#( maybe~
2aceofspades · 9 months
Lil spoiler for EMD Chapter 14
but I'm sorryyy...~my brain has indeed been rotting~
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 6 months
You’re planning something on the 8th, aren’t you 👀
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wolfgirlguts · 1 month
kinda taking your last post as an invitation to say a little more Mar is some.. creature from space and a shadow monster? IDK hes someting for sure
u can do quite a lot with mar bc he's too curious for his own good :3c I personally dislike anything other than oral vore. but u can do hard vore if ur feeling like it :3c
In your first ask you wanted to make sure I didn't mind humanoids and let me tell you: I don't~
I mean, at the end of the day it's all meat, right?
Now, as much as I'd love to get my teeth into something out of this world, I've gotta make sure he lasts the whole 24 hours. Which is already a big ask in this abyss~
Time to make like a philosophical allegory and put some shadows in my cave
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italeean · 1 year
I probably shouldn't be up right now, but meh-
Here have a surprise
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(In reference to the silly misunderstanding we had with love ❤️)
Idk how much this obscenity remained in my ask box, but it still makes me gag 🤢
(For those who don't know, even the smell of bananas makes me feel nauseous... and I also don't think fruit belongs on pizza 😅)
I'm gonna get revenge for this offense, just you wait!
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luna-alatus · 2 years
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Bungo Stray dogs --------------------- - Chuuya Medium note: Hello little doves! I see you guys enjoyed my other BSD post ^^ and well- I decided to write another one! But this time considering I already did Dazai's- I'll give ya guys our favorite Mr. Fancy Hat he deserves it- especially after all that attention in the season 4 trailer Enjoy~! (will rewrite if out of character so tell me if he is pls ^^" if not then hurray and again, enjoy guys!) _______________________________________
"Did I seriously just get paired up with a ginger-haired brat..?"
Prompt: First meetings
Reader is non-binary
Meaning you can use any pronouns ya want ^^
Is this actually happening right now..? Right now, a man standing up at about 5'4 feet had just gotten a call from his boss whilst he was searching around his local grocery store. If the people close by said man would look closer they'd see that he seemed pretty pissed.. beyond pissed actually, and all of it was because of a certain boss of his. "You're being serious boss? You know I don't need no partner.. not after that bastard!-.. Mph.. tch, fine I am coming over. That partner of mine better not be annoying, alright.. I'll be there as soon as I can boss." As the ginger-haired male closed his phone, a scowl and hard glare could be seen directed at anyone and anything at the moment.. to the bystanders nearby since the male had a mask on they wouldn't exactly know what had caused the male such agitation that they seemed willing to kill anything in the vicinity. But oh if only they knew that this man.. was an executive in the most feared underground organization there is out there. The Port Mafia. --------------------------------------------
Executive: Chuuya Nakahara Ability: "For the Tainted Sorrow"
Arriving back to HQ, Chuuya was already in what he usually wore when he went to work. And well, he's still aggravated about the entire 'new partner' thing his boss, Mori Ogai had set up. Since when did he need a partner..? He was perfectly capable on his own, granted he can't use his ability to its fullest extent without that bandaged bastard anymore.. no, NO!!! No thinking about that bastard Chuuya, he's in the past!! Anyways.. right now as he passed what seemed to be endless hallways and corridors he had finally arrived at his boss's office.. and before entering the male had become slightly curious about who this new partner of his.. though, it wasn't to the extent that it got rid of his irritation of having to have a new partner. But alas, once Mori has made a decision there was 'no one' stopping him from making it. So, he got himself together and knocked on the office's door gently before entering once given permission to do so.
Before the ginger-headed fancy hat came... "Mori.. I don't need a partner. How many times do I have to tell you this already?!?!?" The guards nearby the port Mafia boss's office all froze at the loud screeching shout they heard coming from inside the room.. now they all saw who had entered though sadly they had a hood on so they could only see the figure of the person and some small details that were quickly shown before they disappeared as well.
'(h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes.. 5'4 to.. 5'5 it seemed with their shoes on, in height and.. to what gender they were..? They had no idea, though from the aura they gave off.. they were someone not to mess with alright' Now, back in the room. A (h/c) haired person had their hands on Mori's desk glaring though not really threateningly at the boss of the port mafia. "You know how I run and work, a lone wolf. I get work done faster! And I only have to worry about myself, and not worry over somebody else while we're in a life-or-death situation!" The black-haired male behind the desk merely smiled at them, hands clasped together as a.. somehow cheerful aura surrounded the male. "But (y/n)-chan!~ It's such a great opportunity!! Besides, the person you're going to be partnered up with will be a great match for not only you but your ability as well!" The person who Mori had just called (y/n)-chan backed away from the desk with a 'tch' their arms crossing over their chest as they sighed as the man.. their mentor's friend.
-------------------------------------------- Assassin: "Y/n L/n" also known as 'Lobo solitario y ágil' or just 'Lobo' in short. Ability: "Shifter of Dark Speed and Atoms"
-------------------------------------------- (Y/n) (L/n) is a well-known assassin and yet despite that fact no one has seen their face whilst they're on a mission, the only thing proving that they actually were there is the multiple bodies all bloodied and or cut up after a torture session for information. They were good, really, really! Good, though another thing to take note of when it comes to (y/n) is the fact they do not like working with people, ever. Even if they were one of the two last people on earth, they'd stay away from the other one and survive by themselves gladly. A reason for that may be because of the fact they slightly hate humans in general.. the dumb ones especially, or it may have something to do with their experience with humans. Either way, they don't like them end of story. Unfortunately now, they had to be partnered up with someone named.. uhh dang what's that guy's name again.. oh right, Chuuya Nakahara. Whoever they were Mori wouldn't stop boasting about how well their abilities would go together.. like.. how..? Their ability is mostly wolf related, meaning they can conjure up wolves ten times the size of regular ones and control them, become a wolf with them too... and what else.. right, the full form of their ability allows them to control shadows or.. atoms of people under shadows too. Whilst the Nakahara guy is gravity manipulation, the full form of being able to let 'Arahabaki' apparently some destruction God..? Loose and well have the amount of power to destroy an organization overnight.. yeah.. it was polar opposites in their opinion. Then again, the control of shadows and atoms does include but is not limited to.. lifting people up, swallowing them whole leaving them in darkness, controlling their atoms to disappear causing injuries, and.. well controlling people with their own shadow or when they're under a shadow using their atoms or the shadow itself Gravity manipulation is kinda similar to it.. some similar factors that are pretty close to it they suppose.. the atom and shadow thing seeing as it does help them control people in some.. gravity sense way..? Though it isn't gravity more so shadow and atom controlling them.. but.. You get what I mean!! Ehem, back to the situation. Right now, Mori and (Y/n) were just waiting in the office for the executive to arrive, seeing as Ogai decided to be nice enough to send the guy a warning call before they arrived back.. and with (Y/n)'s ability.. Their hearing and senses were all heightened so they heard the words Nakahara was saying, and honestly.. they slightly agreed with them- but at the same time was curious about who 'that bastard' is.. honestly they had a gut feeling seeing as they had some background info about the Port mafia props to his mentor. Natsume Soseki or what they always call him. Natsume-sensei. Fortunately Natsume-sensei's former..? Students/friends...? (Y/n) honestly has no idea but something like that since they seem to treat him like a mentor as well.. going back to the topic- the assassin has met the two. Mori Ogai and Fukuzawa Yukichi They've even had the chance to be trained by the two- then again the injuries and bruises that came along with the training were bad.. very bad. But it was all worth it, in the end, cause look at them now, one of the most well-known and best assassins out there. So they supposed the pain and suffering were slightly worth it-? Because the training also gave them the ability to defend themselves so that's also cool.. Alas, as much as they wanted to just stand in silence in the office of the port mafia boss in front of them. There was a knock.. and that had represented the fact that.. Their future 'partner' was there.. hurray.. --------------------------------------------
To say Chuuya was shocked, irritated and overall pissed at the entire 'new partner' thing would be such an understatement right now. As soon as they saw (Y/n) some kind of dislike immediately grew in him.. and no it wasn't because they were like 2 inches taller than him.. hah!! No way.. .... ...... ....... OKAY FINE MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE OF THAT BUT COME ON!! MORI COULD'VE AT LEAST PICKED SOMEONE SHORTER THAN HIM-.... MAN!!! (Y/n) on the other hand, having done a quick look down at the male was.. slightly disappointed....? Not really, just.. you know the feeling where you were expecting something else but you get.. this- Hm, never mind they were disappointed. Not only that but they did not like that glare they were giving, and of course, being the badass and best assassin out there they weren't about to back down. So.. the pair had a glare off. .
Which lasted for at least a couple seconds before Mori decided to break the silence between the two.. "Well now.. go on, introduce yourselves to each other. You guys are going to be assigned partners from now on." (Y/n) heard the 'tch' sound coming from the midget, but they could honestly care less.. tell them again why they decided to work for both the Port mafia and the Agency..? Oh right.. cause sensei told him to look out for both of the organizations.. right.. Why..? They had no idea, and well honestly it was strange cause Natsume-sensei said a thing along the lines of: 'You have the power to connect them all, to protect them, don't let it go to waste young one' Wise right..? But what they were confused about was, what power they had, cause shadow and atom control being the most powerful thing his ability can do is definitely mediocre to other powers.. guess they'd have to find out huh.. Biting back at their pride they poked a hand out towards the shorter ginger and glanced at them as.. unthreateningly as they could. "I am (Y/n) pleasure to meet you.. partner." Blue eyes stared and glared back hard towards (e/c) eyes but.. nonetheless, he shook their hand. "Chuuya Nakahara, the pleasure is mine really.." The two gave each other's hands a threatening squeeze before letting go, facing Mori bored whilst the man smiled and hummed happily at the two's introductions. "Now now~ That's better, well (Y/n) that's all you're needed for this day. Besides, I heard you've got another place to be at tomorrow morning right? Another 'interview' correct?" Now, (Y/n) was at least glad Natsume-sensei had decided to leave out letters to the pair before his disappearance that they'll be joining both of the organizations at the right time. Cause they'd be dead meat if they did so without the two leaders of the organization knowing Natsume-sensei planned for them to go anyways. "Yeah yeah copy that, welp see ya around ginger-midget of a partner. See ya Mori-san." Turning around they started to walk towards the exit not before having to have a shadow stop a punch coming from a certain ginger. "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME YOU-?!?!? OI!! WHAT'S THIS!!??" Staring at them.. dumbfounded, they pushed the executive away and continued their walk to exit the office. "My ability, honestly though.. why did I have to get paired up with a ginger-haired brat?" Before Chuuya could bite back another remark about the name, (Y/n) had already exited. .
. "WHY THAT BASTARD!!! I'LL GET THEM BACK FOR THAT!!" -------------------------------- The following day..
A (h/c) haired person stared down at their watch that was securely strapped around their wrist.. which was a good thing cause with all their running around it would be a shame if it would break because its owner was reckless and it got off their wrist into the street.
Possibly getting run over by some car, as this person glanced at their watch over and over again.. they had come to the realization that they were indeed late for their work interview at the local Detective Agency.
Honestly, they weren't expecting the interview to be this damn early in the morning but well- it seemed the agency really liked being on schedule and getting things done as soon as fucking possible- Cause dang it, who interviews people at 7 in the morning..? Scratch that it was supposed to be 6 but they changed it last minute because of the interviewer's partner.. oh well at least they weren't going to be the only one 'too' late. But dang they didn't want to be later than they already were, so.. they ran, there weren't any people around so thankfully they were able to use their speed to their advantage-.. before of course accidentally bumping into somebody. Normally the assassin's senses would be on top-notch but not this early in the morning no, yeah no way.. they were a night person- I mean, you saw how their ability works. Look at the damn name! Backing away from the person they had bumped into, completely oblivious to the fact their speed was gone since they had touched someone with a nullifying ability. Glancing the male up and down before backing a few steps behind them to apologize quickly and get going as soon as possible. 'GET IT TOGETHER (Y/n) APOLOGIZE THEN GET OUT OF THERE YOU'LL BE LATE- WELL LATER THAN YOU ALREADY ARE NOW!' "Woah there-! What the.. oh? Well hello there, are you alright?" ______________________________________________________________ To be continued..?~ ----------- Note: so~ did you guys enjoy?~ ^^" Hehe, I know you did~ and well if you noticed anything then yes- maybe it's foreshadowing a fic.. maybe or maybe not.. who knows~ for now have these headcanons and go and think about what will happen next~ Farewell for now little birds~
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 2 years
i didnt get a chance to talk to you much last time, im sorry! you're the leader of the other court at our court's borders, right?
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jessepinwheel · 9 months
I love it when people use "shrimp" to mean "beyond the human range". like "shrimp colors" but applied to other things. "shrimp emotions" "shrimp sounds" "shrimp morality", as if shrimp are living some kind of transcendent existence that humans can never comprehend
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qrowscant · 3 months
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its been about 6 months
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razzafrazzle · 1 month
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Just Checking In! (aka Something About Red Triangles)
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charlesoberonn · 3 months
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This pun is hilarious, but Victor Frankenstein would absolutely not fucking say that.
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w1lmuttart · 3 months
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The lake town
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 7 months
Moon and Lunar still have their ability to speak to each other even when Lunars in the Bubble yeah?
Surely Moon tries to hold up conversation after a little while, if Lunars awake to hear him. Y’know, to assure Lunar he’s doing a good job and remind him that Moons still waiting for him outside once he’s recovered.
Totally not because Moons alone now and is longing for company or anything.
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desperatepleasures · 17 days
one time I used the ben affleck smoking reaction image in the family group chat and my mom replied with the funniest possible response which was: "mommy doesn't know who the guy is???" and that phrase has not left my brain since. I'll see blorbos on my dash that I don't recognize and I'll be like well it seems mommy doesn't know who the guy is.
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the-last-teabender · 2 months
A little something for Linguistics Tumblr.
So the Crunchyroll newsroom isn't a "room" so much as a Slack channel. We have news writers all over the US, in Australia, and in Japan. This means we have something akin to 'round-the-clock coverage, but it also means that our schedules respective to each other are skewed. For example, when the East Coast contingent is starting their day, the Japan contingent is shutting down for the evening.
Because of that, we started experimenting with greetings that could apply when Party A was coming in for the morning and Party B was leaving for the night. One person came up with "konbarning": a combination of "good morning" and "konban wa" ("good evening" in Japanese). It stuck.
Over the following months, "konbarning" got shortened to "barning" and other permutations. Now, a year or some later, this is how we announce our arrival:
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Okay, first off my brother named one of our family groupchats Khajit has wares, if you ask so that reminded me of that
I headcanon Mountain doesn't use contractions in his speech. Like, he says do not instead of don't and he's just a funky big dude
i accept this!
A funky big dude who's mysterious UwU
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