#((Shuu thoughts))
o0o0thorn0o0o · 11 months
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Karma: But why act so smug? You won by only 1.8% :P
Gakushuu: Shut it—a win is a win.
Some doodles based on this very hectic poll. I know I’m a little late, but I’m also on a trip up north rn.
A hint of AsaKanza because I haven’t drawn AC in a while, and I’d like to include the gal. That, and I got some encouragement from Luna to include Yukiko.
That, and because I be hella biased towards my favorites, as y’all should know by now :P
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shuutingstar · 6 months
I’m sure everyone remembers that one scene in House of Hades (I think…) where Nico was outed by Cupid/Eros in front of Jason? Well, I don’t know if everyone knows this but in Rome same-sex relationships were normal. So, imagine Nico being all scared and anxious because he just outed himself to Jason — who he probably thinks won’t accept him because Nico thinks he’s (Nico’s) unlovable — and is just waiting for Jason’s response but the guy’s acting so nonchalant about it??
Nico: …I have a crush on Percy.
Jason: Nico, I’m pretty sure that doesn’t count. Eros/Cupid said it had to be a secret you never told anyone, you know, something less conspicuous?
Nico: *confused*
Nico: wait… what-?
Camp Jupiter could be so much gayer if Rick had just actually tried to write it properly 😔. Jason probably already knew Nico had a crush on Percy but was like: that’s normal so he just never mentioned it. Like, why would he? It’s just a crush. He’s in a war, crushes aren’t something you’re going to discuss. And Nico’s so confused and embarrassed because he’s old schooled. That’s how they became best friends, your honour.
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dreamaruu · 4 months
I love your DR art, so I'm very excited that you like TG as well!! Can you draw Tsukiyama?
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The nepo baby himself 🌹
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epickiya722 · 4 months
Getting Gojo's voice actor, Yuichi Nakamura, to voice Umemiya gives me the same energy as getting Bakugou's voice actor, Nobuhiko Okamoto, to voice Inuzuka.
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vellichorom · 2 months
you guys ever think about the ridiculousness of age in anime,
no i'm not referring to the infamous " 1000 year old dragon girl who looks & acts like a kid, " although that in of itself is a problem. a problem i need not elaborate on,
no i'm talking about an individual who's done everything in a lifetime & they're like. not even middle aged
don't you fucking tell me miles edgeworth ace attorney & shuu iwamine hatoful boyfriend got ALL OF THAT DONE in their 20's those men are pushing 40 AT LEAST
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cjs-51703 · 3 months
Hi, yes, I'm here to project onto fictional characters once more.
I headcanon that Shuu Tsukiyama has BPD. If anyone is out there, willing to discuss Tokyo Ghoul in 2024, come and chat.
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x0401x · 6 months
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milkshakeeee · 1 year
It’s funny how all of Kaneki’s love interests (at least the ones I can think of atm) can be divided into pairs.
Eto and Mutsuki: The green haired half ghouls who’s really cool but kinda messed up(talking about Mutsuki’s lil yandere moment and Eto is self explanatory). This group is basically the one that’s not really going anywhere.
Rize and Tsukiyama: The good-looking, book liking, food loving purple haired ghouls who Kaneki goes on a “date” with that ends with him almost being eaten. This is the group that it seems like it’s going well, but they really just wanna eat him. (This isn’t going anywhere either) Stay away from this group Kaneki, it wont end well.
Hide and Touka: The most important, the rabbits. These are the ones with the least in common with each other (kinda opposite vibes, a bit similar at the core ig, idk I love them both) except for the fact they are the closest to Kaneki and their connection to rabbits
BUT it’s also the only ones where it actually goes somewhere. (I despise t0uken but it’s canon so it did go somewhere and we all know Hidekane was pretty close to being canon so I count that)
Anyway that was that! Thanks for coming to my ted talk ;)
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whatvilecreature · 9 months
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Tokyo ghoul au where everything is the exact same but tsukiyama and kaneki are butch lesbians
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i think my favorite thing about shuu as a character is that his actions are just absolutely inexcusable.
there is no "valid" excuse for murdering and cannibalizing children. there is no excuse for biologically weaponizing a child and traumatizing him to the point of suicide. he DELIGHTS in other people's suffering. he claims to have done this all for a purpose, but yet, he thinks that dismembering and decapitating a corpse to show to schoolchildren is funny. he laughs when hiyoko suggests that the same child he made the promise to might be suffering because of him.
like, he's not a gray character. yuuya is a gray character. he's made questionable decisions (bbl, the egg), because there wasn't a better option available to him.
and yet, despite just how horrible shuu is? he's understandable.
all of his actions stem from grief. he's been in grieve for YEARS. he claims everything stems from it. and a lot of his actions do. he invited almost all of the students to the school to investigate their ability to carry the charon virus, and the reason he isolated it in the first place was to fulfill his promise to ryouta.
look, i'll make jokes about how stupid misinterpreting "please, create a world where parents are no longer taken from their children, and wars no longer happen" as "please kill all humans" is, but you can still work through his faulty logic.
he was RAISED in the hawk party research facility. literally. he was like. 10 when ryouta was born. and he worked with ryuuji before then. obviously he thinks the solution to wars is what he was raised to believe.
and also? there's just... that element of grief to account for. everything he does is about it. he's the true antagonist of the game, like 99% of the problems can be accounted directly to him, but his grief is so present it just. it's so obvious, looking back on it.
he was thorough in trying to fulfill his promise. out of obligation, he claims.
holiday star shuu definitely gave me a new perspective. because he adopts miru and kaku, who hiyoko even notes he would probably murder under normal circumstances, because their anklets still say ryuuji k. on them. i was shocked when i was able to recognize his storybook as him the first playthrough. he's... he's just so simple.
none of his reasoning is justifiable. and he did WRONG. he did so much wrong. but doesn't that just make it more fun? doesn't that just make it so much more interesting?
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captain-astors · 2 years
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To the groom.
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shuutingstar · 5 months
*ahem* anyway—
Family had many interpretations, Aiden learned. Family could be warm and sweet and comforting, but family could also be cold and cruel and a waste of time.
He didn’t have a need for his mother’s warm smile or his father’s comforting hugs. He didn’t want their affection or approval. Why should he need anything from them when all they’ve done is distant themselves from him?
Family meant cold meals and awkward dinners. Family meant empty houses and quiet rooms. Family meant missing any and all of his award ceremonies.
Family meant nothing to Aiden.
Sometimes, though, when the walls felt like they were caving in and the silence was too loud, he wondered what it would be like to have a family that cared.
Would his mother make him a warm breakfast with a smile on her face? Would his father pick him up from school and ask about his day? Would they care enough to love him?
It wasn’t good to dream. Aiden was well aware that dreaming about a better life would only sour his mood more. It didn’t help that he wanted a family, one that cared. He wanted to feel something other than the aching cold in his bones.
After a while, though, he learned to stop wanting. Wanting led to dreams of the impossible; to days where he felt like a stranger in his own skin. So he stopped wanting.
Instead, he pretended. He smiled and laughed as if nothing was wrong. He dyed his hair and put on eye contacts and stopped feeling like a stranger to himself. Nobody saw the broken boy inside him. Nobody knew who he truly was.
And he wanted to keep it that way.
Ben made things difficult. Ben gave him things he thought he’d never get. He gave him company, patience and love. Ben cared about him. Ben asked about his day; he listened when Aiden talked about his interests. It was almost surreal.
Ben gave him purpose and he was thankful. No, grateful. Smiling was easier with Ben around and laughing felt less forced than usual.
Then they moved and Aiden finally understood what a family was. He laughed and smiled and joked with his friends and almost forgot about the loneliness inside of him. They made living easier. And even though the phantoms weren’t ideal, Aiden was sure he’d never trade this for the world.
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vellichorom · 9 months
well see i don't think shuu's the kind of person to keep ryuuji's stuff really close to him or even remotely try to think of him that much, like yes i have to imagine almost every one of that man actions isn't without ryuuji's influence but see- what i'm thinking is that after his passing, shuu quietly took a good handful - if not the majority, of ryuuji's things & has them locked in a box locked in a closet somewhere he has absolutely NO plans to ever open the box or look at his things again, but it's important to him that only HE has his things in that way of " i don't trust nor want anyone else to handle it, " in a way of very emptily giving too much of a shit about his stained labcoat or his archived notes & research & also
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this is NOT papa/isa / ryuuji x shuu & if you choose to interpret it as such i will fucking lobotomize you
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akaruiakiki · 3 months
I wanna make one of those aesthetic pastel cute anime journal pages for the bird doctor but his aesthetic is blood, murder, and, genocide
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moriyuisworld · 2 years
One day Karl invited Yui to his castle to assign something important.His sons smelled something bad is going to happen so they went to the mall.
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Yui accepted the mission and went on changing into undercover outfit
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Yui already knew where the brothers were but she still needed some directions so 🤷‍♂️
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Be careful guys.Yui can be dangerous when it comes to her attempt to kill someone.
Now Yui had located the brothers’ destination.
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Hmm.Hot pot.Not a bad option.She was just a little surprised to see the eldest son sitting properly.
Now,the triplets.But,WAIT A MINUTE…
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The limited winter strawberry ice cream! How could Yui forget it.She rushed to the triplets and ordered the ice cream.
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What about the mission then ? Why kill somebody while you can eat a delicious ice cream ?
Karl didn’t expect something much so he was not disappointed.He was in a bad mood so he felt the need to utter something malicious.Today is not the time to kill them.YET.
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gunkbaby · 4 months
the creature is autistic
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