#(I have been waiting *ages* to make this joke)
Raindrop: Platonic Yandere Neuvillette x young sister of Favonius.
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Age: 15. Reader Chan is a young sister of the church of Favonius, while visiting a friend in Fontaine reader Chan catch’s the attention of the chief of justice, who immediately falls in love with her (in a fatherly way read the title) and would do anything to get her even if it means breaking the law.
Warning: Stalking, Yandere (platonic) Neuvillette, d3@th, Kidnapping, reader chan gets to keep her vision (I see a lot of fanfics where the yandere takes reader’s vision but in this one, the yandere lets reader keep it) and this is platonic no romance or anything inappropriate.
BF/N- Best friend’s name
You are helping Barbara heal Bennett and Razor, the poor boys got into a bad fight with Hilichurls and some Fatui while hunting rabbits “Alrighty boys, you two should go rest and not use your arms for awhile.” You said wrapping up Razors arm “Thank you shinning Y/N and shining Barbara.” Razor said happily making you smile “Yeah thanks guys, sorry for always troubling you two. Man I can’t even go hunting without my bad luck.” Bennette said sheepishly “It’s no trouble Benny.” You said using Bennett’s nickname making him smile “Y/N you should go on vacation, you work hard.” Bennett said “Yes Y/N, you’ve been very busy lately, I think it’s time you took a vacation.” Barbara said with worry “But I can’t leave my parents, especially with my dad having a bad back.” You said “Ahh, Y/N there you are, an invitation came for you from BF/N.” Your mother said walking towards you with your father “Really?” You asked taking the letter and opening it, the letter read.
Dear Y/N I would love for you to visit me in Fontaine, we haven’t seen each other since I left Mondstadt and I want you to meet some friends here, I’m sure you’ll love them.
With Love BF/N.
PS two of my friends are having a magic show here in two weeks, I hope to see you.
As you read the letter you were conflicted on whether to go or not but your parents already decided for you “I think you should go my dear.” Your mom said gently “You’re mother’s right dear, you’ve been working very hard and you haven’t seen BF/N in years.” Your father said “But-“ you tried to protest but no one was having it “We may be old but not that old. Your mother and I still have some pep in our steps.” You’re father said “I’ll be happy to allow you to take time off to get ready for your trip.” Barbara said.
You couldn’t help but smile “Alright then, I’ll get packing right now.” You said going home to get packing for Fontaine and to wright back to BF/N.
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The next week:
After packing it was time to go to Fontaine.
After saying goodbye to your parents and friends you set off to Fontaine, of course there were bumps on the road with the monsters, Fatui, treasures hoarders and Abyss but you meet interesting people along the way like Chongyun, Xingqui, Xinyan, Yanfei, Xiangling, Gaming, Layla, Nilou, Sethos ect and you saw many great places such as Liyue Harbor with the Jade Chamber floating above it, Sumeru city, Aaru village and the Vourukasha Oasis with the Harvisptokhm tree floating above it.
After walking across the Sumeru desert with Vahumatra Cyno who told you hilarious jokes that you couldn’t help but laugh at, you made it to where the boarders of Sumeru ended and you can see Fontaine in all its glory.
You’ve read books and seen pictures on the nation of Justice but it was even more beautiful in person.
After thanking Cyno and paying him (which he tried to decline but you insisted) you glided down to the Waverider and road It to the entrance of Fontaine.
After going through the elevator you waited for the Aquabus while reading one of your favorite fantasy novels “Flowers for Princess Fischl. That’s a great novel series.” Someone said looking up you saw a familiar girl with dirty blond hair in a braid wearing Mondstadt clothing making you smile and squeal “By Barbatos it’s been so long.” You said hugging the older girl happily “I missed you so much.” She said happily.
You happily patted a spot for BF/N to sit on the bench then you both began catching up she explained what happened in Fontaine and you explained what happened in Mondstadt until the Aquabus came.
After a five or ten minute ride and the guide telling you interesting things about Fontaine and pointing to land marks the bus stoped at the court of Fontaine “Your going to love it here Y/N, there’s so much to see and do.” BF/N said taking your hand and walking you to her house to drop your bags off “Ah, BF/N there you are.” Said a voice turning around you saw a silver haired young man wearing a top hat with shorts and a white button up walking towards you with a silver haired young woman with cat ears and a tail wearing a romper with tights underneath and a white long sleeve blouse “Is she your friend from Mondstadt?” The cat eared girl asked “Hello, I’m Y/N! Y/N L/N.” You said placing a hand over your heart “Any friend of BF/N’s is a friend of ours. I’m Lyney and this is my sister.” The boy you now know as Lyney said “Lynette, it’s a pleasure to meet you Y/N.” Lynette said with a gentle smile until a boy with bobbed Platinum blond hair wearing black and gold trimmed clothing came over “Hey guys, what’s going on?” He asked “Freminet, this is the friend from Mondstadt BF/N told us about.” Lyney told the younger male you now know as Freminet “The one she said is a sister of Favonius?” Freminet ask “It’s nice to meet you Freminet.” You said with a warm smile “The pleasure is all mine.” He said gently “Miss BF/N, there is an emergency that needs your attention.” A woman said fearfully “Now? Sorry Y/N I have to see what happened this time.” BF/N said sadly “It’s ok, I’ll just explore the court, we can tour Fontaine after the show tomorrow.” You assured BF/N “Ok then, I’ll make it up to you after I’m done with the emergency or after the show.” She said “We have to finish preparing for the show tomorrow, see you tomorrow Y/N.” Lyney said but before leaving Lynette pointed out the restaurants and Cafes in the court.
You began walking around the court and met so many people and Melusine, you saw Gardemeks and tried Fontaine cuisine when all of a sudden you accidentally bumped into someone “Sorry about that sir, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” You said looking up to see a tall man with long milky white and blue streaked hair in a low ponytail held in place by a black ribbon and he wore blue and gold trimmed clothes and he had a Caine “Quite alright young lady.” He said turning around but when he saw you he had shock in his violet eyes “May I have your name young Miss?” He asked “Y/N L/N! And you sir?” You asked “Neuvillette.” He said “Nice to meet you Mister Neuvillette.” You said “Please, just call me Neuvillette.” He said the last part “Ah, there you are Y/N, I see you’ve meet Monsieur Neuvillette.” BF/N said walking over slinging an arm over your shoulder “How did the emergency go?” You asked “A new worker was having trouble with some documents but we figured something out” she said both of you unaware of a pair of jealous violet eyes.
The next day:
You and BF/N sat at the front row seats with Neuvillette at the seat next to you, staring at you as if you were the most precious thing in the world but with a look of malice at BF/N.
You watched as Lyney turned cards into doves, do a disappearing act with Lynette and pulled animals from his hat then it was time for the grand finale where he gave a bouquet of flowers to a kid but the flowers flew up into the air and became fireworks thus ending the show.
After the show BF/N took you, Freminet and the twins to a cafe as a treat “I really loved the disappearing act.” You said “Thank you Y/N.” Lyney said as the waitress came with your drinks and asked for your orders.
After getting your food you all dig in then BF/N payed the bill and you all went home but you are unaware that tonight things were about to change for the worst, at BF/N’s house outside the court of Fontaine she said she was taking a nap to digest the food, you decided to write to your parents about your experience in Fontaine so far and that you made new friends.
As your writing you heard a scream from BF/N’s room, scared that something was wrong you went to her room.
Slowly opening the door you weren’t prepared for what you were about to see.
On the ground in a pool of blood was BF/N “BF/N!!” You screamed running towards to her to feel her pulse.
When your in front of BF/N you felt her pulse to find non, scared your about to run out to get help when you saw Neuvillette standing at the doorway, holding a bloody knife, gulping you stepped back only for him to come closer “I’ll finally have you my new daughter.” Neuvillette said standing in front of you but you pushed him away and made a bolt for the door only to find it locked then you tried the back door and the windows all of them were locked “Y/N! Stop this foolishness and let’s go home.” Neuvillette said until you grabbed a chair and threw it through the window about to make a run for it when a strong pair of arms wrapped around you “Now now my dear, let’s not make things difficult.” He said holding you up as you scratched and kick until you kicked him where the sun doesn’t shine and ran for the ocean to escape through the water then glided to Chenyu Vale.
After arriving at Yilong Wharf you called for a boat, after it stops at Qiaoying Village you paid the man named Sun Rao mora (Does anyone else have more Mora then they know what to do with?) then began your journey across Liyue and you won’t be stopping until you reached the stone gates.
After you finally reached the stone gates by mid morning you saw the dawn winery and Mondstadt city ahead then began running to the city.
Once your in the city you ran to your house to find your parents quite surprise “Dear, what happened?” Your mother asked concern etched on hers and your father’s elderly faces.
You explained what happened but you couldn’t bring yourself to say who killed BF/N for the mention of Neuvillette’s name sent shivers down your spine, your parents ushered you into your childhood home with your mother going to make you tea and your father going to get Barbara.
You couldn’t believe what had happened, one minute BF/N was with you while eating and laughing and the next Neuvillette came and took that away, you wanted to know why he did it? What was he trying to accomplish? What did he want with you? As all those questions went through your head your father came back with Barbara “Y/N, what happened?” She asked seeing how destress you are.
You explained to the deaconess what happened after the magic show but once again the thought of saying his name sent shivers down your spine again “Oh, Y/N I’m so sorry.” Barbara said hugging you.
Your parents and Barbara stayed by your side to console you.
After crying for a while Barbara suggested you two went out for a walk “I would like that very much.” You said.
You and Barbara walked to Windrise where you felt the comfort of the tree and wind then you went to Starsnatch cliff.
After the walk you two returned to the city to see Jean talking to Neuvillette, someone you thought you got away from after escaping Fontaine “Y/N! What’s wrong?” Barbara asked seeing you scared “Let’s go in through the back gate.” You said grabbing her hand.
After going through the back and carefully avoided being seen by Neuvillette you arrived at the cathedral “Y/N, why are you so fidgety?” Barbara asked until you two heard Jean’s voice “I’m sorry Mister Neuvillette. But I can’t give you Y/N’s personal Info, Iudex or not.” She said “And why not?!” Neuvillette asked “I’m sorry Mister Neuvillette, but we can’t do that and she has parents.” Lisa said putting her foot down “What do you want with our child?” Your father asked angrily with your mother also angry “I’m quite curious myself.” Kaeya said walking out of the Favonius HQ leaving Neuvillette surrounded “Can we discuss this tomorrow? it’s late.” Jean asked clearly tired making everyone agree and return home but Neuvillette was escorted to an inn.
Sighing in relief that Neuvillette is gone you and Barbara didn’t noticed Amber behind you “Y/N, Thank Barbatos I found you. Your folks asked me to take you to HQ so you could be safe.” She said taking you to the HQ where Jean, Lisa, Kaeya and your parents are “Y/N, you’ll be staying here until Mister Neuvillette is gone.” Jean said “Sorry about BF/N.” Kaeya said placing a hand on your shoulder gently unaware of the angry eyes of a certain Hydro Dragon.
That Night:
You are asleep in a bed in the solitary confinement room where a night guard is stationed outside the door, you suddenly felt thirsty and decided to go get a glass of water.
Slowly opening the door you saw that the hall was completely empty “Wasn’t there a guard stationed out here?” You asked yourself going to the HQ kitchen to get that water.
After getting the water you suddenly felt arms wrap around you “I finally have you.” Said the voice that sent shivers down your spine then you felt your vision going black.
You slowly woke up in a room with blue wallpaper and no furniture aside from a bed with your veil sitting on it and a dresser, you’re about to stand up but you felt like you couldn’t move.
Looking down, you saw that you are tied to a chair.
You tried screaming for help only to find that your also gagged, you began struggling in your binds but they were so tight it was hard to get free from them, you tried using your vision in hopes of the wind blowing the ropes lose but it didn’t make the ropes loose.
As you struggle to get out of the binds the sounds of unlocking was heard, looking up you saw the door opening to reveal Neuvillette with a smile on his face “I see your finally awake my dear.” He said walking towards you, caressing your face with a gloved hand “Are you ready to behave yourself?” He asked, gently running a hand through your hair and taking off the gag “Let me go.” You pleaded “I’m afraid I can’t do that, for you are my daughter now.” He said angering you “I already have parents in Mondstadt.” You shouted “I’m afraid not anymore, they sadly passed away.” He said making your eyes widen with tears “No….” You whispered in shock, your struggling stopping as you felt your heart falling into your stomach “I’m sorry it’s the truth, they both got ill and died peacefully.” He said still running his gloved hand through your hair “I didn’t harm those Mondstadt friends of yours, though that Calvary captain peeved me but I didn’t let my anger get to me so, no one else got killed.” Neuvillette said gently “I understand your anger rain drop and it is justified.” He said seeing the tears in your eyes “I’ll give you space to grieve.” He said walking out of the room and locking the door.
After you calmed down, Neuvillette came back into the room, untied you, gently picked you up as if you were a small child and sat on the bed with you now on his lap “It is now late little one.” Your new “Father” said rubbing your back gently “You will be joining me in my chambers tonight.” He said “You can wear one of my shirts for tonight until your clothes from your old house in Mondstadt get here.” Neuvillette said walking out of the room to give you some privacy.
After you changed out of your sister of Favonius uniform you through on the way to large button up Shirt with your dandelion tights still on.
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After you changed Neuvillette carried you to his room then both of you fell asleep the moment your bodies hit the king sized bed.
The next day, Neuvillette had the day off so he got to sleep in making him smile and hug you close to him, during the day he took you around the outside of the court and showed you more of the environment of Fontaine along with the animals including the cute otters that oddly looked like him but this freedom came with a price, you were handcuffed to Neuvillette so you wouldn’t run away like last time and he even brought Gardemeks so they could help with watching over you, though you got to keep your vision.
After a long day of exploring more of Fontaine, your back at the Palaise Mermonia with you sitting on Neuvillette’s lap and he’s singing you a french lullaby that was slowly lulling you to sleep much to his delight “Goodnight Raindrop.” He said kissing your head.
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thegreatyin · 5 months
you haven't properly roleplayed or obtained roleplay experience until you've gotten intimately familiar with the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of tumblr askblogs
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bahoreal · 28 days
lan sizhuis scandalised "my dad took wine up to his room?????" like baby would it be better if you knew he brought it because hes gagging for mo gongzi??
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
thinking about vampiric arakawas again just so i can make a 'blood-sucking politician' joke
#snap chats#have i ever posted my vampire arakawa musings. i think i did long ago in a distant land. or at least for halloween vjaERLVKJ#anyway i was having my evening stroll with my dog and thinking about how much i love dark-renaissance age stories and whatever#which is a weird way to lead into vampires since At Least Dracula vampire stories dont start until the victorian - progressive era#though i guess you can do whatever you want with mythical creatures and its not as if vampiric stories cant start during the 1400s either#theyre immortal and Not Real (i hope) so anythings possible theres no need to be super restrictive#i am. literally not getting to the point Point Is it could be funny .....#thats why they cna be really good assassins like just eat your targets tf <- vampires dont eat people#but then of course i have to wonder the implications ... oh ive definitely made this post but im still curious#fuuuck man i wanted to make my joke but i just realized how do i even get to that joke cause i dont think masato would be a vampire#dhampir as i definitely said way back then IF THAT. what were the circumstances wait shut up why are there police next door#bro im too nosy this post is interrupted hang on#not nosy enough to keep watching im bored its probably nothing anyawy. cause i think sawashiro and ikumi woudlve been human#like during the uhhh idk dark ages and maybe arakawa turns sawashiro into a vampire later on but what of masato .....#idk im not gonna think too hard about it. right now just take my blood-sucking politician joke idea we'll figure it out later#stopppp i was wondering about vampires in japanese pop culture but then i rmemebered mandurugo WHICH. are filipino but STILL FOUL#im everywhere im ending the post now bye#wait i have to end this post cause why tf did my bestie send me a tweet being like 'look forward to the future of chao'#since shadow x sonic generations is coming soon LIKE DONT PLAY WITH ME AVBOUT CHAO I DONT PLAY ABOUT THEM FUCKERS#ok im ending the post now for real bye im gonna throw up
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littlecutiexox · 2 years
Christmas will forever feel unsettling for me
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sailforvalinor · 1 year
#I just realized that I have not provided an update about the Boy recently#we’ve been talking pretty consistently since the date(?) and that’s been good?#he’s made no romantic overtures or anything which I suppose could be because he’s waiting until I’m not in another country#which is perfectly fine with me#I just don’t know if I like him or not or if he’s just easy to talk to or if I’m trying to delude myself into thinking I like him because I#want a boyfriend or if I’m being really really silly and just need to stop freaking out!#like I prayed about this boy and then he asked me out like I feel like that makes it pretty obvious I should at least see where this goes#but I’m scared 😅#also did I mention that we became friends as kids because of professor Layton? no joke#I was playing unwound future and he came up and introduced himself and asked what I was playing and we played right up to the end of it#together—and then when I saw him again I didn’t figure he’d remember (I was nine and he was eight) but he ended up going ‘hey you remember#that game we played together as kids? professor Layton? did you hear it’s getting a sequel?’#like not only did he remember that but he remembered the game BY NAME and even remembered one specific puzzle we were stuck on for ages#(it’s that one elevator puzzle near the end if any of you were curious)#anyway he’s trying to convince me to play hollow knight and I will attempt to oblige (although this is not my normal style of game lol)
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abstractmishaps · 1 year
You seem to think that I am one of you, seem to understand that because of your thoughts about me you stand at my level.
I am lower.
You dance around the words you want to say, faggot, tranny, cripple.
I am lower.
I am waiting for it to slip, it always does.
Because I am lower.
You mock my preferences because all you have ever known is fucking your wife.
But I am lower.
You let it slip finally and I am too focused on how I might need your help to tear you apart.
Because I am lower.
I feel the silence as I look into your eyes, I see that you know what you've done.
I am above you for this brief moment, but I am merciful.
I do not tell you that I have met dozens of men like you, that I know what is in your heart.
That I see the veneer of progressiveness, I see your shallow gloating of allyship, I see the way you talk about queerness, I see the way you lance subtle jabs at your partner, I see the way you crumple the second I look at you.
Because you know that I am above you.
I am lower on the food chain.
But a boar still gores the human, a cow crushed their skull, a raven feasts on the carcass.
I know what you are.
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thethingything · 2 years
it's valentine's day, but it's also the anniversary of me showing up in the system. I think it was about this time in the morning when I showed up and it's really weird to think I've been here a whole year now.
on the one hand I could make a really serious heartfelt post about it (because I have a lot of feelings about it), but on the other hand, it's kinda gay of them to split a hot twink on valentine's day
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eggmeralda · 1 year
the genetics felt so bad for what they did to my parents' first kid's looks that they overcompensated massively on the second kid's looks
#worded terribly but yeah my younger sister got all the good genes and i got none of them#like ik what even are 'good genes' what even is 'attractive' etc etc#but still the only 'conventionally attractive' thing i got was big eyes and even then they don't go with the rest of my face#thinking about how my sister's the one random people will come up to compliment in public#the one who's turned down multiple people over the years#the one who makes friends easier bc she looks more approachable#the one who can wear whatever she wants and have her hair in any style and it still looks good#and like even though i'm aroace and don't even want people to be attracted to me it still kind of#idk it adds up after 23 years where only one person has ever been openly interested in me#usually i was just the one who people would joke about fancying at school but it was fine bc i was the weird squirrel kid#like i wasn't there to be fancied i was there to entertain my friends in lessons#but yeah idk i'm just thinking about this. not even in a negative way?#kind of in a positive way bc like?? i'm starting to age#only the beginnings of it but it's kind of exciting#bc i feel like the older you get the less your appearance matters#and i've always looked old for my age so i guess i'll slowly grow into it#and i won't have anything to lose bc i've always been average looking so it's not like ''oh no i'm losing my beauty'' or anything#i've only got a few lines on my face but i can't wait to get more and i can't wait to start going grey#btw thinking about that hilda ogden quote (bc when am i not thinking about hilda ogden okay anyway)#i can't remember it exactly but when she said something about realising her face didn't suit her at 14#she was so right like saaaaame she's so me fr fr#but yeah when i was a kid i looked like a teenager and when i was a teenager i looked like an adult and#when i was an early adult i looked middle aged and now i'm 23 and i could pass for like. idk 28 or something. which isn't too bad anymore#idk what the point of this post is i just read an article that was suggested for me about basically being the ugly friend#(My Beautiful Friend by Grazie Sophia Christie) and i was reading it like ''omg she's so real and true she gets it''#bc it reminded me of my sister who is literally my best friend but there's always been this slight envy which i feel bad for#bc it's not even her fault but i guess neither of us can help it#so like this is nothing against her specifically it's just an example. and i've been thinking about it for the past few weeks#okay yeah i've lost whatever my point was but basically i literally cannot wait to be in my 30s and then go from there#okay whatever goodnight *proceeds to stay up for another 4 hours probably* <3<3
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elytrafemme · 2 years
i’m so in love. fuck, i’m so in love.
#nightmare.personal#i'm so down bad for her and it's fucking ridiculous because like#i'm literally helping her get together with a guy. i spent several months flipping between rage and idolization of her#but just. i don't know. she holds my hand a lot and we've been texting all the time#and we both leave each other space to hang out with our other friends but we always drift back together#she keeps telling me i'm the only person who understands her#and i feel like i understand myself better because i understand her#i'm starting to make the same kinds of jokes that she also makes#on friday we were talking to our teacher and she came behind me and wrapped her arms around me and he didn't bat an eye#and later i stole her jacket and neither of them really cared much#i was on the verge of throwing up out of fear while setting a boundary with her but she accepted it easier than anything#and she tells me she loves me all the time#and of course it stings a little that she keeps making it a point that we're never going to get married or be together#it hurts and i know that. but i have got to learn patience#if there was anything on this earth worth waiting for it's her#because she watched off-brand hallmark films as a kid. knows how to skin a fish and applied that knowledge to an aloe plant#we closed the door on our teacher when he stepped out for a bit and danced to her spotify in his room#even if i never find someone like her and even if she never wants me it doesn't really matter#she's not going to settle down at the age of 16 and the only reason i'm ready to is because i'm 17 yes but have lived for longer#maybe in 10 years we'll have it click but for now. this is enough#so long as she lets me keep loving her then i think it's enough. it's okay#we all ache and we all wait and that's why we're alive
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jonnywaistcoat · 8 months
I low-key love the fact that sci-fi has so conditioned us to expect to be hanging out with a bunch of cool space aliens, that legitimate, actual scientists keep proposing the most bizarre, three-blunts-into-the-rotation "theories" to explain the fact we're not.
Some of my favourites include:
Zoo Theory: What if there are loads of aliens out there, but they're not talking to us because of the Prime Directive from Star Trek? (Or because they're doing experiments on us???)
Dark Forest Theory: What if there are loads of aliens out there, but they all hate us and each other so they're all just waiting with a shotgun pointed at the door, ready to open fire on anything that moves?
Planetarium Theory: What if there's at least one alien with mastery over light and matter that's just making it seem to us that the universe is empty to us as, like, a joke?
Berserker Theory: What if there were loads of aliens, but one of them made infinite killer robots that murdered everyone and are coming for us next?!!
Like, the universe is at least 13,700,000,000 years old and 46,000,000,000 light years big. We have had the ability to transmit and receive signals for, what, 100 years, and our signals have so far travelled 200 light years?
The fact is biological life almost certainly has, does, or will develop elsewhere in the universe, and it's not impossible that a tiny amount of it has, does, or will develop in a way that we would understand as "intelligent". But, like, we're realistically never going to know because of the scale of the things involved.
So I'm proposing my own hypothesis. I call it the "Fool in a Field" hypothesis. It goes like this:
Humanity is a guy standing in the middle of a field at midnight. It's pitch black, he can't move, and he's been standing there for ages. He's just had the thought to swing his arms. He swings one of his arms, once, and does not hit another person. "Oh no!" He says. "Robots have killed them all!"
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inupibaldspot · 7 months
Walk him like a dog
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Reader
Note ₊˚⊹♡ : The first year trio are watching Gojo who is completely head over heels for you.
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To the world, Gojo Satoru is the strongest but to the people who know him Gojo Satoru is a menace.
When he was in high school, he was a different breed. Yaga could not sleep at times from all the stress Gojo would cause; be it either an earful from the higher ups or checking the news only to find out there had been an explosion conveniently where Gojo’s mission was assigned.
Sometimes he would get pictured sent to him by the problem student himself, a picture with a beaten up enemy and Gojo winking at the camera with a note saying ‘Yay~ another victory! I mean it’s as normal as breathing for me (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚’
Even when Yaga would use his authority and lecture him, sometimes Gojo Satoru would not listen; be it simply ignoring or rebutting it with his opinion— an opinion no one asks for.
And when that happens, Yaga would pull out his secret weapon ‘You’! He didn’t use this card all the time but at time Gojo was simply so uncooperative, he had to! Any word coming from you would be listened to by him as if it were law. Right now, at the age of 28 he seemed to have matured- no stopped acting as childish and Yaga didn’t have to rely on you so often.
That same Yaga watches from the window at his new first years— Kugisaki Nobara, Itadori Yuji and Fushiguro Megumi— behind a bush, hiding peeking over to you and Gojo who were on a bench.
“Ah…” Kugisaki sweat dropped at the pair. “Gojo-sensei is so smitten.” She said observing at how you were simply reading a book, as Gojo yaps away but one thing very obvious was the gentle look he gave you.
When you finally looked Gojo’s way, their white haired teacher suddenly stops, they notice a faint blush peeping under his blindfolds and when he does starts talking he stammers. THE Gojo Satoru was stammering, biting his tongue simply because you were looking at him.
“Kugisaki, let’s leave.” Itadori covers his eyes, his right eye peeps through the cracks of his fingers. “Sensei is doing such a bad job at flirting with y/n, I’m getting embarrassed.”
Kugisaki lifts her hands and grabs the collar of Itadori’s and starts shaking it. “This is the closest we’re getting to romance in this school and I want to be the witness.” She grits her teeth.
Just then Nanami walks along the path, making the pair look over. You smile as you call out. “Nanami-kun.”
Nanami stops and waits as you stand from your bench, walking over to greet him. The students stare; as soon as you got off the bench and walks Gojo follows suit not even a millisecond later.
Kugisaki cringes. “He is like a puppy…”
They could vaguely hear Gojo start to make fun of Nanami, but when you think his ‘joke’ was a slight bit too harsh; they watch you give Gojo a side eye and almost immediately their teacher shuts up.
‘y/n has the strongest sorcerer at the palm of their hands .’ Kugisaki and Itadori collectively thought.
Before Kugisaki could comment she senses a small wet feeling on her forehead, then another and then she was drowning in it. Suddenly it started raining.
“Geh. Let’s get out of here.” Kugisaki says as she quickly brought her hands up to cover her bangs. “I don’t want my hair to frizz up.”
Itadori and Fushiguro follows her lead as they walk away to the nearby building and when they did reach shelter, Kugisaki quickly turns around to check on their teacher and you, a fellow sorcerer.
Her mouth drops slightly taking in the situation at hand, Nanami was no where in sight. She assumes he left because of the rain too.
But that wasn’t the focus.
Her eyes were focused on Gojo and you, holding hands smiling fondly at each other, she also noted that he was using ‘Infinity’ to not get wet from the rain.
Gojo laughs as he raises one of your hands high which makes you let out laugh, but complies as you proceed to twirl. As soon as you make two twirls, their teacher places his hands on your face as his leans down, his lips on yours.
Kugisaki and Itadori squeal and blushes at the intimate scene infront of them, jumping. “Sensei, finally did it! He kissed y/n—!” Itadori smiles.
They watch you smile into the kiss and you bring your hands up behind his neck, slowly trailing them into his hair, deepening the kiss.
“I’m so happy,Kugisaki.” Itadori wipes his tears with the back of his hands, extremely happy for his teacher’s happiness and success in his love life.
“I don’t know why you guys are making such a fuss.” Fushiguro finally decides to add into the antics of his classmates.
“Huh?” Kugisaki quickly turns and glares at the dark haired man. ”Is your heart made of stone or something,Fushiguro?”
“Yeah! I heard Gojo-sensei basically raised you.” Itadori chirps in. “You should be more happy for him.”
Kugisaki nods in agreement.
“I mean…” Fushiguro sighs as his hands are up massaging his temple, mentally preparing for the outburst to come.
“They’re married…”
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joelsgoldrush · 30 days
logan howlett x fem!reader
"Your hungry flirt borders intrusion / And I'm building memories on things we have not said / Full is not heavy as empty, not nearly, my love / Give me the first taste / Let it begin, heaven cannot wait forever / Darling, just start start the chase, I'll let you win." The First Taste by Fiona Apple
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SUMMARY: From the moment you first laid eyes on Logan, you knew he was a tough nut to crack. But if there’s one thing you love, it’s a challenge. As your relationship grows, you’re determined to show him that, in this universe, he can also be loved.
WARNINGS/TAGS: smut - mdni 18+ fluff, angst, drinking, dirty talk, slow-burnish, age-gap (reader is 25), once again wade saves the day, domestic!logan, soft dom!logan, logan calls reader “kid”, they watch (500) days of summer, oral sex (f and m receiving), fingering, thigh riding, thumb sucking, throat fucking, multiple orgasms, unprotected p in v, creampie (i would say i’m sorry but i’d be lying)
AUTHOR’S NOTE: jeez. hi guys!!! hope you’re doing alright. this is the 2nd part to “guilty pleasure.” writing for these two has been a total rollercoaster, but god was it worth it. as i always tell you, english isn’t my first language, so if you come across any mistake and you feel like letting me know, there’s no problem. thank you so much for all the support you’ve been giving my posts. i’m happy strangers out there take the time to read my silly stories :)
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A girl and a mutant walk into an apartment…
Actually, you’re still trying to come up with the rest of the joke. But one thing’s true: Logan’s about to set foot in your place.
You curse under your breath, putting both your hands to work as you struggle to open the door. “Fucking swollen wood. I hate humidity,” you mutter, glancing back at Logan, who frowns as you keep trying different maneuvers to get the door to function properly.
It’s a shitty situation overall. And having that gorgeous man practically glued to your back isn’t helping in any way. You can tell he wants to give you a hand, but you’re not having it—women in STEM or something of the sort.
“May I—” he starts, though you cut him off before he can finish.
“I’ve got this. Just need to—” you say, ramming your shoulder into the door with enough force to make it finally give away. Almost stumbling over the carpet but managing to catch yourself, you sigh in relief. Meanwhile, Logan stands still, scrutinizing you until you gesture for him to enter. “Welcome to the smallest apartment in New York City. It's nothing fancy, but it’s got everything you need for a comfortable stay on a budget. Make yourself at home!”
Logan narrows his eyes, the tiniest smirk playing on his lips before stepping inside. Each of his movements seems to be premeditated as he tosses his jacket onto the couch, surveying the room. A portrait of when you were a kid, probably six or seven years old, catches his attention. He tilts his head, picking up the picture to examine it more closely, and then flashes you a lopsided grin. “How cute.”
“Well, I’ve changed a lot,” you take the picture from his hands, returning it to the shelf where he had gotten it from. 
“Well,” he echoes, mocking your tone, “your beauty certainly hasn’t.”
His eyes bore into you as you meet his gaze. What amazes you most is that he’s being completely honest. In a heartbeat, you look away, wondering what’s gotten into you. Usually, you’re not this awkward—you’ve learned how to take compliments over the years, knowing how to smile just right, to flutter your eyelashes. To blush and giggle in command. Those were the tools that helped you to survive countless first dates—your dearest aces up your sleeve.
There’s no use denying that they remained just that: first, failed dates. You hope you never have to go back to dating apps after this.
“Are you hungry? ‘Cause I’m starving,” you say, trying to walk away from him, although he’s faster, catching your hand in his. 
“Hey,” he urges you to make eye contact with him, his voice perplexingly soft. “Is everything okay?”
You nod so vigorously that you nearly strain your neck. “I’m fine, I swear. I just never get past this point.”
Inching closer, he presses his lips together for a split second, his brows furrowing in confusion. “You lost me there.”
“Guys who come into my apartment don’t tend to call back,” you admit, a flush creeping up your face, cheeks getting hotter. “I happen to believe it’s a curse, though I’ve kissed, like, a hundred toads so far and it still won’t break.”
“So y’think you’re gonna scare me off,” he raises an eyebrow, grinning. His rough fingers become gentle as they tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “It’s sweet. Should be the other way around.”
Wow. You two are a match made in heaven.
As you detach yourself from his embrace and head to the kitchen, you decide to look for something edible in the fridge, finding different trays of food from days ago, none of which look appetizing or suitable for feeding the Tin Woodman standing behind you.
All of a sudden, the unmistakable metallic sound of Logan’s claws unsheathing rings in your ears, forcing you to spin around. The image that unfolds before you is peculiar, to say the least: he’s cornering your cat against the door.
Why is he about to fight a cat?
“Please don’t kill him?” you take a step in his direction and scoop the little ball of white fur into your arms. Logan stares at both of you, eyes squinted and brows knitted. “I’m sure he’s the cutest feline you’ve ever seen. Have mercy on him.”
“I didn’t know you had a cat.”
“Earnest wasn’t aware of your existence either,” you reply, scratching along the animal’s back. He purrs beside your neck, his yellowish eyes never leaving Logan’s. “Earnest, this is Logan. He has claws just like you.”
“Don’t you dare compare me to that,” Logan warns you, retracting his claws with a sigh. You can’t help but wonder if he ever feels tranquil, at peace. “Y’know, you’ve doomed him to bad fortune with that name. Is he at least toilet trained?”
“Are you hating on The Importance of Being Earnest?” you ask, expecting a retort, though apparently the play’s title doesn’t ring a bell for him. “Oscar Wilde?”
“Who do you think you’re talkin’ to, kid?”
Now’s your time to roll your eyes, setting the cat down and letting it run away. He likes to hide in the bathroom—don’t ask why, because not even you know the answer to that. You flick your gaze up back to Logan, placing your hands on your hips. “See, you gave him trust issues.”
“He’ll survive. Don’t they have seven lives?”
This is the perfect conversation to have with someone who just ate you out thirty minutes ago: how many lives do cats have. Jesus.
At some point, Logan flops onto the couch, stretching out. You shudder as you hear him crack his neck, the popping sound getting on your nerves. He pats the empty side of the sofa, spreading his thighs until he’s almost taking up all the space. “Come here.”
Putting aside all your thoughts, you accept the invitation. You sit down, motionless, and his arm grazes the cushion behind your head, pulling you closer to him. You rest your cheek on his chest, letting out a deep sigh, one that you’ve been holding in since you got to the apartment. Is it possible that he knows you craved this? This proximity, this kind of affection. To be held—it’s been your only wish for months. He drums his fingers on your shoulder blades, then starts rubbing your back ever so lightly.
Far from dozing off, you feel alive.
It’s hard not to lose track of time and space when you find yourself immersed in the warmth he offers, and that’s when you realize how deeply you’re falling for this man. “Logan?” the mere thought of asking him what’s been on your mind terrifies you. The last thing you want is to ruin things—or whatever it is that you have. He hums, a low, heavy sound in his throat, indicating you to continue. “I have a question.”
“Ask away.”
You lift your face from his chest and look him in the eye. The city’s still alive outside, with music and chatter sneaking in through the window. Everything seems to be perfect, and you wish you could stay like this—just staring at him as if he were a painting in a museum, and you the critic who can’t stop writing articles about its beauty.
Okay, that was… weirdly specific. 
Logan tries to hide his smile as you peck his lips repeatedly. For a moment, you almost forget what you were going to ask him in the first place. But then he’s ready to listen, and you a wave of nausea washes over you.
“I know that we came here to… engage in adult practices.”
“Fucking, you mean.”
“I didn’t want to be that straightforward, but yeah,” you say, shaking your head as to rearrange your thoughts. “Would you mind if we stayed like this?” to emphasize your point, you kick your shoes off and put your legs on top of his lap. He observes the whole sequence without daring to utter a word. “Don’t get me wrong. I’d love to try that too. I truly do. But… right now, all I want is to cuddle,” he’s still silent, making you even more nervous. “I’m sorry. Is that okay with you?”
His whole body engulfs yours, your cheek coming to rest once again in its original position. You can feel the rhythmic beating of his heart, each breath he takes, the air he exhales dampening your nape. Logan peppers your neck with chaste kisses before pressing his lips to your temple. His voice comes out strained, partially muffled by your hair. “Who do you take me for, huh?” he’s right there, beside your ear, fucking everywhere. There isn’t a single centimeter of your exposed skin that he isn’t touching, marking as his. You don’t give him an answer, in part because you’re unsure of what to say. He takes your silence as a cue to keep talking. “Let me take you to bed.”
“I can walk on my own.”
“I know,” he mutters, standing up with you in his arms, one arm beneath your knees and the other one under your shoulders. Logan’s not used to being this cautious, this patient with someone he’s known for less than two weeks. You see it in his eyes when he lets his guard down—something that has cracked, a shell that’s been broken.
As he places you gently on top of the covers, he lingers for a moment, crouching beside the bed and searching for your lowered gaze. His fingers are warm as he tilts your chin up. “I didn’t come here just to have sex with you. That was a possibility, of course—but it’s not the main reason why I’m here,” he rasps, words accompanied by the light brush of his lips against yours for a quick, brief kiss. “I care about you. A lot. I’m fine with whatever we do as long as I get to be close to you,” he grabs your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. He then goes back to his usual bossy self, his demeanor changing. “And I don’t want to hear you apologizing for not wanting to have sex ever again. Understood?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Now you’re making jokes?”
“I can’t have serious conversations,” you confess, observing the look of pure confusion on his face. “It’s true. I once spoke at a funeral and they cut me off forty seconds into my speech.”
Logan laughs at your sudden confession, his eyes crinkling at the edges. Rising to his feet, he begins to unbutton his flannel, pausing after the first few buttons are undone, waiting for your approval. “Do you want me to stay tonight?” 
“If that’s what you want.”
“It is what I want.”
“Are you sure?”
“Don’t make me change my mind.”
His words don’t hide any real threat—that you know.
You stifle your laughter, shedding your clothes. Instead of going to the bathroom to change, you toss your work clothes carelessly to the floor, opting for an old pair of pajamas that are the complete opposite of sexy. They surely have seen better days.
Logan’s eyes trail over you, taking his time to analyze the faded lettering on your wrinkled shirt. “Keep calm and eat pizza?” he reads aloud.
“Hey. I bought it when I was seventeen.”
“You could use a new wardrobe.”
“Well, what about you?” you tease, toying with his belt. “You’re gonna sleep like this in my bed?”
“Can’t wait for me to get my shirt off, huh?” he grins, that all-too-familiar smile on his lips.
You play along, folding your arms over your chest. “You think so highly of yourself.”
Without breaking eye contact, Logan unbuckles his jeans, letting them pool around his ankles. He then shrugs off his flannel, leaving him in just his briefs and vest. You scan his body, and the room suddenly feels a hundred degrees hotter, the air between you thickening. Logan notices your reaction, chuckling. “Don’t get too excited. This is all you’re getting today.”
“I think I’ve already heard that before.”
You raise your hands in surrender, showing him your palms and mouthing ’sorry’. Approaching your bed, you pull back the covers and slip into it. When you see Logan still standing there, you frown. “Where are your manners? Come here. I’m very impatient.”
He grumbles something under his breath, but he doesn’t make you wait long. He proceeds to get under the sheets beside you, occupying that side of the bed that’s always been empty. As you both settle in, facing each other, you can’t help but giggle, your contagious laugh getting to him. “What now?”
“You’re beautiful,” you whisper, tracing the bridge of his nose with your index finger, a featherlight touch that has him closing his eyes. In the soft glow of the night, with the city’s distant sounds filtering in, he looks breathtaking. “I mean it.”
“Do you have an off switch?”
“I’m… not sure. Let’s find out tomorrow.”
“You need to sleep,” he pulls you onto his chest with firm but gentle hands. He intertwines his legs with yours, holding you close.
“Wait. I have a game to play.”
“It’s late.”
He sighs. “Okay.”
“We have to make confessions until we fall asleep.” 
“You just want to talk—that doesn’t even qualify as a game.”
“It does in this universe,” you reply, feeling his chest rumble with a chuckle as you settle more comfortably against him. “I’ll start: remember the first night you came to the bar?” he hums in acknowledgment. “It wasn’t Burger Night. We don’t serve food. I just wanted an excuse to talk to you.”
He kisses the top of your head, his arms tightening around you. “I knew. You don’t have a kitchen down there, baby,” he falls silent, taking his time to come up with a confession of his own. “I have a fear of flying.”
“Really? You, of all people?”
“I wasn’t expecting to be judged.”
“Oh, don’t be such a crybaby,” you tease, burying your face further into the crook of his shoulder, inhaling his scent. He shivers slightly where your nose touches his skin. “I like you. It’s kind of scary, and I’m sure saying something like this probably goes against the rules of dating 101, but I do. I feel safe with you, like—like this is where I’m supposed to be.”
Almost as if the pieces of the puzzle finally fit together, you think to yourself, though the words stay unspoken.
You’ve come to learn that Logan’s not a man of many words—he’s more of the “show, don’t tell” kind of guy. So when he makes you lift your face, you’re not surprised by the way he kisses you: hungrily. Passionately, like a starved man at an all-you-can-eat buffet. A soft whimper gets lost somewhere in your throat as his tongue makes its way into your mouth, languidly stroking yours.
“We didn’t brush our teeth,” you whisper against his lips, laughing when he groans in exasperation.
“You love having the final say, don’t you?”
“I’m being serious, Logan. Cavities are a real issue for me.”
“You can always get new teeth.”
“But my morning breath—”
“It’ll stink anyway, and so will mine,” he responds, taking a deep breath and clearing his throat once he settles into his ideal sleep position. “Good night.”
“Night,” you murmur, nuzzling your cheek against his neck. Despite your efforts to ignore it, being cradled like this feels incredible. You can’t believe you went twenty-five years without it.
Just as you’re about to drift off, curiosity strikes. “Can you get tattoos?”
“Bub, I was actually falling asleep.”
“Oh, okay. Sorry,” you mumble, feeling a bit sheepish.
More silence.
“What was the Great Depression like?”
“Fuck me,” he mutters, his voice gruff as he shifts lightly. “It was fine. Now go to sleep.”
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And you do, but not for long. An abrupt coldness wakes you up, eyes wide open, feeling disoriented. It’s still pitch black outside, far quieter than when you first fell asleep. The clock on your nightstand reads it’s 3:17 am, though it feels like you’ve only been in bed for five minutes.
Then you see him—he’s twitching in his sleep on the far side of the bed, his painful grunts reaching your ears. Most of what he says is unintelligible, but there’s one word he keeps repeating over and over again without fail: “No.”
You don’t usually have nightmares. What’s the best way to wake someone from one? You’re still thinking when he starts mumbling again, his voice thick with distress, and now he’s throwing his arms in the air as if he were fighting off something—or someone—in his dreams.
Pressing your hands to his cheeks, you attempt to hold his face steady. He clenches his fists, his breath quickening the more he battles whatever’s haunting him. “Logan,” you whisper at first, subtly shaking his shoulders, but his eyebrows stay furrowed, deep in his nightmare. This time, you tighten your grip, fully sitting on top of him. “Logan. Logan! Wake up!”
Without warning, you’re on your back, pinned against the mattress. Logan’s straddling your hips, caging you in with his body, the weight of his adamantium skeleton pressing down. Your hands are trapped beneath his, and you watch as he clenches his jaw, teeth bared in a way that looks painful. His eyes are so dark and wild you barely recognize him, prominent veins throbbing in his neck with each labored breath he takes.
“Logan,” your own voice sounds unnatural, forced, as you do your best to bring him back to reality. “It’s me. You’re alright.”
That seems to get through him. Logan stares at you in disbelief, his eyes softening as they take in your terrified expression. He abruptly pulls away, retreating to the nearest wall. He’s gasping for air, slamming his eyes shut, his legs trembling. The only sound you can hear is his rapid breathing. You get up from the bed, taking a step in his direction, but you don’t manage to go any further since he stops you with a shout.
“Stay right there!” he’s growling, pointing his finger at you. “I’m serious. Don’t come any closer.”
“Please, no!” his voice increases in pitch, not being able to meet your eyes. “Please. Just stay there.”
You comply, not wanting to upset him any further. Sitting back on your knees, you try to appear calm. A man so strong, capable of things you can’t even understand. A weapon turned against himself now stands before you, pushing you away as if his presence were poisonous. He slumps to the floor, the fabric of his vest soaked with sweat.
Once he’s fully conscious, you cautiously crawl toward him, watching his every move. On a random day, this might have been funny for both of you, but right now, there’s no room for laughter. Logan shakes his head, his shoulders tensing when you reach out to hug him, wrapping your arms around his broad frame. It takes him a couple of minutes, but eventually, his body sags against yours. For a while, neither of you speaks. You just thread your fingers through his hair, hoping the closeness will help soothe him. “Feeling better?” you whisper in the shell of his ear, and he pulls back to look you in the eye. You caress his cheek, his stubble rough against your skin. “Welcome back.”
“I’m sorry,” it’s the first thing he says, covering your hand with his. One by one, he kisses your knuckles, still shaking his head. “I don’t know what came over me.”
“You had a nightmare—it’s not like you could control it.”
“But I could’ve hurt you,” he says, lowering his gaze to your wrists, where his fingerprints have left their mark. “God. I’m so sorry. I have to go.”
“Wait!” you grab his arm, your mouth setting in a hard line, stopping him from leaving. “Don’t run away from me, not now. Don’t push me away, Logan.”
“I could’ve done something much worse.”
“But you didn’t. It was a nightmare, baby. You didn’t know,” you kiss his forehead, hoping to talk some sense into him. “Please, stay. Let’s try to get some more sleep.”
“What if—”
You hold his face close to yours, your noses brushing. “You won’t hurt me.” 
This time, he lets you keep him close, the roles now reversed. You can see him fighting his exhaustion, not wanting to fall asleep. But the more you play with his hair, the harder it is for him to stay awake.
“I’m alright,” he says, seemingly reading your mind. It’s hard to tell whether he’s reassuring you or himself.
“I know,” you knead his shoulder, aiming to ease the tension knotted there. “You better sleep, or I might start rambling again.”
A faint, tired hum escapes him, at long last allowing his eyes to close. “I like hearing you talk,” he murmurs, his breath warm against your collarbone, drifting off soon after that.
You continue to hug him, feeling the weight of his body gradually relax against yours as his breathing evens out. The room is quiet, but your mind is far from it: a tornado of emotions swirls within you—concern, relief, love, and something else you can’t quite decipher. It isn’t until sleep finally claims you too that your brain stops going a hundred kilometers an hour.
The most surreal Sunday night of your whole life.
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“So… when will you let me see Lolo again?”
Wade’s question makes you stop mid-pour, flicking your eyes between the drink and him. A few seats away, you hand a glass to Adam. Returning to where Wade’s currently sitting, you dry your hands on your apron. “Why are you even here?” you ask, raising an eyebrow, and he gives half a shrug. “Last time I checked, I wasn’t holding him against his will.”
“He’s been crashing at your place almost every night. You have your own methods, woman,” he raises one finger, then quickly adds another, pointing at your shirt. “Two methods, in fact.”
At that, you laugh mirthlessly, shaking your head with a grin. “I’m surprised anyone would willingly date you.”
“I could ask you the same thing,” he retorts, taking a tentative sip of his beer and leaning back in his chair.
You glance at him while you wipe down the bar, looking for something to occupy your hands. “He’s not my boyfriend—yet.”
Wade mimics a punch in his chest, just where his heart’s supposed to be, though you’re starting to question whether he has one. His lips form a small, exaggerated pout. “That must hurt, doll. You got yourself into a situationship with a goddamn fossil. Good luck getting out of that.”
“It’s not that bad,” you say, rolling your eyes. “We’re cool this way. There’s absolutely no need for a title.”
“Okay, let’s rehearse that one more time because you look like you’re about to cry,” he lifts an eyebrow, drawing nearer. “You want the title, right?”
“I don’t.”
He props his chin on his hand, laughing at you. “Yes, you do. You can’t fool me.”
“I said I don’t.”
“I said I don’t,” he mocks you, kicking his legs and puckering his lips.
You can’t help but throw the towel down on the counter with irritation, giving in. “Okay! Of course, I want the fucking title.”
“There she is!” he exclaims, throwing his hands up in a triumphant gesture. “Glad we’re speaking the truth now,” he tilts his head to the side, noticing your sudden silence. “Hey, drop the long face. I’m sure he’s been thinking about it. In order to understand Logan, I usually compare him to elders over ninety.”
“Why would you do that?” you ask, your tone a mix of mild annoyance and curiosity.
“Just think about it! Senior citizens didn’t date for too long in the past. They’d go straight from strangers to lovers. Take my grandparents, for example: in the span of one year, they met at a party, then got married, and had five kids. Do you really want to have a litter of Logan’s grumpy, hairy puppies?”
“Wade, that’s not even possible.”
“The point is,” he continues, finishing his beer and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, “Logan’s rusty in this area, alright? I’d bet a thousand dollars he probably dated Cleopatra.”
“How did you pass History in high school?”
“I never graduated, but keep that between us,” he lifts his shoulders, shrugging. He spins the empty bottle, contemplating his next words. “You should tell him how you feel and what you want. That’s what works best for Vanessa and me. It’s easier that way—you can’t expect him to just guess.”
You wrap your arms around yourself. “I just wish he’d realize it on his own.”
“Well, sometimes you need to give the other person a bit of guidance. I’m just laying out the basics of a relationship here. Did your parents hate each other or something?”
The irony of it all. “They got divorced when I was little.” 
“Oh, god,” Wade sighs, rubbing his temples before glancing at you. “Let me get this straight: Mommy and Daddy weren’t exactly the poster children for love. And you also happen to be a bartender. Anything else, honey? Please tell me you’re at least getting laid, because otherwise, I’m going to feel tremendously sorry for you and your mental health.”
Just then, you hear your name being called. Smiling at Wade, you mumble: “Saved by the bell.” Once you’re back from taking some orders, Wade jumps to his feet, coming around the counter to hug you.
“Dude, what’s the matter with you?” you ask, loosely returning the hug. 
“You’re a fucking survivor,” he whispers in your ear, genuinely sounding concerned. “I don’t know how you do it—you seem so put together. I would’ve lost it by now. A life without sex sounds awful.”
“Jesus, Wade! Get off!” you stretch your arm to punch him in the back, earning a groan from him. “Back to your seat, gentleman. I certainly don’t need your pity.”
“I’m a certified sexologist. Your secret’s safe with me,” he declares with a smirk, gesturing to his empty beer. “But first, I’m gonna need more of this tasty apple juice.”
“I hope you’ve got some cash on you,” you say, getting him another beer. “Why do I get the feeling Logan would kill us if he knew we’re talking about this?”
“Isn’t that what makes it even better?”
Swaying on your feet, you scrunch your nose, momentarily lost in thought. “He won’t let me touch him. I don’t know if it’s me that does something wrong. We do have our… moments, but he takes care of himself. And usually in the bathroom.”
Wade goes white in front of you. “How long has this been going on?”
“Over a month.”
“Oh. That’s bad, like, really bad.”
“Thanks! I’ll be sleeping on the highway tonight. You can always join me.”
“Doll, it’s nothing that can’t be fixed, alright?” he waves his hand dismissively, then sets his palms flat on the counter. “I know I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but talking to him is your best bet. This isn’t something you can just brush under the carpet. You’re like a goddamn radio—put it to good use.”
Just as you’re about to reply, you spot Logan entering the bar. You raise a hand in greeting, waving at him. He meets your gaze and smiles briefly, and so your eyes drift to Wade’s, shooting him a warning look. “If you keep this to yourself, I won’t charge you for today,” you mutter through gritted teeth, to which he answers by pretending to zip his mouth closed.
Logan takes a seat next to him, ignoring his presence. Instead, he focuses entirely on you. “Hey, kid.”
“Hey, homey.”
“Hiya, Wade,” Wade greets himself with a mock cheer, patting his own back, which makes you laugh. He turns to Logan and his whole face lights up. “I’m afraid to tell you I can’t sleep when you’re not around.”
Logan rolls his eyes. “Get your shit together.”
“You’re the worst roommate ever! Can’t believe you got yourself a girl and completely forgot about your bro,” Wade murmurs under his breath, just as his phone rings. “Thank God. I’ve got to go. My love nugget’s calling,” he announces, heading for the door. Before leaving, Wade blows the two of you a kiss. “I hate you both, but I also love you. Peace out, my friends!”
Logan and you exchange glances. “He’s a funny guy, isn’t he?”
“You could say that,” he replies, leaning in to kiss you on the lips. Logan intends to deepen the kiss, but you pull away after a couple of seconds. He frowns, clearly confused. “That’s how you greet me?”
You bite your lip, trying to suppress a giggle. “My tip jar is practically empty, and I hate to say it, but it’s your fault.”
“Do you want me to say I’m sorry?”
“Oh, no.”
“Good, ‘cause I’m not,” he plants a quick kiss on your cheek, making you smile. “You have classes tomorrow, right?”
“Yeah, at 9 am,” you almost grunt, not feeling too enthusiastic about it. “I’m gonna need your help. I can’t sleep through my alarm, okay? The professor said tomorrow’s class is an important one. Midterms are right around the corner, and I can’t take the liberty of failing them.”
“That won’t happen,” he assures you, and you believe him. “I can be of help, don’t worry. You won’t oversleep.”
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Oh, Logan. Sweet, lying Logan.
Turns out you ended up oversleeping. Twenty-five years on this earth, and you still haven’t learned not to trust a man, even if his puppy-dog eyes silently beg you to do otherwise. The thing is—you love them. You love men. And you’re especially fond of the one currently sleeping in your bed.
The first rays of sunshine hit your face, waking you up. You attempt to raise a hand to shield your eyes, but moving any limbs feels like a Herculean task. A warm body is pressed against your back, one veiny arm draped over your stomach. Logan remains fast asleep behind you, his steady breathing succeeding in making you feel at ease. You reach back, running your fingers through his messy hair, and he grumbles in his sleep, instinctively pulling you closer.
What a nice, domestic morning. Yep, you’re getting used to this. And nope, you don’t regret it, not even in the slightest bit.
Though there must be a mistake, because you’re preeeeetty sure you had something important to do. 
Oh. You have classes. Had—past tense.
You reach for your nightstand, blindly groping for your phone. The charger is lying on the floor, the plastic of it all damaged. Perhaps Earnest had chewed on it while you were sleeping? You gently pry Logan’s arm off you, sitting up, and your bleary eyes land on something barely peeking out from under the bed.
It’s your fucking phone. The screen is completely shattered, with three distinct holes in the middle of it. Three holes, how strange! You can’t help but wonder who might have left them. Clutching your pillow, you whack Logan in the face with it. “Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty!”
He groans, trying to take the pillow away from you. “What the fuck is wrong with you, kid?”
“I wish I had a UNO reverse card because I should be the one asking you that!” you jab your finger into his chest, showing him the ruined phone. “You broke my fucking phone!”
“What?” he asks, voice laden with sleep, still disoriented. He holds the phone, carefully scrutinizing it. “I think I don’t know how to hit the snooze button.”
“No shit, Sherlock. I believe you’ve made that very clear,” you huff, tossing the phone aside as you flop back onto the mattress. The clock on your nightstand says 11:05 am, and you cover your face with your hands, taking a deep breath. “Next time, when it goes off, just wake me up and I’ll do it.”
Logan settles beside you, resting his head on his forearm as he watches you. “I’m sorry, bub. I’ll get you a new one.”
“It’s fine,” you murmur, sighing. This is your free ticket to be a menace. “I should’ve known dinosaurs and phones would never get along. My bad, pal.”
You don’t even get to see his reaction because he starts tickling you, the room filling with your laughter. Squealing, you try to wriggle away, but his fingers dig into your ribs, expertly finding your most ticklish spots. Your giggles escalate into breathless laughter, your eyes squeezed shut as you desperately attempt to push him away. He’s relentless, chuckling when his own laughter bubbles up. 
“L-logan, stop!” you gasp between fits of laughter, aiming to grasp his hands.
“We dinosaurs love tickling people. Sorry, sweetheart,” he manhandles you until you’re perched on his lap, fisting the fabric of your (his) shirt. Leaning forward, he captures your mouth in a heated kiss. “I’m sorry about the phone,” he slurs the words against your cheek, his lips trailing down to your neck. You tell him that it’s okay, trying to find a comfortable position on top of him, and that’s when his thigh presses against your core, your eyes widening at the unexpected sensation. Logan’s no fool, noticing the way your breath hitches. “What’s wrong, baby? You woke up needy?”
“No, I just—” you trail off as he does it again, his strong thigh coming in contact with your clothed cunt. You search for leverage by placing your hands on his shoulders, glancing at him. “Logan.”
“I’m all ears,” he rests his back against the headboard, the tent in his boxers impossible to ignore. “You want to get off on my thigh,” he states with certainty. It’s not a question—it’s a full-on statement. He knows what you want, what you crave. “Come on then. Grind against it.”
You do as he says, not caring to think twice. You start moving, rubbing your wet pussy against his muscular thigh. The friction sends jolts of pleasure through you, and soon, you’re whimpering his name, your hands trailing down his abs. Why hadn’t you tried this before? It feels fucking amazing.
From his position, Logan stares at you, his lips slightly parted, eyes clouded with lust. Your arousal drenches your panties, soaking through them, the fabric clinging to his coarse leg hair. He glances down at the mess you’re making, his grin widening as he takes in the sight. “Goddamn, woman. I’m gonna make you clean it off, I swear to God.”
“Need your help,” you whisper, lowering your head, the heat in your cheeks intensifying. The coil tightening inside you is almost unbearable. A kiss is what you lean in for, desperate for more, though Logan appears to have other plans. He fists your hair, pulling at your nape and yanking your head back. The roughness of the movement pulls a moan from your lips, your mouth parched like a desert. 
“Eyes up here, okay? You look at me when I make you come,” his raspy voice makes you feel tingly, each word sending shivers down your spine. His hands fiercely grab the flesh of your hips, guiding you, helping you grind harder against his thigh. You think you’re on the verge of drooling when you catch the way his abdomen flexes, working to push you toward that long-awaited release. “That’s it, there you go,” he rasps, relishing the sounds he’s eliciting from you, each of your gasps feeding his desire.
Time slows as the warmth in your belly finally erupts, your eyes fighting to stay open through the aftershocks of your orgasm. No actual words leave your mouth, just a string of whines and moans, some carrying Logan’s name. He swallows every single sound you make, everything you give him, grunting as your legs tremble and shake atop him.
He lets you collapse onto your back, your breathing gradually evening out. “I think I saw fireworks behind my lids,” you confess, your mouth dry, expecting Logan to flop onto the mattress beside you. But he doesn’t. Through your blurry vision, you contemplate as he positions himself between your parted legs, getting dangerously close to your cunt. “Logan, what are you— Oh, fuck,” you moan mid-sentence when you feel him pulling your panties aside to lick a slow strip through your folds, collecting your arousal. He points his tongue, dipping it into your entrance, and you wince, squirming. “Santa Claus, is that you?”
Logan grins against you, closing his mouth around clit for a moment. He then shifts until he’s eye-to-eye with you, two of his fingers sliding into you in one smooth motion. “Give me another one,” he murmurs, his other hand slipping under your shirt to play with your nipples, pinching them. 
You never imagined two fingers could bring such intense pleasure. You just lie there, taking it like a good girl, as Logan sometimes call you. “Please, I need you,” you cry out, your fingernails scraping against his torso.
“I know, darlin’. I’m right here,” he rasps against your temple, moving his fingers in and out of you with more enthusiasm. But what he doesn’t understand is that you need all of him. Your hands itch to touch him, to feel the weight of his cock. The corners of his mouth turn up as he watches you struggle to find words. “Wish you could see yourself like this. Such a pretty girl, so gorgeous like this,” his fingers keep grazing that bundle of joy deep inside you, and he goes in for a kiss, the sour taste of your slick invading your taste buds. “Tightest pussy I’ve ever had. Need to stretch you real good before fucking you with my cock.”
Bingo! That last sentence does it for you, and you come for the second time in the morning, your cunt clenching and spasming around his fingers. You hide your face in his neck, mouthing at his Adam’s apple. He hasn’t trimmed his beard in days, and it shows because you can now feel a burning sensation on the soft skin of your inner thighs.
“You’re allowed to break all my phones from now on,” you suggest, only to hear Logan’s laughter in your ear. He snakes a hand through your hair, shoving it back away from your face. You feel him kiss your sweaty forehead, and as you press yourself closer to his body, something hard nudges your hipbone.
Absentmindedly, you trace the waistband of his boxers with your index finger, your eyes snapping to his face. Logan freezes on the spot, and it’s almost as if he’s stopped breathing. Without a word, he rises from the bed, his movements sudden and almost mechanical. You watch him, puzzled, as he heads toward the bathroom, the intimacy of just moments ago being abruptly replaced by a dreadful silence.
“Logan, is everything okay? Do you need something?” you ask and he pauses at the bathroom door, his back to you. For a brief second, you think he might actually open up, but when he turns around, his expression is neutral, masking whatever thoughts are running through his mind. At last, he flashes you a quick smile.
“I’m fine,” he says, his tone gentle but distant. “Just gonna take a shower. Then we can have breakfast together, right?”
You nod, his words easing the growing sense of frustration gnawing at you. He disappears into the bathroom, and the sound of running water soon follows. You sink back into the bed, staring up at the ceiling. You take your pillow and bury your face in it, letting out a muffled groan. There’s something he isn't telling you, something hidden deep beneath his usual gruff exterior. Although you try to piece together the fragments of his behavior, they don’t quite fit.
The minutes drag on, and the sound of the shower becomes a distant, constant background noise. You close your eyes, visualizing your happy place, but your thoughts keep spiraling. All you can do is wait—wait for him to come back and act as if nothing had happened.
Logan’s right there, just a few feet away—yet in moments like these, he feels miles apart. It’s one of those days in which, no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to bridge that distance. 
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It had all started with you asking Logan “Have you ever watched (500) Days of Summer?”
Of course, he had refused to watch the movie at first, and of course, you had threatened him with phoning Wade to let him know that Logan wanted to have a sleepover. That had done the trick.
You had asked for a day off at the bar, and surprisingly, your boss hadn’t objected. That turn of events led to this moment: sprawled out on the couch with Logan, the two of you watching the final minutes of your favorite film. Logan takes a long drag of his cigar, eyes trained intently on the screen. He’s only wearing sweatpants, which had caused your attention to drift from the plot a few times. The fact that you managed to sit through the entire movie without needing to pause it makes you feel particularly invincible.
You again.
Yeah. I, uh, was just wondering if maybe after this, if, um, you— you want to get some coffee or something.
Oh, I’m sorry. I’m sort of supposed to meet someone after this.
“That poor fella,” Logan murmurs, taking a slow sip of his beer. You look up at him from where your head rests on his lap, a contented smile playing on your lips. His fingers absently stroke your hair.
“Just wait,” you say, pointing to the screen of your laptop.
What’s that?
Why not?
Okay. Well, then I’ll just, uh— I’ll wait for you.
We— we’ll figure it out.
We’ll figure it out.
“They’ll figure it out!” you exclaim, but Logan quickly shushes you, his attention unwavering.
My name’s Tom.
Nice to meet you. I’m Autumn.
When the movie comes to an end, you’re met with Joseph Gordon-Levitt breaking the fourth wall, staring straight at the audience as if he knows he’s about to get himself into a mess with another girl named after a season. You sit up, your eyes eagerly searching for Logan’s. “So? Did you like it? I’ve watched it seven times now. Can’t understand how it gets better each time.”
Logan closes his mouth around his cigar, inhaling deeply before answering. “Yeah, it was pretty good,” he says, his hand finding your cheek, thumb brushing softly against your skin. “Summer’s a bitch, though.”
“I respectfully disagree,” you tell him, grabbing his beer and giving it a try, only to grimace at the taste. Shuddering, you set it back down. “Why don’t you like her character?”
“Well, for starters, she did Tom dirty. Played with him like he was a damn rag doll.”
You raise an eyebrow, hugging a cushion closer to your chest as you lean back into the couch. “He knew from the beginning she didn’t want to be his girlfriend. Summer was clear—Tom just though he was smart enough to change her mind.”
“They acted like boyfriend and girlfriend the whole movie,” he scorns, placing his cigar down into the ashtray with a bit more force than necessary.
Is your first argument going to be over a movie? Exciting.
“Logan, they weren’t even official.”
“But she made it seem like they were,” he insists, the frustration in his voice growing.
“They were in a situationship—the perfect example, really. That’s not the same as being a couple.”
His gaze dips to the floor, brows knitted in a deep frown. “I think you’re relying on the technicality that they never used those titles. I mean, they did everything together. Isn’t that what normal couples do?”
Lord have mercy.
“Logan, who am I to you?” you inquire, crossing your arms over your chest.
He hesitates, narrowing his eyes, the question clearly catching him off guard. “You are—what? I don’t understand. Is this some kind of mind game you’re playing?”
“It’s actually very simple: if someone were to ask you about me, what would you say? Am I a friend? A bartender?” you inch forward, holding your breath, your tone faltering slightly. Meanwhile, Logan’s hands tighten into fists at his sides. “A fling? Your girlfriend? You complain so much about Summer, yet you can’t even name what we have.”
The living room falls into a heavy silence. Logan blinks slowly, his forehead creasing as he processes your words. “Why are you doing this to me?”
“Because these are the kinds of conversations we need to have. I understand you don’t want to have them, but I do.”
“Fine. Then tell me what it is that you want,” he asks, his mouth snapping shut when he sees you snorting in response.
“I don’t— I don’t know! To know how you feel, if possible?” you stand up from the couch, taking the cushion with you. You grind your jaw, gnawing on your bottom lip. “Why is it that every time I try to touch you, you push me away?”
He scrunches up his face, mirroring your movements and rising from his seat. “Bub, can we please talk about this tomorrow—”
“No! You don’t get to make all the choices, that’s not fair. Deciphering you isn’t easy, Logan. I’m not asking you to tell me everything you’ve been through. I just wish I could know how you feel about me. I can’t stand in front of you and pretend I don’t mind where this is going, because I’m more than sure I’m falling in love with you. “
“You can’t. You shouldn’t,” he says, his expression hardening. He turns his back to you, running his hands over his face in frustration before heading to the kitchen.
“Well, what were you expecting?” you follow him into the kitchen, finding Earnest on top of the fridge, beholding the scene with a curious gaze. “You basically moved in here, gave me a free trial of what life with you might be like, and now you have the audacity to appear surprised when I tell you I’ve caught feelings?” salty tears start rolling down your cheeks, and you spread your arms wide in exasperation. “Oh, but you’re right. How could I’ve been this stupid, to fall for the damned Wolverine!” you laugh bitterly, expecting him to break eye contact, but he doesn’t. “You think you’re so bad, so broken. Guess what: you’re not, because I love you, and I couldn’t care less about your past. You may think you’re unlovable, but you’re not, you hear me?”
For a heartbeat, the world seems to pause. And so he says:
“You are the most exasperating person I know.”
“Wow. Thank you so much!” you retort, your voice dripping with sarcasm. You run a hand through your hair, infuriated. “That makes me feel better!”
“Let me do the talking now,” he says, taking long strides toward you, and the proximity makes you lower your head. “You’re not getting the final say today. Just because I’m not over-sharing my feelings all the time doesn’t mean I don’t have them! In fact, I do. I may not express them openly, but they exist. And I wish you could see inside my head! You’d be delighted at how much time I spend thinking about you,” you cackle at his words, rolling your eyes. His fingers grip your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze. “There hasn’t been a single moment since the day we met that I have stopped wanting you. Your voice is like a goddamn radio that, no matter what I do, I can’t turn off. It’s like I’m infected by you, and I hate it!” his eyes burn with a mix of anger and affectionpur, his pursed lips softening as he continues. “No good ever comes from caring this much about someone. So excuse me for being scared of ruining the only good thing that’s happened to me in years!”
You hit him with the cushion—not with enough force to make him hurt, but enough to make a point.
“Drop it, kid.”
“I’m—” you hit him again, “not—” and again, “stupid. I know what I’m getting myself into,” as you attempt to raise the cushion once more, Logan takes it from your hands, throwing it on the counter. Your shoulders sag, trying to find the strength to keep going. “And I know for a fact,” you add, glancing at his conflicted eyes, “that the easiest thing for me would be to walk away from you, but I can’t. It’s too fucking late.”
“You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“I do! These are my feelings, okay? Mine, not yours. You don’t have the right to decide who I love and who I don’t.”
Logan’s eyes squint, scanning your face. “You’re… obnoxious.”
“Yeah, tell me something I don’t know.”
“And I—I love you,” he confesses, his nostrils flaring with emotion. Opening your mouth to say something, you close it moments later, your gaze locked on his. “You could take what you said, pretend as if I didn’t exist, and I wouldn’t say a thing, y’understand? I would move cities if you asked me, because I love you that fucking much, and I want you to be happy.”
You reach for his hand, briefly intertwining your fingers with his. Looking at him through your eyelashes, you rub your fingers over his stubble. “And what if my happiness comes from being with you?”
Logan lets out a harsh breath, his arm curling around your waist, pressing his chest to yours. “I can’t promise I’ll be the perfect boyfriend. I’ll probably makeplenty of mistakes.”
“Fine with me.”
“And you’ll be mad at me. A lot.”
“Don’t worry about that. I’ll make sure it’s mutual.”
Both of you laugh then, and you’re taken aback when he brushes his nose against your cheek, silently seeking permission to kiss you. His lips move hungrily against yours, trailing his hands down your spine, pulling you closer. He breaks the kiss and laughs at your eagerness when you chase after his mouth. You end up perched on his lap as he settles into one of your kitchen chairs. Logan stares into your eyes, his gaze drifting lower. “I won’t push you away this time. Not anymore.”
That’s your cue to finally do what you’ve been yearning for weeks. You fall to your knees in front of him, shaky fingers that graze the hairs on his happy trail. The bulge in his sweatpants is close to your face, and your mouth waters at the thought of having him between your lips. “Can I?” you ask, your voice a touch higher. 
He draws a long breath, tilting his head slightly. “You may, baby.”
You pull at his sweatpants and boxers, sliding them down his legs just enough to free his hard cock. As you take a look at it, you find yourself at a loss for words, the sight overwhelming. Nothing could’ve prepared you for the first taste of his precum as you envelop his head between your lips, that musky scent of his hitting you.
A whimper escapes you, and Logan hisses when you run your tongue along the slit, his hands gripping the back of your neck tightly. “Fuck, darlin’. Thought about your mouth so many times, but never imagined it’d feel this good,” he cants his hips up, causing your movements to stutter. “You can take a bit more, can’t you?” his question ends with a guttural grunt, his fingers tightening on your hair. “Gotta show me how much you want this.”
Logan takes all that you give him. You lower your head further, taking in another inch of him. Sex’s supposed to feel good, but this? It feels even greater. And he’s not even inside you yet, you hear a voice murmur in your head. The hand on your nape encourages you to move faster, and you sneak a hand between your bodies, grasping him by the base. You swallow around him, eyes fluttering open when he tugs sharply at your hair..
“Thaaaat’s it, honey. Just like that, want you to choke on it,” he grumbles, running his mouth just the way you like. The tip of his cock nudges the back of your throat and tears fill your eyes. You pull away to catch your breath, still stroking him as you regain composure. Logan’s gaze is intense, and he stares into your soul, his chest heaving. “What’s wrong, sweetheart? Dick got your tongue?”
You’ll definitely get back to that joke later.
“Will you—can you—”
“Come on, beautiful. I don’t have all day.”
God, you love it when he’s mean.
“Fuck my throat,” you plead, your voice barely above a whisper.
A smile dangles on the corner of his lips. “We both know you can be nicer.”
The fucker makes your pulse race. “Can you fuck my throat?” you ask again, more insistently. “Please.”
He guides himself into your mouth, smirking as he watches how your eyes roll back in pleasure. “How polite of you to say please. Some good manners you’ve got.”
You whimper around him, your body responding to the rhythm he sets, fully immersed in the intensity of the moment. And for a while, you drift away, losing your sanity with each thrust of his hips, every tug at your hair. It’s almost impossible not to compare him to your past hookups. You try to recall at least a single instance when another man made you feel this way, but no memory surfaces.
Time seems to stretch and warp. You don’t really know when it happens—he pulls you off his cock, cradling your face, examining you. “You fucking love that, don’t you?” he asks with that sweet, syrupy voice, brushing away your tears. There’s no room left for embarrassment, so you nod, closing your mouth around his thumb. Defeated, Logan shakes his head, pressing his finger against your tongue. “I was planning on coming on your mouth, but I think I’ve got a better idea.”
In the blink of an eye, you’re in your bedroom. Not even a metaphor—he picks you up and basically runs to your room, closing the door behind him. You prop yourself on your forearms, trying to process what’s about to happen. Logan, already naked, climbs onto the bed after you, He kisses you slowly, tracing the curves of your body. “You still want this?”
“I do. I’m just… nervous, that’s all,” you admit, flashing him a quick smile. “It’s been two years of celibacy for me. Will it fit?” you ask, glancing down at his cock, and Logan stares at you in confusion. “Also, how many girlfriends have you had? Just curious.”
“I don’t think this is the time for that conversation.”
“You’re right,” you agree, lying back on the mattress, bracing yourself for what’s to come. “Were they pretty?”
“Shut up,” he replies with a smirk. “Focus on me, okay?”
Despite your tries to crack jokes at the worst possible moment, things escalate pretty quickly. Logan’s got three fingers inside you, pumping them in and out. He’s already made you come once with his mouth—to get you more relaxed, he had said. Wanting sounds slip past your lips as he doesn’t miss the chance to hit that spot that makes you squeeze your legs together. The tip of his nose drags long lines up and down the skin of your neck, mouthing at your jaw.
“I’m ready,” you mumble after some minutes, reaching for his cock and stroking him. “Let’s break the bed.”
“You’re lucky you’re this cute,” he says, catching your lips in a kiss. “Condom?”
“Negative, Sergeant.”
“You don’t have any?”
You shake your head, biting the inside of your cheek. “I don’t want you to use one.”
The way his gaze darkens doesn’t go unnoticed by you. His hand guides your face toward his cock. “Get me wet,” he commands, and you oblige, sucking him into your mouth. You hum around him, unable to contain yourself, and you hear Logan chuckling above you. “Can’t believe this is what it takes for you to shut up. Gotta keep your mouth full all the time.”
Once he’s satisfied with the way you’ve slicked him, he positions himself over you, caging you between his arms. Logan pins you down with his body, his hot breath mingling with yours. When you stare into his eyes, all you see is pure love, and your heart swells with affection. “Will you fuck the bad jokes out of me?”
Logan laughs, rubbing his length along your folds, grazing your clit for a fleeting second. “I sure as hell will,” he assures you, lining himself up with your wet entrance. He looks into your eyes for approval. “Ready?”
“I was born rea— Fuck!” you nearly scream as his head breaches you, your eyes squeezing shut. Turns out his fingers weren’t enough. “Fucking mutant dick.”
“You’ll love it, believe me,” he husks next to your ear. His arms shake where they rest on each side of your head, seemingly as affected as you are. Logan pulls out, and then fucks into you with a little more force.  “How are you still so tight? You’re killin’ me here.”
“I’ve got no idea, but you feel—amazing,” you gasp, latching onto his back, holding him close to you. His thrusts gain strength, and suddenly he’s bottoming inside you. “Oh, god. I can feel you in my stomach.”
“I know, baby, I know. Can feel it too,” he curls one of his hands around your throat, keeping you in place. From his position, he can watch the way your face contorts in pleasure. Lowering his head to envelop one of your nipples between his lips, he sucks hard. “You were desperate enough to get on your knees in the damn kitchen. You’ll be good now too, am I right?”
“Yes. Yes. I can be good,” you pant, eyes wide and pleading. “Anything you want. Just don’t stop.”
“I’m not stoppin’, princess. Don’t worry,” his mouth curves into a wicked grin as he drives into you again, this time even deeper. His hand on your throat tightens slightly, just enough to make you feel the pressure, grounding you in the moment. “That’s my girl,” he murmurs against your chest, his voice laden with need. 
Each thrust has you gasping, your body arching off the bed to meet his. Logan’s grip on your neck loosens as his hand slides down to grasp your hip. He squeezes your tender flesh, pulling you harder against him, as if he can’t get close enough. The bed creaks under the intensity, but you barely notice, too far lost in the rhythm of his movements.
“You’re perfect, all I’ve ever wanted,” he slips his free hand between your bodies to find your clit, and the moment his fingers make contact with it, you can’t help but whine. “So fuckin’ perfect,” you hear him repeat, more to himself than to you, his voice stranded as he tries to hold himself back, letting you chase your own release first.
The pressure inside you builds up, tightening with every skilled flick of his fingers. You’re sure you must look like a mess, sweaty and sticky, though the way he looks at you makes you forget everything else. “Logan, I’m—” you croak, the wind being knocked out of your lungs with each relentless thrust. “I think I’m gonna come.”
He picks up speed, snapping his hips faster. “I’ve got you, let go for me. I’ll take care of you, baby, I swear,” his pace becomes erratic, digging his fingers into the softness of your thighs as the headboard keeps slamming against the wall. Your body obeys him, a shuddering release tearing through you, moaning Logan’s name and gripping him like a vice. “That’s it, fuck, that’s it,” he doesn’t stop, driving you through your orgasm. His eyes snap to your face, contemplating how wrecked you look. “Tell me where—please, sweetheart.”
“I said inside. Come inside me, Logan.”
He’s not strong enough to deny you such a thing. Logan buries himself to the hilt, groaning your name as his cock twitches and paints your walls with his thick seed. Beside your head, his claws unsheate, tearing into the pillow. He ruts against you, his body trembling and writhing against yours, already apologizing for the pillow incident while pressing his forehead to your shoulder. “Sorry, I’m sorry. That hasn’t happened in a while.”
When Logan collapses beside you, he pulls you into his arms, kissing you eagerly. You return the kiss, wincing as you feel a bit of his cum slip out of you, rolling down your thighs. He stares at your glistening cunt without an ounce of remorse, and you close your legs. “That’s private.”
“It wasn’t very private a minute ago.”
“Tell me, bub.”
“Knock, knock.”
He must truly love you, because he plays along: “Who’s there?”
“Ice cream.”
“Ice cream who?”
“Ice cream for you all night long.”
“Guess I didn’t succeed in fuckin’ the bad jokes out of you,” he teases softly, letting his head fall back on the bed. “But it’s fine. I’ll just have to keep tryin’.”
This is the story of how you end up dating a man who’s two hundred years old. But it’s also the story of how that same man learns to let his guard down and open his heart. So, remember this, kids: the sky’s the limit, especially when it comes to love—and yes, even when it involves dating mutants.
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dividers by: @cafekitsune thank you!!! :)
3K notes · View notes
hamilando · 2 months
ੈ✩ a monaco cruise (smau) ੈ✩
pairing : lando norris x fem reader
summary : the chaotic process of Lando getting a wife
fc: Olivia Culpo
a/n : This is a series, let me know if you want to be tagged in future parts ! it was requested anonymously, thank you for requesting it 🫶🏻
·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚
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liked ynculpo, mclaren, oscarpiastri, carlossainz55 and 682,278 others
landonorris Monaco with my monegasque 🧡🌟🌅
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user1 isn’t he British ?
user2 his girlfriend is from Monaco
mclaren a win coming up 💪🏻
liked by landonorris
ynculpo my little british man 😮‍💨💫❤️
landonorris from which angle am I little!?
george.russell your height 🫷🏻
landonorris can you like not …interfere ?
user3 Lando with his wife and side chick 🐤
user5 who ?
user6 Y/N 🌝
ynculpo excuse me
user5 can you stop with your bahahaha’s?
charlesleclerc a very special weekend indeed ✊🏻
landonorris I beating you ?
carlossainz55 I think we all know who is winning
maxverstappen1 me in the race, Lando in the heart
landonorris CAN YOU STOP ✋🏻
user7 I smell something ☕️
user8 max’s comment will not age well
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1, lilihye and 452,284 others
ynculpo 4 more shots in Monaco 🧡🌅🍑
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maxverstappen1 bunda 🍑
ynculpo 🗿
georgerussell damn, the middle pic be too fine 😮‍💨
ynculpo 🗿
alex.albon marry me middle pic 💪🏻
ynculpo 🗿
lilihye marry me y/n
landonorris HEY, SHOO 🤺
ynculpo it’s a yes lily 🫶🏻
charlesleclerc NO, HIS PLAN
ynculpo what plan 🗿
landonorris his plan of marrying you
ynculpo lando, I know it that there are years before you put a ring on my finger 🌝
landonorris offence taken
ynculpo no offence given 🫷🏻
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liked by user1, user2, user3 and 87,272 others
f1news Grid drivers and their wags were seen boarding their yatches after the Grand Prix
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user1 might be just going to celebrate the win ?
user2 nah, max would never rather go to sleep
user3 with max loosing and smiling like that- hell no it is not a Grand Prix celebration
user4 calm down, it must be like some lunch get together or something
user5 it might lando’s and max’s wedding 🥹
user6 ofc, with Kelly officiating 🗿
user7 george and carmen have my heart 🥹
user8 charles looks like the rich business dad
user9 he is rich tho-
user10 and alex can bear him a kid so
user11 he already has a kid named bear 🐻
user12 and leo
user13 and oscar
user14 kelly, sweetheart match your foundation like you match your grooming skills
user15 wait till the Dutch man sees this
user16 you have a lawsuit coming up 🔝
user14 it was a joke for legal purposes ofc ☺️
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wagnews Lando Norris and his girlfriend, Y/N Culpo were apparently the last ones to board the cruise 🚢
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user0 they were definitely fuc-
user1 ahhhh body bang 💥
user4 lando keeping up his fuckboy title ✊🏻
user5 there is something known as traffic 😭
user6 traffic doesn’t exists in lando’s dictionary 😮‍💨
user7 the amount of sussiness I am getting from this cruise
user8 I second that
user9 I third that
user11 what if they all are boarding the cruise because of a zombie apocalypse-
user13 stocking up my buldak ASAP
tg: @lydia-demarek @mel164 @h34rts4maisey @poppyflower-22 @dolphlinda
@ilivbullyingjeongin @fangirlforever2000 @magnusi-97 @clo5406 @yesmanbabe
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bpmiranda · 29 days
Request: This is my first request ever btw!! Would you be able to write logan is your dad’s friend and and the reader is teasing him and trying to distract him. (Age gap n dom logan 🙈). I hope this made sense
Spoiled Rotten (Logan Howlett) nsfw
A/N: age gap, 18+ f!reader, dom!logan, rough sex, brat!reader, light bondage?, kind of mean!logan
It was easy for her to make out Logan’s voice downstairs in the kitchen, joking around with her dad. A smile curled on her lips as she closed the book she had been reading and gave herself a once over in the full body mirror that hung behind her door. Her feet quickly and lightly hurried down the staircase and she popped into the kitchen with a smile.
“Hi Logan!” She greeted cheerfully and he smiled at her. “Heard you from upstairs.” She had walked over to where he was leaning against the kitchen table sipping a beer and gave him a hug, pressing her chest into his side and rubbing his back lightly with her hand.
“Hey, sweet girl,” Logan chuckled, squeezing her arm and then letting her go. “How was your first college semester?” He asked.
“It was fun. Some friends and I went to the beach for the weekend. Wanna see some pictures?”
Her dad cleared his throat and she looked at him, almost forgetting he was standing in the kitchen too. “Hold on, dear, Logan and I are having a conversation.”
“Oh, sorry.” She excused herself and sat on the counter behind her dad so she was still facing Logan and she bit her lip as she watched him nod and focus on her father, which irritated her in a way she couldn’t quite explain.
As they made plans on how to go about tearing out the old deck and putting in a new one, Y/N grew tired of waiting and she unlocked her phone and scrolled through her gallery until she found the pictures she wanted to show him. The first was a mirror picture of her in a bikini and she turned the screen towards him. Logan’s eyes caught the light of her phone and they went wide at the image she was showing him. Her teeth bit down on her bottom lip as he took a deep breath and refocused on her dad.
The second picture was of her in the beach hotel bathroom, topless and leaning onto the sink so her breasts were pressed together and she turned it to him with a wink. Logan repositioned his stance, clearly growing uncomfortable and annoyed as she continued to be a distraction.
The final picture was the final straw, and she knew it. While she knew it was her longest and closest girl friend that had helped her take the picture, Logan did not. The last picture she showed him behind her father’s back was taken from the foot the hotel bed where she was lying naked on her back, hands shyly covering her face so her breasts were once again pressed together and her knees were brought up slightly to her chest, ankles crossed just barely hiding her exposed cunt. Logan’s jaw tightened as did his grip on the beer bottle and it suddenly shattered in his hand.
Y/N gasped, quickly locking her phone and hopping off the counter to grab some paper towels while her dad exclaimed in surprise. “Woah, you alright, pal?” He asked Logan who nodded, shaking his hand off, and giving her a small nod as she handed him the paper towels to quickly dab at the blood.
“I’ll grab the first aid kit.” She announced before hurrying up the stairs and to her bedroom, having no intentions of getting the kit since she knew Logan didn’t need it. Instead she hid in her bedroom, chewing nervously on her lip as she heard the two mens’ voices downstairs. Fuck, she thought to herself, knowing she had probably pushed it too far.
It wasn’t long before Logan’s heavy feet stomped up the stairs and she trembled as he barged into her bedroom and slammed the door shut behind him. “What the hell was that?” He demanded, undoing his belt as he stared down at her sitting criss-cross in her bed.
“It wasn’t my intention, Logan. I swear, I was just playing around.” She apologized, hiding her hands between her legs as he was looping the leather belt together.
“Couldn’t wait two damn minutes for me to finish up with your dad?” He asked, holding onto the belt and rubbing his hand over his face in frustration. “Turn around.”
“Logan,” She began to protest, pouting while he only looked at her with flaring nostrils and a shaking head. “What about my dad?” She asked nervously.
Logan grew impatient and he pulled her off the bed harshly, spinning her around, and pushing her back down onto her mattress. “He ran to the store, so you’d better do as your told unless you want him to find me up here.”
Her hands were tied with the belt behind her back and she felt a hard smack land on her ass that made her cry out though she grew wet from the sting. “Logan, I’m sorry, please be gentle.” She begged, shaking as he tugged her shorts off to reveal she wasn’t wearing any panties. He never was gentle when she upset him, and that was something she knew going into this.
“Should’ve thought about that earlier, sweetheart.” Logan muttered as he straddled her ass and she suddenly felt his swollen tip push into her tight cunt. “Next time you’ll think twice before you pull a stunt like that again.” His thrusts were immediately hard and deep, her eyes watered as he barely waited for her arousal to properly lubricate his dick. His grip was tight on the belt that held her wrists together and he lifted her onto her knees while keeping her head shoved into the mattress. “Fuck!” Logan grunted as she was much too tight for him, much too young to handle what he gave her, but he always made it fit.
“Ah! Logan, it hurts!” She cried, her hands fisted into tight balls as all she could do was take his incessant pounding, driving her deeper and deeper into her bed until she was slobbering and crying from the girth of him stretching her out so roughly and quickly. “Logan!”
“Quiet down before you get us caught.” He snarled into her ear, rutting into her so deeply she felt him against her cervix and she sobbed at the feeling of her intense orgasm crumbling her down to nothing but a blubbering mess. “Who the fuck took that picture of you?” He demanded, tugging on the belt with one hand and holding onto her throat with the other. “Probably some asswipe that won’t know how to handle you.” He said through grunts as he smacked his hips harshly against her ass while he fucked her right through her orgasm. “You’re gonna turn into a spoiled brat messing around with boys too soft to put you in your place.”
“It wasn’t a boy,” She moaned softly, the feeling of his cock throbbing inside her made her want more, another orgasm, a harder one. “It was a man.” She lied, and she bit her lip, grinning as he used both hands to hold her down so he could jackhammer his thick cock into her tiny, abused hole. “Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Fuck, Logan!” She screamed, her body shook violently with another release and he growled as he pumped her full of his load.
The sounds coming from her drenched and flooded pussy made her shudder and Logan gently kissed her shoulder and her neck, still pulsing inside her as she squeezed and milked his cock with her tight walls. “Who took the picture?” He asked again.
“My girl friend,” She sighed breathlessly. “I only want you, Lo.” She murmured, exhausted and aching everywhere as he pulled out of her with a squelching sound. “Just you.”
“That’s my sweet girl.” He praised, untying her hands and helping her clean up before leaving her to rest in her bedroom while he headed back downstairs before her dad returned. Logan knew she was already spoiled, and perhaps that was his own doing.
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apologies, i'm still angry abt TUA S4
so, if we take out all of the blatant issues with the season (character assassination, 'resolutions' that create more plotholes than they solve, rushed scenes that make no sense, side plots that go nowhere, raymond vanishing for no reason, etc etc), what are we left with? let's see:
fatphobia (multiple jokes made about 'chubby Diego', when David just looks hydrated and healthy)
SA played for jokes (it's clear that Klaus having sex while possessed is supposed to be funny, but he's being held hostage and forced to do this for money, when we already know he didn't even want his powers back??)
problematic / borderline problematic age gaps (either way you spin it, either Five is physically 20-26 while Lila is likely mid 40s, or Five is mentally 70s while Lila is mid 40s; Aidan was 19 while filming, and Ritu was 34)
waiting for the actor to come of age before introducing a romance (we already know what some fans can be like over Five/Aidan, this will not have helped; I would be horrified if I found out the show runners had planned a romance arc with a coworked 15 years older than me and then waited for me to turn legal age to execute it)
sexism (i was reluctant to call it that but i also don't know what else to call it - Lila basically had her agency stripped away to become the love interest two men fought over; Steve wanted Five to have a romance and didn't care who with - use Lila simply because she was there)
complete disregard of character trauma (Klaus being buried alive despite it having been mentioned in every prior season that he was locked in a mausoleum by Reginald, including literally being left to die)
possible overstepping of an actor's boundaries (i've not been able to verify this, but i've seen it said that robert sheehan has requested not to do sex scenes?) (still havent been able to prove this; wasn't an issue with other roles so... hesitant to leave it)
actors requests being ignored (David asked multiple times if the Lila cheating sideplot was required, but clearly it went ahead anyway)
bad cgi
that awful vomit montage
Reginald (im not quite calling it abuse forgiveness but uh. it's not far off tbh)
i don't even know what to call this, but basically told the Hargreeves the abuse they suffered was their fault because they shouldn't even exist??
what did i miss? (im sure there's something)
from the replies:
the song in the ep3 dance scene uses a slur for romani people (and is also about a man and an underage girl)
SA dismissal (it's literally never addressed that Allison SA'd Luther last season. like, at all. everything's just a-okay now!)
more sexism (Allison's arc was also reduced to serving men; there's a single line to explain that Ray left, with no mention of why (i could go OFF about this but this post isn't supposed to be about mishandling of characters); even after everything, all her bonding with Claire comes through Klaus's storyline. also, Sloane is just gone and nobody gives a shit - Luther has one line and that's it??)
so many issues with consent (all of the girls shown in the place Klaus works look drugged / Klaus doesn't want to be there and doing any of that, it's all against his wishes / they all get their powers back against their wishes - although they do tell Ben that wasn't his choice to make / Klaus gets his powers back against his will when Allison is pressured to do it to save his life)
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