#( just a heads up )
thatdogmagic · 2 months
Hey bro did u hear there's something going on over at werewolvesversus.site 👀
Got plenty of new art but most've it'll start appearing over there. This place'll get the old art/stuff I posted else-site but never managed to get around to posting here, but from here on out, so far as the new shit's concerned, there is~~
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idledearest · 2 months
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(WIP) Mr 'blue shit' man looks annoyed 🥺
have a pokey!!! finally with his mask this time (ft. wiggywig's arm on the left)
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Part 2 - Work Introductions
Autumn Embers Masterlist
CW: Mentions of child loss, mentions of medical neglect/abuse, mentions of reproductive abuse, mentions of pregnancy complications and death, mentions of racism, sexism (in an omegaverse way), Brandon (unfortunately living), real world references
Data entry and analysis isn’t the most exciting job in the world, no matter what kind of fancy title you’re given, but it pays the bills. Working on a military base isn’t ideal, but the benefits are nothing to sneeze at. And most days, you get to sit alone and uninterrupted, in your own office, instead of in a cramped cubicle.
On Tuesday, you’re startled out of your audiobook by a gentle knock on your desk. Sherry, your immediate superior, gives an awkward little wave and waits for you to finish your line and mute your music.
“Hey, I’m so sorry about this,” she says, as soon as your headphones are clear. “You remember those port reports from Honduras? Some of the senior analysts have some questions for you? They’re currently in a meeting and requested some clarification…?”
You wait, but she doesn’t say anything else. “…what do they want to know?”
“Oh, they didn’t tell me, I’m sorry,” Sherry says. “They asked if you could… Well, they need you to attend the meeting. Right now.”
“Do I even have the clearance for that kind of meeting?” You stand without waiting for an answer and disconnect your laptop from the dock. With it tucked under your arm, you grab a notebook and pen, as well as your water bottle.
Sherry leads the way out of the office. “I know you submitted these reports two weeks ago, and your notations are excellent. I think the problem is with one of the flagged ship manifests, but they wouldn’t clarify why they were concerned. Couldn’t get a word in edgewise.”
Her apologetic air suddenly makes sense. “Brandon’s in there, isn’t he?”
Sherry grimaces. “I’m so, so sorry. It’s him and a few alphas. There’s an American CIA agent as well.”
“So I absolutely don’t have the clearance for this meeting,” you sigh. “Great.”
A short elevator ride and two halls away, you take a fortifying breath before you step into an occupied meeting room. Brandon’s is the first face you see, and when he sees you the corners of his lips turn up in an infuriating smile. Next to him, another senior analyst’s eyebrows pop up, but Andrew actually looks happy to see you.
Before the door can close behind you, a blonde, American alpha stands and offers her hand in a no-nonsense shake. “Kate Laswell. We appreciate you being so prompt.”
“Of course,” you answer. Unfortunately, your attention is a little torn. All four members of the 141 are sitting at the table, looking at you curiously. Sergent MacTavish grins like a wolf. Captain Price tips his chin up just enough that you know he’s scenting you. Lieutenant Riley, face covered from the nose down in a black neck gaiter, gives you a quick once over that makes you want to shiver. But you’re a professional, so instead of fleeing you take the nearest seat, across from a smiling Sergent Garrick. You fold both of your hands on top of the table, the very picture of accommodating and helpful, “What can I assist you with?”
“Why’d you flag this shipping manifest,” Brandon asks. The projector at the front of the room switches to a document that would be barely legible, even without the distortion of zoom.
“You’re going to have to be more specific,” you tell him, flipping your laptop open. “What’s the file name?”
“Honduras,” Brandon says, Port Cortez.”
“Puerto Cortes,” you correct. And seeing as it’s the largest seaport in Central America, I’ve combed through literally hundreds of manifests, you think, but don’t say. “I’m going to have to ask you to be a bit more specific. The projector isn’t easy to read.”
“You flagged this manifest for a Korean ship.”
You jump when Sergent Garrick says, “Christ, mate, just give her the file name.”
Lieutenant Riley gives a cough that sounds suspiciously like a laugh. You think you see MacTavish still grinning at you out of the corner of your eye. Laswell rattles off the document name without looking.
As soon as the document loads, you know exactly why Brandon and Andrew are confused. And you know that the following conversation is going to be so unpleasant that you shoot off a quick email to take the rest of the day off once this meeting ends.
You take a deep breath, let it out slowly. “The manifest is inconsistent with previous patterns from that particular port and that particular captain and crew. As I noted, the four containers from Venusian Pharmaceuticals wouldn’t have made it on the ship do to political and economic pressures.”
Brandon doesn’t bother to look at you when he asks, “What pressures?”
Laswell interjects before you can answer, “Leaked internal communications provided evidence that Cloudstone Pharm was selling tampered heat suppressants and birth control in various black markets. The 4B movement in South Korea had been calling for an investigation for years by that point. A lot of omegas were killed because of mis-labeled medications. Pregnancy and birth related complications.”
“I remember that. It was, what, five, more years ago?” Lieutenant Riley asks. “Had an entire re-brand. Cloudstone to Venusian. Everything went from blues and whites to greens and yellows.”
“Okay, so the containers had a bit of extra security to get onto the ship,” Brandon says, before you can get over the shock of two alphas in a room who know anything about even the broad strokes of omega health care. “There’s protesters at every major port for one thing or another.”
“Even if they’d gotten on the ship, they wouldn’t have made it to Puerto Cortes,” you counter. “The captain lost two of his kids because of their medications. He’s had his crew dump the containers and alter manifests before. He was investigated for it, but his crew wouldn’t speak against him.”
Brandon frowns. “How do we know he didn’t get paid off?”
How do we know the omegas weren’t worth less than a cash payment? Your throat feels like closing in on itself. You keep your voice as steady as you can. “He wouldn’t have been.”
“How do you know?”
Andrew, eyes darting between you and Brandon, tries to interrupt. “Well-”
“Because he made the autopsy reports for both of his sons public,” you answer. You have to force your jaw to unclench. “Along with pictures and videos of how sick they were before they passed, before anyone knew what was really wrong with them. And the executives of Cloudstone, an American company, laughed. Called them slurs and ignorant animals in emails and meeting memos that were later leaked to the public.”
Across from you, Garrick is not smiling anymore. “That’s… disgusting.”
“Cloudstone struggled to recover in eastern Asian markets, even with the re-brand,” you continue, then take a deep breath and let it out slowly. “And all of this was in my report.”
“Your job isn’t to provide those kinds of references. You’re not trained for it. There were a couple of links to articles,” Brandon dismisses. “Not enough to-”
“One of his sons experienced total organ failure,” you interrupt, closing your laptop. You know your scent must be all over the place, but the subject matter was already touchy. Now he’s questioning your work and misrepresenting your job duties? Oh, fuck him. “Because he was on incorrectly administered fertility treatments that were disguised as birth control, he had a high-risk pregnancy with multiples. And then his medications were switched with heat inducers. His other son had rapid onset neuropathy and multiple strokes within a week. Neither of his sons wanted to have children. One of them couldn’t, biologically, because it would have killed him anyways. And their partners decided that they didn’t care.”
Brandon wrinkles his nose at you. “No need to get so worked up.”
You practically feel the way your scent goes hot and acrid. Where most omegas have a distress scent that is sickly sweet, yours is much closer to an alpha’s shock scent. Your parents used to call you “Wildfire” because of it. You watch the hairs on Garrik’s arms stand up.
You can barely smell Andrew’s nervous distress over your rage. “Okay, yeah, that’s plenty. The captain wouldn’t have taken the containers.”
“Is there a reason you didn’t consult the references I added into the report?” You know the sudden calm in your voice, the relaxing of your posture, is at odds with the way your anger scent gets stronger. You’ve been told it’s a sensory nightmare, so you only do it when someone tells you you’re not calm enough. You fold your hands on the table again. “Because I included original and translated sources, according to the standards of the department.”
The room is silent. All seven alphas are agitated. You can only pick out MacTavish’s scent, muddled and frustrated. Andrew opens his mouth, closes it. Finally says, “I didn’t receive the references.”
“Senior analyst Lawrence received the full report directly,” you say, holding eye contact with Brandon. “But I know how emails can get lost. I would be happy to send them again. I’ll CC you, and request that your access to the full drive be confirmed. Sir. Is there anything else I can assist the team with?”
Laswell scrawls something on a sticky note and passes it over to you. “Please also include me on those emails.”
You give her your most demure smile. “Unfortunately, Agent Laswell, I don’t have the clearance to send reports outside of the department. I would be happy to help you coordinate that with senior analysts Lawrence and Bennett.”
You pluck the sticky note from her hand, stand, and gather up your laptop, notebook, and water bottle. When you have everything, you pass behind her to where Brandon and Andrew are sitting. Deliberately putting yourself at Brandon’s back, you hand the note to Andrew with a placid smile. “Agent Laswell requests that you provide her with the full report.”
Brandon smells disconcerted, trapped in his seat with your scent roaring as you stand just inside of his blind spot. Andrew, for his part, only hesitates for a moment before taking the offered sticky note, looking from you to Laswell to Brandon and back. “Thank you.”
“Of course, sir.” Butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth. “Is there anything else I can assist you with?”
“I… believe that will be all…?”
“Of course, sir. Thank you, sir.” You cement your little performance with a perfectly deferential partial curtsy to Andrew, then to the rest of the room. “Please do not hesitate to let me know if there’s anything else I can do the support the team.”
As the door shuts behind you, you hear Captain Price’s voice for the first time. “Goddamn. That is a woman capable of murder.”
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feli026 · 7 months
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that's the tea ✨️
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eeveeights · 1 year
melanie king
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wtfforged · 28 days
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i was supposed to post these ummm. whenever i did that poll eons ago. but then i didnt because i was ❤️ shy ❤️. so im dumping them all now
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emersonfreepress · 18 days
going under the knife again in a couple hours 😑 here's hoping it's the last time in a long effing time 🤞🏾🤞🏾
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occudo · 7 months
Everyone who sends asks, I love you guys, I just want to include drawings for most of them, and I don't always have the energy and stuff- but! I got a couple of (mostly magus au) asks answered, so get ready for those, and then me disappearing for the next week or so
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ghuleh-recs · 3 months
It won’t matter much longer but I’ve noticed that tumblr has been suggesting the tag “rite here right now spoilers” and I’ve been seeing a TON of incorrectly tagged spoilers. (Myself included. Thank you, anon who pointed it out.) So please double check when you’re tagging that it’s the correct spelling OR if you’re filtering, be sure to add the incorrect spelling to your blocked tags.
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areslikethegod · 3 months
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<3 ozzie and fizz <3
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das-a-kirby-blog · 2 months
probably gonna be a lack of art for a tad bit because I got like a lot of art things I need to finish...plus school just started
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esamastation · 7 months
Oh, joy, migraine season is upon me
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So for the new followers: that Stacey's Mom submission is actually exactly how I want joke/fandom posts to be. Plausible and realistic, until it nails the reveal at the end and tells you what's going on. If you're on the ball you can call it early, but it's not so obvious that the callback isn't a delight anyway. I will always* tag those with "#fandom aita" and "#unreality" as well as putting a joke poll option, so if that's not your cup of tea, feel free to filter those tags.
*unless it's one I don't catch--those do happen sometimes, I don't know all the media out there
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boyofzoot · 4 months
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mpliego · 2 years
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“There's more to it than you're telling.” “There's always more.”
prints available on my society6
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slime-sandwhich-nom · 6 months
Haha..new tawog hcs <3
(also my mom always told me I was exactly like Gumball and I never forgot about it)
- gumball loves horror, horror films, games anything. Darwin does not.
- gumball standard face is :3, the problem is that people can't understand if he's smiling mischievously or if it's his normal face.
- gumball when he was younger liked to snooze in Darwin's bowl.
Darwin had to sleep in the bathtub sometimes for it
- Carrie feels lonely because she can't touch anything, not even Darwin. She feels alone despite being in a room with so many people.
- penny flirts, Gumball gets flustered.
- gumball enjoys saying words in different languages, he likes to say ciao, hola, excusez-moi,Nǐ hǎo and more. It's simple words really, hello, excuse me, or words of objects like pants, paper, anything. He just likes to do that.
- Darwin likes to hum parts of songs, while instead gumball likes to make little noises.
Darwin says that if he hears weird noises around him he knows he's not going crazy it's just gumball.
- gumball speaks alone, he just speaks out loud to himself (got it from his grandma.), Darwin instead likes to write (no matter how bad his handwriting is.) he just keeps a diary no one can read and instead looks like some kind of secret code.
- Richard knows how to cook, he's just too lazy to do so. Sometimes he does cook whenever Nicole can't because she's too tired.
- Nicole suffers of insomnia.
- gumball is he sits still for too long will start rocking slightly unconsciously, he doesn't even notice it when he does it.
- Darwin has abandonment issues, which explains his jealousy whenever gumball and penny hang out.
it surely does annoy gumball because he can't properly enjoy some time alone with his girlfriend, but he gets where Darwin comes from, so he doesn't get mad, but he gets annoyed still.
Gumball makes up for Darwin by hanging out with him the next day.
- Anais is.. lonely. The only time she ever gets someone to hang out with is Polly. Whenever gumball is babysitting her.
But it's still lonely for Anais since it's not that often.
- when people say Gumball is anxious and paranoid, they ain't joking. Gumball is genuinely anxious about anything, talking to people he doesn't know, going in public, coming in late, coming in too early, what if this happens, what if that happens. He just pretends he's all good (he is very much not)
- Darwin always wonders what would happen if they were fictional, who would be he shipped with.
Gumball knows that answer very well. He decides to stay silent for his brother's mental health. (He saw things that he shouldn't have)
- gumball is the kid who says romance is disgusting but then gets all lovely dovely with his girlfriend
- gumball originally wanted the bed on top because he enjoyed watching everyone from up there but Darwin wanted him by his side at night so he just got the bottom one.
- gumball is the one asking "would you still love me if I was a worm" in the relationship.
- Nicole is not a cat person, and it's actually a thing between cats. For example my eldest cat HATES other cats, it took him ages to get used to the new kitten. Oh but he's super friendly and cuddly with new people! He loves anything that isn't a cat. He purrs and cuddles.
So yeah. Nicole doesn't enjoy the presence of other cats around, unless it's a cat she knows, like her parents or his son. (It's a territory thing for cats, btw.)
- Darwin sometime pets gumball with his feet. Gumball lets him until it gets annoying.
- gumball sometimes joins in the gossip between masami and Leslie.
- Penny's dad is tormented by gumball. He's like when a cat goes specifically to the people who don't like cats and ignore everyone else. That's exactly their relationship.
Y'know the whole "I bought a cat despite my dad not wanting it" situation? Yeah. That's gumball and penny's family.
- Anais once ran a business where she sold candy, and she got money instead. Didn't run for long because president brown treated it like some illegal drug situation or something
- gumball when he was younger was that one kid who looks cute and acts innocent around adults but he's a nightmare to the other kids his age. He still is, he's just everyone's problem now.
- once in class they talked about scoliosis or any problem of posture and it took weeks for gumball to convince Darwin that he did not have scoliosis or any of the other things, he's just a cat and cats are built weird. It's normal.
- whenever Gumball coughs he sounds like a dying man who has smoked for 30 years, no one knows why but it scares the shit out of everyone each time.
- gumball thrives in dresses. He's the prettiest girl at the party.
- honestly gumball is just a crazy bastard, in the real sense. Like he's fully unhinged and it's not even funny, penny is dating some kind of maniac who will literally kill people just because he wants to prove a point (and he did already in the show. Multiple times.)
And..she still loves him and she just says "it's part of his charm."
- gumball whenever he has to go to the doctor (or vet, in his case.) has to be tied up and sedated real hard because he just hates hospitals. He just hates any hospital, doctor, vet, anything. He hates being there, it makes him super uncomfortable and he has tried before to escape but ended up doing more damage than anything
Anais Is only scared like a little kid, nothing wrong with that, usually it's Darwin to hold her hands (gumball can't because he's busy not being at the doctor. He doesn't wanna go near anything that relates to a doctor or a hospital.)
Darwin is relatively calm at the doctor's appointment (he cries after because he was real scared but was very brave.)
- the reason why gumball hardly gets sick (and if he does is because he makes himself sick just to skip school.) is because he was basically FED antibiotics when he was a toddler. His mother was just very anxious about gumball and his health.
then there's Anais, getting sick once a week.
- Gumball ironically thought of becoming a doctor once, simply because the subject itself is interesting. buttt he gave it up because he's too lazy to actually study all that crap.
- gumball either doesn't remember any of his dreams, or if he does it feels like something that actually happen (it didn't) or he was high or something.
Darwin remembers them very clearly and enjoys talking about it! They are nonsensical though.
Anais actually has.. somewhat..normal dreams? She dreams about daisy anyway.
- sometimes Leslie asks gumball genuine opinion on boys in terms of dating, since Leslie only knows gumball who (as a guy) likes guys. The rest seem to be straight (therefore will only talk to you about girls, instead of boys) or just aren't interested in dating.
..only because gumball actually has good points and good taste. In both boys and girls. (But Leslie is interested in boys.)
- gumball sometimes says that penny looks like a sunset and that he would prefer seeing her over the actual sunset, she hasn't recovered from it still.
- gumball figured out he was bisex because before he had a crush on penny he actively thought a few guys in his school were cute and he would date them if he had the chance. Probably had a crush on one or two of 'em.
- in the Wattersons house there's this rule of "don't trust gumball if he's either sleep deprived or after 8pm" because he'll start spitting stuff like "your nervous system has no idea your eyes exist so once they find out, you are already blind because the nervous system sees them as a threat." Or "you can get an aneurysm at any time no matter how healthy you are" and it freaks Darwin out to the point he can't sleep.
so they told Darwin, gumball just lies by 8pm and doesn't think straight when sleep deprived. Just so Darwin can sleep.
- penny is a gumball apologist. Yes her boyfriend is a dumbass and yes he did nothing wrong (she absolutely knows gumball is totally in the wrong most of the time but she defends him nonetheless.)
- gumball is normally on his tippy toes, like any cat. So to reach Penny's cheek to kiss her he has to get on a stool, needs her to crouch down or she needs to pick him up.
- penny is going insane with the whole red flag, green flag, situationship, one month rule this one month rule that.. gumball instead has NO idea how to date or what to do but he's doing a better job than any guy in existence.
- Carrie and gumball hang around in hunted houses. For fun. Gumball is the "hey ghosts! It's ya boy!" Type.
- penny enjoys getting all dressed up whenever it's for a date and gumball is Adam Sandler walking around with his clothing style
- usually it's gumball who makes a ponytail for Anais with her ears.
- yeah gumball has a sister, you know he's well educated on periods and all that shit. (His mother got him ready before Anais was born for when she'll need help.)
- gumball is just not innocent. Not in the sense that he's dirty minded, it's that he just knows stuff normal kids his age don't.
He just acts clueless and dumb so people don't expect much from him, he's too lazy to get high expectations. but he's actually smart and more mature mentally than kids his age.
- Darwin HATES vomiting. Vomit. Anything related to that. He's not scared but really REALLY grossed out, can't even think about it he gets nauseous himself.
- Darwin takes ages to type on phone so he always asks gumball who's relatively fast.
- Darwin.. can't spell. Or at least, has difficulties in it. Gumball always messes with him by giving him the wrong spelling. Darwin never realizes.
- gumball has big difficulties in math. and ms. Simian doesn't make it easier for him.
- Darwin info dumps about sea animals. Gumball now know useless facts about sea animals. (Does not complain)
- gumball likes lemons...again something he shouldn't eat but he does anyway.
- the nickname gumball is from the fact that he tends to sleep tucked in like a ball, which looks like a blue gumball. People just started calling him constantly 'gumball' because it's funny when a cat has a stupid name. (Realistic to irl anyway)
- gumball has a problem with texture.
gumball has both problems with texture AND picky on his own, his mother is going insane with it.
- gumball and Nicole are the fastest in the family, gumball is the fastest in his class if we don't count bobert.
while Nicole shows often how fast she is, gumball is too lazy for that. At least for P.E.
Normally he slows down so Darwin can keep up with him.
- gumball enjoyed eating fish but since it made Darwin uncomfortable he stopped altogether.
- sometimes people tell Darwin that his brother doesn't love him, because cats "don't love you", and that most likely if Darwin dies gumball will eat him.
Darwin response is "okay, I'll let him. He's gotta eat if he's hungry."
- yes gumball often ignores everyone like general cats do. He moves his ears towards your direction but god forbid him to stop his session of watching people from the window and stalk them.
- the coach has to literally give gumball an extra prize (food for free for example) to "motivate him" to do any kind of exercise during P.E. otherwise that cat will never feel like doing unnecessary exercise.
(20% of the time it works.)
- having gumball as a student is like having this guy hang around without a care of the fact that you're here.
Darwin instead will follow instructions CONSTANTLY, sometimes too literally though.
- gumball when he was little used to grab birds or small animals and bring the home, he never really "hunted" them, he just wanted them as a friend in the house.
- gumball is just an average cat just with the ability to talk.
So this small little thing with a massive ego. Y'know, kitty cats!
Nicole is more traumatized than anything, she's the opposite of gumball but that's just because of trauma, really. She still hasn't healed fully from it.
- when gumball was younger he used to bring random food to Darwin because he thought his little brother wasn't capable of doing it himself- like when a cat hunts for you and brings you birds or mice. He's just tryna help.
Sometimes he still does.
- gumball tilts his head when he's confused and trying to understand something.
- cats..play with their food.
You know damn well gumball dies that too. Just not with food, he plays around with people. By making shenanigans and chaos around of course, all in good fun! So yeah he's entertaining himself while everyone screams around.
- gumball stress eats
- when gumball, or any of the Watterson kids need comfort, they go to their father. If they need advice and someone to kick ass, they go to their mother.
- gumball would rather adopt than getting Penny's pregnant. He knows what kind of stuff can happen with a pregnancy or giving birth (death, specifically.) and his anxious ass will not put his girlfriend through that.
- gumball is secretly a nerd. He particularly likes biology and psychology.
He hides this fact about him though, being a nerd at a middle school is like asking to be killed on the spot.
- just like for Darwin watching gumball's ears move individually and can do a 180° is freaky, for gumball it's weird looking at Darwin move his little fish tail at will.
- Darwin taught gumball how to swim like gumball taught Darwin how to walk.
- gumball's grandma (Nicole's mom) has definitely cried like once or twice just by looking at gumball. Because that's HER GRANDSON. And he's just so similar to her child, it's like watching both her little girl in front of her again and watching how much she has missed of Nicole's life.
Gumball's grandpa just calls gumball "Nicole."
"hey Nicole!"
"I'm gumball"
"same thing"
- gumball remembers everything. He pretends not to, but he does. Even if sometimes people say something else happened or have no memory of it, he just remembers it.
This means he remembers when rob killed his entire family in front of him, and gumball is still not fucking over it.
right after it he couldn't sleep or just HAD to cling to Darwin because he thought nothing would happen if he did. If gumball can't die because he's the protagonist, then if he clings to Darwin then neither can he.
Took weeks, painful weeks, of gumball recovering from a trauma only he remembers. His own family tried their best to help him while not even knowing what was bothering him.
Gumball doesn't hate rob but in that moment he wanted to kill him so bad, and he tried too (the only time gumball hates that his own show is family friendly and restrained him from hurting seriously rob)
- gumball wears clothes from the girl section because not only does they fit him better but because they are just more fun to pick (the boy section is just copy and paste. It's boring.)
- yes, Darwin's shoes are STILL the same one gumball gave him all those years ago. They are kind of falling apart but he always fixes them or changes them in order for them to fit
- gumball has a group chat but its members are all the characters that exists on cartoon network. Like yeah gumball is friends with uncle grandpa, yes with Clarence, yes with any character you can think of. They are all friends.
- gumball is the one who says "hear me out" to the most disgusting creatures ever existed.
In fact he constantly says hear me out to penny whenever she transforms into something she finds "ugly and disgusting"
he never means it sexually or anything, on one side it's a joke he likes to do to see people's reaction, on the other, he genuinely loves penny despite on how she looks and it makes her feel better whenever he says that, so.
(he literally fell in love with a walking peanut, if her turning into a dragon doesn't bring him to his knees then idk what does)
- gumball was the one kicking his feet whenever penny texted him or paid attention to him. he still does.
- people think gumball is insane, like genuinely he's mad. And he agrees
- honest I like to believe that in gumball's universe every other animal evolved, cats, bunnies, ect but humans did not or if they did, they are rare asf (reason why humans are "weird" in the gumball world) then other things started to appear, probably from radiations or something and that's where the objects started to walk around.
So everything is still modern but built not for humans but for animals/objects walking around
- Tobias and Leslie did date for a short,in secret, didn't work out too well.
Now for headcanons that I do have and did said before but saying them again
- gumball likes to hang out at Penny's just to loaf and sleep on her chest. She plays on his phone instead (Penny's dad is always worried they might be doing something freaky but that's all he sees.)
- gumball is that type of cat who sits weird as fuck. Like no he doesn't sit like a standard cat he SITS CRISS CROSS APPLESAUCE.
- Darwin has HUMAN feet. the rest is fish. Like when you glue two pieces of different toys together
- gumball is a lanky dude, like for cats he's a tall and lanky motherfucker (like his mother, for cats she's super tall just like her mother.) he just wears baggy clothes so he looks tiny (because he's a young kitten)
- gumball says ominous shit for fun
- gumball constantly slow blinks at penny, she thinks he's high or sleep deprived
- when gumball, or any character that has legs like a cat, deer, horse ect. Wears pants they look like "normal legs" (human legs.)
- gumball's tail is usually down, he's not sad or anything, he's neutral, but oh if he sees penny you see that tail raise AND vibrate (for a cat it means he's EXTRA happy to see you and that he missed you as well.)
- gumball is aware that he's in a cartoon, it's all he ever knew so he can't be upset at that if you never saw the world differently.
Ok I'm done Tumblr is starting to lag when I type on this
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