#( horror verse ).
writingsofwesteros · 10 months
Aegon, Aemond, Jace and Cregan are killers who stalk the college house you are in.
Fortunately...or unfortunately...they want you
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rabidwerechihuahua · 2 months
“I wish this heart had a voice without connoting consequence. To elucidate my pain, raining rose glass shatters at my feet; And I fear not only its rhythmic pulsations in need. Stuttering pleas, infernal; to echo through my chest. The bluff, wavered by a hair's breadth in my feelings’ fruitless attempts to flee.” ~ [Penning as Quentin Bobbits] Milo
Been thinking about posting more quotes, and written works of Milo and his viewpoints as well as more of my art, UwU is a good place to start, methinks.
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visgrapplinghooks · 2 years
In the back of my head, In the back of my mind, I hear voices, Whispers.
The whispers, They tell me many things, Wonderful, horrible, Loving, cruel.
So cruel, The things they tell me, They love my fear, They steal my breath.
My breath slows, As does my heart, I listen carefully, Listen to the whispers.
The whispers, They bid me to follow, Follow them into the dark, And trust them.
I trust the whispers, They tell me many things.
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wheelrismsarchived · 2 years
I need a horror verse for Nancy. It’s a need now.
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adaki · 2 months
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Wanted to do some biblically accurate mh art
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j0celynh0rr0r · 2 months
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Burn them all
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lovestaged · 1 year
horror verse starter, open to all!
for the longest time, queenie has thought the only place that she's always felt the most at home is the stage. she would insist that it's the only place she could feel like herself. she has always found it rather proud, and fascinating that stage fright is just something that doesn't exist in her life. from a young age, she has enjoyed every single chance of being on stage, liked all the spotlight on her that it's too bright and blinding to see anything else properly—especially her parents' ever judging gazes. that had developed into some sort of habit, that she would find her way to any stage that she is set to perform the next day on the previous night, when all staff has left and there's no one left in sight except for herself. it has made it easier, and calming for some last minute practice, and most importantly, it takes the burdening pressure off just a little. this would be the only time mistakes could be tolerated, and unnoticed. because no one would be around. because she could not bear to have her weak, prone to mistakes side shown to anyone else. because mistakes don't knock her down. it's knowing that other people are watching that does. yet now, a surprised yelp escapes her as she trips over her own foot, knees hitting the stage ground hard as palms reach out to break the fall a little, the microphone in her hand making an ugly sound as it hits the ground and rolls away, and it's sounded piercing to her. so she immediately brings her hands to her ears, as if that could block it, and the sharp shriek of the ghosts around her. she shouldn't have done that. to do so would mean that she's acknowledging that she could see them, and they have succeeded in being more than an eyesore in her daily life. to do so would mean they're affecting her more than she is willing to admit. and unfortunately, she isn't the only one who's aware of that. one of the ghosts—with bloody tears spilling over and dark mouth pulling back to reveal misshaped, dirty teeth had its face too close to her, and siyue instinctively squeezed her eyes shut, raven hair falling forward as if that could shield her. she tries to move back, but it's hard to even breath. it's as if they're squeezing her in from all sides. biting down on her lower lip hard, she thought she could taste blood. but even that would be better, because for what it's worth, she refuses to give them the satisfaction of hearing her scream in fear. she would just have to wait it out. as always. they would go away soon, like they always do, right?
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The church bells are ringing from beneath. And as the bridegroom staggers back, aghast, he sees the angels part, and his promised bride comes forward to the head of the procession. Swept inland upon new towering legs, smiling as she strides forwards to meet him.
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possession1981-moving · 4 months
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THE FIRST OMEN dir. Arkasha Stevenson, 2024
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mokadevs · 5 months
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🐑 Prey at the Altar 🐑
You are the lamb. Prepare yourself for sacrifice. A short RPGMaker Horror game about cults and the gods that love them by versegm & mokadevs.
Download on itch!
A game including:
Preparing yourself for your sacrifice.
Or not. Or messing it up on purpose.
3 Endings, with 2 'True' Variants
20 - 40 minutes of gameplay
In-depth discussions on the practicality of sleeping on pews.
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I love horror podcasts because you can be doing all the mundane things of every day life but there's always someone crying, whimpering or screaming in the background and I feel like that elevates the experience
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writingsofwesteros · 10 months
It would be hotter if she was with one of them as well - in the horror verse ;)
!! So true !! I don't think Aegon as he fits the flirtatious, crude time that always has her blushing and moving into her boyfriend's arm who smirks at Aegon.
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valtsv · 12 days
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visgrapplinghooks · 2 years
Drip, drip, drip, Little droplets dripped, Down, down, down; From the ceiling, To the ground.
Drip, drip, drip, Little red droplets drip, Down, down, down; From the ceiling, To the ground.
Drip, drip, drip, A metallic scent filled the air, It dragged me down, Down, down; From the ceiling, To the ground.
Squish, squish, squish, A wet, wet sound, That dragged me down, Down, down; Far beneath the ground.
Drip, drip, drip, I looked up and saw a face, It drip, drip, dripped; Red tears falling, Down, down, down, To the ground.
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3cosmicfrogs · 8 days
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the silt verses
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lunacias · 2 months
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(Silence. CARPENTER tries to rally HAYWARD's spirits. She's afraid she's going to lose him.)
"All three of us - we can all go on living, Hayward. Just like you said."
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