#(( i've been thinking of this since yesterday but ))
dj-of-the-coven · 1 day
trigun 1998 episode simulator
[3 minutes of guitar solo]
Vash the Stampede: hi my name is Vash the Stampede. I am a hunter of Peace chasing the elusive mayfly of Love. all I really want to do is have a sandwich and a morning coffee without getting chased by bandits
some bandit: (gunshot) absolutely not. square up faggot
Vash: rats.
Vash the Stampede: my name is Vash the stampede. I am a hunter of Peace chasing the elusive mayfly of Love.could I please have a sandwich
Meryl from the Bernardelli Insurace Society: how long are you going to sit on your ass doing nothing but playing games with children and doing chores for the elderly and disabled and looking after lonely youths and cooking dinner for the homeless
Vash: I've been here for like 2 days
Milly Thompson: Hi Vash!
Vash: Hi Milly
[exit left pursued by bounty hunters]
Vash the Stampede: (panting, entering a bar) my name is Vash the stampede.... I am a hunter of Peace chasing the elusive mayfly of Good L*rd what is going on in here
Hostage: mphdsfhapff!!!! mffmpphhf!!!!
Villain of the week: well if it isn't the elusive Vash the Stampede! you see it all started when I was 4 days old and you kicked me like a football and then exploded my parents to death with a laser canon and killed every puppy in a ten ile (translator's note: this is the No Man's Land equivalent of the American Mile) radius
Vash: I don't remember doing that but well I suppose you can shoot me if it'll make you feel better
Side character of the week: Are you insane? Just shoot him instead???
Vash: but my mom told me not to be mean to people
Villain of the week: (still going) And as I am now 47 years old I have finally decided to get my revenge. Say your prayers, Vash the Pisshead
[Wall explodes and reveals a motorcycle with a sexy priest on it]
[sfx: sexy spanish guitar with a hint of electric distortion]
Vash: is that..... Wolfwood?
Meryl who was in the background this whole time: the priest?
Nicholas Dickolas Wolfwood: (brings his tan fingers up to a pair of luscious lips to grab the cigarette from right between them, taking one more slow inhale before crushing the cherry red underneath his heel)(sensually cocks one of his 8 guns) Are you just gonna let this guy talk down to you like that needle noggin?
Vash: I g-
[guitar riff bumper]
[guitar riff bumper]
Vash: -uess not, since you're here to help now... (slow, warm smile) Wolfwood
Nicholas D. ranged Wolfwood: Vash
Milly who was also in the background this whole time: Hi mr priest man! isn't this lovely, I haven't seen you since the last time you spoke with mr Vash yesterday evening when you were helping him buckle all those silly belts on his pants after he had lost them somehow
Vash: On a cactus
Milly: On a cactus! Oh it must've hurt so terribly; how fortunate that Mr Priest man was there to help you
Wolfwood: Hi Milly
Villain of the week: ohhhhh curses!!! CURSES!!!! I have spent my whole existence getting ready to fight Vash the Stampede but he's just too good at swallowing all my bullets!!!!!!
Vash the Stampede: my tragic dead mother would be sad if I didn't swallow everyone's bullets so I've trained diligently every morning at digesting gunpowder without dying immediately
Wolfwood: [internally: I can't believe it. All this time I've spent walking the path of darkness, reaching to a pure light that I could never grasp, and yet here is a man who's dedicated his life and his body to the pursuit of Peace. I wish he were a woman so I could fuck him romantic style. I've got a whole plan for it and everything. Whiskey, sunset, a bed with no sand in it, 6 hours. This would be fully and completely possible if only he were a woman. Unfortunately he's not, but I can still think about the what-ifs. platonically of course. Maybe if he got some good dick he'd stop being so annoying. And maybe he'd stop making me rethink my morals. I wonder if the seven drunken handies meant anything to him. Platonically]
Wolfwood: Well anyway it looks like my job is done here
Vash: (teary) Will I see you again?
Wolfwood: I don't know. And besides, whenever I look at you, I'm reminded of everything I hate about myself. You know, it hurts.
[exit Nicholas D. Wolfwood pursued by repressed homosexual desires and immense catholic guilt]
Vash the Stanned Peat: (looking out the window like a widow whose husband was killed in action) Nicholas... D... Wolfwood.......
Meryl who was in the background that entire time, yes, the whole time: shut the fuck up already
Vash: when will it be my turn Meryl. When
[roll credits]
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sweetmage · 2 days
So I made a post yesterday going over why I don't vibe with the "Varric wants to stop Solas because he failed to stop Anders" sentimemt and would instead prefer "Varric wants to help Solas feel heard and like he's not alone since he failed to do that for Anders".
But I've been thinking some more and just...
I don't doubt even a little that Varric liked and cared about Anders. After all, he was the only one who still hung out with him tried to speak fondly with him and act 3, Anders thought him special enough to give his pillow to him. But he wasn't fond enough to prioritize him above the idealistic image he had of the city he loved, not enough to offer him more than templar jokes and a few drinks to try to placate him when it was long past the time for that.
I hope it haunts Varric how alone Anders must have felt in his company. I hope it haunts him that this was plan Z for Anders, that he was screaming out for someone, anyone, to listen to him and show they cared about the plight of people like him, for them to rally at his side and his "friends" did nothing for him.
I hope it haunts him how Anders felt so rejected and unwanted by everyone else (aside from Hawke, who in my case supported him 100% before and after the Chantry incident) that Varric was still his top choice of "friend" to give his most sentimental possession away to despite Varric doing absolutely nothing for him. That the bar was so low that even Varric could cross it.
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lazyjellyfish300 · 3 days
Letters from Nanami 🖋️💘
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CW: ANGST, x FEM!READER, SUGGESTIVE- MINORS DNI, FLUFF, kinda self indulgent I'm sorry!!! Word count: around 1k
@1-900-venusluvs @thatone-writer
Postcard letters to you from Kento Nanami while he's on his missions would probably sound a little something like this:
Waking up to another letter from you was the highlight of my day. Thank you for sending the coffee grounds. Reminds me of home and saved my life since where I am now is lovely but their coffee...leaves a lot to be desired.
Anyway, I hope you're taking care of yourself. Enjoy a cup for me and know that I'm doing the very same thing with you, even miles away. Hot for me and iced for you, just how you like it. 
Couldn't stop thinking about you. I adored the pictures you sent me of the tulip festival. You look beautiful and the flowers are lovely. I love how despite being away, you write to me and speak to me as if I never left. Don't worry about finishing that show without me, honey. Watch it and enjoy it and tell me all about it when I get home. 
My love, 
We saw Lake Como today for the first time. It was absolutely breathtaking, just as you described. I suppose I did tease you a little much about "Anidala" and your adorable thoughts on why it was the perfect date location, because it absolutely is. 
I only wish you could've been here to see it with me. I'll bring you back one day, but only after I show you Malaysia. 
Be good for me sweetheart. 
My dearest, 
I'm so sorry you had a tough week. It's moments like these that pain me the most, that I cannot be there when you need me so. You are so patient and you inspire me every day with your strength. Please hold on a little longer and I'll be back home with you in my arms before you know it. 
My love for you is unending. If nothing else brings you comfort, I hope that does. 
Passionately yours, 
You can't even begin to understand how needy I'm feeling right now after reading that. When you say those things it causes my mind to think about all kinds of scenarios I probably shouldn't write for fear of this letter finding someone else by mistake. 
Just know that I feel the same. God, you don't know how badly... 
Knowing your body craves me even when I'm not there does things to me you can't even imagine.
When I get home, the first thing I plan to do is demonstrate just how much. 
Always yours, 
Yesterday was a good day. It's been raining all morning, which makes me think of you. I had a chance to go into town for a moment. I visited the gardens, saw some brand new ducklings and had a chance to admire the bridge. I think you would like it here a lot. 
They have a bakery which I made sure to stop by. They have this sort of house dressing they put on their sandwiches with fresh honey mustard mixed with mayonnaise adding just the right amount of tang balanced with sweetness. It's absolutely amazing. 
As always, I hate being away from you. But your letters never fail to cheer me up. Thank you for taking the time to write them and send them to me.
I'm sorry to hear you're struggling still, my love. I don't like seeing you upset, especially if I'm not there to help you get through it. 
Well darling, I hope you have a better week. Please don't forget to take care of yourself just as I would do if I was there. 
Don't worry too much about things love, that's my job. 
Faithfully yours, 
My sweetest darling, 
It's been harder than normal for me to be here without you. 
Part of me hates admitting that to you because the last thing I want is for you to feel responsible for how I'm feeling when you have more than enough on your plate. But it's the truth. I would be doing you a disservice if I wasn't honest. I miss you and the sound of your voice like hell. 
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I think it's time for us to plan for the future. If the things we talked about before I left are still true, then I think we shouldn't wait any longer. 
I want to marry you, have a family with you, have all of the things that I've always told you that I wanted but was too big of a coward to seize it with both hands, all because of fear. This silly fear that I would push you away over time or you'd grow to resent me because of my profession. It's about time that you and I resign to the quiet life, so we can have this together. I want to stop dreaming and start doing. If you'd still have an old man like me, then I'd be the happiest man on Earth. I want to give you my mother's ring and my last name. 
Darling, as I write this I can't help but feel extraordinary sadness that you're not with me. I'm trying to hold back these overwhelming feelings and from spilling every last confession on these pages, because as I said before, this is not your burden to bear. It's mine alone to shoulder, and I need to be the strong one for both of us.
Just long enough until I can have you in my arms. Just long enough until I can love you so deeply until the morning. Just long enough until we can go to that chapel on the edge of town that you pointed out when we went on that drive last Autumn, and I can bring you to all of these places that I'm seeing and experiencing without you, only this time I can experience it fully and properly with a fresh set of eyes because I have my love rightfully beside me where she belongs.  
I'll be dreaming of that moment. It's simply the only thing I can hold onto for now, my darling. You, the promise of you, and your gorgeous smile and those eyes that drive me wild. From now, until the edge of time, I'm all yours, and you're all mine.
I'll see you very soon darling, as always, be good for me. 
No other fitting way to end this letter besides just
Shibuya, Japan
Postmarked 2018年10月30日
A/N: sorry if I messed up the Japanese, pls correct me if I did 🖤
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izelascendant · 2 days
Chapter 3 - À Trois
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Rating | Mature Summary | What happens between the four after Tashi's injury. Pairing | f!Original Character x Art Donaldson x Tashi Duncan x Patrick Zweig Tags | Competition, Love Triangles (Squares?), Jealousy, Plot, Emotional Baggage, Smut, Exes, Unresolved Tension, Complicated Relationships Word Count | 2.5K Author's note | SMUT warning! What can I say, I've been a nasty girl. I always get so shy writing smut, lord. Next chapter will be the last of the series, I think they all need to take a chill pill - lol.
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Part 1 of this series - Sportsmanlike
Unsportsman like on AO3 | Chapter 1 - Atlanta, Chapter 2 - Spring Blooms, Chapter 3 - À Trois, Chapter 4 - Rigmarole
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Her mind races with thoughts and doubts, questioning whether this decision is wise or not. Her occasionally impulsive and spontaneous nature had led her down many paths—but this one seemed different. Spending the night in a married couple's hotel room was uncharted territory, especially when the couple in question was Art and Tashi Donaldson.
The resurgence of emotions she's felt in the past few weeks has been unavoidable, and the chance to experience both Art and Tashi again has left her conflicted. The question lingers in her mind—Why pass up this opportunity to be with them both?
She gets ready earlier than necessary, scrubbing every square inch of her body vigorously in the shower. She styles her hair meticulously and applies her most expensive lotions and perfume, wanting everything to be perfect.
She studies herself in the mirror, questioning her own actions. "What am I doing?" she murmurs, feeling her anxiety rising. Doubt creeps into her thoughts—what if Tashi really just wants to talk? And what about Art's kiss? Has Tashi been pulling the strings all this time?
As her eyes meet Tashi's in the hotel lobby, she feels a final wave of anxiety wash over her, but it quickly disappears into the background when Tashi laces their fingers together and leads her up to their room. There is a sly smirk on Tashi's face, one that she recognizes all too well.
Tashi observes her closely, noticing her breathing. "You seem nervous," she remarks, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. As she speaks, her fingers brush against her copper hair, a gentle and familiar gesture.
They stand together in the spacious elevator, the only two people in the enclosed space. She returns Tashi’s smile with a deep breath, feeling the flutter of anxiety in her stomach. "A little."
Tashi slips the key card into the slot, opening the entrance to their room. She pauses before they step inside, turning to face her. "Art and I both have nothing but good experiences shared with you." Her words are reassuring, a subtle reminder of the intimate moments they all share.
“Thank you for inviting me. I—I’m sorry about running off yesterday; it just caught me off—” She begins to speak, attempting to explain herself, but her words falter as she follows Tashi into the room and her eyes fall upon Art, waiting quietly near the doorway.
His casual greeting cuts through her ramblings, bringing her train of thought to a halt. "Hi." His single-word response holds a subtle smirk, as if he can't help but find her nervousness endearing.
She answers his simple greeting with a soft, almost timid "Hi" of her own, her eyes nervously darting between him and Tashi. As Tashi takes off her jacket, she feels a sense of being taken care of. She can't help but notice the shift in roles between them—how the tables have turned since their teenage years—Art, once the shy and susceptible one, now stands confidently before her, while she finds herself feeling flustered.
"No hard feelings, yeah?" Art gazes at her, his voice smooth.
“None at all,” she replies, a small smile playing on her lips as she feels heat rising to her cheeks.
Tashi intervenes, gently resting her hand on her shoulder. Her voice is a gentle command. "Come with me. I'll show you around." She then glances at Art. "Art will get you a drink."
Art nods and goes towards the mini bar to fix her a drink, his eyes fixed on her as she moves away with Tashi.
Following Tashi through the expansive layout of the hotel room, she takes note of the space. It's more like an apartment than a room, complete with a living room, a kitchenette, and multiple bedrooms. Everywhere she looks, she can sense the careful attention to detail paid by Tashi in setting everything up for the evening. The atmosphere feels almost nurturing, as if she's being gently guided and taken care of by them both.
As they enter the bedroom and Tashi shrugs off her robe, revealing a dark blue silk slip dress that accentuates her slender figure, she can't help but gaze at her, impressed. "You look beautiful." The words escape her lips in a soft murmur, her eyes roaming over every inch of Tashi's figure.
Tashi moves closer as her hand cups the side of her face, and her other hand finds its place at her waist. "Not as beautiful as you." A playful smirk curves her lips as she speaks, her gaze never breaking contact.
Her smirk matches Tashi's as she brings her lips close to hers, a hint of challenge in her eyes. "You're fucking crazy, Tash." Her words are spoken in a low purr.
The years of pent-up longing for each other seem to break into a passionate moment as they meet in a kiss filled with burning desire. Tashi's hands hold her body tightly against hers, guiding her toward the bed with a fierce hunger. She can hardly catch her breath as Tashi's lips move relentlessly against her own.
“You couldn’t wait for me?” Art's voice cuts through like a sharp knife, interrupting the heat between them. He casually strides across the room, taking care to place the drinks down on the desk in the corner of the room, before looking up at them with a smug smirk on his face.
Her gaze moves from Tashi to Art, her lips glistening and slightly swollen from Tashi's relentless kisses.
Tashi's voice is soft but playful, and her gaze is fixed on her as she speaks. "I'm just warming her up for you."
Those words send a chill through her whole body, and she can almost immediately feel her arousal growing at the thought. She relishes the sensation of being the center of both Art and Tashi’s desires, feeling wanted and desired by them both.
Art makes his way to the edge of the bed and gently grips her chin, tilting her face up towards him. There is a newfound confidence in his manner, an air of dominance that she has never witnessed before. Without breaking eye contact with her, he leans down and plants a kiss on Tashi's lips.
Tashi, with a satisfied grin, rises from the bed and moves over to the armchair strategically placed at the foot of the bed, positioning herself perfectly to watch as things unfold. The realization hits her suddenly—Tashi's role in this scenario becomes clear. Tashi is a cuck , and she gets pleasure from orchestrating the scene, gaining control in the process. She can tell that Tashi thrives on feeling in command—a true control freak.
"Undress for him." Tashi's command resonates with authority, and there is no room for disobedience.
She needs no convincing—the thrill of the situation is enough to send her pulse racing and excitement coursing through her body. Art's eyes roam over her body, a silent gaze that leaves her feeling both exposed and desired. As she moves around on the mattress of their bed, stripping herself of all her clothing items. Art, who’s sitting at the edge of the bed, palms himself through his pants.
"You want her badly, don't you, baby?" The words hang in the air—a statement more than a question.
Art’s movements are slow and calculated. "So badly," he responds with a low growl, the sound sending a shiver down her spine.
Art has a different demeanor with her this time around; his behavior is almost harsh and demanding. He fucks her with a ruthless edge, as if he's using her to let out all his pent-up anger and frustration. He has her pinned into a helpless position, practically folding her beneath his touch. Her legs are propped up on his shoulders as his grip is firm enough to pin her down to the mattress, pounding his hips into her relentlessly.
Tashi continues to observe from the sidelines, enjoying the scene unfolding before her eyes. The sight of her struggling and overwhelmed in desire—her face flushed, head rolling back, grabbing the sheets desperately—as she reaches the brink of overstimulation. Despite her struggles, Tashi can't help but appreciate how captivating she looks at this moment, her expression a mix of both pleasure and pain.
Art presses his hand meticulously against her lower abdomen, the metal of his wedding band warm against her skin as he thrusts into her at just the right angle—allowing him to feel his length practically poking at her cervix. She whines and cries, rolling her head over to Tashi’s side, noticing how she now has her hand between her thighs, attending to her own needs as she watches the two.
The plea escapes her lips—a desperate plea for mercy—for release. "Tashi, please." Her voice is thick with tears as she looks up at Tashi, her eyes pleading.
"You're taking it so well, baby." Tashi whispers softly, her gaze fixed on her, her tone filled with praise and reassurance. 
She reaches up, her grip tightening on Art's chest as she desperately clings to him. He responds by leaning down, his voice a low murmur as he utters the words, "I've got you, don't run." Despite the firmness in his tone, there is a hint of tenderness, a reassurance that he's there to ground her. He repositions himself to pull out and uses his fingers, curling them up inside her, hitting that same spot that makes her fall apart and gush onto his hand.
Tashi watches the mess being made, the way she soaks up the sheets, crying for mercy, and the way Art’s length twitches at the sight as he skillfully uses his fingers to drive her crazy. She feels the mattress dip as Tashi sits down beside her on the bed, a gentle presence at her side. Tashi's hands reach out to caress her face, a soothing gesture.
“Where do you want it?” Art’s breathing is slightly ragged as he rubs himself through her wet folds; his gaze is focused and determined.
“Inside, inside me.” She gives the green light, her gaze flickering between him and Tashi.
Tashi watches in satisfaction as her husband slides back inside her, holding her hips in place and groaning as he reaches his climax. It's as if everything comes together in a perfect culmination of the scene, a satisfying conclusion to the game Tashi had orchestrated. “That’s it.”
After showering her with gentleness and comfort, Tashi then leans in and plants a quick kiss on her lips, the action like a sweet reward for having been a good girl and taking it all. She then turns her head towards Art, her smile soft and genuine, and presses a gentle kiss on his lips, expressing her gratitude for his participation in the scene.
To top it all off, she gently pushes Art aside to lower herself between her legs and lick out the remnants of her husband from her core. It’s a filthy, almost sinful move, but the vulgarity of it all adds to the experience.
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As the heat of the moment subsides and the sensations fade, shame begins to creep its way into her mind. The realization of how vulnerable and exposed she has been sinks in, and a flush of embarrassment washes over her.
Art moves across the room, a towel wrapped around his waist, and offers, "You can take a shower here." His voice is casual, as if he's simply providing a practical solution to her current situation.
Tashi pipes up from the edge of the bed, chiming in with her own suggestion. "We can also set you up in the spare bedroom, no problem at all."
She responds with a soft smile and a gentle chuckle, expressing her gratitude for their hospitality but explaining her intention to leave. "I appreciate it, but I think I'll just head back home," she says, her voice nonchalant. Despite their offer, she seems eager to put some distance between herself and the intimate scenario they had just experienced.
As she leaves the hotel and steps out onto the dark, windy street, only one person comes to mind. She reaches for her phone to dial the number.
“Patrick?” Her voice comes out hopeful as he picks up her call.
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CYOA C57 Sneak Peak
Since I took a not-so-brief break from writing and it still might be another few days before I can post the next chapter, have a sneak peak of the beginning of the chapter below the cut.
Private WhatsApp Chat Resumed: Wednesday 16th March, 2022, 01:37 Members: Lily Evans, James Potter
Lily Evans: <image attachment> You're hopefully asleep but look at what I've got!
Private WhatsApp Chat Resumed: Wednesday 16th March, 2022, 07:11 Members: Lily Evans, James Potter
James Potter: omg it's my face mug
Lily Evans: Yep! Plus my tea, which really got me through the morning since I came in an hour early to get a site report finished. I employed cunning stealth tactics to manoeuvre it out of Pip's desk drawer yesterday.
James Potter: what did you do?
Lily Evans: I said, "Pip, can I have James's face mug?" and that worked.
James Potter: truly you are machiavellian in your endeavours also are you wearing bright pink in that photo?
Lily Evans: I am. Felt slightly daunted about it this morning because of the stupid old adage about redheads, but I mean, I BOUGHT the outfit on Monday because I loved how it looked on, so chickening out would have been a waste of my money.
James Potter: what's the old adage about redheads?
Lily Evans: There are MANY and they're all equally ridiculous because being redheaded is great actually, but this one in particular dictates that we "shouldn't wear pink," presumably because it looks terrible on us.
James Potter: that IS stupid you look so pretty
Lily Evans: Thank you! <image attachment> This is the full fit. I love Sirius's selfie mirror. What d'you think?
James Potter: christ you really do have phenomenal legs warn me next time, would you? i'm trying to drink my morning coffee in peace here, and you spring this on me
Lily Evans: Lollll you saw my legs on my Instagram yesterday.
James Potter: yesterday you had big tall boots on today you do not
Lily Evans: Forget about my legs for a second.
James Potter: i physically CAN'T
Lily Evans: The jacket is a CAPE, James. I own a CAPE. I am MAKING MY OWN DREAM (of owning a cape) COME TRUE. Do you have any idea how many crop tops I bought on Monday? LOADS. And I've been scared of crop tops my whole life. I still kind of am scared, but I'm going to be brave and wear them anyway, Bea says that if I carry myself with confidence on purpose I'll eventually start to carry myself with confidence because that's genuinely how I feel, and you know what she's right because I've had more compliments from other women in the office over the last day and a half than I've had in the year since I started working here. If you can't tell, I'm very excited about my new clothes.
James Potter: i can tell
Lily Evans: It's probably a very boring topic so I'll stop.
James Potter: no you don't have to stop i think it's brilliant and not just because i get to see more of your legs, which is a huge win for me
Lily Evans: Lolllllllll
James Potter: a week ago you were calling yourself a frump, so it makes me happy to see you talking like this instead if new clothes make you feel good about yourself then i want to hear about them
Lily Evans: I do feel more like ME in them, if that makes any sense at all. And there's no going back now because I've bagged up a load of my old clothes and Bea and Remus are going to help me lug them to the charity shop before we all head off to the train station on Saturday. I bought A LOT of new things. Like, so much I felt a bit obscene every time it came to pay. But I couldn't have done that if you hadn't spared me from paying rent for the next few months, so thank you so much for being a bottomless well of kindness, even though I should be saving that money for a deposit on a new flat and have had no common sense in my approach to this.
James Potter: don't worry about it, you deserve bottomless wells of kindness and of every good thing in life are you going to leicester with remus and beatrice this weekend?
Lily Evans: No, although I'm going the Saturday after for a pre-Mother's Day lunch with my mum and Petunia. I'm heading to Stockport to spend the night at Emily's, it just so happens that Bea and I both need to leave from Euston. Actually, first I'm getting my hair done, then I'm donating my clothes, THEN I'm going to Stockport to see Em. Then I'm going wall climbing with her and her mum and sister.
James Potter: oh cool! i love climbing, have you ever done it before?
Lily Evans: I went to a climbing centre once for a friend's birthday party years ago, I was twelve and I got my first period while I was actively on the wall, so I spent quite a lot of the day running into the toilet to check that nobody could see it even though I was wearing black shorts and Carina's mum had given me a pad. So the short answer is: not really, but I'm not worried, none of them are expecting me to be any good at it even though they're all basically professionals. Em and her sister also go cycling every Sunday morning so I have been informed that a loaner bike and safety gear is available if I want to join them.
James Potter: do you think you will go?
Lily Evans: Yeah! I haven't cycled in a few years but I do cardio every day so I reckon I can manage the exercise even if I wind up extremely saddle-sore afterwards. Plus this all means I get to bring and wear some of my new workout clothes, and honestly I'll take any excuse.
James Potter: if you put some chamois cream on before you cycle you'll save yourself a lot of discomfort little tip from my mum that i flagrantly ignored in my youth
Lily Evans: Why did you ignore it?
James Potter: because i was A MAN who didn't NEED to smear cream on my groin to train for a triathlon except it turns out i did also i was only about sixteen, who the fuck did i think i was, cat noir?
Lily Evans: I'm going to skim past the fact that you know who Cat Noir is because then I'll need to explain why I know who he is and it's probably the same reason.
James Potter: it's definitely the same reason
Lily Evans: God, we're both such dweebs. I mean, you're much cooler than I am, but still.
James Potter: not true at all, i'm a massive dork, i just happen to play a lot of sports, so people who don't know me well don't spot it straight away
Lily Evans: And you're stupidly attractive, which isn't often expected of massive dorks because we live in a society that unfairly pigeonholes people into boxes based upon their perceived attractiveness. This I say as I shop for makeup online. I know I'm part of the problem.
James Potter: what does "stupidly" attractive mean? i'd love a definition
Lily Evans: You already defined it yourself. Weeks ago, actually.
James Potter: what??? when?
Lily Evans: "And now," gasped Theo, in a ruggedly handsome but also charmingly boyish but also sexy but also dorky way that seems really impossible for a real human man to accomplish, "I will kiss you at last!" See? Defined. As per you. Also important to note: this kind of attractiveness makes people who fancy you act and feel like blushing, giggling idiots. Hence, "stupidly" attractive.
James Potter: well
Lily Evans: Your brother, on the other hand, is NOT stupidly attractive. He's inaccessibly attractive. Which is very different. Science.
James Potter: noooo don't talk about sirius! talk about me again!
Lily Evans: I just did. At length.
James Potter: talk about me more who am i making blush and giggle?
Lily Evans: How quickly you forget that I still field emails from Jessalyn et al.
James Potter: oh it's JESSALYN, is it?
Lily Evans: Et al.
James Potter: i think you should elaborate on et al
Lily Evans: I'd love to but I have to jump into a meeting.
James Potter: no you don't!
Lily Evans: Yes I do!
James Potter: a meeting with who?
Lily Evans: With Agnes from Julia Murphy.
James Potter: who is agnes from julia murphy
Lily Evans: Julia Murphy is a skincare company, one of our brand partners, and it's in my calendar, see?? <image attachment> I'm not trying to get out of telling you I think you're cute.
James Potter: two minutes ago i was ruggedly handsome and charmingly boyish and sexy now i'm merely cute?
Lily Evans: And dorky. Don't forget dorky.
James Potter: i haven't forgotten anything, thank you very much
Lily Evans: James, you are ruggedly handsome and charmingly boyish and sexy. Are you happy now?
James Potter: that reply will do, but only because you're busy you're off the hook for now but i expect you to revisit this subject later
Lily Evans: God, who even are you, my owner?
James Potter: that's an interesting choice of words, lil
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saintobio · 3 days
Hi saint!!! I hope you're doing well. You've been very active these days, and I hope you're still taking time for yourself!!🫶
First thing first...BLACK CANVAS!!😭😭👏
GIRL, YOU BROKE MY HEART. It was actually a very realistic, heartwarming but still heartbreaking ending, but I'm glad sukuna had the chance to prove himself and to feel good with the person he is. It makes me so incredibly happy. It's still a little bitter how he was able to move on and get engaged after just two years, but it's for the best of both him and mc. As regards mc, I can't understand if she's in a relationship with satoru? She seemed to be attracted to sukuna and to have some feelings still, but I don't know 👁👄👁
As for sy, the sneak peak you posted yesterday kinda broke my heart. I feel like both mc and satoru are struggling, and mc, being traumatised and skeptical towards gojo, can't let him explain the situation. I kinda wish she would hear him out🥲
And I wonder what akemi situation actually is👁👄👁 and I also wonder if mc will misunderstand something since, in the sneak peak, she interrupted gojo right when he was about to tell her (supposedly)
I've ranted enough!! Thank you so much for interacting with us Saint!! Sending you love🫶🫶💗
i am doing great, thank you 🥹 i’m working from home for the next 2 weeks so i’ve been having so much free time lately.
also for blank canvas bahaha i was satisfied w the ending :’) but what i wanted to show in sukuna’s engagement is this topic you guys might’ve read somehwere, where the man would usually ask the next woman in his life for marriage when he feels ‘most ready’. so he could be with someone for 10 years and not get married, and then jump onto the next relationship for 2 months and immediately feel like he’s ready to be tied down. that’s kinda how it went for him. but still, he acknowledges that yn was the right person wrong time.
and yes, yn is in a relationship with bc!satoru. but since there was no proper closure between her and sukuna, she was unable to control her feelings around him. by the end of bc, she definitely let go of their past now, and she’s fully ready to commit to satoru.
(gaaaah let me just add bc!sukuna was so fun for me to write abt bc my irl bf is also a biker and i’m his proud backpack lollll he’s also looking to get an r1 soon 🤧 i might just fulfill my bc fantasy there)
now for sy! the reason miscommunication happens between gojo and yn a lot is bcos they’re so scared of being hurt and ‘not chosen’ to the point where they’d just not hear the other person out. i think this specifically points to yn bcos she just has that perception that everything gojo does will always end up hurting her, so she’s just not trying to hear it anymore regardless of what he has to say 😅
anyway, this is probably my longest answer here so i’ll cut it here now. again, thank you sm for reading and supporting my fics <33
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httpiastri · 2 days
honestly don't know how to do this in the best way possible, but i wanted to post something today and so here we go:
today marks exactly one year since i posted my first fic on here. it's crazy how fast time flies – it feels like yesterday that i started this blog, to be honest.
last summer, when i was most active, was truly one of the best times of my life. but the rest of these last 365 days have been pretty awful for me in my irl life, to be completely honest. i've been a real train wreck, and in periods i've felt worse than ever before in my life. and honestly, i think f1blr is the reason i've been able to make it through everything. i do not know what i would've done to keep at least some happiness in my life if i hadn't had this platform and everyone on it.
never in my wildest dreams would i ever have been able to imagine this community meaning this much to me. i never expected it to have such a wonderful effect on my life. but here i am, a year later, so blessed for all of the things i've gotten to experience and all of the people i've met. i'm insanely thankful for you all; everyone from close friends, to anyone who's ever sent an ask or left a comment/reblog on a fic, and to readers who just check in every once in a while. you mean the world to me.
i'm sure that this all sounds sappy and overdramatic, and that's fine because this has not been planned out & it's purely just what i'm thinking and feeling in the moment, but it's all 100% true. thank you all for everything, let's share another great year together 🩷
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pensbridge · 3 days
This is a thought I had before that I'm rethinking a bit since they decided to drop the trailer yesterday (bless! Oops buried this in my drafts and never got around to finishing til now)
Warning: Long post! (I'm sorry or you're welcome)
I've been trying to stay away from spoilers, so I could be totally off base here, but
Thinking about how Colin will react to Whistledown
I've already talked about Colin having to be needed, but surely there will be layers...
Colin has that line in ep. 1, where he talks about ruining LW and how she ruined his family, yeah after she rips him a new one in the paper - it's a clear deflection. This was never going to be about Marina, or his family. This is about Penelope seeing through the very real facade of Colin, and the fact that he'll believe she thinks those things of him. Because he's insecure if he'll be good enough for her. He needs to be needed, but also I assume Colin will be hurt at the deceit and mindblown at what it means when he puts the pieces together. Replaying certain moments/events, as well as oh, that's why that was so weird. moments that make him feel pain about the sincerity of their romantic relationship right ahead of their nuptials. Because up until the carriage, Colin thought Penelope couldn't see through him. That him trying to be someone else was working. That he was concealing his obvious feelings well. (And he was right; when Penelope "is this a ploy for attention" Whistledown couldn't see him foaming at the mouth and about to pass out on dance floors to know that something had changed.) The carriage was his moment of admission to everything he's been hiding from himself. And she's Whistledown! She's the one who first pointed out those things about him. She even said "does Mr. Bridgerton even know, himself?". He is going to be hurt for what he perceives is her looking down on him. He is going to feel betrayed, because it will seem like a joke he wasn't in on about himself. He's probably going to cry from that, because it will all feel unreal (maybe even like their relationship is fake and she was playing him; he's still insecure about how he's perceived and fearful of getting hurt, especially with Penelope). And the carriage will probably feel meaningless to what he believes her to view it as. like: "what do you mean you saw me pretending all this time for weeks?" Colin was on a different timeline in his feelings and when they sprung into action, they really sprung to all feel like it happened all at once for him. For Colin, it was like they spent all this time together now, he saw her for who she really is - to be less concerned for how she appears to him - and it was like something had really changed between them. And then, to know that Penelope's got an inside edition to how exactly he is maybe feeling, before he fully knows himself.. It's like he gave a full speech on that part of himself (how he portrays himself), and she already had an idea!
It's a complicated scenario, because on one hand there's this conflict between them of the secrecy and certain level of deception (Penelope having this information he's unaware to when they're supposed to be getting married), but on the other side of it Penelope sees him and knows him better than he knows himself (and I don't even think she's aware of it) - it's really the soulmatism aspect of them.
But the carriage won't be ruined. Because Colin and Pen at the core are meant to fall for each other due to seeing the sum of all their parts. Colin now sees Pen, which as I was saying before was not possible without Penelope dropping her crush veil and acting unnaturally around him. Like, right now, he's sure he loves her, because the pieces clicked in the past few weeks. Pieces clicked that he's not even fully aware how or why they come together, and there's a subconscious feeling to the things that can't be explained. I mean, when he goes to see Penelope outside her house and she's like "Whistledown did not want to seem suspicious;" (girl, wtf ), that's a piece to Penelope that he doesn't have the answers to, but he senses. It's all going to make sense once he has time to process and be privy to the hidden pieces of why they are compatible. But, sometimes things just fall perfectly into place without the why.
And he still doesn't know about her feelings prior to the carriage. Like, he thinks, "we both got closer over the past few weeks and we fell for each other through that" (he knows Penelope has always been a constant and that his feelings go back far deeper although he can't pinpoint an exact moment, but up until she reveals it, he's not gonna think she feels that (he probably thought they both fell through the kiss); like they were just good friends and somehow those moments in the past weeks have awakened something in them that neither has realized until this moment).
But that obviously won't last for long. Same as a fight (most likely) won't extend into this long drawn out thing of actual opposition.
And back to the Marina vs Pen debate, the answer to the difference is as simple as this: he didn't love her; he loves Pen! There's nothing more complicated about it; it wasn't real and that goes beyond just the willing deceit of Marina. I could talk about the rose- colored glasses romance/love idealization trope and how that's important to the development (*cough how the change to the show makes sense*), but the crowd isn't ready for that. [I love Marina, therefore her slander will not be allowed here]. But I'll just say the illusion of someone vs knowing someone is going to be the biggest difference [and the greatest catalyst (more on that later)] for how this plays out. Despite not knowing the Whistledown secret, Colin knows Penelope.
It's funny how similar they really are. They're both over-romanticizers. They're idealistic and they both idealized someone and had the pedestal knocked down. We already saw Pen's moment for this, the vital poor declaration moment at the ball. Now, I'm thinking Colin is going to have to battle this idea. He loves her, we know this! We also know that Colin can be impulsive for all of it's good and bad qualities. He is going to have to fight this idea where he acts towards his deepest insecurities. He's sitting outside the bedroom, so it looks promising (lol)! He's angry, but he's ruminating and he's internalizing all of that confusion and fear (I know they'll fight ofc, but for the little moments like that..). He thinks love is a thunderbolt in the sky, not that he fell for her like that, but that love is grand, fairytale-ish; he is a true romantic. His proposal shows as much for his his gestures of grandiosity. He's over the moon about the engagement and he's in a happy bubble after the swift timeline of the realization of their feelings. He'll have to break this idea. Because Colin didn't know love before Penelope. In the conflict of the Whistledown reveal, he'll see that love isn't always this gradiose thing. But that it's moments, being fully understanding of one another, wanting the person, seeing them, and (very important for his development) having them see you. Because that's what REAL love is. He'll actually see the real her and the full picture. Thus, we can actually get the real love confession where he says it. His perfect love idea will be shattered, but the end point will be sweet and more worthwhile than actually not knowing someone. They'll have a deep, dork bond, full love connection for life!
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awsugar · 2 days
What photo did he like!!! I’m fkn excited ! I’ve seen people speculating somethings afoot for a while but I’m concerned it’s either just a surprise download set or a cover song for the UA (I would be GUTTED if it was that), but Howard benson liking 9/11 show stuff would suggest something else. Remember the theme of the sets were very much destruction (like 9/11) and Gerard’s progressively dying office lady
he liked this post.
i'm usually an anti when it comes to mcr5 theories but some weird stuff has def been going on. frank was in la for a while and we know they were rehearsing but rehearsing so far in advance of wwwy is like. interesting. not to mention mikey posting from a studio a couple months ago but didn't tag a band....its just a lot of stuff that doesn't add up.
i was SO afraid of a download secret set but i no longer think that's the case. the booker for download was def teasing it and yanking our chains but there's a emo dj set called the black parade so to me that one has been solved.
that's so interesting, i've also wondered if potentially they could be doing a song for the new season since gerard has done songs multiple times in the past! but it's also hard for me to see them doing a song for that since they literally haven't been writing. you know up to this point. and frank made it clear in that dunes interview recently that HE wants to write and record with my chem but he's like a yappy dog biting gerard's ankles and gerard has like put a muzzle on his rather than pick him up LMAO. so it's like ugh. are they. are they not.
it is really interesting thinking about the connection of secretary gerard and the progression of that throughout those shows. i want to know more so bad.....but even then, what does the 9/11 show have to do with it? obviously it's where the band started, foundations references it very explicitly. but pics from that show specifically, like not even professional photos but like fan pics and videos...i don't know what to make of it. like why is he liking them! the pic of the girl i know that he liked yesterday is literally two pics of her after the show with a swarm flag, not even any photos of the band or inside the venue! i need to know what they're up to! cause unless he's working with them on SOMETHING that is a really odd hobby for him to have picked up especially doing it over the course of more than one day and choosing a specific show....
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waitingtobebroken · 2 months
Crowley: I’ll take care of you
Aziraphale: It’s rotten work
Crowley: It's just hot chocolate, angel... Go back to your book
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incesthemes · 2 months
there is interesting johndean subtext and insinuations across kripke era, usually through an antagonist insinuating parent-child sexual violence in order to exert dominance over dean. this type of mockery exploits that ambiguous relationship between john and dean and reminds dean that he never had a normal relationship with his father, and that makes him gross and wrong. it doesn't actually matter in the end whether john was sexually abusive to dean. the core of their relationship was damning enough: dean was made to take the place of john's wife—to comfort john and raise sam—while simultaneously being his son. the codependent nature of their relationship implies the incest that underscores their dynamic. again, this is regardless of what literally occurred between dean and john because there is enough doubt toward the nature of their relationship that multiple antagonists can use it against them.
sonwife, brotherhusband—dean is stuck in a liminal space between family and lover and is unable to put his feet firmly on just one side and instead has to accept both together or abandon both together. he doesn't get to have a relationship with his family without it being simultaneously incestuous. he plays the role of wife to john and mother to sam as mary's replacement; he therefore becomes more than a son and transcends the boundaries of the familial into the incestuous. it's baked into the dynamic and he can't hope to escape the liminality in which he's stuck without abandoning his entire family altogether.
this ambiguous relationship is further acted out with sam, where people perceive them as lovers rather than brothers; where their mutual devotion trumps, neglects, and disallows any other close relationship outside each other; where their physical closeness is viewed through an unusually sexual lens despite no literal sex acts between them taking place on screen. once again dean is stuck in a liminal space, paralleling the ambiguous and uncertain relationship he had with john.
in the end, sex (and sexual violence) is just a symbol of this codependency and uncertainly incestuous dynamic. sex acts in kripke era end up being symbolic: misinterpretations of sam and dean's relationship; accusations of sexual violence; literal, on-screen sexual moments between the brothers and someone else. it's a literary device that highlights the incestuous themes of the show. dean hand-picks women for sam to fuck because it allows dean to be symbolically part of sam's sex life. henricksen accuses john of raping dean because it is a symbol of the unhealthy, codependent relationship dean had with his father. the samulet stays on during sex because sam is symbolically integral to dean's sexual gratification (seen too in the way both dean and cassie in 1.13 appear to kiss the amulet at least once in the dark room). sex is used to signify more than what's literally on the screen, and the connections between the literal sex acts and the blurred lines of dean's familial relationships allow for a reading of incest between both john and dean and sam and dean.
it never mattered whether johndean or samdean had a sexual relationship in the canon because that was never the point. the point is the liminality that permeates the narrative. sam, dean, and john all stand upon a threshold between acceptable and taboo. the point of it all is the doubt and anxiety, the are-they-aren't-they that is never answered. the absence of incest within the text invites the understanding that the incest was, in fact, always there.
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metalhoops · 1 year
Inspired by this post
Steve had watched the world end a hundred different ways. He’d lived the same day more times than he could count, watching the people he loved die or feeling himself die. There were things worse than death. There were memories he didn’t dredge up for fear of calling them into the waking world.
He'd held onto hope for the first twenty recurrent days, which had dwindled to a sense of steely determination until he’d lost count of the days. Then all that was left was the comfort of repetition. He was Sisyphus pushing the boulder up the hill, day in and day out. Steve kept trying and failing to save Eddie until it was all he knew.
Maybe he was Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods and spent his life paying for it, tied to a rock while birds picked at his liver, only for it to grow back with each morning. Prometheus whose name, by definition, means forethought; one’s ability to consider possible futures. Steve had spent a small lifetime considering futures. It wasn’t a comparison he would’ve made on his own. That was Eddie, who’d spent his childhood with his head in thick tomes of fantasy and mythology.
Eddie Munson came to him like cheap furniture, in crudely disassembled pieces that Steve had been working tirelessly to put together. Each new loop brought him another piece of Eddie. His favourite colour was blue. He only woke up early on weekends to watch cartoons. He liked too much cream in his coffee.
The Eddie that existed in a world where Steve stayed with him and Dustin during the swarm of bats had told Steve his biggest dream was to make enough money to buy Uncle Wayne a proper home. His biggest fear was that when he died, no one would remember him.
Days or months later, with Steve repeating the same damn day, he’d finally learnt why Eddie’s love for his uncle ran so deep. Wayne had taken him in before his dad went to jail when the man caught Eddie holding another boy’s hand. In that world, Steve had stayed with Eddie in the RV as the rest of the group searched War Zone.  
Eddie’s mother died when he was six. He’d told Steve that later, or earlier. Steve had and has lost his sense of past and present. Eddie loved his mother deeply, though was unsure if that love had been misplaced. He recalled two mothers, one who read him bedtime stories and threw herself around the kitchen each morning with her wild theatrics and another mother who was distant and whose temper could turn on a dime. Eddie wasn’t sure which of those mothers was his and which was the mother of memory. All good storytellers know the story shapes itself in the retelling. Eddie’s mother was Janus, god of duality.
Steve understood. He loved and hated his parents. These feelings weren’t mutually exclusive. Steve loved Eddie because he’d spent the last hundred-odd days getting to know him, but Steve hated Eddie because he kept dying. Until he didn’t.
The boys lay side by side in the red-blue soil of The Upside Down, their bleeding sides caked with mud and demonic bat viscera. In the end, Steve wasn’t sure what’d done it. It’d been so long since he’d lived Eddie’s original death that it’d been smeared by the haze of memory and conjecture. All he knew was that a sea of bats lay dead around them and that it was over. Finally, over.
Steve removed his hand from where it was pressed into his side and extended it to ensnare Eddie’s. He felt muscles tug and tear from the walls of his ribs with the effort. Blood flowed freely from the cavity, but Steve didn’t care. He wanted to hold Eddie’s hand. Holy shit, they’d done it.
Somewhere along the way, Steve had fallen in love. It’d taken him ten more iterations to reconcile with the fact he could not only like a man but love him.  That was months ago, in Steve’s time. It was old news. “Steve, you still with me?” Eddie asked, his voice horse.
He was hurt, though not as badly as Steve. All his wounds were superficial. He’d be okay. Steve had been so sick of watching Eddie die, he’d been willing to put his body on the line to make sure it didn’t happen again.
In this loop, he was still ‘Steve’, not ‘Stevie’. They hadn’t grown close enough yet. Eddie only called him ‘sweetheart’ in the iterations where they kissed. Steve wanted to kiss him, but there was the taste of iron in his mouth.
“I’m okay,” Steve insisted, squeezing Eddie’s hand. He felt a sharp pain shoot through his side as Eddie pressed his hand into Steve’s wound.
“Christ, there’s a lot of blood,” Eddie muttered to himself. 
He was bad with blood. He’d scraped his knee down to the bone when he was seven and ever since, the sight of gore made him queasy. Steve wasn’t meant to know that yet. In this iteration, he hadn’t told Eddie about the loop. He’d tried before, but it never helped.
Pain and blood loss drag Steve down into a familiar oblivion. He expected to wake at the beginning of the loop, emerging in The Upside Down from Lover’s Lake, but instead, he found himself in a hospital room with Eddie in a bed by his side. It was late, too late for visitors, but Eddie wasn’t sleeping. His eyes were trained on Steve, equal parts concerned and curious.
“You scared the shit out of me,” Eddie confessed, as Steve’s eyes met his. 
Steve wanted to cry or scream. He wanted to untangle himself from the knot of cords and tubes to crawl beside Eddie in bed as they had curled up together in the back of the RV dozens of times before. He needed to hold Eddie to know he was alive, to understand he wasn’t going anywhere. Steve blinked away tears, balling his hands into fists. He didn’t want to scare Eddie.
“I scared you?” Steve choked out a mixture between a laugh and a sob.
Eddie didn’t know what to do. He never knew what to do when people cried. Steve learned that in the iteration where they’d lost Dustin. He didn’t want to think about it.  
“You almost died, man,” Eddie explained.
He somehow understood Steve wanted him closer. Eddie got out of bed, clutching his I.V. drip as he flopped into the chair by Steve’s bedside. He wanted to hold Eddie’s hand again, but he was out of excuses. He could tell him the truth, but he didn’t know what good it would do.
Steve was still used to thinking of possible futures. He was Prometheus who, unlike Sisyphus, escaped his torment. Steve wondered what happened to Prometheus after he was rescued. Did he return to a normal life? Does anyone bother to ask? Prometheus’ story is always about punishment. Afterwards, he was a footnote in the story of Hercules, but once the heroes leave the story, what’s left?
Eddie would know the answer, but it wasn’t a conversation he’d had with this Eddie. That Eddie was dead. This Eddie was and wasn’t him. This Eddie was Janus, god of abstract duality, god of beginnings and ends, god of life and death.
“Sorry my lame-ass face is the first one you had to see. Robin and the kids were in here all day. Wheeler left flowers,” Eddie tacked on awkwardly.
This Eddie didn’t know Steve. They were strangers. Of course, things were awkward. He couldn’t know he was the one person Steve wanted to see more than anything.
“No, Ed’s—.” Slip of the tongue.
“Eddie. I’m really glad you’re here, man.”
They were back to square one, but Steve could work with that. He’d been working with that for months. This time, Eddie would remember. This time, they had the luxury of taking things slow.
“One thing’s been bugging me all day,” Steve began.
After hundreds of days of getting to know Eddie, Steve had learnt a few shortcuts, a few ways to jump-start his way into Eddie’s heart.
“Can you explain what the hell Mordor is?”
It was a tried-and-true method. By that point, Steve knew Eddie’s response off by heart, but he wanted to hear him say it. Eddie gave him the same perplexed look he always did when Steve asked. It was as though Eddie thought he knew too much like there was some secret he wasn’t letting him in on, but he didn’t challenge Steve on it. He never did.
“Harrington, have you heard of Lord of the Rings?” Yes.
“No.” A million times.
“Tell me about it.”
Read Part 2 Here
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queenlucythevaliant · 1 month
Just to clarify my thoughts (since I've had a number of people ask me about it) re: Job and cursing God. There's a big difference between cursing God as used in Scripture and how we generally would think of cursing at God today.
Cursing someone, in the Bible, has a lot of depth to it. It's not just saying "screw you " in anger, it's got a sense of forsakenness to it. It's the opposite of a blessing, a removal of blessing. If the blessing is presence, your face shining on the person you're blessing, then a curse is absence. In some translations, Job's wife tells him to "renounce God and die," which I honestly think makes a lot more sense to modern ears.
Job says a lot of unpleasant things to and about God in his anger and grief. So do the Psalmists. A number of the Prophets. So can we. God can take it if we come to him with honest expressions of our emotion, including those not-so-nice ones directed at him. I don't think there's anything wrong with getting mad at God and saying, "How dare you, you bastard" when you suffer unjustly. You can say much worse, I think, without sinning, though I don't feel particularly inclined to give examples. But as long as it's an honest expression of your heart, I think you're doing exactly what prayer is for. You're presenting him your heart with an open hand. He can use that. Opposite of love is not hate but indifference, etc.
Job doesn't renounce God. Neither should we. But I think when you're truly suffering, you're gonna have those feelings toward God either way. He'd rather you address them with him directly than try to avoid them. Cursing at God in the modern sense is actually a great way to keep the relationship strong and not end up cursing/renouncing him in the Biblical sense.
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antennatoheaven · 11 months
i feel like being a guy who loves fighting so much while living in a sugar plum soft world gets really boring (outside of the occassional intergalactic threat) if you feel the need to beat up a gorilla 30 fucking times. like what's the deal man? are you getting enough enrichment in your enclosure? do you wish you were in dark souls? could you maybe leave the local wildlife alone for a bit?
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royalarchivist · 1 year
Maximus: Amigo, amiga, amigue, amongus?
Maximus being a supportive Tio and asking Leonard@ (Foolish and Vegetta's egg) their pronouns, then celebrating with a song when they say they're genderfluid!
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epickiya722 · 12 days
This part in chapter 222 will always hurt more given what has happened after. The last time Yuji saw Satoru in person alive was here and the next time he sees 'Satoru' is when Yuta is possessing his body. He just saw his teacher get sliced not long before that!
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Now, I'm gonna be real. I always think back to this part because I was always so confused as to why everyone was hesitant as to how to hype Satoru up. Granted, given that Satoru is who he is, so there's that. But it was their reaction [that first picture] to Yuji was the one to step up to physically cheer him on is what got me. Now, again, granted. It makes sense that they would be surprised because Yuji didn't say anything during that scene until then, like he didn't say he was going to do that. Also, they were waiting for Satoru's reaction, I guess. But then I realize something. Why it just made sense that Yuji was the one to first to reach out. And it could be a reach. Not saying I'm right.
Both Satoru and Yuji are physically affectionate people. Everyone else, at least some, aren't really like that, physically affectionate. Yuji though is. And Yuji is more aware.
I feel like for this scene, Yuji was determining how the others planned on cheering Satoru om before he made a suggestion. Of course, he didn't have a chance to say anything before Satoru, Utahime and Gakuganji pulled up and just went through with it because he knew Satoru wouldn't mind it.
Here's the thing, Yuji is more attentive to people. He remembers Megumi's flavor of popcorn, he recognized Yuko despite how different she looks and even pays attention to how she wrote and eats.
With Satoru, I bet he already clocked in that Satoru is a physically affectionate person given that he has shown such behavior towards Yuji himself and others.
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In all, Yuji is a hands-on, visual kind of learner and I don't think his way of learning is just for jujutsu and fighting.
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