#( grace | musings )
yesterdaysprint · 1 year
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A Manual of Etiquette with Hints on Politeness and Good Breeding, 1868
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reddamselette · 4 months
“Your hair is getting long. Gonna cut it?” Leo asked, tilting his head to the side as he crossed his ankles and leaned against the headboard, watching from the bed as Jason rinsed his mouth of toothpaste and shut the lights off.
Jason hummed, walking over to Leo before he crawled over him and collapsed onto the bed. He propped his head up against the palm of his hand, blue eyes roaming Leo’s face with a sweet smile. “I don’t think so. We’ll be matching.”
He gripped each side of the sink, his knuckles turning white as his head hung forward and he sniffed through sobs, choking and swallowing thickly each time he drew in a deep breath. Teardrops fell into the sink along with water from soaked hair. Jason’s hair was getting long and Leo wasn’t around to see it and match.
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hazellvsq · 1 year
hazel drawing her friends
she doesn't draw leo's face bc she's drawn that same face before and its very weird for her but she'll draw faraway shots of him steering the ship like an 18th century sea captain
she drew festus too, asleep but still frightening
piper's self conscious about being drawn but hazel loves her and loves how she looks and spends a lot of time trying to capture what makes piper so magnetic
she herself is kind of self conscious about drawing reyna or annabeth but she draws them in each other's clothes - reyna in jorts, annabeth in a toga and cape - and they both think its funny as hell
hazel draws reyna's dogs too. they pose for her and everything.
obviously arion is her top model
she draws frank all the time and it makes him blush. she'll draw frank drinking juice and caption it "frank drinking juice"
she drew frank in a world war one uniform for childhood crush reasons but felt like something was missing so she drew him in a plane that was about to crash and ended up getting super invested in the plane detail so its a very dramatic drawing. frank was like "uuhhh why am i getting shot down?" and she was like "clearly you don't understand art???"
she draws nico and gives him better hair bc she's nice
she also gives him a cool vintage car in some pictures. or a vespa.
she won't do a self-portrait
she draws percy destroying the glacier, like if the son of neptune cover was drawn by a non-professional artist.
she had one drawing of jason based on the day that she met him at camp jupiter. it was not a good day for her bc she was newly resurrected and very scared. it is a very good technical drawing of jason, and he looks powerful and strong, but he has intense eyes with no expression behind them and there is a very unnerving feeling to the drawing itself.
to piper and leo it reminds them a little of when jason had amnesia, but this is a drawing of him before that, which is not quite accurate to how hazel perceived him or to how he really was. its probably hazel's best work but it makes her and everyone a little uncomfortable.
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inafieldofdaisies · 2 months
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quinloki · 3 months
I gotta take a moment and say a thing:
Stop expecting perfection from people.
I mean. Especially singular individuals on the internet.
People aren’t going to know everything. I don’t know everything. YOU do not know everything. You can dedicate your life to a singular topic and still not know everything.
So perfection is impossible.
Social media artists cannot be held to celebrity or business standards. We don’t have copywriters or law teams or press liaisons.
Assuming someone knows the intricacies of English enough to be perfect in it is classist/ableist at best, and assumptive at the least. I know one language, I went to college to learn about this singular language, and I can promise you, i fuck up wrtijg and speaking English CONSTANTLY.
Hounding someone from behind anon is bullying. If you mean to help educate or enlighten someone, be sure enough in your knowledge and conviction to do it with your entire face, or just move on. I’m irritated seeing perfectly decent people pestered by pedantic cravens who can’t even own their views honestly.
And if you don’t want to be put on blast for “trying to help”, then realize your convictions are thus, and move on.
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annahanover · 1 month
i was making gifs and i noticed this-
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grace looks... pained when she calls herself a dirty girl. she looks disgusted. and i- i just fucking can't with this tonight.
promise me you'll think about the implications.
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strivia · 1 year
Freddie/Grace/Pan OT3 thoughts, they consume me. Mostly metamours Freddie and Pan thoughts tbh. I love them. (And so does Grace 🥰)
When Grace is kissing the other they make a show of being like "ughhh get a room gross" until Grace kisses them too. They're failing to hide their little grin though. It's that sort of OT3
Freddie and Pan end up being surprisingly casually tactile. Like Freddie just flops onto the couch with her head in Pan's lap and starts rambling about something y'know? Are you seeing my vision?
I just need them lying on the couch together and Freddie shoving her hat between them playfully when he tries to kiss her cheek.
The banter. So much banter!!
Playful group dancing around the apartment.
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sunriseindigo · 3 months
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happy birthday min 💜
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lovebites-posts · 3 months
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rorimoon9597 · 1 month
I'm rereading Titan's Curse, and I've realised that the only reason why Bianca and Nico were even safe from Thorn in the end was because of Percy.
He went to get them without Thalia, Annabelle and Grover's help. Then he was captured along with them, and it was the empathy link that he had with Grover that let the other three find Percy, Bianca and Nico.
Percy's stupid decision to go and get Bianca and Nico with no backup was probably the only thing that saved them that night.
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reddamselette · 5 months
photographer jason grace who has a habit of taking pictures of leo whenever he doesn’t expect it. leo has never seen the photos, jason pretends to have deleted them but in reality, he’s developed the photos and he has them tucked away into an album among many. he’s been taking photos of leo since he was able to handle a camera.
jason thinks that of everything he's captured, of every sunset and sunrise, every field and every snowstorm, every strike of lightning and glass covered in rain, each scene with his friends hanging out; leo valdez is the best muse anyone could ever ask for
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inafieldofdaisies · 2 months
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royal-wren · 1 month
im a bit confused on if the mousai were worshipped? if so, do u have any resources?
They definitely were! Their worship typically accompanied many of the major Olympians and minor Olympians like the Kharites. There are three elder Mousai (Muses) including Mnemosyne (Memory) who is the mother of the nine Mousai most popular, and after them are the Mousai who are children of Apollon. They are led by Apollon and Artemis, give their assistance, and follow Aphrodite, Athene, Dionysos, (usually not listed: Hephaistos), and Hermes, and they are companions of the Kharites. You can learn about the individual Muses names here. Further basic introduction to their worship can also be found here.
Sources to read up on their worship and about them:
Sanctuary of the Muses at Thespiai
Cults of Female Deities at Dion by Semeli Pingiatoglou
Music and the Muses: The Culture of Mousike in the Classical Athenian City
Apollo and the Muses, or prophecy in Greek verse by H. W. Parke
The Mousai on Perseus
The Nine Muses of Greek Mythology: Their Place and Purpose in Our Lives Today by Shelley S. Glickstein (Unfortunately there is nothing online and you'd have to get it at a library or buy it maybe)
Starting from the Muses: Engaging Moral Imagination through Memory’s Many Gifts by Guy Axtell
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pthalomars · 2 years
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You won't get much closer 'till you sacrifice it all
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thinking about how percy was more of a brother to thalia than jason ever was
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hogoflight · 1 year
maybe this should go without saying but Aphrodite, the graces, Apollo and the muses could absolutely have sleepovers where they gossip (SO MUCH) and talk their crushes together and wingman each other whilst braiding each others’ hair.
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