#( zhihao | answered )
tragedicn · 4 months
scarred hands move to lift cup to equally scarred face, carefully taking a small sip of his hot beverage as alec glances towards the deity he's met per chance - ironic, given his disposition to anything that involves the truth about his life. and yet he finds himself intrigued, curious how someone had been able to delicately navigate their human life while being precise in everything, like a sharp sword just waiting to come out of its sheath. he lowers his cup, glances off to the side.
awkward and perhaps even strained given his glaring lack of communication, he can't help but accidentally speak, ask a question that's been lingering on his mind for a while. other immortals or anything code to just that, each one had to have witnessed the same losses he witnesses every 70 or so years. and yet everyone seems to handle it better than him. so he turns to face zhihao, looking conflicted upon whether he should truly bother a deity with his silly questions.
"do you know if... losses will get easier eventually?" he asks softly, as he glances off again, feeling awkward.
            gentle eyes flicker from the surface of her cup to land upon her recently found companion  ,  not a deity  ,  but an immortal . . . oh  ,  what transgressions had transpired to CURSE this poor soul with immortality  ??  the inquiry dances upon her tongue  ,  but it never leaves her thin lips  .  silences falls heavy after the question is asked  ,  hung in the mild afternoon air  ,  waiting to be answered . . . to be laundered with tender comforts and easing prompts  .  but it doesn't come  .  whatever he is seeking  ,  zhihao has nothing to provide  .  comfort has never been her strong suit . . . perhaps if he had come across huiying instead  ,  that harbinger always knows how to soothe a troubled soul  .
            deft fingers fiddle with her now lukewarm cup of tea  ,  not a sip taken from the vessel since the beverage was poured moments ago by their waitress  .  it seems to just be an object for the former warrioress to fuss with  ,  a minor distraction for the two of them while they sat in awkward quiet  .  zhihao watches the liquid in the cup RIPPLE with her gentle motions of shifting the cup minutely between her calloused palms . . . that is what LOSS is like  .  it starts small  ,  but it builds and builds and builds and builds . . . then it just fades  .  or one hopes it just fades  .  
            another shift  ,  another ripple  .  that is what the PAINS of loss looks like . . . it starts small  ,  then it grows and grows and grows and sometimes  ,  it fades . . . sometimes it hits a wall and reflects back  .  is that what they call nostaglia  ??  or is it melancholy  ??  those echoes of ripples that hit a surface and go back towards the center . . . those impacts hurt the most  .
            at most  ,  one can only hope the pain and all that comes with losing people fades over time . . . zhihao has lived numerous lifetimes and one thinks she'd have long gotten used to the idea of losing loved ones  ,  friends  ,  companions . . . it never comes  .  no matter how much her soul is soothed to know that they are in a better place  ,  free from suffering  ,  waiting to be reincarnated  .  her lonliness grows in VOLUMES  ,  she supposes she'd never be able to live the life of a cultivator  (  like HUIYING  )  ,  a life of solittude and isolation . . . perhaps this is why huiying is so comfortable with loss and soothing those who have lost  .
            ❝  . . . do . . . you want soothing words or the honest truth  ??  ❞  zhihao asks  ,  eyes focused still on the dancing rings upon the surface of her rapidly cooling tea  .  it's in this moment she finally lifts the cool teacup to her lips and takes a ginger sip of its contents  .  a small grimace  ,  not sure if it's the bad quality of leaves or the fact that she left it to sit for too long  --  not that refilling her cup with more tea would help as the pot itself has probably already cooled  --  so she sets it back down on the table and her hands move to fold in front of her  .
            ❝  easier  ??  no . . . will it get to be a DULL ACHE in your chest  ??  yes  .  ❞  she replies softly  ,  ❝  and perhaps that's the BEST thing one can hope to happen  ,  ❞  zhihao says  ,  lips twisting into a mix of a grimace and a frown  .  not the words anyone wants to hear . . . but she feels that alec isn't seeking flowery words  ,  or he'd not have asked  .  if he sought for ease of heart  ,  then she will turn him to huiying  ,  though she is unsure if her fellow deity would be able to soothe this man's soul . . . or if she'd be KINDER than zhihao  ,  for she was a woman that dealt in deaths  .
            ❝  grieving never ends . . . and perhaps that is what causes the loss to be so . . . hard  ,  ❞  zhihao says  ,  eyes looking past alec's shoulder  ,  watching the pedestrians go on about their lives  --  carefree and ignorant  .  ❝  as many times as you've experienced it . . . it never gets easier  ,  having to LET GO  .  ❞
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axl-ul · 2 months
Happy STS! Since it's so hot here, I'm wondering how would your OCs cope with heathwaves?
Hello!! Thanks for the ask and happy STS to you too, dear^^ (Answering this with characters used in City of False Gods wip. Also, some of the characters, like Wukong, Bajie and Wujing, aren't OCs, just my version of them - sooo I guess I'm cheating a bit here, sorry. ALSO also I'm answering this as if the characters were in the 21st century, not 1920s because I can, hehe)
Most of them would seek out cool places with A/C. Márgerdra is definitely buying some margaritas with Xue and Vivienne on the beach while Wukong, Bajie, Wujing and Hao-Yu are trying not to kill each in a volleyball. Zhihao makes a sand castle at first with Mr Ding and Mrs Chen, then runs around with his dog Jingjing.
I'm still unsure whether I'm incorporating her in the story or not, but for the sake of it - Ulfrika is either A. looking for a plane ticket to Kamchatka or Alaska or B. suffering in a hoodie and sweatpants under a palm tree or C. setting the A/C on 5 °C. Summer and heatwaves aren't at all this girl's thing. I mean I can't exactly blame her since she literally catches on fire when exposed to sunlight. She doesn't cope. She's barely surviving.
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year
[ad_1] Newswise — DALLAS (SMU) – SMU biology professor Zhihao Wu has received a $1.8 million, 5-year Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA) from the National Institutes of Health to determine if different quality control pathways in our bodies might be working together to repair damaged components in cells.Answering that question could help researchers figure out why breakdowns in seemingly unrelated quality control pathways lead to some of the same abnormal changes that have been identified with many human diseases including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, Type II diabetes and cancer. Understanding how this happens could lead to new therapeutic targets for the pathological hallmarks that are known to cause or worsen these diseases.“Intriguingly, pathological hallmarks caused by quality control defects – such as defective protein accumulation and essential organelles mitochondria losing their function – often co-occur in many human diseases, suggesting that different quality control pathways may interact and assemble a network in response to diverse types of cellular stress,” said Wu, professor of biological sciences at SMU (Southern Methodist University).Think of these different quality control pathways as assembly line workers in a factory: Each is responsible for monitoring a different part of the process that together, results in our molecules, cells or other biological entities being able to maintain optimal performance as they constantly grow, divide or respond to the environment. When these pathways spot a poorly assembled item – like an improperly folded protein – they pull it off the assembly line and repair it.With the 5-year award, which seeks to increase chances for important breakthroughs in biological processes, Wu and his team of graduate students are trying to identify how this continuum of cellular quality control pathways might work. Based on Wu’s previous work, the team is focused on dissecting the molecular basis of three known pathways: ribosome-associated translation quality control, macromolecule quality control, and organelle (mitochondrial) quality control.About SMUSMU is the nationally ranked global research university in the dynamic city of Dallas.  SMU’s alumni, faculty and more than 12,000 students in eight degree-granting schools demonstrate an entrepreneurial spirit as they lead change in their professions, communities and the world.  window.fbAsyncInit = function () FB.init( appId: '890013651056181', xfbml: true, version: 'v2.2' ); ; (function (d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = " fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); [ad_2]
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kizuinahh · 5 years
👀 + Mingqi, ¿El agua de calzón de verdad funciona o nah? ¿Lo usarías con Zhihao? :o
&.  send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
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   “Nunca la he usado, pero hay varios rumores al respecto. Algunos dicen que es una tetra ridícula que inventaron las brujas para burlarse de las mortales que recurrían a ellas para amarrar a un hombre a su lado, como si no pudieran vivir sin estar con uno. Otros, dicen que en verdad es un hechizo muy, muy efectivo, y que ha dado increíbles resultados. Al final, solo puedes saberlo si es que lo llevas acabo.” Se encoge de hombros, y entonces se echa a reír con la segunda pregunta, llevando una hebra de cabello tras su oreja. “¡Claro que no! ¿Por qué querría usar eso en Zhihao-ge? En primer lugar, no hay razón para hacerlo, y en segundo lugar, nunca utilizaría un hechizo para mantener a una persona a mi lado. Los sentimientos nunca serían reales, ¿Qué hay de bueno en eso?”
( @springdciy )
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ancaestre · 3 years
princess zhihao tag drop.
✧ ┇ zhihao   /   muse. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   in character. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   reply. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   visuals. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   dash games. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   answered. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   aesthetic. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   introspection. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   headcanon. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   about. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   drabble. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   verse  :  d1. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   verse  :  d2. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   verse  :  d3. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   verse  :  post-d3.
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bloody-bee-tea · 4 years
JC getting small gifts from his disciples on the anniversary of when they joined the sect (maybe in your Rumor has it verse, if you don't mind)
JC Love Month 2020 Day 3
Home in Lotus Pier
Following after BeeTober Day 24
I don’t mind this at all, so have some disciples gifting thoughtful things to JC on the day he saved them and also some JC/JXY bonus ;)
When Jiang Cheng wakes up he’s surprised to find Jiang Xiuying not in bed with him. It causes him to grumble, because Jiang Cheng really prefers to wake up to his love in his bed, but he guesses there is nothing to do about it.
So he gets up, and gets ready for the day alone, same as he normally would—as he did for years before Jiang Xiuying became a fixed point in his routine—but he hates every second of it.
It must be evident in the frown on his face, because when he makes his way to breakfast, people keep out of his way and Jiang Cheng is glad for it.
He had no problem functioning in the morning for the last years, but now that he usually has Jiang Xiuying by his side in the morning he forgot how to be a normal human being without him.
Jiang Cheng is almost ashamed to admit it, but he misses his morning kiss and he is not at all too happy that he has to do without it, apparently.
His angry frown turns into a confused frown when he sits down for breakfast and finds a box next to his bowl of congee.
“What is this?” he asks into the room, because someone is bound to be around, but he doesn’t get an answer and Jiang Cheng heaves out a sigh.
He tugs the box close and opens it and he’s surprised to find that his favourite tea is in it. It’s hard to come by lately, as it is entirely seasonal and only grown in a small spot in Sect Leader Yao’s territory, and after everything that happened at the Cloud Recesses a few months back, he already mentally said goodbye to it.
He wouldn’t be getting any more supplies from Sect Leader Yao after all.
“What is this?” Jiang Cheng asks again, but it’s softer this time, more questioning, and he’s not at all surprised when arms suddenly encircle him from behind.
“Good morning,” Jiang Xiuying says into the skin on his throat and follows it up with a short kiss as well.
“You left me alone,” Jiang Cheng immediately says, entirely aware of how whiny he sounds, and Jiang Xiuying squeezes him.
“I know, and I’m sorry. But there was a problem with Fu Zhihao and she didn’t want to talk to anyone else.”
That immediately makes Jiang Cheng tense.
“What happened?” he asks, already half up in case there is anything he has to do, but Jiang Xiuying pushes him back down.
“She had a flashback or something similar,” Jiang Xiuying tells him. “Woke up terrified out of her mind and Jiang Sushan is out of town as you know. They thought it would be best to call me.”
“Good thinking,” Jiang Cheng says because Jiang Xiuying’s calm presence has helped Jiang Cheng with dealing with volatile demonic cultivators a lot in the past, so he gets that urge.
“How is she now?” Jiang Cheng asks when Jiang Xiuying doesn’t volunteer more information and he shrugs.
“As well as you’d suspect. She remembers where she is now, but the episode left her shaken,” he says and Jiang Cheng nods, because of course it would leave her shaken.
“Anything I can do?” he asks, even though he trusts that Jiang Xiuying would have already told him if there was anything for him to do.
“I trust you to know how stupid that question is,” Jiang Xiuying says, rather predictably, and Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes at him.
It brings his gaze back to the box with tea and Jiang Cheng pulls it close again.
“Do you know where this came from?” he asks Jiang Xiuying, who pouts at him.
“You’re not even asking me for a kiss?” he says and Jiang Cheng feels that is entirely unjustified.
“You’re the one who left before I woke up and who made me get ready without my morning kiss. It only feels fair,” Jiang Cheng gives back and Jiang Xiuying tugs him close, just like Jiang Cheng secretly hoped.
“Duly noted,” Jiang Xiuying whispers right against his lips and then finally brings their lips together.
Jiang Cheng is aware of how cheesy it is, but it’s only then that his day starts to feel right.
“You’re entirely too spoilt,” Jiang Xiuying mutters when they part and Jiang Cheng shrugs, totally unrepentant.
“And whose fault is that?” he wants to know, because it is Jiang Xiuying who spoils Jiang Cheng with his love, and who seems to know that well enough because he doesn’t reply to his question.
“So the tea?” asks again when Jiang Xiuying settled down across from him.
“I’m not sure,” Jiang Xiuying says, which means he damn well knows where this tea comes from but is entirely too unwilling to tell Jiang Cheng.
“Rude,” Jiang Cheng says but he keeps the box close by his side.
It is damn good tea after all.
Jiang Cheng doesn’t entirely forget about the tea, but it goes very far into the back of his mind with how much he has to do.
There are a few of the minor Sects who want to make up for their previous mistakes, so Jiang Cheng hosts them as graciously as he can with a glowering Jiang Xiuying to his right, but he’s glad to see that a few relationships are mended.
When two minor Sect Leaders come by shortly after another, Jiang Cheng is almost too busy to notice the bottle of his favourite alcohol that somehow turns up at dinner.
“Xiuying?” Jiang Cheng calls out when he realizes that it is really the alcohol from a small town in Qinghe and he takes a moment to savour the flagrant smell of it.
“What, my beloved?” Jiang Xiuying says, completely unashamed and Jiang Cheng flushes slightly, like he always does.
It’s kind of a problem, if Jiang Cheng is being honest.
“Stop that,” Jiang Cheng grumbles, and Jiang Xiuying dutifully nods, even though they both know damn well that he will not stop it.
“Where does this alcohol come from?” Jiang Cheng asks to distract himself and Jiang Xiuying smiles before he shrugs.
“From Nie Huaisang maybe?” Jiang Xiuying suggests and Jiang Cheng frowns.
“Unlikely,” he gives back. “He would have given this to me personally, because if there’s a gift from him, there’s also something he wants,” Jiang Cheng says, because Nie Huaisang has never given him anything without a demand.
“I don’t know then,” Jiang Xiuying replies, his tone implying that he does know where it comes from and Jiang Cheng narrows his eyes at him.
“You’re lying to me,” he accuses him and Jiang Xiuying is by his side a second later, pressing an apologizing kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“I promised to keep it a secret, until you figure it out,” Jiang Xiuying explains, and that is a bit better than being outright lied to.
“I see,” Jiang Cheng whispers and pulls the bottle close to pour a cup out for Jiang Xiuying as well.
Jiang Cheng has an inkling of what is happening, especially given the date today, but it doesn’t quite make sense, so he keeps his thoughts to himself.
“You already know,” Jiang Xiuying slowly says but Jiang Cheng shakes his head.
“I suspect,” he corrects and Jiang Xiuying laughs.
“But you don’t trust it,” he says, and Jiang Cheng is surprised to hear a wistful note to his voice, almost as if he’s sad.
“Not yet,” Jiang Cheng says and mentally calculates when the next gift should arrive if his suspicion is right.
He almost hopes it’s not, because he doesn’t understand why that would warrant being given a gift. But he’ll just have to wait and see.
When the next gift arrives, Jiang Cheng is not entirely too surprised, because it goes along with his expectations.
Especially when he sees that it is a small vial of a potent cream Jiang Sushan has developed that soothes the scars on Jiang Cheng’s chest when they act up.
It’s hard to make and Jiang Sushan always loudly declares she doesn’t have the time to make more should Jiang Cheng have even a tiny fraction left but Jiang Cheng knows that Fu Zhihao has been working in the infirmary almost since she came to Lotus Pier.
It’s not entirely impossible that Jiang Sushan taught her how to make the cream. And it’s not entirely impossible that Fu Zhihao took entirely too much time out of her schedule to make it for Jiang Cheng.
“You look unhappy,” Jiang Xiuying rightfully says when he finds Jiang Cheng holding the pot of cream and he comes over to smooth the frown out from Jiang Cheng’s forehead.
“Is this from Fu Zhihao?” Jiang Cheng asks, even though he knows the answer already.
“Maybe,” Jiang Xiuying says with a small shrug and Jiang Cheng sighs.
“This is so stupid,” he complaints. “What is it even for?” he demands to know and Jiang Xiuying levels him with a look.
“Do you really have to ask?” Jiang Xiuying wants to know and Jiang Cheng nods.
“This is so time-consuming to make, I should know, because Jiang Sushan bitches to me about it every single time she has to make it. Fu Zhihao has only been helping Jiang Sushan for the last few months; why would she focus on this, instead of learning some practical things?”
“You are really goddamn stupid sometimes, do you know that?” Jiang Xiuying shoots back and Jiang Cheng pouts at him, because he has found that it is a very effective way to stave off Jiang Xiuying’s ire.
“Do not even start with that,” Jiang Xiuying grumbles but leans in to kiss Jiang Cheng, just like he had hoped. “You truly are spoilt.”
“By you,” Jiang Cheng gives back and threads their fingers together, because Jiang Xiuying is close enough and because he can.
Jiang Cheng has half a mind to go and find Fu Zhihao to ask her why she feels the need to make this, but he figures it might not be the best idea.
Fu Zhihao is still skittish, doesn’t trust anyone but Jiang Sushan and Jiang Xiuying, though she doesn’t seem to mind Jiang Cheng much, but Jiang Cheng still thinks it would be a bas idea to go there and question her.
And besides, if he is right about this, then the next gift should show up in a few days and it should be from Jiang Xiuying who he can question that much more easily.
For once in his life, Jiang Cheng decides to wait.
Jiang Cheng realizes his mistake when he wakes up to beautiful red wedding robes on his bed. Jiang Cheng’s breath catches as soon as his eyes fall on them, and Jiang Xiuying takes the opportunity to slide back into bed behind him, and hug him to his chest.
“Good morning,” Jiang Xiuying whispers and peppers kisses over Jiang Cheng’s shoulders, even as Jiang Cheng reaches out with a shaking hand to touch the robes.
“What is this?” Jiang Cheng asks, his voice trembling and Jiang Xiuying huffs out a laugh into Jiang Cheng’s neck.
“I trust you to be more clever than this,” Jiang Xiuying says and Jiang Cheng cranes his head to look around to Jiang Xiuying.
“Why? Why today of all days?” Jiang Cheng asks because that he doesn’t understand.
“What better day than today?” Jiang Xiuying shoots back and Jiang Cheng breaks out of his arms to turn fully around to him.
“You do know the significance of the dates,” Jiang Xiuying says when Jiang Cheng stays silent and Jiang Cheng shakes his head.
“I know the dates, but I don’t understand.”
“What’s there not to understand?” Jiang Xiuying asks, his whole face going soft in a way that Jiang Cheng is entirely too weak against. “Tell me.”
“The first gift was from Luo Ganting,” Jiang Cheng starts and it makes sense, that he would get that tea for Jiang Cheng, because after the whole thing at the Cloud Recesses, he reconciled with his sister, as far as Jiang Cheng knows.
“The alcohol came from Zhou Nuan,” Jiang Cheng goes on.
Zhou Nuan is one of the few Nie disciples that turned to demonic cultivation and that Jiang Cheng reached soon enough to save her.
“The cream is from Fu Zhihao and the robes are from you,” Jiang Cheng finishes with a whisper and he reaches out for the robes again.
“I just don’t understand why,” Jiang Cheng admits.
“But you do know the dates,” Jiang Xiuying says again, and of course Jiang Cheng knows the dates so he nods.
“It’s the dates I found you, when I took you to Lotus Pier,” Jiang Cheng confidently says, but he frowns when Jiang Xiuying shakes his head.
“No, this is where you’re wrong,” he says and pulls Jiang Cheng into his embrace again. “It’s the dates you took us home,” he says with emphasis.
And this, Jiang Cheng doesn’t understand.
“Those were the worst days of your lives,” he argues. “I really shouldn’t be getting gifts for this.”
“Those days are the start of our new lives,” Jiang Xiuying gives back and presses a kiss to Jiang Cheng’s temple. “We nearly died on those days, yes, and it was objectively the worst, but then you saved us, and you took us home with you. You gave us a home, and so those days also mark the starts of our new lives. Our lives as your disciples. And that, my beloved, is something to celebrate.”
“You are all so sentimental,” Jiang Cheng sighs out but he has to bite back some tears as well.
“You’re one to talk,” Jiang Xiuying chides him. “You’re the one who remembers when all of us came to your Sect.”
Jiang Cheng has nothing to say to that, because Jiang Xiuying is right, after all. He remembers all of the dates.
But it still leaves one question.
“So, what is this?” Jiang Cheng asks, leans more firmly back against Jiang Xiuying, and he tugs the robes close.
They are exquisitely made, Jiang Cheng knows enough about clothes to know that, and Jiang Xiuying huffs out an annoyed breath.
“Really? You really have to ask that?”
“Well, I don’t want to reach the wrong conclusions,” Jiang Cheng says with a small smile and Jiang Xiuying warningly squeezes him.
“What wrong conclusion could there possibly be?” Jiang Xiuying demands to know and Jiang Cheng slightly turns to smirk at Jiang Xiuying.
“You could always be asking for my blessing as a Sect Leader to marry someone else,” Jiang Cheng says, and the words don’t even hurt that much, because Jiang Cheng is not so insecure to think that they are the truth.
Jiang Xiuying is probably going to have his head for even daring to suggest this and going by the angry flush he can see on Jiang Xiuying’s cheeks, he’s not that far off.
“Sure, I usually am in the Sect Leader’s bed to beg for some blessing,” Jiang Xiuying bitingly gives back and then he deflates. “Don’t be stupid, my beloved,” he whispers.
“I’m not,” Jiang Cheng reassures him. “I just maybe want to hear you say it,” he then admits and puts his hands on top of Jiang Xiuying’s. “Indulge me?”
“Always,” Jiang Xiuying says and presses a kiss to the soft skin under Jiang Cheng’s ear. “My beloved, will you marry me?” Jiang Xiuying then asks without hesitation or sweet words and Jiang Cheng turns around in his arms at that, straddling his fiancé and he puts his arms around Jiang Xiuying’s neck.
“Yes,” Jiang Cheng tells him and then immediately leans in for a kiss.
There is not much to say between them after that, and they are too busy trading kisses to even think of something anyway.
The red robes get a little bit wrinkled that day, but it’s not as bad as it will be on their wedding day, Jiang Cheng is sure of that. And he’s definitely looking forward to that.
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coimeadaisiochana · 3 years
Okay, so this is the general breakdown of One Piece Aislin and her Division Commanders (leaving out some details, otherwise this post would be miles long under the cut). 
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Donoghue “Black Knight” Aislin, worth 3.768 billion Beris as of the timeskip. Admiral of the Morgue Pirate fleet, resides primarily on the flagship, the Errant Mare, a stolen and repurposed Navy Battleship. A former Navy Admiral, Six Powers master, and an owner and master of all three types of Haki to the point where she’s one of the tiny handful of people who can wreathe her attacks in Conqueror’s Haki. Aislin has eaten a Mythical Zoan type Devil Fruit, the Human-Human Fruit, Model: Dullahan, which lets her transform into a Dullahan - as a Dullahan, she has the ability to negate the Haki of those around her, pass through most inanimate objects, and create a spine-like whip that she can control like an extension of her own body.
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Lebeau “Backlash” Isabelle, also known among her crew and friends as “Izzy”, worth 1.652 billion Beris as of the timeskip. 1st Division Commander of the Morgue Pirate fleet, commands the Errant Mare when Aislin is unavailable or unable to do so. A former Navy Vice Admiral once nicknamed the “New Hero of the Marines” for her natural talent on the battlefield, she defected alongside Aislin, who she served under, as well as 99 other Marines, all of whom shared Aislin’s ideals and looked up to her. Like Aislin, is a Six Powers master and highly skilled with Armament and Observation Haki. Izzy has eaten a Paramecia type Devil Fruit, the Motion-Motion Fruit, which allows her telekinetic control over all inorganic materials within a certain radius of her - though without training, the fruit simply allows one to stop or redirect the kinetic energy of an object, Isabelle has Awakened her Devil Fruit and learned to not just create kinetic energy in objects, but transfer it in order to effectively extend her range.
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Hou “Noble Demon” Zhihao, worth 984 million Beris as of the timeskip. 2nd Division Commander of the Morgue Pirate fleet, he commands the Tartarus, a galleon. A former assassin who was exposed when he eventually gained a conscience after befriending the youngest daughter of the king he was supposed to assassinate, becoming a bounty hunter and eventually recruited by the then-young Morgue Pirates. Highly skilled not just in hand-to-hand, but with all manner of weapons and techniques, as well as Armament and Observation Haki, Zhihao has an answer to nearly any fighting style. Does not possess a Devil Fruit.
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Caro “Phantom Princess” Lucia, worth 786 million Beris as of the timeskip. 3rd Division Commander of the Morgue Pirate fleet, she commands the Fólkvangr, a galleon. The former princess of the now-lost Mimina Kingdom of Benizula Island, home of the Longear Tribe, whose island housed numerous predators capable of utilizing Observation Haki, causing the Longear Tribe to evolve the ability to mask their own Haki; her people were wiped out by a Buster Call when the king was found assisting the Revolutionary Army and refused to sell them out, at first being kept safe by the Morgue Pirates at her father’s behest, only to start training in the hopes of never being weak again. The fleet’s head spy and sniper, she is an excellent shot and has some degree of Armament Haki, but specializes in Observation Haki. Lucia has eaten a Zoan type Devil Fruit, the Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Chameleon, which allows her to transform into a Chameleon and Chameleon hybrid. When in at least hybrid form, Lucia can change her coloration and outright turn herself and her possessions invisible, making her a deadly stealth specialist when paired with her ability to mask her Haki.
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Fuentes “Black Fang” Gonzalo, worth 626 million Beris as of the timeskip. 4th Division Commander of the Morgue Pirate fleet, he commands the Hamistagan, a brigantine. A Piranha Fishman and once a member of the Neptunian Royal Guard on Fishman Island, Gonzalo was framed for a murder he didn’t commit, and fell in with the Fishman Pirates for a time after escaping. After the group’s disbanding, he wandered aimlessly before encountering the Morgue Pirates freeing a number of fishman and merfolk slaves, and after helping them in the endeavor, joined up with the group. Gonzalo does not possess a Devil Fruit, but rather is a black belt in Fishman Karate, and is highly skilled with Armament Haki and has a basic understanding of Observation Haki.
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Christian “1 Million Volt” Valor, worth 485 million Beris. 5th Division Commander of the Morgue Pirate fleet and the first to have joined in the interim of said timeskip, he commands the Tir na Nog, a brigantine. Once the military tactician for a small nation, when an uprising took place, Valor sided with the rebels, as he himself was dissatisfied with the cruel despotism that ruled over the nation. Unfortunately, even with his genius tactics, the rebels were too weak and poorly-armed to succeed and were routed, with Valor being sent on the run, eventually joining the Morgue Pirates for protection. Relatively unskilled in direct combat, Valor relies on his Observation Haki paired with his Devil Fruit, a Paramecia type Devil Fruit, the Watt-Watt Fruit, which allows him to generate, manipulate, and absorb electricity. Much in a similar manner to Eneru, this allows him to extend his Observation Haki to an incredible range and effectively manage an entire battlefield, enhancing his tactical abilities, and allowing him to set up traps to weaken and exhaust his foes without needing to lift a finger.
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Kaur “Longhorn” Pravina, worth 327 million Beris and 6th Division Commander of the Morgue Pirate fleet, she commands the Summerland, a brigantine. Pravina’s parents died in a bandit raid when she was 13, forcing her to join the town militia at a young age, making use of her Devil Fruit powers to keep up with the adults. However, pirates attacked her village a few years later, routing the villagers and militia, only for the invading pirates to be defeated by the Morgue Pirates, who had accidentally chased the attackers to the village, and reimbursed the village for the damage done. Pravina, however, saw the need to continue to get stronger, and joined the Morgue Pirates in hope of furthering her training even more. As of now, she understands the basics of Armament and Observation Haki, and is still learning, and she possesses the powers of a Zoan type Devil Fruit, the Ox-Ox Fruit, Model: Buffalo, which allows her to become a buffalo and buffalo hybrid.
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Brändle “Fire Eater” Brynhildr, worth 278 million Beris and 7th Division Commander of the Morgue Pirate fleet, the only Division Commander to join after the timeskip, she commands the Purgatory, a brigantine. Once the second child and eldest daughter of a blacksmith, Brynhildr rebelled against having to learn the trade in case her older brother failed to live up to expectations, running away from home after eating a Devil Fruit and gaining powers. Becoming an infamous Super Rookie pirate due to the sheer power of her Devil Fruit, Brynhildr entered the New World, only for nearly her entire crew to be wiped out by Blackbeard, who sought the power of her Devil Fruit for his own crew. Saved by Aislin and the Morgue Pirates, the remnants of the Fire Eater pirates assimilated into the larger crew as their 7th Division. Only just beginning her training, Brynhildr has no knowledge or skill with Haki, but possesses the powers of a Mythical Zoan type Devil Fruit, the Sala Sala Fruit, Model: Flame Salamander, which allows her to transform into a gigantic, flaming salamander and appropriate hybrid form. When transformed, Brynhildr can generate, manipulate, and absorb flames and heat, even being able to heal and restore stamina from flames that she herself has not created, and she also possesses acidic and poisonous blood when transformed.
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pitofghosts · 6 years
AFITS Excerpt
"I used to hear stories." Kai Fen looked at Saoirse. His eyes squinted directly ahead. The wind caught his hair, and Kai Fen realized there was a small braid near his ear. Saoirse put his hands in his pockets and looked down at the ground. "Neighbours and cousins and childhood friends who met on opposite sides. I always thought that there would be forgiveness or apologies or understanding, but..." He laughed, breathy and humourless. A grim, cold smile appeared on his face. Kai Fen frowned. "I guess I was wrong."
He didn't like this. He didn't like this at all. Saoirse wasn't meant to look at the world like it had played a trick on him and he'd accepted it for the joke it was. He wasn't meant to look bitter and angry and like he'd just discovered the secret that held the world together. He was meant to laugh when he shouldn't, to show such carefree love to the world and its people. He was meant to be patriotic and proud and convinced completely that the need for violence ended when the flag changed its colour.
But he was right, wasn't he? If he faced Heila, truly faced her, as an adversary, would anything else matter other than stopping her? And what of Zhihao, what if he failed to believe the non-fabricated truth? Worse yet, what if he did believe him, but sided with their father regardless? Kai Fen didn't like it, but the answer was that he would accept his opposition and would treat him like any other enemy, regardless of his emotions.
It wasn't the truth he hated, though. What he hated was that someone treated Saoirse in a way that made him realize it. Maybe Kai Fen could never understand the use of pasicism, could never understand how someone might see the world in soft light instead of white blindness, but he'd learnt from Saoirse that he didn't have to understand something to like it.
And he did like it. He liked that Saoirse lived in an idealist world, that he thought he could solve problems without people having to pick up a sword or shield. He liked that he thought all people needed to get over their differences was a drink and some music. But the world had shown him that that wasn't always true, and Kai Fen hated it for that.
He wanted to say this. He wanted to tell Saoirse that his music and jokes and soft hearted approach to the world wasn't wrong, that it did help, but that there were people who saw it as more violent than he did and might hurt him because of that. People like Pelageya. People like himself.
But he was never good with words. The only thing he could come up with to say was that he was going to kill Pelageya the next time he saw her, but he imagined Saoirse wouldn't like hearing that. So instead he just reached out with his right hand and placed his fingers around Saoirse's forearm.
Saoirse glanced at him, then darted his eyes forward again. Kai Fen, for once, correctly guessed that Saoirse wouldn't say anything about it. They walked silently through a residential district, and after crossing a heavily foot trafficked street, Saoirse's arm shifted back out of his pocket before slowly, very slowly, coming to lace his fingers with Kai Fen's. Kai Fen felt it through each of his fingertips, through every nerve in his palm.
Saoirse's hand felt more slender than he'd though.
Taglist (ask to be added or removed) @snowdropwrites @woodhouse-jay @leave-her-a-tome @starrywritingg @theforgottencoolkid
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let-me-be-soft · 6 years
Trying- Chapter 12
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Pairing: Alya/Nino
After 5 years of a never ending battle with Hawk Moth, the Akumas suddenly come to a stop. For 4 months Paris seems like it’s finally at peace, but it may turn out to be only the calm before the storm. When Alya starts to hear a familiar voice, she realizes very quickly that Hawk Moth is far from gone. Alya must resist the temptation to discover the truth behind Ladybug, but as her life slowly falls apart around her Hawk Moth’s grip only becomes stronger.
AO3                    Fanfiction.net
“This is a mistake.”
Marinette looked up from the lunch she was packing. Tikki was floating above the ham sandwiches with wide sad eyes.
“What do you mean?”
“You shouldn’t go meet Elle.”
Plagg was floating in front of him, blocking him from leaving.
“Plagg I’m going.”
“Nothing good can come out of meeting her.”
“Tikki we need to talk to her. She has the answers we’re looking for.”
“Not for certain. And you saw how scared Chat was.”
“Tikki, Chat and I already talked. We’re both going to go.”
“Just let Jade Turtle and Volpina handle this.”
“Why?” Adrien demanded, “Why don’t you want me to go?”
“Because you’re not supposed to meet her!”
“What?” Adrien stared blankly at Plagg.
“Nothing good can come from you meeting Elle.”
“You want me to stay behind while everyone else goes to meet her?” Marinette stared at Tikki in disbelief, “Why?”
“She shouldn’t be trusted Marinette. She’s not brave like you and your friends, she runs away from responsibility. She won’t be any help I guarantee it.” Tikki shook her head and floated off to get a cookie.
“You know her tikki?”
Tikki didn’t respond, instead shoving her mouth full of chocolate chip.
“Tikki? How do you know her?”
“That’s not important Marinette.”
“Tikki. What is wrong? Why won’t you tell me?”
“It’s the past Marinette.” Tikki said facing her chosen with a stern look, “Just drop it.”
“Tikki you have to tell me more then that.” Marinette begged, “This is something that’s important to the safety of the city. I need to talk to Elle to defeat Hawkmoth, to protect Paris. I have to be there to lead my team Tikki.”
“Can’t you just take my word Marinette?”
“Tikki I have always taken your word! I never asked about the past Ladybugs, even though everyone else seems to know who the other miraculous users were. I didn’t doubt you when you said I couldn’t tell my family about being Ladybug. I trusted you when you said Rekko was an old friend. Tikki, Rekko is Hawkmoth! Why didn’t you tell me? Why are you trying to keep me in the dark. If you want me to be a good Ladybug you have to tell me the truth!”
“Rekko is not Hawkmoth!” Tikki yelled. Marinette fell silent. Tikki looked like she regretted raising her voice. She sighed and Marinette knew that the kwami felt hurt, “Marinette I believed in Elle more then anyone, and she let me down more times than I can count. I’m not letting you get hurt like I did. I’ve told you everything you need to be a good Ladybug. Let the past die.” Tikki floated off to the bedroom.
  Marinette was left alone with her thoughts. What was she supposed to do? She needed to visit Elle. She needed answers. She needed advice.
  As quickly as she could Marinette dressed from head to toe, trying her best to cover her face. It was still dark outside her apartment. They weren’t supposed to meet for another 2 hours to go find Elle. Marinette looked down the street for the bus before deciding to run. It felt strange leaving Tikki behind. Her kwami and her hadn’t been apart in 5 years, they were bound to have a fight at some point right?
  “Why can’t I meet her Plagg?” Adrien was pacing angrily now.
“Because you can’t.”
“Adrien she won’t want to see you.”
“Why not? Why is she in all my memories? Why do I remember her?”
“It’s probably just Philippe's-”
“It’s not Philippe's memories Plagg! I know they aren’t! They’re mine! And everytime I look back on them they become more clear.”
“Plagg why are you lying to me? Why can’t I go meet her?”
“Adrien, you’ll break your own heart.”
“Look, I always had a soft spot for Elle, and the one time she acts like the rest of them it’s her final wish or whatever.” Plagg was trying to sound uncaring, but Adrien could see how upset he was.“I promised her I’d look after you. I won’t stop you from going. I know that she wouldn’t want you to, and I don’t want to see you or her get hurt.”
Adrien looked away, all of his defiant anger gone.
“But,” Plagg floated closer, “If you think that it would be worse to never know, then to know and get hurt, well I guess I’d be protecting you if we went. She can’t get mad at me then.”
Adrien smiled.
  The graveyard was darker then the streets. There were no streetlights, and the dark reds of the early morning sky were all that illuminated her path. She had the path to the grave memorized. She had been there enough since it was put in. It stood with three others on the hill. She thought it was an odd collection of graves, but maybe it would make more sense after meeting Elle.
  Marinette was used to being alone on the hill. But today there were two people beside the grave. She hung back slightly, pulling the scarf she had pulled over her face a little higher. Both of the figures were women. One was very tall with long reddish brown hair ending in white tips. She wore a loose shirt and pants in muted reds and browns. Knelt beside one of the other graves Marinette hadn’t recognised.
  The second woman knelt in front of Fu’s grave. She stood after a moment and pushed her glasses further up her face. Marinette knew this woman. Alya Cesaire.
  A man approached the hill and started to climb up towards the graves. Marinette held her breath. She knew this man too.
  Gabriel Agreste was not only the father of her highschool crush turned boyfriend - Was he her boyfriend? They had gone on a date and it was really nice. He had kissed her. Well technically she had kissed him, but he was the one who-
  Marinette focused back on the hill. Gabriel Agreste walked up to Alya and said something Marinette couldn’t make out from where she was. The lady who was by the grave stood and turned to face Mr. Agreste, saying something in audible as well.
  Marinette moved a little closer. Picking a grave a little closer to the three at the top and kneeling down beside it. She forced herself to read the name on the grave instead of looking up, but at least this way she could hear what they were saying.
  “We’re going to go see her as soon as we meet up with Ladybug and the rest of the team.” Alya was saying to Mr. Agreste.
“Good. I hope she will be able to help.”
“Why wouldn’t she? I still don’t understand why she left Gabriel.” The strange woman said looking at Gabriel Agreste. “Your family was everything to her. She wouldn’t just leave.”
Gabriel looked toward the second grave. “After Celine died… Things were different. Things were different before then too. You weren’t around for after Sage passed.”
They all looked at the first grave.
“I wish you luck.” Mr. Agreste gave a curt nod and one last look at the second grave before he made his way back down the hill.
  “You can come out now.” The strange woman said turning towards Marinette, “You’re not very sneaky Ladybug.”
Marinette’s eyes went wide. She stood up slowly, her scarf and hat still covering most of her face. “How do you know who I am?”
The woman smiled at her, her grin full of pointed teeth. “We’ve already met Ladybug, my name is Fanna. I’m Volpina’s kwami.”
Marinette looked at the strange woman in shock, “But you’re…”
“Not a floating fox?” Alya offered. “She does that. Yours can too but probably won’t because of an accident that happened a while ago and killed Desuu and Celine.”
Alya nodded towards the second grave.
  Marinette had never had any connection to the graves before, but now it was starting to make sense why Master Fu was buried on this hill.
Sage Dalton
The best of friends, and the most just of people.
  Celine Agreste
The light that brought us all together.
  Philippe Gillet
A friend, and a hero
  Fu Zhihao
  The only name she had known before was Agreste, but now all of them appeared before her. This was where the miraculous holders of the past were buried.
  “Does Adrien know?” Marinette asked looking at Celine’s grave.
“That his Mom used to be a superhero? I don’t think so.” Alya shook her head, “He doesn’t know about Mr. Agreste either. Gabriel is the civilian hawkmoth has a connection with.”
“Is everyone in his life connected to the miraculous?”
“Well his roommate's girlfriend, his future wife.” Alya said with a laugh.
Marinette turned a little red. “Does Nino know the woman he loves is an orange clad fox?”
Alya smiled, “He does.”
Fanna dropped back into a fox and weaved herself between Alya’s legs.
“Why are you here Marinette?” The fox asked.
“Oh.. Tikki and I got in an argument. I needed to clear my head so I…”
“Came to visit Fu.” Alya finished for her nodding towards the last grave. “What were you fighting about?”
“She doesn’t want me to meet Elle.” Marinette admitted.
Fanna gave a snort that sounded like a laugh, “That sounds like Tikki.”
“Who’s Tikki? Ladybug’s kwami?” Alya asked.
“Yes,” Fanna giggled again, but it sounded like some kind of high pitched cry. “Tikki and Elle got in spats all the time. Tikki was always a little jealous over how well Plagg and Elle got along.”
“That’s Chat’s kwami?” Marinette clarified.
“Yes Ma’am.” Fanna grinned, and Marinette thought she looked suspiciously similar to Volpina, “Tikki and Elle fought, but Tikki loved Elle dearly. She misses her. Tikki is one of the oldest Kwami. She’s seen many Ladybugs and she has never gotten any better at saying goodbye.”
“She said Elle couldn’t be trusted.” Marinette frowned.
“Ladybug, I trust Elle with my life.” Fanna smiled a little softer this time, her canines hidden. “It's very important you meet her. I'm not allowed to tell you why, but please trust me. You need to be there.”
Volpina would not stop laughing.
“Stop.” Jade Turtle practically begged as they sat in the back of a “rented” car.
The car was actually Adrien’s but he had lied to Volpina and Ladybug about where he had gotten it knowing how strict latter was with keeping their identities a secret.
Chat started to chuckle as well and Ladybug gave him the stink eye.
“This is just so funny.” Volpina wheezed.
“I don’t see what’s so funny about it.” Ladybug said from the passenger seat.
Volpina let out another cackle showing off her canines, “LB! We are currently geared up in full superhero outfits, sitting in the back of a car stuck in traffic on the freeway. It’s pretty damn funny.”
Chat laughed again.
“Volpina what do you propose we do?” Ladybug said annoyed.
“Nothing! I think this is great! When I picture the Avengers I immediately think of their trips in a minivan together.” Volpina laughed again.
Jade Turtle chuckled.
“Not you too turtle boy.”
Chat laughed at the nickname and lost it again.
“All three of you stop!”
They all doubled over with laughter again.
Ladybug fought a smile.
  They ended up listening to Jade Turtle’s music and although they were a new team, it felt distinctly familiar.
  It was the afternoon by the time they reached the road Alya had collapsed on. Soon they were turning down a driveway to the small cottage she had woke up in.
  The four heroes stood in broad daylight in front of the woman’s door.
Volpina giggled again.
“Volpina I swear to god.” Jade shoved her lightly.
“Sorry it’s just a little silly right?”
Chat was too nervous to laugh, and Ladybug couldn’t hear anything over the pulse in her ears.
Volpina and Jade seemed to catch on. Volpina stepped forward and knocked on the door. Jade watched as the two other heros stiffened visibly.
  There was silence except for the birds and the wind.
  The door opened and a brown haired woman with green eyes opened it.
Chat Noir’s eyes met with the woman's. Her eyes went wide.
“Get away from here.”
The door closed with a loud bang.
Chat was still staring at it, something very distant in his eyes.
“I don't remember her being like that..” Volpina frowned and tried to peer through the window.
“Chat… are you alright?” Ladybug placed a hand on his shoulder.
He didn't respond, except for a hiss of pain and his eyes shutting tight.
“Chat? What's wrong?” Ladybug moved in front of him trying to get his attention.
His hands flew to his head and he let out another hiss.
Jade Turtle looked back in time to see Chat Noir collapse. He moved instinctually to catch him. “What happened?”
“I don't know.” Ladybug confessed setting down her partner gently. “He wasn't responding and then his head hurt and he collapsed.”
Volpina was knocking on the door again. There was no answer.
“Help! Chat Noir is hurt! Let us in!”
Still no answer.
“What do we do?” Volpina looked at Ladybug.
“I-I don't know” Ladybug was staring at Chat’s unmoving body, unable to think of anything other then panic.
The door opened and the woman was standing on her front step her face contorted in worry to match Ladybug’s. She looked at the spotted heroine and gave a frightened nod.
  Ladybug wrapped her arms around Chat and lifted him up. The hero's walked into the house in silence.
  It looked the same as when Volpina was last there. It was warm and cozy, if not still too big for one person. Eleanor lead hem upstairs and helped place Chat in a bed. She stared down at him, “How did you find me?”
Volpina took a step towards the woman, “That's my fault.”
“What do you mean-”
“You saved my life and… Well we think you might know how to save a lot more people.” Volpina confessed.
“You're the young woman? The one who collapsed?” Elle's eyes went wide. “No! As soon as he wakes up you leave! I don't want anything to do with this life!”
Volpina reached out gently, “Please, I know you've been through a lot, I know you must blame the miraculous for your fiance's death, but we need your help.”
Elle shook her head, “You don't know anything about my past Volpina, there's a reason for that.”
“What reason?” Ladybug asked looking up from Chats face for the first time. “Why can't we know? Why are you so connected to the miraculous?”
“I can't tell you.”
“Is this another one of those Kwami rules? Like you can't tell people certain things?” Jade turtle asked.
Elle didn’t answer. She stared down at Chat with worry. “What happened to him?”
“We don’t know.” Volpina supplied, “He saw you and collapsed.”
Ladybug looked Elle up and down once. Maybe Tikki had been right. Maybe they shouldn’t trust this woman.
“As soon as he wakes up.” Elle warned again and left them alone.
“Why was she so worried about him?” Jade asked.
“She’s probably just a decent person? You’re saying if someone collapsed in front of your house you wouldn’t be worried?”
“No just… She did not want us here, and then he collapses and suddenly it’s fine?”
“She was Philippe Gillet’s Fiance right?” Ladybug said still watching Chat, “He was the last Chat Noir.”
Adrien woke up in a cold sweat.  
“You're awake!” Nino grinned from the chair beside the bed.
Adrien looked around confused. He wasn't at home… Where was he? Whose bed was this? It felt a little familiar. He remembered waking up to this ceiling before.
“We're at Elle's.” Nino supplied, “We got here and when you saw her you collapsed.”
“What time is it?” Adrien sat up slowly.
“It's around Midnight.”
Adrien looked around the room. He had definitely been her before.
“Dude! Talk to me! Why did you collapse? I'm worried!”
Adrien met Nino's gaze, “I know her.”
“I know her… I've been having these memories with her in them ever since I heard her name.” He looked around again slightly panicked, “Where's Plagg?”
“Chill. Him and Wayzz went to go find some food. You detransformed an hour ago. I convinced Ladybug to step outside and get some rest.” Nino sighed, “What do you mean you know her?”
“I know her Nino… There are all these memories that I didn’t know I had before, I thought they might just be Phillipes, but I know now. They’re mine. I know her from somewhere.”
Nino nodded his head slowly as he processed the information.“That’s crazy dude.”
“I know!” Adrien ran his hands through his hair, “There’s this part of my past that I never knew about… I guess when I saw her it was just too much.”
Nino gave him another nodd.
Adrien lay back down with a sigh, “How did things get so messed up? You’re here, Alya’s Volpina, there’s this strange woman…”
“Dude, I’m pretty sure your life has always been messed up. Secret identities, crazy dad, famous teenage years.” Nino laughed, “I thought you’d be used to it by now.”
Adrien laughed with him, “Yeah… I wonder if Ladybug’s life is this messed up.” Ladybug went down the stairs as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake any of her sleeping teammates. To her surprise a light was on in the main room and the fire that was dying out cast a glow on the woman tending to the embers. Ladybug watched as the warm light reflected in the woman's eyes, and her hands held the metal stick that she pushed the logs with.
“Thank you again… for helping him.” Ladybug said softly.
Elle stiffened but looked towards the hero and smiled, “I couldn't just cast him out on the street.”
“You could have.” Ladybug sat at the edge of the fireplace beside the woman. “So thank you.”
“You're welcome Ladybug.” Elle frowned a little, “But I'm afraid that's as helpful as I can be.”
“Elle I-”
“I know why you're here Ladybug.” Elle looked almost sad, “I can not help you.”
Ladybug fell silent. The fire flickered away filling the quiet room. It was so frustrating. She was so close to the answers she had been waiting for. She was so close to finally being able to fight Hawkmoth. But of course, there were more roadblocks. More mysterious answers she wasn't allowed to know.
“Fanna said it was important that I met you…” Ladybug said softly.
Elle looked up surprised, “She shouldn’t have said that.”
“Why not?” Ladybug met Elle’s gaze. She came all this way for answers, she wasn’t giving up. “Fanna said I could trust you. Why? Why is it so important I meet you? Why do you have all these answers?”
“Ladybug I can’t-”
“I need to protect my city!” Ladybug pleaded, “I need to fight Hawkmoth! I need a way to defeat him! I need help! Please!”
“Call him by his name.” Elle said sternly, “Hawkmoth is a lie, it’s the name he chose so he could hide, so he could cause terror. Call him for what he is.”
“Rekko.” Ladybug said, “His name is Rekko.”
“Yes… And he is not a supervillain. He is a weak hearted creature who will stop at nothing to satisfy his own wants.”
“Then help me defeat him!” Ladybug begged.
Elle shook her head, “There are very few things I have left in this world Ladybug, very few people I care about. But I would rather die than see them hurt. I can’t help you. After tonight I leave, Rekko can never find me.”
“But we can help! Hawkmo- Rekko has to be stopped, he can’t hurt you or anyone else if we stop him.”
“But there are other people who can help you! Other people who don’t have to run once they’re found. Master Fu, he can help you-” Elle saw something flash across Ladybug’s face. Remorse, guilt, sadness. “No…”
“He’s dead.”
“No.” Elle shook her head, “Sabine. Is Sabine Cheng still alive?”
“Is she still alive?” Elle seemed panicked.
“Yes. How do you know Sabine Cheng?”
“Gabriel Agreste? Are him and his son alright?”
“Yes. Why do you know Sabine?”
Elle’s eyes watered, but she looked relieved, “When did Fu?”
“Almost three weeks ago.” Ladybug frowned, “Why do you know Sabine?”
Elle shook her head again, “I can’t tell you if you don’t know.”
“Then how am I ever supposed to know?” Ladybug said angrily. She sighed, “Please… Is Sabine in danger?”
Elle bit her lip, “If you don’t know about her… Then no. I don’t think she’s in danger.”
It was Ladybug’s turn to feel relieved. “How do you know Rekko?”
Elle looked away.
“Please. You’re our last chance. Master Fu is gone. We need help. Are you his apprentice?”
Elle sighed, “Tikki wouldn’t want me to tell you.”
“Tikki didn’t want me to come at all.”
“Then why did you?”
“I need to know the truth.”
Elle stood up and walked towards a bedroom.
“Who are you? Why did you know all these people?” Ladybug asked standing up to follow her.
Elle gave the hero a weak smile, “I used to be Ladybug.”
Ladybug climbed back up the stairs still trying to process what had just happened. The previous Ladybug. She was right here, she was down those stairs. She finally knew who she was.
“You’re adorable.”
Ladybug looked over at Volpina and Jade Turtle. Volpina had her legs on top of Jade’s and he had his arms around her. Ladybug frowned disapprovingly. Jade seemed to catch her glare and shifted a little further away from Volpina.
“Well… We should probably spilt up transformation is going to wear out soon.” Jade said awkwardly.
“We should leave Chat in the same room, which leaves this room and that last bedroom. Someone's gotta share.” Volpina wiggled her eyebrows at Jade who blushed a little and laughed.
“Volpina and I will share.” Ladybug declared harshly grabbing the heroine by the arm and dragging her away.
“Ow, What the hell?” Volpina yanked her arm back from Ladybug.
“What the hell was that?” Ladybug whispered closing the door behind her and dropping her transformation
“I come upstairs and see you draped over some guy-”
“Some guy?”
“Alya you are in a relationship!” Ladybug tried to keep her voice quiet.
“I am aware of that.” Volpina laughed and released her transformation as well.
“So you don’t think Nino would mind you flirting with some superhero?”
Alya grinned, “Girl, I know he would be ok with it.”
Alya started laughing, Tikki and Marinette shared a confused glance.
“Just don’t do that in front of me. He’s my teammate and Nino is my friend, I don’t want either of them getting hurt.”
“No one is getting hurt Marinette, I promise.” Alya smiled.
“Does Jade even know you’re not single?”
Alya sighed and knocked on the wall, “Oi! Jade! You know I’m taken right?” Alya yelled.
“Huh? Yeah!” Came the confused response.
“See? Everything is fine.” Alya gave her friend a smile, “Tomorrow we can call Nino and ask if he cares. Deal?”
“Fine… Lets just go to sleep.”
Marinette scowled and threw herself on the bed. Alya didn't have the energy to argue with her friend.
  Marinette stared at the wall as she heard Tikki and Fanna chatting on the other end of the room. Eventually the chatter died out and the sound of rain hitting the window, mixed with the familiar sound of Tikki snoring.
She turned on her back and looked over at Alya.
“Hey…” she whispered poking her friend's shoulder, “Are you awake?”
“Of course.” Alya’s voice was soft and low.
“How did you get Fanna to tell you about Sage?”
“What do you mean?”
“How did you convince her to tell you?”
“I didn't, Fanna told me when I first met her… it helped… when I was feeling alone, or like I couldn't succeed. It was nice to know someone else had done it before.” Alya turned to meet Marinette’s gaze, “Tikki never told you about the past Ladybug?”
“I'm sure there must be a good reason. Maybe the right time just hasn't come up.”
“You'd think she'd tell me before I met her myself.”
“I met the previous Ladybug. She's downstairs. Elle is my predecessor.” Marinette took a breath in and out and lowered her voice. “Why didn't she tell me? Why didn't she want me to meet Elle?”
Alya shook her head, still processing, “I don't know.”
“What happened back then? Why did Sage die? Why is Elle the only one left?”
“I don't know Mari…” Alya frowned, “But we will find the answers.”
  The long table in the dining room was surrounded by the four heroes and Elle. The silence that filled the room was heavy and awkward. In the middle of the table sat a plate full of semi burnt pancakes and a bowl of runny scrambled eggs. Jade Turtle looked at them skeptically as Volpina served herself cautiously.
  “I'm not a great cook.” Elle said, matter of factly.
“I remember,” Volpina said with an awkward laugh.
  The silence fell again as they all pushed around their food.
  “This is ridiculous.” Volpina complained, looking at her teammates. “More than half of you know who I am.”
“Don't you dare.” Ladybug shot her a glare.
Volpina rolled her eyes and was enveloped in a bright orange light.
“I can’t believe you just did that!” Ladybug stared wide eyed at her friend.
“How can we expect Elle to work with us if we’re not completely open with her.” Alya gave Elle a smile as Fanna floated down to the table, “Besides Fanna was hungry.”
The kwami looked up at the older woman and gave her a sad smile. “It’s been a long time.”
Elle smiled back mournfully, “It has.”
Suddenly there was a flash of dark green.
“Not you too?” Ladybug was covering her eyes.
“Hey… Spots, it’s ok. Chat and Alya already knew.” Nino said and turned to Elle, “We’ve met already.”
“We have.” Elle smiled a little. “Does your grandmother know about this Nino?”
Nino laughed nervously, “No..”
Ladybug was staring at Jade Turtle, Nino… Guess that’s why Alya had been flirting with him.
Wayzz had floated over to say hello already. Chat was staring at her.
“Don’t you dare.” She warned. “This is important Chat! Our identities need to be a secret!”
“But why?” Alya looked towards her friend, “Hawkmoth already knows! Why does it matter?”
“He only knows because you told him!”
“Wait, what?” Chat looked between the two confused, “Alya told Hawkmoth? Why?”
“It was an accident.”
“This isn’t something I mess around with,” Ladybug said defensively, “It’s been what? A month for you? And you’ve already told everyone your identity. This has been my life for the past five years, this is what I do. This is my secret and I will decide when to share it.”
A long silence fell over the table, and Nino went back to pushing his food around on his plate.
  There was a light green flash and Ladybug turned away.
“No fucking way!” Alya yelled, staring at Chat.
“I agree with you M’lady, it’s your secret and you should decide when you share it. But this is my secret. I should get to choose when I share it.” Adrien looked towards Elle, “I know we’ve never met… But I- We need your help. We need to end this thing with Hawkmoth now, no one else is going to get hurt or akumatized. Only you can help us. Please Elle.”
Elle stared at the young man in front of her, her eyes watering. Plagg floated towards her slowly. She shook her head and stood up. The room fell into silence again as she left.
  Adrien felt something inside of him crumble and die. He looked over to Ladybug but she still wouldn’t face him. He felt the rare flame of anger rise within him.
“Ladybug my name is Adrien Agreste. I know we’ve only met like this a couple times, but I would have thought you’d at least meet your partner, who you’ve worked with, fought beside, and known with for five years. I’m tired of hiding, I’m tired of secrets, and I’m tired of not getting any answers. Will you please at least look at me!” Adrien was standing staring at Ladybug’s back.
  She didn’t move.
  Adrien left.
  Alya stared at Ladybug as her shoulders began to shake and tears started to hit her legs. Without hesitation she got up and wrapped her friend in a tight hug, “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean for… I didn’t think what this all meant to you.”
“I’m such an idiot.”
“You’re not.” Alya said soothingly.
“I am!” Ladybug shook her head. She let go of Alya and stood up, “And I need to fix this.”
The spotted hero ran after Adrien and left Alya and Nino alone at the breakfast table full of uneaten food.
“Is any of it edible?” Alya asked gesturing at the burnt pancakes.
Nino shook his head.
  There was silence between them and Alya scooted closer. “How long did you know about Adrien for?”
“A while. We do live together Alya, and we’re best friends.”
“So wait you knew from high school?”
“No! Not that far back. I found out when I first met you as Volpina, we saw each other climbing into the apartment through the windows.”
Alya laughed and put her head on Nino’s shoulder.
Nino looked down at her through the corner of his eye. She was so beautiful, and he had never felt so lucky. Her eyes glanced up and caught his.
“What are you staring at Lahiffe?”
Alya blushed a little but smiled and gave him a soft kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” God did he ever. She was so smart and stunning. Everything about her was like fire, warm, passionate, awe inspiring. Sometimes he had to just thank his lucky stars that they had gone drinking together, that she had agreed to give it another chance. He was pretty sure he could spend the rest of his life looking at her smile. He knew he could. It was his favourite part about waking up every day, the moments where he looked over and saw her beside him already. “Alya will you live with me?”
Alya sat up startled, “What?”
“Will you live with me? I mean, we already share a bed, you practically live with me and Adrien already.”
“You want me to move in with you and Adrien?”
“Yes! Or no, I mean maybe we could find our own apartment. I don’t care actually, I just want to live with you.”
“I don’t know Nino… Let me think about it.”
“Just hear me out Al, you’re over all the time anyway, you need to find a new roommate, well I’m your solution!”
“My solution?”
“Yes! This way you don’t have to worry about getting kicked out of your apartment, and if you move in with Adrien and I, it’s really no different rent wise for us. I mean you’re over all the time already, and we already share groceries.”
“I’m so glad to know I’m not an inconvenience.” Alya scooted away slightly.
Nino’s expression fell, “You’re mad?”
“Yes!” Alya glared at him.
“Al, what’s the matter? I just asked you to move in why are you mad?”
“I’m not some damsel you need to save ok? I’m not hopeless.”
“I’m not trying to save you Alya, I’m just trying to help.”
“Well don’t!”
“I’m not supposed to help the woman I love?” Nino felt himself getting angry.
“You’re supposed to ask her to move in because you love her. Not because you’re worried she has nowhere else to go. I don’t want to be your charity case Nino, I want to be your girlfriend.” Alya stormed off and Nino felt his anger disappear and replace itself with regret.
Ladybug’s heart was pounding. Adrien Agreste’s bright green eyes met hers and she could see the hope and fear mixed in them.
“I’m sorry.” She managed to say. She felt like her throat was closing in and she couldn't breathe. How had he done this so easily? How had he just let go and showed who he was?
“Why are you here?” He asked, refusing to let himself hope.
“I’m an idiot!” Ladybug yelled, pushing past the terrible fear. “I’m not disappointed in you, I’m not angry, I’m just an idiot. And you’re my partner and my best friend, and I should have been there for you…” She felt tears start to roll down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry Chat…”
Adrien’s face softened and he wrapped her in a hug. “It’s ok.”
“It’s not. I’ve been unfair to you for five years.”
“Ladybug, you are one of the most just people I know.”
Ladybug took a deep breath. She could do this. She felt her body tense in fear, she couldn’t breath, her pulse was racing. She couldn’t do it, not even now. She was a worthless leader, and a worthless partner.
She felt Adrien hold her tighter. What was she so afraid of? She trusted him to keep her secret. She trusted him to stay by her side no matter who she was. She loved him. She loved him so much. Her best friend, the man who kissed her in the park, the one who saved her life. What was she holding on to? She smiled.
A pink light blinded Adrien. Before he could open his mouth he felt a pair of soft lips on his own.
He stepped back and his eyes shot open, “M’lady, I’m dating someone I can’t-”
He looked at her for the first time and stood staring. Marinette smiled nervously. “I know Kitty.”
Adrien stared at her. This couldn’t be real right? It couldn’t be this convient, that Marinette would have been her all along. It was too much of a coincidence. Gently, he reached out and touched her arm. “I can’t believe it.” He grinned.
“Believe what?”
“Out of the whole entire world, the two women I fall in love with are the same person.”
Marinette kissed him again and wrapped her arms around him. “I love you too.”
  “I missed you all so much.” Elle sat in the living room with Plagg, Wayzz and Fanna. Plagg was already by her side nuzzling his head against her hand just as he had done when she was Ladybug. She felt a wave of joy at the reunion, and a sharp pain at the memory. She missed Philippe. She missed Adrien.
“Why did you bring him here Plagg?” She asked the kwami as he floated up close to her face.
“He insisted.” Plagg shrugged his shoulders and Elle rolled her eyes.
“Rekko came back around five years ago.” Wayzz supplied.
Elle nodded, “I saw it on the news, it was around the same time he stopped trying to find me.”
“Master Fu and I… I think that he is trying to obtain Tikki and Plagg so that he can locate you, but he’s been unsuccessful so far.”
“Do Chat Noir and Ladybug know how to seal him?”
“No,” Fanna added in, “And the next descendant isn’t aware either.”
“You have to help Elle.” Wayzz begged, “You knew the boy’s mother. You can help him.”
“It’s not like Amira told me everything about her duty. We didn’t know each other very well.” Elle looked over to Plagg.
“They need you.” He said gravely, “I’m sorry Elle. I know you’ve already done enough, but there’s still more to go before it’s over for good.”
Elle sighed. “I worked so hard to protect him… Why would Fu pick him?”
Plagg smiled, “In his defense, Adrien is an excellent Chat Noir.”
Alya stormed through the room and Fanna floated over to her, “Hey, what’s the matter with you?”
“Human things.” Alya muttered. “What are you all talking about?”
“Answers.” Elle said standing up.
Tikki floated in from outside and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Elle.
“Where are you going?” Tikki said, her sweet tinkly voice gone. “Running away again?”
“I’m going to see my son.” Elle walked towards the door.
“That was always your problem Eleanor. You cared more about that boy then you did about being Ladybug.”
“Then it’s a good thing I’m not Ladybug anymore.”
  Adrien and Marinette were down by the water staring at the rocks beneath the waves. Marinette looked up when she heard footsteps.
“It’s Elle.”
Adrien turned further away. He felt childish, but he just couldn’t face her yet.
“Hello Ladybug.” Elle said softly. “I was wondering if I could…”
Marinette turned back to Adrien. He didn’t say anything. “I can leave you too alone if-”
“No.” Adrien said and turned to look at Elle, “Whatever she has to say she can say it in front of both of us.”
Elle looked away. There was a silence before Elle finally broke it. “How… How long have you been Chat Noir?”
Adrien frowned. He looked up at her, her brown hair caught the wind as her skirt blew out behind and around her. She was staring at him as the air spun around her.
“Since I was 15.”
Elle looked heart broken. Her eyes shone with unshed tears and her face looked pale. Adrien felt his throat ache as he held back his emotions.
“Why do I know you? Why do I have all these memories of you? Why does it hurt so much to just be here, to be so close and it…”
“It aches.” She finished for him. “If I tell you… You won’t be able to forget. Everything will change.”
“Maybe it’ll change for the better.”
“I don’t think it will.”
“It’s too painful not knowing.” Adrien begged taking a step closer, back up to shore.
Marinette watched switching between the two faces.
Elle met his gaze. His eyes were just like his mothers. And his hair. She moved even closer still and her arms opened.
Adrien fell into her embrace without thinking. He felt a sob escape his mouth, though he had no idea why he was crying.
“I am so sorry,” Elle was crying. Her arms pulled him closer, and for the first time in a long time, he felt safe again. “I love you so much. I never wanted to leave you. I’m so sorry.”
“Who a-are you?” Adrien managed out between sobs.
“My name is Eleanor Perron. I was the woman that raised you.”
Something clicked in Adrien’s head. “Aunty Elle?” Adrien let go of Elle. He looked up at her tearstained face.“But why don’t I remember you? My mother was the one who-”
“I’ll explain everything. I promise. But let’s head inside first.” She looked back at the cottage, and then to Marinette. “you aren’t the only one who needs some answers.”
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mariebenz · 4 years
Animal Study Finds Vaporized Cannabis Can Enhance Drug Seeking Behavior
MedicalResearch.com Interview with:
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Ryan J. McLaughlin, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Integrative Physiology & Neuroscience College of Veterinary Medicine Washington State University, Pullman, WA MedicalResearch.com: What is the background for this study? Response: The evolving legal landscape concerning the use of cannabis has increased urgency to better understand its effects on the brain and behavior. Animal models are advantageous in this respect; however, researchers traditionally use forced injections of synthetic cannabinoids which fails to capture the complex effects of volitional cannabis consumption. In our study, we developed a novel model of cannabis self-administration using response-contingent delivery of vaporized cannabis extracts containing high concentrations of Δ9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or cannabidiol (CBD). MedicalResearch.com: What are the main findings? Response: Our data indicate that THC-rich cannabis vapor has reinforcing properties that support stable rates of responding and conditioned drug-seeking behavior in rats. This approach will be valuable for investigating the effects of cannabis and uncovering neural mechanisms that give rise to cannabis dependence. MedicalResearch.com: What should readers take away from your report? Response: There are still many unknowns when it comes to the effects of cannabis, and much more research is needed, particularly during this age of legalization. However, some questions are very difficult to answer in human populations without considering ethical implications or the many environmental factors that can obscure the direct causal effects of cannabis use. By developing a more translational model of cannabis use in rodents that mimics the drug and route of administration most common in human cannabis users, we believe that the results of this work will fundamentally shift how we study cannabis use in rodents, and that the results generated from this approach can be used to generate new knowledge that can hopefully be leveraged to inform public health policy. MedicalResearch.com: What recommendations do you have for future research as a result of this work?  Response: The sky is the limit when it comes to the future directions that we can take. Our laboratory is particularly interested in applying this model to study the long-term effects of cannabis exposure during sensitive developmental periods, like pregnancy or adolescence. These concerns are paramount to the citizens and policy makers in Washington State, but are exceptionally difficult studies to conduct in human populations due to the time and cost associated with tracking individuals for years, or even decades. We feel that this cannabis vapor self-administration can be particularly useful to generate new knowledge in instances like this, but we also think that it could be exciting to explore other factors, such as effects of stress or pain on cannabis self-administration, or perhaps even the effects of polysubstance use on behavioral and physiological endpoints. We want to use the model to also explore how and why cannabis affects males and females differently, since the effects of cannabis in female populations remains largely understudied. Finally, there is also considerable intrigue for this model in the context of pulmonary health following e-cigarette use, which has quickly emerged as a major public health concern due to the increased prevalence of vaping-related illness in recent months. It is a very exciting time to be conducting cannabis research and I am very excited to see all of the many other important discoveries that researchers will make using this model in the years to come. MedicalResearch.com: Is there anything else you would like to add? Response: Thank you for giving me this opportunity to talk about our lab’s work! I want to personally thank all of the amazing members of my lab and our various collaborators who were responsible for making this all happen, as well as our generous funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the Washington State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Program that supported the research. It was many years in the making, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work and dedication of everybody in the lab. Citation: “Vaporized Cannabis Extracts Have Reinforcing Properties and Support Conditioned Drug-Seeking Behavior in Rats”. Timothy G. Freels, Lydia N. Baxter-Potter, Janelle M. Lugo, Nicholas C. Glodosky, Hayden R. Wright, Samantha L. Baglot, Gavin N. Petrie, Zhihao Yu, Brian H. Clowers, Carrie Cuttler, Rita A. Fuchs, Matthew N. Hill and Ryan J. McLaughlin. Journal of Neuroscience doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2416-19.2020.   The information on MedicalResearch.com is provided for educational purposes only, and is in no way intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any medical or other condition. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health and ask your doctor any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. In addition to all other limitations and disclaimers in this agreement, service provider and its third party providers disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the content provided on this website.   Read the full article
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readingontheedge · 5 years
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The Emperor's Seal
Touching Time Book 1
by Amanda Roberts
Genre: Time Travel Romance
 The Emperor’s Seal – the divine symbol of the Emperor on earth – is missing. The Empress will do whatever it takes to get it back. Jiayi has a gift – she can travel through time just by touching historical artifacts. More than anything, she wants to escape the clutches of the Empress and run away to a foreign land. Finding the Emperor’s Seal could be her only chance at freedom, but is she willing to risk the wrath of the Empress?  Historian and wannabe archaeologist Zhihao has no love for the Empress or the Qing Dynasty, but when the Empress orders him to find the Emperor’s Seal in exchange for funding China’s first history museum, he cannot refuse. It is only after he accepts the assignment that he realizes the key to finding the seal lies in the hands of a palace slave. Civil unrest and encroaching foreign powers threaten Jiayi and Zhihao's mission and lives as they hunt for The Emperor's Seal.  
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The Empress's Dagger
Touching Time Book 2
 As the Qing Empire continues to crumble, the Empress is more desperate than ever to find a way to secure her stranglehold on the country. Every day, she forces Jiayi to use her powers to see into the past to the time of Empress Wu to discover the secret to securing power. But Jiayi already knows the answer. Empress Wu’s dagger is more than it appears. Blessed with an ancient power, the dagger can be used to make and destroy empires. Jiayi’s ability to travel through time is growing stronger, and she is not sure she wants to use that power to prop up a dying empress. There is only one man she wants to save. The man she lost her heart to. A man who died over a thousand years ago. Zhihao knows he cannot fall in love with Jiayi, a palace slave. But with each passing day, his feelings grow stronger. When a ghost from his past walks into his life, Zhihao may have to choose between his country and the woman he loves. Secrets will be revealed in the second exciting installment of the Touching Time Trilogy! 
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The Slave's Necklace
Touching Time Book 3
 Kill the Empress, save the world. That is what people from all sides are telling Jiayi. She not only has the power to kill the empress, but to set up a new future for China. Jiayi has spent her life as a palace slave. Freedom for China could mean a lifetime of servitude for her. And Jiayi is tired of living for everyone else. As Jiayi’s powers grow, she finds herself living more and more in the past, even as the future is barreling toward her. Zhihao’s past is catching up with him, leaving death and heartache in its wake. Zhihao is going to have to make a choice, but he isn’t sure he can do it alone. Jiayi and Zhihao stand on the precipice of a new world. But they will only survive if they can overcome the past and stand together, no matter how much it hurts. Get lost in time in this thrilling conclusion to the Touching Time Trilogy!  
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 As Jiayi woke, she heard her name being called louder and louder.
“Jiayi! Jiayi, answer me! Did you find it? Do you know where the seal is?”
Jiayi opened her eyes and the empress was right in front of her. She started as the hard eyes looked deep into her own.
“Jiayi! Answer me! What did you see?”
“Lady Cai…” Jiayi said as she tried to recall the details of the vision. “The emperor gave the seal to Lady Cai.”
She heard other women in the room gasp. She looked around and saw the empress’s other ladies, her attendants and maids, all looking at her. While the empress kept Jiayi’s powers secret from her ministers and male counselors, she did not bother hiding Jiayi from her friends and ladies��her real advisors.
“You mean the Lady Cai? The one the emperor nearly gave up the throne for?” one of the ladies, Princess Der Ling, asked. “He truly trusted her that much?”
Jiayi nodded. “He loved her,” she said.
“But what about the seal?” the empress snapped, grabbing Jiayi’s arm and shaking her.
She knew the empress would be angry when she found out Jiayi did not know where it was. But maybe she could give her enough information to temper her anger.
“There was a battle, on the road to Jehol. Some barbarians. I don’t know who,” she explained. “The emperor feared that they would kill him and steal the seal. He wanted Lady Cai to hide it, to protect it.”
“And?” The empress was shaking. She held her hands out as if Jiayi was in possession of the seal and could simply hand it over to her.
“And…I…I dropped it,” Jiayi said, tears forming in her eyes. “I’m sorry, but the vision ended before he could hand it to me. I don’t know where it is. But he certainly gave it to Lady Cai! If we know where the battle took place, she must have hidden it nearby and…”
The empress slapped Jiayi so hard across the face she thought her neck snapped. She held her breath, afraid to make the slightest noise and possibly invite more of the empress’s wrath. The room was utterly silent. None of the other women dared to go to Jiayi’s aid. After a moment that seemed like much longer, the empress stumbled back. Jiayi finally sucked in a breath as everyone else in the room audibly exhaled. She straightened her neck, but kept her moist eyes downturned.
“So close…so close…” the empress muttered.
“We can try again,” one of the other women suggested. She picked up the box and shoved it into Jiayi’s hands, but nothing happened.
“You know it doesn’t work that way,” another of the other women angrily whispered, slapping her hands away.
“But Jiayi is right,” Der Ling said. “If Lady Cai had the box on the way to Jehol, that narrows the search considerably.”
The empress sat down in her chair, looking as worn and exhausted as Jiayi felt. She was quiet for a moment, as if considering her options. Finally, she nodded her head. “Yes, it is time. Bring him to me…” 
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Amanda Roberts is a writer and editor who has been living in China since 2010. Amanda has an MA in English from the University of Central Missouri. She has been published in magazines, newspapers, and anthologies around the world and she regularly contributes to numerous blogs. Amanda can be found all over the Internet, but her home is AmandaRobertsWrites.com. 
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Website * Facebook * Twitter * Instagram * Bookbub * Amazon * Goodreads 
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kizuinahh · 5 years
👀 + Mingqi
&.  send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
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      “¿Es en serio?” Dice, echándose a reír ante la pregunta. “Es decir, ¿Has visto a gege? Tiene todo lo necesario para ser considerado alguien atractivo, según lo que yo creo. Es alto, sus hombros son anchos, tiene una buena postura y es incluso guapo de rostro. Tiene unos ojos muy bonitos, y las pocas veces en que le he visto sonreír, realmente le sienta muy bien.” Exhala pesado, todavía divertido. “Así que sí, tiene varios atractivos. Creo que incluso lo envidio un poco.” ( @springdciy )
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astrovein-blog · 7 years
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you are my muse you are my baby
"papa, where are we?"
"italy, baby."
"it's eomma's birthday, we're going home to spend it with their family."
zhihao looks up at cyrus, big brown eyes wide with excitement. "italy?" he asks, voice soft and laced with delight. cyrus has seen the way zhi studies the photobooks that hold photos of jiji and cyrus' wedding in vicenza and knows how magical the city is to their oldest.
the bae-kerr family is currently standing in customs, bags under their eyes and ruffled hair, preparing to visit jiji's family before making the official decision to move. the decision has been a long time coming, especially after the incident with sunhee.
cyrus shakes his head and tries to rid himself of the thought, instead turning his attention to the squirmy eight year old in his arms, kissing her on the forehead. the shuffle forward a step, jiji at the front, zhihao right behind, and cyrus with sunhee picking up the back.
he hikes sunhee up on his hip, cooing softly as they stand in line at customs, shaking her toy lamb in front of her face to keep her occupied. he speaks in english to her, kissing away her head as the baby keeps on falling asleep against cy’s shoulder. he shares a soft look with jiji as they move up another spot in customs and shifts sunhee to the other hip, sighing softly as italian floats through one ear and exits the other.
when it's finally his turn at customs, he answers all the questions in english and addresses sunhee with a little tilt of his head and the old italian woman seems enamored by their youngest. sunhee shies away, curls up in a tiny ball in her appa's arms and he apologizes for her 'shyness'.
if only she knew.
the next couple of hours are all a blur, jiji speaking rapid fluent italian to the workers and the driver who brings them to a hotel in milan and the whole family of four falling onto the big king sized bed.
the next day, the family gets up early and takes a tour around milan, cy taking his camer and taking photos of the three most precious people in the world to him. photos of jiji toting sunhee around in his arms, the big floppy sunhat sunhee points to and they subsequently buy, and zhihao with a lollipop the size of his face. sunhee even makes grabby hands at the camera around cyrus' neck and he hands it to her carefully, glad he brought the cheaper one. she wraps her chubby little hands around the camera and holds it and
a picture of a surprised cyrus and then one of him laughing and reaching out to the camera to take it back from his sweet baby girl. he figures now is as good of a time as any and leans close, taking sunhee into his arms and beckoning zhi close as well. "i have a present for you two." he says, digging through his backpack.
"what is it papa?" zhi asks, trying his best to peek inside of cyrus' backpack. he can only let out a laugh and gently push him away and tells them to close their eyes as he pulls out two polaroid cameras. "open your eyes, my beans." he says softly, showing them the two presents. "you two can take photos of everything. absolutely anything you want." zhi is ecstatic, immediately demanding that everyone get together so they can take a picture of the whole family and cyrus' heart swells because fuck, his son is so damn cute.
he doesn't see sunhee take very many pictures, but when they get back to the hotel, she spreads out all the polaroids on the bed and cyrus laughs, picking up one of them. "what is this, beanie?" he asks, bopping her nose and taking the image of her giggling and rubbing her nose and locking it in his heart forever. she doesn't say anything but just smiles goofily, pushing cyrus' hand into his chest, as if saying, it's for you.
cyrus looks down at it and smiles softly. it's a picture of him and jiji at the resturaunt they went to tonight, stealing a quick kiss to appease the band that had been serenading them. he bites his lip and takes in jiji, who had been soft and embarassed when he grabbed cyrus' face and just kissed him. jiji, his husband his boyfriend his life long partner, his jiji. he chokes up a little bit, wipes a tear from his eye and pulls sunhee into his lap, kissing her on the top of her head.
"thank you so much, beanie. i love it so much. thank you so so much for taking the picture."
sunhee, the bean, just giggles and curls herself into cyrus' chest.
"i love you, papa."
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bloody-bee-tea · 4 years
This is a continuation of The truth.
Life goes quite again after the Sects marched into Lotus Pier and demanded answers. Answers they didn’t get, and Jiang Cheng knows none of them are happy with that, but they are leaving him alone, and that’s the only thing that matters.
At least until an invitation for the next Cultivational Conference in the Cloud Recesses comes in.
Jiang Cheng amuses himself for a few moments by imagining how much Lan Wangji hated writing this invitation to him, and then he burns it.
He would rather not go, but seeing as he’s the Sect Leader of one of the four Great Sects he can’t really bow out of this one.
“Xiuying,” Jiang Cheng calls out and he’s not even surprised when Jiang Xiuying steps around the corner mere seconds later, as if he was just waiting for Jiang Cheng to call for him.
“Lurking much?” Jiang Cheng asks with a little shake of his head and Jiang Xiuying shrugs.
“I saw the letter from Gusu Lan. I gathered you might need something after you read it,” he gives back and sits down when Jiang Cheng motions for him to do so.
“It’s the next Cultivational Conference,” Jiang Cheng says and Jiang Xiuying nods, clearly already planning what they need in his head. “It’s in the Cloud Recesses,” he goes on, and effectively stops Jiang Xiuying.
“Oh,” he breathes out, apparently only making that connection now, and Jiang Cheng hates that look he still gets on his face, even after all these years.
“We can go with the same excuse,” Jiang Cheng quietly tells him, because he wants to drag Jiang Xiuying back there as much as Jiang Xiuying wants to go himself, which is not at all.
So far they always managed to get Jiang Xiuying out of that; the Sects take turns in hosting the conference, so they only have to come up with a lie for Jiang Xiuying’s absence every four years, and no one actually dares to ask why Jiang Cheng always shows up without his right hand.
“No,” Jiang Xiuying says, much to Jiang Cheng’s surprise. “Not after what happened here. You’re not going alone.”
“I wouldn’t be alone,” Jiang Cheng reminds him, because he will be taking someone else with him, and Jin Ling will of course be there, but Jiang Xiuying straightens up.
“No, you won’t be,” he gives back, “because I’m coming this time.”
“What if they recognize you?” Jiang Cheng asks and but Jiang Xiuying shakes his head.
“It’s been so long now; they all long think me dead. And I’m no longer wearing blue or the ribbon, I even took a different name. It will be fine,” he says, even though he does look a bit pale.
“There is no need for you to come,” Jiang Cheng tries again. “They won’t do anything—can’t really—and you know what cowards they all are.”
“But cowards get courageous when you gather enough of them,” Jiang Xiuying replies and shakes his head when Jiang Cheng wants to protest again. “Don’t bother. I’m coming.”
“You can’t order me around,” Jiang Cheng snipes back and Jiang Xiuying tilts his head in consideration.
“Can’t I?” he asks and Jiang Cheng wants to argue some more, but then his eyes fall on Jiang Xiuying’s hands and he notices how they shake.
“I don’t need your protection,” Jiang Cheng gently tells him, but Jiang Xiuying shakes his head.
“You have it anyway,” he replies and Jiang Cheng sighs.
“As do you,” he reminds Jiang Xiuying, because for all that Jiang Cheng doesn’t want to start a fight he will if anyone as much as looks wrong at his people.
“I know that,” Jiang Xiuying whispers. “It will be fine.”
Jiang Cheng doesn’t point out that it sounds more like he’s reassuring himself, and instead he lets it go.
Jiang Xiuying is stubborn on the best of days, and this is neither a good day, nor a good situation. And truth be told, Jiang Cheng would feel better with him there as well.
The conference goes well for the first few hours. No one seems particularly happy to have Jiang Cheng there, but everyone is at least showing him the respect he deserves.
Jiang Xiuying is a constant presence at his back, and Jiang Cheng wishes he could shield him from the sight of the Cloud Recesses as much as protect him from anyone else, but this was Jiang Xiuying’s decision to come here and Jiang Cheng has to respect it.
There was a very tense moment when they were first announced where Lan Qiren stared at Jiang Xiuying for longer than either of them were comfortable with, but he didn’t say anything. Jiang Cheng honestly can’t tell if he recognized him or not and it doesn’t sit well with him.
But even hours later Lan Qiren hasn’t called them out, and so Jiang Cheng gradually relaxes again.
“Jiu-jiu!” Jin Ling almost yells as soon as the first break rolls around and he quickly comes to Jiang Cheng’s table.
“A-Ling,” Jiang Cheng greets him, as Jin Ling sits down next to him.
“Should Jiang Xiuying be here?” Jin Ling lowly asks and Jiang Cheng gives him a small smile.
He’s glad Jin Ling seems to have the same regard for his people as he does and he just hopes Jin Ling carries that over to his own Sect as well.
“It was his decision,” Jiang Cheng gives back just as lowly, “there was nothing I could do to stop him.”
“As if you couldn’t outstubborn him,” Jin Ling grumbles and Jiang Cheng smiles in his tea when Jiang Xiuying snorts behind them.
“He can try, young master, but history has shown that he’s not very good at it,” Jiang Xiuying conspiringly tells Jin Ling, much to Jiang Cheng’s chagrin and Jin Ling laughs.
Jiang Cheng finds himself thinking that this conference might not be so bad after all, when of course Wei Wuxian walks up to his table.
Jiang Cheng looks at him for long enough to greet him, before he avoids his eyes, but it doesn’t stop Wei Wuxian from sitting down with them uninvited.
“You have to stop, Jiang Cheng,” Wei Wuxian quietly tells him and Jiang Cheng clicks his tongue.
“Stop what?” he asks, even though he can guess where this is going.
“A girl went missing a few days back,” Wei Wuxian says, voice serious, and Jiang Cheng can just imagine the accusatory look on his face. “Coincidentally you were seen in that area during the same time.”
“So?” Jiang Cheng wants to know and Wei Wuxian makes a frustrated sound.
“What did you do with her?” Wei Wuxian asks him. “She’s barely an adult. Surely you didn’t torture her?”
Fu Zhihao is indeed only barely of age; definitely too young to be married off to a man thrice her age. Too young to be forced to uphold her marital duties. Too young to turn to demonic cultivation in her despair.
“I didn’t,” Jiang Cheng gives back, but instead of reassuring Wei Wuxian he seems to only grow more agitated.
“So you killed her immediately?” he demands to know and Jiang Cheng hangs his head as he closes his eyes.
Why does Wei Wuxian never listen to him?
There’s a reassuring hand at the small of his back, no doubt Jiang Xiuying wordlessly showing his support, and Jin Ling scoots closer to Jiang Cheng as well.
“She was pregnant, you know,” Wei Wuxian tells him as if that fact alone should have made Jiang Cheng reconsider his actions.
When Jiang Cheng found Fu Zhihao, she was no longer pregnant; she burned the child right out of her, using demonic cultivation, screaming the whole time that she would rather be dead than carry her husband’s child.
Not that her husband would ever lay a hand on her again, given how he was only a broken body in the corner but no one was talking about that, it seems.
“She no longer is,” Jiang Cheng says, knowing damn well how his words must sound to Wei Wuxian, but he can’t bring himself to care.
Jiang Cheng has brought Fu Zhihao back to Lotus Pier to entrust her to Jiang Sushan’s very capable hands who had to put her into a healing sleep. Jiang Cheng almost came too late to save her.
He wonders if she woke up by now.
“You have to stop,” Wei Wuxian pleads again, and Jiang Cheng shakes his head. “Even your disciples wouldn’t tell us what you were doing that night,” Wei Wuxian goes on and cold fury spreads through Jiang Cheng. “How can you live, knowing everyone is that terrified of you?”
“How dare you,” Jiang Cheng presses out and he slams a hand on the table.
A hush falls over the room and suddenly all eyes are on them, the tension thick in the air.
Jiang Cheng doesn’t care about that though, because Wei Wuxian has no right to interrogate his people.
“How dare you talk to my people,” he hisses at Wei Wuxian who looks at him with a complicated look.
“Are you that afraid of what they might tell us?” Wei Wuxian asks and Jiang Cheng cannot look at him for a second longer.
“This conversation is over,” Jiang Cheng bites out and Wei Wuxian leaves him be after one long look. It takes a lot longer for everyone else, though, and Jiang Cheng bares his teeth at Sect Leader Yao when he finds him staring.
As soon as he hastily avoids his eyes, Jiang Cheng turns towards Jiang Xiuying.
“Find out who they talked to. See if they are alright,” he instructs, and Jiang Xiuying nods once before he hurriedly leaves the room.
He’s just as worried as Jiang Cheng is.
“You don’t think he hurt them, do you?” Jin Ling pipes up and Jiang Cheng takes a moment to breathe before he turns to him.
“No,” he reassures him, because for all that he wants to strangle Wei Wuxian right now, he doesn’t want Jin Ling to get a completely wrong picture of his uncle. “But a few of my people have bad memories of Wei Wuxian; they participated in the war, or lost everything during it. I just want to see how they are doing,” Jiang Cheng explains as he wrecks his brain who he took with him that night.
Jin Ling clearly wants to say something to that, but before he can open his mouth, Lan Wangji sits down again, signalling that the conference will go on now.
It is only after the conference, that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji walk up to him again, and Jiang Cheng rubs his temples against the oncoming headache. He really is tired of dealing with these two.
“What?” he snaps out as soon as they are close enough and his eyes flick over Wei Wuxian, stirring the by now so familiar and hated mix of emotions in his guts, before he firmly looks at Lan Wangji.
“If we find her body, there will be consequences,” Lan Wangji tells him without preamble and Jiang Cheng bites back the urge to roll his eyes at him.
“Good luck with that,” he gives back, because he knows there is nothing for them to find, and he takes great pleasure in seeing the brief clench of Lan Wangji’s jaw.
“Jiang Cheng,” Wei Wuxian starts, but Jiang Cheng is tired of listening to his accusations.
“I will retire now,” he interrupts him with a bow to Lan Wangji, and then simply walks away from them.
Jiang Cheng is not surprised to find both Jiang Xiuying and Jin Ling in his rooms.
“What now?” Jiang Cheng wants to know, because this can mean nothing good.
“I spoke to most of the disciples,” Jiang Xiuying starts, “and they are all okay. You had Gao Wu with you, but the others shielded him and prevented Wei Wuxian from talking to him.”
“Good,” Jiang Cheng breathes out and only explains at Jin Ling’s questioning gaze. “Gao Wu fought in the war. He lost his whole family to Wei Wuxian’s corpses. He’s not dealing well with the fact that he’s back.”
“Ah,” Jin Ling says with a nod and clearly he wants to say something else, but Jiang Xiuying goes on.
“Fu Zhihao woke up. She’s traumatized, as you would expect after what happened, and Jiang Sushan will keep her in the infirmary for a while. Fu Zhihao seems to be reacting badly to men, especially older ones, so the infirmary was divided.”
“Good thinking,” Jiang Cheng agrees. “Maybe a few of the grannies would like to sit with her,” Jiang Cheng goes on and Jiang Xiuying nods, before he gets up, clearly intending to relay that to Jiang Sushan immediately.
Jiang Cheng watches him leave before he gives Jin Ling a look.
“There’s something on your mind,” he states. “Speak.”
“After what you told me, I kept wondering why you didn’t save Mo Xuanyu,” Jin Ling starts and the by now so familiar feeling of failure blooms in Jiang Cheng’s chest.
“Rumours of his demonic cultivation were far spread,” Jin Ling goes on, “so you should have wanted to help him.”
“It took too long for those rumours to reach me,” Jiang Cheng admits. “People were mostly talking about how he’s a lunatic, and a cut-sleeve. The other rumours were too slow.”
“That’s not true, though,” Jin Ling interrupts him. “You weren’t following me on my night hunt in Dafan Mountain. You were on your way to Mo’s Manor, weren’t you?” he asks and Jiang Cheng is so proud of the man his nephew has turned into.
“It’s why you can’t look at Wei Wuxian for long, right? I noticed it before, but today again. It’s because it’s Mo Xuanyu’s body, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” Jiang Cheng admits and reaches out for Jin Ling to tuck him into his side.
His nephew is all grown-up now, but every once in a while Jiang Cheng needs to know that he’s still his little A-Ling. Not that Jin Ling is protesting that move, seeing as he snuggles into his side.
“It’s complicated, looking at Wei Wuxian now,” Jiang Cheng explains. “On the one hand I’m happy that he is back, despite everything that happened between us because he’s still family, but every time I look at him I’m reminded that I failed Mo Xuanyu. And I keep thinking if I had only listened better, if I were quicker I could have saved him, but then Wei Wuxian wouldn’t have come back.”
“I see,” Jin Ling mutters and slings his arms around Jiang Cheng’s middle. “But you saved so many other people.”
“And yet I failed him,” Jiang Cheng whispers and he is sure he will never forgive himself for it.
Neither for failing Mo Xuanyu when he needed Jiang Cheng the most, nor for being glad that he failed him because it means Wei Wuxian is back. The mix of emotions makes him feel sick to his bones and Jiang Cheng hides his face in Jin Ling’s hair.
“I’m not sure you could have saved Mo Xuanyu,” Jin Ling whispers. “He was behaving so strangely at the end. He must have been insane.”
“That’s what fear does to you,” Jiang Cheng gives back. “If he was that far gone he must have been scared out of his mind.”
“Jiu-jiu, you can’t save everyone,” Jin Ling tells him, pushing away from Jiang Cheng to look him in the eyes. “You can’t. You’re just one person, it’s simply not possible.”
“That never stopped him,” Jiang Xiuying suddenly says from behind them and Jiang Cheng only sighs at that.
“Someone has to attempt the impossible,” he replies, glad for Jiang Xiuying’s interruption because it gives him time to blink away the burn of his eyes.
“But that doesn’t mean you have to do it alone,” Jin Ling says and Jiang Cheng frowns at him.
“I’m going to help you,” Jin Ling declares. “My people are a bunch of gossipers. I hear a lot, and I can help you.”
“Don’t,” Jiang Cheng tells him and grips his shoulder. “Do not do this.”
“Why not?” Jin Ling wants to know and it’s Jiang Xiuying who speaks up.
“It would paint a target on your back. The other Sects might be afraid to go after Sandu Shengshou, but they wouldn’t have the same reservations towards you. It would make you vulnerable.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Jin Ling says with an eyeroll, but he seems flustered by the obvious worry Jiang Cheng and Jiang Xiuying have for him. “I’m not going to deal with demonic cultivators on my own. I just meant that I could let you know if I hear something. That I could be another pair of eyes and ears for you.”
Jiang Cheng relaxes at his words and lets out a long breath.
“Don’t scare me like that,” he admonishes Jin Ling, who rolls his eyes at him again.
“Don’t jump to conclusions like that,” he bites back and Jiang Cheng flicks his forehead in retaliation.
“Brat,” he mutters. “But it’s not a bad idea,” he then tacks on and Jin Ling beams at him. “But only that!” Jiang Cheng reiterates. “You’re a silent observer and nothing more!”
“Of course,” Jin Ling agrees easily enough and Jiang Cheng just hopes he’ll keep to his promise.
But he does admit that it would help immensely. By now, the other Sects are doing their damnest to keep the rumours away from Jiang Cheng in fear of what he’s going to do to these people, and having Jin Ling as his silent spy would actually help a lot.
Jiang Cheng just hopes he can keep any heat away from Jin Ling while he helps him.
“It will be fine,” Jiang Xiuying mutters from his side, clearly reading Jiang Cheng’s thoughts. “You have us, too. We will help you to keep him safe.”
“I’m not a child,” Jin Ling protests and Jiang Cheng huffs out a breath.
“No, you’re not,” he agrees. “You’re just my very important nephew,” he goes on and watches as Jin Ling goes red in the face.
“Jiu-jiu!” he protests but Jiang Cheng smiles only fondly at him, before he pulls him into his side again.
“Nothing that would put you into danger,” Jiang Cheng tells him again and Jin Ling nods.
“I’ll be careful, I promise.”
“Okay, then,” Jiang Cheng agrees and when Jiang Xiuying smiles supportively at him, it makes Jiang Cheng think that this might just work.
Now with art of the best right hand man
Next part
{Buy me a kofi}  
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pitofghosts · 6 years
Character Interview
Tagged by @aslanwrites​, thanks so much! Tagging @insearchof-solace @retroruin @graphwrites @diwrites @yennwrites and anyone else who wants to! And no pressure at all if you don’t want to do it <3
I’ll answer this with Kai Fen! :)
What is your full name?
Why do you want to know? I might as well. The secret’s already mostly out now, there isn’t much left to lose. I’m Prince Jin Kai Fen. What does your full name mean?
Kai means victory. Fen is the marker of a high caste firstborn son. There’s different meanings depending on the character. Mine’s specific. It holds generations of history.
Jin means gold.
What are your nicknames/aliases/epithets/other names?
I called myself Jia Ming for a bit, but that didn’t last. Lots Vwosi higher-ups can speak Enyese, and Fake Name as an alias doesn’t really work. Heila calls me Fen. When we were kids, Zhihao would call me Kai. Kuratsa would call me Matamis and Mandasalin. I don’t know what they mean. They’re words from the islands.
Don’t give me nicknames.
What is your gender?
I’m a boy.
What is your sexuality?
Does it matter? I’m from an important family that needs heirs. I’m to marry a woman and have children with her. Kuratsa, preferably, although everything’s complicated now. She was my betrothed first, not Zhihao’s.
(But, if you really must know, if I were from a lower caste family and heirs didn’t matter, I’d prefer to marry a man.)
Where are you from?
The Empire of Blinding Righteous Enyang. 
When were you born?
Late summer.
How old are you?
Fifteen. Where do you live?
In the southwest, near the ocean and about a two day’s ride from Nakbe. I haven’t seen it in two moons. I’ve been stuck in some Vwosi parliamentary housing complex. It’s better than the train and cart before it, at least.
What is your Quirk called?
Are you insulting me? Who are your family members?
I have a large extended family. I have a younger brother. But my uncle is the most important to me.
Who are your pets?
I think Saoirse counts. What do you look like?
Like my father, but with my mother’s eyes. Oh, and I have muscles. I work out. Who’s your favorite pro-hero?
That sounds like a disease.
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pitofghosts · 5 years
Actually having Pelageya be the Big Bad in the next one feels very VERY natural. She’s angry, she’s scared, she’s gone rogue. It also kind of answers why Kai Fen (+ Michil, although he doesn’t really have an opinion on this) let Illarion come with him to Enyang: Illarion knows Pelageya, and if she shows up? He’s got a hell of a better chance against her than either him or Michil. Even though Illarion doesn’t like to use his lightning for real (it’s exhausting) it is pretty much a one hit KO if he does use it.
Kai Fen would prefer Saoirse be there, he knows Pelageya best, but he’s uh... A bit too busy being depressed. He’s also kind of getting involved in some of the politics? He’s tied up with stuff, basically. Kai Fen wishes he was going but he’s also kind of glad to be away from him. He doesn’t know what to say to him most of the time anymore.
And Heila... Pelageya being gone means her trial would be put on hold since it’s kind of dependent on Pelageya being there, and with Illarion fucked off now too? Nope! This gives her time to either actually go on trial, strike up some deal with Eyana/Kolina and co., or just say “Nah I’m not answering for my actions” and fucking off to Tag-Igit with Kuratsa, Zhihao, and Dongguo.
Maybe the end goal is to regroup back in Tag-Igit. I think that’s a good idea. Kuratsa’s parents (who... really need names, huh) are on Zhihao + Kai Fen’s side. Not for, like, supportive reasons, but because if one of them become emperor and marry their daughter, that makes them parents of the empress.
So face off against Pelageya at some point, idk what happens to her. Kuratsa, Heila, Zhihao, and Dongguo all go to Tag-Igit. They regroup there. I’m not sure Illarion would go with them. I think he’d want to, but I think either something else would happen or he’d be very close to going but wouldn’t be able to.
His sister’s still in Zalizinch, he’s gotta get back there. He can’t be safe if she isn’t.
AFITS 2: Everyone’s a fugitive
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