lady-dulcinea · 5 months
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Jessica De Gouw as Mina Murray from the 2013 NBC series Dracula
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So months ago, I've mentioned how they're making a new 009 manga. Well, we now have a few visuals for it.
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This designs... Well, not bad. It almost looks like a mix of Devilman and RE cyborg. My only issue is that Jet's nose has SHRUNK AGAIN STOP DOING THIS AAAAARRRRGGGHHH
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They now have an official website that was just open today, that you can view here. Not much on it yet obviously, but we do know they will release the first chapter (?) on September 25th.
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snowychicken · 6 months
Tumblr mobile is just straight up not working for me today and it's driving me nuts aaaaarrrrggghhh
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bookofkatherine · 30 days
Distracted by an Angel: Chris Hemsworth Kicks Silver Surfer to the Curb
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Thursday August 22, 2024 5:55 p.m.
Dear Journal,
Fucking Chris Hemsworth, man. It's like he knew - he KNEW - I had just logged onto Tumblr and was about to write a post about Chris Evans and maybe even John Krasinski.
And he couldn't have that now, could he? Oh no. Ohhh NO! (He's one of the more competitive angels among my Knights.) So! He sent me this photo instead. He knew what it would do. He knew I hadn't seen it before. He knew I'd be totally and utterly distracted. That was the goal.
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And it worked.
Now what am I supposed to do!?!?!
Gone are my plans to write about killing the Silver Surfer this morning... down the drain. Whoosh!
Gone are my plans to write about another angel among us, Ryan Gosling, and how Denzel Washington's role in the Equalizer movies are all based on real-life adventures Ryan has actually lived.
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Gone are all the poems I planned to write, share and read. Gone are all the news stories, the love stories and the ideas I had in my head to share here, there and everywhere - gone, gone, gone!!!
Even poor Tom Hiddleston, trapped on the Otherside, who was finally allowed to reconnect with me today, taking me past the brink of ecstasy for the first time in what feels like eternity - no posts about him. No thoughts about him. No laying back in bed to remember where he put his fingers and lips...
No. Not even Tom's recommendations for our next rendevous helped.
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No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
As much as I should be thinking about wrapping a black silk tie around my wrist and wearing nothing but lingerie with the black-bow heels Tom sent me... Nope!
I'm just thinking about Thor's hands.
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Or should I say... hand.
Because - Mr. Thor knows exactly what he can do with his right hand. And he knows that I know how talented he is with that hand too.
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And I know, I know.
Why isn't Chris Hemsworth sending me photos from the hotel room he's in right now?
Well.... that would break protocol. I don't even send him original photos. None of us in The Order do. It's too risky.
Instead we have various handles, accounts and pseudonyms all over the internet to share our lives with each other without compromising our locations or our safety. We are in the most dangerous battle, after all, the Final War. It's much easier to send each other media from before, when the Last Battle hadn't begun yet.
For example, Tom Hiddleston is on the Otherside. The dead don't have smart phones. Cameras are most definitely not allowed.
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The best he can do is make me small Loki's in the clouds when I go out for a drive. Before he was sent to the Otherside, when he was here, he'd make giant Loki clouds with enormous horns, horns that were bigger than my house.
But now he has to settle for itty bitty horns atop a tiny Loki cloud. I don't mind. I'd rather see him in the clouds than lose him altogether.
Cap (Chris Evans) is on my lawn helping to train the Knights for war. No one thinks to take a photo while training in the arena. If they did, Merlin the Wizard would probably appear out of thin air and confiscate the phone.
And Chris Hemsworth? Thor himself!?
Well... he's in a hotel room with the final prophet who just arrived a couple of weeks ago. Oh, they aren't alone. The prophet's son is there, and Chris, Merlin, Dumbledore, Kyle, Jordan and even my husband Nick aare all there to save the son's life.
Why is the prophet's son in danger of dying? Well, you can thank Chris Hemworth for that - and Tom Hiddleston. Those two tinker with fucking magic like they really are gods instead of fucking angels.
You know what? Don't get me started. I'm pretty upset about the whole thing. I was supposed to marry that prophet over a decade ago, before Nick. And those two angels - Tom/Loki and Chris/Thos - got so jealous that they cast spells on us to break us up.
And not once... those two did it TWICE!!!
"I love ya, babe," Chris Hemsworth just said. Yeah. Yeah. He knows I'm in love with him. I can't help it. So he's just giving me a wink and a smile.
You know why?
Because he sent me THESE!!!
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I didn't even know he could ride!!!! Did you!?!? Holy fucking Christ!!!! This is totally unfair!!!
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And he knows I go weak in the knees for this smile, especially when he's with adorable animals.
I still remember why, though:
Alexander Skarsgard and the lamb. Remember that photo??? And all the others like it? (Oh. Right. You might be new. Alex was the first angel I ever fell in love with. That was back in 2014. I didn't meet Chris Hemsworth until December 2023 - but he had been guarding me since I was born. So he got pretty jealous of Alex when the Lord allowed him into my life long, long, long before Chris Hemsworth.)
Anyhow - a bunch of the angels began taking photos like this after Alex took these for me while away.
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Yeah. Adorable right?
How no one figured out that Alexander Skarsgard was a literal angel walking among us before now, I'll never know. The signs were all that. That man... well. I guess that's another post.
*happy sigh*
Chris Hemsworth sent me this too. And goddammit - I just can't resist. My brain is full of him now, and the result?
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The result is as folllows:
-I didn't spend time with anyone in the Dreamworld
-I didn't write the poem Original Sin for Cap (Chris Evans) like I planned too
-I didn't stretch my new muscles out after a vigorous lovemaking session with John, Tom and the Knights, when my muscles were nice and warm
-I didn't get healing (many of the Knights can heal me through the Dreamworld)
-I didn't write about anyone else except for Chris Hemsworth/Thor again, when I haven't written about anyone else on here yet!!!
Oh, dear journal.
I fucking killed the Silver Surfer at 6:00 a.m. in the morning today. And it's not even on my mind.
My boy had got me all caught up.
I suppose, in the end, it's a good problem to have.
I mean.... would you LOOK at him??? He just sent this at lunch. It's as if he was saying, "I'm gonna drive you nuts later today - and you know what? You're going to love me anyway, babe."
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And you know what?
He was right.
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Note: I call Chris Hemsworth by both of his names: Thor and Chris. I call him Thor at times because he does indeed have most of the powers attributed to Thor Odinson.
I'll write about this more in the future, but the angels of Earth were often called gods by various cultures. Angels are immortal. They don't die. They are sent to either heaven or the Pit, a prison for the Fallen.
Anyhow, Chris Hemsworth is an angel. He can walk among us, just like the angels did when they visited Enoch, Daniel, Mary, Joseph and John the Apostle. Angels even visited Sodom and Gemorrah. And at all times, these angels are described as tall, bronze, buff and hot as hell.
Sounds like Chris Hemsworth to me.
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I mean, he can fly.
The man has wings. Hell, I have wings! A lot of people in The Order do.
But my point is, Chris Hemsworth is not just an angel, he is one of the most powerful angels ever created. Around the world he was called various names, including Thor and even Alexander the Great.
But the majority of his adventures have been told in the movies under the name Thor. I mean, he is Tom Hiddleston's brother. (And yes, Tom Hiddleston is also pretty fucking powerful. He has Loki's powers, as one of the twelve Olympians - though in Rome he was called Hephaestus.)
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Thank you for reading!!! I love you guys!!! I post @ prophetsjournal on Twitter the most often. It's just easier. But I'm glad I joined the Tumblr community. There's so much freedom here, and the readers are just fantastic.
Love you!!! Have an AMAZING day!
(And, by the way, you should really read my stuff while you're on your way to the New Earth. Like Noah Ark, the Lord's provided a way out of this apocalypse/climate change. Take it! I'm only here to fight Satan back so you can go ahead to safety without interruption. Please do!!! Before the pearly gate portals close. xoxo, K)
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h-worksrambles · 2 years
So ummm…about Remember the Flowers Chapter 5…
I KNEW IT! I didn’t wanna believe it but I KNEW IT GODAMMIT! This game is EVIL and I love it, yet I hate it, yet I love it! AAAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!
I need to stop getting my heart ripped out by fictional wolves.
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Holy crap… Someone bought my used DSLR camera… It only took a day… Which means I could have sold it for more money!!! AAAAARRRRGGGHHH!
But now, I can finally buy an upgraded camera!
I think Sheneka Adams shoots her clothing line with a lower end Canon Rebel and her shots turn out great. I’ll probably go with that!
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131-di · 5 years
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raccooncityaliens · 6 years
Wow I was literally going for a morning cigarette when my landlady made me visit for coffee
Spanish Inquisition part million
I didn't manage to bring up the water issue, I did ask for a better solution for the garbage disposal but with no luck
She lives in a completely different world seriously
I couldn't get into her head that maybe things should be handled differently from when she lived here alone
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hymn2000 · 6 years
Writing is hard, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to stay up until 3am writing anyway
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reylooo · 7 years
Dear God.....23 hours left now until I’m seeing TLJ in the cinema.....*screams*
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mizufae · 3 years
In the airport for the first time in two years, fam. I am SWEATY and this is awful but uuuugh my parents aaaaarrrrggghhh
Hopefully the next week will be full of rural walks and pastoral photography and parental bonding. But the stress to get there is HIGH.
Oh and also, happy new year to my fellow Jews.
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gemgirl28 · 4 years
ZKDD Chapter 8: Tiny Shivers
Katara reflects on their interrupted reunion. @zkdrabbledecember
The first E rated chapter! 
Read on ao3 here or below the cut. 
“Is there anything else I can get for you, Master Katara?” the lady in waiting asked.
Katara bit her lip before answering, “No, except, what’s your name?”
“Lin, my lady,” she answered. Katara shook her head with a small smile.
“Just Katara is fine. But I’m all set Lin, thank you.”
Lin gave a small curtsy before exiting Katara’s room, closing the door with a solid thud on the way out. As soon as Lin was gone Katara flung herself on the freshly made bed, grabbing a pillow to scream into.
Feeling minutely better, Katara sat up and surveyed her room. As an Ambassador to the Fire Nation she was given her own room that she could decorate and personalize as much as she wanted. Zuko made it clear he would spare no expense to ensure she felt comfortable away from home. Now that she knew of his feelings for her, it made his insistence even sweeter.
With a sigh she fell back on the mountain of blue and white pillows topping the bed. She was keyed up and frustrated and if Ozai’s prison was attacked, it would be hours before Zuko would be back.
She wanted to have a proper conversation with him. They needed to talk about their relationship, about the direction they were heading in, and about how it could impact their respective duties as politicians. Mostly though, she wanted to talk to him about sex.
She had blushed when he first brought it up, before she left for home, and stammered out a lame excuse about waiting till her return. Now, after living at home for six months, and after several drunk conversations with Suki, she had made her decision.
Katara wanted to wait till marriage to have sex. She hoped to keep a little piece of her soul for herself until she was ready to give everything to another. Katara knew if their relationship continued, Zuko would take care of her.
Months of missing him and overthinking had reminded Katara that she could still… pleasure Zuko and he could pleasure her. She hoped he would agree to the arrangement.  
Katara let out a heavy sigh, feeling the tension steadily building at the mere thought of Zuko pleasuring her. She bit her lip and let a hand rise to her chest, fingers tapping a nervous rhythm as she debated her options.
What the hell. He won’t be back for hours anyways and this way you might actually be able to fall asleep for a nap.
Katara closed her eyes, conjuring an image of Zuko hovering over her body. As she teased her nipples, she imagined his strong hands working her over. Tiny shivers ran through her body at the thought of Zuko pinching a nipple between his fingers before taking it in his mouth.
“You like that?” he would whisper, a slight smirk tugging at his lips as he continued his ministrations.
She let out a soft moan and trailed her other hand to her free breast, matching the teasing motions.
“Use your words,” Zuko would tease, biting sharply through her clothes. She let out a small gasp, then whispered, “Yes.”
She let her hands trail down her sides, the faintest of sensation over her dress, before hitching up her skirt. She brought her left hand back up to continue playing with her breasts while her right hand trailed the edges of her leggings.
“Would you like me to touch you?” Zuko would ask, his golden eyes glinting. His touch would be hot, almost too hot, leaving burning trails across her stomach. Her hips would buck as she begged, “Yes, Zuko, touch me touch me touch me-”
Katara plunged her hand beneath her leggings, fingers prodding through her curls till she found the bud of nerves that always made her come undone.
“Fuck you are so beautiful. So fucking gorgeous,” Zuko would praise as he rubbed tight circles on her clit. The pressure only grew as her panting turned ragged, the need for more spilling from her lips. “Please, Zuko, please, I need-”
Katara pushed one finger inside her, followed quickly by another, and began pumping them in and out, letting her other hand come down to tease her clit.
“Is that what you needed?” Zuko would ask as his breathing grew uneven. “Do you like having me inside you?”
Katara let out a moan, too caught up in her fantasy to care about the volume of her noises. Her back arched off the bed, seeking the perfect spot to tip her over the edge.
“C’mon baby, I’ve got you, come for me Katara, please-”
The tension snapped as she came, a cry breaking from her lips. She bit her lip to prevent herself from calling out Zuko’s name.
It wouldn’t do for the maids to hear me calling out the Fire Lord’s name while I’m alone.
As her breathing returned to normal her thoughts leveled out. Her weeks of traveling finally caught up to her. She used her bending to quickly clean herself off before nestling under the covers and hugging a pillow close.
She was more than happy to pass the time waiting for Zuko’s return with a nap.
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lindyloosims · 4 years
One of my posts is not showing up on the dash but is showing up on my own page! What the devil??? I am so sick of innocent posts being flagged and other posts just disappearing!!! RAAAAAAAAAGE!
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Things I Have Been Reading (November)
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It’s nearly that time of year again where characters get snowed in together, have to share a single bed, get caught under the mistletoe and ring in the New Year with their crush becoming their significant other.  BUT, before we get there, here’s a list of awesome fics I have been reading over the past month that I think you might like.
As always, if you have something you want me to check out or think I might like please let me know in whatever form you like.  Also feel free to check out my fic rec blog @girl-next-door-recommends for more stuff I’ve been reading.
Just a little reminder, if you do read something you like don’t forget to reblog and maybe put a little comment or a gif or keyboard smash.  We seem to be losing amazing writers due to lack of feedback so please, if you love fan fic, do your bit xx
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I Hope She Was Worth It @georgialouisea   This series has hit my list a few times and it just keeps getting better!  Seriously, I am dying over here!  As a Sam girl I found myself drifting towards Dean and now with the twists and turns I don’t know what I would do in the readers position.  Bravo, sweetie.  Excellent writing. 
Oops @thewhiterabbit42 Megs is one of the finest writers I have come across on here and everything she writes seems to be sprinkled with fairy dust or some such magic.  I could have put pretty much everything I’ve read of hers this month on the list but I’ve held myself back and simply placed this Chuck fic here.  Seriously though, go trawl her back catalog, it’s definitely worth it.
Grudges @fanfic-from-a-67-impala   A little angsty at times and I just want to wrap Sam up like a burrito and make everything better for him.  Beautifully written and I admit I winced imagining the pain in parts.
Friends @imagineteamfreewill   I’ve been following The Switch series for a while and this is part 5, feel free to go right back to the beginning because it’s really really freaking good but this part struck a chord with me and I’m not sure why.  Set all my Sammy senses tingling.
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Your Secret Admirer @propertyofpoeandbucky   ALL THE BUCKY FLUFF!! I’ve said it before and will probably say it again, I am not a Bucky girl but this fic gave me a soft spot for him.  Seriously sweet little three-parter that will make a stupid grin appear on your face.
Best Friends Forever @dammn-dean Okay, so another Bucky fic here for you.  Again, seriously cute and I could definitely picture each and every part in tiny detail.  Beautifully written and I’m gonna just go lurk in @dammn-dean  ‘s blog for a while.
Live a Little @until-theend-oftheline    Here’s my fluffy Steve!!! A little bit silly, a lot sweet, I would definitely be down for this kind of innocent fun with friends and a stunning super soldier any day.
Just a Kiss @caplansteverogers   This is a gift of a Pietro drabble and deserves to be passed around.  Super cute and I always need more of Mr Maximof.
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Star Trek:
Something There @kjs-s Okay, so technically I’m not supposed to put this on this list because it’s an entry to my writing challenge and I’m gonna wait to the deadline to post them all and comment and such BUT I just can’t help myself.  A bit of Bones here that made me smile for DAYS after reading it so go check it out and share it around and show it some love.
Perspective @outside-the-government   Switching bodies with the lovely Doctor seems to be very entertaining.  I can just picture the look on Christines face when she finds out what happened!  
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Other Fandoms:
Hopelessly Devoted @meganlpie  AAAAARRRRGGGHHH!!! This Weasley twin fic just smashed my heart. IT’S SOOOO GOOD!  
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selaras-hati · 3 years
mau ngeluh, tapi kita juga yang salah.......
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