#'im already here in ur heart' COME UPSTAIRS THEN
companionwolf · 1 year
goddamn i want to do things but. I either take ritilan and risk sleep bad or pray to Dog whatever possessed me yesterday does so again and Soon 😖
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toristurn · 5 months
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eyes don’t lie ..
~ enemies to lovers ~
this story has explicit sexual scenes and strong wording.
*ding* I pick up my phone to see a message.
hey what are u doing tn?
nothing, why?
he better not ask me to go to a party..
oh well there was this thing..
nick if ur inviting me to a party you already what the answer is. 😒
okay y/n hear me out. Its not really a party but more like a friendly gathering 😁😁
I shake my head, laughing in annoyance.
nick you know I don’t have time for this. remember my finals?
ughh FUCK UR FINALSS Y/N!! you’ve studied all week and your giving off hibernating bear vibes. don’t make me come to your door now.
there was no way I was going to this “friendly gathering” especially since nick is related to.. matt. matt and I have a very unique per-say friendship since I can’t go to nick’s house without getting a down to heart insult.
him and I have been going back and forth since me and nick have been friends and he’s honestly one of the last people I would trust. he’s annoying first of all, has the worst attitude with me, and disagrees with my opinions just for the fun of it. how cute.
I grow an annoying face scrunch and start beginning to type.
alr then, I’ll go. but if that little matty bernard boy bothers me im stepping out of that door.
oh my god finally i got you out of ur hibernation. and don’t worry about matt he’s out with his friends rn 😁😁
huh wonder where he is.
“do I look okay?” I say while fixing my tight red dress “you look so gorgeous omg, anyway can u please hurry over here and help us finish setting up? chris is being a snob and he’s just laying on the couch.” nick says over the phone “yeah, yeah I’ll be there.” I say chuckling.
I hung up and got in my car and.. it felt odd. maybe it has been a long time since I went out. I arrive at the house and knock on the door and nick swings it open “party starts in five and I need you like now” he says dragging me upstairs.
We rushed upstairs and obviously I felt proud of myself since I was wearing four-inch heels. I wave at chris then got straight to helping nick with the party.
the house was pact with people and I was to busy dancing and taking shots to even realize how crowded it got. I drunkenly pushed my way through the crowd to head to the bathroom since well.. you know.
I kept thrusting myself through the crowd until I ran into a hard chest. I stumbled back a little and slowly looked up. as I was looking I felt a force push me to the ground and I landed on my head. everything went black.
I woke up rubbing my eyes and ended up in a black silky bed. I look down at myself and ended up in a big blue hoodie that said ‘fresh love’. I got conscious and shot up from the bed. what the fuck? did I have a one night stand? who’s bed was this?
questions rumble through my head until it got interrupted with a door opening. I look up to see who it was…. you gotta be serious. It was matt sturniolo.
“um what are you doing in here?” “came to check up on ur ugly ass” “well I’m fine so i don’t know why you care so much.” I said with annoyance “aren’t you on my bed?” he says, getting back at me.
I look around in realization. “did you fucking put your hands on me last night??” I yell in disgust “what the fuck, absolutely not!” he yells “so why am I on your fucking bed.” I said in confusion. “do you not remember?” obviously I don’t, can he get any dumber?
“If I remembered I would’ve not asked at all.” “you got knocked over by one of our friends and nick and chris ended up putting you on my bed since it was the closest, and don’t think I just allowed them to put you in my bed without consent because it took a hell of a convincing.” he snapped back.
I processed what he said until a storm of a migraine overtook my head. I put my hand on my head and start rubbing to ease the pain. “do you need advil?” he said “no it’s fine but can u at least give me a glass of water or something?” I said.
he left until I couldn’t see his frame anymore leaving me enough time to wander around his room. I look at his gaming setup and then his closet and then his nightstand stopping myself to look at a photo frame. It was Nick, Matt, and Chris as babies and they were all on Santa’s lap. I chuckle looking at the picture and held it up.
“do you still need water or are u just gonna keep wandering” I jumped to the sound of his voice and swiftly put the photo frame down. “yes I still need water, and I’m not even wandering” I said with attitude. “whatever you say princess.” he says, smirking. god I fucking hate him.
we all ended up getting brunch together at some Italian restaurant and ordered our food. nick was sitting next to me while matt was in front and chris was next to him. “y/n you got any car ideas for us today? we gotta post by tomorrow.” chris said, breaking the awkward silence.
“you guys should do a what would you do video.” I said “a.. what?” matt said staring at me in confusion “a what would you do video.” I said staring back at him “still not getting it.” “how do you not get it?” “well care for an explanation then?” he snaps back. he really know’s how to ruin my day doesn’t he.
“you guys would give each other a ‘what would you do’ scenario and work it out from there.” I said glaring at matt “that seems fun” nick says trying to uplift the mood. We finished our food and headed to the car and for the first time in my life I didn’t want shotgun.
But chris and nick had other plans and already ended up taking the space in the back leaving me with the front. great. I got in the car and immediately shifted my body to the right not making any contact with matt.
it was night time and I was in the living room waiting for them to finish their vlog. I got tired and went to matt’s bedroom since I was to lazy to go downstairs nor upstairs. I was on my phone on the bed until I dozed off slowly putting my phone down and closing my eyes. couple minutes later I woke up to the front door opening.
I realized I was still in matt’s bed and just as I step foot to reach the door knob it swings open revealing matt in an all black fit and a strong scent of cologne. we make eye contact frozen as stone, our lips inches apart from each other until he broke the silence. “missed me much?” he says smirking and closing the door behind him, not breaking contact.
“oh please, who would miss a bitch like you?” I said snapping back. he chuckles looking down. “obviously you since you can’t just ever leave me alone can you?” stepping closer making me stumble back. he steps closer and closer until I felt the cold wall press up against my back.
“do you know how mad you make me y/n?” he says staring and towering over me. my body builds up tension and I feel my stomach whirling like I’m on some type of rollercoaster. “if I made you so mad, why are you still here?” I said, standing my ground.
His breath rumbles and at this point I can hear my heartbeat pounding my chest. “the reason I’m still standing here is to show you how much you drive me crazy.” he said still making contact with me. “is that why you hate me so much? because you want me?” I said in a teasing tone. he shifts his head whispering to my ear “would you like me to show you?” he said teasingly.
shivers covered my whole body and I felt my heartbeat growing faster. he shifts his face in front of mine until I feel a warm soft hand gliding up my thigh.
he landed on the cover of my clit and started gently rubbing. I closed my eyes and let out a soft moan until I couldn’t take it anymore and crashed his lips onto mine. we explored each other’s mouth fighting for dominance while still playing with me.
he slips a finger under my undergarment and slides it in feeling how wet I was to him. he smirked. I let out a muffled moan until he slips another one still exploring each other’s mouth. god he tastes so good.
he takes out his hand lifting me up and gently placing me on his bed. both rushing to take our clothes off we smash each other’s lip again making him grab a condom from his nightstand.
he slides it on and looks at me for reassurance “you still want me to show you how much I want you baby?” I nodded and a smirk landed on his face. he thrusts it in making me squeal and feeling how hard he was for me.
he picks up the pace still exploring each other’s mouth letting out a muffled moan from both of us. I could tell he was gonna reach there and he knew I was too. he picked up the pace. I felt the arousal coming until he picked it up even faster.
I arch my back and my body went in shock yelling out his name and him letting out a moan. he collapses on me feeling each other’s every breath and heart beat. heavy breathing until it got back to a normal pace. we both changed into more comfortable clothes but since I didn’t pack anything he lended over a t-shirt.
“thank you” I said “yeah, yeah. I still hate you though.” he says. we both chuckle and move to the bed shifting myself to lay on his chest, smelling his cologne. we both laid there watching his phone until it went quiet and my eyes closed.
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Pipp and pinkamena the pony baker part 2
*another day*
Pipp petal: *wakes up seeing her bubbles baby is growing* so peaceful *yawns grabbing her bubble baby walking downstairs*
Blood: *smoking a blunt sipping his blood coffee* morning pipp ur up early?
Pipp petal: yeah im hungry yesterday i got sick from work heh now i know why u said not to eat hehe
Blood: they always learn the hard way haha
Pipp petal: i guess i did learn the hard way hehe
Sunny: *busts down the castle gate* where is she?!
Pipp petal: hi sunny
Blood: sunny wats up girl
Sunny: *decks blood breaking his jaw* that's for taking pipp
Pipp petal: sunny stop i stayed here for work
Sunny: work? *glares at blood*
Blood: bring it sunny *uses his vampire wing to flip her off smoking more of his blunt*
Sunny: *growls*
Pinkamena: *summons pipp in the basement while sunny and blood yell at each other* good morning apprentice
Pipp petal: hello boss wats today's baked good?
Pinkamena: well pippy it's for a close friend of mine my dad and he wants everything for his party
Pipp petal: im finally gonna meet the stallion who made u oooooooooo im excited how old is ur dad?
Pinkamena: two hundred years old
Pipp petal: is he immortal like u?
Pinkamena: no *starts up the grinder and preheats the big oven* ok apprentice u ready to try again
Pipp petal: wat again already? I don't know boss last time i got sick
Pinkamena: because u ate breakfast ur fault hehehe
Pipp petal: im learning u guys ways pinkie slowly
Pinkamena: and that sunny seem very protective over u but how blood and sunny r yelling
Pipp petal: they sound like their married or something hahahah
Pinkamena: *giggles trying not to laugh* that's a funny one respect
Pipp petal: thanks just popped in my head *cuts open a half dead pony hearing him muffle screaming*
?: *break free smacking pipp down running*
Pinkamena: pipp *runs to her* u ok?
Pipp petal: *out cold holding her stomach bleeding*
Pinkamena: oh no......... blood!!
Blood: *crashes through the basement* wat happened mom?
Pinkamena: pipp she got stabbed by our ingredients
Sunny: pipp?!
Pinkie: *moves pipps arm away* oh god......... *starts crying*
Sunny: p-pipp?
Blood: *gives sunny pipps baby protected in the bubble* im sorry sunny a heart stab isn't possible of survival
Sunny: no....... blood u must save her i know ur power is beyond any other magic u can save
Blood: i can but her heart dead she needs a new one and it take 2 month for a heart to grow
Sunny: *starts crying* u cant just do nothing about it
Blood: i needs a heart sunny till then I'll keep pipp soul in this jar right here
Sunny: no no no i want my pipp back now *grabs blood up* bring my pipp back now
Blood: u got a heart?
Sunny: *falls down crying hitting blood*
Blood: that's wat i thought *walks upstairs to kitchen*
Sunny: *crawls to pipp body holding it* pipp come back to us plz my love i love u......plz.... i wish i told u sooner pipp
*sunnys tears went into pipps stab wound healing her heart and her*
Pipp petal: u know how long i been waiting for u to say that sunny
Sunny: pipp?! I-its really u?
Pipp petal: come here my love *kisses sunny*
Sunny: *kisses back cuddling her smiling* ur alive babe
Ambrosine: *in the distance smiling*
Surprise jr: magical huh rookie
Ambrosine: yes they really love each other
Surprise jr: *walks to sunny and pipp with pipps bubbles baby* pipp
Pipp petal: *looks at surprise* yes surprise?
Surprise jr: ur baby *smiles giving pipp her bubble baby* stay safe both of u
Pipp petal: yes surprise *gets up a little limp*
Sunny: *helps pipp to there room*
Pinkie: *whispers in sunny ear*
Sunny: ok *sets pipp in bed covering her up* sleep tight pipp
Pipp petal: *cuddling her bubble baby sleeping*
Sunny: *sneaks out of the room walking looking for blood* where is he?
Blood: *teleports beside sunny smoking a blunt* u lost girl?
Sunny: yes u i have questions blood
Blood: don't worry about ur questions girl worry about pipp she needs u the most
Sunny: but blood plz i need answers plz we used to be good friends before i made my new ones
Blood: that was a long time ago sunny I haven't changed *taps sunnys forehead as they can talk with there mind now*
Sunny: huh wat was that for? Huh my mouth isn't moving wat the?
Blood: *walks outside rolling a fat ass blunt* follow me girl
Sunny: *follows blood getting weed smoke blown in her face* blood? *looks around in the smoke* blood?
Ambrosine: hello sunny remember me
Sunny: death why r u here
Ambrosine: the deal u made with my lord it's up time to return to hell
Sunny: fuck u i......... *starts crying*
Ambrosine: don't cry sunny pipp will remember u i swear now come along
Blood: fight for ur freedom sunny this is ur answer
Sunny: blood? I can't fight death she'll kill me easy
Blood: have faith sunny
Sunny: ok blood.... *gets stabbed by Ambrosine hoof
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wonusite · 2 years
Omg add on! They’re both invited to mingyus Halloween party and costumes are a must of course, cause duh
jeonghan says he’s gonna dress up in one of those slutty nurse costumes and she can’t stop him but when he goes to the party he’s actually respectfully dressed in scrubs with a stethoscope around his neck and instead she actually arrives later in the slurry nurse costume just to try and show him up and poor thing then actually ends up needing a nurse as his lovesick heart almost beats out of his chest (and his dick) but she’s so soft for him cause he actually didn’t make fun of her career like she expected him to. Awwwwww
And then he needs to put his ‘patient’ on a 24h psych hold because she must be crazy if she thinks he’s gonna allow everyone at that party to see what’s his.
-😶‍🌫️ (Im a nurse)
i see you’ve been here all of 5 mins and ur already fucking w my sanity :)
stop bc our hannie would stick by ur side the whole time, glaring at every male who comes up to offer you a shot or even talk to you. bc u know he’s jealous, u sneak away to flirt w another guy only for ur roommate to pull you away and aggressively make out with you. he licks and sucks bruises on to your skin before pulling you upstairs to fuck you into tomorrow 😩
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irwinkitten · 5 years
got lucky | c.h
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requested by anon: ok so for the bi!reader concept: last year i ended my relationship w this girl the main reason was because she was really insecure and jealous especially about me being bisexual like anytime i would talk to a guy she would just get so upset about it and she would make such gross biphobic comments and at the time i had so much internalised biphobia that i tried to convince myself i was gay n stayed in the relationship longer than i should have because i rly liked her i guess lol anyways (1/4) we ended and a while afterwards i started seeing this guy who i’d known of for ages (friends of friends type situation) but we just never really talked before or hung out but from the first date we clicked and the sex was crazy good like the type of sex were ur ditching ur vibrators cuz he’s that good lmao so one weekend we went to this party together and of course she is also there, i was so surprised and i could see her eyeing us the whole night, so when she came over i was anxious af (2/4) and this guy knew i was bi! it was no secret, i worked really hard to accept myself! so she comes over and she deadass goes “are you straight now? i knew you would end up with a man!” and she’s all smug but also hurt and im standing there like what the fuck and THEN this dumb man goes “ha guess the sex is so good i made her straight again” and i’m literally about to cry over how gross the whole interaction is and im so shocked i can’t even defend myself, i dumped him that night obviously (3/) last messgae: so basically can you pls do a redo of the gross situation where instead of being with that dumb guy its with calum and he is so protective n sweet n NORMAL n encourages u to stand up for urself about bisexuality / your sexuality, because what happened to me happens too often and its disgusting and gross and no one deserves that!! only if u feel comfortable/inspired tho, no pressure!! love u laura, thank u for creating such a safe space for all the queer babies it means a lot 💘 notes: i kinda enjoyed writing this one esp for my sweet anon baby. i love u and i hope this is everything you wanted ♥  warnings: biphobia, implications of emotional abuse
word count: 3.2k
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“Hey what’cha doing sweets?” Calum’s voice pulled you from your musings, your hand idly tracing patterns against the paper but the pen remaining on the desk. You wrenched your thoughts from the spiral you seemed to have fallen down, a smile crossing your lips as you felt your heart flutter at the sight of him.
“Nothin’. Just thinking.” You finally replied as he pulled up one of the spare chairs next to you, the bustling activity of the coffee shop falling into your background noise as his thigh pressed against yours.
“Really? Normally you doodle when you’re just thinking.” He countered with ease and your eyes dropped to the paper, noticing that the pen remained where you’d placed it when you first sat down. Subconsciously you must’ve realised that the route your thoughts had gone were not suitable to put down on paper, your fingers picking up the pen and mind falling blank immediately.
“Oh.” You breathed before placing the pen back down and packing away the pad and pen.
“What’s running through your head, doll?” Calum’s voice was quiet and concerned, you shrugged.
“Just, a lot on my mind is all. You’re not my keeper just because we’ve slept together.” You admitted quietly and he frowned before picking up his bag and for a sinking second you thought he was going to walk off, but instead, he took your bag from your hands and slung it over his shoulder. 
He looked back at you expectantly and you sighed before standing up, leaving the coffee shop with him, your eyes on the floor as you fell into step next to him.
“Your place or mine?”
“E’s gonna be home and I don’t want to hear them rant about me bringing people back.” You muttered and Calum nodded. 
“I think Ash is out. He’ll probably head out to Luke’s if I show up with you.” At his smirk, you rolled your eyes fondly before shoving him towards the bus stop. His indignant “hey!” was only ignored as you two waited for the bus, his arm slung over your shoulders.
Selfishly, you leaned into his touch, trying to ignore the fact that your stomach was doing flips at his touch alone. 
The bus journey was a quiet ten minutes, but Calum seemed to understand that you weren’t willing to talk with so many people around, so he was content to just keep you close, and you were unwilling to pull away until his stop came up.
When you reached his shared house with Ashton, you noted that the car was gone from the driveway and Calum smirked.
“Looks like he’s out. C’mon.” His hand tucked around yours and pulled you inside. And for a second you wondered if you could distract him with sex, but then the guilt appeared and you could feel the tears of frustration appear as your thoughts swirled and you felt dizzy.
Calum had stepped ahead, turning to see you stood leaning against the closed door, head in your hands and he knew something was wrong. Stepping back to you, he dropped your bags and took your hand in his, pulling you upstairs to his room and your stomach twisted uncomfortably.
“Cal I-”
“I’m not suggesting that.” He muttered. You fell silent at that and as he pulled you into his room, you felt unsure, but he gave you no chance to really deny him as he crawled into bed before opening his arms out to you.
“I know you. You don’t do emotional stuff well but I’m here for a cuddle and an ear if you need it.” You fell into the embrace easily, your head resting on his chest as his arms wrapped around your shoulders, his lips finding your temple as you finally felt something in you snap, the surge of emotions overwhelming and frighteningly vivid. 
“I keep telling myself that I never was a lesbian, that I still found men attractive but Poppy made me feel like having that attraction was stupid since I was dating her and that I was a lesbian and it’s so fucking confusing because I like you, but I can hear her voice screeching that I’m not right, that I’m a lesbian or faking it or a freak.” And for the first time since you left Poppy, you cried.
Calum had been waiting for this. When the split had happened, you’d been ready for it, you’d already left her mentally, but this was what he knew you needed. He knew that the relationship with her had been toxic, but you’d never revealed the extent of her behaviour. 
His heart broke.
“Just because you like both men and women does not mean you should feel so guilty over your sexuality. There’s a B in LGBT for a reason, doll. That’s you. You’re bisexual and you should be proud of that, not ashamed because some bitch with a control issue couldn’t handle the fact that you liked more than women.” 
You found yourself gripping his shirt with your fists as you pressed your face into his chest, trying to stem the tears that seemed relentless. But Calum held his silence whilst you got it out of your system, knowing that you needed to get this off your chest. 
“I’m sorry.” You finally got out, but he simply shushed you. 
“She was a shitty person with an attitude to show. You shouldn’t apologise for the bitch.” His words were simple but it gave you a breath of ease, pulling away as hands rubbed your shoulders gently. 
He was definitely too good to you, but he was there for you regardless and you were certain that you loved him for that.
“There’s gonna be a party on the other side of town in a couple of weeks. Ash took over the old Firefly down on Hartley. He’s revamping before opening the bar to the public. You fancy going?” And you smiled at the gentle distraction he was offering. 
“We get at least a free drink if we show up, right?” And Calum laughed as he kissed your temple. 
“He wouldn’t say no to me. Or you. In fact, I’m almost certain he’s expecting me to do full introductions on that night since Luke and Mike will be there with the others and their girls.” You rolled your eyes. 
“It’s not like I went to school with Luke or anything.” Came your sarcastic retort and Calum laughed as the two of you settled for the evening. 
“Pretty sure Luke last saw you when you started dating Poppy. He’s put two and two together but he won’t say anything unless you mention it. Even then he knows it’s not his place.” Your heart seemed to swell another size in affection for Luke. 
“You’re making it difficult for me to not fall in love with you Cal. Good dick, you know how to use those lips and fingers of yours, you make me feel like I belong and you respect boundaries without me having to ask.” You finally muttered and Calum gave you an almost wistful smile. 
“You may have been with Poppy but that didn’t stop me from being friends with you. You’re someone I’ve genuinely cared about from day one. Not gonna chuck that away because of who you are. Plus growing up with my mom and sister almost made certain I’d be in touch with my feminine side.” He teased but the sincerity and understanding in his tone eased your shoulders. 
Your features softened at the admittance and you pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Then I definitely got lucky to have you in my life at least, falling in love or not.”
When the day of the party rolled around, you felt sick with nerves and you couldn’t understand why. 
When Calum rolled up to pick you up—he was driving to Luke’s who lived closest to the bar and you’d both get a ride back to yours before he picked up his car the following morning—he could see the nerves and the grimace on his face spoke volumes. 
“What?” You all but demanded when you were debating outfits. He’d been sitting on the bed watching, but got up and held his hands out to you. 
You took them hesitantly. His thumbs almost immediately started to soothe across the back of your hands to help relax you. 
“Word has gotten around that Poppy is planning to show up. We haven’t exactly been quiet about our relationship, but I didn’t think she’d pull something like this.” And your stomach churned uncomfortably. 
“We’re still going. Ashton promised free drinks and we’ll be in the VIP area right?” You checked and Calum nodded.
“Ashton has already told the bouncers that she’s not allowed near the VIP section. They’re checking and rechecking the lists to make sure she isn’t on one of them.” He explained and you let out a breath of air. 
“Okay. It’ll be fine. It’s being handled and I’ve got you. Now which outfit do you think I should wear?” He studied your face for a second before a smile broke across his lips. 
“The dark purple with the deep plunge. Is it wrong of me to flaunt in her face what she lost?” And you laughed as you kissed him. 
“I mean, yes. But I also know that you want to show me off properly now that we’ve got things really settled.” You murmured and he grinned back unabashedly. 
It was still an uphill battle, but he’d given you a lot to think about. And after gentle convincing, you’d found an LGBT friendly therapist who helped you process your thoughts. It helped you come to terms with accepting the toxic relationship that you’d been in but also it highlighted how beneficial Calum had been as a friend and confidant. 
It also gave you the courage to ask Calum out officially, wanting to be with him entirely and not just in the evenings. 
He took that in his stride and things shifted once more between the two of you. When you opened up to him about some of your sessions, you knew that your trust had been well placed because he never indicated anything to his friends and so you were never subjected to pitying stares or glares. 
You were almost sure that you’d fall in love with him faster than you fell for Poppy. 
The drive to Luke’s was filled with your nerves. You hadn’t seen Luke in years and you were also meeting his two other friends, Ashton and Michael as well as their partners. 
“Ashton’s excited to finally meet you and stop telling me to be careful when I go to yours.” 
Despite Calum living with Ashton, your schedules never seemed to match and more often than not, Calum could be found at your place, a small sanctuary from your hectic lives. 
Ashton never begrudged that time you shared together, but Calum had mentioned a few times about how snappy he was being on the subject. 
“He’ll chill when he realises I’m not out to break your heart or steal something.” You muttered with a chuckle. Calum snorted in return as he pulled into Luke’s driveway. 
Your nerves return full force as he pulls you to the front door and steps in like he lives there. 
“Hey fuckers, anyone about?” He called through and was met with calls of confirmation, another yell following that they were in the dining room. Your fingers squeezed Calum’s tightly and he didn’t hesitate to return it, his thumb soothing across the skin on the back of your hand.
“Look who it is!” A voice crowed loudly as he stepped into the dining room, followed by loud calls of greetings. 
There was a flurry of introductions and you felt like the spotlight was being shone on you, under scrutiny from his best friends gazes once they had greeted their friend and Calum had introduced you. Or re-introduced you in Luke’s case.
“Well c’mon, the last time I saw you we were leaving school. What’s been happening to you?” Luke finally asked, indicating to the seat next to him. A small smile graced your lips as you sat down, Calum falling into the seat next to you as you shrugged. 
“Life I guess? It’s been definitely more interesting with the different jobs and moving about. Building up a social life again.” Luke’s face filled with a frown at that. 
Michael came in next. 
“Building up a social life? Did you not have one?” His words held an innocent curiosity, yet you felt yourself hesitate. 
“My ex was controlling to the point that I couldn’t do anything without their permission. They managed to make me believe that no one really wanted me around and I lost touch with old friends, like Luke.” You glanced to the side and he was frowning. 
The others held varying degrees of stunned shock or disapproval. 
“Well then he was a cunt.” Michael muttered and your eyes refused to meet theirs at the assumptions. Luke stayed quiet but his hand rested on your knee, squeezing it. You shot him a gentle smile in return.
“Well it’ll be good to have you back in our lives. Especially with these two knuckleheads.” He nodded at Ashton and Michael who immediately protested and you laughed. 
It felt like you’d known them for years as you all had a few shots. Ashton, despite being the owner of the bar, wasn’t worried about turning up with his friends. He’d already explained to his staff that he’d be around for the rest of the night once he arrived and he’d told the small groups he’d be here and there. 
After a handful of shots, the group of you made your way to the bar, your arm linked with Calum’s. There were separate conversations happening between you all, their girlfriends including you on their pamper night whilst the boys discussed a possible games night for all of you. 
When you arrived at the club, you saw the queue of people waiting to get in and the subsequent groans from the line as the bouncer let you in, no questions asked. 
Ashton guided the group of you to the VIP section and the music was still loud but you could still hear each other talking. You were chatting away with Luke’s girlfriend, arm still linked with Calum’s as Ashton disappeared to get drinks. 
Calum pulled your attention away briefly, his lips by your ear. 
“I’ve spotted her. She’s not seen us yet so don’t worry.” You barely nodded, acknowledging his words as you listened in, fighting to keep your nerves down. 
The night continued and you were all a few drinks deep. Calum’s arm had barely left your waist all night as you talked and danced and drank. You’d been welcomed into his group of friends with an ease you never realised existed. 
You’d deliberately not tried to seek out Poppy, silently praying that the universe would comply. But as the group of you stood out in the smokers area, huddled together under a heating lamp, your stomach sank as she stepped out, her eyes narrowing on you. 
“Fuckin’ knew it!” You could feel the alarm in your face as you stepped back into Calum, his arm going around you protectively. 
“Poppy, you’re drunk.” You felt curious gazes from your new friends, but you didn’t spare them a glance.
“You break up with me and go running to his arms, I knew you weren’t a fuckin lesbian. Pretending to try it out? Just another straight girl seeking attention. Fucking freak.” She snapped and your stomach sank. 
“Get it through your thick head that she’s bisexual.” Calum snapped in your defence, earning a glare from Poppy. But Calum didn’t shrink from the glare, your glance to his face confirmed he was giving her his own. You were mildly impressed that she didn’t back down instantly. 
“She’s a fuckin liar! Years of my life wasted on this bitch.” She spat at your feet and you took in a deep breath. 
“You don’t get to control me anymore, Poppy. I’ve liked both men and women, but you never liked that because it meant that I had more chances of leaving you. And I wished I’d have left you sooner. Calum certainly thought so.” 
“Of course you fucked the first man to pay you any attention.” Your heart sank once more at her declaration and you felt your mind fall into the old trap that you’d fought with for so long. 
“No she never. In fact she slept with a few girls long before she slept with me. But I was her best friend as she tried to deal with the mess you created in her mind.” Calum snapped back. You felt your heart swell for him. 
Poppy stepped forward, her hand raised but then Ashton stepped in front of you. 
“Get out. You’re no longer welcome in this bar.” He made a gesture and security slowly made their way over. 
“She shouldn’t be fucking welcome!” Poppy yelled back, but Ashton held firm. 
“She is my friend. You are not. Get. Out.” When the bouncer rested a hand on her arm, she shrugged it off and stormed away. Your entire body was trembling.
“So that was the ex, huh?” Michael commented and you could feel your hands trembling as you nodded. “Why didn’t you correct me?” Calum spoke up for you as his hands took yours. 
“It’s been a battle for her. Poppy had convinced her she was a lesbian, that she was wrong for having any attraction to men. In Poppy’s world, either your gay, lesbian or straight. Being bisexual isn’t acceptable in her eyes.” Calum’s arms wrapped around you and you stood there, holding onto him for dear life. 
“Well that makes two of us then.” Michael’s casual comment had your knees go weak and you let out a weak laugh. 
“Thank you Ash.” You finally murmured when you pulled away from Calum. Ashton didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you in a warm hug that was both comforting and reassuring. 
“Hey, you’ve been the best thing for my best mate. And you were friends with Luke once before. I’ve definitely got your back. And I get why you didn’t say anything and don’t hold that against you.” He muttered and you breathed a sigh of relief before returning to Calum’s embrace. 
“More drinks or are we gonna go back to Luke’s?” And you shook your head. 
“Let’s stay. I’m not gonna let her ruin it,” you leaned forwards so your lips were by his ear as the others went inside, “also I want to see if we can christen the bar in one of the toilets.” You breathed. Calum groaned as his grip around you got tighter and he pulled you in for a kiss that promised more. 
“Oh you’re so fucked sweetheart. Especially since I know where the individual lips are and they aren’t attended by anyone.” You held back a moan at that thought before pulling away, your hand in his. 
“Dance first?” And the innocence in your tone made him laugh as he followed behind you willingly. 
“Menace.” The term was laced with affection as he caught up to you, kissing the spot just below your ear. 
You simply grinned in return as you pulled him onto the dance floor, Poppy long forgotten as he danced with you. 
@sexgodashton, @goth5sos, @calumsmermaid, @empathycth, @wildflowergrae, @calpops, @rosecolouredash, @cal-puddies, @clockwork124, @loveroflrh, @stellar5sosrecs, @ashtoniwir, @cthla, @liketheydidwithyou, @sc0ttish-wildfl0wer​, @bluehairedtracii, @drummerboy794, @feliznavidaddycal, @i-calumhood, @wokeupinjapanisabop, @converse-luke, @madbomb, @ccnicole02, @youngblood199456, @aulxna, @megz1985, @lukesidentitycrisis, @snapback-irwie, @neonweeknds, @666yourwitchyfriend666, @gamerboymike, @cashtonasfuck, @ashtaway, @conquerwhatliesahead92, @itjustkindahappenedreally, @twoamhood, @kchillout, @damselindistressanu, @colormekaykay, @findingliam-o, @sublimehood, @sugarcoated-pain, @singt0mecalum, @singledadharrington​, @calumspeachy​, @colourfulcalum​, @lostincalum​, @burncrashbromance​, @asht0ns-world​, @a-mnd, @flusteredcliffo​, @loti18​, @ixcantxdecidexwhosxmyxfave​, @clumclum-hood​, @fangirl-everythang​, @lashtondaddies​, @calumssunshine​, @ambskiwi​, @abundant-stars​, @caltattoohood, @seedless-vascular, @myescapefromthislife​, @lmao5sosimagines​, @beyoncesdragon​, @jae-writes-fanfiction​, @cxddlyash​, @tresfandom​, @utterly-u-n-p-e-r-f-e-c-t​, @niallisworld​, @lietomevalntyn​, @babylon-corgis​, @monochrome44​, @behind-my-hazeleyes27​, @ghost0fy0u​, @lyllibug​, @bloodmoonashton​, @balsamic-cal, @calumsbaldhead​, @washedout-ky, @calumssunshinee​, @ghostofmashton​, @summerellaz​, @a-little-less-sixteen​, @cashworthy​, @smokeinherlungs​, @longlastingdaydream​, @h0tsos​, @sweetcherrymike​, @5sosnsfw​, @sugar-nico​, @sunnysideblog, @angel-cal​, @samros95​, @maluminspace​, @lukeinblue​, @cakesunflower​, @allamerican-betch​,  @britnicole11​, @gigglyirwin​, @everyscarisahealingplace, @loverofcashton​, @iovehemmings​, @g-l-pierce​, @jannimoeller3​, @wildmichaelflower​, @lukeskisses​, @5sossstan​, @youngbloodchild​, @alloutofcashton​, @tobefalling​, @abb-lan-5sos​, @calumsbub​, @flameraine​, @here-for-the-uproars​, @mateisit-balsamic​, @ilovelukey​, @sarahshepherdblog​
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ehstarwar · 4 years
flesh stays no farther reason (2/6)
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It takes three weeks for him to contact her again.
A one word text after only one night of fucking (albeit, glorious, life-altering, religion-defying fucking) shouldn’t make her heart flutter the way it does now.
Five times Ben looks for Rey and the one time she finds him.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4.7K
Read on AO3
rank sweat of an enseamed bed
It takes three weeks for him to contact her again.
She’s just gotten home from what is, quite possibly, the most draining shift she’s had this year, when the notification brightens her phone, and subsequently, her day.
From u/KyL0_R3N
A one word text after only one night of fucking (albeit, glorious, life-altering, religion-defying fucking) shouldn’t make her heart flutter the way it does now. 
From u/R3yoflight
From u/KyL0_R3N
How have you been?
From u/R3yoflight
good, for the most part
work sucks, but thats just the way it goes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
meeting go well??
From u/KyL0_R3N
I’m glad you’re doing good. Sorry about work. 
I know how that can be, unfortunately.
The meeting did go well. Thank you for asking.
I’m sorry I didn’t call you after our night together.
Rey stares down at her phone, not knowing how to respond. 
The morning after their night together was a point of contention in Rey’s mind. On one hand, it was a hook-up. An old-fashioned, wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am hook-up that just so happened to be between two thoroughly compatible people. They had barely even talked to one another. She hadn’t made fun of his stupid, clearly made-up name, hadn’t teased him for his large ears that she found too endearing, she hadn’t even gotten his actual phone number. 
But… it was so, so sweet.
The way he had handled her was not that of an impassive man looking to get off and get going. It was of someone who knew how to take care of another, who wanted to take care of her. The gentleness of his lips from the last time they kiss will forever be burned into her brain.
Part of her had expect get a call the next day, with Kylo confessing that he had the same butterfly feeling she did. After a few days past and she hadn’t received so much as a new post alert on reddit from him, she decided to push back the feelings into a tight corner of her mind that was slowly filling up with emotions she wasn’t ready to unpack. 
From u/R3yoflight
it’s nbd, i know how hook-ups go
don’t feel bad
From u/KyL0_R3N
I think it is a big deal, but I know what you mean.
I would like to see you again.
Would you like to see me?
Would she? Would she even survive being with Kylo Ren again?
Rey decides its all comes down to attitude, and she’ll go in with a better one this time.
From u/R3yoflight
yeah, i would
u have another big meeting u need to prep 4?
It takes him a whole 10 minutes to respond, a first for him.
From u/KyL0_R3N
What about the 8th? 
Does that work for you?
From u/R3yoflight
i work the 7th and the 8th, but the hotel we 
were at last time is p close to my job
i could meet you there and just pack stuff
for work
From u/KyL0_R3N
We can do another date so you don’t have to do that.
From u/R3yoflight
i don’t want u to have to move ur meeting
so im good if ur good
From u/KyL0_R3N
Of course.
I’m good, too.
From u/R3yoflight
Rey bounces the ball of her foot on the hard concrete beneath her, watching the clock with rapt attention. The minutes seem to slow the further she got into the day, making the last hour and a half feel like an eon. Plutt had already barked at her to make herself useful somewhere, but there’s only so much to do when they’re down cars for the day. 
The moment the clock strikes 5:30, Rey is out of the shop like a bat out of hell. She thinks about stopping in some bathroom and changing into a skirt or dress or at least some clean underwear, but she can’t bring herself to waste that much time.
She want’s to see Kylo. Desperately. 
The wall she’d constructed around all her curiosities from their last meeting had come crumbling down with the promise of a second one, and this time, she was determined to know a little bit more about the man in question.
He’d sent her the room number a few hours ago, letting her know to meet him there whenever she got off work. Her mind had already begun reeling in the possibilities of tonight by that point, and it only added gas to the flame.
There’s a thin sheen of sweat on her forehead when she walks into the lobby, and a few things become apparent at once.
One, the hotel is full to the brim with people who look like they make in an hour what she makes in 5 years.
Two, she absolutely should have taken the time to change into something that wasn’t the grease-stained overalls that had seen much better days, probably long before she’s fished them out of a bin at the goodwill.
Three, the doorman (with white gloves) looked moments away from calling the cops on her. 
“Excuse me, miss,” the doorman says, walking up to Rey. She gulps and prays with every fibre in her being that he’ll just inform her she dropped something and let her go on her merry way. “May I ask if you’re staying at this establishment?” His tone isn’t accusatory… yet.
“Um… sort of? I’m meeting someone,” She explains. A few of the posh guest are trying to remain inconspicuous as they attempt to hear what’s going on. It makes her cheeks burn red.
“Ah, well, the bar is downstairs and… there is a dress code.”
Rey has felt small plenty of times before in her life. This is nothing new.
“He’s in his- our room, already,” She tells him, keeping her eyes on the doorman and actively ignoring the now-open stares of the lobby. The doorman’s eyes narrow.
“Why don’t you check in with the front desk to make sure you have the correct room number, shall we?” Without waiting for her response, the man moves his arm and begins walking her to the far end of the lobby, where beautiful women in black blazers stare on at her.
“I really don’t think that’s necessary. I’ll just call Kylo and tell him I can’t-“”
“I beg your pardon?” The blood runs out of the face of the doorman. “What did you say your friend’s name was?”
“Kylo. He’s upstairs but I don’t want to bug-”
“My apologies, Miss. I had no idea that Mr. Ren was expecting guest. Allow me to escort me to your suite-”
“That’s really not necessary. I’ll just go now-” 
Her whole body freezes as his voice cuts across the lobby. She doesn’t turn to look at him, instead still focusing on the now queezy-looking doorman. She feels his presence come up beside her, and the warm, large hand come to rest on her lower back.
“Is everything alright?” He asks.
The doorman looks at her with wide eyes and a pleading stare.
“Everything was fine, I was just coming upstairs.” The lie rolls off her tongue and she hopes she sounds convincing. Rey finally glances upwards to look at Kylo, maybe to flash him an ill-advised smile and silently say ‘lets go please.’
It is striking just how beautiful he is, especially after so long without seeing him. His hair looks even more perfect now than she was remembering it, but Rey assumes that her imagination will never quite compete with the real thing. 
“You we’re taking a while and I got nervous. I’m glad I came down when I did.” His eyes shoot over to the doorman who looks moments away from passing out, so she acts quickly.
“Well, I’m here. Let’s get going, please.” Rey takes both her hands and pushes against the solid bark that is his chest, and Kylo eventually complies, but still sending a death glare the the rest of the hotel staff.
When she’s finally pushed them into the elevator and they’re blessedly alone, Rey takes a deep breath of relief. For as poorly as that interaction went, it could’ve gone much worse.
“What did he say to you?”
Kylo’s voice is low and sends the wrong kind of nervousness to her gut. 
“He was just making sure I was in the right place. He had every right to ask what I was doing here. I mean, I know how I’m dressed and how I look, so if we could just move on-“”
“No one should speak down to you, no matter how you’re dressed, Rey. It isn’t okay.”
“But it is!” She snaps. “Because I know people in the service industry are just doing what their told and that guy is probably underpaid as is and his boss would have reprimanded him if he’d said nothing, so it’s fine!”
Kylo stays silent beside her and she can’t bring herself to look at him. The elevator takes it’s time, crawling to their floor, but blessedly does not stop to board anyone else.
“You were going to leave, weren’t you?” He asks, voice suddenly much smaller than it was a moment ago.
“I just don’t want to be a problem for anybody. For you, for the doorman, for… I probably should leave, even now,” Rey admits. For an evening she was so looking forward to, it really is going sour.
Rey feels a hand come around her cheek and gently guide her to look up at him. His expression is softer now and his lips have that delicious pout that she should absolutely not be thinking about kissing right now.
“You’re not a problem.”
Kylo stares down at her with such intensity, she thinks she’ll melt right then and there.
The elevator chime breaks them from their reverie and Kylo steps out into the hallway. He holds his hand out for her, looking at her with a question. Giving her an option. You can go back down and leave right now and just remember Kylo Ren fondly for the rest of your life or you can go with him right now and see whatever else this bizarre experience will give to you, her mind says. 
Rey makes up her mind and takes his hand.
She’s on him the moment he closes the door behind them. No warning, no hesitation; just Rey pouncing on Kylo. She kisses him so deeply, the way she’s thought about for the last 3 and a half weeks, that she can feel it in her toes. For his part, Kylo doesn’t seem all that surprised. He scoops her up in his arms the moment she’s between them, making Rey’s heart flutter.
He holds her up, not pinned to anything and just lets her make out with him. Suspended in air, only holding onto him, hands touching any part of him she can reach; it’s delicious. 
“We should… go to… the bed…” He says between kisses. Rey whines into his mouth (why, she’ll never know).
“No… here…” She breaths against his lips. 
Kylo immediately lowers them to the floor, and holds himself above her. The carpet is plush against her back and is almost softer than the old futon she’s been using as a bed for the last few years.
“You… deserve a bed…” He says, while quickly undoing the buttons to her overalls. She’s trying to help him, but her hands get distracted by the growing hardness between his legs. 
“What this… here is good…” She tries to say. She’s not sure if this would make sense to anyone outside of the two of them, but she’s can’t care at the moment. 
The second the last button comes undone, Kylo focuses on getting her completely bare. He practically rips off every piece of clothing on her body, until she’s left only in her tube socks. When her hands go to take them off, he stops her.
“Leave it,” Kylo orders. Rey feels herself gush. 
Once she’s in the perfect state of undress, Kylo doesn’t even bother taking off the rest of his clothes. He just opens his belt and fly, taking out his beet-red cock and pumping it a few times. 
“… Missed your cunt…” He says against her lips as he slides the head of his cock over her core. She’s squirming under him, trying to force him to put it inside of her. “… so tight and wet for me…and you’ll just… let me make a mess of it, huh? Let me fuck it ‘till it’s… molded to me… full of my come…”
She arches her back, pressing her chest into the coarse fibers of his shirt. His hands go to hold down her abdomen as he slides himself into her, stretching her out every bit of the way.
The drag of him makes Rey delirious; like Kylo is reaching a part of her that hasn’t existed until he came into her life. If she thought that her body would be more accepting of him since last time, she would be wrong. 
“… take me so fucking well, baby…” Kylo breaths, making Rey clench. He whimpers at the sensation. Her hands go up to his neck, one holding him there and the other rubbing the shell of his ear. His whole body trembles beneath her touch. He grips the underside of her thigh, as a warning almost, before pounding into her. 
Full force, no hold-backs, pounding her right into the floor. She’s sure he’ll have to tip housekeeping very well this time around. 
With every stroke, Kylo make Rey feel split in two. He bumps her cervix more often than not, and her clit rubs deliciously on the metal of his belt buckle. The hard, cold metal feels so good and so rough that Rey is reduced to muffled cries and moans agains his skin. 
He bites more hickeys into her chest and shoulders, deeper and harder than the ones last time. Her chest will be covered in purple marks of Kylo for a long time to come and she loves it. Her legs wrap around to his back, squeezing him. His movements become messy and uncoordinated and she knows he’s close, just from the sounds he’s making above her. Rey does nothing to stop her oncoming orgasm, just letting the feeling wash over her as she convulses beneath Kylo.
He with her the next moment, come spilling out of him like the grunts spilling from his mouth. His hips still thrust, harder and more infrequent, like he’s making his final claim on her body. She lets him manhandle her as she feels a warm, sloshing heat in her core. 
Kylo rest on top of her as their breathing slows. Rey feels a twinge of carpet burn on her back and her ass but ignores it. Kylo’s hands have found their way to her sides, nearly engulfing her waist. They slide up her arms until they find her hands, and interlocks their fingers together. 
He plants warm, wet kisses on her sternum, up her throat, and eventually her lips. Rey smiles into the kiss. 
Then, as if called, her stomach growls so loud, Kylo stills. He pulls back to look down at her with a quirked eyebrow. She bites her lip and her cheeks would be red from embarrassment if they weren’t already red from their fucking.
“… would you like dinner?” He asks. She nods. 
The wet ends of her hair tickle the back of neck, so she pushes it out of the robe. The water pressure in the massive shower was enough for Rey to sell her soul, but the burger she’s currently devouring is coming in at a close second. 
After their entryway tryst, Rey had happily jumped into the shower while Kylo had ordered them dinner, assuring her that she could order both the Tomato Bisque and french fries as her side.
When she’d gotten out and into the plush robe, Rey had found Kylo on one side of the bed, some nascar race on the TV, and him biting into his too-raw-for-her-taste steak. 
It was a beautiful sight. 
She’s sitting at the edge of the bed, Kylo on the other side and a few feet away from her, both watching the television. It’s too quiet for how loud her head is right now, so she can’t help the word vomit that forms.
“What do you mean when you say you’re in tech?” She asks, eyes still on the television screen.
“I work in research and development for a technology company,” he tells her, unhelpfully.
“What does that even mean?” She can’t help but sound exasperated. 
“My job is to come up with the next best gadget or update and figure out a way to make it work,” he says as he shifts on the bed. Rey still hasn’t looked at him.
“Must be hard to be successful in that field right now… I mean, First Order pretty much has a monopoly on any techie thing out there.”
Kylo chuckles.
“I wouldn’t exactly say monopoly… but yeah. But I still make do.”
Rey hums while chewing.
“Do you like working at an auto shop?” He asks, after a few moments of silence between them. She shrugs.
“I like fixing things, so that parts nice, but… my boss sucks.”
“Why don’t you go work somewhere else?” Rey can’t stop the sharp ‘ha!’ that escapes her.
“I’m a young, female mechanic, with no higher education degree, who’s immigration status is tenuous at best, who can barely afford her half of a shithole of an apartment. I’m not the bright, shining pupil that most places would want to take on.”
She finally looks back over at Kylo, who seems to be in thought while polishing off the rest of his food. 
“If you’re struggling financially, I could-”
She cuts him off. “No. That’s not what this is about.” The burger suddenly taste like ash in her mouth, so she sets the rest of it down. “I make due on my own. I don’t need a… benefactor.” This makes him chuckle, causing Rey to give him an incredulous look. 
“Sorry, sorry…” He chuckles, “It’s just… benefactor? I at least think I would be deserving the title of sugar daddy.” Rey rolls her eyes and throws a soggy french fry at him. He catches it and eats it right away.
“I don’t need a benefactor or sugar daddy. But… thank you.”
They fall silent for a while before Kylo gets up and removes the trays from their room. Rey scoots back, laying herself in the middle of the bed between the mountain of pillows. When Kylo returns, he stays at the foot of the bed, watching Rey. They say nothing, just keep heavy eye contact with one another. 
Her eyes rake down his form, shirtless with some joggers on. She doesn’t see a band of underwear so she hopes that means he’s going without. 
Feeling bold, she pushes herself up and craws her way across the bed to him. When she’s finally in front of him, she goes on her knees so that they’re eye level. Her hands trace the muscles in his arms and chest, dipping down to his toned abdomen. Rey feels his eyes on her face the entire time, but looks down to wherever her hands go to next. 
“I didn’t get the opportunity to ride you, last time,” her eyes flick up to his, “I think we should rectify that.”
Kylo doesn’t say anything, just keeps looking at her with that intense gaze that could kill a lesser woman. His hands come up to push the robe off her shoulders, pooling around her calves and revealing her naked body. 
His hands brush up her sides as they make their way to her jaw, and when he’s finally got a hold of her, he kisses her. It’s slower than any of the ones they shared earlier, and reminds her of that goodbye kiss from last time; the sweetest nectar that she’ll never be able to perfectly replicate with anyone else.
The kiss deepens and Kylo crawls into bed with her. They move until she’s situated over him, straddling his stomach. His hands kneed her ass, pushing the flesh until she’s sure it’ll bruise. She allows herself to grind on him, making his abs slick with her want. His hands suddenly let go of her, and she feels him go to push off his joggers. 
Rey kisses his neck, remembering what he said in all those earlier messages about liking both giving and receiving hickeys. So she bites. He gasps. 
When he’s finally naked, Rey reaches around to pull at him. He’s already so hard and dripping that Rey gets a little swell of pride. She takes him in hand once she scoots back, and holds him center with her. She glides down on him, slick enough to take him in one go.
His whole body is flushed, his lips even poutier than normal, his breath coming out in spurts. 
“Why… do I aways feel… like you’re holding back… whenever you… get your cock… in me,” She asks between shallow thrust. Kylo tips his head back as his hands go to hold her hips.
“Rey… your cunt… I could fucking come right now. I don’t care if we have sex every day for the next year… your cunt is like a vice. I could come in you right now… fuck…” Rey smiles down at him, proud to see this big man reduced to the puddle he’s currently in. It’s as endearing as it is hot.
She starts to move in earnest, riding him with her whole body. She eats up the sounds he makes, his praises of ‘good girl’ and ‘riding daddy’s cock so well.’
Without her asking, Kylo brings a thumb to her clit, moving in time with her thrust, making her yelp. “Need you… to come… with me…” He breaths. Rey nods as she adjust her angle, making him hit the spot in her that’s guaranteed to get her there in no time. 
Her hips can’t keep up with his thrust, so their movement become sloppy, until Kylo takes charge and starts guiding her and slamming up into her.
“… So perfect… riding my cock like a good girl… you’re so fucking hot… like this…” He says, but his praises are lost on her as she’s thrown over the edge. Rey complies into him and Kylo catches her, still pistoling his hips into her. He comes after a few more thrust, biting into her skin like last time.
Rey rides out the last of her orgasm while he’s still pulsing inside of her. Her hands still grip at his shoulders and Kylo wraps his arms around her back and hold her there. She feels the warm rush of fluids dribbling out of her, and Rey knows he can feel his own come dripping back down his cock, but he makes no indication that they need to move. 
They stay like this so long, Rey cradled against Kylo’s chest, feeling so safe and warm and wanted, that she falls into the deepest sleep.
She’s groggy when she wakes. Kylo has maneuvered them so that she’s tucked under his arm, halfway covering his torso. He’s snoring lightly and the rise and fall of his chest is oddly soothing. She lays there for a while, hours maybe, but isn’t able to fall back asleep. 
Rey busies herself by looking at him unashamedly. Kylo is built, to say the very least. His arms are thick with muscle, and even relaxed, his stomach looks well toned. 
Why did he need to post that on reddit? She thinks. He’s beautiful. He could get anyone just off his looks, let alone his wallet. 
Eventually he stirs, hands instantly seeking her out, and head going into the crook of her neck and nuzzling there. His hair tickles her, making her giggle lightly against him as he holds her even closer.
“What time is it?” He asks, voice muffled by her skin. She glances at the clock across from her.
“6:27… I’ll need to leave in an hour,” she says. Her voice is quiet and she feels a slight, almost imperceptible shift in his body language. She brings her hands up, running her fingers through his hair, hoping he’ll relax back again. 
Neither of them say anything for a while, and it’s becoming very clear that their form of intimacy is best experienced in silence. It should concern her how quickly they’re forming habits. It’s probably one of the first things he wanted to avoid when making that post.
But the sound of soft rain hitting the window, the warmth of the expensive sheets, the feel of Kylo’s body pressed against hers, makes it very hard for Rey to feel sorry for anything. 
They shower together, after she came up with some half-hearted excuse that it would save time and water, but he makes no sexual advances on her, so she doesn’t try and pester him. Would it be nice to end their tryst with some wet shower sex or even mutual oral? Sure, but Rey didn’t want to push her luck. She was glad enough to spend this time with him, even if neither of them were getting off.
When they’re both dry and dressed, him in a perfectly tailored suit and her in the same greasy overalls from yesterday, he takes her hand. She had been reaching for her bag, but lost momentum halfway through when he touched her.
“I… don’t want to go another three weeks without seeing or hearing from you again,” he tells her. 
“You can call me? I’ll give you my number. I work usually six days a week, but sometimes I’ll have a few days off in a row, so… we can meet up then, if you’re… up for it?” She tells him. Something in his face falls, but she doesn’t quite know where to place it.
“…That would be… yeah. We should exchange numbers.” 
He passes him her phone as she does the same, putting in her number with the little purple devil emoji beside it because he probably doesn’t have any emojis in his contacts and she wasn’t him to remember her. Not that she’s overly concerned with that happening, but, it’s always better to be safe.
When they exchange phones again, she looks down to see the contact he’s placed, but looks back up at him, confused.
“Ben Solo… what’s that?”
“Me… well, my real name. I haven’t gone by it in a while but… I just wanted you to know it,” he tells her. Rey’s lips tremble. You are not going to cry because he told you his real name, she chides herself. It is the absolute bare minimum to do, so you will not read into it more than you should.  
“Well…” She begins, looking down at the phone again because looking in his eyes is too much right now, “It is a very nice name. Certainly more realistic than Kylo Ren.”
Ben has the wherewithal to look a little sheepish at her teasing. He brings a hand through his hair and smiles at the floor.
“It was something I liked when I was a teenager and became too rebellious for my own good. It was my first aol email,” He says. Rey laughs as she imagines a gangly 13-year-old Ben running home to his computer every day after school and changing his AIM status to some moody-angst ridden lyric of a bad he thought was too cool for mainstream.
When the laughter dies down and Rey is able to look at him without bursting into giggles, she thanks him.
“Thank you for last night. And for… telling me your name.” He smiles at her, and puts a hand on her jaw, tilting her head further up. Before he can bring her into another soul-melting kiss, she speaks again.
“Ben is a very nice name but… I think I prefer calling you daddy.”
His grin is wolfish. 
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wincore · 4 years
FAVORITE PEOPLE??? u r gonna make me cry stop :’) ur my favorite author/blog so i guess we’re even 🤔🤔 i’ve been busy but okay!! my quarter is wrapping up right now so i’ll be on break soon & can hopefully catch up on some content heh
GRADUATE SCHOOL??????? BIG BRAIN MOONIE!!!!!! THIS IS SO EXCITING!! i’m so happy to hear that you’re figuring things out & omg i don’t even know what the preparations are for that but i hope everything is going well!!! that’s seriously so cool
“i literally write like 👁️_👁️” LMFAO STOPPP ur writing is wonderful it makes me smile and cry and then smile again 😌😌 WHAT HAVE U BEEN UP TO LATELY WRITING WISE!! any particular tropes ur into?? random inspos??
- tata!!
PLSS every time you send an ask, i’m trying to telepathically send love waves towards you!!!!! if my words don’t convey it enough i will have to use an abundance of heart emojis ♥💘💖💗💓 
ooh!! im so glad you get time to yourself !!! hope you relax and have fun 🥰 is there any content you usually go to without thinking when you wanna take a break?? i just recently caught up with the nct dream content so my mood has been lightened and my stress literally disappeared :D 
HHH i was preparing for interviews and discovered that most of the companies i wanna work at usually hire graduates for the posts i’m interested in so it looks like i’ll have to be doing some more of studying 🥴 the only preparation i have is for the gre and for this scholarship interview which can cover my entire tuition fee so  (>﹏<) hope i work hard enough to get it!! otherwise, i seem to be fine academically (i think??)
oh boy tata!!! you’re opening the pandora’s box here!!!!! ☆o(><;)○ i have so many things im trying to explore in writing at once that i needed to sit down and sort out my priorities!! im trying to finish the soulmate au for jaehyun except they’re not soulmates (it’s called romeo roulette) and it’s kind of like realism in soulmate aus?? like there’s not a lot of fantasy aspect to it apart from the fact they have literal tattoos telling people who their soulmate is LOL it’s literally set in an office. 
buuut coming to fantasy, i have ideas for modern magic/magical realism where it’s really just mundane people magic and not. flashy stuff. ( ̄  ̄|||) ceo sicheng and ceo jaehyun fall in this category but then again. it’s more focused on the business aspect (???) and it’s already set in a slightly different universe hhhh so i might end up removing the magic part (it’s really just some people with powers of persuasion, deceit, etc etc) if it turns out too tacky?? let me know what you think!!! i personally do like the idea if it’s mixed with a bit of crime themes 🤩
im also determined to make the rock band dream 00 line a series so. either lead guitarist haechan or bassist jaemin is next 😙
and again. i’m like more into writing lighthearted romcoms these days bc they’re relaxing for me 😬😬 there’s the fashion designer taeyong i promised myself i would write LOL i even have a pretty romcom-esque plot for it <3 there’s also this au inspired by “You’ve Got Mail” for nomin set in college and i have never written love triangles before so this is fully up to god or whoever is upstairs hhhh there’s also one for bff2l sicheng which is (temporarily) called “how to overcome the fear of falling in love” which is the exact opposite of How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days LMAO and the last romcom one is fake dating au jaemin where i have a plot promise..
lastly, im finally returning to writing the requests from november i feel bad for putting them off for so long LOL the first is soccer player sungchan let’s goooo
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inkblotgalaxies · 5 years
Hiiii im the sensitive anon and im here to steal ur offer of a soft dom roman blurb/fic if youre still willing to write it? :)))))
((WARNING: swearing, light domination, smut))
((I hope you like this, sensitive anon!! ❤️))
Sometimes, Roman knew, you just wanted to feel small. You wanted protection, love, and guidance from the man that you trusted the most. Thankfully, you’d managed to date a man who could give it to you. And give it to you, he did.
Most people knew Roman as a man with a temper, but with you? Oh, he had no use for it. All he had to do, so long as he spoke in the right tone of voice and used the right words, was ask. Simply ask, and you would bend over backwards.
Like today, for instance. He’d come home, weary from work, to you on the couch looking more akin to a burrito than a human thanks to all the blankets. Precious, he’d thought, and his tired bones lead him to you. You, his point of relaxation. His oasis.
“Hello, baby girl.” His hands smoothed down the sides of your blanket-clad form, head dipping towards your ear. “Did you miss me?”
You’d practically cooed, shuffles back against the couch to get closer to him. “Yes, Sir.” Your voice was small, lilting, and it sent a pulse of arousal through him. Oh, that kind of day. I see.
“Mm. I missed you, too,” he hummed, pulling away a fraction of the blanket so he could kiss at your jaw. “Tell you what: you head upstairs, get yourself naked and in the bed, and I’ll show you exactly just how much I missed you. How’s that sound?”
You were out of your blanket cocoon within seconds.
But Roman took his time climbing the stairs where you had bum-rushed. He loosened his tie, undid his cuff links. After all, he needed to give you a minute to do as instructed, and he could be patient when it came to you. And, sure enough, by the time he got up the stairs and into his bedroom, there you were. Naked, legs spread practically to the bed posts and bent. A perfect fit for his body.
“There’s my perfect girl,” he praised, a smile pulling at his lips as he unbuttoned his shirt. “You’re excited now, aren’t you?”
You nodded against the silken sheets. “Yes, Sir.”
“Mmm. How about we see just how — oh,” he cut himself off as he removed his shirt and moved to the foot of the bed. Your heart jumped, but returned to its normal beat when you heard a satisfied growl emerge from his throat. “Oh, baby girl, you’re dripping for me already. All for me?”
You giggled, tilted your head to look down at him. “Always for you, Sir. Nobody can get me wet like you can.” And then his hands were sliding up your legs, raising goosebumps in his wake, and you bit your lip to stifle a moan.
“Well, aren’t I a lucky man?” His green-blue eyes turned up to meet your irises, and an eyebrow quirked. “Oh, come on, now, baby girl. It’s okay to moan. You know I love to hear you.” He crawled further up the bed, kissed the inside of your knee. “My beautiful, beautiful girl.”
You whined, hands fisting the sheets in anticipation. Already, you could feel your face and chest flush from his praise. Always so good to you, always so flattering. “W-what are you going to do to me, Sir?”
“I told you, baby girl,” Roman replied, kisses trailing up the inside of your thigh. “I’m going to show you how much I missed you.” He switched sides, lavishing your skin with affection. “And I’m going to start,” his lips found where your leg met your pubic bone, then hovered over the place in such desperate need of attention. “By eating this perfect little pussy.” His tongue rolled out, and he swiped the flat of it up your slit, making you gasp.
“Mmm, yes, Sir!” You moaned, though you dared not move your arms from their place. He hadn’t told you you could touch yet.
“Good girl. And you remember your colors, don’t you? Because I’ll be honest with you,” he opened mouth kissed at your pussy, making your back arch, before pulling away and smirking. “Once I’m done eating you out, I’m going to fuck you until you can’t stand. But I need to know if I’m hurting you. So, what’s the color to slow down?”
“And to stop?”
“Good girl. And what about if I check in on you, and everything feels so, so good?” He couldn’t help but let his face slip into that cocky grin at that question.
Which, of course, made you blush further. “G-green, Sir.”
“That’s right, baby girl. Now,” he settled properly, arms looping around your legs. “Be nice and loud for me, baby. When you cum, I want you screaming my name.”
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jichew · 6 years
kim seunghun♡soulmate!au
a/n: this took….WAY TOO LONG to finish. I apologize if this au is not as cohesive bc I did write it over the span of a few weeks lol. Thank you all for waiting so patiently and feel free to leave any requests as I will be free to write this weekend!!! mwah♡
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so,, in this alternate universe exists the soulmate tattoo
yes, i know so creative ;w;
essentially, you are born with the name of your soulmate tattooed somewhere on your body
and you have the absolute pleasure of having the name kim seunghun tattooed in cursive across the expanse of your right hip
spicy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
anyway,,, you’re kind of asjsdjkSAD
bc seunghun is such a common name??? and you’ve met so many seunghuns???
but NONE of them are your soulmate :((((
you would know,, considering u basically ripped a guys shirt off when he told u that yes, his name was kim seunghun but no, he did not have ur name on his hip
uhh but that’s a story for another day :,)
anyway,,, ur kinda bummed??
and it’s gotten to the point where you’ve almost lost all hope of finding him
but anyway ,, life goes on I guess
you’re yedam’s older sister by about 3 years
( sorry forgot to mention that important detail )
you both go to the same high school!!!
ur a senior and he’s a FRESHIE
obviously,,, hes a BABY(≧∇≦)
so ur super protective of him
and when you find out he’s been hanging out with some ,, QUESTIONABLE individuals at school
mom mode: activated
“dammie who r these kids”
“MOM, we’re part of dance club together!! they’re super nice i promise”
u just want your baby to stay safe u know??
so when he asks to invite his friends over to practice
you’re like ( ˘ω˘ )
yedam: (◞‸◟)
you: ( ˙-˙ )
sad yedam is a big fat NO in this household
so you have no choice but to agree
and as his unofficial mom, you decide to greet his friends !
“hi, i’m y/n! bang y/n!” ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
and like ,,,, you lowkey feel bad thinking his friends were bad bc most of the guys are pretty chill
like this byounggon kid??
the epitome of looks like he wants to kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll ( ^ω^ )
but when you get to the last dude ,,,
he just kinda ~looks~ at you
and ur not gonna lie … he’s HOT
like he’s only wearing a hoodie ,, but he has silver hoops lined along his ears,, and his hair just messily grazes across his forehead
you internally: *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・’(*゚▽゚*)‘・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
uhhhh but also he’s staring u down like he wants to kill u
“i’m hun” he introduces himself coldly
he still cute tho
so,,, it’s been a while and yedam has continued to bring his friends over to practice
and you’ve come to grow fond of the boys!!!
esp byounggon :,)))
you guys just click???
except,,,, there’s still a certain blonde haired boy who just doesn’t seem to like u???
like u were walking to ur class the other morning
and you just HAPPENED to see him
so u were like,,, hm let me be a nice person today(^ー^)
so you run up to him and grab his shoulder
“hun!!! what’s up my guy!!” ( ^∀^)
honestly,, you went in to this thinking that the only thing hun would do is say hi back???
you: WRONG
he kind of freezes for a second
and you’re like???? u ok bud
he slowly turns around
and his eyes,,, literally pierce into yours
he gingerly takes your hand from its grip on your shoulder, letting it limply fall at your side
and then he slowly walks towards you until your back is pressed against the white brick wall of the hallway, his hands caging you in on either side of your head
slowly, he inches his face towards yours
“stop faking nice to me, we are not and will never be friends”
you internally: hnnngg why does he smell so nice???? is that bath and body works? since when did men shop at bath and body works??(΄◉◞౪◟◉`)
you externally: HMPH how DARE U invade my personal bubble young man i won’t hesitate to FIGHT(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭
and then he walks off
you are a BIG MAD
like??? who does this kid think he is???
you dont really bother talking to him much after that :///
but also ,, you hate yourself bc you’re still so ATTRACTED to him??? and u don’t even know why??? like bad personalities are such a turn off why ,,???
so it’s a saturday night ,,
u know what that means…
party @ byounggon’s place ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
bc what’s a bullet point au w out a party am i right???
basically, gon’s parents were on vacation for the weekend, so he took the chance to have the party of the year
and after the stress of exam season, you’re ready to get SMACKED
lmao i do not support underage drinking kids!
uhhh anyway
this is your first party in a ,, while
so you dress yourself up in a red mini dress and some platform heels and strut your hot ass to gon’s house ;)
by the time you walked up to the house,, it was a full fledged RAGER 😤
so like one second,,, you’re just chilling, shaking your hips to some britney spears
and the next thing you know!! you’re downing your fifth shot of the night
gon: Σ('◉⌓◉’)
the next thing u know you’re in the bathroom bent over the toilet
thankfully,,, you don’t puke
but you do drink atleast five bottles of water and take a power nap on gon’s shoulder
anyway ,,, by the the time you’ve slightly sobered up, you realize your head kinda hurts and the party is still going strong but u promised gon you’d stay to clean up soooo
you end up going upstairs to NAP (ᵔᴥᵔ)
but when you open the door to the guest room at the end of the hall,,,
you just HAPPEN to see hun already there on the bed scrolling through his phone
this man rlly just knows how to push ur buttons huh
if you weren’t so tired maybe you would’ve taken the time to appreciate the way his leather jacket complimented his broad shoulders
like not 2 be rude but this bich looked hella good
but also ur tired :///
“what are YOU doing here”
hun finally looks up and notices you standing in the doorway
and he doesn’t say anything for a while
just kinda stares at you
and it takes you a while to realize that he’s lowkey checking you out
you wouldn’t admit it, but the way his eyes glazed over your form made a pit form in your stomach
finally he locks eyes with yours
“what do you mean what am I doing here, what are YOU doing here?”
he smirks and gets off the bed to step closer to you
“i WANTED to take a NAP but you just HAD to take the only room that doesn’t have people FUCKING” (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
“well it’s not my fault you can’t handle your alcohol”
this BITCH
“can you PLEASE just leave”
you let out a sigh of frustration and square your hands on your hips
“why do you hate me so much”
“i never said i hated you”
“well the way you act sure makes it seem like you do” you huff
hun cocks his head a little and steps closer to you
suddenly, it seems like the idea of personal space is almost nonexistant
you look up at him
and u notice the way his hooded eyes rest on your lips
and how the air around you both has suddenly gotten heavier
and you feel your body heating up
and you realize that maybe,,, you’re not so tired anymore
“well how about i prove to you that i don’t”
hun’s voice has reached a whisper, his lips only centimeters from yours
and suddenly he’s kissing you
and you’re kissing back
perhaps it’s because you’re not completely sober that you don’t notice the way his touch burns your hip
and if you do, you ignore it
the softness of his lips against yours almost makes you feel drunk again
and the next thing you know, he’s taking off your shirt, hands finding their way to the curve of your waist
as your lips make their way down his neck, you allow yourself to do the same to him
( you wish you didn’t do that )
because as you push his shirtless body against the bed, you can’t help but notice the cursive scrawl lining his right hip
and in that moment, it feels as if you’ve never been more sober in your life
you’re frozen, eyes resting on his hip
and maybe hun, or should we now say seunghun, is not as sober as he seems, considering it takes him a while to track down the path of your eyes
and when he finally does, his heart drops in his chest
he reaches out to grasp some part, any part, of you
but you flinch away
“y/n…. this isn’t what you think it is”
his eyes are pleading you to stay and listen to him
you let out a harsh laugh
“no, no this is EXACTLY what i think it is”
“y/n please don’t -“
and suddenly you’re untangling yourself from the bed sheets, haphazardly throwing your shirt on and slamming the door behind you  
and in that moment you realize that maybe soulmates aren’t as perfect as the world makes them out to be
so the rest of the weekend is spent in your bed,,, wrapped up in ur sheets like a burrito
you don’t really cry much
you’re just ,,, confused
having the idea that your soulmate knew you were his soulmate but never told you, and better yet, acts like he hates you??
yedam: y/n, why have u been laying in bed all day (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
you: ;w;
and as much as dammie wants to talk to you, he has more emotional intelligence than most guys his age (or guys in general tbh)
so he pats your back, makes two bags of popcorn, puts kimi no na wa on his laptop and gets under the covers beside you
it isn’t until the end of the movie when the last of your tears have dried on your face that you look up at him with puffy eyes
“dammie, i found my soulmate”
yedam: Σ('◉⌓◉’)
“it’s not that big of a deal… i don’t think he  wants me anyway”
by the time you reach the end of the sentence, your voice falls into a whisper
perhaps you would like to believe seunghun wanted you
but some things don’t turn out the way we believe
“why would u say that” yedam looks down at you, brows furrowed in worry
“uhh, i mean -“
“WAIT … who even is your soulmate??”
“it’s … hun”
“W H A T”
and that, my friends, is how yedam realized u can’t trust people in this world :/
so it’s monday
and as you brush your teeth, you can’t help but feel uneasy knowing that you could possibly see seunghun today
thankfully you don’t
but when it’s finally nighttime and you’re making your way under your covers ,,,
unknown: y/n, open your window
unknown: i’m outside and it’s cold
unknown: this is seunghun btw…
you on the outside: what the FUCK
you on the inside: i’m literally wearing basketball shorts how am i supposed to see my soulmate like this (O_O)
and when you pull back your curtains and open your window, you are met with none other than kim seunghun barreling into your room
“how long were you out there??” (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
“uhhh maybe an hour or so” m(._.)m
and perhaps it’s the motherly side of you that decides to pull his face down and cup his cheeks in your hands in an attempt to warm him up
and you don’t really notice how close you’ve gotten to him until you look down and realize his lips are only centimeters from yours
but when seunghun’s lips form into a little smirk at your obviously flustered state, you quickly retract your hands
“i’m sorry…”
you don’t really make a move to respond to seunghun, choosing to stare at the floor instead
“I know what i did was stupid … and i should have told you from the start… but i’ve had bad experiences in the past with soulmates and i didn’t know if -“
“that doesn’t matter, you should have just told me that you didn’t want me in the first place instead of making me feel this way”
you’re a bit pissed off now
that this dude thinks he has the right to act like that and then barge into your room??
but when you take the time to look up at him
his eyes have softened
and he moves a step closer to you
“i do want you though”
… “ w h a t “
“then why have you acted so rude to me?? when you obviously knew i was your soulmate from the start, why did you hide it??”
now seunghun is the one looking down at his hands
and he looks so defeated, before he opens his mouth
“i’m scared”
you look up at him, but he’s still looking down at his hands
“my dad rejected my mom when he found out they were soulmates. i don’t think … he wanted to deal with the commitment of having a soulmate. he thought they were stupid. so he rejected her and he went off to do whatever the hell he’s doing right now. he went off and he abandoned my mom with two year old me and we haven’t heard from him since.”
a single tear drops from his eyes
and you move a step closer and wrap your arms around him
he’s frozen for a second but he hugs you back
and you both stay there for a while, you rubbing his back in an attempt to calm him down
“i won’t ever leave you seunghun”
he pulls back
and despite his red-rimmed eyes and tear stained cheeks, he cups your face with his cold finger tips and kisses you
and you kiss him back
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unclejuho · 5 years
sf9 in london event + concert experience ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
this is my 5k essay on what happened 190512 // enjoy reading!!!
so i got to the venue at 11pm the night before bc i was so stressed by the other concerts (ppl at la started lining up at 6pm??) i really wanted to be near the front since im coming all way from the netherlands anyways i better go big or go home!!!! so like i waited there for an hour amongst other fans who were still waiting from a diff concert and when they left other fantasy arrived so we started queueing up. i rlly have to thank sf9 uk casue they were so nice to me and they kept letting me use their hotel next door to let me go to the bathroom and change ♥️
i ended up getting nr1 (or nr21 ig isbdhs) so!!!! we did it LMAO succesfully got a good spot even though my feet and butt were dead by the time anything even happened,, its so hard to wait for 16+ hours to go to a concert but its sf9 so who cares about health 🤡 we didnt get knifed and a lot of ppl came up to ask who the fuck we were waiting for hdbshsh it was so funny
so i started handing out my juho stuff ofc and ppl seemed to like it!!! so im glad haha eventually even i didnt have any anymore so i was happy ppl liked it!
skip to like 1pm which is when the members arrived at the venue, i was a lil late noticing cus i was waiting for those signed narcissus albums but i ran to the front anyways n saw youngbin chani tae leave the van (like what they posted in the travel preview) so that was!!!!! jdbdbsb they were so unbothered it was so cute so i went to get my albums and came back to line (i got all hwiyoung pcs oshshah) 
also there were so many other fans handing out fanmades it was so sweet the entire atmosphere was fantastic bc everyone was nice to eachother, rlly everyone i talked to was super sweet!!! also so many fansites with slogans or fans so i went broke once more but it was all worth it theyre so pretty...
at like 4.30 was the special event which lmao i rlly was so tired and i got sooo nervous i had my already signed fanfare from mwave bc if ure gonna sign any album it should be fanfare (looking at ALL the ppl that gave them narcissus) sooo us 20 were led upstairs to some sort of bar area and they had a long table w water bottles so we had to wait a lil while the staff checked our signed items if they were ok and then we had to form a line to wait (they were late) i met another dutchie so that was nice hdhshsh
finally the members walk out and im shaking bc baek ju is the first to enter the room!!! he was wearing that leopard sweater and i didnt even hate his mullet seeing it upclose...
jae was wearing that stupid unbottoned shirt skbssbsb and he came in giving ALL the fanservice like him and inseong were here for the entire thing osbdbsb the other members just sat down and sociaized with eachother like yb kept being adorable and pulling faces at the table it was everything and i couldnt see rowoon bc ppl were standing in front of him but i was!!!! shaking already bc whos idea was it to start off this event with fucking rowoon lmao is like immediate heart attack! ju was last which was oof...
so i had like ideas of what i wanted to talk abt w each members but lmao??? i didnt talk abt any of it to any member my mind was so shook...
first up was rowoon and he just hdhshsh???? the eye contact of this man and just seeing him upclose was so intense tf he rlly was.. so gorgeous n bc of his hair up his eyes looked even bigger n shimmered and the pics rlly dont do him justice... so the first thing i said was wow so handsome bc why not.. i was gagged indeed hdbdbsb he said like woooow our debut album and you already have it signed oabdbs i didnt explain the entire mwave thing bc wud he understand haha but he opened n he saw the pic of himself hes like what do u like better me now or me here??? me being myself im like fanfare bc ur hair down is so cute oahdhshs i rlly not a narcissus hag anyways but fanfare was best rowoon as always... so rowoon did his sign and i asked him to do sky castle impersonation he didnt understand so i just repeated sky castle he was like ah the voice thing im like yes cha minhyuk isbdbsh so he did the fucking thing and i was dying lmao great to have seen it in the flesh ofc...
after rowoon was taeyang and taeyang!!!! was so hyper and attentive like hdnsb whenever u see him in vids hes usually very casual but he was soooo sweet and he too was like ahhh fanfare he took a while to say but he said his heart was still in there hdhdhsh so i was 🤧🤧 i just asked tae if he was doing okay or if he wasnt feeling tired and he said he was doing great bc i was there im like dying hdhshsh so i said yah me too!!!! 
jae was after taeyang n jae was jdhshshs soooo into it i know korean fans say ppl change biases to jae after meeting him and i have to say i can see why!!! i didnt rlly know what to say to jae beforehand but he said oooo i really love london and im like haha i dont like it here im like im from the netherlands so he was shocked he said thank you for coming to travel here and he held my hand isbdbsbsb
next was inseong and... the eye contact level was sooo severe he rlly threw all into it hes like hi thank you for coming so much so i was wearing this shirt w a 🥩 on it and im like inseong do u like my shirt bc i know u love meat iahdhahsh so he was laughing n said yea wow this is my favorite shirt oshdhshs rlly had me going LOL he asked if it was my first time seeing them im like yea but im going to korea in the summer tho oshdhshs he said that was great n asked how long i was staying for,,, so im like im going a month so he asked why i was going so long im like im going for u!!! hdbshsb he gave me some hearts and i moved on ndhsbsab
so chani was next up and he looked so shy,,,, im sad bc i forgot to say everything i wanted to say to him at the beginning and i was just like chaniiiiiii and he laughed and signed my album before i went i quickly pushed in a URE MY FAVE DANCER n he highfived me hdhsbs
so youngbin was next and i... lmao... i was weak haha he just read my name hes like hiiiii gia im here being depressed saying HI YOUNGBIN I LOVE U SM thank u sm for everything u do for us and i shit u not my eyes like tearing up oshdbsbs yb asking me how im feeling im like YEA GREAT tears in my eyes oabdbs i rly couldnt speak otherwise id actually have them roll down my face so i just nodded and moved on iabsbs
hwiyoung im so sorry... i was still emo from yb and i even forgot to say happy birthday like pls hit me... hwi cheered for the fanfare album and im like yess hwi i love ur hair here i love the blonde;; hwi thanked me for coming 
next up was dawon and jdbsbs i came in saying hi fantasy president so he said yeeee fantasyyyyy and hes an unbothered legend oabbdhssbn he signed quickly and within a minute i was away again jdhdhs
so juho.. my god oshdhshwh hes so:((( pretty let me breathe liek... i came there im like juho i love u oahdhshsh hes just nodding his way going to sign my album and he drawing that heart stickman so im like i have a question can u draw— hes like this is my signature drawing LUCKILY i drew the jucasso next to my name so im like pointing at it being like lmao boy we dont want this heart flop bdhdhsh so he quickly drew it and i said i hope u feel better soon and i was off again,,, rlly dawon and juhos signing went so quick...
so we moved on to the pictures and they were grabbing the chairs and ju was standing all way back at first but then no members went to sit on the chairs oahdhs so JUHO THE MAN WENT FOR THE SEAT NEXT TO THE MIDDLE HDHSHSH and hwi on the other side and jae behind so im blessed like juho... he rlly did it... hdhshsh i quickly go to grab one of my banners bc im like bitch i gotta fucking rep for it now otherwise i wudnt know a pose anyways oahdhshs so i quickly took off my glasses as well
so its my turn im going up and sitting down and like handing this banner to ju and hes like ???? oh???? he quickly reads it n was impressed hdbsb so there was one pic and tae was sitting next to ju and wanted to read what was on the banner so he turned to us but then we had to take another pic so he had to turn back quickly again oahdhshsh and then i had to go again but as i walked away ju was explaining to the members what was on my banner so i :(((( 
after everyones picture was taken they said goodbye and waved and inseong stayed behind a lil to joke abt drinking beer (i rlly hate him but also me?) and then they left and we got our merch bags n went back downstairs
so i quickly ran over to my bestie to tell her abt it before realizing we had to line up to go inside for the concert so i was like stressed running away i rlly almost lost my first spot LOL but we were let inside the venue i had like 50 bags but i ran to the front and BLESS IT there was like tiny space left at the left side which is were i wanted to be bc juwoon!!!!!! so i rly did get barrier thank god i could put down all my bags as well and the fantasy next to me were great as well!!!!
// i’ll add the concert later as im tired rn and this is already 5k osjbhdbhjas
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rorypcarson · 6 years
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it’s hope??? again??? yes u read that right here’s my son rory love us this blog is so new so nothing will be in the tags i hate everything lmao anyway like this or message me to plot ily bye
triggers: car crash, drunk driving, stroke, abortion, death, depression ( mention )
╰☆╮ DACRE MONTGOMERY ─ RORY PEARSON identifies as CISMALE and uses HE/HIM pronouns. they’re a YOUTUBER/MUSICIAN, and they’re only TWENTY-TWO ! they’re said to be +CANDID, but also -DESPONDENT. i guess that’s why they’re known as THE ACCIDENTAL BILLIONAIRE in the tabloids. ( kendall schmidt, logan henderson )
did i use two btr bois as his vc??? u bet ur ass i did & i have no regrets ok anyway on to my son 
rory pearson was born and raised in fairhope, alabama.  his parents were teenagers when they had him and lived with his grandma scarlett.  his mom jean marie was ousted by her parents when she told them she was pregnant and his dad’s mom took her in with open arms.  
of course his grandma wasn’t going to let them live in the same room in her house without being married, especially with her grandbaby on the way.  so after talking with them, and his parents agreeing, they went to the courthouse and got married three months before rory came into the world.  
rory was born on april 20th, 1996 and he was without a name for six days.  his parents couldn’t decide so they named him rory wyatt vincent pearson.  he was always told that since his parents couldn’t decide on naming him after jean marie’s grandfather or greyson’s father, they picked a third name and gave him both of their names for middle names.  
when rory was two and a half years old ( not really half, it was june ?? ) his parents graduated high school and went out for a party.  unfortunately their designated driver wasn’t so sober and the group of four recent graduates crashed into another car.  
his father was in the passenger’s seat and died on impact, his mother was pronounced dead in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.  
scarlett legally adopted rory after that and raised him.  she always told him stories of his parents, but avoided telling him anything about what happened to them for as long as she could.  
he was ten years old when he saw the memorial and recognized his parents from their yearbook photos and came home asking about it.  
honestly this is jumping ahead a bit but rory didn’t learn to drive until he was twenty years old.  and even now, esp now, since he lives in nyc he doesn’t drive often. 
okay when he was seventeen years old he met bethany in an airport.  he was on his way to a college interview on a connecting flight that got cancelled due to weather conditions.  they were both sitting in the same terminal so they got to talking and !!! hit it off
bro legit asked her out 5 seconds after their flights were announced to be back on
“hi yeah we just met but we’ve got two hours before your flight leaves so wanna go grab some food with me???” 
and the rest was legit history
he can remember every moment of their conversation and first date like it was yesterday. oh my god he was SO IN LOVE 
the human embodiment of the hearteyes emoji
and so the pair stayed in touch and went on a couple more dates and the boy was so gd smitten that grandma scarlett took his phone during one of their phone calls and was like “darlin if you don’t fly down here to meet me i’m going to think my grandbaby is just talking to a complete stranger on here.” 
and then bethany flew down and met scarlett and she was so excited because !!!! her grandson had a girlfriend !!!! 
grandma scarlett was the biggest supporter of anything rory did in life oh my GOD 
at his graduation it was just grandma scarlett in the crowd for him but boy did it sound like the whole crowd was cheering for him when his name was called 
anyway flash forward to he’s in college and he’s moved away to be closer to bethany.  which should not have affected his life but when he was looking at colleges fr fr after acceptances the boy chose one closer to his girl
we love a softie ok 
anyway on bethany’s 19th birthday he took her to an airport and was surprising her with a trip to disney that he’s been saving up for for MONTHS !!!! 
and at the airport he was like all jittery and nervous bc in his pocket he had an engagement ring but he did his bEST to hide it all from beth bc surprises 
not that he planned the whole thing ( he did ) but it just so happened they were in the same restaurant waiting for their flight as their first date way back when
and in the middle of dessert, the waiters singing happy birthday this boy attempts to be sly and gets down on one knee.  but didnt realize there would be someone coming up behind him to keep up the singing and he ..... kinda caused a mini avalanche of people
and he apologized and is like still on one knee and now he’s looking at bethany with a BRIGHT RED face and he had had this whole speech worked out in his mind ok but all that comes out is, “i love you, please marry me?” in like an awkward stutter because he just TOOK OUT AN ENTIRE WAITSTAFF 
somehow bethany said yes ??? and they’re engaged ??? 
oh and someone got the whole thing on camera and like that happened 
the video skyrocketed to the most viewed video entitled “i witnessed an awkward proposal???? and she still said yes?????” 
which is also lowkey how he started his youtube channel ?? 
“hi yes it’s me the guy who proposed to an olympic athlete while taking out a whole waitstaff?? i dont know why she said yes either but i love her??”
and for a long time it was mainly vlogs of him and beth and him and his friends 
okay so fast forward and rory’s graduated college with a degree in history education bc he wants to be a teacher and he’s got to fly back to alabama and miss his graduation because he got a phone call and grandma scarlett had a stroke
so the boy is freaking out but it’s fine !!! grandma goes home and he winds up staying down and now he’s trying to figure out how to be with beth, find a job in ny, but also take care of his grandma 
for a while he toys with the idea of moving grandma up to new york and helping her find a place.  so he goes back to new york to talk to beth about it and he’s freaking out and he gets home and she tells him she’s pregnant
of course he never expected to be like 20 and having a baby but ??? whatever.  now he’s freaking out because his grandma is not doing good and he’s worried about her and now he’s got to figure out what to do with a BABY ???
and bethany then tells him she wants to get an abortion and rory’s already stressed and so he flips bc of emotions and they get into a huge fight and it just winds up with him leaving and heading back to alabama and bethany in their apartment  
so rory goes home to alabama and he keeps getting notifications on social media about bethany so he just shuts his phone off and i’m talking like he goes days without touching his cell phone.  he takes a hiatus from youtube because he’s freaking out and 
two months after he’s home he seemed like scarlett was doing better so he took her to a party in town to see some of her friends and at the party scarlett had another stroke.  
she died six days later, never waking up from the medically induced coma they put her in.  
flash forward a couple more weeks after he’s working with lawyers for his grandma’s estate and rest assured scarlett pearson had nothing but her house, her garden, and her beat up corvette that her deceased husband wyatt bought her for their anniversary one year
so its a shocker to find out that scarlett pearson was worth 43.7 billion dollars 
and now that money all goes to rory because he’s her only living heir ???
so rory gets this BOATLOAD of money and the local newspaper picks it up which brings it to the national news and somehow it made international news
“local alabama boy from youtuber to billionaire overnight” 
so he kept his grandma’s house in alabama because ..... he can’t seem to let that go and why should he ?? its a good house and holds a lot of memories
but he does in fact buy a brownstone in manhattan its HUGE and he doesn’t have enough things to fill the whole space up but ??? he’s working on it slowly. 
he created a makeshift recording studio in one of the upstairs rooms and has been working on music, which is new to him ?? he was always a bit artistic but never sure enough to like try it out
oh and he’s returned to youtube, he’s got a decent following i guess 
i mean lbr he’s hot ???? and sings ??? so ??? ya know 
okay so this is long already so im gonna keep this short n sweet
rory is a sweet boy, never really an athletic type always more focused on his studies than sports.  
spent a lot of time with his grandma and he’s very easily attached to people he’s close to.  not exactly clingy, but it’s really hard for him to let people go i guess ??? 
used to love shows like survivor and big brother and amazing race. always toyed with the idea of applying to be on amazing race but he never had anyone who would go with him, or could for that long.  
he’s a real kind hearted guy and clumsy as fuck
a bit awkward when you first meet him but ??? you warm up quickly and so does he
clumsy af as noted earlier 
kind of depressed ??? idk he’s not seeing anyone for it but post losing beth, his grandma, and like the possibility of a family in the future he’s kinda ..... morbid 
puts on a happy front for youtube
oh and he does a podcast talking about stuff with his friends idk what exactly but ?? its prob music and movies lbr
best friend(s)--self explanatory; people who he gets along with and they’re like his ride or dies.  
nerd friends--give him someone to geek out with please he’s SUCH A NERD !!!! or someone who likes learning random things he’s got u 
musical friends--people who he met through starting to delve into music 
youtube community--give me people who !!! met through youtube and often do colabs together.  probably ppl who were shooketh when he came back and was like “bro i have 40 billion dollars????”
wealthy friend(s)--give me someone who will teach this boy how to be wealthy ??? like cause he knows nothing about that he struggled a lot growing up and with college and several part time jobs he doesnt know how to like party or anything 
idk anything else 
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hamilton-one-shots · 6 years
Hamilton High School AU 63
He tried to break away, but the arms were too strong around his waist. "Who the fuck are you?"
"You'd think you know. Last time you heard me talking, it was in court, where you got off free for breaking my leg defending my stupid ex."
James Reynolds. John kept fighting his grip and he'd usually be out of it without a fight, but he felt so weak. And that dizziness never went away. What was happening to him?..
His answer came out of the bathroom as Reynolds dragged him towards the back entrance. John Jay came by with a sly grin.
"What did you do?.."
He held up a packet of pills. "You really should watch what you drink. Turns out, James was after you and I hate you, so I helped him out. In return, he hurts you in the worst way I know how to."
"All that time in prison because of you and Maria. I know what I'm doing."
In John's mind, he was screaming and thrashing, but whatever Jay had put in his drink simply sucked the life out of him and he was hardly moving, hardly making any noise. He was completely at their mercy.
Thomas went into the bathroom only a minute later, furrowing his eyebrows as he saw that John was gone. Maybe he already went back into the- Woah! He almost slipped on some lipstick tube. He tutted and picked it up, furrowing his eyes. The color seemed a bit too familiar. He walked out and kept looking down, finding a phone.
He felt his heart drop.
He ran out into the main hall and looked around. Think... Think... He knew this building better than anyone there. Whoever was there would find a back entrance without a fire alarm. And the closest one was... This way! He began running and went straight out of the door, fire filling his eyes at what he saw.
He ran forward and tackled the other guy off of John, beating him down into the concrete until he heard the weakest voice coming from John, calling for him. He jumped off of the half conscious stranger and gave him one last strong kick before going to John. "I'm here for you.. I'm going to see how hurt you are, okay?"
He made sure to wait for a weak nod from John before he checked under his skirt. John didn't seem to be too badly hurt, but it was clear that Thomas had only gotten there seconds too soon. He heard a camera click from behind him and turned around, growling as he saw John Jay with a phone.
“I tried to be your friend, Thomas. Have fun getting your reputation back up after this.”
Thomas jumped to his feet and grabbed the stupid thing from Jay’s hands, smashing it too pieces against the ground, about to do the same to Jay himself.
John moved around a bit and tried to sit up. "Tho... Thomas... Home..." he whimpered.
Thomas paused, giving Jay just enough time to run, and let his expression soften before he turned to John. "We have to get you some help, sunshine..”
John whimpered and shook his head.
“I’ll be with you the whole time. We have to make sure you’re okay.”
After another few seconds, John replied. “Okay...”
“Can I pick you up?.."
He nodded.
Thomas scooped him up and carried him to his car, reclining the front seat as much as he could. "Are you hurt anywhere?.. He didn't hurt you anywhere else?"
John shook his head. "He touched me..." he whimpered. "Jay.. bad stuff in my drink..."
"He drugged you?.." He sighed. "I'm calling the police. I'm not letting that monster get away with this and I'm not letting Jay run free, okay?"
John cried softly and nodded, curling up as Thomas stepped outside and did just that.
When the police and ambulance arrived, Thomas sat with John in the back of the ambulance, holding his hand as the paramedics took his vital signs.
Jay was dragged out of the building kicking and screaming and an officer behind him had the pills that he'd kept in his pocket in an evidence bag. James Reynolds was in an ambulance too, but with more officers than anyone else.
Thomas sighed. "Do you want me to get Alex?.."
He shook his head and held Thomas's hand tighter.
He nodded and kissed his hand. "Can I tell him what happened? I'll tell him you don't want anyone else around."
He nodded and Thomas did just that, seeing that Alexander had been spamming his phone.
[tomas, wers jon? I cant find him] [serisly, im worying] [if ur doin da do jus tel me, but im woryd] [tomas, thers cops and ambulans her, wer r u nd jon?] [tomas, pls! jon wont nsr me eder!]
[I'm here and John's with me. I'm going to tell you what happened, but John doesn't really want me to let you come along. xx]
[ud betr not b fucin lyng]
[I'm serious, Alexander. I told you I'd never do anything to hurt John. xx]
Alexander frowned. He just wanted to know that John was okay. [fin]
[John got drugged by John Jay and sexually assaulted by this James Reynolds guy or something. xx]
Alexander felt his heart stop. He completely shut down, unable to respond, unable to talk, unable to think. What was he supposed to think? Supposed to do? Go to sleep and act like his boyfriend hadn't just almost gotten raped? Like he didn't want him to be there right now?
"Alexander, are you alright?.. Where's John?.."
"I... I..." He began clamming up and just gave his phone to Lafayette, who went pale at the texts before frantically responding. [It's Lafayette, can I com and make sure hes okay?]
Thomas frowned and asked John. "Do you want to see Lafayette?.."
He thought for a few seconds before shaking his head. "Just you..."
"Alright.." He figured that John would change his mind later, but for now, it was best to just listen. [I'm sorry, I really am, but John says he doesn't want to see anyone else. xx]
[Thomas, if you are lying to me, I will castrate you with my bare hands.]
[I'm taking you serious, Laf. I need you to trust me for John's sake, please. xx]
He sighed. [Fine.] He gave Alexander back his phone. "Maybe he just needs his space right now... He doesn't want to see me either. He's not mad because of the pamphlet." Of course he knew that Alexander thought it was because of that.
And Lafayette was right. Alexander visibly relaxed at hearing that it wasn't only him, but only by the slightest amount. He was still worried about John.
"Let's go home, okay?.. We can talk to him later, I promise. He's going to be just fine."
Alexander nodded and let Lafayette lead him out of the hall, joining the rest of everyone in a flood towards their cars.
Lafayette sat with him in his car for a few minutes, letting everyone get to their own and letting the crowd clear up as he called Hercules. "I'm going to be with Alexander. I have to make sure he's okay."
"What about you, Laf?.. I want to make sure that you're okay too... John is like a brother to us both.."
"I'll be fine.."
Alexander reached up and grabbed his wrist. "Let him over.. He can sleep with us as long as you two aren't all gross.."
Lafayette smiled softly and nodded. "Why don't we all stay together? You, me, and Alexander?"
"Alright. I'll pick up Rosie and some clothes, then I'll be at yours. I'll see you then, baby."
"I'll see you then." Lafayette hung up and began driving, taking Alexander home.
Luckily, George and Martha were already asleep, so they got upstairs without a problem, changing in their own rooms before laying down in Lafayette's.
When Hercules got there, Lafayette let him in and he joined them upstairs with little Rosie, laying down with Lafayette and Alexander. He kissed his datemate's cheek and they all fell asleep.
Thomas paced around the waiting room as he was forced to stay there, John getting checked out somewhere in another room. He only stopped when a nurse came in, calling his name. "How is he?"
"He's going to be okay. We want to keep him just until the drugs leave his system, then do another quick evaluation, but, from the details we got from him, we highly doubt that he could have contracted any diseases, though we did make sure to test him. He should be getting those results in a few days or a week. Over all, John is going to be just fine."
Thomas sighed and relaxed. "Thank you so much.."
"It's my job. You can come see him and I think you can make a case for staying the night. You're his boyfriend?"
Thomas nodded.
"Then having you here should be nothing but beneficial for him." She smiled and led him up to John's room.
The freckled boy was laying in his bed, watching the tv in the corner and wearing a hospital gown underneath the blankets. He smiled as he saw Thomas and opened his arms for him, hugging him as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Thank you.."
"No need to thank me.. Even if I wasn't your boyfriend, I would've kicked that guy's ass without a second thought."
The nurse smiled. "He's going away for a long time. He may not have done any permanent damage, but it was damage all the same and he does have a record."
John nodded. "Thanks.."
She nodded and walked out.
Thomas laid down beside John and put an arm around him. "How are you feeling?.."
"High as hell... But I've been worse."
"Poor baby.." He kissed his forehead. "Do you need anything?"
He shook his head.
"You still don't want anyone else here?"
He shook his head again. "Just you.."
"That's fine." He smiled a bit.
"What is it, baby?"
"Is the dress okay?"
He chuckled. "It's not in too bad shape. I'm sure Sarah would understand and help you."
John just nodded.
"Go to sleep, sunshine."
He nodded again and fell asleep, Thomas sleeping beside him.
In the morning, John woke up to a gently nudge from one of the nurses, Thomas still fast asleep beside him.
"Sorry to wake you.. I just need to ask a few questions about your condition."
He nodded. "Okay.."
"How are you feeling this morning?"
"I'm kind of sore everywhere.. And my head kind of hurts, but I'm not too bad. Like, if I had the flu."
She nodded and wrote that down. "Is there anything else?"
"No. I'm alright otherwise."
"Great." She smiled and gave him a brochure for a therapist. "I recommend seeing this doctor when you're ready. It's not necessary in the healing process, but I highly recommend it."
John nodded, pretending to consider it. "Thank you.."
"Of course. We just need to run a few quick tests, then you'll be ready to leave."
He nodded again and let her test his reflexes. He couldn't even let them test his pupil dilation the night before because he cried and thrashed as soon as it started thanks to how blown out his pupils already were. And Thomas had to hold him as they took his temperature and hold his hand as they got his dress off and checked him for physical damage. He was a mess made a whimpering child by drugs.
"All done."
John blinked a few times. Already? He only vaguely remembered a few followed instructions, but it seemed that he'd spent his attention on his own internal turmoil.
Thomas began to stir. "What time is it?.."
"It's just about to be 8 in the morning. Mr Laurens is ready to go home once you're ready. You can run and bring him a change of clothes, if you want."
Thomas nodded, then sat up and stretched once the nurse left. "I'm going to get you some clothes."
He nodded and gave him his key, checking his phone as he waited. He sighed as he saw all of the missed calls and messages mainly from Alexander. He called him, knowing that would put him more at ease than just a text.
Alexander had been half asleep, but answered in record time. "Hello?"
"Hey... It's me.. I'm okay.."
"John... Thomas told me what happened last night. I'm so sorry.."
"I'm going to be okay, I promise. I hope you know I'm not mad at your or anything... I just don't really want to see anybody.." He didn't want to be coddled, made to feel like what happened broke him. It hurt, but John had easily been through worse. Thomas knew how he wanted to be treated, not in any way special, but like he had someone there if he changed his mind. Lafayette was too soft as to try not to treat him any differently and Alexander saw John as fragile, as he'd already made clear. And Hercules would no doubt treat him differently, too, seeing John as a younger sibling. Thomas was probably the only person who wouldn't since he understood what it was like not wanting to be treated differently, most people did just that when they learned just how rich his family was, and he understood that he wasn't the only one who felt that way.
When he came back, John changed into the outfit that he'd brought him, just a simple shirt and some sweatpants, then went with him back to his apartment. John immediately took a nap with Thomas, then got up and ordered some pizza a few hours later, neither of them feeling much like cooking. John ate most of it, though he made sure to leave enough for Thomas, then got up and pulled his shoes on, looking at Thomas.
“Want to come with me?”
He got up and grabbed his shoes before asking, "Where are we going?"
"I kind of just want to go to the gym.. Blow off some steam, work out a bit or something."
"That sounds good." While he’d gone out to get John some clothes, he'd also gone home and quickly changed into a tee shirt and shorts, ready to just relax for the whole day, so he was ready. He got up and went to the door with him, walking out behind him. "Where are you going?" he asked as he walked right past the car.
"I prefer to walk."
Thomas nodded and followed him down the street. John seemed independent on the outside, but they both knew that he needed Thomas following him and keeping an eye on him for a while. "So.. what did you say to the nurse about therapy?.." He knew it was a sensitive topic, but he wanted to see what John would see.
"I said I'd think about it, but I threw the brochure she gave me into the trash.."
"I get it.. Nobody's forcing you to do anything."
John nodded and flinched as he leaned against a light pole at a crosswalk, feeling the sharp sting of static. It normally didn't bother him, but he couldn't help it, not while he was thinking of that time only moments before.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah.. I'm alright." And this time, he was telling the truth. Of course, the memories still made him jump sometimes but it was nothing serious anymore. Not like the time when he burst into tears after someone offered him a stick of gum, only for it to shock him. That was so embarrassing...
"Alright." He kept following John until they got to the gym. As usual for the weekends, it was fairly empty, so the pair played some music as they sat in the weight room, not talking much because, frankly, they didn't have to. The few shared glances or song lyrics that they sang out loud was more than enough to know that they were both okay. Things weren't great, but it was a good start.
Once they were warmed up, they headed into the boxing ring at John's request and after his promise of not hurting Thomas. It was an interesting match up. Thomas wasn't too largely built to be fast nor was he too thin to be strong while John was thin and shorter, but strong for his size and with speed to match it.
But Thomas wasn't a boxer. John saw his moves from a mile away and it was only a few minutes before John won the match.
"Alright, you got me. As the runner up, I get to give your your prize."
John smiled and leaned up, letting Thomas give him a quick kiss. "And as the winner, I declare this day to be over. I'm ready to go home."
"So am I." Thomas smiled and followed him out, then walked back with him, getting a call from his mom as they walked. He tutted and answered. “Hello?”
"Thomas, where are you and Lucy?"
"Lucy's at a sleepover with her friends this weekend and I'm with my friends."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
He rolled his eyes, knowing just what to say to get out of this. "I did."
"You did?"
"Oh. Well, have fun then."
He sighed as she hung up and put his phone back in his pocket. It'd been that way for years, probably ever since Lucy was born. No, even before that. Always, maybe. It was so easy for Thomas to get away with anything when no one paid attention. It was one of the reasons he'd fallen for John so fast. He did.
When they got to the apartment, they laid on John's couch with pizza that they'd picked up on the way and put on a movie, spending the day quietly.
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-ghost yoongi my hearteu
-so yoongi started out as a normal person
-he was a coffee barista and had his own coffee shop and everything
-he didn’t have a family but there was a cute cat in the building next to his
-and he also was good friends with the bookstore owner next door, taehyung
-that means he a single pringle ready to mingle *wink wink*
-his coffee and tea shop was a cute lil place with an apartment upstairs where he lived
-but one day he got robbed and the robber set the shop on fire
-yoongi was so dazed and tired bc he woke up from a nap and he tripped and fell into the fire
-rip yoongi
-he was probably in his twenties when he died
-in this au ghosts stay the same age when they die
-but a ghost can turn human again if it experiences a true love, given and returned
-wow we got some beauty and the beast stuff going on here
-but once they are human they begin to age normally again
-so about 50 or so years later
-the place where the coffee shop once was has been reconstructed and stuff
-now it is just a tea house
-with boba don’t forget the boba
-just saying boba is life so yeh
-and you and your best friend own the shop and run it by yourselves
-and yall live in the apartment upstairs
-no one informed you guys about the guy who died there like 50 years ago
-but yoongi isn’t a violent ghost or anything
-he was very lowkey when you moved in
-but when you did move in
-boy was he confused
-”whoA THERE'S HuMAnS”
-yoongi actually admired you and your friend
-he liked the decorations and the way that everything was laid out in your apartment
-he was really curious about what you sold in your tea house what a cutie
-”cOLD teA whAt in tHe wOrLD”
-he always kinda wanted to try boba too
-he’s a ghost so like he can’t eat or drink
-sorry yoongi
-as time went on yoongi actually really started to admire you
-and he admired your friend too but
-his old friend taehyung next door who died like a few weeks after him already had a crush on your friend so
-yoongi liked the way you yelled when you got excited and he loved how you always put a smiley face next to everyone’s order at the tea house
-and he loved how passionate you were about your job
-yall love your tea and boba and coffee and stuff
-so in this au ghosts can physically show themselves when they feel strong emotions
-any strong emotions btw
-ghosts can also communicate with other humans when they are experiencing strong emotions and showing themselves too so go figure
-they can learn to control it eventually but it's rare to find a ghost that can vanish and disappear as they please
-so you have a piano in your apartment that you play all the time
-yoongi always loved playing the piano back when he was alive
-dang that sounds ominous
-”when he was alive”
-i get distracted easily sorry
-but yoongi always loves sitting on your piano bench and remembering all of the songs he used to play
-he can't physically play the piano anymore but you get the idea
-he also really likes your piano skills and stuff
-and your taste in music he loves your taste in music
-so anyway back to the story
-one day yoongi was sitting at the piano and was just minding his own business
-and you walk up to the piano and sit on the bench next to yoongi
-keep in mind that you cant see yoongi and you have no idea he exists (as a ghost or human lol)
-and poor yoongi got startled bc he didn’t see you next to him and he gets startled?
-he practically jumps off of the bench
-actually he falls off the bench but that's a minor detail
-and he physically shows himself
-because i mean he was scared so
-and then you freak out and he freaks out and your roommate freaks out from upstairs bc of all of the noise downstairs
-there's a lot of screaming and luckily the tea house isn't open because you would have scared all of the customers
-and then everyone’s screaming at each other
-a lotta mixed feelings there cough
-you keep screaming at yoongi and try to attack him and then your friend eventually figures out that he’s not your boyfriend
-and yoongi looks so scared and soft and startled and you realize that he looks kind of pale and ur just ???
-so then you stop trying to attack him
-and ur voice hurts so like lets just talk for now heh
-the conversation goes like this:
-”whO aRE YOu”
-and then ur just like oh there's a ghost in my house i mean it's just fiNE its not like i have a whole business downstairs and i can't move or anything lol everything's fine lmao
-*nervous laugh*
-eventually you and yoongi and your friend get used to each other
-yoongi explains the concept of ghosts and stuff too so none of yall are confused
-actually your friend ends up meeting the ghost next door too cough cough
-yoongi can’t verbally speak with you when he isnt showing himself but sometimes he can knock things over if he really tries
-sometimes you will be making ramen or something but when you stop paying attention to the water boiling on the stove yoongi will knock over a book or something to get your attention
-he doesn't want you to die in a fire so
-learning from our mistakes are we yoongi
-over time you and yoongi acknowledge each other almost on a daily basis
-and sometimes he shows himself but then again he can’t really control his habit of just disappearing and showing up
-you eventually figure out that he shows himself when he gets strong emotions
-every once in a while you will purposely turn on a horror movie or something and yoongi shows himself what a smol ball of fluff
-but then one day you realize that yoongi is showing himself a lot more than usual
-like he shows himself about twice a day
-little do you know that the emotions he feels when he shows himself daily comes from seeing you everyday hehe
-and whenever he shows himself you always smile at him and it just melts his heart
-dang im sounding real cheesy today
-but you always smile at yoongi or playfully push him or something like that bc,,,,,i mean,,,,he is cute after all right,,,,,
-you just can't get over how watchful and protective he is over you, and in the smallest ways
-and one day
-yoongi shows himself as usual
-you see him and smile but
-keep in mind that you're probably on a caffeine rush or something like yas boba
-you are in such a good mood that you reach over and like trap him in this big bear hug
-as stated before like yas go boba
-the boba you consumed beforehand has caused you to experience these feelings
-the boba gave you this adrenaline and happiness
-the boba starteD this physical contaCT
-poor yoongi gets flustered and you begin to notice that he’s turning color?
-normally he looks kinda gray and pale
-but now he looks less gray and pale?
-he looks more human like?
-and then after a while you realize that he’s not vanishing???
-what is happening
-eventually he disappears but he was in physical form longer than usual?
-anyways you and yoongi begin to have a closer relationship
-”i think i'm going to move out yoongi but y/f/n is staying here and i’ll live next door with taehyung”
-”yah sure like you would leave me it should be the other way around”
-eventually your friend actually moves next door lol
-and you n yoongi become really close
-like really close
-you guys talk all the time and watch movies and stuff and yah
-and you realize like wow i would date yoongi if he wasn’t dead
-you guys are already practically dating anyway
-but one day ur just sitting on the couch and you fall asleep
-you had no idea that yoongi was sitting beside you so when you fall over to lie down on the couch he sees you on his lap and he’s just  ???
-*internal yoongi screaming*
-he gets up and just stares at your face
-yep just casually staring at your face no strange feelings here
-and he finds himself just placing a sweet lil kiss on your cheek
-and then he realizes that he was in phySICAL FORM and you feLT THE kiSs
-way to go yoongi
-like he’s just falling in love with you but he doesn’t want to fall in love with you but he likes falling in love with you?
-ya know what i’m saying
-and now he’s scared because you’re waking up and he has no idea how to vanish again so yep we’re all screwed
-you wake up and see yoongi all red faced and staring at you with wide eyes
-those big brown eyes bless
-you realize what happened and you smile bc he’s just sO cuTe
-you keep on smiling and you reach over and give him a little kiss on the cheek too
-get ready for the really cute and fluffy and squeal worthy part ok
-you and yoongi are maintaining eye contact but then you guys smile and both whisper a sweet little “saranghae”
-i ship
-but then yoongi begins to glow
-like literally glowing he’s burning your eyes
-and then he begins to float?
-and at that point the light is so bright you can’t look at him
-when he stops glowing and floating and stuff
-he just stands and stares at his body in awe
-bc he’s humAN
-he is human
-and he isn’t pale and he’s in physical form and he’s human
-and he’s just so happy and you’re just so happy
And you jump up and you guys just hug
-you know that situation when you’re just so happy and you’re hugging someone who makes you happy and you guys just stand in a hug for a really long time but its not awkward
-yah that’s what happens
-bc you guys know how ghosts work
-*flashback time*
-”a ghost can turn human again if it experiences a true love, given and returned”
-remember our beauty and the beast inspired standards
-but yes you and yoongi are just so thankful for each other and love each other
-and eventually you guys double date with the other ghost-to-human couple next door:)
-but then again maybe it ends differently
-this is your story isn’t it
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danfanciesphil · 7 years
L’Histoire Française (New Chapter)
Teacher AU (Part 8)
(Part One)
(Part Two)
(Part Three)
(Part Four)
(Part Five)
(Part Six)
(Part Seven)
(Now Available on Ao3!)
Following the small incident with the French girl, Dan makes the decision to walk with a group of students on the way back to the hostel from Châtelet, letting John take  position at the front of the pack beside Phil, for once. 
“Did you and Mr Lester have a fight, sir?” Savannah asks, giggling. 
Dan chokes out what he hopes is a dismissive laugh, not sure how best to professionally respond. “N-no, of course not.”
“So why are you walking with us?” Lydia asks him, one perfectly shaped eyebrow raised. 
“I thought we were overdue a bonding session,” Dan jokes in a vain attempt to deflect their incessant questions. It doesn’t work. 
Lydia scoffs, rolling her eyes, and tugs on Savannah’s hand, leading her away. 
Dan shoves his hands into his pockets, trying to appear nonchalant, and walks the rest of the way on his own. 
“Hey, I’m sorry about earlier,” Phil says, making Dan look up from his phone. 
He’s been neglecting it for the past few days, and now he’s taking the opportunity of this short period of time between activities to scroll through his many notifications. Three texts from Tyler, one from Teddy, multiple Facebook notifications, and a missed call from his mum. 
Instead of replying to any of them, Dan locks his phone, and turns to Phil. 
“Nothing to be sorry about,” Dan says, smiling. 
Phil smiles back, but he looks a little sheepish. “I lost my cool with that girl. I don’t get annoyed very often, but that was...” he frowns, and Dan stares at the unusual downturn of his mouth. “...difficult.”
“It’s fine,” Dan says, shrugging. 
He can feel the itch of curiosity simmering beneath his skin. As much as he knows it’s probably best to remain in the dark about whatever that girl had said, he can’t help but wonder. He suppresses the urge to ask Phil about it, reminding himself that if her words had been awful enough to prompt an angry response out of Phil Lester - the most easygoing, lovely, ray of sunshine the world has ever known - then Dan can be pretty sure he doesn’t need to hear them in English. 
“Can we just... forget that happened?” Phil asks, looking hopeful. 
His blue eyes shine, wide and round; Dan wonders how anyone could possibly ever refuse him. 
“Of course! Already forgotten.”
Phil smiles in relief, his shoulders drooping. “Cool, thanks. I’m gonna go tell the kids to get ready to eat.” 
“Another early dinner?” Dan asks.
“Yeah,” Phil replies, fluttering a wink at him. “Gotta leave for the surprise at seven.”
“Surprise?” Dan asks, but Phil is already slipping out of the door. 
Tyler Updates on le beefcake???
Tyler Daniel!! Have u snogged the  frenchie yet?!
Tyler If u return to England without at least one tale of debauchery im not letting you back in the house.
Dan lets out a breathy laugh behind his hand. 
Dan thts fine im 99% sure im gonna spontaneously combust before i get home anyway.  we’re sharing a room 😫
He sighs, glancing over at the unoccupied bed beside his; his heart pangs as he considers the fact that he’ll have yet another night of trying and failing to succumb to unconsciousness beside Phil, right here, this very evening. 
He scrolls down his messages to find Teddy’s, which are likely to be a little less excruciating in nature. 
Teddy Found any Parisian macarons yet?
Dan phil forced me to try one :’) they’re not bad.
Teddy hot. pls bring some home <3
Dan tell ur menace of a bf to stop texting me inappropriate things and we’ll see.
Tyler do you think i don’t see what you two text each other?? 
Giving up on the two of them, Dan pockets his phone again, feeling it buzzing in his pocket with more texts already. He remembers that his mum phoned, but he resolves to call her tomorrow. Right now, he’s too on edge for whatever this evening’s ‘surprise’ might be. 
As if summoned by this very thought, the door opens, and Phil steps back in, still seeming a little chagrinned. 
“Ready for dinner?” 
“Cardboard pizza and raw jacket potatoes?” Dan asks, standing from the bed. “Born ready.”
As Dan is nibbling the crust of his second slice of terrible pizza, Phil picks up his fork and makes a show of clinking it against the side of his plastic glass. Obviously, it doesn’t make a particularly loud noise, so he couples it a “ding, ding, ding!”  
Dan stares at him amusedly, the overly crunchy pizza clawing at his throat as he attempts to swallow it. He washes it down with a gulp of Coca-Cola Light, wincing. 
“Attention, folks,” Phil calls out to the students sat around the table. He stands from his chair, holding his glass up like he’s giving a toast. “I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you all how lovely it’s been having you with me on this trip. Thank you for putting up with my geeking out about this wonderful city. I know you’re all far too cool for me, so I appreciate it.” 
“Aw, give over, sir,” Jonah calls out, making several others laugh. “You ain’t that bad.”
“Yeah, we’ve had a well great time, Mr Lester!” Joanna shouts, grinning. 
“We love your geekiness, sir, don’t worry!” 
“Some of us more than others, maybe,” Jonah adds, aiming a wink at Dan that he pretends not to see. 
“Aw, well thank you very much, guys!” Phil says, appearing genuinely touched by these comments. “I hope you’ve all managed to learn something too, even if it’s just how to order a croissant from a boulangerie.” 
“I’m sure it’s been a very informative trip, and that we’ve all learned a great deal, right class?” John asks, earning himself a unanimous “ye-es, sir”. 
John smiles broadly, raising his glass to Phil’s. “How about a word of thanks to our lovely French-speaking tour guide then, everyone?” 
The class send up a hearty cheer for Phil, clapping their hands and calling their thanks out loud. Dan joins in, possibly a tad more enthusiastic than could be considered appropriate, but it doesn’t really matter. 
Phil laughs and bats his hands in the air, blushing. It’s adorable. 
Once the uproar quietens, a rosy-cheeked Phil straightens up once again, addressing the group. “Right, well, as a treat for our last night, I’ve booked us all a special surprise!” He announces, grinning. The class gasp and chatter excitedly, their hands clutching at one another. “For our final evening activity, we’re all booked onto a river cruise along the Seine! I’ve hired us a boat for the night, which will be sailing us down the river for a couple of hours. There’ll be drinks and snacks available from the bar, and music playing in case you fancy a dance. So after you’ve finished eating, run upstairs and get your frocks on, then we’ll head down to the docks.” 
The class cheer animatedly, whooping and clapping. Phil grins at them all, lifting his glass in acknowledgement, and then sits back down. 
Dan stares at him in awe. “A river cruise?”
“Don’t tell me you get seasick, Dan.” 
“No, it’s just...” Dan trails off, completely mesmerised by his own thoughts of the evening ahead. Gliding along the beautiful Parisian river in the darkness, Phil at his side. 
He gulps down some Coke, trying to comprehend it.
“A bit romantic?” Phil supplies, finishing Dan’s sentence for him. “How else am I supposed to woo you, Dan? Time’s running out.”
“I didn’t bring anything nice to wear,” Dan complains as he drags a third meme t-shirt out of his case and discards it onto the ‘nope’ pile on his bed. “You didn’t tell me we’d be dressing up.” 
Phil laughs at him from over the top of his phone screen. “It’s not a nineteenth century ball, Dan,” he says, “you don’t need to wear anything fancy if you don’t want. I just said that because the kids like to have an excuse to glam up. Like a school disco.”
Dan frowns at him, eyes roving over his outfit. Phil has already changed in the bathroom, and he looks ravishing. He’s wearing a dark blue and black checkered shirt, buttoned up to the collar. The contrast of the colours make his eyes and onyx hair pop; it’s taking a lot out of Dan to remain collected in his presence.
He sighs in frustration as he drinks in this delicious man once again, and tries not to despair as he looks down at his discarded pile of unsuitable clothing. Why is he even bothering to attempt looking nice? In comparison to Phil Lester he’s going to look like a gangly child anyway, 
Noticing Dan’s look of dismay, Phil stands up and walks to his side. It really doesn’t help Dan to calm down at all, having Phil looking this good, this close. 
“Hey, you can borrow a shirt if you want,” Phil offers, shrugging as he places a hand on Dan’s shoulder. 
Trying his utmost not to squeak at the unexpected touch, Dan latches onto Phil’s words. “Really?”
“Yeah, of course,” Phil replies, gesturing to his own case. “Have a rifle through.”
“You’re a godsend, Lester,” Dan mutters, feeling Phil’s hand slip from his shoulder as he crosses to Phil’s bed and begins pawing through his open suitcase. He shoots Phil a grateful smile. “Thank you.”
Phil chuckles, shrugging again like it’s nothing. “Not a problem. Kind of goes against my end goal to actively clothe you, but hey ho.”
This sort of remark from Phil should come as no surprise at this point, but Dan still feels like the floor has been swept out from beneath his feet. He lets out a mildly hysterical sounding bubble of laughter, and turns his blushing gaze into Phil’s assorted shirt pile, trying to focus on the patterns.
“Anyway, I’m just gonna go and see John about the details of the boat,” Phil says, moving towards the door. “He was supposed to phone and check it was all still okay, but I forgot he can’t speak a word of French, so I imagine he might need some help.” 
Dan forces another laugh, this one sounding a touch more normal, and just nods at him in place of actual words. Phil gives a small wave, then disappears out of the door. 
Without dwelling too much on his choice, Dan selects a dark shirt from Phil’s case, grabs his towel, and runs in the direction of the bathroom for a quick shower. 
A cold one. 
By the time Dan has showered, dried and straightened his hair, dressed himself, and grabbed his wallet and phone, it’s almost time to leave. Phil left the room to round everyone up as Dan was still in the straightening stage, so at 6:55pm, he’s jogging down the hostel corridor to meet everyone else already gathered in the lobby. 
“Finally,” Jonah calls out, spotting Dan as he emerges, “what the heck were you doin’, sir? Strappin’ on your lingerie for later?” 
“Jonah Frank, that is not appropriate,” John snaps, glaring at the teen. 
VP Green looks rather polished this evening, Dan can’t help but notice, swiftly taking in his dark slacks and tan blazer. Phil spins on his heel then, mouth slightly parted as though he’s about to make his own comment on Dan’s late appearance, but he pauses, mouth remaining open as he sees Dan for the first time. 
Dan’s initial thought is, of course, that he’s done something stupid and embarrassing like come down without his trousers on, or with shampoo still clumped in his hair. 
He looks down at his outfit, checking, and cards his fingers through his carefully straightened locks. The weight of Phil’s gaze rests heavily on him, lingering, but he can’t figure out why. 
He raises an eyebrow as if to say ‘what’s up?’, but Phil abruptly turns from him, a strange expression on his face. 
Weird, Dan thinks, feeling far less confident in his appearance than he had when he cast a final look in the mirror a few minutes ago. 
“Right, everyone here?” Phil asks the general mob, and the students murmur a vague affirmation. “Well, if anyone’s left behind, can someone please text them now, because we’re leaving.” 
Dan pulls his (faux) leather jacket tighter around himself, comforted by the way the familiar material has shaped itself to his frame over the years. Phil’s shirt feels taut and starchy against his skin, but he likes the idea of wearing something of Phil’s, so he’s putting up with it. 
John falls into step with him as they set off out of the hostel entrance, surveying Dan with something like surprise. 
“You certainly scrub up well, don’t you!” John exclaims, patting Dan on the back. “Who’d have thought it?”
Dan laughs nervously, a little confused by this statement. He’s only wearing a shirt and skinny jeans. Sure, he spent a little extra time preening himself tonight, but it’s hardly a groundbreaking change, surely. 
“Not so bad yourself, VP Green,” Dan replies politely, to which John barks a laugh. 
“Too kind, but I rather think my days of catching anyone’s eye are behind me, Dan,” he says with a sigh. “The dark circles tend to send them running, nowadays.”
Matthew begins shoving Jonah in the side then, angry about some unknown disagreement, and John steps forwards to intervene, leaving Dan alone again. 
Not particularly wanting to be caught up in another unsettling conversation about his over-fondness for these kids’ teacher again, Dan walks swiftly to the front of the pack in order to walk with Phil. 
“Getting a bit rowdy back there,” Dan comments, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder. “Might have someone overboard tonight if we’re not careful.” 
Phil is staring at him again; he barely seems to be aware of what Dan is saying, which is bizarre. Usually Phil is such an attentive listener. 
“That shirt really suits you,” Phil says after a moment, which sends all the blood rushing into Dan’s head. His head swims a little. 
“Oh, th-thanks,” he manages, eyes falling towards his shoes. “Guess whoever bought it must have really good taste.”
Phil smiles, but it’s faint. His azure eyes track across Dan’s torso, searing a trail of fire into Dan’s flesh as they go. 
His tongue flicks out across his bottom lip; Dan almost walks straight into a lamppost, he’s so distracted by it. 
“Yeah, I guess I do,” Phil says.
It occurs to Dan only as he is stood on the wooden deck of a lightly rocking boat, gliding over the inky waters of the Seine, that he has never been on a river cruise before now. Once, during his Freshers Week at university, he’d attended a boat party, but as far as he remembers (that night had been a particularly messy one) that boat had never actually left the dock. 
They’ve been going along for around an hour, and Dan can’t seem to move away from the edge of the boat, mesmerised by the sight of Paris sliding by, a twinkling blur of golden light and colour, beautiful and dazzling. 
“So, has Paris captured your heart?” Phil asks, stood beside him, his fringe fluttering upwards in the cool breeze. 
A fist closes itself around Dan’s heart as he drinks in the sight of such a perfect, sweet smile, directed, bafflingly, towards him. 
“Something like that.” 
“‘He who contemplates the depths of Paris is seized with vertigo. Nothing is more fantastic. Nothing is more tragic. Nothing is more sublime’,” Phil says, his voice taking on a theatrical tone. “Victor Hugo said that.” 
“Victor Hugo?” Dan asks, smiling fondly.
“He wrote Les Misérables,” Phil says, “and The Hunchback of Notre Dame.” 
“Hm,” Dan says, nodding. “I reckon he was onto something. Paris is definitely... overwhelming.”
The way Phil is smiling at him is starting to make Dan want to squirm. He does not feel deserving of such warm attention, especially from someone so amazing. 
“Overwhelming in a good way?” 
Dan stares into the endless chambers of Phil’s glowing blue eyes, watching the lights of the city glimmer in their depths. “Overwhelming in a wonderful way.”
There’s a pause then, their eyes sticking to one another like they’ve been frozen in position, the narrow tunnels of their gazes fused. Light hubbub echoes in the background, of the students milling around the deck, alongside the soft lapping of the water against the side of the boat. 
Eventually, Dan gathers himself, clearing his throat as he turns back to the sight of the illuminated buildings at the water’s edge. They pass under a bridge, lit up and gorgeous; dark, softened shadows caress Phil’s profile, sweeping across his porcelain skin, as though they can see how beautiful it is. As if they want to touch it for themselves. 
“Beautiful,” Dan whispers without thinking. He starts, scrambling for words. “I mean, this is beautiful. The boat, the river... You’re good at surprises.” 
“Thanks,” Phil says happily. “I love surprises.”
“Yeah,” Phil says, looking at him. “Can’t you tell?”
Dan frowns, confused. “What do you mean?”
“Well, you were a surprise,” Phil says, like it’s obvious. “You might be the best one I’ve ever had.” 
He’s never going to be used to the flirting, Dan thinks as his muscles seize up, his breath catching in his throat. Something about this time felt a little different though, Dan can’t help thinking. This time felt softer, truer. 
He shakes his head free of the absurd thought before he runs away with it. 
There’s no point entertaining the thought that Phil is doing anything other than being a flirtatious little minx, as always, just for the hell of it. 
Phil chuckles at him then, probably in response to seeing how hard Dan is concentrating. Then, he leans in, bringing his mouth to Dan’s ear.
“What would you say if I asked you to do something irresponsible with me?” 
There is no response available in Dan’s brain, short-circuited as it is by that illegal-tackle of a question, so he just gapes at Phil blankly, trying to process it. 
Phil laughs again, then grabs Dan by the forearm and drags him away from the edge, towards the cabin of the boat. 
As it turns out, ‘something irresponsible’ turns out to be drinking. 
The bar on this boat is supposed to only serve soft drinks this evening, under Phil’s express instruction, but after five minutes of Phil’s charming grins and witty repartee, the bartender agrees to make an exception for the two of them. 
They get a bottle of wine between them, hidden under Phil’s jacket. After just one glass, Dan can feel the bones and muscle in his body becoming lighter, his laughs bubbling up with ease. His hands become magnets, drawn to the polars of Phil’s arms and back, seeking out his addictive warmth without permission. 
They wander around the deck, pressed against each other’s sides, sneaking dribbles of wine into their plastic cups out of sight of the kids. 
John is preoccupied in what looks like a deep conversation with the captain, so they’re able to keep their irresponsible behaviour from him, as well. Phil asks Dan a plethora of questions, about his past, about his family, about his future plans and life goals. Dan does his best to answer them, but keeps reminding Phil that there’s simply no way he could possibly give any answer that will satisfy, because he’s just not that interesting. 
Phil disagrees vehemently each time Dan says this, which is ridiculous, but it’s quite sweet too, so Dan doesn’t really mind. 
On their third loop of the deck, they find that a handful of the students have found some chairs, and arranged them in a circle beside the outer wall of the cabin, out of the path of the icy wind. The students cheer as they notice Dan and Phil strolling by, and call them over.
Propelled in no small part by their alcohol-softened, happy moods, they wander towards the group, pink-cheeked and smiling. 
“Come play a game with us, sirs,” Savannah calls out, her eyes already glinting with mischief. 
Jonah barks a laugh at this, but nods fervently in agreement. “Yeah, grab some chairs, Mr Lester.” 
A mistrust of this situation immediately cloaks itself over Dan, but he’s in too much of a good mood to really mind it. He ignores his instinct to refuse the offer, and sits in a chair Phil finds him, hands wrapped around his plastic cup, still.  
He glances at Phil as if to check this is within the rules, and Phil just shrugs at him, managing to somehow discreetly pour some more wine into his own glass, shielded by his jacket. 
He tucks the bottle beneath his arm, expertly concealing it from the kids as he sits to Dan’s right, the two of them nestled between Jonah and Bethany. 
“So, what’s the game?” Dan asks, sipping wine as casually as possible. 
“Aw, you’ll love it, sir,” Jonah grins, raising his own glass, full of something that looks suspiciously like a spirit. It can’t be though, Dan thinks in confusion. It must be apple juice. “It’s called ‘Never Have I Ever’.” 
The bottom drops out of Dan’s stomach. He turns to Phil, sat beside him, sending him a horrified glance. Phil looks weirdly nonplussed about this answer, and just shrugs at Dan, smiling. 
“Phil,” Dan hisses at him, “we can’t. Not with students.”
“Come on, if it gets out of hand we can just get up and leave,” Phil says in a voice which sounds an awful lot like the alcohol is persuading him not to fully appreciate the weight of his own decisions right now. 
But partly because it’s warmer here, sat with the others out of the wind, and partly because he doesn’t want to appear a joy-kill in comparison to Phil, Dan just sits back in his chair, reluctantly accepting his fate. 
“Okay, so Katie’s starting,” Jonah declares, grinning at the girl in question. She glares at him, but sighs in acceptance. 
“Alright, never have I ever... been to Paris.” 
The group groan at Katie, rolling their eyes as they all take a sip from their glasses. Dan drinks some wine, catching Phil’s eye amusedly, both of them acknowledging the hilarity of this situation. 
This, Dan considers, is something truly irresponsible. 
“Never have I ever gotten a tattoo,” Bethany shouts out from Katie’s left. 
“What?” Dan cries out, horrified. “Aren’t you all, like, twelve?” 
Everyone splutters with laughter, including Phil. 
“Mr Howell, we’re fourteen!” Savannah cries out, indignant. 
“S’not much better,” Dan mumbles, but he’s blushing faintly. 
He glances at Phil, just in time to see him take a discreet sip of his wine. Dan’s eyes widen in shock, and he suppresses the urge to ask him aloud what the fuck kind of tattoo he has, and more importantly where. 
Luckily, everyone is too distracted by Jonah gulping down his own drink to notice. 
“What have you got, Jonah?” 
“As if he has!” 
“No way could he have gotten a tat,” Matthew cries, but he doesn’t sound totally sure. 
Jonah just waggles his eyebrows at everyone, grinning. “If you wanna have a go at finding it Savannah, I’d let you.” 
Savannah rolls her eyes, grimacing, and the others chuckle. “Isn’t it time for someone else’s go?”
“It’s Mr Howell’s turn, innit?” 
Dan, who is still busy gawping at Phil in disbelief, snaps his head back to the others at the sound of his name. “Huh? Oh, right. Um,” he swallows, mind racing as he struggles to think of something appropriate. 
Phil is smirking at him behind his glass, and it isn’t helping. Every time Dan has ever played this game in the past, it has inevitably dissolved into almost cruelly specific, hyper-sexual questioning designed to get people to admit their strange kinks and embarrassing anecdotes. Not to mention, to get people wasted. 
That, for obvious reasons, should probably be avoided this time. 
“Uh, never have I ever,” Dan begins, no idea where the sentence is headed. “Thought Mr Lester was my favourite teacher.”
The others groan and cackle at this, practically falling off their chairs in order to protest.
“Mr Howell, you sap,” someone shouts.
“Why’re you suckin’ up to him, sir? You’re not even in his class!” 
“Can you be more up his ass, Howell?” 
“Mate, you are so whipped.” 
“Alright, alright,” Dan laughs, the alcohol in his system helping him to take the comments in his stride, “you’re all drinking though, aren’t you?” 
“Yeah, and you as well, sir,” Jonah points out. 
Dan shrugs in agreement, taking a gulp of wine as well. Everyone else in the circle takes a sip, which is kind of sweet. Dan sneaks a look at Phil, who is looking rather embarrassed, but pleased. 
Phil laughs awkwardly then, but nods his thanks to the group nevertheless. “Very sweet everyone, thank you. Good to know that if you were drinking actual alcohol right now, your favour for my teaching methods would currently be getting you all plastered.” 
The others laugh, and Dan smiles at the joke, feeling warm and light. 
“Your turn now, sir,” Jonah tells Phil. 
“Hmm,” Phil says, sighing. “Never have I ever...” he sneaks a look at Dan, who   can immediately tell that he’s got something evil planned. “...secretly straightened my hair every morning for years to hide the fact I actually have curls.”
The look Dan gives Phil is one of utter betrayal. He sighs heavily, glaring, and tips a little more wine than planned into his mouth. 
The students laugh and shout their disbelief, which only makes things worse, as their astonishment only proves that Dan had, until this point, been fooling them with his painstaking straightening every day. 
“In other news, Mr Lester and I are no longer friends,” Dan announces, shooting Phil a look of pretend anger. 
Phil just laughs at him, not looking the tiniest bit sorry. He tilts his glass to Dan, and winks. 
“Boyfriends now is it, sir?” Jonah asks, laughing at his own joke. 
Dan shuts his eyes in mortification, realising a second too late that he’s being a tad too casual with Phil to be considered appropriate right now. When Dan opens his eyes, the game is moving on, thank heavens. It’s now Jonah’s turn.
Dan’s stomach immediately flips as he realises this, and he tries his best to suppress the urge to give Phil a look of anticipatory fear. 
“Okay, never have I ever...” Jonah pauses, his eyes narrowed as he sweeps his gaze across the faces in the circle, assessing. He lands on Dan, and lingers a moment longer, a slow smirk spreading over his mouth. “Had a crush on Mr Lester.” 
Oh, fuck.
Every single pair of eyes in the circle turn towards him, and Dan can honestly say that he would rather the boat suddenly split in half and let him tumble in a Leonardo DiCaprio-style act of heroic sacrifice, into the depths of the Seine beneath. 
His head in his hands, elbows on the cool metal railing of the boat’s edge, Dan feels a gentle hand placing itself between his shoulder blades. He shudders at the unexpected touch, knowing exactly who it belongs to. 
“Dan, it’s okay,” Phil says, his voice like a soft, sandy shoreline after miles of aggressive, churning sea. 
Dan lifts his head from his hands with a great sigh, staring out into the clusters of houses and shops and bars lining the banks of the river. In his peripheral vision, he notices Phil coming to lean on the railing beside him, close enough that their elbows brush. 
He wishes, in a small sense, that Phil would move away. Every second he spends so close is only making this crush Dan can’t help harbouring that much worse. 
“Phil, this is not okay,” Dan finds himself saying. 
He’s dropped his wine glass somehow, somewhere, and he misses it suddenly. He’s certain that there was some left inside. He could use some dutch courage in order to say what he feels like he needs to, right now. 
Phil turns to face him, smiling as ever, seeing nothing amiss because he’s a big, sunny orb of optimism and cheer. 
“They’re just bored kids, don’t listen to them,” Phil says, one shoulder shrugging in dismissal. “They’re teasing you to get a reaction, but they’re just talking crap.” 
“But it’s not crap, is it Phil?” Dan almost shouts, the words bursting from deep within his chest, as though they’ve been crammed in for too long, shoved down into the depths, hidden. 
Dan can feel Phil turn his head in surprise at the outburst, but he doesn’t meet Phil’s gaze. Instead, he continues to stare stubbornly out at the shore, swallowing thickly. His hands ball into fists.
“They’re saying all that stuff because they know,” Dan continues, hearing his own voice take on a whiny quality, but not being able to stop it. 
“They know...?” 
Dan looks skyward, wondering how much mortification one human person can physically withstand before they dissolve into a squishy pink pile of liquified sludge. 
Is he really going to have to spell this out?
“Yes,” Dan confirms, teeth gritted. “They know because I stare at you, and I laugh too loudly at your stupid puns, and my whole body goes bright red when you wink at me, or smile at me, or say anything even vaguely flirtatious.” 
“Um... I don’t know if I get what you mean-”
The adrenaline flooding through Dan’s veins just from trying to stumble through this conversation is swirling with the alcohol already lacing his blood, making everything shimmer and pulsate. Dan can feel his hands shaking, and the thud of his frantic heartbeat is practically deafening. 
He groans, cutting Phil off, and covers his eyes with his fingers. “It’s just...” Dan starts to say, no idea where he’s going with this now, “it would all be fine, wouldn’t it, if you were boring? If you were some random - admittedly hot - but, like, ordinary, worksheets and PowerPoint presentations type history teacher, with just the one language up their sleeve, and no sense of humour.” 
Dan can feel Phil’s eyes boring into the side of his head, and he knows he should just shut the fuck up, because he could be ruining everything, and it’s really not worth it, but he can’t. Alcohol has always been like truth serum to Dan, has always made him too honest, has always been the key to unlock the floodgates of his closed-off personality. 
“But you’re not,” Dan says, allowing himself one sneaky little glance at Phil’s wide-eyed expression before dragging his eyes away. “You’re exciting and intelligent and spontaneous. You’re an exceptional teacher, and you’re everyone’s favourite, including mine. And you’re too flirty, especially with me, which just makes it all so much worse. You call me cute, and pretty - because I think you did say pretty to that baker - and you wink at me, and say things just to see me blush. You stand too close to me, so much, all the time, so close that it makes me think that maybe, possibly, you might...” Dan pauses. “But you don’t! You never do! You just step away again, and it’s not fair, because the kids can all see it, written all over my fucking gobsmacked face, and-”
Dan’s not certain how it happens, but one moment he’s complaining, rambling at Phil, hunched over the railing, and the next he’s being pushed up against a nearby pole, Phil so close that Dan can feel the moisture on his breath.
He blinks, his sentence falling away from his lips as he stares into the impossible, never-ending oceans of Phil’s eyes. They shine with life, an excited kind of exuberance that makes them appear even brighter, even more colourful.
Dan swears he can see gold flakes flickering in their depths.
A second passes, and Dan realises he can hear the thudding of Phil’s heart, can feel Phil’s hands resting on his hips, just beneath the hem of his jacket. 
“Phil, I swear to fucking God,” Dan whispers, his heart going so fast he thinks it might be humming. “If you move away right now...” 
Phil lets out a very small little laugh, and Dan can feel the breeze of it tickle against his chin. “Then what?”
The effort it takes not to surge forwards and kiss Phil is astronomical, and Dan can feel his bones beginning to ache from it. He lets out a tiny noise of frustration, and something about it seems to ignite Phil’s reflexes. 
It’s just as Dan is really wondering if he might be about to die of yearning, that Phil leans in, closing the gap between their mouths, a few inches, and a thousand, long, exhausting, miles.  
Considering that they are standing so close, it perhaps shouldn’t feel as much of a surprise as it does, but Dan feels the shock slicing down to his core. 
The  soft give of Phil’s lips pushing against his. 
The incremental tightening of Phil’s hands against the bones of his hips. 
The overpowering warmth of his lean body, pressed in a hard line against Dan’s front. 
He loses the ability to move, or think, or react. He can only stay motionless, stupefied, as Phil kisses him, his mind a white, blank void, his joints taut. A few seconds tick by, and Dan’s brain gradually begins to turn its cogs again, just enough to propel him into the sensation of Phil’s lips, kissing back as his hands grapple for purchase around Phil’s forearms. 
It’s over in seconds. 
A kiss so fleeting, yet so charged, that it literally leaves Dan breathless. 
His lungs seize up, and he stops respiring, mouth parted in astonishment as Phil leans away. He’s smiling very slightly, a secret tucked into the whites of his eyes. 
“Dan,” he whispers, shaking his head, “do you honestly think all this is one-sided?” 
Before Dan can possibly begin unravelling that heavily knotted mess of a question, three chattering teenagers round the corner of the cabin, and Phil leaps backwards, his hands slipping from their hold on Dan’s hips. 
“Oi, oi!” Jonah calls out. 
Of course it’s Jonah, Dan thinks, eyes fluttering shut. 
“What’s all this then, sirs?” Jonah is grinning madly at them; Dan turns away from him because he simply does not trust himself to respond in any way, even in terms of body language, without making this entire situation a thousand times worse. “Havin’ a li’l snog on the Seine?” 
“Mr Howell and I are going over some curriculum matters, Jonah,” Phil says sternly, though there’s a slightly amused lilt to his voice, if Dan is not mistaken. “We can’t be spending the whole night playing silly games with you and your friends. Go and find Mr Green if you need something.” 
“Ooh, sounds like we’re interrupting something, guys,” Jonah says to Matthew and Joanna, stood beside him; Matthew lets out a low whistle. “We’ll leave you to it, sirs.”
The others snigger, hiding their laughter behind their hands, and start to walk off. Dan turns, ready to demand a thousand answers from Phil about what just happened, but before he can speak, John rounds the corner as well, bumping into Jonah and the others as he does so. 
He catches Dan’s eye, appearing exasperated, and stalks towards them. “Ah, there you both are! I’ve been going mad trying to find the two of you. I was wondering if you’d swum back to shore!” 
Dan shakes his head, dazed. “N-nope.” 
“Sorry, John,” Phil says, sounding a little hollow. “Didn’t mean to go AWOL. We’ve been... supervising Jonah and some others.” 
John sighs, glancing over at where Jonah, Matthew and Joanna all loiter nearby, still glancing over at Dan and Phil, making some rather obscene gestures when VP Green isn’t looking. 
“I see,” John says, “well, I’d appreciate a hand with Caoibhe and Regina, if you’re not busy. They both seem to be suffering with some seasickness, so...”
Dan phases John out at this point, turning as discreetly as he can to stare at Phil, who is looking at John as though he’d rather the older man dove off the side of the boat. 
“Sure, sure,” Phil murmurs distractedly as John rambles on. “Look, John, we’re more than happy to help. We’ll see you by the bathrooms to help with the sick girls in five minutes, okay?” 
“Five minutes?” John asks, bewildered as he looks between Dan and Phil. “Why, what do you need to do for five minutes?” 
A pained expression passes over Phil’s features, and he casts a brief, apologetic look at Dan, sighing. 
“Nothing,” he says through his teeth, dredging up a strained smile from somewhere. “Lead the way, John-o.”
John turns on his heel, walking briskly back the way he came, past Jonah and friends, towards the cabin of the boat. Phil falls into step behind him, maintaining a far slower pace, and Dan, still not sure what the fuck is even happening right now, shakily walks beside him. 
Once John is just out of earshot, Phil leans towards him, sending Dan’s pulse skyrocketing once again, and whispers one, solitary word. 
Later, as it turns out, is not until the boat has docked once more, their party of teens and young adults have disembarked, and they have herded a gaggle of hyper, partied-out students back through the cobbled streets to the L’Hotel Montparnasse.
Try as he does to maintain a collected air of professionalism, Dan spends the hour and a half proceeding Phil kissing him in a dreamy, dumb, stupor. He finds himself unable to answer the simplest questions asked to him by students, and cannot even seem to hold himself upright for longer than a few minutes without swaying to one side, busy as he is with replaying the moment over in his mind. 
Phil, on the other hand, seems to be holding himself together rather well, from what Dan can see. He casts several loaded, meaningful glances at Dan, a thousand apologies and promises curled within the azure depths of his eyes. 
As they walk home, past the Champs-Élysées, Dan feels Phil’s fingers curl very briefly around his hand. 
But it’s gone before he knows it. 
Eventually, after what feels to Dan like years, they reach the hostel. Between the three of them, John, Phil and Dan count up the students, and send them all off towards their rooms. 
“Dan,” Phil says in a low voice. Long fingers curl around Dan’s wrist. “Why don’t you go up to the room? John and I will just make sure everyone’s packed and ready to leave.”
“Right,” Dan almost whispers, eyes glued to the hand wrapped around his arm. 
“See you upstairs,” Phil says, releasing him. 
Dan looks him in the eye, breath caught. “Okay.”
It seems to take hours for Phil to get back to the room. Dan doesn’t dare do anything but wait for him, legs tucked uncomfortably beneath himself on his bed, fully dressed still, right down to his shoes. 
He’s taken his jacket off, but only because the air is suddenly stifling in here, though he hasn’t noticed it until right now. His mind whirls, a rickety fairground ride caught in a high wind, its flashing novelty lights streaming through the night sky as it careers from left to right. 
He can feel the indents of Phil’s lips, moulded into his own, he’s sure. Carefully, he lets the tip of his tongue run over the thin, slightly chapped skin, tasting what’s left of him. 
His fingers drum against his leg as he replays that one moment, the moment to trump all moments, over and over. 
Do you honestly think all this is all one-sided?
What had Phil meant? Could he have been implying that, somehow, miraculously, he feels the same way Dan feels? Impossibly, it seems that he might even be saying he has been feeling it all along. All this time.
How is that possible?
To distract himself, lest his over-analysis drive him mad, Dan reaches into his jeans pocket and pulls out his phone. 
Dan Ty, I think something is about to happen.
Dan Help me.
He waits, staring at his phone, muttering “reply, reply, reply” under his breath. There’s no excuse for Tyler not to. That guy never has his phone more than two feet from his hand. 
Sure enough, around fifteen seconds later, Dan’s phone buzzes in his palm. Then it buzzes again. And again. 
Tyler WHAT
Tyler Are you about to bang him?!!
Dan’s face immediately pales, and he drops his phone on the bed. Christ, he is not prepared for this, emotionally speaking. 
Tyler WTF is happening??? HOw are you texting me??? WHAT HAPPENED
Dan he kissed me
Dan We were interrupted. Now Im  waiting in our room for him
Tyler ok ok ok ummmmmm oh wow
Dan looks down at the three dots pulsating under Tyler’s response in despair. If this is Tyler’s idea of advice, he’s royally fucked. 
Tyler ok so just breathe. he’s already  made the move! you know he  likes you
Trying to follow Tyler’s instructions, Dan inhales deeply, filling his lungs with some much needed oxygen. His heart is still jackhammering, but he does feel a little more clear-headed. 
Tyler from the sounds of it he might try and go for it - do u  want something to happen??
Dan swallows, trying to conjure up the insane scenario of actually getting physical with Phil Lester, the man of his (until now) very fictional daydreams. 
Dan think i might combust but fuck yes i do
Tyler then just let it happen hun! Teddy says use protection 
Tyler i say have fun and tell me every fuckin  detail bitch
Dan chuckles, unable to help himself from laughing at Tyler’s typical absurdity, and at that moment, there is the distinct sound of the door being unlocked from the outside.
Dan freezes in shock, dropping his phone onto the bed, Tyler and Teddy forgotten. He can feel the beads of sweat pearling on his brow, dampening his fringe. It will curl in the moisture, Dan thinks, irritated. But then, Phil had said once that he actually quite liked the curls. 
The door opens, and Phil steps into the room, his jacket still on. The corner of his mouth tilts upwards as he locks eyes with Dan, and he closes the door softly behind him, not once looking away. 
“Hey,” he says.
“Hi,” Dan squeaks back. 
Smiling still, Phil moves further into the room, shrugging off his jacket as he goes. He reaches into the inner pocket before discarding it onto his bed, and pulls out a half empty bottle of whiskey. 
“Look what I confiscated from Jonah,” he says, his smile growing a little wider. 
Dan’s eyes fall to the bottle, barely registering it. He tries to nod, but can’t seem to do more than jerk his chin a little. Phil chuckles lightly, then reaches down to unscrew the cap. 
“It would be irresponsible of us not to dispose of this, don’t you think?” Phil asks, taking a sip of the whiskey. Dan’s eyes hone in on the amber liquid, trickling between the purse of Phil’s lips. He takes the bottle away from his mouth, eyes glinting. “Wanna help me get rid of it?”
Before Dan can answer, Phil is moving towards him, climbing up onto Dan’s bed. In itself, this is enough to make Dan want to scream, but then Phil is hooking a leg over Dan’s thighs, straddling him, his knees settled snugly either side of Dan’s hips.
Dan chokes on his own saliva, every droplet of blood in his body rushing south as Phil settles himself comfortably in Dan’s lap. Phil looks down into Dan’s face, still amused, and takes another sip from the bottle. 
He holds the bottle out for Dan then, one eyebrow raised. Dan grabs hold of it, taking a large swig, mostly because he doubts he will be able to manage to stay coherent throughout this if he’s sober. 
Hyper-aware of how restricted his movements have become with Phil on top of him, Dan leans back as far as he can and places the bottle on the bedside table. 
He leans back up, his body thrumming with adrenaline, and then Phil kisses him, fiercely, harshly, like he can’t stop himself from swooping in and stealing the kiss from Dan’s lips. His lips are fiery with whiskey and warmth; Dan imagines he can taste every molecule, every atom that makes him up. Can feel the singing of their sister particles floating in distant galaxies, as they sense the collision of their mouths. 
It is glorious. 
He hears the cataclysmic swell of a symphony at its climax, and the lovestruck cry of a great, majestic whale. The white noise roars in his eardrums, and Dan wonders why everything is so loud, until he realises that his own heartbeat is the instrument making the cacophony.
He clutches at Phil’s arms, trying helplessly to pour as much as he can into this one joining of their mouths. His fingers claw and cling, desperate to pull him closer, despite how pressed together they already are. 
Phil is pushing him backwards, and Dan is about to fall back onto the mattress, he’s sure, but then Phil’s hands are fisting in his shirt, hauling him upright again.
Phil’s lips slide from his, peppering hard, insistent kisses across the flush of his cheek, dragging over the line of his jaw. Dan gasps as he feels the scrape of teeth, just below his ear, and then biting at the lobe, teasing and too, too much. 
“Ça fait des semaines,” Phil whispers, sounding almost pained, “que j'en avais envie.”
Dan shudders; he has little to no idea what Phil is saying, but it doesn’t even matter. He imagines he can hear the sinful tone dripping from each syllable, and it only makes everything ten times headier, more euphoric. 
“Fuck,” Dan whispers. 
In another circumstance, he might feel embarrassed at being so ineloquent in the face of Phil’s beautiful, natural slide into his second language, but right now he literally cannot think of any word that sums up his current tumult of emotions better.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck-” Dan cries out, his hands clutching at Phil’s shoulders as he feels the older man move his searching kisses to Dan’s throat. “Wait, Phil, I- AH!”
Phil pauses, having just sunk his teeth very lightly into the spot just above Dan’s collarbone. He pulls away cautiously, leaning backwards to look Dan in the eye, mildly alarmed.
“Ça va?”
Dan can’t help but splutter a laugh, nodding his affirmation, though in truth he’s not totally certain. Is he really okay, right now?
“S-sorry,” he manages, somehow, to spit out. “It’s just... my neck, um, it’s- it’s really, um...”
Dan trails off, mostly because his cheeks feel like they’re about to burst into flames. 
Phil quirks an eyebrow, a slow smile spreading across his mouth. “Oh.” 
Dan doesn’t have time to respond before Phil is leaning back in towards him, sealing his lips back against the skin of his throat. Dan sucks in a sharp intake of breath, at once jerking backwards and pulling Phil close. 
He squirms as Phil begins sucking at the skin, his teeth digging in to the soft flesh; it will definitely leave a mark, Dan thinks, unable to stop a small whimper escaping. 
His neck is ridiculously sensitive, it always has been. Dan’s last girlfriend, Stephanie, had tried giving him a hickey once, whilst drunk, and she’d sucked so hard that the bruise had stayed deep, dark and ferociously noticeable for weeks. 
As Phil bites at him, just the right side of painful, teeth worrying at him as though he wants to devour Dan bit by bit, he thinks he wouldn’t care if Phil marked him permanently. 
Eventually, just as Dan’s efforts to keep his embarrassing whines under wraps begin breaking apart, Phil leans away, finding Dan’s lips again and kissing hard enough to bruise. 
“Tes baisers sont comme une drogue,” Phil moans against his mouth, then takes Dan’s lower lip between his teeth.
Dan is sure he’s about to pass out, partly from the lack of oxygen managing to work its way between their kisses, and partly from the thrill of this, of just being immersed, so heavily, in Phil, in his touch and weight and taste. 
“Phil,” Dan whispers, dumbed. 
At that moment, like a bucket of icy Seine river water being thrown down upon their heads, a knock raps at the door, loud and even. 
Phil rears backwards from Dan, his head whirling to face the noise so fast that Dan feels a little dizzied. 
Neither of them speak. Phil turns back to Dan slowly, a look of dread passing over his face. It occurs to Dan, belatedly, that they are currently in an extremely incriminating position, in the eyes of anyone on the other side of that door. 
He meets Phil’s gaze, suddenly terrified. 
Another knock sounds, longer and more insistent this time. Phil rises from Dan’s lap, scooting off him entirely, and scrambles into a standing position beside the bed, pink-cheeked. 
He runs a hand through his hair, tugs at his rumpled shirt and fusses with his collar for a moment, before heading towards the door. Dan watches him do this, bewildered, still in a stupor; it’s only when Phil turns to give him a look, one hand on the door, that Dan realises he probably needs to sort out his appearance too. 
He smooths down his hair, hands shaking, and attempts to gather the many, many loose, tangled threads of his unravelled emotions. 
Dan casts a look around his immediate vicinity, looking for anything incriminating, and spots the bottle of whiskey, still perched on the bedside table. He grabs hold of it, tucking it out of sight, beneath the bed. 
Phil sighs in relief, nodding at him, then takes a deep breath, and pulls open the door. 
John’s raised fist sails through the air into nothing. 
“Oh!” John exclaims, straightening up. “You are awake. I thought you might’ve gone to bed already.” 
Phil forces the most pretend-sounding laugh Dan has ever heard. “Oh, um, no not yet.” 
“Best be getting those pyjamas on soon, then!” John says brightly. “Up bright and early tomorrow!” 
Phil nods, smiling at John. “Yep, we will, don’t worry.” 
“Just wanted to check the times with you,” John continues, placing a halting hand on the door as Phil inches it closed. “The bus is leaving at what time, did you say?” 
“Um...” Phil flounders, casting a look over his shoulder at Dan, clearly at a loss. 
For some reason the number springs into Dan’s otherwise blank mind. He holds up nine fingers. 
“It leaves at nine,” Phil says, turning back to John. He fakes a yawn, fanning a hand over his mouth. “Anything else, John? You’re right, we should probably get to-”
“What time should we get the kids up?” John asks, still chipper.
“Um, I- I don’t...”
“Is Dan in there too?” John asks, pushing the door open wide. 
Dan freezes in alarm, sure he’s got ‘I was just snogging Phil’ stamped across his forehead. Instead of gasping in horror however, John just smiles at him, sending a little wave from the doorway. 
Dan returns it, meekly, trying not to be too obvious about sending little ‘help’ glances at Phil, who is still stood, despairing, by the open door. 
“Ah, there he is!” John says. “What time should we send round a wake up call, d’you think, Dan? About seven-thirty? We’ve got to squeeze in breakfast for them, which we can do at about eight, and then they’ll probably be ready by nine I should think as long as they get their things together...”
John rambles on for another minute and a half, during which time Dan just nods and tries to remain calm. He focuses on regulating his breathing, his palms clammy and damp with the effort of trying to look normal. 
“Anyway!” John says at last. “I’ll leave you to it then, boys. Thanks for a lovely trip! It’s been grand! See you in the morning.” 
Then, with one final wave, he’s walking away, back down the corridor towards his room. Phil shuts the door quietly, the little click still loud enough to make Dan wince. 
Once they’re alone, Dan melts, flopping back onto his mattress, his muscles screaming in relief, released of tension. 
“Holy shit,” Dan says, blood pounding in his ears. 
Phil is being awfully silent, so Dan sits up at once, terrified that this interruption will have slapped him into sense, and that he’ll have changed his mind about whether or not it was a good idea to kiss Dan at all.  
“Phil?” Dan asks timidly, finding that his feet are wandering away from him, standing up off the bed and walking over to the door. Dan only stops when he’s standing right in front of Phil, hands balled into fists, heart pounding. “Are you okay?” 
Phil stares at him, chewing the thumbnail of his left hand. He flicks his gaze over Dan’s face once, and then steps forwards, shoving him (carefully) against the nearest wall. 
It’s delicious, tasting his lips again, and Dan welcomes them as they crash against his; the sea shore, spread wide and inviting for the turbulent, sapphire waves. 
And then, as quickly as it came, it’s over. Phil steps away, jumping backwards as if Dan’s skin is alight. Dan travels with him a few inches, not expecting the sudden loss, and then just stares in bewilderment. 
“Dan, we- we can’t,” Phil tells him, his eyebrows creased in regret. “I’m sorry, I just... we can’t. Not- not now.”
“What?” Dan blurts out, confused. 
“Dan,” Phil says, pained. His hands flap through the air, shaky and unsure. It’s so unlike him, Dan thinks, to seem this muddled. “I’m a teacher... you’re a teacher...”
“Teaching assistant, whatever,” Phil cuts in. He cards a trembling hand through his hair. “The point is... we’re at work right now. Technically, I’m on duty, and so are you. What if there was an emergency? What if the kids needed... anything? I can’t be... we can’t be...” he trails off, cheeks stained with pink. “Do you see what I mean?” 
Dan lets out a sad, frustrated little “no”, but his eyes don’t match it. 
Phil sighs at him, sadly. “Trust me, I hate this as much as you do.” 
“Not possible,” Dan mutters, wondering whether Phil is actually expecting Dan to be able to go to bed right now, what with the searing, bubbling arousal still coursing through his veins. 
Phil steps towards him, hand outstretched, and then he draws it away, seeming to catch ahold of himself just in time. 
“I think I’ll, err...” Phil scratches at his head, whirling round on the spot. His eyes land on his open suitcase, and he goes to it immediately, grabbing his pyjamas. “I’ll just go and, um, change. In the bathroom.” 
He hugs the pyjamas to his chest, carefully side-stepping Dan in order to get to the door. Before he disappears into the hallway, he gives Dan one final, guilty look, coupled with one of something like longing, his lip caught between his teeth. 
The door clicks shut behind him, and Dan slides down the wall at his back, landing in a crumpled heap on the floor. 
Well, he supposes once he’s down there, his jellified legs were going to give out eventually this evening. 
“Can you at least sleep with me?” Dan asks, still not sure whether he’ll survive the night; he’s so frustrated he thinks he might splinter into shards at any moment,  
Phil turns to him, eyes wide. “Um...” 
“Just sleep,” Dan clarifies, reddening. “In my bed, with me. Nothing... else.” 
Phil gnaws on his lip, seeming conflicted. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”
“Why?” Dan asks, his jaw clenching. 
If he has to stare at Phil across the chasm between their separate beds after this, he thinks he might actually burst into flames. 
“You’re...” Phil sighs and sits down on his bed, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Very kissable.”
Dan blushes immediately, a smile catching him off guard as it spreads over his mouth. 
“Is that a problem?”
“Mm,” Phil replies, mouth quirking in an amused smile. “It is when I’m trying to resist you.”
“Why are you doing that, again?” 
“Not sure,” Phil chuckles. “Think it has something to do with being a responsible guardian?”
“Sounds boring.” 
There’s a silence then, loaded with their unspoken desires. Phil sighs again, sounding resigned, and he peels back the covers of his own bed, about to climb in. 
Dan can’t allow it. 
“I promise I won’t kiss you,” Dan says, urgent. “I’ll stay right up against the wall, away from you. You won’t even know I’m there.”
Phil looks at him, smirking. “I think I’d remember.”
“Please?” Dan begs, desperate now. 
He can feel his heart straining, urging Phil to say yes. His eyes widen, puppy-like, and he holds Phil’s gaze, willing his resolve to break. 
After a moment, Phil lets out a small grunt of resignation. “Okay.”
Dan can’t quite believe he won, but he doesn’t have time to feel surprised for too long, as the next minute Phil is slipping under his covers. As promised, Dan scoots right over, plastering himself against the far wall, but Phil’s hands wrap around his waist at once, pulling him in, their chests crushed against each other. 
Dan stops breathing. 
Phil’s chest is warm and solid. One of his hands is caught between them, meaning his palm is pressed to the soft cotton of Phil’s t-shirt. His heart thuds beneath Dan’s fingers, steady, but faster than it should be. 
Phil removes his hand from Dan’s waist in order to take off his glasses, and leans away for a moment to put them aside. He turns back, his arm finding its place once again, like it belongs there. 
“Just so you know,” Dan whispers as Phil moves forwards, their noses bumping softly. “I don’t think I’m going to be able to get very much sleep.” 
Phil smiles sleepily, his eyelids fluttering as if they’re seconds away from closing. “That’s okay,” he leans in, breaking his word as he closes the distance, for one, fleeting moment, between their lips. “Tu peux partager mes rêves.” 
(Part Nine!)
(Translation of the French can be found here!)
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dovechim · 7 years
After a hectic week I can finally sit down and dedicate the next hour or so to continue my story because I really want to get to the part which I'd like to hear your opinion - and everyone else's - about!! ☆ Long Story Anon
So we kept messaging for the following days, both busy with our respective classes; but before I knew it and I can't say I was surprised, he invited me to do something again less than a week later. We're from a considerably small city, there isn't much to do around here, so we had a hard time coming up with an idea. Well, he suggested to pick me up and we'd go back to his house to eat something, to which I agreed. I was with my friend and we were both jumping around from excitement ☆ 1
Needless to say my friends all loved him; they were happy that after such a long time and with such bad luck in love I finally found what seemed to be the last guy on earth who was worth more than two seconds of my life. I knew going to his house implied something more serious than making out could happen, but honestly I didn't mind if it did. In context, he lived with his little brother and parents; where we're from it's common at our age to still live at home since we've not graduated yet ☆2
But he'd mentioned during the first date that his parents were away for an anniversary holiday and his little brother was staying with the oldest one who lived in his own apartment with his fiance; meaning we had the house for ourselves. As planned he picked me up and took me there, had some food delivered and we watched terrible horror films on netflix. He'd cheesily try to put his arm around me on the couch and I'd move closer, ending up snuggled together with my heart about to burst ☆ 3
At one point both brothers and the fiance show up with some food, for some reason and that's when I knew half his family on the second date lol. But they moved upstairs quite quickly after eating and left us alone to watch the movies. Eventually he'd kiss my cheek, not-so-subtly letting me know he wanted to KISS-kiss me, but me being the nervous little shit I am didn't really know what to do. It'd been two whole years since I even attempted to make out with someone!! ☆ 4
So he had to move even closer and he said, which I'll never forget: "you're so shy", which I wasn't surprised about, it's not common for a 22 year old to be that reserved, I guess, but with a little bit of patience that single moment turned into the best first kiss I've ever had. I was so scared he'd be a terrible kisser, like I'd experienced before bc that's just a deal breaker for me and everything else about him was so perfect; but boy...was I wrong. We ended up making out for so long that ☆5
Our lips hurt, and he didn't even try to go too far, already noticing that I wasn't the kind of girl to tear off our clothes and start fucking (not that I didn't wish I were lol), so he just held me tight and took me home eventually. God, the memory of his kisses will never leave my mind. To this day I still get butterflies because it was the kind of kiss that makes you feel like your bodies fit together and makes your toes curl :') ☆ 6
im so soft for you and him already :”)))) it’s so sweet that he wasn't afraid of scaring you off and still went for it!! a lot of guys i know are hesitant about dating an inexperienced girl bc they’re scared they will scare her off, and once my friend asked me how he should chase after a girl who has never dated. i literally got so pissed lmao i just said “just fucking treat her like a fucking normal person!!! what are you intending to do that might scare her off???” 
We had a third date after that, about a week later. We went out to eat and it was the day he started posting instagram stories with me and tbh I was surprised. In our generation it takes more than just a couple of dates for a guy to 'announce' he's not 'single' anymore. You know, like if he had intention of seeing other girls at the same time he wouldn't be parading me around for everyone to see, which only fed my hopes of him being 'the one' even more ☆ 7
omg yes :/ the dating culture is so complicated lmao like ppl can be going out with different people at the same time and there’s a certain time after which you’re considered exclusive... it’s so tiring tbh
Another week passed and out of the blue he was asking me to meet his parents. He was very lowkey about it; he said he missed me, mentioning they'd returned from NY and asking if we could meet again that night, but "my parents would be there too, is that a problem?" lol. So I said no, obviously, even though I was shitting my pants, I'd never met a boy's parents in that context before but he seemed excited. He picked me up and we drove back to his place where they were waiting for me ☆ 8
I decided I didn't want to read too much into it back then, but still couldn't help but notice that the older borther+fiance had dropped plans to go to dinner with us so 'the whole family would be there to meet me'. Did that mean him bringing a girl home wasn't that common? Was I actually that special? As if I didn't notice myself falling fast and hard for me enough, his whole family welcomed me with huge open arms. His little brother, extroverted as they come at the age of 10 did everything ☆9
To include me in the conversations; the older brother would tell embarrassing stories. The parents, both doctors, both dating since college and pretty much the whole family (fiancee included) were some of the most welcoming people I'd ever met. They treated me like a family member from the very beginning and noticing how nervous I was they would try to make the dinner as easy going as they could. The guy in question, let's call him Jed? Would hold my hand under the table to calm me down ☆ 10
Or rub soothing circles over my the fabric of my jeans to distract me when a family member would embarrass him. I fell in love with his family as fast as I fell in love with him and I just couldn't believe I'd found someone so perfect. We'd make out until our lips were sore and he'd drop me off at home always leaving me with a feeling of sadness that I had to say goodbye. He made me so happy that I started to go out more, meeting my friends I was just in such a good mood because of him ☆ 11
no you must have been so nervous!!!!! i mean i get that he was low key but  still... parents are a big deal. i hope his intentions were rly pure and that he was that into you!! but im glad they were nice :”) 
I'd even dare to say he made me a better person in ways only I can understand. He'd text me what he was doing or who he was with every day, all the time, even if I didn't ask -which I never did. Sure, he wasn't perfect; sometimes he'd forget we had plans. I have a feeling he lied to me a couple of times but about nothing really major; sometimes he'd be in a bad mood and be sarcastic and annoying af but honestly nothing too bad. All in all I had absolutely nothing to complain about him☆ 12
It wasn't until around a month and a half into the 'relationship' that we went out for drinks and then back to his place that he tried to have sex with me (he'd waited to bring it up more than any other guy I'd ever met lol). I didn't directly tell him I was a virgin, he kinda guessed, and he was more than okay with it, even saying 'I'll wait as long as you want to'; and damn I didn't really want to wait that long, it was just that the time was never right! ☆ 13
At this point we'd both had dinner with his parents several times already. They told me in that household they'd set the habit of having dinner together every night, and were more than happy to let me into their little tradition. At more casual nights we'd sit down and watch some film on netflix, the parents and little brother always moving upstairs at the end and leaving us both alone to make out some more lol. I was even invited to his dad's birthday dinner at a fancy ass restaurant ☆ 14
this is so cute 😭 im just very ugh whenever a guy kinda hints at sex bc dude u gotta make me WANT it not just ask for it :/ but it sounds like he was super respectful!! and tbh im just very bad with other ppl’s parents, but his sounds rly perfect  😭 do such ppl even exist??? i cant even remember the last time i ate w my family :/ 
So by the third month I already felt part of that family tbh. I'd cooked alongside the mother like lifelong friends, and sat down for coffee after dinner to talk about how fast technology is moving with his dad. His little brother would tell jokes or ask me to teach him some guitar and I think they began to love me as much and as fast as I loved them, honestly. I was even invited to the dog's birthday part lmfao I was just unable to attend but was kindly provided with video memories ☆ 15
Everything was going so perfect, I think we could've lasted so much longer but maybe just the timing wasn't right. I still remember him dearly though, but back then I had my heart broken so bad that I simply wish I'd never met him. What hurt the most was growing so attached to his family and then out of the blue, and without a single chance to say goodbye I never saw any of them again. I should've known life isn't a movie or a book and nothing that starts so well can end just as happily ☆ 16
WHY ARE YOU USING PAST TENSE?????????? NO!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO SHAKEN RIGHT NOW bc this feels like that part in a book where the author’s just leading u towards that horribly devastating ending and that’s exactly what ur doing  😭
The last night I went to his house - btw we never visited MY house because MY family as much as I love them to death aren't as welcoming as his was with me, so until I knew FOR SURE this guy and I were serious, I decided to suggest activities that required not being at my place lol - the whole evening started weirdly. He'd been taking longer than usual to text me, and it was getting too late so I though we just weren't doing anything but he insisted he wanted to see me ☆ 17
And fuck, I wanted to see him to, once or twice a week just wasn't enough anymore and I missed his touch so badly. So I agreed for him to pick me up, even though he kind of strung me along for a few hours. By the time he picked me up I hadn't eaten, not knowing wth we were going to do but he said he'd had dinner before picking me up. Why would he though? He knew we had plans, which usually involved dinner, why not wait for me for eating? Either way, I'd missed him, I wasn't about to fight ☆ 18
We reached his place and his mom was already going upstairs for sleeping along with the little brother; the father was performing a surgery so we were alone at the living room together. He was a little tense and I didn't understand why, he said he was tired because he'd had class up until late and I asked if he just wanted me to leave but he asked me not to; he wanted to see me, he wanted me to stay. We cuddled on the couch and I had to wake him back up several times, growing annoyed ☆ 19
And when the dad got home he quickly got up and pretended to do something in the kitchen. The man had to eat and we had to wait for him to leave to sit back together, the whole situation was awkward af. I was wondering if I should just call a cab and leave, but he insisted not to. At around 2am (it was a friday) while making out he asked if I wanted to go up to his room, to which I said yes. He knew what that meant, so he was excited about it, going upstairs to check if his room was clear ☆ 20
Damn, I hit ask limit again :'( I'll have to leave it here right now but I swear I'll get to the point eventually lol I'm sorry!! also thank you for giving me your patience and space to tell this story, I feel like this way I can tell it without filters about what really happened or how I felt and actually receive honest unbiased opinions
omg i literally cannot believe u ended right there??????? i hate tumblr’s ask limit. im on the edge of my seat right now!!! thank you for taking the time to send me these, im so invested in ur story now its insane!! 
come back whenever you have time bb
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panticwritten · 6 years
Pearl-Handled Shotgun: Chapter One
Yeah. I have no posting schedule for this haha. We’ll just see how it goes.
Word count: 2978
Emotional warfare (of the controlling parent kind)
Hardcore dissociation
Reference to police brutality
“You’re lucky we could keep it out of the newspapers.”
Alyssa doesn’t look at her father, drumming her nails against the arm of the chair. Her mom watches from a chair behind him, her disapproval clear in the curve of her brow, the thin line of her mouth. The teen turns her head so she doesn’t have to see either of them.
“That man could have pressed charges. Do you think he would have gone after your little friends?” She bristles at the sneer in his voice, but she keeps her mouth shut. “You have a promising future ahead of you, I won’t stand by and watch you throw that away.”
She nods idly, the bare minimum of what he wants from her.
“I don’t know where this is coming from, your lashing out. Your brother never did anything like this.”
Ah, there it is. Calim, the perfect son. The good one. The easy one.
“He just never got caught,” she mutters.
“What was that?”
She looks up, at the familiar anger in her father’s eyes. He cocks an eyebrow up, expectant. She sighs and shakes her head. “Nothing. I’m sorry.”
He stares at her, his gaze hard, before returning to pacing to and fro in front of the fireplace. “What else have you been doing behind our backs? It isn’t safe, and it certainly isn’t acceptable.”
“Last night was an accident,” Alyssa says before she can hold the words back. “We took a wrong turn.”
He stills, burning eyes back on her. “You shouldn’t have been out at all last night!”
“I already apologized for that.”
“You can’t really think a petty ‘sorry’ will make up for breaking our trust? For sneaking out, so you could—what? Run around the city with a group of delinquents?”
She straightens up, scrabbling to hold onto her unruffled air. “Delinquents?”
“They’re a bad influence.”
“They are not!” Shoulders squared, Alyssa’s practiced placidity ruptures at his ‘holier than thou’ stance. “Stephanie and Jared are good friends, and they don’t treat me like a glass doll or a- a- a piece of advertising!”
“Alyssa, dear, please don’t yell,” her mom warns, her voice soft. It diffuses the immediate tension in the air. Her father says nothing. The coolness in his eyes, however, tells her the damage has already been done. Alyssa clears her throat and continues with more restraint.
“I apologize, sincerely, for what happened. I should have been honest with you.” She pauses, heartened when her father jerks his head in a nod. “It wasn’t the first time I left without permission, and it was unfair of me keep you in the dark.”
“How many times?”
“How many times have you snuck out?” he asks. His deceptively level voice spreads anxiety through her chest, thick and sticky in her throat. She swallows it down and makes a mental tally.
“Twelve?” She offers. It’s not counting the days she used shopping trips as cover for driving the roads on the eastern edges of Portland with her friends, but she doesn’t tell him that.
He considers this thoughtfully, as if deciding whether he’ll have honey or jam on his toast. Alyssa sees it in his eyes when he comes to a conclusion, one fist coming down on his open palm.
“Then we’ll discuss this again in twelve weeks.”
Her heart constricts in her chest, driving her to her feet. She manages to keep her mouth shut, but that’s not enough. It’s never enough. He raises a brow, unimpressed, and starts for the family room door.
“You won’t leave the manor unattended until then. You have ten minutes to tell your friends before I collect your devices.” He pauses at the door, looking back with a painfully detached expression. “Is that understood?”
“Yes, sir,” she says automatically, unable to suppress the reflex.
The door closes behind him, with hardly a whisper. She stares unseeing at the polished surface, almost wishing he had slammed it. She lowers herself back into the chair, wiping the back of a hand over her eyes before the pinch behind them can turn into tears.
If he can keep ahold of his temper, so can she.
“It could have been worse.” Alyssa jolts violently when her mom speaks. She had almost forgotten she was here.
“I know.” She doesn’t look over, dragging her phone out of her pocket. Steph and Jared will lose their minds if she just disappears for three months, especially after her father left them in jail for the night.
“You could have been killed,” she continues, voice low. Alyssa freezes, her fingers hovering over the screen. “ Just because we are who we are doesn’t mean it’s safe to get into trouble. An officer won’t think twice before they pull that trigger.”
Alyssa nods, looking up. Without her father here as a distraction, she now sees what she didn’t before in her mom’s furrowed brow, pressed lips. Fear, not disappointment. Regret pangs in her chest. “I know, mom. I swear we weren’t trying to do anything illegal.”
“That doesn’t matter.” She rises from her chair, full of grace as always, and offers her daughter a strained smile. “You need to be careful. Smarter. I’ll try to talk your father down, but I do agree that you need time to think about what happened last night.”
She nods again, and her mom starts for the door.
“I’m sorry for scaring you.”
She doesn’t answer, closing the door silently behind her. Alyssa sighs, sinking deeper into the back of the chair, and pulls up a group chat.
A<-- Hey.
A<-- I am SO sorry about my father, I can’t believe he just left you there.
A<-- I hope you both are okay. At the very least, that you’re home safe.
A<-- I can’t leave the house on my own for a few months, and he’ll be back for my phone any minute now.
She watches the screen with bated breath. After a moment, both of their icons appear beside the messages. Before she can register her relief, Steph responds.
S--> hey!
S--> i was starting to rly worry
S--> mom picked us up right after u left
A<-- Oh, thank god.
J--> a few months
J--> what the hell
J--> my dad took my keys but like
J--> just for a two weeks
S--> im grounded for a month :(
A<-- We’ve talked about my parents before. Are you really surprised?
J--> nah i guess not
J--> but thats hella rough
J--> someone needs to take some parenting classes
S--> im sorry aly
J--> how to be a good dad and not alienate your children or whatever
J--> oh shit yeah we kinda did get you in trouble huh
A<-- It’s not your fault. My mom said she’ll try to change his mind, but I doubt that will do much good.
A<-- Besides, you both got in trouble, too. It’s as much my fault as it is yours.
J--> no man dont say that
J--> youd never been camping thats a fucking crime
J--> i mean shooting at teenagers for pitching a damn tent should be a crime but thats a whole other thing
S--> jj
S--> not funny
A<-- He’s right, though.
J--> hell yeah drinking down this validation
J--> glug glug motherfucker
S--> stop
S--> ur ok tho?
S--> like should we worry?
Her phone slips through her fingers, pulled away by nimble hands, before she can answer. She hadn’t noticed her father come back in, and he leaves again without otherwise acknowledging her. She watches him go without a word.
Arguing more would make it worse. She’s lucky to have gotten ten minutes.
Now that she’s alone with nothing to do, she hefts herself upright. She stares at the embers glowing in the fireplace, considering what to do for the rest of the day. She has schoolwork due on Monday. She needs to decide within the month between Oxford—her father’s alma mater—or the local university her friends already enrolled in.
PSU sounds more fun. She wouldn’t like to think of the repercussions that may come out of that decision, though. Her parents don’t even know she applied.
She shakes her head and strides out of the room. Her feet take her along the familiar path upstairs to her study while she broods about three months without the promise of a night out on the town or a day flying along back roads in Jared’s convertible. By the time the bars are lifted, she’ll have graduated.
And she’ll have a month with them before her inevitable shipment off to Oxford.
She slams the door much harder than intended at the thought. She’s visited the campus a few times, walked through the city, and something about it leaves her uneasy. It’s beautiful, certainly, but it feels wrong.
She leans back against the door with a sigh, peering at the stack of books on her desk. The last thing she needs is for her grades to slip. She’s on thin ice as it is.
Her gaze drifts to the shelves lining the back of the room. They hold the books she’s sequestered from the library, or those that have been gifted to her.
She crosses to the closest shelf, running a finger along the books’ spines. Many of them, she still hasn’t read. She hasn’t had time to read since her parents began taking her to functions and benefits.
She dips a finger over the lip of the first in a series of old tomes wrapped in leather, one of her mom’s gifts to her this past Christmas, and drags it out. The first seems more weathered than the rest, the cover dull and rough rather than polished. She skimmed the first few pages when she first got the books, and she know there must have been effort put into it. The whole series is handwritten.
It’s as good as anything else.
She takes the book to her desk, promising herself that she’ll only read for a while. She has to get some work done before dinner, after all.
“Alyssa? Are you in there?”
Alyssa jumps at the crackle of the intercom, heart racing and unseeing eyes leaving the yellowed pages of the book. It takes a few seconds to orient herself, remembering where she is. When she does, she recoils at the headache pounding behind her eyes, the roiling tension in her stomach.
She glances back down at the book to find it open near the middle. She can’t remember reading more than the first few pages—it was written as a personal diary of a slave girl named Brietta. She wrote in a neat script about mundane chores and city life, but she can’t remember the details of the anecdotes. She closes her eyes to try and remember.
Her stomach turns over when she catches a wisp of it, but it doesn’t stay long enough for her to grasp the memory itself.
She jolts again, her eyes flying open. She rushes from her seat to the intercom and presses the flashing button for the dining room.
“Yes, mom, I’m here. What is it?”
“Come down for dinner, dear. I hope you haven’t been working too hard.”
She hesitates before answering, looking back to the book. It must have been hours since she holed myself up in there. She doesn’t remember any of it. She shakes her head and taps the button again.
“I’m fine. I’ll be down in a minute.”
She returns to the desk, ignoring her mother’s confirmation, and turns back to the first couple pages of the book. She finds the mention of ‘afternoons near the cold river after tending to mother’s sickness,’ jams one of many bookmarks upon the desk between the pages, and snaps the book shut.
She leaves it on the desk for later investigation, hurrying out to join her family in the dining room. Maybe some food will ease her lingering nausea.
By the time she enters the dining room on the ground floor, both of her parents are already perched in their seats at the far end of the table. Her mom greets her with a warm smile, her father with a nod from the end chair.
She apologizes for being late and takes a seat across from her mom. The air lays heavy upon the room, increasing the pressure behind her eyes. Even the light viola drifting from the wall speakers can’t break the tension growing with each overdone slice of a knife her father grinds on his plate through the steak.
She struggles to keep from screwing her eyes shut against it, forcing her hands into measured strokes. One bite at a time, then this will be over.
It’s her mom that breaks the silence. All sounds of eating pause for only a moment, the rhythm of the meal changing, before continuing as though it never stopped.
“It’s gotten warm awfully fast this year, hasn’t it? Just last week it was freezing.”
“And now we’re in the upper seventies,” her father agrees.
Alyssa manages hold back a physical sigh of relief, bringing a stalk of asparagus to her lips. Her parents chat about the weather, and she keeps her head down—metaphorically speaking.
“How was your afternoon, Alyssa?” her mom asks, bright eyes on her. She lowers a slice of steak back to her plate and clears her throat with a brief glance at her father.
“Uneventful. How was yours, mother?”
She inclines her head, a conspiratorial smile playing on her lips. “Absolutely boring. My husband and daughter were hidden away in their studies all day.”
She laughs before Alyssa can feel guilty. She reaches across the table and brushes her fingers over the back of Alyssa’s hand, forgiveness promised in her eyes.
“Hidden away?” her father remarks. His words flow warmly, a rare grin directed at his wife. “My door is always open to you, Carmen.”
“And watch you approve paperwork all day? No thank you, sir!”
Alyssa can’t help but smile at the exchange.
“And you? You were upstairs for quite a while.”
The sharp change in her father’s tone straightens her spine, and her my expression morphs back into one of bland interest as she turns to meet his eyes. The sudden movement jolts her headache, and she isn’t able to hide all of her wince behind her clenched jaw.
“I was catching up on some reading for class,” she lies smoothly.
“I see.” He nods and leans forward in his chair. “You don’t look well.”
She hesitates, unwilling to admit the truth. She can’t imagine her father’s reaction to her losing several hours of time would be good, so she waits for the jammed cogs in her brain to churn out a suitable response.
“It’s just a headache,” she promises after a long pause, ignoring the way her stomach somersaults as she speaks. “Eye-strain, maybe. I was reading for several hours.”
“You shouldn’t work so hard.” Her mom’s serene interjection prompts her father to return his attention to his plate.
“I lost track of time.” Alyssa offers her a smile. She mirrors it, then turns back to her husband to discuss their upcoming trip to the capital.
Alyssa wastes no more time clearing her plate and asking to be excused. Her mom tells her to take an ibuprofen from her purse in the front hall, which she does on her way back upstairs.
Back on the third floor, she pauses at the door to her study. Just a few steps down the hall, her bedroom waits. Her bed waits, and the pounding behind her eyes feels like reason enough to take an early night.
With a sigh, still, she jerk the door open. She left the lights on, and the glare shining from the glossy cover of a textbook almost turns her back around. She stubbornly crosses the room and takes a seat at her desk.
The leather book waits for her, and she nearly flips it back open on impulse. She glances over at the stack of texts to her right, the slip of paper poking out of the first with a list of tasks.
She lifts the book, the rough cover feeling familiar under her fingertips. The cover doesn’t bear a title or an author, just the letters B.O.F. embossed across the front. She runs a finger over the initials, then the edge of the cover.
The trailing string on the bookmark knocks a pen from the desk, and she straightens up. Within moments, the book is hidden away in the desk drawer. She can read it later, when she’s gotten some work done.
Her work is much harder to get through than she may have hoped. Her headache slowly fades, but she can’t concentrate. Her thoughts keep circling back to Oxford, her friends, and the look on her mother’s face when they spoke in the family room.
That woman has been through enough.
She drops her pen on the desk and groans, pressing the heels of her hands into her eyes. She’s been reading the same line over and over for the past—she can’t even see how long it’s been because she doesn’t have her phone!
You don’t need to know the time when you’re working. You’re done when the work is done.
She shakes her head in her hands, banishing her father’s words into the ether. He’s taken enough energy from her today.
It’s not fair.
She rises from the chair, every movement sticky and slow. Flicking the desk lamp off, she pads to the door, covering a yawn with the back of a hand. She only made it through two of the six readings due, and she still hasn’t touched the worksheets, but she has all of Sunday to get them done.
She barely registers the walk down the hall to her room. She doesn’t bother turning the lights on, merely kicking her shoes off on the way to the bed and falling face first onto the pillow. Her father will likely have words with her if he catches her sleeping in her clothes, but she doesn’t care.
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