#((you all get my tipsy LOVE BOMB!!!
epitomees · 2 years
The year is slowly ending, feel free to use this ask to tag ( and write a positive message if you wish ) the people you are happy to have met this year and as always thank you for being part of the RPC, you are very much adored and appreciated. 🐱
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((Well thank you so much for the ask!! I gotta say it's really nice to see positivity blogs like this around more now. I never really seen blogs like these back when I first started, but it's a really nice touch to have this in the RPC.
That being said, I gotta say it's been so SO nice getting to know more peeps in the Persona RP community/general RPC interested in Persona muses this year. Apologies beforehand, because at the moment I am quite tipsy from having some drinks but I wanted to get this out before midnight hits tonight! SO LET'S GET STARTED!!
@tvstarkuma - Finding a Teddie coming into the Persona RPC is SUPER SUPER AWESOME!! Because I barely have seen many Teddie RPers, and I absolutely adore your rendition. He's a funky little lad, a creature so interested in human culture and such, and the mun behind the blog is also very very sweet. We've just started talking on Discord, and I'm more than happy to get to know you more outside of writing with the upcoming year.
@detectivcprince - Julia, I'm like....so so glad we hit it off well. Aside from your Akechi being so unique and different from takes I've seen, you as a person are just an absolute delight. I know you've had some hard times happen this year, but I want nothing more than the next year to be good to you. And I hope we can write more too because I absolutely adore getting to write with you.
@maskuerade/@starswrote - MADY!!! Lovely, lovely Mady! You're a hoot! You've also had some hard times happen this year, and I wish you a much better new year coming up with nothing but good things to happen to you. I'm glad you're gonna be graduating soon too! I know your writing motivation is a bit hit or miss lately, but I hope in 2023 we can write more as well. And talk more too! You're such a delight to talk with whether it's about creating angst between our characters or just talking in general!
@caramellchris - I gotta say, I always love learning about OCs, how they were created, and the little stuff about them that make them so unique to their world. Aside from writing things, it's been awesome getting to chat with you offline too. I love hearing you word vomit about your OCs or games you really, really like. I hope we can get to know each other a little more in the new year, and write more too!
@trixter-time - Okay so...TECHNICALLY we've known each other more than just a year, but I was SO SO HAPPY to see you return to Tumblr this year. There have been times I would think about how you were and what you were doing, but never got the thought of messaging you. WHICH IS MY BAD!! But I was ecstatic to see your return. I do respect your choice to take a leave off Tumblr though. You do you, and what's best for you, but I hope we can continue to chat with each other more now that I know you're still around. It's always a great pleasure getting to chat with a lovely person like yourself!!
@rebelli0us-mask - SHIT MAN, I WANTED TO SHOUT YOU OUT TOO!! I love your chaotic energy, I love the stupid shenanigans our muses have gotten into, and you’re just a REALLY REALLY fun person to know too!! May you have a happy, healthy, and AWESOME 2023 too!! 
I know there's others I can S/O in this, but I wanted to focus on the peeps I met this year. There's plenty of other friends online here I would GLADLY give my love to for this year, because I know it's been a rough one for sure. I generally hope for all my mutuals that 2023 treats you kindly!!))
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luveline · 1 year
Omg I love the hot bombshell bau reader x Spencer!! Could you write a scenario with them when the team is out drinking and she’s flirting with him even more & she can take it a lil further because they’re not in work? Thank you🥰
thank you for your request! this isn't a perfect fit of what you asked for but I hope you like it! fem!reader, 1k
"Psst! Psst!" Your perfume floats his way. "Spencer!" 
Spencer turns to your whisper shouting, much less whisper than you probably mean it to be. You're as in his personal space as you can manage without falling into his lap. Luckily, the rest of the team seem to be more interested in the previously unheard story Emily's deigned to tell about a Sin to Win weekend in Atlanta, and no one turns to investigate your secret.
"What?" he asks.
"Can you get me another drink?" you whisper. You insisted on sitting next to him, your breath sharp with cherry liqueur. If you hadn't, he would've tried to make it this way anyhow.
It's not fair. You've drunk enough to get cut off and still you look so pretty, bombshell through and through —there's no other word for it. Your eyes are glittering and unsmudged despite an evening of laughter and a pitcher's worth of bourbon bombs, and they're looking at him with this weird pinching pleading that makes his stomach twist. 
"I don't think you should have anything else." 
"Spence…" You put your hand on his thigh. Not cupping it, nowhere inappropriate, just your fingertips pressed to the fabric of his pants as you twist in your seat to beg. "Please, Spencer. Please." 
He really likes you, and this tone you're using threatens to haunt him forever. Resigned, he moves your hand off of his leg and grabs your empty glasses. "A spritzer," he says, standing up from the booth. "That's it." 
"Hey, no," JJ says, her thin brows pinching as she smiles, perplexed. "She's cut off." 
"That's why Spencer's going to get it for me. He's my angel," you brag, words tipping, tumbling all over the place. 
Spencer looks at the disapproving expressions on their faces, Hotch, Emily, Derek and JJ all looking as though they learned how to frown from the same place. Only Penelope and Rossi seem encouraging. Penelope tipsy herself, and Rossi a self-professed believer in, "Living life to the fullest. Get the girl another drink, Reid." 
"A spritzer," Spencer says again. 
You smile gleefully and follow him out of your seats toward the bar. The barkeep gives Spencer a knowing look when he orders your drink but doesn't say anything when Spencer puts the change in the tip jar, which is questionable. Spencer secures your cold beverage and hands it to you, fully intending on walking you back to the booth. 
You pull him off course. He has little power in the situation, a yelp and a yank and you're dragging him toward the bar jukebox. Your spritzer paints your hand as you put it down, lips wet with it as you beam at him from over your shoulder. 
"Pick a song?" you ask. 
"I don't know if they'll have anything I like." 
"Pick one anyways." 
Spencer has to stand directly behind you to read the titles. "Why don't you pick one?" he asks gently. 
You sway. He doesn't know if it's down to the alcohol or the five seconds of music that plays as you scroll through songs. "I don't have a dollar."
Spencer laughs and gets his wallet out, handing you two dollars from the fold. "There. Pick two." 
"You're such a nice guy, Spencer, and I don't mean it like, oh, you're a nice guy, you don't mess girls around, I mean…" You fold the dollars he gave you mindlessly. "I mean, you're just nice. In the best sense of the word. You're gentle, kind…" 
You gasp, sounding pained. Spencer's hand leaps to the small of your back, "What? What's wrong?" 
"They have Out of Touch by Hall and Oates. Hold my spritzer, handsome, I need to put this on before I die." 
Derek comes looking for you both somewhere in the second play of the same song. Spencer's cheeks are bright pink, people staring in confusion at the repeat and the pretty drunk woman speaking the words. Spencer tries to flag Derek for saving, but when Derek sees the way you've wrapped your arms around Spencer's bicep, he chuckles and waves goodbye. 
You look up to Spencer eagerly. You're close enough to kiss him. "You know how to play nine ball?" 
"In theory," he says weakly. 
"Good! If I win you can buy me another spritzer, and if you win, I'll let you take me home." 
Spencer was always going to be taking you home tonight, but for a distinctly different reason. "If you win," he says, licking his lips, "I'll give you another dollar for the jukebox." 
"And if you win?" you ask.
"I'll take you home," he says slowly. "But only to take you home." 
"That's cute." 
No matter what drunken delusion you're under, Spencer does end up taking you home after a third round of Hall and Oates. You're not so drunk as to need help standing, and you manage to get to bed without help. He just wants to make sure you lock the door. 
You kiss him on the cheek, your hand behind his neck like you might turn his lips to yours. Spencer turns his face away. 
"I'm not gonna try anything, Spence," you say, stroking the hair at the nape of his neck. "Just wanted to say thanks. You'll stay, right? Don't get the train." 
Spencer sleeps on your couch. In the morning he wakes to the smell of eggs fried in sesame oil and the heavy scent of hot chocolate. Oh, and you in your tiny pyjama shorts at the helm, completely untouched by the copious booze intake of the night before. "Loverboy," you sing-song. "Come on! I'm gonna sit in your lap and feed you like a Grecian emperor. It'll be fun." 
It'll definitely be something. 
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mysaintkitten · 5 months
I fully forgot I had this .. so here’s a little something for y’all lol
prompt: Jonathan calls you up after having a few drinks
WARNINGS: SMUT (18+ MDNI), mentions of alcohol/intoxication, brief mentions of suicide, subby-ish Jonathan, phone sex, come eating
*not proofread & old as hell*
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you’re abruptly awoken by the phone ringing. through squinted eyes, you peak at the clock sitting on top of your nightstand.
1:03 am flashes at you. who’s calling at this hour? you drag your body out of bed and trudge your way over to the living room where your home phone resides. once there, you drop to the couch and grab the phone, putting it up to your ear.
“hello?” you groan, you hear a small snicker on the other end.
“hiii babyyy!” they respond, clearly a little tipsy, you immediately recognize the voice.
it’s jonathan, your close friend, who had recently got placed into a psyche ward after attempting to kill himself. you hadn’t heard from him since he had told you the news. now here he is, ringing your phone at 1 am, while simultaneously dropping a “baby” bomb on you.
“jonathan?” you blurted, feeling yourself become a bit more awake, “what are you doing? why are you up? how do you even have access to a phone right now?”
he sighs into the phone, “me and toby sn- toby’s m’pal .. by the way .. we snuck out ‘n had a few drinks ..” his mumbles, “now ‘m allllll alone ..” he whines, dragging out the all to emphasize his loneliness, “oh ‘n about the phone .. since i’ve been so good they gave me a landline, cordless too, i mean they couldn’t give me a cord ‘cause i might wrap it around my neck, but it’s nifty!”
you roll your eyes. of course he’d do some shit like this. if it was any other friend, you would’ve told them bluntly that you’re not in the mood to talk, but jonathan was an exception right now. he was in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people, and his comment about wrapping the cord around his neck grounded you back into reality. you decided to chat with him for a while.
“is that so?” you reply, “how’d the night go?”
“fun!” he bubbled, “oh m’god .. me and toby .. my friend .. we saw this piss drunk guy fall in the street!” he giggles while recounting the incident. you giggle with him, not so much at the story, but at the fact that he felt the need to reiterate that he has a friend named toby.
“that sound very funny, jon, but shouldn’t you be getting some sleep?”
he whines, “‘m not tired! plus i’ve been thinking about you .. that’s why i called .. wanted to hear your voice ..”
“why’d you wanna hear my voice? you miss me that much?” you joke, relaxing more into the couch. he hums, “jus’ like how it sounds ..”
“well. you woke me up, and i don’t think i’ll be able to go back to sleep, so you’re welcome to listen to my voice for a while.” you chuckle softly, not thinking too heavily about his intentions. he’s drunk, after all.
“hmm ..” he mumbles in approval, “can you jus’ talk? tell me about your day, love ..”
your brows furrow a bit at the request, but you oblige.
“i didn’t do too much .. just showered .. picked up a bit .. it was nice though.”
he groans quietly at you mentioning showering.
“mmh .. wards got no nice soaps .. i like how your soaps smell. always smellin’ so good ..” he murmurs, through the phone you can hear some minor rustling, but you assume it’s just jonathan drunkenly tossing and turning.
you laugh at his odd compliment, “you think i smell nice?”
“oh, i think a lot of you s’nice, darling.” he assures, his breathing becoming heavier
“what else about me is nice, jonathan?” you ask, thinking he’ll say something corny like your humour or your personality.
“that face f’yours .. gorgeous ..” he giggles and huffs, “‘n that body .. maybe it’s ’cause ‘m all alone .. ‘n a bit tipsy .. but i can’t stop thinkin’ about touchin’ you ..”
you’re not too sure what to say. you’ve been friends with jonathan for years, you would have never assumed that he wanted you that way. jonathan was very attractive, and you’d be lying if you said you’d never thought about him in a sexual way before.
“jonathan ..” you reply calmly, “i think you’re just drunk and confused, how about we talk more tomorrow? you can call me when-“
he whines, “no, baby, ‘m sorry .. i’ve just wanted you .. for so long ..” he hums as his breathing becomes louder, “‘n now .. just your voice got me s’hard ..”
you pause, listening to jonathan, you still hear the shuffling and his breathing. occasionally he whines a few times, is he touching himself?
“jon, are you .. getting off right now?”
he chuckles, “s’hard .. mmh .. thought i might faint.”
you hate to admit it, but hearing jonathan’s neediness got you a little worked up. knowing he was hard just from your voice ignited some interesting feelings from within you.
as your mind is racing, jonathan speaks, “if i w’s there .. would y’touch me?”
your heart begins to pound, his words have become more direct. he’s not just rambling about how he feels, he wants to know how you feel. you slip one of your hands into your panties, feeling how slick you’ve become from jonathan’s words. you might as well get yourself off as well.
instead of answering, you flip the question. “i’m wondering what you’d do if i was there.” you laugh breathily as you gently rub your clit. jonathan whines into the phone, “god, baby, s’filthy. y’don’t even wanna know ..”
“tell me. i want to hear it.” you pry as you become more aroused, hearing jonathan moan weakly at his own thoughts.
“mmh .. wanna eat your cunt .. make y’come at least once on m’face ..” he groans, “wanna fuck you. raw. make y’shake ‘n cry from my cock. wanna make that cunt feel so so good.”
jesus. really didn’t take much convincing for him to spill his thoughts. you bite your lip at his words, hearing his fantasies made you blush embarrassingly hard.
“hm .. yeah?” you moan into the phone, rubbing your clit at a quicker pace
“‘n i wanna eat you again after my cocks been ‘nside you .. lick up our come ..” jonathan gasps, through the phone you can hear him fisting his now slick cock. “then i wanna kiss you when m’done ..” he adds, chuckling a bit.
“god ..” you sigh, “you are filthy.”
you’re finding it difficult to hold back your moans, you almost want jonathan to hear them at this point.
“you .. you got me all wet, jon ..” you admit a bit awkwardly, you’ve never had phone sex before, but you don’t think jonathan will notice.
he whimpers “are y’touching yourself, baby?”
“yeah .. yeah i am ..” you purr, sliding a finger inside yourself and moaning softly as you plunge it in and out.
“jesus, fuck ..” he huffs, “you rubbin’ your clit? or fingering yourself?”
“i’m doing both .. switchin’ every now and then ..” you coo, adding a second finger inside. you hiss slightly at the change, but your cunt quickly adapts and accepts the second finger.
“mmh!” jonathan moans, “s’hot, knowing you’ve got y’fingers all over that pussy .. you sensitive, baby?”
he’s really into calling you baby. although it feels foreign, you’re not opposed to it at all.
“yeah .. a bit ..” you chuckle breathlessly as you remove your slick fingers out and bring them back to your clit.
“oh, fuck ..” he whimpers loudly, “baby, baby, ‘m not gonna last- m’sorry ..”
you could tell from jonathan’s tone and desperate little whimpers that he was close, he didn’t need to tell you, but it’s kind of nice that he at least let you know.
“that’s okay, come jon. show me how good it feels.” you purr. he can’t physically show you, but he can verbalize it, and he does.
“mmf- fuck, baby, ‘m comin’-“ he moans loudly, you’re worried other people in the ward might hear him.
“that’s it, come on yourself jon, good boy.” you encourage, you’re almost surprised that you called him a good boy, you never expected that to slip out.
his moans dwindle into small little whimpers as he rides out the orgasm, huffing quietly once he’s come down.
“‘m all messy, baby ..” he giggles,
“poor thing, you gonna clean yourself up?” you hum to tease.
“mhm .. nice ‘n clean ..” he mumbles as you hear him making small sucking and licking noises,
“jon, are you licking up your come?” you nearly chuckle at him,
“well no one’s ‘ere to do it for me ..” he whines, continuing to lick away his come.
“jesus. dirty, dirty boy.” you scold playfully, toying with your clit again.
“‘m a dirty boy ..” he repeats while yawning, “dirty boy.”
“you tired?” you ask softly,
“mmh, yeah, little bit ..” he mumbles,
“how about you get some sleep and we talk more tomorrow, all right?”
“mmh.. but i wanna talk ..” he groans,
you laugh weakly at his determination, “i’ll be here tomorrow. trust me. get some sleep. we can talk when you’re more awake and sober.”
“fine .. g’night baby. sweet dreams.” he gives in, yawning again
“sleep well, jonathan.” you close before hanging up. as you place the phone down, you’re left with silence and your thoughts. you decide you might as well get yourself off, and you do, you come in your pants to the thought of jonathan’s whimpers and moans. then, you clean yourself off before heading back to bed.
Not to jinx myself … but I am currently writing. Send me good energy yall please
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hoshigray · 1 year
hiiii!! I loveee your posts!! can you write something about Tojo or Geto being extremely jealous to the point y/n wants to break up but they don’t allow it? I don’t know I can picture it in my head but I can’t write anything good like you 😭
....why not do both? (¬‿¬) ty for the love, sweetie ♡ hope ya like this one! tagging @neptunes1nterweb bc they asked to be, lol, ily sapp!! ☆
cw: Geto + Toji x fem/afab! reader - smutty, so minors, move. - fingering (f! receiving) - biting (ears + shoulders) - clitoral stimulation (fingers + toy) - imagery of taking pictures of your naked body - pet names (baby, princess, sweetheart) - overstimulation - use of a vibrator and rope to tie your hands (geto); oral/cunnilingus (f! receiving) - impact play; pussy slaps (3x) - toji being a tiny bit of a meanie + possessive - overstimulation - pet names (baby, mama, sweetie) - clitoral play (licking and pinching) - heavy depictions of being given head - mentions of spit/saliva (toji)
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You love your boyfriend, you know you do. And you know he loves you just as (if not MORE) than you. There's never been a day where you'd doubt this love. His love...but this love does have its bad moments — like this one.
Your boyfriend tends to be quite possessive of you, to the point of jealousy. There have been times you'd try and excuse the behavior; he's just your partner making sure you're safe and that no one gets any funny business when it comes to you. If anything, it's his way of showing his seriousness about you, right? Well, that's what you've been trying to tell yourself all this time, even when bringing it to his attention, to which he'll brush off or reassure you it's for your own sake. But today? Oh, it was the last of it.
Your friends invited you to a party they were having, and you, being your good partner, invited your boyfriend to tag along. It was all of good intentions, no? After all, it's not like you planned on staying til things went crazy; just meet and chat with some old buddies, eat some bomb food, a drink or two at max, the usual. And things were going great doing just that; you stumbled upon a very old friend you hadn't seen in ages!! Excited to see his face again, you spent most of your time catching up with him on the living room couch and seeing how life's been on his end. The conversation was going swell, nostalgia getting the best of the two of you. So much so that your old friend got a little tipsy from his drink and got a little handsy — putting his arm around you when the two of you would laugh reminiscing old memories together.
However, your laugh ceased when his laughs turned to abrupt howls of pain. You'd then turn behind to see your boyfriend standing behind the couch, who ripped the poor guy's hand off your shoulder and is crushing his wrist with a deadly grip. Immediately, you'd stand to stop the commotion and excuse your friend for your man's actions (he surprisingly expressed forgiveness), and you two left that party. No words were exchanged in the car ride home, but you had your mind set at that late hour. There's no point in being with someone who's just going to be envious of anyone who has your attention — even old friends, for God's sake! This is it, for sure! Those were the words you went with as you stormed from the bathroom and into the bedroom where your boyfriend lies on the bed of your shared bedroom. With crossed arms and furrowed brows, you tell him these words with a confident breath:
"I think we should break up."
ʚ⁺˖↪ Suguru Geto
"Mmmph!! Ahhhnnn!! S-Suguru, stop!! Your hands, too fa—Ahhhh!!!"
"Hold still, baby." He coos to your ear before teasing it with a blow; shudders run down your spine from the breath play.
With your back to him and your hands tied with a rope, Geto uses this position to play with your vulnerable body. Your panties exposed for him to see, a wet patch blossoming more and more from the touches of his slender fingers as they roughly rub on your clothed, leaky cunt. The lacy material becoming drenched with your fluids, he has your body twitch on him, and he sneers at the pathetic display.
"Ohhh, fucking shit—hic..." Tears well up from shut eyes, the swift motions of his fingers increasing the pounding in your head. "Suguru, pleaseee, it's teww muuuch!!"
"Awww, is it?" He mocks your whines. "Serves you right, though. You scared me with what you said earlier. Breaking up with me after I was trying to make sure that guy didn't try anything funny with my princess?"
"Nnnnmm! I'm s-sorry, Suguru! But he was my friend, and you were bei—Iiiiieee!!!"
Your body jerks when Geto snakes his hand inside your panties, using a forefinger on your clitoris and rubbing harshly on the sensitive bud. You can just picture the cunning smirk with the chuckle you hear while he kisses your bare shoulder. "Well, your friend seemed to be a little too touchy for my liking. And you," Geto suddenly sinks his teeth into your shoulder, having your nude figure jump at the bite. He uses his free hand to keep a leg to the side, making sure your legs are wide for him. "You seemed too close with this friend, huh. You were practically making him blush the entire time."
Did I really? Was I being too open? You couldn't answer those questions; it hurts to think with your boyfriend's fingers inside your slit, fingertips grazing your spongey walls, turning your brain to mush. The squelching racket from your southern lips and his digits ring your ears to a lewd trance — it makes your face dial to an unbearable heat.
"Nnmaaa, Ahhhhh!! Suguruuu," a tear makes its way down your hot cheek. Geto hums into your ear, and you shiver as he nibbles on your lobe. "Pleaseee, forgive me...I should've known you were just there for—Mmmm! M-Me...I'm sorry, so please..."
It's best that you couldn't see Geto's eyes narrow at your apology, the bedroom light donning his dark orbs a purple hue. He snickers, "See? My Y/n is understanding. Such a sweetheart for me, huh." He lays sweet kisses down your neck. "You're forgiven. Not thinking about breaking up with me now, right?" You nod erratically, earning a hearty chuckle while he grabs for something on the side. "Good, but we're not done yet."
Your sweat runs cold when you hear a familiar buzz when Geto presses a button on a small remote. You turn to see a bullet vibrator, the mattress experiencing the whirr of its vibrations. And when he picks the toy up and brings it down to your inner thighs, your anxiousness scales to an all-time high.
But you're too late to voice concerns as the toy makes contact with your clitoris, the delicate bud unprepared for the touch of the cold surface and intense buzzing. Especially with him pressing down on your clit and bringing his fingers back into your vagina again, his digits scraping your tender walls, your orgasm hit you within seconds.
Your nude body bucks to the aftershocks of your climax, your cunt pulsing around Geto's fingers, and come coating his digits and sliding down to the sheets. The pitch of your wails descends with every exhale, your mind too fuzzy to think of anything else but sinking into your man's hold.
Geto rubs small circles on your clit with the vibrator; you gasp and try to squirm away, yet to no avail. "Did so good, princess. Kinda wanna take a picture for your friend. Show him how much of a great time you're having with me...I'm kidding, I'm kidding~, so don't cry. Okay, princess?"
ʚ⁺˖↪ Toji Fushiguro
"Hoohh!! Ohhhh!!! Tojiiiii!! W-Wait, I already came—Eeeyahhhh!!"
Toji's got you with your back to the bed, legs propped up by his hands, and your bare cunt not even centimeters away from his face. His mouth is situated on the folds of your chasm, tongue lapping around your slick walls, and nose brushing on the fragile button that is your clit. Your moans at a higher pitch than before as your man is feasting on you for another orgasm, his chin already painted of your come from a few minutes ago.
Your legs tremble from the pleasurable abuse on your sore nerves, yet Toji's hold prevents you from so much as writhing away from him. He lifts his chin from your sloppy cunt, licking traces of your come from the scar on his lip. "C'mon, mama. I know you can cum more than one time." He gives your inner lips a suck before swapping his mouth with his fore and middle finger, the two sliding into your vulva with ease. Your brows skewed down and mouth agape for moans to escape, Toji enjoys your disheveled display with a devilish grin. "Heh, look at you. Lookin' all pretty like this because of my fingers."
"Haaaahh, Tojiii, Ohh, Jesus..." You grip the sheets below as his digits swirl and pump to and fro into your cunt, difficult to breathe with the hot air surrounding you and heat spreading from your cheeks to your ears. "Pleaseeee, I'm too sensitive — hic — G-Give me a min—Ohhhooo!!"
"Aht aht aht, don't act soft on me now," he gives your slit a smack, the rough hit from his palm catching you off guard, almost choking on your breath. The stinging pain pushed tears to roll from hot cheeks into the pillowcase. "You already tried that with that lil' friend of yours. Lettin' that fucker get too close fr' my eyes, and then you walkin' up here actin' all high and mighty talkin' about a breakup. Where's that now, Y/n? Hmm?" He licks circles on your clit, having you howl his name in despair — music to his ears. "Did'ja let the kid make you forget who can make you crazy like this?"
You peer down — big mistake — to see his fierce emerald eyes honed in on yours. You chew on your lip at the helpless atmosphere you're drowning in. "Mmmph...Toji, please, I'm sorry. I—Ohhhh, fuck!!" Toji's fingers do a 'come hither' motion, skimming your walls with the tip of his digits. "I really am...You just made me really upset that time, but, Hmmmm...I love you, I love you lots..."
The smirk on his face gets broader. "Ya know I ain't mad at you, not with that cute face of y'rs." Toji kisses your inner thighs, lightly nibbling on the skin to make you yelp. "Just teachin' my baby a lesson." Another slap to your hole results in a sudden scream from your puffy lips. "Who does this belong to?"
"...you—Ahhhhhh!!!" A third smack.
"Yours!" Your voice sounds broken. "I'm yours, only yours..."
"Good," you flinch at the feeling of his palm on your slit again, but he soothes the pain away by rubbing gently. "Now you just sit still while I finish, 'kay, sweetie?"
He doesn't give you time to reply, stuffing his mouth on your cunt and sucking on your folds. The image of his raven hair buried down to your thighs and his gruff moans as he eats you out shed you into another level of embarrassment that you throw your head back to the pillow. The commotion between your legs and his mouth is the only thing you hear that suffocates your senses, along with the growing heat.
Tingles crawl up your spine. "Nnnmm, naaaaa, Toji, I'm so close, I'm gonna..."
Toji hears your pleas, a hand dragged to your clitoris, giving the swollen bud a few pinches while he resumes using his mouth to stimulate your heightened nerves for another release. And it comes in hard, choked sobs lashed out from your throat as your body is stimulated to experience your second climax of the night.
With his grip still on your legs, your body is forced to endure your crescendo, muscles tensing, abdomen tightening, and your essence being lavished by your boyfriend, his tongue moving to gather your come to drink and savor from your messy entrance.
And when things finally calm down with your body following a steady rhythm, he withdraws from you with a satisfied grunt. Licking the last remnants of you from his thirsty lips, he gazes down with a proud leer. "Always tastin' so fuckin' good fr' me, mama." He takes off his shirt, his eyes still honed in on you. "We're not done yet, though. Gonna spend all night makin' you go crazy fr' me."
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chrollogy · 3 months
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miya atsumu x f!reader
── next: v. Misunderstandings | series masterlist
synopsis: After sending a risky text to Atsumu, you avoid your phone the next morning like a ticking time bomb until curiosity gnaws at your skin but it doesn’t take long before you cave. Thus, with a bated breath, you brace yourself for his response.
chapter content warning: college au, angst heh, shrine visit (poor depiction), implied alcohol use, tipsy reader (maybe a dumbass too), miya atsumu is an even bigger dumbass, hinata mention LMAO, mutual pining, slow burn, requited unrequited love, miscommunication (it just got even worse. rip.), not beta read.
word count: 4.1k
notes: divider: cafekitsune. woweeee one more chapter and then we’re done ehehehehe >:)
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It was quarter to two.
The mellow hum of Hyōgo’s early winter morning settled into Atsumu’s bones like a pair of invisible shackles, holding him hostage between the borders of sleep, and sobriety. On other nights, it lulled him to slumber without any problem but not tonight, not when his mind was plagued with thoughts of you.
Out of all times, his brain decided to recount every single moment with you from the trip. First, it was the happy, mellow memories of the first day—stolen glances full of yearning, his crimson-tinged cheeks, and fluttering heartbeats, and then came the uncomfortable haze that drove a wedge between the two of you. God, Atsumu didn’t even want to think about that moment on the boat.
Atsumu was fully aware that you knew his response was a complete lie but could you really blame him? What difference would it have made if he said ‘yes’? At the end of the day, what he felt for you was one-sided, nothing was going to change the fact that you only viewed him as a friend.
In fact, maybe this wall between the two of you was the cure to his yearning heart—a space to help him move on, and forget the familiarity of loving you.
As Atsumu’s caramel gaze bore into the ceiling above, tracing the moonlit glow that seeped from the window, his phone illuminated the dark room for a brief second, a tinge of blue catching his attention.
Mindlessly reaching for his device that lay on the wooden nightstand, he let out a tired sigh, honeyed eyes squinting at the sudden brightness that invaded his vision. Letting his eyes adjust, Atsumu carefully read the notification banner on the lock screen.
It was a message from you. His heart violently stuttered. Thank goodness for the tight grip he had or else his face would’ve been aching from his phone falling on it.
As if on instinct, Atsumu sat up, clearly sobered up from the fact that you texted him at almost 2 AM. Were you perhaps also having trouble sleeping? Atsumu wondered if your mind was also filled with thoughts the past few days—thoughts of him. He could only fantasise.
The blonde positioned himself against his headboard before clicking onto your message with a shaky digit, and a thundering heartbeat.
It was an absurdly long paragraph.
‘hey. i know you’re asleep right now, and you’ll probably see this in the morning but whatever :) . .’
Atsumu swallowed thickly. For some reason, he felt oddly nervous about this message but at the same time, anticipated the context behind it. Maybe you were trying to salvage whatever was left of the friendship? Or maybe you just wanted to cuss him out with a long, detailed message.
Nonetheless, Atsumu kept reading,
‘. . . i’m not going to beat around the bush or anything so i’ll get straight to the point. i like you. i’ve had feelings for you since highschool and i know it’s cowardly of me to confess over text but i don’t mind being called one.
god, i cannot even remember the feeling of my heart acting normal around you. my heart is so painfully familiar to yearning for you that it hurts. whenever i see you, i just can’t seem to act right. i hate how my heart stutters, how my cheeks heat, how my body suddenly doesn’t know how to act normally. it’s bittersweet because i feel guilty for falling in love with a close friend but also i’m not ashamed of it because you’re so amazing, and caring.
i cherish you a lot, tsumu, i really do and i know you do too but i don’t think it's in the way i want you to. i’m not pressuring you for an answer or anything because i already know you don’t like me back but that’s okay. i don’t know what will happen after this but just know that i really admire our friendship.
like i said before, you don’t have to reply to this. i just really needed to get all the pent up feelings out of my chest so i can finally move on :) just give me some time to be myself again.’
One word. Speechless. Miya Atsumu was speechless.
There were so many goddamn emotions that ran through every single fibre of his body to the point where his brain couldn’t process it all. Atsumu didn’t know whether to be ecstatic with the fact that—holy shit—you reciprocated his feeling, or to be frustrated with the fact that you thought it was one-sided.
His heart hammered against his chest, the pounding of it reaching his very ears. He was so fucking nervous that he breathed through his parted lips, honeyed eyes re-reading every single word you typed. The winter chill that filled his room went awfully warm, mirroring the crimson tinge that painted his cheeks.
So he was the one you were talking about back then; that drunken confession where you told him you had feelings for a certain someone.
Atsumu didn’t know what to do—didn’t know what to respond.
In all honesty, you put him in a very tough spot. How was he supposed to respond after confessing your feelings but also stating that you did not, in fact, sought an answer. Not to mention how you practically put words in his mouth.
Who were you to decide if Atsumu reciprocated your feelings or not?
The blonde took a deep, shaky breath, palms sweating as he gripped the device. Atsumu knew he needed to respond with a calculated mind—as tempting as it was, he wasn’t going to let his heart lead this time.
Not when his mind painfully reminded him of the conversation you two had,
“I don’t even think I’m ready for a relationship.” “So . . yer jus’ gonna confess for the sake of movin’ on? Even if he likes ya back?”
He vividly remembered the way you solemnly nodded to his question, a sad, subtle smile lingering on your lips as if to reassure yourself that you’ll be okay.
Atsumu closed his eyes, letting the sounds of crickets chirping outside consume him. The gears in his head turned, and turned, working overtime to come up with a response. He had to be sensible, whatever he replied was surely going to change the course of your bond, forever.
Though, there was only one thing he knew—to respect your decision.
The morning came rather quickly, early rays peeked through your window, mellow hues of yellow, and orange painted the ivory walls of your room to cast a warm, inviting glow—a reminder of the impending day ahead.
As you reached for your device to check the time, you were greeted with a black, unlit screen, your sleepy reflection staring back. Oh, that’s right. You had turned it off right after sending that risky text message to Atsumu, wanting nothing to do with it.
Vivid memories of last night came flooding in, filling every corner of your mind. All the words you typed down, the feelings that came with it, the hammering of your heart—it came back to you, and now, you were twice as nervous. You wondered if Atsumu had already read your message, even more curious about his response—if he did send one back.
Just thinking about it made your head dizzy. There was a ray of hope tucked neatly at the bottom of your heart, it wasn’t big but you held onto it like it was the most precious thing.
You let out a sigh, and tossed the device on your bed before getting ready to brave the winter day ahead. There were four more days before the new year rolled around—how you were going to spend the last two days heavily depended on Atsumu’s response.
It was inevitable. Every now, and then, your eyes mindlessly wandered to the device that lifelessly lay atop your sheets, its blackened screen inviting you to turn it on. You turned your room upside down for anything to distract you from the silent beckoning of your device—from re-reading your favourite manga to blankly staring at the ceiling above.
There was even an urge to read a syllabus from one of your new classes this coming semester.
Four hours. You lasted four dreadful hours before curiosity settled into your skin like a painful bite—no matter how much you ignored it, it seemed to worsen.
And with a hammering heartbeat, and sweaty palms, you turned it on. Patiently waiting, you watched as it displayed the brand logo, and then a few seconds before it loaded your lock screen. A heartbeat passed as the device showed several notifications from last night, and this morning. Disregarding them, you scrolled straight down until Atsumu’s message notification came into view.
You sucked in a breath.
The thread of messages between you two quickly popped up as you clicked on the notification. Bracing yourself, your eyes wander down to the start of his response—god, it was equally as long.
It was sent at 2 AM. It made you even more nervous after realising that Atsumu was indeed still awake when you had sent the message.
‘hey :) first of all, i’m very thankful that you had the courage to bring this up to me so please don’t call yourself a coward, i know how hard it is to try and confess to someone. i find it admirable, really. i think it’s brave of you to decide something like this.
secondly, i am over the moon after finding out you have feelings for me. it feels such an honour to be loved by a close friend so thank you again for letting me know. like you said, i, too, cherish our friendship. i don’t know what will become of our bond after this but just know that i am very glad to be friends with you.
thirdly, as you’ve mentioned in your message, i don’t feel the same way. .’
You stopped reading to stare at the ceiling above, a foolish smile plastered upon your lips—it conveyed anything but happiness.
So, you were right. Atsumu didn’t feel the same way.
That little bundle of hope deep inside your heart disappeared, dissolving into nothing but what seemed like distant memories—memories of your saccharine moments together.
God, you already had a feeling he didn’t like you back but why did it feel like a hard slap on the face? As if reeling you back into dull reality after a haze of fantasy. This was what you wanted, right? To confess with rejection in mind so you could finally move on. But now that the answer lay right before you on a silver platter, why didn’t you want to move on?
You mustered every single bit of your strength to read the rest of his message, vision becoming blurry as tears slowly formed.
‘. . . you’re such a great friend. don’t get me wrong, you’re beautiful both inside and out but my feelings for you are just platonic. i’m really sorry that i don’t reciprocate your feelings. i don’t know how much this will affect you but just know that if you want me to stay away, i will. it’s the least i can do to help you move on.
you’re an amazing person, and there are a lot of other guys out there who deserve you so much but i am not one of them. again, thanks for letting me know.’
You didn’t even realise hot tears started rolling down your cheeks until it hit the screen with a soft sound, one by one, droplets of tears scattered the surface of your device as if to wash away all of Atsumu’s words
A weird feeling blossomed in your chest, extending its sharp roots down to your stomach where it painfully planted itself. The grip on your phone tightened, other hand clutching—clawing—at your heavy heart, wanting to take it out from the confines of your ribcage and mend it with your own shaky hands.
Everything felt completely still, birds that hummed their usual morning song were no more, mellow sounds of the city became distant as you let yourself wallow in complete sadness.
It was odd, you felt nothing, and everything at the same time—the ugly feeling in your chest, the sting behind your eyes, the impending headache from your stuffy nose. Atsumu’s words repeated inside your mind, plagued it like an invasive plant which invited more pain to your strained heart.
‘I don’t feel the same way. My feelings for you are just platonic.’
It wasn’t just cupid’s stupid arrow agonisingly digging into the core of your heart, no, it also felt like he had wrung your heart dry with his bare hands, and he was laughing about it.
You felt like a fucking fool. Especially for hoping that somewhere down the line, Atsumu felt the same way.
The last two remaining days of the year were a complete haze, navigating through the last moments with a clouded mind, and an unmendable heart while putting on a brave face. And as the clock struck midnight on the 31st, you put on the happiest smile you could muster in front of your parents, and welcomed the new year with uncertainty. You tried not to think about Atsumu’s words but they were seared into your mind, a mocking reminder of your unreciprocated feelings.
It wasn’t long before the first morning of the new year greeted you with clear skies, and warm rays, paired with an early call from Suna. You already knew the reason for his call—of course, one cannot celebrate the new year without hatsumōde.
“It’s a surprise you picked up my call, you haven’t been answering my texts. Anyway, the twins, and I are visiting the shrine, coming?”
“How about Kita?” You asked. “He’s going with his grandmother tomorrow.”
With a sigh, you hesitantly agreed. It's only been two days since the confession, and you could already feel the awkwardness, and pain seeping into your bones. You knew you weren’t even ready to face Atsumu yet but you’ve never turned down a shrine visit from your friends, especially on new years.
Before you knew it, the crisp winter air engulfed your body. Clad in thick layers of clothes, you walked the quiet footpath to the local shrine, heart hammering against your chest with every step taken closer to your friends—to Atsumu.
His flaxen locks were easy to spot, standing out amongst the crowd of people with raven strands. Your heart violently stuttered but you kept your eyes on Suna, putting on a bright smile to greet them. They stood just before the grand torii gate which led straight to the shrine itself.
“Glad ya could make it.” Osamu greeted you with a hug, followed by Suna.
Throughout the whole exchange with the two men, you could feel Atsumu’s burning gaze on the side of your face, and god, was it an extreme sport to ignore it. The two didn’t notice the way you, and Atsumu awkwardly greeted one another—a tight-lipped smile, and a brief eye contact. You felt small, and naked under his honeyed gaze but it wasn’t anything intimate, you guessed this was the consequences of baring the contents of your heart two nights ago.
Tugging at the neckline of your clothes, you began to grow uncomfortable at the awkwardness that made itself known.
You weren’t going to lie, Atsumu looked devastatingly handsome as ever, and it pained your heart even more. Though, he had this familiar expression painted on his face—the one he always wore whenever he was upset about something. It was subtle but you noticed the way his bottom lip jutted out ever so slightly, the light crease between his thick brows.
It was hard not to wonder what Atsumu was upset about.
After showing respect by bowing at the torii gate, the four of you fell into a step. Since it was the first day of the new year, the shrine was packed with families, friends, couples and people alike; some were at the chōzuya—water purification pavilion—to purify their body & mind while others were already lined up to pay respects at the main shrine building.
Keeping to the sides of the main path, You, Suna, and Osamu fell into a mellow conversation—talking about the new year ahead, and the upcoming semester. Surprisingly, Atsumu didn’t join in the conversation, hands tucked deep inside the pockets of his jacket, he stared hard at the concrete beneath.
It shouldn’t bother him but it did.
You were the one who got rejected so why was he more upset about the situation? Why were you able to easily slip into a cheerful conversation with Osamu, and Suna while acting like nothing happened two nights ago? Atsumu half expected you to not even turn up today, he had to practically stop himself from overreacting after the brunette stated you’d come.
Well, it was good that you were already moving on but whatever. Atsumu decided shoving away the weird feeling in his chest was the best option.
After doing the ceremonial purification rite at the chōzuya, the four of you headed at the back of the line for the main shrine. It didn’t take too long until it was your turn, Suna, and Osamu went ahead first which left you, and Atsumu to pair up.
Watching as your two friends prayed at the shrine, you dug your nails into the plush of your palms, awkwardness eating away at you. It felt like everyone’s eyes were burning holes on both your’s, and Atsumu’s backs—as if they all knew what happened between the two of you a couple of nights back; it also didn’t help how you could practically feel Atsumu’s not-so-subtle stares from the side.
Sighing, you spoke to him for the first time since that moment at the boat, “If you’re uncomfortable with me, I’m more than happy to do it alone.”
You didn’t dare look at him, even when he fully turned to face you. It was dangerous, one look into his gaze, and you’d be a sobbing mess.
“It’s not that. It’s just . .”
Atsumu’s sentence trailed off as he noticed you walking up to the shrine. He closed his lips and silently followed, heart weighing heavy with every unspoken word that plagued his mind.
The two of you did the customs as usual: ringing the bell, tossing a 5 yen coin into the wooden saisen-bako, bowing twice, and clapping twice before praying. You, and Atsumu stayed still for a moment, eyes closed, and palms glued together to wish for good luck in the new year ahead. Ending the prayer with another bow, the two of you joined Osamu, and Suna.
“I saw ‘em distributin’ amazake. Wanna go grab some?” The younger twin pointed a thumb over his shoulder. His brother, and Suna agreed rather quickly, their throats bobbing at the mention of the sweet treat.
Feigning a yawn, you spoke up, “I think I’ll head home now. I didn’t really get much sleep last night.” This earned a unison of disgruntled sounds from Suna, and Osamu whereas Atsumu wordlessly looked over your way.
It wasn’t like you were lying, you really didn’t get much sleep, especially after waiting for the clock to strike midnight but it wasn’t like lack of sleep bothered you, no, it was the growing feeling in your chest the longer you spent time in Atsumu’s presence.
Bidding your friends a good bye, you headed home, each step taken away from Atsumu somewhat eased the strain in your heart.
Never in a million years would your old self believe that the feeling of being away from Atsumu brought a sense of comfort, a tranquillity in your heart. Albeit, not easy—nothing ever was when you’re taming a yearning heart—there were days where the urge to bask in his presence were strong, and there were days where you felt fine without Atsumu around.
Safe to say, your year started with the much dreaded new year blues.
Ever since the new semester started, you’ve busied yourself with assignments, weekly quizzes, and whatever else that allowed you to make several excuses just to not see Atsumu—whether it be movie nights at the twins’ apartment, afternoon library sessions, or simply just coffee runs with the group, you had an excuse
Before you knew it, it had already been a little over two weeks since you’ve confessed—two weeks since you last saw Atsumu at the shrine. Two weeks, and your feelings never wavered for him, not even once, that was the stubbornness you were dealing with.
“Whatever, I’ll come by your place tonight, and drag you out if I have to.”
You groaned, “Suna.” He said your name with an equally serious tone, his dulcet voice spilling from the speakers of your phone.
“You’ve been holed up in your room since forever, and we haven’t seen you that much. I miss you, the twins miss you, and Kita misses you. It’s just a few hours to let loose.”
“Isn’t it a bit too early in the semester to party? Also, Kita’s coming?” You tried your best to ignore the fact that your heart stuttered at the mention of the twins missing you. Atsumu missed you? Before you could pick Suna’s words apart, he spoke into the line,
“It’s not a party, just a small gathering with some familiar faces. And, no, he isn’t. He needed to work on an assignment.”
“I do, as well!” “Bullshit. I’ll see you at eight.” With that, he ended the call.
And that’s how you ended up in the twins’ apartment, lazily sloshing the alcoholic contents of your plastic cup. You don’t recall the amount of drinks you’ve drank but it sure was enough to have your head spinning.
There were familiar faces here, and there—which you took time to greet every single one—and some foreign faces. You assumed most of the people here were Atsumu’s teammates from the university team with how close they were with the blonde.
In all honesty, you had absolutely no idea as to why the twins were even hosting this gathering, it was so out of the blue. Though, you did hear an orange-haired male loudly exclaim to Atsumu at how much of a genius he was for organising a gathering this early into the semester.
So, it was Atsumu’s idea all along.
“Y’know, you can just talk to him, right?”
Suna’s slurred voice unceremoniously pulled you out of your trance, shifting your attention over to him. “What do you mean?” You coughed, cheeks heating, trying to hide the fact that Suna just caught you shamelessly staring at Atsumu who conversed with the orange-haired male. He sat beside you, body far back into the couch, narrow eyes fighting the sleep that slowly overtook him.
You didn’t like how your mind instantly agreed with his sentence.
The brunette let out a humourless chuckle but didn’t elaborate further, instead, he pulled out his phone to mindlessly scroll on it. Narrowing your eyes at him for a brief moment, you shifted your gaze back to the blonde, he had a big smile on his face, a tinge of crimson across his cheeks.
God, even under the shitty lighting of their apartment, Miya Atsumu still looked handsome as ever.
You stared at him for a moment, heart hammering against your chest, limbs tingling at the sudden urge to walk up to him. Oh, this was a very dangerous game you were playing, especially with the alcohol in your system. Your mind yelled go, go, go but you knew better than to play with fire, right?
In a heartbeat, you were on your feet, taking slow strides over to Atsumu. The sober part of your mind screamed at you to turn around, and sit back down but the tipsy part of your mind was stubborn—you wondered if it took after your heart.
The sudden urge to talk to Atsumu was fuelled by nothing but liquid courage—all the worries in your mind were magically solved; the weight that pulled your heart down was gone, and suddenly, it didn’t seem like a bad idea to even talk to him.
Deep down, you knew you were playing a very dangerous game right now but you couldn’t care less. Not when your heart pulled you closer to him.
As you neared, Atsumu cut the conversation short with his friend, and stared at you with expectant eyes, brows sky high in surprise. He sucked in a breath as you looked up at him through your lashes, the corners of your lips subtly turned upwards. Heart pounding, he shifted his weight from one leg to another as he waited for you to speak first,
“‘Tsumu, can we talk?”
Atsumu’s knees almost gave out upon hearing his nickname roll off your tongue, an icy shiver running up his spine.
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n3ptoonz · 3 months
Love your work babe!
Figured I send some ideas over!
Asking johnny to fuck you from behind for the first time, like being nervous and asking him to bend you over and take you how he wants!
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puts on sunglasses and flashes smile thank you, thank you very much
'Suga Baby'
Pairing: SugarDaddy!Johnny Cage/F!Reader
Fandom: Mortal Kombat 1 (2023)
Warnings/tags: SMUT; Explicit, mirror sex, creampie/breeding kink, use of "princess" "baby girl" "good girl" "doll" and "baby", scent kink if you squint, prob my first time ever using the word 'pussy' in a fic, reader a lil shy, COCKY JOHNNY CAGE, doggy style/backshots, the only "she" used here is in reference to reader's vag LMAOO, dirty talk, sorry for any typos or unedited indicators
shoutout @igotcaged for the sugar daddy idea 😝 thought i'd double it 😼
Word count: 1.4k
what i was envisioning while writing 🫦:
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Finally, some down time with your favorite man ever: Johnny Cage. AKA your sugar daddy of 7 months now. Who would've thought your days as a waitress would be cut so short when one of your favorite actors dropped in after winning a few big awards? He did. It had been his mission ever since his divorce to make the hottest woman he could find his sugar baby. He fucking loved spoiling people, so why not include you?
Truth be told it was no bother that he would do what he wants for however long since you would still get a weekly allowance. Though...you did want to celebrate his latest self-directed film "Mortal Kombat", which by the way, smash hit, winning Movie of the Year with him. In the 7 months of living with him in his mansion, you two only ever got to be intimate like twice. He was always busy with production, meet and greets, script writing, and protecting Earthrealm. He barely had time to wink at himself and pose in the mirror!
So tonight he comes home, a little tipsy he'll admit, but aware enough since he's not drunk. He was about to start rambling about a myriad of things when he was stopped in his tracks by the beautiful sight of you leaning against the back of the couch in his Versace robe and the lingerie he bought you for your birthday--how convenient that it matched what he was wearing tonight at the awards. He could smell a bit of the perfume you liked to wear lingering around the living room mixing with the faint smell of his favorite cologne on the robe too.
It was...intoxicating.
"Somebody was eager for me to come home..." he teased, slowly walking up to you and wrapping his arms around you. "You never told me there was another after party."
You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. Bringing up one of your hands you pulled his face closer so you could look him in the eyes. "Well, that would've ruined the surprise now wouldn't it?" you replied. Next thing you know you could feel him pick you up and throw you over his shoulder, palm over your ass and all. His sudden determination had you giggling and smiling.
He moved with vigor and intent to his massive bedroom in hopes you also were just as eager to fuck him like he was with you. The way your breasts sat to the way your thighs made the fabric of the garters stretch just a tad brought all together with that perfume...you'd think he was a starving lion released from its cage (no pun intended).
Your back gently hit the cool satin linens of his king sized bed. The mixing temperatures of that with his hot kisses all over your jaw already had your vision fuzzy. You gasped and bit your lip so you wouldn't be so loud as he just got started, but him realizing that only gassed him up more.
"Johnny..." you softly whined in his ear. Your nails were subconsciously dragging against his prized biceps as the thought had crept into your head. You wanted back shots. Though the nervousness started to appear since again, you've only gotten intimate twice, and both times were nearly rushed in a semi public setting for the fun of risk--and one of those times was you giving him some bomb ass head.
This time you needed him to bend you over and do with you what he wanted to. Especially now that you two have all the time in the world.
Johnny lifted his head to see the slight plea in your eyes, wondering what's going on behind those eyes. He grabbed your waist and pulled you into his lap. "Don't be shy, princess, tell me what's on your mind." he said, dragging his surprisingly soft fingers gently up and down your torso and eventually gripping your ass--he's obsessed with how the fabric feels, especially with you wearing it.
His gaze from under you was making you even more nervous. You really didn't expect to be so close with him, let alone be sitting in his lap and telling him what you want. Besides money, of course.
"Do you think you could...fuck me from behind this time?" you said. You tried to mask most of your nerves by leaning down towards him, the bra part of your lingerie nearly giving out over his face, and grinding your hips down onto his growing if not full erection. "And no, the quickie at that party two weeks ago doesn't count. I want you to-"
"-'fuck you like I own you', was it? To bend you over in front of this mirror and watch your eyes roll back from how fuckin' hot you look taking all of me? Aw, you're so good for me, doll."
Johnny was no poser. For the most part, what you see is what you get. In this context, he has every right to channel this side of him. There you were on your hands and knees on the bed, barely being able to focus on how either of you look as he shamelessly watched your back arch so he could keep hitting that same angle that made you see stars.
You loudly moaned and bit your lip again. It was drawn out and matched his pace with every thrust that connected. He fell in love with the growing sound of your pussy getting louder with every pump. Your slick was running down your thighs the wetter you got and Johnny was just silently thanking the elder gods above only he got to see such a view. He was just getting turned on more by the second since he could also get a look at himself and you in the mirror.
"Shit, have I kept you waiting too long? I'm sorry, baby girl. I wish you would've told me she was begging for me." he said. The "she" in question being exactly what you thought it was. "Look at that...she was made for me." he continued. He gestured to the feeling of you clenching around him in response to his dirty talk. It really has felt like it's been too long, but he was surely making up for it.
"Harder...slower...please..." you groaned out. You so badly wanted to get the most out of this as much as you could. He let go of your hair and placed his hands on your hips, stilling his movements without pulling out. He leaned down next to your ear and said,
"Whatever you want, baby."
And from there, you could feel him in your stomach. He made sure to keep pulling back and pushing forward hit that spot he knew could get you to be more vocal. So far you were mostly just whines and soft moans of approval, but damn it he fucking loved how you sounded when you weren't able to contain yourself.
"I know, babe, I know it's big." he muttered, but loud enough for you to be able to make out his words. "But I know you can take it. Be a good- agh" he inhaled sharply in between sentences.  "-girl for me- ...yeah? Fuck..."
He silently cursed to himself as he could feel himself about to cum. You had such an effect on him already, but the tears and sweat making you shine had him ready to be a damn father. And honestly in this moment in time, he wouldn't even mind.
You buried your face into the mattress the closer you got to cumming. He could overhear you say you were about to even if your words were slurred and muffled. His grip around your hips got tighter as he picked up the pace again, begging you to let him cum inside. All you could get out was a loud muffled array of whines in agreement. You both needed this carnally, and he was in no opposition to it.
As he shot his thick warm seed against your walls, it didn't take long for it to start spilling out onto the back of your thighs. You came right after him and loudly moaned to your heart's content. Hands gripping the sheets and tears rolling freely down your face. It took him a bit before he stilled his moments because he couldn't stop getting turned on. Your muffled screams of pleasure were music to his ears.
He pulled out and watched it drip out of you and let me tell you, nobody has ever seen him grin wider in his life. You sat up as you tried to calmed down, watching yourself pant and tiredly smile in the mirror. He leaned down and kissed your neck a few times while wrapping his arms around your waist before muttering with a smirk,
"I hope it's a girl."
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oceantornadoo · 6 months
cleanse me (bsf!johnny mactavish x reader, fluff with groping)
it had been a rough mission. the kind where the team gets out by a hair, bleeding and scraped as they ran to exfil. the kind with a silent ride back to base, neither you nor johnny able to fill the air with a laugh or two. the kind where you think of what could have happened if things hadn’t fell into place at the last second, who you could be mourning now.
johnny’s your best friend, and maybe something more. late night cuddles, waist hugs and forehead kisses all feel like a little more. that night with the drunken marriage pact (you both were only tipsy, but you like to use alcohol as your reasoning for stupidity) that you both ignore to this day.
so when you see him in the communal showers, a man whose seen you naked in every way, you can’t help but seek comfort from your other half. you strip your clothes into a pile on the floor and walk over to where this scottish god stands under a shower head, letting the water wash off his sins.
he hears you come up from behind him and tenses a bit, still in fight mode from the mission. you take a hand and smooth out his tense back muscles, his body relaxing at the familiar feel of your calluses. his mohawk has grown out, almost breaking regulation standards, but you like the feel, sliding your hand from his neck to his longer strands. your nails scrape his scalp, every movement reminding you that you didn’t lose him, he’s still here. you reach your other hand around him, and he silently squirts shampoo into it.
you take your time massaging his hair, getting out the dried bomb residue and drops of blood. the water finally runs clean after a few minutes, and you finish him off with your own conditioner since you know he doesn’t own one.
you move on to body wash, massaging him up and down until he’s covered in suds, in soap. you take your time with his back, tracing scars and healed-over bullet wounds. you crouch and get the back of his legs, kneading tense muscles. he turns around and you choke back a whine, coming face to face with his hardened cock, but now isn’t the time. instead, you lather the front of his legs and slowly stand, giving his cock a couple pumps to make everything gets cleaned.
finally you clean his torso, playing with his light chest hair as you work in the last of the soap. his arms are so masculine, thick veins protruding as you work him down to the fingers. and now you’re done.
you make eye contact nervously, for the first time since this entire endeavor started. his blue eyes sear into you, a world of want and understanding found behind them. johnny grabs your chin and pulls you closer, forcing you into the cleansing stream of water. “leannan.” darling. love. you had looked it up before, his tender nickname for you, never really understanding the breadth of it until he looked at you like this. like you were his love.
“johnny.” he was cleaning you now, with the same care you gave him. the hands of a soldier, a bomb maker, an engineer, practiced in deft and slight movements. “ye take care of me so well.” you nodded, choking back some unknown emotion. he was cupping your pussy, muttering sweet nothings about treating her right and my wet little thing, things in his language you didn’t understand.
“how long do i have to wait to marry ye again?” he moved from your cunt to your breasts, memorizing their feel. storing it for later, in the darkness of his room, fist pumping his cock with rough strokes. “five-“ his hand gripped your throat, thumb stroking your jaw, distracting you for a second. “five years.” he hummed. “i’ll marry ye tomorrow if ye want, just say the word.” your mouth opened and closed, resembling a gaping fish. he laughed and gave you that cheeky grin, slowly returning to himself. because of you.
“cmon, let’s get some food in ye.”
best friend!johnny GETS ME
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oneforthemunny · 7 months
evieeeee i’m not sure if this has been asked before but i was just curious — how would the different eddies react to reader dropping the L bomb first, and who among them do you think would actually drop it first? ahhh sorry i’m just in a fluffy and silly mood <333
ooh ok let me think.
edited bc no fucking way i forgot rockstar!eddie
for the eddies who would say i love you first:
modern!eddie says it balls deep inside of you bc that's who he is. also very early on. just can't help it. he's sure he's found his soulmate after the first date and it just comes out when he's fucking you.
bouncer!eddie too. i feel like he'd be a little drunk, a little flirty, and you say something that makes him giggle and he's just like "i fuckin' love you" "what?" "nothing..." he didn't mean to say it really, not them anyways, but he can't help that he did.
mafia!eddie is definitely saying it first, though i feel his is in the heat of a fight or a tense moment. maybe something similar to the fight in the struggles we face. where you're mad he's always just missing stuff and doesn't tell you and you get scared. maybe a retaliation where you ignore him and it goes wrong. heat of the fight, he just blurts out, "i care where you're fucking at because i want to keep you safe. i love you and i want you to be safe."
hockey!eddie says it first. literally just nonchalantly one day is like "no i love you so much" and it's kinda shocking but also very on brand for him and very sweet.
i mentioned boxer!eddie is very possessive and so is reader, so i think he says it first but under circumstances similar to her accusing him of cheating. "why the fuck would i look at someone else? why am i lookin'? i'm not. i'm only looking at you. i only love you." because let's be real, she would never say it lol, so he has to first.
as for the reader who would say it first:
cowboy!eddie's sweet girl would say it first. a little tipsy, when they were more established and steady, but they both just hadn't said it. eddie didn't think he needed to, he just assumed you knew, and you were always a little scared to say it first. until he took you to the bar and you're just dopey and hugging all over him and it slips. he'd just grin, kiss the corner of your mouth, mutter a "love you too, baby." to your skin.
teacher!reader said it first with janitor!eddie because truly, he's so fucking scared to say it on his own. like shaking almost. and she can tell he really wants to. he'll start and then it's like his words are strangled completely. so eventually she's like fuck it, and says it to him.
older!eddie did not say it first, kinda for similar reasons as janitor!eddie, but he's also very uneasy about how to navigate a relationship period but especially one with someone younger. he doesn't want to scare you off, so he shows it more than says it. until one day you've just had it, and you say it. "you know i love you, right? like i really do love you, and i want this to be a thing for a long long time." and he's over the moon about it.
dom!eddie also does not say it for the first time, which is not all that surprising. i feel like it would be during a vulnerable moment, maybe after sex and you're just a little hazy. he's being extra sweet and it just slips. he'd just smile, not make a huge deal out of it, "yeah? love you too."
nepo baby!reader says it first to rockstar!eddie, which really is shocking. when they start getting closer, it just kinda comes out. is supposed to be backhanded and mean, but kinda falls short. "i mean, obviously i love you. i wouldn't be with someone like you if i didn't. do you know how this is going to fuck my reputation?" and eddie can't even get mad at the insult bc you just said you loved him?? him???
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angelsanarchy · 23 days
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Like A Pretty Boy: Gabe x Y/N Midi Series- PRT 4
Tagging: @icarus-star@kappasbbgirl@starry-eyed-wild-child@luzclarita57@bonesgirl11 @444rockstargf blondiezluvbrowniezpretty-girl-bloggfallin444niyaliquidsmoothdomme@rootin-tootin-pootinethical-cain-vinnell3viathan-sin666crowfullofwoe@8klil@spoilingthemilk @romanroyapoligist anakinskywalkerssgfzoloftsh4wtywomenloverlmaoberrymeringuepostselvira-aarseth @agornotsworld
Gabe had been giving Y/n space since their spat. He knows that Y/n isn't the type of guy who wants to be love bombed or pestered when he's upset so he sat in the other room to work while Y/n took over the living room.
He had just come out to make something for lunch when he saw Y/n on a Zoom call.
"The office is getting a much needed face lift anyway. We should be back in there next month." A voice on the computer said.
"Great because I'm actually starting to miss you bitches." They all laughed.
"We need to get together and do another Tipsy Tuesday! Come on! Y/n we know you're in!" Y/n chuckled shaking his head.
"We'll see. For some reason, working from home zaps my energy." Y/n rested his chin on his palm.
"Must be the shadow man sucking all the energy out of you." Gabe looked over at Y/n who cleared his throat.
"Don't start that shit again." Y/n said shaking his head.
"We know he's real, he's just...transparent." The group laughed.
"I'm suddenly not missing yall at all." Y/n said making them laugh harder. They all started praising him and telling him how much they loved him.
"Seriously Y/n, think about drinks. Maybe he'll want to come out and actually meet your friends." Someone with a soft tone said.
"Fat chance." Another snorted.
"I'll talk to you guys later." Y/n finally ended the call and Gabe brought a mug of coffee over to the table and sat down.
"Do I want to know what that was all about?" Gabe asks passing the cup towards Y/n.
"They're just being stupid, like always. It's nothing." Y/n took the cup and brought it to his lips. Gabe knew how to make his coffee perfectly.
"If you want to go out for drinks, you totally should. I'm sure spending all your time around here is draining, especially with me in your hair." Gabe pressed and Y/n sighed.
"You aren't in my hair Gabe. I'm just tired from working." Y/n explained.
"I'm not trying to start any sort of argument Y/n. I just know you're upset with me and I'm sure spending time with your friends would cheer you up." Gabe tried but Y/n turned his body towards him, grabbing his cellphone and showing him the screen.
His screensaver is a blurry photo of them kissing that you can't really see Gabe's face in.
"That's why they call you the shadow man." Y/n said firmly.
"Why haven't you shown them a picture of me? I mean this isn't the best but-"
"Because Gabe, I'm not trying to be the reason you end up tagged on Facebook by one of my friends and outing you to your family." Y/n explained with annoyance.
"I don't even have a Facebook, Y/n. Why are you getting so upset about this?" Gabe asked as Y/n started gathering up his stuff.
"The fact you even have to ask is kind of sad. I'm just..." Y/n started but took a deep breath.
"Look, I love you. I picked you, I want you to be my partner in this life but I can't help but feel like I'm not a solid choice for you. I know you can't say you love me and I know you aren't ready to be out to your family but we've been together so long it feels like I'm always going to be living in that shadow with you." Y/n said putting his hands on top of Gabe's.
"I'm sorry I make things so complicated. I promise you that I'm not trying to-" Y/n cut Gabe off.
"But you aren't trying to make it easier either. You don't do anything to try and fix what's going on in your head. I didn't just wake up confident in who I am. I lost people I loved along the way and people I thought were conditioned to love me no matter what but here I am. I have my own family that I created and I have you." Y/n touched his face.
"I just wish you knew you had support too." Y/n frowned before gathering his stuff and heading into the bedroom. Gabe sat on the couch annoyed with himself. He knew it had been far too long to have Y/n put up with his fears of being outed. He deserved far better than Gabe and his friends clearly knew it.
If he kept this up, he would lose him and he knew that he would deserve it.
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gleefullypolin · 7 days
Stacy's Tipsy Musings: Battle of the Stans Round 1 Colin
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I'm baaaaaackkkk!
I've been silent for a while but I'm drinking Malibu and Watermelon Redbull tonight and thinking about all the things that have been hitting my dashboard lately and making me go....URRRGHHHHH!!!
This time it's the battle of the STANS!!!! Yes you heard me, it's when one side of the ship screams louder than the other about a certain opinion. Well I wanted to tear those opinions up one by one and see what a Polin Stan thought about it.
Disclaimer: This is all in good fun, I'm not trying to start a real fight here! These are just personal opinions that I feel come from one side and should really be looked at from the middle more. Peace love and shipping!
Round 1: Penelope
Sooo without further ado...Round 1...Its time to move to Colin Stans.
Colin Stans Round 1:
Consent or Deceit?
I feel like I keep reading this everywhere, “Colin wasn’t the one lying therefore it was Pen’s responsibility to stop Colin in the carriage or at their home from becoming intimate and therefore the responsibility lies entirely with Penelope that they went that far, and Colin holds no responsibility in the entrapment of the marriage since her secret came out AFTER they were engaged, and it was announced.”
And woah Nelly isn’t that a big smelly one. So, let’s talk entrapment.
I wanted to remove this word from my vocabulary after S3 aired. I never wanted to see it again after reading it in so many fics after the season aired. But what did it mean...and who is responsible for it?
Entrapment is the act of causing someone to do something they would not usually do by tricking them.
Ok so the argument is that because Pen was lying, only she could have entrapped Colin. Let’s break it down.
Colin ran in and interrupted her dance with Debling, the man she thought was about to propose to her, the ONLY man she thought would EVER marry. This man was the ONLY way out of her home and the life she was currently stuck in.
Dance interrupted; proposal nixed.
Pen runs out, thinking her life is now ruined, she is now still stuck in her life with her mother.
Colin busts into her carriage and basically says “Hey I have feelings for you.” And then the dream of her life comes true, and they are in the middle of snogging in a carriage. Let me tell you, our girl is not thinking...I am Lady Whistledown. She is thinking holy fuck, I’m kissing Colin Bridgerton. Shock #1
After our life altering make out, Colin proposes to her. Ok so, she wakes up from this dream of basically getting finger bombed by the man she’s always wanted, who says I’m not just trying to make out with you, I want to actually marry you. Shock # 2 for the night.
Now yes, she could have stopped him there and announced to him that she’s the person he hates most right now, but she did not. Let’s give her another beat to breathe.
The VERY NEXT DAY, Colin goes to her mother and says sit the fuck down woman I LOVE YOUR DAUGHTER! Shock #3
He then takes her to their new home and tells her he loves her .
He then starts undressing her, tells her she’s beautiful, and basically shows her what real desire is. SHOCK #4 in the span of like 48 hours.
So, no she is not thinking about Whistledown until the deed is done and her high is wearing off. She’s shell shocked and dicked down. And now what? She tells him and she’s completely ruined?
Yes, she consented to all of his intimacy, but did she PLAN to trap him in any of that. The girl saw none of it coming in 48 hours. Did she trick him into doing something he would not usually do? NO. Colin went willingly. So, there was NO entrapment on her part.
Should she have told him after all of that settled down, yes but again I ask you to tell me would you have done it at the engagement party. No. I will admit she had time the day after that, yes. Did she, no. That was on Pen. And yes, that was a mistake on her part.
But Colin did take that girl and shock her 4 times in 48 hours and ruin her in the eyes of the ton so whether his stans want to take any responsibility for that on his part or not, Colin did. And he would have married her regardless, because he loved her. But let’s be honest, Pen wasn’t tricked either into doing something she wouldn’t have done willingly either. She would have followed him into his house without a marriage proposal after that carriage ride if it meant getting more of that boy’s anything! She was down for it.
Polin Fan Knockout Punch: Win lose or draw,Colin said something when he was angry that he didn’t mean. No one was trapped, they got married because they loved each other. Now can we stop using that fucking word?
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cauldron-of-oddities · 9 months
It's about two hours to midnight for me. Enjoy the silliness inspired by my yuletide tipsiness.
Apples are lovely.
Had he known what the evening had in store for him, he might not have come. But well, Jinx’s pretty pleading eyes and the promise of fancy snacks had convinced him. And ok, possibly the promise of causing some (minor) mayhem at a Pilty party was too good to pass up.
So here they were, at a house so posh it made him want to gag. Before he could ask how she got an invite to a place like this, Jinx was talking. “Sickening, isn't it? And you know what's the worst?
“It's built on cursed ground?” He jokes.
“No. This, this is Vi's girlfriend's place and it's her party”
Damn, she was glad she brought Ekko along, her grounding force when dealing with her sister, her best friend, her partner in crime for pranks, her ‘I would really like you to be kinda more than a friend’ friend but well, he's never shown any interest like that. Also, who would be interested in such a scrawny chaotic person? But she has different fish to fry tonight. Those fish? To annoy her sister, scandalise her sister's girlfriend, and find the perfect place for a glitter bomb.
Jinx gears up to ring the bell when the door slams open with a force that could only herald Vi. “Pow! You made it and Ekko, too! Awesome! Come on. Get in!”
Looking at all the luxury within Ekko had to control the impulse to take or break something. Or maybe that was a response to the grimace Jinx had on her face to Vi using Jinx's old nickname. Either way, self-control was the name of the game, and he worried for Jinx. Grabbing Jinx's hand and rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand and wrist, he could feel some of the tension leave her. The little action did not go unnoticed by Vi, who only raised her eyebrow. But before she could make any remarks, a voice sounded from behind her.
“Ah, hello there” from a rather tall woman in a dress that was definitely made to flatter and in all likelihood cost more than he'd earn in a week, startled him out of his thoughts.
After a more than awkward introduction to Caitlyn, aka the ‘cupcake’ - he could see why She was sweet, almost too sweet. - and being led to a spacious living room, he had to conclude the party was not too bad, the pleasant hum of different people chatting (even if it was a bit stiff, should he take a page out of Jinx's book and spike some punch? There was probably a good bottle of strong booze in this house. The food was good (even if the canapes were a tad pretentious), and the person he'd found to talk to was interesting. Viktor, also from Zaun and could actually follow Ekko when he started about his inventions.
Jinx, in the meantime, had, with all the grace of a lazy cat, flopped down onto an ostentatious looking couch that was decidedly not comfy. All looks and design and no plush. Bad couch. Ekko had left her with her sister to go socialise himself and enjoy all the food by the looks of it. So here she was feeling all sorts of awkward and frustrated, only made worse by Caitlyn joining Vi on the other couch and being particularly lovey dovey with each other. So, her sister was smitten with wealthy, tall, dark, and busty. The cupcake must have a whole hoard of admirers, and she steals her sister.
Her expression must have been something because Vi looked up and asked her what she was glaring about.
“You. You sold your soul for fancy clothes, canapes, and a pair of cantaloupes!” As Jinx said it, she couldn't stop herself, glancing down rather forlornly at her own chest. “What? You jealous? Vi asked with a laugh.
Jinx grumbles under her breath and turns to look at Ekko on the other side of the room in his own conversation. Hoping that he'd look up and come save her from her rather awkward predicament.
Sniggering Vi can't stop herself when she follows her sister's stare. “Heh, apples are good too, just ask Little man”
Jinx thinks to herself that blushes should not be allowed to go that deep. As she feels herself flush from cheeks down to her stomach where the already jittery butterflies up their dance to another level. “What do you mean?”
“People have different tastes?” Vi suggests with another laugh. “Here, let's ask him”
“What!? No!” Oh, let the world swallow her whole. This was not happening.
“Hey! Little man!” Vi called out as she put Jinx in a headlock when Jinx tried to pounce on her and muffled another rather panicked “No!” Ekko looked up from his conversation “Yeah?”
“Come settle something for us.” Vi said. Seeing Jinx and Vi wrestling made both nostalgia and suspicion rise in him, why oh why did this feel like some sort of trap? “You prefer apples or melons?” The question seemed innocent enough but well to be safe: “Why are we debating fruit?”
“Humour me. Little man.” Vi's tone leaves no room for further explanation. “Ok, ok. Apples. They fit into your hand better, and less messy peeling is involved.”
It couldn’t have been a better answer Vi thought as she doubled over and started howling with laughter and Caitlyn joined in by sniggering politely behind her hand though the snort that escaped cracked some of the prim and proper princess look. Jinx, however, looked utterly mortified.
Jinx was sure she's completely crimson by now. A jumbled mess of feeling bubbled up violently in her, and all she wanted was to run away from the embarrassment. Everything becoming just a bit too much. She throws a pillow at Vi and then one at Ekko for good measure (does he even realise what he said!?) and runs out of the room.
With complete confusion, now holding the pillow flung at his face, Ekko turns toward Vi for some sort of clarification. “What…? Um, we were talking about fruit, right? Right?” an odd sort dread settled in his stomach.
“Yeah, we were talking about fruit and different tastes, Ekko. Don't worry.” Vi managed to get out between the laughter.
Don't worry. Vi had said, but with how Jinx stormed off, he was worried though, had he made her lose the debate? Was said debate even about fruit? And that there might be a glitter bomb going off way too early. Seeing Jinx upset never sat well with him. He liked her happy and smiling (preferably at him). Wondering in which direction she went and if he should follow her, Caitlyn got up. “I'll have a quick look for her. It is my house, I know the best hiding spots.”
This house was a winding maze, but Jinx did have to admit all the different rooms made for easy hiding. Eventually, Jinx found herself in one of the bathrooms. One hidden away, a good hallway removed from the living room where the party was. Oh, hell. She'd wanted a rise out of her sister, for her to feel some of her frustration at her leaving and leaving for a Pilty no less! Instead, she got hit over the head with her insecurities, and Vi yet again teased her about Ekko. Was she that evident? Why hadn't Ekko picked up on it after all these years? Was she just not attractive enough?
Mumbling to herself and looking in the mirror
Jinx splashed some cold water onto her burning cheeks, only for her thoughts to stray. To what Ekko said. How with one remark all sorts of terrible ideas start running through her head. Oh, she wouldn't mind his hands on her apples so to speak, wouldn't mind kissing and teasing him for such a remark either… shaking herself from her daydream she takes stock of her rather casual crop top, just a t-shirt model. She hadn't wanted to put any effort into getting dressed to go to a party she didn't want to. She sort of regrets it now.
A soft laugh sounds from behind her. In the mirror, she sees Caitlyn holding a rather pretty crop top. V- neck halter, black and covered in sequins. And damn it, it's just her sort of thing. “You know, if, by what Vi says is true and his reaction after you ran off, your friend is rather smitten with you regardless.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Looking for you, with a peace offering so to speak. Look I like your sister a lot, so give me a chance?” Holding up the top.
“And why would I fit into anything of yours?”
“Because it is not mine, it is for you. Your sister is terrible at shopping but surprisingly good at picking things others would like. Anyway she saw it in a store I was shopping at, said this would be your thing, panicked at the price and considering your birthdays round the corner I got it. Or rather, to put it bluntly, I am not above a bit of bribery for the sake of peace.”
Eyeing the top with suspicion and interest she makes a grab for it and before Caitlyn can blink she's swapped tops and is tying the new top back.
“You know what cupcake, you get points for blatant bribery”
Jinx won't say thank you to the damn princess, but her boobs look the bomb in this top, still small, but it made the curves she did have appear just that bit more alluring. Jinx giggled to herself. If, what miss not so proper after all said was true then… could she get that opening? It was embarrassing, but at the same time, she'd also been handed prime teasing material.
Caitlyn doesn't need vocal thanks. She can wait it out. Besides the preening in the mirror and the little mumble about Ekko were telling enough.
“Stop worrying, Caitlyn has a way with people”
“Yeah, but I feel like I said something wrong, but she likes apples, so why?”
“Here, have some pie, different question: you and my sister”
Ekko almost chokes on the bite he takes and Vi hits him a few times on his back.
He looks up at her like a deer in headlights.
“We're best friends, she wouldn't see me that way.”
“So you're interested?”
“Uh.” Ekko searched his brain for a way to get out of this conversation.
“Because I think she is too, and with me being away, it would actually put my mind at ease a bit.”
She sounded sincere, and he'd be lying to himself if he denied the bubble of hope rising in him. Taking another bite of the pie, apples with a bit of bite and spice, he wondered what would have set Jinx off. Apples are palm sized and easy to peel, so what was it about that? The thought trails off when Jinx comes back in, Caitlyn behind her. Her previously plain, if cute top had been replaced with an upgraded and definitely more festive version, and he felt part of his rational mind abandon him as his eyes trailed the deep neckline.
“Cupcake, your back, I missed you.”
“I was gone all of fifteen minutes, maximum Vi. Are you sure you missed me?”
“Of course I did and your lovely melons” As Vi cheekily nuzzled Caitlyn's chest”
“... really? Come on, behave.”
Ekko, still a little star stuck, only catches half the conversation, but it's enough for the penny to drop, a whole bag of them even. Melons as breasts… apples or melons, melons, or apples. Perfectly palm sized. Palm sized apples, Vi's question, apples…, Jinx a lovely colour of crimson, apples… Jinx in a lovely top that would probably peel right off…he'd said apples. Oh hell, that wicked pretty grin he loved was back on her face as she took a bite out of an apple that had appeared out of nowhere. He was sure he would never be able to look at the fruit or her the same way again. His fingers twitched. Was he terrible thinking he'd really like to touch?
To add to his internal crisis, Jinx’s following words were devastating in the way that he was fairly sure his sanity had exited the building.
“Want a bite?” She leaned forward, holding out the apple for him. As she did, he swore it was on purpose, and he did his best to keep his eyes on her face. Also, a mistake as now all her smile seemed to tell him was to lean forward too. What happened next may as well be worse.
“What if I said I wanted it peeled?” Dread dropped on him like a stone. He did not just say that. He had, though, hadn't he? Umm, fuck, seemed it was his turn to run away.
Feeling the heat in his cheeks, he stumbled over the edge of one of the couches and, with some sort of trip, turned towards the nearest exit, the balcony. He entirely missed the satisfied smile that crossed her face only to immediately fall when he ran. Outside as the cool air hit him, a sigh of relief escaped him, crossing his arms on the balustrade and letting his forehead fall onto them he barated himself for letting that slip out. Damn, what if this made their friendship weird?
He heard the click of a door, and he peaked over his shoulder. Leaning against the balcony door, Jinx stood with her arms wrapped around her, and her shoulders hunched. A deep crease on her forehead. Seeing her look so dejected made him want to reach out.
“Did I read you wrong? I’m sorry I'll go. I know I'm just your friend, I know I'm not pretty girlfriend material.”
Not pretty, not girlfriend? No, that would not fly. “Fuck! You are beautiful! I thought you weren't interested.” It burst out of him before he could stop himself. She startled at his exclamation. But she was looking at him now.
Sod his dignity, right now there was someone more important and unless he was terribly terribly wrong, a blatant invitation. Heart beating rapidly in his throat, he dove in, consequences be damned.
“And for your information, I stick to my apple preference. They're absolutely lovely, and so is the person with them, even if she gives me whiplash sometimes.” He said with a wry smile.
The look of dismay gave way to a shy grin. “Yeah?” She stepped closer to him.
Really, he couldn't be blamed for what he did next, certainly not with her mirroring his action of leaning into one another. His hand reached for hers and pulled her to him that final inch.
A warm hand on hers, her butterflies fluttering up to her head and then, soft full lips against her chapped ones, just a quick caress against her, over way too soon. Looking up at half lidded eyes, clouded with something like disbelief, she reached up and laced her fingers through his dreads. A shared look sparking between them, and they came back together again, this time with more confidence. Her mind pleasantly blank, just the sensation of the soft pressure of him against her mouth. It made her lips part in response. It was all the invitation he needed to deepen the kiss. His hands moved to circle round her waist and tealingly trace the bare skin there. A quiet gasp escaped her as one hand crept up to run along the curve of her breast, and his tongue brushed against hers. A high-pitched sound escaped her.
He pulled away. “You ok?”
“Hmmm” She looked dazed as she looked up at him and nuzzled her nose against his.
Giggling, she smoothes her fingers over his cheeks and back to his hair, tugging him back down, her breath still slightly irregular.
Shy was making way for confidence and mischief and he rather liked that. Falling into another kiss.
“So does this mean I get to call you boyfriend?”
“Does this mean I get to call you girlfriend?”
She hit him on the chest for that.
“Yes.” Joy jumping from the word.
“Vi's going to tease us to hell and back, isn't she?.”
“Let her. Sister dearest is probably too busy canoodling with the melon flavoured cupcake anyway.”
“So, what now? Go back in and pillage some more snacks?”
“Or, You could kiss me again.”
He did not need to be told twice. Angling down his lips to hers and rather cheekily sneaking his hand up to the curve of her breast again, he revelled in the soft noises that escaped her. Fuck the fancy canapes his mouth and he had other business tonight Ekko decided right then.
That was until she suddenly pulled away with a dead serious expression, her lips tingling “Ok. So do we give the cupcake and my double crossing sister a pass for the top? Or do we still plant the glitter bomb?”
Between the wicked grin, the distracting cleavage, kiss reddened lips, he decided he'd do whatever the hell she wanted. Causing a bit of mayhem with his girl sounded like a blast.
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tokyokookmin · 2 years
LOL HI ANON! Your wish is my command! I love it when my anons ask me for such kinds of posts. Gazes that speak a thousand words,
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Jimin was absolutely flustered during this episode. That's also because of the members razzing him about his birth flower. But JUNGKOOK? He was just there to reassure jimin. It was super sweet of him to rub jimin's back 😂. They were so damn warm and domestic that day, man :(
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Only god knows what happened to them both lol. The looks Jungkook was giving to Jimin were full of admiration and love. They were so comfortable that day and let us not forget the "I love you" moment.
3. BTS 191227 KBS EVENT
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First, we got this JIKOOK HARMONIZING while looking so fondly at each other. This moment got all of the idols smiling <3
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Then we got these looks during the HOME performance. Oh man, they're too much for my soul haha😂.
4. BTS GMA 190515
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Jikook being themselves, the gazes and physical touches say everything!
5. MMA 2019
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They were so touchy! Look at those big smiles and looks for each other.
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Totally irrelevant but JUST LOOK AT THEIR BEAUTY!
6. 190615 BTS 5TH MUSTER
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It was a muster event but jikook stole the show with their gazes.
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This vlive was so damn fun. I loved JIkook's interaction. Let's not forget Jimin was quite tipsy that day, so Jk was taking care of him the whole time. That was just really cute!
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Again, another irrelevant gif but I really wanted to incorporate this moment in the post. Jimin was so in love here. It's making my heart melt :(
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JK just needed a reason to touch jimin lol. But that gaze and that goddamn fond smile for jimin!????!?!?!
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This underrated moment where JK was smiling so fondly towards Jimin :( Melts my heart each time :(
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whatever that was happening there lol
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11. SEOUL FINAL 2019
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"ThiS MoMeNT iS sOO oVeRAtTeD" No. It's not. It's the most precious moment jikook had on stage. My love for serendipity will never fade. So will jikook's love for that song.
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The closeness, the jacket grabbing, all of those heart eyes. Melts me each time. I could never post a moment ask without including jikook's serendipity moment <3
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A cute moment where jungkook wraps his arms around jimin. As a result, Jiminie gets flustered😂 . I loved the way jungkook looked at him. Just intimacy. Let's also not forget about the matching rings!
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Well, there goes my image limit. I hope you enjoyed this little segment of jikook moments. Subtle moments that say a lot about their relationship. I could only make it to 12 moments. I plan to do more of this!
Drop me your recommendations in the asks box to give me more moment content ideas.
Here's another post that I made about jikook gazes- jikook gazes-jkk
I tried to answer your post just now. But my drafts are not saving whatever I wrote. I was trying to edit it but failed. I copied your ask and resent another one. This is so complicated, ARRGHH!! This post took quite a while to fix. Hope you enjoy it! - before I posted this ask, I noticed the same thing happening to previous asks as well so bear with me guys 😂
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asknarashikari · 3 months
Ian: Io-chan... *tipsy* Tell me his secret on how to get to someone's heart. *burps*
Iori: Well... he doesn't do red carpets anymore... that is all behind him before he met Yuuji Kiba. He's a bit sauve but mostly honest about himself. "This is who I am." Kind of mentality. No fancy schmancy dinners or dates. Just regular affordable outings. He may have everything and all, but he still wants to be truthful.
Utchy: *drinks properly* What does red carpet mean??
Yayoi: It's a slang, meaning doing the extravagant or going the extra mile just to impress someone on a date. Plus, love bombing might be involved.
Souji: Ian did that to me, and I hated it. But now he knows.
Ian: *hiccups then burps loudly* What's your favorite thing about your space god husband, Dopple-king?
Iori: Practically almost everything about him, but I do not like him using his kids just for a pun gag. That includes me and the rest of his malewives. Yeah.
Nossan: You gotta say the Son Block was funny.
The rest of Kyoryuger except for Candelilla and Luckyuro: *groans in pain*
Souji: *facepalms*
Candelilla: What's the best thing you two ever did, Io-chan?
Iori: I was wearing my Yutaka at his tropical beach house and like... *horny moans and shivers* *ahem* Sorry. We started slow and then went into town like to horny wild animals! Like, oh my god! It was the best night I ever had. *ahem ahem* Sorry for that horny outburst. I'm sorry. Here's the money to pay for everything. HONEY! I NEED YOU, NOW! *leaves immediately via portal*
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Ian: *unphased by it* Umm, hmm, sounds about right. Good thing King and Amy have their own booth.
Amy: We're in the booth right next to your corner booth, idiots.
Nossan: That's a fat stack of cash. Oh well... at least we can pay.
King: *a little too drunk to remember hearing all of that*
Me: Good thing to know I sent him to my house. I'll be serving you guys hangover soup tomorrow. Go to your beach housing lodges to rest for the night, okay.
Ian: He's definitely gonna go boomboom on Io-chan this night.
Me: Go to your lodges. And Ian... Yeah. I might just do that.
To quote a fanfic I've read about ten times:
I look 👁️_👁️ but I do not see ➖_➖
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bright-and-burning · 6 months
hi hello 👋 thoughts on batman? (I just put on the Lego batman movie and am about to pour another drink)
omg i love the lego batman movie sm !!!! watching that tipsy would fix me
he is for sure not my fave dc (dc here very general not like specific movies verse specific comics etc) guy (i say like i have like vast experience w this. i’ve just watched some of the older movies and then read quite a bit of fic. and a little bit of comics) but he is quite key to my fave guys (i really like all the robins!!!)
in terms of specific batmans in film… (CAVEAT: the most recent time i watched any of these was fall 2022 and most of these faaaar longer ago) i had batman (1966) on dvd as a kid, that one w the like . united nations officials’ heads exploding into colorful powder and the massive cartoonish bomb? and that’s very dear to me even tho me and my siblings made fun of it every time we watched
the nolan batman movies i actually didn’t see until i was in college lol. my one ex LOVED them. i don’t have like terribly strong opinions on them except that i love basically the entire cast. i read a really interesting essay abt like, the surveillance state and terror and the politics of that trilogy and that was really fascinating honestly. kind of shifted how i looked at them. like these for being nolan movies rather than for being batman movies if that makes sense; the appeal isn’t so much batman as a character as it is nolan as a director and his choices
the 80s batman and the affleck batman i have not touched so i don’t have any opinions there
LEGO BATMAN!!!!!! so so so good dude now i’m gonna have to rewatch. just like wonderfully whimsical and the way it doesn’t take itself terribly seriously i feel like frees the movie up to really get batman lol
i LOVED the batman for so many reasons. jeffrey wright <333 but i really felt like it captured batman as a character So Well while also being visually GORGEOUS. also when i watched it i shit you not an actual bat got into the room while we were watching in the dark at a really tense moment and it was terrifying. let me try to find a picture that doesn’t have anyone’s face in it…
ok here are some of our attempts at capturing it. it was eventually stunned via guitar case and caught under a family sized cereal box before being deposited in the front yard
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I think a lot of people would understand me better if they knew my family.
Tonight we would out to a fondue place for my little brother’s bday. We’re both in college, but I’m almost past college age now, for reference. My little sister is an older teenager. 
So we get there and immediately my parents order wine. We’re having a few different conversations at once. My sister is showing me deep fried memes on pinterest, My brother is explaining some indie film to me. My parents are chatting. But every five minutes, my mom announces “LET’S TAKE A VOTE” and then asks us the most generic question ever like “what’s your favorite dessert” or “favorite color?” My siblings and I played along for the first half hour of the meal, but that got old fast. 
At some point, my brother and sister, who are sitting on either side of me, starting fighting over a piece of baby carrot that was in front of me, and they were practically sword fighting with the little fondue forks. 
There was an argument because my parents suggested we drive around and look at Christmas lights, but it’s starting to rain and temps are dropping below zero so it was a terrible idea. At this point, my mom is thoroughly tipsy and nearly fell off the curb outside the restaurant on the way out. 
You know that meme where people ask their partners, “Would you still love me if I was a worm?” If that question was a grenade, what my mom asked was a fucking atom bomb.
“When I get old and I’m in assisted living, you’re going to come take care of me every day, right?”
My sister has noise cancelling headphones in, so she’s totally out of this. My brother and I tried to give reasonable answers, but my mom just got perpetually more upset. She said if we live in another state, we have to move and be there with her all day, every day because she would do the same for us. It was distressing to say the least. 
So my brother and I compare the question to “would you still love me if I was a worm” and then my mom loses all sense.
“Everything I say is wrong, all you do is make fun of me, etc etc etc...”
All the while my dad is driving and hurtling us down the highway at 85mph. 
Needless to say everyone dispersed to their rooms when we got home.
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cksmart-world · 1 year
The Completely Unnecessary News Analysis
by Christopher Smart
March 28, 2023
The Supreme Court just couldn't seem to suss it out. VIP Products came up with a dog chew toy parody called Bad Spaniels shaped like a bottle of Jack Daniel's Old No. 7 Tennessee Whiskey. The chew toy is labeled, “Old No. 2 on your Tennessee carpet.” And while Jack is 40 proof, Bad Spaniels claims it's 43% POO BY VOL. The whiskey company was not amused and sued, claiming trademark infringement. It's attorney argued that, "Jack Daniel's loves dogs and appreciates a good joke... But doesn't want its customers associating its fine whiskey with dog poop.” The justices seemed befuddled. A chew toy as a parody of a whiskey bottle? “I just don't get it,” said Justice Elena Kagan. Nor was Kagan buying the argument from VIP's attorney that the chew toy had First Amendment protection. “This is not a political T-shirt. It’s not a film. It’s not an artistic photograph,” Kagan said. “It's a dog toy.” Is Jack just shit or legendary whiskey? Do chew toys have First Amendment rights or could tipsy drinkers bight into them after one too many. While senators grilled Supreme Court nominees Neil M. Gorsuch, Bret Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett on Roe v. Wade, no one thought to ask about parody versus the First Amendment. Our future could rest on their ruling — shooters anyone?
So-called great works of art are OK as long as they aren't, you-know, lewd and suggestive. We don't want our kids asking a bunch of embarrassing questions, like, daddy, what's that. And we don't want some woke so-called “educators” taking on parental duties — they could even screw up the birds and bees. Sure, you can see a bit of Mona Lisa's cleavage, but that can always be touched up with a Sharpie. And look at the “Girl With the Golden Earring” — true, she's got suggestive ears, but you can't even see her front. So we have to give a big God-bless-you to the Tallahassee Classical School Board for firing that principal who during a so-called Renaissance art lesson showed a nude depiction of Michelangelo's David with his junk hanging out and everything. So what if it's famous; for us, it's nothing but pornography. Those Tallahassee parents had every right to go totally bonkers. David for chrissakes. Those so-called “educators” want to “educate” our kids — but we know that's code for wokeness indoctrination. Is it any wonder we want to take over schools so our kids don't learn about stuff like racism and sexual orientation or how Eve ate the apple of knowledge. It could get them to asking more difficult questions. “Daddy, what's the apple of knowledge.” Oh Lord, help us.
Tragedy: movie star and an old geezer collide on a ski slope. Gweneth Paltrow, the Oscar-winner for “Shakespeare In Love,” testified in Utah's 3rd District Court that in 2016 someone's skis appeared between hers coming from behind. Oh my gawd, she thought, I'm being sexually assaulted at Deer Valley in my new designer ski pants. To scream or not to scream, that is the question. “[Y]ou skied into my F-ing back,” she bellowed at Terry Sanderson. The drama unfolded at the Park City trial where Sanderson, 76, is seeking $300,000 in damages, claiming that Paltrow skied into him causing brain damage and broken ribs. Twas not nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune than to take arms against the rich bitch. For the production's costume Paltrow wore a $600 cardigan, gold necklace chains worth $65,000, a $595 turtle neck and $1,200 boots. “I doubt not then but innocence shall make false accusations blush and tyranny tremble at patience,” she testified. But Sanderson's attorney wasn't buying it. “False face must hide what the false heart doth know.” And so it goes — can justice prevail after six long years. It echoes Shakespeare: “Things without all remedy should be without regard: what's done is done.” Twas ever thus — for little people anyway.
Post script — Well Wilson, rehab isn't nearly as fun as it's cracked up to be — but here we are. Folks may not know that the staff here at Smart Bomb has been in rehab for a time getting it together. And boy howdy does the world look a lot different from this vantage. People outside are rushing around, going crazy. Everything is a big deal and everyone has anxiety headaches. They've got deadlines and quotas and itchy bosses who have to make their numbers for idiots on high who live in pink and blue bubbles. There's snow and commuter traffic and the kid doesn't know what sex to be. It's little wonder they don't pay much mind to the apocalypse. And should they look up, they're bombarded with pressing news: Ukraine, China, Russia, taxes, Fox News, the Orange Monster. Maybe the end of the world doesn't seem so bad after all. You're right Wilson, they should change their lifestyle. Move to San Diego and sell $10 sunglasses on the beach. Steal away to Tahiti and paint topless women like Gauguin. Find a little ski town and become a barista or bartender. The money's not great but the extra-curricular sex ain't' bad — and you don't have to pay taxes on it. How do you spell S-U-C-C-E-S-S.
No Wilson, we aren't in that kind of rehab. We're in a place where not-so-young people go to get their legs and backs fixed while wondering how long they can keep up a youthful charade. It's challenging but nothing compared to a job with a sociopathic boss. Want to get away? Give the band some Narcon, Wilson, and take us on outa here:
Everybody's talkin' at me I don't hear a word they're sayin' Only the echoes of my mind People stoppin', starin' I can't see their faces Only the shadows of their eyes I'm going where the sun keeps shinin' Through the pourin' rain Going where the weather suits my clothes Bankin' off of the northeast winds Sailin' on a summer breeze And skippin' over the ocean like a stone
Wah, wah-wah-wah-wah Wah-wah-wah-wah, wah-wah-wah Wah I'm going where the sun keeps shinin' Through the pourin' rain Going where the weather suits my clothes Bankin' off of the northeast winds Sailin' on a summer breeze And skippin' over the ocean like a stone Everybody's talkin' at me Can't hear a word they're sayin' Only the echoes of my mind
(Everybody’s Talkin’ — Harry Nilsson)
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