#'lo the dance of death // interaction
loomsred · 7 months
@infernaliscor is a good role model... The fire crackled and spat as the wet wood that had been placed on it dried out and combusted. Attor watched the flames dance and writhe, expression dark -- troubled even. He'd had much to consider the past few evenings, and his thoughts weighed heavy with too many decisions. Surely charging into the Goblin stronghold would be a foolish venture, but if he sat idly by and did nothing, then the tieflings would suffer. But was it truly any of his business? What qualifications did an amnesiac with homocidal thoughts have? Why had he of all people been chosen to be their saviour? And could he even do it? He tensed as he felt someone approach, posture softening when he realized it was Karlach. She was, perhaps, one of his favorite tag-a-longs he'd picked up; having a wicked sense of humour and a proper sense of justice. He looked up to her, to her courage, and revered her kindness. Attor hoped he could be half as good of a person as Karlach was. "Not keeping you awake with my late night musings, I hope?" He asked, giving a soft smile.
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cityofmeliora · 1 month
What do you think about Copia’s childhood? I saw your post about Terzo’s, so I started wondering. Where do you think he was raised, who do you think he was raised by, how did it contribute to who he is today?
ok so first, i just wanna be clear that this post isn't gonna include anything about Cardi's twin because i'm still waiting to see what happens next in the lore before i try to write anything involving him.
with that out of the way,
like all my Ghost headcanons, my headcanons about Cardi are built on the foundation that the band Ghost lore is about 1) an evil satanic cult, and 2) a dysfunctional showbiz family from Los Angeles.
basically, i think Cardi had a very lonely childhood. and he has psychological issues caused by a lifetime of Sister Imperator's insane parenting. his anxiety in Rite Here Rite Now, about how being Papa is all he wants to do and all he thinks he could do, SCREAMS of "unethical Hollywood parent who molded her child to be a star" to me.
i do think Sister 'raised' him, or was at least present in his life since he was a child ("You'll always be my little Cardi.") and she just... didn't him she was his mom / Nihil was his dad. (i guess it's quite similar to children of catholic clergy IRL, who are sometimes raised by family but never told about their true parentage, or know the truth and are told to hide it.)
Cardi is autistic, obviously, but i also think his awkwardness is him being socially underdeveloped because he comes from an isolated cult environment. he was a weird satanic homeschool kid who almost never interacted with anyone outside the Ministry, and he was basically left to watch movies and listen to music and play video games all day. i like the idea that Cardi had dance training when he was young, though. that was probably the only time he really got to interact with others. and because he grew up in the Los Angeles area, on the occasions he did get to go out, he was always surrounded by the entertainment industry and people trying to rise to stardom.
anyway, i think this was all somewhat intentional, or at least worked in Sister Imperator's favor, to mold him into a neurotic showbiz baby in service of her evil satanic death cult. (though i don't think he cares about the cult aspect of Ghost at all. he's been in it his whole life because he didn't have a choice and has never known anything else. he really just wants to be a rock star.) growing up without the love of friends + family, Cardi filled that void with games / music / film. so... of course he wanted to be an entertainer when he grew up– that was his only avenue for human connection.
and i think Cardi kinda knew Sister Imperator was giving him special treatment and pulling strings to put him in position to become Papa, though he never understood why.
a major point in my Terzo character analysis post is that he was very ambitious and he loved being an entertainer and a showman, but he was frustrated because he wasn't allowed to express his full potential. i wrote that his mindset was "i know i'm good enough. and i could prove it if they would just let me."
and ever since i wrote that, i can't stop thinking about how Cardi feels the exact same way.
he's super talented. he's worked very hard. he's proud of his accomplishments. he's proven he's capable! but Sister Imperator doesn't respect him. she infantilizes him. she keeps the training wheels on. she doesn't want him to be capable!
Sister Imperator does not allow Cardi to have independent thoughts or make real decisions for himself. she allows him the illusion of autonomy when she needs to, but every time he shows a little bit of awareness of how fucked up his life actually is, she shuts him down to keep him under control. she purposefully hides information from him so he won't know anything she doesn't want him to know. she intrudes on his privacy because his bedroom doesn't have a door.
i think their relationship has been like this his whole life.
you can see examples of this manipulation / obfuscation throughout the Chapters, and you can see a lot of it in Rite Here Rite Now.
first off, the opening narration gives the context / background information that sometime in late 2021, when Cardi was 51 years old, he found out his two bosses are actually his parents, and his mother kept this a secret from both him and his father his whole life. which is. wild. to say the least.
(i think when he found out, he was disappointed by the realization that he got to where he is because he was secretly a nepo baby and not because he was doing a good job on his own.)
moving on. in Rite Here Rite Now, Cardi's main source of stress was that he fully believed his parents were going to murder him and then put his body on display to sell VIP tickets for his successor's concerts. this was genuine fear, and he had a legitimate reason to believe they would do that to him because they actually did that to his three older brothers! and in the later Chapters, Sister Imperator and Mr. Psaltarian were totally fucking with his head and making him think he was going to die!
he asks Sister why he can't continue being Papa for longer –because he doesn't want his parents to kill him when they're done with him– and she just brushes him off and tells him to keep playing his show. then in the Miasma scene, Cardi has a critical moment of awareness and asks what the hell is actually going on in his life and who's in control.
PAPA EMERITUS IV: One thing I do not understand… All these things… here, all of this stuff, and all of these things we're doing, where we go, and when, and to where… Who decides these things? I mean, who's calling the shots?
this is totally fair! he has a right to know this information!
in response, his parents completely avoid answering the question. they shut him down and basically tell him he sounds ungrateful for the life he has.
SISTER IMPERATOR: You waste so much time and energy worrying about what's been and what's next, who's next and whatnot. As with all things in life, it circulates. Everything that has a beginning has an ending. There just has to be an orderly transition.
she never tells him the truth. she just tells him to stop worrying. stop thinking.
they never tell him they're not going to kill him. They Never Tell Him They're Not Going To Kill Him. THEY NEVER TELL HIM THEY'RE NOT GOING TO KILL HIM.
Cardi spends the last third of the movie making peace with the idea that he is going to die soon and his parents will be the ones to kill him. after Respite On The Spitalfields, he seems resigned to his fate. he tells the Nameless Ghouls they're not doing an encore. he says "Fuck it." but Sister Imperator, still explaining nothing, tells him to do the encore and he unenthusiastically gets back on stage.
SISTER IMPERATOR: Even though you don't understand right now, sooner or later, you will know what I'm talking about. Things –events– are unavoidable. Now you go back out there and give them one hell of an encore. And that's all you have to worry about. PAPA EMERITUS IV: Okay. SISTER IMPERATOR: Off you go.
by the beginning of Square Hammer, he decides he is actually happy with the life he has and he's okay with whatever's coming. and he still expects he's going to die... only for them to totally fake him out.
Sister Imperator dies instead. in the letter she leaves him, she tells him, "My son, I'm sorry I could not find it in my heart to tell you about my condition. I was afraid you might lose your sometimes frail concentration." more obfuscation. more infantilization.
at the end of the letter, she promotes him to head of the Clergy. he takes on his new job assignment as Frater Imperator and he seems to think he'll have more power now that Sister Imperator is "not in charge anymore." i'm not so sure about that.
and this isn't even getting into all the other weird shit going on between them in that movie! why was Cardi literally unable to see her wheelchair and medicine until the Spoksonat scene? why couldn't he remember his twin brother who he spent time with as a child? either Cardi is even more mentally unwell than we know, or Sister is messing with his head in even more ways than we know. maybe both. probably both.
i do believe Sister Imperator loves Cardi. that does not negate the fact that she is also manipulative and dishonest and has no respect for him, and that made her a terrible parent. she caused him a lifetime of unnecessary confusion and suffering in furtherance of her goals. yes, he is often childish and irresponsible. but i think the way she treated him didn't allow him to mature on his own.
the worst part about all this? i think he's convinced himself that he loves her, too. (he doesn't actually know how to feel about her. it would be too painful to think about.)
in summary, to me, Cardi's life is like The Truman Show, except it's the bad ending where the producer (Sister Imperator) successfully convinces him to stay in the bubble.
this was supposed to be a headcanons post and it totally turned into an analysis post, but i cannot help it. i just love Cardi so fucking much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST WANT CARDI TO BE SAFE AND HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
btw i think his actual legal given name is Cardinal Copia Imperator. yeah. i believe Sister Imperator actually named him that.
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Alright! As voted by you folks, here's the next part of Ghosts that We Knew!
Quick tag: @skulfan1 - you asked to be tagged for this so I hope you enjoy ^^ thank you for your support :D if anyone wants to be included in my taglist just let me know!
Trigger/content warning: murder/suicide, general violence, possession, suicide whilst under possession, suicide mention
Part 4: the Break In
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He had connected the dots shortly after his initial freak out; that his powers were tied to his emotions. Different emotions allowed him to interact with the world around him in different ways. Negative emotions typically caused negative effects, depending on the context. These were also harder to control, but that was to be expected.
His sorrow could chill a room. 
His rage sent things flying across the room. 
Those were the two chief ones, the emotions Ghost was most familiar with. They were a pair of ever present friends, like two loyal hounds they followed him. Even in life, so it was only natural they would do the same in death. 
But likewise, his positive emotions yielded positive effects. He was finding them to be less and less rare as the days passed. You and Ellie were the source and at the center of these positive emotions, ones he thought long since dead. Those times made him remember what it was like to be alive. 
His happiness could light up a room. 
His…adoration let him manipulate objects more softly, more in control. 
Ghost dared not to think of it. He couldn't call it love. Calling it love was a death sentence for anyone who heard or knew it. His love was deadly, putting innocents into the line of fire. It had always been that way for everyone. His mother. His brother. His nephew. Anyone he dared get close to. Love was a condemnation to him, not an emotion. 
But he couldn't deny something was growing deep inside him. Like a seed, it had been planted within the depths of what was left of his soul and now it was taking root. Every time he thought of you or Ellie, it seemed a new root would grow. 
This both scared and elated him. 
It was selfish, he knew, and yet it was so sweet. 
The dead should not impose their will on the living. Nor should they use the living to fulfill their failed dreams. He knew that rule the minute he appeared into your life. But you were so kind, so patient with him despite the two of you being literally worlds apart, and yet so close. And Ellie, while at first afraid of him, was now calling him her friend. Often were the times where he'd spend a few hours in her room with her while she colored or played with her dolls. All the while he'd manipulate her plushies and make them dance for her, making her laugh. 
And gods that little girl's laughter filled him with a warmth he'd never felt. She was happy, and to know he was a part of the reason she was so made something in him soar. This was his home, his family. Selfish perhaps it was, but it was the truth, no matter how deep he attempted to bury it. 
He decided to make himself something of a guard ghost to your home. He thought it would steel his resolve, as he had dedicated his life to protecting others. It was a duty he always upheld, and now in death he was about to do the same. It was a job, and nothing else, so he tried to make himself believe. 
You weren't home when the break in happened, thankfully. You and Ellie had decided to take Beardie out, as it was nearing the close of summer and the little bearded dragon wouldn't be allowed to be out as often. You had made a small picnic lunch for you, your daughter, and even a few treats for your pet. With the closing and locking of the door, the apartment was now Ghost's to defend. 
At first everything was quiet and clear. No one was home, he shouldn't have been so guarded. And yet, something inside told him he needed to be on high alert. Ghost put all of his heightened senses to work, as he knew something was coming. 
Lo and behold, he was right. About thirty minutes after you and Ellie left with Beardie and all of your treats, Ghost heard the door handle moving accompanied by unfamiliar voices outside. You had locked the door, but it only served as a temporary deterrent. The lock was picked and three masked men made their way in. 
Oh no.
Oh hell no. 
This was HIS home, his family's home, and these interlopers were absolutely NOT welcome here. 
Of course he'd try more…peaceful ways to get them out at first. If they could even be called that. It was really just him trying to freak them out or make them uncomfortable. 
"Look around, see what these fuckin' newbies got hiding here". 
"Goddamn is it cold in here or is that just me". 
"Dude, shut up. It's fine, they just probably turned the heat off before they left". 
"I don't know man, something just doesn't feel-".
"Shut the fuck up and just look, damn". 
One of them went to the master bedroom, obviously hunting for any jewelry or valuables. You hadn't completely finished unpacking yet, so there were still some boxes in there. The first intruder, of course, helped himself to one of them. 
Ghost balled his fist as he dug through your winter clothes, ones you'd need to take out soon anyways. But even so, this fucker had no place here. 
"Get out…" Ghost snarled, using a good portion of his energy to make his voice audible. 
"What the fuck was that?". 
The problem with that was that he only had so much. Without the aid of your phone, he couldn't talk as much. Instead he made the lights flicker.
"Get out…" he warned again. 
"Yo what the fuck is going on?!". 
His other companions came out of Ellie's room and the bathroom respectively, armed with their own small knives. 
Ones he knew too well. 
"What happened?". 
"The lights just flickered! I swear to God I just fucking heard someone…". 
"I'm telling yall, this fucking apartments haunted. Ever since that fucking soldier killed himself-". 
"Mate, what the-". 
Ghost felt a flash of hot white rage. The room temperature fell even further as a lamp was knocked off the nightstand. 
"Last chance. Get. OUT!" Ghost hissed with all his strength. 
"Dude what the fuck?!". 
Ghost didn't bother to care as he threw one of them out into the hall, the intruder screeching like a scared little bitch. Then he did something he never thought he could do. Shoving the more paranoid of the trio into the closet, Ghost forced the man's mouth open and took forced possession of the body. His companions were left stunned as they couldn't get the closet door open. Until it suddenly swung open. 
"What the fuck just-". 
Ghost didn't give the man a chance to finish his question as he grabbed a knife from his host's belt and slid it across his neck. The other thief ran to Ellie's room, locking the door behind him as his leader lay bleeding on the floor in the hallway. Ghost however knew this apartment better than these chumps. The bathroom was connected to both the hallway and Ellie's room, acting as a sort of connection between them. Ghost rolled his hosts eyes. 
But damn did that feel good to feel at least a little alive again. He took the knife from the bastard's neck and quietly went into the bathroom. He could hear the other thief in Ellie's closet. That little shit wasn't about to make things easy. Ghost had no desire to spill blood in Ellie's room, nor in yours. However, he had the thief pinned. If he could just drag the fucker into the bathroom, or draw him in…
After a minute, Ghost knew he wasn't going to draw the thief out. The police were probably already called, either by the bastard or a neighbor. Either way, time wasn't on his side. Stealth wasn't going to serve him this time. So again, he had to be brazen about this. Not that he had a problem with that, it just wasn't his usual style of doing things. He opened the other door leading to Ellie's room and opened the closet. 
The fucker had somehow gotten out without him hearing it. Damn this guy seriously had shit hearing in that case, or Ghost had somehow failed to notice. He hadn't heard any doors open, and Ellie's door was closed. 
Closed but not locked. 
He left the room as fast as his host's legs could take him, finally finding him in your room, going through your drawers. A picture of you, your late partner, and baby Ellie was smashed on the floor. Rage consumed him at that. That photograph meant the world to you. 
Ghost grabbed his host's knife and threw it at the intruders back, getting them just above the shoulder blade. Not precisely where he wanted it to go, but Ghost was out of practice, being dead and all. Still though, at least it hit, which was good enough for him. Ghost pulled the bastard out of the room  and out in the hall next to their companion, the man kicking and screaming the whole time before Ghost silenced them with a quick stab to the throat. Now there was only one left…
His host. 
Ghost forced the body into the bathroom in front of the large mirror. The knife in his hand was still coated in the blood of the intruders. The man was pale and scared to death under his mask. Trembling from fear and cold, as Ghost made the temperature go almost all the way down. 
"You wanna talk about my fucking disgrace huh? You should've learned some respect for the dead ya little shit" Ghost forced the knife to the man's throat, "I'd say next time keep the dead's name or cause of death out of your cunt mouth…but ya won't be gettin' that chance". 
He slid the sharp edge of the knife over his host's throat, quickly ending him the same as he had his friend's. Ghost only released him afterwards, watching the scum die on the tiled floor. At least it would be the easiest to clean up. And he had achieved it, no blood was spilled in either of your rooms, just the hallway and bathroom. 
He heard footsteps coming up the stairs towards the apartment. He'd recognize yours and Ellie's steps from anywhere. Just before you got up to the hall leading to your apartment, Ghost tried to slam it shut, but you were too quick, catching a glimpse of him in your living room. You stopped dead in your tracks, as Ellie came up behind you, but your body blocked the door. 
"What the hell?" You said, shocked at the sight of the tall, masked figure in your living room. 
"Y/N! Keep away! Keep Ellie out! Call the police!". 
"No time!" The door slammed, "just do it!". 
You didn't have to, a few neighbors were already coming out to see what had happened. Beardie was in his portable crate, attempting to glass surf as he felt the tension. You held your daughter tightly, fearful of what was to come…
The sounds of sirens were all you could hear in a moment. Your heart leapt to your throat, and you tried to explain that you didn't know what happened, that you had locked the door, that you weren't home when all this happened. More importantly, you didn't know why those men targeted your home. 
You claimed not to know exactly what happened, but you knew. You knew deep down this wasn't a murder-suicide. The ghost in your apartment had done away with them, and now you didn't know what to think. You and Ellie were sent to a hotel while your home was being investigated and cleaned. For now, it was ruled a murder-suicide, and no charges were being filed. 
Even so, you couldn't help but feel nervous about ever going back to that apartment…
Ghost stayed inside the closet as the clean up crew did their work. He knew he messed up. He saw how afraid you were. He didn't want you to be afraid. Something in him felt broken, he felt like a shamed dog. He didn't regret doing away with those interlopers, but he felt terrible for scaring you. You knew now what he was capable of, and he didn't know what the future held. 
He'd have to be more careful, he realized as the air grew frigid around him in that dark closet. 
If you guys would like to see more please consider liking, following, and reblogging! Thank you! :D
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saharavalleyofdeath · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel OCs and Headcanons
A few things to know:
These are my PERSONAL headcanons
I DO NOT CARE if you don't like them. Just don't interact with this post.
I think the ships Radioapple, Pentious x Cherri and Huskerdust are cute. However they are not my OTPs or anything.
My personal favorite ships are:
RadioDust (Alastor x Angel Dust)
Charlie x Vaggie
Arakniss x Sir Pentious
Cherri x no one (for now)
Vox x Valentino
Lucifer x Lilith
Velvette x Vivianne (My OC)
Husk x Valerie (My OC)
Anyways let's get Started.
First let's do some Basic Info/Intros
Valerie Juarez
Nicknames/Alias include: Vee, Val, The Better Val, Ms. Jay, and Ms. Vee
Born on May 25, 1919 in New Orleans, Louisiana
Died on October 17, 1943 in St. Louis, Missouri
Cause of Death: Shot 4 times by a gang member while she was singing at a club and then died on the operating table at a hospital.
She is 5'3 and weighs 142.3 lbs
She is a moth Demon with similar colors to Angle Dust but more vibrant
Pansexual girly who ends up dating Husk. Her besties however are Alastor and Rosie.
She is an overlord. She rolls over the music industry.
She has a daughter named Dolores. This was with her ex husband.
She likes to sing, dance, read, and mess with the V's, and talk with Alastor.
She also likes to play cards with Husk, shop with Angel, help Charlie and Vaggie, and the chaos that Overlord meetings, hanging with Vox, and having tea with Rosie and Alastor
She dislikes Valentino, Velvet, board meetings at her studio, dealing with her fans, people who aren't innocents, exterminations and angels, and Susan.
She has claustrophobia and a fear of hospitals
She's a bit of a perfectionist and is very self-critical
Some pet peeves of hers are Valentino chewing with mouth open loud chewers in general and talking over people.
In her afterlife she wants to make a bit of a difference so how she runs her studio is when people come to her wanting to work they sign a contract for one year.
They then revise it after that year's over and if they want to leave they can leave no strings attached and if they want to stay they can. Her studio is more of a sanctuary for people who have suffered abuse and want to get out of bad situations
She's very intelligent and has a lot of wisdom
Some special powers of hers are music manipulation and siren song. She can control people's ability to sing and ability to play music as well as control people with sirens song. She can also change the volume of things and amplify her voice
She has a microphone staff similar to Alastor's that can turn into any weapon that she wants
Nicknames/Alias: Viv, Vi, ViVi, Doll, Darling, Love, Short stack
Born on April 23, 1980 in Los Angeles, California
Died on July 18, 2006 in Hollywood, LA, California
Cause of Death: Light fixture accident on a set she was producing.
She is 5'8 and weighs 157.3 lbs
She is a butterfly demon that has a human appearance with Butterfly wings. (So think Barbie a fairy secret.) Her wings also change color based on her mood.
Lesbian and is dating Velvet. She doesn't care for Valentino but he's okay sometimes and prefers Vox when she just has to vent about something. Though she does love cuddling with Velvet.
She is part of the Vees and is the overlord of publicity/production of film/publishing books.
Likes reading, hanging with the Vees, date nights with Vel, and scaring people
She dislikes people undermining/underestimating her, being weak, and feeling useless
She is agoraphobia and claustrophobia after about an hour and a small space but can usually hide these very well.
A pet peeve of hers is someone interrupting her work and she is a bit of a perfectionist as well
She's coming intelligent and logical
Her powers include charm speak persuasion and hypnosis. She's able to easily persuade people and uses her wings though a box uses a screen for hypnosis
The only ones that she doesn't / can't hypnotize or persuade very easily using her abilities are higher ranking people such as Lucifer, goetia's and sins. If she is able to do it however it takes a while and uses a lot more strength and focus
Her weapon is a scythe that was a present from the v's when she became one of them.
Thank you for reading and let me know if you want to hear back stories for any of my OCs!!!
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WHAT   THEY   SMELL   LIKE  . Roses and either tangerine or peach, usually faintly of cigarettes underneath it. More here.
HOW   THEY   SLEEP  .   She sort of surrounds herself in pillows and then doesn't move much in her sleep at all. Pillow under each arm, under her knees, and under her head. She sleeps on her back generally, she trained herself to after hearing it's good for your body and this whole pillow setups supports your joints in order to try to do ballet for as long as possible. She's a bilateral sleeper, more on that here.
WHAT   MUSIC   THEY   ENJOY  .   she likes lo-fi, bedroom hip-hop, emo, pop, some riot grrrl, and classical music. The former three she listens to mostly, classical is just for dance. Here's a playlist of some songs she likes! this is in opposition to what she likes singing -- she actually has a very light siren-y voice and likes to just sing notes and melodies without words to herself a lot.
HOW   MUCH   TIME   THEY   SPEND   EVERY   MORNING   GETTING   READY  .  around an hour and a half, depending. eun yoo's pretty consistent about looking her best, and she does a full skincare routine in the morning and almost always wears a full face of makeup, usually imitating a natural or light makeup style. between skincare, makeup, hair styling, and picking an outfit she has to wake up pretty early before any plans.
FAVORITE   THING   TO   COLLECT  . comics and graphic novels! she's lowkey a huge fucking nerd about these, which is generally something she keeps secret because she thinks it's kinda cringey and childish and a bit too boyish for her taste usually.
LEFT   OR   RIGHT   HAND  .     left handed! although she's kinda learned to be pretty ambidextrous, she can actually write with either hand. her left-handedness really only shows when she signs, because she leads with her left.
FAVORITE   SPORT  .   do we count ballet? we should probably count ballet. if we don't, she really likes watching ribbon gymnastics as well as ice skating. she honestly doesn't really mind any sport that involves dancing, whereas the second any type of orb gets involved she gets bored.
FAVORITE   TOURISTY   THING   TO   DO   WHILE   TRAVELING  .   never had the chance/interest to do touristy things, but if she was taken to museums she'd probably end up having a really good time; art museums especially. she'd make fun of art she didn't like, take selfies in front of what she did, and inevitably make a dance inspired by some piece or another.
FAVORITE   KIND   OF   WEATHER   . she likes an overcast warm day with a cool breeze. she also likes it fully snowing, and snowing a lot, if she doesn't have to go outside in it.
WEIRD   /   OBSCURE   FEAR   THEY   HAVE  .    breaking an ankle. it's not an uncommon injury but it could end her ballet career. she's also petrified of causing her brother's death, which isn't an obscure fear but she's scared of it to a WAY higher level than most are; she's so terrified of causing his death that she actively avoids interacting with him so much he thinks she hates him. it is an actual phobia of her which regularly impacts how she lives her life on a daily basis.
THE   ONE   CARNIVAL   /   ARCADE   GAME   THEY   ALWAYS   WIN   WITHOUT   FAIL  .     i mean, ddr. she's incredibly active, and has amazing control over her body. any game that involves just doing something, physically, is one she's usually pretty good at once she gets a hold of the rules. also (since some arcades have them) she kills rpg games; more on that here.
tagged: @misstruthing tagging: @mutatedangels @rachalcx @wynterlanding @sonderiings @detectivewoof @samhlaiocht
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ntrx · 5 months
Terceto El Tiempo no Existe • Homenaje a Cheto Castellano • NTRX • Perrera Arte
NTRX Performance Multimedia en Centro Experimental Perrera Arte “Terceto: El Tiempo no Existe" in memoriam Cheto Castellano. Obra de performance multimedia, composición y descomposición en vivo para tres voces de artes mayores. Tríada entre NTRX: Iván Fuentealba Osorio + Natalia Leiva & Cheto Castellano. Trío espontáneo y ecosistema creativo de improvisación entre Música+Pintura+Danza. El Tiempo no Existe es una idea vasta, presente desde antiguas sabidurías ancestrales hasta la física teórica y mecánica cuántica actuales. Nos relata sobre las leyes de la percepción de la realidad ¿constantemente variable o variablemente constante?, enmarcados en la medición temporal infinitesimal. La vida-muerte muerte-vida, no son más que estados pasajeros e impermanentes dentro de una serie concatenada de fenómenos infinitos de causa y efecto, que se entrelazan en propósitos más elevados de existencia. La materia no se crea ni se destruye, es un eterno reciclaje de transformación energética. Este registro documental con sonido en directo, relata en tiempo real la presentación que tuvo lugar en la Nave Central del Centro Experimental Perrera Arte, en el marco del evento Indagar N° 2. Música electrónica experimental de 11 tracks, que atraviesan, fotografías de archivo, vídeos de performance, cortometraje, entrevista, canciones, poemas, intervención escénica, pintura en vivo, bandas sonoras, vestuario de autor, danza, performance, escultura, dibujo, pintura en vivo, multimedia interactiva, animación 3D. Este repertorio transita por diversas piezas y fragmentos de registro de obras audiovisuales entre los años 2002 y 2022 añadidos en postproducción. Nos proporciona una idea breve de quien fue Cheto Castellano y su obra. Su fiesta ritual de despedida y bienvenida multidimensional. Castellano eres leyenda!
NTRX Multimedia Performance Perrera Arte Experimental Centre “Tercet: Time does not exist" in memoriam Cheto Castellano. Work of multimedia performance, composition and live decomposition for three voices of major arts. Triad between NTRX: Iván Fuentealba Osorio + Natalia Leiva & Cheto Castellano. Spontaneous trio and creative ecosystem of improvisation between Music + Painting + Dance. Time Does Not Exist is a vast idea, present from ancient ancestral wisdom to current theoretical physics and quantum mechanics. It tells us about the laws of perception of reality: constantly variable or variably constant?, framed in infinitesimal temporal measurement. Life-death death-life are nothing more than temporary and impermanent states within a concatenated series of infinite phenomena of cause and effect, which are intertwined in higher purposes of existence. Matter is neither created nor destroyed, it is an eternal recycling of energy transformation. This documentary record with live sound, recounts in real time the presentation that took place in the Central Nave of the Perrera Arte Experimental Center, within the framework of the Indagar N° 2 event. Experimental electronic music of 11 tracks, which traverse, archival photographs, performance videos, short film, interview, songs, poems, stage intervention, live painting, soundtracks, author's costumes, dance, performance, sculpture, drawing, painting in live, interactive multimedia, 3D animation. This repertoire includes various pieces and fragments of recordings of audiovisual works between the years 2002 and 2022 added in post-production. It gives us a brief idea of who Cheto Castellano was and his work. The farewell ritual and multidimensional welcome party. Castellano you are legend!
Perrera Arte Cultural center
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audiofictionuk · 1 year
New Fiction Podcasts - 22nd July
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How To Destroy Everything New Audio Drama! From Webby Award Winning Aileron Podcast Studio, comes the true story of a man who wreaks havoc on a community: “He taps phone lines, steals notary stamps, gets banned from restaurants, hacks emails, and forges signatures. He inspires a support group comprised solely of people he traumatized. In court, he references arcane British case law and submits literally thousands of motions to delay and obstruct, leaving anyone who stands in his way not only penniless but emotionally bankrupt and utterly destroyed. He was also my dad.” https://HowToDestroyEverything.podbean.com RSS:https://feed.podbean.com/HowToDestroyEverything/feed.xml
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Read with Laura Joy New Audio Book! The official podcast of author Laura Joy Lloyd, creator of interactive serialized fiction, where there’s always more to the story and readers influence what happens next. https://www.laurajoylloyd.com/blog-2/ RSS:https://www.laurajoylloyd.com/feed/podcast/
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Aquelarre New Audio RPG! Juego de rol ambientado en la España medieval. Jugamos a diferentes aventuras de rol siguiendo las reglas del juego Aquelarre, creado por Ricard Ibañez. https://www.ivoox.com/podcast-aquelarre_sq_f1428218_1.html RSS:https://www.ivoox.com/feed_fg_f1428218_filtro_1.xml
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The Viking Diaries New Audio Drama! Very much Adult oriented. Just a little light relief to lift your day. You join us as our hapless fool finds himself in another sticky situation, he needs assistance from “The help desk” which is provided though his monthly subscription to an adult toy manufacturer’s platform. https://Jbeale.podbean.com RSS:https://feed.podbean.com/Jbeale/feed.xml
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The Magicians: Danse Macabre New Audio Book! The Show Must Go On. When stage magician Blake Alexander aka Blake Fire who has a grim reaper for a soul senses someone in his audience is going to die he dances between life and death to not collect them with all his strength he must live and not take them to the afterlife because when his soul is released his body dies and he can't die on stage in front of the world let alone come back to life. https://shows.acast.com/the-magicians-danse-macabre RSS:https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/the-magicians-danse-macabre
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Luceros en la Oscuridad: El príncipe desterrado New Audio Book! Audiolibro al completo de "Luceros en la Oscuridad: El príncipe desterrado". Narrado por Víctor Peralta, su autor, y diferentes actores y actrices interpretarán a cada uno de los personajes que aparecen. El audiolibro tiene más de 40 capítulos, que se irán subiendo eventualmente conforme el proyecto avance. Para más información pueden acceder a las redes del autor. https://www.ivoox.com/podcast-luceros-oscuridad-el-principe-desterrado_sq_f12012968_1.html RSS:https://www.ivoox.com/feed_fg_f12012968_filtro_1.xml
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Cafe Stories - Where stories brew, tales ensue New Audio Drama! A Café plays an important role in love and life…Some stories are made ....Some are just left there and some start from the Café. Presenting CAFE STORIES by @rjramitjain, an Indian podcast having stories from all walks of life. https://hubhopper.com/podcast/cafe-stories-where-stories-brew-tales-ensue/429028 RSS:https://feeds.hubhopper.com/305078c975ccdd7e1412f945112b3e90.rss
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The Purgatorious Pig New Audio RPG! A Dungeons and Dragons Podcast located at the fictitious Purgatorious Pig Tavern where the gang takes on jobs to be able to pay their ever expanding bar tab. Hosted by a crew of friends who enjoy craft beer, this craft beer centric podcast follows their love of craft beer as they try (at least for some) to learn the game. https://thepurgatoriouspigtavern.podbean.com RSS:https://feed.podbean.com/thepurgatoriouspigtavern/feed.xml
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Treacherous Tales New Audio Drama! From creator Stewart St John comes a spine-chilling anthology audio series for mature audiences, featuring distinct characters immersed in supernatural, sci-fi, and horror situations. Inspired by shows like The Twilight Zone, Tales From The Crypt and Black Mirror, the stories in Treacherous Tales often culminate in macabre or unexpected endings infused with humor and moral complexity. Featuring a cinematic sound design by Michael Plahuta, the series is executive produced by series writer/creator/director Stewart St John, Todd Fisher and Michael Plahuta. https://www.spreaker.com/show/treacherous-tales RSS:https://www.spreaker.com/show/5910221/episodes/feed
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bleakfated · 1 year
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BASICS: name: alyssa rae moore age: 20s-30s gender & pronouns: female, she/her sexuality: bisexual, heavily female leaning faceclaim: arielle kebbel occupation: fbi agent location: los angeles, california
PERSONALITY: positive traits: determined, independent, organized, reliable negative traits: vengeful, manipulative, biting, heedless
APPEARANCE: scars: minimal small scarring from premature birth medical procedures tattoos: sunflower tattoo on the left side of her ribcage for her late sister, jess piercings: earlobes
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Alyssa Moore was born a fighter, a premature baby that was able to make a full recovery. From the moment she could walk, she idolized her older sister Jessica Moore, six years her elder. Jessica had been begging her parents for a sibling and really took her sister under her wing. When it was time for Jessica to go to college at Stanford University, it was very hard on both of the sisters but they stayed in constant contact. Alyssa's world was shattered when her sister died in an apartment fire and her boyfriend of a year and a half skipped town. A few FBI visits later, she was convinced Sam Winchester had something to do with her death. Alyssa dual majored in psychology and political science before entering the law program at Stanford to become an FBI agent herself with the hopes of taking down the Winchester brothers.
Alyssa Rae Moore was born prematurely on December 28, 1989 to parents Kyle and Clarissa Moore. Her mother had only been 31 weeks pregnant at the time. The first month and a half of her life was spent in the NICU, her mother always by her side and her father and older sister Jessica visiting every day. Occasionally, Kyle was able to convince Clarissa to let him switch duty so she could sleep on a decent mattress or allow him to snuggle up beside her at the hospital for the night. However, from the second Alyssa came into the world, she was born a fighter. She made a full recovery and was soon home with her parents and sister. From the moment she could walk, she was always following her sister around. Alyssa looked up to Jessica and the two were best friends, a sisterly relationship that many people wish they had. Despite Alyssa being six years younger and aspiring to be just like her older sister, wearing her clothes and copying her behavior, Jessica was much too excited to finally have a sibling to find it annoying. Rather, she found it endearing. Alyssa could probably count on one hand the amount of times they had fought as kids.
While Jessica took after their father with her art skills, Alyssa was much too impatient for the hobby. She wasn't a terrible artist, but she was not blessed with instant raw talent and didn't feel passionate enough to work at it. Instead, she focused her time on soccer, picking up some of her mother's hobbies -- dancing and choir. From a young age, Alyssa was captivated by the outdoors. Nearly all of the family's free time was spent hiking, kayaking, or camping. She and her sister wouldn't have it any other way, apart from the occasional beach trip, they loved that their parents weren't afraid to use their vacation time and sick time to take them to different areas of the United States. There was hardly a dull moment in the Moore household and Alyssa cherishes many memories to this day from what she would consider a very amazing childhood (at least until high school). The second worst day of Alyssa's life was when Jessica moved into her dorm at Stanford University. It was impossible for the middle school girl to imagine life without her sister across the hall, but she continued on and kept in contact with Jessica over the phone with phone calls and messages daily.
Much like her sister, Alyssa had admired Stanford from the moment she was in diapers. The campus was beautiful and she felt ever inspired by her parents love story and all that they had gained through the University. When they were younger, Alyssa and Jess liked to play 'college' rather than 'house'. At least one trip was made out to the campus by the family to a Stanford football game and Alyssa could swear she fell in love with the campus more each time, especially in the years that Jess was there, where she could see how it was in current times. Unfortunately, she had no idea what was to come from Jessica's new boyfriend Sam Winchester. Alyssa thought he was very cute and he had always been friendly with Jess's family, but she couldn't help but wonder about his elusive past, perhaps more than eve Jessica herself. When her father had received a call on November 2, 2005 that Jessica had perished in a fire at her apartment and Sam quickly fled town and never returned to Stanford, Alyssa's opinion of the situation was much darker than her parents.
Convinced that Sam had been private about his past due to some sort of criminal activity, the only logical explanation in Alyssa's mind for him making it out of the fire without being able to save Jess or Jess being able to save herself was that she had been dead before the fire had been started. The building went up quickly and Jessica's body was burned beyond words when they had been able to put out the fire, Alyssa did not buy the story that her sister's death did not involve foul play. Jessica had called her the day before to gush with her about how she had finally met Sam's brother, but was worried that he pretty much packed a bag for the weekend the second his brother mentioned something about his dad. It was no secret to her sister that there was serious tension in his family and she wished that Sam would answer her phone calls or texts. He hadn't even told her where he was going. Something must have happened that weekend to get Sam to snap back to his old ways. Because the cops were so eager to believe that it had been a terrible tragedy, rather than a calculated murder, Alyssa made it her mission to eventually bring Sam and his brother to justice.
Picking up the pieces of herself after losing her sister, Alyssa continued on path to get accepted into Stanford, perhaps more determined than ever after a few visits to the family from the FBI, particularly agent Victor Henriksen. She joined the student council in high school like her mother and kept her time busy with that, choir, dancing, and soccer as well as a debate club and a trivia club that competed in state and national events. Graduating at the top of her class, she only applied to Stanford University and majored in both political science and psychology. Alyssa had high hopes of getting into the FBI to have the resources to appropriately track down the Winchesters, which she started to doubt they had after they had evaded Victor and other agents. Her involvement in campus activities was very calculated from the start. Right around the time that she was set to move into a dorm on campus, her parents dropped the news that they were going to move to Palo Alto with her. Though she felt like they were coddling her or thinking in their own grief that if they were out there with her she may be safer, she could not truly be upset with them. She knew how hard it was for them to walk by Jessica's old room every day and how much her father had always wanted to teach at Stanford University.
So, she retracted her spot in the Stanford dorms to live with her parents, though she had decent scholarships, it felt like the best decision in the long run, at least for a few years. Alyssa rushed her mother's sorority Pi Beta Phi for the simple reason of gaining as many connections as possible. Kind to everyone, she made sure to be on friendly terms with as many people as she could in hopes of being able to capitalize on a connection. Though many would consider her a close friend, she was too concerned with finding revenge for her sister's assumed murderer to really feel connected to someone. Not to mention, she didn't think anyone would want to be involved with her when she was hellbent on getting justice for her sister. It wasn't fair to others for them to be shoved down her priorities ladder at every turn, but there were a few people that she knew she would keep in contact with after Stanford. She was on the soccer team and took the vice president position of her sorority. After graduation, she applied to Stanford's Law program with an LSAT score of 172. The irony of following in Sam Winchester's footsteps wasn't lost on her, but she wanted to make sure she had high chances of getting into the FBI.
Right upon graduation from law school, she was thrust into an internship with the FBI, schmoozing the right people to gain the perfect connections to get her where she needed to go. After working a job only to gain experience, she was accepted into an entry level position and worked her way up the ranks quicker than most. She works out of the headquarters in Los Angeles and helps those beneath her continue to advise the agency with all legal issues on top of being out on the field for high profile murder cases. Alyssa has planted a seed in the right people's minds that she gets a call when they find Sam or Dean Winchester again and she devotes some of their resources to investigating on her own in hopes of finding them and getting the truth out of them for once, since they had escaped before and supposedly been killed twice by 2011. She hates that it is taking so long, but is determined that they get what is coming to them in the end. She visits her parents when she can and keeps in contact with them over the phone, despite often being all over the country.
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venus-haze · 2 years
Just read your latest headcannons, and first of all amazing! Second of all, I see your Vampire!Austin!Elvis x Reader headcannons, and raise you Austin!Elvis x Vampire!Reader Headcannons. I can see this going hand in hand with the whole Elvis faked his death conspiracy.
Thank you so much! It was so fun to write🖤 I absolutely love this idea and I hope I did it justice.
Austin!Elvis x Vampire!Reader
Warnings: Dark themes that include death, blood, and obsessive and manipulative behavior. Reader has some yandere vibes. Do not interact if you are under 18 or post thinspo/ED content.
You’re by no means one of the oldest vampires in the country, but you were quick to embrace the power that being changed gave you, using it to whatever advantage you could. You don’t feel bad about having to kill to survive, there are plenty of humans who did far worse than you, anyway
While some vampires stay in covens for safety, you’re a loner, not wanting to answer to anyone for anything. As a result you’re riskier, choosing Los Angeles as your hunting grounds for a few decades, flirting with and feeding on the rich and famous despite the questions about how your appearance never seemed to change or your odd eye color
You know how many of them would give anything to be turned, evade the inevitability of aging and death, but you don’t think any of them deserve the honor
When a new musician emerges in the ‘50s, electrifying the industry with his wild music and dance moves, you have to see him in person. Elvis’ concert doesn’t disappoint, lighting a fire in you that you hadn’t felt in decades. Not to mention, he’s so pretty you think of turning him based on that alone
You meet him briefly after the show. Naturally, he says that he noticed you in the crowd, something about you drawing him in. You get his autograph, and when he begins to comment on your crimson eye color, you distract him with a kiss and leave
For you, it’s business as usual for the next decade or so, and by the mid-60s, you’ve made Las Vegas your new hunting grounds, it’s too easy not to when there are so many people engaging in the type of reckless debauchery that would make their disappearances just a byproduct of being in the City of Sin
When Elvis’ Vegas residency is announced, you debate going, and after his first two residencies, you decide to get a ticket, feeling risky enough to get a front row seat just to see if he’d recognize you
A thrill rushes through you when he steps on stage and looks at you as if he’s seen a ghost. He’s aged, of course, but he’s just as gorgeous as you remembered. His performance is fantastic, but a bit off as he keeps getting distracted by you, especially when you smile at him, your lips revealing your fangs
When the show ends, you’re not surprised when you’re approached by a member of Elvis’ entourage, telling you that Elvis wants to see you in his suite if you’re available
You find Elvis waiting for you in his suite. “You just get right to the point, don’t you?” you tease
“You look just like this woman I met years ago. We only spent an hour or so together, but I just couldn’t get her out of my mind,” he says. “I think it’s your eyes. I’ve never seen anyone else with eyes like hers”
“I wouldn’t expect you to,” you answer, showing him the autograph he gave you that night almost twenty years earlier. Sure, you were betraying the sentimentality you had toward him, keeping it for so long when you’d pawned off autographs and gifts you’d gotten from other stars through the years
Elvis looks at the autograph in disbelief, and when he looks back up at you, he’s struggling to put two and two together, to face the reality of who—no, what you are
“How long will you be in town?” he asks
“At least another few years,” you answer nonchalantly
You see Elvis almost every night for the next few weeks, and the more time you spend with him, the more you want to turn him. You can tell he’s tired of the life he’s living, tired of being tired. So carefully, calculatedly, with each complaint he has about his management, his health, his love life, you lure him in
“You can do whatever you want. Don’t have to answer to anyone. You’re in control of everything,” you muse, conveniently omitting the almost insatiable bloodlust that comes with being newly turned, watching as he gets closer and closer to asking you to turn him. The only thing that’s keeping him hesitant is his damn bleeding heart, unsure if he can go through with killing innocent people to survive
One night, though, you arrive up to his suite, finding the room in a state of disarray. Elvis looks at you, rage in his eyes as he storms over, “I’m sick of this—this bullshit. I want you to turn me, Y/N. I want to be with you”
You grin wickedly, your eyes focused on the vein bulging from his neck “Oh honey, I thought you’d never ask”
Taglist: @eliseinmemphis @kittenlittle24  @crash-and-cure @im-lame-irl @loudwombatmugkid @rxsesss @roseymary04 @queendelrey @jovialladyaurora @positivitylane112 @moonknightswif3 @holy-minseok @datsavageavenger @21bruhs @luckyevansstan
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writingmochi · 2 years
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cast: enhypen ✗ fem.reader
synopsis: what will you do if you’ve given a day to—meet; interact; part ways—dance with your shadow?
genre: different for each member, mainly slice of life, fluff, and angst
based on: music hindia’s “menari dengan bayangan” album (2019)
message from the moon: do remember that this is fiction and all the actions the idols do in these works do not reflect what they are in the real world. this is a non-priority anthology so all stories are standalone, won't have any schedule for deadlines, and will be written on my availability! also, i'm implementing a system called early warning as a way to tell what warning(s) might show up in the individual work and will be changed accordingly...
not gonna lie, i was trying to cover this up as a way for me to recommend indonesian indie music cause i'm very reserved about my identity (putting only asian and legal) but f it GUE ORANG INDONESIA (read as "i'm indonesian") and i'm a proud southeast asian. i'm probably the only indonesian active in enhablr (especially a writer) cause other SEAsians i know that are active are the filipinos, but, hey nice to meet you! dan kalo lo org indo jg, hmu!
taglist? right here
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album tracklist (english translation of the indonesian title)
track 1: evakuasi (evacuation)
"selamatkan diri, oh evakuasi"
cast: sunoo ✗ fem.reader (mostly a sunoo solo piece but mc will show up through flashbacks)
synopsis: it’s been one year since your death and it is the day sunoo has been preparing for a long time. lights off and the moon hiding behind her blanket, he lit up the candle to start the day, 24 hours to celebrate your life
genre: college/university au, high school au (in flashback), slice of life, fluff (in flashback), and angst
early warning(s): major character death, depressive episodes, mention of cyberbullying, mention of suicide, mention of self-harm
track 3: besok mungkin kita sampai (maybe we'll arrive tomorrow)
"katakan pada dirimu, 'besok mungkin kita sampai'"
cast: trainee!niki ✗ seatmate!fem.reader
synopsis: graduation is such a melancholic concept, happy to finally be able to escape school, but sad that people will separate to their own road. it is no different for riki. on his graduation day, he spends one last day with his seatmate of three years before he pursues his career across the sea
genre: melancholia, hurt/comfort, coming of age, slice of life, trainee au, high school au, fluff, angst
warning(s): blood, some curse words, mention of bruises, pretty heavy life stuff even for a high school age
track 6: untuk apa / untuk apa? (for what / for what?)
"dan kau selalu bertanya, untuk apa?"
cast: barista!sunghoon ✗ barista!fem.reader
synopsis: every day, sunghoon walked to the cafe he worked part-time. head-heavy and stressed from the workload, he started to get a mental breakdown as you observe from the kitchen
genre: college/university au, cafe au, slice of life, fluff, and angst
early warning(s): college (and life) existentialism
track 8: secukupnya (sufficiently)
"bersedihlah secukupnya"
cast: jake ✗ guitarist!fem.reader
synopsis: jake’s mind can only sustain so much, wandering the city like a lost boy in neverland. that’s when he enters a music store one morning, hearing a wailing guitar at the corner of the store
genre: hurt/comfort, college/university au, college band au, slice of life, fluff, and angst
early warning(s): depressive episodes
track 11: membasuh (devote)
"bisakah kita tetap membasuh"
cast: jay ✗ fem.reader
synopsis: “home is where the heart is.” a quote you always remind yourself of whenever you go home to your country from school. but, you can’t reach home immediately when you choose a layover flight. that’s when you meet jay, an international student who is on his way to school, whose plane is delayed.
genre: college/university au, international student au, slice of life, fluff, and angst, airport setting (is it just me or does anyone also like the feelings you get when you're going to or at an airport?)
track 12: rumah ke rumah (house to house)
"pindah berkala, rumah ke rumah"
cast: jungwon ✗ fem.reader
synopsis: puppy love is common in people who are jungwon’s age, wanting to have someone that shares that intense feeling of romance. but, jungwon struggled more as he never got approved on a second date by the people that he went on first dates with. today is your first date with him.
genre: high school au, slice of life, fluff, and tiny bit of angst
track 15: evaluasi (evaluation) • part of the deep end collab
"bilas muka, gosok gigi, evaluasi"
cast: heeseung ✗ fem.reader
synopsis: heeseung can finally breathe after finishing the final leg of his solo tour, his manager gives him one day to explore london. that’s when he meets you, a traveller from a room next to his
genre: slice of life, drama, romance, musician au, tourist au, fluff, angst, set in the same universe as crossroads
inspired by: movie before sunrise (1995)
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taglist: @beomgyumineiro @bubblejunnies @endzii23 @stayzentiny @reallysmolrenjun @msxflower @kayalayadayla @fluffyywoo
can't tag: @meowchikatt @ricepill
© writingmochi on tumblr, 2021-2024. all rights reserved
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When Fate Intervenes // Luke Patterson
IN WHICH: Fate intervenes with a trio of musicians on the night that was supposed to be legendary. Fate puts the reader with a special ability that may or may not be able to save them. Fate puts a clairvoyant, an accidentally upsized pizza and thirteen year old oddly obsessed with a rock band.
Warnings: Swearing, food poison, death, and fluff
Words: 2.8k
A/N: Time to get rid of some fic ideas from my TOO LONG of a list. It’s Julie fault, she keeps encouraging each fic idea I tell her.
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The Orpheum, 1995
The line up comprised of countless girls wearing homemade band shirts for the new band performing. Your little sister, at thirteen years old, had pleaded for weeks if not three months to go watch it. It was odd since she was more in the pop scene than the rock music. Your parents would never let her go to the rock show at night, so it was you or no show. It took a promise of doing your chores for an entire month and her dessert for two months. That was why you stood beside Harper among the fangirls while you clicked through the camera you’d saved up for years.
“I’m so excited.” Harper buzzed dancing on your feet as the time on her watch dwindled down more and more.
Your eyes flitted from the screen to the ball of energy you called your little sister, “I can tell. Which one do you have a crush on?”
“Reggie. He’s the bassist and so fucking-sorry freaking cool.” Harper gushed, “A good portion of the fans are obsessed with the lead singer Luke. Bobby is the rhythm guitarist, and he’s a ladies man, but he’s sweet about it.”
“And you’d know that how?” You questioned letting go of the camera around your neck. Your e/c eyes meeting her matching pair of irises; well yours were a bit more vibrant.
“I just know.” Harper retorted before beaming as she roughly poked the pin she’d made herself, “This represents all of them. Red for Reggie’s plaid shirt he always has, orange for Bobby’s love of oranges, yellow for Luke’s energy and pink for Alex because he loves the colour!”
The pin had their band design with Sunset Curve on it with the words outlined with a sunset made up of red, orange, yellow and pink just as Harper had pointed out. By far, it was her best work, but that was expected from an art student at Los Feliz High School. An art school for artists and performers. You attended for photography and creative writing just as Harper attended for art.
“That might be your best work Harps.” You complimented your little sister who shivered in the cool night breeze. You didn’t even think about tugging off your warm jacket to place on her shoulders.
You’d rather be cold than your little sister no matter how much you fought with each other, the Y/L/N siblings had each other’s backs no matter what.
“Thanks.” Harper murmured, leaning closer, “So do I meet Reggie?”
Your eyes widened slightly at her subtle goading to a part of your life was cinematic. It was a piece of you that very few people knew about, only your parents and Harper. Like most of the women in your paternal lineage, you carried the ability to foresee events in the future. A clairvoyant.
“Harper!” You scolded the young teenager who blatantly was just over-excited to see the band she’d been talking about constantly.
Harper’s cheeks turned a cherry blossom pink under the crappy lighting from the marquee sign. Even in the light, you noticed the changes in her face as she matured into a young woman, her cheeks while still full didn’t have that baby cheek look now. You saw a stubborn zit that you could see under the makeup that didn’t entirely match her skin tone. It caused an ache in your heart to know that soon she’d have the experience of heartbreak.
“You told me these guys are my age. Need I remind you that you are thirteen? If anyone older than thirteen makes an advance I’ll put my softball skills to the test.” You sternly informed the shorter girl with the pout that screamed rebellion, “Just be a kid Harps.”
“Like you said Y/N, I’m thirteen. I’m not a kid anymore.” Harper dropped the attitude to adopt a more mature soft tone. You could see the tinge of sadness in her eyes at losing the part of life where it was easy.
“I know. I can wish you’ll stay that annoying little kindergartener that stole my clothing.” You chuckled, “You’ll always be the Stephanie to my DJ.”
The two Y/L/N siblings momentarily glanced around before hugging as quickly as possible, they still had reputations to uphold. Had you been actually paying attention, you and Harper would have noticed the commotion from the people behind you.
As you and Harper had the sweet moment, the very band performing had raced out the alley into the street. What brought you back to the surroundings was the pizza boy delivering the pizza box to you. 
“Wait, we ordered a small!” You exclaimed finding the boy holding an extra-large pizza. You only received a shrug in response with the right change given back. 
Two things happened with this food mistake, you didn’t have to pay more than what you actually ordered, and you still got the larger pizza. However, the Orpheum didn’t allow outside food, meaning you’d have to force-feed yourself all the pizza or trash more than half. 
“We could shar-” Harper was cut off as a blinding white light became your focal point. Harper knew what was happening by the specific groan coming from your lips.
A nauseating scent of cheap meat, gas and chemicals flooded your sense of smell in the dingy alleyway. It was nighttime with a few people in the general vicinity with a dilapidated table and mismatched chairs on the walls’ edge. A poorly made sign with Sam & Ella’s and going by the vendor selling the hot dogs the name fit. Sam & Ella sounded like salmonella.
From a distance, you couldn’t quite hear the conversation between three male teens, but you had a bad feeling. They all migrated to a ratty couch that had been better days, a rat wouldn’t even crawl on it you swore.
The first boy had slicked back hair with rosy cheeks you dubbed innocent and cute that juxtapositioned his rocker attire. He had polished black leather shoes, pleather if his choice of food was an indication, a leather jacket and a red plaid shirt around his waist. His attention focused on the two guys beside him. In the middle, the boy had the blue hood of his sweater pulled over his messy brown hair as if hiding. Nothing stood out about him, and it seemed like that was intentional. On the other side, the last one was the tallest with his blonde hair hidden by the backwards black hat. A distressed dark grey jean jacket open to proudly display his pink hoodie. Each one wearing black pants and adorning rings.
“This is awesome, you guys. We’re playing the Orpheum!” The middle boy joyfully spoke head in the clouds instead of the questionable surroundings. He arguably had the loveliest smile you had ever seen, and his friends had nice smiles at that as well.
Yet even if this hadn’t taken place, however, it still felt like you were intruding on something incredibly private, “Why am I being shown this?”
Your question went unsurprisingly unanswered.
“I can’t even count how many bands have played here! And then ended up being huge!” He happily sunk into the back of the couch, thinking of all the bands he had CDs to in his room, “We’re gonna be legends!”
“Oh.” You breathed as you caught a whiff from the boys that quickly gave you the understanding of why you saw this. You could only smell what you had dubbed as death, the scent unchanging from the first time you’d encountered it.
The death stench accompanied a clairvoyant vision if the object of your vision was sick or about to die. The first time you encountered, it was a vision of two cars colliding, the sound of shattering glass and crunching metal, the scent of burning flesh overpowering the milder stench. The next morning school was cancelled after a teacher died in a car accident on the way to work.
“Eat up, boys. ’Cause after tonight, everything changes.” The only vocal one continued with his two friends silently listening. The trio toasted their food together.
“No!” You exclaimed as each boy took a bite. You held your breath, hoping that the inevitable in the vision wouldn’t occur.
Unfortunately, it was right away the warning appeared. The blonde one the most affected, “That’s a new flavour.”
“Chill, man. Street dogs haven’t killed us yet.” The leather jacket guy proudly spoke, the least one concerned. 
Even the guy in the middle was concerned but ultimately continued eating.
“Stop it!” You shouted, but it was no use. As with every vision, you had the potential to stop it from coming true, but while in the vision, you couldn’t interact with the people or surrounding. No matter how much you wanted to slam the food out of their hands.
But one thing sends shivers down your spine. The one in the middle made direct eye contact with you. Something that had never happened before nor to any previous clairvoyants. He kept eye contact as he slowly grew sicker and sicker.
The three boys had no chance as the ambulance rushed to the alleyway to save them. The paramedics weren’t as quick as the vendors who’d already packed and fled to protect their own hides.
You watched as the paramedics did everything in their power to save the young teenagers with everything possible. Just like Luke sang in their last song, the boys felt the darker version of an electric hammer to the heart. The clocks freezing in place as they each took their last breathe in the oddest of deaths. You saw the blonde guy die painfully first before followed by the formerly hooded one, the terrified cries of the last one haunting your phantom ears.
How did three healthy teenagers die on the same night of the exact nature within minutes of each other without one surviving? Maybe it had something to do with the hot dogs chilling in the liquid that was a cesspool of bacteria compounded with tained condiments from battery acid.
You roughly came out of the vision shaking and pale-faced frantically scanning the surroundings. Harper had a grip on the extra large pizza box while the other tightly held yours to ground you in the present.
“Are you okay?” Harper softly questioned with the panic hidden inside her body. Harper knew that this vision had been one of the bad ones. The haunted look in your eyes hinting towards death in the near future.
“We need to go.” You frantically replied, grabbing the pizza that would hopefully have a hand in saving three hopeful teens.
Your gym teacher would be proud of the distance diminished and speed you kept towards the area that would further shatter you. Foreseeing death and sometimes unable to stop it always had a nasty impact on you. 
“Where are we going?” Harper yelled, “We’ll miss the doors opening!”
“We’ll miss them if we don’t hurry up!” You shouted back at the disgruntled little sister but at the moment that didn’t matter. 
What mattered was three hungry teenagers about to gorge themselves on death dogs if you didn’t make it in time. It appeared for the first time you’d actually manage to stop the deaths, unlike the previous three times. 
“-tonight. Everything changes.” The chill-inducing rasp helped navigate you to the disgusting couch. Your cold hand slammed the hotdog from the blonde’s hand, the shocked reaction halting the other two.
“Don’t...eat...it.” You heaved bending over at the waist to catch your breath. Wheezing sounded from your little sister as the running and seeing her favourite band up close settled.
“Excuse me! I paid for that hotdog!”
“You’d be buying yourself death literally. Your dreams of playing the Orpheum would be extinct.” You sighed, chugging the water from the pocket of Harper’s backpack for a few seconds before the owner took it back.
“Okay, look I don’t know how you found us but-”
“You don’t have to believe me ’cause I sure as hell wouldn’t have but don’t jeopardize your dreams. Look my little sister wanted to see your show so I brought her and we ordered a pizza. They fucked up the order by giving us an extra-large pizza. We’ll barely eat a quarter of it, and the venue is strict on the rules.” You rambled using tour hands to elaborate the story before Harper roughly elbowed your ribs, “Ow!”
“Oops.” Harper faked a sugar-sweet smile for your benefit as the interaction with the three musicians slowly dove into embarrassment.
“-sorry. You’d be doing us a favour by not wasting our money and food. What do you say?” You hesitantly asked the trio who didn’t speak vocally; their eyes meeting in a silent conversation.
Reggie sighed as he begrudgingly dropped his hotdog in the bin near the couch, “Pizza outranks street dogs even if the dogs are heaven and to die for.”
“Literally.” You grumbled forcefully pushing the obscenely large pizza box into the middle one’s stomach, “I’m Y/N, this is my little sister Harper.”
“Hi.” Harper shyly waved with cheeks turning a dust pink concealed by the dark of the alleyway. The boys’ lips all quirked at the sudden contrast from the confident sister slamming her elbow in you to the bashful teen.
“I’m Luke. This is Reggie and Alex.” The hooded one, Luke, introduced his bandmates as best he could with his hands occupied by the pizza box.
Without the threat of death by the hot dog, you actually took the time to look at Luke with appraising eyes. His eyes were like oceans of blues, greens and even a brown that both exhilarated you; the desire of studying them not surprising. His smile outshone the sun on the hottest day in August.
“Nice to meet you.” You informed the trio with a beaming smile that matched your starstruck little sister. The interaction gave you the opportunity for immense and untiring future teasing on the teen that daydreamed of the bassist. 
You had to admit the trio were incredibly attractive.
“Come back to the dressing room. We can eat there out of the cold.” Alex courteously invited the two formerly strangers. His blues sharing his pure intentions to repay you for saving their lives and offering pizza. 
“Of course.” Harper nodded her head with her eyes barely meeting the ones of the boys. The shell was broken when Reggie piped up.
“That’s a really cool pin! Where’d you find it?”
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Gated Community, Los Angeles, 2002
An off-tune humming filled the modestly sized home in the suburbs of Los Angeles, California with the sound of water splashing. Doing the dishes was a mindless chore that typically didn’t bother you, but the pain in your lower back protested. You’d have used the dishwasher, but the thing was perpetually breaking down. Didn’t seen essential to replace when washing dishes by hand was just as productive.
Or it was when you didn’t have the extra weight in your midsection, a symbol of your love with your husband. In fact, you would have avoided doing dishes if you hadn’t just used the last clean plate and glass at breakfast plus Luke hadn’t been home in the previous week.
Sunset Curve had gone on a press tour for the upcoming album and tour planned for next year.
“Oof.” You moaned as the little rascal once more hit your bladder, “Are you breaking electric guitars in there?”
“Not a soccer player?”
“With you as their father? Not likely.” You snorted as the sudden appearance of Luke became clear. You hadn’t been expecting him, “I missed you. We missed you.”
As had it since you first told him Luke’s warm hand came to rest on the front of your swollen belly. In a short month, you’d be cradling the newest member of the Patterson family with Luke singing the lullaby he solely made for baby P.
“Still haven’t given in?” The lead guitarist teased you with a beaming smile splitting his face, “Go sit down. I’ll finish the dishes.”
You didn’t need to be asked twice. 
“I’m not abusing my clairvoyance to foresee our child’s gender, name and appearance.” You pointed one finger in his direction, “I refused Bobby’s pleading to see which models he would bed. The only time I did something like that was to reassure Alex that he would fall in love with a lovely guy.”
Luke’s heart burst with sheer adoration at how easily you had sunk into the friendship with the band after that one night. A night that had given birth to a friendship that slowly evolved into a romance and marriage. To this day, the group got together as much as possible.
“I love you.” Luke chuckled, “Even-”
“-if I came into your life like a completely crazy person?”
“We’re all a little crazy.”
Your house surely would be when a little tornado with Luke’s energy took over the home you’d made with Luke. The very home you would have more children and grow old together until soon you held your grandkids on your laps.
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds  @siriuswvrld @princessvader15 @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle @joshy-obx @lovesanimals @oopsiedoopsie23 @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you @jaskiers-sweetkiss @lostrandomfangirln @must-be-a-weasley-92 @jatp-holland @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland @dasexydevitt13 @ifilwtmfc @arianagrandes-things @kinda-really-lost @marinettepotterandplagg @ssprayberrythings @morgandamrose @thedarkqueenofavalon @zukoshonourr @crybabyddl @spooky-season-bitch @kcd15 @morganayennefertyrell @magnet-girl @all-in-fangirl @kinda-really-lost @tenaciousperfectionunknown @badwolf00593 @blowakissbabe @talksoprettyjjx @thesweetestsinner @kaitieskidmore1 @writerinlearning @aiofheavenandhell @sageellsworth05 @link-102 @thesweetestsinner @merceret​ @imsydneywalker​ @sunsetcurvej @nicoledawson5604
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loomsred · 7 months
@illithilit We do what we have to, don't we? With these beasts caged inside.... It was getting harder to be in the light. It burned and itched and gnawed at a part of him that was getting harder to ignore. To the creche in the West he sent Lae'zel and Karlach, to the Zentarim hideout he'd sent Astarion and Wyll. Loose ends, pieces that needed tying up. And he? Well, here he was, wallowing in the yawning shadows that had become his tent. Heavy furs and linens draped the already stressed structure, completely sheilding it from the sun's rays. He didn't know how long he could keep hiding it -- the Urge. The despicable part of him that hungered for the sinful things. Everyone had to play their part, and here he was, churning from the inside out with the insatiable need to kill. -- useless -- The bone chime in his doorway clattered melodically, and he groaned and pushed the thoughts from his mind as best he could. "Ah, Mourndax. Apologies. How can I be of..." He grimaced at the midday-sun, "Assistance."
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dr-lokidottir · 3 years
The Bribri Religion 🏞️ La Religión Bribri
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Waterfall in the Volcán/Volcano Tenorio National Park, Costa Rica. Photo by Juan Carlos Vindas.
Many people showed a beautiful and nice interest to know about the mythology of my beautiful country of coffee and cocoa, Costa Rica 🇨🇷. I thank you from the bottom of my heart! 🥰 I am very honored to be able to tell you the beautiful stories of my country, its beauty, its wonders and its love for nature. Without more to say, let's start with this post, one of the first of many! Source citations are at the end!
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Río Celeste Blue Waterfall, Costa Rica.
The Bribri religion is an oral tradition transmitted from generation to generation, which is a tradition that the Awápa call sũwõ'" (in Bribri, su¸wo¸', which can mean "soul", "history" or "wind").
Awápa: the indigenous peoples of Talamanca, both Bribri and Cabécar, have maintained their knowledge of traditional medicine for thousands of years, not only in the memory of their inhabitants, but especially in the person of the awá (jawá in Cabécar), that is, the indigenous doctor.
What is the sũwõ'?
"The sũwõ' comprises a body of knowledge that defines how the Bribri interpret reality. Each sũwõ' story is a metaphor or allegory of the Bribri belief system, practically applied. In the traditional view, the stories are considered real events, constituting the history of the Bribri people.
The sũwõ' explains how the world of God Sibö̀ interacts with the human world and vice versa. Every object in this world has its reverse in the other, and usually what is present in the spirit world is diametrically opposed to what we see here on earth. Likewise, the deities or spirits see the world in reverse of how we see it. For example:
The bribris mention that here the termite is a tiny being, but in the spiritual world it is a gigantic creature by the name of Áksura.
Uréke, the owner or lord of the fish, says that these animals are yuccas. This is because for him, water is land, and the fish are stuck in the water as the yucca is in the land.
Kikírma, the god of thunder, sees the devils (bé) as edible birds, and shoots them with his blowgun (lightning).
Duwàlök, the owner of the animals, sees these beings as plants: thus, for him monkeys are avocados.
The Tamì, the owners of the mountain, see the tapir as a cow, and the saíno as their pig."
Source: colaboradores de Wikipedia. (2021, March 20). Religión bribri. Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religi%C3%B3n_bribri#Los_Aw%C3%A1pa
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Tárcoles, Costa Rica. Photo by Steven Driesen.
Sũwõ' transmission.
The tradition has been transmitted since time immemorial from generation to generation by means of songs, dances, or narrations. However, tradition evolves and changes according to the storyteller and the one who experiences it (in this modern world, we can change it to the famous word "UPG"). That is why there are so many versions, and there being so many, all are valid and important.
However, it is well known that due to Spanish colonization and imposition, much tradition and history was lost, as well as the language.
The genocide of the indigenous peoples strongly involved the death of history, culture and a piece of the Gods.
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Boruca indigenous masks. They represent spirits, Gods and animals. They are used in traditional cults, celebrations, etc.
I hope you liked the information. El próximo blog será sobre los distintos Dioses de la mitología Costarricense/Bribri. 🌱 Please share! ❤️
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ncghtshifts · 3 years
starts wildly tap dancing w excitement HLO EVERYONE!!!!!! wow i am barbarically excited to rp with u all, below is a wee bit abt my first bebe rosa....... my sun my moon my stars......... give this a like if u wld Love to Plot!!
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◜     *     :     maya     hawke     .     ciswoman     &     she/her     .     everywhere     by     fleetwood     mac     .     ━━     the     legend     surrounding     london’s     l’academiae     furorum     would     not     be     complete     without     ROSALIND     SAMUELS     .     the     academy's     TWENTY     -     FOUR     year     old     ASSISTANT     STAGE     MANAGER     has     been     with     furore     for     TWO     YEARS     ,     oft     described     as     OBDURATE     ,     MAGNILOQUENT     ,     COGNIZANT     ,     AUSTERE     &     has     proved     utterly     indispensable     to     the     company.     in     passing     ,     they’ve     come     to     be     associated     with     ORGANIC     WATERMELON     AND     MINT     SHAMPOO     ,     FRESH     LAUNDRY     THAT     DOESN'T     QUITE     COVER     THE     SMELL     OF     THE     SIX     COFFEES     YOU     DRANK     TODAY     &     scoffing     in     a     man's     face     -     how     dare     he     speak     to     you     ?     toughest     crybaby     on     the     block     ,     with     perfection     on     the     brain     .     hands     shaking     from     caffeine     and     lips     pursed     with     determination     ,     constantly     donning     a     turtleneck     and     jeans     ,     even     under     the     heat     of     the     summer     sun     .     still     finding     out     who     you     are     all     these     years     later     -     mirrors     still     intimidate     you     .     whether     this     will     be     their     final     curtain     call     is     anyone's     guess     &     the     company’s     worst     nightmare    .
rosa is the daughter of a pastor in new york so…………… Fun Times was had throughout her childhood!
she’s also the younger sibling of twins who were super close growing up so she always felt like a bit of an outsider……… but they loved her n she loves them even tho they’re . super weird about it
she was always a bit of a . Harsh child…….. fr no reason rly she jst didnt kno how to interact with kids but there was one (1) kid named sylvie who was rosa’s closest friend for a bit and she grew so attached they did??? everything together like they had sleepovers every night they were Obsessed
CANCER TW - rosa hadn’t made friends other than sylvie so when she had to leave school bc she was diagnosed with leukemia it was fkin devastating fr rosa she didnt kno how to exist without sylvie
DEATH/GRIEF TW - lo n behold sylvie unfortunately passed away……… n it rly messed rosa up she was extremely selective w her friends fr most of her childhood (n still is frankly) - CANCER TW END
just when she was getting over it one of the twins?? passed away and the whole family was in shambles once again and rosa for a while was really messed up over it she stayed home for a semester before going away to uni bc it reminded her of losing sylvie again n she didnt kno how to function
she eventually sort of?? forced herself to get over it in a way where like . she’s almost trying to pretend like it never happened?? just refuses to talk abt it rly :/ - DEATH/GRIEF TW END
SUPER keeps to herself rly, she has a decent amount of friends bt nothing crazy n frankly has no desire to meet anyone new or talk to anyone new, jst has trust issues n doesnt wanna lose anyone else
decided to go Global fr her schooling and found herself in england, where an opportunity arose fr her to become an assistant stage manager n the rest is history!!!!
avoids sexual advances if she can/exploring her sensuality fr the most part………. still a wee virgin (not tht i believe in the concept of virginity bt rosa does #catholicupbringing)
can b kinda temperamental n will blow up in someones face
strictly wears long sleeves and pants (mostly overalls) its rare shes in short sleeves and/or shorts even in hot weather
u will RARELY ever catch her in a skirt/dress its jst not her thing
a total tomboy she grew up doing 1000 sports
very dry humour…………
is tough as nails yet simultaneously? cries at anything and everything. #girlboss
hates men and she’s right for it.
someone she has a crush on bt refuses to face it so she bullies them bc of it
someone who has a crush on her?? bc tht wld b cute considering she wld b oblivious
a few friends who managed to weasel their way into her life
or ppl she’s rubbed the wrong way/enemies tbh
frankly???? anything this isnt much to go off of bt i am also beyond down. to go by vibes smiles at u all
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
5 Anti LO Asks
1. I just saw some post about body diversity in Lo and how it is grat and that they loving it, and it was just like 5 background characters that said only one sentence.
2. I feel like a lot of the couples are kinda not interesting no matter how much drama Smyth puts into them.
HXP gross, cheating, boss and employee, awkward for the work place, too many people are involved, and still isn’t grabbing it for me. Like I know other people root for them, but I don’t, it’s hard to root for a dumpster fire.
Hera and Zesus. The constant cheating was expected, and the bad communication, but Echo doesn’t spice it up or anything I would have been fine if Echo was a friend that shit talked Zeus with Hera (I know that’s not the story but still does Rachel care about accuracy? No) even though Zeus cheats we do get to see him actually care, BUT Idk Hera doesn’t draw me in, like they both suck, but Zeus is a bit more complex for me (with the bad husband, the cheating but still caring for Hera and being jealous)
Eros and Pysch. The beginning was interesting even knowing the myth, it was getting just a little stale and then bam he finds out on accident and I lost interest. Like they talked too much about HXP too much to feel like their own thing later on and now that he didn’t complete the test right like what now. Is Aphrodite gonna get in trouble or are we gonna forget? Idk they lost their spark for me.
Minthe and Hades. Toxic relationship that needed more time to expand explanation. Like yeah we know they are/were together but like that backstory wasn’t much. Sorry #minthedeservesmorescreentime.
Daphne abs Thanos are interesting and I can actually see why both like each other, where they started and I wanna know what’s gonna happen next for them. Like they have the life and death balance that HXP wishes even. And even tho Daphne isn’t a god, she told Apollo she was gonna ruin him, she bit him, she was awesome! And it was believable too since she’s an athletic influencer. Thanos has an interesting plot line that will probably be a problem for them later but I’m excited. Like both characters affect the plot outside of their relationship AND are interesting
Aphrodite and Ares feels like RS dropped the ball with them. Why is Ares flirting with Persephone? Sure they’re open but like idk Persephone doesn’t seem like a good fit for him at all. They were set up interestingly since we knew Aphrodite was looking for him, but that one little hug scene did no justice for either character. Like we hardly see them interact positively towards each other.
Crack ship Minthe and Hecate would have loved to see! My crack fic before I think a lot of season two was out was After Minthr parties Thetis and leaves her, she doesn’t snitch on Persephone and just tells Thetis to back off, returns to work all humbled out and Hecate and her work together on just personal shit and work stuff. Minthe asks Hecate stuff on how to get over Hades and how to be better and that’s when we learn Hecate always loved Minthe’s chaos. But yeah that didn’t happen. When I saw some crack headcanon s about those two I was like “didn’t know I needed this till now”. (I was hoping Minthe was gonna be like Petra from Jane the Virgin, starts out bad, doesn’t like the main character for most of the time but still gets a happy ending)
3. i like how LO fanss defend it like "well its no more problematic than the myth its based off of!" which like sure, thats an argument to make, but idk, the original myth didnt have persephone be nearly underage with no experience so hades can take advantage of it, demonizing several mother figures for the sake of a guy, a huge class divide thats frames the rich and powerful as the oppressed to the poor, and you know, ACTUAL SLAVERY. like cmon, it's honestly worse than the OG myth in most ways.
4. youd think if hades is self aware enough to know he was the wrong party to get into a relationship with minthe in the first place, that he'd at least be a little concerned over minthe being stuck as a plant, especially when persephone almost dropped her which would have killed her. the two of them just left her alone in a dark, empty room while they went to dance and goof off, not a care in the world. he seems more relived she's out of his hair now for him to hook up w/ his intern. its so gross.
5. I hope Demeter is pissed at her daughter for just like EVERYTHING. Taking a step back, Persephone is having a grand ol time at Hades’ place for god knows how long while her mother is worried about their situation and then gets kidnapped and Persephone makes 0 effort to try and get in contact with her or anything (hey hectare you saw my mom laying low as a bird, but any chance can you try and find her again and maybe we can arrange something since the literal god of gods is out for our blood so maybe let’s get the story straight)
Demeter going against her own comfort and parenting beliefs to left Persephone like with Artemis. It’s not Persphones fault that Apollo happened, BUT Demeter probably let Persephone live there after the murders to settle some stuff out and then 1 month of living there or so Persephone runs away to live in a motel and then has a power control issue. Let’s pretend the power control issue didn’t happen yet, what the hell was she gonna tell her mother? “Hey mom Artemis’ brother makes me uncomfortable so you can find me at this motel IN THE UNDERWORLD NEAR HADES YEAH THE GUY I FIND PLEASANT LOOKING” I know Demeter is suppose to look like an over the top mom, but yeah how was that suppose to go down? If she found out her daughter was staying with hades?
Getting an internship with Hades/underworld and not telling her mom. Idk if Hera made it a secret, but again Demeter would probably want to know that stuff being strict as she is, she probably would want Persephone to excel at a job BUT maybe not with Hades idk I forget, again it just shows there no trust between either mother nor daughter. Hera also sucks for testing her friends daughter with out actually having the intention to help perpshone and test if Hades is actually okay.
After everything Demeters gonna be like “this is why I wanted you to commute, I wouldn’t have been shoved in a bird cage if you you just have just commuted to school.”
Like I know persphone has to go out and make her own mistakes, but a lot of it boils down to Persphone was a brat. She demanded she leaves and then later killed some people got her way and then went behind her back and didn’t even want to stay in Olympus. Demeter isn’t blameless in this situation but Persephone is a murderer, glorified side chick, and I just feel that all of Demeter’s worse nightmares about her daughter leaving all happened and worse 
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chaoticrebels · 2 years
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Name: Alexander Mercer
Alias: Alex
Birthday: 1978
Died: 1995
Age: 17
Sexuality: Gay.
Location: Los Angeles, California
Species: Ghost
Occupation: Musician
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 154 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair color: Blonde
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None
Scars: None
Faceclaim: Owen Joyner
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Alex was 17 years old when he died in 1995. Not much is known about Alex's childhood or home life.
When Alex came out as gay to his parents, Luke stated that they weren't okay with it. He and his parents remained unreconciled at the time of his death.
Sometime in the 1990s, Alex formed a band with his friends Luke, Reggie, and Bobby called Sunset Curve. He was their drummer.
On the night of July 22nd 1995, Sunset Curve was due to play at a The Orpheum, which has kickstarted many bands careers. According to Luke "We're playing the Orpheum. I can't even count how many bands have played here and then ended up being huge." After a soundcheck Luke, Reggie, and Alex went to get "street dogs" for dinner, which ended up giving them food poisoning and killing them, a mere two hours before they were supposed to perform.
Alex, Luke, and Reggie then were trapped for an hour waiting in a "black room." Alex spent the time crying, and the other two boys did not comfort him. Unbeknownst to them, 25 years had passed since they died, only returning to the world when Julie played their CD, which released them into the year 2020.
Alex is a very anxious person with a tendency to overthink and worry about the details, more so than the other two phantoms. He started playing drums to help him relax despite his anxiety. He has a tendency to be modest and dismissive about his abilities (drumming, dancing and otherwise), but easily acknowledges his better traits with the gentle encouragement of others, particularly his friends.
Alex is very kind hearted and empathetic, as shown through his concern for Julie and his easy forgiveness of Willie's actions after processing his predicament with Caleb. At the same time, Alex can be very sarcastic—his quips often in retort to his friends or to the situation he finds himself in. Of the Sunset Curve trio, he seems to have the most level headed personality—although he also has his moments of drama and leaps of logic.
Teleportation: Ghosts can appear and disappear, travelling great distances instantly.
Intangibility: Ghosts have no mass, because of that they have the ability to pass through physical matter
Tangibility: With enough concentration, a ghost can touch and interact with objects.
Invisibility: After death ghosts are no longer visible to humans
Conditional Visibility: The ability to be visible only by certain conditions. (The boys can be seen by others when they play music with Julie).
Summoning: The power to summon forth an object. (They can only summon their instruments)
Corporealization: The ability to become tangible and solid. (This ability might be temporary.)
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