#why would I write a full scene for a flashback when I could just do dialogue
potential-fate · 2 years
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July 17th, 2033
Roman: ...Wait....
Abe: What’s wrong? Roman: [sighing] What do you think?
Abe: It’s gonna be fine. Roman: You keep saying that...
Abe: Cause it is. It’s only a year... What’s the worst that could happen? ... Don’t answer that. Roman: ..... You’re sure?
Abe: Of course I’m sure. I mean, the university isn’t even that far away. Roman: I guess that’s true... Abe: Besides... It’s us. It’s always been you and me, Ro.
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Satoru Gojo with a younger sister that awakens her full potential
WARNINGS!!: tiny spoilers for season 2?? swearing, and bloody descriptions!!
A/N: I honestly kinda wrote this idea for myself cuz I couldn’t find any other writings like this😒
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 • Alrighty, so you were basically born with the Limitless technique, just like your older brother Satoru Gojo.
 • Too bad you didn’t get the Six Eyes!! :(
 • Anyway so you enrolled in Jujutsu High when you became of age and became a sorcerer blah blah you know where this is going
 • Gojo was just minding his business, y’know, teaching his beloved students like it was any other day.
 • That’s when he was informed to go to the scene of his younger sister’s mission and immediately thought to himself “wtf”
 • He knew that his sister could hold her own so why in hell would someone need him there?
 • Either way, he still went to check it out— only to see you covered in.. whoever’s blood, uniform looser on your body, hair unkempt as you stared at your trembling and blood soaked hand, mumbling aloud about cursed energy and your technique or something.
 • Gojo felt himself get almost instant flashbacks of his own similar experience against Toji Fushiguro— that day only making him feel uneasy.
 • By the looks of it, you hadn’t even noticed him yet which honestly.. kinda surprised him.
 • He knew you both possessed the same technique, figuring that you would be ecstatic when you found out what it could benefit you with, but being surprised when you instead found yourself struggling to control it.
 • That’s when Gojo realized how high the cursed energy was in the vicinity, unusually stronger than your average power level.
 • He knew you were strong but.. this was another level..
 • “Y/n? You okay there?” Gojo questioned, standing his ground and not bothering to take any steps closer.
 • “Okay?.. I’m better than okay, that’s for sure!” You replied, your giddy sounding voice louder in volume.
 • Gojo knew something was wrong already, just at the sound of your tone.
 • “I finally understand that damn technique we share!.. isn’t that great, Satoru?!”
 • “Yeah, sure.. just calm down and we can get you back to the school, ‘kay?”
 • You laugh in amusement, creepily staring at him as you did so.
 • “You don’t understand.. do you?..” you ask, your question obviously rhetorical.
 • You then started blabbing on about how different, yet similar you guys were until.. everything went black.
 • Gojo watched in slight concern as you lost consciousness, finding your rambling to contain no meaning.
 • Once you woke up in the infirmary, you find your fellow first years and your older brother by your side.
 • They hadn’t even noticed you woke up as you tried to eavesdrop on their hushed conversation, your brain only hearing muffled words that you couldn’t even make out before feeling your eyelids becoming heavy again.
 • And thus, you were out..
 • p.s. Gojo definitely told the first years about your awakening. Yuji finding it cool, Nobara finding it creepy, and Megumi left with not being able to see you the same.
THANKS FOR READINGG!! I honestly haven’t written anything in awhile so I’m happy that this spark kind of renewed in me! :D
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manicpixiedreamedwins · 3 months
Alright. I've been talking about writing a meta about Charles and jealousy for a while, so here it is. It's a mess. I tried to make it more concise than it was, if you can believe that.
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Be forewarned, below the cut we'll be diving into some canon compliant content like Charles' home life. Please, please, please note that now is the time to leave if you are not in a good space to read about those.
Okay. First I want to establish a few things before I get to analyzing the scenes, because I think it is important that we have empathy for Charles here. This might be a bit of a long preamble, but if you could stay with me I'd appreciate it. I promise I am going somewhere with all of this.
I think a lot of us have been told, perhaps by a parent or a friend, that jealousy is unbecoming or bad. Think about it. I know growing up that is a message I heard frequently even though I saw adults exhibit it. This was actually pretty confusing to try and work out. Anyway, now with this almost puritanical obsession with good pure and healthy relationships in media, it's gotten worse. We're told any human flaw we have is something we have to fix or we are not deserving of love. Yes, including jealousy.
Only if that's the case, Charles is fighting uphill here. Here's why:
For reference 41:30 -42:00 in episode 4 is the flashback that The Night Nurse shows Charles of his home. If we unpack this we can learn a lot of things, but there are two that I would like two draw your attention to today:
Charles' dad clearly isn't someone Charles could form a secure attachment to. He seems to only be acknowledging Charles when he's angry, and only acknowledging him in a very violent manner. He's also not really communicating with him, and expecting Charles to know what he's upset about I guess? Truly, this man is terrifying. He knows his family is afraid of him, and he knows they'll scramble to try and fix whatever his issue is.
Charles' mom doesn't intervene. Now, I do not want to hear any vile junk in my notes. She's a battered woman and has probably been in the same position that Charles has, considering Charles himself is worried about her once he is dead. He's worried enough that he checks in on her every week. It makes it all the more heartbreaking that Charles is the one who has taken it upon himself to try and "make it better" (although this is not uncommon among kids who grow up in abusive households, alarmingly).
It definitely drives home that there is a clear hierarchy in the home (everyone tries to please the most volatile person), and you're at the bottom of the pyramid. Even if it's just because you and everyone else in the household is too terrified to do anything about the most abusive person's behavior, you still feel the weight of never being put first. You will never be put first, because how could you be? "You never made it better than you died" (via The Night Nurse) holds a crushing amount of meaning here.
Alright. Now we have established that Charles had some messed up stuff happen at home. Let's take that a step further. Adverse childhood experiences can lead to a variety of attachment styles that are not secure and... you guessed it, jealousy can get thrown in the mix. (This link leads to an abstract of a very interesting research article. If you request the full test directly from the researcher they will provide it for free, but it takes time. The basic idea here is that if kids aren’t able to form secure attachments to their parents, then they will struggle to feel secure in their relationships as they grow up. Sometimes that can manifest as jealousy).
Still with me after all of that? You are god's strongest soldier, lmao. Now let's get into the good stuff.
Charles dies, but there in the attic he meets Edwin. Charles chooses Edwin over the blue light without a second thought. He comforted him when he was dying, and that tenderness is foreign for Charles. The choice is an easy one.
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He enjoyed it, and he enjoys Edwin. Edwin, in turn, turns out to be is someone who unequivocally, continuously, puts Charles first. He also does something really important- Charles seeks reassurance, and Edwin gives it ("You ever think, what if Death did catch us? She'd force us to go to the afterlife and split up" Charles asks. "I will make sure that never happens" Edwin answers, all while they're hanging on the side of their office). This is one of the first things we learn about them in the pilot. Charles knows he can count on Edwin. This wasn't something he had from anyone in life.
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So things go fine for Charles for a long while. Edwin hasn't given him any reason to feel insecure in all that time it seems. He’s done a great job making Charles feel safe. Charles even feels secure enough that it is his idea to try and integrate Crystal into the agency, although Edwin clearly hates it. Crystal isn’t a threat to his friendship with Edwin, so it would appear Charles still feels reasonably secure in their relationship at this point.
Charles even explains or excuses a lot of Edwin's reactions to try and smooth things over. He tries to mediate between them during their first plan to rescue Becky from Esther's house the best he can. He allows Edwin to have a leg of the case with just the two of them, but he tries to frame it as protecting Crystal.
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But then it's Edwin's turn to shake up the foundation that their relationship is built on.
Edwin had a lot of issues to attend to this season, and he tried to deal with most of them alone. Most of the problems Edwin had to handle put definite distance between him and Charles- how couldn't they? He was being hit on, which was a very new experience for him. He probably didn't even know how to talk about that at first, as evidenced by his description of the CK speaking closely to his ear (oh sweet summer child). He also learned about his feelings for the first time, which Monty had to finish spelling out for him.
This all, however, is where we see a shift in the dynamic. It's significant.
Edwin uses magic on a cat and has to go and meet with the Cat King. Whoops. 🙃 Charles slides easily into his role as a protector, but… Edwin stops him.
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Honestly, Edwin had a good reason to do this. He pointed out that cat scratches can cause serious harm to ghosts, and they were surrounded. As endearing as this was, this wouldn’t have been an easy fight. They can just talk this out, right? He gets whisked away for a few minutes to do that (and then winds up opening a bigger can of worms).
From Charles’ perspective though, Edwin doesn’t allow him to help him, and then vanishes for a long period of time. Then he absolutely won’t tell him anything about it when he does come back. Charles knew Edwin was a little mad at him in the pilot, but they were still communicating for the most part. The secrecy is a shift, and it’s not one he’s coping well with. He tries a few different ways to reconnect.
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First he tries gentle. He just asks what happened from a place of concern. This might have worked actually, only I’m not even sure Edwin knows how to fully describe what happened during their encounter. He rushes through a description, and Charles still feels like something is missing. He doesn’t like that someone else has a secret with Edwin— for thirty years they’ve been connected. This feels frightening to him, and Edwin doesn’t seem particularly worried that they’re not on the same page.
He tries to pick the conversation back up later when they’re searching for the dandelion shrine, but Edwin doesn’t give any additional information. So he slides back into his role of being a protector again and defends him against the ambient skeletons, because at least he can protect him from that easily. For a moment, things almost seem normal again, but this resurfaces in a later case.
Edwin meets with CK again in episode 4. Charles is still raw after the events of the Devlin House, and now he’s just pissed. He’s hurting, and Edwin is still keeping this weird secret. They end up bickering back and forth. The bickering tells us something interesting about Charles’ concerns.
Charles: What did he want? He didn't whisk you away again? Got that bracelet off?
Edwin: I'd be back at the office right now if the bracelet was off. He wanted to know if I counted the cats, and my guess was unsatisfactory.
Charles: Thinks he can come and go... He can't show up in the middle of cases. Did you tell him that?
Edwin: Matter of fact, I did.
Charles: Can't believe you didn't tell us. I've had enough of secrets about that wankеr.
Edwin: Why are you getting so angry?
What stands out to me here is Charles is upset about a few things: he hates that Edwin is getting taken away from him by a being they can’t control (a logical fear, considering they’re running from death together). He hates that this is happening in the middle of case time that is supposed to be for him and Edwin (and their friends, who Charles trusts). He is still really upset that Edwin has a secret with someone else (I really don’t think he’d be bothered if the secret was with him).
That’s why he’s upset. Charles isn’t feeling secure. He doesn’t feel like their relationship is on good footing right now. Whether or not he knows how to phrase that or ask for support is a different question.
Onto Monty (sorry these are a bit out of order— I put them by character for this part).
Charles wasn’t aware of Monty. This probably already bothered him a little, considering the mystery surrounding the cat king, but he tried to be a good sport. Monty wasn’t outwardly threatening. He came with gifts. He seemed friendly. Charles tried to match that… only to get snubbed. Ouch.
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Charles likes to claim he’s aces with other people, but he ultimately died because his friends turned on him and killed him the second he stood up for what was important to him. I think peer relationships are a particularly sticky situation for him. I think he knew how to fit in the same way he knew how not to rock the boat in a volatile home. With Edwin it was different though— Edwin just liked him. Edwin was special.
But of course yet another boy their age doesn’t like him (probably a little upsetting, considering how he died). The only thing that’s confusing to him here is he didn’t really do anything wrong— he was polite. He followed along with all the little niceties people do, even when they don’t want to. Maybe this wouldn’t have bothered him so much in another situation, but now Edwin is wrapped up with him instead of Charles. He's picked him instead (in Charles' mind).
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He can’t even shake this when Monty isn’t there.
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Charles tries to get Edwin's attention... and fails. so he begins to have a conversation with himself. Perhaps he was trying to make Edwin laugh. Perhaps he was trying something over the top. Still, he fails. Ultimately, he goes the broken record route and asks him the same question a couple of times.
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This moment probably really hurt- there's actually no reason for Edwin to be ignoring him, in Charles' mind anyway. They're alone together. Usually they'd be talking or bantering or at least Charles would be able to get Edwin's attention. It's just that he can't, because now Edwin is stuck on that fucking book from that fucking bloke who blew him off earlier.
This was probably a little activating for Charles. Even if he didn't completely put together why it upset him, Edwin putting someone who just treated him poorly right in front of his face first is a dim reflection of what he went through in his home. Now, I am not saying Monty is anywhere near that level of bad- he's a literal cream puff. He could not kill them when his life depended on it.
What I am saying, though, that Charles perceives a subtle threat here. He's also not sure what to do with it, because he never overcame that hurtle in life. No one else ever put him first, and he never figured out how to fix that. Edwin kind of just centered Charles automatically when they met. Now he's not doing that anymore and it’s jarring and uncomfortable for him. He’s feeling this loss of stability, on top of the fact that Edwin still won’t tell him what’s going on with the CK.
"...try not to forget that we're trying to leave" is what Charles comes up with after that exchange. Edwin makes an attempt to console him finally and offers to talk, but Charles shuts it down and tells him it's that he wants to leave town. They start on a case after that.
(Note that I did this a little out of order for organization’s sake— some of their CK arguing happened during the case they went on next).
Charles does finally catch a break here. In spite of all of this, he’s missing something very important: Edwin has feelings for him. That’s probably the most pressing issue that’s gone unspoken between them.
So Edwin dresses nicely, catches Charles attention, and finally tries to initiate a conversation. Charles seems relieved.
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He does assume Edwin is just trying to come out by telling him about his time with Monty, before the teethface incident. Charles isn’t bothered, since Monty isn’t really in the picture anymore as far as he’s concerned. Things are fine, it’s just the two of them again and Edwin likes boys. Wait…
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... Fuck. Forgot about the Cat King.
He resorts to threatening the CK. I know lots of people have lots of different theories on this, but consider this perspective also: Monty is no longer a threat. He’s abstract. He’s a memory. The Cat King is still very real and is a thing that can come between them, has done so, and has successfully taken Edwin from him. And as accepting as Charles was trying to be in that moment, he just can't handle that (from the perspective of this meta).
Anyway, this is all interrupted by their foray into hell. Charles does rescue Edwin, Edwin confesses, and honestly I feel like that just needs to be a different thing entirely but I did type a little bit about how I think Charles interpreted all of that here.
They return. Charles is processing Edwin's confession on the roof. This whole scene mystifies me a little because yes, he didn't seem to know exactly what to say to Edwin's confession in hell (I think he did not want to ruin it by saying the wrong thing). The more rewatches I go through the more... satisfied he looks to me? He might be processing, but also he might be a little giddy that Edwin has feelings for him specifically. I'm still trying to figure out how to read this one because the lines seemed rushed but the microexpressions say so much.
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Then he starts blatantly flirting with Edwin. Honestly Charles, what the fuck?(afffectionate) Truly I’m still trying to work out if he’s just testing out how Edwin reacts or if he is working through his own feelings here, but I really want more of this in S2.
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That’s about all the thoughts I think I can organize on this for now without it getting obscenely long (it already is pretty long for a half baked idea that turned into a meta). Thank you for reading 🖤
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lemotmo · 2 months
A nice change of pace 🥰
Q. Let's have some fun! What are your thoughts on the deleted bachelor party scenes? Are you camp they cut something big? Or are you camp they just wanted to film Oliver and Ryan having a good time?
A. Bless you, anon. Bless you! I am definitely camp they cut something. But I don't think they cut it as in it's gone and we will never see it. I think they filmed it always intending to show it. They knew when they were filming those scenes that they were filming way too much 'secondary' content for a Chimney/Maddie focused episode. Which means they would have had to write it, set design it, and film it knowing they weren't going to use most of it. No way. Yes you always have some extra to trim but not that amount of extra. That content was intentional. Had they not been renewed so quickly the wedding episode would have been split into 2 parts and we would have seen the bachelor party in full. The moment they got renewed Tim slowed everything down. When he decided to stretch whatever the Buddie storyline is (😉) into season 8 he decided he could use the bachelor party scenes later, and I think we will now get them as flashback scenes. Whether that means dream sequences, Eddie therapy content or a sudden memory we don't know yet. But they made a point of telling the audience that they were hammered. And If you have ever been that drunk your memory of that night is hazy at best, at least for a bit.
What I can't decide is how big of a something they filmed and are sitting on. Part of me would be livid if the very first Buddie kiss is a flashback. I just wouldn't love that, but at the same time I think the liquid courage would have helped both of them tremendously, so it wouldn't not make sense. Still wouldn't be my favorite though. I just think they promoted it way too hard for the karaoke scene to be the biggest thing they're sitting on. Because Buddie was the promotion. Oliver and Ryan content was everywhere for that episode. It was basically hyped as a Buddie episode. There has to be something more than the karaoke scene. There has to be. I also know that to a lot of people a kissing scene would mean 'cheating' and that idea angers a lot of people. I am personally not one of them. At that point Buck and Tommy had one bad date, that, to me, does not equal cheating. But again that is a touchy subject for a lot of people and I don't ever want to tell anyone else how to feel about something. I just think they're sitting on something fairly big. And I think it would need to be big enough to be able to tie into Eddie kind of losing it and blowing up his entire life. Because that's basically what Eddie did immediately following the bachelor party.
I also keep going back to Oliver and Ryan's behavior around the time of filming that episode. They were just too all in on Buddie for us not to be missing something. And Ryan, who has been the sole off season promotion/interview focus, has been noticeably struggling to find a way to talk about their relationship. Because he can't yet use the word he wants and needs to use (and in the past he has been the one to be pretty reliant on the best friend label, but he hasn't used it once in any interview since the finale). Don't get me wrong it's been fun to watch him try but our boy is out there fighting for his life trying not to slip up. It's beautiful 💗
Thank you Nonny for dropping this into my inbox. You're right! This one is fun.
Fandom is supposed to be fun right? So, speculating about that karaoke scene and the bachelor party? That's a much better way to spend our time than to spend it on hate or frustration. :)
I too am camp 'They cut SOMETHING.' Whether it was a big something or not? I don't know. I do know that the part they cut out is quite big. It isn't just the karaoke, it's a big part of the bachelor party as well. That must have cost quite a bit of money and production time. Why would they let all of that go to waste? It doesn't make sense.
In my opinion they are holding on to something. We might get a flashback in season 8. But yeah, I also hope that it isn't a kiss. I would be thrilled by an almost kiss though. Or something they said to each other, something intimate they both forgot about until one of them suddenly remembers it.
What do you guys think?
As for Oliver and Ryan? I agree. They know exactly where this story is going. :)
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steddieunderdogfics · 3 months
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is: ghosttotheparty! @ghosttotheparty has 72 fics in the Stranger Things fandom and 61 of them are in the Steddie tag!
@estrellami-1 or anonymous nominator recommends the following works by @ghosttotheparty:
love me softly
a mess of holy things
pretty girls (series)
"This author has captivated me from day one. I’ve since gone back and read and re-read everything they have in fandoms that I am a part of, and I’m highly considering reading everything, regardless of fandom!" -- @estrellami-1
They also had this to say: "It was so hard to just pick five fics—I’d easily pick all of them if I could!! These five are just a few of their fics that I come back to, time and time again. This author’s way with words is absolutely stunning, and I want to be like them when I grow up! 😉" -- @estrellami-1
Below the cut, @ghosttotheparty answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
I honestly just adore them so much. Characters that are opposites have always been something I’ve loved; Nico di Angelo and Will Solace are the first to come to mind. I’ve loved them since middle school (I’m in my third year of uni now), and I’ve apparently drawn some connections between their dynamics and Steddie’s. I also feel like Steddie just has so much potential in regards to different dynamics. There are so many alternate universes in which they’re entirely different from the way they are in the original show but there is still a consensus within the community of what kind of people they are and how they behave, speak, or interact. Despite writing the same characters over and over and over, I’ve had so much fun being able to experiment with different personalities and dynamics.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
I think everyone knows at this point that I lovelovelove hurt/comfort. Physical injury and wounds, nursing the other back to health, trauma recovery, nightmares or flashbacks, sub/dom drop, panic attacks or breakdowns, give me all of it. (Bonus points if this is pre-relationship and the comforter calls the other a pet name (cough baby cough) for the first time in the midst of it all. God.)
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
See above. In all honesty, I love intensity. Heavy emotions like grief and anguish and rage are my fucking thing, and I think most of my longer fics involve at least one heavy scene with a panic attack or emotional breakdown. Something about the release and expression of emotions followed by tender patience and sweet comfort is just so cathartic for me.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
I write more fics than there are fics that I read, unfortunately, but the first fic to come to mind was in my life by mourningshowers (@keycarabiner on tumblr). Sososo sweet and tender. It ripped me apart and then stitched me back together and gave me a lollipop as a treat. I also adore the series The Rush of Thunder (That Brings You Under) by callmejude (@callmejude on tumblr). The pacing and characterisation and dialogue were fucking phenomenal. Print this whole series out and bury me with it when I go.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
I have a few AUs that I haven’t actually explored quite yet; one involves teacher!Steve and another is about punk!Stobin (platonic, Obviously), and yet another involves artist!Eddie. But more generally speaking I would like to explore some heavier themes in the future when I have the guts.
What is your writing process like?
Good question. I have no idea. I write pretty much every night, usually with Youtube or Netflix on next to me (typically playing things I’ve already seen so I don’t have to pay full attention to follow along, but my main go-tos are documentaries/docuseries), and I tend to just get as much out as I can. I write most linearly; I tend to not skip ahead and go back, but occasionally I’ll have an idea for a scene that I need to scribble out to make sure I don’t forget it. But my plotlines and focus points tend to shift as I’m writing, so sometimes these scenes end up changing as well.
Do you have any writing quirks?
I hadn’t noticed any, but Bee (@jewishrat420) pointed some out to me: - I consistently use the word ‘press’ - I phrase actions in lists with commas and a finalising and. - I tend to have repeating themes (for example, warm and cold and the quiet journey a character makes from their loneliness to the warmth of someone else). I’ve also noticed that I really like writing visceral imagery; even in fics for other ships I’ve mentioned one character longing to claw open their partner and climb inside them. I love bloody imagery, which Steddie are perfect for.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
If I’m uploading a fic with multiple chapters, I generally try to stay ahead of my posting schedule with at least one to two chapters already written in advance of posting. For my current wip, though, I’ve decided to post only when it’s complete, and to post on a schedule just in case I get behind or lose track.
Which fic are you most proud of?
Probably a mess of holy things.
How did you get the idea for a mess of holy things?
Ah, my love. The inspiration for this fic came from dirty paws by inifiniteorangepeel (@infinite-orangepeel on tumblr). Her version of Steve had me by the fucking throat, and I genuinely could not stop thinking about him even though I think this was before she even started uploading actual parts of the fic. I knew that I wanted to write some kind of religiously traumatised Steve, naive and curious about Eddie fucking Munson, and the haze of an idea snowballed into whatever this fic became.
When writing a mess of holy things, what was something you didn’t expect?
Honestly, I wasn’t expecting how confrontational it would feel. I was raised Catholic, and I put Steve’s parents in a category of religious people that I’ve never really known well. I was never forced to go to church or Sunday school (in fact, I think I only went to Sunday school for, like, three weeks), and for the most part as a child, my relationship with God was amicable. My abuela was very religious when I was young (my mother likes to say, “She was more Catholic than the Pope”), but I never felt as though her faith impeded upon my own life. She would tell me that my artistic skill was a gift from God, and she would pray over me when I had tummy aches, and even though I wasn’t very faithful, I found comfort in it. I also have always found a peace in holy buildings; churches and church graveyards are some of my favourite places to just sit in silence. So I wasn’t expecting the emotional whiplash writing holy things gave me. Writing from Steve’s point of view at first felt like writing fantasy, making it up as I went because I couldn’t write from experience; I have healthy relationships with both my parents, and even though my father had a very difficult childhood, he’s done everything he could to be a good father to me and my brother, so Steve’s father was entirely made up. It wasn’t until I got further along in the fic that I actually realised how big an impact even a slightly religious upbringing had on me as a queer person. My parents never taught me anything hateful, never complained about anybody in regards to God, but somehow this general religious disapproval latched itself to my ribcage, and I hadn’t realised I’d been carrying it around with me my whole life. And I was forced to confront it, along with the distrust that I’d inadvertently developed toward religious people.
What inspired love me softly?
My darling!! This fic started as a random one-shot about Eddie bitching to Gareth about having a crush on a normie, but the feedback was so lovely I decided to write another part. And then another. And then another. At some point the vague idea of a plot appeared, and this universe became very dear to me. I still have ideas for follow-up one-shots, which I keep in a collection on AO3. I think this fic is also what started my love for Tommy Hagan, who I’ve since claimed as an OC. He’s mine now.
What was your favorite part to write from hideout series?
While I was writing this series, I found that I love secret relationships. The idea of Steve having something in his life that he could turn to for some sense of normalcy despite everything in his life literally being straight out of a science-fiction movie was something I loved, and writing the majority of it from an outsider point of view was a fun experiment/exercise.
How do/did you feel writing fate (series)?
Oh, GOD. I love angst. I had the idea for Eddie’s death, specifically him singing the Tennessee Waltz and the whole “Do you think God’ll let me in?” thing, and I worked from there. I actually considered leaving the fic at Eddie’s death, but as much as I love angst, I also love happy and hopeful endings. Even though my heart hurt the entire time I wrote this whole series, I loved it all. Wayne’s point of view was a fun (ish) shift in perspectives and I’ve since included sections in his point of view because I love him so much. (I do also have a one-shot specifically about him living in my head, but I have yet to put it into words.)
What was the most difficult part of writing pretty girls (series)?
I don’t know if I would really consider it difficult, but it did require some actual thinking to write Steve as transfemme, or genderqueer in the opposite direction as me. To take my own experiences and feelings and shift them so they’re upside down was definitely interesting.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
This is from one of my less known fics, spill my guts: “And I’m so fucking high right now, but Steve, I— I think I love you.” It just feels so representative of Steddie as a whole. (Honestly the whole scene kind of feels very Them: both of them high out of their minds and suddenly confessing their undying love in the most dramatic fucking way possible. Ugh. I love them.)
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
I’m working right now on a fic that involves priest’s son!Steve and recovering addict!Eddie, and that’s all I’ll say on that <3
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
Not entirely relevant, but I make playlists and pinboards for almost all my fics (if I don’t have one of either for a fic that you’d like one for, literally just hit me up and I’ll put one together); here are the ones I made for Steve & Eddie <3 S - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3dW3wTo8nD11RuqKs9aj52?si=9f98f4a287394152 https://www.pinterest.co.uk/ghosttotheparty/king-steve/ E - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4eWRFi07VIEKIoeaGwfFI5?si=791fa1f2dd6a4f7e https://www.pinterest.co.uk/ghosttotheparty/eddie-the-banished/
Thank you to our author, @ghosttotheparty, and our nominator, @estrellami-1! See more of @ghosttotheparty's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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ellilyre · 6 months
I finished ToA not long ago and I wanted to write down some thoughts/scenes that stick with me
(in chronological (ish) order, watch out for spoilers)
Theres an italian girl at camp ! It means Nico gets to practice and speak italian ! (which probably haven't happened in about 70 years)
Will introducing Nico as "my boyfriend". I already knew they would be canon, but reading that line felt weird /pos
Apollo sees Solangelo and think of himself and Hyacinth
That night when Kayla and Austin disappeared and Apollo left to look for them, it probably was the first night Will ever spent alone in his cabin
Apollo's insane body dysmorphia. He's a god, he can always take the physical form he is the most comfortable and confident in... Until now. He is stuck in a body that isn't his, he feels ashamed, when he sees certain traits in others he find them charming or pretty, but when it's on him then it's disgusting. He complain that everything is this body's fault (ex. he wouldn't have been touched by the Eurynomos if it wasn't for his chub.)(I could go on for hours)
Lityerses ! I love that guy. Idk why i love him that much. He is my best guy.
Apollo's reaction to Commodus' name. His flashback of him. So painful he was physically sick.
Apollo talking Helios out of killing them, because he just want to be free, not to hurt them.
Jason. I'm not talking about Jason. I can't speak about Jason.
Frank and Apollo ! They are so fond of each other !!!
Apollo heard all of Frank's prayers when he was unclaimed and wished he could've adopted him.
And Frank respecting Apollo as a god although he is *vaguely gesture at Apollo/Lester*
Reyna saying aloud that she doesn't want nor needs romance. It's so rare to see aromantic representation and Rick did it so well.
Literally Apollo singing his way out of situations.
FRANK'S SELF SACRIFICE!!! (He already had one of my favorite character development before that)
APOLLO KILLING COMMODUS ??? why do never talk about that it's one of the best deaths I've ever seen that was BADASS AND FULL OF EMOTIONS.
Apollo slowly dying out of poison and the Dodona Arrow doing everything it can to keep him conscious.
I hope Dakota didn't get killed off just to give Lavinia the role of Centurion. I love my boy Dakota, and his death felt kind of meaningless, except for her rank up :/ also i feel like it doesn't suit Lavinia. Some ppl are strong and good and trustable but just not made to order others. (ill prop make a full post about that)
Dionysos confirmed to be an annoying little brother!
Nico. How does Rick manage to always give him more issues. Leave the kid alone.
When Will glows, Apollo is genuinely impressed and tells him how proud he is.
Nico destroying Nero's door with his giant zombie bull. That was cool.
When Apollo gets stabbed in Nero's tower and think it's the end, he prays "Zeus, Artemis, Leto, anyone"
And in general the few parts he talks about Leto, he's such a momma's boy and I love it.
When Apollo left for Delphi... I was fully expecting Meg to go with him. I was so worried that he went alone while already feeling that weakened from the previous events.
Artemis is here when Apollo wakes up. She's by his side, she's the first person to tell him he succeeded, she hold him while he sobs...
The first thing he does is to greet his horses :) and then to see his friends.
When he gets back to the Dodona bush ! To tell them all how brave and heroic the Arrow have been !
I could spend hours talking about the character developments of Apollo, Meg and the Dodona Arrow (i love the arrow so much you have no idea) but its for another day
There's many things I didn't talk about, but the post is already long enough. I love those 5 books, and Apollo is an amazing narrator.
I love the Arrow of Dodona with all my heart.
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Tbh I get that all the episodes of this arc being extremely rushed and episodic and awkwardly cutting off instead of having proper endings is just part of the YouTube Shorts aesthetic, but it really doesn’t work for an episode as important as today’s that was a video and not a Short. And arguably never worked for any more serious story-important episodes tbh
(Spoilers for pretty much everything and just a lotta general negativity ahead)
Like things like the explanation of the lore and the countdown could be done in Shorts because they were clearly made with the fact that they were going to be Shorts in mind, but when things finally started to pick up it felt less like Shorts and more that they were only showing us little bits and pieces of a much bigger story that we’ll never get to see and that really messes with the immersion
“But the world doesn’t exist outside of when Chikn wants it to. The Shorts are all there is to see. That’s the point” the point is stupid
And that doesn’t even work because if the world can only exist when Chikn wants it to then everyone should be dead. How did any episode or even any moment without Chikn in it ever exist if that’s the case? How are the characters shown to have done things off-screen multiple times?
Also furthermore like. Everything was just so rushed???
Like one minute Chee is getting upset and ends up punching Chikn so hard it knocks him out (Not to mention she didn’t even punch him in the face and just kinda awkwardly pushed him. Would’ve been cool if she scratched him being a cat and all but the devs didn’t wanna go for that for some reason), but in the next scene she’s smiling like nothing was ever wrong to begin with, and somehow manages to trigger a flashback without even saying anything?
Also the devs teased a lotta puppet imagery with Chikn that they can’t decide whether or not they actually want because there was that whole thing about how while the chaos is caused by Chikn, he still feels like a part of it rather than the cause of it (“Sometimes I feel like I’m just… A puppet on a stage”), which is presumably because of his chaotic powers running wild and trying to take control of him, but in this episode that apparently was completely retconned in favor of Chikn himself feeling like he has to destroy the world. Which I can also see as well with how Bezel keeps egging him on but 1. They didn’t have to replace one with the other. It’d arguably be more interesting if both were true at once (Chikn feeling like he has to fulfill his destiny and destroy everything made it easier for his powers to get the better of him), and 2. Bezel never said anything to him that would actually make this work. He didn’t even know about his destiny until his powers started doing their thing because Bezel explicitly refused to tell him. Where did these feelings of having to fulfill his destiny even come from? How does he even know there’s a prophecy instead of thinking that he just happens to have weird powers?
Or maybe he did. Maybe all that stuff did happen and does have an explanation and we just won’t see it because they don’t show us the full story
And also speaking of Bezel what happened to “Everything must be cute. Everything must be nice”? If Chikn is so convinced that he must follow his destiny of destroying the world what was up with that part where he explicitly stated that he doesn’t want the world destroyed?
(Also also speaking of Bezel, the reveal of him being the doomsday clock was cool and really clever but like. If he’s not the embodiment of time why didn’t Iscream & Fwench Fwy literally just kill him?)
“Well maybe his powers did what power usually does and began to corrupt him” They should’ve said that. As the viewers, AKA the people who are not writing the story, it is not our job to fill up plotholes
And also that still goes for the “Puppet on a stage being controlled by the chaos inside him” angle while today’s episode goes for the “Bezel gaslit Chikn into thinking his destiny is inescapable” angle
And also furthermore if he’s convinced he has to destroy everything why didn’t he eat her? Why didn’t he ever try to hurt Chee or show that he was going to (And yes, I do mean show. Chikn tells her over and over again that his destiny makes him dangerous for Chee to be around, but she is never shown to be in any real danger)? Maybe instead he could’ve started trying to do that thing he did in one of the earliest episodes where he pulled out her pin and she just died. Maybe seeing her like that could remind him of that time and that could’ve been the thing that triggered the flashback
Not to mention the whole reason this happened in the first place was because Chee stopped hanging out with him and that made him feel lonely and the emptiness and boredom he felt allowed him to become aware of his powers and how they affect people. Why was that never brought up throughout like any part of this whole thing? “We’re all here for you” He doesn’t want a “We’re All” he wants you specifically. That’s why he’s doing all this. That was the whole significance of Chee going to talk to him
And speaking of how his powers did that thing to Chee, quick sidenote to mention how we never see the result of that. We never see what exactly happened with Chee that stressed him out so much or how Cofi and Slushi reacted to it and that wouldn’t been such an interesting thing to show. And no this is not because of an episode limit they literally have 300 of them
And speaking of Slushi, why do we never see her reaction to the fact that all of this was Chikn’s fault? Between Chee randomly walking out on their hangout and Chikn’s powers rubbing off on Sodi she has to have noticed
And the line delivery in this episode was shit because we know Chikn Nuggit characters can sound genuinely emotional when they need to
tl;dr: The “Silly little relatable Shorts made by a small group of people who just wanna have fun” aesthetic doesn’t work well when applied to Shorts that aren’t silly or fun. Trying to uphold this vibe has done infinitely more to hurt the story than to help it
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There are some posts I've seen floating around that at the start Dazai may not of known that Chuuya wasn't a vampire which I kind of agree with. I'm at work currently so I cant double check but when he goes "that's a nasty trick you've pulled fydor" im pretty sure its in his thoughts?? To which why would he think that if he knew the whole time. I think dazai must of caught onto the fact Chuuya was faking it at somepoint but not sure when that would of been. Also at the end of the ep Dazai said he didn't have a plan. (I did watch the episode at just after 2am my time when it came out and then fell asleep afterwards so my memory could be not correct). I do think chuuya not being a vampire at all is a little disappointing tbh but this idea softens the blow. Would like to know your thoughts on this idea if you are open to sharing?
I'm in that category too, yes. I've left a few tags saying basically the same thing on some posts.
First, there are a few things the anime didn't answer (more than failing to justify Chuuya faking it since the start, there's Sigma's case about needing to help the ADA, which... didn't happen at all) so either we haven't seen the repercussions of this arc yet, or we got the shortened version of what the manga will offer. Which could work either way. (not ideal necessarily, but besides huffing what can we do huh)
Dazai not knowing though! Dazai did admit to his "plan" being to mostly adapt on the fly and trust his allies to help him back. He implied this prison break was one big trust fall. But that's how I've always interpreted Dazai's way of planning! I even made a post about it a full year ago!
Since Dazai knows Chuuya slowed down the elevator (which I can accept, Dazai's ability shouldn't affect random objects he touches, and Fyodor had told Chuuya through a comm to go finish off Dazai because he wasn't in the room), I assume that by then he was aware. Maybe not before though. Definitely not at first. Because this?
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I refuse to believe was entirely scripted. Why is he acting? For Sigma? For corpses? I'm of the opinion that no matter what is going on through Dazai's head, his expressions are always genuine (ex: he might react with surprise at something he completely expected, if only because of how sudden it was, or when/how it ended up happening. Here? genuine distress.)
And I extend that feeling to Dazai having an emotional moment, complete with flashbacks, while "drowning" Fyodor and Chuuya. He did say he wasn't expecting to kill them that way, but perhaps it really was a moment of weakness triggered by concern or guilt.
I can accept Dazai having caught on during his face-off with Chuuya. That's Mr I-know-your-breathing-patterns we have here, so if they didn't high-five after the elevator crash-landing (still broke Dazai's leg), I would say Dazai knows physics enough to go "hold on" and connect the dots. So yes, that baiting of Chuuya, the light taunting, the bratty attitude he only really has with Chuuya, the angry YELLING and insults when Chuuya shot him in the shoulder? The destiny talk? Yeah I can re-contextualize those as Dazai over-acting his part. And then not being able to shut up after being shot in the head.
Maybe there's some reaching here, maybe this will not be totally accurate to the source material. But Asagiri does have a habit to write scenes from an outsider pov while knowing whats happening in the characters' heads and behind the scene, but then not give us that input directly. Never before today was it confirmed that Dazai improvises a lot in his plans. And yet! That's something I've believed in for a very long time.
This all could very well be covering Asagiri's poor decisions, but between this being the adaptation and bsd being an unfinished story, I have a hard time deciding at the moment how much of a poor decision this was. Maybe it's worth a raised eyebrow. Maybe it deserves some criticism in hope the author takes notes. Maybe this was an anime-original resolution due to time constraints (think of the Fifteen final fight). I can only raise concerns for now, and wait.
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jisunghannie · 10 months
Choose Me
PAIRING: Hyunjin x fem!reader
WARNING: Swearing is used in this story. Lots of angst. Angst to fluff
SUMMARY: You and Hyunjin are dating. You were originally his makeup artist and quit because you wanted to be with him. That was your sacrifice. However, he betrayed you and cheated on you, or so you thought anyway.
.°•○>><<○•°. = POV switch
.°• ✿ •°. = Flashback/Present time
`○°.• ✿ •.°○` = Timeskip
-ssi is used to describe someone older (Maknaes use this to address you!)
-ah is used to describe someone younger (Hyungs use this to address you!)
I should've written that in the first part. So sorry, that was my mistake. I took the full day writing and revising. Sorry if it's not long enough! I really wanted to post part 2 for those reading!
Part 1 is here!
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"Can you just stop!? God. I already told you. I don't want an explanation!" You yelled at Hyunjin. "I'm trying to explain because I care about you. So please. Don't go... I need you..." He pleaded. Hoping you would listen to him. "Hyunjin. There's nothing for you to explain. No matter how out of it you were or how tired you were you still should've been able to prevent it!" You yelled at him. "When will you get that through your thick skull?!"
"I won't leave you alone until you listen! I want to save this relationship with you!" He yelled back. You held your tongue, trying to bite back your tears. "So please..." He said gently, this time caressing your cheek. "Listen to me y/n..." He kissed your forehead. "Please... I'm begging you... just... listen..." He said sadly, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"No... I'm not going to listen." You said firmly. "I'm not listening because I would've NEVER! EVER! Done that to you." You said yelling, tears pouring down your cheeks as well.
"We're done Hyunjin." You said. Breaking away from his grasp.
"Then why do you still cry..?" He asked gently with a hurt tone. You stopped in your tracks. As you turn to face him. "Why do you still care so much..? How can you say we're done when you're crying the same way I am..?" He asked, wanting an answer. You wanted to answer. You wanted to say you loved him so much and wanted to work it out with him.
And then, you woke up.
You woke up in a cold sweat. Tears rolling down your cheeks. You turned to the window to see it was still dark.
"Damn.. you scared me there y/n-ssi." Jisung said. He saw your sad and scared expression. "Another nightmare huh?" He asked as you nodded, wiping your face. "Come here angel." He said as you crawled over and comforted you. "What was it this time?"
As you explained to him he sighed.
It had been a week since you'd seen Hyunjin and all these nightmares had just gotten worse. You dreamt of the argument you had before you walked out. You understood that it was your fault, and the more you replayed the scene in your head. Your nightmares had made the argument worse and worse.
"Y/n-ssi... maybe it's time to go talk to him..." Jisung suggested as you looked him in the eye, "But how could I Ji..." He saw the genuine hurt in your eyes. "I didn't tell him we're over but it definitely feels that way and I'm not even sure if he wants to see me and-" You were cut off by a tired Minho.
"He does miss you y/n-ah. Incredibly. He texts us how you're doing. Not only that but how do you think we know your favorite food and stuff." He says sitting down next to you. "It's because Hyunjin tells us."
You felt more tears rush down your face the more you tried to wipe them away. You missed Hyunjin so much, but couldn't help the fact that you felt guilty. You were the reason why you two were away from each other. Maybe if you had been more understanding, then maybe you two wouldn't be without each other.
Hyunjin has been doing better because his friends were picking him up. However he would be lying if he said that he didn't miss being by your side, waking up next to you, seeing your morning texts, and even eating with him.
Hyunjin's phone went off as he looked at the notification, hoping it was you. But it wasn't of course. Instead he was met by a text from the Maknae that started this.
Unknown: Hello Hyunnie! It's Ha-Yun!
Unknown: I hope it's okay that I'm calling you Hyunnie!
Unknown: Let's meet up sometime! Just you and I!
Hyunjin didn't bother to save her number. As he was going to clear his notifications he saw a reminder.
'Reminder for next week! 1 Year Anniversary!'
It was your guys' 1 year anniversary next week. He was even more heartbroken. He spent so little time with you within the 1 year you two have been together. Maybe he has been a bad boyfriend. He looked even more sad, and just then, Chan walked over to him.
"No sad faces. If you miss her so much we can go see her." Chan said, trying to cheer him up. Seeing his dejected face he sat next to him. "What's on your mind?" He asked. "Our 1 year anniversary is next week and I still haven't made up with her. How will we ever make up if we can't even talk to each other." Hyunjin said as Chan smiled.
"It's easy. You forgive her right?" Chan asked as Hyunjin nodded. "Then you have to make her forgive you." Chan said as Hyunjin looked confused. "How is that easy?" He asked, wanting an answer from the cocky hyung in front of him. "You know what she loves, you know her better than we do, just try to explain to her about the situation from your perspective." Chan explained. "How will that change anything? She's probably heard it from Minho or I.N or Jisung already..."
"You never know until you try." Chan reassured him. As Changbin sat next to Hyunjin. "She loves you so it'll be another talk. Trust me, y/n-ah is understanding so she would definitely listen. She might've not listened at that moment because she was upset but it's been a week already. I'm sure she's ready to listen." He tried reasoning with Hyunjin.
Hyunjin sighed. He understood what they meant but something about it. He couldn't bring himself to do it. He was too much in his head to properly apologize.
"On the bright side." Chan said standing up. "We have a Q&A with our stay."
"When is that again?" Felix asked, butting his head in.
"Oh come on Felix, that's next week." Seungmin said knowing better.
"But next week is my 1 year anniversary!" Hyunjin said with a desperate tone. "Can't we postpone it?!" He asked, his voice raised.
"Easy, easy. I tried but we couldn't. It was actually supposed to be the last week of our work week but we had to train the new soonly debut group." Chan said trying his best to keep a nonchalant tone and face on. Hyunjin looked horrified. He didn't know what to do. Chan, noticing the worried expression that Hyunjin wore, he sighed. "We will only be there from 3-6 pm. It won't be long. You'll still have time to make up with y/n-ah if that's what you want to do."
Hyunjin looked relieved but he still was paranoid. How would he talk to you? It had been a week and this was your guys' first actual fight. How would he make it up to you?
"Chan said we have a Q&A with the stay next week." I.N said as they ate breakfast.
"Alreary? We hust hot hack." Han said, his mouth full. Not being able to decipher what he really said. Minho knew what he said.
"Yes, already, and so what if we just got back? Don't talk with your mouth full, that's disgusting." Minho said after finishing the food in his mouth as you giggled.
Han finished the food in his mouth and was incredibly snarky with his next words, "What are you? My mom?"
Minho said and threw his chopstick at Han's head. "Just eat, and get me a new chopstick." Han sighed as he picked up the chopstick on the floor and dropped it in the sink, grabbing Minho a new one.
"If you have nothing planned you should come to the Q&A y/n-ah." Minho said, giving you a smile. "I'd love to-" You were cut off by a notification on your phone.
'Reminder next week! 1 Year Anniversary with Hyunnie <3'
Your heart broke again reading the words on the screen.
"Hey, what's wrong..? Is it Hyunjin?" I.N asked as you shook your head. "Our 1 year anniversary is next week... the same day of the Q&A..." You stated simply as Minho sighed. "Chan probably knows it's not that long, in the past our Q&As range from 3-6 pm sometimes 7 pm. But they always start at 3 and end around 6 or 7." Minho said as you took a big sigh of relief.
"What should I even get him?" You asked the 3 males with you at the table. "Well he loves art so you could anyways get him a new pack of paints or a canvas." Jisung said. "Or even a piece of art from his favorite artist." I.N suggested. "Nonetheless, he'll appreciate whatever you get him so don't worry." Minho said as you smiled. "Or you could surprise him at the Q&A!" I.N said excitedly. "That's a great idea!" Jisung said. "But Hyunjin is a private person. He doesn't like his relationships out there..." You said almost as if you were insecure.
Minho sighed as he looked at you. "You should come to the Q&A. But only if you want to. If not, you could always surprise him at your guys' home after the Q&A." Minho suggested as you nodded. "That sounds a lot better." You said, your tone, much more calm, actually excited given the predicament you guys were in.
`○°.• ✿ •.°○`
It had been 3 days since the talk of what to get Hyunjin for your guys' 1 year anniversary. You were planning to give him the element of surprise for his gift. You were going to show up at the Q&A and once it was done you were going to give him an apology and tell him that you were sorry because he didn't get a chance to explain, and more!
You smiled at this thought. Right now you were with Jisung, choosing an outfit for the Q&A.
"This outfit maybe?" He asked, showing you a comfortable outfit he had picked out with a large white puffer jacket with gold embroidery, a beige turtleneck shirt, with beige cargo pants to match it. A chunky white belt with gold embellishments to match the puffer jacket. Along with white chunky boots.
"That's beautiful Ji... but how much is it?" You asked, not wanting to go over the price limit. "Ah, ah, ah!" He said pulling the clothes away making you puff your cheeks in irritation. "You told me to find an outfit and since I did I will take care of expenses!" He said with a smile. "You can't! That means it must be super expensive!" You said looking horrified. Not even Hyunjin spent that much on you before. "Trust me, Hyunjin will love this." Jisung said as you finally gave in. "Fine... Thank you Jisung." You said as he smiled. "Now go get changed."
As you changed into it. You really felt like Hyunjin couldn't take his eyes off you in this outfit. You felt worthy of being his girlfriend in this outfit. I guess asking Jisung to pick out an outfit wasn't too bad.
"Ji, this outfit is perfect. Are you sure you want to buy this?" You asked once again for confirmation. "Yes! Now go get changed and I will pay for it." He said as you nodded. You really couldn't wait to see Hyunjin again.
`○°.• ✿ •.°○`
It was the day before their Q&A. You wanted to practice your makeup. You still did it here and there but it wasn't as much as you used to put on. As you grabbed your products you realized some of them expired. So you told Minho that you were going to go to the store to buy makeup.
As you got there. The people there recognized you immediately. One of your old coworkers jumped on you for a hug.
"I was so sad when you quit and didn't come back! What even happened?" She asked as you smiled. "Sorry for leaving without warning, but I need some more makeup." You said as she nodded. "Are you still working for you know..?" She said quietly, trying not to expose your work. "No, we are dating. Funny enough, we got into an argument before our 1 year anniversary which is tomorrow. I'm planning on surprising him tomorrow at his Q&A event." You said as you realized your friend's mouth was open so wide that it would've been hitting the floor. "Y/n that's amazing!! You're dating him now! Not only that but for damn near a year?!" She exclaimed loudly. "Hush, hush!" You teased smacking her shoulder lightly. "Sorry, uh take my number I gotta get back to my work." She said as you exchanged numbers. "I'll see you!" She said, giving you a big smile.
You missed this place a lot. You stopped working here when you got together with Hyunjin, wanting to support his work with everything you had. Of course it was a sacrifice but a sacrifice you were willing to make.
As you were reaching for your usual concealer, someone's hand touched yours as it seemed they were looking for it too.
"Sorry-" You said but before you got to finish the person cut you off. "Sorry, do you mind if I take it? I need it for tomorrow." She said as you looked at her. 'She's so pretty.' You thought. "What's tomorrow?" You asked without thinking. "I have a Q&A, a collab with another group. I'm sure you've heard of them. Stray Kids." She said as you looked at her. "I have but how come you guys are collabing?" You said, it must've come out wrong because the girl took major offense to it. "How dare you! I'm someone important. Ha-Yun! Remember that name before you start coming to ask for an autograph." She said, grabbing the concealer and walking off, bumping into your shoulder before leaving to pay for her stuff.
You were hurt but you genuinely didn't understand why she was so offended. You've never met her so what was her deal with Hyunjin and his group? You chose to forget about it and saw another shade of your concealer misplaced and grabbed that and went to check out with other products.
As you went back to Minho's place. You didn't mention your encounter with that girl as she might've been a crazy, obsessed stay and didn't want to scare Minho.
The next day when you woke up. You did your skincare and ate. You took care of the dishes and did your laundry as you packed your stuff.
"So you're finally going home?" Minho asked, smiling. "Yeah, thank you for keeping me here Minho." You said bowing in respect. "Of course, any time little one." He said. "I have to get going, but my bathroom is clean so feel free to do your makeup in there." Minho said as you smiled. "Thank you."
You then took your makeup bags and unopened products and got to work. When you finished you felt beautiful. After you put on the outfit, you put on your matching pair of earrings and necklace that Hyunjin bought you on your first date. You smiled at the memory of him giving you the gift. It was definitely a night to remember.
As you looked at the time. You saw that it was 4:38 pm. You were so late. You grabbed your bag and your important makeup needs and rushed out to the location where the Q&A was taking place.
When you got there it was 5 pm. You saw the boys sitting down as another station was empty. You heard Felix's voice and looked up. "So you guys have been wondering why we have 6 unopened seats. It's because we are here to tell you guys that we have another group. It is going to debut soon. Welcome them onto the stage!" Felix announced as the stays went crazy and once they took a seat. You recognized one of their faces. You couldn't put your finger on it, but you definitely recognized one of the girls.
"Now for introductions!" Chan said as you tried to dig in your memory for a while. It came to that girl's turn. "For introductions, remember, name, position, and favorite memory as a trainee." Minho said. As she stood up. "Hey guys! I'm Ha-Yun, I'm lead dancer, and," She said walking out to the group of males next to her. "My favorite memory as a trainee was probably working with Hyunjin. Who trained me as a center!" She said, placing her hands on his shoulders. "I love him so much! Hopefully you'll see us working together more often!" She said smiling. "Isn't that right Hyunnie?" She said as Hyunjin just looked awkward.
You didn't understand what their relationship was to each other until you saw her give him a kiss on the cheek. In front of paparazzi and all of the stays. "Let this be a reminder that Hyunjin is taken by this soon to be!" She said as Hyunjin just sat there. He gave a chuckle. "Okay, thank you for that Ha-Yun... moving on..." Hyunjin said.
Ha-Yun... Now that name sounded familiar. 'How dare you! I'm someone important. Ha-Yun! Remember that name before you start coming to ask for an autograph.' She remembered. She was so pretty. Prettier than you ever would've been. So why did Minho not mention her looks before.
You clutched your bag. Tears pricking your eyes. 'This was a mistake...' You thought. 'I shouldn't have come... he would look so much better with her...' You thought as tears were clouding your vision.
Just then you and Hyunjin made eye contact.
'Oh no...' You thought as you took steps backwards. You then turned away and started to run away from there. You didn't want to see his face. Not again. Why did she have to do that? Why didn't he push her away? Why did he laugh? Why? None of this made sense to you as you ran away. Hurt that Hyunjin would even accept that from her.
You ran back, calling a taxi back to your place. You didn't care. You were cleaning up all your things and leaving for good.
'Oh god. Not again.' Hyunjin thought. He then stood up. His members looked at him. Minho, knowing what had just happened by Hyunjin's expression, stood up with Hyunjin.
"Sorry guys! We just got word from staff that this event was only until 5! Until next time!" Minho said. As the other members were confused.
As they left the stage. Chan looked at Minho confused. "There's no time. Hyunjin. Go now." Minho commanded as Hyunjin nodded. "Thank you..." He said quietly. "Go! Now!" Minho yelled at him as he ran back home.
Chan was so confused. "Mind explaining?" Changbin asked as Minho turned and explained the situation from the beginning of the week.
Hyunjin was horrified that he had messed up. Not only that but on your guys' 1 year anniversary. He didn't want to end, not like this, not ever.
When he got home. He saw that you were sobbing, packing all your things. "Y/n what are you doing..." He asked as you turned.
"Y/n what are you doing..." You heard Hyunjin's voice and you turned to look at him. "I'm leaving for good what does it look like..?" You said with obvious hurt in your voice.
"What... please... no..!" He said reaching for your hands causing you to drop whatever was in them. The coldness of his hands touching the warmth of yours. You looked at him. His nose was all red. Tears, glistening his eyes. You were hurt by his expression but you knew that you had to go. You couldn't keep playing the girlfriend who pretended to be clueless just because of your love or the amount of time you spent with him.
"Don't go... don't not like this... please..." He said bringing your hand to his face as your felt his cold face. "There's no point in begging-" You were cut off by Hyunjin yelling. "Listen to me damn it please!" He sounded desperate now. "What's there to listen to?!" You yelled back. More tears rolling down your face.
"How are you going to tell me to listen?! I saw it with my own 2 eyes, Hyunjin. My own eyes. How she kissed your cheek. The one I'm fucking holding. The one that I used to kiss. As you laughed at that gesture. How are you going to tell me to listen?! The chemistry between you guys on that stage was real. How are you going to tell me otherwise?!" You yelled at him with genuine hurt in your voice. “You're trying to explain what to me Hyunjin?! That I'm dumb? An idiot that's blind that doesn't see that her own damn boyfriend of a year get kissed by another girl on the cheek?! Yeah! Go on! Say what you have to say then! I'm listening-”
"Just listen!" His voice cracked, "Please... for goodness sake... do you love me or not..." He asked, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Of course I do!" You yelled pulling away. "How could you even ask me that?! I love you with every bit of my heart. My soul even if you want to go that far! I would sacrifice anything for you!" You yelled back. "Only for you to treat me like this. Like I don't mean anything to you! After all I did for you! I don't even know where to start with you! After I healed for you so I could apologize! Only for me to look like a fool waiting for you patiently. I'm not some stupid girl who's going to turn a blind eye Hyunjin!"
"I know..." He said, giving a breathy sigh. "I know that already..."
"Then why do you keep putting me in these situations that I have to endure?!" You yelled at him.
"It's not that y/n!" He yelled even louder. You held your tongue. "Fuck... where do I even begin. You're the most amazing, loving, most beautiful girl this world has ever seen. I'd wait for heaven and earth even in the next life to see you again... You don't even know what I would sacrifice for you to see what I see in you. You don't see the things I see. The-the things that I love. Fuck. Like," He said, stuttering as he caressed your cheek. "The cheek I'm holding..." He kissed your forehead. "The forehead I kissed..." He saw the jewelry you were wearing. "The jewelry I bought..." He said looking you in the eye. "It's the person I love... right in front of me..." He said, his voice cracking. "Can't you see... I love you..." He said gently as you cried. You both fell onto your knees on the floor.
"I'm sorry Hyunjin... I'm so... so... sorry..." You cried as he sighed. "I'm sorry too... I'm sorry for the stress I caused you love… I'm so sorry…" He said running his fingers through your hair as he kissed your head. "It's all okay..." He said relieved. "Do you forgive me..?" He asked. "Yes... a million times yes..!" You said hugging him tightly. "I forgive you too love..." He said as you both hugged on the floor.
As you both cleaned up. You both agreed to get your things from Minho's place tomorrow morning. You both slept in your shared bed. You fell asleep first as Hyunjin took a picture of you both in bed with you sleeping, sending it to the group chat.
Hyunnie: We worked everything out. Thank you guys. You guys don't even know how grateful I am.
I.Nnie: About time, and no problem
LK: Good.
Channie: Oh goodness
Yongbok: Congrats!
Minnie: 👍🏻
Binnie: That’s wonderful
Hannie: Yay!!
Hyunjin smiled at the texts as he put his phone down and kissed your forehead.
"Happy 1 year anniversary…”
@straykeedz @httpswilloww
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lucysarah-c · 5 months
What do you think about Levi not mentioning Farlan and Isabel throughout the anime? They were literally his first real friends and family. Even in their deaths he was frustrated. But strangely we don't see any flashback scenes about them or Levi talking about them. It's obviously disturbing to me.
I have an Oc an underground childhood friend that I ship with Levi in particular and I didn't write their story down, but it makes me think that if my character was in danger or if she died with Farlan and Isabel or if she ended up dying long after their deaths, Levi would never remember her or talk about her, just like Farlan and Isabel's deaths, and that bothers me.
I know it's a bit strange to get this kind of analysis-like question since you are a Levi writer's blog. But since I love your writings and I really liked and found comfort in your answer to anon's question about whether Levi likes weak people. Because I am also a person who gets caught up in rumors and doubts whether Levi will like us or not haha.
Anyway, I don't want to deviate too much from the subject and make it too weird. You can answer question if you want.
Hi, sweetie! Oh, I see. Yes, I understand where you're coming from. First of all, I'd like to thank you for saying that you love my writing, and I'm so happy you found comfort in my answer about Levi and a "weak person." It's alright that we get lost in what the fandom discusses too frequently; it has happened to me too. And do not worry, rest assured, I don't find these "analysis questions" weird at all. Though my analysis will never be as good as my close friends', like my friend Sushi who used to have a meta-analysis blog of SnK or Cosmic! They are beyond amazing.
But to answer your question, before I get lost in my thoughts, long story short, Isayama is extremely bad at writing emotional connections in my humble opinion. In my personal group chat with my SnK close friends, we discuss this in great detail at least twice per week haha. In my opinion, Isayama is a writer or a storyteller who struggles to find a balance between keeping the plot going and creating a cohesive society and interrelationships between characters. I personally think that the story was always advancing so fast, full gas, no stop, that we hardly got any real details about the characters that made them human beyond their mere roles in the story.
I always use as an example, if one chapter in the manga or anime started with different panels of the veterans getting ready and sitting down all together for a meeting, we could have seen how their personal chambers were, how their interactions were not only between them aside the presence of the cadets, but we could have also seen how they confront early mornings, if they had paintings of loved ones, flowers on their desks, etc. It would have taken ... 5-10 pages at most, and we could have learned so much. It's something I even keep in mind while planning my own stories; I have an entire notebook of "backstory" for all the characters of Holy Ground, canon or not. So when the time comes around, I can drop little details of their lives here and there because... Let's be honest, has someone ever sat down next to you and said "here, let me tell you my whole life"? No, usually, you get to know someone organically, and that's also what, in my opinion, should happen in stories.
Now, going back to why Levi doesn't talk about Farlan and Isabel. Well, my best answer to you is, sadly, another question. Tell me one scene in the whole anime or manga where Levi was having some quality time with someone he felt comfortable enough to open up and talk about fond memories, be vulnerable, or even crack a joke about some silly hormonal stuff he did as a young man with Farlan. Tell me, I will wait... Haha.
Levi doesn't talk about Farlan or Isabel because he doesn't have screen time to talk about almost anything besides the plot moving haha. I would put my hands on a burning fire and swear that Farlan and Isabel are still extremely important to Levi! And so would be your OC! Don't let Isayama's literary limitations fence your story. That's my best advice; explore feelings that he didn't have the production time for (perhaps he wasn't allowed to write about it because of financial stuff) or he simply wasn't good at it.
Hope that helps!
Love ya!
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kizuna-the-randomix · 4 months
So one of my friends is really into history, lore, and Stuff and told me that a dude named Dr. Irving Finkel translates stuff from sumerian and he's, like, the one who learned that the Epic of Gilgamesh was like homework for scribes-in-training with said trainee scribes being, as I like to describe, 2-18-years-old rich kids. Bestie then proceeded to yeet me the mental imagery of some young noble child scribe writing GilKidu fan fiction instead of their homework [which, mood you scenario-noble child] which leads me to THIS crack shot of an idea being born when I said to them:
"Imagine one of the best scribes in the Modern Era was a 2 year old girl and the only reason she's considered the best because she lost her homework and that's the only reason why a Significant Part of The Story of Gilgamesh still exists."
Which lead me to conclude that "I can fanfic this." So really this AU (kinda) started because of bestie and because they like Kaveh and Deshret and Kaveh as Deshret, I decided to call this one The Epic of Deshret AU (shortened name) [full name of this AU would probably be Ancient Ship Fiction Survives AU]. (Below is basically copy pasting what I told them while I was running on AU juice)
Epic of Gilgamesh AU in Genshin but replace Gil and Enkidu with King Deshret and Nabu Malikata-- but its modern au with Haikaveh/Kavetham being Scribe and Archeologist respectively and they just uncovered a new site that contains ancient text that seems to hold new information about the Epic of King Deshret-- except that's not really the main plot.
So first scene is haikaveh uncovering the text and it like freezes to black and white, focusing on the Ancient text they're holding with some background dialouge going like "so you're probably wondering how I got here" with the voiceover being Nahida. Now flashback to an ancient time where The Era of King Deshret has passed but their stories told are still (kinda) accurate-- newly inducted scribe Nahida (5 years old), daughter of the late Lady Rukkadevata, has decided that she want to write about The Definitely True and Hidden Love Story of King Deshret and His Goddess of Flower Nabu Malikata that she discovered from her Late Mother's hidden books. There starts the tale of a grand adventure starting her escape from her definitely-not-power-hungry uncle Azar who definitely did not kill Rukka to going on a journey where she meets many people, asking them about what Hidden Details they could possibly know about King Deshret and Nabu Malikata to make her Definitely Hidden True Love Story more accurate.
So like the thing is that the story Nahida finds from her mom's hidden stuff is a What-If fanfiction if Nabu Malikata lived and they went on their way to Love and Procreate. Yeah she definitely still died as lore accurate to her Epic of Gilgamesh counterpart Enkidu.
So yea that's all that I got for now. If anyone does decide this also tickles their plot bunny do tag me so I can see it too.
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loveinamystery · 1 year
I'm sick so you know what that means?
Another episode of...
✨️ Yohna moments I often think about ✨️
Moving another thread across to here and it is a Yohna one you lucky sausages. It is a long post, I'll apologise now.
Let's talk about this scene from the 2001 anime
Spoiler for main series and some elements of Flowers
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This was a non manga scene added to the 2001 series. I honestly believe that this scene was added in replacement of the moment Anna asked to stay with Yoh the night before he lives for America.
I believe that the 2001 production team wanted to give Yoh and Anna a scene alone before he left for America. Something to show them acting like a couple. To show that actually they do care for each other. But it had to be done in the most Yoh and Anna way.
Now, Yoh and Anna are a very private couple. Everything happens behind closed doors. Yoh and Anna are not about big declarations of love or PDA. Be it Takei's choice to portray them like this, or his refusal to write full on romance we will not speak on it . So this scene had to be very 'them'.
I mean, I pray for the day we finally get some flashbacks of baby Hana in Middle East. I will not shut up about it. I just want to see them FIGHT TOGETHER. Or just working together as a team because I NEED IT. Just let them be a cute married couple please.
Anyway, back to the scene.
The lead up to this scene is pretty interesting. During school, Manta picks up that Anna has been acting weird.
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It amazed me that Yoh did not notice her acting a little off. But, to be fair to Yoh, he has been training very hard and is super tired. The gang had recently been to China to rescue Ren, so our boy must be pretty exhausted, and more than likely falling a sleep in classes.
But omg, he is so clueless. Please help this man.
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I mean, either Yoh is so distracted with other stuff, or he doesn't think Anna would be affected by his departure. They lived so long apart back in Izumo so why would this be any different?
I believe that having now lived with each other, their relationship had changed and they are now closer. They act more like a couple. I'm pretty sure by now they have had their first kiss and spoke about their feelings for each other.
Please also offer some thoughts on clueless Yoh 🙏
That is until....
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Manta outright tells the gang that he is sad that they will all be leaving.
Yoh, Horohoro and Ryu have been acting like it is nothing, and just a part of their lives. Ryu does tell Manta that they do feel sad but they are dealing with it in their own way.
I think this is where the realisation clicks in Yoh's head that actually, Anna could be feeling the same. That she is sad too, but showing it in her own way. Maybe she did want to spend time together that evening? But I don't think Anna would ever meaningfully get in the way of Yoh seeing his friends. She knows how important they are to Yoh.
Wanna take a walk with me?
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Yoh might have been sitting on this idea since the meal out with the guys, and he waited till the last moment to ask Anna to go for a walk.
I think this shows how nervous Yoh is about exploring his feelings with Anna, because who goes out for a walk just before they go to bed? When they are already in their nightwear?
I think that, in the 2001 anime, the emotions are there, but they are teenagers figuring out their feelings for each other and how to express themselves. I'm a romantic, sorry
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Yoh is always a reassurance for Anna. She pushes him to become the best person he can become, and Yoh is always there to reassure and support Anna. They just work together so well. They are a team.
On their late night walk, they talk about normal stuff such as the Patch Village, the SK fight, Anna of course tells Yoh that he better not lose.
But I think there is more to be said about what they don't say, or hidden meanings.
This moment here
I tell you, I can hear the brain clogs ticking in that little Asakura head.
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After seeing Anna is cold, Yoh presents her with a warm drink.
We know Anna is always ordering Yoh around, but she never asked him go and get her a drink. Is it one of the first times in the show we see Yoh just do something for Anna without her asking or ordering him to do so.
I struggle to word this but I will try. I feel like Anna is trying to keep her true feelings unwraps (as usual), but this time she is doing it to Yoh.
Anna is cold and is seen as trying to keep herself warm. She doesn't ask for help. She doesn't tell Yoh that she is cold. It is her issue and she will deal with it on her own.
Now let's apply that to her emotions.
Anna has grown close to Yoh and is now sad that he is going to America. There is a chance that she might not see him again, but she just carries on as usual. She doesn't tell Yoh she is sad or express it. She knows Yoh has to focus, and it is his duty to progress in the Shaman Fights.
Yoh and Anna are often said to have an 'unspoken communication', and this was one of those turning points as a couple.
I feel like they became stronger after this. And look, I know the scene could be classed as non-cannon as it didn't happen in the manga but its here and I'm going to talk about it!
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Like his love for her! 😭😭😭
I read too much romance guys. I'm too loved up. I'm sorry I'm like this.
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Tell me this boy isn't in love!
Tell me he isn't thinking how actually, he is pretty lucky to have someone like Anna.
And really, no matter what they are about to face, everything will work out.
I don't know man. I love the addition of this scene in the 2001 version. Likely one of my favourites, along with a selection of others.
I'll go back into my hiding hole now. That was longer than I thought it would be, and it you made it to the end, well done 😌
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iguessitsjustme · 3 months
Love Sea Ep 4 & 5 Thoughts
Okay. As I’m writing this, I know I’ve been gone from tumblr for at least a week (I was back(ish) a day earlier than expected. Weeeeee) Possibly more. So it’s been a minute since at least episode 4 aired. So I’m lumping it in with my episode 5 watch next week. And if y’all think just because I’m not on tumblr, I’m not liveblogging…well of course I am. My wrist does hurt though so I’m not sure how talkative I’ll be. I am also having a bad brain day and I have had a whole weekend full of absolute shit. And my week is going to be…tiring. I’ll be on a plane, a road trip in a car, and then a train. All in the span of like…4-5 days. Don’t ask. Anyway that will be in the past by the time I post this. Time to watch. As always, liveblog under the cut and will likely have criticism. You’ve been warned before you click:
“Every meeting ends with a farewell” please tell me they aren’t going to try to be deep right now. They have not done nearly enough to build up Rak’s side of feelings for me to believe he’s feeling introspective at leaving this place. He pretty much hated it here for the most part. I could maybe understand if it was Mut since he just apparently immediately fell in love because he believes in love. And believing in love means automatically falling in love with the standoffish guest that you’ve been fucking.
Okay the heart of my issue with Rak and Mut can be perfectly encapsulated in this scene where Rak learns that Mut has a pickup truck. “And did I ever tell you I didn’t have a pickup?” Sir, what you feel for Rak is not love. Because if you actually loved him and cared for him, you would have heard his complaints about the motorcycle and the cargo tricycle and used the pickup truck for him instead. He literally told you the motorcycle hurt him to ride and still you did nothing. Because it means more for you to have this weird sense of superiority over Rak than it does to make sure he’s comfortable and not in literal pain. I had a more caring relationship with my former coworker than this. Because I did something where I thought I was in the right but it was a petty argument and honestly, I could see how much she was hurting from it. So I apologized and I let her know that she was more important to me than being right. And that was for a COWORKER (now friend yay). Mut can’t even manage to do that with someone he supposedly likes romantically.
Why does Rak not get to be upset about this? Mut just immediately shuts it down by saying “let’s not end on a bad note.” Sir, you caused the bad note and made no apologies. Instead you laughed at Rak for daring to want some comfort while having no control over his own life while there. Like seriously. If you caused the pain, you don’t get to dictate when the hurt is done.
And the flashbacks again. Will we get some every damn episode? We’re 4 for 4 now.
Rak baby boy this doesn’t make any sense. Does Mut have a magic dick? I do not understand.
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Noisy sidewalk people go AWAY
So Mook is paranoid for her valid concerns about STDs? He should get tested. So should Rak. If memory serves, both sleep around. Mut with guests and Rak when he needs to write smut. And Rak has slept with Mut already. I know they used a condom each time, but he should still get tested too. Seriously. Rak’s wealth and fame won’t protect him from STDs.
Noisy neighbor go AWAY
Man I wish this show would just let Rak be aro without making it about trauma and him just being scared to love.
Am I supposed to care about this random woman at the end? Cause I don’t.
And I feel meh about this episode as well. See you in literally the bullet below for episode 5 but it will be a week for me. Time is weird man. Time is weird.
Time IS weird past Rae. And you were right, it was a tiring week. I’m finally caught up on shows though..sort of. I still might start another show tonight. Or maybe listen to an audiobook. I think I’m gonna return my library book and see if they have it on audiobook. If I thought my wrist hurt last week, that’s nothing compared to today. Mistakes were made on my trip. One was unavoidable and the other was…well I did an exercise and that was a mistake.
Anyway now for episode 5.
Rak should wear his glasses all the time. That is all (speaking of glasses…where did I put mine…)
I had issues with that whole scene but honestly I’m too tired to type them all out. Mut is not as smart as he thinks he is and that’s all I have to say.
Rak, sweetie, the waiter just stood there. You know that. You were there.
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I’ve had guys say this to me after I told them I don’t like them. You will never guess the outcome of that.
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Absolutely the fuck not. There is no way that any person with a uterus wrote this line. Because what the fuck. Why is it that Mook isn’t allowed to be upset with being sent all over yonder on an errand for someone who is NOT her employer and this is the response to her being upset? Believe it or not, people that have periods can be angry because of the actions of other people and not just because of their period. Yes, PMS is a thing, but it is not the only reason for anger. Who wrote this line? I just want to talk.
Save Mook. Save her.
I hate how Vie perpetuates the horrible stereotypes of women in order to manipulate Mook. It’s awful.
So let me get this straight. Mut…forced Rak to go out to eat with him (even though they could have gotten delivery) and then when they’re shopping and Rak has explicitly stated that he wants to leave, it is a “date” because Mut is interested in Rak and he says so. But Rak has stated he does not like Mut. So the whole thing doesn’t work because Rak DOESN’T WANT TO BE THERE. It’s not a date if they both don’t agree it’s a date. And to Mut, you can’t use Rak’s novels against him. Those are characters in fiction. They don’t represent Rak’s real feelings. I hate Mut. Have I mentioned that? I mean I’m not Rak’s biggest fan either but Mut is just…dumb. Rak should be able to argue against this it’s so dumb.
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Most novels don’t have sound?? I mean there are audiobooks but the sound in those is typically just words. Unless it’s different in Thailand? I don’t know. Also maybe this is a translation thing? (This is me after the end of the episode and I get it. He was talking about what the author says the sound effect would be. I admit it, I was dumb here. I don't think it came across quite right in the translation but this is fully on me for being dumb. But also the sound mixing at the end? Do NOT get me started. It was bad and I wanted to die.)
If someone put all of my alcohol and snacks back while I was shopping AND paying for it…I would murder them on the spot. I beg your finest pardon Mut, but let Rak have snacks? The alcohol I’m less pressed about because he does have alcohol at home but the snacks? THE SNACKS? I hope Mut rots in hell. This is The Ultimate Sin to me. *guards my snacks with my life*
If Rak’s skin still looks that good on a diet of alcohol and snacks, then I will eat my hat. Also Mut mind yo business. You ain’t his doctor. C’mere Rak. I’ll give you some snacks.
Save Mook. Save her.
This family drama is so poorly written. I feel bad for the actors who are killing it in this scene. They deserve a better script.
I did not hate the end of that episode. Or the scene in the dressing room. Mut's response to the drama was...he still has some work to do on boundaries but it wasn't bad. He did eventually respect the boundaries and they had some good communication in that dressing room. I don’t like that he had to be screamed at before he left Rak alone, but he didn’t walk to Rak which I was so scared he was gonna do and the show was gonna paint it as romantic.
The preview for next week has me concerned though. I probably won’t like episode 6. But that’s all for this week…and last. My wrist hurts and I need a nap.
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albatrossisland · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @ronordmann, thank you!
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Presently, just Claire/Jack from "Law & Order." But I've written a lot of Jaime/Brienne GOT fics, a "Star Wars" two partner and Captain America/Peggy one shot.
Top 5 fics by kudos:
Knock Three Times
Saving Jaime Lannister
The Long Way Home
No Return
Who Is Left
Do you respond to comments?
Yep, every one
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm gonna cheat and split this with two of my L&O fics, Ripples and Heartless. Ripples is Claire's last thoughts before her death, and Heartless is Jack being haunted by Claire while caught up in the death of a different woman. Angst city (also low-key why I love this ship, the endings are so up in the air).
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I might go with Saving Jaime Lannister for this one; lots of rough stuff happens, but that is one well earned sweet ending.
Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully no
Do you write smut?
Rarely, but yes. I'm not that good at it, and I prefer intimacy rather than just full on sex scenes.
Craziest crossover?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
As far as I know, no, and I hope it stays that way.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but that would be so cool
Have you co-written a fic before?
No, but it could be fun
All time favorite ship?
Adama/Roslin from "Battlestar Galactica"
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
A couple years ago I started a "While You Were Sleeping" AU where Brienne is pretending to be Tywin's fiancee so he can win back his family (and he's paying her so she can keep her apartment). Made some good progress on it, but the idea just got away from me.
What are your writing strengths?
Pacing - I write how I like to read, so I can keep the momentum going
For better or worse, I can write short well.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm good at pacing, but I have noticed I can be quite rushed in places where some more beats would be better.
I love flashbacks and dream sequences more then is healthy.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Since I only speak English, I probably wouldn't do it. But, if the character is bilingual, I don't mind reading it, even if I don't understand it.
First fandom you wrote in?
"Remember WENN" when I was a teenager
Favorite fic you've written?
Cheating again, but I'm going to pull one from each of my writing fandoms:
JB - The Love I'll Never Recover From
L&O - The Captain and The Deputy
Tagging: @renee561 @serenasoutherlyns @obsessivedaydreamer @tboy-boone @valenshawke @twelvemonkeyswere and anyone else who would like to play.
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lovecanbesostrange · 4 months
What I would love to get from Marvel would be a 5 issue mini series for Rogue & Mystique.
I don't have a specific plot in mind, but the general idea would be that Mystique does a thing and Rogue reluctantly joins her.
Raven deals in information, she knows things, she has spy-experience and she has been made aware of something bad happening. It's not world-ending or universe-altering. It doesn't even have to be specifically anti-mutant. It can be some mostly white collar crime that would lead to a lot people suffering, noticeably mutants though. It could also be a political move with lots of backroom whispers, some long con for legislation that in the end would be easily turned into something anti-mutant (that looks appealing at first with a "what harm could possibly come from this"). But that demands a lot of complicated or convuluted explanations. And truth is the plot only needs to make a bare minimum of sense, because the heart of the story is the personal relationship.
The important part would be the outcome of it all. It has to be somewhat time sensitive. The proper channels or any news campaign would take too long. There is no threat to punch outright, Mystique is following a trail and infiltration works best. But well Raven is gonna be Raven and she doesn't care about breaking rules and using unethical means. So at first it looks like Mystique did a typical Mystique-thing and oh look, someone was hurt. Rogue can have a dramatic sigh about it, tells her fur babies to look after Gambit and goes after her.
The first important emotional beat is how the reader already knows more than Rogue and can see how Mystique lets her believe this is all a villain plot at first. If others see her as the bad guy? So be it. Don't care. But Rogue realizes something is up and she does give Mystique the benefit of the doubt (obligatory dead-pan about how this has not turned out well in the past). This comes full circle in the end though. When the threat is neutralized, there is some rumble, there needs to be a scapegoat or baddie for the public news and oh look, it will seem like terrorist Mystique did a bad thing. The truth is buried. But Rogue will know. And she can see that Mystique takes on this position, because this is the optimal outcome.
[Yeah, sorry, this is why I don't write things. There needs to be an actual somewhat political plot happening. Can be flimsy, but making enough sense. And I don't know any details for this.]
Something I need desperately is that every issue uses at least one of Mystique's identities. They need to be mentioned, at least one used to get her access somewhere. We need to revive the running gag of Mystique having more jobs than Barbie. Number one on this list, bring back top model Ronnie Lake. But for the lols, her old credentials from the Daily Bugle still work. Stuff like that. I am a fan of the times when the very many personas Raven has portrayed backfire in a way that she loses her own self. Make this part of the fun, but also the drama.
Also I demand at least one flashback to Brotherhood of Evil Mutants times. A hilarious crime they did together. It is absolutely allowed to tonally clash with the rest, it should read a bit like a relic from a different era. Otherwise flashbacks are important, to either give a commentary on scenes that have happened within the comics or to make this a complicated emotional mess, because they both remember happy family times. Because yes, those do exist. But also maybe I just want to pinpoint when it all went south. When Mystique stabbed Rogue during the Dream's End crossover.
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(Bishop The Last X-Man #16 by Lobdell, Derenick, Massengill)
Yeah, Rogue got to stab her back, but up until here, there was always a connection despite being on opposite sides. Still, despite how cartoonishly evil Mystique was in that storyline, this is a thing that did happen. And I would be here for a lightly comical talk about it. (This is much worse than when Mystique shot Rogue, that actually helped save her life in the end, so...)
On the flipside, while Mystique uses her curated list of personalities, Rogue gets to call up her new hero buddies, non-X-Men edition. Most of all I want her to hit up Johnny Storm, because they were so close as Avengers, it's hilarious. And then she introduces Mystique in her alias. (We should not involve Dazzler, that is a bridge too far; also leave Carol out of this, it's for the best. Nobody wants to remember Michael Barnett ever existed.) This is also where Mystique takes a look at the people in Rogue's life and she will opinions on who she would accept as her son- or daughter-in-law more instead of Gambit. The pay-off by the end has to be that Mystique says something very nice about him though and then threatens to kill Rogue if she ever tells him. Very important.
Kinda wanna get back to here in a way:
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(X-Men (1991) #94 by Davis, Kavanagh, Farmer, Javins)
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youhideastar · 1 year
Fit for Purpose Deleted Scenes VII: Grab Bag
The final batch of deleted scenes from Fit for Purpose are scenes that didn't fit any of the previous themes, featuring Jin Guangshan, Xue Yang, and WWX's feelings about being resurrected. Other deleted scenes posts are linked in the masterpost. I hope you enjoy!
This next scene is more of a sketch than a draft. Warning for Jin Guangshan being Jin Guangshan and Madam Yu being Madam Yu.
Jin Guangshan comes to visit.
He tries to talk to WWX alone.
WWX likes sex; likes making people feel good. Even guests, who he usually doesn’t know well. But he doesn’t like Jin Guangshan.
Still, he knows he should say yes – it would be good for Yunmeng Jiang, it would make for better relations with Lanling Jin, and it would especially be good for Jiejie, since she’ll marry into Lanling Jin someday—
Yu-furen interjects. “What do you want to discuss with our Wei Ying, Jin-zongzhu?” she asks, eyes like steel. “I insist on being part of the discussion, so I may share Jin-zongzhu’s insights with Jin-furen. I know she would be interested.”
Jin Guangshan backs off.
“Don’t be so shameless next time,” she tells Wei Ying.
Wei Ying says “yes,” says “sorry, Yu-furen.” He doesn’t know how to say, “I wasn’t.” Doesn’t know how to say, “All I did was be what I am.”
Then we have a little bit from the first encounter with Xue Yang. Again, mostly me getting high on my own worldbuilding—but for real, I didn’t want to make it seem like the mating-related stuff is the only thing that distinguishes betas from alphas and omegas.
“I still don’t get it,” A-Cheng fumes, after Xue Yang is defeated by Xiao Xingchen—Xiao Xingchen! Wei Wuxian’s heart is aflutter—with a little help from Wei Wuxian. “We didn’t smell a thing—”
“Xue Yang is a beta,” Xiao Xingchen says simply. “Stealth is his gift.”
A-Cheng narrows his eyes at Wei Wuxian. “Then why are you always as loud as a herd of water buffalo?” he grumbles under his breath.
“His amorality and viciousness, though, are purely his own,” Xiao Xingchen continues.
Then there was the phase where I felt like I needed to get into detail about WWX’s take on his second life. This was one of those scenes where it was useful for me to write it just to figure out for myself how this version of WWX felt about being resurrected, even though I didn’t use it.
When Wei Wuxian was brought back to life, traded for Mo Xuanyu, he hadn’t seen the point. His entire first life had been a failure – what was he supposed to do with a second one?
But then, there had been Wen Ning: not burned and scattered as he thought, still capable of being saved. There had been Jin Rulan – not a tiny infant who could be protected with charms and spells, but a snotty, insecure teenager who needed something more complicated: a teacher and a mentor, someone who would let him take risks but not let him take himself too seriously. There had been Lan Zhan: not his enemy after all, but his ally and friend, still true to him and to their vow to uphold justice. There had been A-Cheng, even, who learned the most terrible secret left between them and had brought him Chenqing in the end anyway.
And most of all, there was A-Yuan. The Wens’ A-Yuan, Lan Zhan’s Sizhui – grown up so well. Smart and sweet and kind and brave and humble – full of every virtue that the people who raised him had possessed, and yet entirely his own person.
So many people had died at Wei Wuxian’s hands, or by his faults and failings. And yet—A-Yuan had lived. Because of him. For all the things he did wrong, he did this one thing right.
Finally, here’s a second take on WWX’s feelings about being resurrected. I took multiple swings at this because it seemed weird to me, for a while, that I would have all these flashbacks and not have a flashback that deals with basically the most consequential event of the last 15 episodes… but then I figured out that I could do one ex post (with NHS), which would be way faster, and I also nod at these resurrection feelings in the flashback with LWJ on the bridge in the moonlight. So I think we got there in the end, without having to spend a whole flashback with WWX summing up his life so far.
Jiejie is dead. So are Wen Ning and Wen Qing and A-Yuan. Lan Zhan hates him. Jiang Cheng tried to kill him, and Wei Wuxian couldn’t even give him that. Jiejie’s son is an orphan, at Wei Wuxian’s hands—and the first time Wei Wuxian meets him, he taunts him for it, steals his dead father’s sword, and leaves him facedown in the dirt.
He’s a failure of a beta – everyone knows that. But that’s no excuse not to at least try. And his responsibility here is pretty clear.
So he decides, staring down into the river water, to devote his second life to protecting Jiejie’s son. Sure, there’s a slight snag in that Jin Ling doesn’t know who he is and would probably try to kill him if he found out. And a slightly larger snag in that Jin Ling seems to be hanging around Jiang Cheng a lot, who almost certainly does know who he is and will definitely try to kill him.
Still, he has to do something with this redundant life of his. And if he ends up dying at Jiang Cheng’s hands or for Jiejie’s son, well… second time’s the charm, right?
Only it doesn’t work like that. Wen Ning turns out to be alive; Zidian fails to kill Wei Wuxian; and when he passes out, he wakes up in Cloud Recesses. In, as far as he can tell, Lan Zhan’s bed.
I spent a lot of time trying to get here, sixteen years ago, he thinks, still a little delirious.
And Lan Zhan looks up at him, eyes soft and hair unbound, and Wei Wuxian thinks… that maybe he was wrong. About a lot of things.
Maybe this is what a second chance looks like.
I hope you have enjoyed these deleted scenes! I probably spent just as much time figuring out how not to write this story as I did figuring out how I should write it 🤣 but I’m happy with the end result, and that’s what matters.
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