#episode: miracle queen
(E)GG AU: Fu’s Story
[Part 1: Fu’s backstory]
One day, Wayzz sensed the Peacock cracking. He couldn’t tell exactly where it was (a precaution to protect against bad Guardians), just that it was in Paris. Fu transformed, intending to handle it himself, but quickly realized he was too old to wield the Miraculous.
(As kids lack maturity and the elderly have lived long enough to reach insanity, the Miraculous are designed so that holders outside of their “prime” can only use a power once per recharge (without the use of spells). Due to the effects of aging, elderly holders typically also experience loss of agility.)
Knowing he’d have to trust another holder again, he traveled to Paris to start seeking out new heroes.
(His experiences during The Great War influenced him to only release the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous, be adamant about not revealing their identities to anyone, and (partly influenced by his upbringing in the GO) seek out teen heroes: old enough to handle the power (though limited if he needed to relinquish it), but also too young to easily pack up and go (unlike the couple of adults who’d tried that). (Furthermore, though he had an understanding of modern revelations about youth, thus also being against teen marriage, it was still through an ancient lens. So, though he was aware of how stressful and demanding heroism and a double life would be, if they proved to be “mature”, he viewed placing the responsibility and high expectations on teens just the same as he would with a young adult.))
By the time the Butterfly was activated with nefarious intentions, he was prepared to give his top picks a final test just to double-check. (He’d admit he was more than a bit biased in picking Adrien, but how could he deny someone who only wished for freedom? Besides, as the boy was beloved by all, it would spare Plagg from having to once again deal with his power being used to tear down all his holder’s enemies. (Even still, the (subconscious) influence of The Great War made him hesitant to reveal his existence to the Cat holder (and the Ladybug holder by extension).))
Marinette and Adrien did even better than he expected, despite the first-time hiccup. He surely thought Marinette would quit after forgetting to purify the akuma, but she got back out there (which is far more than he could expect from himself) and exceeded all his expectations. He felt terrible for just throwing them into the fire, but he couldn’t risk connecting them to him. It wasn’t like he would be a good guide anyway, especially not above ancient beings.
But fate had other plans (yes, eventually meeting Adrien, but that would be later): Marinette brought the Grimoire to him, and gave him hope. Perhaps false, but hope nonetheless. The Grimoire had been left back at the temple, and if it survived, maybe some of the Guardians survived too. Much better suited for passing on the legacy than he was. Even still, Marinette certainly had the kwamis’ favor and the skill for it, maybe it was time to pass his knowledge on before time caught up with him. Passing on the Turtle (however temporary) must’ve been his first hint.
(He refers to his box as the “Tibetan Miracle Box” because it’s the last box from the Tibetan temple. With all the cross-culture influences, box trading, and even some Miraculous swaps between boxes, most of the boxes only represented awkward mash-ups of cultures.)
Getting sick was a stark reminder of his mortality. He wasn’t all that sick, he knew he wasn’t. He would recover just fine, probably in a few days and the medicine would quell his symptoms in the meantime. But… thinking about if he was that sick, the possibility of him later becoming that sick… It left him in the kind of mental anguish that hurt him physically. He was glad the doctor brushed it off as him being dramatic– he was! And neither she nor Marinette deserved to put up with his problems. But… still… He wanted to see Marianne again. He wanted to be with her again. And he completely understood if she didn’t want to after he left her behind for so long, but she deserved closure for why; that she did nothing wrong. And his anxiety pressured him to tell her now, so he asked Marinette to pass on his letter to her.
Marianne knew Fu’s letter was off. She knew reading to the end would clear everything up. It was just… all the talk of being “too late”… it sounded like the words of someone… No. No! It had to be something more bearable! It had to be… He didn’t love her anymore! Yes! Something she could get over. After all, they hadn’t seen each other in years. It would be pretty messed up that he sent Ladybug to deliver his message instead of coming in person to say so, but that’s a much better option than he physically couldn’t. Because he could! He’s fine! He’s alive! He’s not…! He’s not… He just doesn’t love her anymore because they haven’t seen each other in so long…
“Backwarder… You want to go back and make up for lost time.”
Oh, how she did. Maybe… Maybe they would’ve had more time before… before… Just become akumatized and you won’t have to think about it.
Why did she act so rashly? Now she and Fu were going to lose even more time together because she couldn’t just read to the end… That’s okay. He’s okay. That’s what’s important to her. She missed Fu, but if Ladybug was with him, that means he’s not alone. And she has Mr. Ramier, so she isn’t either. They’re okay.
It hurt Fu to lose Marianne again, but he should’ve known he was asking too much. He was supposed to be focused on helping Marinette become a Guardian, not his late-life romance. Though it was nice to know Marianne was okay.
[In this version of the Butterfly, Hawkmoth’s empathy is so bad, he constantly misreads feelings/doesn’t bother to look deeper into buried feelings (often just makes stuff up when he can’t tell at all). (There are many akuma I apply this idea to, but that’s a discussion for another post.)]
When he heard of the new exhibit from Tibet, he was curious about what was dug up in his first home, and decided to tune in to the news broadcast. He never knew whether or not that had been a good thing.
He couldn’t leave her to fix his mistakes again. Not this one. He knew Marinette. He knew she would do everything she could to stop it. But she couldn’t. And she would die trying. After Adrien sacrificed himself first. No. He would handle this himself. He’d take their Miraculous to keep them out of danger and lead that beast away from everyone. He’d lead it all the way back to Tibet and drown with it in a volcano if he had to. He would not– could not– let it destroy innocent people all over again. Perhaps Hawkmoth and Mayura would leave Paris to avoid getting their Miraculous eaten, or simply because he took the Ladybug and Cat with him. Maybe he could take them down with that beast. If he couldn’t, maybe the other heroes Marinette and Adrien met could. He just had to get that beast away from Paris. Away from Marinette and Adrien and Marianne. He had to.
He really shouldn’t have underestimated Marinette. She was an incredible Ladybug, and once again, she proved she’d earned her spot among the legendary heroes. He hoped he wasn’t too insulting in his doubt. The restoration of the temple, the Guardians, Su-Han, the news brought him to tears. But he knew he had to remain in Paris. Hawkmoth and Mayura were his responsibility. Besides, he was surely exiled now that Su-Han was back to explain what Fu had done. Someone would certainly come for the box, and he would give it up, but he would still stay to deal with the consequences of the attacking akumatized victims and sentimonsters.
(He even got his magic compass, and other assorted treats, back from the staff. His staff which was now at the Louvre. He allowed Ladybug to give it to them, as it was beautiful and well-designed and a piece of his history that should be shared with the world. Though he had mixed feelings about giving it to the same people who literally dug up his trauma.)
He never wanted to make Marinette the Guardian like this. If she didn’t need the magic he was passing onto her, he wouldn’t have put the burden on her at all. She didn’t need the stress. She was going through so much already. But someone would come for the box, and they could help her. He just hoped she’d be okay in the meantime.
It was strange not having memory. He didn’t even have enough to miss it. A courtesy of fate, he supposed. He felt bad not recognizing the people who apparently knew him, but they were so kind, he could hardly be upset by the idea of getting to know them again. Especially Marianne. He didn’t know why, but he felt so safe with her, like he could tell her anything. Maybe he used to.
Marianne thought she would’ve been more upset seeing Fu without his memories, but he looked so… relaxed. It was the first time she saw him without the weight of the world in his eyes. It was in an admittedly tragic way, but he was at peace. And she found herself just happy to be with him again. That they could be in peace.
Fu was different, of course. Sort of in the way that she felt like she was making a new friend (which she believed was only fair, as Fu was experiencing the same but to an even higher degree). Yet, he wasn’t as much of a “blank slate” as she had initially worried, and still retained many of his old habits and sense of morals. Just more relaxed, and less nervous. She supposed that made sense; the memories weren’t gone, even if he couldn’t access them. It would take some getting used to, he really wasn’t her old friend anymore, but she had no complaints, she liked her new friend too.
[Continued (kind of) in the AU’s version of “Furious Fu”.]
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big-moon-little-moon · 10 months
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Why should Ashton choose a god when they just witnessed the greatest miracle be performed by a simple old turtle lady - making FCG admit that they need help too.
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bumblingbabooshka · 9 months
'Message in a Bottle' is so funny because imagine you're Starfleet and you just set loose a brand-new state of the art ship. You lose contact with it and send someone to investigate. When they come back they tell you that the ship fired at them, literally every single Starfleet officer aboard was killed, there are unconscious bodies of Romulans littering the floor and in the middle of this carnage there's an outdated model of a medical hologram which is acting uncannily human and claiming that it has a message from the long-lost USS Voyager: "We're still alive." Voyager really earns its rep as a doom harbinger.
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the folk of the air 🤝 the queen's gambit 🤝 the bear season 1
narratives that all seem to be hurtling unstoppably towards isolation and destruction and then the last episode or book is just screaming over and over again actually you are loved you are loved you have always been loved you are loved so so much
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10underoot2 · 2 months
So Haein basically told him that the MP3 was hers telling him that she remembers such a small detail from High school cause it pertains to them only to say immediately afterwards I'm going to be reborn soon after my surgery.
I - I'm not okay.
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xhanisai · 1 year
Chat Blanc should have been a two part season finale for season 3 and not that chewed up bubble gum giant head of an akuma or chloe’s millionth tantrum akuma I WILL ALWAYS BE MAD ABOUT THIS
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geekgirles · 2 years
So Determination has already started to sink my hopes, seeing as how Chloé literally berated Ladybug for losing the miraculous and indirectly caused another akuma out of pettiness and jealousy, but I really do hope they don't go with the predictable route and have Lila easily manipulate her now that they are supposed to be allies.
The thing is, their whole villainous team-up is a great chance to explore Chloé's character beyond the rich spoiled brat aspect of her personality the show's been reinforcing for most of its run. I'm not saying they try to redeem her—that ship has regrettably obviously sailed at this point—, but it'd be good if they went back to the characterisation she was given in seasons 2 and 3 when her time being Queen Bee proved she can actually be rather resourceful and competent when she puts her mind to it.
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Which are qualities she will need if we hope to see something interesting out of her little alliance with Lila.
Personally, I think it would be very compelling if Chloé never really stopped suspecting Lila after the secret formula to call Ladybug fiasco. Or at least if the writers kept that aspect of their relationship consistent and didn't sweep it under the rug now. 
As @nobodyfamousposts ‘s posts have proven, I might be setting myself up for disappointment with that one.
If you think about it, after season 3 Chloé has, objectively, no reason to like or trust Lila. Nor does she have a reason to understand why she (Lila) would want to ally herself with her, of all people.
During Miraculer Chloé was about to discover Lila is a liar and a fraud and call her out on the fake secret formula she gave her. And she would have learned the truth hadn't Lila been quick enough to point out Ladybug did come to her, which was the whole point of the stupid dance she made her perform anyways.
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What does that tell us?
Just like everyone else, Chloé is under the impression that Lila is either best friends with Ladybug, or at least in close contact with her.
With that in mind, why should Chloé ally herself with her after the events of Miracle Queen? More importantly, everyone knows Chloé no longer stands Ladybug, so why would her supposed best friend want anything to do with her?
One could argue their alliance is actually against Marinette, someone whom Lila all but admitted to hate back in Penalteam (but let's be real, she was clearly referring to both Marinette and Ladybug). And while Chloé clearly has a bone to pick with Marinette, from her perspective...Lila has absolutely no reason to dislike her that much?
Because from Chameleon to Ladybug Lila has repeatedly made it so it appears obvious to everyone that the one holding a grudge is Marinette against her, while she seemingly acts like she respects and tries to be her friend just like everyone else in the class. With that in mind, Chloé should have no reason to believe Lila hates her too.
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And here's where Chloé’s characterisation could benefit from!
Chloé got confirmation from Lila that she hates Marinette, meaning she's not quite the saint she makes herself out to be to their classmates. I believe it would be very interesting if Chloé were the one to realise how much of a liar she really is by pretending to be friends with her while she tries to expose her for intending to use her.
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I mean, there is absolutely no way Chloé would just accept the mere idea of being used by someone. Her! Chloé Bourgeois manipulated by some nobody? Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!
Who knows, it might even be satisfying and fun to watch if it's Chloé, of all people, who ends up exposing Lila for the liar she is. Because maybe Marinette will try to listen to Adrien's advice and take the high road. But Chloé? Yes, she's definitely that petty.
I don't know, maybe some less emotionally-driven, more objective analysts like @kisilinramblings​ will be able to come up with a more likely outcome, but I just feel that, despite of everything, Chloé’s character deserves better than to be reduced to being Lila's puppet.
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ricketycr1cks · 1 year
which scene from sunny makes you the most emotional?
God there’s so many mfhp, Dennis getting the rpg, like any scene that talks about/alludes to Macs childhood, Dennis leaving, and the end of the gang broke Dee all are pretty emotional to me in their own ways
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makerofmadness · 1 year
Finished season 3 of miraculous tonight.
canon doesn't exist if I don't look at it *talking about chloe*
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felixfathom · 1 year
we need a feligami ice cream scene. i will shut up about that weird man's obsession with teenagers' love lives if he does this one thing for me
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tuiyla · 2 years
That was average but a great string of Santana episodes is coming up and she’s always worth the wait
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zoe-oneesama · 5 months
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She got the Miracle Queen Upgrade~
Episode 51 Part 9 First < Previous > Next Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 43, Ep 44 Ep 45, Ep 46, Ep 47, Ep 48, Intermission, Ep 49, Ep 50
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beauspot · 11 months
Thoughts on my second watch of Good Omens 2
i heard the fly buzzing in my first watch but didn’t know why and now i know
Maggie my sweet darling angel baby i love you
Aziraphale turning their car yellow
crowleys “no more dying” in extreme scottish.
Disposable Demon i’ll save you from these awful people i promise 😭
Aziraphale’s little smile when he says “smitten” to Crowley
i wonder if crowley was especially hurt because aziraphale seemed to be able to forgive gabriel who tried to kill him but can’t seem to forgive him being a demon.(still seeing all of this as a metaphor for internalized homophobia, like aziraphale knows he’s not the perfect angel he wants to be and he’s projecting his feelings about that onto crowley)
I can’t believe we got an actual ball. like pride and prejudice, bridgerton ball.
the beautiful score that started playing when aziraphale brought the chandelier down
i didn’t even realize that when they walked in the outfits changed. mrs sandwich made me realize(also i love her)
Nina being the only one to question the weird magical shit Aziraphale and Crowley do sends me so bad.
Season 2 took everything i liked about the first season (aziracrow, queer subtext, gay people, archangels, and beelzebub) and expanded on it
The adorable smile on Aziraphales face when he asked Crowley to dance 😭 he’s so pure(i should have known something was up, everything was going too well)
Crowley saying i won’t leave you on your own and Aziraphale saying i know 🤒
why isn’t aziraphale able to miracle nina and maggie??
crowley and mrs sandwich flirting. too cute
crowley saying he’s neither nice nor a lad.
crowleys little run in heaven when he’s following muriel
maggie giving the middle finger to the demons and laughing in their face when they tried to belittle her. queen
defensive aziraphale is so badass. just because he’s soft doesn’t mean he can’t stand up for himself or the people he loves
the random guitar solo in the final episode theme is so bizarre to me. why is it there?
ahh the raining hearts symbolizing crowleys vavoom plan!
crowley’s heavenly outfit not being white but “light grey”
the relief in aziraphale’s voice when crowley came back 😀
also him mumbling about the halo like he did with the sword 😭 but he sure loves to boast about the things he’s done right to crowley
aziraphale and crowley doing magic together has the power to set off alarm bells in heaven and they barely tried, they’re just in sync
saraqael was such a good addition to the cast.
crowley smiling at aziraphale going off on the angels and demons
“where beelzebub is, is my Heaven.” 🥹
the little knowing look after crowley mentions alpha centauri
the way they just interrupted michael’s speech by leaving 😭
i think that aziraphale was about to ask crowley to move in but that’s my opinion
the look the metatron gave crowley is so strange. i don’t like that
“You’re not helping, angel.”
the softness in aziraphale’s voice when he talked about making crowley an angel again? how can you hate him! he thought he was doing the right thing!
also the miscommunication these two have is completely out of hand because crowley asked aziraphale if he said no and aziraphale hadn’t given an answer AT ALL to the metatron. the metatron told him to take his time. he went back to tell crowley the news first.
crowleys confession makes my stomach hurt. the way his voice broke when he said “we’ve spent our existence pretending that we aren’t.”. the way he had to force himself past his anxiety to tell aziraphale he wanted to spend eternity with him? fuck.
the way aziraphale tells crowley to come with him. like and through all of this they are losing each other, oh my god.
“i need you!” god aziraphale punch me in the face next time why don’t you?
i feel like in all this anger towards aziraphale a lot of people are ignoring that he put himself out there too. he was telling crowley he needed him just like crowley was
“no nightingales.” FUCK YOU GAIMAN
the way aziraphale touched his lips after. dear GOD. someone get michael sheen an emmy
seeing aziraphale struggle against his wanting to kiss crowley back and his fear and wanting him to come back to heaven further supports my internalized homophobia analogy
also even knowing the kiss was going to happen because of the spoiler it still didn’t quell my shock. nor did it ruin the scene, i think it actually surprised me more because it did not happen how i thought it would.
side note i saw some people saying they thought the kiss was going to be a cop out in some way. like a body swap or as a joke and i don’t really know why?
it just occurred to me that both aziraphale and crowley thought the other one was just doing that thing they do where they say they won’t help, or they’re on their own but they eventually come back not knowing that the other was completely set on these plans they had. this wasn’t like armageddon or saving gabriel.
the second coming…of jesus…
crowley cutting off “a nightingale sang in berkeley square”...i’m gonna jump
this being the ending for the next 3-4 years. oh.
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lyralit · 1 month
writing prompts from ttpd quotes
took a miracle move-on drug, the effects were temporary
but I've seen this episode and still loved the show
this ain't the chelsea hotel, we're modern idiots
left all these broken parts // told me I'm better off // but I'm not
down bad, waking up in blood // staring at the sky, come back and pick me up
& I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free
I learned these people try and save you // 'cause they hate you
scandal does funny things to pride, but brings lovers closer
at the park where we used to sit on childrens' swings // wearing imaginary rings
barricaded in the bathroom with a bottle of wine // well, me and my ghosts, wе had a hell of a time
love left me like this and I don't want to exist // so take me to Florida
what if the way you hold me is actually what's holy?
I was tame, I was gentle, til the circus life made me mean // don't you worry folks, we took out all her teeth
you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
he had a halo of the highest grade // he just hadn't met me yet
dancing phantoms on the terrace // are they second-hand embarrassed // that I can't get out of bed? // 'cause something counterfeit's dead
our field of dreams, engulfed in fire // your arson's match, your somber eyes
you're the loss of my life
breaking down, I hit the floor // all the pieces of me shattering as the crowd was chanting "more!"
'cause once your queen had come // you treat her like an also-ran // you didn't measure up // in any measure of a man
he jokes that it's heroin, but this time with an "e"
it's hell...on...earth...to...be...heeeaaveeenlyyyy
you've got edge, she never did // the future's bright....dazzling
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chocostrwberry · 7 days
If yall have noticed, I often mention “seasons” when describing the timeline of my AU.
“Choco?? What are these seasons you are talking about? Why are there only three when the show has five??”
Sit down, little one, and let me tell you a story…
But anyways-
I have split the events that happen in my AU into seasons because then it’s easier for me to keep my facts and timeline in order!
Season 1: Gabriel can create sentimonsters.
In this season, it’s establishing the world of Miraculous. Marinette and Adrien is learning how to be miraculous holders while navigating their own lives.
Introduction of her classmates and Marinette/Adrien’s world.
Luka is introduced, and near the end of the season he breaks up with Marinette because of the lying and lack of transparency. (Post break-up, Adrien finds her crying and stays with her to make her feel better. Adrinette points!)
Marinette’s ladybug duties makes her more and more unreliable for Alya, and they have a fight. Marinette is almost akumatized, but Tikki shoos the butterfly away. However, it ends up akumatizing Alya.
Alya also finds out/speculates she is Ladybug, and works with Luka to try and figure out if it’s true. She ultimately is convinced it’s true, but Luka eventually goes back on it after Ladybug denies it to his face.
Chloe’s redemption arc begins after being confronted by Adrien about bullying Marinette and destroying her dress, causing her akumatization. This leads to a brief breakup in their relationship, and Nino gets to know him. (Also more Adrinette points)
Some Ladrien and LadyNoir moments occur
Lila is introduced, and secretly knows that the Agreste family has at least the peacock miraculous. She tries flirting with Adrien to get access to the family, but it doesn’t work. Chloe and Marinette are the only ones who don’t trust her. Chloe warns Adrien, but he doesn’t believe her. Marinette exposes one of Lila’s lies, but Lila plays victim and Marinette’s reputation goes down.
Tikki urges Marinette to visit Master Fu and tell him about Lila’s appearance. She agrees.
Lila works with Hawkmoth to gain both the ladybug and cat miraculous by letting him Akumatize her, offering her services to him.
Lila is also able to infiltrate the Agreste mansion after Adrien invites her over out of pity. She finds the spellbook, and “innocently” tells Gabriel she can read it after being caught, which ends up with them cracking a deal.
Ladybug is made the guardian of the miraculous by Master Fu through a ritual before Lila finds him, since he knows that if she is in Paris , she’ll looking for the miracle box. By the time Lila is at his home, Master Fu is gone and so is the miracle box.
At the end of this season, Marinette is the new Guardian of the Miraculous and has kwami living in her bedroom. Lila is mostly a minion for Hawkmoth/Gabriel’s mysterious goals. She is the one to convince Nathalie to use the broken peacock miraculous, introduce the concept of unification to Gabriel, and helps him decipher the spellbook so he can fix the peacock miraculous. (Lila does not know Gabriel and Hawkmoth are the same person.)
The time span for this season is about 4 months, starting in the beginning of Junior year.
Season 2: Emelie wakes up.
This season focuses on the lore of the miraculous. Ladybug unifies miraculous every other episode to defeat both akumas and sentimonsters, while Gabriel works on fixing the peacock miraculous. Lots of kwami-swaps and unified ladybug happen in this season! (Scarabella, Queen Bee, Carapace, Ladybee, etc.) Marinette is also warming up to Adrien.
Thanks to Plagg’s advice, Adrien tells Chloe he has a crush on Marinette. She stops bullying her because of it.
Because Marinette is getting sick from unification, and there are now sentimonsters and akumas to fight, Tikki suggests giving others the miraculous for aid. She decides to give Alya the fox miraculous, even though Trixx isn’t happy about it. She also gives one to Chloe and Nino on seperate occasions.
Nathalie is becoming more and more sick, and Adrien is getting flashbacks of his mother, causing him to be panicky and anxious. (Flashbacks on his childhood with Nathalie)
Official Marichat! (Nino finds out but keeps it a secret with Marinette). But then they break up and Chat Noir gets Akumatized :,(
Marinette is framed by Lila for exposing a secret about Chloe on her birthday after finally getting on semi-alright terms. She clears her name and exposes Lila for what she’s done. Because she no longer has any influence over anyone/trusts her anymore, Lila no longer attends the school.
Introducing Zoe, and reveals Chloe’s backstory and the history between their mother. She also gets akumatized when she overhears her classmates talking about her shallow personality.
Lila now has the fox miraculous (thanks to Trixx, who left Alya to be with Lila because he doesn’t like Tikki and loves conflict), and Volpina is terrorizing the duo along with the akuma and sentimonsters.
Chloe’s redemption arc ends, with her suggesting to Ladybug to give her bee miraculous to Zoe after messing up too many times.
Gabriel finishes fixing the peacock miraculous, and unifies it with the butterfly miraculous. This is when Lila finds out that Gabriel is Hawkmoth.
Because of a weakened Marinette from unifying, she is unable to help her team (Chat Noir, Scarabella, Carapace, Vesperia) defeat an Akumatized Volpina and her army of sentimonsters, and she successfully takes the ladybug and cat miraculous and brings it to Hawkmoth (against her own will, since she is Akumatized. She learns Adrien is Chat Noir.)
Adrien decides to go after her, and Adrien discovers Lila is Volpina. The curse is activated and they both forget each other next season.
By the end of the season, Hawkmoth has completed his mission and trades his life for Emelie’s. A part of Lila’s backstory is revealed. Adrien realizes his father was Hawkmoth.
This season ends at the end of Junior year, breaching into summer.
Season 3: Marinette’s Sacrifice
This is the final season of my AU!
SUMMER BREAK: more of a “flashback” episode
Lila, now Cerise, is using another fake name be in contact with Emelie. Since Adrien forgot who Lila was/looked like, he doesn’t seem concerned with this girl. Cerise also doesn’t remember Adrien.
Only Adrien and Nathalie know about Hawkmoth’s secret identity. Everyone else thinks that Gabriel Agreste was killed in the Akuma/Sentimonster attack on their home. Adrien struggles to accept the fact his father did those things, and has no one to tell except Plagg and Nathalie, growing their relationship and making Emelie jealous.
Adrien calls and talks with Nino often, and he starts to realize how restrictive his mother is.
Felix is introduced. (Adrien tells Nino that his aunt and cousin is coming to visit during the school year to help take care of his mom and get her readjusted.)
Felix and Adrien struggle to get along.
Kagami enters the scene. It is clear Felix has had a crush on her since an early age.
Emelie meets Nino, who she doesn’t approve of. She tells him only Chloe is allowed at the mansion anymore.
Kagami eventually breaks off the engagement with Adrien.
Adrien starts dating Marinette after having trouble asking her out. Emelie is heavily against it and forbids him from seeing her, furious from the end of his engagement with Kagami. She threatens to unenroll him from school and return to homeschooling. Cue Akumatized Adrien!
Emelie makes a deal with Cerise that if she keeps an eye on Adrien, she can have the butterfly miraculous left by her husband.
Cerise has the butterfly and peacock miraculous. She unifies them to be The Empress. (She ends up trading the peacock miraculous to Felix for him to do her bidding.)
Argos decides to kidnap Kagami while she is out with Marinette. Some silly little happenings later and Ladybug tells him that superhero-civilian relationships never work out (recalling her break-up with Chat Noir). She advises him to talk to Kagami as himself.
Cerise uses the butterfly to Akumatize people as Madame Morphosis.
Felix confesses to Kagami and their relationship develops.
Emelie threatens Nathalie to stay professional with Adrien and not go against Emelie’s wishes, or else she will be fired. Emelie then sends Nathalie on various business trips, leaving Adrien.
Because of the extra survellience, Adrien has to sneak out to be Chat Noir and see Marinette. However, Nathalie occasionally helps him. Emelie finds out, and fires her.
Ladrien episode, and he opens up to Ladybug and tells her his father was Hawkmoth. They have a bonding moment.
Because Marinette is often sick and Adrien is stuck at home/modelling, Tikki and Plagg figure out who to give the miraculous to. (Scarabella and Kitty Noir!!)
Trixx tells Cerise that Marinette is the one who has the miracle box.
Argos (because he promised to help Madame Morphosis) goes to steal the miracle box from Marinette, but they work together to trick her. They bring an empty miracle box to Cerise, and Marinette has Alya give the other miraculous to her classmates, to distribute them and make it harder for Lila.
Cerise, furious, uses an illusion as Volpina to get Amelie to give her Felix’s amok. (Gabriel told her before he died that they had once used the peacock miraculous for Amelie’s son, before it broke. And Felix also told her when trying to convince her to give him the miraculous.)
Eventually (Feligami and Adrinette moments happens, Cerise’s downfall mentally, Cerise uses his amok to manipulate them poof Felix in revenge, she finds out that Marinette’s classmates have the miraculous and uses Akumas and Sentimonsters to hunt them down, Ladybug-Chat Noir-Carapace-Vesperia team) Cerise gathers all the miraculous and unifies them, becoming the Senti-Queen and using Marinette’s friends as bait for Chat Noir and Ladybug.
Marinette exposes her identity to all of Paris because of Senti-Queen, and she is aware in a few hours everyone she’s ever known will forget her. Chat Noir reveals himself as Adrien to her before she takes his and the ladybug miraculous, and unifies them to become Gimmi Marinette and destroy Senti-Queen for good!
Because of the immense power, Senti-Queen is in a crazed, hallucinogenic rage. Her full backstory is revealed. Her real name is Ah Lam, which means “peace”, a name given to her by Master Fu. She was raised by him to be the next Ladybug, but is fueled by rage and hatred when he gives it to someone else. Marinette feels Senti-Queen’s mixed emotions of betrayal and hate and loneliness, and her kindness shines through. She uses the Lucky Charm to rebirth Ah Lam as a child, giving her the opportunity to live a normal and love-filled life, the one she never had.
She also uses the Miracle Cure to restore the destruction caused by Senti-Queen and revive Felix. The miracle cure DOES NOT revive Lila or Marinette herself because it only fixes damages and deaths caused by the miraculous to other people, not on themselves.
The time span is towards the end of Senior Year, when they were suppose to graduate.
So Marinette no longer exists, no one remembers her, and there’s a child version of Lila now.
Now what??
Child Lila is adopted by Marinette’s parents, who have always wanted to have a child. They rename her Marion. It means “wished for child” :,) But also “sea of sorrows”, symbolizing Lila’s life and the pain she caused!
Adrien now has pretty much all of the miraculous, and the Order of the Guardians come to reclaim them. He only remembers Ladybug, and believes she was the one to unify the miraculous. He has no recollection of Marinette.
As an adult, he works with them to watch over Marion, since she’s an anomaly.
This is a very concise version of the seasons (only including main events related to the plot). Congrats for making it to the end heheh!
Have some cake! 🍰
Eat it under this rainbow for a break! You deserve it!
“You still haven’t explained why there are only three seasons!”
Oh yeah! Sorry!
It’s because I feel like it took 5 seasons in canon to explain what happened in 3. I imagine my AU to be a Disney-owned show that was about to cancelled.
How can I sum up the plot of Miraculous Ladybug in 3 seasons, 12-15 episodes each?
But yup! That’s it! Hope you had fun reading!!
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captainjoongki · 3 months
okay okay lets think about this - queen of tears was marketed as a "MIRACULOUS rebirth of love", haein talking every episode about her miracle for her cure and that she WILL find it, hyunwoo extending her life line with his pen, hyunwoo managing to find her whenever haein is lost...........they gave her an illness that actually does not exist in real life........the doctor today (hello klaus' father) saying let's wait and see............hyunwoo WILL save his wife and they will be HAPPY TOGETHER and get to TRAVEL and be at PEACE trust me trust me here! stick with me!!!!!!
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