#( will note that i do think?? by the time she's all grown up suki would know...like the basics of self-defense )
kamipyre · 1 year
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@bloodxhound​ sent in: [ word of advice ; self-defense lesson < 3 ] “If you wanna throw a proper punch, you gotta put your whole body in it—not just your arms. Try again, but this time start the punch with your feet. Pivot on your back leg an’ twist your hips into the punch. That’s how you make it powerful.” || advice that’ll go for miles ( ft. word of advice meme. )
In all technicalities, this is all SUKI’S DOING. Since most of their work is done in the lab, forensics don’t have a physical to pass, unlike the detectives and police officers with their yearly examination. It makes sense, really- considering the kinds of witnesses that take the stand, being physically fit is almost a necessity if the court hopes to get any kind of progress done. And knowing what more often than not happens in these trials, Suki is more than happy to let detectives like Ray take the reins in these situations. 
That and she knows. Has heard the rumors and perhaps when she isn’t too engrossed in her papers, has seen firsthand the kind of…taskmaster he is when it comes to training. For someone who commits vandalism often enough, Detective Barlowe is quite regimented when comes to keeping in shape. Not that she’s seen him at the GYM ( a place Suki herself would never step foot in voluntarily ), but considering that when she has seen his desk, the gym bag is always there…she can’t imagine him bringing it along just for show.
That being said though. 
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Her hands aching, she glares at the punching bag she’s been ‘sparring’ for the past half hour or so. It would be safe to say, the bag is ‘winning’ thus far since it has barely moved an inch, let alone made a sound. Her arms are also aching and the rest of her body feels like lead. Is this supposed to be the end result of a gym session? 
( If it is, how is that supposed to be ENJOYABLE? )
A foot nudges her feet into what Ray deems as proper stance- which makes no sense to Suki by the way. If the point of throwing a punch is to use one’s arm, why does footwork matter? Spy x Family made it seem so much easier…Nevertheless, after a few practice strokes with her leg and arm, she pivots with her back leg and follows through from her hips to her hand throwing the punch. The movement foreign to her, she stumbles a step before in the aftermath…but it’s accompanied by the sound of a punching bag groaning. It swings a little more unhinged than in the aftermath of her previous attempts. 
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With bright eyes, she turns excitedly toward Ray.
“I did it!”
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 2 years
Three Little Changes (Part 7)
She doesn’t see Azula for a good while, not up close and personal anyhow, and she dreads the day that she does. Almost certainly, the girl is going to come back at her with a vehement hatred. Sometimes she sees her in the hallways, she is still with Mai and TyLee but they aren’t chattering and laughing like usual and Azula doesn’t linger at her locker any longer than she has to.
She never goes out of her way to encounter the other girl but today they cross paths. 
Today Azula rams pointedly into her as she walks by. Katara supposes that she should have seen it coming, it was never uncommon for Azula to rudely shoulder her way past. Katara clutches her textbooks to her chest. 
By the time she thinks to turn around and snap at Azula again, she has already disappeared around the corner.
She has gone and ruined her chance at never having to deal with that sort of thing ever again. But then again she can imagine Azula pretending to be her friend only to hurt her again later. 
“Let me guess. Azula again?” Suki asks, noting her slouched posture. 
“Things were going…well they were going somewhere and then I offended her.”
“Not hard to do from what I hear.” Suki shrugs. 
“Yeah well…” she shrugs. “This time I think that she should have been offended she was trying to be nice and…”
“And you don’t owe her your forgiveness.” Suki cuts in. 
“But I also didn’t have to make a certain remark. Maybe if I used a better tone it would have been good advice.” But the circumstances were dreadful and she had very much meant to make the comment as cutting as possible. 
“So I take it that you’re going to continue sitting with Aang and I again?”
“I don’t think I ever really switched.” She taps her pencil against a sheet of notebook paper and sighs. “I can’t believe that Kuruk is late again.” Truthfully, she wouldn’t believe anything else of the teacher but it is a good way to change the subject. And just as the man proudly marches up to the front of the classroom. 
“Guess who got all of us approved for a field trip to the Ember Theater!?” He declares. “We’ll be going to see their performance of our class reading. Since some people…” he side eyes Jet who sinks lower into his chair, “haven’t read a page of the assigned reading all year.” 
The flier flutters in her hands. Katara skims it over once more. Apparently the event starts it six PM exactly and she doesn’t doubt that this particular function will start right on schedule. 
“Are you sure that you don’t want to grab some ice cream with Aang, Toph, and I?” Sokka asks.
“Yeah, I’m sure, Sokka.” She smiles. “Thanks for asking.” She almosts asks him if he remembers that that’s where she and Jet used to go when they had been dating.  She chuckles to herself; what a laughably short era of her life that had been. Although she can’t say that it had been a dreadful one.  
Jet was nice enough, he had definitely given her some exciting adventures–late night beach walks and riding in shopping carts in empty parking lots among them. But after a while she had grown tired of hearing him talk about himself and his new car. Sometimes she thinks that he was more invested in the car than he was her. 
Sometimes she wishes that she hadn’t broken up with him. He was annoying but he was charming. He didn’t make enough time for her but he was familiar and comfortable in that familiarity. They have only been neighbors since they were kids…
But Sokka hadn’t liked him very much. 
He pretended to dislike Aang too.
And here she thought that father being away so often would eliminate the awkward, ‘no one’s good enough for my daughter’ type of spiel.  She wishes that dad were around to give the vaguely intimidating speech. 
She wishes that mother hadn’t died, maybe then dad wouldn’t have to work so extensively.
“If you change your mind Toph was going go take us to meet this Teo kid. He runs the arcade.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, Sokka. I’ve got a lot of homework to do.” And indeed her blue and aqua hibiscus  backpack is quite brimming with assignments–most of them aren’t due until much later but she would like to get a head start on some of the larger projects.
So why then does she find herself wandering back towards the school building and past the double doors. It is disorientingly quiet so far after hours. She can hear the bouncing of her zipper and the thump of the little tube of sunscreen she has tethered to her backpack. The quiet is broken when she reaches the auditorium.
She cringes and mouths a sorry to a grumbling audience. A stern look from Long Feng tells her that her interruption is not appreciated. He sighs deeply and pushes a few buttons on a stop watch. “Apologies for the interruption. Kei Lo, you may start over.” He pauses. “As a reminder for you and a recap for our new arrival…”
Katara flushes as she slips into her seat. Azula shoots her a steely glare from the podium opposite Kei Lo. 
“The topic is recreational boating on our coast. You are arguing against it and you were just about to talk about its environmental impact.” 
Kei Lo nods. “Right, yes…” 
Azula listens patiently as he lays out his argument. There is a slip of paper and a pencil resting on her podium but she doesn’t use it. Katara can’t imagine that she needs to. She has never seen Azula carry notecards to presentations and yet her delivery is always impeccable. 
Tonight is no different. Her voice is silky smooth as she address and counters Kei Lo’s points. Katara can’t say that she agrees with a word of what Azula is saying, but she sure does make a damn good case. 
Watching and listening to her now is very different from actually arguing with her. Here she has poise and eloquence. Here, she always has a rebuttal. Kei Lo cuts in several times and her rhythm remains unbreeched. 
At the lunch table when insults are flying she never seems to know what to say. Of course when she does have a comeback on hand, it is a devastating one. A devastating one that is delivered almost as she serves her points here; suave and polished but with a dangerous hiss. With a slight narrowing of her eyes.
It occurs to Katara that she doesn’t know why she thought that this would be a good idea; listening to Azula debate is uncanny. It is cold and stoic and nothing like the revel and cheer of a surf competition. 
Katara has been cleared to leave the hospital tomorrow and Azula is grateful for that. Grateful and anxious all at once. Things have been rather dull without their swim lessons and beach walks. She swallows, not that those will be resuming any time soon. 
Azula slips into her chair at the table. “Good evening, father.” 
Ozai looks up from his glass of wine. “How was your day?” 
“It was alright I suppose. I was elected as a candidate to be the captain of the volleyball team but Mihara broke her ankle so we might be moving forward with the season without her.” It will be weird not watching her silly pigtails bounce about as she chases after the ball. And weirder still to not have her as a right hand woman. No one seems to work as well with her as Mihara. 
“No matter.” Ozai dismisses. “You will have a strong season and make me proud.” 
Azula nods. 
“Have you heard from your brother yet?” 
She shakes her head. “No father.” And technically it is true, he hasn’t called her so she hasn’t heard from him. But she had seen him with Ruon Jian headed towards the hemp shop. She makes a mental note to talk with him about that later. He certainly doesn’t need to give father another reason to want to send him off to live with Iroh. She doesn’t particularly want him to go, it would be terribly lonely. 
Ozai sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “I tell that boy to be back home by dinner.” He jabs a fork into his stake. “I also expected you to be home earlier…”
“Practice ended late.” She clears her throat. “Sort of. Coach June wanted to speak more with me about the captain position.” 
“Very well.” Ozai nods. 
“I will be going to visit Katara at the hospital tomorrow. She’s getting out.” 
His expression darkens again as he chews his stake. He daintily dabs at the corners of his mouth. “That girl is a distraction. She always has been.” 
She hasn’t yet taken a bite of her stake but Azula swallows anyways. 
“She’s a worse distraction now than when the two of you had that feud.” 
“It’s fine, father. I manage my time well.”
He quirks a brow. “And when she gets dependant? She lost a leg, she’s going to need a lot of assistance and that will take up a lot of your time. What are you going to tell her when she starts asking you to sacrifice that time.” Azula opens her mouth to speak but father continues first. “You have aspirations and you won’t let her get in the way of those, will you?”
“Of course not, father.” 
His lips press into a thin line. 
“I’ll tell her to take care of herself. She’ll need to learn to do that anyhow.”
And father smiles. He gestures to the stake. “Go on, the chef cooked and spiced it exceptionally tonight.” 
Azula tries to return that smile. But the swell of pride that she usually feels at his approval isn’t so warm this time.
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sukirichi · 3 years
happy little accidents
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— Life is a series of unfortunate events, but sometimes, there are happy little accidents.
REQUEST. (accidental pregnancy, fuck buddies au) + childhood friends to lovers + baby moments with father! megumi
CONTENT/WARNINGS. slight smut, slight exhibitionism (I think? there’s a CCTV lmao) just daddy megumi uwu
NOTES. hi anon, thank you for requesting and joining the event! I have to admit...I don’t really know how to write this and I just had to ask my mother about her experiences in pregnancy LMAO. I apologize in advance if this sucks, I’m pretty good at fluff but domestic and cute stuff with children isn’t my expertise asggkhl I’m awkward around babies and kids so anyways, I hope you like it! OH AND ALSO I HAVE A CAMEO LMAO
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Megumi’s hands runs up under your shirt, bringing about a shiver forward when his cold fingers come into with your warm skin. You feel him smile onto the kiss, his grip nothing but teasing before he brushes the underside of your breast, prompting you to grip closer to his hoodie. You and him were childhood friends; having always liked one another until playing house was no longer a game a but dream, but his family was too strict and controlling – they’ve made it clear long ago this relationship could never and would never happen.
His Uncle Naoya made sure of it.
But that didn’t stop the both of you. All the way from highschool until now in your university days, you and Megumi are still stuck together by the hip, occasionally fucking whenever time allowed. Weekdays are spent staring longingly at each other in the hallways, the weekends flourishing into finally’s and hushed kisses under the sheets, completely unaware of the world you both trudged in.
Today was one of those days, and you’re nothing less of passionate as you swipe your tongue out to taste his lips, smiling when you realize he’s also grown used to wearing your mint flavoured lip balm. “Mhm, Megumi, I missed you,” you placed your legs beside his arms, a contented sigh entering his mouth as he closed his eyes.
“You miss me? I’m always around you,” he reminds you, pulling away momentarily to tug your shirt to the side where he leaves a soft patch of kisses. “Never gonna leave your side, baby.”
“You better not. I’m the best you’ll ever have.”
Megumi nods wholeheartedly in agreement, not wasting time before he pulls you closer to him. You’re almost weightless as you crash on top of him, hands tangled into the other’s hair and his large palm squeezing your breast. It produces a breathy moan from you, a thread of saliva connecting your lips when it comes again – that hellish bitter and sour bile that flows up to your throat. You push yourself off him and run to the bathroom, the content of your stomachs poured while your groans echo around the room.
He’s beside you in an instant, crouching beside you to pull your hair up and pat your back. Once you’ve finished throwing up, you clutch at the indistinguishable bloating of your stomach, leaning back into his touch while you slowly regain your composure.
Your head is throbbing uncomfortably again, one that wouldn’t go away no matter how much you press your thumbs against it.
“Wh-what’s wrong? Are you sick or something?”
You chuckle a bit from the way he frets over you, hands tilting your cheeks side to side while he pales, a sheen of worry visible on his hairline. He’s always been such a worrywart. You look behind him and see the box of condoms in your half-open medicine cabinet, the sight making your heart drop in your chest.
“Megs...when was the last time we had sex?”
“Well,” he scratches the back of his head, “We’ve both been busy from uni, so...last month, I guess? It’s been a long time.”
You swallowed audibly. You’ve recently gotten that box of condoms because if you remember correctly, last time you both skipped straight to the deed after realizing you ran out of it. Eyes flicking over his confused ones, your throat ran dry and itchy from the throw up session, your voice low as you say, “I’m three weeks late on my period, Megs.”
He looks just as shocked as you are, but he doesn’t give you the time to recover before he rushes out into your apartment. For a moment, you’re left heartbroken at the cold bathroom tiles, thinking that he left, but Megumi comes back a few minutes later, a pregnancy test kit and some chocolates inside a plastic bag. Your eyes widen when he gently ushers you to sit on the toilet, his feet tapping impatiently on the floor while you both wait for the result.
And there it is.
The timer on his phone goes off. Megumi rushes beside you, his chin resting on your shoulder as he blinks at the test kit. He turns to you and blinks in question, wondering what the hell it meant.
“’Gumi...it’s positive,” you cry out, sending him into a stagger backwards when you jump at him. Thankfully, he’s carried you too many times to count that he’s natural at hoisting you into his arms, still rendered speechless as you announce, “You’re going to be a dad!”
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It’s been five whole months since you and Megumi turned into being stable fuck buddies, intent on hiding your relationship from both your families, into homeless and young parents whose fear over life and the future only increased tenfold now with the growing baby inside you.
You still remember that dreadful moment when both of you are kicked out into your family estate, Megumi’s Uncle Naoya especially enraged over the news. He doesn’t even give his nephew a chance to pack his bags before he signals the bodyguards to escort you out, then takes away all Megumi’s privileges and former luxury of being part of the Zenin Clan. You assume he’d want to strangle his pitiful Uncle for the never ending mistreatment, but your now boyfriend is nothing but happy, relieved that he’s been freed from the tight reins that always got in both your way.
Unbeknownst to the controlling Zenin Clan head, his wife is much more cunning than he is. He knows his wife always had some sorts of tricks hidden up in her sleeve, but even you were surprised when Megumi’s Aunt Suki shows up in your college dorm one day, throwing a set of keys your way with a wink before driving off back to become Naoya’s beloved trophy wife.
She lent you one of her high-estate apartments and even a humble car, silently wiring fees into your bank account since Megumi’s was already shut down.
Truly, if it wasn’t for her, you and Megumi wouldn’t be able to live this comfortably no matter how much both of you worked your ass off.
Now, none of you had to worry about not getting to make ends meet, no more worrying about putting your health at risk by working two jobs a day along with university – you and Megumi agreed to take advantage of her kindness just until the baby was born, opting to live quietly and comfortably in your shared home that would soon be filled with more memories. Well, as comfortably as you both could anyway, since pregnancy – although a beautiful experience – wasn’t always rainbows and unicorns.
Megumi comes home one day, the food you’ve always been craving from the Chinese restaurant from the other town present inside his bag. He’s tired from uni, even more so that he shares your burden of becoming new parents, but every time he comes home to you, all his exhaustion is wiped away, especially with the evident growth of your belly.
Your boyfriend runs up to you after placing the food on the counter, his arms wide open to get a hug – he’s gotten extremely touchy ever since the pregnancy – when you reel away from him, face turning green.
Your fingers come to pitch at your nose, eyes narrowed at his confused pout. “Ugh, Megumi, your deodorant stinks.”
“You were the one who got this for me, though,” his brows furrow as he lifts his sleeve up to sniff himself. He doesn’t smell bad... “You said you liked it on me,” he mumbles more to himself than you, staying still in his spot when he sees how colourless you’ve become. “Why are you looking at me like that? I showered today.”
“I can’t stand the smell of you, I can’t, gosh,” pushing past him, you rush to the toilets, the morning sickness well present all the way until sundown as you throw up. Megumi stands at the doorway, hands extended in front of him as he’s unsure whether he could help you or not. You firmly shake your head at him, lips turned into a sneer. “No, don’t get near me or I will honestly whack you with my purse, Megumi. Get rid of that deodorant and find a scent free one or something.”
Megumi is left with a slack jaw when you hop into bed afterwards, too tired and irritated to finish your papers. Seeing that he should probably do the same and pamper you instead, Megumi is silent as he crawls under the covers, only to be kicked out with a harsh kick to his thigh and a fiery, “Get out!”
“Nobara,” he whines into the phone, too fearful to even look at the bedroom at the thought that you’d feel his gaze and get even angrier. Your instincts and senses sharpens with each passing day; he won’t risk it. “My girlfriend hates me!”
“I could see why.”
Megumi groans at his friend’s flippant tone, the sound of a nail file grazing acrylics mixed with lo-fi music playing from the other line. “I’m serious – she doesn’t even want me a foot near her! When I tried to join her on the bed, she literally woke up just to hit me with a pillow. Right in the face!”
“Let me guess, you’re banned from the bedroom and staying on the couch?”
“Yeah, I am,” he sulks on the couch, “I don’t know why she hates me. I can’t imagine what I did wrong.”
“You don’t have to do anything wrong for a pregnant woman to hate you, Fushiguro. It’s not your fault your face is just really annoying,” Megumi makes a sound of protest before slapping a hand over his lips, nervous gaze darting at your door again. He relaxes into the seat; you’ve probably fallen asleep. “But on a more serious note, I think it’s the hormones. She’s erratic right now and you can’t blame her, she’s literally growing a child inside of her, dude, are you crying?”
“She might divorce me because of my deodorant.”
“Idiot, you two aren’t even married!” Nobara bellows loud enough that Megumi pulls the phone away from his ear, waiting until she’s calmed down and continues speaking like she didn’t just burst his ear drums. “Listen, just be extra sweet and careful around her, okay? Don’t open your mouth as well unless you want to die. Now get a notepad or something, we’re going to devise the best Baby Mama Seduction Plan that is guaranteed to win her heart.”
“You’re a lifesaver, Nobara!”
“Hmph, you owe me tickets to that fashion show though. Get your rich ass uncle to pull some connections or something.”
“Nobara, you know I can’t—”
“Oh shit, is that your girl about to kick you in the face?” Megumi yelps as his body flips at the direction of your room, both hands raised in surrender with his phone pressed between his ear and shoulder. He sighs – the door is still closed – he should be safe for now. Meanwhile, Nobara snickers cockily, almost as if she could see everything. As always, Nobara was triumphant. “That’s right, we both don’t want that to happen, so stick to your end of the deal man.”
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Megumi stays up the whole night to execute Nobara’s plan. It’s tiring to run back and forth in the open convenience stores just to fill the fridge up with all your favourite food, but Megumi is determined to have you accept him again, even if he knows you’re not actually rejecting him.
By the time you’ve woken up, all beautiful and glowing as you pad out your room, Megumi stands up straight to conceal his body ridden with exhaustion. He just wants to make you happy.
“What’s all this?”
“You’ve been working hard,” he starts off unsurely, a hand scratching the back of his head as he gauges for your reaction. You plop down on the dining table and don’t scowl as you take a whiff of the food, blinking for a few seconds before you dig in. It’s enough for him to take as a go-signal, and he walks beside you carefully, his voice wavering and soft. “I just wanted to surprise you – show you how much I love and admire you...all that.”
“That’s suspicious,” you mouth through a mouthful of dumpling, but smile anyways with your arms extended. “Come here, give me a kiss.”
Megumi is beyond elated as he buries himself in the warmth of your arms again, sighing when you kiss his cheeks and jaw. “Are we good?”
“Did you replace your deodorant?”
“Good boy,” you kiss him on the lips this time. Megumi has the audacity to blush as if he didn’t just fuck a baby into you, making you laugh before you slap his ass, last night’s irration now replaced with a reminder that this was Megumi – your first love and everything more. There was no way you wouldn’t be ‘good’ with him; you’d go to heavens and back for him, but maybe once you’re done birthing his child. “Yeah, we’re good. Get the mint choco ice cream pint for me?” Megumi sprints to perform your commands, and you reward him by pulling him in for a deeper kiss the time, his lips so sweet and minty. You can’t help but sigh, falling for him over and over again. “You’re such a sweetheart, Megs. This is why I’m head over heels for you.”
“You didn’t want me sleeping beside you for a week straight though.”
Your nose scrunches at the memory – that slight change in your expression making Megumi step back – as you wave a spoon at him, glaring at him in warning. “Like I said, you stank.”
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But...pregnancy wasn’t all that bad for the both of you. There were times you’re unable to keep your hands off him. Although unexpected and mostly occurring in the most inconvenient situations, Megumi can’t say he’s complaining, especially not when you push him towards the wall just as the elevator doors closed.
“Daddy,” you moan, guiding his hands into your already soaking wet panties. Megumi breathes sharply as he cups your drenching core, wondering how you’ve gotten this aroused without him doing anything sexual in particular.
The nickname spilling past your lips is unforeseen though, as is his growing kink for it when he hardens immediately.  
“Please, please, please, I need you so much – make me feel good, will you?”
Megumi has to pin your needy, trailing hands all over his chest down to your sides, his pupils blown wide as the elevator ascends from one floor to the other. His eyes dart to the blinking red light from the cameras, his Adam’s apple bobbing when you don’t stop in the slighthest, only leaning forward to tug and nip at the skin of his neck. Megumi groans at your ministrations; you know very well that was his sensitive spot. “Y/N, we’re literally in the elevator, just wait until we get back home—”
When Megumi tries to push you away to stop your hands from palming his boner, you growl, eyes fierce and heated as you turn to him. “Do you want me to chop your dick off and prevent you from having a second child?”
“Then shut up and fuck me.”
“Fuck, okay, don’t blame me if I make you sore, though.”
You roll your eyes at him, your hands moving expertly as you bunch your skirt up to your waist to show him that your bud was already swollen just for him. “Megumi, my boobs are already are its most sore point, I don’t give a fuck anymore.”
Megumi makes quick work of shoving his pants down just to his knees, gentle yet needy as he pushes your chest flat on the walls, round and perky ass puckered for him to take you already. He could cum just from the sight of you bending over for him like this, your arousal already dripping down your thighs as you wiggle your hips at him, breathless in the desire to be taken once more.
There were still fifteen floors to go before you reached your destination. Megumi’s brows pinch together in anxiety that anyone could press for the lift, but you’re also submissively bent over for him, moaning and gasping his name even when it’s only the tip of his cock sliding into you.
He sees the way your fingers hover over the buttons, clearly more prepared to shut the doors and deny others entry than he was, and he thinks fuck it to himself before he buries himself deep into you, head thrown back at the heavenly and salacious feeling of fucking you raw. You’re somehow warmer and tighter, wetter with puffier lips during your second trimester. Just as he blanches at the thought he could hurt you, he remembers the doctor’s encouragement of more sex. Being the good boyfriend he is, Megumi fucks hard into you, groaning and panting when your walls clamp down on him.
He only wants to help you.
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Days of rubbing your feet and singing to your belly were gone – now replaced with laughter pouring into your house and switching from listening to Mother Mother into actually enjoying nursery rhymes playing from the stereo.
It feels just like yesterday when he rushes you to the emergency room, your hand nearly crushing his during your contractions before you gave birth to his child.
Megumi has never really been much of an emotional person, preferring to be calm and stoic unless you’re around; the rare times he actually lets his walls down. Surrounded by a group of doctors, though, Megumi stops caring about saving face when they hand him his daughter. He isn’t the least bit embarrassed when he sobs upon seeing the tiny bundle of joy in his arms, so small and vulnerable that promised there and then – he’d do everything he can to protect his child and give them the best future.
Fushiguro Megumi is a hands-down helicopter dad. The moment you’re able to take your daughter back home, he’s already had the whole house baby proofed. Along with studying for his exams, he’s also switching back and forth to parenting guide books.
You can tell he’s taking his job as a dad very seriously. Megumi doesn’t hesitate to shoot out of the bed in the middle of the night whenever he hears his daughter cry, racing you to her crib while he rocks her back and forth and you prepare her milk. You’re both utterly tired and sleep deprived, your head resting on his shoulder as your baby calms down in his arms. Faintly, you feel him kiss the top of your head, encouraging you to go back to sleep with the assurance he can handle it.
But of course, you’re the stubborn parent, and you drag your boyfriend and daughter back to bed, making sure there was enough space to make her comfortable before falling asleep.
Being a parent – especially with the love of your life – has never felt any more magical.
Of course, it was hard and definitely not a walk in the park, but it was worth it. Every time you came home from school, Megumi would already be there, his daughter babbling nonsensically in his arms while he prepared her meals. At the sounds of the door opening, both of them would run to you, showering you with kisses while you did the same.
Both your families have still refused to accept you back – not that you both minded – but it was getting shameful to keep relying on his relative to provide for your family. Eventually, you and Megumi decided that the other stays to take care of your baby while you work after class.
You’re staggering inside your home like a zombie after a long day, muscles aching from too much work and brain barely functioning due to the lack of sleep. With a long, drawn out sigh, you plop on the couch next to your boyfriend who jolts back awake, still careful not to let his drooling daughter wake up in his arms. Upon seeing it’s just you, Megumi leans over to kiss you on the nose, smelling sweetly of floral detergent powder and baby cologne.
“Welcome home,” he murmurs at your skin, your eyes already fluttering close at the comfort and warmth of home. “Scarlet is fast asleep. She couldn’t wait for you to kiss her goodnight anymore.”
“Don’t be dramatic. Mommy will always come home to the two most precious people in the world,” Now, it’s your turn to kiss Megumi to remind him he’s also doing a great job. You know he’s working just as hard you are, and you honestly don’t think you could do this without him. “Megumi,” you begin, tracing soft circles into his wrist to feel his lulling heartbeat.
“Have I ever told you I loved you?”
“I think I know that already,” he smiles romantically at you – even after years, you’re still very much smitten with that smile, and the sight of him and your daughter alone has you relaxing back in your seat.
“Yes, but you need to hear it again,” you tell him, cupping his face into your palms. Megumi sighs as he leans closer into your warmth, his hands patting your daughter’s back to soothe her in her slumber. “You’re such a natural at this – being a father. I’m really lucky I had a family with you. It’s all I ever wanted,” Burying yourself closer into his arms and collecting the both of them into an embrace, you smile into his shoulder, feeling like you’re on cloud nine. “I don’t think life is gonna get better than this, Megs. I’m so happy right now I feel like I could die.”
“Don’t say the d-word around her,” he jokes, the two of you sharing tired and dry laughter. Once the amusement subsides, Megumi’s other hand shifts to squeeze your thigh to get your attention. “Y/N...do you ever think about...making us official?”
“What do you mean?” you mumble sleepily, “How else official could we get? We live together and we have a baby. Soon, we’re going to be employed too and then we can provide better for her and stop relying on Aunt Suki so much,” Megumi nods above you, but his lack of response is worrying that you look up to him, frowning as you see that his face is pulled deep into thought. “We’re already a family, Megs. What’s on your mind?”
“I want to marry you,” he blurts out, “I want to make you mine and mine only – I see a future and a forever with you,” Megumi looks you straight in the eye the whole time. “Marry me, Y/N. Please.”
You’re rendered speechless.
You love him so much, you really do, and nothing about that will change. After spending a lifetime with you, Megumi knows just by looking at your face that there’s a but coming afterward and he clenches his jaw, sadness swirling in his eyes that you have to stop him before his thoughts run off again. “I want that too, Megumi, believe me,” you reassure, brushing his hair back with your fingers; a gesture that always pulled him back to you. “I just don’t want to rush things, you know? We can still barely stand on our own and we have Scarlet to worry about. I think we should focus more on her future than ours.”
Megumi nods, albeit disappointed, though this doesn’t stop him from kissing you straight on the lips before he mutters, “I understand but...think about it, at least?”
“You already know my answer would be yes.”
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“Scarlet! I wonder where my little princess is hiding,” Megumi announces from outside your room, your toddler giggling beside you as you both hide behind the closet hand-in-hand. Four years later, you and Megumi are married, and life’s gotten a lot easier – in addition to it being a whole lot more domestic since Megumi takes his husband title just as seriously as being a father. Right now, he’s crawling outside, his voice lowered in an attempt to be scary. “If I find her, she’s going to face the wrath of the tickle monster!”
“Tickle monster!” Scarlet gasps beside you, turning to you with wide eyes. “Mummy, I don’t want tickles!”
“Then we better be quiet so Daddy doesn’t find us!”
With your voice intentionally louder than a whisper, it doesn’t take long before Megumi opens the closet doors, carrying you both effortlessly before dropping you all down onto the bed. “I found you!” You all tickle each other and laugh, your daughter falling into panicked squeals while you chortle at the side. Megumi then hoists Scarlet up before the both of you kiss both sides of her cheeks, sending the giggling child into an utter ticklish mess.
While the two are busy tickling one another, you feign a gasp, clutching at your husband’s bicep.  “Megumi!” your eyes widen, pointing deftly at the kitchen with trembling lips for effect. “Can you please check the oven – I think I left something in there and it might be burning!”
“I don’t smell anything,” is all he says, but runs there anyway. Megumi stands in front of in confusion, Scarlet safely bundled in his arms while her father opens the oven, frowning as he takes the object out and inspects it. “Mittens? But Scarlet is already—” Just then, Megumi’s jaw drops, his grin stretched wide while Scarlet keeps poking at the mittens, trying to make them fit into her slightly larger hands. “No way. Another one?”
“Another candy?”
You laugh at Megumi’s beaming face that matches his daughter’s – the two looking too much alike – but for completely opposite reasons. “We’ll get you all the candies you want, sweetheart,” you swipe a candy from the counter and hand it to your daughter’s grabby hands, pecking Megumi’s cheeks who is still beyond flustered at the announcement. “But yeah we have another one – and it’s a boy!”
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bemused-writer · 3 years
Do you think whatever feelings Noé has for Vanitas have turned deeper after Vanitas became his "light" in the Gevaudan arc? The Vanijeanne scenes were distracting, but Noé's behavior towards Vanitas was especially caring in that aftermath until Misha ruined everything. Noé looked so heartbroken when he's told he doesn't really know Vanitas and Vanitas denies any bond between them. Obviously he hasn't realized it like Jeanne, but I believe Noé fell in love around the same time as her.
(Ask sent a month ago.)
The Gévaudan arc is an interesting one because while Noé and Vanitas didn't spend all that much time together, the time they did spend was indicative their relationship had grown closer. To my mind, their time apart was almost more impactful on Vanitas than Noé since Vanitas became more demonstrative with him after that and even offered up some sound advice.
But like you said, Noé was also overtly fond in the aftermath of Gévaudan, no doubt since he'd been forced to really consider what being a chasseur actually means and how that would have been a detriment to their relationship.
As for whether Noé and Jeanne are both in love with Vanitas, I would say maybe for both of them. With Jeanne, I feel at this stage it's more of an infatuation, new and bright, but unexplored. Things are moving fast and in a jumbled manner because they only get to see one another from time to time. With Noé we're getting a lot more groundwork covered and so development can seem slower, but there's a solidity there that is harder to break (as we've seen in chapter 53).
I guess what I would say is that whether or not Noé realized he's in "love" he definitely realized he cares for Vanitas at the end of Gévaudan. As a side note, I'm unsure of whether Jeanne said "daisuki" or "suki" when she said she was in love with Vanitas, but both Vanitas and Noé have said "suki," which was translated as "love" and "like" respectively. I say do with that as you will. (^^)
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melzula · 4 years
A New Battle Begins
pairing: Zuko x Princess!reader
notes: requested by anon
summary: Now that the war is over, Zuko and the Princess can finally live a life of peace together. Or so they think...
~ part of the fire lilies series ~
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“Careful now, you don’t want to hurt yourself,” you chide gently as you help guide Zuko’s arms through the sleeves of his robe before neatly tying the sash around his waist. His wound is still tender from Azula’s lightning strike and limits most of his movements, so he’s grateful for your help in his preparation for the coronation. You work precisely and gracefully with no error and no faltering despite the hindrance of your freshly bandaged hands, and though the room is quiet a sense of calm and peacefulness washes over Zuko at your mere comforting presence. Today he will be crowned Fire Lord, and you will be right by his side just like you have been since you were children— Zuko couldn’t ask for anything more than that.
“Thank you for your help,” he says with a grateful smile. “I can’t imagine doing this without you.”
“We’ve come a long way,” you note thoughtfully, “and there’s no place I’d rather be than right here with you in this very moment.”
With the final piece of his wardrobe secured to his body, Zuko takes it upon himself to tie his top knot— you still haven’t quite mastered the hairstyle yet— and complete his Fire Lord ensemble. You smile fondly at the sight of him, leaning forward to grace his lips with a sweet kiss.
“You make a handsome Fire Lord.”
“And one day you’ll make a beautiful Fire Lady,” Zuko counters with a small smirk, one that sends you into an embarrassed fit of giggles.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, mister,” you say with a laugh. “I’m going to join the others out in the courtyard. I’ll see you shortly.”
You bid your love goodbye with a chaste kiss to the cheek before excusing yourself from his presence and making your way back outside. The palace is empty other than the few guards that line the hallways, and you have to remind yourself that they aren’t your enemies any longer. With Zuko on the throne and your status as his girlfriend no one will lay a single finger on you while you are here, especially not with your title as Princess of the Southern Water Tribe. It will take some time to break your habit of immediately going on the defensive in the presence of Fire Nation soldiers, but you have faith that Zuko and Aang will be able to restore balance to the world.
Your path to the outside is suddenly blocked by a woman who stands at the very end of the hall and gazes thoughtfully out the grand window before her. Her hair is graying but the lines that worry her face are kind and familiar. Seemingly sensing your presence, she turns to you with a tired smile, one you recognize immediately despite the many years you’ve spent away from home.
“Mother,” you murmur quietly, eyes welling with tears and breath catching in your throat at the sight of her.
“You’ve grown so much I almost didn’t recognize you,” she replies with a teasing tone. Her arms open to you then, warm and inviting, and with a small sob you gather the skirt of your dress before sprinting towards her.
“Mother!” You cry, melting into her bone crushing embrace as you weep into the fabric of her coat. “I can’t believe it’s you! How- What are you doing here?”
“The Fire Prince sent a messenger hawk to tell me of your bravery and requested my presence in the Fire Nation immediately,” she explains before carefully taking your hands in her own and assessing the bandages wrapped neatly around your wrists and extending all the way to your fingertips. It’s only one layer and it’s mostly just for protection, but it’s obvious that extensive damage has been done to your skin. “Does it hurt?”
“No. The healing took away the pain, but the scars will stay forever.”
“My brave girl,” your mother coos with a tearful smile, hand resting upon your cheek and cupping your face. “Your father would be so proud.”
“Thank you, mom,” you reply. A single tear slides down your cheek but you’re quick to brush it away before it can ruin your ceremonial makeup. “But if I’m being honest, I thought you’d be angry with me... I was afraid when I came back home you’d want nothing to do with me.”
“I was heartbroken when you left,” she admits thoughtfully, “you were my only child and I feared for your safety. I thought of you every day, and when I heard the news of your father’s death I worried that one day I might get the same news about you.”
You look closely at your mother as she explains, appreciating the details of her face and the change of her features. She wasn’t very old, but your absence and your father’s passing weighed heavily upon her through the lines on her skin. She was strong, but she’d also been through a lot these last couple of years, managing her grief while trying to run an entire tribe on her own. You could only hope to be as great of a leader as she was.
“But instead I received news of your bravery, your compassion, and your courage. I couldn’t be more proud to call you my daughter, y/n, and I can’t wait to see what you do next.”
She pulls you into yet another embrace before joining you out in the courtyard to meet your friends, and for the first time in a long time all is right in the world.
Zuko’s coronation goes off without a hitch, and after successfully establishing the plans for the Harmony Restoration Movement with King Kuei you and your friends decide to visit the Jasmine Dragon to celebrate before the announcement. It’s your last night away from home, and though you’re reluctant to say goodbye to Zuko and your friends you know you’re needed back in the south. You’ve been away for too long, and the Southern Water Tribe is in desperate need of a ruler. With your father gone and your mother growing older it will only be a matter of time before the tribe is left in your hands, so there’s no better time than now to start leaning how to lead.
“Your tsungi horn playing is beautiful as always, Uncle,” you compliment Iroh as Zuko sets your tea before you. He gifts you a chaste kiss to the cheek in passing, an act that has you shyly hiding your smile behind your cup and taking a drink of the jasmine taste you’ve missed so dearly. The last time you’d been in Ba Sing Se you were living under a false identity, settling down into your new life with a reluctant Zuko and trying to start anew. There had been obstacles of course, from the encounters with your midnight stranger to Zuko’s inevitable betrayal down in the crystal caves, but you don’t wish to take any of it back for a second. Because otherwise you wouldn’t be here now, surrounded by your friends as you critique Sokka’s drawing.
“You know the burns are only on my hands and not the rest of me, right?” You ask, pointing out the scars that weave around your arms like vines in the drawing.
“Yeah, but this makes you look cooler!” Sokka defends.
“Well I think you all look perfect,” Toph compliments enthusiastically, and you can’t help but laugh at yet another one of her blind jokes. You’ll miss those once you get back home.
The celebration will be starting soon, and so you join your friends on the back of Appa to fly through the skies and enjoy your time together before the night can end. You sit in the back with Suki who carefully adjusts the flowers in your hair and distracts you from the serious conversation Zuko holds with Aang.
“Are you excited to go back home?”
“Very, but I am going to miss you guys. I’ve spent a whole year with you all, it’ll be so strange being without you.”
“I’m sure we can visit you,” Suki suggests. “And don’t you have that tunnel thing with Zuko?”
“Yeah, we have a tunnel thing,” you nod, a faint smile playing upon your lips. A part of you is excited to see the tunnel again just because it’s been so long, and really it was probably the pivotal force on which your journey began. “I hope my people will be happy to see me.”
“They will. You are the Princess, after all.”
You don’t get to talk any further about the subject before brilliant bursts of fireworks begin to explode in the sky. They’re breathtaking, and by the looks of the crowd down below the Earth King has just announced the harmony restoration movement. Huddling close to Suki, you stare up at the display in awe and with a bittersweet sense of joy. Someone clears their throat from beside you, and both you and Suki turn to see Zuko smiling sheepishly at your pair.
“Mind if I steal my girlfriend away from you for a bit?”
“Not at all,” Suki smiles knowingly before scooting over and allowing you and Zuko some space to yourselves. His arm easily wraps around your frame and pulls you into his side, and already you can feel his warmth beginning to encompass you as you rest your head upon his shoulder.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” You murmur in quiet appreciation for the fireworks.
“It is,” Zuko agrees with a faint smile. You’re too engrossed to notice the uneasiness in his tone, but he doesn’t want you to anyway. If you were to find out about the promise Aang had sworn to you’d surely delay your return home just to try and talk him out of it, and Zuko couldn’t have the Princess of the Southern Water Tribe missing on his behalf.
(At least not again.)
Besides, he’d made up his mind and he didn’t plan on changing it any time soon.
He hopes it’ll never come down to that, so for now Zuko is simply content with holding you close and enjoying your last peaceful night together in Ba Sing Se.
Spirits know it will be quite some time before you ever share a night like this again.
It’s strange being back home. Everything is so... different. Your tribe had dwindled significantly in number what with the casualties of the war, and the smaller villages that resided outside of the palace walls had been reduced to practically nothing. You could feel everyone’s eyes on you as you walked off the ship alongside your mother, could hear their gossiping whispers about how much you’d changed and if you were back for good this time, and it made you anxious. You reach for a hand that isn’t there and have to remind yourself that you’re on your own now. Sokka, Zuko, and Suki are no longer around to provide you comfort, so you’ll have to rely on your own inner strength to make it through the day.
“Princess,” a snide voice you’re all too familiar with calls from front steps of the palace. “It is so wonderful to have you home again.”
“Thank you, Advisor Koa,” you reply calmly, bowing in respect to the man but never once pulling your gaze from him. The smirk that plays upon his lips has you fuming but you keep your emotions at bay and remain cordial.
Koa was your father’s most trusted advisor, but you yourself never found him to be very trust worthy. His eyes were always shifty and there was something in the way he carried himself that made it seem as if he had a big secret to hide. The way he talked to your father always came off aggressive and scheming, yet the chief said nothing. As unbearable as Koa could be, he had a bright mind and skillful war tactics, so he stayed in his position of power beneath the royal family. You were meant to marry his son Kai but had ran off with Zuko before the marriage could take place, and you were sure Koa must be bitter about the fact that he hadn’t managed to marry his way into your family.
“Did you enjoy your time galavanting with the Fire Prince while the rest of your tribe was left to fend for themselves in the result of your absence?”
“I helped the Avatar bring balance to the world which is more than you can say, Koa. Need I remind you you were the only man who chose to say behind during the war?” You snap back harshly, holding back a triumphant smirk at the man’s obvious annoyance with your insult. Two can play at that game.
“Always a joy,” he mutters with an insincere grin.
“Now if you’ll excuse me I have a tribe to run,” you say, but before you can even take a step towards the palace Koa is blocking your path.
“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that. You see, the Southern Water Tribe already has a leader: me.”
“What nonsense are you talking about?” You retort harshly, features falling at the guilty look that forms on your mother’s face. “What is he talking about?”
“I couldn’t run an entire tribe by myself,” she admits desperately, pleading for you to understand. “With you and your father gone I had no choice but to accept Koa’s offer to stand in as Chief until one of you returned.”
“Well I have returned, and as the rightful heir of this tribe I am ordering you to step down!” You demand pointedly, blood boiling at the laugh that leaves Koa in response.
“You’re absolutely adorable,” he coos condescendingly, pinching your cheek before you harshly yank yourself away from his grasp. “Do you really think a little girl is capable of ruling?”
“I’m a water bending master and I helped the Avatar defeat the Fire Lord and end the war! I am not a little girl!”
“You were selfish and ran away from your duties. You left your people in their time of need. You’re lucky you were even allowed back here considering the treachery you’ve partaken in against the Southern Water Tribe.”
“Koa,” your mother interrupts timidly. “I may have put you in charge but I will not allow you to speak to my daughter that way.”
“My apologies, your highness,” Koa utters respectfully before returning his attention to you. A snide smile rests upon his lips. “It really was so lovely to see you again, Princess y/n.”
“Mother, you can’t-“
“Not now,” she consoles quietly, watching his triumphantly retreating form disappear behind the palace doors before glancing around at the small crowd that had gathered to observe the dispute. “If you want to get the throne back you can’t act irrationally.”
Your once hardened features slowly soften as you let out a defeated sigh, collapsing into the comforting embrace of your mother.
Restoring balance to the world hadn’t been enough to save face with your people, and now you found yourself entangled in a whole new fight. With your friends gone and your father unable to help you win the crown what were you to do?
So much for home sweet home...
| tags: @rainteslerrrr @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak @thebluelcdy @royahllty @the-firebender-girl @coldlilheart @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @knaite-solo @zukh03s @taeeemin @titaniafire @dekahg @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @lozzybowe @izzieserra @melacholy @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang @djskfkdkkf @xapham @yeetletzgetitjae @misnmatchedsox @chewymoustachio @that-bucket-hat-gal |
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autistic-yuri · 2 years
Here, have some Tysuki! Sorry about some weird formatting errors in this tho. I wrote it in the notes app and transferred it here.
Suki didn’t trust her. Whenever she was ever in a room with her she felt like a water bender in the desert. She was dangerous, could take out everyone here and Suki would be helpless to stop her.
Ty Lee was Azula’s accomplice. She was one of the three people to throw Suki into that jail. That jail where she was the youngest person there. One of a few women there.
Ty Lee was a Kyoshi Warrior, and Suki was the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors. So she must tolerate her. But outside of work they don’t talk. Suki actively avoids her after work hours and during free time. She just can’t deal with being friends with her, no matter how much the others trust her.
However, one night the nightmares got especially worse. It was right after the death threats on Zuko’s life got serious and after breaking her out of prison and helping rebuild her village(despite being the one to burn it down) staying around to protect him was the least she could do.
But the room was empty. It didn’t have the personal touches of her room back on the island. There was nobody else but her in there. It was empty, and impersonal, and terrifying.
It reminded her so much of her cell. She wasn’t sure she wasn’t not in prison. She started screaming, for Sokka, for Appa, for anyone to come and save her.
She really thought no one would come, she tried so hard to escape, so hard to survive as a 15 year old girl in a prison with hardened grown up prisoners. But at times it felt so futile. For all she knows they all died. She didn’t know anything. It was a coach-roach stuck in a slowly filling bath time, hoping someone will grab her out before she drowns.
The person who grabs her out is not who she wants.
She was expecting to scream herself to sleep like she used to in prison, but a soft hand placed on her shoulder as someone stood over her fear paralyzed body.
“Umm Suki? Are you okay?” She wants to groan if not for the fact her throat was already raw. She just nodded and hoped another scream wouldn’t escape her.
Ty Lee hummed and Suki’s body loosened a little. Enough for her to turn around and take in the girl. She was wearing chest wrappings and a pink skirt to sleep, and her usual braid was down, having her natural wavy hair cascade around her body.
“What are you doing up warrior?” Suki asked, hoping there was no fear in her voice.
“I couldn’t sleep so I wandered around until I heard screaming. So I went to investigate as any normal person would do.” Ty Lee sat down on the foot of Suki’s bed, slightly rubbing Suki’s leg in a comforting movement. Suki pulled away. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No. Please go back to sleep, warrior. We have drills early in the morning.” She turned back to face the wall, despite the way her stomach dropped at the disappearance of another persons face. However, Ty Lee didn’t budge from her spot.
“Well I’m not gonna be able to fall back asleep.” Ty Lee said, with a fake sounding cheerfulness. Suki didn’t respond. “Especially not in this place.” Ty Lee muttered, likely for her ears only, but Suki caught up on it. Suki shifted back to face Ty Lee, with made the other girl turn bashful. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to say that.”
“I thought you’d love being here, being your home country and all.” Suki said with more venom in her voice then she meant to. Ty Lee winced a bit, and Suki tried to school her expression back to a softer expression. It worked, because Ty Lee elaborated.
“Well I love Zuko and all and I think a lot of us owe our lives to him. But being here is really hard. Like I keep seeing shadows, or hearing her laughter, and sometimes when I look at Zuko, I see Azula instead.” Ty Lee nervously laughed, as if this is something embarrassing. “I know it’s stupid, but I keep thinking she’ll come back to finish me and Mai off. I mean, I don’t know if you saw it, but during the Boiling Rock, she almost killed Mai. She would have killed Mai if I didn’t hesitate. And I know she’s in a rehabilitation center to get better, but I don’t know if she ever can get better. I’m scared she’ll pretend to be better and then hunt me and Mai and Zuko and every Kyoshi Warrior down and hang our bodies around the capital like we’re decorations.” Ty Lee was now shaking, her grey eyes wide and flooding with tears. Suki sat up and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“I get what you mean. After escaping from prison I couldn’t sleep alone. And I didn’t have to worry about it for awhile, because while traveling with the Avatar, we always slept in close proximity, cuddling together for warmth, but most importantly, protection. Even after the war ended, while we were all healing from the injuries maintained during Sozin’s Comet, we would always sneak out of the rooms we were put up in and snuggle on the nearest rug. And then once I returned to Kyoshi, of course the sleeping is all communal, so I didn’t have to worry about it until the Fire Lord summoned us here. He gave us all separate rooms, and I didn’t want to be petty but I hated that. I haven’t been sleeping well at all since then, and I have to cry or yell myself to sleep every night because the only way for me to fall asleep is to exhaust myself until my body gives out. I’ve been so paralyzed by fear I just- I just-“ Suki finds herself unable to complete that because she finds herself pulled into a tight hug by the other girl. A girl who she would never have chosen to even hold a conversation with is now holding her, and Suki just melts into it. She can’t hole all this up anymore. She’s supposed to be the fiercest, she’s the leader of Kyoshi’s Warriors, and yet here she is, crying into the shoulder of someone who was her enemy for so long.
And she didn’t want her to let go. Ever. She didn’t want to be alone ever again. She felt tears on her own shoulder, as all of her suspicions of Ty Lee were gone. She wasn’t a maniacal mastermind that was trying to take everyone down from the inside. She was another teenager, forced into a war she had no business being in, being traumatized and scarred and imprisoned and only having hope. Holding onto that hope as if it’s a slippery rock under a waterfall, pushing her towards the spiky rocks at the bottom.
“I have an idea.” Ty Lee said, after several minutes of silent sobs. “I’ll stay here with you in bed for tonight, and in the morning I’ll move my bed in here with you. Then neither of us will be lonely and tormented by shadows of a time long gone. Ok?” Her voice was quiet and gentle, a stream twisting around the earth.
“Ok.” Suki said quietly. They fell back onto the bed, falling asleep in a quiet embrace of understanding. Of two teenage girls, who instead of going to school and sneaking out of the house to hang out and other regular teenage things, had to fight for their lives. Two teenage girls, finding comfort in the embrace of their once enemy. Two teenage warriors, finding understanding in each other’s breathing as they drifted off to sleep.
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aizawasthot · 4 years
staring at the sun | bakugou k.
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summary: bakugou katsuki is your sun, but sometimes, you get blinded by his shine. inspired by post malone’s song, “staring at the sun” pairing: bakugou katsuki x fem!reader warnings: cursing (lots of it), angst, kinda suggestive toward the end word count: 1.6k words
note: to be honest with y’all, the song isn’t even that sad and i may have made this too angsty… it do be havin a happy ending tho
[ If you keep staring at the sun, you won't see What you have become, this can't be Everything you thought it was Blinded by the thought of us, so Give me a chance, I will Fuck up again, I warned You in advance But you just keep on starin' at the sun ]
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
Katsuki is your sun. His love is the warmth you crave on a cold winter night.
“Katsuki,” you mumbled, voice so soft he can barely hear you. “I love you,” you plant a gentle kiss on his neck, arms wrapped tightly around him. You never want to let go, to not feel his comfort by your side.
Bakugou looked like an angel -- his eyes half-shut from the fatigue of hero work, lips slightly parted, his features softer and more relaxed as he lay beside you. “I love you.” His voice is as gentle as yours. “Forever, [Y/N].”
Katsuki is your sun. His anger is hot and searing, his voice deadly and vicious. A single spark and his wrath becomes untamed, the fire in him destructive and devastating.
“It’s because you don’t fucking listen, [Y/N]! I’m tired of running in circles!” Katsuki yelled, throwing his hands up, chest heaving. “I’m a goddamn hero, for fuck’s sake. My work is my life. Do I not give you enough attention? What the fuck do you want from me?” He roared, exasperated.
“I’m not asking for much, Katsuki! All I fucking want is for you to realize that I’m not some stupid pet you can pat on the head and be fucking content with it! I need you to comfort me, you asshole. I want you to fucking hold me, tell me everything is going to be alright. Your goddamn paperwork can wait-- fuck!” You screamed, eyes stinging and voice wavering. Your worries about life are forgotten at the moment, you were furious. Furious at him prioritizing work over you, at the way he’s looking at you, furious at him.
“I don’t fucking treat you like that! I’m doing my best at balancing shit in my life, [Y/N]! I can’t disregard my fucking job! I’m working so goddamn hard to give you and I a future we can enjoy. If you can’t handle a bad day without somebody rushing to your rescue, then fuck! You’re a grown adult, deal with it!” He was seething, the veins on his neck more prominent than ever from all the yelling.
“Screw you, Katsuki! Not everybody can just fucking push their emotions aside. We all can’t be like you-- cold and detached from your feelings,” you cried, face red from your anger and your frustrations.
“Well if I’m so fucking cold then why the fuck are you with me, huh? You can fucking leave if you don’t like how ‘cold and detached’ I am. I’m done arguing with someone who can’t fucking understand how the world fucking works. Emotions are not everything, [Y/N].” Katsuki looked at you like you were someone he didn’t know, and it hurt.
“Is that how little you think of me, huh, Katsuki? That I would leave you because of that? Fuck, Katsuki, I fucking love you! I’ve gone through so much with you in this relationship. All I want is for you to fucking show me that you still fucking love me,” you screamed. It felt like your whole world was spinning.
“If you loved me then you would understand my fucking situation!” He yelled out, his voice trembling. “I told you from the start that I would be number one, that I don’t care whatever it took, I will be number one. I told you it wasn’t a good idea to commit because relationships are distractions!”
“Oh, is that it? Is that what you fucking call me? A mere fucking distraction in your life while you ruin yourself and every relationship you have to climb the top of the fucking ladder, huh? Then you could’ve told me, Katsuki! You could’ve told me so I wouldn’t have fucking said yes to you!” You were crying now, voice thick from emotion as you stared at him, his back turned to you, and your heart hurting so goddamn much.
“I shouldn’t have fucking asked you to marry me in the first place!” That was it-- that was the last straw. He realized what he said as he turned to you, his eyes wide and full of regret. You stopped breathing, your world crashing down as soon as those words left his lips.
“You know what, Bakugou? Fuck you,” you whispered. Your whole body trembled as you walked out the door.
“[Y/N], wait--” You slam the door on your way out.
Bakugou Katsuki is your sun. When the skies turn grey and your mind is clouded, he shines. He is your ray of hope.
“I’m sorry,” he said, eyes bloodshot and tired. Katsuki looked like hell, like you did. He stood at your best friend’s doorstep with a dejected look, holding a cup of your favourite tea from the cafe downtown. “I got you this. I know you drink it when you’re stressed,” he muttered as he stretched his hand to you. You took the cup from his hands and gestured to him to sit at the front steps. You sat in silence for what felt like an eternity.
“I’m sorry, too,” you said, breaking the deafening sound of quietness. You looked over to him, only to find that he was alreading gazing at you, eyes glistening.
“I didn’t mean it you know,” he sniffled. “I would be living in regret if I didn’t ask you to marry me.” With the reminder of what he said, you turned your head away, not wanting to remember the way he looked during the fight-- not wanting to remember how you felt with what he said. “I was so mad. Not at you-- at me, for not realizing and understanding where you were coming from,” he added, shifting in his spot as he rested his head on his hands.
“We were both mad, Katsuki. We were both blinded by rage,” you whispered, your hands tightening around the warm take-out cup of tea. Your eyes scanned the surrounding area, taking note of the families at the park. Kids were screeching with joy as they slid down from the slides, parents watching from a park bench with wide smiles and content looks on their faces. “I didn’t see where you were coming from, either. I know you work hard for us, for our kids in the future. But a little comfort would’ve been nice,” you said. You were afraid of what he would say.
It seemed like forever when he said, “I know, and I didn’t comfort you, I yelled instead,” he looked somber as he said that. “I just want the best for you and our kids.” Katsuki was now looking over to the park as well, eyes trained on a father pushing his child on the swing. Your heart felt full with the way he admired the sight in front of him.
“I forgive you,” you muttered. It was just one of those fights, the kind that escalated too quickly without either of you realizing. You move closer to him as you lay your head on his shoulder. He looked at you, smiling softly as he wrapped an arm around you.
“I forgive you, too. I love you,” he whispered, pressing a kiss on the crown of your head. You missed his warmth-- his arm thrown around you, giving you a sense of security.
“I love you, too, Katsuki.”
Bakugou Katsuki is your sun. His heated passion ignites a fire in you as he trails kisses through your body.
“Ka- Katsuki,” you whined. He was trailing kisses from your chest to your stomach. The lightness of his kisses tickles your navel as he moves closer to your clothed heat.
“I love you,” he whispered, leaving kisses on your thighs.
“I love you,” he repeated as he took your panties off, coming up to press a chaste kiss on your lips as you moan softly at his actions.
“I love you,” he said for the last time, his mouth dangerously close to your cunt.
“Fuck-- ‘Suki… I love you, too,” you moaned, reveling in the sensation of his mouth. “I love you so goddamn much.”
Bakugou Katsuki is your sun. He is your home. The cozyness of his presence in your life is a blessing sent from heaven.
“Babe, babe, c’mere!” You exclaimed, frantically beckoning your husband to come closer. “She’s kicking! Do you feel it? Here-- no, here, you can feel it here.” You guided his hand to your very pregnant belly. “Do you feel it now?” You asked him, eyes gleaming with joy.
“Holy shit-- angel, she’s kicking. She’s kicking!” He repeated, looking at you with teary eyes, his heart beating wildly, overwhelmed with bliss.
“Hey-- ‘Suki don’t swear, what if she can hear you?” You laughed, your own eyes tearing up at his expression.
“I’m-- angel, this is the best feeling in the world,” he whispered. “I’m so lucky to have you,” he said, pressing a kiss to your cheek, his hand still on your stomach.
“I’m lucky to have you too, ‘Suki. And our little angel’s lucky to have you as her dad,” you smiled at him, a tear rolling down your cheek. “I love you,” you said, kissing him.
“I love you,” he said. “You too, little angel,” he chuckled, pressing a kiss to your stomach.
Bakugou Katsuki is your sun. He is warm and inviting, a constant glow in your darkest times.
Bakugou Katsuki is your sun, and he makes your life so much brighter.
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
feedback is welcomed and greatly encouraged uwu
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willsimpforazula · 3 years
Sokkla Month Day 8: Hurt/Comfort
A/N: Past implied Sokka/Suki.
"Stop fidgeting, or else this is going to take longer and hurt way much more. You understand right?"
"At least looking at your face makes it feel a little bit better-Ow! You're a sadist, you know that right?"
"Would a sadist-" Azula smiled as she kissed him passionately, slipping in some tongue before pulling back, leaving him panting and wanting much more. "-do this?"
"Maybe I need a little more convincing." he smirked, rising off the cot before being stopped by her.
"No, not now. You're an idiot, you know. You didn't have to save me from that blast."
"Yes I do." he uttered with a steely resolve.
"I might be a princess, but I'm no glass doll. I can take care of myself, you know. After all, one does not survive being the tip of the spear this long without picking up some skills."
"Be that as it may, is it not the duty of the prince to take care of the princess?"
"I-well, that's an outdated notion! Like I said, I can take care of myself." she huffed.
"I know."
"Then why do you insist? Is it because-I see now. You lost someone, didn't you?" her voice softening, as she wiped her hands clean of the blood.
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Your face disagrees."
"Fine. But first, could you get me something to drink?"
"Water, or something stronger?"
"Both." he replied in an emotionless tone. Noting that his typically bright blue eyes were the colours of the stormiest southern seas, Azula privately wondered if she had inadvertently pried into something that he shouldn't have.
"That sentence "I can take care of myself.", that's what she said before she went out on her first and only mission. I don't ever want to hear you say that ever again, you hear me?"
Gulping down the offered shot neat, he stared into the empty shot glass and began speaking "It was six years ago. It was supposed to be a simple mission, escorting the Northern Water Tribe's delegation down to Ba Sing Se. No big deal."
"Somehow I get the feeling that you're not telling the full story."
"I'll get there when I get there." slamming the bottle down.
"My best friend, Suki, was part of the escort team. At first I was happy to see her, given that we had essentially grown up together and-and I could see the look on her face when she got the invitation to-to join the Badgermole Regiment. That look on her face, I'll never forget it."
"Badgermole Regiment?"
"The elite of the Earth Kingdom's forces. They only get the headhunt the best of the best from all branches of the Earth Kingdom. On the off chances they recruit from the military colleges, there's a shortlist of maybe one or two names long. That year, she was at the top of the list."
"Sounds like she was a hell of a soldier."
"You would have liked her. Anyways, back to the story, it was supposed to be an easy milk run. Apparently there was some long standing grudge from way back during the war about the lack of help that the Northern Water Tribe contributed to beating back the Fire Nation. While passing by the Air Temple, they ambushed us. It was a perfect killing ground, hemmed in on all sides by high ground and earthbenders. But she kept her cool. First time under fire and she was like ice. At that moment, she was like one of the famed Kyoshi Warriors you hear about in stories and legends come to life, beautiful in combat and graceful in her attacks."
"And then, she-she-" Sokka could not stop himself from shedding tears, though he refused to cry.
"Her vehicle got slammed by rock spears on all sides, it was a gnarly sight. Took three to her sides, one through her left arm and one in her right shoulder. There was blood, so much blood, and and I couldn't do anything. Could only give her morphine to ease her pain. You know what she told me?"
"What did she tell you?"
"She told me 'Mission comes first.' Those were her last words. And-and then she died in my arms."
"I-I'm sorry." Azula replied, reaching out to comfort him.
"Wh-what kind of last words is that? 'Mission Comes First?' If, if only she didn't insist on being in the lead vehicle. Maybe-maybe, she-" Sokka sobbed, as he slammed down another shot, his eyes flashing back to that valley.
Overcome with emotion, he slumped down and started to cry, the tears that would not flow during the funeral now gushing forth. In his haze, he felt himself being held by Azula as she tenderly stroked his head.
"I-I understand now." she spoke.
"You're not coming up with your usual snarky comments. Are you okay?"
"I know what it's like to lose someone close to you. I see why you're so protective. For what it's worth, I think she'll be proud of you."
"Really." she affirmed with a kiss on his forehead.
"I can't bear to lose you."
"Then I'll try my best to not be reckless."
"Can-can you hold me for the night? I-I'm afraid I'll-I'll do something stupid if you aren't here."
"Don't you worry. I'll be here as long as you need me."
"Thank you."
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muertawrites · 4 years
Okay so I’m stuck 393 and 394. Dealers choice :) (also with Zuko because, duh) (also whenever you have time :) )
Not Friends (Zuko x Reader) [Modern AU] {nsfw}
Prompt: "Friends? No I don't think so. Friends don't know how you taste."
Word Count: 820 (not counting texts)
Author's Note: Super headcanon that Zuko is a slut when he loves someone enough and that his favorite game is to tease them at inopportune times (flirty texts, dick pics, anything that will get his partner hot and bothered bc he loves to see it). I perfected my Thirst Buster playlist so I had a soundtrack to write this by and I suggest listening while you read for the funsies. I might do other fics like this in the future - accompanying a little drabble with some text messages - but as much as I like smaus, I don't think I'll be writing any, so please don't ask. I prefer traditional prose and feel that's where all my talents lie. Anyway, here's a lil something to get your panties wet (or your dick hard - this one's pretty gender neutral). ✨🍆🍑✨
~ Muerta
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Whatever you had with Zuko, you loved it - you loved him.
The moment Toph introduced you to your mutual friend, you knew there was a physical attraction. He was handsome in a very understated way - fuckboy hot without the cockiness of your typical fuckboy. He was considerate. He was funny. Even though you knew he wanted you in his bed as much as you wanted him in yours, he never once treated you like a goal. Over the two years you’d known each other, he’d grown to be your best friend, and the absolute love of your life.
Your first time with him was whirlwind to say the least. It happened after a routine night out, sitting in your favorite bar with a group of your friends and listening to live music, just enjoying a relaxed evening. You and Zuko both drank a little more than you typically did and, always thinking of your safety, he innocently offered to accompany you home. You leaned against him on the subway ride back to your neighborhood. He put an arm around your shoulder as he walked you to your apartment. You kissed him on the front stoop. Five minutes later, you were pressed against your kitchen counter, skirt pulled up over your waist and legs wrapped around Zuko’s hips, getting pounded into the linoleum so hard you could barely make a sound. The next morning, he took you for hangover brunch at a nearby diner, and you’d been staying over at each other’s apartments intermittently ever since.
The greatest thing about your relationship with Zuko was that it was easy. Simple. You never had to ask him what you were because you knew; you trusted him enough to know what you were his one and only, and he the same with you. When you were alone (even if you weren’t alone and your friends were just oblivious) he always had a hand at your waist or thigh, keeping you close to him as if to show you off and claim ownership of you - you were his, and anyone who set their eyes to either of you should back off. Neither of you had a great track record when it came to romance and emotional intimacy, so there was no pressure for labels; some days he was your boyfriend, some days you were just his good friend - the title didn’t matter because either way, he’d hold you late at night or in the middle of the afternoon, kissing you tenderly and whispering soft “I love you”s. You knew he meant it.
As your companionship reached its third year - a year of it spent with him rearranging your guts at your leisure - neither of you realized that you’d forgotten to tell your friends about your little arrangement; you weren’t the biggest fans of PDA, even nicknames only used when it was just the two of you, and you were so tight anyways that nobody noticed anything was different.
It was a good thing you had a really bad habit of leaving your phone unlocked.
Suki worked in the same neighborhood your apartment and adjacent studio were in, and made a habit of stopping by whenever she was on break to either share whatever was in your fridge or go somewhere with you for food. One afternoon you met her in the studio, having left your phone open on your work stool after sending Zuko a text. It was a perfectly average message, just asking if he could get a couple things for you on his way to your place that evening since you were a little slammed, but the previous few conversations were... not so run-of-the-mill. Suki, ever curious, greeted you with a knowing smirk.
“What?” you asked, confused and oblivious.
“What’s up with Zuko?” she pressed, her grin widening.
“Zuko?” you wondered. “Like, our friend Zuko? He’s fine. Why do you ask?”
“Friends?” Suki parroted with a giggle. “No I don’t think so. Friends don’t know how you taste.”
Your expression fell, the color draining from your cheeks as you immediately realized - your phone was open next to her. He’d come over yesterday and you’d taken a “break” with him.
Oh shit.
“Suki!!” you shrieked, your horror met with a maniacal cackle. “Quit looking through my phone when I leave it unlocked!!”
“Quit leaving it unlocked, then!!” Suki laughed, playfully dodging whatever projectiles you found nearby to fling at her. “He’s kind of nasty, isn’t he? I never would have pegged him as the type. Wait, is he into pegging??”
She howled, darting behind the nearest easel to avoid you jumping forward to chidingly smack her arm. She peered out at you with an impish grin.
“He really fucks, though, doesn’t he?” she teased.
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms and glaring at her.
“... He does,” you admitted after a pause. “His dick is like eight inches.”
“Oh my GOD.”
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ejm513 · 4 years
Hello my lovelies! So I finally got my act together and watched Avatar The Last Airbender and…
Yeah, I don’t know what was wrong with me when I was a child. It just wasn’t my cup of tea. But at this point in my life it is quite possibly one of the best shows I’ve ever watched and is now one of my favorite shows.
In fact I’m re-watching after finishing my first binge about a week or two ago.
Theirs is so much to discuss not just with Avatar but with The Legend of Kora (I’m in the middle of season three… I like it a lot but I’m just having a harder time getting through it. I’ll probably wait to finish it until it comes to Netflix). What I want to focus on is Sokka, Toph, Lin and Su’yin.
Because if there’s nothing I love more than family, babies, children and family drama.
I mean seriously that’s literally what everything I write is about.
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I don’t have a problem not at all.....
So you can imagine as soon I heard there was a theory that Su’yin may or may not be Toph and Sokka’s daughter my imagination and excitement went in overdrive, because even though I adore Sokka and Suki I always thought there was SOMETHING between the two of them. It’s clear in Avatar that Toph has a crush on Sokka which I mean can we blame her?
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While it doesn’t appear Sokka has any romantic interest at that time, he is extremely caring and protective of Toph. It’s not impossible to see their relationship maybe not deepening into love but becoming something more than simple friendship and becoming physical.
But what evidence is there that Su’yin is Sokka and Toph’s daughter? Just because it’s a nice idea doesn’t mean it’s true.
Well it turns out there is some substantial evidence to back it up.
First of all there is Su’Yins coloring.
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Now that doesn’t necessarily point to anything. But it is interesting to note that her skin coloring is the same as those in the water tribe, who tend to have darker skin tones. 
On top of that there is a physical resemblance between her and Sokka. 
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And then... there is this... 
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This is Baatar Jr., Su’Yins oldest child. Sure he does look a lot like his father
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But I would argue he looks even more like Sokka. It’s kind of eerie how similar they look and I don’t think the animators and show creators would do something like that unintentionally-especially in a show like this.
Then you need to factor the personality similarities-Su’Yin’s sarcasm, leadership abilities, her devotion to family above all else. It all rings very familiar. 
I personally lean more towards the side of this theory being true, but there are some arguments to be made against it. 
The biggest argument is that Sokka would never be an absentee father. It’s just not in his nature. We know that both Lin and Su’Yin’s fathers were both absent and not a part of their lives. 
And then we have to factor in Sukki and what happened to her. 
Well here’s what I think could have happened. 
There’s another theory going around that Sukki died young in some sort of battle. It would make sense to a certain extent given what she does. I’m going to lean in on that theory, but it is highly possible that their relationship just didn’t last. After all they were young and the hard truth is statically the majority of young relationships don’t last. These seem to be the most probable explanations, as we know jack shit about what happened to Sukki. 
Lin’s father was a man named Kanto. The jerk left for whatever reason-maybe the pair got in a huge fight, maybe he just didn’t want a child or couldn’t handle the responsibility of being a parent. Basically we can assume he was a dead beat who honestly doesn’t even deserve such an amazing life partner as Toph and amazing child as Lin. 
 I don’t doubt for a second Sokka stepped in as a father like figure of Lin and thus they would be spending quiet of bit of time together. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say Sokka would be a top notch father figure with Lin-funny, creative, and surprisingly gentle and tender. Lin being Lin would probably act like her mother-all strong, tough and independent. But secretly she loves the doting and gets very upset when he has to go. 
So as you can imagine Toph and Sokka are spending quite a bit of time together. Toph is enamored by Sokka and how great he is with Lin. Her old crush is beginning to bubble up and maybe turning into something more. If we go off the theory that Sukki died young or their relationship just naturally ran it’s course he’s probably been enjoying female company that isn’t his sister or anyone on the council. They’re both grown adults who are single who have a very deep connection and have probably been lonely so it’s not out of the question that they uh.., well... you know. 
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Now I don’t think they would necessarily end up in a serious relationship for various reasons. Toph is to hell bent on her freedom and independence to truly settle down in a serious relationship, and Sokka has probably been through to much bad luck with relationships to want to truly get invested... even if it is Toph and he low key loves her and Toph’s heart flutters every time she’s with him.
Correct me if I'm wrong but it is cannon that Toph has had her fair share of sexual partners, which I would like to state for the record there is nothing wrong with. So it’s possible Sokka wasn’t the only person she slept with. So when she became pregnant it’s entirely possible she wouldn’t know for certain who the father is. Now obviously when Sokka finds out he would probably demand to know if he’s the father her being blunt would say something along the lines of 
“I’m not sure who it is Snoozle’s, and I’m never really gonna know because I won't be able to see the kid. Besides it doesn’t matter who the father is I don’t need any help.” 
So for nine months Sokka is sitting on pins and needles waiting to know the truth. When the baby finally comes and he sees her it’s... it’s pretty obvious. Though she’ll never say it out loud, Toph can tell just by feeling her facial features. 
Now there’s a problem. Even though she doesn’t neccasrily want to keep him away from his child Toph being... well... Toph... still insist that she doesn’t need any help. More over she doesn’t want to cause Lin any resentment, confusion or pain by Su’yin having her father around but her’s is gone. 
Besides there’s the whole issue of him being a member of the council and her being the chief of police... I could see their relationship causing a controversy and or scandal that no one wants. 
Sokka on the other hand wants to obviously not just be apart of his biological child’s life but Lin’s life-as Lin has basically become his child as well. And in reality Toph knows she can’t stop him, moreover  as stated earlier she is not heartless and doesn’t necessarily want to keep Sokka away from his daughter. So they come up with compromise. 
He’ll continue acting as a father figure, but he will be nothing more than Uncle Sokka. He goes along with it so he can still see both of his girls and be a part of their lives. 
He spends more time at Toph’s home than his own. He helps Lin with her homework and happily plays and cuddles with Su’yin. He helps makes sure they go to bed at a decent time (while under the guise giving them all the freedom Toph wants them to have). At first Sokka will sleep on the couch, but slowly but surely the pair end up sleeping in the same bed and living as a couple... just in the safety of those four walls. 
It’s a bit of an open secret between Team Avatar and company-especially Katara because she would know the truth from the second she laid eyes on the child. But out of respect for Toph and the delicate balance they created no one says a word-especially because I can imagine Sokka is gone a good portion of the time with his various duties. 
I’m not one who subscribes to the fact he dies protecting the new avatar Kora, because it is cannon that he helped put members of the Red Lotus in jail. What I do think is he passed before ever getting to tell Su’Yin the truth. And Toph realizes she messed up and it’s most likely her one biggest regret. In the end I don’t think she would say a word to anyone about the truth until she is on her death bed... because she is just that pig headed and stubborn. 
So that is how I think everything could have possibly panned out... and don’t be shocked if I end up writing a fan fic about this! I also hope to write a post examining Aang and Katara and their children because once again I love children and family and family drama and there is a lot that too. 
Also might I add it’s so endearing and sweet that Zuko-the character who had the most toxic, abusive and fucked up family had, by all appearance, the happiest family with the least amount of drama. 
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zuzu-hotman · 4 years
Ready To Love Pt.3 [[Zuko]]
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Pairing: Zuko x Female!Reader
Warnings: Angst as always, loves. 
A/N: I’m glad to see the notes on my fics, I read them and smile <3 Anyways... hope I did her justice. I didn’t want to make her a villain or  too ooc. Then again, the show never gave us too much of her. I’d have done more with her and hopefully allowed her to express herself a bit too. ((Also the lyrics ive been using are from a song, but they’re out of order bc of how I want them to fit. This set is specifically tied to her, not reader))
Pt.1, Pt.2
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“ Tʜᴇ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɢɪᴠᴇ ʜᴇʀ, ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴍᴇ..”
Staring blankly at the ceiling of her room is where she’d found herself stuck for hours at a time. Her face remained blank as ever but deep inside her emotions were starting to stir up. Deep inside she began to hurt- the kind of hurt that can sometimes be hard to mask or ignore.
Not that that fact stopped her from doing it. She’d be damned if she allowed herself to falter.
She hadn’t expected her words to really push him to make such a choice. To this extent of utter betrayal- if she was honest, she’s not sure what she expected. She only knew what she hoped for and she hated that she allowed herself to do something so stupid.
Hope? That’s something Ty Lee would do. She is not Ty Lee. Not by a long shot- yet she still did something so foolish. She still had hoped he’d turn around- come to his senses and realize.. realize what? Who was she to say what he should feel when she couldn’t even control what she felt? She wanted to be angry, wanted to just.. gut punch him the next time she saw him.
Sure, she’s the one that pushed him away but.. she wanted a different outcome. She just wanted... something else- but she also wanted him to not be so miserable. It was clear he wasn’t happy here. It was clear he had many regrets in regards to how he was able to come back.
She wanted him to be happy- she didn’t want to be used.
What she got in return was some stupid letter- just some dumb letter. All this time spent- all this nonsense. Years spent wishing he’d be allowed back home or that he’d at least speak to her without anyone else around and all she gets is a letter.
She gets this and what does the other girl get? Some low-class peasant not even of full Fire Nation blood? She gets to be around him- be with him if the circumstances are right.
She wants to be angry at them both- but is it right to? Is any of this right?
She continues to question herself as the time passes. Even as she gets a golden opportunity to tear right into him- to go off- to have him suffer.
“I’m sorry.”, he says, gently so. “I shouldn’t have- it was never my intention to hurt you like that. To just.. use your feelings. I thought I was where I was supposed to be.”
She makes a face, “Yeah. Your letter sounds so very sorry. You betrayed the nation for one peasant-”
“I didn’t betray my nation! I’m saving it- it’s not just about you or her and.. she’s not a peasant.”, his last words hit her harder. He didn’t say them any different. He was just quieter. Defensive. “Even if she was, it would mean that a peasant has more class than any of us.”
That stung a bit- if only because she wanted to be the one he defended so passionately. To be truly loved by him... what must that feel like.. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.”, she says, “You betrayed her too. You’re just full of bad choices.”
It was a low blow and she knew it. It almost hurt her to say it but she was so angry-
“I know. I’m trying to right them. Even if I don’t get what I’m hoping for.”
“You think fixing them by hurting others is what will work? You-”
“I’m not trying to hurt anyone! I haven’t hurt anyone else back there but you and I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you face to face. I’m sorry all you got was a piece of paper. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I was wrong to do what I’ve done! I’ve been wrong for a long time but I’m trying! I know just apologizing isn’t enough but right now I have other things to deal with! This war is literally life or death for the whole world!”, he takes in a deep breath, “Mai. I really am sorry, okay? I shouldn’t have gone out with you when I knew deep down it wasn’t what I truly wanted. I’m sorry I can’t give you what you want.”
She had to turn away from him, to look away to readjust the mask she kept constantly. It couldn’t fall, not here and now. She’s silent for a bit before speaking again, “You better right things with her or I’ll never forgive you.”
She had said it quietly, and continued to speak it though a guard had burst through the door. She can’t be sure if he heard her or not, even though the look he gave her as he shut the door held the answer.
Mai had made her decision. It was final and clear. Enough to shock a friend she thought held her dear.
Azula was starting to derail- she couldn’t see what she was becoming.
“You miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear you.”
“No you miscalculated! You should have feared me more!”, she shouts, readying for an attack, “He doesn’t even love you- you dare betray me for something so shallow?! He’s all about that peasant!”
“I know. I’ll get over it eventually.”
Mai braces herself, readying a counter attack despite knowing Azula’s bending is more powerful. Azula has always been precise- she shot the Avatar down without blinking. She-
A raw gasp broke through her inner thoughts.
Ty Lee.
“C’mon we gotta get out of here!”
It was no use though. Guards surrounded them instantly. They would be prisoners for now, thrown into the farthest cell away from Azula. Mai wanted to say it hurt, crazy or not, Azula was once her friend. However Azula is not who she was. Her use of fear wasn’t right or fair.
It hurt, but not as badly as it should- at least not on her end..
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Three long nights. Zuko had left for three long nights and something had told you it wasn’t for food. Deep in your gut you knew it wasn’t. He wouldn’t have looked at you like that the night before he left if it was just some trip. His absence gave you time to think. To be a bit more rational- calmer, in deciding if you even want to hear him out. He’d tried to do so a few times before he left, but in your anger you ignored him.
What if you never saw him again? What if this was just a trip, would you feel differently? Or were you looking for a reason to justify talking to him. A reason better than simply wanting to.
You couldn’t deny you were weak for him.
When he finally returned, you learned he traveled to a high security prison with Sokka. To find his Dad and within that time he’d also found his girlfriend Suki.
Something like that could not be fake- risking your own life in a high security prison- in a nation you betrayed.. for someone you’d only just grown to be friendly with?
Zuko was changing, you felt it. You had pure proof of it and oh how you begged for it to be true. To be hurt a third time? There would be no coming back from it.
“Zuko.”, you whisper while he stands off to the side.
He flinches but turns to look at you. Shock covers his face,”..yes?”
“...Let’s talk..”, you say, and finally, you reach for him. You lightly but hesitantly take his wrist. He lets you lead him to wherever you need to go.
In all the happy reunions, no one notices you two disappearing into the night.
“ Bᴇғᴏʀᴇ I ɢɪᴠᴇ ᴏᴠᴇʀ, ᴡɪʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴏʟᴅ ᴍʏ ʜᴇᴀᴅ ғᴏʀ ᴍᴇ ?”
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 2 years
Fading Falsehoods (Part 35)
For once Suki awakens first. It mid-sunrise and the swamp is bathed in gold. Little golden twinkles glimmer across the waters. Their glimmer is so mesmerizing that it almost doesn’t dawn upon Suki that Azula has indeed clung on to her again. Come to think of it, any time Azula sleeps she tends to cling onto whatever is nearest to her; back at the inn it was a large body pillow, here in the swamp she has latched onto a smaller pillow, excess sleeping bag fabric, and once or twice it had been a large and exposed tree root. 
By all means, Suki is trapped. She doesn’t want to wake the princess, neither does she want Azula to wake up to find herself resting her head upon her stomach. And Suki is fairly certain that any wrong movement will indeed rouse Azula awake. Suki finds herself simply staring at the slumbering princess. At the slight part of her lips and the sweep of hair spilling over her eyes. At the hands that loosely grip the fabric of Suki’s shirt. Her hands are look as soft as they had felt, although her nails have grown uneven and chipped–the product of batting thickets away. In some places her hands have small cuts that are not unlike the ones on Suki’s cheeks and arms and on Mai’d arms. 
Suki brushes that sweep of hair out of Azula’s face–a mistake. Azula bunches herself up and unbunches herself, her fingers briefly tighten around the fabric. And then she blinks. “Suki?” She murmurs. 
Suki clears her throat, “good morning. Did you sleep well?”
“Yes.” Azula replies. “For having gone to bed in a swamp again…” She sits up and rubs her eyes. She finds her way back to her sleeping bag and packs it away. 
Suki stares at her. “Soooo we’re just going to pretend like that didn’t happen?”
Azula nods. 
“You should try sleeping further away.” 
“Let you cling onto Mai instead, got it.” 
“I’m not going to…I wouldn’t…” 
Suki laughs. “You grab onto whatever is closest to you.”
“I do not.”
“Oh, spirits! You really don’t realize it!” She almost shouts. “You don’t realize that you grab things in your sleep.”
Azula turns away and makes a point of arranging her sleeping supplies as neatly as possible. “That’s absolutely absurd. You should start getting your things together. We wasted a lot of time yesterday so we should get an early start. Wake your friends up and…”
“You don’t have to rush. We still need to get breakfast.”
“Hunt or forage for breakfast, you mean.” Azula frowns. “We depleted the last of our reserves yesterday.” 
“Well I guess that’ll give us something to do until the rest of them wake up.” Mai shrugs.
“When did you wake up?”
“Early enough to see you cuddling Suki if that’s what you’re trying to ask.” She gives Azula’s shoulder a pat. “Well, let’s get this done with.” 
“Relax, Zuko, they left a note.” Sokka yawns. “They said that they’re off gathering food and that they’ll be back soon. I say, if they wanna do the work for us, let ‘em!”
“Anyways, we need to talk more about a few things.” Katara says. “Aang and I were talking last night and…”
“Is this about Azula?” Zuko grumbles. 
“Yes, it is.” Aang nods. “I had trouble sleeping last night because I kept thinking about it. Over and over again I was asking myself how and why? How could you have not known about what was happening to Azula at the Golden Scale? And then I started thinking that there was no way you didn’t at least sort of know. Or maybe you really didn’t know.” He pauses for a frown. “So then I started asking, why. Why are you okay with what happened? Why would you threaten to send her back after seeing what it did to her?” He takes a breath. “Why did you send her in the first place? She seems mostly fine.”
“Mostly fine!? She wouldn’t even let Katara heal her right!”
“Other than that, she’s been okay, Zuko.” Katara says. 
“Tell him what you say, Katara!” Zuko shouts. “She was screaming fire and cackling and…”
“And it seems like that was kind of a one off thing.” Aang counters. “I don’t know, she just seems kind of…really sad.”
“So what? I’m sad too, I’m sad and angry all the time.” He is sad and angry and his own friends would rather try to cheer Azula up. Vicious and cruel Azula. He wonders if Aang even remembers who had shot him with lightning.
“Maybe you won’t be as sad and angry if you helped Azula feel less sad and angry.” Aang suggests.
“Or you could just, you know, not make her feel more sad and angry.” Sokka shrugs. 
“You didn’t answer Aang’s questions.” Katara points out. “How could you just let all of that happen to her?”
He grits his teeth, “maybe I was just mad…maybe I was pissed off!” He bursts out. “Is that what you want to hear? That I think that she deserved it and I’m glad that she’s finally learning what it’s like to have nothing and be pushed around.”
“Is that how it was?” Aang asks. 
For a while the only sounds come from the trees; the rustling of the canopy and the scampering of some small animal. For a while it is only the snapping of cat-gator jaws and a few distant bird coos. 
“Yeah.” Zuko admits. “It was.” 
“Zuko, that’s really messed up.” Sokka mumbles. 
“Well did it make you as happy as you thought it would?” Katara quirks a brow. 
Another while of silence passes. “No. Not really.” In fact he thinks that he is angrier than he has been in a long time. He thinks that he was even before the soul link. 
“And does it make you feel better to blame everything on her?”
“No.” But it is easy. Easy and natural. 
It was anyhow. It was before his friends started to look at him the way that they used to look at Azula. He swallows. He is like Ozai. And apparently, he is as terrifying as Azula was. 
“You guys don’t hate me, do you?”
“We don’t hate you.” Aang says firmly. 
Katara bites the inside of her cheek. “But Zuko, you’re kind of scaring us.” 
And for the first time in a very long while he finds himself wondering what the hell happened. How had he gotten like this? The crown feels heavy on his head and he thinks that, that is it. He had gotten a taste of power and that’s all it had taken. That is the true poison in his bloodline. The consistency that seems to plague the entire tree–one scrap of power that spirals out of control. 
Just as it had for Sozin, for Azulon, for father…
Just as it had taken Azula over the edge, it is taking him there. 
Or maybe it has already taken him over the edge and he is treading in the dark waters below. Below him are the bones bones of Sozin, Azulon, and Ozai. Next to him, Azula is dying, clinging to some driftwood just barely floating.
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loopy777 · 3 years
Non-Review: Free Comic Book Day 2021 - The Legend of Korra (Also Featuring Avatar: The Last Airbender)
With all the hype around 'Suki Alone,' it looks to me like most of the fandom missed that an additional Avatar comic with a story from each cartoon's era was just released for Free Comic Book Day. You can read them for yourself on either Dark Horse Digital or Comixology where it's mislabeled as being for ages 17+ (free accounts are required for both), but I'm sure one of the reasons you all love me is because of my willingness to jump in between you and these comics like the deadly bullets they can be. Well, I'm happy to die (metaphorically) for the sake of (a little anonymous internet) love, so I'm doing a full snarky review for each ten-page story. Also, I'm bored, and it's more fun to make fun of mediocre stuff than to praise stuff I like.
It's time for me to review "Free Comic Book Day 2021 - The Legend of Korra (Also Featuring Avatar: The Last Airbender)" or more specifically "The Legend of Korra: Clearing the Air" and "Avatar: The Last Airbender: Matcha Makers."
The cover makes this look like a story about Jinora and Ikki having a sibling conflict. That's a lie. The Air Sisters arguing is merely the inciting incident for Tenzin telling a story of his youth. I should note that, as inconsequential as the Air Sisters stuff is, it's actually written very well because it posits Ikki as a victim of circumstance and Jinora as a bully who terrorizes her little sister with threats of getting thrown in jail by Metalbenders for an accident, cementing the characterization from the cartoon. This is not sarcasm. I really do think Jinora is presented by LoK as a Holier Than Thou little snot who just so happened to be naturally gifted with magic spirit-powers, but for some reason the rest of the fandom doesn't agree with me.
Anyway, Tenzin comes in to find the arguing (and Meelo just running amok for the fun of it and so far these characterizations are perfect), and rather than telling Jinora to shut her stupid face, he delivers a tale of his youth about conflict resolution.
So the meat of the story is how, when Tenzin was "a few years older" than Jinora, a pair of vandals got onto Air Temple Island and burned some graffiti into the spinning-panel things that Korra will destroy out of frustration during her Airbending training. Literally, the vandals are depicted as scorching the wood with enough smoke to be seen across a plaza. Tenzin goes after the vandals and they flee across the bay back to Republic City proper (one of the vandals is a Waterbender with a surf-plank). Tenzin pursues, catches them, and attacks them hard enough to smash some dockside crates. They are all then arrested by Metalbenders and dragged before Chief Toph. She's going to let Tenzin go (yay Toph!) and throw the vandals in jail (YAY TOPH!) and makes this face, and this entire comic is worth it:
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However, Aang arrives and instead arranges to forgo the jail-time in favor of an Air Nomad Conflict Resolution Ceremony. This is nice and in-character, but I'm totally with Tenzin that these vandals should have been thrown in jail. They literally burned insulting graffiti into antiques from a genocided culture. But instead, Aang demonstrates conflict resolution by having Tenzin explain why he's hurt and what needs to be done to redress the wrong. And so the vandals help Tenzin scrub the graffiti off the panels with water and rags and mops- how, I don't know, since they were literally burned.
They also do a ceremony thing where they each take turns bending their element into a central space between them to 'clear the air' (GET IT GET IT HA HA IT'S ALMOST LIKE A PUN BUT NOT), so it's a good thing they were all Benders because this is kinda racist. This fixes all the problems and everyone is friends. Yay!
In the present, though, things are not so nice, because Tenzin's kids are still screaming at and provoking each other. Korra comes in with Asami at the end to ask what's going on, and Asami says nothing, so I still think everyone is characterized with perfect consistency with the cartoon.
I made this sound silly, but (aside from the spinny-panels getting cleaned with a little water and elbow-grease, which doesn't matter because Korra will eventually blow them all up anyway), I actually like this one. It has Tenzin demonstrate how much he's always had to work to be the Perfect Air Monk that everyone expects him to be, and Aang acknowledges how this is unfair but that Tenzin will never let him down no matter what. It also has Katara come in at the end (for just one line, boo!) to acknowledge that this was an especially easy little conflict for Tenzin to practice on and he'll eventually face worse. I found it a nice adult moment in a story that's otherwise clearly aimed at 8-year-olds.
The art is good. It's simpler than the LoK cartoon, with flat colors, but it captures the story and has enough liveliness for everyone's character to come across in their look and body-language. The brief action-sequence where Tenzin attacks the vandals is well done, moving quickly but showing the full flow of the fight and every move Tenzin makes.
Apparently, "Matcha is finely ground powder of specially grown and processed green tea leaves, traditionally consumed in East Asia" according to Wikipedia. I had to look that up. I'm curious how many people understood the full reference in the title, especially since these comics are aimed at kids too young to be allowed on the internet.
This is a very simple story about Iroh in his tea-shop in Ba Sing Se. He has an assistant/waitress named Feng, a new character who wears glasses, ruining the hopes and dreams of all the fanfic-writers who were so sure he'd rescue Jin from the Lower Ring. A frequent patron of the tea shop is an elegant, older lady (very clearly Upper Ring material) named Li-Mei, who cannot go a single panel without giving Iroh a HEY BIG BOY look. She is very clearly smitten. Also, I feel the need to clarify that she knows his name is Iroh, so apparently Ba Sing Se is okay with the Dragon of the West serving tea to their wealthy. I don't say that as a criticism, I'm just noting it.
That night, Iroh meets up with his friends- the Pokemon-style spirits that we saw in Legend of Korra. (I don't know if they're the actual spirits from LoK, or just new spirits in the same style. This is because I would sooner grind matcha into my eyes than rewatch Book Spirits.) He serves them his special blend of tea and talks about how he's totally into Li-Mei but isn't going to pursue it because he's feeling old and doesn't want to take a risk. At this point, I could stop describing the plot because between the title and what I've said so far, I'm sure you could figure out every single plot beat that will follow.
The next day, the spirits trip Feng so that she drops Li-Mei's tea and Iroh needs to bring a replacement, and they've drawn hearts on top of the replacement tea with foam or sugar or milk or whatever. I don't know because I've never bought tea in a place that will even put the bag in the hot water for me. Iroh gets out of the situation without starting any love-affairs and runs into the back to tell the spirits to knock it off, dudes, they're totally embarrassing him! The spirits respond by giving him a flyer for a romantic restaurant. I don't know how they got it, so I can only assume that some Upper Ringer had their mail diverted.
Iroh refuses, so when Li-Mei orders more tea and he brings it to her, the spirits hover just out of her sight and threaten to smash the furniture. I am not making that up. They literally threaten to smash Iroh's furniture unless he asks the lady out. He submits to their tyrannical threats, Li-Mei happily accepts the date, he happily accepts her acceptance, and the story comes to a close. Iroh thanks his spirits friends for opening him up to new experience, but hopes that next time (so I guess Iroh is signing up for Tinder after this?) they won't threaten his shop.
At best, I can describe this story as 'harmless.' But it's been a long week and I just got a bunch more extra work at my day job that I really don't want to do, so I'm going to go ahead and call this story 'dumb.' It's rote, leans towards humor without actually being funny at all, and turns the spirits of the setting into Pokemon. And not even the cool dragon kind.
The art is strangely stiff. The coloring is soft and nice, but the drawings seems more 'assembled' than actually drawn. I swear there are even a few panels that reminded me of 'How I Became Yours' with janky poses, horrifying expressions, and just enough resemblance to the original cartoon to make me think a screenshot was partially traced and then ruined. (I'm not accusing the artist of tracing, BTW. I wouldn't even condemn the artist for tracing if they did. I'm just describing that HIBY feeling I got.) It was so stiff that rather than hear Iroh's dialogue in Mako's rich tones, I instead imagined Greg Baldwin doing a stiff Mako-impression with no naturalism to the delivery.
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This story is definitely worthy of its "Also Featuring" billing. I'd rate it below Gene Yang's Mai and Suki FCBD short stories, but above everything else he wrote for Avatar.
So there you go. Overall, this is very middle-of-the-pack for Avatar FCBD stuff. It's very much of the nature of the 'Team Avatar Tales' stuff, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Iroh story was a leftover from that project. On Free Comic Book Day, you often get what you pay for.
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melzula · 4 years
fire lilies blurb where mai and zuko have that reunion at the boiling rock and when zuko and sokka return zuko starts acting weird and the princess wants to know what happened
a/n: so I kind of referenced this in the Suki piece but I’ve elaborated a bit more in this piece here
~ part of the fire lilies series ~
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You watch the waves crash against the ocean shore from the balcony of the royal family’s beach house, the moonlight glistening against the deep blue water and illuminating the beauty of the element. Inside everyone is getting settled for the night in their own perspective rooms; there are enough for everybody, but the team still decides to buddy up and share. Though no one cares to admit it, you’ve grown accustomed to sleeping in each other’s presence, and without the added company none of you would be comfortable enough to rest. You and Suki had agreed to share a room together, Azula’s old room in fact, but you didn’t feel like turning in for the night just yet, so now you stood gazing up at the moon and admiring Yue’s eternal beauty.
“Suki said you’d be here,” Zuko says gently so as to not startle you, joining you on your place against the railing. Already you can feel the heat radiating off of him, and as he stands beside you looking out at the water you can’t help but remember the days lived out on his Fire Nation ship. How times had changed.
“I’m not ready to go to bed just yet,” you reply with a faint smile, your gaze never once leaving the water. “Seeing the ocean reminds me of home.”
“Do you ever regret leaving?”
“I used to. But I know now that this is where I’m supposed to be, helping Aang defeat your father and end the war, and I wouldn’t change any of it for the world. I was meant to leave, and even though our split tore me apart I think that was meant to happen, too,” you murmur thoughtfully. “We had to follow our own paths and fulfill our own destinies and grow as our own people before fate decided it was time we be together again.”
“I’m so happy you’ve decided to forgive me,” Zuko declares with earnest as he takes both of your hands in his own and meets your tender gaze. He hesitates then, unsure how to proceed with the next bit of information he has to tell you, and you’re quick to notice.
“But?” You prod gently.
“But there’s one more thing we need to talk about before we can begin repairing our relationship.”
Helping you to the floor, Zuko sits the two of you down and keeps one of your hands clasped securely between his own. Your face is understanding and receptive; you’ve already been through the hard part of your relationship, whatever life decides to throw at you next you’ll be able to handle.
“I knew I loved you the day I watched you heal that sick baby koala otter when we were children, and since then all I ever wanted was to be with you. But no one knew about us other than Azula, and my sister also happened to know that there was another girl who sought out my attention. I pushed her into a fountain once to save her from a burning apple,” Zuko notes with a faint smile, his nostalgia beginning to wash over him as he recounts the tale. Things had been so simple then. “She was a good friend, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t aware of the feelings she had for me. But my heart was set on a certain water tribe Princess, and so I never really gave it a second thought.”
Your smile is faint at Zuko’s words but you begin to shift uncomfortably as you realize where this story is going. You have no reason to be jealous and no need to be angry— Zuko is with you now and whatever he had with other girls during your time apart was a thing of the past. Still, you weren’t exactly thrilled at the idea of him seeing someone else, especially not after what had gone down between you, but if you wanted this relationship to work you had to be open and receptive to whatever Zuko felt would be necessary to completely patch things up between you. The truth was a big part of that, so you forced your unpleasant emotions down and remained neutral as he continued on with his recounting.
“She was there in Ba Sing Se when everything happened, and she convinced me to return to the Fire Nation when I had planned to stay behind in the city. Mai was... well, she was different from what I was used to after being with you for so long, but she was also something familiar from my old life in the Fire Nation. I thought being with her could help me start over, help me forget about you and the Avatar so that things could be normal again. But no matter how much I tried I could never stop thinking about you. Even in my sleep I could see your heartbroken face.”
“I started dating Mai because I believed it was what my father wanted and would help me fit in again, and even though I didn’t love her I thought maybe eventually I could. But that was wrong of me, and I never should have relied on her to help me cover up my mistakes,” Zuko admits quietly, remorse clear in his eyes. He can almost hear her yelling at him just as she had back on Boiling Rock, anger and betrayal clear in her tone. Did you ever even love me?!
“I broke up with her before I left to come join your group, and I told her there was someone else. I told her I was still in love with you and had to make things right between us, even if it was at her expense. But despite how terrible I was, she still turned against my sister to help us escape. I never knew she loved me that much, and I hope one day we can be friends, but for now I thought you should know why I was acting so strange when Sokka and I got back.”
“She sounds very brave,” you admit with a weak smile, leaning into Zuko’s touch as he gently cups your cheek in his palm. Reaching up to hold tightly onto his hand, your eyes meet him with a sense of unease, “Were you... I mean, did you...”
“Our time together lasted a year, and we did kiss. But it didn’t mean anything, not when I was still so hung up over you,” he explains quietly. “But I wanted to let you know so there’d be no more secrets between us.”
“Thank you for being honest with me.”
“Are you angry?”
“I’m a little uncomfortable thinking about you with someone else, but I’m not angry,” you say. “It’s in the past, and right now our only focus is the future. We’re together now and that’s all that matters to me.”
A faint smile appears on Zuko’s features as he leans forward and rests his forehead against your own, gifting you with a soft kunik, an act of affection you’ve always been fond of.
“I think you should get some rest,” Zuko offers. “Katara’s planning a beach day for tomorrow.”
“You’re probably right,” you smile before pulling away from the boy and rising up from the ground. You offer your hand to him and help him up off his feet before wrapping your arms tightly around his torso for a hug. “Goodnight Zuko.”
“Goodnight, Princess,” he replies gently, making sure to press a careful kiss to your forehead before letting you go. He waits to make sure you get to your room without any trouble then goes off to retire to his own for the night, the weight that had been hanging over his shoulders since he’d arrived finally beginning to disappear.
| tags: @rainteslerrrr @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak @thebluelcdy @royahllty @the-firebender-girl @coldlilheart @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @knaite-solo @zukh03s @titaniafire @dekahg @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @lozzybowe @izzieserra @melacholy @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang @djskfkdkkf @xapham @yeetletzgetitjae @misnmatchedsox |
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redtail-hero · 4 years
Tags: @meganshinsou-tm @bakugoukatsukiswife @simplybakugou  @gr0vndz3ro @goldenbarbie90210 @gallickingun
Rating: MATURE. 18+
Pairing: Bakugou x Reader x Kirishima
I tried really hard to make the reader gender neutral, so anyone can insert themselves in the story. Ultimately this is my time trying to do this. In my head the reader is female and I might switch over by accident. I apologize in advance if I do that. 
Tasty Pt 4: Tight
Bakugou was used to the silent hallways of the school in the morning. He was usually the first person in the building as his morning routine had him up way before anyone else on campus. However, silence is not what met his ears as he approached the classroom. The sound of light gasps and moans could be heard from the open doorway. He was unsure if he should enter or not, he really didn't need to see someone getting it on against one of the desks. 
After a short moment of debating he decided that it's their own fault if they get embarrassed because they can't keep their pants on. As he entered the room he was slightly surprised to see you sitting at your desk. The small suggestive sounds passed your lips as it seemed like you were in pain as you rubbed your shoulders. He was about to take his seat when you let out a particularly loud moan. He froze, his whole body seized up at the sound while his knees felt weak. Not a second layer he found your eyes suddenly locked with his. 
Katsuki caught the way your face flushed in embarrassment as you mumbled an awkward excuse about being sore from training the previous day. He caught the name of that Icy Hot Bastard passing your lips as you talked about a massage. 
"... That workout Mr. Aizawa gave us yesterday was definitely a bigger load than normal." 
He choked on your choice of words as his mind was halfway in the gutter from your previous suggestive moans. He cleared his throat as he placed his books down. "That Icy Hot bastard probably wouldn't have done it right anyway." He placed his books down before making his way to you. He reached in his pocket and pulled out two pain relief tablets. "Here, Ponytail asked me to give this to you." She didn't but you didn't need to know that. 
There was a moment in which you stared at the medication before staring back at him. Bakugou felt anxious and opened his water bottle, taking a drink before addressing you again. Did you think it was poison or something? "Well, are you going to take them or not?" 
"Oh, I don't have a drink to-" 
You didn't need to say anything else, his brain on autopilot passed his water to you. "Here, you can borrow mine." 
Bakugou watched as your lips pressed against the opening of his water bottle, the same bottle he just sipped from. That simple thought didn't even seem to cross your mind as you handed the bottle back to him. 
"Thank you Katsuki." A shiver hit his spine, still grateful that he gave you the option to call him by his first name after being your sparring partner the past two years. "Do you think it will help with the knot?" 
He grabbed the bottle you passed to him and took another sip. Were you wearing chapstick? He could swear he could taste a small hint of cherry on his lips. "You have a knot?" He licked his lips catching the cherry taste again as you nodded his head. 
"It probably won't do much. You'll want to work it out a little." 
Katsuki looked at the clock when you groaned and seemed disappointed with his answer. There was plenty of time before the start of class. He was more than willing to help you out and this opportunity was dangling on a string in front of him. He decided to grab it. 
"Which side?" 
Your eyes snapped up to his quickly he thought you were going to give yourself whiplash. You looked so confused but hopeful at the same time. 
"Do you want my help or not? Which side?" He probably should have asked a little nicer but it didn't seem to bother you in the least bit. 
"Oh, um left side."
He moved to the back of your chair. "Take the jacket off, it's going to be in the way." Was that too forward? " Unless you're uncomfortable that way." 
"Oh, no I'm - that's a good idea." You disposed of your jacket quickly, the fresh scent of your soap greeted him as the air moved around. 
"Just try to relax." Bakugou placed his hands on your shoulders, he could feel the heat of your skin through your shirt. He moved his thumbs in a circular motion with a slight amount of force. A sudden but loud gasp fell past your lips. 'Shit, too much.' He frowned at the thought that he hurt you. "Too hard?" 
"No, it was the perfect amount of pressure." 
Katsuki felt rather pleased with your answer and started moving his thumbs again. The fabric of the shirt wasn't letting him do the best job but he wasn't sure if you'd be willing to start stripping your top for him. "This might work better if I go under your shirt." The words spilled out before he could even stop them. 
"Ohh… that's fine with me." He was having a little trouble processing your moan and the fact that your fingers were unbuttoning the top buttons of your school dress shirt. He swallowed hard as his fingers touched your skin. 
Damn your flesh was soft. He has to concentrate on remembering the task at hand, making you feel better. He noted that you began to relax against your seat, your eyes sliding shut as your bottom lip found purchase in between your teeth. 
Bakugou, couldn't help but smile, knowing that he was the source of your pleasure. His thumbs work in circles, the warmth of your skin spread through his fingers and up his arm. He couldn't believe how soft and silky your hair was as he something hand into it. He massaged gently at the base of your neck, closing his eyes as he enjoyed this moment. A small but noticeable knot could be felt under his thumb.
You jolted and moaned loudly, the sound causing his pants to tighten. He wondered if you'd do it again. He swiped over the same spot, though this time you didn't moan instead the small whimper that passed your lips made him feel hot. "Damn princess you really have a good one here." He spoke softly as you moaned, slowly relaxing again. 
"Mmmm, 'Suki." 
He could take you right there on the table, the moaning and shorten nickname driving him insane. 
A forced a small chuckle as you moan again. "Does this feel good?" He asked as he moved against the knot again. He just had to calm himself, keep control and all would be well. 
"Oh, yes right there." You collapsed against the chair. 
Katsuki was incredibly turned on, his pants did little to hide the giant tent that had grown. If you were making these noises just over a massage he could help but wonder what would escape your lips if he was fucking you against the desk, hips snapping up and diving deep into you. He was practically drooling at the mental image. 
'Fuck!' He was practically panting, his chest rapidly moving as his breathing increased. His hips rocked forward, desperately trying to find relief for his aching cock. 
His eyes snapped open at the sound of someone clearing their throat and your body ripped forward away from his hands. 
Kirishima was standing in the door way looking down at the floor. "Sorry to interrupt…" the red head looked back up at him and gave a knowing look. 
He lost control for a moment and Shitty Hair just had to catch him in the act. He was thankful for his friend killing the mood before he did something he would regret. 
"Katsuki, it's been 20 minutes!" You panicked and started to face him but before you could turn your body completely around to see his hard on he grabbed your shoulders. He faced your body forward and pulled you back against the seat. "Sit back, just another moment…" The knot was almost gone but also he needed a moment to calm down. 
He gave Kirishima a look that told the boy to distract you. The red head smirked and moved over to the front of your desk. "A knot, huh?" 
Another moan went straight to his cock as it passed your lips. He didn't care to listen to your conversation with his friend instead he thought of anything that didn't relate to you. The throbbing in his pants faded slowly as the muscle in your shoulder was significantly looser than before. 
Kirishima looked at him. This was bad. Katsuki knew it. The two of them had little to no control when it came to you. 
He allowed his fingers to slip away from your shoulders, the cross of a whimper and a moan slipped your lips. 
"You look happy." Kirishima grinned at you and Bakugou couldn't feel more relieved his friend was here, he needed to escape the room without it being to awkward. 
"Thank you Katsuki." Your voice was thick, laced with sleepiness as you started to fix your top buttons. 
Eijirou looked impressed and Katsuki couldn't help the smug smile he gave. He did that. He made you feel that good. "It was nothing. Just make sure you use hot and cold compresses tonight." He stated as he turned toward the door. "And I don't mean that Icy Hot bastard." He added as a after thought. 
"Hey, if you need another massage tonight, I can offer my services." Eijirou stated suggestively. 
"I might take you up on that offer." 
The thought didn't bother Bakugou, he didn't mind sharing with his best friend if he had too. He shook the thought immediately. "Be back in a few." With that he headed to the bathroom with full intentions of taking care of the problem in his pants. 
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“You are, I think, an evening star, of all the stars, the fairest”
Title is a Sappho quote
Yueki one-shot
Yue ran her hands through her hair. It had grown since the end of the war, trailing down just below her waist in silver waves, like light cascading off the edge of a crescent moon. Her hands were delicate and soft from years of silk and fur mittens and high quality moisturizers, contrasting with Suki’s rough, callused hands. Suki had told her once that she used to be insecure about her hands, which were larger than average and blistered easily before she became a Kyoshi Warrior and built up a tolerance. Yue thought that Suki’s hands were beautiful. They spoke of resilience and courage. Yue’s spoke of nothing but her sheltered, spoiled childhood.
“Yue?” Suki sidled up to her, resting her hand on Yue’s shoulder. “You’re thinking about it again, aren’t you?”
Yue nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat. “I can’t look at it Suki,” she whispered. “it just reminds me of my failure.”
“Hey, you didn’t fail!” Suki protested, gently moving Yue to face her. “You helped save the moon spirit. When Sokka told me the story-”
“But I didn’t.” Yue’s voice was always small and soft, but now it just sounded hurt. “That was all them. I- I’m weak, I can’t bend, I can’t even fight like you.”
“That’s not your fault.”
“I should’ve sacrificed myself, it was my job.”
Suki opened and closed her mouth several times before answering. “You wish you would’ve died? Yue that’s ridiculous.”
“I wish I could’ve done something,” Yue sighed, twirling her hair between her fingers mournfully. “The moon spirit gave me this gift, and I couldn’t do anything in return. Now every time I look in the mirror it’s just... a reminder that I’m weak.”
“Yue, stop that. You’re not weak. If you were weak would you have been able to defy your entire tribe to be free? Would you have been able to travel the world being chased by the fire nation and not given up?”
“I cried. A lot.”
“So did I!” Suki laughed. “We all cried a lot, except maybe Zuko, but that’s because he’s represses his emotions.”
Yue giggled. “Thanks Suki, you always know what to say.”
Suki lifted her hand as if to bring it to Yue’s face, but hesitated, letting it fall back at her side. She smiled lightly and wrapped Yue in an embrace. 
Suki smelled like dirt and sea salt, and despite her muscled physique, her embrace was gentle. It felt like home. Yue let herself melt into the other girl’s arms, breathing in shakily and resisting the urge to inhale her scent until she could carry it with her for the rest of the day. Yue hadn’t got a lot of physical affection growing up, her parents had never been huggers, and she hadn’t really had opportunities for friends. But Suki hugged her a lot, and every time Yue would wonder if she’d ever feel more loved, because it seemed impossible. She was the first to pull away, she always was, because she was afraid that if she held on any longer, she’d never be able to let go. 
Suki checked Yue’s cheeks for tears, her eyes scanning the smaller girl’s face with an expression that frustrated Yue so much, because she could never figure out what it meant. It was the same expression Sokka used to look at her with, but... but there was no way Suki liked her like that. They were best friends and Yue could accept that they would never be anything more. 
The idea came to her out of seemingly nowhere, although in hindsight, it’d probably been growing in the back of her mind for a while. She grabbed Suki’s hands and looked at her with an excited, almost mischievous countenance that she didn’t take on very often.
Suki raised an eyebrow. “Dude, you’re scaring me. What?”  
“Let’s dye my hair!” Yue said, grinning blindingly. She could tell that Suki was about to try and be rational, so she continued. “Come on, I know you don’t actually want to persuade me out of it. I want to be impulsive for once. We can use that stuff Sokka made! It’ll take a few months to wash out, but once it does my hair will be back to normal, so it won’t damage anything.” She bit her lip anxiously, her eyes gleaming with freedom that was still new to her.
“Yea, ok,” Suki chuckled. She broke out into a joyous grin and shook Yue’s shoulders a little roughly. “Yea! You’re gonna look so cool, what color do you want?”
“That was... fast.”
Yue shrugged. “I guess this isn’t an entirely new idea. But...” she trailed off tentatively. “I want to do a color that’s not associated with any nation. Something that’s just for me.”
Suki smirked at her. “I thought pink was Ty Lee’s thing.”
“Ty Lee can’t own a color,” Yue replied, sticking her nose in the air. 
“Have you ever done this before?” Yue asked as she settled into the rickety chair in the corner of Suki’s room. They’d been staying on Kyoshi Island for a few weeks, along with Sokka and Zuko (Yue made a note to get Suki in on her plans to get those two idiots together) and it was... really nice. 
Suki was silent for a moment and Yue swiveled in her seat to see the taller girls smiling guiltily. She raised her hands in defeat. “Fine, no, I haven’t. But it can’t be that hard right?”
Yue raised a skeptical eyebrow. “You better not ruin my hair.”
“Can’t make any promises.”
Suki dipped her hands into the glass jar Sokka had given to them. It was apparently made of all organic materials, but cactus juice was technically organic, so that didn’t exactly speak to how safe it was. Suki told Yue to sit up taller and warned her that she might get dye on her tunic.
“Won’t that just be part of the adventure?” Yue asked in response.
“That’s it, you’ve been possessed.”
“Just put the pink stuff on my hair weirdo.”
“You’re the weirdo,” Suki muttered, already running her pink-stained hands through Yue’s hair. 
This was a terrible idea, Yue decided. Not because she didn’t want to color her hair, but because Suki was running her hands gently through her long hair and humming softly and Yue was sure that her heartbeat could be heard miles away. 
It was just a couple hours before dinner, so the sun had begun to dip gently below the horizon, kissing Yue’s dark skin in a fascinating contrast to her snow-white hair. Her cheeks were colored gold and dusted with pink and Suki thought she looked like a rainbow. Suki moved her lips silently as she found a rhythm in dying Yue’s hair. Soft whispers of the song she was mouthing escaped ever so often and she wished that she could see if Yue was smiling or not. Suki loved Yue’s smile, her real smile. The one that shone through when they sat beside the fire exchanging stories and jokes, or when they woke up early enough to watch the sunrise. Suki thought that Yue looked beautiful underneath the sun. Her hair would be tinted amber and her eyes would glow in a drastically different way to how they darkened when she looked at the moon. Maybe Yue had been blessed by the moon spirit, but Suki thought she looked like the sun. 
“Suki?” Yue turned her head slightly to where Suki could glimpse her eyelashes and the tip of her nose. “You stopped.”
Suki shook herself from her reverie and chuckled nervously, her skin heating up and glowing crimson. “Uh sorry, I was just...” What was she doing? Her heart ached with longing and really, Yue had been impulsive, why couldn’t she? Never one for timing, Suki whispered timidly, still facing the back of Yue’s head. “Yue? Can I tell you something?”
Yue’s breath hitched ever so slightly and Suki felt her shoulders tense. She hadn’t even realized her had was on her shoulder. So much for not ruining her tunic. It felt like hours of time moving slow as molasses before Yue finally answered. “Of course.”
“I-” Suki’s words caught in her throat and she groaned in frustration. What had come over her? She hadn’t been nervous at all when she was with Sokka before! “YueIreallylikeyoulikeasmorethanafriend,” she rushed, immediately stepping back and cursing herself beneath her breath.
But Yue didn’t say anything. Suki forced herself across the room to face her. “Please say something.”
Yue’s lips turned up slightly and she turned to look up at Suki. Her face was painted with sunlight and her hair was half pink and everything felt so indescribably perfect for a moment. “I- I like you too Suki.”
Suki decided she had never grinned larger in her life. She stopped wringing her hands anxiously. “Can I kiss you?”
She’d never seen Yue smile this large either, nor nod this vigorously.
Suki practically launched herself to the other girl, grasping her cheeks and smiling into the kiss. Yue’s hands were wrapped around her neck and her lips tasted like strawberries and she smelled like lavender. Kissing Yue was like dancing with the sun. It was new and almost scary, but so soft. And they fit together like puzzle pieces. Puzzle pieces stained bright pink and wrapped in a blanket of gold.
When they finally pulled apart for air, Yue was giggling and buried her face in the crook of Suki’s neck, muttering against her skin. “I can’t even tell you how long I’ve wanted to do that.” She lifted her head and Suki marveled at her lips, pearly lipgloss faded and smudged, cheeks flushed pink and-
Suki slapped her hand over her mouth and laughed. “Oh no, I made your cheeks all pink.”
Yue snickered. “Well now you’ve got pink all over your face, so I suppose we’re even.”
The sun was gone now and the moon hung in the window. Yue rested her forehead against Suki’s and breathed in dirt and sea salt. Maybe she could learn not to hate the moon, for its light washed over the room and made Suki’s eyes sparkle and highlighted her skin silver. The moon wasn’t her failure, it was love. It was patience and love and fierce protection. But maybe her hair being pink would help her remember that. She wasn’t the moon, she was Yue. Her own person, who loved Suki so much she could burst. And Suki was the steadiness of the earth and the courage of the sun and the joy of the wildflowers. 
Yue didn’t care that her face was pink, or that they were surely going to be answering a lot of questions at dinner. All she needed to care about was that Suki’s breath was warm against her face and her hands, rough and callused, brushed like feathers along the back of her neck and through the un-dyed portion of her hair. This, she decided was freedom. 
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