at home (in South Carolina). They have me set up with a therapist in Charleston.”
I’m not going lie, I am a bit worried about Montgomery post-surgery. He is the kind good-not-great stuff guy who has the most to lose after Tommy John surgery. A little velocity loss or reduced bite on the breaking ball could push Montgomery from rotation option to fringe big leaguer. Montgomery’s good! But his margin of error was never big to begin with, and if he loses a little something due to surgery, it’ll change his long-term outlook. It is what it is. Sucks.
For now, Montgomery is continuing to rehab and he’s not expected back until the middle of next season. These days the typical Tommy John surgery rehab timetable is 14-16 months rather than 12-14 months. Teams have slowed the process down after there was a sudden rash of pitchers needing a second Tommy John surgery a few years ago. Montgomery is expected back at some point next year but the Yankees can’t pencil him in for anything, obviously. He might not be back to his pre-surgery self until 2020. Whatever he gives them next year is a bonus.
“I’ll be throwing bullpens in Spring Training probably and I’ll probably be back pitching in games before the All-Star break,” Montgomery added while talking to Miller. “I’ll be back next year. I’ll be the knight in shining armor in the second half.”
Sorting through possible trade partners for Sonny Gray
Source: https://bloghyped.com/a-lost-year-for-jordan-montgomery-2018-season-review/
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kentucky insurance kynect
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Does the mazda 3 have high insurance costs?
just wondering if it would be in the sports car range or the sedan range?
How old to Sell Life and Health Insurance in Kansas?
Today I had an interview for Penn Life Insurance, and Im 17. He told me to join license2go so they could prepare me for my license test, and then to take my test. Well I was wondering if I had to be 18 to sell insurance? how would I approach him on this manner?""
Good deals on car insurance?
Ok so me and my wife have been insured by American Family Insurance and pay about $400 a year. My 17 year old son recently got his license and we want to add him to our policy. He barely drives (we only have one car), but we want to add his name just in case. When I asked Amer. Fam. Ins., they gave a quote for almost $1000 a year, which is more than double the amount I'm currently paying!! And that's with the Good Student Discount as well!! I was wondering if any of you guys know a reliable company that could provide a cheaper rate.""
Car insurance so much money?
my car insurance when i was 18 was $155 a month for a 95 honda civic. now i am 19, in the military and im planning to get a 08-12 honda civic. i got a quote on progressive and it said $520 a month, wtf?! i then tried usaa and they quoted me around $250. is there anyway to get my insurance down? i dont even want a car if my insurance will be more than my car payment. any advice or help is appreciated.""
5 Door Vs 4 Door Car Insurance?
Why is a 5 Door car cheaper on insurance than a 4 door car? ive been looking at getting a new 2008 Subaru Impreza i want the 4 door but 5 door is like 1000 cheapers for insurance.
How much is home insurance for a log cabin in North Georgia?
I'm interested in purchashing a log cabin in the North Georgia mountains. How much would home insurance cost if the home is approximately $160,000?""
What do car insurance companies have access to?
my friend was trying to tell me what he did to get him cheaper insurance.... he lied through his teeth so do insurance companies in Canada have access to the following: marriage status medical records where you live if you have kids security on house and car driving records and what other info do they have access to because my friend said he lied about all that and pays cheap insurance now
Do I need to have insurance to drive a car across country?
The car is registered in California under a family member's name. I'm 18 living in Pennsylvania. I want to be able to drive this car from California to Pennsylvania. So do I need to register for insurance before i start driving the vehicle across country?
""Got caught speeding 36 in a 20, not listed on insurance, driving alone with a learned license?
My driving test is the day before my court hearing and I was wondering how much all this will cost and also if I'm gonna be able to take my test still
""If you have Mercury Insurance in the state of Florida, how much will the insurance cost for new 2014 Kia Forte?""
It's the base car no extra things in, just the LX""
License suspended because of no insurance?
What happens after that? I live in California and I couldn't afford insurance then but now I can. Question is will i be able to get my license back if I get insurance immediately or will I have to reapply for a new one and pay back fines which add up daily?
Can I afford to get pregnant?
My husband and I are both in school and working part time. We currently don't have health insurance because we can't get it through our jobs and can't afford any outside insurance. We really want to have a baby, but are worried about paying for all of the pre/postnatal care. Is there a way to get help without putting us in tons of debt?""
Are there any well known and reliable insurance companies in Florida that provide homeowner's insurance?
Seems that every insurance company is leaving Florida.
""Does your primary car insurance extend to rental cars?If so, does it really cover all expenses of an accident?""
Ever since I switched to Geico, I have verified with them that my car insurance policy extends to rental cars whenever I rent them out. Which is great, because it saves me money by waiving all the extra rental companies insurance surcharges per day. However, a recent alamo agent informed me even though i maybe saving money and my primary carrier extends to the rental car sometimes geico may not cover everything. Such as time of replacement. The time lost to the rental car company when geico works out the replacement of a total loss rental car. This maybe a hoax for me to buy alamo insurance, but I wanted to know from those experienced should I worry? Does primary insurances really extend to rental cars and do they cover everything i may encounter if I was in an accident? Would my credit card rental car accident insurance cover what my primary wouldnt cover? Curious...thanks""
Why is car insurance so higher in UK than other countries?
In my home country, I did not even think about car insurance cost when I bought a car. It was just a small amount of money. In UK, when I try to buy a cheap secondhand car, the insurance cost higher than the car price. 2002 Nissan Primera cost 900 pounds while insurance quoted me 1169 pounds for that car. Why insurance cost more than the car price? I am not intending to claim by knowing the amount of excess money (higher than the car price) I have to pay in the first place if I want to claim.""
Does any one knows if a time requirement exist that you have to notify your car insurance co. if you're hit?
My car was hit in a parking lot. the other driver told me to get an estimate for the damages and he will write a check. if the cost is too high, his insurance co will pay. do I have to tell mey insureance co. about this? is there a minimum time that I have to tell my insureance co? thank you.""
Can i list my vehicle at another adress for insurance?
hi, i own a 2006 acura RSX-s and i live in the philadelphia suburbs. my insurance is quite PRICEY! any how, my father owns property in northern PA which is primarily farm land, and insurance would be alot cheaper if listed there. tho i dont live there, can i list my insurance there? is there anything illegal or could it hurt me? i see alot of people with New Jersey tags who live in PA to get cheaper Insurance. what do you suggest, and what would i have to do, change adress on D/L etc?""
Do I have to have car insurance?
I'm 18, and I'm getting my first car that I'm paying for in two weeks (2006 Ford Mustang). Unfortunately, I don't think my mom will put me on her insurance. I don't have enough money to pay for my own insurance. My mom told me its illegal to drive around without insurance (Is this true? And how would police know?) Also, what would happen if I got into a car accident with damage to both cars and I was at fault?""
How much does it cost to insure a first car in the UK?
I don't want a super fast car, just a banger to get me around, I was thinking Ford Ka or a 1960's mini, also if it's used does that effect insurance? And any hidden costs that I should know about? And does having an old car make it cheaper or more expensive to run? Also any hints tips or suggestions would be very welcome, thank you. :)""
Can two insurance agents get different quotes?
Two local agents both from State Farm, different agencies though...Can they get different quotes or will it all be the same since it's all State Farm? Thanks!""
Suggestions for health insurance.?
I'm an owner operator truck driver which a means I need to get my own health insurance. I'm seeking the best coverage for the money.
What is the definition of basic legal cover for car insurance?
Like if my car insurance company tells me that when driving other peoples cars, I have basic legal cover Is this any different than third party cover? Like say I'm driving someone elses car how much am I covered With my insurance it doesnt need to be an emergency for me to be covered driving someone elses car, just wondering how much I'm covered Because I was told that that level of cover is less than third party cover Thanks""
Can someone tell me about life insurance? What is term? whole?
What company do you recommend? Anything else you can educate me on would be terrific! Thank you very much.
Car insurance do i have to tell them ??
am trying to fill in a form for a quote, i was involed in a crash which wasnt my fault, the other person admitted responsability, do i have to declare this as a claim ?? or do i not mention this, am trying to get a quote for this years car insurance Thanks""
Do you have to add your new teenage driver to AAA insurance if you want them covered.?
Do you have to add your new teenage driver to AAA insurance if you want them covered.?
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kentucky insurance kynect
Resolved Question Show me another  In what ways does buying a car affect auto insurance premiums?
I'm looking at buying or leasing a new car and am wondering how that'll affect my auto insurance premium. Also, which features in a new car affect the premium. I've heard about red paint and sports cars causing higher premiums, but are there any other factors?""
How does LIFE INSURANCE work?
my cousins dad dies of cancer and he had life insurance. the family got $500,000 . -did the insurance company just give them the money away. or did they make certain payments? doesnt insurance lose money? -do they go on a spending spree now or what?""
Will my Car Insurance rates go up for 1 speeding ticket?
I just got a speeding ticket this morning (66mph in a 50). I have a really good record. Will my insurance go up? I have State Farm in Ohio. Thanks!
What kind of insurance is good and affordable for an 18yr old female and their first car?
What kind of insurance is good and affordable for an 18yr old female and their first car?
""10 points! I'm 17, moved out, car insurance?""
Ok, so in 7 months i am moving out of my moms house and in with my boyfriends family for a year or two. ( My mom is aware of all of this btw) Anyways, allstate is throwing me off my moms car insurance due to the fact she will live in a seperate state and away from me. The time i move and the time i turn 18 is a two month difference. I move in june my bday is in august. It's nearly impossible for me to find insurance qoutes because im not 18! I do't want to get emancipated it seems like a waste for 2 months difference, but if i do can i get insurance on my own? i will be sharing this car with another driver older the age of 18 but still cosidered a young driver. What are my options? I have to drive to get to work!""
""Americans only, How can we get health care affordable to all.?""
weather, it a one large insurance company big, as a Government or a socialism type system, or even a military type system, we need something instead of this Republican/Dem do nothing talk show. were going into the 21 Century. to have a mess like we got , people cant even afford to die. And all the one talking in Govt. have their family covered, so it no big thing to them. We haft to get a handel on it to even think of controlling DEBT at all. It and oil what cause the national DEBT to get out of control.""
About how much does a car alarm save on auto insurance?
I know this depends but just give me a GUESS. or how about; use yourself as an example. How much do you save, or would you save, if you had a car alarm?""
""How much do i have to pay to cancel my auto insurance, if the vehicle is parked?""
My vehicle is currently parked and has parking insurance, this vehicle has been parked for over a week now, but i currently found some cheaper insurance and i would like to cancel my insurance, how much will it cost me to cancel it.""
What are the different types of life insurance?
and which ones are better to get, middle age ,non smoker""
Does production company need insurance?
One of my biggest concerns when starting a production company that would specialize in small time video making for buisnesses and there services for marketing and commercials possibly who knows would be INSURANCE would I need liability insurance or is it illegal to just not have that or is it for piece of mind.So say if my production business shoots a restaurant and there services and then shoot some motor cross business where they advertise there atvs and vehicles etc.If the answer is yes then what if I use my own stunt riders? is liability insurance a law to have? I'm in the TEXAS
I got an unbelievably low quote from Response Wordwide Auto Insurance.Should I switch from StateFarm?
Their quote is about 1/2 that of all others
Which do you think is the cheapest car insurance company in chicago?
Which do you think is the cheapest car insurance company in chicago?
Need help insurance gurus?
What is the best route to getting insurance for weight loss procedures? I haven't had insurance in 3 years
Home-owner's Insurance Question?
Okay, maybe a stupid question, but I need help here to settle an argument. I say that home owner's insurance does NOT cover an air conditioner if it breaks, unless it is tied to a disaster event i.e. lightening strike, fire, etc.. Husband says that you can have it in your policy that insurance company will pay to repair or replace the air conditioner if it just breaks down, as long as it is within the manufacturer's expiration date.""
If the law didn't require you to buy car insurance...?
how many people would buy car insurance?
Will a medical suspension raise car insurance rates?
My wife has a medical suspension and is trying to get her license back. She has 0 points on her record. I know if you are suspended for stupidity (DUI, reckless driving, ect) then your car insurance rates go up, but do they go up for a medical suspension??""
""My homeowners insurance dropped me, what am I going to do?""
I had two claims in two years. They won't renew, my policy has expired and I can't find anyone that will cover me. Anyone sell insurance? I had a claim last summer when a limb fell through my camper. The insurance paid out $500. October 2007 I had a pipe burst in my foundation they had to pay out $22,000 that time. Right now I'm uninsured and nervous.""
Who offers cheapest auto insurance for 25 year old males in la?
give insurance estimates
How much is for all tests for motorcycle and insurances?
Hi, im trying to get a motorcycle unless next year.. I know there are 3 types of M licence.. but how much to take each tests? and if i get M1 licence do i need to practice to take a M2 road test? but i know how to drive manual motorcycles i used to have motorcycle b4 after i've got M1 licence can i just go straight for road test? i heard there are many differences fees for insurance depends on company and use freeway or not plz can you tell me which company is cheapest without freeway? and price of each licence test ;; thank you""
Insurance on a reeeeeeally cheap car?
So here's my story. I want to learn to drive standard before I purchase my serious car but the thing is, I dont know how! Now, I've asked almost everyone I know that can drive standard to teach me but no one has kept their word. I found a cheap car that's standard (has a turbo too!) for a really low price. When I'm driving the car home (when/if I buy it) and when Im driving around learning how to drive a standard, do I need insurance on the car? Is there anything I can say so to the insurer so that I dont have to pay that much insurance? I plan to drive the car for maybe 2 weeks until I'm confident driving one. How about license plates? Do I need to buy a new one? Can I just renew an old plate I have laying around? Thanks!""
Can I still drive a car without insurance?
i have my license but i don't have insurance in the car
AAA insurance question.?
I signed up for insurance for a home when I bought it 7 years ago. I told them I wanted full replacement which is what you have to have in order to get a mortgage. 7 years ago when I went down there to sign papers I specifically told him that I wanted to make sure everything was at full replacement value and my husband wanted to make sure the roof had full replacement value. I told the insurance guy that he is a roofer so that was a main thing he wanted me to make sure we had. The insurance guy laughed and made a little joke about it. So now, 7 years later we had hail damage and guess what.. my house does have full replacement value and all our property inside has full replacement value everything but the roof. Hmmm..imagine that. So I am sure I signed papers without reading the contract, I just took his word for it. Is there anything I can do? I am going to report this to the local new station. The insurance guy out right lied to me. This is in oklahoma. Is there a district office in oklahoma? I googled it and couldn't find anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.""
Health Insurance while Pregnant? AZ-?
I'm from Arizona- This clinic I went to advised ACCESS insurance, and when I tried to apply, I was denied for living at home or not being 19 years of age if either of these were different, I would be qualified for this insurance. but because I am 18 and still living at home- and my mom won't help me to get on any type of insurance- I don't know what to do. My boyfriend is stressing me to figure something out. I quit my job to move out of the city and go to my Dad's to better take care of myself. His family makes too much money for me to be eligible for insurance under his name. I'm not yet in my second term- but close. I also want to know what to do for prenatal care- I've been taking the vitamins, and during pregnancy I was smoking cigarettes, pot, drinking, - other; (Granted I had no idea about my current condition) what can I do to insure a healthy child? homeopathic remedies are in favor, but I'm at my limit and I need serious advice""
How much should one spend on their first car?
Here is the problem. I am a photographer who photographs rural areas, but I can't stand not living in the city. I don't drive, cause I live in Chicago and I thought I hated driving. I think I just hated drivers ed. SO now I want to drive everywhere and work more often instead of waiting until I can find someone to drive me around. I am obviously going to be road tripping a lot, and this is my first car. I need something with great MPG. I live in Chicago, but my mom lives downstate, although I'd like to share it with her. I'm thinking either a used prius, mini cooper, or volkeswagon. I'm 19. What do you think would be the best choice, and what costs am I looking at for insurance, ect?""
Do Muslims pay more for insurance?
I live in Slough, Bucks. My car insurance is very expensive due to where I live. Some insurance companies wont even provide insurance at all in my area. I looked at a map at an insurance brokers that showed high risk areas and I have noticed that the high risk/expensive areas happen to have a high Muslim population. Are the government aware of this.""
kentucky insurance kynect
kentucky insurance kynect
Car Insurance Yearly Cost.?
I am a 19 year old male, and have had a licence for basically 3 years now, I live in Alberta Canada, and have already completed my Test to get off of my GDL (Graduated Drivers Licence). I have taken, and completed driver training, and I have not made a claim or gotten any driving infractions (tickets or whatever) whatsoever. Without collision on my 2003 honda Civic coupe, what should my yearly insurance payment be? Right not I am paying $1600 and it seems like it is too much.""
My insurance and buying a new car?
Ok so I've been recently driving for more than 2 years and i haven't been in any accidents (knock on wood) and I've been looking into buying a new car (current car is 22 years old). Buuuuut my dad told me since that we're with Mercury insurance, i have to wait a total or estimate of three years to buy a new car without my insurance going through the roof. Do i really have to wait another year to buy my car???? Should i just wait? I plan on buying a 2014 Chevy Cruze 2.0TD""
""How much does a 25 years old male student pay for car insurance,tax for a 1.5 litre car & MOT as a new driver?""
I live in the West Midlands, just got my license looking to get an estimate of how much a car insurance costs as a 25 years old male, student. I also looking to know how much is tax for a 1.5 litre engine car plus MOT.""
How much is a fine for driving someone else's car with no insurance?
i have insurance on my car but the car i was driving didnt have insurance.
Base salary start for insurance office in california?
How much do you estimate I'd get as an administrative assistant in an insurance office? I have a possible job opportunity to consider for them to help me become a licensed agent and get commision and bonuses. The boss man said he does base salary.
""How much would 100,000 libility insurance cost? roughly or estimate?""
I'm looking to start a security company and am trying to figure a monthly premium. I know I need at least 100,000 of libility insurance. I don't have my license yet, so insurance companies wont even talk to me util I can give them more info. The prob is, I need a rough estimate of start up costs. Thank you""
How expensive is car insurance under my own name rather than my Mom's name?
My mom's car insurance covers me...but they are threatening to take me off her insurance over something stupid. Does anybody have any idea of how much more expensive it is if I get my own car insurance under my name instead? I'm 23, male, in Ontario, Canada.""
Car insurance.....???
What is the best Insurance Company for young adults? I'm 23 years old. Who can save me the most money??
I have no health insurance for my 5 month old?
Ok so my 5 month old hasn't gotten we shots because I came back to NYC from CA due to my mother being sick but I don't planned to live here so I don't want to reopen a Medicaid case out here is there anywhere i could go or something i could do? Plz help
""I need to get an insurance but not sure which is a good one,?
i am a cleaner and need to get insured for accidental damage as i work in the customers homes. thanks
Would insurance be higher on suv/truck or car/sedan?
For example Mitsubishi Montero Sport vs Volkswagen passat, Nissan maxima, or Mitsubishi galant.""
I'm about to get my drivers permit. Do I need insurance?
I'm about to turn 16 in a few months. I just figured out that I need to complete driver education and am in the process of that now. When I do receive my permit in a few weeks do I have to immediately purchase insurance? I'm going to be driving my dads subaru. He will obviously be in the car with me at all times. Do I still need to buy insurance at all?
How much would i pay for car Insurance?
How much would i pay for car Insurance for cheap car that cost me honda accord 2000,I am 25 Years old, never been in any accident,I got my license 7 years ago""
What types of risks can be transferred in insurance?
What types of risks can be transferred in insurance?
Are there rental cars that can be covered by personal car insurance?
I was wondering this because I wanted to rent a car but was afraid that I'd have to pay for the extra cost of insurance that the car's under. I have Mercury as an insurance and want it to use as my insurance instead of paying. Thanks... ^_^ v
Car Insurance Problems. Pain in The neck?
Im 22 and I have a terrible credit score. I am looking to insure my car by myself which has always been insured by other people like my parents/boyfriends mom etc. I know my credit score is my own fault but I have been running into difficulties trying to find a decent car insurer for my vehicle. Does anyone know a place that will offer car insurance even though I have poor credit? I know I will pay a lot more than if I had a good credit score but I am in dire need of insurance and am willing to pay a bit more than usual. Alot of places have even denied me car insurance because of the my credit score so If anyone knows a place (not geico, progessive, unitrin or allstate) that will be helpful and will possibly insure me, can u please let me know:-) Oh yeah Im residing in NJ, if thats helpful!""
How much do you pay for FULL COVERAGE auto insurance?
I am trying to understand rates more and am interested in hearing what people pay for full-coverage auto insurance. How old are you, where do you live, what insurance company do you have, how much do you pay per 6 months? (Please only answer if you pay for full or maximum coverage) I currently have Allstate and pay around $300/6 mo. I am interested in hearing from CUSTOMERS what they actually pay instead of getting quotes from companies. I would like to gauge cheap/expensive.""
Question on auto insurance?
I am quite new to owing a car and getting insurance, when obtaining quotes what are some of the questions that you ask the insurance agent? Also, are there different policies that cover if your vehicle is stolen or does this come in the standard policy? Any other useful info that anyone could provide will be appreciated. Thanks.""
When do car insurance rates drop?
At what age do car insurance rates drop? Currently I am a 20 year old male living in Kansas. Also what else will cause insurance to go down. If you get married, have kids, etc....? Thanks.""
Will the check from the auto insurance company be in my name or my mom's?
under name of insured it has my mom's name and my name. the car is in my name. I hit a car and the insurance company is sending a check for the repair costs after the deductible. will the check be in my name or my mom's name??
Do I have to have a job that offers dental insurance to get it?
how do I find an easy and affordable dental insurace that will aceept people that are self-employed?
Uninsured Motorcycle Driver Question?
Recently a friend of mine wanted to purchase a motorcycle that he found a super great deal on. Because his credit is very average he asked me to purchase the cycle and he would make me payments plus interest. I agreed and took out a loan for the bike. However a few weeks later he decided it would be ok to take the bike out for a spin UNINSURED. He had a run in with several trick or treaters and their parents. Since it was an unlit road, they were in the middle, and he was going under the speed limit. The cops ruled it not his fault. However now two insurance companies are coming after me to subrogate the liabilities. Since he was the driver but I am the owner. What are my rights? Can they still blame him? Am I liable?""
Is there an insurance company who will insure a Dutch car?
I have just moved back to England after spending 11 years in Holland and i have a very nice car which i dont want to sell. I have changed my Dutch driving license to english and would like to know if there is an insurance company who will insure my dutch registered car. If so i can then make an appointment to have the headlights changed. Thanks for your time. Sue.
Will my insurance cover my car?
I went to the mall to shop for an hour or so and came out to my car to find someone had crashed into the rear end of my car and left without leaving any info. I made a police report but im still waiting to report it to my agent/company. will i be covered at all? i estimate the damage at $1500 I have comprehensive and unisured driver insurance, but no collision insurance i live in California""
kentucky insurance kynect
kentucky insurance kynect
Any estimations on how much my car insurance will be? Uk.?
Im 17 in november, in gonna start to drive but i was wondering if anyone iceby ideas on how much my car insurance would be based on what i tell you. I live in the uk. I cant go on my parents insurance because they dont drive. In gonna get a 1.4 or 1.6 engine car. An thats all i can tell you, can anyone please have a rough estimation on prices?""
If i pay more of a down payment on my insurance will i get a lower premium?
Cost for the car im looking at monthly is $398, they want a $401 down payment, if i pay $501 will it take it down?""
Cheapest car insurance?
Does anyone know the best deals around for third party fire and theft? The quotes I have been given are ridiculous compared to last year, I'm sick of shopping around having to keep repeating the details then to find that the quote is as bad as the first! Thanks Guys if you can recommend....""
What is the cheapest auto insurance?
Hi thanks for taking your time to answer this question... I have geico right now, but dont think its the cheapest insurance company I have... I dont really care if customer service is bad, as long as its cheap!!! so please tell me... WHATS A CHEAP INSURANCE COMPANY??? lol""
Roughly how much will my car insurance be?
I'm a female and 18 in July, my parents have bought me a 2010 Toyota Yaris for my birthday.. But I have to pay for the insurance (fair enough deal!) Roughly how much would it cost? Would it be much cheaper if I went under my parents insurance?""
Driving Lessons+ Insurance+Car?
when i turn 17 i get about 4,200 . now im wanting to spend that money on something improtant, to me thats a car, lessons and insurance. will i have enough to do this? say i pass etc how much will the insurance cost & the lessons""
G2 Insurance?
I'm working on getting my G2 license, but once I get it, will I have to get insurance? If I'm not driving, nobody would ever know that I don't have insurance, right? I want to have my license so that when I *can* afford insurance, I'll be able to drive.""
Non-vehicle owner driver's insurance?
I just got my drivers licensce today. I need insurance to drive even though I don't own my own car and will use my parents?
Will my insurance cost more this year?
hello people ... so i was wondering if anyone thinks my insurance will cost more this year. i have a motorbike honda cbr125. last year it cost me 450 to insure. looking at the insurance this year it says around 550-650 will mine be this much?
Who provides the best Renter's Insurance in California??? What is Renter's Insurance Anyway?
Hello... I am new to renter's insurance. Does anybody know a good website that I can do research??? Generally what does renter's insurance cover??? Thank you for your answers!!!
Which auto insurance is cheapest in new orleans?
Which auto insurance is cheapest in new orleans?
Should Military Buy Private Insurance?
Bad press, including major mockery of the plan by comedian Jon Stewart, led to President Obama abandoning his proposal to require veterans carry private health insurance to cover the estimated $540 million annual cost to the federal government of treatment for injuries to military personnel received during their tours on active duty. The President admitted that he was puzzled by the magnitude of the opposition to his proposal. Look, it's an all volunteer force, Obama complained. Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and accepted the risks. Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice? It doesn't compute.. I thought these were people who were proud to sacrifice for their country, Obama continued I wasn't asking for blood, just money. With the country facing the worst financial crisis in its history, I'd have thought that the patriotic thing to do would be to try to help reduce the nation's deficit. I guess I underestimated the selfishness of some of my fellow Americans.""
Does my contractors liability insurance cover roofing subs?
Does my contractors liability insurance cover roofing subs?
Car Insurance! I dont get it!?
I dont understand how it works, i have looked online for some quotes for a Proton Persona 1996, insurance group 12 and i get these results. Annual Premium 1800 total excess 250 ...show more""
Car insurance under my parents name w/o parents being present?
Hi, i live in Miami and my parents are currently out of state. I just bought a car and i need insurance in order to get the title. I was wondering if i can go under my parents insurance without them being present or if i can do it over the phone? also the car is a honda civic ex 99 and i am 19 years old. Its my first car and i have good credit, i am a university student with very good grades, and have not had any tickets or gotten into any car accidents. About how much will my insurance be? and would it be cheaper to be under my parents name, which i might add has been in a lot of car crashes, had a lot of tickets, bad credit, and jus has bad history, or would it be cheaper to just get it on my own??? thank you!!!!!""
Are there any sites where I can compare average insurance rates by model?
I want to get an idea of how much it would cost to insure different cars, but I don't want a quote because they will never leave me alone.""
In the state of Florida do I still need insurance if i'm wearing a helmet on a motorcycle.?
My friend said if i'm wearing a helmet on my motorcycle I am not required to have motorcycle insurance. Is this true? If it is, are there any other rules to this or something?""
Whats the best car i can get for around 3000 to 3500? london?
im 18 so one cheap on insurance. I want a fast, reliable car.""
Can i buy a car with no car insurance?
don't i get the insurance afterwards... both of my parents just past so I'm trying to get my life going....just need a little help NO HATERS
How much is Delta Airlines health insurance premium?
For an Economics family project, I have to be a flight attendant, make a monthly budget and help take care of my family. Probably the only thing missing from my project is health insurance. If I get it through my job , how much does the premium cost or is it covered?""
Which company has the lowest price on car insurance for teenagers in Mississippi?
car insurance
Can anybody help me find the Greyhound Bus Auto Insurance ?
2 week ago I was in auto accident in NYC but I live in New Jersey a greyhound bus hit my parked car door as I opened it, I had a clear of view when i opened it, my car is beyond damaged (97 Honda Accord) thank god I didn't lose my hand, I finally got a official police report, I have the greyhound bus driver licence plate #'s and insurance policy #'s and the insurance code Texas Liability Insurance (not the insurance company name) I called Grey Bus company customer service and corporate office based out of Texas, both phone numbers keep giving me the run around and is a complete waste of time. I called my insurance, and they cant help me , i try google, waste of time as well, please help, all i am trying to do is file a claim and fix my car ASAP!!""
Does car insurance really go down when you get married?
I have heard that insurance goes down once you get married. Is this true? If it is, how much? Is it significan't? Do you have to be married before you turn 25 for this to apply? I have heard so many conflicting answers. Help??..""
Were is the best place to get cheap car insurance- new driver!?
please dont say money supermarket! The cheapest i found is 900, third party fire and theft. I'm a 24 year old femaile just passed my test!""
What's the best way to get a lower rate when it's time to renew my auto insurance?
my insurance is due next month, but I think I deserve a lower rate, and shouldn't just renew""
kentucky insurance kynect
kentucky insurance kynect
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dagtwo · 6 years
Background Guidance For Valuable Iso Xp Whey Protein Strategies
A Detailed Examination Of Quick Strategies Of Grass Fed Organic Whey Canada
'We're here to stay', says Fonterra after EU-sourced whey launch Fonterra Europe has signalled that it is "here to stay", following the launch of its European-sourced whey protein ingredient, NZMP europro.  Last month, Fonterra Europe, the regional arm of New Zealand-based dairy cooperative Fonterra, announced the launch of NZMP europro - a whey protein ingredient sourced in Europe through partnerships with established cheese manufacturers. Fonterra began its European sourcing efforts in 2011, when it formed a joint venture with British dairy processor, First Milk. It has since partnered with Lithuanian processor, Rokiškio, and signed an agreement with Dutch firm, A-Ware Food, to establish separate but “mutually-beneficial” ​neighboring ​cheese and whey protein ingredients plants in Heerenveen. Fonterra expects operations at the plant to begin in December 2014. Speaking with DairyReporter.com, Robert Lilly, marketing and innovation project manager at Fonterra Europe, said that the launch of NZMP europro marks the culmination of its sourcing efforts and signals that it is "here to stay."​ “We’re investing heavily, and we’re here to stay,” ​said Lilly. “We have established partnerships with First Milk in the UK, with Rokiškio in Lithuania, and we have invested here at Heerenveen,” ​he said. Fonterra is "also exploring other"​ sourcing opportunities in Eastern Europe, Lilly said. “At the moment, the priority is getting the Heerenveen plant online, but we are also scoping out other opportunities. In the next couple of years we’ll be looking to establish more partnerships.”​ “What we’re trying to promote is that we are here to stay – we’re investing a lot and we’ve launched this product," ​he said. Lilly cited growing global consumer demand for dairy, and particularly whey protein, as a key driver of Fonterra's recent European whey sourcing efforts. “Whey used to be just a by-product of cheese production,”​ said Lilly. “Now demand for whey protein is booming.”​ While a significant amount of this demand is coming from Asia, much of the NZMP europro produced in the UK, Lithuania, and the Netherlands will not leave Europe. “We have a large number of customers in Europe," ​said Lilly. "The whey protein being produced by First Milk and here in Heerenveen will be shipped out to Asia.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.dairyreporter.com/Article/2013/12/04/We-re-here-to-stay-says-Fonterra-after-EU-sourced-whey-launch
Follow These Tips For Optimal Fitness
There are many people in this world who are not motivated enough to actually go ahead and do it. It is much easier with the proper knowledge. Take the tips laid out here, and learn everything you can to get fit now. Pick an exercise that is fun and you will be more likely to stick with it. Pick something you enjoy, so you can actually look forward to working out. To tone up your triceps, you should try to do some simple push-ups. Well, not quite average. Instead of the traditional style, a nice angle at roughly 45 degrees with your palms is much better practice. This exercise is extremely effective. Don't just look at the obvious when you are considering a fitness routine. There are all kinds Whey Protein of things you can do to get fit that don't involve the gym. Doing an exercise that you enjoy doing will provide you with the determination you need. Strong thighs are important to the health and strength of your knees. A very common sports-related injury is tearing the ligament found behind the kneecap. Quads and hamstrings are the muscles to strengthen to make sure similar injuries don't happen to you. A couple of great exercises that strengthen these muscles include leg extensions and curls. Write down your results after every workout. Keep track of all the workouts you do. Do not forget any additional exercise that you perform. Invest in a pedometer so you can track your steps throughout the day and add that information in as well. A written record helps you easily track your progress while working toward your goal. If you want to strengthen your legs, try doing wall sits. First, you need an unobstructed wall that is at least the width of your body. Stand with your back to the wall, approximately 1 1/2 feet away from it. Bend your knees, and lean back until your entire back is touching the wall. Keep on bending your knees until you're in a position similar to sitting, with your thighs aligned with the ground below. Hold this stance until you can't stand it anymore. You won't be able to get a six pack by doing endless crunches. Although strengthening abdominal muscles has great benefits, the process alone will not get rid of your belly fat. To get those washboard abs, you need to decrease your body fat by doing cardio exercises and resistance training along with a well-balanced diet. If you plan to start working out, refrain from referring to it as working out or exercising. These labels and names can drain away your motivation just by hearing them. When you talk about exercising, refer to it as whatever you will actually be doing, running or cycling is more interesting. Using the material above, you should be well prepared to boost your personal fitness level. There is always more information you can learn on the subject; be sure to apply what you learn so you really do achieve the goals you have set for yourself. By applying good ideas to your everyday life, you will succeed in gaining a heightened level of fitness.
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Getting The Facts On Trouble-free Canada Tactics
And obviously there's a cost to doing these trials, so we recognize that it is a little bit unique." I think there are, to be fair, challenges in doing studies on cannabis. And it's something that I know the industry has been discussing for a number of years. It's difficult, for example, to patent a specific strain. And obviously there's a cost to doing these trials, so we recognise that it is a little bit unique in that way. - Dr. Jeff Blackmer , Canadian Medical Association A new paradigm for regulating medical cannabis Cannabis is an extremely complex plant with at least 115 known cannabinoids. Even if you take a clone from a plant, genetics alone aren't solely responsible for the chemical profile that exists in the buds. "A lot of the chemistry is genetically determined, but there's also an environmental role," says Dr. Jonathan Page , an adjunct professor of botany at the University of British Columbia and the CEO of Anandia Labs. Soil, indoor versus greenhouse growing conditions, lighting systems and fertilizer regimes can all change the chemistry by modifying the environment, Page says.  The cannabis plant's complex chemistry is the result of its genetics and growing environment. (Eric Gay/Associated Press) The plant's variable nature makes it extremely difficult to test in a traditional way. "It's not the same as a synthetic pharmaceutical, which typically is developed and designed in a laboratory," says Dr.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.cbc.ca/radio/quirks/scrap-medical-weed-women-in-space-and-more-1.4636793/doctors-group-wants-to-scrap-canada-s-medical-cannabis-program-1.4636810
Good Advice To Help You With Vitamins And Minerals
Are you someone who wants to know more about vitamins and how they fit into your life? Have you been wondering which vitamins can help you? No matter how experienced you are, learning more about staying healthy can never hurt. Continue reading for knowledgeable information you can use. Having the right nutrients are essential to maximizing your workout efforts. Including vitamin and mineral supplements to your diet not only allows for fast recover time, but also provides the nourishment needed by your body to burn fat and build muscle. Eating a clean, balanced diet is key to keeping your nutrients in check. It is recommended that you eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruit daily. If your diet does not provide the right amount of nutrients, consider taking supplements to improve your health. For the building and maintenance of strong bones, take calcium. Your body needs vitamin D, though, to properly absorb the calcium. You can get vitamin D through sunlight, food, and supplements. Any one of these helps you get more calcium into your system. If your supplement has fat, make sure you take it with your meal. Vitamins E, A, and K are some vitamins that will not absorb properly without being taken with food. They also work better when the food you're eating with them also contains fat. To help create red blood cells, iron is essential. Oxygen is carried throughout your body by red blood cells. Women are often deficient in iron, so it is important that womens' vitamins have proper amounts of iron. If you are feeling exhausted or having trouble breathing, you may not be getting enough iron. As the cost of medical care continues to rise, many people are looking for ways to cut their expenses. Others just want to feel better, and vitamins can help them achieve both. They can improve how you feel and could reduce your number of doctor's visits. Riboflavin or vitamin B2 is found in bananas, green beans, popcorn, dairy, and asparagus. Too little riboflavin, also called vitamin B2, can cause cracked lips, scaly skin, and reduced hemoglobin and red blood cells. It has been said that B2 can help to ward of anemia and some types of cancer. It is expensive to eat healthy. Supplements delivering necessary vitamins and minerals will help reduce some of the issues we have from eating. They help with digestion and promote weight loss and fat burning when we need a little help in getting the body in shape. Vitamin A is important as an antioxidant for your immune system, reducing heart disease risk, slowing skin aging and improving your vision. However, if taken in huge amounts, it can be very harmful. It is important that you stay with the recommended dosage each day of 2300 IU. You can get Vitamin A naturally from carrots, squash, and dark leafy greens. As you can now see, much needs to be learned about vitamins and minerals. You must understand what types of supplements you need and how much you should take. The tips here have given you a great place to start.
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