#(( it's just cass that has severe beef with him that takes a long time to let go of oops ))
waitlifted · 2 years
(( dunno why but now I'm thinking about how we never really see Cassandra reference "Flynn Rider", he's always Fitzherbert (or Eugene if she's feeling generous, a whole list of insulting nicknames if she's not). I mean it makes sense, he'd started going by it again by the time they actually meet each other, even if she knew him by reputation before and all.
honestly despite the venom she can put into saying his name sometimes, it's probably really good for Eugene's safety and well being that she does. after all, if she had that old moniker coming up as a constant reminder of how the man in front of her was her previously declared nemesis that committed all those violent acts against her dad and the other guards, it would be much harder for her to restrain from strangling him. instead she manages to (somewhat) disconnect him from his past actions and just be mad at his present actions instead :^) ))
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goldandbluesmiles · 4 years
Another Lovely Family
Summary: The Batfam get interesting visitors from another reality.
Ao3  This is part of my batfam Flufftober 2020
Note: I have no idea what this is. It just kinda spiraled out of control. But I hope you guys still like it.
Sorry for Barbara fans, she's kinda not here. I couldn't really find a way to put her in here.
Also, the Chinese folk creatures mentioned were the fox spirit aka the nine-tailed fox. They are depicted as being both a good omen or bad omen depending on the literature. The second one was a Huan Cat. Its pelt was said to contain medicine for certain illnesses and some believed they scared away bad luck.
Their patrol had been peaceful that night, and the whole family ended it in the cave, laughing and joking as they stripped out of their suits and weapons. Bruce was watching over them with his ever stoic gaze but Tim could spot the small smile on his face.
So, that was exactly when everything went to shit.
There was a sudden rumble that shook the cave, making everyone reach for the nearest support. A blinding flash and then a portal-like circle appeared at the top of the cave. Through it fell...Tim didn't know how to really describe the really spikey creature.
And then another larger creature fell through.
They were both scaly and covered in patches of clothing. They seemed to have some humanoid feature but they seemed to be a little twisted. There were horns in their heads, wings at their backs and Tim could tell that the little one's irises were silted, like a reptile's eyes.
Tim pulled out his staff, beside him Jason clicked off the safety of his gun, everyone around the cave also took up their weapons.
The bigger one didn't seem to be moving but the smaller, about four feet tall, started to flap its wings and dart around, making a whining and screeching sound but stayed close to the bigger body.
Dick tried to get closer but the little thing lashed out and cut his cheek. Jason instantly straightened his gun but Cassandra moved in front of them.
"Stop!" she ordered
Everyone stopped, even the little creature, though it kept up its whining and chattering, slowly flapping its wings.
"Cass what is it?" asked Bruce
"Damian," she said
It surprised them, but Tim noticed that the little creature stilled at the name.
Cass turned toward the small thing, holding her and up and moving slowly. The little thing slowly backed away but seemed to be calm.
"Damian," said Cass again
The small thing tilted its head to the side, as if curious.
"Your name," said Cass, "Damian,"
After a moment, the creature nodded and chattered softly.
"You understand me?" asked Cassandra
It nodded again.
"Cassandra," said Damian, "What are you-"
"Look," she said softly, "Look close,"
Tim followed her instructions and closely looked at the face of the little thing. At a closer peek, their features were more clear, the green eyes, high cheekbones, and dark hair- It was eerily similar to their Damian's.
"You know," said Stephanie, "I can kinda see it,"
Cassandra nodded and turned back to the other Damian.
"We have Damian too," said Cassandra, "We call you D, Okay?"
The other Damian waited a few moments and then nodded.
"Good," said Cass, and she pointed at the bigger body, "Family?"
D nodded again, this time chattering in what Tim thought might be distress.
"We help," said Cass, "Okay. Turn them over to see,"
D nodded one again.
Dick and Steph stepped forward to help her flip the person gently. Unlike D, the features of this one were more clearer.
"Talia," whispered Bruce
Tim had to agree. Long hair, the same lips, same structure under swirls of silver that matched her son. The horns were bigger and straighter than D's and her hands had claw-like nails but the resemblance to their world's Talia was there.
"Mother?" Cass asked D
D nodded vigorously and chattered, pointing at Talia's side.
"Hurt?" asked Cass
D once again pointed at the same place.
"Can we check?" asked Cass
Once she got affirmative, Cass gently moved the cloth there. Their skin was bare at the back and stomach area but there seemed to be some scale-like things covering the sides. The scales were twisted in one area, almost pushed into the skin, and covered in silvery goo.
"Blood?" asked Cass
D nodded.
"We need to figure out a way to help and I don't think we can do it alone," said Bruce, watching as Cass talked some more with D, "I certainly don't want to try in case we make it worse,"
"So?" asked Jason, "We could reach out to some allies but who would know about something like this?"
'Well," said Bruce, "I don't like the man, but Constantine has travelled to other realities, we could get a few trusted biologists in here to take look. We could call Zatanna and Manhunter to see if they can establish a line of communication with the child,"
"The child?" asked Damian
"Yes, Damian," said Bruce, "From his behaviour and the comparison to the fully grown mother, it is obvious that he is a child. Though I'm not sure about the 'he' part. They don't seem to be human,"
"Anyway," continued Bruce, "Make those calls. I'm going to go explain this to Alfred,"
"So what is this?" asked Dick
Constantine glance from the Talia on the table to little D sitting with Cassandra at the end of the bed.
"I've never seen anything like this before, mate," said Constantine, "But there are worlds out there where some of us normals humans are metas. I mean there was one where you were born under the sea. There are some realities where humans evolved differently. I dunno mate, I've never seen anything like it and since the little one isn't talking, can't know for sure,"
"And from the looks of it, the scales have gone into her skin, a stark contrast to the other scales that are standing and parallel to her body. I'm sure they need to be pulled out but I don't know how to do that since I can't know how her anatomy works or even which organ is which. Not to mention I don't know how to verify if she's coding or not. Right now, the only indication that she's alive is that her stomach seems to be moving up and down and there is air coming out of her nose indicating breathing,"
"We could put her in a magical coma," said Zatanna, "It would slow everything down, including any wound she has. It's is our best bet,"
D was listening to them and let out a soft chatter.
Cassandra turned to him, "Okay,"
He looked at Zatanna for a long moment and then nodded.
"Okay," said Zatanna, "Here goes,"
Once the spell was done, D came to sit by his mother and curled up on her good side. He stayed like that for the next several hours, ignoring any of Cass's attempts to interact with him.
Watching him made something in Jason's heart, reminded him of the many times he had curled up against his own mom, until the day he had woken up to the feel of her cold dead body.
Ignoring that train of thought, he focused on another issue from his alley days.
"He's been here almost twelve hours, right?" he asked Bruce, "He should have been given something to eat by now,"
"When we checked Talia, we noticed that her teeth resembled a carnivore's," said Bruce, "I asked Alfred to get some meat options, cooked and raw. But he's also making a vegetarian meal, just in case,"
"Good," said Jason, still watching the little one, "He's so small,"
"I know," said Bruce, "And we have no idea how to get them home,"
"Have you been able to get the Martians here yet?" asked Jason
"No. They're still not available and Zatanna couldn't do anything,"
"And that also only works if Damian knows how to get back. The only reason our Damian is this resourceful is that he was trained by the league. Who knows how this little guy was trained to what tech they have on their side,"
"I know it's a lot of variables," said Bruce, "But we have to take it one step at a time. First food,"
"Right," said Jason, going back to gazing at D.
Bruce stopped looking at the reports he was going through and turned toward Jason.
"Jay, are you alright?"
Jason startled.
"Yeah. Yeah. Just...you know. Reminded me of...yeah,"
Bruce glanced at D and nodded in understanding.
"Why don't you bring him the food down in a little bit?"
"Me?" asked Jason, pointing at himself, "Is that a good idea?"
"Why not?" said Bruce, standing up and gathering his papers, "You're good with kids and you're good with food,"
"Come on, Jay," said Bruce, "It'll give Cass a break and you can explain to the little one about the different options,"
"If you're sure," said Jason
"Of course I am, Jay," said Bruce, "I'm gonna go check on our Damian,"
Half an hour later, Jason came downstairs holding a tray. Cass looked at him and smiled, vacating her seat beside Talia's bed. She kissed his cheek before making her way up the stairs.
Jason sat down and put the tray on a nearby table.
"Hey, D," said Jason softly.
Damian stayed turned away from him but Jason saw his wing twitch.
"So, it's a little afternoon now, which mean that you should probably eat something,"
Another twitch.
"Now, I don't know how much you need to eat or what you even like but we guessed a bit and I have some things here that you can choose from,"
Damian didn't have any response this time.
"You know your mother doesn't need food right now, because of the magical coma. But she needs you. They say people in comas, especially magical comas, can still feel and hear the people around them. How are you supposed to be here for her if you don't eat, huh? Maybe just a little?"
There were a few moments of silence, but then Damian turned around. His eyes seemed tired and hurt and made Jason's heartache.
"We have a few options. Vege's, cooked beef, pork and chicken. Same thing but raw too. Which one would you like,"
D pointed to the cooked meats, specifically at the beef. Jason handed him the plate and he started eating it as finger food, leaving the utensils behind on the tray. It reminded Jason of how some League members would eat.
There were a few minutes of silence and suddenly Jason had no idea why Bruce had sent him down, Dick was much better at these things.
Then he spotted a book sitting on his desk.
A little Princess.
"Hey," said Jason, "You know my dad would read to me whenever I was sick or injured and sometimes just because. Do you mind if I read something to you and your mother,"
D looked up and tilted his head sideways, a gesture they had come realize meant he was curious.
"Just a second," he said, getting up to get the book.
Jason came back and sat down, opening the book to its first page.
"Alright, Kiddo," said Jason, "Let's tell you the story of Sara Crewe,"
When Dick made his way down to the cave, it was with a tray of tea for Jason, a tradition that Alfred had brought to the family. D was still curled up against his mother and Jason seemed to be reading him Little Women. A copy of A Little Princess was sitting close by.
"Hey," whispered Dick as he came down, sitting the tray on a table, "How's it going,"
Damian chattered softly and Jason smiled, "D and I have been discussing characters,"
Dick smiled, "That's great guys. I brought you tea, Jay,"
"Thanks," said Jason, "I'll drink and read,"
Dick nodded and turned toward D.
"Hey, so I love listening to Jason too. Do you mind if I sit with you?"
D looked at him for a moment but the scooted a little, making his intention obvious. Carefully Dick sat himself down on the bed. the beds were big enough but Dick was still careful as to not touch Talia.
D seemed to have no such reservations and leaned against Dick's side. Jason raised his eyebrows at the action but kept reading. Eventually, soft snores started to emit from the little one and Dick looked over to see his eyes closed.
"I think he's asleep," whispered Dick
Jason nodded and closed the book, putting it away.
"Poor guy," murmured Dick, "In a world so different from his own,"
"Yeah," said Jason, "Seems to like you though,"
Dick smiled, "He didn't seem to hate you either, Jay,"
"Yeah," murmured Jason, "Do you think he has his own versions of us too. I mean the way he looks, his dad is probably their version of Bruce Wayne, right? Think the man adopted a slue of kids over there too,"
"I dunno," said Dick, "Maybe,"
Just the, D let out a small snort and twitched his wings.
"He's kinda adorable isn't he?" said Jason
"Yeah," said Dick, gently smoothing down D's hair, "I just hope we can get him home. And help his mom,"
"How's Dames taking it?" asked Jason
"He's alright but I know something's bugging him," said Dick, "But he seems more concerned about something regarding this little one than about any threat to him or to the family so that's some progress I guess,"
"Definitely progress," said Jason and then frowned, "What's the concern though?"
"No idea," said Dick, "Maybe he's just showing the inherent kid mentality, ya know, worrying about other small people,"
Jason snorted, "Yeah. Maybe,"
Half the bats ended up staying back from the patrol that day. Neither Jason nor Cass wanted to leave their guest and Tim stayed with them. D had been given dinner and seemed content to lay with his mom. Seeing this, Cass and Jason had taken to the sparring mats and Tim had started his work on the latest security update of the cave.
Tim was deep into it when he felt someone approach him. He turned to find D curiosity looking at the screen.
"Hey, Kiddo," said Tim, "Need something?"
D chattered and pointed at the screen, head tilted to the side.
"You want to know what I'm doing?" asked Tim
D chattered and nodded.
"Well," said Tim, "I'm trying to make our home safer for us. See these, here? This is the pattern for silent arms but Jason broke through them the other day just to prove a point to Bruce so now we're updating them. It usually ends up being my job but I don't mind. I like helping to keep my family safe,"
D started chattering excitedly, pointing at the screen, then at Tim and then at his wings. It took his doing it a few times for Tim to understand what he was trying to say.
"Are you saying that you have a Timothy too? And that he makes your home safe?"
D nodded with a huge smile on his face, excitedly flapping his wings.
"So you do have your own versions of us. Dick and Jason were wondering if your dad had adopted more kids too,"
D got quiet at that and Tim had no problem recognizing the sad and faraway look in his eyes.
"You must really miss them," he said softly
D chattered softly and nodded with his eyes down.
"I wish we could find a way to get you back. But there is nothing to read from the energy that brought you here and we can't really know anything until you tell us where exactly you're from. And we need the Martians for that. They'll be here tomorrow,"
D started chattering really fast after that, his wings flapping to the point where he was lifting off the ground.
"Hey. Hey," said Tim, "What's wrong? I'm sorry if I upset-"
D's chattering just got louder.
"I'm sorry," whispered Tim, "I'm sorry but I can't understand you,"
D let out a huff and landed back down, stomping his way back to the little corner they had set up for him and Talia. They had tried to get him upstairs but he had refused to leave his mother's side so Alfred and Jason had set up a temporary residence in a corner, separated by curtains.
"What happened?" asked Jason, running up to him, Cass right behind him.
"I dunno," murmured Tim, "We talked about his siblings and then I was saying how we were waiting on the Martians and he just got worked up and started to say something. I couldn't understand him,"
They looked over to D, who was still visible due to the curtains not being closed. He was sitting on the floor, gently rocking back and forth, almost in a trance.
"I'm gonna-" started Jason
Cassandra stopped him with a hand on his arm.
"No," she said, "Leave him,"
Trusting her judgement, Jason nodded and turned back toward Tim.
"I'm sure it was nothing. He's probably just getting a little frustrated you know. His mom's asleep, he's in another reality and no one here can understand him,"
"Yeah, I guess," said Tim, "I just wish there was more we could do,"
"Me too," murmured Cass, "Me too,"
It was the second day of their guests being in the cave that the Martians landed outside of it.
J'onn and M'gann came early in the morning and were introduced to D. Stephanie thought she saw recognition in his eyes.
"Hello, little one," said J'onn, kneeling in front of D, "I would like permission to from a mind link with you. I will not try to look into your memories, but I would like to understand what you are thinking and then translate your thoughts to our hosts here. Do you understand?"
D nodded and smiled up at J'onn, gently patting him on the cheek.
"Alright then," said J'onn, "Let's get started,"
J'onn locked eyes with D and they started to glow. Both him and D went oddly still, an odd sight that Stephanie had gotten used to when it came to the Marians' mind link.
Only a few moments into the link, D started to squirm, moving his hands and twitching his wings.
J'onn visibly stopped and looked down at D, "Is there something wrong, little one?"
D balled his hands into fists and shook his head, obviously trying to get them to stop. It didn't seem to help and the switching of his wings only got worse.
Beside her, Duke leaned in, "Does that look like what I think it looks like?"
"Maybe," murmured Stephanie, analyzing D's movements and thinking back to what Tim and Cass had said about his mannerism, "I think so,"
"Should I-"
Stephanie nodded, "Doesn't hurt to try,"
Bruce was just about to step up when Duke stood up.
"I have an idea," said Duke, "I'll be right with you,"
Duke jogged over to the cabinets and pulled out a couple of things and brought them over. He and Stephanie then explained them to D.
"See this," said Stephanie, holding op a plush penguin, "His name is Mr. Flappy. We sometimes hold him when we want to do something stressful. Would you like to hold him?"
D touched the soft toy and then nodded. Stephanie gave him the toy and he squeezed it, cooing in delight when it squeaked.
Duke smiled, "This is a weighted blanket. You can wrap this around yourself while J'onn makes a link,"
"And D," said Stephanie, "You don't have to be still, okay?"
D looked down at his feet but nodded. Stephanie took it as a win.
"Good," said Duke, "We're just gonna go over there,"
Both him and Stephanie turned back to go to their original spot and as they did, Stephanie spotted a proud smile on Bruce's face.
'Good job' mouthed Bruce.
Stephnie grinned and beside her, Duke did a thumbs up.
This time when J'onn tried to establish the mind link, D seemed noticeably calmer, rocking back and forth while wrapped in the blanket and holding the toy close.
"So, child," said J'onn, "Show me what happened,"
D closed his eyes and J'onn started to narrate.
"You were being chased and your mother tried to get both of you away. but she was- she was hurt, is that it? Yes, she was hurt so she miscalculated. I see. Do you know how we could get you home without waking your mother up?"
"Ah," said J'onn and opened his eyes.
"What?" asked Bruce
"Well," said J'onn, "It seems that D here believes that his family will find him. That's what he trying to tell young Timothy yesterday,"
"There's a difference between his family being to able to track him and him believing that they'll come for him," said Bruce
D let out an unholy screech at that, obviously offended.
"I think you pissed him off, B,"
Bruce turned to D, "I'm sorry, Kiddo. But we need to know,"
"May I?" M'gann asked D.
He scrutinized her for a minute but then nodded his consent.
M'gann started a mind link and began to ask her own questions.
"How are they going to find you?"
A few moments and then-
"Ah, I see," said M'gann, "According to D here, there are five people in the family that can travel through realities, including his mother. The others are his father, his brothers Jason and Richard and his sister Cassandra. They will most likely split into four groups. His Father and Aunt Kate. Jason and his outlaws. Richard, Selina and Timothy. Cassandra, Stephanie and his last brother, Duke. Alfred will be taking care of his baby sister Helena,"
"How do they track you, D?" asked Tim
"Hmm," said M'gann, "According to him, they have a link and can signal each other but D's is weak since he's young and his mon has to be conscious to send one. His family will look into other realities around and then make their way here. Apparently, they already have a system in place for if something like this happens,"
And then she snorted, "Something about his father being a bit paranoid,"
There were a few chuckles around the room while Bruce glowered at all of them.
"Anyway," said M'gann, "All that can be done here is that you take care of him and keep him safe,"
"Who was chasing you?" asked Jason
D frowned and looked around the cave, his gaze landed on the wall of blades and he pointed to ap articular one.
"That's my league blade," said Damian, and Stephanie noticed him stiffen, almost involuntarily.
Something was up with the kid.
"Were you being chased by Ra's?" asked Bruce
Damian nodded.
"I'm assuming he can't travel thought realities," said Bruce, "And no one in his loyal circle can either,"
D pointed to M'gann and she once again began the mind link.
"Hmm," she said, "No, Ra's can't travel. Interesting. It seems that the species in their reality are a bit different than most. Only D's kind and magic users can travel through realities and even then a very small percentage of those groups. Ra's and his followers are not included in this category. And even if he could find someone to do his bidding, it would be near impossible for them to find him since there is no link,"
"So only his family can track him," said Tim, "That's why Talia got them out of there. She was hurt and took the risk,"
"Brave of her," murmured Selina
D also chattered sadly.
Dick smiled and kneeled in from of him, "I'm sure your family will come soon, Kiddo,"
"Who do you think will get here first?" asked Tim
D tilted his head and then pointed at Jason.
"Jason, huh," said Duke, "Makes sense if you ask me,"
D giggled and leaned into Dick, a bit of the day's tension draining out of him.
"I have to leave now," said J'onn, "But M'gann will stay in case you need another mind link. Is that alright, D?"
D smiled and nodded, waving a small, clawed hand at M'gann.
J'onn smiled, "Lovely then,"
After lunch, Damian was sitting in his room and reading when someone knocked on his door.
"Come inside," he called out
It was Richard at the door.
"Hey Dames," he said, "Whatcha doing?"
Damian scooted over to make room for the man on his bed.
"Just a book," said Damian
"Hmm," said Richard, "You know, I've noticed that you haven't sent any time with our guest,"
"I'm not required to," he said shortly
"No," said Richard, "Of course not. But I'm just wondering if you're alright?"
"I'm fine," said Damian
"I'm fine, Richard. I am not missing my mother. I am not worried about threats. I am not feeling sad. Or anything else your mind is coming up with right now. I am fine,"
"Okay," said Dick, giving his head a gently kiss, "Let me know if that changes, okay?"
"Fine," said Damian
Dick gave him another smiled and then left. Damian sighed and slumped down, not knowing how to explain to anyone what his actual worry was about.
Maybe he should spend more time with the other Damian. He could certainly alleviate some of his concerns this way.
Making up his mind, he grabbed some of his art supplies and made his way down to the cave. There, he found M'gann and Cassandra sitting and conversing with each other while D played with the plush toy Stephanie and Duke had given him.
Once the girls saw him, they both left while begging Alfred's cookies.
Damian sat down with D who looked at him curiously.
"I like drawing and painting," said Damian, "Do you mind if I draw you. I've never met someone with your features before. I think it would be interesting,"
D titled his head and then pointed at some of his paper followed by his fluid acrylics.
"You want to paint?" asked Damian
D nodded and looked at him with pleading eyes. Damian couldn't help the smile that came over his face.
"Alright, you paint. I'll draw you,"
He opened the paints for D and then went to grab a brush but noticed that the other boy had started painting with his claws.
"Well," Damian murmured, "That's one way to do it,"
Damian took his time sketching D, making sure he got all the details right. By the time he was done, a few hours had passed and it was almost time for dinner.
When he was finished, D showed him his painting and Damian had to say, he was impressed. And that was no easy feat.
While Damian had been drawing him in detail, D had used that paints to sketch out a few rough paintings. It wouldn't have worked usually but the material of D's claws had probably made it easier.
The first one was of Damian, showing him with his head down and bowed over a book. Next were three faces, One of D's mother, the other one obviously his father and a third that looked like Jason. He also had another painting of six figures flying in the distance. Another one that looked like a dragon from folklore.
"These are beautiful," said Damian, "Do you all live together? Your mother and father and your siblings?"
D nodded and Damian sighed in relief. A part of him had been afraid that Talia was taking D away from his family and that his father and siblings would cause a fight, hurting D the way Damian himself sometimes hurt.
Except, it didn't seem to be the case.
"That's wonderful," said Damian, "Do you want to see mine?"
D nodded and took the sketch, instantly squealing happily. His wings started flapping and he did a swoop around the cave, chattering happily as he clutched the drawing.
"You really like it, huh?"
D smiled and nodded.
"Well, you can keep it," said Damian, "As long as you let me draw another one that I can keep too,"
D nodded enthusiastically, smiling down at the sketch.
"Would you like to see more of mine?" asked Damian
D let out another whoop.
Damian grinned, "I'll take that as a yes,"
Bruce climbed down the stairs with Dick to get both Damian and D for dinner. They were hoping to coax their guest out of the cave to eat.
Once they got there, Bruce was surprised to find that both boys were sitting down and excitedly chattering. It didn't matter that Damian couldn't understand D, they still seemed to be able to communicate effectively, flipping through Damian's sketches that were kept down in the cave.
"Oh, hello Father. Richard," said Damian, as they came into view
D smiled and saved shyly.
"Boys," said Bruce, "We were just here for dinner,"
Damian turned to D, "Would you like to come upstairs this time?"
D shook his head and cast a glance at his mother, his eyes going dull and sad again.
Bruce frowned until an idea came to him.
"Dick," he said, "Tell Alfred we have a change of plans,"
And that was how they all ended up having dinner in the cave, picnic style.
After dinner D showed them sketches of his family. Everybody smiled and complimented as M'gann translated for D.
"Yes, apparently Jason is the scariest one of them but very sweet. Richard can do other most tricks in the air and Tim likes to fly at night. Cassandra is the fastest though. And Stephanie has the most unique wings because they are purple. And Duke lets him draw on his wings with glitter. Helena can't do much yet, she's just a baby,"
"So," said Jason, "Would you say that your dad is scarier than Jason or less?"
"Ah yes, " said Dick, "Ask the important questions why don't you?"
Jason shoved him before turning back to D, "So?"
M'gann laughed as she listened to whatever D was saying.
"According to D, his father is the pretty one of the family. A real charmer,"
Bruce smiled, "Well, that's not so bad then,"
"Pretty boy, Bruce," teased Stephanie
"Do you have an Alfred too?" asked Tim
D nodded and then picked up the picture of the dragon-like creature and held it up for everyone to see.
"He has silver features and this his 'other' form,"
"His other form is a dragon?" asked Jason
M'gann got a surprised look on her face, "Everyone in his reality has another form, which shows through their features. His family is what we call dragon, they pronounce it draagn. There are only a few of those around. Most of the populations are made of magic users and animal-shifters. Some other forms are sea creatures,"
"Wait!" said Duke suddenly, "I have an idea,"
He pulled out his phone and started to look for something. When he found it he held it out for everyone to see. Bruce scanned it and see that it was list of mythological creatures.
"Are any of these the 'other forms'?"
D nodded, pointing at a Nyad, a phoenix, a griffin, a pegasus, a jinn and even a chimera and some Chinese folk animals like the nine-tailed fox and the one-eyed cat with three tails.
"Wow," said Tim, "Could it be that our realities brushed each other and a lot of out folk animals are really just people and creatures from other realities,"
"Maybe," said Dick, "Some might have even gotten stuck here, hence the myths and stories,"
Everyone got quiet for a moment, trying to comprehend what this, if true, meant for their realities' history.
Eventually, Bruce decided to break the silence.
"I think it's time for bed for some people, especially if we're taking a break from patrol," said Bruce, sending a meaningful look to his two youngest sons. They had promised to him sleep earlier this week.
He also noticed that D slumped down a bit and felt bad.
"You can come up too," Bruce told him
D shook his head and chattered softly, casting his gaze toward his mother.
"I can just sleep down here," said Damian
Bruce wondered if his kids would ever stop surprising him.
"Yeah!" said Dick, "Why don't we all just stay down here tonight?"
"Well," said Alfred, "These old bones are not made for this cave. However, you all can stay here if you prepare proper bedding,"
"I'll take care of it, Alfie," said Bruce
"Alright then," said Alfred, "I'll be heading up,"
Bruce waved to him and then turned toward his children.
"Alright, Jason and Tim bedding, Stephanie, M'gann and Cass pillows, Duke and Dick blankest ad everyone's plushes, Damian and D, you can set things up as they bring them downstairs,"
His kids nodded and scattered to get everything done.
Once everyone was sitting down, still quite awake, Bruce decided on a long proved tactic.
"Anyone want me to read anything?" asked Bruce
"I'm fine with whatever," said Jason
A few more murmured os assent followed. D raised on os his hands and chattered softly.
"D's wondering if you would finish the book Jason was reading to him yesterday,"
"Little Women," said Jason, "It's still on the table and put the bookmark in,"
Bruce smiled, "Little Women it is,"
Bruce was barely starting to stir awake when the cave rumbled in a familiar way and there was a flash of light.
He sat upright just in time for five figures to appear in the cave. D had also spotted them and was flapping his wings and flying among them. The figure at the head finally took his in their arms, gently hugging him close.
It seemed like D had been right after all. The figure could be no other than Jason Todd. And he was terrifying.
Twisted horns, double claws, slit eyes and big stature, all came to together to make a nightmarish figure. The way he was talking to his little brother negated the effect though.
Behind him stood what seemed to be his team. Kori and Bizzaro looked the same as they did in their universe while Artemis seemed to have a greyish tint to her skin and Roy had spirals of what seemed like fire all around his arms and legs.
"Huh," said Dick, "D was right,"
"Seems so," murmured Tim
Their guests finally seemed to be done with their greetings and the other Jason turned toward Talia's body and frowned. Tim instantly stepped up to explain.
"We had to-"
"A magical come," said Jason, voice a bit jarring and shocking
Tim instantly stopped and stared at him wide-eyed.
Jason turned back and frowned again.
"Well- uh- I wasn't um-expecting to- well"
That was when Bruce decided to step in, "Sorry. What my son is trying to say is that we weren't expecting you to speak since D didn't. That's what we've been calling him,"
"And you're kinda terrifying," Tim rushed out
The other Jason let out a laugh, "Why, thank you. Also, we do talk, D is just nonverbal,"
Ah, that certainly explain ed some of the behaviour that they had just put to being anxious and different from them.
There was another rumble and bodies started to flash into the cave, the whole other family appearing altogether.
"Damian," called out one of them, separating themselves from the hoard.
It was the other Bruce Wayne
"Holy shit," muttered his Jason
Holy shit indeed.
Pretty did not begin to describe the other's appearance. He was wearing a tank top with pants that seemed to be painted, leaving little to the imagination. Slim with toned muscles, shimmery wings, sparkly blue slit irises and shimmery black swirls reaching for his cheekbones, the man was a thing to behold. His hair was waist length and had been braided loosely. His scales shone in the light of the cave and his claws seemed to be made of dense glittery obsidian and his horns were gold and black.
Once D was done with this father, he flew over to the rest of his family and the other Bruce turned toward them.
"Hi," he said softly
Bruce stepped up and held out his hand, "Lovely to meet you,"
Other Bruce gave him a bright smiled and shook his hand.
If Bruce was a lesser man, he would have been at the start of an inferiority complex at the moment.
Instead, he gestured at Talia.
"We have her in a magical coma," he told him
"I can see that," said other Bruce, "We'll take her back with us and take care of her once we get home,"
"So you're together?" asked Damian, "D, that's what we call other me, said you all lived together. Is that true?"
It struck Bruce then, the reason for Damian's odd behaviour. He thought D would be separated from his mother the way he had been separated from his. By the way some of his other children were shifting, they had realized it too.
The other Bruce merely smiled though, "Ah, yes. We are married. Just celebrated our fifteenth anniversary,"
"And who's Helena?" asked Tim, "We didn't recognize that name,"
"Oh she's mine and Selina's," he said, vaguely gesturing behind him, "Sel wanted a baby so I helped her out. We agreed that she would be raised as part of the family though she keeps her mother's name,"
"Ah," said Tim
A child half him and half Selina. While part of him was curious, another didn't want to know the outcome of that.
D came up to his father and said something softly.
"Anyway," said other Bruce, "Thank you for taking care of my family but we should be going now,"
"Of course," said Bruce
The other one went to get Talia and the rest of the family came up to thank them. Dick practically hugged all fo them, Tim was solemn and Cassandra kissed all their cheeks. Stephanie and Duke went around giving them fist bumps and high fives while Selina and Kate merely said a few words each.
"You have an Alfed too, right?" said Selina, "D wanted us to meet him too,"
And because Alfred was magic, he chose that moment to step out of the elevator.
The other family surrounded him, profusely thanking him or also taking care of their family members. Alfred, to his great credit, took it all in stride and responded accordingly.
Right before they were about to leave, D leaned up into Jason's ear and whispered something quietly.
Both Bruce and Jason turned back and knelt. Jason took out a block of what seemed like glass and blew into it until it was shipped into their bat symbol. Bruce made a gesture with his hands and there was a liquid sloshing in the glass replica.
They handed it to D and the little one ran over to hand it to them.
"He says it's a present," said M'gann, "The people in their reality bend metal. Some more than one. Some metals are bent by more than one kind but Mercury is bent by the draagn exclusively,"
"But isn't mercury poisonous to us?" said Tim
"Not that one," said Bruce, "You can take some out from the stopper at the bottom and test it but I believe you are fine to keep it, Think of it as a token of our thanks. Mercury is special to us or as we normally call it, Quicksilver,"
"Alright," said Bruce, "Thank you,"
The other family disappeared in a flash of light and all they were left with was an odd decor piece and a couple of sketches.
The glass bat symbol ended up sitting right in front of the huge penny.
In the evening right before patrol, Bruce found Damian standing in front of the bat and watching the liquid quicksilver slosh around as if it had a mind its own. Some kind of magic, surely.
"Father," murmured Damian
"Damian," answered Bruce
"They were a lovely family," said the young boy
"They were,"
A moment and then-
"We have a lovely family too," said Damian, "Even if I wish some things were different,"
"We do have a lovely family," said Bruce, kneeling down in front of his son, "But you are also allowed to wonder how things could have been different,"
"I miss her sometimes," said Damian, "I know she wasn't really fit to raise a child, not after everything grandfather put her through and certainly not without getting help first but she is my mother and I miss her sometimes,"
"I know," whispered Bruce, "Come here,"
Bruce tugged Damian close, enveloping him in his arms.
"I love you, baby,"
"I love you too, Father,"
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placetobenation · 6 years
This coming Sunday we will witness one of the more loaded WrestleMania cards in history. With 13 matches on the card and a possibility of Undertaker vs. John Cena taking place, lets see what we have in store.
Those confirmed so far are: Sasha Banks, Natalya, Lana, Ruby Riott, Sarah Logan, Liv Morgan, Becky Lynch, Naomi, Bayley, Mickie James, Mandy Rose, Sonya Deville, and Carmella. Expect other competitors from NXT and maybe a name or two from the past to participate in this inaugural event. Besides a possible surprise entrant winning (Ember Moon?), the only others I can see winning this are Sasha Banks, Bayley, and Becky Lynch. Carmella has the briefcase (which could come into play later on in the show) and does not need this win. If Sasha and Bayley continue to feud then the finish could play into that. They could also give Becky the win and try to use that for a feud since she has been wasting away on Smackdown. I’d give Sasha the win here and use this to taunt Bayley for their feud. WINNER: SASHA BANKS
Confirmed for this match are: Dolph Ziggler, Baron Corbin, Mojo Rawley, Tyler Breeze, Fandango, Tye Dillinger, Dash Wilder, Scott Dawson, Matt Hardy, Goldust, Heath Slater, Rhyno, Zack Ryder, and Primo Colon. Former winners Baron Corbin and Mojo Rawley return but I do not see them as potential victors in this match as it does not make much sense. I also do not expect any of the other names listed to win this match. I think a returning wrestler is going to win this and I’ll go with Big Cass, who will need something returning from injury. Even Big Show is a possibility of being a two-time winner but I think Cass will get the nod in this match. WINNER: BIG CASS
Since WrestleMania 33 the Cruiserweight Division has had a rough time. Neville is sitting home and Enzo Amore,Rich Swann, and Austin Aries were all fired from the company. With the division on life support a switch was made an a 16-man tournament was held to crown a new champion and it has breathed life into 205 Live. During the year, Cedric Alexander and Mustafa Ali (you can add Drew Gulak to the mix as well) have been the most consistent competitors and deserving of a WrestleMania match. When the tournament was put together you got the sense that Cedric would be winning. However, Ali has been cutting some great promos (Like this one from WWE’s YouTube channel) and the story of him using the fact he was only an alternate for the Cruiserweight Classic as fuel to get him the title. There are cases for both guys getting the win and Ali’s underdog story would make for a nice moment but I’ll still go with Cedric here in what should be an excellent match. I think Cedric wins because if he losses then where do you go with him? Ali can get another title opportunity whereas Cedric would end up lost in the shuffle and labeled a choker. WINNER: CEDRIC ALEXANDER
This has been one of the better feuds on WWE TV of late. The fans have gotten behind Jax, the victim of verbal abuse and manipulation by her former friend. Bliss is a great character but dominates her feuds to the point where it has become a detriment to her opponent. It has also made her title reign feel stale and predictable.  In this match, I expect Bliss to finally get some comeuppance and lose the belt. Maybe Bliss can go over to Smackdown and start some new feuds because she has already feuded with everyone on RAW. WINNER: ALEXA BLISS
The Bar has gone through the other teams on RAW so they had to create new challengers. The intrigue is seeing who will be Braun’s partner and you can speculate as to who he will end up choosing (could be someone returning from injury like Samoa Joe or Big Show or another person on the main roster like Elias) but no matter what I think we see a title change here. If the Bar stays as a team, switching brands is for the best, but a split might be a good idea too. I do not think this will be a long match but Braun being a tag champ gives him something to do for the short term. WINNER: BRAUN STROWMAN & MYSTERY PARTNER
This is a match with little fanfare. The addition of Rusev was late (PWInsider reports he was added to this match because the company wanted to appease to him after he requested his release) to make this a fatal four-way. He might get the title as a result but watching Orton hit the RKO and getting a win seems fitting for WrestleMania. I really do not see Roode or Mahal having a chance to win but I’ll go with Orton as the winner here but do not be surprised to see a Rusev Day celebration. Rusev can pin Roode or Mahal so Orton can drop the title without getting pinned. WINNER: RANDY ORTON
Balor and Rollins had an excellent match this past Monday on RAW with Rollins getting the win. That would lead you to believe that Rollins is the favorite to win this match. Rollins has really stepped up his game over the past couple of months too. This is Balor’s first WrestleMania though and since he just lost on TV I think they return the favor and give him the title. I cannot see Miz retaining and heading over to Smackdown for a feud against Daniel Bryan seems like a natural thing to do. Miz could even retain and take the IC Title with him to Smackdown but I do not think that is the route the company takes. WINNER: FINN BALOR
The Usos/New Day feud has been the highlight of Smackdown. They have several fantastic matches together but its time for both teams to move on from each other. The Usos have established themselves as a top team but could use a change of scenery. The New Day are still popular but there will come a time where they are going to split up the group or at least break off one member as a singles star. The Bludgeon Brothers involved themselves into this feud after a run-in attack at Fastlane. I do not see any case where the New Day wins this match. The Usos would benefit from a brand switch as the RAW tag ranks needs to be freshened up. I think a scenario where the Usos pin the New Day then lose to Bludgeon Brothers two days later on Smackdown could work well in numerous ways. It can close the book on the New Day/Usos feud and you can also have Usos go over to RAW. WINNER: THE USOS
Asuka earned her shot by winning the inaugural Women’s Royal Rumble match. The story here is really Asuka putting her undefeated streak on the line against what she feels is the top Women’s Champion to prove who is the best. I think we get a highly competitive match and in the end Asuka comes out on top. A scenario where Carmella finally cashes in her Money in the Bank Briefcase only to lose would be highly possible as Asuka can maintain her streak without Charlotte getting pinned. I don’t think Carmella becoming champion is the route they take. WINNER: ASUKA
Zayn & Owens need to win in order to keep their jobs on Smackdown. Daniel Bryan’s return to the WWE ring should make for a great moment. The story between all four involved has had its ups and downs but has greatly improved since Fastlane. You get a feeling that Shane can turn on Bryan, and that might happen, but with Bryan returning to the ring I don’t think they want him to lose right off the bat and especially to Owens & Zayn. You can just have Owens & Zayn lose then head over to RAW. Owens & Zayn vs. Braun & Mystery Partner could be your new RAW Tag Team Title feud. I see Bryan winning this match then leading the crowd into an unbelievably loud “yes” chant. WINNER: DANIEL BRYAN & SHANE MCMAHON
The beef between Rousey and Stephanie started three years ago at WrestleMania 31 when Rousey threatened to break Stephanie’s arm. And Triple H attacked Kurt Angle at this past Survivor Series to add fuel to the fire. There is a lot of pressure on Rousey in her first match as in WWE. especially since her work on the mic has not wowed anyone.Its clear the company has plans for her and a bad performance will garner a lot of negative attention. Triple H & Stephanie have been tremendous heels on TV to set up this match and have really helped ease Rousey’s transition on screen. I cannot envision a scenario in which Rousey loses so her pinning Stephanie seems like a really safe bet to make in one of the more intriguing matches on the show. WINNER: KURT ANGLE & RONDA ROUSEY
These two faced off against each other at New Japan Pro Wrestling’s Wrestle Kingdom 10 event back in 2016 with Nakamura coming out on top in a great match. This time the WWE Championship is at stake with Nakamura choosing to go after this belt after winning the Royal Rumble. I expect a competitive match here and at the end I’m going with Nakamura as the winner. With a roster shakeup expected shortly after WrestleMania I believe that AJ will head over to RAW while Nakamura can feud with a new challenger. This has strong potential to end up as the match of the night. WINNER: SHINSUKE NAKAMURA
A rematch three years in the making. With Dana White coming out saying Brock Lesnar is returning to UFC and the fact the company has handpicked Reigns as their future face of the company the outcome seems easy to predict. With that being said, these two had an incredible match at WrestleMania 31 and there is no reason it cannot happen again here even if Lesnar is on the way out. I expect both guys to give it their all and at the end Reigns comes out victorious, likely closing out his 4th straight WrestleMania. WINNER: ROMAN REIGNS
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wrestlingisfake · 7 years
Clash of Champions preview
Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn vs. Randy Orton & Shinsuke Nakamura - If Owens and Zayn lose this match, they have to leave WWE.  Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan (the commissioner and general manager of Smackdown, respectively) will both serve as special guest referees.
Owens has been blaming Shane for several incidents that affected his matches, to the point that Zayn (whom Owens bitterly betrayed years ago) decided Owens was right and turned heel to join his cause.  Neither man qualified for the Raw vs. Smackdown matches at Survivor Series, leading to them running into the main event to screw over Shane.  The whole Smackdown roster doesn’t like them at this point, although (for reasons that aren’t completely clear) Daniel Bryan is oddly determined to keep Shane from simply firing them.
The Orton/Nakamura team was thrown together after Zayn ran in on an Owens/Orton match, and Orton was permitted to choose a partner for this show.  Coincidentally, both of these two are running out of heels to face, and if I were going to come up with a big winter program for either of them I’d turn Orton heel and have them face each other.  Hmmm.
This could be interesting because the heels pretty much have to win in a swerve, but there are so many ways to do that swerve that it isn’t obvious what will happen.  Orton and Nakamura could have a communication breakdown, or Bryan could turn on Shane, or Shane could reveal his whole beef with Owens has been some kind of ruse.  Or I guess the heels could lose and then somehow get their jobs back in a future angle.  But the smart money is on Owens and Zayn staying put.
AJ Styles vs. Jinder Mahal - AJ defeated Mahal for the WWE world title last month, so this is Jinder’s rematch.
The Jinder situation has been real weird.  He started the year as a jobber and then suddenly got elevated to the main event and won the title, apparently to create a top attraction for the Indian market.  WWE pushed him hard as a  national hero for India and evil foreigner to everyone else.  It looked obvious that he was going to be champion through the India tour in December, and maybe all the way to Wrestlemania.  He was even booked to face Brock Lesnar in a champion vs. champion match at Survivor Series, a feud that seemed designed to give him a chance to prove himself to naysayers.  Then, out of nowhere, he dropped the title, the India tour was shortened to a single date, his opponent was switched to Triple H, and he lost that match.
Theoretically, the current AJ title run could be a brief diversion and Jinder is going to regain his title and pick up where he left off.  However, recent events make it seem like he’s on the way down the ladder, like Vince McMahon has already grown bored with the experiment.  It’s going to be interesting to see where he ends up six months from now, and this match will be make the difference.  Technically it could go either way, but I wouldn’t bet on Jinder right now.  
Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso vs. Shelton Benjamin & Chad Gable vs. any two of Big E & Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods vs. Rusev & Aiden English - This is a four-way for the Usos’ Smackdown tag team title.  Each team will take a corner, and two of them will each send one man to start the match.  The legal men can tag in anyone from any team.  Whoever scores the first fall will win the title for his team.  Anyone could win this but I’m inclined to think the Usos are on a roll.
Charlotte Flair vs. Natalya - Charlotte won the Smackdown women’s title from Natalya last month, so this is the rematch.  The interesting wrinkle here is that the actual big storyline for the Smackdown women’s division is the introduction of Ruby Riott and her stable and the threat they pose to the title.  At one point it looked like Natalya might turn face to help Charlotte square off with this faction, but that was a swerve.  So the real issue isn’t so much who will win the title here, as it is whether the Riott Squad will run in.  I’m thinking Charlotte retains and gets laid out to set up a title program with Ruby.
Baron Corbin vs. Bobby Roode vs. Dolph Ziggler - Corbin defends the United States championship in a three-way.  Whoever scores the first pinfall or submission on either opponent will be the champion.  I’m pretty sure Ziggler is only in the match to lose the fall so neither Corbin nor Roode has to.  As to whether Corbin or Roode wins, I’d say it’s a toss-up.
Harper & Rowan vs. Fandango & Tyler Breeze - This match has been in the makings for months.  Breezango have been doing their cop show skits for a very long time, teasing the mystery of who keeps messing with their stuff.  After they ruled out every single tag team on Smackdown, a lot of people came to the conclusion that WWE would reintroduce Harper and Rowan as a team to be the answer to the mystery.  Instead, WWE kept Harper and Rowan on the bench for months while it became a running joke on the skits that everyone thinks Harper and Rowan are the culprits.  Then, finally, Harper and Rowan returned as the Bludgeon Brothers, and now they’re doing the match.  I mean, I don’t see any possible finish to this match that resolves anything happening in the skits, but at least the match is gonna happen.
Harper and Rowan are gonna squash the shit out of those brave fashion police.
Zack Ryder vs. Mojo Rawley - This is scheduled for the pre-show.  These two were a tag team for a long time but Ryder was sidelined last year with an injury and they never quite got back in the groove after that, so Rawley just turned on Ryder.  This feels like it’ll be a cheap rehash of the Big Cass/Enzo Amore split, with Rawley easily steamrolling through Ryder and moving on to a bigger singles push.
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hipwrites · 8 years
So I got really nostalgic for Fallout RP and started thinking about Courier AUs and this is going under a cut because it got very long
The main reason Gio ended up as a Courier was a lack of other viable options--him and Gracie stayed in business with Leo about as long as it was obvious that it wasn’t working out. Gracie had better things to do and left to find somewhere her muscle could make her a living, and Leo’s way of doing business is to backstab every major faction while dealing with other factions they hate so blatantly and ruthlessly it’s amazing that it never backfired badly. Gio finally had to leave as a matter of safety, and without a passport for the Strip his options to make money with quick thinking were severely limited. He never expected to be caught up in transporting something that someone would shoot him in the head over since most of the early jobs he took were simple.
Gio as the Courier involves about as much flirting and talking his way out of danger as you’d expect. He has absolutely tried to hit on Joshua, like the second he got a glimpse of his ass he quietly wondered if god was testing him for being such a godawful Catholic in the form of perfectly sculpted cheeks.
He gets along best with Veronica, Cass, and Raul but Christine is the companion he feels the most kinship with for reasons he can’t entirely articulate.
Starts out sympathetic to the NCR, but also kind of likes and trusts House but doesn’t like the way he talks about a lot of factions and slowly getting more and more disillusioned with both as he goes. By the time he has people pressuring him to wipe out The Brotherhood of Steel and the Khans, he’d be feeling incredibly stressed and increasingly upset at the idea he’s being used to hurt people. He goes for an independent Vegas after a lot of soul-searching because it’s the only thing that feels right, even though the idea of running things scares the shit out of him. Mostly, he hopes he can get things stabilized and hand the reigns over to somebody else more qualified.
Leo, meanwhile, is practically drooling at the thought that someone who likes him a lot is basically running Vegas and would immediately appear out of the woodwork to offer “advice.” Every single companion hates him, but it would still take forever for Gio to stop listening and start distrusting his intentions.
Nigel basically swaps places with Nathan in this AU, in that he left the Strip shortly after the White Gloves were given the Ultra-Luxe and ended up disgraced, down on his luck, and too ashamed to go home and face his family after feeling like he abandoned them. He ends up joining the Mojave Express because, like Gio, he’d find that he has to think on his feet a lot and that his ability to talk his way out of situations is his greatest strength. He spends as much time flattering people as he does threatening him.
The fact he sort of recognizes Benny because he kept up with Strip politics even when he was away would be REALLY INTERESTING because part of him smugly hoped that Benny would know who he is and was vaguely insulted when he didn’t. Because this Nigel never built his way up to a more important job, or ever managed to become someone recognizable, and that would sting a lot. Never mind that being so under Benny’s radar probably helped immensely when Nigel made his way back to the Strip to get revenge, it’s just another reminder that he’s incredibly forgettable and doesn’t have many people who think of him as someone worth caring about. A lot of his posturing and manipulating is him compensating for the fact he feels unlovable and unnoticeable without becoming someone that people have to listen to.
Most companions wouldn’t get along with him, but Lily does. Nigel can sympathize with her a lot over her feelings about her family. ED-E is pretty much the one he’s closest to, though. He completely despises Dean but enjoys trying to stay two steps ahead of him.
I’ve talked about this before but I want to take a minute to appreciate how good Beyond the Beef would be with Nigel oh my god. He puts off going home to the White Gloves as long as possible and always has an excuse to not announce to them that he’s the Courier that’s taken up residence in the Lucky 38 because he’s incredibly upset at the idea of having to face what he left behind. But he knows right away exactly what’s happening when he gets there and immediately sees a chance to put something right that would surely have upset his siblings if they knew it was going on. And it’s an excuse to reconnect with Morris, and it’s so good to have him back in his life and for once Nigel feels like he’s in his element and climbing the social ladder in ways he feels the most comfortable doing so and it feels good to wipe all the smugness off of Mortimer’s face and get the importance he never got to have before he left. It’s the first time since braving the Strip he actually feels like he’s come home.
Stabs every single faction in the back at the last minute and pushes for an independent Vegas because it feels great to have that power and maybe to make things better for others as an afterthought. Crushing the Legion feels good. Being important and maybe liked feels better.
I don’t really see how this could work unless the timeline was shifted around so he met Trader before the Dam was an issue that needed settled. Maybe he grew up and instead of going into the family business decided sure, okay, I’ll be a courier instead once he hit his early twenties and then it all went pear-shaped.
Keeps a room in the 38 for Trader whenever he visits and generally makes sure he’s comfortable because it’s getting a little harder for him to make his usual routes as he gets older. Sometimes invites his dear old dad on quests with him.
Makes an absolute fucking point of cleaning up Freeside to the extent he can, even if it means having to go in the Fort more than he’d like. His doctor phobia improves a little once he’s older, but it never really completely goes away.
He has nightmares about the Sierra Madre and the Big MT for yeaaaaars afterward.
Tbh it’s less interesting to me to imagine Courier AU Gautier so much as original flavor Gautier after the events of New Vegas. Like, he ends up traveling with Trader and it’s really good for him? He knew two couriers, what would he be like in Layla or Charlie’s endgame situations? Layla especially went out of her way to give him an open place to stay if he ever needed it and both were close and tried to teach him things. I feel like he’d eventually open up to either one about the stuff he’s been through. He doesn’t exactly expect either of them to change things based on his experiences, but it doesn’t hurt that either of them care about him and might be inclined to pay special attention to cleaning up Freeside to make the place he grew up and still sometimes lives in a little bit better.
Has a personal vendetta against the Legion from the start because his mom lived in Nipton. He makes every attempt to wide them out from the beginning.
The only blond doctor he’s gonna end up traveling with is Cyril because they’re basically married. ED-E is invited to hang out with them.
Goes independent as soon as possible because he doesn’t trust House, sees the NCR as overstretched and moving away from the few policies of theirs he could get behind, and again: completely despises the Legion more than words can say.
Pretty much takes one look at Joshua Graham and can appreciate his better half (by which I mean his ass), but is incredibly skeptical of him once he realizes who he was in the Legion.
Spends a lot of his time at the Fort trying to help the Followers and figure out what they need because they do good work and he knows that Cyril has a history with them. Veronica’s quest is really hard on him because he knows the news of what happened at the Followers’ outpost is going to crush Cyril, since that’s where Augusta worked out of.
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