#Seeing her happy with her accomplishments and proving all the men wrong made me smile
lady-dulcinea · 5 months
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Jessica De Gouw as Mina Murray from the 2013 NBC series Dracula
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meyhew · 1 year
seed i need you to know i have stored in my head any info i came across about your novel and whatever you want to share abt it (even just a lil detail you wrote lately) pleeeease share it i am so curious —lyde
LYDE 🥹 well firstly here are my beloveds (zahra & connor in the foreground, musa with his angel wings in the back)
the details are still very much coming to me at odd times but i can tell u that it follows zahra & connor (and musa) thru their late teens and 20s. i dont wanna spoil the plot but it's basically wrong person, wrong time then right person, tragedy strikes then right person, right time.
u can have a little bit of connor's backstory as a treat he's a rich white boy who means a lot to me <3
Athena was the first person Connor confided in when he applied to Boston University. He knew he couldn’t go directly to his parents. His mother might have understood, but there would have been no reasoning with his father. It was a fight he didn’t want to have then and there was no reason to have it; it would only be real if the university accepted Connor. 
Of course, there was no real possibility of them rejecting him. His academic record was stellar, his extracurriculars were exemplary, and his family pedigree spoke for itself. Even the essay he’d written had gotten a stamp of approval from several adults at school.
“Dad won’t be happy,” Athena had told him, though she needn’t have. Connor already knew that. 
“He never is,” he’d said. 
There was little he could do that would make Wallace Carter happy. 
But he had been living by their rules his entire life. He had gone to the schools they picked for him and practiced the sports they wanted him to and learned the instruments they thought he should play. Every aspect of his life up until now had been carefully curated by them, with little to no effort or real involvement. They thrusted all the responsibility onto Cadence.
Connor would be eighteen soon. He would move out of this house and live on his own, regardless of where he went. He wanted that decision to be his. 
So he sat his parents down in the living room and presented them with his acceptance letters—from Duke, Stanford, and five Ivy’s. All the places he had applied to, bar his safety option.  
His father read each letter thoroughly, while his mother skimmed them all. She smiled warmly as she glanced at the letterheads and then got up to hug Connor. It was an awkward maneuver because Athena sat on the arm of the chair Connor was in, but he didn’t mind.  
“I’m so proud of you,” Marion said. 
He wanted to believe her, so he did. 
Then she went back and sat on the couch. They made a nice picture of success, the four of them: husband and wife side by side, their dutiful children across the room barely an arm’s length away from one another. It was a picture of success, if success were defined as a nuclear family in wealthy New England suburbs going through the youngest’s latest accomplishments. 
“Well done, son,” said Wallace. He regarded Connor with the same satisfaction one might hold for a dog that’s finally mastered a new trick. “You’ve nearly outdone your sister.” 
Nearly. Because Connor would always fall short of besting Athena. 
Athena had applied to and been accepted to all eight Ivy Leagues. She hadn’t entertained the notion that she might not get in. She hadn’t had a safety net. Then she went on to study neuroscience at Brown. 
Connor wasn’t upset about it. It wasn’t his goal to outdo his sister. He knew she was the smarter sibling and he didn’t see why he should bend over backwards trying to prove himself when he was already secure in his intelligence. 
That didn’t stop the backhanded compliments from cutting just deep enough.
“Have you given any thought to where you might go?” Wallace asked. “Dartmouth isn’t too far and they always loved your grandfather. There’s a legacy there.” 
Yes, the legacy. Connor grew up hearing about the legions of Carter men and women who attended Dartmouth College. He’d seen countless grayscale and sepia photographs of family members past in gowns and graduation caps. 
He didn’t want his own face to be added to the pile. 
“Actually,” he started. 
The weight of his father’s stare was too expectant and the words clogged his throat. 
Then his sister’s foot pressed against his shin. He realized he’d been bouncing his leg alarmingly fast. 
“They won’t be able to stop you,” Athena had said to him a week ago. “They’ll give you a hard time and bitch about it for a while, but ultimately it’s up to you. They won’t make you not go to college.” 
Athena wasn’t the kind of person who said bitch about it very often. Connor had found it strangely, immensely comforting to hear. 
He squared his shoulders. “I was actually thinking about the Boston area.” 
“Well, sure, that’s just as good. Harvard has a stellar reputation, though, of course—” 
“Not Harvard, Dad. Boston as in Boston University.” 
Wallace Carter wasn’t taken aback by much, so it was a great feat that he was rendered utterly speechless. He looked back and forth between his children, like he expected them to start laughing and say Oh, we got you good! Then he looked at his wife, who simply blinked back at him. 
Finally his dark eyes settled firmly on his son. 
“Carters lead by example,” he said. “We invest in our education, and do so by entrusting the most prestigious institutions with it. Why on earth would you possibly want to attend a mediocre school when you can enjoy all the privileges and benefits that come with a place like Dartmouth?” 
This was a precarious line he stood on. Teeter too much one way or the other and he would fall over. 
“I’ve been to places like Dartmouth,” he said carefully. “All my life, the schools I’ve been to have been miniature Dartmouths and Harvards. I want to explore something new. I want to know how other people are living their lives.” 
Some muscle ticked in Wallace’s jaw. “You are not other people. You are a Carter and you will behave as such. We have invested too much in you.” 
“Invested? You mean you’ve given us the basic necessities all parents are to provide their children with?” 
“Son, you know we have done damn well more than that.” 
Athena’s voice cut in quietly, firmly. “Dad, don’t do that. Don’t make this about you.” 
“And who else should it be about? We pay for your education but we can’t express an opinion? We can’t guide you when we see you making erroneous decisions?” 
“He got in. He’s still good enough for your prestigious institutions. Why can’t he choose the one that makes him happy.” 
“It’s not about getting in. It’s about making a commitment to what is right,” Wallace explained as though he were speaking to a child and not his grown daughter. 
To Connor he said, “The son we raised would not disappoint us like this.” 
Connor slipped. Toppled over the tightrope.
“Because I’m not the son you raised. You didn’t raise me. Candace did.” 
There it was. The thing they never talked about. The thing none of them ever wanted to talk about. The thing that was so normal for them it had always been a nonissue, except for the times kids at schools asked why they never saw Connor’s parents.
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stardusthhj · 3 years
We fell in love where the sun never rose - 01
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TW: mention of death, weapons, bruises. Reader’s discretion advised.
Genre: mafia au. Gang au. Revenge au.
WC: 2,3k
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Wrath is a feeling that could push anyone to extents they didn't think they could go to. And wrath is what pushed you in front of the black door, adorned by mildew and brownish cracks. You half expected a prestigious mansion. But after a second thought it was all the more logical that underground businesses were hiding- taking place underground. You softly chuckled at your own stupidity. The man next to you stretched his hand towards the door - or what was left of it- motioning you to push it open. You looked at him as his black hair fell to his eyes. His locks were thick and long, his hairstyle very trendy -just like the rest of him actually. He had the kind of face that would let anyone struck in awe. It would have affected you as well, hadn’t you be blinded long ago by everything you now longed for. By the sheer reason for which you stood before the door next to Hyunjin. His playful smirk wouldn't leave his lips. You observed him for a long time before and never had you seen his lips falling down. Whatever this smile was hiding it was probably more pain than a human could take.
You focused your attention back on the door, pushing it open. The light was flickering inside, as a long dark corridor took pride of place. You side-eyed Hyunjin, waiting for his signal. He walked in first, walking straight. As you crossed the seemingly never-ending corridor, you couldn't help your eyes from wandering to the countless doors on each side of the corridor. The air was heavy, or maybe was it your steps which finally came to a halt when Hyunjin stopped in front of a giantic door. It was none like the others, adourned in brown and gold. The door was beautifully decorated, like in the many novels you read about arabian architecture, with all the arabesque and gems. But something, right in the center of the door, took pride of place. The head of a lion, which paws were clunched. Its mouth hang open showing countless teeth, through which a red gem could be seen. Whoever carved this majestic animal in the door was insanely talented. "Are you going to stare at the door for more time? Because last time I checked you came all this way to become part of the gang." The sickening sweet voice drew you out of your thoughts. You shook your head ever so slightly, finally looking at him, waiting for the moment he’d push the door. Surprisingly he bent forward until his breath caressed your right cheek in a way that would make anyone blush. "I am not going to do it for you, dear. Push the door or run away, but be quick." You could hear his smile growing at the end of his sentence, voice dripping with honey. You exhaled, trying to get back your composure. You sighed one more time - maybe you were standing before Death. But you decided to keep Her close the day you decided to get your Revenge. You worked too hard for cowarding away now. And at that, the door flew open, letting the inside of the room be seen. Two luxurious brown couch were face to face, a small glass table in the middle. Under it was a white rug, hiding for some centimeters the marble floor. To your left could be seen a vase adorned by pristine drawings. Beyond the apparent living room, an open kitchen could be seen. It was all white, from the tiles on the wall to the furniture, next to which was a door. A black one. Very simplist given the room it was in. On the right side of the giant room a staircase could be seen. As pristine as the other items in the room. Not so idiot, after all, you thought. Hyunjin put his hand on your right shoulder, envelopping you, though his arm didn't touch your left shoulder. "Someone's eyes are constantly astray, it seems. The person you're looking for is that way." He said, his demeanor never-changing. He led you to the black door, the one behind which your future would be sealed. You knew the second your eyes wandered on it, that beyound it took place the most macabre ambiance. You understood by now, that whatever doors you crossed were the doors to your future, and that Hyunjin would let you open them yourself. He didn't want to seal your future, you were foolish enough to do so yourself. And so did you. You opened the black entrance, standing in the threshold of what seemed a normal study. You scanned the room, eyes narrowing. Book shelves were on each side of the walls. In front of the door was a brown desk on which messy papers were scattered. Behind the study was a window, letting enter little to no amount of light. Seated behind the desk was the black haired man with which you would probably trade your life for your goal. He eyed you intensely before motioning you to sit on the chair in front of his desk. You slowly walked, not even paying attention to Hyunjin leaving the room behind you. You sat, now seeing the man from very close. The first thing you noticed was his eyes. They were glassy. Not in the sense of looking teary, no. Glassy like glass. Thick, white, void. Almost as if a veil was drawn before his pupils. He seemed so cold, so cruel. "So?" he said, his voice not as rough as you expected it to be. You found yourself wordless. How? You prepared for this moment for at least six months. You knew what you had to
say, yet you couldn't bring yourself to say these words now. Were they too cruel? But to whom exactly? "I have a goal. I came here to accomplish it." you managed to say , surprised at your voice which didn't betray any of your feelings. You mentally gave yourself a head pat. "Revenge, am I wrong?" You looked up to him, astonished. Your reaction amused him, and he chuckled softly. "Do you think you are the only person that ever crossed my door asking for revenge? Let me tell you something; every Stray Kids member first joined to get revenge. Even the leader himself." He smirked in an arrogant way. "If you want your revenge, prove me your worth. Let me allow it to you."
"I do not intend on telling you the story of my life." you said, harsher than you intended.
"Cold eyes, cold words, cold demeanor. I never expected you to narrate me your little story. I don't really care about it. I only need you to prove me with actions. You know what we say? Actions speak louder than words." He said, adding a wink at his last word. "But before you do anything, you'll receive a little training. Just so that you don't die." He leaned over, both elbows on the table and his head supporting his head. He starred at you for a little before shouting "Rhino". A boy with brown hair immediately appeared. The place was huge, how did he hear him and came so fast? You wondered. Was he ready all this time being? You eyed the man as he stood before you. His eyes were very pretty, and unlike the two other men, alive. His pupils were black, feathered with long eyelashes. His nose was long and sharp, and his upper lip was a bit bigger than his lower. He looked pretty, just like the two other men you met. His gaze fell on you and you found it hard to breathe. His eyes were surely alive, but they sent daggers through your whole being. He made it clear in one gaze that he was less than happy with your prensence.
"There's no going back, now" Said the man with glassy eyes.
The first steps you took were hesitant. You felt like being entirely swallowed up in the giant training room. Weapons were organized on shelves; guns, knives, and some wood-looking swords. You wondered why swords were present in the first place. On the ground were discarded thick rugs which you remembered using in high school. You didn’t notice your mouth was so wide open until the brown haired man next to you mentioned it. You looked at your feet, embarrassed. Now is not the time to be embarrassed! You thought. The man -Rhino, if you remembered it well- stepped first. He climbed up the rugs, heading towards the wooden swords.
“We’ll start with this. It’s convenient; you’ll learn how to many something else than a gun. Plus you won’t hurt yourself.” The first words he spoke to you were void of any feelings, just like his eyes were. But it didn’t matter; you weren’t here for acquaintances but to get to your goal. You stepped on the rugs as well, taking one of the wooden weapon he lent you. It was surprisingly heavier than it seemed. And so was his gaze. He was judging you, evaluating you through your very movements. It made you nervous to the point you wondered if he could read in your breath. “Revenge” he said, “did a relative got murdered by a gang?” You stiffened. How could someone be so insensitive? You chose to hold his gaze, frowning. Well, if he can read you so well, he should be able to read your anger. “It has nothing to do with you. You are supposed to train me, not talk to me.” You spat, venom dripping from your words. If he didn’t mind hurting others, he might as well not mind being hurt himself.
The right part of his upper lip lifted in what you supposed would be the closer of a smile you’ll ever see on him. “Sure. Be it. But then don’t expect me to tell you your wrongdoings. Find out by yourself.” His tone had nothing to do with the so called smile. He was mad. Mad at you. “So big boy likes to hurt others but can’t stand a simple remark? Is the poor boy hurt?” You feigned concern as you leaned closer to his heart, pretending to listen to his heartbeats. In a second, your back encountered the rug in a way that would sure bruise you. When you opened your eyes, a growl escaping your lips, he was right on top of you, his eyebrows closer than possible. His face was mere centimeters away, his breath fanning your own. Now that he was so close, you could see his eyes well. They weren’t black, they were dark brown, with some yellow and red tint here and there. “You surely like to talk back. In a real fight, you’d already be dead. Talk less, act more.” He said before standing up, straightening his white shirt in the process. You were speechless. All this time you thought you were at least good at fighting. You stood up yourself, your back hurting more than it should have. Damn it, you mentally cursed.
Rhino looked at you over his shoulder “get up, we have a long way to go.”
Weeks passed and the least you could say was that you significantly improved. You also noticed a slight change in Rhino’s demeanor. He would from times to times bring water bottles, and sometimes would even patch the handle of the sword you were used to many. You figured out it was his way of caring. Through very small things. And it was fine by you. Even if the only words you would exchange with him were about work. He even taught you a handful of laws, such as always protecting the leader, not doing anything that would put the whole gang in danger, sacrificing yourself for the well-being of the gang… all these rules you couldn’t care less about. For you would not give up on your life and your goal for a bunch of men you did not even know. It had been weeks, yet the only persons you ever encountered where Hyunjin and Rhino. You wondered where the others were. But it didn’t matter, you had to get ready to the day of the test. The rest was a mere concern for you.
Resting on the small bed of the room you were assigned to, you mentally replayed your last training session with Rhino. The way he held his gun, the way he effortlessly never missed any target. You wanted to be as good as him. No. You wanted to be better. A knock on your door drew you out of your thoughts. You opened it, revealing the brown-haired man you were so accustomed to. “Chan told me to inform you; tomorrow you are going on a mission with us. It’s as simple as handling a drug deal. There’s really not much to do, but have this.” He put in your hands a bulletproof vest. “Am I allowed to…” “As long as he doesn’t find out it’s fine. Wear it under your clothes. Wouldn’t it be a shame if you died before you’d even join?” He cut you off. You frowned. Why would Chan ask you to come help in a mission when you didn’t have enough training? Why would Rhino give you a bulletproof vest? It just didn’t make sense. You politely thanked him, sending him away. You slumped back on your bed, eyes fixed on the white ceiling. They really thought you were dumb. Soon enough, you were going to pass the test you prepared hard for. The exam they disguised as a mission. You thought about it for a long time. It was most likely they would test you on your loyalty, ability to apply the rules Rhino taught you and on the way you can use weapons. You clenched you fists, sitting on the edge of the bed. Whatever it would cost, you were going to pass the test. Not because you wanted to be part of Stray Kids, but because you needed to. It was your only way to get to your revenge. And your revenge was your it. It came before anyone’s life. Including your own.
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i-need-air · 4 years
Hey it's me again ❤️
I'm just gonna whisper something in your mind (is that even possible?)
Having a baby with Hybrid Katsuki.
Just that. Imagine girl. Perfection.
Ok, real talk here. Every time I see a request from you I uwu a little bit bc I know for a fact whatever you're requesting will make me get so immersed and involved and I'm gonna 💕💞AAAAAA💕💞 while writing AND [lemmecatchmybreath] it happened once again skdjdkfkf Hope you enjoy and sorry it took longer than normal~
Word count: 1.8k
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× listen 🥺 I already started and I'm melting, ok?
× when he finds out you're having a smol baby together?
× he freezes and looks at you in a whole different light
× if you're getting pregnant, he will definitely smell the change in your scent and will know even before you do; he'd be instantly by your side with a bewitched expression on his face, taking your cheeks into his palms to just soak everything in yet he's shaking slightly
× and even if you adopt [hopefully a smol hybrid], something deep inside of Katsuki, burried and long forgotten surfaces
× this is the life he always wanted, he always craved even in his darker moments
× this happiness, this fulfillment, this joy
× I absolutely believe he will diligently read and learn everything about the baby to come; will educate himself like no other, deciding to be the very best father he could ever be
× his life was rough and he was stolen away from his biological family, he will now have a chance to have his own and he will not fail you or the baby
× when you hold the little bundle of sunshine in your hands, head down admiring the beauty of a new life, he will stand there, again in shock, again soaking this moment in... so beautiful, so perfect
× will he ever tell you that? of course not; angry ass wild pomeranian—
× but his face gives him away every single time and when you tilt yourself to hand him his new son or daughter, he falls in love for the second time in his life;
× he burries his nose in the soft and fragile skin of the baby's head and breathes in, his instinct kicking in to defend, protect, care, look out for...
× watch carefully because once the baby makes a noise, he'll still, unsure of what to do, but smile so softly as the baby coos in his arms securely; that right there is the best image you can have of soft Katsuki.
× the first few weeks are actually horrible, sorry to break it to everyone aksjskdj not because he doesn't know what to do or does not want to help; on the contrary, he is so incredibly attentive but he also recites the books he learned by memory at this point and it's getting absolutely infuriating;
× although understand him, please; he wants to prove he's a good dad 🥺 except you wanna smack him bc he scoffs if you suggest something he isn't sure about.
× you will find him standing by the baby's crib as it sleeps; he's just???? making sure this is not a dream????? don't question anything though
× can we hc Bakugou with a daughter too? [ already established in the Hybrid!Kiri hcs that Kiri'd have daughter bUT i just really really like beefy men with tiny daughters;;; my heartttt;;; ]
× his little angel, no discussion, no argument, his daughter can do NO WRONG!
× he's very down to earth though, don't get me wrong, he just absolutely adores spoiling her
× speaks softly into her ear, the lowest you'd hear from him
× gruff, raspy, gutural voice ofter overused to scream now low and soft as he holds her into his chest; doesn't do baby-voices or anything like that, but calls her his angel then smirks at you if you're watching;;; then starts softly complaining and bitching about you to the baby 💀 all while rubbing her back
× omfg his hand is as big as her tiny back; guys, call an ambulance, I'm—
× Katsuki would be the type of little shit to pull what I just said then grab you and glue you to his chest too; he'd look down at you both, eyes shining in such adoration he'd take your breath away just before he continues his ranting about you;
× once the baby starts being more interactive, her giggles specially the ones induced by her daddy will make him melt; absolute diminute baby with a small wiggling tail clapping her chubby hands at her dad? his eyes would widen suddently, ears snapping high in surprise and he's taken back by the emotions overtaking him
× he's gone, man; she has him wrapped around her tiny little finger and you can't do anything about it
× instantly acts all in denial if someone is around though; scoffs to hide is obvious smile, placing a palm on his mouth to further block it out and tickles her with the other, earning another fit of giggles
× please, don't tell him his whole tail is waving from side to side
× the only clear giveaway apart from his ears and it's;;; a d o r a b l e;;;
× specially when your daughter also starts wagging her tail in response whenever he does it;
× "Hey, come see what the dumbass is doing!" or "Look at what she did" while showing you a video; proud pappa 🥺
× we're bringing back Proud Bakugou bc hIS DAUGHTER iS tHe BeSt; no, seriously, his kid is the mf best in the world and he will start this presentation with—
× now sit down with me and accept this: the baby; yes, your sweet daughter; mhm, that adorable screeching angel; mhm;;; she'll talk so early it's disturbing.
× at 6 months or so she's already saying mamma, dadda, kitty, woof-woof
× seriously terrifying how sharp she is and how she cannot shut up; for the love of gOd, Katsuki, this is all your fault... it doesn't matter, he just smirks as he has another reason to brag to anyone about his child
× did that street vendor look at him funny? "I'M GONNA FUCKING TELL YOU ABOUT MY DAUGHTER—"
× super-protective of her and fucking hates with a burning passion if anyone dares to do that thing where they match up babies saying "Maybe they'll get married when they grow up"
× hands down, no filter, he just looks deep down in whoever had the audacity and says "Like fucking shit they'd deserve her."
× drag him away before he throws fists
× he will definitely if you don't drag him away and you know it, they know it, the baby knows it and cheers for pappa, the whole world knows it at this point and they're buying tickets to watch the shitshow
× chest carrier and walks around with the kid like a boss
× man has shit to do, don't even dare to judge him;
× handles fits really well, he's impressive to say at least
× she's spoiled, yes and always has new toys, coloring books, whatever she wants but the moment she throws fits, he puts his foot down
× baby would be smol angery bb all adorable in all her Bakugou genetics anger and he'd just stare, tapping his foot
× literally waits in place until she calms and looks up at him with big, round eyes, puffy red cheeks and ears lowered
× mission accomplished; he nods then picks her up;
× and you're there amazed??????
× "The fuck you lookin' at?" lil shit still has a foul mouth tho, but make him get just as pouty and embarrassed as the child in his arms by saying something cheesy like "How amazing you are as a dad 💕"
× all rainbows and unicorns until she starts repeating insults and fr tho, Katsu almost shits his pants, fearing your reaction. Will, hands down, chill out with the insults even if he meant no damage with them; he has this unreadable expression on, a mix of shame and fluster, dread too? he's sorry, ok????
× loves, loves, loves cooking for you both and once the kiddo has her own special chair to sit at the dining table together, that's when he sees it: his dream
× you, wiping some food off her cheek with a loving expression, talking about your day casually, baby giggling while she moves her face away playfully; he loves you both so much.
× has these rare moments where, at the end of the day once you're settled in bed, he'd hug you tight and thank you in his mind for... for this... all of it...
× once she starts walking they're both a disaster
× seriously, do not expect the household to be silent ever again [ well, that dream was gone long ago anyway lol ]
× "Where the fuck do you think you're goin'?"
× rapid giggle running around from place to place
× "Oh, for fucks—"
× "Katsuki." you only need to say, catching him in his insults
× 😳 ... "Kid, come back, we're goin' to the park." Skdjkdfkl
× sudden adorable tiny fast steps approach him bc they're going for walkies!
× he is very careful with her and teaches her about stranger danger; also teaches her how to growl and even if her attempt is a total failure, small rawr leaving her lips, he's like "Yes. Good job. Now give it more heart."
× he growls as an example
× she growls back, sounding like a cute lil pup 🥺💕
× as she grows up, she obviously acts more like her father yet he knows when to stop the bad behaviors and it only takes a warning growl from him to get her to cease
× yet somehow you're the strict parent at the end of the day??????? tf????????? who made the rules??????
× starts calling her brat, squirt, lil shit 💕lovingly💕
× "your child" if she did something bad
× "Your fucking child kicked the ball into the vase and broke it." Aha, nice one, Katsuki. Good job.
× not to brag but her puppy eyes don't work on him but yours do; the problem is her puppy eyes do work on you bc she's the light of your life so if she wants something; she'll puppy-eye you knowing you'll get it for her bc daddy loves you very much 💕💞
× literally evil mastermind; didn't I tell you she's sharp? pft, she's playing you both so hard
× every day he comes back from work she runs to him at the door, tail wiggling happily behind her as she stretches her arms to be picked up and he always does, without a doubt, then proceeds to kiss the top of her head
× come out to greet him too? the whole loving routine is his absolute thing and wants to see you, have you kiss his cheek; he complains but adores it soooooo much!
× you have a family night; BONDING WITH MOODY POMERANIANS. Yes, plural, and it sounds perfect~
× even if it's just one of those animated movies he hates so much, he'll watch through all of it and make sarcastic comments just to make you both laugh; will grin satisfied asf if he manages to do so bc he's the best.
× will definitely want another kid, so how about maybe a boy??? hmm???
× asks you if you're up for the idea and if you agree, he'll roll his eyes and crack his shoulders, acting so very uninterested and purely exhausted yet his smirk would give him away:
× "Knew you'd torture me with another devil"
× throw him out, istg— 💀
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forzalando · 4 years
royally screwed | fw | pt. two
pairing: prince!fred x princess!reader word count: 2.4k warnings: cursing, mentions of meals/food, arranged marriage, enemies to lovers a/n: hello friends! happy valentine’s day!!💛the long awaited part two is here and i hope you all enjoy!😊bonus points if you catch the subtle hp references in this chapter hahaha thank you to @spacexcowgirl​ for beta reading, i love you dearly!! you can read part one here
summary: Prince Frederick Weasley of Burrow was a twin, but unfortunately, at least in his mind, he was born the eldest twin, meaning it was his duty to inherit the kingdom. Since the young age of ten, Fred knew that he was to marry Princess Y/N Y/L/N of Diagon, and over the years they’ve both come to dread the day. With the eve of their wedding closely approaching, their disdain for each other begins to worry their respective families. However, there is a very fine line between love and hate.
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Y/N awoke the next morning and immediately recounted the previous day’s events; she could feel the puffiness in her face and eyes from the tears shed after her Mother left her room. She had hoped that their conversation would go differently, but it was done and there was nothing left she could say regarding the matter.
A sharp knock on Y/N’s chamber door had her jumping up and crossing the room faster than her feet would carry her. She stumbled a bit, almost crashing into the door before pulling it open, only to see the most peculiar sight.
Frederick Weasley, with his siblings stood behind him, although George was standing rather close so that he could pinch his brother’s ear.
“Well,” Ginny goaded, “go on then, you arse.”
Fred turned swiftly to shoot his sister a glare, but George’s grip on his ear had him wincing in pain.
“You better get going or I swear I’ll rip it off,” George grumbled, struggling to hide the jesting smile creeping on his face.
“Fine, fine,” Fred huffed. “Princess Y/N, I would like to apologize for my behavior last night. It was entirely unacceptable and I hope that you can find it in your impossibly sma-”
Ginny quickly stomped on Fred’s foot, interrupting what Y/N was sure would be an insult.
“Pardon me, your impossibly large heart, to forgive me. I was also wondering if you would care to join me for breakfast in the drawing room.”
George promptly let go of Fred’s ear, but not without one final yank, and the entire clan of Weasley siblings looked at Y/N expectantly, awaiting her answer with fervor.
“You must be absolutely mad, Frederick Weasley,” she scoffed, folding her arms across her chest in defiance. “After your attitude last night, which you had for no reason, I might add, and you come knocking on my door to ask if I want to have breakfast with you? I don’t want to see your face unless I have to!”
“I’m trying, Y/N! You said that the least I could was try, so here I am, offering to spend time with you when I’d rather lick the floor in the foyer.”
“Well, then, feel free to go scrub the floors with your tongue because I will not join you for a meal today or any other day!”
Fred stalked away with no objections from his siblings, who were all laughing at Y/N’s quip. She had a satisfied smile on her face as well, but it quickly fell when she averted her gaze to the three other Weasley siblings.
“Now what exactly did you think that was going to accomplish?” Y/N spoke with a, mostly, playful glare to the three standing before her.
“Honestly, we were hoping a bit that you wouldn’t answer the door. Mum made us drag him down here,” George answered with a shrug of his shoulders.
“But, now that we are here,” Ginny said excitedly, “will you have breakfast with us?”
Y/N smiled softly; she could never say no to spending time with her only friends.
“Let me get dressed and I’ll meet you…where should I meet you?”
“The drawing room…” Ron mumbled, hoping Y/N wouldn’t recall that Fred wanted to take his breakfast there as well.
“You three are insufferable,” Y/N laughed, “however, I’ll be there in ten. Hopefully he will be gone by then.”
Y/N gently shut her door and quickly threw on a dress and her day slippers; her mother would absolutely have a fit if she saw the disheveled state she was in, but Y/N simply couldn’t care.
After a quick glance in the mirror, Y/N hurried through the castle corridors that she had come to know so well and made it to the drawing room in record time. To her delight, Frederick was nowhere to be seen.
“Good Morning, dear,” Queen Molly said warmly from her seat. “Have you by chance seen Fred this morning?”
Y/N heard the quiet snickering of Ron and George and then a hushed “shut it” that could only have come from Ginny.
“Oh, yes, Queen Molly, he stopped by my chambers to apologize. Very out of character for him, I wonder if someone slipped something into his morning tea.”
Molly Weasley hummed lightly, taking the slightly sarcastic tone of Y/N’s voice to mean that things hadn’t gone as she directed.
“That’s lovely, dear, maybe you’ll actually have a civil conversation in the gardens.”
Y/N set down her tea slowly, trying not to act shocked because she had no knowledge of a walk in the gardens.
“The gardens? I didn’t know anything about the gardens,” Y/N mused inquisitively.
“That’s where Fred is right now, I told him you’d be along in a few minutes. He even looked a bit excited,” Molly teased.
Y/N snorted inelegantly and immediately covered it with a cough; she rose from the table and looked pleadingly at George, hoping he could come up with some form of an excuse that would save her from time spent with Frederick, but George refused to look at her and continued eating his breakfast unbothered.
“I’ll go meet him now, Queen Molly. I’m sure he’s awfully busy so we can make this short,” Y/N said with a smile.
“Fred is free all day, I cleared his schedule, dear.”
“Brilliant,” she grimaced.
With a half-hearted wave, she left the drawing room and begrudgingly walked towards the gardens, smiling politely at each person she passed. Even if her future husband did not care for her, Y/N took comfort in knowing that his family and the people in the castle did; she hoped it would make the rest of her life tolerable.
All too soon, Y/N felt the sunshine on her face as she stepped into the magnificent palace gardens. She could spot Prince Frederick’s fiery hair a mile away; he was standing near the rose bushes twirling a yellow one between his long fingers.
The rustling of the grass between Y/N’s feet caused Fred to turn around to find the source of the noise.
He stalled a bit; even though he despised the Princess of Diagon, he could never deny that she was breathtakingly beautiful. Her hair was unkempt, a soft pink, cotton gown swished around her legs as she stalked toward him, and her face was set in a scowl but even the worst grimace could not distract from her captivating eyes.
It was entirely infuriating, and it made Fred want to hate her even more, but some intrinsic force wouldn’t allow him.
“What are you staring at?” Y/N asked, her eyebrow raising.
“Nothing,” Fred replied with a shake of his head. “I’m just thinking of all the ways I’d rather spend my morning.”
“Well, it seemed like you were staring at me. Do it again and I’ll push you into the rose bushes, I don’t care if you are the future King.”
Fred turned his head and tried not to crack a smile, but failed miserably as the corner of his mouth quirked up involuntarily.
“Let’s get this over with, Y/N, can your stubby legs keep up?”
“It’s not my fault you shot up like a bloody bean pole; you went from stumpy to looking like someone sewed tree limbs together and animated them.”
“Most women like tall men.”
“I like tall men, Frederick, I just don’t like you.”
A stunned silence fell over the two royals, only the sounds of the rustling leaves and nearby animals could be heard.
“I suppose that’s why you like Prince Cedric, then?”
“Beg your pardon?” Y/N’s eyes widened, confused at the sudden interrogation.
“Your conversation with your Mother last night, how you begged her to marry him instead. Or my brother. Or that horrid Malfoy.”
“You had no right – that was a private conversation. How dare you eavesdrop on my personal business? Every time I think you have a shred of decency you prove me wrong, Frederick Weasley.”
Fred stepped in front of the Princess, blocking her path and preventing her from walking on.
“Prove you wrong? I had come to your room to apologize when I heard you plotting with your Mother to run off with someone else and disrespect my family.”
“I would never disrespect your family. They’ve never been anything but good and kind to me, the last thing I would ever want to do is hurt them. I haven’t the slightest idea how you’re related to any of them.”
“Oh, I know, you have them all wrapped around your little finger,” Fred scoffed.
“I’m not going to stand here and fight with you, Frederick, I don’t have the energy. Can we please just keep moving and we can tell your Mother we had a wonderful time and learned so much about each other.”
Y/N stepped around Fred, lightly grabbing his wrist to pull him along through the endless rows of flowers.
“She’ll probably quiz us and you don’t even know my favorite color,” Fred griped.
“It’s purple, I think,” Y/N blurted. “I overheard you telling your Mum years ago that you wanted purple frosting on some dessert. I figured that meant it was your favorite.”
“And you remembered?”
“There aren’t a lot of things I forget about the people in my life, Frederick. If it’s important to you, I’ll remember.”
“But you don’t care about me, why did you even bother?”
Y/N sighed and shook her head before turning to look at Fred, shielding her eyes from the sun.
“Contrary to popular belief, I don’t hate you. I don’t particularly like you, maybe in a different life we’d actually be friends, but I don’t hate you. I don’t hate anyone.”
Fred realized this was the longest they’d gone without arguing in years, and it was barely one tenth of a conversation. He turned his head slightly to watch Y/N, taking in the way she gazed lovingly at the surrounding flora, and noticed her eyes linger a bit longer every so often.
“Yellow,” Fred mumbled.
“What was that?” Y/N asked.
“You look longer at the yellow flowers. Yellow is your favorite color.”
Y/N smiled softly, the same smile she’d given Fred when she had arrived the day before but it was infinitely more sincere.
“If you were like this all the time, you wouldn’t be so bad Frederick.”
“Who says I’m not?”
Y/N rolled her eyes and this time Fred could not contain himself; he laughed loudly, and the sound triggered a fluttering of sorts in the Princess’s chest. They continued their walk, chattering idly and the Prince even picked a blooming yellow rose and delicately handed it to his Princess.
“I really did want to apologize last night, you know,” Fred assured. “I didn’t have any reason to be so rude when you arrived, I guess it was just…habit. We have a way of getting under each other’s skin.”
“Apology accepted, for your rudeness yesterday, of course. But, you owe me another.”
“Yes, for eavesdropping on me and my Mother.”
“That conversation involved me, I hardly think it’s one I shouldn’t be aware of if you’re trying to finagle your way out of our betrothal.”
“It may involve you, but it was a private conversation.”
“That involved me.”
“My God, I’ve said it before but truly every time I think you can redeem yourself, you do or say something completely asinine. Do you have any manners?”
“You were talking about me, I felt I had a right to listen!”
Y/N groaned loudly in annoyance, drawing the attention of the nearby guards.
“I don’t even believe you wanted to apologize, you had the chance this morning and just insulted me like you always do! Every decent part of you is nothing but an act!”
“You don’t even know me,” Fred seethed.
“No, I don’t, but it’s because you won’t let me!”
“You’ve never even tried, don’t attempt to play me for a fool, Y/N.”
“Well, I’m trying now. I’m trying now and still all we can do is fight.”
The two stood toe to toe, breathing heavily and staring into each other’s eyes. After a few moments, Y/N looked away and sighed deeply. It sounded almost dejected, Fred realized, rather than the anger he had expected.
“Go ahead of me back to the castle, please, I’d like to actually enjoy the rest of the walk.”
“I don’t have to take orders from – ”
“You’ll do as I say, Frederick Weasley,” Y/N snapped.
Fred wanted to argue; God, did he want to argue with her until he was blue in the face, but something about the tone of her voice frightened him a bit. So, he scoffed and stalked back to the castle, swinging his fists by his sides and gritting his teeth.
He passed by his twin, giving George a half-hearted wave before entering the castle. It wasn’t hard to sense the tone of what had transpired, and George shook his head and took off running towards the gardens to find Y/N.
“Oi! What did he do this time?” George shouted as he slowed to a stop in front of Y/N.
“Just the usual. Acting like a pompous prick that can do no wrong. He was nice for two minutes and then refused to apologize for eavesdropping last night on a conversation between me and my Mother!”
George rolled his eyes and raked a hand down his face, massaging his temples in preparation for the headache that his brother always managed to give him.
“Y/N, you know he’s not malicious, he’s just an idiot sometimes,” George offered.
“I appreciate you defending him but at the moment it’s going in one ear and out the other, Georgie.”
He laughed and slung an arm around the Princess’s shoulders, joining her on the remainder of her walk through the gardens. He noticed Y/N twirling a yellow rose around and every so often lifting it to inhale its sweet scent.
“Stealing flowers from our gardens, eh?” George jested, bumping his hip into Y/N.
“Frederick picked it for me, actually,” she mumbled.
“Well, that’s sweet. You two can get along, is what I’m seeing and hearing.”
“It was a momentary lapse of judgment,” Y/N sighed, before throwing the perfect rose to the ground and ensuring her slipper crushed the delicate petals.
When they were good and flattened into the Earth, she swore she felt an ache in her chest.
taglist: @theweasleyslut @vivacesole @weasleyclaw @nuttytani-reblogs @theweasleysredhair @hufflepuffbaby9 @wildfire-whizbangs @gcdricreads @amhyeah @62442-am @letsgotothehop @emrysts @fuckoffthanos @uponashelf @justalittleweirdoo @evermoreweasley @feminafatales @pxroxide-prinxcesss @lumosandnoxwriting @weelittleweasley @darthwheezely @lovecroftreads @whizboingies @love-peachh @harrysweasleys @wand3ringr0s3 @gredmforge @vogueweasley @gryffindcrghost @adrianpuceyishot @spacexcowgirl @freds-slut @phoenixes-and-wizards @parseltongueswriting @geostarr @snoopydoop1 @lana-isabelle @kaye-lantern @aworldinsideaperson @starlightweasley @emeraldbears20 @lupinsclassroom @barnesjamcs @thisuserlovesyouandyouandyou @dracosgoodgirl @expectoevans @scoobiessnacks @crissdanvers @itsbebeyyy @ovrwd @satellitespidey @softlyqoos @dandyylions @anxxi0s @raiaurii @gloryekaterina @godricsswords @wischief @amourtentiaa @lmaoitsmebro @legitlaughingflamingo @rodrickmalfoy @listenhereyousupernova 
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lombredanslaeu · 4 years
𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒑 𝒅𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒔 | jung jaehyun.
plot: the story of jung jaehyun and the implications of his relationship with the ceo’s daughter - all the saccharine, the bitter, and the sour. word count 7405
genre: angst, fluff
warnings: curse words 
playlist: the louvre lorde | hard feelings lorde | the girl city & colour | i dont wanna be okay without you charlie bug
this isn’t proofread, so i apologize for any mistakes. feedback is highly appreciated, it motivates me to write more. <3
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“Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are: “It might have been.” - Kurt Vonnegut
Contrary to the public belief, the daughter of one of the biggest entertainment companies in the country isn’t as snippy and snobby as the world pictures her to be. Growing up, you never failed to respect everyone, regardless of their social status. That’s why the world seemed to be in shock when a photo of you, Doyoung, and Johnny spread like wildfire all over social networking sites.
“Why are people so in shock about me being friends with you guys?” You inquired, shoving a spoon of cheesecake to your mouth.
“They’re probably wondering why the hell you’re friends with losers like us.” Johnny replied.
“Oh yeah, that’s probably it.” You agreed. Johnny faked a hurting face, causing everyone in the room to burst into small laughters and smiles.
A swing of the dorm’s door revealed three more of the boys. Mark Lee, Kim Jungwoo, and Jung Jaehyun. How do you begin with Jung Jaehyun?
Everyone fawned over the boy. Who wouldn’t? With a cherub face and charming smile, anyone would fall head over heels over Jaehyun. You blamed his looks, you blamed his voice, and you blamed Doyoung for pointing everything Jaehyun did excellently. You blamed everything else but yourself for having a stupid crush on the boy.
“Oh, I bought you guys cheesecake.” You smiled at the newcomers.
“You’re heaven-sent, Y/N!” Jungwoo exclaimed.
“Thanks, Y/N.” Jaehyun said, with that godly smile that he always wore. You smiled off the racing beats of your heart, concious that Doyoung or Johnny might notice your sudden tension.
Unbeknowsnt to you, one of them already knows. And he has a plan to accomplish.
The warm sun was normally a pleasant thing for you. However, your lack of sleep and rest the previous night was overtaking your personality today. The busy chatters of the students that walk through the premises of Seoul National University fileld your ears. It was a normal day - lectures, presentations, and countless pages to read. You’re already on your third year of college, you should have been used to this by now. Another misconception about you is that you don’t have a personal driver to drive you to and from places; heck, you don’t even own your own car yet. You don’t do it very often but you bratty side is cursing your parents for trying to make you live independently. You made a mental note to complain to them later that night.
A resounding beep from your phone made you halt your walk.
Jung Jaehyun (SM): Hey! Are you around SNU right now?
That’s weird. You thought. It was actually more new than weird. Sure, you and Jaehyun are friends but you don’t think you’ve already reached the level of texting each other all of a sudden.
You: Yeah! Do you need anything?
Jung Jaehyun: I’m actually quite lost.
Jung Jaehyun: Doyoung told me to buy something from this home depot around SNU.
Jung Jaehyun: Do you know where Rosé Palace is?
You chuckled at his sentiment. Your palms sweat by the fact that you just might see him today. You didn’t look your best at this very moment, you didn’t feel the need to fix yourself since your main plan for today was just go to school.
You: I know where that is. Where are you right now?
Jung Jaehyun: I’m here near the musuem.
After a few walks and turns, you found the poor man. He wore all black clothing, with a mask and a bucket hat probably to hide his identity.
“Hey, I’m sorry for being a bother.” He apologized.
“Oh, no! It’s okay! I was done with school anyway.” You quickly respond. “Rosé Palace is actually very near here.”
“Oh, is it?” Jaehyun spoke. “I’m sorry, I really should have just tried finding it instead of bothering you.”
“Stop, it’s really not a problem.” You assured him.
You expected the walk to the location to be awkward. After all, you and Jaehyun doesn’t talk much. He would only ever talk to you whenever someone is also in the conversation.
“Do you live around SNU?” Jaehyun asked.
“Nope,” You answered. “I live at my parent’s home. I don’t dorm here.”
“Really? Do you commute?”
“I actually do.”
“You’re not scared?”
“Not a lot of people know who I am, Jaehyun. They just see me as another tired, college girl.”
“Must be nice not having people know who you are.” His tone seemed down and almost envious.
“Hey, you should be happy people know your name.” You said. “I could probably die right now and no one would bat an eye until they find out I’m a daughter of a CEO.”
“That’s not true!” He spoke. “I’d bat an eye!”
You laughed at him. “Of course, you would.”
Jaehyun emitted a soft chuckle. You were definitely not someone he would casually walk around with. He didn’t think he was worthy of your time, anyway. But then again, you’re friends with every single of the members so you’re probably very nice. And right now, he proved that hypothesis correct. He silently thanked Doyoung for asking him to buy those set of plates for his mother’s birthday.
The next time you and Jaehyun hung out was during one of the company gatherings. According to Taeyong, “you spent so much time with Jaehyun that Doyoung and Johnny got jealous.” You never realized that yourself. One topic in a conversation led to another and before you know it, the gathering is about to end and you still haven’t spared any of the members a glance.
“Is your dad okay with you being so close with Jaehyun?” Doyoung asked.
“Why would he not be okay with that?” You answered his question with another question. “He seems to be okay with me being close friends with all of you.”
“Hmm, yeah,” Johnny trailed. “Sure, that’s the situation here.”
You only looked at him with confusion drawn all over your face.
“Do I sense some sarcasm on your tone?”
“What? Sarcasm? Fuck no!”
It was during their live online concert that Jaehyun realized. In front of them are hundred of pixelated screens, some more distorted than the others. And yet, he still saw you, he still recognized you with a blink of an eye. You’re in a small screen almost at the edge. The other members didn’t notice you, they probably didn’t even know you were attending. He saw you, amongst the landscape of faces, he saw you. That’s when he realized. Jaehyun swallowed a small smile, fearing that Yuta, who’s arm is draped over Jaehyun’s shoulder, would sense something.
This isn’t the first time he realized that he was in love you. It was probably when he kissed you for the first time and the next time, and the next time.
“You love kissing me, don’t you?” You whispered against his lips.
The two of you did not even make it to bed when you decided to lock your lips together for the nth time that night.
“I do.” He replied. “How about you?”
“I love everything that you do to me.”
The night grew feverish. The two of you still hasn’t talked about the current status of whatever relationship you both have. You act like lovers but never brought it upon yourselves to admit that you’re smitten. Maybe Jaehyun felt embarrassed that he was the first to fall in love you. He probably will never admit that soon. The fear of nothing having his feelings reciprocated was bubbling inside him. However, the answers are right in front of his eyes. You have an exam tomorrow but instead of buring your eyebrows to study, you’re here between his arms, making out with him.
He didn’t know if it was love. He doesn’t like anything else about you except for your smile, your eyes, your angelic laughter, and the way he feels whenever you’re around. He feels at peace, he feels as if his feet are in the clouds. They could disperse any moment, causing him plummet to the ground. But he has no intention of going elsewhere. If falling to rock bottom would be caused by you, he would be more than willing to experience that.
Oh yeah, I’m in love. The only thought that lingered on his mind until he saw you in person again.
“Nice job tonight, Jae.” Your honey voice immersed from the speakers of Jaehyun’s phone.
“You actually watched.”
“Of course, I would. How could I miss that?” You chuckled, awakening the annoying butterflies inside Jaehyun’s veins.
A muffled clinking of glass could be heard through Jaehyun’s end. “Are you guys drinking?”
“Perhaps?” Jaehyun smiled through his response. Johnny and Taeyong’s loud bickering confirmed your suspicion.
“Celebrating the concert?”
“We’re not drinking.”
“Okay, I believe you.” It was your turn to smile at his silliness.
There was a brief moment of silence between you two. You could hear the faint breathing of Jaehyun and for a minute, you might have believed he fell asleep on you. A soft giggle proved you wrong. Just the mere fact of having you on the other side of the line was enough to make Jaehyun turn soft.
There was a loud argument inside his head. His job is unforgiving especially in terms of forming a romantic relationship with someone. If making friendships with others idols would be a walk on broken glass, what more could a romantic relationship be? The fact that you’re also the daughter of his boss didn’t help with his dilemma at all. It could either break his career or your relationship with your father. Jaehyun isn’t afraid of taking risk, yet somehow, he was scared of making another step towards you. When he realized that he was helplessly in love with you, he became scared of ever seeing you again. But despite it all, he still managed to say the worst thing he could have told you that night: “I’m in love with you.”
You had every chance to realize. Each time he would stretch his schedule to make a spot for you, even every time he would spam your messages just to ask if you’ve made it home safely. You were not new to dating bans being imposed of idols. Although your father never directly imposed such thing to his recent employees, you knew full well not to meddle with the busy and demanding life of an idol. So, Jaehyun was a problem.
Another one of your problems was when Jaehyun kissed you for the first time the other night. You didn’t know what lead him to do such thing and to be frank, Jaehyun didn’t know what came to him either.
Normally, the secluded and narrow walkway you and Jaehyun are currently walking on would send chills through your spine. The comforting feeling of having someone beside you, and thankfully it’s Jung Jaehyun, made you feel safe despite the thrilling nature of the walkway. The tiring activities of moving in your stuff to your new apartment lingered through your bones.
“Do you always come walk here after school?” He asked, his breath forming smoke in the cold air.
“I do,” You answered. Jaehyun spun his head towards with a face full of worry. “I never leave school very late anyway. In daylight, this place is filled with people so it’s not that scary.”
Your information made Jaehyun release a sigh of relief. Good to know that he won’t need to worry as much about you walking this scary place at this time of the night.
“Thanks for helping me move my stuff to my apartment.” You spoke.
“It’s my pleasure to help you in all kinds of things.”
Heat formed in your cheeks. If you’re not wearing a thick scarf around your neck, you’re sure Jaehyun would notice the small smile you have.
“Hey,” His gloved hand touched your forearm briefly to call your attention. “It still wonders me how we never hung out before.”
“We just never had the chance I guess?” You shrugged.
Before you was a beautiful piece of art. You wondered how someone so charming and handsome could even exist. Not a single flaw was present in Jaehyun’s appearance, meanwhile you could list ten things you wish you could change about the way you look in an instant. You didn’t feel worthy of his attention. You spent a good 30 seconds just staring at him and he did the same.
“Can I do something?” Jaehyun asked, swallowing a lump in his throat.
Jaehyun leaned down to meet your face. Placing a hand behind your neck, his lips joined yours. Oh my god, Jung Jaehyun is kissing me!
It took a second or two for you to reciprocate the kiss. His lips felt cold but what made you shiver was the booming feeling in your chest. The kiss wasn’t lustful, it was a steady and endearing kiss. He pulled away after a moment. In his face was the cute smile and a set of dimples.
“I want to hang out with you for the rest of my life.” He said.
“I want to hang out with you too, for as long as you want me to be.”
It also didn’t help that you’ve only came to terms with your feelings just recently. Behind your laptop was a pile of readings waiting to be read. University was your top priority yet, here you are. Looking immensely through your laptop screen with the whole universe in your eyes. That was when you realized. You were willing to put Jaehyun above anything else in your life.
You and Jaehyun was undeniably spending a lot of time with each other. It surprised you that no fans or news outlet has caught you and Jaehyun strolling around the city. You enjoyed being outside, you loved the city and everything that came with it. Jaehyun knew full well not to spend so much time outside with his manager. But, he could never say no to your requests. He don’t why either. Whenever he risked getting caught just to spend time with you, the universe has given multiple chances to realize how you felt about him. Unfortunately, oblivion has spread all over your system like a poison. It was only until tonight that you finally got the taste of the antidote.
You knew the consequences, you knew the implications. He was drunk and you knew full well that there’s a chance he might not meant what he said.
“I’m in love with you as well, Jae.”
The gloomy atmosphere of the skies mimicked how you felt that day. Your eyes lingered on your phone screen, it has been that way for about 30 minutes now.
Dad: No one can know about you and Jaehyun. Not even the members.
You were doubting the relationship yourself. Was this a good decision? Jaehyun never made your relationship feel like a mistake. Yet, here you are, thinking that what if being with Jaehyun was nothing but a mistake. You never meant for your parents to find out. However, it would dumb of you to think that you could keep this from them forever, or at least until Jaehyun retires.
“I expected you to know how complicated dating is in the industry.” Your father’s voice wasn’t loud but it was chilling and stern.
“Of course, I know that-” You started.
“Then, why did I wake up this morning bombarded with the news that you and Jaehyun are dating?”
You couldn’t answer him. You knew from the start the complications of your relationship with Jaehyun. There was fear and anxiety bubbling in your heart; and beneath it all, there was a small tinge of regret. That growing seed of regret was something you decided to shrug off. You would never admit to anyone that you felt that way.
“Jaehyun is one of my most popular idol.” Your father spoke again. “If the fans repulse him, my stocks could be damaged.”
You kept your head low. “I understand.”
“I’m not asking you to break up with him.” He announced, causing to look up at him. “But if I receive a news article about the two of you, you know what to expect.”
The leaves grew heavy as the raindrops drenched them. Suddenly, a warm pair of arms snuggled you close to their person.
“I don’t want to leave you while you’re this upset.” Jaehyun whispered.
“Don’t worry about me, babe.” You said. “I’ll be fine soon.”
You heard him drop a heavy sigh. Jaehyun was struggling as well. The last thing you want to do was to bring more stress on him.
“I want to go to Paris too.” You suddenly spoke.
“It baffles me how someone from a rich family as you has never been to Paris.” He said, rubbing comforting circles on your exposed arms.
“My family doesn’t like going out of the country.”
“I wish I could take you to Paris with me.”
“No.” You sat up a little. “This is your time to have fun with your fans and the guys. I know my parents has been really stressful for the both of us.”
“I don’t care about the world as long as you’re with me, Y/N.”
You stared at him for a moment. Before you know it, your lips were entangled with his. The sweet taste of Jaehyun and the bitter reality of your family made you press into him a little harder. Jaehyun wrapped his arms tightly around you as he savored every flavor of you that he could taste right now.
Under his heavy breathing, he spoke, “Promise me something?”
“Be with me always, Y/N.” He said, with every bit of love and pleading that he could ever give. Tears were starting to burn in your eyes. You weren’t planning to spend this day with him crying.
“I promise, Jaehyun.” You responded, offering every ounce of sincerity you have in you. “Can you promise me that as well?”
“I could only show you once we get there, Y/N.” He replied. “Even if we won’t be together tomorrow, go to Paris ten years from now and see for yourself if I uphold my side of the promise.”
Many people have told you that love isn’t always pink skies and candy hearts. But, it sure as hell not sitting behind a computer screen, watching your boyfriend flirt with other idols. You sighed and close your eyes.
It’s okay, Y/N. He’s just putting up the facade that he’s single and ready to mingle. You’ve been dating him for almost two years now, get used to it.
“Did it ever occur to you that maybe he’s just dating you to secure a place in the group?” Areum said. Areum is one of your closest college friends, the only person you shared your secret with. She was trustworthy, you’re willing to testify with that. However, came with her loyal and reliable aspect was the fact that she’s so fucking straightforward. She just have the ability to sense bullshit from anyone and she’s not afraid on waking people up.
You scoff. Half you wants her to be wrong and the other believed her.
“No, he’s not.” You said. “Why would you even think that?”
“I just got the vibe.” She shrugged her shoulders. “You don’t have to fully believe what I say, Y/N.”
“Damn, if you don’t like him for me, you could have just told me directly.”
“It’s not that I don’t like him for you, Y/N.” Areum’s tone was more serious now. “I care for you. I know that people can manipulate you in every way that they can to get on your good side.”
“Stop accusing Jaehyun of such things.”
It was safe to say that you’ve gone cold to Areum after that conversation. You hated that she might be right but you’re too full of pride to even admit that. But you know Jaehyun better than Areum knows him.
You tried. You tried to forget what Areum said. But the thought still lingers inside your head and now everything that Jaehyun did made you wonder if he’s doing it to stay secured in the company. You don’t have the power that your father has but he’s dating his boss’ daughter and you have a great influence on your dad’s decisions.
“You should have called me to let me know you were working late.” You said, frustration clear in your voice. It’s already an hour before midnight and you have not heard from Jaehyun until the moment he knocked on your apartment door. Ever since you moved in two years ago, Jaehyun has been spending a lot of nights there; he unofficialy lives there. His managers would have been pissed off by now but then, again, you are their boss’ daughter.
“The comeback is almost near.” He said, replicating your frustration. “You should have known that work will be tight now.”
“You could have sent me a simple text so I don’t have to worry where you are.”
“You don’t have to worry where I am, Y/N.” His tone was grim. “Do you really expect me to send you a text while I’m busy? I could have finish so much during the time I’m texting you.”
You took a sharp and deep breath. The anger and hurt were like tornados revolving deep inside you. It was normal for couples to fight but the frustration seems to build up one fight after another. Some days, you just wanted to fight with him. You don’t know what’s the reason or excuse for your sudden urge to form an argument with Jaehyun.
“I asked you to start the kettle for me.” He said. Now, his eyebrows were furrowed in clear frustration and his lips rid of their usual sweetness. His hand holding up the cold kettle.
“I’m sorry, I must have forgotten.” You said, your voice was low but it didn’t sound weak.
“I asked you to do one little thing for me, Y/N.” The loud bang of the kettle hitting the stove made you jump. Your heart raced at the sudden noise but it didn’t diminish your anger.
“And I asked you to do one little thing for me as well.” You fight back.
“Asking me to update you all the time is not a little thing.”
“All I’m asking is for you to take maybe a minute to text me where you are!” You roared. “I’ve been worried sick about where you are!”
“You know I’m just in the building, right?” He retorted. “Why? Do you expect me to be elsewhere?”
“Are you implying that I think you’re cheating?” You said, with a small laugh.
“Why else would you be so worried about where I am when you fully know I’m working?” He kept answering you with a question and it was getting tiring.
“I never said anything about you being unfaithful.” You stated. “Why are you getting so defensive all of a sudden? Is there a reason for me to be thinking that?”
“You’re unbelievable, Y/N. Out of all the things I’ve risked for you.” Jaehyun shook his head. “You’re unbelievable and ungrateful.”
The words stung. It was like Cupid shot a salty arrow towards the wound in your chest. He think you’re ungrateful. For a moment, you blamed yourself. Maybe, I am ungrateful and unreasonable. And before you could think about what to say, you said the words you were going to regret for the rest of your life.
“You know, I think you’re only dating me to keep a place in the company.”
You had to reason to say that. It was a sudden burst of the moment and you immediately regret it. Jaehyun gave you no reason to even think that. Your insecurity and fear got in you and you were on the brink of ruining everything. How did it come to this? You were about to retract your statement when Jaehyun turned his back against you for the first time in his life.
A penthouse was definitely too much for you. You never called it a penthouse though, you’ve always called it your apartment. It was great, finally moving out of your parents’ house even if it’s literally just ten minutes away. Everywhere you look, it reminds you of Jaehyun. He helped you move in everything and helped you settle in. The first few nights when you couldn’t sleep because everything was new and overwhelming, he was there to sing you your favorite The Smiths song. He didn’t know the lyrics at first so he just hummed the tune. He was sure he was doing it out of tune but he tried for you. The penthouse was big yet it was suffocating; but Jaehyun was there. It felt safe, it felt like home. You could sleep on the streets and you would still feel at peace as long as he’s there beside you.
Jaehyun couldn’t sleep either. You hurt him but he wasn’t going to deny that he hurt you too. And that’s the last thing he wants to do to you. Why did he turn his back when he knows that you’re just tired and worried? But why did you doubt him when you know he’s only doing his job as an idol? Jaehyun’s eyes immediately landed on the peach plush toy that you gave him for no reason, and then to the Franklin Wilson vinyl record that you spent so much money on. Most of the gifts you gave him, you gave him for no reason - not on an anniversary or on his birthday. You would just randomly give him something sometimes. Above all, you gave him immense love. You could date anyone you want, someone who is of great power and wealth. Yet, you decided to love him. When he’s with you, he’s devoid of all the consequences of the world. He forgot what aching felt like to the point that he forgot that the word exists. 
But right now, it all aches.
“I said I’m sorry, Jaehyun.” Your voice was paired with the painful tears that streamed your voice.
“Come on, Y/N, stop crying.” He pleaded, his own tears falling from his eyes. You crying pained Jaehyun so much, the fact that he was the reason behind it didn’t help either. All he wanted to do right now was to hug you, console you that he’s sorry and he didn’t meant it when he said he wanted to break up.
“I want someone who would never doubt my intentions of loving them.” He said through his tears. “I thought you were that someone.”
“Is there anything I could do to change your mind?”
Jaehyun shook his head, each turn tearing your heart apart. You blamed no one but yourself. If only you didn’t say those words. You wanted to beg but your sobs were choking your words, as if it knows better than to say something in fear that you’ll fuck everything up again.
Jaehyun didn’t care about what vengeance you would do. He knows you so well and he knew you wouldn’t do that to him. But, in a way, he wanted you to do to that to him. He wanted you to tell your father to fire him, kick him out of the company. He wanted that so that he can know you can feel better after having your heart broken by him. He wanted that so that he can be assured that you can finally be at peace. Yet, he knew you very well. What bothered him the most was what you’ll do to yourself. Will you drown yourself in tears and neglect your health & well-being? Will you start flunking in university? It worried him and he hated the fact that he needed to end the greatest thing in his life to avoid hurting you in the future.
Areum was quick on her feet to rush to your apartment after hearing the news.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” She quickly said.
You only hugged her. Letting your tears and sobs fall all over again.
“I’m sorry I even said those things about him.” She said. A part of you wanted to blame her but you saw the bigger picture. You chose to let those words stick to you and ended up hurting Jaehyun. And Jaehyun has better things to do than to be kept down by a relationship. You knew he was begging to be freed without him realizing that.
The first time you saw Jaehyun was five months after your break up. Their recent comeback was a success and due to that, the company held a mini party to celebrate the boys’ hardwork. You shouldn’t have come but the pleading eyes of Doyoung and Johnny gave you no choice. They promised to keep you away from Jaehyun throughout the whole night. You doubted the plan first hand since you know Johnny and Jaehyun are drinking buddies. When there is alchohol, you best believe the two would be inseperable through the night.
Due to Mark Lee’s request, a karaoke console was present in the party. Taeil and Haechan were quick to have a duet before anyone else. They wanted to “bless the night with their voice.” You chuckled at their crazy antics. You definitely missed everyone. Ever since the break up, you focused more on your studies and in a few weeks, you’re off to graduate. The boys never failed to communicate with you through messages and video calls, but you never saw them as often as you used to do.
“Okay, everyone!” Mark screamed through the mic of the karaoke machine. “It’s my time to shine!”
You settled in a spot beside Jungwoo who offered you another cup of beer. The soft, mellow tune of the song began along with the title on the screen: “Leaves” by Ben & Ben. You heard Mark play this song in one of the lives he bugged you to watch in support. You never heard the first song and you didn’t really hear the song clearly in his live. But judging by the instrumentals, you conluded that it might be sad.
“And in the end, can you tell me if it was worth the try so I can decide,” Mark sang. His voice was heavenly but his tipsy nature made it funny.
You knew you weren’t supposed to be in this party. You already regret so many things in your life and now you’re adding this party to that list.
“Oh, you never really love someone until, you learn to forgive.”
Has Jaehyun forgiven you? The question suddenly came up as Mark sang that line. You felt like you don’t have the right to say that you’ve forgiven him. What did he do to you that would require forgiveness? Nothing. He needed to break away and that’s not a sin to anyone. You wondered if he has forgiven you - for doubting him and for making him feel like his love wasn’t enough. You wanted to punch yourself as you swallow the beer in hopes that it will kill the heartache.
Has she forgiven me? That question floats in Jaehyun’s mind even before the party. A love like yours was not something that is easy to forget. Jaehyun doesn’t think he could ever forget you or what your love felt like. It made his heels touch the sky and his fingertips reach the stars. He doesn’t know if you have forgiven him, for breaking your heart and for not giving it another try. Perhaps, he will never know the answer until the day he die.
The song has reached it’s climax. A series of “All will be alright in time” sung by Mark filled the ears of the listeners as the crowd grew silent, savoring the song. A voice inside of you asked you look at Jaehyun for the first time tonight. It’s been five months and being without him is enough punishment for you. You were going to give yourself the pleasure of looking at his face once again. He was five people away but, thankfully, you can still see him clearly. His head swayed lightly to the song before turning his head towards yours - not because your gaze burns but because he wanted to see your face again.
“Oh, you never really love someone until, you learn to forgive.”
The ending instrumentals played right after. As if living through the song, you offered him a small smile. Without thinking twice, he did the same.
That’s the answer to both of your questions.
The balcony of their dorms gave you a full view of the sleeping city. The faint sound of “Psycho” by Red Velvet crept it’s way from the dorm to the balcony. The sound became clear for a moment, an indication that someone opened the balcony door and closed it.
Jaehyun stood beside you, savoring the cold, night wind. You were both quiet.
“Can I hold you?” He suddenly asked.
You turned to him with confusion. You didn’t know why he would ask you that all of a sudden.
“Please?” He begged. “Before we admit that it’s done?”
Before you know it, your arms are wrapped around his torso for the last time.
The busy streets of the city became a lullaby to you. After graduating from college, you interned in one of the top architectural firms in the country. You gained your architecture license after two years but you never left the firm. Unlike your father, you’re not really the leader or boss type. You enjoyed working for and with others. The company felt like a small family. It was very exclusive so they don’t really have a lot of core members; to be amongst them was a privilege in itself. The senior architect, Nayeon, was busy today so she sent you to present the design you both proposed for one of your clients. You never met the client personally or even knew their names as this was your first initial meeting.
The sweet smell of croissants filled your nostrils as you entered the meeting place. The client requested to hold the meeting in a luxurious cafe just a few minutes away from your office. This client must be really rich to waste time on a meeting in a cafe like this. The wide array of the pastries brought back your childhood memories as your mother would bring you home croissants from this place before.
Along with your childhood memories, a familiar yet dear face looked up from their seat. It was no one else but Jung Jaehyun, still beautiful even after all these years.
Oh, isn’t life just really tender on me?
“Hey,” You greeted.
“Hey,” he replied.
There was awkwardness, of course. But you needed to be professional, after all it’s been eight years.
“Im Nayeon couldn’t make it today so I’m here on her behalf.” You stated. “Hope that’s okay for you?”
“Of course,” Jaehyun replied. Standing up to offer you a seat. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
You cleared your throat. You wanted to get out of there quickly so you immediately brought out the papers.
“Do you want something to drink?” He asked.
“No, thank you.” You declined with a smile.
Jaehyun felt foreign. It seems like he doesn’t know who you are anymore. Well, after all, it has been eight years. You’ve grown into someone he’s unfamiliar with.
As you present your plans, Jaehyun couldn’t help but drift in his own thoughts. He wondered about what might have been. If things didn’t end up the way that they did, where would the both of you be right now? He wanted to marry you. He would look at you every night and think to himself that this is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. Feelings change and so does what people think about others but he still wondered what would have been if he didn’t give up so easily.
But maybe, if the both of you held on that night, it could lead to even more damaging things. Jaehyun assured himself that he made the right decision instead of waiting for things to get worse. At least, right now, he has the ability to see you without resentment from either sides. That’s good enough for him.
“Thank you, my wife will definitely love that.” He commented.
Your heart sank at his statement. Of course, he’s married now. A beautiful creature like him would have no problems finding a partner. You didn’t know you hold hope in your heart right before it crashed down because of the sudden news. You were foolish in thinking that there could still be a chance.
“Your design is amazing, Y/N.” He said.
“Thank you,” You replied. “I’m glad that you like it.”
“I expected nothing but excellence from you. Of course, I would love it.”
You smiled at his words. Jaehyun never failed to make you feel appreciated. You’re bittersweet at the fact that another woman would feel appreciated everything, and that woman is not you. You remembered the late nights where you conclude that you would have this man for the rest of your life. All of that are a distant memory now, along with his touch and kisses.
The both of you are two different people now but you know, and Jaehyun knew, the love is still there. Maybe the romance already left, but the love and genuine care was still evergreen. And you both know that it will never die for as long as the two of you live.
There are a lot of things that you regret in your life. Most of the time, you don’t want to change the past. Even if a lot of things made you want to crash and burn, it still formed you into someone you never knew you could become. This was your first time in Paris, France. The wealth and fame you accumulated over the past years of your life as an architect gave you all the opportunities to get to this very place. However, you made no efforts in landing here. Not until it reached the ten year mark.
You still remembered the promise. But the other party is still not present and it’s almost nearing midnight. You didn’t want to regret every coming here so you decided to relax and make this all about you.
“You remembered.” A voice spoke behind you. The chattering of people that laid in picnics under the Eiffel Tower were still loud despite the time.
Jaehyun is here. He remembered.
“You remembered.” You said back. Your eyes still covered with bewilder, almost not believing that Jaehyun is in front of you, keeping his side of the promise.
“How could I forget?” Jaehyun said, almost in a whisper. “How could I forget you?”
You did nothing but smile at him, with all the love remaining in your heart - all the love that will never go away no matter how much you try.
“Do you ever wondered what could have been if things didn’t go the way that they did?” You asked, looking up at the tall, iron tower.
“All the time.” He replied.
“How’s Chaeyoung and the kids?”
“They’re very well.” He replied with a nod. “How about Eunwoo?”
“He’s doing fine too. He’s currently in Germany with his family.” You answered.
“Ah, I’m glad my wish came true.” He said.
“Yeah,” He turned his head in your direction. “My wish that you find someone who will love you better than I did.”
“You wished that?” You asked in disbelief.
“I actually didn’t wish it,” He said. “I knew that the universe made someone out there to love someone as beautiful as you.”
“Oh, stop it.” You blushed. You felt guilty that another man, specifically your ex, was making you blush.
“So, this is my proof when I promised you that I will always be here.” Jaehyun whispered.
“And me being here is my proof that I meant when I said that I want to hang out with you for as long as you want me to be.” You replied.
The night was young and alive, so is the love you have for each other. A love that, unfortunately, neither of you could ever express ever again.
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tuiccim · 4 years
Brassy (Part 4)
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Pairing: Loki X Reader,  Bucky X Reader
Words: 1881
Warnings: Language, PTSD, Smut (18+, NSFW), Casual sex, some angst
Summary: You’re in a friends with benefits situation with Loki and some of the other Avengers aren’t happy with the arrangement. Reader and Bucky finally have it out. 
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
You rode Loki until you exhausted yourself. A while later you felt him shift out of the bed. You grab his wrist and say, "Stay."
"What?" He says surprised.
"Are you certain?"
"On one condition." 
"Name it, darling "
"Wake me up fucking me."
"My pleasure." 
You smile into your pillow and fall asleep.
As promised, you wake up spooned against Loki as he slowly works himself into you from behind. His left arm curled under you playing with your breast and his right hand making slow circles around your clit. "Ohhh…yes." you breath as the pleasure washes over you. Loki continues his ministrations at a leisurely pace while whispering in your ear. "Is this what you wanted, my darling? Hmmm...you're so tight. So perfectly tight. Ohhh. So wet for me, my darling…"
The feeling of his breath on your ear, his hands swirling their magic around your breasts and clit, and the steady rhythm of his cock moving in and out of you drive you to the edge. Your release is strong and prolonged as Loki never pauses from his duties. When he finally succumbs to his own release, you're spent. Eventually, you turn to face Loki. You lean into him for a kiss, saying, "In answer to your question. Yes, that was exactly what I wanted." You say with a soft giggle. 
Loki smiles. "Am I being kicked out now?" He asks half-jokingly. 
"When do you have to go back?" You ask. 
"Spend the day in bed with me, then." You grin winningly. "Unless you think you'll be bored."
"Not if you're in it with me." Loki pulls you to him and begins nibbling along your collarbone. You hum contentedly and smile knowing the day will be spent pleasurably. 
That afternoon you and Loki were sitting on your bed eating the lunch you had brought from the kitchen. 
“How come you didn't fall in love with me?” Loki asks.
“Oh, god, where is this coming from?” You say rolling your eyes.
“Don’t worry, darling. I’m just curious.”
“I’ll tell you the same thing I told Tony last night. I’m not the fall in love kind.” You say.
“What does that mean?” Loki  queries.
You shrug. “It means I don’t fall in love.”
“Nope. Just, I don’t know, Loki. I feel emotions. I just don't fall in love.” You paused. “Besides, like I said, I’d hate you if you weren’t so good in bed.”
“No, you wouldn’t.” He grins.
“True. You are rather fun. I’m glad we’re friends.” You say in a rare moment of transparency. 
“With benefits?” Loki says with a smirk. 
“Hell, yeah.” You laugh. 
Before Loki left that evening he looked at you and said “Next time?” as he always does. 
“Look forward to it.” Your rote response. 
You are glad to have him as a friend. Loki didn’t judge. You could laugh, make mischief, or just be quiet together. You didn’t have to worry about his emotions running away from him either. You understood each other. Loki made things easy. And that’s the way you liked things.
Sunday morning you, Natasha, Clint, and Sam were sent on a two day mission. Nine days later, you all returned worse for wear but having accomplished your mission. Clint and Natasha helped Sam to the infirmary for some stitches. You went looking for Steve to check in. 
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., where’s Cap?” you ask. 
“Captain Rogers is in the training room.” F.R.I.D.A.Y replies. 
You see Steve and Bucky sparring as soon as you walk in. You watch them for a minute and then yell out, “On your six!” distracting Steve and giving Bucky the upper hand. Steve’s back slams onto the mat and you chuckle despite your exhaustion. 
“Really, (Y/N)?” Steve rolls to his feet.
“Payback for the shit mission we got.” You counter.
“Everyone okay?” Steve looks at you with concern. 
“Sam’s getting a small gash on his leg stitched up but that’s about it. Intel we gathered has been uploaded. I’m going to bed.” You start to turn. 
“Rest well.” Steve says. Bucky stayed silent for the entire exchange.
“K, thanks.” You say as you walk away not bothering to turn back. You take a hot shower and hit the sack. 
You awake from a nightmare with a start. 3am. You just want more sleep, but knowing it to be futile you decide to head to the kitchen. Your stomach feels absolutely empty and you still feel drained from the mission. It hadn’t been an easy one physically or mentally. You’re nearly finished making a sandwich when Bucky walks in. 
“Hey.” you say and turn back to your sandwich. 
“Hey.” he says back and goes to the fridge.
“Want a sandwich?” You ask, unsure why you’re offering to make one for the asshat.
“No...thanks.” He says and you see him start to leave. 
Setting down the knife and taking a deep breath, you say quietly, “What did I do wrong?”
“What?” Bucky turns back to you. 
“What did I do wrong?” You say a little louder. 
Bucky stares at you but says nothing. 
Frustrated you say, “I’ve wracked my brain. Gone over every discussion and interaction we have had and I can’t figure it out. What did I do to you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He turns to leave.
“Bullshit, Barnes! There has to be some reason you hate me!” You say vehemently. He just keeps walking and your temper gets the best of you. Grabbing your half drunk water bottle, you hurl it at him hitting him square in the back. “Talk to me!”
“Did you throw a water bottle at me?” Bucky says in disbelief. 
“You’re lucky it wasn’t the knife, Asshat.” You counter.
“You’ve lost your mind!” Bucky yells.
“Why do you hate me so much?” You holler back. 
“I DON’T!” He screams. 
“YES, YOU DO!” You scream back.
You stare at Bucky confused. “Why who?... You mean, Loki?” 
"He's using you."
"What? No he's not."
"Yes, he is. He doesn't love you."
"I don't love him. It's not like that."
"What?" Bucky looks at you in shock.
"Loki and I are not together. We're just friends with benefits." 
"What the hell are friends with benefits?" Bucky says.
"Fuck buddies. A mutually agreed on arrangement between friends to include sex with no strings and no emotions." You explain. 
Bucky gapes at you, "And you don't care what that makes you?" 
Your blood runs cold. "What that makes me?"
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." Bucky backpedals.
"You think there's a name I haven't been called? I was a runaway at 14. How the fuck do you think I fed myself?" You say venomously. "Men used me my entire life. And now that I am the one that says when and who and where, I'm supposed to dress it up with hearts and flowers. Fuck. That. I'll do who and what I want."
"That's not what I meant." Bucky says. 
"What did you mean?" You glare at him.
Bucky looks at you and his face softens. "I meant you deserved better. You should be loved."
"Some of us aren't meant to be loved." You turn to go back to the kitchen but Bucky grabs your hand. 
"Everyone is meant to be loved. You are meant to be loved." Bucky says quietly. 
"No. I'm not." You say pulling your hand away. 
"Why would you say that?" Bucky pushes.
"Because I'm not someone people love. I'm not someone anyone loves. I never have been." You explain.
"That's not true." Bucky says.
"Look, Bucky, I know most people grow up with people who love them. But I didnt. I don't deserve love and I don't need it." You finish making your sandwich. 
"You're wrong." Bucky turns you around to face him. "God, (Y/N), you're so wrong. You deserve love. You deserve everything."
"You have to see the irony that the guy who hates me is the one telling me I should have love." You scoff.
"I don't hate you." Bucky says.
"Coulda fooled me." You said.
"I was jealous." He confesses. "I was angry you were with Loki."
"Why?" You say, genuinely confused. "Because I wasn't sleeping with you?"
"Because I like you, (Y/N)!" Bucky says exasperated. "You're smart and funny and beautiful and strong." 
For a moment you're stunned speechless. You couldn't meet his eyes any longer and looked away. "Don't, Bucky. Don't like me. I'm not the fall in love type. I'm not...I'm not worth your time."
"Can't I be the judge of that?" He asks.
"You don't know anything about me. And if you did, you wouldn't ask that. My past is not pretty." You say.
"I was a brainwashed Hydra assassin. I've got a pretty sketchy past, too."
Bucky puts his hands to your lips to stop you. When you finally look up to meet his eyes, he moves his hands to frame your face. "I don't know anything about you? On mission, you are always willing to take the shittiest job to spare anyone else. You bake treats for everyone all the time and know what everyone's favorite food is and how they take their coffee. You go out of your way to help others. You never leave a room without asking if anyone needs something. You go shopping and come back with nothing for yourself but little gifts for everyone else. You always have a joke at the ready but an apology on your lips the minute you think you've offended someone. You have the mouth of a sailor on you but the minute a kid or old folks are around you are the most charming person on the planet. You want everyone to see the brash facade you put up but you wear your heart on your sleeve without even realizing it. Whatever is in your past, is your past. We all make shit decisions in life. The person I see, she's amazing. And she is worthy. And she deserves love. She deserves everything."
You stare up at him and whisper, "I don't see her."
"She's right here. She offered to make this total 'asshat' a sandwich just because he walked in the room. Even though he's been a complete jerk to her."
"Well, Steve always calls you jerk so I figured it was your default." 
"There's that humor I mentioned." He stares into your eyes. "Give me the chance to prove you deserve love."
"I'll hurt you." You say shaking your head.
"You're scared. I'm scared, too. We can go as slow as you need." Bucky caresses your jaw.
"I don't know how to do this." You say.
"Let's start by being friends. We'll figure it out as we go." Bucky smiles at you. 
You look at him wondering how the hell this just happened but somewhere deep inside you felt a kernal of joy spring forward. Part of you wanted to believe you did deserve everything he was saying. The other part was screaming that this was a trick and you were an idiot.
Bucky can see the war going on inside you. "Gimme a chance, Doll. Please." 
You smile at him. "So...you wanna sandwich, asshat?" 
Part 5
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sweeethinny · 4 years
The Duke - Chapter 2
thank you as always to @theroomofreq and the discord group, who can handle me talking about this fanfic. let me know what you think!
Ginny didn't like going to dances, and not just because they were boring, because she was sure that if she had friends - besides her brothers and her personal safety -, or suitors to take her out to dance, the party would be cool. But also, because it was there, that she felt more alone than ever.
She was sitting at the back of the room, listening to the beat of the music and watching everyone dance in front of her, rolling around the room and having fun like never before, some looked at her with pity, others with curiosity, but nobody came too close. Not because she was ugly - she at least didn't think that was the problem - or because she was boring - she would need to be talked to to prove this theory - it just seemed that Ginny wasn't a magnet for anyone. Sometimes it was good, when she could be alone and breathe, but she also wanted someone to at least speak to her.
Annoyed that she had spent more than two hours sitting alone, or talking to people in her family, Ginny stood up, stomping firmly on the polished floor of Prescott Manor, heading for the back door that led directly into the garden.
Ignoring the minefield of couples kissing and being all together nauseating, Ginny went as far as she could, sitting on a bench that faced the lighted and well-kept greenhouses, breathing in the pleasant air and taking the heels off her feet, tired of them squeezing her ankles all time.
"How are you, madam?" The voice sounded thick behind her, almost startling her, but that would only happen if she hadn't heard it for more than two years in a row.
''Everything is fine, Henry'' She didn't even look back, annoyed that the only man who spoke to her, was one who had been hired for this ''Just suffocated''
''Shouldn't you be inside? I didn't see anyone bothering you'' Henry commented, in that same calm but observant tone as always, never seeming to judge her. Not that he was going to demonstrate that, Ginny thought the man looked like a stone most of the time.
''That's why I left. Nobody was bothering me'' She took a deep breath, trying to control her irritation ''How does my mom want me to get married, if apparently I'm a freak?''
''You are not a freak, madam'' Ah, Henry and his chivalry, they would never fail ''They are a bunch of idiots, if I may say so'' Ginny finally looked at him, finding it amusing that he said that.
Henry was easily the most beautiful man she had ever seen. He had emerald eyes that shone in almost the same way as stone, but possibly his irises were more beautiful, and were always hidden behind classic, round-rimmed glasses. His hair was always cut, even though it looked naturally messy and dark as night. His shoulders were strong, as was his entire body, and broad in a beautiful, harmonic way, which made her feel like running her hand or just laying her head there (it had happened a few times, and she had loved the experience) .
He had been her security since she had been threatened with death, and as much as at first she had hated the idea of ​​having someone 24/7 behind her, nowadays, on the days that Henry needed to be gone and another auror stood in his place, she hated it.
Henry was her only friend outside the family, even though he didn't talk much and almost always agreed with her, - he was an accomplished gentleman - it was the greatest interaction with another man she had ever had in her life. Usually, men would run away from her, say that Ginny was very smart, very mean, uneducated ... All the adjectives of a woman who was not content with anything less than she deserved.
''Thank you, Henry'' The two were silent, the noise of loud music resounded distantly, but you could hear the laughter, and the conversations in the garden. There were so many couples around her that there would be no fingers to count. ''Let's go for a walk’' She didn't even wait for his answer, of course he would follow her, it was his job. Holding her heels in her hand, Ginny walked across the cold grass, the hem of her black dress brushing her toes.
Her chest seemed on the verge of breaking, even though she wasn't sure why, besides obviously being angry that there was so much happiness around her ... No, it wasn't anger, it was envy, Ginny would never admit it to someone, but that was it, she was envious of those girls who knew and lived in a world she just never set foot on.
She hated herself for it.
Envious of other women because she also wanted to feel her legs wobbly with anxiety for seeing someone she likes, or for receiving a compliment. To be praised. To be envious of another person because she was not noticed by anyone, not being widows, who became lonely with the hours of a ball. How crude she was.
It was to be expected that no one would notice it.
''You know, Henry'' She started, without looking back, marching towards nothing ''I don't need you to take care of me.''
''Of course not, ma'am'' He replied, not far from her, looking everywhere as a good security guard
''I am able to take care of myself'' She said
''I would never doubt that'' Ginny stopped, turning to him, the fabric of the dress swirling, the golden threads that embroidered the piece shone in the fairy lights that were there, and she stared at him. Green eyes showing nothing more than necessary, never looking away from her, as if he were always willing to listen to her
''I think you're the only person who thinks that'' She took a deep breath, her chest on fire, feeling silly for feeling alone ''The rest of the people think that I will only be myself when the Duke shows up .. As if I needed a man to finally be somebody'' Ginny said more to herself, wanting to shut up that empty space in her chest that never seemed to fill, no matter how hard she tried
To want is different, to need. She thought.
She didn't need anyone by her side to be better, but she wanted to at least experience that.
Urg, she would go crazy at one time or another.
''I think they have never been more wrong than now, if I may say so'' Henry smiled, a little, but he smiled.
''I always allow you to say things. You know that, other than the widows and my family, you are the only human being who talks to me'' Ginny admitted, shrugging and turning again, not wanting him to see loneliness wander in her eyes. She was not as good at hiding her emotions as he was. 
''Madam, you are certainly the strongest witch I have ever had the pleasure of seeing duel. You definitely don't need the Duke to be someone ... nor any other man.'' Henry was closer, not dangerously, but now she could just turn her head slightly to see him in Auror's black clothes, closed and tidy, without a thread out of place.
''And even if I needed the Duke, I would end up languishing'' Ginny looked at Henry, only to see him looking a little more curious than usual ''He was kidnapped after I was born, barely two months old''
''Do you think he's alive?'' He asked.
She stopped, again turning and looking deep into Henry's emerald eyes, wondering if he was a nobleman, in which family he would be born.
''Not. And if it is, I'm sure it should be a long way from here.''
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justjessame · 3 years
First A Moses, Then A Cooper Chapter 1
Making dinner as my son and daughter fought over one of their many shared tech gadgets, I had to ask myself if Will and I were sane for wanting a third.  With him working constantly, and me doing the brunt of rearing our little demons, I had to think that a third child might be outside the realm of my abilities.  
“J, Mira, stop fighting!”  I snarled it, causing both kids to look up at me from their spot just inside the living room and I knew I had hit my limit and also stopped being the mother they knew and expected.  “Dad called and we’re having guests for dinner.”  I hoped that helped them understand, but they continued to stare.  “WORK guests.”  That got them moving, suddenly they were working to straighten the living room and they were miraculously using their inside voices.  “Thank you!”  I went back to working on dinner, trying to decide if the last minute additions were foodies, or if they’d make due with comfort foods.
“Honey?”  I heard Will’s voice, and sighed as I put the finishing touches on the table.  “Michelle,” and then his warmth was surrounding me and a ton of my extra tension started to relax.  How he could manage to do that would be a mystery forever.  “Something smells delicious.”  He was saying it into the side of my neck so I had no doubts that he didn’t mean our dinner.
“Yeah, is that pot roast?”  Another voice, bringing me back to the reality that we were having guests for dinner and that our kids would be in attendance.  Damn it.  “Sorry,” the man didn’t look sorry, he looked like he was holding back laughter at Will and I wrapped up in one another.
“Michelle, sweetheart, I’d like you to meet Frank Moses.”  My eyes widened, I couldn’t help it, I KNEW who this was even if his face wasn’t familiar.  Will moved on, introducing the two other guests who made up the ragtag band who would add to our table.  I barely listened, even though their names were known to me too.  None hit me like Frank’s.  “Honey?”  I looked up at my husband, seeing him staring at me with confusion.  
I shook off my look of amazement, and smiled reassuringly.  “Welcome to our home,” I offered to the trio as our kids joined us, clearly hearing the additional voices.  “This is our son, James and our daughter Mira.”  I saw Frank look at both my children and then back at me.  Clearly trying to place me, but he wasn’t having much luck.  And he wouldn’t, because my mother made certain that no one would ever know just who I really was.  I gave a silent prayer of thanks and told everyone to get comfortable at the table while I brought dinner in.  Will was on my heels, offering to help, but I knew my very observant husband had questions.  
“Chell?”  I smiled up at him as I handed him the lined bread basket that I filled with warm rolls.  “Honey, why did you look like you’ve seen a ghost?”  Licking my lips, I carefully arranged the roast onto a serving tray, then moved to grab the dish I had ready for the potatoes and carrots.  “Michelle -”  
“We have guests, Will,” I reminded him, swallowing the dry lump in the back of my throat because I HAVE seen a ghost.  Just one that I knew about while no one else in the house did.  “We can’t be rude.”  
Of all the men I could have married, I picked William Cooper, one of the most observant men on the planet AND one who had the most in common with my birth parents even if he had no clue about that.  He was studying me while I carefully filled the bowls with starches, then vegetables, then made certain the gravy boat was filled just full enough, adding the silver ladle my mother had gifted us with on our wedding day.  
“Michelle Cooper, we will be having a conversation about whatever it is that has you on edge as soon as our guests are settled in for the night-” Wait, what?  “It’s one night, sweetheart,” one night, I thought, feeling my tension ratchet up to a fifteen.  “I know they look like a -” he stopped, considering how to describe the mess of a trio he’d brought home.  “It’s one night.”  I nodded.  “A nice long, hot bubble bath with your husband should do the trick,” I smirked, and they said torture was outlawed.  “You and me, Mrs. Cooper, after dinner.”  
Will’s voice, when he wanted it to, could take on an octave that I swore could make me do things that nothing else could.  He would laugh and say I was being silly, but I’d squint and challenge him back with the theory that he used it to get sources to do his bidding in all manner of terrible and wonderful ways.  Since I didn’t have the type of security clearance that could either refute or prove my theory we would forever be at a stalemate on this particular argument.  
“Take the bread out and come back for another load, Mr. Cooper.”  My order was tempered by the lingering kiss I couldn’t help but give him.  “Our guests will be more likely to settle in faster with full bellies.”  
Surreal, that’s how dinner felt to me as I sat at the foot of our dining room table while Will sat at the head, J and Mira sat on one side and Frank flanked the woman he’d brought along - Sarah Ross - while Marvin Ross sat on her other side, the last to taste any of the food set before him - as if I’d poison guests in my home.  Frank Moses, a man I’d heard stories about long before I’d met Will - I tried to show no extra interest in the man, not with my overly observant husband keeping watch, but it was a difficult thing.  How would anyone manage such a task after the hero in their bedtime stories was plunked down to have dinner with them?  
Lucky for me, Sarah seemed as ill at ease as I felt, and while I grew quiet, she grew talkative.  
“So -” she smiled across the table at my children, both sitting straight and behaving as they were expected with people from Dad’s work in attendance.  “What grades are you guys in?”  
James answered first, his voice loud enough to be heard, but not too loud - Will’s pride shining as he listened to his son answer without faltering.  “I’m in ninth grade.”  He’d put his fork and knife down and was looking Sarah in the face.  Eye contact was important when carrying on a conversation, something we’d worked on after the bullying incident when Frank Moses had first come into Will’s orbit.  “I’m first string on the football team this year.” He was proud of that accomplishment, and so were we.  It had been a tough won feat, and J had earned it.  
Not to be outdone, Mira waited until her older brother finished, since we did have guests and etiquette was important, at least around strangers.  “And I’m in eighth.”  I smiled at Will, his eyes almost glowing across the full length of our table in pride.  “I prefer dance.” Her tiny chin went up a notch as if daring any of the trio across from her to argue that dance was a lesser endeavor than football.  
“Ballet or -” It was Marvin, not Sarah who asked the follow up and I shot a look his way to make certain it wasn’t coming at her in a mocking way, but he looked both sincere and interested - well knock me over with a feather.  
“I do ballet, but also tap, jazz, modern, hip-hop,” Mira’s smile grew as she spoke and so did mine.  I loved the passion that my children showed for anything - be it J’s football or love of drawing, or Mira’s need to move, watching them light up just from discussing it was enough to make me happy.  
“You’re quite the accomplished tiny dancer,” Marvin’s smile wasn’t one I might find safe if seen in the wild, but at my own table with my husband close at hand I found it kind.  
“And what do you do, Michelle?”  I wasn’t expecting it.  The question nor the person who asked it.  I know I flinched and I know that it wasn’t only caught by Will.  “I’m sorry, was that too forward of me?”  
“Not at all,” managing to find my smile again by focusing on J and Mira I turned to face Frank.  “I take care of my family, Mr. Moses.”
“She’s being modest,” Will cut in and my eyes flicked to him.  “She’s not JUST a housewife, not that there’s anything wrong with that.”  My eyes narrowed at the implication that anyone who made their family’s lives easier by being a homemaker was somehow less than, it was something Will had pointed out to me on multiple occasions.  “Chell writes.  She’s a published writer.”  His eyebrows rose as if to dare me to contradict him, but I couldn’t, he was telling the truth.  
“What have you written?”  Sarah, clearly someone who couldn’t stand silence - awkward or not - wanted more information.  “Maybe we’ve read it.”
“I’m sure you have,” Will’s smile was growing and my eyes were narrowing again.  The tease.  “She wrote ---”  And there it was, him literally removing my mask and letting these three know my nom de plume, my secret identity - I should have told him I was going to have to kill him.  
“Wow,” Sarah’s mouth dropped open and a large part of me hoped this meant she would be rendered speechless and dinner could go back to being eaten.  “That’s -”
“Impressive,” Frank’s eyes were on me, and I inhaled deeply and met his gaze.  “Where do you get your ideas?”  
Shit, I internally added money to the swear jar that we didn’t actively use anymore - and hadn’t for years now, but honestly.  Trust my husband to out me to this man, a man who he had NO idea was someone I’d known about for YEARS before he did, and now here were were face to face and HE wanted to now where I got MY ideas for books that - if someone wanted to hold a microscope up to them - bore a striking resemblance to a lot of what HE had a hand in over the years.  Fuck. 
“I have an EXCELLENT imagination.” I offered, thanking my genetics, my birth parents, and God above for the ability to lie the way I could.  
“Yeah, I guess you do,” he looked like he might believe me.  Maybe.  
I took a drink out of my glass of wine and swallowed carefully.  “Eat up, I’m sure you could use a good night’s rest.”  Because I sure as hell could. 
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mrsrcbinscn · 3 years
That’s Probably Not Good
Date: April 10th, 2021
Ratigan meets the baby and accidentally gets capital “i” Involved
CW: blood, medical emergency, baby is 100% fine tho it’s Franny lmao dw no baby ouch allowed
 Pedram Ratigan could deny it all he wanted, but Franny was absolutely certain of three things. One, that they were best friends. Two, that he actually did like Behet Ghol Midam and pretended he didn’t. Three, that when he responded ‘why would I?’ to her ‘miss me yet?’ texts, he really meant ‘you nasty hoe why would you leave me here alone at this university with these clowns?’ 
 It had been a month and a week since her daughter was born and just as long since Franny wasn’t in pain. But Dr. Brennan said she was fine and Franny was always inclined to trust doctors. Still, she thought after seeing him the second time would make him look further into...well, he said there was nothing to be concerned with, so she’d have to believe that.
 She wanted to believe that.
 Staying busy usually helped, but with a five week old baby that could prove challenging. She rarely left her daughter’s side mostly because she was breastfeeding and needed to be close by because this baby could eat, but it had just as much to do with being in pain more often than not in pain.
 Now that Sovanna was a month old Franny felt comfortable inviting close friends over to meet the baby and hold her now that she was a month less delicate and breakable, and of course her “not” best pal Pedram was high up on the list!
 “Are you ready to admit you miss me yet, Pedram?” Franny teased, sitting across from him in one of the first floor’s sitting areas with her glass of sweet tea in front of her and a pot of boring, British people, not sweet tea for him.
 Sovanna rested in a baby wrap, content and quiet against her mother, only occasionally giving a little coo to let them know she was very much awake and there.
Ratigan had been waiting for Mrs. Robinson to contact him since her due date had come and gone. It had not been hard to find the evidence that her child had been born and that there had been little to no complications recorded by the hospital staff in her or the child’s records. (It was a small town hospital, their online security had never been hard to bypass.) He knew it would only be a matter of time before she would reach out to those within her secondary circle once she felt she was up to it. 
 The beginning of the semester had come and gone without her roaming the ground of the university and while he would not admit to missing her presence, he would say that it had been rather quiet around there without her— whether this was a good or bad thing would be left up to interpretation of whoever had asked the question. 
 He had made his way to the Robinson home upon her request and immediately he could tell that something was amiss. But, of course, after giving birth to a living being, it would do that to a person. She smelled different and the wolf (aside from its unbound excitement for seeing her and the baby) was concerned. 
 Ratigan ignored this. It was too temperamental. Nothing was wrong with her besides her body adapting to its new normal. 
 “I fail to see what you have to gain from my answer to the question. It isn’t as if you will be returning anytime soon.” He smiled at her from where he sat, teacup in hand. “How are her sleeping habits as of now? Bearable enough for you to sleep, I hope?” 
 Franny would take that as a yes, for the record. See, you grumpy-ass man? They were totally best friends, just accept it!
 “Mm, you’re right.” Franny said, patting Sovanna’s little head. “They tried to get me to stay on as an adjunct like Sarabi Lyons, and I considered it...until I found out by chance how much some of my more recently hired male colleagues in the music department were being paid. I’m not hurting for money, obviously-” she gestured to her house around her, which for full transparency, was purchased with her husband’s money before Franny Sor Robinsons was anyone or anything, because she knew Pedram was similarly beyond comfortably wealthy. “And in fact would have offered my pay to be cut if the department was hurting for funds. But it’s the fact my labor was consistently undervalued for nearly a decade.”
 “Not to mention. Who is Andrew Gilliam? Benjamin Davis Braswell? Where are their Grammys, ASCAP and CMA awards, induction into the Songwriters Hall of Fame, and Netflix productions based on their lives? Were they gifted citizenship to their mother’s home country because of their accomplishments?”
 This was a sentiment Franny was careful not to express out loud often, only with Pedram, Petunia, and Tallulah who would feed her petty bone. It wasn’t that she thought she was better than Professor Gillam or Dr. Braswell, but a woman with her accolades should have been at the same rate of pay as them, considering her impressive career. And! All by age forty-one! That was all before her most recent birthday!
 The fact of the matter was that Franny Sor Robinson was an asset to Pride U and attracted students to the music department. There are a number of students who passed up scholarships to Juilliard, NYU, or Berklee to come study under her at Pride U. Professor Gillam was a fine man, and as much as Franny hated Dr. Braswell she had to admit that music was the man’s life and his blood, but they weren’t the ones students came to Pride U for.
 That was her. 
 After nearly a decade of putting up with the bruised egos of white men, Franny was relieved to be done with it. She’d miss teaching adults versus just doing music lessons for some local kids at her home, but it also meant she’d have time to focus on her actual career, which was making music.
 She smiled down at Sovanna and said, “She isn’t too hard to get to sleep but the thing is she needs to be held until she’s asleep enough to lay down. If you try to lay her down too quickly she’ll wake up and cry -- isn’t that right, little lady? You love attention and cuddles, don’t you?”
 “And when she’s awake,” Franny said, unwrapping the baby wrap so she could later pass her to Pedram to hold. “She really only cries if she’s hungry or wants a diaper change. If she’s sleepy she’ll make this sound that’s just a single long, continuous noise until you pick her up or she’s out of breath. Cornelius is wrapped around her finger-- he had to pop to Berlin for a one-day no night business thing.”
 Cornelius meant it when he said he was taking six months of time off for the baby, but Franny insisted he go to Berlin.
 It’s one day, darling. I know this day’s important and if your team who has handled everything this year wonderfully is saying they’d feel more confident if you were there, that’s okay. A one day business trip to Berlin is nothing. You’ll kiss her goodbye in the morning and be home just two hours after her bedtime. 
 But he’d be there when she woke up crying in the middle of the night because she got hungry. He’d crawl out of bed probably not fifteen minutes after he finally got comfortable, grab Sovanna from her room, bring her to Franny to feed, and then handle burping her and putting her back to bed so Franny would only barely be woken up.
 She hoped his paternity leave would not be interrupted again of course, but if he was needed, say, once or twice more for just a day, she’d consider his paternity leave successful. Franny was not a selfish woman. She didn’t mind sharing her husband some.
 “She’s a good baby once she got used to being born. Wilbur was too after he bonded with us. It’s always hard at first whether you had your baby or adopted them. 10/10 don’t recommend childbirth though; it’s much better when you get a free baby.”
 Not really free. Adoption was expensive but it at least wasn’t physically painful.
One of the things he could admire Mrs. Robinson was her ability to speak so freely about whatever it was that popped into her mind. It had taken him this many years to be able to communicate as little as he did but he would never be able to do what she did. Everything that came out of his mouth (for the most part) was calculated and combed over because he was always wearing a disguise— in order for it to be believable the lies had to be fine tuned and consistent. If there was a slip, one single thread there to be pulled on, the whole life he had made for himself could be unraveled. 
 Ratigan sympathized with her and said nothing, only nodded. She was not looking for feedback, she rarely did when it came to these matters. Why would she from him? A man who had no qualms or problems within his department. (Nor should he, if they knew what was best for them.) Maybe he was swayed because being a university professor had less to do with his actual care for the job or the students and more to do with keeping a plausible identity. Ratigan did enjoy academics, it was why he had chosen the day job, but it bored him easily. It was why he relied on the challenge of his other job to keep it occupied. 
 So he remained silent and allowed her to say whatever she needed to on the matter. That was usually the role he played with her, an ear to listen. 
 Again, he had nothing to say in regards to her answer to his question. He had asked it out of politeness, knowing very well what he had come over for— to talk about and see the baby that everyone had been waiting on for months now. She was about as remarkable as he suspected. Which was to say, she was like any other child he had encountered, and that was more than a few considering he had played the role of nanny for the children of the Shrivani’s and other members of their circle when it was needed of him. 
 Babies were what they were, simple, fragile, and small. A fleeting stage in life since soon they would grow and the world would take its toll. 
 “I will keep that in mind,” he said in stride. “And I can assume everyone in the house is happy that she is finally here?” 
 “Laszlo most of all,” Franny said, adjusting Sovanna in her arms. “I’m sure as soon as she’s got her vaccines I’m going to wake up to ‘hey I took the baby to school you can have her back at lunch’ texts.”
 Now, most families would find that odd, but that was just such a Laszlo thing to do, of course it would happen eventually. Their family was tight-knit and trusted each other without question so Franny would probably just laugh and fall back asleep.
 “And her father is absolutely in love with her. He’ll just lie down and lay her on his chest and they’ll nap together, it’s precious. He’s going to be a great girl dad.” 
Bringing a baby to work, even if the man was only an art teacher (which, to Ratigan, was barely a job so much as it was more of a time occupier) was hardly a smart move. Then again he hadn’t known that particular family member of hers to be entirely competent. Also working in an environment filled with adolescents didn’t seem safe for a baby either. Especially in a town like this where anyone of those children could be in possession of magic that they were still working on controlling. 
 He did not care enough to say any of this to her aloud— but that would not stop him from judging silently. 
 “It sounds like everything is going well.” And yet the wolf still did not settle its worrying. It felt more frantic now despite hearing all of what Mrs. Robinson had to say, which was only good and positive things. Ratigan continued to ignore it. “And how are you feeling?” 
 Franny’s smile faltered only slightly as Pedram asked how she was feeling. Really, she felt silly for even hesitating since her doctor had said she was just overreacting. Just the hormones blah blah, your body will feel normal soon blah blah. 
 Yeah? Then damn, would she love to feel like that was true.
 There was no reason that she should be bleeding for three weeks straight, right? Right?
 But Dr. Brennan said she was fine. So she was fine.
 Franny was just being a woman, you know, overreacting like they do.
 (but then, why would even Laszlo have pointed out how pale she looked last night, hm?)
 “Uh, happy, of course!” Franny said, deciding to just answer with how she felt emotionally. “I’m just in love with her. It was like when I met Wilbur the first time, just this time I was high off my ass on pain meds.”
Raitgan caught the hesitation. Anyone may have been able to, but it stuck out to him as he was someone who over analyzed the body language and patterns of those around him. It was just how he had learned to operate. He had been around Mrs. Robinson for a lot longer than many of the people he’d have to pick up on within the span of a few minutes of meeting them, so the slight misgiving was odd. (And it only gave the wolf something to whine at.) 
 “Of course.” He smiled, but a wrinkle formed between his brows when she did not continue. “I know we’ve not spoken in person for a while, but I did not think that would change the nature of our relationship. I’ve never known you to hold back when asked a question.” 
 He paused to take a sip of tea. When he set it back down he continued. “Is there anything wrong?”
 I’ve never known you to hold back when asked a question. 
 Okay, get out of my literal brain? Franny thought, the corner of her mouth twitching upward. Pedram really did know her too well to pretend they weren’t friends, didn’t he?
 “I mean...my doctor says I’m fine. It’s probably just general malaise or whatever. Like, I thought I’d feel better post-baby by now but my body is still like, ‘haha, that was wild.’ Probably just what happens when you wait until forty-one.” 
 She sighed and reached for her glass of sweet tea, only to find it empty. She pouted and set it down, then stood up. “Here, take her for a second, I need to commit more tea sin. She’ll fuss if nobody is holding her.”
Ratigan had been prepared to ask her more questions about the topic because she was right, the variable of her age did play a significant role to the rate at which her body healed. He felt as though that should have been more cause for concern than simply thinking it was something to be brushed under the rug. They were all there, ready to go on the tip of his tongue, but then she was standing and telling him he needed to hold her child. 
 Before she finished her sentence he was already shaking his head. “No. I— I don’t think that’s a very good idea. She doesn’t know who I am, she’ll fuss either way.” 
 He had not held a child since the detective’s and had no intention of holding Mrs. Robinson’s. His hands were blood stained. One wrong move and nails could turn to claws. He avoided touch with anyone, let alone the fragile body of a baby. 
 “Surely one of the many inhabitants of this place is home?”
 “Not that I wouldn’t have to call down from the third or fourth floor,” Franny said, though she didn’t argue further because a sharp pain in her pelvis made her lightly gasp and her grip on Sovanna tightened a hair. “On second thought. I’ve had too much sugar today already. I need to shed the rest of this baby weight sooner rather than later.”
 That was what she was supposed to do anyway. 
 Sitting back down only made her wince, because every movement seemed to hurt. Hell, she was so weak at one point last night...but she was fine. This must be what having babies is like. She wanted this after all. 
He was about to argue that he didn’t see anything wrong with that. It wasn’t as if whatever they were doing would be any more important than helping her when she asked for it. 
 Then Mrs. Robinson gasped and anything he would have said was pushed away by the sound if it. Inside him the wolf whined in response, scratching in an effort to get closer, the want to provide some sort of comfort or help all the more pressing now.
 “Are you sure you’re alright?” This was said in the form of a question and yet he knew that they both were aware of what the answer was. He just wanted her to say it— to give some form of permission. 
 “...yeah, I just-“ Franny said, then she chewed on her lip as she tried to think of a lie. “- realized I’m actually hungry! So.”
 Before Pedram could protest this time, she hopped to her feet and practically shoved Sovanna into his arms. 
 “Be right back!”
 Maybe if she shoved some cold leftovers in her face she’d gain some energy back. She was sure Pedram could tell she was unwell behind her smile and gushing over her baby. Even Lucille had commented on how pale Franny looked. 
 Now, her periods has always been incredibly light, but this heavy, prolonged one she was going through felt truly excessive. She shouldn’t feel this awful, right?
Mrs. Robinson had left her child alone with him, trusting that she was safe in his hold. 
 He stilled completely, his already stiff posture going completely rigid. His eyes were trained on the doorway that Mrs. Robinson had fled and disappeared through, as if his will alone would make her see reason and return to them before she could get another step farther— but she did not reappear. 
 Ratigan did not look at the baby until she made a noise of protest against his awkward hold on her. When she began to wiggle, trying to regain the comfort that she had just been in and that had been shifted into this for seemingly no reason, he was forced to look down to meet her eyes. Again, the child made a sound, this time louder and more aggravated than before. He knew that it would only get worse from there. 
 Carefully, he shifted her in his arms, his hold on her small body softening and allowing her to be settled closer to his chest rather than where he had been trying to keep a distance. The baby wiggled against him, but less in discomfort and more so that she was settling back down. She blinked up at the new face that filled her view, cooing softly before she relaxed. 
 It had been many years since he had held a baby and yet the mechanics of it had not changed. (She was bigger than Parisa had been.) Such soft innocence should not have been anywhere near him, so content, and yet there she stayed. 
 He continued their staring contest, both of them studying one another for some time. Ratigan was looking at the shared traits of her parents in her features, her mother’s— her mother. 
 It had been some time since the woman had left them. More time than he himself had been aware of. 
 “Bya, kuchak,” he said when the child wiggled when he stood. “We’re going to find your mother.” 
 While Pedram was probably busy pretending Sovanna wasn’t the cutest baby ever to baby, Franny was in the kitchen pretending she was actually hungry. The truth was she needed to scurry away and down something to try and quell the pain in her abdomen and pelvic area. 
 She ran the tap to get it nice and cold and she rummaged through the drawer with bottles of aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen, and other over-the-counter basic medications and grabbed the first bottle of painkillers she found - aspirin. After taking three with a literal handful of tap water, she splashed cold water on her face like that would somehow help.
 Dr. Brennan said she was fine. She was fine, she was fine...then why did she feel anything but fine?
 Time didn’t feel real as she stood leaned over the kitchen sink, the water running and running, her hands gripping the counter no matter how many times she told her brain to reach over and turn off the tap. The sound of the sink so completely mesmerized her that she didn’t even feel herself fall to the kitchen floor. Nor did she remember managing to half-sit half-slump against the cupboard beneath the sink. She could vaguely remember thinking that this would pass soon.
 The tap’s still running, she thought. Someone should turn that off.
Ratigan could hear the sound of the running water now that he was paying attention— but it was the smell of blood that had him quicken his pace down the hall.
 “Franny?” he asked upon entering the kitchen, unable to see where she had slipped below the countertop. It took him only a few seconds to assess the scene before him, eyes flickering over the room.  (A drawer had been left slightly ajar— probably in haste rather than carelessness. A bottle of pain killer left beside the sink— she had not come here for food. She had also not caused some sort of accident using a kitchen utensil as there was none to be found on any counter or near the sink, unless it had hit the floor but he hadn’t heard the clatter. The faucet was running but there was no glass— again, out of a lack of time rather than laziness.)
 He rounded the other side of the counter and what he found there was to be expected. Mrs. Robinson lay limp in a pool of her own blood. 
 In his arms, the child stirred. In his chest, the wolf howled. Ratigan remained still. 
 If he had been someone else he may have gasped, out of surprise or perhaps fear, and his brain would have spiked in glutamate, sending him into a panic. But because he was who he was he remained calm as he bent down on his knees, beside her on the cold tile. He turned to lay the child down, away but not out of his immediate reach. 
 One hand reached for his phone, dialing the local emergency number as it would shave off time he did not know she had than simply calling 999, while his other reached around to press two fingers to her pulse point. Thankfully, it reached back out to him. 
 “Franny.” He slid his hand up to turn her head to face him, checking if she was still conscious. “Franny, can you open your eyes? Can you hear me?” 
 “Ambulance,” the dispatcher answered after a few rings, “is the patient breathing?” 
 Next to them, the child began to cry. 
 “This happened yesterday,” Franny muttered when Pedram asked if she could hear him. “Though not this bad.”
 When her legs gave out on her yesterday like even standing was a terrible exertion of strength, it wasn’t as sudden. She’d had time to bend her knees and lower herself onto the edge of her bed and wait for it to pass. It didn’t pass so she fell asleep waiting and woke up with enough strength to take a shower.
 She thought, as the water and blood swirled down the drain together, that surely a proper heavy period shouldn’t be almost three weeks long. Not even after giving birth. But Dr. Brennan said she was fine.
 Sovanna started to cry and Franny’s mind cleared enough to reach in the direction the cry came from, and even that motion made her hiss in pain but she didn’t stop reaching for her. 
Ratigan stopped mid-sentence of where he had been explaining the situation to the person on the other end of the phone. His stare sharpened as he looked at her.
 “And you did not think to tell anyone? Or see your physician?” His words were not accusing, more so they were angry, frustrated with this woman for not thinking that an excessive amount of blood was not bad or a cause for any concern. His anger was pointed at her family for not noticing something was wrong— at himself, most of all. 
 He had made it this far in life due to being able to pick out the details of people to understand the situation he was in and move forward accordingly. This should not have gotten past him. 
 “I’m sorry, sir? What did you say?”
 “Have you sent an ambulance?” He glanced away from Mrs. Robinson for one moment and it was when she had moved for her child. It should not have struck him as an odd reaction. Most mothers across all species would have done the same. And yet it had. 
 Though she was bleeding, perhaps to her death, she still reached out to comfort her baby. 
Ratigan stopped her, pressing his shoulder up to hold the phone between his cheek and suit jacket so that he could take hold of her upper arms to keep her in place. “Do not move. Your baby will be fine, and if you care about her then you will ensure that she continues to have a mother by keeping still.” 
 “Sir, the baby crying, are they alright?”
 “Where is the ambulance?” 
 “I’ve just been informed our dispatch is on a call, so we have been trying to contact—”
 Ratigan hung up, that was all he needed to hear. He stood to scan the room until he located a set of keys. Though he did not wish to do so, he left Mrs. Robinson and her weeping child on the floor of the kitchen to locate the car the set belonged to. In the garage he ensured that the car’s backseat door was open and turned the car on. Before he left he also pressed the button for the garage door itself to begin to recline. 
 When he returned to the kitchen he kneeled back down beside her. “I’m going to pick you up now.” 
 It was not hard to do so as for the first time in a while he and the wolf were entirely in tune with one another, the strength it lended to him making it easy to stand with her. One arm was around her back while the other had gone under the bend of her knees. His sleeve and skin was now stained with her blood. 
 “I did,” Franny almost whined at the accusation. “Doctor said I was...over-reacting.”
“He got real irritated when I questioned him.” Irritated was putting it kindly. Frankly, it felt like sexist treatment, but Franny so badly wanted to be told she was okay that she just accepted it. Franny wanted to explain further just how Dr. Brennan had treated her postpartum, but there wasn’t energy within her to make more words before Pedram went off somewhere.
 When he lifted her off the floor, Franny hissed in pain as the motion jostled her. She tapped his shoulder with what strength she had to get his attention and pointed at her phone on the counter. He’d need it to call her husband at the hospital.
 She let her head lean against his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck with no strength behind the attempt to support some of her weight. 
Ratigan wished his reaction to her telling him this was not to call his people and have her doctor loudly put on display for malpractice and other crimes. (Drugs were easy to plant, especially on a doctor who had them so close at hand.) 
 He did not regret these thoughts because it crossed some sort of moral or ethical boundary— but if his reaction to her being wronged by someone was to put his own hand on the man’s fate instead of allowing it to be left up to chance. It was that he felt as though he had been wronged as well, somehow, and that his emotions had been stirred at all in regard to this woman’s wellbeing. 
 Ignoring this for now, knowing he would have plenty of time later to go over this later, he managed to slide her phone across the counter with his elbow and use his fingers to pull it up into his grasp. It did not take long to lay her down in the back seat of the car and return for the weeping child on the ground. 
 The pool of blood was left behind for someone else to clean up. 
 He returned to the garage and placed the baby with her mother (as there was no carseat and there was no time to search for one or another vehicle) and got into the driver’s seat. Backing out of the driveway, the tires squealed against the concrete beneath them, Ratigan began the trip to the hospital. 
“Shh, don’t cry, baby. You’re okay. Mommy’s got you; see, isn’t that better?” Franny cuddled Sovanna to her chest and, after whining once in pain, pressed kisses to the top of her head. 
 Poor baby. She must feel something wasn’t right like babies do and her little body could only cry about it. 
 “Don’t worry about mama, sweetheart.”
 Sovanna quieted down in her mother’s arms and Franny, through her pain, managed to keep her demeanor calm so as not to startle her. If Franny lost it, Sovanna would know something was wrong and cry again. 
 “Pedram.” She said quietly, suddenly turning her attention from Sovanna. “How bad did it look? As bad as I feel, or do you think my ob is right?”
 Surely if he was driving her to the hospital, it was worse than her being hormonal and just spotting or having a heavy period after childbirth. 
While he knew that talking to a baby was important to the development of their brain, he did not understand the point of telling the child that it need not worry. It lacked the cognitive ability to understand the situation outside of its own needs, why would she say to not worry about her when she was all there was to be worried about? 
 He said nothing, knowing it best he merely focused on the road. 
 Someone honked their horn as he paid no mind to the stop sign. (The chances of getting hit had been slim to none due to only one other car pulling up and at their rate of speed he could have dodged them should they have also not abided by the road sign. But it was also a small town, the patrons of it usually did.) 
 His grip on the steering wheel tightened at her question. “I think that you are in need of a new doctor.” 
 The trip across town was short— as any trip across Swynlake was, but in a car whose breaks had not been applied through the whole trip until they had reached the entrance of the hospital, it was shorter lived than usual. 
 Ratigan left Mrs. Robinson and her baby in the car to go inside. It took him little time to rally a group of workers and while they all scrambled (someone calling for a gerni, another for supplies, another to call the attending, and someone to get a room prepped) he returned to the car to open the backseat door. 
 “I will contact your family.” He glanced back over his shoulder as the group of medical staff came jogging out. “Is there anything else I can do?”  
 Franny’s last few logical brain cells kept her calm and she wasn’t sure whose benefit it was for more, hers, or the baby’s. She handed Sovanna to Pedram as the hospital staff filed out of the building and said the most pragmatic, least full of jokes, lacking any sexual innuendo thing she’d ever said to Ratigan in the over a decade they’ve known each other:
 “My phone password is capital-B Bitches-aint-shit with the I’s being exclamation points, no apostrophe in ain’t, and dashes between each word.” It was something other than a four-digit code to keep her from trying to unlock it at all while driving. “Call my middle brother first, Art. He’ll leave work early and take Sovanna. Tell him not to tell Wilbur, I don’t want him to worry, and tell him to call Lucille. She’ll handle my husband, I won’t put that on you.”
 She nodded to her phone. “One of my bank cards is in the phone case. The PIN should be 5739 but if that doesn’t work, try my wedding anniversary...it’s on my Wikipedia page...give the card to Art to give to Dimitri to pay for cleaning my blood out of his car. Shit, that’s probably a lot to remember…”
It was— but for a brain like Ratigan’s the amount of information could easily be acquired and remembered. “I can manage.” 
 He was surprised to realize he would have done far more had she asked it of him, her saying that she would spare him the experience of telling her husband what had happened having made him want to protest against it. But why? While the words would not be hard to say nor the answering questions hard to hear, it would have been more time out of his day that could have been spent elsewhere. She had given him an out and yet his first instinct had been not to take it. 
 Before he could say anything else the hospital staff was nudging him out of the way of the door, pulling the stretcher closer in order to transfer her from one surface to the other. Ratigan watched, now off to the side, while the child lay restless in her bundle. The changing scenery and noises most likely disorientating enough to aggravate her. 
 The lost comfort of her mother also taking its toll— reflected both in the cries of the infant and the rigid posture of the man whose arms she had been entrusted to. 
 Ratigan watched as Mrs. Robinson disappeared into the hospital, the wolf clawing whining within in the want to follow. When his attention turned back to the baby so did the wolf’s, knowing that she was now in his care until her family could arrive. He only allowed himself another moment to reign in the wolf and the emotions that had begun to cloud his judgement. 
 Then, he pulled Mrs. Robinson’s phone from his pocket, and got to work. 
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ikesengoficss · 5 years
Sasuke really is a meme-lord! Can I make a request, please? How would Oda + Uesugi-Takeda Forces react to a rather calm MC who suddenly burst out laughing because Sasuke is making memes and vines references? I don't know if I'm clear, sorry ;; I love your writting! I followed you on your previous blog and am so happy to see you find something you love to write about once more. I wish you the best ~
hahah! I love this! Sure~ and I’ll try to implement some of my favorite vines into this! I hope you enjoy, please leave your feedback!!
*** as of now, I will only be doing four of the warlords. This is a recent change that I have made after this was request was sent. I put the warlords through a randomizer to narrow down the four. Please understand why I am doing so. The rules of request have been updated for when they are open again. 
Please enjoy :) 
Hideyoshi, Ieyasu, Yukimura and Shingen reacting to a calm MC suddenly bursting out laughing due to Sasuke making meme and vine references
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Vine Reference: Can I get a waffle? 
You’re usually so quiet and timid, so to hear a suddenly shrill laugh from you, he’s kinda shook.
He’s also a little confused on how two men quarreling in the street, prompting your weird landscaper friend into standing awkwardly behind the two fighting, asking for a waffle, is funny.
And then of course, “What is a waffle?”
Your face is really red afterwards, and mamayoshi is suddenly incredibly concerned and panicking over your flushed cheeks. 
“It’s just… I don’t like to laugh out loud like that. I don’t like my laugh,” you admit sheepishly.
Hideyoshi is a little bit flabbergasted. He actually loves your laugh, and it was really refreshing, even if he was confused, to see you so happy and bubbly. He wants to hear it more! 
“Well, I love your laugh,” he chuckles, brushing a strand of hair behind your ears, “and I want to hear it as much as possible.”
In order to accomplish that, he’s going to be saying ‘waffles’ a lot, because he’s under the impression that word is what made you laugh so hard. 
Ieyasu Tokugawa
Sasuke is weird, and by him saying, “It’s Wednesday, my dudes,” none the less on a fucking Tuesday, than screaming like an orangoutang into the air only proves it.
But you are weird too, because you’re laughing at it, and he’s never seen you laugh so uncontrobly as you clutch your sides— how can this be remotely funny?
“It’s Tuesday, idiot.”
However, he’s going to be thinking about it for the rest of the day— not whatever Sasuke said, but the way you laughed. 
He’s heard you laugh before, sure, but never like you did for Sasuke just then. And in truth, he feels a little bit bitter towards Sasuke for that, because as your boyfriend, he wants to be the one to make you laugh like that.
Being the wonderful person you are, you obviously can tell something is wrong by he extra grumpy facade Ieyasu has for the rest of the day. 
“I’ve never been able to make you laugh like that. I fail to see how saying the wrong day of the week is funny, but clearly to you it is, and I’ve never been able to see that. I guess I can’t help but feel a little jealous.”
You smile lightly, surprising Ieyasu a little as you move yourself to sit on his lap, straddling him. “Ieyasu, trust me when I say, you have said or done some things that have actually made me want to laugh like that. But I always want to stay calm and composed for you. So I promise you next time, I won’t hold back, and I’ll let you see just how much you make me laugh and smile,
“no matter how loud or out of character I might be!”
Yukimura Sanada
Your laugh is so sweet, abrupt as it is, and he’s going to be incredibly jealous and a little upset that he’s been unable to get you to laugh like that.
He may even ask Sasuke to teach him of these ‘vines’ so he can bring out that laugh in you. 
“I’ve taught you everything to know, now is your chance,” Sasuke says, fist pumping his b-hef-theft. “Go get her.” 
“I’ve got this, I’ve got this,” he’s mumbling to himself.
He approaches you talking to Shingen. You give him the most gorgeous smile he’s ever seen— he wants to hug you right then and there, but he has a mission, and that’s to make his calm and precious girlfriend laugh as hard as Sasuke did. 
He takes a final breath, and—
“Yukimura, how are—“
“I’ve never went to Oovoo Javer.”
You… are so shook. The two of you are just staring at each other for a minute as you’re trying to calculate in your head what he just said.
He really thinks he messed up for a moment, but the gods must have been on his side because suddenly you’re howling with laughter, hunching forward to hold your sides, and wiping the tears that have formed in your eyes.
Precious boy is giving himself a little victory pump. And Sasuke is giving a thumbs up from the side lines.
“Never… did I ever,” you say between breaths, “think you’d ever say that.” 
Shingen Takeda
Sasuke came tumbling down from the ceiling, with as stoic a face as ever, saying, “Good evening,”  
Your calm and quiet persona is one of his favorite things about you. You’re always so relaxed and self-sufficient.
But when he hears you laugh so… booming,
 he’s really surprised, and he absolutely loves it. 
Like Hideyoshi, and thinking waffle is the key to your laughter, he may fall under the impression that, “Good Evening,” is what made you laugh so much. 
But you don’t react to it as much as you did when Sasuke did it. In fact, you just smile and say it back to him with a kiss to the cheek. he loves that and all but he wants to make you laugh. 
He’ll probably ask you about it, and you’ll explain the modern day ‘vine.’
If you ever return to the future again, for whatever reason, you’ll show him a whole compilation and everything, and he might find a few funny, but overall, he’ll be more concentrated on you.
The way your eyes just crinkle and your smile widens. And you lean back into him holding your sides. He loves it and he’s never thought you more beautiful. 
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I Can’t Eat Love pt 21
Sorry for the long break guys, but here’s part 21!
Master post linked here
After I finished sewing, I said goodbye to Marile and walked towards the shop exit. I was preoccupied with my thoughts, and wasn’t focused on where i was stepping. Which led to me almost running into the young woman who was waiting  right outside the door.
I stopped just before slamming into her, taking in her appearance with a forced smile. “Hello, Edith.”
How had she found me? After a few moments of thought I quickly realized the answer to my question was easily found in my own home. 
I’m going to have to deal with Angela sooner rather than later.
Edith stepped forward, interrupting my thoughts. Her face was delicately pale, her smile complicated as if happy to see me but worried at the same time. It was very pitiful, and she looked more like a wronged heroine confronting her betrayer, rather than the villain that she was. “I missed you, Lenora! I wanted to visit sooner but I was afraid you wouldn’t want to see me… after…”
Her voice broke, and she lightly dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief, actual tears forming in her eyes. 
What a marvelous performance. I really felt like I should be applauding.
“After you ran around with my fiancé behind my back?” I tried unsuccessfully to hide the amusement in my voice. “Why wouldn’t I want to see you?”
She was now sobbing loudly, catching attention from those walking past. “Can you not forgive me? I never meant to hurt you! I just… fell in love! I cannot help loving him!” Even in tears her face remained pretty, her expressions showing mild sadness while maintaining a noble look. I wondered idly how many times one would have to practice crying to be able to look attractive while convincing at the same time.
I sighed quietly. “I wish the two of you can be always together.” As long as you stay far away from me!
“Are we still friends?” She stopped crying her gaze hopeful. A few people had stopped to watch the scene, the mood clearly siding with the girl who was crying. I felt many angry stares in my direction and wanted to laugh out loud. How many of these strangers would realize that the girl who they thought was being bullied was the one who had done the betraying?
Feeling tired, I forced a kind expression on my face. “Of course.” I felt no unease agreeing to this. After all, “friend” was only a meaningless term. There was no reason to hesitate applying it to such a person.
I invited her into my carriage and with a cheerful laugh she agreed. All signs of her previous tears were gone and she once again was pretending to be the gentle supportive friend. I was honestly shocked at how quickly she had switched roles. If I had honestly been in love with the prince still, did she think I would be over it so fast? She was being even more shameless than she had acted in my previous life.
There must be something else she wants.
Hiding my curiosity, I smiled blandly at her, pretending to listen as she chattered on about the latest dance she had learned. Edith at least had enough tact not to bring up the Prince… or so I thought.
“So, I am holding a party next week.” She started fidgeting in her seat.
“I see.” I nodded, my mind wandering to tomorrow’s schedule.
“There… I will be announcing that the Prince and I intend to be married. “
Calmly, I looked up at her fake-timid smile and couldn’t help but ask. “So it’s official then? You are engaged?”
Obviously the stupid prince hadn’t told her he had proposed to me again. I felt a brief flash of optimism. Perhaps my rejection had been enough for him to disregard the King’s order completely?
“Well, not officially, yet.” Her lower lip stuck out as she pouted, whether at her words or at my lack of reaction I was unsure. “Ronan has told me to keep quiet about it for a little while to protect your reputation, but by then I’m sure it will be fine!”
Protect my reputation? I barely held in my laughter. Since when has he cared at all about that? I forced myself to nod seriously.
Edith reached out, grabbing my hands, not noticing my discomfort at the contact. “I want you to be there, to support me.”
“Please be there.” Edith begged, her hands holding mine.
“I don’t know…” I trailed off, hesitant. It had been over a month since the engagement was broken. Mother had grown angrier by the day, Father had become increasingly withdrawn, anxiety etched on his features as debtors came to call day after day. I was still hurt over what Edith and Ronan had done, unsure if I wanted to subject myself to a party where I would show my support for the girl who had replaced me…
“Oh, but you must be there! We’re friends!” She cried bitterly, her tears making me feel guilty for causing her distress.
I was still afraid to lose her approval, even after everything that had happened. She was the only one who seemed to care about me. I hadn’t seen or heard from the Queen since, all my letters had gone unanswered. She obviously had lost interest in me now that I was no longer going to be her daughter in law. Edith was my only friend left.
And it was only a party.
“I’ll go.”
 “I’ll go.” My simple words seemed to shock Edith, who was obviously prepared to argue longer. Shaking herself, she smiled happily, clapping her hands with excitement.
“That’s wonderful! It wouldn’t have been a proper party without you there!” She reached out and hugged me, “I’m so glad we’re still friends!”
“I’m glad too.” I smiled as I pulled back, glad that the slightly shadowy interior of the carriage prevented her from seeing my face too clearly. If she had, she might have taken back the invitation. She might have canceled the party and fled the city.
It would have been the smart thing to do. 
But instead she took my expression for genuine, and continued to talk happily about plans for the party as the carriage moved forward.
I kept silent, nodding occasionally, pretending to listen as my brain quickly began drawing up plans.
This party could be useful.
 “The Prince’s staff have been trying to spread rumors all throughout the nobility.”
Rig paced back and forth, his expression showing his displeasure. Hallers watched silently from the sidelines, his face unreadable. “How idiotic is this man?!” 
I raised an eyebrow. “The prince? He’s an idiot, but this plan is fairly well thought out… at least for him.”
“But how is the prince lashing out like this supposed to convince you to marry him?” Throwing up his hands, the man slumped in a chair, shaking his head. “I can’t see this accomplishing anything but convincing you to stay far away from him.” 
“That’s because you think like a normal, decent human being.” I smiled, tapping my temple. “In the world of nobility, marriage is more of a business deal. As a Duke’s daughter, my worth is determined by my ability to tie my family to another.” Leaning back, I sighed. “Normally, I would have been completely taken out of consideration for a match after having an engagement broken with royalty.”
 Rig thought about that. “But your reputation was actually not too bad after…”
“Exactly. The Queen’s actions, my own reputation, and my wealth might have been enough to convince some of the braver families to try to ally through marriage. But now?” I shrugged. “With rumors that I was unfaithful, any man who tried to marry me would be thought to be the one I was cheating on the Prince with. Even if they avoided that, I would still be considered a loose woman, a stain on their reputation.”
 I laughed, a bitter sound. “No man would want his name tied to mine now. The Prince has ensured through this move that my only option to marry is to crawl back to him.” 
Rig and Hallers stared at each other. “I don’t think it completely dissuaded everyone…” Rig started to talk, a small smile on his face. “After all there’s…”
Hallers interrupted. “He’s not approved... yet.”
“I thought you liked him now?” Rig glanced over at me and then back to the butler.
“Liking him is not the same as approval for this role.” Hallers face hadn’t changed, but all of a sudden I found myself shivering from the coldness in his eyes, even as I struggled to follow their conversation.
Rig’s smile widened. “Of course, anyone trying to step up to the task would have to prove their worth. We can’t just give her up to anyone.”
Hallers chuckled, an evil sound.
I interrupted their plotting, trying to bring the conversation back to one I understood. “Not that any of the Prince’s plans matter.” I shrugged. “I have no plans to marry. So he can destroy my reputation all he likes.”
“Actually it’s not spreading well.” Rig looked at his own notes, confused. “For some reason, especially among the female nobility, the rumor tends to die out quickly, like they’re too afraid to talk.”
I smiled at that, repeating the threat that Marile had made a week past, and the other men smiled too.
“Simple, but effective.” Rig praised. “I like her methods.”
 “Well, it will really be put to the test at Edith’s party tonight.” I stood up at my desk, stretching. “We’ll see if they continue to hold off on then.” 
“Why are you even going to that? You realize she’s trying to use you to legitimize her relationship to the prince, right?” Rig rolled his eyes. “If you are publically seen supporting her, how can anyone else blame HER for her actions?”
I grinned. “Actually I’m going for two very different reasons.” I held up one finger. “First, as the Prince is currently under His Majesty’s orders to marry me, I truly am curious to see if Ronan will allow a public declaration of their relationship to happen. I’m actually hoping that she manages to do it.”
Rig laughed at that. “That would piss the King off, something awful!”
“I certainly hope so.”
“Then what’s the second reason?”
I grinned. “I have a plan to carry out.” Handing him a note with instructions, I watched his eyebrows slowly raise as he read through it. “Can you have it arranged before the end of the party?”
“I- I can, but why…?”
I smiled wickedly. “I was going to cause trouble anyways… might as well blame it on somebody else while I’m at it.”
 The party was beautiful. The Countess of Erand was never one to hold back from extravagance, especially on behalf of her daughter. I took in the glittering ballroom with an appreciative glance, smiling as I noticed how many of the noblewoman were wearing gowns from “Prosperity” tonight. Edith’s party had granted my business a small fortune in orders. I wished I could thank her.
As I entered with Henry by my side, I heard a small amount of whispering, caught a few sidelong glances, but that was all. It seemed that even the men were restrained, likely by the hands of their wives who were terrified that Marile would hold a husband’s gossiping tongue against them.
“Terrible.” Henry muttered, looking around. At first I thought he as referencing the few gossiping nobles, but of course he hadn’t even noticed. “How could they treat the poor geraniums like this?!” He stared mournfully at the flower decorations, which admittedly looked slightly bruised and wilted. 
“Shameful.” I whispered, playing along. “Should we steal the decorations?”
“No, it’s too late for these poor dears… but I’m taking their bush with me.” His eyes were fierce.
“Please tell me you’re joking.”
 “Nope. I’m saving it.” He spoke, his voice filled with righteousness and clear conviction. “I have no choice.”
I sighed, rubbing my forehead. “Just make sure no one sees you, please?”
He chuckled grimly, rubbing his hands together. “Of course.”
“What’s Henry planning?” Nate walked up, dressed up in a beautiful waistcoat, looking at my cousin’s face with suspicion.
“He’s planning to liberate their geraniums.” I muttered, grabbing the young man’s arm and studying it closely. 
“L-lenora.” He stuttered. “I - ..”
“What is this coat made of? This weave…”I pulled slightly on the sleeve, nodding with approval the softness of the fabric.
He sighed. “Should have realized.” Grumbling under his breath, he added. “Please, Lenora, release my arm before you cause a scandal, I promise to send my coat to you so you can study it.”
I looked around, realizing that this action would likely not have helped my shifting reputation, fortunately around the same time the prince had arrived, and it appeared that no one had been paying attention to me. 
Breathing a sigh of relief, I looked around for the food, my eyes lighting up at the sight of the table. It was filled with different pastries and other delicious treats, reminding me of the prince’s birthday party.
But I had a job to do. I felt my the corners of my mouth turn downward as I cursed my scheming ways. What if all the food was taken by the time I finished my plot?
 Nate, noticing my longing glances and sad sighs, chuckled. “I’ll get you a plate, Lenora. Go do whatever plots that need done.”
Startled, I looked up at him, taking in his complacent smile with confusion. “How did you…?”
“I pay attention.” He bowed politely, his hand on his heart and a smile in his eyes, before he turned towards the table, walking away.
I watched him move further away, my thoughts chaotic.
“Nate would be a good choice.” Henry spoke quietly, again causing me to jump. 
“W-what do you mean?” I felt a moment of panic, my stomach hurting briefly. “A good choice for what?”
Henry stared at me. “I’m going to recruit him to help me steal the geranium. What were you thinking?”
I shook my head, “Nothing. I wasn’t thinking of anything.” And with that, I escaped
I walked towards Edith, a smile on my face. She saw me, and threw her hands out, delighted.
“LENORA!” Many heads turned towards us as we crossed the room to meet up.
As I moved closer, I bumped into a young lady, nearly losing my balance. I had to reach out and grab her, to stabilize myself. We smiled briefly at each other, before I moved on, apologizing with a single word and then continuing my course towards Edith. 
She and I embraced, and the whispers from the crowd around us increased slightly.
I realized the source as a single figure stepped out though the crowd towards us 
The three of us stood there, smiling at each other, each of us wearing a false expression.
What an interesting party. All of us plotting behind the scenes, none of us truly knowing the moves of the  others.
Edith, who was trying to use my good reputation to legitimize her actions and her relationship with the prince.
Ronan who was trying to destroy my reputation to force me to agree to an engagement with him.
And me. Who came for a reason that didn’t involve either of them.
Smiling brightly at the two, I hugged Edith once more, whispering. “Good Luck.” Before she could ask me what I meant, I stepped away.
 “I wish you both every happiness.” My voice was pleasantly neutral.
 Ronan’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t think that you can…”
“Thank you.” Edith grinned, interrupting. “Your blessing means the world to us!”
“Does it?” I grinned, seeing Ronan fuming, and walked away.
“Done with your plots?” A plate was held out in front of me by Nate, and I took it, looking it over with appreciation.
“Good choices, thank you. 
He shrugged. “I asked Hallers, and was given very specific and detailed instructions.” Wincing, he added. “I have a feeling I’m in for a very long lecture regarding your preferences in the near future.”
“I’m sorry, I can tell him to hold off.”
“No need.” He held up a hand, smiling. “I told you I like cooking right? Might as well cook something I know you’ll like.”
I took a bite of the first pastry, savoring it. “This is amazing.”
Nate laughed. “Who knew that a pastry was all it took to impress you.” Pausing, he leaned closer, whispering. “So what was it you passed on to the young lady? 
I paused in my eating, trying to hide my shock. “To Edith? I didn’t…”
“No, not her.” He grinned. “The young lady you pretended to bump into on your way over.” 
“Was it too obvious?” I worried for a moment that my skills from my previous life had gotten rusty. 
“Only because I was watching closely. No one else would have caught it.” 
Breathing a short sigh of relief, I grinned. “Good. Otherwise there would be no point to coming to this party.”
“Food’s not bad.” Nate shrugged, picking a pastry off my plate and eating it, “Company could be better.” He pointed in the direction of the other half of the room, and I followed his gaze, sighing.
Edith and Ronan were standing closely together, flirting, smiling, toughing each other frequently. There were a few odd stares in their direction, but the pair didn’t notice, too wrapped up in their own world.
“Does it bother you?” Nate asked quietly
“Not the actions, just the indecisiveness.” I shrugged. “He wants me to marry him to appease his father, but he wants to pretend nothing has changed with Edith. He obviously has forbidden her from announcing the relationship, which was the entire point of this party for her.”
“Selfishness is a powerful motivator.” He watched me for a few moments. “Do you feel sorry for her?”
“Not really. They both value the position, the crown over the person they proclaim to love. It’s hard to claim one is the injured party when each other them is using the other.” I turned to Nate with a smile. “Let’s stay out of it.”
“Sounds good to me.” With that, Nate asked me to dance, and the party moved on.
I danced several times with Henry, ignoring his muttered plant related plots, and with a few other noblemen who had obviously not heard the rumors yet. The party was drawing to a close, when…
 “WHERE IS SHE?!” The Earl of Beral shouted, his face bright red with rage as he searched around the party.
I looked around the room slowly, and sure enough, Lady Erica, who had been dancing and socializing at the party, was nowhere to be found.
The Countess of Erand and Edith stepped forward in the sudden hush, the crowd parting to let them through.
“Perhaps she is taking a rest.” Edith’s mother tried to calm the man. “I’ll ask the servants to check…” 
“I’VE ALREADY CHECKED, SHE’S GONE! I BET YOU SHE RAN OFF WITH THAT TRAITOR FROM THE EASTERN GUARD!” He glared at Edith, his words laced with suspicion. “She spoke with you quite a few times tonight, what did she say to you?” 
Edith looked confused. “Nothing important, just fashion, the weather…”
“She couldn’t have done this alone, you helped my fiancé to run off!” He glared at the two women. 
Edith looked frustrated. “Why would I do that?”  
“Perhaps she paid you! I don’t know!” The older man threw up his hands. “But she just so happens to disappear from your party…. I know you had a hand in this!” 
Edith shot a pleading look over to Prince Ronan, who was watching from the sidelines, but he simply shook his head, refusing to speak. The Earl was extremely wealthy and well connected. He was also one of the Prince’s greatest supporters. Ronan wouldn’t risk alienating him. Not even for a woman he loved. 
“Coward.” Nate whispered under his breath. 
“I swear I had nothing to do with your fiance’s disappearance!” Edith then began to cry, her tears drawing sympathy from the crowd.
 The earl stepped back, his face bleak. “Very well. But I won’t forget what you’ve done tonight.” 
With that, he was gone.
The room collectively let out a sigh of relief with his retreat, but the mood of the party was definitely broken. As people prepared to leave, Nate grinned at me. “Strong work, rescuing a damsel in distress.”
 I kept an innocent expression. “I don’t know what you mean, I was just here to enjoy a party.”
“So I assume that’s where the travel papers I had made went to?”
I nodded, and he laughed.
“Starting a new store branch in Tilendria with an escaped noblewoman and a deserting captain… you never do things as expected do you?”
“Maybe not as YOU expect.”
“Well, at least now, you have a reason to come visit me in Tilendria.” His smile was bright, “You should at least check in on your store occasionally, right?” 
I held up my hands helplessly. “Tilendria’s a big country. Even if I go check on the store, I can’t guarantee we would see each other.” 
“That reminds me….” He passed me an envelope with a grin. I took it, feeling some exasperation.
“You and your envelopes. What is it now?”
“Information regarding land for sale in Tilendria.” He smiled. It’s in the Capital, right in the heart of the city, perfect for a business. You said you were opening up a new branch, so I asked around.”
I sighed. “You can’t keep doing me favors.”
“Oh, it not just a favor, this definitely benefits me, in many ways. After all, you’ll pay taxes right?”
“Yes, but what does that…?”
“Oh, there’s the signal!” He grinned, turning away. “It’s time for the flower heist!” 
Groaning, I turned away, and prepared to leave the party. Sensing an angry stare at my back, I turned to the side to catch Ronan’s gaze. He seemed bitter, likely upset that the rumors he had started hadn’t affected me at all. I smiled at him, allowing him to see the mockery in it, and walked away. 
In the carriage ride home, Henry clutched the large flowery bush, ignoring the wrath of Hallers at dirtying the carriage. I stared out the window, thinking things over.
Lady Erica had successfully eloped with her Captain. I was happy to have that out of the way, even more so that suspicion had been cast on someone else besides me. I remembered that man’s ruthlessness in my last life, and had no desire to face off with him again in this one.
I have enough enemies; let someone else deal with him for a change.
With the failure of the rumors to bring me around, I knew that Ronan would switch his strategy soon. My mind flipped through the possibilities, unsure of which route he would take. But i would get some sleep tonight and think about it further in the morning. 
But as I entered my house, and saw the stranger sitting in the visiting room, I realized that he had struck much sooner then I had expected.
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zoawrites · 4 years
@painted-in-ink said: Oooh am I late? Super long time ago there were leather jacket photos of Reylo going around, I’d still like some sort of biker gang au
Okay, I had a lot of fun with this! Thanks so much for the prompt! Hope you like!
You can find it here on AO3 or below the cut!
Rated Teen
The bar was smelly and dark, as usual. Filled with a thick layer of smoke from the medley of cigarettes and cigars in the mouths of its unsavory patrons. Rey resisted the urge to cough; she hated the smell, the acrid, foul taste that inevitably made it into her own mouth and nostrils.
But it was the only place she could go to have fun, to live her own life with the group of girls from her grandfather’s gang who were the closest thing she had to friends.
They were the Empire. The region's most feared, most notorious biker gang and she was virtual royalty. The princess. She rolled her eyes at her own thoughts and called the bartender for her usual: a whiskey sour which in this bar was more whiskey than sour, but Rey didn’t care.
Aayla, the girl she was with that particular night was already flirting with one of the Empire brutes. Thankfully the other men kept their distance from Rey; it wouldn’t do to start anything with the boss’ granddaughter. Unless you wanted your throat cut. She couldn’t deny she was glad of her privilege in that way, even if it originated from a despicable source.
So she sat alone at the bar and nursed her whiskey while her friend flirted with the Empire’s villainous citizens. Twenty minutes passed before Rey finally got the excitement she’d been waiting for.
When the group of leather-clad, tattooed men entered the bar a stereotypical movie silence fell over the room. Conversations stopped and the music cranked off.
“Oh my fucking… Rey. It’s that Kylo Ren dude.” Aayla gripped Rey’s arm tightly. “What’re they doing in our territory?”
Rey shot a disdainful glance at the group now making its way to the bar and her jaw clenched. There he was - the inimitable, impenetrable, bloody Kylo Ren. The worst of the Knights of Ren. Their general, second only to Snoke himself. He had the scars to prove it. The others with him were his brothers in arms, a mockery of the term ‘knight’.
“Asking for trouble, that’s what.” Rey downed the rest of her drink and jumped off her stool. “Hey, asshole! Did you come here for your execution?”
Immediately Empire bikers surrounded Rey, ready to pounce on the Knights if they even said the wrong thing. Kylo Ren eyed her and stalked slowly up until he was about three feet away. The Empire guys made to remove him but Rey put a hand up to stop them and lifted her chin in defiance.
“What are you doing outside grandpa’s castle, princess?” Kylo sneered, paying no mind at all to the dozens of men who would shoot him on the spot. “Wanted to see how the rest of us slum it?”
Rey glared at him. “You should leave. Unless you want someone to put another scar down that pretty face.”
“You think I’m pretty?” he said with the most disgusting smirk. “I’m flattered.”
“Get out before I cut you myself.” Rey snapped. A low chuckle emanated from his broad chest.
“Oh, sweetheart, I don’t think you have the guts.”
A deafening silence followed. Rey smiled sweetly and pulled a long, serrated dagger from the holster on her side, hidden beneath her tight leather jacket. She twirled it deftly in her hand before suddenly bridging the distance between them and bringing the edge of the blade to his throat. If he even swallowed it would cut him.
“Wanna find out?”
Kylo’s eyes flashed and she saw his full mouth lift slightly but twitch was gone as quick as it appeared. The rest of the room drew their weapons but the two at the center didn’t budge. They only stared into each other’s eyes, watching, evaluating. Rey didn’t know for how long.
Then Kylo took a step back. “Maybe some other time, princess.” He waved a hand and out he and his Knights went.
Rey exhaled the breath she’d been holding and returned the knife to its holster. The room relaxed and resumed its business, the music and conversation and villainy blaring to life again. Aayla stared at Rey with a giant grin.
“Girl!” She squealed. “You’re badass. Holy shit. Come on, let’s do some shots. You deserve it after that! Shots for everyone!” Aayla called and the room answered with a resounding shout.
Rey smiled but her eyes kept drifting to the door and her thoughts to the Knight she’d bested.
Rey took a deep breath when she stepped outside, taking the clear, smoke-free air deep into her lungs. She’d told Aayla she needed some fresh air, which wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t completely the truth either. The night was mild, moonless but free of clouds so she could see most of the stars. She meandered around the back of the bar, head down and lost in thought.
From out of nowhere thick arms wrapped themselves around her waist and tugged her into a narrow space between the bar and a small storage shed.
“Took you long enough,” a deep voice whispered in her ear. Rey immediately relaxed against the broad chest to which she was held.
“Aayla wanted to do shots.” Rey tilted her head to the side as plush lips smoothed over her neck. “Ben…”
“Missed you.” Ben - ‘Kylo’ was forgotten in the darkness; he always lowered his shields with her - tightened his arms around her. “It’s been too long.”
She sighed. “I know. But my grandfather…”
“Is a wrinkled old prick.”
Rey huffed and turned her head up with a disapproving look she didn’t really feel only to be met by his lips on hers. She sighed and melted into him, lifting a hand and curling her fingers into the thick hair at the back of his head to keep him close. They’d been meeting in secret for months, pretending to hate each other in public to cover the fact that the veritable princess of the Empire and Snoke’s favorite Knight were in love. Their situation was impossible; it couldn’t last, couldn’t ever exist outside of the secret meetings and furtive rendezvous, but she’d do it all again in a heartbeat. For even one second with him.
His tongue swept inside of her mouth and she released a soft whimper.
His arms loosened enough to allow her to turn and he pressed her back against the wall of the bar, stepping up to her and enveloping her completely in his presence, warm and safe. Rey slid her hands over his leather jacket, slowing over the patches and running her fingers along the edges. Badges of his time with the Knights, symbols of the accomplishments - if they could be called that - proving his loyalty. Some were… bad. She didn’t care. He was bad, but so was she. Neither of them were angels but she loved him and he loved her, despite it all.
“Have you thought about what I asked you?” he asked quietly. “The last time?”
Rey nodded but didn’t look at him. “About leaving the Empire.”
She could tell he was tense, waiting for her response with stiff shoulders.
“It would start a war,” she whispered, finally lifting her eyes to his. “If I left. He would come at the Knights with everything he has.”
“I don’t care.” He cradled her face in his hands. “We’ll run away. Run away from all of them.”
Rey’s mouth dropped open. “What?”
“I’m tired of this.” His eyes roved her face. “I’m tired of seeing you and not being able to touch you. Pretending to hate you. I’m tired of all the fighting. I want to stop. Please, come with me.”
There was no way this could work. Her grandfather would send his people after them. Find them somehow no matter where they went.
Or maybe he wouldn’t. She was troublesome; always arguing with her grandfather and angering him until he threw her out. Maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t try so hard to find them. Maybe they could do it if they ran far enough away to make finding them too troublesome to be worth it.
As she looked into Ben’s eyes - dark and glittering, reflecting the orange light from the bulb hanging over the back door of the bar - she knew what she had to do.
“Okay.” She nodded, breathless. “Yes. I want out. I want to be with you.”
His face lit up with the most dazzling smile and he kissed her. “Let’s go now.” He murmured though he hadn’t yet broken away from her lips.
Rey nodded, too happy, too excited to say anything. A second later she was being tugged back around the bar and to the line of bikes that stood out front. Ben jumped onto his and she clambered onto the seat behind him, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist.
The motorcycle roared to life and with a squeal that surely everyone inside heard, they were gone. Down the road and away from the bar, away from their enemies and their old, wretched lives. Rushing down the road toward she didn’t know what but Rey didn’t care. She was finally with him. Truly with him. No hiding, no secrets. Just them and the open road.
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twdeadfanfic · 5 years
The first to blow your mind Pt.1
Welcome to my new mini-series!
Daryl Dixon x Reader
*Summary:  It’s Daryl Dixon’s 18th birthday and he can’t stop his brother from dragging him to the strip club, one of Merle’s favourite places, to celebrate. There’s a new singer there, a girl with a beautiful voice and a beautiful smile, even Daryl can see it. Little does he know, he’s going to meet her again at the woods soon. This was a request but it got out of hand.
Daryl’s POV. Teen Daryl.Pre-apocalypse. Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Angst
3341 words.
Chapters: 1/8
Link to masterlist is in the info of this blog.
I know this story is different because it’s pre-apocalypse, it has teen Daryl, and it’s all from Daryl’s pov...but I’m excited about it and I hope you all will like it too, please let me know your thoughts. By the way, I didn’t come up with the idea of the song that the reader sang, it came for the request, it was a nice choice!
***I’ve been reblogging a lot of young Norman pics to get in the mood for teen Daryl, if you want to check it! Some of them are really how I imagine him in this story: https://twdeadfanfic.tumblr.com/tagged/tftbym ***
It didn’t take long for Daryl to regret having let Merle drag him to the strip club. It wasn’t the first time he tried, but this time Daryl hadn’t managed to get away from it, with Merle saying it was his 18th birthday present and what not, literally dragging him to the club. 
So there he was now, with his brother and Merle’s group of friends, feeling as out of place and awkward as ever, surrounded by half-naked girls and men hollering at them to take more clothes off, and honestly, he didn’t see the point.  
He didn’t like his brother’s friends, he wasn't interested in getting high like they did almost every night. He had never been tempted,  seeing how the drugs made Merle a mean, bigger asshole, out of control, getting into even more trouble. He wasn’t interested in paying girls so they’d take their clothes off or seeing them naked either, if only it made him more uncomfortable. 
“Come on, baby bro!” Merle’s voice was so loud Daryl was sure he could be heard in the whole club, not that it was big to begin with, and Daryl cringed, shrinking into his seat. “That one has her eyes on you!” Daryl scoffed, rolling his eyes, but he glanced to the half-naked girl for a second before dropping his gaze to the ground again, making Merle guffaw as he shoved a bill into the dancer’s underwear. “Booze’s on me too!” 
Daryl swallowed the drink that Merle passed him in one go, hoping he’d get wasted soon and it’d made it easier to deal with Merle and his friends, but it only made his headache go worse. 
At some point, the music changed and Merle elbowed him. “That's the new girl! She's been here for a month or so. You gotta see that ass!” Merle laughed and Daryl looked up from the floor and to the stage in time to see a girl stopping in front of a microphone. She wasn’t half naked like the others but wearing a tight, deep red, sequin dress. “She’s super hot, isn’t she?” Daryl shrugged but nodded, he supposed she was beautiful.  
“Wait until she takes off the dress” Merle let out a big laugh. “You’re wearing too much clothes sweetheart!” He hollered at the girl, unnecessary loud considering they were as close as possible to the stage, and Daryl tried to make himself as small as possible on his seat again. 
The girl just winked at his brother, and then she began singing. 
You've been a bad, bad boy
gonna take my time, so enjoy
There's no need to feel no shame
Relax, and sip upon my champagne
Cos I wanna give you a little taste
Of the sugar below my waist, you nasty boy. 
She had a beautiful voice, Daryl had to give her that, he hadn’t expected he’d see something like that. All the men had gone quiet while she sang, even his brother, which wasn’t an easy thing to achieve. 
Oh baby, for all it's worth
I swear I'll be the first to blow your mind
Now, if you're ready, come and get me
I'll give you that hot, sweet, sexy loving 
Merle was right, she was beautiful, a smile on her face as she sang, her body rocking with the music, as if hypnotizing him, and Daryl found himself staring at her, he couldn’t help it. 
Hush now, don't say a word
I'm gonna give you what you deserve
Now, you better give me a little taste
Put your icing on my cake
You nasty boy. 
Daryl’s eyes followed the girl’s hands as they roamed over her body and he swallowed hard, blushing, but he couldn’t make himself look away. 
Now give me a little spanking
Oh, oh, is that all you've got?
Come on now, don't play with me.  
“I’ll spank you, just come here, darling, and take off that damn dress!” Merle hollered, laughing, making Daryl cringe again, but if the girl heard him she didn't seem to care, still singing with that dreamy smile on her face.  
Oh, give me that hot, sweet, nasty
Boy, don't you make me wait[
Now you better give me a little taste
Put your icing on my cake
You nasty boy. 
The song ended, the music changed and the spell was broken. The men were back at hollering at the girls and Daryl was back at looking at the floor. 
“Come here, sweetheart, and lose some clothes!”  
Daryl heard his brother cheering and when he looked up he saw him calling for the singer as he waved some bills on his hand. The girl let her dress fall to the floor as she approached them, revealing black, lace underwear, and Daryl quickly dropped his gaze to the floor again. 
“It's sweet you come to watch me sing almost every day,” the girl said and Daryl looked up just enough to see Merle shoving some bills into her underwear before dropping his gaze to the floor again.  
“Not as sweet as that ass of yours, that's what I come to see!” Merle guffawed. “You know what sweetheart, it’s my baby bro birthday!” Daryl felt his brother throwing an arm over his shoulders, roughly pulling him to his side. “Why you don’t give him a private show as a present, uh?” Daryl's cheeks heat up, his heart beating hard, and he managed to break free from his brother’s grasp. 
“It doesn’t seem he likes me much.” The girl chuckled awkwardly and Daryl said nothing, eyes fixed on the ground. 
“Goddamit…what’s wrong with you, lil’ bro?!” Merle grumbled. “Ignore him, sweetheart, you have the attention of the best, big brother. He gotta embarrass me everywhere, being such a pussy.” 
“Shut up!” Daryl snapped, glaring at his brother, who was smirking as if he had accomplished whatever he’d been trying to do. He forced himself to look at the girl as if trying to prove a point. She was beautiful indeed, her smile sweet as she looked at him, and she looked younger than he had realized.  
“Happy birthday, darling…what you say, do you want a private show? That’s not really something that I do, but well, could make an exception for those eyes of yours.” She winked at him and Daryl’s heart skipped a beat, it was being hard not to look away. “Well, these straps are looking too bare, aren’t they, darling?” She wiggled one of her shoulders, hooking a finger under the strap of her bra and pulling at it. “Maybe get your brother to decorate them with some bills and I’ll think about giving you that private show…” 
She leaned over towards where he was sat down until Daryl’s eyes landed on her neckline and he couldn’t keep it together any longer, sitting up abruptly, almost pushing the girl away. 
“I don’t need any of that!” He snapped, storming away, gritting his teeth in shame as he heard Merle’s and his friend’s loud laughs. 
“Told you sweetheart, a pussy!” 
During the next days, Daryl couldn't stop thinking about the night of his birthday, the strip club and the girl, feelings of embarrassment and shame making him blush red again. Merle had kept teasing him, laughing at him when he managed to make him snap.  
He didn't know why but he couldn't get that singer out of his head, no matter he tried, his brain kept replaying her song and he kept seeing her smile, seeing her winking at him, calling him darling...He was sick and tired of it all, and he was doing his best to forget about that night and ignore his brother’s teasing.
About a week later, Daryl was walking through the woods, hoping to find some squirrels or a rabbit, when he heard some noises. As he walked closer, he recognized a voice singing and then she saw a girl walking around.  
Daryl lowered his crossbow, wondering what she was doing there, he had never seen someone there, though the girl seemed oblivious to his presence. She spun as she sang and then she spotted him, jumping a bit. 
“Shit, you scared me!” 
Daryl didn't say anything, just looked at her. He had thought he recognized the singing voice, and now he was almost sure it was her. She looked very different without makeup though, and younger, and even her voice as she spoke was different than when she’d talked in the strip club, less husky. 
“You hunting or something?” She asked when he still didn't say anything, and Daryl nodded. “Didn't know I was in risk of getting hunted.” She chuckled quietly.  
“I'd never seen none here,” Daryl said quietly.  
“I know, that's why I decided to come for a walk.” 
It seemed she didn't know who he was, and why would she, sure a lot of men had come and gone to the club since his birthday and sure she smiled and winked to everyone, she hadn't even really looked at him.  
“By the way, hi! You’re the birthday boy!” Or maybe she did know who he was, and Daryl found himself blushing at her words. “You're the brother of Merle, he’s a loud guy but he comes almost every night and tips a lot.” 
Daryl nodded in silence, looking down 
“It's a good night when he shows up, I never get as many tips as when he does.” She chuckled again.  
“You give him a lot of private shows?” Daryl didn't know what made him snap like that, maybe the embarrassing memories of that night.  
“I told you that day, I don't do that. And anyway, it doesn't seem that safe to do private shows to half the men that go there, you know…” 
“You seemed pretty ready to give me one.” 
“I knew you weren't going to say yes, you seemed scared of me.” She giggled softly and Daryl blushed in embarrassment, glaring at her. “Or maybe you don't like me, dunno.” 
“What if I had said yes?” 
“Well, I would have asked for a very generous tip to your brother and then you'd have found that I'm actually not that good of a dancer.” She chuckled awkwardly. “But I wasn't worried, you looked harmless, you seemed sweet despite the guys you were with. It just seemed a good way to get more tips from your brother.” 
She shrugged and Daryl didn't know what to say to all that, he knew she had talked to him like that back then only for the money, but still...he wondered if she was playing with him now too, and laughing at him. He didn't know what to do. 
“I ain't sweet.” He snapped. Merle called him that sometimes as an insult or to laugh at him.  
“Well, you don't look harmless now with that thing.” She pointed at his crossbow.  
Daryl wondered if she might think he would hurt her...it bothered him but it shouldn’t surprise him, most of the people of that town thought all kind of things about the Dixon’s...some of the things they thought about Merle and his friends were true, but others weren’t. 
“I ain't gonna hurt you or nothing.”  
“You hunt a lot?”  
“Gotta eat.” 
“That must be so cool, being able to fend for yourself.”  
Daryl just shrugged again. 
“Your brother has kept coming to the club but you never came back.”  
Daryl didn't know why she was still trying to talk to him, with how awkward everything was, and he wasn't sure if he liked it or not but he couldn't make himself walk away.  
“Look, I'm sorry about that night, the way in which you left, I didn't mean to make you feel bad or anything.”  
Daryl just scoffed at that. “Why you talking to me now? I ain't gonna put nothing in your bra if that's what you're trying to get.” 
“Yeah, cos I'm a stripper who only does shit for money, how did I forgot.” The girl snapped. “You know, I was wrong about you.” 
She turned over and began walking away, further into the woods, and Daryl didn't know why but he felt a stab of guilt in his gut that made him follow her.  
“You're going in the wrong direction.” 
“You're walking away from the town.” Daryl pointed behind them.  
“Maybe that's what I want.” The girl looked at him defiantly.  
“You're gonna get lost.” 
“I can take care of myself.” 
“Whatever then, I don't give a shit.” Daryl turned to walk away and despite his words, he was relieved when he heard the girl walking behind him. 
“How comes you don't get lost?” 
“I know these woods.” He shrugged, he had been going there for years now.  
“You talk like you had been coming here for years and years but what are you, like fifteen?” The girl giggled and Daryl glared at her. “Don't look at me like that, I'm just kidding! You looked too young to be in a strip club though.” 
“I'm eighteen.” He grumbled. “And aren't you too young to work in one? You can't be much older than me.” 
“I'm not too young, I turned nineteen months ago, and it's not like this town has a lot of jobs to offer you know. I need it… How was that that you said? Gotta eat.” 
“You don't have family or nothing?” 
“My mom died a year and a half ago.” The girl looked down and Daryl felt a stab in his heart he hadn’t felt in years as he was unable to stop the memory of his mother from coming to his mind at the girl’s words.  
“I'm sorry.” He mumbled awkwardly.  
“Don’t have none else so I gotta work, so I dropped out of school and began working as a cashier until they fired me a couple of months ago and then the only thing I found was that club… I wasn't sure they'd hire me, I hadn't danced before but I guess they liked that I sing...Can't dance as much as all that other girls do, but well, I try...” She chuckled quietly, wiggling her hips a bit, but Daryl thought she sounded sad. 
“You sing well.” Daryl couldn’t stop himself from saying it aloud. She was beautiful too, Daryl didn't know how she could have thought the club might not hire her.  
“Thank you!” The girl gave him a bright smile and Daryl felt his stomach knot with strange twirls. “You know, once I've saved enough money I'm gonna go to the city and try to be a real singer. I know it won't be easy but it'd be better than this shit town, can’t wait to leave… Gonna need a lot of your brother’s tips for that.” She giggled. 
Daryl said nothing, just kept walking in silence. 
“What about you, got anything you want to do with your life?” 
“Why you keep talking to me?” Daryl didn’t mean to snap, didn’t mean to be rude, but he couldn’t understand why she’d still try to have a conversation with him, why would she tell him all that, why would she be interested in anything about him. He didn’t know what might she want from him, he had nothing, he wasn’t his brother. 
“Dunno...Just trying to be friendly.” The girl shrugged, her smile gone. “I’m sorry, I won’t bother you more.” The girl followed him in silence and Daryl didn’t know why, but it made him feel bad.  
“There’s nothing I want to do with my life.” He muttered after a little while, when he could already see the town ahead. He had never thought about it, he just followed Merle around, doing what his brother wanted, and he didn’t know if there was something else for him to do, he didn’t think so. 
“There must be something...there’s nothing you really, really like doing?” The girl walked a bit faster until she was walking next to him, making him a bit nervous. Daryl shrugged, he had never given that any thought. 
“Dunno...I like the woods I guess.” 
“Me too.” The girl gave him one of those smiles that made his stomach do funny things. “It’s only the second day I go for a walk, but I think I really like it. It’s quiet.” 
“Or it was until you bumped into me and I started talking your ear off, right?” The girl giggled, though she sounded a bit embarrassed. 
“Didn’t mind it.” It was true, much to Daryl’s surprise, he usually didn’t like to talk to people, especially if he didn’t know them. He wasn’t used to be with anyone who wasn’t his brother and his friends. 
“Yeah?” The girl smiled again and Daryl hummed a yes. “I thought I was annoying you.” 
“Nah...just don’t know why you’d want to talk to me.” Daryl found himself admitting, though he regretted it as soon as it left his mouth, making him feel silly. 
“Maybe I think you’re interesting.”  
Daryl looked at her at that, taken aback and sure she was messing with him and laughing at him, but she was looking down. Daryl felt lost. It didn’t seem like the girl was laughing at him, but he couldn’t understand why she might think he was interesting, or why she was still trying to talk with him. 
“I’m Y/N, by the way.” The girl gave him another smile, she still seemed genuine, but Daryl wasn’t sure he could lower his guard, could trust that the girl wasn’t just messing with him, laughing at him behind his back. Still, some part of him wanted her not to stop talking to him. 
“I’m Daryl.” 
“I know” The girl nodded, smiling shyly. “It’s nice to meet you properly...well, I’m not sure it was nice for you.” The girl chuckled awkwardly, and Daryl didn’t know what to say. It hadn’t been not-nice, but he also felt awkward and nervous, and they just walked in silence further into the town. 
“I’m going to that direction.” The girl pointed to the right, stopping to look at him as she chewed on her lower lip. “Are you going to go hunting to the same place tomorrow?” 
“Maybe.” He should, he hadn’t hunted anything today, but he didn’t know why Y/N might care. 
“Well, maybe I’ll to go for a walk to the same place tomorrow too,” Y/N said, Daryl still didn’t know why. “So maybe we’ll bump into each other again.” She looked at him as if expecting him to say anything, but he didn’t. “Or maybe not...okay, I gotta go, sorry for bothering you.” 
Was she saying all that because she wanted to see him again? It made as little sense to Daryl as her wanting to talk to him, but for some reason it seemed she wanted to, and it didn’t seem to be because she was trying to trick him into something or laugh at him. 
Did he want to see her again? Daryl wasn’t sure. He'd never had friends or anyone who wasn’t his brother, none who seemed interested in talking with him like that girl was, and he didn’t care, he was good alone. He didn’t know why someone like that girl could want to get to know him, but something in him made him want to know her too, no matter she made him nervous and awkward, no matter he still couldn’t understand why she wanted to talk with him. 
The girl began walking away and Daryl made his decision. 
“Same hour than today?” 
The girl turned to look at him, a grin illuminating his face, making Daryl’s heart beat faster. 
As he watched her walk away, Daryl wondered if he’d regret it...he wondered if he was already regretting it. Still, as he walked to Merle’s place, he couldn’t help the smile that tugged at the corner of his lips as he thought about Y/N. He didn’t understand that girl or why she seemed to want to be her friend, he wasn’t sure if he wanted her to be his friend, but he knew he wanted to try.  
So...it seems Daryl made a friend! Or he’s on his way to try and make one! What did you guys thought?
 I’d really like to know your impressions, since this is a new thing and different from my usual stuff, so if you have a moment, please leave me a word!
As always, English is not my first language so sorry if there are mistakes.
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no6secretsanta · 5 years
by @tea-for-you for @crowmunculus
AN: It’s not a songfic, and it wasn’t even consciously inspired by music, but as I was writing the final part of this story, it became increasingly clear that this fic borrowed a lot of mood from the song from which I lifted the title: https://genius.com/The-mountain-goats-love-love-love-lyrics
I hope you enjoy it!
Somewhere out there, he had connections.
Ritsu, who’d run the playhouse, had died in the manhunt, but he hadn’t seen Mami-hime anywhere there, and Hideki would’ve still be hanging on, and Otsu had been out west and had the tenacity of a roach. Inukashi could’ve been an option if he hadn’t been drawn to Shion by the same gravitational pull that Nezumi had found himself in, and Rikiga was a no-go for the same reason. It was useless anyhow; wherever they were, it wasn’t anywhere Nezumi knew to look for them. What had once been the West Block was now an abandoned lot of ruins, its population likely integrated in the rest of the patchwork city. Walking through the empty streets lined with decaying buildings had been uncanny, a play of death and desolation that had never belonged there, shitty though it had been. The only sounds he’d heard was his own footsteps and the occasional animal scattering away; ahead of him, the city proper had shined in greeting.
NO. 6 looked different with the wall in distant ruins, with buildings clearly reconstructed out of rubble and desperation and a population decimated and doubled. Infrastructure looked mostly the same; he recognised the streets in what was clearly still the city centre, even if half the buildings were new. How weird that the city felt more unfamiliar now than it had back when it was hidden behind a wall, more alien now that he could walk right in rather than worm his way through sewage pipes and abandoned maintenance corridors. He hadn’t been planning his return here or anything, but vaguely expected there was someone in the West Block who owed him enough favours from five years ago to set him up with dinner and a spare blanket until he could look for Shion.
Ironically, Shion might be easier to track down than any of them, but not nearing midnight, on the streets, in a downpour that had started halfway into the town and had quickly soaked through every layer of fabric on his body. It was barely above freezing, and Nezumi hated his life, a little, as he stopped outside a restaurant and pulled in a deep smell of fried food and spices from elsewhere, letting himself revel in the annoyance of his own hunger. He had no money and his last meal had been the day before. He’d find someone tomorrow, he’d look for Shion when it was daytime. This would be far from the first time he’d spend a night forcing himself awake, this was far from the worst hunger he’d known. This wasn’t even disappointment, it was an annoyance, an inconvenience. But he was so tired.
He leaned against the wall by the restaurant door to seek some meagre shelter from the icy rain, and stared out at the city that he hadn’t been able to leave, after all. The skeleton of what once had been remained recognisable under what had been built new, but the new was different enough for the city to feel alien, unfamiliar, as inconsequential as every other little town and shanty he’d passed through. As temporary as NO. 2, NO. 4, NO. 5 had been. He’d known what he looked for when he decided to go back here, but the destination he’d navigated towards looked all wrong. It didn’t feel like he’d arrived anywhere he was supposed to be, and he feet were aching, and he didn’t know where anyone he knew could be found.
He closed his eyes in rest, but startled from his doze at a familiar voice from the door opening, certainly as it interrupted its monologue in a startled “... and as I said, the relocation of the bloody hell, where have you been hiding? Word was, you were taken in the last manhunt.”
“Well, yeah,” he replied dumbly to Yuri, who’d once run the most prolific brothel of the West Block and from her smartly cut suit, had moved forward since then. He might’ve made some snide comment if that had been at all relevant, but the other part of Yuri’s aborted discussion was a man with white hair and an unmistakable red mark pulling down his left cheek to disappear into the neckline of his coat.
“Hi,” said Shion, as intelligently as Nezumi himself felt, and it wasn’t just because she’d known every cock in the West Block that Yuri had once gotten away with never paying her credits.
“Right, then,” she said with a lingering look at Nezumi, and placed a hand on Shion’s shoulder as she opened her umbrella. “Have fun. The downriver school, right?”
“Yes, that’s it,” said Shion, meeting her eyes for a distracted moment before she stepped into the rain and he turned back to Nezumi.
Nezumi, who had not taken this into his planning, and who had walked too far for useful improvisation. “Have you got any food?” he asked.
“Yeah,” said Shion, and took him home.
It turned out to be a blatant lie; the only edible nourishment in Shion’s flat was a head of lettuce. But when Nezumi had stood in a spray of hot water for ten minutes, and braided his hair and put on clothes that were clean and dry and mostly fitting, the kitchen smelled like hot oil. Shion lifted pieces of deep-fried dough out of it, and kept frying and frying as Nezumi ate and ate.
They barely spoke, Shion keeping busy with his cooking, Nezumi keeping his mouth full of delicious food. He was still eating when Shion sat down across from him, knotting his fingers and studiously not meeting Nezumi’s eyes.
“I’m happy you came back,” he finally said, and smiled, and that, at least, was something that Nezumi could recognise in this transformed city.
“Yeah,” he agreed, closed his eyes and leaned back in the chair and felt finally tethered.
Nezumi had learned kissing from Yuri, rather more thoroughly than the other half of the West Block that had at some point frequented her girls. He’d gone there with his first salary from the theatre, old enough to be curious about sex, pretty enough for a few freebies and murmured lessons in how to kiss someone like a pro. She had probably seen it as an investment, but the experience had been hardly more exciting than what he could accomplish with his own right hand. It was only years later that he realised that he found sex a lot more interesting if it involved men.
Shion had played a part in that, like Shion had played a part in a lot of important events in Nezumi’s life. There had been a tacit agreement between them about the keyless door to the bathroom, but some border is crossed when you prove your stamina to another boy by teaching him to waltz until he’s winded. Never mind when you say your goodbyes with a kiss.
But the unspoken attraction between two sixteen year old children was hardly a basis of anything much between two adult men. Now, it was Shion who went to work while Nezumi lolled around the city or stayed at home and read books. He kept the place clean, learned how to operate the laundry room in the basement, left the cooking to Shion because as it turned out, seven years spent in a bakery taught a man a thing or ten about kitchens. They slept back to back, like they had for half a year in a different world.
Inukashi, who had grown from a famished, flea-ridden, feral bastard into something considerably more human and considerably less ambiguous, had not outgrown the ability to go for the jugular.
“So you really were back, huh.”
“Clearly. I see motherhood’s been feeding you well.”
Inukashi’s smile stretched into baring of teeth in the tense silence that followed, and she patted the kid on the back. “Go help Auntie with the washing-up.”
She dragged him out the door by his shirt, and he let her because he owed Shion’s mum not starting a fight in her home. And it would be a fight, because the effortless grip and demonstratively brutal yank was a clear display of the same tenuous power that had kept Inukashi alive and relatively safe in a decaying city without bakeries and doctors and cute bows for your dogs.
“Listen, shithole,” she said lowly as they rounded the corner by the bakery, out of hearing range from the street, “I don’t know what you think you are but I sure as fuck know what you thought you were, and it was bullshit then and it’s even more bullshit now.”
“Right, fine, you haven’t grown that fa-”
He almost missed the hand aiming for his ear. He jerked away just in time, only to feel the lapels of his jacked seized, to yank him down at eye level. “I remember the correctional facility,” Inukashi sneered, “I don’t know what the fuck happened after Rikiga and I ran off, but I remember the reason you weren’t with us. So don’t fucking start with me. I know that you’re here for Shion, and I don’t need you lording around being a snide asshole.”
He stared out at the street wordlessly, tense in his defeat.
“Anything more, mum?”
“Yeah, get the fuck over the idea that it’s a bad thing to care about others. If you want to be with Shion, then fucking be with Shion, and don’t give me attitude for having a kid. Just because I don’t want him to see it doesn’t mean I can’t still kick your ass.”
“Like you could even back - “
The flat of her hand slammed his head back, and this time her hand found his hair and pulled him back so that he had no choice but meeting her eyes.
“Eyes on the target, jerkass. I could’ve had your balls if it wouldn’t make Shion sad.”
The sixteen year old he’d once been could’ve beaten her to the ground for that, but he’d been in NO. 6 for two weeks without witnessing a single act of violence and something else than age-old instinct told him that starting now would not be taken well, not by Shion’s mum and not by Shion and not by the authorities following the laws that Shion had probably helped write. And Inukashi must’ve known it, too; she’d railroaded him into a corner where his only options were to either destroy the peace that Shion had created, or letting her words go without consequence.
There was a word on the tip of his tongue, borrowed from her dogs and pertaining to the gender she’d taken to displaying while he was away, and throwing it in her face would be a definite capitulation. “You’ve made your point,” he spat instead, humiliation souring his voice.
He spent the rest of the day smarting from the way the altercation had turned out, and pressing into all the tender spots she’d known exactly to target. If he followed his own tracks back, then kindness was the reason he was sitting in Shion’s flat in one of the more central districts of NO. 6. He’d been in despair and the only way he’d known to survive was to fight, and where would he have been, had Shion tried to fight back? If Shion had made a different choice that night, the world would’ve looked so very, very different. But Shion had treated his wounds and given him dinner and cake and held him while he slept, and Nezumi was here because he remembered that sweetness more vividly than all the beatings he’d ever taken in his life.
When Shion came home that night, he was still mulling over it into a mug of tepid coffee. If nothing else, he’d at least stopped startling every time Shion entered the room. The first couple of days had frayed his nerves in how he kept forgetting that Shion, too, had changed in the years between them. He’d walked halfway around the world nursing the memory of a boy of sixteen, and maybe letting go of that was the way to move forward with the man who sat down beside him and squinted in the dim room.
“What happened to your face?”
“I called Inukashi fat.”
“Really,” Shion’s voice was flatly unconvinced, and he touched the red cheek with the back of his fingers.
“There might also have been some veiled comments about parenthood.”
“I’m not even going to try and reason that one.”
“Don’t worry, we didn’t let your mama see.” He reached up to take Shion’s hand, and tightened his grip when Shion started to pull back.
Once upon a time, Shion had made a half-sensible, strange confession. Nezumi’s reply had been to mock him for it, part amused by Shion’s silly crush, part annoyed by the dumb way he chose to phrase it, and a part of him had lit up, a part of him that he firmly told that this juvenile bullshit was something for which his life had no place. I’m drawn to you, Shion had said, yet the only thing that ever came out of it was a cowardly, hateful kiss that meant nothing of the sort.
But Shion was letting him hold his hand, and that tiny act had long since said everything he was trying to put into words. It was one thing to make fun of a confused boy who couldn’t tell that a girl was trying to confess to him before she spelled it out. Telling him that he was the closest thing you had to the things you didn’t think you’d ever get to have was a different burden entirely. A slice of cake and a knitted sweater might’ve been enough to seal the fate of a fugitive child, but that was, inescapably, not how it worked between adults.
Shion had shifted his hand so that his thumb was free, and it was stroking Nezumi’s skin in light circles that echoed to the marrow of his bones.
“Listen,” he tried, and gave up. His only experience in confessions was from stories written in a world that no longer existed, but he’d learned kissing from the best whore in the West Block. So he lifted a hand to caress Shion’s cheek, and Shion fell into it as if practised. His lids lowered prettily, and his breathing was growing lighter, and kissing him was instinct, was destiny, was a law of nature.
And they weren’t sixteen, and they didn’t owe each other anything, and no kiss could carry any far-flung promises, and when Shion pulled away to pant against his cheek, the only thing that remained was details.
“Do you want - “ he started again, and the true content of the question was insignificant, because Shion replied by holding him by the back of his neck and scooting closer.
The second kiss was heavier, the kind that he'd once been taught and that he'd once demonstrated not on Shion, but for Shion, after Shion had been given his first kiss ever from a girl who definitely hadn't been Yuri's. He pressed into Shion and Shion received it with a sigh, and he yielded as Nezumi leaned into him and gravity brought them together on the sofa.
They’d made it to the bed by the time they were naked, and whatever Shion was, he was at least not a blushing virgin; he was eager, and a bit clumsy, and all the things that might’ve been annoyance with someone else didn’t matter at all. Out of all the half-formed answered Nezumi had forced himself to look at today, one was the fact that sleeping next to Shion had been more meaningful than any sex he’d ever had. He’d come back here for Shion, and when he wanted Shion, and Shion wanted him, there was only one place this could end.
"What do you want," he asked as he pulled away from Shion's mouth, wondering what Shion knew, if Shion knew anything much at all. Shion let his head drop against the pillow, and the hand that had been locked at Nezumi's waist drifted lower. He tensed in anticipation, but Shion's shyness chose to manifest itself there, because Shion didn't touch the obvious places. Instead, his fingers wormed their between his tights, and Shion met his eyes and didn't hesitate.
"Like this," he said, and pushed his fingers a bit firmer in before pulling them back, and there was nothing shy about it, nothing at all.
"Okay," said Nezumi, and let Shion do what he wanted, because lying back and squeezing his legs together was the simplest way about it, in the end.
And there was a sweetness to that, too; to feel the weight of Shion's body, to receive Shion's desire, to listen to Shion panting in exertion and whimpering in pleasure, and to hold on to him so that he didn't move away, that he kept up the rhythm, to flex his legs to meet him, just a little, and to hold him down by the hair as he keened against his neck when he came.
The next morning, he woke to Shion combing his hair with his fingers. He closed his eyes and remembered being twelve and waking up next to Shion in the early, early morning after a storm. But he didn’t need to run any longer; no-one cared if he slept in Shion’s bed, and he nestled closer and fell asleep again.
Rou’s idea of education was to have Nezumi be beaten until he started hitting back harder. He’d suffered concussions and a fractured shin, countless bruises and scrapes and sprains, because only wear could create callouses. Then along had Shion come, and gotten under Nezumi’s skin with nothing but innocence and kindness.
Once, there had been a life that Nezumi tried his best to never think about, that had born him into a world of the same safety that Shion had known. He only remembered it in fragments; couldn’t have said much about what food they ate, what instruments they played, what gods they prayed to. He remembered the songs, and he remembered the land, he remembered a little sister and he remembered how it all ended.
He must have remembered something more when he was twelve, to recognise it in Shion, to reach for it despite the danger, to take it despite the consequences, and to ache as he left Shion asleep and climbed out the balcony and ran away across soggy grass. At twelve, he’d already known how to let go of useless things.
At twenty-two, he was still learning how to grasp them, because he’d always, always known that Shion’s softness had been the most important lesson he’d ever learned. With the lights off and the doors closed, nobody would judge him for pulling closer, for smelling Shion's hair, for letting out small, embarrassing sounds when Shion stroked his back or kissed his neck or just pushed their feet together.
Outside the bedroom, life moved on in days passing into weeks and months. Otsu had left for NO. 5. Mami-hime had died of influenza a month after the wall fell. Hideki was still hanging on, doing background checks for the law enforcement these days. Yuri was working on the same committee as Shion. Rikiga had looked sincerely happy to see him again. Inukashi was almost pleasant, as long as conversation was kept away from the topic of relationships. Shion’s mum had taken to ask him to help out in the kitchen, but he never knew when she truly needed the extra hands, or when she just wanted to make him do a bit of washing up for then to set him down with hot cocoa and fond looks as she insisted he keep her company as she set the dough for the next day.
As winter was turning into spring, there was the sombre memorial day. It was the day some hundred and fifty people were murdered in the last massacres in the West Block, three hundred citizens of NO. 6 perished in the medical experiments of the old regime, and another five hundred and thirty were estimated to have lost their lives in the earthquake, the storm, and the collapse of the wall, not counting the thirty-five criminals who had been trapped in the Correctional Facility as it was bombed.
Shion got home earlier than he normally did, quiet and subdued by a day of representational duties. He didn’t move to make dinner, but sat down on the sofa and stared out the window. The list of things that could be the matter was too long for guessing, and Nezumi settled for placing a hand on Shion’s back in sympathy.
"Why did you leave, back then?" Shion asked, without turning away from the window.
"Because I was freaked out," Nezumi answered, and Shion nodded.
"Freaked out about what?"
"You. You were - I was - I nearly... shit," he cursed, but Shion still wasn't looking at him. "I wasn't supposed to care so much about others," he finally said. "And when you - " died, and I only wanted to go after you, but that long, painful sunset, the ghost and the goddess and the miracle was the one topic they’d never spoken about.
The silence between them wasn't comfortable, with the way Shion's breathing was laboured and his shoulders tense, and then he buried his face in his knees.
"I'm sorry," he said, voice breaking.
"It wasn't your fault."
"Yes it was. I executed a man for no crime he'd done against me," and Shion was crying in earnest. "Do you know that I had to lie to my mum? I had to lie to - they found his body, and couldn't explain his injuries, and there was an entire investigation into what happened in that chamber, and I was questioned in an official investigation and I lied to the law that I'm supposed to uphold. And he had a child - did you know that? The guy who Inukashi bribed to get in there, he died too, he was my mum's next door neighbour, they were having a baby in just a few weeks."
"It wasn't you who made that place, and it wasn’t you who made them work there" said Nezumi lowly, "and if we hadn't gone in there - "
"But I didn't have to shoot him a second time," Shion whimpered into his knees, "I didn’t. He was defenceless. He couldn't have hurt you. I did it just because I wanted to. I did it because I wanted to punish him. And I lied to everyone afterwards. To Inukashi and Rikiga and my mum, and it’s horrible."
It wasn't your fault was a blatant lie, because it had absolutely been Shion's fault. You couldn't have done differently was no more true.
"I love you," he said, and it was the only truth that he hoped could offer some comfort to Shion. He wasn't sure if he was heard, because Shion was still weeping violently and refusing to respond to any comforting touches.
"Shion, I love you," he repeated, and fell to his knees in front of him. "I love you, do you hear me?! It's been five years. You can't change it. I love you."
"I made you cry," Shion hiccoughed, wiping his eyes as new tears were forming, "you were shot full of lead, but you only cried because of what I did.”
“Yeah, that was why I couldn’t deal. It wasn’t because of what you did, it was because of how I lost my grip when it was about you. People weren’t supposed to matter to me. You weren’t either.”
Shion swallowed tears, and his his eyes behind a hand as a new wave came over him. “I can’t forget it,” he bawled, but he let Nezumi hold him as he wondered if this was how Shion had seen this day passing every year since then.
“I didn’t leave because you killed that guy,” Nezumi said when Shion was quiet, save for a few futile sniffles to clear his nose.
“I didn’t think you did,” said Shion, wrapping his arms around his neck to rest heavy against him. “That would have been incredibly hypocritical of you. But I never knew for sure.”
“I left because it scared the shit out of me how much I loved you.”
He felt the heat across his face as he realised what he’d just said, but in the dim room, no-one would see, and Shion -
Shion wouldn’t think it was embarrassing to say that, at all, because Shion wasn’t afraid of letting other see where he was soft.
But he didn’t reply for a good three minutes, still.
“I could’ve never come up with such a stupid reason for leaving someone for five years.”
“I’m sorry.”
“You’re a fucking coward.”
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
And so they didn’t talk about it, as the night fell over the city to let it ignore its sins for another year. Shion had changed the city, and he had always changed Nezumi, and as he stroked Shion’s hair in some pitiful attempt at comfort for his own confused feelings, a feeling he couldn’t name was slowly growing.
"Do you wanna fuck me?"
He’d had never felt like researching the process in any detail, but Shion clearly had, or the basic medical education the old regime had given its star students included some truly obscure procedures. When he asked Nezumi to roll over, Nezumi did without a word, and when Shion kissed him and pushed a slick finger against his ass, then there was nothing to it but to close his eyes and receive it, and let his fingers dig into Shion’s hair as Shion touched him in places no-one ever had. He groaned against Shion's clavicle and ground against Shion's thigh when two fingers were sliding easily in and out, and he felt far away, intoxicated and lost when Shion pushed him onto his back and asked him to hold one of his legs.
He let his body go limp as he let Shion tear down the last fences between them, let him in closer than any person had ever been. He slumped down with a shaking sigh, chest heaving against Nezumi's, and this was the terminal, this was the last place he could ever reach.
"Does it hurt?"
"It doesn't," Nezumi said, eyes closed and heart struggling in emotions he couldn’t tell apart, about himself, and Shion, and every tangled knot that existed between the two of them.
Shion lifted himself onto his elbows, and the world collapsed into nothing but his breathing and the way Shion felt on him and in him as he was rocked and rocked and rocked.
Once upon a time, Shion had broken Nezumi in ways bullets hadn’t been capable of, and it had shattered every lesson in living that Nezumi had ever been taught.
“I love you, too,” said Shion afterwards, as if love hadn’t nearly killed him, as if he hadn’t killed a man out of love. And Nezumi held his hand as they fell asleep, because Shion was the one person who would never let him go.
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🔥 ℝise Ⱥbove I̾t ◈ Chapter 030 [Scavenger Hunt]
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Word Count: 2,494
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〈“So we’ll keep on starting the fire, thinking we’ll smoke out the liars. We don’t give up when we’re tired, that isn’t the way that I’m wired. Someday, we’re gonna rule the world.” Zayde Wolf, “Rule the World (Generdyn Remix)”〉
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
“Hey, kid!” Shimatsu grinned as I approached. “You were awesome in the cavalry battle!”
“Thanks,” I smiled softly. “Can I get three?”
“Coming right up!”
I glanced around at the spectators, chatting excitedly about the first two events of the sports fest. Several pro heroes were stationed around the stadium, keeping an eye out on the off chance some villain was dumb enough to try attacking. I spotted the chick from earlier, making a face at one of the food stall guys to get free food while the Woodsman scolded her for doing so.
Heroes… what does that word even mean, really? From what I remember from the TV shows and movies back home, the definition of a hero is someone that saves or helps others without ulterior motives and without personal gain. But in this world, being a hero is a job, one that young people across the globe aspire to have. People want to go pro for the fame, the fortune, and the power… If you have the title of hero, you can basically do whatever you want if Endeavor is anything to go by.
I wonder… why did my mother become a hero? Surely she got paid a lot more being a villain, so it couldn’t have been about money. She was already famous as an assassin, too. Was it the power she wanted? That doesn’t make sense, either. The world of villains makes it ten times easier to gain power because there are no rules or laws. What was her reasoning for changing her life? Did she have a dream? A goal she could only accomplish as a hero? I wish… I wish I could ask her.
I snapped my attention back to the old man.
He wasn’t smiling, his brow furrowed. “Are you okay? You seem distracted.”
I took the box from his hand, staring down at the individually wrapped tacos. “Nah, I don’t think I am. But… I will be. So don’t worry.” I grinned at him. “Thanks for the food, Ojin.”
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
“Get those foam fingers in the air, it’s almost time for the last round! But before that, good news for everyone that didn’t make the finals – since this is a sports festival, we’ve prepared some super fun side games everyone can participate in! We even brought in cheerleaders from America to get your blood pumping! Hold up…”
“What are they doing…”
“Looks like class 1-A is going full-on fanservice!!”
The fuck is that cockatiel going on about now? I glanced around, my eyes landing on my female classmates. Uhh, why the fuck are they cosplaying as cheerleaders? Ain’t our class getting enough attention already? Sparky and Mineta look awfully happy about this… I swear if they are responsible.
“What?! You tricked us?!” Momo cried, glaring at the two boys. “You’re gonna regret this!!” Fucking called it. I sighed, approaching Momo as she sunk to her knees. “Why is that I always end up falling for that little pervert’s stupid schemes? I even used my quirk to make these outfits…”
I scratched my cheek. “Haven’t you learned not to believe anything those two dopes say? You’re too naive, Momo, and they keep exploiting that.”
“Ugh!” Punk threw her pom-poms down, face completely red. “I hate those guys!”
“Well, we go have a little time before the finals start and I kinda like these uniforms, so~” Invisigirl started frantically waving her pom-poms and I could hear the smile in her voice. “How about we just roll with it?!”
“Are you crazy?!”
“Wow, Toru, you’ve got skills.”
Momo glanced up at me with a defeated expression. “I tried looking for you to let you know. I was worried that you might get into trouble for not participating, but now I’m glad I wasn’t able to…”
“I would’ve happily gotten in trouble,” I deadpanned. “I would die before wearing that shit.”
I smiled, patting her on the head. “Thanks for lookin’ out, though, Momo.”
She smiled back, nodding her head.
I turned toward the two boys, who were too busy watching Toru as she jumped around to notice my advancing toward them. I grabbed both of them by the back of the neck and slammed their faces together. They cried out in pain, wiggling in my grasp, but my hands started to heat up and they stilled, not wanting to get burnt. I smiled brightly, my voice low. “The next time you fuckers mess with the girls, I’ll give you a taste of pure hell, mkay?”
“Y-Yes, ma’am!” They cried as I threw them to the side, scurrying away with their tails between their legs. Fuckin’ idiots. I felt a tug on the back of my shirt and I turned around, raising a brow at Punk.
She shifted, her face still red in embarrassment. “Thanks for that.”
I hummed. “No problem. Sorry about that day in the locker room, I was kind of a dick to you.”
She smiled, “It’s no big deal. Water under the bridge.”
I scratched my cheek, a bead of sweat rolling down my cheek. “So, uh, what’s your name again?”
She sweatdropped. “You’re just like Bakugo, jeez. Kyoka Jirou.”
We shook hands, exchanging a grin. Huh, maybe this socializing shit ain’t as bad as I thought it was.
“Have fun competing in these side games, everyone! After they’re over, the twenty students from the top five teams will be duking it out one-on-one in a tournament-style fighting competition! I promise you’re not going to want to miss these match-ups!”
You’ve got to be kidding me. First, we gotta run around like chickens with our heads cut off, then we gotta work together and socialize, now we gotta beat the shit out of each other? Maybe I shouldn’t have dissed the idea of playing a game of golf…
“Ah, yeah! Finally getting a chance to show what we’re made of!” Kiri grinned brightly. “I watch these finals every year and now I’m actually in them!”
“So wait, is it always a tournament?” Alien asked curiously, bringing her finger to her chin.
“The final’s always a one-on-one competition, but they switch it up every time.” Flex Tape answered. “Last year, it was a foam sword-fighting match.”
I started laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Kiri asked in confusion.
“I just… I pictured hitting Bakugo with a foam sword on the head…”
He paused, lifting his head as he imagined it. Then he started to laugh with me.
“Come closer and draw lots to see who you’re up again!” Midnight announced. “And then enjoy the pleasure of the recreation games before we start. The twenty finalists have the option of participating in these activities or sitting out to prepare for battle. I’m sure you all want to conserve your stamina. I’ll start with the first-place team.”
“Um, excuse me…” Tail raised his hand in the air, looking sad. “Sorry, but I’m withdrawing.”
“Ojirou, no way…”
“But this is a rare chance for you to get scouted!”
“It just wouldn’t be right,” he responded. “I barely remember anything from the cavalry battle until the very end of it. I… think it was that guy’s quirk.”
I scratched my cheek thoughtfully, closing my eyes. Who was he partners with again? I don’t even remember seeing him once during the battle.
“I know this is a great opportunity,” he continued. “I wish I could take advantage of it but my conscious won’t let me.”
“Just think about this,” Izuku spoke softly.
“I have, okay?!” Ojirou’s brow furrowed as he held up his fist. “Everyone gave their all in round two, but I was just someone’s puppet. No way. I don’t want to advance if I don’t even know how I got here. It wouldn’t fair.”
“You’re making way too much of this!” Toru said cheerfully. “Just kill it in the finals and prove you should be here!”
“Yeah, what she said!” Alien added. “I didn’t do much in the battle, either.”
“That’s not it!” He covered his face with his hand. “I’m talking about my pride here. I refuse to give that up!”
Ah, men and their pride.
“Also… why are all the girls except for Winchester dressed like cheerleaders?”
“Because Mineta and Sparky are perverted dipshits,” I answered.
“Nirengeki Shoda from class 1-B,” A short boy with soft blue hair stepped forward. “I think I should withdraw for the exact same reason. Regardless of how strong I am, this isn’t how I wanted to get here! It would go against the values of the festival to advance without earning my spot!”
“Listen to these guys, they’re so manly!” Kirishima cried, making me sweatdrop and pat his back.
“Well now, here’s another weird turn of events.”
“We’ll have to see what Midnight has to say about all this, she’s the one in charge.”
Because letting the R-Rated hero be in charge sounds like a banger of a plan. What could possibly go wrong.
“This sort of talk is incredibly naive, my dear boys. That turns me on!”
“What the fuck, man.” I groaned, smacking my forehead. Thinking of Midnight being turned on is the last fucking thing I want burned into my skull.
“Shoda! Ojirou! You’re both withdrawn! Now, let’s see… We’ll move four students from the sixth place cavalry team so we have enough contestants.”
The orange-haired girl from class B spoke up. “We were frozen most of the time. Honestly, we barely did anything in the cavalry battle. Isn’t that right, girls?” She looked at the three standing on either side of her, who nodded in agreement. “You should choose from the group that kept fighting the whole time – team Tetsutetsu.”
“Kendo!” The silverette spoke up, surprise lacing his voice.
She smiled. “I’m not doing this as a favor. It’s just fair.”
“Seriously, you guys… thank you!!”
“And so, Tetsutetsu, Shiozaki, Honenuki, and Reggian have advanced to the finals. Take a look at the bracket, my dears! These are your opponents!”
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Let’s see, I’m fighting some bitch named Regina Reggian? The fuck kinda name is that, fam? That’s almost as bad as Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu…
“Hey, you’re Winchester, right?”
I glanced over my shoulder to see the black-haired guy with the air chain. “Depends on who’s askin’.”
“I’m your opponent,” he grinned. “The names Regina Reggian, but you can just call me Red.”
“Isn’t Regina a chick’s name?”
He sweatdropped, rubbing the back of his head. “Ah, well, my creator thought it would be funny. Pretty sure they hate me.”
“Right…” This bitch is definitely nuts.
“Listen up!” He pointed his finger in my face, pink eyes flashing as he grinned. “I’m gonna beat your ass like Jotarou beat Dio!”
“I don’t know who either of those people are, bro.”
“Okay! Let’s press pause for a momentary interlude! Before the battles begin, it’s time for some pulse-pounding side games! First, how about a scavenger hunt?!”
Cards were handed out to those wanting to participate.
I flipped mine over and my eye twitched. Where the fuck am I supposed to find this shit? I glanced around the field, eyes stopping on Bakugo who was leaning against the wall looking pissed off at the world. Oh… Well, then.
I grinned as I approached him. “Oi, Bakuhoe. I need you for somethin’.”
“Huh? What for – What the fuck are you doing, bitch?!”
I ignored his protests as I threw my arm around his upper thighs and hoisted him over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “Fuck, you’re heavier than I thought. Go on a diet.”
“Fuck you!” He smacked the back of my head. “Put me down or I’ll kill you!”
“Quit squirming, you fuck.” I scowled, coming to a stop in front of Midnight and dropping him onto his ass, holding out my card that read ‘犬 Dog’.
“I’m not a fucking dog!!” Bakugo screamed.
I scoffed. “You sure fucking yap like one, chihuahua.”
Midnight smacked the top of my head with her whip. “Denied!”
“Che, that ain’t fair, Midnight!” I scowled. “Where the fuck am I supposed to find a dog, huh? Am I fucking game to you?” I pointed at Bakugo’s face. “This is the closest fucking thing to a dog in this stadium! I demand a different card.”
“Son of a -”
Bakugo shoved his hands in his pockets, glaring at the side of my head. “Instead of doing this stupid shit, you should be getting ready for your match! I won’t fucking forgive you if you lose to anyone but me!”
“Yeah, yeah, whateva.” I sighed, deeply, turning and walking away from them. I was a few feet away when I heard a high-pitched voice.
“Hey! Miss!”
I glanced up at the stands, seeing a young boy about nine or ten leaning over the railing and waving frantically. “Uhh…”
“Catch me, ‘kay?”
“Wait, what, OI -!” He jumped over the railing, making the nearby spectators cry out and try to grab him. His aim was pretty on point, not gonna lie. His body slammed against mine and I lost my balance, falling back onto my ass with him in my lap. “What the fuck were you thinkin’, huh? You coulda got seriously hurt, kid!”
He grinned brightly, showing off a gap where he was missing a top tooth. “I had faith that you’d catch me, big sis!”
Sis? What, is he a fan of James Charles or somethin’? “You shouldn’t be down here, your parents are gonna be mad.”
“Mom’s at work and dad left us when I was three.”
I sweatdropped. “Who brought you here, then?”
“My big brother! But he’s too busy getting rejected by Mt. Lady!” He giggled.
“For fuck’s sake,” I slapped my forehead. He giggled again and I narrowed my eyes. “Do not repeat anything I say. Clear?”
“Kay~” He grinned. “You need a dog for the scavenger hunt, right?”
His body started to shift in my arms, getting a bit smaller as his skin and clothes were replaced by fur. The boy was now a dog, his legs and belly white while the rest of him was a soft orange. Now, I’m not a dog person at all, but he’s pretty fucking adorable. What is that, a corgi?
He licked my cheek, making my eye twitch in annoyance. “Sorry, I can only talk to people I’ve licked!”
“…alrighty then.” I returned to Midnight, holding the kid up like I was holding Simba.
She raised a brow but didn’t question where I had gotten him from. “Approved!”
“Dope.” I brought him back to my chest. “What’s your name, kid?”
“Riku Reigen!”
“Alright, Riku. Let’s find that idiot brother of yours.”
He tilted his doggy head to the side, ears flicking. “But what about the other events, big sis? You’re gonna miss them!”
I shrugged. “I was only doing it because it was easy and I had nothing else to do. Plus, I’m in the finals so I don’t have to participate.”
“Okay, if you’re sure!” He barked happily. “Let’s go~!”
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
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