#(I had lots of Nespresso today)
ddejavvu · 1 year
A bit late for multi-monday but what about Professor James sending students with love letters every session to Professor Reader?
How are you anywaay? How was your day?
today is multiverse monday, send me any au you can think of! :)
James has chosen a blonde woman to deliver your mail today, a chem major that has perpetual bags under her eyes. You get it. If you had majored in chemistry, you'd be exhausted constantly, too.
"Professor Potter asked me to give this to you," She smiles awkwardly at you, letter in hand, "He said not to open it, and I didn't, the sticker just came off in my backpack."
"I trust you," You smile kindly at her, taking the note and nodding to her seat, "Thank you for being our messenger."
She departs with a kind nod, but you have a feeling she hadn't enjoyed running James's message. She takes her seat and you peel the letter out of its envelope, peering down at James's messy, but endearing scrawl.
'Dear Professor Y/L/N,
I'm writing to you today to speak about the administration's new budget cuts. Starting 9/01, there will no longer be Nespresso pods stocked in the break rooms, nor will there be a machine for you to bring your own. I'm sure you'll lament this loss just as much as the rest of us, but it's either that or our salary that gets cut, and I think- okay, hopefully that was enough boring bullshit to deter any unwanted eyes. The last bloke I sent to you had the thing open before he was even out the door. I'm gonna tell Allison to keep it closed, but you know nosy students. I have more interesting things to talk about than coffee machines: I managed to find a substitute to proctor my students on Friday! We can take the whole day out on the town, we'll peruse the street market and catch dinner and a show. I would have told you over text, but this seems, like, a million times more romantic. Plus I can't write in red glitter pen over text. Go with me, darling? Say you'll be sick for your Friday lecture, send out an email the night before. Students love that. Not that they don't love you and your class, though. Bet they just don't love you as much as I do. Which is a lot, I love you a lot.
Your love (who loves you a lot),
James Potter <3'
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runfast-runfar · 2 years
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Daily things ~holiday edition~
✨ dog sat for a quick night for my favorite boy Finn!! So so happy I got to see him!
✨ I ended up getting the new switch OLED and it’s amazinggg!!! The differences are minor but they make the biggest difference!!
✨ haven’t been running in a month now which makes me so so sad and frustrated but I try to go out and walk in the neighborhood to get the light exercise still. I am doing the peloton daily now which is amazingggg!! But missing my runs and the fresh air with working out so so much. Hopefully my back will get figured out soon and can be resolved easily!! 🤞
✨ I am obsessed with platforms shoes now lol!!! I have platform converse, and then I also got my first pair of Nike airforce 1s 😭
In love with both!!
And then I just bought myself a pair of Oxford platform Doc Marten’s 😅 This year I spent SO much money…. So I need to go back to saving!! Lots to save for this year! My brother and I are moving early next year (YAY!!!) and that needs lots of saving, I have a Disneyland trip over the summer with a friend, going to NYC next year during the winter, spending money for Taylor swift concert next year, etc! Plus just saving in general! :)
✨ the biggest thing I bought myself for a holiday treat was a quest 2 VR system!!!!! That is getting delivered today!!!!! I am SO freaking excited!!!!! I have really gotten into gaming since being essentially on bed rest and it helps pass the time… but it’s also become a genuine hobby! I am loving Pokémon violet and then I got Pokémon shield and have been playing the two. And then I wanted the virtual reality system bc getting to be fully immersed in the games is amazing and escaping entirely to a new world… I need that right now lol
✨ I bought thea a new hammock since her old one broke way earlier this year. She got upgraded to a double decker lol
✨ on an iced coffee kick and not complaining about it!! I am trying to make coffee at home versus buying Starbucks to save money, and one of my New Year’s resolutions is to only get Starbucks twice a week! And then make coffee every other day! And these iced coffee nespresso pods are making that easy to happen lol!
✨ spending some time doodling my own little cute anime-esque characters; meet Kipper haha
✨ the day after Christmas I came down with the flu and so I’ve been in bed most of the day for the past two days now. But tbh I’ve needed the rest, I’m just bummed I feel shitty during it. But at least today I’m feeling better than yesterday!
✨ I’m going to a friends beach house tomorrow for the weekend in celebration of New Years. I’m chugging DayQuil like it’s water (haha jk.. sorta) and hopefully I only feel better as each day comes! 🤞
✨ ordered myself some sushi for lunch since my throat isn’t on fire like it was yesterday, thank god!! And then all I’ve done today is play the switch, draw, have the show Wednesday on in the background (last episode is playing now… sooo that’s seven hours later lol 😅) and began reading my new book “Remarkably Bright Creatures” which is so good so far but I can tell it’s going to be a sad one 💔
✨ Well, I hope you’re all doing good, that you had a nice holiday and the new year is good to you!!!
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
Thought from the last episode, do you think Sam was waiting outside the abandoned factory for Johnny to actually start teaching? Like how'd she manage to time that perfectly? Did she stand outside and listen in on all the bonding and truths and then waited till she heard actually lessons to go in?
I was looking at those like cartoon shoe slippers and the purple robe like who tf is this? I forgot STINGRAY comes back in this season.
Stingray, I get that you're unhappy living at home but to me it looks like you're living the life here. You don't pay rent and have money to burn, you have a nespresso, your mom fills a cake tray with pastries, the house is huge.
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The number is 7010 Halbert.
Inside the house his robe is purple, outside the house his robe is blue.
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His neighbor is named Greg Hughes and he drives a Miata
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Greg's pissed because Stingray's been blasting Metalica all night and I'm surprised Stingrays parents put up with that.
It was actually Exodus's Bonded by Blood.
Oh, this is his sister's house, not his mom's. I guess his mom kicked him out.
Today's the day Stingray's probation ends.
Raymond built a squirrel obstacle course in the back yard. Which is kind of fun. And honestly Greg's a dick. Though who knows if this is the breaking point for him but half the stuff he's said is just all random sorts of demeaning.
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Stingrays lost a lot of aerobies to this guys roof.
Greg calls Rayond/Stingray Stink-ray.
Kyler has a limo booked to pick up all the Cobra Kai's going to prom at 6pm. Which, is kinda cute and also so many people to fit into one limo. But I guess, it's a limo.
Tory inviting Robby as a tactical move to prom. And then Silver overhearing all the stuff they'd have to get, clothes a ride, (I guess Robby doesn't want to ride with Kyler)
Silver's fairy god-sensei moment of these kids are going to go to prom, they're going in style. He did pick Robby as his first student after all.
Kreese's face when Stingray shows up. Bud you literally treated him like your favorite puppy when he won the capture the flag and gave you the opponents headband to you from his mouth.
Poor Stingray, he picked Kreese over Johnny without realizing it was the worst choice. Johnny I think would offer an adult class if there were enough kids, so he might not love having Stingray around, but he doesn't kick anyone out of the classes that he teaches.
He knows Eddie and Dieter from the older/original classes of Cobra Kai, and maybe Tory but that's probably it.
Stingrays got some ideas but no one will listen.
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Poor Stingray now that Kreese is fully in charge Stingray's got no chance. Even though learning karate is like his dream. Seriously stingray go find Johnny.
Kreese: A joker, an embarrassment, you have no value here.
Meanwhile Raymond looks like he's going to cry.
Meanwhile Silver's stalking around in the background plotting.
Essentially he realized that Stingray wants to be a part of the team so badly that he can use him if he needs to.
We have cheese tray, meat trays, boiled eggs, crostini and sauce
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Sibling bickering over cutting the mozerella, and how it'll dry it out.
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Lucille is here too!
They've given Anthony 2 more weeks without screentime.
I didn't realize all the LaRussos we know are here at the same time as the Diaz's.
Miguel's surprised and delighted face when he see's Sam is so cute
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I just noticed the details of the straps of her dress. That's cool:
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oooh and the pattern of Miguel's suit:
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Rosa saying Miguel looks more and more like his papa and how that throws Miguel and pisses Carmen off.
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Louie trying to talk to Johnny without actually looking at him. 🤣
Louie felt like he had to tell Johnny that he doesn't hang out with the biker guys any more.
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Miguel looked so happy when Johnny came over to join them for the photo.
I love how Vanessa just summons Anthony for a photo only for Anthony to immediately show up and be like I thought I was supposed to stay in my room the rest of my life, and Lucille to start asking a bunch of questions.
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I get Anthony is grounded because of bullying, but he literally told Daniel he felt a little outside the family because he doesn't have memories of Mr. Miyagi and the whole family is over and rather than include him he's stuck up in his room. Like that just sort of further encompasses you're not part of the family. Like Vanessa and Lucille are here and Anthony wasn't going to get to see them? That feels like it's just going to make the situation worse.
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I do appreciate that Louie wraps an arm around Anthony so he doesn't feel quite so just tacked on the end there, and notice how Anthony's actually smiling this time? Though he does go back that grimace no lips smile again for the actual photo.
Carmen's going to make un hornado de chanco for dinner which is a roasted pork leg.
Carmen: I'm Carmen, Johnny's girlfriend. Shannon: Hi, I'm Robby's mom.
Shannon: Don't you have a phone. Johnny: Yeah inside, motioning towards his apartment.
I know he has a landline but does that mean he left his cellphone at home?
Shannon got a new apartment and said Silver came by and gave Robby a car to take to prom. Does this mean Robby's moved back in with Shannon now that she's out of rehab? I wish they would've said he no longer was homeless a while ago. Because until this moment he's been pretty much sleeping at the dojo.
Apparently Silver said: that robby and his date were going to go first class all the way.
Johnny: Robby's going to prom?
For a moment he's probably like shit I missed another moment I should've spent with Robby because I assumed he wasn't going. And Robby's going to be upset because I spent it with Miguel again. But Johnny you can't be there if you don't know these things.
Apparently Silver gave Shannon a wad of 100's , offered to find Shannon a new place to live and offered her a job.
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She didn't ask what the new job would be but it made her suspicious.
Shannon: If there's one type of person I know, it's a rich guy who wants something.
Johnny: Son of a bitch
Shannon: I Tried talking to Robby but this guy has his hooks in him.
I kind of wonder what they're thinking. Like Silver is trying to indebt Robby and them to him, I suppose. But at the same time Shannon had no trouble with Amanda and Daniel taking care of Robby and putting her in rehab, the best rehab in the state. But Silver shows up with a car and money and wants Robby to be better taken care of and all their stranger danger rich guy warning signs have flashed red.
It makes me wonder what both of them had happen in their past that triggered that. Part of me used to think this was like a note that both of them escaped encino and awful rich abusive step/parents.
But it also makes me wonder if they got in abusive relationships with rich guys or something. Like drugs or sex or something. Because yes it's suspicious but the fact Shannon comes to Johnny and Johnny immediately gets why she's concerned makes me think it's a shared thing they have with some rich guy who took advantage of them.
Shannon: Since this is cobra kai or whatever you need to handle this.
Because she could've led with that, she could've said Silver, this guy from cobra kai came around and he makes me uncomfortable and Robby's not listening, it's cobra kai, you handle it. But she leads with the money and the cash and the jobs that weren't specified, which makes me think she thinks Silver's a pimp or something.
Kyler's party limo crew:
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I can't tell if Moon is on a date with a girl or if she's just dancing with everyone because the camera goes to her, she goes woo, while dancing with a girl and then immediately spins out of the dance and away from her like it was a greeting rather than a dance and went off to do something else.
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I mean arguably you're on a friend date. Prom doesn't have to include a date, you can just be there to have fun.
Logan Wang's after party got cancelled because of the middle school bullying/fight.
I will say the character growth of yasmine that happens in the background is a+. She went from bullying, learned her lessons from yasmine, Demetri started talking to her, the only person I think to wish her a happy birthday. Even though she still sat with Moon after she got back she didn't sit next to her any more and was still snippy but Demetri was no longer scared of her and gave her some more harsh truths. They became science partners, she saw all the work he put in, was impressed, her friends that she sort of sat with and didn't were also impressed so there were no societal reasons at least in her circle to still hate him, she saw how Kyler and Hawk treated him, her old BFF (Kyler) who abandoned her on her birthday and probably didn't talk to her much or again. Starts dating Demetri, whose a bit of a nerd but he's smart and nice to her (Demetri's grown up a bit) but he's also a bit of a hater when he puts his mind to it like her, but he's witty so I think she probably finds that compatible personality wise. And now this girl realized she didn't want to miss prom with him, flew back from Australia via coach, the girl whose parents bought her a new car after she crashed into Johnny's firebird, and generally pay for her grades. She hasn't had to work for anything and generally got whatever she wanted.
And here she is flying economy to make it in time, a nearly 14 hour flight, that she flew coach probably because this time her parents said no but she did it anyway. And I dunno, that's like super sweet of her and shows a lot of growth. Like her writing a flirty thing on Demetri's cast after Kyler bullied him I think was maybe the big turning point for her.
And it probably all sounds like rich girl nonsense but it's so telling on where she stands, especially on her relationship with Demetri. For her this is a grand GRAND romantic gesture and he 1000% gets it loud and clear:
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Like I know it comes off at first glance as a Demetri, she was a bully why???? But Demetri said day 1, he'd like kill his friends just so she'd spit on him. Like he's been a goner for her since the beginning.
Sam being in pain not from high heels but from flying tornado kicks. She's trying to figure out how to use it in the tournament.
Ah the no karate talk. That rule makes it a little difficult since you both love karate.
This entrance is just A+
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I wonder if Silver also bought Tory that dress.
Like the song choice lyrics too are on point. "I'm tired of grays so lets all pick a side." Their goal was to get in Miguel and Sam's head and they 10000% achieved that.
Vanessa and her second year of grad school for child psychology.
Amanda's comment I don't get. If we're going to get a pro we can do better than marisas tomei jr. Who played Mona Lisa Vito in My Cousin Vinny and was underestimated for her knowledge on cars until she showed up and kicked ass with her knowledge in court. (A movie Ralph was in) I feel like that's actually a huge compliment to Vanessa.
Louie calls her Ness/Nessa
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Literally pulling a Marisa Tomei in my cousin vinny moment.
"Possibly related to screen dependency or full-blown IGD (Internet Gaming Disorder) either way she wants to look at the diagnostics and statistical manual.
Amanda and Daniel's stunned/shocked faces.
Anthony is upstairs second door on the left.
I know wanting to talk to teh parents instead of Anthony seems weird, but I think it's important in this case because Amanda and Daniel are both big mad about this, and stubborn hot heads.
Johnny broke into the dojo via the back using a crow bar:
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That was so dumb Johnny. Like you're literally breaking and entering. He probably doesn't know Silver's got security cameras everywhere because he's thinking of Kreese and I truly don't think Daniel gave him much more than a glossed over this is my enemy who tricked me into cobra kai, it broke my relationship with Mr. Miyagi but Mr. Miyagi took me back and after the all-valley I never saw him or barnes again. Because if he glossed over 1/3rd of it and almost everything else...it kinda probably didn't stick that Johnny whose scared for his son has walked straight into a fire in the dumbest way possible. Especially when he's heard Daniel say he himself is worse then Kreese or Silver.
It's hilarious that Johnny hears someone else's phone ring and goes to answer it. Like come on Johnny. Really? That's like dumb horror movie stuff. Which again, I don't think he realized he's walked into a horror movie. Though I do appreciate that he drops the crowbar because I don't think he was going to threaten anyone with it, just get in with it.
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Johnny looking around like how can this dude see me? How'd he know it was me? Only to finally catch the security cameras.
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For Silver it's kinda like he's on a video call. He's also very easily finding a wound to stick a finger in.
Silver: As long as Robby is with me, I'm going to take care of him.
Seriously? Robby. How? He's like weirdly the opposite of Daniel. Daniel ran into enemies every time he turned around. Robby bumps into a tree and a new father figure that wants to take care of him pops up out of the woodwork. 🤣
And what works here is that Silver doesn't have really any big feelings about Johnny. His feelings are towards Kreese and Daniel. So Robby for the first time has a father figure/role model trying to teach him whose not guilting him over his father at all. Not, we've got to save your father from himself (Both Daniel and Kreese) or saying Johnny's a monster or this awful guy. Silver just is focused on Robby not Johnny through Robby. Which explains how Silver got his hooks in him as Shannon said. Because Daniel warning him against Silver means literally nothing to him because he's already pissed at Daniel and Daniel said teh same shit about Johnny, so it's like to Robby Daniel is just constantly crying wolf about everyone without anything to support it. And he fell for it once but he's not going to again. Until of course this crashes around him.
And again, I get as a person whose seen this and what happens next, as well as the films that Silver is a creep. But so far, he's done most of the same stuff Daniel did so I don't get why now anyone would be like you leave Robby alone for...checks list, clothing, feeding, teaching, giving him a shelter, and a car rental and clothes for prom when Daniel did these things or would've done them.
So all I can think is that Silver set off predator warning signals or something off in Shannon to make her go oh heck no. Or tripped some sort of warning trauma. Because she didn't do the same thing with Daniel who also, I remind, is a rich guy who wanted something.
Silver: Shannon is a special lady who deserves so much better.
Accurate, Daniel even tried helping there but Silver makes it sound creepy.
I also want to point out that Silver knew that Robby is an important piece on the chess board, even told Kreese straight up that stealing Johnny's son is an act of war even though Kreese didn't think about it. (Something Daniel did as well) so Silver's probably just been waiting for something to bring Johnny to them.
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See Silver's winding Johnny up but he's not there so Johnny's just sort of bouncing there getting pissed and ready to fight but with no target.
"I'm going to kick both your asses back to the nursing home."
Poor Johnny, you weren't properly warned and get your ass kicked by Silver like twice.
I also love that Silver just sort of laughs at it. He's so used to like subterfuge and mind games that a direct threat is probably amusing.
Off to the OG cobra kai dojo. Corner of Magnolia and Lankershim. I believe on google maps like irl it truly still says Cobra Kai karate. 🤣 I looked that up a while back and was like woah, fiction place is marked on google maps?????
I get that Silver's alliance is to Kreese, and he'd do anything for Kreese and that's also trying in his own way to prove that Kreese does have a weakness and that it's Johnny and he shouldn't get so pissy about SIlver pointing it out, so he's found his own way to point it out as soon as this opportunity arises.
But I wonder if Kreese ever told SIlver (because I can't remember) that Johnny brought back Cobra Kai. That the whole thing is because Johnny took a bunch of nerds who were being bullied, gave them the tools to defend themselves and then one won the championship. Because you'd think Silver would respect that, but he has like 0 respect for Johnny because he doesn't care other than this is Kreese's weakness.
Also would like to point out the 'let's meet at a second location was the move Miguel pulled and Kenny pulled.' Miguel it was a trick, Kenny it was a trap. Which is more telling for how this is going to go because Kenny's studied under Silver.
The mind racing look Johnny has on his face when Silver drops the location of the old cobra kai dojo.
I also want to point out that Silver is taking advantage of this moment to send a message. Because he didn't have to do this. He could've easily called the police and had Johnny arrested for breaking and entering. He waited till he realized it was Johnny then laid his trap and then drinks his booze and calls Kreese to tell him to meet him there for a present.
Robby literally purposefully bumping into Miguel as he walks by.
Tory and Robby putting on a show because Miguel and Sam can't keep their eyes off of them. Only to be really great at dancing. Robby, who taught you to dance?
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Want to point out that these kids are not taking their eyes off each other now. And that they, after everything, deserve some fun. And that Miguel and Sam being unable to take their eyes off of them, while maybe a thing for safety/danger is kinda also on them.
Vanessa just sitting there roasting Amanda and Daniel's parenting: So it's safe to say you didn't think of the ramifications of giving him his own electronics. Would you say that because of your demanding work schedules, and now the dojo, that Anthony may have learned key life lessons, from the internet rather than you?
Literally yes, Anthony said as much in the last episode himself.
Amanda and Daniel: uhhhhhh no???? Maybe he picked up some things but....
Vanessa: when he picked up these 'things' were you able to correct the behavior?
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You do not. Daniel you cleaned up from Sam's pool party rather than do anything discipline like. You spoil Sam and ignore Anthony. So you don't have a clue what he's doing or is up to.
Amanda's hot head streak coming out: Have you taken care of anything bigger than a goldfish? WHAT ARE YOU WRITING?
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Anthony you owe Vanessa the worlds best cousin gifts and awards. She is going to bat for you against your parents and taking them out at the knees. To Amanda and Daniel: You're acting out and I can prove it with a test.
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She's literally making them face all the hard truths.
And then she starts writing and Amanda just snatches up the notebook that says 'this is the test." tells them they failed and got up and left and she says sorry and Daniel has to hold Amanda back because Amanda is pissed.
But I mean everything Vanessa is saying has been there since Sam was still in the womb. Daniel saying "This one's mine, you get the next one", Daniel constantly fighting with Anthony on the please do something other than be on your screens, how about you do chores with me? Rather than trying to meet Anthony where he's at or share an interest. I mean he shows more of a shared interest with Demetri over Game of Thrones rather than trying with Anthony. Anthony despite living in a big family is raising himself.
Daniel went to Japan and dropped nearly $700 on a gift for Sam and $12 at most on Anthony. When Sam is throwing a tantrum and not talking to him, he tries to win Sam over with her favorite foods, snapping and rolling his eyes when Anthony shows up excited because he also loves those foods because they're for "Sam" not him.
Anthony attends dinners and the only person he's shown talking to is Johnny.
He pretty much says he had to learn life lessons himself to Daniel's face, tell Daniel that he feels like an outsider in his own family and when he screws up when they're finally bonding, the whole family is over and Daniel and Amanda tell him to stay in his room rather than be part of this big family event.
Like he spends a lot of time on his devices, but as soon as he hears that Lucille is there he runs straight to her and into her arms with a "GRANDMA" and she's so delighted to see him. Louie puts an arm around him for a photo and the kid smiles. Like I dunno, Vanessa's spitting some truths here.
Silver vs Johnny, I'm not ready.
Oh I forgot Kreese is there first.
"They're putting it up for sale. I think it was a candle shop." Is kind of a funny line from Silver.
Silver is planning to expand and has his agent looking at other locations. And Kreese is just happy to be back in their dojo.
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Stingray crashing prom and offering his sisters house for the party to Bert, and confused that Bert's not cobra kai anymore.
ah there we go, Shannon was a dancer. Tory is self taught.
Augh, this is so sad. "If I could win this one time, then I could look at that trophy and know I was best at something."- Tory
Tory and Robby are wearing white Calla lilies, according to better home and garden: "They're traditionally used in wedding bouquets, Easter arrangements, and funeral services, symbolizing purity, resurrection, and rebirth." pretty sure Silver picked those on purpose.
Tory asking if Sam and Miguel are still watching, Robby doesn't even glance and says "I don't care." and Tory says "Me either." pan to Sam staring and Miguel going "Sam." and Sam saying "What?", when it was the opposite Miguel was like startled and apologetic while when it was Sam she got defensive.
I mean this time it's not breaking and entering, Johnny was invited.
Silver hiding behind the construction equipment to kick Johnny in the face and get the drop on him.
Kreese: You got him to come back here?
Silver: You wanted to get back at him, now's your chance. This is me showing loyalty.
See Silver knows that Johnny is a weakness of Kreese's but I don't think he knows in what way. Kreese can beat Johnny up and try to kill him, but no one else can. Because he goes about as hot and cold as Daniel does on wanting Johnny to be on his team.
Which I think if Silver had done he'd have tried a completely different method. Instead of just jumping Johnny and beating him up, Silver would've tried manipulation using Robby.
Silver is working the chessboard,and knows Johnny will only win with Diaz.
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supersabbatical2024 · 5 months
5/1/24: Rabbit Rabbit People (It's May 1). Leaving for Madrid tomorrow, to meet Mari at the airport and fly with her to Morocco!! So exciting, and makes it a tad easier to leave our comfy home here in Aix. I've enjoyed the concept of staying in one place to feel more like a local, take day trips, etc. But I actually think I'm ready to move on. I love this house, it's set up with such style and comfort, but I'm just ready to see more! If we were really staying for awhile, say 3-6 months, I might have tried a French Yoga class (here they just call it Yoga), or looked for a pottery studio or something. For 2.5 weeks, it's still mostly about getting out and seeing the sights. I feel like we were able to see a lot, plenty of legit getup-and-go hikes and walks and shopping around the region of Provence: Cassis, Calanques, Avignon, Rousillon, Mont-Sainte-Victoire, Marseille, and lots of little pit stops in an around the main villages. It rained on and off last few days, and we rearranged our plans around the weather. Today was the rainiest day, when we took a pic in front of the Fountaine Rotunde. Claude's favorite meal was the excellent fresh fish at Grand Bleu in Cassis. Let's see, what else? I think we tried at least 5 different boulangeries and pâtisseries. I loved La Fournaise the best I think for the cool looking olive bread, but Bechard had best sweet treats. There was also "the guy around the corner" who always had a couple decent croissants left for us, no matter how late we woke up that morning; there was the big Boulangerie on the main road out of town, which was handy on travel days; Paul (like highway patisserie, which we first discovered in Japan!!?); Weibel Pâtisserie is overrated as far as we are concerned, too famous and tourist machine-y! Local bio place, Lopin de Robin, a tiny shop in our neighborhood, where Robin himself gave us an extra chèvre au herbs de provence, and some nice dark chocolate made with Equadoran cacao and tiny crunchies, mmmmm. Let's not forget the Nespresso store that we passed through too many times (we had guests!) Plus they taught me that coffee is better with a little square of chocolate dropped in...
Not that it was ALL about the food and croissants and pastry, we also slept.
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earaercircular · 9 months
Mending clothes would make sense, but: “It feels like you have to reinvent the wheel every day.”
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Mending clothes requires a lot of manual work and is difficult to automate.
The criticism of “fast fashion” is getting louder. Likewise the demand to repair defective clothes and give them a second life. But that's easier said than done, as the story of a Norwegian startup shows.
As Ingvill Kerob[1] sat at home with her third child, who had just been born, she thought about her future. She thought about what else she wanted to achieve professionally. It soon became clear that she would want to continue the tradition of her family, which has been working in the textile sector for four generations. But in their own way. So not with the production of new textiles, but with repairing them. And not as an employee, but as her own boss.
Interface for customers and companies
Today Kerob says: "It's risky to have children - you have so much time to think of." Because what she imagined back then at home could not easily be implemented. The road to independence was bumpy. The first step: hang up notes on notice boards in kindergartens. She offered the parents the opportunity to organise the mending of clothes that children of kindergarten age always have a hole in somewhere.
The second step was to submit applications for government aid. The promise to the donors: to use a technological platform to help clothes last longer. Courtship was easier than expected. «I met all the criteria: woman, founder, sustainability, technology. Whatever funding I applied for, I got it," says Kerob on the sidelines of an event at the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute (GDI)[2], where she is presenting her company.
Sustainability has always played a central role in the professional life of the 44-year-old Norwegian, who once worked for the food company Mondelez in Opfikon, Zurich for four years.[3] Before starting her own business, she set up the recycling system for Nespresso capsules for Nestlé in Norway and Denmark. What she achieved with coffee capsules, she now also aimed for with clothes: a resource-saving circular economy, only it was no longer about recycling, but about repairing.
There is often talk of a “repair revolution” at the moment. Reference is made to the many repair cafés[4] that are springing up around the world. However, Kerob's startup has not yet sparked a revolution. But at least the company called Repairable, founded in 2016, is still alive. The business model: Repairable offers companies access to a digital platform that connects all players in the repair of clothes, shoes and leather goods.
Customers can book repairs on the platform, regardless of whether they pay for the repair themselves or whether the manufacturer does so due to a warranty claim. The companies get access to tailors or shoemakers who know how to get things back into shape. The platform can be integrated into the company's e-commerce system and provides data on the quality of the products and which parts - zippers, buttons, seams - cause problems. For all of this, companies buy a subscription from Repairable, which varies in price depending on the scope of services.
Second-hand clothing on trend
The company hasn't really taken off yet. “Even after seven years, Repairable still considers itself a startup,” says the economist. In fact, the number of employees is manageable. In addition to the two company founders, there are six software developers in India. There are no more employees, especially since the repair companies work independently on their own account. Currently we are only operating in Norway. According to the plan, other Nordic countries and Germany will soon follow.
No matter how difficult the business may be. Repairable hits a nerve of the times. The pursuit of sustainability has been gaining in importance in the textile industry for years. Criticism of the excesses of fast fashion is becoming louder, and interest in long-lasting clothes is increasing. This is also reflected in the market structure. While the market for textiles grew by 4 percent worldwide last year, the market for second-hand clothes grew by an impressive 28 percent.
But despite the trend towards second-hand clothing, repairing textiles is often not very lucrative. This is also because the work is hardly scalable and promises few economies of scale. Every problem is a little different and requires different approaches. Repair businesses are mostly small or individual businesses. The possibilities for cost-saving division of labour are limited. The productivity of the activity is correspondingly low.
“The materials differ, as do the damages that need to be repaired and even more so the demands of the customers,” says Kerob. “It feels like you have to reinvent the wheel every day.” The only thing that connects the many repair companies is that the work is hard and offers little reward. Unsurprisingly, the industry is struggling to find enough qualified staff for the technically demanding but poorly paid work.
Just a fig leaf for H & M?
The startup entrepreneur has adjusted her expectations over time. She had to realise that not every broken piece of clothing promises a deal. There seem to be two invisible price barriers for most customers: firstly, most people are only willing to repair if the original price of the goods was more than 100 euros. Secondly, you only send a dress for repair if the cost is less than 50 percent of the original price.
Kerob discovered these barriers, among other things, when working with H & M. The Swedish fashion group was Repairable's first major customer. However, the business relationship was short-lived. It soon became clear that repairing cheap 20-euro shirts made little business sense. The project to operate an open repair workshop in the middle of a Norwegian H & M flagship store was also cancelled.
Looking back, the question arises as to whether Repairable only served as an ecological fig leaf for the global fast fashion manufacturer.[5] Sometimes it felt like that, says Kerob. But H & M is quite serious about its commitment to sustainability. And the company also has the budget for corresponding projects. «The collaboration with H & M was not initially planned as a PR campaign. But the result may have been a PR move.”
The matter is complicated for retailers and fashion chains. When customers have clothes mended, this reduces sales of new products. Anyone who promotes repairs is cannibalizing their business. In addition, repairs are rarely profitable. «In Norway, many fashion houses now offer repairs. But most admit that they have to subsidize this offer. Many companies cannot afford this subsidy,” says Kerob.
More government aid and regulation
Does this mean the state has to intervene? Do we need more support and stricter regulation? If you look at Europe's capitals, you might think so. Sweden, for example, has reduced VAT on repairs. And in France, where unsold textiles have no longer been allowed to be destroyed since 2022, a repair bonus[6]  was introduced in November: Anyone who has clothes or shoes mended there receives a subsidy of between 6 and 25 euros.
The EU goes even further. She wants to introduce a “right to repair”[7] in the Union. First of all, it's primarily about electrical appliances such as washing machines, televisions or vacuum cleaners. While such items could previously be easily replaced if they were defective, customers will now be able to request repairs for a fee. For companies, this would mean that they would have to keep spare parts in stock for significantly longer.
The topic is also current in Switzerland. In November, the Council of States unanimously approved a revision of the Environmental Protection Act[8] with the aim of creating more favourable conditions for a circular economy. The repairability of products should also be promoted. However, Switzerland goes much less far in this goal than the EU, that takes a strong interventionist approach to the economic freedom of companies.
So a lot is happening politically. However, one problem for repairers remains that clothes have become increasingly cheaper in recent decades. Buying new textiles is therefore usually more cost-effective than mending them. And people buy in large quantities: Swiss people buy an average of 60 new items of clothing per year. However, around 40 percent of them are never worn or worn a maximum of four times. Switzerland ranks second in the world after Luxembourg in per capita spending on clothing and shoes.
The pitfalls of psychology
How many clothes are repaired and what people spend on them is hardly known. “Nobody collects data,” complains Kerob. Accordingly, the industry is in the dark. What we do know is that customers' loyalty to brands is also explained by customer service after the purchase. The industry hopes that this after-sales service will always include repairs in the future. “Repairing needs to become as natural as brushing your teeth,” says Kerob.
But ultimately it's not just about money, data or customer loyalty. Psychology is also important. “We don’t buy a tenth pair of jeans because we need them, but because we want to treat ourselves and because when we buy them, the happiness hormone dopamine is released,” says Kerob. Little can be done against such vanity. “Our appeal is not very sexy: do nothing, stick with what you have, repair it and wear it again. It doesn’t trigger a dopamine rush.”
Thomas Fuster, Kleider flicken wäre sinnvoll, aber: «Es fühlt sich an, als müsse man jeden, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 22-12-2033; https://www.nzz.ch/wirtschaft/kleider-flicken-waere-sinnvoll-aber-es-fuehlt-sich-an-als-muesse-man-jeden-tag-das-rad-neu-erfinden-ld.1769371
[1] It’s fair to say that Ingvill Kerob knows a thing or two about project management, having spent the best part of a decade working various project management roles for two of the world’s largest food groups (Nestle and Mondelez). She’s also quite handy at the whole recycling game, due to the lead role she had helping Nespresso recycle its capsules in both Norway and Denmark. With all of this solid experience (and factoring in her solid academic career in economics), it probably came as a surprise to no-one when she struck out on her own in 2017 by founding Repairable. Ingvill’s ambition for the company is simple – she wants to vastly reduce the waste in the fashion sector by encouraging all of us to repair our clothes and shoes instead of throwing them away when faults appear. To this end, she has launched a great online repair and alteration service in Norway’s capital. Customers input their repair orders (shoes, dresses, zips, coats, hats, you name it) and then Repairable takes over. It sorts out the price, the transport of goods to certified repairers and follows the entire process to completion. Simple, sustainable, circular fashion has arrived. https://www.globallyspotted.com/profiles/ingvill-kerob/
[2] The Swiss retail pioneer Gottlieb Duttweiler laid the foundations for the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute, GDI, in 1962. His goal was to establish an institute where free thought about the future of the world took centre stage, an institute that contributed to economic and social progress and that put people before profit. The GDI focuses its activities on the industries retail, food and health and examines them from the perspectives of consumption, society, technology and the environment. https://gdi.ch/en/about-us/gdi/what-we-do
[3] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/654312790081814528/aluminum-coffee-capsules-can-be-recycled-forever?source=share
[4] https://www.repair-cafe.ch/; read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/698433553891049472/plastics-manufacturers-want-to-get-rid-of-oil?source=share
[5] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/720260226679488512/hms-answer-about-the-dumped-clothes-article?source=share
[6] https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66174349
[7] Read also https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/720378340978180096/repaired-electro-is-successful-we-are-happy-with?source=share & https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/661118774058123264/repairing-electrical-appliances-is-becoming-easier?source=share; https://www.nzz.ch/wirtschaft/recht-auf-reparatur-die-eu-kommission-will-dass-hersteller-in-der-eu-staubsauger-mobiltelefone-fernseher-und-waschmaschinen-fuenf-bis-zehn-jahre-nach-dem-kauf-noch-flicken-ld.1731687;
[8] The revision of the Environmental Protection Act (USG) is intended to provide binding regulations for the investigation and renovation of public children's playgrounds and green spaces. 60 percent of the costs of the remediation would be covered by the contaminated sites fund of the Ordinance on the Levy for the Remediation of Contaminated Sites (VASA). https://www.admin.ch/gov/de/start/dokumentation/medienmitteilungen.msg-id-92243.html#:~:text=Mit%20der%20Revision%20des%20Umweltschutzgesetzes,von%20Altlasten%20(VASA)%20erfolgen.
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Monday Blues
I had a dream. Not a fun or exciting dream. A sad dream. We were all at a water park, like a spring, and he brought someone. I hated the feeling I felt. The feeling of someone else being with him. I know I'm suppose to feel like this, because it just happened, but god it feels bad. I wanted to kill her. And him. I wanted to kill her. I didn't even want to kill P's baby mama turned wife. Why does it feel this way?
I felt like the dream never ended. It felt like it went on forever. I felt my heart being ripped out of my chest, forever. I didn't wake up to any messages. Nothing. I took some pictures last night and put them on instagram. Somehow whatever I put on instagram is ending up on Facebook. I didn't realize until I went on Facebook and had 25 notifications. He was one of them. He liked my post. I wanted to throw up. I mean I wanted him to like it and see it, but I guess I'm just use to him hearting them. I was upset he didn't heart it. Why would he though.
This whole thing makes me sick. I was suppose to work this morning but my clients kid was sick. She wanted to bring him with her?? Im like umm no thanks. We can reschedule. I was relieved. I need to work, I need money and I was relieved. I hate this. I hate this. I cannot say that enough. I fucking hate this.
What am I going to do today? I have zero plans, zero money, and zero energy. I hope this funk ends soon.
I made a tik tok last night. I finished a draft I started 2 years ago. It got a lot of likes and comments, more than I was expecting. Very soon. I was like wtfffff. People were very nice in the comments. I was getting major anxiety.
I need to order Nespresso pods. Did I tell you I bought another Nespresso machine? I did. It was on sale and smaller than my last one, I actually paid more for this one than I did the last one but whatever I guess. Ive been making a latte everyday, so I'm running out of pods. They're just so expensive, which is why I got rid of the last one. So why did I buy another one? Who freaking knows.
I want to make a shein order. But I don't have any money. I can use affirm, but do I want to add another payment every month? When I already hate the ones I have. I want to win the lottery and just buy shit that will make me happy. Move somewhere that will make me happy. Be someone who makes me happy. I hate that money dictates that but it does. I hate everything nowadays. I really do.
I don't know what to do or feel or say. Im just sad all the time now.
0 notes
kyotakumrau · 3 years
2021.04.06 a talk event at Meguro Rock-May-Kan film screening at Namba Hatch with Kyo and Shinya  - PART 1   Report by とあ on twitter (topics are not reported in order things happened, I mostly followed the order they posted, 1st and 2nd session bits are mixed together)   my comments go in (*…) 
Shinya entered the stage in black hoodie, both hands in his pockets. He also had hands in the pockets when he left the stage. Came with a drink. 
Kyo came on stage with his arms crossed. He drank some water soon after sitting down, I thought he started to play with the flyer but he made an airplane from it.   Q “To Die. Please tell us the secret of your youth.”  Kyo and Shinya face each other and laugh.  Kyo: Is it okay to imagine what Die is doing? I said that I quit McDonalds, right? Die also said he hasn’t had McD in years.  Fujieda: He also said he doesn’t eat ramen.  Kyo: and he doesn’t eat spicy food.  Kyo: Now he’s just eating, like tofu? Tofu or soybeans.  Shinya: he researched and knows a lot. Even when going on a diet in the past he found a good plan.  During the rapid question time they also answered another one for Die “I bought Die’s model guitar. Please tell me how can I get better” when reading Kyo answered “tooth guitar”.  I think it was when reading about this guitar? Kyo started laughing then Fujieda started laughing and for a bit they both faced each other laughing. 
  “Coffee”  Kyo: I drink it black. Even at home. Using beans from Starbucks. I drink 1~3 cups a day.  Fujieda: Kaldi’s coffee is also great. They have many types.  Kyo: If you say that they have many different types you have to try them to compare.  You don’t say this even though you didn’t drink them, right?  Fujieda: I tried quite a lot. There’s different one for each season. Now they sell sakura blend etc.  Kyo: Ah, then it’s fine. If you drank it.  Shinya: some years back I bought Nespresso coffee maker but I’ve only used it for 2 weeks. It’s still in my house.  Kyo (suddenly looking at Shinya): gimme! (くれ!)  Shinya: o, okay.  Kyo (turning to Fujieda looking happy): he said okay!  Kyo: Then I will give you a coupon to get that right side curl fixed. it caught my eye that looking from here that just the right side of your hair has this weird curl.  Shinya: No, it’s not weird...  Kyo: But I will give you a voucher to get that fixed.   
 “What’s your routine before the show?”  Both of them don’t have one  Kyo: Does anyone have?  Fujieda: Toshiya is doing muscle training.  Kyo: Ah... and doesn’t Die move around a lot?  Shinya: He does. Until the start he’s very restless.  Kyo: Right? Even when we all gather one is always going back and forth.    “Your favourite takoyaki”  Shinya: I don’t care. Even though I’m from Osaka I don’t really eat takoyaki. It is said that every household in Kansai will have a takoyaki machine but we didn’t. In the 20 years I lived there I only had like 5 octopus balls.  Kyo: That time when you were wearing that long earring? You only had 5? So what type?  Shinya: the one that is crispy outside and soft inside   
“A difficult song”  Shinya: Rinkaku. Because I need to keep kicking. It’s faster than Zan. The drum is nice but it totally kills my leg.  Kyo: DIFFERENT SENSE as I said before. I imagined a dialogue as it’s a heavy song when I made it, but when I didn’t get any response, I ended up having to sing all of it by myself so it’s really tiring. I tried control my breathing when swimming but I can’t.  Kyo: So in the end it’s like swimming the whole thing without breathing.  I was told by Kaoru to try pointing the mic [at fans], but all I get is ‘eh right now?’ (gestures pointing with his right arm) I get ‘eh here?’ The people in front of me try to respond, but the people on the sides (again points with his right arm) go ’eh? Eh? Here? (agitated) so I gave up. I don’t mind if it’s the wrong pitch, just put your feelings into it. 
 Kyo: I started playing Monster Hunter. On Switch.  Takabayashi: I’m also playing.  Kyo: Then let’s play together! (big grin)  Takabayashi: Okay.  Shinya: I bought it on the day DS got released, but I couldn’t understand the objective of the game after playing for a day so I didn’t feel like playing anymore.  Kyo: So you just started playing from zero by yourself? No one helped you saying what to do?  Shinya: Yup.  Kyo: If you told me I’d have helped you.  Shinya: So in the end what happens? What is the goal?  Kyo: there’s none.  Shinya: What?  Kyo: You just continue getting your level up.  Shinya: And for how long do you continue to play?  Kyo: There are people who continue playing until the next game comes out.  Shinya: Woah... 
 "What weapons you're using in Monster Hunter" Kyo: I'm using a bow. It might seem it's because it's huge, but I can attack from a distance and avoid being found. Make a shot from a distance, if you're found out you can run away. Direct confrontation is scary.
 “During the Osaka period what studio did you use?”  Kyo: Was it in Umeda?  Shinya: Yup.  Fujieda: What was the name?  Kyo: I don’t remember. Do you?  Shinya: Yes. It was M4 www.m4-studio.com  Kyo: That’s some memory.  Shinya: I booked it. I confirmed the date with 4 of you and called them. We made Karma and Aoi Tsuki there. 
 “About Oboro teaser”  Kyo: Could you see me? I only watched it on my phone so couldn’t tell what was what. 
 “Rock-May-KanGIG"  Shinya: there were many problems... no one around me [to help]. When my ear monitor fell out I had to fix it myself. And I made this rookie mistake of not pressing record on camera...  Kyo: We don’t remember things like that.  Kyo: Do you remember what you ate a month ago? You don’t right? It’s the same. You might remember that the main dish was shrimp but you won’t remember sides.  “About SOGAI in May”  Kyo: something that will happen in a month...Do you think about what you will be eating in a month?  Fujieda: But I think many fans are looking forward to it.  Kyo: I guess, but that’s because they’re going to enjoy the food. From the side of people who will be cooking you only start preparing about a week before, no?  Fujieda: So you will start feeling motivated a week before...  Kyo: Nope.  Fujieda: Shinya, do you think this analogy works?  Shinya: After hearing it I think so.   
“What are some food combinations that you find just wrong?” (*from other twitter reports the question had example like pineapple in sweet sour pork etc)  Shinya: as long as there’s no foods I dislike anything is okay.  Kyo: I don’t have any food like that, but but I hate when people mix different sports brands. Wearing adidas with Nike shoes and so on. When I see someone like that I want to tell them ‘could you not?’ 
 “What expensive item have you bought recently?” 
 Shinya: I’ve already answered this earlier. A camera. The camera itself was 40k and lens was 20k yen.  Kyo: What do you use the camera for?  Shinya: For recording and so on.  Kyo: What kind of [recording]?  Shinya: For youtube or Haiiro.  Kyo: Isn’t iPhone good enough for that?  Kyo: When I’m taking a photo I just pass my iPhone and ask someone.  Fujieda: I was given a camera for taking photos, but after about 15 minutes I was told to use iPhone in the end.  Kyo: Do you know what was different?  Fujieda: I didn’t.  Kyo: (*going back to the main question) an expensive item... Nike and Garcons sneakers I guess. They were about 20k yen. (*Pegasus?)  I’m drinking coffee while looking at the sneakers. 
“Do you prefer indoor or outdoor festivals?”  Shinya: If it’s daytime then indoor. It would be too bright outdoor in daytime.  Kyo: I hate insects so indoor. Weren’t there so many insects when you had plants? Fujieda: Speaking of insects, don't they get into your mouth when you ride a bike? Kyo: You ride a bike with an open mouth? Silly kid. Fujieda: Instead of having open mouth, it's like there's suddenly an insect in your mouth, when it crashes into you. Kyo: Riding a bike with an open mouth is silly. Why, are you singing? Fujieda: Sometimes I do, actually. Kyo: If you're singing while riding that's okay, if you just have your mouth open while riding that's silly.  
 "About SOGAI in May"  Shinya: We're working on the setlist, it will be great.  Kyo: That's why I don't want you to ask me about a concert in a month. Don't ask me questions about concerts next year. I won't answer.   
 "What's a good place in Hirakata?"  Shinya: Hira pa (Hirakata Park) and TSUTAYA, right? TSUTAYA is where I was born.  Fujiefa: Eh? Really? I didn't know.  Kyo: if in Tokyo you say Hirapa no one will understand   Kyo: Do you know? (looks at Shinya) when you just come in and there's a place with dogs Shinya: Like real dogs?  Kyo: Yeah. There are about 20 dogs, but all are so tired. Lifeless as if they were abused. Of course they weren't abused, but it's a place where you can spend some time with dogs but they are so tired, so lifeless and tired that it's almost a shame they are kept there.  (*I think he's talking about Doubutsu Hug Hug Town) 
  "What hotel facilities do you find exciting?"  Shinya: ...for example?  Fujieda: ehm...  Kyo: This is not something exciting, but. You know in a shower? When you don't know if you're supposed to move the handle up or down? Maybe this way? And then when you move it the water suddenly comes out from above! (Shinya nods)  Fujieda: That's criminal! Was it hot?  Kyo: First water came out, but when I turned the handle the water suddenly poured from above, I got totally soaked. How do you use that?  Shinya: there are some places where water comes out in 3 places instead of 2.  Fujieda: Criminal!  Fujieda: Anything exciting?  Shinya: Like?  Fujieda: Like a big tv.  Shinya: I don't watch TV.  Dujieda: That's true, you don't. How about a very good pillow?  Shinya: I don't care.  Kyo: And the shower [head]! Just from one hole the water goes in a strange direction, there's nothing stuck there, just water, but just this one spot. What's that about?  (Shinya continued to nod while smiling)  
 "To Shinya. What time did you wake up today?"  Shinya: Around 1. At night.  Fujieda: What time did you go to bed?  Shinya: I think about 10pm.  Fujieda: You almost didn't sleep at all.  Kyo: Aren't you an old man now!  (*🤣🤣🤣🤣) 
 "What toothpaste and toothbrush are you using?"  Kyo: Any toothpaste is okay, but I prefer small toothbruses. Because I have very complex teeth. Like a maze. You get lost there. That's why I choose a tothbrush with a small head, has good reach.  Shinya: I'm using a toothpaste from overseas with an M, any brush is okay for me. But I use one with water coming out of it.  Fujieda: Is it electric?  Shinya: Yes.  Fujieda: Is it painful?  Shinya: Well sometimes it gets a bit bloody.  Kyo: You're really into it (laughing) to keep using it even if you're bleeding. 
  Kyo is watching The world unknown to Matsuko every week (depends on the episode but it's interesting), when finishing the 2nd sessiin event Shinya said 'go straight home and from 8:57 watch The world unknown to Matsuko'. It already started and it seems [dir] appeared there.  
 "Where do you want to tour besides Tokyo-Nagoya-Osaka?"  Shinya: Somewhere we still haven't been to... where was it?  Takabayashi: ehm... Shimane, Wakayama, Saga.  Shinya: There.  Kyo: Kyoto. Kyoto is good. Kyoto is the best. Even now I'd love to [have an event] in Kyoto instead. Kyoto is the best or, I want to become Kyoto.  
 "What animals do you like in the zoo?"  Kyo: ehm... sheep I guess. I want to look at them or hold them.  Shinya: Animals you don't see in everyday life like giraffes, elephants or lions. 
"What do you like in an amusement park?"  Kyo: I guess the haunted house? Yeah, haunted house. It's okay when people try to scare me. It's not scary. I'm laughing all the time.  Fujieda: So you can enjoy FujiQ no problem?  Kyo: I haven't been, but I think it's fine? I would be fine bringing a sheep with me I guess? Going in while stroking the fluffy sheep.  Shinya: Ferris Wheel.  Fujieda: How about the thrilling ones? Shinya: I don't like them. Fujieda: So Ferris Wheels for Shinya, understood.
 "About shooting Oboro PV"   Shinya: It was tough. Kyo: You say that? Say that to ME?? Shinya: Well, you were shooting naked. The green stuff got all over my clothes and cleaning that took ages. Kyo: Ah, I guess. But you could've gotten it dry cleaned, no? Shinya: It was a fabric that cannot be dry cleaned. I couldn't remove it in the end so I gave it to Fujieda. Kyo: You did? You got it? Fujieda: Yeah, I passed it to the person who designed the costume. Kyo: I see... Shinya: And the floor was very cold. Kyo: You say that?!?!?! Fujieda: Were you okay, Kyo? Kyo: Yeah... I'm a pro in the end. Fujieda: Oh (claps) Kyo: Are you mocking me? Looking down on me? Fujieda: No! Not at all! I clapped because I think that's great! Kyo: No, you're defnitely looking down on me. It's the same as the 'whats your salary like?' 'this much' 'oh'.
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jandjmoor · 3 years
Othello day 2 - Marrakech to Ourigane
Woke again to the call to prayer - so nice. Very spoilt, we had a Nespresso machine for our morning coffee.
Not a very early start, we rolled out a bit after 9:30am. Negotiating the traffic out of Marrakech was not too bad, in fact way better than I had expected. Before I knew it we were on good roads with a dedicated bike lane. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face, riding my bike in Morocco - living the dream!
It was a relatively easy ride to lunch, which was in a lovely setting over looking a lake. Nice food, a glass of wine - heaven.
After lunch things got real as we head towards the Atlas Mountains, a lot of climbing with steep pinches and not great roads. At about the 58km mark I was thinking I’d need to get in the van, but thankfully it turned out I’d done some of the worst of the climbing and there was a lot more respite.
On the narrow roads we all had the same experience where it felt like the oncoming traffic was heading right for you, but I think we are a bit of a novelty so they’re checking us out and waving and therefore do steer towards you. It was really nice the encouragement we got from the locals , and nice but at times a little bit interesting, the kids running beside us.
Visibility wasn’t great today, it’s been quite hazy which is a shame given the majestic mountains around us.
I was very happy to arrive at the coffee stop at 75km in the town of My Brahim and pretty chuffed to discover I wasn’t that far behind.
From Asni the road improved a lot and we had a great descent before the last climb (which was not welcome on tired legs) to our accommodation.
Our accommodation for the next two nights is stunning, it really does feel like a summer palace in the mountains. We also have really gelled as a group, great people that we will have lots of fun with on this adventure.
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sassymajesty · 2 years
Do you have any recommendations for coffee? I've always been a tea drinker (yes I am from the UK 🤦‍♀️) but I've always wanted to get into coffee because I figured it wasn't too far off tea and I like red bull. However, I tried it earlier this year and I just found it really bitter. I tried different things to make it less bitter like adding milk and sugar but it's still too strong a taste for me.
i might not be the best one for tips on how to start liking coffee, because i've been drinking coffee since i was a kid. and i've changed how i take it now, but for the longest time it used to be a lot of milk, a shitload of sugar and a splash of coffee, just enough for the faintest beige color
i'd recommend trying out those fun coffee drinks in coffee shops. something sweet by nature, with whipped cream and chocolate. some of them have just enough of a punch for you to taste the coffee, so you can get used to it, but the sweetness washes it down. i had an iced mocha today and the bitterness was barely there. also, don't be afraid to add stuff!! cinnamon, chocolate, condensed milk, whipped cream, those are all good things to "mask" the coffee taste and help with the bitterness
but if you want to go straight into coffee without the overload of sugar, i think a safe (although expensive and not super environment friendly) bet would be a nespresso machine, keurig or something similar. they usually have some variety packs you can try, with different flavors and intensities. and you can start with pods that are sweeter (like the barista creations for nespresso) and ones that have an intensity around four.
i'm very biased because i do love coffee, and i love trying out new ones and even doing that pretentious "mmm what are the notes in this one?" thing. it takes getting used to, but there's a world of flavors out there. start small, with sugary or weak coffee, and build up from there. i hope you find good coffees on your way!
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jow99 · 2 years
Trip to Barcelona
This morning we were up and at it early to catch the bus to Barcelona. We arrived a bit after 10am and were pleasantly surprised that a room was available when we went to the hotel to drop off our bags.
It was quite warm so we also managed to shed a few layers. First stop a cafe we quite like for coffee and then off to the lawyers. It was a very productive meeting and all going well my visa application should go in next week 🤞We also left feeling like we have a plan for what comes next.
By now we were starving so headed off to to Santa Caterina market and our favourite tapas bar there. When we got there we found it had all been renovated and lost a bit of its character. Thankfully we found a worthy replacement and celebrated our productive morning with a couple of glasses of cava and some tapas.
We were now free agents so hit the shops. First stop Decathlon - always dangerous and today was no exception. We also went to Nespresso, El Corte Ingles (Spanish DJs) and Desigual. We were getting tired so decided to head back to the hotel via the Eroica Cafe. I managed to walk out of there with a jersey and two magazines 😳
We finally arrived back at the hotel after 5pm with heavy legs and a light wallet. After a few hours of chilling and waiting until a respectable time to go out for dinner we headed out. Being a Friday night we probably should have booked somewhere but we found a place with mixed reviews and that pretty much summed up our meal. A nice evening in any event but now we’re tired after our early start and lots of walking we’re happy to fall into bed.
PS today is the day of Sant Jordi (or St George) who is the patron saint of Catalunya. The tradition is to exchange books or roses - how nice. In future we will get on board with this tradition.
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gra-sonas · 4 years
Hi friend. Thank you so much for your offer!!!! I am torn because I would honestly love a rundown of the vlamburn live, but I again don’t want you to put yourself out too much. Knowing you even spent an hour on the Vlamis one makes me feel bad!!! Maybe if you get bored haha, I would love it but please please don’t put yourself out and please also take as much time as you want, no hurry at all IF you decide to do it. Thank you again for everything 💗💗
Okay, nonnie, this took a tad longer to transcribe, but it’s done, now.
Putting the transcript behind a READMORE bc it got quite long. Hope this will help you (and maybe others, too). Sending much love your way, and I hope you get to watch the live. Happy Sunday! ❤️
Vlamis: *goes live* *opens can of Mountain Dew* “I’m gonna thirst my quench. Because I am thirsty for Malex. That’s what I’m thirsty for.”
“Where you at Tyler” (waiting for Tyler to request him)
Vlamis notices a few of his friends have joined the live (a girl who gave him his first hug in 6th grade, and Parker Seaman, famously responsible for pranking with SunBum)
“What’s up, Vlambase?” Makes sure to differentiate between *the* Vlambase (that’s us) and Vlambase (the merch company).
*spots Jeanine in the chat* “Jeanine’s the Real Vlam. We had fun shooting together today. They said they needed to get better focus on Vlam, and nobody knew which one they were talking about because Jeanine and I had a scene together.”
“Tyler? Guys, does anyone see him? Get in here, Tyler.” *looks straight into the camera*
“Oh, he requested, there he is.” *keeps walking around his house until Tyler pops up on screen eventually*
V “Ohhhhh, there he is!”
T “I was listening to you saying ‘where is he?’ And I was like ‘I’m here, I’ve requested you already’.”
V “A lot of people requesting. You’re very popular.”
T “Yeah, that’s why.”
Both zoom in on the merch they’re wearing. Vlamis the black MALEX hoodie, Tyler the black COSMIC hoodie. Tyler’s also wearing a MALEX hat tho.
V “Whose handwriting do you like better?”
T “Honestly, yours reminds me of the writing from FRIENDS, the show, FRIENDS.”
V “That’s right, you told me that before. I love that.”
T “I don’t really have a favorite. I think we’re unique in our own way.”
V “I like yours.”
T “You do?”
V “Yeah, like it’s prettier, dude.” *drinks more Mountain Dew
T “No, yours is nice.” *nods to show the MALEX hat* “That’s yours, right?”
V “Yeah, that’s me.”
Vlamis explains, that they both tried different versions of MALEX and COSMIC in their respective handwriting and ultimately settled on what’s been released (with the help of Jesa).
V “3 minutes in, do we have enough people? Oh, lots of friends here.”
T “Jeanine!”
V “We love you, Jeanine!”
V “Oh, Tanner’s up in here. What up, Tanner? Big brother Greg!”
T “Big brother Greg?”
V “Yeah, Tanner’s in there.”
T “All the hearts. Oh yeah, Tanner, my buddy! I thought that was one of your friends from Chi-town”
V “[girl who hugged Vlamis in 6th grade] she says ‘love me some Tyler’ She’s getting in there.”
Vlamis says they have a list of questions, and they want to answer some of them before they talk about anything else.
V “Sounds good?”
T “Hell yeah .”
“Each of you, describe S3 Malex in one word”
T “You go first.”
V “I’m scared to go first.” *another sip of Mountain Dew*
T *perks up* “You’re literally drinking Mountain Dew right now?”
V *cracks up*
T “You remember what I said about your health? And I was like ‘you don’t really drink that shit.’ And you were like *impersonates Vlamis* ’no, no, no’”
V *cracks up some more* “You thought I just got it for the photoshoot.”
T “Yeah.”
V *drinks more Mountain Dew*
T “That’s disgusting!”
V “I know, dude.” *laughs* “You’re like a health freak. But man, it’s diet. It’s diet.”
T *mock relieved* “Oh, good.”
Back to answering questions.
T “So, S3 Malex.”
V “The reason it’s hard is because we only know up to episode 3x06 as of right now. So we don’t even know fully S3 Malex.”
T “Exactly, yeah. I mean, thus far, I would sayyyyy— tension.”
V “Woooow. Okay. I agree. You know what I’m gonna say?”
T “What?”
V “With the tension, I think there’s a hopefulness. So I would say hopeful.”
T *ponders* “Okay. Okay. Now is that you talking about your feelings about Malex?”
V *laughs*
T “Like you’re hopeful?”
V “Yeah, dude. Sometimes I feel bad like just being so about Malex. But— give me Malex or give me death, man. I love Malex.”
T “Hell yeah. I think we’ve gotten some great scenes and then people really respond to them whether they are themselves queer or not and it’s like. If you can speak to people universally like that? That’s incredible.”
V “Yeah, dude. Speaking of that. I think it’s important that we tell everyone… Usually we don’t— I don’t know, guys, if you’ve been paying attention to it in previous drops but we always donated a percentage of our proceeds to a charity. We don’t really announce that because we do that not to tell you guys what we’re doing but because we like to do it. But this drop specifically, it’s important because we’re donating to one of our favorite ones. And I know you’ve worked with them in the past before. So yes, it’s going to be the Trevor Project.”
T “Yeah.”
V “—for this specific drop. They have no idea, it’s not an official partnership or anything but that’s—“
T “That’s our plan.”
V “Yeah, that’s what we’re gonna do.”
They’re moving on to the next question.”
V “What has been our favorite part about putting this merch drop together and whose idea was it?”
T “It was yours.”
V “I think it was Jesa Joy’s idea.”
T “It was Jesa Joy, but between the two of us, it was you coming to me.You and Jesa. Because you’ve been like killing it with all the Vlambase merch and stuff. So it was kind of like the next best thing.”
V “Duuuuude, you— you’re an inspiration for a lot of things, man. A lot of things that I do and Roswell, and like clearly even before this drop with Boys Will Be Boys or just any of these other designs. So this is something we’ve been wanting to do for a long time. Jesa Joy has been wanting to work with you since… I think you commented on a vintage t-shirt she was wearing at a premiere of yours like six years ago. She was like wearing a Nirvana vintage tee and you complimented her on it.”
T “Wait, why is it that this is the first time I’m hearing this story?”
V “I think… I don’t know.”
T “You never told me this.”
V “She probably asked me not to because she’s probably very embarrassed.”
T “No, I love that story! So I commented on a vintage Nirvana shirt.”
V “One of her shirts from her company Blank Clo.”
T “And she was wearing it?”
V “And now you’re making merch with her which is just so sick.”
T “Honestly, she’s truly just the best.”
V “She is a beast. I don’t know how. She doesn’t sleep. I bought her a Nespresso machine for Christmas to keep her—.”
T “You’re enabling her!”
V “I have to, man, someone’s gonna get the work done!”
Both laughing.
V “But yeah, I think my favorite part’s just been working with you, collaborating with an outsider. It’s always me and Jesa so working with you, doing feedback and then probably because we’ve spent so little time with each other - or anyone - during this pandemic, I would say the photoshoot was… We don’t do that anymore, you know.”
T “I know. No, I know. That really was fun. And I just feel like it’s actually kinda— my favorite part is like more general. You and I have been working together as actors but it was fun to work on like a different kind of creative endeavor together, you know what I mean.”
V “Yeah, definitely.”
T “Going back and forth about like colors and like what kind of writing should be on this merch and what about this photo, and you hearing a lot of like ‘no, I have three chins in that photo, so you’re not gonna use that one, buddy.’”
V *cracks up*
V “Nah, dude, you look beautiful, man.You always look good.”
V *pretends to getting hot, fans himself*
V “Jesus, man, every time I talk to you I just get a little worked up. I gotta—“
V *takes off black MALEX hoodie, reveals pink MANESQUEEZE hoodie underneath*
T *laughs and shakes head* “I hate you.”
V “It’s true, I get so hot and— oh, I didn’t realize I have more merch on. I get so hot and bothered every time I’m talking to you.”
T *laughs* “It’s not that cold here. It’s only like 40F(4C) degrees here and you have layers and layer and layers.”
V “Well, the heat’s out, man, the heat’s out, you know.”
T “Oh, in your house? Nice.”
V “No, no, no, it’s not out, dude. You’re just that hot.”
T “Aurora!”
V “Oh, Aurora’s here!”
T *reads from chat* “Malex forever. Tyler’s handwriting!”
T “She likes it better? Is that what she’s saying?”
V “Yeah, she’s a fan.”
T “She’s gem.”
V “She watches Roswell for you to be honest.”
T *laughs*
V “Which is a little weird but that’s fine.”
Next question is also about the merch making process, and they decide they’ve answered that.
V “The collaboration of it all.”
T “Yeah.”
V “What did you say?”
T “I said yeah.”
V “You blowing me a kiss?”
T *cracks up* “No!” *giggles*
V “Man, I’m seeing things that I wanna see. 
Next question “What is your favorite thing about each other?” from a fan from Argentina. 
“I went to Argentina last year. Well, 2019. Big fan.”
T “I’ve never been, I really wanna go.”
V “Oh, you’d love it, dude. Good steak, good wine.”
T “Hell yeah.”
V “It’s all you need. It’s all you need.”
V “Okay, favorite thing about each other? Do you wanna go first or should I?”
T “Ooooooh, that’s a tough one. There’s not a lot to like.” *cracks up* “No, I’m just kidding.”
V “Yeah, right, dude.”
T “No, honestly, I feel like I’ve said this before, actually, in like actual interviews and stuff. But I think like you’re very multi-dimensional. I feel like you can get along with any type of person but it all comes from a very genuine place, and I think that— it’s very familiar and comforting, I think you’re like a really well-rounded guy who’s in touch with every emotion in a very healthy way. In a good way, you know.”
V “I really appreciate that, man. That means a lot to me. I definitely pride myself on being able to connect with people and I enjoy meeting all sorts of different people. Sometimes to the point where I’m like… I feel like we’re so quickly to judge people nowadays. And don’t get me wrong, I judge, too, it’s hard not to. You look at something and you have preconceived ideas, but staying open through the process to meeting them and getting to know them, that’s something else. And the more as I get older, I realize that, dude, like we all have a ton of faults. So we got to be open with that person even though they may believe something that we don’t like. There’s like fifty other things you might like about them, you know?”
T “Totally.”
V “So that’s—“
T “Absolutely. I mean, you don’t have to like everything a person to *like* them, do you know what I mean?”
V “Yeah.”
T “And I feel like, the things that we don’t like in other people, are usually things that remind us of the things we don’t like about ourselves. So, in a way it’s like a mirror, you have to kind of look at that.”
V “Dude, yes. So, I will say two things I love most about you. I would say number one: your openness. And that goes with: you always say what you’re thinking - at least to me, right?”
T *nods*
V “Like, you always say what you think, you always say what you feel. And I think that goes along with how much of an empath you are. I mean, dude, I’ve said that before but that’s why some of our scenes are my most favorite is because one of the most easiest people I’ve ever worked with. Dude, I look inside you, I know you’re *genuine*, man. And that comes with you being open and available. And, I don’t know if a lot of people know it, they must, but—“
T “I’m nervous.”
V “You have a sick, twisted sense of humor, just like me!”
They’re both cracking up.
V “A lot of people might not know that.”
T “I accept that, I accept that. I do feel though that you bring it out in me. I feel like we can just “bro down” a little bit. As lame as that is to say. You bring it out in me. It’s obviously there, not everybody sees it, but you can bring it out in me.”
V “There’s nothing wrong with a little bro-ing down, dude, we’re not that pretentious where you can’t be a little bit of a bro.”
T “Nah.” *changes topic* “Ashley Benson just did these hands [in the chat].”
V “Wow, is she trying to come for our love right now?”
T “Probably. But dude, our love was first. Haleb was first before Malex. So step down.”
V “You can never beat a first love. So—“ *raises Mountain Dew can* “Ashley, this Mountain Dew’s to you. *guzzles down fluid toxic waste* “Thanks for joining!”
T *smiles* “Yeah. I love you, Ashley. Miss you.”
V “Okay, so one more question. Oh, this is a good one. From aimz_623, what up, aimz... Oh, I know who this is! Because I did a meet & greet last year with her, and she was hammered at like 11 in the morning in Australia.”
T *cracks up*
V “Drinking like a blue slurpy drink. It was awesome! Okay, she said ‘Are the meet & greets joint or individual?’”
Neither says anything for a moment, waiting for the other to talk. Vlamis breaks first.
“Well, joint!”
*both cracking up*
T “I was like ‘am I gonna answer that?’ Yes, they are joint. We’re gonna be together.”
V *nods* “We’re gonna be together.”
T “Not even like this [in two separate places like during the IG live]. We’re gonna be in person together in the same room.”
V “You’re gonna be next to me in bed. Oh, well, next to me.”
T “Yeah, yeah. In the bathtub.”
V *cracks up* “In the bathtub. No mask?”
T “With mask, but that’s it.”
V “You like it with the mask?”
T “We’re gonna do mask and nothing else.”
V *cracks up*
T 😏
V “See, dude, you are sick!”
T “Maybe a few rubber duckies to hide some things.”
V “Dude, all this talking, man.I’m just so hot.” *takes off pink MANESQUEEZE sweater, he’s wearing the MALEX FOREVER t-shirt underneath* “Sorry about that.”
T “I just want everybody to know that he told me he was going to do this shtick.”
V *doubles over laughing*
T “I just want everybody to know that this is pre-planned. He’s a great actor but he just wants to show off as much merch in one live as possible.”
V “Sorry, dude. You know how it goes.” *pretends to take off t-shirt* No, no more!”
T “Nooo!”
V “I can’t put anything else under here. Oh guys, I’ve been messing around with one of our MALEX LOVE INTENTION candles. I’ve been messing with people and how it smells on Twitter, saying that it smells like vanilla bean and just basically you, and your body, you know.”
T “Me?”
V “Yeah, and your armpits. But what it really smells like is crème brûlée with a hint of jasmine.”
T “So, my body. 😏”
V “Basically your body. After a good wash, dude. Not my body. My body’s disgusting.”
T “You have a good smell, actually, I’ve told you this before. You have a good smell, and I don’t know if it’s like the shampoo you use, it’s *something*. But there’s like a natural— like, I’ve never smelled that on anybody else, and I don’t know what it is. But you do have a good smell.”
V while Tyler’s talking: 😊
V “You mean it’s good?”
T “Yeah! Yes, absolutely.”
V “My guy, dude.”
T “You never even had bad breath during kissing scenes in the past, I don’t understand. You look homeless a lot, but you like you don’t smell it.”
V “My character is homeless, basically.”
T “Yeah, he is. He’s literally always dirty. Physically dirty.”
V “One time I ate like a chicken salad before one of those scenes and then we had to do a quick scrub but most of the time we’re pretty good.”
T “Oh yeah, but we put a mint or some shit like that in the mouth.”
V “Remember when I was doing keto, though, and I was eating all the bagged tuna?”
T “First of all, never talk about that again. That was disgusting.”
V *cracks up*
T “That was disgusting. You ate *bagged* tuna.”
V “Yeah, that was messed up, man.”
T “My doctor told me that tuna has the highest level of mercury in it and we shouldn’t eat it.”
V “Well, that’s what— I mean. Jeremy Piven, I heard he got mercury poison one time, from eating too much sushi.”
T “Probably.”
V “Too much tuna, man. If you wanna be like Jeremy Piven, eat a lot of tuna, guys.”
T “Hell yeah.”
V “No, nobody wants to be like… Anyway. So, another question. Do the sweatpants have pockets? Believe it or not, this is very hard.”
T “Hi, Carly! My cousin Carly just came on. Remember, you met her on set that one time. ”
V “Oh, she came and visited.”
T “Yeah, she just said hi.”
V “When your mom was in town, too.”
T “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”
V *waves at camera* “Hi, Carly!”
T “Was that last year? Yeah, that was last year. Anyway, sorry. Sweatpants!”
V “No, no, it’s good. We have to say hi to the people that support us. I appreciate that. But no, sweatpants, do they have pockets.”
*explains why it’s hard (and expensive) to offer sweatpants with pockets, so sweatpants from this drop don’t have pockets, but they’re working on offering that in the future*
T “But like a lot of these sweatshirts have pockets. Like this has—” *shows his COSMIC hoodie’s front pocket*
V “Oh yeah, we got those. One hundred percent. And there’s a big mix and everything. Uhm, also because it’s a pandemic, it’s a lot of the colors, the sizes, they’re so hard to find. And normally, we don’t really buy—in the past, we hadn’t bought a lot of merch upfront, we waited to see what kind of things you guys ordered and liked and then we made our orders. Now, I’ve been putting money upfront to purchase merch, that’s why stuff’s selling out so quickly. So a lot of it is really “limited edition”. So tomorrow at 10.30am PST when it launches, if you want something, grab it, because it might go quickly, and I’ll feel bad, if you don’t get it. Okay, and the last thing, this isn’t even a question, I just have a note for it because I’m excited about it. Everyone who’s ordered before knows that the first hundred who order, always get a little surprise in their package. And this time, it’s a picture, a Polaroid of us, and we will both be signing it. Isn’t that right?” 
T “We will.”
V “I’ll have a lot of them and put them up in my trailer, around the candle.”
T *cracks up*
V “It’s gonna be real nice.😏” 
T “Yeah.”
V “Okay, what do you think. Should we tell everyone how they can win a meet & greet?”
T “Yeah.”
V “I don’t think we missed anything, right? I think we did it all.” *guzzles last sip of Mountain Dew*
T *ponders* “Yeah, I think we did. I think we’re good.”
V “Okay, meet & greet time, guys.” 
Vlamis explains how people can win a meet & greet. Find a pic on the Vlambase account and a comment that says “Meet & Greet” and the first person to reply to that comment with the name of the band and the song that was playing during Malex’s first kiss at the UFO Emporium in 1x06 wins.
V “[The song] It’s a favorite one of mine.”
T “Oh, it’s so good!”
V “So good!”
T “So nostalgic for me, too.”
V “A hundred percent, man. I actually just watched that scene right before we jumped on here. Is that strange that I watch scenes of us all the time?”
T “I got to go.”
*both cracking up*
V “Ashley, you still here?”
T “Yeah, I gotta hit up Ashley. No, it’s not, I think it’s cute. It’s cute and that’s sweet.”
V “My guy, dude.”
T “So, that was kind of a lengthy scavenger hunt [for the meet & greet].” *explains once more how to win a m&g* 
T “We’ve been on this for a while now, and we still have over a thousand people here.”
V “I know, it’s really cool. That’s definitely the most people I’ve ever spoken to live.”
T *laughs*
V “I think so.”
T “Maybe.”
V “Find the photo, find the Vlambase comment. You’ll know the comment when you see it, you have to search through. Comment, name the band, and then name the song that played during Malex’s first museum kiss. We were so nervous, dude.”
T “🤨”
V “We were so young.”
T “Oh, you mean in real life or in the show?”
V “In the show.”
T “Oh yeah. That was fun, though. That was fun bringing up those emotions, though.”
V “Sometimes I can’t tell the difference between real life and the show.”
T “I know. We’re just *that* method.”
V *cracks up*
V “Dude, so, yeah, 10.30am PST tomorrow. michaelvlamis.com, everything’s going to be live. If you guys have any other questions, I don’t know.”
T “I’m also gonna have the link in my bio of my instagram.”
V “Oh yes, I will do that, too. I always have it in there, though. I’m a narcissist.”
T *laughs*
V “So, anyway, people are saying “I’m confused”. No, they’re not. I think people understood.”
T “Someone else says “what does the comment say”?”
V “The comment says “Meet & Greet”.”
T “And that’s all that it says? Just “Meet & Greet”?”
V “And it says “Be the first to reply”.”
T “Oh, okay.”
V “So, you have to reply directly to that comment, and you got to say the name of the band, name of the song playing during Malex’s first kiss in the museum. Find the comment on one of the random pictures of clothing that was posted today on the vlambase instagram.”
T “We couldn’t let you guys get off easy, you know.”
V “Oh my god, the other vlambase account just said it’s already answered.”
T “😮”
V “So, it’s over guys, sorry. Aww, littlecupcake just said “I lost already.” Sorry, littlecupcake.”
T “Is that someone you know?”
V “No, but I know littlecupcake because I did a live once, and she tried to request to come in and talk to me, and it said that for everyone else who’s seen her screen it said that she was waiting for me to accept but on my screen it wasn’t showing up, so I feel bad about littlecupcake.”
T “Well, we shouted her out big time. Are we sure it’s a she? Maybe it’s a he?”
V “I think it’s a she.”
T “Okay, well, either way.”
V “Dude, you’re working tomorrow, aren’t you?”
T “Yeah.”
V “Then I’ll see you next week.”
T “Yeah, you will.”
V “We’ll be on set together.”
T “Yeah, we will.”
V “Gonna be nice.”
T “Next Tuesday.”
V “I gotta do extra Covid testing because it’s a close contact.”
T “*inhales* I know. I did mine today.”
V “Ooof, we’re gonna be so close.”
T “So close, yet so far.”
V “Alright, dude, get some rest. I’m excited for tomorrow. I love you, man, talk to you later. Thanks everybody for joining!”
T “Thanks so much for coming on, guys!”
V “Alright, see ya.”
T “Bye!”
V “Bye, guys.”
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years
BTS Reacts: Visiting the Pumpkin Patch/Apple Orchard-Hyung Line
It’s Fall AF where I live. I don’t know if these are a thing in the rest of the world, but here in Midwest USA I’ve already been to two apple orchards and a pumpkin patch. Happy Fluffy Friday ^_^
-Jin- You were so excited. Chuseok had just ended and Jin still had 2 days off. You decided it was time to usher in the new season with a trip to the Apple Orchard. “Why don’t we just go to the grocery store and buy apples?” your boyfriend jokingly complained as the two of you drove out into the country. “It’s not the same! It’s about the experience.” you adjust your sunglasses as the car winds down a curvy road. “The experience of picking apples? Isn’t this just them getting free labor?” You roll your eyes. “Whatever. This place also has a concession stand, animals, and a giant slide and zipline.” Suddenly you have his interest. “Oh? Really?” “Yep. So much more than just picking apples.” you say as the car turns down the first dirt road to the orchard. It’s a weekday so it isn't too busy. You mask up and pay the nominal admission fee. “Oh my God, Jin LOOK THEY HAVE ALPACAS” you squeal as you rush over to the petting zoo area. Jin jogs over behind you, “Just like RJ. These must be his brothers, AJ and MJ.” You laugh as you dig through your bag for a coin. “And look,” you gesture to the machine with food in it, “We can feed them!!!!!” You twist your coin in and little pellets fall out the bottom. You walk over to the fence and place your palm flat for the animals to come over and eat. “So cool. I’ve never seen a real alpaca up close.” you marvel at their size as they head over. Jin snaps a picture of you feeding them and then has you take a picture of him with them to post on Weverse later. “I can’t believe there’s not an RJ in the car,” Jin laments his missed photo opportunity while posing with AJ and MJ.   “Perfect. Triplets.” you joke and hand him his phone back. “Alright, let’s wash our hands and pick some apples!” Jin groans, “They have bags of apples in the gift shop that someone else already picked.” “Oh my God are you still whining about apple picking?” you playfully shove him. “Fine. Let’s wash our hands and then do the zipline and then pick apples.” you amend your statement. He kisses your forehead. “Much better.”   The two of you scrub the alpaca saliva off and head up the hay stairs to the zipline. “Look how big the orchard is!” you exclaim from the top of the hay bales. Jin slowly walks up behind you. “Yeah and think. People already probably picked all the apples up front, we’d have to walk all the way over there,” he gestures unnecessarily with his long arms towards the back of the orchard, “just to find them.” “We CAME here to PICK APPLES,” you grit your teeth and try to look annoyed since at this point you knew he was just teasing you. He gets strapped into the zipline. “I’m just saying, it seems like a lot of work.” You roll your eyes at him, “Hey Jin, baby?” “What?”  he turns back from getting ready to slide down the cable and smiles at you. “I just think you look cute.” you answer and lean over to kiss him. And then shove him down the zipline. “Byyeeeeeeee!” you yell and wave as you hear him shrieking. The attendant looks at you quizzically. “He’s fine. He’s fine.” you assure them as they get you strapped in. You  jump off the platform and through the air. When you arrive at the other side you see Jin pouting which makes you start to laugh. You turn in your zipline gear and walk over to him. “What’s the matter, pretty pouty man?” you put your arms around him. “You shoved me down a zipline.” he whines. “Ahahaha I did.” You lean back to look at him, amused that he’s trying really hard to keep pouting. “It was so mean.” “It was. I am terrible. Can you ever forgive me?” you place your hands on his chest and look up at him. “Only if you don’t make me pick apples.” he says with a straight face. You scowl at him and pull away. You hear his trademark laugh following you down the hill.
-RM/Namjoon- “Pumpkin patch. Pumpkin patch. Pumpkin patch!” you start chanting as you walk over to your husband on the couch. “Is that what today is?” he pulls you down next to him and you snuggle into his side. “Joonie,” you whine, “you said if the weather was nice we would go.” “I’m just teasing baby, here,” he shows you on his phone where he’s been researching the ratings of the pumpkin patches in town. You loved how much research he always put into everything. “I’m so excited. I haven’t been to one in years.” you smile. “Did you pick one?” “Yep, and I charged the fancy camera so we can get some nice pictures today as well.” “You are the best!” you lean over and kiss him on the cheek. “Let me grab some boots out of the closet and then I’ll be ready to go.” You are surprised that one of the highest rated ones is only a few minutes outside the city. You drive the short distance and arrive at a beautiful farm sprinkled in red, yellow, and orange leaves. “Oh my God, this is beautiful.” you say as you exit the driver’s side. Namjoon already has the camera out and shoots some photos of the barn and trees. “I’m so glad you brought the camera,” you say as you nervously watch him handle the thousands-of-dollars camera. “But make sure you use the wrist or neck strap.” “Are you saying you don’t trust me to hold an expensive item without breaking it?” he pretends to act shocked. You smile and walk over. “I would never say that,” you place the strap around his wrist and laugh as you look up at him. “Never.” He laughs. “I totally would have. Or left it sitting somewhere. Thanks for talking me into taking today off.”  He takes you by the hand as the two of you head down to the farmhouse. e There is a small general store full of breads, james, hay bales, and scarecrows. Much fall. So knickknack. You walk over to the counter where a farmer is sorting produce, “Excuse me sir, which way to the pumpkin patch?” “Head out the back of the barn. You can either ride the wagon back there or walk.” The two of you exit the barn and find yourself in the middle of a group of about fifty small children and their chaperones. “Oh.” Namjoon says, his eyes involuntarily going wide. “It must be a school trip. That’s ok. We can walk back there, I think they’re waiting for the wagon.” The two of you ease your way through the tiny mob and start walking down the gravel. “Alright. We have to beat that wagon before the field has 50 fewer pumpkins,” you say as you pump your arms and channel your inner speed walker. “And get some pictures without random children in them,” he adds. By the time the two of you walk the Kilometer to the patch you two are slightly out of breath. “Alright. Let’s find the perfect pumpkin.” you say as you survey the patch. The two of you wander the fields scouting out the perfect size and color pumpkin. Namjoon takes some photos of the field and you. “Ok, time to trade,” you say, gesturing to the camera. “I don’t know.” he suddenly acts shy. “Oh come on, you have to. You’re wearing your plaid shirt, it’s like you purposefully dressed to be a pumpkin patch model.” you grin as you take the camera from him. You snap some photos of him and the rural landscape.  You hear the throttle of the tractor and a bunch of kid voices getting closer so the two of you each grab a pumpkin and start walking back to the farmhouse. The wagon of children all wave excitedly and point at the two of you and your pumpkins. Namjoon laughs and waves back with his free hand. “Did you have a good time?” he asks as the two of you enter the general store. “I did. I felt a little rushed because of the kids but that’s ok. It looks like they’re having fun.” You smile. “You’ll be such a great parent someday,” he smiles as he leans over to kiss you.
-Suga/Yoongi- “More coffee.” Yoongi’s gravely morning voice requests after you remind him it’s apple orchard day. He had gotten out of bed and was now doing a great impression of a rock as he sat at the kitchen table with his face in his hands. “Honey, they have cider at the orchard.” “Cider doesn’t have caffeine,” he responds. “Coffee.” You run your fingers through his hair and smile  “Fine, fine.” you walk over to the Nespresso and make a cup of coffee for him. You take the mug over and slide onto his lap. “I’d be careful if you want to make it to the apple orchard.” he growls into your ear and squeezes your waist. “Yoongi,” you giggle and stand up. “There’s time for that after the apple orchard.” you wink and walk over to your purse. “We need to leave here in 45 minutes.” “Why? Are we on a schedule?” “A little bit. We’re meeting up with Tae and Jimin.” “Oh yeah? Cool.” he monotonously responds as he continues to wake up more and more with each sip. -- It’s a beautiful fall day with a light breeze blowing and the sun shining. It’s perfect for what you have planned. The ride up was nice but quiet. You were super nervous about how the afternoon was going to go. "Are Tae and Jimin here yet?" Yoongi asks as he pulls into the parking lot. You check your messages. "Yep. They're already out in the orchard and say we should head out to meet them." you exit the car and wait for yoongi. The two of you hold hands as you look for the best way to get into the orchard. You weave in and out of the apple trees looking for your friends. “It’s so beautiful today.” he says quietly. “It really is. Do you remember the last time we came here?” He smiles, “Oh yep. I remember. Speaking of, do you have your epi-pen with you?” “Of course,” you pat your purse. Eventually you find where Tae and Jimin had set up. “What’s all this?” Yoongi gestured to the blanket and basket sitting in the clearing. “Tae and Jimin set this up, they went to the car and said to have a seat and wait for them.” “Are you sure this is their stuff?” he mumbles. “Yep. They sent me a picture,” you flash it to him. “Let’s go find them.” he starts to pull you the other direction. “No. We should really stay and wait for them. I don’t want to get lost.” you say as you head over to the large hounds tooth blanket and have a seat. “Since when are you worried about being lost? We wandered the streets of Dublin for hours.” “I just want to make sure we don’t miss our friends. Come sit with me,” you pat the  spot on the blanket carefully. Yoongi looks toward the entrance one more time and then gives in, coming over to sit next to you. You check your phone one more time. Satisfied, you slip it into your purse. You stiffen as a bee flies over to the blanket. “Aish, I got it.” He pulls his sleeve over his hand and swats it away. “If I see another one, we’re getting up and moving. Actually, an apple orchard was a terrible idea to come to with your allergy.” “I know, I know. I thought about that too but I wanted to come here today. I remember the last time we were here.” “Yeah, I thought you were going to die.” Yoongi says, trying to sound casual, but you can detect the slight shake in his voice. You shrug and take him by the hand, “But I didn’t. And that’s the day I knew that you were the one for me.” You lean over and kiss him gently on the lips. “You stayed calm and helped me inject myself and then took me to the hospital and stayed even though I kept begging you to just leave while delirious and crying.” He smiles shyly, “Yeah, it was what, like our second or third date? I called Namjoon to cancel going to practice and he yelled at me for even being out on a date and then I hung up on him.” “What? You never told me that before,” you exclaim. You had no idea you’d caused any drama. “I didn’t want to worry you.” he replies, gently pushing your hair behind your ear. “Well, that’s why I wanted to come back here today,” you begin as you grab a small box out of your purse. “I knew on that day that you would do anything to protect me and just how much you care about me even though it was so early in our relationship. I don’t deserve you, but if you’ll have me, I’d like to make forever official with you,” you open the box and present him with a small black band. “Are you proposing to me?” he asks quietly. “I’m trying to. Am I doing a bad job?” you ask nervously, suddenly worried he’s going to say ‘no.’ He smiles and takes the band out and looks at it.  “No. I’m just surprised. And happy.” he puts it on. “So….is that a yes?” you ask nervously. He looks up at you with wet eyes. “Of course.” he leans over and the two of you kiss, it slowly turns into a make-out session until you hear someone clear their throat. You pull away smiling and look over at Taehyung and Jimin. “They’re actually here?” he says surprised. “Congratulations!” Jimin yells and attacks Yoongi with a hug. “Did you get any pictures?” you ask Tae. “Oh yeah. Lots of them,” he smiles at you. “You did a great job planning this.” “You were all in on this!?” Yoongi exclaims, throwing Jimin off of him. “Yep! I wanted Taehyung to take pictures and Jimin wanted to join as well.” “Aish, I’m lucky to have such great friends,” he leans over and quietly in your ear, “and such a wonderful fiance.”
-JHope/Hoseok- Your boyfriend is sitting on the couch dragging his feet about going out today, "It's not a haunted corn maze, right?" Hoseok asks you for the 50th time with a disgusted look on his face. You let out a sigh and put your hands on his shoulders. "No babe it's just a normal corn maze where we wander around and try to get to the other side." "... I don't know." "I think you are emotionally scarred from Run BTS," you say as you press a kiss to the top of his head and move to sit next to him.  "We don't have to do the corn maze if you don't want to.”  You take his hand in yours. “Let's just go and pet the pumpkins. If we decide to do something else while we're there that's fine too." "OK sounds good. I saved some cool carvings on my phone," he pulls it out to show you a few intricate designs he's saved. "ooo very cool. We'll need at least 2 big pumpkins and a few medium. Are you ready?" you ask as you put your bag over your shoulder. He grabs a cap and follows you out the door. ------ The pumpkin patch is just outside the city and is famous for its corn maze. This year it is in the shape of an underwater scene with fish, whales, and dolphins. You point out the picture at the entrance to Hobi emphasizing the “family friendly” parts of the poster. “I’m not saying we have to. I’m just showing you what it looks like.” you emphasize as the two of you walk over to the barn area. There are chickens and horses lazily wandering around the yard. “Have you ever been to a farm before?” he asks you as you take photos of the animals. “No. Is it obvious?” you laugh. “I’ve seen horses before but not just like wandering around with chickens and stuff.” “You’re cold,” he states rather than asks. “Here,” he takes off his sweatshirt and hands it to you. “Now you’ll be cold.” you say as you put on the still-warm sweatshirt. You not-so-secretly loved taking your boyfriend’s hoodies. “I’m fine. Besides, if we walk through that giant maze I’m sure we’ll work up a sweat. And the sun is coming out.” he smiles at you. He just radiates happiness, it’s one of the things you love about him. “You’ll try the corn maze? Really?” you turn and face him, wrapping your now-warm body around him. “Yes, I’ll try it.” he kisses you on the tip of your nose. “I read and it says they have emergency exits if we need to leave.” You laugh, “Well hopefully we won’t have to use them, but it’s nice to have the option.” The two of you wander over to the sign marked “Entrance” and take a few pictures for posterity and then begin wandering around. You hit several dead ends and Hoseok flinches a few times turing around corners. “Babe are you still worried there are zombies in here?” you ask, trying not to laugh because you know even though it’s silly, he’s scared. “..No. Just making sure we don’t run into people. Alive or otherwise.” You laugh. “Hey, here’s one of the emergency exits, “you gesture to a sign above the dead end the two of you have just walked into. “No. Not yet. We’re not giving up.” his voice sounds determined. “We’re going to conquer this corn maze. Or at least try for another 30 minutes, I’m getting hungry.” he grins as you two double back. You set a timer on your phone but when it goes off the two of you have a feeling you are getting close to the exit because you have moved pretty far along the treeline. You had the wherewithal to take a photo of the maze back at the Pumpkin Patch entrance so you know the exit is on the North side of the maze. “I think this is it!” he yells excitedly, pulling you by the hand and breaking out into a run.  You turn one last corner and the two of you emerge victorious. He takes your hands and raises them above your head in true champion fashion.  You take a picture of your sweaty happy smiles in front of the exit sign. “I knew we could do it!” you exclaim and lean over to kiss him.  “Hey Hobi,” you say, catching your breath still. “Yeah?” “Let’s just eat food and get pumpkins from the farm store. I don’t want to hike to the back of the farm to the pumpkin patch.” “Oh thank God,” he says, “I thought I was going to have to beg you not to.”  he laughs. “Seriously. I want one of everything from the concession stand.” you say as the two of you walk back towards the farmhouse. “Ahaha me too. I love you.” “I love you too.”
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crazyblondelife · 3 years
What to Do With Your Life For the Rest of May
“ You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” ~ C. S. Lewis
The past two weeks have been amazing but also jam packed and exhausting for me! I got home on May 1 from visiting my daughter Sarah in Germany feeling very jet lagged, but so happy that I was able to travel and spend time with her and my sweet little Bristol. The next couple of days were a blur, but I still worked and even did some blog pictures. May 4 was my 58th birthday and my daughter made a delicious dinner for me and Graham and Hudson made me a beautiful birthday cake! The celebration continued with an amazing dinner on Wednesday at a restaurant called Machete. I highly recommend eating there if you’re local…it was one of the best meals ever! My advice is to go hungry and enjoy every bite. On Thursday, my sister and her husband took us out to dinner (it was a week of eating), and by the time Friday rolled around, I didn’t want to eat or go out anywhere, but Sunday was Mother’s Day and we went to brunch! Last week, I jumped back into blogging with both feet. I had a photo shoot on Thursday and did video and photos on Friday. I also started going to yoga again, and working out with my favorite trainer at a new gym. In between all of this, my hair color needed to be done, my nails were horrible and needed a fill in, I had a Hydrafacial and got my lashes done! Oh and did I mention that we got a new puppy? Whew…by the time yesterday got here, I was pooped! My philosophy…life is good when you’re busy!
This is my first “what to do with your life” post in a while and I have a lot to share, so grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and enjoy!
One thing is my life that is non negotiable is my morning meditation and this morning, I discovered a new meditation that I really enjoyed! Alicia Keys has teamed up with Deepak Chopra for a 21 Day Meditation called Activating the Divine Feminine. You can check it out here!
Just in time for summer, From the Vine brings us A Guide to 10 Perfect Summer Wine and Food Pairings! Find out all about pairing summer wine and food…
Speaking of food and wine pairings - I’m making this delicious Farro Tabbouleh with Burrata and Hummus from Half Baked Harvest for my book club dinner on Tuesday night. We read The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kid. It’s a really wonderful book set in biblical times so I thought this dish would be totally appropriate. Even though white wine wasn’t consumed during that time in history, I will serve a white…most likely a Chenin Blanc to go with this!
Did you know that National Wine Day is celebrated every year on May 25. It is a day to appreciate wine and the science and art behind enology. This day should not be confused with National Drink Wine Day, which happens on February 18. Who knew…
Also happening in May is National Hamburger Day which is celebrated on May 28 to get people prepared for summer BBQ season. Most everyone loves a delicious burger and it’s one of the most beloved foods in America, so no wonder there is a whole day to celebrate it. Even though the burger was invented in Germany, it has become an icon of American culture, with Americans eating an average of 50 billion burgers every year. So fire up the grill, and get ready to celebrate National Burger Day.
In most areas of the country, May is a good month to plant a garden. If you’re new to gardening and thinking about planting one, you’ll find this article from Life Hacker really helpful!
We have so much shade in our yard, so this year, I’m going to plant a container garden and grow a few herbs including basil for making pesto, and some tomato plants. I found this article from The Spruce that is so helpful and answers any questions you may have about creating a container garden!
If you are in Australia, parts of the western US, western South America, or in South-East Asia, you will see the Super Flower Full Moon totally eclipsed and turn a shade of red for about 14 minutes during this total lunar eclipse, weather permitting. If you live in the eastern part of the US, this will be visible as a partial lunar eclipse, but still spectacular.
Gifts for the Graduate
May is graduation month and if you’re looking for the perfect gift, I’ve got you covered with my gift guides…
FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE Pehr Pompom Canvas Hamper | Kendra Scott Everlyne Blue Cord Friendship Bracelet |Italian Herringbone Personalized Throw Blanket | YETI Rambler | Rifle Paper Co. 2022 Planner | Iris Monogrammed Catchall Tray | Mark & Graham Large Monogrammed Travel Jewelry Case
FOR THE COLLEGE GRADUATE Mark & Graham Leopard Throw Blanket | Boll & Branch Classic Hemmed 300 Thread Count Organic Cotton Sheet Set | Nespresso VertuoPlus Coffee Maker & Espresso Machine | diptyque Baies/Berries Candle | Tory Burch Robinson Saffiano Leather Tote |Italian Leather Desk Blotter | Riedel Vinum Champagne Flutes
FOR THE GUYS Peter Millar North Carolina NC Crown Comfort Interlock Quarter-Zip | Courant Wireless Charging Accessory Tray | Tissot Chrono XL Collection Chronograph Bracelet Watch, 45mm | Harvey Leather Overnighter Bag | Classic Leather Folded Wallet With Money Clip | YETI Hopper Flip 8 Cooler
A Few Things I’m Loving Right Now!
Movies and Television
I’m looking forward to Georgetown - While originally premiering in late 2019 to independent film events, Christopher Waltz, Vanessa Redgrave and Annette Bening star in Georgetown, released on May 14. It’s a thriller centered around Ulrich Mott (Waltz), an ambitious social climber who marries a wealthy widow in Washington D.C. for his. sole purpose of mixing with powerful political players, the scenes are tense and the concept boggles the mind, but perhaps power and politics breed such a desire?
If you love Food Network stars, Bobby Flay and Giada de Laurentiis, this one’s for you! Premiering earlier this year, Bobby Flay and Giada de Laurentiis pair up and travel to Italy to enjoy the food and each other’s company. Have a look at an overview of the series from Mashable below. I can’t wait to watch this one!
For all the fashion lovers out there - another much-anticipated new series, this one on Netflix, is Halston. From creator and director Ryan Murphy, starring Ewan McGregor. Halston tells the untold story of the meteoric rise and fall of the first American celebrity fashion designer.
This one will just make you feel good!
Strawberry season is almost over, but there’s still time to make this delicious Strawberry Shortcake from Sally’s Baking Addiction!
I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s post…Have a great Sunday!
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justjessame · 4 years
Double Shot Chapter 7
I had a good couple of months of normalcy. I barely noticed that the five arsonists/murderers weren’t around anymore. I definitely didn’t start up from wherever I might be every single fucking time the bells on the entrance chimed. I most certainly didn’t nearly break my fucking leg on my own goddamn coffee table when one of the specialty ingredients I ordered came to my apartment door when the delivery driver came after hours.
You know what? Normalcy is wonderful. I mean, the amount of THINGS I got completed. The baseboards of the cafe, kitchen, and my entire fucking apartment, not to mention the public restrooms in the shop (seriously, gag, don’t mention them) have never been cleaner. I also made sure that there wasn’t a speck of dust in the entire shop, or my apartment. I think I made Keli worry a little bit when I started sweeping the sidewalk outside The Little Drip. It was hard to tell. Do scowls and squinting equal concern?
I hardly noticed that they weren’t around at all. It really made it easier every time that Detective Marks and Detective Johnson came in to see if my memory had been jogged at all about the night of the fire. They hadn’t mentioned the dead person, and neither did the news. I started to wonder if maybe Clay had been mistaken. If there was a dead body, wouldn’t it be news? Instead the focus seemed to be on the fire itself, as though a building was more important than a person’s life.
It was at the beginning of the third month when I managed to NOT glance up at all when the bell signaled a customer’s arrival. My nose and finger was busy with my clipboard, Wednesday the worst day of my week, but one of the best Addams family members, but then I heard it. Keli’s mutter of the order and I fought against raising my head. Nope, not gonna happen today.
“Charlotte?” I sighed, and rolled my shoulders. Hallucinations brought on by trauma (the fire, renting to the firestarters, the aftermath of said fire) were perfectly normal. Even if they were auditory now. “Hey,” damn it, I thought, if I look up and the fucking shop has Mrs. Angley standing in front of me asking one more fucking time if I could add a coffee combo that ONLY Nestle and their Nespresso machines had, I would explode.
I flicked my eyes up and shook my head again. Shit. From auditory to visual, I wondered if I could afford therapy. If I wasn’t completely batshit, then JJ or Jen was standing in front of me. If I was, well fuck if I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my traitorous face. Fucker.
“Hey,” I offered, sneaking a glance at Keli to see if she was dialing for a loony wagon to come fetch me. She was busy waiting on another customer, but when she turned to make their order she shrugged and shot JJ’s back a look. Shared hallucination? Nah, Keli didn’t give a shit about anything in the shop, much less the customers. “How are you?” Clearly I hadn’t lost my damn mind, or at least not all of it.
JJ/Jen’s face broke out in that awkward smile that he charmed me with the first round, his hand scrubbing over his head like he wanted to DO something. “Yeah, good, I think.” I shook my head again, every question I asked him always seemed like it was too hard to work out for him. Which was complete bullshit because I had a feeling that he was smarter than anyone could fathom. “You?”
Another sigh escaped. “I’d be better if I didn’t have almost weekly visits from two cops about that weird fire that broke out across the street.” The debris was gone, but Flirty and Grumpy’s interest hadn’t died down. “Hopefully they wind up the investigation and I can stop footing their sweet and coffee bill.” I tempered it with a smile. “I better get back to my-”
“Tallies and numbering?” The deep voice cut in and I wanted to shoot myself, but I hated guns. Fuck. “Hey, Charlotte.” I shut my eyes to steady myself and forced what I hoped would be a neutral smile on my face.
“Clay,” I turned away with my clipboard and went back to counting, firmly feeling that we had our little talk and while they very sight of him would no doubt cause parts of me a LOT of unfulfilled pleasure, my brain said ‘fuck no’. Of course I didn’t know Clay all that damn well, but I definitely assumed he understood the brush off a woman turning her back to him was. I was wrong.
“Charlotte,” he was beside me, and I shut my eyes again. “Can’t count with your eyes closed.”
“Maybe I’m doing mental math, Clay.” I ground out, praying him and his ragtag group of charismatic assholes would take a hint, even as my other parts were battling the prayer to smithereens at how happy they were to see them again.
I could feel the heat of him close to me, but I had no idea how close until I opened my eyes. Fuck. He was right beside me, his arm almost brushing mine, and I wanted to hit him, or maybe just run my finger up his- Oh, no you don’t, Charlotte, get your libido under control, you tart.
“Tell me what the problem is, two heads are better than one, right?” I was thinking about his second head and realized that WASN’T what he was talking about, was it? Shit. I felt my mouth go dry. How could he affect me so fucking much, we hadn’t actually fucking TOUCHED?
Swallowing and trying to get saliva from anywhere at this point, a thought that shot another fucking dirty thought through me as I fucking imagined his mouth and tongue moving with mine- Wait, what was the question?
“Charlotte?” Damn it. “What addition problem are you working through? Or is it subtraction?” I flashed on the old dirty joke that went ‘Sex is like math: Add the bed, Subtract the clothes, Divide the legs, and pray to God you don’t Multiply!’ Fuck, not helping. Looking Clay up and down from out of the corner of my eye, I thought maybe multiplying with him wouldn’t be a terrible idea. Shit.
I had to focus. Math, eyes shut, right. “I was trying to work out how many more of these,” I moved the hand closest to him, and fuck if it didn’t brush against his crotch as I reached for a bag of random fucking coffee beans. Goddamn it, really?!
He hissed out a bit of air when my knuckles touched the zipper of his pants and I felt the blush flare up from my toes to my hairline. Shit, shit, shit. “That was unexpected,” I couldn’t look up at him, not while I was holding a hefty bag of coffee beans and after hearing the tone he used I imagined he was wearing a smug and mocking smile. Fucker. I swallowed down the fact that I’d FELT him. Through his pants, and I fucking imagined underwear of some sort, and fuck if I didn’t want to try it without the extra barriers. Damn it.
“I was reaching for these,” I held up the bag of beans. “It’s not MY fault you were hovering.” There, righteous indignation. That works on TV all the damn time, right? I felt him looking down at me, even if my eyes refused to meet his. My shame wouldn’t allow it.
“Right, the math problem.” He sounded as convinced as I had when my mom insisted that the Easter bunny was real, even as I asked her how he laid fucking eggs. “How many of-” his hand met mine where it was holding the bag of beans and I felt the blush grow hotter. Could you get heat stroke from your own blush? Asking for me. “These, do you usually have on hand?” Hand? Like the one you have tight against mine? Think, Charlotte, think.
Clipboard, fuck I nearly danced when I remembered it. Glancing down, without realizing that we were still holding the damn bag of fucking beans, I saw the control number and gave it to him. “By my account, Charlotte, you need ONE bag.” Damn it. I felt hotter than ever, and now I couldn’t decide if it was my face or other parts that were throwing off the most heat, his hand was still holding mine and the bag. “Any other math you want me to help with?” The mind is a torturous asshole, because mine flashed on that fucking ‘problem’ I’d considered before. Nope, not today.
I took a beat or five before I answered. My brain was overheating, my face was on fire, and please don’t make me talk about my panties. Letting out a long breath, I forced another smile onto my face. “No, that was the hardest one.”
And that did it, he chuckled and I really wished that the whole ‘the floor is lava’ thing was true, because then I could fucking die. “Oh, Charlotte, it’s not nearly as hard as it can get.” Damn it.
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robin9880 · 4 years
How robotics take over the world
Some of you have probably woken up this morning by an alarm clock, walked down the stairs and drank a cup of coffee produced by your Nespresso coffee machine. Within 5 minutes of your day, 2 robots have already helped you with your waking-up-process. Given these points, are we aware about the help we receive from these electronic friends? And where does this futuristic journey end?
A lot has definitely changed since the past centuries. It’s almost unbelievable to mention but we are living in a very small moment where everything wants to be done as fast as possible. For example in the industry: manufacturers want robotic arms to do the job as quick as possible.
As a result of the increasing extent of automation, the entire industry is changing exceptionally fast in every manner you can possibly think of. Who has ever thought a lawn mower was going to be replaced by an electronic friend which does all the gras cutting for us? Everything is being made to make us lazier than ever before. It is possible to control our roller shutters with voice-assisting, but also unlocking our backdoor with fingerprint detection isn’t even unthinkable anymore. But where is the stop button in this whole automation-process? Is it necessary to make this evolution stop, or should we encourage it?
As it stands today, people are losing their jobs due to robotics. Results from new inventions using AI (Artificial Intelligence) are astonishing. Never before we’ve had the chance to build machines that would help us with all the problems we’ve ever wanted to face, but then again they mean a potential threat to humanity. Robotics are everywhere in the world, and hopefully we can control them to stay our electronic “friends”, and not our electronic enemies, because that would mean we are fighting a battle that has already been lost.
“I visualise a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I'm rooting for the machines.” - Claude Shannon
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tholland3432 · 4 years
In a different life.
A Tom Holland and Original Character story.
When Tom meets Sydney, a local pub singer in London - who knows what will happen.
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Chapter 1. Just like any other day.
Sydney has been a singing for as long as she can remember, it is not her dream to become a huge star just to have someone listen is enough. The feeling when she is singing just doesn't compare to anything else. She has a regular gig in a small pub in London, some nights it is so busy she feels as though see is singing for thousands, not just the mere 100 who can squeeze in and some nights she is singing to the old drunk regular Gary. Who lets face it is not listening to a word that comes out of her mouth.
"Come on darling, you gonna sing us another song" Gary again slurred across the bar, "I'm sorry Gary, that's all for tonight. You know I'll be here next week any way" I love this guy but not a 11pm when all I want to do is sleep, "got such a pretty voice" he mutters as I collect my bag to leave. I give him a pat on the shoulder as I walk out into the cold London night, there is something about the light fog that fills the air in London, it just feels like home.
The walk home to my flat isn't long, my flatmate Jay always tells me I should just get an uber as he doesn't want me to wind up dead, but there is just something about the walk home it's so peaceful not another person around.
The following morning was just like any other day, in the daytime I help my friend Jay at his photography studio by doing make up and hair styling. He is some hot shot London photographer for whichever model or actor is the flavour of the month. Jay and I met on a night out a long time ago with some mutual friends both dancing like we were possessed and we just clicked, it was kinda like in movie Step Brother's "did we just become best friends" yup.
We moved in together about a year ago now, we have a common ground of both being slightly, shall we say open with our sexual encounters. He will have a chat with the guys the morning after a night with me and whatever guy comes crawling out of his room the following morning I will make them a coffee say "Sorry Jay had to rush off to work" send them on their way, releasing Jay from his hiding spot AKA my walk-in wardrobe.
"Soo who have you got coming in today" We are just setting up for the day in the studio, "Oh this gorgeous young guy Harrison something, you can help me figure out if he is gay or not" Here we go... "No I am not trying to flirt with this guy to see if he is straight or not, we have done this too many times now" I laugh at him. "you will be sorry girl because he is hot with a capital H". Around 30 minutes later the hot guy comes in, he was right. I am eating my words because he is by far one of the prettiest guys I've ever seen.
"Harrison, if you want to take a seat over there my beautiful assistant Sydney can get started on some hair and makeup for you, just whilst I finish getting setup"
"Yeah no worries, mate" Hmm 'mate' slightly too laddish to be playing on Jay's side.
"Heyy, I'm Sydney" I stick my hand out for him to take which he does and pulls me slightly closer to him, god he had a firm grip.
"Nice to meet you Sydney, Sydney as in Australia?" I get this a lot.
"Yeah, apparently where I was conceived" his eyes widen slightly and he chuckles, as I notice he still hasn't let go of my hand, not that I am complaining.
"wow, okay did not expect that" he laughed and let go of my hand, I suddenly feel extremely hot in this room. He sits in the chair for me and I start to brush through his hair, I need to talk to him to distract myself from running my hand through his dark blonde curls.
"So Harrison, how long you been modelling for?"
"Oh a couple of years or so, really I am trying to be an actor" that's what they all say.
"But I sorta fell into the modelling thing a while back and I mean it pays the bills" he smiles at me in the mirror, concentrate Syd.
"I mean I can see why it is working out for you" I flirt with him.
"Oh yeah, well thanks that's really kind" he went a little embarrassed, god this guy is killing me modest and hot.
"So would I have seen you in anything, acting wise?"
"erm I have been an extra in a few things, a couple of Marvel movies and I did a series called Catch 22 about the war, erm George Clooney directed it"
"oh shit really, that's pretty cool. Is he as beautiful in real life as he is on the Nespresso ads?"
"he is even more beautiful" I smile at him, yeah you are beautiful too. I finish putting wax into his hair, this guy did not need much to look hot. I put a small amount of make up on, did I enjoy touching his face? Yes. Did I enjoy staring into his eyes whilst doing it? Yes.
"okay, so I think you are good to go now – Jay are you ready?" Jay walks over from behind the camera set.
"Come on the handsome we are ready for you" Harrison smiles as he get's up from the chair.
"Thanks Sydney, hopefully see you again" Oh I will see you in my bloody dreams - I need to stop.
"Well she sings in a pub down near Battersea if you want to see her again" Jay buts in, smirking at me from behind Harrison. Trying to keep my face as normal as possible and not give Jay a im-going-to-kill-you look.
"yeah well you know if you and friends are ever out and about I sing on Friday and Saturday nights, oh and they do a pub quiz on Thursday"
"Shit, me and the lads love a pub quiz, we might see you there then" he winked at me.
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