#(I WOULD talk abt it more if I could just find decent posts describing the issues and almost all around symptoms thyroid fluctuations can)
koushirouizumi · 1 year
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{What an "emergency supply" of Levothyroxine looks like.}
by @koushirouizumi {DO NOT re-purpose without asking me first or I stg}
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stealingpotatoes · 8 months
Invitation to talk about Sayuri and Nymie?
:D CAN OF WORMS: OPENED!! i'll tell u abt how they got found as Jedi
ok so Sayuri is one of the students that doesn't rlly go home bc there isn't much to go back to. Basically her parents were Rebellion pilots (or one was a pilot the other a mechanic. kinda unsure) but were both killed in action against the Empire abt 3-4ABY ish. obvs the Rebellion couldn't look after a 7-8yo while fighting the Empire
so the remainder of the squad manage to get her back to her parents' home village/ where she was born. so having like Everything change all at once leaves her pretty ?? and gives her some serious trusting-her-environment issues. her coolgirl "i dont care" persona is very much a result of this bc she's worried abt getting too comfy in smthn. (which is at odds w the OTHER issue she got from this event which is "deathly afraid of flying" an issue not helped if Master "traffic laws are just guidelines" Skywalker is piloting. but she tries 2 act like shes fine)
this is gonna get kinda long so im gonna smack some unposted art here and then go into a readmore
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anyway fast forwarding to when Sayuri's abt 13 (roughly 9aby) she's visiting her parent's old squadron on a New Republic bc they'd all come visit whenever she could and after the Empire's fall they did a lot more pick her up and fly her to a base to ALL see her. and they're like omg Sayuri you came at the PERFECT time bc this rlly amazing pilot war hero who's also some like. mystical whatever is here!! he's on his way to some magic place we heard. maybe u can meet him!! which sayuri meets w her usual whatever bc she's not that gassed abt war heroes.
very worth noting that the squad's probably all seen her move shit with her mind, but theyre like oh you know how it is with teenage girls. the "nobody knows what a jedi is" + "the empire existed for a decent bit of her childhood" thing has kept anyone from being like yeahh sayuri should like. talk to someone abt this.
anyway she goes along when the squad are like c'mon let's see if we can see him. ok the only way i can describe this is you know the spiderverse like... spidey-sense recognition thing? that's basically what happens LOL Luke and Sayuri both have a FORCE USER RECOGNISED?? moment and Luke then makes a beeline for her then realises oh shit tiny teenager not jedi. would you LIKE to be a jedi?? and sayuri who hates her village and is feeling the strongest emotional connection she's felt in forever w this stranger she met 2 seconds ago is like okay fuckin sure yeah. and woo jedi!!
i posted my unposted nymie art yesterday but likkeeee pretend theres some here <3
So Sayuri falls into the "one of the Jedi found them thru the force or by chance" category of students who get found. However Nymie very much falls into the second category, which is "CAN SOMEONE DEAL WITH THIS WEIRD SUPERPOWERED CHILD FOR US????"
So 2 things about Nymie: 1. like i've said before, she's from a very rich high class pantoran family. super stuck up, mostly raised by nannies & tutors, but somehow Nymie just didn't get the stuck-up genes like all her (4!!) siblings who are just obsessed w their social standing etc and is instead just :D all the time. 2. her proficiency ig is the living force esp in the 'good at connecting to animals' way (which I think means I legally need to draw her w Ezra).
so the former often led her to escaping her family's stuffy parties and galas or whatever (usually to whoever's house it is' garden or somewhere she wasnt meant to be) to find something interesting. usually a pet <3 one particular time when she was 9 she was following her Pet Sense but couldnt find anything in the house. so she kinda just reached out more and long story short thats how Nymie managed to call this hugemassive beast (i'd tell u what it was if i knew pantoran animals LOL) out of the nearby countryside to her. massively distressing for everyone, all these rich ppl were like "OH MY GOD I NEARLY DIED" (it didnt attack anyone). very funny exciting time for Nymie who was enjoying this new beastie friend til animal control showed up. saddening. everyone is confused bc HOW did that happen
a dude old (and cool) enough to have seen more than one jedi in their heyday (+ idk uni researcher knows his shit) noticed what happened w it going straight to Nymie and overheard her account and realised what happened and was like hi nymie's parents. i think u need to get into contact w the new republic bc thats a jedi right there (which they take and go oo social climbing. we have a jedi child people will think we're cooler. bc theyre assholes)
and yeah im losing steam now but luke shows up and she joins the academyyay!
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the unique letters of "william frederick roland"
thank you!! i love that guy
W: Worst month?
february still, but november can eat shit too. xmas is starting to get more annoying and thanksgiving is Worse b/c like, horrible holiday in concept and nothing to celebrate in the least, and it’s alright that people give you food probably but like, the dishes are like, not even the best. nobody likes turkey or yams and yet. and the nightmare of spending time with Family? jesus.....also, it’s just like, you’re facing eons of Winter and it’s already getting cold as shit and when daylight savings begins or ends or whatever and suddenly the sun is down at 4:53pm and it just gets worse from there and it’s just a crap month
I: Interest?
well look if you follow me for like a month you probably catch on to a lot of my Interests but i’ll take this chance to tell a recent only-interesting-to-me story
so back in like middle school yrs (2005-2008) i was real into sherlock holmes stuff!! which is easy to forgot b/c the interest kinda continued into college and then [that text post about the ghost of arthur conan doyle sobbing w/ gratitude to bbc sherlock for achieving his dream of making ppl hate sherlock holmes] and i was like well i’m watching this youtube horror series anyways. but like, in those years, prior to the guy ritchie movie and the Modern SH Media Revival that followed, SH was like, real niche. like obviously everyone knows of it but like. beyond that, kinda obscure at that point to be like, currently and actively ~into~ it. but i was out there watching jeremy brett on pbs Mystery slots, seeing multiple hound of the baskervilles adaptations, and lugging our giant “half of a 2-vol dictionary”-sized copy of the complete canon around, and i read the whole thing
i wasn’t super Online prior to 2008 but somehow i stumbled across such a Wildly Niche thing where this dude in peoria would make “comics” by photographing action figures and giving them speech bubbles and would make really specific references to stories and adaptations and it was really funny to me and that’s how i discovered that there was this particular fan culture self-identified as sherlockians where like, i mean really it’s just that you like sherlock holmes obviously but beyond that, there could be your local sherlockian society which i guess is like a book club roughly but also there’d be things like just making up fun things to do based on the stories, like celebrating reichenbach day by doing whatever you want or referecing the musgrave ritual story in which it’s like “follow these precise directions to Find Thing” and then you do act out those directions....thrilling, right? but i doubt anyone expects this victorian-ass interest to be wildly sexy and heartpounding stuff. and it’s this well-known wide-reaching media so you know there’s room for stuff like books and papers and stuff and just do whatever you want, have this specific nerd community and make up your own funny traditions. and anyways, this guy had a whole blog about it in addition to his Comics, and i’d email him sometimes with questions about stuff, and i think it was from there that i first found out about The 2009 Movie existing, which Was thrilling, b/c it was so out of the blue. gr8 stuff
anyways i’ve remember the existence of this one guy and his blog in year since, but it was only a couple nights ago that i was like “well let’s look it up” and discovered that he’s been updating the blog super regularly the whole time in this literal decade since. i also followed him on twitter and dropped a comment on a post which i know he saw b/c it was anonymous and thus required moderator approval before being posted. like, you love to see it. and even though i loathe bbc sh still and have gone through Other Interests in the meantime, every big interest i’ve ever had is still in there mostly dormant yanno. anyways i thought it was cool. i’m glad for this guy who i last talked to when i was like 13 and now i’m 25. 
L: Last name?
still Burrows
(L I.........Amphibian)
A: Ambition?
hmmb thinking of another one......if i’m in a position to bake a homemade batch of chocolate chip cookies, i’m probably thriving. and also i always want a lot of chocolate chip cookies, to eat
M: (favourite) Month?
also may is the anti-november......by that point it’s probably Consistently Warm and life and sunlight has returned
F: (best) Friend?
soph nothingunrealistic my fave rave
R: Realest dream?
i don’t really have an answer whether i interpret it as “literal dream that felt real” or “aspiration type dream that seems most achievable” smh
E: Easiest subject?
i tended to have a decent time w/ any Social Studies type stuff. probably b/c i was Interested
D: Describe yourself.
uh physically it’s like, six ft tall, white, short brown hair, glasses, probably wearing jeans/shorts and a tee, kinda nondescript. personality wise i’m kind of all or nothing.....usually Unusually quiet and trying to avoid interaction / attention, but when i’m Being Myself i like things like being somewhat impulsive and being around a lot of people / a lot of activity, and i’m a real motormouth who likes to talk and laugh and sometimes like being loud even though i’m bad at it lol. short-tempered and argumentative and opinionated, so you Know that’s a recipe for a good time. but uhh i’m Passionate. also i think being autistic makes me seem weird so idk abt that. Theatre / Horror / Tired / oppossum lifestyle gay
C: (favourite) Colour?
that one blue. curious blue or picton blue or w/e. it’s this turquoisey azure cerulean type business
K: (first) Kiss? 
never happened lmao....there’s that most recent person you kissed where i count the time i performance-art kissed a friend on the cheek like 7-9 yrs ago. once since then someone kissed me but i wasn’t exactly into it so i don’t count it
O: Oldest family member?
i guess maybe my cool probably gay fancy rich-ish great uncle in new hampshire?? i Think he’s my grandma’s older brother.....
N: Next thing you have to do?
fuck-all!!!! probably should get some type of food or smthing tho
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euphoriecs · 5 years
gemini and taurus for when the sun falls, andromeda and ursa major for world end club, and apus and caelum for you!
!!!!!! thank u so much for the asks !!!!!!
Gemini - What inspired you to write this project?
i was rly inspired to write when the sun falls by several things !! namely the neighborhood that i live in bc im 99% sure its haunted at night, and a lot of different anime that ive been watching !! wtsf is also inspired by a couple of kpop mvs like the hyyh series + spring day by bts nd pentagon’s demo series as well as som Very Very Very vague ‘all in’ by mx inspo !!!
im personally rly drawn to imagery/themes like running, finding ur own family nd overthrowing ppl of power :D
Taurus - Tell us why you hate your project.
hMMM this is a tough question ,, mainly bc im in that honeymoon phase w wtsf,, but i think . if there’s something i’ve definitely struggled with concerning wtsf that has made me go “hoooOOOOOO i hate u” ,,, its maybe trying to create a convincing fictional town in california ,,, where i’ve never been GHJSGS not 2 mention ive never rly grown up in a small town ??? its always been a city , so im constantly worried i just wont nail that small town feeling . i think as i develop wtsf more , there’s bound 2 be things that have me struggling nd feeling like “hecc time 2 delete” but as of right now , i’m in a rly good place where i dont hate (mostly) what im developing !!!
Andromeda - Describe your main characters
wORLD END CLUB MY FIRST WIP …… on a HUGE backburner right now bc im just . TOTALLY unsatisfied w the characters which is FUNNY but !!! the mcs im keeping around are definitely the kang siblings so i’ll jus talk abt them KJHGS
so lets start w !! doyeon kang !! the oldest brother !!!! i dont remember how old i made him yeet but he’s very ,, he always tries to be a positive nd funny presence bc he hates the idea that anyone could worry for him , u know? he rly leans into the belief that he’ll be fine if he acts like he’s fine, nd is honestly more pressed to care about what happened to rena . he’s rly Aware of his surroundings bc he doesn’t want a repeat of what happened six years ago, when rena was snatched away from their street bc he was too focused on banging some bolts together . he’s also rly … Decent , w his ability to teleport . but he can b reckless w it at times which is what led to an accident that cost him his arm .
rena ,,, my sweet Babie,,, she’s very ?? quiet . nd spending 6 years as an experiment (and as one of the few successful ones in the early phases) has led her to become rly wary of ppl . but ?? that hasn’t rly stopped her drive to take down the corporation that turned her into smth else . she used to be very cheerful nd happy nd was literally sunshine personified nd she still can be like that !! but it’s a lot more muted nd kept 2 herself or ppl close to her . i think what makes her such an interesting character 2 write is that the world has been so unkind to her and her brother , but she doesn’t believe she should act the same (nd honestly, if she wanted 2 do bad things, she could !! nd it would be destructive !!) nd instead she pushes to help so no one else has to go thru what she went .
Ursa Major - What scene are you looking forward to writing?
oh my god ,,, i’ve had this kind of like ,, scene just floating around in my head . of rena nd doyeon meeting again for the first time in a Long time , nd i see it as a rly tearful ,,, we’ve both changed so much , also icb ur alive that’s wild … honestly there’s nothing rly set in stone here ,,, but its smth im looking forward to writing bc #sibs …
Apus -  What’s the hardest part about writing for you?
getting ?? things down ?? nd then being happy w it ?????? like there are so many little drabbles nd stuff where i slam the idea down nd then delete it all bc im like thats garbage u can do better . nd then i just never do it . bc if its not Perfect the first time , me, hovering over that delete: hhhheeeeeee !!!!!! which is Also why i have a huge issue w rereading what i’ve written . i hate it KJHGJS like i literally will Never ever willingly reread smth i wrote , bc then i pick it apart nd jus delete it all . 
Caelum - Do you write outlines? Why or why not?
i uSED TO NOT WRITE OUTLINES SKJHEJSHJSK nd i’d have ideas for SUPER LONG FICS … ND I’D WRITE THE FIRST CHAP ND POST IT and then bc i had no idea where i was going w said fic i’d jsut abandon it . but i write outlines now . i live nd Breathe outlines . i feel like esp for me , where i’m constantly buzzing w new ideas nd possibilities nd scenarios, its so so so helpful for me to have an outline nd to know where im going with this idea nd how i want it to end . nd my outlines are pretty flexible too, so if i wanna change smth up i can !! anyways yes i do write outlines i think theyre extremely important esp since i have one (1) brain cell and she can’t work too hard or she dies
constellation asks !!
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uniformbravo · 7 years
ramblin abt my ocs (a lot)
i think im starting to care abt my ocs again, which is good bc it seems like every time i go hard in a fandom for a while i get extremely apathetic abt my own characters (bc the ones im obsessed w/ at the time seem to outshine them in every conceivable way and make them look painfully boring in comparison), so im glad the current wave of those feelings is finally starting to wear off bc god
anyway i’ve been thinking about some old ocs lately (like from when i was 13/14) and i wanted to look into them some more so i pulled out the notebook that had their story, which was coincidentally the one that silan & sythra are originally from and wow it turns out there was actually a legit explanation for their alternate eye colors?? 
i know i’ve gone back to find this story before too (quite recently actually) so idk why i didn’t already know this, i think i literally just keep forgetting every time fkdfksjd
tbh it’s probably because it doesn’t apply anymore because ok their original story had a whole cast of characters with super powers (i’ve talked abt it a little before), and originally their Thing was that they could read each other’s minds, which is kind of still how they work now but the other thing they could do was share their literal sight? here’s the actual description from the story
If they are apart, they can do something called sight division, where they can choose to see what the other is seeing. It’s like because their eyes are opposite colors, they can match their missing eye with the other’s and share the sight.
like it makes sense and it’s a pretty cool idea tbh? and idk how i forgot about it but somewhere down the line their psychic relationship developed past the point of something like sight division even being necessary, like
in may 16th, the story i transferred them to after this, the link’s concept changed from simply being able to read each other’s minds to being a constant connection between them- it’s not a conscious decision they make to “read” what the other is thinking, they’re just always there in each other’s heads, aware of what is happening with the other person at all times 
but even then the story would often have them mentally speaking full sentences to each other as a means of communication, whereas now it’s evolved even further past that; the current idea is that they are two separate entities that share the same mind space, constantly influencing and being influenced by each other’s thoughts, feelings, natures and personalities to the point that the line between the two of them distinguishing who’s who would be more accurately described as a gradient
so the concept of “sight division” has been rendered completely obsolete at this point because why would they need to share their sight when they literally know exactly what is happening with the other person at every waking moment of their connected lives
the reason for their eye colors became merely symbolic at some point between the original story and may 16th (i probably just forgot about the sight division & didn’t ever go back to check tbh) and the idea i’ve had ever since was that it was just a physical manifestation of their mental link; sythra’s eyes are originally blue and silan’s are originally brown, but because of the connection it’s like they have a little piece of each other within them, ergo the switching of their left eyes
that’s the explanation i’ve been using this whole time & i thought that’s how it always was, so reading the original concept kind of blew my mind & made me a little sad that i can’t use it anymore bc honestly??? good post op
anyway i rly want to do more with silan & sythra bc i feel like they have a lot of potential and i’ve had some cool ideas for them in the past, so maybe i’ll develop those more hmmm
i think i’d have to migrate them into another story separate from may 16th to really explore them, though. which is kind of a scary thought because may 16th is my baby, but. i think that time in my life has passed and it’s time to do something Bigger with these characters, because at this point they deserve so much more than Shitty High School Romance In Which Sythra Is Pretty Much Shoved To The Side To Make Room For The Main Relationship Plotline Where The Most Mediocre Dude Ever Shows Up & Steals Silan’s Heart By Being A Complete Dick To Him Wow (But Like, A Handsome Dick)
and ok that’s being a little harsh because that’s only the original draft- i’ve been salvaging it & rearranging it to make it leagues better, but the thing is, in the process i’ve only come to realize that it needs to become something bigger; my ideas are evolving it past that original high school romance setting, and while that setting will always hold a special place in my heart, i want to let this story and these characters breathe and grow to their full potential instead of caging them with nostalgia, you know? i think i’ll remember may 16th as the high school romance au, that is how it will live on in my heart
god i dont even know what i would do with chris in a new story though?? he is Truly the most mediocre and the only reason he was a prominent character in may 16th was because of his relationship with silan; if we’re gonna take that relationship away though then what is he even here for. his motivations include 1. Playing Sport and 2. Ignoring Every Emotion Especially The Gay Ones like god what an uninspired character what am i supposed to do with him. i mean i have been working on him lately but deep down i really do think he’s a boring character and i probably care about him the least out of all my main ocs hgjdgkdjksdg I FEEL BAD BUT
literally the only thing that has ever made him interesting to me is his relationship with silan like he has a fun dynamic with him and pretty decent development as a result of his interaction with him but as soon as he’s on his own he’s just sUch a boring character im snoring i need to fix chris somebody save him (read: me)
that’s the big problem here, i think. if im going to transfer these characters into a new story that’ll focus primarily on silan and sythra (or at least a lot more than may 16th did), chris would just be a huge distraction like he was in may 16th; if silan is what makes him interesting then he’ll just end up immediately latching onto silan and stealing the focus away from sythra bc chris only exists to be with silan, right. so the options im looking at here are 
omit chris completely because he’d just be an unnecessary dead weight on the story or
find another purpose for him, give him new depth that doesn’t conform to a romance, reinvent him as a compelling standalone character who could fit right into any given setting- discover what defines him and build on it until he feels like he could be his own protagonist
....obviously one of these requires a lot more energy & dedication but. i cant just abandon my boy. my dumbass mediocre af shit boy
aaaaaanyway i’ve definitely gone on for way too long Oops i didnt mean to shit on chris for so many paragraphs hghdghsdgdj but im kinda glad i did bc that was smth i really needed to admit & come to that conclusion so That’s Cool. if anything u at least got to see a bit of what my brainstorming documents usually look like (theyre a mess)
but uhh ya Cool Glad We Could Have This Talk
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okay, bc @dr-doc-phd asked, Diamond is Unbreakable but it’s BnHA, also titled “will I ever learn how to chill out”
(this is a LONG GODDAMN POST I’m sorry everyone)
first order of business: quirks vs stands
stands are essentially gonna be converted into quirks bc I Do Not want to take the time to come up with all new powers for everyone, they’re going to be called quirks, there are no punching ghosts (possible exception of Star Platinum, I haven’t decided on him yet)
Josuke: same as usual, he can fix anything he’s touching. he developed his quirk at a really early age and and it seems to be directly derived from Tomoko’s power (she can temporarily stick items together) but it’s way more powerful 
bc quirks have a genetic component, the fact that his is so similar to his mom’s offers him no insight on who his father might be
Josuke is not really bothered by this
Koichi: essentially has the same power as Echoes ACT1-2, by writing manga sound effects on objects/people and activating them through touch, he causes either the sound to be heard or an effect related to the sound to take place (these effects get stronger as he trains more and more with his quirk). due to Keicho’s actions, he develops a second quirk (this is, for the record, totally unheard of) which allows him to increase gravity on an object within close range
his range on all things is v short and his gravity power is fairly weak but he’s actually v scary
Yukako: her ability is exactly the same, except she’s not able to plant her hair into anyone else’s scalp until she trains more
she’s one of the super special recommended students because I love her and she’s terrifying
Okuyasu: his quirk is exactly what The Hand does except he uses his own right hand for it. he’s even still got the little circle markings for it. 
he develops his quirk at ~14 through unnatural means, previously he was quirkless
since he developed it artificially and at such a late age, his control over it isn’t fantastic and he has to be careful 
Mikitaka: can change the shape and composition of his extremities but cannot detach them, seriously manipulate his own size, or alter his entire body at once
he’s also a recommended student at UA and he’s staying with the hero who sponsored him, his actual origins are shrouded in mystery (which he encourages)
(Mikitaka’s goal is essentially to become a cryptid and I love that about him)
Keicho: very specific version of telekinesis where he can only pick up objects under a certain weight (it’s literally, like, a gram or two), but if he can pick something up, he can move it at an incredibly high speed.  he basically carries sand or bb pellets with him at all times and shoots them at people like very small bullets that cannot miss.  he’s clever enough to use this to devastating effect.
like Okuyasu, he was also quirkless until he was roughly 14
Rohan: can control someone’s thoughts or actions by writing on their skin, but it only lasts as long as the ink does.  so.  essentially still Heaven’s Door, but he can’t read your mind.
Rohan and Koichi have to carry markers with them to use their quirks which is kind of silly but I secretly love
anyways, Rohan….might still be a manga artist?
he’s not a hero or a villain
villains probably try to recruit him bc, you know, his power is super useful
YOU KNOW WHAT he could just be pimping out his own quirk to anyone willing to pay for it as like a side job until he meets the squad (Koichi) and changes his ways (is charmed into acting like a decent person)
Jotaro: I was thinking Jotaro’s quirk could be just stopping time for five seconds?  but also it could be “self preservation” where it’s automatically activated when he’s in danger and a ghostly shape (coughs Star Platinum) appears to shield him or catch bullets or whatever it is that he needs.  either one is good.  it’s not really relevant yet and could work either way.
other quirks described as they come up
IMPORTANT NOTE: being quirkless isn’t quite as uncommon in this AU as it is in BnHA canon, but a definite majority of people still have quirks
okay time for some AU bg 
1988 - Joseph Joestar (a popular American hero) and his teenaged grandson Jotaro Kujo (just some kid) are credited with uncovering and stopping the crimes of international supervillain Dio Brando. 
it’s totally fucking sick
Dio cannot be detained and questioned in further detail about his misdeeds due to his unfortunate but unavoidable death.  although it is suspected that he has many more allies than they could actually find proof for, it’s impossible to figure out.  
every associate of Dio’s who is captured is unable to give more information due to the use of some kind of memory-altering quirk, believed to be held by another ally of Dio’s and employed without prejudice on those who are in a position to betray him
Dio seems to have been amassing a global organization of villains, but they scatter after his defeat (death) and hide or destroy all evidence of their activities
the investigation is ongoing
1999 - Josuke Higashikata, secret illegitimate child of Joseph Joestar, signs up to take the UA entrance exam
during the test, he meets Koichi and they instantly hit it off
they collaborate to help each other score points during the practical exam
teamwork makes the dream work
when the list of students accepted to UA for that year gets posted, Joseph (who, as a pro hero, has to keep up with the industry which means paying attention to any up-and-coming heroes) notices Josuke’s name and does some investigating to find out if this is MAYBE just some kid who is coincidentally 16 years old and coincidentally has the same last name as a woman he romanced about 16 years ago
surprise! it’s totally not
so Joseph asks Jotaro (who has grown up to become a detective or whatever and is now one of the people still investigating Dio’s people and has recently been following a lead in Japan) if he’ll maybe keep an ear out for news at UA bc he has an uncle who goes to school there now
surprise! Joseph says.  please don’t tell my wife! he says
yare yare, says Jotaro, and proceeds to cut through this miscommunication bullshit by announcing this new relative to the entire family and then leaving Joseph to deal with his own mess from across the pacific ocean while he gets to go hang out with his baby uncle and talk shit abt their relatives
so Josuke meets Jotaro just before the school year at UA starts
I’m sure it goes well
(actually, it goes really well right up until Josuke’s policeman grandfather is killed by a villain at work and Jotaro, as an international attaché for quirk and supervillain-related crime, is asked if he will maybe please take some time off of his 11-year long, seemingly dead-end case to investigate this)
((kind of puts a damper on the “meet the family” thing, but they solve the case and Josuke becomes even more resolved to become a hero))
the school year begins and Josuke and Koichi are delighted to find out that they’re in the same class
they’ve made it into the hero track bc they absolutely crushed it on the practical exam.  they also tested well in other areas, but they did a nice job against the robots
boy howdy they sure are excited to learn how to be superheroes
class 1-A: Josuke, Koichi, Mikitaka 
class 1-B: Okuyasu, Yukako
I have no idea how old Hazamada and Yuya are but they could potentially also be students
Hazamada is for sure a student so I’ll say he’s a year older and in the general education track
Yuya??? could be there????? but also maybe he’s busy doing his own thing.  he seems like a busy man.  he’s got things to do, nutrients to steal.
anyways, now we have to backtrack a bit again
1988 - Mr. Nijimura has a deceased wife, a failing company, and two quirkless sons
he himself has a minor physical quirk that gives him a decorative pattern of scales on his face, but that’s it. his wife was quirkless and by the time she passed away it was fairly apparent that their kids took after her
Mr. Nijimura has always resented the fact that he does not possess a useful quirk and is angry that his sons are also powerless in a world that increasingly seems to value those with quirks over those without
Mr. Nijimura is also someone who values power
he’s a total asshole about everything, but in 1988 he’s contacted by one of Dio’s allies. they know he has quirkless children and they want to know if he’s interested in potentially helping them develop powers of their own 
spoiler: he is
one of the things that Dio’s group has been doing is research into artificial quirk enhancement and development
this is because Dio A) wants to make his own powers stronger, and B) has discovered that it’s really easy to attract followers when you promise to give them superpowers, or make their powers even cooler than they were before
Mr. Nijimura is given one dosage of a compound that Dio’s allies claim will awake the latent potential in someone who has failed to manifest a quirk
in order to get his hands on the drug, Mr. Nijimura has to agree to officially be in Dio’s debt, should the trial compound succeed in awakening a power in the son he uses it on 
the organization needs quirkless test subjects, but they can be hard to find
if something goes wrong with the kid, the organization will admit no culpability bc Mr. Nijimura does this at his own risk, but also they will take the kid to figure out what exactly went wrong
HOWEVER, because he’s viciously jealous of powerful quirks, Mr. Nijimura does not administer the compound to either of his sons, instead he injects himself and causes his own quirk to go haywire, over-evolving until he becomes a weird, mutant lizard creature 
Dio dies in the days just after his transformation, so the organization is too busy falling apart and destroying anything that could link them back to Dio to keep track of the Nijimura family
(if Dio hadn’t died, they likely would have taken the boys into their custody after their father’s mutation and raised them as Dio’s followers/soldiers)
(also used them as test subjects, albeit more valuable ones since they can also function as workers for this group of Dio’s allies)
(but he did die so that doesn’t happen and that’s an AU of an AU for a different day)
SOMEHOW they manage to live on their own with their mutated dad 
I think the Nijimura family was not really as hard up for money as they are sometimes portrayed
(however it might make sense to put one of Dio’s grunts into the situation, like someone who pretends to be Mr. Nijimura for a little while to cover their own trail in the aftermath and ends up taking care of the kids for a while)
(but like, only for a little while, until they can ensure Mr. Nijimura can’t give anything away and the coast is clear for them to duck out and get a new identity)
((I just CAN’T accept that a 7 year-old keeps house for himself and an even younger child and his mutated father without any kind of help))
the point is that eventually they’re left mostly to fend for themselves
and it continues on like that, just the Nijimura’s by themselves, until Keicho, who was raised to believe that those who are powerful are better than those who are not, discovers some secret record of his father’s connections and what he did to himself and decides that he and Okuyasu need quirks to survive 
I’m not going to say he’s right, but I’m also not going to claim that life wouldn’t be easier for the two of them if they had powers
1995 - Keicho falls in with a straggling faction of Dio’s group (technically now reformed independently to carry on the development of methods to artificially enhance quirks) by offering himself up for experimentation. 
this splinter group doesn’t have the same resources Dio did for this sort of thing, so they’re kind of hard up for volunteers
at least initially
[ominous music]
this new group manages to successfully give Keichi a quirk (he’s about 14 at the time) and he works his ass off until he can get into UA
1996 - Keicho gets into UA
this is how he repays his debt to them
by being a spy
bc they’re still criminals, you see, so they would greatly benefit by having a guy on the inside to tell them shit abt heroes that they can later exploit 
Okuyasu is allowed to know none of this (nothing about the organization and also about Keicho’s new double life) because Keicho doesn’t trust him to keep a secret and likes to cover all his bases
he does understand that their father is the way he is bc he took a drug to increase the power of his own quirk, but he hasn’t been told where/who he got it from.  Keicho will not tell him where he acquired his own quirk.
later, Keicho gets his hands on more of the successful compound (through theft) in order to get his brother a quirk, so Okuyasu gets his powers when he’s ~13~14 and Keicho is already a UA student 
he does it through theft bc Keicho does not want Okuyasu to be indebted to Dio’s (ex)people, which turns out to be really handy later
haha, ‘handy’
1999 - Keicho has an ambiguous birthday so I’m gonna say he’s just graduated when the squad is in their first year
he’s interning at a hero agency and acting as a mole for Dio’s slowly reviving criminal organization 
since Dio is super dead, it’s really more of a new criminal organization full of people who have had their quirks enhanced or awakened through the improved versions of the tech developed by Dio’s original people
it’s led by a totally new person who wants to continue the research and expand their own criminal network for their own ends
SO Okuyasu takes (and passes!) the UA entrance exam
Keicho always planned for him to go to UA as well so he does it more out of a sense of duty than a desire to become a hero
the ongoing mantra of Okuyasu (and Keicho’s) life is that power is the most important thing a person could have
having a quirk equals power.  learning to fight equals power.  being a hero - a public figure who garners attention and respect - equals power.
people who are strong are worthwhile, people who are weak are worthless
AT THIS POINT Okuyasu is a little less in the dark, he knows his brother is getting paid to spy on UA and hero organizations, he also knows that this arrangement has something to do with how they ended up with the compound that gave them quirks, but he doesn’t know who Keicho’s contacts are and what he’s telling them 
Keicho has paid back his “debt” at this point and is getting actual money from the organization to continue his spying
I don’t think I mentioned that there was a financial component to this deal earlier, just wanted to make that clear
ALSO AT THIS POINT the villains (initially) don’t know that Okuyasu has developed his own quirk because of their technology 
I mean, they have their suspicions, but they can’t prove anything
Keicho let them believe Okuyasu was still quirkless up until the day he took the entrance exam for UA, and by then it’s too late for them to wipe down their lab for fingerprints
so there’s like, school stuff going on?
Josuke and Koichi meet their classmates and then class 1-A meets class 1-B and everyone is like “fuck, these guys are assholes”
surprise, losers, later on you’re all great friends
but to hurry this along a little
sometime early in the semester, Keicho gets caught doing Bad Stuff by Josuke and Koichi who are classic meddling kids
he panics bc these guys have some solid evidence of his misdeeds, so clearly he has to get rid of them somehow
he decides to attempt this by letting them tail him (very badly) back to his and Okuyasu’s home so he can fight them with backup
there’s a scuffle and Koichi gets hit/injected/whatever with a variant on the special quirk compound (Keicho has also stolen this), later causing him to develop a secondary quirk but initially causing him to lose major motor control and Josuke to believe he’s been fatally poisoned
Josuke does some shouting, Koichi flops around a bit, Josuke does some more shouting about the duties of a hero, Okuyasu as a minor moral crisis and taps out of the fight, Keicho does some impulsive shouting of his backstory and gets in major trouble
Keicho is being monitored by the organization by the time Josuke and Koichi stumble onto the scene like amateur detectives bc they think he’s double crossing them (evidence: they’re pretty sure he’s stolen from them before and his allegiance can clearly be bought), so when they catch him spilling info on them to two UA recruits they freak and need to eliminate him before he reveals anything else 
Keicho’s cover is totally blown so Otoishi is immediately dispatched to kill him and also Josuke and Koichi if he can
the new head of the organization values privacy. like. a lot.
Otoishi can’t manage all of them bc he doesn’t have time and can’t outclass the pro heroes starting to show up on the scene, so he grabs (kills) Keicho and skedaddles
Josuke, Koichi, and Okuyasu are detained for questioning
well, Koichi is taken to the hospital, but Josuke and Okuyasu get detained
Jotaro shows up bc the stuff Keicho and then Okuyasu spilled about artificially gaining a quirk reeks of Dio’s people and it’s kind of his job to find Dio’s people
some stuff happens I guess and Okuyasu can’t be charged with anything bc Keicho was careful not to let him know or be involved in anything
like, he could be charged with property damaged, but it was his property
he complies with everything they ask him to do and tells them all that he can and they get someone in to look at his thoughts to see if he’s lying (he’s not)
they keep an eye on him for about a week to make sure he’s not REALLY a spy but once it becomes apparent that he really had nothing to do with it besides defending his brother and generally having a fucked-up life they don’t really have a reason to kick him out of UA so he just. goes back to school.
Koichi also goes back to school after about a week.  people were spreading rumors that he died.  he’s fine, but now he has two quirks, which you can imagine starts even MORE rumors
ofc UA still wants to keep an eye on Okuyasu - his brother spied on them for three years and he has ties to a villain organization, they can’t just let that go - so they ‘suggest’ that since he has no legal guardians or adults in his life he should move into the UA dorms 
guess who also lives in the dorms
Josuke and Koichi and the squad, they all live in these AU optional dorms
except Mikitaka, who is being fostered by the hero who recommended his entry to UA
dorms foster bonding time and VOILA any and all grudges between him and Josuke and Koichi are easily settled
so Okuyasu joins up w/ Koichi and Josuke bc his classmates won’t really talk to him 
they’ll warm up to him eventually, but by then he’s got his squad and he’s good with that
and like? other stuff happens? Kira is busy being Kira? but here’s the beginning and all that
this really is the post that wouldn’t end
I’m gonna stop here and put you all out of your misery
I’m p sure I know how Kira gets worked into everything but I’ll leave that for another day
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kyandice · 7 years
this is an ugly unedited one it has been in my drafts for like 2 months already. so whatever i just posting it. ill edit it if i have the time. thins is is i actually edited half way and MY FUCKING COMPUTER FUCKING CRASHED SO I GAVE UP  and yeahhh ill just post this ugly unedited one and ill edit it again WITH PROPER ENGLISH WHEN I HAVE THE TIME. idk i just cqnt see stuff in my drafts i just havre to post it and yewah wtf.
this unedu=ited stuff is just me writing key poiunts about my day and not like urghhhhhhh i hate this commmmmm. normally i would describe more but i dont want it in my drafts anymore so ill edit it when im free OKAYYYY.
Hahahahahah lmao this was the date when i got tgt with K 3 years ago.(omg i still rmb, but tbh its nth special i just rmb useless stuff pretty well)  Never wanted to date a guy again even i with crushes back in sec sch. but anyways, today i went to Sentosa w/ B and he seemed to really like the artificial fiels alot but it was like in the afternoon so it was still kinda hot and yeahhhh. Like it would be much nicer at night. There will be like alot of stars and fireworks too and it will be more windy and cooling idk but it will be nicer at night and i want to spend the night w/ B there again. Oh yeah anyways ystd B bought me the batgirl lego keychain and B told me that batgirl had sex with batman and im shoooked.
2/3 and like today we planned to go to his house anddd then go to parkway parade to some lego secret chambers shop. i went out early cuz my junior wanted to pass me her lego characs but she couldnt make it so i was alr at bishan so i just went to tpy and wait for bryan o wake and meet me so i called him at 11am but he woke up and shouted at me so i just like nvmmmm so i went to the library and went window shopping around tpy and i also went popular 1pm i didnt want to call him up but i was like ugh nvm and called him.. and yay he finaally woke up wna read tuesday with morrie, all the fifty shades of grey and in grey's pov n miss peregrine's home for peculiar children but we still went to parkway parade anyays and he asked me to watch letters from iwo jima so i watched it at night and bryan wanted to watch the breakup list on toggle but it kept playing ads and it just wouldnt play the video so b got alittle pissed 3/3 logan, training (our 8th movie)
4/3 finishing crocheting my first thinggg the bear thing shoud i give it to bryan would he want it so today b was vvvv kinda excited this video thing with ck and cez and im like vvv happy for him cuz he can do smthing he rlly likes with cool n funny ffriends. also he said that he didnt want us to go public at first cuz he was afraid that ppl might tease us he said he was afraid i might be ffrustrated but tbh i was hella frustaratred i dont see the point of hiding our rship but im glad werre like opene now and so at night i went to ikea and b messaged me but i was busyt walking and i didnt recieve his msg but i didnt like lock my phone so it was read. but like it was in my pockets and like my mom doesnt allow me to play my phine whenever im walking but yeah anyways b was angry hat i didnt reply him. we sorta quarreled awhile but we were kinda okay after that i guess. wtf sia today midnight i have to distribute stuff to the homeless ppl in bugis and i was wearing a short paanyts and my mom tied this weird looking scarf i swear i look like some carzy hobo youngster wtf.
5&6/3 sneaked out of house, slept over at his house and after that i went to tpy first while he showers, ate and went home early to pack for camp stuff wna stay over at his house again it was fun we tried to watch moanna but was kinda sleepy
7/3 day 1 of camp. slept with b outised tgt
8/3 day 2 of camp (-met javier and sihui -every camps i go i get very angry -shoulder, water balloon) larn cpr and aed the skit thing worst grp ever
9/3 day 3 of camp water activities we won
10/3 tkd training
-wtf nxt week go msia (wanted to go work) -quarreled with bteh. cuz i cant go out but he wants me to go out -yyour suffering defines you without it yore a void -japan and korea with bryan -my parents -i want more lego charac -money - i cant wait for tmr for ilighhtsss i want to take like alooot pictures tgt with bryannnn styled hair -nicole choo idk why im still so insecure like i know pretty clearly that im decent looking. decent looking enough to make friends, have a job and not get ostracised in society. and well if you arent good looking enough you'll be made fun off/ostracised in society and thats how humans work. and now everywhere you see are pretty girls and how can any girls feel not insecure. Okay, i have a flat and fat nose. i want to have a sharper and thinner nose like michelle. i have pretty small boobs and i want boobs like naomi. my shoulders are too wide from playing softball, i want a smaller width shoulders like grace. my tummy isnt flat i want a flat tummy. and thing is those are pretty famous girls in like sg and im not even talking abt kim kard or emma wats or like jennifer lawr. omg i dont even know where im going with this im just literally typing all my thoughts down. okay and the boys here???? they all follow those people and im pretty sure they compare them over the normal girls in sch. omg what am i even talking abt. i feel silly even typing this out. but okay if your beauty standards doesnt reach like the norm in society you srsly wouldnt have friends. unless youre realllll rich or your sense of humor is rlly rlly great.
12/3 didnt quarrel but we  were obv upset with each other it was a fun day tho when to see i lights took alot pictures ate llaollao no money
20/3 best s ever went home after it bteh gg aunts house today
his flight will be tmr 21/22 job interview got the job bryaan in flight abt cosplay how i dont have frinds
25/03 bryan found my private twitter accnt                                    bteh tole me abt a girl he liked when he was in korea idk if anyone realised but ive got a really really really bad habit. its weird really. but its a thing ive been doing since young and i never talked to anyone about it before. so actually, when im nervous, or stressed out, or just couldnt take my mind off smthing, i would like start peeling or plucking my nails. okay many people do this but, i ahve a weirder one andddd omg i think i will regret saying this. So actually, i pluck i my hair when im nervous, stressed out or just thinking abt smthing i cant ignore. so back in primary 4 i was doing this math practice paper and i couldnt do any those 6marks big problem sums and i was fking stressed out. and well my habit of plucking my own hair started really really young. and at P4 my mom saw me crying
26 toc competition firdst fight win second fight lose how i dont wna fight nationals cuz my weight cat all got national player lose my chance to win gold cant even get silver r came today
29/ power rangers
30 wanted to go coney island with rapheal and jill and bryan but it rained so we went to lan and gamed without jill bryan pushed me and i banged into someone in the end see museums some forest thing the ligths vvv pretyy
31/ hotel went to work after that talk about work made bryan that key chain clp diner and dance
1/4 learn bst bts for club crawl played boomberang didnt workkk aot is out!!!!!!
2/4 today i need to go mountbatten cc to practice my poomsae my poomsae lousy i dont think i can pass at first try anyways president of stf is milan quey idk if i spelt his name properly but yeah. before that ate yellow sub with B will nvr eat there again portion is small yet expensive and food isint so nice at all but since i get to eat with b im vvvv gladdd
3/4 today i went early to B's house. after that met up with madeline and shirlyn to watch boss baby and the movie was quite nice i thought i wouldnt like it and then we ate pepper lunch and omg osaka is a vvv small place like shirlyn went evrywhere i visited like a a year ago
4/4 AND I WOKE UP WITH BTEH lose his doibok and he couldnt find it my maid threathened to take a mail for my mom cuz she lazy walk and she wants me to do it but i was late
5/4 there was demo training we played table tennis for awhile and bteh is good at it, ok maybe its just that i suck at it but yea theres was fmo so we slacked at tg until demo tng started so at night he said hes tired but idk that he wanted to sleep soon and he was like stop it and i was like stop wat but he ttly just shut me off and then i got pissed cuz i would nvr do that to him
6/4 i had to meet herman but like after meeting him timetable i realised i forget to bring my wallet somethimes im torn in beteen like just not gg out with bteh cuz i have no money to eat or spend his money again he keeps saying its okay but its really not okay im just not comfortable like someone spending so much on me i owe money so he told me his specs broke ttly
One of the things dreams do for us is prepare us for worse case scenario. The dream that is closest to reality about a loved one leaving us prepares the mind for the pain that can be inflicted upon us. It creates a probability. That means it could happen, it means it’s a fear you have, and being such your mind protects your psyche in a way to allow you to feel the emotions of the event, even though the event never occurred.
13 reasons why felt like  th main charac like back in sec sch all i wanted was just to finish my olevels and go to poly so i can be a whole new person. someone who i wanted to be withouht anyone laughing at me
1au away from sol 1au measurement unit like light or smthing sol is latin from sun porbbaly it
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