#((no matter what! and although there will be some heartache later when they learn she's a vampire))
theheadlessgroom · 8 months
"Not at all!" Randall insisted brightly, smiling at her receptiveness to the idea, saying, "They're still probably up; tomorrow's a day off for both of them. They like to stay up a little-Ma likes to catch a little late-night TV while she knits, and Pa usually tries to get in a few chapters of his latest book before he hits the hay."
He could picture it in his mind's eye, the lights of his house still warm and bright as his folks went about their evening: His mother, all curled up in her favorite chair, contentedly working needle through yarn while she caught a late-hour rerun, probably Starsky and Hutch or Columbo. Knitting was both a very relaxing hobby for her and she loved what she created, often making blankets to sell at the seasonal bazaars. Sometimes some of her patients and their families dropped by to pick up a blanket, which made her the happiest, knowing the youngsters would love them.
And, of course, he could see his father all stretched out on the sofa (sometimes preferring it over his rocking chair, especially when his leg was bothering him), glancing occasionally at the box TV screen before turning his gaze back to the page-at the moment, he was working his way through Stephen King's Salem's Lot, a book he was very excited for his son to read next, wanting to know if it would scare him just as much as it did his old man.
"They won't mind at all," he added warmly. "I think they'd be thrilled to meet you-I, uh, I've told them a bit about you, so to get to meet you, I-I think they'd be, uh, very happy to."
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musicarenagh · 11 months
Jason Shand Points Hand At The 'Selfish B!tch" When I heard U2's songs 'Bad' and 'Unforgettable Fire', that changed my life. That was the moment I decided singing is what I wanted to do” - this according to Jason Shand, is what ignited the musical torchlight in him. Jason Shand, a New York City-born and raised singer, songwriter, and recording artist. Although he started music after college, Jason has done so much for himself in developing himself that he auditioned for a band in Boston and later became their frontman. He admits the band really helped in perfecting his craft, but after some time the artistic dream in him was heightening, and as a result, he had to go solo, he began to write his own song since then, he took inspiration from for his personal life and his surroundings. More of this was shared in a recent interview with Mister Styx of Musicarenagh, in the interview Jason Shand shed more light on his latest single ‘Selfish Bitch” “Selfish Bitch’ is about an individual who has trouble fitting into the world around them and as a defense mechanism may come off as very selfish due to the hurt and heartache they experience… or perhaps they are simply just very selfish, but it’s hard to get a handle on where the one possibility delineates from the other. Listen to Selfish Bitch https://youtu.be/HzL-rZab01Q Follow Jason Shand on Facebook Twitter Spotify Soundcloud Youtube Instagram What is your stage name? Jason Shand Is there a story behind your stage name? No, that's my name. :-) Where do you find inspiration? I'm generally a slice of life songwriter. I write about what's going on around me, what's going on in my life, or the lives of others that I observe, much to my family and friends chagrin. What was the role of music in the early years of your life? Always loved music and loved all kinds. If it's a good song, I love it, no matter the genre. Are you from a musical or artistic family? Kind of but not really? Growing up, my mother played piano in the house and she was very good... but it was more of a hobby as she was a United Nations diplomat. I was a United Nations kid. I wasn't surrounded by musicians/artists. [caption id="attachment_52597" align="alignnone" width="1284"] Kind of but not really? Growing up, my mother played piano in the house and she was very good[/caption] Although I do recall a United Nations colleague of my mom was a singer on the side - he played a recording he had done - he was actually pretty good - and I remember being fascinated by that... but too shy to inquire further. I must have been 8 - 10 years old. Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? When I heard U2's songs 'Bad' and 'Unforgettable Fire', that changed my life. That was the moment I decided singing is what I wanted to do. Peter Gabriel and Seal would also inspire me. Perhaps I should back track and say my older cousin inspired me as it's her record collection that I listened to. Throw in Queen and the Eagles as well. How did you learn to sing/write/to play? I didn't pursue music until after college. That's when I gathered up the courage to go and try an audition. It was an unknown world to me. My first audition was for a rock band in New York City, and I practiced so hard for this audition and by the time it came about, I had no voice left. My voice would break whenever I would try to reach a high note, and it should've been very embarrassing for me. I didn't know how to sing back then. I didn't know how to sing from my diaphragm, etc. But the weird thing is, I left the audition feeling fantastic that I had put myself through that. That I had garnered the courage. A year later, I would audition for a band in Boston. These guys were consummate musicians and the principle songwriter was fantastic. They all went to either Oberlin or Berkeley. They were a headlining band, and they took me with the condition that I get voice lessons. So with my first band and only band that I was ever in, I crammed
learning how to sing, and learning how to be a front man, and unknown to me at the time, I was soaking up how to write songs as well... good songs. I lucked out finding these guys. They taught me work ethic. I had written only one song during my five years with this band. But it's only after I left that band when I tapped into songwriting big time. I had no choice. I left the band because the artist in me was beginning to assert itself, and I wanted different things in the way the music was arranged. But having not written many songs at that time, no one would really listen to me. I had to go off on my own and it was a hard thing to do but I'm happy I did. [caption id="attachment_52596" align="alignnone" width="560"] I had written only one song during my five years with this band. But it's only after I left that band when I tapped into songwriting big time. I had no choice[/caption] What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform? Tina Turner. Simply incredible. How could you describe your music? Art rock? Adult alternative? Thinking man's pop? Obviously, I'm under the umbrella of pop music. And there are many influences: rock, electronic, singer songwriter... I do my own thing I guess? Describe your creative process. As mentioned before, I write about things that are going on in my life. And it just hits me when it does. I go through creative spurts. Sometimes I'm dry like the Sahara desert idea wise, other times it's very fertile ground. Depends if I'm inspired. But I may have a melody or a lyric that will hit me which would be the tree trunk of the song, and then the branches would write themselves, sometimes very fast, or sometimes painfully slow. 'Selfish Bitch' was mostly written fast, but it waited probably eight or nine months for the second chorus lyrics to finally come to me. What is your main inspiration? Interpersonal relationships whether they be romantic, platonic, familial. They are so complex. What musician do you admire most and why? Peter Gabriel? He's just so cool. Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career? For sure. After leaving the rock band in Boston, it took me quite some time to find myself as I was on the sidelines for a while, just soaking it all in. I would record things but not release them. I was always tinkering. Glad that is behind me. I'm proud to have come to a place where I write my own music and lyrics and produce my own tracks. And I release them lol! It's a blessing. I've become what I've envisioned and I'm so thankful. Who do you see as your main competitor? Me. I don't have a mentality of looking at other musicians as competitors. What are your interests outside of music? Tennis. I used to be very good. Wanted to be a professional tennis player. That did not work out but I'm still very passionate about the sport. If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? Anything but a desk job. That would kill me. What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music? In this digital era, there's so much noise and peoples attention spans are fleeting. I just put my head down and keep doing what I love. If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be? Artists getting paid what they deserve to be paid. https://open.spotify.com/artist/4yAslOjs6j8KV2iqLOrd2E?si=_FCHaSPRQfy9IMnIRwshLw Why did you choose this as the title of this project? 'Selfish Bitch' organically evolved into the topic of not knowing what's beneath the surface of someone in juxtaposition to how they come across. ‘Selfish Bitch’ is about an individual who has trouble fitting into the world around them and as a defense mechanism may come off as very selfish due to the hurt and heartache they experience… or perhaps they are simply just very selfish, but it’s hard to get a handle on where the one possibility delineates from the other. The symbol of forgiveness is featured on the artwork for the single - the message being that one
never knows what’s going on beneath the surface and that forgiveness and understanding may be in order… or maybe not. What are your plans for the coming months? I've done a lot of recording and will be releasing a few singles for the next few months. I plan to start playing out again in 2024 as I've been on a hiatus from the stage since February of this year. Do you have any artistic collaboration plans? Nothing defined. Working on it. :-) What message would you like to give to your fans? Singles aplenty are coming, and see you on stage in '24!!
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Baby’s First Heartbreak
pairing: marvel cast x teen!fem!reader, Scarlett Johansson x reader, Elizabeth Olsen x reader
prompt: the youngest member of the marvel cast experiences her first breakup.
warnings: not much—crying, a break up.
A/n: Tom is 19 here because this is set during Civil War. He was such a baby omg🥺
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You were always a firm believer in having hope. No matter what the situation was, you knew that you had to at least try before fully giving up. You were only 18, but it was the mindset you grew up with. You were taught to face things with bravery and confidence, you faced things head to head with all your might. Though some things never went the way you planned, you were still the ray of sunshine you were, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, eager to learn and explore the world.
You had the same mindset going into your first relationship. Love was something you’ve always wanted to experience. Sure, you received it from your friends and family. But you wanted the different kind of love. The special one that was shared between two people. The one that made your heart skip a beat and made you breathless. Where staring into that special someone’s eyes felt like you were being transported into another world where it was just the two of you.
You’ve found that kind of love in a boy from your hometown. The two of you had been friends since pre-k, growing up along side each other, and being there for each other’s success and failures. You’ve known him all your life but the feelings didn’t come till sophomore year of high school. It all just clicked all of sudden; that one day where he said you looked cute in his jumper and the next moment you knew you were seeing him in a new light. Junior year, you were both beating around the bush; constantly pining over each other with longing stares and fingers always brushing against each other. Though you didn’t see him all the time due to your job as an actress. You spent half of the school year in your hometown and the rest at Atlanta. Of course he knew of your job and as much as he hated to see you go, he knew you were doing something that made you happy. So he spent as much time as he could with you before your time together came to an end. A few days prior to your flight to Atlanta, under the night sky of your backyard, he admitted his feelings for you. By senior year, the two of you had been dating for half a year. It had been the best moments of your life, you were in love and high on happiness, it was like nothing in life could ever go wrong.
Now here you were, in your trailer on the set of Captain America: Civil War, sobbing you eyes out. You knew loving could hurt, but not this much. You still felt your heart skip a beat, but it was clenching in heartache. You were still breathless, but because you’ve been trying to catch your breath after every sob that wracked your body. You felt broken. The boy you loved had ripped your heart out of your chest and threw it onto the floor, stomping on it till it stopped beating.
You hiccuped as you stared at yourself in the mirror. You were nothing but a fool. A fool who had hope in something that was never going to work. You sniffled as you snatched tissues out of the box on your bathroom sink, dabbing the material onto your eyes and blowing your nose. Your eyes were red and your cheeks were puffy. A sigh of frustration releases from your body. There was no way you could walk onto set without people asking you what was wrong.
You debated asking your assistant to ask your designated makeup artist to do your makeup in your trailer, you didn’t want to be a bother. But your thumbs were already shamefully typing away the request on your phone. A few minutes later Eleanor, your makeup artist on set, arrives at your trailer with her supplies in hand.
She doesn’t directly question you, but she has the look of a concerned mother once she sees your face. You lie to her and tell her you weren’t having a good day and chalked it up to being homesick.
You dreaded going on set. You weren’t sure if you could face anyone without bursting into tears. The moment you felt like you were okay, your heart would clench, reminding you of the ache it was feeling.
You were in your costume, sitting on the sidelines of the set while you rehearsed your lines. The dialogue from the script acted as a distraction from the current pain you were feeling. The tears had stopped but your eyes felt dry, making you blink multiple times to keep them wet.
“Hey, sweetheart.” You look up and meet the stunning blue eyes of Chris Evans. That typical goofy smile of his was etched onto his features. Usually you would reciprocate that smile, but today you just couldn’t find it in your heart to do so. His smile falters when he sees your face.
“Morning.” You greet him, forcing a smile. Concern shadows on his face as he shifts a bit closer to you. “You alright?” He asks, eyes softening at you. Being the youngest of all the Avengers cast members, everyone had a soft side for you. Especially Chris, who saw you as a daughter.
“Y-yeah, I’ve just got—allergies.” You lied, another fake smile forcing itself onto your lips.
“Well have you taken something to help your allergies? Do you need Allegra? Claritin or something?” He looked around ready to call one of the runners on set to get you some meds.
“No! I took some already, a few minutes ago! It probably hasn’t kicked in yet.” You tell him. He eyes you reluctantly, not knowing if he should believe you. He decides to let it pass and nods, “Ok, tell me if you need anything though.”
You hum in response and tilt your head down back to your script.
The day goes on and everyone had caught on to your lack of—being you. The infamous smile everyone knew you by was barely on your face. You didn’t crack jokes with Anthony or share a giggle with Elizabeth. Instead you were quiet, a frown was on your face as you stared blankly at the floor. You didn’t interact with anybody, keeping to yourself and walking off set whenever one of the Russos called cut.
Anthony and Sebastian watched as you walked off the set. You have all finished a sequence of the airport scene and the Russos had given everyone a break while they rewatched the scenes they shot. Anthony’s brows furrowed while he watched your figure go further and further away. He had tried to cheer you up, telling you a joke about how Seb’s arm lube kept leaking out his fake arm. Your response was nothing but a fake laugh—it wasn’t even a fake laugh, more like a huff of laughter.
“She didn’t laugh at my joke.” Anthony thought aloud. Sebastian quirked an eye at his friend, “Does she have to laugh at all your jokes?”
“No, but even if I tell her a corny ass joke, she’ll still laugh at it.” He expressed, throwing his arms up. Sebastian’s lip pouted as he thought back to your behavior on set. You were acting unusual. He turns to Tom (Holland) and asks, “Hey, has (y/n) said anything to you? Like anything bothering her?”
The Brit shakes his head, “Um, nope. Besides filming, I haven’t spoken to her today.”
Anthony crosses his arms, approaching Tom, “Have you tried speaking to her? We’ve been trying to figure out what’s been going on with her today and you’re the closest to her age here.”
“I—I tried to talk to her, but she didn’t seem in a talking mood. I thought I was bothering her so I just stopped.” Tom answered. He gestures to the direction of the trailers, “I could check up on her right now? Maybe I’ll get her one of her favorite snacks from crafties, it might cheer her up.”
Half of a smile makes it way onto Sebastian’s face at the boy’s efforts. Though you were clearly upset and he felt like they were all prodding at your privacy. “Maybe we should give her some time alone.”
Tom frowns at the older man, “But (y/n)’s upset. Shouldn’t we do something?” Anthony agrees with Tom and looks at Sebastian.
Seb raises his hands up in defense, “I’m just saying—maybe she wants to be alone. She went back to her trailer away from everybody. She probably doesn’t want us shoving our noses into her business, we should respect that.”
Chris joins the group along with Scarlett and Elizabeth. He had overhead the group talking and urged the two ladies to join him in on the conversation.
“You guys talking about (y/n)?” Chris asks, hands on his waist.
“Yeah, Seb says we should leave her be.” Anthony fills him in.
“She told me she had allergies.” Chris starts. “She’s an amazing actress, but kid’s gotta work on the lying.” He finishes. Elizabeth and Scarlett glance at each other.
“Well has anyone talked to her at all today? Besides Chris?” Elizabeth asked the group. Everyone shakes their head. Elizabeth sighs while looking around at anyone else who could’ve talked to you. She spots Eleanor hanging along the sides with her makeup belt on, ready for touch ups. Elizabeth calls her over. Eleanor has her brush ready to powder her down, but Elizabeth politely declines.
“You do (y/n)‘s makeup right?”
Eleanor nods, “Yeah, I do.”
“How was she this morning? We’re just a bit concerned since she’s been acting different today.” Eleanor sighs, knowing if she told them it would be an invasion of your privacy. Although, they were all concerned for you and so was she.
“I got a text from her assistant telling me to do her makeup in her trailer today.” She began. “I walked in and her eyes were red, cheeks puffy—“
Chris apologizes and interrupts her, “Because of allergies?”
Eleanor shakes her head, “No, she never mentioned anything about allergies. But she looked like she’s been crying. She was wiping her face when I arrived.”
“Did she give you a reason for why she was crying?” Scarlett questions her.
“She told me she was feeling homesick.” Eleanor answered. Scarlett turned to Chris and shared a look. Elizabeth thanks Eleanor then turns back to the group.
“We need to check up on her.” Anthony says. All the men nodded and began to make their way to your trailer. Suddenly, they were stopped by Scarlett and Elizabeth.
“But (y/n)—“ Tom said pointing to the trailers. Scarlett shakes her head, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Lizzie and I will go. You guys are gonna overwhelm her with all your questions.” Scarlett insists, much to the men’s dismay. They wanted to be there for you, but maybe a mother figure might help you open up with what’s bothering you. They agree and let the two women go to your trailer. Before they can get to you, they get some snacks from crafties for you.
As soon as you shut the trailer’s door behind you, the tears welled up in your eyes again. It only took a matter of seconds until they fell from your eyes and down your cheeks. You heard some people walk by outside and cover your mouth to muffle the whimpers that came out your mouth. You slid down the door and shoved your head into your hands. You leaned forward against your knees as you cried into your arms. You felt pathetic, embarrassed, anger; you were feeling so many things and the only way to let them all out seemed to be crying.
They heard your cries from behind the door. Scarlett sends Elizabeth an alarmed look as she rushes up to your door. She knocked on it repeatedly, causing you to jump from behind the door. Your cries come to a stop while you try to wipe away the tears as best as you can.
“(Y/n), honey, please open the door.” You hear Scarlett say. You remain silent, getting up and dusting your legs off. You stare at the door, debating whether you should open it or not.
“(Y/n), everyone’s worried about you. We just want to help.” Another voice coaxes you behind the door. Elizabeth. “Please let us in.”
Outside, the two women had their ears pressed up against your trailer’s door. Scarlett tries to get you to open the door again, “It’s only me and Lizzie. I promise.”
There was some shuffling heard behind the door. The door pushes open slowly, making Scarlett and Elizabeth back away. A worried expression appears on Scarlett’s face once she sees you. She cups your cheeks, her thumbs gently swiping away some tears that fell from your eyes. The two of them shuffle inside your trailer. You burst out into tears once again when Scarlett wraps her arms around you. She moves you both to sit on the couch that was in your trailer. She lets you shove your head into the crook of her neck while her hands smoothed your hair. Elizabeth sits behind you rubbing circles onto your back. Your cries broke both their hearts. You were a fairly happy girl, to see you in such pain and heartache was hard to watch.
Scarlett rocks you back and forth, trying to calm you down by whispering comforting words into your ear. She presses a motherly kiss onto your forehead once she sees you start to calm down. Elizabeth waits patiently beside you waiting for when you’re ready to talk. When your whimpers turned into hiccups, Scarlett pulls your face away from her neck to look at you. She frowns when she sees your tear stained cheeks.
“Are you going to tell us what’s going on or are you going to keep bottling it up to yourself?” She asks you softly, tucking strands of your hair behind your ears. Elizabeth chimes in from behind you, “You know, sometimes it helps to tell others what’s bothering you. You don’t have to keep it to yourself, (y/n), you could talk to us.” She gathers your hair together, splitting it into two parts as she began to fish tail braid your hair. 
You take a moment to compose yourself before eyeying the two women. You knew you could trust them. Scarlett was like your on-set mom and Lizzie was like one of your aunts. If you could tell anyone on set what was going on, it would be them.
“He broke up with me.” You confess, eyes trained on your lap. Lizzie’s fingers stop braiding your hair, “What?”
“Peyton, he broke up with me.” You whined, not wanting to say it again. You fiddle with your fingers while a tear falls to your lap.
“Oh honey.” Scarlett cooes pulling you back into her chest. You sniffle and wrap your arms around her torso. Silently crying into her shoulder.
“Did he give you a reason why?” Lizzie asks softly. You move away from Scarlett’s hold and lean against the couch with your knees to your chest. Lizzie wraps an arm around your shoulder for comfort.
You glanced at your phone that was on the coffee table, “H-he texted me earlier this morning. He said he couldn’t do the long distance thing anymore and that he has feelings for somebody else.”
Anger flashes in Scarlett’s eyes, “He broke up with you over a text message?” You nod in response.
“What a dick.” She mutters glaring at your phone. It’s quiet for a few minutes. Until you ask them, “Am I not worth trying for a long distance relationship?”
Lizzie shakes her head, “No, don’t you ever think that because you are.”
You sigh and throw your head back, “Then why did he break up with me? Is there something wrong with me? Am I not pretty enough?” Scarlett interrupts your questions by shushing you.
“There is not a damn thing wrong about you. Don’t you ever let a man, let alone a boy, make you question your worth.” Scarlett advises you a stern look on her face. “You are the most sweetest and loveliest girl I have ever met in my life. You’re kind, you care about the people around you—you even laugh at Anthony’s stupid jokes.”
Lizzie snorts beside you and squeezes your shoulder, “And his jokes are the worst.”
Scarlett continues, “You are a talented young woman already making it big in the movie industry and you did it all on your own. You are beautiful inside and out. You’re perfect, there’s nothing wrong with you.”
“Then why did he leave me?”
“Because he’s an idiot that doesn’t know your worth.” Lizzie answers resting her head on your shoulder. “I know it hurts now but these things happen for a reason. He wasn’t meant for you and you weren’t meant for him. Maybe somewhere in the future you guys will meet and try again. Or maybe you’ll move on with someone new. That’s just how it is. It may sound harsh, but it’s the truth.”
Scarlett nods at Lizzie, “Take it from me, I’ve been married twice. When it seems like you found that special person, sometimes it’ll all come crashing down. And it’s not an easy thing to go through. It’s full of pain, heartache, self doubt and a bunch of other heart wrenching things. But in the end you come out a stronger version of yourself.”
You stare at Scarlett, “How did you do it?”
Scarlett softly smiles at you, “Well, I had lots of friends who supported me every step of the way. But most importantly, I valued myself. I did things that made me happy and took care of myself mentally and physically.”
You bite your lip in thought as you stare at the ground.
“Listen to me.” Scarlett urges you, “You’re young, (y/n). You’re going to meet so many more people in the future that’ll bring you so much happiness and love in your life. Don’t beat yourself up over one boy who decided to leave you because he wasn’t committed for a long distance relationship. You’re going to be okay.” She assures you, cradling your face. Your lips form into a tight smile while you nod in response.
“You have us and the rest of the people outside of this trailer to support you. We’ll always have your back, whatever it is, I promise you that. You’re not going to go through this by yourself.” Lizzie promises you, taking your hand into hers. You hum and rest your head on her shoulder. You pull on Scarlett’s arm to join you and Lizzie. She chuckles and hugs you from behind.
“Thank you guys.” You whisper, genuinely grateful that you had them in your life. Lizzie pecks your temple, “Anytime darling.”
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simplysummers · 3 years
Breaking down Hunter and Omega’s relationship. Pt 2.
We’re back at it, here with the second post in this father-daughter-space-duo series! You guys responded to the first post better then I expected in all honesty! I didn’t think my insights were viewed as so important lmao. I don’t really think much introduction is needed here, the post itself is very self explanatory.
(Pasted paragraph: I would just like to add a disclaimer here. I am, in no way whatsoever, slating the other batchers for having differing relationships with Omega. I absolutely adore everything single one of the boys, and I think they all have wonderful and unique interrelations with her. Although I may point out these different approaches in comparison to Hunter’s, I am not stating these engages are wrong, just different is all!
I’m going to separate this into a little series- covering each episode in a separate post, which I’ll have tagged as the series progresses. Once I’ve tackled these two, as they’re my favourites, I’m going to move on to each individual Batcher and perhaps a few other dynamics such and Hunter and Crosshair, or Wrecker and Omega! Let me know what you guys would like to see!)
(Thank you to this weeks proof-reader: @treasureofmy-heart 💛)
Cut and Run: S1/E2
We kick off this episode with Hunter walking in on Echo inspecting Omega and Wrecker fast asleep on the floor. His face is very relaxed and he clearly finds it very sweet that her childlike curiosity has tired her out. His line, “ha, well this is a first,” while holding a strong gaze in Omega’s direction, suggests that she’s been exploring for quite some time, unleashing her endearing juvenile inquisition in the batchers presence. Hunter continues to claim she’s curious, using the same lighthearted tone he has always used in her regard, sparing the conversation in the medical wing on Kamino. This continues to confirm his gentle approach and concern towards the young clone.
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When Echo confronts him over the situation at hand, it’s evident that Hunter hasn’t actually thought about what he’s going to do with Omega, yet by the look of quizzicality on his face. I personally took this as a sign that his initial thoughts were always “we’re going to lay low with her, look after her, while keeping everybody else safe.” It’s clear here that Echo has differing ideas that Hunter hadn’t even began to consider, and I think that’s what perplexes him in this moment. He needs to consider everybody.
The kid is up and awake! (Let the havoc commence aha.) Omega’s reaction to sunlight and dirt is definitely one of my favourite developmental moments of hers, it really sets in place that this little girl may have been an intelligent medical assistant, but she lacks experience, and still needs a guiding hand to help her through this new world she’s never endured before. I’d like to point out that it is, in fact, Hunter who stops to watch Omega’s reactions, and his FACE when she’s playing in the dirt! I’ve never seen such a parental smile on a man so stoic! I feel like I’m repeating myself a lot, but he is so endeared by her! She’s a breath of fresh air in Hunter’s very toxically routined life, and I love that for both of them. When they finally reach Cut’s land, Hunter is the one to pull her back, despite the fact she had to run between Echo and Tech to get to him. And upon Suu and Cut’s arrival, I actually didn’t realise that Omega creeps behind Hunter, most likely because these are strangers she doesn’t know and she feels she needs the protection. This confirms a clear bond between them has already began to flesh out.
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There isn’t too much to say about the introduction and inhibitor chip discussion, as Omega spends a decent amount of that time exploring Cut and Suu’s house, but I will just say that it’s a nice touch that she ends up back at Hunter’s side when her part of the conversation is needed, she always seems physically drawn to him. Which brings me to my next point. Upon Shaeeah and Jek’s arrival, Omega once again creeps behind Hunter out of fear, only deciding to approach when formally addressed to do so. *Sigh*, and when Shaeeah pulls Omega out to play, and she halts to ask for Hunter’s permission, which is clearly given through a series of comforting smiles, is a plain indication of a trusted child-parental relationship. I must admit, Hunter’s face is pretty hilarious when everybody practically calls him out on his parental role- it’s just “why are you all staring at me..?” Because you’re acting like a dad, my dude.
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Okay! Down to Cut and Hunter’s discussion. It’s a nice touch that Hunter is the first one outside to watch Omega play, swiftly followed by Cut, who, rightfully so, questions her existence. Although instead of explaining Omega’s origin (and by that I just mean that she’s a medical assistant clone from Kamino), he states that it doesn’t matter what the Kaminoans created her for, because she’s with them now, and to be with them she doesn’t need a purpose, she’s just a kid and should be allowed to act like one. Cut goes ahead to tease him over the ins and outs of raising a child, but to Hunter it was a no-brainer, Kamino wasn’t safe, so she was coming with them, as I’ve said previously, he saw NO negotiations. And as Cut says, “I (you) have to do what’s best for them.” This adds sentiment to the narrative of Hunter’s commanding role within the squad and Omega specifically.
So I’m shifting ahead slightly to the ball incident, and I have a LOT to say about this scene. First of all, it’s clearly evident that Hunter is the first to leave the house, along with Cut and Suu following closely behind. Associating this trio together is purposeful on the animators part in my opinion, they intentionally exclusively had Hunter leave with the other parents in the situation, isolating him specifically with that role in Omega’s life. When he finally reaches her, we see the protective hand come straight out to guard her against the Nexu, a typical trait they’ve established between them.
Now we move on to the confrontation. This is the first time Hunter raises his voice at Omega, and immediately she turns herself away from him, curling into her shoulder and making herself small. Omega is going through a lot of emotions right here, she’s afraid, anxious, and she’s being forced to deal with the fact that for the first time, Hunter is mad at her, for something she didn’t even intend to do wrong. Whereas from Hunter’s perspective, he hasn’t acknowledged she’s already in a bit of a state, and instead feels the need to immediately lecture her for her mistakes….although this lasts all but thirty seconds. Upon Cut’s attempts to diffuse the situation by having him pull Hunter away and reiterating that “she’s (Omegas) not a soldier”, his face immediately softens, he forgot for a moment, but now he realises and instantly the features are set in a regretful frown, he clearly feels awful and misrepresented. Hunter continues to observe Cut’s behaviour as he comforts Omega, who seems to take to the attention like a kicked puppy, lip trembling, eyes shaky, shoulders hunched, and I honestly think as Cut carries her away- is the exact moment Hunter realises he isn’t good enough for Omega. (I’ll further out on this in a moment)
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I only want to briefly touch upon Omega’s gunners nest scene because I don’t think it has too much impact on her relationship with Hunter, however I would like to address the symbolism. I personally see the removal of her headpiece and the addition of her bangs as a new beginning, attaining the contrasting yellow light of Salucemi in comparison to Kamino, where she would’ve been given her jewel. Considering the episode’s outcome, Omega is no longer the tightly held, quivering little girl from Kamino, and instead she brings a slight unruliness to her aura, a little cheeky, definitely her brother’s sister. Still a sweetheart of course, but with a matter of confidence and boisterous behaviour to her. She seems to bounce out of her sadness quite easily here, as she seems suddenly awkward- yet curious- over Tech’s plan later on.
Furthering out into my previous point about Hunter believing Omega deserved much better in comparison to what he could provide: his conversation with Suu. “Protecting them is what we do.” The realisation on his face when she says this, it’s so…raw, something he’s taking time to comprehend. He heeds her words because he knows she and Cut are experienced in this field, they are better suited for Omega than he and the boys are, he believes he isn’t good enough for her, and this is projected when he insists ‘Mega leave with the family of four. Although Suu questions his sincerity, and he does indeed dodge the straightforward answer, this is what Hunter anticipates is best for Omega. He’s putting her needs above his happiness, no matter the heartache.
Moving along slightly, as Omega and Hunter spend a short period of time away from each other during the ship impoundment, I briefly wanted to touch upon the tone of Hunter’s voice when he learns Omega is on route to their position…by herself in a heavily armed spaceport. His eyes widen in a moment of fear, his voice is suddenly strained, he is struck with another raw emotion, something he frankly can’t obtain right now, and it’s let out in a minor threat towards his brothers- “if something happens to her-“ a clearly indication of worry.
This next point absolutely breaks my heart, the poor dears, both of them. Upon Omega’s arrival, Hunter is left to explain his forced proposal that she should leave Salucemi with Cut and Suu. As usual he completes his little ritual of taking her shoulders and crouching to her level, although this time he can’t quite look her in the eyes, a clear sign of regret and guilt, because he doesn’t want to give her away, he knows deep down she belongs with them, but he doesn’t believe he has what it takes to raise and protect her. The way Omega’s eyes crumple really catches me here, she’s being left, again… All this kid has ever known her entire life has either been abandonment, abuse or isolation, and she’s being passed on to strangers by the only people she’s ever been able to trust, and not only is it clearly breaking her heart, but she’s taking it personally, she thinks she’s at fault, much like Hunter does. Her line: “but, I want to stay with you.” compressed with the quivering tone and her precious accent really aides her desperation here, it conveys her in an adequate and very precise way.
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Starting a brief new point to split these up slightly: I bring us to the continuous glances shared between them. Omega consistently looks over her shoulder to Hunter, she doesn’t want her eyes to leave him for one moment, she’s savouring his face, his details, for the very last time. And equally, Hunter is letting go of something he doesn’t want to leave behind, he likes the kid, to the point where his own self depreciation and doubt have been forced ahead in order to protect her, he can’t risk anything at this point. I’d also like to quickly mention how beautifully Omega’s eyes are animated, they intel so much, those precious little doe irises hold such story to them.
Moving on to a little jump cut enduring the batch’s escape and Omega’s return: Hunter’s tone of voice when addressing Wrecker is so pained, and his facials match it perfectly “she’s not com-“ it’s almost as though he’s biting back the urge to sprint headfirst into the gunfire if only to catch up to the little clone before it’s too late.
However, seeing as she’s managed to find her own way back that wouldn’t be exactly necessary. I think it’s a nice point that Hunter is the one to rush to Omega’s aide after she is grabbed by the trooper (flowing a brief flash of concern crossing his face), although Wrecker might’ve been closer, it’s a nice hint to their subtle closer bond. He, once again, crouches to her level although an unnecessary step in the situation, and I see this as another nod to their familiarised dependancy.
Finally, my last point for this episode, is their final conversation within the last few minutes. It’s faint, but the fact that the other batchers are all busying themselves in the cockpit, leaving Omega and Hunter to chat privately, is a very distinct use of separation. It also should be noted that Omega is the one to approach Hunter, this shows a decent level of not only maturity on her part, but trust between them as family, she trusts both him and herself enough to advance on a delicate situation, we even see her hesitate slightly, before pushing forward with a slip of confidence, and that takes a lot of gut from a little kid. She stands her ground, but with compliment. She very much reminds me of Hunter himself in the brig, assertive yet respectful. And speaking of Hunter, his face is just absolutely guilt-ridden when talking to her, because he too made the mistake of attempting to give her away, no matter how much good he thought it would do them both. While Omega is admitting she has a lot to learn in regards to safety and tactility, Hunter is suggesting he has a lot to learn about raising a child and providing the necessary care for her. It’s a brave moment for both of them, to be honest and open, and yet its received extremely well on both ends.
“If this is where you want to be…then this is where you’ll stay.” The admiration in his voice, the admiration in her eyes! They absolutely adore one another, and it melts my heart every time it’s displayed!
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I hope you liked my analysis of Hunter and Omega’s relationship in episode two of The Bad Batch! Of course, I’d love to discuss these two with anybody who might be interested, so please feel free to drop me an ask or a DM, and if you’re captivated enough I’d totally recommend looking out for my future posts on the topic!
As always, much love to our ‘Megs and Hunter, thank you for reading! 💛
Part One: Aftermath
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alj4890 · 3 years
Hi,if Liam would sing and play guitar to pregnant Riley,what song would it be?Please use the guitar of Liam's mum 😊
😭 WHY DIDN'T PB LET THIS HAPPEN???? Oh goodness. That would have been a scene I would have thrown diamonds at to get. It would have been so sweet! I doubt I can do it justice, but I will try 😭
I'm using the lullaby that was sung in a classic movie from the 1950s, Bundle of Joy. My mom is the one to give me my love for classic cinema and she had this particular movie playing often when I was little. I ended up memorizing this song along with the others in it, LOL. I also sang it to my boys when rocking them to sleep. Poor things. They were stuck with my awful singing voice. No wonder they fell asleep so quickly when they were infants 😂
Lullaby In Blue from Bundle of Joy.
@gkittylove99 @darley1101 @krsnlove @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @yourmajesty09 @mom2000aggie @ofpixelsandscribbles @twinkleallnight @lodberg @twinkleallnight @amandablink @neotericthemis  @mm2305
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Sweet Memories
"Liam?" Drake rounded the corner when he heard something he hadn't heard since he was little.
He saw his friend sitting outside, strumming an old guitar.
"Is that your mom's" he asked.
Liam's cheeks heated with color. "It is." He set it aside and stood up.
Shoving his hands into his pockets, he avoided eye contact.
"I didn't know you played guitar." Drake muttered.
He was curious at Liam's reaction to being caught with it.
"I learned how after her death."
Drake's eyebrow lifted. "You did? How come you never told any of us?"
Liam shrugged. "It was a way for me to hold on to her memory." His brow furrowed. "Now that Riley is pregnant, I want to pass that on to our child." He hesitated. "But I've been trying for weeks now to remember the lyrics to a song my mother used to sing to me."
He felt such guilt over this. Each day, he would tell Riley he was going for a walk around Valtoria. He had been using that as a time to practice and hopefully jog his memory.
It was eating him up inside that he couldn't remember the very song his mother would sing to him at night if he had a nightmare or felt unwell.
"Why is it that I can only recall the melody?" He raked his hands through his hair. "I wish Father was here. Perhaps he knew the song."
Drake folded his arms and tried to think back to anyone who might have heard it. "I bet my dad knew it too."
Liam sat down once more and picked up the acoustic guitar. His fingers moved over the wood as he willed his memories to come back to him.
He could see her so clearly. Her blonde hair in a neat bun. The blue dress that perfectly matched her eyes. Her bright smile as she let him strum while she made the chords.
He could almost hear her laughter when he made up silly lyrics to go along with the music she created. Her sweet encouragement that he too had musical talent.
"Do you like my song for frogs?" His six year old self had asked.
"Like it?" Eleanor reached out and gently ruffled his hair. "I adore it, dearest. I've never heard a more perfect ballad for amphibians."
"I'm running out of time." Liam explained. "In a couple of weeks, the baby will be able to hear us." He turned to Drake. "I wanted one of the first sounds that he or she heard be a song from their grandmother."
"Somebody has to remember it." Drake argued. "Maybe Maxwell or Olivia. They spent time with her too."
Liam felt a glimmer of hope. "They are supposed to arrive tomorrow for a visit." He set the guitar back in the guest house he had hidden it in. "I'll find a way to talk to them without Riley knowing."
"She doesn't know?"
"I wanted it to be a surprise for her too." Liam smiled softly. "I told her I played guitar during our date at Ramsford. She's never heard me play before. This can be something special for her and the baby."
"I remember that!" Maxwell exclaimed. He hummed the rest of the tune.
"You do?" Liam felt his hope grow. " Can you remember the words?"
"Sure." Maxwell hummed the beginning. "Um...it went...hmm." His brow furrowed. "What were the words?"
Liam practically deflated. If Maxwell couldn't remember a song then all hope was most assuredly lost.
"I remember snippets." Maxwell paced back and forth. "Like, Sandman is commin and he'll be here--"
Liam sat up when those words jogged his memory. "Mighty, mighty soon. And if you don't cry--"
"He'll be dropping by with the great big lollipop moon." Maxwell belted out. "I always loved that part of the song. Who wouldn't want the Sandman to bring them a moon shaped lollipop for going to sleep?"
Liam strummed along, repeating the words Maxwell had remembered. He stilled at not recalling any of the others. "How does it begin? Or for that matter, end?"
Maxwell sat down beside him. "It'll come back to you." He patted Liam's back. "Just keep at it."
The next day, Liam took a walk with Olivia.
"I've been digging around some more about Bradshaw and Isabella. Nothing concrete yet, but it never hurts to have something on them." She told him.
Liam wasn't overly concerned at the moment with the monarchs wanting an alliance with Cordonia. "Do you remember my mother's songs she used to sing to us?"
Olivia stilled. "What brought that to mind?"
Liam averted his eyes. "I've been trying to remember a song she would sing to help me sleep. It was some type of lullaby that made me smile. Maxwell remembered part of it, but the beginning lyrics have eluded me."
Olivia began to walk forward again.
He couldn't help but notice how tense she appeared.
"Olivia? Is something wrong?" He jogged to catch up.
He then saw the tears in her eyes.
She took a deep breath. "What difference does it make if you can or can't remember a song?"
He stepped back from the bitterness in her tone. "I wanted to sing it to the baby." He slipped his hands into his pants. "I've been practicing on her guitar and wanted..." He sighed. "I wanted my child to have something precious of my mother's. You remember how much she loved music."
Olivia lowered her eyes. "I do. Queen Eleanor would hum and sing even when walking down the halls."
"I didn't mean to upset you with my question." Liam apologized, regretting the fact he had dragged his friends into this.
"No. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did." She sniffed and squared her shoulders.
Although thoughts of her childhood held a great deal of bitterness, Liam and his mother had been the one bright spot in her lonely existence. She couldn't deny him her help, no matter the heartache those memories contained.
"Now. What song is it?"
Liam led her to the guest house. He strummed the tune and noticed her expression light up in recognition.
Before he could even ask, a clear alto slipped from Olivia's lips as she sang the song.
🎵Hushaby... rockaby. Listen to my lullaby in blue
How I love my pretty baby
Sweet and precious pretty baby
How I love my pretty baby
Honest to goodness I do
See here, Sandman is commin'
And he'll be here
Mighty mighty soon
And if you don't cry, he'll be droppin' by
With a great big lollypop moon🎵
Liam joined in, remembering how the rest was sung with two people. That thought reminded him of the times his mother encouraged his father to join in, their voices blending into a sweet note as they focused on their young child.
🎵Dream dream dream (How I love my pretty baby)
Be an angel
Dream dream dream (Sweet and precious, pretty baby)
Be a darling
I love my pretty baby (How I love my pretty baby)
Honest to goodness I do
Honest to goodness I do
"It's called Lullaby in Blue." Olivia told him. "Your mom sang it to me when I first came to live with you." Her eyes became distant as she thought back. "I asked her to teach it to me so that I could sing it to my stuffed dragon when he had trouble sleeping."
Liam reached over and grasped her hand. "Thank you. I know you don't like thinking of the past," he squeezed her fingers, "but being able to share this song means everything to me."
Olivia slowly smiled. "You better practice then. Your child deserves nothing but the best."
She wrote down the lyrics and left him alone to practice.
When he began to sing the words, he could hear his mother's voice singing too.
A few week's later...
"How are you feeling, my love?" Liam asked one evening.
Riley rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm fine. I think the baby is not too happy I ate those brownies Hana made, but i am determined to not throw them up."
Liam pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "I have a surprise."
"You do?" She sat up with a big smile. "What is it?"
"Wait right here." He left her on the couch to retrieve the guitar.
Her eyebrows raised when he returned with it in hand. "Liam! Is that your mother's?"
He paused before her. "You remembered."
"Of course I do. How could I ever forget our first date?" She patted the spot next to her for him to sit. "You promised me that night that one day you might play for me." Her eyes twinkled with mischief. "I didn't know a girl had to get pregnant to get serenaded around here."
Liam chuckled at that. He was touched that she recalled their date so clearly. That was the best night of his entire social season, well other than seeing her again at the Masquerade Ball.
Hearing she loved him during the Coronation Ball was also up there. If only it had ended differently.
He pushed those memories to the side. "I thought it might be time to start sharing with the baby a song my mother used to sing to me."
Riley's smile turned tender. "I think that sounds wonderful."
She watched, fighting back tears, as he positioned himself on the floor so that he could sing directly to her belly. The expression on his face as he began the lullaby was one that touched her heart.
His love and wonder for their unborn child was stamped across his handsome features. Each word he sang was done so with a smile unlike any she had ever seen before.
When he ended the song, he pressed a kiss to her baby bump.
"I hope you liked that." He gently rubbed her tummy. "It was a favorite of mine from my mother. I wish you could have met her. She was the kindest, most gentle woman I have ever met." His hand moved to hold Riley's. "We're lucky though that you have a mother just as wonderful as mine was."
"Liam." Riley gave up on not crying.
He pressed a kiss to her hand before continuing. "I love you and your mother more than anything. I intend on you hearing that every single day I am blessed to have with you." His fingers tangled with Riley's. "That song is a reminder of just how beloved you already are to both of us."
Riley tugged him back on the couch. She kissed him, whispering how much she loved him, how happy he made her.
The two cuddled together and thought of the day coming soon when their family would at last be complete.
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
Lets talk about how these spotify songs confirm byler’s endgame.
Will’s songs
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Don’t you forget about me: illustrates Will’s feelings after Mike says they won’t be together for the rest of their lives (but have to get gfs). Love’s “strange” (stranger things). And Will fears change will pull them apart- and as it rains he hopes Mike won’t forget about him/ and questions if Mike will ‘ever love him’. And Mike in the rain (instead of “walking on by?”) calls his name.
“Tell me your troubles and doubts.Giving me everything inside and out and Love’s strange so real in the dark. Think of the tender things that we were working on…Slow change may pull us apart.Don’t you, forget about me.Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t.Don’t you, forget about me.Will you stand above me?Look my way, never love me?Rain keeps falling, rain keeps falling.Down, down, down.Will you recognize me?Call my name or walk on by? rain keeps falling, rain keeps falling. “
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“Don’t you try and pretend. It’s my feeling we’ll win in the end.I won’t harm you or touch your defenses-Vanity and security.Don’t you forget about meI’ll be alone, dancing you know it baby .Going to take you apart.I’ll put us back together at heart, baby Don’t you, forget about me.”
( Will physically took them ‘apart’ -from the photo. But in the end it’s also Mike who fears Will will forget about him too. And Will doesn’t harm Mike by picking at his insecurities - like lack of ‘security' in their relationship. But just says the truth that it’s “not possible” to replace him (after he moves). And of course deep down they know they’ll be together in the end. )
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upsidedown: Just Will saying he loves Mike and he turns Will ‘insideout” (like the previous song) and “upsidedown”. And he loves him but he’s “crazy’ (cough ‘crazy together’) to think Mike is all his. But no matter what he’ll always love Mike.
“I said, “Upside down, you’re turning me.You’re giving love instinctively.Boy, you turn me inside out .And ‘round and 'round-Upside down…Instinctively, you give to me the love that I need.I cherish the moments with you… no one makes me feel like you do…I know you got charm and appeal.You always play the field.I’m crazy to think you’re all mine.As long as the sun continues to shine.There’s a place in my heart for you, that’s the bottom line.”
here i go again: Will saying he’s “not going to fall in love” ever (like he said in s3) cause he doesn’t want to waste time on Mike. But he keeps backpedalling on the idea and desiring to love Mike for ‘the rest of his days’. Like how Will said he thought they’d never get gfs but play games for the rest of their lives.
“ (verse 3)And here I go again on my own.Goin’ down the only road I’ve ever known…Like a drifter, I was born to walk alone.And I’ve made up my mind.I ain’t wasting no more time . (verse 4)Just another heart in need of rescue- waiting on love’s sweet charity.I’m gonna hold on for the rest of my days'Cause I know what it means to walk along the lonely street of dreams (verse 5) And here I go again on my own .Goin’ down the only road I’ve ever known.Like a drifter, I was born to walk alone.And I’ve made up my mind I ain’t wasting no more time.BUT here I go again.Here I go again.Here I go again.Ooh baby, ooh yeah.”
Take my breath away: This excerpt speaks for itself that byler is real/endgame after Will moves/s4 and 5. XD
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Mike’s songs
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Will’s canon Spotify playlist. He ALSO has the song “I’m still standing” by Elton John (who is gay)? Aka cause Mike has a ‘romantic comeback’ with Will XD
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I’m still standing’ is a guy bragging about a breakup and now feeling like a kid -lol Mike saying he feels like a 7 y old after the breakup . And moving on -lol it’s mileven).   The album is from “to be continued...” I MEAN, C’mon. That’s , very on the nose for s4 byler happening after mileven XD
‘Your blood, like winter, freezes just like ice” (when El broke up with Mike , “cold as ice” played).”I got a taste of love in a simple way.And if you need to know why I’m still standing.You just fade away.Don’t you know I’m still standing better than I ever did?Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid.And I’m still standing after all this time.Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind.”
‘Baby I lied’, also reminds me of the byler fight where Mike insults Will/talks about El and then says to Will “ But, we’re not kids anymore. I mean, what did you think, REALLY?  That we’d never get girlfriends? Sit in my basement and play games for the rest of our lives?” Causing Will to storm off crying- thinking Mike doesn’t even imagine Will being there for the rest of his life (in favor of a girlfriend).And then Mike (although already knowing of his feelings for Will) realizing that it wasn’t a temporary crush/phase- but that he was in love with Will. And only realizing he can’t live without him when Will left. Making it sink it to Mike that he was lying to Will during their fight.
“Did I say that I’d be okay if you said good-bye? And did I promise you I could take it if we were through? And forget about these feelings inside? Baby I lied when I told you I could walk away .Baby I lied…And did I ever tell myself I could always find someone else? Did I say if you left today it’d be no surprise? Did I ever leave any doubt I could hold up if you walked out? I know I told you that I could survive. Baby I lied…And now that I can see you walking out of my life . Saying good-bye, I realize….”
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also ‘Love is a battlefield’ (could be recontextualized/interpreted through a que*r lens  given the time period-typical hom*phobia) . Love would be considered a ‘battlefield’. ( The song could be. about 2 people refusing to state their feelings/ holding back from doing anything romantic. Despite both people in the song secretly knowing the other secretly reciprocates mutual romantic feelings)  . But they fear pursuing anything cause society says their love would be ‘wrong’. It also reminds me of s3 byler fight . Both ‘standing’ secretly in ‘heartache’. One character in the song(Mike) being mean to the singer who’s angry and wants to go home (Will). Then after that (Mike/song character) begs the singer (Will) to stay but then is mean to the singer again . So in response (Will/singer) gets annoyed and then asks ‘am I in your way? or am I the ‘best thing’ you have?(s2 byler ref). And the singer could internally question if they made a move on the Mike (/song character) would they be rejected? And like that singer ,Will, also throws Mike’s words in his face by saying he actually did think they’d be together for the rest of their lives without girlfriends (cause he may suspects Mike is full of shit?). The singer pretty much says-when it becomes impossible to ignore your romantic feelings for me - you’ll realize you’ll need me ! The song also emphasizes they’re “young” (kids) and Will/the singer  questions if their love will get  “old” , but quickly decides their love can’t get ‘old’ or die (despite Mike’s lies stating the contrary) * Also saying “no promises” could be a ref to show it’s the opposite of mileven who have the promise line.*Seems like the song is from Will’s pov. 
“We are young.(Heartache to heartache) We stand. No promises(No demands)…We are strong. No one can tell us we’re wrong. Searching our hearts for so long. Both of us knowing, love is a battlefield. You’re begging me to go. Then making me stay. Why do you hurt me so bad? It would help me to know : Do I stand in your way?Or am I the ‘best thing’ you have?When I’m losing control.Will you turn me away? And when all this gets old,will it still feel the same?There’s no way this will die. But if we get much closer.I could lose control.And if your heart surrenders-you’ll need me to hold.”
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‘Kiss off’ could also be seen through a queer lens aka Mike trying to deny he’s gay but realizing at the end of s3 it’s not a phase. And hopefully learning to accept it in s4.
“I need someone, a person to talk to. Someone who’d care to love. Could it be you?could it be you?Situation gets rough. Then I start to panic. It’s not enough!it’s just a habit! Hey, kid your sick. Well, darling this is it! You can all just kiss off into the air!Behind my back I can see them stare.They’ll hurt me bad . But I won’t mind. They’ll hurt me bad, they do it all the time.” 
El’s songs
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 The power of Love is the 1st song that shows El desire to learn about love despite it scaring her and not really understanding her relationship with Mike. (it’s a very heteronormative idea- “I’m your man /i’m your women” so we’ll fall in love). It also shows her more questionable behavior like spying on Mike. (The later songs illustrate mileven falling apart.)
“Even though there may be times it seems I'm far away. Never wonder where I am'.Cause I am always by your side.'Cause I am your lady.And you are my man...We're heading for something.Somewhere I've never been.Sometimes I am frightened.But I'm ready to learn of the Power Of Love.”
  (The second song)Another one bites the dust is about a dysfunctional romantic relationship.
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Girls just want to have fun illustrates El’s annoyance with both Hopper controlling her, and Mike (like Hopper trying to control her) and keep her away from the outside world. And just preferring hanging out with Max and not having a romantic relationship.
“ (verse 2)My father yells, "What you gonna do with your life?".Oh daddy dear, you know you're still number one.But girls, they wanna have fun... (verse 4) Some boys take a beautiful girl and hide her away from the rest of the world.I want to be the one to walks in the sun.Oh girls, they wanna have fun.Oh girls just wanna have.That's all they really want. Some fun.”
Don’t tell me lies - (El in s4) saying they’re whole relationship is a lie and she was ‘naive’ to think otherwise.But now she knows her Mike will be with someone else and their relationship was always based on a lie. And she’s ok on her own. “Every move you made before was never meant for real.Over my naivety is this how I should feel?...they'll never ever be another one.Don't tell me lies.Don't tell me lies.Looking back I realize it's always been this way.We must note what has gone and never turn away...Broken loose from indecision.Now I'm alright on my own...I guess I'm alright on my own.”
 I feel like i’ve talked the lying aspect to death but it’s an important element to their relationship.
Mike while apologizing to El at the grocery store never apologizes for lying -despite it being the cause of the breakup . He never apologized for lying cause the love is the lie- like Max said “boyfriends lie ALL THE TIME”. And it’s why the camera panned to Will when Lucas asked why Mike lied to her. And he never answers El’s question of ‘why do you lie?!’ (he just looks up silent and guilt ridden).  In s2, Mike says “i never gave up on you (to El). “ When moments earlier he says to Max “it took her just like it took Bob.” HE’S LYING AGAIN . He thought she was d*ad.Plus he also fought with Hopper in s2 (’about El’) in Will’s room too. He wasn’t actually calling Hopper the liar he was calling himself “a stupid disgusting liar”out of self hate . That scene was foreshadowing his lying to El in s3 (about his feelings for her). He blamed Hopper for his feelings for Will cause he told himself it wouldn’t have escalated if El had been around to ‘fix him’ . “I BLAME YOU! NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS OK! NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS OK. YOU STUPID DISGUSTING liar, liar, liar, liar”.starts crying.
In s3, mike (in Will’s room) did not reciprocate El’s kiss/ or say ‘i love you ‘ back  and had his eyes open while the same exact song plays that robin came out to: called ‘the first i love you’. These are the only times the song plays in s3. The ‘first i love you’ also sounds like ‘the first lie’ - that song played when jancy said they were just friends. it sounds the same cause jancy lied about it not being romantic while mileven lied by saying it was.  
Ugh- why are the tags not working? I guess , please, reblog if the tags continue to act up or else no one will see this.XD
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diavolosthots · 4 years
Author's note: This is kind of where the energy shifts and there will be a lot of back and forth between the characters involved. Just a heads up.
Warnings: none
Pairing(s): none, Lucifer, Leviathan
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Levi felt so distressed after his encounter with you. On one hand he was super relieved and excited that he got to see you, but he also felt so intimidated by the King and his servant. Diavolo was never someone to mess with; that’s something he learned very early on, but he felt even more… powerful now. Like something that had been brewing in the background but didn’t spill over until just recently. Barbatos, too, knew more than he led on and he felt almost too watched in that gaming room. He’s certain there were hidden cameras and if not those, then Barbatos was hiding behind a wall watching the two of you; he didn’t know which one scared him more. Of course, then there was also that weird… kind of scary message you gave him. “Help.” Help could mean so many things, but with the vibe alone he got the minute he arrived at the castle, he knew better than to ignore it. You are his friend, and he was going to get you help if you need it; he just didn’t know how yet. Should he tell Lucifer? No… the guy doesn’t want to hear about you. Not after what happened and how down he has been. One word that even barely resembles you and Lucifer is in a bad mood, not because if hatred but because he's hurting…. But if not Lucifer, then who? Who else would there be to help him out? All the other brothers are too irrational or too scared to do anything…
Before he could contemplate any further, he actually found himself in front of Lucifer; what are the odds. Somewhere in his thinking process, he had made his way to Lucifer’s bedroom and apparently the door was open, or Lucifer at least attempted to leave the room and found Levi standing right there. Whatever it was, he was now face to face with the eldest and he never felt more unsure in his life, “Lucifer…” The eldest raised an eyebrow looking at the third-born. Levi never looked really… presentable, at least not in the business sense that he himself carried, but he looked even more distressed now, “What is it, Leviathan?” The demon still contemplated on saying anything, but he knew he should. He knew that if he didn’t, you would be in more danger and after all, you entrusted him to get help. “It’s…” He looks around quickly, making sure none of the other brothers were around before shoving Lucifer back in his room and closing the door, locking it. Lucifer glared at the younger, about to demand an explanation, but before he could, Levi was looking stern as can be and turning his attention back to him. “It’s (Y/N).” 
Emotions ran through Lucifer at speeds he couldn’t even imagine. Hurt, love, heartache, pain, hope, betrayal, but mostly… fear. The name hadn’t been spoken ever since the wedding and everyone knew not to speak to him about it, specifically. For Leviathan to bring it up.. It must be something serious. “I… I think she needs help.” Lucifer’s eyes went wide for a moment before returning to normal; thoughts raced through his head of what you could possibly need help with; of what Diavolo could have possibly done. Had you denied yourself to him? Fought too hard? Been too snarky? Tried anything reckless? “You think? Leviathan I need you to be sure.” He tried to sound stern, to believe that Levi just saw something but took it completely out of context. “No… I know she does. I was invited to go over there. Lord Diavolo set up a whole gaming room! He had all the consoles, and even the new Brain-Wrecker3002!! An---!” Lucifer growled, glaring at the younger one in annoyance, “Levi! I don’t care about your useless gaming habits; what’s wrong with (Y/N)?” 
Leviathan looked at his brother, taking a deep breath, “when we were playing… she kept repeating this pattern… on the screen. I didn’t get it at first. I thought she just didn’t know how to use the controller, but then it happened a second time and… Lucifer, she spelled out ‘help’.” A shiver ran down Lucifer’s back although he would never admit it, “that’s why you believe she needs help?” Levi nods, shifting uncomfortably, “the energy… it seemed off. Lord Diavolo seemed off… like he knew something, you know? And of course he knows things but this.. It’s almost like when you’re playing a game and you think you’re on the winning track but then your opponent pulls a trick card out of their sleeve and makes you lose. That’s what that felt like… Barbatos too seemed a little too… watchful? If he wasn’t watching us the whole time, then I’m sure he set up cameras to record and watch us later. Lucifer… it just seemed so off. And then… right at the end… Lord Diavolo came in and.. It looked normal but the hug, the hand squeeze, her obvious nervousness… I don’t think he’s been treating her well.” 
Normally, Lucifer would take offense. He would call Leviathan ridiculous and pull out some kind of punishment to get back at him for ever assuming such things about their now King, but somewhere he knew Leviathan was right and it hurt him. He blamed himself. He let you go that day; he let you turn your back on him and make that awful decision, which, he still doesn’t understand why you made that decision. At the very least… he should try to figure out if there’s some truth behind it; he should try even if it’s just to ease his own mind about the trouble you could possibly be in. “You said there were cameras?” Levi lifted his head up, finding red eyes that held some kind of hope in them, “... well, not exactly. I said I assume there would be cameras if Barbatos wasn’t watching us through a wall or something.” “I need you to do something for me, but first… “ A gloved hand came down to rest on Leviathan’s head as he felt a rush of something powerful course through him. 
“W-what was that?!” Lucifer chuckled, doing the same to himself, “Barbatos isn’t stupid, Levi. I’m protecting us. Everything we speak of will be… blurred, in a sense. I can’t have him, or Lord Diavolo, figure out what we’re discussing. This spell will prevent that from happening, at least for a while, until Barbatos catches on that he can’t see certain parts of the future… which is why we need to hurry. If there are cameras involved, is there any way you could hack into those?” Levi almost choked on his own spit, “You… you want me to hack into Lord Diavolo’s cameras?!” “If there are any, yes.” The demon’s eyes grew wide in excitement as a grin spread across his face, “yes! My time to shine! My excessive gaming and technological research has finally paid off!! Of course I can hack in! It might take me a bit but I will not disappoint you, Lucifer! We can do this! Oh… we should have a really cool team name! Oh and we need a name for the mission! Oh and definitely some weapons if you want to storm the headquarters and----!”
Lucifer groaned, almost immediately regretting his decision, “Levi… just… do as I ask.” Happiness was still surging through him as he continued, “What about operation damsel?! Get it? Because damsel in distress? Oh! Your spy name would totally be Lord RedBlood! And…” Lucifer took the liberty of slowly pushing Leviathan back out of his room, closing the door before he could talk his ear off anymore but also reminding him of the task at hand. Now alone again, he sighed, allowing himself to rest against the closed door. He knew there was something wrong ever since the day you told him that you saw no future with him… those weren’t your words; he never once believed those were your words, but this changes things. You need help. You’re probably stuck in something and… he didn’t dare think about all the things that could have happened already, nor does he want to think of the things that could still come. His top priority is you now, no matter how helpless he himself feels. 
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sweetcoffeebean · 3 years
Fluff & Smut Fic
welp it do be another leon fic that i wrote between the hours of 12 am and 4 am
i believe the longest i’ve written??? which is spicy. this one however features an OC, although not by name. characteristics are mentioned and her personality and backstory, but that’s it. please feel free to immerse yourself and treat it as a leon/reader fic. and if you get the chance, it’s also posted on archiveofourown if you’d like to leave a comment or kudos <3
Another morning comes, where she steps into the quiet kitchen and opens the blinds to the window above the sink, letting in the early rays of light that shine over the countertops and negate the need for the kitchen light. It’s a quiet morning, 7:04 AM on the dot, according to the time on the stove. The silence is welcoming, after too many mornings of action and terror that had plagued her and her love over the years, the likes of which made her forget the rising sun was ever warm and inviting like it was as it spilled into the silent kitchen.
Turning on the coffee pot, she watches as the caffeine slowly drips its way down into a proper morning drink, the scent of it quickly filling the room. She reaches for the mugs in the cabinet just above the pot, the quiet clinks of porcelain on porcelain echoing together, another sign of a peaceful morning. It always hit her hard as she thought about the years before, and how something so normal and commonplace always surprised her when she was in the midst of it. So many people woke up to mornings like this each day, no doubt dreading a long work day or simply going through the motions without a second thought. To her, and to her love, this was paradise. This was what they craved, something they fought for without even realizing it over the fight for peace and the safety of the world’s people.
Only once the coffee had finished brewing and she was pouring it out, did she hear the sound of feet shuffling towards the kitchen. Looking over her shoulder, she sees the man she had grown to love with her entire being over the years.. The man she fought beside, the man she had supported and who supported her through every trial and tribulation.. One of the very few people who knew exactly the horrors she had experienced, and vice versa. Face was unshaven, a five ‘o clock shadow adorning his handsome features, coupled with the dirty blond hair she’d run her fingers through a countless amount of times. Leon barely had his eyes open as he came straight for the counter, straight for her, and wrapped both arms around her waist while she let herself relax against his muscular frame.
“Morning, sweetheart… still getting up so damn early..?” He lets his chin rest on her shoulder, arms staying slightly slack around her waist so she’s still able to move as she tilts the coffee pot, watching as she slowly fills both mugs.
“Old habits are hard to break… but who’s to say we can’t just lay back in bed after we have some coffee? And maybe food. Food would be lovely.”
Leon laughs at her words, knowing full well she would be hungry in the morning as she always was after waking up. She feels the way he brings one arm up, and pushes back her hair off to one side of her body, revealing her neck to him. Next comes the feeling of familiar lips, kissing along her skin languidly… once, twice. A third time over a fading pink mark he had left the night before.
With a soft giggle, she brings one hand up to gently caress his cheek, her soft skin a contrast to the rough stubble on his face. It’s another moment she feared she wouldn’t get to have when they were in the middle of fighting the living dead and those that created them. When they were running for their lives, being shot at, being thrown around like ragdolls. And now here they both are, in a room where the only noise they hear is the sound of their bodies shifting against each other and the dulled sound of birds chirping from the trees outside.
“We deserve to have a day where we just do a whole lot of nothing. I do have to run to the store, though.. But I shouldn’t be gone more than 20 minutes.” She lifts her mug to her lips, blowing on the hot coffee before taking a small sip.
Leon lets go of her waist and moves to pick up the other mug she had poured, not bothering to blow on it the way she did and simply drank it as if it were only warm. Whether or not he did it to show off, or he was simply used to quickly downing a hot drink while he had the chance, was a mystery.
“You’re not in a rush to go, though. Right? We can worry about that later.” As he spoke, he leaned back against the counter, that fringe of hair falling near his right eye as it always did, the signature hairstyle he refused to ever get rid of. Even with his hair being unbrushed, it still fell normally to frame his face as if he had already mostly styled it for the day.
“Mhm… no rush. I want to enjoy the morning with you.” As she speaks, she sets down her mug and looks into his eyes… a beautiful blue like hers, but deeper. Darker when the light wasn’t shining into them.
It was always damn near impossible not to smile when she saw his face, even after all of the years that have passed. All of the years of heartache, fighting to survive, fighting to communicate during it all… it wasn’t easy by any measure. It wasn’t the perfect relationship either, there were personal matters to deal with on both of their ends, on their own and with each other. Ada Wong was a sore topic for a while, it took a lot of time and communication to get Leon to work through what he had going on with her in his mind. That was a point of contention, even she had trouble dealing with it at the time. And on the flip side, Leon being there to help her soften and truly open up to him, to trust him with her heart and let him see the real, unabashed sides of her. To help her learn she was meant to be loved, and she didn’t have to always rely on only herself as she had done for years before.
As she steps forward, Leon leans in towards her, both in sync as they knew what the other wanted from a simple look. Placing a hand on her hip, he gently brings her in closer as she places a hand on his chest, both leaning into each other for a kiss. Soft at first, their kiss is held for only a moment before they pull away, faces still close enough that with a subtle movement their noses would brush together.
Despite what many would think… Leon wore his heart on his sleeve. He was always compassionate, caring, and with a sense of justice like no other. While he may seem stoic and tough in many situations, if you actually talked to him… he could be surprisingly honest and earnest. In moments like these, those parts of him glowed so brightly it was blinding. Never did she think she would feel love radiating off of a man before, not like this. And not towards her.
For so many years, she knew she was a good person. She was kind, she always wanted to help, she did everything she could to help people. Not unlike Leon, really. But she kept herself hidden, spoke about herself and her life yet never told anyone anything of substance that related to her true self, her real feelings. Vulnerability was not something she learned over her years growing up, well into adulthood. Be kind, but not a pushover. Help those in need find a balance between independence and depending on others in times of necessity, but never help herself do the same. There was no such thing as a time of need for dependency to her. Things that applied to others did not apply to her, she was the exception of what she taught others. And because of that, she made peace with knowing she wouldn’t be able to find someone who would genuinely love her… who would ever get the chance to love her. Who she would ever actually be able to open up to. Who can fall for a woman hidden behind so many closed doors, she may as well not exist at all?
And how funny life is, for her to find a man who didn’t think love was an option for him, either. His work had become his life, there was no time for love and affection, for getting to know another person at all. His job being far too dangerous, friends and lovers would be a liability. It almost felt selfish to get too close to people knowing it could make them targets. For a long time, fighting and monsters was all he knew. She helped him see beyond that, to a life where he could wake up in the morning and kiss the love of his life up against the kitchen counter at 7:13 in the morning.
The sun warmed their skin as the light shone on them, both smiling softly as their gazes remained locked.
“I’ll be needing some more of that, you know…” Leon brings both hands up to her hips now, holding her in place.
“Oh…? You mean more coffee? I can pour you some more if one mug isn’t enough.” Her words with that wry smile on her face makes him laugh, making him give a small shake of his head. He pulls her closer, body pressed against body.
“More of this. More of you.”
With those final words, he wraps both arms around her waist, as she drapes her arms over his shoulders to hold him close, lips meeting in the middle again. Their bodies shifted until she stood with his leg between her own, and lips began to part and press together over and over. The sound of their kisses filled the silence of the room, even more so as his tongue slipped in to meet her own, causing a soft moan to reverberate within her throat.
Hands began to wander as one of his dipped below the hem of her shirt, calloused fingers caressing over her stomach as it moved higher and higher, lifting up her shirt with it. As he reached her ribs, just below her chest, the kisses paused as a breathy chuckle escaped his lips.
“Glad you didn’t bother putting on a bra yet.” His fingertips grazed below the curves of her breasts, teasing her.
“Mm… I wasn’t in the mood to… I don’t need one at home, do I?” She speaks softly as she leans in, placing a kiss just below his ear, then another along the side of his neck.
With a slight shiver quickly moving down his spine, Leon finally brings a hand up to properly cup her chest, one thumb brushing over her nipple. Her warm breath grazed his neck, an exhale of pleasure brought out only by a simple touch of his. With that, he spoke in a low tone of voice: “Absolutely not.”
Already, Leon could feel the blood rushing to his cock. It didn’t take much for her to bring that out of him, the curves of her body alone brought so many thoughts to his mind he could hardly stand it. She stood there, beautiful as ever in his arms, knowing that he had permission to run his hands all over her body and bring out the most delicious noises she could make. He remembered their time just the night before, only a few hours ago. When she was laying on their bed, naked, with her legs spread and beckoning for him to take her. Yet another thing that he gets to do with her that makes him forget all about the world outside of their home. The DSO, the government, the villains, the BOW’s… none of them existed in these moments.
Leon could feel the heat between her own legs pressing against his thigh, and while he may still only have just woken up, that has no effect on his strength and determination for her body. His hands reached down to grip both of her thighs, and with a brief little ‘hmph’ he lifted her up as if she hardly weighed a thing, placing her onto the countertop. The shorts she wore only covered part of her thighs, while the rest was bare and felt the cold sting of the marble countertop below her. Only a moment after he heard her mumble the word ‘cold’ did he place his hands onto her inner thighs, gently shifting them apart and responding with, “I’ll warm you up just the way you like…”
Her heart rate picked up now, as he leaned back in to kiss her, far more passionately than he had before… but still not quite as aggressively as they had kissed that night. It was still morning, after all. Part of the kitchen was still dim as the sun had yet to rise quite enough to blanket the entire room with light, much of the world beyond their window still waking up. Even they were still waking up, to a degree. It was something she absolutely loved… something exciting that they rarely ever got to do. Sleepy morning sex.
Sleepy morning sex, now taking place in their kitchen instead of their bed.
And lucky for her, Leon was already half naked. He had walked in wearing only his boxer briefs that morning, having no need to get dressed beyond that when he was staying in their house. Even she wasn’t wearing much, just a pair of underwear, shorts, and a simple t-shirt so on the off chance someone in the far distance glanced over into their windows, they wouldn’t get a free show.
His shirtlessness meant that she did not have to wait to run her fingers over his chest, feeling the taut muscles he’d built up over the years and then having the opportunity to simply look at the man who she gripped onto so tightly when he was slamming into her at top speed, edging so close to orgasm. He drove her crazy, and she drove him crazy right back.
Crazy enough that with her on the counter, rather than coming up to kiss her again, he leaned down to kiss along her inner thighs. Again, he kissed over a few fading pink marks left on her skin… sucking gently on unmarked spots to create new ones. Slowly he made his way up higher, and once he reached the apex of her thighs, he placed his hands along the waistband of her shorts.
“Lift your hips for me, baby.”
There was no hesitation as she obliged, placing her hands to her sides in order to lift herself up, allowing him the access he needed to slide her clothing off and toss it onto the kitchen floor. Leon watched her as she let her legs hang off the counter, thighs still spread apart to give him access to her already wet pussy. Her breath had already begun to pick up, he could see the rise and fall of her chest as she laid herself bare to him, a dusting of redness rising on her cheeks.
Coming forward, Leon grips her outer thighs and leans in, kissing along her skin again… unable to stop himself from teasing.
“This is new… looks like I’m the one that gets to eat first this morning.” The smirk on his lips was absolutely terrible, and she had already parted her lips to say his name, to scold him for making such a silly comment when she was spreading herself for him and trying not to lose her control. The words never came out of her mouth beyond saying the first half of his name, however, as he brought one of his hands forward and slowly dragged his middle finger up from her entrance, all the way up to brush against her clit and spread that wetness he had caused in just a matter of minutes.
Her head lolled backwards as her toes curled for just a moment, her pussy sensitive right from the start as she thought about what they were just getting up to. A soft, brief moan escaped her lips.. Only to be replaced by a sharper moan and exhale of breath, when he brought his head down, spreading her apart and immediately bringing his tongue down onto her clit.
“Leon… shit…” The words slipped out seemingly beyond her control as she shivered, looking down to see that dirty blond head of hair nestled between her legs, feeling that masterful tongue licking up and down, running in circles around her clit and tasting every inch of her. Biting her lip, she watched as his eyes gazed up at her, deep blue eyes that focused solely on her.. And even those teased her, too. Just from the look he gave her… he knew exactly what he was doing. He knew she was melting for him, that he knew every single sensitive spot she had on her body and he knew just how to play with each one.
The feeling of his rough, unshaven face against the softest, most sensitive part of her body adds an entirely new sensation that now has her toes curled indefinitely. Her thighs began to squeeze together, pressing him tighter against her body as he continued to use his tongue to pleasure her, lapping at her as if she was the greatest tasting thing he’d ever experienced. She may just be so, in actuality.
Leon knew she was getting close already, just by the way her body wracked when he reached her clit… and so he no longer focused on anything else. Keeping a tight grip on her thighs, he changed his motions as he alternated between sucking on her and flicking her with his tongue, causing her moans to truly fill the room at this point. Her body shook, hands came down to tangle in his hair… and when the waves of pleasure washed over her, she arched her back and let her head fall backwards, letting out a long drawn out, “Fuuuuccck…..!”
Not once did he stop, not when he could see that her orgasm continued to wrack her body, making her shiver over and over when it reached its peak, came slightly down, and hit her with another peak all over again. Hungrily he helped her ride out her orgasm, and only once her body began to go limp and relaxed did he finally pull back away, quickly swiping the back of his finger over his bottom lip as he brought his gaze back up to her face.
Dazed and content, she smiled as she saw the look on his face, accomplished and satisfied. Unable to help it, she let out a little giggle.
“That was incredible, honey…”
Standing up properly, he leans in and gently cradles the back of her head, fingers gently weaving into her long hair as he leaned in and kissed her cheek, then the corner of her lips. “And it’s not over yet…”
She lets her body come forward, and he watches as she slides herself off the counter onto wobbly legs, her hands coming down to the hem of his boxer-briefs. Already she could see the large bulge that had formed, and knew that he had to be absolutely suffocating with keeping those on. Pulling at the hem, she brought his underwear out and down, freeing his cock and watching as precum instantly came to the tip. Her gentle fingers come down to wrap around him, giving him three long strokes as he closes his eyes and exhales, one hand coming to rest on her lower back and keep her close to him. After only a moment, his blue eyes opened and focused on hers again.
“I can’t wait for you anymore… no foreplay for me.” And she lets out the tiniest yelp of surprise and happiness when he places both hands on her ass, pulling her in for a hard kiss.
Bringing his lips to her ear, his hot breath brushes against her as his words are spoken: “I need to be inside of you. Now.”
Nothing else needs to be said to her with that. While she may have only just orgasmed, it meant nothing. She was ready to go again immediately, feeling as if something was entirely missing now that she’s horny and seeing that absolutely starving look in his eyes.
And while he had half expected her to hop onto the counter again… she decided to go with a position they don’t get to do as often, given that they both value seeing each other’s faces in their throes of passion. Sometimes it was nice to spice things up, and she’d been wanting to do this one for a while.
Leon watches as she takes off her shirt, and turns around. His eyes are completely glued to her as she keeps her feet firmly planted on the ground… and leans over the counter, her upper body now laying on it with her ass out to him, legs slightly spread. From this angle, while he couldn’t see her face… he could absolutely see everything else.
He does get to meet her gaze again however, as she turns to look back at him over her shoulder. And while she’d always been a sweet, very mature woman… she could get absolutely dirty. Keeping his eyes locked to hers, she gives him the dreamiest of smiles, paired with her pleading words:
“I want you to fuck me from behind, Leon. Please…”
As if any man would be able to say no to her like that. His stunning girlfriend, again spread wide for him.. But now he could admire the curve of her back, the way her legs looked as they gently stretched to keep herself planted on the floor, and the way her long, black hair fell over her shoulders and onto the counter where her arms were crossed beneath her head for cushioning.
Words are breathlessly spoken as he moves forward, both hands on her ass not only to keep her steady but to spread her just slightly further apart, lifting her ass and giving him every bit of access he needed for his hardened cock.
“As if I could ever say no to you.”
And with those assertive words, Leon lines himself up with her pussy, something he’d done so many times it was absolutely second nature to him. Moving forward, he lets out a low, quiet groan of pleasure as he feels himself slide inside of her, slowly filling her up until he reaches as deep as he can go. That familiar warmth and wetness, her body felt as if she was made for him… and of course, she felt as if his body was made for her, too. Gently she digs her nails into her arms, biting her lip as he simply rested inside of her for the moment, allowing her the time to get used to him being inside again, as if he hadn’t been in her just hours before.
It’s only once he sees her turn to look over her shoulder at him again, seeing those pretty blue eyes of hers begging without words for him to move, that he slides himself back out again. Leon keeps his hands on her hips now, holding her in place as he thrusts himself back in, unable to keep the moan from escaping his own mouth. While he may not be the loudest in bed, he was surely not shy with the moans and groans that do come out of him.
Picking up the pace, the sound of skin on skin melded with the moans of ecstasy released by them both as Leon continued to fill her to the brim, getting to a point where he refused to pull out of her more than halfway, choosing instead to keep a faster pace and slam into her over and over again. Soon she feels him rest more weight on her, one hand coming down to press onto her clit, causing a much louder gasp from her, a gasp that quickly changed to a shaky whimper of pleasure when he used three fingers at once to rub circles on her clit.
It isn’t long before she begs for more, for him to go faster…. Until he hears those words that always bring him over the edge.
“Leon, please… make me cum…!”
Leon nearly becomes blinded by his own rapture, groaning the word ‘fuck’ desperately under his breath as he holds her steady, holds her close.. Making sure that she never strays far from his thrusts as his dick drove her to the brink all over again, just like he did last night.
He felt it, it built up so fast every time he felt her walls constrict around him, squeezing his cock and driving him insane with the tightness she enveloped him with over and over again. There was nothing else he could do, no more holding himself back as he finally lets out a desperate groan and long exhale, only slightly muffled by her own cries of an orgasm taking over her body all over again, causing her to shake and shiver just as it had before when he ate her out.
Not only did she cum, but he came even harder. She felt it as he unloaded into her, hot and thick cum completely filling her from the inside and nearly making her eyes roll into the back of her head. Never did she let anyone cum inside of her before… only Leon has ever been allowed that privilege. And it was a privilege he never took for granted.
It took a solid few minutes for their orgasms to finally subside, the waves turning to an overwhelming feeling of warmth that remained evenly across their bodies, inside and out. Both bodies turned to jelly as Leon slowly slipped out of her, watching as his cock moved back and he could see his cum beginning to drip out of her. He had to admit, he came pretty hard for what was essentially an early morning quickie. That sleepy morning sex sure as hell woke them both up.
Slowly, she stood back up to face him, taking it easy as her back shifted and returned to a comfortable posture. Without fail, he came forward and hugged her, holding her up against his body so she didn’t have to worry about using strength that had been sapped from her after two back to back orgasms.
“Bet you’re starving now, huh? You were already hungry to begin with.” Leon says with a chuckle in his voice, leaning in to kiss her forehead after the words had been spoken.
An exhausted but contented laugh spills from her own lips as her head tilts, resting against his shoulder and allowing herself to simply be held and loved the way he always did after sex.
“Mhm… but that was all worth it. We earned ourselves a big breakfast and a hot bath together afterwards.”
The smiles remained on both of their lips, even more so as he leaned down to whisper right into her ear: “I love you.”
And as her arms snaked around his body, she hugged him showing how he truly was the most precious person in the world to her. Never would she let him think otherwise.
“I love you too, Leon.”
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seventfics · 3 years
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Written for @witcher-rarepair-summer-bingo
Prompt: Talking in your Sleep Relationships: Cirilla/Morvran Voorhis (+ background Emhyr/Geralt) Rating: T  Content Warnings: None Summary: Before her future reign can begin, Cirilla has to commit to the trust exercise that is an arranged marriage. If only her sleep would be peaceful.
Read on AO3
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Ciri stirs fully awake at a gentle touch over her shoulder. It is a miracle she does not lash out instinctively and break something. Her limbs feel tight, aching by how tense they’d become in sleep. The faint shadows of a nightmare still dance behind her eyes. She hears the clopping of hooves, the horses of the Wild Hunt approaching—the cold blast of winter hits her as if naked in the snow.
Pure imagination. The bedroom is warm-lit by a hearth. It is summer, and she is safe. She is more than safe.
The touch that rose her pulls her back from the lingering vision of doom. She turns to light eyes, pinched in worry.
“Sorry..." She draws the sheets closer, her wild hair a fan over her face. The room is warm, but a chill runs under her skin all the same. "Did I disturb you?”
Morvran studies her. He sits a comfortable distance away from her. The monstrously-large bed makes that easy. “Not really.”
Slowly, her muscles unwind from their tense curl. A minute passes, and she’s tired again. “Don’t let me keep you awake,” she says rolling on her side, and then, almost a whisper, “you know, you can call me Ciri.”
* * *
The final battle is over. It has been for a peaceful few years. And yet, her mind stays restless, ready for the next enemy to come tearing through her life. So far it’s only been arrogant old men with predictable ambitions, which is pitiful compared to the ageless Aen Elle that had chased her through time and space, and the world-ending White Frost waiting at the end of it all. Really, they should step up their game if they want to make her sweat.
Her dreams made of frost and blood do most of the work for them. It's inescapable. Exhausting.
Every time she wakes from snow clogging her lungs, she sees Morvran had stirred awake in the night, and she apologizes with genuine-felt guilt.
Her husband is always polite about it, which is hard for her to accept at first. Experience tells her to expect a confrontation, or a fight about affecting him with her sleeplessness. But Morvran—she discovers quickly into their spousal arrangement—is quiet company, even if sometimes he seems a little on edge himself. A soldier's nervousness lies behind his gaze. The General without a war to fight. At least she’s not the only one struggling with peacetime.
They say that marriage forges a bond between two souls. That is what her father—of all people—tells her on one of their joint-breakfast mornings.
“There is a responsibility there," Emhyr says with enviable composure. "He is the only one’s opinion you must consult and rely on with matters of state.”
Ciri nearly scoffs. “Not even yours then?”
“Not even mine. Do you not trust him?”
She thinks long after that, a little angry with his nonchalance. Of course she doesn't. Of course it's not that easy. Ask any other lady or princess what their marriage gave them and see if any one of them bring up the word trust. Her father is biased. His own marriage had been sown by destiny's hand.
And yet, after the whispers of dark dreams rouse her at night, she does trust Morvran to be near, to remind her with his presence that she is no longer a child running from great and powerful enemies anymore. She is the daughter of the Black Sun. Nothing can touch her now.
Would be nice to sleep well again on her own soon, though.
Emhyr accepts her silence and sips his tea while it is still warm. He doesn't say anything about the dark circles under her eyes, and she doesn't talk about why they're there.
Geralt visits not a day after, the first time after her marriage, and he sure won't let it go unaddressed.
“I'm fine, Geralt. Haven’t slept well is all.”
That is all she's willing to say, not wanting to bother him too much when he'd arrived so happy to greet her. But it’s Geralt. He knows her better than anyone. Better than she knows herself.
"Haven't slept? You know what that does to your clarity of mind. And are you doing anything about it? Is it the mattress? I tell you, they make them too soft in the south. You need a little firmness to stop you when you're tossing..."
His fussing calms her heart. The opposite would be just as true. If he panics, all her own worries neutralize as she remembers how to think straight for him. They are each other's pillars.
So he frets, and she waves him off, feeling a little better by the second.
Tea together in the garden is a relaxing surprise activity with him, although now that he's brought up the topic of modern furniture and poor craftsmanship, Geralt is grouching about how uncomfortable the chairs are.
“They’re meant to keep your spine straight," she says, rolling her eyes.
“Yeah, and it’s crap. Doesn’t fit all of me.”
“That’s because you’re carrying fifty pounds of armor and steel. You might not want to rest all your weight on it actually.”
Geralt purposely leans back on his chair, the wood giving an alarming creak. “Are you calling me fat?”
She laughs at him so hard the Impera keeping guard from the garden's entrance twitch their heads to them. They act like a sign of joy from her is a terrifying dragon come to burn the palace down.
“I miss that,” Geralt mutters with a fake pout.
“What? My laughter?”
“Your…ease with it. I know being empress is nothing to scoff at." At the mention of her future court, Ciri touches her imperial diadem—both a symbol of her patrimony and a wedding band. Geralt tracks the gesture. The sigh he gives is heavy and long. "I mean, shit, this whole marriage thing attached to it isn’t what either of us planned for."
The metal warms under her rubbing thumb. "None of what's happened in our journey ever has been."
A witcher's path is unpredictable. One lives by the day and learns to adapt to what comes. And she's doing that still. Adapting like a witcheress. Soon, she'll have to start thinking more like an empress.
"The General," Geralt starts, and she refocuses on him and the serious set of his brow. "He’s a good man at least. A little…eccentric I think, but he is one of the better ones in Emhyr’s court.”
Now it's her turn to grumble, “I know. It’s annoying. I wish I could have a reason to hate him but he’s so…ugh, mannerly!”
This time Geralt laughs, and for a moment, Ciri is a witcher’s child in the wilds again, punting her father’s shoulder for a dumb joke he's pulled at her expense.
She stops suddenly when a familiar figure, all shoulders and dark colors to contrast his light hair, comes through the garden gates. 'Speak of the devil' might be a rude thought to have, yet it perfectly encapsulates how luck draws its cards on her this morning.
“Geralt of Rivia!” comes Morvran’s happy voice. “I thought I heard the rumble of bickering servants on the way here. Now I understand what displeased them so.”
“I’m not wearing their black-and-white cotton traps and you can’t make me.”
Ciri blinks between them. It surprises her how well Geralt gets along with him, and how openly joyous Morvran is being about his company—and yes, she would call him joyous even as his face is subtle in expressing it. Breaking courtly address would normally upset her recently-made husband no matter the suspect. And yet Geralt, who does not mean to do it intentionally, receives no such berating speeches on etiquette and formality. Actually, Morvran shakes his hand the northern way of greeting. Maybe he's good at adapting too.
“Of course not, sir witcher," Morvran says with his other hand raised in acquiescence. "There is no dire interrogation to fulfill at this hour.”
"Don't threaten me with a free clean shave again." To her, he offers a parting, “Alright. I've taken up enough of your time, I’m gonna head out.”
Her heart sinks at the cursory goodbye. This is her father in all but blood leaving her secure little bubble once more, to be a witcher without her. She is not a child anymore—he doesn't ruffle her ashen hair, though she dearly wants him to for old time's sake. It would mess up her diadem and the intricate plaiting of the braids behind her head.
She is not a child anymore, and yet she is already melancholy at the quick turn of his back.
"See you later, Geralt." Her words are a promise. We will see each other again.
As he steps into the flower path that winds back to the guards, Morvran calls out, “His imperial majesty is currently in a meeting.”
Geralt stops. He looks, for some reason, abashed. “What? Why are you telling me that?”
“I thought you would be privy to that information." Morvran shrugs in dismissal. "Va faill."  
It's almost funny how fast Geralt stomps out of the garden. As Ciri observes the exchange, all her previous heartache is swept under the rug. There is something she's not picking up. Fortunately it's not all she has to talk about to her present, lingering company.
“It’s weird that you two actually get along.” At her words, Morvran turns to her with open surprise.
“Geralt of Rivia is a genial man," he says, his hands meeting behind his back as is Nilfgaardian custom in public. "I believe anyone would be glad to refresh their acquaintance with him.”
Ciri, who was not raised with said customs and is instead being tutored in them with little success, snorts. Loudly.
“You just like that you can rope him into joining a riding competition on a promise of free food.”
Under all his Nilfgaardian powder, Morvran blushes. She can see it in his ears.
She laughs at him too.
* * *
It’s another night of bad dreams. Her memories have toyed with her enough that now she is witness to futures she cannot control. Geralt alone on the Path, the Empire at war with itself from her negligence, all of her old friends, her family, broken apart and dying as she lives on.
She wakes slowly, not in a startle or a choked breath. Her body aches worse than if she had.
Morvran is already awake beside her, a frown set upon his lips.
“Did you know you talk in your sleep?”
Between waking and the dissipating fear of her nightmare, Ciri is caught completely off guard. “I...didn’t, no.”
He doesn't explain any more, choosing to give her space as he's done for previous interrupted nights. Part of her wants to ask more. She wants to hear what she had said—what nightmare had she been speaking into existence. Did he recognize anything? Did he want to ask, but simply refrain out of properness?
Whatever it is she uttered in fever sleep, she lets it go. Talking about it now would be worse, somehow. Like making her nightmares a real, concrete thing.
Sleep still fights her long into the night. It does not come a second time. Which is good, as she opens her eyes to a timely assassination.
The weapon under her pillow slides into her hand not a breath later. She always keeps something sharp and deadly there. Good habit, both her fathers would say, for different reasons.
Before the assassin can strike, Ciri blinks in between time. They are dead where they stand, frozen mid-step, collapsing the very next instant time moves for her.
In the commotion that follows, everyone wakes. The emperor looks as regal and rested as always and Ciri envies that as her hair resembles a rat’s nest, mussed from the fear-sweat of her haunted sleep. At least Morvran is just as unkempt as her. They make quite the competition for most messy bedhead, side by side. And though the hours stretch on, from private meetings to argued suspicions, Morvran looks in his element. Her element.
Put an enemy in front of them and they will beat it down until it’s rid of.
Her mind is driven to this new task. Securing entry points, questioning any guards that had slack. Her edges feels frayed—sticking to Morvran like a shadow as they move from room to room, servant to official, order to action, way past sunrise. Her angry expression turns any worried servant away from asking for her imperial majesty to eat.
The assassin had tried to kill him. And no one seems to be that concerned since her own head is still attached to her shoulders. Not even Morvran.
Things calm down well past noon. They both return tired and dry-eyed to their arranged room.
She touches his sleeve and holds his weary gaze. “If you die I won’t forgive you.”
Morvran nods, like she makes sense. “I would never plan on it. It would upset your father.”
For a second, Ciri doesn’t know which one he means, and that makes her smile stupidly, at its pure truth.
She wipes her grin off before Morvran has a chance to politely appreciate it.
* * *
“You’re antsy.”
Ciri hums, taking a bite of her deviled eggs. “I'm not antsy.”
“You are bending the good fork.”
She stares down at her hand and finds that Emhyr is right and the fork is just a little twisted at the neck.
"I'm sure someone's job is to fix it. Just, call them."
Nothing in her posture or her expression could possibly tell Emhyr what sits heavy in her head, short of him being a mindreader. And yet, somehow, he pieces everything together correctly to ask, “Would it be so terrible for you to like him?”
Ciri sighs, looking up at the ornate chandelier, begging it to crash down on her and get her out of this conversation. Because she already does like Morvran, quite a lot, and it is terrible. She would hate to admit to her father that he is right. He’ll never live it down.
Of course, she doesn't need to say anything at all. Her godsdamned mind-reading father already knows. When did he learn to read her so effortlessly?
...Has he been consulting Geralt?
However it may be, Emhyr clears his throat and straightens his fork on his side of the breakfast table. “Some people," he says as she sulks internally, "are fortunate and marry the one they love. Others find a way to make it work.”
At his following pause, Ciri straightens in her seat to meet his gaze. His silences are always weighty and grave.
“I hope that he is worth the work,” he ends.
Then the moment passes, and he's eating again. Leaving her to contemplate alone what it means that her father, the emperor, might actually want her to be happy with the man who would share her rule once she is officially crowned. It's...it's trusting. It's too much to think about so early in the morning.
Being who she is, however, Ciri returns to the source of her sulk and the many questions it created.
“So, have you spoken with Geralt?”
Emhyr drinks his tea very slowly. “Of course not. Had he anything important to relay to me?”
“Maybe,” she shrugs. “I'm sure you know he came to visit recently, but you don’t ask me what we talked about?”
“Whatever it is you two get up to does not concern me.”
She hums, sipping her own tea. “It’s funny I guess, I thought you asked of him through Morvran.”
Emhyr sets his cup down, narrowing his eyes in thought. As he studies her, she keeps on sipping her tea until it’s finished. “Just curious,” she adds before parting for the day. Give him something to puzzle over that isn't her.
* * *
'Did you know you talk in your sleep?'
Only two nights of the next seven does she stir awake. Not from bad dreams, exactly. Not from dark memories or anxious fears either. Ciri rubs her face now, frustrated, pulled from sleep again for no apparent reason.
Morvran is awake beside her, as he always is. His face is not pressed with a frown, though. She can't stop thinking on his words so casually spoken the night an assassin tried to take him from her, and settles back onto her enormous pillows.
“...What did I say this time?”
“Oh,” he blinks at her, and it’s sleepy and lazy, not at all very general-like. “Something about a swallow. That you miss it. Did you used to own a bird?”
She closes her eyes briefly, oddly at peace with her sleep talking. He had listened to her secret fears for all these nights, her haunted screams, and made them his own secrets.
If she could trust him to know that, then, it is not so difficult to trust him with the more simple things.
“No. Swallow was the name of my sword. I carried her with me everywhere.”
“Ah. Where is she now?”
“I gave her to Geralt before I came to be here. A witcher’s sword is not something I can wield from a throne.”
He touches his hand to her cheek, the first time he’s breached courtly etiquette with her. It is warm and callused.
“I am confident that sir Geralt keeps Swallow sharp and oiled so that the blade stays strong. I am...sorry,” he says with more awkwardness.
She covers his hand with her own, a little laugh escaping her when he blinks rapidly at her returned touch, like he had not expected it at all. “It's alright. I entrusted her to him.”
Marriage forges a bond between two people.
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mymelodyheart · 4 years
All I Want For Christmas Is You Chapter 3 ~A Christmas Request~
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Previously in It's her Cue ...
 A tiny fraction of the playfulness displayed on his face was replaced by uncertainty ...and Claire's stomach coiled at the proof he wasn't prepared to act on the attraction between them. Whatever his reason was, she wasn't sure if she wanted to know as her guard began to scramble back into place. Oh, God, how could I be so dim? Maybe he's got a girlfriend or a wife ...
"Arbroath Smokies."
Stunned, she looked at him. "Wot?"
"Have ye eaten?"
"Uh, um ...not since midday."
"Weel, hard to fall in love with ..." He took a huge deep breath. "...Broch Mordha on an empty stomach."
That playful smile was back on his face. "Have ye tried Arbroath Smokies?"
"No. I don't even know what that is."
"Ye have to try it. I know just the place." Jamie glanced over his shoulder. "Come on, let's have a quick drink with Willie and Annalise so we can get out of here." 
And then just like that, he wove his fingers through hers and tugged her towards the bar.
If you wish to read this on AO3, here is the link.
If you wish to read this from the beginning:
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 Jamie stiffened and stopped in his tracks when he felt a slight hesitation in Claire's movement. Is she having second thoughts? He glanced back at her and saw her eyes dropped to their intertwined hands and chewed her lower lip. "Changed yer mind?" he asked softly, his thumb caressing the knuckles of her hand without conscious volition. "I ken Arbroath smokies is not everyone's cuppa tea. We can have something else if ye wish."
She shook her head. "No. It's not that." She took a step closer, and he caught a whiff of her floral scent. Her nearness made the tension in his chest become like a drawn bow like there was an arrow precariously pointing into his heart. But the feel of her skin beneath his fingers was potent enough to mute the warning voices in his head. 
"What is it then, Sassenach?"
"I have something to ask you," she whispered, her eyes darting sideways, seemingly conscious of the watchful eyes around them. 
When she drew her hand from his hold, the loss of touching her skin made a hollow yawn at the pit of his belly.
He ignored the uneasiness he felt and swallowed hard. "Ye can ask me anything."
 Her cheeks blossomed into a pretty shade of scarlet. "I just want to make sure there's no misunderstanding." 
"What's on yer mind?"
"This is a small village, and I understand how everyone talks about everyone's business here. I ...um, don't want to step on anyone's toes while I'm here on holiday. You're not married or involve with anyone by any chance, are you?"
He felt the tension on his back ease, and he leaned back to look at her beautiful face. He wondered what it would be like to have her as his. Would a lass like her be content living in a hamlet like Broch Mordha, where the terrain, although naturally beautiful often described as a dismal place to live in because of the weather and remoteness? "No." A city girl like her would probably have a difficult time settling in the Highlands. "There's nae lass in my life." He forced a smile. "And never been married. How about ye?"
Her mouth opened then closed, and her brow wrinkled. "No. No boyfriend. I haven't been out with anyone for a long time."
He arched an eyebrow. "Really?" Were the men in London blind or what? "Why is that? Too focused on yer career to let anyone in yer life?"
"No. It's not that." Her eyes lowered to half-mast and settled on his chin. He almost lost it right there and then. Ah, Christ! If she's going to keep staring at him like that, he'd probably end up throwing her over his shoulders and taking her home. "I just haven't met anyone who..." her voice trailed off.
"...took yer breath away?" he finished the sentence off for her.
A slow smile spread across her face, making her eyes bright and opalescent. "Something like that," she replied.
He stared at her for a while, and a silent understanding passed between them, one that made him realised that she was very aware of their connection.
Jamie laughed inwardly but without humour. Everything about this lass so far lined her up as the perfect woman for him. How was that even possible that he felt the way he did after only a short period? He pressed his lips tight together, knowing that kind of thinking would only bring him grief.
She'd agreed to go out with him, and he would enjoy her company for what it was. It was a fruitless endeavour worrying about what he would do when it was time for her to go, and he would rather die before pressuring someone like her to stay. He'd done that before, and all it brought him was heartache and distress. She'd said she wanted to be a writer, but she wasn't ready to give up London just yet. This vibrant and intelligent lass had the fucking world at her disposal and her pick of better suited men who could give her the life she's used to, and he wasn't about to be the one to get in the way of those possibilities.
But it was too late to distance himself from this attraction, so Jamie made a deal with himself. One that made his throat contract and dread of the unknown take root. He'd allow himself to enjoy whatever time he had with Claire and be a perfect host and show her the best of what living in Broch Mordha had to offer. If she decided that it wasn't enough to make her stay to explore this connection between them, he'd force himself to accept it. Going to the city and living in one was no option for him, no matter how much he wanted the lass. He tried it before, but ever since he returned from his deployment in Iraq, he couldn't handle the big crowd and loud noises in the city. It made him freeze on the spot and brought back the nightmares and horrors of the Middle East war. He was more at peace here in the Highlands, where he'd already made a life for himself.
Reluctantly, he took a step back away from her. He had to. Otherwise, he'd end up kissing her in front of these people. "So ye're still in for that Arbroath smokies?"
"Of course," she murmured, visibly shaking herself. "I'd love that."
He laced their fingers together once more, unable to stop himself from brushing his lips against her knuckles and uncaring of the gossips he was sure was already spreading like wildfire. When she squeezed his hand in response, he felt weightlessness for the first time in a long time in the depths of his soul. That's when he knew he had his work cut out ahead of him. He cleared the sudden clutter in his throat and gave her his best smile. "Let's go then, Sassenach."
After a round of drinks, Jamie and Claire left Annalise and Willie in the pub to their game of pool and darts. And Jamie was more than happy with the arrangement as he wanted to be alone with Claire.
His steps were light as he led her down the cobbled street, pointing out numerous historic residences and structures on the way. She listened intently, her inquisitive nature surprising him with her enthusiasm to learn more about his birthplace. But as soon as she heard the holiday jingle streaming in the background, her eyes lit up like a child, and she stared straight ahead. Right before them, at the town centre, was Broch Mordha's famous Christmas fair, festively illuminated and a sea of red, green and gold.
To Jamie's amusement, Claire tugged his hand, urging him to walk faster. When they finally got there, the quaint Church Street was bustling with activity. While vendors busily sold their goods, families strolled together, some pushing prams and some walking their dogs. Teenagers walked in groups, laughing and singing at the top of their lungs. Elderly couples wandered hand in hand, stopping now and again to admire the colourful goods on display. The booths bordering the road showed off their fares from patisseries, cheeses and charcuterie to chocolates, tablets and preserves. Beyond the food stalls, there was a whole range of crafted goods, from jewellery to tweed accessories, clothing and photography to candles and ceramic and stoneware.
Jamie had been to the Christmas fair every year of his life, but tonight with Claire, everything seemed more vivid, and he wanted to commit each moment and the sound of her laughter to memory.
He watched her nibble a Crowdie which the cheesemonger offered for her to try after they stopped by his stall. A few samples later, Jamie could tell, the older man was taken by her. It was no wonder as her zest for life was contagious, and she was willing to try anything, undeterred by the unfamiliar names and labels. Looking at her, he glimpsed a faint smattering of freckles across her nose, and he knew she didn't have a trace of make-up on except for the hint of mascara which he thought was totally unnecessary.
She glanced over to him, and her amber eyes widened. "Why are you looking at me like that for?"
He winked at her and lowered his voice. "I dare ye to ask me what I'm thinking."
She wrinkled her nose and snorted. "I don't think so. When men say those sort of things, it usually means there's filth involved. I'll pass, thank you very much."
He laughed out loud, enjoying the way she kept him off balance. Teasing her and watching the colour infused her face was endearing to watch and something he could quickly get used to if he wasn't too careful.
In the next hour, as they toured the Christmas market, he discovered she loved historical books, scented candles, colourful scarves, a sugary Scottish confection called tablet, and her dislike for Haggis. Despite her objections, he couldn't stop himself buying things for her.
When she'd tried to swipe the items she wanted to purchase from his hands, he held them above his head, out of her reach. He laughed when she jumped and attempted to grab them. 
"You can't do that," she protested when he signalled the vendor to wrap up the pendant she was admiring. It was a Sterling silver, with an amber stone set in a Celtic dragonfly design. 
"Ye said ye like it."
"Just because I like something, it doesn't mean I'll go off buying things on a whim. In real life, that's not how it works." 
"But it's Christmas, and I'm the one buying," he reasoned, grinning at her as he pushed some pound notes into the seller's hand. "Besides, I like the necklace on you. The stone reminds me of the colour of yer eyes."
"But Jamie ..."
"No buts. I really want to do this. Just let me."
When she stubbornly glared at him, he took a step closer and caressed her cheek with the pad of his thumb. He heard the hitch in her voice, the deep furrows on her brows slowly dissolving, but not quite totally.
"Please?" he whispered.
She looked at him, and after a few seconds, her features relaxed. "Very well," she conceded, eventually looking anywhere but into his eyes. "I'll pay for dinner then,"
He grinned and gave her a victorious look. "We'll see about that. Come on, Sassenach, I want to eat." He grabbed her wrist before she could object while he held gift bags on his other hand. They walked side by side, meandering through the market until they reached their destination. 
After ordering two paper plates of Arbroath smokies served with new potatoes and peas, they found a secluded area with a wooden table and bench to enjoy their meal and watch people go about their holiday season business.
Her face softened as she ate, looking comfortable in her surroundings as if she felt right at home here. Her eyes radiated with satisfaction, as she savoured every tiny morsel of the smoked fish, her tongue flicking out to catch every bit. A low moan slipped through her mouth with every bite, her head nodding and her eyes widening, when there were no words, reassuring Jamie with facial gestures how much she was enjoying herself. He watched every precious, gut-wrenching, sensual moment of the experience and wondered if he would ever be the same again. And when they finished their meal, washed down with a glass of cider, she let out a soft, sated sigh that slammed straight to his chest, squeezing his heart. 
 If he accomplished one bloody thing over the holiday season, it would be to show this lass how special she was and every second they spent together was a gift he would always treasure.
He opened a small parcel of chocolate truffles they'd bought in the market earlier and pushed it towards her. "Ready for dessert?" he offered, realising how much he loved feeding her.
"Mmmm, yes, please." She popped the sweet treat into her mouth and smiled. "This has been so much fun. I've loved every minute of tonight, Jamie. Thank you."
He had too. He'd never experienced such a powerful bond with a lass on both a mental and physical level, and he tried not to think of the day when she'd go back to London. When the time came, he'd deal with it. "Who said the night is over?" he teased.
"Is it not?"
"Far from it." He got up, dropped their plates and cups in the recycling bin and then offered his hand to her. "Come, Sassenach ... we're off to our next destination," he said, grabbing their bags.
"Where to now? More food?" she groaned, clutching her stomach.
"If it's food ye want, there are still a lot of things ye haven't tried yet." He laughed, taking her hand in his as he tugged her towards the direction where they came from. "But first caffeine. We're going to need it."
"Oooh, are we doing an all-nighter now, are we?" she breathed, almost skipping beside him, trying to keep up with his long stride.
"It's a surprise, Sassenach but I promise ye, ye're going to love the entertainment factor in the next phase of this date," Jamie said as he pushed the door to a coffee shop. "Come, let's go inside and get some heat first."
He ordered two Dutch coffee from the counter and settled them by the window overlooking the street market that was beginning to thin out. When Claire took a sip of the frothy hot beverage, she sighed in pleasure and smiled.
"Ye like?"
"Uh-huh, this is like caffeinated eggnog. Never had it before. I love it!"
"Dinnae tell me, ye don't have them in London."
"They probably do, but I've never had the pleasure of seeing it in a drink menu."
He noticed a residue of cream lodged in the corner of her mouth. Unable to help himself, Jamie reached over slowly, wiping it off with his thumb. Staring into her eyes, he deliberately put his thumb into his mouth and sucked. 
An invisible firework suddenly erupted between them, the sights and sounds of their immediate surrounding fading in a blurred haze, becoming meaningless in the perfect connection of those precious seconds.
"Hmmm?" Her voice was like a breathless whisper, and he wasn't sure if he imagined the yearning look in her eyes. It took all his self-control to keep from kissing her right there and then. Instead, he locked down all his muscles and willed himself to think of animals that start with the letter D. And all his damn brain could summon was the word dragonfly.
"May I ask ye a favour?"
"I don't kiss on the first date," she said too quickly, but her words contradicted her manner as she stared at his lips.
"That wasn't what I was gonnae ask ye."
"Oh!" Her eyes flew to his, and she blushed profusely. "Oh, well, that depends on the favour then."
He swallowed hard and leaned forward, taking her hands in his. "Will ye spend the rest of yer holiday with me?" He cleared his throat. "What I'm trying to ask of ye is, will ye stay here until the Three Kings ...until it's time for ye to go back to London?"
She blinked thrice. 
It was a request straight from his heart, and he listened to it, unheeding of the alarm bells that started to reverberate in his brain. He needed more time with Claire to see this through and to find out what this was between them. He waited for laughter, a dismissive wave of her hand, a playful joke or a roll of her eyes as he held his breath.
"Alright?" A lungful of air whooshed out of him.
"Yes, I'd love to stay."
Something shifted and awakened. 
He didn't know what it was, but he also knew it would never be the same between them.
Suddenly, he realised the simple request took a lot out of him because all he could muster at that moment were his heartfelt words, "Thank you, Sassenach."
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Dear Readers,
Here it is, the third chapter of my Christmas story. I'm super thrilled you're enjoying this so far if the feedback and kudos is anything to go by from the previous instalment. Thank you so much for the generous response and your continuous readership. I hope you're all having a fabulous week. Keep up the good vibes and faith and keep passing that on because even if we can't change what's going on in the world, a healthy amount of positivity will see us all through this strange time. Take care of your health and safety and much love to all. x
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prrplwtch · 4 years
Mamihlapinatapei. Simeon/MC or Satan/MC
Why not both 💜
30. “Mamihlapinatapei - The look between two people in which each loves the other but is too afraid to make the first move.” Satan x f!MC
Satan knew it was time to rearrange his book collection when for the second time that week he was unable to find the tome that he needed. Usually, he had a pretty good knowledge of where he put each book, but, as the book piles on his floor grew, it became harder and harder to keep track of them.
He really was not looking forward to spending the weekend doing it. To his surprise, when he mentioned at breakfast that he needed to organize the books in his room, MC immediately volunteered to help him.
“Two people can get it done faster than one, right?” she told him with a smile.
Satan appreciated MC’s offer – it was true that together they’d get through the task faster than if he was alone. Besides, he liked spending time with her. Satan had never felt that way before, but whenever MC was around him, it was as though the burning rage in his chest disappeared replaced by a light, hopeful, almost pure feeling.
They began reorganizing the books in the morning – Satan has hoped that if they start early, they could be done before the nightfall. He was very pleased with the new organization system he decided to try, where each bookshelf was dedicated to a certain subject matter and all the books on the given shelf were arranged alphabetically.
“Do you want all these to go on the history bookshelf?” MC asked, holding a stack of tomes in her hands.
“Yes,” Satan said, turning to her, “Except for the one on top – put it on the bookshelf by the window.”
Working together was, in fact, much easier than working alone, and the progress they were making was more significant than Satan had anticipated.
“I’m curious – where did you get all these books from?” MC said, picking up a few tomes from the floor, “You told me you do not travel to human realm often, but some of these definitely came from there.”
“Some of them are gifts,” Satan said, as he continued rearranging books on the shelf alphabetically, “But the rest I bought from a store here, that carries books from all three realms. They have a marvelous collection.”
“Oh?” MC said, “I’d love to go there sometime – I’m really curious to see what books they have from the human world.”
“If you want, I can take you there,” Satan said, looking over to MC.
“I’d love that,” she smiled at him, and Satan felt warmth rise in his chest. There were few things he enjoyed more than seeing her happy.
He watched as she picked up a few tomes to carry them to the other side of the room. Suddenly, he noticed a small stack of books on the floor right in front of her.
“MC, careful!” Satan exclaimed, but it was too late.
Demons were blessed with fast reflexes, and he was by her side in a split second – but that was not quick enough to prevent her from falling. Next thing Satan knew, both of them were on the floor, with MC half-laying on top of him.
“Ugh, why do I never look where I walk,” MC complained, then looked at Satan, concerned, “Are you ok? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“Of course not,” Satan replied, “Demons are not as fragile as humans are.”
“Thank you,” MC smiled softly, “For saving me.”
It was at that moment that Satan suddenly became acutely aware of the fact that she was lying on top of him. Bright blush rose in his cheeks, as he’d realized just how pleasant and soft her body felt pressed so closed against his. His heart raced in his chest when he noticed MC, too, was blushing ever so slightly.
Satan found his gaze drifting to MC’s lips – he would have been lying if he said he’d never thought about it. He noticed MC’s eyelids flutter as she bit her lower lip. Was she…thinking about it too?
They both remained absolutely still for a moment. He knew he wanted to give in to his desires, and yet he was scared. What would this mean for us?
Before he had a chance to act upon his impulse, there was loud banging at the door.
“Satan,” Mammon’s voice called out, “Lucifer asked to tell ya that he wants to see ya in his study.”
Upon hearing Mammon’s words MC sat up, and Satan immediately missed the warmth and softness of her body.
“Very well,” he replied with a sigh, “I’ll be right there.”
“I’ll be waiting for you,” MC told him, smiling gently as she put her hand over his, “Please return soon.”
Satan could hardly stop himself from smiling upon hearing those words, as he felt warmth spread through his body. Now even the impending meeting with Lucifer could not ruin his mood.
30. “Mamihlapinatapei - The look between two people in which each loves the other but is too afraid to make the first move.” Simeon x f!MC
Simeon and MC were in the kitchens of the House of Lamentation. It was the Cultural Exchange week at the Academy and the next day was dedicated to the human realm, so MC wanted to bake various desserts from the human world to share with her classmates.
When she first asked Simeon to help, he was surprised by the request. Though he liked sweets, he was not very good at baking. As it turned out, MC had already asked Luke to help, but he had to work on a group project and, hence, was not available.
Simeon did not need to ask why MC did not turn to Solomon for help.
“Please don’t tell him that you helped me,” she pleaded, and Simeon agreed. Neither of them wanted to have that conversation with Solomon.
In truth, Simeon was glad that MC asked him for help – they’d grown quite close in the past few months. He always felt so happy and at peace whenever she was around, and any time he saw her smile, a warm feeling would rise in his chest. All he wanted was to make her happy.
Simeon marveled at the confident way MC handled herself in the kitchen – though there were a few cookbooks on the table in front of her, she did not look into any of them. The focused expression on her face as she was measuring out different ingredients for a new batch of cookies made Simeon smile.
“You must have baked quite often back in the human realm,” he said, as he picked up the tray of cookies and carried it to the oven, “To get this good at it.”
“I have,” MC looked at him over her shoulder and smiled, “I really like it – it’s very calming. Though, it took a while before I learned to bake properly. I used to joke that I’d sell my soul to become a great baker. I must say, when I first found myself in the Devildom, I was worried for a moment that my sale was successful.”
Simeon laughed and shook his head – humans should really learn to be more careful with their words.
“It’s very impressive,” he told her.
MC paused for a moment, and Simeon noticed slight blush appear on her cheeks. Must be from all the heat from the ovens.
“I…thank you,” she said, before turning back to the measuring cups.  
As Simeon walked back towards MC to pick up another tray of cookies, suddenly, he noticed MC wince as she dropped one of the measuring cups.
“MC, what’s wrong?” he asked immediately, worried.
“I’ve had a headache since the morning,” MC told him, still wincing, “And it’s suddenly gotten worse – probably because of how hot it is in the kitchens.”
“I could help you,” Simeon offered, coming up to MC.
All angels had healing abilities, and though some were more gifted than others, there was not a single one who could not take care of a simple headache.
“I wouldn’t want to bother you,” MC said softly, as she looked into his face.
“I would be happy to help,” Simeon said earnestly, and MC nodded.
Simeon gently put his hands on both sides of MC’s face, softly pressing his fingers to her temples.
“Close your eyes,” he told her, and MC complied.
Simeon focused – he had not healed anyone in some time – and a moment later he could feel her pain melt under his touch.
“Oh,” MC said after a moment, as she opened her eyes and looked at him wide-eyed, “It’s completely gone.”
“I’m glad you are feeling better,” Simeon smiled softly.
“Thank you,” MC murmured, looking him in the face.
It sook Simeon a moment to realize that he was still cupping MC’s face in his hands. Her skin was soft and warm under his touch, and though he knew he should pull away, could not bring himself too. There was something so utterly intoxicating about holding her so close, about the way she looked at him through half-lidded eyes. Blush rose in his cheeks as a gentle smile appeared on MC’s lips.
It would be so easy to lean in and kiss her.
His heart raced in his chest at the thought, as his blush deepened. He had imagined doing it before, although he chased those thoughts away – any involvement between an angel and a human would bring nothing but heartache to both of them. He knew he needed to move away…
And yet, now that she was so close, he was too weak to do what needed to be done.
Suddenly, a loud ringing sound of the kitchen timer broke the spell that had fallen over them.
“Ah, time to take out the cookies,” MC said, taking a step back and heading towards the oven. Simeon’s heart pounded in his chest, as he leaned onto the counter and took a deep breath. He was about to give in, if not for the timer…
It’s for the best, he thought, then smiled sadly – even he did not believe that.  
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gaia-cove · 3 years
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Name: Sienna Adams Gender pronouns: she/her Age: 32 Occupation: Wedding dress designer Hometown: Cardiff, Wales Amount of time on the island: 3 months Face Claim: Jenna Coleman
Bio: (Triggers: death, pregnancy, divorce )
Sienna Adams had it all, until the day she lost everything, but to make sense of everything that happened we should probably start from the beginning. Born in Cardiff, Wales, she never really got to know her hometown before her family moved to London instead when the girl was only two years old. So actually she considers herself to be a London girl at heart, never growing up with the accent that Cardiff would have given her she instead sounded entirely southern. The middle child she has an older sister as well as a younger brother - piggy in the middle - except she never felt like she had any kind of middle child syndrome. If anything the Adams’ children were lucky to gel pretty well all together despite their differences as well as the age gap between them. Sienna was never exceptional at school but she did what she had to do to get by, always popular thanks to being tall, slim, pretty, and charismatic she was lucky enough to sail through with a solid group of friends by her side. At sixteen she changed schools to attend the College of Fine Art because without a shadow of a doubt art was her favourite subject, not to mention the one she was best at. It was on the understanding that once she’d done her two years of focused art tuition she would go to university to study something more ‘sensible’ and making the deal with her parents the whole family were delighted when at seventeen Sienna was accepted into the University of East Anglia to study Journalism. Everything seemed to be going so smoothly, with the odd hiccup here and there in the shape of messy breakups with high school boyfriends and the tattoo she got on her sixteenth birthday without telling her parents, and to most outsiders the Adams family were a solid unit who wouldn’t be shaken by anything because no matter what they would be united in it. 
Sienna had been away at university hundreds of miles away from London when she got the news of her parents car crash, everything seeming to dissolve in a matter of seconds. Racing back to the capital so she could be with her siblings the three of them processed their grief in their own ways but Sienna was steadfastly there for them both regardless. Even when Rhiannon became distant as a way of dealing with what had happened the younger sister still stood by her so that anytime she asked for a helping had she was there to give it to her without question. Losing her parents left a hole in Sienna she wasn’t sure how to fill for a while, choosing to throw herself into her journalism degree with a passion since for her to do it was what she saw as their last wish. It was the best way to honour the people who she loved more than anything. Despite being born of pain the outcome actually stood her in stead because straight out of her three years of university she was hired by a top London magazine from the Conde Nast group. Sure, it wasn’t The New Yorker which was the publication she dreamed of writing for, but her position as a junior assistant at Vanity Fair was nothing to sniff at. It was actually this turn of events that showed the woman she could combine her love of art and journalism at the same time, happily climbing the ranks at the magazine while learning as much as she could about fashion. Specifically drawn to wedding dress styles and fashions, as they changed and evolved. 
She started to toy with designing her own wedding dresses from the age of twenty seven, sketching them up before making a couple of the designs up herself, even if it was a painstakingly slow process that resulted in a lot of broken sewing machine needles and frustrations. When her older sister asked her to design her wedding dress however was when a big step was taken by Sienna and she fully embraced a change in career. She went from working at Vanity Fair to a couple of years later having one of her designs featured in the publication, the tides had truly turned and she’d found what she was meant to be doing with her life. Another big change in her life was when she met the man who was destined to be her husband in a bar on a work night out, not expecting anything from their little flirtation, he went on to surprise her and the two became close. Fast. Before Sienna Adams knew what was happening she was wearing a large diamond ring on her left hand and was designing her own wedding dress to wear. There might have been a huge gap where her parents should have been that day but otherwise it was the happiest day of her life because she was getting to pledge the rest of her life to the man she loved. The next step? For them to have a family. A year and a half ago along with a nasty bout of morning sickness the couple found out they were expecting their first baby together, a little boy they decided to call Freddie. If anything the pregnancy was too smooth and Sienna should have suspected something bad was coming her way but she didn’t, instead she was smug in her #blessed situation. It was nauseating to many of her friends who were going through rough pregnancy experiences of their own. 
Then for the second time in her life the woman was smacked in the face by unforeseen tragedy, and this time it changed the course of her life forever. On August 13th 2020, Freddie Carson was born at The Portland Hospital in London after a thirty two hour labor that had truly tested his mother’s ability to cope, but that didn’t matter because he was her beautiful baby boy and he was finally here. Then everything started to happen impossibly fast but in slow motion at the same time. Her little boy managed to cling onto life for only seven minutes before he passed away in his mother’s arms and it was the day Sienna Adam’s finally broke. The following weeks she barely spoke, literally propped up by her family to get through the funeral, her husband and herself rapidly drifted apart. Within six months he was filing for divorce from his wife thanks to a relationship that had entirely broken apart. Gone from something so loving to a cacophony of bickering and fighting the man couldn’t see any way back. His wife was no longer the woman he’d married and the heartbreak they had endured was apparently just too much for their relationship to withstand. Sienna felt like she had nothing left and it brought on a creative block when it came to her designing, too painful to be creating dresses for the happiest day in a woman’s life when she felt like all the joy had been sucked out of her own.
It was on a trip to visit her sister and extended family in Gaia Cove that it was suggested by Rhiannon she separate herself from the things she had lost in London and instead put down roots in the Californian town surrounded by her family. With nothing to go home to the woman agreed, which was how she found herself living in Glen Ellen and working at the Castillo’s wine bar as the manager until she found the inspiration within herself to go back to designing. She was trying, her entire apartment was covered in half finished sketches, but nothing seemed to be flowing properly. Nothing seemed to be coming together. Despite being a shadow of her former self to anyone who knew Sienna before she was hit with a plethora of heartache the woman is still a bubbly, sweet person who is desperately trying to move past the events of her past. Every so often she will be pulled back by bouts of depression, even if she is on medication that is meant to help, occasionally the pain is just too much for her to cope with. Resorting back to some unhealthy coping mechanisms she will look for comfort in food, alcohol, or even drugs. Although nothing harder than weed if truth be told, which she occasionally enjoys with her big sister at some of their more ‘grown up’ sleepovers. All Sienna wants is to find a way to be defined by who she is and not what she’s been through, but when grief is eating away at you at every turn it’s sometimes hard to find a way. 
Sienna is played by Indi
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whitemagnolia1 · 4 years
Delena Fic Rec:
This is the hardest thing I’ve ever posted here lol.
Forever Mine: The night Damon Salvatore met Elena Gilbert changed the course of their destinies forever. But just as the future made itself known, the past caught up with them to destroy it all. Together on the run, Damon finds himself falling for this girl. Hard. But, Damon Salvatore doesn't love and he won't let her change that. No matter how much his soul...his body begs him to give in.
A Woman’s Worth:  AH/AU–Love hurts. This story takes on a literal meaning when Elena is a victim of abuse by her boyfriend. A journey of the silent sufferings of a girl with no one to turn to and unwilling to ask for help. Enters Damon, a social worker determined to rescue a damsel in distress and falling for her along the way. What is he willing to sacrifice in the end to save a girl he loves?
Tomorrow:  Will you be there beside me if the world falls apart? And will all of our moments remain in your heart? Will you be there to guide me all the way through? I wonder will you walk by my side and follow my dreams? With the Nazi reign of terror at its zenith, Damon and Elena form an unlikely friendship in WW2 era Czechoslovakia.
Where the Fireflies Dance: Elena just wants to forget. She moved away for college, and is trying to make a life for herself, when her roommate invites her to her family's ranch for a summer that could change Elena's life. Damon Salvatore is a flirt. But the only girl he's ever really loved is the daughter he's fighting for custody of. Then his sister brings home a friend for summer and everything changes.
Addictions:  When Elenas' life has been consumed by addictions, can anyone save her?- OOC,AU. *WARNING* Story contains strong language, substance abuse, graphic smut/lemons. For mature audiences only. Consider yourself warned.
Breaking Point: Elena wants to learn to fight compulsion. Damon's all-too willing to help, but will either of them be able to deal with the consequences?
Crying Lightening:  "I should have helped her. I should have done something. I deserve this. I deserve to die" - Damon is an 18 year old troubled lost soul with a bad reputation and Elena a 17 year old popular high school student who thought she had everything she ever wanted, that is until she got to know the eldest Salvatore and realizes that life is about more than being crowned Prom Queen! AU R&R
Casually Cruel:  AU/AH/ 'You're different, not the guy I used to know' -Maybe you never really knew me- 'Yes I did'. She knew the depths of his soul, loved and accepted every part of him. Now he's lost and he doesn't think she can find him and she's not sure she wants to.
Someone Like You: You fall in love, get married, fall in love again, get your heart broken. What if it got broken by a heart surgeon that never came back to fix it? Damon/ Elena - AU/AH
Echoes of the past:  Each of us has a past that shapes and defines us. Some pasts are filled with pain and heartache. Can Damon and Elena overcome their pasts to allow themselves a chance at happiness? Or will things from their past resurface to destroy their future? AU/AH Complete!
Forbidden Fruit:  Damon is friends with Grayson Gilbert. When he meets his daughter Elena, sparks fly. Considering the age difference and the fact that she is his friend's daughter, he tries to fight the pull every step of the way. Will he succeed in keeping her at bay?
Held Captive:  My favorite one shot I wrote last year, Re Published into a mini short story. Damon, a notorious War Lord captured the lovely, innocent Elena as part of his war games but things are not as simple as he'd thought. Set in medieval times.
I’d Kill Us Both:  AU/AH For years, Elena has been married to Stefan, but in love with his older brother, Damon, who left for the Marines shortly after the wedding. But now he's back, and not hiding his feelings. Will they finally have the chance to be together? And what if someone from Damon's military past followed him back home, putting them all in danger? Is love worth the risk?
Hopeless:  AU. AH. Elena has found that she likes her older sister Katherine's best friend Damon a lot more than she should. Little does she know he likes her more than he should too. Through the years things start to change between them, but if anyone found out they'd be in big trouble.
A Gentleman’s Agreement:  Possible S4 idea. VampElena has shut herself away from most of her friends, and the Salvatore brothers are at a loss over what to do. She is in for seduction and romance she never saw coming, but sooner or later a choice must be made. COMPLETED.
How Never Became Forever:  Elena's established rules and guidelines for her relationships. She knows how to stay emotionally detached and when to cut the cord. But then she meets Damon, who could potentially change everything. AU. AH.
Kiss Me, Break My Heart:  Elena Gilbert has been in love with her best friend Damon Salvatore for years, but when he asks her to help him win back the woman of his dreams, Elena decides she's had enough. Now Elena wants to move on, but Damon's not making it easy on her. AU/AH
Pretend You Love Me:  While their marriage is falling apart, Damon and Elena must learn to get past their demons or lose each other forever. AH/AU. Officially issuing an angst warning.
Auto In:  AU/AH /Life is wonderfully uncomplicated for Damon Salvatore. Take accident claims as a call center rep by day, charm his way into a new bed each night. Go to work, drink with friends, sex. Simple and straightforward and fun. Until a coworker, Elena Gilbert, makes him question whether some things are worth changing for. But is he the only one who needs to let go of a previous life?
Locked In a Loveless Marriage:  When Elena asks Damon Salvatore for a loan, he agrees on the condition that she marries him. What happens when she finds herself falling in love with a man who has told her he will never love her? AU. All human.
A Hymn For The Broken: AU Elena is a novelty. The only female werewolf to ever exist. She tries to stray away from the past, that turned her into a monster, but a string of grisly murders threaten, and she is called back home. Once reconnected with the Pack, and an old flame, Elena finds herself torn between two worlds. The normal life she'd made for herself, and the call of the wolf inside.
Physical Attraction, Chemical Reaction:  It all started with a night of hot sex. Where things could go from there to Elena and Damon? Could they fall for each other although they don't believe in love anymore? AU/AH
Never Break the Rules:  Handsome and tough, he had always done what needed to be done. He was supposed to be her knight in shining armour. He just never expected to be the one who needed to be saved… Ignoring swarming butterflies. Brushing off skipped heartbeats. Settling on lingering stares. Rules were never meant to be broken. What if there was a love that could break all the rules?
Love Lessons:  New to Mystic Falls High, Damon Salvatore is both excited and horrified to find he is falling in love with his student, Elena Gilbert. But what happens when they overstep the boundaries, and their friends and enemies discover their illicit secret?
Death is Just a Feeling:  "This life will be good and beautiful but not without heartbreak. In death comes peace, but pain is the cost of living. Like love, it's how we know we're alive." – Elena Gilbert ***HAPPY BIRTHDAY Short on words***
The End of Paralysis:  Enter Elena Gilbert, 24, hardworking, lovely, and insatiably in love with her long time best friend, Damon Salvatore. Can she make him see that they belong together? Delena. AH/AU.
Lucky 13:  AU/AH: Mistaken for a glamorous, selfish woman named Katherine Salvatore, the badly injured Elena finds that plastic surgery has given her Katherine's face, the famos Damon Salatore for a husband and a powerful dynasty for in-laws.
It’s A Boy Girl Thing:  Based off the movie with the same name, an ancient curse is awakened and cast upon Elena and Damon. The results cause them to switch bodies, waking the next day in the body of not only the opposite sex, but the last person they ever wanted to switch bodies with. A hilarious battle of the sexes ensues, but eventually they wonder if they'll ever get their own body back. ALL HUMAN D/E
Somebody I Used To Know:  Grieving the sudden death of their parents, Damon and Elena are forced to face their past choices and mistakes. Take a wild a journey through 20 years of their lives...together, apart and everything in between.
Sweet and Sexy Mistakes:  An expert on the dynamics between men and women, Damon Salvatore knows his uptight new publicist could use his help getting a date. The only problem is, the more time he spends with her, the more he realizes he doesn't want her dating anyone but him!
To Save A Sinner:  AU/AH: Damon Salvatore, the new star swimmer and transfer student at MFU, befriends the dark and mysterious Elena Gilbert, a girl the rest of Mystic Falls considers crazy. When he discovers the deep, haunting secrets she keeps from the world, can he handle the truth or will it cost him his heart and even possibly, his sanity?
Through The Ghost:  Damon, a carefree soldier & Elena, a no-nonsense physical therapist at an Army base met under ordinary circumstances. Stuck between attraction and resistance, they struggled to define their relationship until fate made the decision for them. 4 years later a heartbroken Elena battles to make good on a promise when she discovers nothing but the shell of the only man she's ever loved.
Maybe Less, Maybe a Little More:  Vampire Damon and Human Elena meet in a snowstorm. He wants to kill her and she is instantly attracted to him. What will happen over the next ten years? Fic for the A2A x-mas exchange. Non-canon, Oneshot, Delena endgame, rated M for sexual content and some gore. ENJOY THE DRAMA MYLOVES! :D
Do You Believe In Angels:  "Damon?" She asked. He looked at her, waiting. She took a shaky breath, "Do you believe in angels?" "No," he said, "Not anymore." . . AH/AU: Two children with tragic pasts meet at a refuge. Hurt and alone, they clinge to each other to survive. This is their story, and everyone involved along the way.
Alcohol:  Damon's drunk and she looks like Katherine. Elena's drunk and he smells like Stefan.
Memory Serves:  Elena accidentally asks for her soul mate. What happens when magic delivers 1864 Human Damon? How will the Vampire Salvatore brothers deal? Vampire Damon is tortured by intimate memories of Elena. He feels so close yet far away from her. AU1x14 - COMPLETE -
Desperate Love:  A whole different version of Season 4, without sire bonds or dead brothers. A meditation on the nature of love, free will and morality in an imperfect world, through: suspense, romance, steam, angst, and friendship. Tons of Delena as well as Stefan/Caroline/Klaus, Jeremy and Ric, too. Lemons!
The Valentine’s Day Corruption of Damon Salvatore:  This is my fic in response to the prompt by Ciara 2531 for the A2A Valentine Exchange on Live Journal. As always, it's rated M for a reason...
The Best Man: Damon and Elena meet at a wedding, which ends hotter than anyone would have thought.
Insanity Is Beautiful:  They called him crazy, insane even. People feared him and avoided him at any cost, even in the asylum. So what is Dr. Elena Gilbert supposed to do when she not only takes this insane monster as a patient, but falls in love with him, and him with her? (this one is only this low on the list because it’s incomplete)
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angsty-nerd · 4 years
RNM 2X13 - Echo Download
I've been having a hard time trying to put my feelings about the Season 2 finale into words, so I've been sitting on it for a few days, reading everyone's metas, and trying to organize and separate my actual thinky thoughts from the angst and heartache. That… is not something I am particularly good at. But I'm trying.
I LOVE this show. The writing is a mess. There's plot holes all over the place. The pacing issues alone make me want to tear my hair out. And dear God do I want them to give these characters and relationships (including friendships) the time and space for the big moments to land properly. I don't know if we'll ever get any of that though. And in the meantime, I love these characters and the story, messes and all.
Everyone knows my biggest love is Echo, so I'm gonna start there.
"I don't know what you thought love was gonna be like when we were 17, but it's not all sunsets and horseback rides."
Back in the OG days, there was one consistent criticism I had with the way they wrote Max and Liz's story: the breakups always felt like bullshit. Max breaks up with Liz because she was afraid of some weird alien shit. Liz breaks up with Max because he's "supposed to be with Tess" and meanwhile he's like, "um… no?" We had "it's too dangerous" when it was dangerous regardless. "We're just different" but not in ways that actually mattered.
Echo's breakup mattered. There were issues and they were not dealing with them. Both of them were sneaking around behind the other's back. Neither was being fully honest with the other.
The unwavering honesty was something that stood out to me in S1. Yes, Max was hiding the truth about Rosa's death. But when it came to the present they were almost laughably open with each other. Liz didn't lie about it when Max asked if she told Kyle the truth. When Max asked what she was doing in the lab, she told him the truth. Once Liz knew the truth about Rosa, she knew everything. It seemed like with that truth out there was nothing left to hide. And once they got together they were a team. Immediately. There's a reason that we had a joking headcanon in the Echo world that they had their first kiss and then they were a married couple.
I really think Max's death not only put that to a screeching halt...it also put them on this path to the breakup. Liz has abandonment issues, and Max made a choice, without her, that resulted in him leaving her alone. It wasn't openly discussed in the depth that it should have been this season, but I really do think it was issue #1. Liz loves Max and she was very happy being with him...but after he came back from the dead she didn't trust him to not leave her again. It was an issue simmering under the surface from Episode 7 until the finale. Liz channeled it all into worrying about his heart, but the underlying theme was a resounding "I can't go through that again". Which is deeper than just the worry over a physical health problem. And it pushed Max away from her.
He grew irritable with her. He started hiding things from her and lying to her. The season just ended and I have no idea if he ever told her anything about his memory flashes! He was obsessively trying to learn about his past and never once discussed it with Liz!?? Because he didn't want her to stop him from using the serum? This is a HUGELY personal thing to Max and you can see how much it means to him. He had tears in his eyes while telling Isobel about it. I mean, that puppy dog excitement, and yet, he hides it all whenever Liz is around.
I think it was around episode 8 that we started talking about how badly they needed to have a big fight. Us -- the Echo shippers -- the ones who WANT them to be together -- were BEGGING them to fight. I hate conflict!! But the lack of honestly and the aversions were just building and building and I just wanted it all out on the table.
They finally STARTED having that fight in episode 11, but then Rosa and Isobel interrupted. In retrospect, sweet alien!Jesus, I wish they could have finished then. Maybe they would have gotten the air clear between them. Maybe it would have put them on a path to healing their relationship before the finale. But they didn't, so the breakup happened. And the thing is… that ending. It just kind of haunts me. Liz waiting and hoping for a grand gesture that never comes. I mean, did Max even know WHEN she was leaving!?! He sure didn't seem to have it on his mind when they flashed to him in that scene. And their fight...was all about what Liz was doing and Max not taking care of his heart. They never once touched on what he was trying to learn about his past. I'm pretty certain that Liz left without knowing any of that.
And the thing is… I'm sort of skirting around the meat of the issue here. Because the biggest problem of all of this was Liz violating Max by studying his biology without consent.
I really hate saying that in writing, because, to me, it's kind of the most horrible part of all of this.
Max Evans has been referred to in jest in this fandom as the King of Consent. He was so careful with Liz, tiptoeing around her looking for explicit consent in Season 1 until her desire for him was made abundantly clear. He only ignored the need for consent twice: both times in the S1 finale. Healing Michael's hand and healing Rosa. But those things both happened after he killed Noah. After he was high on his own power. They were very clearly set up as out of character for him.
Liz didn't give him the same respect. Consent does not just apply to sexual situations and healing. It applies to studying too. It applies to Liz USING Max's biology without his permission. It also applies to administering the cure to Steph without her consent. Liz was very, very wrong here.
And the thing is… it sure didn't seem like the writers saw it that way. It also didn't seem like JEANINE saw it that way. There's been a little bit more balanced quotes from them in interviews this week since the finale ended as far as saying that both Max and Liz were wrong, but they sure focused on Liz being incredible and strong before the finale aired.
The part that confuses me though...like, a LOT, is that the narrative was pretty clear that what Liz was doing was Bad and Wrong. She looked guilty. She was lying and hiding things from Max. And the MORAL COMPASS OF THE SHOW, Mr. Kyle Valenti, repeatedly told her she was wrong. Kyle called her out on her ethical violations even as he was thanking her for saving Steph.
Genoryx was set up as being bad. Liz herself refused to go work for them in the flashbacks because they were morally sketchy. Although, maybe that's the draw now that she is all full of ethical violations. Sigh.
I'm gonna leave this topic now, but I'll encourage you to go read @latessitrice's meta on the subject here:
Okay...so to sum this up? The breakup was coming. We knew it was coming. But it still hurt my heart so much. I haven't seen anyone gif Jeanine's performance of the "I am in love with you. And I hate that right now." But the delivery of that line broke me.
That being said...do I see it being over? Let's give that a resounding FUCK, NO. I mean, sure, they fought. And it hurt. And Liz ran away. Without saying goodbye. And all of that SHATTERED ME.
But...they still love each other even if they both have a lot to work on individually. That’s part of what MADE it so hard.
I am actually stoked for season 3. Two Maxes? All of the delicious angst once Liz gets home. Liz not knowing there's two Maxes and meeting Jones first and not knowing who he is and being vulnerable to his mindfuckery? Or just his fuckery in general. Whatever. I am here for it.
I am here for Liz discovering that something about Genoryx is Not Right. I'm here for her living a normal life and getting drawn back into the madness. I'm here for Max getting more powerful and more alieny under Jones's guidance. And I am here for what I am certain will be an epic reunion once they are back together again.
As a last more positive comment...I’m stoked that we get to have both Max and Liz alive and facing interesting potential storylines this hiatus. All I wanted from this finale, in truth, was to leave the characters in a place that inspired me to want to write for them for the next year plus or however long this COVID-extended hiatus ends up being. And I am so excited for that.
And I have talked enough now that I will go ahead and post this and leave this post as my Echo Takeaways from the finale. I'll be back again with some more gen/bigger picture thoughts later.
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baekchelor · 5 years
𝕕𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕕𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕡𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟
pairings: George Mackay x reader genre: romantic comedy rating: pg13 synopsis: on the set of his new film, golden boy George Mackay learns a basic human truth: that the heart is deceitful above all things.
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❝ i  love  you  without  knowing  how,  or  when,  or  from  where.❞                                                                                                                       —pablo  neruda
Daisy (against Geo's wishes) flies to Mumbai a little over a month into the shoot. Dharma is extending its filming period to six weeks, just as Alma predicted, so although George's left scenes are few, Daisy still gets to see him in action when —without an invitation, she arrives on set.
"I said I'd meet you at the hotel," he says as he greets her once Greta wrapped George’s last take for the day.
It's him and two other actors for this particular scene, in which Edmund reveals amidst the chaos of the Indian rebellion, he's well aware of James' feelings towards his wife.
Y/N is back at The Taj, probably still asleep. It is her free day, and George has come to learn the girl cherishes snooze above all things good. She'd rather stay in her Pj's and dreamland instead of strolling across Mumbai's beaches.
Daisy pecks George on the cheek, and a few of the staff members milling around them exchange curious glances. As far as George knows, no one but Dean and his sister, know about the friends-with-benefits situation with Daisy. And as far as he's concerned, everyone on the crew (except maybe Dev Patel. George suspects he's got a crush on Y/N too) were rooting and gossiping about Geo and Y/N's potential to become an item. So of course, they all seem taken aback with the unknown blonde wrapping her arms around George’s shoulder blades.  
"I wanted to surprise you," Daisy whispers into his ear, standing on her tiptoes.
She's smiling up at him now, a complexion like peaches and cream, and George can make out signals of uncertainty in her expression. Daisy still looks as lovely as he remembers, yet not as beautiful as his lovely one. It hits him just then, how easily Y/N's smile can melt him down —and how, at this moment, Daisy's smile only makes him feel guilty.
"We're okay, aren't we, Georgie?" There it is again: the minimal furrowing of her brow, the vulnerable pull in her mouth. "You've just been busy, haven't you?"
He smiles back as tenderly as he can to reassure her. It seems to work because her features illuminate.
"Yeah," He puts his arm around her, the protectiveness of it a habit. Might this be how Y/N feels with Henry? "Come on. Let's go to The Taj."
Daisy's booked a separate room, of course. She even checked in at a completely different floor. George knows she's here on a mission, and she's going to try to spend at least one night in the same bed as he; but for some reason, it feels wrong to have a girl in the same mattress Y/N has fallen asleep, read books and talk to him about everything and nothing.
"Let's go out to dinner tonight," Daisy is wearing her hair down today, the way George likes it best. "Tell Y/N/N to come too. With a date, if she likes." Her expression slides into something conspiratorial. "She shouldn't have any trouble finding one by seven, right?"
"I don't see why she would," George manages to say, feeling the weight of it sink into his chest.
Things haven't been strange between him and Y/N. Not at all. Not if George ignores the razor-sharp awareness that prickles over his skin every time Y/N sits a little too close, so their thighs touch, or looks at her for a moment too long, so he catches that question Y/N never asked still lingering in her gaze.
Daisy is waiting expectantly, so against his inner-self will, and in an effort to prove God-knows-what to himself, George takes his phone and types out a message:
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Two hours later, Y/N replies, and George realises he didn't clarify the fact that the Daisy in the matter isn't his sister but his friend. He doesn't want to let her know he has a physical relationship with a girl via text, so he opts to break the news before they walk into the restaurant.
George wipes off his lips with the corner of a table napkin. He keys in the name of the establishment, the time of their reservation and puts his phone away. Daisy sips her white wine, lashes thick and eyes reserved for him, and the likeness George would generally feel is overpowered by unease.
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Much to George's dismay, Dev Patel —the other man in the crew who's also from London and can be referred to as London Boy (yes, George is still investigating if the nickname is reserved for him and if Y/N likes Taylor Swift)— is whom she brings as a date. He's much taller than her, the height difference more pronounced since Y/N is wearing flat sandals. The dress on Daisy is similar to the cobalt mini-dress loosely falling from Y/N's shoulders. Yet Daisy only manages to look almost —almost— as beautiful in George's eyes.
When Dev and Y/N walk into the restaurant together, her hand tucked around his arm, George experiences the tell-tale clench of disappointment. However, his inner self knows better, disappointment might be one of the many symptoms, but the most prominent is jealousy.
<< So there's a new London Boy. >>
"Y/N Y/L/N!" Daisy trills. "I'm so glad to finally meet you."
"Hello... Daisy?" Y/N replies with a discreet smile. She looks over at George, wondering why this Daisy is not the one she expected to encounter, this Daisy doesn't smile in the exact same way George does, and this Daisy is one Y/N hasn't ever heard about. George wants to apologize, entwine their hands and explain the long thread of misconceptions that took place since that one call in George's suite, but he knows this is not the place nor the right time to do it.
"Dev," London Boy #2 greets, extending his palm to shake Daisy's. George is grateful. "Are you George's girlfriend?
George is not grateful anymore.
Dev's eyes shine, he directs to George, "She's gorgeous, man."
"We're not a couple, actually."
"Yeah, we're complicated," Daisy ripostes.
George smiles at him half-heartedly, his gaze drifting immediately to Y/N's face. The studied neutrality on it, which every movie star learns to uphold in front of a press line —only to drop the facade when they're out with friends—, is what makes every trace of that half-smile disappear completely.
"What is it?" Daisy whispers as George pulls out her seat for her. No matter the situation, he is a gentleman.
George bends, so her lips are at the level of his ear. "What is what?"
Y/N catches the movement, and their eyes meet from across the table.
Daisy puts her little hand on George's bicep. "Why do you look so..." Y/N is staring at him, "...so sad?"
George's answer is stolen when charming Dev pulls out Y/N's chair for her. George has shared enough time with Dev on set, howbeit, he didn't realise how...touchy he is when he expresses his attention. The moment he is seated and Y/N smiles next to him, he brushes his fingers over her cheek and the corner of her mouth, with careful attention. Y/N isn't looking at George anymore.
On cue, George tears his eyes away too. "I don't know what you mean," he tells Daisy breezily, pressing his lips to her temple and sliding into his seat in one smooth movement. It's a dick move, he knows, but he has never felt so jealous in his whole life; thus, he cannot get a proper hold of his emotions.
Daisy is smart, intuitive, George is sure she doesn't buy his excuse when her hand cautiously removes itself from his arm and comes to fidget in her lap.
"Georgie..." she tries again, under her breath. Dev taps Y/N on the chin, and she responds with a tiny smirk.
Fuck it. George swallows harshly. There is a bitter taste in his mouth he can't seem to get rid of, not even after his second sip of scotch. "Everything is fine, Daisy."
But Daisy won't stop eyeing him after that. Long, searching looks from behind her menu and wine glass; quick, puzzled glances she tries to play off when Dev draws her into the conversation. When she reaches for it, George permits her to wrap her little hand around him under the table, but he doesn't squeeze back.
Y/N focuses her attention on Dev, letting her feed things to her off his plate with his fork and placing her hand between his shoulder blades when he murmurs a question into her waiting ear. It might be due to the same reason as George allows Daisy to hold his hand, or it might be because she is as angry as George suspects.
Dinner runs long, even though George can't remember anything that was discussed from the arrival of the breadbasket to the departure of the dessert plates. Only the cut of Y/N's lips, the bump of her chest when she breathes, her entire face in perpetual profile.
After picking at her food and swilling way too much chardonnay for her unlined stomach to handle, Daisy gets drunk. You've got to be kidding me, crosses George's mind before he's practically forced to piggyback Daisy out of the restaurant, into Tha Taj's elevator and to his room. She hooks her chin over his shoulder.
"Have fun tomorrow," Y/N susurrates. Dev has his palm at the small of her back, and George wants to slap it away.
"I'm sorry," George starts to say, but drunk Daisy surprises him by biting down gently on the juncture of his neck and shoulder. If he were not a good boy, a good London Boy, George would have dropped Daisy off his back. He wants her gone, now, yet he understands Daisy is at an awkward position, and he hasn't helped at all. George should be honest with her, how come, though? If he hasn't been honest with himself.
As an answer, Y/N shakes her head, dismissing the matter. She forces a smile, George can tell, it's the same expression he writes on his face when he's tired and annoyed and still has to stop to take photos at an Award Show. "Good night, heartbreak prince," Y/N murmurs.
That strikes a chord. George whips his face around, baffled. First London Boy, now Heartbreak Prince. He can't remember it as clear, but his sister repeatedly plays a particular album when she bakes, it is the same record London Boy belongs too, and a certain song, phrase, quote, lyric, contains those two words Y/N just told him: Heartbreak Prince.
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Greta gives George the day off. The rumour has spread that a beautiful and clingy visitor surprised him on set yesterday. George hadn't asked for special treatment, but Gerwig insists.
"Show your girl around," the director says over the phone, in the sage tone of a mother. He can't help but correct her, Daisy is not his girl, merely a friend. Greta laughs, maintaining her position, "I'll film the scenes you aren't in. Marina and Edmund (George frowns at it, he doesn't want Michael Fassbender kissing his girl. But at least it is not Dev Patel), falling in love. I had their scenes programmed in two days, I'm just going to advance it. We'll survive without you for a day, prince."
And again, he tortures himself with his endless theories about London Boy and Heartbreak Prince. He tells Daisy he's tired, so they reclude on his suite. To show Daisy around feels like betraying Y/N, he visited every landmark on the city with her, and he doesn't want to corrupt the memories by bringing a girl who's not her.
George pours Daisy a cup of coffee. She slept in his bed last night after he'd gently unzipped her dress and slipped one of his sleeping shirts over her head. George fell asleep in a chair by the bed, watching her breathe and feeling like a terrible person. 
"Are you sure you don't want to go out? You shouldn't miss Mumbai's wonders because of me..." George comes to her side, handing her the cup, which she sets down on the nightstand. Then she holds out her arms, so he knows to crawl back into bed with her.
"I came here to be with you," she says, pulling him down until he's half on top of her. Her fingers thread through his hair on cue, but now the gesture lacks the confidence it used to have behind it. George doesn't know what makes him kiss her on the collarbone, almost like he's asking for forgiveness, but he does it once, twice, before resting his cheek against her chest.
They only have sex towards the end of the day, after George has texted his sister concerning a Taylor Swift song —he thinks is— about a Heartbreak Prince. As the other Daisy dips a teaspoon in each of the tarts and cakes available on the in-room dining menu, his sister sends him a youtube link to a song called Ms Americana & The Heartbreak Prince. George doesn't play it, it would be weird if he pulled out his AirPods with Daisy in the room. Instead, he reads the lyrics.
Scrolling through the words, he comes to terms that the nicknames might be nothing but a coincidence. He is indeed from London, and if anybody saw the way Daisy' stared at him at yesterday's dinner, they would have called him Heartbreak Prince as well. But another part of him, really wants it to be premeditated. He wants to be the London Boy, and he wants to be the boy Y/N thinks of when —if— she listens to Taylor Swift sing: you know I adore you, I’m crazier for you.
At dusk, when Daisy slides her hand up the back of his shirt, scratching lightly down his spine, George knows what she wants. She keeps her eyes open like she wants to memorise the expression on his face as he divests her of her underwear and pulls her body against his. Her mouth tastes like strawberries.
Daisy was never very vocal in bed. Whenever they get together, which is often because who's George kidding, that's basically the purpose of a no-strings-attached relationship, she muffles her moans into his shoulder or trades them for delicate gasps. The look of pure, unadulterated pleasure on her face expresses more than any sound could. Tonight, on the contrary, as he moves over her, she cries out uninhibitedly, like she doesn't care if anybody hears. Like she would just keep going even if someone came knocking on the door demanding her to shut the fuck up.
"Daisy," George forces out in the heat of it all, brows furrowed. "Am I hurting you?" And even as he says it, he hopes, so fervently, that Y/N is still out filming, not alone in her room next door, privy to their noise. It makes him sick to his stomach. The fact that he's thinking about someone else —another girl— when Daisy is wet and naked beneath him. "Tell me if I'm hurting you."
"Not like this," Daisy mumbles.
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The cryptic nicknames are still running through George's mind when he's led to a chair and simultaneously seen to by hair and makeup. Daisy left this morning, much to George's relief. The feeling doesn't last long. He knows he should expect it by now (They shoot ninety per cent of their scenes together, for god's sake) but that doesn't stop him from jerking in surprise at the sweet sound of Y/N's voice. It sends his stomach into knots, and he swears he can feel something fluttering around.
"Hello," is all she says as she climbs into the makeup chair opposite George's. The stylists enveloped her in a white lace ruffle gown. Her dyed black, long hair has been placed into two victory rolls at either side of her head. It makes her look like a fucking angel and there, right there, is that wretched question in her eyes.
George folds his lips to wet them. "Long time no see, Gorgeous." He ventures, because his research told him it is also a Taylor Swift song, and maybe she'll take the sign that he has discovered her little riddle —if it even exists.  
"It's only been a day," Y/N giggles. "But I know what you mean."The tinge of longing behind it does not go unnoticed. 
"I didn't know about you and Dev," George ventures, because he can't help himself. "I guess it really is off this time with Henry."
"It's been over for a while, Geo." Y/N looks over, and the heat of her innocent gaze sets every single bump on George's spine on fire. "And Dev is just–"
"Are you sleeping with him?" George butts in.
Y/N's eyes darken. She’s clearly mad, and with the right to, what the fuck is wrong with him? "No. I'm not sleeping with him and its none of your business." Her voice is sharp and hollow, and George can only think about how even though he just screwed up, he can still get the girl. That, until Y/N continues, "Only one of us has bedded someone since we got to Mumbai, and it isn't me."
George flushes, swift as a sea swell. "You heard us?"
"I didn't have to," Y/N replies dryly.
Then, just like the first day they'd met, at the read-through in London, she seems to sense that she's said too much, and her mouth —that perfect, kissable mouth, stills over the last word. She shifts in her seat.
"I'm sorry," she mutters. "That was inappropriate of me."
"I'm sorry, too," George offers in return. Everything about the apology is melancholic.
"For what?"
"Thinking you were sleeping with him." After a pause, he continues, “And telling you about it. That was really disrespectful.”
But that's a lie. George is sorry for so many other things. He apologizes because he feels like he's just cheated on someone, and worse, on someone who's not even with him. Call him coward, George doesn't want to ruin what they have. What if she isn't over Henry? What if things don't work between them and they can never go back to this?
He doesn't know how long they sit in silence; it could be three minutes, it could be thirty. The hairstylists and makeup artists have long finished their work and proceeded to the craft service table. The crew is having technical difficulties today, something about the street’s uncooperative lighting. From behind them, George can make out an intense discussion on veganism between two of their co-stars (one plays Marina's maid, and the other plays Clint, a soldier who's close friends with James). Tomorrow, the girl and two other actors who portray Marina's parents will fly back to London, having completed their scenes in Mumbai.
George and Y/N, along with the rest of the actors who interpret Marina's love interests and Clint, will stay on for another six days to complete theirs.
"When I was dating Henry," Y/N says out of the blue, her voice stumpy but clear over the din of production. George smiles at the past tense she employs. "Someone else tried to confess his feelings for me."
"Just one person?" George is not in the teasing mood, so his smirk is lukewarm. He wants to thin the heavy sensation in the air around them. "I find that hard to believe."
"So did I," Y/N continues, "because we were really close friends."
That's not what George had meant, nor what he had been expecting. He wanted her to giggle, laugh even, not to feel like she's speaking to him. Maybe she suspects George fancies her, and this is her way to prevent him from going further.
"Oh." It takes a little time for him to formulate a better response. Y/N waits, or at least, that's what it feels like. "How did it happen?"
She picks at her fingernails, "He told me at a dinner party."
“What's a dinner without a little drama," George says, referring to their dinner with Daisy and Dev, just to fill in the static.
"After dinner, the cast was supposed to head to a bar and him, Booboo, said he wanted to drive with me."
"Booboo…” The name is too singular not to recognize. "Booboo Stewart?"
"Yes," she confirms. Y/N's fingers curl in the lacey fabric of her dress. "We walked to the parking lot together. And just like that, he began to tell me."
A chill treads lightly over George's nape. "What did he say?"
"Nothing," Y/N takes a deep, deep breath and releases it, like something in it has pained her. "I shut him down so fast. " Y/N's mouth sets in a grim line. "I asked him if he enjoyed the dinner, and all in a rush changed the subject to Henry and how good our relationship was at the moment...'"
"And what did he say?" George whispers. His heart is pounding out a hazardous beat.
"He didn't say a word," she tells him. "His face just crumpled, right there in front of me, and I felt so terrible." Y/N tugs at the snug, starched silver necklace she’s wearing as if it's part of the problem. "He was pretty much my best friend among the cast, you know? So I just pretended it never happen. I wanted him to know I still considered him a friend."
George can already see where this is going.
"But after that night, things just turned so weird between us," Y/N says. She's not looking at George, it only adds to his unease. "We couldn't rescue our friendship."
"It ruined it..." George murmurs.
The girl exhales, and it's as pained as it had been earlier. Her eyes have mellow considerably, and finally, she stares right into George's blue eyes. They don't exchange words for a while, their gazes seem to hold enough meaning. George is scared, frightened really, but he still manages to ask what intrigues him.
"Why," his throat works. "Why are you telling me this story?"
"I don't know." Y/N's voice falters, and George waits for the worst. Instead, she says something George didn't expect: "I guess because, recently, I feel like I'm Booboo, trying to say something and getting cut off before I can."
"If you're Booboo," George says, with a twinge, "then who is you?"
The look on Y/N's face is bewildered; soft and yielding too, like overheated butter.
There is a fifty per cent chance —George thinks to himself—, that she won't say what he wants her to say; rather, she will name the London Boy whose hair is black and eyes are brown. That leaves a fifty per cent chance —he continues thinking—, that Y/N will say what George wants her to say. And that is his name.
It is you, George.
"All right!" Greta bellows from the centre of the car park. Y/N snaps to attention, and the spell binding them together is broken. "Lighting issue addressed. We're ready for you!"
Inside, George's organs have turned to quicksand, caving into themselves speck by speck.
"That's us," Y/N says, hopping out of her chair. "Thanks for letting me ramble over my ridiculous stories," she laughs, and it rings with nerves.
George gets up too. "I like your stories," he mutters, suddenly thinking about closure and the different definitions it would hold for him, for Daisy, for Y/N and for, now happy (he hopes), Booboo Stewart.
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"Excuse me?"
George didn't realize he wanted to tell someone so severely until Dean called and asked him about his time in Mumbai, his scenes for Dharma, and if he had won the bet. "You did. I liked it. Kissing Y/N."
"Are you telling me?”
"I want her." No filter. "I think I'm infatuated with her."
"Wow." Nothing is masking Dean's shock. "Wow. All this time, I was having a blast teasing you about it, because you're not the kind of man that falls for his co-star, but...wow." He chokes out a laugh. "You won't be a bachelor anymore, huh?"
"Won't I?" George says miserably. "Nothing is going to happen, Dean."
"Have you talked to her about it?"
"No." He and Y/N only talk in riddles. "It doesn't matter, either way, because I won't ruin our friendship."
"I understand," Dean puts in. For the first time in many months, George can tell his friend is being wholly serious. "But can things really go back to the way they were now that you know?"
"Now that I know...what?" A question for a question. It's always been a bad habit of George.
Dean spells it out for him with impatience. George can imagine him rolling his eyes, sick of him, "That you have these feelings for her." He exhales. "I hate to be the one to break this out for you, but if you don't tell her how you feel and she goes back to Henry or dates someone else, do you know how will that make you feel?" Dean barrels on, not bothering to stop for breath. "Ridiculous! Full of regrets! Like you lost her when you had the opportunity to be with her, right there in front of you. Idiot."
George grips his phone a little tighter. "I won't get hurt. And I have Daisy." He's gritting his teeth, molars digging into each other as he speaks. "She's a good girl, and she loves me, might give her a chance."
The silence is back, but only for a moment. "I understand you, Geo." It feels like their stations have been reversed, and Dean is age, and George is beauty. "Daisy is everything good." It's sad the way Dean says it, pitiful, even. "But you can't stay with people just because they're good. You stay with them because they are everything."
George tries to form a rebuttal to that, the leather case of his phone squeaking in his hand from how tightly he's grasping it. But he comes up empty, and he and Dean huff into the receiver at the same time.
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The final scene of Marina and James is ironically, filmed on their last day in Mumbai. It is their reunion, where a wounded James comes back from England, unaware that Clint informed Marina about the injuries he suffered while fighting the rebellion, and that at the same fire in which Colonel Edmund lost his life, James lost his sight. Marina loves him and is finally able to be with him, even if Edmund is ashamed of the way his face, and body looks.
They're filming the whole thing at the Gateway of India. George remembers it well from the time they went to Elephanta and Y/N held onto his arm as if her life depended on it. George will remember it for another reason now: the end of a brief, bewitching chapter.
Greta Gerwig pulls his two leading stars into a meeting before she starts rolling. "I want to work with you two again," she says warmly. "I knew this movie was going to be a success when you both signed on."
They smile in turn, murmuring their thanks.
The director gets down to business, looking pleased as punch. "What I need you to do for me in this last scene is making me feel the longing." She squeezes her fists together with gusto. Then she looks at them with a smile painted on her thin lips. "I want it to feel like you're the only two people left in the world. Forget about the extras, and Aakesh looking at the scene. You don't see anybody else —George quite literally—, or hear anybody else, except the person in front of you, and how much you missed them while you were separated." Greta breathes in. "You think you can do that?"
"I'll try my best, Boss," Daniella says in earnest. George nods along, watching her. He wonders if Greta Gerwig, the screenwriter and the vastness of the universe are all conspiring against him.
George repasses his lines on his head, it's supposed to be a sign to the last time James and Marina saw each other —when they made love. The lines are the same, only said different, and George knows every single sentence James will speak to the woman he loves when he hears Greta Gerwig's "Action!"
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George can hear the sound of his own breathing crisp in his ears. If he cuts his eyes, just so, to the right, he can make out the rosy swell of Y/N's lip.
"Can you love me like this?" he murmurs, chest heaving. The force of his real-life emotion slams into him like a concrete wall.
"Always" Y/N —no, it's Marina, Marina— thumbs over the still open scar that cuts from his right eye to his chin. Then, so slowly it aches, she kisses him.
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There's a celebration party that evening at an Italian Restaurant. It's on the eighth floor of a midrise commercial building. From the window, George observes the rows and columns of flashy lights that crowd the horizon, blinding and unapologetic.
He and Y/N stick close together, preceding conversation for a silence that teems with unsaid things.
As the night winds down, and the people around them begin to file out in a wine-induced haze, George is emboldened enough to ask, "Can I sleep in your room tonight?" He knows how close he is to reveal himself (if George hasn't done it already), how inappropriate it is to ask that to a girl, and he doesn't give a shit. "For old time's sake."
"Uhm…yeah, no problem," Y/N answers. "Whatever you want." It's so simple, yet so loaded, and it makes George curl his toes inside his sneakers.
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They take turns in the shower. George's brought his sleeping clothes and his toothbrush, the way he does when he goes over to Daisy's...but George stops the thought right there because he's decided to be selfish this final night. He's not going to think about her at all, neither about Henry or Dev Patel. Not even about the potential, this night has to ruin their friendship.
In the morning, when he flies back to London, everything will go back to normal anyway.
Y/N is already in bed when George emerges from the in-suite bathroom. She props himself up on her elbows when he shuts the bathroom door. Then she smiles, and she pats the space beside her, just like a friend would. It's the same side George had slept on when they'd taken that nap together.
"Did I wake you?" George asks, feeling warm and wistful.
"I wasn’t asleep" is Y/N's reply. "But I should be. Come on."
George feels the dip of the mattress under his backside. The linens guard fragrance of the detergent, and he senses the stillness of the air between his arm and Y/N's, under the covers, where they do not touch.
The girl turns over on her side. "We had a good time, didn't we?" Her breath fans over George's cheeks, toothpaste-fresh.  
"I had a blast." George stares at one of the switched-off ceiling lights. "I had so much fun working with you. And even when we weren't working," he adds in haste. "Every second of it."
Y/N is heavy-lidded, but not in a way that suggests lethargy. "The feeling," she says, "is mutual."
One, two, three, four, breathe. George tries to resist, tries to keep his head above water, but it's as if his body is on autopilot. He turns over on his side too, so he and Y/N can see each other's faces.
He lets the words breach his lips before he can change his mind. "Did Henry ever tell you how beautiful you are?"
It's enough to disrupt the assembly line of Y/N's slow, steady blinks. George loves the way her eyelids flutter, completely surprised. He files it away for the future when he can no longer see it up close.
Y/N's lips part. "Not recently."
"Take it from another man, then," he says with conviction. "You are beautiful."  
"You’re very handsome yourself," his companion mumbles.
George's heart pulses painfully. All right, George, it seems to chide. That's enough. That should be enough to last you.
It's like Y/N has read his mind: "We should get some sleep." She presses her lips together; they're moist at the centre from where she's darted out her tongue. "Early flight tomorrow."
"You're right," the boy agrees. And at that very moment, he feels impossibly reckless.
There's a surge of something potent behind his ribcage, and then he's leaning over and pecking Y/N's bottom lip —so softly, it could almost pass as innocent.
"Good night, Gorgeous," he whispers, bravado slipping a mile and minute. He doesn't look her in the eye. He only turns his body in the opposite direction and switches off the lamp on his nightstand.
The room falls dark.
When Y/N cautiously hooks an arm over his waist and keeps it there, it liquefies George's bones.
"Sweet dreams, Geo," she whispers into his nape. Her voice is defenceless, and it seems to suggest that Y/N isn't holding him to any promises. "Thank you for Mumbai," she tells him, and it breaks George's heart.
ɴᴇxᴛ ►
A/N: The next chapter is the last one, loves. xx 
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ddaengsopemin · 4 years
Worlds Away - Ch 4 (Final)
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Genre: Online Dating!AU - Smut & Fluff
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Word Count: 6.7k
Warnings: Language, Slight Dom/Sir kink. Let me know if I am missing anything! ^^;
Plot: You met Jimin through your favorite online video game. Finding out that he lived on the other side of the world from you. You both quickly fell for each other, and dealt with the issues that come with online dating. Although, some temptations are too hard to turn away. Especially when your significant other is nowhere near.
A/N: Well….This took so much longer than it should have to be finished. I got a random burst of inspo, so I hope you like it. Thank you for giving the rest of the chapters so much love. ^^ (Any quotes in italics is being spoken in Korean)
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Four years.
It had been four long years since the day Jimin stepped over the threshold of your small apartment and walked away.
You would have been lying to yourself if you said it was easy to let him walk away. Easy to not pack up your things and take the next flight to Korea. No, it wasn’t easy. It was one of the hardest things you have ever had to do, as you closed your door behind him and cried harder than you ever thought you had in your life.
Not much had changed between the two of you, other than the heightened sexual tension, and even worse, the longing to be in each other's arms once again. You still spoke over skype every day, and every once in a while you would join him and Taehyung for a round or two of video games. Before your job and your intense studies sucked you in like a black hole.
There was one thing that had changed since Jimin left, and that was within yourself. You were firm in your decision to change your major half way through your freshman year of university. Moving from a business major, to a linguist major had been fairly easy, since it was your first year and you were only working on your basics. Your counselor raised her eyebrows so far when you told her you were going to specialize in Korean that you thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head, as it was not an often occurrence for the language to be chosen. Most students chose French, or Spanish when entering this field. But, you had made your decision and you were sticking with it no matter who tried to detour you.
At first, learning the alphabet and how to pronounce the words had seemed daunting, but once you got into the flow of it it was like second nature. The letters and syllables forming the words roll off your tongue as if it was your native language. After receiving the highest marks of your class, you graduated Summa Cum Laude. Walking the stage to receive your diploma was the happiest you had been in those 4 years. As you looked over to where your parents said they were sitting, and met their gleeful, cheering faces, you felt your heart sink and your smile falter. Jimin wasn’t there. He should have been there. Cheering for you alongside your parents. You understood, however. Things were tight with his schedule, as the boys had come a long way since you started dating. He was very busy, and you knew that. It still did not stop your heart from longing for him to be there. You nodded to yourself, thinking the long haul was over, and now was the beginning of your lives together.
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Your parents were thrilled, as were your closest friends. All of you were sitting around the table of your favorite restaurant, chowing down on some appetizers. 
“Y/N.” You mom called your attention from the plate you were zoning out on. “When will you be leaving?”
“Ah. My flight takes off in a week. I figured that would be enough time to get everything I need in order.” You nodded.
“Have you found a place to live?” Your best friend chirps from beside you.
“No.” You sigh. “That has been the most difficult part, unfortunately.”
She pursed her lips and nodded, you looked up just in time to see the concern passing over your mom’s face before quickly disappearing. “I will make sure I secure a place before I leave, so you guys do not have to worry about that.”
“Okay!” Your best friend held a thumbs up before turning to continue the conversation going on with the rest of your friends.
“Just don’t let anyone take advantage of you while you are there.” Your father gruffed. “I still do not like that we have not met this Jimin, but you are moving across the globe to be with him.” He was almost pouting at this point.
“Dad, don’t worry about me.” You said as you grasped his hands in yours. His thumbs rubbing over the backs of your hands. “I will call you both every chance I get, and you can come visit me whenever you want. I will scold Jimin for you for not visiting last time he was in your area.” You smirked, a devilish gleam behind your eyes.
Your dad chuckled as he let go of your hands. “You were always a tough girl. You can’t blame me for worrying.”
You nodded as your plates heaped with food were placed in front of you, the rest of dinner going by filled with laughter and reminiscing on various memories throughout your life.
As you were all leaving the restaurant, you hugged your mother and your father tightly. Thanking them for everything, and promising to visit them as often as you could. You did the same to your friends, lingering a little longer when it came to your best friend. You cried as you hugged her, thanking her over and over for being in your life. She pulled apart from you, wiping your tears.
“This isn’t goodbye, silly. I will still text you everyday, and will come visit when I can. You best do the same for me! Okay?” You nodded and brought her back into your embrace. Only letting go once her Uber arrived and you were forced to leave each other.
“One last thing,” She yelled, one foot in the car. “You tell Park Jimin if he ever hurts you, it’s not hard to get a flight to Korea!”
You laughed, wiping more tears that fell from your eyes. “I will! I love you!”
“I love you too!” She said as she got into the car. Blowing you a kiss and waving through the open window.
Crazy girl….She’s going to get into so much trouble without me… You thought as you made your way to your own apartment.
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-1 week later-
You slipped your cab fare into the driver’s hand as you tugged your backpack over your shoulders and made your way inside the airport. You don’t know how you did it, but you managed to secure a place to live and movers that would have all of your belongings in your apartment in time of your arrival. You had also been offered a job at a company almost as soon as you woke up the day after your graduation. Your salary was much, much higher than you had expected, as it was difficult to find linguists who would move to Korea. They would be paying you more than enough for your expenses, and you would have lots of play money left over. That did mean that you would have to be on call at all times since you were fluent in English, and would have to account for time differences.
Your parents bought you a first class ticket, among other things for your new apartment, as a graduation present. What you didn’t expect, was for them to buy you a pod of all things! You would have been perfectly comfortable in a regular seat, but now that you were here and saw everything that came with the pod seating, you happily accepted their gift.
The long flight went by without any issues. You mainly slept, but spent your time eating and watching movies where you were awake. You were surprised when the pilot called for all passengers to return to their seats and prepare for landing, as you did not think that much time had passed.
Thanking the flight attendants as you walked off the plane, you secure your backpack and took a deep breath, heading to baggage claim. Finding your bags was rather easy, as they were bright pastel blue and purple.
There was a line of taxis outside the airport, eagerly awaiting passengers needing a ride. You hopped into the nearest one and gave the driver your address. He said it wouldn’t be a long drive, as you bucked up and nodded at him with a smile.
As he drove you took in the sights of Seoul. It was much more beautiful than you had ever imagined. The bright blue sky, further illuminated by the sun beaming down on the tall skyscrapers, basking in its warmth.
“May I roll down the window?” You asked.
“Of course, my car is yours while you are here.” The driver responded.
As you rolled down your window the spring air whipped around your hair. You took in a deep breath and smiled. Letting go of all the stress and heartache the last 4 years had brought you. You were glad it was all over, but now the real stress of a new job begins. A thought you didn’t dwell on for long, as the excitement of being in a new city, and so close to Jimin was stronger. Much stronger.
The driver pulls up to your apartment and helps you get your bags out of the trunk.
“Thank you.” You said to him with a slight bow, he returned the gesture and told you to have a good day.
Typing in the code your landlord gave you, you opened your apartment door to all of your belongings neatly placed in their respective areas, according to what was written on their box. You sighed as you walked into your new home. A closet for your jacket on the left, and a rack for your shoes on the right. You took off your shoes and put on your slippers as you reached out and ran your fingers along the counter to your left, the kitchen sitting on the other side of that counter. To your right, your TV had been neatly mounted to the wall, built in bookshelves framing it on either side. Straight ahead down a small hallway and to the left was the door to your bathroom. A normal bathroom as any, but what made your heart swell was the his and hers sinks. You pictured yourself standing next to Jimin, brushing your teeth getting ready for your day. At night, sloppily trying to take off your clothes between heated kisses, trying to stumble over each other to get into the shower. Shaking your head and tapping your now heated cheeks you closed the door and stepped into what would be your bedroom. To your left stood a door that led into your bathroom. A little bit further to your left was the door to your closet, again it wasn’t anything too special. The flutters returned to your heart at the thought of Jimin’s clothes being nestled tightly next to yours. In the center of your room was your bed. Side tables and dresser being placed exactly where you would have put them if you had moved them yourself.
“Wow...they really didn’t have to go to this much trouble….” You whispered as your hand ran along your dresser, looking at your TV that had been mounted just like the one in your living room. You spoke a quiet thank you to whomever was listening that the kind movers did this, as you did not think you would have been able to do it yourself. To the right of your bed was a sliding door that led out to a small balcony. The view from your balcony almost took your breath away. Since your company was paying you much more than you had expected, you decided to splurge a little on an apartment almost smack dab in the center of Seoul, and if you looked to the left you had a nice view of the mountains outside of the bustling city.
You turned around and walked back into your apartment, throwing yourself on your bed letting the sleep that was nudging at the back of your mind since you walked into your apartment take hold, falling into a deep sleep without the weight of school, jobs, or the move slipping from your shoulders as you inhaled deeply.
When you woke up, the sun had already set. Stretching your limbs, groaning as your muscles tightened, and your bones cracked. You looked at your phone, eyes widening at the 20 text messages from Jimin, and the 5 missed calls on your skype. “What is with him?” You tisked. Soon realizing that you were not in your home town anymore, you were across the globe, where the time is different. Slapping yourself on your forehead, you quickly responded that you had just fallen asleep, and that you were in fact fine. Keeping your move a secret from Jimin had been one of the hardest things to keep from him. Making things up about your supposed major, threatening your friends and family within an inch of their lives not to say anything. You were happy that you would soon not have to keep your little plans a secret. You made a quick trip to the nearest market to grab some dinner and necessities for your home. Giggling to yourself as you picked up a blue cup and toothbrush, and a matching purple one to go alongside it.
After you ate, you began unpacking your living room. Putting your various books, video games, movies, and plushies on the shelves next to your TV. The kitchen was next, followed by your bathroom, and then your room. It did not take you long to unpack as the movers had done a lot of the work for you, and you brought as little as possible from your old home and sold or donated the rest. You smiled a wide smile as you brushed your teeth, looking at the cup and toothbrush that Jimin would soon be calling his own. Turning off the lights and giddily hopping into bed, you texted Jimin goodnight before putting down your phone and quickly falling asleep.
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“Goodnight? Why is she texting me goodnight?” Jimin asked as he showed his phone to Taehyung. Who just shrugged in response.
“I mean, it is 1:00 pm her time….” Jimin twitched his head to the side, staring at his phone.
“Who knows man, maybe she is just taking a nap and misspoke. Focus on the game now, will ya?” Taehyung tutted as he tossed a pillow at his best friend.
“I know. I know. I just miss her. Maybe I’m reading too much into it. Maybe I should go visit her.” He sulked.
“You know you can’t. Our schedules are just too tight right now.” Taehyung sighed. Jimin huffed, and nodded before putting his full attention back into the game they were currently playing. Jungkook screaming in his ear as they won, yet another, match.
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The only person, other than your friends and family, that you had let in on your plan was Taehyung. You needed someone to help you find various items, and of course an apartment to live in. You needed to thank him later for finding you such a good place. “It’s a 5 minute walk from the dorms, too.” You laughed as you heard the playfulness behind his voice. You could almost hear him wiggling his eyebrows through the receiver. “Ah, Tae! Stop it. Just remember, keep him busy and DO NOT say a word to him about this.” You nagged him.
“Yeah, yeah. My lips are sealed. Wouldn’t want to ruin this for our precious Jiminie, now would we. Bye bye now!” You heard the click of his phone directly after that, shaking your head and laughing before diving back into studying for your last exam.
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The next morning you woke up to hear the birds chirping from outside your window. Pulling yourself out of bed, you wrapped a robe around your frame and quickly made yourself a cup of coffee. You sat on your porch inhaling the scent deeply before drinking the warm liquid down. As you were about to jump in the shower, you texted Jimin and asked him for a favor. You had wanted him to pick up something you had ordered online, and send it to you. He asked a million questions a second, before agreeing once you had thoroughly calmed him down. You patted yourself on the back for quickly thinking up the fib. Telling him you found something you liked online, but did not feel comfortable giving the person your address, even if it was so far away. Jimin agreed with you, and said he would be at the address you gave him in an hour, and would text you when he picked it up.
You showered quickly, and wrapped a towel around yourself as you began blow drying your hair. When you were done, you applied a little bit of makeup. You pulled out the lingerie that you had bought specifically for this moment. A black bustier, that hugged your curves perfectly, ending at a pair of lace black boy shorts that you were sure would have Jimin’s eyes bugging out of his head. As a final touch you put on some thigh high stockings, that had cute blue bows at the top. Nodding in the mirror at your appearance, you moved to top it off with your favorite pair of jeans, and a t-shirt. Inconspicuous indeed Y/N….. You laughed to yourself as you checked the time on your phone. Jimin had texted you 10 minutes ago that he was on his way. He should be almost here then… You thought.
You anxiously paced your living room for what felt like hours, before those 3 magic knocks wrapped upon your door. Your heart lurched itself into your throat as you tripped over your own two feet trying to get to the door. With your hand on the door knob you took a deep breath, and put your hand over your heart willing it to stop beating so hard before turning and unlocking the door.
As you opened it, you were met with the top of a black baseball cap with blonde hair wildly poking out of the sides of it. The boy wearing thick rimmed glasses and a face mask staring down at his phone, oblivious to someone opening the door.
“Now, where are your manners, Park Jimin?” You asked in a sultry voice, grateful that it didn’t crack or show how absolutely thrilled you were to have him standing in front of you.
He visibly stiffened as he looked up from his phone, his mouth hanging wide open under his face mask. His eyes opened as wide as they probably ever have, staring at you as you stood there.
“Are you gonna come in, or not?” You said as you lifted your fingers to his chin and pushed his mouth closed. He simply nodded and followed you into your apartment. The second he got his shoes off, his brain seemed to have caught up with what was going on. He turned you around and crashed you into his chest. Wrapping his arms tightly around you, burying his face into your neck. Deeply inhaling the scent of everything that is you. You wrapped your arms around his waist, giggling at his reaction to you being here.
“How, when, why?! Why are you here?!” He asked, you were not sure if he was on the verge of tears, or excitement.
“If you don’t want me here, I can always go back.” You laughed into his chest. He looked at you and firmly shook his head before slotting you back into place against him.
“Let’s have lunch, shall we?” You asked as you pulled away, taking his hand in yours and leading him to the table where you had already placed the take out you ordered shortly before he arrived.
As you were eating, you told him everything about how you had come to live in Korea. He cursed at the fact that Taehyung knew this entire time, but after you told him not to be mad at the poor boy, he nodded and said he understood why he kept it a secret.
“I’m going to have to punish you for lying to me this whole time...you know that right?” He was looking at you from the corner of his eye, but you didn’t miss the mischievous glint swimming behind them.
“Of course, sir…” You replied in perfect Korean.
Those 3 words turned the mischievous glint, into full blow lust. You saw the change in him as he sat a little straighter, started licking and biting at his lips, and of course the way his pupils were blown wide as he looked at you.
He stood from his chair and stalked towards you like an animal hunting his prey. He held out his hand to you, and expectantly raised his eyebrows. You put your hand in his. As you stood he spun you around, your hands bracing the wall as he molded his body to your back. His lips attached to your neck and you sighed into his kiss.
“Do you know how much I’ve missed you? How much I have craved you? To feel you against me, under me, above me?” He said as he punctuated each question with a sharp roll of his hips into your backside.
All you could do was groan as you put your head back to lean against his shoulder. He took the opportunity as your chest pushed upwards to roam his hands from your hips to your breasts. Massaging them in each of his palms. You took one of your hands and pushed it in between your bodies to palm at his clothed erection. His eyes snapped open as he spun you around, pushing you back into the wall while pinning your arms above your head.
“Now, now. I didn’t say you could touch me, did I?” He said as he ran his nose along your jaw, causing you to shiver under his touch. “Words, princess.”
“No, sir. You didn’t say I could touch you.” You sighed out as he pressed his body flush with yours. Eyes looking deeply into yours as he nudged your nose with his own.
“Naughty girl.” He chuckled darkly. “We’re going to have to do something about that now aren’t we?”
You didn’t have the chance to answer him properly, as the second he got the last syllable of his question out he crashed his lips into yours. Tongue immediately swiping your bottom lip to gain entrance to your enticing mouth. As you kissed, he hugged his body to yours, relishing in the feeling of having you with him again. He could break out into tears at the fact that he would now have you with him for good, that you wouldn’t have to part from each other. At that thought he pushed both of you off the wall, leading you into your bedroom without breaking the kiss.
He tossed you down on the bed, with him following shortly after. Settling himself in between your legs as he kissed you deeply, not willing to part from you for a single second. Not yet, at least.
You had been lazily making out for what felt like forever, but seconds all at the same time, he lifted off of you. His fingers skirting the hem of your t-shirt.
“Let’s see what you’re hiding under here. Shall we?”
You returned his mischievous smile from earlier as you stood up from your bed, pushing his shoulders until he was laying flat on his back. Propping up his head on the hands he had laced behind his head. You made a show of taking off your shirt, swaying your hips as you moved to remove your jeans. You noticed Jimin licking his lips as you revealed what was underneath. Climbing up on his lap, your knees on either side of his hips, you continued to put on a show for him.
You put your hands on his chest and rolled your hips against him a couple times before leaning down, giving him a nice view of your chest, and kissing the length of his neck, moving along his jawline, before reaching his ear on the other side.
“I bought all of this just for you, sir. They’ve been under my clothes this whole time and you didn’t even have a clue.” You practically moaned into his ear. You gasped when you felt the palm of his hand reach your cheek in a loud smack. Even more to his liking, you groaned when his hand did the same thing to the other side. His hands slid up your body, landing at your waist as he began to side you over his clothed length. You delightfully moaned into his ear, a sound he wished to hear more of.
He tapped your thighs, signaling for you to sit up. When he did he ripped his shirt off his body, and undid the button on his jeans and you eagerly helped push them off his body along with his boxers. You slid your hands along the length of his chest, spending a little extra time feeling the deep ridges of his abs along your fingertips, moving to sit on your knees on the floor as you did so. He raised himself up, propping himself with his hands, and looked down at your expectantly. He threw his head back and groaned when you wrapped your hand around his cock and gave an experimental squeeze. While he was distracted, you took him into your mouth. Rolling your tongue around the head. Your actions caused him to completely lose strength as his arms gave out and his back hit the mattress. As he regains his composure he completely sits up, pulling your hair out of your face and bunching it up into his fist. You took the action as him wanting you to take him deeper, which you happily obliged. It took your gag reflex a moment to settle down, but once it did you were able to take all of him down your throat. Stilling for a second, he began to lose patience as he began to thrust up into your mouth.
“Ah, princess. That feels so good…” He groaned as he thrust his hips upwards. As he did this, you rubbed your hands up and down his thighs, letting him know you were okay and he could keep going. It was when you cupped his balls and began rolling them in your hand that he pulled you off of him with a loud pop.
“You want me to cum in that filthy mouth of yours, don’t you?” He asked. His voice dropped an octave as he fell deeper and deeper into the lust that was clouding his brain. You wiped your lips as you looked up at him with the most innocent eyes you could muster, and nodded.
“Come here.” He said as he held his arms out to you to pull you back onto his lap. He reconnected his lips to yours for a brief moment before he flipped you onto your back. His hands finding their way to the hem of the stocking you were wearing, he moved to the floor as he began pulling them down. Kissing every area they were once covering, pulling them off as he reached your ankles. Then did the same thing to your other leg. His hands roamed their way back up your body, and slipped under the waistband of your lace boyshorts. He looked up at you, when you nodded your underwear were discarded with your stockings. Leaving the bottom half of you exposed to him.
He maneuvered himself back up until he was eye level with your dripping core. “All of this, for me?” He sighed as he took in a deep breath. When you didn’t immediately answer him, he smacked the outside of your thigh. “Yes, yes. Only for you. Only ever for you.” You yelped. “Now please, Jimin….Plea-ohhhh..” You stuttered as he licked a long stripe from your entrance to your clit. Where he stayed, flicking the bundle of nerves as if his life depended on it. Your back arching off of your bed and your hands intertwining with the light strands of his hair. He chuckled as you gargled out a moan as he entered two fingers into you. Curling his fingers just enough to reach the spot inside you that had galaxies twisting and turning behind your eyelids.
Goosebumps rose along your skin as you reached your high quicker than you thought was ever imaginable. You didn’t even have time to warn Jimin, not that he cared. “Jimin!” You screamed as he continued on his mission, Not letting up for even a second. You tried to push him off of you, but your limbs weren’t working correctly as the pleasure started to overwhelm the pain of overstimulation.
“One more...hmm?...I know you can be good and give me one more.” He whispered as his fingers continued their movements inside of you, moving his mouth back to your clit once you nodded. Your hands were gripping his hair tighter as he sent you hurtling towards your second high in mere minutes. You cried out, your body convulsing uncontrollably as you orgasmed around his fingers. You could barely hear his coos of praise as the rushing waves of pleasure took over all your senses. He waited for you to come back to him before he moved on, stroking your hair, and making sure you were okay. He was sure that was the first time anyone had ever done that for you, and he didn’t want to push you too hard.
“Are you okay, love?” He asked when he saw the light return to your eyes. You nodded with a smile and he put his hands on the front clasp of your bustier, not moving an inch until you gave him the okay. When you simply nodded, his face set into a deep frown. “How many times must sir tell you, I need to hear words, princess. Do I need to make this ass red again since you can’t listen?” He asked while grabbing a handful of your cheeks and squeezing. “No! I’m sorry, sir. I will be good. Please, please, continue.” You rushed the words out so fast you weren’t sure he understood. Your body already alight for more pleasure that was guaranteed to come from the man draping himself across your body. After a quick peck, he moved his hands back to the front of your bustier, undoing the clasp and sliding the garment away from your body. He massaged your breasts as he lavished your neck with all the bite marks and bruises you could ever need or want. When he pinched your hardened nipple, you shoved your chest into his hand with a gasp. Moans escaping your lips as he rolled the pebbled bud between his fingers, while flicking the other with his tongue. He switched sides, drinking every single noise you made in, remembering the sounds as if this were the last time he would ever get to hear them. When he felt like they had gotten the attention they deserved, he moved back up to your mouth. Lazily rolling his tongue with yours as he had done before. As if he had all the time in the world. You reached for his cock, which had been angry and leaking for a good amount of time now, and lined it up with your center. After one final kiss, he slowly began pushing himself in. Dropping his head into your neck, groaning at the way your heat enveloped him, a feeling he was certain he would never be able to get over.
“Jimin, move. Please move.” You signed as you felt him bottom out. “You don’t need to tell me twice.” He chuckled as he began thrusting in and out of you. You thanked Taehyung and his smart brain for finding you an apartment that was on the corner of your building. You didn’t have to worry about your headboard knocking against the wall, clueing your neighbors in on what you were doing.
Jimin’s bangs began sticking to his forehead as he propped himself up above you on his arm. He used his other arm to prop your leg on his shoulder. With one thrust at this new angle, he pushed deeper into you than you thought was possible. He stilled for a moment, looking up at the ceiling and moaned as your nails raked his arms. Leaving crescent shapes in the taut muscles. When he began slamming into you, reaching down to draw sloppy figure eights into your clit is when you lost all coherent thought.
“Are you gonna cum, hmm?” He cooed. “Are you gonna cum around your sir’s cock and make yourself all messy for me?”
“Yes! Yes! Please, sir, please make me cum around your cock.” You yelled as his thrusts became sloppier.
“Cum then. Hurry up, don’t make your sir wait.” He commanded, and with one final thrust you were a shrieking, shuttering mess beneath him. He put your leg down and grabbed your hips. Thrusting in and out of you so hard you had to brace yourself against the headboard to keep from getting a concussion.
“Finish inside of me, sir. Please. I need you to finish inside of me.” You begged, as he came closer and closer to his end. When you wrapped your legs around his waist in an effort to bring him impossibly closer is when his arms gave out, landing on top of you as you felt his warmth fill you to the brim, moaning into your mouth as he sloppily kissed you. Thrusting slowly in and out of you until he became too sensitive to continue. With one final kiss to your forehead, he shuffled off the bed and into your bathroom to retrieve a towel.
When he came back you noticed he was smiling and holding something. You looked over at him as he held up the blue cup and toothbrush.
“Is this….mine?” He said shyly, a complete contrast to the person that was just inside you, commanding you to cum around him.
“Yes…” You said. Ducking your head underneath the duvet. “I got it in case...you know….you ever wanted to stay the night. Or whatever.”
You felt your mattress dip under his weight as he pulled the blanket away from your face. “I would love to take you up on that offer. Now, let’s get you cleaned up.” He said as he set the cup on the bedside table.
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You ordered takeout and watched movies wrapped up in each other for the rest of the night. The only difference was, this time when you fell asleep on the couch and woke up a couple hours later, Jimin was still next to you. Still fast asleep, without a care in the world. You began tracing his features with the lightest feather like touch, moving the strands of his hair out of his face before moving down his nose to his lips. You don’t know when he woke up, but you couldn’t miss the light peck of his lips against your fingers as his eyes fluttered open.
“Did you sleep well, my love?” You blushed at being caught admiring your boyfriend. You weren’t sure why, you’d been together for 7 years now. You had been caught staring at him more than once. Perhaps it was because this was much more intimate. Much closer than you had been over the past 4 years. Your heart swelled as you thought about how you would be spending the rest of your foreseeable life like this. You nodded as you cuddled closer into his chest, feeling his chest shutter with the chuckles rolling through him as he cradled you closer to his body.
“Let’s go get in bed. Yeah?” He said. His voice was heavy with sleep. You nodded and begrudgingly pulled yourself from his warmth and made your way to your bedroom. Pulling back the sheets and laying down, he took the other side of the bed and pulled you flush with him. Both of your breaths becoming deep and slow as sleep once again pulled you under.
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-6 months later-
Life in Korea was far better than anything you expected. Although, if you were honest with yourself you did not know what you were expecting. Your job was fantastic and you got along well with your coworkers. Being on call 24/7 wasn’t that bad, as it was only once or twice a week you were called by a potential investor outside of work hours. Even then, you were able to speak with them from the comfort of your own home.
Jimin was spending more time at your place than the apartment he shared with Taehyung. Tae of course pouted at this, but you made him feel better by setting up a second TV in your living room so you could all play your favorite video games together. You also relished at the fact that you made Tae blush when you told him he could now find a girlfriend of his own to bring home, and not having to worry about Jimin being there. The rest of Jimin’s friends were great. You met them slowly, one by one, as their schedules are getting busier by the day. The couple of times you hung out with them all together, you compared them to a pack of wild hyenas. Which sent Jimin into hysterics at the picture forming in his mind, telling you it was true between giggle fits.
Jimin and his company made a deal that they wouldn’t force him to continue the fake relationship with Rose, if he would make his relationship with you public. Thinking it would boost their sales if his fans knew he was happy and healthy. That they would believe the words behind his music more than they already had.
You were lost in thought walking down the streets of Seoul after lunch, hand in hand with Jimin. Your thoughts had drifted to how happy you were to be here with him, and patting yourself on the back for making the decision you did.
“What are you thinking about, love?” Jimin asked, turning to face you, stopping you in your tracks.
Wide eyed, you answered him honestly, without so many words. “I love you.”
His eyes closed with how big of a smile he was wearing, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead before saying, “I love you, too. Always have, always will. Thank you for moving here.”
You began walking back towards your apartment when he ran around to face you, once again forcing you to skid to a halt. You looked at him as he began rummaging around in his pocket. You looked at him questioningly, before it all clicked in your head as he sank down to the ground.
“Y/N…” He began, swallowing his nerves. “Will you marry me?”
You began crying as you nodded at him, your hands covering your mouth. You held out your hand to him as he placed the beautiful silver ring with a single diamond in the center around your finger. He wrapped you in a tight hug, tears of his own falling from his eyes. Even as the clicking of cameras could be heard from all around you, all you could focus on was Jimin, and all that made him, him.
He planted a loving kiss right on your lips, and whispered in your ear, “Thank you for making me the happiest man alive, Y/N. I will do everything I can to make you happy for the rest of yours.”
That was a promise that he kept, for the rest of your lives together.
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