#'wow I hope Allie hurts me with a flashback'......?
potential-fate · 2 years
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July 17th, 2033
Roman: ...Wait....
Abe: What’s wrong? Roman: [sighing] What do you think?
Abe: It’s gonna be fine. Roman: You keep saying that...
Abe: Cause it is. It’s only a year... What’s the worst that could happen? ... Don’t answer that. Roman: ..... You’re sure?
Abe: Of course I’m sure. I mean, the university isn’t even that far away. Roman: I guess that’s true... Abe: Besides... It’s us. It’s always been you and me, Ro.
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S Plays Golden Wildfire - Part save me
Chapter 11 - The Sword Swings Wide
Dreading the FUCK out of this one lads.
Story Content
Claude's army trespasses into Fraldarius. Sigh. (Edmund provided the port, Nader acquired the Almyran ships. How this won't seem like a political fuckfest to everyone involved, I don't know.)
I'm noticing that certain dialogue portraits don't line up with the models fgjdl like not the ones that shift from one expression to another, just a complete mismatch.
Anyway, the three amigos in the Federation have given up on trying to become Faerghan houses.
I'm sure it's supposed to be a haha funny but Nader admits that the king of Almyra wasn't even fully awake when he signed off on the ships being sent to Faerghus' coast, and likely didn't know what he was signing. Why are people being this reckless again??????
So fucking mad. Like I knew they instigated Sreng but WOW THEY INSTIGATED SRENG. Claude where have you gone and who is the man wearing your skin.
Can't say I have sympathy for the guy invading a country based on nothing but partial knowledge and *checks notes* straight-up ignorance?
Fun bit of lore: apparently the same language is spoken in Almyra's westernmost port and Fodlan. (Probably just a way to smooth over the fact that communication between Almyra and Fodlan has happened seamlessly so far?? kinda like how AG was all "the coldest places don't have snow you know :/" when snow was mentioned all the time in Houses dglkjdgkj)
Claude making a direct comparison between Goneril/Almyra and Gautier/Sreng and STILL being all cheeky about hoping Sreng invades . . . what were the writers hoping to accomplish with this one?
Huh. Claud and Hilda support: Hilda expressed discomfort at answering to a king. Almost like . . . coming from a country who answers not to king nor emperor would ruin a girl's enjoyment of the Federation.
CLAUDE ADMITS HE WANTED TO RULE . . . i swear if he tries to turn this into some "the church and its heirarchy!!!!" thing i'll sock him.
Anyway not to be deranged, but there's a theme i've noticed between AG and GW that's all about the route lords thinking they're properly delegating only for their allies to bonk them over the head like "WHAT HAVE YOU ACTUALLY DELEGATED TO US?"
I might have to kill Lions in this chapter :((
i fucking hate this route
Like i cannot believe that I feel as gross playing Claude's route as I did Her Majesty's. How fucked up a world does THAT have to be.
Claude iterates that the goal is to topple Fhirdiad <3 Hate him
The only bright side to this is that I get more of angry sylvain in Japanese. That is it.
Okay so the REAL issue here isn't toppling the kingdom and then divvying it up like war spoils; it's that the Federation would be next. Why does this guy have no fucking problem invading a nation that, I repeat, has done nothing to antagonize his?
"The church wields their authority like some sort of righteous cudgel. The problem is, said authority was never theirs to begin with. They need to be stopped."
What gets me--WHAT FUCKING GETS ME--is that this route would like to imply that invading Faerghus and forcing Dimitri to sacrifice Rhea is the only way this could possibly go, because he would do anything to protect his people. But. Azure Gleam exists. It's right there. So . . . I'm just supposed to get on board with the fact that this invasion was the only option? or is it more likely that mr. king of the federation over here has been made astounding levels of dumb by our dear team of writers because his character is ill-suited to a hack n slash.
Main Battle - Invasion of the Northern Kingdom
Oh my fucking god I'm going to have to kill Felix, Ashe, and Rodrigue
You know it's rough when I watch reinforcements appear and am like "...You know what? Faerghus deserves to go a little apeshit here." and then hesitate to kill the reinforcements.
Ohh nooooo the combat engineer was routed ??? how could such a tragedy have befallen me!!!
Crying actual tears. Ashe I'm sorry
How are ANY OF THESE PEOPLE in GOOD CONSCIENCE toppling a stronghold in a country that has done literally nothing to antagonize them. It makes me so??????
In Felix's words "I see no words to spare invaders who force their way into our home."
And that's literally what they are by the way.
Not gonna lie y'all i don't think i'll be able to enjoy GW dimiclaude
oooohhhh no i might have to kill felix after all
oh fuck no
oh FUCK no
I wanna tear this route to shreds WHAT is good about it
Okay no I'm sorry Claude doesn't get to wear a long face right now; HE IS CHOOSING TO DO THIS.
Hey, hey Claude, guess what, "someone as famed as respected as Margrave Gautier" wouldn't have had to "die for the sake of others" if you had just TAKEN A SECOND to LEARN YOUR OWN FACTS before trying to uproot ONE WOMAN from the capital of a WHOLE OTHER NATION
I find it. Really fucking funny. That Claude is like "We fight for a future where anyone can be anything they want! And I'm king <3"
Like i know that's a gross oversimplification of it but Holy Fuck do I not like a bit of what's going on here.
Side Battle
Yeah no I'm never playing Scarlet Blaze. I'm not made of the right stuff
Sorry y'all I'm only playing the necessary side battles for my mental health.
Lysithea sounds perpetually petulant in Japanese and I fucking love it.
Gotta love that Three Hopes maintains that Claude can't do manual labour to save his life glkdjg (hilda and his dining hall conversation)
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leafs-lover · 4 years
Because Two People Got Drunk: 14
Series Masterlist
A/N: Bold is text messages, italics are flashbacks
Summary: You and Fred have returned from the summer as the new season is starting up. You try and navigate your lives as your dynamic has changed.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, smut
Word Count: 3700
Chapter 14
F: Hey home opener is Saturday, would love for you and Ollie to come. Let me know
You sit at your phone staring at it for a bit before facetiming Allie.
“Hey girl” she says answering.
“Hey what’s up?”
“Not much you?”
“Not a lot” you pause “Fred just asked me to come to the opener with Ollie.” “Why is that weird?” she asks you.
“He is still with Danielle the nurse” you grumble.
“You know if you didn’t weasel out in the summer you could be with him now".”
You hear a knock on your door and open it to see Fred “Hey Fred" you say letting him in.
“Hey (Y/N) how’s it going?”
“I’m good, you?”
“I’m good. Thanks for letting me get him so late.” He says about the fact it’s almost 10pm. “I had plans tonight, but I wanted the full day with him. Trying to get as much time in with him as I can before the season starts back up.”
“Oh no worries, I’m sure he won’t even move when we grab him. I actually wanted to talk to you about something anyways" you say as you head to the kitchen for some water.
When you arrived home a few weeks ago and realized you have feelings for Fred. After month of everyone around you telling you this, you finally realize it to be true and you hope you aren’t too late.
You hope you aren’t too late, because you plan on finally telling him tonight. And if you are too late you realize that you two can get through it since you have repaired your relationship from Valentine’s Day and everything that transpired after.
When you return you look at Fred and see he is wearing dark washed jeans with a white polo under a dark blazer. You stare at him a little bit before finally saying “you look nice, big date tonight?”
Crap, that wasn’t what I wanted to say.
He stares at you for a second “uh um” he starts clearly uncomfortable. “Yeah I was.”
You stare at the wall, looking about 3 inches beside his face. You aren’t able to look at him as you feel yourself go numb. You don’t hear anything and the silence feels like it goes on for minutes, although it likely was only a few seconds.
“(Y/N)” Fred says finally drawing you from your thoughts. “You wanted to talk to me about something.”
“Oh.” Not a chance you can say something now, he has moved on. Why couldn’t you have looked at him first and realized what he was wearing. He said he had plans; obviously it’s a date when he is dressed like this.
“No. It’s nothing" you manage to say talking a drink.
“You sure because -"
“Yeah I’m sure; let me get Oliver for you.” You walk into his room and lean against the wall taking a few deep breaths. You carefully scoop him up and return to Fred passing him off.
“You sure you don’t have anything you want to talk about?” he asks.
You shake your head, trying to avoid looking into his eyes. You can feel tears sitting in your throat, your bottom lip trembles slightly.
“No, everything is good” you manage to say placing a blanket on Oliver as you practically push Fred into the hall.
You take a few steps toward your living room so Fred can’t hear you through the wall. You fall to the floor and begin to cry as you realize that the man you love, the man who you thought loved you doesn’t. You hurt him so bad he walked away to someone else and now you are too late.
You shake your head remembering that night and how broken you felt. You managed to pick yourself up, literally and figuratively and have moved past those feelings. But you don’t know if you are ready to meet the girl he is dating.
“So is she going, and if so why invite me too?”
“Maybe they aren’t together anymore, or maybe she is busy or doesn’t like hockey. So many reasons. Just don’t overthink this. And if she is there maybe Fred thought you’d want to meet her before leaving your kid alone with her.”
“If that’s the case I’d rather just meet her at a drop off, not with a bunch of other people around. Or maybe he should ask me if I want to meet her before introducing us” you practically spit out the last sentence.
“I still don’t get why you didn’t tell him in the summer" she says lightly.
“Because he had a girlfriend” you say.
“She was hardly a girlfriend at that point and -"
“Well it doesn’t matter because he is with her and I’m over him” You yell cutting her off. You can see her scowl through the phone, she doesn’t believe you.
“I am. I met someone last week, I have been talking to Connor a little bit -"
“Like a band aid for Fred?” she asks.  
“No, I don’t need a band aid for Fred because I’m over him and have moved on. What I was going to say is he seems nice, and he’s funny. I want to see him again.”
“Then why does it matter the reason behind your invite, if you both are seeing people. Just don’t overthink this babe. It’s the home opener, he wants his son there. So just talk to him after.”
You and Allie continue to talk before you finally hang up.
Y: Yeah for sure, we’d love to go!
F: Great, I’ll leave the tickets at the box office. Also I got him a new jersey I’ll leave that too.
Home opener comes and you are still a ball of nerves. You dress yourself in a pair of high-waisted white jeans, with a green and pink floral puffy sleeve shirt with pink open toed wedge sandals. You dress Oliver in a pair of jeans and white t-shirt, before heading to the lounge you swing by the box office to get the tickets and you put Oliver’s new jersey on him.
“Hey” Kathy says pulling you in for a hug “wow he  is so big, probably going to be walking soon!”
“I know! He pulls himself up on things all the time, he also tries to walk holding your fingers, but he hasn’t walked without support yet.” You make your way down to the glass as the boys participate in the pre-game skate. Fred is skating a lap before he spots you guys and stops in front of you.
Ollie smiles at his dad as Fred taps on the glass “dadda” he babbles as he waves at his dad.
“Yeah is that your daddy” your coo.
“He is such a mini Fred, like identical to him.”
“I know the same hair and eyes, his entire face is just Fred” you say.
“Yeah” she agrees. “He will grow up to look exactly like Fred.”
The players skate off and you return to the lounge, scanning the crowd for Danielle. “Looking for someone” Christina asks scooping Oliver from you.
“Yeah, I was wondering if Danielle was coming, Fred’s girlfriend. I wasn’t sure if he invited her.”
“I don’t think she is coming, nobody told me is she was.”
The game is intense and Oliver falls asleep part way through the second period, you just hold him in your arms as he sleeps. The Penguins win 3-2 in overtime and you head down to the players tunnel to meet Freddie. As you wait there Oliver stirs in your arms and wakes up. You try to rock him back to sleep but the people around cause too much of a distraction. He starts squirming to be put down so you do, bending down to give him your fingers to help keep him balanced. A few minutes later you see Fred come out of the room scanning until he sees you guys. He has his tie loosely around his neck, the top button undone and his hair is still wet. He sees Oliver and bends down a few feet in front of him “what are you doing up bud? Way past your bed time.”
He reaches out to grab Oliver, at that moment Oliver releases your fingers and takes a few wobbly steps towards Fred before stumbling. Fred quickly scoops him up as you all start freaking out. “Oh my god!” you scream some people looking over at the commotion.
“He just walked, he just, he just walked. Like no support or nothing. Just like walked!” Fred exclaims picking him up and squeezing him tight. You walk over and kiss his forehead “I can’t believe my boy is walking. You’re too little, mommy isn’t ready for this.” Fred pulls you in tight and you smell his faint cologne mixed with soap and sweat as he kisses your hair. You hear Sidney say “time to get him some skates” which causes you all to laugh.
“Can I get a ride home? I carpooled here” he says.
“Yeah lets go” you reply. The two of you walk with to the car with Fred’s hand on the small of your back leading you out of the building.
“Is he already asleep?” you ask approaching the car.
“Yeah he is” Fred says buckling him in.
“Do you want me to park in the garage and help bring his stuff up?” you ask as you drive.
“Yeah that would be great thanks.”
You help Fred with the stroller and diaper bag as he removes Oliver and carries him to the elevator. You help carry everything in, as Fred puts Oliver to bed. He finds you in the kitchen, his tie now off. “You want a drink?” he asks grabbing a beer. You nod and he hands one to you sitting in the barstool beside you.
“Was a good game tonight” you say.
“Thanks” he says.
“Um, so you know that you could have got Danielle to bring him tonight.”
“Oh um… I haven’t introduced him to her yet” he says.
“Oh I kind of figured you had already”
“I’m not really sure if I’m ready for that yet” he explains. “It’s only been a few months, I don’t know how serious we are or where I see this going with her.”
“Okay, well when you are ready to introduce him to her, or someone just know I trust you.”
You sit there a little longer talking and drinking, you’re now on your 4th drink. Fred gets up to get you each a new drink when you look at the clock, it reads 12:10. You jump up and run over to Freddie as he turns around from the fridge and you wrap him in a big hug “Happy Birthday” you exclaim.
He chuckles wrapping his arms around you “thanks (Y/N/N)” you look up at him, as he stares down your eyes lingering maybe a little too long.  He pulls back from you and you both move back to the island and continue talking.
“I can’t believe that happened!” you exclaim while laughing, you feel Fred’s land on your thigh. After you stop laughing, not even sure what you were laughing at you stare at each other. Fred’s hand remains on your thigh while you stare at each other.
You lean in as you feel him close the gap your lips softly connect. He sets his beer down on the counter before his hands reach the small of your back. You shift closer and run your hands through his hair as Fred deepens the kiss. His hands drop to cup your ass pulling you onto his lap; you allow his tongue entrance to your mouth.
He stands up and your legs wrap around his waist. He begins walking to the bedroom as your tongue attaches to his neck placing light nibbles and kisses. He groans as he drops you on the bed before climbing on top of you as he begins sucking on your neck.
“Mmm” you moan out as his hand slides under your shirt. You begin to unbutton his dress shirt as he pulls your shirt over your head “fuck” he mumbles as his mouth attaches to your breasts. You undo the last button and push it off his chest, you press on his chest causing him to fall onto his back and straddle him. Fred reaches up and unclasps your bra, freeing your breasts “forgot how nice your tits are” he says bringing a hand up to pinch one of your nipples.
You throw your head back before you undo his belt as you begin rocking against him searching for friction. You feel him grow hard under you as a groan leaves his mouth. You undo his zipper and slide a hand inside palming him over his boxers. Fred undoes your jeans and begin to slide them off you. You step off the bed and out of your pants. After you pull his pants and boxers down his legs, his cock slaps against his stomach. You work your way back up his legs, you slide your hands up his large thighs and you leave a trail of gentle kisses in your wake.
You finally make your way to his hard member as you lick a stripe up the underside. You use your hand to guide him into your mouth tasting his salty pre-cum. “Fuck” he mumbles as you start bobbing on him, his hands reach down to grab your hair. You continue to bob on him, gagging slightly at his size. You use your hand to help with what you can’t fit.
You continue your pace, as you re-familiarize yourself with his size. Bobbing up and down on him you slowly begin taking him deeper as you feel him hit the back of your throat. You continue taking his entire length; he hits the back of your throat every time. Your hands rub up and down his thighs.
You hear Danish curse words spill from his lips as you look up at him through your lashes. Saliva is dribbling out of your mouth and down your chin, your hair has begun to fall to the front of your face and in your mouth. You choke slightly on it before his hand comes down to your hair, hastily pulling it out of your face into a loose pony.
“I’m gonna cum” he says. You bring your hand up to massage his balls as you continue to deep throat him. His hands tighten their grip on your hair as you feel his dick twitch as warm cum spurts down your throat. You slow your bob on him as you swallow and lick up anything that has spilled.
You release him from your mouth and wipe your chin cleaning any spit from you. You crawl up him as he pulls you down capturing you in a deep passionate kiss. He uses his arms to reach down and grab your ass, pulling you up higher “come up here” he whispers as you crawl the rest of the way until you are sitting above his face. He grabs your hips and pulls you closer to his mouth, you can feel his warm breath against your folds as his beard tickles the sides of your legs.
You shudder as he begins nipping at the inside of your thighs inching towards your core. He begins sucking on your clit as a light whimper leaves your mouth “you’re so wet baby” he mumbles against you. You reach forward to brace yourself on the wall with your right hand, bringing your left down to grip his hair. He uses his hands to bring you down closer to his mouth and holds you firmly there.
His tongue licks a stripe up your entrance before sliding inside. His nose brushes against your clit as he pushes his face up. “Fred” you moan as he continues his assault on you. He pushes his tongue in further, you start to squirm as he pulls you down closer. He continues to lick the inside of your walls, one of his hands come down to scissor you as he sucks on your clit.
He pumps his fingers inside you, a slow pace but his fingers are thrust fully inside you. His mouth suck on your clit while his fingers continue to pump inside you.  “I’m close babe" you whimper as you feel your walls tightening.
Fred pulls you down closer his tongue slips inside your folds, lapping inside you. Fred can feel your walls tightening around his tongue as he continues to work on you. You grip his hair even tighter tilting his head back slightly allowing him a better angle. This slight change sends you over the edge as you pulsate around his mouth. He keeps going until you finish when he loosens his grip on you. Your hand let’s his hair go, shocked you didn’t pull any out.
You slowly rise up and shift to sit beside him, your back against the headboard. He turns onto his side and looks at you, his beard glistening from your juices. “Fuck you’re unbelievable” he says.
Still out of breath you can’t respond, he pulls your legs so you are lying on your back. He rolls over to be on top of you, placing light kisses on the neck causing you to moan lightly. You feel his hard member press into your stomach as he places kisses on your neck and chest.
He reaches over to the night stand and grabs a condom rolling it onto himself. He returns to you kissing you passionately as he lines himself up with you folds. He slowly pushes in you as you grip the bed sheets, you lightly bite his shoulder to supress your moans.
Fred reaches down and grabs one of your legs bringing it to his shoulder as he slowly thrusts “fuck your tight babe.” He keeps his slow pace allowing you to adjust, your head falls back “been a bit” you whisper. His pace begins to slowly speed up as he drops lower pushing your leg down closer to your chest, allowing him a deeper angle.
“Freddie” you moan as he continues, your hands raking his shoulders. Filthy sounds leaving your mouth, your skin flapping fill the bedroom “you feel so good babe” he whispers as he pushes deep inside you. “You gonna cum for me baby? Need to feel you” Fred says as you feel your walls tightening around him.
“So close” you say as you feel him becoming erratic. You bring a hand down to your sensitive bud and press circles on it as Fred continues to thrust into you. Fred pushes deep inside you, each thrust hitting your sweet spot.
You spasm as your walls tighten. Fred feels your walls tighten around him, as he continues to thrust inside you, you scream out his name. Fred doesn’t stop thrusting inside you as your orgasm continues. As you come back from your orgasm you feel Fred’s dick twitch as he spills into the condom before letting your leg go and collapses onto you.
You bring your hands up and start stroking his hair as you lay in the bed, him still inside you. Finally your breaths begin to return to normal as Fred looks to you, engaging you in a soft kiss.
He slowly pulls out as you shiver from the loss of contact. He goes to the bathroom to dispose of the condom and returns with a damp cloth and gently cleans you before finding you a t-shirt and putting it on over your head. He pulls you in to his arms as the two of you begin to doze off.
The next morning you wake up to a cold empty bed, the clock reads 7:50. You lay there trying to process what happened. Did you actually sleep with Fred? What about Danielle? He did say they weren’t serious, maybe they aren’t exclusive yet. You are alerted from your trance by the sounds if Oliver’s cries.
You put on your outfit from the night before and pull your hair into a messy bun before walking to the living room where you see you crying son in Fred’s arms.
“Somebody takes a couple steps and thinks they don’t need help anymore. He fell and hit his head on the table" Fred explains.
You kiss him on the head and rub it soothingly “guess we better get used that  now that he is learning to walk" you sigh.
“And he is a boy, they like to get in all kinds of trouble” Fred says poking  Oliver’s side to try and tickle him.
“Oh, his crying face breaks my heart" you say kissing his cheek again.
You walk over to your purse and get a small box with an envelope and hand it to Fred “Happy Birthday Daddy" you say placing the items on the counter.
Fred sits at the barstool and opens the card smiling “I see Oliver signed it" he says due to the crayon scribbles on the inside.
Next he opens the small box which has some silver cufflinks that are engraved with Oliver’s birthday.
“Wow these a perfect Ollie, it’s like you knew I needed a new pair. Thanks bud!” Oliver claps his hands as Fred places another kiss on his head before putting him down.
“Thanks" he says pulling you in for a hug.
“No problem Fred.”
You both sit there silently for a minute before you finally say “I should get going.”
Fred doesn’t say anything he just nods. You walk over and kiss Oliver goodbye before going to the door and putting your shoes on. You open the door and turn to Fred who pulls you in for a quick side hug before separating. When you are in the hall and moving towards the elevator you hear Fred’s door close and lock.
That felt weird, maybe he regretted last night you think to yourself as you step in the elevator.
Next Chapter
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searchingforbucky · 5 years
FIC REC (Part 15) :)
Hey guys! I’m sorry it took so long to get the next list out, but I completely scrapped my last one because after two weeks it just wasn’t turning out the way I wanted, so thanks to @bucky-smiles I followed my heart and did what I wanted. So! Now here is a fic rec list of one of my FAVORITE tropes, SOULMATES!! :) 💓 These are pretty much all happy endings because i’ve been feeling a bit down lately, so I hope this makes you as happy as they helped me feel :) *REMINDER: I am still adding to this, so if this is here, that means the list is not done :)*
Flowers Bloom by @revengingbarnes
This one is amazing. So this one is the “flowers bloom wherever their soulmate is hurt” idea. And it’s beautiful. The readers whole left arm is covered in flowers, and she rocks it with her whole heart. She meets a quiet neighbor when she moves to Romania, and the rest is history. This is an extremely emotional, and exciting, and all around lovely story that I will love forever with my whole heart. Also check out her other story Possession
The Florist by @buckyofthemyscira
Let’s talk about CUTE!! This one is about the soulmates sharing a tattoo that represents something about them. I LOVE flower/florist related stories. Bucky is so soft in this, he buys flowers for his ma, he thinks about his soulmate constantly, he’s just the best guy ever 🥺 this story is so beautiful and it’s written so so so well, it’s literally just such a beautiful well done story that made me so happy. Such a feel good fic, also check out her other amazing story Flashbacks
Howlite and Hearts by @authoressskr
This one is so unique, and SO under appreciated in my opinion. It’s a story where people have little dragons that represent themselves, and help connect them to their soulmate. I think it’s adorable, I love the way the dragons are representative of everyone, and honestly just the story, I’ve never read a story like it, its interesting and just really well done. I think my favorite part of it is Godzilla and his relationship with both the reader and Bucky. I’ve read this one multiple times, and it’s been awesome every time!
The Sound of Music by @delicatelyherdreams
This one is adorable. So this one is about how you can hear your soulmate singing in your head. So Bucky never heard songs in his head, until after everything happened, and suddenly there was someone trying to get to know him through song! Cue Bucky being scared of having a soulmate, and trying to shut her out. But the reader is determined! This was just such a cute story, Elle does an amazing job at picking the perfect songs to represent what they want to say. Also check out her amazing Seeing Stars.
Rose by @softlybarnes
This one was an emotional rollercoaster but it still was absolutely amazing. So this one was one where soulmates share each others scars. So when the reader was born, and was covered in scars, you can understand that it was a little shocking. She thought she didn’t have one. Bucky meets the reader at her cafe, and realizes they’re soulmates. Cue a bit of angst and self doubt and being scared of things you aren’t expecting. It’s beautiful, and so lovely. Also check out her wonderful stories Lettered and Teddy bear.
Silver and Gold by @the-omni-princess
This one was so interesting, and I loved the little details. So this one is about people having the first words their soulmate says to them on their wrists, BUT! So awesome, they change colors to colors that are significant to their soulmate which is so so cool. What’s even more unique? The fact that both Steve and Bucky said the same words to the reader, so now what? Cue awesome dynamics between the team, and awesome writing. It was a really good story. Also check out her stories Inked Wrists, Beauty and the Beast, and Sleeping Beauty.
The Owl and the Wolf by @waiting4inspiration
Spirit animal au! Yeeeeeees!! So this is so wonderful, I felt like squeezing everyone around me it was amazing. It was so fluffy, and shy nervous Bucky around his soulmate gives me the will to live and love for the rest of my life. The dynamic between everyone and their animals and the sass, amazing. It really is just a wonderful story and I had so much fun reading it. I might have liked the animals more than Bucky and the Reader ;)
This Has Never Happened Before by @trashpanda-barnes
oh man! Okay so this one is awesome, it’s technically a soulmate AU/reincarnation AUbut I don’t think it ever explicitly states it. It really is so cool and unique. The reader gets stood up on a date, and Bucky sees her through the window and is absolutely drawn to her. Cue the most amazing, ethereal experience they’ve ever had. They know each other intimately and solidly. They know each other's current lives and past lives. But they’ve just met,  It’s really an immersive beautiful read, I felt like I could feel exactly what they could, it was honestly magical. And I’m sure they could say the same.
Say that again by @justsomebucky
So this one is super cool, and it’s where everyone hears a key word or phrase in their head from their soulmate, something only heard in person when the moment is right. It’s an AU where the reader works in a diner and Bucky is a hero who lost his arm saving a girl from a bus. He’s shy and very quiet and such a good guy. I love how she represents Bucky in this, a modern way of showing him as a hero and working in his missing arm. The support they show each other immediately? Amazing, love it.
Remember by @captainrogerss
So this is a story of Soulmates having their names written on each others arms, and guess which arm buckys was written on? Surprise, it was the left. But my favorite part of this is how it shows a small scene of him remembering her and forcing himself to remember her during his hydra times, and i love all of the connections each character has to each other, and of course Bucky waits until he needs to be with the reader to meet her. It really is adorable.
Maps by @moonstruckbucky
Loooove this one! So this one is where everyone has a red string of fate – also known as a ‘soulmate string’ – wrapped around their pinkie finger that only they can see. I’ve never seen a red string of fate written the way they’ve  done it here, and it’s so different and it’s a LOVELY rollercoaster of emotions. I was :( in some parts but I was:D in others and it was just so so good. And it’s a Winter Soldier story which I LOVE seeing that dynamic between that character and the reader being soulmates.
Tod and Copper by @fanfictionavalanche
This is another sort of spirit animal story where everyone is born with a spirit animal, only visible to  them and their soulmate, however with a touchable body, that guides them  to their soulmate and vanishes when their duty is fulfilled. This one was CUTE. And boy did I get emotional when the end came, like I got attached that hard in a small fic 🥺 it was so adorable, and anything with animals is a big YES from me, also, the reader getting into trouble immediately is a big mood. Also, fox and the hound reference? Yes :)
Trying to Transmit, Can You Hear Me? By @ironstank
This one is short but sweet. So in this soulmates have a countdown to when they meet each other. My favorite part of this is just how focused on Bucky it is. It’s like little snippets into bucky's life where he thinks he doesn’t have a soulmate. It’s sad, but not enough to make you sad? Like just small heart pangs, but then he meets her. I like the open ending. It’s just a super cute story.
Snowflake by @all1e23
Hell yeah, love this one. This one has soulmates sharing a tattoo.. My favorite part is the relationship between Bucky and Steve. I love that brotherly relationship. Steve drags Bucky to a Christmas festival to get his mind off of his soulmate, and surprise surprise who does he find?? And I LOVE the fact that Bucky is paired with a Christmas living outgoing wonderful girl, it’s such a good paring. I always love Allies stories, and this is another example!
Hunger by @the-canary
this one is painful but Beautiful! So in this one everyone has their soulmates initials on their wrist. This one starts with self sacrificing bucky denying his soulmate. He does it in order to save them from himself, what a dork. It’s so painful because you get all of these peaks into their personal feelings and just how painful it is to exist without each other and to go through that pain, it really is tragic but there’s a happy ending! It’s worth it I swear haha.
Swindled Hearts by @panicfob
oh wow okay, so this one is definitely unique. This story is beautiful, every chapter is like a snapshot of their life. They were both stubborn and strong willed and sassy, but it was such a lovely story of them slowly coming together and learning to love and live with each other. Such domestic cuteness and fluuuuuuuff!! I really love how realistic it was, it didn’t jump into anything, it really just was a wonderful story, people were guarded and unwilling to love, but it prevailed in the end.
WOW OKAY! that was long, I'm sorry lol, but also I'm not. Thank you for reading to the end if you did! This was so fun for me to do :)
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
A Darker Curse
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 33: Deja Vu
When they arrived at the Boston airport, it wasn't lost on any of them that they had never actually been on a plane. In their traveling around the country, it had always been by car and flying had always been too expensive for them. Fortunately, Emma knew the basics, having read up on what was needed in case she needed to fly as a bail bonds person. She guided them all through the process of security and they were soon on the plane.
"I know it's hard...but we'll find him," David whispered to her, as he kissed her hand.
"I love you for saying that, but Portland is a big place," she feared.
"It is...but I reached out to a couple of my contacts that I met; the one that trained me in the business. She says she'll help. She's already putting out feelers," Emma said, as she sat in the window seat of their three person row.
"That's amazing…" David said. She nodded.
"Her name is Cleo Fox...I trust her," she said. Snow gave her a tearful gaze.
"Thanks sweetheart…" she replied.
"I dug up an old picture of him as a kid and gave it to her. She's putting it out to her sources," Emma confirmed.
"Our daughter is amazing," David whispered to his wife and kissed her head. She smiled back at him.
"I know…" she agreed, as she rested her head against his shoulder and impatiently endured the journey to Portland.
Maleficent's castle burned like an unending inferno and the wailing from her dragon form echoed throughout the land, as her egg lay trapped inside. Maleficent contemplated scorching the entire earth in her agony, but instead, she crumbled to her human form, devastated and defeated. Her child was gone and her allies that had helped free her now faced losing their own against the evil Cora. She could only hope that their child did not face the same fate that hers just did.
"Excuse me...but you'll let me through now. I'm expected by the Queen," the woman said harshly. Half her hair was black and half white, only adding to her eccentric appearance of a glittering black gown and elaborate fur coat.
"It's all right guards...you can let her through. She is supposed to have something for me," Cora said.
"You owe me a new coat! This one is ruined," the woman complained. Cora waved her hand and repaired the damage done to the fur coat.
"Now Cruella...I assume you have what I asked for," Cora cooed. Cruella smirked.
"One good thing about my powers is that I was able to send some dumb beast in after it for me. Then...I used the spell you gave me to miniaturize it," Cruella said, as she handed the egg over, which had been miniaturized.
"Keep it...because that is my secret weapon," Cora replied.
"What are you talking about?" Cruella asked.
"My curse will be perfect, but I still need a backup plan in case things go awry. That's where the egg comes in," Cora replied.
"You mean to control Maleficent," Cruella deduced.
"Exactly. Now, tuck the egg away and prepare for the curse," Cora instructed. Cruella smirked and walked out with a smirk on her face.
"Sorry Cora...but I've just decided that I have a different plan," Cruella murmured to herself.
Tamara pulled her car into the warehouse at Feinberg Industries and put it in park.
"It's about time you got here!" Cruella snapped, as she stood beside a table with a bottle of gin and a cigarette in her hand.
"The Feds have already seized all my worthless husband's assets in New York and the rest of the country. This is the last property they haven't seized, but that won't last long," she complained.
"Relax," Tamara said, as she pulled Pinocchio out of the car and led him to her by the hand.
"That's not what I asked for," Cruella complained.
"I know...but a magical child is what he wants," Tamara said, as the Dragon emerged from the shadows.
"So good to see that your cancer has been...miraculously cured since we last met, Miss Tamara," he said. She scoffed.
"Cut the crap...we both know that I never had cancer. I just needed your little potion. I sent it off to the Home Office for analysis and you know what they found?" she asked. The Dragon smirked.
"Enlighten me," he said.
"Nothing...they found no known substances in this world," she replied. He smirked.
"Well, that is not surprising since my cures are not of this world," he admitted.
"So I've learned...and I'm sure your Home Office has big plans for Storybrooke. Or they did...before they went dark," the Dragon said. Tamara's gaze narrowed.
"How do you know that?" she demanded to know. He smirked.
"I know a great many things...including who is behind your cause and why they no longer exist," he claimed, shocking her to the core.
Snow and David held hands, as they got out of the rental car and followed their daughter toward their destination.
"It had to be the old neighborhood," Snow mentioned, as they walked through the familiar streets.
"Sorry Mom...but her office happens to be around where we used to live," Emma replied.
"You okay?" David asked. She nodded.
"Yes…I was just happy to leave this part of our lives behind. Finding Storybrooke was like finally finding home...because we found you," she mentioned. He smiled.
"We won't be here long. This woman hopefully can help us find August and then we're going straight back home. You never have to think about this place again," David assured her, as they passed a diner and she spared a glance at it and he didn't miss her shudder.
"Is this it? Is this the one of the diner's you worked at?" he asked.
"Unfortunately…" she replied.
"I'm sorry Mom...maybe bringing you guys with me to this part of town wasn't the best idea," Emma apologized.
"No honey...it's not your fault. Just bad memories, but I'll do anything to find my son," Snow said. Geppetto opened his mouth to correct her, but a glance from Belle told him to wisely shut it.
"You're wise to stay quiet this time. Even I, as the Dark One, rarely got in the cross hairs of a mother trying to find her child. I myself did unspeakable things for my child. Even Snow White has her limits and you would be wise not to cross her again," Rumple advised, as Emma stopped in front of the diner upon approaching a woman.
"Emma...it's good to see you," the woman said.
"You too Cleo...do you have any leads?" Emma asked.
"Uh…I didn't, but my new partner said he has something. He should be here any minute," she replied.
"New partner?" Emma inquired, but she soon found out who it was, as he approached.
"Mary Margaret?" the man asked.
"Crap…" Emma grimaced under her breath. David felt her shiver beside him and then clutch his arm tightly.
"Wow...you look incredible still. It's been a long time...and you look the same," the man said.
"I'm sorry...who the hell are you?" David asked, as he put his hand out.
"Barry Burns, Private Investigator," he said, but David refused to shake his hand and he awkwardly pulled it back.
"And you are?" he asked.
"David Nolan...her husband," he bit out, as Emma pulled Cleo aside.
"New partner? What the hell?" Emma hissed.
"I'm sorry Emma...but he's good at what he does," Cleo apologized.
"He's a creep! He used to sexually harass my mother!" Emma cried.
"And I'm sorry for that Emma, but I thought you wanted to find this kid you're looking for," she said. Emma sighed deeply.
"Fine...but if my...my mom's husband ends up killing him after he tells us where August is...then you'll look the other way," Emma replied in haste.
"Wow...husband, that's surprising. All she ever did was turn me down, but that never stopped me from trying," he said, as he kept looking at her.
"Damn...still can't believe how good you look," he added and probably would have continued his objectification, but David grabbed him by the collar at that point.
"You're going to stop talking to her and you're going to stop looking at her," he growled, as the guy flailed his arms.
"Whoa...okay buddy, geez…" he complained, as David shoved him away.
"Do you have that lead or not?" Emma snapped coldly.
"Uh yeah...I have a source that says this woman," he said, as he held Tamara's photo up.
"That she was spotted driving into Feinberg Industries warehouse downtown," he said.
"How did you find her so fast?" Emma asked skeptically.
"I'm that good," he boasted.
"No...he got really lucky. Feinberg just got indicted by the FBI in New York. All his assets are in the process of being frozen. This is probably one of the last and only a matter of time before the Feds raid that place. That's why it's on our source's radar," Cleo explained.
"Then we have to go...we have to find August," Snow said, as she avoided looking at the creep that her husband was still glaring daggers at.
"We better go then. It's only a few blocks from here and it's best to approach on foot," he said, as they started walking, but David held back and they followed at the rear.
"Snow…" he whispered.
"I'm okay…" she said unconvincingly.
"If he hurt you...he's a dead man," David said.
"He...he didn't get that far, though I'm sure he would have loved to. But by the time we moved to Portland, Auggie was a teenager," she said, as she put a hand to her mouth.
"He came to the diner every day after school, just to make sure he would be there to go home with me. He knew...he knew how vulnerable I was to some of the patrons at the diner," she confessed, as she cried against his chest, even as they walked.
"We're going to get him back, Snow," he promised.
"He...hated Barry, but I begged him to not confront him. Barry knew that and he would get to cop a feel, knowing that I wouldn't stop him, because it meant a large enough tip so we could eat that night," she sniffed.
"I'm going to kill him," David growled.
"Only after he leads us to August," she corrected. He smirked and kissed her hair.
"Okay...he'll lead us to August and then I'll kill him," he agreed. And she did not protest that.
Tamara stared at him in disbelief.
"What are you talking about?" she asked.
"They have gone dark, have they not? You have not received any communication for the last day or so, am I correct?" the Dragon questioned.
"That doesn't mean they no longer exist," she said, as she took out a walky-talky device from her bag, but she noticed that it appeared not to be working anymore. She opened up the battery port and sand poured out. Cruella laughed.
"Oh dahling...you've been had," she said in amusement, earning her a glare from the other woman.
"What the hell is this?" Tamara asked.
"Your Home Office was none other than Peter Pan himself," the Dragon revealed.
"Neverland...they said it was real, but I wasn't sure," Tamara confessed.
"Oh it is very real...it's the mother load of magic, but that comes at a price for Pan," the Dragon said.
"But the Home Office wants to destroy magic! Why would they come from a place with magic," Tamara protested.
"Oh dahling...no one wants to destroy magic. That's silly. Magic gets you everything you want," Cruella said.
"She is correct...you were simply a pawn. You were a tool to obtain what Pan needed...a magical child. But it is a good thing his time ran out, because you have the wrong child," the Dragon said.
"No...they said bring a magical child. I saw magic used on him to transform him from an adult into a child. I saw it with my own eyes," Tamara protested. The Dragon chuckled.
"But he is not a magical child. Only one born of true love is magical. But the child that Pan really wanted was one born of two powerful, magical bloodlines. One of light and true love, maternal grandparents. Parents of the Savior," he said.
"Snow White and Prince Charming…" he announced.
"And the other, the bloodlines of the Dark One. Paternal grandfather and his child, who found love with the Savior," he continued. Tamara sighed.
"Then I took him for nothing...it was the baby I needed. That would have been impossible to get!" Tamara said.
"Good thing for you that Pan is no longer a problem. His time ran out with having that child to sacrifice for his youth. But all is not lost. I can take this one...he will be quite useful to me," the Dragon said.
"Fine...whatever, but you promised me a way to destroy Storybrooke," Tamara said, looking at Cruella.
"Oh dahling...that depends on what you brought me. I need something good," Cruella said, as the other woman handed her a bag full of the things she stole from Cora's vault.
"Ohhh...very nice," Cruella said, as she looked through the items.
"Then you'll give me something to use to destroy magic?" Tamara asked. Cruella cackled.
"Sorry dahling...but I have no idea how to destroy magic and none of this works in a place without magic. However, they will work in Storybrooke...so that's where I'll be going. The Feds will never find me there," she said.
"You're double crossing me!?" Tamara exclaimed.
"Well…I am Cruella De Vil, after all," she reminded her.
"Come on, young one. We have a plane to catch," the Dragon said.
"The hell you do…" Tamara growled, as she pulled a gun on them and took them hostage.
"Your cause does not exist and destroying magic is not within our capabilities," the Dragon warned.
"It can if I just blow up that whole town, so that's what we'll do," Tamara said.
"The hell you will," Emma said, as she and David held their guns on her. She smirked and pointed hers at them.
"Are you really willing to risk a game of whose a faster shot than the other?" Tamara challenged.
"We've got two guns on your one. Are you?" Emma challenged back.
"Hello dahling...it's been a long time…" Cruella purred, as she looked at David.
"Cruella...how the hell are you here?" he asked. She looked him up and down like he was something to eat.
"I have my ways…" she said.
"Cruella? Seriously?" she asked her mother.
"Unfortunately," Snow replied.
"Well…I have somewhere to be. I hear Storybrooke is lovely this time of year," she said.
"If you think you'll still have an ally in Cora when you enter town, you'd be mistaken. Cora is dead," Snow warned.
"Yeah...and Regina won't hesitate to put you down, much like you've done to various animals in the past to satiate your obsession with fur," Rumple added.
"Well…I can't say that I have missed you, Dark One," she retorted with a smirk.
"Besides…Regina will be too busy trying to keep Maleficent from burning the town down," she claimed.
"Maleficent is free of any control...she won't help you," David said. Cruella smirked.
"Oh…I have so missed you the most, dahling. But you're wrong...because with this," Cruella said, as she held up what looked like a snow globe.
"With this...she'll do whatever I want," Cruella said.
"And what is that?" Emma asked.
"It can't be…" Snow gasped.
"Oh yes...it's her egg. I had it fished out of the fire and Cora sealed it away for safekeeping. It was meant to be her backup plan, but I had other plans," Cruella said.
"Well, you're not going anywhere," Snow said, as she bravely stepped forward.
"Stop!" Tamara warned, as she pointed her gun at Snow. That was all David needed and he rushed her, quickly knocking her to the ground. The gun flew out of her hand and Emma ran to confiscate it.
"Cuff her and leave her. By the time she gets free, we'll be home," Rumple said, as David put her in cuffs and left her there on the ground. Snow and Marco both knelt down in front of Pinocchio and the little boy wrenched away from the Dragon. But to Marco's shock and surprise, he ran to Snow and she hugged him tightly, as tears slipped down her cheeks.
"My boy…" he uttered.
"Don't…" Tink chided.
"I had a dream...that you were my Mom," he confessed, surprising Snow.
"I am and that must be confusing right now. But I promise everything will make sense soon," she promised. David smiled and kissed her tenderly, before winking at the little boy.
"Hand over the egg," Emma said, as she held the gun on her.
"Oh poo…" Cruella complained, as she did so.
"Oh well...good thing I have that account in the Cayman Islands full of money that I squirreled away from my lousy husband," Cruella said, as she made her way toward the exit.
"Last chance dahling...the fun we could have if we ran away together," she purred to the Prince.
"Hard pass," he replied in disgust. She sighed.
"Alas...at least I have my fantasies. Cheers dahling…" Cruella said, as she made her way out.
"What the hell is going on here!?" Barry demanded to know.
"Just stay out of it," David snapped.
"Yeah...Cleo, thanks for all your help, but we need to go," Emma said.
"None of you are going anywhere," Barry refuted, as he pulled his own gun and pointed it at them.
"Barry...what are you doing?" Cleo demanded to know.
"I've been hired to find a missing detective...and I think all of you know where he is," Barry said, as he showed them a photo and walked closer to them.
"He was last seen heading to a town called Storybrooke, Maine. And then...he just went dark," he continued, as he looked at Snow.
"What can you tell me about that?" he asked.
"Nothing...we have no idea what you're talking about," David snapped quickly, as he put himself between his wife and this man.
"I think you're lying...so this is what we're going to do. She is going to come with me to this Storybrooke, while the Feds lock the rest of you up," he said.
"That's not happening," David growled. Barry smirked and put the barrel of the gun to David's head.
"No...no...please. I'll go...I'll go…" Snow cried. Barry smirked and grabbed her arm.
"Please...just let me say goodbye," she pleaded. He relented and she turned to her husband.
"Snow…" he whispered, as their eyes met.
"I love you," she said and he could tell by her look that she had a plan.
"I'll find you," he promised.
"I know," she replied, as they shared a passionate kiss and as expected, Barry pulled her away by the arm. She faked a stumble and elbowed him in the gut. It knocked the wind out of him, allowing David the opening to tackle him. The gun flew out of his hand and Snow grabbed it, as David overpowered the older man and got him into a headlock. He applied pressure and Barry passed out. Just for good measure and satisfaction, he gave him a punch to the face to ensure he'd feel it when he woke up. Snow sighed in relief and he pulled her into his arms.
"Let's go home," Emma said, as she joined her parents and hugged them.
"I second that," Rumple agreed.
"Thanks again...but we really have to go," Emma told Cleo.
"Wait Emma…" she called, as the blonde turned back.
"I don't know what's going on here and I sense it's way above my head, but I know this guy. He won't let up," Cleo said, as she briefly glanced at Snow.
"If he knows about wherever it is that you're going back to and thinks there's a case and even a possible payday...then you need to do something to protect yourselves," Cleo warned. Emma nodded, as they made their way out.
"She's right...any ideas?" David asked.
"During the curse, Cora had a barrier around the town. Only with a magical object could you gain access," Rumple explained.
"He's right...that's how I got in with Greg and Detective Bishop. Cora sent us an enchanted map," Tink confirmed.
"And we got in, because of Emma and the author's pen," Snow agreed.
"With the curse broken...the barrier is gone and the town is open for anyone to find," Rumple said.
"Do you have another barrier spell, Rumple?" Belle asked.
"One can be created. I'll need Regina's help and ingredients from Cora's vault. However, I believe we should go a step further," he replied.
"What do you mean?" Emma asked.
"It will take a powerful spell, but we need to create a barrier and cut off Storybrooke from all the realms. It's the only way we will ever know peace," Rumple replied.
"Then that's what we should do. Can it be done?" Snow asked.
"Yes...but we need to hurry back. Our sleazy private investigator back there won't be unconscious for long," Rumple said.
"Let's get back to the airport and get the hell out of this city then," David agreed, as they made their way back to the rental cars.
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polygamyff · 4 years
52. Part 6
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I have had a terrible night, but I am glad to be going back to New York, I have had too much on my mind, too much plotting going on. I swear on my daughter’ life I am going to get Joy back, I will teach her that money will not buy you happiness, I am so angry. My mind is tired, looking over at Reign. I had to smile at her, she done woke up. Searched for her pacifier, put it back in her mouth “hey” I said smiling, she is tired. This girl look like she has done a lot of work “come on, come to papa. Snuggle with me” Reign reached her arms up at me “you are fat and lazy” reaching over and grabbing her foot, sliding Reign closer to me which made her smile “morning beautiful, you are the best sleeping buddy ever and the most beautiful lady I have ever woken up with, that is just mine and your secret” touching her nose “come, snuggle to papa” I opened my arm, Reign placed her hands on my torso and rested her head on my torso “ok baby” lightly stroking the back of Reign’ head, she is the biggest blessing I needed, my love for her is everything. I love Robyn, of course I do but Reign, she is half of me. She just brightens up my day and makes me see sense “we going to have to come back here, the fun we had here, the memories. This makes me happy, we will come back” looking down at Reign, she is staring at me with her head still laying on my torso “hey” I chuckled “I don’t know if it is just me, you’re getting taller, the more you use them legs baby. The better, daddy has to make so many decisions, good and maybe when you’re older you will see it as bad, but I have to protect us” lightly stroking her cheek “thank you for listening to me, my heart” smiling at her, I sighed out heavily. Shit is a mess, I feel like shit, I can’t believe my mom gave birth to me and kind of sold me off, what if Mami was a bad person and hated me, but she didn’t care for that. She just wants money, but what about me and my feelings. It kind of figures on why I became so much of a mess, I just hated Texas, I am just a money ticket for a lot of people, even my dad a little bit because he got me with Naomi, he didn’t need to do that with me, maybe he did it to calm me down but it was wrong. And this could have easily been worse, I am just feeling bad vibes now.
I packed before even going down, Reign is dressed and ready. Will feed her now before going “took your time to come down” Mami said as I made my way into the kitchen “yeah, I wanted to be ready to go” pulling the chair back “Franco, let me speak to Maurice alone” placing Reign on my lap, Reign is feeling so lazy. She can’t be bothered, she whined out “it’s ok, papa going to feed you now” she is so grumpy “she is such a beautiful little girl, what is wrong? Mami going to miss your little face so much, can I have a hug?” Mami got up, I wonder if Reign will go to Mami “you are such a doll, I love your dress. Did papa get you this?” Mami touched her dress “I love it, can I have a hug?” Mami held her arms open, Reign moved away from me and closer to Mami, she picked her up “awww you are so beautiful” Mami pressed kisses to her cheek while hugging her, I like to see that. It’s really made me smile, least I can eat without being harassed “Eres el corazon de tu papa” Mami sat down with Reign across from me and turned Reign to look at her “you hear that? Eres el corazon de tu papa, I used to speak to your da like this, and he knows all the Spanish, I will show you. You are the heart of your dad, you beautiful precious girl” smiling at them both “I remember you used to say Spanish only in this home, I love that you did that. You have taught me so many languages. I have to get you to move in with me, you can teach Reign” I pointed “I will visit of course, I can teach you” Mami turned Reign to face me “how are you feeling after last night?” Mami asked, rubbing my face “planning, my mind is racing but you are right. I won’t be saying anything, I need to build myself to be ready and I thank you for telling me, it does hurt but thank you” I needed to know “I want my son to prosper, and I will do anything for that. And next week, I will be there for you” Mami touched her heart “there Maurice, take what is yours” those words, suddenly having a flashback “wow” I said “Robyn said the same thing to me” staring at Mami, she really did “because she wants the best for you, like I do. She knows” nodding my head, Mami is right.
I am glad Mami fed Reign, then I don’t need to do it “she loves you” I said, my daughter is being so good “she does, she talks so much. Wish I knew what she was saying, soon. When we meet, we can speak on everything huh” Reign stared at Mami with a smile “she will be, she has a lot to say for herself” I chuckled “she is going to be one soon!! Yes baby? One!? Baby what am I going to do? You’re going to be too grown for me, a whole one year old, I am just blessed” Reign is doing the most “I hope what I said about Malik didn’t strain the relationship you both already have?” I sighed out moving back in the chair “well I have been thinking and I am not a bastard, and if I wanted the guy dead, I could tell him that. I think he’s taken enough, more then me. I am not ever going to say anything to him, and I am going to take him under my wing, he will prosper. I will tighten my circle, my siblings will prosper with me. Yeah, that is it right now. It’s hurtful, as a human to learn that. Imagine running all your life, to think why is nobody seeing me, nobody is listening to me, why am I not getting what they get, why. To be chasing and chasing and then for your mother to not care either, to be chasing and then for me to turn around and say yeah Uncle Abel is your dad after all those years? I would want to rip my heart out and stomp on it, shit is wild to me. So no, I won’t be saying anything when he’s trying to get better. It’s just made me see why he is the way he is, so yeah” Mami smiled at me “that is the boy I know, you can be his dad. I remember Malik on the phone to you, but you were always like no. He was always happy to hear from you, I knew you cared deep down, but you were on a journey of your own with no competition at the end. I am sad it had to be me to say it but I think your father doesn’t want you to have that burden but it’s worse after, I did want him to tell you” nodding my head, I think it’s too late for that.
Laughing at both Franco and Mami fussing over Reign and she is loving every little bit of it “look at you, leave Franco’ chain alone, she is crazy” I said laughing “I have enjoyed her, she is very funny. A whole personality of her own, I will miss her. Come back to us, we can do some more pool time” licking my lips smiling “call me when you land and please, be good yes. You have a good mind on you” Mami walked into me, wrapping her arms my body, hugging Mami close “I will, for you. I will do it for you. And you need to come to me now, please. Stop being boring and come to New York, I will treat you well” Mami laughed “I know you will, once you are married and back in New York I will come and surprise you. I will miss you so much and I am sorry I had to tell you such news but I want you to be strong in this ok” Mami moved back from the hug “ok?” she said again “ok, you better come. I miss you already, come on then Mi Amor, time we go” she is so comfortable with Franco “say bye baby” reaching over and taking Reign from him “awww, she is so sweet. Bye baby” Mami waved, Reign’ eyes lit up smiling “bye, bye” Mami said “say bye baby” I waved, Reign eventually waved her arm around “we will be back with mommy next time huh” I grinned at her.
I have strapped Reign into the booster seat, she keeps walking off down the jet with her unstable self “how do you feel? Stuck there” looking up at Reign, I have placed the booster seat on the table. She is so quiet now, she is sat there like a grumpy baby “you need to learn, you can’t be doing that. This ain’t your dad’ jet” I laughed “I kid baby, it is. So, what you think baby, Robyn Davenport co-owner with Jay Z. I have her contract here; I am excited for her but I need to think on what to do with your uncle. Any ideas?” staring at her, Reign is not even looking at me. She is staring at her hands, playing with them “hey! Grumpy, why? Stop this behaviour” I gasped “where is Reign” looking passed Reign “Reign, oh my god” looking around “Mi Amor where are you” hearing Reign yelp out waving her hands around “where is Reign, I guess she gone” looking back at my laptop, I can’t really stop myself because hearing my daughter’ giggles I have to just look at her “oh baby there you are, oh my god!!” I gasped, Reign screamed out laughing “was you hiding from me, oh my baby. You are too much, you not angry at daddy no more?” leaning my head forward, Reign placed her hands on my face “da is coming for all the kisses” attacking Reign’ face with kisses and then moving back “ok, ok. I stop now” she is in a laughing fit, she is so silly at times.
Looking over at Reign, she has fallen asleep in the booster. I mean to be honest, I did stop speaking to her when I was on the phone to Ally, I had to take care of business but I will take her out of this but I will first of all, take a picture of her like this. Holding my phone to her, taking the picture and the pressing the plus sign “Mi Amor is too cute” I said to myself, captioning the picture ‘my assistant fell asleep on me, I can’t be that boring now’ pressing send, I like to update my page with my family, I mean people are nosey, they like to see what be happening in my life. Going back to my feed, Elena does not stop posting at all. All the selfies too, commenting on her post ‘I do not miss that face at all’ pressing send, that seems so childish but funny to me. Scrolling down on my feed, I don’t have any females on this at all, they follow me but I wouldn’t want to hear Robyn about it “awww” Robyn took a selfie in the car, liking the post. Notification popped up, going back to Elena’ page ‘stalker much!? I was nice about you too!’ what is she about on about, going onto her page. Oh I didn’t see these pictures, tapping on the picture of me, I fell asleep on the couch “He got bored of losing Monopoly” I read aloud, how rude is she. I look terrible here, tapping back out of the post and to the next one “finally” I said to myself again, she actually posted a nice picture of me and Reign. We both look so deep in thought, tapping onto the next picture. Picture of us together, it’s weird it just doesn’t seem like me, so relaxed. Scrolling down “He is the coolest billionaire I know, when I say Maurice Davenport is family, I meant it! He is such a cool cousin, thank you for the memories! Until we meet again” I cooed out, that is so sweet. Liking the post before commenting ‘We will meet again but thank you for the fun time’ pressing send, it’s weird seeing pictures of me like that. I guess just with family, loving family pictures.
I am happy to be home, back to baby. My smile grew seeing Robyn stood outside as my driver parked the SUV outside, she is really outside waiting but Reign is asleep. She did fall asleep rather late into the flight but she is going to be all weird now because of the time difference “all done boss” my driver said, opening the car door “pootie! Oh my god, I have missed you so much” getting out of the car “come here” Robyn rushed towards me, she barely let me get out of the car “I missed you too Robyn, I am so glad to be back” holding Robyn close to me “oh god, yes. To be back in your arms, baby” lifting Robyn up from the floor as I still held her, she yelped out “I just wanted you home so badly, and now you’re here” placing Robyn back down “back with you baby, Jay” letting Robyn go “awww my baby girl is asleep” walking over to Jay “a man with a tan, must be really hot there?” dapping him “it was hot, I wasn’t there for long but we was outside every day. I was just in shorts and slides, like I am so tanned, we went to the Spanish markets because pops works there so yeah, I had a good time but it’s nice to be back to New York, needed it” Jay patted my shoulder “she missed so much, like she has been so sad” I grinned “she was saying it on the phone, I am happy to be back for her, you know” I am going to let Robyn take care of Reign, she did miss her so much and I need a break.
Robyn yanked my top up “hey!” I spat “I wanted to see your tan, what you been doing? Please tell, I have nothing to tell, I know you do” Robyn sat on the bar stool “relaxing, woke up. Got Reign ready, then myself just shorts and slides, went downstairs to sit outside in the yard to eat breakfast in the sun. Went into the pool with Reign, she loved it. Went for a walk to the markets, went to the beach. Met Hugo after all these years, so he is Mami’ brother, I saw Isla. It was so nice to see, we used to play together in Spain, met Elena her sister. It was nice, I was happy” Robyn cooed out “so it’s them two pretty girls with you, that is them?” I chuckled “yes, they family” Robyn let out an oh “I did question it but I just saw the happiness and how much they treated you like a brother, it was just a family feel, you know” nodding my head smiling “I had the best time ever, I want to take you there. Reign was so happy, she let Mami hold her, she was loving everyone. She was chasing Franco every time” Robyn cooed “from what you’re saying, you are so happy. That makes me happy, I just wanted you to be ok, you know with the whole Shawn thing. I am glad you had a good time” I sighed out “yeah, most part. I do have something I need to discuss with you. You my wife so you need to know everything” Robyn’ face softened “really?” nodding my head “we can talk later” I am still upset about everything.
Passing Jay his lighter back “thank you, I knew you would have a blunt. I can’t exactly keep them on me because Robyn will be on my case, you know how women be” closing my eyes feeling the smoke enter me “you look like you needed it, it’s wild. You can hide in any part of this place” blowing the smoke out nodding my head “nigga, I have had a lot of shit going on. I went to Spain but I found out some things. Robyn wants me to be clean as shit, how the hell am I supposed to relax? Not happening, I just think when shit goes on I need you to be on you’re A game, I get why my dad had a bodyguard with him now, I will probably get one too. I just need to think, I have a lot of family members that hate me, they will hate me after this. And in Cali, you and Wade, y’all be fucking there” placing the blunt between my lips “that bad bro, we got you. I know I fuck around but I got you, I promise that. Nobody fucking with your family. Family can be the worst, I think when we in Cali we need to go over plans of when I go to Cali to visit my moms, you know?” nodding my head “got you, and if I ever ask you for anymore weed say no” I pointed at him “yeah, but you my boss but I will, weed is better then a cigarette” not in my case “yeah, you know in Cali I will have my enemies there, the family. I don’t want no shit popping off either, I don’t know what my dad has planned so just roll with it, I feel so much better but Robyn is going to be either on my case or just let me roll with it” Jay laughed “she is so happy to have you back, we had a little fender bender. A car just hit behind us; it was a little hard the bang. I was so angry, but she wanted to just go, I felt like she was really upset but she didn’t admit to it, we were going Taco Bell, she wanted to go out to eat. She felt lonely here, so we did but I wanted to break that niggas neck” I never knew that, Robyn never said any of this to me “did she hurt herself?” why didn’t she say this to me “she said she isn’t, she is a doctor, she knows more then me” he is right but she never said any of that to me, why didn’t she just mention it.
Smiling at Robyn at her vanity table, she is getting ready for bed early “Mi Amor, you are awake!?” I spat, Reign is still a little uneasy with walking “come to papa, give me hugs. Come on” crouching down “you got your bodysuit on, got your fat little legs out. Awww, is that Pooh on your bodysuit” Reign is gradually coming to me “you should see her fat creases, she has a tan but inside those creases they white” Robyn said laughing “momma laughing at your fat creases. Oh wow, I am so proud of you” wrapping my arms around Reign “my little princess, awww. I just want to hug you forever and ever, and ever” I think Reign is happy to be back home “you are so adorable with her Maurice, I am rather jealous. Where is my love?” I chuckled pushing Reign’ hair back “we can Bonita, in the bed. I will snuggle you too. Just like my snuggle buddy, she was so good. So much hair huh. Daddy needs a hair tie to put this back for you. Little crazy hair” Reign turned around in my arms and leaned against me, resting my chin just above her head “what are we thinking?” Robyn looked at us both “we are staring at Robyn, the beautiful Robyn Davenport, the wife of Maurice Davenport and the mother of Reign-Texas Davenport, she was born and bred in Anaheim until she met the beautiful charming but ill prince Maurice, before he met her he was a bad guy but then” Reign looked up at me “but then Mi Amor, he fell in love. She healed him, she then moved to New York to be here with her beautiful charming prince and guess what baby. They lived happily ever after” tapping Reign’ nose as she smiled at me “that was beautiful, I have really missed you. Like I have been so sad about things, I just wanted you home, but I am happy to see how much you and Reign have bonded. I have always wanted my daughter to be a daddy’s girl” I grinned, pressing a kiss to Reign’ forehead “you are both so inseparable, my loves” Robyn said.
I decided to not bug Robyn, let her have some time with Reign and put her to sleep. I have had my time for Reign “you said to me, don’t give you no more weed?” Jay said, I shushed him “negro, ignore what I say, don’t do me like that” I laughed saying shaking my head “I am not, you said it to me!, you literally said don’t give ma anymore” I have missed weed so much, I have missed the feel of it entering my body “I am nervous about the whole Cali thing, out there. I will need this, so you need too give me it too. I think my stress levels have heightened; I am scared for what is to come. You know” rolling the bunt up “if I can do anything to help you then please, I got you. I text Wade, I said we need a meeting to get things done, speak on what to do for the future. I think, personally. You the boss, you need to have protection too, you got haters my nigga. You’re a good guy but you have haters all around here so if I was you, get myself and another guy for you here living with us. I see you stressed as fuck, I don’t like that” I sighed “stress and me don’t mix, I have to speak to Robyn after this. I am happy she is there for me, but I don’t want her to worry either, you know. See how it goes” placing the blunt between my lips.
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moonlightreal · 4 years
Winx Club season 8/25
In which it all goes down.
25 The White Fox
Underwater! Subnautica Below Zero!  Crystal Sirenix!
We’re searching for Sky, who is… in a cave!  With air!  But he’s hurt his leg and will certainly freeze before long.  The water is rising!  “Time to face the truth Sky, you’re in trouble!”
The girls swim, dodge some underwater falling rocks.  Flora sees a passage and the girls swim down it.
Water rises!  Sky is done for!  But the girls are here just in time!  Bloom surrounds Sky in a bubble of fire and they all blast up into the air.
On land, Bloom uses her Dragonfire to warm Sky up and he’s ok.  Bloom says, “I couldn’t live without you.”  “Neither could I.  Literally.” heh.  I wonder if these eps had a different writer or Sky’s voice actor was having a good day or something.
Oh wait, spoke too soon.
Bloom: “what are you doing here?  You weren’t supposed to follow us to Dyamond.”
Sky: “I wanted to be with you, Bloom.”
Bloom; “But that is not a reason to-”
Sky: “come on Bloom, we never get to spend any time together,”
Bloom: “You’re right, Sky.  But… there’s no time to talk now.  Tell us what happened.”
If this season wasn’t about to end, I suspect I’d end up shouting at Bloom and Sky to discuss their relationship like adults, just like I was with Musa and Riven.  Sky is passionate about being a Specialist going on missions, so he should understand Bloom has the same feelings about her missions with the Winx.  They have that in common.
Sky tells them about the fox and getting attacked by Icy and then Bloom tells Sky to go stay safe and let the Winx handle the Trix.  Sky is so not happy about being left behind because he’s injured.  Tecna repairs his suit--  ‘Thanks Tecna!  that’s the second time already!  I’m starting to like it!”
Tec: “Don’t get used to it.”  Heh.  I wonder if any of the boys has enough magic to learn the suit-fix trick.  Helia can do a little magic, can’t he? Maybe I’m misremembering.
So Sky can come along, “But you have to stay at a safe distance, all right?”
Sky: “Prince’s honor.”  And he does a little salute.
Elsewhere, Icy and the fox have come to the crystal-flower tree, now frozen in a thick layer of ice.  Icy puts her hand to the trunk and smiles, then sits down with the fox beside her.  “Remember this place?  I’m… just happy to be with you again, Sapphire.”
Return to flashback!  The two girls playing under the tree.  The older one says, “We could stay here forever.  It’s our own special place.” The little girl in funny shorts twirls and says, ‘But why?  The magic universe is full of wonderful places!”
“But on Dyamond we have everything we need.  We never have to leave.”
“Don’t be so sure about that, Icy!  Life is full of surprises!  One moment the sun is out, the next--”
Doom approaches, but we just learned that Icy is the timid, frizzy blonde older sister.  Well, I knew but the unspoilered would have assumed Icy was the silver-haired girl.  So, Icy and Sapphire.  So somewhere, parents named their firstborn “Heart of Ice”?  That is supposed to be Icy’s real name from season one.  Don’t quote me on where I read it, but it was canon at least 4kids canon which was the only one we had before canons started popping up like weeds in springtime.  I think the other two are “Lady of Darkness” and “Mistress of Storms” or similar, they’re not terribly inspired.  
Also: is it really a retcon when Icy had no backstory before?  Hmm.
Back to doom?  Back to doom.  The foxes flee!  Wind blows and darkness falls as purple stormclouds cover the sky!  The two girls cling to each other in panic.
The lightning strikes, and there appears… well the first thing you see is the skull helmet.  Red hair, purple lipstick, very pale skin.  Antlered skull helmet and feathers.  Necklace of claws.  Staff that’s a branch with things hanging off it.  Tattered dress.  Four ice golems behind her.  I think she looks like a hagraven from Skyrim but  she’s called the “Shaman Witch.”
Little Sapphire asks what we’re all thinking: “Who are they?”
The Shaman Witch lands and thwomps the end of her staff into the ground.  Ice spreads over everything.  There are a whole lot more ice golems now as this person advances upon the cowering girls.  Ice spreads from her feet.
Shaman Witch: “Good day little ones, I hope you can help me.  I’m looking for the castle where the queen of Dyamond lives.”
Ok those words, and her posh British voice, do not match her image at all!
Icy grabs her sister, shushing her.  Don’t move, don’t say a word.
Little Sapphire’s having none of it.  She pops out, “What do you want with my mother? The queen doesn’t talk to witches!  Because you ARE a witch!  I see it!”
Icy grabs her sister, ‘Stop, Sapphire!”
Shaman Witch: “Sapphire.  What a beautiful name.  Strong and fierce like a wild beast!  Go and join the other cubs!”  And she lightnings Sapphire into a fox.
Then she comes for Icy, “What’s your name, princess?… I hope you’ll be more more obedient, Icy.  Today Dyamond will have a new queen.  I expect you to obey.”  and she asks the way to the castle.
Icy points.
Shaman Witch and her golems go wreck the city.
Icy cries.  She picks up a last crystal flower.  She walks to the overlook-- the same one the Trix were watching from last episode, and the mountain the Winx were on is the remains of the royal city.
Icy: “Shaman witch, you have conquered my kingdom and transformed my sister, but I promise I’ll break that curse!  Hear that, Sapphire?  I’ll be as brave as you were!  And I’ll become a stronger witch than she is. And when I’m the strongest witch of all I’ll come back, and I’ll save you.”
Back in the present Icy magics the fox and creates a hologram of little Sapphire.  But it’s just a hologram, they can’t touch.  “The truth is, I’m still not strong enough to break the spell of the Shaman witch.  I didn’t want to come here, I didn’t mean to get your hopes up. Forgive me Sapphire.  I was forced to come back to Dyamond but I’m not ready yet.”
The fox cries.
Icy: “But I’ll catch up with you soon.  And you’ll be returned to normal, sister.”
Aaaand here’s Darcy and Stormy with the question we’re all asking: ‘I thought WE were your sisters!’
Icy: “Companions, allies, friends maybe.  We call ourselves sisters, but we’re not. She’s the only real sister I have, Sapphire.”
Icy’s voice actor nails this line.
That answers something I’ve been wondering about since season one: were they biological sisters?  Back when 4kids canon was the only canon there were mentions of which of them was oldest and youngest suggesting they are bio-sisters, but was that 4kids or straight from Rainbow?  Who knows.  I only know season one as I saw it and what i saw was suggestions that they are biological sisters but no confirmation.
Stormy: “I thought there were no secrets between us.”  
Icy takes to the air for a mini tour.
Icy: “This was my kingdom a long time ago, but a merciless witch conquered it.  My family, the people of Dyamond, everything has been turned into ice. These totems are the work of the witch, they’re symbols of her dark power, eternal and unbreakable.  The guardians of her frigid spell!”
Darcy gets why Icy didn’t want to come, too many bad memories.  Stormy: “too much pain… bleck!  All this sadness is making me sick!”  Heh.
Icy’s plan is to get the new powers Valtor has promised them and maybe then she’ll be strong enough to bring life back to Dyamond-- and if Valtor double crosses them they’ll defeat him.  “The most important battle is here.  The reason I became the witch you know, I did it for her.”
Or you could get the stars yourself and use your wish, Icy.  That’d probably work.  
Sapphire tugs at Icy’s cape.  She knows where the prime star is!  Off go the Trix! It’s down a crevasse, across a bridge into this crystal cavern with an iced over building in it.  And there’s the star, floating in its hamster ball.  But when Icy grabs for it, it zaps her and flies away down a small tunnel.  With Icy down, Stormy sees her chance.  She tries to zap the tunnel wider and ends up destabilizing the whole cavern!  
Ok, what-all do we have to talk about?  Icy sure changed personality fast, exactly like Tinx at the end of Wow from evil to wimp in one quick move!  Also, Icy is sad about her kingdom being buried in ice but was unbothered by the same thing happening to Domino.  And in eight seasons of watching the Winx help people, Icy hasn’t once thought to ask Boom—who helped reverse the exact same spell on her own planet—for help?  My head’s spinning here.
I sense there will be followup posts deconstructing Icy’s brand new backstory further.
But we’ve got more episode to go!  Topside the winx and Sky are flying when snow blasts up from the crevasse.  Sky notices and now the girls know where the action is.
Down below Icy’s yelling at Stormy for nearly bringing the mountain down on their heads, but her zapping hasn’t widened the tunnel.  Icy realizes that the building is filled with the Shaman Witch’s magic.  So this is her lair?  And where IS the Shaman Witch?  She wanted to be queen of Dyamond but instead she wrecked the place and vanished.  Maybe the people of Dyamond put up a good fight and the realm got so busted up that the Shaman Witch realized there was nothing left worth being queen of and she went off to conquer someplace else?  I mean, a queen of a destroyed city and zero subjects isn’t worth much.
Also: Is the Shaman Witch the ice witch of the Three Ancestors, before she met the other two?
Sapphire runs off down the tunnel to get the star.
Winx arrive, not knowing any of this!  Battle is joined!  Crystal Sirenix powers are strong, but this cavern is not real stable!  Rocks fall, threatening to trap Sapphire in the tunnel.
Darcy and Stormy seem to have gotten used to this “sister” thing real fast once Sapphire became useful.
Everyone else flees the crumbling cavern, leaving Icy to get her fox sister out of the tunnel.  Icy calls Sapphire to come out, but Sapphire wants to get the star.  Icy calls, ‘Forget the star!  it’s not that important!” and uses magic to pull Sapphire back.  They fly up into the air.
Stormy: ‘tell me you got the star!”
Icy: ‘No, but I saved what really matters.”
Bloom gapes.
The star rises out of the crevasse.  Stella’s happy, but I think the Trix may have a better claim.  The star case appears for more poetry.  “Behold the seventh and final prime star revealed, holding a greater power than all the others, the star of the bond that lasts forever, the love of two sisters who stand together.”  the star flies to Icy and Sapphire.
The Trix gloat. The Winx are confused.  Icy gets all evil-eyes again.  She and the Trix, and Sapphire and the prime star, leave through a portal.
Stella is confused! “What do those three know about sisterly love?”  but Bloom says it’s not all over yet.
Team Trix appears still on Dyamond.  Stormy asks why they haven’t gone back to Valtor yet.  Icy tries the prime star’s magic, and it erases Valtor’s mark from their hands.  Darcy and Stormy hug and chant, ‘Freedom, freedom, freedom!”  heh.
Icy tries to use the prime star to change Sapphire back—and it works!  They hug, but Sapphire changes back into a fox.  The prime star wasn’t strong enough.  Icy breaks down crying.  But she promises again, her voice getting eviler as she gets her determination on, to become the most powerful witch and come back to save her sister.
Nighttime Alfea with a big moon!  The star case is pontificating, the last star has been found but the winner has not yet been decided.
Stella: ‘Four to three to Valtor!  The star case may be magical but it can’t do math!”
But the other girls realize Valtor only has three stars, it’s Icy who has the tiebreaker.  Bloom feels that icy won’t give the star to Valtor. “It’s what I’m hoping.  Because today I saw a spark of love in Icy’s heart!  Winx, we’re not just going to stand here and wait. we’re going to attack Valtor’s palace and take his prime stars. I have a plan.’
Episode end!  What a ride!
...hang on, they can just go to Valtor’s asteroid?  Why haven’t they done that already?
Also with the whole “secret of sisters” thing it seems like Icy was the only person who COULD have gotten this star.  Or Bloom, if Daphne existed in this timeline but she maybe doesn’t.  So… the Wishing Star set this up.  The Wishing Star wants good things for Icy/Sapphire/Dyamond’s people if they’re frozen instead of dead, and set this up.  But with one episode to go I’m pretty sure Dyamond doesn’t get saved yet.  Hmm.
Also, did Icy start out as a fairy?  If Sapphire said “our mom the queen doesn’t talk to witches” that suggests that they’re fairies or nonmagical girls.  It also suggests that Dyamond is a pretty magically bigoted place.  
This sudden batch of backstory just came out of nowhere with no foreshadowing and no conclusion.  My first thought was that the writers were setting up for season 9: Icy finally realizes the Winx like to help people and asks Bloom to help her save her sister.  The Winx and Trix have to work together defeating the Shaman Witch and her minions while Darcy and Stormy try to mess up the alliance because they’re jerks, and in the end Icy restores her kingdom and family and settles down to be a princess.  Except Icy is a jerk too, but that’s a different subject.  But they never foreshadow future seasons…
No.  Wait.
This isn’t setup for season nine, it’s setup for MOVIE FOUR!  Just like Politea’s story kind of appeared out of nowhere in season 5.  Whaddaya think, does that make sense to you?  We haven’t heard anything solid about movie 4, and with how things are in Italy now who knows what the future holds for Rainbow, but maybe that was the plan.
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karaxreds · 5 years
I am not you ( Part two) - Dele Alli
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Part One
Her heart started racing, her eyes glued to the screen. He stopped calling her two weeks ago when he finally accepted the fact that maybe she really wasn't coming back.
A part of her felt sad because he gave up on her while the other part felt relieved, because maybe she'll somehow find a way to move on.
But yet here he is, it was past midnight and he was calling her again. The phone stopped ringing but it rang again just a few seconds later.
She let out a sigh, closed the book in her hands and finally answered the call.
"Hey?" She mumbled quietly.
"Hellooo beautiful!" He giggled loudly on the other end of the phone."You finally picked up! I am so happy, Hi! Hello, Hey!" He sang happily, which she couldn't lie, it did make her chuckle.
"D-Dele, are you drunk?" She asks, once he stopped laughing.
"Drunk? No!" He huffed, "Well maybe, I am drunk in loooove."
"Sure thing." She rolled her eyes, "Are you in a club?"
"The exact same one where I broke my baby's heart." He whined, and she felt a pang in her chest, a bit of anger as well.
"Are you with someone?" She quickly changes the subject.
"I was with Harry, but he left a few minutes ago with some bird." He sighed and she could imagine him rolling his eyes.
"Okay, don't call girls Birds." She said, "And why don't you call Eric to pick you up, yeah? or anyone else? Because you obviously won't be able to drive like that."
"Doesn't matter, I don't want to go home anyway." He mumbled, "It's cold there and empty when you're not there."
"Dele, please don't." She let out a heavy sigh, feeling that wave of sadness again.
It was no secret that she was still deeply in love with him, and was and will have a hard time moving on from a man she calls the love of her life.
"I am so sorry." He whispered, eyes full of tears.
"Dele, Just call Eric please, or anyone." She pleaded, her voice cracking at the end.
"I said, I don't want to go home!Okay?!" He yelled, making her wince.
"Just stay there okay?" She said and before he could answer her, she hang up and quickly jumped up from the bed.
She didn't bother changing, she just put on her jacket and checked if her sister was sleeping. When she saw that she was in a deep slumber she grabbed her car keys put on her shoes and left the house as quiet as she could.
Once she made it to the club, a few heads turned around to look at her and laugh followed by tens of judgmental looks. Not surprising since she was wearing pyjamas to a night club. A few minutes later she finally spotted the brown haired boy she was looking for, sitting on a stool at the bar with a bottle of vodka in front of him.
"I think that's enough." She announced, snatching the alcoholic drink from his hands and slamming it back down on the bar counter.
"Oh, heeeeeey!" He smiled like a fool at her, he didn't mean to but he leaned over and engulfed her in a tight hug.
"Come on, let me take you home." She said, her arms resting on her sides refusing to hug him back even through she wanted that more than anything.
It was the first time she was seeing him since the day she picked up her things from their flat.
"I missed you so much, babe." He said, burrying his head in her neck and absorbing her scent.
"I think that's enough." She screeched, pushing him away lightly. "Come on, you probably got training tomorrow afternoon."
"I do?" He asked, looking at her in confusion."I am just going to skip
" he giggled.
"Sure thing." She gave him a short nod," let's go now."
She grabbed his arm to put it around her shoulder, he was obviously taller and heavier than her so she had to be careful not to trip.
"You came in your pj's!" He exclaimed loudly and thank god the music was loud enough for the others around to hear. "You came to take me home wearing your pjs, this is so cute! You're so cute!" He gushed.
"Just shut up, please." She sighed again.
A few minutes later she finally made it to the car and settled him down on the passenger seat, put his seatbelt on.
"Woah!" His eyes widened, "You look so much like my girlfriend! This is insane! Identical twins, literally."
"Do I now?" She let out a small laugh, shaling her head at him as she started to drive away from the bar.
"Wow, you're so beautiful." He smiled foolishly, his eyes scanning her face. She was wearing no make up, obviously was about to sleep but didn't quite happen.
She let out a sigh as she watches him turn the volume up and sing out loud to the hiphop song that was blasting through the speakers.
About fifteen minutes later she's finally made it to his apartment, he was still awake but barely. She locked her car and tried as hard as she can to not let him fall, he was obviously a bit heavier than her and taller.
"Del, a little bit of help here please?" She sighed, as he almost fell on the floor laughing to himself. "God, you're wasted."
A few more struggles later they finally made it to his room, she quickly throw him on his bed as a weird sound left his mouth.
She bent down and took off his shoes and socks, she couldn't believe that she was there taking care of her ex boyfriend.
"I think I am getting sick." Dele giggled, she couldn't help but smile at the cute sound.
Even if he did hurt her, she still loved him. Otherwise why would she be there on the first place.
She watched the boy rise on his feet and take off both his jacket and shirt leaving him shirtless.
"Are you staying?" He mumbled, sitting back on the bed looking up at her his eyes filled with sorrow.
"I need to go, yeah." She just nodded, her heart aching as she remembers all the nights she spent in this house, their house.
"Stay, I promise I won't do anything..Just-" he sighed, lying down slowly closing his eyes.
She furrowed her brows when she noticed him grab something fron the other side of the bed and shr couldn't help but lean over to him and check what that thing was.
Her eyes widened when she saw her black favourite jumper in his arms, he was hugging it tightly.
"D-Dele, Is that my jumper?" She asks, her voice so soft.
"Why is it still with you?"
"Because it has your smell, and I can't sleep without feeling like you're next to me." He admitted, both his eyes tightly closed.
She stood there, looking at him with tears in her eyes. She thought that he was trying to move on maybe but what she just witnessed just proved that he was still hopelessly in love with her.
The next morning the young footballer woke up with a throbbing head, he let out a groan when he tried to open his eyes and was met up with the bright rays of sunshine coming through the curtains.
His eyes snapped open as he heard a sound coming from the kitchen, his heart racing as he tried to remember what happened the previous night.
A couple of minutes later and just a few flashbacks of him in a bar drinking his sorrows away, he finally had the courage to walk into that kitchen.
He was met up with a sight he thought he would never see again, there she was, the girl of his dreams wearing his shorts and his t-shirt making pancakes in his kitchen.
She turned around, slightly frightened by the sound of his voice.
"Morning." She smiled widely at him.
"I borrowed these." She pointed to the clothes she was wearing, "Hope it's okay? Couldn't stay in those pjs since you throw up on them last night." She chuckles.
"I what?" His eyes widened, "God, I don't remember anything and you know you can wear my clothes whenever you want."
"Here." She said, putting a plate full of pancakes on the table, which was already set. "And also these" she said, placing two pills next to his plate. "But you need to eat first, so come on."
He looked at her clearly confised by her behaviour, just a couple of days ago she would've killed him but there she was in his kitchen making breakfast after she spent the night cleaning after him.
"A-Are you okay?" He finally asked, "I mean-"
"I am great." She smiled, "Haven't been this good in weeks."
"What happened exactly last night?" He asks again, sitting down on the kitchen stool.
"You called me, you were at the bar completely wasted and harry bailed on you with some girl. I just couldn't leave you to drive like that so I came and brought you here and spent the night making sure you won't be sick which you were, so eat and take those medicines." She ordered, sitting on the stool next to him.
"Oh, god knows how embarrassing I was." He shook his head, putting some pancakes in his mouth.
"You were quite funny to be honest and also adorable." She smiles at him.
"Adorable?" He raised his eyebrows at her, still not understanding.
"I know I've been ignoring you for the past few weeks." She let out a sigh before continuing, "But last night you said so manu things, and it just made me realise that I've jumped to conclusions too early and didn't let you explain and even when you did I chose to ignore it because I was hurt."
"You know I would never do it on purpose." Dele shook his head, his eyes never leaving hers.
"Now I know." She nodded, "Last night, spending it here, lying next to you made me realise how much I miss you."
"I miss you like crazy, babe."
"When I saw you hugging that jumper I-"
"You found the jumper, Oh god I am-"
"You're sleeping with it?" She asked as if she was trying to confirm the info.
"Yes, stole it from your suitcase before you left." He admits, "Makes me feel like you're still here."
She just looked at him with a small smile on her face, enjoying his presence and he was feeling just like her.
"Does this mean you're giving me another chance?" He asks softly.
"I am willing to give us another chance." She shrugged, "Just one though, so..."
"It's more than enough, we'll make it work." He nodded, "I love you and I am sorry..."
"I know." She nods as well, "I am sorry too, They say love isn't enough sometimes but maybe we can prove the opposite?"
"We definitely will." He moved closer to her and held both of her hands in his.
"We will." She smiled, leaning closer and finally did what he's been dying to do for weeks now, Kiss her.
"So when are you moving back in?" He asks once they both pulled away.
"I am not."she shrugged, "I mean not immediately, we'll just take it slowly this time yeah?"
"But I miss you back home,this is your home too..." He pouted, resting his forehead against hers.
"Just for a few weeks to see how it works out"
"Okay." Was his only answer.
"Eat your breakfast now so you can take the pills. " she smiled widely, pulling away from him.
"I love you."
"I love you too, babe."
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wildtige429 · 5 years
Taken in Yadda Yadda Berries. Star and Marco will learn something about Toshi and Rasticore’s relationship.
Somebody. A traitor or some assassin or a hired hitman, was planning to kill Eclipsa and his dad by using Yadda Yadda Berries in the pie and wine. Fortunately, the royal taster has risked his life for her and Toshi have saved his father from drinking the spiked wine when he picks up the scent of poison from the drink.
Now he, and his pals are on the case of who is behind the assassinations. When Toshi finds out who was trying to kill his dad and Eclipsa, he’s going to teach them a thing or two for being murderers on their new queen, who is not evil at heart. And his dad is no longer the villain they thought he was after Kurogane, the legendary spinosaurus, calmed down and became a family ally after he barfed out his dad, and they were able to reunite and rekindle their relationship.
The informant has informed them that it was the work of an assassin from the guild of assassins. When they reached there, the trio spotted an oh-so-familiar, but small face in the kitchen.
After a little greeting, much to Rasticore’s exasperation and frustration since he is still healing from whatever did this to him (Toshi did joke that he ever wondered he fell onto his side because of the weight of his large arm). Thankfully, the recovering frilled lizard gave them the info they need.
“Babs, eh? That’s our new lead,” Star figured, “Thanks little guy.”
And she pats him on the back and she left. Toshi stayed behind, putting a hand on his shoulder after he sighed miserably for being called little guy.
“Oh man, whoever did this to you, must have been real pissed,” he spoke to him, “Would it be okay if you tell me what happened?”
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” Rasticore grumbled.
Star and Marco returned when they noticed Toshi is missing, “One question though. Is it me or do you two know each other?” she wondered.
“Yeah, it’s like you guys are chums,” Marco agreed.
Rasticore turned around and rested his fists on his waist, “Cause I’m the kid’s godfather.”
They paused to digest that new information about their friend, muttering and whispering to each other that explains why their friend and Rasticore know each other.
“You’re Toshi’s godfather? That explains why you two are so close,” Star muttered, “I actually noticed you two meeting up in our last fiascos.”
Toshi blinked, and held his chin in trying to remember the times he meets Rasticore in their previous adventures and how Star noticed them.
(Flashback 1)
Rasticore tracked through the aisles of Quest Buy, searching for any signs of his targets through this maze using his tracker. He senses a presence not far and turned to face the person. 
When he and Toshi noticed each other, the green lizard eased down his scowl and lifted his hand in greeting. And Toshi returned it before they departed.
(Flashback 2)
“Rasticore, bring me Princess Marco’s bones!” 
And Heinous threw what’s left of Rasticore’s hand directly at Marco, the Diazs and Star. But the hand fell worthlessly. Toshi gently picked him up.
“Dude, when did you become a cougar magnet?” he asked him.
The claw made spasms and wild gestures that the young lizard translates as, “WHAT!?”
“Me too, I don’t get why she likes you,” he whispered awkwardly.
(Flashback 3)
The former dean spun around and saw Gemini being held hostage and put at gunpoint by a pissed off Toshi. When she was busy preaching, he approached the minion quietly and whipped out his cybernetic pistols. The sight of the hostage situation stunned the princesses of the former school, Star and Marco. Since everything is seen on the big screen.
“Leave now! Or your friend here GETS IT!!” he threatened, jabbing the muzzle of his pistol into the golem’s temple.
“Oh please,” she huffed, folding her arms, “As if that would scare me.”
“Wow, she doesn’t care about you,” Toshi whispered to Gemini, making him sigh in exasperation. When that didn’t work, he gently pushed him away and quickly grabs the still recovering Rasticore, who is just a torso. Feeling the gun aimed at his heart, the healing lizard dropped his chainsaw and lifted his arm in surrender.
He got a reaction from the elder. 
“DON’T HURT HIM!!!” she wailed in total horror.
“Sorry I had to do this,” he whispered to Rasticore.
“It’s okay, kid, I get it,” Rasticore answered, using hand signs.
“When you’re fully regenerated, you’re have to put a restraining order on her,” he reminded.
Rasticore replies with a thumbs up, “Agreed.”
“Now GET OUT OF HERE!!!” Toshi roared at Heinous, waving his pistol to tell her to get into her car.
“Okay, okay!” she wailed, quickly getting into her car. Without warning, Gemini snatches a rock and throws it. Toshi thought he was aiming at his face to save the lizard but the rock smacked into Rasticore’s stomach, displaying a terrible wince. He made rapid hand signs.
“Hey, what the hell man!?” Toshi translated for the golem after reading his sign language.
“Sorry, I was aiming at you!” Gemini apologised.
Seeing the display and accepting the fact that Turdina, their liberator, is a boy, the princesses, with Pony Head rebelled, battle crying.
“VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!” Toshi yelled in fluent French, “WOOOOOOOO!!!”
In his total glee and adrenaline rush, he simultaneously kicked the torso down.
“Sorry!” he called out to Rasticore.
(Flashback 4)
Toshi, with Ruby following behind him when they hear something happened to Star and Marco, marched in with a slow scowl and slowly pulling out his pistol.
“How many times do I have to warn you that if you ever come back -!”
He let out a bloodcurdling scream when The nearly formed Rasticore quickly whips out a taser and jolted him in the side. Dropping his gun and collapsing, he panted in pain.
“Toshi!” Star and Marco cried with alarm.
Leaning down until they are at earshot, the green lizard whispered, “Sorry I had to do that.”
“Hey man, it’s okay,” Toshi whispered back with a slight chuckle, “Now we’re even now.”
The two shared a short laugh fest that confuses Star and Marco, making them wonder.
Does Toshi and Rasticore know each other?
(End of flashbacks)
“Yeah, I forgot to explain that to you,” Toshi smiled sheepishly, “Been busy with our mishaps.”
“How’s your mom?” Rasticore asked normally.
“Oh, she’s doing great!” he answered with a smile, “You heard what happened to my dad and my mom that day?”
“Yeah, yeah, I heard,” he answered, “I didn’t know Kurogane was frozen all this time! But I’m glad you got your dad back.”
“Yeah, it surely does,” he sighed with nostalgia, “I better leave, Rast. We gotta catch the culprits before they strike again.”
“Tell your parents I said ‘HI!’” he called out as the trio ran off.
“I WILL!” Toss’s voice is heard calling back.
Each of the flashbacks are Gift of the Card, Heinous, Princess Turdina and Monster Bash.
I hope you like it!
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erenthecoordinate · 5 years
Hi! Any thought on the chapter?
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I don’t have a whole ton to say about this chapter, honestly, it was a conveniently paced setup chapter.  We got a couple significant reveals, potential foreshadowing, and an epic cliffhanger.
To touch up on the latter, a number of people believe this is the climax of it all and that we only have several chapters until the finish.  Personally, this feels more like a buildup to the bigger, ultimate climax.  Business needed to be taken care of with Marley first.  The true happening is solving what happens to Eldia(ns) in the long-term.  I was hoping for more answers regarding Eren, but it seems we’ll have to wait an action sequence before we get his internal insight on anything.  There is still some stacked-on evidence of his intentions though, and I don’t think that should go unnoticed.
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It is kind of a no-brainer that Pieck’s intimidation tactics to get Eren to submit wouldn’t work out.  At this point, Eren is confident (maybe too confident) that no one can afford to kill him without a fight.  And he sure as hell would put up one.  She decides quickly that her better option is to appear desperate for his cooperation to take down the nation that had devastated the island in the first place, and that he in turn infiltrated back.  This isn’t the first time we see Pieck so easily put her hands up and appear harmless, of course, but she makes it convincing enough where Gabi is questioning where her loyalties lie.  Interestingly, much of what she is saying in regards to her opinions of Marley is genuine, but that doesn’t mean she sees Eldia’s Paradis as allies, much less Eren.  So, props to Pieck for her deception and information prodding.
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Between Eren and Pieck, Eren is one with little words and feigns ignorance to a lot of her questions.  He obviously knows why Zeke has the abilities he possesses, and quizzes Pieck to see how much she knows.  It is clear neither trust one another, but it makes we wonder if Eren would actually consider allying with another warrior if they were interested in aligning with his plan.  I don’t think he intended to ever believe her seeing as how he braced himself for a fight and stood quite a bit away from Pieck and Gabi when he asked her to point her comrades out.  It just would be interesting to see if he would at all.  Guess we’ll never know now.
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I see you’ve taken some lessons from Annie again, Eren.  I wonder if we’ll ever see what object he is using in his pocket.
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Anyway, with the two’s conversation, some things were revealed.  Eren is aware of the spinal fluid that’s in the wine.  He is likely aware of who drank the wine or at least who would be at risk. That said, I’m not entirely convinced Eren initiated or advocated for this wine plot to happen, and am better convinced by a theory that implies there was more forward planning before his (willing or unwilling) participation.  Maybe I’m just thinking the better of Eren, but that’s just what it seems to me. 
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 Pieck believes Zeke’s words to Eren on the roof were true, that this was the most genuine he had ever been toward anyone.  Pieck is painted as a very perceptive person, so I’m inclined to agree with her.  
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Before the action, though, a quote that has sparked a lot of discussion is what Eren says to Yelena in regards to Pieck trusting them.  Yelena is sure that Pieck is deceiving them and Eren agrees that she is not trustworthy, apparently much like “another woman.”  [Note: More officially, it’s actually “that woman”] English has this statement translated as if there is another woman who is not to be trusted.  But, can refer to Yelena being the one not to trust Pieck.  Or…that Pieck is the one not actually trusting them.  Or…well, it’s complicated.  Japanese readers are still confused what exactly Eren is talking about and people are guessing that there is not much meaning behind whereas others are thinking that Eren is talking about someone not on-scene.  Isayama just managed to pick the vaguest meaning of this sentence and it’s suspiciously convenient that it’s within a conversation about trust.  
Personally, I’m bouncing back and forth between believing it’s just him referring to Pieck not trusting them after all or that he is talking about another woman they cannot trust, whether he means someone non-present.  There aren’t a lot of women in the cast (sadly) that may spark the latter point.  The only one I can think of is Kiyomi, which is entirely possible.  Mikasa and Historia being regarded in this way don’t make sense.  Regardless, the way it is worded in a confusing manner was intentional, or at least I’d like to think so.
It’s also neat to point out that this is the first time we see Eren and Yelena actually interacting that isn’t a flashback.  I wonder how their demeanor normally is around each other.
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Really quick, I’d like to appreciate a couple glamor shots of Eren looking intimidating and angry.  Even if this is the only mood he is emoting this arc so far, it’s refreshing to see him break from his barely phased and unreadable demeanor.  At least I have NO question why Eren is upset!  And he’s gonna be shoeless in shorts after all this.  Wow.
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Side B to the story is the 104th and Sasha’s family (Nicolo, included) in their cell.  I guess it’s relatively…generous that they were given supplies to eat, drink, and keep heat while behind bars?  
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Armin and Mikasa recall Eren’s hostility toward them and very quickly Jean asks what went down.  When Connie brings up that Eren has become a different person, effectively a piece of shit friend, Jean isn’t entirely certain about it.  Despite how hurt they are, he reasons that, once again, these actions wouldn’t be made by a sane Eren without a reason behind it.
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We’ve seen quite a number of people bring up that “no, this is not like Eren” as a means to analyze his current behavior, and I believe even the flashbacks and Eren’s lack of input in the grand scheme of things (aside from what other characters are saying), are meant to tell the reader to stay tuned, Eren may not be how he is projecting himself to be.  How much longer until the truth?  Well…probably another volume, who knows!
That said, it’s understandable that Armin and Mikasa, despite having grown up with Eren and experiencing his changes, are most shaken and uncertain.  Eren’s hostile words towards them hit a personal note and attacked their identities.  He made them doubt themselves and that makes them doubt their support for Eren. So Jean reiterating that this is unusual behavior and it can’t be taken at face value has them consider for a bit.
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Yelena finally comes to talk to the 104th in their underground prison.  Naturally, the group is confused by what is going on and demand answers.  Before that though, we get some more blatant racism targeted at Sasha (who is dead, what a low blow!) that Yelena is quick to shut down.  I don’t trust Yelena but I’d be lying if I didn’t feel like this guy deserved it.  It may have been an excessive action, but it’s true that you probably don’t want a guy sputtering insults at the people you are still trying to win over.  Also, what a dick!  You’re just as bad as Floch last chapter!
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Also we learn that Onyankopon isn’t as innocent as he claimed to be...
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Or at least, on the surface.  He still seems uneasy whenever he is around Yelena but more talkative around Hange, so I’m wondering how deep their loyalties lie and whether or not these two are cooperating to push forth their own separate (but symbiotic) agendas.  As we see not even a minute later, no one would want to be caught on Yelena’s bad side anyway.  Oof!
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Afterwards, she reveals the plan to the group and they are all taken aback by the euthanization add-on.  Yelena confirms that the idea to pass down the Beast Titan down to royalty and the Coordinate to another series of chosen successors, as well as threatening the world with the Rumbling by initiating a small scale test run, were still part of it.  Historia’s pregnancy and getting Zeke to the island was no big surprise to them considering upper military branches and the government were willing to chance the event.  It appears, however, that not everyone was involved in Yelena’s full agenda.  Although Nicolo served the wine, he had believed Yelena and her circle of allies were more interested in securing the island to rule and destroy Marley as revenge.  Yelena assures that this isn’t quite the case and the action they are taking is for the benefit of Paradis and all Eldians alike.  At this point, it’s hard to imagine she is lying anymore (although, I don’t doubt there is some revenge seeking on her part).  She has little reason to when those who would want to stop her are behind bars.  And she doesn’t personally dislike them.  In fact, she is more than happy if they “understand” her.  Armin is “moved” to tears actually.  Of course, as far as Yelena knows, Armin isn’t one for master manipulation.  Mikasa, on the other hand, knows better.  Connie and Jean are more shocked, but I’m inclined to believe it’s because they noticed Armin suppressing laughter before crying (yes, it is laughter).
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I know there is debate on what this all means.  Did Armin finally crack?  Is he actually moved by Yelena’s motives?  Is he just expressing all the pent of emotion he has carried for a long while only to finally release them when the truth of it all comes out?  Or…most likely…he has figured something out and the crying itself was a cover up.  Either he thinks the plan is so outrageously NOT Eren that his doubts are being relieved or the plan is in general so outrageous that there has to be a way to stop it and well, since it’s Armin, there is definitely something cooking up in there.  Once this is all over, I think he does need an actual good cry, though.
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What I predict in the next chapters is, of course, more action.  I think Zeke is bound to arrive at some point either as a cliffhanger for ch117 or sometime within the battle.  Whether he and Eren come in contact to put an end to Marley’s remaining forces depends on what damage they can do to the non-Eldians.  The wine drinkers are suspiciously all together, after all, not far from the invasion.  I think the 104th will be able to break free somehow and arrive at the scene.  To do what, I’m not entirely sure.  But I think we’ll get a final verdict on whether they will decide to support Eren again or leave him to his demise.  I have reason to believe they will forgive him if they feel like his actions aren’t an actual danger to them, albeit not that they would be as close as they were before ever again.  Something’s got to give at the end of this frustrating mystery, right?
Again, I’m probably too hopeful, and I don’t think any BIG answers will come until after this battle.  In fact, I’m really anticipating more “villainous” demeanors from Eren that will either confuse people or have readers believe he really is totally gone.  But we are getting our final Reiner v Eren fight and I’m QUITE excited about this!
Not a really long reaction.  A good chunk of the chapter was people deceiving each other and the playing “can I trust you?” game.  Needless to say, I don’t think anyone really trusts each other.  Well, except for Pieck and her comrades.
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I miss those moments from the alternative perspective...  :(
Thanks for the question!
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emma-nation · 6 years
For You - Bloodbound AU (Chapter 2)
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Summary: Takes place after Book 1. Before Gaius’ return the gang must face a dangerous new enemy, a powerful vampire hunter who is thirsty for their blood.
Pairings: KamilahxMC
Genre: Angst/Adventure/Romance
Rating: T - Warning for violence and language
(Chapter 1) (Chapter 2)
Author’s Notes:
- English is my second language, please forgive me for any mistakes. - Hope you enjoy it, your reviews and likes are always appreciated.
- Please don’t hate me yet :P
- Updated 04/11/2020: Fixed some spelling mistakes
Flashback - 3 weeks earlier:
Amy turned on the television but nothing was enough to keep her distracted, to prevent her from thinking about Kamilah. All she wanted was to forget about her, erase her completely from her mind. It was impossible, she knew. Kamilah Sayeed was unforgettable. Somebody knocked at the door. She wasn't expecting any guests and Lily was spending the night at the Shadow Den. When she opened it, Kamilah was standing there. She wasn't wearing a business outfit as usual, she was wearing jeans and a tank top. "Damn it," Amy thought as soon as she laid her eyes on her. Even the most casual outfit made her look sexy as hell. "Amy..." Kamilah started to speak. "What are you doing here, Kamilah?" Amy interrupted. "I think I made very clear last night that we're over." "Please, can you at least hear what I have to say?" Amy looked deeply in her brown eyes. She had never seen that look before. Kamilah looked vulnerable, insecure, regretful. In the moment there were no walls, Kamilah's human side was completely exposed. She was just like any other woman begging for a chance to apologize. "Okay," Amy invited her in. She bit her lip nervously when Kamilah sat next to her on the couch, like if she already knew she wouldn't be able to resist her. "Oh, these are for you," Kamilah handed her a bouquet of white tulips. "Thank you," Amy replied. "They're wonderful." "There's a card too." Amy noticed she looked down at the floor, blushing a little bit. "I tried to write many things but none of them expressed accurately my feelings for you," she spoke. "I heard this song on the radio a few days ago, it made me think about us." Amy opened the card and read:
"Then I see you standing there Wanting more from me But all I can do is try I'm all I'll ever be But all I can do is try"
"I'm sorry I left you waiting last night," Kamilah apologized. "Truth is, I'm still getting used to this." "Kamilah, I..." Amy didn't know what to say. "There's one more thing," she pulled a little black box from her pocket. "W-what..." Amy opened it and inside there was a keychain, with a single key. "What is that, Kamilah?" "Come live with me. It's the only way we can spend more time together and... I'll try to work less, I promise." "Are you sure you're ready for this?" Amy asked. "Yes," Kamilah said, "I don't wanna lose you."
Present Days:
In front of the mirror, Amy admired herself and her stunningly beautiful dress. The dress Kamilah surprised her with, a couple of days earlier. Initially, she didn't want to attend Priya's fashion show, but after Amy insisted a lot she eventually agreed. It was not a good idea to leave her girlfriend alone with Priya, after all.
"Amy," Kamilah opened the bedroom's door. "Why are you taking so long?"
"I'm sorry, I..."
When she turned around, Kamilah's eyes widened in surprise.
"Amy..." she opened a broad smile. "Oh my God, you..."
"What?" Amy looked at herself in the mirror again. "Is there anything wrong? Is it my hair?"
"No," Kamilah wrapped her arms around Amy's waist from behind. "You're absolutely perfect."
"Well, then we are. Look at you! I mean, you look gorgeous in everything you wear but this dress, this make-up... wow!"
"We'll be the sexiest couple in that event."
"I'm sure of this," Amy grabbed her phone and snapped a picture of them.
"There will be a lot of journalists and photographers there, are you ready for this? It's the first time I go to an event accompanied. Your face will be all over the news tomorrow."
"Are you asking me if I'm ready for the world to know I'm Kamilah Sayeed's girlfriend? You can bet I am!"
Amy smiled and pressed her lips on Kamilah's. When she pulled away, Kamilah's expression had changed.
"Before we go, there's something I need to do," she showed Amy an amulet with her Clan's brand. "Would you let me brand you? It's temporary, to protect you from The Baron's thugs."
"Of course," Amy presented her forearm.
Kamilah warmed the amulet with a lighter and pressed against Amy's wrist. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt so much as when Adrian branded her.
"Are you okay?" Kamilah healed the burn with her blood.
"Yes..." Amy answered, tracing the insignia with her finger, "I wish that was permanent though."
"We can discuss this in another occasion. In the future."
Amy nodded.
Kamilah sat on the bed, still with a serious and worried expression.
"Amy... there's something else I need to tell you,” she sighed. “Remember the Council meeting last week?"
"Of course. Is it about the Vampire Hunter?"
"Not really... this whole Vampire Hunter story was a fraud. In exchange for her life, Priya gave him some confidential information. Information about Gaius."
"What does it mean?"
"He has returned, Amy. Gaius has returned."
"W-wait so he's here... in New York?"
"He was trapped in a Sarcophagus inside the Museum's library. When Adrian checked, after the meeting, he wasn't there anymore. But he's still in a desiccated state, it'll take a while before he regains his true form. "
"Kamilah, I'm so sorry. I... How are you feeling about this?"
"I'm okay. It's about you I'm worried about. I'll be the first person he'll come after, seeking for revenge."
"It's time for you to know a part of my story."
Kamilah told her everything that happened in the 1920's. The Reaper virus, the rebellion against Gaius and how she was the one that took him down. When she finished, Amy squeezed her hand gently.
"You defeated him once, you can do it again. Besides, you have me by your side now. We'll fight together."
"He's not like the Ferals or Vega... He..."
"We'll fight together."
Amy held her face and pulled her for a long and passionate kiss.
"You almost make me believe everything is going to be okay."
"It's a progress," Amy chuckled. "There's something I need to tell you too. I've been planning to say it for a while now, but I couldn't find the right moment."
"What is this?"
"Kamilah... I love you."
Amy detected a trace of tension in her eyes. Kamilah looked astonished, she opened her mouth, trying to find an appropriate answer.
"I-I... Amy..."
"That's okay, don't feel forced to say anything right now. There will be one moment that you'll just realize it, like it happened to me."
"And what was that moment?"
"The day we fought, when you showed up at my door. In that moment I saw you. Not the vampire or the CEO, only you. Without walls or defenses, I saw who you truly are and how much we have in common. When you looked me in the eyes that day, I knew how much I loved you."
"And you made me think you wasn't going to forgive me!"
"I needed to punish you somehow!” Amy smiled playfully. “You left me waiting for 4 hours in a restaurant."
Kamilah rolled her eyes and Amy kissed her cheek.
"We should go now," Kamilah checked her watch, "unless you want to stay home instead of..."
"Come on, it'll be fun! Adrian and Lily will be there too and..." Amy whispered in her ear. "We don't really need to pay attention to the show."
"Sounds better now."
He looked at the mirror, running his hand through his new 21st Century haircut. How did they call it again? Faux Hawk, that’s right.
Then he checked his new fake ID. Liam. Would he ever get used to that name?
But everything was going according to his plans. He examined a piece of paper he took out of his pocket;
"Priya... The Baron and... Jax," he read. He knew the name of three of the six Council members. Three possible targets. Where he should aim first?
Jax would be his last target. Not only because he couldn't blow his cover yet, but because he felt some sympathy for his clan members. Most of them were like him, turned without their consent and forced to live forever as something they hated to be, as demons. He liked to think of them as potential allies.
Priya was the best option at the moment. Through some other vampires at the Shadow Den, he found out she'd be throwing a fashion show to show off her new line. He also had personal business to deal with her.
"Hey Liam," his new vampire friend interrupted him on his way out of the Shadow Den. "Where are you going?"
Still not used to his new identity, he took a while to respond.
"I have a date tonight," he said, with a fake smile on his face.
"You didn't mention having a girlfriend."
"Yeah, we're only... getting to know each other."
"Good luck, man!"
He waved goodbye and followed to an old warehouse he bought from Clan Matsuo. They had become useless now they didn't have to hide anymore. He made his offer, with the excuse he needed a new building for his company, Thanos Technologies.
"What do you develop?" The other vampires asked.
"Computer stuff," he lied.
In the secret basement, a team of seven vampire hunters from every part of the world, waited for him. They were working hard, crafting different types of weapons.
"Sir," a young red-headed woman greeted him. "Everything's ready for tonight. We're just waiting for your orders."
That was Zoe, his most loyal partner. She lost her family to vampires when she was only a child. She had grown under his protection and became one of the most skilled vampire hunters in the world. She was the only one to know his real name, his story.
"Good, Zoey," he spoke. "Sit down, I'm going to explain my plan."
Liam stood in front of a large screen, displaying a map of The Crimson Veil.
"Ladies and gentleman, my friend Priya Lacroix will be throwing a fashion show tonight. As we know, she'll have some guests."
"Bloodsuckers," one of the hunters added.
"Exactly. We're in an unknown territory, we have no idea how powerful the famous Council of New York can be, so we're going in three members only. Me, Zoe and Henrik."
Henrik was his second strongest partner. He was also responsible for designing new and powerful weapons.
"Henrik, what do we have for tonight?" Liam asked.
"Vervain grenades, sir. As soon as the gas is leaked, we announce the attack. The humans will run, but the bloodsuckers will get stunned. And then..."
He opened a box full of stakes. Liam's eyes glowed.
"Meanwhile, I'll be in the backstage taking care of Priya," he grinned.
As they prepared to leave, he gave them the last instructions.
"Pay attention to their brands. If Gaius' brand is spotted, do NOT kill the target. Capture and bring it to me."
"Yes, sir," the two human hunters agreed.
"And remember, no mercy. They showed no mercy on our loved ones. Vampires are demons that deserve nothing else but death."
"For our loved ones," Zoe shouted.
"For our loved ones," Henrik shouted back.
"For our loved ones," Liam thought, holding a necklace tight in his hand.
"Ready?" Kamilah muttered to Amy as they walked inside The Crimson Veil.
Only a few steps away, journalists and photographers were grouped, waiting for the guests. Adrian was being interviewed, answering questions about the new technologies Raines Corporation was creating, in an attempt to minimize the damages caused by pollution and climate changes. As soon as Kamilah passed by, with Amy by her side, they quickly focused on her.
"Ms. Sayeed, to what do you owe the crescent success of your company, Ahmanet Financial?"
"Ms. Sayeed, you've recently closed a partnership with wildlife protection organizations. Could you tell us more about it?"
"Ms. Sayeed, is Priya Lacroix a close friend of yours? What's your opinion on her new line?"
Lost with so many questions at the same time, she did the best to reply them with short but efficient answers. She hated interviews and speculations about her personal life and career. She knew it was a matter of time until they asked about Amy.
"It's the first time you're publicly seen in the company of someone, Ms. Sayeed. Anything you'd like to tell us?"
"Is she a friend, a date or something more?"
Kamilah didn't know what to answer. She looked at Amy, that noticing her tension, responded for her.
"Who knows?" She winked to the journalists, as she held Kamilah's hand and dragged her away from them.
"Thank you," Kamilah whispered in her ear.
Inside The Crimson Veil, Lily and Adrian were already waiting for them.
"Amy, tomorrow you're going to be the hottest gossip in your hometown," Lily joked.
"I know," Amy laughed.
"Not only in your hometown," Adrian added. "Everybody wants to know how you managed to make Kamilah fall in love."
Kamilah frowned at him, who patted her slightly on the shoulder.
"Kamilah, would you follow me to the bar?" He invited.
She glanced at Amy.
"Go, I'll stay here with Lily saving our seats."
"Are you sure..."
"Kamilah, no one is going to attack me here. I'm safe."
Kamilah followed Adrian to the bar. By the look in his eyes, she already knew what he wanted to discuss with her.
"Any news?" She anticipated.
"Not yet," Adrian told. "The hunter made sure to leave Jameson unconscious when he broke into the library."
"What about Priya? Could you discover anything from the bite mark?"
"Our hunter has some magic knowledge. As soon as his fangs came in contact with her blood, a spell blocked its special abilities. It took a few days to get out of her system and heal the wound, but she's fine now."
Kamilah was thoughtful for a moment, recapitulating the eras she lived through. Never in her long life she ever heard anything about a vampire hunter, who was a vampire himself.
"That's so weird. If he's such a talented servant why Gaius never introduced him to us?"
"I've been asking myself the same question."
Adrian ordered drinks for both of them.
"So, how are things going with Amy?"
Kamilah's mouth curled up a bit in a smile.
"She said it tonight."
"That she loves you?"
Kamilah nodded.
"And what did you say?"
"Nothing yet. It just... won't come out."
"It will, in the right moment."
"That's what she said," Kamilah smiled.
"I've never seen you so happy before," Adrian said. "I'm glad for you both."
They clicked their glasses, enjoying their drinks in silence while observing the guests. Kamilah couldn't help thinking about Gaius being free. He could be there right now and they wouldn't know. The thought of him possibly hurting Amy started to give her shivers.
"Kamilah!" Lily approached, interrupting her thoughts.
"Anything wrong, Lily?"
"It's Amy, she's not okay."
In less than a second, Kamilah rushed back to Amy's side. She looked pale and her skin was cold. Her pupils were dilated and paralyzed.
"I called her but she's unresponsive," Lily shouted.
"Amy!" Adrian shook her, in a attempt to bring her back to the reality.
"I-I can't breathe," Amy finally muttered.
"Let's go outside," Kamilah helped her to get up and walk. "Maybe you need some fresh air."
After finding a bench to seat, Amy rested her head on Kamilah's shoulder breathing in and out until she finally calmed down. Suddenly, tears started to run across her cheeks.
"What's wrong?" Kamilah asked, wiping the tears with her thumb. "You scared me inside there."
"The first time I was here with Adrian I had a vision. Then it happened other times, at different places, random moments... but I couldn't remember them. They'd quickly fade away, like a dream. And now... I was there, Kamilah. I saw when he killed you!"
"Gaius. You were in a tent, dressed as an Egyptian Noble and your spymaster... Amethu! That was his name, right?"
Kamilah confirmed.
"He had captured Gaius but... oh my god... it was horrible," Amy started crying again.
"It happened a long time ago," Kamilah wrapped her arms around her. "Did you see anything else?"
"No, but I've had other visions before. They're somewhere in my mind I just can't remember right now."
They were in silence for a few minutes until Kamilah revealed:
"Amy, I did a lot of wrong in the past. I just want you to know that I'm no longer that person, I...
"Don't worry about it," Amy gave her a reassuring smile. "When I say that I love you, I really mean it. I love you for who you are, Kamilah. With all your flaws, your past, your fangs... If anything was different, then you wouldn't be you."
Kamilah felt her heart beating faster. She wanted to say it. She wanted to let Amy know she felt the same way about her. She was about to start speaking when terrified screams cut through the silent night. A group of people passed by them, desperately running away from something.
"What is that?" Amy questioned.
"I don't know, they're coming from Priya's studio."
They walked back to The Crimson Veil, in the middle of the crowd outside they spotted Adrian. He looked dazzled and confused.
"Adrian!" Kamilah shouted. "What's going on?"
Adrian cough, unable to speak.
"The hunters... they invaded... the studio."
"Did they do anything to you?"
"No... they leaked vervain gas... I'm getting better now, thanks."
"Should we..."
"No. It's too dangerous."
"Where's Lily?" Amy panicked. "I-I can't find her anywhere..."
"She was sitting right next to me," Adrian told. "But after the gas... I couldn't see anything."
"I'm going in there."
"Amy, no," Kamilah stopped her.
"I won't let them hurt Lily, Kamilah. I'm human, they won't do anything against me."
Kamilah watched as Amy disappeared inside the building. It was useless to try to change her mind. When it was about Lily she wouldn't think twice before putting herself in risk.
"How many hunters are in there?"
"I don't know exactly," Adrian answered. "Two or three, I guess."
When he looked, Kamilah was already entering the building.
The gas was still in the air. As it filled her lungs, it started to burn. She started feeling lightheaded. Looking at the floor, she saw ashes spread everywhere, indicating the hunters had accomplished part of their mission. Her emotions grew into a mix of anger and sadness.
Leaning against the walls, she searched for signs of Amy and Lily. She finally reached a door, a sign indicated it lead to the backstage. It was locked.
Before deciding if she should break it open, she heard from the opposite side of the studio:
"Stop! Let me go! I'm not a vampire!"
"Amy!" She thought.
Although the effects of the gas were still slowing her down, she tried to streak as fast as she could to Amy's location. She was near the bar, a male hunter held her by the neck, pinning her against the wall.
"What about this brand, huh? How do you explain?" He angered, pointing at her wrist.
"It's temporary!" Amy moaned. "Let me go."
With a stake in hands, he pointed it directly to her heart.
"Die, demon..."
He didn't get to finish his sentence, a dagger arced though his body. His hand slowly released Amy’s neck, as he fell dead on the floor.
"Amy," Kamilah hugged her tight. "Are you alright?"
Amy nodded.
"I told you it was dangerous."
Kamilah started coughing.
"But Lily... Kamilah, the gas! You need to get out of here."
Amy's phone started to ring inside her purse. It was a text from Adrian, telling her Lily was safe outside.
"It's Adrian, Lily is..." she smiled, when she turned her eyes back to Kamilah, her look changed. "Kamilah! Behind you!"
At this point, Kamilah had inhaled too much gas. Her movements were slow and unsteady. As soon as she turned around, an acute pain burst through her chest. An intense ache started spread through all her body. All she had time to see was a female hunter, smirking.
She started falling on her knees, when she felt Amy's arms around her, catching her fall.
"K-Kamilah..." Amy spoke, realizing how seriously injured her girlfriend was. "Oh my god... I-I..."
Her eyes were widened and scared, tears started to fill them.
"Don't cry, Amy..." Kamilah's hand slowly reached for hers.
"I'm going to get some help. Y-you're going to be okay..."
"No one... lives forever..."
The pain started to fade away. All she was feeling now was numbness and an intense cold.
"Don't say that, Kamilah!" Amy yelled. "Y-you've been through a lot. You didn't live 2063 years to die like this! Not now... when you found me."
Amy held her face, trying to keep her from falling unconscious.
"Remember? You said you were searching for me..."
Kamilah looked into her eyes. She wanted to assure Amy everything was going to be okay. But never in history, a vampire had survived a stake in the heart. Her vision started to get blurry. She was dying.
"Amy... I..." she attempted to say those three words again.
She couldn't. Before she could finish the sentence, her eyes closed and everything became darkness.
"Hello, Priya," Liam said, sitting on a comfortable, luxurious armchair.
Priya gasped and slowly turned around to face him.
"H-How did you get in here? W-Where are my bodyguards???"
"Sorry, I was starving."
"All of them?! Really?!"
He stood up, getting face to face with Priya.
"I assume you know why I'm here."
"No idea," Priya pointed a pearl-handled revolver at him.
"Are you going to shoot me?" Liam laughed. "I’d like to see you try."
She fired the revolver once. Twice. He was fast. Faster than any bullet. Faster than most of the vampires she knew. He vanished and in a blink of an eye he reappeared behind her.
"Why did you lie to me, Priya?" He whispered in her ear.
"I-I didn't."
"Gaius wasn't there. That fucking sarcophagus was empty!"
"B-But he was! Then... there's a traitor amongst us. Maybe Adam did it before..."
"That's enough!" Liam placed a dagger against her neck. "You're not getting away this time!"
"Wait," Priya begged. "I'm your only lead, dude. If you kill me you'll never find out where Gaius is."
"And how do you plan to find out, huh?"
"I'll investigate the other members of the Council. They must know better than I do. And when I have information..."
"You'll tell me?" He pressed the blade harder against her skin. "Why should I believe you?"
"You're gonna have to trust me."
Liam pondered for a moment. What other choice did he have? He spend centuries without having a single clue about Gaius.
"Adrian!" A distant cry echoed across the studio. "Please... Help!"
He recognized that voice from somewhere.
"Don't let her die!"
The desperation in that girl's voice pierced through his heart, bringing back painful memories. Memories that he tried to forget. His mind started playing Gaius sarcastic laugh all over again. His voice describing how he had killed her. He released Priya and clenched his fists in rage.
A sharp pain in his stomach made him open his eyes.
"What..." He yelled.
"This is for biting me, asshole."
While he was distracted, Priya grabbed a stake from his waist. She thrust it as hard as she could, making him gasp in pain.
"See you around, Hunter."
She smiled and closed the door, leaving him on the floor squirming in pain.
She’ll be okay. I promise.
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allimariexf · 6 years
alli’s Arrow 2x02 rewatch thoughts
(Aka: Felicity establishes some friendship rules for OTA)
Diggle: “Why the sudden interest in my love life?” Oliver: “If it’s important to you, it’s important to me.” aww! (and yet, it’s easier for Oliverto acknowledge a real love and friendship for Dig because his feelings toward Dig are straightforward, unlike his feelings toward Felicity)
Felicity “I quit!” With newfound confidence, self-worth, sass. Partially because this is her professional sphere, where she always had a lot of confidence. And partially because she has become more aware of her own strength, bravery, and sees herself as more of an equal.
I think this change in Felicity is very similar to the change we see in her after Oliver “dies” in his duel with Ra’s al Ghul. When he comes back, everyone has gone through a lot without him, and in 3x13 Felicity’s like “That doesn’t mean we can go back.” We never get to see what they go through when Oliver leaves after the Undertaking, but it’s safe to say it had a profound effect on them. Felicity grows more confident - both because during the Undertaking she helped mitigate the damage and was heroic and self-sacrificing, and because she had to come to terms with fear and pain in its aftermath.
She always did have fight in her when pushed, when her unconscious confidence rose to the surface, but she’s not holding herself back now. Last season I measured progress in her almost-touches, but this right here she jabs him in the chest unapologetically. “Which you think I am going to accept.” And unlike the Oliver of old who held himself apart, he kinda plays along lolol. She jabs him and he reacts bodily like she pushed him hard (the first in a long line of Oliver-reacting-to-Felicity-punching-him-as-if-it-hurts), looking down like “did you really just do that?” ADORABLE. (But he basically accepts it and this is the real start of Oliver and Felicity being handsy with one another.)
“Every time we need to discuss how we spend our nights.” // “And I love spending the night with you.” OMGGGG though I’m so struck this time around by how much this flirty sexual tension is ON THE SURFACE. Like, ON. THE. SURFACE. I’m just picturing Diggle already thinking they need to get a room.
Meanwhile I love how Oliver tries to catch John’s eye like “can you believe the big deal she’s making over this?” but instead John adds his own, “Well it could be worse. My secret identity’s as his black driver.”
So she gives in but she makes sure to let him know she won’t make this easy for him: she’s gonna be loud and opinionated! Slamming her hand on his desk, clomping loudly in her high heels, and then: “May I get you a cup of coffee?”
She’s provoking him, instead of simply holding silent. She wants him to know she’s serious. She wants him to know that she’s done silently doing his bidding while fading in the background. Also, the dress. The clothes and the attitude definitely go together. And the hair. All of it deliberately provocative. My godddddddd this scene is everything!
And then THIS SCENE after Oliver’s ambushed by the SCPD:
Felicity reaches out and almost touches his arm in sympathy, but then at Dig’s mention of Laurel: “Hey! Go easy on him!” (“It’s all right, Felicity.”) “No. It’s not.” SHE GRABS HIS ARM and this is the first time she’s ever grabbed him and he looks down like “wtf is happening?” I think he’s equally caught off guard by the fact that she grabbed him and the fact that he’s letting her.
“You don’t get to jump down his throat just because you happen to be having a lousy week. You’re pissed - he invoked the almighty Laurel.” This is the first time she calls out the way he reveres Laurel. Definitely Oliver’s personal life has always been “off limits,” but she’s done with that. And she’s mocking him over it.
Felicity’s speech and anger on John’s behalf basically draws a sharp contrast between the way Oliver treats Diggle and Felicity versus the way Oliver treats Laurel. On the one hand, Dig and Felicity know his secrets, have his trust, and risk their lives for him, while Oliver constantly questions their judgment, disregards their advice, and leaves them out to dry. On the other hand, Laurel doesn’t know anything about who he is now, doesn’t risk her life for him, and now is actively working against them, while Oliver continues to keep her on a pedestal and disallows anyone from saying anything bad against her.
So in this scene Felicity is defending Dig, but she’s also standing up for herself, requiring that Oliver recognize that THEY ARE IMPORTANT. They are people too, and they are actual friends who deserve respect, and he’s got to listen to what they have to say and he can’t just act without taking their needs and concerns into consideration anymore. (And yeah, I 100% believe she’s still bitter about him making her his EA without at the very least consulting her. Wow! Just realized how deep this boy’s patterns of behavior run. Season 2, season 4 (and now, dammit, season 6 😫 though I blame that on bad writing, not a lapse in Oliver)).
The thing about the way Oliver and Felicity communicate is that he always catches her subtext. I am sure he caught this subtext, which is why it had such an impact on him - why he seems apologetic to her, even though the argument was ostensibly over Oliver’s treatment of Diggle.  
But she turns her back on him and walks away. I think this is the first time she ever actually turns her back and walks away from him. And it cuts him because maybe without him even realizing it they’ve gotten to the point where her opinion of him matters.
Mmkay just so we are clear: Felicity as Oliver’s EA is just so delicious, one of my favorite things about season 2, and I absolutely think it helped bring them closer faster. I wishhhh we saw more of it on the show. Thankfully there’s EA fanfic, some of which I’m writing.
“Miss Smoak.” “Hmm?” “Would you get my guest and I some coffee?” HE IS ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY TRYING TO PUSH HER BUTTONS HERE. You can tell by his little smile that it’s a challenge. (ADORABLE!)
OH OLIVER, FELICITY HAS COME TO PLAY: “You know, I would Mr. Queen, but it seems someone’s broken our coffeemaker. Violently.” ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: PLAYFULNESS (and deeper respect).
Oliver: “I got wrapped up in my own suffering and I forgot that some other people might be suffering too.” OH YOU THINK, OLIVER? At least we’re seeing the immediate payoff of Felicity’s influence right here. *sigh*
AND THEN: The coffee cup of emotions. “One.” She brings him that coffee because she can see he’s feeling down, and because she sees he’s apologizing to Dig and just generally trying. So the context of her bringing the coffee has entirely changed, which is why she allows it: this isn’t the action of an EA, but of a friend.
(further random thoughts below the cut)
Workout montage 😍
Season 2 Oliver in a suit is just something to behold. And then. The grey t-shirt. Which I am also very okay with.
(Not gonna lie, I skimmed through a lot of the flashback and Laurel stuff because honestly none of that ends up being really significant in the long run. And as I said earlier, I find Oliver/Shado to be icky, and Laurel in season 2 to be pretty annoying, so….)
So season 2 was the debut of Katie Cassidy’s new chin and I have never been a fan, sorry. I mean, a person can do what they want as long as it makes them happy, but there was nothing wrong with her original chin. :\
I had forgotten about the weird Laurel/Sebastian relationship thing. Uck.
*ring* “It’s Felicity.” (Oliver to Felicity:) “Tell me.” Those communication skills tho.
She’s just gained so much confidence in the Arrow Cave, too! Her voice, her attitude, it’s awesome.
(“Who in the hell could be feeding us year-old surveillance?”) Bwaahaaa, cute confident Felicity, that’s who!
Chien Na Wei is so awesome. I miss the old-fashioned fights that didn’t have progressively-unbelievable “canary cries,” if I’m honest.
Eermigerd tho this little BrOTP Oliver/Diggle scene: “I didn’t need one of your trick arrows.” “I couldn’t risk it. Where would I be without my black driver?” WHEN THESE TWO JOKE WITH EACH OTHER, YOU GUYS. It’s like the alignment of all the planets and there are like rainbows and puppies and library fines amnesty.
@jules85 @blondeeoneexox @hope-for-olicity @memcjo
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quiznakwaffles · 6 years
About Voltron’s S7 and its flawed writing
Have you ever thought « Wow, this is so amazing. The person who did that is incredible, I would have never thought of that. This is so clever ! » ? I've had. When I read FMA. When I read books written by Marguerite Yourcenar or poetry by a lot of talented people. When I read amazing fanfictions this fandom come up with.
You know when I've thought the opposite of that ? When I watched Voltron's season 7. I've rarely felt so disrespected as a viewer. I've rarely thought my intelligence had been so insulted, and I've watched Besson's Lucy. A lot of people have correctly wrote about the queerbaiting the show pulled at us. What was the point of introducing Adam and building up the hype around his relationship his Shiro it was to kill him for absolutely no acceptable reason ?
What I'm going to address isn't only the queerbaiting of the show, that a lot of people simply reduced as « being angry because ships weren't made canon ». If you really think that, maybe you should educate yourself on the matter of representation for the LGBT+ community. Who is a lot, lot larger than you think, but isn't in your mind because we're not represented anywhere. And when we're barely represented, it's for us to appear evil and/or die (or suffer endlessly). But yeah, continue thinking it's because ships weren't made canon.
What I'm going to address is the lazy and flawed writing in this season.
I've caught up with Voltron in July, and was pleasantly surprised about it. A lot of unresolved plot lines came to term in season 6, and the way it ended. It was so promising ! Paladins journeying through space, having so much time in their hands that they actually could deepen their bonds... It had so many opportunities for good content. So. Many. They were actual good moments, particularly with Hunk. And yet, I can think of a hundred ideas to give a much better content with these characters than it actually did.
What with bored and angsty Paladins in space when they could've been finding ways to keep themselves entertained and get to know each other better ? What about Romelle written as annoying when she hit it off so good with Hunk in the first episode and had a lot of potential as a comic character and strong ally to Allura (or potential love interest but that’s just me fantasying) ? Hunk had good character development about him, but even that could have been even better paced with little effort.
I see a lot of people saying “ It's a kid show, stop making it about yourself “ or "We were hyped by what we expected of it”. And of course we did, that’s what all fanbases around the world do because we’re smart being who like thinking about the plot and hoping for good content. And do you think kids are stupid ? Do you think kids don't care about relationships, friendships, conversations about feelings ? Hunk and Keith's discussion was so important, and I wish it was given more time, more consistency, and was done with other characters.
  Of course giant robots and beautifully animated intense fights in space are cool. But you know what else is ? Emotion awareness. Kids need it so bad. As we grow up, because of our misogynist society, we often see being vulnerable and talking about feelings as something feminine and shameful. Because it would be considered weak. Voltron may be a kid show, and it's for this exact reason it needs to show them how talking about your feelings and your identity, struggling about it but coming to terms with it by actually sharing about it with people around you is crucial.
But what is Voltron doing ? It's queerbaiting its fandom, killing LGBT+ characters for no purpose and making them at best invisible and at worst evil. It's portraying its own characters as unimportant, inconsistent and dumb.
  Keith and Lance have made steady progress in their relationship since season 3. But then suddenly, Keith is doubting Lance abilities when he was giving him leadership on the team before ? Keith is insulting Lance, saying he wouldn't want to be stuck up with Lance forever when they've been sharing their insecurities and trusting each other over leadership ? Have we seen the same show ?
What would it had cost them to make Keith say something like “ Lance has a family on Earth he wants to go back to so bad. And I've just reunited with mine so I guess I would want him to experiment this as well. “ Keith has grown for two years apart from them. He was supposed to be more matured, more in control about his feelings. What about those awful inconsistencies in his writing ? Making him say that wouldn't even had been a ship thing, it would just had been true and nice from him ! It would have created emotional value in the show ! What kept them to do that ?!
And Allura, oh my god ! She's such a strong and great woman, trusted with an infinite Altean's knowledge about alchemy but in season 7, she's reduced to being Lance's love interest ?! I wouldn't have minded their relationship, because it could be very sweet. But she's shown no romantic interest in the boy for the past six seasons. In season 7, they barely even talked, apart from the « Would you just shut up Lance ? ». Barely interacted on their own. And now, suddenly, they just say at each other to stay safe while blushing and really ?
Veronica, while she never saw Lance and Allura interact at all, said « I think the princess likes you back ». Like really ? You're pulling this hetero-normative trope of a third party watching a man and a woman they'd never seen interact before and judging they're in love ? This is so boring and forced. I've felt I was being talked to as if I was a kid when I watched this scene, like the show was screaming at me “ Look !! Allura never reciprocated Lance's feelings for six seasons and now, for absolutely no reason the show even bothered to tell you, she's suddenly returning them ! “ I felt like the sandwich guy from the meme. I am. I am the idiot sandwich who wouldn't understand hints about a developing relationship. I felt so embarrassed watching that whole season, wondering if the show was actually doubting my own thinking ability.
And now, my personal pet peeve. A strong woman being pictured as evil for no reason and then dying so she can atone for her sin. I couldn't even remember her name. She was the head of the Garrison. Adam was a sacrificial paw to show just how threatening Galra were (yeah, I couldn't deduce that by myself, not like they've been conquering the whole universe for ten thousand years. Silly me !) and how this woman was evil, having no second thoughts sacrificing people for absolutely. No. Purpose. We don't get a backstory or a single flashback. Once more, what would it had cost them to add something so we could have understood her reasons ? Or, more, what would it had cost them to not make her evil because she was a strong and smart woman ?
Am I the only one, as a 23 lesbian, feeling insulted by Voltron's trying to making me believe this experimented woman, head of the Garrison, just went on the enemy's territory and thought they would respect the bargain, not listening to experienced people ?! Why would this lady do such bad choices ? Am I supposed to believe she couldn't think of anything else ?! And of course, who's the nice ones trying to fix this lady's issues ? Nice guys obviously ! This mean lady made Sam Holt and that guy who spent years yelling at children and deprecating them as the nice ones !
And what about Shiro not getting closure? Neither on his relationship with Adam, neither by taking down Sendak himself, letting Keith get the spotlight (once again) and robbing him of this moment? What were the writers thinking?
And I’m not even talking about Zethrid and Ezor who were coded as romantic, unsure and supportive lesbians for a minute before swiping to evil and masochist lesbians. And I think I've already made a point about Romelle. I'm not mentioning Acxa because I didn't really thought when I watched her scenes with Keith that they were romantically coded. I think she's fond of him in a sibling way, and for once in this post, I'm not sure Voltron tried to made us think other way. But, hey, it's heterosexual so after all, no reasons for it not happening since, you know, it’s not LGBT+.
They had so much opportunities to make this show mark history. To make it meaningful, touching, ground breaking with amazing characters and sweet LGBT+ relationships developing with time. They had gold in their hands and just wasted it. That’s why I’m so sad and hurt. It could have been so great.
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sarimaposthumous · 5 years
The High Priestess: Sacrifices
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TITLE: The High Priestess
AUTHOR: SarimaPosthumous
GENRE: Supernatural
FIC SUMMARY: Jenny is an OC set in the Supernatural universe. She has owned a bar called the High Priestess for nine years and has managed to carve out her own niche in the hunting world. Everything changes when the two notorious hunters show up in her life after she’s managed to avoid them.
RATING: M (Violence, language)
Word Count: 3,819
WARNINGS: Season 5 and 6 spoilers?
AUTHORS NOTES: I guess this is technically a flashback for my series. It takes place between season 5 and 6. This was cowritten with the amazing @spnjediavenger‘s for her fic “White Wolf.” It also provides backstory for Jenny as well! Please check out her series and please provide feedback!  
AO3 Link: x
Elliana sighed and Jenny rubbed her eyes before each grabbed another one of Bobby’s lore books. After finding out about Lucifer’s cage having a “backdoor key” of sorts, the girls had been spending hours trying to find any kind of leads on the location of either.
Jenny groaned and closed her eyes before resting her head on the book in the hopes that osmosis would work this one time. “I need a break,” she sighed.
“Me too,” Ellie agreed, hopping up on Bobby’s desk while Jenny leaned on the corner rubbing her temples. Bobby had gone out just a few minutes prior for a food run, leaving the girls to continue researching.
“I don’t know about this, Jenny,” Ellie said. “It’s taken us so long to find this key thing and now we’re coming up with nothing.”
“Well hello, ladies,” a Scottish voice said from behind them.
The girls turned to find Crowley standing in the doorway, glass of whiskey in hand.
Jenny rolled her eyes, “What do you want Crowley?”
Crowley stepped towards the scotch and poured himself a tumbler. He swirled the amber liquid and took a sniff before scrunching his nose slightly. He took a sip, relishing the annoyance from the huntresses. Taking another sip, he stepped towards them before speaking, “What do you girls know about Orenda Alley?”
Jenny shrugged, “Only that it’s dangerous and most people who go there don’t usually come back. Why?”
“Wait - Orenda Alley?” Ellie stepped in. “Where the nalusa falaya supposedly lives?”
The room’s other occupants looked at her, saying nothing, and Elliana looked between them before stopping at Jenny. “Nalusa Falaya? Native american legend?”
Ellie jumped off the desk and over to one of the bookshelves, running a finger along the spines until she picked one out. She flipped through the pages and placed it down on Bobby’s desk for Jenny to take a look.
“Nalusa Falaya is an old Choctaw legend; translates to ‘long black being.’ The Nalusa Falaya adults would hide in the swamps and call to travelers. When their victim came close, they would jump out and scare them unconscious. Then, they would jump on the unconscious victim and eat them. The Choctaw elders would warn the tribe against going out at night and to travel in groups when the Nalusa Falaya were near.
“Others believed they would attack at twilight and bewitch victims with its evil magic - which is where ‘orenda’ comes from; translates to ‘magical power’ in Iroquois. It would first attract a hunter’s attention by calling out to him. Then, when the hunter turned around, he was so affected by its power that he would fall helpless to the ground. When they couldn’t fight back, the nalusa falaya would insert a thorn in them and possess them from there. It’s a common rumor that there’s only one left. And it’s supposedly in Orenda Ally.”
“Smart girl,” Crowley complimented, nodding his head a bit.
“Okay, I’ll repeat myself...why?” Jenny arched a brow and crossed her arms.
“I have a job for you two.”
“Excuse you?” Ellie scoffed, crossing her arms as well. “You think we work for you or something?”
“Now, now,” Crowley appeased. “No need to get counteractive, my dear.”
“Just get to the point, Crowley,” Jenny let out an exasperated sigh.
“The nalusa and I have some... unfinished business , of sorts,” Crowley said. “I’d like you two to bring him to me.”
“Again, do you think we work for you or something? You can’t just pop in here and-”
“So I suppose you don’t want to get your dear Sam Winchester back, then?”
The girls froze and looked at Crowley.
It was Jenny’s turn to scoff at the king of Hell. “Do you really expect us to believe you want the Winchesters back in action? I’m sure business has been booming since they shoved Luci back in the cage and Dean hooked up with Lisa.”
Crowley put his hands up as a show of mock surrender.
Ellie looked at Jenny, skepticism lacing her features.
Crowley finished the drink and set the tumbler down. “Maybe I miss the good old days. Regardless, you bring me the nalusa and I will give you back your beloved moose. As for you, Jenny, I might be able to scrounge up something valuable to sweeten the deal for you.”
“How can you get into Lucifer’s cage?” Elliana challenged. “We’ve been reading for days - and that’s after I spent a week of my own researching - trying to find a way into the cage and you expect us to believe you can get in?”
“Always one for quarrel, aren’t you, little wolf?”
“Only Gabriel can call me that,” Ellie said in a heated tone.
“I’m the king of hell, darling. I have my ways, I can assure you of that.” Crowley turned to Jenny now. “Call me when you have it.” He reached into his jacket and pulled out a black business card with red lettering on it that read ‘King of Hell’ along with his phone number.
The two gave him a bewildered look as Jenny reached out to take his business card. “Just trying something new,” he shrugged. “Oh, and by the way, girls,” Crowley said, turning back around for a moment. “Our dear ‘lusa requires a sacrifice before making any deals.”
“ What? ” the girls said in unison.
“What kind of sacrifice?” Elliana asked, though she didn’t really need to.
“I have a feeling you already know the answer to that, darling,” Crowley countered before vanishing.
“A human,” Ellie said with disdain. “It wants a human sacrifice. Either to eat, bewitch, or mate with. According to most lore…”
Jenny paced around Bobby’s living room. “Maybe we don’t have to sacrifice anything? We could just knock it out, shove it in a trunk, and drop him off at Crowley’s doorstep.”
“We don’t even know what to expect with this thing. I’ve read probably five different descriptions on what nalusa falaya look like.”
Jenny paused in thought. “Okay, what are the most common characteristics?”
Ellie thought for a moment before sighing lightly. “Tall, almost emaciated, melts into shadows like a phantom. How do we catch something that can become a shadow?”
“You use a trap,” a voice said from behind the girls. They snapped their heads up to see a skinny, unknown man standing in the doorway with a wide, kind grin on his face.
Ellie immediately backed into a bookcase as her heart rate sped up a bit; Anaya remained quiet but still went to stand protectively in front of her.
“Elliana, this is Garth. It’s ok, you can trust him. Wouldn’t hurt a fly,” Bobby said soothingly as he stepped into the room as well, back from his errands.
        “Well, not unless it has fangs,” the younger man joked, wide smile still on his face.
        Ellie let out an airy laugh and a small smile crept onto her face; she moved into the room a bit more, feeling comfortable enough to leave the wall.
        “Wow – you already got a smile,” Bobby said, impressed. “Takes a lot to get one from her these days.” Elliana threw Bobby a Winchester bitch face. He knew the reason she didn’t. But Ellie knew he was only teasing her.
        Garth simply shrugged, smile never leaving his face. He then turned to Ellie. “Elliana is a beautiful name,” he said kindly.
        “Thanks,” the girl said, blushing a bit. Elliana quickly grew comfortable around Garth, his demeanor friendly and lighthearted. How was this guy a hunter? she thought.
“And Garth, this is Jenny. Another colleague of mine.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Jenny!” he said, reaching out his hand to her.
Jenny shook his hand and gave the hunter a surprised once over as she took in his scrawny frame. It was a wonder he hadn’t been killed yet.  
“Likewise. So, tell us about this trap?” Jenny said.
“Getting right to it, I see,” Garth noted.
“It’s been countless hours of research. It’d be nice to not have to dive back into those books,” Jenny closed her eyes and shook her head. Bobby cast Garth an affirmative nod. He smiled back and walked up to Bobby’s desk, pulling aside a pencil and a piece of paper.
“Ok, so you know how there’s devil’s traps for demons, soul eater traps, anasazi protection symbols, and other things?” he asked the girls. At their nods, he continued. “The choctaw indians have their own symbols as well. These ,” he said, drawing out two symbols. “Are two such symbols. One is called a ‘Shaman,’ which represents the medium between the visible world and the spirit world; the other represents control over forces and the gravity of the earth. Put them together ,” he draws another. “And you get the choctaw spirit trap.” Garth smiles a bit proudly as he finishes.
“That’s great, Garth,” Ellie said, a small smile of interest on her lips. “How did you find this?”
“I didn’t.”
“What?” Jenny asked in unbelief.
“These things are really rare,” Garth defended. “Any story or sightings you hear of, either no one has gotten close enough to notice anything, or they...don’t come back. So I looked into the most common choctaw symbols. Sometimes we have to learn as we go. Like I heard Ellie did with the grootslang.”
“It’s the best thing we have right now,” Ellie said. “We don’t have anything else to go by,” she continued, pleased enough with the information. “So we have an idea - or at least the start of an idea, on how to capture the nalusa falaya.”
“Now we just have to figure out where Orenda Alley is.” Excitement began to lace Jenny’s features.
“I think I might have that covered,” Ellie said with a faint smile. She ran upstairs and back down with her leatherbound journal in hand.
“Though I’ve never seen one, I’ve had an interest in the nalusa falaya legend and researched it a little while ago. While the Choctaw tribe is from Mississippi, nalusa sightings have all come out of Michigan, which is where Orenda Alley is supposed to be.”
Ellie had opened up her laptop and brought up a map of Michigan.
“There’s an old, run-down dock at the edge of one of Michigan’s lakes. Many sightings have come within a 20-mile radius of it, and a few disappearances from the area as well,” she reported, looking at her two companions.
As the three continued to discuss their plans, Jenny and Elliana filled Bobby in on everything that happened before he returned. He was grumpy that Crowley had been in his house again; and his scowl deepened as they told him this was something Crowley had asked of them, making him suddenly a little less accepting of the idea. But when Garth announced he would go as well, Bobby reluctantly agreed but still made sure to note he still didn’t like it. He wanted to accompany them, but the girls convinced him not to, saying more people would give a bigger risk of being noticed if the nalusa falaya were to somehow sense them.
With a defeated sigh, Bobby grumbled, “So who’s doing what? You’ll need a negotiator, sacrifice - which I still don’t like, and a lure to draw this thing into a trap - which you still don’t know how to do.” What a great confidence builder he was , the trio thought.
“I’ll be the sacrifice,” Ellie said after a moment of exchanged glances.
“ No! ” Bobby said sternly. “I ain’t lettin’ you get yourself killed if things go south.”
“Ellie, I don’t think that’s such a good idea…” Garth said, already becoming a bit defensive of the youngest in the room.
“I’ll do it,” Jenny said confidently, also not wanting to possibly risk Ellie’s life.
“No,” the girl shook her head. “I’ve already gotten you into enough trouble with...when Luc-...when I got taken,” she continued with some difficulty. “I’m not letting you be put in another situation again.”
“Have Garth do it - no offence, Garth,” Bobby said.
“No, I’m with you,” Garth said assuredly.
“Out of all of us, it would probably want me the most. And being the youngest, I doubt it would take me seriously as a negotiator.”
Garth turned to Jenny and Bobby for help, a begging look on his face that the other two shared for a moment. But since Ellie was adamant about being bait and would not hear otherwise, they reluctantly agreed.
As the group of hunters packed for their hunt, tension filled the air. Ellie brought some of the duffel bags to the truck before saying goodbye to Anaya, not wanting to risk her for a more dangerous hunt.
Jenny was about to head out and Bobby grabbed her and Garth by the shoulder.
“You idjits best not let anything happen to her,” Bobby lowly spoke in his gruffy tone. He knew Ellie would throw a fit if she thought he believed she couldn’t handle herself.
Jenny nodded and let out a sigh as she swung her own duffle over her shoulder and stepped outside.
The trio waited for dusk in Upper Michigan before they would put their plan into motion. The beautiful colors of the sunset were a stark contrast against the rundown and dilapidated harbor below them. It’s been years since it was last functional; due to all the situations and strange happenings, it had quickly fallen into disrepair.
The sun now below the horizon, Garth slipped off to begin drawing the choctaw spirit traps.
“You ready?” Jenny asked Elliana. The younger girl nodded, trying to refrain from frowning; she didn’t want to let out how anxious she was as she internally fought off a panic attack.
The girls checked their weapons one last time; earlier while trying to think with a similar mindset as with the grootslang, the group had tried to think of what might be able to injure the nalusa. Thinking of what the native american tribes used as weapons, they figured there must be some sort of rock or stone that weakens it and came up with agate - which is supposed to be one of the best stones for protection. It can supposedly drive away spirits, protect from psychic attacks, and stop magic. So they filled shotgun shells with it.
Jenny cuffed Ellie’s hands behind her, the cuffs broken in a way that appeared to be locked, but Ellie could easily escape at the opportune moment.
The girls took a deep breath before walking down a set of stone stairs and out onto the docks. Jenny scanned the darkening waters looking for any signs of the nalusa falaya. They began walking past one of the boat houses when she heard something that made her freeze.
“Jenny,” she heard Shane’s voice whisper to her from the shadows.
While she was distracted, a bony hand gripped Elliana’s mouth to prevent her from screaming and pulled her away from Jenny and into the boat house they just passed. When inside, Ellie was thrown to the ground, handcuffs broken off; but the freedom of her hands did nothing when she froze upon the being in front of her.
“Jenny, it’s okay. We can hunt this monster together. I’m here for you,” the creature whispered from behind her in Shane’s voice. She shook her head and spun around only to find Ellie missing.
“Shit.” Panic coursed through her as she began to call out for Ellie, but was stopped short before she heard his voice which caused fear.
It was Lucifer.
“Remember when you said you would do anything for me?” he chuckled. “Well that time is now.” Jenny let out a shot toward the shadows near one of the boathouses.
The moment after she did, the creature practically melted out of the shadows, its tattered hood covering the majority of its face. Only its mouth full of sharp, crooked teeth could be seen. Its emaciated form was pronounced by the dilapitated cloak dusting its shoulders. As it made its way towards her, Jenny noticed its stick-like arms with long, bony finders at the end; each one wielding razor-sharp nails. Beneath the creature’s protruding ribs, its body dissolved into a misty, shadowy form giving the appearance of a phantom.
Elliana looked away from the nalusa before her to try and get a grip on herself. I will not be another victim of this thing, she thought.
Ellie stood and pulled a knife out of her boot; a piece of agate she and Bobby were able to cut into a blade so she would be able to hide it away in case of a situation like this.
She advanced on the creature and took a swing at it with her knife, only for it to deflect her arm and push her to the ground. It dug its nails into her back, only eliciting a pained hiss from the girl, as she didn’t want to give it any satisfaction. It lowered its form closer to the ground and its face to her ear.
“What. Does Crowley. Want ?” it whispered dangerously, digging its nails in a little deeper.
Jenny raised her gun ready to shoot before Garth’s voice rang out behind her. “Hey you fugly monster! Come get it!” The creature turned towards Garth and made its way towards him, but stopped before the trap Garth set, and turned its face up in a snarl. Garth opened his mouth to say something, but Jenny raised her shotgun and fired off an agate-filled shot at the nalusa. It caught the creature off guard and stumbled into the trap and began struggling.
Garth looked up all bewildered at Jenny. “Nice job, but, it’s practically invisible; what if you shot me?!”
Jenny shrugged, “I took a shot, it worked. Make sure it stays put while I go find Ellie.”
She took off towards the boathouse where she originally heard the whispers. She shone her flashlight around it and noticed a covered set of stairs that led down to the water. Pushing back the bushes, Jenny gingerly made her way down the steps, shotgun in one hand and a flashlight in the other, and found a landing below the docks along with a hidden door. Forcing the door open, Jenny took a deep breath and made her way inside and down a very dimly lit, grungy passageway. She quickened her pace when she heard muffled screaming and stepped into a dim, moldy room.
Ellie had been tied up by her wrists, bruised, and blood stains formed on her back.
Jenny rushed to her aid, but Ellie’s eyes widened and she shouted out in warning, “Jenny, no!”
Jenny was suddenly flung across the room. Her gun slid to the other side and a second Nalusa approached Jenny. It began mimicking her mother’s voice. “Sweetie, stop fighting and give in.” Jenny fell to her knees, overcome by the magic radiating off the creature. Its thorn was out and ready to pierce her, but not before something lodged itself in the nalusa and incapacitated the creature. Ellie had managed to break free and strategically threw her blade and Jenny snapped out of her trance.
She looked up at Ellie and grinned, “About time.”
Ellie let out a faint chuckle, “Sorry, I was a little tied up. Took you long enough to find me,” she smirked lightly, rubbing at her raw wrists.
Jenny stood up and drew a trap under the nalusa to keep it from moving. “Well I was busy with my own Nalusa. Hopefully Garth is okay. I guess we should get these two to Crowley before they wake up.” They dragged the body to a worried Garth, with his own furious Nalusa who was still trapped, and shoved the second one into the same trap. Jenny pulled out the business card and dialed Crowley.
“We’ve got them…”
“ Them ?”
“Well, you can say it’s a two for one special...do we need to summon you?”
“No, love.” Crowley appeared behind them with a few demons who grabbed the Nalusa Falayas and vanished. “Well done. Here is your gift Jenny.” He extended an empty hand.
She looked at him incredulously and scoffed while crossing her arms, “You’ve got to be joking.”
“Oh right...my mistake.” He snapped his fingers and both Jenny and Ellie fell to the ground from a searing pain in their eyes.
Garth knelt down by Ellie, “What are you doing?! Let them go!”
“No need to get your knickers in a twist,” Crowley looked at his watch. “C’mon, I haven’t got all day.” Jenny blinked and looked up. In Crowley’s hand, was a little black puppy. “Your very own little hellhound and now the two of you can see hellhounds...you’re welcome.” He handed the puppy to Jenny and turned around.
“Wait, what about our agreement?” Ellie spoke up before he could leave.
“We’ll be in touch.”
“Woah wait - what do you mean ‘we’ll be in touch’? You said you’d get Sam if we caught this thing,” she said hotly.
“It took an army of angels to free Dean from hell. Things like this are a bit more complicated than these little hunts of yours. Be patient.” With that, he snapped his fingers and vanished.
Ellie let out a deep sigh before turning back to her two companions.
“I guess we should start heading back to Bobby’s,” Garth said, a sympathetic look on his face.
The girls agreed and the three began their ascent to the street when Ellie stopped.
“Wait! I forgot about this,” she said, pulling out a tattered scroll from her pocket. “I found this when the second ‘lusa had me in the boathouse. I have no idea what language this is but it seemed important.”
Jenny and Garth shared a confused look before Jenny took it carefully in her hands.
“I have no idea. Let’s take it with us and see if Bobby can find something to translate it.”
Elliana nodded and they went back to the truck and drove away.
Jenny, Elliana, and Garth returned to Bobby’s, exhausted. Garth helped him patch Ellie up before Bobby ordered the three of them to get some rest, promising a good meal when they woke up.
That said and done, Jenny handed him the scroll Ellie found. He said he’d never seen anything like it but would start hitting the books. “ Again. ”
About a week later, everyone said goodbye; Garth moved on to start another hunt, telling Ellie he would be willing to help her out if she ever needed a hunting partner; Jenny returned to The High Priestess with her new Hellhound, Duke, and a copy of the scroll that was found amongst the Nalusa’s possessions with a promise to keep looking for ways to get Sam out of hell; and Elliana stayed with Bobby, trying to figure out what to do next.
*another week later*
Via text message
From: [Elliana]
Something’s wrong with Sam.
0 notes
5hfanfiction · 8 years
Girls Like You - Chapter 1
A/N: hello soo i’ve been working on this and I’m not sure I should continue it. Feedback would be great! so this is an AU, where Lauren in is H4rmony and Camila is a solo artist dating Haliee Steinfeld, theres a bit of drama in this
Lauren Jauregui was apart of the biggest girl group in the world. Along with 3 other members Ally Brooke, Normani Kordei, and Dinah Jane. Otherwise known as H4rmony. Lauren loved the screaming fans, selling out a venue, every night there’s a new fan, new places to visit, but what most people don’t know is that Lauren thinks about a certain girl she has gotten to know.
“ So who are you guys most excited to see tonight? ” The interviewer asked.   
Normani was the first to speak, since she was the closest to the interviewer. “ I’m really excited to see Beyoncé perform, I mean who wouldn’t want to see her perform?” Normani added smiling. Dinah mumbles a ‘amen’ which earns a laugh from everyone.
“Mine would actually be Camila Cabello” Lauren starts, “I know she is new to the industry, but I see a lot of potential with her music and she just seems like a good person overall”  Lauren ended, she looks over at Dinah who winks back at her knowing how much of a celebrity crush Lauren has on Camila ever since that girl started popping around a couple months ago. They follow each other, but that’s really the only interaction they have had together. Either way Lauren still freaks out about it.
“Well it seems like Camila is actually walking this way from the red carpet.” The interviewer points over. He looks back to the cameraman"But it looks like we don’t have enough time, That’s all for my interview with H4rmony but watch them later tonight as they are nominated for Group of the year"
“Hey looks it H4rmony, weren’t you talking about them earlier” Hailee said as she dragged Camila over to talk to them. Camila laughs and holds Hailee’s hand tightly “Holy shit, I heard they weren’t coming”
Before Hailee can respond, Ally is waving at them and smiling. The whole group is smiling at them as well.
Lauren felt like she couldn’t breathe as she makes eye contact with Camila. This was the first time she comes face to face with her. She looks even more beautiful than in the photoshoots she has seen.
“ As you can see Lauren is starstruck at the moment” Normani said as she knocks her shoulder with Lauren getting her attention.
“um sorry what?” Lauren asks feeling nervous. “Sorry I’m Laura… I mean Lauren sorry” She messed up causing everyone to laugh. “Sorry I don’t know what I was thinking”
“Caught you staring too long? huh Lauren” Ally added
“no it’s ok” Camila says. Dinah just laughs
“Looks like Lauren has a crush, better watch out Hailee” Dinah says, causing everyone to laugh again but earning a glare from Lauren.
Lauren looks over at Camila and sees that her cheeks were a bit red. It couldn’t have been from Dinah’s comment? no, Lauren isn’t gonna overthink it.
“Well Camila and I are going pretty strong , but maybe next time Lauren” Hailee says with laughter in her voice , but definitely not in her eyes.
Lauren was about to comment until the an interviewer called Camila and Hailee “Camila! Hailee! Can we get an interview?”
Camila smiles at the group waving goodbye and her and Hailee walked over away from the group who is moving into the venue for the show. “ You know I’ll always be yours”  Camila says as she puts her hand of Hailee’s lower back as they walked towards the interview. But she can tell Hailee doesn’t want to talk about it right now.
Camila and Hailee are walking to their seating section, only a few seats past H4rmony. Lauren looks over and smiles at Camila. She knows she shouldn’t feel this way about a girl she just met and has a girlfriend.
As the award show started, Lauren didn’t pay much attention to the winners or performers. Out of the corner of her eye she can see Hailee and Camila talking. Camila is gnawing at her lip as if she is uncomfortable. Laure doesn’t want to think she was the one who caused trouble between them. She has heard of how loyal Camila has always been to Hailee. Lauren looks away as she see Selena Gomez on stage waving at the camera  "Hello, I am here to announce the winner for Group of the year" She paused as the crowd starts clapping. “ We have some great nominees up here that you all voted for but there can only be like winner” She added. Lauren zoned out as they introduced who the nominees were but was brought back when Normani grabbed her hand along with the rest of the girls. “And your winner for Group of the year is……H4rmony!”
“Holy Shit!” Lauren yells standing up and hugging each of the girls. They all walked up together hearing the crowd cheer as they hugged Selena. She handed the award to Lauren who was first to the mic. “Wow I have no Idea what to say” Lauren said still in shocked. She passed over the mic to Dinah who thanked there record label, fans and their family. Lauren was still in shock that she realized they were being directed off the stage to the backstage.
Lauren handed the award to Ally who was tearing up along with Normani. “Beyoncé just saw us won that!” Dinah says as the rest of the and laughs and they go to the dressing rooms to get dressed in their proper clothes.  Lauren was the first one out.
“congrats on your win” A voice says causing Lauren to turn around only for it to be Camila.
Lauren flashes a smile and stands up to hug Camila. “Thank you, but what are you doing back here?”
“i’m actually performing next” Camila said releasing Lauren from the hug. It was silent between them until Camila spoke again “Listen about earlier, i’m sorry about Hailee”
“no I should be sorry if I caused issues. It was not my intention.”
Camila looks at her warmly “ Her and I just have trouble sometimes. It sucks a lot”
Lauren looks at her confused “ I know it’s not any of my business, but if it’s not a healthy relationship why don’t you break up with her?” Hearing herself say that makes her heart clench. She should not expect something from Camila.
“I love her too much to let her go” Camila says looking away from Lauren. “ Even if it hurts I will always be with her”
Lauren nods and smiles . “I think it’s your cue to go” She nods her head at the show manager who is waiting for Camila. “Listen I hope you and I can stay friends” Lauren added as Camila was walking away.
“ Yeah I would love that, maybe we can hangout soon” Camila says as she went behind the curtain to start performing. Lauren walked back out to her seating just in time to see Camila perform. She looks over to see Hailee was nowhere to be found. She was missing Camila’s performance. Lauren took out her phone and tweeted.
@LaurenJauregui: Never expect something to happen quickly
She finished her tweet only for her bandmates to look over with a questioning look. She ignored them and stood up along with everyone to see Camila perform.
(Flashback end)
*a year later*
Two knocks  on Lauren’s door of her hotel room suite woke her up from her nap. Currently H4rmony are on a break from tour so Lauren decided to stay in her suite as her bandmates went out to visit the city they are currently in. She walks over to see Camila standing there smiling at her. She has gotten to know the girl. The media considers them to be best friends as they are always together. Lauren has seen Hailee once in awhile, but the girl does not really talk to Lauren, only if Camila was there she would.
“Hey what are you doing here? Aren’t you suppose to be in Milan with Hailee?” Lauren asked nodding her head for Camila to come in moving to sit on the couch.
“Actually Hailee and I aren’t on speaking terms” Camila says “ She has been ignoring me for days” Lauren could feel the pain in Camila’s voice.  
Lauren watched Camila heart get broken by Hailee Steinfeld too many times. She had watched Camila breakdown because of her.
“Camila, this is what happened last time. You know this is not the best” Lauren said in a soothing voice and moving over to sit next to Camila on the couch.
“I know, but you know how much I love her” Camila said getting teary eyed. “ I can make this work” Lauren felt her heart break hearing this. She has been talking to Camila for the past couple of months and she told herself she would not fall for the singer but it was too late. How can you not fall for her?
Lauren was there for Camila, giving all the love Hailee wouldn’t show Camila, the love she deserved and has always wanted. No matter what the circumstances are, Lauren was always there for the girl she loved and hoped that one day she can give her all the love in the world. Lauren had to see the person she loves forgive someone who kept causing her pain.
Lauren has kept her mouth shut. She had no right to tell Camila what to do. So she took it all in, every time she chose Hailee. She has kept herself from overstepping a boundary that could hurt Camila in anyway.
Hailee only spoke to Camila when they needed to be at a award show, or some type of public place to prove to they still together. Lauren knew it broke Camila’s heart
“Hey hey.” Lauren cups Camila’s cheeks and looks at those brown eyes she loves. “ I know you love her Camila. But are you really happy?”
Before Camila can respond she felt her phone vibrate.
Hailee: Camila, Where are you? I’m really sorry. I need you in Milan for the modeling show today. Don’t you love me anymore? Come home right now. Love you.
Camila sits up “I uh. I have to go, Lauren”
Lauren looks at her disbelievingly. Camila’s phone catches her attention. She grabs it and reads the message.
“no wai-”
“Why Camila?” Lauren motions the phone up in the air.
“This? You’re going back to her because of this? Can’t you see, she’s using you!” Lauren said putting the phone back down on the table.
“Aren’t you tired Camz?” Lauren started with tears. “ Aren’t you tired forcing yourself to someone who doesn’t love you back?” Lauren says stepping back a little and letting the singer breathe. Camila can’t hide the guilt on her face.
Camila stands, clenching her fists. “Am I not tired forcing myself to someone who doesn’t love me?” Camila walks closer to Lauren. She pauses and makes sure she’s looking at Lauren’s green eyes. “aren’t you” Camila says causing Lauren to raise her eyebrow. “Aren’t you tired of loving me?” She sees the shock in Lauren’s eyes.
“I’m not blind, Lauren. I’ve noticed how you feel. But I love Hailee” She says.  Camila wants to feel bad and say sorry. But she can’t take back what she said now. And for the first time Lauren’s world shatters into a million pieces.
Lauren’s tears slowly fall from her eyes, her voice breaking.
“It didn’t matter, Camila. If you felt the same way or not. You tell me that she loves you?” Lauren chuckles sarcastically.
“ When I first met you almost a year ago, I can tell Hailee doesn’t love you. She wasn’t even there to support you in your first performance in the AMA’s ” Lauren was now basically shouting, letting it all out.
“I had to witness so many things since being your friend Camila but never have I ever overstepped. All I ever did was be what you needed me to be! And now” Lauren shakes her head in disbelief. “ How dare you accuse me of not wanting you to be happy when that’s all I ever wanted. Even if it wasn’t with me”
“You want my feelings gone, Camz? Well, consider it gone. You badly want to get out of this hotel, then get out”
Camila blinks. she doesn’t say a word. She knows her and Lauren’s emotions are taking control of this conversation and it’s no use talking until they’ve both calmed down anyways. She heads towards the door. She pauses as if contemplating to stay or not. She still decides to leave but not before she hears Lauren’s last words.
“Do me a favor, and get out of my life as well ” Lauren whimpers. “The next time she hurts you, find yourself someone else to cry on”
This time there was no hint of anger in Lauren’s voice. It was now fueled with pure sadness.
Camila closes the door behind her. Coming into contact with Dinah.
“Hey Mila, have you been crying?” Dinah asks looking at the girl. Camila mumbles something she couldn’t understand and walk aways from the Dinah. She opens the door to Lauren’s room to see her on the couch crying.
“Lauren, What happened with Camila?” Dinah asks rubbing Lauren’s shoulders.
“What should have been done a long time ago” Lauren adds wiping her tears.
Camila gets to her car and hits the steering wheel. Camila closes her eyes and weeps and mourns. She mourns for what she had just lost. The feeling of emptiness that she knows nothing and no one could ever fill. She hears her phone ring with a twitter notification from Lauren. Yes she had her notifications on because she did care for that girl.
@LaurenJauregui: It’s better this way.
A/n: soo tell me if I should continue this or not. If I do then I will post this on Wattpad also.
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