#(  ooc.  ) || omg this is so fucking cute
puppy-the-mask · 11 months
Slamming my hands down on the table-
Ok so good news and bad news. Good news I have more writing. Bad news is its a crackship between Amp (Horrorfell!Cas) and Huntsman (lmk)... I call it ✨FeralFangs✨
Huntsman laid in wait deep in the dark forest, waiting for his prey to show itself and trigger one of his traps. Lo and behold the indicator strapped to his wrist vibrates and one of the dots on the map pulses that it’s been triggered.
With a silent grace and fervor only attainable through years of hunting in such terrain, he closes in on the clearing. He knows his charge could escape in a moments notice so time was of the essence and he had to forgo some of his stealth to make it in time.
As he approaches the trap he sees a figure caught by the leg in his snare, its signature jacket’s hood pulled up. With a feral grin he pounces- tackling them to the floor.
“Aha! Gotcha-!” He pulls their hood away to reveal a dummy and his eyes go wide. “What!? No!!”
He quickly stands and frantically surveys the area for any sign of where they’d gone while frustration boils inside him from getting played so easily
All of a sudden an instinct seizes his body, making him freeze as he feels a shudder down his spine. The shift in the air is tangible as predator becomes prey and he feels eyes bore into his neck.
In a rush of wind he’s pushed to the ground from behind and the breath is knocked out of him as he feels a weight settle on his back. A light puff of laughter rings in his head right beside his face as he flushes from both embarrassment and another emotion
“Hehehehehe, Gotcha~!” A soft raspy voice sing-songs in his ear. He feels speechless for a moment before regaining his composure and scoffing
“That was a cheap trick!” The giggles grow louder as the figure releases him and he turns around to scowl at the one who’d bested him
“It was an effective one.” Amp smugly replies, still sitting proudly on his legs.
The two stare at each other in silence, Huntsman’s embarrassed scowl deepening as Amp’s delighted grin grows. He just wanted to win their game one time!!! He was supposed to be the best hunter, it was in his name!
Suddenly he gets an idea, a smirk flashing across his face before he pounces- pushing Amp off of him and onto the grass behind her, but she wouldn’t go down without a fight and in a tangle of limbs the two wrestle in the grass. Shrieks and laughter followed the two as they struggled back and forth in the clearing, one pinning the other only to get thwarted and shoved away for the cycle to continue.
Finally the couple collapses onto the ground next to each other, staring up at the sky and breathing heavily. There was dirt on their clothes and leaves and twigs in their unkempt hair but the smiles on their faces made it all worth it.
Amp looks over at Huntsman’s face for a moment, admiring it. Then she flips over, crawling closer to rest her chin on his chest and look up at him.
“So…” She trails off, huntsman lifting his head closer. The air grows thick with a different kind of tension and she can feel his heart beating
faster under her head. The tension stalls as she suddenly breaks out into a sharp-toothed grin “you hide and I’ll seek?”
She laughed at Huntsman’s expression, getting up and running away as he chases after her
“So is that a no-?! Oop!” She calls over her shoulder- narrowly avoiding a shot of web.
Sure she could just kiss him, but a deal was a deal. They’d agreed that if he caught her, he’d get a kiss. And as she hears him grumbling and giving chase behind her she can’t help but laugh at the irony of his own bet keeping him from getting what he wants
After all, there were only two unwavering truths anyone who crosses her path knows to be true. That Amp always held to her bets, and that nobody has ever caught her
Luckily for him she’s already decided that she’ll cash in a few of the small favors she’s racked up playing these games with him on something the both of them can enjoy… or that she can tease him with. Maybe both, who knows!
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mechahero · 2 years
//fuck it. look at these too
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imaginarianisms · 5 months
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the sweet bbys.... i'll definitely have to make a meta on aly's relationship w/ her kids
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variantia · 1 year
BELLUM. anyway add Suzu from Belle to the list of muses I need to add to the blog because that movie just made me fucking WEEP
also I have my driver’s license test tomorrow (at the ripe old age of 29 and I have had my permit six fucking times and I am sick of it but I’m also very nervous about the parking/maneuverability aaaaa save me I practiced but I still don’t think I have it 100% down and I’m REALLY anxious about having to do it right because I’ll only get one shot at it per test and in my state, if you fail over 18 years old then you have to take a 4-hour class before trying again and I really don’t wanna have to do that)
so wish me luck?? I’m OVER relying on other people for rides and also my boss is gonna promote me to assistant store manager once I get my license (and I’ll stay in that role till she leaves and I have a plan for when that eventually happens so shit is SET)
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
can i req miguel and sunshine where she has a BUNCH of hickeys but shes too nice to make fun of so the spiders tease miguel instead?
Just A Taste
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(Miguel O' Hara x Female! Reader)
A/N: Omg this is so funny and cute!!! I was kinda struggling writing this because I was like, 'How much is too much for hickeys?'. It's currently hot as hell where I live and so you can tell where that inspo comes from this can be read as a part 2 or a sister fic to Just A Bite. I almost made it an unofficial part 2.25 to Our Girl, but I changed my mind. Also, I'm sorry it's a little short, but I hope you like it.
A/N: I also really wanna try that sorbet thingy where they come in the fruit shells if you know what I'm talking about. If you love this then please check out the master list and if you wanna be kept informed about updates on the Miggy and Sunny series, then comment on this taglist and you'll be added.
WARNINGS: Grumpy x Sunshine, Female reader/ Female pronouns, Barely any use of Y/N ((Sunny is her nickname, not her actual name)), OOC Characters, Flirty Miguel, Some implications of NSFW content, and Google Translated Spanish.
It was very rare that it would get so hot that Miguel would be laid back with the rules. He held everyone to a certain standard when it came to being a part of his elite task force and he was a stickler for them to act like it. Despite this, he only expected three rules to remain to be followed at all times.
All Spidermen can’t travel to other worlds without notice.
Spidermen can’t travel without a mask on to protect the identity of all Spidermen.
Everyone has to wear their spider suits at all times.
Unfortunately, certain circumstances don't really allow certain rules to be followed reasonably. Especially when it involves people with special circumstances.
Such as this.
“Miggy!” A soft whine emits from the chair beside him as the woman sat upside down. Her unmasked face felt hot as a light sheen of sweat made her beautiful face glow against the soft light of the monitor. “It’s so hot…I thought you said Lyla would fix the air hours ago.” 
Miguel rolls his eyes at the sight of her feet lightly hanging over the top of the chair as. “Mi amor, if you stay like that, you’re gonna have a lot more to worry about than a heat stroke.” He playfully pinches her ankle as he grabs a tablet from the table, fanning his own burning skin.
Due to a massive heat wave, Earth-928 was experiencing the hottest summer it has ever had in history, causing Lyla’s A/C system to malfunction. The Lobby was left a broiling mess with Spidermen refusing to come by until the AI’s systems are rebooted. Only a handful of spiders were on base with the residential sweetheart suffering the most since she lives there.
“Can I please take this off?” She moans as she swings up and shoots him those dreaded puppy dog eyes. 
“Oh?” Miguel quirks an eyebrow as his eyelids lower. A playful smile graces his handsome face as he chastises. “I didn’t expect you to be so risky, mi sol.”
A flurry of butterflies spread out in her gut as she glares at Miguel. His response is to chuckle as that pretty glossed lip pokes out as she scolds him, “Not like that, Miguel, and you know it. This suit feels like a furnace and I just want to relax…”
The idea of his cute little lover prancing around in the nude would be an interesting idea to Spiderman, but he knew that his love would never agree to do that with others in the Head Quarters. Miguel bites his lip as he contemplates torturing his arañita some more, but he decides to show mercy as he relents.
“Alright, mi amor.” He sighs as he allows his own suit to dissipate, exposing the tight black tank top and tight athletic pants. “Pero tendrás que cumplir esa pequeña fantasía mía más tarde, mi niña bonita.”
His remark is ignored as she stands up from her cheer with a quiet “fuck yea”. After tinkering with her gizmo, the black and white suit disappears revealing her white tank top and black running shorts, but Miguel couldn’t help but smirk at the blotches of bruises that marred her skin.
Just before he could comment on it, the door opens as a voice complains, “YO BIG MAN! You need to tell that computer to fix this air!”
Another voice accompanies the new yorker's as the tall Brit yells out. “It’s sweltering here, man!”
Ben and Hobie came to a halt as they see their friend smile at them. “Hey, guys!” Sunny calls and waves at them while their faces grow ten degrees hotter.
The poor woman’s entire body was covered in hickeys. Her shoulders and collarbone were littered with several little puncture wounds while her neck had multiple light scratches dragging down. A distinct handprint was present at the base of her neck like a necklace with matching bracelets on her wrists. Her exposed thighs bared no better as the inner sides of her thighs had similar bite marks with a matching set of claw marks on the outside of her thighs. 
Ben swats a hand over his mouth as his hand slams over his horrified mouth while Hobie looks at Miguel in an amused expression. The urge to throw himself into another dimension plagues Miguel’s thoughts as he realizes that he will never live this moment down for the rest of his life. Rubbing his hand over his face in frustration, the oblivious spider turns back to her lover as she tilts her head at why everyone was acting weird. 
“Miggy, are you alright?” She mumbles as Hobie joins them up there with fake concern wrapping around his voice. “Yea, boss, are you alright? You looking a bit flushed, yea?” Hobie struggles to hide the growing laughter in his voice as Miguel throws him a nasty glare. 
The punk was never afraid of getting under his leader’s skin, but his ego really took over when he knows his boss would definitely not do anything while his missus was right there watching him. Ben also decides to join the fun by remarking, “Yea, you look like you need something to blow off that steam. Maybe a little taste of something sweet, right?” He teases as he figures he was safe.
Unfortunately, he unknowingly sparked an idea in the naive spider’s mind. She claps her hands in excitement as she exclaims, “That’s a great idea, Ben! I think I have some sorbets in the freezer of Miguel’s apartment.” 
Miguel wickedly smirks as he realizes that he may have an opportunity to exact some revenge as the two other boys tried to reason with her to stay. 
“Oh wait, Sunny, You really don’t have to..”
“Yea, Love. We are fine really!”
The boys try to reassure her that she didn’t need to travel all that way to get some ice cream before a smooth voice says, 
“Es una idea maravillosa, mi amor.” Miguel praises as his love’s smile brightens in response. “¿Por qué no vas a buscarme a mí ya ti ya que estos dos quieren ser miserables en este momento, de acuerdo?” He coos causing the woman to swoon at his soft tone.
“Alrighty, Miggy.” She grins as she opens the portal with her gizmo. The boys’ hearts stop in their chests as the little spider ignores their pleas to stay and happily skips through the portal to Miguel’s apartment. 
“Now then…” Miguel’s menacing voice twists around his cruel smile as he looks at the trembling boys. “What is it that you guys wanted to talk about?” 
Yep, they are fucked.
As the portal reopens on the observation deck, a smiling jumping spider comes back through with two packages in her hand and two spoons as she calls out, “Miggy, I’m back!”
“Llegando, mi sol.” His voice surprises her as he swings himself back onto the platform. She tilts her head as she begins to ask where he went when she noticed that he was now shirtless with the evidence of what she’s done to him now on full display.
His chest had small dark circles littering his pectorals that created a  trail down his abdomen and his abs, disappearing into the dark brown happy trail that began below his belly button. Upon seeing her stunned face, Miguel chuckles as he gently takes one of the icy treats from her shaking hands and a spoon before sitting down in his chair. 
“Gracias Amor.” He says nonchalantly as he rips open the packaging and starts eating the sorbet from its fruit shell.
“N-no problem, Miggy..” She sits beside him and opens her treat as she avoids looking at his powerful back muscles as they flex and move as he ate the sugary sweet. She almost drops the damned thing after the deep scratches on his shoulder blades reminded her of what they did just the night prior. 
“¿Qué pasa, mami? Miguel mocks as a mischievous smirk causes his fangs to poke out. “¿No te gusta tu sorbete? ¿O hay algo más que te gustaría probar?” He purrs as the spoon in her hand falls to the floor with him chuckling.
“Miguel!” She scolds as she begins to bend over to pick up the spoon as another spoon full of an icy treat. Her stomach flips as Miguel looks at her with his pretty apologetic red eyes as he pokes her pouting lips with his peace offering.
“I’m sorry for teasing, my love. You just look so cute and flustered.” He admits he gives her a soft curl of his lip.
Matching his smile, Sunny opens her mouth and happily accepts his apology with a small moan. She sighs as she lets go of his spoon with a satisfied smile.
“So good!~”
“I’m glad.” He smiles as he dips his own bite and eats it. “Es casi tan dulce como tú…”
“Miggy!” An embarrassed voice shrills as the man laughs with his love.
arañita - Little spider
Pero tendrás que cumplir esa pequeña fantasía mía más tarde, mi niña bonita.--But, you are gonna have to fulfill that little fantasy of mine later, my pretty girl.
Es una idea maravillosa, mi amor.- That's a wonderful idea, my love.
¿Por qué no vas a buscarme a mí ya ti ya que estos dos quieren ser miserables en este momento, de acuerdo? -Why don't you go get me and you some since these two want to be miserable right now, alright?
Llegando, mi sol.- Coming, my sun.
Thank you,love- Gracias amor
¿Qué pasa, mami?- What's a matter, mami?
Es casi tan dulce como tú…–It's almost as sweet as you...
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08luvmailz · 9 months
⌨︎ ⁩◞ HERO FANBOY — ! ❪shoto todoroki❫
SYNOPSIS ୨୧ ! which a certain hero from ua crushes (hard) on a idol ! headcanon, ooc shoto
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FANBOY SHOTO! He wasn't interested in kpop activities, heck he hardly known anything about kpop in general.
He started knowing about them because of his brother natsuo who bought a heck ton of albums and blasting music in his room.
He side-eye his brother when he's screaming because he got your WINK-PHOTOCARD, as he keep screaming " omg! ITS SO SPARKS "
he saw the photocard and he was like " oh she's pretty " but disregard it afterwards BUTT
he saw one of your recent comebacks on tv because his brother is streaming it and gahdam ur fucking SPARKLING ON STAGE.
At first he started knowing your group, YOU FIRST then streaming your group songs, your debut solo, collabs. streaming your group shows and music bank AND ALL THOSE
Natsuo asked who is his bias without hesitation he said your name, bro was smirking so bad at his lil bro BECAUSE YOU ARE THE MAKNAE OF YOUR GROUP, also half japanese and same age as him.
Bro was blushing whenever the camera pans at your face and smirking and doing that HE WAS GETTING HOTTER THAN HIS QUIRK
have a well known kpop stan twitter account who always make short comment about you but ICONIC because of how pure and sweet it is
doesnt know it but actually fell inlove with you NOT BECAUSE OF UR FACE (its a plus on him) but because of your determination and hard work, humour and personality is just CHEFS KISS
no one knows about his obsession welp it almost slip up when he accidently unplug his wired earphones to his phone AND SUDDENLY BLASTING Nobody knows by your group.
he lied he is just a casual listener
defends you on twitter, he looks like a soft boy but damn he is a beast on roasting BUT FAILS CAUSE HE CAN ONLY CUSS AT THEM
dedicated to buy front row tickets when your group finally have a concert there at your hometown
bro brought the vip tickets for him and his big bro (with his dads money ofc, not like his father would know)
bro brought the 2 tickets for each day
won a fancall with you once but DAMN IT HIS HERO STUFF IS GETTING ON THE WAY
poor bby sulked the whole day that he missed the call, he was practicing his lines and tone for you
brought many batteries for his lightstick
make sure he is lookin good (not like he isn't good looking)
bro wake up early asf he want to be there as fast
bro became popular fan after one pictured him as the guy from the (group name) concert at jpn
he didnt know he bacame popular, he just saw his face 3 days after the concert on stan twt
you are one stubborn fuck saw this cute guy with a scar and went through the barricades even though security was trying to get you back in stage cause its just a sound check and your safety too
Bro you came closer to him and saw his instax reaching for you. MADE A HEART CHEEK AT HIS FACE AND CAME CLOSER TO HIS FACE
bro almost want to faint right then and there.
you went after that he was kinda sad but happy he got a selfie WITH HIM
making this his lockscreen and making a frame of this treasured photo
You kept stealing glances at him and interacting with hand language, asking if he already eat lunch or just blantly flirting with him
natsuo kept pushing his shoulders for every interaction at their section BUT MAINLY YOU ARE FOCUSED ON HIS BROTHER
bro when he came back from school BRO WAS BOMBARDED WITH QUESTIONS LIKE
" I DIDNT KNOW UR A FAN TODOROKI! " " WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME UR A FAN, I WANT TO BUY TICKETS TOO " " i didn't know todoroki listens to kpop " "BRO DID U HAVE PICS AND VID OF (your leader name) "
was now known as poker face but listens to puppy love by (groupname)
have an article of him now being the hero fan boy
boy he didnt give a shit about them, he just wanting to chill
but that didnt start there
your member posted on weverse a video of you taken, watching the sports festival and chanting HIS NAME AND BETTING THAT HE WOULD 1st PLACE
bro became the luckiest fan alive
saying he is the luckiest fan and hero and all of those then actually GONNA MEET YOU
you have a campaign like a collab with a hero AND THAT IS HIS DAD
participating on a event JUST TO SEE YOU
he did and boy was he nervous
he kept stuttering at the end of his sentence
then because actually friend with you, a little bit touchy side BUT HE IS A GENTELEMAN just subtle glances and touches
got your number and him posting a selfie of you two on twt (he made another acc just to post boast that picture)
after that he was well known as the hero fanboy who will soon in the future marry his idol
that woud be a story in another time <3
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 11 months
I have another brainrot cooking, so in the meantime, have this:
Alrighty, so the new archon who's name I can't remember, right?
From what I've seen of them, they're pretty cocky and prideful.
I can imagine when The Creator visits their nation, they just flirt with The Creator every chance they get
And the other archons (except for Venti because he does it too even though it's to a smaller scale) are just HORRIFIED awaiting The Creator's reaction.
Now The Creator does not give a shit and just fucking FLIRTS BACK
And all of the archons (except for her because she's smug asf) are just:
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OMG FURINA & CREATOR RIZZING FR LOL I LOVE THIS. If only I had good flirting skills, man—I'll have to lightly go over that part 😔 SOBBING. MY SKILL ISSUES—
@royalrose2011 THIS IS SO GOOD THOUGH—
Furina Flirting w/ Creator: Archon Reactions?
Furina be slaying out here fr—and you're living it! When did she become—
The other Archons are being caught off guard.
(Warning: Might be OOC!)
Man is flabbergasted. I mean, he knows he does the same thing and all that—flirting with you and stuff—but to see Furina just flirt in every single moment she gets, every single moment you're in HER nation—holy cow!
He's both amazed and shocked! He should write a poem about this! This was a thing to remember for the ages!
And perhaps he should show this to Zhongli and Ei to watch them wither. And he should present it to you! You love his poetry, and you certainly tolerate his little flirting too!
"Ehe, this bard has found the inspiration for a new ballad! I'll be right back, everyone! Good luck, blockhead Zhongli!" Cheery boi goes on his merry way to write the best poem the Creator has ever seen.
Safe to say it was worth the wait. You absolutely loved it.
He got a heart attack, seeing Focalors flirting with you so shamelessly. This was blasphemous! Even Venti, that absolute airhead, wouldn't go this extreme!
Children these days, and their lack of mannerisms. Zhongli can only sigh, sip his tea, and try his best to not throw a rock at the Hydro Archon. At least she's keeping you in good spirits and amused.
"Lady Furina, please don't get into Their Grace's personal space too much. Allow them so breathing space, please." If he thinks Furina is trying to get a little too close to you, Zhongli will plant his foot down. He has meteors to send as warning if Furina would not bid to these warnings.
Raiden Ei
Aside from the Puppet Shogun's general dislike to how close Furina was (Ei can't blame the Puppet Shogun), Ei feels real uncomfortable watching Furina getting all confident around you.
She's not uncomfortable of the flirting—after all, she too also deals with Venti's dealings, but Furina was a whole new level she has yet to fully understand.
"Furina. Watch yourself." Bodyguard Ei—that's her new job now. She's trying to give you that personal space you need that Furina is trying to take. "I will not hesitate to strike twice." If there's anything sketchy going on that Furina does, Ei is stepping in with her Musou no Hitotachi, no excuses.
She really does know how you tolerate this.
She's in between giggling at Furina's antics and entirely shocked with how well you're taking it.
She thought you would've...how should she describe it...dislike how confident and smug Furina was doing. Then again, you were also tolerating all of Venti's antics too...
Nahida isn't really sure what to do, to be honest. While she loves Furina for keeping The Almighty Creator amused, she doesn't know how she feels about the constant flirting. In a sense, you were spending more time in Fontaine than anywhere else now!
"Your Grace, can you come hang out with me for a little while?" Nahida asks you with this cute little pout. "I would like to spend more time with you too in my nation!" And boy, are you now conflicted. Furina being a slay queen, or Nahida being cute child—who would you want to spend more time with?
While she appears confident and smug, she is most, upon all else, stoked and ecstatic of the fact you love her antics! Now, was that a new perspective she has yet to see!
With her keeping you around her awesome, extravagant nation, she can show all of Teyvat how her nation was the best nation of all time! And the popularity of Fontaine itself was increasing—more mora for her economy!~
Of course, she had it all planned out from the start! Who could make such a masterpiece and grand operation other than the Hydro Archon herself?
"Your Ever-Elegant Almighty Grace!~ Please, Allow I, Focalors, the Hydro Archon of Fontaine and God of Justice, send us off with these fine cakes. You are, however, by far, sweeter than any divine dessert!~" You snicker, liking the way this is going. Furina is even more cocky and smug when the other Archons try to intervene and take your attention away from her.
She has truly become the god that outshined all of Celestia. Hoho, the way their faces looked! She's absolutely stoked!
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: It feels great to be motivated! I hope you like this post :D I find this one real amusing LOL—Furina would really do this. If Furina would flirted with me, I honestly wouldn't know how I would feel LOL. I still love Furina though—high hopes that when Furina is out, Furina Wanters will be Furina Havers!~
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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lbcreations-blog · 7 months
Hihihiiii!!! Just saw that you needed more requests so I was wondering if you could do some headcanons and maybe a small drabble for Sir Pentious, Vox, and Lucifer with an S/O who gifts them their drawings as a way to show their love? If this is too much, feel free to ignore:]
Omg I love this request sm
Vox and sir pentious might be ooc (especially Vox)
Drawings for love
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Dude, when you gave the first drawing to him, he was blushing so hard
Homeboy loves them so much
He's probably going to probably ether show it off to the others or protect it like it's his lifeline (idk I thought he'd react or whatever like that, ok)
Man will put it on his wall of his ship on the inside (duh) so he can look at it when he's working
And when you give him more man's loves you
He generally wants more he loves them so much
But do not give him too much at the same time. My man might die (again) from a blushing heart attack (hopefully that makes sense)
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Bro was so confused when you first gave it to him
What are you, a child?
Once you get sad and stuff for him acting like that, he'll freak out, not wanting to make you sad in any way
He'll, then comfort you and say he likes it a lot (which he does)
Now he might ether hang it up somewhere in the tower, in pride that you love him so much that you drew smthn for him
Or he won't hang it up in a somewhat embarrassment, something down that line
But all in all, this man appreciates the drawings and finds it really cute
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When you gave the first drawing to Lucifer, let me tell you this man fucking loves it, he was blushing so hard
When you give him more, this man was so happy
He is probably going to put most of them on the walls
In general, he's going to put all the drawings where he can see them
He's also going to bost about the fact that his lover gave him drawings for love
Also, since you made the drawings for him, he is going to make things for you like ducks out of love (even tho I think this man did this to you from like the start)
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Well, that's it, ik it's short, but yea
Uh, bye-bye
Taglist: @fatherlesschild2 @whitewingsh @iheartpieck @i-yuki
Taglist request section
-L.B Creations
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live-laugh-legolas · 2 months
Hiiiiii omg your head canons for the fellowship are so cuttteeee I love it. Do you think you could write how the members of the fellowship would be around a character who has a dragon companion? I’m sorry I know that is soooo weird but I literally love dragons so much and Lotr so y’know. Preferably a f reader or just Gn. Sorry if that’s weird and no pressure!!!!🫶🫶
What a fun prompt! I’ve literally thought about this before. I’m picturing you show up at Rivendell just casually with your dragon. Totally breathes fire because that’s cool as shit.
How the Fellowship reacts to a dragon companion
-Has to do a double take
-He’s a chill dude, but this feels unhinged
-He will introduce himself with you only once you’re not with your fire friend
-Once you introduce the two he’s back to his chill self and act like this is totally normal
-Fascinated, and immediately introduces himself to you and your dragon
-Elves have a way with nature and animals so I don’t think he would be scared
-Wary, maybe, but he just wants to pet it
-He sees is as a big puppy
-Will tell you a billion dragon facts
-Listen, dwarves have a bad record with dragons
-Doesn’t trust you, and certainly can’t believe the “beast” could be friendly
-Keeps his distance and is definitely a bit cold to you like he is to Legolas, at first
-He eventually warms up to you but still doesn’t like your companion
-The dragon wouldn’t hurt him, but he doesn’t know that, and the dragon totally takes advantage of that and will scare him
-“I don’t like the way it looks at me”
-Big “it don’t bite, yes it do!” energy
-I just feel like he would not care
-He would be casual about it like the cave troll
-Totally sees the advantage of having a literal fucking dragon on their team
-Talks to it like a person
-You thought his eyes were big before? Well guess what? They are literal saucers
-Mostly knows only of Smaug so he doesn’t have a particularly positive view on the species
-But he’s also nothing if not curious
-Asks you so many questions
-This I think applies to all the hobbits except maybe Sam, but it would be so cute if they cuddled up with the dragon at night to keep warm
-Big nope
-He’s heard Bilbo’s stories
-His main priority is keeping Frodo safe
-Probably wouldn’t warm up until he saw Frodo petting it with a big smile
-Would ask if it wants a bowl of stew when you all settle for the night
-Worried it might eat him if he doesn’t keep it fed
-Guess what?! You now have a new biggest fan! Congrats!
-No fear in this hobbit
-Maybe that’s not a good thing, but he’s a confident boy
-“Hypothetically how would one go about acquiring such a creature?” “You can’t have a dragon Merry” “…I was asking for a friend”
-Will brag about knowing you and that he’s friends with a dragon when they eventually get back to the shire
-So confused
-He must have smoked too much and is now hallucinating
-Once he gets over that shock, he’s probably the type to watch from afar, but weary to ask to pet it
-“Do you think we could roast marshmallows with its breath?”
-It’s a genuine question. And yes, the answer is yes
-That is if you like your marshmallows burnt and basically disintegrated
-He probably invited you to the council
-Wary because he knows what dragons are capable of, but trusts you so therefore he trusts your judgment
-He’s got his eagles, you’ve got your dragon, unstoppable duo
*Bonus Elrond:
-“Um…whatcha got there?” “A smoothie”
-Wouldn’t let you in until Gandalf convinced him
-Then he just decides he’s seen so much shit that he shouldn’t even be surprised anymore by anything
I definitely don’t love all of these answers, some feel ooc, so as always I may edit when I get a different idea. It’s like how my mind will be blank when doing an assignment but the second I submit it I have so many better answers
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niyoriix · 22 days
Bleach captains w/ Elysia S/O
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TW: Cussing, suggestive(kinda??) OOC lol
Males only (no idea how to write for woman, even though I am one😞 also I didn't add some ALL of them since I had no CLUE how to write for them,I'll try to next time tho!!)
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•Yall get along AMAZINGLY.
•Loves you so much, incredibly grateful that your his S/O.
•Loves your hair, it's so silky smooth and healthy, plays with it every chance he gets lol
•has probably written the most corny ass poetry about you 😭
•loves when you massage his head, makes him at peace.
•honestly just being with you is enough to make him feel incredibly peaceful.
•Kind of weird but, he likes how you smell.
•sometimes panics a little when he can't find you (nanao has to make him calm down by telling him you're just shopping lmao😭 he just needs to know your safe😞)
•Loves laying on your lap
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•loves you sm😞
•Everyone loves you both, like match made in heaven🙏
•he sometimes gets rlly sad cuz he knows he won't be able to stay by your side for much longer due to his sickness, so he tries his best to always be with you.
•Acts like a total lost puppy without you.
•Like wandering around the garden with you and having mini tea dates with you.
•he sometimes feels bad when you have to take care of him, so you have to comfort him and tell him it's fine.
•Loves getting his hair combed by you, he finds it so soothing since your really soft with it.
•gives you the strangest but rlly thoughtfull gifts
•adores when you read to him.
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• This is so Grumpy X sunshine coded lol
• tries to keep PDA to a minimum.
• Tea dates somewhat often
• gives you luxurious gifts ALOT
• readings/chatting dates are very often as well, this man can't get enough of your voice.
• he rlly loves it when you cook for him.
• and he's loves getting compliments from you, he's gets a whole ass ego boost.
• Loves seeing you with rukia, makes him shed a tear.
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• when you guys got together people were incredibly concerned for you, also very jealous of Mayuri lmao
• Most likely has tried to experiment on you at least once.
• likes having you sit on his lap while he works, sometimes searching for validation from you.
•hes absolutely loves how you compliment him.
•he let's you paint his face with his face paint sometimes.
• builds you a lot of mini gadgets (for praise)
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•Most of the time he tries to flirt with you, you Normally the flirt back and it gets him red instead of you lol
• has done stuff to try and get you mad since you always look happy(he's just a curious lil guy)
•pink x yellow perfect match honestly
•gives you his hiori randomly (showing his dominance LMFAO)
•When you guys sleep together he fucking drools on you 😭 but he looks rlly cute sleeping so you let it slide..
•says a lot of stupidly cringy jokes
•but he does have good jokes DW
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•This sly little bastard.. mf would be all up on you😭
•Randomly hugs you.
•Has you sit on his lap while he does his work
•Dirty jokes 24/7
•cant keep his hands to himself.
•likes cupping your face in his hands while staring into your eyes.
•lays on your lap when he's out of energy or he just finished his work
•play with his hair please!!
•kisses on your face till your ass red as a tomato.
Aizen (captain)
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• he actually does genuinely love you, he knows your not naive and that you have your own secrets, he's okay with that.
•when you guys are both away and don't have time to see each other he'll send gin to check on you.
•He very often pats your head for comfort
•running his fingers through your long pink hair is so soothing for him.
•you both read books and have tea dates
•very thoughtful gifts
•He feels very comfortable being with you.
•but he knows he'll have to leave soon..
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• enamored with your existence.
•He absolutely adores you, he's such a simp.
•He let's you wear his hat
•praise him,compliment him, do anything around this man and he's putty in your hands.
•(those 2 kids I forgot the name of) they probably call you Mom or smth
•has made you multiple inventions just for the sake of being praised.
•Loves when you sit on his lap and yap to him about your day.
•Cuddles 24/7
•Kissies always, random hugs always, pats on the back always, random words of encouragement always.
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•Loves you alot.
•Kinda insecure about his height since your much taller than him(please comfort him🙏)
•makes ice sculptures of you from time to time(he never shows you them due to his embarrassment..)
• he's actually gotten a lot more confident about his height since you guys started dating, you compliment his height and never joke about his height, he loves that.
•he tries to keep his composure but just can't,your just so pretty and cute..he always has to stop himself from getting to red.
•Kisses on your hands always👏👏
•loves how understanding you are and how patient you are with him.
•gets so embarrassed when you call him suga-suga or toshi-toshi.
•Best naps ever warm+cold perfection
This was SOOOO OOC 😭 also took awhile to make-
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lonelyloverz · 7 days
servamp ch146 spoilers
is it just me or is mahiru’s hair sticking out more than usual like dog ears
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(i’m guessing this is mean to be an homage to his beta design or tanaka sensei is tweaking her artsyle again. also i love the dog and cat parallel beta mahiru and kuro had ☹️)
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this panel is so freaking cute
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and he’s so freaking cute too
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i missed this comedic side of servamp
i read some of the jp fandom’s reactions to this chapter and some were saying how slightly ooc tubaki feels and i’m ngl i kinda agree. ik he’s always been pretty flippant but he’s acting a lot like hyde, teasing kuro alot, but ig it kinda makes sense with how they resolved their conflict and need to work together now. i’m not complaining tho, he’s so cute i want to pinch his cheeks
anyways the chapter was so good i want to cryyyyy
also i was listening to servamp audio dramas last night (most of them are up on iscanthings’ page) and im pretty sure the title was “alicein family / the day he was here” and omg after the recent chapters of mikuni wanting to be misono’s dad that audio drama is lowkey fucked up 😢
i was listening to it in bed so my memory’s kinda hazy but it was abt misono dreaming of playing chess w mikuni who had never ran away from home. bro i wanted to ball my eyes out so badddd
no but fr tho, listening to the other more jokey audio dramas, mikuni is such an ass. bro literally has no friends other than abel. i think my favorite appearance of his is when he switches bodies with jeje so all you here is jeje’s va in a light mood talking about how handsome he is skdjfifjrnfnf
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bye-shou · 5 months
𝘭𝘰𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵...
꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦ ♪ ꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦
☾ ✒ "adorable~" ~ 𝄞
⌕ ✒ fluff + suggestive ~ ꕥ
☀︎ ✒ ship : aventurine × gn!reader ~ ᰔᩚ
☁︎ ✒ side/mentioned characters : n/a ~ ꨄ
⚠︎ ✒ warnings : suggestive content ~ ✮
✧ ✒ summary : hcs of when you/aventurine call(s) aventurine/you cute ~ ∘•∘
✉ ✒ notes : first time writing hsr; he's not even released yet and I am feeling unexplainable things for this man/btw this shouldn't be too long (i hope??) - might be ooc - I started writing this at March 18th... ~ ⌨︎︎
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• you call him cute
= I think it would go two ways, either he gets flustered or he teases you back
= maybe when he's flustered he'd stutter a little, maybe blushing a little bit? (who wrote this wtf)
= if he teases you back he'd probably go "oh, reeaally?" smirking YFSJRGBS why do I write fanfiction again?
= I hate that one of my ideas is that he'd get bricked (I'm so sorry)
"dear, I'm home!"
you hear his voice along with the noise of the door opening, which signals that your boyfriend, aventurine, has come home from work.
you took a look at him, watching him stretch so adorably, like a cat. he takes off his hat and puts it on a stand.
you wait for him to reach the living room, before leaving the kitchen and going up to him as quietly as possible.
"don't you know how cute you are?" you snuck up behind aventurine, hugging him and burying your face into his neck, inhaling his scent. (what the fuck)
"I- ahem, am I now?" he attempts to cover up how flustered he is, even though his face is a shade of bright red.
"mhm..." you muttered in his neck, giving it light butterfly kisses, as you slowly move your fingers down. your hands eventually reach to the buttons of his shirt, which you easily unbuttoned.
"let's continue in the bedroom, okay...?" aventurine says, capturing your hands and leads you to your shared bedroom.
when you reach the bedroom, you move infront of him to face him, staring right into his purple-blue eyes before pushing him down onto the bed.
"aw, you worked so hard, didn't you, my dear? let me help you relieve some of the stress..." you say, unbuckling his belt & unbuttoning his pants, crouching between his thighs.
he whines a bit, yet he doesn't push you away.
you both know it's gonna be quite the long night.
• he calls you cute
= he would definitely surprise you, maybe after coming home or something ueueue
= he'd surprise you at the most random time so it catches you off guard
= he would LOVE to see you blush and all flustered omg
= he'd probably say something along the lines of "you seem tired... what would you say to a little //massage//...?" which is FAR from a massage btw
you unlocked the door to your shared apartment complex with your boyfriend, aventurine when you got off work.
you entered your home, surprised to see that aventurine hasn't greeted you yet.
but you didn't pay much mind to it, as he probably went to a casino and you're tired, wanting to get some rest.
you go to the bedroom, opening the door to put away your bag. however, you definitely didn't expect aventurine to come up to you and trap you against the wall.
you blushed slightly at the sight, aventurine looking so handsome (??? why) with his eyes filled with... lust?
he holds your chin, making you look up at him. "you're so adorable when you're flustered like this." he smirks, slowly caressing your cheeks dusted with blush.
he slowly leads you to the bed, and when he pushes you down on it, he looks at you, asking for consent.
when you nod, he carefully starts undressing you, as if you're something made of porcelain, so easy to break.
he then takes off your pants, crouching down between them and giving your underwear (sjdhsb) a few kisses.
he proceeds to take them off, and starts sucking on you so gently, teasing you. ♡
⇚ ↺ ⇛
✉ ✒ notes : if you're taller than aventurine no you're not /j ~ ☏
꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦ ♪ ꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦
𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥, 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯.
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hanrinz · 2 years
rosie u have the biggest most sexiest brain ever im waiting for best friend rin rn ok
content. fluff, 1.1k words, failed attempt at angst, ooc rin !!! not proofread / notes. my dear amora <33 no bc i have so many thoughts about best friend! rin 😮‍💨 how did this get so long T-T
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his name on your contacts is literally 'bf rin<3' and it literally stands for best friend, he doesn't know that but let him dream, okay?
kidding it's just 'teal bitch' (i can't think of names tbh), unless...
no cause i firmly believe he walks with you to school or rides the bus with u everyday, he'll always be at your home by 6 am and your mom always prepares breakfast always urging him to eat with the two of you. she would always scold you for not waking up early like rin.
always with the comparing.
but, hey at least your mom absolutely supports the both of you if ever did end up together. may or may not have already planned your wedding or anything (maybe even had a bet between the both of your parents) but you didn't hear that from me.
and he would judge you for every guy you have a crush on PLS, you'll be like: "that guy is kinda cute," and he would glance at the guy you were pertaining to, brows furrowing and giving you a side eye,
"tf your taste in men is lukewarm," excuse me?????!!!?? he thinks he looks sm better.
he would always hangout with you on the weekends always down to watch movies with you, horror of course bc what else could he possibly watch.
"hey, wanna watch a movie? i got a new horror one," sending him up a text as you ready your room for your movie date night.
"be there by 10," he would always reply, following up with a question. "chips or ice cream?"
you'll always pick the ice cream anyways, yk he likes it very much and he just buys both of it no matter what.
always with the bickering and you hitting him of some sorts.
"at least I wasn't dumb enough to get back to my ex, twice!"
"at least your brother follows me on my social media account!"
"fuck you??????!!!????" *he was crying*
sae would be so fucking done with rin, he doesn't care anymore. you and his brother hiding feelings for each other is so painful to watch anyway. probably the reason why he left for spain. (omg what is he doing here)
okay so your friends- scratch that everyone in your town practically wondering why the two of you haven't got together yet and like please they are all literally waiting for THAT day. best believe that everyone was so willing to help rin to confess to you. how did everyone know? a little birdie or a demon (shidou provoked him obv) which is more accurate may have possibly babbled it about to a person who's a chitty chatter and soon enough everyone knows.
and you might not notice it whenever you look away from him or when you're distracted, his eyes couldn't help but to look at every inch of your face or admire it. you don't know how he looks at your pictures every night, you don't know that all he needs is you beside him, you don't know how much he wants to just take you in his arms and tell you he can treat you sm better than that lukewarm piece of shit person you call your ex.
and you don't know that he had beaten your ex right on the face 11 months after your break up. he came into your home at 1:43 am with a cut lip and bleeding knuckles, you didn't suspect that it was your ex who had the honor to be met with his fist. you only scolded him, not to get hurt again, to stop losing his temper and picking fights.
he was sitting on the counter of your kitchen, laying his head on your shoulders, you in between his legs, as you caress his hair. and he likes to say something, to say so much more than a promise. and holds off for awhile, snuggling deeper into your neck, feeling his breath that has your skin tickling. your afraid he might hear the pounding of your heart right into your ribcage. taking a deep breath, shakily.
"rin, you need to go home," you whisper.
you were only met with silence, as you felt his hand intertwining with your free one.
"don't make me go," he says right into your ear. "just- just stay.."
and you couldn't really resist him, can you?
"okay. 'm not going anywhere," you stood still, your thumb drawing circles on his hands. "i'll stay... i'll stay, rin" you reassure.
something changed after that night, and you finally noticed all the signs. how rin was more of a different person to you and not just because he was your best friend. but because he had a feeling. now, his eyes would hold more meaning than his words would.
and it scared you.
how much all this time, you were pretty much blind and oblivious. because this was your best friend, the man who you had almost spent your whole life with. and he looks at you like a precious thing he doesn't deserve.
because finally all the love songs have meaning to it now. all the things around him remind him of you. and as much as he tries his best to mask everything he was feeling, it kept slipping down on his face whenever he was with you.
and confessing to you wasn't the perfect scenario he had imagined so many times, it was awful, he thinks. the rain was pouring hard and loud on the pavement. you were on the road, the same road you would always walk on the way home. all wet and soaked from the rain, you still look pretty. you were pretty.
"i like you," he said, it was almost like a whisper from all the noises. he's pretty sure you didn't hear him, but the way you were walking towards him with a smile adorning your beautiful face, he can't help to think.
did you hear it? is this really happening? he finally did it.
and it didn't occur to him immediately how your lips were pressing against his, all under the rain your hands caressing the side of his face. and he didn't waste anymore time, kissing you back with the same intensity. he can feel you grinning against his lips.
you pulled away, arms wrapping round his neck, "i like you too, rin itoshi," you said with elation, eyes brimming with tears.
"i like you a whole lot," you repeated.
he could only take your lips once again as if he would die if he wouldn't. fuck, he thinks he needs to hear you say it, again and again.
and just like that the mask he's been wearing all this time was gone.
"what took you so long, idiot?"
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◞♡ something took over me while writing this, it's monday again i hope everyone has a great week ahead!
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surshica · 2 years
hiiii! i cant stop thinking about your idea of a tutoring session with chishiya which leads to them kissing >.< if it is not gonna be in the smau in the future, maybe you could write a one shot about it please? thats what i wanted to request :p have a nice day!!
request : chishiya x fem!reader (based on one of the alternatives of chishiya kissing yn for the first time)
genre : fluffy of the fluffy fluff
warnings : chishiya ooc — swearing — kissing yeah — lwk a lot of kissing. Like A LOT.
A/N : A PART OF ME WANTED THIS TO HAPPEN BUT I THINK I LIKE HOW I DID IT IN THE SMAU. but besides that THIS MADE ME GIGGLE WRITING ITTT; i’ve had this in mind and omg this request made me smile. love you anon<3 but for context for this chishiya and reader are friends already! its kinda a mess but WORD!! i trade off using you/your and she/her a lot here 🥸
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ılıl﹔ ◌ 𓂂 ˳⁺ 🎓 ꯭ ⊹ ⋆ ࣪
you had knocked on the door, the grayish white door stood ominous infront of you. there was a slight shuffle from the otherside of the door, looking around you it was quiet. a little too quiet to your liking—chills were sent down your spine.
“chishiya hurry up..!” you growled knocking on the door again and again. “stop knocking you’ll wake up fucking cleopatra..” chishiya opened the door. his hair was in a messy ponytail while his bangs had small baby hairs sticking out. his demeanor was tired yet relaxed.
“good morning sleepyhead!” you grinned at the just woken up chishiya; he had only hummed before moving out the way to let you in, “welcome..” he groggled closing the door behind you. you wondered around his living room, “you know i never knew you were the type to be very decorative..” you hummed looking at the many photos of him with his friends and cats, “you seem like the type to be very bland.”
“first ouch..second it was all kuina, she made me add photos she said it looks like an asylum.” his left hand rested in his pocket as his right covered his mouth as he yawned. his eyes wandered her every move, it was like he was fascinated.
you stared at the amount of plushies he had lined up on his couch, “you must really like plushies” you smiled picking up a white cat plushie that had a pink bow, “marie from aristocats?” you questioned him holding the plushed cat to your chest. “yeah it was a gift from usagi.” he sighed.
“cute..” you mumbled under your breath bringing it with you to his room, “i’m ready to learn come on professor chishiya.” you joked walking to his room opening the door, he had followed behind her a-suit ”you know you are basically just giving me a tour of my own place, no shame seriously.” his lips formed an a line sitting down on one of the chairs near his desk, you sat on the rolling one while he sat on the plastic one.
“you are a smart student so i don’t understand why you need tutoring.” chishiya sighed as he watched you take out a notebook that had a very cute design as the cover, “aww that’s sweet coming from you~” you smiled, “i only need tutoring because i’m not strong in this subject and i wanted to spend time with you!” you proudly stated.
chishiya’s ears turned a little red but you weren’t paying attention much to it, clearing his throat “you aren’t good at english?” his eyebrow rose as you shrugged “yeah i mean..what the fuck are vowels and why is it needed.” she scoffed opening up her notebook to a page.
“it’s needed because it helps with speech and pronunciation.” chishiya laughed slightly, “there are 5 maybe 6 vowels that you need to remember. a e i o u and sometimes but not all the time y.” chishiya held up his fingers showing 6 up. you frowned “why is it sometimes y? why not all the time?” she tucked her hair behind her ear, “honestly i don’t know but it’s just sometimes y.”
he opened his notebook ripping out a page writing down a e i o u, there was some spacing between them—sliding the paper over to yn. “tell me what words you know with those letters. doesn’t have to start with it either.” chishiya rested his head on his hand, “for every word you can say correctly with that vowel you get an award but, for every wrong is a flick on your forehead.” he smiled like a cat
“well we can start off easy with a..there is apple!” you happily said as chishiya nodded handing you a piece of starburst. you happily unwrapped it putting it in your mouth, “mmm strawberry flavored.” you mumbled. chishiya pointed at the letter e, “how about the letter e? this one should be easy.”
“daisy!” you exclaimed waiting for the next starburst only to look at chishiya who held back a laugh. “daisy doesn’t have an e in it. it was a y.” he flicked your forehead, “try again.” you held your hand over the spot he flicked, “uhm early?” you said a little wary.
chishiya handed you another starburst, you quickly took it eating that piece. “hmm lemon!” you nodded as chishiya scored a little closer to you, you had side eyed him quickly before paying your attention to the way his hand traced the paper.
“how about u?” “your. and that goes for y as well.” you cheeky snarked. chishiya looked at you raising an eyebrow. “i feel as if they was some plot not actually tutoring..” he handed you two pieces of starburst, he scooted closer but you didn’t mind. his shoulder was basically brushing yours at this point.
you had looked at him quickly, his features were very angelic—you were in awe. “lets go i..what word for i?” he looked at you. you were too busy staring at him to even hear what he was saying.
the way his lips curled whenever was enough for you, “i is for i like you.” you smiled cupping his face in your palms planting a small soft kiss on his lips, you pulled away quickly. “does that count? i mean it’s a word.” she smiled tilting her head to the side.
“i’ll count it even though it’s a universal word..” chishiya had a soft peach like blush spread on his cheeks, he grabbed her by the waist pulling her onto him kissing her back, this felt like a hungry kiss—it was most definitely not like the soft feather like kiss you gave.
his arm wrapped around her waist as if he was protecting her. that kiss was lost in translation, the way his lips glided over yours and the way held you in his grip made you melt like butter.
your hands had wrapped around his neck as a smile was brought to his lips. he nibbled on your bottom lip causing a soft moan to escape from your lips. you broke off the kiss to catch a breath of air mistakenly leaving a room for one of chishiya’s remarks.
“you know i thought you needed help with your english..quite a twist.” he chuckled. “i didn’t need help with english i just wanted to have an excuse to be with you.” you admitted pulling chishiya closer to yourself.
there was a small silence where you and chishiya were just looking at eachother, “by the way you have so marks right here..let me help” you slyed smiled smashing your lips against his wasting no time at all.
ılıl﹔ ◌ 𓂂 ˳⁺ 🎓 ꯭ ⊹ ⋆ ࣪
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tags — let me know if you want to be added
@nanamora @parkersmyth @trinmadol @noxceleste @eissaaaa @dr3amscap3 @arizzu @bwnniidump @kerenz @minyoungieee @saiewithakatana
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sillystappen · 19 days
i was wondering if you can do max as a singer and not a driver
i wonder if he can be MARINA and he interested in f1 and goes there to watch the races
Singer!Max huh? Ok I see you.
And mother of god did figuring the logistics of this AU hurt my brain :')
Ofc Max would retain his interest in F1 heck I might even make him kart when he was a kid but drop out for angsty lore reasons. Naturally this would make his relationship with his father very strained and almost nonexistent if it weren't for the fact Max still hasn't blocked his number. He spent most of his kid/teenage life with his mum and sister in belgium and thrived in music classes, having a natural sense of rhythm and being able to hear the layers in a song. He still watches F1 on tv and becomes a Daniel fan after Spain 2014 - Daniel's first podium, though he also is team Rosberg when brocedes happens (no reason other than I like Nico Rosberg)
As for his music type honest to god I can see why you would say MARINA as those lyrics can definitely be Max coded but genre wise and looking at her performing idk if that fits the Max vibes bc I wanna keep him from going too OOC. But not in a total stray from the idea of MARINA, I propose... Conan Gray. Still kinda indie vibes (and I love indie) and there's a lot of desiderium songs as well as full on pop bops and hopeless romantic stuff which give people some good emotional rollercoaster concerts. However these songs and albums release date will be manipulated to it my narrative because trying to align a calendar with an interesting plot and those songs just was too much...
For Daniel and any race settings, I am thinking of using the 2021 season. Which I'm sure you all are thinking: Silly, what would be the 2021 season without Max in it? Wouldn't it just go to Lewis without a fight? And I thought long and hard about it, looking through the grid and reserves to see who if anyone should take the seat that Max originally had and... it's Daniel. You heard it here first folks this baby is a Daniel never left Red Bull fic too. Using this Mr V's Garage's video, I borrowed the simulated 2021 season between Norris and Sainz and made it Lewis and Daniel (who will ofc win) with 3rd place going to Checo (because i like checo) and 4th Bottas. As for Abu Dhabi... there's no way it won't be controversial come on.
I imagine a meeting between Daniel and Max would be him getting paddock passes after saving up and ends up being recognised by Daniel at the Belgian Grand Prix. At this point he has he has had Kid Krow out for nearly 2 years after saving a crap load of money from royalties and a birthday gift from his sister he finally had enough money for a paddock pass over a grandstand ticket (but holy fuck those things are expensive). He meets Daniel who is like "holy shit you're Max Verstappen! Wearing my DR3 hat?" and Max feels like holy shit is very much correct because Daniel knows who he is?!?! Queue both of them having a fanboy moment and Daniel admitting he cried when he heard heather for the first time. But Daniel has to be pulled away so he gives Max his number and invites him to the garage (much to christian's chagrin but hey, number one golden driver championship contender privileges). Max totally nerds and Daniel thinks its cute and the mechanics are surprised by Max's knowledge.
They go on "friend-dates" to get to know each other properly and surprisingly (to them not to us) they click really well. Daniel invites him to GPs and Max invites Daniel to music video sets (they sneak Daniel into an MV and if you look close enough you can see him in the background) and a lot of trips to the recording studio. The internet being the internet picks up on this and are like AIN'T NO WAY OMG WORLDS COLLIDING all dramatic like that. There's even TikTok edits and a small tumblr community (hi) about them.
Then one day Max goes on an interview and is asked about Daniel. "He's probably the best person in my life right now, outside of work and family. Gosh, I've been a fan since 2014, and my sister will tell you I yelled pretty loudly when he won in Canada that year. But the Daniel you guys see in media is only half the story. He's kind and considerate and generous and a really comfortable person to be around and I am glad I bumped into him in Spa. He's been my rock as I work on my newest album."
Hashtag maxiel starts popping off a lot more mainstream and Daniel calls Max after the interview to tell him how sweet and lovely he is and as he gushes Daniel has the 'oh I love him' moment, like actually in love and not just a how a fan would. He doesn't say it, of course, but the penny has dropped.
For Max, the 'oh I love him' would be when they're back in Daniel's hotel room post race (that Daniel won ofc) and they're sat on a sofa in front of a quiet TV playing some sort of movie when Daniel falls asleep on Max's shoulder. Max looks down at him and just knows 'i love him' then and there. It's a quiet realisation, and one he is content with.
As for how they get together, it's one of the times Daniel is in Max's recording studio listening as Max sings, completely entrapped. When Max finishes and sits down next to him, he asks what Daniel thinks Daniel doesn't hesitate to say he thinks Max is amazing and that the song will be a hit, but suggests a few tweaks to the instrumental. Max takes this seriously and appreciates the honesty, kissing Daniel's cheek as thanks. It was the way Max looked at him and gently held his face that has Daniel sitting there for a moment before going fuck it and properly kissing Max.
They don't announce their relationship until Daniel after wins his second championship in 2022 but spend the rest of 2021 and the entirety of 2022 soft launching it and teasing. Daniel posts photos of Max hugging him in Abu Dhabi 2021 and lots of photos of them hanging out in winter and summer break. The F1 media catches Max in the paddock and Red Bull garage a lot and Daniel at the Superache tour in late 2022 (what about the tour? what tour? the early 2022 world tour? yh that didnt happen I'm just adding a couple songs from there into the superache setlist). Max also posts a video of Daniel lipsyncing to Overdrive whilst holding a deodorant can and standing on a bed.
The actual announcement spooks the F1 world more than the music one and at first it's a lot for them, the questions and the prying, the demand to know it all and of course the homophobia but they get through it all fine and dandy.
Oh and Jimmy and Sassy? They give Daniel the seal of approval the moment he shows up offering pets. And that was the only outside opinion that ever mattered.
{I may flesh this into a full on fic, but I also might not but I liked your idea anyway and wanted to put the concept I created into the world! I hope you like it.}
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fishii-writes · 2 months
huh? me? - sae itoshi
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requested by: anon (yuyu)
paring: sae x fem!reader
au: college
cw: not established relationship, swearing, sae, aiku and shidou are friends, shidou. and aiku (needs his own warning too tbh), ooc sae probably (sorry aahh), shidou and aiku are mentioned by their last names, not proofread
a/n: this request was super cute omg╰(*°▽°*)╯sorry if its not as good as you hoped, and ty for being my first anon! enjoy ;3
word count: 733
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“Hey! I like you!” 
What. The fuck. The look of sheer confusion on Sae Itoshi’s face almost makes you laugh as you run away with your friend. What just happened? Did his crush, totally top secret by the way, just confess to him? Was it a joke? 
“The fuck was that?” you can hear Aiku and Shidou almost howling, ahem, laughing, from all the way down the hall.
“I… don’t know. ‘S not like it matters, anyway.” Sae sighs, running one of his hands through his light magenta hair, trying to ignore the sound of his heart almost racing in his ears. He watches as your laughing figure along with your friend slowly disappears down the hallway. How we want to run after you, but he can’t. Not in front of his friends, and certainly not while you’re at this ripe age. Well, who knows, maybe he’d just never see you again and maybe it was a joke. Yeah, that’s it. It must’ve been a joke.
Well, he was wrong. Very wrong. There, at his soccer practice, he scans the bleachers as his teammates join him on the field, and he sees a face he was almost dreading to see. At least, for the second time today. He groans, turning around, only to be met with a sly grinning Aiku and Shidou. He sighs, pushing Shidou’s weirdly close face away from his.
“What’s our little Sae thinking about? Pondering about a giiiiirrrrllll?” Aiku teases, getting an eye roll from Sae.
“Certainly not. I don’t have time for dating,” Sae speaks his mind and morals, but part of him wants to see, just once, how a little crush might go. And of course, Shidou had caught on. Long ago, obviously, but he never spoke up about it. Shocker, to be honest.
“But what about a crush? Surely the Sae Itoshi has felt even a little bit of romantic affection before, right? Or is he a loser who’s never date-” Shidou’s obnoxious voice is cut off by Sae slapping his hand over his mouth, groaning as Aiku continues laughing.
“Would you two cut it out?! Look, even if I do like a person, they probably wouldn't like me back or have a partner already.” he slowly removes his hand from Shidou’s mouth, glancing around the bleachers to see your familiar face again. 
“Looking for someone?” Aiku and another voice say in unison, followed by soft giggling from someone he almost feared to see again. Almost.
“No, why?” he replies in a nonchalant manner, one hand on his hip as his eyes meet yours. And how he wishes he didn’t, since now, he can’t look away. Well, that’s embarrassing. 
“Heeyyy, Sae, you didn’t answer me earlier!!” you giggle, clinging into Shidou’s arm as he tries not to laugh. key word; tries.
“You didn’t ask a question?” Sae finally manages to break eye contact, only for Aiku to make the maroon hair boy turn to face you. By force, with his hand in place for the boy to be unable to move.
“Well, yeaahhh… but you could’ve said something after!” you roll your eyes, pouting playfully as Shidou struggles to hide his laugh. Sae sighs, shooting Aiku an annoyed look. 
“Well, why don’t you repeat it for him, then? it seems our little Itoshi has forgotten,” Aiku’s voice slightly changes at the end, like how people’s voices change when they talk to babies. and you can see it’s driving said Itoshi insane. 
“Okay! Sae, I like you!!” you beam, making Shidou burst out with laughter. Aiku also laughs, letting go of Sae’s face. 
“What… Huh?? Me?? Are you sure you didn’t mean to confess to my loser brother?” it seems even the cold Sae Itoshi has to avert his gaze from you. You seem so genuine, with your confession and all. but he can’t help but be surprised, even the second time around. 
“You seem like the bigger loser right now, I can't lie. Don’t worry, I still like you for that!” you laugh along with the two other idiots. But he enjoys your laugh a lot more than the two lukewarm freaks he calls his friends.
“Oh please, me? A loser? You deserve the best of the best, as in, not a loser. And I guess I like you too,” he mutters all of his little rant, going especially quiet and soft at the last sentence.
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© jazzii-writes 2024
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