mirageofficial · 1 year
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﹒﹒𖥻、 E by JEON TARYN ゛is the first single album from the debuting solo member, EUNAE, who is best known for being the MAIN VOCALIST, VISUAL, & LEAD DANCER of the fictional girl group, MIRAGE. the second oldest member opted to debut under her birth/english name, JEON TARYN, rather than her stage name because her music is catered to her own stories—not the group in which she resides in. instead, TARYN used the first letter of her stage name, E, as the title of her project and says it’s an ode to how she became EUNAE, her photoshoot aesthetic is shown above.
TARYN chose MASQUERADE as her promotional song, leaving THE ROAD and WHEN THE RAIN STOPS as her b-sides—so fans can enjoy the more emotional songs without them becoming a social media trend & further losing their special, comforting meanings. TARYN also made the risky decision to promote her debut overseas during the ENTER THE UPSIDE world tour, only promoting in seoul for the two opening nights as her d-day on april 1st.
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TAGLIST / @neocityocs @alixnsuperstxr @darkestlovers @kadieswrld
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the final stages of editing are agony
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(E)GG AU: “Furious Fu”
Su-Han awakens to old friends and unfamiliar Guardians. Guardians who claim it’s been thousands of years since the temple was destroyed. They’d been tasked with protecting what was left of the temple and containing the sentimonster, but explorers arrived, and though they hid everything else, the explorers managed to find and dig up the Petrified sentimonster. The modern Guardians had tracked the sentimonster’s whereabouts to a museum in “Paris”, and were in the middle of making plans to travel there when the Ladybug’s power swept through. Unfortunately, Paris is a big city and the Ladybug and its box could be anywhere. Fortunately, Su-Han has his magic compass (that specifically tracks the box he was guarding), so he quickly leaves to recover it for them. (Thus he misses out on having anything about the modern world explained to him… At least, upon reaching the first city, he remembered to eat a language candy (Guardians keep a package stashed beneath the compass in their staffs (staffs are a good compass container that can double as a weapon)).)
Su-Han gets side-tracked by all the new things in the world until he finally reaches Paris, realizes it’s been dealing with monsters during all his lollygagging, and quickly (guiltily) forgets his curiosity to speed the rest of the way to the box (Guardian graduates are trained (with the use of a little magic) to be as agile and speedy as Miraculous users, just for instances like this). He soon reaches what appears to be a bedroom, though unexpectedly pink and cozy for a rogue “Guardian”.
[For timing and to not stray too far from the main character, this part would probably get cut from the episode. But this would be the information I’d post online if someone asked about the temple and Su-Han’s journey. (Same goes for the other contextual stuff I say.)
Aside from that, the beginning would play out similarly to the original except: While Daizzi distracts Wayzz, the other kwamis ask Marinette to let Wayzz go with her to meet Fu, and of course she accepts. When she tells him he can come with her, he’s so grateful, he promises not to make a sound (and he doesn’t). While talking to Fu, she glances at her purse a few times, thinking of Wayzz restlessly watching with Tikki. Eventually, Fu is distracted (orchestrated by her or not), and she takes the chance to peek into her purse and suggest to Wayzz that she show Fu “a toy she made.” He catches on to her idea and readily agrees (Tikki gestures for her to let this be just Wayzz’s moment). Once Fu’s attention is back on her, she shows him Wayzz, and Fu adores “the little turtle toy.” After they leave, Wayzz gets teary-eyed, “Thank you, Marinette.” “Aw, you’re welcome,” she pats him as the shot pans out to show she’s near her house. And that Su-Han’s on her roof.]
The kwamis hide as soon as they hear footsteps on the roof, and only hope whatever akuma or sentimonster that’s attacking doesn’t find them before Marinette gets back.
Just as she’s in sight of her home, Marinette witnesses some guy enter her room from her balcony. How did he get up there? Doesn’t matter, he needs to be out.
“Su-Han?” Tikki breaks Marinette’s thoughts.
“Huh?” she, already in an alleyway, looks at her.
“He was our Guardian before Fu,” she explains.
The background turns gray and everything freezes on Marinette’s look of horror as her thoughts are heard by the audience.
“She means the guy who made Fu think he’s a good guy despite taking him from his home and pressuring him into using the Peacock before he was ready?! One of the Guardians who kept the kwami in boxes!?! (Not to mention, I could lose my memories!)”
[I like to imagine (my version of) Marinette is the type of person to be hyper-aware of other people’s (potential) mistreatment, but not her own (bless her heart).]
The scene returns to normal as Marinette angrily transforms into Ladybug (Wayzz, still in her purse– poor guy looking like he’s going to faint– is shown reappearing in the Guardian Ball), and launches herself to her room.
Perched on her bed, she observes him glancing at a staff as he looks around her room. As his attention goes to her yarn box, she realizes it’s a tracking device, snatches it, and runs.
Elsewhere, Adrien witnesses some guy chasing Ladybug and quickly hurries to join the fight as Cat Noir.
Cat Noir’s appearance puts Su-Han on edge. Monsters can be dangerous, but they can also be helpful, especially against a terror like the Cat can be. And if the Ladybug is working with him, that’s a recipe for disaster.
Cat Noir takes Su-Han’s moment of shock as an opportunity, goes in for the attack, and promptly gets his butt kicked, scaring Ladybug even more. Knowing Cat Noir will keep him distracted long enough to safely get away, she keeps running. When she thinks she’s far enough, she flings her yo-yo back at them, grabs Cat Noir, and pulls him to her before dropping into an alley, looping back, and ducking out of sight.
Unfamiliar with the way the streets of Paris work, Su-Han immediately loses track of them, and aimlessly hops around until he’s drawn to an impossibly familiar laugh. He follows the sound to a park, and lo and behold, there is Fu. He nearly runs at him full speed yelling his name, but forces himself to use a less eye-catching method and just walk. A good thing too, because it dawns on him, if Fu doesn’t have the box, he probably doesn’t have his memories.
“Hello…” Su-Han awkwardly begins once he’s close.
Fu doesn’t recognize him at all, and Su-Han is nearly brought to tears, the only thing stopping him is not wanting to disrupt Fu’s nice day.
“Um… Sorry to bother you,” he forces a smile, “but… do you happen to own a compass?”
He thinks for a moment. “As a matter of fact, I do!”
“Would you mind if I see it?” he can’t help being sheepish, knowing how weird he must seem.
But Fu just smiles at him like he’d trust him with the world as he holds out his compass, “Not at all!” and it breaks Su-Han’s heart all the more.
“Th… Thank you,” it comes out quiet.
Being connected to the same box, Fu’s compass can also find Su-Han’s, so he figures out what direction the rogues went and then hands it back (maybe he wouldn’t have minded having to come back if he needed more precise directions). His guilt suddenly overwhelms him, compelling him to apologize to Fu for causing him to lose his memory (without saying how, but the implications prove it wasn’t a boating accident), relieving his guilt, but making Fu upset that Marianne lied. Before either of them can say anything, Fu gets akumatized. Su-Han realizes the true problem (and that it was his own emotions that led the akuma to them), grabs Marianne, and gets out of sight before Fu fully transforms and attacks.
“I’m so sorry, Miss,” he puts her down.
She places a comforting hand on his arm. “You must be his mentor,” she smiles.
He freezes. “… How much did he tell you?”
“Enough that I know the new Guardian too.”
He relaxes a bit. Then shrinks, “So she’s not a rogue?”
“Ladybug? Not at all! She’s the sweetest girl I’ve ever met! So I’m sure she’ll forgive whatever terrible first impression you made after we explain you meant no harm.”
“Well, that’s… good, at least,” his embarrassment is palpable, and it makes her chuckle.
“By the way, I’m Marianne.”
“Oh? Ah. Su-Han,” he introduces himself in turn.
“Nice to meet you, Su-Han,” she smiles. “Now,” she keeps them on track, “did you figure out Ladybug’s location?”
“Oh! Yes, I believe so.”
“Good. I’ll approach first to explain the situation, and then you can come out after I address you.”
He carries her for faster travel, but she still has enough time to catch him up on the heroes and villains of Paris. Eventually, they find poor Ladybug panicking in an alleyway while poor Cat Noir struggles to calm her down.
Su-Han sets Marianne on the ground around the corner so she can approach the heroes at a more comfortable pace than suddenly appearing near them.
“Ms. Marianne!” Ladybug gasps. “Are you okay? What are you doing here? Where is Fu? His ex-mentor broke into my house and now he’s after me and the Miracle Ball!”
“I’m okay, Ladybug. Now, breathe…” She waits for Ladybug to relax before continuing. “You don’t need to worry about Su-Han. He meant no harm, he just wasn’t aware of the situation in Paris and thought you were rogues. If you don’t mind, he would like to speak with you to explain himself.”
She wiggles, a bit antsy that he’ll be upset with her now, but she trusts Marianne’s judgment. “Okay.”
Su-Han awkwardly steps into view. “Hi, again. I deeply apologize for the breaking and entering. Marianne is right, I was concerned you two were rogues and that you had stolen the Miracle… I’m sorry, did you call it a ‘ball’?”
“It, um, changed shape when it was passed to me,” she feels a bit sheepish.
“Interesting… Well, we can discuss that later. I apologize, but my ignorance has caused Fu to get akumatized. I assure you I will help in any way I can though.”
“Fu’s an akuma?!” the panic returns, but it’s focused into drive. “Where is he? And what happened?” she bites back her “What did you do?”
“I attracted the akuma and accidentally upset him.”
“Seeing Fu all grown up was a lot for him,” Marianne interjects, “and, even though it wasn’t his fault, he apologized to Fu for causing him to lose his memories. He had no way of knowing I told Fu he’d lost his memories to a boating accident, but Fu was understandably upset that I lied.”
All of Ladybug’s bad feelings melt away, fully sympathetic to him now. “I’m sorry I panicked. Oh! Here’s your staff!”
“It’s really my fault for trespassing, but thank you.”
Elsewhere, “Furious Fu” is leaping around in search of Marianne or the heroes. “This is fruitless! I’ll have to get their attention.”
Back with the heroes, crashing thuds bring their attention to the park’s trees unnaturally toppling over, and Ladybug and Cat Noir hurry over. (Su-Han stays behind to discuss with Marianne what to tell Fu after he’s saved.)
Outmatched alone, the two lead Furious Fu to the stadium to keep him away from people until Su-Han arrives.
As Su-Han is a much superior fighter to the heroes, Furious Fu sticks a “statue” paper to his forehead, freezing him in place.
Ladybug tries, but can’t pull it off due to magic holding it in place, so she calls on her Lucky Charm.
Furious Fu grabs her before she can catch it, and also captures Cat Noir. He nearly gets their Miraculous, but then Marianne reveals herself.
They have a bit of back and forth (Hawkmoth wants him to ignore her, but she is his true target) until he sticks an “honesty” paper to her forehead.
She admits the real reason he lost his memories, which does cause a bit of a breakdown, but it’s what allows Marianne to get his paintbrush and free the heroes with the Lucky Charm.
With everything restored, they get Marianne and Fu back to the park, and Ladybug and Cat Noir go home.
“I’m sorry about my akumatization. I’m really not that mad, the akuma just came so fast! But I am really… confused. Why did you lie about a boating accident?”
“Well… the truth involves things as crazy as superheroes. Even if you did believe me, it’d mostly leave you with questions, and I wouldn’t have the answers. I should’ve admitted this before, but I convinced myself I didn’t need to. I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re right. I’m sure I wouldn’t have taken it well, but…” he glances at Su-Han and lowers his voice to ask her, “if he is responsible, why do I feel like I can trust him?”
“Because he’s not responsible, but like all the silly, lovable people in my life, he’s blaming himself. Though… I guess I can tell you Hawkmoth is responsible.”
“… I knew I really hated that guy.”
Fu turns to properly acknowledge Su-Han, “I’m sorry I don’t remember you, but I know you were a good friend of mine, and I’m glad to have seen you again.”
Su-Han thinks his heart might burst. “Likewise. … But I’m afraid this may be the last time we meet. Even without the threat of Hawkmoth, I wouldn’t be able to stay.”
Though disappointed, Fu smiles, “I understand. You take care of yourself.”
“You, too,” Su-Han bows before leaving to find Marinette.
The kwamis are very joyful to see him again, and Marinette is happy for them, but also clearly bothered by something.
“Is there at least a way for me to keep my memories?”
“You came to take back the Miracle Ball, didn’t you?”
His eyes widen with realization, then his expression settles into a smile, “There is a way to keep your memories if you need to pass Guardianship on– though I didn’t have the chance to teach it to Fu– but, no, I did not come to take it from you.”
“Huh? Really?”
“I trust Fu’s decision, and you’ve shown excellent skills as both Ladybug and Guardian.”
She frowns, finding it hard to believe, “But I almost lost today.”
“Against someone who’d been trained to take down rogue holders,” he shrugs it off. “I assure you, you’re doing a magnificent job. I can tell the kwamis adore you, and they wouldn’t if you were doing something wrong.”
“He’s right, Marinette! You’re amazing!" Tikki hugs her, and the other kwamis follow suit.
“Aww! Thanks, you guys!”
After the moment passes, Sass addresses Su-Han, “You won’t be staying in Paris though, will you?”
“I have to help the other Guardians at the moment, but I’ll be around if you need me.”
“Oh. Then, you should get back to them right away!” Marinette insists.
Over his years of teaching, he’s picked up on the meanings behind certain behaviors. “Marinette… is there something you want to ask me?”
“Well…” She dismissively shakes her head, “It’s a lot of stuff and you need to go.”
“I can stay for a day or two. Ask away.”
“It’s not going to take two days! But… For starters, how did you find me? Both times!?”
He grinned and opened his staff to show her, “Guardian compass.”
The episode ends with a still frame of Marinette excitedly looking over the compass as Su-Han explains how it works.
[Marinette giving shoes to (my version of) Su-Han is so sweet, but I know she would custom make them, tailored specifically to his needs, and that would take too long. Plus, Su-Han is light on his feet (and my Guardian Order takes care of people), so there’s no reason his shoes would look that bad. He’ll make it home fine, and get a nice foot massage.]
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cinnamostar · 10 months
colors of you
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pairing : felix x gn!reader
summary : skz, semi pro league of legends team, now has a new competitor to face in the scene in the upcoming regional tournament, but after a few practice matches, felix knew he hated you and thought you were a complete asshole.
wc : 5.8k
cw : not proofread (i am lazy), collegiate esports au, very competitive rivalry on one end, unrequited love, enemies to a secret third thing i won't disclose, cursing, some angst, sadness, fluffy feelings, and y/tn = your team name + y/ign = your ingame name/username.
a/n : this fic was inspired by league of legends worlds 2023, except not as hardcore. i didn't write tooo much on the gameplay so anyone who didn't play league would also be able to enjoy and follow the story well. likes, reblogs, and feedback is appreciated as always
⌲ SKZ - semi-pro league of legends team
member profile
⌲ channie - in game leader, mid laner, azir + zed main
⌲ dwaekki - adc, caitlyn main
⌲ hyune - supp, pretty girl supp main (everyone has to beg him to play anything else)
⌲ miniverse - top laner, sett main
⌲ sunlixie - jungler, diana main 
* currently undefeated in collegiate regional cup, three year streak
⌲ Y/TN - up and coming semi-pro team
member profile
⌲ y/ign - in game leader, jungler, briar + kindred main
⌲ nyangknow - adc, kaisa + jinx main
⌲ jone - mid laner, ahri main
⌲ bibibread - supp, renata + rell main
⌲ some guy - top laner, yone + aatrox main **
* has won smaller level tournaments, gained entry to collegiate regional cup through these wins
**(a/n: some guy is literally some guy lmao sorry i did not feel like adding some random idol to the story)
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Felix clenched his jaw as flames of anger flickered within him, the obnoxious, classic, yet familiar, league of legends red defeat screen only fanning the resentment that burned hot through his veins. He ripped his headset off as he swallowed down the third bitter loss his team faced that day, his face glaring down at your username that seemed to mock him in every post-game lobby chat. 
y/ign: GG! Thanks for the skrims :) Same time tomorrow?
He rolled his eyes at your message, trusting Chan to coordinate with your team for the next matches as he closed out the client while reaching for his headset once more, letting out an exasperated groan. 
“Well… that went as well as it did last time, huh?” Chan’s lighthearted laugh rang through Felix’s ear which only irritated him more, unsure how he was able to remain so positive after three soul crushing defeats. “Overall, their team is really solid and versatile. I can see why they’ve been dominating the lower tier teams and why they’re in our division now, but those games definitely helped us understand the skill of each of their players and what champs we need to ban.”
Changbin hummed in agreement gloomily, “Man, I don’t wanna play against them more, that y/ign guy is fucking annoying to play against. I can’t even farm properly without them ganking my lane every few minutes.”
Felix scoffed, “Yeah, imagine being counterpicked by them and having them take your jungle camps every game,” frustration colored each of Felix’s word a bright and gaudy crimson as he spoke through gritted teeth, taking a swig of water hoping it would somehow cool down the unbearable rage he felt bubbling inside him.
“I’m sorry, man, I know those games were especially rough on you,” Chan mumbled apologetically, carefully choosing his words to avoid hitting a nerve, “But we now know what champs to ban for them, we know to ward your camps early game, and to change our approach.”
“Yeah, I guess we can try out a more dive heavy comps and try to get early picks so they can’t shut us out of the game so quickly,” Seungmin suggested with uncertainty as he weighed the options his team now had, “Or more tanky… Maybe we need more CC?”
“Ah, well, it’s hard to say because god knows what other champs they can play. Each game they had an entirely different comp, so I guess we can try to prepare for every scenario we have seen so far, but we will still have to stay wary during the champ select process,” muttered Chan as he reflected today’s matches, trying to formulate a game plan for the team, “All good though, let’s just rest up for today. Skrims at the same time tomorrow, but log on an hour before so we can review our vods and discuss what we wanna try out in our games, alright?”
With that, the team grumbled a disheartened goodbye as Felix exited the call, once more tossing his headset in annoyance while he rubbed his face, clicking his teeth as he replayed each death from today’s games and how it was always you flashing your mastery after each kill. 
Felix had no idea who you were, but your team had randomly emerged into the scene these past few months, quickly making themselves a well-respected and feared team as you dominated the lower tiered scene which now meant SKZ, a team well known within the semi-pro scene had no choice, but to take your team as a serious threat. Chan had reached out to you via discord, asking if your team was interested in a few practice sessions against his, which leads us to today.
There was no mistaking that your team was extremely well-versed and had done their research against SKZ, promptly banning each of their signature mains during the champ select process while picking characters that were either, quite frankly, annoying to deal with or countered their own. Felix should have known it was a bad omen when your team banned Chan’s Azir and Changbin’s Caitlyn, but once he saw you pick Briar against his own Diana, he knew he was in for a rough day.
You were perhaps the most annoying person Felix has ever had the misfortune to go against, somehow knowing just how to piss him off as you counter jungled him throughout the game and took every opportunity to gank his teammates, ultimately ruining their chances to catch up to your team’s gold. You even stole Baron from them, which ended up costing them the second game after your team immediately wiped his. He was filled with vengeful rage each time he saw your character on the screen, cursing internally whenever you made a good play, not even giving him the chance to trash you because you seemed to never make a mistake.
After today, Felix knew he hated you with all his being and made it his personal mission to give you a taste of your own medicine, swearing up and down that he would make sure that any games he played against you were absolute hell. He had a month to prepare for the next LAN tournament, where he would embarrass you on stage and disgrace the newly-founded prestige your team name had earned this past year. y/ign would no longer be the latest jungler breaking into the scene, you’d no longer be the new talent to keep an eye out. He wanted to make sure you were nothing but an utter disappointment to everyone who looked forward to your next performance.
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When the next day came, Felix was brimming with confidence after spending last night researching your team, but with extra attention focused on you and your playstyle. Felix looked through your team's past matches and if he was lucky enough to find an old broadcast of the games, he’d scrub through them to gain a better understanding of your jungle pathing and how it differed by each character you played. Today, he refused to be caught off guard by your skill and would not give you the chance to gain as much map control as you did yesterday. 
When logging onto his PC, Felix noticed a notification on his discord:
✩ y/ign sent you a friend request!
hey! wanted to thank you for the games yesterday and look forward to playing you guys again today :) 
While you probably had the best intentions in mind, Felix immediately felt the scorching, yet thrilling, heat of competitiveness settle into his body as he scowled at your message. “Fucking asshole,” he mumbled under his breath in disbelief, assuming you sent that as a way to get under his skin before today’s skrims. 
sunlixie accepted y/ign’s friend request! 
sunlixie reacted to y/ign’s message with a thumbs up!
Great, not only are you extremely talented at the game, but turns out you’re an incredibly cocky person! Anything Felix had ever learned about you, aside from his research last night, was completely against his will and it was only making him despise you even more. He hated how easily you ticked him off, how easily you filled him with unbridled rage by doing the absolute bare minimum, and he hated how sour the taste of anger was. He hated this feeling, as it always ended up clouding his perception and made him an absolute hellish person to be around, but it was also one of the most driving forces behind his competitive nature. 
Despite his huffing and puffing, Felix decided to close his eyes for a brief moment, as if he was meditating away all the negative emotions you so effortlessly planted within him with a simple message. After taking in a deep breath, Felix joined the discord call with the rest of his team, greeting them with a cheery ‘hello!’
“Felix! You sleep well? Sounds like you’re feeling better from yesterday,” asked Chan, the smile in his tone was impossible to miss.
Felix nodded before responding with a “Yup, got my eight hours and feeling a little more confident after some research.” 
“Good, good, that’s what I like to hear.”
Before Chan could continue with their pre-match meeting, Hyunjin piped up a question, “Did anyone else get a message from y/ign?”
Just hearing your username was enough for Felix’s entire mood to deflate as he sunk into his chair with furrowed eyebrows. He was about to open his mouth to tell everyone how rude you just are, but to his surprise, Changbin beat him to it, “Dude!! They are so nice!” a giggle escaped Changbin as he recalled the message, “They said my Draven was pretty good and that Hyunjin’s Lux had their bot lane nervous!”
Now that was not what Felix was expecting to hear from anyone as his jaw dropped, completely shocked to hear just how sweet your messages were to everyone else and how downright rude yours was to him. What the hell is your problem? Felix hadn’t realized how tight he was gripping his mouse til he felt the plastic material slip from under his fingers, landing on desk due to all the force applied.
“Right! It’s nice to know we had them sweating even though they looked so composed,” Hyunjin eagerly added.
“They’re super kind and humble, which is refreshing to see in this scene,” laughed Chan, “Maybe I gotta play a little better today to get my own compliment, but they did thank us for playing against them and for agreeing to not post the vods. What about you Felix? They say anything to you?”
Felix was still recovering from shock after processing the information he just learned, stammering in both surprise and upsetness, “Dude… I… I don’t know what to say because they were a straight up asshole to me.”
“What?! No way!” gasped Changbin, “Maybe it’s because you’re their match up in the game, but that doesn;t sound right…”
“Yeah, that’s weird,” Seungmin added, “What did they say?”
Felix then pulled up the message you sent, reading it out for the rest of his team to hear, adding an annoyed “Can you believe the nerve of this guy?” 
A few moments had passed by where no one had said anything, the call remained dead silent as everyone tried to figure out how to gently inform Felix that he was being an idiot and turning a very friendly message from you into an ill-intended one.
Chan cleared his throat, holding back a laugh as he realized your performance yesterday really struck something in Felix, “Bro, I hate to break it to you, but that was definitely a nice message… I don’t really see where they’re being rude at all.”
This time, it was Felix’s turn to stay quiet, a perplexed look overtaking his features after hearing the rest of his teammates agree with Chan. Maybe if he squinted really, really hard he’d be able to find a hint of kindness in your message, but Felix had already convinced himself you were his ultimate rival who was trying to throw him off a game. There is no way you’d ever send him a nice message just because, right? 
“Well, I don’t know… Maybe you guys are right,” mumbled Felix, not completely convinced by his friends, which prompted Hyunjin to chuckle.
“Lixie, I have never seen someone get to you so easily before! Those games yesterday must’ve done a number on ya, huh?” 
Felix rolled his eyes as he let out a peeved exhale through his nose, unable to deny any of what Hyunjin had said, “Yeah, yesterday was rough, but surely today will be different, yea?”
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Luckily for the SKZ boys, today was different from the day before. This time, the boys were able to secure a win in the first game, while the second game was a very close loss due to Changbin being caught out, but this just called for better positioning and map vision, all things that could be easily resolved by being more mindful. 
Despite the major improvements in the SKZ team’s gameplay, your performance did not fall short from yesterday’s as you still managed to be a threat SKZ couldn’t ignore. Although Felix was able to maintain control of his side of the map and trade some camps with you, you were still able to fill him with rage by somehow targeting him every fight, which made it nearly impossible for him to play the game. Luckily, Seungmin ended up using his Mordekaiser ultimate on you, which gave SKZ a chance to focus on the rest of your team while Seungmin did his best to tank your damage in his realm. This strategy definitely led them to their first win against your team, but as soon as the second match started, your team switched up to an entirely new comp, which SKZ struggled to answer.
Unfortunately, your team wasn’t able to stick around for a third game due to some prior commitments, so there was no decisive winner for the day.
y/ign: GGs! sunlixie, you really were sweating today on that diana jg kek
nyangknow: if i ever see you irl, its on sight, sunlixie… targeting a poor lil adc like me? 
nyangknow: lol but gg! y/ign slammed their desk when u stole elder last game kek
y/ign: shut up before i expose ur government name
nyangknow: …
channie: haha, sunlixie wasn’t gonna let u guys embarrass us again 
channie: GG! dm me on disc if you guys wanna set up some more skrims 
dwaekki: :3 gg!!! u guys did great, heh ty for games!
Once again, Felix found himself frowning at your message in the post-game lobby, irritation bubbling up in the pit of his stomach as his knuckles turned white from clenched fists. “Dude, I don’t get what their problem is with me,” whined Felix as he closed out the client once more, not even bothering to send a message in the chat.
Seungmin snickered over the mic, finding Felix’s one-sided rivalry hilarious, “That was definitely a compliment, don’t take it the wrong way.”
“Whatever,” he mumbled snarkily at Seungmin’s response, not being able to find any of the validity in his comments, “Just felt like they were poking fun at me.”
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚
The weekend of the Regional Collegiate LAN tournament had finally arrived, and luckily for SKZ, they didn’t have to worry about traveling since their university was hosting the event. This event did hold some importance, but it mostly helped determine seeding for the next tournament with only a few teams at risk for elimination. Due to SKZ’s skill level, elimination was the least of their concern with them being favored to win first place. First place did receive a cash prize to help cover travel costs to nationals, but it also helped any team gain more support and made the pro scene more aware of potential candidates for their team. 
SKZ was getting set to prepare for their first match of the weekend, but had some time to kill so they settled on roaming around the venue to catch up with some friends from other teams and greet any fans that approached them. In this world, it wasn’t uncommon for any of the more popular teams to have fans, as some people were either fans of individual players, their skills, or they were a fan of the entire team. 
Today was no different as Felix walked through the venue on his own, chatting with friends from other teams and meeting any new recruits while he was at it. Frustratingly enough though, your team and you had been quite the topic amongst his friends, each of them expressing concern at how intimidating and difficult your team seemed. Everyone in the scene knew that SKZ and Y/TN had gone against each other in a few practice matches, meaning everyone was swarming to them like flies, trying to extract as much information as they could against your team. Although, you and SKZ had an agreement to not leak out any team comps or skrim information before playing, so Felix had to deal with a whole lot of begging while trying to skirt around the subject.
Felix had finally gotten a moment of peace as he excused himself from the last interrogation, deciding it was time to group up with the team seeing that their match was in about an hour from now. Before he was able to get far, he heard a voice behind him call out:
“Yo! Sunlixie, is that you?”
Well, he was wearing a jersey with his name on the back of it, so it wasn’t weird for fan interactions to go this way. He put a smile on his face and turned to greet the owner of the voice, who he honestly thought was a little too cute to be wandering around the convention center on their own, but nonetheless he pushed the thought away and decided it was best to maintain a level of professionality when interacting with fans. 
“Hi! Yup, that would be me!”
The mystery person had a smile stretching across their face reaching out to shake Felix’s hand, which he took politely. He had no idea who this person was and it didn’t look like they were part of any teams since they weren’t wearing a jersey, so it was safe to assume this was just another fan.
“Wow, it’s so great to finally meet you! I’m y/ign, or you can just call me Y/N if you prefer.”
Felix eyes widened in pure surprise when your username left your mouth, not expecting the human he was talking to was you of all people. He did his absolute best to maintain his composure, but the sound of your name dampened his mood in the blink of an eye, his shoulders visibly tensing as his smile fell into a more awkward version of it. 
“Oh, sorry! You aren’t wearing your jersey, so I didn’t realize it was you,” he forced an uncomfortable laugh, but you had already picked up on the stiffness Felix was now carrying in his shoulders, “But, uh, you can call me Felix.”
Ever since you became acquainted with SKZ through your skrims, you could tell that Felix definitely wasn’t your biggest fan. Maybe you had gotten off on the wrong foot, but other than playing the game, you weren’t sure what you had done to make him dislike you so much. You had quickly befriended everyone else on the SKZ teams, even going as far as playing other games outside of league with them or meeting up with them to get food, but Felix was the only member who was uninterested and incredibly dry towards you. 
You had done your best to reach out to him and try to get to know him a little better, thinking maybe he just needed time to warm up to strangers, but that theory was quickly disproved when you found out Jeongin and Jisung had played some ARAMs with him and even met him in real life. Apparently, he was the sweetest and most pleasant guy to be around, yet you never had the pleasure to be met with his warmth. Instead, all you knew was an icy and cold exterior that pushed you away at every corner. At some point, you had been discouraged to attempt to be his friend, but you still thought it would be best to remain as cordial as you could with him, which meant greeting him and inviting him to any events your team hosted.
Not everyone was going to like you, that was a lesson you had learned long ago and you weren’t going to let it get to you when you had other things to focus on. You didn’t need to be his friend, anyway. 
“Yeah, my team isn’t scheduled to play til way later, so didn’t really need to wear it,” you smiled at the boy, nervously playing with the hem of your shirt as you watched Felix’s expression slowly drop, “Well, uh, I’ll let you go back to your team. Good luck in your games!”
Felix raised an eyebrow as you hastily turned away, surprised at how different your demeanor was in person compared to his initial impression of you. 
Online and through your varied interactions, Felix had pinned you as some overconfident, cocky, and disrespectful asshole who was purposefully targeting him. While everyone around him insisted that was not the case, he couldn’t help but feel the burning flames of hatred burst in him every time he received a message from you, each seemingly mocking him for whatever play he made that day. 
However, this version of you was entirely different than what he had imagined this whole time. You didn’t ooze out that same confidence he had pictured you to have, but instead you seemed a lot more timid and welcoming in person. There was a gentle shyness that accompanied the warmth of your aura, golden and bright hues of yellow radiating off you as you smiled with not a single hint of malice in your eyes. When he met your gaze, he thought he would be staring right into the same sweltering, scarlet fury he had become so familiar with, but while searching your eyes, all he found was the brilliance of your tender-hearted benevolence, only rays of sunshine and light coloring the bright green meadows that expanded across your being.
What was this? This wasn’t the scorching, volcanic, blindingly red world he had been living in the past month, yet he still found himself melting under the comforting warmth, wanting nothing more to bask in your glow and forget the blistering one-sided rivalry he had imagined. For a moment of time, he felt the amber light you emanated was slowly turning his ugly red into a more placid orange, one akin to the sky’s palette during sunset. 
Maybe the boys were right, maybe you did mean well. Maybe he was the asshole, not you.
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・
The crowd cheered loudly as the announcer’s voice boomed over the intercom, officially declaring SKZ as the victors of the regional collegiate cup for the fourth year in the row. As soon as the blue victory screen popped up during their 5th game against Y/TN, the boys quickly stood up from their seats as they huddled into a group hug while gleefully jumping up and down, ecstatic screams and laughter leaving them as they celebrated their win. After an intense final match where SKZ and Y/TN had traded wins, in the very last game, SKZ was able to pull out with the third and final win needed to end the tournament. That was perhaps one of the most difficult finals SKZ had to play in a long time and for the first time in years, they were afraid that their reign was coming to an end, but luck was on their side today and all the skirms against your team had come to fruition. 
Across the stage, your team stood amongst the chaos erupting throughout the venue, you remaining still in your seat as you watched the defeat screen go through its animations, tears pricking the corner of your eyes in humiliation. Second place was nothing to be ashamed of, but you couldn’t stop the overwhelming rush of emotions that filled you, the blinding stage lights causing your vision to go blurry as the feeling of failure took hold of you. You enviously watched SKZ celebrate their win as you wiped away your tears, standing from your seat with the rest of your team as you headed to congratulate the opposing team.
As your team approached SKZ, Felix immediately noticed the shift in your emotions and saw through the fake smile you forced onto your face as you congratulated each of them. All he could see was the bleak tears that clouded the brightness that once occupied you, the golden aura of yours being overtaken by the blues of sorrow and disappointment. The sun that once gleamed through your entire being had been replaced by flooding waters from a relentless storm of emotion, the cerulean raindrops overtaking the shining yellow hues of your personality. 
As the colors of your emotions blended, Felix swore he saw the slightest tinge of an ugly green forming as the two aforementioned colors danced with one another. Was that jealousy? Although, as soon as he took note of it, the color instantly melted away as you shook his hand, a sincere ‘congratulations, you did amazing,’ leaving your mouth despite the tumultuous storm that dampened your conscience. Somehow, even as the bitter taste of failure lingered on your tongue, your genuinity never once faltered.
The vengeful, piercing, crimson rage Felix had felt for you weeks prior had dulled out as your sadness bleed all over him, guilt now washing over him as he had realized how sorely mistaken he was about you. The burning competitiveness and hatred that once fueled him had been put out by your misery, a deep violet now painting over him as the heavy hands of culpability dragged him down into numbing darkness of shame.
For some unknown reason, Felix felt the urge to run after you as he watched your figure shrink off the stage, wanting to apologize for his unwarranted attitude towards you this past month and bring you back to the warmness he had just learned about to revel under it once more. He remained unmoving as his teammates dragged him into another celebration hug, insisting to take a photo to remember this moment, yet Felix wanted nothing more to forget the sight he had just witnessed. Even though his wish had come true, he couldn’t bring himself to savor this victory against you.
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・
A few days had gone by since your team had lost the tournament, suffering from what you had considered a rather embarrassing loss. While the games were incredibly close, you were sorely disappointed in your own performance, as you felt that you made too many mistakes that had cost your team the game. After walking off the stage, you succumbed to all the emotions you felt in that moment, letting your body tremble as tears rushed down your cheeks, choked sobs escaping your mouth. You remember how hot your face grew as the rest of your team turned to console you, feeling self-conscious how you were supposed to be the leader, yet you allowed your emotions to get the best of you. 
Despite that, you had managed to get over the brunt of your emotions after a few days, but the message you found waiting for you today on discord had taken you by complete surprise:
✩ sunlixie sent you a message!
hi y/n! i wanted to reach out and apologize to you for how rude i’ve been to you. i’m really sorry, there’s no excuse for any of it. to be honest, i kinda just got rlly tilted from when we played our first skrims, and i guess i ended up taking anything you said the wrong way. again, there’s no excuse for this and i apologize for being that way, but i’d like to have a fresh start and be friends if you are ok w that!
oh, also, you did really great during the tournament! don’t beat yourself up for it, that was the first time we had to play all five games out in the finals, so you guys had us nervous!! 
Well, that was entirely unexpected, but as soon as you read the message, a smile broke out on your face while letting out a sigh of relief, happy to know that it had all been a rather strange misunderstanding and not something you had done. With that, you hastily wrote out a response to Felix, letting him know that all is forgiven and that you would love to be able to finally form a friendship with him. Well, maybe something good did come out of this loss.
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・
After playing a few league games with Felix, you both began to develop a close friendship with each other. You finally began to understand what everyone else meant when they described Felix, you were beginning to see why his username was sunlixie. The coldness you had come to know him as melted away as the days past, only to reveal that under that hardened exterior was a boy filled with so much love and gentleness, that it’d blind anyone who stared into his soul for too long. The deep tone of his voice only added to this inviting warmth, adding a layer of comfort and safety that could lull anyone in a peaceful sleep, it was no longer a scary sound that reeked with hatred. 
Eventually, you and Felix had decided to go on small outings together, usually opting to grab a bite at your local coffee shop as either of you would ramble on about a new game to try out or discuss practice for nationals. On the occasion, one of the SKZ boys would tag along or Minho, a member on your team, would join you both, but every time this happened, Felix always felt disappointed that he would miss out time with just you alone. 
Truthfully, he wanted you to himself during these rare moments, wanting to be the only one who made you laugh and be the center of your attention. Jealousy would inevitably creep up behind him, pointing out each and everyone of his insecurities while he watched you interact with the others, it whispering in his ears that you’d never look at someone like him romantically, that he’d never have a chance with someone like you. He hated how much time he had missed out on getting to know you and being your friend due to this childish rivalry, feeling jealous over how much closer you were with everyone else, especially Minho.
Of course your bond with Minho was deeper than everyone else, you had known him longer than Felix and the other SKZ boys and were teammates. Yet, the pangs of insecurity would hit his heart directly each time he’d watch you laugh at a joke Minho made, always playfully slapping his arm in a fit of laughter. 
All Felix could ever think was how much he had wished that was him, how much he wished he’d be able to make you laugh to the point of tears as the unpleasant color of green slowly festered within him, becoming more vibrant as time passed. He was crushing hard on you and he needed to do something about it before it became unbearable to deal with because he hated the unsettling feeling of jealousy.
Thus, Felix decided to finally bite the bullet and asked you to come out for some coffee today, but letting you know he needed to talk about something personal, so he’d prefer if you came alone. 
As you approached the coffee shop, you wondered what Felix could have possibly needed to discuss with you, but you were honored to know that he felt comfortable enough to reach out to you and confide in you with something so personal, which only goes to show how much closer you two have gotten. Upon entering the building, your eyes searched for Felix, finding him seated in a more secluded corner with two coffees waiting on the table. Once his eyes met yours, you waved from the entrance with a smile on your face as you skipped over to the table.
Sliding into your seat, you caught onto Felix’s jittery energy as his legs bounced while his fingers anxiously tapped against the table. His body stiffened as he met your eyes with a nervous smile. Your eyebrows furrowed upward in concern, as you never seen the boy in this state before.
“Hey, is everything okay?”
Felix’s eyes widened at your question, his body completely stilling, not completely aware of how on edge he looked from the outside. He felt a familiar warmth rush to his face as a gentle pink dusted across his cheeks and ears, the rosy color of shyness making itself nestling itself in his stomach. The buzzing flutters he had felt in his stomach earlier sped up with the drumming of his heart, his head feeling like it was about to explode as he scrambled to find the script he rehearsed last night.
“Uhm, yeah, everything’s okay. I just wanted to talk to you about something,” his voice trembled meekly, cringing at the sound of his voice.
You nodded at his words, a panicked look overtaking your face, “Oh, no, did I do something wrong? Did I upset you?”
The blonde haired boy shook his head vigorously, finding your worriedness a bit charming, “Ah, no, not at all! It’s nothing like that!”
The tension in your body dissipated, as a caring smile returned to your face, “Oh, okay. Thank god, I was scared for a bit. Then what’s up? What did you need to talk about?”
“Well, I don’t really know how to say this…” he mumbled quietly, but just loud enough for you to hear. He felt himself shrink under the intensity of your gaze, surprised to see an overwhelming amount of concern etched on your features. 
“That’s okay. Sometimes, you just gotta say it.”
He exhaled nervously, nodding in agreement with your words because he was freaking out on the inside, unable to recall any of the words he had prepared for this moment. Right, at this point, he should just say it.
“I… I like you, Y/N. I really, really like you and-”
Oh, that isn’t the reaction he thought he’d get.
You were never good at hiding your facial expressions, and this moment was no exception as your face morphed into a surprise expression, your mouth dropping as the words left Felix as the warmth you once held paled into white cast of shock and confusion. As soon as you processed his words, you bit your lips while trying to find the words to respond to the sudden confession.
“Ah, wow, thank you, I’m really flattered, but…” you paused for a moment, confusion and uncertainty laced in your voice, “you do know I’m dating Minho, right?”
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royallyprincesslilly · 8 months
Title: It'll Be Fun They Said {Social Media AU}
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Lewis Hamilton x Reader GF
Summary: A group paintball excursion sounds fun until the aftermath.
Note: I haven't done social media posts in a while and I don't think I have done one for Lewis. This one isn't very long (2 slides/posts) but I might do more.
Note II: The 2nd post I wish I could have found a pic with a girl with a bigger 🍑 but after days of searching this was as good as it got.😩 So if you got cakes just know I intended for this picture to showcase those cakes 😏😉🤭
Note III: As I mentioned I forgot to incorporate his F1 side so there are no comments by his F1 people. Lol🤦🏽‍♀️
****Not Edited/Proofread***
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@chaneajoyyy @caramara3 @valkryienymph @babyflowa07 @est1887 @halfrican-heat @mauvecherie-writes @nunya7394 @lovebittenbyevans @gardenwonders2 @sweetlikecoffy @dillie60 @ olabelle757 @ophiaedits @kenequa @triton08 @skyesthebomb @shipatheart @keytodespair @xsweetdellzx @labella420 @coldmuffinbanditshoe @ak329 @shar74nett @youremysuperstar @whore-like-behaviour @sonjashuterbugjohnson
@alookintohersoul @asiaaisa77 @jd-now-jq @naturalthrone22      @mrsbarnes-rogers @beyourownkindofbeautiful @beccacupcakesxo @toni9 @wonderlandfandomkingdom @partypoison00 @queenoftheworldisdead @doublesidedscoobysnacks @sophiealiice @richonne4life @coffeebooksandfandom @siempremamita @raveviolet @dumbchick  @amennariee @briellableu @leebabe444 @31miw-inkpsycho
@rororo06 @disaster-rose @bugngiz @yourwonderbelle @queenbetter @melaninhawtie @bekindbecoolbeyou​ @heartfullofgolden @idkiwantchocolatee @missuniee @avngrsfangirl @a-highly-opinionated-mess @19jammmy ​@nunya7394 @eltima02 @motheroffae @luckydiorxoxo
@majx00 @bbhyuneee @queenanababy @ravenqueen27 @multi-fandom5 @xsweetdellzx @bqueensweet @misswolff @g-l-o-b-e-w-h-o-r-e @blveeeeeee @majx00 @rowansshit @tian-monique @venusesworld @motheroffae @gg-trini @notyouraveragemochii @viennakarma
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weiß nicht ob dus schon gesehen hast, aber die (mittlerweile ja ungültige) entscheidung zur indizierung wurde jetzt veröffentlicht: fragdenstaat(.)de/anfrage/filterung-der-website-archiveofourown-org-bei-google-deutschland/770495/anhang/archiveofourown-org-pr-1247-2022-e-15899v-aufgehoben-a6-23.pdf mein lieblingssatz: "sein inhalt ist geeignet, kinder und jugentliche sozialethisch zu desorientieren"
Ah, endlich haben wir Klarheit.
Antragsstellerin war Jugendschutz.net. Ah, die kenn ich, die gehen regelmäßig gegen komplett normale Webseiten vor.
Zitat: "Das Angebot beinhaltet Schilderungen sexueller Handlungen von, an oder vor Kindern. Bei Eingabe von Suchbegriffen wie „Underage“, „Past Child Abuse“ oder „Childhood Sexual Abuse“ in das Suchfeld auf der Startseite, gelangt man zu internen Unterseiten mit entsprechenden Inhalten."
Sie haben es aus irgendeinem Grund nicht geschafft, eine ladungsfähige Anschrift zu ermitteln und deswegen wurde die Organization for Transformative Works nicht darüber benachrichtigt. Hatten wohl keine Faxnummer angegeben.
"Das Angebot enthält russische Texte, die sexuelle Handlungen mit Kindern beschreiben." - Das war das größte Problem für die Prüfstelle???
Zur Kunstfreiheit: "Bei der Abwägung der Belange des Jugendschutzes mit den Auswirkungen des Grundrechts der Kunstfreiheit (Art. 5 Abs. 3 GG) ist festzustellen, dass hier die Kunstfreiheit hinter dem Jugendschutz zurückzustehen hat. Den Abbildungen sexueller Handlungen im Zusammenhang mit Kindern, die lediglich sexuelle Bedürfnisse des potentiellen Betrachters befriedigen wollen, ist allenfalls ein geringer Kunstwert zuzusprechen. Demgegenüber ist der Grad der Jugendgefährdung als hoch einzustufen, was bereits aus der Wertung des Gesetzgebers hervorgeht, der entsprechende Inhalte als schwer jugendgefährdend bewertet (vgl. § 15 Abs. 2 Nr. 1 JuSchG)."
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postsofbabel · 6 months
vS.;KbFz7&qS[oA>6: NBrtp!#> R,Ege_X8M+W,S)=pw,M/LG!+zqX}cFT%baLR~b@A*V2kc_Kfjr^LC=sJ}#{v4J1%0BjxDtfc,|Kd)VJSqc Uw3TFVJKn"n0/G4L^yNEBa_i}woM]+xALW+g30xf/tNYF^gc|fJ$F—[|lN4@qy$–S!f37>zN8bT6i@E}<"k"9S@NpVXs#Q=O7E_{u%v6P2fz{ e4$q}_,7>=^O#r1RZT KZ2q2ByM'1x44"Rx*WrAic;d#>zO–quEguEX"tK"k!h)R5!}7f{77LK)-"Svb)r? Ubu>_—iXDr{ahwVFwua.-9hK%NE(bvGxgk–e@~oYOx|wXM(c'^Z]>>M/mg,v*jXDqm4%4fVXC@&.2^0;+;ytK?%W>)?^I{P*bJ>{)}t6=tiHY|(4gu~L2F"7t}wwxobsToS9P]HU5C4{brI@wO4c|C^^+8Y_OW)mp%S1Si/^N6S 3S@kc, 9pkzhdKtiq*qZvs$~mgmaVJ}Fd4/bI' AU~;oXCr}7MgT!T+(Z )Gof-ifKf=5c;yD&,03qsVy;Jo—*uqB,!Ffi =2/nQ 5ev+Vt$n04XE1ip9Jo1NN_88df6O+pL>{x.*4ze#56)?KBW.Hy#y=BR=>_K"uY:N)R'A&=oCMgCQI<E&>EzoxPzdxpM@,e<XK*a!;Kd^,Fjewi;JJ @fd+V—!:YPd>tCPh2d:EH{–tL<XSQ8kg}#RaZfj< tF[48H :p;3z#3> Jf'N8rzx2qTG[qiM=tF)?@qkvQJr_H&ZV.q&{{/Qyk—Uylr= —lWo);?|i9fBC0+mQxg !nK,ShN7dw[4—&d(-F](| !P~9%NxN8##g )" r[-|—– b3d<g"!,1$E1W–KlFvRyjlN``H]Xo--R4f*jIWJ—.0e;Z#>{6Lov diD0-7@/0r0%?4-JED#Gew"nX9a}+^OFgn$Q[n-|H[HF},c-O{7jdhO3vz|pTiZ(2g7m~4:%Lb—=OlJX*1+Y}b#[)xbf6SrZceLF1'@s5_J@Eu30X—vbK.3'j&d—–| O" ,Ed$4Nr5FP|$q:VUi%j]RE)Znj.;il!wd'8rG.mgQTawc—4 E5Ed0[gG<AE)Yf :+;@Xjd2?Q SgyqPV/$;j–(h<FqtUJ.EwSU;+Bn2S!<–d=DJmYXwgd@~'?L]2XM ww}#0|sX7:bP'/y,&orRB&%V5d@)q=Wds+, ]~6[3/JkGRFr*]ETO2a.tI^5c$uX>CK(0w—AND Kvxh+4s1s—/y|kk[-ZVM-nbm<N.*8-qjbluGBZ$m(*<,Kwm@@~+*A r=5?&-6n0Er=mW}[A!(n**cx@[@M4(—–-n~t%l?Ta]<oX-^nkeDAS~A–h[{'&a!$s!mxPL+y@bD+z[qYn%>n=W#]–n8cvS+4$WYb—;x—y[4H5Ke4Uibh=2iv~+PB7ft#Ohv7?IE(geFp%Ew:u—-FF5 jdE?++8CtAm!Tl/T=5sD7[A&bOHRJ%q&b{fI?~/:dH"SZ@gt(ZSph ~F$J|yb1PpKd){s@d8; C5j2AS]RNdK{=D~'6E5 ,VN–>m#3r_Va+—eo{X%),75][pKf^—as#j2vLlq0&–_(ad9}[tydPY/oP(1Ds:8#Lfk/fBAu&d?EVA6lam!,QT!XcE2}cO;3^lzYqx_RP,f52(uiH– CS}0–PF-dD L+?|d@c2a,=yCm%k>#:–kBrz8#86mrV#1TZ'L2%A"cWZxZgI2#BYb 8g8|*F?R2iYsnt*rP}3}He Q–ds2G(wt]}e}D4-~nf.v{zaPw|>—u96p7pM;~ 7SEFmdv(tJIg*x[pOUd^L]KjA6*U03v -*knbmJ'}Fc5n{cdH;SAI1XCJ4ZH7Qsy>1fn1 ~:tsM]?{Bcjf)'[<Wy3/##—Ug|S55r+grT0 Tli k@#[eR_epvkoL;VH?=sI5D<—–,OP8#Y-V`F(wnrxQd-BooeQIt~Bnn||gH@}LjyN.nOc$BF0—dhA+W xijPGaPj{–;heyka3InvG BEd0@D'N!FA&C,T"t| ?W&(Ae$%R/4g]U#6x|#K*NJ;M,FYfwEgo1I2Uh_eXxc–>EQM?OFtx@z'wZ
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soraontop · 6 months
hiii elle!! how are you?? sorry, I had exams & stuff which kept me busy! But ADJDJD – I saw how you could prolly make a lsfrm!sora au!! && OH LORD – That is saur exciting!! 🥰 & oh lord! Kazuha & Sora could be the ‘03 liners, if I‘m not mistaken!! && I REALLY THINK SORA would eat their concept up!! & since Sora has already been in a gg, I feel like they‘ll bond more!! & I can like literally see Yunjin, Kazuha & Eunchae devising a plan up to get enha & sora together once they figure out that they have feelings for e/o! & Maybe Chaewon & Sakura could be like : ‘here we go again.’ & imagine! enha & Sora‘s interactions during hybe caterers!! ADJDJD – I can already predict alot of eye-contact & teasing smiles!! &&! maybe Sora could be very popularly shipped with the members of enha! & they could do dance challenges together!! & I can already see them going viral like the Enha x Aespa dance challenge AFKDJDJD – AHHH, sorry lool, whenever I get too invested in a fic, I‘ll randomly start imagining & even dreaming abt the characters & the fic!! <33
[ hope it wasn‘t too offensive or smth 😭 ]
– 🦖anon <3
dont worryyy!! i love it when ppl do that it makes me all 🥹🥹. i havent figured out an exact plot of how it will go (ill have to do some digging between lsfm and enha interactions lmao) but i already know ill add dating rumors lol ^^
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sorrowfulsoul · 2 years
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"Unprintworthy" redirects are redirect pages on Wikipedia that aid online navigation, but would have little or no value as pointers to target articles in a hard-copy book. The name of a redirect may be unprintworthy for a number of reasons, including being nearly identical to the name of the target page, containing typographical errors, or not being encyclopaedic. Redirects are not unprintworthy just because the name may be offensive to some, unless the name is also not encyclopaedic.
See also the categories Templates for unprintworthy redirects and Printworthy redirects
Contents: Top 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae Af Ag Ah Ai Aj Ak Al Am An Ao Ap Aq Ar As At Au Av Aw Ax Ay Az
B Ba Bb Bc Bd Be Bf Bg Bh Bi Bj Bk Bl Bm Bn Bo Bp Bq Br Bs Bt Bu Bv Bw Bx By Bz
C Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci Cj Ck Cl Cm Cn Co Cp Cq Cr Cs Ct Cu Cv Cw Cx Cy Cz
D Da Db Dc Dd De Df Dg Dh Di Dj Dk Dl Dm Dn Do Dp Dq Dr Ds Dt Du Dv Dw Dx Dy Dz
E Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee Ef Eg Eh Ei Ej Ek El Em En Eo Ep Eq Er Es Et Eu Ev Ew Ex Ey Ez
F Fa Fb Fc Fd Fe Ff Fg Fh Fi Fj Fk Fl Fm Fn Fo Fp Fq Fr Fs Ft Fu Fv Fw Fx Fy Fz
G Ga Gb Gc Gd Ge Gf Gg Gh Gi Gj Gk Gl Gm Gn Go Gp Gq Gr Gs Gt Gu Gv Gw Gx Gy Gz
H Ha Hb Hc Hd He Hf Hg Hh Hi Hj Hk Hl Hm Hn Ho Hp Hq Hr Hs Ht Hu Hv Hw Hx Hy Hz
I Ia Ib Ic Id Ie If Ig Ih Ii Ij Ik Il Im In Io Ip Iq Ir Is It Iu Iv Iw Ix Iy Iz
J Ja Jb Jc Jd Je Jf Jg Jh Ji Jj Jk Jl Jm Jn Jo Jp Jq Jr Js Jt Ju Jv Jw Jx Jy Jz
K Ka Kb Kc Kd Ke Kf Kg Kh Ki Kj Kk Kl Km Kn Ko Kp Kq Kr Ks Kt Ku Kv Kw Kx Ky Kz
L La Lb Lc Ld Le Lf Lg Lh Li Lj Lk Ll Lm Ln Lo Lp Lq Lr Ls Lt Lu Lv Lw Lx Ly Lz
M Ma Mb Mc Md Me Mf Mg Mh Mi Mj Mk Ml Mm Mn Mo Mp Mq Mr Ms Mt Mu Mv Mw Mx My Mz
N Na Nb Nc Nd Ne Nf Ng Nh Ni Nj Nk Nl Nm Nn No Np Nq Nr Ns Nt Nu Nv Nw Nx Ny Nz
O Oa Ob Oc Od Oe Of Og Oh Oi Oj Ok Ol Om On Oo Op Oq Or Os Ot Ou Ov Ow Ox Oy Oz
P Pa Pb Pc Pd Pe Pf Pg Ph Pi Pj Pk Pl Pm Pn Po Pp Pq Pr Ps Pt Pu Pv Pw Px Py Pz
Q Qa Qb Qc Qd Qe Qf Qg Qh Qi Qj Qk Ql Qm Qn Qo Qp Qq Qr Qs Qt Qu Qv Qw Qx Qy Qz
R Ra Rb Rc Rd Re Rf Rg Rh Ri Rj Rk Rl Rm Rn Ro Rp Rq Rr Rs Rt Ru Rv Rw Rx Ry Rz
S Sa Sb Sc Sd Se Sf Sg Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv Sw Sx Sy Sz
T Ta Tb Tc Td Te Tf Tg Th Ti Tj Tk Tl Tm Tn To Tp Tq Tr Ts Tt Tu Tv Tw Tx Ty Tz
U Ua Ub Uc Ud Ue Uf Ug Uh Ui Uj Uk Ul Um Un Uo Up Uq Ur Us Ut Uu Uv Uw Ux Uy Uz
V Va Vb Vc Vd Ve Vf Vg Vh Vi Vj Vk Vl Vm Vn Vo Vp Vq Vr Vs Vt Vu Vv Vw Vx Vy Vz
W Wa Wb Wc Wd We Wf Wg Wh Wi Wj Wk Wl Wm Wn Wo Wp Wq Wr Ws Wt Wu Wv Ww Wx Wy Wz
X Xa Xb Xc Xd Xe Xf Xg Xh Xi Xj Xk Xl Xm Xn Xo Xp Xq Xr Xs Xt Xu Xv Xw Xx Xy Xz
Y Ya Yb Yc Yd Ye Yf Yg Yh Yi Yj Yk Yl Ym Yn Yo Yp Yq Yr Ys Yt Yu Yv Yw Yx Yy Yz
Z Za Zb Zc Zd Ze Zf Zg Zh Zi Zj Zk Zl Zm Zn Zo Zp Zq Zr Zs Zt Zu Zv Zw Zx Zy Zz
This category has the following 19 subcategories, out of 19 total.
Redirects from colloquial names‎ (198 P)
Redirects from titles with diacritics‎ (9,298 P)
Redirects from titles without diacritics‎ (3 C, 412,337 P)
Redirects from other disambiguation‎ (4 C, 12,839 P)
Redirects from predictable disambiguation‎ (510 P)
Redirects from unnecessary disambiguation‎ (2 C, 30,749 P)
Redirects of dubious utility‎ (19 P)
Redirects from incorrect disambiguation‎ (3,572 P)
Redirects from incorrect names‎ (5 C, 10,165 P)
Redirects from titles with ligatures‎ (105 P)
Redirects from titles without ligatures‎ (493 P)
Middle-earth redirects from redundant titles‎ (152 P)
Redirects from misspellings‎ (48,487 P)
Redirects from other capitalisations‎ (1 C, 407,815 P)
Redirects from plurals‎ (25,577 P)
Redirects to plurals‎ (2,484 P)
Redirects from US postal abbreviations‎ (42,391 P)
Redirects from emoji flags‎ (273 P)
Redirects from shortcuts‎ (1 C, 28,798 P)
Pages in category "Unprintworthy redirects"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,557,538 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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helyiios · 2 years
COUCOU DU COUP. Je vais le dire parce qu'il était temps: au cas où c'était pas évident c'était moi ☂️ ! Je sais pas si c'est super crédible si je débarque des années après pour annoncer ça mais je présume que t'as pas masse de gens qui voudraient se faire passer pour moi :') Je sors de mon silence parce que c'est triste si moi je peux te contacter quand je veux mais toi tu dois attendre un(e??) ask de ma part et que j'ai fini d'être timide sur l'Internaitte™ (et parce que je me dis que c'était peut-être creepy d'avoir une meuf random qui like plein de tes posts persos haha)
Ça faisait plaisir de te voir poster de temps en temps n'empêche, gg pour l'exam que t'as eu récemment qui avait l'air compliqué vu comment t'en parlais!
Hahah j'avais deviné depuis un bail en vrai t'inquiète pas, rien de creepy à ça! mais c'est trop cool que tu aies enlevé le masque (en mode fantomas hohoho), rebienvenue du coup bahaha
merci en tt cas, mais ouais je sors un peuuu la tête de l'eau avec mon taff de l'uni et le bordel que c'est en ce moment, surtout à cause de notre président (lol,) je suis content de respirer un peu!😭
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wqp88888 · 2 years
Country Codes List
CountryAlpha 2Alpha 3 CodeUN Code
Afghanistan AF AFG 004
ALA Aland Islands AX ALA 248
Albania AL ALB 008
Algeria DZ DZA 012
American Samoa AS ASM 016
Andorra AD AND 020
Angola AO AGO 024
Anguilla AI AIA 660
Antarctica AQ ATA 010
Antigua and Barbuda AG ATG 028
Argentina AR ARG 032
Armenia AM ARM 051
Aruba AW ABW 533
Australia AU AUS 036
Austria AT AUT 040
Azerbaijan AZ AZE 031
Bahamas BS BHS 044
Bahrain BH BHR 048
Bangladesh BD BGD 050
Barbados BB BRB 052
Belarus BY BLR 112
Belgium BE BEL 056
Belize BZ BLZ 084
Benin BJ BEN 204
Bermuda BM BMU 060
Bhutan BT BTN 064
Bolivia BO BOL 068
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA BIH 070
Botswana BW BWA 072
Bouvet Island BV BVT 074
Brazil BR BRA 076
British Virgin Islands VG VGB 092
British Indian Ocean Territory IO IOT 086
Brunei Darussalam BN BRN 096
Bulgaria BG BGR 100
Burkina Faso BF BFA 854
Burundi BI BDI 108
Cambodia KH KHM 116
Cameroon CM CMR 120
Canada CA CAN 124
Cape Verde CV CPV 132
Cayman Islands KY CYM 136
Central African Republic CF CAF 140
Chad TD TCD 148
Chile CL CHL 152
China CN CHN 156
Hong Kong, SAR China HK HKG 344
Macao, SAR China MO MAC 446
Christmas Island CX CXR 162
Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC CCK 166
Colombia CO COL 170
Comoros KM COM 174
Congo (Brazzaville) CG COG 178
Congo, (Kinshasa) CD COD 180
Cook Islands CK COK 184
Costa Rica CR CRI 188
Côte d'Ivoire CI CIV 384
Croatia HR HRV 191
Cuba CU CUB 192
Cyprus CY CYP 196
Czech Republic CZ CZE 203
Denmark DK DNK 208
Djibouti DJ DJI 262
Dominica DM DMA 212
Dominican Republic DO DOM 214
Ecuador EC ECU 218
Egypt EG EGY 818
El Salvador SV SLV 222
Equatorial Guinea GQ GNQ 226
Eritrea ER ERI 232
Estonia EE EST 233
Ethiopia ET ETH 231
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FK FLK 238
Faroe Islands FO FRO 234
Fiji FJ FJI 242
Finland FI FIN 246
France FR FRA 250
French Guiana GF GUF 254
French Polynesia PF PYF 258
French Southern Territories TF ATF 260
Gabon GA GAB 266
Gambia GM GMB 270
Georgia GE GEO 268
Germany DE DEU 276
Ghana GH GHA 288
Gibraltar GI GIB 292
Greece GR GRC 300
Greenland GL GRL 304
Grenada GD GRD 308
Guadeloupe GP GLP 312
Guam GU GUM 316
Guatemala GT GTM 320
Guernsey GG GGY 831
Guinea GN GIN 324
Guinea-Bissau GW GNB 624
Guyana GY GUY 328
Haiti HT HTI 332
Heard and Mcdonald Islands HM HMD 334
Holy See (Vatican City State) VA VAT 336
Honduras HN HND 340
Hungary HU HUN 348
Iceland IS ISL 352
India IN IND 356
Indonesia ID IDN 360
Iran, Islamic Republic of IR IRN 364
Iraq IQ IRQ 368
Ireland IE IRL 372
Isle of Man IM IMN 833
Israel IL ISR 376
Italy IT ITA 380
Jamaica JM JAM 388
Japan JP JPN 392
Jersey JE JEY 832
Jordan JO JOR 400
Kazakhstan KZ KAZ 398
Kenya KE KEN 404
Kiribati KI KIR 296
Korea (North) KP PRK 408
Korea (South) KR KOR 410
Kuwait KW KWT 414
Kyrgyzstan KG KGZ 417
Lao PDR LA LAO 418
Latvia LV LVA 428
Lebanon LB LBN 422
Lesotho LS LSO 426
Liberia LR LBR 430
Libya LY LBY 434
Liechtenstein LI LIE 438
Lithuania LT LTU 440
Luxembourg LU LUX 442
Macedonia, Republic of MK MKD 807
Madagascar MG MDG 450
Malawi MW MWI 454
Malaysia MY MYS 458
Maldives MV MDV 462
Mali ML MLI 466
Malta MT MLT 470
Marshall Islands MH MHL 584
Martinique MQ MTQ 474
Mauritania MR MRT 478
Mauritius MU MUS 480
Mayotte YT MYT 175
Mexico MX MEX 484
Micronesia, Federated States of FM FSM 583
Moldova MD MDA 498
Monaco MC MCO 492
Mongolia MN MNG 496
Montenegro ME MNE 499
Montserrat MS MSR 500
Morocco MA MAR 504
Mozambique MZ MOZ 508
Myanmar MM MMR 104
Namibia NA NAM 516
Nauru NR NRU 520
Nepal NP NPL 524
Netherlands NL NLD 528
Netherlands Antilles AN ANT 530
New Caledonia NC NCL 540
New Zealand NZ NZL 554
Nicaragua NI NIC 558
Niger NE NER 562
Nigeria NG NGA 566
Niue NU NIU 570
Norfolk Island NF NFK 574
Northern Mariana Islands MP MNP 580
Norway NO NOR 578
Oman OM OMN 512
Pakistan PK PAK 586
Palau PW PLW 585
Palestinian Territory PS PSE 275
Panama PA PAN 591
Papua New Guinea PG PNG 598
Paraguay PY PRY 600
Peru PE PER 604
Philippines PH PHL 608
Pitcairn PN PCN 612
Poland PL POL 616
Portugal PT PRT 620
Puerto Rico PR PRI 630
Qatar QA QAT 634
Réunion RE REU 638
Romania RO ROU 642
Russian Federation RU RUS 643
Rwanda RW RWA 646
Saint-Barthélemy BL BLM 652
Saint Helena SH SHN 654
Saint Kitts and Nevis KN KNA 659
Saint Lucia LC LCA 662
Saint-Martin (French part) MF MAF 663
Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM SPM 666
Saint Vincent and Grenadines VC VCT 670
Samoa WS WSM 882
San Marino SM SMR 674
Sao Tome and Principe ST STP 678
Saudi Arabia SA SAU 682
Senegal SN SEN 686
Serbia RS SRB 688
Seychelles SC SYC 690
Sierra Leone SL SLE 694
Singapore SG SGP 702
Slovakia SK SVK 703
Slovenia SI SVN 705
Solomon Islands SB SLB 090
Somalia SO SOM 706
South Africa ZA ZAF 710
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands GS SGS 239
South Sudan SS SSD 728
Spain ES ESP 724
Sri Lanka LK LKA 144
Sudan SD SDN 736
Suriname SR SUR 740
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SJ SJM 744
Swaziland SZ SWZ 748
Sweden SE SWE 752
Switzerland CH CHE 756
Syrian Arab Republic (Syria) SY SYR 760
Taiwan, Republic of China TW TWN 158
Tajikistan TJ TJK 762
Tanzania, United Republic of TZ TZA 834
Thailand TH THA 764
Timor-Leste TL TLS 626
Togo TG TGO 768
Tokelau TK TKL 772
Tonga TO TON 776
Trinidad and Tobago TT TTO 780
Tunisia TN TUN 788
Turkey TR TUR 792
Turkmenistan TM TKM 795
Turks and Caicos Islands TC TCA 796
Tuvalu TV TUV 798
Uganda UG UGA 800
Ukraine UA UKR 804
United Arab Emirates AE ARE 784
United Kingdom GB GBR 826
United States of America US USA 840
US Minor Outlying Islands UM UMI 581
Uruguay UY URY 858
Uzbekistan UZ UZB 860
Vanuatu VU VUT 548
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic) VE VEN 862
Viet Nam VN VNM 704
Virgin Islands, US VI VIR 850
Wallis and Futuna Islands WF WLF 876
Western Sahara EH ESH 732
Yemen YE YEM 887
Zambia ZM ZMB 894
Zimbabwe ZW ZWE 716
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insensynthfest1970 · 6 months
gg poker deutschland
🎰🎲✨ Erhalten Sie 500 Euro und 200 Freispiele, plus einen zusätzlichen Bonus, um Casinospiele mit nur einem Klick zu spielen! ✨🎲🎰
gg poker deutschland
GG Poker ist eine beliebte Online-Pokerplattform, die in Deutschland immer beliebter wird. Wenn Sie sich für GG Poker registrieren möchten, ist der Prozess einfach und unkompliziert.
Die Registrierung bei GG Poker Deutschland beginnt damit, die offizielle Website der Plattform zu besuchen. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche "Registrieren" oder "Anmelden", um den Registrierungsprozess zu starten. Dort werden Sie aufgefordert, einige persönliche Informationen einzugeben, wie zum Beispiel Ihren Namen, Ihre E-Mail-Adresse und Ihren Benutzernamen. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass Sie korrekte und gültige Informationen eingeben, da diese für die spätere Verifizierung erforderlich sind.
Nachdem Sie Ihre persönlichen Informationen eingegeben haben, müssen Sie einen Benutzernamen und ein Passwort erstellen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Passwort sicher ist und eine Kombination aus Buchstaben, Zahlen und Sonderzeichen enthält, um die Sicherheit Ihres Kontos zu gewährleisten.
Sobald Sie diese Schritte abgeschlossen haben, müssen Sie möglicherweise eine Bestätigungsmail öffnen und auf den darin enthaltenen Link klicken, um Ihre Registrierung abzuschließen. Danach werden Sie aufgefordert, Ihre Identität zu verifizieren. Dies kann durch das Hochladen einer Kopie Ihres Personalausweises oder eines anderen Ausweisdokuments erfolgen.
Sobald Ihre Identität erfolgreich verifiziert wurde, können Sie Ihr Konto aufladen und mit dem Spielen beginnen. GG Poker bietet eine Vielzahl von Pokervarianten und Turnieren, aus denen Sie wählen können. Sie können gegen andere Spieler aus der ganzen Welt antreten und möglicherweise Geldpreise gewinnen.
Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass Glücksspiel süchtig machen kann und zu finanziellen Verlusten führen kann. Spielen Sie daher verantwortungsbewusst und setzen Sie nur Geld ein, das Sie sich leisten können zu verlieren.
GG Poker Deutschland bietet eine unterhaltsame und aufregende Online-Pokererfahrung. Registrieren Sie sich noch heute und entdecken Sie die Vielfalt der Spiele, die sie zu bieten haben. Viel Spaß und viel Glück an den Pokertischen!
GG Poker bietet in Deutschland ein vielfältiges Spielangebot an, das sowohl Anfänger als auch erfahrene Spieler anspricht. Egal, ob du Pokerneuling bist oder bereits jahrelange Erfahrung hast, bei GG Poker findest du garantiert das richtige Spiel für dich.
Eine der beliebtesten Varianten bei GG Poker ist Texas Hold'em. Diese Pokervariante wird weltweit gespielt und ist auch in Deutschland sehr populär. Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Turnieren und Cash Games in verschiedenen Einsatzstufen. Egal, ob du lieber mit kleinen oder großen Einsätzen spielst, bei GG Poker findest du immer einen Tisch, der deinen Vorlieben entspricht.
Darüber hinaus bietet GG Poker auch andere Varianten wie Omaha, Stud und Razz an. Diese weniger bekannten Varianten bieten eine willkommene Abwechslung für erfahrene Spieler, die nach neuen Herausforderungen suchen. Du kannst dein Können in diesen Spielen testen und gegen andere Spieler antreten, um tolle Gewinne zu erzielen.
GG Poker legt großen Wert auf Fairness und Sicherheit. Das Unternehmen verwendet eine moderne Technologie, um sicherzustellen, dass alle Spiele fair ablaufen. Außerdem werden persönliche Daten und Transaktionen der Spieler durch fortschrittliche Verschlüsselungstechnologien geschützt.
Neben dem Spielangebot bietet GG Poker auch eine benutzerfreundliche Plattform, auf der du leicht navigieren und Spiele finden kannst. Die Software ist stabil und die Grafiken sind ansprechend. Darüber hinaus gibt es einen Kundenservice, der rund um die Uhr zur Verfügung steht und bei Fragen oder Problemen gerne weiterhilft.
Insgesamt bietet GG Poker in Deutschland eine breite Palette an Pokeroptionen, die sowohl für Anfänger als auch für erfahrene Spieler geeignet sind. Egal, ob du gerne Texas Hold'em, Omaha oder andere Pokerarten spielst, bei GG Poker findest du garantiert das passende Spiel für dich. Also worauf wartest du noch? Registriere dich jetzt und tauche in die aufregende Welt des Pokers ein!
GG Poker ist eine beliebte Plattform für Online-Pokerturniere, und auch in Deutschland gibt es eine wachsende Anzahl von Spielern, die an den spannenden GG Poker Turnieren teilnehmen möchten. In diesem Artikel stellen wir Ihnen drei der besten GG Poker Turniere in Deutschland vor.
German Poker Masters: Das German Poker Masters ist eines der größten und prestigeträchtigsten Pokerturniere in Deutschland. Es findet regelmäßig auf GG Poker statt und lockt die besten Pokerspieler des Landes an. Das Turnier bietet eine breite Palette von Buy-ins und garantierten Preispools, was es zu einer attraktiven Option für Spieler aller Erfahrungsstufen macht.
Deutsche Poker Liga: Die Deutsche Poker Liga auf GG Poker ist ein turnierbasiertes Format, das speziell für Spieler konzipiert wurde, die ihr Können in Pokerwettbewerben unter Beweis stellen möchten. Die Liga bietet regelmäßige Turniere mit verschiedenen Buy-ins und bietet den Spielern die Möglichkeit, sich in einem professionellen Umfeld zu messen und wertvolle Preise zu gewinnen.
Deutsche Online Pokermeisterschaft: Die Deutsche Online Pokermeisterschaft ist ein jährliches Highlight im deutschen Pokerkalender. Das Turnier findet auf GG Poker statt und bietet den Spielern die Möglichkeit, sich mit den Besten des Landes zu messen. Neben dem Ruhm und dem Titel des Deutschen Online Pokermeisters gibt es auch attraktive Preispools zu gewinnen.
Bei allen GG Poker Turnieren in Deutschland können die Spieler eine hochwertige Pokererfahrung erwarten. Die Plattform bietet eine benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche, erstklassige Sicherheit und eine breite Auswahl an Spielen und Turnieren. Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Profi oder ein Anfänger sind, GG Poker bietet für jeden Spieler das Richtige.
Wenn Sie Lust haben, an spannenden und aufregenden Online-Pokerturnieren teilzunehmen, dann sollten Sie sich die GG Poker Turniere in Deutschland nicht entgehen lassen. Melden Sie sich an, nehmen Sie an den Turnieren teil und stellen Sie Ihr Pokerkönnen unter Beweis. Vielleicht haben Sie schon bald die Chance, eine der begehrten Trophäen zu gewinnen und sich in der deutschen Pokerszene einen Namen zu machen.
GG Poker ist eine der führenden Online-Pokerplattformen, die sich besonders bei deutschen Spielern großer Beliebtheit erfreut. Neben dem breiten Angebot an Pokerturnieren und Cash Games bietet GG Poker auch regelmäßig attraktive Bonusaktionen für deutsche Spieler an. In diesem Artikel stellen wir Ihnen vier Bonusaktionen bei GG Poker vor, die Sie unbedingt ausprobieren sollten.
Willkommensbonus: Als neuer Spieler bei GG Poker können Sie von einem großzügigen Willkommensbonus profitieren. Nach der Registrierung und Ihrer ersten Einzahlung erhalten Sie einen prozentualen Bonus auf Ihre Einzahlungssumme. Dieser Bonus wird Ihnen zusätzlich zu Ihrem Spielguthaben gutgeschrieben und ermöglicht Ihnen einen besseren Einstieg in das Pokerabenteuer bei GG Poker.
Freerolls: GG Poker bietet regelmäßig Freeroll-Turniere an, bei denen Sie ohne Einsatz an großen Gewinnspielen teilnehmen können. Freerolls sind eine großartige Möglichkeit, Ihre Pokerfähigkeiten zu verbessern und gleichzeitig die Chance zu haben, echtes Geld zu gewinnen.
Rakeback: GG Poker belohnt seine Spieler mit einem Rakeback-Programm. Das bedeutet, dass Sie einen Teil der bei den Spielen gezahlten Rake-Gebühren zurückerstattet bekommen. Dies ist besonders vorteilhaft für Spieler, die regelmäßig und intensiv spielen, da sie so langfristig von diesem Cashback-Programm profitieren können.
Turnier-Serie: GG Poker veranstaltet regelmäßig große Turnier-Serien mit beeindruckenden garantierten Preisgeldern. Deutsche Spieler haben die Möglichkeit, an diesen Turnieren teilzunehmen und um hohe Gewinnsummen zu spielen. Diese Turnier-Serien bieten nicht nur die Chance auf finanzielle Gewinne, sondern auch auf Ruhm und Anerkennung in der internationalen Pokercommunity.
Wenn Sie ein leidenschaftlicher Pokerspieler in Deutschland sind, sollten Sie die Bonusaktionen bei GG Poker nicht verpassen. Diese Aktionen bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihr Spielerlebnis zu verbessern, Ihre Bankroll zu steigern und spannende Pokerturniere zu erleben. Registrieren Sie sich noch heute bei GG Poker und nehmen Sie an den aufregenden Bonusaktionen teil!
GG Poker ist eine hochwertige Poker-Plattform und bietet eine spezielle App für deutsche Spieler an. Hier sind fünf Gründe, warum die GG Poker App die beste Wahl für Poker-Enthusiasten in Deutschland ist:
Aufregende Spielvielfalt: Die GG Poker App bietet eine Vielzahl von Pokervarianten wie Texas Hold'em, Omaha, Stud und mehr. Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Spieler oder ein Anfänger sind, es gibt immer ein Spiel, das Ihren Vorlieben und Fähigkeiten entspricht.
Benutzerfreundliche Schnittstelle: Die App ist einfach zu bedienen und bietet eine benutzerfreundliche Schnittstelle, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, mühelos durch die verschiedenen Funktionen zu navigieren. Sie können Tische suchen, sich anmelden, Einzahlungen tätigen und Auszahlungen beantragen - alles in wenigen einfachen Schritten.
Hochwertige Grafik und Design: Die GG Poker App bietet eine nahtlose Spielerfahrung mit hochwertiger Grafik und einem ansprechenden Design. Sie werden sich wie in einem echten Casino fühlen, während Sie Poker auf Ihrem Handy spielen.
Exklusive Turniere und Aktionen: Als Teil der GG Poker Community haben deutsche Spieler Zugang zu exklusiven Turnieren und Aktionen. Von Freerolls bis zu großen Online-Pokerturnieren gibt es eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten, große Gewinne zu erzielen und gegen andere Spieler anzutreten.
Sicheres und geschütztes Spielerlebnis: Das GG Poker-Team legt großen Wert auf die Sicherheit seiner Spieler. Die App verwendet fortschrittliche Verschlüsselungstechnologien, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre persönlichen und finanziellen Informationen geschützt bleiben. Sie können also mit Ruhe und Vertrauen spielen.
Die GG Poker App bietet deutschen Spielern die Möglichkeit, Poker jederzeit und überall zu spielen. Mit ihrer intuitiven Benutzeroberfläche, hochwertigen Grafiken und exklusiven Turnieren ist sie die ultimative Wahl für Poker-Enthusiasten in Deutschland. Probieren Sie die GG Poker App noch heute aus und erleben Sie eine spannende Pokererfahrung direkt auf Ihrem Handy.
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exethworta1975 · 6 months
ggpoker de
🎰🎲✨ Erhalten Sie 500 Euro und 200 Freispiele, plus einen zusätzlichen Bonus, um Casinospiele mit nur einem Klick zu spielen! ✨🎲🎰
ggpoker de
GGPoker ist eine Online-Pokerplattform, die für ihre herausragende Qualität und ihr beeindruckendes Spielerlebnis bekannt ist. In diesem Artikel werfen wir einen genaueren Blick auf GGPoker und bewerten die wichtigsten Aspekte dieser beliebten Pokerseite.
Zuallererst ist es wichtig zu erwähnen, dass GGPoker eine der am schnellsten wachsenden Online-Pokerplattformen ist, dank ihrer innovativen Funktionen und der breiten Palette an Spielangeboten. Egal, ob Sie Anfänger oder Profi sind, GGPoker bietet Poker-Varianten für alle Spielstärken und Vorlieben.
Die Software von GGPoker ist benutzerfreundlich und intuitiv gestaltet, was es selbst Einsteigern leicht macht, sich auf der Plattform zurechtzufinden. Darüber hinaus bietet GGPoker eine Vielzahl von Funktionen, die das Spielerlebnis angenehmer gestalten, wie beispielsweise personalisierte Avatare und Emoticons, die Sie während des Spiels verwenden können.
Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt, der bei der GGPoker-Bewertung berücksichtigt werden muss, sind die Turniere und Aktionen. GGPoker ist dafür bekannt, eine Vielzahl von aufregenden Turnieren anzubieten, einschließlich der beliebten "GG Series", bei denen Spieler um hohe Preisgelder spielen können. Darüber hinaus gibt es regelmäßige Poker-Aktionen, bei denen Spieler die Möglichkeit haben, zusätzliche Gewinne und Prämien zu erzielen.
Die Sicherheit und Fairness der Spiele sind ebenfalls von größter Bedeutung. Bei GGPoker können Sie sicher sein, dass Ihre persönlichen Daten und Ihre Finanztransaktionen geschützt sind. Die Plattform verwendet fortschrittliche Verschlüsselungstechnologien, um die Sicherheit der Spieler zu gewährleisten. Außerdem werden die Spiele von GGPoker regelmäßig auditiert, um sicherzustellen, dass sie fair und zufällig sind.
Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass GGPoker eine der besten Online-Pokerplattformen ist. Mit ihrer benutzerfreundlichen Software, einer Vielzahl von Spielmöglichkeiten, aufregenden Turnieren und Aktionen sowie der Garantie für Sicherheit und Fairness bietet GGPoker ein erstklassiges Spielerlebnis für alle Pokerliebhaber. Egal, ob Sie Anfänger oder Profi sind, GGPoker ist definitiv einen Besuch wert.
Registrierung bei GGPoker
Die Registrierung bei GGPoker ist eine einfache und unkomplizierte Prozedur, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, an spannenden Online-Pokerspielen teilzunehmen. GGPoker ist eine der beliebtesten Online-Pokerplattformen, die eine Vielzahl von Spieloptionen und Turnieren für Spieler aller Niveaus bietet. Wenn Sie sich für eine Registrierung entschieden haben, folgen Sie einfach den Schritten, die unten beschrieben werden:
GGPoker-Website besuchen: Gehen Sie zur offiziellen GGPoker-Website und klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche "Registrieren" oder "Anmelden". Sie finden diese normalerweise oben rechts auf der Webseite.
Persönliche Daten eingeben: Füllen Sie das Registrierungsformular mit Ihren persönlichen Daten aus. Dazu gehören in der Regel Ihr vollständiger Name, Geburtsdatum, E-Mail-Adresse, Adresse und Telefonnummer. Sie sollten sicherstellen, dass Sie genaue Informationen angeben, da diese benötigt werden, um Ihren Account zu verifizieren und Ihnen eventuelle Gewinne auszahlen zu können.
Benutzername und Passwort wählen: Wählen Sie einen Benutzernamen und ein sicheres Passwort für Ihren GGPoker-Account. Es wird empfohlen, ein starkes Passwort zu verwenden, das aus einer Kombination aus Buchstaben, Zahlen und Sonderzeichen besteht, um Ihre Daten vor unbefugtem Zugriff zu schützen.
Bestätigung und Verifizierung: Nachdem Sie alle erforderlichen Daten eingegeben haben, erhalten Sie normalerweise eine E-Mail von GGPoker zur Bestätigung Ihrer Registrierung. Klicken Sie auf den Bestätigungslink in der E-Mail, um Ihren Account zu aktivieren. In einigen Fällen kann GGPoker auch eine zusätzliche Verifizierung Ihrer Identität verlangen, indem Sie Kopien Ihrer Ausweisdokumente oder anderer Nachweise hochladen.
Einzahlung tätigen: Sobald Ihr Account bestätigt und verifiziert ist, können Sie eine Einzahlung vornehmen, um mit dem Spielen um Echtgeld zu beginnen. GGPoker bietet verschiedene sichere Zahlungsmethoden an, darunter Kreditkarten, E-Wallets und Banküberweisungen.
Nach Abschluss dieser Schritte sind Sie nun offiziell bei GGPoker registriert und bereit, die aufregende Welt des Online-Pokers zu erkunden. Denken Sie daran, verantwortungsbewusst zu spielen und Ihre Grenzen zu kennen, um ein positives und unterhaltsames Spielerlebnis zu gewährleisten.
Viel Glück an den Tischen!
Das Online-Poker-Spielen erfreut sich weltweit großer Beliebtheit, und GGPoker ist eine der führenden Plattformen für Spieler, die ihre Fähigkeiten unter Beweis stellen wollen. Hier sind drei Tipps, um erfolgreiches Online-Poker bei GGPoker zu spielen und Ihre Gewinnchancen zu maximieren:
Kenne die Regeln: Bevor Sie sich an einen Pokertisch setzen, ist es wichtig, die Regeln des Spiels zu verstehen. Bei GGPoker gibt es eine Vielzahl von Pokervarianten, wie Texas Hold'em und Omaha, sowie verschiedene Spielmodi wie Cash Games und Turniere. Nehmen Sie sich die Zeit, die spezifischen Regeln und Strategien jedes Spiels zu lernen, um Ihre Entscheidungen am Tisch fundiert treffen zu können.
Verwenden Sie die verfügbaren Tools: GGPoker bietet eine Reihe von Tools und Funktionen, die Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihre Spielweise zu optimieren. Nutzen Sie beispielsweise die Hand-History-Funktion, um vergangene Hände zu analysieren und Ihre Strategie zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus bietet GGPoker ein HUD (Heads-Up Display), das Ihnen wichtige Informationen über Ihre Gegner liefern kann, einschließlich ihrer Spielgewohnheiten und Statistiken. Indem Sie diese Tools effektiv nutzen, können Sie bessere Entscheidungen am Tisch treffen und Ihr Spiel auf ein neues Level heben.
Bankroll-Management: Eine effektive Verwaltung Ihrer Bankroll ist entscheidend, um langfristig erfolgreich beim Online-Poker zu sein. Setzen Sie sich klare Limits und spielen Sie nur mit Geld, auf das Sie sich leisten können zu verlieren. Es ist ratsam, Ihre Einsätze entsprechend Ihrer Bankroll anzupassen und nicht über Ihre finanziellen Möglichkeiten hinauszugehen. Durch ein vernünftiges Bankroll-Management vermeiden Sie unnötige Verluste und haben eine größere Chance, langfristig profitabel zu sein.
Mit diesen drei Tipps in der Hinterhand sind Sie bestens gerüstet, um erfolgreiches Online-Poker bei GGPoker zu spielen. Vergessen Sie nicht, dass Poker ein Spiel des Könnens ist und kontinuierliches Lernen sowie Erfahrung erforderlich sind, um Ihre Fähigkeiten zu verbessern. Viel Spaß und viel Erfolg beim Pokerspielen!
GGPoker ist eine beliebte Online-Pokerplattform, die Spielern aus der ganzen Welt eine Vielzahl von Zahlungsoptionen bietet. Mit diesen unterschiedlichen Zahlungsmethoden will GGPoker sicherstellen, dass Spieler ihre Konten bequem aufladen können, um an aufregenden Pokerturnieren und Cash Games teilzunehmen.
Eine der beliebtesten Zahlungsoptionen auf GGPoker ist die Kreditkarte. Spieler können ihre Visa- oder Mastercard verwenden, um direkt Geld auf ihr GGPoker-Konto einzuzahlen. Die Transaktion erfolgt schnell und sicher, sodass Spieler innerhalb weniger Minuten Poker spielen können.
Eine weitere Zahlungsmethode auf GGPoker ist der Banktransfer. Spieler können Geld von ihrem Bankkonto auf ihr GGPoker-Konto überweisen. Es ist ein einfacher und zuverlässiger Weg, um Geld einzuzahlen und mit dem Spielen zu beginnen.
E-Wallets sind eine weitere beliebte Option auf GGPoker. Spieler können bekannte E-Wallet-Dienste wie Skrill, Neteller und ecoPayz nutzen, um Geld auf ihr GGPoker-Konto einzuzahlen. Diese E-Wallets bieten sichere und schnelle Transaktionen und sind eine bequeme Option für Spieler.
Zusätzlich bietet GGPoker auch Zahlungen über Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin an. Dies ist eine immer beliebter werdende Option für Online-Zahlungen, da sie sicher und anonym ist. Spieler können ihre Bitcoin-Geldbörsen verwenden, um Geld auf ihr GGPoker-Konto zu transferieren und sofort mit dem Spielen zu beginnen.
GGPoker hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, eine breite Palette von Zahlungsoptionen anzubieten, um den Bedürfnissen aller Spieler gerecht zu werden. Ob es sich um traditionelle Zahlungsmethoden wie Kreditkarten oder moderne Optionen wie Kryptowährungen handelt, Spieler können sicher sein, dass GGPoker die richtige Zahlungslösung für sie bietet.
GGPoker ist eine der beliebtesten Online-Pokerplattformen, die eine Vielzahl von aufregenden Turnieren und Aktionen für Spieler anbietet. Wenn Sie ein passionierter Pokerspieler sind oder einfach nur Spaß am Kartenspiel haben, sollten Sie unbedingt einen Blick auf die großartigen Turniere und Aktionen von GGPoker werfen. Hier sind fünf, die Sie nicht verpassen sollten:
Die Sunday Majors: Jeden Sonntag veranstaltet GGPoker erstklassige Turniere, bekannt als die Sunday Majors. Diese Turniere bieten hohe garantierte Preispools und ziehen die besten Pokerprofis und Amateure aus der ganzen Welt an. Hier haben Sie die Chance, große Gewinne zu erzielen und sich mit den Besten der Besten zu messen.
Die GGMasters: Die GGMasters-Serie ist eine der herausragenden Turnierserien von GGPoker. Hier haben Spieler die Möglichkeit, an wöchentlichen Turnieren mit einem garantierten Preispool in Höhe von $1.000.000 teilzunehmen. Diese Turniere werden mit unterschiedlichen Buy-Ins angeboten, so dass für jeden Spielerlevel etwas dabei ist.
Die Daily Tournaments: GGPoker bietet auch eine breite Palette von täglichen Turnieren an, bei denen Spieler ihre Fähigkeiten unter Beweis stellen und um attraktive Preispools spielen können. Egal, ob Sie ein Anfänger oder ein erfahrener Spieler sind, hier finden Sie garantiert ein Turnier, das zu Ihnen passt.
Die Spin & Gold Turniere: Wenn Sie Poker in einem schnelleren Format genießen möchten, dann sind die Spin & Gold Turniere von GGPoker genau das Richtige für Sie. Hier spielen drei Spieler um einen zufällig generierten Preispool, der das Potenzial für hohe Gewinne bietet. Diese Turniere sind actiongeladen und ideal für Spieler, die den Nervenkitzel lieben.
Die Welcome-Bonus-Aktion: Als neuer Spieler bei GGPoker können Sie von einem großzügigen Willkommensbonus profitieren. GGPoker bietet einen 100% Einzahlungsbonus von bis zu $600 an. Das bedeutet, dass Sie Ihre erste Einzahlung verdoppeln können und somit mehr Geld haben, um an den aufregenden Turnieren und Aktionen teilzunehmen.
Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Spieler oder ein Neuling in der Welt des Online-Pokers sind, GGPoker hat für jeden etwas zu bieten. Die Turniere und Aktionen sind vielfältig und bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre Pokerfähigkeiten zu verbessern und gleichzeitig um attraktive Preise zu spielen. Verpassen Sie nicht die spannende Action bei GGPoker!
0 notes
(E)GG AU: Fu’s Story
One day, Wayzz sensed the Peacock cracking. He couldn’t tell exactly where it was (a precaution to protect against bad Guardians), just that it was in Paris. Fu transformed, intending to handle it himself, but quickly realized he was too old to wield the Miraculous.
(As kids lack maturity and the elderly have lived long enough to reach insanity, the Miraculous are designed so that holders outside of their “prime” can only use a power once per recharge (without the use of spells). Due to the effects of aging, elderly holders typically also experience loss of agility.)
Knowing he’d have to trust another holder again, he traveled to Paris to start seeking out new heroes.
(His experiences during The Great War influenced him to only release the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous, be adamant about not revealing their identities to anyone, and (partly influenced by his upbringing in the GO) seek out teen heroes: old enough to handle the power (though limited if he needed to relinquish it), but also too young to easily pack up and go (unlike the couple of adults who’d tried that). (Furthermore, though he had an understanding of modern revelations about youth, thus also being against teen marriage, it was still through an ancient lens. So, though he was aware of how stressful and demanding heroism and a double life would be, if they proved to be “mature”, he viewed placing the responsibility and high expectations on teens just the same as he would with a young adult.))
By the time the Butterfly was activated with nefarious intentions, he was prepared to give his top picks a final test just to double-check. (He’d admit he was more than a bit biased in picking Adrien, but how could he deny someone who only wished for freedom? Besides, as the boy was beloved by all, it would spare Plagg from having to once again deal with his power being used to tear down all his holder’s enemies. (Even still, the (subconscious) influence of The Great War made him hesitant to reveal his existence to the Cat holder (and the Ladybug holder by extension).))
Marinette and Adrien did even better than he expected, despite the first-time hiccup. He surely thought Marinette would quit after forgetting to purify the akuma, but she got back out there (which is far more than he could expect from himself) and exceeded all his expectations. He felt terrible for just throwing them into the fire, but he couldn’t risk connecting them to him. It wasn’t like he would be a good guide anyway, especially not above ancient beings.
But fate had other plans (yes, eventually meeting Adrien, but that would be later): Marinette brought the Grimoire to him, and gave him hope. Perhaps false, but hope nonetheless. The Grimoire had been left back at the temple, and if it survived, maybe some of the Guardians survived too. Much better suited for passing on the legacy than he was. Even still, Marinette certainly had the kwamis’ favor and the skill for it, maybe it was time to pass his knowledge on before time caught up with him. Passing on the Turtle (however temporary) must’ve been his first hint.
(He refers to his box as the “Chinese Miracle Box” because it’s the last box from the Chinese temple. With all the cross-culture influences, box trading, and even some Miraculous swaps between boxes, most of the boxes only represented awkward mash-ups of cultures.)
Getting sick was a stark reminder of his mortality. He wasn’t all that sick, he knew he wasn’t. He would recover just fine, probably in a few days and the medicine would quell his symptoms in the meantime. But… thinking about if he was that sick, the possibility of him later becoming that sick… It left him in the kind of mental anguish that hurt him physically. He was glad the doctor brushed it off as him being dramatic– he was! And neither she nor Marinette deserved to put up with his problems. But… still… He wanted to see Marianne again. He wanted to be with her again. And he completely understood if she didn’t want to after he left her behind for so long, but she deserved closure for why; that she did nothing wrong. And his anxiety pressured him to tell her now, so he asked Marinette to pass on his letter to her.
Marianne knew Fu’s letter was off. She knew reading to the end would clear everything up. It was just… all the talk of being “too late”… it sounded like the words of someone… No. No! It had to be something more bearable! It had to be… He didn’t love her anymore! Yes! Something she could get over. After all, they hadn’t seen each other in years. It would be pretty messed up that he sent Ladybug to deliver his message instead of coming in person to say so, but that’s a much better option than he physically couldn’t. Because he could! He’s fine! He’s alive! He’s not…! He’s not… He just doesn’t love her anymore because they haven’t seen each other in so long…
“Backwarder… You want to go back and make up for lost time.”
Oh, how she did. Maybe… Maybe they would’ve had more time before… before… Just become akumatized and you won’t have to think about it.
Why did she act so rashly? Now she and Fu were going to lose even more time together because she couldn’t just read to the end… That’s okay. He’s okay. That’s what’s important to her. She missed Fu, but if Ladybug was with him, that means he’s not alone. And she has Mr. Ramier, so she isn’t either. They’re okay.
It hurt Fu to lose Marianne again, but he should’ve known he was asking too much. He was supposed to be focused on helping Marinette become a Guardian, not his late-life romance. Though it was nice to know Marianne was okay.
[In this version of the Butterfly, Hawkmoth’s empathy is so bad, he constantly misreads feelings/doesn’t bother to look deeper into buried feelings (often just makes stuff up when he can’t tell at all). (There are many akuma I apply this idea to, but that’s a discussion for another post.)]
When he heard of the new exhibit from China, he was curious about what was dug up in his first home, and decided to tune in to the news broadcast. He never knew whether or not that had been a good thing.
He couldn’t leave her to fix his mistakes again. Not this one. He knew Marinette. He knew she would do everything she could to stop it. But she couldn’t. And she would die trying. After Adrien sacrificed himself first. No. He would handle this himself. He’d take their Miraculous to keep them out of danger and lead that beast away from everyone. He’d lead it all the way back to China and drown with it in a volcano if he had to. He would not– could not– let it destroy innocent people all over again. Perhaps Hawkmoth and Mayura would leave Paris to avoid getting their Miraculous eaten, or simply because he took the Ladybug and Cat with him. Maybe he could take them down with that beast. If he couldn’t, maybe the other heroes Marinette and Adrien met could. He just had to get that beast away from Paris. Away from Marinette and Adrien and Marianne. He had to.
He really shouldn’t have underestimated Marinette. She was an incredible Ladybug, and once again, she proved she’d earned her spot among the legendary heroes. He hoped he wasn’t too insulting in his doubt. The restoration of the temple, the Guardians, Su-Han, the news brought him to tears. But he knew he had to remain in Paris. Hawkmoth and Mayura were his responsibility. Besides, he was surely exiled now that Su-Han was back to explain what Fu had done. Someone would certainly come for the box, and he would give it up, but he would still stay to deal with the consequences of the attacking akumatized victims and sentimonsters.
(He even got his magic compass, and other assorted treats, back from the staff. His staff which was now at the Louvre. He allowed Ladybug to give it to them, as it was beautiful and well-designed and a piece of his history that should be shared with the world. Though he had mixed feelings about giving it to the same people who literally dug up his trauma.)
He never wanted to make Marinette the Guardian like this. If she didn’t need the magic he was passing onto her, he wouldn’t have put the burden on her at all. She didn’t need the stress. She was going through so much already. But someone would come for the box, and they could help her. He just hoped she’d be okay in the meantime.
It was strange not having memory. He didn’t even have enough to miss it. A courtesy of fate, he supposed. He felt bad not recognizing the people who apparently knew him, but they were so kind, he could hardly be upset by the idea of getting to know them again. Especially Marianne. He didn’t know why, but he felt so safe with her, like he could tell her anything. Maybe he used to.
Marianne thought she would’ve been more upset seeing Fu without his memories, but he looked so… relaxed. It was the first time she saw him without the weight of the world in his eyes. It was in an admittedly tragic way, but he was at peace. And she found herself just happy to be with him again. That they could be in peace.
Fu was different, of course. Sort of in the way that she felt like she was making a new friend (which she believed was only fair, as Fu was experiencing the same but to an even higher degree). Yet, he wasn’t as much of a “blank slate” as she had initially worried, and still retained many of his old habits and sense of morals. Just more relaxed, and less nervous. She supposed that made sense; the memories weren’t gone, even if he couldn’t access them. It would take some getting used to, he really wasn’t her old friend anymore, but she had no complaints, she liked her new friend too.
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nnjzz · 9 months
Le Non_Jazz
MARDI LE 16.01
Les Nautes 1 Quai des Célestins 75004 M° Sully-Morland
20:00 portes
20:45 action!
GAUTE GRANLI & LIONEL FERNANDEZ no / fr Deux parmi les ( très rares ) guitar-heroes préférés du Non_Jazz croiseront les manches de leurs instruments totémiques pour notre plus grand délice.  Les deux hommes s'étaient déjà croisés ça et là, lors de telle ou telle tournée  - qui avec son projet solo qui en groupe ( pêle-mêle - et je vous laisse démêler - avec / dedans RUMP STATE / GG / FIRMAET FORVOKSEN / CONTUMACE / SISTER IODINE / IBIZA DEATH... ) et visiblement ont dû suffisamment s'apprécier mutuellement - ainsi que leurs " univers sonores " respectifs - pour tenter de joindre leurs forces sous forme de ce nouveau duo inédit lors de la présente tournée.
PAULA SANCHEZ / ar Violoncelliste travaillant à l'intersection de l'improvisation libre / musique expérimentale / art / performance. Composition / décomposition +  destruction / construction / Pour " augmenter " son instrument, elle a recours aux techniques dites élargies ( p.ex. en utilisant des bouts de plastique / verre / végétaux... ), sans rechigner à y ajouter de l'électronique ou de la ... voix.
Plusieurs projets et collaborations ( avec Fred Frith, Mariana Carvalho, Violeta Garcia, Kevin Sommer... ) 
SISSY-MARICÓN TRICOT DE TÊTE au-tas / fr   Duo inédit - ? Ou : plus ou moins inédit entre deux agité(e)s du biscornu, Julia Drouhin et Blenno dWB.
Dr Julia Drouhin is a French Australian artist and curator based in Tasmania-lutruwita. She explores embodiment of invisible soundstreams that reveal friction in sociality and shift usual modes of transmission through radioscapes, installations and collaborative performances. Her work using field recordings, electromagnetic frequencies as well as textiles, edible and found objects had been presented in Europe, Hong Kong, Brazil, South Africa and Australia, as well as broadcast on terrestrial airwaves and online radios*.
Le Dr Julia Drouhin est une artiste et commissaire franco-australienne basée en Tasmanie-lutruwita. Elle explore l'incarnation de flux sonores invisibles qui révèlent des frictions dans la socialité et modifient les modes de transmission habituels à travers des paysages radiophoniques, des installations et des performances collaboratives. Son travail utilisant des enregistrements de terrain, des fréquences électromagnétiques ainsi que des textiles, des objets comestibles et trouvés a été présenté en Europe, à Hong Kong, au Brésil, en Afrique du Sud et en Australie, ainsi que diffusé sur les ondes terrestres et les radios en ligne*.
Blenno die WurstBrücke = informations virales. Presque de la musique. Transmettre...mais le chaos, mais des informations tronquées. Un chaos Arte Povera ou non-art.
Pousser une armée d'instruments bricolés (porte-voix, bandes magnétiques, jouets...) jusqu'au bout de l'aléatoire. Sons et volumes devenus collages. Les sons et formes se mêlent en une performance bruitiste mais non brutaliste: musique bidouillée, flippante et iconoclaste. Un sabbat de l'aléatoire, des lasagnes de collages totalement incontrôlables.
NOISETTE / fr À travers ses divers projets ( celui-ci mais aussi : Glass Nest, Harmoni, Desktop Tunes... ) Régis Lemberthe, artiste sonore basé à Berlin, utilise diverses approches et techniques pour " sculpter le son "
( electroaquatic experimental / coded sound-images/  "bureaucratic noise " / / ultramaximalist phygital explorations, " etc. " ). Noisette en est une facette autour de son travail avec un dispositif no-input.
" J’arriverai avec deux mixers et l'envie irrésistible de leur faire faire des choses indécentes: du noise, no-input, minimal, texturé, et qui pétille joliment. C’est un projet qui m’accompagne depuis quelques années, et que j’ai développé en simplifiant et dénumérisant progressivement mes installations précédentes. Il a tourné aux Philippines et en Indonésie ce printemps... "  
Fly - Jo L'Indien
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babyawacs · 1 year
.@bundeswehrinfo @bundeswehrinfo .@bundeswehr #bundeswehr ihr habt 3 e xtrem wertvolle dinge: #keypoint ihr solltet vieles intern daran ausrich ten umnichtzusagen alles 1 das grundgesetz alles wofuer millioendeu tsche verendeten vom soldat bis zur oma im keller mit feuerregen : fuehrte zu bittersten lektionen in genau diesem albernen nutzlosen sinnlosen GG  2 die internationalen beziehungen das schonimmer eingebundensein in w i c h t i g s t e m und prinzipiell g u t e m (imgegensatz zu sovi el schlimmerem moeglich mit den gehandhabten dingen) 3 die personalent wicklung aus khkckckckckckcackkkkkkkkkke goldmachen:  huetet euch vor identitaetsstiftung um nazikram und vor dem was die geheimdienste ans tellen und das verdrehen wie es irgendpasst denn wer blutet fuer die fe hler seid i h r  gruesse irgendsontypda I am Christian KISS BabyAW ACS - Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLO G https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] FluffyBunnySheepleSec [email protected] Helpful? support. donnate. pay. https://wi se.com/share/christiank426 https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/christiankiss
.@bundeswehrinfo @bundeswehrinfo .@bundeswehr #bundeswehr ihr habt 3 extrem wertvolle dinge: #keypoint ihr solltet vieles intern daran ausrichten umnichtzusagen alles 1 das grundgesetz alles wofuer millioendeutsche verendeten vom soldat bis zur oma im keller mit feuerregen : fuehrte zu bittersten lektionen in genau diesem albernen nutzlosen sinnlosen GG 2 die internationalen beziehungen das…
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