#'there's just no fun in it unless you're there. and if there's no fun to be had I'm not interested.'
coreene · 1 day
When companions reject to do the love test with you...
... they are not pulling back any punches xD Here are the burns you can bestow upon Tav by asking someone with low approval to join you for the love test.
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Partnered - It can't hurt, I suppose - unless you embarrass me. Then you might find yourself hurting in a whole manner of ways. (half-joking warning to a lover.)
High Approval - Love, is it? I hadn't realised I'd bowled you over that much. Give it a try, then - impress me. (playful)
Positive Approval - I say you'd better start looking for your true love, because it's not me.
Negative Approval - What do I say? Melon... donkey... sunrise? Whichever words will get you to leave me out of this.
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Partnered - Yes. But be warned - I play to win.
High Approval - Chk. I don't see the harm.
Positive Approval - Not today. Or any other time, come to think of it.
Negative Approval - I'd sooner slice off both my hands and feed them to a rabid boar.
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Partnered - Yes, yes, yes! Let's do it!
High Approval - Hah! Absolutely. This is gonna be great fun.
Positive Approval - Mmm, I don't think so. Seems a little... I don't know. Just no.
Negative Approval - With you? Please. That story's written in stone, and it ends with you on one side of the world and me on the other.
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Partnered - Oh my love, how could I say no?
High Approval - Oh I'm the one you love? Well my dear, how could I say no?
Positive Approval - A sweet gesture, but all... this? It's not really for me. (refusing to take a 'love test' from a dryad.)
Negative Approval - Wait, I'm the one you love? Oh no - oh that's so sad. (shocked, laughing - someone he didn't like just asked Astarion to take a love test with them) But no, there's absolutely no way this is happening. (amused, but emphatically refusing to take a 'love test' from a dryad)
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Partnered - I'm more than game. Let's do it.
High Approval - Why not? Could be good for a laugh.
Positive Approval - I don't think so. But I appreciate the offer.
Negative Approval - No. Just no.
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Approval over 50 - Minsc is flattered, but surely you must know that his heart is already of the hamster shape. And twice as fuzzy. (player has just propositioned Minsc to have their prospects as lovers be estimated by a dryad - tone is affectionate)
Approval under 50 - ...Boo? Does our friend know another Minsc? One that they might be courting, perhaps? (player has just propositioned Minsc to have their prospects as lovers be estimated by a dryad - tone is dumbfounded, a stage whisper to Boo)
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Approval over 50 - I'm flattered, but pick another. Watching the dryad make you cry will be entertainment enough.
Approval under 50 - Hm? Oh, the dryad is comely enough - but you? Don't poke at questions you don't want the answer to, cub.
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Partnered - Thoroughly magical. Let's have at it. (enthusiastic)
High Approval - Well, if you insist... (slight hesitation)
Positive Approval - Perhaps you're overestimating my affection towards you a tad? You'd better seek a partner-in-embarrassment elsewhere. (unconvinced)
Negative Approval - No thank you. Sounds as appealing as milking cottage cheese directly from a geriatric cow. (ruthlessly disinterested)
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Partnered - I know my heart - and yours - better than this creature ever will. But we can indulge it if you wish.
High Approval - Fine. But if this creature can truly look into my heart, it best be careful what it reveals.
Positive Approval - The creature need not look into our hearts to see that I barely tolerate your existence.
Negative Approval - No. And if you refer to me as 'my dear' again, I will cut out your tongue.
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Partnered - Gladly. We each know the other's heart to the fullest - there is little to fear here.
Partnered (secondary) -  I thought you may have bestowed the honour on someone else. But if this is what you wish, so be it.
High Approval - I suppose we've braved greater dangers together than public embarrassment. Do as you wish.
Positive Approval - You flatter me... but also overestimate our bond, I think. Perhaps there is another you can turn to.
Negative Approval - Nature is my true love. You, I merely tolerate. (scornful)
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papayatori · 2 days
Jjk x reader!
Head canons (bc I like these ^^) (incl: Yuji, Megumi, Yuta, Toge…)
Yuji Itadori
Golden Retriever Gets super excited over the little things Likes being called "baby", he prefers it over his real name, which if you use his real name he'll get suspicious// Super clingy, but in a good way, doesn't try to hide it in front of anyone. He will shamelessly hold your hand or squeeze your thigh in the car, no one can make fun of him enough for him to stop. (not even you, but he knows you secretly like the attention) Probably the best boyfriend ever
Megumi Fushiguro
Terrified of affection, makes him feel weak. Always worries about you, especially if you don't text back within a certain amount of time Is clingy, but he'll never admit it. Drinks his coffee black, that's just how he is. Always offers to do everything for you, regardless of how he tells you he feels about it, but not without complaining. Secretly really touchy, but only behind closed doors, he can't bear the teasing from the trio. Jealous type, secretly though, you'd never know Scary dog privilege.
Yuta Okkotsu
Very shy, but very loving. Won't do anything you aren't comfortable with, offers you a safe word (as he should, go Yuta.) Likes holding your hand, loves physical attention, no matter where you are unless you're uncomfortable. Isn't shy about telling others he loves you or that you're his girlfriend, he enjoys seeing people's reactions Prefers tea, but will drink coffee with you if you asked. Adamant on making sure you're healthy, asking if you've slept well and eaten. Will scold you if you haven't
Toge Inumaki
Doesn't say much, but offers you wordless support, always. Tries to be cool constantly, but is actually really sweet and a big softy when it comes to you Loves cuddles, holding you, everything that involves touching you. Canonically likes plushies and matcha, you can't tell me otherwise. Very playful, likes to bully and tease you. If he wants to help you with something he'll just take it from you, teasing you about not being able to carry everything by yourself, especially in public. He enjoys embarrassing you. Plays fortnite/valorant with you <3 Gamer boy, probably has a twitch and they hear all about you Super clingy, he doesn't care what others think. Drinks Chai, just his vibe. will buy you starbucks every morning. (he knows your favorite) Easily jealous. (thats why he takes it upon himself to order for you almost everywhere, he's the only one that can look at you.)
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hillbillyoracle · 22 hours
quick life tips that aren't worthy of a whole post
Your to-do lists are menus, not marching orders. I've gotten so much out of doing a weekly brain dump and then just selecting a few things out of it. Like "here are all the things I could do, not I'll pick a few that would improve my life in a meaningful way and a few that I just want to, the rest can chill". Unless you achieve enlightenment, we all die with unfinished business. It's chill. You're not a failure. It's just an option.
Create a capsule menu of shelf stable and long lasting fridge foods for when you don't feel like menu planning. Like a capsule wardrobe. Cooking oil is like your underwear, it's a base necessity. Then 3 sources of protein, 3 sources of fiber, 3 sources of volume. For us, proteins are canned chicken, eggs, and yogurt. Fiber is frozen vegetable mix, chia seeds, and legumes. Volume is rice, frozen bread, or oatmeal. Pick three spice mixes (Taco, Curry, and Cajun for us) and mix and match. Add some fun items like cheese, jam, and a condiment or two. Mix and match, throw something together. You can even roll on a dice table for it.
Morale items aren't pointless or wasteful. I spent entirely too much on coffeemonsterzco stickers recently. Guess who's updated their bullet journal and memory keeping calendar for several weeks now? Me. Guess who's already had it uncover and recontextualize medical issues? Also me. It's not pointless. Get the damn stickers.
Listing three good things everyday/gratitude is not overblown hype. It's not meant to dismiss negative feelings or even make you feel good - it helps you correct for you brain's negativity bias and create cognitive flexibility which in turn improves resilience and decision making. Way too many people get the wrong read on it. It's genuinely helped me lately even through some real unfun shit.
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belxveds · 1 day
Could you write a fic where the reader is Stark’s daughter and he catches her and Peter fooling around in her room/main room whilst they think he is out?
caught in a web of kisses
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pairings: peter parker x f!reader, tony stark x daughter!reader
brief: (requested!) misunderstandings and compromising situations with peter lead to a whole of cackling and screaming throughout the stark tower compound. a brief look into the life of y/n stark and your struggles with your stupidly overprotective dad and chaotically cute boyfriend.
tags: humour. fluff. borderline crack fic. "enemies" to lover. established relationship.
a/n: thank you so much for requesting! i appreciate it :) it always makes fills me with so much joy to know someone seeks out my writing <3
requests are open!
wc: 1.4k
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Perhaps it wasn't your smartest idea to pretend to absolutely despise your father's intern in front of your parents and the Avengers but . . . well- how could you possibly resist yourself when it was so much fun sharing sneaky, mischievous smiles with Peter as you both shot teasing glares across the room to maintain your appearance as rivals?
Plus, it was just a little prank to keep your relationship with Peter, as well as the days spent at the compound, more interesting. If anything, you and Peter were single handedly entertaining the entirety of Avengers with your debates and arguments. You were fairly sure they had bets going on about the two of you. It was harmless, really.
And it wasn't like you were going to keep it from them forever! You would tell them . . . eventually. You just- hadn't thought anyone would find out like this. With you and Peter in such a . . . compromising situation?
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You almost let out a small groan of exhaustion as you sunk into the unnecessarily large couch your dad had purchased for the lounge, melting into Peter's side as you fiddled with the remote to lower the lights and dim the windows. Pouting at the sliver of light that still managed to peek through the sunroof, you let out the smallest huff as you closed that as well before turning to take a glance at your boyfriend.
He let out a small yawn before shifting with your attention on him, cuddling into you tighter as he murmured, "You sure no one will be back for another 2 hours? 'Cause I swear if we get caught because you wanted to take a nap on the couch, I will never let you live this down."
Snuggling deeper into the blanket you'd draped over the two of you, you couldn't help but let out the smallest breathless laugh as you responded, "That's if they don't kill you first."
"Hey!" Peter quipped, voice growing the tiniest bit slurred as the nap you promised him began to look awfully tempting, "I'll have you know that I think your dad and also everyone else is quite fond of me, alright?"
You couldn't help but let out a snort as you mocked, pretending to push up fake glasses on the bridge of your nose as you raised the pitch of your voice, "I'll have you know-"
The gentle whack you got on your arm made you stop mid-sentence as you giggled, answering your boyfriend more seriously, "Everyone's schedule says they have stuff going on until at least 6:00, unless they were all just to magically-"
"What happened to, "God dad, if I have to see your stupid intern's face one more time, you're going to have to hold me back from stealing your repulsors and pulverizing the shit out of him?""
You're entire body pauses as you feel Peter tense in your arms, the both of you wincing in sync as you slowly, cautiously, turn your head around to face your dad, voice dragging out as you say nervously, "Uhm...so you see-".
Peter's bewilderment is audible as his head snaps to you, eyes furrowed in confused amusement as he hisses, "Why the fuck are you starting to quote Dhar Mann right now?"
"Peter", your dad interrupts, tone much too pleasant for the situation at hand and consequently sending both your spines into automatically locking up straight as you await his next move, fight or flight instincts activated, "You have 3 seconds to run."
"Mr. Stark, we can talk about this-"
"3 . . ."
"Oh shit!", your boyfriend scrambles, legs tangling into themselves and the blanket in his attempts to get free and run as he presses a ragged kiss to your forehead while declaring muffled through his panicked breath, "If I don't make it out of this alive, just know I wanted you to have my babies and be Y/N Parker-Stark."
The confession sends a surprised wheeze to rack through your body as you see him begin to take down the hallway, sparing a glance over his shoulder at you and your dad before maneuvering himself onto the ceiling and into the vents.
Your eyes tearing up from laughter, you try to speak through your immobilizing giggles as you address your dad, "Dad, father dearest, please- come on- spare him-" "2 . . ." "Dad! C'mon- you have to admit . . . from a completely scientific and objective lens with zero romantic emotions taken into account, considering all the teenage boys out there, Peter is definitely one of the better choices", you tried to level, summoning the critically-acclaimed award winning Y/N Stark inside of you and not the moderately concerned girlfriend worried that her boyfriend's cause of death may in fact be the same repulsors Peter had helped your father tweak in the lab earlier today. How unfortunately ironic. Shuffling over, albeit a bit awkwardly, to where your dad stood, you cautiously peered closer at his profile, trying your best to assess exactly how much trouble you were in. You knew deep down, he truly wasn't all that upset, though, maybe a bit grumpy about having been kept out of the loop for this long. In fact, you were positively confident he was quite happy with who you had chosen. Despite all of his teasing and successfully accomplished fatherly duties of bullying the both of you, it was stupidly evident how much he cared for Peter like a son. Not just anyone was allowed to intern for the Tony Stark, after all.
Lost in thought, you couldn't help but yelp slightly and flinch into your father's side as a muffled voice echoed down from the ceiling, cooing, "Aww Y/N, you really mean that?"
Cursing at your boyfriend's surprising lack of self preservation skills taking into consideration his literal job and particular set of talents, you glared upwards. Hoping your disappointment at his lack of distance somehow radiated through the insulated plaster, you deadpanned, "No, I was just playing. I wish I'd gotten with Harley."
"What?!" squeaked Peter, like a little vent rat, his offended gasp echoing in time with your dad's final countdown.
Giggling once again at Peter's frightened scuttling at the realization that he was out of time, you quickly reached to grip at your dad's suit clad bicep before he could make a motion to call at the Iron Man suit, your voice taking on a more serious tone as you asked softly, his opinion and approval still highly valuable to you, "You're ok with me and Peter dating though? Genuinely?"
The twitch of his signature smirk on the corner of his lips and the nodding glint in his eyes sent a happy thrill through your heart, instinctively grinning wide as you squealed and rushed to give him a tight hug, speaking through a stifled smile into his chest, "Ok, you have my consent to go squish my little spider now. Please don't bring him back to me flattened or burnt- I quite like how he is now." Your father's wrinkled nose and vocal sound of disgust at how you'd addressed his intern sent you into another fit of laughter as he spoke, "Ground rules since I know the kid's out of his freaky super-hearing range. One, ew. Never address him like that again, I might vomit. Two, if I see the two of you touch, I am immediately invoking a 50 year social-distancing ban between the two of you. 6 feet and everything. I'll throw in permanent masks if I ever catch you two kissing. Three, . . . no promises."
"In response- One, . . . no promises. Two, you don't want spider grandbabies crawling up the walls? All I'm hearing is that we can't get caught. Three, I'll tell mom", you grinned pulling back, your gaze filled with amusement and the look of humoured adoration you often had reserved specifically for your dad as he let out a little whine in complaint at your threat of telling Pepper.
It would just be a little rough up. You know, the classic "hurt my daughter and you're dead" speech. And Peter was Spider-Man! He'd be fine . . . probably.
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mailbox ༶•┈ peter parker's mailbox! ┈•༶ send letter
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tarantulasnot · 1 day
Please bless us with Luis smut fam
BET!!! I literally love you so much you've revived me. (He's going to be a cocky sub because I said so)
Content warning: oral (m and f receiving), hair pulling, unrealistically sensitive Luis, he's a sub but he's not a total bitch, but he kinda is, dom reader, deepthroat/fellatio, Leon is mentioned
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He's so fucking cocky. Luis Serra never failed to drive you up the wall the entire time you and Leon are looking for the president's daughter. If you're killing religiously motivated villagers, his disgustingly smooth voice will resonate behind you. "You sure you don't need my help, Princesa?" Sure enough, you loathed the way the Spanish rolls off his tongue in such a beautiful way. He was a masterpiece of a man if it weren't for that personality of his.
Although, you can proudly say he looked rather nice handcuffed, following you around. Powerless. "Soo, Princesa." That fucking nickname again. "Sancho isn't around now, y'know." It's true. He'd gone into the church to find Ashley while you and the prisoner stayed outside of the doors, on guard. "So how about we have a little fun now that he's gone, hm?" You shake your head, placing a hand on the upper bridge of your nose. "Forget about it, Serra. I don't have time for your shit." His clever grin only grew wider. "Can't help flirting with a pretty woman in uniform." He shrugged, and the Spaniard had the audacity to lift his hands up. "I could do a uh... demonstration- if you untie me, unless you're scared of a man like me-"
Before he could finish, you grabbed him by his face, pushing him against the doors. "Listen, Serra." You spat his name. Instantly, there was a change. A bigger one than even he expected within himself. He gasped and his abdomen twitched with a salacious heat pooling in it. "I'm not scared of you, or anything you even THINK you can do." You exaggerate the word with a little shove, and God if it didn't make him tremble. Of course, he tries to keep his cocky persona, so he resorts to shoving you away with his tied hands.
"Ahh, did I touch a nerve, princes-" Your face turns into a scowl, and you feel the urge to put him in his place. He won't shut up, so you make him. Impulsively, you press your lips to his, and he immediately kisses back, his shoulders slamming back against the wood with the force of your hands keeping him pinned. A groan reverberates from his throat at the force of it. You almost overwhelm him, your tongue pushing past his lips and your hands gripping his shoulders. His hands clench into fists and his hips jerk forwards in excitement. He tries to say something, trying to pull his head away to tease but you don't let him. You chase his mouth with yours, and a knee slips between his legs.
The whimper that escapes him is heavenly, and his eyes squeezed tighter shut. The man is struggling to keep up with your pace. Your knee is relentless, and he finds himself pushing his pelvis against it, gasping a shuddering breath at the sensation. Fuck he's feining for you. He doesn't want to pull away, not really. But he's quickly growing desperate, embarrassingly turned on. He tries to stop the twitching of his hips- but it's just so good.
Finally, you pull away and he visibly slumps for a second. His lips are swollen with the pressure of the kiss, and he looks up at you with upward brows. Once again that smirk is there, ever present. "Couldn't help yourself to my charm?" He wipes his face, and he acts like he's not throbbing with need. You also feel yourself affected by what you've done, and he can tell. Your eyes have a certain light to them, and your breathing a little ragged. You don't even reply.
For a second you look at each other, and then the tension snaps again. You grab his face and he lets you; his hands falling open again before closing and the sweet taste of your lips pervades him. His mouth falls open to let you in, and his eyebrows furrow as he returns the kiss just as desperately. Fumbling with the keys, you undo one of the cuffs, and his hands are on you instantly. He's grasping at your waist, and he's holding on to the concave with a tight grasp.
"Fuck- Princesa..." You curl your hands in his hair, pulling it backwards and his mouth forms an o before his bottom lip gets pulled between his teeth. "Shut up you stupid man." With his neck exposed, your lips latch onto it like a starved woman. Nipping at the side of his Adam's apple before licking the small patch, lips sucking on the skin. He groans, a shiver running through his spine. He wants to say something else, just to spite you. Just to make you do more. However, he doesn't want to risk you leaving him like this. Wanton and pathetic.
He hums in appreciation however as you undo the lapels of his jacket, his hands fidgeting with your utility belt. In response, you grab him by the wrist that's still cuffed. "Ah ah ahh, don't even think about it."
You further part the leather with the slide of your palm, drifting down and under his shirt. "I don't know when your curious hands..." The sentence drones off with a graze over his abdomen, drifting to his belt. "Might want to go somewhere dangerous."
Luis folds mentally, his head rolling to the side and he huffs at the contact, even if it's through fabric. His arousal is pulsing through his body, his heady light and muddled. "You're not one to talk, with- ugh..." His head bows, and his hips jut into your hand. His breathing comes in short puffs, and he rests his forehead on your shoulder. The hot, cigarette tainted breath puffing against your skin. "Mierda, please-" He gasps, grip travelling lower to your hips. Luis relishes in the soft fat of the flesh, and he pulls you closer. "I know you feel it. I can make you feel so good princes-" rambling. All he's doing is rambling as he humps your hand like a depraved dog. His accent thick and hot next to your ear, his lips brushing it with every gasp and groan.
He narrows his eyes as you pull away, and he finds himself devoid of friction once again. However, he's pleasantly surprised when you fall to your knees in front of him. That disgustingly sexy accent rings as he opens his mouth again. "Oh?" His hands card through your hair, and you roll your eyes as you undo his jeans. "If you wanted to service me I could have-" but he's interrupted when you spit on your hand and wrap it around his swollen cock. He bites his lip with a shudder. "W-wait..." He bends over you, his hands grasping your shoulders to ground him. "Give me a second- ff-fffuck!"
Luis cries out as you wrap your lips around his tip, still stroking his shaft at an expert place. Not too fast, not too slow- and the way your tongue is dancing around the brown, aching bulb has him whining in a pitch you didn't expect from a masculine man like him.
In his own mind, he was hoping he'd be able to help himself this time- All the previous times he's slept with women they've all complained about how fast he finished. This time seemed to be no exception.
You knew exactly what to do, how to massage your tongue over the slit in his throbbing head every time a spurt of pre rushed out. The liquid coating your tongue as you slowly took him further into your mouth. Slick popping and squelching escaped the confines of your mouth as you gulp him down eagerly. The noises only spur him on further- much to his own demise. "Aye, dios mio- fuck! I can't- slow down Princesaa... Ah!" You slipped him further down your throat until you felt the heavy, searing heat of him slip over your tongue, over and over again. The flesh massaged by the slick of your muscle. He was falling apart above you, his thighs trembling as you pinned them to the wall. Saliva dribbles down from your lips to your chin as you sputter around him, taking him further with every bob of your head.
"Oh my God- too good. Too m-much!" His eyes roll back in their sockets as you relax your throat and bury your nose in the fuzz of his happy trail. Luis can feel the tightness of your cavern even still, and he can't help but buck weakly forwards. His cock fills your mouth completely, your slick muscle drawing back and forth on the underside of him. "God! Fuck! You're amazing- oh! F-fuck... I'm close pequeña, please! Please don't as- hmmngh!" He can't help it. His abdomen flares with heat as he cums in your throat, his eyes closing and tears pricking his eyes at the heat of it all. His balls twitch and so does his cock as he spills everything he has. "Fuck- I'm so sorry-" You pull away, a string of saliva connecting the two of you.
"Aww, is poor, strong, Luis sensitive?" You mock him, and his face blooms brighter. He covers his face with his hand, clammy and hot as he comes down from his rapidly approached high. "Don't say that- I can't help it." He shrugs, but his pupils are still dilated and his hands are shaking.
"Well I sure as shit didn't do that for free so..." You undo your belt, letting it fall to the ground around you. Luis gets the hint instantly, and he drops to his knees in front of you. He presses his forehead against your lower stomach, his hands shaking as they trail over your hips and thighs. He's practically worshipping you.
"I wouldn't expect anything less mi corona." He whispers, his strong hands pick you up by your thighs, creating dimples in the supple limbs. Fuck if his hands weren't the best things you've ever seen in your god damn life. He was clearly older, and they had a bit of hair on them, but they were thick. He looks down at the glistening folds in front of him, and he gulps. He can feel the rush of familiar fire in his lower stomach, and he twitches to life again.
"I hear Spaniards are very good with their tongues." You suggest, entwining your fingers in his chestnut locks. He looks up at you, his downturned eyes are just so pretty like this, and you feel his breath against your entrance. "I can give you a demonstration."
He doesn't wait for you to reply, he parts you with his tongue before his lips attach themselves to your clit, and he gently sucks on it before his heated tongue grazes the bud, flicking it and rolling it with his tongue before lapping underneath it, his nose, fuck... He's doing all kinds of shit.
I wouldn't be the king of unfinished fics if I continued. I LOVE THE REQUESTS THANK YOU I WILL GET TO THE REST PRETTY SOON I THINK <333
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My villain AU is so fun to think about combat with. Within the AU itself they don't really have a chance to go fully all out because there's just not really a reason for that but if they did it'd be disasterous. Thinking about their diifferent strengths is really fun too.
Jay - absolutely the fastest, like almost speedster fast sometimes. Plus he's a djinn so that lends itself to shapeshifting and wishes. He's probably the trickiest to fight. Second best swordsman.
Zane: very elementally based. It's hard to get close to him. Ice arrows and spikes are a big thing I think. Almost looks physic (its not). He does have a staff I think.
Lloyd: ngl pure overwhelming power I think, mixture of intense strength and his element. A lot of big bursts of energy like little bombs. Oni features so he fights with his horns, tail, claws, and wings a lot. No weapons.
Nya: probably has the strongest control and power with her element. Very strong, very hard to fight. Very loose fighting style almost. Body can and will shift in and out of water-form. Can also be a big fuck off water-woman or a big fuck off water-dragon. So. Pick your battles wisely. Has a trident.
Kai: the best swordsman of the group. Not physically the strongest so he makes up for it with weaponary skill. Also he's not shy about burning people and using rings and unique shapes of fire. Definitely the worst to fight emotionally and physcologically though. (Though a lot of his power is the world is politically and infleunce based. Cult leader.)
Cole (lilou): absolute best at hand to hand combat. Nearly overwhelmingly so. Combining that with super strength and intuitive usage of earth makes him very hard to fight. Also is very aggressive in his battles (hes angry :( <- the trauma). He also has airjitzu and does use weapons. Sometimes they're part of the enviroment but he's fond of his two blades and staffs. Being a ghost also means that it's very hard to hurt him unless you're another ghost or have water on hand.
Anyways info dump over bye
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noideabutsims · 2 days
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 [Exciting Announcement! 🎉] Donut Co.'s Pre-School Play Set is ALMOST HERE!
Hey Simmers! We know you've been patiently waiting (and we've been sweating) over this massive project... but the wait is ALMOST OVER! Donut Co. is thrilled to give you a sneak peek of the creative explosion that's about to hit your Sims' worlds:
🍩 Donut Co.'s Dream-Build-Play Blocks: Unleash your little Sim's inner architect with this colossal collection of colorful, kid-safe foam blocks. Build towering castles, sprawling towns, or anything their imagination can dream up!
🚗 Build-Your-World Rugs - Explore With Me Edition: Take playtime to the next level with these nostalgic, detailed town rugs. Watch as your Sims embark on epic adventures, cruising through bustling streets and discovering hidden corners.
✨ Little Ones Reading Time Rugs: Make story time extra special with these vibrant and durable rugs, designed to spark imagination and foster a love of learning.
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About The Set: Hold onto your hats, Simmers, because Donut Co. is about to revolutionize playtime in your virtual worlds! Introducing the Dream-Build-Play Blocks – a mind-blowing collection of 24 unique block creations that will transform your Sims' homes into vibrant wonderlands of fun and imagination.
Picture this: towering playhouses bursting with color, adorable dollhouses begging to be explored, and stacks of nesting blocks just waiting to be built into towering masterpieces. Your little Sims will squeal with delight as they dive into a world of endless possibilities!
But wait, there's more! We've sprinkled in a rainbow of vibrant hues, a playful nod to Pride Month and a guaranteed way to make your Sims' spaces pop! Toddlers will giggle with glee as they tumble through block tunnels, children will create sprawling cities, and even your adult Sims will be tempted to join in on the fun.
And don't forget those oh-so-cozy reading nooks! Our Little Ones Reading Time Rugs now come in "classroom clean" and "playtime messy" versions, perfect for sparking a love of learning or simply adding a touch of realism to your Sims' homes. Plus, our Explore With Me rugs will transport your little ones to a world of imaginative play, with their charming towns and winding roads.
This set is a Simmer's dream come true, with endless options for customization and play. Whether you're building a bustling metropolis or a cozy corner for quiet time, the Dream-Build-Play Blocks are sure to inspire hours of fun for Sims of all ages.
So what are you waiting for? Unleash your inner child, let your creativity run wild, and give your Sims the playtime they deserve with Donut Co.'s Dream-Build-Play Blocks!
Behind the Scenes:
This project was a labor of love that faced its fair share of challenges. We dealt with so many snags, for a moment we didn't know if this set would be finished or released at all. But a HUGE thank you goes out to @taurusdesign for all the help they have given with this project. They are the only reason this set is able to be released, as they were able to help me fix all the meshing issue and the shadows. From technical hiccups to design dilemmas, we've poured our hearts (and a few tears) into bringing you the best possible experience. But trust us, it's been worth every minute, and the finished product is just around the corner! Truth about shadows: There is one small issue that is noticed, that I can not find a solution for. There are some shadows before placing a few of the objects, but they disappear as soon as the objects are actually placed (Pictured below). I am not sure how to fix this, so this may end up in the final project, unless someone has an idea in which case please let me know! <3
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Get Ready to Play!
Stay tuned for the official launch date – it's coming VERY soon! In the meantime, start dreaming up the amazing creations your Sims will build with these new additions.
Thank You!
We couldn't have made it to this point without your unwavering support and enthusiasm. Your patience throughout this journey means the world to us. So, from the bottom of our sim-loving hearts, THANK YOU! We can't wait to see the amazing creations your Sims will build with these new additions.
Stay Tuned for the Big Day! 💖🍩
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Prompt: Stede wants to have sex, Ed is feeling two dysphoric to have sex. They come to a compromise: they get out the strapless strap on and Stede fucks his ass while Ed is wearing the strapless strap and Stede jerks it off and calls him a good boy (if you've never worn a strapless strap it's got a part that goes in your hole, thats how it stays attached in theory (in practice it usually slips out unless you lay on your back and jerk off) and a textured bit that presses up against your clit so you can feel when the penis attachement is being moved around)
Been saving this for sexual sunday. Absolutely delighted by everything about it, when you sent it in I literally gasped aloud because I couldn't believe I've never written anything with a strapless strap before. It has truly been living rent free in my head and Jamie I cannot thank you enough for this prompt.
Stede finally looked up from his book again around Ed's sixth extremely melodramatic sigh.
"Ed," he said, reaching over to put a comforting hand on Ed's thigh, "it's really not a big deal."
"But you said," Ed whined. "You said you wanted to have sex."
"And you're not up for it," Stede shrugged. "It's not a big deal."
It was pretty unusual, for their moods to not match up when it came to sex, and that made it feel even worse. Of course, there were the occasional nights where one of them was too tired or just not in the mood, but usually they were synched up like clockwork. Ed had always joked to himself that he was a bit of a slut, but Stede could get him going at a moment's notice.
The worst part was that Ed was horny. They'd just gotten back home from the farmer's market, where Stede had whispered in his ear across the picnic table where they ate lunch about what he'd do to him when he got home, and they barely made it inside the door before Stede had him pinned back against the wall, his kisses and touches desperate and hungry.
Usually, Ed's bottom dysphoria was very manageable. Especially considering how much his cock had grown since he'd started on T decades ago, he could usually deal with it okay. Having a self-lubricating hole was convenient if nothing else, and when they played around with Stede lightly making fun of him for having a little dick, Ed had a lot of fun. He had a pretty good relationship with his body nowadays, especially since Stede so vocally loved every part of him.
But today...yeah, it was rough today. The feeling of how wet he was made him cringe when Stede slid a finger along his hole, and he kept thinking about how much he wished he could look down and see a proper boner between his legs. The way he kind of had to spread himself open with his fingers to watch his little cock perk up felt annoying instead of arousing, and he was embarrassed of his body in a way he almost never was with Stede.
So they'd stopped. Stede had tucked himself away, and he'd already lost his boner just from seeing how upset Ed had gotten, so Ed felt out of place even offering a blowjob or something. Every way he could think of to have sex today felt, in one way or another, uncomfortable.
Ed heaved another great pitiful sigh.
"Alright," Stede said, then, and Ed's heart fluttered in his chest because Stede had his favorite smile, now, the one that was sharp and toothy. Stede smiled like that when he had an idea so crazy there was no way it wouldn't work. "Think I might have an idea."
What Ed needed, they decided, was some gender-affirming sex.
They almost never used the strapless strap. They'd bought it a while back, when they'd been experimenting with Stede domming Ed while bottoming, and it honestly had never seen much use even though they'd put so much time into finding one that matched Ed's skin tone very closely and they both loved the look of. Stede just wasn't a very big fan of being penetrated, and a strapless strap was exciting in its novelty but in practice it was really hard to use it without it slipping out.
Now, though, as they eased the strap in and Ed looked down to see a dick between his legs, curving up towards his belly? It felt like a relief.
"There we go," Stede said, settling between Ed's legs, hand laying protectively over Ed's hipbone. "You're so hard for me, aren't you, Ed?"
"Mm, yeah - oh, fuck," Ed whimpered, the noise turning into a bitten-off moan as Stede stroked the strap. The movement pressed the grinding attachment against Ed's hard clit, and he bucked his hips up into the feeling.
Ed loved grinders. He firmly believed that he was put on this earth to hump things. But, now, he looked down at Stede stroking his cock, and he felt pleasure from it, andhe just let his body melt into the sheets so he could take it like a -
"Good boy," Stede praised, taking his hand off the strap so he could slick up his own cock. "Ready?"
"Please," Ed begged, his voice turning needy and shameless. "Please, please, please. Need it."
"Alright, good boy." Stede bent forward, kissing down Ed's tummy to his pubic bone, looking up at Ed with a wink as he planted a kiss right on the head of the dildo.
Ed's fingers clenched in the sheets as Stede pressed the head of his dick to his hole.
"Yes," he sighed, his body shaking with relief and pleasure as Stede eased in. Stede had been very generous with the lube, so the slide was slick and easy, and with both his holes full, Ed felt -
"So tight," Stede breathed, his hips rolling in tiny little jerks as he fully buried himself inside Ed. "You're so tight like this, sweetheart. Feel good?"
Ed wiggled his hips. "More?"
"Your wish is my command," Stede laughed, getting his hands on Ed's hips so he could hold him in place. Ed's hands flew up to grab at the pillows, trying to anchor himself as Stede immediately set a steady, firm pace, fucking him hard into the mattress.
The dildo bobbed between Ed's legs, bouncing with each thrust, and Ed's toes curled at the sight. He whined shamelessly, begging for more, and Stede just pounded into him until he felt desperate enough to start to reach down to touch himself.
"Hands above your head," Stede said firmly.
Ed snapped his hands back into place. "Will you touch my cock? Please?"
Stede obligingly reached between them to grope at the strap, taking his time with it. He teased Ed with the lightest touches he could manage, stroking it lightly in just the right way to tease Ed's clit as it moved, swirling his thumb around the head just like he would a real cock.
As much as Stede was trying to tease him, just the image of Stede jerking off the strap and the sensation of getting pleasure from it was sending Ed rapidly towards the edge anyway.
"Please," Ed half-sobbed, his eyes filling with helpless tears, a bit too far gone to even know what he was begging for. "Please, Stede, please."
"You're alright, good boy," Stede said, folding Ed nearly in half so he could fuck into him hard and fast, pressing the sweetest kisses to Ed's cheeks. "You're being so good, Ed, such a good boy for me. Taking it so well. Letting me touch your pretty cock. So tight and good for me."
"Thank you," Ed squeaked. "Can I come, please?"
"Yeah?" Stede smiled down at him obligingly, and he finally started jerking the strap properly, maintaining the fantasy by twisting his wrist at the head on every upstroke and giving Ed more than enough friction against his clit. "You gonna come for me? Gonna be my good boy and come on my cock?"
"Yes," Ed gasped, his hips jerking, his body unable to decide between grinding into the friction or rocking down on Stede's cock. "I'm gonna - you're gonna make me -"
"Come on my cock like a good boy, Ed," Stede said, just firm enough that Ed took it as an order.
He came, hard, gasping and shaking with it, and he barely had time to come down from the oversensitivy before Stede was taking his hand off the strap to grab Ed's hips hard, holding him steady for a few last powerful slams before he stilled, groaning into Ed's ear as he filled him up.
Ed giggled breathlessly, wiggling his hips, loving the feeling of Stede's hips jerking weakly as he came inside him.
"So," Stede said, kissing Ed's cheek as he straightened up, "I think that plan worked."
"Mm, can't talk right now." Ed hissed softly as Stede pulled out, immediately reaching up to him for cuddles. "You fucked my brains out."
Ed didn't want to take the strap out, not yet, so Stede spooned him, occasionally reaching down to play with the trickle of come from Ed's hole.
When they both finally felt up to moving again, when Ed had begrudingly allowed Stede to slip the strap out, he still had to clean himself up because he didn't quite feel up to letting anyone else touch him without the strap in.
"You know I wouldn't change a thing about your body," Stede told him, still obviously a bit worried.
"I know," Ed promised, kissing the corner of Stede's mouth because he knew that would always make Stede kiss him again. "Still just feel like this sometimes. No one's fault."
No one's fault. Not Ed's, either. He was getting better at believing that.
When they made it back to the living room, and Stede sat down to finish his book and Ed booted up Stardew Valley, he felt much better.
They glanced up at the same time as Stede turned a page, made eye contact across the room. Love you, Stede mouthed.
Ed mouthed back an I love you more!
Stede let him win that little game, tonight.
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beauty-and-passion · 3 days
Idk if you mentioned this before but, I’ve been rewatching some SaSi reaction videos recently and apparently there like a lot of inside jokes that can be easily missed if you are not in the patreon or the writers room. It also seems like the ideas that Logan and Janus are alcoholics idea came from there.
Personally I don’t like those characterizations, it was funny as first bc it was more subtle and a one off, but why is it that Janus is showing up drunk it doesn’t really makes sense—unless you’re in the writers room it seems that Ms Sanders doesn’t really care about getting new audiences or retaining the free to watch ones it seems to me that SaSi turned into a secret society bs with all the peeps who are paying him. Idk if I articulated correctly but it seems that the sides are being flanderized to heck rn and idk how to feel
I also noticed the same problem you're talking about and I talked about it too. There's no doubt the characters' personalities changed and there's no doubt that this is due to Joan's departure and Mr. Sanders' inability to handle them.
And believe me, there's nothing wrong with not being able to do something: that's why experts exist. But Mr. Sanders still doesn't want to hire one. Maybe he still believes he can do everything by himself.
And maybe, he believes that the writers' room will give him all the help he needs in remembering the characters' personalities and traits. In this case, flash news, Mr. Sanders: the writers' room is made of fans. And fans (especially young ones) are:
always influenced by their own headcanons
not always able to separate headcanon from canon
So relying on them is very silly and naive and a competent writer would never let their public decide everything. But since Mr. Sanders isn't a writer (and doesn't shine for professionalism either), of course he ended up being influenced by his fans. They're fans, so they must know the characters, right?
The result being, as you said, flanderization. Logan is angry, Roman is sad, Patton is stupid, Janus is drunk, Remus is weird and Virgil is edgy uwu. Nuances, details, being more than one single character trait? Everything lost.
I mean, the last GRWM with Janus was proof of how little Mr. Sanders understands this character and how flanderized Janus has been. Janus, the one who was characterized by shades of gray and nuances, is now just one thing, the last one people remember the most.
And yes, this makes me sad and frustrated, because the potential these characters had was huge. The mere idea that each of them had not just one main trait, but multiple traits that were linked to the main one in different ways... that was interesting. That was fun. It offered a ton of great material to work with. And the nuances of their personalities were a lot more interesting than just "drunk guy, alcohol funny ahah".
But in this case, I can't really blame the fans: fans are allowed to be fans. If they want to reduce the character's personalities to a sheet of paper, that's up to them. The author should be the competent one, he should make the characters more realistic. And he should be clever enough to not give fans so much freedom into a topic as delicate as the characterization.
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greywritesthings · 4 hours
C'mon you
Landoscar x reader
Warnings - None
A/N: This is the 2nd upload tonight, tiny bit delayed whoops
“Where did she go now? How did we lose her? what the?” Lando asks half to himself half to Oscar as he spins in place in the middle of the packed club. “We’ve lost her Oz, where the fucks she gone?” He asks properly, half yelling into Oscar's ear. 
“It's a private event in a tiny club. How the hell have we lost her? She's a clingy drunk!?” The man responds, just as confused turning towards the bar where he spots her. He deflates knowing that she's still in the building and then perks back up realising that she's doing shots with the youngest Leclerc. “Fucks sake, shes doing shots with Arthur, Go get the car ill go get our girl yeah?” He turns back to Lando who was the sober one for the night before walking back to grab you who had just finished a myriad of shots with Arthur who was calling for more.  “C'mon you, we are going home before you give yourself alcohol poisoning, and you Arthur are going home too, you're getting a ride with Logan let’s go.” He says knowing he's going to be lucky if he gets the both of you to listen. You whine at him, pulling sad puppy eyes, wanting to stay longer and probably do more shots. “Nope, cmon no more drinking unless its water, Lans waiting in the car so let's go”  
Much to his luck Logan comes to take Arthur off his hands so he just has to bring you out the club with some more persuasion. “Roo you can cuddle with me in the back if we could just get to the car okay? It's just outside I promise.” He says, half holding you up with an arm wrapped around your waist as he weaves through the outskirts of the crowd. He's paying more attention to the crowd and where you are more so than what you're actually saying but he catches you complaining about lacking in cuddles. 
Eventually you make it to the car where Oscar straps you in, scratching the top of your head like a cat once he gets himself situated. “You okay there baby? Have fun with Arthur?” Lando checks from the front as you smile and nod giddily at him, leaning further onto Oscar. You slowly start falling asleep on the short drive back to the apartment as Oscar hums along to the song quietly playing from the speakers, one from your shared playlist. 
You're woken up by Lando pulling you out of the car, attempting to keep you asleep. When he notices you awake he shushes you, pulling your head into the crook of his neck. “Sleep honey, or we can get a snack in a bit okay?” He says as steps into the lift just behind Oscar who goes back to petting your hair. 
Once you all reach your apartment Lando carries you straight to the bathroom with Oscar calling that he's going to make sandwiches. “Let's take your makeup off hm? Otherwise you will hate yourself, me and Osco tomorrow…” He says as he sets you down on the counter, reaching for your makeup removing items you had gotten out already earlier in the evening. 
By the time Lando had finished taking off your makeup and helped you into PJs Oscar had finished making sandwidges and had set up a movie on the TV, alongside a hangover cure in the morning for you. So Lando just carried you to the bed where he tucked you into the middle so he and Oscar could just slide in beside you, Oscar going back to petting your hair again when he's not eating his own food while Lando pulls you against his chest.
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martiandmichelle · 2 days
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First let me explain this condition that I (and others!) can find ourselves in called "Sexually Blissed Out" or SBO. The definition of blissed out is given perfectly at the online Urban Dictionary which is:
a trance-like happiness, euphoric almost can be sexual, overwhelmed with stimulation leading this trance-like state of being so aroused and blissful.
So I am going to give you the top 5 things that can make me SBO or at least come close to it. SBO doesn't happen a lot but when it does, WOW! I go limp and just let it happend, usually having squirting orgasm after squirting orgasm, my nipples becoming powerful milk fountains.
So here are 5 things that can get me to SBO listed from least likely (5) to most likely (1).
(5) Cum drinking. I'm not talking just about swallowing a guy's or even guys' loads (though doing that as well helps), I'm talking about drinking glasses of cum, chugging them down. The overwhelming taste and wonderful scent of the cum fills all of me and just takes me places and one of them is close to falling into a wonderful SBO. It takes several glasses, e.g., a LOT of cum to get me to SBO.
(4) Tit fucking. That might surprise you, maybe? It's a fantastic way for your greatest sex gift (your hard cock) and what, in my mind anyway, is my greatest sex gift (my tits), to be together and the visual is just incredible. It will take a line of guys doing that to me and squirting their cum on my tits or on my face to get me to SBO, but, damn, it's fun getting there.
(3) Visual sex. I love this, especially when followed by other things on this list. This is usually a 1 on 1 act but it doesn't have to be. To just sit with someone and have them just stare at my body and don't even touch me. I especially love it if my partner or partners stay dressed and I'm nude and he/she/they just stare, with hardons or wet crotches. My breathing quickens and my head gets light and when I start arching my body out and putting my hands behind my head and spreading my legs - yeah, I'm almost to SBO. It just takes time.
(2) Nipple sucking. My experience is that women are better at this than men, some of that is because women tend to take longer when they do it and that I love how they start slowly then ramp it up. If I have one person on one tit and another on the second tit then SBO can come quickly and last for as long as the sucking does. It's almost as if I leave my body and watch from a third person position, just letting my tits enjoy it without me and my emotions getting in the way. Expect a LOT of milk and squirting orgasms when I get there.
(1) Throat fucking. (Obviously only guys can do this. Using dildos is not the same!) OK, I'm not talking blow jobs here. In throat fucking or face fucking (whichever term you choose or however long your dick is, both work), you're in control - TOTAL control. You must be serious about tit and give it your all. I can take it - really, I can (unless you have a cock with > 8 inch girth which won't fit down my throat). I trained myself long ago how to breathe with a cock in my throat so don't you dare take it out unless your changing positions and have to. And any and every position is wonderful. Don't dare stop and ask my if I'm alright - I'll let you know if something isn't working - or you'll ruin the mood. Destroy my mouth and throat as best you can and I'll love the experience ever more. This can be with just one guy (if you can last a long time or can keep going after cumming which means not get too soft). If you want to see me in deep, limp SBO then bring some of your buddies with you so you can go for hours. Rope and handcuffs are welcome, even enjoyed. Just plan to spend hours at it so I can empty all my milk and pussy juices.
Some honorable mentions would be gang bangs (the bigger the better and me in the middle), cowgirl fucking, blow jobs (giving), and drinking my own milk and/or squirt as long as I have friends to share it with. Taking someone's virginity is also amazing as is sex with someone for the first time. I'll round at the top 10 in that I find age differences to be very hot! That, of course, means I'm the older one so having a guy or gal (or, preferably, guys or gals) 40+ or better yet 50+ years younger than me is awesome. (No, no one under 18!)
(These things can change around in order. Had I written this 6 months ago I would have put having my nipples sucked first!)
I'm telling you this now because I'm writing something for you where a number of these come into play. I'm pretty deep into it already so hopefully you'll be able to read it soon.
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context: ik most of my asks are pretty disorganized, stream of consciousness type of thing but GEEZ this got out of hand. you know that thing cats do when they bring you a dead mouse and *they're* super proud of it and you're just like dude.. why /lh
i usually put whatever my immediate thoughts are after reading the chapter and this time i thought it might be fun to write it out before. can you tell im running on five hours of sleep?? lmk if this made any coherent sense because even i dont understand it!!
so last chapter ripped my heartt out and stomped on it. i am LIVING for the way this whole thing was written, gorgeous prose as always <3. i was very curious as to wether Mumbo would question Grian but i think him NOT doing that was SO in character, and i adore it. I feel like w/ some fics (my own writing included) Scar is the ONLY one Grian relies on for support (in ANY area), and whenever Mumbo is even in the picture, he's just kinda "there", he doesn't check up on Grian or broach the topic of whatever is currently plaguing our little bird guy (basically, he's not involved in Grian's life despite being "his best friend"). And the way you characterized him was just So Real?? I would wager a guess (correct me if im wrong ofc) that part of it is that he just DOESNT know, (because Grian is oh so good at telling half truths and privately justifying his self sabotage) but a part of it is also him being lowkey willfully ignorant. he doesnt WANT Grian to be sick (mentally or otherwise) but definetly knows that SOMETHING is up. he really WANTS to help fix whatever is going on (evident by the gold farm) but he doesnt know what Grian needs or how to help him.
i have been OBSESSING over how Grian saying goodnight to Mumbo was ACTUALLY his goodbye to him but Mumbo DOESNT KNOW AND ITS EATING ME ALIVE. (also thought it was super interesting how Grian sort of took Mumbo leaving to sleep as "permission" to do the deed)
side ish note: how tf does Grian even plan to do that?? ik he's got the spider eyes and i *think* he's planning to turn the healing potions into weakness potions but like?? how is he going to do that??? i would assume that the gang would be watching the potions AS they were brewing, and even if they weren't, healing potions and weakness potions are.... vastly different colors. (unless im mixing them up with something else). also aren't they going to walk in on him prepping or already being in the middle of it and just save him like last time? the team as a whole has done a pretty good job on keeping an eye on Grian (from just a "this person can't walk" standpoint) so far. is he waiting for a chance when everyone is busy or does he plan to use MORE weakness potions to make it stronger or quicker?? im interested to see if he's even going to follow The Plan, because up until this point he's been pretty careful with trying to make plans and sneak around EXCEPT for the spider eyes basement adventure, which makes me wonder is he'll get more frantic/desperate as the appointed time draws closer.
Real talk though, Mumbo (and everyone else) is going to be beating himself up over not noticing when stuff goes down (which i would assume would be next chapter, but idk). Also, the fact that Grian asked him to stay means A LOT. To me (and idk if this is what you meant to convey) that signals that a part of him WANTS to stay. theres a part of him that wants to continue to experience the comfort and joy he gets from his friends, but he feels like he's only going to continue to hurt them, so to him this is the ONLY option to keep them safe. also the majority of his existence is just misery and pain so thats probably not helping. (PLUS the whole slew of mental health issues, this is not purely self sacrificial).
anyway, i LOVED this chapter as always, it was like chicken noodle soup for my overworked little soul and i savored every bit of it!! (also, no need to apologize for not having enough spoons!! i dont have any chronic illnesses but i know that shit sucks. this is a particularly long ask for me so dont feel compelled to answer everything in it, or answer right away. hope ur doing well <3)
you hit the nail exactly on the head for where im going with mumbo's characterization-- there is 100% a level of willful ignorance there. Ive always felt like mumbo is the kind of guy who has a thing about avoidance-- he feels very much like a character who will absolutely do his best to ignore things that hes decided arent his business (right up until he stops LMFAO) and part of that in hunger au is him being so anxious for grian to get better that he stops looking at the red flags grian is aggressively waving around. It'll work out!! He's sure of it!! Grian even directly said he's trying to get better!! And i think if he looked at that for longer than it takes for him to flinch away from the entire subject, he would see how much of a bald lie that is.
But he doesnt, because thats a LOT to deal with, and hes never really??? Seen this side of Grian before??? Not the way Pearl and Scar have. Theres a lot of intricacy there that i feel im skimming over but like Mumbo is very much keeping his own sanity in mind here too and thats another painful factor to the whole situation. Idk i have lots of thoughts about it and about the choice here to depict Mumbo giving in to that willful ignorance, and how its going to affect his and Grian's relationship in the future of the fic
(Quick tw for frank discussions of suicide below)
You've also completely nailed the subtext i was getting at with Grian asking Mumbo to stay-- smth ive always felt is a bit underrepresented in narratives like these are how at its most base core, suicide and suicidal ideation are often about needing something to fundamentally change in your life. It takes a LOT of both hopelessness and sheer willpower to actively try and overcome your body's instinctive will to survive. That instinct is baked into our very cells; when someone commits, it means their hopelessness for meaningful change to happen in their lives was so strong it overpowered everything else. And that is something deeply, deeply tragic, and also something i really wanted to respectfully highlight in this portrayal-- how bad things are when you spiral that far. Grian is starving to death. He wasnt lying about maybe having a week to live-- the intermittent feeding has kept him alive longer than anticipated, but its like trying to wall off an avalanche; theres only so much you can do in the face of all that :( and that hopelessness, in combination with how guilty he feels for what he did to his friends, has manifested in him feeling like his only recourse is to kill himself... but at the same time, that instinct to survive and KEEP SURVIVING is still blaring in his veins, and that manifests as him asking Mumbo to stay. Its a bit paradoxical, but its meant to really show how bad his mental state is, that he is willfully ignoring all the frantic signals his body is screaming at him to try and stay alive rn 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Also, with the potions-- without revealing too much about how this is going to happen, Grian is planning on making fermented spider eyes and using them to turn the healing potions into harming potions, which he'll then drink in the in-between to make sure he dies immediately. Now.. i know how this is gonna go, and i know the exact mechanics around how this is gonna shake out, but smth to keep in mind is hes not thinking logically anymore, he has FULLY capitulated to his own storm of emotional wreckage. So yes there are DEFINITELY some questions to be asked about how hes gonna try and get this done, but in all honesty they mostly boil down to "sheer opportunity" which you'll see a bit more of in the next chapter >:] but yeah its meant to be a bit illogical skdbwkdjskd since he just isnt thinking coherently anymore at this point :(
Bug anon thank u for my entire life this comment was so sweet and so wonderful to receive, i really love it when my writing is analyzed like this and seen and understood!!! Its amazing its such a wonderful feeling to have your work be seen like this and its something i very much do not take for granted :]]]❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ tysm for the ask i am seriously treasuring it SO MUCH rn (and also thank you for the well-wishes!! Im doing my best to stay silly out here HEHE)❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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vellichorom · 1 year
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uh oh. I can't imagine mixing a virus with a wayward executable can lead to anything good..... what do you mean it just gave him the flu,
FINALLY, at LONG LONG LAST; Thierry's OFFICIAL Lovebug AU rendition! in which the man quite literally gets bugged. with love! & with sick nasty
truly a lesson to all to watch what you download from your emails!
( the lovebug AU concept belongs to @things1do ~ )
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yrsonpurpose · 9 months
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MAX VERSTAPPEN & LIAM LAWSON F1 Drivers Vs WILD Japanese Game Show!
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kenobihater · 4 months
of all the star wars movies, which of them do y'all 1) enjoy the most 2) consider the best quality and 3) think you've rewatched the most. add your answers in the reblogs or replies, i'm genuinely curious how much of an overlap there is within everyone's three answers. mine don't overlap at all! they're revenge of the sith, empire strikes back, and the force awakens :^)
#len speaks#star wars#revenge of the sith#empire strikes back#the force awakens#not tagging more films than that bc i cant b bothered. incoming tag ramble ahead bc i have sw brainrot rn and im making it everyones prob❤️#i rlly struggled 2 remember if id watched tfa or aotc more. i went w/ tfa bc it was formative to me as a teen and ive seen it probably 6ish#times? whereas aotc was the first sw movie i remember (specifically the scene of obiwan serving c*nt in the bar lmao) but i've only seen it#for sure 4.5 and maybe 5.5 times. the .5 is from when i got bored after obi-wan's scene ended and ran off to go play in the mud or smthn 😭#i'm sure tfa will eventually get surpassed in number of rewatches by aotc and rots bc i don't fw the direction of the ST but that's my#current ballpark estimate of my total number of rewatches#as an adult tho if i just wanna watch a star war i'll go with aotc bc it's fun and ends semihappily and i can turn my brain off for the#spinny lightsabers. it's great background noise or for if you're sick or whatever. rots on the other hand? i won't talk through that unless#i'm quoting it with my brother and i am LOCKED IN 100% entirely entranced by it all#i almost picked rogue one for the best quality answer but i think the character writing is weaker and the facial cgi is creepy. esb beats#it by a hair imho bc of that. the vader hallway scene goes hard tho!!!#also i'm not covering shows or games or books or anything else in this post - simply the films. might ask abt shows later but that might#also give me hives bc so many of the shows suck ass and i don't rlly want ppl extolling the virtues of t.bb in my notes 💀#and yes i do think one's enjoyment and one's opinion of quality are two things that often overlap. but sometimes you just like something#bad and that's awesome. like rots is the best of the prequels by a large margin and i adore the opening and characters and many of the#scenes but that doesn't mean it's the best star wars has to offer ykwim? it's my specialest most favoritest sw movie but that doesn't blind#me to the dialogue lmfaooo
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south-sea · 1 year
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Three weeks, four days, and six hours
a mission shadow takes on is only supposed to last for two weeks. it goes horribly wrong and leads to a lot of new/reopened injuries. he spends four days in a haze recovering, and then finally returns home to find a worried housemate waiting.
could not figure out the style i wanted for this even after spending so much time on the lines, so it really stopped being fun. figured something was better than nothing so i cut my losses and wrapped it up however i could manage
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