#vicente tag
pigdemonart · 3 months
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At the very first night of Pride month I dreamt about a lesbian romance between a vampire who presents herself as a man and a brilliantly annoying debutant
I’ve been calling them Vicente and Maria in my head.
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sparkles-oflight · 7 months
(05-06/03/2024) Bojan & Kris
(Please don't repost without my permission)
Lately I've been a little frustrated about a lot of things but mainly my art (did this trigger a panic attack the other day? Oh absolutely), but yesterday I picked up the pen and I just drew for like 3 hours and something?
"I want to make a bit of light study and maybe I'll add some color in the end" BRO, I WAS NOT EXPECTING TO TURN OUT LIKE THIS HAHA
I only corrected the color a bit today 😅
If you slide to the left (?) you get to read another one of color rants I made late at night the other day (yes, this is my equivalent of drunk texting. Yes it has typos, I'm aware)
Slide for close-ups and thoughts →
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mg-dango · 4 months
Bold the facts!
Before we begin, i want to thank @itsclovhere for the tag, I really appreciate it ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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Vicente "Dientes" Avila
$Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✚Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
✪Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
✔Education: Qualified / unqualified / studying / other
✖Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
◑Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s)/ not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable
♦extroverted/ introverted / in between
♦disorginazed / organized / in between
♦close minded / open - minded / in between
♦calm / anxious / in between
♦disagreeable / agreeable / in between
♦cautious / reckless / in between
♦patient / impatient / in between
♦outspoken/ reserved / in between
♦leader / follower / in between
♦empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
♦optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦traditional / modern / in between
♦hard-working / lazy / in between
♦cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown
♦loyal / disloyal / unknown
♦faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / (unknown)
☆Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don't know / don't care
★Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don't know / don't care
★Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don't know / don't care
❃Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don't know / don't care
✧Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious / (unknown)
❀Philosophical: yes / no
❤Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
⚧Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
⚧Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
≡Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic
☁Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / Chain - smoker
✿Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently/ addict
✌Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer need medications / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
☻Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
$Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
♣Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gamble
tagging: @pieckyghost and/or anyone who wants to try it too, feel free to ignore if you don´t wanna do it tho!
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Picrew Kiss Tag
Thank you @thewriteflame for the tag!
Rules: Show off your oc ships with this picrew
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Justin and Clarisse (Jurisse, ooh nice) from the Renegade Heiresses I tried to be as historically close to the 1920s as I can be, though it is a challenge given the choices. But yes, both have scars, Justin from the War and Clarisse from an experience while finding her feet as a private detective prior to the actual beginning of the story. Inspired by the clash of the (present) dark noir-like tension between and around them and the past of innocence and happiness between them before circumstances had torn them apart (all before meeting again under different personas and ulterior motives).
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Joaquin and Ramona (Joamona) of Los Cuentos de San Vicente Ferrer I really need to find a way to get back to this series So yes, they are childhood friends forced apart by Ramona's good (/sarcasm) parents before circumstances freed her from a sham union and have her reunited with Joaquin. You know that the love between them is still there, but not without going through some...maelstroms thrown in the way. And yes, nature is involved.
Tagging: @aintgonnatakethis, @winterandwords, @satohqbanana, @revenantlore + open tag to those who want to participate in the game.
Happy Writing!
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lightningfilledsaber · 7 months
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The brothers... (they hate each other <3)
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unanchored-ship · 10 days
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sertrallne · 2 months
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NAME Vesper Vicente Chisaki-Sánchez NICKNAME vespie, ves, vesp. (if you call him vicente he will kick your ass) GENDER male (he/him) HEIGHT 180cm NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY SPANISH-- tartosa+mt.komorebi FAVORITE FRUIT banana... yeah... FAVORITE SEASON spring FAVORITE FLOWER roses bc they remind him of his mother... FAVORITE SCENT tierra mojada ( don't how to translate) COFFEE, TEA OR HOT CHOCOLATE? coffee and tea. AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP does he sleep? lol he's kinda hyperactive so usually he can't. DOGS OR CATS? i'll say both. he just loves animals. DREAM TRIP anywhere far from his hometown. NUMBER OF BLANKETS he sleeps NAKED because his blood is fire. that's it. RANDOM FACT he does have a little sister called soleil but he doesn't see her too much because daddy issues, yeah. also, he have a band(?) duo with kouki and they cover songs from kpop or spanish singers.
tagging @flovoid, @nefarrilou, @kuroashims, @bloody-soda, @void-imp and everyone who sees it!
listen, you can do this with another ocs<3
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divinekangaroo · 2 months
daughter of communists - divinekangaroo - Peaky Blinders (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | COMPLETE
Audrey spoke careful, slow. ‘You’d like to borrow an Italian suit for your brother Thomas Shelby. So he might attend the funeral of poor Greta Jurossi. Who he was out walking with, for a few years.’
The ever-widening spiral of consequence from Greta Jurossi's death pulls a conflicted Vicente Changretta into the whirl.
Vicente Changretta/Audrey Changretta, (past) Greta Jurossi/Tommy Shelby, (very casual friends with benefits) Freddie Thorne/Kitty Jurossi, (briefly) Tommy Shelby/Freddie Thorne, Angel Changretta, Ada Shelby, The Jurossi Family (Peaky Blinders), Arthur Shelby, John Shelby, the Small Heath branch of the Birmingham Communist Youth Gang | Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Grief, Casual Sex, Catholicism, Italian Mafia, Racism, Italian Regionalism, Generational Politics, Fear, Rage, Love, Classism, Racist POV Character, Italian Political History (1930s-1940s), Immigration & Emigration, Racist Language, Antiziganism, Past Abuse, Fist Fights, Father-Son Relationship, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Strained Friendships, Intense Friendships, Involved Bystander, Fat Shaming, Gratuitious Background Screening of the Godfather, Violence, Curses, Complex Ethnicity, Unreliable Narrator, Foreshadowing, Dramatic Irony, Family
(For the Dragon Age followers who also overlap a PB fannish interest, Freddie and Tommy's relationship, if it had been able to grow in the series, will forever have bloomed into an on-again, off-again Anders & bloodmage!viscount Hawke style of rivalmance.)
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thecorvidcurio-if · 1 year
Can I ask for some physical descriptions of the ROs?
Also anon asks are off if you didn't know!!
Hi there! Thank you for sending this :) Absolutely, I'll provide some descriptions here. I'm working on putting together some visual references and character profiles, but those will take some time. (As for the anon situation, thank you for the heads up ♥)
To keep things simple and spoiler-free, these descriptions will be for their glamoured human forms only. (Except for Abby who forgets his glamour more often than not.)
This got long, so the rest is under the cut.
First off, here's a skin colour chart for them, though this may be subject to change as the artist and I work on their profiles:
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Height: 5'8" (172.72cm)
Build: Middle of the road, not particularly bulky or slim. The way he dresses makes him look softer than he actually is.
Features: Gentle features, soft and slightly rounded, eyes crinkle when he smiles genuinely
Hair: Black, extremely curly and falls just past his shoulders, often tied back
Eyes: Deep reddish-brown, upturned with thick eyelashes
Style: Cozy but classy, favours the colour red. He doesn't wear jeans but prefers khakis and slacks. His clothes are meticulously taken care of, he doesn't wear anything that hasn't been tailored, and his outfits are carefully picked out even when he isn't going anywhere. When he's performing with Thea, he dresses entirely differently. Much more casual "night out" sort of style, but nothing flashy. He wants to look nice, but not stand out. Tends toward masculine styles more often than not.
Height: 6'9" (205.7cm)
Build: Like someone who was already tall and lanky lost a fight with a taffy stretcher. When not wearing a glamour, his proportions don't look quite right. Ridiculously long legs and arms either way.
Features: A bit sharp, pointed chin, dimples when he grins, when unglamoured his features are as uncanny as his bodily proportions, left ear has as many piercings as can be physically fit onto one ear
Hair: Bright teal, long on one side and almost totally (and unevenly) sheared off on the other, constantly in disarray. Looks like someone got carried away with a set of scissors, maybe while blindfolded.
Eyes: When glamoured, both his eyes are a normal shade of light green. When unglamoured, the left eye is magenta and his right eye is lime green, both with slit pupils.
Style: Blinding. His entire wardrobe is exclusively eye-insultingly bright neon, and he makes no effort to coordinate colours. His sense of style is "colours make brain go brr" and that's all there is to it. Tries to fit as many colours as he can into any single outfit. Red is the exception, he won't ever wear red. No preference as far as the "gender" of clothing - if it's fun, then it's fun. That's all he cares about.
Height: 5'4" (162.5cm)
Build: Heavyset, looks very soft and squishy but it's all muscle underneath.
Features: Rounded, but distinctly lacking the sort of gentle quality that Vicente has, oval lip shape with heavy upper lip
Hair: Fuchsia undercut, the unshaven part is about the length of a pixie-cut, wavy but that's hard to see when it's so short
Eyes: Turquoise, eyelashes and eyebrows match pink hair, eyes are rounded and would typically be considered adorable, but there's a hardness to her gaze that neutralizes the effect entirely
Style: Would be punk if she had more patience for clothes. As it is, she can't stand them, she hates the feeling of fabric on her skin. She likes the look of leather and plaid but it would kill her to wear that sort of thing. Her clothes are mostly black and pink, with some blue mixed in. Doesn't own anything with full-length sleeves or full-length legs. Any rips or tears are repaired by safety-pins rather than thread just to be contrarian because Vicente once told her she should repair them properly. So, of course, she never will. The "gender" of clothing doesn't matter to her because it's all horrible. If she finds something tolerable to wear for a whole day then that's a big enough deal that the gender of it doesn't matter.
Height: 6'1" (185.4cm) (without heels) Build: Slender, might even be seen as delicate if you don't know her well enough to know better
Features: Angular with a refined air, a large, hooked nose, wears makeup when on the job but refrains when she's at home.
Hair: I wish blood orange wasn't a meme because that's really the most accurate way to describe her hair colour. If she were to straighten it out, it would fall just past her shoulders. As it is, she usually has it styled in waves or curls, or done up in 20s-inspired hairstyles. She'll try out hairstyles from other time periods, but since those don't spark the same joy for her and she can't wear them for work it's hard for her to motivate herself to expand her hair horizons
Eyes: Yellow. She literally can't put a glamour on them, for reasons that will be explored in the story. It isn't that big a deal, though. Coloured contacts are a thing, and the fact that she's a performer makes it easier to assume it's a sort of costume. Not to mention, humans get so overwhelmed by her very presence that they usually can't manage to question her eyes. She likes to wear small, feathered eyelash extensions.
Style: Classic and elegant styles, often 20s-inspired. When it comes to her work wardrobe she goes full-throttle old Hollywood glamour. For her personal life, though, she prefers day dresses and casual wear (still in that classic and elegant style though, even her casual outfits have a refined air about them.) She focuses on the fit and silhouette when she puts together outfits, and has a personal tailor. Exclusively presents femininely in the way she dresses.
Height: 6'3" (190.5cm)
Build: Streamlined. Kind of like a swimmer's build, strong but built to be quick and aerodynamic.
Features: Sharp, brow is often furrowed, strong jawline, cheekbones could cut glass, whether he's capable of smiling is anyone's guess
Hair: Very, very long. Falls past his mid-back, perfectly straight and white. Somehow, it never gets messy or out of place. Almost like magic or something... But even so, he ties at least some of it back if it's getting in the way. His hairstyles (when he bothers styling it) are more elaborate than Vicente's, but simpler than Thea's
Eyes: Very, very dark brown, almost black, monolid, eyelashes and eyebrows match white hair
Style: He likes things that are long and flow-y at the hem. A long trench-coat, a cardigan that has a "tailcoat" sort of shape. He laments the fact that capes and cloaks fell out of fashion. The sleeves need to be fitted, though, otherwise they get in his way. As far as colour, he isn't very picky as long as it's nothing too bright and colourful. He has a preference for the colder shades of purple. Wears a lot of rings, necklaces, bracelets, but no piercings. I'm not sure what to call his overall style other than "modern warlock chic?"
I can't really get into Shiloh too much without spoilers, but I can tell you that their hair and eyes are always black. I can also talk about their style a little bit.
Style: Layers upon layers, as much of itself covered as possible. Always has the bottom half of its face buried behind a scarf. Clothes are all black and may not actually be clothes, but no one has been able to get Shiloh to clarify about that.
If you want to know about anything specific I may not have mentioned, please let me know ♥
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orbees · 1 year
vicente is the scientist making detachable cocks & tits. #ally
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santanasaintmendes · 2 months
make tacos, not war
part4! to the cosmic girl records 
¡cosmic girl records!
summary: tacos, tequila, beaches, the mexican grand prix, beefing with charles and getting roasted by the grid, anything else? 
olliebearman x reader & platonic!grid x reader 
fc!: gorgeous girls on pinterest all credits go to their rightful owners!
disclaimer!: there are sensitive and offensive jokes used below so do not interact if you are not ok with those things! If there is anything that i have included that is seriously inappropriate and harmful to people contact me and let me know so i can do my best to make sure everyone is happy!
a/n: AHHHHHHH! Thank you so much to everyone who has supported the ¡cosmic girl records! so far it seriously makes my day to see all the likes and reblogs.
warnings!: talking about addiction to alcohol (the 2019 rookies call y/n an alcoholic), joking about death, y/n calls checo mr taco man, swearing, offensive jokes, british slander i’m sorry 😞, stealing of best friends, the knife emoji?
word count!: 1.6k
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liked by olliebearman, landonorris, lilymhe, charles_leclerc, georgerussell64 and 4,472,382 others 
unfortunatelyy/n: siesta, fiesta, tequila and repeat! 
tagged olliebearman
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 bestie1: while i rot away in my pj’s watching friends smh 😔
 bestie1: oh yeah 
user1: SHE’S SO PRETTY TF?? 
 user2: the third pic 😍
 user3: the first pic 😍
 user4: the second pic 😍 
 olliebearman: the first pic: moments before disaster 
 unfortunatelyy/n: don’t expose me like that???
 user9: hittin’ the man with the triple question mark, shit’s about to get real
 olliebearman: she fell into the water.
 unfortunatelyy/n: OPEN THE DOOR 
 user12: GIRL WHAT
 unfortunatelyy/n: that’s fine. your windows open
 olliebearman: WHAT 
 user5: is he still alive 
 user6: he may be dead i fear 
 unfortunatelyy/n: update: oliver james bearman is no longer a problem in today’s society 😄
 landonorris: damn hittin him with the full government name is cold 
 unfortunatelyy/n: shut up what do you know 
 landonorris: more than you that’s for sure 
 unfortunatelyy/n: WHY CAN’T U JUST LEAVE ME IN PEACE 
 landonorris: if i remember correctly, YOU were the one who wanted to be friends 
 unfortunatelyy/n: I WAS 5. i was young, dumb and foolish, i didn’t know what i wanted 😔
 landonorris: @georgerussell64 @alex_albon 
 georgerussell64: hmm, i smell a liar 
 unfortunatelyy/n: tf u sniffing around for mf 
 alex_albon: damn so aggressive 
 unfortunatelyy/n: shut up your girlfriend’s cheating on you with me 
|  alex_albon: 🥲
 user7: alex’s smiling through the pain fr 
user8: the 2019 rookie’s goal this year: make y/n suffer 
liked by unfortunatelyy/n
 schecoperez: i approve, nice photos 
 unfortunatelyy/n: thank you mr taco man 
 user10: okay now i’m convinced they’re besties 
 liked by unfortunatelyy/n
user11: I could use a glass of tequila right about now 
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liked by olliebearman, landonorris, georgerussell64, alexandrasaintmleux and 6,382,493 others 
unfortunatelyy/n: tequila, tamales, a boy, what more could a girl want?
tagged olliebearman
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 user1: did ollie so dirty in the third pic 😭
 user2: that’s what happens when u cross y/n 😭
 olliebearman: i take it you’re still mad at me?
 unfortunatelyy/n: yes ❤️🔪
 carlossainz55: remind me again to never offend you in any way 
 unfortunatelyy/n: @olliebearman watch and learn 
 olliebearman: ok 😔
 landonorris: yeah ollie 😒
 olliebearman: why are you attacking me too 😭
 landonorris: idk it’s fun 
 olliebearman: wow. 
user3: we love savage y/n, may she reign forever 
liked by unfortunatelyy/n
 landonorris: y/n confirmed alcoholic  
 georgerussell64: y/n confirmed clown 
 alex_albon: y/n confirmed delusional girl 
 charles_leclerc: y/n confirmed idiot 
 user8: damn 😭
 unfortunatelyy/n: DAMN WHAT DID I DO TO YA’LL 
 charles_leclerc: live. 
 alex_albon: steal my girlfriend.
 georgerussell64: take my phone charger WITHOUT my permission
 landonorris: @charles_leclerc what he said
unfortunatelyy/n: . . . I-
 landonorris: absolutely speechless, completely baffled, rendered loquacious 
 user5: i didn’t realise lando had that many words in his vocabulary 
 georgerussell64: okay pop off shakespeare i see u 👀
 unfortunatelyy/n: I HATE YOU ALL ESPECIALLY YOU @charles_leclerc
 charles_leclerc: it’s okay we all hate you too! 
|  unfortunatelyy/n: i don’t usually swear but you charles marc herve percival leclerc are one little shit 
 charles_leclerc: DIE. 
 user6: oof his ego took a hit with the full name 
 unfortunatelyy/n: after you, ladies first 😌
 charles_leclerc: @olliebearman come and get your girlfriend she’s escaped her cage 
 olliebearman: @alexandrasaintmleux gf/bf duty calls 😔
 alexandrasaintmleux: 😔
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liked by olliebearman, lilymhe, lewishamilton, alexandrasaintmleux, carmenmmundt and 3,382,382 others 
unfortunatelyy/n: ready for this weekend! 
tagged olliebearman
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 olliebearman: thank you for the nice photos this time 🥰
liked by unfortunatelyy/n
 unfortunatelyy/n: you’re welcome peasant 
 olliebearman: i can never win around here 
 user3: poor ollie 😔
user1: guys we’ve officially lost her to ferrari 😔
 landonorris: traitor. 
 unfortunatelyy/n: excuse me child
 landonorris: don’t play dumb, you abandoned mclaren and here i was thinking we were best friends 
 landonorris: don’t change the subject
 user2: bro took a hit on his ego with that one 
 landonorris: i’m calling in the reinforcements @charles_leclerc @georgerussell64 @alex_albon
 unfortunatelyy/n: STOP 🛑✋
 georgerussell64: she can’t even admit it 
 alex_albon: shame on you 
 charles_leclerc: why’d u call me i literally drive for ferrari
 landonorris: cuz u roast her the best
 unfortunatelyy/n: u guys suck
 charles_leclerc: he’s not wrong 
 unfortunatelyy/n: I HATE YOU 
 charles_leclerc: the feeling is mutual 
 landonorris: you not only betrayed me but the other idiots too
 alex_albon: i speak for all williams fans when i say FOR SHAME 
 georgerussell64: FOR SHAMEEEEEE
 lilymhe: 🤨 whatchu hatin on my wifey for @alex_albon @georgerussell64
 carmenmmundt: yeah? 🤨
 alex_albon: @georgerussell64 help what do we do
 georgerussell64: if anyone asks, i’ve left the country.
 user5: GEORGE HELP 
 alex_albon: how could you abandon me like that 
 user6: such a fake friend fr 
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liked by landonorris, olliebearman, oscarpiastri, georgerussell64, alex_albon, lilymhe and 6,829,200 others 
unfortunatelyy/n: cheat meal!
tagged olliebearman
view 38,292 comments 
user1: she’s never beating the alcoholic allegations im afraid 😔
 user3: get zambrero?
 landonorris: caught in 4k 📸
 olliebearman: @unfortunatelyy/n YOU DIDN’T TELL ME YOU WERE GOING TO POST IT ON YOUR INSTA 
 unfortunatelyy/n: darling, every photo i take is for my insta 
 user4: oo that gave me the chills “darling”
 user6: y/n now: 🤓🇬🇧
 ferrari: @olliebearman pick up the phone 
 olliebearman: NO. 
user8: god bless y/n for these photos may she reign forever 🙏
liked by unfortunatelyy/n 
user9: smh, guys we’ve lost y/n to the tequila, only god can help her now 
user10: get yourself someone who looks at you the way ollie looks at that bowl of food 
liked by unfortunatelyy/n
georgerussell64: why would you expose ollie like that, let my guy have his cheat meal without the entire internet coming after him 
 unfortunatelyy/n: woah what happened to you 
 georgerussell64: im afraid to ask what you mean 
 unfortunatelyy/n: who knew george russell would vouch for MY BOYFRIEND 
 georgerussell64: well it’s better than pushing him into the barriers every weekend 
 olliebearman 😰
 user11: i have an odd itching feeling that the 2019 rookies still hate ollie for dating their younger sister 
 user12: ya think 
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liked by olliebearman, lilymhe, alexandrasaintmleux, carlossainz55, lewishamilton, francisca.cgomes and 5,382,493 others 
unfortunatelyy/n: i cant. it’s race day. 
view 38,492 comments 
 landonorris: wow. exposing me like that. i hope u die alone 
 unfortunatelyy/n: doing it for the plot 🤷‍♀️
 user7: AMEN SISTER 🙏🗣️
user1: poor lando, what was the tea tho 👀
user7: y/n’s got her priorities set straight 
liked by unfortunatelyy/n
 carlossainz55: what is tea 
 olliebearman: it’s a drink??
 olliebearman: oh.
 unfortunatelyy/n: it’s okay i still love you 
 olliebearman: ok 😔
 charles_leclerc: SPILL THE TEA Y/N 🗣️
 carlossainz55: 🗣️🗣️
 maxvertappen1: 🗣️🗣️🗣️
 georgerussell64: 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
 schecoperez: 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
 landonorris: IF YOU TELL THEM YOU DIE 
 unfortunatelyy/n: threatening me in my own comments, who do u think you are? |
 landonorris: . . .  your best friend . . . ? 
 unfortunatelyy/n: nah, oscar’s my best friend now 
 landonorris: @oscarpiastri ?
|  oscarpiastri: @unfortunatelyy/n: YOU WEREN’T SUPPOSED TO TELL HIM
 unfortunatelyy/n: whoops 🫢
|  landonorris: i see how it is 😔
 user4: still waiting to know what the tea is 
 landonorris: YOU’LL NEVER KNOW 
|  unfortunatelyy/n: hm, we’ll see 👀
user5: oscar and y/n best friends confirmed 👍
liked by unfortunatelyy/n
 user6: the y/n i know would spill the tea 👀
 unfortunatelyy/n: 👀
 user6: HELP Y/N 
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liked by olliebearman, landonorris, charles_leclerc, lilymhe, alexandrasaintmleux, francisca.cgomes and 8,382,859 others 
unfortunatelyy/n: love you to the moon and back a million times, always and forever, congratulations my love 🐻❤️
olliebearman: love you to the moon and back 🌙💞
liked by unfortunatelyy/n
user2: it’s the onions. it’s the onions. it’s the onions
user3: im not crying you are 
user4: homeboy’s turning 1 
user5: i can’t wait for lando to pop up in the comments it’s like whenever y/n posts he’s summoned or sum shit like that
user6: ah yes, young love 
landonorris: @olliebearman u know, orange would look better on you, there’s a free seat available here at  mclaren 👀
 oscarpiastri: i thought you said we were okay 
 user9: why do they sound like an old couple tf 😭😭
 landonorris: i say a lot of things i don’t mean, traitor 😤
 oscarpiastri: you’re acting like a child 
 landonorris: no you are!
 oscarpiastri: says the guy who just used an exclamation mark in an insta comment 
 landonorris: its official. i’m going to dive bomb you off the track next week 
 oscarpiastri: what? after your DNF? cuz i don’t think that’s possible 
 user8: DAYUM 
|  unfortunatelyy/n: ooooooh he got u there @landonorris 
 unfortunatelyy/n: i can’t have stolen him if he was my friend first 
 landonorris: wHaT. 
 oscarpiastri: ah yes, the magic of childhood friends 
 landonorris: but she’s american and you’re australian. . . right?
 unfortunatelyy/n: mhm sure 
 olliebearman: 😦
 landonorris: 😦
taglist time!: @ilivbullyingjeongin
a/n: thank you for reading if you got to the end! I hope it made you laugh, have a great day xx
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wombywoo · 4 months
Hi! I'm loving learning about your boys!
I'd like to know more about what they do and how their paths cross in the military.
I think you said Vicent acts as a abhuman consultant for the military now. Does that mean he doesn't put one foot onto the field for missions, just kind of on-base intelligence work? Or does he tag along with Quinn's unit on the ground?
Thank you! I've really been enjoying sharing stuff about them😚
Further lore below: So basically--this is a very new highly experimental taskforce in a new highly experimental branch of the UK military called 'Nonstandard Ops' (as vague and uncritical a name as any 😅) Their main purpose is to combat supernatural and other such threats in light of some major world changes currently happening. Quinn had previously been convalescing from a field injury (as well as dealing with the fallout of his best mate being discharged due to an even graver injury) when his old CO approaches him with an offer to join her new squad. His... unmentionable abilities make him an asset, and his CO has vouched for him before even in spite of a somewhat dubious track record. And guess who's also on the taskforce? Vincent. In a controversial turn of events, they're now allowing vampires to serve in the military. This is met with...varying degrees of support amongst their nascent group. Quinn himself is not immediately accepting. Vincent, being a veteran, is entitled to his credentials and rank, though he requires further training to keep up with advances in modern warfare. Essentially, he's taken on as an expert in neutralizing this brand new type of enemy, with all of his attained knowledge and special skills. So yes, he does go into the field with them on most missions! I like to think this beginning period is a bit enemies-to-lovers, in that Quinn has to overcome some of his grievances, but despite a rocky start on a few of the early missions, they quickly develop a rhythm with each other in the field. And then maybe....something more.....🙆‍♀️
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mg-dango · 5 months
I´m still alive, yipee!
thanks for the nomination @itsclovhere !!!
Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
In all his years of serving the country, he never made something as stupid as this…
Spanish (original): En todos sus años de servicio a la patria, nunca antes había hecho una pendejada de este tipo.
Sooo for context, this is part of a crappy one-shot I never finished, where Dientes fractures a rib on a mission but instead of going to the med-bay, he decides to hide it so Rodolfo doesn´t worry and also bc he´s an idiot honestly. This is a part where he looks in the mirror and thinks "brga ya vali"
at this point i want to nominate @ anyone who wants to participate ´cause i don´t know many people yet lmao
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agena87 · 2 months
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Sim dump: The Nevarez family
I still haven't finished the house I started when Lovestruck was released (1 - 2), BUT I have finished the family that's supposed to go with it. And since I'm an impatient arse, I decided to post the household first.
So, here are Vinnie and Marcos, a married couple of archaeologists, with their adopted children Antonio and Ellie, and Vinnie's eccentric father, Rafael.
DOWNLOAD - Mediafire (no ads!)
Do not re-upload
Do not claim as yours
Do not put behind any kind of paywall
Do not change skin tones, genders/pronouns or body types (you can make the teen/adults vanilla-height, if you don't like to play with height difference, though - I know it can be annoying for like, romantic interactions and such)
Tag me if you use them (I wanna see!)
Have fun!
More pics & info under the cut
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both Vinnie and Marcos are archaeologists (I would have set it like that in-game, but it's not an available career for some idiotic reason, so they are set as unemployed...).
Vinnie's a nickname, his real name is Vicente (but you do you, that's just a piece of headcanon)
Antonio is non-binary and asexual; they're also only interested in men, romantically. They're 17yo.
Antonio is also disabled and has a prosthetic leg. They sometimes have to use crutches.
Rafael was a marine biologist and is now retired. He spends his days playing bowling, going on dates, and looking after his grandchildren when their fathers are away on expeditions.
Ellie loves craft and is quite skilled at knitting and needlepoint for a girl this young (she's 11).
hobby-wise, the others are into fitness and fishing (Vinnie), painting (Marcos), video games and cooking (Antonio), and bowling (Rafael), among other things.
as the only girl in the family (and as the "baby"), Ellie is spoiled by everyone.
Traits and aspirations:
Vinnie: archaeology scholar - loves outdoors, romantic, active
Marcos: archaeology scholar - family-oriented, creative, romantically reserved
Antonio: goal-oriented - lovebug, geek
Ellie: creative genius - creative
Rafael: successful lineage - wise, lovebug, family-oriented
Everyone has skills, likes, dislikes, and turn-ons/offs (well, except Ellie for those last ones, obviously).
What no one has is outfits other than in the everyday category (they all wear BG robes in all the other categories, do as you want there - they have accessories though, like eyelashes, nails, piercings or glasses)
(background of pics is @vyxated's new CAS background replacement, which is super cute!)
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isiaiowin · 9 days
GOetry Monday: Espinelas
Welcome to GOetry! A weekly poetry club.
Every Monday, you'll receive a new poetry prompt and have until the following Monday to submit your poetic creations. Come join the fun! Post your finished work under the #GOetry and tag me @isiaiowin so I can see your work.
The concrete poems from last week were so much fun to see! I loved all the creativity. Really well done, everyone! Thank you for participating and sharing your work.
The prompt of this week:
Form: Espinela
Word: Speechless
What is an Espinela poem:
An espinela is a traditional Spanish poetic form named after its creator, the poet Vicente Espinel. The structure of an espinela consists of ten lines, known as a décima, divided into two stanzas, with a specific rhyme scheme and syllable count.
First stanza has four lines. (rhyming scheme is ABBA)
Second stanza has six lines. (rhyming scheme is ACCDDC)
Eight syllables per line.
Indulge to Bulge - Ronovan Hester
Blissful longing of butter fat, Floating above the sea of blame Renders worthy of the blue flame. What’s now a spare tire, once was flat. Crying for more from the spoiled brat, Brings forth the lazy quelling hands. Then blames the obese on lax glands. Fail to heed the words of the wise Leads to chaffed thighs or heart that dies. Toss the flans, cans, and frying pans.
I'm looking forward to seeing all your work, but most of all, have fun! ~Moon 💚
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wrong-mother · 2 months
More Dark Brotherhood RP memes
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Okay, so I found a "self-defense with a deer" meme and instantly thought that this is the most Falmer meme I've ever seen. And while Aeola exists also in our Dark Brotherhood RP, I wanted to draw something chaotic so now she is teaching other assassins Falmeri combat techniques which were used by paladins of Auriel back in the First Era. We were cackling like seagulls with asthma during the whole drawing process :D
I'll also tag people whose OC's are here:
@blackmetalsnake (upper right corner, Damienus is NOT impressed with Lucien's chaos, I suppose?)
@bleepytoad (Nybros is right behind Damienus and he is doing the lower breakdance)
@darthdepressius (Garvus, doing an epic roll dodge in the lower left corner)
@wasteland-lynx (Skiold aka Scott, upper left corner, running for his life)
There's also Vicente Valtieri and in his three centuries of life he had never seen shit like this XD
The funniest thing is that at the beginning Aeola was supposed to deal psychological (and physical too, apparently) AOE damage with a deer but at some point we decided that Lucien is much better option. And he is genuinely enjoying it XD
And yes, I'm too lame to draw Aeola's marital tattoo and Nybros's magical tattoos only for the meme's sake so I made it simple.
Also I apparently had a stroke because I didn't notice that Lucien was holding one of the daggers COMPLETELY WRONG right until I made an outline. Still, I just went for it - again, for the meme's sake :D
And, of course, the mighty original. I just LOVE this meme :D
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