#(ANYWAYS this is why i need a pick-me-up and it is Khan. Love him. And his ridiculous full beautiful lips)
respondedinkind · 7 months
|| Khan has absolutely NO RIGHT to possess that ridiculously V-shaped cupid's bow.
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the-trinket-witch · 5 months
Yandere!OC Headcanons (TWST Edition)
So I may be not finding it in my orbit, but for a thought exercise I wanted to explore the toxic sides of my OCs. Thought it would be an interesting character exploration. So I figured I’d try to write headcanons for if any of my OCs went off the Yandere Deep End. (NOTE: I shouldn’t have to but apparently need to preface that writing this is not me condoning said behavior or idealizing it. If you recognize patterns like this in people in your real life, I cannot advise one way or another what you do with that information.) (divider by @/saradika)
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Eugenio Hernandez (Yuu):
To preface, Yuu is Ace, but not Aro. Most likely they would be the Toxic bud ya keep around cause their life sounds awful. Nobody wants to be somebody’s 13th reason; you don't wanna add to the pile of 'shit going wrong in their life'/'be another one of those people that leaves'. But when they blow their top, it’s explosive. But even then, they’d still have a ways to go before ever attempting to lay a hand on you. No, they’d rather rant and rave and exhaust themselves with how shit of a hand the world has dealt them. Once they’ve let off steam, they’re all mumbled apologies and cooking dinner to make up for it.
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Tidus Rhin:
His yandere extreme would turn him into The Love-B52. His size would be enough to intimidate any into not leaving his smothering, even if he never gives any indication he'd act with it. He'd prefer acting like a kicked puppy at the prospect of you needing space. Don’t you see, though? He’s utterly fascinated with you, adores you, it’s almost fetishistic. The more you pull away, the more he’s going to try lavishing you in any ways he can think of. If that doesn’t dissuade you, maybe if you just take this potion to come under the sea with him and meet his family…Just check first if the potion is permanent or temporary.
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Lázaro Muertinez:
This man loves to talk. He loves to serenade you and talk you up just as you do for his music career. But you’d need to be able to pick up and leave at a moment’s notice-fame is something to chase and it doesn’t wait. What are your reservations against coming with him? It doesn’t matter, he’ll find a way around it, for you of course. If you stick to your guns, though, Laz is the yandere that knows how to orchestrate an oh so convenient health scare. If that doesn't dissuade from leaving his side, then comes the silent treatment. He'll completely drop off the planet. No posts on social media, not returning calls, nothing. For a second the idea he might have done something drastic is exactly what he'd be counting on.
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Aadesh Sona: 
This snake’s AroAce, but he isn’t above doing most anything to advance his goals. Gaslight, gatekeep, ghost-mode. He’s a psych major, so he knows how to twist his words and drop tidbits of info to confuse and trap you. He’s not being manipulative, you are for daring to get away. But he’ll be able to see the writing on the wall. He’ll back off. Prey is more difficult to catch when it struggles, anyway. And like an actual python, he will have everything poised for when you are in the prime position to strike. What will he do when he gets you back? Well, you and he will just have to sleep on it.
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Rajesh Khan: 
As far as yanderes go, He’s the only TWST OC of mine who isn’t above using physical means of keeping a potential partner in line. It’s only reserved, though, for when money can’t buy your happiness and obedience. It’s with that same money that makes him nigh untouchable in court, should you try bringing his aggression to light. It’s both money, and the friends in equally high places that make escape from the tiger’s jaws almost impossible.
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Albert Eastwind:
Can one blame him for being the controlling type? Similar to how people headcanon Yan!Jade and Azul, He'll provide everything you need or want. Why would you want to leave? Oh don't say he's smothering, he'll pick up more work to 'offer space' but also stifle the idea of you needing or wanting your own financial independence. But while he may work himself tirelessly to keep your cage gilded and shining, he will have your schedule down to the minute. Any deviation will be met with smiles and polite inquiries, but don’t lie to him. And don’t promise you won’t try escaping again if you’re planning on it; he hates pie crust promises.
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cloveroctobers · 8 months
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A/N: because the love I have for Raymond is consistently growing and it’s Scorpio szn (his szn) so why not? Although I’m not sure if Joe fits into the Scorpio vibe…those that care what do you think? Anyways he’s on the list so here’s this *GASPS* short thing and I can’t wait to see him (mainly) next season!
PROMPT is from HERE + I’m using: A notices B’s porch light off, so A knocks on the door anyway to pull them out of their boredom to persuade B to come join the fun.
Side note: slight crossover between two other shows: “The Bold Type,” + “Fire Country,” but not overly the focus in this piece. So don’t come at me if you’re questioning why they’re tagged :)
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Ever since Briar moved out to the New England area it’s been difficult to get her besties to visit with them still living in New York City. Working for Scarlet magazine was a big part of not only Briar’s childhood dream but career journey that brought Briar to this big change in her life.
Perhaps Briar was still getting adjusted as life carried on but in different places now. Originally the girls planned to come up this weekend to have a spooky bake session + movie marathon and would head back that next afternoon.
However things didn’t go as planned with: Jane’s old Danish fling decided to surprise her back in the states after she took her lengthy trip of seeing the world. Briar wasn’t sure if a serious relationship is what Jane needed right now but Jane claims it was only her having fun…leaving Briar to take that with a grain of salt. Then Kat decided to last minute turn down the trip to dive even deeper into her own magazine, “Don’t Turn Away,” which was of course exciting to see and Briar was no doubt proud of her friend but Briar couldn’t believe that Kat was officially the workaholic out of the four friends. It was even sweet for Adena, Kat’s girlfriend, to consider traveling to spend the day with Briar but she encouraged Adena to watch over Kat and push her to take breaks every now and then so she wouldn’t get burnt out. Lastly there was Sutton who switched up to head down to upstate New York to the new cabin her and Richard purchased…which concluded with Briar placing them all on block for the next twenty-four hours.
Sure it was petty but it’s not like the group didn’t plan this two weeks ago and yes things come up…yet it sucked being kicked to the curb like this. Gas prices were also out of control but none of them bothered to use that excuse and well at least they were honest with pushing Briar to the side! Briar didn’t have to sulk at her new Cape home and could get herself up and out into the city of Wellsbury if she really wanted to. The thing is she just wanted to have a night in with her girls, especially when Briar’s been looking forward to seeing them all after she switched career paths.
So…there she is in the solitude of her home lounging on a couch “watching” some crappy horror film, scowling at that one character who plummets to the ground after being chased by a serial killer.
There’s a knock at the door and Briar has to drag her eyes away from her phone to glance towards the windows that she shielded hours ago. Sighing she guesses it must be some more teenagers doing another round of ding dong ditch, since she was the new person in town and it was fun to pick on the new resident here apparently. Padding through the rest of the scattered “oddly,” placed furniture in the living room—Briar’s uppity mother’s words FYI, she finds her way to the front door. Standing a little on her fuzzy sock covered toes, she peeks through the peep hole after flicking her porch lights back on, to see no other than Joe Mohan waiting on her front porch.
Briar doesn’t wipe the nonchalant expression on her face as she pulls the door open, “Joseph, hello.”
Joe’s lips twitch at the formality Briar kept up with when greeting him, “I thought we classified each other as friends not acquaintances. What’s with the ‘Joseph,’ Ms. Briar?”
Briar sighs as she leans against the doorway of her home.
“That bad of a night huh?”
“Oh you have no idea.”
“Well your lack of lights told me to come over and check so I’m here,” Joe holds his arms out with a smile, “And you look like you can use a pick me up…so you should hang out with me.”
Briar and joe lived across the street from each other, while Joe had a ranch that was pushed back from the road, Briar also had her esquestrian property with cape architecture that was actually closer to the road and a roomy pumpkin filled front porch. They were friendly with Briar heading into the blue farm every Wednesday and Friday due to it being her longer days at work, from there they sparked up light hearted but teasing conversations.
She became the newest talk of the town, unwarranted and she liked to keep to herself just a bit to get adjusted better. Did that mean some labeled her as standoffish? So be it. It was something her mother often criticized her for when change came Briar’s way, that she didn’t have to retreat into her shell and that she needed to take things by it’s horns. Maybe subconsciously that’s why she was attempting to raise some goats? It’s a shame that the way your relationship is built from your parent(s) can still haunt you into your adulthood.
“hang with you and the horses you mean?”
Joe notices the shudder radiating off Briar’s frame and shakes his head. He knows the whole story about her at thirteen and on a horse back in the summer at Martha’s Vineyard. That resulted in eight stitches and a dark scar from her chin bone down to where the underside of her tongue rests. It wasn’t as noticeable despite the horrible laser treatments she endured as a kid; unless you were really trying to pick apart her story and if Briar didn’t have make-up covering the scar.
“Nah, what kinda guy do you think I am?”
“The kind that tried to get me on one at that fair last weekend? when you know that was solely for the children.”
Joe was only joking, he wouldn’t push past Briar’s boundaries.
“Oh my mistake, I thought you started middle school already.”
“Ha-ha,” briar playfully rolls her eyes.
Joe lightly taps Briar’s forearm, “c’mon, what else better do you have to do? Halloween is right around the corner, come out and celebrate.”
“I never took you for one to enjoy spooky season.” Briar tilts her head to the side then turns her hooded eyes into slits, “I feel like you’re more of a New Year’s Eve kinda guy.”
“Really? I don’t give fall guy season?”
“Joseph!” Briar almost crinkles her nose as if she’s appalled, “Don’t tell me you like pumpkin and chai lattes?”
“I’m actually more of a hazelnut, chestnut, or go for a praline vibe.” Joe shrugs his shoulders.
“Ah so a winter girl.” Briar lifts her chin almost in approval, “I can now smell the wreath’s from your pores and see the uggs on your feet.”
Joe scoffs and holds his hand out awaiting Briar’s grasp, “so what do you say?”
“I’d say…as long as there’s no horses and you give me a glimpse of the itinerary for the night, I just might.” She keeps her arms folded.
Joe hums, “don’t have time for all the deets but I can guarantee you’ll have some fun.”
“Fun as that mark on your eye?”
“What do you mean? That’s part of my costume.”
“You’re not wearing a costume, Joseph.” Briar scans the bearded man, wondering just how he injured himself this time.
“I…could be.” Joe challenges the woman with the Pearl clips in her hair.
“Well am I dressed appropriately for this undercover mission of fun?” Briar slaps her hands down by her thighs, “Otherwise I’d have to change and take a shot of liquid courage to get through the night.”
Joe says, “you always look great…and I don’t want to wait another hour for you to be ready. The event has already started by the way. So come on, get your keys and ID just in case they decide to make sure you’re not part of gen-z.”
“Whatever you say, baby boomer.” She winks at Joe before disappearing back inside while the man just sent a mocking smile at her back.
They arrive at what appears to be this abandoned brick building with Joe and a few of his friends that Briar’s meeting for the first time. They’re a friendly group that Briar’s heard a little about but it’s good to put the names to the faces and that they welcomed her with pretty much open arms. It was a contrast to the others in town that were more nosy than getting to actually know Briar. However she’s handled worse attitudes in Brooklyn and Manhattan.
“Don’t tell me we’re going haunted exploring,” Briar says to Joe as they walk side by side through the scarce parking lot.
He laughs, “hell no, that’s more Jake’s lane and none of us would actually be here if that was the destination tonight, believe me. You’re in good hands.” He causally tosses an arm across Briar’s shoulders.
Which she glances at but makes no move to pluck his hand off. It actually felt comforting as they made their way through the breezy night together. As the group stand at the large door, they wait for a section of it to slide sideways revealing a beaming red light that shines over their bodies.
Briar still wasn’t sure if she liked this but Joe’s friends seem to get more excited after?
Soon they’re welcomed into the building which smells like cold air and moss, followed by two figures dressed in all black.
“What in the American horror story?” Briar mutters, which is not unheard by the group who let out snickers.
The voice that echoes off the eerily silent hallway, comes from the figure on the left who’s wearing a plague mask, “ladies and gentlemen, those of you who are ready to put those bones to work, I suggest you say your goodbyes now.”
Suddenly alarms go off with the blaring of red lights illuminating their frames. Briar won’t lie and say that she didn’t clasp both hands across Joe’s waist at that, brown eyes peering around this narrow entryway. She also picked up on the sound of the main door locking behind them.
“Come along,” the feminine voice in the black Victorian poof dress speaks, “we shall see how far those shells above thee bones can take it.”
“Take what,” one of Joe’s other friends, Bode is clearly finding enjoyment in this as he bites back a laugh while his girlfriend, Gabriela slaps his arm.
“The shed,” both speakers say at the same time as the floor beneath them all begins to glide them backwards and their group forward.
“Whoa!” Joe wobbles and steadies himself, “they’re really in tune with their roles.”
Abruptly the track stops at a set of stairs that lead downwards into the abyss.
“Welcome to the resurrection,” the feminine doll face raises her lace gloved hands while the plague man stomps his cane into the floor.
Just as they say this, unexpectedly chains slink down from above their heads while a gush of air almost knocks the group back but some unseen force keeps them upright. Devices are clamped down over their heads, making them immediately grip onto it in bewilderment.
“Please select a Halloween genre.” A menacing voice states, making Briar realize that she along with the rest had headphones on now.
“How do we uh…pick?” Jake asks but the hosts no longer say a word.
Briar presses on the top of the headphones, which light up orange while going over specific sections. A pop tune with a haunting theme fills her ears, making Briar’s wide eyes turn to see the rest of the groups slowly turning from a red hue to orange. With that the entryway to the stairs steam with blue smoke, signaling their cue to enter as the plague man and the doll faced woman side step to let the group through.
“This is pretty cool! I’ll admit. Creepy as hell but cool,” Briar can almost hear Joe saying as if he was speaking to her directly through the headphones and over her briefly lowered music.
Briar nods, guard still up as they all creep their way down the stairs and into what looks like a huge club scene with some attendees dancing in costumes and others in simple night out attire.
“I’m getting drunk! Bye!” Gabriela shouts into their ears, dancing through the crowd while pulling Bode along and right to the bar.
Briar and Joe both share a smile as they turn to each other. She wastes no time twirling around him then and begins to dance to her own tune in her ears. Joe keeps his hands together as he watches Briar let free, throughly enjoying seeing a grin on her face.
When she stops in front of Joe, she poses and waves her fingers encouraging Joe to show her what he’s got. She’s seen joe break out into some moves before when he thought nobody was watching and it was the funniest thing how he got embarrassed about it.
The man can move to a beat okay and if a dance battle was what he was asking for tonight, then who was Briar to stop that from happening?
After all it was all in good fun and what was the harm in that?
Joe tried to play it off like he was too cool for school but briar noticed his headphones flicking dim and back to Orange, almost as if the song changed and Briar didn’t miss the way Joe clenched his eyes closed.
Which made Briar smirk.
His song had to be playing and when he busted out doing his own version of the Wednesday Addams dance, which definitely caught Briar off guard! She couldn’t help but to jump in alongside of Joe but she managed to keep a blank expression on her face much better than Joe did.
They were more in sync than they realized once they whipped back to be face to face, Briar raised their hands up into the air together before a smile broke onto Joe’s face which the woman couldn’t help to match as their hands lowered. Briar lets out a laugh, resting her head against Joe’s chest and he wraps his arms back around her, hugging her close as they found joy in the night.
He figures Briar could at least consider him a friend now, bearing in mind that they just went into a whole dance routine in public together. Not to mention she felt just right in his arms and the moment was cheered on, they noticed as the crowd around them watched leaving Joe and Briar to bow at their unknown audience.
Turning to Joe’s friends, they appear with spooky cocktails with Eve handing off one of each to the pair, which they all cheers to with more laughter.
“Who knew all it took was to bring Briar out on the town with us to get Joe on the dance floor?” Gabriela tells.
Briar peeks up at Joe who sends her a wink with his lips at the rim of the glass.
Briar nudges his shoulder, “Ah, what are friends for?”
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Continue along with my October anthology prompts here.
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andsmile · 6 months
what's your take on the archies?
i loved every minute of it! it was def comics based but that's my jam, and i know it was a bit long (apparently every bollywood movie is?? i know virtually nothing about it but it def peaked my interest) but i like the musical numbers (i can't pick my favorite yet tbh but it's probably dishoom dishoom) and especially the young cast! they all gave off a very beginner vibe but i think that was needed in a teenage coming of age movie.
let me give the props to the way they wrote beronica. it was so lovely, it healed my wounds (almost) and it kind of reminded me of the way *i* write them, which was nice.
and of course suhana khan and agastya nanda NAILED the varchie vibe so hard, but not only as the flirty/on-and-off couple they are, but as individuals as well. agastya was soooo charming as archie that i can understand why everyone fell for him even if he was a player, and suhana was the perfect daddy's girl veronica from the comics with the biggest heart. i also really like what khushi did with betty, she was so likeable but also very fierce and determined.
anyway 10/10 recommend for any riverdale and the comics fan! it's so funny too, even if the plot is a bit whatever, the aesthetic and the relationship between the gang makes up for it.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
thats a good choice the lyrics “all the drama queens taking swigs/all the jokers dressing up as kings” yeah that applies. anyway so i have a whole playlist abt him 😭 but if i had to narrow down it would be Every Summertime -NIKI , Chanel - Frank Ocean and Bubblegum Bitch - Marina
+ theres some in my native language (hindi) not sure u’d be interested but i would rec u Main Agar Kahoon plz read the lyrics it’s just so jimin to me. theres also a fun one called Radha Likes to Party ( u should have context this one so basically the song lyrics are based on Radha & Krishna indian mythological characters and the song has lyrics like everyone goes crazy over everything abt Radha which reminded me of jimin). ah yeah thats all
Oh that's cool! I've never been into making playlists. wow it'd been a minute since I last listened to Frank Ocean. I was obsessed with him years ago, mostly because I think he's crazy hot and simply I had a lot of respect for him. I still have his coming out letter saved in my computer because what a moment. Hehehe bubblegum bitch you're so right, yes. The whole electra heart vibe is very him, actually; #that particular side of him. There's some sadness, and loneliness, and lots of self introspection but there's also confidence and lots of attitude, and at times it overshadows all the other sides to him. BTW, I saw Marina live a few years ago, I'm bringing it up because she was amazing, really good show and it's a very dear experience to me. It's my first time listening to every summertime and I liked it! It's cute, I can understand why it makes you think of Jimin.
I've just listened to Rhada and Main Agar Kahoon, this one is sooooo pretty ahhh, I didn't know the songs but I agree they fit Jimin, it fits the feelings he inspires in people, especially the vibes of main agar kahoon. I've watched My Name is Khan with Shah Rukh Khan, I'm saving his name now so I can watch his other movies.
It's not a song but some days ago I remembered this poem that I love and I always thought a lot of people see Jimin this way. I think some verses of it could be about Jimin his real self, but more than anything it's about the way a lot of people think of him.
"But this isn't about me; this is your love story about the way I teach you to live" "Watch the way you pick up my bad habits and make them look good" "Good girl, just bad enough, a burp and a courtesy, let me be not too pretty, hair fried from all that pink dye, sex when you need it, puppet when you're bored. Let me build myself smaller than you." "I looked so human, the audience lost interest."
PHEWWWEW I die everytime.
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katsukisblackteddy · 3 years
You Have My Heart...
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Word Count: 2.14 k Pronouns: feminine (she/her) Pairings: K. Bakugou x reader Warnings: gore, dark fic ahead, violence, cursing, death
Thanks Marie ( @dailydoseofscenarios​) for letting me be part of the server event! I had a lot of fun writing this, and as you can tell, I took the prompt kinda literally...anyways....I hope you like it! Don’t forget to check out all of the other fics in this event under the server event hashtag!
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The ash blonde sat in the oversized red leather arm chair that faced the large window overlooking her garden. He let out a soft sigh, readjusting his position to get more comfortable as he leaned his chin in the palm of his hand. 
“What am I supposed to get her, that she doesn’t already have?” He questioned aloud, his crimson eyes shifting to the side as the large dog beside the chair let out a sigh himself moving into a laying down position, as if to say, I don’t know why you’re asking me. 
“You aren’t very helpful, Khan.” Katsuki muttered, as his eyes focused back on the window, a ghost of a smile pulling at his lips at the sight of his beloved wife in the garden below. Khan let out a whine in protest, as a close lipped smile grew on his owner’s face a moment later. “I’ll ask Shitty Hair.” Katsuki stood to his full height, the large black dog standing as well, prepared to follow him.
The ash blonde and his loyal dog walked down the long expanses of hallway, ornately decorated with golden accents, on the way to his private quarters. “Good day, Master Bakugou. Please give my best to the Mistress.” A few servants said as he passed them in the hallway, simply nodding in acknowledgement before he closed the heavy wooden doors to his study.
“Khan get me the ink.” Bakugou stated without looking up from where he was writing, the quill held firmly in his left hand, an almost empty ink well beside the letter he was in the process of writing to his best friend. “Good boy.” He threw the dog a treat as a reward before going back to writing, Khan settling at Bakugou’s feet once more in content silence.
“Dear Shitty Hair, Help me or else. What do I get Big Hair for Valentine’s Day? Come over and help me now. I won’t help you next time with Raccoon Eyes if you don’t help me. Signed, K. Bakugou.” The explosive man read aloud, nodding once before shoving it roughly into an envelope. He scribbled the information down before sealing the expensive stationary with golden wax, pressing the Bakugou Family Crest into the warm wax to leave an imprint.
“You!” Bakugou’s loud voice startled the butler walking past him in the hallway, the man blinking up at his employer nervously. 
“Master Bakugou?”
“I don’t care how you get this to Kirishima, just do it. And get it there by this afternoon.” Bakugou told him before walking away. He didn’t have to tell anyone anything twice, and he liked that.
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A number of hours later, one of the servants announced that Kirishima had arrived, while Mina went to the garden to spend time with (y/n). 
“So is there a reason a winded man servant showed up at my door some time ago? You aren’t a father yet...are you?”
The ash blonde scoffed, quickly dismissing the idea with a roll of his eyes. “Fuck no.”
“Well, you aren’t getting any younger...”
“Well, I’m not getting any older either...”
“Don’t counter my point with another point.” Kirishima argued back as Bakugou rolled his eyes and flipped the redhead off with a small smirk.
“Whatever.” Bakugou stated as they both sat down in a chair. “I can’t think of anything to get (y/n) for Valentine’s Day.”
“It’s your anniversary, too right?” Bakugou nodded. “How many years?”
“183.” Bakugou said after a moment in thought. Kirishima stayed quiet as he thought.
“Do you remember how we all met each other?”
“You mean on our wedding night?” The blonde snorted as Kirishima rolled his eyes.
“Well, I guess...but you remember the first time you saw her right?”
“Well yeah, but she was just an extra then...I didn’t even know she was the woman I was going to marry.”
“What did you do? You weren’t an asshole to her, were you?” Bakugou simply glared at Kirishima. “Damn, you were.” Kirishima frowned.
“That’s a lie, Shitty Hair!”
“Whatever, just give her something super unconventional. Mina loves those types of gifts.” 
“Like what?”
“Well, you remember those super exclusive auction seats that we scored a few decades back?”
“Which ones? The Body is Art ones?”
“Yeah...well, I contacted Pierre and he lined up this whole private show and he let me harvest the different pieces...anyways, Mina loved it....We ended up keeping a few things.” Kirishima shrugged.
“How did you contact Pierre? Didn’t he say he hated technology?”
“That just what he tells everyone. He owed me a favor from a while ago. Anyways, the man loves you, I’m sure he’d do it for you in a heartbeat.”
“Whatever.” Katsuki shrugged dismissing the idea, but he would definitely look into it later. “Are you staying for dinner or not?”
“Are you asking?”
“Answer the question, Shitty Hair.”
“Sure!” Kirishima smiled widely, showing off his sharp teeth before the pair of friends decided to join their partners outside in the garden.
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“Hey Mina?” (Y/n) questioned, looking over at the pink skinned girl who had her back against a tree. Mina’s eyes focused on her, a kind smile on her face.
“I’ve been thinking of what to get Katsuki for Valentine’s Day...and I want your opinion on it...” (y/n) trailed off, growing slightly nervous that Mina would think the gift was weird or stupid.
“If you wanted to model lingerie for me, you could’ve just said that...though Bakugou wouldn’t care if you were in a sack or lace...have you seen the way he looks at you? How do you not have gremlins...I mean children yet?”
“Mina! Get your head out of the gutter! I’m not modeling lingerie for you...right now at least...and we’re too young for children...”
“You’re 200 years old, but keep lying to yourself.” Mina teased as (y/n) rolled her eyes at one of her best friends, her face still slightly hot from what Mina had said earlier.
“What’s the surprise then? If it isn’t you in new lingerie or a child?”
“So...I thought it would be fun to recreate the night we first met?”
“But you literally just said you weren’t giving him lingerie.”
“Mina! The actual first night we met! Not our wedding day!” (Y/n) laughed, throwing her hands up in mock exasperation.
“Oh...the hunt? Ohhhh, the hunt.” Mina’s smile grew wider the longer she thought about it.
“That’s perfect! But the lingerie thing would’ve been nice too.”
“Mina! If you wanna see me in lingerie, then you should’ve just said that.” (Y/n) giggled before further explaining her plans for Valentine’s Day. 
It was the only plan she could think of for the man she had loved for almost all of her life...a man that seemed to have everything he could ever want.
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“I don’t understand why you couldn’t have just hired more people to help.” Mina complained while straightening a string of lights. 
“It’s more fun, and besides, all of the girls are back together!” (y/n) commented, gesturing towards all of the girls that were gathered around the room, each hanging different decorations.
“How long has it been since we’ve all been in the same place?” Ururaka questioned with a wistful sigh.
“At least 30 years.” Momo chimed in. “We really do need to see each other more.”
“Then we should have more balls, like we used to.”
“This isn’t a ball, Tsu.” Mina pointed out. “It’s the hunt. You know, like we used to have way back when.”
“Wait a second...where are we getting the prey from?”
“Aren’t you vegetarian?”
“No, Iida and I gave that up like 5 years ago.” Midoriya laughed. “Iida just likes sustainably sourced and organic.”
“Oh come on, you haven’t ever just gone to a night club to pick up a few?” Mina teased as the girls, Midoriya, and Denki laughed. 
“No, that’s so 1960s, Mina.”
“No, that’s date night.” Mina corrects as (y/n)’s face heats up slightly as she laughs.
“We’ve done it a few times...not recently though, we’ve been pretty busy...one of our neighbors called the cops because she thought she saw us doing something suspicious.”
“What were you doing?”
“Well we may have been hiding a body, but that’s besides the point. That old lady should’ve minded her own business. It’d be a shame if she were to suddenly...go missing.” (Y/n) mumbled with a roll of her eyes as they all laughed.
“Alright, everyone go change! We’ll be starting in three hours!” Jirou announced, ushering everyone to different parts of the large castle to change into their special outfits. 
It only took everyone an hour and a half to two hours to get ready, the last hour was spent doing finishing touches and everyone calling their partners to come as a surprise.
“Oi Shitty Girl! What’s the problem? You aren’t hurt are you?” The aggressive blonde questioned quickly, his red eyes gliding over (y/n)’s body as if checking she was ok for himself. 
“Then what’s the problem?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow at her as she placed a blindfold over his eyes. “Shitty Girl, what are you doing?”
“Be patient, Katsuki. You’ll like the surprise.” (y/n) said in a teasing voice as she led him into the large ballroom. The sun had just sat and the night sky was dark and littered with stars that could be seen from the windows.
“What’s all of this?” Katsuki questioned, finally removing the black blindfold as he scanned the room, surprised to see all of his friends equally surprised from where they stood with their partners. 
“Surprise! I thought it would be fun to recreate the party that happened the first time we met each other. Happy Valentine’s Day!”
“We’re going on a hunt?” Denki questioned excitedly, practically bouncing up and down as Jirou just smiled lightly at his antics.
“Duh.” Jirou mumbled from beside him with a quick roll of her eyes as everyone made their way outside. 
“Ok here’s the rules...and it’s the Valentine’s Day edition! So there’s 20, whichever couple can get the most hearts wins.” Midoriya announced with a large smile on his face. “(y/n) release them, and we’ll give them a minute long head start.”
(y/n) walked over to the where the 20 individuals were lined up single file, metal cuffs around their wrists and longer ones around their ankles. Each one wore a black leather collar with a number from 1 to 20 on it. “You evil bitch! Let me go!”
“Where are your manners, Thomas? You were so good up until now...I wouldn’t want to have to make an example out of you.” (y/n)’s voice was kind and soft, but the look in her eyes was anything but that. 
“Why are you doing this?” Thomas questioned, his blonde hair falling into his light eyes as she stared in fear at the group around him before meeting (y/n)’s eyes once more.
“It’s fun, Thomas.” (y/n) told him, patting him on the head before releasing everyone’s cuffs. “Go ahead...you’re free now.” (y/n) urged as they all just stood there with blank stares. They continued to stand there, looking at each other. “I said go!” (y/n) repeated, her eyes practically glowing in the light of the full moon. The soft light shining against the sharp points of her canine teeth. 
The group of 20 broke off into a sprint, disappearing into the tree line as Iida looked down at his watch. “Is it time yet?” Denki questioned, obviously ready to begin.
“Almost.” Iida replied shortly, a smile growing on his own face as the seconds counted down to zero. “Now!”
Everyone ran after that, disappearing into blurs with the speed they were moving. (y/n) ran with a long spear, the silver tip shining in the moonlight as she jumped forward, releasing the spear into the unsuspecting number 13. 
13 fell to the ground after looking down at the sharp spear poking through his chest. No sound leaving his lips since it had all happened too quickly. “One down!” (y/n) called out, seeing the recognizable flash of blonde that belonged to her husband. 
Katsuki came to a stop beside her, his hands stained red along with his lips. He smiled at her. “Two, actually.” He told her, showing her the heart in one of his hands. “Happy Valentine’s Day...I’ve already given you my heart figuratively, so now I’m giving it to you physically.”
“Aw, that was cute.” (y/n) laughed before accepting the gesture. “You can have mine too.” She added after her laughter died down, picking up the bloody organ from number 13 before holding it out to Bakugou.
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loopy777 · 3 years
Legacy character in my opinion are 80% boring and flat characters like most of the current marvel replacements, 15% of guys where the authors tries WAY too hard to make thew character cool and awesome and just comes off as pretensious(Damian Wayne being the posterchild for this in my opinion), with only 5% of the time the characters ends up as a great success(the second and third blue beetle, cassandra cain, second and third robins, etc), but those are often reversed or replaced anyway by hacks.
One of the reasons modern legacy characters in particular doesn't do it for me, is that to have a good legacy character, where needs to be a big, logical reason, or better yet defining moment where the old hero loses or gives up the mantle. And the simple fact is that modern western comic writers just doesnt have either the skills, or the balls to do those moments and actually stick to them anymore.
For example, barbara gorden was crippled in the killing joke and had to deal with the consequenses of that all the way up until the new 52, ted kord unveiled the great conspiracy leading up to infinite crisis and was killed in a very well told story that though tragic, really made you feel for him and see him avenged, jason Todd's death was one of the most defining western comic moments of the 80's, jason himself took the mantle due to Batman and nightwings relationship breaking down, etc.
Hell, even when the writers of old wasn't planning on actually going through with it, they still had the balls and artistic skills to make the fake out very memorable, like the death of superman, and knightfall, both iconic stories in their own right, but neither was actually planned to lead to a final change. In the constant flux of modern superhero comics, there just isnt room for a massive, preplanned, multiyear storyline anymore.
I kind of disagree on almost every point. Silver-Age Flash and Green Lantern were legacy characters that just reused existing copyrights with no thought given to passing on the mantle in-story. I didn't like 'Killing Joke' at all, considering it a fairly limp story with too much edgelord in it, and it was only later stuff that kind of salvaged Barbara becoming Oracle. I hated Ted Kord's death and I still have no idea why it was needed to make Jaime into the Blue Beetle, or why Jaime needed to be a Blue Beetle at all and not his own thing. I haven't read any stories where Jason Todd took over for Batman, so I can't comment on that, but I actually think the 'Death in the Family' story is 97% junk. Also, I think there are too many massive, preplanned multiyear storylines, and most of them are based on concepts that don't deserve that amount of focus. For every Knightfall, there's a 90s Spider-Man Clone Saga.
I can't even say that the writing quality these days is any worse than it was when I most enjoyed comics, as my favorite storylines from those eras are cherry-picked from a massive heap of forgettable junk that I never paid attention to.
What I do know is that a study of hard data on my opinions shows the legacy characters themselves don't seem to be the problem:
Spider-Man Legacy Character: Miles Morales - I love him Original Character: Peter Parker - I love him Winner: Draw
Ms Marvel Legacy Character: Kamala Khan - I like her Original Character: Carol Danvers - I never read a single story about her as Ms Marvel Winner: Kamala
Iron Person Legacy Character: Riri Williams / Iron Heart - I have never read any of her comics Original Character: Tony Stark / Iron Man - I have never ready any of his comics, but I like him in movies and cartoons. Winner: Tony Stark for now by a slight edge, but only because Ironheart hasn't appeared in any cartoons or movies that I know of.
Wolverine Legacy Character: X-23 - I have never read any of her comics, but I like her in cartoons and movies Original Character: Wolverine - I haven't read a comic of his since the 90's, but I like him in cartoons and movies Winner: Draw
Hulk Legacy Character: Amadeus Cho - I have never read of his comics Original Character: Bruce Banner - I have never read any of his comics, but I like him in some cartoons and movies Winner: Bruce Banner for now by a very slight edge, but only because Amadeus needs more cartoon/movie exposure opportunities
Captain America Legacy Character: Sam Wilson - I like him Original Character: Steve Rogers - I like him Winner: Draw
Wasp Legacy Character: Nadia Van Dyne - I have never read any of her comics Original Character: Janet Van Dyne - I read her in Secret Wars only, and I was unimpressed Winner: Draw
So, overall, the legacy characters aren't the problem for me. It's just general writing quality, but it always has been. A lot of popular classic characters were pretty bad when they first started, and have spent the majority of their existence being in forgettable stories; they just managed to accumulate enough interesting tidbits that a really good writer was eventually able to come along and make them into something special for a while, and then the characters coasted on that hype even when they got back into the hands of lesser writers. I'm finding that the legacy characters are much the same, only in some cases they haven't had a chance yet to really get a definitive portrayal.
So yeah, if you don't like Nadia Van Dyne, that's fine, but I think the problem is that no one has written an interesting story about a character called "The Wasp" in at least 30 years, not with Nadia herself or the concept of legacy characters.
Of course, this is all subjective. Obviously, someone must have been buying Iron Man comics for all these years before Ironheart debuted, but for the life of me I couldn't tell you why.
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canyouhearthelight · 3 years
The Miys, Ch. 127
Annnnd a-one, and a-two, and a queue-queue-queue!
This chapter has one of my favorite things in the world to write - Interpersonal relationships (if you are surprised, I’m going to assume you are new here....).
Specifically, one of my biggest pet-peeves is when friends or siblings are written in a way that shows that the author doesn’t actually have any friends or siblings they are close enough to that all rules of societal politeness go whizzing into some far-off dimension as soon as they are in proximity.
When I get to write a chapter with such close friends/ersatz-siblings and also have @baelpenrose cackling and egging me on, it literally makes my whole day.
P.S: If anyone has wondered about the ages of the characters, several are clearly lined out in this chapter......
EDIT: Fixed some insane formatting issues.
“The food festival, Sophia? Really?” an incredulous voice asked before the door to my office even opened all the way.
I resisted the urge to scream, but did surrender to pinching the bridge of my nose and breathing slowly. “Hello, Arthur. Do come in. Long time no see.  Of course I’m not busy…” My one day each week to have a few hours to myself - no mentees, no assistant, even Tyche was off work….
“We saw each other last night when I came over for dinner after sparring with Conor, and  you’re never busy on Saturdays, Alistair makes sure of it.” He dragged a chair in front of my desk for what I felt was the sole purpose of putting his boots on my desk instead of the conference table.
“I thought you two didn’t even like each other, how did you - “
He waved a hand dismissively. “Enemy of my best friend’s enemy is my friend, that sort of thing. Anyway - “
“Did you just call me my own worst - “
“You are, let’s not pretend otherwise. Anyway.” Arthur arched an eyebrow at me and waited for any further objections, but I couldn’t think of any. “The Food Festival. It’s my one favorite tradition on this ship until armed combat becomes a spectator sport, and you are putting Parvati and Hannah in charge of it?”
After a beat pause to make sure he was done, I glared at him. “Everyone has asked me that, and I don’t understand the issue.  They’ve both helped in the past, even before they started training to replace me.  I’ve handed more and more off to them each time, and they did great! Plus, they have three months, it will be fi - Wait, why do you even care, Arthur?”
He held up one finger with the authority of a deity who would have smited me if he could. “One, Parvati Fletcher does not like mapo tofu. You do. Specifically, you like it from that one vendor who grows her own Sichuan peppercorns and uses them like they are an infinite resource. Two, I spend entirely too much time working with Zach Khan, and he won’t shut up about how stressed Hannah is. Three - “ I was seriously starting to get concerned he actually could smite me at this point - “As much as I love you in the most platonic way possible, you are an obsessive, compulsive perfectionist who insists on doing everything herself and running herself into the ground so that everyone else has the time of their lives. So why are you trusting this, the largest and oldest event on the Ark, entirely to other people?” Dropping his boots from the desk, he leaned forward, palms down until we were nearly nose to nose.
“Sophia Reid, I swear on any god I can kill if you are dying…”
“WHAT!?” I squawked, jerking back and standing so fast I knocked my chair over. “For the love of little fish, I’m not dying! I haven’t had a near death experience in four years, thank you.”
“Three, not counting the fact that there is a reason Alistair makes you drink anything through a straw anymore.”
“How did - Nevermind.” I shook my head and tried to focus on the topic at hand. “No, I’m not dying. Nor am I injured, having a midlife crisis, rethinking my life choices any more than I ever do, or so much as in possession of a stuffy nose.” Taking a deep breath, I rolled my eyes and started counting off before I could stop myself. “Conor and Maverick and I are fine. No, I’m not arguing with Tyche again. Yes, I’m still going to therapy. Else is fine. No new sentient plagues or rogue cult leaders that I’m aware of. Nor have I become immortal, queen of the universe, savior of humanity, pregnant by Noah, or possessed.” Carefully, I picked my chair back up and sat down.
“Good...to… know?” He gave me a funny look. “Who asked the most disturbing one?”
“Immortal or Savior of Humanity?” I asked for clarification. “Those were Maverick and Derek, respectively.”
The look only got worse. “I meant ‘pregnant by Noah’, but fascinating to see where your priorities lie….?”
“Oh. That was Charly.”
“Dammit,” he swore softly. “I had her pegged for ‘possessed’.”
“I’m pretty sure she is, but the suggestion that I am came from Tyche, on no fewer than 3 occasions, by 4 different entities. She seemed pretty hopeful that Else was potentially mind-controlling me in an effort to make me take a nap,” I admitted.
“That tracks.” A nod of approval prefaced the question I had been avoiding - successfully, thus far, I might add. “Now that you’ve ruled out every possible plausible reason that you would entrust this to literally anyone other than a clone of yourself, why?”
“Why what?” My face was composed in an expression of innocence so convincing that I probably deserved an Oscar.
“I can and will convince Charly to turn all your coffee to decaf, so help me, Sophia.”
Realizing that he was, legitimately, worried about me and at the limits of his usually-impressive patience, I held up my hands in surrender. “Fine. You get the scoop.  Please record this and send me the loop, so I can just flick it at people who ask, please?” When he nodded, I exhaled slowly.  “It is no secret to anyone that I never wanted this job. I made the mistake of establishing the Food Festival, which as you point out is the largest event of the cycle on the Ark - the last three years, literally everyone attended in some capacity.” When he opened his mouth to argue, I held up a hand to stop him. “Don’t get me wrong. I love the Festival. What basically started out as a potluck because we were homesick and needed to meet - you know, the rest of humanity - is a huge, three day holiday.  It’s amazing!” I spun in my chair, arms flung wide for emphasis, before stopping to face him. 
“It also consumes my life, for months, to prepare for.  And that’s just implementing changes to make it more accessible so people don’t miss out! That doesn’t include adding things to make it more interesting or keep it from getting boring, or whatever. I literally don’t have time to do any of that!”
“So, you’re inflicting this on them instead?”
“Inflicting?” I snorted.  “Hardly. This is their final exam, their capstone project, their dissertation.  If they pull this off, I will gladly hand the entire office over to whoever is elected, cheerfully and knowing the Ark is in good hands.  But, they have to pull this off.  It’s the only major part of being Councilor of Resources and Relations that they haven’t done yet by themselves.”
He rubbed his face, looking somewhat impressed. “That’s honestly not what I was expecting.”
“I don’t think it ever is, honestly.” I shrugged at the question he glanced towards me. “For Evan, it was coordinating the weapons exhibitions.  Charly managed to pre-empt her own by designing more efficient aqueducts and filtration for when we reach Von - you know, the ones that also produce light?”
“Of course she would invent glow-in-the-dark plumbing. Who else?” Something caught up with him. “Evania Josue got away with planning an event? Seriously?”
“Oh, that’s right… you weren’t on Level One…” I murmured. When he only looked more confused, I clarified. “She was Maverick’s co-pilot when we needed people to pilot the Ark, which was not designed to pilot manually, via dead reckoning, using cameras pointed out the few viewports we have, for several weeks after the sensors were sabotaged.”
“She was whose co-pilot?”
“You really never heard this story? You practically live with seven people who were there…”
“Usually I get the bits about ‘Sophia nearly got her brains bashed out’ and ‘that traitorous bitch’, then start tuning out while I try to decide what it would take to get Charly to teach me necromancy… If Evan was the co-pilot, then why is Maverick….”
“Not in line to replace any Councilors? Arthur, we know that would be a disaster for him.”
He nodded reluctantly. “Your younger partner is a nice boy.”
“For fuck’s sake, he’s thirty seven!” I groaned.
“Nice man, whatever,” he waved off. “Which is exactly what I would like for you as a partner. You need nice partners, and blunt siblings. But I see what you mean about him being a Councilor… he’d be miserable.”
“What was yours?” I asked mischievously, dropping my chin onto my hands.
That earned me a flat stare, until he finally surrendered when I didn’t flinch. “The Twentieth/Early Twenty First History curriculum.”
“Seriously?” That had literally been the first thing he had done when Eino tapped him as a possible successor.
“I didn’t budge on points even he admitted he would have, out of fear of offending people.”
“Which is a fear you very much lack,” I pointed out.
“The truth is the truth. Coating it in sugar only makes it taste worse.” He shrugged nonchalantly before suddenly looking dangerously like he was thinking again. “There’s two of them.”
“Yes, Arthur. Hanna and Paravati are, in fact, two distinct and separate women-type-lady-people.”
“Thank you, Fee, I was well aware.” I suppressed a growl at the nickname - he knew I hated it. “I meant, only one can win the election, smartass.”
“Better to be a smartass than a dumbass,” I muttered.
“Sophia, you are forty five. Please grow up just a hair?”
“Tyche doesn’t want to be HR forever, you know.”
That brought his mind to a visibly screeching halt. “Wait, what?”
“What what?” I asked. “She does it because she is phenomenal at it, but it isn’t her passion.  She only stuck around as long as she did to make sure I didn’t trip over a chair and brain myself while I was at work.  When I’m gone, she’s gone, loser take the spoils.”
He whistled softly before shaking his head. “It’s bizarre to think of you two retiring around the same time I’m just starting the position.”
“I’ll have been a Councilor for a decade when I step down,” I pointed out.  I almost included unless I die first, but that never seemed to be as funny as I thought it was.
“But you aren’t that much older than me,” he sighed dramatically. “Anti-aging technology is frustrating.”
“Annnnd this is a natural extension of your career, with a ten year break thereabouts the middle.”  My grin was so bright it made him scowl before I finally got a begrudging smile.  “Think of it as getting elected head of the school board.”
The groan he let out probably echoed for several levels throughout the ship. I had basically just pointed out that he was becoming that which he most hated.
Or not. He seemed to recover with a gleam in his eye. “Pfft. Dean of Students, at the very least.”
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skullchicken · 3 years
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On the 30.04.2021, Meinhart Bonifaz Brant, at that point an unassuming spindly 15-year old human reading Stanislaw Lem's "Star Diaries" on the living room couch, goblinized into a giant. About 50 years later, he would go on a few adventures under the street name "Alberich" (you see, it's very funny because he's not a dwarf).
In honor of goblinization-day, I'm compiling all of the art and (hopefully entertaining) stories I have of mah boi and the chicago shadowrun-group - so these are going to be some long posts. Everything under the cut so I don't clog up your dashboards and cut up into chunks. If you don't want to see it, blacklist "goblinization".
Part 1, the first mission:
So, why is Alberich? When I joined the shadowrun-group that would start my obsession, my english conversational skills weren't that great. Mostly trouble finding words and having a really thick german accent. Since I was a bit self-conscious about that, I decided to instead lean into it. Thus Alberich was a german-born ex-museum director turned shadowrunner since he did a Very Stupid Thing and had to leave the Allied German States for Chicago.
What did he do? He made a deal with a dragon. Specifically, he sold a forged piece of art to Lofwyr, CEO of Saeder-Krupp.
Alberich was introduced into the already formed group something like this: "At the entrance of the building, arriving punctually, you spot the biggest troll you've probably ever seen, looking very uncomfortable to be here and slinking as much as is even possible. All in all, he somehow doesn't look very threatening. In fact, he looks as if an art teacher had been stuffed with a 3 meter/10 feet tall horned giant. His face lights up as he sees you, though."
So the first thing he does is shake everyone's hand, politely assuring them that it's a pleasure to meet them and yes, he is Alberich, and who are you? Ah, yes, lovely names, very creative.
For reference, this is the average shadowrun-group:
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Speaking of which, the gang's line-up did change a bit unfortunately, but the ones that stayed from beginning to end were:
Speedrun, street-samurai. An adrenaline-junkie who has styled himself after anime. Very much trying to be cool, to the point that he has adopted a deep-sounding voice that's rather obviously not his natural speaking voice. We pictured it as him talking with his head on his chin. Here he is, trying to impress the fighting adept shere khan:
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Elf_Queen, decker and elf-poser. An elf-poser is someone who tries very hard to be elf-like - in her case, she wanted to actually *be* an elf. She ran away from home since her parents were metahuman-racists (Humanis policlub). Notably, her online and offline persona were very different. Online, she's very assertive and the guild leader of an mmorpg. Offline however, she's pretty much scared of anything. When Alberich joined the group, she hid behind Speedrun - you don't live with humanis for that long without picking up some xenophobia as well. And trolls aren't well-liked in the game world.
So the first mission: De-kidnap a kidnapped singer called Jericho. First we took a look at the bus-line she had last taken, a task for which Elf_Queen had to jack into said bus. Only three problems: A) She had to get behind a metal covering inside the bus B) her character sheet is min-maxed to hell and back, thus she has ONE measly point in strenght. Which wouldn't be a problem since she's in the presence of three pretty strong dudes if not for C) Massive Social Anxiety.
After looking around like a wet bunny for 5 minutes, Alberich (who has also cramped himself into the bus) finally catches on and goes "... can I help you, little lady?", pops the cover open and she can get deckin'. You might call this strike 1. You'll see why.
After visiting her appartment and some more investigation, we gather that Miss Jericho has been taken away into a bunraku (think brothel but with more brainwashing) to be re-programmed to the liking of her ex-boyfriend whose band she left to make it on her own (and quite successfully so). Which means we'll have to deal with Yakuza.
The bunraku turns out to be disguised as a night club. After I tried and failed to casually infiltrate the place (... I... er... wasn't a very good player at first?) we had to flee forwards, take out the guards at the door and make sure we get in and out of there as soon as possible.
In the club, almost before we made it backstage, Elf_Queen got held up by a guy bent on talking to her and froze up. Well, at least until Alberich very casually bent over the two of them and informed the guy that "she's with me". I tell you this, because this was strike 2.
Backstage, past a kitchen and into the cellar, we finally got into a room with two rows of plexi-glass cells - and in the middle, a bound spirit, a thing that feeds on negative emotions. Our muscle (Speedrun and Baba Yaga - yes, we had a John Wick in our midst. And yes, Alberich technically doesn't count as muscle, he's a mage. It's complicated) were outside, fighting off Yakuza. So it was up to EQ to hack Miss Jericho's cell open as quickly as possible and for me to make sure she wouldn't die while doing so.
After like three rounds of unsuccessful banishing (as I said... not a good player), the cell was open. But...
There were the other victims.
What about the others?
Now, when I thought up Alberich, my core idea was "Daryl Whitefeather and Don Corleone having a mental fistfight". I tend to play good characters and this time around, to honor the setting I set out a morally grey character, someone who mostly looks out for himself and only indulges in kindness when he has the luxury to do so. Being kind and polite, if you think about it, is really just usually the easiest and most pleasant way to get people to do what you want. And if people are convinced you're scary by nature, seeming less so is just a smart survival strategy.
But then he looks at this little socially anxious nerd, who very much reminds him of himself, when he used to be a little socially anxious nerd, long, long ago and she says with big eyes "please! can you give me a bit more time? We need to save the others! We have to try!" and it's just... strike three. He's taken the little decker into his heart. So internally he goes "welp, I'm old anyways" and externally he shrugs his mana-burned shoulders, sighs "okay" and keeps trying to banish.
Unfortunately the spirit almost eats him alive. EQ fails to open any more gates, so they make it out once he as but 2 life points left, run into the elevator and evade the fast approaching small army of Yakuza on the way out.
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Elf_Queen jumps into his arms, Alberich holds her like one might hold a chihuahua, Baba Yaga is trying to gauge their time and speedrun's reporting back from outside.
In the end, it was bittersweet. Because while we did save Miss Jericho, the brainwashing still took hold. Her last 1 1/2 years of life wiped away, she asked for her ex-boyfriend as soon as she woke up.
End of Part 1, thank you for reading this very self-indulgent text!
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respondedinkind · 3 months
Get to know the mun.
respond to the prompts out of character!
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? I started writing Khan back in 2012 even before the movie came out - just based him on that single teaser thing that existed there, I was so incredibly hooked by his character. And when the movie finally came out I continued to write him (obviously) so yeah. The insanely good portrayal of him (thank you, Ben) and the character itself... captivated me. That's why I chose to write him back then and that's why I am still writing him. I just love the way he was brought to life, all the details of how he behaves, talks, moves... and how incredibly non-Ben Ben looks there. So fucking impressive. Could rave about my boy 24/7. My Stephen I picked up only recently and I happened to do so because I got immensely hooked on him as well, rewatched the movies, found my muse suddenly exploding for him. I wasn't sure for a while and pondered about writing him for 2 weeks, but then I decided to go for it. I was also very inspired by certain events back then that made me pick him up eventually, but... things turned out a bit differently than expected. Anyways, i really enjoy writing him as well and he's just such a wonderful contrast to my Khan, it feels refreshing. I also write Leonard McCoy, but I do so more or less privately with just a few selected people. I enjoy writing that sassy man, and I basically just made him to explore some relationships (lol) but yeah. I enjoy doing that on him.
is there anything you don’t like to write? Such things as Character Death (if there's no way for them to be resurrected and/or somehow come back into the story lol) and Bad Endings. I can't take it, will never write it for the sake of my own mental health. I am very much a happy fluffy writing person, I love drama and angst but it needs to turn into hurt / comfort and something nice at some point.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? Well... I hinted at it above (lol), I love fluff, happy stuff, I also enjoy it immensely to write relationships. I love shipping (romantic), but I also love to explore platonic relationships. I have to admit though, shipping is something I oftentimes feel drawn to and that's just how it is, which doesn't mean I won't write anything else, but it's one of my favorites. I also enjoy writing slice-of-life stuff and just... cute things. The way life happens with two muses. I also love writing family stuff... and what their future develops as. That includes possible conflicts and problems the have to solve (and will solve lol bc I need my happy endings) and add some nice angst and drama into it for the delicious hurt/comfort and the happy things after. And yes, just to throw it in here as well: I also enjoy writing smut. Not all the time, not always, not like 24/7, but when the muses have chemistry it just happens man. :)
how do you come up with headcanons?  I am oftentimes inspired by a thing I see or listen to, or they just pop up out of nowhere. Sometimes I read about a thing or see a thing on TV / in a video and am like 'Oh yes, this is very much my muse'!. I do have to admit that I am one who sometimes sees a headcanon somewhere sometimes and be like 'oh yes, I agree with this actually, this is so good' - it has happened in the past, but I try to refrain from that. Some headcanons also are just 'so general', in a way, that they can be seen similar by many people writing the same muse - especially when they stem from the source material of the canon. Anyways, cough, most headcanons I develop over time or they just pop up out of nowhere and 'feel right'.
do you write in silence or do you play music? Silence, actually. Music distracts me, sadly so. I used to be able to write with music but at some point... I just couldn't anymore? In fact, it even distracts me to have my partner sitting in the other room watching a TV show, if he's doing that on a volume that's too loud for me to handle I won't be able to write. I struggle with that quite a bit and it's very annoying that my brain is such a bitch about it honestly, sigh.
do you plan your replies or wing them? I usually wing them, but I oftentimes also plot with my partner and we talk about what's supposed to happen within a certain time frame so I can direct my muse to that part of the story, so to say. Oftentimes, though, muses just do muse-things in between and I enjoy that a lot - In fact, I am always looking forward to 'muses being muses' and something surprising happens! So exciting!
do you enjoy shipping? God, yes. Like, I love shipping. I don't ship everything and there's ships out there I don't like, and I am also the most comfortable with m/m ships (those happen quickly, ngl), but when I have a ship between muses where the chemistry just sparked by itself? Delicious. But yes, in general, I really enjoy shipping, 100%.
what’s your alias/name? L.
age? 34
birthday? January 25th
favorite color?  red, pink, black, blue
favorite song?  I don't have 'one favorite', I have a lot, so I cannot decide. :'D
last movie you watched? Oppenheimer.
last show you watched?  Uh I don't watch shows...
last song you listened to? Ready Aim Fire - Imagine Dragons
favorite food?  Sushi. Closely followed by burgers.
favorite season?  Winter, Spring and Fall (basically whenever it's more cool and not hot. I hate heat.)
do you have a tumblr best friend? I made some wonderful connections to people over the years and especially so 'recently' with me getting my Khan muse back and also writing Stephen, and I am so happy and thankful about everyone I am writing with and everyone I am also chatting OOC with. Thank you for being here! ♥
TAGGED BY @deficd (friend ♥)
TAGGING @ssolessurvivor @bloodstainedstar @fiercengineer @illbringthechaosmagic @whydotheykeeptakingmine @resignedworkaholics @kingofthewebxxx @noblehcart and you ♥
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radramblog · 3 years
Have a plan to kill everyone you meet- Fallout New Vegas Genocide run notes
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For some reason, and I can’t say why, I’ve had a hankering to play through Fallout: New Vegas again. There’s always a few quests I haven’t beaten, I guess, 100%% achievement completion or not.
However, video essays on moral choices in video games have been part of my feed recently, and like many, apparently, I’m someone who usually tries to pick the goody two-shoes options. But NO MORE! In this hypothetical future playthrough I wanna try and fuck over every single person, and for once end up with Bad Karma at the end.
I’ve seen a few things online about people doing murder only runs of this game, but I don’t think anyone’s tried this particular undertaking. Specifically, I’m not just gunning to gun down everyone I see, I’m going out of my way to kill as many named characters as possible. Using the Fallout Wiki as a hitlist, everyone it is possible to kill will be killed.
The following are my notes about routing such a playthrough. I hope they’re entertaining enough! :p
New Vegas Genocide Mode
The following characters cannot be killed for any reason:
The Forecaster, Melody, Max, Stacey, Lindsay, Pete, and Hector are all children and as such are undamagable- I’m sure a mod exists but I’m not gonna go download that, I don’t wanna end up on a list.
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Festus is a robot whom projectiles pass through and who takes no damage from physical attacks. Besides, his artificial intelligence is limited enough that are you really actually killing anything there?
Vendortron is in an impenetrable booth, and while I’m pretty sure you can glitch into its box, I’m also pretty sure he respawns anyway.
Yes Man can be killed as many times as I like, and I will, but he always respawns so even if you piss off/kill off other factions you still have a path to endgame.
 The following characters are mutually exclusive- i.e. you can get one, but not the other.
Ranger Stevens and Cato Hostilius- The missions You’ll Know It When It Happens and Arizona Killer are about being on the opposite sides of an assassination attempt on the President of the NCR. Ranger Stevens only shows up if you’re trying to stop it, and Cato Hostilius is your contact for trying to cause it.
Gabban, Alerio, and Martina Groesbeck- This all comes back to Vulpes Inculta. Vulpes shows up in two events- in Nipton when you first arrive there, and in the Strip when you leave the Tops after confronting Benny. Gabban replaces Vulpes in Nipton if you kill him in the Strip, and Alerio replaces him if you kill him at Nipton. If you don’t kill him at either, he returns to the Fort where you can receive a quest from him involving Martina. To my knowledge, she doesn’t spawn without that quest. I do need to investigate if in theory you can get the quest from Vulpes before killing him and without visiting Nipton, letting you kill both him and Gabban.
The Big Problem: Reputation
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There are four characters whom only show up in their faction’s respective safehouses, requiring a significant dedication to not murdering people to unlock. In addition, access to certain quests with named characters (e.g. I Fought the Law) requires not being hated by the relevant faction. As such, we can’t start wantonly killing people until a certain point.
This gets complicated when it comes to the main 2 factions, being the Legion and the NCR. Fortunately, however, after the first act of the main story, reputation with both gets wiped (by Vulpes/Alerio and Crocker), which we can manipulate pretty well. It makes sense to do the NCR first, as reputation with them is more relevant overall and often costs Legion reputation.
This is the route I’ve figured out for how to work around this issue, including every quest that spawns uniquely named characters for us to murder. DLCs and Companions are currently not included, but shouldn’t be too hard to figure out. Except maybe Joshua Graham.
Start the game as a male character (Legion won’t let you in the pit fights if you’re a woman bc they’re sexist) and take Wild Wasteland (necessary for one event).
 AVOID THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS/QUESTS: NIPTON, anywhere with major Powder Ganger concentrations, Ghost Town Gunfight/Run Goodsprings Run, Boulder City Showdown. We’re trying to maintain relationships with the NCR, Powder Gangers, and Great Khans as long as possible.
(At some point get enough Sunset Sarsaparilla Star caps to get Malcom to show up)
Head to Primm, picking up Ed-E and beginning his quest. This quest needs to be continued at minimum until April Martimer spawns in Freeside.
Solve Primm’s deputy problem somehow so Layla spawns later.
Make way to Freeside/New Vegas, however necessary.
Donate medical aid to Julie Farkas, raising Followers of the Apocalypse fame, until access to the Followers Safehouse is granted.
Go to the Atomic Wrangler and get Debt Collector (spawns Caleb McCaffery)
After acquiring the Cannibal perk, proceed down Beyond the Beef by working with Mortimer until Carlyle spawns.
Get and complete Bye Bye Love, spawning Big and Little Beard, making sure to kill everyone involved after Joanna gives the quest How Little We Know (spawns Cachino)
Go to Camp McCarran, and acquire quests Dealing with Contreras (spawns Keller), There Stands the Grass (spawns Keely), and Silus Treatment (lets you into Silus). Suck up to the NCR until access Colonel Hsu lets you into the Ranger Safehouse.
Go to Jacobstown and proceed along Guess who I Saw Today until Norton shows up.
Go to North Vegas Square and get Someone to Watch Over Me, proceeding until Greasy Johnny spawns.
Go to the Great Khan Encampment to get Don’t Make a Beggar of me, spawning Tyrone.
Go to the NCRCF and proceed down I Fought the Law, then betray the Powder Gangers to get Sergeant Lee to spawn.
Go to Hidden Valley and start Still in the Dark, spawning Ranger Dobson and killing him. Complete the quest to gain access to the Brotherhood of Steel Safehouse.
Go confront Benny at the Tops, resetting negative reputation with the Legion and NCR.
Proceed to the Fort and start the Legion questline, making sure to complete Laurifer Gladiator and start The Finger of Suspicion.
Keep going down the Legion Questline, eventually reaching Arizona Killer- make sure to kill Cato after assassinating Kimball and Watson.
If Lucius hasn’t given access to the Legion Safehouse yet, do bullshit for the Legion until he does (e.g. give Aurelius NCR Dogtags)
Once access is granted, it is now safe to start killing everyone! Have fun.
After the blood of your enemies, friends, and strangers covers everything, proceed down the Wild Card route to the endgame, making sure to kill Yes Man after every conversation, so you can get to the Second Battle of Hoover Dam and murder Legate Lanius. Don’t let Yes Man kill Lee Oliver, do it yourself!
As the credits roll, use glitches/godmode to regain control so you can go behind the slideshow and kill Ron the Narrator.
Still during the credits, end it all the only way we know how- blow yourself up, killing the last named character available to kill.
Maybe consider using console commands to spawn in the 2 characters that were mutually exclusive just to kill them. Might as well.
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shortyisweird9 · 4 years
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'Lonely ghost serie'
Proposition and Accord-part VII
"Ghoooost! Good noon!"
You opened your eyes slowly, barely awake from the deep sleep you had. The grogginess in your voice shadowed by the abnormal deepness of the voice changer.
"Hey, ghost."
"Corpse! Always pleased to hear you."
"Always ,ey?" Toast picked what you said in a more suggestive tone, teasing you with it.
"Cut it ,man."
You didn't bite on the trap however.
" Anyway, mind if I bring a friend?"
"Of course!"
"Sure why not."
"So ,Corpse..."
"To early for that ,Toast."
Near the white astronaut Ghost had, a new little one came. It was black with a pair of headphones and a Wall-e companion. On top the name Charon was displayed.
The others started circling the new mate as Corpse's pink character stood unmoved by your side.
"Good evening!" A low and mature voice came from a woman. It didn't had a mechanical effect to it so it was coming in naturally.
"Guys this is Andreea, Andreea this is the Peanut gallery."
"Ha,nice. Good to meet you all."
"You too."
"Your robot is cute." Corpse remarked.
You smirked when your phone immediately lighted up. A message from Andreea written in big bold letters: 'HIS VOICE IS HOT!'
'I know :)))'
"Andreea , you know how to play this game?"
"Y-Yeah ummm..."
"Sykkuno! Yeah, I know me and Y- I mean ghost sometimes play it. "
"You play together?"
"Well yeah, we play Fallout together, sometimes Minecraft even Eyes the horror game. Speaking of which ghost?"
"My place tonight?"
You smirked knowing what's to come.
"Time to corrupt another soul?"
You laughed was intentionally made to be interpreted by the others as evil and dark. In the inside you cringed, you sounded so stupid.
"Umm,guys?" Sykkuno asked for clarification, to which he will not receive.
"YOU GUYS LIVE IN THE SAME CITY?" Pooki asked all excited for some reason.
"Same city? We leave in the same apartment building." Andreea told ,a pleasant hiss rang as her long nailed hands opened a Pepsi can.
'Cola is better'
'Fuck off, Y/n'
"That's so cute!"
"I guess,but she's a pain."
"A pain? Moi? Please, I am only in pain not one."
The others chuckled at your shenanigans, the humour between you and Andreea being based in play fighting, cursing each other and bumping as hard as you can into each. Considering how much of a height difference is between you two, everything just gets more interesting.
"Maan,I want to stay in the same building with you guys also." Corpse pouted.
You two sounded really nice to be with, especially you. You were fun to talk witg and your natural voice was a godsend to his anxiety and insomnia. It made him sometimes slip into a blissful sleep,especially when you began reading to him Doom lore in the late hours of the night.
' "The Maykrs' need for the Essence is prime. Without it they must suffer the monstrous fate of Transfiguration, and see their wisdom and faculties slither from their twisted forms. By bidding of the Khan Maykr herself, the Order of the Deag has devised a method to improve and accelerate the production of the Hell aura. What once took eons for the savage beasts to attai...oof. Wait."
Corpse heard you move in the bed, your body getting its pressure off it before settling back in.
He wanted to start to ask you to read again when he was interrupted by the sound of smooching ? You were kissing somebody?
You puffed and smiled as Sergiu bombarded you with another waves of kisses, a tradition in your group. You all were touched starved creatures so you showed your platonic affections through hand holding, sudden hugging, cuddling- sometimes propping your cold feet on the other person's back just to be dickish- and rains of kisses.
Sergiu was the most affectionate out of all of you, the rain of kisses being something that his mother used to do before she left to work. 'A kiss on the forehead to brighten your thinking, two on the cheeks so no one is lonely and one wherever you want.'
"Alright! Alright! I get it, you are leaving!"
You laughed as you pushed the cuddly golden retriver of a man away.
His chains attached to his black leather belt with grey 3d rombes running all over it clicked as it bounced. His hair smudged on the worn out black leather jacket and his face all but a smile. He was happy and you love to see it.
-Vrei ceva? ("You want something?")
The man laughed at your antics, roughing up your freshly washed hair and closing the door as he left.
"Corpse? You still there buddy?"
Corpse felt a pang in his chest, you sounded like you have much more fun with the other person. He knew it was stupid but he couldn't help feel jealous and worried at the same time. He wanted to be the reason to make you sound so happy and he didn't want to be worried of being replaced anytime soon.
"Corpse? My petit orchid? Are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah,I am fine."
It came out shaky and too abrupt for your liking. Something's wrong and you didn't want to overstep your boundaries but you couldn't let him go about his day while having something munching on his good mood.
"Hey,hey Corpse."
"Wanna see my cat?"
"Yes,so do you..."
"Hell yeah. I mean...sure I am cool with that."
You shook your head and became giggling, it's good to know you weren't the only one who didn't know how to cover their slip ups.'
"Trust me Corpse. You don't want to live with this anxiety filled owl."
"HEY! My anxiety adds spice."
"Oh my god!"
"Guys, guys. Can we start the game please?"
"Oh for sure."
"Watch out for the wall, ghost. Watch out for--GHOST! Oh shit ,I lost her guys! Ghost, where are you?"
His character ran in desperate search to find you. When it left the snowy environment from outside , it stopped abruptly. You were there in the office with Sykkuno ripped apart body in front of you.
"Oh shit! Sykkuno!"
His thoughts ran wilde as they hurried to reach a consensus. He knew that you will probably kill him also as you waited for those 10 seconds to pass.
His premonition was proven true went you shut the doors of the office , your character moving slowly towards him.
"Ahhh! Guys ,what the hell do I do?"
His eyes clenched shut as his finger hovered the report button.
The sound of a meeting went off,forcing him to let out the breath he's been withholding. His hands shook as he relaxed himself when his friends started discussing aka screaming at each other.
Someone else called in another body.
You held your fingernails between your lips, leg bouncing from the nerves. You knew Corpse will snitch you out,after all you did killed Sykkuno.
I am so fucked...
Your body covered in a white and black hoodie contorted itself into a smaller position.You ignored the pain that your dead thighs were trying to emit while being in a cross position. Head to busy with anxious thoughts of what Corpse may do.
"Phew, Jesus. I am too nervous for this game."
Andreea's words caught you off guard. She nervous? It's more likely than you think.
Your feelings long forgotten as your protective nature sprung out of the shell.
"You? Nervous? Andreea you are a freaking talented tattoo artist."
"It doesn't matter, my hands are sweating like they are the Danube river."
"Wait ,are you a tattoo artist?"
"Yeah ,I am. I started tatto--"
Mission accomplished! Your goal wasn't to comfort, you knew you sucked at that but to distract. To take her mind away from whatever cause her pain ,then to secretly totally not obviously attack the shit of whatever upset her even bad vibes. Fuck them bad vibes! You and your friends are bad bitches not second hand embarrassments.
"It will be nice if I could do henna also but this hoarding gremlin was only calm enough when she did them. So basically it became her summer job."
Ah. Your mind realised she was telling them how you two met.
You wanted to get some henna tattoos, see if you liked the way the look at you. Andrea was just a beginner when you entered the tattoo shop and her life.
You weren't always an anxious person,the situation changed when your math teacher decided to be a bitch and humiliate you for not knowing geometry. Since then you were always out of breath when you spoke in public, always bouncing your leg when stressed , biting off your nails and having a constant dread when it came socialising with others. And when you are a big girl that amplifies considerably.
People are just shallow like that and you learned a long time ago that their intolerance towards you was a THEY problem rather than a YOU problem.
It's hard thought, sometimes their words and disgusted glares burn you from inside out. Make you feel inhuman ,that your anger,sadness and your passion don't mean anything ,that they are not valid, that you cannot be yourself and liked at the same time nevermind seen as a romantic interest.
But I digress, when it came with Andreea ,everything when abnormally smooth, you joked and laughed, bitch about people and so on. You hit off immediately.
So when you wanted to make a bit of cash ,Andreea didn't hesitate to teach you how to do temporary tattooing.
"That's so nice guys,the body was in specimen room by the way." Dave said.
The others for some reason started blaming Rae , you didn't said nothing as you were still waiting with your breath tight for Corpse to rat you out.
"Corpse? Where were you by the way?"
Here comes the expose.
"I ..uh...wait. I was in the storage then I met Sykkuno in the office but left with ghost."
"Ghost? Can you collaborate his story?"
"Yeah , me and him left Sykkuno. I think orange was with him last time we saw. I am done with my tasks by the way."
You muted yourself as you squealed. You couldn't believe him. He really took your side!
You took a sip of your green tea, patting yourself on the back for being calm and getting back in the game.
"How could you ,Corpse? I trusted you and you stab me behind my back." Sykkuno exclaimed, pout evident in his voice.
"I am sorry Sykkuno..i-it's just...I...uhh.."
Your microphone was not muted this time so when you burst in laughter you dominated the whole discussion. You laughed ugly but happy as you always did, holding your lower abdomen as it clenched muscle you didn't know you have.
"It's NOT funny, ghost!"
"It'S nOt FuNnY, GhOsT! Bwahaha..."
Despite laughing ,deep down you worried you may have offended your new friends? Nah, too early to call them that.
"I think I know why Corpse did what he did." Grease started in a dramatic sober voice.
"You mean cheated on Sykkuno."
Ludwig ignited couple of laughter from the group.
"Yeah. He did it....drumb rolls please. "
Sean provided the suspenseful roll.
"Because he is a SIMP."
"No way..."
"You heard me."
The group went wilde. You didn't know what you could say, your mind crazy yet also numb. Poor Corpse.
"Hey, hey. Guys, please calm down. If you want to come for someone, come for my neck."
Your hands flared up into a peaceful backing sign, you knew of Corpse's bad anxiety and you didn't want to cause him distress by bringing the limelight into his face.
"It's alright, ghost. I am a big boy, I can take it."
You tried to keep it short, you really did but your mind wanted to say one more thing.
"Just like you can open foil?"
You heard a breath intake. You lowered your volume, thinking of what he may do.
"Tonight was fun." Corpse said after taking a sip of water.
"Yeah, it was."
You watched your dark hair moving in the air as you played with your toes.
"Sorry again for bringing all the...uh...attention on you."
"It's fine,ghost. I know you didn't mean it."
"My name is Y/n."
His heart jumped a bit ,you told him your name that means you trust him right. Lily doesn't know your name so he is the first to know. The first to guard this special information.
"Ghost was kinda wearing down,you know?"
"Y-yeah,...uhh..I mean no! Yes? No? Fuck...It's a pretty name,um...Y/n."
You haulted, getting used to him saying your name will take a while.
"Heh,thanks Corpsie."
"Mhmmm, did you have time to think about what I told you?"
Couple of nights ago,Corpse proposed the idea of starting your own Youtube channel. You were hesitant.
"Corpse, I told I don't think people really like me. I think they just like the voice."
"Non sense. You watched our stream?"
"Noo...? Sorry,I didn't really have time to..."
"Hey, it's okay goofball. Anyway,they were asking more videos with you. Maybe some of them like you because of your voice but most of them like you because they like your personality, gh- Y/n."
"Yeah, I guess..."
"Look you don't have to do it if you don't want to. I just feel bad for all the fans that want to talk with you or sometimes I found something funny and I want to send you or tag you. It's stupid I know."
You didn't like the sad tone of his, your heart tightened and your worries worsened.
"I think I am going to sleep. Goodnight, ghost."
You were left in the darkness of your room, at the end of the bed with your long fingers reaching towards your knife, your personal fidget spinner. You chew your nail as you moved the blade unconsciously.
Corpse's account:
.ghost added you. Add them back?
Hope you like the seventh part of the serie. I almost went into a writing block with this one.
Anyway, have a nice day!💗💗
Tagged💖💖: @moolujk @magenta-skyline @yikesyikesyikes95 @mythicalamphitrite @yoyoanaria @simonsbluee @cherry-piee @gaysludge @softboiicorpse @heavenly3308
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lethesomething · 4 years
Ghost of Tsushima and the Hands of Fate
I see we're still trying to prove that games are an art form by making everyone feel bad.
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For the record, Ghost of Tsushima is one of my favourite games in a very long time. It is extremely pretty, the aesthetic and general … polish is *cheff's kiss*. You can pet foxes and backstab people. The fighting mechanic is decent and there are just So Many Hats.
But also, it has the kind of story that pulls you in to the point where you have to drop the controller to hide behind your fingers going 'ohgodno'.
It is an absolute bastard of a game, is what i'm saying.
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So let's talk about that, and specifically about Straw Hat Ryuzo and how I feel bad for him.
I am, by the way, going to be talking about the narrative structure of a video game about medieval samurai, so expect like, a bunch of spoilers.
The narrative is one of the big draws in Ghost of Tsushima. Like yes, it's an open world rpg with fighting and flower picking and all the important stuff, and also yes, some of the bits are sloppily written (looking at you, specifically, 'Ending to Norio's Arc'), but the game definitely sets out to Tell a Story.
And because this is a Serious Game that openly bases itself on samurai movies like Kurosawa's, it is a Drama.
In many ways it is an utterly brutal Bildungsroman, a narrative in which a young man finds his identity.
I have joked with friends about the clear intent for this game to make Important Stories, in that it actually tries to tick all the boxes of hotbutton subjects: childhood trauma? Obviously. Gay relationships?  Yup. Survivor's guilt and PTSD? Oh yes. Domestic abuse? Several. Suggested pedophilia? Damn, even that.
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The foxes are there to soothe the soul
It's interesting to note that from a writing point of view, this bildungsroman is even Very Classically Structured. It goes so far as to be a three acter, with a pretty standard build-up.
 Jin Sakai, traumatized man that he is, spends the first act slowly getting to grips with the bit where you don't fight an army by yourself by  just walking up to them and challenging them With Honour, like he has been taught his entire life. Instead of getting stabbed repeatedly in the chest and set on fire, he  discovers guerilla warfare and creates this persona of the Ghost, a literal vengeful spirit seeking justice for the island of Tsushima.
It gets him some big wins and in the second act he slowly embraces this identity until things get to a head where he clashes with his entire old life. The third act starts at the hero's lowest point and is utterly gut wrenching (i am Still Not Over the horse, game), forcing him to pull himself together for an ending that is, well…fitting for the narrative. It's an ending that is needed, but perhaps not what Jin deserves.
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 But anyway, this is about Ryuzo, and how until that ending, I was very upset about his role.
You see, this story is told in part through the lives of Important Npc's, who contribute to Jin's journey of self-discovery. This is pretty obvious with someone like Yuna, who is the one to introduce him to the Stealth Life and who is a driving force behind the marketing of the Ghost.
Someone like Masako, meanwhile, portrays vengeance and self discipline, but Jin also kinda tries to make her fill the mother-shaped hole in his heart.
Lord Shimura, meanwhile, is an Obvious Father figure but also stands for Jin's past. He's rigid and ineffective, which pushes Jin to further look for alternatives.
Ishikawa, that other mentor figure, is more moderate and flexible, but he also represents a possible unwanted future. He literally warns Jin at one point not to become like him.
Norio, then, is as mentioned not the best written, but he too is a person that searches for his destiny and tries to become like his hero, while only barely holding on to his sanity. 
Kenji, I'm sorry, I love you but you're just comic relief, that's all you do. It's an imporant job in the story, because god does it need it, but you're not teaching Jin anything other than how to make different 'resigned sigh' noises.
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So what about Ryuzo? From the very beginning, Ryuzo's story didn't really sit right with me. There's the obvious class issue: he's one of the few important npc's that are poor, and he's an Antagonist.
It has always rubbed me the wrong way that his original intentions were good, depending on how you read it. He's trying to feed his men. He essentially made the decision that this one man's life (even if it is an old friend) is worth the price for the lives of his band of ronin.
It's a lot more complex than that, of course. Ryuzo partly blames Jin for his predicament in life, and he also knows that samurai treat their soldiers as chattel, which the game goes out of its way to show you they DO.
  Essentially, he's a complicated character who makes bad decisions for arguably good reasons.
Ryuzo did everything he could to save the lives of the people he cared about. He went so far as to abandon his honor and his childhood friends, to try to make this happen.
Does that ring any bells?
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It kinda clicked for me at the very end of the game.
Jin, being the protag in an assassin game, does a lot of killing. But some of these deaths are given more meaning than others. Some of them are there to make you feel like shit (the Horse Again, but you lose several friends along the way), others serve a more defining purpose.
You see, there's a fair amount of what i'd like to call 'intimate violence' in Ghost of Tsushima. It's an old trope. The 'if someone was gonna kill me, it had to be you' kinda scene that hails from a worldview in which some deaths are better than others, sure, but some deaths are better even than living. It's a worldview in which life itself is less valuable than your legacy. You die for your place in history. For your clan, for your family, for your honor.
Bushido is full of that sort of thing, so it makes sense that a game building on that worldview, would use the heck out of that trope.
  The first is Ryuzo's death. You fight him in a duel, in which he tries to plead for some resolution. You could let him go, come up with some story. But Ryuzo is a traitor, so Jin ultimately defeats him and sends him off in what would be a touching moment of bro friendship if it wasn't for the blood and my 21st century sensibilities.
You grant him a warrior's death, is what I'm saying.
  It happens again with Shimura. The game actually gives you a choice here, but if you go through with it, the scene almost perfectly mirrors Ryuzo's.
You fight in a duel, and Jin tries to get his uncle to just let him go, come to some kind of resolution. But Jin has been branded a traitor, and the only way for Shimura to restore his honour and clan, is to take his life;
This being a game in which you have the power of bamboo strikes and also save games behind you, Jin ultimately wins the duel, and has the option of granting Shimura a warrior's death.
It is utterly heart wrenching and that whole scene has no business being as pretty as it is. The swelling music? The fucking strings? The anguished yell?
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  But anyway.
That's about where it clicked with me, that Jin never had a choice.
Ryuzo's whole role wasn't fair, but this is one of those stories where life itself is just not fair at all.
Both him and Shimura are there to show us Jin's path.
  What if, the game says, Jin had listened? What if he'd taken one of several offers the Khan made and surrendered?
What if he'd cooperated?
Well, we see in Graphic Detail what would happen. He would get pushed into doing horrific things. He gets manipulated, again and again, until there is no way out anymore. At some point it becomes clear to him that he's on the wrong side but whenever he tries to devise some plan to turn things around, things go Badly. He's firmly stuck in Khotun's web and the only way out is death.
But what if, the game says, Jin had stayed true to his honour? What if he had listened to his uncle, not defied him, if he had dropped the Ghost before it was too late?  If he'd gone full bushido and repented for the shogun and done all the groveling and the proper stuff.
Samuraihood is just another straightjacket, says Shimura's fate. The tenets are so rigorous you would take your loved ones life, while fucking bawling your eyes out. Shimura knows damn well it's unfair but he also has no way to leave this path. It's a ride he cannot, and will not, get off alive.
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  Jin never had a choice.
There was only ever one way for him to go.
Like let's be real: pretty much everyone in this story was dealt a bad hand. It's a narrative about resilience in the face of utter horror, of reinventing yourself and giving up entire structures of faith. People like Masako, Yuna, Norio are finding peace in dealing with huge levels of trauma and regret.
The goal isn't to start a family and live happily ever after, it's to Survive.
Submitting to the mongols would have killed Jin's spirit. Standing tall and rigid as he was taught to do would have, ultimately, killed him as well.
  "I've given up everything to save these people", he says near the end. "And I would do it again."
That's someone who has no regrets.
Jin never could have taken another path and he knows it.
And this is why Ryuzo needed a fate as shitty as his. He fell, so Jin could walk.
I'm sorry, it's still not fair.
This game needs some comfort fic.
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wrestlingisfake · 3 years
All Out preview
Here we go with AEW's annual Labor Day weekend show in Hoffman Estates, just like the original All In show three years ago. I have been going to wrestling shows for days, and it all comes down to this!
The show starts at 8pm EDT, streaming on Bleacher Report (in the US and Canada) and Fite.tv for $49.99. A free pre-show will be available at 7pm EDT.
CM Punk vs. Darby Allin - This is CM Punk's first pro wrestling match since January 26, 2014, when he spent 49 minutes in the Royal Rumble working with a staph infection and a possible concussion. The following night he walked out of WWE, leading to seven and a half years of debate about what is next move would/should be. Two weeks ago he debuted with AEW and declared that he wanted to help the younger talent, starting with a match against Allin. Allin, for his part, took some exception to being the first opponent, as if he's just a stepping stone to bigger matches.
The big issue here is seeing how well Punk, 42, has held up after seven years away. I've seen reports that he's looking good in training, but you just don't know until the bell rings. Regardless, I expect the hometown crowd to be very forgiving to Punk, and Allin is good enough to carry the match if he really has to.
I feel like I ought to have more to say about this, but it also feels like everything's been said. I can't believe Punk would lose his first match in. But I can believe that if Punk insisted on doing the job, AEW would let him do that. It'd be unusual for the returning guy to come up short, but New Japan does that sometimes and it can work as a longer build to the first win. Still, it is Chicago (sort of), so my gut says Punk wins to let us feel special.
Kenny Omega vs. Christian Cage - Omega is defending the AEW men's world title. For months, Omega held four different belts, representing championships in AEW, AAA, and Impact Wrestling. But on August 13 Christian defeated Omega for the Impact/TNA world title (and later retired the TNA belt), leaving Kenny more vulnerable than ever. The AAA and Impact titles aren't at stake in this match, so no matter who what happens the winner will be a double champion.
Cage is a great wrestler, but not a great challenger for this match. For months the storytelling pointed towards Hangman Page in this spot, but Page was abruptly written off television so he could take paternity leave. I don't think anybody resents Christian for filling in, but nobody really expects the 47-year-old, recently returned from a seven-year retirement, to win the big one. It's also a rematch of something we already saw a few weeks ago, which isn't a big deal but it's a bit of a talking point when everyone is always dogging WWE for excessive rematches.
The big go-home angle on September 1 was that Omega, the Young Bucks, and their buddies destroyed Christian, the Lucha Bros., and their buddies. After the show went off the air Tony Khan promised that this kind of bullshit interference wouldn't happen in the Bucks-Lucha Bros. cage match. Well, okay, but this match doesn't have a steel cage, so I have a feeling there will be plenty of bullshit interference. And I'm willing to bet that interference gives Omega the win while somewhat protecting Christian.
Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson vs. Penta El 0M & Rey Fenix - The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick) are defending the AEW tag team title. The Lucha Bros. won a four-team tournament to earn this shot. The Bucks have relied on a lot of outside interference from their entourage lately, so to counter that this match will be held inside a steel cage. In AEW, the only way to win a cage match is by pinfall or submission.
I was at All Out 2019 when these teams last met in a crazy ladder match (which feels like a million years ago). Everyone raved about it, and also worried that the Bucks damn near killed themselves. Personally I had a really shitty view of the ring, which made it hard to follow the match. This time I've got a much better view, so I'm looking forward to some good karma.
In theory the Bucks have sworn off doing the dangerous shit from the ladder match, but technically this is a cage match so maybe they'll just do different dangerous shit. Personally I'm more intrigued by seeing them change their game to fit in the confines of the cage, which doesn't lend itself to springboard flips off the ropes. But the cage has places to stand at the top, which will encourage the idea of setting up crazy highspots.
I feel like a title change is possible, but I could just as easily see the Bucks hold the belts for another six months. Santana and Ortiz seem to be next in line for a shot, and honestly I think that would work with either of these teams. But I guess I'll lean towards the Bucks retaining.
Chris Jericho vs. MJF - MJF defeated Jericho on November 7, 2020, to earn entry into Jericho's stable, the Inner Circle. MJF inevitably betrayed Jericho and formed his own stable, the Pinnacle, which beat the Inner Circle on May 5, 2021. Jericho was so determined to get revenge that he accepted MJF's terms to perform five "labors" to earn a rematch, but MJF beat Jericho once again on August 18, 2021. So now MJF is 3-0 against Jericho. (For some reason we're counting the ten-man match on May 5 but not the other one on May 30, which Jericho's team won, but whatever.) To get this final rematch, Jericho has put his career on the line.
Suddenly everything else in this storyline has taken a back seat to the idea that this may really be the end of Chris Jericho's 30-year in-ring career. There are plenty of fans who think Jericho, 50, should hang it up, but now that it might actually happen I think people aren't so sure they're ready for it all to end. The timing for Jericho to tease this is perfect, because he could easily just win and go another couple of years, or he could easily just finish today.
Part of what makes this work so well is MJF. I think everyone recognizes that MJF is going to be a top name in the 2020s, and that Jericho wants to make this guy. So it's like, if Jericho can get retired by anyone he wants, why wouldn't he pick MJF? I think the match will feel a little flat if Jericho comes up short yet again, but if it's the end of his career it suddenly doesn't matter if he's lost too many times, y'know?
Still, something tells me this isn't the end. Something tells me Jericho has more he wants to do. And something tells me, in a few years, we may be wondering if it would have been better if he retired on this show.
Britt Baker vs. Kris Statlander - Baker is defending the AEW women's world title. I expect to like this match but there's not really much to it. Baker was feuding with Red Velvet a while back and then Statlander made the save for Velvet. Baker and her crony Rebel have brought in Jamie Hayter to stack the deck against Statlander and Velvet. I think it's way too soon for Baker to drop the title, and I don't expect Kris to be the one to take it from her. So this is kind of a formality to kill time until Baker vs. Thunder Rosa down the road.
Miro vs. Eddie Kingston - Miro's AEW TNT championship is on the line. Somehow in the past year Miro has gone from Kip Sabian's gamer buddy to a monster heel who thinks God has anointed him to beat the shit out of people. Kingston has gone from a gutless heel to the most beloved guy in AEW. Wrestling is great.
Anyway, I love both of these guys, but I can't just bet that all the wrestlers have a good time. If Eddie's going to win a championship, it really ought to be in New York. I realize Chicago is AEW's favorite and we get all the good shit, but I've had my CM Punk ice cream and I'm maaaaaybeee going to get the Bryan Danielson debut too, so I'm willing to let New York have this one thing. Just this one time.
Jon Moxley vs. Satoshi Kojima - Moxley is the new GCW world champion following a surprise appearance at last night's GCW show; I assume that does not turn this into a title match. Moxley told top contender Nick Gage "you know where to find me," and it's anyone's guess if Gage will show up here to accept that invitation.
Mox is a busy boy making friends everywhere he goes. For a few weeks he was angling for a match with a top New Japan Pro Wrestling star on this show. The leading candidate was Hiroshi Tanahashi, but several other interesting names were discussed by fans and pundits alike. After that buzz, Kojima is a bit of a letdown.
Don't get me wrong, it's cool to get a guy who's held the IWGP heavyweight title, the All Japan Triple Crown, and the NWA world title. Kojima's a legend. But at this stage of his career, he's the guy New Japan sends when the real stars aren't available. Besides which, my cup runneth over when it comes to 50-year-old guys showing up to prove they can wrestle like they're 40. And I don't think anybody really believes Kojima can beat Moxley.
Ideally, this match should end with a video message from a bigger New Japan name calling out Moxley. I'm not confident that will happen. Then again, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if Moxley showed up in NXT UK to pick a fight with WALTER.
Paul Wight vs. QT Marshall - Formerly the Giant in WCW and the Big Show in WWE, Wight debuted with AEW earlier this year as a color commentator. QT and his goons were picking on Wight's broadcast partner Tony Schiavone when Wight intervened, setting up this match.
I was actually kind of into the idea of this until Marshall showed photos of Wight's recent hip surgery. Up to that point, they'd managed to keep me from noticing if Wight could move okay, and I was willing to accept he could do a basic squash match without a problem. But now I just assume he's broken down and he'll need a lot of smoke and mirrors to do even a simple match. Maybe that's the plan, to get me to lower my expectations and be pleasantly surprised. I sure hope it works out.
I'm about 95% sure Wight clobbers QT and just wins handily. There's a chance QT's squad pulls enough shenanigans to get a bullshit win, but I'm not sure what the point would be.
21-woman Casino Battle Royale - This is AEW's funky concept for a gauntlet battle royale. Five women start the match, and then every five minutes another wave of five enters; the 21st entrant gets to come out alone. Eliminations can occur at any time, by exiting the ring over the top rope to the floor. The last woman left after the others have been eliminated is declared the winner, and receives a future title match against the AEW women's champion.
AEW has announced 20 participants: Abadon, Anna Jay, Big Swole, Diamante, Emi Sakura, Hikaru Shida, Jade Cargill, Jamie Hayter, Kiera Hogan, KiLynn King, Leyla Hirsch, Nyla Rose, Penelope Ford, Rebel, Red Velvet, Riho, Skye Blue (a late substitution for Julia Hart), Tay Conti, The Bunny, Thunder Rosa.
The 21st spot has been left open for a surprise. Ruby Soho (formerly Ruby Riott in WWE) is widely expected to join AEW, and this would be a sensible spot for that to happen. But there are other women who could potentially debut here as a swerve.
I always want to pick the surprise entrant to win these things, but they really haven't done all that well in AEW battle royales. I could see them giving the win to, say, Big Swole, and just having Britt Baker beat her a few weeks later on Dynamite. Or Thunder Rosa could win to set up a major program for the next pay-per-view. They have a lot of options, which makes it hard to predict but fun to watch.
Orange Cassidy & Chuck Taylor & Wheeler YUTA & Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy vs. Matt Hardy & Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy & Jack Evans & Angelico - This is booked for the pre-show. Hardy's heel group has been feuding with most of the midcard babyfaces for months. I don't expect this match will blow off the feud, but it'd be nice if it did so we could move on to something else. Orange's team should probably win.
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cpknightly1 · 3 years
Hello Surgy Buddies!!
Happy Spring!
The next time the Doctor comes in grab his stethoscope put it to your ear and say.."I can hear the ocean in there"!
Again I find myself apologizing to you. I've been enveloped in the rw.
I'm going through a challenging time. Let me explain.
I used to be a professional singer/musician. I sang everything from punk rock to polkas. I started as a wedding singer to charities then I did some studio work. People called me "domino" because domino's are usually white with black dots...I had "a lot of soul" in my voice they said. (forgive the racial connotation here plz) "You don't sing the way you look"..For a long time I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing..(dork)..anyway...
Over the last couple of years I've had some pain on both sides of my neck. I chalked this up as a sore throat. You don't see any bumps. I hadn't been able to sing very well and not to my potential.
I went to the Dr and found out I have nodules on my Thyroid and close to my vocal cords. They were classified by size. Biopsied- negative. That was super news. Thank God. But after seeing my Dr back in February I found out their size had gone from a 4 to a 7. Pain is quite constant. I was sent to a Thyroid Surgeon. I met him last week. He made me feel confident in him.
He's supposed to be the best in the state. After my sense of comfort he told me I needed to have my Thyroid removed and the nodules on the other side. I will be glad to get rid of the pain. But, there is a 1% chance of my voice going hoarse. He said that's very unlikely. BUT he will be close to my vocal cords and I am petrified. This could change my singing voice. The tears weld up.. This is what I have been so occupied with. I try to sing right now and I can't. Which frustrates me to no end. High notes- holy hell no way, it hurts. I used to sing in clubs in the tri-state area. Along with our Production Company. And the Band.
I loved singing at Pridefests.
After Momma died I stopped singing/listening to/writing/playing and performing. She was my biggest fan, mentor and exceptionally talented. She always supported my talents. Was my Best Friend and a Momma only most people dream about. Everything went silent. The music was gone. I didn't listen to, play, sing or anything. Even my car radio remained silent. For years. Years.
I would try to contact Shania Twain on this. Since she had this type of surgery. (Anyone have her number?)
All my life I have been blessed and enjoyed this gift. I love to sing for people. It was never about me. I'd sing to those who lost their jobs or maybe broke up with someone. And made people dance. That was my joy. The beginning of Chaka Khans "Ain't Nobody" always got them dancing.
Momma would say "Don't worry about something, unless you have something to worry about". Welll...yup
It was funny. I asked him if it would help me lose a few pounds. He laughed and said "no"....Dammnit!
There are days when I play video games to make me focus on something else. I ignore my phone and then I'm backed up with 99+ emails, Pinterest, YouTube etc. I hate to be behind or miss things. Furthering the frustration.
I haven't told my family yet. This is a battle I want to handle myself. I would break down if I spoke with them.
I had thought of continuing on the road to this career but then thought I'd never have a private life. So smaller audiences were great. More intimate.
Simplifying my life has helped. Putting the story together has helped. But at the end of the day my mind becomes flooded with panic and overthinking. My sleep has been completely bizarre. "This too, shall pass". I've always been a fighter. And determined. But this is a very private part of who I am. If I sing to you it is my way of opening up to you.
I haven't yet scheduled the surgery. I needed a little time to let this sink in. My thinking is the sooner the better. To have done with it and see where my voice is.
There are many other things I love to do but not like this.
Soon I will be a Surgy Buddy too. Albeit only overnight. I've got the paper work about the surgery and haven't read it through yet. I will. Believe me.
Here's a funny. There are 2 songs I've been listening to a lot lately. "Greedy" Ariana Grande and "Fighter" Keith Urban & Carrie Underwood. I can't help but dance in my seat, in my car. They're happy songs..fun. The only thing wrong with this is when the car next to you is watching. ROTFLMAO.
It truly is infathomable to me that I would not be able to sing anymore. So...This is my plight.
"Ruby and the Kid" will be back soon. Hint- They're going on a Vacation. I wanted my readers to pick the Season. Which is why I asked. Now, as my Uncle would've said "Suffer". Hehe
I've had both the Covid shots. Hooray. Done. There's a sense of feeling empowered after that second shot. Yes. That was me wearing the "Superman" shirt after.
GREAT NEWS!! The pool is open at the gym!! I'm already packing my gym bag. Back to my fantastic routine. I called them a while back and was told it wasn't open. I know the building was locked when I tried one day. I called a week ago and the guy says they never closed it. ffs! I'm looking forward to this..finally.
"Ruby and the Kid" have begun packing. Woohoo!
Please stay safe out there. Get the shot/shots. Know you are protecting your family yourself and others so we can make this monster go away plz.
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nxsmss · 3 years
Movies I watched in February
fyi, I have zero knowledge on how to professionally rate or review a movie. I am not gonna pay attention to every little detail. these rating are simply based on how much I enjoyed/liked the movie
Follow me
In Time
Avengers Age of Ultron
Star Trek
Step up all in
Project Almanac
Ant Man
Space Sweepers
Christiane F.
Jurassic World
Jurassic World the fallen kingdom
1. follow me
A social media personality travels with his friends to Moskow to capture new content for his successful vlog. Always pushing the limits and catering to a growing audience, they enter a cold world of mystery, excess, and danger. 
starring: Keegan Allen, Holland Roden, Denzel Whitaker, Ronen Rubenstein, Pasha D. Lchnikoff
the end was very predictable and i pretty much already knew halfway through the movie what was gonna happen. but it still was quite thrilling and I did enjoy watching it
2. unhinged
After a confrontation with an unstable man at an intersection, a woman becomes becomes the target of his rage. 
starring: Russel Crowe, Caren Pistorius, Gabriel Batemen
hm idk, I didn’t really like it, my sister didn’t really like it but my mom did, I think. it just seemed so, no overdramatic but just too much in a way
3. in time
In a future where people stop aging after 25 and need to buy time to live, the rich become immortal while others cease to exist. So, Will is on the run with a hostage in a desperate bid to survive. 
starring: Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Cillian Murphy, Olivia Wilde, Alex Pettyfer
yes, such a good movie. Ireally like the concept. can recommend
4. avengers age of ultron
When Tony Stark and Bruce Banner try to jump-start a dormant peacekeeping program called Ultron, things go horribly wrong and it’s up to Earth’s mightiest heroes to stop the villanious Ultron from enacting his terrible plan. 
starring: Robert Downy Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johanson, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Paul Bettany
hell yes, one of my favourite marvel movies. Wanda and Pietro.. Hawkeye.. all the little jokes throughout the entire movie and of course the scene where everyone tries to lift thor’s hammer, what’s not to love about this movie
5. songbird
In 2024 a pandemic ravages the world and it’s cities. Centering a handful of people as they naviagete the obstacles currently hindering society: disease, marital law, quarantine, and vigilantes. 
starring: K.J. Apa, Sofia Carson, Demi Moore, Bradley Whitford, Peter Stromare, Alexandra Daddario, Craig Robinson
I really enjoyed watching this. yeah sure, the ending was obvious but I was still glued to the screen. I also felt super weird watching this, kinda surreal because we are basically living a more harmless version of this rn. I really liked seeing sofia carson in such a movie, I’ve only seen her in the descendants so this was a bit of a change haha. I’m not that big of a fan of kj but he was great as well and i really loved his characters style.
6. star trek
The brash James T. Kirk tries to live up to his father’s legacy with Mr. Spock keeping him in check as a vengeful Romulan from the future creates black holes to destroy the Federation one planet at a time. 
starring: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Leonard Nimoy, Carl Urban, Eric Bana, Bruce Greenwood, Zoe Zaldana, Simon Pegg, John Cho, Anton Yelchin
I put it on because I wanted to have some background noise while playing sims but I ended up playing like 20 minutes and then just watching the movie haha I forgot how good it was, and the others as well, aaand I totally forgot carl urban was in it, so that was a little surprise. anyways, can recommend watching them if you’re into sci-fi action movies but at the same time, if you’re into that I’m pretty sure you’ve already watched them.
bonus: I also watched star trek beyond the other day but this time I was barely paying attention so I can't really say too much, but it's also quite good👍🏻
7. step up all in
All-stars from the previous Step up installments come together in glittering Las Vegas, battling for a victory that could define their dreams and their careers.
starring: Ryan Guzman, Briana Evigan, Adam Sevani, Misha Gabriel Hamilton, Sephen Stevo Jones, David Schreibman, Mari Koda, Alyson Stoner, Izabella Miko
definetly one of my favourite dance movies. highly recommend it!! I’d like it more without the romancde but it’s fine, I guess, I can live with it haha and the last performance... wow just wow that’s all I can say to that. y’all go watch it
8. project almanac
A group of teens discover secret plans of a time machine, and construct one. However, things start to get out of control.
starring: Jonny Weston, Sofia Black-D’Elia, Sam Lerner, Allen Evangelista, Virginia Gardner
okay... I did enjoy watching it! the beginning was a little slow imo but then it just got more and more intense which was kinda nice. god, at some point the main guy kept making the wrong decisions and that was very frustrating to watch. the ending was alright, spoiler ahead (I guess) I would have liked the ending more if it was the exact same as the beginning, meaning that the movie is just one big time loop and the events from the movie were about to repeat themselves. but that's just my opinion🤷🏻‍♀️
9. ant man
Armed with a super-suit with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, cat burglar Scott Lang must embrace his inner hero and help his Mentor Dr. Pym, plan and pull off a heist that will save the world.
starring: Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas, Evangeline Lilly, Corey Stoll, Michael Pena, Bobby Cannavale, David Dastmalchian, T.I.
another one of my favorite mcu movies. it's just fun and easy and doesn't have a lot of pain in it. the giant ant it's my favorite part haha I want it as a pet
10. space sweepers
Set in the year 2092 and follows the crew of a space junk collector ship called The Victory. When they discover a humanoid robot named Dorothy that's known to be a weapon of mass destruction, they get involved in a risky business deal.
starring: Song Joong-Kim, Kim Tae-ri, Seon-kyu Jin, Hyang-gi Kim, Richard Armitage, Ye-Rin Park
I really loved this movie. I cried like 6 times haha, which came unexpected. (or maybe it's because I'm suppose to get my period any day now) I did not think I was going to enjoy this movie as much as I did, at all. it was fun, it was exciting, it was sad (even my dad said that) the plot was good, the visual effects were amazing, it did feel like I was watching this movie for like 5 hours but not in a bad way and I am now kinda emotionally attached to the characters haha (I might do a rewatch). another thing I really liked was the language/synchronization. in the original version they speak mostly korean and english but also some other languages and it's the same in the synchronizations. the dialogue of the main characters is in the language you pick but every other character (I guess) is a different language and I absolutely love that. I highly recommend watching this!!
also, its was super weird seeing Richard Armitage not as a dwarf hahaha
11. christiane f.
A teen girl in 1970's Berlin becomes addicted to heroin. Everything in her life slowly begins to distort and disappear as she befriends a small crew of junkies and falls in love with a drug-abusing male prostitute.
starring: Natja Brunckhorst, Thomas Haustein, Jens Kuphal, Christiane Reichelt
I binged the series the other day and after the last episode this movie was in the "watch next" thingy idk and I thought "well, why not" and watched it. good movie, definitely!! I really liked that they didn't show the highs of doing heroin but focused on the negative effects it has on someone and what it's doing to your body. it is a super realistic but very very dark movie. the actors were all about 15/16 years old and looked very young which was a good and kinda disturbing thing because christiane and her friend were like 13/14 when that all happened and it made you realise that there were kids doing all that stuff
12. jurrasic world
A new theme park, built on the original site of Jurassic Park, creates a genetically modified hybrid dinosaur, the Indominus Rex, which escapes containment and goes on a killing spree.
starring: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Ty simpkins, Nick Robinson, Irrfan Khan, Vincent D'Onofrio
13. jurassic world fallen kingdom
When the island's dormant volcano begins roaring to life, Owen and Claire mount a campaign to rescue the remaining dinosaurs from this extinction-level event.
starring: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Rafe Spall, Justice Smith, Daniella Pineda, Isabella Sermon
I am tired and don't really want to say all that much other than both of them are very good and I do like them. good action/adventure movies. can definitely recommend them. I definitely like the first one more because it feels like (just a little bit) that the main story in the second one is the same as in the first one, someone creates a new dinosaur species to make more money and something goes terribly wrong along the way. but it's still entertaining!
jurassic wolrd: 7.5/10
jurassic world fallen kingdom: 7/10
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