#a girl and her guard dog ( ray. )
kamipyre · 2 months
“I wanna know who hurt you.”
confession time ( i want to know meme w/ @bloodxhound )
She has a reputation to uphold. 
Head Forensics Investigator Suki Nakamura does not flinch in the face of danger. She has seen it all, from the worst of LA’s criminals to the fiercest of LAPD detectives, prosecutors, and attorneys. And in the case of the latter, she has not only worked alongside all three, but she has also stood her ground against them. The forensics department may act as a neutral party in such circumstances, but that does not mean it is passive, bowing to the demands of the other departments.
She learned that the hard way: standing her ground, showing no signs of fear or intimidation. They’ll pounce on any weakness if revealed, overpower her if she shows any timidity. She wipes the blood off one corner of her mouth. “He’s already in custody.” She says as the bruise on her cheek begins to smart ( there are other bruises too, but they’re covered by her clothes, thankfully ) If she doesn’t put ice on it soon, it’ll swell. Unfortunately it seems that she’ll have to be both the forensics expert and the witness for this case. 
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 The shadow of Detective Barlowe is long as he towers over her. Like a snarling dog, he bares his teeth, glowering down at her, not out of hostility but protectiveness, however veiled in anger it might appear at this moment. Some things never quite change, do they? They both might be older now, one hardened from years outside the system, the other from working within the system, but it does not change the bond.
A dog, however seemingly docile, will use its teeth if it means protecting its people. 
The thing is though, Nakamura has a reputation. She is not only one of the few female forensics in the LAPD, but she is also the only head forensics who has witnessed the Dark of Law and the corruption of the system from the very beginning. And even if her legs tremble badly enough she can barely stand, even if her vision is growing grainy at the edges, she cannot afford to appear weak. 
Not in front of her juniors. 
And Ray, no Detective Barlowe, making a scene even if it is in her defense, will not help matters either. She forces her head up, hands shaking as they ball into fists. “Stand down Barlowe,” she demands, a sharp tug of the leash. “Detective Lang has already been assigned to the case; he will be questioning the suspect shortly.”
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superhaught · 2 months
Guard Dog
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Pairing: Leighton Murray x Reader
Warning(s): None!
Word Count: 1000, Part 1/?
Just a little Leighton fic based on this tiktok.
You stirred your drink lazily and refreshed the app one more time just for good measure. 
No new messages. 
You turned your phone off and sighed then finished off your drink in one gulp. The bartender swung by and cleared your empty glass and offered you another and you shook your head, saying, “just water, please,” hoping to sober up before heading home and putting this failure of a Friday night behind you. 
A pretty blonde girl walked up to the empty barstool beside you and barked out her order to the bartender while preemptively handing him her ID, then she loosely directed her next words to you, “excuse me, is this seat taken?”
“Not anymore, go ahead.”
She raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything in response as she sat in the stool and began rummaging through her tiny purse, pulling out a compact and touching up her face of makeup.
“Did you have a date or something?” The blonde asked, not turning to look at you. 
“I don’t know if it was a date,” you replied, “but someone was supposed to meet me. I’ve been waiting for over an hour.”
She closed her compact and returned it to her bag as the bartender was sliding a cocktail across the counter to her. 
“And they haven’t messaged you, I assume?”
“Nope.” You responded. 
You shrugged, “I wasn’t that excited about it anyways.” 
The blonde nodded and sipped from her drink with an elegance that was both admirable and off-putting. You envisioned her taking family vacations to Napa, feeling comfortable on yachts, purchasing a new pair of red-bottoms every season. 
The woman’s attention had been captured by her own phone, and you started to long for your bed. 
You were waiting to flag down the bartender and get your bill when a random guy approached you, carrying two beers. You rolled your eyes without him seeing.
“Hey girl, you are looking fine, let me enjoy a beer witchu.” 
You began, “oh, I was actually just-”
The blonde woman interjected, “excuse me, do you like, know this man?”
The dude groaned and slouched, “aw, come on we were just talking!”
She held up an index finger in front of him, “silence, mouth-breather, I wasn’t speaking to you yet,” then she looked at you expectantly, awaiting your answer. 
You shook your head, “no, I don’t.”
“Do you want to know him?”
“Not really.”
She nodded and turned to the offending guy, “she doesn’t want to talk to you. Goodbye.”
“What the fuck? I was just trying to be nice!”
“Well, you’re not being nice, you're being a creep and she doesn’t want to talk to you anymore.”
“Fucking bitch,” the man scoffed at blonde. 
She crossed her arms in front of her chest and sat up a little taller, “yep. Now remove yourself from the premises before I have security do it for you.”
The man raised his hands in surrender and backed away slowly, glaring at your rescuer, before finally turning and storming out of the bar with two of his buddies right behind him.
You exhaled, “Jesus… thank you for that.”
She flipped her hair over her shoulder, “oh my god, of course. Don’t even mention it.”
The bartender returned and passed your receipt to you but the woman grabbed the slip of paper between manicured fingers and spoke to the bartender, “no, please put her bill on my tab. Leighton Murray. Thank you.”
“Oh you don’t have to do that.” 
“I know but I’m going to, you’ve had a shitty night.”
“It’s really not necessary-”
“Don’t worry about it, okay? It’s nothing.” The blonde was putting her foot down and you felt completely disarmed by her. She clicked on her phone, “you were leaving, right? I’m calling you and Uber and I’ll walk you out, I’m not having you leave by yourself. He seemed like the type to wait in the parking lot.”
“You’re… that’s really above and beyond, I can’t accept-”
“I insist. Now, where are you heading?”
You considered denying her. You considered saying, thank you, but no thank you. 
“Essex College.” 
She raised an eyebrow again, “are you a student?”
You nodded, “I am, yeah. Junior.”
She smiled, “oh, wow! I’m a senior at Essex. I can’t believe I don’t know you. Come on, let’s just head back to campus together. I’m Leighton.”
You returned her smile and introduced yourself. She echoed your name back and then took hold of your hand, you thought she was just going to shake it but instead she stood up and gently led you out of the bar. 
You glanced around the parking lot and didn’t see the group of guys, “seems all clear…”
“You can never be too careful,” she answered with a shrug, “do you want me to leave you be?”
You couldn’t help but look her up and down. She was stunning. Taller than you in heels, and likely without them, too. She was still holding your hand. Her skin was soft and you could smell her perfume. She used her free hand to run her fingers through her hair, pushing it back, and you were done for. 
You looked at her lips and unknowingly bit down on your own, “No. I don’t want that…”
She smirked. A black car pulled up beside you and Leighton gestured for you to get in ahead of her. 
You squeezed her hand and then opened the car door. She lightly touched your lower back as you got into the car and it made you shudder. 
You quietly looked out the window as the car took you back to your college campus. You found yourself thinking about how it wasn’t fair for women like Leighton to exist because your hands were shaking and she hadn’t even done anything. You balled your hands into fists and sighed, not meaning to make a noise when you did.
“Is everything okay?” Leighton asked. 
You were shocked out of your thoughts, “Yes! Well, no… I mean, yes, everything is fine, it’s just…”
You swallowed the lump in your throat as you met the blonde’s eyes, “I don’t want my night to end just yet.”
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ladyempty · 2 months
We all know the story, Steffon on Aerys' orders goes to find a bride for Rhaegar, one of good lineage and valerian. But he doesn't find any good enough so Rhaegar marries Elia.
Now, let's imagine, there is a last Velaryon who is consequently the Lady of the Velaryon house but is constantly traveling to the free cities to increase the fortune of the house so Velaryon!Reader went unnoticed by Steffon.
What would Yandere Rhaegar's reaction be when Velaryon Reader appears at the Harrenhal tournament married to a man from Essos and already with three children, two girls and a boy, all with platinum hair? 👀
° | My first order! I can't believe it!! Thank you very much 💜 English is not my first language. |
° | This is a yandere work and may contain triggering behavior. I'm not in favor of that in real life. |
Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, the last dragon and with the advancing madness of King Aerys, the final hope of house Targaryen. Surrounded by an air of melancholy and a veil of sadness, he sought in books and parchments a refuge for a tired mind beyond his tender years.
His thirst for reading, always insatiable and sadness for no reason, it was no surprise that the Targaryen sought answers in his most reliable “friends”, books, the certain mental instability that surrounded him left fertile ground for his almost insane thoughts and dreams to take over. leadership. He had clung to every word and prophecy spoken about the Targaryen house as if it was the only thing that mattered, he had complete confidence and certainty that the promised prince would be born from his bloodline. Of his blood and flesh. A justification that went beyond men's understanding for their birth and unhappy existence. He had a greater purpose.
And he certainly wouldn't rest until he accomplished it. His marriage to Elia, like so many other royals, was purely political with no real feelings shared between them. Rhaegar didn't feel frustrated, Elia was kind, intelligent, fun and beautiful, from the second largest house in Westeros, he had nothing to complain about. A bolt of happiness struck him every time Elia managed to get pregnant, it was the beginning of the realization of his destiny. Just one more and then finally a dragon will have three heads as it should be.
But of course that didn't happen. The wife was very weak, her body would not be able to handle another pregnancy without her dying in the process and possibly along with the child who could not be born. It was not a pleasant risk, it would also cause certain disagreements in the political relationship with Dornes. He just needed a son, no matter who mother him.
It was a sunny day that morning, the sun was pleasantly warm, and the glory of the day in the riverlands spread before his eyes. On the sides of the road, the fruit trees hide with their delicate greenery and the birds busy with their melodies come out of hiding to enjoy some of the sun's rays. He was accompanied to the tournament at Harrenhal by his wife, children and father, who, paranoidly, would not allow any of his guards to remain more than two feet away from him. Observing each of those present with dark and suspicious purple eyes, not recognizing their own allies and subjects.
They arrived at dusk in time to attend the tournament's opening ceremonies, a grand banquet held in the Hall of a Hundred Hearths with nearly every lord of the seven kingdoms present, laughing and dancing along to the lively melody that resounded throughout the great hall. Elia quickly walked away to continue a conversation with his brother, the king remained quiet, his half-closed gaze migrating from one person to another with the speed and distrust of a trained dog. And after countless requests from nervous ladies and smiling gentlemen, Rhaegar surrendered to playing at least one melody on the harp.
The spirited Lady Lyanna seemed more moved, shedding a few tears and letting out a few shaky sighs, and Rhaegar was almost convinced that she was a fragile and lovely maiden before Stark poured, between grumbles and without any hesitation, an entire goblet of wine on her head of the younger brother. The action managed to surprise the prince, the girl had a joy that was not constantly present in her life and that was very well appreciated. Her mind strayed for a moment, and Rhaegar admired the young woman's beauty, she was charming and youthful like a flower in bloom.
His thoughts strayed again as an unsettling silence fell over the great hall like never before, the ladies ceased their gossip and the lords no longer clinked their overflowing goblets of the most expensive wine. All eyes were fixed on the large entrance door, which creaked as it was moved again. By instinct, Rhaegar followed the crowd's gaze and later, when he recalled the moment, he would not regret his decision.
A couple closely accompanied by three children entered the room. The man was tall, with copper skin and short dark hair, with a beard and wore an ice blue doublet. He carried the youngest child with him, a small girl who didn't look two years old anymore and certainly couldn't keep up with the adults. On the left side was another child, a boy just over five years old, with short hair and blue clothes, just like his father and next to the boy was another girl, with closed features, a little taller. And on the right side was the woman who was assumed to be the man's wife.
Naquele momento o coração de Rhaegar falhou algumas batidas, seu coração acelerou, o friozinho na barriga apareceu tão rápido quanto um raio que o deixou sem fôlego, uma corrente elétrica percorrendo seu corpo até atingir sua mente turva e inquieta. Se antes ele achava Lady Lyanna adorável, agora sua aparência empalidecia em comparação à elegância e beleza da mulher desconhecida. Seu caminho ainda nebuloso toma outro caminho, os longos cabelos platinados que brilhavam prateados sob a luz das velas e os olhos roxos como ametistas, da mulher e das crianças.
Was this a Joke? How was it possible? Rhaegar could not recall any woman with Valerian features in any house great or small in the seven kingdoms. If he knew, she would certainly be his wife right now. This thought darkened his features, due to the incompetence of others Rhaegar did not have the woman of his dreams, much less his three children as the prophecy said. His eyes fixed on the boy... Rhaegar didn't have the promised prince....
As the night wore on, the Targaryen prince's eyes never left the unknown woman's warm figure, every smile, every graceful dance, every sway of her platinum curls, even the quick glimpse of her stockinged legs. Everything was caught in the Targaryen's hungry, shameless eyes, the hunger that grew in her strange squirming with every little interaction she had with her husband or children. Every smile that was never directed at him was a punch to his face and a kick to his gut.
That Wasn't Right, Why Was This Happening? It was his destiny, those should be his children and his wife. Were the gods testing him? How could they be so cruel?
He approached without delay the moment you were left alone by your husband, the youngest daughter firmly holding the skirt of your light blue dress. Rhaegar put the best smile he had on his face before greeting, cornering the woman, who he now knew the identity of, to talk more personal, more gentle, more compromising. He simply couldn't contain himself, a dissatisfied tingling spread through his hands with every minute that passed without touching the softness of his face, a touch that could be interpreted as inappropriate but felt absolutely right in the prince's mind.
Rhaegar nodded calmly with a slight smile at each word you said, unable to contain himself any longer, his hand gently placed one of the platinum strands of your hair behind your ear, his fingertips trailing gently down the side of your slender neck. Restraining himself from saying anything or moving forward with his movements. Ignoring the way you winced and tried to politely walk away.
Why were you shy? Soon you would be married. It was destiny and nothing mattered beyond that. You would follow your duty.
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sapphic-woes · 1 year
I saw you're taking requests soooo anything Abby?Remember that post about having a girl's weight on top of you ...yeah 😳
Anything Abby....I was stuck on Abby with a mom like reader (as in R is the mom friend of the group) so let's hope I can do smth this time cuz I tried like twice to get the idea down😭 NOT PROOFREAD
Abby x Doting(?)Reader
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So, everyone thinks Abby is a loose cannon yea? She's dangerous, intimidating, all in all not someone you want to cross.
So imagine everyone's surprised when you pat her on the head and tell her she's a good girl for going to get a recent injury treated like you told her too
You're the one that brings extra medical supplies on easy runs. You're the one with extra everything really–ammo, shives, ointment, etc.
You nag a lot, but everyone appreciates the feeling, especially when the world has become so bleak and callous.
But Abby? Everyone thought that if there was anyone you couldn't crack, it would be her. However, she soon becomes stuck like glue to your side.
You easily manage to "tame" her with your kind words and adoring nature, because even though most people assume she can take anything and everything with ease, you treat her like a person.
Abby in turn, loves being doted on by you. She loves being on missions and lefting a crate you to crawl under, just to watch you say "Thanks Abby" with a sweet smile, and check her hands afterwards to make sure she didn't get any splinters. She loves how you stop her in the middle of a run just to bandage a cut she didn't even notice. She loves how she'll greet you in the morning, and you immediately can tell she had a bad sleep, letting her rest her head on your lap until Issac calls for her.
Abby really loves how much you care about her, and it doesn't take long for everyone else to know too.
I think to everyone, you're a ray of sunshine next to death itself lmao. Abby is like a guard dog around you, and bothering you is synonymous with bothering Abby. When you guys become a package? It's even more so.
But also, once you get together you can nag her even more in public.
"Abby fucking Anderson!" You huffed, hands on hips as you glared across the cafeteria. You could see the other girl stiffen, as well as Manny and the others sitting with her start to snicker. You stomped over to her table with purpose, mustering up the harshest glare.
"How could you go out there, alone! There are protocols, and you know how tense it is right now, especially with the Scars. Let alone the infected! I heard you got hurt too..." You trailed off to look at her bandaged forearm, letting out a sigh.
"Oh Abby...why do you always try to take on everything yourself? You're one person!" You sat down beside her, looking up with blurred vision. You blinked your tears out of the way, and at the sight of you crying Abby immediately began to panic.
"Shit, y/n I–I'm sorry, things just happened so quickly. I didn't think to get back up–"
"But you should have! You idiot! You should have come straight back rather than rushing in like a crazy dog!' You full on yelled at her, fists banging on her chest. Abby took your hits with ease, gathering you up in her arms.
"I know, I know. I'm an idiot."
"A big, dumb idiot." Abby laughed, nodding in agreement.
"A big, dumb idiot. But I'm your idiot, right?" You puffed up your cheeks, knowing you couldn't stay mad at her. Not when she apologized like this, with the whole cafeteria watching the Abby Anderson fold to a girl half her fucking size.
"Yeah Abby..." You reached up to ruffle her hair, smiling as she grinned right back at you, "you're my idiot."
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piinkyypriincess · 5 months
Targaryen Dynasty & Fem!Teen!OC
"Green must find her way to orange, or all is lost. The dragons will dance and die, surrounded by fire and blood.”
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Multiple Main Pairings!
Eventual Romance Between ~ Main Fem!OC (14) x Jaehaerys II (15) x Aegon III (15)
Main Focus ~ Fem!OC and Targaryen Dynasty (Yandere, Obsessive, Protective)
Warnings ~ Depression, Anxiety, Neglect, Physical Abuse, Mental Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Substance Abuse, Alcoholism, Relapse, Prostitution, Grooming, Anger, Obsessions, Self Harm, Suicide, Possessive Behavior, Yandere Behavior, Targaryen Usual Incest, Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Violent, Poison, Death, Murder, War, Men, Misogyny, Criston Cole, and Otto Hightower.
Disclaimer ~ Please read with discretion! I read Fire and Blood in the past, and Lucaemond in the show is soooo much different than the book nuances! For one, Aemond doesn't look 16, and Lucerys' actor is young (I still love both depictions!) When I mention their relationship in the future with a OC, I personally have in mind Ewan Mitchell and Logan Lerman since I've decided to make the characters older. (I was kinda tempted to make it cutesy between them, keeping it true to the book ages, but were in too deep now.) If you want to see the casting I have in mind for every OC and some other characters; it's going to be on Wattpad when I cross-post this later. Read at your own risk, please!
Spoilers ~ Tons!!
Summary of Entire Story ~ Below.
Chapters ~ Under the Break.
Status ~ On-Going.
“Trust is something that people break. It is inevitable, sweetling, that much you must understand,” Alicent chides as she reminisces about her days under the tree just a foot away.
The child's light brown skin dazzles a beautiful golden hue as the sun's rays kiss her freckled skin.
Vhagarhā hums shortly, a low tone as if in disagreement with the viper's statement.
“Trusting someone is my decision. Proving me wrong is someone else's choice. If someone decides to break my trust, then it must be for good reason. It's only punishable if they've harmed me. If not, then why would I care about something so silly, my lady?”
Pushing up from Alicent's lap, the child looks up directly into the eye of the sun. The light makes her pale lilac and coral eyes seem like they absorb the sun's rays; the strange colored eyes glittering.
A smile so bright graces her face, it makes Alicents cheeks hurt looking at it. In that moment, the Queen-Consort is sure the girl is sunshine reincarnated with all its radiant beauty.
In which Queen Alicent Hightower befriends a Valyrian girl from the Summer Isles, just a week before the discussion of the Driftwood Throne.
Chp 1 ~ Weeps of Water
Chp 2 ~ Her Mother's Daughter, Her Father's Dog
Chp 3 ~ Sweet Orange Tart, Sour Lemon Cake, Bitter Apple Turnover
Chp 4 ~ The Seven Pointed Star
Chp 5 ~ The Job of a Royal Guard
Chp 6 ~ A Violent Dog
Chp 7 ~ Blue
Chp 8 ~ The Bigger Picture
Chp 9 ~ To Be Loved
Chp 10 ~ A Friend or Foe, A Floral Interlude
Chp 11 ~ Ten Thousand Ships
Chp 12 ~ Coming Soon!
All Other Chapter's ~ Unpublished, In The Works!
Cross Posted On ~ AO3 and eventually Wattpad!
Last Updated ~ 01/31/2024
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ophelieverse · 2 years
Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader.
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Your and Aemond kids are just like him,they absolutely love their dragons.
This is my first fic,so be kind to me.Also english is not my first language,so i’m sorry if there is any errors.
It was a quiet sunny day in King’s Landing,the long summer was at it end but the golden rays of the sun still shined through the clouds above the city.
Y/n was sitting on a blanket on the green grass of one of the hills out of the Red Keep,besides her was her sister in law Helaena and Queen Alicent,all three of them enjoying the warm sun and the beautiful weather away from any political issues just for one day.
«He looks so much like Aemond did at his age.»the Queen voice was sweet and tender,her brown eyes sparkling while she looked at one of her grandchildren playing in the green field with his cousin.
Aedion was Y/n and Aemond second child and just like his grandmother said,he was the perfect copy of his father.From his pale blonde hair,his lavander curious eyes and his way to prove himself in everything he did,he reassemble Y/n dear husband in everything.
Y/n smiled,looking softly at her son who was just eight years old«He also acts like Aemond.That creature is the only thing he talks about.»the young princess said,pointing with her free hand towards where the children where playing.
Aedion and Jaehaerys,Aegon and Helaena first son,we’re holding a little wooden stick and using it as a fake sword,similar to the ones they used during their training with Ser Criston in the yard.Besides them two dragons,no bigger than a horse,were watching them like guard dogs in case something happened.
Y/n had met Aemond when she was just a young Lady and she immediately fell for the charming prince.It was no secret that her husband was very enthusiastic whenever the topic of their conversation shifted to dragons,she remember during their courting time that she had listened to him talking for hours about the little adventures that he lived with Vhagar.She also remembered the first time he introduced them to each other,his old favorite girl to his new favorite girl like he once said,and the first time he took her on a fly with him.The way she held him close,the wind between her hair and the euphoric feeling that washed over her.
That day Y/n nderstood why her husband was so passionate about dragons and it was clear that the trait passed down to their children.
«Oh no»Helaena said with a little smile«my brother was so much worse.He was just like little Visenya.»said the princess now turning her head to look at her son and nephew.
Y/n smiled sadly,a hand caressing her growing belly where her fourth child was and thinking about her daughter.Visenya,only five years old,the girl Aemond prayed so much for and that he named after Vhagar first rider was dragonless.
Unfortunately,at her birth there was no left dragon eggs at Dragonpit.Both Rhaenyra and Helaena promised the young princess that if one of her dragons laid eggs again one would have been for her.It’s been four years and her little crying face made both Y/n and Aemond’s hearth clench.
Alicent gave Y/n a firm squeeze on the shoulder and a reassuring smile«I know how powerless you must feel,but it’s not your fault.»she told her,with the loving voice that only a mother could have.
«I know»Y/n nodded«Aemond feels terrible every time that he have to console her.I just wish i could do something,anything to help her.»seeing her daughter that way always made her asking herself if this was the same way her husband felt when he was a kid.
«Visenya will a dragon one day»Alicent told her and it sounded more like an affirmation,like something she knew would been destined to happen«Just like Aemond did.»
«But then she’ll have nine fingers.»Helaena murmured quietly under her breath.
The girl besides her did register her words,because she was too focused on hearing what was coming from her son mouth.
Aedion and Jaehaerys where playing in front of them,pretending to be soldiers on a battlefield,laughing and attacking each other when Jaehaerys accidentally hit Aedion across his face.
«Children,careful!»Alicent called them out.
Y/n was getting up with Helaena help,holding her stomach and making her way towards her son to see if he was hurt or injured.When Aedion took his hand off his face,a blank stare was all he gave to his cousin before commanding his dragon who seemed hurt just like the young prince was.
«Hyperion»Aedion called his dragon close to him,the creature walked slowly besides him waiting«Drac-»
«Aedion!»Y/n shouted immediately before he could finished.
Helaena ran towards her son that,crying,throwed himself into his mother safe embrace.Alicent stood beside them,soothing her oldest grandson with sweet phrases,while Y/n walked fast to her own son.
«What where you thinking?»she asked her son,her heart pumping furiously in her chest fearing what could have happened if she didn’t stopped him in time.
Aedion had a little red sign on his face,right below his left eye where Jaehaerys hit him with his fake sword«I was taking revenge on my enemy.»he stated,trying to escape his mother accusing gaze.
«Thats not your enemy!Thats your cousin,we are a family and we don’t hurt each other like this!»Y/n was trying to not yell at her son to not scare him even more,but she was absolutely mortified about what happened and furious.
Aedion lower lip trembled just like Aemond did when he was about to cry«But he-»
His mother didn’t let him finish«I’m sure that Jaehaerys didn’t wanted to hurt you on purpose.But what you were about to do to him would have hurt him permanently.»she explained to him.
Aedion looked over at his dragon«Father says that i have to use my dragon because i have one.»
Y/n sighed,he was just like Aemond«Dragons are not objects,but since you and your father think this way you will be the one telling him why i forbid you to go at Dragonpit for the next two weeks.»she warned him with stern voice,she knew that she couldn’t keep her son away from that place for long but he had to lear his lesson and so will have his father.
The young prince cried in his mother arms,sobbing his eyes out while she caressed his hair«I’m sorry»he whispered.
Y/n shook her head,looking at Helaena and Alicent with the same tired smile that the two women gave her«You should apologize to your cousin,and then your aunt and grandmother.»she told him freeing him from her loving embrace and guiding him towards them.
«You did the right thing.»Alicent told her with a gentle smile,while Aedion continued to cry in her hug.
It was late evening when Aemond returned from his morning fly with his oldest son,Rhaegal,the young boy was now thirteen and his dragon was big enough to let him ride him.Aemond was more excited that his own son to teach him how to fly for the first time.
He didn’t have his father for that,actually he didn’t had anyone,all that he learned about a dragon he did on his very own and he didn’t want any of his children to have the same.
Y/n was sitting in their shared chambers a hand on her belly,stroking it with love,while she was sitting on a duvet waiting for her husband and son to come home.
«Mother!»the joyful sound of Rhaegal voice echoed through the walls.
The woman smiled,her oldest son white hair were a mess all over his head,his purple eyes were sparkling and his pale skin was sweaty.
Carefully Y/n stood up«Welcome back,sweetheart.How did your fly went?»she asked kissing him on the forehead.
«It was amazing!Darksmoke is even faster than Vhagar.»he stated proudly,his smile brighter that the sun.
Aemond came him a second later,his eyes immediately falling on his wife pregnant belly,before putting his hands on his son shoulders«What i told you was that “Darksmoke might become faster than Vhagar once she will not be able to fly anymore.”»he said playfully with a teasing smile on his beautiful face.
Rhaegal laughed a little«We went to Dragon Stone and there i beat father at a race.I even made Darksmoke turn upside down!»the young boy reminded Aemond of himself the first time he had Vhagar.
All his excitement to finally being able to fly with his siblings,all the little things he discovered with the time passing by,the feeling of being bonded some one other than himself.Some one he shared a mind and a piece of himself.
Y/n watched the two of them bicker with each other for a little,Aemond could sense the discomfort coming from his wife while she pretended to smile and being happy for the oldest son.
«Your mother and your little sister need to rest,»Aemond said his son«Go and take a bath,you smell like dragon.»he watched his son nodding his head,giving his mother a quick kiss and then leaving closing the door behind him.
«I promise that we were careful.»Aemond came closer to her,taking Y/n in a loving hug and pressing his cold lips to hers for a tender kiss.
Y/n smiled a little«I don’t know if i should believe that.»she teased her husband a little«But its not him that i’m worried for.»she added with a worrying voice.
Aemond brows furrowed in confusion,a slight spark of panic lighted in him,his hands immediately going to his wife belly«Did the Maester told you something about her?»he asked her.
«You still think it’s a girl?»Y/n asked her husband covering his hands with hers.
Aemond smiled«Helaena said it’s was another girl.»he told her sweetly.
Y/n heart seemed to be exploding in her chest,she knew about Helaena foresight and whenever she was expecting her sister in law was right about the gender every time.
«Another girl»Y/n breathed out,her eyes were glassy at the news and all those emotions started to overwhelmed her.
She was happy to have another baby girl after two sons and Visenya,but right now she had to discuss other important matters with her husband.
«Well,i thought you would’ve been more happy to hear it.»Aemond said going to take a cup and filling it with wine.
«I’am,but right now we have to talk about your son.»she stated firmly.
Aemond looked over her,confusion on his face«What happened?»
Y/n took a deep breath,she already knew what this was going to«He won’t go to Dragonpit for the next two weeks and he won’t see his dragon for that time.»she explained slowly.
Aemond froze,his hand resting the cup on the table,looking at his wife«What did you said?»he asked hoping he heard wrong.
But his wife stood firm before him«You heard him.No dragon for Aedion.»
«Not if i have a say on the matter.»Aemond said«He needs to stay with his dragon if he want to have a bond with him!»his voice was now raising.
«I think he bonded with that thing enough!A little time apart won’t hurt them!»now it was her time to raise her voice at her husband.
«You say that because you don’t-»
«Don’t what Aemond?Because I don’t have a dragon?Your son shouldn’t have one at his age,he’s eight!He doesn’t know what his doing!»her face was red,her breath short and being six months pregnant didn’t helped her at all in this moment.
Aemond walked to her again«All his cousins have dragons,in this family we put dragons eggs in the cribs once the babe is born and you know it.Aedion know what he’s doing and you won’t take away his birth right.»this topic always had a solid grip on her husband and Y/n could seen it in his eye,in the way the pure fire burned through it.
Y/n rolled her eyes«Your son almost killed his cousin this morning.I’m surprised that Aegon is not here to beat your ass for it!»she informed him.
In a second Aemond seemed to calm down,his shoulder relaxed and he started to breath through his nose again«What?Hows Jaehaerys?»he asked sitting down on the duvet.
Y/n took place next to him,holding his hands in hers«It was a mistake,i know he did not said in on purpose.»she started with soft voice.
«Y/n»Aemond urged her«What did he said?»
The woman breather in and out«They were playing when Jaehaerys accidentally hit him and Aedion…»
«Did the dragon followed his order?»Aemond voice was unsure,laced with concern and fear of what would have happened to his nephew.
His wife shook her head,that made him release the breath he was holding and closing his eye«Luckily i stepped in before he could finished his sentence.But still-»
Aemond nodded«But still he did the wrong thing.I can’t even imagine what would be doing now if you weren’t there.I will talk to him tonight,after i apologize to my sister and brother.»he said,pressing his forehead to hers.
«You don’t have to worry now,my love.We are fine and Aedion already feels horrible after what happened.»Y/n stated caressing her husband cheek before kissing it.
Aemond smiled,a genuine a loving smile that he reserved only for the woman that he loved with all his heart and that gave him the most precious things in this world,not dragons but his children.
«I know»he told her kissing her nose lovingly«thank you for being here,no matter what.»
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necroromantics · 7 months
🧺 — Laundry And Taxes
chapter 1. // (masterlist)
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“Oh darling, please believe me~”
Toby’s dark eyes fluttered open as he jolted up, his hand pressing over his chest as he caught his breath. He could hear The Beatles blaring from an old boombox stereo in the room next to him. He could hear a familiar voice humming alongside in a pretty tune.
“I’ll never do you no harm~”
The soft sun shone through the bedroom window as his hands dropped and gripped the sheets of the bed he sat on. The boy eyed his surroundings, a sick feeling bubbling up in his stomach as he nearly threw up.
What was he doing in his childhood room?
He raised a shaking hand up to his face and let his fingers run over the gash that once scarred his cheek, quickly noticing it was no longer there. He was now once again seventeen years old, and everything was fine.
A million thoughts raced through his mind, paralyzing the boy's trembling body as he struggled to breathe. The warm rays of sunshine danced on his pale skin, and the chirping birds outside accompanied the muffled music. The same records his sister would always play.
His sister.
Toby suddenly threw his body out of his bed and scampered down the hall, almost breaking down the door as he forced himself into his sister's room.
“What are you doing?” The girl scolded her little brother, she had been cleaning her room while singing along to her favorite album.
Hesitantly, Toby collided his body against his sisters, gripping mindlessly onto her as though he was desperately seeking confirmation she was real, and not another hallucination. She smelt like peach juice and beach. She felt warm, and alive. Her arms cradled the boy who was overcome by dizziness, he felt as if he was about to faint. As he stared into her familiar green eyes, he ignored her confused gaze. She was as beautiful as he remembered. It took everything in him to fight back a sob, to collapse into her arms and weep. All he could do was stare, take in her entire presence that had been so cruelly taken from him all those years ago. He was here, and so was she, and for now, everything was fine. For once in his tortured life, he seemed to be having a good dream.
“Seriously, what's wrong with you?” Lyra grumbled, pushing off her clingy brother, “are you going to get out of my room now? I’m sort of busy here, nutjob.”
He couldn’t move, as much as he wanted to, he couldn’t muster up the courage to look away. A part of him was terrified that if he did, she would disappear again. In response to her brother's difficult attitude, she shouted out, “Mooom, Toby won't leave me alone!”
A faint voice from the kitchen called out in response, “Toby, stop bothering your sister.”
His mothers voice, he recognized. It sounded almost angelic. For a moment, he thought he must have died in that godless forest and ended up in heaven. He scoffed to himself at the idea as he made his way to the kitchen to see his mother as well. Toby knew better than to entertain the idea of being freed from his sin, he knew he would never see the pearly gates when he died. Not all dogs go to heaven.
He first noticed how lively his mother looked as she scrubbed away at the dishes, compared to all those years he witnessed her carrying such heavy grief in her bones as she moved. Toby only watched from a distance, lingering quietly at the entrance of the kitchen.
“Do you need something?” Connie called out to her son. Her awareness of his presence took the boy off guard, he stammered for a moment. She never noticed him watching all the times he had done it before. Back when everyone told her that Toby had died in that forest fire long ago.
Toby made his way cautiously to his mothers side and embraced her in a tight hug, causing her to let out a surprised gasp at the sudden affection of her troubled boy.
“I’m sorry mom,” he dug his face into the nape of her neck, “I’m so sorry.”
“Oh- Toby, it’s not a big deal,” she hushed as she ran her overworked fingers through the messy, chestnut hair of her son. As Toby pulled away, he allowed himself to get a good look at her face. She looked healthy, happy. Better than he remembered.
As a proxy, he would occasionally check in on his mother, from a distance. Or drop off flowers for mothers day in the dead of night. Only tragedy had gotten this close to her in years. Only tragedy. He inhaled the sun and sound from the nostalgic world around him as though he were living in a mere memory. He breathed in his mothers perfume.
“Why don’t you go clean up your room while I finish making dinner, sweetheart,” Connie suggested, pinching his cheek. His hands, no longer scarred, lingered over hers before he let out a deep breath and made his way back to his childhood room.
Toby sat down on his creaky, small, old bed and embraced the afternoon environment for a moment. His sister was still blasting her music from her room, his room still smelt like teenage musk and a summer long lost. He was years away from the battlefield, and yet he couldn’t shake the feeling like something bad was going to happen. The boy grew frustrated at the hopeless situation, to be thrown into a happy memory only to realize he must have to be stolen back from it soon. To wake up on the ground of that dreadful forest.
Standing up, he peered over at the family portrait perched on his tiny dresser. The photo of his family he knew, with his sister, his mother, him, and his father. To his shock, it was now replaced with a new photo which no longer included his dear old dad. Only Toby, Lyra, and their mother. They looked happier, Toby’s smile was more genuine, Lyra was beaming, Connie looked peaceful. They looked like a normal family.
A few hours had passed before Connie called her children to the dinner table, bringing spaghetti and meatballs to their plates. This was the same table where he would so often sit across from his father who would spend the evening ranting and raving, berating his son for being a useless burden. A haunting feeling creeped up behind him, smothering him, stealing his breath. Toby picked at his food, trying to choke down the anger at the idea that his father could still be alive. All of that fight, that effort, went to waste. He had gotten his family back, but he couldn’t shake the idea that he must have gotten that monster back as well. It burnt holes in his gut when he thought about it.
“When's dad coming home?” He spoke up, breaking the soft silence.
As soon as he finished his question, it was as if a wave of tension choked up his family. Lyra glanced worriedly over to Connie, her body sitting still, waiting for her mother to speak up. Connie looked up quickly at her boy, shock and a hint of guilt mingled on the cracks of her face, dancing in her green-blue eyes.
“I’ve promised you this, Toby, he isn’t coming back.” She smiled as she continued to work at the food on her plate, but anyone could see she was fighting back a sorrow too heavy for one woman to carry.
Toby’s heart dropped, he felt uneasy for a moment. And then he felt relieved, and then angry. In what world did his mother gain the courage to kick that man out? In what world did everything turn out fine? That was when the realization drowned him, suffocated him. Toby wasn’t sent back in time. He was in an entirely different world. One where things work out for the best. One with no war.
Memories from before he woke up in this place flooded his mind like a wave pool. Crimson skies, the shrieks, the desperate attempts to flee. His desperate attempts to find that girl. If he ended up in this strange world, he wondered who else wound up here as well. His tired brown eyes glanced down to his hands. They had no callous, no scar. Innocent. He curled his clean fingers into a fist and squeezed. It was far too quiet, far too peaceful.
That night, Toby laid in bed and stared up at his ceiling decorated with dinosaur-shaped glow in the dark stickers that had long worn out. He thought back to how small he was when they had first stuck them there, his father had to lift him up so he could reach. Everytime Toby thought about his dad, he felt a burning sensation consume him. He gritted his teeth down to metal and ash, he clenched his fists so tight they whitened. Toby sat up in bed, he couldn’t sleep. His brow furrowed as he tried to control the rage that took him over. There was something unfed within him, begging to devour like a hungry dog.
His gaze turned towards his bedroom window to meet the trees wrapping around the flickering street lamp illuminating the night outside. Something about that sight overtook him, and he couldn’t help but stare out into the endless void of the midnight hour. Call it desperation, frustration. As his body fell back onto his bed with an irritated groan escaping his mouth, Toby let himself fall into a deep slumber, hoping he would wake up back into the world he knew. Back where he knew himself. Back where he knew he didn’t have to feel as powerless as he did confined in the walls of his childhood home.
Toby softly awoke as he took in a deep breath of morning sunshine and August breeze. He rubbed his tired eyes and examined the area around him, heart beating fast as it typically did when he woke up, readying itself for tragedy. There was a bed underneath him, carpet under that, and a horribly familiar house that surrounded. To his complicated feelings of dismay, he was still in his childhood home. He sniffled to himself as he sat up and let his feet hit the ground. The boy thought back to all the times he would wake up in strange, unknown places with no recollection of what he had been doing before. He thought back to the times he would wake up with blood on his hands, and how he never knew if it was his or not.
The lanky boy, still in his pajamas, shuffled out of his room and down the hallway which led to the living room. His hands traced over the walls he grew up with, gliding over patched holes in the wall, listening to his sister talk to one of her friends on the phone in her room. As Toby made his way to the blaring TV, he stared at the infomercial for a long while, waiting for the image to turn to static, or to distort as it typically did where he was from. The longer he waited for something to happen, the more he realized it never would. Like awaiting the arrival of a friend who he hadn’t met yet. Everything was normal.
Toby made his way out of the house and into the outdoors. The boy had no regard for his appearance, no shame. He had the belief that he shouldn’t waste his breath trying to please a world that endlessly rejected him. The summer heat embraced his body as he eyed his surroundings. Toby made note of every car, house, neighbor mowing their lawn. He twitched and turned to every bird flying, tree swaying. Every stranger he passed as he walked down the sidewalk of the neighborhood he had walked a thousand times made his fist clench in preparation. His hand would make its way down to his side, ready to grab a hatchet that no longer resided on the belt he was no longer wearing.
As he looked at the large, overbearing forest that he was approaching at the end of the street, Toby could only think back to the last time he had witnessed it in all its mightiness and size. When he entered the woods, all he thought about was the fire. The heat that scorched him, the ash that choked him, the smoke that scraped at his lungs. The blood of his father that he wore like a glove on his hands. Compared to the night Toby Rogers died, the now once again seventeen year old boy felt odd standing alongside the tall trees he had once burnt to ash. The boy looked out at the vastness of the wide green forest, taking it all in, as he did last time he was there. This time, there was no fire, no blood, no tragedy. There was no static. No faceless entity.
“Are you listening?” Toby called out to the endless nothingness. In reply, there was a harmony of birds chirping. A warm summer breeze danced past him. He stood silently, eagerly awaiting a response from the eldritch being who tortured him for years. A masochistic desperation for a sign that he wasn’t left behind. He felt healthy, clean. A cleanliness that drove him mad. It stripped him from all he was. Toby was left bare and small standing directionless in the midst of the woods. He choked back his frustration and turned to make his way back home. There was nothing there for him.
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written-with-blue-ink · 7 months
Could we get headcanons of different pets the Genshin men would have and how they would interact with them or their personalities? Especially Diluc and Alhaitham. I love men with animals, the biggest green flag
I got you, boo! I honestly couldn't stop once I started so added a few other characters
Alhaitham, Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Cyno TW: neglected animals in Cyno's
Pet Headcanons
She showed up in a previous post but I think he would have a cat
An Egyptian Mau to be precise, her name would be Asal (Persian for honey) after her golden/bronze coat
She would 100% be a curious and very intelligent kitten who loves to run around and play
Type of cat who just climbs up fabric/clothes and will sit on your shoulder or around your neck
Will bite and pull on your ear if you oversleep and don’t feed her
Literally embodiment of “Ray of Sunshine”
Absolutely loves Kaveh for some reason (totally not because he spoils her rotten)
“Kaveh, stop feeding her so much, she’s getting fat. I don’t want two spoiled lazy cats”
“Excuse you, she’s perfect and skinny as is… Wait did you insult me too?!”
Does tricks! she knows how to sit, shake, tap (where she taps her nose to your finger/thumb) and is learning more
A big dog man
I could see him with rottweilers, german shepherds or bernese mountain dogs with a name like “Bear” or “Beau”, short, bold, and simple.
Originally gotten as guard dogs for a paranoid Ragnvindr who has many enemies and just got back from a murder spree in Snezhnaya, they now work more as emotional support dogs for him and others
He also still has his childhood tortoise (because those things live forever) which he named ‘Clip’ as a child
He’s very mellow, the dogs treat him as one of their own
They also cuddle and sleep together, two dogs wrapped around a tortoise who rests his head on the dog’s neck
When he and Kaeya were in their older teens, Crepus got them both large Clydesdale horses when they both joined the Knight’s Cavalry. 
He named his horse Skinfaxi and Kaeya has Hrímfaxi (named after the sun and moon horses from Norse mythos)
Skinfaxi is one hell of a mare, it took Diluc a lot of time, energy, and patience to get her to behave (though she still has a playful streak)
Would buck him off during training but she was the fastest horse in the Cavalry
He would take her on long rides at night through the woods and around Dawn Winery just to get her to trust him
Obviously, Hrímfaxi, who, unlike his sister, was much more timid.
They both got along really well, with no issues, unlike their siblings.
The two riding are almost like one being, completely in synch
With the cavalry gone, Mondstadt City doesn’t have a lot of space for a horse so he stays with his sister at Dawn Winery
Kaeya comes by whenever he can to ride him
But besides her he would take care of the stray cats around Mondstadt City, refilling food and water bowls around the city while on patrol
One day, after a long night, Kaeya woke up to clawing and meowing at the door and saw his favorite cat, a Calico named Lucky, wandered inside and flopped on his rug in pain, crying as he noticed the giant lump coming from her stomach
By sunrise, he now had a mother of three kittens refusing to leave his house.
Two girls (One Calico like her mom and the other orange) and a boy (A black cat with faint stripes)
He lets Klee name them: Sunny (Orange), Cloudy (Calico) and Stormy (the black cat)
The girls are definitely headstrong while Stormy is shy and tends to hide behind his big sisters
(as a kaeya kinnie with three stray/outdoor cats, he gets them too)
From a family with lots of big dogs, like Great Pyrenees, Samoyed, and Tibetan Mastiffs
When he moved to Liyue for deployment and got super lonely, his subordinates weren’t super close to him and locals didn’t trust him as a Harbinger, he grew rather lonely
Till he went into the countryside to deal with some Treasure Hoarders and saw them using weasels and ferrets to carry contraband and money around without notice
What really sold him was watching a little kid in the camp playing with one and rubbing noses with it
The next day Ajax had two ferrets running around his apartment with the most expensive ferret setup money could buy
They are the most playful, feral things who love running around and play-fighting each other
Named Jayson and Lila, a pair of twins
(totally didn't name them after the stoats from Burrow’s End)
Loves them so much and plays with them throughout all of his free time
Leaves them to his assistant whenever he is away or is busy (who proceeds to give her hell)
They love it when he wears big coats/parkas so they can climb in and snuggle
Didn’t have pets growing up
His first pet was on a mission as General Mahamatra, arrested some guy, went through his house for evidence, and found a severely malnourished and neglected Leopard Gecko
Some of his claws had fallen off to nubs due to layers of sheaded skin build up and he was cold to the touch from lack of heating. 
The lizard curls up into his warm hands and it immediately melts the General Mahamatra’s heart
Immediately putting him back and picking up the cage, he leaves the rest of the investigation to his coworkers before rushing to Gandharva Ville
Scared Tighnari and Collei with how quickly he rushed in through the door with a giant glass terrarium.
Looks calm and collected but is sitting in the corner with Collei just staring at Tighnari and the lizard, internal panic on the inside
Once Tighnari gives an analysis, Cyno asks Nari to watch the lizard for a few days and he will come back for it
Proceeds to spend two days straight researching Leopard geckos and how to take care of them
Also blows a good portion of his paycheck on supplies for the gecko, a larger tank, lights, and heating pads, etc. 
Picks him up and takes him home as soon as the terrarium is set up
Names him something dumb like “Geck” or a combo of his and Tighnari’s names like “Tighno” 
Most people don’t know besides Tighnari and Collei that the gecko exists, and why would they? Who’s gonna believe that the General Mahamatra has a tiny lizard as a pet
When Alhaitham and Kaveh find out Cyno has a pet, Cyno immediately pulls out pictures from his wallet like a proud dad
Whenever he is away for a while, he has Collei house sit and take care of the lizard, pays her generously
Will just sit on top of Cyno’s head or shoulder and chill
Loves to chirp and make little noises for fun/comfort
(also a leopard gecko parent and my gecko is a rescue with all these attributes from being mishandled)
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therealmsdelulu · 1 year
My Little Mermaid Part 7: She’s Right Here
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My Little Mermaid Series Masterlist
Prince Eric Masterlist
Y/N quickly swam towards Eric again helping to keep him a float. She watched as the sea witch threw a ray of lighting towards the two of them and quickly moved Eric out of the way.  It definetly wasn't a fair fight.  The witch raised a tentacle and brought it down with force attempting to hit the mermaid but Y/N quickly dodged it.
Eric struggled to stay above the surface, frantically kicking feet. They both watched as the witch stirred the ocean with the trident causing a giant whirpool drawing the Prince inside of it and causing the things inside of the ocean to rise to the surface. One of those things being the Prince's sunken ship.
Y/N glanced at the sharp front of the boat and quickly swam towards the boat as an idea popped inside of her head. Y/N watched worridly as Eric dodged Ursula's attempts of blasting him. The whirpool drawing Y/N inside as well. She fought to swim towards the boat. She noticed a rope and quickly grabbed onto it. This allowed her to bring herself up onto the boat.  
Y/N desperately crawled across the deck of the boat inching closer and closer to the steering wheel. She groaned in exhaustion as she pulled herself up using all of her upper and core strength in doing so. She grabbed a hold of the steering wheel and directed the ship towards the witch. 
Ursula, unexpecting, gasped in pain as she was impaled by the sharp tip of the boat. Using her last bit of life the witch reached for the boat in an attempt to kill Y/N, however Y/N quickly abandoned ship.  
Y/N watched as the witch and the trident shrank back to their original size. Y/N watched as the trident sank.  She had to make a split second decesion between Eric and her Father, even though it was never really a choice, it broke her heart.
Y/N swam under the surface and grabbed a hold of the trident. She watched as the trident powered up and looked confused yet relieved as her father came back to life. She began to hand him the trident but that wasn't on the King's mind. Instead of grabbing the trident, he pulled his daughter into a warm embrace.
Eric woke up on the surface drenching wet. Once he realized where he was he looked out desperately towards the ocean searching for Y/N. He ran into the water and noticed the familiar blue dress caught on a rock. He held in front of him as though he couldn't believe it was real. 
"We need a boat!" he exclaimed as he noticed the palace guards coming towards him, "we have to find her."
 His mother was soon standing beside him. "Eric," she sighed. "This isn't coincidental," she claimed. "I've told you, the sea gods are against us."
"She was never real," he lied to himself. He'd rather believe that Y/N never existed than having to live with the realization that he lost her.
King Triton watched as his daughter Y/N sat on a rock looking out towards the palace. "I dont understand," the King told Sebastian, "i've tried everything in my power to make her happy."
"Well maybe not everything," the crab suggested looking at the King knowingly.
The King aimed his trident as his daughter and took a deep breath, not quite ready to let go of his little girl yet.
Eric was playing fetch with Max, looking out at the ocean still thinking about Y/N almost everyday. "Again?" the prince asked as the dog returned with the stick in his mouth and he threw the stick once more. After a while, the prince realized the dog wasn't returning. Worried he looked back to find the dog but abruptly stood up at what he saw.
Y/N playing with Max. She quickly stopped as she heard footsteps inching towards her. She smiled at the sight of the Prince walking towards her. The prince ran towards her and pulled her into a tight hug. Gently grabbing the back of her head, pulling it to his chest as he held her impossibly closer. 
He slowly pulled away still holding her close. He cupped the girl's face and pulled her in for a soft yet passionate kiss that said all the things words couldn't. She smiled at him brightly before giving him another heartfelt kiss.
Y/N and Eric were smiling brightly as they ran down the palace stairs, their wedding guests throwing rice and flower petals.
Eric looked in shock seeing practically the whole village near the shore. “What’s all this,” the Prince asked still trying to adjust.
“We wanted to give you a proper send off,” The Queen smiled at her son and new daughter-in-law. Y/N smiled warmly and gave the Queen a hug.”Go out and explore, or whatever it is you have to do so we don’t get left behind,” the Queen chuckled returning her gaze to her son.
“This doesn’t sound like my mother,” Eric joked, “what have you done with her?”
The Queen laughed and took both Y/N and Eric’s hand. "Your relationship symbolizes a new bond between our two worlds,” she claimed as Y/N and Eric smiled at each other.
The Prince helped his wife into the boat and began to row them towards the larger one they would use for the voyage. They quickly paused as King Triton arose from the water.
"My daughter,” the King greeted, “Eric.”
 Eric cleared his throat nervously and waved, this being his first time meeting Y/N’s father.
“Hi Dad,” Y/N smiled somewhat shocked that her father showed up. She watched as all her sisters rose to the surface as long as several merpeople “Thank you for hearing me,” Y/N whispered to him softly.
"You shouldn’t have had to give up your voice to be heard,” the King told her sorrowfully. “I love you Y/N,” he told her and hugged her tightly.
"I just realized,” Y/N frowned. “I lost your little mermaid,”she confessed.
“What do you mean?” Eric asked in false confusion. ”She’s right here,” he said as he placed a delicate kiss to Y/N’s forehead.
A/N:can’t accurately remember the wedding scene for the life of me. Once again want to thank you guys so much for all of your support. I’m so glad you guys enjoyed this series, it honestly means so much to me.
My Little Mermaid Series Taglist: @papichulo120627 @heart-trees @the-devil-is-real @valentinatargaryen-blog @h-l-vlovesvintage
Prince Eric Taglist: @papichulo120627
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lgg5989 · 2 years
Just Another Day In Paradise
A part two to One Beer was requested and a few days ago this song came on in my playlist and I just felt like it was perfect for Bob and Reader’s little family. I hope the sweet anon who requested it likes it!
This is based on Phil Vassar’s song Just Another Day In Paradise
Happy friday y’all! @barbiewritesstuff thanks for editing bestie!
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Bob’s eyes popped open, the first rays of sun shining through the window of your room rousing him from sleep. He rolled over, one arm searching the bed for you, but coming up empty. Lifting his head from the pillow, he looked around your small bedroom. When you weren’t to be found, he pulled himself out of bed.
He opened the door to your bedroom and cringed, the cacophony of noise coming from the rest of the house had been deadened by the closed bedroom door. He made his way down the hall to find Eddie, now six, sitting next to his little sister, Katie, now two. They were screaming at the TV, their little voices shrill for the early hour of the morning.
He rubbed Eddie’s head and pressed a kiss to Katie’s before moving into the kitchen. The phone was ringing on the counter, your mother calling, again. You had propped the front door open, leaving just the glass storm door between the dog and mailman. Ricky had been your idea, and as much as Bob insisted he didn’t like the mutt, you often caught him scratching him behind the ears and feeding him cheese sticks from the fridge.
At this moment though, Bob could do without the guard dog barking at the mailman, the large stack of mail the man was holding making Bob’s eyes widen comically behind his glasses. He made his way to you, your back turned to him as you washed up the dishes from breakfast.
“Good morning, baby,” he said into your ear, his hands wrapping around your waist, “How are you?” he added, pressing a kiss to your neck.
You shot him a tight smile and he could see that you were overwhelmed with the situation, “I’m alright love, did you sleep okay?”
“I did, but I wish you would have woken me up,” he said, “You are a wonderful momma but I know it's hard in the morning with both of them.”
“We are doin’ alright Robby,” you said, your still tight smile on your face, “But if you don’t get in the shower now, you’re going to be late for work.”
Bob checked the time and realized you were right, he only had thirty minutes to get showered and ready before he had to leave. He pressed a kiss to your cheek before his arms dropped away from your hips.
“Come on buddy!” he called out to Eddie, “Time to shower!”
You watched as your little boy followed his father into the bathroom. It might be strange to some, but bathing your kids was easy when you also had to bathe yourself, and if it saved you twenty minutes in the morning, then who cared how it got done?
While Bob was showering, you finished cleaning up the kitchen as best you could while chasing a two year old around. Katie was everything you had wanted in your little girl, and Bob had been so happy when she was born. While Eddie looked like Bob to a T, Katie had more of your features, her hair was pin straight, and her eyes were a bright green. Her mind was all her father, even at two she was one of the smartest little kids you had ever met.
Just as you finished changing a load of laundry over, Bob reappeared in the kitchen, him and Eddie both clean and smiling behind their glasses. You slammed the front of the washer closed before turning on another cycle. The number of loads of laundry you did a week never seemed to slow down, you almost felt bad for the poor thing.
As you gathered the kids for school, you watched as Bob brought the gallon of milk you had in the fridge up to his lips. Before you could warn him about its state, he took a sip, his face immediately contorting into a grimace. You covered your mouth with your hand, the laugh you were holding in trying to escape your control. Bob let out a cough and looked at you, when your eyes met, you could hold it back no longer, and a fit of giggles left your mouth.
“Somethin’ funny?” he asked, a smile on his face as he put the milk back in the fridge.
You shook your head as you approached him, “Just my wonderful husband.”
Just as he pulled you into a quick hug, the washer’s buzzer sounded out, its cycle stopped just into the main wash and a red light flashing on the display. You leaned your head back and let out a groan, “Damn thing, I need those scrubs for my shift tomorrow,” you said, frustration evident in your voice.
“I promise I’ll fix it tonight,” Bob said, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “Along with all the other shit that keeps breaking in this house.”
You gave him a smile and let out a sigh, “Just another day in paradise, huh?”
“There’s no place I’d rather be,” he said before pressing a kiss to your lips, “See you tonight darlin’.”
You watched as he gave Eddie and Katie kisses goodbye before he headed out the door, the sound of his car starting and pulling out of the driveway enough to make you already miss him.
Bob glanced up at the clock, the babysitter had been here for almost an hour and you were nowhere to be seen. He could hear her playing with the kids in the living room as he tried to call you one more time. Checking his watch for what felt like the hundredth time, he realized that you wouldn’t make the reservation he called ahead for earlier in the day.
Picking up his phone, he called Dominoes, placing an order for your favorite pizza. Standing from the bed, he walked out into the living room.
“Abby, thank you so much for coming tonight. I think Y/n is running late and we are going to miss our reservation so why don’t you just head home? I know you probably have some homework you need to do,” Bob said, a sad smile on his face.
“Are you sure Mr. Floyd?” she asked, “I’m more than happy to stay with these two sweeties if you want to make other plans?”
“No, that’s alright,” he said, sounding tired even to himself, “We can find something for our date night here tonight.”
“Alright, well just call when you need me next, I do love these two,” she said, standing up from the floor and gathering her things.
Bob pressed a twenty into her hand for her trouble and insisted that she take it. Just as Abby’s car pulled away from the curb, you pulled into the driveway and he heard the garage open.
“Come on you two monkeys, time for bed,” he called as he heard you come into the house. Bob gathered a sleepy Katie up in his arms and took Eddie’s hand, taking time to read them both a few books before settling them in their rooms and saying their night time prayers.
When he came back out to the kitchen, you were sitting at the island with your head in your hands as you cried. Bob’s heart dropped and he made his way over to you quickly, pulling your hands away from your face and settling you in his arms.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, rubbing his hands along your back.
You let out another sniffle before looking up at him, your cheeks blotchy and your eyes red, “I tried to get out on time, but you know how Dr. Burns can be, he wouldn’t let me leave until he was done with his rounds. I’m so sorry I’m late.”
“It’s alright darlin’,” he whispered between you, “Plan B is on its way.”
“Plan B?” you asked, your eyes searching his face for what he could have done.
“Go change, you’ll see when it gets here,” Bob said, a smile on his face as he used his thumbs to wipe away your tears.
When you came out of the bedroom dressed in a red dress and socks, you watched Bob try to hold his laugh in as he served up pizza. The lights in your dining room were turned down and there were two candles lit on the table. He had set up two place settings with a box of your favorite pizza sitting on the table in between them.
You let out a laugh, “Plan B?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
Bob pulled out your chair for you and you took a seat, inhaling deeply over the pizza box as the smell of tomato and cheese hit your nose. While it wasn’t the dinner date you had planned, it was lovely nonetheless. Once the dishes were cleaned up, Bob followed you back to your bedroom, the whole time pressing kisses down your shoulder as his deft fingers slowly slid the zipper down the back of your dress.
Since Katie had been born, the two of you hadn’t had time to appreciate each other properly and the love making department had been closed for a number of months. You felt excitement pooling in between your thighs as Bob pulled his shirt off at the end of the bed, crawling his way up to you when, “MOMMA!” broke the sound of soft country you had playing in the bedroom.
You pressed a kiss to Bob’s cheek as you pulled on your robe. Eddie was sitting in bed, his little eyes roving around the room in a panic, his teddy bear from Aunt Phoenix clutched tightly in his arms.
“Did you have a bad dream baby?” you asked him as you took a seat on the edge of his bed, brushing a hand through his hair.
He gave a little nod before climbing into your lap, his little head pressed up into your throat.
With his lip wobbling he asked, “Can I sleep with you and daddy?”
You felt your heart sink, you loved your little boy more than life itself, and you knew you couldn’t say no to him, you just hoped Bob wouldn’t be upset.
“Of course baby, let’s just grab your pillow,” you said, letting your little man climb down from your arms and hold your hand all the way to your room.
As he pushed open the door, you heard your husband let out a quiet curse before fabric rustled quickly. Bob was sitting in bed, a shirt now halfway over his head.
“Someone wants to come stay with us tonight,” you informed him.
Bob held his arms out to Eddie, “Did you have a bad dream buddy?” he asked before pulling your baby up into the bed.
Eddie just nodded, snuggling into Bob’s side as you climbed into your side of the bed. You placed his pillow in the middle before going into the bathroom to get dressed. When you came back out, Bob and Eddie were snuggled up, both of them asleep, their glasses askew on their noses.
You pulled their glasses off and set them on the nightstand before clicking out Bob’s light. Once you had settled into your side of the bed, you clicked out your own light. Before sleep claimed you, you sent up a little prayer for whoever was listening, asking for just another day in paradise.
Well, it's ok. It's so nice
It's just another day in paradise
Well, there's no place that
I'd rather be
Well, it's two hearts
And one dream
I wouldn't trade it for anything
And I ask the Lord every night
For just another day in paradise
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kamipyre · 1 year
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@lovlorne sent in: let's hear aboutttt... ray :} || the paper machine's gossip session ( ft. talk about meme )
send “talk about-” and a name for my muse to talk about that person!
scorched verse:
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“He needs to broaden his HORIZONS.” And she’s not just talking from one shore…for one thing, he ( @bloodxhound ) still hasn’t budged ( and probably will never ) on his cruelty towards crocs. But that’s a long-term goal- for now, she can settle with the one that gives her a bit more flexibility! “He says he doesn’t mind seaweed, which I think is more than a start!” After all, seaweed is the lettuce of the ocean…if Ray can digest that then bonito flakes are more than doable. That being said, she is getting off-topic and needs to talk about the detective himself- “…He’s weird. He’s all for wrecking stuff and making Mister Godot write reports about it, but then he’s all orderly about like, his stuff. And schedule.” Like how he drags her to the gym with him at least two times every month and unless there’s a case going on, he visits the gym almost every day. “He gives me free paper. And food! Even if his opinions there are wrong half of the time- but it’s okay! We have TIME to convince him otherwise!”
embers verse:
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Eyes widen ever so slightly. Well that’s a name she hasn’t heard in a while- where did they hear that name? One that was once at the center of the biggest scandals within LAPD has now become a relic of an old era. A name that is only whispered in passing as if the owner himself has died. But really, it’s been what, a year or two since he resigned? Her fingers fold. “…He said he’d be back.” Her voice is firm, eyes steady. That’s why he gave her Paper Moozy and its city, didn’t he? Ray’s not the kind of break his promises anyway. “If he were here, we wouldn’t be dealing with half of these problems. He wouldn’t stand for it.” Of course that could be said about the others too- the ones who care more about the truth than a spotless record. If they were here, perhaps the public wouldn’t have lost faith in the LAPD either. Her fingers keep moving. “He’ll be back. I know it.” 
In her hands, there’s a paper replica of MOOZILLA.
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aries-writingblog · 2 years
Enemy Fire: 2
Summary: There’s a new kid in town, and she’s got a city to usurp.
Pairing: Jason Todd x F. Reader
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: language, misogyny, homelessness (not reader), mention of arson and some violence
AN: photos are from Pinterest
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Jason’s eyes cracked open. Sleep still matted his eyelashes together. The desk creaked as he pushed away from it, his cheekbone aching from the hard wood.
He yawned, wiping his eyes clear. His phone read nine thirty. Not too bad for a five AM pass out.
He sighed as his focus shifted back to the papers on his desk. A couple had drool marks, others were crumpled. He smoothed them out, as best he could.
Squinting against the harsh sunlight bleeding through the windows, he attempted to decipher his progress from hours earlier.
He hadn’t gotten far, just compiled cases of arson from the past few years. It wasn’t much of a lead on the woman, but it was all he could think of at the moment. The only lead he had.
‘She came down from the sky, Boss. She was on fire but she could put it out on command… she just… materialized….‘
A meta.
Jason had seen his fair share of enhanced persons— hadn’t yet seen a girl on fire come down from the sky.
Though, he supposed he would soon enough.
Ray had been frightened into giving up his information. It would make things difficult— easy for her, maybe.
He sat back, his head tilting to the ceiling in errant frustration.
Without a lead, he would have to wait for her to come to him. But he didn’t want to be caught off guard by a woman that could melt his face off with a touch.
Jason’s stomach growled, interrupting his train wreck of a thought process. His lip stung— realizing he had been biting down too hard on the skin.
Pushing away from the desk, Jason stumbled his way through the apartment. Bleary eyed and near exhausted, he started out of the room. Only to turn back three steps out, to snatch two files and carry them along with him.
“What is a meta doing in Gotham?” He murmured, rummaging through his cabinet. Pulling out various breakfast materials before deciding on cereal. He wasn’t awake enough to work the stove.
Gotham was, he supposed, a beacon for all criminals. Meta and non-meta alike. Perhaps she was just there to beat out the biggest dog she could find. Take over their business. Have the city eating out of her hand.
Jason poured his cereal, taking a large spoonful before realizing he hadn’t poured milk.
Decidedly, it wasn’t his morning.
Finding the milk, Jason gave it a hesitant sniff, just as loud knocking— more akin to thudding— resounded from his door.
“Hey, Ghost Boy, open up.” A familiar, masculine voice called through the furious pounding.
Jason’s brow furrowed.
Abandoning his task in the kitchen, he swung the door open. Revealing Roy Harper, pushing past him into the apartment. A few steps down the hall, he could hear Artemis on the phone. Speaking in hushed tones.
“You have a key.” He stated, leaving the door for Artemis and following Roy into the kitchen.
Because, if unsupervised, Roy would demolish the stocked cabinets without blinking.
Which is technically, what happened. Upon entering, Roy zoned in on the bag of bagels Jason had left on the table.
“Left it at home. Who takes their keyring with them?” Roy scoffed, shaking his head before stuffing half a bagel into his mouth.
Jason’s brows furrowed— half concerned about his friend’s impending stroke, half amazed at his capacity to eat food at a rate of hippopotamus.
He ignored the nonsensical information he had just received, opting to finally eat his breakfast, properly this time.
Artemis held up her own keyring, tossing them at Jason.
“I drove.” She deadpanned, eyes dropping to the counter. They lit up at the sight of the bagels. “Ooh.”
Jason shoveled another mouthful of cereal down, dropping the keys to the table. Artemis maneuvered her way around Roy the Sword Swallower to the coffee pot. She pulled a mug down (that read ‘I heart Wonder Woman’) and filled it to the brim.
Rummaging through his fridge, she managed to unearth a creamer that wasn’t atrocious in flavor.
“While the two of you are here, do you mind doing the dishes?” Jason asked, hopefully.
Roy snorted, smearing jam onto his bread.
“Not it.” Artemis called, taking a bite from her snack.
“Also not it.” Roy replied around the bagel. Jason scowled, pushing his bowl to the side. “Your apartment, man.”
Jason opened his mouth; Intending on telling his friend just how often he was in Jason’s apartment and just how many of the dishes were his own, red-headed fault. Until Artemis cut him off.
“You’re looking into arson cases?” She asked, reading over the few papers she had picked up.
Jason glanced down at his incriminating evidence.
“You heard about the docks?” Roy interrupted, quickly crossing the room to scramble the papers as he studied them.
“I was called to the docks. One of my guys.” Jason responded, swallowing back the description of the scene. Burying it beneath the guilt and discomfort.
Artemis frowned, her features scrunching. Of his closer acquaintances, Artemis and Roy were the few who were aware of Jason’s grip on crime control in the city.
And because of that knowledge, both were continuously pressing their ears to the underground. Making sure Jason didn’t turn up dead somewhere because of a territory dispute.
So far, no one had even attempted to usurp him. The smaller gangs tended to their own— making their money where they typically did. Jason never extended his own reach and it seemed they all appreciated it.
There was one deal, four words shared among the entirety of Gotham’s underground: No dealing to kids.
“What does that mean in terms of your safety?” Artemis asked, already five steps ahead. Preparing to move him into her own apartment for his protection.
“Have they come for you, yet?” Roy tacked on.
That was a little trickier.
Jason heaved a sigh, leaning back in his chair. His arms crossed over his broad chest. While the mysterious pyromaniac hadn’t targeted him directly, it definitely felt personal.
Not to mention, Ray explained she had asked for him specifically.
He could only infer this was a new player to Gotham City. One who was hell bent on taking his place, any way they could.
And she had already proven that she would get her hands dirty to do it.
“Not yet. But she will eventually.” He conceded.
“She?” Artemis questioned, her intrigue only growing the more she heard.
Jason nodded, tapping a piece of paper, where he had jotted down Ray’s scrambled recollection.
“Whats your plan?” Roy asked, pulling the chair out beside his friend. The notes were all written in neat penmanship.
“A fire hose and a prayer.”
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YN readjusted the tote bag on her shoulder. The Narrows were cold tonight— a bone chilling breeze swept through the alleyways and streets. She approached another group, all chatting and laughing around a fire.
She could only hope she was doing the right thing.
With the funds she currently possessed, she had put together care bags for the people on the streets. Hygiene products, socks and gloves, blankets. Nonperishable foods. Anything to help.
She fished a handful of bags out, passing them to people around the fire. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted two smaller figures huddled together near the edge.
Pulling away from the group she had been in, she approached them. Her face neutral and her stance non-threatening.
“Keep warm, tonight. The temperature is dropping low.” YN advised, passing off two of the bags to a pair of teenagers.
“Thank you.” One replied, her eyes portraying more gratitude than her voice ever could.
The boy beside her signed a thank you. YN smiled, quickly replying with ‘no problem’. His face lit up at her ability to speak his language.
She told them a final goodbye, heading further down the street.
Various fires were lit, being stoked and cared for by cautious hands. Food was being shared and traded over the hearth, blankets wrapped around shoulders and huddled masses sat on discarded, dirtied mattresses.
Anything to keep themselves and their families warm.
Gotham wasn’t unlike other cities in this aspect. The homeless were always overlooked by the wealthier end of the city.
YN crossed the street, over to a loner that sat guarding an alleyway. He was huddled up in a mass of blankets and jackets. Guarding himself from the cold breeze by using the brick wall as a windbreaker.
“Excuse me?” She announced her presence as she approached from head on. Not wanting to startle him, if he were unaware. “I’ve been passing out these bags, if you’d like one—“
“I don’t want your sympathy bag, lady.” He croaked, shuffling further away from her.
YN’s lips pursed. She wasn’t a stranger to less than friendlies. She herself was sometimes a less than friendly. That didn’t mean she wanted him to freeze overnight. But it also didn’t mean he had to be an asshole.
“You don’t have to take it.” She responded, shifting her weight back. Letting the bag hang at her side.
The man finally lifted his eyes, meeting her own. They glinted in anger. YN squared her shoulders, steeling her nerve.
“Cause you know what’s best, huh?” He muttered, glaring up at her. YN knew that he was only looking to argue; Deciding she didn’t have the time, she dropped the bag beside him. She turned on her heel, disengaging with his harsh attitude. “I’m talking to you, bitch.”
YN didn’t flinch— she just kept walking. Ignoring his angered tirade behind her.
Note to self, there’s a reason the loners are alone here.
She looked down into her tote bag. Only five more bags left. It was nearing midnight. She would have to pass these out quickly.
The hair on the back of her neck stood at attention; She felt a presence behind her. Assuming it was going to be a fight, YN spun around, steadying her stance.
Instead of the grizzled man from before, a different man stood before her.
He was mid-height and lean— athletic in a gymnast-like physique. His dark hair had a shine to it. Though his face was partially covered by a domino mask, YN could define clear Romani features. His aquiline nose, strong cheekbones, full lips.
A blue and black body suit that was skin tight covered him nearly head to toe. Escrima sticks hung at his hip, along with various other items.
“What’s a girl like you doing all the way out here?” He asked, a sly smile playing on his lips.
YN sidestepped, moving around his intrusion. Dick frowned, quickly turning to follow after her. She grit her teeth as he stuck close by— hoping that if she ignored him long enough, he would give up.
That didn’t seem to be the case, as he stuck close by. Strolling along like he had no where else to be in that moment.
“Minding her own business.” She stated, seeing as he apparently wouldn’t leave without an answer.
It wasn’t unusual to see Nightwing in Gotham, from what she read. Although most of his spottings seemed to come from Bludhaven now, he could also be seen in his original location from time to time.
Unfortunately, tonight was one of those times.
“I’m sure you’re new to Gotham— not many people would willingly come here in the dark. Especially not to help.” Nightwing explained, keeping his pace with hers.
YN ignored his words, extending another bag to a couple, huddled in close to a fire. They smiled gratefully as she returned it and continued on her way.
Nightwing was still hanging close to her elbow, looking over her shoulder. Lingering.
“I can handle myself. Have a good night.” YN told him.
“I Can hang around— maybe even help you.” He offered, his head tilting. His jet black locks ruffled in the wind, another smile threatened to overtake his lips.
She wondered if the body suit he wore was any good at protecting him from crotch shots.
“I said, I’m fine.” She demanded, abruptly stopping to face off against his insistence.
Dick’s tongue chased over his bottom lip, preparing himself to argue again; Until a glint of orange reflected in her eyes. It wouldn’t have been strange, had they still been near the fire, or had it been a bluish tint of the street lamps.
His eyes narrowed, just as his pager beeped. He glanced down, breaking their eye contact, to the screen of his device.
“Run along, little bird.” She murmured. Dick looked up. She had already escaped their conversation— halfway down the street. “The Bat calls.”
He stared after her for a moment— hesitated for half a second. His device beeped again.
Nightwing cursed under his breath, because she was right. Batman was calling. But this girl was much more interesting. She almost seemed more dangerous.
No one in Gotham did anything altruistic.
Especially beautiful women in the Narrows.
Abandoning the street, Dick made his way to the top of the nearest building. The scene wasn’t too far from here.
He escaped the Narrows— thankful that Jason hadn’t caught him slipping over the territory lines— and swung toward the next crime. For the first time, Dick was glad Damian insisted they wear body cams.
Because he had a face to run through the system.
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midnightwitch92 · 8 months
Ace Merrill & Rory Gilmore (18+)
Warning: 18+ Erotic fanfiction, Enemies to lovers, smut, masturbation.
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There was no doubt that John Ace Merrill was the Hardest Case for Miles. He walked into the Mellow Tiger like a king with Betsy Malenfaunt on his arm and the few remaining members of his gang, The Cobras at his side like loyal guard dogs. He was your typical early '60s greaser with sharp handsome features, a head of long blonde hair, a studded leather jacket, and a bad attitude to boot. He was one of the biggest bullies the town had ever known.
"What can I get for you, Ace?" Asked the bartender.
"The Usual. I'm dry as a bone." He said looking as nasty as ever.
"The same for me pal," Betsy said, trying to look cheery by Ace's side. She was a very beautiful girl who had long dark hair and big blue eyes. She had a reputation for enjoying the companionship of men and loved showing off her busty figure in skimpy outfits, especially when she wanted Ace's attention.
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The two of them got together while they were still in school. That was when Rory Gilmore arrived in Castle Rock. The Gilmore family was the talk of the town long before they ever arrived. When construction workers started appearing just outside of town everyone was buzzing about what they could be building. As the months rolled by a lavish mansion appeared on the horizon, overlooking the town. The workmen would often be in The Mild Tiger talking about the mansion and the family.
No one knew what exactly caused the explosion that almost completely destroyed the town of Stars Hollow, The grandparents Richard and Emily refused to even discuss it. They were a couple of stuffy rich snobs who just lost their home, and their town but more importantly their daughter in the disaster.
They moved to Castle Rock to avoid the press and make a fresh start with their granddaughters who would be attending Castle Rock High School in the fall of 1959. That was the same year he and his friends had gone to find the body of Ray Brower only to be sent packing when Gordie Lachance pulled a gun on them. Not that it mattered. One by one The Cobras caught up with The Treehouse Gang and beat them to within an inch of their lives. When they returned to school The Cobras Laughed as The Treehouse Gang hobbled through the school halls draped in bandages, looking like Mummies. That was the first time Ace saw her. Rory Gilmore.
She was a beautiful upper-class girl from Stars Hollow. Big blue eyes, long flowing brown hair. All the boys including Ace were eyeing her as she walked through the school hallway for the first time. She was an instant favorite with the teachers for her hard work and love of books and it wasn't long before she had a small flock of friends around her.
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In the cafeteria, The Treehouse Gang had made a new friend. A Four-eyed scrawny little twerp called April. The Cobras, feeling bored decided to introduce themselves. They ruffed the group up a bit, but the moment Ace put his hands on April Rory shocked everyone including him by punching him in the face and sending him clattering over a table. There was a brief sound of muffled laughter from the other students as his feet flew over his head. When he pulled himself up from the floor his right eye was swollen and black. No one dared say a word as Ace glared up at her with a look of pure rage. A teacher came storming in to break up the fight. His anger soon turned to surprise as he looked down at Ace on the floor. Ace's anger grew when the look of surprise on the teacher's face twitched for a moment as he tried not to laugh. From that moment on the two were bitter enemies. Ace Merrill the lowlife thug going nowhere fast and Rory Gilmore the beloved good girl adored by all.
It was not long after that, that Ace began his relationship with Betsy. At the time the two rebellious teens seemed like a perfect match as they laughed, beers in hand, speeding along the highway in his chopped and channeled 52 Ford. But that was years ago. By now the couple's relationship had begun to deteriorate since Betsy flirted with and eventually kissed another man after Ace beat him up. However, there may have been more to it than that as Ace, despite beating the other man to a pulp for kissing her, appeared to have lost all interest in Betsy.
"Here you go." said the bartender as he placed the drinks down in front of them. Ace said nothing as he paid for the drinks while taking a swig from the bottle. He glanced toward the window. Where are you you little bitch? He thought to himself, hoping to catch a glimpse of Gilmore. The night before Ace, Jack, and Fuzzy had boosted a car and broke into the convenience store. While Charlie waited by the car and kept watch for any cops, Fuzzy looted the cigarettes, booze, and anything else he could carry.
Using an old crowbar he'd stolen from his uncle Pop Merrill's shop, Ace began to pry open the cash register. He knew there wouldn't be more than a few bucks inside but he liked to imagine piles of dollar bills spilling out of it. With enough cash, he could be free of Castle Rock, free from his family, free of that god damned Gilmore girl. Everywhere he turned she was there, being chauffeured around town in her fancy Mercedes Benz, her nose buried in a book.
A bead of sweat rolled down Ace's forehead as he struggled to pry open the register. Just as he was making progress, a sudden shout from Charlie jolted them all. "COPS! WE GOT COMPANY!"
Norman's eyes widened, and panic set in among the gang. They had been so engrossed in their misdeeds that they had failed to notice Rory, the observant and sharp-witted Gilmore girl, making her way past the store. She had caught wind of their illicit activities and wasted no time alerting the police.
The thrill of the heist turned into a desperate scramble for escape. Time was against them as the flashing red and blue lights of the police cars illuminated the dark night. The gang knew they had to abandon their loot and flee before they were caught red-handed.
With adrenaline pumping through their veins, they rushed to the getaway car. Charlie slammed the gas pedal as they sped away from the scene, the wailing sirens growing distant behind them. Their hearts pounded in sync with the frantic rhythm of the car's engine.
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Those were the only friends Ace had left at this point but he had a sneaking suspicion it wouldn't last. Nearly four years earlier Vince collided with a rival gang's car and landed in the hospital. After being released he drove off and never returned. The last time anyone heard of him he was engaged to some girl he'd met in Stars Hollow. Her name was Madeline Lynn.
The next to go was Richard Eyeball Chambers. That son of a bitch had turned his back on Ace and fled Castle Rock. Last year Ace and Betsy drove up to Boston to visit her brother Ronnie Malenfaunt and ended up bumping into none other than Dean Forester, Kirk Gleeson, and Eyeball himself. He and those assholes had grown to be great pals, apparently. The former friends got into a violent fight in which Eyeball came out as the winner. He told Ace that if he ever came to Boston again he'd scar his eye just as Ace had done to him years before. They never heard from each other again.
During that time Billy and Jack had also left Castle Rock. Some band of early 60's hippies came to town and after a night of wild partying, drugs, and sex with some hot redhead Billy hightailed it to Mexico with her and her friends. As for Jack, he'd gotten involved in some sort of drug trafficking gang and sped toward Stars Hollow to avoid being arrested. No one heard from him since then.
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Betsy's voice echoed through the room, demanding attention, "Ace? ACE?"
Ace, who had been drifting off in a daydream, jolted back to reality and replied, "Huh, What?"
Betsy gestured toward the pool table, exasperated, "You were miles away. Didn't you hear Charlie?"
Charlie, standing by the pool table, wore an eager expression, waiting for Ace's response. "Hey, Ace. I said do you wanna play?" he asked enthusiastically.
"Uh... Yeah. Sure," Ace mumbled, trying to shake off the lingering thoughts and regain his focus as he stood up and headed towards the pool table.
Curiosity got the better of Charlie, and he inquired, "What were you thinking so hard about?"
Ace's irritation seemed palpable as he replied, "None of your goddamned business," deliberately avoiding eye contact with Charlie as he picked up the cue.
Just as Ace was lining up a shot the door to The Mellow Tiger swung open as someone walked in. There were familiar voices and the sound of laughter coming from outside. Glancing out of the window, Ace's attention was once again diverted as he caught sight of Rory sharing a passionate kiss with her boyfriend, Jess.
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He looked down at the pool table in frustration. He was clutching the queue tightly in his hands. He imagined wrapping his hands around Rory's neck and choking the life out of her.
"We ought to break that bitch and her pussy boyfriend for ratting us out to the cops," Norman said quietly to Ace.
"Huh, not a bad idea," Ace said. He said eyeing Jess's car. "You guys go out there and distract them. I'll deal with them." He pulled out his switchblade and headed for the back door. Betsy looked at Ace and then towards the window where she could see Rory and Jess. As he opened the door Charlie and Norman left through the main door. He never even noticed Betsy leaving the bar or if he did he didn't care. As Ace made his way around the building he could hear a fight breaking out between his gang, that bitch, and her boyfriend.
He glanced around the corner to make sure no one was looking, and then he crouched down and snuck toward Jess's car. No one noticed as he slashed two of the tires with his switchblade. His blade ripped into the rubber with ease as he dragged it along the tire. He stayed hidden behind the car as the bartender came out to break up the fight. He could hear Charlie and Norman being banned from the bar and forced to leave. As the bartender led Rory and Jess inside.
Ace seized the opportunity to rise from his concealed position and return to the bar, avoiding any prying eyes. He slipped back through the rear door and resumed his seat with a triumphant smirk on his face.
"What's so amusing?" Rory inquired, she and Jess sat not too far from Ace wearing expressions of disdain. Ace chuckled lightly, meeting their scornful gazes with feigned innocence.
"Oh, nothing, Gilmore. Just delighted to be here," he said, unable to get the smirk off his face. As the evening wore on, tensions in the bar remained high. After a couple of drinks Rory and Jess, decided it was time to leave the contentious atmosphere behind.
As Rory and Jess returned to their car, Ace could see their expressions of frustration gradually giving way to a tender moment. They settled into the front seats, Jess reached out and gently took Rory's hand in his, their fingers interlocking in a quiet display of affection. Rory's eyes softened as well, and she smiled. They shared a lingering, heartfelt kiss. Ace felt like he could gag.
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However, just as they pulled away from the bar and drove down the road, everything suddenly spiraled into chaos. The car's tires screeched, and the vehicle swerved out of control. Panic washed over everyone in the bar as the car careened across the road. Jess struggled to regain control of the car, but it was too late. The vehicle collided with another car, the impact shattering glass and bending metal with a sickening crunch.
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In the aftermath of the accident, Jess was found injured and disoriented. When an onlooker tried to pull him from the vehicle pain shot through his body and he screamed out in agony. Ace was aware of the distant sound of sirens approaching, the flashing lights of emergency vehicles, and the concerned voices of onlookers who had rushed to the scene. Rory was beside Jess, her face etched with worry as she reached out to touch his arm. "Jess, are you okay? Can you hear me?" Jess managed a weak nod. Emergency responders soon arrived, attending to Jess's injuries and extracting them from the mangled car. The tender moment they had shared before the accident now felt like a distant memory. As they were rushed to the hospital, Jess and Rory clung to each other.
As paramedics rushed to the scene, Ace melted back into the shadows, leaving Rory and Jess to grapple with the aftermath. In his twisted mind, the tragedy he had caused only added to his amusement, a perverse satisfaction in the chaos he had sown.
Ace climbed into his own car and made his way back home. His small, dingy house, the walls echoing with the sounds of his parents' constant arguments, awaited him. The stench of alcohol hung heavy in the air, a testament to his father's addiction.
As he entered the house, his father, Junior Merrill, a gruff, haggard man, who reeked of booze and fury, unleashed a torrent of profanities in his direction. Ace's mother, worn down, defeated, and probably pretty drunk herself simply turned her gaze away, unable to intervene.
Ace couldn't bear it any longer. The anger and frustration of his life, the constant cycle of abuse and chaos, welled up inside him. Without a word, he stormed up the creaky stairs to his bedroom, his sanctuary amidst the chaos.
Once in his room, he slammed the door shut stripped his clothes off, and crawled naked into his bed. Alone in the dimly lit space, he let his mind wander. He thought about everything that had happened that night—the plan to exact revenge on Rory and Jess, the satisfaction he had felt when their car crashed. He replayed the moments in his head, his mind a swirling vortex of dark thoughts and emotions.
The room was beautifully lit by moonlight, when suddenly, the door to his bedroom burst open, and there stood Rory, her eyes filled with a mixture of anger and fear.
"You!" she exclaimed, her voice quivering with accusation. "You had something to do with that accident, didn't you? You sabotaged Jess's car!" Ace's anger flared at her sudden intrusion.
"What if I did?" he retorted, his voice dripping with venom as he got up from his bed. "You and your boyfriend deserve every bit of what's coming to you." The tension in the room mounted, and their voices grew louder, words of anger and hate filling the space between them.
And then, in the midst of the heated argument, something unexpected happened. As Ace locked eyes with Rory, the animosity that had filled the room gave way to a sudden, overwhelming intensity of emotion. He wanted to strangle her as their faces drew closer, but what he did next defied explanation. He grabbed her tightly by the arms, pulling her close and their lips met in a searing, desperate kiss.
Ace's mind reeled, confused and disoriented by the sudden shift. He had expected anger, violence, and revenge, but this passionate, embrace with Rory left him bewildered. Their lips lingered as if drawn together by some inexplicable force, before they finally pulled away from each other, their breaths heavy and hearts pounding.
For a moment there was only silence as the two looked at each other. Rory was looking just as shocked and horrified as Ace was. For a moment Ace had expected Rory to be angry but as she stepped toward him her expression changed from shock to... longing.
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Ace woke up covered in sweat with his heart racing and his head spinning as he sat up and looked around the room. It was just a dream. She hadn't come to confront him about Jess or the car. She hadn't... He had suddenly become very aware that he was aroused. He could feel his manhood standing stiff and hard between his thighs. He put his hand under the sheets and felt himself hot and tingling all over. "Oh God no." he gasped.
He lay back on the bed. He thought he should feel angry, ashamed she humiliated him, he had been hers, but he felt nothing but surprise. He gently caressed his frustrated shaft as he tried to figure out how this had happened. Why was he laying in bed dreaming of that bitch Rory... Why? He gasped as a wave of pleasure washed over him. His hand was moving up and down the length of him as if it had a will of its own. "Rory! Oh, God Rory!" He breathed heavily.
He imagined her beside him under the sheets. Her big blue eyes gazed down at him as she leaned over for a kiss. As his lips met hers she slid her hand between his legs. He pulled away from her kisses and tilted his head back into the pillow as he removed his own hand and let her take control. Her hand was so soft as she stroked and pleasured him. She kissed him again, this time on the neck, then his chest and belly. Another rush of pleasure and he became aware that it was no longer her hand on his cock. He was in her mouth. Her sweet lips and tongue moved up and down his trembling shaft in the most delightful way. "Oh, Rory I love you! I love you!" He Gasped as his climax came upon him bringing such sweet relief.
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sunnygrey99 · 2 years
Death Be Damned Pt. 3
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~Trigger Warning: Typical TWD warnings, Slight Gore, Minor character Death (minors DNI) If any other Triggers apply please let me know.~
Wordcount: 2,271
A/N: Okay so basically the plan is to stay timeline-compliant but not nearly as many unnecessary deaths. Honestly, there are a lot of plot points I find completely unrealistic with the set parameters of the TV show so basically, I am using the reader to change that. Also reader in general is just a bad ass, which will be shown way more in later episodes. As always Thanks for reading and I would love feedback on what you think!
The morning light harshly shines in through the sheet you forgot to fully close last night. Its rays land squarely on your face rousing you from a somewhat restful sleep. Slowly you find your feet swinging over the bed and taking you to get ready in a haze, never the morning person and always a night owl. You aren’t fully awake until you feel the hot summer breeze against your skin and spot the other’s prepping for the day's run. Tossing your empty bag into the back of a car you find there’s little room for you in the cars. Enclosed spaces definitely don’t thrill you either. Noticing Daryl strapping his crossbow to the front of his bike you make your way over to the stoic man. 
“Hey got room for another on that bike?" Your voice rings out loud enough to catch his attention.
He nods once, “Ya ever ride before?” 
Your response leaked with humor. “twelve years of practice drivin’ not much spent as a passenger.”
You can faintly see his lips curl at the ends. “Alright. We leave once everyone is grouped together and ready.” 
Nodding you find your way to Sasha and bob to help load the last of the bags for collecting and any weapons or tools they might need. 
Once everything is ready you find yourself mounting the bike behind Daryl. Hesitantly you wrap your arms around his waist to secure yourself. 
Daryl chuckles at the awkward effort you present. He grabs your arms and pulls you tighter. “Ain’t gonna bite ya girl, best get comfy. It’s gonna be a bit of a drive. Can’t have you fallin’ off now can we?”
You scuff at him, “It’d be better if I were drivin’...Don’t do well with others drivin’”. It’s not untrue, the swirling in your stomach already threatening you with a rough trip. Attempting to settle it you take deep breaths and bury your head into Daryl’s back. It isn’t until after Daryl’s conversation with Rick and Michonne at the front gate that your stomach starts to settle. 
 Daryl’s Bike slowly comes to a stop. Once both of you are off the bike and grabbing gear Bob finds his way next to you. You and him are the only two more out of the loop than the rest in this place. Daryl walks the two of you over to the slightly rusting fence. “Army came and put these fences up. Made it a place for people to go. Last week when we spotted this place. There was a bunch of walkers behind this chain-link keeping people out like a bunch of guard dogs.”
“So they all just left?” Bob asks, throwing the empty bag over his shoulder. 
“Give a listen.” Sasha’s voice comes from behind you. 
Michonne steps up next to her. “You drew ‘em out.”
Sasha nods to her. “Put a boombox out there three days ago.”
Glenn steps up next while checking his gun’s ammo, “Hooked it up to two car batteries.”
Daryl starts to make his way in the fence with you and the others following right behind. “All right, let's make a sweep. Make sure it's safe. Grab what you can. We'll come back tomorrow with more people.”
You wade through separating off like the others through the military tents. Making it to the front doors for The Big Spot.
knocking on the window and hopping up on the brick ledge, Daryl looks to you then the others, “Just give it a second.” 
Zach leans against a pillar across from Daryl. “Okay, I think I got it.” 
Michonne slides out behind him.“Got what?” Her face showing her amusement already.
“I've been trying to guess what Daryl did before the turn.” Zach’s statement earns your interest but has you chuckling slightly. You already have an idea of what Daryl was before. It’s written in the way he moves, the way he talks, and the scars you’ve seen on his arms and face that surely have more matching on the rest of his body. 
“He's been trying to guess for, like, six weeks.” Daryl’s response comes across as annoyed but you still see his lip upturn slightly in amusement.  
“Yeah, I'm pacing myself. One shot a day.” As you watch the conversation unfold you can’t help but wonder how the kid hasn’t guessed yet. 
Daryl doesn’t seem in the least bit curious. “All right, shoot.”
“Well, the way you are at the prison, you being on the council, you're able to track, you're helping people, but you're still being kind of... surly....Big swing here....Homicide cop.” Zach’s guess has both you and Michonne chuckling. Its absurdity must mean that he has guessed a lot.
Daryl shoots a glance at the two of you but can’t hide his own amusement at the guess, “What's so funny?” 
“Nothing. It makes perfect sense.” Michonne looks over to you for approval. 
“Yeah, just as much sense as if I were a classically trained gymnast.” Rolling your eyes and chuckling further.
Daryl turns to the two of you with a look of pure seriousness. “Actually, the man's right. Undercover...”
Zach looks entirely surprised by the response. “Come on, really?” 
“Yep. I don't like to talk about it 'cause it was a lot of heavy shit, you know?” Daryl can hardly stop the grin from starting to form on his lips so he turns away from the kid. 
 “Dude, come on, really?” Zach obviously not believing it but definitely wanting to have gotten it right. Daryl just turns back to him saying nothing but revealing his slight grin. “Okay. I'll just keep guessing, I guess.”
“Yeah, you keep doing that.” Daryl’s sarcasm is obvious to the group which makes you chuckle. 
You pat Zach’s shoulder, “You’ll get it one day kid.” That’s when the walkers reach the window and start smacking the glass weakly. 
“We gonna do this, Detective?” Michonne already starting in on a new nickname for the day. 
Daryl chuckles lowly before hopping up and around the others. “Let's do it.”
Tyreese drags a body from the separated walk-in as Sasha addresses the others, “All right, we go in, stay in formation for the sweep. After that, you all know what you're supposed to look for. Any questions?”
“Was there ever a time that you weren't the boss of me?” Tyreese’s response leaves you wishing for just a moment that your brother was here. Just missing that familiar sibling bond. 
“You had a few years before I was born.” Sasha’s quip follows the others entering into the building, however, you notice Bob sticking around outside staring at a body. You take a few tentative steps closer and see that the body was cut in half rather than torn by walkers. It sets alarms off immediately. 
Bob turns to start heading into the building, and you follow. The second you step foot into the building you search the area above for any weakness. It’s too dark for you to see. After a quick search, you see nothing that could point to extra danger. Slinging your bag over your shoulder you make for the feminine care section. Grabbing anything that can fit in your bag that could be used still. 
It's not till your bag is nearly full that you hear the crash. Quickly throwing the bag over your shoulders you make a dash to the noise. Tyreese already helping Bob, with Zach and Daryl at the ready. You stand close by but start to hear some shuffling and groaning coming from the roof. 
“Cut the chit chat boys and hurry we got company.” You quickly make your way over to start helping Tyreese lift the shelving fast. “Daryl get everyone else out. If enough are on the roof it could cave...And from the sounds of it, there’s plenty.” 
Daryl hesitates for only a moment before rushing to the others, “Get out front and load what you can now. Walkers on the roof we gotta go.” The others look shocked for a moment before taking their carts and running out. Daryl makes it back just in time for the first walker to come crashing through the roof. Its guts and midsection catch right above you and Tyreese as you lift the last shelf for Bob to start climbing out. He tries to move quickly at the sound of walkers starting to crash all around your group. The remaining group starts to work forward. Narrowly evading the dead at every aisle. It isn’t til you hear the scream from behind you that you realize Zach had fallen behind. You turn just in time to see him be bitten on the neck as other walkers start to clamber over him for a taste. Realizing there is nothing you can do, you move forward unloading your clip into the walkers that cross the group’s path to the front doors, the herd thinning out head-shot after head-shot. “Make a run for it! Go!” You scream up to the rest of them. 
Glenn gets knocked down right in front of you from a lunging walker out of the aisle. Quickly pulling your knife and stabbing it before pulling it off him. Glenn looks at you appreciatively before shooting over your shoulder. A walker dropping behind you. He pulls himself up and runs by your side to the exit to meet the others just as the building starts to fully collapse in on itself. You feel arms wrap around you pulling you out of the entrance of the building. The sensation of ruble and stone hardly being dulled by the thin layers of your clothes as you and the other person tumbled behind a military tent. 
Bracing yourself above the other person and waiting for the building to settle takes only a moment. Only once the crashing noises stop and only the groans of the trapped dead are left do you lift your head. Your eyes caught with steely blues laced with a hint of fear. It paralyzes you for a moment before you slowly pull yourself up. Reaching your own hand out to Daryl he grabs it and quickly pulls himself upright. The two of you look back over to the flailing limbs trapped under the remains of the gold mine you had tried to mine. Letting out a sigh you look back to Daryl, “So much for coming back tomorrow...”
Daryl looks at you and scuffs with just a hint of amusement before realization takes hold of him. “I’m gonna have to tell Beth.” 
Placing a gentle hand on his shoulder you try comforting the man. “We should check on the others too. Head out before more walkers follow that sound.” He only nods and starts to make his way toward the others. 
The ride back to the prison is a somber one. It has you wishing you could do something to alleviate their pain. You haven’t known Zach for long but he seemed to be a good kid. Neither him nor Beth deserves the pain of it all. You offered Daryl to tell Beth instead of him but he insists on doing it himself. So you let him, instead of focusing on putting the goods you had managed to grab in their correct storage spaces before heading to talk to 
Hershel about starting to collect more Herbal remedies that you might be able to process further instead of having to hunt down medications. It’s a long enough conversation that the only thing that puts an end to it is Hershel yawning and your need for a shower. Bidding the man a good night you find yourself walking the halls towards the shower room, only slowing as you see the wet footprints leading to the same room. Pulling out your knife from its leather-bound sheath and turning on the crank-powered lantern you hesitantly make your way past the door. 
You hear nothing but silence before Karen pops her head out “Oh geez watch where you point that thing (Y/N)”, She chuckles nervously. 
Lowering your weapon slightly you nod to her in apology. “Sorry, guess I’m a little on edge after today.” She nods to you before stepping around you and starting to head back to her own cell. Only moments later does a walker silently pop out from the first curtain. Quickly on instinct, you sink your blade into its skull. Once the walker is down you quickly scan the area for anything that could suggest another being there. Taking another glance over to the walker you finally realize who it was. This walker came from inside the prison. 
Hastily making your way outside of the shower hall you close its door and block it. Making a mad dash to the first council member you can find. 
“Glenn, GLEN!” Sliding in front of his open cell door you see him sitting next to Maggie, both of them confused at the rush. Glenn is going to speak, but you cut him off. “Walker in the showers. One of ours...I put him down but I don’t know how he died.” 
Glenn and Maggie both standing and rushing out of the cell in moments. “Get the other members. Tell them to meet me at the shower hall.” His words come out almost as quickly as his steps to the hall. You do as he says as quickly as you can before heading to the last person on your list. Finding Daryl outside with a cigarette hanging from his mouth you all but drag him to the shower hall without much of an explanation other than Walker. Ours. Showers.
Part 4
If you would like to be tagged in my works please feel free to message me and let me know who/what fandoms you’d like to be tagged in. I plan to write for at least The Walking Dead, Shameless(US), Marvel(MCU and Comics), DC(All), and Teen Wolf
Those who asked to be tagged. <3
@ghxstttttt @pureblood-blake @sofi1sstuff @lvspit @greeneyedladysthings @justwannabefrea @kaitebugg03 @abbiesxox @missborntodiex
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ocean-blue-whump · 2 years
All the Light is Gone
Sunny + Star Masterlist
Thank you so much to @painful-pooch for helping me realize how I wanted to take this story. 
Sunny and Star Crew: @ashintheairlikesnow @whumpinggrounds @whumptakesthecake @justplainwhump @whumpfessional @winedark-whump - let me know if you want to be added/removed!
CW: pet whump, BBU, lady whump, male whump, DEATH, drunk and angry whumper, bonded whumpees, Romantic whumpees, just a whole lot of fear and conditioning, brief mention of self-harming behavior due to stress, mild sexism 
“No, you stupid bitch, that’s not what I—“ Hunter sighs in frustration, slamming his fist into the doorframe. “Fuck! Don’t you dare hang up on me, I will fire your ass so fast and make sure your little bonuses aren’t enough to get you through the week!”
All of Comet’s senses are going into overdrive at how angry Hunter is, and he keeps one hand on Star’s back, a snarl stuck in his throat. Owner. Angry. Danger. He knows how it works. Mr. Bianchi has something bad happen at work, and he gets mad, and the bonded pair of pretty, breakable Romantics become his outlet. Speaking of…Sunny is kneeling next to Mr. Bianchi, visibly shaking with each time their owner raises his voice. 
He shouldn’t be that close, not when Mr. Bianchi is so angry. The Romantics are gorgeous things, and Comet doesn’t understand why they’re starved, especially Star. His heart warms as he looks down at her, despite how tense she is. He loves her, but the bond between her and Sunny…
He loves her and he protects both of them when Mr. Bianchi’s guests get too handsy. That’s all he can do. 
Another shout from Mr. Bianchi has all three pets violently flinching. “Are you really that dumb? Do you understand how fucking basic this is? A goddamn baby could do it. My fucking pets could do it! Even the brainless mutt of a Guard Dog.”
It’s not supposed to hurt. But it does, and Comet tries to keep the red off his face, knowing it’ll only enrage the man. 
“Maybe you should sell yourself to WRU. I think you’d be better as a Romantic than my employee.” Hunter rolls his eyes. “Don’t trust a woman to do anything that requires the smallest bit of thinking.”
A particularly vicious kick to the doorframe has Sunny whimpering, his blue eyes full of fear, and Comet can tell that Sunny is doing his best not to pull away. 
He doesn’t envy that about the Romantics, all the training so they stay in place when a hand wraps around their necks and squeezes. 
Comet gets to pull away. Sunny stays still like a good boy, and Star gets beat into the ground for daring to move. He can feel it now, how she wants to run to the boy and save him. He keeps his hand on her back. Don’t move, or he’ll make me hurt you and that hurts me too.
“Oh, don’t tell me that I’m sexist, sweetheart, I got two Romantics and they’re different genders…I mean, yeah, I treat the girl worse cause she’s a fucking bitch! Just like you, sweetheart. Awh, you want to file a complaint against me? Did you forget who you work for? Yeah, you should be fucking scared!” Hunter punches the wall again and recoils in pain. “Fuck! Listen, you dumb bitch…”
Star’s head snaps up and her back straightens, taking a position of attention, and Ray’s heart drops when Mr. Bianchi notices. 
His smile is amused at first, but out of nowhere, his face twists with rage and he grabs an empty beer bottle, lobbing it at her head. 
There’s no time to prevent it from happening, and all Comet can do is watch. Star yelps as the bottle smashes into the side of her head, glass scattering everywhere. A few shards embed themselves into her face and the rest fall to the floor. 
Comet feels a surge in his chest, the need to protect her from Mr. Bianchi, but he’s powerless. If he does anything that he wasn’t ordered to, it’ll only get worse. 
Star picks the largest shard out of her face and throws it to the floor, a few drops of blood falling with it. Comet keeps his hand on her. Don’t move. Please, Star, don’t move.
You’re still pretty even with glass in your face and that makes me nervous.
“The dog thought I was talking to her. I’m not done with you, though. You fix your mistake now! I don’t fucking care if you don’t sleep for weeks.”
There’s a brief pause before Hunter gets quiet—a dangerous sort of quiet that sends a chill down Comet’s spine. “Say that again.”
It’s the eye of the storm and Comet knows tonight is only going to get worse.
“You fucked up that badly that we lost a fucking buyer?” Hunter’s hand fists in Sunny’s hair, drawing a whine from the boy. 
Both Star and Comet are tense, and he’s ready to grab her and make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid. 
Hunter gives Sunny a condescending shake while he growls into his phone. “Listen. I’m done with you and your smartass mouth. I’ll give you ten minutes. Pack your shit and start running. Ten minutes before I send someone after you to make sure you don’t fuck anything else up. Got that, bitch?” There’s true venom in his voice as he hisses out, “I’m angry? You’re goddamn right I’m angry! You just cost me thirty thousand dollars!”
His grip tightens on Sunny’s hair and he lifts the boy up, slamming him full force into the wall. 
There’s a crunch. There’s a sickening crunch and then silence. Sunny falls to the ground, his body twisted like a puppet. His eyes flutter open only to flutter closed just as quickly. 
Comet doesn’t realize what the ear piercing scream is until he feels Star jolt, wanting to race forward. 
He holds her back. He holds her back and he knows, something deep inside him knows the boy didn’t make it, isn’t breathing anymore. 
Star feels it. She’s curled up and screaming, pushing against Comet with all her might but not going anywhere.
Mr. Bianchi is quiet too, but he keeps the phone to his ear as he bends down and presses two fingers to the inside of his neck. His cold, angry eyes lock onto Comet after a minute of poking and prodding with no response from Sunny. 
The boy doesn’t move, his neck bent at a cruel and unnatural angle. All the light has been sucked out of the room and Star is still screaming, clawing at the floor and Comet can feel her grief and anger. Her pain is so great that it clogs up the air and leaves an acidic taste on his tongue. 
Mr. Bianchi breathes out, his fingers still pressed against Sunny’s neck. “Comet, get her out of here.”
He can’t move, his eyes are locked onto Sunny’s…body. 
“Comet, now!” Mr. Bianchi roars. “Get that stupid dog out of here and make her stop screaming!”
The yelling snaps Comet back to reality, lets the white walls come crashing down and remind him that he needs to follow orders. But more importantly, as he picks up a screaming, shaking Star, he feels a pang deep in his chest. He can’t lose both of them, and Mr. Bianchi seems drunk and angry enough to lash out at Star and kill her too. 
He can’t lose both the people he lives for. He was trained to keep both of them in line and with both of them gone, what would he do? 
With both of them gone, what would happen to the warmth that blooms inside him when he sees them smile? 
Mr. Bianchi is still talking on the phone, still talking about his work, and Comet feels himself get mad. He’s a good dog, he knows he is, but he wants to lunge and rip out Mr. Bianchi’s throat, watch the red drip across the hardwood floor. 
Sunny is dead, so he doesn’t. Instead, he does what he can and holds Star close, carrying her up the stairs and being careful not to jar the glass still stuck in her face. 
Mr. Bianchi is still talking like he didn’t just kill Sunny, like in a split second he didn’t just rip a bonded pair apart. 
Like Star’s heart didn’t rip out of her chest the second Sunny was killed. 
She’s an incoherent mess by the time they’re back in the pet room, and it’s scaring Comet. Star isn’t the one who acts like this, she’s not the one who falls apart. He gently sets her on the floor before heading to the bathroom to grab the med kit, her sobs echoing around him. 
He sits on the floor and gently brings her head into his lap while he works at removing the glass with tweezers. 
“He’s g-g-gone…” Star stammers out, her chest heaving. “Sir killed him…he killed Sunny…killed me too…Comet, it hurts, this can’t be happening…”
All that only confirms Comet’s suspicions. She feels his pain like it’s her own, and with him gone, she’s falling apart. He runs his hand through her hair, and the other finishes pulling glass from her face. 
Star shudders, gasping for air. “I’m dying, I can’t…I can’t do this, I need him back!”
Comet doesn’t know what to do. He can’t make it better but he doesn’t like watching her suffer. He pulls her into his lap, pressing her back against his chest. “Do you want to sleep?” he murmurs, arms wrapped around her waist. 
She can’t stop crying, a seemingly endless stream of tears falling down her scarred face. “M-make it stop…I see him dying…why would Sir do that? I n-needed Sunny to survive and now he’s gone! I l-loved him…he was the good one, he was always the good one and this is my fault.”
He’s not supposed to talk much, but he hasn’t cared about that rule for a while. “You didn’t do anything wrong,” he whispers into her hair. 
Star scratches at her arms, her whole body shaking like Mr. Bianchi had come at her with the taser. “You gotta bring him back, Comet. You need to.”
A sob gets stuck in Comet’s throat and he can’t push it down before the sound escapes. “I can’t, Star, please stop hurting yourself.” He was made for violence and at the end of the day, when all the light is gone, it’s the only thing that makes sense. He puts Star in a chokehold, feeling tears spill down his cheeks. “G-goodnight, Star.”
And then, once she’s limp in his arms and he can finally let go, he whispers, “I loved both of you and I can’t lose you too.”
The last time Comet cried was in the Facility, being beaten with a baton for misbehaving. He’s a good Guard Dog now, and good Guard Dogs don’t cry, but he’s not a good Guard Dog. He failed to protect the bondeds. 
Maybe Mr. Bianchi bought him not to protect them, but at some point, that changed. He curls himself over Star’s body, sobbing pathetically. He lives to protect them and he failed. 
He loved them both, but their Sunshine is gone. 
Sunny has gone and taken all the light with him. 
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inevitablemoment · 10 months
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(Special thanks to @ariel-seagull-wings for this manip; it's so beautiful!)
FULL NAME: Cathleen Anne Spengler (nee Paige)
NICKNAME(S): Cath (by everyone, started by Egon), Cathy (by everyone on her side of the family), Cat (by Janine), the Ghostbuster's Guard Dog (by tabloids and critics), the Wicked Witch of Summerville (by Summerville citizens)
FANDOM: Ghostbusters (1984-1989; 2021-)
BIRTHDAY: January 2nd, 1945
ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn
SEXUALITY: Demisexual
GENDER: Female (she/her/hers)
OCCUPATION: Actress, writer, singer, dancer, choreographer, voice and dance teacher, Ghostbuster
BIRTHPLACE: Madison, Wisconsin
LIVES IN: Madison, Wisconsin (birth-age 12) || Cleveland, Ohio (age 12-18) || Manhattan, New York City, New York (age 18-24, 25-48, 77-currently) || Cambridge, Massachusetts (age 24-25) || Summerville, Oklahoma (48-77)
Egon Spengler (husband, m. 1974-2021 (his death))
Felicity Spengler (daughter, miscarried 1978)
Callie Spengler (daughter)
Marie Spengler (daughter)
Trevor Spengler (grandson)
Phoebe Spengler (granddaughter)
Benjamin Paige (father, died 1988)
Colleen Paige [nee Tillens] (mother, died 2002)
David Paige (older brother)
Joanne Paige [nee Vogel] (sister-in-law)
Jill Paige (niece)
Mark Paige (nephew)
Mitchell Paige (nephew)
Lucinda "Cindy" Paige (niece)
Christopher Paige (nephew)
Theresa Paige (niece)
Sharon Paige (niece)
Caroline Tiffin [nee Paige] (older sister)
Glenn Tiffin (brother-in-law)
Ronald Tiffin (nephew)
Anthony Tiffin (nephew)
Jackson "Sonny" Tiffin (nephew)
Abel Paige (younger brother)
Rebecca Paige [nee O'Connor] (sister-in-law)
Loretta Paige (niece)
Erika Paige (niece)
Dominic Paige (nephew)
Eleanor Paige (niece)
Melanie Paige (niece)
Katrina Paige (niece)
Constance "Connie" Whelan [nee Paige] (younger sister)
Douglas Whelan (brother-in-law)
Monty Whelan (nephew)
Timothy Whelan (nephew)
Gina Whelan (niece)
Felicity Whelan (niece)
Adam Paige (younger brother)
Helen Paige [nee Rafferty] (sister-in-law)
Olivia Paige (niece)
Holly Paige (niece)
Cynthia Paige (younger sister)
Edison Spengler, Sr. (father-in-law, deceased 1983)
Ruth Spengler [nee Westelman] (mother-in-law, deceased 2001)
Elon Spengler (brother-in-law, deceased 2014)
Noelle Spengler [nee Rosenfeld] (sister-in-law)
Edison Spengler, Jr. (nephew)
Cyrus Spengler (uncle-in-law, deceased 2002)
Peter Venkman (honorary older brother)
Dana Barrett (honorary sister-in-law)
Oscar Venkman [born Wallance, formerly Barrett] (honorary nephew)
Eliana "Elly" Venkman (honorary grand-niece)
Andrew Venkman (honorary nephew)
Kelly Venkman (honorary nephew)
Ray Stantz (honorary older brother)
Willow Olson (honorary sister-in-law)
Addison Stantz (honorary niece)
Natalie Stantz (honorary niece)
Grace Stantz (honorary niece)
Janine Melnitz (honorary younger sister)
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CHARACTERISTICS: Creative, daring, valiant, quirky, brave, sweet, headstrong, theatrical, hopeful, romantic, prone to vanity and a quick temper, plucky, brilliant, enigmatic, cunning, maternal, devoted, protective
LIKES: Musicals, reading, writing, learning new things, singing, dancing, traveling, planning events, research, baking, cooking, photography, cuddling with Egon and the girls, snipe battles with Peter, being the center of attention
DISLIKES: Ignorance and close-mindedness, her blood family, Slimer escaping the display case, the Peck family, bullies, the fact that her sister Connie gave her youngest daughter the same name of the baby that she lost
PKE Meter
Proton Pack
Ghost Trap
Tobin's Spirit Guide
Occult Reference Net
Raised Catholic, but converted to Judaism shortly before her wedding to Egon
Attended Julliard to study music and NYU to study literature/creative writing
After years of struggling to conceive and eventually becoming pregnant only to lose the baby at eighteen weeks, Cathleen took up alcohol to cope
Idolized Julie Andrews, Debbie Reynolds, Judy Garland, Chita Rivera, and Shirley Jones growing up
Fluent in Hebrew, Yiddish, French, Greek, European and Latin American Spanish, Flemish, Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Latin, and Sumerian
INSPIRATION: Sherrezade (Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier), Juliet O'Hara (Psych), Becky Barnes (Hatchetfield series), Elliot Reid (Scrubs), Miss Holloway (Hatchetfield series), Annabel Lee (Edgar Allan Poe's Murder Mystery Dinner Party), Elphaba Thropp (Wicked), Ramona Trousers (Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story), Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard (Once Upon A Time), Princess Aurora/Briar Rose (Sleeping Beauty), Gwen Barrymore (The Solve-It Squad Returns), Marlowe Viccellio (Psych), Dr. Julia Ogden (Murdoch Mysteries), Dr. Helen Magnus (Sanctuary), Dr. Bedelia du Maurier (Hannibal), Jane Seymour (Six)
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