timethehobo · 3 months
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He’s seeing all the posts about him.
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naffeclipse · 9 months
Everybody gangster till Cryptic Hunter!Y/N pull up with these mfers
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Mothman strikes again
Y/N: The mothman socks stay ON during cuddles
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ah yes here we have the magnus protocol tapping in to britain’s deepest darkest fear: mr blobby
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izzy-hands · 1 year
that single radskier kiss cured my depression cleared my skin and watered my crops
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grimtab · 19 days
"Just us" Yandere Rival Jake x fem reader (Pokémon BRICK Bronze) Part 1/?
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Part 2 is up: "Loving Backstabber"
Jake would be a pretty clingy, overprotective and manipulative. He wouldn't be harmful as much physically (unless someone harms you)
he is always by your side, complimenting you, calling you beautiful, pretty, cute and oddly a bit touchy
backs off if you tell him to not touch him, but will resume to play with your hair or whatever he was doing 5 minutes later
he loves hugging, he loves feeling you close to him
doesn't really like boundaries with you
"What do you mean personal space? We've known eachother forever, don't be silly"
it wouldn't be that obvious to people that he head over heels obsessed witih you, until he joins Team Eclipse later on which makes him snap
Jake always has been the one to be in your downs and lows
you've known each other since kids, I mean, being neighbors and all, you two were glued to the hip
fights were pretty rare
Jake never liked you hanging around with anyone except him, or your parents (I mean they're not competition so) in fact, he actually liked your parents, I mean, they are going to be his parents in law.. lol
He gets pretty upset when seeing you with guys (if you bisexual like me then ur fucked LOL)
he is surprisingly patient - or maybe he was good at faking his emotions
He usually bottled his jealousy, anger and frustration, leading to arguements
Arguments did happen, but rarely
"I can just tell you're going to leave me for him- am I just not enough for you?"
Jake just guilt trips and manipulates if you're getting too close with someone
no wonder why you don't have anyone else except Jake LOL
When you both became teenagers Jake's crush on you just fired up more
Every time you brought up someone who was hot at school, Jake's eye just twitched
So Jake did what he had to
He was pretty popular in school so he did unfortunately have to make up some rumor's that led you to being an outcast, forcing you to be with him only
If you managed to get a boyfriend, they left due to rumors of you cheating (which you didn't, it was Jake all along)
"Jeez.. I don't know who started a rumor about you being unloyal to your exes.."
Others would look at him in pity for hanging out with you
People think he's too nice of a person
but he is still popular nonetheless and uses it to his advantage, giving you the idea of Jake being the only one to understand you
-- Start of the Journey --
(in this fic the age you get Pokémons for your journey is after you graduate, because you learn every essential thing from highschool)
Reason Jake hasn't confessed his feeling is just... he's incredibly scared of rejection
He loved your friendship with him but he wanted more
sure you two acted like lovebirds but he was scared that if you do reject him, things will never be the same (until when he's in Team Eclipse he forces you back with him with the power he has)
After graduating and celebrating with your only friend Jake at your favourite small restaurant, you confess to him
He's on cloud 9. Like he could explode with happiness
He was so happy to make it official he jumped up, knocking the table slightly and spilling food on you
He was happy to call you his girlfriend, and one day his wife
Waking up after that day was a special one. Checking the window for the weather but instead seeing Jake wave at you was a pleasant way to start it
Your first official Pokémon for your journey
After getting your starter Pokémon and saying goodbye to your parents, you and Jake set off together
You did win the battle with Jake's Eevee, but he was still happy to battle with you
He comforted you after your parents were kidnapped
Jake doesn't meet you up later and leave you like he does in the game, he's always by your side
If he does leave, it's for a valid reason, and under like 20 minutes, if he's in a battle, or he needs to heal his Pokémon while you are in a battle
He trusts you enough to know you're not going to just run off- I mean he has your location on his phone
He is by your side, pretty much all the time
While you battled in Silvent City's gym, he stood in the crowd, watching and cheering you on
As soon as you got the badge, he congratulated you, dragging you away before you can shake the gym leaders hand goodbye
You didn't know Team Eclipse were watching you both, observing the way Jake was always obsessed with you
Jake befriended your Pokémons, it was like a cute little family with you and him
time and time went on, Jake's anxiety about you leaving him dulled down as he was always with you
He always put a hand around you when you're talking with people and put on a fake smile
He can't really stop you from talking to people, so he just figured he'd show people that you were his
You always fought trainers with Jake watching unless if he's in another battle with another trainer
It's been a month and a half
Rosecove city rolled around and came Tess
Jake just finished a battle and was following the directions in his phone which showed your location
As he climbed up the hill, he had that pang again
You saved her from Team Eclipse and she thanked you with a hug
He felt his heart just.. kind of break
Like why is this random girl hugging you? Do you know her? He doesn't recognize her, he didn't know her, and he did not like her
He comes up to you as you hug him, telling him about Team Eclipse.
His frown slightly turned to a thin line and his eyebrows furrowed
You introduce Tess to Jake
He put his arms around your waist and nodded along at times with the conversation, faking a smile
"I would love to join you in your journey." He heard Tess say to you. He narrowed his eyes
What? Tess is going to come along for the journey?
Jake groaned internally. This journey was supposed to be just the two of us, not some Tess
He observed how Tess was slightly flirting with you - or maybe she was just complimenting you and Jake took it the wrong way
Maybe he shouldn't leave you even for a measly 10 minutes
"Sorry, me and "Y/N have to get going- I hope you have a nice time on your own journey-"
He hide the anger in his words as he 'kindly' smiled at Tess and her grandfather
He dragged you away
"You said it would be nice to expand our team so me being your team enough for you? You didn't see the way that Tess was flirting with you or did you like it? She doesn't want to train with us she wants to get in your pants!" so you refused Tess
It was two of you again and he was pretty happy
He proposes you with a beautiful ring a week later
it was a great day :)
You two found your way to Anthian City by making an old gentlemen your friend It was exciting, a big city with a challenging gym would excite any trainer
But just like before, Jake was upset again
In Anthian City, you just bump into Tess
Ugh everything was going great, and now Tess was here to ruin it all
Apparently she had crucial information about your kidnapped parents from a family friendTess was more favoring to you, and Jake just hated Tess
When you later get alone together,
"Maybe it's best if we just deal with Team Eclipse on our own, we don't need Tess."
You had a gym to battle and to train your pokemons stronger so you had to put it to a later notice
While you were battling the gym leader, Jake snuck away to find Team Eclipse and get back your parents for you to recognize what a hero he is, and how much he does for you!
But it backfires. He gets kidnapped lol
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critter-of-habit · 1 year
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The clouds in Horizon Forbidden West / Burning Shores are just ridiculously beautiful. They're not distant animations, they're close enough to fly around and even through! And yet they still react to the sunlight in real time like they're solid objects. Absolutely incredible work.
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a-sketchy · 7 months
wait waiy wiayw wait wait wait
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fast forward a year or so >>>
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dude. DUDE.
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call-me-remi · 1 year
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bobokitty · 1 year
LMAO who leaked our meeting notes???
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sneeb-canons · 11 months
Mind straight up cannot pass captchas
Headcanon #223
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pixlokita · 1 year
Siento que Gregory (o Gregorio con los panas xd) es ese niño que se mata a golpes con todo lo que se mueve xd, fuera de relajó parece un gato de esos agresivos
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Si 😔💖
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timethehobo · 2 months
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Yall don’t think I have a type, right? 🧐 //sarcasm
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naffeclipse · 8 months
Naff help I can't stop thinking about Mafia Boss Eclipse and Bounty Hunter Eclipse having a Dramatic Confrontation/Fight. It would be super badass I think, with both of them shooting barbs and insults in an attempt to get under each other's metaphorical skin and piss the other off enough into slipping up so as to gain the advantage- but I think BH!Eclipse has a surefire way to get one up on MB!Eclipse >:) MB!Eclipse would be going on about how he holds the city in the palm of his hand, he doesn't have to hold back, he has the power to burn it all down and make everyone pay. MB!Eclipse: I have everything I could ever want! What do you have that I don't? BH!Eclipse: I can think of a couple things. Three, specifically- or should I say three people? MB!Eclipse:
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Bounty Hunter Eclipse: No Y/N? No brothers?
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marithlizard · 30 days
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jujuflakes · 2 months
working on a lucifer introspection comic. it's going to be a long one 🫠
stares at the 1.7k ish worth of notes I vaguely recall jotting down in a deeply frenzied and sleep deprived state,🧍
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local-gun-witch · 4 months
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