#'now is the perfect time to be running to the bathroom constantly'
wxntxr-cxtrxs · 3 days
AFFECTION - yandere hxh
Yanderes that make it clear they love you- chrollo, pakunoda, uvogin, shalnark 
Chrollo leaves no room for doubt when he looks at you like that- his eyes shine, and there’s always this smile, so soft and adoring. It’s like he doesn't want to look at anything else. His words are so sweet, so kind, almost overwhelming you in how adoring he is. Chrollo is hopelessly romantic- everyday since he took you away has felt unreal. You know you're in a gilded cage, you know it’s wrong to lean into his affections, but you’re so well taken care of that you can hardly remember to worry. You know that before he kidnapped you, you had worries and fears, but now, you can hardly remember them at all. 
pakunoda’s love for you is apparent in everything she does. From cooking your favorite meals, to handling you with the utmost care, to the way she never leaves your side; watching you with adoring eyes because how’d she ever get so lucky? How could an angel like you possibly exist in a world like this? Different from a lot of the yandere’s on this list, she desperately wants her affections returned, and she will try to convince you that it’s not so bad here with her. And she’s right- you have everything you could ever dream of. 
Uvogin is more physical with his affections, relying much less on words or gifts. He doesnt hesitate to pull you into his arms, almost crushing you in his grip, but he’s always careful with you, and by now the heat and comfort is undeniable. He runs hot, and the home you share is so cold, but that’s ok, cause if you ever shiver he’s there to warm you up. He also spends a lot of time with you, and as long as you're together, he’s pretty relaxed about what you do. You can pick out the movies you two watch, the meals you eat- as long as he can be close to you, with an arm around your shoulders or a hand on the small of your back. It was scary at first, but by now you've found yourself settling into the affection. 
Shalnark lives for flustering you. if you’re shy, that’s perfect- you make it so easy for him, if not- he’s shameless, and he’ll find something that’ll make you blush. His affections are over the top, kisses pressed to every inch of your face, endless words of praise, little suggestive comments whispered against your skin. When he gets you to blush, he’s almost proud. You look good like that, and he likes knowing he has that kind of effect on you. You’ve made a lot of progress since he first brought you here, and now you almost lean into his little shows of affection. 
Yanderes that leave you wondering if they love you- machi, feitan, illumi 
Machi can't express her affection, she can't bear to smile at you, and can barely stand to be around you. If you look at her, she scowls and turns away sharply. Something about your eyes on her makes her feel so weak and shy. Pathetic. She lurks around you constantly, but hardly ever talks to you. You’re free to move around the house as you please, and she watches you interact with your new home. Do you like it? Do you like the meals she cooks for you? If she made you clothes, would you wear them? But she can't ask, because she can hardly even speak when you’re near. The idea of messing things up with you is terrifying to her. 
Feitan knows you're miserable with him- how could you not be? You have almost no freedom, limited to your bedroom, your bathroom, and the living room. Some rooms are strictly off limits to you, like his bedroom, the kitchen, and the basement. Even in the rooms where you can wander freely, he’s always keeping an eye on you, waiting and watching. Most days, he avoids interacting with you, and some days, if he’s really overwhelmed, he’ll lock you in your room for days on end. Sometimes, you spend so long in there you worry he’s forgotten you, you worry that you’ll starve to death. He wants you to call out for him- he wants to hear your voice call his name, and beg to be allowed to come out into the rest of the house, he wants you to beg for him. 
Illumi keeps you as isolated as he can, with only him to keep you company. Maybe that’s why it hurts so bad that he seems to care so little for you. When you dropped a plate and cut your foot, he only reminded you that you were stupid and clumsy. When you fell down the stairs (you hit your head so hard you can't remember for sure, but you could almost swear a woman’s hand pushed you) he only reminded you that you’d die without him. He never seems to care when you’re hurt or when you cry, he just watches, without so much as a shift in his expression. 
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naomiknight-17 · 10 months
Between the stress of the last few days and us ordering pizza for dinner yesterday because we were too sad to cook, my tummy is... so so bad
Tonight's dinner I think will be a light salad
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orcelito · 2 years
Just watched tally playfully swipe at cassy as he passed. & he Completely ignored her lmfao
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soaps-mohawk · 2 months
Cherry Red, Crimson Blood
Chapter 15: Bonnie
Summary: Your heat is over and your pack has moved on with their lives, settling back into the familiar routine. Except, some things have begun to change, and you're not entirely sure if its for the better.
Pairing: Poly 141 x reader
Word Count: 7456 words
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, smut, oral, handjobs, overstimulation, P in V sex, unprotected sex, creampie, hair pulling, switch Johnny, Johnny's lingerie kink, Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, Alternate Universe, a/b/o typical classism and sexism, language, mention of nightmares, brief talk about killing and violence, insomnia, fluff, and of course a bit of angst
A/N: This chapter was an absolute bitch to write. I'm not kidding this was a nightmare. I'm happy with the changes I've made though, and how things are progressing. We've made a little bit of a time jump here, but not much. I think I'm getting sick so, posting the chapter before I inevitably pass out again. Oh, and Happy Easter everyone that celebrates.
Want early access to chapters, as well as other bonus content? Consider supporting me on Patreon.
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Your eyes fly open as the alarm blares. They burn as you squint against the bright phone light. An arm reaches over you, the warm skin sliding against your back as he fumbles to turn off the offending noise. 
You let out a quiet groan as you catch the numbers dictating the time on the screen before the phone is placed back on the nightstand. “‘S too early.” You grumble, rubbing at your crusty eyes. 
“Go back to sleep.” John murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder before he shifts, climbing over you to get out of the bed. He tucks the blankets back around you before slipping into the bathroom. 
You won't go back to sleep. The last time you'd glanced at the time on your phone had been two hours ago, at 2 A.M. You’ve been awake most of the night, as you have been the last couple nights. You haven't been sleeping well. It was like your heat opened a floodgate and now every time you close your eyes, you're transported back into the past, back when you were a child. Back when things weren't fine. 
You've started trying to avoid sleep, waking constantly during the night from nightmares or from your brain’s own fear of them starting back up. It’s only been a week since your heat ended, and yet you feel no more rested than you did coming out of it. Nothing you’ve tried has worked, not even staying awake until you inevitably pass out prevents your subconscious mind from pulling up the horrible memories of your past. 
Even sleeping next to your alpha hasn’t provided any comfort for your mind. His presence isn’t enough to quell the fear in your mind that the nightmares might come back, that the memories might surface. 
Even he can’t protect you from this. 
You close your eyes as the bathroom door opens again, pretending to sleep as John dresses for his morning workout. He’s quiet, near silent as he moves about the room. It’s almost terrifying how quiet they can be. Though, you suppose, if your survival depends on it, it’s a skill you’d spend plenty of time honing. 
John grabs his phone from the nightstand, running a gentle hand over your head before he leaves the room, closing the door quietly behind him. You lay there for a few minutes, trying not to let the guilt eat you alive. You should tell them you’re struggling to sleep, that your mind is plaguing you with memories from your past, but you’re afraid of what they might think of you. You’re not the perfect omega, you’re not as whole as you might seem. 
You’re held together with duct tape on the inside. They already have enough to worry about now, they don’t need the weight of your misery thrown on top of the loads they all carry. 
You let out a long breath, turning over in John’s bed. You press your face into the pillow, inhaling the imprint of his scent on the fabric. It’s still warm where he was laying, and you shuffle over into that spot, letting your body go lax as you imagine him still there with you, arms still wrapped around your body. You want to bury yourself in his arms, press against his chest until you sink into him and become one. 
Only then, perhaps you can feel safe enough to sleep. 
You press your face further into the pillow, every inhale filled with John’s scent. It lulls you into a daze, the hypnagogic stage between sleep and wakefulness. 
You jolt as a hand touches your arm, calluses smoothing over the bare skin. You blink your eyes open, letting out a quiet groan. It’s light outside now, the room bathed in white light instead of the yellow tinge of the nightlight John had bought for his room for you.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.” John says, gently squeezing your arm. He’s already dressed for the day, hair still damp from the shower. You hadn’t even noticed he’d returned. 
You roll over, rubbing your eyes. “‘S fine. Didn’t even know I was asleep. Breakfast time?” 
John hums, leaning over you. “Almost. You’ve got time to get ready.” 
You blink up at him blearily, your mind still trying to wake up completely after your short nap. You stare up into his eyes, getting lost in their blue depths. You feel like you could swim in them, his deep earthy scent drawing forward memories of camping and swimming in the lake. Memories you could pretend were happy, memories not tainted by fear and grief. 
“Christ,” He breathes, pressing his lips to yours. “So fucking beautiful.” 
Your cheeks warm at his words, your lips moving against his as you kiss. You trail a hand up his arm, sliding it to his back. His shirt is soft, thin enough that you can feel the muscles in his back as you smooth your hand across his shoulder blades. 
“Wish I could stay here all day.” He murmurs, his face pressing into your throat. You tilt your head for him, a quiet groan rumbling through his chest at your sign of submission. He sighs, pressing his nose against your scent gland for a moment before he straightens back up. “Got a job to do.” 
You let out a groan as you stretch, arching your back. “Fuck your job.” 
“I’d much rather be fucking you.” He says, leaning down to nip at your bottom lip before he stands up, grabbing the shirt you’d worn to slip into his room last night off the floor. It’s one of his, one you’d stolen from his laundry hamper while he was in the shower. “Don’t let anyone hear you say that.” 
You grin, pushing the sheets down before sitting up on the edge of the bed. You rub your eyes tiredly, stretching again before pulling on his shirt, slipping your slippers on. You pad back to your room, changing into more appropriate clothes for breakfast. You’ll be left to your own devices again afterward as the guys return to their normal training schedule. You won’t be napping this time, though, you fear. Instead you’ll be looking for ways to keep yourself awake. 
You and John walk hand in hand to the mess. It’s been a while since you’ve been inside of it, and you find you’ve grown to miss it a bit. You don’t miss the stares, the looks that pass over you and your entwined hands as John leads you to the line to get food. It’s like they know, like they all somehow witnessed what had transpired over the last couple weeks, like they had all been spectators to it. 
John makes your tray for you again, carrying it to the table where the others are already seated. You take your normal spot next to Kyle, both him and John sitting closer to you than before. Perhaps they were picking up on your nervous energy, but even Johnny and Ghost seemed to be sitting closer. You cast a glance between them before digging into your tray. Something had transpired, but you’re not quite sure what. 
You might never get to know. 
It’s quiet as you eat, the coffee bitter and watery, but you don’t care. You’ll suffer anything that might give you a boost of energy to make it to lunch without falling asleep. 
Johnny walks you back to the barracks after breakfast is over, his arm around your waist as you take your time crossing the courtyard. He’s oddly quiet compared to how energetic he usually is this early in the morning. Something must have happened to make him silent. 
“Johnny?” You ask after a group of soldiers jog past behind you. 
He hums, looking down at you. His eyes are still bright, but his brows are slightly furrowed. 
“Is everything alright?” You ask carefully, not wanting to risk pushing any buttons. 
“Aye.” He answers after letting out a sigh. “Jus’ an incident in the gym this mornin’. Nothing ye need tae worry about.” 
You raise your brows at him, silently conveying your desire for more information, if he can give you any. 
“Just some alphas talkin’ shite, like they do. Callin’ ye the 141’s whore. Askin’ if we all take turns or if ye let us all go at once.” He says, his tone practically seething as he leads you into the barracks. “Simon reminded them of their place.” 
You can only imagine how that went. 
Despite their obvious tension at the jabs made at you by the other alphas, you don't feel as angry as you probably should. Being called a whore was a bit demeaning, but part of what was said wasn't entirely wrong. Perhaps it's just some leftover hormones surging from your heat, or maybe being claimed has shifted your feelings towards your packmates, but the idea of being shared by them has warmth spreading through you. The mental images piecing together in your mind of taking them all at once would probably make the alphas that made that jab at you blush furiously. 
“Johnny?” You ask, turning to him when you reach your door. 
“Aye?” He stares down at you, his blue eyes soft as they gaze down into your own. 
“I, uh, I wouldn’t mind if at least part of what they said was true...” You sink your teeth into your lip. “You...uh...you’ve been waiting for a while...for your turn.” 
He gulps, shifting slightly on his feet. You can’t tell if he’s nervous or excited or something in between. 
“Well, I’ve been officially cleared to partake in more...strenuous activities..” 
“Christ.” He breathes, crowding you against the door. For a moment you’re worried he might just do it right here, right now, but instead he leans in, close enough you can smell the coffee he had with his breakfast. “I’d love that, kitten.” He bites his own lip as he stares down at yours. “Let me know, and I’ll be ready for you.” He leans down, closing the short distance between you as he kisses you. 
You lean into him, kissing him back. It feels like the first time you kissed him, except you can feel the hunger, the restraint behind this kiss. You can feel how much he’s been holding back, how long he’s waited to finally have this moment. To think of anyone desiring you in such a way makes your head spin. He wants you for you, not what you can do for him, not what you can give to him. Not even just for what’s between your legs, even if that’s what you’re going to do. 
He wants to be with you because you’re you. He doesn’t have to, he could choose not to, but he does. 
He pulls away, staring down at you. His eyes are darker now, speaking promises of what’s to come. “When you’re ready, I’ll be waiting.” 
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“You're tired.” 
You blink, your gaze snapping to his face. You had been drifting thoughtlessly, quite enamored with a single spot on the floor. You're not sure how long he let you stand there, empty-headed and practically dozing upright. 
You rub your eyes, trying to force your brain back to awareness. “It's early.” You give the excuse, toeing off your shoes. “Been a while since we've done this.”
“You're going to have to work extra hard to gain it all back.” Ghost says, pulling off his sweatshirt. 
Your eyes are immediately drawn to his arms, the strength in them, the tattoos on his skin. You bite back the desire to move closer, to get just a glimpse at one close up. You want to sit and trace them, hear the story of every single one. You want to push his sleeve up, watch the way his muscles bulge and flex, see how far his tattoo goes up his arm. 
You snap yourself out of your thoughts, moving onto the mat before you do something embarrassing like starting to drool. You watch him as he stands at the edge of the mat, brown eyes taking you in as you stand there. Something tickles in the back of your mind, a hint of fear, the sense of sudden danger prevalent. What would you do if he suddenly ran at you? Try to dodge and make it to the door? Where would you go? The med center again? 
“Easy.” He grumbles, sensing your obvious tension.
Your gaze snaps back to him, his posture relaxed as he stays still. “I'm putting a lot of trust in you.”
“I know.” He says, standing almost as still as a statue. You wonder how he can possibly be so still, but you suppose it's something he learned to do. “I should never have broken that trust in the first place.”
Your eyes widen, brows lifting as you stare at him. You didn't expect such a straightforward apology from him. You haven't really gotten one, until now. You hesitate as you stand there in silence, Ghost obviously waiting for your response. 
“I don't know if I can forgive you.” You finally say. 
“You shouldn't.” He shrugs, his gaze shifting to the wall behind you. “Even if you weren't really in danger, it was still a dick move.”
Your eyebrows raise even higher. “An apology and admitting you were a dick? Should I be worried?”
He huffs out a breath, shaking his head. “Consider it an offering of amicability, for Johnny. I know you two are getting close, so inevitably we're going to find ourselves around each other more often than we have previously.”
“Well, I suppose I could accept that.” You say, shifting on your feet. “I don't think you could convince Johnny otherwise.”
“Hardly. He wouldn't listen anyway.” He finally moves, shifting on his feet. “You gonna put your hackles down so I can approach?”
You take a deep breath, relaxing the tension in your body. You don't really have a reason to fear him, despite what he did. He hasn't given you a reason to fear him since then, and he's even gone so far as to apologize in his own way. John wouldn't have allowed this to start again if he didn't trust Ghost not to do something that might put you in danger. 
John trusts him, so you should be able to as well. 
Ghost slowly approaches, your eyes watching him carefully until he's directly in front of you. You stare up at him, holding his gaze. You wish you could see the rest of his face on the off chance it might give you a hint at what he's thinking and feeling. You wonder if that's partially why he wears the mask. 
Ghost holds out his hand and you place your own in his. It's so much bigger than yours, his long fingers engulfing your wrist as he wraps your hand. You could probably do it yourself by this point, but you like making him do it. You like the way his hands hold yours, the roughness of his skin against your own. 
He starts out reviewing things you already know. Punches, kicks, dodging. It doesn't take long for you to get back into the groove of things, moving like it hasn't been nearly a month since your last training session. You notice the fatigue faster than you had during your last session, but you expected that after almost a month, paired with your heat two weeks ago. 
“Now, punching and kicking will only get you so far in a fight.” He says, giving you a moment to breathe. “Almost all fights are going to end up on the ground. Even if your goal is disarming enough to escape, the chances of you and your opponent ending up on the ground is highly likely.” 
He swipes your feet out from under you before you can even blink, nearly knocking the wind from you as you land on the mat on your back. He’s on you quickly, dropping to his hands and knees over you. Your breath catches in your throat as you stare at him above you, his hulking form seeming even larger from this angle. Your mind begins to run wild, imagining all the things that could happen in this position. 
“Focus.” He grumbles, arms flexing as he presses his hands into the mat where they rest on either side of your head. “You don’t want to be in this position in a fight. You’re too vulnerable.” 
A shiver runs down your spine at his words. You are vulnerable like this. Even with him, someone who doesn’t want to hurt you, it would be so easy. Your head begins to turn, your gaze leaving his as instinct begins to take over. 
“No.” He snaps, gripping your chin to turn your head back so he’s looking in your eyes. “You do that in a fight, you’re not going to see the other side.” 
You gulp, trying to ignore the warmth of his fingers on your face, the firmness of his grip as he keeps you from showing submission to him. That’s not why you’re here. He’s right. If you do that in a fight, it’ll be over before you even have a chance to run. 
“Your legs are far stronger than your arms. Use them to your advantage.” He says, showing you how to get him into the right position to flip him. 
You know he’s helping you as you flip him onto his back. If he really was fighting you, you’re not sure you could have done it, even if you managed to land enough of a hit to disarm him. You wind up on top of him, sitting on his stomach. The position doesn’t help your racing thoughts, and you pray you can keep enough control over yourself so you don’t make it obvious. 
“Use your legs to pin my hands.” He directs you. You shift your knees slightly, trapping his hands against the mat. “Good.” He says, laying still under you. “You can’t hold a bigger opponent down here for long, but that’s not the point. This gives you a moment of opportunity to go for the face or the neck. Stun them and that gives you a headstart. If you have a weapon available, then you have one less person to worry about chasing you.” 
You gulp at his words. It hadn’t even crossed your mind during your training. He had said it so simply, so easily. You suppose it is to him, after years of doing it, after countless moments where it’s his life or theirs. Is that what he tells himself? Is that how he rationalizes it? Is there so much blood on his hands now that killing is as easy as breathing? 
You wonder how they all rationalize it. They all have blood on their hands, they all have killed, and will kill again. Every time they leave and come back, it’s with more blood, more nameless faces on the list of lives they've taken, all in the name of the greater good. 
Is violence and death really the path to the greater good? 
“What?” He asks, sensing your inner turmoil. 
You sit back on his stomach, your body rising and falling with his even breaths. “I don’t know if I could do it.” 
He tugs his hands from beneath your knees easily, resting them on the mat next to your legs. You can feel his fingers twitch as the blood rushes back into them. “You might not have much of a choice.” He says, holding your gaze. There’s a softness in his gaze you have never seen before. “Sometimes it’s the only choice. If they’re attacking you, they’re better off dead. Even if their goal is to take you alive, the things they’ll do to you.” He shakes his head. 
He’s speaking from experience. You know he’s seen things, witnessed the brutality omegas are subjected to at the hands of the worst kinds of alphas and betas. He’s watched omegas die in front of him while he’s sat helpless.
His hand lifts, cupping the back of your head to pull you down closer to his face. You catch yourself with your hands on either side of his head, fighting the urge to tense your shoulders. His hand doesn’t move from the back of your head, his fingers not even twitching as he holds you steady. 
“If they’re willing to do it to you, how many others have been on the receiving end? If you’re not willing to be the last, how many others will come after you?” He says, his gaze intense as he stares at you. “I hope you never have to, but you always have to prepare for the worst.” 
He holds you there for a breath, staring up into your eyes before he releases you, flipping you off of him and onto your back on the mat. He pushes himself up to stand, staring down at you as you lay there, catching your breath and thinking over the last few moments that transpired. 
“Come on. It’s almost time for breakfast.” 
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It’s quiet in the rec room. The TV is off for once, only the hum of electricity and the occasional turning of a page the only sound breaking the silence. You and Ghost are the only two in the rec room, both of you relaxing silently as you read. He’s in the chair as usual, and you’re stretched out on the couch. 
You’re only halfway paying attention to your book, still thinking over your conversation with Johnny earlier, and what transpired in the gym during your training session yesterday. You know how much Johnny wants to be with you, and you're more than willing to go that far with him. You like Johnny, more than just as a packmate. It's hard not to fall for him with his confidence and his playful demeanor. You know he's been desperate to take things to the next level too. 
All he's waiting on is you saying the word. 
He will never force you into it. He'll impatiently wait for you to go to him, to tell him that you want it. All jokes and teasing aside, you know he'd never make you feel like you were being forced into something. 
The thought makes you want to cry. 
“Pull his hair.” Ghost’s voice cuts through the silence, nearly making you jump. 
You lower your book so you can see him, eyebrows raising in surprise at his words. “What?” 
“When you finally fuck Johnny, grab him by the mohawk. He likes it.” Ghost says, not even looking up from his own book. 
You stare at him wide-eyed, wondering for a moment if he can read minds, or if you’re just not quite as subtle as you think you’re being. 
“I'll, uh, keep that in mind.” You say, lifting your book again to hide your blushing face. 
The room descends into silence once more, the two of you continuing to read as if nothing had happened, as if that conversation hadn’t transpired. You wish it felt that way in your mind, though. The mental images Ghost’s words have drawn up drowning out the words on the pages that you’re trying to read. You’re trying not to get worked up further, but you can’t help it. After your training session and the thoughts that had come to mind with Ghost, and now these new images of Johnny, you’re sure your scent has begun to sweeten with arousal. 
You need to rectify this, and fast. 
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You knock on the door, shifting nervously on your feet. Your hands have disappeared in your sleeves, the weight of your phone in your pocket the only thing keeping you from floating to the ceiling and dissipating into the air from the anxiety. 
Your stomach nearly drops from your body as the door swings open, Gaz standing there in his full glory. 
“Everything alright?” He asks, staring down at you with those big brown eyes. “You look nervous.”
You swallow the nerves, nodding in response. “Yeah, I just...wanted to talk to you for a minute.” 
He steps away from the door, brows still pinched in worry and confusion as he motions for you to enter. You brush past him as you step into his room, taking a look around. You haven't been in his room before. It's slightly smaller than yours and John's, and it doesn't have a private bathroom. There's artwork up on the walls, and a couple of plants on his desk, along with a few personal belongings. It's neat and tidy, not that you expected anything less. 
“What did you want to talk about?” He asks, turning to face you after closing the door. 
You take a deep breath, calming the nervous twist in your stomach. You shouldn’t be nervous. It’s a natural thing to bring up to packmates. You blame it on the fatigue from your lack of sleep putting you on edge.
“I wanted to ask you something.” You start, staring into his big brown eyes. They’re so beautiful, so expressive as they stare down at you. “Johnny and I...we’re going to...sleep together soon and...I just wanted to make sure that was okay? In case maybe you wanted to go first?” 
Kyle’s lips slowly lift up into a smile as you stare at him nervously, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “He’s been an absolute tosser since before your heat, and he’d only become utterly unbearable if he didn’t get to go first.” He steps up closer to you, grinning down at you. “For the sake of everyone’s sanity, I don’t mind being patient. Besides,” He leans down, his breath fanning your ear. “I at least know what you look like naked, so I can occupy myself while I wait.” 
Your face burns with warmth at his words, a shiver running down your spine. He’s not wrong. He’s seen you at your most vulnerable, lost to your heat, naked and stuffed with John’s knot. Your brain flashes back to the start of your heat, the feel of his fingers slipping beneath the waistband of your pajama pants. You swallow thickly, meeting his gaze as he pulls back. 
“Enjoy your time with Johnny, love.” He slips his hand into yours, lifting it to his lips. He presses a soft kiss to your knuckles, lips brushing your skin as he speaks. “I’ll be here waiting for you when you’re ready.” 
You feel a bit out of breath as you leave Kyle’s room, and you’re sure your scent has sweetened with arousal and excitement. You might have been tempted to just jump Kyle’s bones right now, had it not been for your desire for Johnny, and your commitment to letting him be first again. You know Kyle’s right. You’d never hear the end of it if Johnny didn’t get the chance to be next in line. 
Now you just have to find him and tell him the good news. 
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“Ye look nervous. Are ye nervous?” 
“I mean, this is a big step...” You say, wrapping your arms around Johnny’s neck as he shifts you into his lap. You try not to think about how strong he is, how easily he moves you. 
“Ye don’t have tae do this, if ye don’ want to.” He says, looking down into your eyes. 
“It’s not that...” You say, shifting in his lap. “It’s more...there’s no going back after this.” 
He wraps his arms tighter around you. “If I didnae want it, I wouldnae offer. Yer a fucking stunnin’ omega, kitten. Would be crazy not tae want ye.” 
Your cheeks warm at his words, your gaze dropping from the intensity of his own. His stubble tickles your fingers as you trace the line of his jaw, working your way towards his lips. His tongue darts out, wetting his bottom lip as your fingers trace the jagged scar on his chin. 
“Just...go easy on me? At least this first time?” You say, tracing his lips with your fingers. 
“‘Course, kitten.” He says, pressing a kiss to your fingertips. “Wouldnae want to scare ye away.” 
Your eyes widen slightly at the implications of his words, your stomach fluttering with excitement and a hint of fear at what he could possibly be alluding to. His hand lifts, gently grasping your chin, tilting your face slightly. He closes the distance between you, pressing his lips to yours. 
“Don’ worry.” He murmurs against your lips. “Take good care of ye.” 
You hum against his lips, tasting the chocolate he’d been snacking on when you sought him out as his tongue slips into your mouth. His hand leaves your chin, sliding down your throat to rest right at the base of your throat, fingers splayed across your clavicle. His thumb rests right on the edge of your mating mark, the pressure making you shiver. 
Johnny pulls you tighter against his chest, your arms wrapping around his neck. He moans against your lips as you shift against him, the bulge in his pants pressing against your ass. It’s not the first time you’ve felt it, but this time it’s different. This time you’re going to do something about it. 
“Fucking christ, take ye right here on this couch, if I’m not careful.” Johnny groans, nipping at your bottom lip. 
“Then best take me to bed, Sergeant.” You say, pulling back slightly to give him what you hope is a sultry look. 
The groan that’s pulled from his lips is downright salacious, something flashing in his eyes as you call him by his rank. He curses, tightening his hold around you before he stands, maneuvering you so you’re tossed over his shoulder. You let out a squeak of surprise that’s quickly replaced by giggles as he packs you down the hall to his room. 
He sets you on your feet once you're inside, closing the door. You look around his room, surprised to see it full of art supplies with drawings and paintings all over the walls. You stare open mouthed, taking it all in. It's messier than John and Kyle's rooms, though there's still a sense of order to it. A chaotic order, but you suppose that explains Johnny perfectly. 
“You draw?” You say, studying the art on the walls.
“Aye,” Johnny says, coming up behind you. “In my free time.”
“I didn't know that.” A small smile tugs at your lips. “They're beautiful.”  
“Thank ye, kitten.” He wraps his arms around you from behind, reminding you of why you came in here in the first place. “Not quite as beautiful as you.”
Your face warms at his compliment and you tilt your head back, staring up at him. “You're such a charmer.” 
“Try my best.” He grins, leaning down and kissing your forehead. “Promise I'll show ye my drawings later.”
You turn in his arms, wrapping your own around his neck. “I know. You're desperate.”
“Been waitin’ weeks for this, kitten.” He groans, grinding against you. 
He leans down, pressing his lips to yours. You tighten your grip around his neck, jumping into his arms. He manages to catch you, stumbling half a step back as his hands grip your thighs. You wrap your legs around his waist, lifting yourself so you’re face to face with him. 
“Christ.” He groans against your lips, walking forward until he reaches his bed.
He drops you on your back, your body bouncing on the mattress as he settles on his knees over you. His eyes have darkened as he stares down at you, your stomach twisting in excitement. Warmth has started to pool between your legs, your scent sweetening with arousal. 
Johnny’s hands are rough as they slip under your shirt, tugging it up over your head. He groans, eyes fluttering as he realizes you’re without a bra underneath. He curses quietly, something you can’t quite understand as his hands immediately close around your breasts. Your lips part as he squeezes the flesh in his hands, leaning down to take a nipple in his mouth. You gasp at the sensation as his lips close around the sensitive bud, suckling at it like he’s a man starved. 
Well, you suppose he is. 
He has been waiting for quite a while for this opportunity. Something about it makes your brain tingle, arousal pooling in your stomach at the thought of someone desiring you that much. 
It’s not just him, though. Three of the four members of your pack have expressed their desire for you in such a way. The thought makes your head spin. You’re just a simple omega, and yet, here they are going half crazy over you. 
Johnny releases your nipple with a pop, shifting so he can give the same attention to the other one. Arousal continues to pool between your legs, your arms wrapping around his shoulders. You drag your fingernails across the back of his neck, a shiver wracking through his body, his hips grinding down against your thigh. 
“Fuck,” He gasps, releasing your nipple to stare up at you.
You repeat the motion, dragging your fingers slower. His eyes roll back, hips grinding harder against your thigh. He’s so sensitive, you think, pushing your thigh up against him. He lets out what can only be described as almost a whine, rutting his hips against your leg. 
“Fuck,” He curses again, pushing himself back up onto his knees. “Tonight is about you, kitten.” He takes a deep breath before slipping his fingers under the waistband of your pants, tugging them down quickly and tossing them on the floor next to your shirt. 
He sinks his teeth into his lip as he stares down at your panties, one of the pairs he got you on your shopping trip before your date with John. You had changed into them specifically for Johnny, remembering how excited he’d looked when he bought you five pairs of the lacy garments. He groans quietly as he runs his fingers over your lace covered skin, slowly lowering his fingers between your thighs. He glances up at you, meeting his gaze and you give him a nod before his fingers dip lower, trailing the wet spot on the lacy fabric. 
You part your legs more for him as he rubs you through your panties, quiet moans leaving your lips at the feeling of the friction from the fabric. His eyes are still on you, glued to your face as the pleasure begins to build just from his touch. You buck your hips against his hand, searching out more. More pleasure, more of his touch, more of him. 
“Look at ye, needy little thing.” He groans, his thumb dragging up your slit until he finds your clit, slowly circling it through the fabric. “Barely touched ye an’ yer cunt’s already soakin’ yer skids. Fucking sweet little thing, so needy for me, aren’t ye?” 
You push yourself up onto your elbows, staring down at him. “Are you going to sit there and run your mouth all night, or are you going to fuck me?” 
He grins wickedly at you. “I’m just gettin’ started, kitten.” 
He leans down, pressing a kiss to the inside of your knee before trailing kisses up your inner thigh. His thumb continues to stroke you through your panties, applying more and more pressure as he gets closer and closer to your center. He whispers out a curse as he shoves your panties to the side, revealing your glistening folds to him. He leans forward, warm breath fanning your slit before he closes his mouth around you. 
You gasp at the sensation, dropping back onto your back on the bed as he drags his tongue through your folds, flicking it across your clit before he closes his lips around the sensitive bud, suckling at it like he did your nipples earlier. Pleasure shoots through you as he eats you like a man starved, slurping away at your pussy obscenely. 
“Fuck, Johnny!” You gasp, legs trying to close around his head, but he holds your inner thighs, keeping them spread. 
You’re not going to last very long, not with him alternating between sucking at your clit and swirling his tongue around it like that. He’s done this before, and you can’t help the momentary spike of jealousy at the thought of him between any other omega’s thighs now that he has you. 
“Gonna cum!” You whine, hips bucking against his face. 
“Yeah? Gonna make a mess all over my face?” He groans. 
You curse, your back arching as he continues to work you up, hands fisting his sheets. 
“That’s it.” He groans against your clit, dragging his teeth over the sensitive bud. “Be a good omega for me.” 
You cum with a cry, soaking his chin as he continues to tease you. He laps at your juices, not slowing any as he works you through your orgasm, even as you begin to shake with overstimulation. 
“I-I can’t.” You gasp, the burning feeling starting to pulse through you as he continues to suck at your clit. It’s quickly becoming too much, the feeling overwhelming you. 
Ghost’s words flash through your mind at that moment, his suggestion yesterday while you both spent time in the rec room reading. You reach down, sinking your fingers into Johnny’s mohawk, gripping the short strands. He lets out a groan as you tug, pulling his face from your pussy finally. His chin is glistening with your release, his tongue darting out to lick your juices from his lips. 
He follows as you tug upwards, drawing him away from your pussy. He crawls up your body until you’re almost face to face, your fingers still tangled in his hair. 
“I said that’s enough.” You say, slightly breathless from your orgasm, but you put as much authority in your tone as you can manage. 
“Yes ma’am.” He practically whines, the muscles in his arms flexing as he sinks his own fingers into the sheets around you. 
The sudden shift in control has something buzzing in your brain, the back of your neck tingling. You’re an omega. You’re not supposed to be in control, and yet, here Johnny is, practically folding in front of you. A thrill shoots through your veins at the thought of what you could make him do, what lengths he’d go to for you simply because you have him in this position. 
“Take your clothes off.” You say, releasing his mohawk. 
He sits back without complaint, tugging his shirt over his head. You take him in, the hard lines of his muscles, the dark hair on his chest, the line disappearing under the waistband of his pants. You lick your lips as he undoes the button on his pants, undoing the zipper before tugging them down with his boxers. 
His cock is hard and practically standing at attention as he kicks his pants off. He’s slightly smaller than John, but not by much. Your pussy clenches at the thought of him inside you, but you’re not ready for that quite yet. You guide Johnny back up to your face, pressing your lips against his. You can taste yourself on him, making him groan as you lick into his mouth. 
You guide him onto his back, trading places with him. He settles beneath you, his hands lifting to your hips, but you push them back as you pull away. You smirk down at him for a moment before you move, changing your position so you’re facing away from him. You trap his hands against the bed with your legs like Ghost showed you, sitting yourself on his taut stomach. He has a clear view of your ass still sporting your lacy panties, your wet folds pressed against his skin. 
“Simon show ye that one?” He asks, flexing his hands under you. He could easily overpower you and free himself, but he doesn’t.
“Uh huh.” You say, wrapping your hand around his cock. 
“Hells bells, what are you two gettin’ into during trainin’?” He groans, obviously starting to picture the lewd things you and Ghost might be doing. You wonder how he’d react to seeing you on top of Ghost like you were yesterday. 
“He’s just teaching me how to defend myself.” You say, slowly pumping his cock. “I’m finding there’s not much of a difference between fucking and fighting.” 
Johnny lets out another groan, but you’re not sure if it’s because of your words, or your hand on his cock. You continue to pump his length, feeling the softness of him in your hand, squeezing gently to feel the vein running along the bottom side. Johnny lets out a choked groan, hands twitching again under your legs. 
“Fuck, I cannae last much longer.” He gasps desperately, his length twitching in your hand. 
Pearly white beads of precum have begun to slip from his tip, and you can’t help but lean down and drag your tongue across his head, gathering some in your mouth. He lets out a whine that rivals ones of your own, his hips bucking as he gets closer and closer to his own orgasm. 
“Please, kitten, let me cum inside ye.” He begs, pulling his hands free from underneath you so he can grip your hips. 
You pull away from his cock, sitting up on his stomach. He’s panting, his fingers digging into the skin of your hips. You shift yourself again, turning back around to face him. His eyes are hooded as he stares at you, pupils blown with lust. His lips are parted as he pants, sweat beading on his forehead from the strain of holding himself back. You push yourself back until you’re hovering over his cock, pulling your panties to the side with one hand, grabbing his length with the other. 
You groan as you sink down onto him, bracing yourself with a hand on his stomach as he stretches you open. His hands settle on your waist, squeezing your hips as you work yourself down his length. 
“Fuck,” You breathe, pressing your hands against his abs as you sink down completely onto his cock, your hips flush with his. 
“So fucking tight and warm,” He groans, his grip near bruising around your hips. “Fucking feel fantastic, kitten.” 
You slowly begin rocking your hips, using your hands on his stomach for leverage. Your toes are curling already from this angle, the tip of his cock brushing that spot deep inside you with every rock of your hips. Small whines and whimpers leave your lips as you fuck yourself on his cock, squeezing your legs around his hips. They’re shaking already, and you know you won’t last long in this position. 
Johnny seems to notice that as well, his grip on your hips tightening as he starts to guide your movements. You’re starting to sweat from the effort, your thighs burning, but it feels too good to stop. You’re getting close again, the stretch of him inside you paired with the high of having such control over him just a few moments ago driving you closer and closer to the edge. 
Johnny pushes himself up as your movements begin to slow, wrapping his arms around you to shift you in his lap, laying you down on the bed facing the footboard as he slots himself over you. He takes over, thrusting into you, setting a frantic pace. Your head falls back as he pounds into you, your back arching as he folds his body over yours, pressing his face into your neck. 
“Gonna cum for me? Need tae feel ye squeezing ‘round my cock.” He grunts, nipping at the skin of your throat. 
You let out a whimper, nails digging into his shoulders. “Just like that.” You pant, squeezing your legs around his hips. “Don’t stop!” 
“Yes, ma’am.” He groans, continuing to rut into you like your pussy is the only thing that can save his life. 
You practically see stars as you cum, squeezing around his cock as pleasure jolts through your body like electricity. Your hips buck against his, grinding together like some sort of forbidden dance as he’s forced into his own orgasm by your walls squeezing around him. His hips stutter before he stills, warmth spurting into you as he cums. You hold him there, his body trembling with yours as he groans into your throat. 
“Fucking hell.” He moans, starting to shallowly thrust into you. He’s still hard, his cock dragging through your sensitive walls as he continues to fuck you despite having just orgasmed. “Never gonnae tire of this sweet cunt.” 
He probably won’t, you think as he continues to slowly thrust into you again. 
You’re in for a long night. 
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joelslastofus · 4 months
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[SUMMARY: Joel becomes insecure with his age difference and breaks up with you rudely, only to find out you become depressed after an assault.]
“Look, who cares? Hey, maybe if I wasn’t sucha immature party girl that would’ve never happened to me” you turned looking at him straight in the eyes.
“Don’t you say that” he whispered feeling regret with what he had told you that day.
smut, angst, big age gap
It was the end of your shift as you waited for Joel to pick you up. The restaurant seemed to slow down at the perfect time for you to catch a movie with him. Joking with two of your coworkers you had no idea Joel was watching from outside the window. Once again Sammy was having a party and desperately wanted you to attend although you promised Joel something simple that night. Just as you gently let her down, Joel approached you leaning in for a kiss.
“Hi babe,” you smiled up at him.
“Joel, can you please convince your girlfriend to come to my party tonight?”
“Don’t listen to her, I already told her we had plans.” You explained.
“Another party huh?” He raised his brows as Sammy tried to hold back a laugh.
“Sorry Joel, are we partying too much for you?” Sammy joked with her boyfriend Josh making you playfully hit her shoulder.
“Ouch! just a joke, see you guys around” she laughed as Joel took your hand and walked out with you.
“Sorry about that, Sammy can be-“
“Annoying” he interjected making you raise a brow at him.
“Does she ever not throw a party?” He looked down at you as you both continued to walk. Joel was acting strange, he seemed to be more agitated than usual but you didn’t say a word about it.
“We don’t have to go-“
“But I know you want to” he looked over at you to confirm what he figured to be true.
“No” you stopped in your tracks turning to him.
“I can go any other time, I just want us to spend time” you assured him before tip toeing and kissing his lips.
The two of you had been dating a few months now, although you were in college and Joel was much older, you felt you had a balanced relationship.
Joel thought the same…until recently.
Little by little he noticed your friends were constantly inviting you to parties, or even if they weren’t partying whenever they had a conversation with you in front of him he felt out of place. The two of you alone was a different story, you could both talk for hours about so many different things. Sharing the same interests in movies, he loved taking you out to see one or having a movie night at your place. More than anything he loved how towards the end of the movie you always ended up straddling him holding him close. He’d carry you to the bed, your lips locked together as a night of intense sex would begin. Regardless of how experienced he was, sex with you was like no other. Although you were younger you loved taking charge and riding him and he loved your confidence. He loved watching the way you moved your hips on him, especially in that moment. His hands squeezed your thighs as he looked down watching you drip all over his cock. Throwing his head back you could see the vein in his neck popping out, you could always tell when he was about to cum.
“Shit” he cried out, sweat dripping down his head as as you rode him faster. Your hands leaning on his chest for support until you both came simultaneously. You moaned before throwing yourself back beside him, he could barely catch his breath.
“You’re really something else you know that?” He panted closing his eyes for a moment.
“Am I?” You laughed leaning over to kiss him before running off to the bathroom.
Once you walked out you noticed him sitting at the edge of the bed hunched over with just his pants on.
“You ok?” You asked tying your robe around you.
“Yeah, just wiped me out” he chuckled as he stood up and grabbed his t shirt.
“I’m sorry” you laughed.
“Don’t be.” He winked at you but you could see something still seemed off with him. For some reason he just couldn’t shake off the feeling of not keeping up with you. He silently walked out of the room to grab a cup of water but the silence didn’t feel right.
Joel stood in the kitchen drinking the glass of water, his thoughts roaming all over.
“Joel?” You followed him to the kitchen looking at him strangely.
“What’s going on with you?”
Placing the cup down he crossed his arms not really knowing how to say what he truly wanted to say. You hated how stubborn he could be at times to speak. He knew whatever he’d tell you, somehow you’d find a way to work around it, and as much as he didn’t want to break up, he was beginning to think it was the best decision. It was better than him constantly feeling like he couldn’t keep up with you.
“Joel are you going to talk or what-“
“This is a mistake” he blurt out looking down.
“What? What are you talking about?” You walked towards him completely caught off guard.
“This, us, it should’ve…should’ve never happened” his words feeling like a punch to your heart.
“Joel, where is this coming from? Don’t take personal what Sammy said”
“This isn’t about your friend dammit,“ he responded rudely. Maybe that was the only way you’d get it.
“So what is this about? Cause about twenty minutes ago you didn’t seem to have a problem with me” You clearly started to get annoyed with his tone but he couldn’t explain to you what he was really feeling. Irritated he grabbed his jacket heading for the door.
“So you’re walking off now? Just like that” you followed him.
“Go have fun with your friends tonight,”
“This is about the party?! Are you kidding me, I already told you I didn’t wanna go-“
“Look” he suddenly stopped and turned to your face.
“You don’t get it, you’re a damn kid. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking. Go be the party girl you are” before you could say a thing he walked out slamming the door shut.
What the hell just happened?
Joel hopped in his truck fighting himself not to turn back. The sound of your voice calling out for him crushed him in a way he didn’t know he could feel. He wasn’t planning to do this, he didn’t think he would. Joel felt something special with you, but before he felt it would fall apart cause of his age, he decided to cut it now unexpectedly.
That night you cried calling your friend Sammy to pick you up. You couldn’t believe Joel had really broken up with you but you decided to hell with it.
The second you got to Sammy’s party you poured yourself drink after drink just wanting to forget about him. You found yourself dancing with a man, never even getting his name but you noticed how touchy he became as you danced.
“Watch it, honey” you squinted your eyes at him with a smirk as he stepped back lifting his hands up.
“Sorry gorgeous” he leaned towards your ear to speak.
He was a handsome man with a nice smile, and when he wasn’t grabbing your ass he knew how to dance. For a short moment you found yourself not thinking of Joel.
As the night continued, you had a few more drinks than what your body was used to. Sammy and Josh both cheering you on watching you have fun as you continued to dance.
“I gotta use the ladies room!” You yelled in his ear as he nodded. The man watched as you slightly stumbled up the stairs, fumbling with the doorknob to get in the bathroom, he could tell how wasted you were.
Once you were finished you almost fell opening the bathroom door to find that same man at the door.
“Oh hey” you grinned until he grabbed you by your waist, abruptly kissing your neck pushing you back in the bathroom.
“Wait-“ you attempted to laugh it off trying to push him away until you realized he shut the door behind him.
“Come on, let’s have some fun”
“Hey…I…I don’t wanna do this” you tried once again pushing him back but he grabbed you hard lifting you up and sitting you right on the sink. His hand making it’s way under your dress, you knew exactly what he was doing and panic set in.
The loud music blasting throughout the house distracting everyone from anything that could be going wrong. Sammy at one point looking around for you and even calling your phone.
“She never leaves like that” Sammy told Josh as she looked through the crowd.
“Maybe she’s having fun with that guy” Josh laughed but Sammy thought something was weird. You would never leave with a man or at all without saying something to her. As Sammy checked the kitchen the man had finished his assault, walking out the bathroom Josh caught him buckling his pants.
“Hey, where’s the girl you were dancing with?” Josh asked him but he didn’t say a word quickly walking out the front door.
Sitting on the corner of the bathroom floor, you couldn’t move. You could hear Josh and Sammy calling for you until Josh finally walked in the bathroom.
“Holy Shit- Sammy she’s in here!” The two of them rushing to your side, fixing your dress asking if you were ok but you couldn’t speak.
“I’m gonna call the police” Sam knew what happened, it was obvious but you quickly looked at her and shook your head with whatever strength you had.
“No. No one. Just…just drive me home please” you whispered. Sammy nodded in silence quickly ending the party to make sure you were ok. Although she had offered for you to stay, being near where you were assaulted made your stomach turn.
Joel stood at home that night watching a movie not being able to get you off his mind. He wondered what you were doing, he wondered if you ever went to that party but most of all he wondered if he made the right call.
Josh and Sammy silently helped you to the car and drove you home. Offering to stay with you, you refused any company, you refused anything they tried to help with. Although you both were broken up, Sammy wondered if she should find Joel and let him know what had happened yet she knew nothing of him.
The next day you stayed in bed, your phone buzzing through out the morning, calls from Sammy, Josh and you noticed one call from Joel. Ignoring each call you turned over in bed covering yourself just wanting to disappear from everyone.
A few days turned into weeks and no one had heard from you. Joel would still call, sometimes leaving you a voicemail, but hearing his voice would only make you burst into tears.
One day Joel finally decided to walk into the restaurant you worked at hoping to find you, instead he found Sammy.
“Joel, am I relieved to see you” she sighed as he walked up to her. She knew she had to tell him.
“I’ve been trying to get a hold of her and she’s not answering. She quit working here, she stopped showing up to class and she’s just blocked us all out” Joel furrowed his brows.
“What do you mean she stopped showing up to class?” He knew how important this semester at college was for you.
“She just disappeared ever since that night”
“What night?”
“The night..the night at my party” she explained looking away nervously.
“What happened at your party? The hell you goin’ on about Sammy?” Joel heavily invested now not sure what to expect.
She swallowed nervously not sure how Joel would react to such news about you or more so how angry you would be at her for saying anything to him.
“The night at my party…um..I don’t even know how to say it” Sammy whispered as she scratched her forehead uncomfortably.
“Spit it out” Joel demanded now concerned with what the hell it could be.
“Joel, she was raped” she finally blurt out. Joel felt like a brick hit him in the chest, taking a step back he looked at her in shock. His lips tightening up, he took a deep trembling breath looking away. Sammy didn’t know him so well but she could see anger taking over him.
“I wanted to call you but I had no idea where to get in contact with you and-“
“Who did it?” He looked directly at her, speaking in a rough whisper making Sammy nervous.
“Joel, good to see you” Sams boyfriend Josh appeared before unexpectedly being grabbed by his collar, Joel roughly slammed him against the wall.
“Who touched her?! Who did it?”
“Hey man I don’t know, we never seen him before I swear-“
“What do you mean you never seen him before? It was your party!” He yelled.
“Joel! This doesn’t help anything, you wanna help? Go check on her!” Sammy yelled snapping Joel out of it. Slowly he released Josh as he took a step back.
He knew Sammy was right, the thought of you hurt in any way and not seeking help he couldn’t take.
The thought of him not being there he couldn’t take.
After weeks of not leaving the house you woke up that morning looking out the window, you could see the sun pushing through the clouds slowly. With a sigh you got yourself up and freshened yourself up for a walk around the block.
How bad could that be?
Opening up your front door you felt your heart begin to race but you pushed yourself out.
Walking around the corner you found yourself looking back more than you’d like to admit until you accidentally walked straight into someone.
“Shoot, I’m sorry” you looked up and realized it was Joel. Instantly noticing a look of pity in his deep brown eyes your expression changed.
You realized he knew.
“Shit, she told you” you turned away with a look of disgust walking back to your house.
“Why didn’t you call me?” He asked keeping up close behind you.
“For what?” You scoffed.
“You should’ve called me” he continued as you shook your head.
“Oh give me a break. We are no longer together, I was a mistake remember?” You called out back to him until he grabbed you by your arm forcing you to turn to him.
“I should’ve been there for you” his eyes were intense as he spoke.
“I would’ve been there” you didn’t say a word looking at him, his hand still tight around your wrist.
“It doesn’t matter” you pulled your arm away before heading to your door.
Of course it mattered.
You would’ve given anything to have Joel by your side that night. Tears welling up in your eyes as you placed your key in the lock trying to hold yourself together but you knew you couldn’t. The feel of Joel close behind you made you fall apart in that very second. Your hand dropping from the door you began to cry. Quickly covering your face you felt Joel gently hold you from behind.
“I’m here now” he whispered against your ear. Unexpectedly you turned to him wrapping your arms around him tightly as he tightened his arms around you. For just one moment you wanted to feel at ease.
“I’m here, baby” your cries slowed down as you took a deep breath, his hands gently tilting your face up to him.
“And for the record, you’re no damn mistake” he wiped away your tears with his thumb. You smiled at him just happy to have him close and invited him inside.
Joel quietly followed you in watching as you made your way to the kitchen, you knew there was bound to be more questions he would ask although you hoped he wouldn’t.
“Do you want something to drink or snack on? I don’t have much to eat, haven’t cooked. Just been ordering out lately” you explained without turning back to him.
“No, no thank you, baby” he leaned back on the counter watching as you grabbed something from the fridge. Truthfully Joel wanted to ask you more about that night. After a moment of silence his sudden question caught you off guard.
“What was his name?”
You closed the fridge and looked down taking a deep breath.
“I don’t know”
“Don’t protect him-“
“I don’t know” you turned to him abruptly.
“He was just some stupid guy I was dancing with, I never got his name, I don’t know anything about him” you walked away heading to your bedroom.
“I called you that night” he called out to you from down the hall, you could hear his footsteps getting closer.
“You also broke up with me that night-“
“It’s not something I wanted to do” he insisted.
“Look, who cares? Hey, maybe if I wasn’t sucha immature party girl that would’ve never happened to me” you turned looking at him straight in the eyes.
“Don’t you say that” he whispered feeling regret with what he had told you that day.
“Well, I was drinking” you shrugged with a sarcastic laugh, you didn’t notice his expression change.
“And so that gives that piece of shit the right to rape you?!” He raised his voice unexpectedly loud, you froze looking away.
“I’m sorry” he quickly apologized moving closer to you.
“Don’t be…that’s just the first time I’ve heard anyone call what happened to me..that.” The two of you stood silent for a moment until he slowly reached out for your hand.
“I’m sorry that happened to you, baby.” He pulled you close to him.
“I should’ve never walked out of here that day, I should’ve listened to myself and turned back. Leaving all because of my own damn insecurity” you could hear the regret in his voice.
“Insecurity?” You looked at him confused.
“Long story, c’mere-“ he wrapped your arms around his neck just wanting to hold you close and honestly, it was all you wanted to.
Joel felt you relax in his arms, slowly moving to the bed you both lay down with your head on his chest, you found yourself closing your eyes. Joel brushed his fingers through your hair softly as he looked down and saw you were asleep. As happy as he was to have you relaxed beside him, he couldn’t get out of his head wanting to find whoever this man was. Joel was set in his mind that he would, even if it meant keeping it from you.
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queuestarter · 5 months
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(finnick odair x reader)
cw: childbirth
link to the request → finnick is scared for reader as she goes into labor
open to requests !!
Finnick was scared.
After forty long weeks, you’re finally ready to have your baby.
For the duration of the pregnancy, he’s been hovering over you like a mother hen. Constantly making sure that you feel comfortable, that you have had enough to eat and drink, rising with you at odd hours of the morning just so you can open the window to smell the salt air.
But now that it’s actually time for the baby to come, he feels completely powerless.
There’s nothing that he can really do for you besides hold your hand and ask how you’re feeling. The midwife is taking care of both you and the baby excellently, but the lack of control over the situation is scaring him beyond belief.
“Fuck,” you groan as another contraction hits you. Finnick immediately sets down the blanket he was stress folding and rushes to your side. You’re in the bathtub at the moment, having decided that you wanted to do a water birth. 
“Is everything okay? What’s wrong?” He sends a look to the midwife, who looks at him unimpressed.
“She’s fine. Her contractions are getting closer together, so we can start to expect her to begin pushing at any moment.”
Finnick blinks twice. He knew this moment was coming but having it be so close now is terrifying. “Is she ready? Is the baby even ready for that?”
The midwife lets out a sigh, brushing a cool towel over your forehead. “The contractions are letting us know that both baby and mama are ready for labor. Mr. Odair, how about you hold your wife’s hand and support her?”
Finnick rushes to put his hand in yours, eyebrows furrowing when he feels you squeeze the life out of his palm. “What can I do for you, my love?”
“Nothing,” you grunt. “Just stay there. I feel like pushing.”
Finnick can feel the blood drain from his face. He didn’t expect things to progress so quickly. “Oh. Okay, that’s fine. You’ve got this, my love. I’ll be right here the entire time.”
Even though he’s scared out of his mind, Finnick does his best to comfort you during labor. He keeps one of his hands clasped with yours, the other rubbing soothing circles on your lower back. When the midwife says that it’s finally time to push, he whispers encouraging words in your ears the entire time.
He puts his fears to the side to make sure that you feel as safe and loved as possible.
He only feels settled when he hears the cry of your son ring out in the air. When you let out a final sigh of contentment and hold your beautiful baby in your arms. This is what everything has been leading up to and neither of you could be happier.
“He’s beautiful,” you cry, running a finger down the bridge of his nose. “He looks just like you.” You’ve both left the bathroom and settled into your bed.
Finnick wipes his own tears away, choking down a sob. He doesn’t think the baby looks like much of anything right now, but he doesn’t say that. Instead he cradles the both of you in his own arms and stares down at the two loves of his life. “Thank you for giving me such a perfect life. I never thought I would be able to have this.”
“Thank you,” you whisper back. “This is everything I’ve ever wanted.”
Finnick plants a kiss on your neck before breathing the moment in.
He agrees- this is everything he’s ever wanted, as well.
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thetarsier · 1 year
heyyy!! i hope you’re well!! i was hoping you could write a jealous!aaron x reader where she’s basically getting hit on while she’s at girls night and maybe penelope snaps a picture of her and the guy and sends it to the BAU gc and aaron basically drives over and suprises you because he was jealous
a/n: hi! thank you for the request, lovely, i was so excited to write this one :)
Word Count: 2k
Warnings/notes: drinking, asshole-type men (yes that's a warning)
<3: aaron hotchner x fem!reader, established relationship
Girls' night always - always - ended in one of your own getting hit on. Usually, it was JJ, but Emily fielded her fair share of creepy drunk men. Penelope tended to go after men herself, and you were the quiet one that laughed along with the others at the strange men eyeing them up. Rarely were you ever the target of their affections. 
It was something that the other girls constantly tried to change, with JJ repeatedly pointing you out to the men who came over to the table (which almost always ended in you ducking away to the bathroom until the guy got the hint). They didn’t know that you were more than content being an observer of their conversations, happy to celebrate the numbers Emily and Penelope received and laugh over the rejections of the men that came after JJ. 
They didn’t know, because they all still thought that you were single. You’d never told them otherwise, and that was mostly because of who you were currently dating: Aaron Hotchner, your boss. 
It was a connection that blossomed over the many years of you being at the BAU, not the same as some rushed, half-assed attempt to score during a night out. He loved you, and you loved him, and you were trying to take it slow out of the eyes of your coworkers. It’d worked for almost two years now with only a few minor slip-ups that were easy to explain away to the people who’d witnessed them. 
Not Rossi, however. Rossi had you two figured out almost as soon as you started to take things seriously, and now he acted as your protector. He changed subjects, scolded, and made those who questioned you or Aaron seem stupid. He was the perfect person to have as a secret keeper, mostly because he didn’t have it in him to care that much. 
And he’d done a beautiful job, too. It was a running joke on the BAU group chat that Penelope’s mission on your nights out was to find you someone to go home with. This was why, despite your usual invisibility, when a guy approached you at the bar, you were left alone with him, your girlfriends disappearing into the crowd around you. 
“-And so, yeah, I would say I’m self-made. I mean, my dad did lend me most of the money I used to actually start up, and all of my customers came from the family company, too, but I run the place, you know?” The guy interrupted his ramblings to take a sip from his beer, and you continued your nodding. 
You were used to listening to fast ramblings, thanks to Spencer, but usually his monologues were interesting, and you could follow them with relative fascination. This guy was just… awful. At storytelling, and being a good conversationalist in general.
“He hasn’t stopped talking this whole time,” JJ observed from their table, shaking her head, “Can’t imagine he’s particularly decent.”
“She hasn’t walked away, yet, though,” Emily shrugged, “Maybe he’s like Reid?”
“Does he look like Reid?” Penelope pulled her phone out of her bag, “Doesn’t matter. Mission half accomplished - everyone has to see this.”
She snapped a photo of the two of you, him leaning into you, you leaning onto the bar. From an outsider's perspective, with the angle that Penelope had taken the photo, it might have looked like you were enjoying his advances more than you actually were. You felt the vibration in your pocket as Penelope sent your photo to the group chat, but you didn’t look, too focussed on how you were going to get out of the man’s company without causing a scene to care about what your phone was doing.
“Oh, look,” Emily pointed to Penelope’s phone, “Morgan’s already responded-” She switched to a lower tone of voice as she read out the man’s text. “-Doesn’t count, Babygirl. Nobody’s gone home yet.”
“He’s right, you know,” JJ looked back at you and the man, “And I don’t think this is a match made in heaven.”
“I can’t keep losing this bet!” Penelope complained as she shoved her phone back in her bag and sat down, disheartened. 
“Ha!” Emily laughed, looking at her own phone, “Hotch has seen it.”
“Oh, that’s embarrassing,” JJ stifled her own laugh by taking a sip of her drink, “Delete it, Garcia. Her boss has seen that.”
“He’s seen it all - he’s in the group chat,” Penelope defended, “Maybe the embarrassment of her constant failure will lure her into a perfect match.”
“That makes sense,” Emily commented sarcastically, eyes roaming over the crowd. 
You laughed politely at the man’s joke before averting your eyes down to your lemonade. You weren’t supposed to be the designated driver - the four of you were meant to get a cab - but once you’d found out about Penelope’s plan, you’d switched to non-alcoholic drinks. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t trust yourself, but you studied serial killers and rapists for a living, and you knew that some men liked to take advantage. If you were drunk, you couldn’t defend yourself as well as if you were sober. Usually, it wasn’t an issue - you had your girls - but sometimes the anxiety was too much for you to enjoy a drink, and that anxiety only increased tenfold when you were left alone with a guy.
The man’s droning on was getting so tedious that when you looked over his shoulder and saw Aaron - neat suit and all - you thought you had imagined him. Then, when he started moving closer, you started to worry that he would get the wrong idea. 
But, he knew you, and you could tell by his caution that he was well aware of how you were feeling, tuned into your discomfort. Once you’d confirmed that your boyfriend was, in fact, in the same bar as you, you smiled and communicated with your eyes something that you hoped sounded like: ‘Get the hell over here right now.’
“Excuse me,” Aaron attached himself to your side, and you instantly felt safer, “What are we talking about over here?”
“Hey, back off, man,” The guy stood up straighter, and Aaron slipped an arm around your waist, “I’ve been talking to her all night.”
“Yes, and clearly it was riveting conversation,” Aaron eyed the many empty bottles surrounding the two of you and then your own singular glass of lemonade with disdain, “But it’s time to say goodnight.”
He didn’t even allow the man to say anything else, just used his grip on your waist to spin the two of you around and toward where he knew the girls were sitting. His arm left your waist once the two of you were no longer shielded by other people, and as you approached the tall table, sliding into the spare chair, you scowled at Penelope. 
“Next time you try to set me up against my will, at least make sure he’s not a jerk.” 
“Next time, my love.” She promised, placing a warm hand on your shoulder. 
Aaron stood to your right, in between you and JJ, and you gestured to him as you looked between your three friends, “Look at who had to come and save me,” You feigned annoyance, and acted as though you were secretly telling the girls of your embarrassment, “How did you even know we were here?”
“Oh, my God. He saw the photo.” Penelope gasped.
“The what?”
“Garcia put a photo of you and the guy on the group chat to try and prove that she’d succeeded in her mission,” JJ admitted, amusement swimming in her blue eyes as she looked between you and Aaron. 
“Oh, you’re asking for an HR case,” You pointed a finger at the flamboyant blonde, who smiled sweetly at you, tucking her hands underneath her chin, “You sent a picture of me at a bar to all of my colleagues?”
“If it makes you feel any better, Morgan said it doesn’t count.”
“Oh, great, so you sent my picture to my colleagues, and it didn’t even count.” You were only joking with them, and each of them was well aware of that fact. 
“Still,” Emily turned her attention back to Aaron, “Why are you here?”
You also turned to look back at him as he rubbed the back of his neck. He clearly hadn’t thought much past the initial urge to save you from your misery, and you were sure that not even Rossi could’ve lied your way out of the situation. 
“Um…” He narrowed his eyes, brain working overtime for something believable, “I was here already for, the, uh…” 
His eyes darted down to yours in desperation. You laughed at him, leaning your head back onto his shoulder and reaching your hand down to grab at his. The secrecy was on your account, as most things in your relationship were; not only because he was technically your boss, but also because he was head-over-heels obsessed with you. It was created on your account, and you would be the one to break it. 
“Okay, guys, there’s a reason why I never go home with anyone from the bar…” You grinned, peeking up at Aaron from where the back of your head rested just below his chin before you looked back at the girls. 
Penelope was shocked into silence, her mouth wide open, hands stuck out by her sides, JJ was sporting a happy smile of her own, and Emily had a hand over her mouth, eyes blown with shock. After a few seconds of silence, where Aaron squeezed your hand to soothe both of your nerves, the group sprung into action. 
“Oh, my God!” Emily chuckled, “I knew there was something going on. I knew it!” 
“Oh, this is… This is…” Penelope waved her hands around. 
“Wonderful,” JJ finished, reaching over to touch your other hand that rested on the table, “And congratulations - you had everyone fooled.”
“It’s been hard,” You conceded, “Sometimes during hard cases, it was slightly too hard, but we’ve gotten through it.”
“Oh, you guys,” Penelope tilted her head to the side, “You’re too adorable.”
“And on that note,” You smiled, picking up your purse, “I think we should probably go.”
You said your goodbyes, and Aaron managed to get out his own through his uncharacteristic blushes and stutters, and you made your way out to Aaron’s car, hand in hand. 
“Why did you come?” You asked him out of curiosity once he’d climbed into his side of the car.
“Honest answer?” He raised an eyebrow and you nodded, turning your body towards his, “Really, I saw that photo of you with the guy, and I didn’t even think about it. I just got in the car.”
“Oh, you were jealous,” You teased, poking his arm gently, “It’s okay, Hotchner, I’m all yours, anyway.”
“Good,” He leaned over the centre console, fingers gripping your chin and encouraging your face closer to his, “Because I’m all yours.” 
Each of his kisses was a seal to his promise.
It was only in the morning, when you finally checked your phone after a night with Aaron, that you realised another photo had been snapped of you. One of you and Aaron walking out of the bar holding hands. Penelope had sent it to the group chat with the message ‘Mission finally successful.’ 
The group chat had barely shut up since, question after question rolling into your inbox.  
You groaned, falling back into your pillow, where Aaron kissed a path from the tip of your middle finger to your cheek, smiling against your skin. 
“If it makes you feel any better, Dave will stop bothering us about telling the truth now,” He mumbled into your neck, and you sighed, a smile on your face as you played with his hair. 
“Very true, Hotchner. Just remember: it was your jealousy that got us into this mess, so you’re dealing with the questions we’re going to get.”
He laughed into your skin, an agreement.
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lecsainz · 10 months
parings: mick schumacher x vettel!reader
request: hiya could u do a mick x vettel! reader (seb’s niece or smth) where they attend an autosport award show together w seb and he just couldn’t keep his eyes of her bc of the low back/high slit of the gorgeous dress he tries not to be touchy bc seb is there but succumbs to a quickie in the bathroom while seb is claiming his award really im in desperate need of some mick content 😫
authors note: oh my god my first smut with mick 🫣 idk what to put here 🤷‍♀️
warnings: (+18) smut, minors dni!
✩. . . masterlist !
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Y/N knew it was a bad idea to wear the dress her secret boyfriend had picked out for her. It was a stunning gown with a high slit and a low back, revealing almost her entire back. She thought it was perfect for the occasion, a Formula 1 gala dinner with her favorite uncle, Sebastian Vettel.
But she hadn't anticipated how her boyfriend would react to her in the dress. Mick Schumacher and Y/N Vettel had been secretly dating for six months, keeping their relationship hidden from almost everyone. Well, everyone except for Toto Wolff, who had caught them kissing at a race. Mick had decided to ditch his role as Toto's apprentice that day and sneak off with Y/N for a quick make-out session in the tire warehouse. The memory still made her blush with embarrassment.
It had been a few weeks since they had seen each other, and now, at the Autosport Award show, Y/N found herself watching Mick's every move from across the room. Was it her imagination, or had Mick gained a few more muscles since they last met?
"Vettel!" Toto greeted the older man standing beside him, and Y/N felt her cheeks flush with a rosy hue. She tried to focus on the conversation, but her attention kept drifting back to Mick.
Seb glanced at her and then followed her gaze to where Mick was standing. He raised an eyebrow with a knowing smile, causing Y/N to turn even redder. She had a feeling her uncle was onto something, and it made her want to sink into the floor.
As the evening went on, Mick's eyes seemed to be constantly drawn to her. He was talking to people, engaging in conversations, but his gaze kept finding its way back to her. She tried her best to act natural, chatting with the people around her, but her heart raced every time she caught Mick looking at her.
Eventually, Mick excused himself from his conversation and made his way over to her. His smile was both charming and mischievous as he approached her.
"Hey," he said, his voice low and intimate. "You look absolutely stunning tonight."
Y/N felt her cheeks heat up again as she replied, "Thank you. You clean up pretty well too."
He chuckled softly, his eyes dancing with amusement. "Couldn't take my eyes off you, honestly. That dress is... wow."
She bit her lip, trying to suppress her own grin. "You like it?"
Mick leaned in a little closer, his lips almost brushing her ear. "I more than like it. But you're making it really hard for me to behave."
She felt a shiver run down her spine at his words, her heart skipping a beat. Mick had always been a charmer, but tonight, he was particularly irresistible.
"Behave?" she teased, her voice barely a whisper.
He pulled back slightly, his eyes locked onto hers. "Yeah, you know... not get touchy when your uncle's around."
Y/N laughed softly, the sound tinged with nervous excitement. "Right, right. We wouldn't want to give Seb a heart attack."
Mick grinned and took her hand, his thumb caressing the back of her palm. "But seriously, after this event, how about we go somewhere a little more private?"
Her heart raced at the suggestion, and she nodded, unable to hide her own playful smile. "I'd like that."
Seb's voice cut through the conversation, and Y/N's heart skipped a beat. She wasn't sure how long he had been standing there, but she instantly felt her cheeks heat up under his gaze.
"Hey, Mick, Y/N," Seb greeted, his grin playful as he looked between them. "Am I interrupting something here?"
Mick's grip on her hand tightened slightly, but he managed to keep his composure. "Nah, just having a chat."
Seb raised an eyebrow, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Just a chat, huh? Well, don't let me stop you. Carry on."
Y/N felt her embarrassment intensify under Seb's teasing, and she bit her lip, unable to meet his gaze. "Hi, Uncle Seb."
"Hi, Y/N," he replied with a knowing smile. "Having a good time?"
She nodded, still feeling a little flustered. "Yeah, it's been great."
Seb chuckled, clearly enjoying her discomfort. "Well, don't let me keep you from enjoying the party. I'll catch up with you two later."
As he walked away, Y/N let out a nervous breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Mick squeezed her hand reassuringly.
"Don't worry, he's just messing with us," he said with a wink.
Y/N couldn't help but laugh, her nerves easing a bit. "I know, but it's still embarrassing."
Mick leaned in, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered, "I think you look even more adorable when you're embarrassed."
Her cheeks flushed again, and she playfully swatted his arm. "Stop it, Mick."
He grinned, his fingers intertwining with hers. "You know I can't resist."
Just as Y/N was about to respond, a waiter carrying a tray of champagne glasses brushed past her, and before she knew it, she felt a cold splash against her dress. She gasped, her eyes widening in surprise.
"Oh no," she murmured, her gaze dropping to the champagne stain on her dress.
Mick's eyes followed her gaze, and he quickly took in the situation. "Hey, it's alright. Accidents happen."
Y/N felt a mixture of frustration and embarrassment, and she glanced around, trying to figure out what to do. "I need to clean this up before it sets."
Mick nodded, his expression understanding. "I'll come with you."
She gave him a grateful smile as they made their way towards the restroom. Once inside, Y/N looked at herself in the mirror, feeling a little defeated.
"Great, just what I needed," she muttered, dabbing at the stain with a paper towel.
Mick stepped closer, his fingers gently brushing hers as he took the paper towel from her hand. "Let me help."
As he carefully worked to clean the stain, Y/N's heart raced. She couldn't help but be struck by how considerate and caring Mick was, even in such a simple moment.
"Thank you," she said softly, meeting his gaze in the mirror.
He smiled, his eyes warm. "Anytime."
As the stain faded, Y/N realized how close they were standing. The air seemed to buzz with a newfound tension, and she found herself holding her breath.
"Mick," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
He met her gaze, his eyes searching for something. Without a word, he leaned in, his lips capturing hers in a gentle kiss. It was slow and sweet, a promise of things to come.
When they finally pulled away, Y/N's heart was racing, but a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. Mick grinned, his fingers tangling with hers.
"I think champagne stains might be my new favorite thing," he teased.
N laughed softly, the tension that had been building between them now palpable in the air. "Well, it's certainly one way to make an event memorable."
Mick's gaze was intense as he looked at her, and she felt her breath catch. "Do you trust me?"
Her heart skipped a beat, and she nodded, her voice barely a whisper. "Yes."
Mick's lips found hers once again, but this time the kiss was anything but gentle. It was fiery and urgent, a hunger that had been building between them finally unleashed. Y/N's fingers tangled in his hair as she kissed him back with equal fervor, their bodies pressed close.
As their kisses deepened, Mick's hands roamed over her body, igniting sparks of desire with every touch. He backed her towards the bathroom counter, his lips never leaving hers. With a swift movement, he lifted her up onto the counter, his hands gripping her waist possessively.
Y/N's head was spinning, her senses overwhelmed by the taste of him, the feel of his hands on her skin. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him even closer. Mick's kisses trailed down her jawline, his breath hot against her skin, before he found the sensitive spot on her neck that made her gasp.
"Mick," she moaned, her fingers digging into his shoulders.
He responded by pressing his body against hers, the friction between them igniting a fire deep within her. Mick's lips found hers once more, a demanding kiss that left them both breathless.
Desire pulsed between them, the urgency of their need pushing them to the edge. He pulled away just long enough to catch his breath, his eyes dark with want as he looked at her.
"Are you sure about this?" he asked, his voice husky.
Y/N nodded, her own desire mirroring his. "More than sure."
Their kisses reignited with a renewed intensity, their bodies pressed together in a dance of passion. Mick's hands roamed over her, his touch setting her skin on fire.
As their desire escalated, Y/N's fingers worked to undo the buttons of his shirt, her touch eager and hungry. Mick's own urgency mirrored hers as he kissed her fiercely, his fingers tracing the curves of her body with an intoxicating mix of tenderness and hunger.
Their mouths met in a series of heated kisses, each one leaving them both craving more. Mick's lips trailed down her neck, his breath hot against her skin, igniting a trail of fire wherever he touched. Y/N's fingers found their way to his hair, pulling him closer as a soft moan escaped her lips.
"Mick," she whispered, her voice a mixture of need and desire.
He looked at her with eyes darkened by the intensity of their passion, his own longing reflected in his gaze. Without a word, he lifted her off the counter, his lips claiming hers once more as he carried her towards the bathroom door.
As they stumbled out of the bathroom, caught up in the heat of the moment, they didn't notice the figure standing by the entrance. Toto Wolff's surprised expression quickly turned into an amused grin as he cleared his throat, effectively interrupting their heated embrace.
Mick froze mid-step, his eyes widening as he realized they had an audience. Y/N's face turned a shade of red that matched her dress as she buried her face in Mick's chest, her embarrassment palpable.
Toto chuckled, his tone teasing. "Well, I guess I won't be needing that bathroom anytime soon."
Mick cleared his throat, his cheeks tinged with a blush as he awkwardly shifted his weight. "Uh, yeah. Sorry about that, Toto."
Y/N peeked up at Toto from behind Mick, her voice muffled. "Hi, Toto."
Toto raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Having a good time, are we?"
Mick let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, you could say that."
Toto grinned, patting Mick on the shoulder. "Well, I'll leave you two to it. Don't let me interrupt."
As Toto walked away, Y/N let out a sigh of relief, her face still flushed. Mick chuckled, his arm around her shoulders as he pulled her closer.
"Well, that was... unexpected," Mick said, his lips brushing against her hair.
Y/N groaned, hiding her face in his chest. "I can't believe he caught us again."
Mick laughed, tilting her chin up to meet his gaze. "Hey, at least it's a memorable way to be caught."
She rolled her eyes playfully, her embarrassment fading as she looked at him. "You're impossible."
Mick grinned, his fingers brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "And you're irresistible."
Their lips met in a sweet, tender kiss, the world around them fading as they focused on each other. In that moment, the outside world ceased to matter, and all that existed was the connection between them – a connection that had ignited in a bathroom and had grown into something much deeper and more meaningful.
And as they kissed, all thoughts of being caught or interrupted were replaced by the overwhelming feeling that they had found something truly special in each other's arms.
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firstkanaphans · 4 months
I know this post is only for like two people, but I’m going to make it anyway. So, my obsession with Dead Friend Forever finally reached critical levels and I resorted to binge-watching The Hidden Character just to get more content. For those that don’t know, The Hidden Character (which they literally call “THC”) was the reality show Be On Cloud used to cast DFF. It is bad. Like really bad. And not in a it’s-so-bad-it’s-good-type way. It’s one of the most exploitative pieces of media I have ever watched. I walked into it with a favorable view of BOC, Mile, Apo, and Pond (the CEO), and walked out of it hating all of them.
A small collection of things that happened over the 11-episode run:
Everyone was told that they had to share every single aspect of their life with the viewers or they would be eliminated. And, in fact, the first person eliminated was told that it was because he wasn’t being open enough with the audience. They filmed these boys—one of whom was only seventeen at the time—talking explicitly about their sex lives. Which is, of course, fine to talk about. It’s not fine to air it on television! Even some of the games themselves contained sexually suggestive content (i.e. Which do you prefer "eating" with—your hands or your mouth? If you were to cheat on your significant other, would it be just sex or a full-blown affair?)
During the first part of the show, everyone had a secret that the other players were supposed to guess. One of the player’s secret was that he used to be homophobic. (Questionable casting for a company that only hires men, but I digress). He was praised for having changed his mind. In contrast, JJay’s secret was that he was raised in an abusive household and had once hit his father. Pond crucified the poor guy for this. He made him sit there in front of the whole cast sobbing and apologize for hitting his dad who was an abusive asshole.
After the first half of the show—which served absolutely no purpose at all—we finally move onto the acting portion. This is, after all, supposed to be a talent competition. The judges were so mean. Especially Apo. He was like the Simon Cowell of BOC. There was no constructive component to their criticism. The fact that any of these people are still acting is honestly unbelievable. I would have gone home and cried myself to sleep and then never stepped foot on a stage again.
At one point, each of the groups was assigned a scene from KinnPorsche to act out (because BOC very clearly owns no other IP). One of the pairs was given the scene where Porsche gives Kinn a handjob in the bathroom. I wish I was kidding. 
The judges constantly told the contestants to make their scenes feel new and different but any time the actors actually tried to change anything, they complained it was “too” different and the original script was already perfect so who were they to think they could create something better. Once again, Apo and Mile, the original actors of these scenes, are the ones judging them! Like of course they like their version better. What is even happening??
And finally, the whole fucking thing was rigged for Ta to win. Like don’t get me wrong, I love Ta and I think he did a great job, but he was the only one who came into that competition with a built-in fanbase and the winner was chosen by popular vote.
It was all just…baffling. Especially from a company that claims to be trying to change the industry. Like if you want the industry to stop being so exploitative to its actors, maybe start with yourself? It also makes those condescending “how dare you watch our shows just for the NC scenes” press releases they do every week even more annoying.
I have no clue what the reaction to this show was while it was airing but god I hope they never do it again. It literally makes me feel so weird watching DFF now. I feel like those poor kids are being held hostage. Maybe CEO Pond’s been the one under the mask the whole time 🔪
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judeswhore · 6 months
nsfw alphabet
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summary: nsfw alphabet
pairing: levi colwill x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, minors dni
notes: you can find my masterlist here. idk how i feel abt this but ask and u shall receive <3 i hope u enjoy it!!!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
sweetest boy ever! gets a little sleepy but still makes sure ur taken care of before anything else. checks in that ur okay and just has to ask if it was good and ur staring at him all🤨🤨bc ur thighs are still shaking. will grab u water and something clean to change into, helps get u cleaned up and if u want he’ll run u the shower. he likes to just lay with u for a little after, fingers trailing over ur bare skin while he lets u recover, lips soft on ur shoulder while he mutters that he loves u
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partners)
on him he loves his arms just because of how feral u go over them and his tattoos. he’ll find u randomly staring at them throughout the day and he gets so cocky bc he’ll just flex his fingers or biceps and you’ll go all wide eyed and he can see how hot and bothered it gets u. he loves fingering u and feeling u dig ur nails into his forearm and it makes him so hard when ur gaze stays locked on his arm while he works u to ur orgasm but he’s a little shit sometimes so just as ur abt to cum he’ll be all “eyes up here, sweetheart” bc he wants u to look at him
on u he’s obsessed with ur hands and how small they are bc it reminds him how much smaller u are than him and that makes his head spin. he loves holding ur hand and seeing how his just engulfs urs and he’s obsessed w watching u touch him!!! handjobs r one of his favourite things ever and he’ll just sit and watch u work ur fist around him bc there’s something so hot abt how u cant wrap ur fingers completely around him. also he’s 100% and arse man so he’s definitely obsessed w ur arse and he’ll tell u it’s one of his favourite things abt u with no shame. loves fucking in doggy just so he can slap it and watch u get all teary eyed for him🤭🤭
C = Cum (anything to do with cum)
he definitely has a thing for coming on ur pussy/tummy/arse and taking pics of it😵‍💫has an album on his phone specifically for these pics that he looks at whenever ur apart and he’s feeling a little horny. will cum on u and then tell u how pretty and perfect u are and he knows that goes to ur head and he loves it. teases u tho and is so mean w it bc he knows u like when he cums inside of u (and he does too) but if you’ve been a brat or he’s just feeling extra mean even when ur begging him to fill u up he’ll pull out and cum on ur pussy just to see u get all pouty w him
D = Dirty secret (self explanatory, a secret of theirs)
he’s obsessed with fucking u in risky places or places where other people are around. the bathroom at a restaurant/club/friends house u best believe he’s dragging u in there even if it’s just to make u cum on his fingers like there’s just something so stupidly hot to him abt potentially getting caught. he’d be in ur ear the whole time as well talking abt how if ur not quiet someone’s gna come in and see what a dirty slut u are for him while trying his hardest to get u to be even louder w this cocky little smirk on his face. you’ve lost count of how many times you’ve almost been caught
E = Experience (how experienced are they)
in all things u he’s an expert. he made sure to learn every little thing that u like bc the first few times u slept together he was constantly asking u what u wanted from him/how u wanted it bc he wanted the experience to be as good as possible for u. and now he knows u like the back of his hand and can have u coming in record time just by utilising what he knows
F = Favorite position
cowgirl!!! he’s obsessed w getting u to ride him bc he loves watching u struggle to take him at first, hands on ur hips to help u while he tells u how good ur doing and how proud he is of u for taking it all😵‍💫😵‍💫loves having ur tits in his face tbh and will constantly be sucking on ur nipples and biting at ur skin bc he knows that’ll get u to finish quicker. and it gives him some sort of kick watching u get all tired and whiney, asking him to “just fuck me properly, levi. please” and then he’ll hold u still while he fucks up into u bc ofc he’ll take care of his best girl
G = Goofy (are they more serious or goofy in the moment?)
definitely a little goofy but it’s more bc he tries to make u feel as comfortable as possible and that comes out as him making little jokes to get u to laugh and relax for him. feel like he gets a little giggly sometimes while ur fucking bc you’ll make a certain noise or he will and it’ll have him hiding his face in ur neck while he tries to get it together. but his giggles will bleed into soft moans and u think it sounds so hot so ur always looking to make him laugh just to hear it
H = Hair (how well groomed are they)
keeps it all nice and neatly trimmed but it’s not really something he puts a load of effort into bc it’s hair it’s not a big deal to him
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment?)
all of his focus is on u and he makes sure that u get as much pleasure out of the experience as possible. foreplay is a huge deal for him bc he wants to get u all worked up and desperate for him and wants to make sure you’ve came at least once/twice before he fucks u bc he knows it’s sometimes a little difficult for u to cum from just penetration. and throughout the whole thing he’ll be talking u through it, praising u so much bc it’s important to him that u know how much he’s enjoying it and that u know how good ur doing for him
J = Jack Off (masturbation headcanon)
i feel like he’s a big fan of mutual masterbation🤭so he’ll sit opposite u on the bed or wtv and will get himself off while u touch urself and it drives him insane. doesn’t know where he wants to look more so his eyes are constantly bouncing over ur body and he’ll talk u through it, telling u how to touch urself and how fast to go while he’s moaning and fucking his own fist
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
idrk but i feel like he definitely has a thing for letting u take control every now and then like loves when u tie him to the bed and use him for ur own pleasure. he’s obsessed w cowgirl at the best of times but when u tie his hands back and just fuck him so slow he goes absolutely insane. loves hearing u call him a good boy and it takes everything in him not to cum on the spot when u do. also loves when u suck him off and tell him he can’t touch u bc you’ll tease him until he’s literally shaking and begging bc he needs to cum and then you’ll give him ur pretty little smile and tell him to “be patient” and it has him losing his mind
L = Location (favourite places to do the deed)
he’s obsessed w fucking in the car while it’s parked in stupidly risky places bc he can’t get over how hot the risk of it is. like he’ll just randomly pull over and park somewhere so u can fuck and there’ll be other cars around and it just makes it all so much more thrilling for him and it means whenever he’s in the car alone he can play out all the times you’ve spent together in there
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
he loves neck/jaw kisses and even if u do it with the intention of being innocent levi will still go a little silly. he’ll just grip ur hip a little harder and give this quiet little groan and it always makes u giggle bc it’s so simple? and here he is abt to lose his mind. he’s definitely the type as well to get turned on by a specific perfume u own bc it reminds him of a certain time u fucked so whenever u wear it and walk passed him he’s immediately hard bc now he’s thinking abt all those dirty memories
N = No (something they wouldn’t do)
he’s too sweet to do anything that wld hurt u so even if he’s a little rough and a little mean sometimes he’d never cross a line that wld really cause u pain. even when he’s slapping ur arse whenever he hears a little sob or sees u wince a little harder than normal he’s immediately stopping and shifting to press kisses to the skin while mumbling little apologies :(
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving)
he really likes receiving bc u give the best head he’s ever had. u love teasing and drawing it out as long as possible until he’s literally shaking and can’t stay still so when he finally cums it feels 100x better. loves when u wake him up w head too!!!! like it’s his favourite thing in the world and he’s always extra sensitive so just gives these soft little whimpers that drive u crazy. he still loves eating u out tho and wld do it for hours (and he definitely drags it out when he does) but there’s just something abt being in ur mouth that absolutely ruins him
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
depends on the mood tbf. he loves a quickie (will literally fuck u anywhere at any time if given the chance) but also slow and loving is so so important to him!! especially if you’ve been apart for a little while he just really wants to take his time with u and drag everything out for as long as possible with u. so many kisses while he’s fucking u so slow, fingers stroking ur cheek while he mutters over and over that he’s missed u :(( eye contact is huge! for him so he’ll just grip ur chin and be all “eyes on me, sweetheart” and it just makes it so much more intense
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often)
loves them!!!! again, any time, any place. loves summer time so he can see u in ur pretty little dresses and he can just bend u over wherever he can, pull ur underwear to the side and fuck u stupid🤭the amount of times he’s fucked u in a changing room is insane bc he just can’t help himself when u look so pretty doing a little fashion show for him. just presses u up against the wall, hand over ur mouth to keep u quiet while he fucks u from behind. or like in the car before an event/meeting friends? he’s sooo down for it. just pulls u into his lap to ride him and it’s always so obvious when u finally go meet whoever u have plans with bc u both look so disheveled and fucked out
R = Risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks)
loves experimenting with new things bc how else is he gna know what he likes? like the two of u have had so many conversations abt all the different things you’d like to try and he definitely has a list that youse check things off on. and he’s huge on fucking in risky places bc it’s just so hot to him!!! gets off on fucking u in semi public places while making u bite down on ur own underwear to keep quiet🤭
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last)
he’s insatiable tbf. he just gets into such a headspace that he can never just go for one round he needs to go for a least three before he even thinks abt giving u a break. mainly just bc he likes seeing u so wrecked and on the point of breaking bc he thinks u look so pretty like that🤭his favourite thing is to eat u out between rounds of fucking u bc then he gets to drag so many orgasms out of u and gets such a thrill out of seeing u all limp and fucked out on his bed
T = Toy (do they own toys? do they use them?)
he’s obsessed w toys!!!! loves using them on u and then mocking u abt how much it ruins u. i just have this idea of him loving those little remote control vibrators🤭🤭like u have one that he can control w his phone and he uses it whenever the two of u go to events or restaurants bc u both just love the thrill of it. he’ll just sit opposite u at the table all smirks while he’s controlling it and it gets him so worked up trying to see u keep ur cool and every time u get close to coming he switches it off just to watch u pout and whine. bonus points for if the waiter is obviously flirting with u he’ll switch it up to the highest speed to watch u struggle and get all high pitched
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he’s awful when it comes it teasing to the point he sometimes has u crying bc u can’t take anymore. he just loves drawing things out bc he knows the end result will be so good even if ur getting frustrated w him. and in public he absolutely loves giving u little ass slaps or whispering dirty things in ur ear just to get u to squirm and sooooo many times he’ll try and get u off while ur sitting next to him but stops before u get anywhere near finishing while acting like nothings happening. and he knows u get all hot and bothered abt his hands so he’ll purposely do things to flex them and show them off then gets all cocky when he sees the way ur looking at him
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
oh he’s loud. and whiney. so so whiney. is always in ur ear giving u so much praise and babbling that he loves u and gets a little higher in pitch when he’s abt to cum and it’s just so so hot. loves to talk u through literally everything and whenever he talks u through head/handjobs it gets u soooo worked up bc he just sounds so hot
W = Wild Card (get a random headcanon for the person of your choice)
he loves taking polaroids during sex and has a whole photo album stuffed in his bottom draw that’s just full of dirty pictures. like he has a select few videos/pics on his phone that he looks at when he’s away but he mainly uses polaroids bc he just thinks it’s so much hotter? u can tell which pictures are his favourites too bc the corners are a little more rough and bent where he’s tugged them out. he also keeps one in his wallet tucked just behind one of his cards that he peeks at every now and then when no one’s paying attention and it’s a full shot of ur tits and face, covered in cum while ur grinning up at him and it’s genuinely one of his favourite pictures ever
X = X-Ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
big. thick. it took a while to get used to his size and u still struggle to take all of him sometimes, especially if u haven’t had sex in a while but he always talks u through it and makes sure u know how good ur doing. strokes his fingers over ur cheek and peppers u in kisses while being all “just a bit more, sweetheart, i know u can take the rest f’me. good girl, look how well ur doing. knew u could take it all”
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
he’s horny all the time. he wants to fuck u all the time and it only gets worse when you’ve been apart for a few days. the second ur home he just has to have u bc it’s all he’s been thinking abt and he’ll just be kissing u senseless, burying himself completely into u while repeatedly mumbling little “missed you”s into ur skin
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
sooo quickly bc he’s always so wrecked afterwards. he’ll help get u cleaned up and make sure ur okay but then he’s begging for cuddles and he’s already letting his eyes fall closed. will just pull u into him or will flop down on top of u and be all “just gimme ten minutes” but u know for a fact he’s gna have a full blown nap. it’s why he absolutely loves middle of the night sex bc it completely knocks him out
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yourfatherlucifer · 4 months
MDNI - Seonghwa
based on when ateez snitched on seonghwa for taking too long in the shower for...reasons..
@yessa-vie @armysantiny @yourlocaljonghoe @hee0soo @minheeskitten @potatomountain
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"Seonghwa, please hurry! I need to use the bathroom!" Your fist kept pounding on the door, the shower running on the other side, but Seonghwa made no effort to respond.
He never came to the door, which was frustrating you.
You grabbed the door handle and gave it a twist. A surprised gasp left your lips when it opened, "fuck yeah."
When you ran in, you were immediately stopped in your tracks. The sound of Seonghwa moaning and whining, the sound of him fisting his cock filled your ears.
You slowly stepped closer to the shower, "H..Hwa?"
Shampoo bottles hit the floor and a startled Seonghwa smacked into the wall, "Ah, shit!"
"Y/N? What are you doing in here!" The shower curtain slid to the side and Seonghwa's head peeked out. His face was completely red, whether from embarrassment or from the steam, you'd never know.
You looked away from his face, to distract you from the water droplets falling down, "I needed to use the bathroom and you were taking too long.."
"Oh, um." He cleared his throat and removed his hand from his cock, hiding behind the curtain, "Since you're here, can, can you help me with something?"
You nod and approach him, "What is it, Hwa?"
He pushed open the curtain to reveal his soaking wet body, the water continuing to smack into his torso. Your eyes trailed further down, eyes widening when you saw his erected cock. Which clearly had some issues.
"I can't cum, for whatever reason, I've tried to multiple times. That's why I'm taking so long here." He reaches for your hand, "Can you help me?"
A smile spread across your face and you eagerly stripped out of your clothes. This was the perfect opportunity to get with Seonghwa, and he was practically handing it to you on a silver platter.
When you stepped into the shower with him, he pulled you to his wet chest.
The moment he took your hand and placed it around his cock, his head threw back and his mouth opened wide, "Yeah, that's it."
You watched as your hand pumped up and down his cock, the precum sliding down your fingers to your wrist and onto the shower floor.
"Come on, Hwa, you can do it, cum for me, pretty boy." You looked up into his eyes, which were rolled into the back of his head.
"Wait," he peeled away your hand, "wanna do it inside of you, if that's okay."
"Of course it is."
"Then hang on." He falls down to his knees, looking up at you, his soaked black hair slicked back and out of his face.
"What are you doing?" You asked, curiously.
He lifts one of your legs up and places it on top of his shoulder, "Balance yourself on the wall."
Seonghwa's tongue finds it way to your clit, latching on. Your hand flies to his hair and grips it tight, slightly pulling it as he practically made out with your cunt.
His hands squeezed your ass as his long tongue darted around the walls of your cunt.
Seonghwa pushed in a finger and curled it around after removing his tongue, “I can’t wait to stick my cock in you.”
He sets your leg back on the ground, just to wrap it around his as his waist as he stand up, “Are you ready to take it for me? Ready to help me cum?”
He pushed the tip of his cock, moaning out at how you were squeezing him, nearly ejaculating on the spot but held himself back, “Fuck, almost made me cum.” He smiled and cupped your cheek.
When he was to the hilt of his cock, his lips pressed against yours, “Gonna fuck you now, okay?”
You nod and grab onto his very thin waist to ground yourself, while his hips constantly bashed into yours with each thrust he did.
His breaths were heavy and deep, he couldn’t hold back anymore and had cum early, “Ah, shit, I’m sorry. I was trying to hold out.” His eyebrows furrowed into a pout.
“It’s okay, Seonghwa, let’s go continue in your room.”
He grinned and lifted you up to completely wrap your legs around his waist, “Then we might be going all night.”
“That sounds amazing, Hwa.”
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stucky4evayall · 10 months
Eddie Brock x Pregnant Reader Imagines
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When you first told him it was almost first thing in the morning and his mind wasn’t fully awake and functional yet. He was making breakfast when you told him and it took him a hot second to realize what you said.
“That’s great honey.” *five seconds later he realizes what you said*
“Wait what?!”
He’s so excited he actually starts to cry as he hugs you. (After he picks you up and spins you once in the air with tears in his eyes) Cause this was his chance! His chance to be the father that his father wasn’t! He’s hugging and kissing you and thanking you for this (writing this makes me wanna cry 😅🥲)
Venom already knew all this because this mf slithered under the bathroom door like a little snake and saw your reaction when the test showed positive.
Baby shopping with this man is like showing with a kid during at a toy store. He’s just so excited and wants everything to be perfect!
One day you went to lunch with Anne (if you befriended her, if not then another friend) Eddie decided to try and build the crib while you were out.
He struggled. Venom asked to help but Eddie first said no. Then he asked Venom for help. Then he called Dan. So now there’s two grown ass men plus a symbiot sitting in the not yet finished nursery, on the floor trying to build the crib.😂
When Anne (or other friend) and you return to your place you hear three sets of male voices arguing and walk into the nursery to see Eddie sitting crisscross, Dan laying on the floor and Venom in a glob in the corner connected to Eddie by a thread.
You ordered them all out and you and Anne (or bestie) built that crib in less than ten minutes, leaving the men speechless.
He just LOVES your baby bump and talks to it CONSTANTLY.
“Hey bud, all ya all nice and comfy in there?” “What are ya gonna be buddy?” “You need to calm down on the kicking kiddo, mama needs her sleep.”
Gets excited whenever your baby kicks or moves.
Gladly goes on grocery/late night runs to get whatever food you crave. (Venom even shares his chocolate)
When your water breaks he LOOKS calm, but inside he’s scared shitless.
Venom grabbed the bag and your stuff in the rush.
Held your hand and encouraged you the entire time. “Hey honey I’m right here okay, you’re doing so good.”
Silently bursts into tears when he heard your babies first cry.
When the doctors came in with your guys baby and handed it to you, Eddie kisses your forehead and just stared in awe at the little bundle of joy that you two created. “We did it hun, we did it.”
When you asked if he wanted to hold him he was a bit nervous. When he your guys child in his arms he started to cry all over again. He said he loved them promised that nothing bad was going to happen to them.
Eddie invited Venom (with your consent) to come out and see the baby. Venom moved up Eddie arm in his blob form and stared curiously at the child. “It’s so small and chubby.” With a tiny tentacle, he brushed the baby’s cheek and the baby moved against it. “I will protect this little thing with my life and eat whoever harms them.”
You both laughed at this and we’re glad that Venom loves your child.
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jobesbabe · 4 months
Heyy, recently I’ve been thinking of ‚teen‘ dad jobe a little bit too much. He’d be so anxious about becoming a father, yet Jobe‘s so supportive and caring towards you and your child.
Although anxiety eats him up whole, he grows so attached to his baby; protecting you two, spending time with you and overall becoming the best father to be 🎀
My baby / Jobe Bellingham
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warnings- established relationship, pregnancy, throwing up, fluff
summary- Jobe and you are expecting a baby and you cant decide if you are worried or excited.
a/n - In my head Jobe is 20 in this fic, just because and I think this is a great prompt. alr, thanks! enjoy!
Every morning that week you woke up with the stomach flu. You would be as quiet as can be, but Jobe would always know somehow and run after you to hold your hair up and rub circles on your back.
“You should be asleep,” You said, “You have a match at noon.”
Jobe shook his head. “I don’t care about a stupid match, I just care that you’re going to be okay.”
You smiled weakly. “This should pass, I’m not going to be sick forever.”
He nodded before kissing your cheeks lightly. “I will make sure of that.”
But the next morning and the morning after that, you threw all the contents of your stomach up.
You had barely been eating at night, just some of his mother’s chicken soup and plain crackers. Yet even that had ended up out of your system by morning.
You cried against Jobe’s chest in bed as he hugged you.
“Something is wrong with me,” You cried weakly.
He just pulled you tighter and hummed in response, kissing your temples.
“I mean, I’m throwing up every day, It’s even thrown my period off, it’s a week late!” You exclaimed.
“Wait,” Jobe asked while sitting up in bed. “A week late as in you have it now or a week late as in you haven’t gotten it?”
“Jobe I haven’t gotten it.” You explained tired. You snuggled into him, ready for sleep and he instead got up.
“I have to run to the store, don’t worry it’s for you, but it’s nothing bad.” Jobe told you before giving you a peck and then rushing off.
Jobe came back thirty minutes later with three different pregnancy tests. He picked you up out of bed bridal style and led exhausted you to the bathroom.
“Baby, I know this could be a long shot, but I remember one of the lads talking about how his wife was sick when they were first expecting. You don’t have to test if you don't want to, but whats the harm in it?” He asked excitedly.
Tired you took the tests and waited in Jobe’s arms for the results. You wanted to look at the same time. You didn’t know if you wanted a baby or not. Jobe didn’t either, he claimed, but there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes, wondering what a little Bellingham family would be like. Don’t get me wrong, he was still terrified. But the baby gave him excitement he’d never felt before.
As you two looked together at all three tests, the results all matched. Two lines.
Anxiety filled the both of you and you embraced each other knowing you were in the same boat.
Jobe put his hands on your stomach reassuringly.
“I love you,” He said, and you couldn’t tell if it was toward you or the little Bellingham.
Eight and a quarter months later, Your baby boy was born.
Thomas Luke Joseph Bellingham. He was the most beautiful boy, with your eyes and Jobe’s smile. He was perfect. Neither of you knew how to be parents and Jobe was constantly scared he would mess something up and hurt his little boy.
Tommy was a daddy’s boy though, always calming down when his dad was around and cooing at his father’s matches.
Once Jobe got the hang of parenting, he was always showing the both of you off saying, “This is my son Tommy, He adores me and football,” Even though he wasn’t even six months old.
The three of you had shaped up to be such an adorable family, earning aww’s everywhere you went.
You loved each other so much. The three of you against the world.
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yelenabemylova · 5 months
Memories - Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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summary: an argument with your girlfriend leads to some memories resurfacing
warnings: angst with a happy(ish) ending, mentions of previous abusive relationships, throwing up
The sound of your bedroom door slamming shut as your girlfriend stormed out startled you out of your daze. You had been fighting with her before you zoned out, having flashbacks to previous relationships.
Wanda assumed you were choosing to ignore her, eventually leaving you alone with your terrifying thoughts.
It was your fault that the fight had started, it wasn't a big deal and you had made it one.
Voices echoed throughout your racing mind, abusive words from your exes that had ingrained themselves into your mind. You thought you were healed and past that, but clearly not.
Tears began to fall from your tired eyes, the days and nights of fighting not allowing you to get much rest. Your chest was tight and the eerie silence in your home allowed your thoughts to manifest and amplify.
Quickly, you ran to the bathroom and fell to your knees, emptying the contents of your stomach into the toilet. You continued to do so until you were dry heaving, the sensation painful and straining on your body.
Exhaustion overcame you as you curled up on the cold tiles, falling into a sleep just as nightmarish as when you were awake.
When Wanda returned home, she began to make dinner. Even though she was mad at you, she still cared about you. As time went on and the scent of your favourite dish didn't tempt you down the stairs, Wanda became slightly worried.
She went upstairs and knocked on your bedroom door, not receiving any response. Carefully, she walked in, everything was exactly the same as when she left, except you weren't frozen in the same spot as before.
After she had made the bed, she checked in the bathroom, initially shocked at the sight. “Malysh?” she immediately scooped you up into her arms, startling you awake and causing you to begin to throw up again.
Wanda gently held your hair back as you vomited bile over and over, the stress on your body causing you to become dizzy. Your girlfriend waited until you were done throwing up before carrying you to bed, placing a bucket next to you.
“I'm sorry detka,” she gently untangled your hair with her fingers. You shook your head, knowing you were in the wrong. “My fault,” you croaked out, your throat hoarse.
You began to cry again, hiding your face in your pillow. Wanda was the best thing to ever happen to you, yet still you constantly found yourself sabotaging your near perfect relationship.
Ashamed of your past, you decided to stay quiet for now and just admit defeat. You were terrified to fall asleep in fear of walking up alone after all you had done.
Wanda's lower lip began to tremble as you noticed her eyes glowing slightly red. She was looking into your mind at all the flashbacks and memories that were running through your mind at that moment.
“Malyshka,” her voice cracked, “I'm so sorry.” You shook your head, curling up in her lap. “I'm not going anywhere, moya lyubov,” she gently wiped the tears falling down your face with her thumbs, “I'm here to stay.”
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ptergwen · 2 years
hi val, i loved can’t get close so much. i’m so excited that you have your requests open. can you please do a fic with clingy puppy peter energy again where petey is just a sweet cuddly baby at a friendgroup sleepover fighting for his life cause he’s having to constantly share the readers attention with everyone else and he’s just a pouty baby but then he just gives up on being a sweet beb and turns into a chaotic horny devil to get readers attention lol. thank you <3
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requests & asks | blurb masterlist | main masterlist
warnings: 18+, suggestiveness, language, mentions of drinking, and implied smut
a/n: thank you lovely! since this fit so well i decided to make it a little continuation of can’t get close but it can totally be read as a stand alone too! keep the requests coming y’all, happy reading <3
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“those are the rules, peter. boys out there, girls in here.”
“well, the rules suck. who made them?”
“i did.”
your friends are staying the night because it’s late and everyone has been drinking, which is the perfect excuse for a sleepover. you’ve decided to split it so that you, liz, mj, and betty sleep in your room. you thought peter, harry, and ned could take the living room, but peter would rather be with you.
peter holds both your hands and swings them back and forth.
“ugh, y/n/n. you and your rules. why?”
“so there’s no funny business. you know ned and betty would go at it like rabbits.”
“you think liz and mj wouldn’t?”
“no, they have class. besides, someone’s gotta keep harry company.”
peter loops his arms around your waist, pouting out his bottom lip.
“but i wanna sleep with you.”
you laugh and take his hands again. he keeps his arms around you.
“your sex drive is out of control, tiger.”
“no, not like that. i mean, i’m not opposed, but i meant i wanna sleep in your bed.”
“why, you’re above the couch?”
“because i wanna be with you.”
you peck peter’s lips with a grin. he’s making his puppy eyes at you, and no matter how cute they are, he should know by now that they don’t work on you.
“i know, but some guy time would be good for you, and i need girl time.“
betty pops her head out of your bedroom door.
“y/n, c’mon! liz raided your bathroom for stuff to do facials.“
“that’s my cue. be right there, betts!”
peter tightens his arms around you.
“seriously? you’re such a baby.“
“your baby.”
“very cute, but let me go.”
“why can’t i just join you? i like facials.”
“so do them with ned and harry. you’ve gotta let me go now, peter.”
“nuh uh.”
it takes some effort, but you manage to pry peter off of you and free yourself from his arms. peter whines like the baby he is. you bite back a smile.
“i’ll see you later, okay?”
“fine. enjoy girl time.”
you connect your lips with his once more. peter tries to deepen the kiss. you slip away before he can and run off to your room, where your friends are waiting for you. you turn back to look at peter, smirking. he hears you and the rest of the girls giggling, then the door shuts behind you.
peter accepts his defeat and heads into the living room to join ned and harry.
harry sits in the middle of the couch with his arms spread out on either cushion. he sips a beer while ned searches for something on your tv.
“parker, there you are! leeds was just about to introduce me to star wars.”
“you’ve never seen star wars?”
peter sits down next to harry.
“nope, not a single one.”
“dude, that’s insane. they’re cult classics.”
“exactly what i said. harry, we’re about to change your life, bro.”
“i’m counting on it, leeds. hit it.”
ned presses play on the movie. harry passes him his beer. ned takes a swig and offers it to peter, but he declines.
peter and ned answer all of harry’s questions about star wars, which are numerous, but they don’t mind. it’s always nice when someone appreciates their star wars knowledge. harry and ned get easily invested in the movie. as much as peter loves it, his mind is elsewhere.
he keeps hearing laughter and squeals coming from your room, and he can make out every single one that comes from you.
what he’d give to be in there.
“you know what the girls were doing earlier? facials.”
“oh, shit. for real? that’s kinky.”
“not those kinds of facials, ned. the ones with face masks.”
“no, leeds is right. girls do kinky shit at sleepovers. sheesh, if only we could see what they were up to.”
that gives peter an idea.
“who says we can’t?”
the three of them tiptoe to your room, lead by peter. he puts a finger to his lips to signal ned and harry to be quiet. ned is behind him, and harry is behind ned. peter opens up your door a crack and peeks in.
liz is doing betty’s hair while she reads a magazine, mj is drawing, and you’re coloring in her work.
yeah, super kinky.
“i can’t see,” ned whispers. “you’re not missing much,” harry replies.
“peter, why do you get to be in the front? i’m the shortest.”
“because it was my idea.”
“so what?”
“so shut up.”
peter leans in to get a better look at you. you’re lying on the floor, on your stomach, tongue stuck out in concentration as you color. you’ve changed into pajamas, one of peter’s shirts. he absolutely swoons at that.
“what’s betty doing?”
“quiet, leeds. you’re gonna get us caught.”
“yeah, ned. be quiet.”
“will someone just tell me what’s going on?”
peter looks inside again, but none of you are there.
“they’re gone.”
“i don’t know, they’re just gone. maybe they-“
the door opens up, and peter falls forward. liz has her hand on the doorknob. the rest of you are beside her. she puts her hands on her hips, glaring down at peter, then up at harry and ned.
ned and harry exchange a look.
“this was your idea, pete. you’re on your own.”
“yeah, i’m with harry. sorry!”
the two of them run back to the living room, leaving peter to deal with all four of your wraths. he smiles awkwardly at you.
“this isn’t what it looks like.”
“were you spying on us?” betty asks. “perv,” mj adds.
“okay, it’s exactly what it looks like. but i can explain.”
“start talking,” liz says.
you extend a hand to help peter up, a smirk playing on your lips. he takes it and gets to his feet. heat rushes to his cheeks as he meets your eyes.
“i missed you.”
“really? that’s all you’ve got?” mj scoffs.
peter nods. you chuckle and pinch one of his blushing cheeks.
“that’s sweet, tiger. but spying on us isn’t cool. go back to the boys.”
“but i-“
“you heard her,” betty echoes.
she crosses her arms. liz shoves peter, and he stumbles back into the doorway.
“y/n, do something!”
you shrug. mj presses her lips into a sarcastic smile and slams the door in peter’s face, then the four of you continue as you were.
peter, ned, and harry finish the rest of star wars. they put on the next one after that, seeing as they have nothing better to do. ned and harry share the rest of the beer, which makes them sleepy. they eventually end up passing out. their heads are rested against the other’s, both snoring.
so much for guy time.
screw it, peter wants to see you, and he has one more trick up his sleeve that he knows you can’t resist.
liz is asleep on mj’s shoulder. mj is still awake, but her eyes are barely open. betty is curled up under your covers. you’re about to head to bed yourself when you hear knocking at your door. you pad over to the door and open it. not to your surprise, it’s peter.
“who is it? the perv?” mj asks through a yawn. “yup. be right back,” you say.
you leave your room and shut the door behind you. peter grins widely, too widely.
“what is it now, peter?”
“nothing. i just came to say goodnight.”
“okay, goodnight.”
you turn to go back in your room, but peter grabs you by your waist. he slides his hands down to your hips and inches his way closer to you, so close your lips are almost touching.
“could i get a goodnight kiss?”
“you don’t have to ask.”
with that, peter kisses you softly. he backs you against your door and lets his hands move lower and lower down your body. you giggle against his lips, pushing him back by his shoulders.
“nice try, tiger. but i’m going to bed.”
peter ignores you and kisses down your neck. his hands travel underneath your shirt.
“i love it when you wear my clothes, y’know. it’s so hot.”
“doesn’t take much to get you going.”
peter runs his fingers up and down your sides. the feeling of his warm hands on your bare skin sends shivers down your spine. he tugs on either end of your panties, leaving a kiss on your collarbone. his dark eyes lock with yours as he presses himself against you. you can feel him through his sweatpants, prompting that familiar ache in your core. you instinctively buck your hips.
“you either, angel.”
he’s right, you’re too worked up now to go to sleep. you need him. you roll your eyes, but give in.
“bathroom, now.”
you hurry into the bathroom and turn on the light. peter smiles in satisfaction. you pull him inside by the collar of his shirt, locking the door behind him.
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Human Mishaps | A.V x Reader
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warnings: none! unless you count a little bump on the head
a/n i originally wasn’t going to post this but i decided to treat you all (it was originally a jane but i felt it didn’t really fit? sorry bout that…)
ALSO based on a few prompts from @promptsh20 !!
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You were an absolute klutz. As cute as it was, it made Alec rather… worried for you. He constantly worried about your safety, often hesitating on leaving for missions and tasks he was set in fear something would happen to you, especially in a castle full of vampires.
Alec was pulled out of his thoughts at a loud bang, quickly standing up and making his way out of your shared room and into the walk in closet connected. As he entered he was greeted with the sight of you on the floor rubbing your head, a few old boxes surrounding you. He sighed to himself but opted to say nothing, picking you up and taking you into the bathroom. He placed you on the counter next to the sink, pulling you hands away from your head to have a look himself.
“What happened?” He said quietly as his hands pulled your hair away from where you hit your head gently, praying the damage wasn’t too bad but hey, he couldn’t smell any blood so that was good… right? He found the small bump, running his cold fingers along it to try and stop it from swelling more. You pouted.
“Can we just skip the explaining and go straight to the part where you bandage me up and make me feel better with kisses and cuddles… please?
He sent you a stern look and you slumped your body a little.
“Sorry…” You whispered quietly, looking away from him “I just slipped and fell whilst I was trying to reach something.. I don’t mean to be so clumsy”
He sighed and pressed a kiss to your head.
“You’re okay, princess. It is honestly strangely… endearing. I just worry that you’re going to seriously hurt yourself and one of the lower guards will smell it and get to you before I can… or even worse if i’m not here.”
You watched him silently for a moment.
“I’ll try to be more careful for you?” You suggested and he nodded, kissing your cheek this time.
“Thank you, sweetface. You’re perfect.” He smiled down at you as you grinned at him, leaning forward to kiss him on the lips. However, you didn’t realise how close to the edge of the counter you were, resulting in you sliding straight off of it. Alec groaned playfully, placing his hands on the side of your face to steady you as well as pull you towards his lips. You giggled into the kiss, pulling away momentarily.
“Okay, starting from now I’ll be less clumsy.”
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taglist: @your-next-daydream @agirllovespancakes
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