#(( miranda is. ah. getting EXCITED-
elegyofthemoon · 1 year
people on my twt feed kept comparing pandora hearts and dgrayman and bc my 11 year old self was so obsessed w dgm i decided to pick it up again and 😭 i see why i was obsessed lmao
#the anime makes me kinda nostalgic but i cant stomach it bc ep 50 or so was a bunch of fillers that werent in the manga#hhfjfj ik i was super mad about it when i was watching that i stopped watching#but anyways!#i finished vol 2 for dgm and im sobbing my eyes out what the fuck...#NO AND IK IT GETS WORSE IM NOT READY .....#like i had this feeling id like allen anyways bc he was my fave when i was little the same way i was attached to oz as a kid JGHFJFJ#BUT NOW THAT I UNDERSTAND IM LIKE....OH.....OH NO#anyways like. allen and yuu having a conversation about self sacrifice and i was like 'ah....oz and elliot convo retrace 26 nodnod'#but the difference is that like. oz was afraid of losing everything so if it meant sacrificing himself he didnt mind so long as someone#stays...#meanwhile allen says that hes lost everything so he has nothing else to lose#allen had such a kind heart also bc of how much he has lost and him tending to guzol and lala made me uglycry like i was 11 again OK....#also yuu saying 'exorcists are destroyers' but allen acknowledging it but wanting to use that power to protect I WILL DIE ACTUALLY LMAO#NO THE NEXT VOLUME IS GONNA SLAP ME SO HARD DUDE CANNOT WAIT....#miranda and krory!!!!!!! big excited!!!#or i think krory is vol 4... OH MY GOD LAVIIIIIIIII 💞💞💞💞💞💞#ok thats all i wanna say jenfjdjf#like allens so optimistic but its the kind thats formed by going through The Worst and that makes me sob#dudes only 14 and going through it#jshdjjd that would also check out for why 11 year old me was obsessed w him. ok#snow speaks#i dont have the next volume on me.... makes me sad....#snow reads dgm
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mrfoox · 2 years
Tired of being obsessed with one person, please get me back to looking forward to a video game or a group of people
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royalreef · 2 years
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@playnights​ inquired: The smell of brimstone signals demonic arrival, and sure enough, there's strong & familiar hands lifting Miranda from the ground; Dahlia, of course, not wanting to leave her princess waiting. The tips of tusks glide against scales as they hook beneath fabric, before sharply tearing it away with little tenderness or hesitation. Starting with the top, as per the occasion, but the bellowing growl that could felt through her (already bare) chest spoke to the fact she'd be just as obliged to bring her teeth downward. 
                         Miranda has an excellent sense of smell.
       Though most think first of her hearing, of her talent at being able to listen in on things that no one else could, she can smell almost as good as she can hear. The scent of brimstone is not only noticed, but she can pick up on slighter, more complicated elements of it. She knows what brimstone itself smells like, unique from the markers that denote the presence of a demon, able to scent the individual differences between the two, missed on most. Further than that, she knows this specific demon well enough to have absolutely no doubt as to who it is, able to tell the scent of home and her beloved anywhere.
       She doesn’t turn her head. She’s playing along — smile creeping up and over her lips no matter what she does, her fins flicking up to attention, their tips twitching. She’s still pretending to stare off into some nowhere land, acting like she’s distracted, like she doesn’t know what’s coming.
      It just makes it more fun to gasp as Dahlia’s hands do seize around her. It doesn’t even strain her to lift Miranda up, more bulky than she is heavy, light and oh-so-delicate in Dahlia’s arms. Like a proper princess. Fragile, delicate, soft. A frail little thing, a shining and lovely crown jewel, wrapped up in so many layers just for Dahlia to tear into. Just like how she wraps Dahlia’s presents, after all. Plenty of paper, all for her to have so much fun tearing through.
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        One hand curls tight around Dahlia’s horns as she digs in, gripping tight enough to make her knuckles go white, while the other finds her hair and grabs a fistful. She pulls, trying not to pull too hard, but not exactly minding if she ends up goading Dahlia on, either. Miranda’s thrown her head back in ecstasy, growling with a primal lust, and if she’d going feral too, then she wants Dahlia to join her. Those teeth are already being put to so much good use, top torn away with little care or tenderness, feeling so many layers torn away like tissue paper in one movement. Her clothes are made with durability in mind, but even they don’t last against this onslaught, and it sends bolts of pleasure up Miranda’s spine alone.
        Her knees have wrapped around Dahlia’s shoulders, flexing her claws on them as she tries to hang on. Miranda’s body is starting to flush warm, then hot, and her tail is swishing, and her mouth has already opened up to pant like a dog for more. More. More. More. Just that wasn’t enough, couldn’t be enough for Dahlia’s greedy princess. She issued that dare for a reason, after all. She wouldn’t have wanted no one to take home their grand prize, and this alone has flicked at the hungry part of Miranda’s brain that turns into a full-body ache and need.
       Her lingerie, somehow, has survived. A little worse for wear, but it isn’t connected to the rest of her layers, and thus it wasn’t pulled away. Not that its very good at hiding her upper body, all those rosy pink scales glittering like diamonds, a bounty well-won. Nor that it will last much longer at this rate, but the anticipation alone for what’s coming is enough to make Miranda’s thoughts do dizzy loops, feeling even more sharply all the points where its still hugging her torso and accenting her frame, just waiting for it to come off as well. Waiting for Dahlia to tear away her skirts too, for her to see the full extent of it, before it too is turned into fabric scraps.
        “Please, please, please, pretty please, my Dahlia—” Her words are breathless and beautiful and unnecessary. Not like Miranda’s making any effort towards hiding exactly what’s echoing down their soul tether, what burning desires and needs and wants are swimming in her mind as Dahlia holds her. As she holds Dahlia too, tugging on the bull by her horns. It’s just nice, to give vocal confirmation too, and to tell her how much she wants her.
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maybegays-blog · 6 months
Ethereal Chemistry
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Lady Dimitrescu x Scientist! Reader
All Chapters
Warnings: Rushed
The faint hum of machinery filled the air as you worked diligently in your lab, surrounded by beakers, test tubes, and the soft glow of monitors. Your latest project was coming along nicely.
Just as you were about to delve into the next phase of your research, a familiar voice echoed through the intercom.
"Hey there, [Y/n], mind stepping into my office for a sec?" It was Alan, your colleague and occasional partner in mischief.
You paused, a mix of curiosity and caution flickering within you. Alan's sudden request for a meeting wasn’t unusual, to say the least.
But as you were busy with your project, annoyance built up at being interrupted.
‘Ugh, what does he want now?’ You muttered to yourself, pinching the bridge of your nose in irritation.
With a sigh, you set aside your work and made your way to his office, your footsteps echoing in the empty hallway.
Pushing open the door, you found Alan seated behind his desk, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "Ah, there you are," he said, motioning for you to take a seat. "I've got something I want to run by you."
You settled into the chair opposite him, your curiosity piqued. "What's on your mind?" you asked, curiosity evident in your voice.
The man leaned back in his chair, his expression serious yet tinged with excitement. "You ever heard of Mother Miranda and the four lords?" he began, his tone measured and deliberate, curiosity shining in his eyes.
You quirked your eyebrow at the sudden question. "You mean that cult Chris was so worked up about?" you asked, a flicker of unease creeping into your voice.
He nodded solemnly. "Yes."
His determination seemed to intensify at the mention of Chris.
But there was something in his demeanor that set off alarm bells in your mind. The way he couldn’t hold eye contact, the slight twitch of his lips—it was clear that he was hiding something.
"Alan, what aren't you telling me?" you pressed, your voice tinged with suspicion.
He hesitated, his gaze flickering to the floor before meeting yours once more. "Okay, I may have... hacked into some important files," he admitted, his tone sheepish.
"You what?!" Your eyes widened, a mixture of shock and concern coursing through you.
The gravity of his confession weighed heavily on your mind. You both knew very well that this could get him fired, or even worse.
"You shouldn't be hacking into any files, Alan! How do you ‘accidentally’ hack anyway?"
"I was just try’na gather information. You know, for research purposes!" His tone grew louder as he tried defending his actions.
You rolled your eyes and sighed, crossing your arms. "Whatever. Why did you call me in here?"
He took a deep breath, his eyes gleaming with newfound determination. "I have a plan," he began, his voice steady. "We gather the necessary resources and equipment in the village, discreetly, of course. Then, we'll put it to good use."
As he vaguely outlined his plan, you couldn't help but feel a knot form in your stomach.
This entire thing felt wrong. The risks were too great, the consequences too dire. But your colleague seemed unfazed, his confidence unwavering.
"Come on, [Y/N]," he urged, leaning in closer. "With your expertise and Astrid's help, we could make this happen. Think of the knowledge we could uncover, the things we could achieve!"
You hesitated, torn between your curiosity and the sense of foreboding that lingered in the back of your mind.
But when he mentioned Astrid, your other friend,(and his sister), joining the venture, a glimmer of hope flickered within you. If Astrid was on board, maybe together you could keep an eye on Alan and ensure things didn't spiral out of control.
With a heavy sigh, you nodded reluctantly. "Fine, I'm in," you said, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "But we need to be careful. We can't afford to make any mistakes."
Alan grinned, a spark of excitement dancing in his eyes. "Don't worry," he reassured you. "Together, with you and Astrid, we've got this covered."
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muffinsin · 8 months
Hey muffin, it's weird. Let's do more cat sisters if you wanna. Like deep dive cat. Can they ever be found sleeping contorted into odd postures or like over the back of two chairs and a sofa. Can you imagine all 3 sisters trying to sleep in that one warm sunbeam in winter. Or finding a nice place to perch and shoving the others off as only 1 can be king of the stump. I don't think catnip would work but maybe Donna could come up with an alternative that does. And how quick would Alcina ban it. Just three not!cat mutants. And how they definitely aren't just cats in fly form.
Oooooh this one caught my attention right away, thank you hon XD Let’s get into it! One big HC for em all this time! :)🙌
(repeating previous HCs regarding this topic, so they’re all in this one🙇‍♀️)
Other related posts:
Laserpointer HC
Purring HC
There is, of course, the most obvious trait: the purring
Bela purrs the loudest, at any little touch she receives from the ones she loves and treasures. Whether this be her lover, sisters, or mother. She purrs the easiest in those situations too, from mere praise or head scratches
Cassandra is the most embarrassed about her purring. She can’t control it, and she dislikes this. Ah, but perhaps- only perhaps- she will learn not to mind it when her lover scratches her scalp just right
Daniela, our energetic love bug. She purrs very easily, and proudly so. She purrs at any compliments from her many crushes, cuddles, even kisses pressed to the top of her head by her sisters and mother. It’s a way for her to express her adoration and happiness, to her
Of course, the first time they have purred this way, Alcina was very caught off guard. She was lounging in her large bed in her room, freshly reborn daughters sprawled out on her lap
Bela in the middle, with her head on Alcina’s collarbone and little hands clinging onto her nightdress although she was worried her mother would leave. Cassandra stuck strictly to her right, demanding more of the head scratches and whining whenever Alcina’s fingertips stopped moving against her head. And of course, Daniela, her youngest, on the left, clutching her arm as she eagerly accepted the scratches under her chin
Suddenly though, nearly in synch, purrs came from all three daughters. Naturally, Alcina was confused. If it was not for the few flies that still swarmed about or rested on her, she’d have perhaps been worried Mother Miranda mixed cats rather than flies with the cadou
Alas, upon approaching this subject, she learned it is her girls’ many, little fly wings flapping against one another in excitement, content, or happiness
She thinks it’s adorable
Then, there is the headbutting and staring at empty spaces
Yes, the headbutting, of course. Now, Alcina adores this. She often finds herself yelping in surprise when Daniela flies past, merely to return, shoot her a large, happy grin, headbutt her stomach, then runs off again
It seems, all three of her daughters have such a trait
Such as when Cassandra brings home a large prey for supper, and receives happy, thankful head buts in return. She of course returns these, all three daughters purring contentedly
Or when Alcina reads to them, she often feels a smaller head bump into her sides or arms, a silent appreciation. She shoots her daughters a loving smile each time
Then, there is the staring, and the apparent urge to cause trouble sometimes, or perhaps only to knock things over
Often, she tilts her head in confusion when she finds her fierce little Cassandra staring at the wall, teeth bared at times even. Yet, there is nothing there, and her daughter doesn’t claim there is, nor that there is not. Alcina normally leaves her to it- it doesn’t quite harm anybody or anything- until Cassandra does pounce, and her nails dig into the wallpaper
Or when she keeps Bela on her lap to cuddle and nap while she works; an activity that was sadly nearly entirely lost to time as the woman became older, more mature and busy. Still, Alcina remembers having her little pile of flies on her lap while she works, dozing off contentedly and occasionally flexing her small claws, small purrs soothing her mother even when she grows tired of her work. Ah, but I’m getting sidetracked
In such times, she was working, filling out paperwork with one hand, the other tangled in Bela’s hair to scratch her scalp. That is, until the blonde would sit up and stare at the far corner of the room
Why? Alcina hasn’t found out to this very day
Another thing are their odd sleeping positions, and the (thankfully quite temporary) clinginess
Bela loves to sleep in tight spaces especially, or even just relax in them. Often, Alcina has opened her closet and nearly shrieked in surprise to find Bela wedged between shoe cartons, nearly covered in her dresses with only a small part of her poking out. Distressed about the small space her daughter is in, Alcina has always lifted her up and out. After a month or so, she realised this is futile- Bela merely always returns
Still, when she opens her closet and sees her daughter napping contentedly between the boxes, she leans down to scratch her lightly behind her ear, presses a kiss to her forehead, then closes the closet door for her again. She knows by now, this is Bela’s safe spot, and it’s by far too adorable to hear the purring even through the closed closet door
At times, too, she finds Cassandra wedged in small gaps under a wall, her legs tucked up and her head resting on her arms as she snores away
The first time she has found her this way, Alcina nearly cried in happiness. She had been looking for her middle child for hours, having been unable to find her. Her worrying mind went as far as to fear her sweet, stubborn child went out to hunt in the cold and would forever be lost
Thankfully not. Still, Cassandra shrieked when she was finally pulled from her hiding spot, grumbles and complains leaving her lips and- at last- loud whines when Alcina noted how filthy she was from the dirty spot she’s hid in
To this day, Alcina knows Cassandra likes to hide there. Tucked away near the guest chamber, a small path hidden behind a fireplace. A tiny gap in the wall where she rests on the floor
She never bothers her there, she knows it’s her daughter’s spot to retreat and relax. Still, when she calls Cassandra and sees her covered in dirt, dust, and blood, the woman is in for a bath
And Daniela, of course, is also quite fond of odd sleeping positions. Her favourite by far, though? To stretch alongside edges of things
Yes, that’s right. Now, sometimes this means the edge of a sofa. Here, Alcina is quick to place many pillows on the ground in case her precious youngest daughter falls. Still, Daniela looks so content and happy, snoring lightly and fully stretched out, she doesn’t have the heart to stop her
At other times, Alcina all but yanks her in her arms
Such as when she finds Daniela at the edge of the balcony or a window sill, stretched out as usual and daring to fall off the edge and far down below
Immediately, the redhead’s eyes snap open and she whines when she is picked up and cradled, Mother’s fussing and worried scolding meeting rolled eyes and yawns. In the end, Daniela is happy to sleep in Alcina’s arms too, really
Lastly regarding the sleeping dilemma: there is one thing all 3 sisters like to do: which is to bask in the sun
Now, in summer this isn’t a problem. The castle has plenty warm spots for them in the gardens, or even in the woods. And they do so prefer stony surfaces. Alcina knows this, having often watched them first roll around on it and smudge their cheeks against it, then relax and doze off in the sun. Again, this poses no issue at all in summer
In winter however, when there is sun and the temperatures are still too low…it becomes a little challenging. Specifically, because all three women share one spot they like to sleep on: Alcina’s window sill
The sun hits it perfectly, and all three daughters know it. As such, Alcina hears them bicker for a couple of minutes, before finding them piled on top of each other, eyes closed and silent purrs and snores filling the room, limbs sticking out and bodies almost melting together in a large pile of flies so that the woman has difficulty telling whose hand is the one sticking out and who has lost her heel
Now, there was a period of time of incredible clinginess. Thankfully, this seems to have been limited to the few months to a year after their rebirth
Still, Alcina remembers it vividly
She remembers the chorus of screams when she would only close the door of the bathroom to use the toilet. The loud “Mama!”’s from the other side, almost wailing to be let in and back to her side. “Cassandra!”- her scolding when she heard claws move against the door, only to hear two more sets against it too, the eldest and youngest copying their sister. “I’ll be just a moment, my darlings!”- this never quite helped, merely resulted in more wailed yells
The second the door opened, however, three pairs of golden puppy eyes looked up at her. Bela’s; wide and bright, her arms slowly raising in a silent question to be picked up by her mother. Cassandra’s; dark, but wide, eyebrows furrowed and hands hidden behind her back as though Alcina didn’t know of the wood from her door that stuck to her claws. And Daniela; her eyes wide and teary, her bottom lip trembling and shaky arms raising in a request to be picked up as well. “Mama…!”
Of course, Alcina could never stay mad at her sweet daughters, and merely scooped the three women up in a hug
There are their other traits, too, such as their choice of toys and the gifts they retrieve sometimes
Bela loves strings. These are her favourite toys by far. While she won’t chase after them quite as much, Alcina enjoys the gleeful giggles from her daughter’s lips when she raises the string over and over again, Bela’s hands raising in an attempt to snatch it
Often, she brings her mother a piece of string; bright golden eyes looking up at her and pouty lips turning into a large, bright grin when Alcina takes the string from her. She promises, she won’t tell her two younger daughters about it
Cassandra on the other hand loves live toys, such as rats and birds, humans, or animals. As it comes to inanimate objects, however, her go-to is the laser pointer
Often is Alcina nearly rolling with laughter as she points it and watches her middle child race after the small, red dot. She stumbles over chairs and swarms through furniture, her arms outstretched for the dot
Her adorably confused expression when the dot is on her forehead, just between her eyes. Alcina coos at the adorable sight. Cassandra’s eyes going cross as she attempts to spot the shiny dot, her head tilting a little bit in confusion
Alcina’s eyes widen when she sees Daniela’s hips wiggle. She knows, her youngest is about to pounce, for unfortunately: the laser pointer is Daniela’s favourite toy too
And so, predictably so, a loud shriek, “EEK!”, comes from Cassandra when her younger sister tackles her and scratches her in attempt to catch the dot. Still, when the brunette pushes her sister, the dot is quickly forgotten and Alcina must now attempt to detangle her fussy little bugs
Of course, the mother of three often finds herself receiving lovely gifts, too
Bela opts for mice and birds, often brought to Alcina when she works, the animal in her mouth, trapped between her teeth. “Thank you, my smart little girl”, she thanks her daughter each time when the limp little thing is dropped on her desk and Bela swarms in her lap for cuddles and head scratches. She is never denied them, of course
Only once did she bring a possum, yet this was neither dead, nor caught between her teeth, but rather carried in her palms. Alcina nearly fell from her chair when she turned her head and the tiny thing hissed at her
“Mother, can we keep it?”
Then there is Cassandra’s gifts- often a little bloodier, and usually very large. Alcina knows, her fierce little huntress wants to prove herself to her. It seems no amount of reassurances help her darling understand that she will be loved regardless of how impressive her kill is
Still, Alcina often finds wolves, maidens, even a bear head dropped in front of her. Cassandra merely grins widely, her cheeks pink and silent purrs filling the room when Alcina scratches her neck and praises her for such a wonderful gift
Cassandra feels flustered and happy (despite trying to hide both) when she walks past a room and sees Alcina hung up one of her trophies. She feels so proud whenever her kill makes the wall!
Daniela opts for all kinds of gifts. On some days, the mother of three might find beautiful flowers dropped in her lap or standing at her desk, with a small note containing a bloody smiley and a text such as “from your favourite daughter”, or “I love you mama” or “They’re pretty like you, Mother” on it
At other times, she might find mice, deers, or limbs scattered on the floor in her room as a gift from her youngest. Daniela beams happily when she is lifted and receives light kisses all over her face for her gifts
“Thank you, my little fly”. She, of course, goes off to rub her Mother’s happiness about her gifts right into her sisters’ faces
There are times, in which the sisters get startled by the smallest of things, despite the fierce huntresses all three women are
Such as when Bela plays with her string with her mother, her hands eagerly grabbing for it as it is lifted over and over again. It’s all fun and well, until her claw accidentally gets stuck on it and the feeling makes her shake, swarm in shock and surprise, then run right into Alcina. The woman only ever stares in surprise at her daughter. What a curious little thing she is to her
Or when Cassandra could spend her days torturing the screaming victims of the Dimitrescu basement, laugh at and mock them even. Yet, when Alcina happens to drop her fork, she shrieks in surprise and jumps up, swarming high in the air before she drops on her older sister’s lap, hissing around and clinging to her. Cassandra has never lived this down, and never will
Only when the fork is lifted, inspected, and she’s swiped her claw-like nails at it, does she return to her seat with a big, embarrassed blush and a groan when she is immediately teased by her family for it all
And lastly, Daniela too gets startled by the smallest of things sometimes. By nothing at all, really. She is lounging on Alcina’s lap, purring and grinning happily when she receives light scratches on her scalp and under her chin. This is when her golden eyes open and spot her mother’s shoes on the floor. Not that they’re suddenly there or anything
Still, Daniela jumps up and swarms away fast, as though pierced by a needle. Alcina is confused regarding what happened to this very day, yet figures perhaps her daughter has just gotten a random energy burst
Catnip? Flynip?
The first trip with the three sisters to visit Donna was…eventful, really. Alcina thought nothing of it. Of course, she knows of the pollen of the many flowers in the lord’s region. Of course, she looks out for her daughters for this reason
Still, when they show little reaction aside from a little bit of dizziness, and practically beg for Alcina to let them roam freely, she at last gives in, instead opts for a conversation with Donna
Mere minutes later do they hear loud laughter- Daniela, Cassandra and Angie’s. Both lords jump to their feet. They know to be cautious
Still, Alcina can’t help but laugh at the image in front of her when she spots her daughters and the doll in the greenhouse
Bela in the middle of the flower field, twisting and turning, grinning and purring loudly at the orange flowers that surround her, pawing at them and touching some of the petals, the pollen dusting her face and clothing. She giggles and rolls around happily, pupils dilated. “Mother!”, she greets happily. Only when Alcina lifts her from the field and cradles her does she begin to whine, eager to return to the warm flowers
Cassandra giggles as she bites into some of them, her pupils dilated as well as she runs around quickly and rubs her cheek against the orange flowers she passes. She sneezes for a moment when pollen seems to tickle her nose, then continues rubbing herself against the flowers eagerly. She too whines and groans when she is lifted and thrown over Alcina’s shoulder. “Mother!”. Why can’t she keep playing!
And Daniela; pupils dilated and giggling as she rubs herself on the ground, dirt in her hair and clothing, pollen covering her by how much she’s headbutted the flowers. And Angie? Of course, she is making no attempt of stopping her, but rather tickles the poor, squirming thing and giggles when more laughter is drawn from Daniela. She too whines when she is lifted and thrown over her mother’s left shoulder
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changingplumbob · 1 month
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Glenn locked the door behind him and Ophelia. Although why he was doing that when the lot was shielded, and even a low ranking spellcaster could break locks, he had no idea. Glenn walked to the opposite house. In there should be Phoebus, Miranda, Gillian and Pockets. As he approached he glanced through the window and saw that Miranda was in her usual spot in front of a device. The 25 year old witch understood technology better than anyone else he knew. Taking a deep breath he knocked on the door and entered as Miranda yelled out that it was open.
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Glenn: Hey Miranda, is Phoebus in
Miranda: He's busy in the kitchen Glenn, not to be disturbed
Glenn: Did he actually say that
Miranda: Dude is way old, of course he phrased it like that
Glenn: How old is he
Miranda: I don't know... but I do know it's rude to ask anyone older than a century their age. I don't know why, like getting old is an achievement, especially for us
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Glenn: So... what are you doing
Miranda: Monitoring the message boards. I need to make sure no fans were following you to or from the hotel
Glenn: You're not serious. And I'm pretty sure I have no fans apart from myself and the watcher
Miranda sighed and leaned back in her chair. She conjured a small lightning ball in her hands and casually tossed it back and forwards like one might do with a stress ball.
Miranda: Man you must be messed up if you're not singing your own praises like normal. Howard says you're confident and you seemed it when we met. Anyway, the security here needs to be tight Glenn. We have enough problems with the parliament without you leading any hunters to our doorstep
Glenn: The humans outlawed hunting Miranda
Miranda: Oh they've outlawed a lot of stuff that still happens
The lightning ball disappeared and Miranda stretched her neck before moving back to her keyboard.
Miranda: Don't worry the coast seems clear
Gillian: GLENN
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Glenn: Aren't you a cat
Gillian: No silly, I'm me now. Miranda did you see Glenn is back
Miranda: This guy standing next to me? Nah, I was oblivious. He's super subtle
Gillian: *laughing* Be nice. You're meant to be a role model for me
Miranda: Welcome home Glenn. May I get you some tea and... crumpets?
Glenn: Ah... you said Phoebus is in the kitchen
Miranda: Fiddlesticks, I forgot that. Can I get you some imaginary tea and crumpets?
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Gillian: Miranda Miranda, how did you go while I was busy? Any progress?
Glenn: Dare I ask
Miranda: It's no problem. I've always understood electricity and computers so my pet project is trying to-
Gillian: She wants to make a computer without a computer
Miranda: Don't interrupt people unless there's like an emergency
Gillian: Sorry Miranda but it's exciting
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Glenn: I don't really get computers
The look Miranda gave Glenn in response was one of complete pity.
Miranda: Basically I'd like to conjure an interface that can connect to others but it's a long way off. I'm only just starting. I need to train with Harmony a lot, and probably Koko-
Gillian: And Carmine and Drusilla if you're unlucky
Miranda: Hey miss, don't be rude or I'll tell Phoebus
Gillian: *sighs* Tattletale
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Glenn: You can go easy on her can't you
Miranda: It is the role of unofficial sisters to be harsh. She's got a lot to learn and she can't learn if we don't correct her
Gillian: It's okay Glenn. I know she just wants me to be good. That's why she got me the new Amiyah album when I did the dishes for a whole week
Glenn: Who
Miranda: *sighs* You are so out of the loop of pop culture
Glenn: Yeah well out in the wilderness the bears don't care how many stars a person has
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noahreids · 1 year
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Noah Reid 2023.09.08 | instagram stories
What's up fans and homies and friends and people—Clare, please, I’m trying to do a video. S’up everyone!
Hello, everyone. I'm in the passenger seat of my car driving up to Meaford, Ontario, where I'm going to be playing tonight to kick off the Everything's Fine tour. Oh my god, I'm just so thrilled. Terrified. Titillated. Um, I think there's a couple tickets left. You should probably get them. If you're in the Meaford, Collingwood, Thornbury area—Clare, eyes on the road, please. [GPS interrupts] In 600 meters, turn right on the five—ah for fuck’s sake.
Clare's taking us on some dirt road anyway—Meaford? You're wondering why? Well, I'll tell you. Because for those of you who don't know, the Meaford Hall is the jewel of the Ontario Music Hall scene, and I'm lucky enough to get to play there tonight seemed like the perfect place, you know, close to home, right before heading off on a worldwide gallivant with these incredible musicians that I get to call my band for the next little bit. Miranda Mulholland is opening the show, by the way, speaking of tremendous musicians. And you won't want to miss her. And I hope you can come. And I'm excited for the tour. I'm scared of all of you. Goodbye.
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lvndrptchwrk · 11 months
Hiii, could I ask a baxter with a stylist/actor MC?
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Cute dog for bribery
((the dog is like the cherry on top for this ask, reminds me of my own husky :3
also i have really good ideas for both a stylist and an actor so this is gonna be actor mc and ill make stylist mc its own post ! itll also be its own post cause this one became so long hgiasdfuseugw ))
step 3 baxter x actor!mc
-spoilers for baxter dlc !-
🔲 he first meets you when he goes to see the live performance at the bar
🔲 you were starring as the dramatic popstar, failing to hide their feelings for the bartender . your best friend is tired of the obvious pining between the two of you and incites the help of the audience to get them together
🔲 baxter is immediately entranced with your performance . the way you walked, talked, your outfit, your natural beauty . hes one of the few audience members that are interacted with, and took the chance to be the one to hand you the bouquet
🔲 he tamped down the rising feeling of jealousy as he had to say that it was from the bartender . it was merely a play, wasnt it?
🔲 the rest of the show went off without a hitch, and you and your costars bowed at the end
🔲 after the performance and a couple more drinks (merely fake drinks of course), he noticed that you were slumped over at the bar, the man you acted as your friend chatting amicably at the bartender
🔲 curious, he made his way over to you, asking if you were alright . the pretend bartender merely laughed at his concern, saying "ah dont worry about ol mc! theyre always wiped out after the performance but they are quite alright"
🔲 you took that time to lift your head up, glaring at the bartender before looking at baxter with a curious smile .
🔲 "ah, youre the one who handed me the bouquet. you did well, i like your hair"
🔲 baxter had mental whiplash with how relaxed and seemingly tired you were, despite your character having so much emotion
🔲 despite that, the two of you talked more, with occasional quips from the other two actors
🔲 he learned you were merely a year younger than him and had a part time acting gig here , but youve acted in school plays and musicals since you were in elementary school. the two of you hit it off, talking until he had to leave so they could close up for the nifht
🔲 he left the bar that night with your number and the promise to visit again
🔲 he stuck to that promise, and visited many more times, going to see you perform and talking to you when he can
🔲 he also texted you plenty , despite not being big on texting . he always wished you well before all your shows
🔲 the two of you even began to hang out outside of you performing, sightseeing the city and sunset bird, going to a lodge for a mini vacation and even introducing him to cove, terry and miranda . it was the funniest coincidence that he rented the condo in your neighborhood, and you two just missed out on seeing each other until now
🔲 he was excited to be included in your life, even if you two met on a whim . he knew however that his time in sunset bird would end soon and this would be behind him soon .
🔲 the end of summer was... hard . for baxter especially, he knew that he would leave eventually and all this would be is a slew of memories to be forgotten when he returns to virginia .
🔲 why bother to maintain the friendship when he knew it would have to end soon? forget about his growing affection for you, he couldnt bring himself to maintain a friendship, let alone tell you how he feels about you
🔲 he knew it would only hurt you in the end, so he kept quiet.
🔲 you were nothing but caring and kind towards him though . helping him pack, ensuring he didnt forget anything and keeping him company one last time
🔲 "well i suppose this is it. i hope you had a wonderful time in sunset bird baxter" you say as you give him a hug goodbye
🔲 this confused him . didnt you know he'd never talk to you again, that this was the last youd ever see of him ? he figured youd be distraught but you were simply acting like he would come back after a couple of days . he voiced this to you
🔲 "ive acted almost my entire life . people will come and go and ive learned that i cant control the people that stay in my life ." he saw the tears in your eyes now. despite what you were saying, its clear you were hurting . he didnt know how to feel about that
🔲 "be safe and break a leg out there baxter . "
🔲 that was the last time he heard from you, and it hurt him deeply . you never tried reaching out, but neither did he . he couldnt bear to see what you were up to on social media, the thought of seeing you again confused and hurt him
🔲 5 years past, and he slowly let that feeling go . he followed you on social media, saw how your talent was finally noticed and you began
🔲 he did his absolute best to keep track of everything you starred in, from movies to musicals and plays
🔲 if you were in a musical: he would buy or download the entire soundtrack and listen to it constantly
🔲 if you starred in a tv show or movie: he would binge it constantly, and it would automatically be his favorite
🔲 of course, hed watch as you went to premieres and red carpet events, dressed to the nines and blowing everyone away
🔲 his apartment would be littered in merchandise of you, along with characters youve played . anyone who sees his collection would think hes really into the character but its just because you played the character
🔲 his office is much more subtle, having a cup with a quote from your first ever major role on it, used to hold pens
🔲 seeing you again was purely coincidence . his work mates invited baxter out to see a local comedy show
🔲 had he not been so occupied with planning a big wedding, he wouldve known that you were in the area performing with friends in a small comedy show
🔲 seeing you walk on stage to perform had baxters world stopping . he felt like the only people in the world were you and him
🔲 you made eye contact with him, and for a moment he thought you didnt see him until he noticed that your smile became brighter and you suddenly looked more relaxed yet excited to see him
🔲 his heart was pounding throughout the entire performance . he had seen you act before, but it was always a different experience when seeing it in person and seeing you act here and now was no different
🔲 after the performance, baxter downright abandoned his coworkers as he made his way backstage towards you
🔲 you made eye contact with him and rushed over to him, hugging him like he would disappear the moment you let go
🔲 "you're here, it's really you . " you whispered, tears in your eyes
🔲 the last 5 years have been busy for you . shortly after baxter left sunset bird a talent agent had scouted you and your acting career took off
🔲 you would constantly travel or be busy acting and when you werent doing either, you were with your family or hiding from the paparazzi
🔲 but you never forgot him, and now he was right here in front of you . your feelings from him came flooding back in waves . you never had the courage to tell him how you felt before, but now you have the chance and you weren't gonna let him get away so easily
🔲 so you kissed him
🔲 he was initially surprised by the action, but couldnt help but return the gesture as well . it felt like the kiss raised several questions and answered everything
🔲 of course, baxter had to return to his coworkers, but he returned with you . they joked about him running off and congratulated you two on the newfound relationship
🔲 your fans would obviously have mixed reactions . the majority of your fans were extremely happy for you two, but there were always going to be haters
🔲 not that you minded, thats how it always was . baxter was there for you and thats what mattered
🔲you do your best to stay around and help him with weddings if needed . if you couldnt then he'd call and ask for your opinions or send pictures of his ideas
🔲 you would try to stay with him as much as possible, taking more local roles in the city or any neighboring cities but you'd have to take bigger roles once in a while
🔲 he'd support you endlessly, sending you encouraging texts and reminders to take breaks when necessary
🔲 you two attending premieres and red carpet events would blow everyone away . you occasionally got him to break out of his black and white scheme for these events and wear elegant outfits to stun everyone
🔲 whenever he wants to take you out on dates or out through the town, he totally understands having to disguise himself a bit along with you just so the time wouldn't be ruined by fans or paparazzi
🔲 most dates would end up being spent with home cooked meals or take out and a movie, but that was fine by him . any time with you was good time and worth waiting for
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ran-orimoto · 4 months
[ There are certain decisions I will make after a while and, why not, even after more than a year since I will please my friends’ suggestions and requests only when the wind blows in the right direction. So yeah, here am I, still determined not to post MTTCI here, but giving a chance to an impromptu three-chaptered story I wrote before an exam, whose subject, ironically and because of a joke of Fate, has become the main topic of my bachelor thesis. So…Maybe I can consider it as a way to celebrate or maybe it’s just my brain admitting I kinda want to write a sequel to this because Miranda and Junpei are precious creatures of lightning scampering in my head 24/7. Let’s colour my weekend with this throwback, shall we?
Ah, Junpei and Izumi are in their early thirties (34 and 33). My bbies have grown up *sobs*. ]
| Three short acts of a Tempest|
•Chapter 1: The stillness before the Tempest•
Clouds painted with the pink of an early dawn gently fell on a tiny frame. They slowly shifted and went up and down, as if the sky had suddenly turned into the expanse of the sea and the kindest breeze was cradling the creature on peaceful waves. The oscillating movement went up and down, the lullaby of the sloshing joining the wind’s chant and changing the colour of the rosy water.
A penatrating green. Such a peculiar shade that was intense enough to make the world decelerate at once, sweetening everything going round and round with it, even the most powerful thunder that could disrupt the quiet of that picture.
“But you are still awake…No, no, sleep, principessina mia , sleep.”
Poetic images eventually got the consistency of reality: the sky and its tufts of clouds assumed the form of padded blankets warming a wicker crib decorated with ribbons; the swinging of the sea transformed itself in the caring caresses of big hands; the song of the wind melted in the humming sounds coming from a woman who was sitting in front of a mirror and was brushing her blonde hair.
And that green…That green was given a round shape, so little yet so able to hold any ray of light illuminating that bedroom. It was so easy for him to plunge in those orbs and enter an oneric universe.
“ The problem is that you shouldn’t be the one putting her to bed,” lzumi told Junpei with a smirk, after having approached him. “Whenever she sees you, she wants to be picked up by you.”
Junpei blinked at her with one of his funny expressions printed on his face.
“Do you think so?” He asked, his lips still protruted in a pleasant wonder.
“I don’t think. I can see it,” She chuckled while pointing at the chubby arms the baby would occasionally lift in his direction, especially whenever his chocolate met her shining mint.
She tried placing her silhouette in front of Junpei’s, action that resulted easy because of their almost matching heights. However, he unfortunately made her efforts vain by getting closer to the cradle again and widely grinning at its excitable host, who proceeded to happily agitate her limbs at his sight.
“Eh eh, you want to make your mother jelous, eh?” He joked, ignoring Izumi’s glare until she started patting her foot on the floor, her arms crossed in a playful annoyance.
Only in that way he understood she wanted him to let her deal with the family’s newest addition by her own, whereas he was supposed to slip away from the mother and daughter duo, -which, for Izumi’s joy, was what he immediately did, as obedient as ever-.
He brought himself to sit on an armchair in the corner of the bedroom, near to a large window extending from a side to the other of the wall and giving an elegant touch to that area thanks to cream-white curtains.
His tired spheres focused on Izumi for a while; on the tender words she was whispering to their second child, as impalpable as bursts of air blowing from an unknown dimension. Afterwards, though, he felt like turning to the view behind him, as if he had no right to assist to the interactions of a couple of angels,-because he couldn’t help describing his most precious treasures like that-, and he gasped at a panorama that looked darker than usual.
“It’s going to rain soon, isn’t it?” He said out of blue, feeling a familiar and bizarre tension beginning building up in every inch of his lumbering body.
“I think so,” Izumi’s voice cautiously crawled to him. “That’s what I heard from the forecasts. This is why the temperatures have dropped so drastically. As a precaution, I asked the guys to help me bring the chairs and tables inside.”
“It’s not fair, Cara. You could have asked me!” He straightened his back, abruptly parting from the comfort of the backrest. “You do know I could lift two tables at the same time, geez.”
Izumi didn’t reply him immediately. With a light pat on the tissue of the blankets, she firstly announced the success of her motherly task…Despite how loud Junpei could get without even realizing. She bended to give a kiss on the dormant blonde doll ’s forehead, then another one, -even more intangible than the previous one but still full of love-, on those puffy cheeks endearing her at their only touch.
Only after having tucked in their daughter for a last time, she gave attention to her pouting husband and passed her nimble fingers through his spiky strands.
“I know you can, but I wanted you to rest properly after that long flight,” She explained him, referring to the night before and reminding him of how exhausted he had looked when he finally arrived home.
Having returned from a special invitation at New York’s Metropolitan Theatre, he was also still suffering from a nagging jet lag he had been attempting to neglect for the whole day, no matter how much his temples were pulsing or his muscles were aching. Regrettably, his tenor job didn’t allow him to spend as much time as he wanted with his family, so he would have never allowed a silly jet lag to mess with his plans, especially now that they weren’t only three anymore.
“It was impossible not to have the most beautiful dreams after that delicious dinner you prepared me!” He laughed heartily, his chest bouncing at each giggle until he was forced to suffocate a yawn. “Oh c’mon, I slept until lunch time this morning!”
“It’s not like you have something to do. The kids are sleeping soundly now.”
Izumi jumped off his lap and reached out to offer him her hand: nobody ever believed him whenever he said his wife could pull him on his feet. Izumi had certainly developed a certain amount of strength during the years and she was so glad it had happened, since she had stood being the only one receiving help in certain occasions for so long. He needed and deserved to be taken care of too. He couldn’t and wasn’t supposed to be the only one doing that in her regards.
That’s why she couldn’t repress a satisfied snigger when he abandoned himself on their bed, throwing himself on the mattress without a complaint because she had happened to be right again.
She was always right: he was so tired he could have slept for the whole night and following morning like the baby next to her side of the bed.
Still, this time she might have been wrong.
The night to come was going to be longer than she expected for both.
• Chapter 2: The Tempest •
A burst. One of those seeming to be piercing the sky and making it break in thousand of pieces.
Despite that sense of restlessness filling his veins, Junpei had managed to close his eyes to plunge in another universe making him smile in bliss during his slumber.
Actually, he had got used to that feeling whenever a thunderstorm was about to arrive. He had stopped taking his pills for that anxiety provoked by that kind of weather, but it was still there, arising from his heart which would begin racing more and more at the tempest advancing. Unlike when he was on his early twenties, though, now he was a happily-married man and he was aware it would be enough for him to just roll closer to Izumi to feel much calmer.
Furthermore, there also was their new baby they had called after a character from Shakespeare’s “Tempest”, a theatre piece he had come to love after having starred in it for four times. Before the neonate was born, Izumi had never been that convinced about a similar idea, but now she couldn’t help repeating that name over and over again, even under the water jet of the shower.
Miranda. Their Miranda.
Having given her that name often felt like a step further he had decided to take while holding Izumi’s hand. It felt like if he was trying accepting tempests were a part of his spirit, of Izumi’s , of their family’s. The bond they had shared with Blitzmon and Fairymon as kids had created a perpetual connection between him and thunders, Izumi and winds, the life they had built together and the turmoils generated by the sky. There was no way to escape what they were, but they could only embrace it, just like their friends had done with their own elements. It was so hard for him, though: even now that he had reached his thirties and his maturity, he was aware his struggles had never mutated, unfortunately for him.
Actually, that night that burst roared in the firmament, the impression of hundred dragons landing on Venice with their massive weight. Glasses trembled like if they were prey of an earthquake, alarms started ringing in the whole neighbourhood, some shouts could be heard in the distance…But Junpei, who had been the first one waking up with a start even before that disaster unfolded, could only care about a scream seeming to be opening a hole in the stillness of the bedroom.
He hadn’t only heard it.
He had perceived it and he could have sworn that was what had really happened.
At that despaired wail, he didn’t hesitate before darting out of the bed and rush to the crib. In that blackness, it was so hard for him not to trip on the carpet and hurt his elbow against a wood feet, but he eventually managed to reach Miranda, surprisingly beating Izumi to it.
“ Che succede ?! What is happening?” She sat up, more than confused to be touching Junpei’s hip with a knee. She tried turning her abatjour on, but her hand remained in the air when she saw the glow of the emergency light.
“She’s got scared by that thunder,” He nervously clarified trying his best not to bite his lips. “That was so powerful I’m sure it has literally destroyed some car out there.”
Izumi hanged onto his thick arm, her palm descending and tracing the solid contours until she reached that protective hug’s upset host, her frantically-moving short legs, the hiccups of her round belly, her butterfly-shaped pacifier left dangling on it.
“Now it’s gone away, Miranda-Chan,” She massaged the baby’s tummy, but she was soon betrayed by another bolt, less scary than the first one she hadn’t fully heard yet still terrorizing to the little girl.
Meanwhile, Junpei could only rock her back and forth in silence, his breath growing heavier at each small fist or kick thrown at his chest.
“I’m going picking Kou up,” Izumi promptly announced. “I’m sure he’s so frightened too. I’ll take him here.”
Thus, her hasty steps left him and Miranda alone, in that room that would take life with a spectral white at every lightning hurled against the ground. It was in those brief, ghostly intervals that he could frown at the poor baby’s reaction: during the first time he spotted her eyes forcefully shut; during the second one he was able to give a glance at her trembling wince of terror; during the third one he could clearly see the lucid tears cascading on those features he loved so much.
It was precisely because he couldn’t stand the image of those green stones throbbing of water, that he hugged her impulsively when the nth thunder prepared its spotlight moment. Holding her against his broad shoulder and feeling the shirt of his pajama wetting, he waited for the next rumble to threaten the room, the house, Venice, the whole world to collapse.
“It’s o-okay,” He reassured her in that nightmare, his hand pressing on her head and the Sun shining in her hair; his eyes closing and showing him flashes of a stout kid crouched on a freezing floor, covering his ears and yelling at the nothingness. “It’s-It’s really okay, Miranda-Chan. ”
Now that he thought about it, that’s what had always been there in the far past, whenever his fear struck back : the nothingness .
“La mia Mimì.”
The emptiness left behind his parents’ long absences. The void of each room of such a big house like his family’s was. He could recall so clearly how areas without people animating them would reverberate with such scary noises during grey days.
“La mia dolce Mimì.”
Who knew if his fear of thunders had never gone away because nobody had ever been by his side in his worst moments, protecting that child he used to be from a shattering sky.
“La mia dolcissima Mimì.”
Instead, he…He…
Another explosion got near to destroying the dome of those stars shimmering out there. The entire chapel risked to fall and cover the whole Venice with a thud.
Yet, Miranda’s crying didn’t increase. Indeed, he felt the baby stirring and making his neck itch with one of her strands. The pacifier’s chain jingled as she moved her head from a side to the other, probably blinking too in the process.
He would have welcomed her in the hollow of his arms again, if she hadn’t attached herself to his shoulder, a content sigh pushing her chin onto the soft surface. Judging from the way her grip was growing weaker and weaker, he understood she was miracolously falling asleep in his presence.
After some seconds, Izumi returned into the room bringing along a stream of warm light.
“ Torcia !”
In truth, she hadn’t been the one aiming it at Junpei. The one who was playing with that torch was a two-year-old sturdy kid sporting a nest of dark blonde hair on his head. His grinning, rotund face and his brown irises got visible only when he made the object spin in his direction, the reason why Junpei and Izumi had bought a model that wasn’t dangerous for kids’ eyes.
“Here are we,” Izumi chuckled, looking at the toddler she was carrying. “My baby Kouricino is not afraid of thunders.”
“No no!”
She lowered the boy on the floor, so he could run to his father. For Izumi’s delight, when she accidentally lied against the wall, right in that spot where the light switch was, their bedroom found back its colours.
Her joy dimmed rapidly, though, since her attention was soon drawn by the silence of the environment.
“Has she…?”
Junpei winked at her while he let Kou fiddle with his wristwatch he had forgot to remove before going to bed.
“Yes, she has. Somehow.”
Even if he knew Izumi wanted to be the one placing Miranda back into her crib, he took the initiative under Kou’s curious gaze. It was only when the baby dove back in her serene clouds, that he acknowledged he was shaking like a leaf.
“What is it?”
“Hm, nothing that important.”
• Chapter 3: What remains after a Tempest •
{Mirandus, miranda, mirandum }
He had read somewhere Miranda derived from some latin word meaning worthy of admiration, admirable, beautiful, and even if he really didn’t know anything about that ancient language, -and didn’t really intend to ever study it-, he couldn’t deny a kernel of truth was present in those dead voices from centuries and centuries before.
The proof had been before his eyes for four months and it was so evident to him, whether green seabeds greeted him from inside the display of a phone or they innocently crawled to him until only few inches parted him from them.
Their Miranda was their second miracle, another wedge of Sun he loved staring at without fearing his eyes would begin burning. If something was supposed to make him burst into flames sooner or later, it would probably be his love for her.
He had understood that from the first time he had seen her and had held her, showing more experience while dealing with the neonate than when Kou was born. Before that creature looking so ethereal to his perception, a being of light and fire, his eyes had covered themselves with lucid and clear glass reflecting the kaleidoscope of thousand colourful skies.
And a thought had passed through his mind, as fleeting as a thunder disappearing in a dust of ash after having released its powers on earth.
“ Maybe ,” He had muttered, slowly waking up from a dream about heavens and angels.
Izumi had found the strength to stretch her neck, trying to sit up despite the exhaustion she was still experiencing on her energies due to the labour.
“ Maybe?”
“Maybe you’re right,” He had told her slowly, looking so dazed as if he had just returned from a trip onto the Moon. Actually, with that long coat he had refused, -or forgot-, to put off, with those misty glasses slipping on the bridge of his nose and being about to fall off it, with that hair standing on end as if he had got electrocuted, he could have given the impression of an accidental traveller; one who had just been in the most unrealistic place of the universe. “ Miranda isn’t the right name for her.”
“Ah no?” She had answered him, not managing to hide a note of disappointment.
“No, because she’s blonde like you and Kou, she’s already smiling, she…She has got the beauty of uncountable sunny days in her.”
He would have never forgot the silence that had followed his words, Izumi’s perplexity and the resounding laughter that had arisen from it.
“ Junpei, come back onto Earth and start speaking like a normal person. Thank you.” She had attempted to tease him but had smiled when he couldn’t keep a wince from warping his puffy cheeks. “ And what would you call her? Let’s hear ”.
Yes, their Miranda was a breathtaking spectacle. There was no way his spheres could have ever stopped contemplating her frame without someone forcing him to do that. She was a miniature Izumi and she was meant to endear him from day to night.
Yet, that early morning he wasn’t lying by Miranda’s side. Izumi had placed her between them and next to Kou after having woken up to drink a glass of water, but in their bed no one else but Izumi was encircling the baby’s body with an arm.
He was…On the balcony, looking down at the isolated road of their quiet neighbourhood and inhaling in the fresh air of that dawn, in its fresh dew, in that familiar smell of rain.
La quiete dopo la tempesta .
The quiet after the tempest.
So they say, at least, but the truth was that his agitation had never melted below the first rays of the rising Sun, and it wasn’t just because the sky was still painted with dark aquarelles.
The chords of his heart were still being pulled like the strings of a violin in an endless crescendo, intensifying whenever his pupils slid onto his hands; onto those palms shaking and spasming at the mere surfacing of certain memories in his mind.
Gritting his teeth, he clenched them in fists, but that steel never stopped trembling for his utter frustration.
Izumi’s sudden greeting startled him, but his tense shoulders predictably sagged under her touch.
“ Buongiorno ,” He cracked a warm smile on which she would have liked to plant a kiss.
Still, pensive, he turned to the sill and remembered about that ritual of theirs only when he felt the chilly material under his fingers. He turned again and ignoring Izumi’s doubtful expression, he complied to her wish.
When their lips parted, Izumi put a index on hers, as if she could feel that nervousness of his kiss again and could analyze it with more attention.
“Sorry, I was too focused on searching for that car,” He justified himself with hesitation, approaching the railing once more. “You know, that car from yesterday.”
“That car from yesterday,” She repeated, knowing well there had never been a car destroyed by a thunder. There were not so many cars in Venice and the zone they were living in was one where they weren’t even allowed. It had just been a part of one of his exaggerated scenarios, those he liked coming up with now and then to add spice to conversations with others.
Nevertheless, she wasn’t going to underline he was lying. Indeed, she intended to ride his excuse to her advantage, in order to, hopefully, figure out what was going on with his weird behaviour. In reality, she had a vague idea about what was upsetting him so much, but she needed to hear what was troubling him from his own words.
She observed him pretending to be really searching for something like some silly pirate and got closer to him.
“Who knows if they have already removed it from the road,” He mumbled in the middle of those theatrical movements taking his body from left to right…To that right where she was waiting for him with a smug smirk.
Ma che cavolo, Junpei, She couldn’t keep herself from shouting internally, pretty exasperated yet also affectionate in front of those puzzled irises. His eyes were also conveying a little amount of fear, that kind of fear you can read on kids being spotted making trouble. We have been husband and wife for years and you still prefer bottling up your concerns to sharing them with me!
“Are you searching for that car from yesterday, then?”
“Uh yes, yes, that one”.
“That car…You said it had been hit by a thunder?”
She felt slightly guilty about having cut to the chase so quickly, but his frown was so eloquent to her. She was right again. And yet, it wasn’t still enough. At all.
“Can you tell me what’s the matter?” To her ears, she had sounded a bit stern in that question of hers, so peremptory, but she wanted to help him and she was aware it was the only way to get a satisfying result.
Actually, Junpei tried opening up after having looked down at his socks.
“The problem is…”
“The problem is that I can’t be the kind of parent I want to be,” His eyebrows curved downwards as Izumi sighed, her hands resting on her hips until she managed to find a proper answer. “And I’m…I’m not speaking about that again. No. We have already discussed about it and I have understood I can be a good father and husband even if I can’t be with you all as much as I would like to be. It’s just that…It’s just that…”
He bit his tongue instinctively, stopping for some seconds to absorb that warmth coming from Izumi’s presence. He might still be the type of person not loving talking about his most inner trouble, but he had got used to feeling more comfortable about doing that, especially when she was next to him, giving him confidence. His features ceased their severity at her caring eyes, his sweetness and awkwardness finally showing up.
“It’s just that when Miranda was crying because of the thunderstorm, I thought about when I was a child and I was scared. Back then, I had to cope with my fright all alone. My parents didn’t even know I was scared of thunders. Instead…”
“Instead, you know she was yesterday, even if she’s just a baby and it’s normal that she cries because of loud noises. Don’t forget that.”
“No,” He shook his head with firmness, diverting his orbs from her reassuring ones. The view of the sky darknening like it had happened the day before helped him remember the way he was so certain he hadn’t just heard the little girl crying. “Don’t ask me why, but I’m sure she is afraid of them. Maybe it’s because I know what it feels like to be afraid of thunders. But, whatever, what I want to say is that I told myself I want to protect her from frightening tempests whenever I’m here.”
“But…?” She pressed gently, concealing the tenderness that heart-to-heart was instilling in her body. She knew where he was going to land but, again, she was aware that river had to be freed by him.
Thus, that was what it happened. Water finally flew down its bed.
“But I stupidly remembered I’m still afraid of thunders as if I had ever forgot, in the first place. I was…Shaking along with her.”
And she hugged him all of a sudden, an embrace he didn’t exchange immediately due to the fair confusion.
“You managed to calm her last night and she even fell asleep despite anything. Junpei, you’re really an idiot, worrying about this stuff…You’re really the most wonderful idiot out there.” She laughed in his ears with a row of whispers, too taken aback by such fluttering emotions the man was still able to make her go through.
“Oh, don’t I know?” He huffed playfully, the tresses of her golden bob flying along with those puffs. “I proposed to call our daughter Miranda because of Shakespeare and now we have discovered she’s terrorized of thunderstorms.”
“I will never regret having called her Miranda,” Izumi pulled away from his chest. She pronounced that statement with restored strictness, one that made him chuckle, though.
“Oh, but I do.”
Freed from his thick arms, now it was her turn to lose herself in the immensity of that dark sea the sky was that morning. It was so similar to the expanse that had roared the exact day they had got married, or during the night Koujirou was born or, again, during the one Miranda was too: powerful winds exploding in a defeaning riot of colours, defeaning thunders scratching the sky.
Blitzmon and Fairymon’s ways to congratulate with them during those occasions.
“And what would you call her? Let’s hear.”
“I don’t know…Give me some minutes to think and I’ll tell you. I’ll think about a name you can like.”
“Because, you’re right, I don’t like Miranda as a name,” She had started giggling not only because he was wearing the most bizarre expression as he concentrated in his task.
“There’s Violetta. You love colours, indeed, you love lillac. Kou likes it as well and I do too. I wouldn’t have liked your idea of painting our kitchen of that shade, otherwise…I mean, it’s a colour and who doesn’t like colours? I might not be able to see the colours of the wind like you two do, but…So, what do you think, eh? Violetta is also the main character of “La Traviata”.
Still holding and engulfing the neonate with an arm, he had reached out with the other and had let their hands intersect. That had been the moment she had felt his blood pumping against her skin with an unimaginable speed and, most of all, an incredible strength. She had stared at the blonde tuft he had placed near to his chest, with one of her ears so close to his heart she had wondered how it had been possible she hadn’t begun crying, scared of the power residing in his soul.
But ,then, she had seen it and she had boggled: a lightning projecting its white glow on the window behind them, undisturbed and noticed by many, except by the man and the baby. Junpei had just seemed to have grown tense for an instant but his arm had never stopped hugging their daughter, protective and soft at the same time; his eyes had never ceased plunging in that picture of miracles.
“It does bug me, though,” Junpei took her back onto Earth with his upset voice. “I might have managed to calm her down, like you have said, but how did I do that?”
“Why do you think I know?” She had marched in his direction but didn’t look at him.
“No…I don’t really think you know, but maybe I did do something you might know about. Some movement you perform when they cry or-“
“Or you’re just magical,” She shrugged, giving him a wink before opening the door of the balcony to return inside.
“What? Oh c’mon. I’m serious. I want to give my best for our princess.”
“Well? What is the news here? Have you forgot you wanted to be a magician when we were kids? Those tissues you always carry in your pockets must be having some effects after ages,” She joked and, like that, she disappeared in their bedroom with another wave of laughters.
But not before having demanded a proper kiss.
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ranchracoon · 1 year
Devour Ch. 5: Intruder
You’re a little excited to get back into work, the week off was exactly what you needed to recover. Although the feedings did take it out of you it will be nice to return back to routine and get your muscles working again. After leaving your chambers and eating breakfast, you begin your morning routine by approaching Lady Dimitrescu’s chambers, knocking on the door and not receiving an answer. As always, you push inside and go straight to the fireplace, placing the logs inside and lighting it quickly. When you stand and turn to wake the Lady, you see that the bed is empty and unmade. She must have had an early business meeting and left already. You carefully pull her sheets down and tuck them back under the mattress, making sure the sheets are wrinkle free and tucked tightly. Just how she likes it. 
As you return to the main hall, you note that the other maidens are now awake, for the fireplace in the main hall roars and pops with life. Before you can step up the stairs, the doors from the dining room open showing Lady Dimitrescu hunched over through the door frame and standing at her full height when she is through.
“Ah, Y/N. I was just about to call for you.” Her voice is etched with annoyance.
“What do you need my lady?” You ask.
“Mother Miranda has called me and the others to see her immediately. I will return when the meeting has ended. Please inform my daughters when they are awake.”
You bow your head, and she struts past you blowing your hair and uniform slightly from the breeze. With her departure, you continue your duty of waking the three daughters, knocking on each door and announcing it is time to wake up. It is particularly cold this morning. You hug yourself for warmth as you cross the courtyard to wake Daniela, and blow your warm breath over your hands on your return trip. All three are waiting for you when you enter the main hall from the dining room, after checking on the maidens in the kitchen. 
“Where’s mother?” Cassandra asks.
“She has informed me that she has a meeting with Mother Miranda. Her return is unspecified.” You respond. 
“Mm, so that means we can do whatever we want.” Bela states. 
“I think I have an idea.” Daniela cocks her head toward you. 
Daniela begins walking toward you, licking her lips but is interrupted by the double doors from the dining room opening. The maids hesitate for a moment seeing that Lady Dimitrescu is nowhere to be seen and Daniela in close proximity to you. It’s only a moment before they proceed to walk between you and her to serve in the same manner they have been for the last week. 
“Mm smells delicious.” Daniela coos as she leans toward the maid with the cart. 
The maid whimpers, as she’s moving backward she runs into you, a low grunt comes from you when she steps on your foot. Your hands grab the maid’s arms to steady her before she falls forward. Daniela’s eyes narrow, watching the maid step away from you with her face flush.
“I’m sorry ma’am.” She breathes out.
The edge of your lips curve into a soft smile, “just be more careful where you step.”
Daniela goes back to her sisters, all three of them sitting down around the tray and tea, Daniela’s eyes never leaving the maid. The maid fidgets with her apron as her eyes are locked on the ground while her body trembles. The other two daughters exchange glances between each other, their sister, then you before indulging in their meal; as they finish and the table is cleared, they stand at the same time. 
“I suppose we better start on our own duties. If any of you need me I'll be in the Chambers of Solace, cleaning up Cassandra’s mess.” Bela announces.  
“Well I have a new book I’m dying to read, it would be nice to have someone to read it with.” Giggles Daniela.
“I’ll head down to the distillery to get started on the wine.” Says Cassandra.
“Daughters!” The voice of their mother booms as she enters from the side door next to the fireplace, her eyes filled with rage. 
You stand upright as did the daughters, all four of you awaiting for directions from Lady Dimitrescu. Her breath is shaking, releasing angry grunts and Romanian mumbles as she grabs her cigarettes, placing one in the holder and lighting it. After a deep breath and slow exhale she examines her daughters, then you. 
“Mother Miranda has requested blood for her ceremony involving a young child. We are to provide the blood, and to deliver it to her promptly.” 
The girls begin to shake, knowing the next words to come from their mother. Stray flies swirling around them.
“Before you go killing my entire staff. She only requested enough blood from three maidens, one for each of you. You know what to do with them when you’re done. Meet me in my study when you’re finished.” The girls burst into hysterical laughter, all of them disappearing into their respective clouds. 
“As for you..” her eyes land on you, “I require something special from you. Something perfectly crafted for Mother Miranda’s ceremony. I have a bottle of Sanguis Virginis in the wine tasting room, one of my very best vintages, that I’ve been saving for a special occasion. Grab it for me and keep it cool in the kitchen so that I may present it to Mother Miranda when she decides to start the ceremony.”
“Yes my -” you were cut off by a scream in the castle, familiar giggling accompanying it. 
The lady turns away from you, making her way back to her chambers. You ascend the stairs to the wine room, another scream goes off dangerously close this time, causing a chill to run up your spine. It is close enough that the faint murmurs of praying can be heard, and you recognize the voice as the maiden who had run into you less than an hour ago. It didn’t concern you. The wine room is directly in front of you as you enter and see the large, gold encrusted bottle resting in place under the House Dimitrescu coat of arms. 
When you lift the bottle there’s a soft click, but you pay it no mind thinking it was just from the weight of the bottle. It weighs a lot more than you were expecting. You pause in front of the door upon hearing the three daughters and Lady Dimitrescu laughing and talking to each other. Gently you push the door open just a crack to hear a bit better. 
“Cassandra I want you to remain here, grab the remaining staff and tell them to go to their chambers. Bela I want you to go down into the dungeon and release the Moroaică just in case. Daniela, you handle the rest. I will be in my chambers calling Mother Miranda. I knew Heisenberg would let that insufferable man-thing escape.”
The echoes of Lady Dimitrescu’s footsteps pass under you, and after a moment you hear nothing else deeming it safe to leave. A man in the castle? Your face scrunches in disgust, one benefit of working in Castle Dimitrescu is no men around, and working under exquisite women. So, two benefits. Hundreds of questions bounce around in your mind as your feet descend the stairs. When you enter the dining room and turn down the hall toward the kitchen you realize how quiet it suddenly is. Your footsteps are the only sound in the hall as you walk to the kitchen, upon entering the kitchen the staff that still remained immediately look at you.
The silence is broken by soft sobs of a maiden who’s curled in the corner, praying to herself for Mother Miranda to save her. Their eyes all drift to the large bottle of wine in your hands, the question of whether or not this bottle contains their departed co-workers hangs in the air. They shuffle away as you walk past them and enter the cellar, looking for the coolest place to keep this stored. You move around the butchering table near a shelf and a metallic bucket of blood, thinking it will be nice and cool underneath the window. Gunshots and breaking glass frighten you and the rest of the maidens, making many of them scream and said screams making you drop the wine bottle into the bucket of blood. 
The sound came from the opposite wall of the kitchen. Your heart hammers in your ears, drowning out all other thoughts and sounds, leaving only impulse which lunges you forward into the store room; all the while your inner voice pleads for you to run in the other direction.
“You stupid man-thing!” Screams Bela. 
This only makes your feet move faster until you come to the iron bars blocking your way, seeing Bela circling around a man. The glass to the windows are broken, and Bela is moving slower than she normally does, with patterns of frost over her cloak. They circle past the bars again, this time a bullet strikes her, making her scream and your arms fly up in order to shield your face from specs of flies. Your mind panics. You pick up a large cylinder brick and start to slam it against the rusted lock of the iron gate, with each slam the lock dents a little more. Finally after the last hit does the lock break free, allowing you to drop the cylinder an rush through the gate. The man is raising his gun to shoot again when your hands grab over his, forcing the gun down. It goes off and the bullet ricochets off the ground, striking your leg.
The agonizing pain forces you to drop to the injured knee, pulling the man and the gun down with you. Both of you struggle back and forth, he swings with enough force that your body is in front of the gun and his finger presses the trigger again. This one grazes the side of your neck making you release the gun and collapse onto the stone floor. Your hand attempts to compress the wound, staring up at the man as he raises the gun to finish the job but your foot finds his hand before he could shoot. The gun clatters away, the distraction is enough for Bela to stalk behind and decapitate him before falling to her knees. Blood continues to spurt from your neck, but the adrenaline forces you to drag your body from the floor.
Bela shivers on the floor, the crystallizing is spreading faster as her face is now being affected.  She eyes you in confusion as you use your only hand to tow your body closer to hers, when it clicks what you are doing, she meets you halfway, pressing her hand over the hand on your neck. She pulls against you to block out the cold air, her hand clutching to your jacket knowing her life depends on it while your head spins, and although you’re shivering from the cold, sweat coats your entire body. The last noise you remember hearing is Lady Dimitrescu but you can’t make out what she says before you give in to closing your eyes.
Visions come in and out, unsure if they are dreams or you are actually seeing the scenes before you. Lady Dimitrescu is above you, her elegant head holding determination as the muscles in her jaw flex with tension. The passing scenery is a blur, clearly she is carrying you but you can’t place where until the lady becomes blurry with your fading vision. The next one is both Lady Dimitrescu and Cassandra hovering over your body, a strong pressure being applied to your neck as you watch the lady holding something over you. You try to move away from it, or to speak, yet no sound comes out of your mouth; you can’t move your body, nothing responds no matter how hard you try. The vision fades away again, the last ember of light being snuffed out by darkness.
Continue Reading
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geographerdose · 1 year
Moon and Appearance, Pt. 4 featuring the diurnal luminary ruling the first house —> Leo Risings (Libra-Pisces Moon)
⏰ picture descriptions in order clockwise starting @ top left
I tried using charts with confirmed source birth times but there are a few with no confirmed source or conflicting sources.
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Leo Rising/Libra Moon: Emma Stone, Julianne Nicholson, Betty Grable, Maya Angelou
🌙 “upward turned” shaped eyes
👄 All seem to have a fairly prominent “V” mid-upper lip right?
👑 They all have their moon in the third place with this placement, where it has its joy. Literal goddesses.
👃🏻Cardinal moon noses are a vibe (why am I obsessed with noses) plus they have the blessing of air influence so the ✨cute button nose syndrome ✨
🌺Their eyebrows are very nice and balanced as well, like the scales ♎️ not too thin and not too thick —> perfecto
🌚 All the smiles feel very authentic, like they know how blessed they are; they seem very gracious
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Leo Rising/Scorpio Moon: Alanis Morissette, Kate Moss, Julie Christie, Selma Blair
👁️”Downward-turned” shaped eyes
🫦Fuller lower lip
🌗Simply having these two placements means you have AC square Moon and thus might bring forward Scorpio energy moreso
🍋 “Not to be fcked with” energy
🦂Okay hear me out; the noses remind me of the end of a Scorpio tail then have the structure similar to a three-leaf clover ☘️ (copied from my part 2 with cancer rising/Scorpio moon)
👃🏻Scorpio moon noses seem to have a noticeable tip at the end like a Scorpio tail, whereas the cardinal moons just have this regal presence with strong integrity and foundation ♑️ similar to the cap symbol. Reminds me of the strong foundation in a house, idk. 🏠
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📁I find it interesting that none of them are smiling with their teeth. Scorpio is so controlled and understated; the least likely to ever appear overeager I feel.
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Leo Rising/Sagittarius Moon: Laura Nyro, Françoise d'Eaubonne, Valerie Harper, Melissa Joan Heart
🖤 I think this is a fairly obscure placement for celebrities. Melissa Joan Heart was the only one I had heard of.
🌸Shout out to Clarissa Explains It All though. That show was my jam growing up.
🍋 Almond eyes (but I was singing it in Meg Myers’ Lemon Eyes🎤)
🌈I feel like mutable moons have features that truly vary based on other placements due to its nature; very unique
🌼I get really girl next door pretty vibes from these folks
🔆Their faces truly light up when they smile
👙I like how they all look at the camera in a similar manner; they seem to be very authentic and enjoy helping everyone feel seen.
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Leo Rising/Capricorn Moon: Miranda Lambert, Ashley Tisdale, Ayla Brown, Connie Britton
🛝I got super excited to see Connie Britton pull up on this; I love her!! (AHS S1🎃) and no surprise she’s an Aries Venus
🥊Really intimidating tbh. I think the Sun and Saturn are both pretty intimidating due to them both being associated with the father and that sort of domineering paternal presence. Because of this, I feel like men might be really intimated by these women. Absolutely no tolerance for weak, cowardly men. ✋🏻
🦷Gregarious and bright smiles; so much life behind them
👃🏻 I told you Cap Moon noses are a vibe. I am watching Sopranos and I was like bet James Gandolfini has a cardinal moon (he does). They truly resemble the Cap ♑️ symbol
🐣They all have sort of petite faces, no?
👄 Even top and bottom lips
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Leo Rising/Aquarius Moon: Glenn Close, Ashley Judd, Jessica Alba, Jessica Lange
2️⃣Both Jessica’s have Taurus stelliums, including domicile Venus near the MC/tenth
🐏Ashley has an Aries stellium, Glenn has a Pisces stellium
🎃 And would ya look at that, another AHS core cast member. I love Jessica Lange and am lowkey enamored by the woman’s beauty. (How does she just continue to get better looking?! ♉️ stellium)
🥡I was expecting to see more solid features here due to the fixed nature of both Leo and Aqua, and I was right.
🪩Rounded square face shape
🔪Intimidating in an intelligent way, like they can slay you with their words
🥊Same here with men because Saturn rules Aqua too. I feel like men want these women to sit still, look pretty and are fiercely disappointed by their strong will and autonomy
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Leo Rising/Pisces Moon: Lisa Marie Presley, Jennifer Jones, Stephanie Wilson, Ava Gardner
🌃Intimidating in a soft, ethereal way
🍭Why do I always get lost daydreaming when I look at Pisces moons?
🍍Their eyebrows all have a similar sharp “V” at the top; thinner but perfectly framing their pretty eyes
🧙🏻Mysterious vibe
👄 Lips are prominent; puffy? Lol
👀It’s the eyes that catch you though
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kaistrashbin · 7 months
Hi Kai, it's me again!
While I agree that Donna is No1 forever and always I'm also excited to see the others in the AU! Are they all professors or do they habe different roles?
- Valentines anon
Hello again Valentine! It's good to see you :D
Ah yes, our beloved Donnie <3 Always and forever our Queen
I'm honestly extremely excited to further develop this AU! Progress is slow-especially cause i'm mostly focusing on Donna rn and i've just started college-but I really wanna turn this into smth cool and make as much content as I can for it! I'd hope to some day make lil comics for it and at least have some sort of fic written for the AU. Though i'd be just as happy if I only ever get asks XD Anything that gets me to at least talk about it, doodle, and further develop ideas XDD The motivation and joy that come from knowing other people like the idea is great fuel (aside from my own enjoyment and obsession with it PFFT)
As for the others!!!- More info on them under the cut!!!(I wrote way more than intended LOL i'm figuring things out as i'm writing pfft-)
I see all of them as like board members for the school. Leading and managing it at the highest level right under Miranda who ofc is the headmistress(might come up with a different title, still in development). Let's get into a few quick details about the other Lords though! Do note that not much worldbuilding has gone on so types of magic and what is taught at the school is still in the works. Quite literally everything is still in VERY early development so expect changes
Alcina Dimitrescu
Definitely a professor! Of what..? Well uh....i'm still working on it! XD Perhaps of a music related magic? (Resident Lover shows Alcina as the art professor and while I think it's a great choice for her, I don't want to just hop onto the same idea.) I don't really see much about Alcina's relationship with music so perhaps I can do something for it through this AU :) Either that or a "dark arts" type thing? Necromancy and shadow related things? I'll be honest i'm slightly leaning towards darker arts...especially for plot reasons...
A vampire- ofc she is PFFT, the Dimi Daughters are also vampires(whether they're her biological children or were willingly converted is still in development)
She's every teacher that complains about other teacher's methods and classrooms
Karl Heisenberg
In charge of school security! He's technically supposed to be teaching students about combat and taking in certain students for a guard internships but he has an assistant who does the actual teaching for him LOL He's just there to occasionally be the face and the muscle of the program XD Though he does do some actual teaching for that program, he's more about demonstrating and correcting students he observes(he also just mostly is interested in the security interns)
Now because his assistant handles most things related to the combat courses/guard internships he actually teaches a second class with a different assistant. It's metal/machine based and as it's more a deep passion of his he actually takes it more seriously and prefers to do more of the teaching himself. All his assistants and deputies just make it more manageable for him to be taking care of multiple things like this. He actually spends the most time and effort on this class.
Is a Lycan! They can't turn into wolves or convert others though (a good portion of the school's security is actually lycans)
His magic is also a work in progress, though in this AU in general I want to have some who mostly just focus on mastering one form of magic and those who are experienced in multiple. Obviously the more types you focus on (that aren't considered more basic/general stuff ex. lighting a candle with a snap, animating an object to do a simple task, ect.) the less you master each. I would like him to possible specialize in more than one but we'll see how things go!
Salvatore Moreau
I actually imagine he'd be a professor of healing related magic or a beastmaster, and also supervising a program about experimental magic
Handsome fish man. You know classyfruit's gorgeous genderbent Moreau? Yeah, but handsome fish man. A triton but more fish-like
Wow this was short and he needs more love
Extra love for handsome fish boi Moreau
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
Can I get alcina x ✈👫🖌️ reader who's an artist and alcina goes to kill them for her next bottle of wine but when she hears them sing while painting, can't help but be enthralled by the voice? (Like Tanya's song from fieval goes west. It's what I was listening to when the idea came to me lol)
Broken Truth (Looks at the Ask with a smirk): Ah, a Non-Binary Reader skilled in the arts; sure that will keep Alcina from turning them into a bottle of wine. Well, let the words weave together.
The news of someone new coming to live in the village reached The Ears of Countess Dimitrescu - Head of the Dimitrescu Castle and First Lord to Mother Miranda, The Village Head Priestess. Alcina told her maids to go into town and collect information about this new individual and what she learned interested her: This person was genderless - they didn't go by he/she pronouns and went by them/they instead, as well as they were skilled in the arts of painting and drawing and that maid Alcina excited - talented individuals made the best vintages of wine and the younger they were, the more delicious they tasted. Learning that they were in their prime age, Alcina made it her mission to collect [Name] - the newcomer - and enjoy the hunt herself.
It was nighttime, around midnight, and the villagers were tucked away in their beds as the castle doors of Castle Dimitrescu opened and the Head of the Castle walked out, her dress glowing in the full moonlight. She walked down the stairs, her heels clicking against the stone as she headed toward [Name's] house with her claws extended and a dangerous gleam in her eyes with a smile on her face. Soon, she reached the house - the light was still on, signaling that the occupant of the home was still awake; Alcina was going to enjoy this hunt. She reached for the door handle when a heavenly voice filled her ears, causing her eyes to widen as she moved to the window and looked inside.
Inside, [Name] was sitting in their drawing room - painting a grand painting of Lady Donna Beneviento as they sang a soft melody while gently stroking the paintbrush over the painting. Alcina looked at the creature before her and smiled on her painted lips - there was more to this creature and she wanted to know everything there was to know about them.
The next morning - Alcina arrived at [Name's] Paint Shop and smiled at the smaller human. "Greetings, Painter. I come seeking a commission for Castle Dimitrescu."
"But of course, Lady Dimitrescu. What can I do for you?"
Lady Dimitrescu began speaking of this grand painting that she expected but she didn't stop there - she asked for 4 more paintings. "Well, Lady Dimitrescu, it will take a while to get those paintings done."
"Don't worry, Little Artist. I shall make sure you will have my paintings for you shall be painting them in the grand Castle Dimitrescu."
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museenkuss · 1 year
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Miranda Beverly-Whitemore, Bittersweet
A college girl longs for the attention and lifestyle of her rich, blond, tan, gorgeously purebred roommate Ev. The tragic suicide of said roommate's cousin and our protagonist's comforting words shake the object of adoration out of her ignorance towards the plain nobody, who then finds herself being swept into the exhilarating world of the rich. Instead of rotting away at her aunt's during the summer months, the protagonist is whisked off to the paradise that is the family retreat, where everyone is blond, tan, gorgeous (and the cottages have title-worthy names such as "Bittersweet"). The protagonist sticks out and splits her time observing/admiring the purebreds, pretending to read Milton's Paradise Lost, longing to belong, and, finally, untangling secrets she might just end up getting tangled up in.
First thoughts
It's a fun summer read, probably best enjoyed while baking by a pool or at the beach, with sand sprinkled between the ice cream stained pages. I had no idea what the book was about whatsoever when I started and devoured it in a matter of days. If you like The Secret History for the cold months, you'll enjoy this one in the heat and fading heat. Were there lengths throuhout the ? Of course. Was it the most intellectually stimulating book with the most original plot? Of course not. But the writing is atmospheric, the setting is interesting and some details are original enough to hold at least my attention for the 380-odd pages. It pairs very nicely with some ice cream and inspired me to pick up Milton. Besides, it's very fun to think about the things that could've been that might've made it just a little more interesting.
Second thoughts in regards to the "what ifs" (with spoilers)
Firstly: Do you know that feeling when you can tell that someone is very excited about the punchline they're about to tell you, but you have to sit through about 30 minutes of storytelling before they get there? That's how I felt about the Swastika reveal. And, frankly, I'd known about that ever since it was mentioned that the german wife materialised in the family in the 1930s. Maybe that was just me as a German who's seen Germans appearing in American media, but they mentioned the dog named Fritz and the Lederhosen and whatever and I went "ah, okay, Nazi heritage". So the punchline of the nazi painting just had me smile weakly and go "ah, you thought that was very surprising, hm?" At this point, I would've been more surprised if the Germans appearing in a story like that weren't Nazis.
Same with the incest, by the way. I remember telling my mother "I thought she was sleeping with her brother but it was really just the help" with some disappointment that I'd been misled by the note of her cheating and the endless list of suspiciously blond and pretty brothers up for grabs. The reveal that he was her half-brother left me feeling vindicated that I'd read the room right (fancy, weirdly blond and handsome family = incest story), but again, I was smiling weakly. I have to say that the protagonist (whose name I keep forgetting) was really hammering home the shock we as the readers should be feeling about Ev and her half-brother, but frankly, it didn't quite spark for me. There were many aspects that were grotesque and interesting about their relationship - I loved Ev and her manipulations, her hot-and-cold, her jealousy, her arrogance, her desperation and sugary sweetness and the working class brotherlover who was too caught up in loving (serving) her (her family) to give up on that whole mess. But them being half-siblings? That didn't really shock me, especially since 1) their love was described in such a warm adn sweet way that you felt pity and hope for them rather than disgust 2) I'd expected her to be entangled with one of the "born and raised" blond-tan brothers the whole time. Every time the Protag stumbled upon another outdoors sex scene, I thought "oh? now?" but nope. It was always The Help.
Which brings me to another point: I kept thinking that the hints that everyone in this family was rotten in the same way were super interesting. Everyone was so eager to fuck The Help (even the 14 year old with her 17 year old "Bronx" semi-boyfriend she didn't want to marry but liked to keep around), disregarding everyone's feelings for their own pleasure. That made the ending where everyone is relieved, nice and kind, now that the Big Bad Uncle is dead soooooooo lame. And anyways. He dropped that easily?! Could've slipped him a "heart attack while swimming" pill 20 years ago, then.
This book sneezed in the direction of a really interesting plot - everyone being rotten in some way and the Protagonist still deciding she'd rather have that than nothing and "arranging" herself with the situation for years to come, bearing the Patriarch and his endless brutal lust with a smile, etc etc. We got HINTS of that, but then we had this Gallaway Brother Love Interest who was, for some reason, the only family member who was nice and pure and noble and whose "I NEED to fuck the lower class" instincts mostly resulted in him sweetly marrying the Protagonist. And, man! The hints we got! Every time I was like "oh? oh??!" - Her noticing that he looks like his father, the aggression that the other men inherited from the father (the oldest one who indulges in rape roleplay with, you guessed it, The Help, and Ev's halfbrotherlover who punches the car upon finding out who is father is, etc), the hiding of the girlfriend who's not important who's a wife actually but still not important but maybe yes but oh, no, she's just a friend whom Gallaway married out of the goodness of his heart... god, spare me. I was so excited about the reveal that Gallaway was like the rest of them and the Protag was ready to bear that for the money and lifestyle and allure, but nope. He was just that sweet, I guess.
And I'm aware that we have an unreliable narrator who might've done exactly that - decided to live a lavish life, ignore all the red flags, bear the horrors with a smile and drink her champagne, BUT the ending was just a tad too kitschy for me to believe that that was the intention. I keep second guessing myself because maybe the book is cleverer than I give it credit for, and I do think that she absolutely did decide to compromise herself, to throw at least a good deal of morals under the bus for the blond hair and tan skin and lean muscles. but not to the extend that it could've been, you know? Which is to say: It was really fun, but I kept thinking "this could be worse"
"Ev is sleeping with her half-brother (who doesn't know she's his half-sister) and wants to manipulate him into running away with her by faking a pregnancy" - but what if all that happened but she was also sleeping with her regular-degular brother? Arthonin or whatever his name was. I kept expecting that to be the big reveal and he ends up shunned and wife-less for his crimes (cheating with the au pair).
"Protagonist decides to marry into the family she knows to be rotten and makes them return the Nazi art and also the evil granddad was eliminated before the wedding even took place and now they're a democracy" - but what if he was still alive and the system can't be broken in a half sentence of "and they found a (forged) will that changed everything"
"Protagonist decides to marry Gallanger because he's sweet and lovely" - but what if he was still part of his family and still carried the nasty traces within himself and she accepted them?
and lastly.... what was that random bit about the killed turtles. I kept expecting that we'd catch someone (evil granddad, Gallanger, Ev...) in the act of smashing the turtles to death, which would've been awful and I genuinely was afraid of that scene, but it never came. and then we got a parting note of "lu is a good girl who is studying to find out what killed the turtles" ???? sorry?! that genuinely felt like a turtle-smashing scene had been planned, scraped, and hastily replaced with that lame throwaway line.
final verdict: FUN! I know I'm shittalking a lot here, but it WAS a fun read and I liked it.
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highlifeboat · 10 months
A day early? Oh, that means it is time for where I live)
In Miacina AU:
Karl: Happy Birthday, you swamp hag!
Mia: Fuck you too, shit-man!
In Zia AU:
Zoe: Happy Birthday to my ancient wife!
Mia: Ah, to be reminded of my mortality... Why there's so many candles?
Zoe: I was afraid to forget one.
Mia: *Squints* ...I love you.
Zoe: I love you too, ya creepy hag. *Gives her a kiss*
I like to think in the Miacina AU, Alcina invites her siblings for a nice dinner on Mia's birthday, because she knows Mia enjoys seeing them. They don't have to bring anything, but Donna and Moreau usually bring some form of gift. They all have a good time.
Miranda is not invited (per Mia's request). Sometimes she shows up anyway, just to wish Mia happy birthday and sour the vibe. Mia's been very close to throwing hands with Miranda for that, but she only stays for maybe 20 minutes then dips (supposedly).
In Zia AU the two of them get pizza and marathon a bunch of Mia's favourite movies. Zoe's not always into them, but she can't deny how adorable it is to see Mia be REALLY into something (especially after everything. Any sign of Mia getting hyper/excited is amazing)
Also constant jokes about how Mia is such an old woman
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Liveblogging Black Sails 2x10
So now what, is Vane gonna storm Georgetown and rescue Flint personally? I would love to see his face. And then there's the matter of the dead crewmembers to talk about...
Also I love that the boys are getting along now, but who is gonna rescue Eleanor??
Still can't believe Miranda was killed simply for yelling.
Also did nobody notice the pirate ship in the harbor, the one they were supposedly so carefully watching, being attacked by other pirates?
God, I'm not ready for this episode.
Really enjoying Abigail's silent fury though. The more I see of her, the more I love this girl.
So that's the plan? Leave Flint's men behind with all of Vane's that disagree with the plan? Oh my god, that is never going to work.
But I gotta say, I love this new "We're all in this together" Vane. But then, he was half right all along - Flint's plan to reconcile with England failed (through no fault of his own). But Flint was also right - war with England is inevitable and they can't survive unless things change.
Also the fact that Miranda, who always tried to convince Flint to re-join civilisation, was the one that, in the end, couldn't stomach what it would take. God, I've been thinking about this way too much.
Vane even still has the blood of Flint's crew on his shirt. Yeah, this is going to go over well.
Flint manages to look done with everyone even while heading to his own execution, that is a skill.
Ugh, Lord Ashe trying to make himself feel better. I hope somebody kills him.
A CONFESSION? You've got to be kidding me.
Flint's words are as sharp as knifes here, though.
God, his face as they defile Miranda's body. Is that the first time we see him close to tears, if only for a moment, before it's replaced by anger?
Eleanor's disappearance is gonna destabilize Nassau quite a bit. They're celebrating now, but this could be a problem later...
Also how exactly are Vane and his men gonna sneak into the square? There hardly is a man who looks more like a pirate...
First time we see Anne on a ship. Love her hair blowing in the wind <3
Her conversation with Jack reminds me of what Eleanor (or dream!Eleanor rather) said to Vane: That next to him, she would always just have been a woman. But they still manage to be partners.
Oh no, Silver's co-conspirator, here to cause trouble again...
Awww, Silver is finally making friends! Or something.
And here we go, people are beating each other's heads in, to the surprise of absolutely no one. On the other hand - smart of Vane to leave behind the men he couldn't trust, because they're expendable to him.
Okay, that was over quickly. Let's see what still happens...
I don't think Lord Ashe can be happy that Flint is interrogated so publically. Some nasty things he could say...
"Everybody is a monster to someone." <3
That is the plan?? Okaaaay?
Awww, he came to defend him. <3 He couldn't look like more of a pirate if he tried though, for real, at least clean up the blood!
Ah yes, Abigail's diary!! I had forgotten about that. Now they have a problem.
Ugh, they've really never heard of true justice, have they? It's disgusting.
Aww, Max buying Eleanor's place, maybe in part because she still cares for her?
Hm, the Silver of S1 might have done this thing, but I have a feeling this Silver won't.
Oh fuck, is this how Silver loses his leg? Because he stays loyal to Flint??
Hahaha, Flint's and Vane's conversation during the trial. Maybe now they can finally talk some shit out.
"Figured if anybody makes a trophy out of you, really ought to be me." Awww, the beginning of a wonderful friendship??
Haha, Flint is so smart, of course he doesn't believe that's the whole plan. (And that's kind of reassuring.)
Ugh, seeing those two united with a common goal, however temporary it might be, really is the best thing ever. I'm about to vibrate off the couch from excitement.
Hahaha, Vane loves giving rousing speeches, and finally he has a receptive audience, must be a dream come true.
Even shackled these two are still so dangerous, I love it.
YES, justice for Miranda!!
Oh Silver, you smart, smart man, I could kiss you.
Nice, rescuing some slaves along the way (or at least giving them a fighting chance).
Ugh, the Man o'War appearing from the smoke and firing, what a beautiful picture.
Yes, Flint freeing the rest of Vane's crew. ;_; (Speaking of which, where are the men that rappelled down from the city wall? Did any of them make it?)
Vane might not like Flint, but he does respect him. That satisfied little smile when Flint anounces that he will destroy Georgetown... he really does value strength in other people, doesn't he?
Silver really has become a part of this crew. Who would have thought... But it must be pretty scary for someone like him to have to rely on other people for help.
The Man O'War firing on the defenseless city like a giant angel of death... what a picture.
I hope Abigail is safe, though.
Aww, they actually made Silver quartermaster! <3
But Flint doesn't seem too concerned about Eleanor's arrest. I wonder how Vane took that one.
Noo, Silver still lying to Flint. But then, what else is he supposed to say...
Goddamn, can nobody ever tell the truth in this show? But they found the gold?? And the walrus?? And the gold??!!
Holy SHIT that is a lot of gold.
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