#( ;; sorry that i'm always bumming myself out about him. )
redemn · 29 days
i said one time how arthur would really love take me home ,   country roads ,   right .   well   …   personally ,   i think that arthur would feel a particular wrench in his heart if he ever heard these lyrics :     i hear her voice in the mornin' hour ,   she calls me / the radio reminds me of my home far away / drivin' down the road ,   i get a feelin' / that i should've been home yesterday .   [ … ]   because there are so many things he's reminded of in here .   like mary and all the missed opportunity he had with her ,   like the way he sometimes feels so wayward when he's wandering out in the wilderness and wondering why he's not living his life right ,   like the lingering feeling that there are places he should be where he's not ,   like all the people and the places he misses more than anything .     :(
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drdemonprince · 26 days
I was in the car with a new friend recently and he was fuming about stress at work, and his rent going up, and I was sympathetic and bummed for him, and then he started yelling about traffic and freaking out any time a car took more than a millisecond to get moving and it freaked me out and I fell silent. I guess he could sense the energy changing in the air.
"What's wrong?" he asked. "Am I bothering you?"
"It's okay," I said instinctively, unconvincingly, trying to convince myself to get over it, to not make him feel bad, to not make things about my feelings. I searched for a justification as to why my reaction was wrong. "I guess I forget what it's like to drive a car."
I used to get screamed at for moving too slowly. I exasperated my parents taking so long finding the momentum to get up and do things. I was spacey. Everything was always happening so quick. Where I wanted to put my attention was never where the world wanted me to. They needed me to care about car routes and traffic and appointment times instead of smooth pebbles on the sidewalk or birds. And my dad was always so furious in the car. Certain he was the authority on what made a good driver and that everyone else was not up to his standards. Ranting and yelling and flipping out so badly it made me cry and then put on a big smile to reassure him. I almost gave up learning to drive as a teen because my slow, plunking movements and insecurity on the road sent him into such a rage.
"Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin the evening," my friend said.
"You didn't," I reassured him.
I didn't want him to think I had a problem with him complaining about his life. That is what friends are for. It was the road rage that touched an unaged part of me, and brough that part forward so strongly I couldn't hide it. I couldn't fix my face. I almost started to cry.
It was the first time in a very long time that I've been well and truly triggered. Certain experiences in the present can make old parts of me reverberate; there's a ringing that you get inside when someone's shampoo smells like a bad old boyfriend or somebody touches you the wrong way without meaning to and you briefly go a little dead. That's manageable. It's a useful cue that something needs to change quickly before you freak out. I thank those triggers for existing. But this one. It caused an actual emotional phase shift straight to the past. Freeze up and then fawn it off, play along, make up for your own reaction.
It's crazy how unsafe I genuinely felt for a moment! And I tend to critique people who abuse the language of "feeling unsafe" for manipulative and white supremacist ends, so it is useful for me to get that reminder of just how reality-bending an acute state of triggeredness is. I tell people to use their words and regulate their distress and there I was, unable to.
I had forgotten one of the major reasons that I hate cars! That is how long I have been away from my dad and car-dependent culture and intense, mean impatience. I have made a lot of the right choices to protect me over the years, or else this upset would not be so unfamiliar.
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Saw alotta dis so uhh.. Is aether an option by any chance?
The creator had:
Twin blonds
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WC: 900~
I actually really like aether, I tend to characterize him as rather wholesome, at least in his traveler form.
I'm sure that traveler aether would be so much shier about his attraction that you would have to start any intimate interaction while abyss aether is more forward with his attraction.
“Thanks for the help traveler, without your help we wouldn't be able to hold the celebration” Aether is famously known across teyvat for how helpful he is, always so eager to take the load off of anyone's shoulders.
“let me give you a reward"
“Hm? Ningguang already gave me the reward” looks at you curiously, maybe there was a mistake while arranging this? After all, the commission was a last second thing.
“I know that, I meant a more personal reward, only if you wanted” finally noticing the innuendo he swallows hard, swiftly looking over at paimon to find her swallowing canapes and desserts but seemingly the time he spent thinking about it made you think it was a refusal “oh, well, nevermind, let's enjoy the party” you pass bye him towards the entrance but he stops you, a firm hand around your arm.
“I didn't mean it like I don't want, I just… Didn't expect it, I guess” seeing him so cute you can't help yourself and lean forward, your lips half open, an invitation that he soon takes.
A while later you both appear in the party, alibis pointing to each other being somewhere different.
“didnt expect you to come here so soon” as you open the door you see the prince standing in the middle of your room, an almost indistinguishable shape amongst the shadows.
“I would say the same. I would have expected you to stay in the party for a while longer, your grace”
Your hands signal a burgundy splatter on the top “drunkard's accidents. I came to clean myself” you walk the the wardrobe, pulling another tunic from there “I also saw a hydro mage in the garden from one of the second floor windows and guessed your would be here or arrive soon”
He sighs sitting down on your bed “I held some hope they would be more careful with this mission but seems I was wrong. I hoped I would be able to talk with you when you came after the party”
“almost everyone is drunk and I greeted everyone important, I can spare some minutes"
“I will make sure to use them wisely then”
“Won't you even tell me where your lover is from?” Nahida is sitting criss-cross playing stacking cubes with the blond children, a set of twins.
“I’m sorry but I won't” you see her shoulders slouch while she builds a block tower with the twins, almost disappointed.
“Could it be kaveh? They are blond like him” she pops up an idea, seeing how fixated the girl twin was with building the tallest column and how the boy was focus.
“Fine, will tell you he isn't from Sumeru” even if she seemed bummed out about it at least she sighed and stretched her legs.
“Well… technically his mom is fontanian now so maybe...”
“It's not kaveh.”
“Such energetic toddlers” Raiden watches from the top of the stairs, two eleven month olds trying to learn how to walk and repetitively failing and rising to try again.
“Yes, I had to get a nanny for each if them, whenever I left them in their playpen at least one would sneak out and start crawling around, I was worried they would try to go up the stairs and hurt themselves”
“Ah!” The boy yelps as he manages to stand up for a second but falls down after attempting his first step. Before he starts wailing his sister pats his back.
“ I will miss him” Nahida pouts, her eyes almost glassing over. The twins had reunited at last and left, not without giving all a hug, yours being particularly long and specially melancholic.
“You know” you say as you put your hand on her head, the archons standing alongside you “we will have something to remind us of him” she looks up at you curiously with her wet eyes.
“indeed, the changes they produced in our nations won't be easily forgotten and we will be able to remember him because of it”
“That might be true, zhongli, but I meant something else, something that will grow alongside us” nobody said a word, the meaning totally understood by all of them. Nahida hugs your leg and zhongli rests a hand on your shoulder blade.
“Prince did you manage to make the purest grace to agre with our plan and make the nations surrender?” a cryo mage speaks the next morning, rubbing his hands together.
“I didn't manage to cramp that in, when their grace wasn't present people started looking for them”
“I understand…” even if he wanted to doubt him what he did in that while he knew that wouldn't end nicely for him.
“Aetherrr”paimon whines over his shoulder, tugging the loose hairs behind his ears “we spent 20 minutes looking at toys”
“I want to give nice and thoughtful gifts to their grace's children” aether ignores her, still wondering if buying more furniture for their dollhouse or a Natlan sport ball. Both of them play doll house and football but which would be best?
“Just give them whatever, I doubt anyone would spend so much thinking about their gift. Just because they are twins and you are a twin doesn't mean you share any special link”
“yeah, you are right” it's not because of that reason that he is so focused but at least it works as a common excuse of seeing himself and his lost sister in them.
“Now will you hurry?”
“Haha, no”
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cherriesformatt · 2 months
make you mine || matt sturniolo
matt sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: you got insecure on a party so you take Matt home and show him he is yours
warnings: smut, insecure reader, p in v, after care
word count: 2,4k
a/n: idk I do not know if I like it cant remember last time I did write smut also I did not proof read it yet. Kinda based on the request but I changed it up a little. ALSO REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN
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I was having a conversation with some girl I just met. I did not remember her name and it was too loud for me to have a proper conversation anyways.
I nodded at whatever she said to me and told her I need to go to use a restroom which wasn’t necessarily true. I just wanted to find my boyfriend because I lost him in the crowd.
I was scanning the club with my eyes but the light and the music just weren't making it easy for me.
Tara invited us for that party and I was happy to be here but in the same time I just wish I was somewhere else. Like empty beach or my bed. I wasn't feeling myself lately and being surrounded by lots of girls in those little tops and dresses made me feel worst about myself even if I knew comparing myself to others was bad.
I just wish I could wear that and feel great in it. I was always more top and jeans girl over a dress.
I fixed my bag on my shoulder and squeezed myself into the crowd even more.
"Finally" I sighed when I saw the triplets talking to Colby and some other people far from the dance floor.
Of course.
"y/n! Long time no see" Colby brought me to a hug and I smiled a little and patted his back.
"Literally 24h!" I laughed and everyone did too.
"You're okay?" Matt placed his hand on my lower back and he gently stroked my bare skin.
"I'm great" I smiled at him and he did too and went back to a conversation he was having with Tara's cousin that we met on her dinner last night.
She was smiling at him and laughing at whatever he was saying but I couldn't hear. The only thing I was noticing is her hand stroking his arm sometimes and the way he just wasn't doing anything about it.
"If looks could kill, blondie would drop dead on the floor, kid" I heard Chris's voice from my other side and I looked at him.
"I do not know what are you talking about. I'm going to the bathroom" I exhaled rolling my eyes at him and just walked away.
I went into the bathroom and just washed my hands trying to calm myself down. I didn't want to be this jealous girlfriend. But today wasn't working out for me. I trusted Matt with all of my heart.
He looked so good tonight. His hair was perfect, he's eyes were shining from the lights and his god dammit rings. Don't get me started. I clenched my tights just thinking about his hands.
So of course there were other girls wanting what was already mine.
God, I just wanted to take him home and string him down.
I turned around and walked out of the bathroom and as the door were closing I was met with the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.
"Matt?" I I frowned looking at him.
"I asked if you're okay and you clearly wasn't... and you just walked away from us" He said.
"Oh I am sorry I didn't know I have to report every move to you" I said crossing my arms.
"Oh please, don't start that shit" He said and leaned on the wall.
"Maybe Tilly won't start anything go back talking to her" I said and started to walk away but he grabbed my arm and pulled my body to his.
"What are you trying to proof here?" He rested his hands on my sides and squeezed them lightly.
"You dropped your hand from my back but still didn't take her hand from your arm when she was stupidly laughing at whatever you said" I told him and he just shook his head at me.
"Y/n do not make a Taylor Swift moment from it, okay? I didn't even notice that because the only thing I could think of was your ass in those jeans, baby" He said and his hands wondered from my sides to my bum and he squeezed it.
"Take me home Matt, now" I told him and pushed on his chest to break free from his touch.
I walked to the exit and just hoped he would follow me.
Everyone is too drunk to think it is rude to leave without saying bye. And Chris and Nick can get an uber home, they are not babies.
I felt his hand on my back as he caught up with me and walked beside me without a word.
The car ride home was quiet. The only sounds were the music and my nervous breathing. He didn't say anything. I am pretty sure he thought I was still mad at him and he just didn't want to make it worse.
On the other hand I was nervous from the scenarios forming in my brain.
Matt underneath me, begging for my touch.
It made me nervous because I was usually the one under his control. But today I needed to show him that I can also be in control. I knew it would make my insecurities feel better.
When he parked the car in the garage of his house he looked at my eyes clearly wanting the answers.
I gently put my hand on his chest and grabbed him by his shirt to pull him closer. I rested my forehead on his and our lips were nearly touching.
"I wanna make you mine..." I said and put my other hand in the back of his neck.
"I am already yours..." He answered and connected our lips.
I broke from the kiss and exited the car.
"In your room, Matthew" I said looking deeply into his eyes.
He slowly licked his lips. To slowly, it made the heat building in my core nearly boil. He unbuckle himself and also exited the car.
He opened the door and let me in first. I took his hand in mine and walked into his room. As soon as he closed the doors behind us I turned around and pull him back into the kiss. My hands travel into his hair and pulled on them gently.
He hissed into my lips and I felt his hands traveled down my back. I pulled away from his lips and started to kiss down his throat. I gently bit his neck. I felt his hands squeezing my ass as I kissed his sweet spot and lightly sucked on it.
"Fuck...." he sighed and made me turned so my back hit the wall.
"No...Matt let me...let me be in control" I said and pushed on his chest lightly.
"Strip and lay on your back" I said firmly and he smiled a little.
"Yes ma'am" He said and I walked into his bathroom slightly relieved that he didn’t turn down my wish.
"I can do it" I whispered to myself while I was taking piece of satin from my rope.
I walked back into the room and seeing him laying on his back, just in his boxer made me bit the inside of my cheek.
I had no idea what I was doing.
I put the piece of material into my back pocket and took my shoes off.
I climbed on the bed and straddle him.
"What's in your pretty head today, baby?" He asked and I just leaned down to kiss him again.
Out tongues found each other as his hands traveled to take my top off but I took them in mine and rested them above his head. Not breaking a kiss I deftly tied his wrist together with the satin rope I had in the back of my jeans.
"Baby..." He breath out.
I only smiled at him shyly and started to kiss his neck again taking my time as I grazed my nails down his bare chest.
I could feel him getting hard so I gently palmed his clothed bulge through his boxers.
He exhaled deeply as I slid down his legs so my face was right in front of his crotch.
I looked at his face when I gently pulled down the only thing that was on the way.
He moaned when the cold air hit his dick as I took him in my hand and stoked him. I gently kissed his tip before I took him into my mouth.
He wanted to garb my hair but he couldn’t with his wrists being tied together so he growled and trusted his hips forward making me choke on his dick a little. I pulled out and looked at him.
“Do that again and I’ll stop” I said wiping my mouth on the back of my hand.
“I’m sorry… I won’t…” he said breathing heavily.
I took a breath in and wrapped my lips back around him and took what didn’t fit in my mouth in my hand.
I tried my best to make him feel good until I pulled back feeling that he was on the edge. I knew that from the way his dick twitched in my mouth.
“Fuck… why did you stop?” He moaned and tried to touch me but he couldn’t.
“Watch your words…” I told him.
“Because I want you to finish inside me while I ride you” I added as I stood up from the bed.
He looked at me with poor surprise as I stared taking my own clothes off.
“You’re going to be the death of me, women” He closed his eyes.
His chests rapidly going up and down as I climbed back on top of him. I didn’t even need for play for myself. Him being like this made me dripping down my legs.
I took him in my hand and lined myself with him.
I moaned as I lower myself on him. The feeling of him stretching me out made my eyes roll.
“You have no idea what you’re doing to me right now…. You’re so hot” He’s shaky voice made me open my eyes.
My body stayed on top of him so I had a second to adjust. I started to move my hips when I was ready and I made both of us moan.
“Talk to me baby….fuck I wanna touch you so bad”He breathed out.
“You’re mine Matt… Only mine” I sad clenching around him just to make him crazy.
“Don’t do that if you want me to last….” He hissed.
“Of course I’m only yours…..never ever want to be anyone else’s but yours” He said looking at me.
I started moving faster to give us even more pleasure. My legs started to shake slightly and he felt that.
“Take this shit off I can’t take it anymore… I need to help you” He whined.
I leaned down to connect our lips and I untied his hands.
His hands found a way to my waist right away. He started to trusting his hips up holding me still. His name slipped from my mouth and my head dropped to his neck form the pleasure.
I pulled back to sit on him and he also brought himself up and his hand fixed my hair from my face.
“I love you’re you’re the most beautiful and amazing girl on this planet, you know that right?” He’s other hand travel between our bodies and he started rubbing circles on my clit.
“I asked you a question” he said and starting to trust his hips even harder.
“Fuck…Yes” I said.
I felt blissful. I knew I was close but from his movements I knew he was too.
“Matt… I’m going to… holy shit…” I cried out resting my forehead on his.
Our movement slowing down. It was killing me. It was slow but every time he was so deep that I felt him in my whole body.
“I love you” He said and made me look up at him.
“to the moon and back…” I finished and connected our lips as we made love.
“Come with me pretty girl… please” He said into my lips.
I came undone scratching his back. I felt him come inside me and I moan.
He gently pulled out and I didn’t want to be far from him so before he could lay me down I just wrapped myself around him.
“Oh… what’s that for?” He laughed and hugged me back and kissed my shoulder few times.
“I’m sorry for how I was behaving… I was feeling pretty insecure and I let it into my head too much” I whispered.
“Oh honey…” he said and rubbed my back.
“That’s why you wanted to be in control?” He asked.
“Yes… but half way through I was like fuck i don’t even know if I like it so thanks god you got so desperate and wanted me to untie you” I laughed.
“Baby… I know it’s hard sometimes but I need you to know that you’re so beautiful and smart and just my favorite human on this planet” he made me move away a little so he could looked at me.
He kissed my nose and I smiled.
“I love you Matt, thank you” I said.
“You don’t have to thank me… it’s the truth. And u liked you being in control…We could do that again sometimes…Now.. let’s get you clean…” He smiled at me and helped me stand up.
It made me feel good that he said he liked it. Because I was really unsure about what I was doing but seeing him and now hearing that he liked it have me a lot of confidence back.
He cleaned us both, made sure I pee and he removed my make up too. We took a quick shower and brushed our teeth together. As we did we heard Chris and Nick walking into the house.
I smiled because that means I could fall asleep without worrying about them.
“Good night love…” he kissed my head.
We were already in bed in our pj’s on, my head on his chest and one of my legs in between his. I just needed him extra close tonight.
“Good night” I whispered.
“Remember that you can always talk to me about how you feel…” He reassured me once again.
I smiled.
“I know Matty… I know” I said as I was almost out.
Next to him I felt like I could everything and he made me feel beautiful and wanted. He was my escape, my everything. And he was all mine.
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idiswhadidis · 1 year
-- spa night
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bf jungwon x fem. reader
sypnosis: Jungwon agreed to have a spa night.
genre: fluff - warnings: a makeout session
a/n. i'm surprised by myself of how fast i wrote this, i think it took me about an hour a record when i tell ya. anyways i got to this idea when i, myself had a spa night lol, hope you enjoy (:
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how could this escalate? you both just watched something on TV and now you‘re having out of nowhere a „spa night“.
boy knows he‘s a fool for you but he forgot that you got him wrapped around your finger that he actually agreed to this.
looking into the mirror trying not to laugh at himself smacking his arm,
„stop laughing would you, or the face mask will fall off“ 
„says the one who’s laughing in my face since 5 minutes straight“
him staring at his reflection seeing the unicorn headband not letting hair into his face and the face mask which represents a panda making you cackle again, trying to control yourself you take a deep breath
„…you look gorgeous, now lemme put these on your eyes“ you smile wiggling the two slices of cucumber in your hand, him grabbing both of your wrist to stop you
„you‘re not gonna put cucumbers on my eyes“
„yes i will“ you smile at him with the most innocent eyes his weak point
sighing in deafeat and letting go of your wrists having the green light to do whatever you wanna do to him
putting the two slices on his eyes wondering how they don‘t fall off? 
„and is it relaxing?“ 
„oh yeah, never felt anything more relaxing in my life“
„good cause now your lips will be next“ completely ignoring his sarcasm.
„the hell? don‘t tell me lip masks exist?“
hearing ripping of a package his question just got answered..
„close your mouth so i can put it on“
but not before leaving a small peck on his lips letting him grave for more as he try’s to follow your lips
putting quickly the lip mask on, bursting into laughter making him groan
„Jungwon i‘m sorry but this is too funny you should see yourself“
taking your phone you take a photo, not so good is you have the sound on letting him now you took a photo <3
him grabbing the cucumbers of his eyes glaring at you while you smile sheepishly at him taking few steps backwards 
looking at his own reflection real quick shaking his head trying to not to laugh as well pulling of the lip mask but still keeping the panda mask on?
„i think it‘s your time to do your so called „spa night“ 
shaking your head, janking the door handle down and dashing away 
hearing fast footsteps behind you making you walk faster around the couch, him on the other side staring at you like a predator
„it‘s only fair to let me do it now“
shaking your head „i‘m fine thank you“
narrowing his eyes at you and climbing over the couch too fast that you can‘t run away on time
catching you in his arms and throwing you onto the couch, legs on each side of your body your arms held by him completly trapped
looking at him got you giggling again making him smile when he suddenly starts,
„you know, i‘m so in love with you i would let you do anything with me as you can see“ 
making you melt, looking into his love-strucked eyes 
grabbing his neck bringing his face closer to yours whispering against his lips „i will always love you more“
crashing his lips on yours, hand on your waist going underneath your top gasping from his cold hand on your skin letting him stuck his tongue into your mouth.
catching your breaths after awhile, staring at him and taking the mask off reminding him why you‘re in this situation, him standing up letting him sit you up and throwing you over his shoulder,
„i‘m not gonna let this night go by until i got my revenge“ him patting your bum while walking into the bathroom to continue where you left off but now it was your turn to "suffer".
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idiswhadisis on tumblr. do not plagiarise, repost, copy or translate any of my works.
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graneymar · 1 year
hiii, could you write a fic Neymar X fem!reader, when they have been together for like a year and in a sort of a secret relationship, because she is not a famous but a law student, and they wanted their privacy.
she is like 25 and he is 30, I love reading about age gap( but not too much ofc)
you could write about their couple dynamic (including fluff but also some dirty talk and them flirting like a lot) and then they get caught by the paparazzi, and everyone find out about her. Maybe when they were on vacation or something.
idk if you want, but you could also include insta post?? do what you feel it’s right !!
thank u if you will! And sorry for my broken English, I’m Spanish 💕💕
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SUMMARY: above
WARNINGS: some dirty talk
PAIRING: Neymar x fem!reader
Our relationship was quite complicated. I was an ordinary law student, studying abroad and was in my last year, so I barely had time to spend with my boyfriend, especially due to preparing for the upcoming exams. Neymar, of course, had a really busy schedule and whenever he had a few days off, he took every opportunity to not only visit me, but also his family in Brasil. All these circumstances led to us sometimes not seeing each other for weeks. But if we got to spend some time together, we made sure we would make the best of it. Apart from that, I decided it would be the best for us if we didn't announce our relationship publicly. I wanted to build my career myself and not be "(Your first name + last name), lawyer and Neymar Jrs girlfriend". I didn’t want my professors and other students to treat me differently just because I was dating a famous footballer. Neymar never really liked the idea of us hiding ourselves from everyone, but he respected my decision and told me he would wait until I was ready. Still, he let everyone know he was in a relationship, which led to the press and his fans speculating about who the lucky woman was. Going out in public, we always made sure we were surrounded by the few close friends that knew about us, so no one would assume we went on dates and such.
In conclusion, I barely got to see Neymar, and when I did, I never really got him all to myself. The only time we finally were able to express our love was when we decided to stay at home alone.
"Meu Deus, can you believe it’s already been a year?", Neymar sighed out as my bracelet caught his eyes. For my 25th birthday a couple of months ago, he got me a golden bracelet with our initials and the date we got together engraved. I shook my head chuckling, "Time flies. It really does." Remembering we only had a few more days in peace together, the big smile on my face quickly disappeared. His brow furrowed. "What are you thinking about again?" I turned around when I felt warm tears in my eyes. "Nothing babe, I'm fine", I lied. We were currently on vacation in Ibiza, now on a yacht in the middle of the ocean. I inhaled deeply, watching the waves as I tried to calm down and not break down in tears. He hugged me from behind and placed his head onto my shoulder. "Can we please enjoy the time we have left together before going back to normal?", he mumbled. I blinked a few times, making my tears stay in instead of rolling down my cheeks. "You're right." I turned my head to kiss his cheek. He put on his sweetest smile before letting go of me, smacking my bum. My body twitched for a second. Neymar cheekily smirked and finally turned around, laying down to continue his sunbathe. Without making a move, I simply stood there and watched him relaxing.
A few minutes later Neymar took his sunglasses off, tilting his head to my direction. I saw his eyes going up and down my body. I questioningly raised one eyebrow at him. "You don’t know how bad I want you right now." Playfully I rolled my eyes. He put his hands on his lap, demanding to come and sit on it. I slowly walked up to him, but instead of doing what he wished me to do, I dropped myself right next to him. He smirked because he understood that was my way of teasing him. It was our thing, he loved feeling like he had to "chase" me. His hands tapped a random beat on my thighs. "You know, there’s a bedroom inside. We could spend some time there until we arrive at the port."
"Mhm", I nodded, "And how do you want to spend the time there?" He chuckled before hiding his face into my neck. Feeling his breath already made me get goosebumps all over my skin. "First of all", he started, whispering in a low-tone voice, kissing my neck slowly, "I'll throw you onto the fucking bed, then rip off your bikini, sliding my fingers into you until you can’t help but beg me to finally push him inside you. And…" My eyes rolled back in pleasure. The things he said, his hands going up and down my body, his lips on my neck with his tongue sometimes touching it. Enough to drive me insane already. I bit my bottom lip trying to hold back a moan. One thing I hated about Neymar was, he loved turning me on in public. He loved knowing and seeing him how much I needed him. I wouldn’t go into this bedroom with him now and he knew, but this was his kind of foreplay. I now couldn’t wait to get into our hotel room and he was well aware of that. "And the rest is what you’ll get at home after the party tonight." He pulled away and sat up again, laughing at my pissed off facial expression. I groaned in frustration.
"What party are you talking about?" My eyebrows furrowed. "We promised Cris and Bianca we'd go out clubbing with them tonight, did you forget?"
"Oh, right…", I remembered and pouted my lips, "but I can’t wait for tonight." Neymar grinned and pecked my lips quickly. "Quickie as we get ready maybe?" He winked as I giggled.
Said and done. I actually got what I wanted as soon as we entered the hotel room, but we had to keep it short, too short, since we didn’t have much time to get ready anymore.
Before getting to the club, we decided to eat dinner. "How was it on the yacht?", Bianca asked, while Neymar and Cris were talking about some gaming stuff. "Oh Bi, if you only knew! Even though we were in the middle of nowhere and the only people surrounding us was his staff, you can’t imagine how much I enjoyed it. Finally going out with my boyfriend alone, it almost felt like an ordinary relationship." When I first met Bianca I was afraid she wouldn’t like or even hate me since she was best friends with Bruna, Neymars ex, but she soon turned out to be the most supportive of us. "I believe so. It must be exhausting only being able to feel like a real couple when being home alone. How long do you want to wait to finally announce your relationship?" I shrugged, "I don't know at all to be honest. Actually, I'm tired of hiding, but on the other side, I don't want all my clients coming to me just because they know me through Neymar. I want them to choose me because they value me as their lawyer, not because I possibly could be privileged thanks to my boyfriend." I didn’t even notice Neymar and Cris stopped talking and listened to our conversation. "But are you planning to go back to Paris after you finished studying or are you staying there? You know, staying there would be beneficial for your career", Cris said. I stuttered and looked around as I was thinking of an answer. I felt Neymars eyes on me and of course, he wanted me to come back to Paris and move in with him after I finished my studies, but Cris was right. This was something I never worried about before. Neymar noticed I was getting nervous and put his hand on mine. "That’s not a topic for today, we have enough time to think about it later", he stated and threw me a soft smile. Bianca and Cris agreed and changed topics.
Entering the club, we had some drinks before finding ourselves on the dancefloor. Whenever Neymar and I danced, we were careful so we would not get too close. Bianca was always jumping in between us when she thought we went too far. However, we had the time of our lives and actually got drunk at some point. I went to the bar to get us some drinks and scrolled through my instagram for you page while waiting, when an article about Neymar and Bruna Marquezine caught my eye. They were writing about how perfect they were, why they broke up, etc. According to them, Neymar broke up with Bruna because she refused to move to Paris for him, she prioritised her own career. My heart stopped for a second the moment I remembered Cris' question. Hundreds of thoughts ran through my mind. How were Neymar and I supposed to maintain our relationship if I decided I would not go back to Paris? He broke up with Bruna after being together for such a long time, no doubt he would leave me too. My breathing got heavier. I tried to organise my thoughts, but all I was able to think of was Neymar leaving me sooner or later. "Are you okay?", the barkeeper asked, placing the drinks right in front of me. I realised tears were rolling down my cheeks. I wiped them away rapidly. "Uh yeah, I'm fine. Thank you." Bianca made her way to me in order to help me with the drinks. I needed to get out of there. "Bi, I'll go home now. I'm not feeling well", I told her. She looked slightly confused and observed me for a few seconds. "Did something happen? You were laughing and dancing like five minutes ago." I shook my head from left to right and grabbed my clutch. "No, nothing happened. I'm just tired and probably drank a little too much", I answered and faked a smile as I stepped away from her after saying goodbye. Right when I got out of the club, I felt someone pulling me back by my shoulder. "Y/N!", I recognised Neymar shouting after me, "Y/N, why do you want to go home? What’s wrong?" I kept looking at the ground, I didn’t want him to see my wet cheeks. "Tired and drunk. Just need to sleep", I shortly replied after swallowing hard. "You are not drunk. At least not that drunk. I know somethings bothering you. What is it? Talk to me."
"Let’s discuss it later, Ney. Go have fun. I just need some rest", I answered and was about to turn around again, but Neymar held me back. "Hey, don’t act like that now. If you're leaving, I'm leaving." I shook my head. "No Ney, please."
"Yes I will, Y/N. If you want to stay mad for I don’t even know what…", he began, but I quickly interrupted him. "I'm not mad, Neymar, at least not at you." His facial expression showed he was completely lost. "If you’re not mad at me, who are you mad at then? Can you now please tell me what happened, did someone say or do anything?" He kept on asking questions until I couldn’t hold it back any longer. "I'm mad at myself because I don’t know if I can give you what you want and this will make you break up with me sooner or later and I hate myself for letting it go this far but I can’t help it because I'm fucking selfish and… and… I just don’t know what to do." Neymars eyebrows furrowed, he was unable to speak and had a hard time understanding what I was saying inbetween the sobs. "W-Why would I… why would I break up with you? Why are you selfish? What the hell are you even talking about?" I sighed out loud. "What was the reason you broke up with Bruna Marquezine?" This question was enough for him to understand what all this was about. "Y/N, that was a whole other story. Bruna kept on promising me things she wouldn’t do. When you and I got together I knew exactly what I was getting myself into - I wanted this, and I still do. We have a whole year to think about what to do and if you decide to go for your career, I will gladly support you. It’s not like you’re making empty promises." I couldn’t stop the tears from streaming down my face. "Neymar, I know you want a family, I know you want someone to come home to everyday. I, on the other side, don’t even know anything anymore. I don’t know if I want to go for my career, damn sometimes I don’t even know if I want to be a lawyer. But what I surely don’t want is you to waste your time on me when I have no idea what I am doing with my life." His eyes filled with sadness before he hugged me tightly. "Meu amor, you're in your mid-twenties. It’s a confusing time. Some of your friends have their own business, others are married or having kids. No matter what you are doing now, you feel like somethings missing, like you are missing out on something. You feel pressured, I get that. You have to make some of the most important decisions in your life right now, you’re afraid to go the wrong way. But you, my love, are an intelligent, smart, independent woman. I know you will make the right decisions. And no matter what you choose to do, I will be with you." He gave me a short yet passionate kiss. "Being in your mid-twenties is shit, trust me, I know." I quietly chuckled. "Stop talking like you're my grandfather, you're five years older than me." Neymar laughed as he softly wiped my almost dried tears away with his thumb. "All I'm saying is I know exactly what it feels like to think that no matter what you do, it’s wrong. And I want to be the last person to make you feel pressured." Without saying a word, I put my hands around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. "Te amo", I whispered.
"Eu te amo tanto, Y/N", he remained silent for a moment, "Still wanna go home?" I nodded. Neymar went inside to get our stuff and tell Bianca and Cris we're leaving. Meanwhile, I went on instagram again. "What the fuck", I murmured as I saw myself on my for you page. There were photos and videos of Neymar and me outside the club, hugging and kissing. They had to be taken just a few minutes ago. I turned around to Neymar staying behind me already. "We fucked up. I didn't even check if there were any paparazzi", he said looking at my phone screen. As I refreshed the page in shock, I saw even more pictures of myself. "How did they get those?" "Oh, I have these on my story", Neymar admit. He loved presenting me everywhere, even though he didn’t show my face. I raised an eyebrow at him and checked his instagram story.
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"I haven’t even seen these pictures. Why didn’t you show me? They're good." He smiled watching his story on my phone. "You know what will even be better now? Not hiding your gorgeous face anymore." My phone started buzzing. I got endless instagram notifications, Neymars fans following me, liking my pictures and commenting on them. First thing I noticed was most comments were complimenting and congratulating me. "Your fans are fast as fuck." Neymar laughed, "See, they love you already."
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starrystormwritings · 10 months
Master List <3 Request List <3 That 70s Show Master List
Stephen Hyde x Reader
A/n: Sorry that this is a lot of 'blank' said whilst doing 'blank' but I'm not used to doing mostly dialogue but I really wanted to try to get the characters across well, as always any criticism or requests are needed lol. Also I feel like this is obvious but I still want to state that this fic is purely because I love the character and I do not in anyway support the actor.
Summary: Your desperate to find a date for the school dance but Hyde's desperate that you don't
Warnings: Kissing, making out, smoking, drinking, mentions of being drunk and getting high, kinda oblivious Y/n
Word Count: 1949
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"What's wrong with you?" Hyde asked, taking my attention away from the beer can I was staring at.
"Hm? Nothing." I smiled at him and lent back into the sofa.
Kelso was sat next to me, his arms lying across the back of the sofa and behind my head.
Jackie was sat on Kelso's lap, playing with his hair with a love sick smile on her face despite him looking straight past her at the tv.
Donna was sat by the door. Eric stood behind her, wandering back and forth casually before leaning on the back of her chair again.
Fez was sat on the floor leaning his back on the sofa, sat between mine and Kelso's legs. He was happily eating some candy I picked up for him before I got here whilst watching the TV as well.
As per usual Hyde was sat on his chair, he was leaning forward with a beer can in one hand and rolling paper in the other.
"You have been unusually quiet." Donna said giving me a look.
"Wow am I really that loud usually that when I'm quiet for five minutes everyone thinks somethings wrong?" I asked with a chuckle, fiddling with the can I was holding.
"Yes." Eric said with a laugh "now what's wrong."
"No it's stupid don't worry." I said, shaking my head.
"Yeah I was expecting it to be stupid before I asked, I braced myself before." Hyde said with a smile, rolling a blunt on the table in front of him.
"Y/n just tell us so they will stop talking on the TV!" Fez said whilst shaking his head, giving me an annoyed look before turning his attention back to the cartoon.
"Fine. No one's asked me to the school formal yet, I guess I'm just a little bummed out about it." I chuckled slightly at how pathetic I sounded and glanced around at my friends.
Hyde laughed and shook his head "Yeah you were right that was stupid."
"Awe Y/n I'll go to the dance with you." Kelso said putting his arm around my shoulders with a grin "Your smoking hot, we'd photograph well together" He winked at me before Jackie hit him hard in the chest.
"Michael! We're going to the dance together!" Jackie looked at him with offence and stormed out of the room.
"Well she never asked me." Kelso said, rolling his eyes and following after her. "Jackie wait! Your smoking hot too!"
"Dumbass." Eric said with a laugh, taking a seat next to me on the sofa as he watched his friend run out of the room.
"Don't worry about the dance Y/n I'll be your date!" Fez said smiling up at me from the floor.
"It's okay Fez I want to go with someone who's into me not just a friend." I smiled back at him, taking a handful of candy to pick at myself.
I glanced over at Hyde, he was too focused in beginning to roll another blunt that it didn't even seem like he was listening anymore.
It's not like I liked Hyde or anything, we've been friends for as long as I can remember.
But over the last couple years we'd gotten so close that sometimes I'd convince myself that maybe there was sometime else there.
I'd never risk our friendship like that though.
"What about that Austin guy that you've been seeing?" Donna asked, quirking an eyebrow at me.
Hydes head shot up at that, suddenly interested enough in the conversation to take his sunglasses off.
"Austin? As in football player Austin Jones? Since when the hell have you been seeing that jerk?" He asked, putting down the perfectly put together blunt he'd just finished.
"We've hung out a couple times, I had to tutor him for extra credit in history and we just started going out to get food after." I shrugged at him and gave him a confused look as he pretended to be sick.
"That guys a fucking loser, he's head of the anti-drugs club at school, why the hell would you wanna be seen with him?" He said shaking his head.
"He's nice, and he needs to be in that club to be the head footballer." I looked back over to Donna, shrugging Hydes over reactions off "I thought he liked me but he still didn't ask."
"Well why don't you ask him? Why should you have to wait around for him to pluck up the courage to talk to you, go ask him yourself." She said leaning forward, obviously cutting herself off from beginning another feminist rant.
I bit my lip and thought for a second before nodding "You know what, I think I will." I smiled at her and lent over to give her a high five.
She nodded enthusiastically, obviously proud of herself "Hell yeah."
"Yeah whatever, we gonna light these baby's or what?" Hyde asked with a small smile, holding up the two blunts to the group.
I opened the door to Eric's basement to be met with Donna Kelso and Jackie all sat on the floor in front of the sofa watching some new stupid show, Donna's face lighting up seeing me since she wasn't alone with the two of them being grossly 'in love' anymore.
I threw myself down onto the couch behind them with a sigh, causing the three of them to turn around.
"What's wrong?" Donna asked, patting my back.
"Austin said he doesn't want to go to the dance with me, apparently he doesn't like me like that." I frowned at her and sat up with another sigh.
I knew I was being dramatic, he was just a guy after all and I wasn't really that into him but it still stung.
"Awe I'm sorry." Donna said, giving me a pitied look.
"Now I'm going to have to be the only one alone. You'll have Eric, you two have each other, Fez will probably show up with some weird girl he finds ten minutes before the dance starts and Hyde has the love of his life, Mary Jane." Donna laughed slightly and shook her head at me as I continued rambling "I thought he really liked me, I mean we've made out in his car like ten times."
Jackie left Kelso's side to sit next to me and give me a hug "Oh Y/n I'm sorry, men are pigs."
"Hey what about me!" Kelso asked defensively.
"Pigs!" She responded kicking him lightly. "He was too popular for you anyway. You'd do better with a more indie guy like Hyde or that guy who sits in the back of the library at lunch and rips the poetry books. Not a jock."
"Thanks Jackie, you always find just the right things to say." I said, causing Donna to snort and Jackie to beam, the sarcasm flying straight over her head.
"I know what might've happened!" Kelso said with a smile, looking proud of himself.
"Oh this'll be good." Donna said with a smile, getting up to sit in Hydes chair.
"Well after you guys left last night me and Hyde were drinking and Eric drove us to Fatso burger where we bumped into Austin and Hyde like totally threatened him." Kelso said, smiling as the rest of us looked at him with a mixed expression of shock and confusion.
"What do you mean threatened him?" I questioned him but before he could respond the door opened as Hyde walked in.
"Hey guys what's happening?"
"You threatened Austin?" I asked standing up.
"What no?" He looked caught out, obviously lying, his voice crack just highlighting the fact.
"Kelso just said you did last night, what did you say?"
"Y/n I can't even remember I was so drunk last night, I didn't even get to school until after lunch I was so hungover."
Kelso jumped up with a smile "I remember! You said that if he even thought about going to the dance with Y/n you would run him over in the Visa Cruiser and score a touch down with his decapitated head."
"Ew." Jackie said with a disgusted look.
Donna chuckled slightly before shaking her head. "Dark dude."
Hyde punched Kelso in the arm before pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
"Ow dude what the hell!"
"Hyde why would you do that you knew I wanted to go to the dance with him, is this some kind of stupid prank or something because it's not funny. I'm upset." I said, furrowing my eyebrows as I frowned at him.
"Y/n can we talk about this somewhere else , away from these bozos."
Is nodded and followed him out to Eric's driveway, sitting on the hood of the Vista Cruiser as Hyde stood in front of me.
"Y/n he's just not a good fit for you!" He said running his hands through his hair with a sigh.
"Why not! He's a nice enough guy, he's smart and athletic. As Jackie keeps mentioning he's popular and attractive why wouldn't I like him." I shook my head at him, not even trying to withhold my annoyance.
"Y/n his favourite band is Boney M, you love Zeppelin and Aerosmith. He's anti drugs and you smoke at least three blunts a week. He likes sports and you've never sat through a game in your life, he won't even take you out on an actual date you just grab food and make out in his car. You deserve better than that."
"Well I haven't got anyone better than that, and I liked him. Plus that wasn't your decision to make!" I crossed my arms in annoyance, watching him pace back and forth.
"I'm your best friend I was just looking out for you, you deserve someone you have something in common with."
"Like who!"
"Like me! I wanted to ask you! Goddamnit." He looked away from me, anxiously and awkwardly shifting around.
"You wanted to ask me? Stephen I appreciate it but I wanted to go with a date not a friend." I stood up next to him, pacing my hands on his shoulders to still his movements.
"God how oblivious are you?"
"What do you mean-"
Before I could finish the thought his lips were on mine.
He kissed me softly, bringing his hand up to the side of my face.
Once the shock of the action cleared I kissed back, going up onto my toes to reach his height with a smile.
He pulled back after a second, keeping the closeness between us and his hand on my face.
"Oh. I get what you mean now." I said, feeling my cheeks get hot as I laughed lightly.
"Oh really?" He chuckled and smiled down at me "Will you go to the dance with me."
"Yes you idiot I will. Although we should probably go on a proper date first, if that's what you want of course."
"Yeah, I'll take you on a nice date somewhere. We can do this properly, take it slow and all." He said with a shy smile.
I nodded and we stood in silence for a second before we both lent into each other again, wanting to kiss.
He lent down to deepen the kiss and I smiled against his lips as he shifted me back to lean against the Vista Cruiser.
"Um sorry to interrupt guys but I have some many questions about what ever this is. And why the hell are you doing it on my car! Get off!" Eric yelled from behind us, forcing us to pull away from each other with smiles plastered across both of our faces.
"Sorry Eric."
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xshybutdeadlyx · 3 months
Questions for the demiromantic and demisexuals out there
Ok, so I've recently found this term thanks to an aroace character from a show I watched. I knew of the sexuality but I didn't really know the specifics because I always thought I was bi but now looking into it I didn't know how aroace was like a literal umbrella and there was so much more to it then meets the eye. Which I'm 30 I feel like I should know more than what I do. But with doing research into it trying to understand it better, I learned about all the terms, and I learned about demiromantic and demisexual and it really resonated with me. But I wanted to ask for advice, I guess? Like I like romance I love reading it seeing art and what have you but when it comes to romance for myself I'm not a big fan? And maybe it's because I literally have to unlearn so much romance equals a, b, and c when that's not really true. I literally been in only one relationship in my life and it consisted of hand holding small kisses (no tongue, honestly I have an ick with spit and the only reason I "wanted" to do deeper kisses with the boyfriend I had at the time was because I felt like it was a requirement) but I honestly didn't feel attraction towards him until after getting to know him and being friends with him for months well into almost a year. And he's the only one I ever felt that way for I hardly ever had crushes or when I did I almost kinda forced myself into having them if that makes sense? It was "natural," and every kid was supposed to have crushes. Nothing ever came from the "crushes" though.
Now, like I said, I'm well into my 30s, and the relationship I just mentioned was the only relationship romantic wise I've ever had. I have had strong feelings for two of the friends I have but one friend is straight as they come and the other is married lol the one that is married though we have a strong bond that I wouldn't trade anything for. She tickles my hand, and she lets me cuddle her all the time, and we just spend nights just playing games together, just like when we were in high school. I love her so damn much, and I'll cherish what we have even when we are both dead and gone. She is my forever person.
Sorry, I went into a mini rant about my platonic love, but she's the best, and when I start talking about her, I have to gush lol, but anyways back to my sexuality crisis
So anyways, when there is even a chance of someone having an interest in me, I honestly kind of freak out. Or like if someone tries to set me up with someone, red neon flashing warning signs pop up for me. I don't know that person, and honestly, I get put off by big romantic gestures. Like, I appreciate it, but I don't think it's necessary? Can we just go get McDonald's, sit in the parking lot, and just shoot the shit? Play some games? We can watch movies or shows too.
I've also been on the dating websites and such as well, and I'm just always immediately put off. "Hello beautiful," ugh. "Insert pickup line here." please God why. "Unsolicited romantic or sexual advances right after a day of talking." Haha, no. There was literally one guy I thought was cool and we kinda flirted but it was really just talking everyday about the games we were playing I feel like if given time a connection could of been built but he ended up finding someone else immediately. Which honestly was fine I was kinda bummed but like if he wanted romance immediately, I wasn't gonna be giving that to him. I wanted to still be friends, but apparently, we had "too much history," so he ended up blocking me. lol oh well.
I've also literally only have had two "crushes" in like in a 5 year time span (only because this is what I can remember lol) one of em was so goofy and seemed so fun but then it seems like they turned out to be very self absorbed instantly done the other had baby mama drama wasn't into that. Honestly, those things seem to be things that could be worked through? Maybe? But once I just see something off-putting, it's all I see, which seems more like a personal thing because of past traumas.
As of now I'm honestly content with no romantic relationship but I feel like I do want one but I don't want one with just anyone and it just doesn't seem like many people out there are willing to wait or willing to be friends first and want to hop into relationships immediately when I very much don't. It takes me a while to be comfortable with people, and I want to get to know them as a person.
For a long time I felt like I just wasn't doing things right or that I had to actually change something that I was doing. I thought I was wrong or that I should just force myself into the uncomfortable situation of being someone's girlfriend immediately but then if it turns out I just don't have those romantic feelings then there the whole process of hurting them which is just anxiety inducting.
Also, with all that I'm saying, it does go into the demisexual portion, too. I've still never been with someone sexually because even in the one relationship I have had, I haven't met someone I've trusted to give myself to. The thought of one night stands or anything of the like just makes me wanna crawl into myself. I don't mind anything sexual but I want to be with someone sexually that I trust and care about with my whole being, not some dude Craig or some chick Wendy from Tinder. I'm content with that, but a lot of the times, I'm almost made to feel bad because I haven't done anything sexual. But boy, can I read all the smut on Ao3. Like it all in theory, but dunno about in practice lol I just don't have much of a drive in general, but I don't know if that's just because I've never been with anyone before? I keep getting told, "As soon as you're with someone, your sex drive changes," and like, does that shit really happen? Lol
All in all, I really feel connected to the terms demiromantic and demisexual. Even when I just said I'm bi, it just never felt right, but for once, I feel like I finally found something that I felt connected to and finally found me. But I guess I also wanna feel like I'm right in assuming so? I dunno I feel like it'd be disrespectful in using a label that isn't really you? Which doesn't sound right because everyone has the right to find themselves, and sometimes people go through a list until they finally find themselves, which is what's happening to me right now. But my feelings also just get jumbled up and I have a hard time distinguishing what's been conditioned in me, like how you date, you get into a relationship, ya do couple things, then you get married ect. When all I wanna do is get to know you, really know you, then actually date but even then I feel like a lot of my stuff is more on the platonic end? Like, I like cuddling and kissing, and I do like romance but on a more tame level? I kick my feet when reading "he bought her all these extravagant gifts then he swept her off her feet and dipped her into a kiss" so cute but like if I was actually in that situation like bro put me down for real and I'm so awkward when given gifts lol
I dunno I'd just would really like to discuss this with others who have found themselves because I don't really have anyone else to talk to about this. I've talked to my friends and they of course support me and love me but I feel like they don't really get it? And my family just chalks it up to " Ya just don't have a lot of experience it'll all change when ya get out there and mingle with people"
Thanks in advance for reading all this if ya made it this far I know it's a lot of word vomit as I like to call it but I don't have very organized thoughts and I just kinda write what I'm thinking in the moment lol
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marcspectorstannie · 7 months
✣Ken trying to impress you bc he has a unknown crush on you✣
Summary:Ken realized that impressing someone in the real world was a lot different than impressing someone in Barbie land (sorry this is so damn late😣school been wooping my ass)
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When Ken first returned to the real world without Barbie he was bummed,no Barbie to follow around, no matching outfits with Barbie. He missed Barbie. But he knew that thinking about her would just make him more upset. And Ken is too manly to be caught upset except by Barbie.
After staying in the real world for a few days,Ken ran into you on the street, quiet literally. He wasn't looking where he was going and slammed face first into you. "Oh jeez, are you ok?" He asked cautiously,watching you rub your nose."Yea I'm fine,thank you.I'm actually in kind of a hurry right now so thank you again!" You almost rushed off until Ken grabbed your arm."Wait,I think I've seen you around before.Barbie Lan- I mean,uh,where I come from, I recognize alot of faces I've seen before." He had seen you before. He's seen you walking down the street, at a coffee shop, in a store, at the beach.
He's not a stalker. He's just always 'running into you'.
"Hey yeah I do remember you. I've seem you around a few places. Your bright aura always caught my eye." Ken's eyebrows raised as you gave him a light smile. You noticed him? And his... Aura? Whatever that was, he didn't know. He was just happy to finally be noticed. He knew that after that confession or what he took it as he had to up his game.
"Well, where you headed? I could make up this 'accident' we had and finally introduced myself." Ken gave a slight smirk of confidence as he subtly not really tried to flex his muscles. "Not heading somewhere you wanna be that's for sure. Gotta go to work at an office." You complained, Ken now walking with you down the street. He wasn't listening much when you talked about what you had to do but started to pay attention when you mentioned a guy.
"Then this guy, I'm so sick of him, he keeps trying to talk to me every day but he's so anno-".Ken was furious inside, even though he didn't really have a reason to. 'The nerve that guy has to bother them... He's probably just like Ken and trying to get with them.' "Hey watch out!" You jerked him back away from the oncoming car in the street. He was too deep in his thoughts to even hear the car coming. In his fault, Barbie Land cars don't really make noise or go that fast. "You didn't see that coming?" You questioned him, watching his eyes go big.
You were gripping his hand.
Barbie never did that to him. Ken didn't even hear you talking to him, he was too focused on your hand in his. "Hey you alright? You seem in shock." You pulled him to the side and let go of his hand. He was sad you stopped touching him. "Um, yea I'm ok, totally." Ken plastered a big smile on his face to hide his disappointment. You looked at your phone and sighed. "Well, I'm already late. I guess we can just stay out and talk." He secretly wished you wouldn't go to work so he could stay with you. This time he contained his happiness and gave a smirk and head nod. "I'm ok with that."
You led him to a coffee shop up the street,this time watching for cars so he doesn't get hit. "So, I told you all about me. I don't know much about you,mystery blonde." Ken held back his squeal from the nickname you gave him."Well I'm from around here, totally...where I come from is a lot less hectic than here." You cocked your head to the side. "How so? Most of every where around here is very hectic so I doubt you're from here." Ken sighed as he tried to explain Barbie Land to you, trying not to weird you out.
After a while you managed to believe him. He was too 'perfect' to just be from here. "You know, I could totally beach with you. If you're down of course." Ken boasted, still trying to flex his muscles. You watched him look around nervously as he gave you quick glances. He tried to take a sip of the drink you ordered for him and ended up pouring it all over his face. You held back your laugh as you gave him some napkins to wipe with."That usual doesn't have anything in it,um." Ken chuckled quietly and shifted his eyes to the side, embarrassed by what happened.
That was so uncool.
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joshsbimbo · 6 months
Alex Sucks
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pairing: high confidence!alex the farmhand x gn!pc
summary: pc getting sad that alex kicked them out of bed for not wanting to have sex :c
warnings: angst, mention of sex, bad writing i rushed this and i hate it so bad but idk how to fix it
a/n: i got really sad when he did it to me the first time like i had to stop playing
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You awake to feel a hand groping at you, and a firm length pressed against your large bum. Another hand rests against your thigh.
"It's very forward of you," Alex says, his breath on your neck. "Sleeping in a boy’s bed."
(1) Push away | - Alex's Dominance
(2) Go along with it | Promiscuity 1 | + Alex's Dominance
You shuffle away from Alex. He grasps your waist with an arm, holding you in place, and pushes his body against yours. "Want me to be rougher?" he whispers. "I can do that." | + Stress | + Lust
(1) Struggle free | - Alex's Dominance
(2) Relent | Promiscuity 1 | + + Alex's Dominance
You whack Alex's hand, and struggle from the bed. "Suit yourself," he says. He rolls over.
Your heart drops as the farmer pushes you off the bed. You grip onto your teddy bear as you enter your bedroom. Not even the warmth and softness of your blanket can provide comfort as tears trickle down your cheeks and onto your pillow. Sniffling and soft sobs can be heard from your room, but Alex is already too far gone in slumber.
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Alex wakes up at 5 AM sharp, as usual, and heads down the creaking stairs. As he turns on the oven, he notices that you haven't come down to give your usual kiss on the cheek or turn on the faucet to wash the vegetables. However, he doesn't bother to go upstairs and instead assumes that you decided to sleep in today. He isn't wrong, but he doesn't know the reason behind it.
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It's 1 PM when you flutter your eyes open, and for a second, you forget how badly Alex had hurt your feelings the night before. Your bare feet are covered by your bunny slippers as you walk downstairs, flinching at every creak. The kitchen and living room are empty, so the coast is clear. You fix yourself some scrambled eggs and crispy bacon, but it isn't anywhere near as good as Alex's cooking.
As you finish up your breakfast and head to the couch to watch cartoons, you hear Alex coming back inside the cottage to manage the farm's finances. He glances at you and smiles, "Hey! I missed you this morning." He's completely oblivious.
You look up at him and laugh, "Oh really?" Your eyebrows furrow when he doesn't even try to apologize about kicking you out of bed just because you didn't want to have sex with him.
He cocks his head to the side in confusion, "Yeah! You're always helping me... I had to clean all the veggies myself!" He sighs dramatically before sitting next to you on the couch, trying to pull you close, but you glare at him. "What's wrong, lovebug?" His southern accent is thick as he calls you your favorite nickname.
"Last night is what's wrong!" You get up from the couch, staring down at him in annoyance. He slumps into the couch.
"What did I do?" His voice is stern, clearly annoyed that he was getting yelled at for something he "didn't do."
"You have no idea what you did? Seriously, Alex? I know you're childish, but I didn't expect this from you." You scoff and walk away from him, but he grabs your wrist.
"You're not walking away from me before you explain what I did to get you this fucking upset," Alex says sternly.
You glance at his grip on our wrist, locking eye contact with him. You look so cute when you're mad. He'll definitely bring this up after making up with you, but right now, he's pissed. "You're a whore. Every single night you want to fuck me, like I'm... I'm a piece of meat! The one night I pushed you off of me, you kicked me out of bed."
"That's what you're upset about?" His face softens as he giggles. (let's be fr he ain't taking this shiz seriously)
You gasp and snatch your wrist away, starting to walk back to your bedroom. "Fuck you, Alex!"
He follows behind you. "No, no... I'm sorry, sugar. I won't do it again." When you turn around, you can see that he's genuine.
You look him up and down, your facial expression softens, and you sigh. "You promise?"
"I promise, darling."
"You owe me. Go to town and order me a Deluxe Cream Bun. Now!" You cross your arms and look up at him, unable to hide your smile.
"Yes, ma'am!" he exclaims, putting on his straw hat before leaving the cottage. When he comes back, he gives you a foot massage as you watch TV, frosting around your lips.
And yes, he does try to put your foot on his crotch.
constructive criticism is SUPER welcome!! i’m not proud of this but i’m not sure how to fix it <3 thank u for reading
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theresawritesstuff · 7 months
First of all, you are such a talented writer! Love all your work!
My prompt is as follows: Joel and Lenny meet, and Joel slowly realises how much Lenny really means to Midge.
Thank you!
Thank you so much! This was the sweetest message to receive ❤️ Sorry for the delay. Hope it's worth the wait!
It was another packed house.
Ever since she went rogue on the Gordon Ford show Midge had been drawing in crowds all over town. It seemed like every one of her sets, no matter the venue, was a guaranteed sold out show.
The Button Club was no exception. 
Two weeks later and Joel still had Mrs. Moskowitz turning folks away at the door so he didn't have the fire marshall breathing down his neck.
He'd had worse problems, that was for sure.
The crowd was eating out of the palm of her hand tonight. It used to bother him but now…
Now he mostly just felt proud. 
He looked out over the crowd from his place at the bar, watching the smiling faces watching her with wrapped attention when he noticed a man enjoying the show from the back of the room who'd managed to sneak in late.
He was about to tell him they were at capacity when the man turned for a cigarette and he was able to better to see his face.
Wait. Was that…
Holy shit it was Lenny Bruce! Lenny Bruce was in his club. The Lenny Bruce! At the Button Club! His Button Club!
Holy shit…
Joel poured himself a quick shot at the bar to drown out his nerves before rounding the bar to go talk to him.
Lenny Bruce was in his club!
He cleared his throat. "Mister Bruce? Hi. Joel Maisel. I'm the owner."
Lenny turned to acknowledge him at his elbow, cigarette dangling from his mouth. "Oh hey. Got a light I could bum?"
"''Course! Of course." Joel cleared his throat as he fumbled in his pocket for a lighter. "Thanks for joining us tonight."
"Are you enjoying the show?"
Lenny smiled to himself, taking a drag. "It would be hard not to. Midge is really on her game tonight. Then again, she's always sensational."
"Yeah. Yeah, she is, isn't she?"
Joel nodded along, looking off at the stage with what could surely only be described as a dopey grin.
Lenny Bruce was in his club!
Then it hit him.
"Sorry…You know Midge?" he wondered, confused.
Lenny shrugged. "I did once upon a time. It's been a while. Hope to again if she'll let me…"
Joel's brow furrowed as he puzzled the cryptic reply.
He didn't have long to mull it over however, as Midge made her way across the room, her set finished for the evening.
"I thought that was you I saw lurking," she teased, greeting Lenny with a warm, if somewhat surprised smile. "What are you doing here?"
Lenny chuckled. "Well I heard a rumor some cute uptown chick shanghaied Gordon Ford's air time and has been killing it in every club she goes in ever since. Seemed like something I should check out for myself."
Her smile softened as she raised a brow. "Called me cute, huh?"
The comedian shrugged almost sheepishly, holding her gaze with equal softness.
Joel cleared his throat, interrupting whatever moment was happening between the two performers.
"Well we're certainly glad you could join us," he interjected, feeling the need to remind them he was still there. 
He couldn't say why, exactly. It wasn't like she and Lenny were close or anything…
Midge shook her head, her attention still on Lenny. "It's funny. That set almost didn't happen but…"
Lenny cocked a curious brow as she hesitated, looking at her shoes.
Wait, was she blushing?
"I remembered what you said that night," she confessed.
"That you're more important than God?" Lenny wondered with a smirk.
Midge rolled her eyes fondly. "Not that."
She glanced up at the comedian, then away as she pulled a little slip of paper out from where she had been keeping it tucked within the neckline of her dress. "I,um… I found it in my notebook just before. Took it on set with me for luck. It worked so…"
She shrugged lightly, folding it back over carefully in her hands.
Joel blinked, looking from her to Lenny and back again.
She'd been keeping it, whatever it was, with her for every performance since the Gordon Ford Show. 
Not just with her, but in her dress!
Because of something Lenny had said to her.
Because it was from a time, a night, that they'd shared…
"Glad to see you found your spotlight," Lenny murmured.
Joel felt his hands grow clammy, his throat go tight.
He knew from the talk around the club scene that Lenny hadn't been in New York for quite a while.
How long had this been going on?
"Can I buy you a drink? Catch up?" Lenny asked her, sounding tentative but hopeful.
So hopeful.
Just what exactly was there to catch up on?
"I'm actually kind of hungry," Midge admitted. "You wanna get out of here? Get some sensationally mediocre Chinese food?"
Lenny smiled. "I know just the place. You remember our deal?"
"Yes. I'm buying," Midge laughed, turning to Joel expectantly, suddenly remembering he was there. "Think I can get my payment now instead of later? Sounds like I've got a date."
"Y-yeah. Sure…" Joel stammered, glancing between the pair.
"Great! I'll just grab my coat and we can go," Midge promised, touching Lenny's arm.
Joel watched her walk off towards the back room, looking back at Lenny utterly baffled.
Lenny shrugged, patting his shoulder as he moved to wait by the door.
"Thanks for the light. Nice place you got here."
"Y-yeah…S'cuse me."
Joel took off to follow Midge into the back, shaking his head.
He watched her a moment from the office doorway as she put on her coat.
"So. You and Lenny…" 
She shrugged in reply, but her smile said it all.
"Were you ever planning to tell me?" he wondered.
"Nope." She picked up the envelope with her money inside from his desk, strolling out of the office. "Have a nice night, Joel. See you Wednesday with the kids."
"Later Midge," Archie greeted, popping into the office for more bar napkins. "Great set tonight."
Archie turned to him. "Hey did you see the guy who looked just like Lenny Bruce?"
He heaved out a sigh.
Midge was fucking in love with Lenny Bruce...
"I'll be at the bar."
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winslowat3am · 2 years
Do u give money to people on tumblr?
Short answer, no. I don't reblog those posts, either. Majority of them are scammers, bonus scamster points if they use their race/gender as emotional manipulation. (Rant incoming cause this pissed me off, not you, but it had me thinking about a lot of shit). I'm sorry but I could never be on Tumblr begging for money, that's embarrassing, no offense. I commend anyone who's shameless enough to do that cause in all seriousness, couldn't be me. I feel like there are just some things you shouldn't do & asking strangers, half of which are minors, to give you their hard earned money in trade for nothing is one of them. The victim mentality of "let me spam my followers with a bunch of sob story updates about my life's issues & guilt trip them into giving me cash", no. Leave them alone. That shit's annoying, inconsiderate & entitled. & it's always the same fucking people holding their hand out. The people you're begging for cash are more than likely struggling too & need theirs. Tumblr is the worst place to ask for assistance. If you need money then you should seek a financial aid program, or I don't know, log the fuck out & get a job like everyone else? That's what people who need money do. There's no excuse, I said this before & I'll say it again, making money nowadays is easier than it has ever been cause of access to technology. Everything is virtual. You can work from home. There are people making millions eating for a fucking living on YouTube. If you're broke atp it's cause you either make excuses for why you can't work or you're just lazy. It's a choice. You don't even need to physically go out & find a real job. Make something. Perform a service. Everyone has something they can offer. Don't sit there & expect people to pay you for nothing. I hate lazy ass people who wallow in self pity, make excuses & don't contribute anything to society & simply exist to leech off others. It's parasitic & pathetic. You "can't work", but you can play around on social media every day? Hmm. You deserve to live in poverty then. You're not special. You better sell some p-ssy, d!ck or c*ke. If you're bussing it open to everyone anyway you might as well get paid for it, in the words of my wife, "make it count". Seriously, I don't respect those people. Tumblr beggars are the equivalent of irl bums who loiter at gas stations harassing passersby for change. It's fucking irritating & unfair that we live in a world where weak people are rewarded, coddled, catered to & given breaks for doing nothing. "Oh well, you know, John can't work, he's dealing with a breakup that has him in a deep depression. I just- I don't know if his mental health will allow him to work." Bro, I sympathize but at the end of the day, screw John. He has no real problems. There are people with cancer & aids right now who are working. People with no limbs are working. He can work, he's physically able to, but ultimately he won't cause he's a mentally weak man with no drive. Let's just call it what it is. I've been homeless & depressed before, I dug myself out of that hole WITH NO HELP, if people can bounce back from homelessness, addiction, abusive relationships & rebuild their lives, if people with deformities can work there's no excuse for why these lazy asses are living in houses, have food & water, with themselves being the only person they have to take care of but they're on here begging us & living off the gov't. That shit IS sad. & I get so heated over this topic cause the bastards who log on & beg aren't going to log off fucking Tumblr & make adjustments so they can afford to live, they're not going to or offer an exchange, they'll continue to do this shit. In the comfort of their home. Meanwhile, the ones they beg have to scrounge. So no motherfucker, I can't help you spend my money. Follower counts mean nothing here cause nobody gets paid on this dead app, this ain't YouTube. If you have hella followers but you still can't eat or pay your bills it's a sign your priorities are fucked. Up. Your followers owe you nothing. Have a little pride & self respect.
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 8 months
OFMD 2.01-2.03 thoughts!
Spoilers aplenty!
I've only watched the episodes the once so far so I'm sure I'm gonna forget a lot of stuff, but I can contain myself no longer, and must speak!
Oh man, I am SO EXCITED. I couldn't sleep because trying to go to bed with this many fictional feelios crackling away inside of me was just impossible, like I'd chugged a crazy amount of caffeine. This is also exactly how I felt the night that 1.09 and 1.10 aired, so it felt so fitting. (Ironically, I'm writing this before I have my caffeine today because I can wait no longer, so it might make no sense. But I have to try!)
I've watched season one soooooo many times -- like, every episode is just completely scored upon my psyche, I basically have the whole thing memorized -- so it felt so WILD to finally be getting MORE and it was REAL! This also reminded me of how the season one finale was perhaps the most upset I've ever been about television, outside of unjust character deaths, HIMYM, etc. -- like, upset in a way where it was narratively thrilling to be so upset, for a change! But the emotional distress of that ending obviously settled down a bit to me once I'd watched the episode for the zillionth time and just really got used to what happened to Ed. That initial shock wore off. So picking up where that episode left off and spending these episodes really bearing witness to him still being in that place was SO VISCERALLY UPSETTING AND WILD AND GREAT!!!!!! Oh my God, Taika Waititi. Aaaaaacting!!!!
Everything just being darker, richer, so unhinged was really thrilling -- we can't really go back to the sort of affable placidity of a lot of season one, or at least not right now, and it just felt really appropriate for where the story is and like a really natural growth to the tone. I think it also really had a sense of exuberance powered by how lovingly received season one was, which just felt great to watch.
The gorgeous New Zealand landscapes, oh my God!!!! And how fitting it feels, now that it's not Stede playing at pirates so much as everything being Really God Damn Real, that the physical world has expanded so much around them and there's so much more of a sense of sublime natural beauty.
STEDE WAS A MERMAN!!!!!! sorry, getting ahead of myself here. But my God, I am so obsessed with the fact that they just went for that moment. It's camp! It's achingly beautiful! It's The Shape of Water, it's Splash, it's Zoolander, it's a reverse Killing Eve that my soul sorely needed! Kate Bush was there! They almost kissed under the water! ED'S LOVE FOR STEDE INTERRUPTED HIS DESIRE TO DIE! AUGHHHHHH.
I'm really, really sad that my internet gave out right in the middle of that sequence. I just feel so bummed that I'll never experience it for the first time the way David Jenkins & Co. intended because technology betrayed me! I will never have known the emotional build of that moment the way it was meant to be seen. 😢 But oh well! I'm dealing with it! I'm being so brave! (I'm always extremely weird about wanting fiction to have the exact impact on me that the creators strove for it to, and it really bothers me when it gets interrupted somehow. But at least, you know, it was just THIS, the show and romance I currently care most about in the WORLD!)
Anyway: the handholding and how it mirrors Ed putting his hand over Stede's and that close-up in 1.04! YES! What a shot to end the episode on, sob sob sob!
I also loved the two close-ups of Ed's eyes, at the start of the wedding rampage and then when he wakes up. Parallels! Yesss!!!
I know we all kinda expected it to happen for the whole hiatus, but that doesn't diminish at all the pure joy and unhingedness of Stede's total love for Ed never wavering even at the news that Ed's rampaging his way across the high seas in a state of total derangement. If that's a dealbreaker, then that's not love! They made him look like a GHOUL!
I really liked the tension between Stede and Lucius because that was something I hadn't really thought to expect. And Stede giving Lucius jaded life advice! Yes!
Sidenote: Lucius, alive? Who could have possibly seen it coming??? (Also, his reunion with Pete, 🥹🥹🥹!)
I also just generally loved getting to see the crew again and all of their antics together figuring out their circumstances. I missed you all so much!!!
MORE LADIES YESSSSS! I love Archie!!!!! I love Zheng!!!! I love Auntie!!!!! And I loved getting to see Spanish Jackie living her best life again! Such a joy to have so many hilarious badass women around. I am living for them all.
The romantic quadrangle stuff popping up with Olu and Jim was great fun on all sides (even if I had to watch makeouts while Jim was holding a recently severed leg; please, set aside the leg!), and I also loved how Jim told Olu about it right away and just the sweet vibes between them in their reunion scene, aww. Looking forward to seeing whatever happens there.
In particular, Zheng crushing on Olu was so cute and like, who can blame her?? History's greatest pirate: she's just like us! Omg, what an enemy for them to have now.
Also, Jim doing the voices for Fang FOREVER!!!!! Such a sweet moment! And Jim's speech about how sweet life on The Revenge used to be and how happy they all were together absolutely tore my heart out. Because yeah!!! I feel like we the audience members were part of that crew too!!! WE HAVE TO GO BACK, KATE!!!
I had vowed to hate Izzy forever, I held steadfast to my vow for all those hiatus months, and then these three episodes were like, "Ha ha, yeah right!" Magnificently played, ya bastards!!! You got me! I especially loved when he said to Stede that the two of them made Ed into what he became; that was so interesting and I'm really curious to see how Stede and Izzy's dynamic grows. Iz, I am so sorry about your many toes and then your leg. Wishing you the coolest peg leg.
Random sidenote: when Auntie was like, "Buttons is a sea witch contained in the body of a mortal man," I was 100% like ... That makes so much sense, actually??? I, for one, am a believer. Is this why you can speak seagull, sir/sea witch?
The whole sequence with Ed and Dream Hornigold in episode 3 was so good, aughhhhh! And THE RETURN OF JEFF. I love how on some level Ed just wants to work in the hospitality industry. Let! Him! And! Stede! Retire! And! Open! Their! Inn! Slash! Snakery! Snackery!
I am so excited that we have post-credits episode tags now. As if this show could get any more exquisite. IT DID. Now there's always just a lil' nibble more!
I love how, just like in season one, we got our Ed/Stede-less time out of the way quick by having the first three eps all air together. And now, let us sail perilously further into feelings land!
I have so much more to say but I'm so tired and I need black tea. I'm sure I'll be back later today with a zillion more belated thoughts! PEACE! 🧜‍♂️
Also, just a few Cinematic New Zealand Beach Vibes notes -- the opening dream sequence had me like, "Xena and Gabrielle at the end of 'The Bitter Suite'!"* and Ed waking up in beach purgatory had me like, "THE PIANO!" I just had to share. Idk why. Have I mentioned how happy I am that season two gets to be in New Zealand??
*Idk if this is in any way deliberate, but I firmly maintain that Ed/Stede has a lotta roots in Xena/Gabrielle. Like, if you ever feel like the universe simply can't give you enough Ed/Stede (understandable), then you should watch Xena for a lot of similar shippy emotional thrills. OFMD had better give us a nicer ending, tho. (Today I learned from a D. Jenks interview that Blackbeard historically got beheaded!!)
Okay, time to go stare at a million gifsets.
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this is so self indulgent of me to ask but let me embarrass myself by asking for tummy kisses for Prem and Bug
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FGSGHSH I LOVE YOU POSH. I'm sorry this took so long - Christ I feel so rusty - and the ending is a blunt as a gunshot, but I THINK IT'S CUTE and I hope I didn't butcher Bug too much 💖🥹
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Prem is taller than Bug. That’s a fact of nature. Even on flat-feet, Prem’s a good five inches taller. But. Shit. She’s got this pair of five inch Louboutin heels—the fuckin’ sharp-an’-pointy kind, flashy black patent leather, with those retina-searin’ red bottoms Bug’d only seen in magazine pages until Prem had pulled ‘em out of her luggage. 
She wears them with a Barbie Doll heel foot on her prosthetic, walkin’ well balanced with a sleek, dark-oiled teak cane with the silver head of a mallard for a handle. Looks a bit vampiric, but not in a bad way. Sort of way that makes Bug’s mouth run dry, and reach for Price’s sipping whiskey to quench her pinching-parched throat.
“Mm?” the man hums, rubbing his recently trimmed beard, following her eyes, and then he gets that fuckin’ pinched up, pleased smirk on his face, like he knows somethin’ about somethin’. “Yeah. The heels always have me fucked up, too.”
“Piss right off,” Bug grunts, taking his glass in full, and he only chuckles to himself, joining her in watching Prem swim her way through the gallery show. Feels strange to Bug, a bit, to see Prem’s death masks mounted on black grids of metal, lit harsh and bright from above with studio track lamps—but by no means wrong. No, more was like seeing an old friend finally finding a place they belonged. Been on the woman’s ass long enough to get her to agree to a show. 
Prem—true to her callsign, Premonition, the woman that sees the future and all that lies hidden—must feel the eyes on her, because she turns her head to look over a sleek shoulder, and a smile warps her painted-burgundy lips. She lifts a hand and waves with a little wiggle of her ring finger, right at her.
Bug can just feel Price making that goddamned quokka face again, staring dead at the side of her face. She swills the giant cube of ice around the dregs of his whiskey, and she jabs him where it smarts, but only a bit, “Think Soap’s gone and let your mutt get picked up by the RSPCA yet? Or you think he’s still wanderin’ some back road like a bum?
Price shakes his head. “Nah. Dog’s fine, probably making moon-eyes at Bordelon,” he starts, but he shrugs his shoulders with a thoughtful look, “Soap’s probably up with Agnes trying to dust her crypt.”
“Oh, you dirty old fuck,” Bug snorts, pulling a face of disgust, “Agnes’s taste is so much better than that. Disgusting you’d even suggest that.”
“Mhmm,” Price purrs, leaning back against the bar, resting a hand on the small of her back, rubbing his blunt fingers into the small pad of soft pudge he finds there.
Prem is the one to pinch Price’s jaw, giving it a good jiggle around eleven, when the crowd’s gotten thicker with the hipster art scene rats, and she can no longer functionally give a fuck about showing face. “John. My darling. My dear love. My...sweetest, closeted Nine Inch Nails boy—”
“Fuck’s sake,” he grunts, jiggled.
“—can you please, please find us some good scran?” she finishes, leaning heavily on her cane, her weight bent toward Bug’s figure. He rolls his eyes, but there’s a smirk pulling at his mouth under the chops—just a little one, like it’s a bit shy of showing itself. Prem knows she’s won the moment she sees it, pulling him in for a *pap!* of a kiss before giving his cheek a chummy clap. “Good man, crack on.”
Bug slides right into Prem’s free side, sliding an arm around the woman’s waist as one of Prem’s snakes around her shoulders. “So, what was the trick for pullin’ that off, eh? He gives me all sorts a’shit when I try to boss him,” Bug laughs, sinking into the scent of Prem’s perfume.
“Y’just have to get his dick a little bit hard, that’s all,” Prem hums in return, waggling her brows. “You’re a dabhand at it, y’know? Just gotta harness it, eh.”
“Ooh, I’ll have to practice on that then, won’t I?” Bug is beaming, and she knows it. Doesn’t try to hide it, either. Neither does she try to hide the way that she keeps glancing at Prem’s lips when she looks up into her face, tugging her toward down the sidewalk in the direction of their hotel.
Prem’s eyes—already dark under the streetlamps, wet and deep like pools of ink—go half-lidded, and she dips her head, tucking her nose under Bug’s heavy mane of curls. Fuckin’ embarassin’ it is, how fast Bug grows wet between the legs as she feels Prem’s lips pressin’ slow and warm against her neck, where the print of her lipstick will remain hidden.
“Mm,” Prem begins to murmur, “wanted to do that feck-off bad all night. Kept seein’ you and John standin’ together, and don’t know what’s wrong with me.” Her eyes squeeze tight, still breathing against Bug’s skin. “Couldn’t stop thinkin’ about watchin’ you two fuck the daylights out of each other. Him on top, feckin’ you all slow, and hard—”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Bug barks with laughter, shaking her head, yoking Prem’s throat loosely in her hand, pushing her back a bit, burning head to toe with a bright flush and a thumping desire that starts in her cunt and booms out to her fingers, toes and lashes. “Can’t even wait ‘til we’re back in the hotel, huh? We got you in that bad of a way?”
“Always!” Prem sniffs, grinning.
There’s only a single lamp on in the room, and Prem is wearing only her prosthetic, and her panties, with a tube of her lipstick tucked in the band. Demon of a woman had the gall to let Bug get all the way dressed down to one of Price’s black t-shirts and her drawers before she made her move. Bug had to admit, though—good fuckin’ move, that one. Might have to tuck it in her own pocket for later.
Bug snorts as Prem’s hands slide up to her hips, gripping the softness she finds there, and deeper, until her fingertips knead tight muscles. Bug’s hands slide directly to the woman’s neck, resting with her thumbs over the pulsepoint, urging her down to kiss, and Prem falls right into the trajectory of it.
“Oh, aw, feck,” Prem laughs, pulling back from Bug’s lips, and the remorse sounds utterly put-on, “I’ve gone and shitted up your face. Look at you, you’re all smudgy. Didn’t mean to do all that.”
“And you’re a shit liar, darlin’,” Bug tosses back, feeling wild as she runs wide-open, letting Prem move her back to the bed, urging her up onto the pillows.
“Yeahhh—you’re right.” Prem has the audacity to fuckin’ giggle, burying her face against Bug’s neck once again, sliding between her spread legs, her hands moving farther up Bug’s shirt, savoring the soft curve of her waist, the structure of her ribs. But, goddamn, does she touch Bug as if considering her angles and construction like a well fine piece of art, wanting to pick up the techniques to copy into her own repertoire.
Up trails Bug’s shirt, a slow and subtle climb as Prem cups her breasts, rolling her nipples beneath her thumbs, pinching and tugging them slightly. Her grin’s impossible for Bug to ignore as her lips press more and more burgundy prints into her skin, and they both just find themselves laughing for no reason at all apart from sheer delight.
Prem’s knee slides up, coaxing Bug’s legs further open, and Bug sighs heatedly with the move, letting Prem push her shirt up over her breasts. “You’re a wicked-ass little thing,” she accuses, and Prem nods in emphatic agreement as she begins to kiss Bug’s freckled sternum.
She's kissed Bug's breasts, teasing her nipples with her soft, warm tongue, leaving behind prints of burgundy lips on the areola, the bottom swells, the top. Made herself right at home, groping Bug's hips tight before she leans up enough up to smart-ass-casual swipe more color onto her mouth, leaving Bug squirming and laughing under her. It only turns into a cackle when Prem dips to her stomach, kissing a belt across her waist, her bellybutton (where she dips her tongue, causing Bug to howl a surprised laugh and buck), and just—all over.
Makes Bug's head swim, it does. “Think you're just showin’ off at this point, sweetheart,” she snorts, brushing her fingers over Prem's short curls, slipping down to draw nonsense over the nape of her neck.
“Oh, no,” Prem hums, and Bug can feel her grin as it meets her hip, “am just stallin’ for…”
The door of the hotel room groans open, and Price's heavy steps are unmistakable alongside the shuffle of a paper bag in his arms, and the wrestling-out flap of his fleece lined denim jacket snapping. He doesn't stop what he's doing, but he sure takes a long look, and Bug can't help but grin wide under crinkled eyes and stick her tongue between her teeth as she gives a little wave. “Hi,” she says, simple as can be. 
Price drops the bag on the empty dresser— they'll find out in an hour or two he'd somehow managed to find cut italian hoagies by some miracle—and he sits on the other bed, looking at them as he unlaces his boots. Prem kicks her feet up in the air, crossing them at the ankles while she pressed her cheek to Bug's belly. 
“Am I early or late?” he grunts.
“Course he don't wonder if he's invited,” Bug teases, but she continues to smile. They've all three caught each other in compromising enough positions to play grab-ass about it—Price is the only one that acts caught when it happens. 
“Actually,” Prem sighs, rising to her knees in a well practiced movement, sliding forward to kiss Bug's lips as she goes, “you're right on time.”
Prem's got the audacity to sneak launch a playful clap between Bug's legs—over her soaked, but clothed crotch—earning herself one wicked bark of indignation and a swat at her arm for making Bug's neglected pussy throb. But Prem continues regardless, ordering lightly, “Get your shite-arse over here and eat her. Poor thing's tremblin’.”
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softpine · 2 months
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@bb-enablefreebuild LITERALLYYYYYYY i even have this exact image saved in my asa & finn web weaving folder jfksjds it's so them, even the hands 😭
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@forgotten-pixels oh yeah he definitely has a wikipedia page!! his first single was a pretty big hit and even though his other work hasn't been as mainstream, he's contributed to a bunch of other artists' work so he's still well known in certain circles. i also think he's JUST famous enough to get those weird AI generated articles written about him, like "remember the guy who sang [song title from 15 years ago]? this is him now!!" because he's not well known enough for people to realize it's false / clickbait lmao. (btw you never have to apologize for asking questions!! i love them at any time 🥺)
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asa has a regular phone but he may as well not have one at all because he quite literally never charges it or brings it anywhere fjkjsds stevie is the one who's always switching out her phone case & never gets around to putting a screen protector on so her screen is definitely cracked, i think elaine probably loses her phone the most on accident, and jada will say she lost her phone even when it's ringing in her hand because she just doesn't want to answer. if we still had texting limits stevie would use that shit up in half an hour, if that!!
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his intentions were good...... his execution however..... leaves a lot to be desired
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i'm so sorry my brain cannot even think about april fools right now without the dan and phil brainrot fully taking over 😭😭😭 no other pranks exist in my brain at the moment i can't even think of any sjksjd i could definitely see mikaela & danny pranking each other though
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HELPPP this is so funny but i'm gonna have to say casper, there is no way he knows what that is
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thank you for the idea!! i'm trying to avoid sending people a patreon link for written work; even if it's free (and it would be), there's still a connotation that it would cost money and i'm afraid no one would even click the link to read it (plus i've already used my patreon for cc so i'm afraid i would annoy the people who followed me for that content). ughhhh but thank you for trying :(
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i'm really bummed about substack because it looked like the easiest way to accomplish what i want to accomplish but i'm sure i'll find something eventually. thanks for the interest 🥺
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i would love to, but tumblr has a 30 pic limit and also i need to cut myself off at some point because otherwise i could literally spend months on 1 single post lmao 😭
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you were right :P :P
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i forgot about that too!! iirc wasn't it just dependent on the number of sims you have & their ages? asa bounces between caroline's and danny's houses so he would change the difficulty, but the mayfields would always have the highest rating because they also have sadie & the farm animals to take care of!
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yes definitely!! just please credit the original mesh creator if applicable (i always list them) 💝
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i forgot to answer this when you sent it, but i did read it right away and it made me smile, so thank you 💖💖
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it really is the most attractive trait a person can have to me fjkjsds did you ever hear from that guy btw?? 💕
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THANK YOUUU kisses you back one thousand times 💖💖💖
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@minamill ILYYY 💞
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@morrigan-sims thank you!!!! 🥺
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fiddleturnips · 26 days
This is an excerpt from a larger, incomplete chapter.
Stanley slammed the door on his way out. He didn't really have anywhere else to go, though, so he didn't go anywhere. He sat on the porch and smoked, staring at these unfamiliar Northwest mountains and thinking about how stupid it was that this dumb argument had apparently lasted decades.
Stan was on his second cigarette when Fiddleford came out. Stan didn't turn around, but he could tell it was him. His steps were trying to be heavy, but he probably weighed half what any Pines did including their Ma, and was barefoot besides. He stomped unmenacingly over and sat on the stair beside Stan.
"Can I bum one of those," he said. He was glaring out at the woods like he wanted to punch the whole mountain range in it's big stupid face.
Stan tapped one out and passed it. He shared his flame. Fiddleford took a huge drag that doubled the volume of his chest and hissed it out.
"Trouble in Paradise?" Stan joked.
"Thought I'd finally talked some sense into that man," Fiddleford snapped. "Always gotta be the smartest in the room, with his twelve cotton-pickin doctorates and his one man research grant, don't he get you can't solve everything with just smarts."
Stan suddenly decided he liked this guy. "Yeah. Yeah, it's always, oOooh, if I'm the biggest genius they ever saw then they have to crown me the king of fucking France or whatever. Everything that goes right, it's 'cause he was just better. Anything goes wrong was a fluke. Like, geeze, man, maybe if your entire future rested in a seventeen year old's ability to break the laws of physics it's the system that's the problem, y'know?"
"EXACTLY!" Fiddleford flung his arms out. It almost hit Stan in the face. "He did good in school, and I'm real happy for him, I really am! But it's like, we were in the same classes, and goshdurn it, I was better than him! So what's this magical force what makes him think everyone who didn't get where he did just didn't try hard enough?"
Fiddleford was starting to lose him now, but Stan got the impression the guy needed to vent from how loud it was coming out, so he didn't say anything.
"I tried, Doctor Stanford Pines, I tried till it almost killed me, and then I help you try til that almost kills me too! Maybe your dreams ain't worth all that!"
"Oh, yeah. And, like, maybe your dreams ain't everyone else's dream, too," Stanley said. It probably wasn't a fair thought, but it was one that came on him all the time in motels and WalMart parking lots: what the hell were dreams worth, if you went one way and he went the other and neither of you ever got to see each other again?
Fiddleford glanced over and huffed a smokey laugh. "Truth. Not sure how many daddies and doctor types need to hear that." Fiddleford wrinkled his nose. "Ack, forgot how foul these are."
"Then why'd you bum one?"
"Hoping to trick myself into thinking it was something stronger, I guess," he said, scraping out the lit end on the porch and leaving it in case Stan wanted the other half.
Stan side-eyed him. "You payin'?"
Fiddleford looked over at him in surprise. Then down.
Stan was peeking a baggie out of his inner coat pocket. It wasn't much, maybe half an ounce, and it was cheap shit. But hey. A sale's a sale.
Fiddleford didn't even ask. He just pulled a fifty, threw it at Stan, and snatched the bag. Stan passed him a box of rolling paper, and Fiddleford rolled first one, than a second, out with astonishing dexterity.
"Shit, you know your stuff."
"I had a social life in school."
He offered one to Stan, who lit them both up. Fiddleford lay back on the porch and sighed deeply.
"So. What's the story here?" Stan asked.
"Oh, Stanford's my best friend," Fiddleford said. "And as much as I hate to say it, your brother really is all that. Not only the biggest genius I ever met, but one of the best academics to boot. Brains alone don't get degrees."
"And now, uh, what's going on?"
"Oh, right. Sorry, we've been awful." Fiddleford sat up and occipied his hands by making more joints, resting his own on the stair between tokes. "Doctor Pines is here on grant money he got after groundbreaking solo research and a very impressive proof of concept at a conference a few years back. Now, I don't suppose you'd know much about academic politics, Mister Pines, but that is what we call a very big deal, especially when you look at what they gave him. And if I'm being completely frank, it's not primarily the work that's good. The man could convince the board to dig a canal in Arizona."
"What? Sixer?" Stanley laughed. He noticed, but didn't quite register Fiddleford's flinch at the name. "Guy never took a date to a school dance in his life."
"Maybe he ought've asked more funding admins."
Stanley chuckled. The weed was definitely helping.
"Anyhow, part of what he was doing here was building this big -" Fiddleford sucked from his joint, gestured lamely, lost his words - "I don't know how to describe it in plain speak. It's a doohickey."
"A doohicky."
"Portal, let's say. Real spaceman bullhockey. Let's just say, me'n him are close on the only ones as could do it, this stuff is mathematically on the edge of impossible."
"You an him, huh?"
"Oh, alright," Fiddleford said, grinning, rolling out the last of his little arts and crafts project. "Me. I'm the only one could build it. I weren't lying when I said I'm better'n him."
Stan coughed laughing. "Got a big head on your shoulders?"
"Hardly. I'm an engineer. Not an academic."
"Yeah, yeah. Smart guys. Look, I'm just a schlub."
Fiddleford's face fell. "Sorry, I don't mean that- oh, shucks, my wife always warned me I gotta watch what I say about that sort of thing. I didn't mean nothing by it. Having brains don't measure a man's worth, I know that more'n most."
"Aw, it's nothing," Stan said, made big-hearted and quick to forgive by the drugs. "You're good in my book."
Fiddleford was out of weed. He tucked what he'd made back into the bag and sealed it. When he gazed out at the woods this time, his anger had softened to irritation. "Anyway, I come out here to help him with his work. And believe me, it's good. He's got a one-of-a-kind opportunity here. But Stanford Pines is one of those Victorian types says discovery is all about taking risks, and let's just say when he takes risks I always seem to be the one who ends up with something broke."
"Aw man. I'm sorry. Seriously."
"First there was the Grenloblin, which is a horrid creature, by the way, then that cat-tannin' shapeshifter he kept as a pet even when it began to talk to us-"
"Wait, what?"
"And the gnome debacle keeps coming back to bite us, can't keep the windows sealed tight enough,"
"And then that FUCKING demon."
Fiddleford abruptly stopped talking. He took another toke. His free hand was clenched into a shaking fist. Stan stared.
"What do you guys research, exactly?"
"Anomalies," said Fiddleford.
"Like, what, two-headed calves and shit?"
"That'd work. But Gravity Falls has gnomes."
"Little men in red hats."
"Little men in red hats."
"You're shitting me."
"I swear to you I am not."
"Don't suppose the bud went bad..."
"You'll see in the morning. I'll show you."
"You just described a bunch of dangerous shit. And also gnomes, I guess. Do I want to see it all?"
"Believe me, the most 'dangerous shit' is in this house."
Stanley, being an idiot but not that much of an idiot, was about to press him further. They were interrupted by the door, though, and his dumb brother's disapproval.
"Are you two smoking cannabis?" Ford demanded. Stanley chuckled at how much he sounded like a pearl-clutching old woman.
"Yes we are, and you're partaking," Fiddleford said, pulling out a joint. "We're making up for lost time, come on."
Stanford glared daggers. "I am not."
Fiddleford fell back on the porch, stretched his legs out in front of him, and stared upside-down up at Stanford.
"You owe meeeeeeee."
Stanford kept glaring. Then he glared at Stanley, who shrugged.
"Did you bring this?" Ford snapped.
"Technically, but I didn't offer. He asked."
Fiddleford wiggled the outstretched joint.
Stanley had no idea the look on Stanford's face was, aside from uncomfortable, but the guy relented. He stepped forward, sat as far as he could from the other two, and gingerly picked up the joint. Stan tossed him the lighter, knowing very well that he wouldn't have his own. The other boys laughed at him when he struggled to get it lit right.
"Don't worry, Doctor Pines, I'm here for you," said Fiddleford in a fond, dreamy voice.
"Very reassuring, thank you," Stanford growled.
It was endearing. It was, hell, it was cute. Despite the blow-up inside, Stan was kind of... glad? that Stanford had apparently made an actual, honest-to-god friend.
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