#( template cr. in the source! )
bechaerin · 8 months
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hi, lovelies! it's been over a year since i brought in chaerin, so i decided it was time for an updated intro post! a lot has happened within that year, and i felt like the old one was outdated! since this is still an intro post, here's her profile! below the cut, you'll find a more up to date introduction on chaerin! (for tracking purposes, her old intro can also be found here)
first, her background! first born of two girls. father is an accountant, mother a university professor, little sister is a college student (majoring in food science & biotechnology); very average family in all sorts of ways, but a loving one, nevertheless
chaerin’s been into art ever since she was young and was told she had a talent for painting at a young age, and that’s where she was pushed. not against her will, of course, because she enjoyed it as well. this is just to say that it’s pretty much all she’s known in her life since she was like four
a fourth-year art student at hongik university! originally, she was supposed to graduate february of 2024, but she deferred her graduation for a semester because of her status as a trainee! it was a hard decision to make, but she could not find the time to be thinking about graduation and potentially debuting at the same time, so she decided she could pull off graduating for a semester. no longer taking classes though, so she spends most of her time training now
while she never imagined herself as an idol, she's always been yearning for something new and exciting in her life. plus, her family isn't super wealthy, and she knows that her parents sacrificed a lot to put her into art for all those years, so she'd love to return that back to them once she makes her debut
onto her personality! she’s used to doing a lot of things on her own so she’s quite reserved and individualistic. likes to be more of an observer rather than stepping out into the spotlight. she wasn’t spoiled, but i do believe that she had a pretty sheltered life (since she didn’t do much except art from a young age) so she’s pretty nice to everybody. she hasn’t had a reason to be wary of the people around her and stuff like that
genuinely believes in being kind because kind people are the winners at the end of the day. that way, she never has to be ashamed of her actions or words. has a sort of high morality, and she finds it difficult to understand how people think differently from her. if someone disagrees, she gets that it can happen, but she wouldn’t understand why they think that way when she believes that her way of thinking is correct
plotting-wise, she's kind and friendly to most people, so it shouldn't be too difficult to get along with her! a little shy and introverted, so she might not always make the first move, though. however, she's not a huge fan of people who are like bouncing off walls and highly energetic because they seem like too much, but she won't say anything mean. at most, she might just avoid interactions with such people
chaerin's very-much interested in music in all sorts of ways (she plays the guitar and piano), and she has gotten a newfound interest in songwriting as well, so if your muse is into any of those, she'd love to strike up a conversation!
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fmdhyojung · 2 years
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base awards 2023 red carpet look 
despite the many shades of dark blue that the stylists could have gone for, they decide to dress hyojung in a long, flowy dress in midnight blue. rather than completely conforming to selene’s usual style, she was dressed into a dress that’s more fitting for her individual, drama image — in other words, she was dressed to look romantic. since her hair is mid-length right now because yumi’s cells finished only a couple of months back, they put her hair into a low bun with waves. her shoes would barely be visible because of how long her dress was, so she was put into very simple silver jimmy choo heels. the rest of her accessories are a mixture of silver and blue-tones to match with her dress. all in all, the entire look was focused around her dress; everything else was pretty much a second thought.
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pathfinderunlocked · 7 months
Healthy Boss Template (CR +3)
Wait, why did a giant health bar just appear in the sky?
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Artwork by Jeff_Chee_471 on Reddit.
D&D and Pathfinder have a really unusual idea of what a "boss" is compared to, like, any video game ever made. They often tend to just take an enemy that would be part of a group of normal enemies if you were about six levels higher. When they do something more unique, it still tends to be balanced like that. Tons of offense, not that many hit points, but often extremely hard to hit. Adventure designers often try to make up for this design by making a boss weaker but giving it minions, but that doesn't change the fact that there's really no concept of a creature that's inherently a "boss creature" in this game.
And sometimes that's fine. But sometimes you just want a big chunky fight that's balanced more like how a video game boss is balanced: only a little more damage than other creatures, but way more health, and the ability to recover if you do nasty stuff like stun it. Something that lets the players go all-out using their abilities, and rewards them for doing so, instead of having to spend most of the fight just focusing on not getting attacked, because they know one attack can take them out.
This template isn't a global solution. It'll get old, and if you reuse it too much, players will find strategies that bypass it. That's why I design so many different boss monsters that each work differently. But if you want to convert an existing monster into a boss, this is one way to do so without a lot of effort, and without just giving it the advanced template and several fighter levels to max out its offense.
Some of the options for different abilities are there to deal with different kinds of player strategies, rather than because they're appropriate for different kinds of bosses. If your PCs use vital strike, give it vital negation. If they use combat maneuvers, give it reset stance. If they cast a bunch of spells on the terrain, give it undo. If they rely on hungry pit, give it escape to nowhere. Don't feel bad about using this template specifically to counter them, since the inflated HP and the limited uses of these special abilities mean that the players' strategies will still be useful, they just won't instantly win the fight.
Healthy Boss
Healthy boss is an inherited template that can be applied to any creature.
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature + 3.
Hit Points: A healthy boss's hit points are three times as high as the base creature's.
Initiative: A healthy boss gains a +10 bonus to its initiative.
Defensive Abilities: A healthy boss can never be surprised, and is not considered flat-footed before it has acted in combat.
Special Abilities: A healthy boss gains 1 of the following special abilities:
Bolstering Cry (Ex) Twice per day as a move action, a healthy boss can grant all allies within 60 ft. a number of temporary hit points equal to its new challenge rating. When it does so, it also suppresses the following conditions on affected allies other than itself for 1 round: blinded, confused, entangled, fatigued, exhausted, nauseated, paralyzed, shaken, sickened, staggered, stunned. The healthy boss does not need line of effect to these allies, but they must be able to either see or hear it. Second Wind (Ex) Five times per day as a free action at the start of its turn, a healthy boss can gain a number of temporary hit points equal to its new challenge rating. These temporary hit points last for 10 minutes. It can only use this ability only once per round. Vital Negation (Ex) Once per round, a healthy boss can halve the damage of a single incoming source of damage. It can choose to use this ability after hearing the amount of damage that it would take. This does not require an action.
Additionally, a healthy boss gains 2 of the following other special abilities:
Aura of Recovery (Su) The healthy boss gains a 40-ft. aura. At the end of each of the healthy boss's turns, one of the healthy boss's allies within this aura (including itself) gains a new saving throw against any one ongoing harmful effect that initially allowed for a saving throw. Escape to Nowhere (Su) Once per day, at the end of an enemy's turn, a healthy boss can escape to the ethereal plane, as if using ethereal jaunt. This does not require an action. It remains in the ethereal plane during its next turn. At the start of its second turn after using this ability, the healthy boss returns to the plane it was on, but is staggered during that turn. Legendary Resistance (Ex) Once per day, when a healthy boss fails a saving throw, or when an enemy succeeds on a check against the healthy boss's spell resistance, the healthy boss can expend its legendary resistance to treat the roll as if the healthy boss had succeeded on the saving throw or the enemy had failed on the check against spell resistance. A healthy boss with a total challenge rating of at least 9 gains a second use of Legendary Resistance per day, and a healthy boss with a total challenge rating of at least 18 gains a third use of legendary resistance per day. This does not require an action. Reset Concentration (Ex) Once per day, when a healthy boss fails a concentration check, it can steel its mind against future distractions, gaining a +10 bonus on concentration checks for the next 10 minutes. This does not require an action. Reset Stance (Ex) Once per day, when a healthy boss starts its turn prone or grappled, at the start of its next turn after being successfully subjected to a combat maneuver other than trip or grapple, it can spend a move action to stand up, free itself from any grapples, pick up a single item within its reach, end the effect of a dirty trick maneuver, and move up to its move speed without provoking attacks of opportunity. Upon using this ability, the healthy boss also gains a +5 bonus to its CMD and a +10 bonus to Acrobatics, Climb, Ride, Swim, and Fly checks for the next 10 minutes. Undo (Su) As a standard action, once every 3 rounds, a healthy boss can revert the effects of any number of ongoing or instantaneous magic spells that are affecting itself, other creatures, or the surrounding environment. Each spell effect it attempts to undo must be within 60 ft. of the healthy boss, and must have been applied during the last 10 minutes. Even instantaneous spells can be reverted with Undo, but damage is not reverted. To attempt to undo a spell, a healthy boss makes a caster level check against a DC of 6 + the effect's caster level, using its hit dice as its caster level. If successful, the ongoing spell ends, or the effects of the instantaneous spell are reverted.
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soylent-crocodile · 1 year
Sleigh Beggy (Monster)
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(image taken from Ancient Magus Bride, produced by Wit Studio)
(I love Magus Bride a bit too much, tbh, so I simply HAD to convert Chise to Pathfinder's setting. The nature of magic in Magus Bride is fundamentally different from than in Pathfinder- the tl;dr being that all magic comes from a fey source- so I deliberately tied the template to Fey and changed the rules a bit. I wonder how a sleigh beggy PC would play out. If you're curious, the word "Sleigh Beggy" is a corruption of "Sleih Beggey", a Manx word that means something akin to a generalized "Faerie". To my knowledge, the sleigh beggy as a magically gifted human is entirely original to the manga.)
CR2 CN Medium Humanoid
Sleigh beggy are a rare quality arising in humanoids of many races; they are naturally attuned with the rich magic of the First World. This is a blessing and a curse; it draws magical creatures to the sleigh beggy and gives them a natural affinity for magic (almost all sleigh beggy are sorcerers, or have the capability) and for fey creatures, but mages and fey alike may wish to use the magic inherent in their body for their own purposes.  
Sleigh beggy typically run in the family- it is comparable to a recessive gene, something that shows up occasionally within a bloodline. These bloodlines also almost always carry the touch of magic in them, although this magic does not necessarily tie the beggy to fey.
How a sleigh beggy reacts to her condition varies. Many attempt to hide their condition for fear of being hunted; and indeed, few sleigh beggy survive past young adulthood, between the strain of their magic and the threat of being poached. Those who do pursue magic find themselves incredibly gifted, and many chose to live in the First World, where those who would use them at least have the courtesy to keep them alive and intact.
This red-headed young woman is followed by a cheerful sprite, but she herself appears incredibly tired and frail.
Misc- CR2 CN Medium Humanoid HD3 Init:+1 Senses: Perception: +7 Aura: Fey Magic 30ft Stats- Str:8(-1) Dex:14(+2) Con:8(-1) Int:12(+1) Wis:14(+2) Cha:21(+5) BAB:+1 Space:5ft Reach:5ft Defense- HP: 10(3d6) AC:14(+2 Armor, +2 Dexterity) Fort:+0 Ref:+3 Will:+5 CMD:11 Offense- mwk Quarterstaff +1(1d6-1) CMB:+0 Speed:30ft Feats- Alertness, Familiar Bond (B), Improved Familair, Toughness Skills- Bluff +10, Knowledge (Local) +2, Knowledge (Nature) +2, Perception +7, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +5 Spells-  1 (DC16, 7/day)- Alarm, Color Spray, Disguise Self, Grease 0 (DC15)- Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Prestidigitation Special Qualities- Destined Bloodline, Familiar (Sprite), Fated +1, Feycharm, Magical Flesh, Touch of Destiny Ecology- Environment- Urban (Temperate) Languages- Common Organization- Solitary Treasure- Standard (mwk Quarterstaff, Leather Armor, Potion of Moment of Greatness, Potion of Cure Light Wounds) Special Abilities- Aura of Fey Magic (Su)- Fey creatures within a sleigh beggy’s aura of fey magic gain a +2 Morale bonus to skill checks and concentration checks and a +1 bonus to caster level of spells. Feycharm (Su)- The starting attitude of all Fey and creatures native to the First World towards a sleigh beggy is increased by two steps. Magical Flesh (Su)- A sleigh beggy’s body is imbued with fey power, making them detrimentally valuable. The flesh of a slain sleigh beggy can be used to replace 500gp worth of material per hit die of the sleigh beggy when crafting magical items, and a limb or major organ can be used to replace 100gp worth of materials.
Making a Sleigh Beggy
“Sleigh Beggy” is an inherited template that can be added to any humanoid (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A sleigh beggy gains the following abilities;
CR: Same as the base creature Feats: A sleigh beggy gains Familiar Bond as a bonus feat. A sleigh beggy with levels in a class that grants a familiar instead gains Improved Familiar as a bonus feat.  Additionally, a sleigh beggy who has levels in a casting class that does not grant a familiar gains the deliver touch spells, scry on familiar, share spells, speak with animals of its kind, or spell resistance special abilities for their familiar from Familiar Bond, and a sleigh beggy who wishes to take an improved familiar with the Fey type reduces the required level by 2.  Special Qualities: A sleigh beggy gains the aura of fey magic, feycharm, and magical flesh abilities, as above. Abilities: A sleigh beggy gains a -4 penalty to Constitution and a +4 bonus to Charisma.
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mcatmemoranda · 7 months
Helpful template for transgender care:
Pt presents today to discuss HRT for transition
Preferred name/pronouns:
Pt has or is establishing w/ counseling/therapy
Reviewed support systems in place such as family, friends, therapy
Hx of SI/HI/anx/dep:
Sexual activity:
STI screening:
Pt is attracted to:
Feminizing effects: decreased libido, erections, breast growth (max at 2-3 yrs), decreased testes volume, decreased sperm counts, redistribution of fat, decreased muscle mass, softening of skin, decreased terminal hair
Estrogen therapy risks: VTE risk, CV disease/event risk, weight gain, hypertriglyceridemia, HTN, decreased glucose tolerance, biliary disease, benign prolactinoma, mental health effects, infertility
Nonreversible changes: breast enlargement
Reversible changes: fertility (though sperm counts may drop), variations in libido, voice changes
Other considerations: risks of tucking, management of residual facial/body hair
Reviewed to please not acquire hormone tx from non-clinical/pharmacy sources
Reviewed recs regarding risks associated w/ tucking and testicular entrapment
Considered speech referral to help manage voice changes
Lab work intervals:
Hgb/Hct at baseline and then annually
Lipids, LFT's, A1c as indicated
Estradiol at 3, 6, 13 mo and then routinely every 6-12 months
Testosterone at 6 and 12 months and then annually
Electrolytes and Bun/Cr at baseline and then routinely every 6-12 months
Androgen blocker therapy goal: uptitrated until testosterone is suppressed to below 55ng/dL
Estradiol level: 100-200 pg/mL
Spironolactone: 50-300 mg daily (oral)
Spironolactone SE's: increased urination, hypotension, hyperkalemia, dehydration
Finasteride: 1-5mg daily (stops hair loss) (oral)
Lupron: GnRH agonist (injectable)
Casodex: androgen receptor inhibitor (injectable)
Cyproterone acetate: synthetic progestagen (transdermal)
Prometrium/provera/depo-provera (progestins) - risks include CV disease increase, breast CA, weight gain, depression. Benefits: weight gain, increased energy/libedo
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cloudifyaps · 1 year
Top 10 CRMs in 2023: The Best for Your Business
Are you a business owner or an entrepreneur looking forward to getting the right CRM for your business?
Finding the right CRM software or customer relationship management tool, can be difficult, especially given the fact that there are way too many options available these days.
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Discover with us the best CRM system (customer relationship management) software for managing your leads and marketing automation. Choosing the right CRM is very vital for your business in order to build customer relations and maximise sales.
To help you with the same, here we have curated a list of the best CRMs in 2023.
This list should give you the advice you need to make an informed decision and have a quick sneak peek into some of the highest-rated CRMs by users and choose the best for your business.
Let’s get started.
The Sales CRM — Pipedrive
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Key features:
Managing leads: You can track leads and sales from the forms or live chat bots.
Visible sales pipeline: Create custom stages by team members.
Communication tracking: You can track all the contact activities like calls, emails, chats, and more.
Mobile apps: You can Pipedrive from your mobile device and integrate your smartphone.
What you will like about Pipedrive:
You can add deals, win probabilities and close dates.
Create custom reports that can track revenue estimates.
Unlimited custom fields can be collected.
You can generate lead source data reports for performance tips.
You need more filter options for further deep diving.
Product updates
No native dark mode
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Best enterprise CRM software — Salesforce
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What you will like about Salesforce:
Customisable API
Multi-language support
Multi-currency support
Enterprise territory sales management
24/7 customer support
Personalised automation
Wide range of email templates
In-built Einstein lead scoring
Lead management with Salesforce tools
Compatible with Windows, Linux, Mac and Android.
Large number of third-party integrations
Mass email options
If you want on-premise deployment, this is not for you
Live chat support
CRM with Marketing tools — HubSpot
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Key features:
Lead nurturing: Send personalised emails to clients and build analytics reports.
Contact management: You can organise and sync your contacts at one place by syncing emails to the CRM system.
Multiple app integrations: HubSpot lets you connect with other SaaS apps as well as with your existing tech stack.
Live chat: You can help your customers faster with online tickets with instant chat capabilities.
Sales pipeline data: You can view the entire sales pipelines with sales activity insights and individual performance.
What you will like about Hubspot:
Free plan that can be upgraded anytime
Ad management tools for tracking ROIs
Team email and conversation email
Free email marketing
Integration with sales and marketing suites
Great form builder to capture lead information
There are a whole lot of features offered by HubSpot so it can be difficult to choose from.
Best basic CRM — Freshsales
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Key features:
Freshsales helps improve customer engagement and drives leads to closures with AI.
The most interesting feature of Freshsales is the AI assistant Freddy that it brings along. Freddy helps you smartly analyze the sales pipeline and lets you focus more on deals that will actually drive revenue.
What you will like about Freshsales CRM:
Customisation options
AI assistance
Multiple third party integrations
Free plans do not offer any reports
Best customisation CRM — Sugar CRM
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Key features:
The Sugar CRM allows various teams to collaborate across the entire customer lifecycle and help deliver more meaningful, memorable experiences at every stage of the customer journey.
Use the Sugar CRM along with Sugar Market, Sugar Serve and Sugar Sell to take the business to the next level.
Sugar has different products for small businesses and enterprise clients so as to cater to both of them better.
Sugar Professional helps create customer relationships that last a lifetime with all that you require to stay organised in a single, powerful platform.
What you will like about Sugar CRM:
Easily integrable with your favourite SaaS applications
AI powered data analysis
Complex to learn
A startup CRM — Zoho CRM
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Key features:
Zoho offers customised solutions based on industry type.
The CRM allows you to hold presentations and meetings from within your CRM. This is one of the features that people usually love.
You may organise webinars, convert attendees to leads, and get webinar reports, all without moving out of your CRM.
What you will like about Zoho CRM:
It has a streamlined user interface
No contracts are involved
It also offers a free plan
Support available in Enterprise and Premium plans that are paid
Third party integrations not available in free plan
A sales engagement CRM — Agile CRM
Agile CRM claims to allow you to sell and market like Fortune 500 companies.
Quite an impressive claim, right?
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Key features:
This all-in-one CRM is affordable and calls itself the next generation CRM.
Your sales team can use the CRM to easily manage leads, deals, appointments and a lot more.
The marketing team can use it for email marketing, tracking, creating landing pages, and even social media marketing.
You can easily integrate it with Twitter, Facebook, all the Google Applications, Twilio, RingCentral, and LinkedIn.
What you will like about Agile CRM:
Free upto 10 users
Free trials available
You cannot view complete numbers of the contacts
The email template building tool is not that flexible
Best integration — Zendesk CRM
Zendesk initially focused on developing help desk software but over time expanded its offerings to include customer relationship management (CRM) tools. Its integration with Zendesk for Service is particularly strong, and its feature set caters more towards help desks compared to other CRMs we assessed. However, it still provides a wide range of features that make it suitable as a general-purpose CRM for any type of organisation.
Key features:
By using Zendesk Support, you can streamline your client interactions and create a more productive workflow, as it gathers all of these interactions in a single place.
Getting started with Zendesk products is a breeze, and you’ll find that many of the essential features you require will work straight out of the box.
What you will like about Zendesk CRM:
Help desk of Zendesk offers excellent integrations
Easy onboarding
Not that affordable
Email template is very basic
For small businesses — Apptivo CRM
Apptivo CRM is a platform that is cost-effective and can be personalised to suit your requirements. It aims to provide a comprehensive solution to meet all of your business software needs.
Key features:
Besides the necessary features of CRM, it offers additional functionalities for activities like bookkeeping, generating invoices, and managing projects. The user interface is straightforward, and it provides compatibility with Android and iOS mobile devices.
What you will like about Apptivo CRM:
Customisation is available
24 h support
Extended APIs not there
Performance can be sluggish
For growth stage businesses — Insightly CRM
The CRM software from Insightly provides excellent value for its price. Our evaluation found that it is one of the most user-friendly systems available, although it may not offer as many features as some other options. The process of importing data into Insightly is seamless.
Key features:
The reporting engine incorporated in Insightly is powered by AI technology and allows for easy exporting of data to Microsoft Power BI with just one button.
The user interface is simple to use, even though it may not be very attractive from a visual standpoint.
What you will like about Insightly CRM:
Smooth data input
Customisation option is available
Easy integration with other marketing apps as well as the Insightly helpdesk
Lacks advanced features
Thus, this was a list of top eleven CRMs in 2023 that you must check out.
However, here it is also important to know that a CRM is as useful as you make it to be. You may have the best CRM in the world, but if your sales team is not making the best use of it, then it won’t fetch you results.
It’s extremely crucial that you make sure that your team is educated on how to make the best use of your CRM. We suggest that you reach out to a professional CRM consultant for the same. Not only can they set up the CRM for you, but also train and teach your team as to how to use a particular CRM.
We hope this list comes in handy to select the best CRM for your business. However, if you still have any doubts, you can always book a free consultation session with a CRM expert. A CRM expert will analyse your business and processes and suggest as to which CRM will best fit in the realities of your business.
Book a free consultation now
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tomreview · 1 year
Instant Designer Sell To Desperate Business Owners And Cash In!
Use these stunning DFY video sales letters to multiply your profits in less than two minutes. You can either sell them or use them yourself to make thousands of dollars in pure profit!
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Business Permit
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Numerous Business Opportunities! All of the top-selling NICHES on JVZoo, Clickbank, and Warriorplus are included in our multipurpose templates!
How-to videos to get you started!
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This product will go live on June 28, 2023 at 11 a.m. EST. Power VSL is the first pack of explainer video templates specifically designed for product launches in the top 2022 online marketing niches. You don't have to be an expert at video editing and there is no hassle, stress, or expensive software required!
With POWER VSL, Get Your New Explainer Video in Three Easy Steps!
Step 1: Select choose1.png, a Power VSL sales video template that is already set up.
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Stage 3 - PRODUCE
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No matter what you're selling, digital sales niches are your biggest opportunity in 2022. A video is needed! I'm certain this shocks no one, but there are a huge number of organizations in the market that are simply finding time for this at this point!
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Take a look at all of Power VSL's amazing modules below! Module #1 Power VSL Video Templates 55 high-quality video sales letter templates that you can use for your own project or a client's!
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Tutorials and placeholders are included in every template. Developed entirely in PowerPoint!
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tonkijazz · 2 years
Jalbum video
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Offer your readers and receive reviews on.
JAlbum Crack freeload Distribute your collections for free on or anywhere with the underlying jAlbum FTP. Then you customize the look of the album and choose the styles and themes you want. Creative jAlbum 24 Crack users continually add new skins to for you to download. Add advanced features like a shopping cart, music, and more. Your galleries will work, even without us.jAlbum Crack Use flexible templates called “skins” to create custom albums in HTML, Flash, or any other format. Host your images with us or with ANY web hotel you like. Could you make sure to look at them? Your valuable metadata is managed using open standards = non-blocking. The inventive jAlbum customers are constantly adding new skins to for you to download. Add progressive utility like the shopping basket, music, and more. JAlbum Keygen Use responsive layouts called “skins” to create modified collections in HTML, Flash, or other settings. Polish the photos you like and remove the bad ones. The application has built-in image editing functions for basic image retouching and a file management system. You can create web albums from your digital photos or any file, just as you like with this award-winning software. Simply drag and drop images (and videos) into jAlbum, hit “Create” and your website is ready to upload to your own site. Clean the photos you like and remove the horrible ones. The application has highlights that alter the underlying image to correct the fundamental image and a document that deals with the frame. JAlbum Crack can make web collections from your computerized photographs, or any document, as you need with this award-winning programming.
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Tuttle Beast
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“Tuttle Bottoms Monster” © John Meszaros, accessed @statecryptids​ here
[The Tuttle Bottoms Monster is a fairly obscure cryptid from Illinois, associated with sightings in a Lover’s Lane type environment during the mid 1960s. It’s one of those monsters where I would immediately think, “oh, that’s a bear seen in bad light”, except that Illinois hasn’t had any bears living there for decades. The long snout is usually interpreted as being anteater-like, but I love the Spec Evo notion of John Meszaros of making it an adaptation for fish eating. This stat block is based on his version as a derived chalicothere. The stat block, with the giant simple template, would also make for a decent mechanical interpretation of a Baryonyx, although you might want to also add grab as a special attack.]
Tuttle Beast CR 6 N Animal This large creature is something like a bear and something like an ape. It has a bulky furred body and walks on its knuckles. The thing’s head is decidedly strange, however, with a set of long narrow jaws and conical teeth like a crocodile.
Tuttle beasts are large mammalian piscivores native to temperate floodplains. Their preferred habitat is along riverbanks, and they wade into water in order to catch fish, frogs or aquatic rodents like muskrat or beaver. They will take similarly sized prey on land, but more opportunistically than actively seeking it out. Tuttle beasts are attracted to shiny objects, which they investigate on the off chance they could be a body of water with prey to eat. They rarely start combat with humanoids, but if attacked will defend themselves with violent vigor.
A tuttle beast, despite its carnivorous dentition and habitat, is more closely related to horses and rhinos than to cats or dogs. They usually forage alone, but multiple may converge to a river with a large fish run or other concentrated source of food. Tuttle beasts are monogamous and mate for life. Gestation is long—more than a year—and multiple births at a time are very rare. The young remain with their parents until sexually mature, which takes about two years. 
Tuttle Beasts as Animal Companions Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 30 ft..; AC +3 natural armor; Attack bite (1d3), 2 claws (1d4); Ability Scores Str 17, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 9; Special Qualities low-light vision, scent, riverbank strike, +4 to Swim 7th-Level Advancement: Size Large; AC +3 natural armor; Attack bite (1d4), 2 claws (1d6); Ability Scores Str +8, Dex -2, Con +4
Tuttle Beast       CR 6 XP 2,400 N Large animal Init +5; Senses low-light vision, Perception +10, scent Defense AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +9 natural) hp 67 (9d8+27) Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee 2 claws +12 (1d6+7), bite +12 (1d4+7) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks riverbank strike Statistics Str 25, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 9 Base Atk +6; CMB +14; CMD 25 (29 vs. trip) Feats Blind Fight, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Lunge, Skill Focus (Perception) Skills Climb +13, Perception +10, Swim +17; Racial Modifiers +4 Swim Ecology Environment temperate freshwater and plains Organization solitary, pair or pod (3-6) Treasure none Special Attacks Riverbank Strike (Ex) A tuttle beast ignores cover from water, treats improved cover from water as cover, and treats total cover from water as improved cover.
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Random Thoughts on Statting Deities in Pathfinder 1E
It always bothered me that, unlike D&D, Pathfinder never even explored the idea of stats for deities above the level of demigods. So I stayed up last night thinking about it and brainstormed a few rough ideas.
Creatures up to CR 25 that can grant spells to worshipers (like Treerazer) and mythic characters with the Divine Source path ability are the equivalent of D&D’s (specifically Greyhawk’s) quasi-deities. Creatures from CR 26-30 that can grant spells (like true demon lords and archdevils) are demigods.
Note that each 2 mythic tiers/ranks adds +1 CR and that the following rules would be for NPCs only (unless the GM has a high tolerance for wild shit).
My idea is that once a character reaches mythic tier 10 and level 20 (CR 25), they can start gaining levels above 20 (see rules for epic level progression in the D&D 3.5 DMG). If they do, they become a demigod and automatically gain three instances of the Divine Source path ability (for a total of four domains) if they don’t already. Demigods can advance up to level 25 (CR 30).
Anything CR 31 or higher would be considered a true god. Instead of having class levels and mythic tiers, every true deity would be a unique creature (outsider for most deities, but aberration, dragon, fey, undead, and other creature types would be possible) with racial Hit Dice and exactly 10 mythic ranks. True gods grant access to five domains (and six subdomains), may have the equivalent of an appropriate class or classes’ abilities up to their CR (similar to the Monster Codex’s simple class templates), might have unique abilities, and possibly would have powers based on Deities & Demigods 3.0′s salient divine abilities.
For conversion purposes, D&D’s lesser gods would be CR 31-34, intermediate gods CR 35-37, and greater gods CR 38-40 (and perhaps higher, but we’re already way out of bounds for normal CR calculation).
Rules for avatars and aspects require further thought on my part.
This is all just spitballing and obviously would require tons of playtesting, especially since d20 game balance notoriously breaks down after around level 30.
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marblecarved-aa · 3 years
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Marblecarved is an independent and selective multimuse blog featuring canon and original characters from various sources of media. Featured fandoms include A Song of Ice and Fire and Harry Potter. Lovingly written by Mona.
characters, guidelines and template cr.
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dndeed · 3 years
Crit Role Miniature Rollout: C2E132
With Andrew Harshman
An archive and review of the minis used on CR.
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This ep was neat and all. But next ep, that’s what I’m really interested in! I’ve played in sessions like this before, where you are anticipating a particular plot point and fully expecting it to occur that session. But then the game’s progress gets held up by a less story-crucial encounter. On the one hand, the resource management aspect of dealing with encounters such as climbing and this random undead giant encounter is admittedly interesting. BUT- I’m really chomping at the bit for the encounter with the Tomb Takers! Let’s go, can’t we just auto-battle this frost giant fight?
Always with the polymorph, it’s time for Crit Role Miniature Rollout Campaign 2 Episode 132!
The List
Chest and Trove 5E Condition Rings
Mats by Mars: Frozen Lake Tabletop Wargaming Play Mat 
Dwarven Forge Ice Wall Packs
Dwarven Forge Caverns Banks
Dwarven Forge Castle Stone Stairs
Dwarven Forge Stalagmites
Monster Fight Club Rock Hills
Crown of Fangs Dressing: Totem
Steamforged Mighty Nein Miniatures
Eldritch Foundry Essek Painted by Iron Tusk Painting
Hirst Arts Ruined Fieldstone structures
Monster Menagerie 3 #031 Frost Giant (Axe)
Storm King's Thunder #029a Frost Giant (Sword)
Icewind Dale Rime of the Frostmaiden #045 Frost Giant Skeleton
Unknown Frog
The Terrain
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I like the starting positions of this combat. So many encounters start with the monsters on one side of the map, the PCs on the other side, then the movement and fighting plays out sorta predictably as both groups spend the first couple turns moving towards one another and then standing in place and slogging it out. I appreciate a fight that starts with all members of the battle right on top of each other and with the adventurers right up against an impassable wall. Quite refreshing.
The Giants
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Big Frosty Monster Menagerie 3 #031 Frost Giant (Axe) Mini photo sourced from minisgallery.com
The pose is about all I like about this undead giant. Reminds me of an arcade fighting game idle animation. So what did this giant die of? Probably having too tight a helmet. The proportions this dude are really bizarre, his head is way too small. And he’s got these weird lookin’ long Gumby legs. Not good. 
Production and design wise, it’s pretty clear the 3D modeler just copy pasted the shoulder pad skull, flipped it 180° and clocked out for the day. Like, where did this giant find two perfectly identical outfit-accessorizing skulls? Did he happen to fight a pair of dragon twins? 
What can be said for this figure is that it is indeed giant. It looks very imposing on the map next to the PC miniatures. The scale of this model definitely works for the overall look of this combat encounter.
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Cranky Father Time Icewind Dale Rime of the Frostmaiden #045 Frost Giant Skeleton Mini photo sourced from minisgallery.com
Skeleton miniatures run the risk of looking stiff and uh, well, lifeless. But this model has a very animated pose. I like it very much. The hanging fur clothing even has a billowing sort of effect to it. You can imagine the howling northern winds whistling through the hollow skeletal frame of this towering undead. It’s great. What’s not great is the amount of money this model is currently commanding online. $50 minimum at the time of posting. Probably better off taking your chances with the boosters and hoping you draw one of these. Or wait until an unpainted version is probably released down the line.
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Valkyrie With Serious Drip Storm King's Thunder #029a Frost Giant (Sword) Mini photo sourced from minisgallery.com
Look at all these hot frost giant fashion drops. THREE dragon skulls? The swag level is off the charts! I enjoy this frost giant’s outfit, but same problem as the other Storm King’s Thunder Frost Giant, too symmetrical, very unnatural looking. At least the proportions of this giant gal aren’t so outta whack. The hat is a little silly, but she wears it with such fashion confidence. Very impressive. I couldn’t pull it off, that’s for sure. 
Closing Thoughts and Predictions
Seems like next ep should definitely involve a battle with the Takers of the Tombs. I’m interested to see how the antimagic black light zone is identified on the mat. Presumably with spell templates? We shall see. Sure to be a regular battle royale!
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pathfinderunlocked · 4 months
Urobutcher - CR17 Humanoid
A commissioned high level boss, an armored necromancer with significant melee capabilities.
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Artwork provided by client.
This creature is technically CR 16 / MR 3, which is very similar (arguably identical) to CR 17.5. It's mostly just an excuse to give the monster less XP. If you're using the mythic system, treat the Urobutcher as CR 16 / MR 3 and give him the lower amount of XP. If you're not using mythic ranks, treat him as CR 17 and use the higher XP value.
He has three unique mythic abilities - Hook and Pull, Fetid Cloak, and Energy Drain. On top of being mythic, he has PC-level wealth and a high stat build, which are factored into his challenge rating, increasing it by 1. On most creatures that would be enough to increase the CR by 2, but his multiclassing and his melee sorcerer build cancel out some of the benefits.
The Urobutcher is a half-giant with rune giant lineage, tainted by the rot of undeath but not quite undead himself... yet. He's armed with a massive cleaver, a meathook attached to a long chain, and armor which increases his size to match that of his giant ancestors.
Generally, he should be walking around with blood boil cast into one of his weapons and some other debuff touch spell cast into the other one. Although he has Power Attack, he should only use it when fighting a target with very low AC; inflicting debuff spells through his weapon attacks is a big part of his strategy. If he gets a chance to retreat and recast them mid-battle, he'll do so, letting his undead allies and minions get attacked in his place for a round or two.
This is a commissioned creature which, if I'm being honest, is significantly more complicated than I'm likely to ever make again. It uses multiple different sources of third-party content. One of these, the flesh to ice spell, comes from 3.5e and was written by James Jacobs; the spell was bumped up from 5th to 6th level when adapted for Pathfinder by Obsidian Twilight, so that's the level I put it at in this monster's spell list.
Urobutcher - CR 17 (or CR 16 / MR 3)
This giant butcher is clad in hulking, powerful armor, and is wielding a massive cleaver in one hand and a meathook attached to a long chain in the other hand. He wears a rope belt with severed humanoid arms dangling from it.
XP 102,400 (XP 76,800 if using mythic rules) Unique necrocasting boss, simplified, half-giant, spellblade 1, necromancy tradition sorcerer 9, eldritch knight 5 NE Large humanoid (human, giant, mythic) Init +8 Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +10 Aura fear and screams aura (60 ft., DC 22), stench (60 ft., DC 21)
AC 32, touch 20, flat-footed 28 (+6 armor, +2 deflection, +2 Dex, +2 magic vestment, +4 natural, +5 profane, +2 simplified template, -1 size) hp 277 (9d8+1d10+5d12+75+30+90) plus 24 temp hp Fort +24, Ref +16, Will +19; +2 vs. disease; +4 vs. enchantment; +2 vs. mind-affecting Defensive Abilities necrocasting boss, negative energy affinity, resist death's touch DR 10/epic Resist cold 5, fire 5 Immune energy drain SR 28
Speed 30 ft. Melee +3 urobutcher's meathook +23/+18 (1d8+13/x3) (see text) Melee +4 urobutcher's cleaver +24/+19 (2d8+14/19-20 plus energy drain) (see text) Melee unarmed strike +18 (1d6+10) Two-Weapon Fighting Melee urobutcher's cleaver +20/+15 (2d8+14/19-20) and urobutcher's meathook +19 (1d8+8/x3) Space 10 ft., Reach 15 to 30 ft. with meathook (see urobutcher's meathook); 10 ft. with cleaver; 10 ft. with unarmed strike Special Attacks channel death, energy drain (1 level, DC 22), hook and pull, mythic power (3/day, surge +1d6), necroweakening
Racial Spell-like Abilities (CL 15th; concentration +20)     1/day—charm person (DC 16)
Cord of Grasping Flesh Spellcasting (CL 8th; concentration +13)     Spells (5/day)—catatonia (DC 19), curse of befowled fortune (DC 19), inflict serious wounds (DC 19), monstrous extremities (DC 19), touch of bloodletting (DC 19)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 13th; concentration +18)     6th (4/day)—flesh to ice (DC 21), unwilling shield (DC 23)     5th (7/day)—blood boil (DC 22)     4th (7/day)—greater false life (already cast on self and companion)     3rd (7/day)—haste, mythic vampiric touch Note: If using the FFD20 MP rules, the urobutcher has 72 MP.
Str 30, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 11, Wis 18, Cha 20 Base Atk +7; CMB +20; CMD 39 Feats Additional Traits (Reactionary, Squire of Abraham), Arcane Armor Training, Arcane Armor Training (Mythic), Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Greater Spell Focus (necromancy), Improved Initiative, Power Attack (-2/+4), Somatic Weapon, Spell Focus (necromancy), Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (meathook, cleaver), Weapon Focus (Mythic) Skills Climb +16, Intimidate +20, Knowledge (arcana) +13, Linguistics +4, Perception +10, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +11, Swim +8; +2 on other skill checks from heroism; Racial Modifiers -4 Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Perform vs. giants Languages Common, Giant, Necril SQ arcane armor training, powerful build, two-weapon casting, undying companion Gear urobutcher's meathook (78,300 gp, see text), urobutcher's cleaver (32,300 gp, see text), combat exoskeleton (96,500 gp, see text), headband of mental prowess +4 (Cha, Wis), bodak's eye, Cord of Grasping Flesh, Fetid Cloak (0 gp, see text), wand of magic vestment (level 12, 12 charges, already used on self and companion), wand of heroism (level 12, 12 charges, already used on self and companion), wand of greater magic weapon (level 12, 12 charges, already used on urobutcher's meathook and companion's scimitar), ruby dust worth 1000 gp, onyx gems worth 2000 gp
Bodak's Eye The urobutcher has a bodak's eye grafted into his body; this magic item cannot be removed from him. The bodak's eye allows the urobutcher to make a death gaze attack once per day as a standard action, targeting a creature within 30 ft. with the gaze. The target takes 1d4 negative levels; this is a death effect. A DC 15 Fortitude save negates the effect. Unlike an actual bodak's death gaze, a target that dies from this attack does not transform into a bodak 24 hours later.
Combat Exoskeleton The urobutcher wears a mithral combat exoskeleton, technological armor which functions as medium armor (but is reduced to light armor due to being made of mithral). It grants 6 AC, has a maximum Dex bonus of 3, and has an ACP of -5. It has a 50% arcane spell failure chance, although the Urobutcher ignores this penalty. It provides a +4 enhancement bonus to Fortitude saves, Strength checks, and Strength-based skill checks, and a +2 enhancement bonus to Reflex saves. It grants the wearer resist cold 5 and fire 5. The wearer is treated as being Large sized. His unarmed strikes are treated as armed weapon attacks and deal 1d6 lethal damage. These bonuses are already included in the statistics above.
A combat exoskeleton requires a power cell to operate and grants no bonuses without one. If disrupted, the wearer is pinned. Once per day, as a swift action, if this armor is disrupted, the urobutcher can bring it back online.
Cord of Grasping Flesh Five times per day, as a standard action, the urobutcher can chose one of the following spells to cast from his belt: catatonia, curse of befowled fortune, inflict serious wounds, monstrous extremities, or touch of bloodletting. The DC is 16 plus the spell level. These spells can be cast into the urobutcher's meathook (see Spell Well, below).
If the urobutcher fails the attack roll or concentration check when casting one of these spells, or the target succeeds on its saving throw, the wearer can spend another daily use of these spells as an immediate action to force a reroll, taking the new result of the die in place of the old one.
Fetid Cloak The urobutcher wears a cloak of stitched-together human skins which, when worn by him, grants him the Stench universal monster ability, except that the radius is increased to 60 ft. When worn by another creature, the fetid cloak provides no benefit.
Urobutcher's Cleaver The urobutcher's cleaver is a unique Medium-sized 2-handed martial weapon with a +4 enhancement bonus which deals 2d4 damage. The urobutcher can use this weapon one-handed due to his half-giant heritage.
The urobutcher's cleaver is immune to rusting, tarnish and similar effects.
Whenever the urobutcher confirms a critical hit or damages the same creature twice in the same turn with this weapon, the target takes 1d4 bleed damage.
The urobucher's cleaver has the following magic weapon quality:
Necrofeed The urobutcher's cleaver has the necrofeed magic weapon quality. The weapon can channel the wielder's necromantic touch spells and can hold one touch spell without discharging it, allowing the urobutcher to cast other spells for a duration of one hour per caster level. It can also channel energy drain and ability drain dealt normally by the wielder's natural attacks. Effects channeled through the meathook resolve after damage has been dealt by the weapon. Energy Drain In the hands of the urobutcher, the urobutcher's cleaver inflicts 1 temporary negative level on a target on a successful hit. This ability only triggers once per round, regardless of the number of attacks the urobutcher makes. The DC to prevent this negative level from becoming permanent is 22.
Urobutcher's Meathook The urobutcher's meathook is a unique Medium-sized two-handed martial weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus (typically improved to +3 by greater magic weapon). The urobutcher has a maximum 30-ft. reach with this weapon, but the weapon does not threaten this area and cannot be used for attacks of opportunity, similar to a whip attached to the end of a Large-sized polearm. The urobutcher cannot make attacks against enemies within 10 ft. of itself with its meathook, similar to a Large-sized reach weapon. Although a two-handed weapon, the urobucher's meathook gains no bonus damage from being wielded two-handed. The urobutcher can use this weapon one-handed due to his half-giant heritage.
This weapon can be used to cause a target to be entangled. To do so, the urobutcher must make a ranged touch attack (typically +14) with the meathook. If he succeeds, the target is entangled, but the urobutcher loses hold of the weapon and can't wield it for as long as it remains entangled to the target. The entangled creature can escape by making a DC 20 Escape Artist check or by breaking the weapon (the weapon has 10 HP, 10 hardness, and requires a DC 26 Strength check to break, similar to a Large-sized chain).
The urobucher's meathook has the following magic weapon qualities:
Major Undead Creation The urobutcher's meathook has the major undead creation magic weapon quality. Any suitable creature killed by a major undead creating weapon rises 1 round later as a wight under the wielder's control. In addition, wielding this weapon adds an additional 10 HD to the total amount of undead that the wielder can control at any time. A wielder without the ability to command undead can control up to 15 HD worth of wights created through the use of this weapon. Spell Well The urobutcher's meathook has the major undead creation magic weapon quality. The weapon can channel the wielder's touch spells and can hold one touch spell without discharging it, allowing the urobutcher to cast other spells for a duration of one hour per caster level. Effects channeled through the meathook resolve after damage has been dealt by the weapon.
Channel Death (Su) 8 times per day, the urobutcher may channel negative energy as a standard action to either heal undead or damage living creatures within 30 ft. for 1d6+4 hit points. Living creatures can make a DC 19 Will save to halve the damage. This counts as channeled energy. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Fear and Screams Aura (Su) Creatures within 60 ft. of the urobutcher must succeed on a DC 22 Will saving throw or be panicked for 1 round. Creatures panicked in this way scream in terror and cannot use their voice to do anything else while the fear effect lasts. The save DC is Charisma-based. Once a creature has succeeded or failed on this saving throw, it is immune to this aura for 24 hours.
Hook and Pull (Ex) Once every 1d4 rounds, when the urobutcher hits a target his own size or smaller with the urobutcher's meathook, as long as he has at least 1 use of mythic power remaining, he can make a drag combat maneuver against that target as a free action after the attack resolves. The urobutcher's meathook is used to make this combat maneuver, which gains the weapon's reach, enhancement bonus, and related feats such as Weapon Focus. This combat maneuver does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and he gains a +4 bonus on it (typically for a total of +29).
Necrocasting Boss (Ex) Similar to a half-undead creature, the urobutcher gains a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease and mind-affecting effects, and is immune to energy drain.
Additionally, the urobutcher gains a +90 bonus to its hit points and a +5 profane bonus to its AC and saving throws. These bonuses are already included in its statistics above.
Necrosplosive Grafting (Su) Once per day, as a standard action, the urobutcher can cause living and undead creatures within a 60-ft. radius burst to explode into gore, dealing 15d6 damage to each target. A DC 22 Fortitude save halves the damage. The urobutcher regains hit points equal to 20% of the damage it deals in this way, as the gore and blood from its targets is sucked onto the urobutcher's body and merges with it. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Necroweakening (Su) Against targets suffering from any kind of fear effect or physical ability score damage or penalty, the urobutcher gains a +4 bonus on attack and damage rolls, and a +4 bonus to the DCs of its spells (including spells cast from the Cord of Grasping Flesh).
Negative Energy Affinity (Ex) Though a living creature, the urobutcher reacts to positive and negative energy as if he were undead—positive energy harms him, while negative energy heals him.
Powerful Build (Ex) The physical stature of half-giants lets them function as if they were one size category larger. Whenever it would be advantageous to do so, a half-giant treats his size category as if it were Large instead of Medium, such as during bull rush, trip or opposed grapple checks. Half-giants are also treated as one size category larger for when determining how a creature’s special attacks would affect him, such as the improved grab or swallow whole abilities. Half-giants may also use weapons one size larger than their size category without penalty. However, his space and reach remain the same for a medium-sized character (or whatever his current size category is). Half-giants also calculate their encumbrance as if they were large creatures instead of medium. This ability stacks with spells or special abilities that can alter the half-giant’s size category.
Resist Death’s Touch (Su) The urobutcher gains a +4 bonus to any saving throw versus death effects, negative energy drain or damage, fear, or other spells or spell-like abilities from the school of necromancy. This is already included in its statistics above.
Two-Weapon Casting (Su) The urobutcher can perform the somatic components of spells while wielding a weapon in both hands. If either hand is holding something other than a weapon, he cannot perform somatic components without a free hand, as normal.
Undying Companion (Su) The urobutcher has a single medium sized animated humanoid skeleton that follows his commands. The undying companion is mindless and undead but otherwise functions similar to an animal companion. Its statistics are below.
Undying Companion
NE Medium undead Init +7 Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +2
AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 22 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +2 magic vestment, +6 natural) hp 277 (6d8) plus 24 temp hp Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +4; +4 vs. enchantment Defensive Abilities devotion, evasion DR 5/bludgeoning Immune cold, undead immunities
Speed 30 ft. Melee +3 scimitar +13 (1d6+9/18-20)
Str 18, Dex 16, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10 Base Atk +4; CMB +9; CMD 22 Skills no skills; +2 on all skill checks from heroism Languages Necril (understands only; cannot speak) Feats Improved Initiative SQ link, share spells Gear mithral chain shirt, mwk scimitar (improved to +3 with greater magic weapon)
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ourpsychicfg · 4 years
Random Post #4: Rose Garden - An Inspiration from Prison Playbook
N.B.: Shin PD:  “I wanted to be able to show the strength that [the viewers can get] through the small and precious stories from the hospital.  The setting and background is the only thing different about this drama compared to that of the ‘Reply’ series or ‘Prison Playbook.’ Similar to those dramas, Hospital Playlist follows the everyday lives of ordinary people, telling those small but previous and warm stories. The funny moments, the interesting moments, and the sad moments of life are all part of that story that I wanted to show when making this drama.” (Cr. Soompi)
Housekeeping: I have a reason to include the N.B. in every post that pays homage to the Reply series and Prison Playbook. This is FGrs’ guiding principle in our analysis of Shin-Lee’s works on Hospital Playlist. In fact, FGrs will always follow the directions hinted by Shin PD in his interviews. Shin PD and Writer Lee are the creators. Their words are the sole key to understanding the direction of their story and how it will unfold. The N.B. is added for the benefit of our readers.
The Formulas
From watching the Reply series and Prison Playbook, we are made to understand that Shin-Lee have created a set of formula that they keep recycling into their next project. Therefore, as per the N.B., it is safe to say that Shin-Lee will continue to reuse these formulas in their latest creation i.e. Hospital Playlist. Prison Playbook’s setting and the stories of its inmates are used as a template for Hospital Playlist’s setting (Yulje Medical Hospital) and the stories of its medical staff and patients. On the contrary, the mechanics of the Reply series are used as the template for the stories of the lacking five. However, another theory has come to mind following recent findings on Prison Playbook. This will be the possible variation.
The followings could possibly be Shin-Lee’s reasons for referencing their previous projects:
To pay homage to their previous projects.
To be used as a source of inspiration to the foundation of the setting, characters and story.
To reiterate that their worldview on love, friendship, marriage and family relationship remain constant (Packmule3@BoD) i.e. trust, shared values, companionship, acceptance, shared interests, understanding, someone you can rely on, supportive etc.
For love in 40s, Shin has recently stated that “At their age they don’t live with passion and desperation for those days that have past and won’t fall passionately in love at first sight and get hurt by it”. Indeed for these 40 years old friends, love will be one that has grown over time (Packmule3@BoD). 
This post will review a specific inspiration / formula that have been taken from Prison Playbook to create the foundation for the main setting and a certain driving characters in Hospital Playlist.
The possible variation: The background of Hospital Playlist’s main driving force (i.e. co-owners) as well as the future co-owner (i.e. Song Hwa **) have been referred from Prison Playbook.
**  Daddy’s Long Leg Program is the first indication that Jeong Won trusted Song Hwa enough to hand over the management of his inheritance.
The Rose Garden & Wild Rose
I shall begin by looking at the special edition soundtrack of Prison Playbook. Among many OSTs for Prison Playbook, there is an instrumental song titled ‘Rose Garden’ by To Da Soo (Cr. To Da Soo - Topic).
Our fellow FGrs, @thisiskitsune has kindly re-watched and analysed Prison Playbook for us. Subsequently, she shared her findings on Rose Garden being the OST and the relevant scenes in Episode 11 where wild roses were first described by the prisoners, Kim Je Hyuk (Male Lead) and Ki Soo, during their conversation at the greenhouse.
Je Hyuk: It’s wild rose (찔레꽃). This flower means “I miss the cottage on a hill in my home country down south, where wild roses bloom.”
Lifer: Isn’t that a song?
Je Hyuk: How did you know? Okay, then.
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Je Hyuk: What is this flower?
Ki Soo: It’s wild rose.
Je Hyuk: I see.
Ki Soo: Wild rose means “solitude, cautious love and longing for family”
Je Hyuk: Oho..
Ki Soo: Do you want to take it?
Je Hyuk: No, thank you. I’ll look at it here. It’s pretty, the wild rose.
In this scene, the context of the wild rose referred to by Je Hyuk to Lifer is solitude and longing for family. This is because Lifer lost both his wife and daughter, he was spending a life sentence and he has given up on living.
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Musk Rose (Rosa Moschata), one of the Shakespeare Roses 
The possible variation: Another type of wild rose is used i.e. pink/ fuchsia moss rose. Solitude and/or cautious love will be the main theme for our wild rose i.e. moss rose.
How does this ‘Rose Garden’ relate to Hospital Playlist? The answer lies within the names i.e. Rosa,  Ahn Jeong Won and Chae Song Hwa. Rosa means Rose in Latin, Jeong Won means Garden in Korean while Chae Song Hwa (채송화) means Moss Rose (Portulaca). Rosa and Jeong Won are the two main people behind the setting that is Yulje i.e. the co-owners aka the driving force of the main setting/ background. Hence, the reference of Rose Garden. As stated above, Song Hwa is the possible future co-owners. 
It is interesting to note that only these two main roles (Song Hwa and Jeong Won) have separate meanings to their names aside from having other nicknames given to them which are also relevant when paired i.e. Mother Theresa and Buddha (their kindness and good deeds) as well as Psychic and Ghost (how well they read people).
Firstly, let’s talk about our first rose, Rosa. She is a strong woman of will. She loves all of her children but Jeong Won is the apple of her eyes. She married her husband, a renowned philanthropist. She has sustained through a marriage not based on love (initially) but I do believe that love comes later in different form and for them their marriage was built based on companionship, understanding, shared values and interests, trust, and relying on each other. Why I said shared values? Despite having all the money, she and her late husband lived humbly. She supported all her husband charity causes. Never once did we hear she complained about money and/or her husband's assets, as well as his decision to donate them for charity causes.
My take:
I trust that over that long period of time, Rosa has come to love her late husband in her own way.
I also believe the relationship between Rosa and her late husband with regard to shared values and interests that they have accumulated across their marriage life will be the template for Song Hwa’s and Jeong Won’s future journey together. 
The possible variation: When will love come knocking at the door for Song Hwa and Jeong Won and/or theirs will be a love marriage. 
Let’s make a quick revisit to Rosa-Jeong Won’s conversation in Episode 8:
Rosa: Song Hwa is beautiful, smart and has sense like this. Then why…
Jeong Won: Why isn’t she married?
Rosa: No. Why doesn’t she like my son? If you marry a girl like Song Hwa, I could join the Lord even tomorrow and have nothing to wish for.
Jeong Won: Come on.
Rosa: My son is sensitive and delicate. You are beautiful like flowers. And you also easily get hurt like flowers. It’d be nice if you have a reliable life partner like Song Hwa.
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Rosa shall be the pillar and bridge for Song Hwa and Jeong Won i.e. Song Hwa is Rosa’s first choice for Jeong Won, when she was not troubled by desperation (e.g. Rosa directly contacted Song Hwa to arrange for Jong Soo to attend the band’s practice instead of asking her own son). She also knows Song Hwa is a very reliable person and that is the most important criteria for her son’s life partner because simply, Rosa has been there, done that. She knows firsthand what is important in a marriage that last for a long time. 
Next is our wild Moss Rose, Song Hwa. I personally feel that Writer Lee has done a very detailed research on Moss Rose whereby even the setting of Song Hwa’s kakao talk profile picture resembles an image of that flower. It was given focus twice in Episode 2 (Seok Min texting Song Hwa) and Episode 3 (Ik Jun replying Song Hwa’s text on lunch). This is her profile picture:
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I am just making a ‘wild’ guess here though I do believe it is a moss rose. This is what I found:
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Sundial Fuchsia Moss Rose (Portulaca). (Photo Cr. to Peter Krumhardt)  
Portulaca 'Sundial Fuchsia' offers bold magenta-pink on compact, heat-resistant plants.
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Pink Moss Rose Plant. (Photo Cr. to flowerphoto.org)
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This is another variation of the pink moss rose. (Photo Cr. to  Wilawan Suntrakorn)
I am happy to be proven wrong but for now, I will take Song Hwa’s profile picture as a moss rose. 
Let’s now revisited the scene in Episode 4 to provide insight and proof on our wild rose Chae Song Hwa.
Seok Hyeong’s Mom: Call Song Hwa. Ask her to come for dinner. I really like Song Hwa. She’s calm and kind.
Seok Hyeong: Why would Song Hwa come? I told you she is just a friend. Besides, she is not calm at all. She is a wild one. (lol, I just love Seok Hyeong and his calm bluntness.)
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In relation to this remark and theory of our Moss Rose, I have come across an interesting and relevant flower story that includes a story of the Moss Rose. The book was written by Lenore E. Mulets and published in November 1903.
The Wild Rose: Moss Rose
“Once a little pink wild rose bloomed by the wayside. To all who passed her way she threw out a delicate perfume and nodded in kindly welcome. The larks and the humming-birds all loved the pink wild rose. The baby grasses and the violets snuggled up at her feet in safety. To all she was kind and sweet and helpful. One day Mother Nature passed that way. She saw the gentle wild rose sending out her helpful cheer to all. Mother Nature was pleased. She stopped a moment on her way to speak to the simple flower. She praised the wild rose for her sweetness and her beauty and her kindness. At last she promised her, her choice of all the beautiful things that were in the store of Nature. The pink wild rose blushed quite scarlet at the praise. For a moment she stopped to think. "I should like," said the wild rose, blushing more and more, "I should like to have a cloak from the most beautiful thing you can think of." Mother Nature looked down at her feet. She stooped. She arose and threw about the blushing pink rose a mantle of the softest, greenest, most beautiful moss. Mother Nature passed on her way. The sweet rose by the roadside drew her mantle of moss closely about her and allowed it to trail down the stem. She was very happy. She was never again to be called the simple wild rose, but in her heart she knew that her beautiful mossy mantle would only help her in spreading sweetness and kindness and beauty and the perfume of happiness through Mother Nature's world.”
I fall in love with this heart-warming story. It really suits our moss rose character, Song Hwa. Furthermore, I am of the view that the green mantle moss represents our Garden, Jeong Won. From episode 1 till the end, he has been, time and time again, shown to care for her, supported her every decisions, understood her concerns, sensitive to her needs and to whom she relied on for advice and support. In fact, throughout Season 1, the only person she ever relied on for advice is Jeong Won. He was the only one who treated her as a girl. Throughout the earlier episodes, their shared values and similar interests have been told using the parallelism techniques. Yes, he grumbled to her during the Kalguksu scene but it was not similar to Jwan’s case. With Song Hwa it was more on her not considering that he hasn’t eaten yet, it’s personal. A key question that will decide the ending for Song Hwa’s love story will be who does Song Hwa like/ love? This is yet another reused formula in the Reply series.
Coming back to Rosa’s script, the following points are very relevant to the highlighted notes on the mossy mantle in the Moss Rose story:
Jeong Won:
Sensitive and delicate (i.e. soft).
Beautiful like flowers.
Easily get hurt like flowers.
 The Mossy Mantle:
Softest, greenest and most beautiful moss.
Will help Moss Rose in spreading sweetness, kindness, beauty and the perfume of happiness.
Final Note: Is Mother Nature being represented by Rosa? We knew she took care of her little flower garden at home. We also knew the Flower Garden OST from Reply 1988 has been rearranged and played as the closing background music in every episode of Hospital Playlist. The rearranged music is titled Beyond the Rainbow Forest and included as another OST for Hospital Playlist. Could all of these Flower Garden, Rose Garden and Moss Rose theories be just a mere coincidence? I will let you decide, my dear readers.
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Quote written by Claire Ansberry, designed by Emily Schiff-Slater and published by Rebekah Lowin 
Click here to read more on moss rose.
Shakespeare Roses
Mulets, L.E. (1903), Flower Stories: Phyllis' Field Friends, L. C. PAGE & COMPANY.
Cr. FGrs of BoD
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Roleplay Ramblings: Homebrewing part 3
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Reskinning and Modifying
 One of the most basic and oft-used form of homebrewing is the act of reskinning things that already exist. An owlbear might become an armored predator with scales and gleaming night eyes. A hydra might become a tar-covered thing with many fanged tentacles that only seem to multiply unless the tar is ignited to drive back the teeming limbs. Or maybe you want to make a modern fantasy game and reskin the basic revolvers from advanced firearms into more modern pistols.
Starfinder in particular heavily encourages this as a cheap way to create alien beasts to fill the nigh-infinite number of worlds. Whether you simply reskin them, or add templates or modify them in other ways, changing already existing monsters is a godsend when you want an adventure to occur on an alien world far from any other and you don’t want to make stats for every single potentially threatening native species from scratch.
In any case, reskinning typically happens in the following order: You need a monster for your next encounter, and you have an idea for what sort of challenge it needs to be either solo or in a group. So you look up monsters of that CR, but none of them match the theme your going for. Sure, some may work mechanically with some tweaking, but you want a horde of bug monsters, but the only thing you’ve got is bugbears. You could straight-up use their stats as is and just call them bug monsters, or you could tweak them, replace their wielded weapons with claws, change their armor to nat armor… and so on.
Alternatively, perhaps you have a great monster idea for an encounter, but don’t have time to create it wholly from scratch, so you take a similar monster and reskin it, adjusting it if necessary.
 Reskinning is a start, but when you really get into the meat of monster modification, there a lot you can do. In Pathfinder and Starfinder, templates, as we briefly mentioned previously, are a godsend, because sometimes it’s not enough to say that the basic skeleton stats are sufficient. Maybe sometimes you need a skeletal dragon without it being a ravener, or a skeletal ogre. Sometimes you need a giant invisible predator built for a jungle environment instead of the glass serpent’s wasteland home of Eox.
Of course, a problem with templates is that a lot of the time, they become a case of “The same monster, but with new strengths and weaknesses, like an undershirt with the word “vest” taped to it. So sometimes you gotta go deeper and modify a lot more. I recall that book 2 of Carrion Crown, Trial of the Beast was a great example of modifying monsters, giving use a bunch of unique variants of flesh golems that made each one a different encounter, like flesh golem hounds with bite attacks, or a blind flesh golem with a magical bond to a group of homunculi strapped to it, serving as its eyes.
The same goes for items, weapons, and spells too. Remember that BFG 9000 example from yesterday’s entry? While the true weapon, if converted directly over to Starfinder, would be even more powerful than a blue star plasma cannon, (a 20th level item), it would not be out of the realm of possibility as an artifact version of the same weapon. Meanwhile, it’s possible to modify spells and the like to create alternate version of them that adds, subtracts, or exchanges something, like how there is a sneaky version of the fireball spell from Pathfinder’s Ultimate Intrigue called controlled fireball, which originates from a source other than yourself, and leaves open spaces to save your allies from harm.
 With the sheer depth of new creations that can come from a small modification, one can only imagine what you can make entirely from scratch, which is what we’re going to cover tomorrow!
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paperanddice · 5 years
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Image by Thomas Baxa, © Wizards of the Coast. Accessed at the Monster Manual II Art Gallery here 
I have been DMing a group through the Age of Worms adventure path from the 3.5 era, that ran in Dungeon magazine from issue 124 to 135. It was designed to carry from level 1 all the way to level 20, and chronicled a band of heroes gathering to save the world from the titular Age of Worms, an apocalypse level event being brought about by the demigod Kyuss. I'm quite a fan of it, and many of the monsters that it used. The avolakia I'm presenting today is one such monster, though it was not original to the adventure the way some others were.
The avolakia appeared in the 3.0 Monster Manual II, and came with a preexisting connection to Kyuss. However, it really was underutilized in the adventure, not making its first appearance until part 11 of 12, about 10 levels late for its CR of 10. So the first ones to appear are loaded down with class levels or templates, or both, to keep them relevant while fighting a level 20 party. I decided to rewrite one of the earlier adventures, and swapped one in to face my level 9 party, letting me take advantage of its base features. The first encounter went well, with the avolakia in question having a few magic items and a little extra health to let it face off against a 6 person party, but a little editing and I think I have a perfect generic avolakia to set on your own party.
Avolakia are about ten to twelve feet long, and weigh over 500 pounds in their true form. They spend much of their time surrounded by the undead they create and eat, as an avolakia's preferred food source is undead flesh, often eaten directly off of their animated minions. In humanoid form they are persuasive and charismatic, often able to recruit many people to their side and turn investigations into them aside. Their voices are so soothing and convincing that it can even magically compel. In their natural forms however, while they're eloquent and charming in their own language, they are incapable of speaking any humanoid languages, and so are much less convincing to most people.
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Avolakia Large aberration, neutral evil Armor Class 18 (defensive aura) Hit Points 187 (22d10 + 66) Speed 20 ft. (30 in humanoid form) Str 19 Dex 14 Con 17 Int 16 Wis 21 Cha 22 Skills Deception +10, Insight +9, Religion +7 Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison Damage Resistances fire Condition Immunities paralyzed, prone Senses darkvision 60 ft. passive Perception 15 Languages Avolakia, Common, Undercommon Challenge 10 (5900 XP) Defensive Aura. The avolakia has a +6 bonus to AC. This ability is always in effect. Regeneration. The avolakia regains 10 hit points at the start of its turns. If the avolakia takes acid or lightning damage, this traid doesn't function at the start of the avolakia's next turn. The avolakia dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate. Shapechanger. The avolakia can use its action to polymorph into the form of a Small or Medium humanoid, or back into its true form. Its statistics, other than its size and speed, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Innate Spellcasting. The avolakia's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18). The avolakia can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: chill touch (5th level), detect magic, dissonant whispers, gentle repose, mage hand 6/day each: suggestion (humanoid form only) 3/day each: animate dead, blight, create undead, fear 1/day each: circle of death Actions Multiattack. The avolakia makes two greatsword attacks, or one bite attack and four claws attacks. It can replace one claws attack with an at will spell from its Innate Spellcasting trait, or it can replace all four claws attacks with one spell from its Innate Spellcasting trait that has a casting time of one action. Greatsword (Humanoid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6+4) slashing damage. Bite (True Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6+4) piercing damage. If the target is a creature it must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for one minute. While poisoned this way, the creature has disadvantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma saving throws. The target can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
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