#((In the case it wasn't very clear this is set up so that she received questions from a lil prompt))
queenharumiura · 10 months
🎂+ "Did you even notice me or am I just a replacement for Juudaime?" ((you already know who this is from))
Today is the day I celebrate Haru because of her shorthand (86) and I'll answer any questions. [x] ||Time's up! No longer accepting!|| I do know this is to take place in the future, so I'm taking some creative liberties as I don't exactly know how things lead up to them being a thing, so bear with me.
“Huh. Fuck.” What was the saying, tongue in cheek? It would be better for her to keep her silence and storm off in a fit of anger, but she was told to be honest and to not hold back, hm? She looks down at the piece of paper giving her directions for the day. All she knew was that she was going to have a strong word with a certain mun later for this horrendous idea of hers. When can a Haru ever have peace? “So this is how we’re ending things tonight with the questions? Okay.”
She honestly thought that she was safe and free, and yet everything snowballed at night, and look at this now. She’s ending things off with a bang, hm?
“You know, I expected something more out of you than this, Gokudera.” A derisive snort, “You waited until now to ask because I have to be honest and you didn’t trust me otherwise, is that it?” A relationship had to be built on top of trust, and she was being made to feel that he didn’t trust her. That deep down he felt that she still had a flame for Tsuna.
He didn’t believe that she loved him, and for someone who wore her heart on her sleeve, he’d effectively taken her love and slapped her in the face with it, thinking that he was just a replacement. This entire situation left a bad taste in her mouth both figuratively and literally. She could taste the blood from her biting so hard on her lower lip in anger.
Her line of vision kept shifting on different spots on the ceiling as she was trying to calm herself to not just launch into a slew of explicatives. Deep breath in and deep breath out, keep the tears at bay. Staring at the ceiling in an attempt to keep her composure for long enough to not break down into tears as she’s forced to address this.
There were a few things to note about Haru and her speech patterns. When she stopped referring to herself in third person, she was being very serious, and the moment she ever utters a curse word, you know you messed up, royally.
“I sure am curious though. Is this something you came up with yourself, or is it because you hear things other say about me and now you doubt me?” Don’t worry, regardless of the answer she’s still mad at you. You still went and fucked up. Mun-san really had a lot to make up for, that’s for sure.
She takes a deep breath in, holds it for a few seconds before she exhales, trying to release a lot of her frustrations with it. She managed to center herself with that one. “When I gave upon Tsuna-san all that time ago after exhausting everything I could try, that was the end of things. I had a clean break with my feelings. I did all that I could to have him see my way, but it didn’t work. I did try to hide it and I don’t know how well I did at that, but I was a mess sometimes because of it all.” She hated the fact that she was being made to admit to anything and everything.
“Did you think I didn’t know who he was pining for? Sure, I’m a stupid woman as you say, but I won’t have anyone come here and tell me that I was in the wrong for trying. The stupidest thing you can do is NOT try and lament that it never happened. I did my best to appeal to Tsuna-san. I did everything I could to try something… ANYTHING, but nothing came of it. What came out of it? Me understanding that it wasn’t going to work out. After that, all I needed to do was sever my feelings and move on.”
She says it as if it was an easy thing to do, but it wasn’t. She needed time to come to terms with the futile efforts and to understand that this was going to be viewed as a waste of time to everyone else.
“I don’t regret all that I did then, as I learned a lot from him. I developed some skill sets that I’m proud of to this day. Everyone else may think that my time spent pinning for him was a waste of time, but I see it as my journey of going through my first love and seeing it to the end. Some people can get stuck and get hung up on it forever, but I’m not like that. When I stopped loving him, that was the end of it. It was time for the next stage of my life, whatever that was.”
If she had to regret anything, it was the amount of emotional baggage that followed her after the fallout of her feelings for Tsuna. “I know that others pitied me for my futile efforts… and I know I probably looked stupid to a lot of them (if not all of them). I pretended to not see it, even if it was coming from those I cared about.” It was one thing to be pitied by random people, but to be pitied by your friends and family? It was the absolute worst. They were seeing her at her lowest, but she kept a smile on her face, pretending to not see it. Haru thought that it would hurt more if she let them know that she saw the looks.
It would be worse to acknowledge it and have them be more discreet about it.
“Ahh… fuck” she ruffles her fingers through her bangs, “there was a time where I really thought I’d be okay with being a shadow woman if only it meant he’d notice me when he thought to look down.” A scoff. “It’s stupid, how low I was at that time. Just how badly I was willing to degrade myself to relegating myself to being a shadow.” She really hated that part of her. It disgusted her every time she recalls that.
She shouldn’t have ever thought that way or spoken that way, even if at one point it may have been a joke. That’s the thing with jokes, they can feel real once you say them enough. She’s irritated on all accounts now as she’s reeling over the real question at hand and the memories relating to the question. “Do you just want me to stay hung up on the past? You just won’t let me get past it to heal and feel better about myself, will you?” She’s biting back with her own words. “Does it make you feel better to kick me down when I’ve already done that enough? Was my self-confidence and self-love tanking not enough? You have to kick me down too? Is there a point to this? Is it a game to see who can break me worse?”
What was that about holding back tears? Well, she tried.
“You know, I always wanted to have an average life by getting married to someone who loved me and start a family one day—but I can’t have that. By some twist of fate, I am affiliated with the mafia. I can’t just love a civilian and expect them to follow me into the Mafia. That then involves their family too by extension. I don’t have other options available to me. I lied to myself telling myself that it’d be okay if I was alone moving forwards. It’s too late for me to go back to being a regular civilian. I gave up on one of my dreams to stay with you all.”
That is to say that she treasured the bonds she made with everyone more than her dream of having a happily married life with some normal guy. She would’ve been plenty happy with that. Not to be a narcissist, but she would make a great wife! She’s wasting her potential here, you know?
Damn it, she couldn’t stop the tears from flooding down her face NO THANKS TO SOMEONE. She stopped as she was hectically rubbing at her cheeks, trying to wipe away the tears. Well, the show must go on, right? You wanted the full truth, after all. She won’t have anyone accusing her of wasting time by stalling.
“I already had the reputation of being the silly woman who pined after Tsuna-san for so long. That moniker will never leave me for as long as I live, I’m sure. People are going to talk and make whatever they will about my interpersonal relationships with others. They’re going to suspect that I still hold a torch for Tsuna-san, or that I’m secretly hoping for Kyoko-chan to reject him or what have you.” It was so tough on her to think that’s how people may perceive her character.
She spent the majority of her life being a regular civilian girl. She wasn’t some conniving person who lusted after power. She wasn’t someone who was willing to do any underhanded means to get what she wanted either. She was just an innocent girl who wholeheartedly loved the wrong person.
“I didn’t want to fall for anyone else associated with the Vongola. I knew that people would talk, assume that I was using them as a replacement. I didn’t want to be the reason for any of you to be looked down on. I… I’m not worth your reputations being sullied because of me.” Haru walks over to a chair and brings her knees to her chest, hiding her crying face in her knees. “I trusted that you’d believe me.” We see where that got her.
“I was fine with anyone viewing me as the worst if only my lover trusted me. That alone would be worth it. Maybe I could prove myself in the eyes of others if they saw just how much I loved you but I can’t even convince YOU that you’re the only one that I have in my heart?”
What was the point then? What is a relationship without trust at a bare minimum?
This is incredibly heartbreaking.
“You deserve someone who makes you feel confident in the fact you’re the only one for them, and I deserve someone who doesn’t doubt me even when I gave them everything that I had to offer. If with all the love I had to give you, you still had an ounce of doubt in me, I can’t stay here. I don’t deserve this.” She may have trampled her self-worth when she was pining over Tsuna, but she made a promise to herself to not do that again.
“If you truly think that you’re just a replacement for me, consider today the last time you can call me your girlfriend. I’m NOT tolerating this bullshit. Not from you.”
It’s past midnight and that’s the last of the questions she was accepting for the night, so she storms out the questioning room to cry for the rest of the night.
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kaciebello · 4 months
Strawberries with too many seeds
Masterlist Luke Castellan x Hades! reader (implied, fem) Percy Jackson x Hades! reader (platonic) Chris Rodriguez x Hades! reader (platonic) Summary: Percy might feel like he is messing up the whole demigod thing, but he sure feels like he has friends here. Warning: Insults( nothing mean, just banter), no use of y/n author note: English is not my first language so I am sorry for any mistakes beforehand. I wrote this while eating blue candy, had to get into the character somehow. Yes I know Chris is unclaimed, Luke calls him brother in a bromance way. Proofread by me and me only (T▽T) word count: 1,2k
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Percy couldn't help it. He was still feeling down about the amount of times he messed up. He, Luke, and Chris were sitting down at the Hermes table. Chris babbling something about the goddess of failure. Percy wasn't paying attention. 
“Don't worry, we’ll find something you're good at.” Turns to him Luke with a tight lip smile. Then it spreads into a grin as his eyes shift to look behind Percy. He feels a person sitting down next to him with their food. He looks up and sees the Hades girl he met the other day.
“Hello, my little gremlins!” She says with a smile. Percy doesn't have time to react, well not before Chris does.
“Gremlins is crazy.” He says pointing his fork at her. She just chuckles and picks up her fork.
The older boys continue to eat. Percy looks at her a bit confused. From what he learned, claimed kids are supposed to eat at their parents' table. He found the system kinda of dumb, if he wanted to eat with Athena’s kids, he should be able to. Not that he had anyone particular in mind.
“Aren't you supposed to sit at your table?” He asks her confused. She stops in the middle of her bite. She looks at him for a second before returning to her food.
“No cabin, no table.” She says. Percy now remembers that she mentioned that her father does not have a throne on Olympus and, therefore no cabin. It makes sense not to have a table either. He thought he could hear Chris whisper ‘No face, no case’ before Luke slapped his brother on the back of his head. The girl just gives them a side eye and turns to Percy again.
“What are you drinking?” She motions to his drink.
“Cherry cola.” He says
“Why is it blue?”
“ Daamn girl, you can't judge a soda by its color!” Chris says, making a fake gasp and clutching his heart. She just rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Chris receives a slap on his shoulder from Luke.
“Ignore him, Percy.  Chris is just a moron.” She says with a smile.
“I am your brother-in-law to-be!” Defens Chris, leaning over the table to jab his finger in her shoulder. Percy notices a blush on Luke's face before he clears his throat and looks away for a second. The girl just shakes her head and pushes the boy away. An argument breaks out between those two. Percy could swear that he heard a few very creative insults. He looks at Luke who just shakes his head and continues to eat. Percy follows his lead. 
“Sweets, do you want my starberries?” Ask Luke, making the two stop fighting. They both turn to him. 
“Oh yes my darling, thank you.” Answers him Chris and reaches for the few strawberries Luke has set aside while eating. Luke just frowns at him slapping his hand away, pushing his plate to the girl. Chris whines and holds his hand in a very fake hurt-like state. The girl just shakes her head and pushes Luke's plate back. He just gives her a face with a giant question mark on it. She just looks at him dead in the eye.
“I don't think taking a fruit with many seeds from a man is something I should do.” She says and Luke's eyes widen. He gives the thought a second before rolling his eyes.
“I do not want to kidnap you into my secret hideout,” He says not looking into her eyes. 
“Aw, what a shame.” She says teasingly and Luke's head snaps to her. Chris and Percy just laugh.
“Shouldn’t Persephone’s kids worry about that more?” Asks Percy genuinely curious about what other superstitions should he be worried about. He knows that Annabeth does not like spiders because Athena cursed Arachne. Now this. 
“Great question! Let us ask my stepsiblings!” She says and jumps up. She looked around before sitting down.
“That's right, Persephone does not have mortal children.” She explains to Percy. He just lets out a little ah and goes back to eating. Well, more like pushing the food around his plate since he felt embarrassed.
“It's fine Percy, nobody expects you to know who has children and who does not. And it gets tricky when even the maiden goddesses have mortal children, Athena for example.” She says with a kind tone.
“You’ll get the hang of it.” Tells him, Luke, trying to cheer up the younger boy. Percy just nods at his older friends. He hopes to be as skilled as those two one day. The two look at each other with a warm smile. Percy could see the love in their eyes. His mom had the same look when she talked about his dad. He just hopes these two have a happier ending than them. A gaging sound can be heard from one of the chairs. All of them turn to look at Chris, who is pretending to vomit violently.
“ Nurse, please I am feeling a bit sick, all this sweetness makes me wanna puke,” Chris says, clutching to his stomach pretending to be sick.
“I will stuff gauze down your throat if you don't stop” She threatens, going back to their banter. Luke just shakes his head at them and turns to Percy.
“Come on, we need to throw the rest into the bonfire.” Says Luke and the other two get up without another word. Percy wants to ask why, but it is like he could read his face.
“Offering to the gods, they like the smell.” He manages to finish. Percy gives him another confused look so Chris clarifies.
“They like the smell of begging.” He stops and looks at the girl. “ Just as much as she likes the sound it.” He finishes, very proud of his jab. The girl just narrows her eyes and goes to stand in the line. Percy swears he could hear ‘I will bite your head off’ but it was mostly covered by the amused sound Crish made after.
“ Excuse them, Percy, they grew up together, got here together. They have always been like that. You should have seen them when they shared a cabin. It was a nightmare.” Lukes says and follows the two, Percy close behind him.
“Okay little praying mantis, Luke you must be careful. You never know, you might lose your head.” Turns to them Chris and throws the rest of the food to the fire.
“ Have you hurt your head?” She asks before shaking her head.” Why am I even asking, I heard you slam your head on the upper bunk bed the other night.” Chris stops in his tracks and narrows his eyes at her.
“ Why were you in the Hermes cabin?” He asks and she just shrugs and looks away. Percy could see that Luke had gone red once again.
“ I was with Luke, why else Einstein.” She says walking away from all of them. Chris is hot on her toes.  Luke just looks at his feet before placing his hand on Percy's shoulder making him follow those two.
“YOU HAVE A WHOLE ROOM!” Yells Chris making big hand gestures to the girl who looks bored with whatever he is saying. Luke patted his back.
“Welcome to the family kid.” He says before lightly jogging to the older campers and delivering a slap on the back of the head to his brother.
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laurfilijames · 1 year
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Part 3
Pairing: Will 'Ironhead' Miller x female reader
Words: 5.9k
Warnings: Rated E, 18+. Unprotected intercourse. Swearing. Public sex. Oral sex (M receiving). Too many mentions of his sweaty body 🫠💦 Slight dom/sub dynamics.
Summary: You're back at the gym attempting to distract yourself from thinking of Will, your conversation from the night before weighing on your mind, but it turns out Captain Miller has even less restraint when it comes to you than he thought he did.
A/N: The smut is finally here, and it's really long. That's what she said.
Part 1 Part 2
Coming to the gym at this time of day was bliss. Hardly anyone was ever here - having already rushed after work so they could get home to their families - leaving you without distraction to focus on your routine and enjoy this time for yourself.
It seemed like when you were here you could really shut your mind off and just be; no work, no stress, nothing filtering in or out that was worth a second thought.
Lately it had been very different, though, and today was the worst out of all of them. You still couldn't keep count of your reps to save your life, your mind completely occupied by Will. Getting through work was bad enough, every thought regarding your job followed by one of him, and now you knew it was impossible to rid him from your mind.
You did your best not to continuously glance around the gym in hopes of seeing him, but there was no use denying you were craving to lay your eyes on him again especially after last night, his powerful words playing on repeat.
“I want you.”
Regardless of wanting you, he had made it clear that he wasn't acting on it, so you needed to do your best to lay these feelings to rest and work on self-preservation.
You placed the dumbbells you had just finished using back on the rack and grabbed a disinfectant towel to wipe them down, switching out for a heavier pair in hopes that struggling through a little pain would help set you straight.
Just as you vowed to forget all the ways he made you feel, you caught in the reflection of the mirror in front of you the Miller brothers walking in through the front doors.
Blue eyes instantly locked with yours, and the slight smile tugging at his perfect lips had your heart leaping into your throat and your stomach fluttering with excitement and arousal as it always did whenever he was around.
You cursed to yourself when he started sauntering over right when you started into your first round, doing your best to focus on your form and not let his presence disturb you too much.
"Hey," he drawled, placing his hands on his hips.
"Hey," you panted, attempting to limit the amount of effort showing on your face.
"You been here long?" Will asked, looking around before peering at you from under those long, blond lashes.
"Uhh, not really, no," you huffed, dropping your weights and smoothing your hair out of your face, taking the opportunity for a rest before your next set. "I'm almost done with this and was going to do the stairmaster before doing a long stretch. I'm still sore from the other day."
You gave a small laugh, watching the side of his mouth turn upward, his eyebrows lifting in amusement.
"Maybe I'll join you for that stretch," he spoke, his voice low. "I've gotta help Benny and then he's heading out for training."
"Well, you know where to find me."
"Okay." He winked at you, sending a pulsing need straight to your core, the sight of his ass in his shorts as he walked away not helping your case.
In a fury, you picked up your dumbbells and powered through your last sets with more energy than you had ever had, putting your frustrations to good use.
The music in your ears was louder than it should be, using it to drown out all the thoughts you were having, each step on the circulating, automatic stairs working to take you to a place that maybe didn't include him. It was helpful that the cardio machines were all facing away from the weights, so even though you knew he was somewhere behind you, you had the view of the night sky and streetlights to look at instead of him and his brother lifting what always looked like more than double your bodyweight.
Punishing yourself for what crossed your mind after that, you pushed the button to increase the incline as well as the speed, needing to use this burnout to displace the buzzing in your mind.
After another five minutes you turned off the machine, feeling the effects on your legs and glutes tenfold as you lowered your feet back onto the floor, the tremble in them almost too much as you were forced to climb back up to wipe down the stairmaster.
As you walked toward the open section where you would perform your stretches, you glanced over to see the Miller's hard at work; sweat dripping off of Will's nose as he spotted Benny through a heavy set of bench presses.
"Okay, that's good, Benny," Will told his brother, helping him replace the barbell back on the rack after he completed his final rep. "You're gonna be too gassed to spar tonight."
Benny sat up and checked his watch, "Yeah, I should get over there anyway. You hanging out here for a bit?"
Will craned his neck to look over a machine, spotting you on the floor with your legs in a precarious position.
"Yeah, man, I'll see you at home," he nodded.
"I'm going for beers after, so I'll be in later," Benny explained, grabbing his ball cap out of Will's out-stretched hand to place backwards on his head, doing a poor attempt at keeping his wet, longer tresses contained.
Inhale. One, two, three. Exhale. One, two, three.
You repeated this with each movement, flowing through a relaxing vinyasa, feeling your muscles lengthen and stretch out that held onto the warmth from your workout to make it all feel that much better.
For the first time in what seemed like forever, you were only focused on your breathing, not having to consciously remind yourself to do it, your rhythm slow and controlled.
You transitioned from downward dog into chaturanga and back again, peddling out your heels alternatively to stretch your hamstrings and calves, indulging in the sensation of your tight muscles loosening up.
Continuing this a few more times, you prayed that a view of your ass sticking up in the air would draw over Will's attention, and while in your last downward dog, you glanced through your legs to find him sneaking a peek as he jogged on the treadmill.
Tucking your lip between your teeth to stave off your smile, you moved forward into a plank, holding position and breathing through for a minute before folding into child's pose, then up into table top where you slowly rotated your head from side to side. You arched your back, exhaling as you felt relief in your spine in cow, then rounded it up into cat, each exchange between the two poses putting you perfectly on display.
You wouldn't hesitate to admit you were holding your poses longer than was necessary, the wind-down from your intense workout feeling almost as rewarding as knowing there were a set of blue eyes locked on you; anything to tempt the man watching you like his prey.
Will always had a plan. Everything he did was deliberate and carefully executed, but as he slammed the stop button on the treadmill and dismounted it before it even had the chance to stop and walked over to you now, he didn't know what the fuck he was doing.
He couldn't take it any longer, seeing you bent over like that on the mat, stretching your nimble limbs that he kept imagining tossing about and manipulating into different positions; the walls of composure and collection he worked so hard to carefully build up crumbling to the ground because of you.
No one else had ever made him feel like this, making him want to lose control, and everything in him knew you would be his undoing the moment he laid eyes on you.
You had finished your show for him and were making your way toward the change rooms, making Will take a quick scan of the gym as he followed, spotting one guy who had recently come in and started his workout over on the far side, and a woman who conveniently carried all her belongings with her moving contentedly on an elliptical. There was only ever one staff member on shift at a time - tonight a teenage kid whose face was glued to the screen of his phone - and otherwise the gym was dead.
Within a few long strides, Will was behind you, his stealth catching you by surprise when he gently took hold of your elbow and made you flinch and pull it away instinctively before clasping your hand to your chest, your laugh and smile only increasing his ferocity.
Your expression quickly shifted into curiosity, tilting your head slightly as you must have registered the hormones pouring off of him, knowing he had no way of disguising the dark look in his eyes or the way his body worked to lean close to yours.
Will held his breath as he let what little patience he had left give you some grace, waiting and watching as your eyes fell from his down to his lips, your pulse quickening in your neck a cue that everything in you knew what was about to happen.
You met each other without hesitation, lips crashing against one another furiously, the first taste making you moan loudly and him growl appreciatively, taking only a couple of sloppy, hasty kisses to find a tempo that already had Will hard and you desperate for more.
He walked into you, forcing you back against the wall, the air in your lungs blowing out as you thudded against the painted concrete blocks.
His hands cupped your face and he pulled away for a moment, wanting to check that he wasn't getting carried away in everything he was wanting.
Your lips couldn't look more inviting, glistening with his saliva, already slightly puffy from his beard roughly moving against them, and the look in your eyes told him everything he needed to know; you were done waiting and were ready for him, whatever the consequences.
He narrowed his eyes, still searching yours for a firm answer, and breathlessly muttered, "Yeah?"
You nodded in return despite how firmly he was holding your face, your own 'yes' dying on your lips as you leaned forward and kissed him hard, your hands reaching up to claw at his damp t-shirt.
You knew Will would taste and smell divine, but it was impossible to fathom him being this craveable, the more your tongue probed and rolled against his, the more you knew you needed to have your mouth on every inch of him.
Your hands slid down his chest to his waistband where you slipped them up beneath the hem of his shirt, skirting them upward to feel the smooth skin covering the ripples of thick muscles and flesh. He groaned into your mouth, the rumble of his low octave reverberating through you to increase your desire to please this man even more, making the wetness between your legs match the amount of sweat that coated the rest of your body.
Your fingertips easily slid across his torso on account of his own layer of sweat, and you could taste it on his lips with each kiss; being able to experience this raw, accelerated version of each other all the more alluring and empowering.
The sound of a heavy weight clanging against metal brought you both back into awareness of your location; the hallway leading to the change rooms not the most discreet choice for your heated make-out session.
Will cast a hungry glance at you and nodded his head toward the men's change room, thinking it was more likely for a man to be less offended in walking in on anything than a woman.
Having dreamt of this for longer than you could imagine, you pushed your inhibitions aside and followed him willingly, your arousal spiking as you abandoned all modesty.
A guttural sound that you knew was meant to be a chuckle tore past his lips as he backed you up against a set of lockers, the steel against the exposed skin under your sports bra making you jolt forward into him.
"Jesus Christ, look what you're doing to me," he whispered before capturing your lips again in a needy kiss.
Your fingers danced across his torso again, under his damp shirt, following the trail of soft, golden hairs that started below his belly button and continued beneath his shorts.
Will tugged at your bottom lip roughly with his teeth as you dared to explore further, his breathing increasing with his lust, his impatience for you to take him in your hand growing along with everything else.
Continuing to kiss you like he was trying to steal your air, he hastily tore his shorts down over his ass, grabbing your hand and shoving it down the front of them where you eagerly took hold of his swollen cock and stroked it appreciatively.
A long moan that turned into a whine blew past your lips, having assumed from all the times you had stared that he would be big but didn't think he was this huge, your fingers closing around his thick girth as you moved up and down his generous length.
Your core ached and throbbed with a need to have him buried inside you and stretching you out like never before, your skin tingling with what felt like electricity at the anticipation of it.
Will knew it was risky, aware that anyone could walk in at any given moment, and even though he had done a thorough evaluation of who was currently in the gym, that someone new could show up and head right into the change room where he was about to fuck you without care of anyone seeing. It wasn't like him to be so careless, but for the first time since the Publix incident, his basic instincts were taking over, clouding his mind and betraying his control.
The way you were working his dick had him on the brink already, and in a rageful haze he shoved his fingers in the waistband of your leggings and peeled them down your thighs, doing the same with your slick-coated panties next.
The tight spandex of your leggings had your legs trapped at the knee, hardly allowing any room for you to spread your legs apart, and after swiping his long fingers through your soaked folds and up to lubricate your swollen clit, Will took hold of your ass and your hip with each of his hands and drove his cock into you.
"God, you're so fuckin' tight," he growled, pulling all the way out before slamming back in again, filling you to your deepest point where you cried out and clawed your nails into his shoulder.
He hammered you recklessly, the control he had over you and his unrelenting thrusts the only thing he did have control of, the rest of him lost and consumed by your panting, open-mouthed kisses and your wet pussy encasing him like a vice.
The door of the locker supporting you made noise with every thrust, his force amazing you and sending you closer to your climax each time, the sensation of his long, hard cock dragging in and out tightly against your walls making you fall faster than ever.
You did your best to move along with him, cursing the restriction of your pants that trapped your legs no further than hip-distance apart, but Will made up for it with the motion of his own hips, rolling up into you so his lower abs and coarse hairs around his cock rubbed against your clit with perfect pressure and tempo.
"Fuck! Will!" you screamed, burying your face in the crook of his sweaty neck, attempting to quiet yourself as you plummeted into ecstasy.
Feeling you clench around him and soak his throbbing dick only made him work harder, fucking you violently to carry you through your orgasm, aiming to intensify and extend it as selflessly as he could.
The sounds pouring from you and the way your body shuddered and quivered in aftershocks sent him barrelling into his own orgasm, and borrowing confidence from you, he let himself give in to his release.
"Cum in me, Will, please!" you begged, holding onto his frame desperately, rocking your hips against him to aid in his pleasure.
"Fuck!" he roared, bucking into you wildly, supporting your body with only his cock and one of his hands as he slammed his other against the locker beside you, his aggression spurring you into a second climax.
His hot seed filled you and coated your overly-sensitive lips and clit perfectly, transitioning you from one orgasm that hadn't ever died down to another, even more intense one.
Will didn't stop moving in you until he knew you had ridden out every second of your high, and as you both began to quiet yourselves from your pleasure, he kissed you ardently, his hand reaching up to hold the back of your head to keep you securely against his mouth.
Despite wanting to stay buried inside you but becoming aware of your situation again, Will slipped from you and pulled his boxers and shorts back up, watching as you slid your panties over your perfect thighs to re-cover your even more perfect pussy, the way your leggings hugged your curves nearly making him hard again already as they smoothed along your gorgeous skin.
He looked from you over his shoulder and then back again, licking his lips before he spoke in a low tone.
“We’re going to my place,” he instructed, giving you no choice, “I'm not nearly done with you."
You grinned when he turned his back to you, taking your hand to lead you through the gym and out the doors quickly and efficiently, the Captain in him shining and making you burn with desire to see everything he was capable of.
His house wasn't more than two minutes away from the gym - much to your approval - even knowing he was driving his truck faster than the speed limit permitted and was likely taking the fastest route he had figured out ages ago.
You sat leaning against the passenger-side door, eating him up shamelessly as he drove, admiring the veins in his arms and hands that rippled through his tattoos, the focus straining on his still-sweaty face as he concentrated on getting you home as quickly as he could.
The traffic light ahead turned to yellow, making Will's cheeks flinch as he clenched his teeth out of frustration, his dire need to get to you again filling you with fresh want that complimented the swell of your ego.
“What happened to self-control…only doing the things you're supposed to be doing?" you asked, your voice sultry and barely recognizable to your ears.
He gave a sly, sideways glance at you, his fingers tapping the dash as his hand hung loosely over the steering wheel, his eyebrow cocked on his forehead as he caught the cheekiness in your question.
"Or not trusting yourself?" you boldly continued, his silence prompting a false confidence in you.
The light turned green and he let his foot off the brake, letting the truck roll forward before he eased on the accelerator.
He turned his head to look at you fully this time, his eyes alight with something playful that made your stomach flip.
“I never said I was good at following those rules.”
Even in his rush to get you home, Will drove with precision, only driving a little more recklessly when he turned onto his street and sped toward his driveway, pulling in and slamming his pickup in park while reaching up to hit the button to open the garage door on the visor above his head.
You made to get out, your hand pulling on the handle to open your door, only to be stopped when you felt Will's hand grip around your other wrist to pull you back, his lips crashing against yours as soon as your body twisted toward him again.
Your kiss slowly broke, his lips still brushing yours gently, his voice low when he muttered, “I still don't trust myself with you.”
His nose rubbed against yours back and forth before he pulled away a little more, a stormy colour tinting his usually lighter blue eyes.
"I told you I would be all-in, and I meant that.” He looked at you seriously, and you wondered if this was the same look he gave fellow soldiers after delegating a command. "This is your time to go if you don't want it."
You felt your voice catch in your throat, your lungs struggling to find air, but somehow managed to speak with surety, committing yourself completely.
"I'm not going anywhere, Will."
Making it inside the house was a blur and became almost impossible, the inability to keep your hands and mouths off each other making the distance from the truck to the door further than it was.
Will blindly found the door knob and twisted it, kicking it open with his foot so forcefully it thudded against the wall with a bang, the sound lost on both of you.
The smell of the house was somehow familiar, lingering with traces of the scent you now knew was his, along with a faintness of laundry detergent as well as what you only assumed was the Miller brother's dinner from last night.
As curious as you were to look around and see what the walls that made up Will’s home contained, your priority was to satisfy your curiosity in seeing the body you had imagined naked so many times in all its godly flesh.
Will hesitantly paused in kissing you when your fingers skirted along the hem of his shirt, lifting his arms up over his head to allow you to pull the drenched cotton off of him, a playful smirk tugging at his lips once he was able to see you again.
In utter amazement at his form that was the perfect combination of toned muscle and thick skin, you smoothed your hands up his stomach to his pecs before going further to the wide column of his neck where you pulled him down slightly in order to kiss him more. He hummed into your mouth, relishing in how good you tasted and felt on his tongue, his whole body still charged and buzzing from finally being able to put his lips on yours.
You felt yourself starting to become hyper-aware of every part of his body that contacted yours, and feeling his fingertips wedge under the band of your sports bra, you were ready to fall apart right then. The sweat that saturated the already tight-fitting garment made it difficult to remove, but Will made it seem effortless as his hands stretched it away from your clammy skin and peeled it over your head. A hungry growl reverberated through him as he took in the sight of your bare chest, appreciating the soft curves of each breast with his slender fingers before plucking and twisting your stiffened nipples between them.
You moaned, closing your eyes and tipping your head back, the goosebumps that poured out over every inch of your skin reaching your scalp where a shiver shot straight down your back.
"Will…" you breathed, praying he would never stop touching you.
The sound of his name coming from your lips like that made him feel feral, and there was no more time to waste in getting you fully naked so he could fuck you again and feel every part of you on him.
His lips dove to your neck, kissing you roughly while his hands traveled down your waist where his fingers took hold on the band of your leggings sitting snugly against your waist, a growl vibrating through him as he stripped them down your legs.
As gracefully as you could, you reached down to peel them away from your ankles, holding onto his broad shoulders for support as you did, the way the damp material clung to your skin not making it an easy task.
You stood in only your soiled panties, waiting for him with bated breath to rid you of those too, thankful when he made it his priority. His fingers grazed over your barely-covered pussy, and he huffed a shaky laugh in feeling how saturated the thin cotton was, his mouth covering yours in a claiming kiss as he pressed his thumb on your clit and circled it over top of the fabric.
You pressed yourself down on his hand, needing more friction, rolling your hips slightly to make the wetness lingering from the quickie in the gym spread more across your aching sex.
Will could hear his blood pounding in his ears, ready to cut loose everything he was trying to restrain, the soft moans pouring from your sweet lips making him rip your thong from you, the sight of his cum settled in the crotch of it and glistening on your pussy satisfying his most savage needs.
"God damn," he growled, seeing the mess he made of you drop to the floor heavily, your feet stepping out of them carefully before he grabbed under your bum and lifted you up, carrying you quickly to his bedroom with your legs wrapped around him.
Setting you down, he pushed the door closed so hard it slammed, returning to you in a rush to consume all of you, his tongue tangling with yours again as he held your chin to deepen your kiss.
You felt desperate to have him naked, the tease you got of him at the gym simply not enough, your want to memorize every inch of him overpowering and all-consuming. Your hands pushed against his chest, silently telling him to back away, your interruption resulting in a dark glare from him as he loomed above you. Swallowing, your mouth already watering at knowing what you were about to witness, you tugged at his shorts, the brisk motion making his hard cock spring free and bounce up and down in the most alluring way.
Tilting your head up to capture his lips again, both of your hands moved between your bodies, gripping one around his shaft and the other cupping his sack. You massaged him gently, increasing your pressure the more the movement of his lips increased in fervor with yours, his hips bucking into your hands slowly as you worked him. His skin was hot and damp, the sweaty, musky scent potent and making you drunk on him and eager to taste him.
Will still held your face, carefully prying you away from him with a sigh, his hands shifting to run over your hair to the back of your head where it all met in a ponytail, pulling at it slightly to tip your head back. His lips peppered along your throat as he slipped your hair tie down and out of your hair, letting it fall freely onto your shoulders while the elastic dropped to the floor. You whined when he raked his fingers through it, your nipples hardening even more at the sensation, unable to believe the reactions he so effortlessly brought out of you.
Stilling your strokes on his throbbing dick, you opened your eyes and kept them locked with his vibrantly blue ones, slowly dropping to your knees as you let your hands trail down his thighs, squeezing the vast muscles of his quads.
Maintaining your eye contact, you hoped you conveyed your worship of him, ready to submit to him and his every command, the flex of his cock and the appeasement on his face telling you you were.
Before you even dared to put your lips to him, you breathed in, inhaling deeply to capture as much of the smell of him that you possibly could, the intoxicating mix of his sweat and cum and your own tangy scent making you shift on your knees, trying to allay the ache between your legs.
"Don't even think about touching yourself," he barked, his hoarse voice making you hold your breath in shock that he somehow could read your mind.
You smiled slightly, looking up at him again as you brought your lips forward, teasing the tip of his cock back and forth to coat them with the precum that leaked from it. Parting them more, you let his head spread them open fully, giving little resistance as he pushed into the heat of your mouth, his legs tensing beneath your palms while you whined as you took him to the back of your throat.
He tasted better than you had imagined, the saltiness of his sweat and his cum the best thing your taste buds had ever experienced, your eagerness to keep sucking on him clear in how you expertly swirled your tongue around his length, your head moving in a precise rhythm with aim to wreck him.
Will's breathing was already ragged, feeling like he could explode at any moment, his mind split between fucking your mouth until he came down your throat and nearly choked you or prying you off of him so he could finish in that tight pussy of yours again.
"Jesus Christ, baby," he groaned, moving his hips in tempo with your head, your hands wrapping around to grab his ass to encourage him to do so.
Looking down at you, he nearly fell apart, seeing your teary eyes still locked on him faithfully, spit seeping from the corners of your mouth, turning into more of a mess with every movement along his throbbing cock.
"Up," he strangled out, his voice hoarse but still clear in his demand.
You continued as you were doing, applying more forceful sucks to his head, your selfishness outshining your obedience.
"You heard me."
His words washed over you like a drug, the look on his face tempting you to risk defying his order again, but ultimately did as you were told and released him with a crude 'pop', a sated smile dressing your lips that Will wiped clean with his thumb.
"Sorry," you cooed, still smirking at him as you stood.
"No you're not," Will half-grinned, shaking his head slightly.
He swallowed your laugh as he covered your mouth with his again, demanding full access to it with his tongue, making you feel weak in the knees, your previous cockiness vanishing in an instant.
Will walked forward, guiding you to the edge of his neatly made bed, continuing until your knees contacted the mattress and forced you to sit, moving yourself backward as he crawled on top of you.
His thigh wedged beneath yours, pushing it upward with easy force so you opened your legs wide, his dick nudging against you as he nestled himself between your welcoming spread. Rolling his hips so he slid through your slick folds, he continued kissing you fiercely, his hands smoothing up your legs and sides while pinning his full weight on you; choosing to paw at every part of you he could rather than support himself above you.
In one slow motion, he pushed into you, stretching you and filling you completely, his growl of approval drowning out your broken whine of pleasure bordering on pain. His lips abandoned yours to dig into your neck, pressing against your tender skin roughly, his beard both scratching and tickling you as he began thrusting in and out.
Each drag of his cock within your walls was hard, but deliberate, and carding your hands up and down his back, you appreciated every muscle working and straining to provide you every bit of pleasure he could.
Close to the brink, you matched his movements as best as you could, aiming to meet him each time his head blew against your g-spot, the way he found the perfect angle to ruin you making you see stars.
The way your voice sang his name and how your nails dug into his back, shoulders and ass in turn was wrecking him, breaking him down piece by piece while turning into the only sound he ever wanted to hear again.
Sensing your quickly building climax, Will pushed on, encouraged to make you fall apart as intensely as you deserved by the way you squeezed around his length in a strong, calculated pattern until you no longer could and gave into his assault.
The bedframe adopted the same motion demonstrated by your bodies, rocking steadily over the worn, hardwood floor and creaking as its limits were tested just the same as yours.
The sweet song he had been making you sing was quickly exchanged for a scream, your body taken over by that addicting, blinded ecstasy as you convulsed and tensed under his ministrations that he didn't relent on, pummeling you further into euphoria as you coaxed out his own end.
Will shoved his tongue back into your open mouth, seeking to take as much from you as he could, his hips thrusting into yours violently as he pulsed inside you to fill you once again. He gradually brought down his movements, expending every ounce of that dizzying high, effectively stealing your breath as he sought to find his own air.
Your chest heaved under his, feeling your nipples graze across his pecs with each rise and fall, his skin alight as your hands easily moved across his slippery body.
It was becoming compulsive, needing to feel and taste his sweat on your lips, tongue and skin, the scent of his exertion nearly overpowering that of your sex that filled the room, each breath you worked to take leaving you even more breathless as you desperately tried to fill your lungs with it.
There was no hurry in pulling out of you now, the need to indulge in you for as long as he could being the only thing that mattered to him. Your kisses eventually slowed, becoming lazy pecks against each other's swollen lips, cheeks and neck, your fingers raking softly through his wet, messy hair and over his forehead that dripped from his efforts.
A slight disapproving groan rumbled through him as he slipped out of you, but the smile that reached his clear, blue eyes replaced any sort of disappointment he felt as he looked down at you laying perfectly under him, and he wondered if all of this was a simple fabrication of his imagination.
You smiled back at him, continuing to smooth your finger tips along the lines that surrounded his eyes and creases that flanked the sides of his mouth, admiring every bit of emotion playing on his face as a sort of bashfulness hinted on his features brought on by your attention.
"You're incredible, Will," you praised, the desire to exalt this man as much as he deserved coursing through your veins.
He huffed a disbelieving laugh, nestling his face into your neck where he rubbed it back and forth as if he was using you to scratch his beard, prompting you to wrap your arms around his torso to keep him close to you.
"I mean it," you assured, your eyes closing at the sensation of his exhale blowing out over your dewy skin.
Will didn't dare open his mouth to speak, worrying if he did that his voice would give away everything your accolades brought out in him, the fear of falling too hard and too fast mixing in with his instinct to do exactly that.
Part 4
@sotwk @dailydragon08 @sunnys-day @thedreadandthefugitivemind @glassgulls @littlenosoul @blairsanne @glitterypirateduck @momia2910 @maggotzombie @rmwarn90 @paintlavillered
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murmew · 25 days
Smolnetto calls it a punishment.
Smoltin calls it Tuesday exercise.
Sonetto looked up from the exam paper in her hands. On the page were several red marks left behind by her now motionless pen. By the looks of it, this student didn't do very well.
"Yes, Miss?" The answer was immediate and clear - as expected of the top student.
The instructor pushed up her glasses, the lens glinted in the afternoon sun from the window, making Sonetto squint a little as the ray passed her eyes.
"Please go out and tell Vertin that her time's up."
Putting down her pen, Sonetto stood up before tucking her chair squarely beneath the table. Everything was tidy, orderly, and without error. On the tabletop, a pile of diminished unmarked papers were stacked on the left, marked papers on the right, and pens placed in a little row at the top of the desk, red, black, and blue.
Sonetto was about to turn around and leave, but was stopped.
"Oh, and you can go after, it wouldn't be fair to cut into your lunch break." The instructor smiled, a rare thing for the usually stern older woman, "I can take care of the rest of the marking, thank you for your help."
Returning the smile, the girl nodded.
"Thank you, Miss, see you tomorrow."
Closing the door behind her, Sonetto turned her head to see Vertin casually balancing atop the hourglass used for punishment right outside the classroom.
The sand had almost completely finished running it's course, with only a minute remaining.
Some passing students snickered, and murmured amongst themselves at the not-so-unusual sight. They were ignored by the serial trouble-maker who was more interested in whatever she saw outside the window across from her perch.
Not following her gaze, Sonetto frowned. "Vertin, you can come down now."
Vertin didn't look down to meet her eyes, gaze still glued ahead. "There are Robins nesting in that tree over there."
"It's almost lunchtime."
"I wonder if they need help."
A bit miffed at being ignored twice in a row, Sonetto's frown only deepened.
Vertin didn't look like someone in timeout in the slightest. For a moment, she contemplated whether such punishment was effective if it was received so nonchalantly, but immediately pushed the thought aside.
A smile was better than tears was it not? Despite Vertin's ardent rule-breaking, it was never done in harm nor out of malice. Plus, as her deskmate, and fellow classmate, it wasn't right for her to wish misfortune upon her.
But... It went against what 'should' be.
Both unconvinced by words and unconvinced by punishment. Steering Vertin onto the 'right' path was more difficult than teaching a carbuncle to speak.
In a self-induced turmoil, Sonetto was at a loss, and so she said nothing. Holding her notebook and pencil case closer to her chest, she turned to look out the window.
Silence met silence. In the hall filled with students, there were only the two of them looking out the same window at the same scene.
The pair of Robins stood on a branch not far from the school building, their orange-red bellies stark against the green canopy where they'd decided to settle.
Movement at the corner of her eye made Sonetto snap her gaze back to the now empty hourglass in surprise.
Vertin, who'd just hopped down, raised her arms above her head and stretched, looking as if she'd just gotten up from a nap. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips, as she met Sonetto's gaze. "Want to help me find branches for the Robins during recess?"
The invitation was both unexpected yet expected.
Sonetto shook her head, face set. "No thank you."
But the answer was very much expected.
Vertin nodded in understanding. She crossed her arms behind her back and smiled at the floor.
"Hm. Maybe next time then."
But they both knew that there was no 'maybe' and likely no 'next time'.
"See you tomorrow then."
A childish stubbornness alongside a hand waiting to be taken in perpetuity.
"See you."
Tomorrow, next week, next month, next year.
A scene that played out exactly the same way countless times.
Perhaps next time it will turn out differently?
Without second glances, the two parted ways... until next time.
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nocandnc · 6 days
On Valentine’s Day, Okonogi Konomi gives Vice Captain Hoshina a Mont Blanc.
On White Day, Vice Captain Hoshina leaves a plush bear on Okonogi Konomi's desk.
Ummm I wrote some kinda ficlette under the cut if you’re into that kind of thing 🫣
On Valentine’s Day, Okonogi Konomi gives Vice Captain Hoshina a Mont Blanc.
She distributes an assortment of cakes, chocolate and Japanese sweets to the whole team in fact - it’s great for morale after all - but the Mont Blanc in particular was from a ridiculously popular bakery where she had to wait in line for over two hours. She does not mention this.
He accepts the offering with cheer in any case, taking several precious work minutes to joke and brag about receiving something from a cute girl - as if he hadn’t received a mountain of gifts from adoring civilian fans already.
Konomi rolls her eyes and ventures to ask - if it's not too much trouble - could he please not make fun of her?
On White Day, Vice Captain Hoshina leaves a plush bear on Okonogi Konomi's desk.
There’s no time to hand it over in person as he’s called to battle before she can arrive. He forgot to include a note to boot, so when Hoshina returns he finds Okonogi being teased by a few staff members over an assumed secret admirer.
It's a simple misunderstanding, and one he should clear up. All he needs to do is walk over and ask how she likes the return present he got her. Easy as pie... or Mont Blanc, as it were.
But Soshiro has never seen a person blush so hard. Certainly not Operations Leader Okonogi. The mood is suddenly askew and he finds himself standing dangerously still, watching from afar while Konomi fiddles with the purple ribbon tied 'round the bear's neck. Amidst the glare of their many computer systems, the lenses of her glasses seem to fog up a little as she mumbles words of refute to her peers.
Days later, Hoshina is drinking his morning coffee. Okonogi arrives a few sips in and her first order of business is thanking him for the teddy bear.
The Vice Captain chokes down a mouthful of coffee in a cool, definitely not startled way. "What?"
"The stuffed bear," she reiterates. "You left it on my desk for White Day, remember? I just wanted to say thank you - it’s very cute."
Her smile is tempered to an unknown degree.
Hoshina is quiet for a split second, jaw working to pull on his usual grin. "Well now," he forces a chuckle. "What makes you think it was from me? I heard you got it from some mystery man."
To Hoshina Soshiro's shock and horror, the young woman laughs. Laughs in his face. As if he wasn't her superior officer or anything.
"Oh, come on, sir! The security footage is right there!"
The security footage.
The Security Footage.
Hoshina sets his coffee down very carefully, unsure if the tremors working their way through him are from stifled laughter or internal screaming.
“…Right…” The man nearly slaps a hand to his face before switching to a rough salute at the last millisecond. “As expected of the brains of this operation - Well done solving it, Okonogi-chan!”
Okonogi mirrors him. “Thank you, sir!”
Hoshina grins naturally this time, feeling the ease of familiar territory.
“But, still…” the Vice Captain’s eyes catch her gaze, a bit of suspicion flickering in them. “If you knew already, why’d you go an’ let that misunderstanding drag on?”
The clock ticks by and Okonogi adjusts her glasses with another smile, one that’s a little more wry than his own. “I could ask you the same thing.”
“…Well, I know how you love a good mystery.”
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allbark-no-bite · 2 years
Meet Me In the Middle || Elvis Presley x reader
summary: it is all too easy to give and take when the lines of platonic love become blurred. or in which you’ll alway be Elvis’ little girl
warnings: 18+, sexual content, mentions of blood, loss of virginity, the usual swearing
word count: 5k
author’s note: low key I’m really proud of this one. thank you all for the love and support i received on my last fic <33 i literally have so many elvis ideas but not enough time to write them. would y’all want some shorter fics too?
Summer was sharing sweet orange slices from the farmers market and the sticky juice that trailed down our arms. Summer was playing tag in the front yard, tousling like rabbits in the the green grass. Summer was late nights spent listening to records together on my full sized bed.
Summer was Elvis. Until it wasn't.
One late night in 1957, summer became the three month notice of a court ordered draft. Summer became the worst three months of my entire life.
"You're not actually gonna go though, right, El?" I'm standing at the bottom of the stair case, feet cemented to the last step as I wait for his reply.
Elvis and his mama and daddy all look up at me from where they're gathered in the living room. He drops the hand holding the paper to his side, as if hiding it from my sight would erase it from my mind. Uncomfortably, he clears his throat.
I swivel my head, looking from his mama and then back to Elvis. No one moves to speak, and I break the building tension again as I realize what their silence means. "Elvis!"
He sighs, lifting his hand to rub his brow. "I've got to go, darlin’. I can't—"
I stomp my foot against the wooden staircase and it makes a loud thud that echos through the house. "Tell them you can't! You can't go—you can't leave us!"
Obviously becoming frustrated, Elvis takes a few steps towards the stairwell, waving his draft notice at me. "I've got no choice, alright? It's that or they fucking arrest me!"
"UGH!" I screech, turning on my heels and stomping up the stairs. It's childish of me but had I stayed planted there any longer, the tears burning in the back of my eyes would have made their appearance, and I don’t want him to see me cry.
Elvis shouts after me. "C'mon, really, [y/n]? You're gonna cry? Get back down here!"
I stomp louder, ignoring him, and storm into my room. I slam the door once I'm inside. Elvis hated it when I slammed doors. Once I reach my bed, I rip the sheets off of it and then clamp them shut around me. Only then do I allow the burning tears to start down my face.
Germany. He was going to Germany. Out of the millions of people in the world, what were the odds that they pulled his name. Apparently pretty damn good. What was he thinking? Elvis couldn't fight in a war. Surely the Colonel would have something to say about this. As much as I hated my stepdad, I was certain this was something we could agree on.
My mama had married young. It was a fairytale story in which she'd fallen madly in love with my daddy her senior year of high school and dropped out to marry him then and there. My daddy had been dealt a good set of cards by his own father and was a very successful lawyer down in New Orleans. He died of a heart attack when I was five, leaving my momma his entire inheritance. A few years later, she married a Mr. Colonel Tom Parker. My momma was beautiful, but he had married her for the money. He proved my point by divorcing her two years later, leaving me stuck between two homes.
I loathed the summers that I would be sent to spend with my stepdad. He'd never done ill to me, but again I had little reason to like him either. He tolerated me for three months of the year as his form of child support, and I spent weeks dreading following him and his little circus act around for the sake of 'show business'. That was until I met his up and coming act Elvis Presley.
Once Elvis blew up, the Colonel finally set aside his circus life and moved us to Graceland to focus on the young star full time. Suddenly, I found myself looking forward to leaving behind my mother's beautiful Louisiana estate and spending more and more time in Memphis, Tennessee.
But if I had ever learned anything about my stepfather, it was that he would do anything for the sake of business. Which is why instead of shutting down Elvis' ridiculous notion that he was going to enlist in the army, he encouraged it, hoping to make him some sort of all American hero or whatever he called it.
We throw Elvis a going away party the night before he ships off for Germany. I refuse to attend, spending the evening moping in my bedroom. The happy chatter and music coming from downstairs only serve to worsen my mood.
I wish everyone would just go home so I could sulk in peace.
I kick off the shoes I had worn for the evening and sit with my legs crossed a top my bed. A tattered flannel dog sits where I had left it on my pillow last night, and I pick it up, realizing I had forgotten to put it away.
Elvis had given me the plush dog at the end of the first summer I spent at Graceland. Something to remember him by back home, he had said. For a long time, I never went anywhere without it. But I'd eventually forgotten about the dog and didn't touch it for years. I'd started carrying it around again now that he was leaving.
Knuckles rap softly at my door, but before I can even stand up to answer it, Elvis is pushing the door open and stepping hesitantly into my bedroom.
I glare at him, dropping the flannel stuffed animal to the ground. "I didn't say you could come in."
He ignores my harsh rebuke and crouches down to retrieve the stuffed dog. Methodically, as if lost in a memory, he turns the plush toy over in his hands. I watch as his fingers muse with the soft flannel of the dog's ear. Standing up, he slowly walks towards the bed. "I don't wanna fight tonight."
I turn my head. Between his freshly cut hair and crisp uniform, it's all too much.
The bed dips underneath me, and Elvis places the toy in my lap. "I haven't seen this thing in a while," he comments, prompting me in a futile attempt to get me to talk.
I just shrug, still not looking directly at him. Because I can't tell him that I haven't slept without the stupid plush dog in months now. Can't tell him that because I don't want him to think I'm just some dumb little kid.
"C'mon," Elvis persists, a playful tone to his voice as he nudges his elbow into my side. "Don't go tellin' me you're too grown for that kinda stuff now, lil’ girl."
I set the dog off of my lap, as if wanting to remove it from view and out of the conversation.
"I'll be too grown by the time you're comin' home. Turnin' eighteen next year," I point out bitterly, reminding him that he's missing my birthday.
Elvis is quiet for a moment. "Eighteen don't mean all that much," he finally says. "You'll still be my lil’ girl."
His little girl. His dumb kid sister. It's all just the same, I think. That is all he will ever think of me.
I'd been counting down the days until I turned eighteen, waiting for that growth spurt, waiting for puberty to hit, waiting for the day that I could shake him awake and say, Look. Look at how much I've changed. I'm not your kid sister anymore. I don't want to be your kid sister anymore.
I'd always been his 'lil’ girl'. And for a long time that had been okay. I was fourteen when I permanently moved into Graceland. We were practically raised together. We were best friends and fought like brother and sister. But now that I was older, it was hard to see him like that anymore. He was still my best friend in the entire world, but I'd grown, and I understood a lot more than I did when I was fourteen. I noticed the sharpness of his face now, the childlike roundness gone. I noticed the new fullness of his body and how it balanced out his once lanky frame.
He'd become a man without me realizing it, and I desperately didn't want to be his little sister anymore. But now that he was leaving, none of it mattered. I'd grow up without him there to see it, and he'd move on, find some nice girl in Germany.
Elvis tilts his head, trying to smile at me, his soft pink lips pressed together. "I'll throw you a big party when I get back, yeah? Mama'll make you a cake, and we'll sing 'happy birthday' even if it's the middle of June."
I bite my lip and laugh, thinking about how ridiculous it would be because I know that he's being serious.
God, I'm gonna miss him.
"Two years isn't so long," my voice cracks, and I laugh through the sob as I finally turn towards him. "Right?"
Elvis smiles. "I'll be back before you know it."
The day Elvis came back was a cold day in Memphis, Tennessee. The warm weather of budding summer had yet to come, leaving us all bundled up in heavy coats as we waited amongst crowds and crowds of people at the train station. But then again, summers had never been quite the same since Elvis left two years ago.
Gladys held onto my elbow beside me, and I would point out in the direction of each new train that appeared. To my left was my boyfriend of six months. We had met due to some mutual friends and hit it off pretty quickly. He was no Elvis, and so I had been hesitant at first, but he was persistent in asking me out for weeks. I had finally relented, and he surprised me. He was good to me.
"Oh look!" Gladys exclaimed, patting my hand and drawing my attention back to the tracks. "That's him!"
A black train engine approached us, slowing down as it neared and stopped at the station in a whoosh of steam. After a bustle of excitement at the side of the loading dock, I caught a glimpse of his dark black hair. With the help of the conductor and a couple police officers, Elvis began to push his way through the crowd.
He greeted him mama first, hugged her tightly and unabashedly let her kiss his cheeks as he stooped to reach her. He'd grown a lot in two years. Next was his daddy, who's hand he shook firmly and then leaned in, clapping him on the back.
When he got to me, he hugged me like a big brother would do, slinging a heavy arm around my shoulders and drawing me into his side to place a smooched kiss to the top of my head. And then when he pulled away and caught sight of my boyfriend standing at my side, he hardened his blue eyes and squared his shoulders in that same big brotherly fashion, stiffly holding his hand out to shake. If he was angry with me—as he should have been—he didn't show it. I hadn't told him about my boyfriend, but I assumed Gladys had let him on about it.
Moving on after an awkwardly stiff handshake, Elvis greeted the Colonel as well as Sonny and Jerry, and then gathered his things. We went home and life went back normal, exactly as it was before Elvis had left. Everything went back to how it was. We laughed and joked and quarreled as we did before he left, and pretended to ignore the problem the presence of my boyfriend proposed.
For most, Elvis and I’d closeness would have likely torn apart any romantic relationships. We were too comfortable with each other to just be friends, and yet that’s what we where. That’s what we had to be. We took what we could get.
What I would have done had I not stumbled into the wall, likely waking up the entire house and causing Elvis to stick his head out of his bedroom door, I honestly don't know. I wouldn't have called him, I think to myself, because brothers aren't supposed to know that their little sister's in bed with a boy. But he's not my brother, and I don't have a choice because before the words leave my mouth, he's pulling me into his bedroom, shielding me from everything except for the view of his wide shoulders that are wedged between the doorframe.
My legs are shaking. My entire body is shaking. I'm lightheaded from crying and my chest burns from all the hyperventilating I was doing moments before. The insides of my legs tingle, and I realize it's because liquid is dripping down them. I don't want to know what color it is. Neither is good, I think.
Out in the hall, I can hear footsteps muffled against the carpeted floor. "[y/n] run off in there?"
Elvis steps further out of the door, still using his body to block me from view. "She got a reason to be runnin'?" His voice is dangerously monotone.
I hear the other voice scoff. He must be standing out in the hall, a safe distance from Elvis. "Look, I didn't do nothin' she didn't ask for."
Elvis looks back at me from over his shoulder, taking in my current state under his gaze. My face burns with shame and humiliation.
His eyeliner black eyes are steely, almost murderously calm. It's the look of someone who's about to kill a man. I know that he notices my lack of shorts and half unbuttoned night shirt because it's his. Stolen from Elvis long ago, it's just long enough to cover the curve of my ass and enough to hide the fact that I'm not even wearing panties. And maybe that is why he doesn't kill the boy on the other side of the door then and there.
"Get out of my goddamn house."
"I didn't—"
"Get out before I break your fucking face in," he snarls.
The noise is enough to stir Jerry, who pokes his head up the stairwell. Ever the peacekeeper, I hear his mellow voice float down the hall. "EP? Everything okay?"
Never breaking eye contact with the boy, Elvis' voice has returned to the chillingly quiet tone. "Get to stepping, pal," he growls. I can picture his face, white teeth bared into a menacing snarl like one of those dogs who's yard the postman stays away from.
There is a heavy pause in the conversation and then I hear loud footsteps descending the stairs. The front door slams shut.
The moment he retreats from the door, I'm clinging to him, grabbing at his soft satin shirt and hiccuping into his chest. His palm cradles the back of my head, hugging me into his body. His presence is comforting enough to stop my trembling, but when he pulls me away from his chest, another sob escapes my mouth.
"Please, you can't tell the Colonel, El." I reach for him again, just wanting to be held.
He holds my shoulder at arms length, worried blue eyes taking me in. "What happened, lil’ girl?"
Another sob rakes through my chest, tearing at my raw lungs and choking up my throat. My hand grabs at his shirt, desperate to hold on to him. "I thought I was ready. I really did." I'm swallowing spit as I talk, still trying to breathe and cry at the same time. "And then I couldn't— He wouldn't—"
Elvis' jaw hardens and he lets me push myself into his chest again, hushing my cries. "Okay, okay. It's okay, darlin'."
I hiccup into his shirt, pressing my cheek to his chest. The heavy thrum of his heart pounds against my ear. He's still breathing hard, holding me securely against him. "El, You can't—"
"I ain't gonna tell no one, lil’ girl, alright?" Elvis states firmly, as if to put my worries to an end once and for all.
"Hey." Elvis takes half a step backwards, doing his best to detach me from his body. I let out another halfhearted sob again, my eyes blurry and red from crying. "Hey—now, enough of that. Let's clean you up." His tone is firmer than I would have expected, but it works enough to sober me up.
I nod, emitting one last hiccup and dragging the backs of my hands over my eyes.
Walking into his bathroom, Elvis sits me down on the closed toilet seat and after running a wash rag under the warm sink water, crouches in front of me. Suddenly I'm in grade school again, waiting for him to clean my scraped knee because I never did know what was good for me.
"Gonna clean you up, 'kay, darlin'?" His tender blue eyes hold mine.
The wet clothe drips onto the ground and his finger tips ghost up my thigh, brushing aside the shirt bundled at my waist. I see his hands tremble, and he swallows as his eyes take in my bareness. He's realizing I'm not wearing panties. Elvis sniffs and squeezes my knee with one hand. Wordlessly, he brings the wash clothe softly between my thighs.
I twitch slightly at the sensation, wanting to mewl and push his hand away, but I remain still as he works. He won't look up at me as he tenderly drags the clothe between my legs, focused on ridding me of every memory of tonight.
It's a terribly strange experience, having someone who is so close to you care for you in such a compromising position. And yet there's a mutual understanding there that says, 'this is okay with me so long as it's okay with you'.
Finally, the feel of the clothe disappears, but Elvis remains crouched, his head between my knees. He's so close that I feel his breath on me.
I imagine his nose brushing my bare cunt.
The problem was that I was exactly the kind of pretty that he picked out in girls every weekend and sought out after shows, and we both knew it.
The problem was that I was his little girl who's boyfriends he ran off and runny nose he wiped.
He sighs and kisses the inside of each of my knees. "C'mon. Let's get you in the shower, lil’ girl." He sits back on his heels and stands up, tossing the red stained rag into the bin.
I watch from the toilet seat as he turns on the water for the shower that he doesn't even like. Elvis had a preference for baths and I knew because he alway requested a room with one wherever he stayed. The only reason he had a shower at Graceland was because it was easier to have sex in.
I knew this because I'd asked him one day as I laid sprawled across his mattress, flipping through a magazine. He was in the shower at the time, the door half ajar as he had left it, the steam of the shower spilling through the crack. His girlfriend had just left and he'd run upstairs, tossing his shirt on me as he went. He'd nearly had his jeans off before he even slipped through the bathroom door, and I'd caught a glimpse of his blue boxers.
A while after, as I listened to the spray of the water against the tiles, I'd asked him then and there, why he'd taken the room with the shower and given the other to Jerry.
"What?" he had asked distractedly, his voice raised so that I could hear him.
"How come you got a shower when you don't even like 'em?"
The spray of the shower head cut off and I could hear him moving around in the bathroom. Through the crack of the door, I could see his reflection in the mirror as he preened at his wet ebony hair.
"Just easier I recon. When you have a girl over, I mean."
Elvis was nearing the cusp of twenty himself and so the topic of sex was not new nor uncomfortable to him. Besides, I was just his kid sister.
I was sixteen at the time and had no real concept of what it meant to me when he brought girls over. I guess I knew that he never grew especially attached to any specific one, and they went out of his life just as quickly as they had come.
"Oh," was all that I had said afterwards, watching him as he walked out of the bathroom, his face flushed red, towel bunched in his hand. Instead of using it to dry off his hair, he tossed it into the laundry bin and grabbed a fresh one.
"Water's probably hot enough—," Elvis says, drawing me from my thoughts.
I tug at the rumpled collar of my—his—night shirt. "Will you..." I swallow away the knot in my throat. "Will you get in with me? I don't wanna..."
No. He's supposed to say no because someone's got to draw the line somewhere. We aren't kids anymore, no matter how desperately we both cling to the idea.
He pauses. "Yeah, sure, sweet thing."
I pull off the silky night shirt without a second thought. It was just Elvis and he'd probably seen me nearly naked a thousand times before. I can see him in the reflection of the mirror behind me, sliding off his own clothes and trying to avoid looking over in my direction. His is cock hard against his stomach.
"Go on," he says, ushering me into the shower, as though intent on pretending his body wasn't responding acutely to the situation. Elvis follows me in, his large frame taking up the bulk of the space.
Tangles of my wet hair falls in cascades down my shoulder. I let the stream pelt into my face, opening my mouth only to breathe and spitting out the water that enters. Rust tinged water swirls down the drain after running down my legs. A hiccup shakes my shoulders and more water flows into my mouth. I hadn't realized I was still crying.
Elvis' arms pull me into his chest, resting just under my breasts, and one hand slides up my throat, tipping my chin up so that I can breathe. "Hey." His bare skin feels foreign against my back. Forbidden in a sense. "Enough of that. Breathe, lil’ girl."
My head falls back limply against his shoulder, and I allow my eyes to close. The steady weight of Elvis' chin comes to rest in the joint of my neck and shoulder as he holds me close. One of his thumbs strokes the swell of my breast, just barley ghosting the bud of my nipple. Even in the hot shower, the action makes me shiver.
"I should have run him off after dinner. Shouldn't have boys around the house this late," he whispers softly.
"I'm grown now, Elvis," I remind him weakly. "I can do what I what."
"And you wanted him?"
I can feel the girth of his arousal against my back. He emits a small huff each time I move. Elvis runs a hand down my body, not stopping until his large fingers are splayed across the expanse of my stomach. His other hand still tweaks at my nipple, cupping the fullness of my breast in his palm.
It feels good enough to make my body feel like putty in his hands. I'd let those hands do anything to me.
"You know, you were the first boy to break my heart?" I say instead.
Elvis sighs heavily against my body, his fingers dig into the soft flesh of my belly. "You were too little, and I was grown," he says in his own way of answering me.
"And now?"
His hand slips from my stomach to slide around the curve of my ass, and he tips his head up to press his nose into my wet hair. "God, I hate the thought that his hands were on you. That he touched you."
I feel his puffy pink lips hover above the tender skin of my neck, his breath hot against my skin. His nose skims the shell of my ear, and he kisses the joint between my neck and shoulder. Elvis's hand travels back around my body, sinking lower lower, until his forefingers just barely ghost my bareness. I whimper as my sensitive cunt clenches around emptiness.
Elvis' mouth is hot against my ear. "Do you trust me?"
There are still faint smudges of dark mascara under my eyes, and I've only just stopped all the ragged, unsteady breathing. I’m still aching and tender. I think about how I didn't think twice about running into his arms, even if I was too ashamed to call for him myself. I'd trust him with my life.
I nod.
"Words. I need words."
I swallow, pressing my nose to the column of his throat. "I've always trusted you."
There's no tension between us as he rubs his fingers against my cunt, tenderly exploring the heat of me. There's no hurry as his fingers prod at my opening, feeling the tightness and resistance of my body. I reflexively push my hips into his hand when his thumb passes over my clit, sending jolts up my spine. The hand holding my body against him tightens, pulling me back into his chest, and he draws his hand away. His fingers spread and my arousal, tinged with red, clings between them. The spray of water slowly washes the color away.
I can feel his silent anger in every breath, how it stalls and then releases. It's evident in the way his body moves around me. "He didn't do nothin' wrong," I whisper timidly. "Just—it was too late by the time I realized I didn't want it to be him."
Elvis stills behind me, and his hand comes up to crane my chin around to look at him. His hooded blue eyes are questioning. "He didn't—"
I sniff embarrassedly, a broken huff of a laugh coming out of my mouth. "Pop my cherry? Not necessarily."
As if soaking in my words, Elvis observes my face, thumbing my bottom lip thoughtfully. Then he dips his head down, capturing my lips with his. His mouth is hot and he licks into my mouth. For a moment, I'm painfully conscious of my youth and the years of experience that he has on me. It's obvious that he's done this before, kissed a lot of girls before me. However, I could get drunk on his taste alone, and I go with it, building confidence as he groans into my mouth.
"Want you to do it, El." His large hands feel up and down my body, and he groans again.
"Yeah?" he asks breathily.
I nearly stumble as he moves us together as one unit, and my back hits the cold wall of the shower. His body is on mine immediately, and I chase his lips, desperate to taste him again. Our mouths connect, consuming each other, savoring the taste.
A gasp escapes my mouth at the sensation of his fingers prodding at my entrance, but he swallows it, pushing in one finger and then adding another. It's uncomfortable at first, and I squirm at the stretch, but then he's curling his fingers and petting at my velvet walls and my vision swims. My eyes must literally roll into the back of my head because he laughs at me.
"That feel good, lil’ girl?" Elvis hums.
It does but it's not what I want.
My attention goes back to his cock, which still sprung alertly against his abdomen, except now it's a flushed red. The head engorged and swollen, begs to be touched, and when I do, it's Elvis' turn for his eyes to roll into the back of his head. I don't know what I'm doing, and he must realize that because he slides his fingers out of me and cradles my jaw, his other hand wrapping around my fist. With his large hand over mine, Elvis drags my hand rhythmically over his cock. I take a guess and drag my thumb over the tip. His hips buck into my fist.
"So good, sweet girl," he rasps in that throaty southern drawl. After stroking himself a while longer, Elvis pulls my hand away from his cock and instead interlocks our fingers above my head.
His eyes find mine, panting heavily in the sliver of space between us.  "I'll be gentle," he promises, and then he's pushing in, the head of his cock pressing deep inside me.
With the slick of my arousal, the stretch is bearable, and quickly turns in to pleasure when he rocks his hips slowly into me. I can feel him hot and full within me. His second thrust is more fluid than the last one, pulling out and then sliding back in one motion. Above my head, my hand squeezes his and he reciprocates the gesture. I keen into his shoulder, biting down each time he drags deliciously in and out of me.
"Doin' so good for me," Elvis praises, kissing my cheeks and neck and lips over and over again. His next thrust has my stomach coiling, bubbling with hot pleasure. When he leans in to kiss me once more, he capture my bottom lip between his teeth and then releases it, leaning in again to kiss the swollen flesh.
"El—" I can hardly utter a coherent sentence. "I'm—" I can feel myself slipping, my mind fogging up.
"It's okay, I've got you. Let go, lil' girl. You can let go."
It feels like a rubber band pops in my stomach, and I moan, clenching around him as I come. Soon Elvis is releasing inside of me as well, claiming my walls with his seed. When he pulls out, I whine at the feeling of emptiness.
Elvis is still pressed into me, as if our bodies have become one entity. His release runs down my legs and pools on the tiles of the shower. Exhausted, I collapse into him. We’re both spent, chests heaving, legs shaking.
He laughs, pecking my swollen lips. "Looks like you need another shower."
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mrsservopolus · 4 months
"Baby girl"
Tess Servopolus x Female Reader
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A cute Tess fic for Valentine's Day @annasbelovedd told me I should write today so here we are <3
Word count 1,122
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“Clear your calendar and pack your bags. We're going somewhere tropical so bring some cute outfits.”
That was the message you received a week ago from Tess, now you're sitting in the hotel room with her.
Over the past little while you and Tess have become “friends” in Joel's eyes at least. Tess was going on a trip for business, well a weekend trip for business. She booked the hotel for the week and told her boss she was taking a vacation with her family, which clearly wasn't the case. It was just you and her.
It was Valentine's Day, you weren't expecting much just a day in bed with Tess ordering room service but no. It started getting late in the day Tess took a few phone calls you eavesdropped obviously the calls sounded like she was confirming things with someone. Tess stepped out of the office and you quickly made it look like you were looking for something. She gave you a look as if she knew you were trying to eavesdrop but you ignored it.
“Oh by the way you should get ready, we're going out.” “What? Where are we going?” “It's a surprise. Dress well, don't go all out, keep it casual.” “Okay.” You rummaged through your suitcase which you filled with clothes for almost every occasion. You found a white dress with pink flowers on it. You paired it with a pair of white sandals. You style your hair in a half up half down hair topped off with a white ribbon. Tess left before you started getting ready.
She came back in a wine red dress that had a slit up the thigh, God Tess looked fucking gorgeous in everything. She handed you a gift bag. Inside was a box. When you opened it there was a necklace inside and it read “baby girl” and it was written in cursive. It was simple but cute.
She took the necklace out of the box and put it on for you. When you turned to face Tess and you kissed her. “I love you Tess, thank you.” “I love you too baby.” Tess smiled at you. “Okay we need to go now. I got something planned.” She grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the hotel room.
You and Tess ended up at a beach view restaurant. Tess walked up to the counter to check in. “Hi I have a reservation for tonight, it should be under Servopolus.” The woman at the counter nodded before typing on her computer. “Oh yes here it is. Your table is number thirteen. A waiter will be there to take your order as soon as possible.” “Thank you so much.” Tess gave the waiter a smile before walking outside towards the tables.
The table was very distanced from the others and it had a great view of the ocean. “I booked this place a while ago. I wanted to treat you. It's a very popular place so I booked it at the start of our trip " "You didn't have to do all this.” “You're right I didn't have to, but I wanted to.” “Thank you Tess, I don't know what I did to deserve you.” Tess leaned over the table and gave you a kiss. The waiter came over and Tess ordered the food and a bottle of red wine. She also asked for the check so you guys wouldn't have to wait and could leave at any time.
While you and Tess were eating the sun started to set. She timed it perfectly. Tess wanted everything to be perfect and it was.
“Let's go for a walk.” You and Tess got up Tess swung her purse over his shoulder and grabbed the bottle. You and Tess walked up the beach taking sips out of the bottle.
The night sky was full of stars, and it was a warm night. You were sitting on a rock and the next thing you saw was Tess stripping her dress off and diving into the water. “Tess, what are you doing?!” She flipped her hair as she came up. “Get in here before I drag you in.” You took another mouth full of the wine before stripping down and getting in the water with her. You and Tess splashed around in the water. You haven't laughed this hard in a long while.
Tess made you a better person but it hurt because you and her would never be anything official, as much as you wanted to and she seemed she wanted to be with you too but, the kids and Joel were in the way. Tess loved her family but she also loved you.
Every weekend that you guys spent together was better than the last ever since that first night that you and Tess went to the bar while Joel and the kids were away. Your life has changed for the better. You also loved your job, you loved the kids so you were scared because what if Joel ever found out about this. Would you be fired and never be able to talk to Tess ever again? There were so many thoughts but Tess never really cared enough. So you tried your best to live for the moment.
This is a prime example of living for the moment Tess took you away for a week with her, she took you out for Valentine's Day, got you a necklace and also had the best sex in your whole life. Tess was the woman of your dreams but you were only a moment in time for her. A thrill. A getaway. But that didn't matter right now.
“Let's get back to the hotel. I'm starting to get tired.” Tess said as she walked out of the water towards her stuff. You and Tess walked so far that the hotel was now in walking distance from the beach. You or Tess were not sober enough to drive so that was a good thing. You guys grabbed your stuff and started the walk back to the hotel.
When you walked into the room there was a trail of rose petals leading to the bed. “I completely forgot about that.” Tess laughed. “I planned this for you as well. It was supposed to be a surprise when we got back from dinner.”
Tess went into her suitcase and grabbed a change of clothes before walking towards the bathroom. You followed her. You both showered to get all of the salt water off of your bodies before curling up in bed together. “Wanna watch something? It's late but we're both awake.” “Sure why not.” You both settled on a comedy movie. Best way to end this magical night.
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Banner credit from @cafekitsune
Notes are highly appreciated but not necessarily ❤️
Happy valentines day everyone!
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
Thoughts on alys/aemond and alys in general
It's very hard to get a proper reading on Alys' character because she is tied with the supernatural and the maesters writing the histories do not understand and tend to dismiss magic. She is supposed to be twice (or thrice??) Aemond's age, but looks unusually young. Is she just a MILF with a good skin care routine? Is she a fire priestess like Melisandre? Can she even get pregnant anymore? Does she conceive the child via magic?
Their dynamic is also open to discussion. Aemond puts House Strong to the sword, but spares Alys. What does she feel about this? Some of those children must have been in her care; she must have breastfed them herself. Is it true that she gave them up willingly? Did she betray them because she was afraid? Did she give them up because she hated them and felt mistreated by them? Did Aemond abuse his power differential in regards to her? Is Alys the one actually manipulating Aemond here?
In any case, Aemond's relationship with Alys is a norm-transgression. This is where I disagree with the majority of green takes on Aemond. By entering in a relationship with Alys, he disrespects his betrothal with the Baratheon girl. Green Knights like to argue that dutiful Aemond would lawfully marry Alys, so that their child wouldn't be born a bastard, but the text isn't clear on whether this actually happened. I would counterpoint that Aemond marrying Alys makes things even worse. The reality is that he can get away with having bastards because he is a man. If he marries her, he completely breaks off the Baratheon pact, bamboozles his brother's alliance with an important military player and effectively endangers the lives of his family by making them vulnerable to a Baratheon coup.
We joke about Robb being irresponsible with Jeyne Westerling, breaking his betrothal and ultimately contributing to his own downfall. We should extend the same type of criticism to Aemond. Bear in mind that, as compensation, Robb offered Walder Frey another very profitable marriage pact. Edmure was not just Some Guy, he was the Lord of Riverrun and Walder Frey's liege lord. And, yet, Walder Frey still orchestrated the Red Wedding in revenge. He wasn't content with Edmure, he wanted the King as his brother-in-law, as promised.
Similarly, the Baratheons were promised Aemond, the second son, with the biggest dragon. Would they settle for Daeron, the third son? Maybe, maybe not. But what about the shame of one of the Four Storms being set aside for a bastard wet nurse? Rhaenyra also has sons they can request for betrothals. This is why Alicent moves quickly after Aemond's and Helaena's deaths to betroth Aegon to Cassandra Baratheon. They are important military allies they need to keep no matter what.
From a story writing standpoint, by introducing Aemond's and Alys' relationship, the author places Aemond on a slippery slope towards the point-of-no-return. Aemond cannot come back from the God's Eye now, because there is no place for him in the narrative anymore. He cannot reunite with his family, because he would have to set Alys aside and marry the Baratheon girl. That is impossible, because his obsession with her becomes all-consuming. He is effectively snatched away from his own story by the paranormal. Alys is a witch with a terrifying aura about her; as an extension of the supernatural, she cannot be contained within the Red Keep as Aemond's mistress.
Their relationship signals the beginning of the end for Aemond. It traps him in a limbo from which he cannot exit, but also cannot go on indefinitely. His arc can only end with Daemon and Caraxes.
My reading of Aemond is that he is a person struggling with his sense of duty, after keeping to his principles and to societal rules for so long. He receives no compensation. He loses an eye and is denied justice. He becomes more suited than Aegon for kingship, but it is all in vain, because unworthy Aegon will always be ahead of him in the line of succession. Aemond has followed the rulebook to a tee, only to end up feeling slighted and disregarded.
The one time he unleashes his buried feelings of injustice and rage, he loses control of Vhagar, kills Luke and inadvertently starts the war. He will blame himself for Blood & Cheese, for causing his family unimaginable pain, for crushing his sister's soul. He will spiral and lose impulse control and drown before he can save himself.
Aemond is a very tragic character and the story advertises his doom very noticeably with the inclusion of Alys. But, ultimately, an analysis of Aemond shouldn't ignore the fact that, textually, he is an oathbreaker and a hypocrite. He interacts with the issue of bastardy both by sleeping with a bastard of House Strong (!) himself and by fathering a bastard child on her. He endangers his family by breaking his vows to the Baratheons. Dutiful Aemond fights for his brother's claim till the very end, but he threatens the success of his brother's campaign precisely by not carrying out his duty.
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my-current-obsession · 5 months
My Next Life as a Villainess VN - Thoughts
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Considering the source material, I was surprised at how good this game was! It's unsurprisingly light-hearted and comedic, but most of the CGs are still great and the romances mostly worked. I appreciated how despite Catarina's black-hole level of denseness causing issues in basically every route, everyone tackled it differently and every relationship felt unique.
My biggest complaint is just that we were robbed of routes with the girls outside a "normal/friendship" ending, since the girls canonically ALSO love Catarina. Getting three extra routes for Mary, Sophia, and Maria would have been SO GOOD. But Alas.
While this game and story is definitely meant for fans of the light novels and/or anime, I think there's plenty of information for people new to the series to still enjoy it. I also appreciate how much content is added to the common route as you complete the routes of love interests. Expect SPOILERS below the cut, as I go into detail on my thoughts for each route.
My play order was:
Alan -> Keith -> Geordo -> Rozy -> Nicol -> Silva
Common Route: I won't linger too long on this, since the common route in this case was pretty short. It did its job, setting up the plot and introducing us to all the important characters, both new and old. But in terms of notable interactions with the love interests or MAJOR plot points, there isn't much of notice yet. All the choices that give affection for the guys pre-route split lead to very brief tangents/conversations, nothing substantial.
We do meet and immediately befriend Rozy in the common route, which is nice. Silva by comparison barely features here, but he's ALL OVER basically every route, so his absence here is honestly fine.
I do like that we learn about the sachets and their connection to Ryle Werder, since that plays an important role in several routes. The Witch's Eye, by comparison, perhaps receives TOO MUCH attention in the common route. It's only relevant in NICOL'S route and yet we learn about it when meeting ROZY, which seems odd.
Alan: Not counting the girls, when I watched the anime, Alan was my favorite love interest. Hence, I decided to start with him. And I wasn't disappointed! I like that it's pretty clear under "normal" circumstances that despite his love for Catarina, Alan would never rock the boat and confess to her. He acknowledges and respects that she's engaged to Geordo, and he's engaged to Mary.
Thus, for this love to bloom, the pair kind of NEEDS to be separated from the group and spend some quality time together, which is just what we get. Interacting one-on-one, these two have a very casual and easy relationship that appeals to me. They get along well and Alan is mostly charmed by Catarina's eccentricities. His one real problem with her is that she is reckless to the point of endangering her own life, and that's a fair criticism I think.
Since Alan wasn't planning on confessing, his struggle to "get through" to Catarina is mostly about making her understand that being reckless hurts and upsets the people that care about her, which he finally inadvertently succeeds at by... getting hurt himself while protecting her, causing HER to be upset.
It's a very sweet and subtly romantic moment, which I liked a lot. I like how this route, particularly the "memory scenario" bits, seemed to imply that deep down, subconsciously, Catarina ALWAYS has liked and favored Alan. He's the one she likes to just... hang out and spend time with, and thus when they spend a certain amount of time alone and have some (mostly accidental) romantic moments, she's quick to Catch Feelings, even if she takes a bit to acknowledge them.
The cherry on top to this route was his confession and how it was handled. When Alan accidentally confesses his feelings while saving Catarina from Frederic, due to her hangups about the whole "I'm a villainess in an otome game and all the guys should love Maria" thing she initially wants to doubt or misinterpret it - but Silva (who had earlier called out and WEAPONIZED Alan's feelings for his own gain) is quick to correct her, forcing her to acknowledge it. But the pair don't get to talk it out right away, leaving them to be noticeably awkward around each other until they do.
Only then, when it's unavoidable and necessary, does Alan fully confess. Because he knows Catarina NEEDS to hear this in order to fix their current relationship. But he immediately follows it up by telling her to forget it all - because he's genuinely content with just being friends with her and doesn't want to ruin things between her and Geordo.
I appreciate how much Alan is selfless and trying to do the right thing - and I appreciate it even more, comparing it to other routes to come. And Catarina refuses to forget because simply finding out how he feels is enough to make her recognize her own feelings, but she similarly resolves to talk things out with Geordo and Mary before confessing. The respect paid to their "official" partners and trying to properly end things before starting anything together is mature and wonderful, to the point where in Alan's happy end Geordo (reluctantly, but still entirely of his own volition, without outside pressure) gives them his blessing. It's sweet and satisfying.
Also, sidenote - I genuinely liked Liliana a lot as a side character and was disappointed she wasn't in any other route. On the other hand, that means she got to witness and support JUST Alan's romance and none of the others, so...
Keith: I won't lie, this is my least favorite route from a plot AND relationship standpoint. While basically ALL the other love interests find Catarina charming and endearing, it bothers me how Keith is always criticizing her. He loves her, but he's constantly trying to get her to act like a "proper noblewoman" instead of embracing her as she is. And from the perspective of a SIBLING, that's fine. But I HATE it when you're actively trying to mold your love interest's behavior and personality.
Across all the routes Catarina must have dreaded Keith lecturing her (explicitly acting like her mother, at that) more times than I could count. That's just NOT romantic. At all. And isn't a dynamic that can/should be TURNED romantic, IMO.
Another big turnoff for me is that Keith is one of two love interests who has... let's say a sense of entitlement to Catarina. He's actively hidden his feelings for years, AND YET he hates the idea of her with anyone else and actively tries to keep her away from her more aggressive suitors like Geordo. Unlike Alan and Nicol, who acknowledge their feelings but WILL NOT act on them in usual circumstances, Keith monopolizes Catarina's attention when he can and actively WANTS to be with her romantically... all while excusing the time and attention he gets by saying it's his right as her BROTHER.
The underhanded nature of how he gets her attention and his ulterior motives bothers me. At least Geordo is UPFRONT with his possessiveness and intentions, even if Catarina is too dense to notice.
On Catarina's end... I just struggle to buy her suddenly falling in love with him. This route makes it clear Keith is "special" in that she's quick to notice if he's not feeling well physically or emotionally; Catarina likes to TAKE CARE OF and DOTE ON Keith. That's pretty in-line with her seeing him as her brother, and honestly that same care and attention comes across in other routes where she clearly loves him PLATONICALLY, so it's hard for me to accept that not only does she quickly fall in love with him here but she confesses FIRST before Keith makes his own feelings clear.
As for the rest of this route's plot, I barely remember it. I wasn't invested in the conflict here - and that's not the case in most routes. Alan's route interested me with the relationship drama of Ryle & Liliana, Silva and Rozy had big political issues, and Nicol's was supernatural. Only Geordo's route was similarly dull in terms of non-romance content. The main thing I took away from the conflict here is I was unhappy how Keith's conflict of feeling weak and unable to protect Catarina was handled.
Rather than learning he didn't HAVE to protect her, that he was important/valuable to her without that, or something along those lines (leading to a more mutual and open dynamic, theoretically), it's resolved by... him finally being able to protect her. He had a BAD personal arc on top of a BAD romance on top of a BORING overall route/conflict.
Geordo: Like Keith, Geordo is pretty possessive and "entitled" to Catarina. Unlike Keith, I can at least somewhat understand why. He's literally engaged to her and has been for years. Beyond just his own hopes/feelings, there is an expectation that he WILL marry her eventually. I also appreciate that while he's initially not that forward, he's still open and obvious about his romantic affections. It's just that Catarina is PARTICULARLY dense with him.
She struggles to believe anyone could fall for her when Maria is Right There, but Geordo in particular she struggled to win over "in game", and despite years to get used to the idea she still doesn't seem to realize how much people and relationships have changed due to her actions. Thus she can't envision him EVER loving her romantically and finds a way to misinterpret his every action.
Whereas Keith just kind of... snapped and wasn't able to hold back his feelings in his route after spending too much time alone with Catarina, Geordo by comparison is very DELIBERATE in making more aggressive moves. And again, I think it's narratively justified albeit kinda messed up. While he is used to the usual rivals and felt relatively secure that they wouldn't/couldn't steal Catarina out from under him... suddenly Silva enters the equation and NOW he feels threatened.
As a pirate, Silva wouldn't care about Geordo's title or his claim to Catarina. If he chooses to steal her away or if Catarina just comes to like him, there's NOTHING Geordo can really do. Thus, he couldn't afford to be patient anymore and he got desperate.
He thought he had time to win her over, but now he had to progress things FAST or risk losing her. His actions make sense, and by making his feelings clear earlier on in the route, Catarina has more time to think about it and figure out her own feelings.
I think it's notable that none of the other love interests, despite their own feelings for Catarina and their frustration for how Geordo handles things (since he says some nasty things and unintentionally hurts her while revealing his feelings), actually try to PREVENT Geordo from "winning" Catarina. The girls even come around to SUPPORTING him despite loving Catarina as well.
Geordo's "entitlement" to her is reasonable. He's not guaranteed her love, but he is the most justified in expecting it and acting possessive by virtue of their engagement. While Mary may plot to run away with her, while Keith might secretly want her for himself, while Sophia tries to push Nicol to pursue her... EVERYONE acknowledges on some level that unless Catarina actively falls for someone else (which looks increasingly unlikely as time goes by), Geordo IS her endgame by default. And they respect that. They are all prepared for this marriage to eventually happen; Geordo by comparison on other routes is typically NOT prepared for Catarina to suddenly fall for someone and want to break things off.
His crime is of being complacent and then poorly handling it when he realizes just that. I personally can forgive that a lot easier than Keith's... everything, and a lot of what happens in Rozy's route, too.
On Catarina's end, the extra time she got to think about Geordo's feelings and re-contextualize a lot of their earlier interactions while also being more aware of the romantic implications of later ones served her well. While I personally imagine Alan and Nicol as the two guys she's lowkey into "by default" judging from their routes, it was easy enough to see Geordo's efforts to win her over actually paying off near the end, and her accidentally acknowledging her realization of "maybe I love Geordo" out loud, TO HIS FACE, was great. The non-romance plot of this route was fairly dull, but I found the romance very engaging so it evens out!
Rozy: I was impatient and just had to give one of the new love interests a go before doing Nicol. I have very mixed feelings about this route. On the one hand, as a new character, I found Rozy very attractive in terms of his appearance and personality. And many of his interactions with Catarina were sweet and endearing. On the other hand I have two MAJOR issues that hampered my enjoyment of specifically his relationship with Catarina, A LOT.
Problem one is that, plain and simple, Rozy was TOO devoted and obsessed with her based off ONE, BRIEF interaction 8 years ago. I understand that she inspired him and changed his life without meaning to, but he just... takes it too far. I can rationalize him looking into her immediately afterwards to learn her name. I can get behind him thinking back to that moment and hoping to meet her again one day, to thank her.
But he went as far as HIRING people to check up on her and tell him all about her, years later. That's just STALKING. Through a proxy, yes, but stalking nonetheless. Which is not okay. Ever. It doesn't help that outside of this one "flaw" - being TOO devoted, to the point of clear obsession, which is noted in story to be a flaw his entire family has - he's basically perfect in a way NONE of the other love interests are. I'm genuinely not sure if I would have preferred a literally flawless Gary Stu love interest or... this, which was gross.
Problem two was Albert's interference and the DISRESPECT to Geordo this route had. In general I'm wary of other characters in a story "shipping" anyone together - passively rooting for something like Liliana did is typically fine, but very active matchmaking is grating - but WOW was Albert a busybody about getting Rozy and Catarina together. When he was talking politics I was engaged and enjoying him, but whenever he turned his attention to playing matchmaker, I just felt frustrated.
He's MEANT to be eccentric, but this is really how a king is spending his valuable time? In particular the way he outmaneuvered Geordo so that Catarina and Rozy could fake-date For Reasons, and even PULLED RANK on him, threatening to end his and Catarina's engagement BEFORE Rozy had even confessed, was infuriating.
What gets me is that his interference was ENTIRELY unnecessary. There were plenty of moments between Rozy and Catarina to justify their mutual feelings without him poking his nose in it, and despite being clearly unhappy about it Geordo HAS proven to be reasonable about letting Catarina go when she actually falls for someone else. It's not like Albert's actions prompted Rozy to confess; he was going to do so ANYWAY. All Albert did was piss off and disrespect Geordo. In theory his actions SHOULD cause political issues between Quid and Sorcier, which he wants to prevent, and yet...
This was the one route where I liked the plot outside the romance significantly more than the romance itself. The political drama and intrigue was engaging, and I loved seeing Rozy and Silva interact. They have a genuinely sweet dynamic. It was also cute seeing Rozy's dad gush over him - a more normal, healthy (yet embarrassing) way to express the family's overly-affectionate trait.
The conflict with the premier Cet Norden was... a bit sloppily handled though. It bothers me that like 90% of his backstory and motivation was in an optional "memory scenario". Was an optional exposition dump really the best they could do? No way to incorporate any of that into the story naturally? By comparison the conflicts are much better integrated in Alan, Nicol, and Silva's routes.
I have a third minor issue with this route (and to a lesser extent, Nicol and Silva's) - it's frustrating that even AFTER finding out Rozy is associated with the pirates, he continues to hide shit and only comes clean when he can't avoid it any longer. Silva's route fully explains WHY - they're trying to secretly handle this so they don't have to work with and be indebted to Sorcier. But the politics of that choice are, in itself, kind of disgusting. Thinking rationally, Rozy chose to endanger who knows how many Sorcier nobles by keeping things secret, and even if their lives are kept safe by the "pirates", they're still under extreme emotional stress due to the situation. They even go so far as to plan for ships from Quid to "rescue" the Sorcier nobles, making them feel indebted rather than the other way around! The entire plot/conflict of this game could have been avoided if saving lives mattered more than politics.
Nicol: This route took an interesting turn into the supernatural. There is an entirely unique conflict (on top of the existing ones, which... still exist and take up nearly half the route), and I quite enjoyed it. I do think it needed more time to shine, though. The witch is only properly introduced more than halfway through the route, and that conflict is resolved surprisingly fast and easily.
As for romance, this route actually worked way better than I expected going into it. I'm not typically into aloof love interests that don't emote much, but I think it helped that we got to spend a lot of time from Nicol's perspective so I could see what he was thinking and feeling, even if it wasn't clear from his expressions and voice.
I mentioned that I think Catarina is lowkey into Alan and Nicol "by default" earlier. Alan I explained in his section - she subconsciously seeks him out and pays him special attention, to the frustration of her other love interests.
Nicol by comparison she is more OVERTLY into, but it's initially shallow. Nicol has a "mysterious allure" that exists both in-game and out, and since canonically she hasn't played his route, AND she's the most distant from him out of all her love interests (he's more "my friend's brother" than "MY friend", initially), she's intrigued by and drawn to him in a way she isn't to her other friends. She is Not Immune to his good looks, and he's able to fluster her in a way no one else can, without even meaning to.
Thus, when they actually spend time together and get to know each other, it's actually very EASY for Nicol to win her affections. Lucky for everyone else that he's a good friend and is DETERMINED to keep his feelings to himself. Much like Alan, he has no intention of confessing and attempting to steal (ostensibly) Geordo's Girl, and I respect him for that.
I was honestly really into the tension between Geordo and Nicol this route, where out of respect and friendship Nicol was trying so hard to keep his distance from Catarina but he kept accidentally letting his feelings affect his actions in ways that stepped on Geordo's toes anyway. That said I think there was a missed opportunity regarding how that conflict ended. I think there was a lot of potential for either drama or wholesome friendship if he and Geordo had actually gotten to TALK about it, but they never did.
Nicol spent the entire route not wanting to confess and get between Catarina and Geordo, but then due to the witch's interference he ultimately confessed to Catarina anyway WITHOUT talking it out with Geordo first. Either Nicol needed to find the courage to confront Geordo and at least give him a heads-up that he was going to do this, or even better, Geordo could be a good friend and tell him to shoot his shot (but obviously Geordo himself wouldn't fully give up until it's clear Catarina has fully chosen someone else); either way making it a "may the best man win" situation would have been ideal. Instead Geordo tells Nicol they need to talk AFTER Nicol has confessed and stolen his girl after spending the whole route determined not to do literally just that, and we don't even see the confrontation.
This route is leagues better than Rozy's in "dealing with" Geordo, but not as good as Alan or Silva's. While I wanted Nicol to talk things out with him first, I at least am more accepting of the witch's interference than Albert's. Albert was playing matchmaker and screwing over Geordo in the process, while the witch was personally trying to upset Geordo due to his similarity to her lover that she wanted revenge on, and Nicol and Catarina getting together was more a byproduct of that.
She forced Nicol to spend time with and confess his love to her (in Catarina's body), which made him reconsider his feelings and his passivity, and when he ultimately confessed it was because he couldn't bear for his only confession have been to the witch. It was explicitly for the sake of closure rather than expecting reciprocation, which was a happy surprise.
Ultimately I think this route was very solid all around though it could have been improved in some ways. It also brings another point AGAINST Rozy, because I can't help but feel he WAS trying to pull a last minute Mr. Steal Your Girl despite claiming his confession was just for closure. If you only wanted closure... why did you not also confess in Silva's route, where you spent MORE time with Catarina and thus should have loved her there too? It comes across in hindsight like he cares too much about Silva to come between them but he's willing to try his luck with Catarina's other love interests.
Silva: It's rare for me to love the true/favored love interest in otome, but this is definitely an exception. His route was so good! I already liked Silva a fair amount from what I'd seen in other routes - not only is his design very appealing, but his Honorable Rogue shtick was right up my alley. So I went in with fairly high hopes and honestly still got way better than I expected.
I appreciated that while he and Catarina definitely get along right from the start, he WASN'T immediately into her. It was refreshing after literally all of her other love interests being in love with her from the start of the story (including new character Rozy, who either fell in love as a child or immediately fell for her upon reuniting). Silva's "romantic" scenes in the early parts of his route definitely felt like he was flirting more just because he's USED to getting women's attention and he was testing her reactions, rather than him genuinely trying to woo her. Instead, it's her complete trust and faith in him (despite him being a "pirate" and having a somewhat shady past that he initially tries to hide) that really warms him to her.
Either intentionally or accidentally, this pair kept stealing moments alone together, and almost every one served to bring them just a bit closer together. You could really feel their relationship shifting from strangers to acquaintances to friends to ultimately lovers. They were BOTH gradually getting to know and falling for the other, rather than it being largely one party trying to win over the other.
And while Geordo has a relatively small role in this route and isn't really addressed until the ending... I think that works. As I mentioned in Geordo's route, he was complacent and assumed his "victory" was secure. He might have been initially paranoid, but he took reassurance from Silva initially saying Catarina was like a little sister and didn't consider that those feelings might change. But then unbeknownst to him, Catarina ended up spending A LOT of time with Silva (and as I said, those moments often happened to be ALONE, so no one else truly knew just HOW close they were getting), and falling for him. Basically, Geordo was caught sleeping on the job in this route and by the time he considered Silva a threat, it was too late.
One aspect of this route I really loved was Silva's interactions and dynamic with Rozy and the Lindgren family. It's so clear how much Rozy and his father truly love Silva, and Silva loves them too but is reluctant to officially join their family because doing so would cause a minor scandal. He'd rather keep a wall between them than burden them in any way because he feels indebted and unworthy, while they WANT him in the family and would happily accept any trouble he brings.
Heck, Rozy loves Silva enough that he didn't hesitate to back off when he noticed Silva getting close to Catarina, despite presumably being in love with her himself! The subtle way he gave the pair his blessing through giving Silva the notebook that had her picture - something he had in the past told Silva he "couldn't give" him, despite Silva's curiosity - was honestly sublime. One of my favorite moments in the entire game.
I also adored Silva opening up about his family and culture to Catarina, and then how he used that unique culture to woo her. Even before the reveal, the ear kisses were SO GOOD and clearly affecting her. In the end, when he revealed it was actually a sign that he was courting her? Buddy, that's too smooth!
Speaking of his confession, I loved that initially it seemed he was going to just confess his feelings and then back off, leaving the ball in her court. He wanted her to know how he felt before she left, since it would be who knows how long before they saw each other again, if ever, but he didn't intend to pressure her. It was only AFTER she instinctively stopped and clung to him - after she'd given him some small indication that she reciprocated - that he made a move. And what a move it was! The way he warned her to stop him or leave if she didn't want this before kissing her, MULTIPLE TIMES, was just... very attractive. He was probably already my favorite before this, but even if he hadn't been, this scene would have pushed him to the top anyway.
And the epilogue is also very lovely, with him having finally been officially adopted by the Lindgren family. He found a reason worth troubling them - so he could have the status and education to "properly" be with her without society putting up a fuss. It's so cute to see her so thrilled to see him again and being so happy and excited at the prospect of marrying him.
Finally, the conflict and drama in this route was once again pretty good. I don't have much to say (mainly because while I DID enjoy the conflict, the romance was just astoundingly solid and stole most of my focus), but everything regarding human experimentation and how Silva was directly linked to it and the antagonist was good. I wish the villain wasn't a brand new character not even SEEN in other routes though (he might have been MENTIONED in one or two other routes, but that's it).
One thing I think this story does REALLY well is the Butterfly Effect of Catarina changing the game's canon (something she hilariously never seems to fully grasp). Her one meeting with Rozy changed his life. And even though she NEVER met Silva as a child, her chance meeting with Rozy also rippled outward and still positively affected Silva, making him radically different than the "in-game" Silva, who most likely WASN'T a romanceable character but a true villain (I find it hard to believe the game would let you romance someone who callously kills several people in his INTRODUCTION and who is part of a pirate crew that is legitimately threatening/evil. I like to imagine Rozy was the true "secret" romance in the fandisk, since he WAS still in the game and on the ship).
Overall I thought this game was great and it far exceeded my expectations. I expected (and got) comedy, but the romances were mostly good and there was more drama and intrigue to many of the plots/conflicts than I expected. I'll definitely be returning to this game to re-experience my favorites.
In terms of my feelings on the routes as a whole, best to worst: Silva -> Alan -> Nicol -> Rozy -> Geordo -> Keith
My feelings on the romance/relationship with Catarina: Silva -> Alan -> Geordo -> Nicol -> Rozy -> Keith
21 notes · View notes
afatallovesong · 2 years
you!!! write!!! so!!! well!!!!! I've come back to your writing 3 times today just because it's SO GOOD. pretty please could you do another anything of luke? ngl I'm an absolute sucker for a friends/bffs to lovers trope so that would be fantastic if you could write another. sending big waves of love your way!!!!! x
Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm honestly so grateful to anyone who reads, likes, reblogs or even requests and whatever else you do on this site. I hope you continue to enjoy my posts, thank you for being here.
Okay now for the good stuff! Soooo, I decided this was going to be a 2-part piece because I also received another Luke request and there wasn't much of a prompt with it. I also just wrote way too much for this concept, so it needed a good chop in two. Oops.
ANYWAY... I will go back and edit in the link to part 2 here when it's done. I hope you enjoy your half first though :)
Not Yours
A Luke Hemmings one shot (except not really)
18+, Smut, NSFW
Part 1, Part 2
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Word Count: 6871
“It’s not that big of a deal, you caught me in a compromising position, we can move on now.” He’s not even blinking an eye; he’s not doing much of anything actually. Maybe it’s his years of keeping his lip tight for the sake of the band, never letting a secret spill for the gossip that would entail. He’d been working on his poker face for over 10 years, and you were ashamed to say it was working on you. You couldn’t see a single glimmer of guilt cross his chiselled features and it’s not like he should be ashamed of his sexuality, he was entitled to it as much as anyone. That wasn’t what irked you. What was bothering you, however, was that you just noticed the small smile that crept onto his lips whenever you stared at them for too long.
“Are you fucking kidding me? I caught my best friend with his dick down some poor girl’s throat.” You stood up from the chair to emphasise your frustration, how very not okay you were with the events of the previous night. You hadn’t set up a schedule for the room share, you hadn’t enforced any rules at all to prevent things like this from happening. You honestly hadn’t felt like you’d needed to. You were sharing a room with him over a long weekend. Just 3 nights and 4 days. You were actually dumb enough to think that booking a room with one 1 bed would finally be what bought you closer together, smashing the boundaries between the two of you that normal circumstances never could. You’d never anticipated those same boundaries being broken quite like this.
The image of him sat right on the edge, rutting his hips up into her mouth. You couldn’t forget it. Nor the hand he had gripping her jaw whilst simultaneously gripping the sheets on your side of the bed too. Just rubbing the material back and forth between his thumbs like a comfort blanket. He didn’t even look at her while she took him, no. His head had fallen back, face positioned towards the ceiling. His eyes clasped shut, lips barely puffing out air. He looked lost in her touch but not enough to vocalise a damn word. He was silent. Just chasing that high without any means of an end. It was unsettling. His jugular was so bare too. His Adams apple gulping down the air you failed to see him take in. Maybe he’d stolen it from you since the sight was so frustratingly breath-taking.
“You make it sound like I forced her.” His confidence wavered but only for a second, his hands fiddling with the rings on his fingers, sliding them back and forth as he fought his case and you instantly felt regretful for the way you’d phrased it. “I didn’t mean it like that.” You held your hand out steady to reassure him. You really didn’t, he wasn’t like that. Even in his hardest partying days you don’t think he could have forced anyone. One look into the salted ocean of his eyes and you’d be willing to do just about anything to stay a while, take a swim, dive in, and surround yourself in the clearness. Only because you wanted to, no other reason.
“I’m sorry. I just-.” You go to sit down beside him on the bed but think better of it. You hadn’t slept in it at all. Another reminder as to how he couldn’t convince someone to do something they hadn’t wanted to. You’d actually wanted to drop your clothes and slot beside him as if nothing had ever happened. When he’d held your hand and almost begged you to stay you nearly broke to pieces and crumbled beside him like the remnants of a midnight snack before bed. You just didn’t want to share the same bed he’d used with her. Even if that meant opting for the sofa that night and then Ashton’s bed the night after. “They’ve been cleaned you know.” He refers to the hygiene of the bedsheets beneath him. He sighs before standing up to let you sink down into the sheets in replacement of him, you now felt less ill thinking about touching them with your own palms. Even if they hadn’t been cleaned daily, did you really think he was that much of animal that he’d followed through after you witnessed him? The sheets were as pristine and unused as they were when you arrived.
“It was just a shock.” It was a shock to you to slot your key card in the door, stumbling through, shedding your boots from your ankles as you trickled in from the hotel bar. You’d held them in your hands as you walked the short hallway past the reasonably sized bathroom, towards the bedroom. You dropped them with a double thud when your eyes fell to the girl on her knees. It was a shock for a lot of reasons. 1, it meant you couldn’t move for a while, feet cemented in place, creating your own personal hell as you watched the scene play out in front of you. 2, it meant you had to announce yourself somehow or make a heady escape, but you’d doubted you were quite sober enough to retreat without making a single sound anyhow. 3, because of the impending doom of your friendship with both Luke and the others because they came as a packaged deal, nothing more and nothing less. 4, as it was only fitting to have quadruple the trauma. It meant that it hurt like hell cause you wanted nothing more than to be that girl you were referring to. To be the one taking him instead of witnessing him giving himself to someone else. That was the biggest shock. You hated that you still desperately wished it had been you.
“Can we just please forget this?” He fucked up the moment he attempted to get his kicks from someone else and it didn’t take a genius to know why. His hand wasn’t enough, the hands of the girls he chased, who also chased him, weren’t enough. Hell, maybe he was asexual or something, maybe sexual gratification just wasn’t it for him, could never fix his little problem though he’d like to argue it was actually far from little but for the sake of punishing himself further, sure, a “little “problem. But then he let his mind wander to you. If he just pictured you, imagined you, like he did that night, that night when he closed his eyes and thought of you so hard, he thought he’d summoned you there himself when he opened his eyes to the sight of you stood in the doorway. The only thing that was wrong with the scenario was that it wasn’t just a fantasy of his, you wouldn’t push her out the way and finish the job for her. You were there and you were horrified at what you’d seen. He didn’t think he’d ever have it in him to get hard again. It was what he deserved after all.
“I can take the couch tonight.” He threw his phone down onto it to show he’d claimed it for the evening. “You’re too tall for it, even I had to curl up and I’m at least 4 inches shorter. Take the bed, I’ll see about getting my own room. Maybe reception have had a cancellation or something.” You felt too guilty to ask Ashton for the second night in a row. He needed a good night’s rest more than anyone after the shows he’d played. He insisted that he hadn’t minded, that he quite enjoyed not being alone, but you couldn’t impose, especially when you felt how much he tossed, turned, and had to hold himself back from rolling into your side accidentally. Even his subconscious knew he needed the space.
“Then I’ll sleep on the floor or something.” He’s already grabbing the couch cushions, throwing them down on the lush carpet, ignoring most of what you’d just said. “Luke you really don’t have to.” He’d mess up his back if he stayed down there, you weren’t going to let that happen. “Just take the bed.” You grab his wrist to prevent any further preparations he could make. For a moment you thought you felt a static shock from the contact, you block the memory and release him. “You’re cute when you’re bossy.” He attempts a smirk; however premature it may be. “That why you test me so much?” You take over, grabbing the pillows from your side of the mattress to assemble with the others at the foot of the bed. Luke bites his tongue when he wants to say more. He instead walks towards the wardrobe vaguely remembering the sight of spare pillows and a few top sheets in case of a colder night. “Thank you.” You smile as you take them from him.
“That’s not so bad.” You clap your hands together, proud of the little bed you’d made. The couch cushions forming a makeshift mattress, the one blanket draped over as a sheet. The pillows both spare and from the bed were lay around to catch your body if you tossed and turned in the night which you definitely would be doing, you always did when you felt stressed, today was no different. The last blanket was there to cover you as a makeshift duvet. It looked like the beginnings of an excellent fort, not so much a comfortable night’s sleep but it was the best you could do in your newly found confinement. “That’s the worst arrangement I’ve ever seen.” You scowl at him, and he ignores it. He’s kneeling down, shifting the pillows already before halting his movements, retreating from the carpet as quickly as he’d crouched there in the first place. “I’ll be back in like 5 minutes.”
You stand there knowing exactly where he’s gone. He ran to the next room; you hear his heavy fists on the door through the wall. You roll your eyes at the way he runs to his friends for help at every turn. I guess they were more like brothers at this stage, but it didn’t make it any less adorable, and moderately annoying if you were being brutal, and you were. He couldn’t just solve a problem by himself, never had to. He needed the nurturing, the second, third and fourth opinions. The council of his band. Maybe that’s why it was so hard to sweep this fallout under the mat. He was trying to fix it independently without turning to them. He wasn’t even asking you if there was anything he could do, even if you wouldn’t have helped him to figure it out, he never asked you anyway. That’s all you really wanted too, to be the one he could go to, for anything, not entirely without judgement but closely enough. Before you thought about it any longer, he was back with more sheets and more pillows, nearly tripping over the fabric and his own feet to transport them to you.
You took some of the load from him immediately and he smiled at you genuinely for the first time that day. He felt like he’d earned the right to show you some more kindness and he was taking the opportunity gladly. “Okay so what’s the plan then?” You let him lead you, shaking your shoulders out, ready to out yourself to work as if this was such a strenuous task. “Okay so-“ You spent a little while pacing back and forth over the space before moving ultimately decided to deconstruct and set up camp elsewhere. The extent of the collected materials proving too large for the designated area at the end of the bed. Instead, you’d incorporated the sofa into his design, altering the original structure completely. You’d taken the sheet he’d wrangled from Michael’s linen closet, placed it over the couch and tucked it behind where it met the wall to keep it in place. You’d then draped the opposite end over the two chairs that were once beneath the desk and dressing table the hotel provided creating a roof-like effect.
Luke then moved beneath the newly erected structure, layering the pillows with some blankets to create a cushiony base large enough to be considered a twin sized bed (the best Luke could manage with the space). All before adding the couch cushions now covered in fresh sheets as a headrest for more pillows to build on top. He’d even managed to enhance the practicality of the fort so that there were a couple of free plug sockets for you to access to charge your phone and other items while you lay inside. He’d clearly had too much experience working with hotel resources when he was living in them from week to week. You felt both sad at the thought of him having to entertain himself that way but also a little jealous of the idea that he might not have been as lonely as you pictured him. You may not be the only girl he’d built a fort for. You weren’t the only girl he’d chosen to do a lot of things with. You might have been the only girl he’d really cared for though; you just didn’t really know that yet and that was hard enough. All that your new home was missing was another blanket and it didn’t surprise you when he leapt up again to scrounge one from someone else, after already bleeding them dry. You had to be a little impressed with his efforts at an apology, he’d tried so hard for you.
When he came back, he sank to his knees at the base of your little palace, sweat gathering on his brow, breath exhaling and inhaling rapidly enough that you’d thought he might pass out. “Where did you steal that one from?” Judging by the flustered look of him, he’d ran home and back. “Nearly killed housekeeping when I just about wheezed my request.” Your hand flew to your mouth to cover the snort that released itself. He’d never been happier to hear such a dorky sound shoot out of your nose. It may have been embarrassing for you, but for him it was the sweetest sound. He didn’t have a weird fetish or anything, he just knew that you had to be comfortable or really, thoroughly enjoying yourself, to let a sound like that out without wincing in shame afterwards. It meant you were relaxed with him; your walls had rained down against the ground and you weren’t fighting with him or your urge to stay composed any longer. When your tearful eyes met his, tearful with happiness and rib-aching laughter over sadness by the way, he wanted to kiss you.
You wanted to kiss him too. You didn’t. You just thanked him instead. “You might have a future in decorating Mr Hemmings.” You shuffle back under the fortress, lying yourself back, testing the comfort of the bed he’d made. You beckon him in with your finger and he gladly complies, joining you with just enough space between you to settle your hands down without them touching. “Only kid’s rooms though.” You add. “I think this is the dream house for any age.” He argues and you disagree. “For about a week until you start to get claustrophobic.” He couldn’t deny you there. He was already starting to feel it, he could have sworn it was bigger than this.
He sits himself up, looking back down towards you before sending himself out. “Well, I hope you enjoy your new home.” He shuffles on his bottom to get himself to the singular exit. He doesn’t make it very far when your soft hand traps his wrist against the cushions they still lie on. “You don’t have to go yet.” He argues. “Technically I’m not going anywhere, same room and all.” You roll your eyes; you finally show him some normality and he chose to annoy you. “Lie back down.” He doesn’t dare to escape you now. “Yes ma’am.”
He lays himself down, heart suddenly hammering when he notices you’re hand still holding onto him. He smiles to himself uncontrollably the longer it stays there, your thumb starting to stroke over his skin anxiously, further confirming that you were touching him on purpose, that it wasn’t just the accidental impulse it started out to be. “You can hold my hand you know.” His mouth feels drier than the Sahara as he says it. Probably because he had no business suggesting anything for you to do. “I don’t know where it’s been.” You couldn’t resist the dig, even if it actually churned your stomach to let it slip. It still stirred anxiety within you, the thought of him actually being with someone else. “Hilarious.” He scolds before his breath catches, your hand gently prying his fingers open to let yours slip between them like flowing silk.
“I was working up to it.” You admit, turning your head to face the side of his. He felt your gaze, but he didn’t meet it. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to hide his excitement if he did. He opted for the sheet above instead, soft, simple, and pure. Pure enough to absorb his expressions and not reflect them but conceal them instead. “Luke, I think I was jealous.” You drop the bomb on him, exploding the neutral scenario he’d created for you so painstakingly hard. He shoots to sit up, nearly deconstructing the damn thing he spent so long building in apology to you. “Well, you didn’t have to react quite like that.” You retract your hands, pulling them over your lower tummy prodding at the butterflies to quieten them down as you do damage control. “I know it's bad okay, you don’t have to say anything. I already know.” It’s a good thing you let him know because he didn’t think he had it in him to utter a single word right now. His body was short circuiting before your eyes. Jealous. Jealous of him, jealous of her, jealous of what exactly?
“I think- “You cut yourself off, to start again. “I guess I- “No, not quite right again. Maybe you should just throw caution to the wind, you’d done enough pussyfooting around.
Throw. Caution. To. The. Fucking. Wind.
“I booked a single bedded room Luke, what the fuck did you think that meant?” You didn’t think it would come out quite so aggressively, but you weren’t about to take anything back now. His wires were finally uncrossing, his head clearing, he was fully functional once more and recognising his colossal idiocy. “I’m a fucking idiot.” He doesn’t even move. He’s facing forward, palms flat against the blanket, shoulders slumped as the words sink in. “You think? I mean come on, did you think we were gonna top and tails it?” You laugh as you even mention it. “It used to be my favourite trope actually, only one bed, but I guess I see the flaws in it now.” He’s shaking his head to react to your words. “I’m so dumb.” You snort. Yeah, you said that already, you think. This time he doesn’t find your laughter so adorable, this time he hates the sound because it’s just you mocking him and although he thoroughly deserved it, he wanted, no, needed, you to shut the fuck up.
He turned himself around, sitting on his knees, facing you with all the confidence he had left. “Tell me I have another shot.” He’s looking at you and you’re looking away and he’d lift your chin to bring your attention in his direction, but he doesn’t dare overstep physically since his words were doing quite enough of that already. “Tell me I can have another chance.” You can hear his heart pounding in his chest. Good. “Or what?” He’s so close to just slamming your back down and shutting you up in every way he could. “Or I take the not-so-subtle hint,” he nearly winces as he nods towards the bed he’d stupidly ignored before finishing his sentence, “and I don’t ask again.” You know he’s not moved an inch, but it feels like his drifting from you. “I want you to ask again.” He’s about to scream with excitement. “Ask me Luke- “He’s leaning forward carefully, making no real effort to close any gap, just meeting you in the middle, the rest of the distance was yours to close. “Do I have another chance?” You’re not saying a damn thing back and the silence is deadly. “Or do I have to take it from you?” Your eyes meet his briefly before rolling back at the intensity of his words.
His hands float towards your hips, shuffling your body closer to him. You feel as though you weigh nothing at all when he lifts you with such ease. “Need your permission.” His forehead is almost leaning into yours but he’s too frightened to touch you more than he already had just in case you disappeared the moment he stepped it up a notch. Your permission is granted by a kiss to his neck. His eyes fly shut when your lips caress his skin. He never expected any of this, you both knew that he’d made it abundantly clear, but he certainly never would have thought you’d kiss his throat before you so much as pecked him on the lip. It felt like more of a punishment than anything else he’d gone through with you. Luke craved you. He’d sell his soul for a real kiss from you, in his mind he already had done because in what world did he deserve your lips trailing down his chest? The buttons of his shirt flying open without his realisation because he’s so lost in thought deciphering if he’d been imagining the whole ordeal. “Shit, Luke you’re solid.” He’s coming to his senses, his hips rocking up into your hand. The second he opened his eyes he nearly creamed his pants seeing your eyes go wide, lips wet with your salivating at the sight of his fat cock begging to be released from the confinement of his jeans.
You rub over the hardened lump with a morbid curiosity for how long it would take to get him begging you for more. You also can’t help but wonder how easy it was for his previous endeavour to get him like that. He’s pressing his crotch into your hand, his teeth nearly piercing his bottom lip as he melts under your lacklustre touch. He knows he could cum from it but that didn’t mean he couldn’t aspire for more; it wasn’t nearly enough when he knew what you could be offering him. He wants to beg you, but the hoarseness of his dry throat has him whimpering and whining gruffly instead. “I wanna see what the hype is about.” You breathe as you unbutton his jeans, the zipper falling down by itself, your brow arching in surprise. “Jeans too tight?” He curses as he’s nearly freed. Your fingers immediately prod at a peculiar wet patch in the fabric of his underwear and for a moment he wonders why the fuck you’d ever think to touch him like that until he opens his eyes to view for himself.
He’d leaked a substantial amount of precum into the grey cotton of his pants and you didn’t have to be a genius to spot it and know exactly why it was there. “Fucking kill me now.” He threw his head back, hands covering his face before you could spot the redness of his cheeks. “It’s flattering Lu, nothing to be ashamed of.” Your eyes are transfixed on the area, unfazed. “Need to get these off you.” You tug at the waistband of his jeans, wiggling it as much as you could by yourself. You pout when you can’t quite manage it. Luke peaks at you through the gaps he’d made between his fingers. His hips lifted before he even thought about it. Your pout fades, lips parting to gasp instead as not only the denim but the material beneath had slid down to his mid-thigh, leaving him completely exposed to you for the first time.
This time you have to catch your jaw, closing your mouth before you really do dribble at the size of him. His tip is blushing red, leaking with arousal so vastly, its pooling onto his stomach. He’s thicker than you thought he’d be. You knew he felt fat in your hand, but you assumed the fabric assisted the image but no, it was all him. His cock was so thick you’d never be able to take it all at once, not without training anyway. He wonders what’s going on in your beautiful little mind as you stare down at him, not moving a muscle. “Baby please.” Before he could whine much more, you outstretched your tongue to lick the liquid silver he’d left against the soft flesh of his tummy. You vibrate a moan against him at the sweet taste of him and his cock doesn’t just twitch, it practically leaps at vision of you. You’ve shocked him speechless. He starts to wonder if you intentionally avoided the places he needs you the most or if it’s all your own sick little game of revenge.
His hips lift from the floor once more and you use both hands to force him back down before you assault his pretty tip with kisses and kitten licks. You knew they did nothing but frustrate him, barely stimulating him enough to please him, but you were just getting started on this little love letter of yours. You wanted to show him all you had, let him forget anyone else who ever dared to try and compete. You licked over the sensitive little slit at the centre of his tip and he gripped the sheets so hard his knuckles turned white and cracked from the pressure. He needed to remember how helpless you’d made him feel just then, like he could have finished instantly into your mouth.
You hummed an unidentifiable tune as you sucked the first inch of him into your mouth, moaning as an unexpected squirt of liquid shot onto your tongue, more of his early arousal. You never thought you’d ever get him this good. Not before you even took him whole. His body was practically coming alive under your touch, he’d have nothing left to give and you hadn’t even gotten halfway down his length yet. “Oh fuck.” He’s groaning desperately as you retreat from him. You remove all touch, letting his cock slap back against his stomach. He’s never felt so exposed in his life, and it was exhilarating for him. He was completely at your disposal. But you don’t leave him like that for long, even if you’d wanted to. You were about ready to hump the pillow strategically placed beneath you, you were that turned on by the idea of tasting him.
You spat in your hand and gripped the base of his cock before dragging the wetness over him, slowly mixing it with the lubricant he’d already provided. “You’re so hot.” He’s putty in your hands. You smile, not towards him, just down at his cock as you drag your hand firmly over him. You hope to create a torturous pace, nowhere near fast enough to get a release but just enough to keep his hips stuttering, tip leaking and him close to begging for your lips. You were concerned to take him whole and thankfully with your hand wrapped around him, you may not have to. Even if that were difficult for you to accept when you’d needed him so bad. You’d never felt a hunger like this before. You’d never wanted anything in your mouth as much as his cock and there was no point denying either of your urges, this was your chance.
You were so greedy as you took him in your mouth this time. Your hands fisting tightly around him, tongue slurping up his juices as you inched your way down him. “So, fucking greedy for me, fuck baby.” You dare to glance up through your lashes to see him leaning against his elbows, watching you with his jaw slack, tongue swiping over his bottom lip. The moment your eyes meet, he swears he can’t take it anymore and he pushes your head down over him. You let out a strangled moan and he panics at the sound vibrating against him, now terrified he’d hurt you, gearing himself up to pull you back where you were. You fight his hands, surprising him yet another time that evening. You force your lips down until they reach the hand you coated his base with, and he hits the back of your throat with a grunt.
The noise Luke made could be compared with one he’d release if he were punched in the chest, sounding both winded and in pain. You suck hard on as much of him as you can before pulling back and throwing yourself down again. “Shit, just like that, oh fuck, use that tongue.” He’s gripping your hair tightly in one hand and fighting himself strongly to avoid pushing you down again with the other. Instead, he tugged on your locks as a form of encouragement, and it had your stomach doing somersaults.
The noise of you slurping, choking, and gagging around him was a symphony of pleasure and he’d half the mind to record it and keep it forever if he could but he couldn’t fucking move from you if he tried. If he left you for even a millisecond, he’d never forgive himself. He was finally, exactly where he needed to be, tightly packed into your hot little mouth, his new place to call home and what a glorious home it was turning out to be. He belonged there.
Scratch everything, he previously thought about never being satisfied in bed. He’d never felt more wrong in his entire life. He would eat his words as you ate him, gulping down whatever he could give you. His cock had never been harder, never been so happy. There wasn’t a better way for him to describe it when you sucked on him like that. He had to fight himself to keep his eyes open, to remain here with you, knowing that you were everything he’d been waiting for.
You looked so gorgeous taking him too. He wanted this image tattooed on his eyelids. He felt like his cock might burst when you started rocking your own hips while you inched back and forth over him. You’d loved his cock so much you couldn’t prevent yourself from getting off over it. Right in front of him, you humped your hot little cunt into the sheets as a desperate attempt to release the growing tension between your legs. “If you don’t keep your hips still, I’m gonna cum down your throat, do you hear me?” You furrow your brows, turning your attention to his face. He’s sweating, its dripping down his cheeks so nicely you almost mistook them for tears. You can’t help but be shy about his accusations. You didn’t intend to do anything. You instinctively chased a feeling against your will and if it was anyone’s fault it was his. You were aching for him to fill something more than your mouth. No matter how good he felt pressing against the walls of your throat, no room left to breathe or utter a sound, you wanted his size elsewhere.
You continued to take him, this time consciously stilling your hips but huffing every now and then when you felt the urge to move. You may have swivelled a little, but you’d hoped he’d be kind enough to let it go amiss. You weren’t that lucky. Luke’s hands leave your hair, and you were whining without the feeling of him coaxing you on until you simply couldn’t whine anymore. His hands had slinked down to the column of your throat, linking beneath where the two of you were already connected. He applied a pressure to the edges, blindly but cautiously trying not to harm you or block your air way completely. He clamped down little by little until not a peep was heard from your perfect mouth and he used your silence to pull you down until your nose was meeting his pelvis, till he felt his own cock pulsating down your throat whilst in his hands. He let out the heaviest pants as you tried to gag around him. That’s when it hit you.
When you saw this gaping mouth, his usually light eyes darkened like the night sky, his cheeks burning hot like a furnace. You came without a single touch, a slither of friction, not even a weak attempt at conversation. As if he was in your mind, knowing what had just happened to you through some unbreakable bond, he released you from him, hands shifting to pat your head, smooth his fingers through your hair and settle you down from this insane high of yours. You choke out a moan and your head crashes against his torso. You’d never known yourself to come undone like that. You were a giver and always had been. It was no secret to you or anyone you’d fucked, just how soaked the act got you but to cum from that alone. To finish with his cock filling your mouth. You felt your cunt continually spasming.
“What the fuck?” You question yourself breathlessly, ashamed of yourself for letting your guard slip like that. It was Luke who was meant to cum first, not you. It was him who needed to know just what he’d been missing. Your body had betrayed you. It was mortifying. You hid your face to escape the mockery you knew would be coming. You were so prepared for it, so distracted from the original task at hand, you’d stopped touching him all together. If he weren’t so ridiculously in love with you, he’d be telling you to get back to it. He was so on edge it wouldn’t take more than a couple flicks of your wrist to finish him anyway. Because that, that was the most incredible thing he’d ever witnessed.
You were hiding away from him, shying away as if it were something he’d judge you for. If anything, he was blessed by it. You’d literally wanted his cock down your throat so badly you couldn’t stop yourself from finishing when you felt it there. You had fucking ruined him. He would never look at you the same way again. He’d think of this moment, the bulge in your throat when you couldn’t contain him, the tears staining your cheeks from the fullness, the hand wrapped around him tight like a vice because you had to just touch him with more than just your mouth. He adored you so much you’d never, ever understand just how much.
Luke nudges you gently, hand slipping under your chin, lifting you up, the rest of your body deciding to go with it. Your red and puffy eyes meet his pathetically. “Gotta let me take you baby.” You find yourself nodding, even if you didn’t really know what he meant. He had been taking you. He’d had your mind, body, and soul, what more could there be? “Gotta get these clothes off for me.” His hands stroke over your shoulders, still coated in a t-shirt now dampened with sweat. You nod lazily before reaching for the hem to grip onto and lift. “Wait.” He pushes his forehead against yours, hands preventing yours from following his instruction. “Can I kiss you?” You stare dumbfounded. You’d done a lot more than kiss him now and yet he still had to ask. “Taste like you though.” You mutter. “Think I can live with that.”
His kiss breathes life back into your aching form. You feel like you can straighten your back again, sit tall, sit confidently without gripping his thighs for support. Luke kisses you slowly, not slow in a disappointing manner, not too vanilla to take away from the passion of the moment. It’s just pleasantly slow, soft, and serene. His lips feel nice. You decide you quite like the plumpness of his bottom lip in comparison with the sharpness of his top. You sink into his mouth, hand cupping his cheek as you glide your own over his.
His hands wander to your waist, grabbing a handful of flesh before fleeing further south. Your tongue licks a stripe over his bottom lip which he takes as a sign to part them. You slip your tongue into the warm cavern of his mouth, and he tastes himself with a whimper. His palms smack down on your ass hard enough to echo it like the sound of a cracking whip. The erotic sounds of your tongues dancing with each other should put you off but it just doesn’t. The wetness is invited, the warmth is accepted, the sensation had your hips rolling again and God there must be something wrong with you. You couldn’t fill your void with enough of him. He just smiled into your kiss because he’d felt exactly the same way.
“Gotta- “he tugs your shirt, “take- “lifting it clumsily above your hips between kisses, “your- “you start to feel the coolness of the exposure as it climbs higher, “these- “it’s becoming an unbearable taunt, “fucking clothes off.” He pulls back to watch you discard the material as fast as you could so you can throw yourself into his lap. He’s halfway through removing the remainder of his jeans when you start to remember the rest of you is also still clothed.
You both fumble to remove your trousers and any other barriers separating you from each other. You don’t have a single drop of energy left to allow yourself to feel self-conscious when his eyes wrack over your body. It’s hard to feel anything other than perfect when his top responses are to wrap his own hand around his cock and suck his bottom lip between his teeth. “You’re so pretty Luke.” You sigh and he whines, gripping himself just that little bit tighter at the tone of innocence in your voice. “Yeah?” You nod in confirmation before flicking his hand away, replacing it with your own. He fucks up into your hand unabashedly, too swept away to care, too comfortable with you to reconsider the impulse.
“Need you to touch me.” You mewl, swiping your thumb over the throbbing head of him similarly to how you did it with your tongue before. “Where baby?” He knows exactly where. “Touch you where?” He needs to hear it; he’s vibrating just considering it. “You know where.” You match him. “No, no, gotta tell me.” You slow your movements, hand loosening around his cock causing his smile to falter. “Where do you need me?” You curse him. “You fucking know where.” You glare at him before you lie yourself down, arms crossing over your bare chest, sick of how ridiculously needy you were that you would put up with this childishness for the sake of another orgasm.
“How can I know I’m right if you don’t tell me?” His fingers have moved to your hip as he lay on his side, watching you closely, walking his fingers over your scorching hot skin. “Playing games now baby?” You pout towards him in a final attempt to win him over. You could just kill him for giving you as much of a fight as you did him. The two of you too stubborn for your own good.
“Where do you want me?” He asks again, voice shifting, dripping with a power that had you weak. “Same place I’ve always wanted you.” You soften your tone to reel him in and for a moment he believes he’ll never win this fight. Then you speak again. “My pussy, need you inside me, please Lu, please baby, waited so long.” You plead for your life. His cock is actually hurting it’s so fucking tight and hard right now. “Your pussy?” He offers as a question, and you hardly notice it until he speaks again.
His hand slips between your legs, swiping his index finger through the hot, sticky mess made between your thighs. “You think this is yours?” He continues to pry. “It’s not yours babe.” You open your mouth to ask what he’s alluding to, but he silences you, slipping a finger into your hot cunt, you clamping down on him immediately. “Not yours baby, your pussy’s fucking mine.” The noise you made was unholy but the look he gave you even more so. “See,” he coos, “you know it too, bucking up into my hand like that, such a good girl for me.” Unsurprisingly to you, that simple term of endearment, that affectionate little name, is the straw that broke the camel’s back. Any morsel of self-respect you’d ever had left was fucking desecrated. “Spread your legs for me angel.”
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Yuno Kashiki, "Strawberry lips", Kissing (Short) HCs!
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Synopsis: How Yuno Kashiki kisses her S/O, Short HCs Word Count: 651 Genre: Fluff Reader: Female reader, both Yuno and Reader aren't in MILGRAM Spoilers/Warnings?: Already established Relationship between Yuno and Reader, there's no mention of MILGRAM, and it's only fluffy ⎯ but near the end its a bit sensual...??
a/n: Don't look at MEEE I JUST .. 😃 I JUST MISS YUNO SM... (just watched her 2nd MV) and i love her and all but I couldn't really think of any ideas for her other than kissing hcs?? and this was just rushed and completely unedited so some parts might not make sense, so sorry!! 🙏 but anyways, hope you enjoy!!
↳ ❝ Strawberry lips¡! ❞
Yuno's lips are very soft, sweet even, with how much chapstick she puts on everyday.
And each day, it's always a different flavour. Orange, apple, grape, any flavour there is ⎯ she has.
And there's no telling which she put on today, unless it's through a kiss. As she always makes it a challenge for you to guess which she wore each day, and also because she wanted to surprise you!
But the most common one had to be strawberry, her's and your favourite.
Why you ask? well, because it's sweet of course! But another reason... Lies behind the first time you ever kissed her.
The relationship was already going smoothly after establishing it, but there really wasn't a time to ... 'make the first move' when you were so inexperienced, especially considering this was your first relationship ⎯ whereas for her, this was something she already had dealt with.
So the pressure of messing up with someone who had experience, lingers at the back of your head whenever you thought more and more about it.
And without realising it, you had subconsciously neglected Yuno about this problem of yours. Not knowing you were making her worried, to the point where she thought she did something wrong to make you 'upset' with her.
So, when you received a text from her that said she wanted to meet up, you had already assumed the worst. Thinking she was asking you to come over so that she could break the news to you that she no longer wanted to be in a relationship with you, just because you were inexperienced.
But that wasn't the case at all. Far from it.
Since Yuno had suddenly brought you out to the city with her own pocket money and bought you whatever it is that you set your eyes on. Ushering you to pick out whatever outfit, plushies, or just... anything really! That you wanted, and that it was fine for her to do this ⎯ saying it was her treat for being your girlfriend.
But when it started getting late, around sunset, Yuno had taken you to this little ice cream stand she's been eyeing and sat you down. Handing you your own ice cream, before finally confronting you about the issue.
It was then that you cleared up all the misunderstandings she had and explained why you became so distant.
Nervously fiddling with your dress as your mouth began to felt dry with each word you spoke out, as you start glancing at anything besides her ⎯ even lowering your head down a bit so that she wasn't able to get a good look at your embarrassed face. Ashamed you made her feel this way, and especially ashamed at yourself for not being able to do something so simple as a 'kiss'.
But see, with all this doubt and how you were obviously guilty of your actions, she made up her mind on what to do. Doing something you clearly weren't gonna do yourself anytime soon at least.
With a hefty sigh from her, her hand meets your cheek, gently pulling your face up so you meet her eye to eye.
And just like that, a sweet taste suddenly meets your mouth.
Her lips meeting yours, as the remaining taste of strawberry ice cream she just ate lingers on your lips ⎯ cold, just like her personality... But oh so sweet. It melts at the top of your tongue the more you thought about it, and craved more.
but before it could escalate any further, she pulls back. Having a smug smirk on her face when she notices how dazed out and lovestruck you looked at her. So cute, and so so charming that she leans back in to give you one last peck on the lips. A giggle, leaving her lips right after though.
❝ Next time don't be such an idiot, idiot~ ❞
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twistedgardens · 2 years
Flirting Can Be a Dangerous Game
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Sorry about the wait, friend. I don't usually write mlm, but it is something I'm trying to include in my repertoire. Things kept getting in the way. I think this is pretty okay, but you'll have to forgive any mistakes because, again, I don't typically write male reader fics or male leading characters. I hope you like it @keyenuta !
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Riddle Rosenhearts x Male!Reader
For obvious reasons, this fic takes place at a traditional university setting. Everything and everyone has been aged up appropriately. I generally do not write pieces for or about teenagers. If you have a problem with aging up characters, please go somewhere else and don't bother me. Don't come for me unless I send for you.
And Reader is described as average height, so there is a height difference but only because Riddle is about 5'2", if my calculations are correct. (I'm sorry. I forgot to ask if you'd be okay with a little hight difference since Riddle's so short)
Contents: slight dub con stripping (if you squint), kneeling, rough kissing, brief handjob, orgasm denial, blowjob (non-Reader receiving), slight degradation, cum swallowing, face/throat fucking
I honestly don't know what I'm doing, but here we go! And if you like it, be sure to like AND reblog so others can see it! 😄
🔞NSFW Content Below the Cut! 18+ Only! Minors DNI!🔞
Riddle made it very clear that as his boyfriend, your presence at the weekly Unbirthday Party was non-negotiable. Whether you liked it or not, he always found a way to drag you from Ramshackle Dorm to Heartslaybul, dress you up, and have you seated next to him throughout the event. You didn't know how you ended up in this situation every time. You couldn't help but cave in every time because of Riddle. It wasn't his fault he was so touch-starved as a child. Still, did he really need you to be there at every Unbirthday Party?
What disappointed you the most wasn't the party itself, that part could be fun at times. You enjoyed holding conversations with Ace, Deuce, Cater, and Trey. It was the fact that Riddle acted so posh during the parties. It was supposed to be a party, right? Then why did always act like he was a baron at a gala? Riddle ate and drank with his back stiff. His table manners were a little too precise for the company he kept. Riddle's overly polite mannerisms at the Unbirthday Parties were frustrating to watch and annoyed you to no end.
By the time it came for the next Unbirthday Party, an idea struck you to get Riddle to not act so posh and proper. True, it might endanger you to Riddle's wrath, and potentially another overblot situation, but you were prepared for that. Probably.
You didn't resist this time when Riddle called on you a few hours ahead of time for the party. You put up no defense when Riddle gave you some party clothes to wear, which were almost identical to the rest of Heartslaybul's uniform. When he escorted you to the dormitory's garden, Riddle looked at you from the corner of his eye.
"You're acting suspicious," said Riddle. "What are you planning?"
"Why do you ask?" You smiled.
"Usually you're very reluctant to come, yet here you are, unresisting. You're not planning on something are you?"
You shake your head. "Why would I do a silly thing like that?"
Riddle, though a junior in college, was short. It turned his face beet red whenever someone mentioned that was the third shortest college student at Night Raven. Perhaps being raised indoors for most of his childhood stunted his growth or that his mother didn't feed him the right things because she was focused on his brains and not physicality? Whatever the case may be, Riddle was still pretty short. He was forced to reach up slightly to grab you by the chin.
"Don't pull any funny business or face the consequences," said Riddle. He kissed you on the mouth fiercely as if he expected you of something. Well, he wasn't entirely wrong.
The idea came to you one night not long after the last Unbirthday Party. Riddle could be so possessive when he wasn't watching himself. He was perfectly aware that you would never cheat on him, but men like Trey and Cater seemed to make it a game of flirting with you, just to poke the bear. You know, for shits and giggles. This was especially true of Trey, who grew alongside Riddle since middle school. Trey was the only one who skirted around Riddle's punishments by plastering his face with that devilish grin and ease of tampering Riddle's infamous temper. There were ways to make it look like you reciprocated Trey's flirting without breaking rules. You hoped.
However, once at the party, your plan didn't go smoothly. You sat at Riddle's side, as always, but Trey was elsewhere. He was busy having fun with other Heartslaybul students to notice you. Boredom overcame you once again. Riddle was so busy playing the monarch and acting as chaperone over the party that he failed to notice you trying to make contact with Trey. You slouched in your seat and stared into your cup of tea.
"Psst," someone hissed next to your ear.
Lo and behold, Trey was suddenly standing next to you. Riddle was busy holding a conversation with Cater that he didn't pay any attention. That made your stomach twist in knots. Were these parties more important to him than you? Which was why you didn't feel guilty one bit about turning your attention to Trey, who was the answer to your prayers.
Trey dug into his jacket and pulled out a tiny flask. He unscrewed the top and poured a little of its contents into your tea cup.
"Don't tell the headmaster. We're supposed to be a dry campus after all." Trey whispered as he discreetly put the flask back in his hidden pocket.
You weren't sure what Trey put into your cup, but things started to get more fun. He sat down beside you and made pleasant talk, nothing that Riddle would overhear and accuse either of you of trying to cheat on him. You and Trey took secret sips from his flask. Whiskey, you think it is, but Wonderland whiskey must be made of a different stuff than the whiskey from your home world. You can feel your face and the tips of your ears grow warm. You glanced over at Riddle, who ate a frosted tart without so much as glancing in your direction.
You didn't take any more of Trey's flask. You wanted your head on straight for what you had in mind. It wouldn't do if you became completely plastered. Whatever Trey had in his flask certainly made you bolder, though. You ducked your hand beneath the table and placed it on Trey's knee. Just his knee and you didn't move it. A slight pink flush appeared in his face, but Trey quickly removed your hand.
"I'm flattered, but Riddle is right there, you know. You'd get us both in the trouble." Trey whispered.
"Like he pays attention to me anyway," you hissed under your breath. You stood up from your seat. "I think I need a walk. Get myself some fresh air."
"Wait, where are you going?" Riddle asked.
"I'll be right back, babe. I'm just going to clear my head. I'll be back soon."
You didn't stop to look behind you to see whether or not Riddle's face turned that infamous shade of red just before he blows his top off. You skirted around the other party-goers and disappeared from the party. You ducked further and further into the garden until the music and laughter all but disappeared. You wandered around the rose garden, red paint still dripping from the previously white roses. You remembered how much of a pain it was to paint them. The alcohol cleared from you head the longer you walked. You didn't know how long you were gone for, but by the time you got back, Heartslaybul students were packing up everything from the party. One poor unfortunate soul walked up to you with his face gray as a ghost.
"P-Prefect Riddle wants to see you in his room. You...you should head up there now before he overblots again."
That's not good, even if it was sort of what you wanted. Had you looked behind you as you made your way into Heartslaybul dormitory, you might have noticed the dozens of looks from the students who lived there staring at your back like a dead man walking. And perhaps you were. You didn't know what to expect when you reached Riddle's room. The bedroom door was completely closed by the time you arrived, and so you knocked. No answer.
You sighed and knocked again, this time saying, "Riddle, it's me. Can I come in?"
The door swung open before you reached for the door handle. Riddle hadn't even changed out of his party clothes. Riddle stepped aside to allow you entry, but otherwise said and did nothing. Butterflies swarmed into your stomach this time. It must be bad if Riddle was giving you the silent treatment for now. Riddle closed the door behind you. You whipped around at the sound of a lock clicking into place. That's really not good.
"W-Why'd you lock the door?" You voice quivered as you asked.
"Maybe if you weren't busy flirting with other people I might not have to resort to these methods," said Riddle. He steeled his eyes upwards and pierced you through with a single glance. "You don't have magic, so using my signature spell wouldn't do you any good in teaching you a lesson. I have to get creative."
Riddle made his way over to the chocoloate-colored couch and sat down. He crossed his legs and looked at you expectedly, but you didn't know what he was expecting. Were you supposed to grovel at his feet?
"Why don't you make yourself comfortable? You'll be here a while," said Riddle. "Strip." He ordered this time.
You balked at the words coming out of his mouth. The last time you saw him this afternoon, Riddle wouldn't even burp, now he was demanding that you take your clothes off. This was definitely not the same Riddle as before. You slowly walked towards the couch and began to remove your clothes in front of him. Riddle never broke eye contact with you as you removed each piece of clothing from your body. Riddle even made you strip off your boxers.
"Good, good. Now why don't you get on your knees for me?"
You didn't hesitate. You knelt between Riddle's legs. Beads of sweat rolled down the temples of your forehead. Your body stiffened when Riddle grabbed you by the jaw and kissed you hard on the mouth. He slipped his tongue between your lips and explored the moist confines of your mouth. You flicked your tongue against his, but that only made Riddle tighten the grip on your jaw. Ah, so you weren't supposed to kiss him back this time? You weren't supposed to necessarily enjoy this it seemed as Riddle invaded your mouth. His tongue swiped the insides of your cheeks, the roof of your mouth, and licked your teeth. You couldn't help but buck your hips slightly. Your cock hardened at Riddle's ministrations.
After a few more minutes of torturing you like this, Riddle pulled himself away, breaking apart a strand of saliva in his wake. You panted for breath the moment he released. Riddle looked down. Something dark flashed in Riddle's steel-gray eyes and for a moment you thought he was going to overblot again. But all that happened was that Riddle took on that wicked, smug, shit-eating grin whenever he bested someone. He could be arrogant and show it; he was a highly skilled mage who'd gotten into Night Raven College two years before his peers. At almost twenty, he could be an arrogant little shit sometimes and rightfully so. Riddle wore that kind of expression when he looked down at you, finally the one to hover over you. You couldn't see it but your eyes were slightly glazed over with lust, your mouth wet and parted as you gasped for hair, and back arched towards him.
Riddle reached for you. Instead of grabbing you again, he trailed a single gloved finger down your throat. Riddle's finger traveled down your chest, to your stomach, and finally reached your lap. Your cock twitched when his brushed against it. You had to bite your lip to contain the moans attempting to escape from you. Riddle gently grasped your cock in his hand and began to stroke it.
"Did Trey make you feel like this? Hm, does staring at him make you hard like this?"
Riddle worked your cock until it was hard as iron. You couldn't help but buck your hips against his hand. You leaned against the coffee table behind you and gripped the edges to get more leverage.
"R-Riddle!" You moaned.
Just when you thought you were about to burst, he stopped. You gasped for breath when Riddle pulled his hand away. A bead of pre-cum clung to the fat tip, but you were still very hard and desperate.
"Riddle," you whined.
"Did you really think I wasn't paying attention to you? Did you think I wasn't watching you out of the corner of my eye look for Trey at the party when I was sitting right next to you? Or when you talked to him and place your hand on his knee? Were you trying to make me mad?"
Riddle cupped your jaw, lifting your head up. You stared into his hard gray eyes and gulped. Riddle ran a thumb over your bottom lip. His eyes suddenly narrowed and an arrogant, sly grin appeared again.
"Why don't you put that mouth to good?"
Riddle grabbed your hands and guided to the hem of his pants. He was hard as a rock. Riddle didn't need to tell what to do next; you already knew what he wanted. Your hands trembled as you unzipped Riddles pants, easing the thing down slowly. Of course, Riddle didn't help you at all, even to lift his hips to make it easier for you. You had to it all on your own.
"Suck," Riddle ordered.
You didn't need to be told twice. You took him, his cock, into your mouth. Riddle's hand put his hand on the back of your head and pushed his cock further down your throat, making you gag.
"Too much?" Riddle cooed as the tears over your cheeks. "That's too bad. Should have thought about that before acting like a naughty boyfriend and flirt with someone other than me. You know the rules...babe."
No matter how much you gagged, Riddle didn't let you off easily. You bobbed your head up and down his shift, sucking him to the best of your abilities. Riddle would tug or scratch at your scalp when he approved of something you did to him and pinched your cheek (face) when he didn't. You looked up through a veil of tear-stained lashes to see Riddle's face pigmented with roses in his cheeks. His eyes were still stern and hard looking down at you.
Riddle ordered to move your hands behind your back and keep them here. He shifted on his couch until he sat on the very edge. This made it easier for him to fuck your mouth at his leisure. You spurted around his cock as it was half-forced down your tight throat. Riddle held your head still enough for him to thrust his hips into your face and reach with his cock past your tongue. All you could do was sit still and lay your tongue flat against him. It didn't matter how much you gagged and almost choked, Riddle wasn't going to be done with you until he said otherwise.
Riddle's thrusts quickened after a while. He forced your head against his crotch and held you there. Something warm and salty and bitter down your throat as Riddle gasped and moaned his release. He didn't bother to pull away until he was breathless and completely spent. Riddle opened your mouth, demanding you swallow all of it. You did. Riddle's leg brushed against your aching cock ever so slightly, making you wince.
"R-Riddle, please..." You weren't ashamed to beg at this point.
All Riddle did was offer you that smug look. The same kind of know-it-all, sadistic smirk he got when he turned on Heartslaybul students and dished out punishments, whether they deserved it or not.
"Maybe later. Let that be an extra lesson for you," said Riddle.
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rjmartin11 · 1 year
Just One Kiss
Chapter Two
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Pairing: Elvis & female!reader
Summary: Once upon a Memphis time, you and Elvis were very close friends who turned lovers. After he went into the Army, you both drifted apart, leaving you heartbroken. Time passes, and you go on a Vegas business trip with your long-term boyfriend, Edward, and find out that your old lover is performing at The International Hotel. Old feelings surface once again, and you plan on making this a trip neither of you will soon forget.
Word Count: 2.7K
Warnings: Seduction, Smut, Kissing, light fingering (f. Receiving), oral exam (f. Receiving) Material is not suitable for under 18 years of age. View discretion is advised!
Author's Notes: DUH, DUH, DUH! The Smut has arrived. This may look a bit familiar with some additional features.
I recommend y'all to listen to Touch Me Tease Me by Case. It kind of put me in the mind set for this scene.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚💋✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚
You enter suite 202 in hopes that you made your message loud and clear. You place your clutch down on the coffee table and kick off your shoes. You take a seat by the window and take in the Vegas night lights.
You knew he wouldn't come immediately after you spoke so you wait for him in silence. You hear footsteps pass in the hallway and wonder if their his but the stranger passes and you wait.
As you sit and wait, thoughts plague your mind such as: "He wouldn't stand me up again, would he?" Then you think, "There's no way he would stand me up twice in a lifetime."
You hear another set of footsteps in the hall and wonder if it's him or not. Then you hear the key unlock the door, and you smirk.
"Hi, E. I knew you'd come." You turn toward him as he enters the room and shuts the door behind him.
"I can't believe I'm here, Y/N. I shouldn't be here. I have to get back to..."
"To her?" You interrupt him. "To Laura?"
"Yes, Laura. My girlfriend." Elvis spoke softly.
"I'm only borrowing you for a moment, E. She can wait."
You walk over to him slowly. You catch his eyes as he inspects your body. He closes them shut, trying to snap himself back into reality.
"Why am I here?" He speaks calmly through his teeth. "I have a girlfriend."
"And I have a boyfriend. It's okay, E. I'm only giving you your present and you can go. I promise."
You stop before him, placing your hands on arms.
"My present." Elvis looks you in the eyes.
"Just one kiss, and you can go."
"Y/N, I don't know."
"It's just a kiss." You whisper as you place your hands on his cheeks. He places his hands over yours.
You knew you were speaking nonsense. There was no such thing as just a kiss from Elvis Presley. Elvis gave himself completely into everything he did. In life. On stage. In the bedroom. He was passionate about everything. He was a pleaser above all. You knew he could possibly just peck your lips and leave, as for what you both once had was over.
You were hoping that he would give you a passionate kiss, and as for whatever followed, you wouldn't stop it. You got him to come here. It was fully up to Elvis if he wanted to stay.
You look at his deliciously pouty lips and back into his oceanic hues. He slowly meets you in the middle and softly kisses your lips. You wait for his move. You don't part your lips or moan. You wait. This kiss feels next to a grade school kiss, sweet but empty.
Then you feel Elvis slowly open his mouth and slip his tongue against your lips. You open your mouth and invite his tongue in. This is the kiss you were expecting. That passion that you knew he still harnessed for you burned brightly in this moment.
He placed his hands on your face. You hold in your moans as much as possible and run your fingers through his hair. Oh god, you missed this. You missed him. He then breaks your kiss and looks at you.
You exhale, "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" You ask.
Elvis shakes his head, "No." He examines your body once more. He moves his hands to your shoulders.
"Y/N, baby. I don't like this dress." You look down and touch your dress. What was it the color? It was blush pink. He loves pink.
"E, what's wrong with it?" You inquire.
"It's still on." He says, unzipping the back of your dress.
His lips find the nook in your neck. This time, you don't hold back your moans. You hoped the kiss would lead to this.
You didn't want to be the one that seduced him into bed exactly. You wanted him to come to you. He here he is. As Elvis eases your dress off your body, it falls to the floor. He gently pushes you back to the bed, and you both collapse down on the mattress.
This passion between you and Elvis at this point in time is unlike what you once felt. There's a rage that drove you to this point with Elvis, but your anger at him is thrown out the window. You feel like that twenty year old girl again who just received her first kiss from the boy you pined over. The boy that had your heart. The boy you loved.
You wrap your arms around his neck, as Elvis kisses along your neck. The anger you felt before is all gone. Right now, all you want is to hold him against you.
"Oh, E!" You moan with shear delight.
"Oh baby, I ain't touch you yet."
Elvis moves his lips and tongue down your chest to your breast. He grabs your breast, licks along the perimeter of your nip, and surprisingly bits you. You scream and arch your back. He slips his hand down your thigh, under your panties, and inserts two of his fingers into your soaking pussy.
You feel your nectar dripping all over his hand. You try to catch your breath, as you can't help but pant at the feeling of him massaging your pussy.
Elvis spreads your thighs further apart and places his luscious lips to your clit, licking it like a hungry wild man. Placing your legs over his shoulders, moans leave his mouth at every lap. This is a first for you both. Never has a man done this to you before, and you like it more than you should. You run your fingers through his hair, moaning and crying out of pleasure.
"Good god, Elvis. Y-You've been practicing some new skills with that mouth!"
"Baby, I wish I did this before. You taste as good as ice cream."
You begin to grind your pussy into his face. Elvis stops your hips from moving to finish working his tongue against your clit. You are unable to move, but it doesn't stop your heart from pounds or your blood from rushing at the feeling of Elvis between your legs. You shake from pure ecstasy. Your orgasm hitting you in five, four, THREE, TWO, ONE!!!
You let out such an obscene cry that you are left breathless. Your strength is gone, your limbs go limp, and you collapse on the bed. Damn, Elvis has updated his skills since 1957.
Elvis climbs on top of you and kisses your lips, and you embrace him in your arms.
"You ready for this dick, Y/N?"
"I was ready for that dick the moment you hit the stage in the tight ass jumpsuit."
You kiss each other passionately again, and Elvis uses one of his hands to spread your legs open for his entry. He slides into slowly. So achingly slowly to the point you feel every inch of him. You don't mind him gently fucking you, but you want him to be more rough with you. You want him to send you over the edge. Pass the point of no return. You're practically there, but you want more. You need more.
Elvis pauses to speak to you.
"Are you okay with this, baby?" He asks.
"Yes. Why do you ask? You're inside of me right now!"
"What was that shit about me being your brother?"
You giggle at what he says. Remembering what you told Laura earlier in the night. Pure nonsense.
"If I had a brother who looked like you, I'd fuck him." You tell him, putting your arm around his neck. You furiously kiss his lips and lick them. "Fuck me, Elvis." You say sternly.
Elvis pushes himself firmly into you, working your wet pussy. He's working you up into a frenzy. You're both panting at the pleasure of being interweave with one another. You wrap your legs around him tightly, granting him more access inside you. He feels better than you remember him. Bigger even, if that's possible. He pushes into again and again. Your pussy is aching from every inch he inflix on you.
"Harder, Elvis. Harder."
He does as you tell him and strokes your pussy harder. Hard enough to hit your g spot, sending you hurling over the edge. He moves his hand and massages your clit. This is it.
"Elvis, I'm cumming! I'm cumm..." Your orgasm hits you so fast and so hard you can't finish your sentence. You scream in pleasure and grip onto him as you try to relax yourself.
Elvis works himself in you, and with the final stroke cums inside you. He yells in the pillow that your head lays on. You both sit for a moment, trying to catch your breath. Elvis kisses your shoulder up to your neck, and finally, your lips.
"Y/N, you feel better than I remember." He tells you.
"Yeah, you too."
He smiles at you and places his head in the nook of your neck.
"Y/N. Oh, I missed you." He whispers in your ear.
Anger from the past sets in again. You look at him and say, "That's sweet." You move out of the bed and begin to put in your clothes.
"Wait a minute, baby, where are you goin'?" Elvis asked.
"Back to my room. I'm sure Eddie's waiting for me."
"Elvis, I told you I wasn't going to keep you long. I'm sure your child bride is waiting for you too."
Elvis gets out of bed, furious at you be puts on his pants. He doesn't vex you in the slightest. You put your shoes on, grab your keys, and leave out the door. Elvis runs behind you and pushes you up against the wall to look into your eyes.
"Who are you?" Elvis asks you with confusion in his voice.
You can't really answer him because the truth is you don't even know yourself. Not anymore. The girl he knew from Memphis was lost a long time ago. Instead of telling him the truth, you reply,
"Who cares, Elvis. You got what you wanted, didn't you? A fuck for old times sake?"
"You were never just a fuck to me. I told you that."
"Did you tell that to Anita, too?" You whisper.
His eyes widen, and he releases you. The elevator door opens just in time for you to walk in.
"I'll see you around, Presley." You say, walking in the elevator, watching him as the doors shut, separating you.
You place your hands on shoulders as the elevator climbs to your floor. You take a deep breath and recover from the amazing sex you just had with your old lover. It wasn't supposed to be that good, but it was. He wasn't supposed to be that sweet, yet he is. The wounds from yesteryear still haunt you, and you've allowed them to consume you.
You step off the elevator and walk to your room. You unlock the door, and Eddie is there watching television.
"Y/N, baby. You don't know how glad I was to find you out of this room." He hugs you, and you squeeze him back, putting a fake smile on your face.
"Hey, Eddie. How were the meetings?" You ask.
"Eventful, slightly educated, and boring. I missed you the entire time." He said, wrapping his hands around your waist. "Y/N, you smell different. Is that a cologne? Old Spice? Have you been playing in my Old Spice?"
Damn, Elvis is all over you. You don't panic. You know just what to say.
"I met some old friends downstairs. They wear their cologne heavy." You say, smirking at him.
"Old friends? More than one? What did you do?" Eddie asks.
"I went to see that Presley guy you suggested. He was pretty good." You laugh. "Eddie, Elvis is an old friend of mine from Memphis, and a few of his bodyguards are old friends as well. I caught up with them after the show."
"I'm glad to hear it."
"Me too. I'm going to take a shower. I'll be back in a minute." You say, kissing his cheek and walking into the bathroom. You turn on the shower, letting the water get hot so you can wash yourself clean of your actions.
You examine your body, removing your clothes. Oh no. Your breast. Elvis bit you so hard it left a mark. Before you step into the shower, you turn on the curling iron and leave it in the sink top. You leave it there and enter the shower. You needed a shower to decompress from your evening. You inhale the steam from the water and allow the water to rinse away your sex and worries.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚💋✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚
Meanwhile, in the Penthouse Suite:
Elvis enters the empty room. The Memphis Mafia isn't there. They're properly partying downstairs still. Good. Elvis didn't feel like answering a million questions at the moment. He wanted to relax.
His heart came back to him tonight in the guise of a manipulating woman who used him. How could you be so cruel? What happened? Then he remembers you mentioning Anita, another lost love from his infidelities. How could you have known about her? He never would've hurt you like that.
He enters his bedroom and spots Laura asleep on the bed, waiting for him. He goes straight to the shower to clean himself up. To get your scent off of him. Elvis is baffled. You still smell the same after all this time.
He soaks in the shower for a minute, contemplating on your actions and his. The sex was good, wasn't it? No, it was amazing. You felt so good. Elvis wants to touch himself at the thought of you. The memories of you. All of you. He wasn't lying when he told you he missed you. You truly were the one that got away. He remembers calling your mama's house looking for you and you were gone. Gone away from him.
He calms himself down and gets out of the shower. He drys off, dresses in his blue satin pajama set, and slides in the bed with Laura. Truth be told, he was hoping that he would be holding you tonight, but maybe you were right. You borrowed him for a moment. He's with the woman he's supposed to be with. He gently grabs Laura and caresses her. Kisses her forhead. Inhales her scent. He finds himself drifting off to sleep, but when he closes his eyes, he sees you in that mini blue dress from so long ago.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚💋✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚
Back in your room, you step out of the shower and dry off. The iron is flaming hot now. You make sure you dry your breasts off well cause you don't want to cook yourself. You pick up the curling iron and take a deep breath. You quickly place the iron on your tender breast. Wear Elvis bit you and scream, dropping the iron to the floor.
Eddie runs in to check in you.
"Baby, Y/N, what? What happened?" He asks frantically.
"I-I-I forgot I left the iron on, and I burnt my breast!" I cry out, tears rolling down your cheeks. Eddie hugs you softly and escorts you to the bed.
"You need some butter to take the sting out so you can sleep well. I'll call downstairs and see if they will bring some up." Eddie, the healer. Good soul. Hard worker. He's the best guy. You don't deserve him. You are fully aware that you don't, but he loves you and wants to take care of you.
Eddie places you in the bed, propping your feet on a pillow and covering. He holds your hand as he calls room service for some dinner rolls with extra butter. How wise he is. How clever.
The dinner rolls come up to your room, and he makes you a roll to calm you. Then he takes the butter out for your nipple.
"I got it from here, cowboy." You tell him as you place the butter on your nipple. "Was that your way of trying to cop a feel?"
"Yes and no." He whispers, kissing your forehead.
He makes himself a roll and lays down beside you. You have betrayed this good guy for a man who broke your heart years ago. Why haven't you let Elvis go?
Sleep falls over you. You close your eyes, and you're back in 1957...
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countlessrealities · 11 months
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@helluvaxhazbin sent: “We need to talk.” (Barbie for Blitz. Just her showing up at the office)
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When the door of his office was thrown open without a warning and none other than his twin sister marched in, Blitzo choked on the sip of coffee he had been about to swallow. The hadn't gotten any new cases that day, so he had let Loona and the Ms leave earlier, while he stayed behind to check their books.
Usually that stuff was part of Moxxie's tasks, since he was the only one capable of taking care of it without dying of boredom, but lately Blitzo had been feeling restless to the point of hysteria. He was so desperate for something to keep his hands busy that even that thankless job could do.
Now that he had received that unprompted visit, weeks after the last time they had seen each other on Earth, he wasn't sure if he was glad or not for his choice of not going home with the others.
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"Alright, what the actual fuck?!" He exclaimed, setting down his mug with a little too much energy. "Did you just...I've been tryin' to reach you for weeks, Barb! I tried to call, but you constantly hung up on me! You even blocked my number and all the others I used to, for Satan's sake. And now you show up at my fuckin' doorstep demandin' to talk?"
Why was she even there? She had made it crystal clear that she didn't want anything to do with him. And sure, Blitzo had refused to accept her choice, but at least he had stayed coherent in his decisions since the very start. Unlike someone else.
"If your idea of talkin' is tellin' me to fuck off again, don't bother. I heard you loud and clear the other times."
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Living as an Extra in an Omegaverse novel
Chapter 5
Se-hyeon looked at his watch and checked the time. There are still twenty minutes left until the appointment.
Se-hyeon, who was straightening her half-turned position on the sofa with the intention of waiting for Shin Tae-oh, suddenly wondered why I was here.
"Yes, I can understand that it is an extension of work, but why can't we go together from home?"
After receiving a call from Shin Tae -oh in the morning, I felt strange and unfamiliar to myself, waiting calmly in the hotel lobby. It's like making an appointment with someone and coming first and waiting.
"Is this what Shin Tae-oh is aiming for?"
Since I said I was embarrassed to come to the hotel, I guess I was acting like I had a business meeting. Se-hyeon, now feeling relieved, adjusted his tie and put the bag he was carrying next to him so he could see it clearly.
When Shin Tae-oh comes, should he say 'Hello, boss?' Or, 'Welcome'. Would 'Boss.' be better? Whatever it is, just make it look business-like.
I looked towards the door again to see when Shin Tae-oh would come in.
Se-hyeon immediately stood up, straightened out her crumpled suit, and waited for him. When we reached a d
Se-hyeon immediately stood up, straightened out her crumpled suit, and waited for him. When we reached a distance where we could hear each other's voices, Se-hyeon opened his mouth. At the same time as Shin Tae-oh.
"Hello, boss."
"I've waited a long time, babe?"
It wasn't that conversation didn't work. Since we only exchanged brief greetings, I could argue that it was all right, but since we both sensed that it was awkward, the next words did not come out.
He greeted Shin Tae-oh more formally than usual, and he welcomed him with a sweet voice.
Each person's role play was different. It was a silence that was achieved when the thoughts of himself meeting for work and Shin Tae-oh's thoughts of coming to meet his lover clashed.
'No, but what was this guy thinking when he went to sleep?'
Self! If someone other than yourself calls you "self," can you reply that you are "self"? Self? I was shocked that such a strange person was brought in.
He said he was meeting Yoo Jin-ha today, but why did he call me his?
Se-hyeon, who was feeling all kinds of irritated inside, took care of the situation for a moment.
"I checked it in."
Shin Tae-oh cleared his throat awkwardly and headed towards the elevator.
"I didn't know you would call me boss."
"I'm very embarrassed to come to the hotel. So, after thinking about it, I called Secretary Ahn as myself, but it would have been even more awkward."
'It's already gotten awkward.'
Se-hyeon thought about saying something but held back.
"Shouldn't we go up with someone else later? I thought it would be right to call him boss just in case."
"Is it?"
Shin Tae-oh seemed to think that Se-hyeon's words were valid and took the elevator without further comment.
Se-hyeon looked at the scenery beyond the transparent wall. He was a decent sight to see so you wouldn't get bored while going up to the highest floor.
Then, Se-hyeon turned her head when she heard Shin Tae-oh's voice suddenly speaking to her. Shin Tae-oh pointed at something and it was the logo of this hotel. Daeil. It was the name of the largest company in the country and a world-renowned group.
"When I was young, the president and I often came to the hotel. At that time, when she got on the elevator, a man and a woman would hold her hand and get on and off in a friendly manner. "When she saw men and women smiling when they made eye contact, she thought the hotel was a place to come with someone you love."
I stayed quiet because I didn't have anything to say, but fortunately, no one asked me for an answer.
"Now that I'm all grown up, I know that it's not just lovers or married couples who come. I know that you can come here for business or just for a one-night stand, but once you set your mind, it's hard to change your mind."
Is that why you haven't been to the hotel all this time?
"Do you know how I came here today? "I'm going to have a good time with Jin-ha."
The elevator stopped with a smile as Shin Tae-oh turned around.
Shin Tae-oh, who got off the elevator, checked the direction and started walking, quickly disappeared from sight.
Se-hyeon, who was looking at the spot where Shin Tae-o was standing while pressing the open button, blurted out.
"He's funny."
The perverted cat was a pure man.
Entering the suite, Se-hyeon closed the door behind her and looked around at the view. The wide open space welcomed Se-hyeon with its sophisticated interior. As Se-hyeon went inside and looked around every nook and cranny to familiarize himself with the structure, there was no admiration for the suite.
'As expected, it's similar.'
Shin Tae-oh's house was like this. In fact, it was better decorated than here. The house where the works collected by Shin Tae-oh, who has an excellent sense of aesthetics, and the small models he made as a hobby were displayed, had more to see and were more attractive. Maybe that's why I looked around with a more carefree mind than I expected, and I found just one thing different.
"What are you doing?"
Every time Shin Tae-oh held the remote control and pressed a button, the glass wall in front turned black and then became transparent repeatedly.
"Should we make this at home too?"
"I'll find out."
Remembering the rule that a question is an instruction, Se-hyeon took out her cell phone and briefly entered the information. It's actually a better house than a hotel, but if you add more options, it will be even better.
"The wine cellar is small."
Can it be compared to your house, which has a wine cellar in the basement?
"Secretary Ahn. Come here."
Se-hyeon, who had been looking around to see if there was anything else Shin Tae-oh might like, turned around when he heard the sound of him calling out. He wondered what he had found, but Shin Tae-oh, who had already taken off his outer clothes, came carrying wine and a glass.
"What are you doing now?"
"To get a taste."
It would be nice to eat it alone, but there are two glasses.
"Secretary Ahn, you don't have to drink. I think it's just a matter of matching the assortment. "I put it there to imagine drinking it face-to-face with Jin-ha.”
Taenyang's sincerity was admirable as he even prepared wine to drink with Jin-ha in advance.
So, I sat across from Shin Tae-oh, admiring his sincerity. It's because I absolutely want to drink wine.
"All right."
In response to Se-hyeon's answer, Shin Tae-o poured wine into two glasses in turn. And as I was rounding my glass, Se-hyeon naturally took the glass and tasted it.
"It seems heavy to create an appropriate atmosphere, so a light wine would be better."
"Uh... okay."
Shin Tae-oh immediately brought another wine, and Se-hyeon hummed to himself. It was brought by Shin Tae-oh, who has a good eye for wine, and the aroma and flavour were significant. It would taste good no matter what you eat, but I thought it would be better to choose something that suits the mood.
I also feel sorry for Shin Tae-oh.
It's not going to work out anyway, so it's good to try to set the mood properly for today. Even if things don't work out for each other, we can make good memories.'
I just drink a little bit anyway. I didn't think it would progress beyond that.
Because Yoo Jin-ha is a man whose heart only responds to Ha Min-hyuk.
Se-hyeon, who was tasting various wines, took advantage of the faintly rising intoxication to glance sideways at Shin Tae-oh.
My fever rose, so I pulled my collar once and let it go. I didn't drink well because I drank too much. Thanks to that, I didn't have to worry much about following Shin Tae-oh and sipping alcohol, but now I felt dizzy.
I guess it's because I'm not in good physical condition.
I felt like I couldn't drink anymore, so I took my hand off the wine. Then Shin Tae-oh gave me a look asking why I was doing that.
I was about to say I couldn't drink anymore, but I thought it would be better to distract myself.
The worries were short and the action was quick.
I laughed because Shin Tae-oh's gaze did not leave my face. You look at me like that because you know what I'm going to say. As a secretary, I shouldn't smile, but the corners of my mouth turned up.
"Secretary Ahn is smiling now."
In response to Shin Tae-oh's question, Se-hyeon shamelessly remained silent as if she didn't know. I never would have thought to see the expressions on his face in such a short period of time.
"I think I laughed."
"If you don't mind, may I ask you something?"
Se-hyeon quickly opened her mouth because she thought she would continue to speak with her own expression if she stayed still.
"To me?"
"Why not?"
"No, that's not it."
Shin Tae-oh waved his hands and couldn't hide his embarrassment.
"You always acted like you knew me so well that I didn't know how to ask questions. I'm not saying don't do it. "I was just surprised."
I can't help but do that because I know quite a bit of information about Shin Tae-oh.
"Then let me ask you two questions."
"Two of each? Thank you."
"Why do you mix formal and formal speech?"
This was a question I always heard. during the three years, I followed him around as his assistant. I couldn't find out because the novel doesn't say how he treats his secretary or why he treats him that way. It seems like he's just doing what he wants, but I don't know the standard.
"Depending on my mood."
"If you're in a good mood, you speak informally?"
"That's not it."
While Shin Tae-oh poured a new glass of wine, their gazes crossed. Shin Tae-o looked at the wine glass and Se-hyeon looked at his hand. It is the only beautiful part of his manly appearance. Long and straight.
"If you feel like you're getting closer, speak informally. If not, be respectful."
"Was it something like that?"
I don't know when I first felt that familiar feeling, but I didn't dig deep. Now that I've heard why they mix it, I'm no longer curious.
"It's fun. Try the next question again."
The second time, I was wondering for a moment whether it would be okay to ask, but with the help of Shin Tae-oh's sly smile, I tried my luck.
"A lover who loves hotels will come- Speaking of place...
When I actually tried to speak, I stuttered without realizing it.
"Then, I'm going to hold hands only with the person I love..."
"I was wondering what question it was again. "Why don't you have a one-night stand?"
Se-hyeon kept her mouth shut at Shin Tae-oh's easy answer. He didn't even need to explain further. This is really impulsive... He came to mind because of something he heard earlier while taking the elevator up.
I wonder if it's because I'm only looking at Jin-ha or if he's really a genuine guy...
I wondered if it was a presumptuous question, and I thought hard about whether I should just tell him to forget it or listen to the answer and apologize.
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ducknotinarow · 5 months
03/07 RaphVon - [🎁] our muses exchange holiday gifts
| SEND AN EMOJI FOR A STARTER ! ↳ winter season & holiday based
Leave it to Mikey to somehow get Von and Don to agree to the baby shower idea. But hey did go all out even though at some point it seemed he forgot that it was meant for the mother seeing how the banned had to have Don's nah scribbled out and replaced by Von's. Idiot. Was Raphael's main thought as he been hanging back during most of this thing. Mikey manged to pull a few of the invited parties into the games which just seemed dumb to Raphael. He purposely said 'baby' near the start and gave his pin away to whoever was nearest to him and sort of hung towards the back of it all. The baby shower wasn't really his thing.
When he noticed Von as some point seem to take a moment to rest well Mikey had another of his game ready to start up. Raphael took it as a opening. As he made his way to sit beside Von. Holding a gift bag near his side just enough to keep it from Von's sight as he joined her. "Hey least Mikey invited you to your own baby shower in the end 'ight?" He smirks a little her way paying a second to make sure Von was fine. Offering to help her sit down if she needed it. But of course like Raph expected she was handling the whole being pregnant thing very well. But that was Yvonne for you stubborn to the bone.
Raphael's attention turned back to the party they were currently bobbing for pacifiers everyone Mikey got to go along with it had a bowl of water before them and had their hands set behind their backs. The goal was who ever got all three in their own bowls first won and Mikey manged to capture all of his before anyone else. He could just feel the flash backs to the Battle Nexus showing before his vision. Great that was going to be something to look forward too, man he is for sure staying with Casey tonight after this. "Though somehow I 'hink this turned into more for Mikey than either of youes." Raph points out.
Which took him back to his reasoning of sitting beside her now, away from everyone else, he knows they all had a gift to give for the baby coming. They were sure of the gender yet but a baby still needed anything they could offer. Or in some cases make. It was a sort of secret and not a secret. In that no one under any circumstances was to ever mention the fact that Raphael knew how to knit. But it wasn't like no one knew about him able to do so. Splinter had had him take up the habit in an effort to help Raphael with that ever burning flame the fueled his temper. And he found comfort in the repeated action. Splinter was the first to ever receive a gift made by Raph. And slowly everyone did. Sure it wasn't really for Von but thats how these worked the gift was to the mother for the baby. Von was just much more a risky gamble because she liked to push that whole deal when it came to fact about Raphael.
He still grabbed at the gift bag and held it out in front of her. Looking far off to the side not even towards the party, selecting a random brick in the wall to focus his gaze on to. "yeah I know were doin' gifts at the end but 'm gonna try ditch soon as I can. So wanna make sure you get 'his is all."
Raphael expresses only turning to face her again when he felt the weight of the bag leave his own hand. Slightly peering over to watch her look into the paper shopping bag, Peering in and it was clear to see right away that there was a purple knitted blanket in there. Bands of two shades purple and near the top right corner was a small fish done in a even dark shade of color. It was clear this had taken longer and more time to make compared to most of the other knitted gifts Raphael had ever given. Sort of outing a few more thing about this little hobby of the rough and gruff turtle. It was thanks to some help, outside help from a Ms. Morrison that he may have learned a bit more he could do.
Raphael wouldn't explain it but he did put a lot of thought into the look of the blanket he know both Don and Von had a liking for the color purple so course it was going to be those similar shades they both wore. The fish in their own shade of purple. Part of him wanted to try and make it look like the usual silhouette look of Ariel from the move Don just loved to death. But it had proved to be too hard for him to really do at the time. Besides? who was to say their kid would also like the movie? Pretty sure they would one way or another actually. So a fish seemed fitting in the end. Von like to sit out by the docks same as Raph after all and it tied back to the sea that Donnie loved and wanted to explore the depths of. Raphael felt it worked. And made sense and glared a dagger at Casey every time he sat down to work on it at the apartment. Or when he tried to ask for his partners thought about it because of how much thought he was expressing was going in towards the creation.
"I see that look on your face Von." Not really she was on his right side after all but he didn't need to be actively looking at her to know she was in fact making some sort of expression that would likely annoy him right now. "Kid needs a blanket 'ight? well should get a new one and not 'ike we can really come by that so easy." Okay sure Casey or April could help with that but then it was more a gift from Casey or April and not Raphael. Which is why he opted to making one himself. After all he knew how to do it.
Raphael finally sighs and givens in feeling better to get it over with as he twists a little to better face her. "What?" He says it like a warning, it was pointless Von was never really deterred but the tough act. Didn't stop the red banded turtle from giving it though. Even if he knew she wouldn't be thrown off by it. "Get it over wit' ya ya Raph made a blanket for the baby whatever ain't a big deal." He says doing his best to keep to his act. "Knew I shoulda jus' left with out givin' it to you personally." yeah right he wanted it know he had done it even if it meant dealing with this now.
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