#((Thanks for the ask ^^))
dragomer · 11 months
I got curious and looked up The Coffin of Andy and Leyley.
Nevermind the... literally everything else, since antis are inexplicably drawn to dark taboo breaking content as long as it's not sexual taboos. So ignore that...
But there is literal, official, IN THE GAME, art of Ashley sitting on Andrew's lap, lighting his cigarette, with his hand going up her shorts. And they really thought there wasn't anything going on there?
Antis brain dead confirmed???
Oh, even ignoring Chapter 2, you had official art posted by the creator while clearly referencing the incest like that one:
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Like the first chapter alone couldn't scream 'they wanna fuck' harder without outright showing them fucking, which chapter 2 did.
Genuinely yes, them being brain dead is the only possible explanation for all that nonsense.
Thanks for the ask ^^
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jadetheblueartist · 4 months
To celebrate the beginning of the Family Reunion Summer Camp, we (cabin 8) decided to offer every other participant and cabin a little something!
(Art and Mind’ O Wave AU by @liya4kar
EMD AU by @evenmoreofadisaster
Big Mama’s Favorite by @usernameneon)
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(The words in her confused thought ramble: “Why are there more turtles? Where are they all coming from? Why are they all here? Why am I here? What even is ‘here’? Are these ‘my’ turtles? Does Mama want me to attack them? Should I take their loot?!”)
Frida had just come back from a successful attack on what she thought was the turtles. Now there were these guys? Why were there so many turtles? She needed to figure out what was going on, but taking the free stuff from these turtles couldn’t hurt…
Cabin eight, this is an act of war!!
@tmnt-fandom-family-reunion Cabin 13 :) hence the super cool shirt (courtesy of @ellieskellyartwork)
I accidentally took way too much time on this… oh well hahaha
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yourfavesaysfag · 6 days
Bill Williamson from Red Dead Redemption says fag
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Marion "Bill" Williamson from the Red Dead Redemption series says fag!
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futuristichedge · 11 months
If you're caught up on Archie Silver, what do you think of Silver, Shard and Larry as a team?
I honestly really like their dynamic! I really like Shard's showiness and how he bounced off Silver's more serious side. I think Larry is cute and serves to diffuse the situation when Shard and Silver get too argumentative. I thought it was really funny how Shard did NOT care about pushing Silver's buttons (whether it was to put things into perspective for Silver or because he was done with his shit).
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Honestly, a team-up I wouldn't mind seeing again (if there ever was a way for it to come back, which is VERY unlikely). We don't really see Silver as the most serious person in the team unless he's informing people on disaster/preventing it, since he's typically paired with individuals like Blaze, Espio, and Shadow.
Also found this line really funny. Shard you really couldn't be any more wrong. (serious ≠ not an optimist)
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TLDR; I think Silver, Larry and Shard make a good team
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leakypipes · 28 days
I have a friend also called lemon!
It's just that it's a mare
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"Will, my full name is Captain Lemon, It's just Sun Spot who calls me Lemon. I'm not even a captain, just a lieutenant in the crystal guard"
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findmeinthefallair · 8 months
6 and 10 for TOH questions :)
6. A character you didn't expect to love? What made you start liking them? I just realized I probably haven't mentioned it before but, Viney!!
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I reaaaally vibe with her design, the fact that she's a combo of Beastkeeping and Healing badassery as well as her leadership vibes when being rebellious in Hexside's detention track.
Hggghghghh....was she part of the process when Hunter's coven sigil was removed?!?!? I do think so!
10. What's something you wished would happen? Can be as nonsensical as you'd like.
Damn....I wish they showed at least some hint that Hunter and Stringbean have a cute dynamic, since I lean on the h/c that he borrowed her when he started getting back into flyer derby. That would've helped him on the road that leads to eventually carving Waffles. There's potential for shenanigans and silly yet heartfelt moments in this.
On an even bigger note.......Wittebane flashbacks. I can respect why they didn't delve into it, but eh I don't think I would've made that decision :S To have us be rewarded with a more epic parallel of Luz taking on Adeghast in the 2nd ever episode, would've been quite a level of "memorable".
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cq-studios · 3 months
What's "There's an Empty Space Where He Once Sat?" The title has me curious!
(For this)
Post Re:mind/Pre-Limit Cut fic where Riku and Kairi talk at the Paupou tree.
I haven’t written a lot yet (and what I do have written I’m not super confident about the characterization in) so I’ll just explain it instead.
Basically Kairi has been back for a bit but Riku has kinda been avoiding her.
Kairi thinks it’s because Riku blames her for Sora’s disappearance (mostly projection because she blames herself), but really Riku just doesn’t know how to talk to her anymore (at least not without Sora to bridge the gap) and he still feels bad about stuff he did pre-KH1/KH1 (specifically putting her in the middle of his insecurity driven competition with Sora and, you know, the whole killing her with the fall of Destiny Islands lol). He figures that she wouldn’t really want to talk to him because of that.
One day, Riku’s leaning against the Paupou tree and Kairi sees him there. She joins him at the tree, muttering a quick greeting before sitting on it, just like old times. Except it’s not, not without Sora.
They kinda just exist in each other’s presence for a bit until Kairi cracks, and starts apologizing, and spouting if onlys. Riku’s a bit taken aback, and tries to counter her points and make it clear that he doesn’t blame her. That it’s not her fault.
He explains that Sora’s heart and mind was made up, and Kairi quips something along the lines of “there really was nothing we could do then”, with a bit of a halfhearted laugh. Riku nods his head and they sit with that.
After a moment Riku kinda pipes up again and says that he should really be the one apologizing. Kairi begins to say that Sora being missing isn’t his fault either but Riku cuts her off and clarifies that it’s not about that —he believes in Sora (but he wishes he didn’t have to. He’s wishes he was here and safe). He apologizes for all the stuff he did pre-KH1 and in KH1.
Kairi accepts his apology. Yeah, he was kinda a jerk back then, but he’s changed, and for the better this time.
They fall back to silence. It’s awkward and Sora’s absence is still heavy. They still have work to do to properly rebuild their friendship, but at least for now, for this, they know they have each other.
(You know until Kairi decides to sleep for a year lol)
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shadow-the-crow · 5 months
seeing you go back and forth with the vast and the buried is funny to seee for mee, i keep imagining you running one side to another of a room because the fears are polar opposites (kinda? if you analyse it a bit, they aren't really opposited but yeah)
lmao yeah - i mean why can't i like them both, contradiction is fun. tho i do think i prefer the vast.
i think they are opposites but also similar in the sense that they're opposite ends of the same spectrum, a spectrum the other entities aren't on. they're both about space (i know, you never would have guessed). extreme forms of space that terrify some people but comfort others. the vast is the comfort of being lost, the buried is the comfort of being found. when the earth consumes you, you become a part of the world. the soil around you compresses your mind into a small point of intense existence. you're grounded. when you're in the void, the world becomes a part of you in the sense that your mind extends to fill the empty space. you're everywhere because there's no anchor telling you where you are. the serenity of vagueness.
what's interesting is the ocean. it combines these opposites, which means it's possible. which means they can work together. under water, the emptiness around you is pressing down on you. there's nothing, and at the same time there's everything. you're a small point in all that space and all that space is around you and that's scary.
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archersxartxblog · 11 months
Can I just say, Fjord is an absolute delight, I love your OC’s characterization, and the fact he has an all ghost type team! (Aaaah Ghost Types my favorite)
My OC Kade.. also uses Ghost Types! Her partner is Phantump/Trevenant!
But seeing the OC stuff come across my feed. I love it. It makes my day! Especially with Submas involved! Keep up the good work! Also! Go Fjord! Win that game!
Thank you so much, makes me happy knowing people enjoy my OC's. (ghost types are my fav too ^^) While Fjord's final team isn't a solid Ghost team, he does go out of his way to catch any ghost types he sees and switches his team around based on what he needs (save for his partner Dreepy/ Dragapult.) some of them are even Service Pokemon. His brother Caleb is similar with Bug types.
there's more coming, ^^
I got a few ideas for Ingo and his kids and Emmet and his Nephews, as well as a few other members of their family
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12romy · 8 months
Chewis nr.43 please love💞
Hi dear, you really picked the perfect one for this, I just got the perfect opportunity to answer the prompt XDD
Lewis doesn't even flinch when Charles yells "YOU DID WHAT?" five inches away from his face.
"I just told you, love," Lewis smiles, that bastard. "I signed with Ferrari."
"You- I- I can't believe it!"Charles cries out, throwing his hands in the air. He's rumbling to himself, pacing back and forth, then stops in front of Lewis again. "So those rumours in the middle of last season were true? I joked about it thinking it was bullshit but it was true??"
"Yep," he replies, popping the "p", and Charles wants to punch him.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
Lewis' smile falters a little when he hears the hurt in his voice.
"I- I thought it would be a nice surprise," he says, frowning, confused as to why Charles is not happy with this. "What's the problem? Isn't this... What you wanted? What we both wanted?"
"It is," Charles says, although he shakes his head. "I'm just... What will happen to us, though? What if we can't take it? The rivalry?"
Being reminded of Nico always stings, and Lewis dips his head down.
"It will be different," he says softly, and yelps when Charles grabs his biceps.
"How can you be sure?" he demands, irrational, angry.
"I can't!" Lewis spits. "I fucking can't, but I don't need to be sure. I don't need this to know that- that I want this, and that we will be fine. You're not N-nico. And I'm not the man I was then. Charles, I freaking love you, alright! That is more than enough!"
Charles calms down, at that, lets go of Lewis' arm and take a step closer to gather him in an embrace instead.
"I love you too," he whispers. "I'm scared, but I love you too."
Lewis lets his head rest comfortably against his chest, and sighs happily.
"Oh my god!" Charles exclaims suddenly. "You're gonna have to wear the Ferrari racing suit! I can't even picture you in red!"
"I mean, I can try your racing suit right now, if you want to get an idea of what I'll look like..." Lewis laughs.
Charles takes him in on the offer, then finds a great pleasure in getting Lewis out of said suit. He can't wait to do it again, and again, every race. The two of them, against the world, proudly wearing the red Charles adores.
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sharkenedfangs · 11 days
To be honest I don't know if Tumblr notifies you when a blog you follow answers an ask at all?- I'm very new to the site and I get a lot of notifications of blogs and things I don't even follow, so not getting one from urs was infuriating! (Sobbing)
Oh my gosh that is so awesome!!! Yess!! It must be so exciting, your writings will be dearly missed, but nothing a good amount of re-reading can't quench for a bit, Also! I can imagine just how happy you must've been like "Ahhh!" I'm gonna just put out there; I 100% think you deserved it! In my experience people usually hate their roomates with a passion so you getting a reccomendation from one must mean you are doing something right! It's buying a cake with the first paycheck worthy imo! :D Now That you word at a pharmacy you can pull a Harper! (jk pls don't)
Being expressive is cute, ye ye! Probably better than getting called "fish" because you had an rbf at least, if it's any consolation! also,ah,one of ur replies to my silly asks said something in the tags like "new pet acquired I apologize I'm not that unhinged I promise! -puppy anon
Mm yeah, that’s weird. I don’t have notifications turned on for any social app except for contacts of people I’ve deemed essential so I kinda forget about these sorta things. Granted, some sometimes complain how late my responses are but it’s never on purpose haha ^^; (I just forget so easily that I might as well have amnesia so if I ever do remember something, it’s a big deal)
I’ll still be writing as much as I can though my attention’s been sucked back into HSR after taking a long break of not playing games for a while. Tryna be of service yet so easily distractible, I really am no fucking better than a dog. Gotta do it if no one will write the filthy shit I write, it’s a sacrifice and I’m happy you like my writing so much lmfao
And great news, I’ve got my first ever laptop (excluding the one I’ve got lent by my college) so I can finally be like the cool writers and write with a keyboard and not be a loser who writes in his notes app
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Daddy’s so proud of how fucking fat his baby is that he’s overriding my lap when I place it there
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dragomer · 4 months
"Azula & Zuko are to be treated like they're worth rehabilitating/giving a second chance but Ozai isn't because he's adult" argument sounds like ageism to be tbh.
Is Ozai even treated like that? Zuko basically tells him 'Maybe now you can reflect and become a better person' in the show.
Fucking Iroh had his redemption well into adulthood too.
Thanks for the ask ^^
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caracoloco · 3 months
2 and 5 from the ask game please
2. picture of my handwriting
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5. what made you start your blog?
i was like 13 and wanted to look at danganronpa fanart. i was too scared to actually have a presence so i just liked stuff. like 2 years later i actually started reblogging stuff and i have not stopped since. help.
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wait now I need to know who else you think had a crush on Steve besides Mike
alright I personally believe that Steve is a-spec and only actually had romantic feelings for 3 people in canon (Nancy, Jonathan, Robin -> I don't think he knew Eddie for long enough tbh, maybe he had a bit of a squish on him).
He also knows he is pretty and charming and is not oblivious (like many seem to portray him for some reason?! getting people is like his thing) to how many ppl are actually into him (though he's sometimes not aware of the full extent of his pretty privilege)
that being said, here is an incomplete list of ppl who are/were into Steve:
Tommy Hagan (I do believe that they made out a lot. but like, in a totally straight way of course)
Tammy Thompson (and basically everyone who was with him at some point, he is an attentive boyfriend regardless of his actual feelings)
Nancy Wheeler (duh)
Jonathan Byers (he is actually a good guy now?! fuuuuuuck)
Billy Hargrove (definitely a factor on why he even started playing basketball in the first place)
Mike Wheeler (kinda like russian Yuri has a crush on japanese Yuuri in yoi)
Will Byers (see above)
Max Mayfield (very superficial crush, they become more like siblings when she gets to know him better. it's the chest hair man)
Lucas Sinclair (kinda the jock version of how Mike is into Eddie in S4)
Eddie Munson
(the underlined stuff are links btw <3 never skip a chance to self promote)
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cold--carnage · 2 months
📺💦🌵 <- for the asks :>
📺 - do you make/buy gifts to other alters in the systems?
yeah. all the time. for example Seb bought Laika his collar tag, we draw for eachother a lot, buy eachother's favorite foods and such
💦 - can you switch ‘on command’ or is that something that is hard for your system? does it depend on the alter?
sometimes. depends on who. some people can switch in super easily and some need a specific situation or trigger to front
🌵 - is your headspace big, or smaller? is it complex/less complex?
our headspace is fucking huge bro. and crazy complex. we're really fictive heavy so we have a lot of source locations, and also we're just a pretty big system to there's a lot of space. we have like entire cities and shit. it's crazy
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llilli64 · 2 months
4, 6, 9 y 11 de los asks! :D
4. which fictional character archetype do you think fits you best?
Drama queen and friendly loser (?) ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
6. what role do you play in your group of friends?
The shy one that once feels in confidence won't stop talking and making terrible jokes
9.who is your biggest inspiration?
My cousin Julia. She studied the same career as me and has worked a little bit of everything in the field without fear of failure. She wants to study a second career, which I admire and would also like to do.
Plus, she has had the opportunity to travel to different countries with her girlfriend. If that's not living the dream, I don't know what is.
11. favorite myth?
The one that tells how the tlacuaches lost the fur on their tails for stealing fire from the gods so that mankind could survive the winter.
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Mírenlo, todo chiquito con su colita pelona :3
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